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Average age of a phd student: when is it too late, published by steve tippins on june 16, 2022 june 16, 2022.

Last Updated on: 2nd February 2024, 02:36 am

In 2020, the average age of a graduate from a PhD program in the United States was 33. However, 6% of the graduates were over 45. 

When people ask what the average age of a PhD student is, many times they’re really asking, “Am I too old to get a PhD?” The answer is almost always no. Let’s explore some different scenarios. 

When Is It Too Late to Get a PhD?

As an academic career coach, I’ve been asked by more than a few people if it’s too late for them to get a PhD. Some of these people were even in their twenties, worried that working for two years after their undergraduate degree had inexorably barred them from the halls of academia. 

Others were past middle age, looking for a career change. In either case, the answer is ultimately no, it’s not too late to get a PhD . However, there are some important things to keep in mind if this is something you’re considering.

Getting a PhD for Your Career

woman studying in her home office filled with plants

Let’s say you want to get a PhD to pursue a career in academia or elsewhere. You enter a PhD program at 25 or even 30, the average PhD duration takes six to eight years. That means you will finish when you are around 30 to 37. The normal retirement age to get Social Security in the United States is 67, so that’s at least 30 years ahead of you – lots of time for your career. If you look around academia, there’s a lot of people older than 67.

You have a chance for a very long career, even if you’re 42 and finish your PhD at 50. That’s still over 15 years before retirement age. These days, very few people stay at a job for 15 years. Rest assured that you have ample opportunity to have a meaningful career.

Over 50% of doctoral candidates don’t finish their dissertations.

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Student Loan Debt Considerations

If you’re 61 and taking loans out, it will be a while before you pay those off. Debt is something to think about before getting a PhD. If you can get into a PhD program that pays your tuition or even provides you a stipend, you may be able to graduate with a much smaller student loan debt. That assistance could allow you to consider a PhD later in life. 

What Is the Minimum Age for Getting a PhD?

top view of a woman studying in her home office

To get a PhD, you have to have graduated from undergraduate school. From there, some people can go right into a PhD program. If you graduate at the traditional age of 22, you’d be getting your PhD somewhere around age 25 at a minimum.

There are stories about people who graduate from high school at 12 and college at 16. They could theoretically get their PhD at 19 or 20. However, people like this are quite rare.

Can You Get a PhD by Age 25?

It is possible to get a PhD by age 25, particularly if you graduate from college at 21 or 22. If it takes three or four years to get a PhD, you could graduate by 25.

What Is The Best Age to Get a PhD?

The best age to get a PhD is three years ago. The second best time is now. In reality, the best age to get a PhD is whenever you are able to complete it. The earlier you finish your PhD, the more of a life and career you’ll have with it , but there is no optimal age.

Does Having a Master’s Shorten the Time it Takes to Get a PhD?

blonde woman at a master's graduation in the sunlight

Having a Master’s can shorten the time it takes to get a PhD , depending on your discipline. If PhD programs in your discipline are structured such that they assume you have a Master’s before you enter, then yes, you’re going to finish a PhD faster. 

If you enter without a Master’s, you may have to get the Master’s first to be allowed in the PhD program. Otherwise, you may have to take some remedial coursework. If your discipline is not set up in that manner, having a Master’s may not allow you to move faster.

Final Thoughts

As society ages and with employers having problems finding eligible workers, the problem of ageism will become less severe. Getting a PhD at any age is going to be a viable option. If you are interested in a PhD and it’s something you have a burning desire to do, don’t let age stop you. 

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Steve Tippins

Steve Tippins, PhD, has thrived in academia for over thirty years. He continues to love teaching in addition to coaching recent PhD graduates as well as students writing their dissertations. Learn more about his dissertation coaching and career coaching services. Book a Free Consultation with Steve Tippins

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Taking On the Ph.D. Later in Life

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By Mark Miller

  • April 15, 2016

ROBERT HEVEY was fascinated by gardening as a child, but then he grew up and took a 30-year career detour. Mr. Hevey earned a master’s in business and became a certified public accountant, working for accounting firms and businesses ranging from manufacturing to enterprise software and corporate restructuring.

“I went to college and made the mistake of getting an M.B.A. and a C.P.A.,” he recalled with a laugh.

Now 61, Mr. Hevey is making up for lost time. He’s a second-year Ph.D. student in a plant biology and conservation program offered jointly by Northwestern University and the Chicago Botanic Garden. Mr. Hevey, whose work focuses on invasive species, started on his master’s at age 53, and he expects to finish his doctorate around five years from now, when he will be 66.

“When I walk into a classroom of 20-year-olds, I do raise the average age a bit,” he says.

While the overall age of Ph.D. candidates has dropped in the last decade, about 14 percent of all doctoral recipients are over age 40, according to the National Science Foundation. Relatively few students work on Ph.D.s at Mr. Hevey’s age, but educators are seeing increasing enrollment in doctoral programs by students in their 40s and 50s. Many candidates hope doctorates will help them advance careers in business, government and nonprofit organizations; some, like Mr. Hevey, are headed for academic research or teaching positions.

At Cornell University, the trend is driven by women. The number of new female doctoral students age 36 or older was 44 percent higher last year than in 2009, according to Barbara Knuth, senior vice provost and dean of the graduate school.

“One of the shifts nationally is more emphasis on career paths that call for a Ph.D.,” Dr. Knuth said. “Part of it is that we have much more fluidity in career paths. It’s unusual for people to hold the same job for many years.”

“The people we see coming back have a variety of reasons,” she added. “It could be a personal interest or for career advancement. But they are very pragmatic and resilient: strong thinkers, willing to ask questions and take a risk in their lives.”

Many older doctoral candidates are motivated by a search for meaning, said Katrina Rogers, president of Fielding Graduate University in Santa Barbara, Calif., which offers programs exclusively for adult learners in psychology, human and organizational development and education.

“Students are asking what they can do with the rest of their lives, and how they can have an impact,” she said. “They are approaching graduate school as a learning process for challenging themselves intellectually, but also along cognitive and emotional lines.”

Making a home for older students also makes business sense for universities and colleges, said Barbara Vacarr, director of the higher education initiative at Encore.org, a nonprofit organization focused on midlife career change. “The convergence of an aging population and an undersupply of qualified traditional college students are both a call to action and an opportunity for higher education.”

Some schools are serving older students in midcareer with pragmatic doctoral programs that can be completed more quickly than the seven or eight years traditionally required to earn a Ph.D. Moreover, many of those do not require candidates to spend much time on campus or even leave their full-time jobs.

That flexibility can help with the cost of obtaining a doctorate. In traditional programs, costs can range from $20,000 a year to $50,000 or more — although for some, tuition expenses are offset by fellowships. The shorter programs are less costly. The total cost at Fielding, for example, is $60,000.

Susan Noyes, an occupational therapist in Portland, Me., with 20 years’ experience under her belt, returned to school at age 40 for a master’s degree in adult education at the University of Southern Maine, then pursued her Ph.D. at Lesley University in Cambridge, Mass. During that time, she continued to work full time and raise three children. She finished the master’s at 44 — a confidence-builder that persuaded her to work toward a Ph.D. in adult learning, which she earned at age 49.

Dr. Noyes, 53, made two visits annually to Lesley’s campus during her doctoral studies, usually for a week to 10 days. She now works as an assistant professor of occupational therapy at the University of Southern Maine.

At the outset of her graduate education, Dr. Noyes wasn’t looking for a career change. Instead, she wanted to update her skills and knowledge in the occupational therapy field. But she soon found herself excited by the chance to broaden her intellectual horizons. “I’ve often said I accidentally got my Ph.D.,” she said.

Lisa Goff took the traditional Ph.D. path, spending eight years getting her doctorate in history. An accomplished business journalist, she decided to pursue a master’s degree in history at the University of Virginia in 2001 while working on a book project. Later, she decided to keep going for her doctorate, which she earned in 2010, the year she turned 50. Her research is focused on cultural history, with a special interest in landscapes.

Dr. Goff had planned to use the degree to land a job in a museum, but at the time, museum budgets were being cut in the struggling economy. Instead, a university mentor persuaded her to give teaching a try. She started as an adjunct professor in the American studies department at the University of Virginia, which quickly led to a full-time nontenure-track position. This year, her fourth full year teaching, her position was converted to a tenure-track job.

“I thought an academic job would be grueling — not what I wanted at all,” she recalls. “But I love being in the classroom, finding ways to get students to contribute and build rapport with them.”

As a graduate student, she never found the age gap to be a challenge. “Professors never treated me as anything but another student, and the other students were great to me,” Dr. Goff said. The toughest part of the transition, she says, was the intellectual shock of returning to a rigorous academic environment. “I was surprised to see just how creaky my classroom muscles were,” she recalled. “I really struggled in that first class just to keep up.”

Mr. Hevey agrees, saying he has experienced more stress in his academic life than in the business world. “I’m using my brain in such a different way now. I’m learning something new every day.”

His advice to anyone considering a similar move? “Really ask yourself if this is something you want to do. If you think it would just be nice to be a student again, that’s wrong. It’s not a life of ease: You’ll be working all the time, perhaps for seven or eight years.”

Mr. Hevey does not expect to teach, but he does hope to work in a laboratory or do research. “I’m certainly not going to start a new career at 66 or 67,” he said. “But I’m not going to go home and sit on the couch, either.”

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10 Time Management Tips for Older PhD Students Who Want to Balance Work and Studies

Breaking barriers: empowering black women over 40 to excel in information systems phd programs. , the top 8 must-know tips for phd preparation: how to get started.

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Deciding to Pursue a PhD in your 40s and 50s


Deciding to Pursue a PhD in your 40s and 50s, time has a whole new meaning. Researchers find that people in their 40s and above tend to value different things like relationships and making a difference. For example, Carstensen et al (1999) suggest that time plays a role in our goals and behaviors when time is viewed as limited or expansive.

I always knew I wanted to earn or pursue a PhD but other things in life took over. It wasn’t till I was in my 40s that I decided it was time to pursue that goal. If you’re in your 40s and 50s and ever thought about Deciding to Pursue a PhD, there’s no better time than now.

After working in industry for many years, I went back to school in 2011 to complete my master’s. In another post, I’ll talk about that journey and how I decided on doing it in a business school rather than the school of engineering.

Like many people, I completed my master’s degree while working. Afterward, I decided to go ahead and apply to pursue a PhD. This decision was not easy. I had been talking about my intent with two of my professors during my master’s program. They were supportive.

There are many things to consider in Deciding to Pursue a PhD in your 40s and 50s.

The decision might involve resigning from my job. Oh no, this was not an easy one. The decision might involve not always being available for my kids who were in middle school and junior high school at the time; also not an easy one. What was I going to do about income if I left my job to pursue a Ph.D. education full time?

You see, many of the reputable schools in my area only accepted full-time students. This made the online pursue a PhD programs seem inviting, if only for a fleeting moment. But, a good friend of mine and the two professors steered me away from that notion.

The income question also led me to think of pursue a PhD in the UK. Many of the Ph.D. programs in the UK had 3-year commitments rather than 4. Again, I was steered away from that decision because I had a growing family.

It came down to 3-4 universities. My choice of the University of North Texas and their selection of my candidacy was perfect. In hindsight, it is still the best decision, especially because of the culture; collaborative, but at the same time, rigorous.

I did quit my job. Though it was a hard decision, it is one that I’ll make again given the Ph.D. workload. I had saved some money from working full-time for a number of years. Since I was a student, I was going to live like a student. Besides, the Ph.D. program was funded by the school: tuition and a little stipend.

The first semester of my Ph.D. Education (in my 40s)

The start of my first semester was a bit difficult. I was learning so many new things at the same time. I was learning another way of thinking about problems. But most of all, I was learning how to unlearn stuff.

Because I came from industry where I had spent almost two decades, I had a way of thinking that was at odds with academia. I just could not reconcile academic thinking with what I already knew. I kept hitting roadblocks because of this.

A professor advised me to recognize that these were two hats that I was trying to wear at the same time and that I needed to take off the industry hat for a bit so I can wear the research hat. It was a tug of war, but I eventually learned how to move seamlessly from one space to another.

When most of your classmates are in their 20s and 30s

Out of a cohort of about 16 Ph.D. students, only two of us were in our 40s. The work/reading load was unlike anything I’ve experienced before. I used to say I enjoyed reading. After that first semester, the exercise that used to bring me joy became a burden.

My previous work experience helped me in one key aspect. It helped me with time and project management. I treated each class like it was a project with a start and end date, and deliverables. I knew how much I had in the day and how to split the time based on the deliverables. I accounted for 15 minutes intervals.

At the time, pdf reading apps were not popular but I found the available ones and used it for reading articles as I drove back and forth from school. I read while cooking or doing other chores at home.

Even though I knew I could strive to complete my Ph.D. in 3 years, I knew the cost to my family and my research portfolio . It meant that I would spend more time on the education front and even less time with my family. It was a cost I wasn’t willing to bear. So, I took the normal route of 4 years.

I am happy I took this journey.

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With age comes wisdom – how to succeed as a mature PhD student

Nov 2, 2020

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Author: Jessica Rieder

A younger version of you pursued your undergraduate studies and was happy with the accomplishment. However, you decided to leave academia and seek other life interests. Maybe you travelled the world, climbed the corporate ladder, or started a family.

For me, it was a   combination of things, but I always felt that I still wasn’t where I wanted to be. I always wanted to complete a PhD, but I thought a PhD was no longer a realistic dream when my life plans changed unexpectedly. Even though I could rationally accept this, my desire to reach this goal still burned deep inside me. As time went on, the biggest excuse became I am too “old” to start a PhD. However, life changed again, and suddenly, it was possible. It was like a dream coming true.

The excitement of starting a graduate degree was motivating and exhilarating. However, at some point, usually, when comparing yourself to a traditional student, you might have begun to doubt your decision to return to school.

Here in this post, I want to share my advice for those starting a PhD as a mature student.

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Your struggle will be different

As a mature student, you are going to face different challenges than a traditional student. Often, the first challenge is accepting that you are right where you need to be, regardless of age. Sure, when you look around and see a classroom of students who are years younger than you, it can feel intimidating. However, age is not a determining factor in success. On the contrary, it can   actually be your friend, because with age often comes maturity and direction.

You’ll be less engaged

Another challenge is, “ how am I going to have the energy of my fellow younger students”? The fact is you probably won ’ t – not only because of biology but because you are probably balancing more than just graduate studies. You have additional responsibilities, requiring extra time and energy. Often, we don ’ t have the luxury of lazy weekends for rest and relaxation. However, you consciously decided to embark on this road, and the internal motivation you harbour will drive you to success.

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Work-life balance will be a challenge 

Another challenge is, “ how are we going to conquer late-night studying or working in the lab, like our younger colleagues when we have to be home by 6:00 PM?” Finding a work-life balance will not always be easy, but remember, we are mature students. We have already been balancing a career and life, and a PhD is no different to any other job, in that there are goals and deadlines that need to be met.

You’ve got this 

When you think of the three most common fears of being a mature student, you quickly realize they are manageable. Age, who cares, enjoy getting to hang out with traditional students, both parties have something to teach each other. Energy, well, we have coffee, right? And time is no one ’ s friend.

In spite of the few setbacks associated with being a mature student, there are many more pros. We come equipped with life experiences and skills to handle challenges. We have had time to find ourselves and to discover our passions. And we know why we want to pursue a graduate degree, which is often not the case for many traditional students.

Knowing what we want will make it easier for us to focus, stay on track, and not chase dead-ends.

We have learned how to prioritise work, allowing us to be more efficient. We have learned about our strengths and weaknesses, and we can compensate accordingly. We have learned how to effectively communicate with people in a higher position, allowing us to say, “ yes, that sounds interesting, but no, thank you.”

We see our professors, not as gods, but as academic resources to help us reach our goals. We often handle stress better, and we don ’ t sweat the small stuff. We know that setbacks happen, but we have learned to try again without focusing on the negative. We have learned the tools needed to succeed in the work field and can now apply them to the academic arena.

Last words of advice

To my fellow mature graduate students, we might be older, but we are wiser or at least more disciplined. We are equipped with life skills that have been sharpened and honed over the years. We have the tools required to tackle the different challenges that we will face in our graduate program. We have wisdom and experience to guide us through our next chapter. So, the next time you look around your graduate group and see a bunch of 20-year-old faces, just remember: you hold the tools for success.

Jessica Rieder is a PhD candidate at the University Bern, majoring in Ecology and Evolution. Her research focuses on understanding the role of microbial communities within aquaculture and how their structure impacts fish health and developing new tools for detecting and monitoring pathogens, both in aquaculture and nature.

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What Is The Age Limit for A PhD?

Dr Harry Hothi

  • By Dr Harry Hothi
  • August 17, 2020

What is the age limit for doing a PhD?


I have seen and personally worked with PhD candidates of all ages, some older than me, some younger. In all my time within academia, I haven’t come across any university that places a limit on the age of an individual that wants to apply for and pursue a full time doctoral degree; indeed the practice of doing so would be rightly considered a form of discrimination at most academic institutions and even against the law in some countries.

However, a quick search on Google is enough to see that the question about age limits for doing a PhD is something that is asked quite often. This leads me to believe that there are many very capable potential doctoral candidates in the world that haven’t pursued their dreams of academic research almost entirely because they believe that they’re too old to do so.

age limit for doing a phd

There is No Age Limit for Doing a PhD

Simply put there is no age limit for someone considering doing a PhD. Indeed, on the opposite end of the scale, even the definition of a minimum’ age at which someone can start a PhD is not really well defined.

One of the youngest PhD graduates in recent times is thought to be Kim Ung-Yong who is a South Korean professor who purportedly earned a PhD in civil engineering at the age of 15 [1]. For the vast majority however, the practical considerations of progressing through the different stages of education (i.e. high school, undergraduate degree, a Master’s degree, etc.) mean that most won’t start their PhD projects until they’re at least in their early to mid 20’s; in the UK, for example, the average age for a PhD graduate is between 26 and 27 years old [2].

Meanwhile, the oldest person to be awarded a PhD degree in the United Kingdom is thought to be 95 year old Charles Betty, who gained his doctorate from the University of Northampton in 2018 after completing his 48,000 word thesis on why elderly expats living in Spain decide to return to the UK’ [3].

Charles Betty (Image: SWNS.com)

What does the data say?

According to data published by the National Science Foundation (NSF), a total of 54,904 people earned PhDs at universities in the United States of America in 2016; 46% of all new doctorates were women and 31% were international candidates [4].

Looking at the age distributions available for 51,621 of these new PhD graduates in 2016, 44% (n=22,863) were aged 30 or below, 43% (n=22,038) were aged between 31 and 40 and 13% (n=6,720) were over the age of 40 when they were awarded their doctoral degree. In this same year, over 50% of PhD students in subjects related to physical sciences, earth sciences, life sciences, mathematics, computer sciences and engineering were below the age of 31, whilst less than 10% of these STEM graduates were older than 41.

Conversely, 61% of PhDs in humanities and arts and 52% in other non-engineering and science disciplines gained their doctorates between 31 and 40 years of age. Interestingly, the analysis by the NSF found that 94% of doctoral candidates aged below 31 supported their research financially through research or teaching assistantships, grants or fellowships. Only 36% of PhDs aged over 41 at graduation reported receiving similar types of financial support; approximately 50% of this age group were found to have self-funded their studies.

The reasons for fewer doctoral candidates aged over 41 receiving external funding to support their time as research students is not clear. On the face of it, the data may appear to suggest a bias towards funding younger students which unfortunately may be the case in some instances. In Germany, for example, the German Federal Training Assistance Act (BAfG) provides funding support for higher education but places a limit of 30 years for undergraduate degrees and 35 years for postgraduate students at graduate school. However, another explanation, at least in some cases, may be that non-STEM related subjects are less likely to be associated with specific project funding and NSF analysis suggests PhDs in these subjects are more often undertaken by older doctoral candidates.

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages?

No one should be discouraged from pursuing a PhD program or entering into higher education based on how old they are and indeed there are several (albeit subjective) benefits and disadvantages of doing a PhD in your younger’ or older’ years.

A perceived advantage may be that gaining a PhD in your 20’s can potentially give you more time to develop your career. Younger doctoral students could earn their PhD and enter into academic jobs before starting a family (although many people successfully carry out doctoral research whilst also looking after young children). You could even afford yourself the time and flexibility to implement a career change further down the line if you so wanted.

Conversely, entering a graduate school and becoming a PhD student in later years means that you’ll be doing so having gained a lot more life experience and for some STEM research projects in particular, having work experience in industry can be invaluable. As an older PhD candidate you’re likely to be better equipped to work independently and the relationships / connections you’ll have built over time may be a useful factor in helping you progress faster. I’ve met several older students at university who had the opportunity to undertake PhD research years ago but have no regrets in having waited and started the adventure in later years.

Finding a PhD has never been this easy – search for a PhD by keyword, location or academic area of interest.

It’s inevitable that the question of age limits for pursing a PhD is going to invite some controversial opinions from some people; this unfortunately may always be the case when talking about differing social and demographic factors.

There’s no doubt however that PhD programs can help career advancement or a career change regardless of age however there’s also nothing to stop you from becoming a graduate student just for the academic pursuit!

The answer here is very simple: there is no age limit for doing a PhD.

[1] http://scienceandnaturea.blogspot.com

[2] https://www.eui.eu/

[3] https://www.telegraph.co.uk/

[4] https://ncses.nsf.gov/

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It’s never too late getting a PhD in your 50s and 60s because there’s no age limit in the pursuit of higher education. To give you a head start on this exciting new endeavor, we present to you the ultimate guide to getting a PhD in your prime years.

It is critical to know what to expect, such as the challenges and benefits of reviving an academic existence as a mid- or late-career student, so you can plan for the years ahead. Read on to find out how.

Why You Should Pursue a PhD at a Later Stage in Life

Why would anyone in their right mind regurgitate a period of woe and misery in their golden years when they should already be relaxing? Well, many people, not just nerds, love studying. 

There’s an entire population dedicated to life-long learning. They form the bulk of those going back to school to complete degrees that were halted mid-life due to the untimely arrival of kids, financial downfall, death in the family, or other unfortunate circumstances. These mature students don’t need a reason to return to school. Their passion drives them.

For others, the purpose is economical. Those in the middle of their career embark on a PhD to change its direction, improve their prospects, upgrade their qualification set, or to accrue further knowledge. In fields like teaching and research, a doctorate is a veritable advantage.

Nina Grunfeld , founder of Life Clubs , a network that helps people achieve life changes, explains that many, particularly women, want to return to study because they’re disgruntled or have a desire to improve themselves, revive their career, or discover new passions.

“A milestone age is often a trigger,” Grunfeld adds.

“At the Open University , favored by many part-time learners, numbers of postgraduate students over the age of 45 have been increasing steadily for the past three years, with the greatest rise (32%) in students over 65.”

Others undertake a PhD to crown a significant achievement or just to prove they can do it. This writer’s friend did it to slap her diploma in the face of her wealthy future sister-in-law, who denigrated her economic status. Education, after all, is one of the world’s greatest equalizers. 

Most crave a PhD for the prestige the three letters can add to their names. If, however, you have a natural yearning for knowledge and in-depth study of a subject you’re passionate about, the heck with your age. Go for it!

Getting a PhD in Your 50s and 60s: the Ultimate Guide

Reasons Not to Get a PhD

Thoroughly assess your reasons for pursuing a PhD, because although it’s fulfilling academically, it’s also a huge financial commitment. If you’re dissatisfied with your current job, or you think it would just be fun to be a student again, neither will give you the strength to withstand the rigors of extreme study.

On the other hand, if you’re sure that gaining this qualification will fit in with your life goals, then forge ahead!

The Benefits of Pursuing a PhD

Do you want a research doctorate, or do you want to teach? Both are the standard reasons for undertaking PhD studies. Once completed, a PhD will make you an expert in your chosen field, possibly even beyond borders!

Apart from aspects previously mentioned, especially beneficial for older people is the fact that learning builds new neural connections that improve cognitive ability, memory function, and problem-solving ability. Education is also good for boosting one’s spirit. Classroom or online learning is a social endeavor that breaks isolation and fosters social connections. 

According to the American Council on Education , social connection with teachers and peers is one of the reasons mature students over 50 pursue higher learning.

There are retirement communities (some located on campus) that partner with colleges and universities to offer residents post-secondary courses. Most of these are on the East Coast, but there are a couple in California and Florida.

Political scientist Chris Blattman explains how a PhD intangibly molds an individual: “A PhD program doesn’t just teach you, it socializes you. It gradually changes what you think is interesting and important, the peer group you compare yourself to, the value you place on leisure and family over career, and the kind of life you will value when you emerge.”

How Long Does It Take to Complete a PhD Program?

Most full-time students can complete theirs in five to six years. Part-timers can take as long as eight to 10 years. Students with a master’s degree complete their PhD in four or five years.

Some programs, like the MACRM (Master of Arts in Public Policy with Certificate in Research Methods) at the University of Chicago’s Harris Public Policy , offer a combination of methods. This master’s program provides intense and applied research training plus the option of a PhD at the end.

Study Methods

Studying for a PhD here is different compared to Europe. Our students are usually in direct contact with their professors. They’re expected to do a lot of teaching and marking, which encroaches on their free time off-campus. The earlier you accept this, the better you’ll cope and adopt solutions.

According to the World Economic Forum , the USA had the most doctoral graduates in 2017: 71,000. Germany and the UK followed, with 28,000 each.

In 2016, about 14% of all doctoral recipients were over age 40, per the National Science Foundation . Educators see increasing enrollment in doctoral programs by students in their 40s and 50s.

At Cornell University , women drive the trend . “The number of new female doctoral students age 36 or older was 44% higher in 2015 than in 2009,” says Barbara Knuth , senior vice provost and dean of the graduate school.

What Are the Requirements?

Generally, a PhD applicant should have completed a relevant undergraduate degree. Ideally, he should have also secured a master’s degree (with substantial research) in a related subject. Thankfully, this is optional here. Most PhD programs in the US, unlike in the UK, don’t require a master’s degree for admission. Students can move straight to doing a PhD with an undergraduate degree.

Here’s a sample of PhD requirements from the University of California, Berkeley , a public research university regarded as one of our most prestigious. This is a list of their graduate programs and application deadlines. We chose Berkeley as an example, because it had the highest number of top-ranked doctoral programs nationwide, according to a National Research Council report .

Required documentation includes, but isn’t limited to official transcripts, course descriptions from previous institutions attended, proof of language proficiency, references, and cover letters.

How to Apply

For admission to your chosen institution, visit its website. Check its rankings, course listings, faculty, and requirements specific to your field of study. Talk to other students and professors, learn about your desired department, and uncover the social scene.

Deadlines for applications to PhD programs are usually between December and February. You’ll get an answer by April. Most institutions recommend that you apply way in advance to give both parties plenty of time for arrangements. They require international students to have a TOEFL score of around 90, but this varies depending on the institution.

In Europe, students choose their PhD subject area before they apply. Here, potential PhD students can take up to a year or two deciding on their research subject while attending classes at a graduate level. Students normally apply to more than one institution—and separately because there’s no central organization that processes applications.

Students in Europe are expected to apply with existing knowledge of the subject via a master’s degree. They begin PhD studies right away. Here, universities accept that students don’t have an in-depth understanding of their subject and permit them to decide later.

Tips to Get a (Slight) Advantage

Get the best quality general research pre-training possible. Apply to as many top schools as you can. Visit all the institutions that accepted you. Narrow down your choices according to fit and quality.

Applying to many places is crucial because the admissions process is competitive and random. Whittling 100 promising candidates down to 30 is subjective. Even outstanding candidates might not be admitted.

Institutions are more likely to admit you if you demonstrate a good fit with their faculty. That’s why you have to research the faculty and their work, and explain how you fit in. Mention in your cover letter the staff members you see as complementary to your research. Note that deciding committees in politics programs take cover letters more seriously than their counterparts in economics.

Strive to gain entry into one of the top 10 schools in your field because it gives you a better chance at an academic job. This is true in economics, the most hierarchical field in social science.

Which University Should You Attend?

Getting a PhD in Your 50s and 60s: the Ultimate Guide

Rankings shouldn’t be the main deciding factor, but they’re an excellent indicator of educational expertise. To choose the best from the 4,000 nationwide, see this list of our best universities in 2020 and how they feature in worldwide rankings. The top five are Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, California Institute of Technology, Harvard University, and Princeton.

How to Choose the Right Institution

Consider these factors.

Your field of study, their programs, specialties, facilities, and faculty rating. Your choice depends on your preferred career and the course credit you’ve accumulated. 

If you’re certain about your field of interest and feel confident it will sustain you for the entire program, you’ll have a greater chance of getting accepted.

Researching their specialties will tell you if they’re appropriate for your area of study. See what areas they’ve worked in, their study focus, what they’ve published, and how well their work has been received. Also, investigate the quality of their student-faculty, as a postgrad study is collaborative and intense. You need to have the right people in your group.

What is the university best known for? Choose one renowned in the field you’re interested in to ensure you have the appropriate experts on hand to help you. Evaluate the kinds of research projects done in the university.

Choosing a venue depends on your circumstances. Staying near your home allows you to work part-time while studying. Most PhDs require only occasional visits to the university, so you may opt to take the course far from home, then travel when necessary. Alternatively, you could move closer to your university for greater immersion into the social scene and a closer connection to the student community.

If you choose to study away from home, contact your chosen university’s accommodation office first. Many university towns have student accommodation in place, but spots tend to go quickly, so apply early. Next, research on- and off-campus accommodation. Check online local listings and bulletin boards for private rentals.

Social Life

Check out student life on social media. What organizations do they have? Are they the sort you would want to join?

Staff/Student Ratio

The more staff available to each student, the better.

Choose From These Categories of Institutions

  • Public Universities (aka state colleges)—open to anyone who qualifies. They’re funded by state governments. Being larger, they can accommodate many students and offer a wide variety of degree programs. Some offer scholarships.
  • Private Non-Profit Colleges —their tuition is much higher than that of state universities or community colleges, but they don’t profit from it. As they’re smaller, they offer specific courses and specialized degrees. They receive funds only from tuition fees and donations.
  • Private For-Profit Colleges —similar to non-profits in course study and general cost, but they’re set up as a business. This affects the type of degree programs offered.
  • Liberal Arts Colleges —offer one expansive area of study rather than specific degree tracks. As they’re smaller, instructors give you more attention. Though most focus on undergraduate education, some offer good postgraduate degree programs too. Campus culture is quite different from that of a traditional university.
  • Online Postgraduate Colleges —perfect for those juggling jobs and family as it offers flexibility in assignment completion. Most coursework and classroom discussions are held online, but you may have to go to a physical classroom part of the time, especially as you get closer to graduation. An online degree is as valuable as one you physically attend.

Ask Your Intended University These Questions

  • What are my chances of finding a job after graduation? See the career prospects below.
  • How flexible is your program? This depends on the subject area. The Humanities and the Arts offer a greater degree of flexibility than science-oriented ones. North American institutions offer slightly less flexibility than their European counterparts. See whether you can pick and choose components, or if the whole program is indelibly fixed from beginning to end.
  • What research resources are available? Decent computer networks and an equipped library are not enough. Serious research requires office-based administration support, reprographic services, and essentials of a proper business center. Disregard any institution that lacks support.
  • How versatile is your department? Some departments prefer one research method. Others favor newer ones, non-traditional teaching styles, or a radical approach. Extensive departments offer a wider spectrum of methods and potential areas of study. You may thrive better with a broader tradition of research methodologies or value the security of knowing what is expected of you.
  • What are your non-academic amenities? Also, check out other facilities, like leisure programs, for maintaining a work/life balance. Small universities in remote towns offer lesser cultural or social options.

How to Get Into a Top Institution

Entry into the top 10 or 15 schools is extremely competitive. Focus on getting exceptional recommendations, experience, grades, and GRE scores. Most departments appoint a small committee of four to six faculty members for admissions. The committee changes every year, so results are hard to predict.

Work on research projects with professors. Try before you commit. Become a research assistant (RA) in your department or secure RA jobs with professors in top departments in your area. This will help with references and your statement.

How to Fund Your Studies

Getting a PhD in Your 50s and 60s: the Ultimate Guide

The cost of traditional programs can vary between $20,000 to $60,000 per year. Shorter programs are cheaper. If a PhD is going to drown you in debt, think twice. Attend an institution with full funding if you can. This is often a barter deal: free tuition in exchange for research and teaching.

Another reason for applying in advance is to give plenty of time to arrange funding. Deadlines for application for funding can be as early as December for studies beginning in the fall. Many students can get part or full funding through scholarships, fellowships, bursaries, loans, and government assistance. Help is also available for parents, such as childcare subsidies, single-parent grants, bursaries, and free school meals for children.

Some PhD students will receive a university stipend with an assistantship position, but this varies between institutions and between departments within institutions. This is an example from Cornell University . Many government schemes like The Fulbright Program offer scholarships.

You can also obtain bursaries from abroad. An example is the Postgrad Solutions Study Bursaries in the UK, open to all nationalities. In Canada, senior citizens can have their tuition waived for one undergraduate and graduate degree.

What to Do After Admission

Once you’ve secured funding and accommodation, these are the next steps:

Find a Supervisor

Write your research proposal if you’re self-proposing your PhD. Then find an institution and a supervising academic to support you during your research. Choose those with whom you’ll work well. To achieve this, you must network and meet people in your field of research.

Apply for an Assistantship

Doctorate assistantships are advertised on university websites and wherever academic jobs are advertised. Applications for these are very competitive, so apply for several.

Clarify Duties in Your Department

While researching and writing, many PhD students take on additional responsibilities, such as helping professors and lecturers with their classes or marking and evaluating undergraduate work. These extra tasks may be paid or not.

Prepare for Your Dissertation Early

A dissertation is a means to contribute new knowledge, theories, or practices to your field. Introduce an entirely new concept, develop it, and defend its worth. Your dissertation should be around 70,000 to 100,000 words.

Your subject area will determine if you have to write your dissertation while attending classes or do so after research completion. Regardless, preps always help at crunch time.

You are expected to defend your dissertation with a public presentation. Afterward, you will have a private session with the dissertation committee to evaluate if you’ve earned your doctorate. This is why it’s important to have a positive relationship with faculty, peers, and supervisors.

Career Prospects 

What type of job can you expect after graduation?

Traditionally, graduate school hones students to become future scholars and live an intellectual life, produce innovative research, and become professors at four-year institutions. Fulfilling research careers are plentiful, but there are other ways PhD recipients can use their degrees to benefit society. For instance, they can pursue alternative academic careers in K-12 administration or the nonprofit sector.

The top 10 to 20 schools staff the top 100 to 200 universities. So PhDs outside the top 30 schools are unlikely to lead to careers in research universities, though this varies by discipline. Graduates of lower-ranked programs can work for the government or at teaching universities, international institutions, and think tanks. Job satisfaction rates are usually high.

If you aim to teach in a business department in a community college or a four-year school, an MBA may be enough. You need a doctorate, however, for a full-time job at a four-year teaching-focused school. Community colleges may hire you full-time with just a master’s, but you’ll be competing against those with doctorates.

Jobs should properly compensate you for the time spent completing your PhD. Ask your targeted institutions what the employment rate is for their graduates and their links to prospective employers. Institutions with strong ties to private companies offer more chances of future employment.

Ultimately, it boils down to your chosen subject matter. Some PhD courses like law will definitely enhance your career. Non-vocational fields like Greek mythology, however, are less likely to improve your future earning capacity or alter your career trajectory. Intellectually, of course, the reward is priceless.

Advantages of Being an Older Student

The obvious one is that your decision to return to university is likely the result of planning over several years, not a rushed, uneducated hack at the dartboard. This gives you ample time to choose your field of study.

Your work experience, professionalism, people skills, and ability to manage multiple commitments will prove invaluable throughout your studies. Course tutors also treat older students differently than their younger, undergraduate counterparts—in a good way.

Keeping Up With the Young Ones

Despite there being no age barriers in a PhD entry, age makes a difference somewhat on campus. The gap in the life experience of a young adult and a mature student is vast. The ramifications for the latter have to do with social life, interactions during class discussions and group projects, and how older students are treated by professors and non-academic staff.

For an Equal Footing…

Join organizations, societies, and sports clubs. These aren’t exclusive to undergraduate students. Not all activities are drunken, drug-crazed meet-ups. Being a part of a campus association could benefit your career development in the way of learning a unique skill or developing a new interest.

Maintaining a Balance

Many mature students return to school juggling study with family and work commitments. This makes prioritizing studies challenging. Some, especially working moms, feel guilty about not giving everyone equal attention. So they study part-time or employ creative means to manage their time.

Avenues of Support

As a mature student, you may wonder how you’ll cope with the demands of scholastic life as you’ve been out of academia for many years and can’t remember the last time you wrote an essay.

Fear not. Most universities run workshops on topics like researching, essay writing, referencing, and library use—usually at the start of the academic year. Approach your university for help with matters off-limits to family and friends. Ask your tutor for advice. Your cohort group is also a source of support and shared experiences.

The Value of Networking 

Although a PhD elevates academic achievement, it doesn’t guarantee employment in your field. Networking adds value to your career and provides growth opportunities. Relationships ease career transitions needed to pursue better opportunities. Give back by sharing your connections and expertise.

Ageism and Sexism in Academia

US universities may not be perfect, but education-related discrimination is minimal compared to many countries. Be thankful for this, and take advantage of the privilege. To illustrate what women PhD applicants have to deal with in other countries, in China , you cannot apply for a PhD after age 40.

In the Philippines, admissions departments ask invasive questions and request antiquated requirements, such as copies of marriage certificates. These are requested from both foreign and local applicants but ONLY WOMEN. You may think this requirement is from a patriarchal provincial college, but it’s an item from actual requirement lists from two of the country’s Ivy League universities, which are supposed to be progressive.

The pursuit of a PhD is a life-changer. We trust the pathways we presented will help you make the right choice based on your needs and preferred course of study. Good luck with your aspirations in higher education, which will hopefully lead to your dream career. The fulfillment will surely be unparalleled. 

A Scottish student in her 50s encapsulates the postgraduate sentiment impeccably: “There is value to being an older PhD student, and there is value to universities having us. There just needs to be more of us.”

  • PhD Studies: Three Reasons Why It’s Never Too Late to Get a PhD
  • The New York Times: Taking On the PhD Later in Life
  • The Independent: Real late starter—age is no obstacle if you’re motivated
  • World Economic Forum: Which countries have the most doctoral graduates?
  • The World University Rankings: Best Universities in the United States 2020
  • The World University Rankings: World University Rankings 2020
  • Berkeley Graduate Division: Graduate Programs & Deadlines to Apply
  • Berkeley News: National Research Council ranks UC Berkeley’s PhD programs among nation’s best
  • Thesis Rush: Can You Get A PhD Without Masters? Let’s Find Out!
  • Senior Living Blog: University-Based Retirement Communities
  • Inside Higher Ed: Receiving Your Doctorate to Work at a Community College?
  • Quora: What is the lowest accepted GPA for Harvard admission?
  • How to apply for a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary
  • Save the Student: 10 ways American unis are different from UK unis
  • Postgrad: PhD in UK
  • Postgrad: PhD in USA
  • Postgrad: Graduate School USA
  • Postgrad: How To Get A PhD
  • Postgrad: Studying for a PhD—the basics
  • Postgrad: 5 Steps to Getting Ready for Postgrad Study in the USA
  • Postgrad: Common PhD Myths
  • Postgrad: What? Where? Why? When? How? Is A Phd Right For Me?
  • Postgrad: 5 Things To Ask When Looking For A Phd
  • Postgrad: What Are the Different Types of Postgraduate University in the US?
  • Postgrad: PhD Studentships

Hey there, my name is Anja, I’ve seen and supported my mom’s incredible transformation in her fifties. Seeing how my mom “awakened” and took full control over her life really impressed me. I got inspired and started dreaming about how we could inspire more people, especially women, to open up and create a second life for themselves. That’s how the idea of aginggreatly.com came to life…

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Call for applications

The Call for applications provides information on the PhD programmes, positions and scholarships available for the upcoming PhD cycle. The Call also explains how to take part in the selection process and the mandatory deadlines.

After reading the Call, please submit your application from the Apply@polito platform .

Download here the call for applications for admissions to the PhD programmes of the 40 th cycle   and t ake part in one of the  webinars  organized by the PhD Programmes Hub to resolve any doubts and help you with your application!   The next date is 6th June at 3.30 PM!

The Call for applications is divided into separate sessions. Applicants who accept an offer of admission for a position in a specific session cannot take part in the next sessions.

Positions and scholarships

Available positions are divided into:

  • fully-funded PhD positions with own research topic; 
  • fully-funded PhD positions with predefined research topic; 
  • PhD positions offered in apprenticeship format;
  • PhD positions without scholarship.
  • PhD positions reserved to students who receive a scholarship funded by governments or by national or foreign public bodies, who are eligible to be admitted to a PhD programme;
  • PhD positions reserved to Research Fellows;
  • PhD positions in the framework of the PoliTo for Refugees Project.

Some positions are reserved to candidates selected by special Boards within the framework of specific international programmes in which Politecnico di Torino is involved.

Positions available for the first session of the 40th cycle

Politecnico di Torino offers a minimum number of 96 PhD scholarships for the 40 th cycle .

These 96 PhD positions will not be all available during the first session but will be distributed among the three sessions, as detailed in the table below, which is integral part of the Call.  Additional PhD positions with their specific details may become available after the publication of the Call  and will be indicated in the aforementioned table, which will therefore be updated, providing evidence exclusively through this website

An update on the available positions for the first session of the 40 th cycle will be published every Tuesday and Friday , approximately until mid-April. Therefore, the absence of positions at a given moment should not be interpreted as a definitive absence of positions for the ongoing session.

The definite number of positions available for each session and each PhD programme will be finalized in the present page within 6 days before the date of the oral interviews set by each Admissions Committee and published in accordance with the provisions set in art. 9 of the Call.

For the positions with a predefined research topic and for the positions offered in apprenticeship format, applicants can find the information sheet by clicking on the number of the positions available.

Update of 29th April 2024

* It is noted that for these PhD Programmes  no positions are available in the first session of the 40th cycle.

Previous updates on the positions available for the first session of the 40th cycle.

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Ph.D. programmes

NOW ONLINE!  Notice of Competition for the admission to the PhD programmes of the University of Cagliari - Academic Year 2024/2025, Cycle XL

Deadline to submit applications and upload evaluable documents: 30th April 2024 - h 23:59 (local time)

  • Notice of Competition for the admission to the PhD programmes of Cycle XL - AY 2024/2025 (Italian version)
  • Notice of Competition for the admission to the PhD programmes of Cycle XL - AY 2024/2025 (English version)
  • Rector's Decree no. 792 of 15.5.2024 - Appointment of Selection Commitees
  • Esiti valutazione titoli e CV: candidati/e ammessi/e al colloquio (XL ciclo) - Results of the evaluation of qualifications: candidates admitted to the interview (cycle XL)
  • Calendario prove di ammissione corsi di Dottorato XL Ciclo/Admission test calendar - PhD programmes of Cycle XL
  • How to apply online
  • Descriptive annexes to the PhD programmes
  • News and deadlines

Doctorate (Ph.D.)

The Ph.D . belongs to the third level of Higher Education . It aims at preparing students to the methodology needed for the advanced scientific research, and includes research and study periods abroad as well as laboratory activities.

In order to access a Ph.D. programme, you need a second level degree (in Italy  Laurea Magistrale ex D.M. no. 270/2004,  Laurea Specialistica ex D.M. no. 509/1999, or another degree awarded according to the rules previously in force) or a valid degree awarded abroad.

Normally, a Ph.D. programme lasts three years.

Every year the University of Cagliari opens a call for the admission to its Ph.D. programmes.

The call and the instructions to apply ara available on this webpage by clicking on " News and Deadlines ".

The administrative office in charge of the Ph.D. programmes is the Ph.D. and Professional Master Office  at the Post Lauream Secretariat - Campus Aresu, via San Giorgio 12 in Cagliari.

The Office is open on Monday and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.  

We are available also through Microsoft Teams.

E-mail: [email protected]

Head:  Monica Melis

Stefania Angioni

Monica Carta

Filippo Frau

Roberta Leu

  • How to find us
  • News and Deadlines
  • UniCa Press - PhD Book: Cycles XXXIII and XXXIV
  • Rules and Regulations
  • List of UniCa's Ph.D. Programmes
  • Ph.D. Programmes with external administative headquarters
  • ROP-ESF Scholarships
  • NOP-R&I Scholarships
  • NRRP Scholarships
  • Joint Supervision of PhD Thesis
  • Doctor Europaeus
  • Closed Calls


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PhD Programmes: the 40th admissions cycle is now open

Deadlines and information on how to apply.

Versione stampabile

The University of Trento is accepting applications to its 40th cycle of Doctoral programmes (PhD) for the academic year 2024/2025:

  • European Cultures. Environment, Contexts, Histories, Arts, Ideas Deadline to apply:  21 May 2024 - 4 p.m. (Italian time). Visit the dedicated page for further information and to read the call for applications.  
  • Materials, Mechatronics and Systems Engineering Deadline to apply:  24 May 2024 - 4 p.m. (Italian time). Visit the dedicated page for further information and to read the call for applications.  
  • Agrifood and Environmental Sciences Deadline to apply:  28 May 2024 - 12 p.m. (Italian time). Visit the dedicated page for further information and to read the call for applications.  
  • Comparative and European Legal Studies Deadline to apply:  30 May 2024 - 4 p.m. (Italian time). Visit the dedicated page for further information and to read the call for applications.  
  • Forms of cultural exchange and textuality Deadline to apply:  30 May 2024 - 4 p.m. (Italian time). Visit the dedicated page for further information and to read the call for applications.  
  • Cognitive Science Deadline to apply:  3 June 2024 - 4 p.m. (Italian time). Visit the dedicated page for further information and to read the call for applications.  
  • Mathematics Deadline to apply:  10 June 2024 - 4 p.m. (Italian time). Visit the dedicated page for further information and to read the call for applications.  
  • Biomolecular Sciences Deadline to apply:  17 June 2024 - 4 p.m. (Italian time). Visit the dedicated page for further information and to read the call for applications.

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Campi Flegrei , 150 scosse in poche ore. Una di magnitudo 4.4 : la più forte in 40 anni

Sciame sismico proseguito fino a questa mattina. La paura di nuove scosse ha spinto la popolazione a fuggire dalle case. Scuole chiuse in diverse aree

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Ascolta ora: "Campi Flegrei, 150 scosse in poche ore. Una di magnitudo 4.4: la più forte in 40 anni"

Campi Flegrei, 150 scosse in poche ore. Una di magnitudo 4.4: la più forte in 40 anni

Una serata da incubo. I Campi Flegrei hanno tremato in maniera forte, così come non accadeva da 40 anni. Dalle 19.51 di ieri, 20 maggio 2024, fino alle 5:29 di questa mattina lo sciame sismico in corso nell’area ha registrato circa 150 eventi, il più forte dei quali di magnitudo 4.4 avvenuto in zona Solfatara alle 20.10. Senza dimenticare che sono stati 3 i terremoti che hanno superato la magnitudo 3.0

Eventi tellurici nettamente avvertiti dalla popolazione, anche a causa della scarsa profondità, che hanno spinto tantissime persone, anche a Napoli , a cercare rifugio in luoghi aperti.

Per fortuna, a parte la paura, non ci sono stati feriti. Si sono, però, registrati piccoli danni e cedimenti, con caduta di calcinacci. La zona maggiormente colpita è quella di Pozzuoli, comune alle porte di Napoli. Proprio qui sono stati sgomberati due palazzi. Nella città flegrea sono stati allestite quattro tende, d'intesa con la Protezione Civile, per ospitare i cittadini che hanno lasciato il loro appartamento. Su Facebook il sindaco di Pozzuoli, Gigi Manzoni , ha annunciato che "al momento abbiamo 4 aree per l'accoglienza dei cittadini, con generi di primo conforto e psicologi per l'assistenza alla popolazione; Palatrincone, Parcheggio C9 in Via Vecchia delle Vigne, Piazza a Mare, Largo palazzine. Allestiremo a breve altre aree in altre zone della città. Sappiatelo nessuno sarà lasciato solo. Scrivetemi e contattatemi per qualsiasi cosa".

Nelle tende hanno trovato ospitalità anche le 35 famiglie sfollate a Pozzuoli. Sono stati anche distribuiti pasti. Molti cittadini, anche nella città partenopea, hanno preferito trascorrere la notte in auto. Detersivi, olio e scatolame: nei supermercati della zona sono caduti dagli scaffali diversi articoli.

A causa delle scosse che sono state registrate, la Linea Formia, la Linea Cassino e la Metro 2 hanno presentato ritardi imprecisati per accertamenti tecnici. Da questa mattina è ripresa regolarmente la circolazione ferroviaria su entrambe le linee della Cumana e della Circumflegrea e della metropolitana Linea 2.

Sempre nella serata di ieri il sindaco di Napoli, Gaetano Manfredi , ha convocato la stampa nella Sala Giunta del Comune di Napoli alle ore 12,30 di oggi per aggiornamenti sulla situazione. Contemporaneamente il primo cittadino ha disposto la chiusura degli istituti scolastici nella Municipalità IX e X, che comprendono i quartieri di Bagnoli, Fuorigrotta, Soccavo e Pianura. Scuole chiuse anche a Pozzuoli, Qualiano, Quarto e Bacoli.

Un team di psicologi si è recato tra gli sfollati per fornire assistenza, soprattutto ai più piccoli, nella zona della Solfatara. Il presidente dell'Ordine degli psicologi, Armando Cozzuto, all'emittente Canale 21 ha spiegato: "Siamo stati tra primi a intervenire, in tempo breve polizia municipale protezione civile e poi gli psicologi dell'associazione psicologi per i popoli hanno partecipato allestimento campo con tende e hanno cominciato a fornire prime informazioni per rassicurare la popolazione perché la situazione è abbastanza complessa". "Più che rassicurare possono essere contenute emotivamente", ha aggiunto Cozzuto. "Sono reazioni normali sana reazione paura di fronte a pericolo reale, ho vissuto le scosse in prima persona a Pozzuoli ed è impossibile non spaventarsi. L'importante- ha concluso- che non ci si faccia prendere dal panico altrimenti le conseguenze possono essere più nefaste, ma devo dire che la popolazione ha risposto bene anche perché abituata al fenomeno del bradisismo. Non ho visto scene di panico".

Da questa mattina è in corso il trasferimento delle detenute di alcune sezioni del carcere femminile di Pozzuoli "in via del tutto precauzionale" per permettere le verifiche dopo le forti scosse di terremoto. È quanto ha reso noto il prefetto di Napoli, Michele di Bari , nel corso di un punto stampa.

"Possiamo aspettarci altri terremoti simili, c'è da aspettarselo" . È quanto ha affermato il direttore dell'Osservatorio Vesuviano dell'Ingv, Mauro Di Vito , durante un collegamento con l'emittente Canale 21.

  • Campi Flegrei, quel "respiro vulcanico" che fa paura
  • Forti scosse, scuole chiuse e sgomberi: tremano i Campi flegrei. Gente in strada a Napoli | Video
  • Terremoto nei Campi Flegrei, gente in strada da Pozzuoli a Napoli

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phd a 40 anni

Età media per iniziare un dottorato di ricerca e correlazione alla carriera futura

Qual è letà media in cui le persone iniziano il dottorato? Questa età è in qualche modo correlata ai piani post dottorato di una persona?

Nella mia esperienza (europea) ho 3 gruppi di persone, con le relative distribuzioni:

  • (70% del totale) Coloro che hanno iniziato subito dopo la laurea (diciamo quando avevano 24 anni) senza alcuna esperienza lavorativa. La maggior parte di loro (con eccezioni, ovviamente) sono un po stufi della ricerca e disposti a provare una “esperienza di lavoro nel mondo reale”
  • (25% del totale) Coloro che hanno iniziato 2,3,4 anni dopo (quindi tra i 24 ei 29 anni), conseguendo un dottorato a tempo pieno. gruppo sembra essere più motivato per la carriera accademica, anche se iniziare un dottorato di ricerca a 29 anni potrebbe essere un po tardi (o no?)
  • (5%) Chi inizia a 40 anni con il idea di frequentare un dottorato di ricerca part-time come unattività senza lavoro e non ha intenzione di lasciare il lavoro.

Chiaramente ci sono tutte le possibili sfumature tra le categorie di cui sopra.

  • Questo sembra essere un caso del " il 71% di tutte le statistiche è composto immediatamente ". Ad ogni modo, indipendentemente dai tuoi numeri, avrebbe senso per me se le persone che hanno lavorato nellindustria per alcuni anni ma hanno deciso che non è per loro hanno meno probabilità di desiderare " reale -world experience " rispetto a quelle che non hanno mai fatto questa esperienza fino ad ora.
  • Immagino che dipenda molto dal campo. Ad esempio, un dottorato di ricerca. programma nella letteratura medievale, dove cè poca o nessuna prospettiva di trovare un lavoro in seguito, può avere molti di quei quarantenni.
  • @xLeitix e 93,7% delle persone crede che siano statistiche accurate o meno .
  • @OP, ' non è chiaro cosa intendi per " ha iniziato " in alcune parti della domanda. Ad esempio, " è iniziato subito dopo la laurea (diciamo ' quando avevano 24 anni) " == laurea dal programma di '? master ' s? Ai miei tempi, ti sei laureato in BA o BS alletà di 21 o 22 anni dopo 4 anni, o MA / MS a 22-24 anni dopo 1 o 2 anni in più, se eri ' t entrare direttamente nel programma di dottorato. Iniziare a 24 anni sarebbe generalmente dopo un paio danni nel mondo del lavoro.
  • @shoover OP sta parlando dellEuropa. Qui le università spesso richiedono un master per iscriversi a un corso di dottorato e lo studio per il tuo master richiede solitamente almeno 5 anni. Quindi no, iniziare un dottorato di ricerca a 24 anni di solito è praticamente subito dopo quello che è considerato " undergrad " qui intorno.

Esistono molte variabili confondenti (campo di studio, paese, stato di cittadinanza, sesso, razza / etnia, probabilmente molte altri) che sono correlati sia alletà al dottorato (come visto di seguito) che ai piani post-dottorato. Ciò rende difficile misurare direttamente la relazione tra età e piani post-dottorato.

Letà media al dottorato varia a seconda del paese e del campo. Ecco alcuni dati OCSE :

inserisci qui la descrizione dellimmagine

Varia anche nel tempo. Negli Stati Uniti, dal 1978 al 2003, nei settori della scienza e dellingegneria:

inserisci qui la descrizione dellimmagine

E nei campi non scientifici e ingegneristici:

inserisci qui la descrizione dellimmagine

Vedi questo rapporto per maggiori dettagli.

Per gli Stati Uniti, disponiamo di dati sulla distribuzione di l età degli studenti, non solo la mediana, è suddivisa anche per sesso, stato di cittadinanza, etnia e razza. Dal 2014:

inserisci qui la descrizione dellimmagine

  • Sebbene i dati forti per la prima parte, manca il " c orrelazione alla carriera futura " parte, che ritengo sia ciò che lOP sta realmente cercando.
  • @xLeitix Questo è il motivo per cui abbiamo una domanda per post .
  • Se ' rispondi esattamente a una parte della domanda e ' lo giustificheremo dicendo che fare due domande è una violazione delle norme sulle citazioni, non dovresti ' modificare tutti i riferimenti a laltra domanda nellOP?In caso contrario, ' rimarremo permanentemente con una domanda senza risposta che non può ' essere posta di nuovo per timore che venga chiusa come duplicato di questa uno.
  • Possiamo sottrarre letà media al dottorato per il tempo totale di laurea per ottenere letà media allinizio del dottorato come la domanda chiede?
  • @Sam: No, non proprio . Non sono ' non correlati.

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Antonella Coppari

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La gente nel panico

Lo sciame sismico, pozzuoli, allestite 4 aree accoglienza cittadini, de luca in viaggio verso pozzuoli, scuole chiuse: ecco dove, metro e treni in tilt , convocata unità di crisi a roma , il bradisismo dei campi flegrei .

  • Quotidiano Nazionale

Trema tutta Napoli, terremoto di 4.4 ai Campi Flegrei: è la scossa più forte in 40 anni

Due eventi ravvicinati, alle 19,50 di magnitudo 3.5, e uno alle 20.10 (4.4): il valore più alto registrato dagli anni 80. poi altre scosse, di cui una di 3.9. panico fra la gente, treni e metro in tilt. unità di crisi a lavoro, protezione civile: “non ci sono feriti, ma registriamo alcuni danni a edifici e caduta di calcinacci”. sgomberate 35 abitazioni a pozzuoli, dove arriva il governatore de luca. scuole chiuse: ecco dove.

  • Articolo : Campi Flegrei, ci saranno altre forti scosse? Cosa dicono gli esperti sul terremoto del 20 maggio
  • Articolo : Campi Flegrei, anche oggi un terremoto: scossa nella notte di magnitudo 2.9 a due chilometri da Pozzuoli
  • Articolo : Terremoto ai Campi Flegrei, l’allerta resta alta: ordine di evacuazione al carcere di Pozzuoli
  • Video : Sciame sismico Campi Flegrei, il drone in volo sulla Solfatara

Napoli, 20 maggio 2024 – Ancora scosse di terremoto  a Napoli , una più forte dell’altra in una serata di paura per i campani. L’ Ingv   ha registrato un evento di magnitudo 3.5 alle 19.50 ai  Campi Flegrei , nel comune di Pozzuoli . E un secondo di 4.4 alle 20.10, con epicentro analogo. Successivamente la terra è tornata a tremare altre volte a ripetizione, senza superare l’intensità di 3.9. La zona dei Campi Flegrei è caratterizzata dal fenomeno del bradisismo (l’innalzamento del suolo dovuto alla presenza di magma vulcanico in profondità) che solitamente genera  scosse ravvicinate ma di lieve entità.

Terremoto ai Campi Flegrei, l’allerta resta alta: ordine di evacuazione al carcere di Pozzuoli

Terremoto ai Campi Flegrei, l’allerta resta alta: ordine di evacuazione al carcere di Pozzuoli

L’ origine del movimento tellurico – com’è tipico dell’area – è stata superficiale ( 3 km di profondità ) e questo amplifica la forza della scossa. Tanto lo spavento dei napoletani, che si sono riversati in strada e sui social per condividere la paura. “Stavolta è stata pesante, sembrava che non finisse mai ”, commenta un uomo che ha lasciato di corsa la sua casa a Bagnoli. Non si hanno attualmente notizie di eventuali feriti : sono invece pervenute segnalazioni di crepe e cornicioni caduti.    

Dopo la scossa delle 20.10 - che era stata preceduta da uno sciame sismico partito alle 19.51 - si sono susseguite molte scosse di minore intensità tuttora in corso e comunque di magnitudo non elevata. In particolare, alle 19.56 di magnitudo 1.8, alle 20.09 di 1.5, alle 2012 di magnitudo 1.0 e alle 20.16 di 1.2.

L'epicentro del sisma nell'area dei Campi Flegrei, comune di Pozzuoli (fonte INGV)

Al momento, si legge sul profilo X della protezione civile, "non si segnalano feriti" , mentre sono state "rilevate alcune lesioni agli edifici e caduta di calcinacci'' . Sono 35   le abitazioni sgomberate , in 3 edifici, in via precauzionale. Lo si apprende dalla prefettura di Napoli. Per quanto riguarda la viabilità e i sotto servizi non vengono segnalate particolari problematiche, così come sul piano sanitario. Intanto è "in corso l'allestimento di aree di accoglienza'', con i volontari sul posto. "Il Dipartimento è in contatto con le strutture operative e le autorità sul territorio", si legge.

"Stiamo allestendo 4 aree per l'accoglienza dei cittadini , con generi di primo conforto e psicologi per l'assistenza alla popolazione". Ad annunciarlo con un video pubblicato sul proprio profilo Facebook il sindaco di Pozzuoli Gigi Manzoni . Informa i suoi concittadini di essere "al lavoro con grande attenzione e impegno". Le aree del comune deputate all'accoglienza sono il Palatrincone, il parcheggio C9 in via Vecchia delle Vigne, la piazza a Mare e il Largo palazzine . "È un momento particolare per la nostra comunità. Dobbiamo restare uniti e compatti. Tutti insieme - le parole di Manzoni - possiamo fare tanto per venirne fuori".

A Pozzuoli è giunto il presidente della Regione Campania, Vincenzo De Luca . Il governatore, accompagnato dal direttore della Asl Napoli 1, Ciro Verdoliva, e dal direttore generale della Protezione civile della Campania, Italo Giulivo, prima ha preso parte a una riunione operativa alla quale ha partecipato anche il sindaco di Pozzuoli, Luigi Manzoni, e poi ha incontrato alcuni cittadini al porto che chiedevano rassicurazioni: “Sono qui per tranquillizzarvi – le parole di De Luca –. Si sta facendo tutto quello che si deve fare in questi casi. Non dovete avere paura” . Tra le priorità la sistemazione dei residenti di due case per anziani giudicate molto vicine alla Solfatara.

E’ stata disposta la chiusura di tutte le scuole di ordine e grado nei comuni di Bacoli, Quarto, Monte di Procida, Qualiano e nelle municipalità 9 e 10 di Napoli per la giornata di mercoledì 21 maggio . Intanto, continuano gli accertamenti da parte delle squadre dei vigili del fuoco.

In un post su Facebook, il Comune di Pozzuoli chiede di "mantenere la calma" . "Siamo riuniti per affrontare la situazione. Stiamo ricevendo diverse segnalazioni sia alla Protezione civile che alla Polizia municipale, ma le linee sono sovraccariche. In caso di difficoltà, potete utilizzare anche i messaggi del canale Facebook del Comune di Pozzuoli, e del sindaco Gigi Manzoni, indicando indirizzo compreso di civico e numero di telefono. Vi ricontatteremo appena possibile". 

Le ripercussioni del terremoto si fanno sentire su metro e linea ferroviaria . Ritardi e cancellazioni per "accertamenti tecnici” sono state comunicate per la linea 2 della metropolitana . Sospesa la circolazione dei treni  in via precauzionale per verifiche sulle linee: Roma - Napoli via Formia; Roma - Napoli via Cassino; Napoli San Giovanni Barra - Villa Literno; Napoli - Salerno via Nocara Inferiore. Ritardi anche sull’ Alta Velocità Roma - Napoli; Napoli - Salerno via Monte del Vesuvio. 

Convocata l'Unità di crisi a Roma dal capo del Dipartimento Fabrizio Curcio , in costante contatto con il ministro per la Protezione civile Nello Musumeci . L'Unità di crisi si è resa necessaria dopo lo sciame sismico registrato nella serata di oggi nell'area dei Campi Flegrei.

I Campi Flegrei sono un'area vulcanica attiva collocata sul lato ovest di Napoli (ne fanno parte i comuni di Bacoli, Monte di Procida, Pozzuoli, Quarto, Giugliano in Campania e parte della città di Napoli). E’ classificata come area con allerta gialla , secondo i parametri della Protezione civile, e caratterizzata da bradisismo , soggetta cioè a lenta deformazione del suolo, responsabile dei terremoti. Durante il solo mese di aprile 2024   i sismografi dell’Osservatorio Vesuviano dell’Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia, hanno registrato in questa zona 1252 terremoti con una magnitudo massima di 3.9. Lo scorso settembre e ottobre, si sono verificate due forti scosse, di 4.2 e 4.0, un record per la zona. Oggi quei valori sono stati superati. Non si verificava una scossa così intensa come quella delle 20.10 da 40 anni a questa parte. 

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Scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 4.4 ai Campi Flegrei: è la più forte in 40 anni


La scossa di terremoto registrata dai sismografi alle 20.10 di oggi, 20 maggio, è la più forte degli ultimi quaranta anni ai Campi Flegrei : i dati parlano di una magnitudo di 4.4 sulla scala Richter , con profondità stimata a 2.6 chilometri ; precedentemente l'evento più intenso era stato quello del 23 settembre scorso, alle 3.35, con magnitudo 4.2.

I dati disponibili sul sito dell'Osservatorio Vesuviano mostrano che i terremoti sono stati una trentina a partire dalle 19.29. Le due scosse più forti sono avvenute alle 19.51 (magnitudo stimata 3.5, profondità stimata 2.77 km) e pochi minuti dopo, alle 20.10, con magnitudo, appunto, di 4.4 e profondità a 2.56 km. Le due scosse sono state avvertite a Pozzuoli ma anche in gran parte di Napoli, e numerose sono le persone che sono scese in strada per paura .

L'Ingv ha rilasciato un comunicato:

Dalle  ore 19:51 italiane  (ore 17:51 UTC) del 20/05/2024 è in corso uno sciame sismico nell’area dei Campi Flegrei. All’orario di emissione del presente Comunicato (ore 20:34) sono stati rilevati in via preliminare 20 terremoti con magnitudo Md ≥ 0.0 (2 localizzati) e  una magnitudo massima Md = 4.4 ±0.3 .

Alla sala operativa dei Vigili del Fuoco sono pervenute alcune segnalazioni per crepe e cadute di cornicioni in edifici, le squadre sono al lavoro per verificare i danni. Nei minuti tra le due scosse una frana si è verificata su Monte Sant'Angelo , ad Arco Felice, frazione di Pozzuoli.

Campi Flegrei, scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 2.7 alle 19,37: profondità 2,3 km

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Sciame sismico ai Campi Flegrei. Terremoto di magnitudo 4.4, il più forte da 40 anni. Oltre 150 le scosse da ieri sera

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phd a 40 anni

La tendenza della settimana

Il nuovo outfit si compra in ferramenta..

  • Regione Campania
  • Sciame sismico ai Campi Flegrei. Terremoto di magnitudo 4.4, il più forte da 40 anni. Oltre 150 le scosse da ieri sera
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Sciame sismico ai Campi Flegrei. Terremoto di magnitudo 4.4, il più forte da 40 anni. Oltre 150 le scosse da ieri sera

21 maggio 2024, 06:38

Foto ANSA Ciro Fusco

E' stata una notte in strada per tantissimi cittadini di Pozzuoli, che però fortunatamente non hanno percepito nessuna scossa di terremoto. In tanti hanno trovato riparo a bordo di auto posteggiate lontane dagli edifici, oppure nelle due piccole tendopoli allestite dalla Protezione civile rapidamente nella zona del porto e in quella di lungomare Pertini. Poco sonno comunque per tutti: c'è stato chi ha trascorso il tempo giocando a carte o chi è stato per l'intera notte con la radio accesa in attesa di avere notizie. All'alba, e a causa di un repentino abbassamento della temperatura, in tanti sfidando la paura hanno deciso di far rientro a casa. Non sono mancati momenti di tensione anche durante la notte: c'è chi ha lamentato l'assenza di bagni chimici, arrivati a Pozzuoli stamattina. 

Dalle 19:51 di ieri lo sciame sismico in corso nell'area dei Campi Flegrei ha fatto registrare, fino alle ore 00:31 di oggi, circa 150 terremoti, il più forte dei quali di magnitudo 4.4, all'interno della Solfatara. Lo evidenzia l'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) aggiungendo che non si registrano allo stato attuale un aumento della velocità di sollevamento, che attualmente è di 2 cm/mese, né variazioni di andamento nelle deformazioni orizzontali o deformazioni locali del suolo diverse rispetto all'andamento precedente. L'Ingv quindi ricorda che durante la crisi bradisismica del 1982-84 il sollevamento del suolo raggiunse i 9 cm al mese, e si superarono anche 1300 eventi sismici al mese. Attualmente, invece, nell'ultimo mese sono stati registrati circa 450 eventi. Inoltre, i parametri geochimici "non mostrano variazioni significative rispetto agli andamenti degli ultimi mesi, se non il ben noto incremento di temperatura e pressione che caratterizza il sistema idrotermale". "La sismicità - aggiunge l'Ingv - non è un fenomeno prevedibile, pertanto non può essere escluso che si possano verificare altri eventi sismici, anche di energia analoga con quanto già registrato durante lo sciame in corso". L'Osservatorio Vesuviano dell'Ingv continua le attività di monitoraggio ordinarie e straordinarie al fine di "individuare anche le più piccole variazioni nei parametri di monitoraggio utili per definire al meglio l'attuale fenomeno in corso". Inoltre, le strutture dell'Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia dedicate al monitoraggio dell'area della caldera dei Campi Flegrei "sono sempre operative h24 e oggi saranno effettuate misure e campionamenti in alcuni siti della caldera". L'Ingv, con la sua sezione di Napoli Osservatorio Vesuviano, "è costantemente in collegamento con la Protezione Civile nazionale, regionale e con i Comuni interessati, oltre che con tutte le Autorità competenti alla tutela del territorio". 

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Per garantire l'assistenza alla popolazione si sta procedendo all'allestimento di aree di accoglienza , all'attivazione del volontariato di protezione civile a supporto delle autorità locali e il rafforzamento dei controlli sulla viabilità. È in corso anche la verifica delle reti dei sottoservizi e l'attivazione di tutti i centri di coordinamento in raccordo tra loro. Il Dipartimento della Protezione Civile continuerà a seguire in costante contatto con il territorio l'evolversi della situazione.

   È stata di magnitudo 3.5 la prima scossa di terremoto significativa avvertita ieri a Napoli alle 19.51 - con epicentro nella zona dei Campi Flegrei - e che ha dato il via a uno sciame di terremoti. Una successiva scossa è stata di magnitudo 4.4 alle ore 20.10 ad una profondità di tre chilometri.

   Il fenomeno è stato avvertito anche sull'isola di Procida , non solo nella zona collinare e centrale di Napoli, ma anche nei comuni dell'hinterland, come Casavatore e Giugliano in Campania. Segnalazioni pure da Afragola .     I Campi Flegrei erano già stati interessati da uno sciame sismico stamattina, la cui scossa principale era stata di magnitudo 2.3, alle 8.50.

    La scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 4.4 dovrebbe essere quella di maggiore intensità degli ultimi quaranta anni , la più forte mai registrata da quando è ricomparso il fenomeno del bradisismo ai Campi Flegrei. Il record precedente risale al terremoto del 27 settembre scorso: allora la magnitudo registrata fu 4.2, di poco inferiore a quella della scossa rilevata dai sismografi ieri sera. E anche allora come ieri la profondità fu individuata a 3 km, nell'area della Solfatara. Dopo la scossa delle 20.10 - che era stata preceduta da uno sciame sismico partito alle 19.51 - si sono susseguite molte scosse di minore intensità tuttora in corso e comunque di magnitudo non elevata. In particolare, alle 19.56 di magnitudo 1.8, alle 20.09 di 1.5, alle 2012 di magnitudo 1.0 e alle 20.16 di 1.2.

      Alla sala operativa dei vigili del fuoco sono giunte alcune segnalazioni per crepe e caduta di cornicioni, intonaci esterni o piastrelle cadute in casa nelle zone prossime all'epicentro dei terremoti. Nessun danno alle persone. Sono in corso le verifiche sul territorio.

Le scuole restano chiuse a Pozzuoli , informa il Comune, sulla pagina Facebook. "Siamo riuniti - si legge in un post - per affrontare la situazione. Stiamo ricevendo diverse segnalazioni sia alla Protezione Civile che alla Polizia Municipale, ma le linee sono sovraccariche. In caso di difficoltà, potete utilizzare anche i messaggi del canale Facebook del Comune di Pozzuoli, e del sindaco Gigi Manzoni, indicando indirizzo compreso di civico e numero di telefono. Vi ricontatteremo appena possibile. Nel frattempo, per quanto possibile, vi chiediamo di mantenere la calma".

Ai Campi Flegrei: "Sembrava che non finisse mai"

"Stavolta è stata pesante, sembrava che non finisse mai". A Bagnoli, lungo il vialone che costeggia l'ex base Nato, un uomo racconta lo spavento provato per le due scosse di terremoto che hanno spinto tanta gente dei Campi Flegrei, come lui e i suoi figli piccoli, a scendere in strada.

Pensa di rientrare a casa? "Vediamo, per adesso no", risponde. Tante gente anche sul lungomare che collega Bagnoli a Pozzuoli, una strada stretta che suggerisce di stare sul marciapiede opposto a quello dei palazzi. I locali sono aperti, ma dentro non c'è nessuno.

Il sindaco di Pozzuoli: "Mantenete la calma"

"Abbiamo tutti avvertito la scossa di pochi minuti fa, mantenete la calma, siamo in contatto con l'Osservatorio Vesuviano per tutti gli aggiornamenti", afferma il sindaco di Pozzuoli, Gigi Manzoni. Dall'ufficio stampa del Comune fanno sapere che il sindaco ha riunito in Comune il Centro operativo comunale (Coc) per organizzare le squadre dei tecnici per i rilievi di eventuali danni agli edifici.

Il sindaco ha ricevuto la chiamata del ministro Musumeci, che "si è messo a totale disposizione per ogni cosa". Anche il direttore della protezione civile regionale sta arrivando nella sede comunale.

In centinaia i cittadini che si sono riversati in strada, così come a Bagnoli, dove molte auto con persone a bordo sono in sosta lungo il grande viale della ex base Nato.

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Terremoto ai Campi Flegrei, scossa di magnitudo 4.4: è la più forte degli ultimi 40 anni

Segnalate crepe e caduta di cornicioni nelle zone vicino all'epicentro, nell'area della Solfatara a 3 chilometri di profondità. Nessun danno alle persone, ma tanta paura: la gente è scesa in strada pronta a dormire in macchina. Il sindaco di Pozzuoli ha invitato tutti a mantenere la calma. Scuole chiuse, domani, a Pozzuoli e Bacoli

Ai Campi Flegrei è in corso uno sciame sismico, non ancora concluso, che ha fatto registrare oltre 20 terremoti nell'arco di tre ore circa. I terremoti più intensi sono stati quelli di magnitudo 4,4 delle 20.10, quello di magnitudo 3,9 delle 21.46 e quello di magnitudo 3,5 delle 19.51 e ancora una scossa di 3,1 alle 21.55. "Lo sciame sismico che nella serata di oggi è stato avvertito nell'area dei Campi Flegrei continua a suscitare comprensibile apprensione tra gli abitanti - ha dichiarato il ministro per la Protezione civile Nello Musumeci -. Ho già sentito il prefetto di Napoli e il sindaco di Pozzuoli per accertarmi di eventuali danni a persone o cose. Sono in costante contatto con il nostro capo Dipartimento Fabrizio Curcio che sta presiedendo i lavori del Comitato operativo appositamente convocato". Intanto a Pozzuoli la gente si riversa in strada e sono in fase di allestimento quattro tende, d'intesa con la Protezione Civile, per ospitare i cittadini che hanno lasciato il loro appartamento. A causa delle scosse che sono state registrate, la Linea Formia, la Linea Cassino e la Metro 2 presentano ritardi imprecisati per accertamenti tecnici. Il sindaco di Napoli, Gaetano Manfredi, ha convocato la stampa nella Sala Giunta del Comune di Napoli domani alle ore 12.30 per aggiornamenti.

terremoto napoli

La scossa più forte degli ultimi 40 anni

Secondo quanto riporta l'Ansa, la scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 4.4 avvertita stasera dovrebbe essere quella di maggiore intensità degli ultimi 40 anni, la più forte mai registrata da quando è ricomparso il fenomeno del bradisismo ai Campi Flegrei. Il record precedente risale al terremoto del 27 settembre scorso: allora la magnitudo registrata fu 4.2, di poco inferiore a quella della scossa rilevata dai sismografi stasera. E anche allora come oggi la profondità fu individuata a 3 km, nell'area della Solfatara. "Questa tipologia di rilascio di energia non è nuova nei Campi Flegrei - ha commentato il vulcanologo Giovanni Macedonio, dell'Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia -. Questi eventi sono associati al sollevamento del suolo iniziato a partire dal 2006-07 e che nel 2012 ha fatto scattare il livello di attenzione giallo e che è ancora in atto". Per quanto riguarda il livello del magma, l'esperto dice che dagli indicatori associati a questo fenomeno, "al momento non abbiamo un'evidenza chiara che il magma stia risalendo" e aggiunge che "la sorveglianza è continua". 


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Vesuvio, le prime mappe dei pericoli delle colate di fango: lo studio, si prevedono i primi sgomberi tra pozzuoli e bacoli.

Attualmente ci sarebbero circa 40 interventi in corso da parte dei vigili del fuoco, che stanno verificando l'agibilità di decine di edifici. Si registrano piccoli danni e cedimenti, con caduta di calcinacci. La zona maggiormente colpita è quella tra Pozzuoli e Bacoli, alle porte di Napoli, dove si prevedono i primi sgomberi. La terra ha tremato non solo nella zona collinare e centrale di Napoli, ma anche nei comuni dell'hinterland, come Casavatore e Giugliano in Campania. Segnalazioni pure da Afragola. L'ultima scossa è stata avvertita anche sull'isola di Procida. Alla sala operativa dei vigili del fuoco sono giunte alcune segnalazioni su danni alle persone. I Campi Flegrei erano già stati itneressati stamani da uno sciame sismico, la cui scossa principale era stata di magnitudo 2.3, alle 8.50.



L’aquila, 15 anni fa il terremoto: a che punto è la ricostruzione.

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Martedì 21 maggio scuole chiuse a Pozzuoli 

A Pozzuoli, epicentro dello sciame sismico di stasera, il Comune, sulla sua pagina Facebook, ha fatto sapere che le scuole saranno chiuse domani. "Siamo riuniti - si legge in un post - per affrontare la situazione. Stiamo ricevendo diverse segnalazioni sia alla Protezione Civile che alla Polizia Municipale, ma le linee sono sovraccariche. In caso di difficoltà, potete utilizzare anche i messaggi del canale Facebook del Comune di Pozzuoli, e del sindaco Gigi Manzoni, indicando indirizzo compreso di civico e numero di telefono. Vi ricontatteremo appena possibile. Nel frattempo, per quanto possibile, vi chiediamo di mantenere la calma. Siamo tutti al lavoro per le dovute verifiche. Vi anticipiamo che domani le scuole resteranno chiuse per le dovute verifiche". 

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Cosa fare in caso di terremoto: i consigli della Protezione Civile

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Scuole chiuse anche a Bacoli

"Sono scosse forti. Sono tante, ripetute. E capisco le vostre paure -  ha detto Josi Gerardo Della Ragione, sindaco di Bacoli -. Per questo, ho immediatamente convocato il Centro Operativo Comunale per affrontare tutte le eventuali criticità causate dalla ultime scosse di bradisismo. Ho deciso di chiudere tutte le scuole, pubbliche e private di Bacoli. E di ogni ordine e grado. È una chiusura precauzionale, per poter effettuare tutti i controlli necessari". E ancora: "Questa sera, con i nostri tecnici comunali, ci dedicheremo ai controlli presso le strutture private, le case, i palazzi di chiunque ci chiede aiuto, supporto. Siamo a vostra completa disposizione. Stiamo monitorando le situazione, con assoluto scrupolo. In strada, con pattuglie della Polizia Municipale e della Protezione Civile. Capisco le vostre paure. Perché sono quelle che vive tutta la città. Noi siamo qui, con voi, per affrontare ogni problematica. E saremo qui tutta la notte. Supereremo anche questa".

"Prudenza, attenzione e calma"

"C'è stata tanta paura, ma al momento non sono segnalati danni alle strutture. Dobbiamo essere molto prudenti, e molto attenti, ma cerchiamo di mantenere la calma. Nei limiti del possibile il mio appello alla popolazione è a mantenere la calma". Intervenuto ai microfoni di Canale 21, il sindaco di Napoli Gaetano Manfredi ha rivolto un appello alla popolazione a tenere i nervi saldi. "Ho gestito tante emergenze nel mio lavoro con la Protezione Civile. So bene che la paura è irrazionale - ha spiegato Manfredi - non possiamo dire alle persone di non avere paura, ma l'invito è a non farsi prendere dal panico. Stiamo seguendo lo sciame e tutto il personale è operativo h24, così come la sala operativa della Prefettura".  

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    The University of Trento is accepting applications to its 40th cycle of Doctoral programmes (PhD) for the academic year 2024/2025: European Cultures. Environment, Contexts, Histories, Arts, Ideas Deadline to apply: 21 May 2024 - 4 p.m. (Italian time). Visit the dedicated page for further information and to read the call for applications. Materials, Mechatronics and Systems Engineering Deadline ...

  18. PDF PhD programmes

    Select the PhD program you wish to apply to and click on "Procedi con la presentazione della domanda" (Proceed with the application) After having read the provided information, click on " dichiaro di aver preso visione delle

  19. Starting a PHD at 40 : r/PhD

    It's: get a PhD -> Maintain a good publication record -> Enrol as a postdoctorate researcher -> Maintain a good publication record -> Find a job as a senior lecturer -> Maintain a good publication record -> Be promoted to associate professor -> Maintain a good publication record -> Be promoted to professor. There is a LOT of work in order to ...

  20. Campi Flegrei, 150 scosse in poche ore. Una di magnitudo 4.4: la più

    Una di magnitudo 4.4: la più forte in 40 anni 21 Maggio 2024 - 08:16 Sciame sismico proseguito fino a questa mattina. La paura di nuove scosse ha spinto la popolazione a fuggire dalle case ...

  21. Età media per iniziare un dottorato di ricerca e correlazione alla

    Iniziare a 24 anni sarebbe generalmente dopo un paio danni nel mondo del lavoro. @shoover OP sta parlando dellEuropa. Qui le università spesso richiedono un master per iscriversi a un corso di dottorato e lo studio per il tuo master richiede solitamente almeno 5 anni. Quindi no, iniziare un dottorato di ricerca a 24 anni di solito è ...

  22. Terremoto Campi Flegrei, magnitudo 4.4: il più forte da 40 anni, 150

    Terremoto Campi Flegrei, notte di paura dopo le nuove scosse. L'Ingv: "Nessuna anomalia". In tanti hanno dormito fuori casa dopo la scossa di magnitudo 4.4: si è trattato del più forte sisma ...

  23. phd a 40 anni

    You enter a PhD program at 25 or even 30, the average PhD duration takes six to eight years. That means you will finish when you are around 30 to 37. The normal retirement age to get Social Security in the United States is 67, so that's at least 30 years ahead of you - lots of time for your career.

  24. Should I get a PhD later in my life at 40 or 50? : r/PhD

    If you want to go in at a senior role then yes a masters/PhD will be needed but you can always just apply for less experienced roles. Save up for a few years, take a sabatical and do some travelling. It's a much better way to see the world. Sounds like living in different countries doesn't suit you. 1.

  25. Trema tutta Napoli, terremoto di 4.4 ai Campi Flegrei: oggi la scossa

    Trema tutta Napoli, terremoto di 4.4 ai Campi Flegrei: oggi la scossa più forte in 40 anni Due eventi ravvicinati, alle 19,50 di magnitudo 3.5, e uno alle 20.10 (4.4): il valore più alto ...

  26. Scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 4.4 ai Campi Flegrei: è la più forte

    L'evento sismico delle 20.10 di oggi è il più forte degli ultimi 40 anni ai Campi Flegrei; precedentemente la scossa più intensa c'era stata

  27. Sciame sismico ai Campi Flegrei. Terremoto di magnitudo 4.4, il più

    Terremoto di magnitudo 4.4, il più forte da 40 anni. Oltre 150 le scosse da ieri sera ... La scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 4.4 dovrebbe essere quella di maggiore intensità degli ultimi ...

  28. Terremoto Campi Flegrei, forte scossa di magnitudo 4.4 in serata

    Leggi su Sky TG24 l'articolo Terremoto ai Campi Flegrei, scossa di magnitudo 4.4: è la più forte degli ultimi 40 anni

  29. Cominciare un PHD a 28 anni? : r/Universitaly

    Se lo fai tanto per (ovvero per poi andare a fare un lavoro che potresti fare anche senza PhD), ha poco senso farlo a 25 anni così come a 30. Se invece lo fai con un senso (ovvero per poi proseguire con la carriera accademica o per lavorare in azienda in ambito R&D), ha senso farlo a 25 anni così come a 30.

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