• Question Papers
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List of 200+ Healthcare & Medical Presentation Topics

This is a comprehensive list of more than 200 healthcare and Medical Presentation Topics is useful for Powerpoint PPT & Paper Presentations. These topics can be used for webinars, Seminars, conferences, oral presentations, speeches and classroom presentations

Students of MBBS, BAMS, BHMS, B Pharmacy, D Pharmacy, M Pharmacy, Bio-Technology and other medical and healthcare streams can get the benefit of this list of medical presentation topics.

Below is the list of Healthcare & Medical Topics for Presentation.

Abdominal Trauma

Abuse and Neglect

Adult Day Care


Air and community health

Airway Management and Ventilation

Allergies – Anaphylaxis

Alzheimer’s Disease

Ambulance Operations

Artificial respiration

Analysis of qualitative data

Analysis of quantitative data and approaching the families in Community

Attention Deficit Disorder

Aquatic Therapy

Assessment-Based Management

Autonomic nervous system & Peripheral nervous system

Behavioural sciences & their relevance to Community Health


Bacterial Vaginosis

Behavioural and Psychiatric Disorders

Biochemical characteristics of cancer


Bio-statistics in Health

Bioterrorism – WMD

Birth Control for Moms

Blood Borne Pathogens

Breast Cancer

Breastfeeding & weaning & Baby-Friendly Hospitals Breastfeeding promotion

Cancer/Radiation Therapy

Cardiovascular system

Case-Control Studies

Cataract Surgery

Causation & association

Central nervous system

Childhood Obesity

Children’s Health


Clinical forensic medicine

Clinical Decision Making

Cohort studies

Collection of data – sampling methods, the sample size

Collection of vital statistics in the community

Commonwealth Health Corporation

Commonwealth Health Foundation

Commonwealth Health Free Clinic


Community organization in rural and urban areas – community participation

Concepts in Community Health

Creatinine Blood Test

Crime Scene Awareness

Cross-Sectional Anatomy

Culture, habits, customs and community health

Customised treatments

Deep Vein Thrombosis Awareness

Demographic trends in India.

Designing interview schedules – KABP studies

DNA repair mechanisms and related disorders

DNA Replication,

DNA Sequencing for Routine Checkups

DNA Transcription


Drive-Thru Clinics

Ears, Nose and Throat Disorders

EMS Systems Roles and Responsibilities

Endocrine System and Individual Endocrine Glands


Endoscopic Ultrasound: New Diagnostic and Therapeutic Applications

Environment and community health

Environmental toxicology

Environmental Conditions

Epidemiology as a tool for community health

Expanding Surgical Options for Lung Cancer Treatments

Eye banking & ethics in ophthalmology

Family and its role in health and disease

Family planning methods: permanent methods

Family planning methods: spacing methods

The fate of the antigen-antibody complex

Fertility & fertility-related statistics


Food habits, customs related to pregnancy, childbirth & lactation

Food Hygiene, Food Adulteration & Food poisoning

Forensic medicine & toxicology

Forensic psychiatry


Gastrointestinal System

Genetic Engineering: Recombinant DNA technology


Hazardous Materials Incidents

Head – Facial Trauma

Health care of special groups: Adolescents & School Children

Health Education Tools & Audio-visual aids

Health hazards faced by agricultural workers

Health Planning in India

Health problem associated with urbanization & industrialization

Health seeking behaviour – barriers to health

The health situation in India

Healthcare Careers

Healthy Lifestyle

Heart Attacks in Women

Heart Disease

Heart Disease & Stroke Risk Factors


Haemorrhage and Shock


High Blood Pressure

High-risk strategy & risk factors in pregnancy & childbirth

Histology of various organs/organ systems

History of The Medical Center

History Taking

Home Health Care

Home Medical Equipment

Hospitals at home

Human sexuality; sex and marriage counselling

Hybrid Approach to Coronary Artery Disease

Hypothermia and its clinical applications

IEC & Health Education Strategies

Illness and Injury Prevention

Immunization for international travel

Indoor environment and health

Industrial toxic exposures

Infant & Child Mortality

Infant Care (Safety, CPR, Birth)

Infectious Diseases

Infectious – Communicable Diseases

Introduction to Maternal & Child Health

Jet-Set & Suture

Joint Replacement

Kidney Failure

LASIK (Eye Procedure)

Life tables and life table techniques for evaluation of family planning methods

Life Span Development

Manage Kids’ Diabetes

Massage Therapy

Measurement of Nutritional Status of Community

Introduction to Family Health Advisory Service

Measuring the burden of disease in the community

Measuring vital events in the community

Medical Equipment

Medical Ethics:

Medical Incident Command

Medical jurisprudence

Medical/Legal Issues

Medication Errors/Drug Interactions

Medico-social problems, beliefs and practices related to acute and chronic diseases

Memory enhancement

Men’s Health

Multiple Sclerosis

Musculoskeletal Trauma


National Family Welfare Programme – 2;

National Family Welfare Programme – I

National health programmes for the control of communicable/non-communicable diseases

National Population Policy

A natural history of disease and levels of prevention


Neuro Anatomy

Neuromuscular transmission

The normal distribution, Bi-nominal distribution & poison Distribution

Nuclear Medicine (PET Imaging and Radiation Safety)

Nutrition Programmes in India

Nutritional requirements & sources


Parenting an ADHD Child


Patient Assessment

Patients with Special Challenges



Physiological effects of yoga

Planning & Evaluation of Health Education Programmes


Preserving Fertility in Cancer Survivors

Prevention of occupational diseases & ESI

Principles of bioelectricity

Probabilities and conditional probabilities

Prostate Cancer: Should We Be Screening?

Protein-energy malnutrition, growth monitoring & promotion

Pulmonary Emergency

Reproductive and Child Health Programme

Rescue Awareness and Operations

Review of the Human Body

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Road Traffic Accidents

Senior Health

Sleep and Pulmonary Disorders

Sleep is the new sex

Socio-economic measurement status and its role in community health

Soft Tissue Trauma

Special Sensory Organs

Spinal Trauma

Spirituality & Health

Sports Injuries and Treatment

Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Offers Option to High-Risk Surgery Patients

Stress Management


Survey methods and interview techniques in community Health

Techniques of Physical Examination

Testicular & Prostate Cancer

Tests of significance of statistical hypothesis

The next pandemic

The yogic practices

The Well-Being of the Paramedic

Therapeutic Communications

Thoracic Trauma

Trauma Systems and Mechanism of Injury

Vaccines for All Ages

Varicose Veins

Vascular Disease/Surgery

Venous Access and Medication Administration

Waste disposal

Water and community health

When to Call 911

Women’s Health

Work Injury Management

Working environment and community health

Worksite Wellness


Yoga in health and disease

Hope this list of healthcare and medical presentation topics will help you prepare stunning presentations for school, college and other power-point presentations.

For more presentation ideas check this article – 1000+ presentation topic ideas

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Presentation Skills Toolkit for Medical Students

New section.

The ability to design and deliver an effective presentation is an important skill for all learners to develop. The Undergraduate Medical Education Section of the Group on Educational Affairs developed this toolkit as a resource for medical students and health professions trainees as you learn to create and give effective presentations in the classroom, in the clinical setting, and at academic meetings and conferences. In this toolkit, you’ll find helpful resources on developing and delivering formal lectures and presentations, poster and oral abstract presentations, patient presentations, and leading small group sessions.

Please note: Availability of resources may change over time. To suggest edits or updates, email  [email protected] .

On this page:

Formal lectures and presentations, posters and abstracts, patient presentations.

  • Leading Small Groups

Traditional academic presentations in medicine and the biomedical sciences are necessarily dense with complex content. Thus, slides tend to be wordy, and presenters may use their slides as cue cards for themselves rather than as tools to facilitate learning for their audience. With the necessary resources, medical students (and presenters at all levels) can better identify appropriate learning objectives and develop presentations that help learners meet those objectives. Organization of content, clarity of slide design, and professional delivery are all essential components to designing and giving effective formal presentations.

Achieving all of these elements can make creating and delivering a formal presentation challenging. The strategies and resources below can help you develop a successful formal presentation.

Infographic with steps for formal lectures and presentations

View long description of infographic .

Strategies for success

  • Define the objectives of the presentation. Always define learning objectives for each of your lectures to make it clear what knowledge or skills the audience should acquire from your presentation. The best learning objectives define specific, measurable, or observable knowledge or skill gains. Furthermore, consider how to communicate the importance of the topic to your audience and how information should be arranged to best communicate your key points.
  • Design an effective slide set. You should begin creating your slides only after defining your objectives and key points. The slides should support your talk but not be your talk. Keep slides simple. The audience should be able to review a slide and grasp key points quickly. Avoid lengthy text and distracting decorative fonts, clip art, graphs, and pictures. If additional wording or images are necessary, consider handouts or alternative methods of sharing this information. Lastly, design your slide deck to emphasize the key points, revisiting your outline as necessary, and summarize concepts at regular intervals throughout your presentation to strengthen knowledge gains.  
  • Practice your performance. Effective public speaking starts with preparation and practice. Ensure there is enough time to create your lecture and a supporting slide deck. Know your lecture material and slides without prompts! Understand the audience and learning climate (the size and knowledge level of your audience) and be prepared for the venue (virtual, in-person, or both, lecture hall or classroom). Think about what effective audience engagement may look like and how to incorporate audience response systems, polling, etc., into the lecture.
  • Create a positive learning environment. Anticipate questions and allocate sufficient time to answer them. Always repeat the questions being asked for the audience’s benefit and to ensure your understanding. Some questions may be challenging, so be prepared and answer honestly. It is acceptable not to know an answer.
  • Demonstrate professionalism in presenting. Exhibit professionalism by being punctual and having appropriate time management. Remember that mistakes happen; be kind to yourself and remain calm and collected. Be enthusiastic: If you can enjoy the experience, so will your audience. Finally, be open to feedback following your presentation. 

Additional resources

Below is a collection of resources that further address the elements of creating and delivering a formal presentation. Each resource addresses a specific presentation skill or set of skills listed above and can be used to develop your understanding further. 

  • Healthy Presentations: How to Craft Exceptional Lectures in Medicine, the Health Professions, and the Biomedical Sciences (requires purchase, book). This illustrated book is a practical guide for improving scientific presentations. It includes specific, practical guidance on crafting a talk, tips on incorporating interactive elements to facilitate active learning, and before-and-after examples of improved slide design. (Skills addressed: 1-3)
  • American College of Physicians: Giving the Podium Presentation (freely available, website). This guide includes recommendations related to presentation delivery, including tips on what to wear, how to prepare, answering questions, and anticipating the unexpected. (Skills addressed: 3-5)
  • The 4 Ps of Giving a Good Presentation (freely available, PDF). This simple guide on public speaking from the University of Hull covers such topics as positive thinking, preparing, practice, and performing. (Skills addressed: 3-5)
  • Zoom Guides (freely available, website). This website from the University of California, San Francisco is one of many great resources created by universities for presenting on a virtual platform, specifically Zoom. (Skills addressed: 3-5)
  • Writing Learning Objectives (freely available, PDF). This excellent resource from the AAMC defines Bloom’s Taxonomy and provides verbiage for creating learning objectives. (Skill addressed: 1)
  • Adult learning theories: Implications for learning and teaching in medical education: AMEE Guide No. 83 (freely available, article). This AMEE Guide explains and explores the more commonly used adult learning theories and how they can be used to enhance learning. It presents a model that combines many of the theories into a flow diagram that can be followed by those planning a presentation. (Skill addressed: 1)
  • Assertion-Evidence Approach (freely available, website). This approach to slide design incorporates clear messaging and the strategic combination of text and images. (Skill addressed: 2)
  • Multimedia Learning (requires purchase, book). This book outlines the learning theories that should guide all good slide design. It is an accessible resource that will help presenters of all levels create slide decks that best facilitate learning. (Skill addressed: 2)
  • Collaborative Learning and Integrated Mentoring in the Biosciences (CLIMB) (freely available, website). This website from Northwestern University shares slide design tips for scientific presentations. Specific tips include simplifying messages and annotating images and tables to facilitate learning. (Skill addressed: 2)
  • Clear and to the Point (freely available, online book). This book describes 8 psychological principles for constructing compelling PowerPoint presentations. (Skill addressed: 2)

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Presenting the results of the research projects, innovations, and other work you have invested in at regional and national meetings is a tremendous opportunity to advance heath care, gain exposure to thought leaders in your field, and put your evidence-based medicine and communication skills into practice in a different arena. Effective scientific presentations at meetings also provide a chance for you to interact with an engaged audience, receive valuable feedback, be exposed to others’ projects, and expand your professional network. Preparation and practice are integral to getting the most out of these experiences.  

The strategies and resources below will help you successfully present both posters and abstracts at scientific meetings. 

Infographic with steps for creating posters and abstracts

Strategies for success  

  • Identify a poster’s/abstract’s purpose and key points . Determine the purpose of sharing your work (feedback vs. sharing a new methodology vs. disseminating a novel finding) and tailor the information in your poster or abstract to meet that objective. Identify one to three key points. Keep in mind the knowledge and expertise of the intended audience; the amount of detail that you need to provide at a general vs. specialized meeting may vary. 
  • Design an effective poster . Design your poster to follow a logical flow and keep it uncluttered. The methods and data should support your conclusions without extraneous information; every chart or image should serve a purpose. Explicitly outline the key takeaways at the beginning or end.  
  • Present in a conversational, informal style . Imagine you are explaining your project to a colleague. The purpose of your work and key points should guide your presentation, and your explanation of the methods and data should link to your conclusions. Be prepared to discuss the limitations of your project, outline directions for future research, and receive feedback from your audience. Treat feedback as an opportunity to improve your project prior to producing a manuscript.  

Additional resources  

These resources support the development of the skills mentioned above, guiding you through the steps of developing a poster that frames your research in a clear and concise manner. The videos provide examples that can serve as models of effective poster and abstract presentations. 

  • How to design an outstanding poster (freely available, article). This article outlines key items for laying out an effective poster, structuring it with the audience in mind, practicing your presentation, and maximizing your work’s impact at meetings. (Skills addressed: 1-3) 
  • Giving an Effective Poster Presentation (freely available, video). This video shows medical students in action presenting their work and shares strategies for presenting your poster in a conversational style, preparing for questions, and engaging viewers. (Skills addressed: 2,3) 
  • Better Scientific Poster (freely available, toolkit). This toolkit includes strategies and templates for creating an effective and visually interesting scientific poster. Virtual and social media templates are also available. (Skill addressed: 2)

As with all presentations, it can be very helpful to practice with colleagues and/or mentors before the meeting. This will allow you to get feedback on your project, style, and poster design prior to sharing it with others outside of your institution. It can also help you prepare for the questions you may get from the audience.  

Patient presentation skills are valuable for medical students in the classroom and in the care of patients during clinical rotations. Patient presentations are an integral part of medical training because they combine communication skills with knowledge of disease manifestations and therapeutic strategies in a clinical scenario. They are used during active learning in both the preclinical and clinical phases of education and as students advance in training and interact with diverse patients.  

Below are strategies for delivering effective patient presentations. 

Infographic with tips for patient presentations

  • Structure the presentation appropriately . The structure of your narrative is important; a concise, logical presentation of the relevant information will create the most impact. In the clinical setting, preferences for presentation length and style can vary between specialties and attendings, so understanding expectations is vital. 
  • Synthesize information from the patient encounter . Synthesis of information is integral for effective and accurate delivery that highlights relevant points. Being able to select pertinent information and present it in an efficient manner takes organization and practice, but it is a skill that can be learned.  
  • Deliver an accurate, engaging, and fluent oral presentation . In delivering a patient presentation, time is of the essence. The overall format for the presentation is like a written note but usually more concise. Succinctly convey the most essential patient information in a way that tells the patient’s story. Engage your listeners by delivering your presentation in an organized, clear, and professional manner with good eye contact. Presentations will go more smoothly with careful crafting and practice. 
  • Adjust presentations to meet team, patient, and setting needs . Adaptability is often required in the clinical setting depending on attending preferences, patient needs, and location, making it imperative that you are mindful of your audience.  

The resources below provide samples of different types of patient presentations and practical guides for structuring and delivering them. They include tips and tricks for framing a case discussion to deliver a compelling story. Resources that help with adjusting patient presentations based on the setting, such as bedside and outpatient presentations, are also included. 

  • A Guide to Case Presentations (freely available, document). This practical guide from the Ohio State University discusses basic principles of presentations, differences between written and oral communication of patient information, organization, and common pitfalls to avoid. (Skills addressed: 1-3) 
  • Verbal Case Presentations: A Practical Guide for Medical Students (freely available, PDFs). This resource from the Augusta University/University of Georgia Medical Partnership provides a practical guide to crafting effective case presentations with an explanation of the goals of each section and additional tips for framing the oral discussion. It also provides a full sample initial history and physical examination presentation. (Skills addressed: 1-4) 
  • Patient Presentations in Emergency Medicine (freely available, video). This training video for medical students from the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine demonstrates how to tell a compelling story when presenting a patient’s case. The brief video offers handy dos and don'ts that will help medical students understand how best to communicate in the emergency department efficiently and effectively. These skills can also be applied to patient presentations in other specialties. (Skills addressed: 1-4) 

Additional information and support on effectively constructing and delivering a case presentation can be found through various affinity support and mentorship groups, such as the Student National Medical Association (SNMA), Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA), and Building the Next Generation of Academic Physicians (BNGAP). 

Leading Small Groups

For physicians, working within and leading small groups is an everyday practice. Undergraduate medical education often includes small group communication as well, in the form of problem-based learning groups, journal clubs, and study groups. Having the skills to form, maintain, and help small groups thrive is an important tool for medical students.   

Below are strategies to provide effective small group leadership. 

Infographic with steps for leading small groups

  • Outline goals/outcomes . Delineating the goals of a meeting ensures that everyone understands the outcome of the gathering and can help keep conversations on track. Listing goals in the agenda will help all participants understand what is to be accomplished. 
  • Establish ground rules . Establishing explicit procedural and behavioral expectations serves to solidify the framework in which the conversation will take place. These include items such as attendance and how people are recognized as well as the way group members should treat each other.   
  • Create an inclusive environment . In addition to setting expectations, group leaders can take steps to help all participants feel that their perspectives are valuable. Setting up the room so that everyone sits around a table can facilitate conversations. Having individuals introduce themselves can let the group understand everyone’s background and expertise. In addition, running discussions in a “round-robin style” (when possible) may help every person have an opportunity to express themselves. 
  • Keep discussions constructive, positive, and on task . As meetings evolve, it can be easy for conversations to drift. Reminding the group of goals and frequently summarizing the discussion in the context of the planned outcomes can help redirect meetings when needed. 
  • Manage virtual meetings . Online meetings present their own challenges. Adequate preparation is key, particularly working through technological considerations in advance. Explicitly discussing goals and ground rules is even more important in the virtual environment. Group leaders should be more patient with members’ response times and be especially diligent that all participants have an opportunity to be heard.   

The resources listed below outline additional helpful points, expanding on the skills described above and providing additional perspectives on managing small group meetings of different types. 

  • Communication in the Real World: Small Group Communication (freely available, online module). This chapter includes an overview of managing small groups, including understanding the types and characteristics, group development, and interpersonal dynamics. (Skills addressed: 3,4) 
  • Conversational Leadership (freely available, online book chapter). This short online resource provides guidance for determining group size and seating to best facilitate participation by all group members. (Skill addressed: 4) 
  • Tips on Facilitating Effective Group Discussion (freely available, PDF). This resource from Brown University provides tips for effective group facilitation, creating an environment conducive for discussions, keeping conversations positive, and managing common problems. Also included is a valuable list of references for further exploration. (Skills addressed: 1-4) 
  • Facilitating Effective Discussions: Self-Checklist (freely available, online checklist). This checklist from Brown University provides an easy-to-use, practical framework for preparing for, performing, and reflecting on small group facilitation. (Skills addressed: 1-4) 
  • Sample Guidelines for Classroom Discussion Agreements (freely available, PDF). These guidelines from Brown University give useful tips for managing classroom discussions, including when disagreements occur among group participants. (Skill addressed: 2) 
  • Fostering and assessing equitable classroom participation (freely available, online article). This online resource from Brown University includes methods to maximize group members’ participation in discussions and to communicate expectations. Also included is a valuable list of references for further exploration. (Skill addressed: 3) 
  • Facilitating small group learning in the health professions (freely available, online article). The aim of this paper published in BMC Medical Education is to provide students involved in peer/near peer teaching with an overview of practical approaches and tips to improve learner engagement when facilitating small groups. It includes a discussion of the roles of facilitators, strategies for fostering interactions among the group, and methods for resolving common problems. (Skills addressed: 1-4) 
  • Facilitating a Virtual Meeting (freely available, PDF). This infographic from the University of Nebraska Medical Center includes key points to consider when facilitating an online meeting, including technical considerations, preparation, and follow-up. (Skill addressed: 5) 
  • Most universities have a communication department with faculty who specialize in small group communication. You may also find that these individuals are a valuable resource. 

This toolkit was created by a working group of the Undergraduate Medical Education (UME) Section of the Group on Educational Affairs (GEA). 

Working Group Members

  • Geoffrey Talmon, MD, University of Nebraska Medical Center
  • Jason Kemnitz, EdD, University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine 
  • Lisa Coplit, MD, Frank H. Netter School of Medicine at Quinnipiac University 
  • Rikki Ovitsh, MD, SUNY Downstate College of Medicine
  • Susan Nofziger, MD, Northeast Ohio Medical University  
  • Amy Moore, MEd, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine 
  • Melissa Cellini, MD, New York Medical College 
  • Richard Haspel, MD, Harvard Medical School 
  • Christine Phillips, MD, Boston University School of Medicine 
  • Arvind Suresh, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth 
  • Emily Green, PhD, MA, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University 
  • Holly Meyer, PhD, MS, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences 
  • Karina Clemmons, EdD, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
  • Shane Puckett, EdD, University of South Florida 
  • Angela Hairrell, PhD, Burnett School of Medicine at Texas Christian University 
  • Arkene Levy Johnston, PhD, Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine
  • Sarah Collins, PhD, UT Southwestern Medical Center 
  • Patrick Fadden, MD, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine 
  • Lia Bruner, MD, Augusta University - University of Georgia Medical Partnership 
  • Jasna Vuk, MD, PhD, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences 
  • Pearl Sutter, University of Connecticut School of Medicine 
  • Kelly Park, Baylor University Medical Center

My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

89 Medical Speech Topic Ideas [Persuasive, Informative, Nursing]

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

Medical speech topic list with public speaking ideas for an informative or persuasive medical text such as speech recognition software, Staphylococcus aureus or self-esteem problems. I have these informative ideas for a public speaking speech in mind for you:

In this article:


  • Safety and legal issues on acupuncture.
  • Frustrations for color blind people.
  • The benefits of ozone therapy.
  • What is Reiki stress reduction and relaxation?
  • Tip for making up a first aid kit for wilderness expeditions.
  • What is autism?
  • Epidemiological studies on the bird flu.
  • Which home tests are safe and reliable?
  • Facts and myths about Cellulitis.
  • Short-sightedness and long-sightedness explained.
  • Medical speech recognition software developments.
  • Heart attack signs.
  • What health problems with diabetes, how to deal with them?
  • Diagnosing a food allergy, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.
  • How to prevent Lyme disease, spread to humans by infected ticks.
  • A day with the crew of an air ambulance helicopter.
  • Arguments for embryonic stem cell research.
  • How to patent medicine.
  • Philosophies about genetic engineering.
  • Stages of pregnancy month by month.
  • The importance of organ donation.
  • The principles of medical ethics.
  • What do our kidneys do?

Here are some concrete persuasive medical speech topic samples. Keep going back and forth in your mind to sort out the way you like to talk about it.

  • Isolation is the best way to prevent the spread of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus MRSA infections.
  • Medical marijuana must be allowed for ill people – or not.
  • Migraine often is misunderstood in the workplace.
  • Most infertile couples use alternative medicine .
  • Mental health issues affect us all in some way.
  • Food allergy can manifest in behavior issues.
  • Stuttering causes self-acceptance and self-esteem problems.
  • The food industry should be blamed for obesity.
  • Tourette’s syndrome patients can’t help it, let’s help them.
  • Alzheimer’s disease should be involved in the care he or she will get.
  • Atkins isn’t a quick fix for weight loss.
  • Solve asthma by improving air quality.
  • Effective medicines aren’t always expensive.
  • Medical speech recognition and pathology experiences.
  • Stopping smoking speeds recovery after operations.
  • How a donation help your local Alzheimer’s charity.
  • Everyone should donate blood.
  • A woman can be too old to give birth.
  • Air ambulance helicopters are the most efficient way to help victims of road accidents.
  • Back pain is caused by a spinal disk problem.
  • Beauty is not a valid reason to pursue cosmetic plastic surgery.
  • Brushing your teeth twice a day will not keep the dentist away.
  • Cell phones have a dangerous amount of radiation.
  • Children should be first on organ transplant lists.
  • Computer use is the reason for those repetitive strain injuries.
  • Do not be afraid of biotechnology developments.
  • Everyone needs dentistry insurance.
  • Everybody should be an organ donor.
  • Food allergy is a disease.
  • Human fetal tissue research will help patients suffering from Alzheimer disease.
  • Medication for general use should not be protected for 20 years.
  • Needle exchange programs help to prevent the widespread of blood-borne viruses.
  • Newborns without brains should not be used as organ donors.
  • Nutrition patterns will change the human DNA genome structure.
  • Patients should never accept money from the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Pharmaceuticals are not transparent.
  • Techniques and methods for transgenderation need to be assessed better.
  • Terminally ill patients should freely rely on a hospital hospice program.
  • The birth control pill is not safe.
  • The E Coli bacteria is not explained properly enough.
  • The morning-after pill must be freely prescribed in drugstores and pharmacies.
  • The Morning-After Pill must be made available without a prescription.
  • Using a known sperm donor is too risky.
  • War veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress are not treated in time.

Of course these statements for a medical speech are not my opinion, but examples to trigger your mind for finding your own medical speech topic. Let these ideas form a rough outline in your head.

In other articles and entirely new threads I have written detailed tips to convert them into a real public speaking presentation.

Tip: A good topic title is short and sharp, conveys and channels a clear message, is easy to remember for the listeners, has no like or equal, is descriptive, and contains your own personal speaking signature.

Can We Write Your Speech?

Get your audience blown away with help from a professional speechwriter. Free proofreading and copy-editing included.

6 Additional Medical Persuasive Speech Topic Ideas

Medical persuasive speech topic ideas based on official position statements of organizations in the field, they are perfect for building speech topics in public speaking education. I scraped the net and found mission and vision claims that could be transformed into an issue for speechwriting purposes:

Sun Damage – ‘In most situations, sun protection to prevent skin cancer and sun damage to the skin is required during times when the ultraviolet index (UVI)A is raised’. According to the dermatology resource DermNet NZ. Offer pros and cons, and offer tips for listeners.

Dentistry – ‘The ADA Council on Scientific Affairs continues to believe that amalgam is a valuable, viable and safe choice for dental patients.’ Do you agree with the ADA Council on Scientific Affairs? Or not? Try to find persuasive arguments to adstruct the opposite, or weaken this firm medical persuasive speech topic ideas a little bit.

Nutrition – ‘In overweight and obese insulin-resistant individuals, modest weight loss has been shown to improve insulin resistance. Thus, weight loss is recommended for all such individuals who have or are at risk for diabetes.’ The American Diabetes Association writes on its site. Examine and prove direct relations between overweight and diabetes in a persuasion way of talking. Weight loss and diabetes in itself are great medical persuasive speech topic ideas.

Revalidation – ‘In the United Kingdom doctors will need to be revalidated every five years in order to retain their licence to practise.’ A citation of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Good idea? Take a stand and convince your audience.

Equity – ‘A greater equity in health should be a progress indicator of populations within and between countries.’ That’s a formal statement of WHO World Health Organization. Do yo agree? Construct the arguments of this thesis.

Surgery – ‘Pregnant women should be given the right to choose major abdominal surgery (cesarean section) or a normal birth.’ That is the opinion of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Judge pros and cons, convince your public as speaker in all ways. Good idea for an essay too!

Speech topics related to nursing, mental and travel health careh, and dietary counseling on primary care fostering for high school.

Many, especially female students, like to choose to prepare informative public speaking on an assistant to doctors related issue.

Here are twenty sample speech ideas, divided in specific central ideas and more general writing topics.

  • How to help patients with self-care products.
  • Medical treatment is not available to most people in the world.
  • Involve a nurse in developing mental health policies.
  • What community nurses can do for the health of the neigbourhood.
  • Nursing is also an important provider of mental treatment in complex situations.
  • Care in humanitarian disaster areas.
  • Alzheimers and family relations.
  • Travel health care services.
  • The rights of mentally ill persons.
  • Adolescents with disorders of development.
  • Disabled children and their special needs.
  • Neonatal care for premature babies.
  • Benefits of nursery to the health system.
  • Pediatric oncology for children with cancer.
  • Dietary counseling for babies and their mothers.
  • The altering role of male nurses in the past decades.
  • What does the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners do
  • The romantic history of Florence Nightingale.
  • What education is needed to work in the healthcare business
  • Medical ethics explained.
  • The road to becoming a nurse.
  • Please move your patients the right way!

66 Military Speech Topics [Persuasive, Informative]

259 Interesting Speech Topics [Examples + Outlines]

1 thought on “89 Medical Speech Topic Ideas [Persuasive, Informative, Nursing]”

You could include a topic on Fibromyalgia chronic disease.

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Research Topics & Ideas: Healthcare

100+ Healthcare Research Topic Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

Healthcare-related research topics and ideas

Finding and choosing a strong research topic is the critical first step when it comes to crafting a high-quality dissertation, thesis or research project. If you’ve landed on this post, chances are you’re looking for a healthcare-related research topic , but aren’t sure where to start. Here, we’ll explore a variety of healthcare-related research ideas and topic thought-starters across a range of healthcare fields, including allopathic and alternative medicine, dentistry, physical therapy, optometry, pharmacology and public health.

NB – This is just the start…

The topic ideation and evaluation process has multiple steps . In this post, we’ll kickstart the process by sharing some research topic ideas within the healthcare domain. This is the starting point, but to develop a well-defined research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , along with a well-justified plan of action to fill that gap.

If you’re new to the oftentimes perplexing world of research, or if this is your first time undertaking a formal academic research project, be sure to check out our free dissertation mini-course. In it, we cover the process of writing a dissertation or thesis from start to end. Be sure to also sign up for our free webinar that explores how to find a high-quality research topic.

Overview: Healthcare Research Topics

  • Allopathic medicine
  • Alternative /complementary medicine
  • Veterinary medicine
  • Physical therapy/ rehab
  • Optometry and ophthalmology
  • Pharmacy and pharmacology
  • Public health
  • Examples of healthcare-related dissertations

Allopathic (Conventional) Medicine

  • The effectiveness of telemedicine in remote elderly patient care
  • The impact of stress on the immune system of cancer patients
  • The effects of a plant-based diet on chronic diseases such as diabetes
  • The use of AI in early cancer diagnosis and treatment
  • The role of the gut microbiome in mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety
  • The efficacy of mindfulness meditation in reducing chronic pain: A systematic review
  • The benefits and drawbacks of electronic health records in a developing country
  • The effects of environmental pollution on breast milk quality
  • The use of personalized medicine in treating genetic disorders
  • The impact of social determinants of health on chronic diseases in Asia
  • The role of high-intensity interval training in improving cardiovascular health
  • The efficacy of using probiotics for gut health in pregnant women
  • The impact of poor sleep on the treatment of chronic illnesses
  • The role of inflammation in the development of chronic diseases such as lupus
  • The effectiveness of physiotherapy in pain control post-surgery

Research topic idea mega list

Topics & Ideas: Alternative Medicine

  • The benefits of herbal medicine in treating young asthma patients
  • The use of acupuncture in treating infertility in women over 40 years of age
  • The effectiveness of homoeopathy in treating mental health disorders: A systematic review
  • The role of aromatherapy in reducing stress and anxiety post-surgery
  • The impact of mindfulness meditation on reducing high blood pressure
  • The use of chiropractic therapy in treating back pain of pregnant women
  • The efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine such as Shun-Qi-Tong-Xie (SQTX) in treating digestive disorders in China
  • The impact of yoga on physical and mental health in adolescents
  • The benefits of hydrotherapy in treating musculoskeletal disorders such as tendinitis
  • The role of Reiki in promoting healing and relaxation post birth
  • The effectiveness of naturopathy in treating skin conditions such as eczema
  • The use of deep tissue massage therapy in reducing chronic pain in amputees
  • The impact of tai chi on the treatment of anxiety and depression
  • The benefits of reflexology in treating stress, anxiety and chronic fatigue
  • The role of acupuncture in the prophylactic management of headaches and migraines

Research topic evaluator

Topics & Ideas: Dentistry

  • The impact of sugar consumption on the oral health of infants
  • The use of digital dentistry in improving patient care: A systematic review
  • The efficacy of orthodontic treatments in correcting bite problems in adults
  • The role of dental hygiene in preventing gum disease in patients with dental bridges
  • The impact of smoking on oral health and tobacco cessation support from UK dentists
  • The benefits of dental implants in restoring missing teeth in adolescents
  • The use of lasers in dental procedures such as root canals
  • The efficacy of root canal treatment using high-frequency electric pulses in saving infected teeth
  • The role of fluoride in promoting remineralization and slowing down demineralization
  • The impact of stress-induced reflux on oral health
  • The benefits of dental crowns in restoring damaged teeth in elderly patients
  • The use of sedation dentistry in managing dental anxiety in children
  • The efficacy of teeth whitening treatments in improving dental aesthetics in patients with braces
  • The role of orthodontic appliances in improving well-being
  • The impact of periodontal disease on overall health and chronic illnesses

Free Webinar: How To Find A Dissertation Research Topic

Tops & Ideas: Veterinary Medicine

  • The impact of nutrition on broiler chicken production
  • The role of vaccines in disease prevention in horses
  • The importance of parasite control in animal health in piggeries
  • The impact of animal behaviour on welfare in the dairy industry
  • The effects of environmental pollution on the health of cattle
  • The role of veterinary technology such as MRI in animal care
  • The importance of pain management in post-surgery health outcomes
  • The impact of genetics on animal health and disease in layer chickens
  • The effectiveness of alternative therapies in veterinary medicine: A systematic review
  • The role of veterinary medicine in public health: A case study of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • The impact of climate change on animal health and infectious diseases in animals
  • The importance of animal welfare in veterinary medicine and sustainable agriculture
  • The effects of the human-animal bond on canine health
  • The role of veterinary medicine in conservation efforts: A case study of Rhinoceros poaching in Africa
  • The impact of veterinary research of new vaccines on animal health

Topics & Ideas: Physical Therapy/Rehab

  • The efficacy of aquatic therapy in improving joint mobility and strength in polio patients
  • The impact of telerehabilitation on patient outcomes in Germany
  • The effect of kinesiotaping on reducing knee pain and improving function in individuals with chronic pain
  • A comparison of manual therapy and yoga exercise therapy in the management of low back pain
  • The use of wearable technology in physical rehabilitation and the impact on patient adherence to a rehabilitation plan
  • The impact of mindfulness-based interventions in physical therapy in adolescents
  • The effects of resistance training on individuals with Parkinson’s disease
  • The role of hydrotherapy in the management of fibromyalgia
  • The impact of cognitive-behavioural therapy in physical rehabilitation for individuals with chronic pain
  • The use of virtual reality in physical rehabilitation of sports injuries
  • The effects of electrical stimulation on muscle function and strength in athletes
  • The role of physical therapy in the management of stroke recovery: A systematic review
  • The impact of pilates on mental health in individuals with depression
  • The use of thermal modalities in physical therapy and its effectiveness in reducing pain and inflammation
  • The effect of strength training on balance and gait in elderly patients

Topics & Ideas: Optometry & Opthalmology

  • The impact of screen time on the vision and ocular health of children under the age of 5
  • The effects of blue light exposure from digital devices on ocular health
  • The role of dietary interventions, such as the intake of whole grains, in the management of age-related macular degeneration
  • The use of telemedicine in optometry and ophthalmology in the UK
  • The impact of myopia control interventions on African American children’s vision
  • The use of contact lenses in the management of dry eye syndrome: different treatment options
  • The effects of visual rehabilitation in individuals with traumatic brain injury
  • The role of low vision rehabilitation in individuals with age-related vision loss: challenges and solutions
  • The impact of environmental air pollution on ocular health
  • The effectiveness of orthokeratology in myopia control compared to contact lenses
  • The role of dietary supplements, such as omega-3 fatty acids, in ocular health
  • The effects of ultraviolet radiation exposure from tanning beds on ocular health
  • The impact of computer vision syndrome on long-term visual function
  • The use of novel diagnostic tools in optometry and ophthalmology in developing countries
  • The effects of virtual reality on visual perception and ocular health: an examination of dry eye syndrome and neurologic symptoms

Topics & Ideas: Pharmacy & Pharmacology

  • The impact of medication adherence on patient outcomes in cystic fibrosis
  • The use of personalized medicine in the management of chronic diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease
  • The effects of pharmacogenomics on drug response and toxicity in cancer patients
  • The role of pharmacists in the management of chronic pain in primary care
  • The impact of drug-drug interactions on patient mental health outcomes
  • The use of telepharmacy in healthcare: Present status and future potential
  • The effects of herbal and dietary supplements on drug efficacy and toxicity
  • The role of pharmacists in the management of type 1 diabetes
  • The impact of medication errors on patient outcomes and satisfaction
  • The use of technology in medication management in the USA
  • The effects of smoking on drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics: A case study of clozapine
  • Leveraging the role of pharmacists in preventing and managing opioid use disorder
  • The impact of the opioid epidemic on public health in a developing country
  • The use of biosimilars in the management of the skin condition psoriasis
  • The effects of the Affordable Care Act on medication utilization and patient outcomes in African Americans

Topics & Ideas: Public Health

  • The impact of the built environment and urbanisation on physical activity and obesity
  • The effects of food insecurity on health outcomes in Zimbabwe
  • The role of community-based participatory research in addressing health disparities
  • The impact of social determinants of health, such as racism, on population health
  • The effects of heat waves on public health
  • The role of telehealth in addressing healthcare access and equity in South America
  • The impact of gun violence on public health in South Africa
  • The effects of chlorofluorocarbons air pollution on respiratory health
  • The role of public health interventions in reducing health disparities in the USA
  • The impact of the United States Affordable Care Act on access to healthcare and health outcomes
  • The effects of water insecurity on health outcomes in the Middle East
  • The role of community health workers in addressing healthcare access and equity in low-income countries
  • The impact of mass incarceration on public health and behavioural health of a community
  • The effects of floods on public health and healthcare systems
  • The role of social media in public health communication and behaviour change in adolescents

Examples: Healthcare Dissertation & Theses

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a healthcare-related research topic, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses to see how this all comes together.

Below, we’ve included a selection of research projects from various healthcare-related degree programs to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • Improving Follow-Up Care for Homeless Populations in North County San Diego (Sanchez, 2021)
  • On the Incentives of Medicare’s Hospital Reimbursement and an Examination of Exchangeability (Elzinga, 2016)
  • Managing the healthcare crisis: the career narratives of nurses (Krueger, 2021)
  • Methods for preventing central line-associated bloodstream infection in pediatric haematology-oncology patients: A systematic literature review (Balkan, 2020)
  • Farms in Healthcare: Enhancing Knowledge, Sharing, and Collaboration (Garramone, 2019)
  • When machine learning meets healthcare: towards knowledge incorporation in multimodal healthcare analytics (Yuan, 2020)
  • Integrated behavioural healthcare: The future of rural mental health (Fox, 2019)
  • Healthcare service use patterns among autistic adults: A systematic review with narrative synthesis (Gilmore, 2021)
  • Mindfulness-Based Interventions: Combatting Burnout and Compassionate Fatigue among Mental Health Caregivers (Lundquist, 2022)
  • Transgender and gender-diverse people’s perceptions of gender-inclusive healthcare access and associated hope for the future (Wille, 2021)
  • Efficient Neural Network Synthesis and Its Application in Smart Healthcare (Hassantabar, 2022)
  • The Experience of Female Veterans and Health-Seeking Behaviors (Switzer, 2022)
  • Machine learning applications towards risk prediction and cost forecasting in healthcare (Singh, 2022)
  • Does Variation in the Nursing Home Inspection Process Explain Disparity in Regulatory Outcomes? (Fox, 2020)

Looking at these titles, you can probably pick up that the research topics here are quite specific and narrowly-focused , compared to the generic ones presented earlier. This is an important thing to keep in mind as you develop your own research topic. That is to say, to create a top-notch research topic, you must be precise and target a specific context with specific variables of interest . In other words, you need to identify a clear, well-justified research gap.

Need more help?

If you’re still feeling a bit unsure about how to find a research topic for your healthcare dissertation or thesis, check out Topic Kickstarter service below.

Research Topic Kickstarter - Need Help Finding A Research Topic?

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Mabel Allison

I need topics that will match the Msc program am running in healthcare research please

Theophilus Ugochuku

Hello Mabel,

I can help you with a good topic, kindly provide your email let’s have a good discussion on this.

sneha ramu

Can you provide some research topics and ideas on Immunology?


Thank you to create new knowledge on research problem verse research topic

Help on problem statement on teen pregnancy

Derek Jansen

This post might be useful: https://gradcoach.com/research-problem-statement/

vera akinyi akinyi vera

can you provide me with a research topic on healthcare related topics to a qqi level 5 student

Didjatou tao

Please can someone help me with research topics in public health ?

Gurtej singh Dhillon

Hello I have requirement of Health related latest research issue/topics for my social media speeches. If possible pls share health issues , diagnosis, treatment.

Chikalamba Muzyamba

I would like a topic thought around first-line support for Gender-Based Violence for survivors or one related to prevention of Gender-Based Violence

Evans Amihere

Please can I be helped with a master’s research topic in either chemical pathology or hematology or immunology? thanks


Can u please provide me with a research topic on occupational health and safety at the health sector

Biyama Chama Reuben

Good day kindly help provide me with Ph.D. Public health topics on Reproductive and Maternal Health, interventional studies on Health Education

dominic muema

may you assist me with a good easy healthcare administration study topic


May you assist me in finding a research topic on nutrition,physical activity and obesity. On the impact on children

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Explore the Best Medical and Health Research Topics Ideas


Table of contents

  • 1 How to Choose Medical Research Paper Topics
  • 2 New Medical Research Paper Topics
  • 3 Medical Research Topics for College Students
  • 4 Controversial Medical Topics for Research Paper
  • 5 Health Research Topics
  • 6 Medicine Research Topics
  • 7 Healthcare Research Topics
  • 8 Public Health Research Topics
  • 9 Mental Health Research Paper Topics
  • 10 Anatomy Research Topics
  • 11 Biomedical Research Topics
  • 12 Bioethics Research Topics
  • 13 Cancer Research Topics
  • 14 Clinical Research Topics
  • 15 Critical Care Research Topics
  • 16 Pediatric Research Topics
  • 17 Dental Research Topics Ideas
  • 18 Dermatology Research Topics
  • 19 Primary Care Research Topics
  • 20 Pharmaceutical Research Topics
  • 21 Medical Anthropology Research Topics
  • 22 Paramedic Research Paper Topics
  • 23 Surgery Research Topics
  • 24 Radiology Research Paper Topics
  • 25 Anatomy and Physiology Research Paper Topics
  • 26 Healthcare Management Research Paper Topics
  • 27 Medical Ethics Research Paper Topics
  • 28 Environmental Health and Pollution Research Paper Topics
  • 29 Conclusion

In such a complex and broad field as medicine, writing an original and compelling research paper is a daunting task. From investigating public care concerns to cancer treatment studies, each student decides where his interests lie. Our goal is to help students find new angles to study and focus on relevant topics. With our resources, you can write an engaging and rigorous paper.

How to Choose Medical Research Paper Topics

Choosing good research paper topics is often more challenging than the writing process itself. You need to select a captivating subject matter that will grab the reader’s attention, showcase your knowledge of a specific field, help you progress in your studies, and perhaps even inspire future research.

To accomplish that, you need to start with brainstorming, followed by thorough research. Here are some great tips to follow:

  • Pick an interesting topic – The key is to pick something that you find interesting, and yet make sure it’s not too general or too narrow. It should allow you to delve deep into the subject matter and show that you’re a professional who is ready to take on a challenge when it comes to your chosen field of medicine.
  • Narrow down your focus – Once you have a list of potential topics, sift through recent medical research papers to get up-to-date with the latest trends, developments, and issues in medicine and healthcare. Check out textbooks, news articles, and other relevant sources for more information related to your potential topics. If a particular condition or disease interests you (perhaps something that drew you to a career in medicine), there’s your cue for narrowing down your topic.
  • Pinpoint the “why,” “how,” and “what” – Whether you are looking into nutrition research paper topics , controversial medical topics, nursing research topics, or anything in-between, ask yourself why each of them is important. How could they contribute to the available medical studies, if any? What new information could they bring to improve the future of medicine? Asking these questions will help you pick the right medical research paper topic that suits you and helps you move forward and reach your aspirations.

To help you on that quest, we’ve compiled a list of topics that you could use or that might inspire you to come up with something unique. Let’s dive in.

New Medical Research Paper Topics

Are you interested in the newest and most interesting developments in medicine? We put hours of effort into identifying the current trends in health research so we could provide you with these examples of topics. Whether you hire a research paper writing service for students or write a paper by yourself, you need an appealing topic to focus on.

  • Epidemics versus pandemics
  • Child health care
  • Medical humanitarian missions in the developing world
  • Effectiveness of mobile health clinics in rural Africa
  • Homeopathic medicines – the placebo effect
  • Comparative study of the efficacy of homeopathic treatments and conventional medicine in managing chronic pain
  • Virus infections – causes and treatment
  • Trends in COVID-19 vaccine uptake
  • Advancements in the treatment of influenza
  • Is medical research on animals ethical
  • Vaccination – dangers versus benefits
  • Artificial tissues and organs
  • Rare genetic diseases
  • Brain injuries
  • Long-Term Effects of COVID-19
  • Social behavior shifts due to COVID-19


Medical Research Topics for College Students

You don’t know where to start with your medical research paper? There are so many things you could write about that the greatest challenge is to narrow them down. This is why we decided to help.

  • Antibiotics treatments
  • Efficacy of mRNA vaccines against viral diseases
  • Viability and function of 3D printed tissues
  • Chronic diseases
  • Palliative treatment
  • Battling Alzheimer’s disease
  • How modern lifestyle affects public health
  • Professional diseases
  • Sleep disorders
  • Changes in physical and mental health due to aging
  • Eating disorders
  • Terminal diseases

Controversial Medical Topics for Research Paper

In healthcare, new discoveries can change people’s lives in the blink of an eye. This is also the reason why there are so many controversial topics in medicine, which involve anything from religion to ethics or social responsibility. Read on to discover our top controversial research topics.

  • Ethical debates on artificial tissue engineering
  • Public opinions on vaccination safety
  • Implementing food standards
  • Telehealth’s Role in Chronic Illness Management
  • Gluten allergy
  • Assisted suicide for terminal patients
  • Testing vaccines on animals – ethical concerns
  • Moral responsibilities regarding cloning
  • Marijuana legalization for medical purposes
  • Abortion – medical approaches
  • Vegan diets – benefits and dangers
  • Increased life expectancy: a burden on the healthcare system?
  • Circumcision effects

Health Research Topics

Students conducting health research struggle with finding good ideas related to their medical interests. If you want to write interesting college papers, you can select a good topic for our list.

  • Impact of location, ethnicity, or age on vaccination rates
  • Uses of biomaterials in vaccination technology
  • Deafness: communication disorders
  • Household air pollution
  • Diabetes – a public danger
  • Coronaviruses
  • Oral health assessment
  • Tobacco and alcohol control
  • Diseases caused by lack of physical exercise
  • How urban pollution affects respiratory diseases
  • Healthy diets


Medicine Research Topics

Regardless of the requirements in your research assignment, you can write about something that is both engaging and useful in your future career. Choose a topic from below.

  • Causes for the increasing cancer cases
  • Insulin resistance
  • How terrorism affects mental health
  • AIDS/HIV – latest developments
  • Treating pregnant women versus non-pregnant women
  • Latest innovations in medical instruments
  • Genetic engineering
  • Successful treatment of mental diseases
  • Is autism a disease
  • Natural coma versus artificial coma
  • Treatments for sleep disorders and their effectiveness
  • Role of melatonin supplements in sleep quality

Healthcare Research Topics

Healthcare research includes political and social aspects, besides medical. For college students who want to explore how medicine is affected by society’s values or principles, we provide examples of topics for papers. Select yours from the list below.

  • Government investment in healthcare services in the EU versus the USA
  • Inequalities in healthcare assistance and services
  • Electronic health records systems – pros and cons
  • Can asylums treat mental issues
  • Health care for prison inmates
  • Equipment for improving the treatment of AIDS
  • Correlation between economic development and health care services across countries
  • Impact of smoking on organs
  • Heart attacks – causes and effects
  • Breast cancer – recent developments
  • Materials used in artificial tissue and their impacts

Public Health Research Topics

For current examples of public health topics, browse our list. We provide only original, researchable examples for which you can easily find supporting data and evidence.

  • Public versus private hospitals
  • Health Disparities in Diabetes Management Across Different Socioeconomic Groups
  • Health care professionals – management principles
  • Surgery failures – who is responsible
  • What legal responsibilities has the hospital administration
  • Patient service quality in public versus private hospitals
  • What benefits do national health care systems have
  • Estimated costs of cancer treatments
  • Public health in developing countries
  • Banning tobacco ads – importance for public health
  • Government solutions to the anti-vaccine’s movement
  • How the COVID-19 pandemic has changed public health regulations

Mental Health Research Paper Topics

Mental health is one of the most complex areas of medicine, where things are never as clear as with other medical issues. This increases the research potential of the field with plenty of topics left for debate.

  • Mental Health Impact of Social Media on American Teenagers
  • Causes of anxiety disorders
  • Bulimia versus anorexia
  • Childhood trauma
  • Mental health public policies
  • Impact of Lifestyle Factors on the Progression of Dementia in the Elderly Population
  • Postpartum Depression
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Stress and its effects on sleep quality
  • Insomnia and its relation to mental health disorders


Anatomy Research Topics

Anatomy covers everything about the human body and how it works. If you find that intriguing and want to pay for medical research paper, start by selecting a topic.

  • Causes and treatments of virus infections
  • Chemotherapy: how it affects the body
  • Thyroid glands – functions in the body
  • Human endocrine system
  • Preventative Measures and Treatments for Common Liver Diseases
  • Heart diseases
  • How does the human muscular system develop
  • Lymphatic system – importance
  • Investigating genetic diseases
  • Digestive system
  • Role of the Spleen in the Human Immune System and Related Disorders

Biomedical Research Topics

Biology and medicine often work together. For the newest changes in the biomedical field, check our topics.

  • Comparative Efficacy of Alternative Medicine Practices in Chronic Pain Management
  • Alzheimer’s disease – paths for treatment
  • Vaccines and drug development in the treatment of Ebola
  • Antibiotic resistance
  • Biological effects caused by aging
  • Air pollution effects on health
  • Infectious disease past versus present
  • Regenerative medicine
  • Biomedical diagnostics
  • Biomedical technology
  • Advanced biomaterials for vaccine delivery

Bioethics Research Topics

A controversial area of medicine, bioethics is where you get the chance to add personal input to a research topic and come up with new insights. You could consider these subjects.

  • Organ donation
  • Alternative or complementary medicine
  • Assisted suicide or the right to die
  • Artificial insemination or surrogacy
  • Chemical and biological warfare
  • Contraception
  • Environmental bioethics
  • In Vitro Fertilization
  • Ethical considerations in medical research on animals

Cancer Research Topics

Are you writing a paper related to cancer causes, diagnosis, treatment or effects? Look below for a hot topic that it’s easy to research and important for medical advance.

  • The ability of immune system cells to fight cancer
  • Computational oncology
  • Metastasis affected by drug resistance
  • Stem cells – applications for cancer treatment
  • Tumor microenvironment
  • Obesity and age in cancer occurrence
  • Early cancer detection – benefits
  • Artificial intelligence predicting cancer
  • Hematologic malignancies
  • Pathogen-related cancers
  • Impact of COVID-19 on cancer treatment studies

Clinical Research Topics

Learn more about clinical medicine by conducting more in-depth research. We prepared for you a list of relevant issues to touch upon.

  • Ethical concerns regarding research on human subjects
  • Subject recruitment
  • Budget preparation
  • Human subject protection
  • Clinical trials – financial support
  • Clinical practices for health professionals
  • Using vulnerable populations in clinical research
  • Quality assurance in clinical research
  • Academic clinical trials versus clinical trials units
  • Data collection and management
  • Evolution of clinical symptoms in COVID-19 patients

Critical Care Research Topics

Critical care is a key area in medical studies. Explore these topics in your research paper to gain more valuable knowledge in this field. You can also get in contact with nursing research paper writers .

  • Obesity and asthma – clinical manifestations
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Rhythm analysis for cardiac arrest
  • Traumatic brain injury – fluid resuscitation
  • Hydrocortisone for multiple trauma patients
  • Care and nutrition for critically ill adults
  • Diagnosis of hypersensitivity pneumonitis
  • Coma and sedation scales
  • Artificial airways suctioning
  • Arterial puncture and arterial line
  • Long-term cardiac and respiratory effects of COVID-19

Pediatric Research Topics

Any topic that refers to health care for children, pregnant women, mothers, and adolescents goes under pediatric care.

  • Early Intervention Methods for Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Preventive healthcare strategies for children
  • Impact of early childhood nutrition on long-term health
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Congenital heart disease in newborns
  • Adolescent medicine
  • Neonatal medicine
  • Rare diseases in children and teenagers
  • Obesity and weight fluctuations
  • Behavioral sleep problems in children
  • Children with anemia
  • Child healthcare enhancements and innovations

Dental Research Topics Ideas

Choose a topic on oral health or dental care from this list of the most interesting topics in the field.

  • How smoking affects oral health
  • Children’s risk for dental caries
  • Causes of Dental Anxiety and Effective Interventions for Reducing Fear in Patients
  • Types of dental materials – new advances
  • Bad breath bacteria
  • How diabetes affects oral health
  • Oral cancer
  • Dental pain – types, causes
  • Dental implants
  • Oral health-related quality of life
  • Advancements in treatments for virus infections

Dermatology Research Topics

Find the best research topic for your dermatology paper among our examples.

  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Contact dermatitis
  • Epidemiology behind uncommon skin disorders
  • Cutaneous aging
  • Risk factors of melanoma skin cancer
  • Acne versus rosacea
  • Genetic testing for skin conditions
  • Effects of cosmetic agents on skin health
  • Improving skin barrier with pharmaceutical agents
  • Skin manifestations of autoimmune disorders
  • Study of virus effects on skin health

Primary Care Research Topics

Write a primary care paper that can demonstrate your research skills and interest in powerful scientific findings.

  • Primary care for vulnerable/uninsured populations
  • Interpersonal continuity in care treatment
  • How primary care contributes to health systems
  • Primary care delivery models
  • Developments in family medicine
  • Occupational/environmental health
  • Pharmacotherapy approaches
  • Formal allergy testing
  • Oral contraception side effects
  • Dietary or behavioral interventions for obesity management

Pharmaceutical Research Topics

Pharma students who need paper topics can use one from our list. We include all things related to pharmacy life.

  • Drugs that can treat cancer
  • Drug excretion
  • Elimination rate constant
  • Inflammatory stress drug treatment
  • Aspirin poising
  • Ibuprofen – dangers versus benefits
  • Toxicodynamics
  • Opioid use disorder
  • Pharmacotherapy for schizophrenia
  • Ketamine in depression treatment

Medical Anthropology Research Topics

Medical anthropology unites different areas of human knowledge. Find powerful ideas for a paper below.

  • Cultural contexts regarding reproductive health
  • Women sexuality
  • Anthropological aspects of health care
  • Contributions of social sciences to public health
  • Euthanasia and medical ethics across cultures
  • Health-related behavior in adults across cultures
  • Transcultural nursing
  • Forensic psychiatry
  • Symptoms of Celiac Disease – a disease with no symptoms
  • Nursing ethics

Paramedic Research Paper Topics

Topics for paramedic research must be based on evidence, data, statistics, or practical experience. Just like ours.

  • Trends and statistics in EMS
  • Disaster medicine
  • Mass casualties
  • Pandemics and epidemics
  • Infection control
  • Basic versus advanced life support
  • Scene safety in EMS
  • Shock management
  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Challenges in medical humanitarian missions during pandemics

Surgery Research Topics

Discover all the intricacies of surgeries that save lives by writing about our topics.

  • Medical malpractice and legal issues
  • Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
  • Early Detection and Management Strategies for Sepsis in Hospital Settings
  • Pain management
  • Perioperative nursing
  • Wound management
  • Colorectal cancer surgery
  • Breast cancer surgery
  • Minimally invasive surgeries
  • Vascular disease
  • Changes in surgical practices during pandemics

Radiology Research Paper Topics

Find a radiology topic related to your academic interests to write a successful paper.

  • Using MRI to diagnose hepatic focal lesions
  • Multidetector computer tomography
  • Ultrasound elastography in breast cancer
  • Assessing traumatic spinal cord injuries with MRI diffusion tensor imaging
  • Sonographic imaging to detect male infertility
  • Role of tomography in diagnosing cancer
  • Brain tumor surgery with magnetic resonance imaging
  • Bacterial meningitis imaging
  • Advanced imaging techniques for virus infection detection

Anatomy and Physiology Research Paper Topics

Any ideas for a medical research paper? We have included the most important topics for an anatomy and physiology paper.

  • What role has the endocrine system
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Environmental factors that affect development of human muscular system
  • What role has the lymphatic system
  • An investigation of genetic diseases
  • Explaining the aging process
  • The digestive tract
  • Effects of stress on cells and muscles
  • Evolution of the human nervous system
  • What role has the cardiovascular system
  • Impact of viruses on respiratory health in urban settings

Healthcare Management Research Paper Topics

There are numerous topics you could write about when it comes to healthcare management. There’s a wide range of options to pick, from infrastructure, staff, and financial management to HR and patient management. Here are some of the top healthcare management research paper options.

Medical Ethics Research Paper Topics

Medical ethics is a field that opens the door to numerous compelling topics for research papers. Here are some of the most appealing ones you could tackle.

  • Clinical research on humans
  • Vaccines and immunization
  • Religious beliefs in healthcare
  • Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide
  • Ethical issues across cultures
  • Amniocentesis or prenatal birth defect testing
  • Medical malpractice and going back to work
  • Racial and ethnic preferences and perceptions in organ donations
  • Racial and ethnic disparities in healthcare
  • Ethical concerns of AI in healthcare
  • Debates on animal ethics in medical research
  • Free unlimited checks
  • All common file formats
  • Accurate results
  • Intuitive interface

Environmental Health and Pollution Research Paper Topics

  • Environmental Pollutants and Respiratory Health in Urban Areas of the USA
  • How environmental changes affect human health
  • Long-Term Impact of PM2.5 Exposure on Lung, Heart, and Brain Function
  • Health Risks of Air Pollution Across Different Life Stages
  • Hospital Admissions and Air Quality in the USA
  • Risk Reduction Strategies for Indoor Air Pollution from Gas Stoves
  • Impact of Air Pollution on Cognitive Development and Socioeconomic Achievements
  • Long-Term Health Effects of Early Childhood Exposure to Air Pollution
  • Impact of Traffic Noise on Cardiovascular Health

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presentation topics for medical students

Med School Insiders

How to Give an Excellent Medical Presentation

  • By Sulaiman Ahmad
  • July 22, 2019
  • Medical Student , Pre-med
  • Self-improvement

In medicine, we are constantly learning from each other. Professors stand in front of lecture halls to teach the fundamental knowledge needed to pass board exams and to treat our patients. Outside of the classroom, medical students, researchers, and physicians attend conferences to communicate ideas and update their colleagues with oral and poster presentations. In the clinic, students and resident physicians relay pertinent patient information to the physician in charge. Eventually, you will find yourself in front of an audience listening to your talk or an attending grading your clinical presentation. First, I will discuss what it takes to make an excellent presentation.  I will then finish this topic by providing guidelines for perfecting different types of presentations.

Critical Elements of an Excellent Presentation

 do some research.

Your audience will consider you an expert on the information you deliver. It is your job to achieve the expected level of comprehension of the topic. After choosing a topic, gather enough background information from diverse but appropriate sources (e.g., journals articles, relevant chapters in textbooks, personal discussion with subject matter experts, online videos).  Your research should provide you with a thorough understanding of the topic and a list of the important facts supporting your take-home message . Any gaps in your knowledge will become evident during your presentation. The goal is to develop confidence in your understanding of the topic and ability to share what you know.

Know Your Audience

Before putting your presentation together, take a moment to assess the baseline understanding of your expected audience . Ultimately your audience should walk away having learned something new. Try to figure out their collective interest, reasons for attending, and prior experience with the topic. Knowing your audience will allow you to focus on information that will keep them engaged and interested. For example, premed students have a different understanding of medical topics than medical students.  A presentation on the same subject should be different for both groups. If your listeners have different levels of expertise, take a moment to explain the fundamental concept, then build up the language and complexity to allow everyone to benefit from the information shared. Your audience is the reason why you are presenting.

Tell a Story

The human brain is wired to remember stories , especially if presented logically. A presentation is about the information shared, but it should also include the presenters’ passion, excitement, and personal style. All topics can be formatted to include characters, a description of the setting, plot, conflict, and a resolution. The story should allow the audience to take a journey with you. The hardest part is identifying the start and endpoint of your story and which details are needed. Make every word count by checking if it adds value to your narrative. Consider using metaphors, real examples, and descriptions that give life to your words .

Practicing your presentation is a vital step in developing an excellent presentation. You can memorize a script. However, memorization can reduce your connection with the audience. But in certain situations, scripts are quick and effective means of communicating important facts. Another approach is drafting bullet points of the main ideas and practicing the natural flow of information . This method allows your personality to shine on stage. To become comfortable speaking, start by practicing on your own . You can also record yourself with a cellphone or tablet and review the recording to evaluate your performance. Next, find a small group to present in front of and ask for their honest assessment . Eventually, your presentation will feel natural, and your stage presence will aid in communicating your main idea.

Q&A Session

Usually, your presentation does not end until after a question and answer session. Most presentations should include approximately five minutes in the end for the audience to ask questions . This part of the presentation allows you to clarify or further explain any part of your presentation. A question can also lead to expanding your presentation beyond what you originally planned to discuss . It is important for you to understand what is being asked and address the specific question directly. And if you do not have an answer, it is okay to admit that you do not know . Questions will force you to be creative and truly test your knowledge of the topic.

Different Types of Presentations

Presentations have many different forms, each with different goals; thus, each form requires a unique approach. In medicine, professors and clinician often provide students with lecture objectives and PowerPoint presentations that guide the students in their hour-long lecture. Conferences are a researcher’s platform to share their lab’s progress and conclusions. The last presentation I will go into is the clinical presentation a student typically performs for the physician in charge.

The main purpose of the lecture is to educate the attendees. We all have had great professors captivate our attention and other experiences that were a complete waste of time. But what makes some lectures better than others? The lecturer’s knowledge on the topic becomes obvious, and their stage presence confirms how comfortable they are with the topic.  If you are tasked with lecturing on a topic or a series, ensure that you have a solid understanding and address your learning objectives in the time allotted . The main concepts should be repeated multiple times throughout the lecture, followed by examples . Your PowerPoint slides should be limited to only main points and images that support your talking points. After difficult concepts are covered, ask questions to gauge your audience’s understanding . It is better to reemphasize a concept before building up to more complex learning objectives.

Research Presentation

Attending a conference is exciting, especially if you are representing your lab with an oral presentation.  It is an opportunity to share your research story, from the point of identifying a question to the process of reaching a conclusion. Realize your audience will include Primary Investigators, post-docs, and Ph.D. students that are also experts in the field . Attempt to grab the audience’s attention from the beginning by providing them with a reason to care. Then continue to explain how your study relates to the published work . After building up the background, address how you arrived at your research question. The most exciting part of your presentation should be explaining your conclusions and the path you took to get there. Finish up strong by discussing the implications of your findings and how they will have an impact in the field . The natural flow of information will come with practice and a deep understanding of your research topic. Presenting as a student usually leads to networking with professors and clinicians that can help you progress in your career.

Patient Presentation

Medical students learn how to take a patient’s history and perform a physical exam, but it is more challenging to reason through your clinical findings and subsequently present to an attending . Your clinical presentation style will change depending on the environment, medical department, and supervising physician . Upon joining a medical team, discuss the expectations and preference with each physician . It may be a good idea to draft a script that can get you started on organizing your patient presentation. The success of your presentation is correlated to your knowledge of the basic sciences and ability to critically assess the patient’s history and physical exam; the more you learn and read, the easier decision making and producing a plan becomes. Another important element is practicing your presentation style until it comes out naturally . Take the time to listen to your peers and experienced colleagues; learn from their mistakes and strengths . After concluding your presentation, ask for feedback and practice implementing the suggestions. You will be the eyes and ears for the physicians in charge, perfecting your patient presentation will help get the care the patients need while making everyone’s job a little easier.

Final remarks

There are some basic steps to achieving an excellent presentation: know the topic well, understand who you’re presenting to, develop a memorable story, and practice until it comes out naturally. A career in medicine is very versatile; you can be at the forefront of the next generation of physicians sharing your experiences or updating the science community with your research conclusions. At the minimum, you will be presenting the patient in the clinic. Thus, presenting is a skill every physician must master.

Picture of Sulaiman Ahmad

Sulaiman Ahmad

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presentation topics for medical students

PowerPoint presentation tips for medical students

presentation topics for medical students

Medical PowerPoint presentations are an essential component of medical education for students as they help to develop important skills that are necessary for success in the medical profession.

Key reasons why presentations are important for medical students

1. Developing communication skills: Presentations provide students with an opportunity to practice their communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal. This is essential for medical students, as effective communication is critical for building rapport with patients, colleagues, and other healthcare professionals. 2. Improving critical thinking skills: In order to create a successful presentation, medical students must conduct research, analyze data, and synthesize information from a variety of sources. This helps to develop critical thinking skills that are crucial for making informed decisions in clinical practice. 3. Enhancing professional development: Presentations provide medical students with the opportunity to showcase their knowledge and skills to peers and faculty members. This helps to build confidence and professionalism, both of which are critical for success in the medical field. 4. Learning from feedback: After a presentation, medical students can receive valuable feedback from peers and faculty members. This feedback can be used to identify areas for improvement and help students to refine their skills. 5. Exposing students to a variety of topics: Presentations allow medical students to learn about a wide range of topics related to medicine, including current research, clinical cases, and medical ethics. This exposure helps to broaden their knowledge and understanding of the field.

Overall, PowerPoint presentations play a critical role in the education of medical students, providing them with valuable opportunities to develop key skills and prepare for a successful career in medicine.

As a medical student, you will likely need to give PowerPoint presentations on various topics throughout your education.

Here are some tips to help you make your PowerPoint presentations effective and engaging:

1. Keep it simple: Use simple language and clear visuals to communicate your message. Avoid using complicated medical jargon that your audience may not understand. 2. Use high-quality visuals: Use clear, high-resolution images and graphs to illustrate your points. Avoid using clip art or low-quality images that can be distracting. 3. Stick to the essentials: Focus on the most important information and avoid overwhelming your audience with too much data. 4. Practice your presentation: Practice your presentation beforehand to make sure you're comfortable with the material and that your timing is appropriate. 5. Engage your audience: Ask questions and encourage participation from your audience to keep them engaged and interested in your presentation. 6. Use appropriate transitions: Use smooth transitions between slides to keep the flow of your presentation smooth and professional. 7. Keep it short: Aim to keep your presentation under 10-15 minutes to avoid losing your audience's attention. 8. Be mindful of your audience: Tailor your presentation to your audience's knowledge level and interests. 9. Use a clear structure: Use a clear structure, such as an introduction, main points, and conclusion, to help your audience follow along. 10. Use proper citation: Cite your sources and give credit where it is due. Avoid plagiarism and give credit to others whose work you reference in your presentation.

By following the above-given tips, medical students can create medical PowerPoint presentations that are effective and capable of communicating complex medical information to their audience.

About Author

Khushbu Srivastava Gupta is the Editor & Social Media Evangelist in MedicPresents.com . Follow her on social sites :

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/khushbuSW Twitter : https://twitter.com/khushbuSW Linkedin : https://in.linkedin.com/in/khushbusrivastava

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Effective Presentations: Optimize the Learning Experience With Evidence-Based Multimedia Principles [Incl. Seminar]

Effective presentation


What is an effective presentation.

Professional education requires presentations, from a small discussion or a short video to speaking to a lecture hall with an audience of hundreds.  In fact, presentations are at the core of the educational process. With the effort to view all our educational efforts through an evidence-based lens, the construction of an effective presentation needs to undergo the same scrutiny. Whether a presenter intends to share plans, teach educational information, give updates on project progress, or convey the results of research, the extent to which the audience understands and remembers the presentation relies not only on the quality of the content but also the manner in which that content is presented. While the medium of the presentation may range from written content to graphics, videos, live presentations, or any combination of these and more, each of these mediums can be enhanced and made more effective by the use of evidence-based practices for presenting. Regardless of the medium, effective presentations have the same key features: they are appealing, engaging, informative, and concise. Effective presentations gain attention and captivate the audience, but most importantly, they convey information and ideas memorably.

With the integration of technology and online learning, educators have more opportunities than ever to present rich content that enhances and supports student learning. However, these opportunities can be intimidating to educators striving to engage students, as it can be daunting to create visually appealing and informative materials. Additionally, many educators feel pressured by the continued myth of learning styles: the widespread misconception that learning materials should match students’ visual, auditory, or kinesthetic “styles” to optimize learning (1). Despite being featured in many articles and discussions, there is no compelling evidence that matching educational content to learner’s style preferences increases educational outcomes. However, using multiple modes of delivery such as visuals, audio, and active learning has been shown to benefit all learners. In other words, no matter their stated preference, all learners benefit from a variety of media. Using evidence-based principles for multimedia content such as the principles found in Richard Mayer’s multimedia learning as well as the principles of graphic design and universal design supports learning and increases educational outcomes.

Why effective presentations work

What makes a presentation effective? Is an appealing and engaging presentation also an effective one? Research from cognitive science provides a foundation for understanding how verbal and pictorial information are processed by the learner’s mind during a presentation.

Mayer’s cognitive theory of multimedia learning

Based in cognitive science research, Mayer’s evidence-based approach to multimedia and cognition has greatly influenced both instructional design and the learning sciences. Mayer’s cognitive theory of multimedia learning comprises three learning principles: the dual channel principle, the limited capacity principle, and the active processing principle. Mayer’s cognitive theory of multimedia learning lays the theoretical foundation that underlies the practical applications to boost cognitive processes (2).

The dual channel principle proposes that learners process verbal and pictorial information via two separate channels (see figure below). Within each channel, learners can process limited amounts of information simultaneously due to limits in working memory, a phenomenon known as the limited capacity principle . In addition to these principles describing learning via the verbal and pictorial channels, the active processing principle proposes deeper learning occurs when learners are actively engaged in cognitive processing, such as attending to relevant information, creating mental schema to organize the material cognitively, and then relating to prior knowledge (3). These three principles work in tandem to describe the learning process that occurs when an audience of learners experiences a multimedia presentation.

Cognitive Load Theory, Adapted from Mayer (3) . Depicting how verbal and visual information is processed in dual channels through sensory, working, and long-term memory to create meaningful learning.

Mayers cognitive load theory

As learners listen to a lecture or watch a video, words and images are detected in the sensory memory and held for a very brief period of time. As the learners attend to relevant information, they are selecting words and images , which allows the selected information to move into the working memory where it may be held for a short period of time. However, working memory is limited to about 30 seconds and can only hold a few bits of information at a time. Organizing the words and images creates a coherent cognitive representation (schema) of these bits of information in the working memory. After the words and images are selected and then organized into schema, integrating these bits of information with prior knowledge from long term memory creates meaningful learning.

Cognitive Capacity . Three types of processing combine to determine cognitive capacity. To improve essential processing and generative processing, extraneous processing should be limited as much as possible .

Cognitive capacity

No matter how important the content may be, the capacity of learners to retain ideas from a single presentation is limited. The amount of information a learner can process as they select, organize, and integrate the ideas in a presentation relates to the cognitive load, which includes Essential, Extraneous, and Generative cognitive processing. Essential cognitive processing is required for the learner to create a cognitive representation of necessary and relevant information. This is the desired part of processing but should be managed to not overload the cognitive process. Extraneous processing refers to cognitive processing that does not contribute to learning and is often caused by poor design. Extraneous processing should be eliminated whenever possible to free up cognitive resources. Generative cognitive processing gives meaning to the material and creates deep learning. Learners must be motivated to engage and understand the information for this type of processing to occur.

Foundations in neuroscience

What we know about cognition and learning has been supported and informed by research in neuroscience (4). Neuroscience advances have also allowed us to gain deeper understanding into cognitive science principles, including those on multimedia learning. Researchers have been increasingly tracking learner eye movements to study learners’ attention and interest as a method of validating the impact of multimedia principles, and the results have supported the benefits of proper multimedia design on learner performance (5). Another avenue of research with great potential includes functional MRI (fMRI) readings or electroencephalography (EEG) (6). It has long been established that verbal and pictorial data is processed in different parts of the brain. More recently however, by examining changes in blood flow in different regions of the brain, researchers in Sweden were able to demonstrate that increased extraneous load could impact the effectiveness of learning, in line with the dual channel principle (7).

Evidence for effective presentations

Mayer’s multimedia principles.

Mayer’s Multimedia Principles.

Mayers multimedia learning principles

Mayer’s multimedia principles are a set of evidence-based guidelines for producing multimedia based on facilitating essential processing, reducing extraneous processing, and promoting generative processing (8). Mayer’s list of principles often includes fifteen principles, some of which have changed over time, and in a study conducted with medical students, the following nine principles were found to be particularly effective (3). The first three of these principles are used to reduce extraneous processing.

Principles for reducing extraneous processing:

  • Coherence principle: eliminate extraneous material 
  • Signaling principle: highlight essential material 
  • Spatial contiguity principle: place printed words near corresponding graphics

To illustrate these principles, we will use a lesson about the kidneys. The instructor wants to make diagrams of the anatomy to use during discussion. The coherence principle says to only include the information necessary to the lesson. Graphics such as clip art, information that does not relate to anatomy, or unnecessary music reduces cognitive capacity. The signaling principle says to highlight essential material; this might include putting important content in bold or larger font. Or, if the kidney is shown in situ , the rest of the anatomy may be shown in grayscale or a much lighter color to de-emphasize it. The spatial contiguity principle says to place printed words, such as the labels, near the graphics.

Reduce extraneous processing .  Do : keep labels next to diagrams, use only essential material, highlight essential material such as titles.  Don’t: separate labels from diagrams, include extra facts, or have excessive text on a slide, especially with no indication of what is most important.

Reducing extraneous processing

Principles for managing essential processing:

  • Pre-training principle: provide pre-training in names and characteristics of key concepts
  • Segmenting principle: break lessons into learner-controlled segments 
  • Modality principle: present words in spoken form

The next three principles are used to manage essential processing. If the kidney lesson moves into diseased states or diagnostics, the pre-training principle says that learners should be given information on any unfamiliar terminology before the lesson begins. To satisfy the segmenting principle , the learner should be able to control each piece of the lesson. For example, a “next” button may allow them to progress from pre-training to anatomy to diseased states and then diagnostics. The modality principle says that words should be spoken when possible. Voice-over can be used and text can be limited to essential material such as key definitions or lists.

Manage essential processing.   Do: Present terms and key concepts first, break lessons into user-controlled segments, and present words in spoken form.  Don’t: Give long blocks of text for students to read without priming students for key concepts.

Manage essential processing

Principles for fostering generative processing: 

  • Multimedia principle: present words and pictures rather than words alone 
  • Personalization principle: present words in conversational or polite style 
  • Voice principle: use a human voice rather than a machine voice

Mayer’s work also includes principles to increase generative processing. The multimedia principle is a direct result of the dual channel principle and limited capacity principle. Words and pictures together stimulate both channels and allow the memory to process more information than words alone. To adhere to the personalization principle to promote deeper learning, a case study is better presented as a story than a page of diagnostics and patient demographics. Finally, the voice principle says that a human voice is more desirable, so it is better to use the instructor’s voice when doing voice-overs rather than auto-generated readers.

Foster generative processing. Do: Present words and pictures, present words in conversational style, and use a human voice.  Don’t: Present text only, present words as a list of facts or overly technical language, or use a computer-generated voice.

Foster generative processing

Additional multimedia principles: 

  • Temporal contiguity principle: present words and pictures simultaneously rather than successively
  • Redundancy principle: for a fast paced lesson, people learn better from graphics and narration rather than graphics, narration, and text 
  • Image principle: people do not learn better if a static image of the instructor is added to the presentation

Additional principles include the temporal contiguity principle , which states that words and pictures should be shown simultaneously rather than successively. This also includes narration and images or animation. For example, if an animation demonstrates normal cell division, the narration should be given during the animation, not after. The redundancy principle states that people do not necessarily learn better if text is added to graphics and narration. The duplication of information creates extraneous processing as learners try to process print and spoken text. The image principle states that learners do not learn better if a static image of the instructor is added to a presentation. For example, if students are watching an animation with normal cell division, they do not learn better if an image of their instructor is placed next to the animation.

Additional principles for fostering generative processing: 

  • Embodiment principle: onscreen instructors should display high embodiment not low
  • Immersion principle: 3D virtual reality is not necessarily better than 2D presentations 
  • Generative activity principle: use generative learning activities during learning

In the newest edition of Mayer’s Multimedia Learning (8), three additional principles have been added. The embodiment principle states that onscreen instructors should display high embodiment rather than low embodiment, meaning they should use natural gestures, look at the camera as if making eye contact, and if drawing, show the image being drawn. If demonstrating something like a surgical procedure, a first-person perspective should be used so the learner sees the perspective of the person performing. Low embodiment would include standing still, lack of eye contact, and using a third-person perspective. The immersion principle states that 3D immersive virtual reality is not necessarily more effective than 2D presentations, such as on a computer screen. This is thought to be caused by the cognitive load on the learning involved in using 3D immersive technology but more studies are needed. Lastly, the generative activity principle states that learners should use generative learning activities while learning such as summarizing, mapping, drawing, imagining, self-testing, self-explaining, teaching, and enacting. These activities help learners cognitively select and organize new material and then integrate with prior knowledge.

Other Design Principles

Mayer’s design principles are functional but do not address aesthetics per se . Anyone can master the basic graphic design principles as discussed by Reynolds (9) to captivate and engage an audience. 

  • Create graphics that are designed for the back of the room. Whatever the venue, the person in the back needs to be able to see and gather information from the graphics. Ensure font size is appropriate, image size and clarity is sufficient, and that font type and spacing allow words to be seen clearly from a distance. For online materials, this principle may mean designing for the person who will be viewing on the smallest screen (such as a phone) rather than assuming viewers will use a large monitor (10).
  • Limit the types of fonts. Too many fonts or fonts that don’t coordinate well can make graphics seem jarring and unpleasant. Some programs will suggest font families that are appealing, and a safe guideline is to limit to two or three fonts maximum per graphic. 
  • Use contrasting colors. Colors that are too similar or using type on top of images that lack contrast can make type difficult to read. Color family suggestions can be found online or in software such as Powerpoint.

Graphic design principles.  Do: Use coordinating fonts and color schemes with contrasting colors.  Don’t: use multiple fonts, excessive colors, and/or non-contrasting colors that may be difficult to distinguish.

Graphic design principle

In addition to singular graphics or presentations, online course presentation makes a difference in how learners perceive and utilize a course. When designing online learning experiences, consider using guidelines such as Quality Matters to assess the functionality. Quality Matters rubrics look at key components that have been proven to facilitate learning by making navigation and presentation of course elements explicit. Key components include providing information on how to get started, including learning objectives, allowing learners to track their progress, and using learning activities and technology tools that support active learning. Navigation among course components should facilitate access to materials.

In addition to all of these principles, accessibility must be considered in all forms of presentation. In education, designing for accessibility can be guided by universal design principles . Some schools may even require all courses and materials to be fully accessible. Providing accessible options has been shown to benefit all learners, not just those with a documented need for accommodations (11). Some basic accommodations that should be offered in any class include offering media in multiple modes. For example, videos should have the option of captioning and/or access to a transcript, and photos and graphics should have captions that describe the image. Many learning management systems and software programs now have options to check for accessibility. Additionally, most schools can provide assistance in assessing and developing accessible materials.

Practical Applications for Presentations in Health Professions Education

Implementation in the classroom.

When planning how to present materials in the classroom, first consider the most effective form of presentation for the given information. It may be a Powerpoint, a video, a graphic, or a handout. Consider using a variety of media appropriate for the intended outcomes. Creating high quality materials may seem daunting, but quality content can be reused, shared, and has been shown to enhance student learning.

Powerpoint has been much maligned for overuse and abuse, but well-designed presentations can be remarkably effective (12). When designing in Powerpoint, limit the amount of text per slide. One rule to remember is the 5/5/5 rule: Use no more than 5 lines of text with 5 words each or 5 text-heavy slides in a row and try to avoid bullets (13). Graphics are preferable to text or tables when representing data, but graphs and labels should be kept as simple as possible using 2D graphics and simplified labels that are easy for viewers to see (14). When presenting, refrain from reading from the slides. Slides should highlight important concepts and provide visual aids, not present everything. In addition, keep Powerpoint and video presentations short; most listeners will lose attention in 6–10 minutes (15,16). Whenever possible, engage the audience by interspersing active learning elements. Between sections or topics, transition slides can be used to indicate pauses for activity or reflection or to cue students to changes in topic (14).

When planning a presentation, consider presenting some of the information online before class for students to review. This flipped classroom technique allows for more class to be spent using active learning and facilitates the presentation of multiple forms of media and accessible options. 

Implementation online

Videos often become an integral part of the online learning experience. To facilitate learning, consider the following tips for your own video production (17,18): 

  • Align the video with learning objectives and course outcomes. Focus on pertinent instructional points to reduce extraneous processing and thereby reduce cognitive load. 
  • Limit the length of videos and use interactive elements to promote active learning. To help maintain student engagement and deepen learning, include interactive elements such as discussions, quizzes or embedded questions to maintain student attention. 
  • Limit extraneous information, graphics, and sounds that do not pertain to the learning goals (19). Busy backgrounds, music, or animations that don’t contribute to understanding concepts unnecessarily add to a learner’s cognitive load.
  • When using existing videos, ensure the source is reliable and the video is high quality. Video production can take time, so using professional videos can be beneficial if they come from credible sources that target the learning objectives with up-to-date and accurate information.

Additionally, Schooley et al. (18) have proposed a 25-item quality checklist that can help educators create and curate high-quality videos. Many of the items in the checklist have been discussed here such as length, captioning, using relevant graphics, and self-assessment opportunities, but also included are other points an educator should consider, such as the offering learners the ability to download files and adjust playback speed as well as providing them with recommendations for further reading.

For a course in any modality, creating and curating content online can save time and facilitate student learning. As you consider what material to create and use for your courses, assess existing material using the guidelines above to determine if it could be made more beneficial to learners. Does it follow Mayer’s principles? Does it follow graphic design principles and universal design principles? Consider using a Quality Matters rubric to check the course design for best practices.


Educator’s perspective.

  • Use Mayer’s multimedia design principles to revise existing presentations and review new creations for simple changes that can make a big difference (12).
  • When delivering a presentation, start by discussing an unusual case, presenting an interesting story or an unexpected statistic, or explain how the topic impacts the listeners. This personalization will help gain their attention from the start (13).
  • When designing your own materials and graphics, “less is more” is often a good guideline: limit the amount of information on slides, limit the types of fonts, and limit the excessive use of colors (9,12).
  • Videos should be limited to 5–6 minutes when possible and avoid exceeding 10 minutes. Break up longer videos and intersperse interactive elements to keep students engaged (15–17).
  • When using technology and online delivery, universal design and accessibility considerations can be complicated. See if your school has an expert that can review your materials to ensure all students will benefit.

Student perspective

  • When creating presentations, reports, and charts, follow Mayer’s multimedia design principles to ensure your audience gets the most from your presentation.
  • Avoid copy/pasting but rather try and present concepts in an original way in order to augment your understanding of the material.
  • When looking at materials online, look for options such as captioning, transcripts, or audio buttons for accessing additional media output.
  • If a presentation is lengthy, pause and insert your own activities to help yourself stay focused. Taking notes, pausing for reflection, and self-quizzing can help deepen your learning and keep your mind from wandering.
  • If a variety of media aren’t offered, consider finding your own to supplement your learning. Credible sources with learning objectives that align with your course can augment your learning experience.

(Please select all that apply) 

1. When creating a graphic about the current status of heart disease in the US, which of the following would align with best practices?

a. Gaining the audience’s attention with a picture of your dog.

b. Using 3 colors that coordinate well on a contrasting background.

c. A 2D graph with simple labels rather than a table of data.

d. An image on the left with labels listed separately on the right.

e. An image next to a paragraph of text that you will read for the audience.

2. Which of the following are true about educational videos?

a. They need to be created by professionals to be high-quality.

b. They should be less than 10 minutes.

c. There should be an option for closed captioning or a written transcript.

d. Longer videos may be used but should be broken up with active learning elements.

e. Videos don’t need to align to objectives as long as they’re well-made.

3. Which of the following would be examples of Mayer’s multimedia principles?

a. Using a human voice rather than a machine voice.

b. Using formal language instead of conversational language.

c. Playing soothing music in the background of a video.

d. Providing new words and definitions before the presentation begins.

e. Putting important words in bold for emphasis.

4. Which of these would follow best practices for online content?

a. Creating a module where all the material is on one page for easy access.

b. Adding buttons for next, back, and table of contents options for students to navigate.

c. Breaking material into 7-minute videos with practice questions between them.

d. Adding fun clip art and cool images to the pages even if it doesn’t directly relate to the content.

e. Having text only because images are distracting.

Answers: (1) b,c. (2) b,c,d. (3) a,d,e. (4) b,c.

Online Seminar

This online seminar and its accompanying article will focus on the topic of Effective Presentations, which have a set of key qualities: they are appealing, engaging, informative, and concise. Effective presentations gain attention and captivate the audience, but most importantly, they convey information and ideas memorably and efficiently. Using evidence-based principles in educational multimedia can ensure the development of high-quality learning experiences. Our host, Dr. Peter Horneffer will be sharing with us some key multimedia concepts that can help facilitate the development and implementation of effective multimedia into the educational process.

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Meredith Ratliff

Meredith Ratliff is a doctoral student in Instructional Design and Technology at the University of Central Florida. Her research interests include evidence-based medical education, branching scenarios, and faculty development. She has received her B.S. and M.A.T. in Mathematics at the University of Florida and her MA in Instructional Design and Technology from UCF. She has been an Associate Faculty member in the mathematics department at Valencia College in Kissimmee, Florida for the past nine years. As part of the Learning Science team at Lecturio, she serves as an educational consultant helping to design and develop materials for medical educators.


Satria Nur Sya’ban is a doctor from Indonesia who graduated from Universitas Airlangga. While a student, he served as the president of CIMSA, a national medical student NGO, working on a diverse range of issues that included medical education and curriculum advocacy by medical students. Before graduating, he took two gap years to serve as a Regional Director, and subsequently as Vice-President, of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA)*, working on and developing various initiatives to better empower medical student organizations to make a change at the national level. At Lecturio, he serves as a Medical Education Consultant, supporting Lecturio in developing and maintaining partnerships with student organizations and universities in Asia, as well as providing counsel on how Lecturio can fit in existing teaching models and benefit students’ learning experience.

*IFMSA has been one of the leading global health organizations worldwide since 1951, representing over 1.3 million medical students as members spanning over 123 countries.

presentation topics for medical students

Adonis is a doctor from Lebanon who graduated from the University of Balamand. He was a research fellow at the Department of Emergency Medicine at the American University of Beirut Medical Center and has worked with the World Health Organization Regional Office of the Eastern Mediterranean. During his studies, Adonis served as the president of the Lebanese Medical Students’ International Committee (LeMSIC), a national medical student organization in Lebanon, and moved on to serve as the Regional Director of the Eastern Mediterranean Region of the IFMSA*. Among his roles as Regional Director, he focused on medical education advocacy, oversaw collaborations with external partners, and undertook several medical education projects and initiatives around the region. As a Medical Education Consultant at Lecturio, he advises the Lecturio team on how the platform can fit in existing teaching models and benefit students’ learning experience, develops and maintains partnerships with student organizations and universities in the MENA region, and conducts research on learning science and evidence-based strategies.

presentation topics for medical students

Sarah Haidar is an educator and educational specialist from Lebanon who has graduated with a BA in English Linguistics and a Secondary Teaching Diploma (T.D.) from  Haigazian University in Beirut, Lebanon. She has received her M.Ed. in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL)  from the Lebanese International University. She has been teaching ESL classrooms at the Deutsche Internationale Schule for four years. As part of the administrative team at the All American Institute of Medical Sciences (AAIMS), she is working on the design and implementation of a set of academic and administrative reforms that can help both faculty and students in their professional and academic endeavors. She has joined Lecturio to support the Learning Science team in the writing and communication based tasks that might be needed to announce and market their services and events that are targeted at medical educators. She is also supporting the Learning Science team with her perspective on educational and pedagogical topics that will inform the general audience of educators.

presentation topics for medical students

Sara Keeth is a Ph.D. and certified PMP (Project Management Professional) who graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas. As an educator, she has worked as a Teaching Fellow at  the University of Texas at Dallas, as a full-time professor at Richland College (now Dallas College’s Richland Campus), and has also taught at Austin College. Dr. Keeth has also worked as a consultant for Parker University’s Research Center and has a decade of experience as an operations manager for an advertising agency. As Senior Learning Science and Research Project Manager at Lecturio, she manages the Learning Science department’s activities, shares her education expertise and best practices for medical educators, and develops evidence-based content for both students and faculty.

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  • Dan A, Reiner M. Real Time EEG Based Measurements of Cognitive Load Indicated Mental States During Learning. 2017;9(2):14.
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  • Mayer RE. Multimedia Learning. 3rd ed. Cambridge University Press; 2021. 450 p.
  • Reynolds G. Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery. New Riders; 2011. 462 p.
  • Elias T. Universal instructional design principles for mobile learning. Int Rev Res Open Distrib Learn [Internet]. 2011 Feb 28 [cited 2022 Jun 15];12(2):143. Available from: http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/965
  • Shimoni R, Barrington G, Wilde R, Henwood S. Addressing the needs of diverse distributed students. Int Rev Res Open Distrib Learn [Internet]. 2013 Jul 5 [cited 2022 Jun 10];14(3):134–57. Available from: https://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/1413
  • Grech V. The application of the Mayer multimedia learning theory to medical PowerPoint slide show presentations. J Vis Commun Med [Internet]. 2018 Jan 2 [cited 2022 Jun 10];41(1):36–41. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1080/17453054.2017.1408400
  • Vogel WH, Viale PH. Presenting With Confidence. J Adv Pract Oncol [Internet]. 2018 [cited 2022 Jun 10];9(5):545–8. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6505544/
  • Lenz PH, McCallister JW, Luks AM, Le TT, Fessler HE. Practical Strategies for Effective Lectures. Ann Am Thorac Soc [Internet]. 2015 Apr [cited 2022 Jun 6];12(4):561–6. Available from: http://www.atsjournals.org/doi/10.1513/AnnalsATS.201501-024AR
  • Guo P, Kim J, Rubin R. How video production affects student engagement: An empirical study of MOOC videos. 2014. 41 p.
  • Carmichael M, Reid AK, Karpicke JD. Assessing the Impact of Educational Video on Student Engagement, Critical Thinking and Learning: :24. Available from: https://us.sagepub.com/sites/default/files/hevideolearning.pdf
  • Dong C, Goh PS. Twelve tips for the effective use of videos in medical education. Med Teach [Internet]. 2015 Feb 1 [cited 2022 Jun 6];37(2):140–5. Available from: https://doi.org/10.3109/0142159X.2014.943709
  • Schooley SP, Tackett S, Peraza LR, Shehadeh LA. Development and piloting of an instructional video quality checklist (IVQC). Med Teach [Internet]. 2022 Mar 4 [cited 2022 Jun 10];44(3):287–93. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1080/0142159X.2021.1985099
  • Brame CJ. Effective educational videos [Internet]. Vanderbilt University. [cited 2022 Jun 10]. Available from: https://cft.vanderbilt.edu/guides-sub-pages/effective-educational-videos/
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Overview and General Information about Oral Presentation

  • Daily Presentations During Work Rounds
  • The New Patient Presentation
  • The Holdover Admission Presentation
  • Outpatient Clinic Presentations
  • The structure of presentations varies from service to service (e.g. medicine vs. surgery), amongst subspecialties, and between environments (inpatient vs. outpatient). Applying the correct style to the right setting requires that the presenter seek guidance from the listeners at the outset.
  • Time available for presenting is rather short, which makes the experience more stressful.
  • Individual supervisors (residents, faculty) often have their own (sometimes quirky) preferences regarding presentation styles, adding another layer of variability that the presenter has to manage.
  • Students are evaluated/judged on the way in which they present, with faculty using this as one way of gauging a student’s clinical knowledge.
  • Done well, presentations promote efficient, excellent care. Done poorly, they promote tedium, low morale, and inefficiency.

General Tips:

  • Practice, Practice, Practice! Do this on your own, with colleagues, and/or with anyone who will listen (and offer helpful commentary) before you actually present in front of other clinicians. Speaking "on-the-fly" is difficult, as rapidly organizing and delivering information in a clear and concise fashion is not a naturally occurring skill.
  • Immediately following your presentations, seek feedback from your listeners. Ask for specifics about what was done well and what could have been done better – always with an eye towards gaining information that you can apply to improve your performance the next time.
  • Listen to presentations that are done well – ask yourself, “Why was it good?” Then try to incorporate those elements into your own presentations.
  • Listen to presentations that go poorly – identify the specific things that made it ineffective and avoid those pitfalls when you present.
  • Effective presentations require that you have thought through the case beforehand and understand the rationale for your conclusions and plan. This, in turn, requires that you have a good grasp of physiology, pathology, clinical reasoning and decision-making - pushing you to read, pay attention, and in general acquire more knowledge.
  • Think about the clinical situation in which you are presenting so that you can provide a summary that is consistent with the expectations of your audience. Work rounds, for example, are clearly different from conferences and therefore mandate a different style of presentation.
  • Presentations are the way in which we tell medical stories to one another. When you present, ask yourself if you’ve described the story in an accurate way. Will the listener be able to “see” the patient the same way that you do? Can they come to the correct conclusions? If not, re-calibrate.
  • It's O.K. to use notes, though the oral presentation should not simply be reduced to reading the admission note – rather, it requires appropriate editing/shortening.
  • In general, try to give your presentations on a particular service using the same order and style for each patient, every day. Following a specific format makes it easier for the listener to follow, as they know what’s coming and when they can expect to hear particular information. Additionally, following a standardized approach makes it easier for you to stay organized, develop a rhythm, and lessens the chance that you’ll omit elements.

Specific types of presentations

There are a number of common presentation-types, each with its own goals and formats. These include:

  • Daily presentations during work rounds for patients known to a service.
  • Newly admitted patients, where you were the clinician that performed the H&P.
  • Newly admitted patients that were “handed off” to the team in the morning, such that the H&P was performed by others.
  • Outpatient clinic presentations, covering several common situations.

Key elements of each presentation type are described below. Examples of how these would be applied to most situations are provided in italics. The formats are typical of presentations done for internal medicine services and clinics.

Note that there is an acceptable range of how oral presentations can be delivered. Ultimately, your goal is to tell the correct story, in a reasonable amount of time, so that the right care can be delivered. Nuances in the order of presentation, what to include, what to omit, etc. are relatively small points. Don’t let the pursuit of these elements distract you or create undue anxiety.

Daily presentations during work rounds of patients that you’re following:

  • Organize the presenter (forces you to think things through)
  • Inform the listener(s) of 24 hour events and plan moving forward
  • Promote focused discussion amongst your listeners and supervisors
  • Opportunity to reassess plan, adjust as indicated
  • Demonstrate your knowledge and engagement in the care of the patient
  • Rapid (5 min) presentation of the key facts

Key features of presentation:

  • Opening one liner: Describe who the patient is, number of days in hospital, and their main clinical issue(s).
  • 24-hour events: Highlighting changes in clinical status, procedures, consults, etc.
  • Subjective sense from the patient about how they’re feeling, vital signs (ranges), and key physical exam findings (highlighting changes)
  • Relevant labs (highlighting changes) and imaging
  • Assessment and Plan : Presented by problem or organ systems(s), using as many or few as are relevant. Early on, it’s helpful to go through the main categories in your head as a way of making sure that you’re not missing any relevant areas. The broad organ system categories include (presented here head-to-toe): Neurological; Psychiatric; Cardiovascular; Pulmonary; Gastrointestinal; Renal/Genitourinary; Hematologic/Oncologic; Endocrine/Metabolic; Infectious; Tubes/lines/drains; Disposition.

Example of a daily presentation for a patient known to a team:

  • Opening one liner: This is Mr. Smith, a 65 year old man, Hospital Day #3, being treated for right leg cellulitis
  • MRI of the leg, negative for osteomyelitis
  • Evaluation by Orthopedics, who I&D’d a superficial abscess in the calf, draining a moderate amount of pus
  • Patient appears well, states leg is feeling better, less painful
  • T Max 101 yesterday, T Current 98; Pulse range 60-80; BP 140s-160s/70-80s; O2 sat 98% Room Air
  • Ins/Outs: 3L in (2 L NS, 1 L po)/Out 4L urine
  • Right lower extremity redness now limited to calf, well within inked lines – improved compared with yesterday; bandage removed from the I&D site, and base had small amount of purulence; No evidence of fluctuance or undrained infection.
  • Creatinine .8, down from 1.5 yesterday
  • WBC 8.7, down from 14
  • Blood cultures from admission still negative
  • Gram stain of pus from yesterday’s I&D: + PMNS and GPCs; Culture pending
  • MRI lower extremity as noted above – negative for osteomyelitis
  • Continue Vancomycin for today
  • Ortho to reassess I&D site, though looks good
  • Follow-up on cultures: if MRSA, will transition to PO Doxycycline; if MSSA, will use PO Dicloxacillin
  • Given AKI, will continue to hold ace-inhibitor; will likely wait until outpatient follow-up to restart
  • Add back amlodipine 5mg/d today
  • Hep lock IV as no need for more IVF
  • Continue to hold ace-I as above
  • Wound care teaching with RNs today – wife capable and willing to assist. She’ll be in this afternoon.
  • Set up follow-up with PMD to reassess wound and cellulitis within 1 week

The Brand New Patient (admitted by you)

  • Provide enough information so that the listeners can understand the presentation and generate an appropriate differential diagnosis.
  • Present a thoughtful assessment
  • Present diagnostic and therapeutic plans
  • Provide opportunities for senior listeners to intervene and offer input
  • Chief concern: Reason why patient presented to hospital (symptom/event and key past history in one sentence). It often includes a limited listing of their other medical conditions (e.g. diabetes, hypertension, etc.) if these elements might contribute to the reason for admission.
  • The history is presented highlighting the relevant events in chronological order.
  • 7 days ago, the patient began to notice vague shortness of breath.
  • 5 days ago, the breathlessness worsened and they developed a cough productive of green sputum.
  • 3 days ago his short of breath worsened to the point where he was winded after walking up a flight of stairs, accompanied by a vague right sided chest pain that was more pronounced with inspiration.
  • Enough historical information has to be provided so that the listener can understand the reasons that lead to admission and be able to draw appropriate clinical conclusions.
  • Past history that helps to shed light on the current presentation are included towards the end of the HPI and not presented later as “PMH.” This is because knowing this “past” history is actually critical to understanding the current complaint. For example, past cardiac catheterization findings and/or interventions should be presented during the HPI for a patient presenting with chest pain.
  • Where relevant, the patient's baseline functional status is described, allowing the listener to understand the degree of impairment caused by the acute medical problem(s).
  • It should be explicitly stated if a patient is a poor historian, confused or simply unaware of all the details related to their illness. Historical information obtained from family, friends, etc. should be described as such.
  • Review of Systems (ROS): Pertinent positive and negative findings discovered during a review of systems are generally incorporated at the end of the HPI. The listener needs this information to help them put the story in appropriate perspective. Any positive responses to a more inclusive ROS that covers all of the other various organ systems are then noted. If the ROS is completely negative, it is generally acceptable to simply state, "ROS negative.”
  • Other Past Medical and Surgical History (PMH/PSH): Past history that relates to the issues that lead to admission are typically mentioned in the HPI and do not have to be repeated here. That said, selective redundancy (i.e. if it’s really important) is OK. Other PMH/PSH are presented here if relevant to the current issues and/or likely to affect the patient’s hospitalization in some way. Unrelated PMH and PSH can be omitted (e.g. if the patient had their gall bladder removed 10y ago and this has no bearing on the admission, then it would be appropriate to leave it out). If the listener really wants to know peripheral details, they can read the admission note, ask the patient themselves, or inquire at the end of the presentation.
  • Medications and Allergies: Typically all meds are described, as there’s high potential for adverse reactions or drug-drug interactions.
  • Family History: Emphasis is placed on the identification of illnesses within the family (particularly among first degree relatives) that are known to be genetically based and therefore potentially heritable by the patient. This would include: coronary artery disease, diabetes, certain cancers and autoimmune disorders, etc. If the family history is non-contributory, it’s fine to say so.
  • Social History, Habits, other → as relates to/informs the presentation or hospitalization. Includes education, work, exposures, hobbies, smoking, alcohol or other substance use/abuse.
  • Sexual history if it relates to the active problems.
  • Vital signs and relevant findings (or their absence) are provided. As your team develops trust in your ability to identify and report on key problems, it may become acceptable to say “Vital signs stable.”
  • Note: Some listeners expect students (and other junior clinicians) to describe what they find in every organ system and will not allow the presenter to say “normal.” The only way to know what to include or omit is to ask beforehand.
  • Key labs and imaging: Abnormal findings are highlighted as well as changes from baseline.
  • Summary, assessment & plan(s) Presented by problem or organ systems(s), using as many or few as are relevant. Early on, it’s helpful to go through the main categories in your head as a way of making sure that you’re not missing any relevant areas. The broad organ system categories include (presented here head-to-toe): Neurological; Psychiatric; Cardiovascular; Pulmonary; Gastrointestinal; Renal/Genitourinary; Hematologic/Oncologic; Endocrine/Metabolic; Infectious; Tubes/lines/drains; Disposition.
  • The assessment and plan typically concludes by mentioning appropriate prophylactic considerations (e.g. DVT prevention), code status and disposition.
  • Chief Concern: Mr. H is a 50 year old male with AIDS, on HAART, with preserved CD4 count and undetectable viral load, who presents for the evaluation of fever, chills and a cough over the past 7 days.
  • Until 1 week ago, he had been quite active, walking up to 2 miles a day without feeling short of breath.
  • Approximately 1 week ago, he began to feel dyspneic with moderate activity.
  • 3 days ago, he began to develop subjective fevers and chills along with a cough productive of red-green sputum.
  • 1 day ago, he was breathless after walking up a single flight of stairs and spent most of the last 24 hours in bed.
  • Diagnosed with HIV in 2000, done as a screening test when found to have gonococcal urethritis
  • Was not treated with HAART at that time due to concomitant alcohol abuse and non-adherence.
  • Diagnosed and treated for PJP pneumonia 2006
  • Diagnosed and treated for CMV retinitis 2007
  • Became sober in 2008, at which time interested in HAART. Started on Atripla, a combination pill containing: Efavirenz, Tonofovir, and Emtricitabine. He’s taken it ever since, with no adverse effects or issues with adherence. Receives care thru Dr. Smiley at the University HIV clinic.
  • CD4 count 3 months ago was 400 and viral load was undetectable.
  • He is homosexual though he is currently not sexually active. He has never used intravenous drugs.
  • He has no history of asthma, COPD or chronic cardiac or pulmonary condition. No known liver disease. Hepatitis B and C negative. His current problem seems different to him then his past episode of PJP.
  • Review of systems: negative for headache, photophobia, stiff neck, focal weakness, chest pain, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, urinary symptoms, leg swelling, or other complaints.
  • Hypertension x 5 years, no other known vascular disease
  • Gonorrhea as above
  • Alcohol abuse above and now sober – no known liver disease
  • No relevant surgeries
  • Atripla, 1 po qd
  • Omeprazole 20 mg, 1 PO, qd
  • Lisinopril 20mg, qd
  • Naprosyn 250 mg, 1-2, PO, BID PRN
  • No allergies
  • Both of the patient's parents are alive and well (his mother is 78 and father 80). He has 2 brothers, one 45 and the other 55, who are also healthy. There is no family history of heart disease or cancer.
  • Patient works as an accountant for a large firm in San Diego. He lives alone in an apartment in the city.
  • Smokes 1 pack of cigarettes per day and has done so for 20 years.
  • No current alcohol use. Denies any drug use.
  • Sexual History as noted above; has sex exclusively with men, last partner 6 months ago.
  • Seated on a gurney in the ER, breathing through a face-mask oxygen delivery system. Breathing was labored and accessory muscles were in use. Able to speak in brief sentences, limited by shortness of breath
  • Vital signs: Temp 102 F, Pulse 90, BP 150/90, Respiratory Rate 26, O2 Sat (on 40% Face Mask) 95%
  • HEENT: No thrush, No adenopathy
  • Lungs: Crackles and Bronchial breath sounds noted at right base. E to A changes present. No wheezing or other abnormal sounds noted over any other area of the lung. Dullness to percussion was also appreciated at the right base.
  • Cardiac: JVP less than 5 cm; Rhythm was regular. Normal S1 and S2. No murmurs or extra heart sounds noted.
  • Abdomen and Genital exams: normal
  • Extremities: No clubbing, cyanosis or edema; distal pulses 2+ and equal bilaterally.
  • Skin: no eruptions noted.
  • Neurological exam: normal
  • WBC 18 thousand with 10% bands;
  • Normal Chem 7 and LFTs.
  • Room air blood gas: pH of 7.47/ PO2 of 55/PCO2 of 30.
  • Sputum gram stain remarkable for an abundance of polys along with gram positive diplococci.
  • CXR remarkable for dense right lower lobe infiltrate without effusion.
  • Monitored care unit, with vigilance for clinical deterioration.
  • Hypertension: given significant pneumonia and unclear clinical direction, will hold lisinopril. If BP > 180 and or if clear not developing sepsis, will consider restarting.
  • Low molecular weight heparin
  • Code Status: Wishes to be full code full care, including intubation and ICU stay if necessary. Has good quality of life and hopes to return to that functional level. Wishes to reconsider if situation ever becomes hopeless. Older brother Tom is surrogate decision maker if the patient can’t speak for himself. Tom lives in San Diego and we have his contact info. He is aware that patient is in the hospital and plans on visiting later today or tomorrow.
  • Expected duration of hospitalization unclear – will know more based on response to treatment over next 24 hours.

The holdover admission (presenting data that was generated by other physicians)

  • Handoff admissions are very common and present unique challenges
  • Understand the reasons why the patient was admitted
  • Review key history, exam, imaging and labs to assure that they support the working diagnostic and therapeutic plans
  • Does the data support the working diagnosis?
  • Do the planned tests and consults make sense?
  • What else should be considered (both diagnostically and therapeutically)?
  • This process requires that the accepting team thoughtfully review their colleagues efforts with a critical eye – which is not disrespectful but rather constitutes one of the main jobs of the accepting team and is a cornerstone of good care *Note: At some point during the day (likely not during rounds), the team will need to verify all of the data directly with the patient.
  • 8-10 minutes
  • Chief concern: Reason for admission (symptom and/or event)
  • Temporally presented bullets of events leading up to the admission
  • Review of systems
  • Relevant PMH/PSH – historical information that might affect the patient during their hospitalization.
  • Meds and Allergies
  • Family and Social History – focusing on information that helps to inform the current presentation.
  • Habits and exposures
  • Physical exam, imaging and labs that were obtained in the Emergency Department
  • Assessment and plan that were generated in the Emergency Department.
  • Overnight events (i.e. what happened in the Emergency Dept. and after the patient went to their hospital room)? Responses to treatments, changes in symptoms?
  • How does the patient feel this morning? Key exam findings this morning (if seen)? Morning labs (if available)?
  • Assessment and Plan , with attention as to whether there needs to be any changes in the working differential or treatment plan. The broad organ system categories include (presented here head-to-toe): Neurological; Psychiatric; Cardiovascular; Pulmonary; Gastrointestinal; Renal/Genitourinary; Hematologic/Oncologic; Endocrine/Metabolic; Infectious; Tubes/lines/drains; Disposition.
  • Chief concern: 70 yo male who presented with 10 days of progressive shoulder pain, followed by confusion. He was brought in by his daughter, who felt that her father was no longer able to safely take care for himself.
  • 10 days ago, Mr. X developed left shoulder pain, first noted a few days after lifting heavy boxes. He denies falls or direct injury to the shoulder.
  • 1 week ago, presented to outside hospital ER for evaluation of left shoulder pain. Records from there were notable for his being afebrile with stable vitals. Exam notable for focal pain anteriorly on palpation, but no obvious deformity. Right shoulder had normal range of motion. Left shoulder reported as diminished range of motion but not otherwise quantified. X-ray negative. Labs remarkable for wbc 8, creat 2.2 (stable). Impression was that the pain was of musculoskeletal origin. Patient was provided with Percocet and told to see PMD in f/u
  • Brought to our ER last night by his daughter. Pain in shoulder worse. Also noted to be confused and unable to care for self. Lives alone in the country, home in disarray, no food.
  • ROS: negative for falls, prior joint or musculoskeletal problems, fevers, chills, cough, sob, chest pain, head ache, abdominal pain, urinary or bowel symptoms, substance abuse
  • Hypertension
  • Coronary artery disease, s/p LAD stent for angina 3 y ago, no symptoms since. Normal EF by echo 2 y ago
  • Chronic kidney disease stage 3 with creatinine 1.8; felt to be secondary to atherosclerosis and hypertension
  • aspirin 81mg qd, atorvastatin 80mg po qd, amlodipine 10 po qd, Prozac 20
  • Allergies: none
  • Family and Social: lives alone in a rural area of the county, in contact with children every month or so. Retired several years ago from work as truck driver. Otherwise non-contributory.
  • Habits: denies alcohol or other drug use.
  • Temp 98 Pulse 110 BP 100/70
  • Drowsy though arousable; oriented to year but not day or date; knows he’s at a hospital for evaluation of shoulder pain, but doesn’t know the name of the hospital or city
  • CV: regular rate and rhythm; normal s1 and s2; no murmurs or extra heart sounds.
  • Left shoulder with generalized swelling, warmth and darker coloration compared with Right; generalized pain on palpation, very limited passive or active range of motion in all directions due to pain. Right shoulder appearance and exam normal.
  • CXR: normal
  • EKG: sr 100; nl intervals, no acute changes
  • WBC 13; hemoglobin 14
  • Na 134, k 4.6; creat 2.8 (1.8 baseline 4 m ago); bicarb 24
  • LFTs and UA normal
  • Vancomycin and Zosyn for now
  • Orthopedics to see asap to aspirate shoulder for definitive diagnosis
  • If aspiration is consistent with infection, will need to go to Operating Room for wash out.
  • Urine electrolytes
  • Follow-up on creatinine and obtain renal ultrasound if not improved
  • Renal dosing of meds
  • Strict Ins and Outs.
  • follow exam
  • obtain additional input from family to assure baseline is, in fact, normal
  • Since admission (6 hours) no change in shoulder pain
  • This morning, pleasant, easily distracted; knows he’s in the hospital, but not date or year
  • T Current 101F Pulse 100 BP 140/80
  • Ins and Outs: IVF Normal Saline 3L/Urine output 1.5 liters
  • L shoulder with obvious swelling and warmth compared with right; no skin breaks; pain limits any active or passive range of motion to less than 10 degrees in all directions
  • Labs this morning remarkable for WBC 10 (from 13), creatinine 2 (down from 2.8)
  • Continue with Vancomycin and Zosyn for now
  • I already paged Orthopedics this morning, who are en route for aspiration of shoulder, fluid for gram stain, cell count, culture
  • If aspirate consistent with infection, then likely to the OR
  • Continue IVF at 125/h, follow I/O
  • Repeat creatinine later today
  • Not on any nephrotoxins, meds renaly dosed
  • Continue antibiotics, evaluation for primary source as above
  • Discuss with family this morning to establish baseline; possible may have underlying dementia as well
  • SC Heparin for DVT prophylaxis
  • Code status: full code/full care.

Outpatient-based presentations

There are 4 main types of visits that commonly occur in an outpatient continuity clinic environment, each of which has its own presentation style and purpose. These include the following, each described in detail below.

  • The patient who is presenting for their first visit to a primary care clinic and is entirely new to the physician.
  • The patient who is returning to primary care for a scheduled follow-up visit.
  • The patient who is presenting with an acute problem to a primary care clinic
  • The specialty clinic evaluation (new or follow-up)

It’s worth noting that Primary care clinics (Internal Medicine, Family Medicine and Pediatrics) typically take responsibility for covering all of the patient’s issues, though the amount of energy focused on any one topic will depend on the time available, acuity, symptoms, and whether that issue is also followed by a specialty clinic.

The Brand New Primary Care Patient

Purpose of the presentation

  • Accurately review all of the patient’s history as well as any new concerns that they might have.
  • Identify health related problems that need additional evaluation and/or treatment
  • Provide an opportunity for senior listeners to intervene and offer input

Key features of the presentation

  • If this is truly their first visit, then one of the main reasons is typically to "establish care" with a new doctor.
  • It might well include continuation of therapies and/or evaluations started elsewhere.
  • If the patient has other specific goals (medications, referrals, etc.), then this should be stated as well. Note: There may well not be a "chief complaint."
  • For a new patient, this is an opportunity to highlight the main issues that might be troubling/bothering them.
  • This can include chronic disorders (e.g. diabetes, congestive heart failure, etc.) which cause ongoing symptoms (shortness of breath) and/or generate daily data (finger stick glucoses) that should be discussed.
  • Sometimes, there are no specific areas that the patient wishes to discuss up-front.
  • Review of systems (ROS): This is typically comprehensive, covering all organ systems. If the patient is known to have certain illnesses (e.g. diabetes), then the ROS should include the search for disorders with high prevalence (e.g. vascular disease). There should also be some consideration for including questions that are epidemiologically appropriate (e.g. based on age and sex).
  • Past Medical History (PMH): All known medical conditions (in particular those requiring ongoing treatment) are listed, noting their duration and time of onset. If a condition is followed by a specialist or co-managed with other clinicians, this should be noted as well. If a problem was described in detail during the “acute” history, it doesn’t have to be re-stated here.
  • Past Surgical History (PSH): All surgeries, along with the year when they were performed
  • Medications and allergies: All meds, including dosage, frequency and over-the-counter preparations. Allergies (and the type of reaction) should be described.
  • Social: Work, hobbies, exposures.
  • Sexual activity – may include type of activity, number and sex of partner(s), partner’s health.
  • Smoking, Alcohol, other drug use: including quantification of consumption, duration of use.
  • Family history: Focus on heritable illness amongst first degree relatives. May also include whether patient married, in a relationship, children (and their ages).
  • Physical Exam: Vital signs and relevant findings (or their absence).
  • Key labs and imaging if they’re available. Also when and where they were obtained.
  • Summary, assessment & plan(s) presented by organ system and/or problems. As many systems/problems as is necessary to cover all of the active issues that are relevant to that clinic. This typically concludes with a “health care maintenance” section, which covers age, sex and risk factor appropriate vaccinations and screening tests.

The Follow-up Visit to a Primary Care Clinic

  • Organize the presenter (forces you to think things through).
  • Accurately review any relevant interval health care events that might have occurred since the last visit.
  • Identification of new symptoms or health related issues that might need additional evaluation and/or treatment
  • If the patient has no concerns, then verification that health status is stable
  • Review of medications
  • Provide an opportunity for listeners to intervene and offer input
  • Reason for the visit: Follow-up for whatever the patient’s main issues are, as well as stating when the last visit occurred *Note: There may well not be a “chief complaint,” as patients followed in continuity at any clinic may simply be returning for a visit as directed by their doctor.
  • Events since the last visit: This might include emergency room visits, input from other clinicians/specialists, changes in medications, new symptoms, etc.
  • Review of Systems (ROS): Depth depends on patient’s risk factors and known illnesses. If the patient has diabetes, then a vascular ROS would be done. On the other hand, if the patient is young and healthy, the ROS could be rather cursory.
  • PMH, PSH, Social, Family, Habits are all OMITTED. This is because these facts are already known to the listener and actionable aspects have presumably been added to the problem list (presented at the end). That said, these elements can be restated if the patient has a new symptom or issue related to a historical problem has emerged.
  • MEDS : A good idea to review these at every visit.
  • Physical exam: Vital signs and pertinent findings (or absence there of) are mentioned.
  • Lab and Imaging: The reason why these were done should be mentioned and any key findings mentioned, highlighting changes from baseline.
  • Assessment and Plan: This is most clearly done by individually stating all of the conditions/problems that are being addressed (e.g. hypertension, hypothyroidism, depression, etc.) followed by their specific plan(s). If a new or acute issue was identified during the visit, the diagnostic and therapeutic plan for that concern should be described.

The Focused Visit to a Primary Care Clinic

  • Accurately review the historical events that lead the patient to make the appointment.
  • Identification of risk factors and/or other underlying medical conditions that might affect the diagnostic or therapeutic approach to the new symptom or concern.
  • Generate an appropriate assessment and plan
  • Allow the listener to comment

Key features of the presentation:

  • Reason for the visit
  • History of Present illness: Description of the sequence of symptoms and/or events that lead to the patient’s current condition.
  • Review of Systems: To an appropriate depth that will allow the listener to grasp the full range of diagnostic possibilities that relate to the presenting problem.
  • PMH and PSH: Stating only those elements that might relate to the presenting symptoms/issues.
  • PE: Vital signs and key findings (or lack thereof)
  • Labs and imaging (if done)
  • Assessment and Plan: This is usually very focused and relates directly to the main presenting symptom(s) or issues.

The Specialty Clinic Visit

Specialty clinic visits focus on the health care domains covered by those physicians. For example, Cardiology clinics are interested in cardiovascular disease related symptoms, events, labs, imaging and procedures. Orthopedics clinics will focus on musculoskeletal symptoms, events, imaging and procedures. Information that is unrelated to these disciples will typically be omitted. It’s always a good idea to ask the supervising physician for guidance as to what’s expected to be covered in a particular clinic environment.

  • Highlight the reason(s) for the visit
  • Review key data
  • Provide an opportunity for the listener(s) to comment
  • 5-7 minutes
  • If it’s a consult, state the main reason(s) that the patient was referred as well as who referred them.
  • If it’s a return visit, state the reasons why the patient is being followed in the clinic and when the last visit took place
  • If it’s for an acute issue, state up front what the issue is Note: There may well not be a “chief complaint,” as patients followed in continuity in any clinic may simply be returning for a return visit as directed
  • For a new patient, this highlights the main things that might be troubling/bothering the patient.
  • For a specialty clinic, the history presented typically relates to the symptoms and/or events that are pertinent to that area of care.
  • Review of systems , focusing on those elements relevant to that clinic. For a cardiology patient, this will highlight a vascular ROS.
  • PMH/PSH that helps to inform the current presentation (e.g. past cardiac catheterization findings/interventions for a patient with chest pain) and/or is otherwise felt to be relevant to that clinic environment.
  • Meds and allergies: Typically all meds are described, as there is always the potential for adverse drug interactions.
  • Social/Habits/other: as relates to/informs the presentation and/or is relevant to that clinic
  • Family history: Focus is on heritable illness amongst first degree relatives
  • Physical Exam: VS and relevant findings (or their absence)
  • Key labs, imaging: For a cardiology clinic patient, this would include echos, catheterizations, coronary interventions, etc.
  • Summary, assessment & plan(s) by organ system and/or problems. As many systems/problems as is necessary to cover all of the active issues that are relevant to that clinic.
  • Reason for visit: Patient is a 67 year old male presenting for first office visit after admission for STEMI. He was referred by Dr. Goins, his PMD.
  • The patient initially presented to the ER 4 weeks ago with acute CP that started 1 hour prior to his coming in. He was found to be in the midst of a STEMI with ST elevations across the precordial leads.
  • Taken urgently to cath, where 95% proximal LAD lesion was stented
  • EF preserved by Echo; Peak troponin 10
  • In-hospital labs were remarkable for normal cbc, chem; LDL 170, hdl 42, nl lfts
  • Uncomplicated hospital course, sent home after 3 days.
  • Since home, he states that he feels great.
  • Denies chest pain, sob, doe, pnd, edema, or other symptoms.
  • No symptoms of stroke or TIA.
  • No history of leg or calf pain with ambulation.
  • Prior to this admission, he had a history of hypertension which was treated with lisinopril
  • 40 pk yr smoking history, quit during hospitalization
  • No known prior CAD or vascular disease elsewhere. No known diabetes, no family history of vascular disease; He thinks his cholesterol was always “a little high” but doesn’t know the numbers and was never treated with meds.
  • History of depression, well treated with prozac
  • Discharge meds included: aspirin, metoprolol 50 bid, lisinopril 10, atorvastatin 80, Plavix; in addition he takes Prozac for depression
  • Taking all of them as directed.
  • Patient lives with his wife; they have 2 grown children who are no longer at home
  • Works as a computer programmer
  • Smoking as above
  • ETOH: 1 glass of wine w/dinner
  • No drug use
  • No known history of cardiovascular disease among 2 siblings or parents.
  • Well appearing; BP 130/80, Pulse 80 regular, 97% sat on Room Air, weight 175lbs, BMI 32
  • Lungs: clear to auscultation
  • CV: s1 s2 no s3 s4 murmur
  • No carotid bruits
  • ABD: no masses
  • Ext; no edema; distal pulses 2+
  • Cath from 4 weeks ago: R dominant; 95% proximal LAD; 40% Cx.
  • EF by TTE 1 day post PCI with mild Anterior Hypokinesis, EF 55%, no valvular disease, moderate LVH
  • Labs of note from the hospital following cath: hgb 14, plt 240; creat 1, k 4.2, lfts normal, glucose 100, LDL 170, HDL 42.
  • EKG today: SR at 78; nl intervals; nl axis; normal r wave progression, no q waves
  • Plan: aspirin 81 indefinitely, Plavix x 1y
  • Given nitroglycerine sublingual to have at home.
  • Reviewed symptoms that would indicate another MI and what to do if occurred
  • Plan: continue with current dosages of meds
  • Chem 7 today to check k, creatinine
  • Plan: Continue atorvastatin 80mg for life
  • Smoking cessation: Doing well since discharge without adjuvant treatments, aware of supports.
  • Plan: AAA screening ultrasound

presentation topics for medical students

Best Nursing Topics and Ideas for Presentations

presentation topics for medical students

In one of the nursing assignments, your professor or instructor might ask you to prepare a nursing presentation for your nursing class. While many nursing students consider completing PPT slides a piece of cake, choosing the right topic for a presentation might be the hardest thing you will encounter. Common questions that run in students’ minds include:

  • What if the professor does not approve of it?
  • What if my topic does not comprehensively address the rubric?
  • What if I begin a presentation and dislike the topic halfway?

Remember, a class presentation can either be an individual or group assignment. When choosing a great topic for presentation for your nursing class, select one that aligns with your interests, current trends in nursing, and the learning objectives of your course. It is also best to go for fun yet informative topics. Look at the news, examples the professor stressed in class, and some of the topics covered in the chapters of the books you are using in class.

Lucky for you, we have prepared a list of solid presentation topics for your nursing class. If you need writing help , do not hesitate to place your order and get help from an experienced nursing writer.

Fun and Informative Nursing Presentation Topics

  • The Evolution of Nursing Uniforms: From starched caps to colorful scrubs, explore the history and significance of nursing attire throughout the years.
  • Famous Nurses in History: Highlight pioneering nurses such as Florence Nightingale, Clara Barton, and Mary Seacole and their contributions to the nursing field.
  • Medical Marvels and Myths: Bust common medical myths and misconceptions while revealing fascinating medical marvels and breakthroughs.
  • Nurse Superheroes: Real-Life Stories of Nursing Heroism: Share inspiring anecdotes and stories of nurses going beyond the call of duty to save lives and make a difference.
  • Medical TV Shows: Fact vs Fiction: Analyze popular medical dramas like Grey's Anatomy, ER, or Scrubs, separating fact from fiction and discussing their impact on public perceptions of healthcare.
  • Healthcare Humor: Laughter as the Best Medicine: Explore the therapeutic value of humor in healthcare, sharing funny anecdotes and jokes from the nursing world.
  • Nurse's Survival Guide: Tips and Tricks for Thriving in Nursing School and Beyond: Offer practical advice and strategies for succeeding in nursing education and navigating the challenges of a nursing career.
  • Nurse's Guide to Self-Care and Wellness: Discuss the importance of self-care for nurses, sharing tips and techniques for managing stress, preventing burnout, and maintaining overall well-being.
  • Medical Mysteries Unveiled: Delve into medical mysteries and rare medical conditions, unraveling the science behind them and discussing their diagnosis and treatment.
  • The Art of Nursing: Exploring the Creative Side of Healthcare: Highlight the creative talents of nurses, from artwork and poetry to music and storytelling, celebrating the artistic expression within the nursing profession.

Infection Control and Management Topics

  • Emerging Infectious Diseases . Explore recent outbreaks of emerging infectious diseases such as Ebola, Zika, or COVID-19, discussing their origins, transmission dynamics, and global impact.
  • Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs). Examine common HAIs, including catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs), surgical site infections (SSIs), and ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), and discuss strategies for prevention.
  • Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs. Highlight the importance of antimicrobial stewardship in combating antibiotic resistance, discussing principles of prudent antibiotic use, strategies for optimizing antimicrobial therapy, and the role of healthcare professionals in stewardship initiatives.
  • Hand Hygiene. Stress the critical role of hand hygiene in infection prevention, review best practices for handwashing and hand sanitization in healthcare settings, and discuss barriers to compliance.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Use and Donning/Doffing Procedures. Guide the proper selection, use, and disposal of PPE, including gloves, masks, gowns, and eye protection, and demonstrate correct donning and doffing procedures to minimize the risk of contamination.
  • Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection. Discuss principles of environmental cleaning and disinfection in healthcare facilities, highlighting high-touch surfaces, cleaning agents, and disinfection protocols to prevent the spread of infections.
  • Infection Control in Long-Term Care Facilities. Address unique infection control challenges in long-term care settings, including resident populations, staffing issues, and infection prevention strategies tailored to the long-term care environment.
  • Outbreak Investigation and Management. Outline steps for investigating and managing outbreaks of healthcare-associated infections, including surveillance, epidemiological analysis, implementation of control measures, and communication with stakeholders.
  • Standard Precautions and Transmission-Based Precautions. Review standard precautions, transmission-based precautions, and additional precautions for preventing the transmission of infectious agents in healthcare settings, including contact, droplet, and airborne precautions.
  • Infection Control Challenges in Low-Resource Settings. Discuss unique infection control challenges faced by healthcare facilities in low-resource settings, including limited infrastructure, lack of supplies, and strategies for maximizing infection prevention with limited resources.

Current Presentation Topics in Nursing

Here are some presentation topics that reflect current areas of interest and ongoing research in nursing, addressing both clinical practice and healthcare delivery. You can make a great presentation and earn the best grades.

  • The impact of telehealth on patient outcomes in rural communities.
  • Integrating artificial intelligence into nursing practice for improved patient care.
  • Exploring the effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions in reducing stress and burnout among nurses.
  • Addressing health disparities in underserved populations through community-based nursing interventions.
  • The role of nurse-led clinics in improving access to healthcare for vulnerable populations.
  • Understanding the experiences and needs of informal caregivers for patients with chronic illnesses.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of nurse-led transitional care programs for patients with complex healthcare needs.
  • Examining the impact of nurse staffing levels on patient safety and quality of care.
  • Implementing evidence-based practice initiatives in clinical settings: barriers, facilitators, and outcomes.
  • Exploring the use of complementary and alternative therapies in pain management for patients with chronic conditions.

Interesting Nursing Presentation Topics

You can also make your individual or group presentation based on the following topics, which we suppose will intrigue your colleagues and the professor or tutor.

  • The effectiveness of music therapy in reducing anxiety and pain perception in hospitalized patients.
  • Exploring the impact of nurse-patient communication on patient satisfaction and health outcomes.
  • Investigating the role of nursing simulation in enhancing clinical skills and critical thinking among nursing students.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions in reducing stress and improving well-being among nurses.
  • Examining the relationship between nurse staffing levels and patient safety outcomes in acute care settings.
  • Exploring nurses' experiences working in rural healthcare settings and their challenges in delivering care.
  • Investigating the impact of cultural competence training on nursing practice and patient care delivery.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of nurse-led interventions in promoting medication adherence among chronically ill patients.
  • Exploring the use of telehealth technology in improving access to healthcare services for underserved populations.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of nurse-led smoking cessation programs in promoting smoking cessation among patients.

HOT Nursing Presentation Topics

A hot nursing presentation topic focuses on current nursing practice trends. Below are some good ideas:

  • COVID-19 Pandemic Response . Nurses' role in pandemic preparedness, response efforts, and vaccine distribution.
  • Mental Health and Well-being of Healthcare Workers . Addressing burnout, compassion fatigue, and mental health support for nurses.
  • Health Equity and Social Justice . Advocating for equitable access to healthcare, addressing healthcare disparities, and promoting inclusivity in nursing practice.
  • Telehealth and Virtual Care . Exploring the expansion of telehealth services, virtual consultations, and remote patient monitoring in nursing practice.
  • Nurse Retention and Workforce Challenges. Strategies for retaining nurses, addressing staffing shortages, and promoting job satisfaction.
  • Healthcare Innovation and Technology . Integrating new technologies such as artificial intelligence, wearables, and digital health platforms into nursing practice.
  • Nursing Education Adaptations . Adapting nursing education to virtual learning environments, hybrid models, and competency-based approaches.
  • Climate Change and Environmental Health . Nurses' role in addressing climate-related health challenges, promoting sustainability, and disaster preparedness.
  • Aging Population and Geriatric Care. Meeting the healthcare needs of an aging population, promoting healthy aging, and addressing geriatric-specific health issues.
  • Mental Health Crisis and Suicide Prevention. Nursing interventions in mental health crises, suicide risk assessment, and prevention strategies.

Eating Disorders Presentation Topics

  • Anorexia nervosa: Understanding the signs, symptoms, and treatment approaches.
  • Bulimia nervosa: Diagnosis, complications, and nursing interventions.
  • Binge-eating disorder: Assessment strategies and therapeutic interventions.
  • Orthorexia: Recognizing and addressing unhealthy obsession with healthy eating.
  • Pica disorder: Nursing management and dietary interventions.
  • Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID): Assessment challenges and treatment modalities.
  • Night eating syndrome: Exploring its impact on mental health and nutritional status.
  • Muscle dysmorphia: Understanding the unique challenges in diagnosis and treatment.
  • Diabulimia: Addressing the intersection of diabetes management and eating disorders.
  • Male eating disorders: Breaking stereotypes and improving recognition in nursing practice.

Asthma Management Presentation Topics

You can make a perfect presentation on asthma management, considering it affects a significant population. Here are some ideas and topics.

  • Personalized Asthma Management Plans . Evaluating the effectiveness of individualized asthma action plans tailored to patients' needs, preferences, and severity.
  • Asthma : Epidemiology, Aetiology, Pathophysiology, and Treatment and Management Approaches.
  • Biologic Therapies in Severe Asthma . Investigating the efficacy and safety of biologic agents, such as monoclonal antibodies targeting IgE, IL-5, and IL-4/IL-13 pathways, in managing severe asthma.
  • Asthma Education and Self-Management Programs . Assessing the impact of asthma education programs on patient knowledge, self-efficacy, adherence to treatment, and asthma control.
  • Environmental Triggers and Asthma Control . Examining the role of environmental factors in asthma exacerbations and strategies for minimizing exposure, including allergens, air pollution, tobacco smoke, and occupational exposures.
  • Pharmacological Management of Asthma Exacerbations. Reviewing the latest evidence on using bronchodilators, corticosteroids, and other medications to treat acute asthma exacerbations in children and adults.
  • Telehealth and Digital Health Solutions for Asthma Management : Exploring the feasibility and effectiveness of telehealth interventions, mobile apps, and remote monitoring devices in supporting asthma self-management, monitoring symptoms, and improving treatment adherence.
  • Asthma-COPD Overlap Syndrome (ACOS): Characterizing the clinical features, diagnostic criteria, and optimal management strategies for patients with asthma-COPD overlap syndrome, including pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions.
  • Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction (EIB): Evaluating preventive measures and pharmacological interventions for managing exercise-induced bronchoconstriction in athletes and individuals with asthma.
  • Precision Medicine and Biomarkers in Asthma Management : Investigating the utility of biomarkers, such as fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO), blood eosinophils, and periostin, in guiding treatment decisions and predicting response to asthma therapies.
  • Health Disparities in Asthma Care: Addressing disparities in asthma prevalence, morbidity, and access to care among different racial/ethnic groups, socioeconomic status, geographic regions, and strategies for promoting health equity in asthma management.

Role of Exercise in Patient’s Wellbeing

  • The role of exercise in preventing chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disorders.
  • Exercise prescription for different age groups and populations: Guidelines and considerations.
  • Exercise and mental health: Exploring the therapeutic effects and nursing implications.
  • Integrating physical activity into daily routines for older adults: Challenges and strategies.
  • Exercise during pregnancy: Safety precautions and benefits for maternal and fetal health.
  • Exercise and weight management: Evidence-based approaches and nursing support.
  • Exercise addiction: Recognizing signs, consequences, and interventions.
  • Exercise in rehabilitation settings: Enhancing recovery and functional outcomes.
  • The impact of sedentary lifestyle on health outcomes: Nursing strategies for promoting physical activity.
  • Technology-assisted exercise interventions: Evaluating their effectiveness and implications for nursing practice.

Menopause Presentation Topics

  • Understanding menopause: Physiology, hormonal changes, and symptomatology.
  • Menopausal hormone therapy: Benefits, risks, and evidence-based recommendations.
  • Managing menopausal symptoms: Non-pharmacological approaches and complementary therapies.
  • Menopause and bone health: Nursing considerations for osteoporosis prevention and management.
  • Menopause and cardiovascular health: Assessing risks and implementing preventive strategies.
  • Sexual health and intimacy during menopause: Nursing support and education for women and their partners.
  • Menopause and mental health: Addressing mood changes, depression, and anxiety.
  • Menopause in cancer survivors: Special considerations and supportive care needs.
  • Menopause and sleep disturbances: Nursing interventions for improving sleep quality and duration.
  • Cultural perspectives on menopause: Recognizing diversity in experiences and coping mechanisms.

Pain Management Presentation Topics

  • Multimodal approach to pain management: Integrating pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions.
  • Pain assessment: Tools, techniques, and challenges in different patient populations.
  • Opioid analgesics: Nursing considerations for safe administration, monitoring, and patient education.
  • Chronic pain management: Strategies for enhancing the quality of life and functional outcomes.
  • Pain in special populations: Pediatrics, geriatrics, and palliative care considerations.
  • Neuropathic pain: Pathophysiology, assessment, and evidence-based treatment modalities.
  • Non-pharmacological pain management techniques: Role of relaxation therapy, acupuncture, and mindfulness.
  • Pain assessment and management in patients with communication barriers or cognitive impairments.
  • Pain management in the emergency department: Rapid assessment and treatment protocols.
  • Pain as the fifth vital sign: Debates, controversies, and implications for nursing practice.

ADHD Management Strategies

  • Understanding ADHD: Etiology, neurobiology, and diagnostic criteria.
  • Pharmacological interventions for ADHD: Nursing considerations, side effects, and monitoring.
  • Behavioral therapy for ADHD: Role of nurses in implementing and supporting behavioral interventions.
  • Classroom accommodations for children with ADHD: Collaboration between nurses, teachers, and parents.
  • ADHD in adolescents and adults: Transitioning care and addressing unique challenges.
  • Comorbidities associated with ADHD: Nursing management of conditions such as anxiety and depression.
  • ADHD and substance abuse: Prevention strategies and early intervention approaches.
  • ADHD and sleep disturbances: Assessment, treatment, and implications for daily functioning.
  • Family education and support: Empowering caregivers in managing the challenges of raising a child with ADHD.
  • ADHD in diverse populations: Cultural considerations, diagnosis disparities, and care access.

Antibiotic Resistance Topics

  • Understanding antibiotic resistance: Mechanisms, contributing factors, and global impact.
  • Antibiotic stewardship in pediatric settings: Strategies for judicious antibiotic use and prevention of resistance.
  • Common bacterial infections in preschool children: Treatment guidelines and antimicrobial resistance trends.
  • Community-acquired antibiotic-resistant infections in children: Epidemiology and nursing management.
  • Empiric antibiotic therapy in pediatric patients: Balancing the need for prompt treatment with antimicrobial stewardship principles.
  • Parental education on antibiotic use: Communication strategies to promote adherence and prevent misuse.
  • Impact of antibiotic resistance on pediatric outcomes: Complications, length of hospital stay, and healthcare costs.
  • Nursing role in infection prevention and control: Implementing standard and transmission-based precautions.
  • Surveillance of antibiotic-resistant pathogens in pediatric populations: Data collection, analysis, and implications for practice.
  • Future directions in combating antibiotic resistance: Research initiatives, novel therapies, and policy recommendations.

Home Health Nursing Topics

  • Overview of home health nursing: Roles, responsibilities, and scope of practice.
  • Advantages of home-based care: Improving patient outcomes, satisfaction, and cost-effectiveness.
  • Home health assessment: Comprehensive evaluation of patient's physical, emotional, and environmental needs.
  • Care coordination in home health nursing: Collaboration with interdisciplinary team members and community resources.
  • Patient and family education: Empowering individuals to manage their health conditions and promote self-care.
  • Chronic disease management in the home setting: Nursing interventions for heart failure, diabetes, and COPD.
  • Palliative care and hospice services in home health nursing enhance the quality of life and provide end-of-life support.
  • Telehealth in home health nursing: Utilizing technology to monitor patients remotely and facilitate virtual consultations.
  • Addressing safety concerns in home health nursing: Fall prevention, infection control, and emergency preparedness.
  • Professional development opportunities in home health nursing: Continuing education, certifications, and career advancement pathways.

Opioid Crisis Presentation Topics

The opioid epidemic is a complex public health crisis that requires attention and action from healthcare professionals, including nurses. Here are some nursing topics related to the opioid pandemic:

  • Nursing Roles in Opioid Crisis Response : Exploring the various roles and responsibilities of nurses in addressing the opioid epidemic, including prevention, screening, intervention, treatment, and harm reduction.
  • Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) Screening and Assessment : Discussing evidence-based screening tools and assessment techniques for identifying individuals with opioid use disorder in healthcare settings.
  • Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) for Opioid Use Disorder : Examining the role of nurses in providing medication-assisted treatment, such as buprenorphine and methadone, for individuals with opioid use disorder, including prescribing, administration, and monitoring.
  • Naloxone Administration and Overdose Prevention : Training nurses in naloxone administration and overdose response techniques to prevent opioid-related fatalities and promote harm reduction in communities.
  • Stigma Reduction and Patient-Centered Care : Addressing stigma associated with opioid use disorder and advocating for patient-centered, non-judgmental approaches to care that prioritize dignity, respect, and compassion.
  • Pain Management Strategies in the Context of Opioid Epidemic : Discuss alternative pain management approaches, non-pharmacological interventions, and multimodal analgesia strategies to minimize opioid prescribing and reduce the risk of opioid-related harms.
  • Opioid Prescribing Guidelines and Safe Practices : Educating nurses on evidence-based opioid prescribing guidelines, risk assessment tools, prescription monitoring programs, and safe opioid prescribing practices to prevent misuse, diversion, and overdose.
  • Nurse-Led Community Outreach and Education Programs : Developing and implementing nurse-led outreach initiatives, community education programs, and peer support groups to raise awareness about opioid misuse, overdose prevention, and access to treatment and recovery resources.
  • Trauma-Informed Care and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Integrating trauma-informed care principles and addressing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in nursing practice to understand and address the underlying factors contributing to substance use disorders, including opioids.
  • Interprofessional Collaboration and Care Coordination : Collaborating with other healthcare professionals, community organizations, law enforcement, and policymakers to develop comprehensive, coordinated approaches to opioid epidemic response, including prevention, treatment, and recovery support services.

Nursing Presentation Topics for Leadership

Nursing leadership is essential for driving change, improving patient outcomes, and advancing the profession. Here are some nursing leadership topics:

  • Transformational Leadership in Nursing: Exploring the Characteristics and behaviors of transformational leaders and their impact on organizational culture, staff satisfaction, and patient care quality.
  • Developing Nurse Leaders: Strategies for Success: Discuss strategies for identifying and nurturing leadership potential among nurses, including mentorship programs, leadership development initiatives, and continuing education opportunities.
  • Ethical Leadership in Nursing Practice: Examining ethical dilemmas and challenges nurse leaders face in healthcare settings and strategies for promoting ethical decision-making, integrity, and accountability.
  • Leading Change in Healthcare Organizations: Discussing effective approaches to leading change initiatives, overcoming resistance to change, and fostering innovation and continuous improvement in healthcare delivery systems.
  • Interprofessional Leadership and Collaboration: Exploring the role of nurse leaders in fostering collaboration and teamwork among healthcare professionals from diverse disciplines to improve patient outcomes and enhance the patient experience.
  • Crisis Leadership and Disaster Preparedness: Examining the essential leadership competencies and skills needed to effectively lead and coordinate emergency response efforts during crises, disasters, and public health emergencies.
  • Strategic Planning and Healthcare Policy Advocacy: Discuss the role of nurse leaders in strategic planning, policy development, and advocacy efforts to influence healthcare policy, legislation, and regulatory frameworks at local, national, and global levels.
  • Inclusive Leadership and Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Initiatives: Addressing the importance of inclusive leadership practices and fostering diverse, equitable, and inclusive environments in healthcare organizations to promote workforce diversity, cultural competence, and health equity.
  • Financial Management and Resource Allocation in Nursing Leadership: Exploring the financial aspects of nursing leadership, including budgeting, resource allocation, revenue generation, and cost containment strategies to optimize healthcare delivery and achieve organizational goals.
  • Leadership in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety: Discussing the role of nurse leaders in promoting a culture of safety, leading quality improvement initiatives, and implementing evidence-based practices to enhance patient safety, reduce medical errors, and prevent harm.

Burnout in Nursing Presentation Topics

  • Recognizing burnout: Signs, symptoms, and risk factors in nursing practice.
  • Impact of burnout on nursing workforce: High turnover rates, decreased job satisfaction, and implications for patient care.
  • Resilience-building strategies: Coping mechanisms, stress management techniques, and self-care practices.
  • Creating a healthy work environment: Supportive leadership, team collaboration, and open communication channels.
  • Work-life balance for nurses: Setting boundaries, prioritizing personal needs, and fostering hobbies and interests outside work.
  • Peer support programs: Establishing mentorship opportunities, debriefing sessions, and wellness committees.
  • Mindfulness and meditation: Incorporating mindfulness-based interventions into daily routines to reduce stress and enhance well-being.
  • Time management and workload distribution: Strategies for optimizing efficiency, delegation, and task prioritization.
  • Burnout prevention training for nurse managers and leaders: Building awareness, promoting self-care initiatives, and modeling healthy behaviors.
  • Advocating for systemic changes: Addressing organizational factors contributing to burnout, such as staffing shortages, excessive documentation requirements, and inadequate resources.

Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Topics

  • Cardiovascular disease prevention: Public health initiatives, lifestyle modifications, and population-based interventions.
  • Risk factors for cardiovascular disease: Identifying modifiable and non-modifiable factors in primary prevention efforts.
  • Nutrition and heart health: Dietary recommendations, healthy eating patterns, and strategies for reducing cholesterol and blood pressure.
  • Physical activity and exercise prescription: Guidelines for promoting cardiovascular fitness and reducing sedentary behavior.
  • Smoking cessation interventions: Nursing role in supporting tobacco cessation efforts and reducing cardiovascular risk.
  • Hypertension management: Pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches to blood pressure control.
  • Diabetes management and cardiovascular risk: Optimizing glycemic control and preventing macrovascular complications.
  • Lipid management: Nursing considerations for lipid-lowering therapies, lipid profile monitoring, and patient education.
  • Stress management and mental health promotion: Addressing psychosocial factors contributing to cardiovascular risk.
  • Health disparities in cardiovascular care: Identifying vulnerable populations and implementing culturally competent strategies for risk reduction.

Cervical Cancer Research Topics

  • Cervical cancer epidemiology: Global burden, incidence trends, and disparities in screening and treatment access.
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV) and cervical carcinogenesis: Transmission, oncogenic strains, and vaccination strategies.
  • Screening guidelines for cervical cancer: Role of cytology (Pap smear), HPV testing, and emerging technologies.
  • Colposcopy and biopsy procedures: Nursing considerations for patient preparation, informed consent, and post-procedure care.
  • Management of abnormal cervical screening results: Follow-up algorithms, diagnostic procedures, and treatment options.
  • Surgical interventions for cervical cancer: Preoperative care, intraoperative considerations, and postoperative complications.
  • Radiation therapy for cervical cancer: Nursing management of side effects, supportive care measures, and long-term effects.
  • Chemotherapy regimens in cervical cancer treatment: Nursing considerations for administration, monitoring, and toxicity management.
  • Palliative care in advanced cervical cancer: Symptom management, psychosocial support, and end-of-life care planning.
  • Survivorship care and surveillance: Nursing role in survivorship planning, survivorship clinics, and health promotion initiatives.

Sexual Education Nursing Presentation Topics

  • Sexual health education: Promoting comprehensive sexuality education in diverse populations and settings.
  • Sexual development across the lifespan: Age-appropriate discussions and interventions for children, adolescents, adults, and older adults.
  • Cultural competence in sexual counseling: Addressing cultural norms, values, and beliefs that influence sexual health behaviors.
  • LGBTQ+ sexual health: Providing affirming care, addressing unique health disparities, and advocating for inclusivity in healthcare settings.
  • Sexual dysfunction assessment and management: Nursing interventions for erectile dysfunction, low libido, dyspareunia, and orgasmic disorders.
  • Contraceptive counseling: Discussing contraceptive options, efficacy rates, side effects, and individual preferences.
  • Fertility counseling: Supporting individuals and couples in decision-making regarding family planning, infertility treatment, and assisted reproductive technologies.
  • Pregnancy and postpartum sexuality: Addressing changes in sexual desire, body image, and intimacy during the perinatal period.
  • Sexual trauma and abuse: Nursing interventions for survivors of sexual violence, trauma-informed care approaches, and resources for support.
  • Ethical considerations in sexual counseling: Confidentiality, informed consent, boundaries, and professional responsibilities in addressing sensitive topics.

Clinical Ethics Presentation Topics

  • Principles of bioethics: Autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice in healthcare decision-making.
  • Ethical frameworks in nursing practice: Utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics, and feminist ethics.
  • Informed consent: Legal and ethical considerations, elements of informed consent, and role of nurses in the consent process.
  • End-of-life care ethics: Advance directives, surrogate decision-making, and moral distress in palliative and hospice care settings.
  • Resource allocation and healthcare disparities: Ethical dilemmas related to rationing, care access, and distributive justice.
  • Professional boundaries in nursing relationships: Maintaining therapeutic relationships, preventing boundary violations, and managing dual roles.
  • Ethical issues in research involving human subjects: Protection of participants' rights, informed consent, and ethical review processes.
  • Confidentiality and privacy: Ethical obligations to safeguard patient information, HIPAA regulations, and breaches of confidentiality.
  • Cultural competence and ethical practice: Respecting diverse beliefs, values, and cultural practices in healthcare delivery.
  • Moral courage in nursing: Advocacy, whistleblowing, and addressing ethical conflicts in the workplace.

Geriatric Ethics in Nursing Topics

  • Aging and autonomy: Ethical considerations in decision-making capacity, guardianship, and surrogate decision-making for older adults.
  • Justice in geriatric care: Healthcare disparities, access to care, and social determinants of health affecting older populations.
  • Dementia and ethical dilemmas: Personhood, quality of life, and end-of-life care decisions for individuals with cognitive impairment.
  • Palliative and hospice care ethics: Goals of care discussions, symptom management, and advance care planning for older adults nearing the end of life.
  • Long-term care ethics: Resident rights, quality of care standards, and regulatory considerations in nursing home settings.
  • Ageism in healthcare: Recognizing and addressing biases, stereotypes, and discriminatory practices toward older adults.
  • Family dynamics and decision-making in geriatric care: Conflict resolution, surrogate decision-makers, and interprofessional collaboration.
  • Ethical considerations in elder abuse and neglect: Reporting obligations, prevention strategies, and advocacy for vulnerable older adults.
  • Ethical issues in end-of-life decision-making: Withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatments, palliative sedation, and terminal sedation.
  • Cultural competence in geriatric care: Understanding cultural beliefs, traditions, and preferences in end-of-life care and bereavement support.

Infertility Presentation Topics and Ideas

  • Causes of infertility: Male and female factors, hormonal imbalances, structural abnormalities, and genetic predispositions.
  • Diagnostic evaluation of infertility: Nursing role in coordinating diagnostic tests, interpreting results, and supporting patients through the diagnostic process.
  • Assisted reproductive technologies (ART): In vitro fertilization (IVF), intrauterine insemination (IUI), and ovulation induction: Nursing considerations for patient preparation, medication administration, and monitoring.
  • Fertility preservation: Counseling patients on options for preserving fertility before undergoing treatments that may impact reproductive function, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
  • Psychological impact of infertility: Providing emotional support, coping strategies, and referrals to counseling services for individuals and couples experiencing infertility.
  • Ethical considerations in fertility treatment: Access to care, reproductive justice, and allocation of resources in ART programs.
  • Male infertility: Nursing interventions for addressing sperm quality, sperm retrieval procedures, and genetic testing.
  • Female infertility: Nursing management of ovulation disorders, tubal factor infertility, and uterine abnormalities.
  • Recurrent pregnancy loss: Nursing support and care coordination for patients experiencing multiple miscarriages.
  • Third-party reproduction: Ethical and legal considerations in gamete donation, surrogacy, and embryo adoption.

Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing

  • Psychiatric assessment: Nursing process, mental status examination, and formulation of nursing diagnoses.
  • Therapeutic communication techniques: Building rapport, active listening, and empathy in nurse-patient interactions.
  • Psychopharmacology: Nursing considerations for administering, monitoring, and educating patients about psychotropic medications.
  • Crisis intervention and de-escalation techniques: Nursing interventions for managing acute psychiatric crises and preventing harm to self or others.
  • Recovery-oriented care: Empowerment, hope, and person-centered approaches in psychiatric nursing practice.
  • Psychiatric rehabilitation: Promoting independence, social integration, and community reintegration for individuals with mental illness.
  • Trauma-informed care: Recognizing the impact of trauma on mental health, fostering safety, and promoting resilience in survivors.
  • Co-occurring disorders: Nursing management of individuals with substance use disorders and comorbid mental health conditions.
  • Family education and support: Engaging families in the treatment process, providing psychoeducation, and facilitating family therapy sessions.
  • Forensic psychiatric nursing: Legal and ethical considerations, risk assessment, and interventions for individuals involved in the criminal justice system.

Pregnancy Topics and Ideas for Presentation

  • Preconception care: Nursing interventions for optimizing maternal health and promoting a healthy pregnancy outcome.
  • Prenatal screening and diagnostic testing: Role of nurses in providing information, counseling, and coordination of prenatal genetic testing.
  • Prenatal nutrition: Dietary recommendations, prenatal vitamins, and nutritional counseling for pregnant women.
  • Common discomforts of pregnancy: Nursing interventions for managing nausea and vomiting, back pain, fatigue, and other pregnancy-related symptoms.
  • Pregnancy complications: Nursing assessment, monitoring, and management of conditions such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and placental abnormalities.
  • Childbirth education and preparation: Nursing role in providing prenatal classes, birth plans, and labor support techniques.
  • Intrapartum care: Nursing management of labor progression, fetal monitoring, pain relief options, and obstetric emergencies.
  • Postpartum care: Nursing assessment, education, and support for women during the immediate postpartum period and transition to parenthood.
  • Breastfeeding support: Nursing interventions for promoting successful breastfeeding, addressing common breastfeeding challenges, and providing lactation support.
  • Postpartum mood disorders: Screening, assessment, and nursing management of postpartum depression, anxiety, and psychosis.

Malnutrition in Children Topics and Ideas

  • Malnutrition epidemiology: Prevalence, risk factors, and consequences of undernutrition, overnutrition, and micronutrient deficiencies in children.
  • Growth assessment and monitoring: Nursing role in measuring growth parameters, interpreting growth charts, and identifying children at risk for malnutrition.
  • Breastfeeding promotion: Nursing interventions for supporting exclusive breastfeeding, addressing barriers, and providing lactation support to mothers.
  • Complementary feeding: Introduction of solid foods, responsive feeding practices, and preventing feeding difficulties in infants and young children.
  • Nutritional requirements for different age groups: Age-appropriate dietary recommendations, nutrient-rich foods, and portion sizes for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers.
  • Screening for malnutrition: Nursing assessment tools, red flags, and referral pathways for children at risk for malnutrition.
  • Nutritional interventions for at-risk populations: School-based nutrition programs, food assistance programs, and community outreach initiatives targeting vulnerable children.
  • Oral health and nutrition: Nursing education on oral hygiene, cavity prevention, and nutritious food choices for dental health.
  • Role of the family in preventing childhood malnutrition: Empowering parents and caregivers to provide a balanced diet, positive mealtime environment, and healthy eating habits.
  • Multidisciplinary approach to childhood malnutrition: Collaboration with dietitians, social workers, healthcare providers, and community resources to address underlying factors contributing to malnutrition.

Psychological Aspects of Infant Care

  • Attachment theory: Role of early parent-infant bonding, secure attachment, and implications for infant development.
  • Maternal-infant bonding: Nursing interventions to promote positive interactions, skin-to-skin contact, and attachment in the postpartum period.
  • Infant temperament: Nursing assessment of infant behavior, temperament traits, and strategies for supporting parents in understanding and responding to their infant's needs.
  • Parental mental health and infant development: Impact of parental depression, anxiety, and stress on infant emotional regulation, attachment, and socio-emotional development.
  • Infant sleep and settling: Nursing education on safe sleep practices, sleep hygiene, and strategies for promoting healthy sleep habits in infants.
  • Responsive feeding and infant nutrition: Nursing support for responsive feeding practices, responsive bottle-feeding, and introducing solid foods based on infant cues
  • Infant crying and soothing: Nursing education on normal crying patterns, strategies for soothing a crying infant, and coping mechanisms for parents.
  • Infant massage: Benefits of infant massage for bonding, relaxation, and promoting infant sleep and digestion.
  • Supporting parents of premature infants: Nursing interventions to promote parent-infant bonding, kangaroo care, and involvement in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) environment.
  • Infant mental health screening and assessment: Nursing role in identifying early signs of developmental delays, social-emotional difficulties, and risk factors for adverse outcomes.

Skincare and Hygiene for Newborns Topics

  • Neonatal skin anatomy and physiology: Characteristics of newborn skin, protective barrier function, and susceptibility to injury and infection.
  • Neonatal skin assessment: Nursing role in conducting routine skin assessments, identifying common skin conditions, and documenting findings.
  • Newborn bathing techniques: Nursing education on safe bathing practices, water temperature, and gentle cleansing methods to protect newborn skin.
  • Diapering and diaper rash prevention: Nursing interventions for preventing diaper rash, promoting skin barrier integrity, and selecting appropriate diapering products.
  • Cord care: Nursing guidance on umbilical cord care, promoting cord stump healing, and recognizing signs of infection or umbilical cord complications.
  • Skin-to-skin contact: Benefits of kangaroo care for newborns, promoting bonding, thermoregulation, and breastfeeding initiation.
  • Managing newborn acne: Nursing education on differentiating acne from other skin conditions, reassuring parents, and promoting gentle skincare practices.
  • Neonatal rash assessment and management: Nursing interventions for diaper dermatitis, heat rash, erythema toxicum, and other common newborn rashes.
  • Skincare for preterm infants: Nursing considerations for managing fragile skin, preventing skin breakdown, and promoting skin-to-skin contact in the NICU.
  • Parent education on newborn skincare: Nursing role in providing anticipatory guidance, addressing common concerns, and promoting confidence in newborn care.

Nursing Education Presentation Topics and Ideas

  • Simulation-based learning in nursing education : Utilizing simulation technology to enhance nursing students' clinical skills, critical thinking, and decision-making.
  • Innovative teaching strategies in nursing education : Exploring flipped classrooms, problem-based learning, and active learning techniques to engage students and promote deeper understanding.
  • Interprofessional education in nursing : Collaborative learning experiences with students from other healthcare disciplines to improve teamwork, communication, and patient outcomes.
  • Cultural competence in nursing education : Integrating cultural competence training into nursing curricula to prepare students for providing culturally sensitive care in diverse healthcare settings.
  • Ethical dilemmas in nursing education : Addressing ethical challenges in nursing education, such as academic integrity, grading practices, and professionalism.
  • Technology integration in nursing education : Incorporating electronic health records, virtual simulations, and telehealth platforms into nursing curricula to prepare students for modern healthcare practice.
  • Nursing preceptorship programs : Designing and implementing effective preceptorship programs to facilitate the transition from student nurse to professional nurse.
  • Assessment and evaluation strategies in nursing education : Developing valid and reliable methods for assessing student-learning outcomes and evaluating program effectiveness.
  • Mentorship and leadership development in nursing education : Providing mentorship opportunities and leadership training to empower nursing students to become future healthcare leaders.
  • Inclusion and diversity in nursing education : Promoting equity and inclusion in nursing programs through recruitment efforts, curriculum development, and support services for underrepresented student populations.

Final Words

If you are a nurse or nursing student looking for the best nursing topics or ideas for your presentation, you can peruse the comprehensive list that our best nursing writers have presented in this guide. We believe these topics can jumpstart your brainstorming process. Consider a topic that will inspire your peers and challenge your tutor or professor.

Even as you prepare the presentation, ensure you only use peer-reviewed nursing journals published within the last 5 years.

If you feel overwhelmed by the presentation or choosing a topic, we have your back, as always. Place an order , and one of our experienced nursing writers will be assigned to it. You can communicate with them directly and get help with your presentation.

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75 Unique School Presentation Ideas and Topics Plus Templates

presentation topics for medical students

Are you tired of seeing the same PowerPoints repeating overused and unoriginal school presentation ideas covering repeated topics in your classes?

You know what I’m talking about; we’ve all been there, and sat through yawn-worthy demonstrations, slides, or presentation videos covering everything from the solar system, someone’s favorite pet, past presidents of a country, to why E=mC squared.

school presentation ideas bored cat meme

From grade school to university, first graders to college students, we are obligated to create, perform, and observe academic presentations across a plethora of curriculums and classes, and not all of these public speaking opportunities fall into the category of an ‘interesting topic’.

Yet, have no fear! Here at Piktochart, we are here to help you and your classmates. From giving examples of creative and even interactive presentation ideas, providing presentation videos , and suggesting interactive activities to give your five minutes of fame the ‘wow’ factor that it deserves, this article is your guide!

Our massive collection of unique school and college presentation ideas and templates applies if you’re:

  • A teacher looking to make your class more engaging and fun with student presentations.
  • A student who wants to impress your teacher and the rest of the class with a thought-provoking, interesting topic.

A Curated List of Interesting Topics for School Presentations

Did you know that when it comes to presentations , the more students involved improves retention? The more you know! Yet sometimes, you need a little help to get the wheels moving in your head for your next school presentation .

The great thing about these ideas and topics is you can present them either in face-to-face classes or virtual learning sessions.

Each school presentation idea or topic below also comes with a template that you can use. Create a free Piktochart account to try our presentation maker and get access to the high-quality version of the templates. You can also check out our Piktochart for Education plan .

Want to watch this blog post in video format? The video below is for you!

The templates are further divided into the following categories covering the most popular and best presentation topics. Click the links below to skip to a specific section.

  • Unique science presentation topics to cultivate curiosity in class
  • Engaging culture and history presentation ideas to draw inspiration from
  • Health class presentation topics to help students make healthy lifestyle decisions
  • Data visualization ideas to help students present an overwhelming amount of data and information into clear, engaging visuals
  • First day of school activity ideas to foster classroom camaraderie
  • Communication and media topics to teach students the importance of effective communication
  • Topics to help students prepare for life after school

We hope this list will inspire you and help you nail your next school presentation activity.

Unique Science Presentation Topics to Cultivate Curiosity in Class

Science is a broad field and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with too many topics to choose for your next presentation.

Cultivate curiosity in the science classroom with the following unique and creative presentation ideas and topics:

1. Can life survive in space?

template for can life survive in space

2. Do plants scream when they’re in pain?

template for do plants scream when they're in pain

3. What are the traits of successful inventors?

template of what are the traits of successful inventors

4. How vaccines work

template for how vaccines work

5. Massive destruction of the Koala’s habitat in Australia

template for massive destruction of the koala's habitat in australia

6. Left brain versus right brain

template for left brain vs right brain

7. What are great sources of calcium?

template for great sources of calcium infographic

8. Recycling facts you need to know

template for recycling facts you need to know

9. Do you have what it takes to be a NASA astronaut?

NASA astronaut template

10. The rise of robots and AI: Should we be afraid of them?

rise of robots template

11. How far down does the sea go?

template for how far down does the sea go

12. The stages of sleep

stages of sleep template

13. Will Mars be our home in 2028?

template for will mars be our home in 2028

14. A quick look at laboratory safety rules

template for laboratory rules

15. The first person in history to break the sound barrier

template for the first person in history to break the sound barrier

Engaging Culture and History Presentation Ideas to Draw Inspiration From

History is filled with equally inspiring and terrifying stories, and there are lessons that students can learn from the events of the past. Meanwhile, interactive presentations about culture help students learn and embrace diversity. 

16. Women in history: A conversation through time

infographic template about women in history: a conversation through time

17. The sweet story of chocolate 

visual for sweet story of chocolate 

18. A history lesson with a twist 

template for a history lesson with a twist

19. The history of basketball 

history of basketball visual template

20. The origin of the Halloween celebration 

origin of the halloween celebration template

21. AI History 

AI history template

22. What you need to know about New Zealand 

infographic template about new zealand facts

23. 1883 volcanic eruption of Krakatoa 

template for volcanic eruption of krakatoa 

24. Roman structures: 2000 years of strength

template for roman structures: 2000 years of strength

25. The most famous art heists in history 

template for the most famous art heists in history 

26. Elmo: The story behind a child icon 

template for elmo: the story behind a child icon 

27. 10 things you should know before you visit South Korea 

template for things you should know before you visit south korea 

28. 8 things you didn’t know about these 8 countries 

eight things you didn't know about these countries, template 

Health Class Presentation Topics to Help Students Make Healthy Lifestyle Decisions

Want to learn how to engage students with healthcare topic ideas? Then consider using these templates for your next interactive presentation.

According to the CDC , school-based health education contributes to the development of functional health knowledge among students. It also helps them adapt and maintain health-promoting behaviors throughout their lives. 

Not only will your presentation help with keeping students engaged, but you’ll also increase class involvement with the right slides.

The following examples of health and wellness interactive presentations include fun ideas and topics that are a good start. 

29. How to look after your mental health?

how to look after your mental health infographic template, mental health, mental health infographic, eating disorders

30. The eradication of Polio

template for the eradication of polio, healthcare infographic, healthcare infographic template

31. How to have a healthy lifestyle 

infographic template about healthy lifestyle, health infographic template

32. 10 handwashing facts 

handwashing infographic template, handwashing visual

33. Myths and facts about depression

infographic template about depression, depression infographic template, infographic on depression

34. Hacks for making fresh food last longer 

hacks for making fresh food last longer template, quarantine infographic

35. Ways to avoid spreading the coronavirus

template about how to avoid spreading the coronavirus, covid infographic

36. Mask protection in 5 simple steps 

template about mask protection, covid infographic

37. Everything you need to know about the flu

cover photo of the presentation about everything you need to know about the flu, flu infographic

38. All about stress: Prevention, tips, and how to cope 

template about stress prevention, tips, and how to cope , stress infographic

39. The importance of sleep 

template about the importance of sleep, sleep infographic

40. Is milk tea bad for you?

template about milk tea is bad for you, health infographic

41. How to boost happiness in 10 minutes

template about how to boost happiness in 10 minutes, happiness infographic

42. How dirty are debit and credit cards 

template of how dirty are debit and credit cards, credit card infographic

43. Why do you need sunscreen protection

template about sunscreen, sunscreen infographic

Data Visualization Ideas to Help Students Present Overwhelming Amounts of Data in Creative Ways

Data visualization is all about using visuals to make sense of data. Students need to pull the main points from their extensive research, and present them by story telling while being mindful of their classmates’ collective attention span.

As far as student assignments go, storytelling with data is a daunting task for students and teachers alike. To keep your audience interested, consider using a non linear presentation that presents key concepts in creative ways.

Inspire your class to be master data storytellers with the following data visualization ideas:

44. Are we slowly losing the Borneo rainforest?

deforestation infographic, template about deforestation, example of how to share about current events

45. Skateboard deck design over the years

skateboard infographic, template about skateboard deck design over the years

46. Food waste during the Super Bowl

super bowl infographic, food waste infographic, template about food waste during the super bowl

47. The weight of the tallest building in the world

building infographic, construction infographic, template about the weight of the tallest building in the world

48. Infographic about data and statistics

data infographic, statistics infographic

49. Stats about cyberbullying

template for stats about cyberbullying, cyberbullying infographic

50. How whales combat climate change

climate change infographic, template for how whales combat climate change

First Day of School Interactive Activity Ideas to Foster Whole-class-Camaraderie

Calling all teachers! Welcome your new students and start the school year with the following back-to-school creative presentation ideas and relevant templates for first-day-of-school activities.

These interactive presentations grab the attention of your students and are remarkably easy to execute (which is the main educator’s goal after all)!

51. Meet the teacher

meet the teacher template, introduction template, meet the teacher visual

52. Example: all about me

introduction infographic, about me visual template

53. Self-introduction

template about self introduction, introduction infographic, about me visual template

54. Tips on how to focus on schoolwork

template about how to productive, productivity infographic, taking notes

55. Course plan and schedule

course plan template, course plan visual, course list

Give our class schedule maker a try to access more templates for free. You can also access our presentation-maker , poster-maker , timeline-maker , and more by simply signing up .

56. Interpreting a student’s report card (for parents)

student report card template, student report card visual

57. Introduction of classroom rules

classroom rules, classroom rules template

58. Assignment schedule

course topics, assignments, course template, course infographic

59. Daily planner

daily planner template

60. Course syllabus presentation

course syllabus template

61. How to write a class presentation

template for how to create a class presentation,

Topics to Teach Students the Importance of Effective Communication

Visual media  helps students retain more of the concepts  taught in the classroom. The following media topics and infographic templates can help you showcase complex concepts in a short amount of time. 

In addition, interactive presentation activities using these templates also encourage the development of a holistic learning process in the classroom because they help focus on the  three domains of learning:  cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. 

62. Interactive presentation do’s and don’ts 

template for presentation dos and donts, presentation infographic

63. How to create an infographic 

template about how to create an infographic 

Recommended reading : How to Make an Infographic in 30 Minutes

64. How to improve your internet security and privacy

infographic template about internet privacy

65. What is design thinking?

what is design thinking infographic template

66. What are your favorite software tools to use in the classroom? 

infographic template about educational software

Presentation Topic Ideas to Help Students Prepare for Life After School

One of the things that makes teaching a rewarding career is seeing your students take the learning and knowledge you’ve instilled in them, and become successful, productive adults.

From pitching a business idea to starting your podcast, the following topics are good starting points to prepare students for the challenges after graduation (aka adulting 101):

67. How to make a resume

resume template

68. How to start a startup

how to start a startup, startup infographic, how to temple

69. Credit card vs. debit card

infographic about credit cards and debit cards, credit card infographic

70. Pros and cons of cryptocurrency

pros and cons of cryptocurrency infographic template

71. How to save on travel

ways to save on travel infographic template

72. How to do a SWOT analysis

swot nalysis infographic

73. How to pitch a business idea

business idea pitch infographic template

74. Habits of successful people

presentation template about habits of successful people

75. Starting your own podcast: A checklist

infographic template about starting your own podcast

Find out how a high school teacher like Jamie Barkin uses Piktochart to improve learning in the classroom for her students.

Pro tip: make your presentation as interactive as possible. Students have an attention span of two to three minutes per year of age. To keep minds from wandering off, include some interactive games or activities in the lesson. For example, if you conducted a lesson on the respiratory system, you could ask them to practice breathing techniques.

Maintain eye contact with your students, and you’ll get instant feedback on how interested they are in the interactive presentation.

Make School Presentation Visuals Without the Hassle of Making Them From Scratch

School presentations, when done right, can help teachers engage their classes and improve students’ education effectively by presenting information using the right presentation topic. 

If you’re pressed for time and resources to make your school presentation visuals , choose a template from Piktochart’s template gallery . Aside from the easy customization options, you can also print and download these templates to your preferred format. 

Piktochart also professional templates to create infographics , posters , brochures , reports , and more.

Creating school-focused, engaging, and interactive presentations can be tedious at first, but with a little bit of research and Piktochart’s handy templates, you’re going to do a great job!


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  • Open access
  • Published: 24 May 2024

For the rural curious: mixed methods evaluation of a rural pharmacy practice elective

  • Timothy P. Stratton 1  

BMC Medical Education volume  24 , Article number:  573 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

182 Accesses

Metrics details

As of 2020, 20% of people residing in the United States of America (U.S.) lived in rural communities. Despite rural residents tending to be older, poorer, and having greater disease burden than their urban counterparts, the number of rural primary care providers continues to decline. Nearly 66% of U.S. Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Areas are designated as rural. Pharmacists can help address this shortage of rural primary care providers, often serving as providers of first-contact care; however, only 12% of U.S. pharmacists practice in rural communities. To help address this gap, in 2022 an elective Rural Pharmacy course was created at the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy by a faculty member who has rural practice experience.

The course combines formal lectures, guest presentations by rural pharmacists and student interviews with additional rural pharmacists. For the 42 students enrolled in the course in 2022 and 2023, non-parametric statistics were used to compare the percentage of students who were raised in rural communities or who otherwise had extensive exposure to rural, and compare student interest ratings (1 to 7) about practicing/living rural at the beginning and end of the course. Students also wrote end-of-course reflection papers, commenting on the course and their interviews with rural pharmacists.

Across both years, 45% of the enrolled students had previous experience in rural communities. The net change in Rural Interest scores among students completing both questionnaires was + 5 in 2022 and + 2 in 2023, both non-significant differences. The largest shifts in student interest were from “Not Sure” at the start of the course to “Interested” or “Not Interested” at the end of the course, and from “Interested” to “Very Interested.” In their reflection papers nearly 60% of students reported being most impressed by their interviews with rural pharmacists.


A course addressing the benefits and challenges of practicing pharmacy in rural communities was well-received by pharmacy students. Even students who have little interest in living in a rural community can benefit from being introduced to rural culture, enabling them to provide more culturally-responsive care for patients from rural communities.

Peer Review reports


The Unites States (U.S.) Census Bureau redefined “rural” for the 2020 census as communities with populations of fewer than 5,000 people (fewer than 2,000 housing units) and located more than 1.5 miles (2.4 km) from a high-density urban area. Based on this revised definition, 20% of the U.S. population in 2020 lived in rural communities [ 1 ]. The percentage of rural residents varied greatly by region, with only 11% of people in the West Region residing in rural areas, followed by 16% in the Northeast Region, 24% in the South Region and 26% in the Midwest Region [ 2 ]. At the extremes, fewer than 6% of people in California lived in rural areas, while nearly 65% of Vermont residents lived in rural areas [ 1 ]. In contrast, as of 2021 the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that only 12% of the nation’s pharmacists practiced in nonmetro (rural) communities [ 3 ].

On average, rural residents tend to be older [ 4 ], poorer [ 5 ], experience greater disease burden [ 6 ] and lack health insurance or be underinsured [ 7 ] than residents of urban communities. The average age and disease burden among rural residents is increasing due to outmigration of young adults from rural to urban communities and the in-migration of older adults to rural communities following retirement [ 4 ]. Yet as the proportion of older residents in rural communities continues to increase, the availability of primary care providers in rural communities continues to decrease. Nearly 66% of Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Areas in 2023 are designated as rural [ 8 ]. Pharmacists can be part of the solution to address the existing and anticipated shortage of primary care providers in rural communities [ 9 ]. Rural pharmacists often serve as “providers of first-contact care” for patients who are seeking to self-treat a health condition [ 10 ]. Where self-treatment is inappropriate, the pharmacist is in a position to refer the patient to appropriate professional care.

This paper describes a new course taught in the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program in the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy that introduces students to the unique benefits and challenges of practicing pharmacy in rural communities.

One college, two campuses

The University of Minnesota (UMN) is a public, research-intensive (Carnegie R1) institution. The UMN College of Pharmacy opened on the Minneapolis campus in 1892 [ 11 ]. Prior to 2003, the College of Pharmacy included four departments: Experimental & Clinical Pharmacology, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, and Pharmacy Care & Health Systems. However, to address a shortage of pharmacists in Greater Minnesota – counties outside of the seven-county Minneapolis-St. Paul Twin Cities Metro Area [ 12 ] – in 2003 the College of Pharmacy expanded its program 150 miles (241 km) north to Duluth on the University of Minnesota Duluth campus, adding a fifth department to the College, Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences (PPPS).

The specific multi-campus model used by the UMN College of Pharmacy is somewhat unique among multi-campus pharmacy programs in the U.S. The PPPS department includes faculty representing Biochemistry and each of the major Pharmacy disciplines (Clinical Pharmacy, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmacy Practice, and Social & Administrative Pharmacy). Didactic courses within the College are taught using videoconferencing technology, with classroom presentations/lectures originating from either Minneapolis or Duluth and being broadcast to the other campus.

The mission of the PPPS department includes preparing pharmacists to provide patient care in rural and Indigenous communities [ 13 ]. PPPS faculty embody this mission in all four areas of an academic health professions program, highlighting the unique health needs of rural residents in their teaching, addressing these needs through community-based participatory research [ 14 ], conducting service activities in rural communities, and providing clinical services. Until 2022, however, no single course in the College of Pharmacy’s curriculum was devoted specifically to rural health.

Rural pharmacy elective-course description and structure

To help address this gap in the College of Pharmacy curriculum, the author – a pharmacist who has practiced hospital, community and long-term care pharmacy in frontier/Indigenous communities in Alaska [ 10 ], Eastern Montana and Minnesota – created a two-credit elective course (two hours per week for 15 weeks) in Rural Pharmacy to introduce students to the benefits and challenges of living and practicing in rural communities. Development of the course was guided by the author’s teaching philosophy; to paraphrase Confucian philosopher Xun Kuang [ 15 ]: “Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I will remember. Involve me and I will understand.”

The Rural Pharmacy course was designed as a HyFlex course [ 16 ] that allows the learner to choose by which content delivery method they would like to learn. Learners in a Hyflex course may elect to attend a live class session in person in a classroom, may attend a live class session remotely via videoconference, or may learn online anytime. Each live class session is recorded to accommodate students who prefer to learn online during a given week, or throughout the entire course.

The Rural Pharmacy elective is a “modified” HyFlex design in that no in-person option is available. University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy faculty and students are accustomed to videoconferencing as a course delivery method, the college having used videoconference technology since 2003 to conduct live, in-person sessions for learners on campuses located 2.5 h apart from one other. Required and elective didactic courses delivered by videoconference are always recorded, enabling learners to view the recording at a more convenient time if they are unable to attend the live class session. Another reason that an in-person option for the Rural Pharmacy elective is not offered is that live course sessions are conducted in the evening to accommodate students from different years in the pharmacy program (P2 and P3) whose other courses are all on different schedules, and Minnesota’s frequent snowy and icy winter conditions are not always conducive to safe travel to and from campus, especially at night.

At the time of this writing, during the first three pre-clinical years University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy students are required to complete 15 credits of elective courses above and beyond their required courses. The Rural Pharmacy elective is open to students in the final two pre-clinical years of the PharmD program (P2 and P3), but enrollment is capped by the instructor at 25 students per offering. Live class sessions are conducted once weekly for two hours in the early evening by videoconference for all students, whether based in Duluth or in the Minneapolis-St. Paul Twin Cities area. The early evening hours avoid conflicts with students’ other courses, which are on different schedules between 8:00 am and 5:30 pm for both of the two years. Students are encouraged to attend as many live videoconference sessions as possible, especially when a guest presenter is scheduled; however, as noted above all class sessions are recorded for viewing or reviewing at a more convenient time. The recordings accommodate students who may be working in a pharmacy as a Pharmacy Intern or Pharmacy Technician at the time class is scheduled, or students who desire to review one or more recorded class sessions prior to the written midterm examination.

A University of Minnesota Post-Graduate Year 1 (PGY1) Rural Pharmacy Resident [ 17 ] serves as the Teaching Assistant for the course each year, participating in the live class sessions via videoconference. The Pharmacy Resident is based out of a rural community in central Minnesota, traveling to two other rural communities and providing comprehensive medication management services [ 18 ] to residents of all three communities. While maintaining patient confidentiality, the Resident shares with students their experiences caring for patients in rural communities, some stories being only a few hours old. In addition to regularly participating in live class sessions, the TA prepares and leads a class session on their own, and conducts the live session interviews with guest rural pharmacists as described below.

About half of the class sessions feature guest pharmacists who currently practice in rural communities, guests joining the live class sessions via videoconference. When a guest pharmacist is invited to participate in the course, the instructor provides the pharmacist with a list of potential interview questions that they would be asked to address during the class session. On rare occasions the visits with pharmacist(s) are pre-recorded either to better accommodate the pharmacist’s work schedule or because of time zone differences between Minnesota and the states where the pharmacists live/work. Pre-recorded interviews are played during the live class session, and students submit questions they would have asked the pharmacist had the pharmacist been able to join the class session in real time. Those questions are then summarized by the instructor and forwarded to the guest pharmacist to respond to as the pharmacist’s time allows. Pharmacists living and practicing in rural and Indigenous communities from throughout Minnesota and from as far away as Alaska have participated in the live sessions, either pre-recorded or in real time. In addition to rural pharmacists, guest presenters have included Advance Practice Nurses [ 19 ] from rural communities, and a Biologist who works with an Indigenous community on the impacts of climate change on the health of the community.

A variety of assessments are utilized in the course including reflection papers, an online multiple-choice/true–false/short answer midterm exam, written participation in online discussions, in-class student presentations and written summaries of interviews with pharmacists practicing in rural communities. The course is graded on a A,B,C,D,F letter grade scale. A total of 300 points are available across nine activities in the course, ranging in value from 5–50 points. The grading scale used in the course is the professional scale used in all of the college’s courses, an A grade being attained by students who earn at least 93% of the available points while students earning fewer than 60% of available points do not receive a passing grade. The possible number of points available on individual assignments are assigned by the instructor based on the amount of time and effort students are expected to expend on the assignment as well as the quality of each assignment’s deliverable.

At the start of the course students complete a brief 7-point Likert-type questionnaire regarding their familiarity with rural communities and interest in possibly practicing in a rural community. The questionnaires are confidential rather than anonymous as students complete the same questionnaire again at the end of the course. The course director uses student names to match start-of-course and end-of-course questionnaires to measure changes in student attitudes. Students also write a brief paper describing their experiences with rural communities and the reason for their interest in learning (or learning more) about living and practicing in rural communities. The instructor uses this information to tailor presentations in the course for the entire class based on the students’ familiarity with rural communities. This information also familiarizes the instructor with students’ backgrounds, enabling the instructor to invite specific students to share their rural experiences as relevant opportunities arise during live class sessions. The initial questionnaire and interest paper collectively constitute 8.37% of the course grade.

The online midterm examination is based on material provided in the textbook [ 20 ] or during instructor or Resident presentations. Students are tested on their knowledge about what constitutes “rural” as defined by several different U.S. government agencies, rural culture, challenges in rural public health, and opportunities and challenges related to practicing pharmacy in rural communities. The midterm exam score constitutes 16.7% of the course grade.

As mentioned previously, the HyFlex nature of the course accommodates students who are unable to attend the live videoconference sessions. All students, however, participate in weekly written online discussions based on the live videoconference session from that week. Live sessions are recorded so that any student may view and listen to the session at their leisure. In the online discussion, students are asked to respond to an instructor-generated question based on that week’s live class session. Students are asked to post their response first, then comment on the response of at least one other classmate. The Canvas learning management system [ 21 ] facilitates this learning approach, providing the instructor the option to require a student to post their response before reading the responses of classmates. Students who post their responses by the weekly deadline receive full participation credit for the week, rather than being graded on the length of their response or on the number of responses they make to classmates’ postings. As a HyFlex course, students are not awarded extra points for attending the live videoconference session, nor are they penalized for not participating in the live videoconference session. Participation constitutes 16.7% of the course grade.

Indigenous people began living in what today is referred to as Minnesota some 13,000 years ago. Among the earliest identifiable tribes in Minnesota were the Dakota (Sioux) circa 1000 CE and the Anishinaabe (Chippewa, Ojibwe) who arrived in the mid-1700s [ 22 ]. Today, Minnesota is home to four Dakota and seven Anishibaabe reservations [ 23 ], most of these communities being located in rural or frontier Minnesota counties. In contrast to these early inhabitants whose ancestors have lived in Minnesota for hundreds of years, today foreign immigrants are arriving in Minnesota in increasing numbers [ 24 ]. Many of these new arrivals settle in communities outside of the Twin Cities Metro Area [ 25 ]. This spectrum of diversity underlies the importance for healthcare providers to learn to provide culturally-responsive care [ 26 ]; therefore, students in the course learn about Indigenous people or foreign-born immigrants they might encounter if practicing in rural Minnesota. Each student is assigned a particular culture (not their own), and through readings about and/or interviews with members from that culture prepares a brief presentation they share with the class during a live videoconference session. Again, because this is a HyFlex course a student who knows in advance that they will be unable to attend class when they are scheduled to present are able to pre-record their presentation. Pre-recorded student presentations are played during the live course session. This exercise constitutes 16.7% of the course grade.

As students in this course are training to become pharmacists, they interview pharmacists who currently practice in rural communities (or who have practiced in a rural community in the recent past). These interviews supplement the rural pharmacy practice stories provided by the instructor, the Resident, and the pharmacists who present during class videoconference sessions. Most, but not all, of the pharmacists who participate in the course are the instructor’s former students from the UMN College of Pharmacy, Duluth. In addition to pharmacists with practice experience in rural Minnesota, pharmacists in the instructor’s circle of contacts from rural Alaska, Wisconsin and Michigan have participated in the course, as have pharmacists from four different rural Indian Health Service [ 27 ] /Tribal Health Clinics. Potential pharmacist participants are contacted by the course instructor before the course begins to gauge their interest and willingness to participate in a live class session or be interviewed by the students, and are provided with the list of interview questions that will be asked. Characteristics and practice settings of the pharmacists who participated during the first two offerings of the course are presented in Table  1 .

The instructor assigns the students to interview teams of two to three students who conduct structured interviews with the rural pharmacists who practice in community, critical access hospital [ 28 ], health system hospital or Indian Health Service/Tribal Health settings. Each student is assigned to one team to interview a community pharmacist, and then to a different team to interview the health system pharmacist. Where possible, teams are structured to reflect gender diversity and include students from different years in the pharmacy program. Each student team contacts their assigned pharmacist and schedules a telephone or videoconference interview. Interviews are intended to last no more than 30 min, but oftentimes go longer as the conversations between the students and the pharmacist range far beyond the structured questions provided by the instructor.

Each student submits written summaries of their two interviews. Each interview team provides informal presentations about their interviews to the class during a live videoconference class session. Each interview assignment constitutes 16.7% of the course grade.

At the end of the course, students once again complete the 7-point Likert-type questionnaire regarding their interest in possibly practicing in a rural community. The numerical results from this questionnaire are compared to the numerical results of the interest questionnaire that the student completed at the start of the course. Each student also writes a brief reflection paper regarding what they learned in the course about practicing pharmacy in a rural community, and what aspect of the course they found most interesting/helpful in their learning. As with the similar assignments at the beginning of the course, the final questionnaire and final reflection paper constitutes 8.37% of the course grade.

Rural pharmacy elective-topics

Topics presented in the course are listed in Table  2 . Topics for didactic sessions early in the course are based on selected chapters from the textbook required for the course, Foundations of Rural Public Health in America (2022), by Joseph N. Inungu and Mark J. Minelli [ 20 ]. The course also features interdisciplinary and interprofessional components. As noted earlier, one guest presenter is a PhD Biologist employed by one of Minnesota’s American Indian tribes. That individual addresses Climate Justice, explaining the impact of climate change on rural Indigenous communities. Also as noted earlier, a group of rural Advanced Practice Nurses in different subspecialties present a panel session addressing the challenges faced by the communities they serve, and describe how they interact with rural pharmacists in their communities.

Assessing course outcomes

The percentages of students enrolled in the course on each campus who reported growing up in a rural community or having spent considerable time visiting relatives who lived in rural communities were compared using Fisher’s exact test [ 29 ]. For students completing rural interest questionnaires both at the beginning and the end of the course, rating scores from both years and both campuses were combined and paired. Given the ordinal nature of the data, beginning/end of course ratings were evaluated using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test [ 30 ]. A two-tailed alpha value of 0.05 was selected as the criterion to indicate significance in all numerical comparisons.

For the first offering of the course in Spring, 2022 a total of 25 students completed the course. Spring 2023 had 17 students in the course. The demographics of the students in these two cohorts are summarized in Table  3 .

Between the first two offerings of this course, 25 students on the Minneapolis campus enrolled in the course. Of these 25, 10 (40%) reported growing up in a rural community or having spent considerable time visiting relatives who lived in rural communities. Among the 17 Duluth students enrolled in the course between the two years, nine (53%) reported having grown up or otherwise spent considerable time in rural areas. This difference was not statistically significant.

At the beginning and end of the course, students rated their interest in living/practicing in rural community using a 7-point Likert-type scale ranging from “1-No interest” to “7-When can I start?!” The results from the 36 students who completed both the pre and post questionnaires are presented in Fig.  1 .

figure 1

Interest in Practicing Pharmacy in Rural Communities ( n  = 36)

The total net change in Rural Interest scores across all students completing both questionnaires was + 5 in 2022 and + 2 in 2023, some student scores increasing, others decreasing, and still others remaining the same. Results of the Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks Test were non-significant ( z  = -1.5903; p  = 0.112).

The largest change in scores occurred in the “Not sure” category (middle choice), with only one student remaining unsure of their interest in practicing in a rural community at the end of the course compared to six students at the beginning of the course. Four students who selected “Not sure” at the start of the course expressed lower interest in practicing in a rural community at the end of the course, one of these students moving down three levels from “Not sure” to “No interest.” One student who had selected “Interested” at the beginning of the course also dropped three levels at the end of the course to “Slight interest.” In contrast, several students who had selected “Interested” at the start of the course moved up to “Very Interested” or “When can I start?!”.

At the end of the course, students were asked to reflect on the impact of the course on their interest in practicing pharmacy in a rural community. Among the 42 students enrolled in the course during the first two years, 25 students in their reflection papers explicitly expressed appreciation for being able to interview pharmacists currently practicing in rural communities, while 20 explicitly expressed appreciation for having rural pharmacists and other professionals as guest speakers during class sessions. Two word clouds were generated from students’ reflection papers, one based on student perceptions of the benefits of living/practicing in a rural community (Fig.  2 ), and the other based on student perceptions of the challenges of living/practicing in a rural community (Fig.  3 ).

figure 2

Word cloud featuring perceived benefits of living and practicing pharmacy mentioned in Rural Pharmacy students’ end-of-course reflection papers. “Courtesy of FreeWordCloudGenerator.com”

figure 3

Word cloud featuring perceived challenges of living and practicing pharmacy mentioned in Rural Pharmacy students’ end-of-course reflection papers. “Courtesy of FreeWordCloudGenerator.com”

Representative student comments excerpted from their reflection papers regarding what they had heard from rural pharmacists who participated in the course are provided below. Each student’s comment is followed by that student’s final rating of their interest in practicing pharmacy in a rural community (1 = No interest, 7 = When can I start?!):

Before this course I had no interest in practicing rural before but now I’d at least entertain the idea after speaking and interviewing pharmacists that did or currently practice there. (Student selected ratings of 1 and 2) Hearing so many amazing stories, pharmacists are truly more than just “pill counting” because a single pharmacy can connect them with other rural health professionals, expanding the capabilities of rural pharmacists…. (2) If you can dream it you can do it in rural pharmacy. (5) It was great to have [the pharmacist I interviewed] in my network, as [they] said I can contact [them] anytime with questions outside… [of] my interview. I learned that having many contacts in your network, especially in rural areas, is so important…. (6) This class stimulated a future career interest that I already had, but was not sure exactly how to get started and who to ask if I had any questions. I feel like I now have many resources to reach out to when it comes to my future career, which makes me incredibly happy and comfortable. (7)

Students also expressed appreciation for other aspects of the course, whether the students were interested in practicing in a rural community at the end of the course or not. Again, each student’s comment is followed by that student’s final rating of their interest in practicing pharmacy in a rural community (1 = No interest, 7 = When can I start?!):

Even if I do not practice as a rural pharmacist, I will value the exposure and learning that has come from the topics covered in this course. (3) To be frank, I never even entertained the idea of practicing as a rural pharmacist. I’ve always wanted to work in an urban ambulatory care setting…. I did not expect the class to be as eye opening as it truly was…. I’m much more open to serving in a rural community and may consider it strongly . (3) It would be a huge adjustment to move to a rural area since I have grown up in [an urban community] my whole life. I want to work in a rural community since it is rewarding, but it is difficult to leave family behind and essentially start a new life with new people. (4) This is a rural pharmacy class, but it did not feel biased towards only working rural…. I came into this class knowing that I had an interest in rural pharmacy, but I did not expect to come out of this class even more interested in what rural areas have to offer. (6) Before starting this course, I knew that I wanted to practice pharmacy in a rural community…. Many times during this course we stated, “When you’ve seen one rural community, you’ve seen one rural community.” I did not know how true this statement was before this course…. Despite their vast differences, one common underlying theme is the health disparities seen in rural areas. (7)

It is important that health professions students be introduced to rural culture, even if they are “never” going to live/practice in a rural community themselves. With 5–64% of states’ populations living in rural communities [ 1 ], the odds are good that at some point in their careers, health professionals living in large urban centers are going to care for patients who have come from rural communities to receive more specialized care than is available locally [ 31 ]. Being introduced to rural culture can help students provide more culturally responsive care [ 32 ] to patients from rural communities during their careers.

The purpose of this course was to introduce pharmacy students to the advantages and challenges of practicing and living in rural communities. The course was not intended to “change hearts and minds” of students regarding their possible interest in practicing in a rural setting, and as can be seen from the results, students’ “interest in rural” ratings collectively neither significantly increased nor decreased between the beginning and the end of the course. Regardless, from comments in their reflection papers students generally appreciated the course, finding the interviews with rural pharmacists to be particularly valuable. This finding was heartening to the instructor who was initially concerned about the amount of out-of-class work being asked of the students.

Likewise, guest presenters who participated in the live class sessions and pharmacists interviewed by the students informally expressed their satisfaction with participating in the course, and expressed gratitude that this course was being offered. One pharmacist who previously practiced in a remote Alaska community but had recently moved to a major urban center in the “Lower 48” (Alaskan reference to states in the contiguous United States south of the 49th Parallel) expressed how much they enjoyed sharing their stories with the Rural Pharmacy students. The students with which this pharmacist currently works all desire to practice in large urban centers and are not particularly interested in hearing about the pharmacist’s experiences practicing in small, isolated communities. Another pharmacist noted that they really appreciated joining the students virtually in the live classroom, and was going to recommend this approach to other pharmacy schools with which they work as a way to generate interest in rural pharmacy in general, as well as interest in their particular pharmacy as a clinical rotation site.

A few changes were made in the roster of pharmacists participating in the course from year to year; however, most of the guest speakers and pharmacists who were interviewed by the students participated in the course both years. Another change being considered for the next offering of the course is to add a live videoconference session with a Minnesota Department of Agriculture “Farm Counselor” (a Licensed Professional Counselor) who makes in-person “farm calls” to address farm families’ mental health needs within the unique context of farm culture [ 33 ] (MN Dept of Ag, 2023).

A course specifically addressing the benefits and challenges of practicing pharmacy in rural communities was well-received by pharmacy students enrolled in the course, and by the rural guest presenters and rural pharmacists who were interviewed by the students. Even students who have little interest in living or practicing in a rural community can benefit from being introduced to rural culture, helping all students provide more culturally-responsive care for patients from rural communities.

Availability of data and materials

The data analyzed during the current study are not publicly available due to stipulations in the U.S. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), but are available in de-identified form from the corresponding author on reasonable request.


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T.P.S. solely conceived and undertook all aspects of this project and preparation of this manuscript.

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TPS is Professor of Pharmacy Practice in the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy, Duluth. He has practiced community, hospital and long-term care pharmacy in frontier communities in Southeast Alaska, and at Indian Health Service/Tribal Health clinics in frontier Alaska and eastern Montana, and in rural Minnesota. He is a member of the Rural Pharmacy Consortium , a Past Chair of the Small and Rural Hospital Section Advisory Group for the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, and a Past President of the Minnesota Rural Health Association.

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Correspondence to Timothy P. Stratton .

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Stratton, T.P. For the rural curious: mixed methods evaluation of a rural pharmacy practice elective. BMC Med Educ 24 , 573 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-024-05539-3

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Received : 18 September 2023

Accepted : 08 May 2024

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BMC Medical Education

ISSN: 1472-6920

presentation topics for medical students

Project-Based Learning Adapted as a Physiology Teaching Strategy for the Sophomore Undergraduate Medical Students

  • Original Research
  • Published: 06 June 2024

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presentation topics for medical students

  • Luís Henrique Montrezor   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-1022-3358 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 &
  • Camila Linhares Taxini Passos 1  

Project-based learning (PBL) is a teaching strategy in which students work as a group to identify a problem and discuss ideas for its solution. It is an educational approach to teaching and learning that involves groups of students working together to solve a problem, complete a task, or even create a product based on a project. It places the student at the center of the teaching–learning process and stimulates their engagement to transform learning into knowledge.

The aim of the present study was to use an adapted PBL approach as a physiology teaching strategy for sophomore medical students. For this, at the end of the semester, 148 students were organized in groups and were instructed to develop projects on the topics of cardiorespiratory physiology and metabolic physiology. Evaluation was made of the development and presentation of the projects, comparing the grades with those obtained in tests taken individually by the students at the beginning of the semester. The opinions of the students about the strategy were analyzed using a questionnaire answered individually. The results showed that different strategies were developed by the students to present their projects, notably employing question and answer board games, card games, and videos simulating interviews with clinicians. The mean scores for the collaborative group activities were significantly higher than for the tests performed individually by the students. The answers given in the opinion questionnaire indicated that most of the students considered the strategy useful for their learning, since it stimulated research, study, and discussion on the topics studied. Most of the students believed that working as a group was beneficial and that the time allocated for the project development was sufficient.

Therefore, use of the adapted project-based learning as a physiology teaching strategy was viewed positively by the students and improved their performance in learning about cardiorespiratory and metabolic physiology.

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Department of Biological Science and Health – Medicine, University of Araraquara - UNIARA, Rua Carlos Gomes, 1217, Araraquara, SP, 14801-340, Brazil

Luís Henrique Montrezor & Camila Linhares Taxini Passos

Medicinal Chemistry and Regenerative Medicine Group, QUIMMERA – UNIARA, Araraquara, SP, Brazil

Luís Henrique Montrezor

Brazilian Society of Physiology (SBFis), Undergraduate Education Committee, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Study and Research Group in University Pedagogy – GEPPU, São Paulo State University – UNESP, Rio Claro, SP, Brazil

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LHM and CLTP conceived, designed research, and performed experiments; CLTP analyzed data; LHM and CLTP interpreted results of the experiments; LHM prepared figures and drafted the manuscript; LHM and CLTP edited and revised the manuscript; LHM and CLTP approved the final version of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Luís Henrique Montrezor .

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Some results, specifically the opinions of the students regarding the evaluation activity involving collaborative groups, adapted from the project-based learning teaching strategy, were presented as a poster at the 60th Brazilian Congress of Medical Education (COBEM, November 3–6, 2022) held in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. This work received an award for being the most commented poster.

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Montrezor, L.H., Passos, C.L.T. Project-Based Learning Adapted as a Physiology Teaching Strategy for the Sophomore Undergraduate Medical Students. Med.Sci.Educ. (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40670-024-02092-y

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Accepted : 29 May 2024

Published : 06 June 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s40670-024-02092-y

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  3. 2024 Best 50 presentation topics || General topics for presentation|presentation topics

  4. Introduction to medical students

  5. Speech Topics/Presentation Topics for Students/Science PPT Topics/Science Speech Topics

  6. Engage Your Audience with a Professional Medical Practice PowerPoint Template


  1. List of 200+ Healthcare & Medical Presentation Topics

    Students of MBBS, BAMS, BHMS, B Pharmacy, D Pharmacy, M Pharmacy, Bio-Technology and other medical and healthcare streams can get the benefit of this list of medical presentation topics. Below is the list of Healthcare & Medical Topics for Presentation. Abdominal Trauma. Abuse and Neglect. Adult Day Care. Ageing/Geriatrics. Air and community health

  2. Presentation Skills Toolkit for Medical Students

    Giving an Effective Poster Presentation (freely available, video). This video shows medical students in action presenting their work and shares strategies for presenting your poster in a conversational style, preparing for questions, and engaging viewers. (Skills addressed: 2,3) Better Scientific Poster (freely available, toolkit).

  3. 89 Medical Speech Topic Ideas [Persuasive, Informative, Nursing]

    Here are some concrete persuasive medical speech topic samples. Keep going back and forth in your mind to sort out the way you like to talk about it. Isolation is the best way to prevent the spread of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus MRSA infections. Medical marijuana must be allowed for ill people - or not.

  4. 100+ Healthcare Research Topics (+ Free Webinar)

    Here, we'll explore a variety of healthcare-related research ideas and topic thought-starters across a range of healthcare fields, including allopathic and alternative medicine, dentistry, physical therapy, optometry, pharmacology and public health. NB - This is just the start….

  5. 300+ Interesting Medical Topics to Explore Now

    9 Mental Health Research Paper Topics. 10 Anatomy Research Topics. 11 Biomedical Research Topics. 12 Bioethics Research Topics. 13 Cancer Research Topics. 14 Clinical Research Topics. 15 Critical Care Research Topics. 16 Pediatric Research Topics. 17 Dental Research Topics Ideas.

  6. Poster presentation 101: Make your work stand out at a conference

    For medical students looking to gain insight on the research process and the work their peers are doing, the 2023 AMA Research Challenge virtual poster symposium and semifinals takes place Oct. 18-20. The event offers the opportunity to explore research in a variety of topics and specialties, provide advice and feedback, and score posters to help decide the five finalists who will compete ...

  7. How to Give an Excellent Medical Presentation

    For example, premed students have a different understanding of medical topics than medical students. A presentation on the same subject should be different for both groups. ... There are some basic steps to achieving an excellent presentation: know the topic well, understand who you're presenting to, develop a memorable story, and practice ...

  8. 6 Easy Steps to Create an Effective and Engaging Medical Presentation

    And this pause can be delivered in a number of ways. First, you can separate your presentation into several sections, thereby helping your audience navigate the overall flow of what you're saying. For example: 'Key findings', 'What this means for the medical world', and 'Next steps'.

  9. Medical Students Topics

    All Medscape Topics. A. Acne. Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) Acute Leukemia. ADHD. Adolescent Medicine. Aesthetic Medicine. Affordable Care Act (ACA)

  10. 5 keys to help medical students sharpen their presentations

    A module in the AMA Medical Student Leadership Learning Series answers that question. "Developing effective presentation skills is important for medical students to prepare them for presenting their cases or research to other medical professionals," said Ann Manikas, the AMA's director of organizational development and learning.

  11. PowerPoint presentation tips for medical students

    5. Exposing students to a variety of topics: Presentations allow medical students to learn about a wide range of topics related to medicine, including current research, clinical cases, and medical ethics. This exposure helps to broaden their knowledge and understanding of the field.

  12. How medical students can thrive when making a presentation

    Medical students will have academic opportunities to present research that come up through the course of training, such as presenting a case or a putting together a slide deck and oral presentation on a disease. Presenting research is a natural evolution of that public speaking and lecture skill set. Dr. Marsh said that in any presentation ...

  13. 180+ Presentation Topic Ideas [Plus Templates]

    List of Presentation Topic Ideas for Students. We know how difficult it is to come up with an interesting presentation topic idea on the fly. That's why we put together a list of more than 200 ideas to help you out. We've organized these presentation topics for students by subject so you can easily browse through and find what you're looking for.

  14. Effective Presentations in Medical Education

    During his studies, Adonis served as the president of the Lebanese Medical Students' International Committee (LeMSIC), a national medical student organization in Lebanon, and moved on to serve as the Regional Director of the Eastern Mediterranean Region of the IFMSA*. ... Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery. New Riders; 2011. 462 ...

  15. How To Present a Patient: A Step-To-Step Guide

    The ability to deliver oral case presentations is a core skill for any physician. Effective oral case presentations help facilitate information transfer among physicians and are essential to delivering quality patient care. Oral case presentations are also a key component of how medical students and residents are assessed during their training.

  16. Patient Presentations in Emergency Medicine EMRA

    EMRA and CDEM launched " Patient Presentations in Emergency Medicine ," a training video for medical students. Demonstrating how to tell a compelling story when presenting a patient's case, this brief video offers hand do's and don'ts on how to communicate efficiently and effectively in the ED. EMRA Education Committee members Michael Yip, MD ...

  17. UC San Diego's Practical Guide to Clinical Medicine

    Key elements of each presentation type are described below. Examples of how these would be applied to most situations are provided in italics. The formats are typical of presentations done for internal medicine services and clinics. Note that there is an acceptable range of how oral presentations can be delivered.

  18. Best Nursing Presentation Topics

    Pregnancy Topics and Ideas for Presentation. Preconception care: Nursing interventions for optimizing maternal health and promoting a healthy pregnancy outcome. Prenatal screening and diagnostic testing: Role of nurses in providing information, counseling, and coordination of prenatal genetic testing.

  19. PDF General Medicine Teaching Topics

    Infectious Diseases Teaching Topics: 1) Management of infected medical devices (lines of different types, pacers, orthopedic pins, filters, grafts, etc.) 2) Differential and approach for FUO, with most common causes ... IBD (presentation, differential, workup, acute and long-term management, outcomes)

  20. Free Medical Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates

    Presentations on health and medical topics can be challenging to create, but this Google Slides & PowerPoint template is here to rescue you! This multi-purpose layout is designed with blue pastel tones, providing a professional and calm environment to showcase your medical expertise to colleagues, students, or patients. The template...

  21. 1st-time poster presenters offer tips on medical student research

    The recent Medical Student Poster Showcase, which took place during the 2023 AMA Annual Meeting in Chicago, brought together more than 100 medical students last month to present research across a number of topics. For medical students looking for an additional opportunity to showcase their research, the deadline for abstract submissions for the ...

  22. Free and customizable medical presentation templates

    Choosing the suitable template for your medical presentation depends on your topic, audience, and tone. When your present to a group of medical professionals like yourself, you can go crazy with the jargon and stick to neutral-colored and concise designs. ... If you're doing a demo for students, make your medical slide templates engaging with ...

  23. 75 Unique School Presentation Ideas and Topics Plus Templates

    History is filled with equally inspiring and terrifying stories, and there are lessons that students can learn from the events of the past. Meanwhile, interactive presentations about culture help students learn and embrace diversity. 16. Women in history: A conversation through time. Get this template.

  24. For the rural curious: mixed methods evaluation of a rural pharmacy

    Pre-recorded student presentations are played during the live course session. This exercise constitutes 16.7% of the course grade. ... Rural pharmacy elective-topics. Topics presented in the course are listed in Table ... Council on Graduate Medical Education. Rural health policy brief 1. Special needs in rural America: Implications for ...

  25. Project-Based Learning Adapted as a Physiology Teaching ...

    Context Project-based learning (PBL) is a teaching strategy in which students work as a group to identify a problem and discuss ideas for its solution. It is an educational approach to teaching and learning that involves groups of students working together to solve a problem, complete a task, or even create a product based on a project. It places the student at the center of the teaching ...

  26. Homepage

    The mission of the Harvard Graduate School of Education is to prepare education leaders and innovators who will change the world by expanding opportunities and outcomes for learners everywhere. We're an institution committed to making the broadest impact possible, putting powerful ideas and evidence-based research into practice.