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Home » Blog » Top 7 Proposal Writing Services in 2024

Top 7 Proposal Writing Services in 2024



Whether securing government contracts, seeking venture capital funding, or landing a new business deal, proposal writing services help you achieve the goal. A well-written proposal showcases your expertise, differentiates you from competitors, and wins you the business.

However, navigating the complexities of proposal writing can be daunting, especially for busy professionals.

Top Proposal Writing Services

Landing that dream project, securing vital funding, or winning over crucial partners – powerful proposals are key to unlocking many business aspirations.

With the right partner, you can transform your ideas into winning proposals that capture attention, convince decision-makers, and unlock new avenues for success.

Now, let’s explore seven of the best proposal writing services in 2024, each offering unique strengths and catering to diverse needs. Read on to discover the top places to find professional proposal writers.

WriterHire specializes in various writing services, including crafting persuasive business proposals for diverse client needs. Whether you’re seeking government contracts, venture capital funding, or simply captivating new business partners, their experienced writers can tailor a winning proposal to your specific goals. Their expertise extends beyond simply writing compelling content; they offer comprehensive proposal management services, ensuring every detail, from formatting to budget projections, is flawlessly presented. This means you can focus on running your business while they handle the intricacies of crafting a powerful bid.

Trust WriterHire to be your reliable business proposal writing service, delivering exceptional results with transparent communication and competitive pricing throughout the process.

  • A diverse team of experienced writers
  • Tailored proposals for various industries and project types
  • Competitive pricing and transparent communication
  • A dedicated professional team might result in you waiting for a free writer

Upwork is a massive freelance platform with talented proposal professionals, offering options for various project budgets and complexities. Whether you’re seeking seasoned writers for a government proposal or need comprehensive proposal development for a private sector contract, Upwork’s flexibility allows you to tailor your project requirements and receive bids from qualified writers with relevant experience.

Their platform facilitates clear communication throughout the process, while the secure escrow system guarantees safe payment and successful project completion. Trust Upwork to connect you with skilled proposal professionals who can transform your vision into a winning bid, regardless of your specific project needs.

  • Extensive pool of proposal writers at various price points
  • Project flexibility and control over budget
  • Secure payment and project completion through escrow
  • Vetting the qualifications of individual writers can be time-consuming
  • Project quality can vary depending on the chosen writer
  • Managing communication and revisions with multiple freelancers can be complex

Fiverr , similar to Upwork, is a marketplace for finding freelance talent, including proposal writing services at various price points. Unlike Upwork’s open bidding system, Fiverr simplifies project initiation through its pre-packaged proposal writing gigs at set prices, which is great for budget-conscious clients seeking quick turnaround times. Their user-friendly interface and comprehensive review system empower you to browse available writers and select the perfect fit.

While Fiverr excels in budget-friendly options, it also caters to complex federal proposals by offering access to skilled proposal development services and finding an experienced proposal writing team. So, whether you require a cost-effective solution for a simple project or a robust team to conquer a federal bid, Fiverr’s versatile platform can connect you with the right talent to achieve your proposal goals.

  • Pre-packaged gigs for quick and budget-friendly project initiation
  • User-friendly interface and review system for finding qualified writers
  • Variety of pricing options to suit different budgets
  • Proposal quality might not be as high as with more specialized platforms
  • Limited customization options for complex proposals
  • Standalone proposal writing services on Fiverr might lack ongoing project management support

Freelancer , akin to Upwork, has a pool of skilled proposal writers ready to craft competitive bids at budget-friendly rates. But Freelancer elevates the experience beyond project posting and bidding. Their detailed platform lets you outline your requirements, ensuring professionals submit proposals tailored to your needs. Moreover, Freelancer empowers you with control over your project budget and outcome through features like milestone payments, ideal for tracking progress and managing disbursements.

Beyond competitive pricing, Freelancer boasts expertise in crafting compelling executive summaries and persuasive proposals, making them a strong contender for government business proposal writing services. Whether you require a concise executive summary to hook funding agencies or a comprehensive proposal to clinch that crucial government contract, Freelancer’s talent pool and flexible features can equip you with the tools to submit winning bids.

  • A large pool of proposal writers with diverse expertise and experience
  • Flexible project posting and bidding system
  • Milestone payments and project contests for budget control and flexibility
  • Similar to Upwork, vetting writer qualifications can be time-consuming
  • Proposal quality might vary depending on the chosen writer


PeoplePerHour connects clients with skilled professionals, including pre-vetted proposal writers boasting industry-specific expertise. By curating a marketplace of qualified talent, they provide higher quality and reliability for crafting competitive proposals. Their proposal team can craft a compelling cover letter alongside your persuasive proposal, ensuring a cohesive and impactful package.

Moreover, PeoplePerHour prioritizes budget sensitivity and peace of mind, offering competitive pricing and secure payment options to let you relax while they handle the heavy lifting. Whether seeking industry-specific knowledge for a complex bid or wanting a reliable team to handle every aspect of your proposal, PeoplePerHour offers a curated experience.

  • A curated marketplace of pre-vetted proposal writers with industry expertise
  • Competitive pricing and secure payment options
  • Focus on quality and reliability compared to open platforms
  • The pool of writers might be smaller than Upwork or Fiverr
  • Pricing might be slightly higher due to the curated nature of the platform
  • Limited flexibility in choosing writers outside the pre-vetted pool

Guru caters to a global audience of freelance professionals, including experienced proposal writers honed in business writing. This makes them a powerhouse for crafting compelling bids that resonate with diverse audiences and industry demands. Whether you aim to secure more government contracts or navigate complex procurement processes, Guru’s vetted talent brings a wealth of expertise. Their platform offers in-depth proposal evaluation services, providing valuable feedback and strategic insights to refine your submission and maximize your chances of success.

With Guru, you gain a reliable partner for crafting persuasive proposals strengthening your overall bid strategy, and increasing your chances of securing that coveted contract.

  • A global pool of experienced proposal writers with diverse expertise
  • Secure escrow system and project milestones for financial protection and progress tracking
  • Focus on quality and client satisfaction
  • Pricing might be higher than some other platforms due to the emphasis on quality
  • The interface might be less user-friendly compared to other websites
  • Finding writers with specific industry expertise might require more effort

While Toptal’s reputation rests on its top-tier tech and finance freelancers, its curated pool extends to highly skilled proposal writers capable of wielding the power of words to win even the most complex and high-stakes bids. Whether securing a coveted government contract, landing a critical business partnership, or securing venture capital funding, Toptal’s rigorous vetting process ensures you access exceptional talent and expertise.

Their proposal writers aren’t just wordsmiths – they’re strategists, researchers, and industry insiders who understand the nuances of crafting winning proposals that captivate attention and stand out from the crowd. When professionalism, persuasiveness, and a guaranteed edge are paramount in your proposal, Toptal’s unmatched talent pool becomes your secret weapon.

  • Access to top-tier proposal writers with proven expertise and success
  • Ideal for complex and high-stakes proposals requiring exceptional quality
  • A rigorous vetting process ensures exceptional talent and professionalism
  • Pricing is likely the highest among all listed platforms due to the exclusivity of talent
  • Availability of top writers might be limited due to high demand
  • Not the best option for simple or budget-constrained proposals

What to Keep in Mind When Looking for Proposal Writing Services

Choosing the right proposal writing service requires carefully considering your needs and project requirements. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

  • Industry Expertise: Opt for a service with writers experienced in your specific industry or domain. Their understanding of the nuances and jargon will enhance the proposal’s credibility and persuasiveness.
  • Project Scope and Complexity: Consider your proposal’s complexity and the customization level required. Some platforms cater to simple proposals, while others offer comprehensive development and management services for complex bids.
  • Budget and Timeline: Clearly define your budget and timeline constraints to find a service that aligns with your financial and scheduling needs. Be wary of hidden fees or unrealistic turnaround times.
  • Communication and Collaboration: Choose a service prioritizing clear communication and collaboration throughout the writing process. Regular updates, feedback loops, and open communication ensure a successful outcome.
  • Teamwork and Support: Consider whether you need a dedicated proposal writer or a full-fledged team offering project management, editing, and design support. Choose a service that aligns with your desired level of collaboration and support.

By evaluating these factors and researching the options, you can find the ideal proposal writing service to transform your ideas into winning bids.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are the most frequently asked questions and answers about proposal writing services.

1. How much do proposal writing services cost?

Costs vary depending on the platform, writer’s experience, project complexity, and required services. Some platforms offer fixed-price packages, while others charge hourly rates.

2. What information do I need to provide the writing service?

Provide a detailed project brief outlining your proposal goals, target audience, key selling points, budget, and desired timeline. The more information you share, the better the writer can tailor the proposal to your needs.

4. What does a winning proposal look like?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but winning proposals share certain key characteristics. They are well-structured and organized, compelling and persuasive, error-free and professional, visually appealing, and tailored to the audience. Focusing on these elements increases your chances of crafting a compelling proposal and securing the desired outcome.

5. Can I write my proposal without using a service?

Absolutely! If you have the time, writing skills, and industry knowledge, creating your proposal can be a rewarding experience. However, consider the project’s complexity, your available time and resources, and your writing expertise before deciding. If the proposal is complex, your timeline is tight, or you lack experience in formal writing, partnering with a professional service can save you time, ensure quality, and increase your chances of success.

Josh Fechter

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How to Write a Proposal in 10 Easy Steps [Templates Included]

You’re tasked with writing a proposal, and a lot is at stake.

Now is not the time to guess. What should you write? How can you appeal to the client’s deepest desires? How do you satisfy client expectations for your specific industry?

Now is the time to follow a proven process. We’ve analyzed millions of proposals sent with our software to see which tips and tricks actually have an impact on closing rates.

We’re covering all that and more.

Keep reading for our step-by-step guide that shows you exactly how to write a proposal simply by customizing the sections in one of our proposal templates . The right template will show you exactly what to include while helping you save hours on design and formatting.

Graphic showing the elements needed to write a proposal

What’s in this guide:

What is a proposal?

How to write a proposal in 10 easy steps, industry-specific proposal writing guidelines, 3 proposal templates, next steps: write your own proposal.

A proposal is a document that outlines a project or service to clarify the details and get agreement from all parties involved. Proposals typically include the overall service approach, important timelines, and key deliverables.

For best results, use proposal software instead of a PDF. This way, you’ll get important features for sales like e-signatures, brand and content control, and full visibility into the client’s viewing activity.

The 9 Important parts of a proposal

There are many different ways to structure a proposal . Through our research of successful proposals , we’ve found that the winning documents usually include these key sections:

Executive Summary


Terms and Conditions

Case Studies (or Social Proof)

Each proposal might name these key sections differently, or put them in a different order.

No matter the sections you choose, make sure you include a table of contents. If you use Proposify , the table of contents is automatically shown on the left-hand side, so clients can easily click around to review different sections again. As you might imagine, the pricing section is often viewed a few times before a decision is made.

Proposals vs reports

While a proposal is used to pitch a new project or service (either to a client or internally to your boss), a report is designed to share details on a project that’s already taken place. Use reports to audit business operations or share the success of a marketing campaign.

Follow along with our step-by-step process, as we use our advertising proposal template . While the content of the examples is specific to advertising, this template can easily be adjusted to fit any industry or project type.

Step 1. Discover the needs and requirements

You can’t write a great proposal without a great pitch.

Take the time to understand what your client needs, what their goals are, what they’re concerned about, and what results they care about most.

If you’re pitching a project internally, be sure to talk with different stakeholders and members of your team.

Tips for discovery:

During discovery sessions , ask the appropriate questions to find out if the client is worth your time. Do they fit your ideal client profile? Are they ready to implement your solution? Set criteria to determine if this prospect is ready to even receive a proposal for you. And make sure to update your criteria over time as you learn more about your ideal client.

Proactively discover and handle objections . Ask the client about any concerns, hesitations, or times they’ve been burned by service providers before. This way, you know exactly what points to cover in your proposal.

Get verbal agreement from the client on your pitch and approach before putting it in writing with a proposal.

Step 2. Create the cover page

Kick off your proposal writing with a compelling cover page (also known as the title page). The visuals and style take center stage here—it’s your first impression after all. As for the text, you just need a proposal title and key details such as your company’s name, the client’s name, the date, and your contact information.

Our proposal example features a bright, bold design and all of the details you need. There’s no “one way” to do this right, as long as you’re following your brand guidelines.

Writing a proposal. Advertising packages

Tips for creating cover pages:

Give your project a results-driven title that will immediately put the entire pitch and investment into perspective.

Make sure to choose a proposal template that matches the style of your brand, as it will be easy to change the colors and text later.

Step 3. Write the cover letter

Now it’s time to write your cover letter. This is one of the most challenging proposal sections to write because it really sets the tone for the rest of your pitch.

The cover letter (also known as the executive summary) should do more than just provide an overview. This section must be persuasive enough to convince your client to read the rest of the proposal.

Appeal to their desires, hit their key pain points, and get them excited about the transformation you can provide. Make sure you’re crafting compelling, relevant messaging specifically for each individual buyer.

Writing a proposal. Cover letter.

Tips for writing cover letters:

Make sure the copy is on brand. That might mean funny and irreverent or serious and formal.

Put the focus on the outcome of the service, whether that’s customer acquisition, improved facility safety, or a memorable event.

Step 4. Create a company bio

Before you move on to the project approach and pricing, it’s smart to tell the potential client a bit about your company.

This section could include basic information such as your founding date and the niche you focus on, as well as small business bragging rights, such as awards, average results, or audience reach.

If this is an internal pitch, you can write about your team instead of the entire company.

In our example proposal, there’s one page for a company bio and one page for company statistics that matter to the potential client.

Writing a proposal. Who are we?

Tips for writing company bios:

Even though this section is about you, find ways to make it about your prospective client. Include the company details that show that you can get them the results they’re looking for.

Get creative. Instead of just a wall of text, can you use icons or statistics to show who you are?

Make sure to save this section as a template to re-use it for future proposals. You don’t have to modify this for each client, but you might want to create slightly different company bios for different services (if you offer very different services).

Step 5. Add social proof

We recommend that you include social proof immediately after your company bio section. This way, you use the words of your previous clients to back up the nice things you just said about yourself.

Social proof can be testimonials, mini case studies, reviews, and star rating averages.

If you’re doing creative or construction work, you might also want to include a couple of portfolio samples.

What people are saying.

Tips for using social proof:

Match the testimonial or review to the pitch. Have a bank of testimonials to choose from so you can always pick the most relevant ones.

Be concise. You may want to trim or edit long testimonials so each one is under 50 words. Otherwise, prospective clients might not read them.

Continue to proactively collect social proof. Ask happy clients to write a testimonial or review you online

Step 6. Outline the core approach

Now it’s time to sell your services. Create an approach section to showcase what you want you plan to offer the client.

There are so many different ways to write this section, as it really depends on what you’re pitching. You might break the work down into categories with bullet points or descriptions for each category. Or, you might write a few paragraphs describing your proposed solution and why you believe it’s the best fit for the client.

Your advertising media mix.

Tips for writing approach sections:

Consider giving this section a unique name, such as The Project Path , Our Plan , or Let’s Get to Work .

Beef it up with additional details. You might include a list of deliverables, a more detailed breakdown of the scope of services, or a timeline illustration with important milestones.

If you don’t have package options and there’s only one price listed, then this section should be very detailed. If there are pricing and service options, then this section will be simpler, and the following section will have the service breakdowns (per package options).

Step 7. Create a pricing table

When writing proposals, make sure to give plenty of time and attention to the pricing section. All of the details and options you provide will help clients better understand what they’re getting.

We recommend naming this section "Your Investment" as it helps remind potential buyers of the investment they’re making in their business.

In our example below, you’ll see 3 package options on the first page of the pricing section. And then, the client can select their package choice on the second page. This will automatically update the total pricing of the proposal.

Advertising with us: Your investment

Tips for proposal pricing:

Use optional pricing when possible, such as packages, project lengths, or add-ons, because these methods are known to positively affect closing rates .

Make sure to clarify the different types of costs, such as hourly costs versus fixed costs for an event management pitch.

Step 8. Write bios for your team members

In Step 4, you created a bio for your company to sell your company’s expertise and prove that you have what it takes to succeed at the service you’re pitching.

Now it’s time to show your client the real humans they’ll be working with if they decide to work with you. Think of this as the “you’re in good hands” section.

Include the faces the client will interact with, making sure to specify your team’s unique talents and what they bring to the table.

Our Sales Team

Tips for writing team bios:

Only include bios for up to 6 people. You could write bios for the entire company (for a very small business), the executive team, or the people who will handle the account if the proposal is won.

Use this section to show off not only your credentials but your personality. Have fun with it, but as always, stay on brand. A formal proposal might skip the jokes and stick just to the accolades.

Step 9. Add your business contract

This section of the proposal should include the contractual details that will formalize the agreement. This way, you can send the business proposal, and you don’t have to also send a separate contract.

You might have multiple pages of legal clauses or a simple statement of work.

Statement of work and contract

Tips for writing proposal contracts:

If the statement of work isn’t already clarified in the meat of the proposal, make sure to include it here.

Include a clause on refunds, cancellations, and project modifications.

Make sure to have your legal team help you craft the contract section so you know it satisfies your company’s requirements.

Step 10. Sign and send it for signature

And lastly, you need to write your e-signatures page and add an e-signature for yourself and one for your client.

As soon as a client has chosen their pricing options, they can sign the proposal to begin the project.

Writing a proposal. Standard legal content and sign-off

Tips for adding proposal e-signatures:

Write a message above the signature that helps to seal the deal. Talk about how excited you are to get started and clarify what the immediate next steps will be after the proposal is signed.

Always sign your proposals before you send them! Our research shows that a proposal is more likely to close if you’ve already signed it by the time the client opens it.

Review your proposal analytics to know how to follow up with clients. For example, if a client hasn’t opened the proposal yet, remind them to do so. But if they’ve opened it several times, ask if they have any questions or if they would like to modify the project.

Every industry has its own proposal writing best practices. Here are some tips to consider.

When writing a software proposal, ensure you include ample information on how you will help the client implement and utilize your software. That might look like staff training sessions, custom integrations, a pilot rollout, etc.


In the construction industry, you will likely receive a request for proposals (RFPs) from large corporations and government agencies. So make sure you check the details of the RFP so that your solicited proposal covers all required information.

You typically need to include a very detailed pricing and timeline breakdown, and you might need to showcase your adherence to state and county requirements , whether for certifications, environmental protections, etc.

Marketing is all about results. You should include a couple of different formats of social proof, such as statistics with client results and testimonials. Marketing also requires a lot of creativity regardless of the channel, so make sure you showcase your company’s creative side with unique proposal headings and imagery.

When you’re writing a proposal for event management, catering, or some other service, you need to keep a couple of things in mind. First, make sure that you source testimonials from event attendees, not just your direct clients. Also, your pricing section should include the fixed costs (such as a venue) and the variable costs (like your team’s hours decorating the event or the venue’s bar tab at the end of the night). For any variable costs, provide an estimate that’s 10% higher that what you actually expect.

Proposify offers dozens of proposal templates to guide your writing and help you win deals. Here are some of our favorites.

1. Construction job proposal template

Construction Job Proposal

Ready-made for the construction industry, this template includes previous projects to serve as portfolio pieces, a detailed project summary with items the client is expected to provide, and a project schedule.

2. Accounting proposal template

Accounting Proposal

While this template was created for accounting services , it can be easily modified to fit various consulting services. The top sections include the introduction letter, about us page, project summary with goals and service breakdown, and a detailed pricing estimate.

3. Catering proposal template

Catering proposal

With this event catering proposal template , you’ll get a short and sweet introduction page, a longer company bio, a food showcase, event details (great for proactively handling any confusion or mix-ups), a theme moodboard, and a menu sample.

This proposal could be adapted for other types of creative work, such as photography, retail store decorating, or makeup services.

To write an effective proposal, you must start with a solid understanding of the client’s needs. This way, you can put their desired results and transformation front and center. Write a cover letter, project summary, company bio, and pricing table to clarify what the client will receive while also selling your company as the best solutions provider.

You can easily write a proposal using our detailed, beautifully designed proposal templates .

Ready to close deals faster? Start your free trial of Proposify.

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proposal writing services

How to Write a Proposal and Get What You Want (Free Templates)

proposal writing services

A proposal has a lot of different purposes, but there’s only one good way to write one: the way that pulls together all of the information in a concise and persuasive way and helps you get what you want … whether that’s a whole new software system, or just a tweak to your marketing strategy.

This Process Street article isn’t about a business proposal — also known as a quote — but instead about the document required when formally pitching an idea for action and execution by managers or department heads .

To explain how to write a proposal document and get what you want, we’ll go through the following:

Free proposal writing template

When are proposals necessary, why are proposals important, examples of proposals, how to write a proposal: step-by-step, last steps before submitting the proposal, more free proposal writing checklists, even more free proposal writing checklists, customize your proposal checklists with process street.

Let’s get started.

If you fancy taking a quick look at a free interactive template, that will help you write your proposals right away, feel free to dive straight into this!

Writing a Proposal: Step-by-Step Guide

There are more templates, like this one, further down in this post, so stick around.

Any project you don’t have the clearance or authority to start without a higher-up’s approval, you need to submit a proposal for.

According to SSWM , a proposal is “a detailed description of a series of activities aimed at solving a certain problem”.

That problem  could be anything, from:

  • Process improvement
  • Cost reduction
  • A new marketing strategy

If it’s an idea you need to ask permission to execute, or to get action on, it needs a proposal.

A proposal is a way to pitch an idea and state your requirements, so it’s important for supervisors because they can get information in writing (not casually in the elevator), and be able to act knowing the full implications of their decision.

They’re also a chance for you to make a structured, logical argument and lay down everything in favor of your idea. A well-written proposal shows your manager you care about the cause, and it’s not just a mid-meeting whim you blurted out.

To write a top proposal you need to scrutinize it before you present it.

It’s a broad topic, but it’s best explained with examples.

  • Proposal for Process Improvement
  • Proposal for Server Replacement
  • Proposal for Cost Savings

Below is a simple proposal example with some basic sections.

proposal writing services

Now let’s take a look at how to write a proposal — whether it’s as simple as the one above, or more complex.

Here’s the general structure of a proposal:

proposal writing services

As you can see, a proposal generally consists of:

  • Introduction : A brief overview of the problem, solution, costs, and benefits.
  • Issue : The main definition of the issue, including subject, purpose, main argument, background information and importance.
  • Solution : The main definition of the solution, including your step-by-step plan, the benefits, and how potential obstacles will be overcame.
  • Qualifications : Overview of the personnel required, experience.
  • Conclusion of the costs and benefits, and wrap-up : Balance the cost against the benefit, reinforce your point one last time.

1. Identify and define your reader

Just like with any kind of persuasion, it helps if you understand how to appeal to your audience. Who will be reading your proposal and deciding if it’s accepted or rejected? What do they care about? What kind of language and benefits would resonate with them? This is the first step because it’s an important thing to keep in mind as you go along and as information that informs the way you write from here on.

2. Define the problem your proposal will solve

Who : Who will the proposal affect?

What : What’s the reason for you to write the proposal in the first place? Explain the current situation and the problems that come with it.

3. Define the solution

How : How are you going to solve the problem? Explain step-by-step in detail.

Who : Identify the personnel you need, along with their prior experience to add persuasion to the proposal

4. Conclusion: costs, benefits and wrap-up

Reiterate : The purpose and main argument

Costs : Break down the projected costs involved for different elements of the project

Benefits : Break down the benefits to the organization, monetary and non-monetary, to persuade the reader there’ll be a return on investment

Thanks : Thank the reader for their time.

Contact information : Where can the reader get in touch with you? Make sure to be crystal clear to make the details easily discoverable.

Clear writing is your best friend when you’re trying to write persuasively. For that reason, there are a few checks to run before you submit your proposal.

Remember, what’s clear to you might not always be clear to other people.

1 .Check for jargon (then destroy it)

Although jargon is popular in the business world, not everyone shares the equal love for it. It’s terms like right-size, blue sky (verb), turn-key, and synergize. They might mean something to you, or make you feel intelligent, but there are simpler alternatives that will help people understand what you mean !

2. Change the passive voice to the active voice

The passive voice is defined as :

“The noun or noun phrase that would be the object of an active sentence (such as Our troops defeated the enemy) appears as the subject of a sentence with passive voice (e.g. The enemy was defeated by our troops).”.

It’s a long-winded way of expressing something that could be expressed in simple terms:


The passive voice sounds distant and even deceptive, and, since the reader might even just be skimming your proposal, you don’t want to add extra words to cloud your point.

3. Proofread the proposal

Install a tool like Grammarly and check the proposal in an online text editor. Grammarly will manage to pick up on anything that is grammatically incorrect and sometimes even flags up stylistically poor phrases. Poor spelling and grammar will only discredit the value of what you’re saying and could be a problem that leads to your proposal being rejected.

As promised, check out the below five templates that have each been designed by the team at Process Street — makers of the finest remote work software for processes around — to help you write winning proposals.

Proposal Template Checklist Process

This proposal template is a checklist that should be used alongside the proposal document you are planning to submit. Use it to make sure that all the elements have been considered, that the proposal contains everything it needs to and that it meets all set requirements.

Click here to access the Proposal Template Checklist Process!

Business Proposal Template Checklist

Whether your business proposal is solicited or unsolicited, use this business proposal template checklist to ensure you include all the required information in your proposal and cover key areas such as these the problem the organization is facing, the proposed solution, the budget, and a key CTA.

Click here to access the Business Proposal Template Checklist!

How to Write a Grant Proposal Checklist

Use this template to make sure your grant proposal includes all the relevant information, that it contains everything it needs to, and that it meets all stated RFP requirements.

Click here to access the How to Write a Grant Proposal Checklist!

Research Proposal Example Checklist

Use this template to convince others that you have a worthwhile research project and that you have the competence and the work-plan to complete it.

Click here to access the Research Proposal Example Checklist!

Project Proposal Template Checklist

Use this template, alongside the proposal document you are planning to submit, to set the project vision, define the project requirements, describe the deliverables, and specify the deadlines.

Click here to access the Project Proposal Template Checklist!

If you’re looking for more inspiration, give these alternative proposal writing templates a go too.

  • Bid Proposal Template Checklist
  • Budget Proposal Template
  • Construction Proposal Template Checklist
  • Consulting Proposal Template Checklist
  • Continuation Project Proposal Template
  • Contractor Proposal Template Checklist
  • Event Proposal Template Checklist
  • Marketing Proposal Template Checklist
  • Project Proposal Template
  • Renewal Project Proposal Template
  • Simple Proposal Format Checklist
  • Sponsorship Proposal Template Checklist
  • Supplemental Project Proposal Template
  • Website Proposal Template Checklist

If the above templates don’t quite fit your company, industry, or the proposal document you are writing, don’t worry!

Process Street to the rescue!

Process Street is super-powered checklists . We are a super-charged, state of the art BPM SaaS platform which allows you to create templates and run individual checklists from these. You can check tasks off as you work through them, set deadlines, request approvals, assign various tasks , and work through your proposal workflows with ease.

Watch this to get an idea about who we are and what we do:

To help you customize your proposal writing template, and make your proposal wriitng easier, you can use all these different types of Process Street features:

  • Dynamic due dates
  • Task permissions
  • Conditional logic
  • Approval tasks
  • Embed widget
  • Role assignments

You can also connect your templates to thousands of apps through Zapier , webhooks, or API access to automate your proposal processes and workflows.

If you’re unfamiliar with process automation, what it means, and the benefits it can bring to your business, watch this Process Street webinar on automation:

Remember, if you want to get access to any of our proposal writing checklists, just click the links above and they will be added to your Process Street account where you can use them over and over again. Or, if you haven’t yet signed up for a Process Street account, click here and start your free trial.

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Benjamin Brandall

Benjamin Brandall is a content marketer at Process Street .

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Federal Proposal Writing Services

Proposal Writing Services , RFP Proposal Consulting, Government RFP writing

Government RFP Proposal Writing Services

  • Proposal Writing Services

for Government and Commercial Contractors.

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Professional Proposal Writers

Government Proposal Writing Services

Helping small & medium size companies position themselves with a unique and compelling solution for  government rfp proposals ., custom proposal writing, what we do to help:.

To develop a clear, concise, and compelling proposal that helps you win a higher percentage of contracts when facing a competitive bid or wanting to dislodge an existing contractor, you will need to customize your proposal writing without template use or any cut and paste options that consultants offering proposal writing often use. Even when you have a great template, the proposal writing should be customized to meet the exact content requested. The RFP Firm has extensive expertise preparing and writing winning proposals in response to government requests for proposals. We make our process available to you through a comprehensive set of technical proposal writing and  RFP services for government contracts  that:

  • Ensure your proposal meets all of the RFP requirements
  • Deliver a response that avoids rejection for non-compliance
  • Identify your unique qualities to create a competitive advantage
  • Present a clear understanding of your processes and methodologies
  • Manage the process of content creation to ensure deadlines are met
  • Save you money by avoiding time wasted with excessive reviews

Meeting the RFP Requirements

A Federal government request for proposal (RFP) can be extremely complicated. During proposal writing for government contracts, you will encounter inconsistent requirements, cut-and-paste portions that do not seem to fit, and long contractual obligation sections that seem to go on forever. As consultants offering proposal writing services, we have a deep understanding of these issues and design your response specifically to meet the proposal writing format and detailed requirements within the RFP, while taking into account all of the evaluation criteria. Of course, this process is much more flexible when we implement a commercial proposal writing service. Even so, when creating a custom formatted proposal template, the proposal writing itself is never cut and paste.

Delivering a Compliant Response

Often, seemingly minor requests can be used to disqualify your proposal if not responded to in an appropriate manner. It takes a combination of understanding the intent of the solicitation and the expectations of the evaluation committee when undertaking project proposal writing. Even when consultants provide proposal writing with the best technical response and price, your proposal can be thrown out simply by making a mistake in one small section. City and county evaluators can be a bit more flexible, but at the federal level, and more often now at the state level, a government employee conducting a proposal evaluation could lose their job by not sticking with the rules. When writing a proposal for government contracts, it is extremely important that you comply with every single detail, no matter how superficial it may appear.

Competitive Advantage

Experienced contractors often have such a high level of expertise and their methods come so natural to them, they have a difficult time explaining how they do what they do. This is very common. When writing proposals for government contracts, we will help you to identify your unique processes and methodologies that can be leveraged to set your business apart from your competition. This will give you an advantage when using technical proposal writing to compete for lucrative government contracts, while avoiding writing proposals using templates for the content. Proposal consultants who are writing complex and lengthy dissertations, know that differentiators are often the key to winning bids and/or lucrative government contracts.

Business Processes and Methodologies

After creating an initial outline for the proposal that incorporates the proposal writing format and every requirement to ensure compliance, detailed instructions will be generated for each section and subsection identifying the exact information needed to present your processes and methodologies. Once written, edited, and formatted, we will develop call-outs, and add images and charts to support and enhance salient points in the content to create a compelling message.

Content Creation

We will coordinate the process of content creation starting with a detailed outline of every content requirement. We work with your in-house subject matter experts to construct a compliant response, writing, editing, and proofing each section as we assemble the information. At every step, a new version is created to ensure an efficient process for incorporating new and edited content. When undertaking a government project, proposal writing is often conducted by those whose expertise is actually on the other side of the process, i.e., the execution of the contract. When working with a professional proposal writer, the proposal writing format will be familiar and better understood by the government evaluator. Regardless of whether the evaluator is just scanning the content, checking off to ensure all requirements are met, or reading the content in detail to assign points for the scoring process, a clear response that addresses the proposer's qualifications and methodologies will be provided.

When responding to a competitive RFP, the proposal will generally consist of several volumes most often consisting of a technical, management, and price. Other key components may include a cover sheet, cover letter or letter of transmittal, executive summary, compliance matrix, quality assurance plan, etc. The transmittal letter should speak to your commitment to the success of the contract and be included with each volume submitted. You want to communicate your management's excitement and enthusiasm for the successful execution of the project. The technical volume is typically the most important component and weighted most heavily in the evaluation. In this section you want to communicate what your company is offering, how your products or services will benefit your client, how you will perform and execute the project, and why your services/products are better than your competition.

Technical Proposal Writer

The process used by a technical proposal writer often includes the development of a detailed outline incorporating all components required for ensuring the response is one hundred percent compliant with the solicitation requirements. The proposal writing format will typically include a title page, table of contents, executive summary, technical approach that identifies the problem at hand and the proposed solution that addresses the scope of work, management and staffing plan, pricing or cost information, and any supporting exhibits, forms, and attachments.

During any project, proposal writing formats could require a technical proposal writer to identify potential adverse environmental impacts, such as hazardous chemicals that require disposal, or emissions of toxic substances that might result from the operation of certain processes, or a simple statement that there will be no adverse impacts. At the same time, during any proposal writing services, the  proposal writer  will need to clearly identify the anticipated benefits of undertaking the proposed work. These can include economic, environmental, social, or other benefits that are more specific to the agency itself to help justify the time and expense of fulfilling the project.

Cost Effective Proposal Process

Those of us that have provided proposal services to larger companies understand the inefficiencies that are introduced into the process because of preconceived ideas that multiple layers of reviews improve the proposal outcome. Most professionals in this field agree that this is a huge mistake, as what you have left is more of a dumbed down message rather than one that hits hard where it counts and delivers a proposal that focuses only on what is necessary to deliver a high quality response by the required deadline. The RFP Firm provides  request for proposal writing services  focused on the outcome without unneeded complexity during the process. This is true when using either a government or commercial project proposal writing service.

NOTICE: If you're facing either a deadline, don't have the expertise, or simply need help to review your Request For Proposal (RFP), contact us for a free consultation.

For Immediate Help...  Contact Us

Rfp proposal writing.

The RFP Firm has the experience to exceed expectations on behalf of large and small companies, and existing government contractors responding to federal, state and local government, and commercial business RFPs. This is our primary mission and highest priority!

The RFP Firm provides proposal writing and government contract consulting services to federal contractors and vendors across the country including Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Colorado Springs, Chicago, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Miami, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, San Francisco, South Carolina, Tampa, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Virgin Islands, Washington State, Washington DC, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.

proposal writing services

Government RFP Response

- RFP Review & Analysis - Proposal Writing & Development - Proposal Manangement - Ensure Compliance

Understanding The RFP Process

- Understanding the Solicitation - Complete Preparation & Analysis - Subcontracting Plans Development - Quality Assurance Plans - Relevant Past Performance Response - Interpreting the Contract Language

Model Successful Bidders

- Avoid Template Based RFP Tools - Use Experienced RFP Writers - Understand the Procurement Process - Leverage Gov't Insider Experience

Proposal Writing

  • RFP Writing Services

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Business Proposal Writing and Editing

Ameli Consulting provides full service Business Proposal Writing and Editing support to meet your needs. Whether you need Business Proposal Consultant help for a single RFP/RFI response or end-to-end proposal outsourcing for all RFP/RFI procurements, Ameli as a business consulting firm is here to support you. Our professional Proposal Writers, Editors, Desktop Publishers, and Project Management proposal staff are available to meet all of your business proposal development needs.

proposal writing services

Our Business Proposal Writing and Editing services include, but are not limited to:

  • Complete Business Proposal Writing, Editing, and Management support – all levels, including “end-to-end” proposal support
  • Project management, proposal response coordination, and organization of the entire proposal response process, including facilitating all color reviews and team calls
  • Requirements Matrix compilation and analysis for 100% adherence and compliance
  • Proposal response creation and building from scratch, including all proposal management, writing, and proposal editing by professional Proposal Writers
  • Includes new internal and external templates to streamline the RFP/RFI proposal response process
  • Includes roll-out of Ameli’s proprietary  MASTER EMAIL  response process and team communication strategy
  • Standard sales proposals for quick quotes/solution information to prospects
  • Desktop Publishing, formatting, and alignment
  • Final printing and shipping, including tracking and receipt confirmation
  • Best and Final Offer (BAFO) support and follow up questions response support
  • PowerPoint presentations, including full demonstration/interview support
  • Graphic design, including creating process flows, technical architecture diagrams, organizational charts, and more
  • Proposal library solution consulting and ongoing content management
  • Team building, training, and mentoring, including providing project management and proposal best practices
  • Overall Proposal Department organization and process analysis and improvement

Ready to learn more? Read our Proposal RFP/RFI FAQs below or click one of the following links!

RFP – Request for Proposal

RFI – Request for Information

Proposal Writing Services FAQs

What is the main purpose of a proposal.

A proposal is typically a solicited response to a formal procurement (RFP/RFI) released or can be an unsolicited response providing a specific prospect with information on your company, products/services, and associated pricing.

What content should I include in my proposal?

First, and most importantly, every proposal response you provide should be 100% tailored to the prospect you are trying to sell to. Be specific about how your products/services can meet their needs. Standard boilerplate material will only result in a loss, so be sure to tailor!

What are the steps in writing a proposal?

The proposal response process is an intense combination of proper capture work, project management once the procurement has been released, persuasive writing to tailor your pitch, and editing to ensure one voice and uniformity throughout the proposal. Ameli can handle the end-to-end RFP/RFI response process for you, or we can simply come in at one particular phase to assist your team.

What are the factors to consider in writing a proposal?

The most important consideration you make should be whether or not the procurement is the right fit for your company to bid on. After all, if you win, you’ll be on the hook to deliver the products/services proposed for a potentially long-term contract. If the proposal is a good fit, the next important factor will be to ensure you are 100% compliant and responsive to their request as detailed in the RFP/RFI. Next, be sure to extensively tailor to the prospect and remove any general marketing materials and anything else that would appear generic to an evaluator.

What is the purpose of a business proposal?

The main purpose of a business proposal is to provide detailed information on your offering to a prospect in the hopes of winning the procurement/bid.

What should you include in a business proposal?

In any procurement response, compliance is key. Always be sure to include as much detail as possible, including full responses to their questions in the same order in which they are presented in the RFP. In addition, include company and experience information, information on your products/services being offered, associated pricing, and contact information for follow up.

How do you write a business proposal?

Many times it can be hard to know where to begin in writing your business proposal. First, read the procurement (RFP/RFI) and format your proposal to conform to the requirements.

Still stuck? Reach out to Ameli for help! We’re here to help you get started – from having an established RFP response template to crafting your Executive Summary and responses to their requirements – you can count on us to deliver!

How do you write a short proposal?

It’s important in any proposal response to be as succinct and concise as possible. After all, no evaluator wants to read a ton of extra fluff in your narrative if it adds no additional value. Always ensure you (1) directly answer the question with a yes, no, confirmed, or other similar, direct response and (2) then elaborate in a simple, concise manner to expand on your answer to the question. Following this protocol will be a welcome relief to the evaluator reading your bid and often results in higher points being awarded since they don’t have to “hunt” for the answer to their question.

How much does a professionally written business proposal cost?

Each RFP/RFI contains unique requirements and circumstances that can make the response effort take anywhere from a week for a small RFI to months for a large RFP. Therefore, the cost can vary greatly. At Ameli, we have flexible pricing to work with every need and budget to ensure any cost constraints are aligned and costs are properly controlled throughout the process.

Technical Writing Services: Essential Data Corporation

Proposal Writing Services

Proposal Writing Services

What is Proposal Writing?

Proposal writing is a crucial skill that holds the key to unlocking countless opportunities in various domains. Whether it’s securing funding for a groundbreaking project, clinching a business deal, or winning a research grant, the ability to craft a compelling proposal is essential.

The main goal is to convince the reader that the proposed idea is worth pursuing and that the individual or organization presenting the proposal is competent and capable of executing the plan successfully.

Proposal writing is essential for various reasons, including securing funding, effective communication, project planning, building trust, gaining a competitive advantage, problem-solving, aiding decision-making, obtaining grants, business development, and bidding on contracts. It provides a structured and persuasive way to present ideas and ensures success in different domains and industries.

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What User Proposal Writing Services Does EDC Offer?

Welcome to EDC, unlock the gateway to endless opportunities with our expert proposal writing solutions. Whether you seek funding, business partnerships, or academic support, our team of skilled writers will transform your ideas into powerful proposals. We offer a wide variety of professional services, including:

  • Writing a Project Proposal
  • Writing a Business Proposal
  • Technical Proposal Writing
  • Government Proposal Writing
  • Grant Proposal Writing
  • Research Proposal Writing

Technical Proposal Writers

How EDC Can Help with Proposal Writing Services

Whether you need a single proposal writer for a brief project, or a team of consultants to produce a complete line of documentation, we guarantee the quality of our work. We provide an Engagement Manager from one of our 30 local offices for the entire length of your project at no additional cost. Contact us at (800) 221-0093 or [email protected]

Proposal Writing Related Articles

If you’d like to learn more about proposal writing services and what they can do for you, check out some of our related content below:

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Contact Us for Proposal Writing

Hire EDC technical writers for proposal writing or other technical writing services:

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Rfp & proposal support.

From basic template creation to fully outsourced proposal development and program management, organizations benefit greatly from Winvale’s customized and affordable approach capturing government business. As a result, nearly 2,000 leading organizations have partnered with Winvale to capture more than $100 Billion in procurement and grant actions.

  • Request for Information (RFI) or Sources Sought Notices
  • Grant Identification and Response
  • Traditional “requirement” RFPs
  • Unsolicited Proposals
  • Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (ID/IQ)
  • Government Wide Acquisition Contracts (GWAC)
  • Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA)
  • Fast-turnaround, page-limited Task Orders
  • Two-step bids
  • Requests for Quote (RFQ)
  • Broad Agency Announcements (BAA)
  • Requests for Tender (RFT)
  • Whitepapers

Smartsource Your Next Proposal:

  • Go/ No-Go Decision Support
  • Proposal Template Creation
  • Bid Strategy Creation/ Story-boarding
  • Price to Win Analysis
  • Turn-key Proposal Development
  • Technical Writing Support
  • Volume Management
  • Color Team Reviews
  • Editing, Desktop Publishing/Graphic Design
  • Program Management Support

More than $100 Billion Captured:

  • Department of Defense
  • Department of Health & Human Services
  • Department of Housing & Urban Development
  • Department of Justice
  • U.S. Agency for International Development
  • National Institutes of Health
  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
  • Department of Education
  • Federal Aviation Administration
  • Department of Transportation
  • Department of Agriculture
  • State of Maryland
  • State of Texas
  • State of Florida
  • State of California
  • District of Columbia

Learn More About Winvale’s RFP and Proposal Writing Services & Support

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  • GSA Schedule Management
  • GSA Schedule Audit Support
  • Transactional Data Reporting Analysis
  • Our Pricing
  • Proposal & Grant Writing Support
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  • Proposal Ready
  • Proposal Writing Services
  • Testimonials
  • Meet the team
  • Free RFP Cover Letter Template
  • RFP Writer Response Guide
  • RFP Cover Letter Guide
  • Government Bid Writing Guide
  • Government Bid Management Guides
  • Government Solicitation Guide
  • Federal Bid Writing Guide
  • State Government Contracts Guide
  • Sources Sought Notice Guide

Providing businesses with an outsourced approach to government RFP writing.

Our Bid Writers hold an 87% success rate and have secured over $4.5billion in direct contract wins for our clients.

proposal writing services

Contact us for a FREE consultation with our RFP Writers.

Our RFP Writing Services Include:


Offering support for one-off bids or during busy periods.

Day rates from $750.

Our RFP Mentor Services Include:

Helping you master important RFP responses.

Starting from only $450.

Our Proposal Ready Services Include:

Making bidding more efficient by preparing your documents in advance.

Get Proposal Ready for only $2,995.

We work for you

We help businesses who are:, new to bidding.

Our bid writing services have been designed to ensure we can support businesses of all sizes, with varying levels of experience. If you’re completely new to bidding and need a professional to take the reins, we’re here to help. Our bid writing experts are primed and ready to help you win.

Struggling to see success from their bidding efforts

We understand the frustrations of unsuccessful bidding. The average bid takes a professional between one day and three months to complete, so we know how much resource is required. However, there are often patterns to why you are losing bids. You might just need a little help to identify them. That’s where we step in.

In need of ad-hoc bid writing assistance

Does this sound familiar? Your in-house Bid Writer is working at capacity when you find another bid. It’s important that you submit a bid, but you don’t have the resources to produce high-quality responses. Outsourcing to a bid writing consultancy means you don’t have to miss an opportunity. You can still submit impressive bids without draining your resources.

Want to know more about our RFP services?

At hudson succeed, we offer three dedicated services to help you win new contracts and grow your business., we also provide numerous resources to aid your learning and development in the rfp writing process..

RFP Writing is the perfect solution for businesses who don’t have the time or in-house resources to complete one-off proposals. Our team of professional consultants will work with you to create winning submissions.

We recently saw our bid success rate increase from 83% to 87% and we don’t plan on stopping there.

As RFP writing consultants, we work with numerous industries and businesses of varying sizes. We are multi-disciplinary writers. Therefore, we never claim to be experts in any  one  sector – we are experts in winning RFPs.

Are you struggling to respond to a live RFP? Please, don’t hesitate to contact our team consultants for a  free quote.

RFP Mentor is your second pair of eyes. We know from experience that an external analysis of your written responses could be the difference between a successful government bid submission and a failed one.

Sometimes, when writing an RFP, you might make small errors. If left unchecked, this could suggest a lack of attention to detail to the buyer. Let our team of RFP Writing Consultants proofread your work before submitting. This will allow you to submit the proposal with confidence.

Our Government Contract Consultants will act as a critical friend, scrupulously combing through your content. They will suggest areas that could be improved and highlight any errors that should be corrected. This could be spelling, grammar, or inconsistencies in your content.

Don’t leave it until the last minute.  Contact us  today for a free quote.

Proposal Ready was designed for businesses who are either new to bidding or need to rejuvenate their content.

Time constraints are one of the biggest challenges businesses face. However, failing to prepare can end up costing your business even more time.

When bidding for contracts, we recommend having your important documents already in place to speed up the process. Proposal Ready helps you do exactly that.

The service includes three designed case studies, five branded resumes for key personnel, and a designed, editable credentials document.

With this in place, you’ll be one step ahead and ready to submit impressive bids.

Bid Writing Successes

Bid management and RFP writing testimonials that showcase our ability to deliver for both large and small businesses.

"...I could not have been more pleased with the entire process. I would definitely use them again and recommend their services..."

Simmeana westbrook, director, rapid response shredding.

proposal writing services


We are awaiting the results of the submission, client based in texas, "you can count on us to hold onto your contact information for when a future opportunity appears.", philip alongi, managing director, alongi media.

proposal writing services


Client began delivering within 1 month of submission, client based in new york, “i’m so happy i took a leap of faith and decided to work with this team...they work round the clock…five stars for hudson”, francis kweller, director.

proposal writing services


Client left a glowing review, “i wish to thank you and your team for the fantastic product you put out and the efforts you went to, to get us in on time...", juan f gonzalez jr, ceo.

proposal writing services


Developed an excellent relationship with the client, "...the team went the extra mile for us to ensure that it was ready on time within the stipulated deadline...", nick steiert, managing director, invasion ltd.

proposal writing services


Large, complex bid turned around in 24 hours, client based in the uk, latest insights.

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Hudson Secure Another Technology Bid! – iMs

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Get in touch with a bid writing consultant

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Research proposal is no easy task, especially for those who are new to academic writing. Researching credible sources, analyzing data, and formulating a well-structured proposal requires expertise and time.That's where our service come in. With our expert team of academic writers, we can take the burden off your shoulders and provide you with a customized research proposal that meets even the most specific requirements.

With EssayPro's quality assistance, you can be confident that your research proposal will be of the highest standard. We guarantee top results with every order. If not, you can request as many revisions as you need or ask for a refund.What’s more, our all-round writing services will not break your budget. We understand that students often have limited funds. That's why we’ve designed our pricing structure in a flexible way that caters to different budget constraints.

Whether you are in need of a comprehensive research proposal or just a few sections, we have affordable options that will suit your needs. We believe that quality writing should be accessible to everyone, and we strive to provide value for money.

Ask us "write my research proposal" and get some benefits

There's a good chance that you've visited a number of online writing platforms in search of writers. However, what distinguishes us from them? And why should you trust us and leave "write a research proposal" request? We have the answer for you.

While many services offer low prices and quick turnaround times, there's often a trade-off in terms of quality. At Essaypro, we prioritize the quality of the papers we deliver above all else. If you get a work from someone else, chances are that it may be poorly written or plagiarized. Yet, we have an originality guarantee on every paper we deliver. On top of that, you can request a free originality report to ensure that your paper is 100% unique.

Customization is also a key aspect that sets our research proposals apart from others. We understand that every project is unique and requires a personalized approach. That's why we select the writing style and tone that best suit your requirements. It is what makes it authentic and worthy of a high grade. So, when you need a little bit of guidance and support, turn to EssayPro.

Guaranteed confidentiality with every professional writer cooperation

When you choose to work with a research proposal writing service like EssayPro, you can be sure that your information and ideas will be kept strictly confidential. We have a rigid hiring policy; therefore, each of our authors has gone through numerous selection procedures. On top of being highly qualified and experienced in their respective fields, our pro writers are also committed to upholding the highest standards of confidentiality.

If you are interested in other writers' qualifications and expertise, we provide detailed profiles for each dissertation proposal writer on our website. You may learn more about their talents and abilities by reviewing their educational background, competences, success rate, and customer reviews. Also, be sure that everyone of them has native English proficiency and is skilled to deliver various types of papers.

So, if you need dissertation proposal writing help , EssayPro is your go-to option. We can perform any task of varying complexity and leave you more free time to focus on other important aspects of your life.

Hire a reliable research proposal writer every time

You can be certain that if you come to EssayPro for help, you will receive the best possible service. If you're ever in doubt, check out our extensive list of experts and their qualifications. Examine customer testimonials as well. This way, you can relax knowing that you are hiring a reliable research proposal writer every time.

Some students are also concerned that the proposal writing service they have chosen will not deliver their paper on time. However, this is not the case with EssayPro. Punctuality is one of our top priorities. Regardless of the complexity or urgency of your assignment, our team works diligently to ensure that your paper is delivered to you on time.

Fast turnaround time is our commitment to our customers. We have set up our processes in such a way that every customer can contact us six hours before the deadline and receive their paper within the agreed-upon timeframe. While promptly delivering help, we won't compromise on the quality of your paper. You will receive a well-researched, well-referenced, and professionally written work that meets all academic standards.

Will dissertation proposal writing service meet your needs?

Our dissertation proposal writers will make your dream of a degree a reality and bring your words and ideas to life. You can discuss your specific requirements with our team of experts, and they will help with research proposal especially for you.

With us, you can get rid of time-wasters and focus on the more important aspects of your doctoral journey. We will handle all the tedious and time-consuming tasks of writing this complicated paper. You can entrust EssayPro with research, outline writing, editing, proofreading, formatting, and more.

Unlike other services, we prioritize customization and personalization. Therefore, we strive to produce a research proposal that aligns with your specific research objectives and requirements, as well as mimics your writing style. You can send us a sample of your writing, and we will ensure that you buy a research proposal online that matches your tone and language.

If you want to enjoy a smooth and stress-free writing process, don't hesitate to choose us. Every aspect of our service stands out from other Ph.D. writing services . With Essaypro, you can rest assured that your proposal will grab the attention of your committee and set you on the path to success.

  • RFP Writing Service

How to Request Exactly What You Need From Proposals

If you are looking for an RFP writing service, your organization must hire a critical service provider. Maybe you’ve been tasked with developing the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) or RFP that will decide the entire procurement process.

Many of our clients don’t know where to start, and you can’t afford to make any mistakes.

We get it. You want to do right by your organization and hire the company to deliver the most value to your firm. This is a crucial decision you can’t afford to get wrong.

Finding the right firm or consultant requires a professionally developed RFQ or RFP and many other supporting bid documents at the same standard. The opportunity must be communicated to as many qualified bidders as possible. And it would be best if you asked the right questions to identify the firm that’s a perfect fit.

We also offer a proposal writing service for organizations responding to an RFQ or RFP.

What Makes an RFQ or RFP Great?

Developing an RFQ or RFP can be difficult, especially if you’ve never done it before.

You are probably asking yourself:

What questions to ask to identify the organizations most capable of meeting your organization’s needs

Where to post the opportunity to give it the greatest possible visibility among qualified proponents

How to manage the procurement process, including answering proponent questions and issuing addendums

How to evaluate proposals fairly for all participants

If you have more questions than answers, turn to the team at the Proposal Lab.

Turning RFP Answers Into the Answer for You

Over the last 12 years, we have completed more than 650 proposals representing nearly every sector of the economy. We have read and navigated thousands of pages of bid documents.

Using our expertise in crafting responses to RFQs and RFPs, we now offer our services to those needing to procure services and consultants through a formal procurement process.

We know what a successful RFx looks like and how to construct one from the ground up.

Your Best Rfx Is Just Six Steps Away

  • Kickoff meeting, where we complete our RFP Development Questionnaire
  • Research, including online research and speaking with subject matter experts
  • RFP development and approval
  • Publication and promotion of the bid documents on the ideal RFP platform
  • Support to address any proponent questions and issuance of addendums
  • Evaluation of proposals and assistance choosing the successful proponent

Find Out How RFP Development Can Attract the Right Match

It can be difficult to locate a service provider who possesses the appropriate mix of qualifications and experience.But it doesn't have to be this way.A professionally written RFP, supported by a robust and efficient procurement process, will help you find the best proponent.

Save Time, Money and Stress

You probably can't afford too many poor procurement decisions if you are a small to medium-sized organization.And writing an RFQ or RFP from scratch can be overwhelming, especially if you've never done it before. Not to mention the commitment of time and energy required.Our RFP writing process will allow you to dedicate those resources to your business.

Our Work Speaks for Itself

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Don’t wait to issue your best RFx

If your organization needs to hire the best service provider possible through a Request for Qualifications or Request for Proposals, but you don’t know how best to initiate or manage the procurement process, call us today.

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North American Support

From Vancouver and Toronto to Florida and Seattle, and all points in between, our team of proposal professionals are ready to help you, and your organization responds with confidence.

A Decade of Experience

Since 2010, our team of proposal experts has helped clients win exciting projects and secure amazing clients with professionally written, incredibly persuasive proposals.

Great Client Experiences

A lot is riding on your business proposal. We pride ourselves on creating experiences that are efficient, collaborative, and engaging. And successful.

How to Write a Budget Proposal (+ Free Template)

Published: May 29, 2024

The first time I was assigned to write a budget proposal, I stared anxiously at a blank spreadsheet, wondering where to begin. What was a budget proposal supposed to include? Was there a specific structure to follow? How could I ensure it met all the necessary criteria?

woman builds a budget proposal for work

My early attempts at writing a proposal taught me the challenges of building a convincing plan that turns rough ideas into fundable projects. I had to learn to align proposal details with business objectives and articulate the potential benefits in a way that resonated with stakeholders.

→ Download Now: Free Budget Templates

It was an overwhelming task at times — but with a strategic approach and a bit of guidance, my ability to synthesize financial data and communicate value gradually became second nature.

In this article, I'll guide you through how to write a simple budget proposal that delights your audience and secures funding. I’ll also provide practical tips, templates, and sample projects to streamline your planning process.

So, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

What is a budget proposal, and why is it important?

The anatomy of a budget proposal, how to create a simple budget proposal, building my own basic budget proposal, 8 budget proposal best practices.

A budget proposal outlines the financial plans for a project or initiative, detailing the expected costs and resources needed for successful completion.

Budget proposals also show potential funders or stakeholders how their money will be spent and the tangible benefits their investment will achieve.

While the content of your budget proposal will change depending on your project’s parameters and specific goals, a well-crafted plan leads to benefits like:

  • Stakeholder buy-in. Providing a transparent breakdown of anticipated expenses instills confidence and trust, encouraging stakeholder support or investment.
  • Efficient resource usage. Outlining a clear resource allocation plan ensures that funds are directed to the areas where they are needed most.
  • Risk mitigation. Applying a risk management framework helps proactively identify potential costs and contingencies, ensuring that the project remains on track and within budget constraints.
  • Project tracking. Identifying key project milestones and benchmarks promotes informed decision-making, maintaining efficient and agile progress.

proposal writing services

Free Business Budget Templates

Manage your business, personal, and program spend on an annual, quarterly, and monthly basis.

  • Personal Budget Template
  • Annual Budget Template
  • Program Budget Template

You're all set!

Click this link to access this resource at any time.

Before you begin drafting your budget proposal, it's helpful to first familiarize yourself with its key components and overarching structure.

Knowing which strategic points to emphasize — and the order in which to present them — improves your ability to create a logical and compelling argument, while also ensuring you effectively communicate your project’s feasibility.

So, let's examine five critical sections found in every effective budget proposal, drawing on the structure used in Hubspot’s Free Budget Proposal Template .

Hubspot’s free budget proposal template

7. Build a story.

Weave in a strong storytelling narrative that provides context, explains assumptions, and addresses any potential concerns or questions. This adds depth to your proposal and helps guide readers through the document.

Pro tip: Incorporate data visualization techniques, such as graphs or infographics, to complement your narrative and enhance the clarity and persuasiveness of your budget proposal.

Data visualization in budget proposal for social media audience

Don't forget to share this post!

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40 Facts About Elektrostal

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy , materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes , offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development .

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy , with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

Elektrostal's fascinating history, vibrant culture, and promising future make it a city worth exploring. For more captivating facts about cities around the world, discover the unique characteristics that define each city . Uncover the hidden gems of Moscow Oblast through our in-depth look at Kolomna. Lastly, dive into the rich industrial heritage of Teesside, a thriving industrial center with its own story to tell.

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Proposals Sought for an Edited Collection of "Conservative" Writing (Updated)

Call for Chapter Proposals for an Edited Collection

No Lost Causes: An Anthology of Conservative Writing on Art, Society, and Culture

Since the middle of the twentieth century, cultural criticism in the West has been dominated by post-structuralist assumptions about truth, meaning, universal values, etc. Long before then, however, it was understood that art had a higher purpose, that artists sought to inculcate certain values in their audience, whether moral, ethical, or religious. Theorists from Aristotle to Matthew Arnold took it for granted that works of art, in short, do not exist merely for their own sake, but to teach us something about the human experience. Through the work of Paul Elmore More, Irving Babbitt, T. S. Eliot, and the Southern Agrarians, among others, the lingering influence of this view endured into the twentieth century.

I invite proposals for an edited collection of essays that seek to continue these efforts in the twenty-first. Our goal is to articulate and defend conservative approaches to art, society, and culture, like those favored by the individuals named above. Essays are welcome on a wide range of topics, including conservatism in or and any of the following:

Ancient Greece or Rome

Medieval or early modern art

  • The Romantic or Victorian eras
  • The Inklings, the Metaphysical poets, and similar groups / movements
  • Asian, African, and other non-Western forms of conservatism

Critical evaluations of post-structuralism and its off-shoots (e.g., Marxism, gender theory)

Specific authors or literary theorists

Transcendent belief systems or worldviews, including Christianity

  • Conservatism in popular culture

*Update: I have received a few proposals on C. S. Lewis, but would welcome some on any of the other Inklings. I am also interested in analyses of individual books, movies, and other forms of art that reflect a conservate sensibility. Regardless of topic, the focus of your essay should be aesthetic, rather than political.

Queries and proposals are welcome from recent graduates, independent scholars, and established academics alike. If interested, please send an abstract of 100 - 200 words and a CV to [email protected] by 15 July 2024. I expect to make a decision on submitted proposals by the end of summer. Initial drafts of 5000 - 8000 words, in Turabian / Chicago, would be due by 31 January 2025.

About the editor: Camilo Peralta, PhD, is an Associate Professor of English at Joliet Junior College who has published widely on religion, fantasy, and science fiction. His first scholarly monograph, The Wizard of Mecosta: Russell Kirk, Gothic Fiction, and the Moral Imagination , is available now from Vernon Press:


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    RFP & Proposal Support. From basic template creation to fully outsourced proposal development and program management, organizations benefit greatly from Winvale's customized and affordable approach capturing government business. As a result, nearly 2,000 leading organizations have partnered with Winvale to capture more than $100 Billion in ...

  17. RFP Writing Consultants & Government Contract Bid Writers

    RFP Writing. RFP Writing is the perfect solution for businesses who don't have the time or in-house resources to complete one-off proposals. Our team of professional consultants will work with you to create winning submissions. We recently saw our bid success rate increase from 83% to 87% and we don't plan on stopping there.

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  20. How to Write a Research Proposal

    Learn how to write a research proposal for your academic project with examples, templates, and tips. Scribbr offers proofreading and editing services to help you improve your writing.


    Step 2 - Writing the Proposal . Writing the Proposal Narrative . A good proposal is always readable, well-organized, grammatically correct, and understandable. Be explicit in your narrative about how the program will make an improvement. This narrative must contain specifics including details of experiments and/or applications,

  22. How to Write a Budget Proposal (+ Free Template)

    Step 1. Define your project goals. When I make a budget, I start my proposal by defining the specific objectives and expected outcomes of your project. This step is crucial for setting the tone for the entire proposal by immediately conveying to stakeholders the significance and feasibility of my project.

  23. How To Write A Press Release (Examples + Template)

    Add quotes and statistics. Proofread carefully. 1. Write a compelling headline. The headline is the first — and sometimes the only — thing people read. Your headline should be concise, specific, and attention-grabbing. If you could summarize the whole press release in one sentence, it would be the headline.

  24. 40 Facts About Elektrostal

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    Local, state, and federal government websites often end in .gov. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania government websites and email systems use "" or "" at the end of the address.

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  28. Local Plumbers, Companies & Services in Elektrostal'

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    Call for Chapter Proposals for an Edited Collection. No Lost Causes: An Anthology of Conservative Writing on Art, Society, and Culture. Since the middle of the twentieth century, cultural criticism in the West has been dominated by post-structuralist assumptions about truth, meaning, universal values, etc. Long before then, however, it was understood that art had a higher purpose, that artists ...