Be The Voice

  • Testimonials
  • Business Times Feature
  • Corporate Programs
  • Individual Programs
  • Education Programs

presentation workshop singapore



In the corporate landscape, the significance of proficient presentation skills and effective communication has surged, becoming pivotal for organizational success. The ability of staff, corporate representatives, and management to articulate objectives to both internal teams and external clients is now a determining factor in achieving success.

At every tier of an organization, the performance of each unit hinges on the prowess of team leaders in delivering compelling presentations that inspire their teams. Equally crucial is the proficiency of executives in presenting ideas persuasively to colleagues, superiors, and clients.

As the workplace dynamic evolves, communication and presentation skills are quickly surpassing tech savviness as vital critical skills to develop. Communication and presentation skills are therefore edging out tech savviness as the most critical skills in the workplace.

According to a 2011 Gallup poll, over 40% of employed adults harbor a fear of public speaking. Whether addressing a small or large audience, a staggering 75% of individuals encounter anxiety when tasked with delivering presentations! We Can Develop Your Team’s Voices Fortunately, the silver lining is that mastering public speaking and corporate presentation skills is an attainable feat. Regardless of one’s role, individuals can acquire the tools to conquer stage fright and anxiety through effective voice techniques, ultimately fostering confidence and elevating their presentation prowess.

Be The Voice has proven to be a game-changer for numerous teams, facilitating both internal presentations and public delivery of reports or plans. Our tailored strategies empower companies and groups to communicate with impact, achieving their public speaking and presentation objectives.

presentation workshop singapore

Meet Brian, a seasoned authority in communication and presentation techniques, boasting a track record as a national radio host. As the visionary founder of Be The Voice Academy, his fervor lies in coaching individuals on harnessing the power of their voice. Brian is dedicated to imparting skills that go beyond mere words—enabling people to effectively communicate thoughts, ideas, and emotions. His expertise extends into both the business realm and the arena of personal growth, making him a passionate guide for those seeking impactful communication and presentation capabilities.

SCDF The Life Saving Force

Speak with Confidence

Speak With Confidence is a program that’s designed for companies that would like their staff to learn how to sound confident when speaking with clients

Speak with confidence at Be the Voice Academy, the best voice academy in Singapore.

Selling With Your Voice

Selling with Your Voice is a comprehensive program that enables participants to understand the different aspects of conveying thoughts and ideas

A group of people smiling and giving thumbs up, promoting Be the Voice Academy in Singapore.

The Quick Fix – A Service for Your Voice

The Quick Fix program is designed for companies with a busy schedule and need a workshop with very specific targets in mind.

presentation workshop singapore

Influencing with Your Voice

Influencing with Your Voice is a program that helps people communicate more effectively and avoid misunderstandings at work or in business dealings!

Leading voice academy in Singapore, Be the Voice Academy.

Your Voice – A Manager’s Tool

A Manager’s Tool is a workshop that’s designed to help managers learn the secrets to controlling the emotions of staff by using their voices

Brian gives you the tools to bring out the potential of your voice. best voice academy in singapore

Brian gives you the tools to bring out the potential of your voice, something we use everyday without much thought. With his classes and constant practice, you’ll hear your voice grow in amazing ways.

Thank you Brian and BTV for helping me be the voice! I’d highly recommend Brian if you’d like to speak with greater confidence in life, at school or work. Brian is knowledgeable, patient and encouraging, and brings out the best in his students – the skills I learnt from Brian are timeless and highly applicable!…

Great course. Highly recommended to everyone who wants to speak with confidence!…..

Many key points were very clearly defined and explained with examples. Examples are real, easy to relate situationally.

The training was very informative and ideas/methods very practical and applicable in our work.

It’s a real opportunity to let people understand that they are not always HEARD. It is amazing with learning these tools you can achieve much more personally and obviously in business.

The time is short, Brian in his limited time taught us so much more than we thought we already knew. The experience is all totally new. Nothing which we have ever experienced before! Trainer is so encouraging, Brian, thank you!

29 May 2024 . Public Speaking

Combatting Stage Fright - Building Confidence for the Big Stage

presentation workshop singapore

1 May 2024 . Voice Training

Presentation Skills Training Singapore

Public speaking training singapore.

26 Apr 2024 . Voice Training

Is Your Voice Monotonous and Boring? - Tips for Dynamic Voice Modulation

presentation workshop singapore

Frequently asked questions about our voice coaching services

Questions about our 1 to 1 voice coaching sessions, i am not sure if voice coaching is for me. do you offer free trials.

Hey, we get it. Diving into voice coaching might feel like stepping onto a stage without knowing the script. That’s why at Be the Voice Academy, we roll out the red carpet with a free trial lesson. Picture this: You meet with Brian Lee, our star voice coach, and together, you hash out your goals, do a voice check-up, and sketch out a roadmap. This isn’t just any chat – it’s your first step to amplifying your voice in ways you never thought possible. By the curtain call of this session, you’ll be in the know about the tweaks you need to turn those vocal dreams into reality.

And here’s the kicker – it’s all on the house. No strings attached. This is your backstage pass to see if the spotlight of voice coaching is your kind of stage. We’re talking a full-blown strategy session tailored to your vocal needs. Intrigued? We thought so. Let’s set the stage together and find your vocal forte

How many lessons I should be taking to get better?

One question that’s music to our ears is, “How many lessons till I hit the right notes?” Here at Be the Voice Academy, we play a different tune – personalized coaching. After you jam with Brian Lee in your free trial, you’ll have a crystal-clear picture of the vocal hurdles we’re going to leap over. It’s like getting a tailored suit; we craft the journey to fit you snugly, no one-size-fits-all here.

So whether you’re a few sessions away from clarity or need a deeper dive to uncover your voice’s true power, we got you covered. It’s not about the number of lessons; it’s about hitting those personal milestones. And with Brian’s step-by-step symphony, each session is a step closer to your standing ovation. Ready to rock the mic?

Do you offer one-on-one voice coaching sessions?

You bet! At Be the Voice Academy, personal attention is the name of our game. Picture this: It’s just you and Brian Lee, laser-focused on polishing your vocal skills. And guess what? That first solo act is a free trial, just to see if the chemistry’s right.

This ain’t no chorus line; it’s a solo spotlight where every subtlety of your voice gets the attention it deserves. Ready to start your vocal voyage? Brian’s mastered the charts, and he’s ready to guide you to your personal best. Let’s turn those vocal dreams up to eleven.

What types of professionals can benefit from voice coaching?

Think voice coaching is just for the Adeles and Bublés of the world? Think again. In the fast-paced Singapore scene, from the boardrooms to the sales floors, your voice is your ultimate power play. Leaders, sales maestros, teachers – you name it, we’ve fine-tuned their vocal arsenal.

Our mantra? Your voice can open doors, break down walls, and elevate your professional game to new heights. Whether you’re pitching the next big idea, leading a team, or making that first impression count, the way you sound can be your secret weapon. Ready to command the room? Let’s hit those career high notes together.

How long it will take me to see the results with voice coaching?

Tick-tock, waiting to unlock that voice that’ll make folks listen up? Here’s the good news: The moment you step into your first session with Brian Lee, the clock’s already ticking towards your “aha” moment. It’s like flipping a switch; you’ll walk out seeing your voice in a new light, primed for transformation.

With Brian’s step-by-step conduct, every lesson is a tune-up that inches you closer to your vocal potential. We’re not just talking improvements over months or years – every session has a breakthrough moment tailored just for you. Ready to hear the difference a day makes? Your encore starts now.

Questions about Presentation skills workshops and coaching

What are the benefits of public speaking classes.

Picture this: you’re up on stage, the spotlight’s on you, and instead of the knee-knocking fear, you’ve got the crowd hanging on your every word. That’s no pipe dream. Public speaking classes are the ladder to that stage. They teach you not just how to talk but to communicate, turning jitters into persuasive poise. You’re not just learning to project your voice; you’re mastering the art of influence. And who better to lead the charge than Brian Lee, a virtuoso whose tips and tricks could well be your path to the podium.

And it’s not just about the applause. These classes hone your listening skills, push you to think on your feet, and craft messages that resonate. Whether you’re eyeing a promotion or aiming to inspire, here’s where you learn to pitch ideas that stick and stories that move. Let’s not forget the bonus round – networking. Rubbing elbows with fellow speakers and trainers broadens your professional circle like nothing else.

How can public speaking classes benefit me in my career?

In the cutthroat world of career advancement, standing out is the name of the game. Public speaking classes are your ace in the hole, supplying the skills to make your mark. Imagine presenting your next big idea with such clarity and conviction that it’s impossible to ignore. That’s the difference maker, turning potential into promotions and ideas into innovations. In Singapore, where the corporate landscape is as competitive as it gets, the ability to present effectively is currency. And in Brian Lee’s hands, consider your value skyrocketing.

But it’s not just about climbing the corporate ladder. These classes are a boot camp for soft skills – leadership, empathy, persuasion. Think about leading your team, not just with directives but with vision and inspiration. Negotiations, client meetings, pitches – they’re all stages where the skills polished in public speaking classes shine. It’s about making impact, where your voice becomes the catalyst for change, rallying teams, and winning clients. Ready to be the voice that leads? That’s what’s on the table.

I'm nervous about speaking in front of others. Can you help with stage fright?

Let’s face it, the idea of standing up and speaking out can send even the bravest into a cold sweat. But fear not, tackling stage fright is right up our alley. Brian Lee’s method isn’t about bulldozing over your nerves; it’s about understanding them, then showing them who’s boss. We start where you are, no judgments. Through tailored exercises and real-world practice, you’ll find your footing and, more importantly, your voice. It’s about small victories, building confidence one step at a time until the stage feels like home turf.

And remember, even the pros get butterflies. The trick is in turning those nerves into fuel. With Brian’s expertise, you’ll learn techniques to channel that adrenaline rush, sharpening your focus and engaging your audience. It’s not about never being nervous; it’s about never letting it stop you. So, if the spotlight feels more like a spotlight, we’ve got your back. Ready to turn the stage from fear to frontier?

What age groups do you cater to in your public speaking classes

While the spotlight’s mainly on adults, eager to sharpen their oratory edges for boardrooms and beyond, let’s not forget the budding speakers. Yes, we’re talking about a programme crafted for kids, specifically geared towards nailing those oral PSLE lessons. So, whether it’s laying the groundwork for future valedictorians or helping professionals command the room, our doors are open. Think of it as a speaking spectrum, where young learners and seasoned execs alike find their voice.

How do I know if I need public speaking classes?

Ever found yourself wishing the ground would swallow you whole during a presentation? Or perhaps you’ve seen eyes glaze over as you speak. That’s your cue right there. Public speaking classes are not just for the visibly nervous; they’re for anyone looking to leave an impression, to sway and engage, to lead. It’s about finding your voice, then amplifying it. And if words like ‘um’ and ‘you know’ are loyal companions in your speeches, it’s time for a change. Clear, compelling communication is not just a skill; it’s a superpower. Ready to wield it?

Here’s another hint: if you’re eyeing a step up the career ladder, these classes are your secret weapon. Effective communication is golden in the professional arena, often the bridge between where you are and where you want to be. So, if you’re dreaming of leading, influencing, or simply being heard, it’s time to step up. With Brian Lee at the helm, consider it an investment in your future, a ticket to the front of the line. Question is, are you ready to jump on board?

Are there any prerequisites for enrolling in your public speaking classes or workshops?

Think of our doors as wide open. Whether you’re tackling the microphone for the first time or looking to elevate your speaking game, we’re here for it. The only ‘prerequisite’ is the willingness to learn, to step out of the comfort zone, and to voice your stories and opinions boldly. With Brian Lee’s guided expertise, we’re all about progress, no matter where you’re starting from. So, no prior experience? No problem. It’s your determination that counts.

Questions about corporate Presentation Skills Classes

What sets your presentation skills workshops apart from others.

What makes our workshops stand out? One word: customization. We’re not about cookie-cutter approaches here. Brian Lee dives deep into the specifics of what your team or company needs, tailoring content so it aligns perfectly with your goals. It’s this hands-on, personalized strategy that sets us apart. He brings to the table not just skills, but solutions, addressing challenges on both team and individual levels. After all, when you’ve worked with hundreds of companies, as Brian has, you know there’s no one-size-fits-all in excellence.

Then there’s the man himself, Brian Lee. With a CV that boasts names of hundreds of corporate juggernauts and a history of shaping speakers who captivate, he’s more than just a coach; he’s a transformation catalyst. Using a proven step-by-step methodology, he not only identifies and tackles issues but ensures by the end, you’ve seen real progress—turning potential speakers from nervous to noteworthy, one personalized session at a time.

How can presentation skills workshops benefit me in my career?

In the high-stakes corporate scene of Singapore, where competition is as common as kopi at breakfast, standing out is non-negotiable. This is where presentation skills workshops aren’t just beneficial; they’re career gold. They equip you to convey ideas with clarity and persuasion, making sure you’re heard in a crowd of voices. In a culture that values respect and harmony, being able to present your ideas effectively while navigating these cultural nuances can set you on the fast track to success.

These workshops are more than just learning how to talk pretty. They’re about building a personal brand, creating a presence that commands respect and attention. Under Brian Lee’s guidance, you’ll learn to engage your audience, sell your ideas, and inspire your team, all while keeping it authentic. It’s about being memorable for the right reasons. In a city that thrives on innovation and excellence, these skills are your ticket to the top. Ready to make your mark?

What is the typical duration of a presentation skills workshop?

Normally, our presentation skills workshops are designed to stretch over 2 days. This timeframe allows for a deep dive into the material and ample practice.  Depending on the unique requirements of a team or the scope of the skills being covered, we might extend the duration. After all, one size doesn’t always fit all, especially when aiming to empower voices in the boardroom or on stage.

Do you offer group workshops for presentation skills?

At Be the Voice Academy, under the expert guidance of Brian Lee, we specialize in tailoring our coaching to meet specific needs. While we emphasize individual coaching—since conquering presentation skills often boils down to tackling personal hurdles—we understand the power of learning in groups. Therefore, yes, we offer corporate classes designed to elevate the presentation skills of your team as a collective unit. This approach ensures that every participant’s unique issues are addressed, while also fostering a supportive learning environment.

Nevertheless, the core of our coaching philosophy is personal attention. It’s about honing in on what makes each voice unique and eradicating the barriers to effective communication. Brian’s methodical, step-by-step approach has proven successful time and again, both for individuals and corporate teams, in creating confident and compelling speakers.

How can I measure my progress in presentation skills workshops?

Seeing is believing, right? That’s why at Be the Voice Academy, we record our clients—whether they’re flying solo or part of a group—before, during, and after our workshops. This way, you don’t just feel your progress; you can actually see it. Initially, you get to see the hurdles you’re facing in action. Maybe it’s a pesky filler word that keeps popping up, or perhaps it’s a certain stiffness when you’re on ‘stage’. Whatever those issues may be, they’re spotted and recorded.

As you journey through Brian Lee’s carefully crafted coaching sessions, these recordings become a chart of your growth. You’ll see those initial barriers start to crumble as your presentation skills sharpen. By the end of your training, those recordings serve as a clear, visual testament to how far you’ve come. Yes, progress can be measured, and we’ve got the tapes to prove it.



WSQ courses in Singapore

Effective Presentation Skills

Traning skills acquired

Course Outline

  • Learn how to structure your presentations in a logical, easy-to-understand, and engaging manner to meet your presentation objectives.
  • Learn to articulate your words with clarity and confidence, and discover how to adjust your voice, tone, rhythm, and volume to make an impactful and convincing presentation.
  • Learn how to use body language, equipment, and resources at your disposal to communicate and reinforce your message in a customer segmentation presentation.
  • Learn time management skills to ensure you deliver a presentation within a timeframe and respond to audience questions appropriately. 
  • Be able to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of a presentation.

Presentation skills course on presenting with projector screen in Singapore

Skills Acquired

  • How to Present : Acquire practical skills in delivering presentations confidently & effectively 
  • Engaging Presentation Creation : Create captivating presentations that effectively communicate ideas 
  • Audience Connection Techniques : Learn various techniques to establish a strong connection with the audience during a presentation
  • Adaptability in Presentations : Adapt presentations to different situations and audiences

Hands-on learning activities

Hands-on Learning Activities

  • Presentation Brief Development : Develop a comprehensive presentation brief, outlining your presentation objectives.
  • Presentation Slide Design &t Creation : Design visually appealing & impactful presentation slides for a convincing presentation.
  • Apply the techniques learned in the course, including engaging the audience, using body language effectively, & delivering a clear & persuasive message

Digital marketing platforms and tools introduced

Platforms & Tools Introduced

PowerPoint Slides

Competency Assessment

Competency Assessment

  • Prepare & deliver a 15-minutes presentation based on what was taught throughout the course

Step 1 (Select Training Center)

Step 2 (select date).

  • Select the time slot to enroll the course
  • Selling Fast
  • Full Enrollment

Course Fees & Subsidies

Up to 90% Additional Subsidy from SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC)

  • Nett Fee is subject to 9% GST charged based on the full course fees before subsidy.
  • Absentee payroll is claimable up to $4.50 per hour, capped at $100,000 per enterprise per calendar year.
  • Subjected to individual company’s budget availability for the Enterprise Innovation Scheme. Each company can only either the 400% Tax Deduction option OR the 20% Cash Payout option. For more information, please refer to
  • Subjected to individual company’s budget availability for SFEC. For more information, please refer to
  • Registered or incorporated in Singapore
  • Employment size of not more than 200 (at group level) or with annual sales turnover (at group level) of not more than $100 million
  • Nett Fee are inclusive of GST charged based on the full course fees.
  • Subjected to individual’s eligibility and availability of SkillsFuture Credit .
  • NTUC UTAP reimbursement is capped at $250 for members aged below 40 or $500 for members aged 40 & above.


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Start Your Learning Journey with FirstCom Academy Today

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Company Name*


Learning Intention* -- Select your learning intention -- For general knowledge To increase my business revenue To start my own business / looking for a side hustle To upskill and increase career progression Planning to make a career switch

I have read and consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my personal data in accordance with the terms in this Privacy Policy .

3 Reasons Why We Can Ensure Maximum Skills Transfer Within 24 Hours of Training

Learn from and interact with certified trainers with years of proven training and industry experience.

Grace Koh

Grace is an ACTA-certified trainer who brings her strong track record of successfully driving digital transformation into the classroom.

Joshua Judah

Joshua is an ACLP-certified trainer with a varied background in the Service and Digital Marketing Industry. Learners are sure to find his lessons fruitful, fun and interesting.

Gold Poovan

Poovan is a highly experienced, ACTA/ACLP-certified trainer and digital marketing expert with over 20 years of management, customer service, and marketing.

Paul Lim

Paul is a highly experienced Digital Marketing Strategist and Meta Blueprint trainer with a strong passion for adult education.

Qisti Razan Putra

Qisti Razan Putra is a highly passionate and accomplished educator with a wealth of experience in both the Education industry and Info-Comm Technology.

Shawn Yeo

Shawn is a well-versed Social Media Strategist with over 7 years of experience assisting his clients with social media marketing, brand outreach and influencer engagement.

Daryl Kang

With 8+ years in design and 5 years in digital marketing, Daryl combines digital marketing strategy and design aesthetics seamlessly.

Ronald Chua

Eugene possesses extensive expertise in cybersecurity, cloud platform development, digital marketing, and tech leadership with over a decade of experience.

Localised syllabus and case studies co-curated with proven subject matter experts

Localised syllabus and case studies co-curated with proven subject matter experts

FirstCom Academy partners up with many proven industry experts to develop short and effective courses built upon the Singapore’s landscape, allowing learners to learn based on familiar local context.

Unleash Your Potential with In-Person Training at Our Centers of Excellence

Elevate your skills through interactive learning experiences


Lifelong Learning Insitute (LLI) Training Centre

Address icon

Our training center at Lifelong Learning Insitute (LLI) makes use of the building’s state-of-the-art facilities and modern amenities to create a conducive environment for learning. As you step into our thematic classrooms centered around aspirational travel locations, you’ll be inspired to grow and empowered to succeed.

Conveniently located just a short sheltered walk away from Paya Lebar MRT Station, accessing the LLI Training Center is effortless for commuters. For those driving, the institute is easily reachable via PIE and ECP, with ample parking available.

Woods Square Training Centre

Strategically located at Woods Square, our Woodlands Training Center is minutes’ walk away from Woodlands, Woodlands North and Woodlands South MRT stations, as well as Woodlands bus interchange.

It is also easily accessible by the SLE, BKE and upcoming NSE. Food choices are plenty at Wood Square too!

Chinatown Point Training Centre

Located at Chinatown Point, our Chinatown Training Centre is conveniently linked to the Chinatown MRT Station (NE4/DT19), just a 1-minute walk away from Exit E.

The centre offers a conducive and comfortable environment, equipped with modern facilities, such as projectors, laptop rentals, and Wi-Fi, to enhance your learning experience. A spacious and cosy lounge area is also available for you to relax and network with other learners and instructors.

You can also enjoy a variety of food choices during your break time, ranging from local delights to international cuisines within the mall.


Maximum skills transfer through hands-on on-premise training approach


Rated 4.9 Google Review star ratings stars by more than 20,096 happy learners on Google Reviews

ngaw chew yen

Ngaw Chew Yen

Google Reviews by SkillsFuture course participants

Bryant Chua

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Khor Loo Hui

Contact FirstCom Academy Singapore for digital marketing training courses

Frequently Asked Questions

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21 Ways to Improve Your Presentation Skills

High Impact Presentations

Effective communication is critical in any role. Whether you are persuading colleagues, selling to a client, or energizing a team, the power of your high impact presentations makes the difference between success and failure.

The High Impact Presentations course will enable you in properly planning, prepare and execute your presentation. Throughout the course, you will learn how to structure effective presentations, enabling you to build credibility, strong audience rapport, and deliver ideas and concepts clearly.

Class Format 2 Consecutive Days 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

What you’ll learn

Learn to communicate with clarity and certainty, interact with a natural and composed demeanour, and convey complex material directly and simply. The presentation training course teaches you how to hold your audiences’ attention, and equip you with the techniques that will help you overcome the difficult parts of your presentation.

Discover ways to project confidence and enthusiasm while building credibility. Confidence is key, and when your audiences feel your confidence and candour, they will gravitate towards your presentation and be more engaged.

Why you want to learn it

How it will help you.

$2,534.25 (Inclusive of 9% GST)

NTUC Union Training Assistance Program (UTAP) Approved

For Self-sponsored NTUC Members


  • Executive Development Âť
  • Course Detail

presentation workshop singapore

Persuasive Presentation Skills VIRTUAL LEARNING


The ability to deliver a memorable and engaging presentation with confidence and authority are vital business skills.  This highly practical two-day workshop is designed to teach you the skill of presenting rather than showing you the knowledge behind it.  With bite-size exercises of learning how to structure, build compelling presentations with clear objectives, your presenting ability will improve as you learn to transform your own presentation into a riveting visual story that excites, enabling you to deliver your new impressive presentation much more comfortably & convincingly.

  • Know the importance of audience analysis
  • Learn how to present key ideas clearly, concisely & convincingly
  • Bring dry material to life
  • Develop more confident body language, so that tone of voice (volume, pace, emphasis), facial expression & hand gesture match your message
  • Consciously create the impact you choose
  • Bring an authentic approach to every presentation that persuades
  • Presentation benchmark: Participants will present their presentation for 3-4 mins and the facilitator will run through the presentation video recording with each participant.
  • Common hiccups and blunders speakers/presenters make
  • Presenting with IMPACT
  • Developing the presentation content
  • Audience adaptation: Think audience
  • Clear objectives
  • Exercise: Revisiting our target audience and presentation objectives
  • Structuring your presentation
  • Having a clear message with the three “Whats?”
  • Exercise: Re-organizing and condensing the presentation content
  • Use of powerful language, story-telling, and repetition
  • Exercise: Story-telling of dry data
  • Passionate delivery
  • Your professional presence as the best visual aid
  • Overcoming nervousness
  • Skill practice
  • Connecting with the audience
  • Good eye contact
  • Standing tall, walk the stage/room
  • Positive body language
  • Projecting your voice with power, pacing and effective use of pause
  • Skills practice
  • Slide design: Simple, legible, and engaging
  • Handling challenging situations: When things go wrong
  • Skill practice: Role play

Max class size: 12 pax

Note: Each participant must come prepared with one set of 3-5 min presentation.

Trainer’s Profile:

Samantha Sim   brings with her a solid background in modern learning concepts and techniques.  She has over 25 years of experience working with  business professionals, corporations and government agencies in various industries.    Her strengths lie in customer service, teambuilding, personal effectiveness and image management.  She has partnered corporations like Raffles Hotel, Banyan Tree, Frasers Hospitality, IATA, SIA, Far East Organization, Aspire, Bosch, Unilever, Union Bank, Starbucks, Performance Motors, BMS (China), Union Bank (Manila), International SOS, Russian Railways, Pat’s School House, PSA, Raffles Medical Group, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Singhealth, ST Engineering group and others, effectively improving their performance in targeted areas ST Engineering group, Busybees Asia, Seager Inc. For all her workshops, she  prides herself in customizing the learning activities to unlock potential & grow learning individuals.  She knows there is a big difference  between training and learning: Learning requires repeat practice, spread over time, to transform the learned concepts into skills that enable the learner to use the new knowledge smoothly in one’s own work environment.  With that strong belief, she often injects on-the-spot practical, relevant activities that not  only makes learning fun and exciting but also for easy transfer of learning.  In her previous appointment with Singapore Airlines (SIA), Samantha was responsible for professionalizing a team of 800 cabin crew members committed to SIA Cabin Crew Training Vision of developing service professionals of distinction within a learning culture. Drawing upon 10 years of multicultural experience in the airline industry, she continues to innovate and improve, offering training & consultancy services. She has helped many organizations  facilitate operational projects, collaborating with internal key stakeholders to assess & fine-tune workflow efficiency to trouble-shoot potential issues and provide feasible solutions and/or recommend targeted improvements. Her years of consultancy and training experiences have provided her with an unusual sensitivity to the learning needs of different levels of working professionals in various industries. Her passion in learning also leads her to  build bite-size concept videos & story-telling situational scenarios that incorporate her participants’ work situations to further captivate her online learners.  And she runs selective workshops in Mandarin.

* The class offers in-class or virtual learning

  • Time: 9am - 5pm
  • MIS Member enjoy 10% Discount
  • UTAP approved
  • Register for 8 or more participants to enjoy 10% Group Discount
  • Professional Development
  • Course Listing



Course overview.


Course date

13-06-2024 to 14-06-2024

02-09-2024 to 03-09-2024

28-10-2024 to 29-10-2024

05-12-2024 to 06-12-2024

Course type


(including GST)

Member Total Fee (inc. 9% gst) : $601.68 Non-Member Total Fee (inc. 9% gst) : $752.10


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Course Overview

Learn practical techniques to structure, prepare and phrase your text, use your voice correctly, and identify common speech faults (pronunciation) to enhance your presentation skills and speak with greater confidence.

Course benefits

  • To deliver more powerful presentations and speeches 
  • To prepare presentations that will convince, motivate and win hearts and minds. 
  • The tactics, taboos and techniques!

Course outline

  • Being succinct, relevant and focused
  • Phrasing your text for impactful delivery
  • Think better on your feet every time !
  • How to Manage Stage Fright Positively and Confidently Everytime
  • Writing memorable soundbites
  • Use of euphony to sound good
  • Choice and use of words
  • Developing a more melodious speaking voice and vocal tone
  • Vocal skills practice – Resonance, projection and articulation
  • Using your speech and voice organs correctly
  • Discover your vocal faults and mispronunciations
  • Breathing and relaxation techniques
  • Using resonators and articulators
  • Posture and tensions of speech muscles
  • Phonics and phonetics
  • Causes of indistinct speech
  • Practical exercises to improve sounds of spoken English
  • Using resonators and breath support for good tonal quality
  • Habitual pitch versus natural pitch
  • Monotony versus melody
  • Knowing the 44 Phonetic Symbols and Speech Sounds for Correct Pronunciation
  • Voice Problems and Vocal Fatigue Affecting Presentations and Spoken Communication

As part of the training and learning during the course, photography and/or video-recording of participants in action will be done.

Course runs

Who should attend.

(Level 1) Admin & Support

(Level 2) Supervisor, Executive, & Emerging Managers

(Level 3) New Managers

Programme leader

Tan Teck Huat (TH) Gold Medalist (Public Speaking) LAM - has been a course leader in management development programmes for the Singapore Institute of Management since 1976.

He was appointed Honorary Adviser (5 years) to the National Community Leadership Institute from 1995 to 2000 by the Deputy Chairman of the Peoples Association (Singapore).

To date, more than 20,000 participants had attended his 2,000 public seminars and talks as well as his in-company programmes on human relations, presentation skills, phonetics and voice training held in Singapore and the ASEAN region. He is also the author of two Pronunciation Books: (1) Better Spoken English: Phonics, Phonetics and Voice Training; and (2) Phonics and Phonetics for Parents, Tutors and Teachers. He was also the Founder President of SIM Toastmasters in 1984/5.

Programme Executive In Charge : Grace Tan

Telephone number : 6248 9414

Email : [email protected]

Non-members are welcome to sign up for SIM membership to enjoy the discounted rate.

To register for the programmes now, select the preferred programme run-dates below through the register icon.

Early Bird Discount

Terms and conditions.

  • Early Bird Discount applies to all programmes except for funded or subsidised programmes.
  • Registration must be received at least 4 weeks before the commencement date of the programme.
  • Cannot be combined with other discounts or promotions unless otherwise stated.
  • Upon receipt of registration, a seat will be reserved for the participant. Payment must be received before the commencement run date of the programme.
  • No extension of the Early Bird closing date will be allowed.
  • In the event that participant is not able to attend the programme, he/she may transfer his/her seat in the programme to another colleague 2 weeks before the programme commencement date.
  • If participant did not turn up on the day of the programme for any reasons, full programme fee (non-discounted fee) will be charged accordingly. However, replacement is allowed at no charge and discount is applicable.
  • ďťżDeferment of attendance is allowed only within the current calendar year.


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British Council Singapore Singapore

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  • Professional skills
  • Spoken Communication Skills workshops

Presentation Skills 1

Can your teams deliver clear and engaging presentations that are relevant to your stakeholders’ needs? Do their presentations contain the information and level of detail? Can they effectively apply different presentation techniques to appeal to various audiences?

Through this essential course, your teams will develop a strong foundation in planning, structuring and delivering highly-effective presentations. They will be able to craft key messages that capture stakeholders’ attention. Your organisation will strengthen its professional image through memorable presentations that make a strong impression and inspire stakeholder action.

  • Craft relevant, complete presentations that achieve desired outcomes based on detailed understanding of audience needs and expectations 
  • Give clear, concise, coherent presentations that encourage and enable the audience to take appropriate, timely action
  • Engage presentation audiences from the start through targeted verbal, vocal and visual techniques
  • Participants will be more adept at creating and delivering engaging presentations that make a strong impression on stakeholders
  • Audiences will quickly understand presentations, be more engaged by the speaker and be able to take appropriate and timely action
  • Your organisation will project a professional image, through targeted, interactive presentations that result in stakeholder action 

Workshop outline

Presentations essentials.

  • Incorporating the 4Ps presentation process
  • Evaluating your presentation performance and setting personal goals

Planning presentations that meet audience needs

  • Identifying purpose and outcome
  • Analysing audience profile & needs

Creating a logical presentation structure

  • Structuring your presentation
  • Using the power of three and transition signals

Making your presentation memorable 

  • Capturing your audience’s attention
  • Creating a structured opening and closing

Enhancing your presentation with visual aids

  • Storyboarding to design slides
  • Avoid problems with slides

Polishing your presentations with non-verbal communication 

  • Projecting a confident image
  • Aligning body language with your words

Handling interruptions and questions when presenting

  • Handling interruptions
  • Managing Q&A sessions

Presentations mini-clinic

  • Evaluating your presentation performance 
  • Setting goals and action planning to improve your presentations

Who should attend?

The  Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)  is an international standard for describing language ability.

  • Establishing level course: build strong foundations
  • No experience needed
  • Minimum CEFR Intermediate (B1) level English 

Why choose us?

Find out  why you should choose us  and how we deliver our workshops  face-to-face or online . 

Face-to-face workshop schedule

  • Length:  14 hours
  • Workshop fee:  S$1,060.00 (subject to prevailing GST)
  • Venue:  Toa Payoh Centre
  • +65 66028252
  • [email protected]
  • Skillsfuture Credit

Speak Sell Succeed™

  • 2-Day Workshop

Presentation Skills Course & Public Speaking Workshop for Adults (2 Days, SkillsFuture Eligible)

― warren buffet.

2 Days, 9am-6pm

2 Days, 9am - 6pm

50% Discount   For Company-Sponsored Learners

Course overview.

Far too often we hear our colleagues and friends messing up a high-stakes meeting, missing out on a big deal or even passing up a higher position because of a poor presentation.  It doesn’t have to be this way! With the help of a good Presentation Skills Course, public speaking and presenting skills can be learned, improved, and even mastered.

People would sometimes hesitate to attend a Presentation Skills Course considering the resources that are out there: Youtube , websites, or even cheap online courses .  Attending an actual Presentation Skills Course will not only introduce you the presentation tips & techniques but also allow you to practice them live in front of people.  

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this short 2-Day Presentation Skills Course, you’ll have a complete picture of what tools and techniques are best suited to your needs and preference.

Through this 2-Day Presentation Skills Course, we help participant(s) to:

  • Recognize   speaking habits & behaviours to  elevate   strengths and  rectify   weaknesses
  • Identify   &  Apply   non-verbal communication tools ( hand gestures , eye contact, movement, voice , etc.)
  • Understand   &  Use   effective verbal communication tools (words, articulation , structure, literary devices, etc.)
  • Prepare   presentation slides and  present  them
  • Polish   storytelling capability
  • Handle   Q&A session with framework & structure
  • Improve  persuasion
  • Shine  at interviews & networking events
  • Learn   how to prepare, rehearse, and execute a great speech and presentation!

Course Style

In our SpeakSellSucceed™â€™s  Presentation Skills Course & Public Speaking Workshop , each lesson will be focused on a particular presentation and public speaking topic.

As part of the key learning objectives of each session, we will share the best practices, professional experiences and latest research findings.

Subsequently, learners will go through some activities and exercises before doing a speech or presentation on stage. Finally, feedback and suggestions will be given accordingly at the end of each delivery.

Course Information

  • 2 Days, 9 am – 6 pm

The course fee includes:

  • Course Materials
  • Refreshments & Drinks
  • Certification
  • Unlimited Review Classes & Consultation

Presentation Skills Course & Public Speaking Workshop for Adults (2 Days, SkillsFuture Eligible)

Course suitability.

Is this course suitable for you?

If you answer ‘YES’ to some of these questions, this workshop will definitely help you.

  • Do you often forget some of your presentation content and feel that your thoughts are disorganized?
  • Do you want to know how to act, move, or conduct oneself during a presentation?
  • Do you speak too fast, monotonously, or with many fillers (erm, ah, uh, right, you know)?
  • Do you wonder how some people can use persuasive statements, compelling words, and impactful questions when they present?
  • Do you want to perform better during interviews and get the job or promotion that you deserve?
  • Do you want to know how to create simple yet powerful presentation slides?
  • Do you worry about your inability to answer questions during Q&A sessions?
  • Do you wish to be able to persuade and sell your idea, product, or service better?
  • Do you want to tell memorable business stories or personal experiences to engage and impact the audience?

Course Schedule

Presentation skills & public speaking course (2-day workshop) 27-jun-24, presentation skills & public speaking course (2-day workshop) 08-may-24, presentation skills & public speaking course (2-day workshop) 11-apr-24, presentation skills & public speaking course (2-day workshop) 06-mar-24, frequently asked questions.

The difference between our 2 Day Presentation Skills & Public Speaking Workshop and our 8-Session Presentation Skills & Public Speaking Course is only the number of days .

  • 2-Day Workshop will be from 9am – 6pm for 2 consecutive days.
  • 8-Session Course (weekday evening) will be from 7-9pm, once a week for 8 weeks (8 days in total)
  • 8-Session Course (Saturday afternoon) will be from 1-5pm (4 hours), once a week for 4 weeks (4 days in total)

The total number of training hours is the same : 16 hours.

The materials, content, & program flow are the same . 

The class size is the same : between 6-18 participants

The course is suitable for adults learners of all backgrounds who are looking to elevate their skills and knowledge when presenting in front of audiences. Some examples of individuals who could benefit from this course include but not limited to:

Professionals : Individuals who present at work: executives, supervisors, managers, salespeople, technologists, analysts, researchers, engineers, and trainers. Entrepreneurs : Individuals who are launching a business or seeking funding and need to pitch their ideas to investors or customers. Non-profit worker : Individuals working for a non-profit organization and need to speak at events or fundraising campaigns. Job Seekers : Individuals who are looking for a job and need to go for an interview or give a presentation as part of the job application process.

Learners do not need to have any prior knowledge in Presentation and Public Speaking, as these will be taught throughout the course.

The class is also suitable for learners with experience in presenting and speaking . They will learn to elevate their skills and be reminded on the best practices to deliver a speech or presentation that engages the audience. 

Our course is eligible to claim under the Individual SSG Skillsfuture credits . There is no upfront payment needed unless you are doing a partial claim of the course fees. 

You are able to claim up to the full amount of the course fees as long as you have sufficient funds in your account. 

Please note that the mid-career support credits are not eligible to be claimed for this course. 

You can follow the step- by-step guide on how to register and claim your Skillsfuture credits . 

At the moment, our courses are all conducted physically at our training centre. 

Address: 175A Bencoolen Street, Burlington Square Offices, #09-10, Singapore 189650

All our courses have a minimum of 6 and maximum of 18 learners . 

At the moment, all our courses are still being conducted by our Principal Trainer, Mr Iwan Yang . His profile can be referenced here and his reviews can be found here .

Yes, we do conduct corporate runs for our courses with a minimum of 10 attendees.

Simply contact us via an email to [email protected] with the following information and we will quote you a discounted group rate. 

  • Number of Learners
  • Preferred Duration
  • Preferred Schedule
  • Preferred Venue

Presenting in class is not compulsory but it is encouraged as that is how learners will be able to rise to the next level.

Opportunities will be given during the class for learners to practice and hone their presentation skills. Feedback will be given to the learners by our trainer and peers so as to help the learner be aware of their strengths and areas of improvement.

We emphasize on a safe learning environment where everyone is able to freely experiment, make mistakes and grow together. 

Our Learners' Review

Rated 5 out of 5 stars based on more than 100 verified customer reviews, course investment.

  • Money-Back Guarantee

Get in touch

  • Full Name *
  • Email * Enter Email Confirm Email
  • Email This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

If you would like to find out more about how are courses are able to help you, simply send us a message and let us know how we can help!

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presentation workshop singapore

Presentation Skills - Singapore

Presentation Skills (TKA)

Our Presentation Skills Training Courses are designed to develop interpersonal skills, increase confidence and help in the planning and delivery of successful presentations. Whether you’re looking for general tips on effective public speaking or specific advice on the analysis and presentation of data, these specially designed courses will help you deliver impactful presentations.


  • Learn to engage your audience with our Presentation Skills Training Courses 
  • Acquire the essential skills to capture and maintain audiences’ attention
  • Master effective presentation techniques and strategies 
  • Attend training sessions conducted by industry experts
  • Refine your abilities to communicate effectively with our Presentation Skills Training  

Presentation Skills

Presentation skills training.


Online Instructor-led (1 days)

Classroom (1 days)

Online Self-paced (8 hours)

  • Course syllabus
  • Dates & prices
  • Who it’s for
  • What’s included

Presentation Skills Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction to Presentation Skills

  • Fundamentals of Presenting
  • Become an Effective Speaker
  • Your Field of Communication
  • Most Common Mistakes
  • How to Present with Confidence?
  • Planning and Structuring a Presentation
  • Transitions
  • Organising Presentation Material to Suit Your Audience

Module 2: Using Relevant Presentation Methods

  • Presentation Styles
  • Preparing for the Occasion
  • Preparing for Your Audience
  • Using What, Why, and How to Write Your Presentation

Module 3: Bringing Your Presentation to Life

  • How to Make a Good Impression from the Start?
  • Getting Your Point Across
  • Authentic Communication
  • Finding Your Own Voice

Module 4: Activity

  • Using Visual Aids
  • How to Prepare and Present Data?
  • How and When to Engage with the Audience?
  • Reading Audience Reactions
  • Grabbing the Attention of Your Audience
  • Asking Questions
  • Inspire and Motivate
  • Body Language
  • Eye Contact
  • Using Emotional Intelligence
  • Successfully Closing a Presentation
  • Receiving Feedback

Module 5: Dealing with Unforeseen Circumstances

  • Improvising and Thinking on Your Feet
  • Room Layouts
  • Beating Last Minute Nerves
  • Staying Calm When There are Delays in Starting or Technology Failures
  • Dealing with Difficult Audiences
  • Dealing with Questions


Limited budget?

(141 remaining)

Who should attend this Presentation Skills Training Course?

The Presentation Skills Course is ideally suited for individuals across various professional backgrounds who wish to enhance their ability to deliver impactful and engaging presentations. This Presentation Skills Course can benefit a wide range of professionals, including: 

  • Executives and Managers
  • Sales and Marketing Professionals
  • Project Managers
  • Public Relations Professionals
  • Public Speakers
  • Entrepreneurs

Prerequisites of the Presentation Skills Training Course

There are no formal prerequisites for this Presentation Skills Training Course.

Presentation Skills Training Course Overview

The ability to convey ideas, information, and goals effectively is paramount for professional success. A skilled presenter can captivate an audience, persuade stakeholders, and propel careers forward. In today's competitive landscape, mastering Presentation Skills is key to achieving professional growth and influence.

The Presentation Skills Course offered by The Knowledge Academy is designed to equip delegates with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver impactful presentations, enhance confidence, and engage audiences effectively. The course is tailored for professionals, educators, and anyone keen on refining their presentation abilities, empowering them to excel in their respective roles. 

This intensive 1-day Presentation Skills Training Course equips delegates with a robust toolkit for crafting compelling presentations. Delegates explore proven techniques to structure content logically, enhance delivery style, and handle Q&A sessions adeptly. Through engaging Presentation Skills Training Course sessions and real-time feedback, delegates gain invaluable insights.

Course Objectives

  • To master the art of structuring presentations for maximum impact 
  • To develop effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills 
  • To create visually engaging and informative slides 
  • To learn techniques for managing nervousness and stage fright 
  • To gain strategies for handling questions and discussions 
  • To enhance audience engagement and participation 
  • To understand the psychology of persuasion in presentations 
  • To practice and receive constructive feedback on presentation delivery 

After completing the Presentation Skills Course, delegates will possess a powerful skill set to excel in their professional roles. They will have the confidence to deliver compelling presentations that captivate and persuade audiences. Whether pitching ideas, leading meetings, or delivering training sessions, delegates will stand out as effective communicators.

What’s included in this Presentation Skills Training Course?

  • World-Class Training Sessions from Experienced Instructors 
  • Presentation Skills Certificate
  • Digital Delegate Pack

Business Writing Course

Business writing course outline.

 Module 1: Introduction to Effective Communication

  • Definitions of Effective Communication
  • Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
  • Aids and Barriers of Effective Communication
  • Why is Effective Communication Important?

Module 2: Effective Communication Writing Essentials

  • Who is Your Audience?
  • Engaging Your Audience
  • 7 C’s of Effective Communication
  • Dealing with Common Errors
  • Apostrophes
  • Why are Apostrophes Important?
  • Quotation Marks, Commas, Semicolons, and Colons
  • Standard Salutations/Greetings and Complimentary Closes
  • Planning, Reviewing, and Sending Written Information

Module 3: Report Writing

  • What is a Report?
  • Effective Report Writing
  • Structure of a Report

Module 4: Key Skills for Effective Communication

  • Reading Skills
  • Applying Reading Skills
  • Effective Reading Skills
  • Effective Listening Skills
  • Positivity and Assertiveness
  • What Does It Mean to Be Assertive?
  • Persuasive Communication and Persuasion
  • What is Influencing?

Module 5: Making Your Pitch

  • What are You Presenting?
  • Key Benefits of Spoken Communication
  • Drawbacks of Spoken Communication
  • Elements of a Professional Presentation
  • Common Public Speaking Fears
  • Common Myths
  • Tips for Public Speaking
  • Visual Aids
  • Presentation Essentials
  • Tips for Timings (and Nerves)

Module 6: 7 C’s of Effective Communication

  • Completeness
  • Conciseness
  • Consideration
  • Concreteness
  • Correctness

Who should attend this Business Writing Course?

The Business Writing Training Course is designed for a wide range of professionals who aim to enhance their written communication abilities within a corporate context. This Presentation Skills Course can be beneficial to a wide range of professionals, including:

  • Corporate Professionals
  • Managers and Supervisors
  • Sales and Marketing Teams
  • Customer Service Representatives
  • Technical Professionals
  • Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners

Prerequisites of the Business Writing Skills Course

There are no formal prerequisites for this Business Writing Training Course.

Business Writing Course Overview

The Business Writing Skills Course, presented by The Knowledge Academy, addresses the critical need for clear and persuasive writing in professional settings. In an era where information overload is the standard, mastering Business Writing is essential for conveying ideas, building relationships, and achieving professional success.

From marketing executives crafting persuasive content to managers communicating strategic plans, the ability to convey ideas clearly and concisely is a crucial skill. Business professionals, entrepreneurs, marketing and sales teams, and anyone seeking to enhance their written communication skills should aim to master this subject.

The 1-day course by The Knowledge Academy equips delegates with practical skills to transform their writing. Through interactive sessions and real-world examples, delegates will learn to structure compelling messages, eliminate jargon, and adapt their tone for diverse audiences. This Presentation Skills Course empowers delegates to write with confidence, impact, and precision, ultimately enhancing their ability to influence and persuade in the business context.

  • To develop clear and concise Business Writing Skills
  • To craft persuasive and engaging messages
  • To adapt to the writing styles required for different business contexts
  • To eliminate common grammar and punctuation errors
  • To create effective reports, emails, and proposals
  • To enhance professional credibility through writing
  • To implement practical strategies for time-efficient writing

After completing these Presentation Skills Training Courses, delegates will emerge with a heightened proficiency in written communication. Armed with useful techniques and newfound confidence, they will be well-prepared to tackle various writing challenges.

What’s included in this Business Writing Course?

  • Business Writing Certificate

Data Analysis Skills

Data analysis skills course outline.

 Module 1: Introduction 

  • Data Analysis and Synthesis
  • What are Statistics?
  • Statistics Within the Business

Module 2: Defining the Problem or Opportunity 

  • Defining the Problem – What Tools to Use?
  • PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act)

Module 3: Evidence/Fact Driven Analysis 

  • Step Data Collection Process
  • List of Criteria for Good Measure
  • Measurement System Resolution
  • Data and Visual Management (Visual Factory)
  • Cognitive Bias
  • Introducing Inductive and Deductive Approaches to Validate Data
  • Developing and Testing Hypotheses

Module 4: Introduction to Hypotheses Testing

  • Hypotheses Testing
  • Null and Alternate Hypothesis
  • How can the P-Value help?
  • Using Control Groups as a Baseline
  • What is Skewed Data?
  • Using Sigma to Identify If the Process is in Control
  • Control Charts
  • JQT Zones and Assignable Cause Tests
  • Normal Distribution and Normal (Bell) Curve
  • Standard Deviation (σ)
  • Normal Distributed Bell-Shaped Curve
  • Data Classification
  • Dependent Vs Independent
  • Classes of Data Variable
  • Discrete Variables
  • Binary and Variables
  • Why is the Class of Data Important?
  • Hints and Tips
  • Steps to Work with Survey Data
  • Steps to Follow when Working with Survey Data
  • Working with Decision Variables
  • Internal and External Constraint
  • Constraints and Process Capability 
  • CP Process Capability 
  • Reliability of Predictions
  • Identifying Variables that You Can Control
  • Optimise Your Data Worksheet

Module 5: Calculating Probability Using a Statistical Package 

  • Probability Defined
  • Variation Terminology
  • Distribution Curves
  • Sensitivity Analysis

Module 6: Scatter Diagrams and Regression 

  • Scatter Diagrams
  • Forecasting
  • A Scatter Diagram is the First Step Towards Regression Analysis
  • Correlation Coefficient

Module 7: Identifying the Root Cause 

  • Cause and Effect Diagram to Investigate the Root Causes of Repeat Calls 
  • Reverse Fishbone Diagram
  • Decision and Probability Trees
  • Earned Value Management
  • Monte Carlo Simulation
  • Earned Value Analysis
  • Perform Sensitivity Analysis Through Random Parameter Variation
  • Using Graphics to Present Data

Module 8: Charts 

  • Pareto Charts
  • Tornado Charts

Who should attend this Data Analysis Skills Course?

The Data Analysis Skills Training Course is ideally suited for individuals who are looking to enhance their proficiency in handling and interpreting data to make informed decisions and gain valuable insights. This Presentation Skills Course can be beneficial to a wide range of professionals, including:

  • Data Analysts
  • Business Analysts
  • Data Scientists
  • Market Researchers
  • Financial Analysts
  • Marketing Analysts
  • Operations Analysts

Prerequisites of the Data Analysis Skills Course

There are no formal prerequisites for this Data Analysis Skills Training Course.

Data Analysis Skills Course Overview

The Data Analysis Skills Course offered by The Knowledge Academy is designed to equip delegates with essential tools and techniques to harness the power of data effectively. Whether you are in business, healthcare, finance, or any industry, understanding Data Analysis is pivotal for enhancing productivity, improving processes, and gaining a competitive edge.

Proficiency in this Presentation Skills Training Course is a vital skill set sought after by professionals across various domains. Business Analysts, Data Scientists, Marketers, and even Managers benefit from understanding Data Analysis. In an era where data is abundant, the ability to uncover actionable insights from datasets empowers professionals to make informed decisions, optimise strategies, and drive organisational success.

The Knowledge Academy’s intensive 1-day Presentation Skills Course offers delegates a fast-track journey to becoming proficient in Data Analysis. Delegates will learn to gather, clean, and visualise data, perform statistical analyses, and interpret results effectively.

  • To understand the fundamentals of data analysis and its applications
  • To learn about data collection and pre-processing techniques
  • To gain expertise in data visualisation for effective communication
  • To explore statistical analysis methods for data-driven decision-making
  • To apply Data Analysis techniques to real-world scenarios
  • To interpret and communicate results effectively
  • To build a foundation for advanced Data Analysis and Machine Learning

After completing this Presentation Skills Training Course, delegates will have a solid foundation in Data Analysis techniques, enabling them to make data-driven decisions confidently. They will be better equipped to extract valuable insights from datasets, enhance their problem-solving abilities, and contribute significantly to their organisations' success.

What’s included in this Data Analysis Skills Course?

  • Data Analysis Skills Certificate

Blended Learning Essentials

Blended learning essentials course outline.

Module 1: Introduction to Blended Learning

  • Definition of Blended Learning
  • Benefits and Advantages of Blended Learning
  • Key Terminology and Models
  • Blended Learning Continuum

Module 2: Blended Learning Pedagogy

  • Principles of Effective Blended Learning Design
  • Aligning Learning Objectives with Blended Learning
  • Cognitive Theories and Blended Learning
  • Constructivist and Connectivist Approaches
  • Assessing Learning Styles in a Blended Environment

Module 3: Online Learning Tools and Technologies

  • Learning Management Systems (LMS)
  • Synchronous Vs Asynchronous Learning
  • Utilising Video Conferencing and Webinar Platforms
  • Integrating Learning Apps and Digital Resources
  • Gamification and Interactive Content

Module 4: Designing Blended Learning Courses

  • Needs Assessment for Blended Learning
  • Creating a Blended Learning Blueprint
  • Sequencing Online and In-Person Components
  • Designing Engaging Learning Activities
  • Incorporating Formative and Summative Assessment

Module 5: Blended Learning Content Development

  • Developing Multimedia Content
  • Adapting Existing Materials for Online Use
  • Copyright and Fair Use in Digital Learning
  • Accessibility and Inclusivity Considerations
  • Quality Assurance and Review Processes

Module 6: Facilitating Blended Learning Experiences

  • Instructor Roles in Blended Learning
  • Online Facilitation Best Practices
  • Managing Online Discussions and Collaboration
  • Providing Timely Feedback
  • Addressing Technical Issues and Support

Module 7: Blended Learning Assessment and Evaluation

  • Assessment Strategies for Blended Courses
  • Measuring Learning Outcomes in Online and In-Person Settings
  • Analysing Data for Continuous Improvement
  • Addressing Cheating and Academic Integrity
  • Feedback and Grading

Module 8: Blended Learning Implementation and Scaling

  • Planning for Blended Learning Success
  • Scaling Blended Learning Programmes
  • Overcoming Common Implementation Challenges
  • Professional Development for Educators

Who should attend this Blended Learning Essentials Course?

A Blended Learning Essentials Training Course focuses on equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge required to effectively lead, facilitate, and manage innovation within organisations. This Presentation Skills Training Course can be beneficial for a wide range of professionals, including:

  • Instructional Designers
  • E-learning Developers
  • Distance Learning Coordinators
  • Technology Integration Specialists
  • Educational Administrators
  • Corporate Trainers
  • Human Resource Professionals

Prerequisites of the Blended Learning Essentials Training Course

There are no formal prerequisites for this Blended Learning Essentials Course.

Blended Learning Essentials Course Overview

Blended Learning is a widely accepted method of education that combines traditional classroom methods with online digital media. It makes learning more accessible and engaging by incorporating appropriate images, audio, and video, which can add variety and impact. To ensure a positive learning experience for their students, they hire professionals with a good understanding of Blended Learning.

Proficiency in this Presentation Skills Training - Blended Learning - is crucial because it optimises the effectiveness of education and training courses, ensuring engagement and knowledge retention. Educators seeking to enhance their teaching methodologies, corporate trainers aiming to boost employee development, and learning designers striving for innovative solutions should all aim to master this subject. The course provides the expertise needed to excel in their respective fields.

This intensive 1-day Presentation Skills Training offered by The Knowledge Academy empowers delegates with practical skills and knowledge to implement blended learning strategies effectively. Delegates will learn to design and deliver engaging blended learning experiences, leveraging both traditional and digital tools.

  • To understand the principles of Blended Learning
  • To explore the best practices in designing Blended Learning experiences
  • To master the integration of technology in education and training
  • To develop skills to evaluate the effectiveness of Blended Learning
  • To create engaging content for both online and offline learning
  • To adapt Blended Learning to various educational and corporate contexts
  • To foster learner engagement and motivation in a blended environment

After completing this Presentation Skills Training Course, delegates will become proficient Blended Learning Practitioners ready to revolutionise their teaching, training, or corporate learning sessions. They will be equipped to create engaging and effective learning experiences that leverage the best of both worlds, traditional and digital methods.

What’s included in this Blended Learning Essentials Training Course?

  • World-Class Training Sessions from Experienced Instructors
  • Blended Learning Essentials Certificate

Presenting with Impact Training

Presenting with impact course outline.

Module 1: Presentation Skills

  • Introduction
  • Importance of Presentation Skills
  • Preparing for a Presentation
  • Writing Presentation
  • Deciding the Presentation Method
  • Working with Visual Aids

Module 2: Effective Presentation Planning​

  • Characteristics of Effective Presentation
  • Choosing Main Points and Supporting Information
  • Establishing Linking Statements
  • Developing an Opening and Conclusion

Module 3: Storyboard to Build Compelling Presentations​

  • Dot-Dash Story Line
  • Elements of Design
  • Take a Step Back and Look at the Big Picture

Module 4: Methods of Delivering Presentation​

  • Manuscript Style
  • Memorised Style
  • Extemporaneous Style

Module 5: Audience Analysis ​

  • What is Audience Analysis?
  • Why Conduct an Audience Analysis?
  • Types of Audience Analysis

Who should attend this Presenting with Impact Training Course?

This Presenting with Impact Training Course is designed to help improve the presentation skills of professionals, enabling them to communicate ideas effectively and captivate their audience. Presentation Skills Training Courses like this can benefit a wide range of professionals, including:

  • Sales Executives
  • Marketing Managers
  • Team Leaders
  • Business Consultants

Prerequisites of the Presenting with Impact Training Course

There are no formal prerequisites for the Presenting with Impact Training Course.

Presenting with Impact Training Course Overview

Presenting with impact in a professional setting is paramount for successful communication and influence. It goes beyond delivering information—it's about leaving a lasting impression that resonates with the audience. An impactful presentation grabs the audiences’ attention, conveys messages persuasively, and ultimately drives the desired outcomes, be it closing a deal, inspiring a team, or gaining stakeholder support.

Proficiency in this Presentation Skills Training Course offered by The Knowledge Academy equips delegates to the art of effective communication and presentation skills. The ability to convey ideas convincingly is crucial. Whether you are an executive, a salesperson, or a student, mastering this skill is essential for career advancement and personal growth.

The Knowledge Academy’s intensive 1-day Presentation Skills Course equips delegates with practical techniques to captivate audiences, deliver memorable presentations, and communicate with confidence. Delegates will learn to craft compelling messages, use visual aids effectively, manage nerves, and handle questions adeptly. Delegates will develop a strong stage presence and the ability to adapt to diverse audiences through interactive exercises and expert guidance, ensuring their messages leave a lasting impact.

  • To master the art of persuasive storytelling
  • To create visually engaging presentations
  • To develop techniques to overcome public speaking anxiety
  • To enhance audience engagement and interaction
  • To gain skills to handle challenging questions gracefully
  • To build a strong, confident stage presence
  • To adapt presentations for different contexts and audiences
  • To deliver compelling messages with impact

After completing this Presentation Skills Course, delegates will be well-prepared to excel in their professional and academic pursuits. They will have the tools to deliver presentations that resonate with impact, fostering stronger connections with their audience and driving success in their respective fields.

What’s included in this Presenting with Impact Training Course?

  • Presenting with Impact Certificate

Not sure which course to choose?

Speak to a training expert for advice if you are unsure of what course is right for you. Give us a call on +65 6929 8747 or Enquire.

Package deals for Presentation Skills

Our training experts have compiled a range of course packages on a variety of categories in Presentation Skills, to boost your career. The packages consist of the best possible qualifications with Presentation Skills, and allows you to purchase multiple courses at a discounted rate.

Team Leader Skills Package

Included courses:.

Presentation Skills Training SGD1495

Time Management Training SGD1495

Leadership Skills Training SGD1495

Effective Communication Skills SGD1495

Stress Management Course SGD1495

Presentation Skills Training

Total without package:  SGD7475

Package price:   SGD4495 (Save SGD2980)

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Best price in the industry

You won't find better value in the marketplace. If you do find a lower price, we will beat it.


Trusted & Approved

We are accredited by PeopleCert on behalf of AXELOS


Many delivery methods

Flexible delivery methods are available depending on your learning style.


High quality resources

Resources are included for a comprehensive learning experience.

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"Really good course and well organised. Trainer was great with a sense of humour - his experience allowed a free flowing course, structured to help you gain as much information & relevant experience whilst helping prepare you for the exam"

Joshua Davies, Thames Water

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"...the trainer for this course was excellent. I would definitely recommend (and already have) this course to others."

Diane Gray, Shell

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Effective Presentation Skills (Online)

If you want to succeed in today’s highly competitive business environment, you need to communicate well and present yourself successfully. The ability to deliver an effective business presentation to customers, peers, and corporations is an asset that everyone should strive to add to their portfolio in developing their careers.

For both for new managers coming into the boardroom or those with years of experience but still feel the jitters in delivering their information, presentations have come to accelerate careers or put the brakes on it. A skill presently being taken to new heights with emerging CEO’s and top executives taking centre stage in the new era of media, knowing full well that great presentations can sell the company – and bad presentations can do as much harm.

This aim of this course is to take participants through the entire presentation process from a modern context in delivering business presentations. The course is practical and loaded with lots of examples and role-plays to get participants to stand and deliver an impressive delivery.

1.       To learn the techniques of delivering a business presentation 2.       Understand the key messages and how to pitch them 3.       Learn from other keynote speakers 4.       Understand the changing marketing strategies and corporate image 5.       Understand how to put together a well-crafted selling message

1.        Changing world of business 2.        Marketing, Advertising and Presentation 3.        Selling the message 4.        Understanding the business setting 5.        Understanding your business audience 6.        Preparing the pitch 7.        Building a great PowerPoint presentation 8.        Business Body language 9.        Use of Words and phrases 10.      Presentation techniques 11.       Presentation Mistakes 12.       Preparing the Q&A and FAQ 13.       Closing the deal and follow-up

SMF Members: $300 Non-SMF Members: $350

Course fees before GST

Note that purchases of goods and services from GST-registered businesses will be subject to GST at 9% GST. The GST amount calculated will be based on full course fees.

No Pre-requisites

1. All notice of transfer/withdrawal / deferment must be given in writing and submitted at least 2 weeks prior to course commencement.

2. An administrative fee of $60 (GST inclusive) will be imposed if notice is received less than 2 weeks.

3. If notice of withdrawal is received: – At least 1 week before commencement of the course, a 20% of the full course fee will be charged. For government-funded course, a 20% of full course fee before funding will be charged. – Less than 1 week before commencement of the course, a 30% of the full course fee will be charged. For government-funded course, a 30% of full course fee before funding will be charged. – No show on the scheduled date, a full course fee will be levied. For government-funded course, a full course fee before funding will be charged.

4. For all government-funded programmes (WSQ & Non-WSQ), funding is only applicable to: – Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents. – Participants who have achieved at least 75% attendance and passed all required assessments. – Full course fee will be charged to participants who fail to meet the above-mentioned criteria.

5. Certificates or Statement of Attainment or Certificate of Attendance will only be issued to participants who have achieved 75% attendance and undergo assessment (if applicable).

6.When a course is cancelled, fails to commence or fails to complete under unforeseen circumstances, participant is allowed to defer the intake at no cost or withdraw from the course; under such situation, a full refund of the advance payment will be given.

7. Notice of change in participant’s name must be given in writing, 1no less than 5 days prior to course commencement.

8. SMF reserves the right to change the venue, cancel or postpone the event without prior notice and full refund will be given under such circumstances. Such modifications shall become effective immediately upon the posting thereof. Please approach your account manager for more queries.

9. SMF Centre for Corporate Learning Pte Ltd has a Data Protection Policy which provides more information about how we collect, use and disclose your personal data. Please click the link below to know more.

1. The candidate has the right to disagree with the assessment decision made by the assessor.

2. When giving feedback to the candidate, the assessor must check with the candidate if he agrees with the assessment outcome.

3. If the candidate agrees with the assessment outcome, the assessor & the candidate must sign the Assessment Summary Record.

4. If the candidate disagrees with the assessment outcome, he/she should not sign in the Assessment Summary Record.

5. If the candidate intends to appeal the decision, he/she should first discuss the matter with the assessor/assessment manager.

6. If the candidate is still not satisfied with the decision, the candidate must notify the assessor of the decision to appeal. The assessor will reflect the candidate’s intention in the Feedback Section of the Assessment Summary Record.

7. The assessor will notify the assessor manager about the candidate’s intention to lodge an appeal.

8. The candidate must lodge the appeal within 7 days, giving reasons for appeal together with the appeal fee of $108.00 (inclusive of 8% GST).

9. The assessor can help the candidate with writing and lodging the appeal.

10. The assessment manager will collect information from the candidate & assessor and give a final decision.

11. A record of the appeal and any subsequent actions and findings will be made.

12. An Assessment Appeal Panel will be formed to review and give a decision.

13. The outcome of the appeal will be made known to the candidate within 2 weeks from the date the appeal was lodged.

14. The decision of the Assessment Appeal Panel is final and no further appeal will be entertained.

15. Please click the link below to fill up the Candidates Appeal Form.

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Programme Key Information

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Intellisoft Training: WSQ Funded IT Training in Singapore

Upgrade Skills With WSQ & SkillsFuture Funding from Singapore Government

Deliver Impactful Business Presentations Best Public Speaking & Business Presentations Course in Singapore

Improve your presentation skills with wsq grant + skillsfuture, now with utap & sfec grants approved by skillsfuture singapore.

Presentation Skills Singapore

Business Presentation Skills Are A Must Have Today!

Being an effective presenter can propel your career to new heights and will project you into the limelight .

This Presentation Skills training course in Singapore provides you with the essential knowledge &  skills and to improve your public speaking skills, and make you an expert in making business communication and presentations with Customers, Vendors, Team members, Management & Colleagues.

Learn how to Sharpen your Public Speaking & Business Presentation skills.  Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking , how Body Language changes everything, the art of persuasive speeches, public speaking tips, and how to deliver effective presentations each and every time.

If you want to improve your public speaking skills to make Sales presentations, Technical presentation, Virtual presentations or improve your Business presentation skills to wow the audience every time, this powerful presentation skills training will teach you the correct steps to create and deliver stellar presentations always.

It’s time to shine in front of every audience, every time!

Design & Deliver Business Presentations Training in Singapore

Key Objectives of our Public Speaking & Business Presentations Skills Course

Deliver Impactful Sales Presentations in Singapore

In this practical public speaking course, we teach you how to develop your speaking & presentation skills in a step by step manner. In this  professional development course , you will learn how to best prepare & develop effective presentations and then deliver a stellar presentation with maximum impact in the public.

You will explore best practices and factors that need to be addressed and consider how these can be applied to your public speaking and business presentation plans. You will then make decisions and work with others to ensure your presentations achieve their intended objectives .

To build effective public speaking & presentation skills , you will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of using different methods for presenting information as well as the best communication medium to use.

What Are The Key Take Away of Our Presentation Skills Course

By the end of this public speaking course, you will be learning the soft skills required to speak confidently in public, make a stellar presentation, and You will be able to demonstrate your ability to plan, design, organise and prepare presentations to be delivered by you and others.

Good presentation skills help to build relationships, earn trust and respect from others.

A very in-depth, practical public speaking & business presentations skills training, full of examples, individual exercises and role-plays of actual presentations.

Executive Presentation Skills Training in Singapore

Attend Effective Public Speaking Skills Course With WSQ Grants + SkillsFuture

Now with sfec & utap funding approved by skillsfuture singapore.

Presentation Skills For Large Audience Training

WSQ Grants & SkillsFuture can be used for this Effective Presentation Skills Course.

A great course for beginners and experienced presenters alike to learn how to deliver impactful speeches with confidence , and win the deal.

This course is targeted at companies and individuals who wish to improve their overall work productivity and business performance through delivering impactful  business presentations in public with our Step-by-step, Practical, and Hands-on training .

Course Outline

Target audience, course dates, course objectives.

Presenting information clearly and effectively is an essential skill whenever you are informing, instructing or persuading an audience.

‘Failing to plan, prepare and present effectively is really planning to fail & lose face! 

Such a situation is to be avoided by developing an effective presentation in any business environment.

Communication Skills Training With SkillsFuture in Singapore

The success of these public presentations is determined by how well you have prepared and developed the information you need to communicate or demonstrate.

This practical Presentation Skills Training is about being able to communicate your ideas with others effectively through delivering impactful business presentations in any organization.

HIGHLY Recommended for People who want to Upgrade their Presentation Skills & Move to the Next Level.

This training works great with our Communication Skills Training : Communicate With Confidence , which improves your confidence in Communicating with clients and colleagues.

Communication Skills Training at Intellisoft Singapore

Now With WSQ, SFEC, SkillsFuture & UTAP Fundings.

Need a course brochure we'll send you one, deliver impactful business presentations for public speaking course.

Communication Skills Corporate Trainings in Singapore @Intellisoft

Effective Presentation Skills are key to any individual or organization’s success. Most people are good in talking to the customers or colleagues, but ask them to deliver a killer presentation, and they falter. They may know the product or service well, but to present the problem, the proposal and why the customer needs to buy the product/service is key to sell any idea. Many fantastic ideas miss out because of the way it is prepared, communicated and presented, which often lacks clarity & confidence.

Improving the presentation skills should be the paramount responsibility of the organization. After all, such soft skills are often left out of the academic world, which focus more on technical, hard subjects.

Therefore, when we created the Impactful Business Presentations course , we created a short, concise and practical Presentation training program that can help propel the front and backend staff to prepare better presentations, improve their presentation skills, and take them to the next level.

How To Prepare For business Presentations

Structure For Presentation Skills Course For Any Public Speaking Opportunity

This course consists of FOUR major Sections.

In the First Section , you will learn How to design an engaging presentation .

In the Second Section , you pick up How to develop an engaging presentation suitable for your audience

The Third Section focuses on the Preparation to deliver a smooth presentation that achieves the intended results.

Finally, in the Fourth Section , you actually Deliver the Presentation in Public , and get the WOW effect from the stakeholders!

As you can see, we teach you the winning methodology, step by step and help you learn the essentials and master them to plan, build and deliver a stellar presentation, all by yourself!

SECTION 1: Understand how to design an engaging presentation

  • Compare best practices in developing presentations
  • Factors in developing an engaging presentation,
  • Advantages and limitations of different communication media

SECTION 2: Develop an engaging and appropriate presentation

  • Identify the purpose, content, style, timing, and audience for a presentation
  • How to choose a communication media that is appropriate to the nature of a presentation, message, and audience
  • Ways to Tailor a presentation to fit the time and audience’s needs
  • Prepare a logically structured presentation that summarises the content 
  • Adhere to organisational guidelines and policies
  • Develop supporting materials for an effective presentation

SECTION 3: Prepare to deliver a smooth presentation

Top Presentation Skills Training Course in Singapore

  • Preparation of logistics and support structure
  • Develop contingency plans for issues
  • Ensure the presentation fits the time available

SECTION 4: Deliver a smooth presentation

  • How To Speak clearly and confidently in public
  • Using voice tone, pace, and volume when delivering a presentation
  • Making use of body language to reinforce messages in public
  • Use available resources effectively when delivering a business presentation in public
  • How to Respond to questions in a way that meets the audience’s needs
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of your public presentation

How Will Public Presentation Skills Training Courses Help Me?

Planning a presentation is extremely important – whether you do sales presentations or technical presentations. Even for a Zoom call, you still need effective virtual presentation skills. 

For building your sales presentation skills, you must know the audience, understand their needs, look at the setting, medium, time available, and the level of the stakeholders involved, before making any presentation.

Technical presentations can be boring. To engaging the audience, thinking of ways to interact with the audience and handling objections, questions etc. doesn’t come naturally to most people. 

Practice sessions with mock sales & technical presentations can help in removing stage freight and becoming comfortable with the material.

With our step by step, practical and insightful training, where you do actual public presentations is a sure way to improve your skills, wow the audience, and seal the deal!

In this course, you will learn how to sharpen your presentation skills, overcome the fear of public speaking, how body language changes everything, the art of persuasive speeches, public speaking tips, and how to deliver effective presentations each and every time.

WSQ Funded courses at Intellisoft Singapore with UTAP Funding, SFEC Funding & 70% WSQ Grants

Now With WSQ, SFEC, SkillsFuture & UTAP approved by SkillsFuture Singapore

Course Duration :   2 Days full days (Weekdays or Weekends)

Communicate With Confidence

Target Audience : Management, Executive, Support Staff, Admin staff,  Supervisors, who want to improve their presentation skills and persuade the audience to take the required desired action.

Prerequisites :

* Aged 21 and above; * Have minimum GCE “N”, “O” or “A” Level / NITEC or a diploma qualification and minimum 1 year of working experience; and * Have an English language proficiency equivalent of higher of any of the following – GCSE N/O Levels pass in English / WPLN Level 5 / IELTS 5.5 / TOEFL (internet based total) 46-59.

Certification : Successful trainees will receive the SSG Certificate upon successful completion of the course  & passing of the assessment.  Student must pass a 120 minutes assessment at the end of the Presentation Skills training course to qualify for the WSQ Grants & SSG Certification. 

What Our Happy Participants Say

Training course fees.

The full course fee for this training is S$600 before any Government funding. For Singaporean/PR above 21 years, Training Grants are available. For Foreigners, no government grants are available.

Grant Information

WSQ funding from SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) is available to Singaporeans/PRs above 21. (Both Individuals & Company Sponsored).

Individual Singaporeans, 25 years & above can also use their SkillsFuture Credits for this training at Intellisoft.

Companies sending Locals & Foreign staff for training can avail  SFEC Funding .  Use it to improve the skills of your entire department!

NTUC Members can  utilize UTAP Funds to offset 50%  of the remaining fees*.

Contact us for more information on How to apply for this SkillsFuture Grant. Call +65-6252-5033 for Details or WhatsApp Now at +65-9066-9991

up to 70% Grant

  • Singaporeans Above 40 Years
  • Individuals
  • SME Companies
  • Individuals Can Use SkillsFuture
  • UTAP Funding*

up to 50% Grant

  • Singaporean Below 40 Years
  • SG / PR / MNC Companies
  • SkillsFuture (Singaporeans only)

Learn With Intellisoft & Boost Your Career

Intellisoft Training at Central Singapore

Do You Have Any Questions

On course fee, wsq grant or funding, ask us. we’ll be happy to assist you..

Best Presentation Skills Training in Singapore

Register for Public Presentation Skills Training in Singapore?

Get in touch, intellisoft training pte ltd.

190 Middle Road, #10-08 Fortune Centre, Singapore 188979

(65) 6252-5033 (Call)

(65) 9066-9991 (Whatsapp now)

[email protected]

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Want to improve your Communication & Presentation Skills Quickly?

Join our Master Trainer for Tips & Tricks on Effective Communication & Creating WOW Presentations

  • Effective Techniques
  • Plan Effective Communication
  • Tips & Tricks

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If Your Career Matters To You, Develop Your Presentation Skills! - Steve Jobs

Developing your presentation skills is crucial for your career.

Whether you work in Sales or Accounts, You are in the Business of Selling Ideas…

You need to convince clients, bosses, colleagues & family members to take actions on your proposals, budgets, ideas and requests. So all the time, you are communicating with people, and you are presenting your case, so that they can understand, agree and take the necessary action.

You must have fantastic  Presentation Skills. If you need, you can go for a  Presentation Skills Training Singapore.

This is the best way to stand out from the crowd, and make an impact with your Public Speaking Skills, PowerPoint Presentation Skills, and Delivering a Stellar Presentation that makes the audience sit back in awe!

Choose From 3 Exciting Courses To Improve Your Presentation Skills

Presentation Skills Training Singapore

Mastering PowerPoint

Learn the Hidden Gems, Goodies & Best Features of MIcrosoft PowerPoint. Use Shapes, SmartArt, Animations, Effects, Themes, Master, Layouts & More...

Delivering Killer Presentations

Creating Killer Presentations

Learn How To Strategize, Structure, Design & Create Killer Presentations With Style, Impact & a Wow Factor! Covers Design Principles, PowerPoint Goodies, Infographics To Wow any audience...

Presenter Speaking To Impress

Speaking To Impress

Impress People With Your Superior Public Speaking Skills & Creating a Lasting Impression... One Day Workshop To Learn, Practice & Deliver Stellar Presentations!

Accelerate your Career With the Most Effective Training!

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Learn By Doing

You learn best when you Do It Yourself. We teach you, step by step , how you can learn new skills, build your knowledge and enhance your career prospects quickly & easily, with Practical Tips & Tricks!

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SkillsFuture Ready

Singaporeans can use $500 SkillsFuture Credits for this training to offset the course fees. Contact us for advise on how to go about claiming your SkillsFuture. Get Started Today!

Microsoft Training at Intellisoft

Claim SDF Grant

Companies sponsoring their staff for training can Claim SDF Funding , subject to SSG Eligibility Criteria. Applicable for Company Sponsored Singaporeans & PRs.

Presentation Skills: Speaking To Impress

Public Speaking Skills Training in Singapore

Most people have a fear of public speaking . They avoid public speaking opportunities. However, luck favors the bold. With superior public speaking skills, you will be able to get ahead, faster and further.

Fortunately, it is easy to get over your fear of public speaking. Learn how to overcome your anxiety, nervousness, and stage freight. Then begin to Deliver Steller Business Presentations, Speak with Confidence, and Be the King of Presentations in your company. Get that deal, Nail that client with a Winning Presentation.

Improve your public speaking skills by attending a day-long, practical training on improving presentation skills at Intellisoft Singapore.

Great Public Speaking Skills Can Accelerate Your Career Growth the Fastest – WIRED Magazine

Creating & Delivering Killer Presentations

Killer Presentation Techniques Training in Singapore

There’s a huge difference between knowing the features of PowerPoint and applying them in a way that converts boring presentations into amazing, killer presentations that create a WOW effect.

From Design Principles to Application within PowerPoint, the Killer Presentations training is an absolute must for people who want the decision-makers to seal the deal, their way!

The Ultimate Presentation Skills Training covers the Art & Science of Creating Stellar Presentations to Wow Any Audience.

Design, Placement, Image Selection & Placement, Font Gallery, Effects, Converting Data Heavy Charts & Tables to easily understandable Information using Infographics is key here.

Intellisoft provides this higher-end Presentation Skills courses for creating impactful presentations .

Mesmerize Your Audience Like Steve Jobs. Prepare & Deliver a Killer Presentation & Win!

Mastering PowerPoint Presentations

PowerPoint training in Singapore

The best software for business presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint . Although it has been around for over 30 years, people still don’t know it’s intricacies, hidden gems, tips and tricks to make it work. They create loud, boring presentations that cause death by PowerPoint a reality.

Learn the Hidden Gems, Best Practices, Tips, Tricks of Using Themes, Style Masters, Layouts, Objects, Shapes, Animations, SmartArt, Transitions & more to create a perfect Slide Show fit for any situation.

Intellisoft Singapore provides PowerPoint Training to improve your Presentation Skills in hands-on 2-day practical training.

Don’t Kill Your Audience With Boring Presentations. Make Your Next Presentation Come Alive With Superior PowerPoint Skills.

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Simple. Just tell us what you need below. We’ll be glad to help you!

Free Tips, Tutorials & Training Grants Info

Learn from expert tips, tricks and resources for Excel, PowerPoint, Photoshop, Python, Power BI, Project Management, IT, Soft Skills & more with our Email Newsletter. Plus get the latest news on Grants. Join Today!

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  • Virtual Academy for Strategic Storytelling
  • Change Management Storytelling
  • Storytelling for Presentations
  • Sales Storytelling
  • Video Storytelling
  • Narrative Medicine
  • Narrative Storytelling Coaching
  • Narrative Storytelling Speaks
  • Data Storytelling
  • Narrative Blog
  • Public Workshops

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If you want to learn about data storytelling and don't know where to start, here’s our workbook which compiles some of our most-read data storytelling blogs.

It covers practical content with a section for reflection.

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Do you want to see Anjali in Action? Anjali has been invited to speak at many conferences, seminars and events, ranging from 50 to 500 people in the audience.


Download the brochure from our signature programme, Narrative Strategic Storytelling. 

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If you want to learn about sales storytelling and don’t know where to start, here are our six most-read sales storytelling blogs that have been converted into an eBook for you, with videos, practical content and a section for reflection.

Start Here, Start Now

The best way to answer this is by telling you what we have done for someone who is perhaps just like you. Our clients get in touch with us looking for training or a workshop on Business Storytelling,  but upon discussion, we discover their needs sound something like this...

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I am a communications specialist with a leading computer software brand. In 2016 we had to implement a major IT change. We used Narrative’s services to curate a Change Story which lead to a successful Change Implementation.

Maria Alsagoff

Click here to find out more about Storytelling for Change Management .

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I work as a content Managing Editor- ASEAN for a leading technology solutions company. We wanted to humanise what we sell by the stories we tell. Anjali has helped us at various occasions by creating video stories that help us achieve that.

Click here to find out more about Narrative Video Storytelling .

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We needed our sales people to shift from selling information to selling insights with influence. To achieve that we started working with Anjali. Our sales team has seen shortened sales cycles and larger average deal size at the point of sale.

Seshachari .S

Click here to find out more about Narrative Sales Storytelling .

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As the founding curator of TEDx Singapore, my team and I coach our TEDx speakers ahead of their talks. In 2015 we met Anjali and invited her to be our Storytelling Coach. Anjali has the X factor and her passion for storytelling is infectious.

Click here to find out more about Storytelling for Presentations .

Storytelling Crisis Communication

Download your free guide to crisis communication here.

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Need specific information on topics like sales, change, data, presentations storytelling?

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In an age where we can’t compete with the productivity proposition of GenAI, we must learn...

Data Storytelling : A data insight falls on deaf ears sans story vessel

Data Storytelling : A data insight falls on deaf ears sans story vessel

Chris works as a marketing manager for an e-commerce company....

Data Storytelling : Graph can enlighten but only story can get an action

Data Storytelling : Graph can enlighten but only story can get an action

During the COVID-19 outbreak, I would see graphs and charts...

What corporates get and don’t get about storytelling

What corporates get and don’t get about storytelling

There is no doubt that the corporate world understands that...


Presentation Design Agency

Epic presentations for high-stakes moments.

Leave the ultimate impression. Make every keynote, pitch and presentation influence and dazzle.

Fundraising Sprint Samples 5

Our presentation process:

Taking you from drawing board to delivery

Content & Context

Our trained strategists anticipate objections, consider propositions and your competitors to build a rock solid story that will convince even the most skeptical audiences and stakeholders.

Visual Design

Using tools like PowerPoint and other industry standard tools, our designers develop a theme that is on-brand and sure to leave a lasting, consistent impression.

World-class Delivery

We work with you to align your visual aids to your actual speech or presentation delivery, doubling its impact and cohesiveness.

Curious? Speak to our expert team.

Fill out the brief form and we’ll get back to you with an estimate and discuss a plan for your company.

We’ll arrange your meeting with a consultant to:

  • 🔸 Provide cost estimates
  • 🔸 Provide specific advice
  • 🔸 Identify any blindspots 
  • 🔸 Share best practices
  • 🔸 Discover your needs 

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Big stage or boardroom, we’ve done them all

When the moment is high-stakes, top leaders call us to help make an impact

Sales Presentations

A huge deal at stake? Let us worry about your presentation. We strategise with you on the best story to get customers to choose you. 

Sales Kits & Frameworks

Looking to build a basic framework for how your team talks about your business? Get a riveting story that’ll help you win over more customers at scale.

Keynote Speeches

Speaking to hundreds or thousands on a big stage? We’ll make sure your presentation supports you, spotlights your best ideas when it counts.

Focus on your strengths, let us worry about your presentations.

Speak to a consultant

More than a decade helping some of the world’s most admired brands.

Behind persuasive presentations on and off the stage

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“The team’s help in all our creative works were excellent – They are agile and creative thinkers! Fresh, relevant concepts that help our team stand out among the competitors. Keep up the great work! 

Global Corp Comms Manager, Medtronic

Co-Founder, Bolt Global , Forbes 30U30

“There was a consensus between the audience of senior directors that it was one of the best presentations they’ve ever sat through and I have HighSpark to thank for being part of that process.”

Supplier Management Director @ Tetrapak

“In the past 3 years of working with them, they’ve always delivered top-of-the-line presentations within a short span of time to give us that X-Factor. I’d recommend them with confidence.”

Ex-Country Manager at Motul Singapore

We build on software you’re already used to

Windows, Mac, Cloud. It makes no difference to the impact of the work we create

PowerPoint Design

With more than 500M users and dominant market share, Microsoft PowerPoint tends to be the most compatible and popular tool of choice. We can build templates and presentations on PowerPoint that ‘doesn’t look like PowerPoint’.

Google Slides

Looking to build for collaboration? We can convert and optimise presentations to live on the cloud where any team member can access and edit details on-the-fly. Just ask us.

Keynote Design

The darling of the Apple suite of softwares. We’re experts in leveraging its unique animation and technical capabilities to build cinematic presentations that leave audiences in awe.

Template Design

Build your company’s own branded template to ensure consistency and aesthetic appeal with every presentation that’s made in your organisation. We’ll build in fonts, colours, and unique motifs into one framework.

Growthwell Eight figure fund

Growthwell – Fundraising 8-figures from a sovereign fund

renesas thumbnail highspark case study

Renesas DevCon Keynote Presentation

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  1. HighSpark

    HighSpark offers comprehensive presentation skills training courses to help individuals and teams deliver impactful and persuasive presentations. Contact us to learn more. ... Our team based in Singapore offers creative, consulting and training services to Fortune 500 clientele. Reach Us. 📍 67 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-10, Singapore 139950 ...

  2. Be The Voice

    In the high-stakes corporate scene of Singapore, where competition is as common as kopi at breakfast, standing out is non-negotiable. This is where presentation skills workshops aren't just beneficial; they're career gold. They equip you to convey ideas with clarity and persuasion, making sure you're heard in a crowd of voices.

  3. Presentation Skills Course in Singapore

    Programme leader. One of the following trainers will lead the training: Paula Marcondes is the founder and principal consultant of a consultancy. Ms Marcondes is an insightful and dynamic consultant with 23 years of experience in corporate training and 12 years of experience in the executive coaching arenas conducting needs analysis, programme planning, curriculum development and facilitation ...

  4. Effective Presentation Skills Course

    Lifelong Learning Insitute (LLI) Training Centre. 11 Eunos Rd 8, #08-04, Lifelong Learning Institute Singapore 408601. Our training center at Lifelong Learning Insitute (LLI) makes use of the building's state-of-the-art facilities and modern amenities to create a conducive environment for learning.

  5. Presentation Skills Training Singapore

    Our Speaking Courses cover: Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Job Interview, Storytelling, Speech Crafting & Scripting, Speech Exercises to improve articulation and more. Presentation skills training may seem daunting at first. However, once you are willing to challenge yourself, the future potentials and possibilities will be limitless.

  6. Presentation Skills Training in Singapore

    Personal projection will keep listeners involved and engaged. If you are interested in learning the techniques for better, more effective presentations, Dale Carnegie Singapore's High Impact Presentation workshop helps you develop strong communication, presentation, and influencing skills. You can become more efficient and effective while ...

  7. Presentation Essentials Course in Singapore

    This programme is designed for those who want practical training, be they experienced presenters wanting to refresh their skills or those wishing to become a more effective, confident and dynamic presenter. ... Presentation misconceptions and the communicative approach; Pre-preparation - 3 essentials ... Singapore 267616: 13-06-2024: Closed: 19 ...

  8. High Impact Presentations

    The presentation training course teaches you how to hold your audiences' attention, and equip you with the techniques that will help you overcome the difficult parts of your presentation. ... 1 Harbourfront Avenue #13-03 Keppel Bay Tower Singapore 098632 Email: [email protected] Phone: (65) 6220 3836 ...

  9. Advanced Business Presentation

    This two-day intensive workshop will show learners the skills and strategies to become a more confident, persuasive speaker in any situation. ... Creating a presentation that captures the audience's attention and leaves them with memorable messages; ... Singapore Citizens (SCs) and Permanent Residents (PRs) (Up to 70% funding) S$1,200.00.

  10. Presenting with Impact Training Course

    Presenting with Impact Course Outline. Module 1: Presentation Skills. Introduction. Importance of Presentation Skills. Preparing for a Presentation. Writing Presentation. Deciding the Presentation Method. Working with Visual Aids. Module 2: Effective Presentation Planning .

  11. Course

    Persuasive Presentation Skills. Brief. The ability to deliver a memorable and engaging presentation with confidence and authority are vital business skills. This highly practical two-day workshop is designed to teach you the skill of presenting rather than showing you the knowledge behind it. With bite-size exercises of learning how to ...

  12. Advanced presentation skills training

    This advanced workshop will help you create and deliver more powerful presentations to increase your influence with stakeholders. ... Register for the Presentation Skills 2 workshop online. ... (Singapore) Limited (UEN 201202363R) is a subsidiary of the British Council which is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural ...

  13. Presentation Skills Training

    This 2-day presentation skills training course will help participants gain the confidence and skills to deliver powerful presentations at work. ... Gold Medalist (Public Speaking) LAM - has been a course leader in management development programmes for the Singapore Institute of Management since 1976. He was appointed Honorary Adviser (5 years ...

  14. Presentation Skills Training

    Elevate your communication game with premier Presentation Skills Training Singapore. Master public speaking for success! +65 6929 8747 - Available 24/7. Courses . Resources; About . About About Us Contact Us Clients Careers. Resources Blogs News. Company brochures Company Knowledge Pass FlexiPass Careers Brochure. 3,000,000+ delegates.

  15. Presentation Skills 1

    This highly practical SkillsFuture Credit-eligible workshop provides you with a full understanding of how to prepare, ... Register for the Presentation Skills 1 workshop online. ... British Council (Singapore) Limited (UEN 201202363R) is a subsidiary of the British Council which is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural ...

  16. Presentation Skills Course to be Confident and Calm (2 Days)

    Course Information. $650. 2 Days, 9 am - 6 pm. The course fee includes: Course Materials. Refreshments & Drinks. Certification. Unlimited Review Classes & Consultation. Presentation Skills Course & Public Speaking Workshop for Adults (2 Days, SkillsFuture Eligible)

  17. Presentation Skills Training & Course

    Our Presentation Skills Training Courses are designed to develop interpersonal skills, increase confidence and help in the planning and delivery of successful presentations. Whether you're looking for general tips on effective public speaking or specific advice on the analysis and presentation of data, these specially designed courses will ...

  18. Effective Presentation Skills (Online)

    Programme Objective. This aim of this course is to take participants through the entire presentation process from a modern context in delivering business presentations. The course is practical and loaded with lots of examples and role-plays to get participants to stand and deliver an impressive delivery. 1. To learn the techniques of delivering ...

  19. Presentation Skills Training in Singapore With 70% WSQ: Intellisoft

    Best Presentation Skills Training in Singapore. Training Schedule; 27, 28 Jun 2024 (Classroom) 25, 26 Jul 2024 (Classroom) 29, 30 Aug 2024 (Classroom) 19, 20 Sep 2024 (Classroom) 21, 22 Oct 2024 (Classroom) Now With WSQ, SFEC, SkillsFuture & UTAP Fundings.

  20. Presentation Skills Training in Singapore at Intellisoft Systems

    Free Tips, Tutorials & Training Grants Info. Learn from for Excel, PowerPoint, Photoshop, Python, Power BI, Project Management, IT, Soft Skills & more with our Email Newsletter. Call 6250-3575 For Presentation Skills Training Singapore. Learn PowerPoint Courses, Speaking Skills & Killer Presentation Techniques at Intellisoft Class.

  21. Captivate Your Audience with Powerpoint Course Singapore

    Create Stunning Presentation Slides with this 2-day hands-on powerpoint course Singapore to engage your audience and ace your presentation! ... Through our hands on and content-packed 2-days workshop, you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to design impactful PowerPoint slides, empowering you to ace those important presentations and ...

  22. Narrative Business Storytelling Singapore Presentation Training

    We focus both on crafting and presenting stories. Business Storytelling Singapore : Welcome to Narrative :The Business of Stories. Search for: ph: +65 6641 9864 | m: +65 9181 6692 ... Our clients get in touch with us looking for training or a workshop on Business ... Click here to find out more about Storytelling for Presentations. Download ...

  23. Presentation Design Agency Singapore

    Our team based in Singapore offers creative, consulting and training services to Fortune 500 clientele. Reach Us. 📍 67 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-10, Singapore 139950 [email protected] | +65 81232362 | HighSpark Pte. Ltd. (UEN:201530849C) Consulting. ... Presentation Workshop Form