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How to Write a Business Plan Cover Letter?

Business Plan Cover Pages

Business Plan Cover Pages

  • December 12, 2023

10 Min Read

Business plan cover letter

Whether you’re approaching investors, business partners, stakeholders, or employees—making a good first impression is essential to getting your business plan approved. There’s zero room to mess up this opportunity.

This is where a cover letter helps you.

A cover letter introduces your business plan and persuades the reader to give your proposal a read. If you craft it well, your readers will likely take your business plan more seriously.

So, what is the process of writing a crisp business plan cover letter that’s detailed enough to engage readers? In this article, we’ll cover that and also share a cover letter template to help you get started.

Let’s dive right in.

What is a business plan cover letter?

A business plan cover letter is a formal document that accompanies your business plan and introduces you and your business venture to potential investors or lenders. In other words, it’s a way to sell your business idea and show why you believe in it.

In the same way that a job seeker presents a cover letter alongside their resume to an employer to get hired, you need a cover letter to accompany your business plan to secure funding or a business loan.

Why is a business plan cover letter important?

The cover letter of your business plan serves as a first impression for readers. It’s important to get it right so that it’s easier to achieve what you want with your business plan.

Here’s what makes a formal cover letter important for your business plan.

  • Sets the tone for what’s to come (the content) and helps you focus readers’ attention on important aspects.
  • Helps establish a personal connection before readers dive into the details and technicalities of your business.
  • Helps add a humane touch to your business proposal by weaving an engaging narrative around your business vision.
  • Acts as an asset when you’re seeking investment by offering valuable information and piquing investors’ interest to read your detailed plan.

That being said, a well-written cover letter attracts and retains the right audience by explicitly stating the intent and context of your business plan.

How to write a business plan cover letter?

Before you start the process of writing a cover letter, ensure that you complete your business plan in detail. Remember, no matter how well you craft your cover letter, it won’t get you far if your business plan lacks weight.

Once your business plan is ready, follow these steps to write a good cover letter:

1. Create a header

The header of your business plan cover letter should include the following:

  • Business name
  • Contact information
  • Name of investor and their institution
  • Investor’s Address

If you’re sending the document via email, there’s no need to write a header, and you can jump straight to addressing the recipient with a formal greeting.

2. Address the recipient

Unless you don’t know the recipient’s name, don’t make the mistake of addressing them as “To whom it may concern.” It may give the impression that you haven’t researched the person you’re sending your business plan to.

And definitely don’t address them as “Dear investors.” Sounds unprofessional.

The solution? Address the recipient’s name, such as “Dear Mr. Green” or “Dear Ms. Jones.” It sets a good tone and is preferred over a generic greeting.

3. Make a strong start

The first paragraph of your letter should immediately grab the reader’s attention and pique their interest.

It should touch on the following key points:

  • The intent of the letter
  • Reason to work with this investor
  • A funding utilization plan to scale the business

It should explain clearly as to why your business is a good investment opportunity.

In the following paragraphs, you can quickly cover details about the ownership type, legal formation, the structure of the business, company history, and any notable achievements.

Make sure you remain brief and crisp while offering this information.

4. Support your statements

Claims made without evidence don’t mean much. You need to provide some form of data or facts to prove that you’re worth the risk.

This is admittedly hard to do if you’re a startup since most startups fail. So, it’s a good idea to track the key startup metrics to assess your financial position and the overall viability of your business idea.

5. Close with an acknowledgment

The last paragraph of a cover letter should emphasize three things: your interest in working with the investor, the value of this opportunity, and the timeline of how you expect things to happen.

Once done, thank the reader for their time, express your eagerness to see their response, and request a meeting to discuss things further. End the letter with a formal sign-off.

And that’s everything a cover letter must include!

But before you start writing your cover letter, check the next section.

Tips for writing a formal cover letter for your business plan

Here are some tips for creating a good cover letter for business plans:

  • Keep the letter short and descriptive, up to one or two pages.
  • Use a formal, conversational tone, and avoid slang, jargon, and contractions. The easier it’s to read your letter, the better.
  • Address the reader by name, and avoid using “To Whom It May Concern.”
  • Mention your professional background, the competency of the management team, and how it benefits the business.
  • Mention the individuals, institutions, or banks that have invested in your organization in the past.

These tips and a good design will help you create a professional-looking cover letter to keep your investors interested.

Upmetrics’ business plan cover letter template

Check out this sample business plan cover letter template you can modify and use to send along with your business plan.

[Your Name] [Your Company’s Name] [Your Address] [Your Contact Information] [Date]

[Investor’s Name] [Investor’s Company Name] [Investor’s Address] Dear [Investor’s Name],

I am writing to request your investment in [Your Business Name]. We are [brief overview of your business] and believe that [Your Business Name] has great potential to be a valuable addition to your portfolio.

[Provide a brief description of your current financial situation and how you’ll use the funds]

[Mention your unique selling proposition]

Attached is a copy of our business plan, which provides more information about our company and product offerings. We would appreciate it if you could take the time to review our plan and offer your feedback. We look forward to working with you.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely, [Your Name].

Business Plan Cover Letter Example

Here are a few examples of business plan cover letters for your reference:

Cover letter example 1

William Cutler Cutler and Colors Co. 132, My Street, Kingston New York 12401 [email protected] February 17, 2023

James F. Miller Miller Industries Pvt. Ltd. 1234 NW Bobcat Lane, St. Robert, Missouri Dear Mr. Miller,

Cutler and Colors is an emerging fashion retailer in New York City specializing in men’s garments, and we’re looking to expand to six more cities in the U.S. by the end of 2023. With your financial support, we project to double our production and strengthen our supply chain efficiency.

We believe Cutler and Colors will be a valuable addition to your portfolio. Currently, we have $220,000 of our own funds invested in the business and are looking to raise an additional $500,000. The money will be used to hire more staff, set up new stores, purchase new equipment, and advertise online.

By streamlining our supply chain, we intend to undercut our competitors and offer high-quality garments at an affordable price.

Attached is a copy of our business plan which provides more information on our organization and product offerings. We would appreciate it if you could review our plan and provide feedback. We look forward to working with you.

Sincerely, William Cutler

Cover letter example 2

Emily Thompson GreenTech Innovations Inc. 789 Oak Avenue, Suite 12 San Francisco, CA 94105 [email protected] March 8, 2023

Robert J. Smith Smith Ventures LLC 456 Maple Street Denver, CO 80202

Dear Mr. Smith,

GreenTech Innovations Inc. is a forward-thinking company in the renewable energy sector based in San Francisco. We specialize in developing cutting-edge solar panel technology and plan to expand our operations to three more states by the end of 2024. With your financial backing, we aim to increase our production capacity and enhance our research and development capabilities.

We currently have $500,000 of our own capital invested and are seeking an additional $1,200,000 to support our growth. The funds will be allocated towards hiring additional engineers, upgrading our manufacturing facilities, and expanding our marketing efforts to reach a wider audience.

Our unique selling proposition lies in our innovative solar panels that boast 20% higher efficiency than the industry standard, allowing us to offer customers greater energy savings and a shorter return on investment.

Attached is a copy of our business plan, which provides more information on our company and product offerings. We would appreciate it if you could review our plan and offer your feedback. We look forward to collaborating with you.

Sincerely, Emily Thompson

Cover Letter Example 3

Michael Harris UrbanEats LLC 1010 Broadway, Suite 305 Seattle, WA 98122 [email protected] April 15, 2023

Linda K. Johnson Johnson Capital Partners 789 Pine Street Austin, TX 78701

Dear Ms. Johnson,

UrbanEats LLC is a fast-growing food delivery service focused on providing healthy, organic meal options in Seattle. We are eager to expand our services to four additional cities by the middle of 2024. With your investment, we plan to scale our operations and enhance our delivery infrastructure.

We have invested $300,000 of our own funds and are seeking an additional $750,000. The investment will be used to lease new kitchen spaces, hire more chefs and delivery personnel, and enhance our mobile app to improve user experience.

Our unique selling proposition is our commitment to sustainability and healthy living. We offer meals made from locally sourced, organic ingredients, which sets us apart from other food delivery services.

Attached is a copy of our business plan, which provides more information about our company and product offerings. We would appreciate it if you could review our plan and provide feedback. We look forward to the possibility of working with you.

Sincerely, Michael Harris

Tailor a cover letter to send with your business plan

A cover letter is the first thing an investor would read before diving into your business plan. Clearly, a lot riding on a good first impression.

Now, identify the information that is of utmost importance to your readers, and using the template above, devise an engaging summary for your cover letter.

However, if you still haven’t completed your business plan, do that first.

Let the Upmetrics business planning app help you craft compelling business plans in just about 10 minutes. All you need to do is offer some basic business details, and its AI business plan generator will quickly whip up a fresh plan custom-made for you.

Add your business plan cover letter to it, and you’re all set to get your proposals approved.

Build your Business Plan Faster

with step-by-step Guidance & AI Assistance.


Frequently Asked Questions

How long should a business plan cover letter be.

Ideally, one page. If there’s more to add, a maximum of two pages is permissible. That said, it’s best to write a shorter cover letter than a longer one.

Can I include statistics in a business plan cover letter?

Yes, you can mention data in your cover letter to support your claims, but don’t overdo it. Your business plan already highlights your financials and future projections in great detail.

Can I skip writing a business plan cover letter?

If you’re sending a physical copy of your business plan to an investor or lender, it’s crucial to attach a cover letter. However, a cover letter isn’t necessary if you’re sending it via email, as you can simply write a note in the email’s body.

About the Author

motivation letter for a business plan

Upmetrics Team

Upmetrics is the #1 business planning software that helps entrepreneurs and business owners create investment-ready business plans using AI. We regularly share business planning insights on our blog. Check out the Upmetrics blog for such interesting reads. Read more

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How to Write an Effective Business Plan Cover Letter

Written by Dave Lavinsky Business Plan Cover Page

Anyone who is seeking investment or a loan should have a well-written and well-researched simple business plan template . It will not only help you to make a good first impression with potential investors and lenders, but it can also provide them with all of the information they need in order to make their decision about funding your business.

Download our Ultimate Business Plan Template here

When approaching investors and lenders, you will want to make sure that you have a cover letter to introduce your business plan. In this article, you will learn what a business plan cover letter is, why it is important, and a proven template for you to use.

A business plan cover letter is a type of professional correspondence that you send with your business plan to introduce yourself and your plan to a potential investor or lender. It is important to make a good first impression with your cover letter, as it is likely the first thing the reader will see.

Why is a Business Plan Cover Letter Important?

The main purpose of the cover letter is to make a good first impression and to sell your business idea. It is also your chance to explain why your business is a good investment or business loan candidate.

Optionally, you can explain why you are approaching the potential investor or lender and what they can gain from investing in your business.

How to Write a Cover Letter Properly

In order to compose an effective cover letter, you should keep several things in mind.

First, try not to exceed a half-page for your cover letter. The person that you are sending it to is likely going through a large stack of business plans, and they don’t have time to read a long cover letter from every business owner in need of funding. It should be long enough to make a good impression, but short enough to create interest to entice the reader to read your business plan to learn more.

Second, you should make sure that your cover letter is well-written and professional-looking. It is important to take the time to draft a good cover letter, in the proper business cover letter format, as it can help to make a positive impression on the reader.

Finally, you should tailor your business plan cover letter specifically for the person or company you are sending it to. If you were sending it to a small business investor, you should mention that. If you were sending it to a bank, make sure to mention your plans for repayment of the loan. 

However, because most business plans are sent to investors or lenders via email, a formal cover letter isn’t always needed. Rather, you can simply put a note in the body of your email.

Regardless of the method of delivery, your contact information should be included, as well as any other important details that will help your reader contact you to talk through your funding options further.

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Growthink’s business plan cover letter template.

Below is our sample business plan cover letter template that can either be sent via email or printed:

[Your Name] [Business Name] [Street Address] [City, St Zip]

[Name of Investor/Lender] [Title] [Company] [Address] [City, St Zip]

Dear [Name of Investor/Lender]:

Attached please find the business plan for [Business Name].

I think you will find it very interesting and hopefully a fit with your investment criteria.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a meeting to discuss further, please email me at [your email address] or call me at [your telephone number].

[Sign here if cover letter sent by mail, fax, or delivered in person]

[Your Name] [Business Name] [Title]

Other Business Plan Cover Letter Examples

Use the cover letter examples below to help inspire you to create your own cover letter for your new business venture or to grow your existing organization.   

Olivia’s Bakery

Dear Investor,

Olivia’s bakery is a family-owned and operated business that has been in operation for over five years. We are a full-service bakery that specializes in creating delicious, fresh pastries, cakes, and breads.

Our bakery has been a staple in the community and we have developed a strong following of customers who appreciate our unique products. Our goal is to continue growing our business by expanding our product offerings and reaching new customers.

We believe that our bakery has great potential and would be a valuable addition to your portfolio. We would be grateful if you could take the time to review our business plan and provide us with your feedback. We would love for you to stop by our bakery and try some of our goods.

Please feel free to call me at 555-555-1212 if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

The Hudson Boutique Hotel

Dear Mr. James Peterson,

The Hudson offers an upscale experience in a smaller city setting with all of the comfort and amenities of home. We offer our guests free Wi-Fi access as well as complimentary breakfast and on-site parking. Our rooms are modern and elegant, and we provide luxury bedding that helps ensure a quality night’s sleep.

Our location at 412 National Street is just two blocks from downtown and within walking distance to several popular restaurants and shops. Please refer to the attached business plan for more information on location specifics. This document also outlines our company philosophy including management team profiles, financial projections, and more.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I am eager to discuss our plans to expand the boutique hotel further with you. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 555-555-1212 should you have any questions or would like to arrange a meeting.

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Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your business plan?

With Growthink’s Ultimate Business Plan Template you can finish your plan in just 8 hours or less!

ABC Widgets Inc.

To Whom It May Concern,

ABC Widgets Inc. is a widget manufacturer that has been in business for over 10 years. We specialize in the production of high-quality widgets for both commercial and residential use. We have a strong reputation for providing an excellent customer experience and our widgets are backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

We are excited to announce that we will be expanding our business and are in the process of constructing a new widget factory. This facility will allow us to increase our production capacity and meet the growing demand for our widgets.

Please find attached a copy of our business plan which provides more information on our company and product offerings. We would appreciate it if you could take the time to review our plan and provide us with your feedback. We would also love to schedule a meeting so that we can discuss our expansion plans in further detail.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

My name is John Doe and I am the owner of XYZ Tours, a travel agency based in New York City. We have been in business for over 30 years and specialize in group tours to European destinations.

I am writing to request your support for our organization as we continue to expand operations and reach out to customers nationwide. Our goal is to be the leading tour operator in the Northeast by 2025 and we can achieve this with your help.

With a location just steps from Columbus Circle, XYZ Tours has easy access from Midtown Manhattan making it an ideal destination for tourists from all over the country. As one of our valued partners, you will receive preferred pricing on all of our services including transportation, lodging, and entertainment options.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 555-555-1212.

Owner, XYZ Tours LLC.

The Smith Corporation

Dear Mr. Brown,

The Smith Corporation is a leading producer of high-quality office furniture. For the past 30 years, we have been committed to providing our customers with the best products and installation services in the industry.

We are pleased to announce that we will be expanding our operations and are in the process of constructing a new production facility. This facility will allow us to increase our production capacity and meet the growing demand for our furniture.

How to Finish Your Business Plan in 1 Day!

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Home » Best Business Motivational Letter: 7 Sample

Best Business Motivational Letter: 7 Sample

Best Business Motivational Letter

Are you looking for a great business motivational letter to help get you inspired? Check out these seven sample letters that will give you the motivation you need to succeed. Whether you’re facing a challenging project or simply need some encouragement, these letters will help get you moving in the right direction. So what are you waiting for? Get you inspire today!

Table of Contents

How To Write a Business Motivational Letter?

In today’s business world, a motivational letter can be a powerful tool. It can help you get your foot in the door with a new company, or it can be used to encourage continue success at your current job. No matter what your goals are, there are some basic tips that you can follow to ensure that your motivational letter is effective.

First, it’s important to keep your tone positive and upbeat. This isn’t the time to focus on any negative aspects of your career or life. Instead, focus on all of the wonderful things that have happened as a result of your hard work. Be sure to mention specific accomplishments, and how they have helped you to grow and develop as a professional.

Next, it’s important to be clear about what you want to achieve by writing the letter. What are your goals? What do you hope to accomplish? Be as specific as possible so that the reader knows exactly what you’re asking for.

Finally, be sure to thank the person for their time and consideration. A well-written motivational letter can be the difference between getting your dream job and being pass over for another candidate. By following these simple tips, you can increase your chances of success.

Related: How To Write a Cover Letter (And Get Hired in 2022!)

MBA Motivation Letter

Business Motivational Letter

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to you in regards to _____. I am highly motivate to pursue this opportunity and have a great asset to your team.

So I have _____ years of experience in _____, and have gained a wealth of knowledge in this field. I am extremely passionate about _____ and firmly believe that I could make significant contributions to your organization.

also i am eager to utilize my skills and knowledge in a new environment, and believe that _____ would be the perfect place for me to do so. I am confident that I can add value to your team and contribute to your organization’s success.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

Related: Creative Motivational Letter for Learnership [7 Samples]

MBA Motivation Letter

I am writing to apply for the Master of Business Administration program at XYZ University.

I have always interested in business and leadership, and I believe that an MBA would give me the skills and knowledge I need to pursue a successful career in this field. In addition, I am eager to learn more about how businesses operate and how to effectively manage and lead teams.

So, I have a strong academic record, and I am confident that I have the ability to succeed in an MBA program. I am also highly motivated and driven, and I am excite to take on the challenges that an MBA program will present.

So, I believe that an MBA from XYZ University would be an excellent stepping stone in my career, and I am eager to learn from the renowned faculty at your school. I am confident that I can contribute to the XYZ community, and I look forward to becoming an active member of the alumni network.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Related: 7+ Sample Motivation Letter for Masters Degree

MBA Motivation Letter Sample

I am writing to apply for the MBA program at XXX University. so I confident that I have what it takes to succeed in this program and that I will be able to contribute to the XXX community.

so I have always been interested in business and management, and pursuing an MBA will allow me to develop my knowledge and skills in these areas. I am particularly interested in the XXX curriculum, which includes courses on finance, marketing, and I believe that this program will give me the skills and experience I need to pursue a career in business.

I am a hard worker and a good team player, and I am confident that I can excel in the MBA program. also I am looking forward to the challenge of this program and I am confident that I will be a valuable asset to the XXX community.

Related: Great Motivation Letter For Employment: 5+ Examples

Motivation Letter For MBA Admission

I am writing in regards to my application for admission into the MBA program at XYZ I am immensely excited about the prospect of pursuing my MBA at XYZ University and believe that it will be instrumental in helping me reach my long-term professional goals.

I have always been driven by a desire to succeed in business. After completing my undergraduate degree in business administration, I worked for several years in various marketing and sales roles. While I enjoyed these positions and was successful in them, I always felt that there was more that I could achieve. Pursuing an MBA will allow me to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to take my career to the next level.

I am confident that I will be an excellent student in your MBA program and contribute to the community at XYZ University. I am eager to learn from my classmates and professors and looks forward to actively participating in all aspects of student life.

Thank you for your consideration of my application. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ___________.

Related: Best Motivation Letter Erasmus: 5+ Editable Samples

Business Administration Motivation Letter

I am writing to apply for the position of Business Administration at XYZ Company. I am a recent graduate of ABC University where I majored in Business I am very excited about the possibility of working for XYZ Company and believe that my skills and qualifications will contribute to the success of your organization.

Some of my key strengths include:

  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Strong organizational and time management skills
  • Ability to work independently as well as part of a team
  • Creative problem solving abilities

I am confident that I can be an asset to XYZ Company and look forward to the opportunity to contribute to your continued success. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Related: 07+ Best Cover Letter For Freelancer Samples

5 Things To Include In a Business Motivational Letter

A business motivational letter is a great way to give your employees a pick-me-up. Here are five things you can include in your letter to get the most impact.

First, let your employees know that you appreciate their hard work. A simple “thank you” can go a long way in boosting morale.

Second, give them a glimpse of the future. What new products or services will the company be offering? What new goals are you hoping to achieve? Letting your employees know that there is a bright future ahead will motivate them to keep up the good work.

Third, share some positive feedback from customers or clients. There’s nothing like hearing that you’re doing a good job to keep you motivated. If you don’t have any direct feedback, share some general comments about how the company is doing overall.

Fourth, remind your employees of the company’s core values and how they contribute to the success of the business. For example, if one of your values is teamwork, share a story about how a team effort led to a successful outcome.

Finally, end on a positive note by letting your employees know that you are confident in their ability to meet and exceed expectations. A little bit of encouragement can go a long way in keeping your team motivated.

Related: What is Cover Letter? Complete Guide To Get any Job.

I hope you found this blog helpful in understanding how to write a business motivational letter. As always, if you have any questions or need help drafting your own letter, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for assistance. We love working with small businesses and helping them achieve their goals! Thanks again for reading and best of luck with your future endeavors.

MBA Motivation Letter Sample

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Motivational Letter Writing Guide + Examples for 2024

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You’re about to apply for the job opportunity of your dreams.

You’ve worked hard, and you can’t wait to take the next step in your career.

All that’s left for you to do is write a motivational letter.

But writing a motivational letter can be nerve-wracking.

Two hours and three coffees in, you’ve scrolled through your Facebook newsfeed (twice), watched one episode of the last season of Game of Thrones, sent angry tweets to its creators, and donated for the knee surgery of two dogs. 

You go back to your open Word doc, and all you’ve managed to write is, “This program seems like fun” or “I’ll totally be a great fit for your organization.”

Don’t worry! We’re here to help.

In this article, we’re going to cover:

  • How to Write a Motivational Letter, Step-by-Step
  • A Great Example of a Motivational Letter
  • Useful Motivational Letter Tips

What Is a Motivational Letter?

A motivational letter, sometimes also called a letter of motivation, is a formal letter that you might have to submit when applying for an educational program or a job. Its goal is to show the hiring manager or admissions officer why you’re the perfect candidate for the position.

Motivational letters are typically submitted alongside your CV or resume . Unlike a cover letter, which gives practical examples of how your skills and experience match the opening, a motivational letter focuses more on your personality, interests, and motivation to apply.

When Do You Need a Motivational Letter?

A motivational letter is usually required when an organization wants to gauge your enthusiasm, cultural fit, and motivations for a particular opportunity.

There are a few situations when you might need to submit a motivational letter, such as:

  • You’re applying for an educational program.
  • You’re applying to work at a non-profit organization or mission-driven company.
  • You’re applying for an internship in a competitive field.
  • You’re applying for a volunteer position at a charity or non-government organization.
  • You’re applying for a grant, fellowship, or some sort of scholarship .

No matter the situation, a motivational letter serves to express your distinct driving forces and convey your enthusiasm for that specific role, program, or opportunity. That’s why, done right, a motivational letter can convince the reader to go through your application in detail.

However, if the specific position doesn’t explicitly require a motivational letter or other written statement, you might be better off learning how to write a cover letter instead. Cover letters can be a great addition to your application and help you stand out from other candidates who are only relying on their resumes.

cover letter templates

How to Write a Motivational Letter

Now that you know what a motivational letter is, it’s time to write your own.

Just follow the steps we’ve outlined, and you’ll be done in no time:

#1. Address Your Letter Appropriately

Your motivational letter should include a header with all the necessary contact details.

For starters, this means you should include your contact information , such as your full name, email address, phone number, and any other details that might be necessary for your application.

Additionally, you should include your intended audience’s contact details. Depending on where and what you’re applying for, this might be either a hiring manager or an admissions officer.

To establish a connection with the reader, include a personalized greeting instead of the generic “To Whom It May Concern.” To do that, you have to find out who the hiring manager or admissions officer is.

Start by doing a bit of research. Review the job listing, the program’s official page, or the application instructions. If you can’t find their name there, check the organization’s website and look for a staff directory.

Once you have their name, address your motivational letter professionally . We recommend using an identifier followed by their last name. But if you’re not sure about their title or gender, you can just use their full name, too. For example:

  • Dear Mr. Smith,
  • Dear Dr. Singh,
  • Dear Cameron Smith,

Just avoid informal greetings like "Hey, John!" – your motivational letter is still meant to be a formal document.

#2. Stick to the Program Requirements

Writing a captivating motivational letter is all about showing the hiring manager or admissions officer how you meet the requirements for the position.

To help get the ball rolling as you start drafting your motivational letter, ask yourself: 

  • What kind of applicants are usually admitted to the program? 
  • How do you fulfill the requirements?

First, you need to know the exact program requirements and explain how your background and strengths align with the outlined criteria.

Comb through the details the organization has provided about the ideal skills, experiences, qualifications, or personal qualities they’re looking for in a candidate. Maybe they want someone proficient in data analysis , or they’re prioritizing candidates who are passionate about the industry.

Just remember –  you don’t have to highlight how you meet all the listed requirements if your application already includes a detailed academic CV . Just identify the top three to five requirements and give concrete examples of how you meet each.

Here’s an example:

Requirement: Minimum 2 years of volunteer experience

“I was a medical volunteer in Namibia for three years. It’s one of my most fulfilling adventures and transformative experiences so far since I am passionate about helping others. I believe it broadened my horizons and made me more resilient.”

#3. Align with Their Values

Your motivational letter should explain what drives you and show the reader how you share their organization’s values.

Take time to thoroughly research the organization , its culture, objectives, and driving forces. Find what resonates with your own beliefs and goals and mention it in your motivational letter.

But don’t just randomly sprinkle keywords into your letter. Instead, thoughtfully use your passion to build a narrative that shows how your values align with the institution’s mission. 

Be sure to give concrete examples. For instance, if the company values sustainability, you might want to share an anecdotal example, such as:

Values: Sustainability, Climate Action, Nature Conservation

I have a deep passion for nature conservation, and I have volunteered extensively with environmental organizations, especially in restoring local wetland habitats. I also practice eco-friendly habits in my professional life by advocating for reducing workplace waste and single-use plastics.

#4. Express Genuine Interest

Above all, your motivational letter should demonstrate that you really want to be there.

That said, there is a fine line between pleading and showing intelligent interest while also selling yourself. Generic statements can come across as insincere and unmotivated. Instead, write about what really attracted you to the opportunity.

Be as specific as possible and express your passion without necessarily begging them for a chance. For example:

  • I would love to live in Aberdeen because I’m fascinated by Highlander culture, and I’m excited to dive into the city’s rich cultural heritage and vibrant community dedicated to the arts, music, and preserving Scottish traditions.
  • It is my dream to be part of the Environmental Science Master's program because of its cutting-edge research in sustainable energy solutions and marine conservation efforts, which align with my passion for protecting our planet's ecosystems.

Specific examples and details show you've invested time learning about the organization, which helps your genuine passion shine through your motivational letter.

#5. Personalize It

While showcasing how you meet requirements is crucial, don't be afraid to let some of your personality and voice shine through.

Use descriptive adjectives to paint a fuller picture of who you are beyond just your credentials. Are you an endlessly curious, lifelong learner? A creative problem-solver? Passionate about how technological advancements can be used to increase sustainability?

Let your distinct character and values shine through to make your motivational letter more memorable and help differentiate you from other applicants. This can convey important soft skills and give the reader a glimpse of the person behind the qualifications.

Just make sure you’re still presenting a polished bit of personality and keeping it relevant to the opportunity. For example, if you’re applying for an MA in mathematics, don’t mention your passion for historical re-enactment.

Are you applying for an academic program? Learn how to write an academic personal statement here.

#6. Don’t Just Recap Your CV

Using your motivational letter to simply summarize your CV is a wasted opportunity. If the application requires a motivational letter, they’re looking to get to know you beyond the required stats and qualifications. 

The person reading your motivational letter is looking for the context around your motivations, passions, and aspirations. So, instead of just listing credentials, expand on the driving forces behind your experiences and decisions.

If you’re applying for a master's program, for example, mention your relevant undergraduate coursework, but also explain what sparked your interest in this specialization and why this path is personally meaningful. So, if you’re a History undergrad, elaborate on how volunteering at the archaeology museum made you pursue a graduate degree in Museum Studies and Curatorship.

Here’s a practical example of how that might look:

As a History undergraduate, my passion for preserving and sharing our cultural narratives was sparked by a semester-long museum internship. Working alongside curators as they brought ancient artifacts and stories to life through compelling exhibits opened my eyes to the vital role museums play in education and connecting communities to their roots.

This experience solidified my drive to pursue museum studies at the graduate level, where I can develop professional expertise in responsible collection stewardship, thoughtful exhibition development, and engaging public programming that keeps our shared histories vibrant and accessible for all.

Getting your documents ready for that application? Learn how to write a resume with our detailed guide.

#7. Convey Your Ambitions

Your motivational letter should express your ambitions and aspirations just as much as your relevant achievements . Admissions committees and employers who ask for motivational letters want to clearly understand both your goals and how this opportunity aligns with them.

Share your vision for how you plan to apply the knowledge, essential skills, or experience you'll gain. If it's a job, explain how it will prepare you for further career growth and impact in that field. For an academic program, discuss how you aim to contribute to cutting-edge research or become a leader and mentor.

Don't be afraid to think big - motivated candidates often have big goals of driving innovation, making a difference, or pushing boundaries in their discipline. Just make sure your aspirations are realistic and show that you have a plan and are truly invested in this path for the long term.

Here’s an example of how you can convey your ambitions in your motivational letter:

My long-term goal is to become a leader in sustainable urban design and planning that seamlessly integrates green infrastructure into the built environment. This master's program will equip me with the interdisciplinary skills to develop eco-friendly architectural solutions and climate-resilient city policies that prioritize environmental conservation alongside economic growth and social equity.

#8. Don’t Lie

One of the biggest mistakes you could make while writing your motivational letter is lying.

If you write anything remotely false, the reader will likely sense it. When you lie, you’re likely to unconsciously exaggerate your feelings and ideas. If you tell a fake story or inflate your excitement or achievements, you won’t get anywhere.

Your dishonesty is likely to be exposed and severely damage your credibility, leading to an immediate rejection.

Honesty and integrity are essential to writing an effective motivational letter. The goal of this document is to truly reflect who you are, why you’re the best match for this opportunity, and what you hope to achieve.

Don’t worry if you think your life so far just isn’t impressive enough to write a captivating story. No matter where you’re coming from, you can show the reader your unique perspective, personal growth, and unwavering determination to pursue your passions.

#9. Use a Motivational Letter Template

If you want your motivational letter to make a striking first impression, presentation matters.

A basic black-and-white document from a text editor will hardly stand out. Instead, try one of our professionally designed motivational letter templates for an attention-grabbing solution!

Novoresume offers modern, eye-catching templates that can give your motivational letter a polished look. You can even use the resume builder to match your motivational letter to one of our sleek resume templates for a coherent application.

Save precious time on formatting and create a visually flawless application in no time!

motivation letter resume matching

How to Structure a Motivational Letter

You’ve got the gist of how to write a motivational letter down, but it’s just as important to know how to structure it.

If your motivational letter is a messy, haphazard series of unrelated paragraphs, it simply won’t make the cut. You need your motivational letter to tell a coherent story, and this is where the structure comes in.

The whole process will probably require a few drafts until you get to the perfect, polished motivational letter. You might have to move around paragraphs or sentences until you have the ideal story that compliments your application, so don’t worry if you don’t get it right the first time.

Let’s look at what each motivational letter looks like and includes:

How to Structure a Motivational Letter

#1. Contact Details

Start by adding all the relevant contact information at the top of your motivational letter.

Here’s what to include:

  • Full Name. Place your first and last name at the top of the page.
  • Professional Title. Match your professional title to the specific position you're aiming for. E.g.: if you’re applying for a Ph.D., write “Ph.D. candidate”.
  • Email Address. Include a professional and straightforward email address. We recommend sticking to something that combines your first and last name.
  • Phone Number. Include your phone number and add the dialing code in front if you’re applying overseas.
  • Location. Adding your city and state/country is more than enough.
  • Relevant Links. Optionally, you can include links to any relevant websites or social media profiles, such as a portfolio, a blog, a LinkedIn profile , etc.

Then, add the contact information of the admissions officer or hiring manager reading your motivational letter, such as:

  • Organization’s Name. Start with the name of the organization to which you're sending your application.
  • Recipient’s Name. If possible, find the name of the exact person who's going to be viewing your application, such as the hiring manager or the admissions officer for the department you're interested in. Check the organization’s website to get a head start.
  • Recipient’s Title. Always address the reader professionally. For example, if they’re a professor or doctor in their field, use the appropriate identifier.
  • Location. Provide the exact address of the organization you’re applying to. Include the city, state, country, and street number, and even specify the building if necessary.

#2. Introduction

Begin your motivational letter with a strong introduction.

The first few sentences need to be attention-grabbing – do this through a short, engaging pitch about yourself and why you are applying.

Here’s what you can include:

  • A summary of who you are and what you do.
  • Details about what you’re applying for and where.
  • A prelude to the bulk of your motivational letter.

Remember - this part only needs to include the general reasons behind your application, since you’ll have the opportunity to make a deep dive later on in the body of your motivational letter.

Let’s look at an example of what your introduction could look like:

Dear Dr. Octavio,

My name is Jane Doe, and I would like to express my interest in applying for the Ph.D. Robotics program at Columbia University. I’ve always dreamed of becoming a robotics engineer and contributing to advancement in the field, and I believe that a Ph.D. in Robotics from this university would set me miles ahead of reaching my goal.

The body of your motivational letter is where you get to really sell yourself.

It’s also where the bulk of your text is going to be, so it determines your motivational letter as a whole.

There are two things you should keep in mind when writing this section of your motivational letter: the paragraph structure and the paragraph contents.

Generally, there are two main paragraph-based structures for your motivational letter.

First is the classic, three-main-paragraph structure, where each paragraph accounts for your introduction, body, and conclusion. If you’re using a storytelling approach for your motivational letter, we recommend sticking to this one.

However, if you want to be more factual and to the point, we recommend trying the seven-paragraph structure. It divides the main body of your motivational letter into smaller paragraphs according to your main points, where each discusses a specific achievement, experience, or aspiration.

Use the body of your motivational letter to mention the stories behind your achievements, essential skills , and passion for whatever you’re applying for.

This is the right place to be as detailed and factual as possible. Give concrete examples of what motivated you to apply for this position, and show how that directly relates to what the organization is looking for in a candidate.

Here are some sentences you can paraphrase and use to help you write the body of your motivational letter:

  • My passion for [field] started when [experience] . 
  • I want to [join this organization] because [ motivation] . 
  • I have been part of [relevant organization or field] for [amount of time] . It’s the best thing for me because [reason] .
  • I remember once when I [experience] , which made me realize that I [gained interest in the specific field] .
  • [Organization or program] resonates with me because [specific reason] .
  • What distinguishes me from my peers is [something you’re proud of] .

Let’s look at a brief example of how this is put into practice.

I developed my passion for digital marketing during my internship at XYZ Inc. Working for a small startup allowed me to gain surface-level experience in most digital marketing channels. Now, I would like to deep-dive and gain advanced know-how by attending the Buffalo College Marketing program.

#4. Conclusion

After finishing the body of your motivational letter, it’s time to wrap it up and send it in.

Use this section to briefly summarize your main points and remind the reader why you’d be a great fit for the organization or program you’re interested in.

Then, mention your overarching career goal and how that aligns with their organization’s mission.

Finally, thank the reader for their time and sign off on your motivational letter. Here’s an example:

Therefore, I believe that my strong academic foundation in environmental studies and hands-on fieldwork experience are qualifications that position me to make outstanding contributions to your master's program. I believe that the knowledge I gain in the Sustainability and International Relations program will play a pivotal role in my mission of shaping innovative policies and scientific solutions to combat climate change and protect our planet's biodiversity for future generations.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to join UCLA in the fall semester.

George Maxton

How to Format a Motivational Letter

Always review your motivation letter carefully and stick to any stated requirements or guidelines for your application.

Organizations will sometimes include formatting specifications, like word count or page limits, or even questions they want you to answer in your motivational letter.

If you’re writing a motivational letter for an academic program, you can usually find this information on the admissions requirements webpage or within the provided application materials. 

For job applications, these details are usually listed on the job ad or in the company's job application portal.

Always follow these rules exactly as stated. Going off script could get your application immediately rejected since it shows you’re either not attentive or you’re not taking the opportunity seriously.

If, on the other hand, there aren’t any guidelines for your motivational letter, we recommend you follow these tips:

  • Keep your motivational letter one page long.
  • Use a clear structure with concise paragraphs to make your letter easy to skim.
  • Choose a professional font like Lora or Roboto and make sure it’s sized 11-12 pt.
  • Set your page margins to one inch on all sides so your page doesn’t look too cluttered or too empty.
  • Include the date you wrote your motivational letter for an extra professional touch.
  • Use powerful words and action verbs (“designed” and “conceptualized”) instead of cliched phrases (“helped with” and “managed”).
  • Smoothly connect your thoughts through transition words.
  • Proofread carefully for any spelling or grammatical errors.
  • Include a professional closing line like "Sincerely" at the end of your text.
  • Print your motivational letter out and sign it, or send it as a PDF to preserve your formatting.

How to Format a Motivational Letter

Motivational Letter Example

Let’s look at an example of a great motivational letter for a Ph.D. program at Harvard University and go through just what this candidate does right:

motivation letter example

The candidate’s letter to Harvard University’s Department of Political Science starts by addressing the person in charge of admissions for the Ph.D. program they’re interested in.

The general requirements for the Political Science program are:

  • Being research inclined
  • Having a demonstrated passion for politics
  • Showing above-average performance during undergraduate studies 

The values of the university they’re applying to are integrity, education, respect, and accountability.

The candidate’s motivational letter is neatly divided into a total of five paragraphs, of which three make up the body of the text.

Here’s how they highlight their motivation:

  • They know the history of the university and share the same values.
  • They’re genuinely excited and passionate about the program and the school.
  • They show what their qualifications are and how they’ll be a great fit for the program.
  • They explain what they hope to achieve if they get the opportunity to study at Harvard.

Essentially, the candidate has listed all their qualifications through a personal story. After reading this letter, the admissions officer will feel like they know the candidate adequately, especially since they have communicated who they are by highlighting how they match everything the Ph.D. program is looking for in an applicant.

Need more inspiration? Check out our 60+ cover letter examples for different professions.

Key Takeaways

You’ve made it to the end of our guide!

Now, you know everything there is to know about motivational letters. We’re confident you’re a shoo-in for that position you have your sights set on!

But before we go, let’s quickly sum up what we’ve covered so far:

  • A motivational letter is a formal document that’s usually required when applying for university admissions, a non-profit organization, or a volunteer position.
  • Motivational letters are different from cover letters since they focus more on your interests, passions, and ambitions than on your skills and achievements.
  • Generally, there are two ways to structure your motivational letter, depending on whether you want to tell a story or factually go through all the points that make you an ideal candidate.
  • The introduction of your motivational letter should be brief and immediately grab the reader’s attention. Use it to tell them who you are and why you’re interested in applying for the specific opportunity.
  • Always do your research on the specific program or organization. This can help you show genuine interest and convey your aspirations for the future in this field.
  • Make your motivational letter stand out by using one of Novorésumé’s templates and giving the admissions officer or hiring manager a gorgeous first impression.

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5 Steps to Writing a Business Plan Cover Letter [+ Templates!]

Every business plan needs a cover letter. Also known as an introduction, executive summary , or overview, your cover letter is your first impression.

It sets the stage for the rest of the document and tells the reader what to expect. Most importantly, it compels the reader to spend the time it will take to review the plan in full.

But how do you write a cover letter? What should it say?

There will be no guesswork here. We’re covering all of the essential deets to include. Plus, we’ve got templates to make your life easier.

Graphic showing cover letter development on a computer

What’s in this guide :

Why your business plan cover letter is important

What to include in your cover letter, how to write your business plan cover letter, 3 business plan cover letter templates.

Without a great cover letter, your business plan will lack context and urgency—making it less likely that your audience will read it.

A cover letter surfaces the most important details from the plan, allowing you to craft a cohesive story. For instance, you might focus your cover letter on your market research findings, your estimated profit margin, or how your company is preparing to achieve your business goal. Essentially, it allows you to direct readers’ attention where you want it to go .

A business plan can also motivate you . Entrepreneurs with completed business plans are 260% more likely to start their businesses. When you write a great cover letter, it can serve as a reminder of why you’re putting in the hard work and keep you on track.

What should you include? That depends on the type of business plan you’re writing. Is this a plan to launch a startup, release a new product, or improve an existing business?

Here are some essential pieces of information to include for different types of plans. (Remember that while the business plan will delve into all the details, the cover letter will summarize the most important information.)

New business plans :

Market research

Problem or opportunity statement

Outline of initial offerings (products or services)

Business and pricing models

Time to profitability

Business risks and mitigation plans

Competitive landscape

New product launches :

Product landed cost

Product price for each channel (wholesale, DTC, Amazon, etc.)

Projected profit margin for each channel

Product branding and marketing plan

Plan for product validation and prototyping

Business improvement projects :

Current state of the business

Opportunities for growth

Opportunities for expense cutting

Opportunities for process or productivity improvements

Prioritization of improvement projects

Project goals

Project timelines

Third-party service pitches :

Client goals and objectives

Service scope

Service deliverables

Project or implementation timelines

Expected outcomes

In most cases, the cover letter should fit within one page, but for very long business plans, you might need a page and a half or even two pages to fit the overarching story you want to convey.

You should address the cover letter to your intended reader. That might be a loan officer for a business loan, a potential investor, a business partner, or a client.

Business plan cover letter example

Cover letter examples can offer inspiration and provide a jumping point for your writing.

Here’s an example of a cover letter for a business consulting plan :

Image of a business plan cover letter template

Notice how the example focuses heavily on the pain points of running a business: working hard, listening carefully, watching cash flow, etc. The cover letter makes the point that when you’re in the weeds of your business, it can be tough to envision the big picture and steer the ship.

Above all, a cover letter should be compelling. So make sure to include illustrative language, metaphors, clear pain points, and goals to bring the proposed plan to life.

Your cover letter is one of the most important sections of any business plan or business proposal . Follow these simple steps and writing tips to win over stakeholders.

Step 1. Write your business plan first

It’s nearly impossible to write a great cover letter without writing your business plan first. Why? Because your cover letter surfaces the key points from the plan so readers know why they should read the plan and what to focus on.

To write an excellent business plan, you must first begin with research. You might put together a small focus group, interview target customers over the phone, assess a handful of competitor products, and analyze influencers’ social media content within your industry.

Now that you’ve done your research, you can start writing your plan.

Make sure to include these sections:

Market problem

Your proposed solution

Your business model

Target customers

Marketing plan

Your competitive advantage

Financial projections

Required funding

Step 2. Write a strong introduction paragraph for your cover letter

Now it’s time to write the perfect cover letter.

While your cover letter will summarize a variety of points, the first paragraph should have a clear focus. It shouldn’t bounce all over the place, but should make a single compelling argument. You can start with the market opportunity, the unmet customer expectations, the prospective client’s key pain points, or the stellar profit margin your business plan is proposing.

And remember that a good hook makes the reader want to keep reading. So spend plenty of time coming up with a great first sentence that will creatively lead into your opening argument.

Step 3. Write your supporting paragraphs

The next step is to write the supporting paragraphs that drive home your key argument.

For example, if your opening paragraph states that your business plan will address a $1 billion dollar market opportunity, then the remaining paragraphs should clarify the market need (what do customers expect and why haven’t your business competitors risen to the challenge?), how you will address that need (what products or services will you offer?), and what you need from the reader (an investment, a loan, their experience as your co-founder, etc).

Consider using bullet points to quickly list out important details like market research findings, product launch plans, or business goals.

Step 4. Revise your cover letter

Don’t expect to knock it out of the park on the first try. Give yourself time to revise the cover letter over a couple of days. When you take a break before editing , you’re able to look at your writing more objectively—almost as if it was written by someone else. You also allow yourself the space to come up with creative, fresh ideas for hooks, key arguments, etc.

Step 5. Double check that the rest of the business plan follows suit

And lastly, you need to check that your cover letter matches your business plan (and that your business plan matches your cover letter) . This song-and-dance might take some time because whenever you add new info to your business plan, you need to consider if it’s important enough to be featured in the letter. And anything you add to your letter certainly needs to be covered in the plan.

Your reader is going to want to find more details within your business plan, so make sure you’re titling sections clearly. For instance, if you mention “market research” in your cover letter, then title the matching section the same way. Your cover letter serves as a reference point for what readers should hunt for in the plan, so keep that in mind when you’re formatting and adding the finishing touches.

A business plan is most commonly written when starting a new business. But documented plans are also useful when launching a new product, embarking on a big project, or pitching a service. These cover letter templates can be adapted for just about any use case.

1. Accounting plan cover letter template

If you’re sending your business plan to potential investors, lenders, or someone else you’re trying to convince, this template may be helpful. It’s short, to-the-point, and full of confidence.

Image of an accounting plan cover letter template

2. Investing plan cover letter template

This cover letter template is perfect for new business plans in the investing, fintech, and financial services industries. It hones in on the core pain points of amateur investors in need of financial planning.

Image of a cover letter for a financial advisor business plan

You can adapt the pain points shared into more of a summary of your market research and the target audience’s needs. Or, you can use this template to pitch financial services directly to potential clients, making sure to include the details of the services in the rest of the plan.

3. Business project cover letter template

This project proposal template can easily be adapted for any business plan, product launch, or operational improvement project. The cover letter is written with compelling language that clearly states the needs and challenges of the project, as well as how you will address them.

Image of a project proposal template

To make this template your own, start by summarizing the risks of the project, and then segway into how your business plan mitigates those—whether through hiring, training, project management, software implementation, or a combination of these and other strategies.

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  • Cover Letter

How to Write a Motivation Letter: Sample & Guide for 2024

Did you lose another recruitment process? This can drain your motivation. Maybe what you need is to motivate the recruiter. Do so with a splendid motivation letter!

Mariusz Wawrzyniak

Are you motivated to start a new job? Of course you are! Just think of the new career paths opening before you and of the constantly growing salary. Who wouldn’t want that?

If only you could infect the recruiter with some of your motivation. Then, they would certainly hire you. Here’s the kicker… You can! Supplement your resume with a masterful motivation letter, and get ready to start your new job.

Save hours of work and get a cover letter like this. Pick a template, fill it in. Quick and easy. Choose from 20+ cover letter templates and download your cover letter now.

Create your cover letter now

Motivation Letter Example

What users say about ResumeLab:

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Keep reading to learn about writing a motivational statement, or check out our other related articles:

  • Cover Letter for an Internal Position
  • Cover Letter Look
  • Cover Letter Templates for MS Word
  • General Cover Letter
  • How to End a Cover Letter
  • How to Write a Cover Letter
  • Is a Cover Letter Necessary?
  • Recent Graduate Cover Letter
  • Short Cover Letter Guide
  • Writing an Entry-Level Cover Letter

Motivation Letter Sample

High-School Graduate

506 5th St.

La Porte, IN 46350, USA


[email protected]

Ms. Helena Waters

Chemistry Department Hiring Manager

Lovely Organic

2092 W St Rd 2

Dear Ms. Waters,

I am excited to apply for the lab technician internship at Lovely Organic. As a personable high-school graduate with a genuine passion for the beauty industry, a strong knowledge of leading makeup brands, and a keen eye for testing new cosmetic products, I am eager to contribute my enthusiasm and expertise to your company. I have always dreamed of working in a laboratory setting, and this internship would help me reach my career goals.

Throughout my high school journey at Salem High School, I have honed my academic excellence, achieving a GPA of 3.76. As President of the Applied Chemistry Club, I led engaging initiatives and participated in the prestigious Massachusetts State Science Exhibition in 2021, focusing on harmful substances in everyday cosmetics. Additionally, my selection as the sole participant in the 2022 U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad demonstrates my dedication to advancing my knowledge in the beauty and cosmetology realm.

As a self-motivated makeup artist since 2019, I have applied makeup for hundreds of customers for various events, including birthdays, proms, and weddings. My artistry skills extend to designing wedding makeup that complements the color palette of wedding decorations, ensuring a cohesive and beautiful look for brides and bridesmaids. Furthermore, I take pride in educating clients about proper makeup application techniques, skincare, and makeup brush selection, elevating their beauty experiences.

Testing new cosmetic products and sharing product reviews on Instagram and TikTok stories are among my interests, showcasing my dedication to staying informed about the latest trends and innovations in the beauty industry. I also possess excellent interpersonal skills, strong verbal communication abilities, and a positive attitude that will undoubtedly contribute to Lovely Organic's warm and inviting environment.

I am confident that my academic achievements, makeup artistry skills, and genuine enthusiasm for the beauty industry make me a strong fit for this internship. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to Lovely Organic's mission and values while expanding my knowledge and experience in the field of cosmetics and chemistry. Please find my resume attached for your review.

I’d love to talk over the phone with you over the next week about this position and what I could bring to the Lovely Organics team.

Sincerely, Jane Kelly

What Is a Motivation Letter?

Hold up. A motivation letter? Isn’t it just a fancy name for a cover letter? Well, not exactly. A letter of motivation , also known as a motivation letter, is a document that expresses your enthusiasm, passion, and reasons for applying to a specific academic program, scholarship, or job. It is usually attached to your resume and explains why you're the best candidate for the position.

This purpose of a motivation letter makes it a great document to supplement resumes with no experience .

How Is a Motivation Letter Different From a Cover Letter?

The definition above does sound slightly similar to the definition of a cover letter . So how are these two documents distinct from each other? Let’s answer this question in more detail.

A letter of motivation is primarily used for academic or scholarship applications. Motivation letters can be used to apply for jobs, but only if you have very little or no job experience. Meanwhile, a cover letter ( letter of application ) is used for job applications and uses concrete examples and achievements from your past work experience .

In a letter of motivation, you focus on your passion, academic or career goals, and how the specific program or opportunity aligns with your aspirations. In a cover letter, you highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements that make you a strong fit for the job.

Although both letters generally follow a similar formatting structure, a letter of motivation may have more flexibility in how it looks. It can be more personalized to showcase your unique qualities and aspirations. We’ll discuss the formatting of a motivation letter soon.

A motivation statement is often longer than a cover letter, allowing you to provide more details about your academic or career journey and aspirations. Although, just like the perfect length of a cover letter , your letter of motivation should also be only one page long. What will change is the word count, which is about 250-400 for a cover letter and about 500-700 for a motivational letter.

How to Format a Letter of Motivation?

Just like with a cover letter format , there are some rules you should keep in mind when formatting a motivation letter:

  • Use your resume’s font for your motivation letter. This will create uniformity between the two documents.
  • Choose a nice-looking motivational letter template. Make it match your resume template .
  • Set the margins on your motivational statement to 1 inch on all sides.
  • Save your motivation letter in a PDF file to ensure its readability on all software and devices.
  • Proofread your letter of motivation before sending it. No one would want their application to be discarded because of a typo .

Expert Hint: Since a motivational letter and a cover letter bear some similarities, many tricks that work for the latter will also help you with the former. So check out our cover letter tips and apply them to your letter of motivation.

Double your impact with a matching resume and cover letter combo. Use our cover letter generator and make your application documents pop out.


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Want to try a different look? There's 21 more. A single click will give your document a total makeover. Pick a cover letter template here .

How to Write a Motivation Letter?

The best approach to the structure of your motivational statement is very similar to how you would handle your cover letter outline :

1. Start With a Motivation Letter Header

Addressing a motivation letter is exactly the same as creating a header for a cover letter . Take a look at this example:

Addressing the Letter of Motivation—Example

Head of Human Resources

This is all you need to include when addressing your letter of motivation. The template for the header looks like that:

[Your First and Last Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Your Address]

[Phone Number]

[Email Address]

[LinkedIn Profile/Personal Website] (optional)

[Today’s Date / Date of Writing]

[Hiring Manager’s First and Last Name]

[Hiring Manager’s Professional Title]

[Name of Company]

[Company Street Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

Writing a motivational letter header is pretty straightforward. That is until you reach the point of including the recipient’s details. Finding out who will be reading your letter is often not easy. Here are some tips on what you can do if you don’t know the recipient’s name:

  • Check the job posting . Sometimes their name will be right there, basically in the open.
  • Read the email address . Most work emails are [[email protected]]
  • Find the name on their website or LinkedIn. Most important names should be displayed there with their professional titles.
  • Call the company. Just ask them directly. It will show your motivation even before you send them your letter.

And if you still can’t find out to whom you should address the motivation letter? Go for “[Department Name] Hiring Manager.” It’s safe and still professional. But treat it as the last resort option. You should try finding the recipient's name on your motivation letter. After all, people respond actively to seeing their names .

2. Write an Enticing Introductory Paragraph

After addressing the letter of motivation, it’s time to get writing. But just like starting a cover letter , adding an introduction to your motivational statement is often a near-impossible task.

But it’s not really as hard as you may think it is.

Here’s the deal, the first paragraph of your motivation letter must check these three boxes:

  • It states what you are applying for.
  • It gives a clear answer as to why you are applying.
  • And on top of that, it makes the reader want to read the rest of your motivational letter. (To do so, tell them who you are and show your skills and strengths)

Take a look at this example:

Motivation Letter Example: Introduction

One more important thing. Don’t forget to greet the recipient directly. If you pull a “to whom it may concern,” you’d better be ready not to get a favorable result.

3. Expand Your Motivational Letter in the Main Body Section

The main body of your letter of motivation should consist of 1–5 paragraphs (unlike a cover letter, which usually has one or two paragraphs) and will be the longest section of the document. Here, you’ll show your achievements, skills, and other accomplishments.

It’s also the point where you really need to sell yourself to the reader. Do it by providing stories and explanations that prove your skills and achievements.

Also, make use of resume power words and action verbs . They will make your statement of motivation sound much more impactful. You should also include some resume keywords in case the company runs your motivational statements through the ATS (or the recruiter skims through it to look for them).

Here’s what a finished main body of a motivational letter should look like:

Motivation Letter Example—Main Body

You put the bulk of your achievements, skills, and motivations into this part. And you must make sure that each one of them is true . You shouldn’t lie on your application . A trained recruiter will notice your lies from a mile away, and you can be sure they will discard your motivational statement immediately.

Expert Hint: Maintain the same tone of voice throughout the entire motivation letter. Make it sound positive, and show your motivation, but be careful not to sound needy and desperate. Companies want employees who are eager to work and grow, not people who will bail out on them when a slightly better opportunity arises.

4. Finish Your Letter of Motivation With a Strong Conclusion

The conclusion paragraph acts as a summary of your motivation letter. Use it to write short explanations for:

  • Why you’d be a great fit for the company/university/program.
  • What is your main goal, and what experience would you like to gain.

And do one more thing. Add a call to action. It emphasizes your commitment and pushes the reader to proceed with your application to the next step.

Check out this sample of an effective conclusion to a motivational letter:

Motivational Letter Sample—Final Paragraph

Finish your motivational letter with a formal closing. The best way is to write “Sincerely” and add your full name below. But if you’re not a fan of “Sincerely,” consider these other options:

  • Best regards,
  • Kind regards,

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Here’s what you need to know to write a successful motivational letter:

  • Use a motivational letter to apply for volunteering opportunities, internship programs, or for university admissions. If you’re applying for a standard job, supplement your resume with a cover letter instead.
  • Separate your motivational letter into 4 main parts: contact information, introductory paragraph, main body, and conclusion.
  • Make your motivational statement stand out by showing your enthusiasm and interest in whatever you’re applying for.
  • Do research on the company so that you can reference its values in your motivation letter.

Did you learn something new about motivation letters? Are you feeling motivated to write your own motivational statement? If you have any questions or want to share your thoughts, write a comment. We’ll be happy to reply.

About ResumeLab’s Editorial Process

At ResumeLab, quality is at the crux of our values, supporting our commitment to delivering top-notch career resources. The editorial team of career experts carefully reviews every article in accordance with editorial guidelines , ensuring the high quality and reliability of our content. We actively conduct original research, shedding light on the job market's intricacies and earning recognition from numerous influential news outlets . Our dedication to delivering expert career advice attracts millions of readers to our blog each year.

Mariusz Wawrzyniak

Mariusz is a career expert with a background in quality control & economics. With work experience in FinTech and a passion for self-development, Mariusz brings a unique perspective to his role. He’s dedicated to providing the most effective advice on resume and cover letter writing techniques to help his readers secure the jobs of their dreams.

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  • Cover Letter
  • How to Write a Motivation Letter in 2024 (Guide & Examples)

How to Write a Motivation Letter in 2024 (Guide & Examples)

Oliwia Wolkowicz

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If most people find writing a cover letter hard, they find writing a motivation letter nearly impossible.

Motivation letters sound odd and apply to various situations which makes it more difficult to apply specific guidelines on what they should say and how to write them. 

Maybe you’ll just try to sneak past with a cover letter and hope no one notices…

Not so fast.

Motivation letters aren’t as hard as they sound and they’re simple to write once you know how. Lucky for you, we’ll tell you all the hows and whys behind a motivation letter that’ll get the hiring manager more motivated to hire you than Tony Robbins.

Want to write your cover letter fast?  Use our cover letter builder. Choose from  20+ professional cover letter templates  that match your resume. See actionable examples and get expert tips along the way.

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sample cover letter example

Sample Cover Letter for a Resume— See more cover letter examples and create your cover letter here .

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What is a Motivation Letter

A motivation letter , also called a letter of motivation, is a short one-page-long letter that explains why you’re the perfect candidate for the position by using examples of your interests and achievements. It’s usually attached to your resume when applying for a job.

A motivation letter can also be used for other situations outside the job world such as applying for an educational program at a college or university.

Due to its nature, a motivation letter is perfect for candidates applying for an internship, volunteering role, or for candidates who have little or no job experience.

So that sounds just like a cover letter or a letter of interest, right?

Not exactly.

The difference between a motivation letter vs a cover letter is that a cover letter gives specific examples of how your job experience and skills match the opening you’re applying for. A motivation letter, on the other hand, focuses more on your personality, interests, and motives for applying. That’s what makes it such a great addition to a volunteer resume , an internship resume , a resume with no experience , or an entry-level resume.

Read more: How to Write a Cover Letter for Internship

How to Write a Motivation Letter

The best way to go about writing a motivation letter is using the three part structure that includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. 

To write a motivation letter introduction that will grab your reader’s attention, use these tips:

  • Add your up to date contact information in your letter heading . Include the addressee’s details as well.
  • Refer to the hiring manager or point of contact by name.
  • Mention what you’re applying for specifically; your reader doesn’t have time to guess what you might be interested in.
  • Explain why you’re writing your letter of motivation. Think of your intro paragraph as a pitch that needs to engage the reader enough to want them to read on for more details and examples.

If you’re struggling to write a good intro paragraph, a good trick is to leave it for the end. That way, you’ll know what you’ve mentioned in your letter of motivation and can find it easier to summarize and point out in your intro paragraph.

Let’s move on to the second paragraph.

The body of your motivation letter is where you really turn it up a notch and sell your best points. Don’t just list a bunch of things you can do or have done and definitely don’t just rehash your resume if you’re applying for a job.

Here are some pointers on creating a killer second paragraph:

  • Use specific examples that prove the motives and desire you expressed in the previous paragraph.
  • Use action verbs to put some power behind your words.
  • Include resume keywords not only to spice up your motivation letter, but also to get extra points in the ATS that the company might pass your motivation letter through.

We know that you really want in on whatever opportunity you’re applying for, but don’t make your motivation letter sound overly desperate and don’t lie to sound wonderful. Both those cases will just put your motivation letter on the fast track to the trash can. 

Now the last paragraph. The conclusion of your motivation letter should nicely wrap up the rest of your letter. Here’s how to do it right:

  • Mention why you’d think you’d be a great fit in the company or organization.
  • Include what you’d like to learn or gain from your experience. 
  • Add a call to action to show that you’re really committed to the role. 

So how does that all look put together? Check it out.

Motivation Letter Example

May 17, 2019

Ruth Tanner 1096 Locust Street Albany, GA 31701 229-870-7478 [email protected]

Javier Alfaro HR Manager Shofer Unlimited 3705 Shobe Lane Albany, GA 31702

Dear Mr. Alfaro, After watching my parents give and grow through their work in NGOs, I decided that when I was ready, I would follow in their footsteps. I was excited to hear that your organization was looking for volunteer drivers to help the elderly and others with limited mobility safely move around the city. I would very much like to become a part of Shofer Unlimited.

I was raised in the spirit that it’s more important to give than to receive, especially when we already have everything we need in life. From my freshman year in high school, I’ve volunteered during my summers as a dog walker in dog shelters as well as a teacher’s aide in daycare centers. One day, I realized how hard life can be when my grandmother could no longer move around the city by herself. When I got my driver’s license, I started driving her around to doctor appointments and for other errands. I realized then that this is something that I could do for others in the exact same situation and help them continue living a relatively normal life despite their years.

I’m a friendly and outgoing person who really enjoys spending time with others and making them smile. I’m a safe driver, I’ve had my license for 2 years and haven’t received a single ticket. I believe that I’d be a perfect fit in the Shofer Unlimited team with empathy and open-minded approach to others. I’m also convinced that Shofer Unlimited will be the perfect place for me to gain even more experience in working with different people and improving my customer service skills.

I’d love to talk over the phone with you over the next week about this position and what I could bring to the Shofer Unlimited team.

Sincerely, Ruth Tanner

Ruth may not have much experience, but she’s explained her motivation for applying for the volunteering opportunity as well as some previous experience that she’s gathered. This is definitely a motivation letter the hiring manager won’t be tossing out.

Read more: How to Write a Cover Letter

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When you’re done, our professional resume builder will score your resume and our resume checker will tell you exactly how to make it better.

How to Format a Motivation Letter

Now that you have the content all squared away, you still have to make sure that your letter of motivation doesn’t look like something the cat dragged in.

When formatting your motivation letter, take the following things into consideration:

  • Use a professional letter font and set it to 12 pt size.
  • Set your letter spacing to 1” on all sides of the page.
  • Choose a good letter layout to convey your professionalism.
  • Make sure you create a professional letter file title so that recruiters can find your motivation letter right away.
  • Remember to choose a letter design that suits the position you want and your own personality.
  • Always proofread before sending! There’s nothing more embarrassing than getting passed over because of typos on your letter or motivation.

Read more: The Best Cover Letter Outline

Key Takeaway

Writing a letter of motivation isn’t the easiest thing in the world, but it’s definitely something you can tackle with the right approach. Just remember:

  • A motivation letter is a great choice if you’re just starting your career or applying for an internship or volunteering.
  • Introduce yourself with an attention grabbing pitch in the first paragraph.
  • Use the second paragraph to show what you already know and have done.
  • Conclude with the value you could bring and a call to action.

Thanks for reading! Do you still have any questions about a motivation letter? Drop your question down in the comments below and we’ll get back to you!

About Zety’s Editorial Process

This article has been reviewed by our editorial team to make sure it follows Zety's editorial guidelines . We’re committed to sharing our expertise and giving you trustworthy career advice tailored to your needs. High-quality content is what brings over 40 million readers to our site every year. But we don't stop there. Our team conducts original research to understand the job market better, and we pride ourselves on being quoted by top universities and prime media outlets from around the world.


Oliwia Wolkowicz

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Motivation letters are a type of cover letter that you write to accompany an application to a master’s program or a volunteering opportunity. Your motivation letter explains your interest in the opportunity, as well as adding additional information that didn’t fit in your application. Essentially, motivation letters are cover letters for unpaid positions .

A good motivation letter can have a big impact on your chances of acceptance. If you’re looking into applying for a scholastic program or volunteering program, or you want to improve a motivation letter you already have, then keep reading. This article will cover how to write the best motivation letter you can.

Key Takeaways:

A motivation letter is often included with an application to a graduate program or a volunteering position.

It’s a one page letter that outlines your skills and why you’re interested in the opportunity so think of it as a cover letter for unpaid positions.

A motivation letter is going to the program’s first glimpse of you as an individual, so be sure to make a positive impression.

A motivation letter is structured a lot like a essay and has an intro, a body that provides examples of your qualifications, and a conclusion that recaps what you said.

motivation letter for a business plan

What is a motivation letter?

How to write a motivation letter, what to include in a motivation letter, motivation letter examples, tips for writing a motivation letter, motivation letter faq.

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Motivation letters serve as a chance for you to explain your professional, personal, or educational reasons for applying to programs. It gets submitted alongside other parts of your application, like a questionnaire, recommendations, and resume , but it lets you add some personality to your application .

Most often, you’ll submit a motivation letter when you apply for graduate programs, master’s degrees, or other non-professional programs. You will almost never be asked to write a motivation letter when you’re applying for a paid job.

Sometimes motivation letters are also called motivational letters or statements of purpose, so follow this guide for those letters as well.

When writing a motivation letter, you should consider what your motivation for applying is, create an outline, then proofread the letter when you’re done. Motivation letters aren’t very long, so any mistakes would really stand out to the reader – and you want to avoid making a bad impression.

Consider your motivation. The first thing you need to do before putting any words down is think about your motivation for applying. The letter is supposed to explain why you want to join the program and why you’d excel at it. You want to show why you’d be successful and a credit to the program.

Create an outline. Outlines are a way to order your thoughts. Motivation letters are typically written in essay style, so you can decide what parts you’ll cover in what paragraph. Your motivation should be multifaceted, and you want to convey that in your motivation letter.

Add a heading. Most motivation letters will be submitted online nowadays, so the heading isn’t always required. However, traditionally motivation letters had the date, your contact information, the name of the program, and their contact information on them.

Write an intro. The intro should summarize what you’re going to say in the body of the letter – just like with an essay. If you’re struggling writing your intro, skip it for now and come back after you’ve written the rest of the letter. That should make it easier to summarize what’s in the letter.

Delve into the body paragraphs. This is where you cover the reason you’re applying and why you’d be an asset to the program. Like with an essay, this should be two to three paragraphs, depending on length.

Don’t be afraid to go over the length limit the first time – you can always cut back later. Most motivation letters are going to contain short anecdotes to help explain why being a part of the program is important to you.

Conclude the letter. This should summarize your motivation and why you’d do well in the program. Make sure to thank the reader for their time as well as invite them to contact you with any questions.

Proofread. It’s extremely important to go over your letter again to check for errors or inconsistencies. If possible, have someone else read the letter for you as well – they’ll likely catch errors that you won’t. it’s important to have a well-written letter free of errors, so make sure to be serious about your proofreading.

If you can, it’s best to wait a short while before rereading your letter. It makes it easier to spot errors or awkward phrasing. And you should reread it more than once, because sometimes corrections can lead to other errors.

As with most business writing, there’s an expected format to follow when writing a motivation letter. You want to make sure to include all the necessary elements, such as a heading, intro, body paragraph, and conclusion. You also want to be sure to use the right format for your motivation letter.

Standard format. Be sure to use standard formatting (unless the instructions say otherwise), such as 1-inch margins, a space between paragraphs, and no indentations. Being able to follow standards, or directions, will be a point in your favor.

Heading. Depending on the specifications or guidelines you’re given, you might want to include a professional heading with your name, address, and phone number. This makes it easier for the organization to reach out to you.

Intro paragraph. Here’s where you can introduce yourself and talk about what interests you in the program. You can give a bit of background and explain why you’re applying to this program specifically.

Body section. In the middle two or three paragraphs, you can go in-depth about your experience and why you’re a good fit for the program . It’s a good idea to pick a few related skills or experiences to highlight in each paragraph.

Conclusion paragraph. In the last paragraph, you need to quickly summarize what makes you stand out and why you are passionate about the program. This can be a short paragraph with just a few sentences, just make sure to reiterate your argument and really sell yourself.

Sign off. This is a letter, after all, so make sure you include a closing. Pick something professional like “sincerely” or “best regards” to maintain an appropriate tone.

Example #1:

Dear Mr. Doe, My name is Jane Smith and I am currently pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science at State University. I would like to formally apply for ABC Organization’s Summer at the Senate program for the 2022 year. I would love the opportunity to study with ABC Organization because I have admired your work, particularly in engaging minority communities to vote. As a political science student and potential future legislator, I care deeply about ensuring Americans can enact their right to vote. I would love to learn from ABC Organization through your hands-on and immersive summer program. I believe that I can be an asset to your ABC Organization because I am currently the head of my university’s debate team, I am passionate about voter rights, and I have a demonstrated history of political volunteer work. I am prepared to bring my skills to your program, as well as absorb everything I can learn during my summer in Washington D.C. Thank you for considering my candidacy and I hope to get the opportunity to work with ABC Organization this coming summer. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Jane Smith

Example #2:

Dear Dieter Cross, My name is Lloyd Bannings and I’m an undergraduate student at Virginia Commonwealth University, majoring in psychology. I’m writing to apply to your online master’s of science in family therapy program. My plan is become a family therapist , so I want to learn all I can about therapy and counseling techniques. I feel that your program would set up me up to be a well-rounded and effective therapist who can help others through difficult transitions in their life. I’ve been motivated to be a therapist ever since my parents divorced when I was young. While it was still difficult, being able to talk to a therapist made a huge difference in my life at the time, and I want to be able to do that for others. Northwestern is a well-known and respected name, and I know that your program is built on evidence-based practices. Being able to attend online will also make it easier to continue pursuing my education while being able to get started on my career. I believe that my drive to towards helping others through therapy and my studiousness will make me a natural fit for the program. I have been a diligent student at VCU and will be finishing my degree at the end of the semester, with an expected graduation date of June 2024. Thank for the time you’ve taken to consider my application and I hope to hear from you in the near future. If you have any questions or need any additional information from me, please contact me at [email protected]. Kind regards, Lloyd Bannings

When it comes to motivation letters, they all look different. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t a few tips you can follow to stand out. Here are a few ways you can improve your motivation letter:

Use the program requirements. Often programs will list certain requirements for admittance, so take a look and find the top few requirements that you meet. If the program has a specific mission or values, highlight how that fits in with your goals and own values. Show that you’re a good fit both in terms of requirements and outlook.

Don’t use jargon. You should make your letter approachable and readable, no matter who you think might be reading it.

Convince them you want to be there. Motivation letters are a great opportunity for you to talk about why you want to be at that program in particular. Highlight specific aspects of that program that make you want to attend, or tell them why this program will help you meet a career or life goal .

Look ahead. Getting into a program can be difficult, but you need to think about what you’ll do after finishing the program. It’s a good idea to talk about what you’ll do with your degree or certificate after you finish the experience so they know you’re thinking ahead.

Let your personality shine. Use this opportunity to show off your personality and express your fit for the program. Don’t just focus on your hard skills or experience, but talk about your soft skills and personality too.

Look for guidelines. Usually, organizations set specific guidelines for letters, like what font or page count they want. Make sure you look for these specifications and adhere to them as closely as you can.

Put your strengths first. It might be tempting to write an underdog story, but you shouldn’t sell yourself short. List your accomplishments and talk about your strengths instead of talking about challenges and shortcomings.

Make it personal. If you know who is on the application committee, you can address the letter to someone specific. Try to find a name and use a personal salutation.

Keep it concise. Motivation letters tend to be about a page long (but it can depend on different organizations’ guidelines). You want to make sure you keep everything concise and get right to the point.

Use a professional tone. At the end of the day, motivation letters are like cover letters and you should write them in a similar way. Use a professional tone and keep the letter more formal than casual so you can show your readers that you take this seriously.

Be original. Try to include experiences or skills that set you apart from other candidates . List your leadership skills, relevant studies, or any experience that ties you to the purpose of the program.

Get feedback. As with any formal writing, it’s always a good idea to have a friend look over your letter before you hit send. Have them look at the content as well as the grammar so you make sure you’re putting your best foot forward.

How long should a motivation letter be?

A motivation letter should be between 500 and 700 words, or about one page long. You should check the length requirement of where you are sending it to help determine the exact length of your letter.

What is the difference between a motivation letter and a cover letter?

A cover letter will have specific examples of your skills and experience for a job while a motivation letter will focus more on your personality and motivations for applying. Both letters will look very similar and have the same structure. The content will be different depending on the kind of letter that you are going to submit.

What is a mistake to avoid when writing a motivation letter?

A common mistake in a motivation letter would be forgetting to include the reason for choosing the program or university. It’s important to provide your reasonings as to why you want to apply and be a part of the program. You should also avoid addressing the wrong person and not explaining why you are a good fit for the program.

International Hellenic University – What Is a Motivation Letter?

EDUNation – How to Write a Good Motivation Letter

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Amanda is a writer with experience in various industries, including travel, real estate, and career advice. After taking on internships and entry-level jobs, she is familiar with the job search process and landing that crucial first job. Included in her experience is work at an employer/intern matching startup where she marketed an intern database to employers and supported college interns looking for work experience.

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Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

Chelsea Jay

Have you ever heard of a motivation letter? It’s a powerful tool to help you snag that dream job and it’s becoming increasingly popular. 

Let’s dive into what exactly a motivation letter is, when it’s best to use one, and how to write it. And don’t worry, we’ve got some inspiring examples to share with you too!

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What Is a Motivation Letter?

So, what is a motivation letter , you ask? Well, it’s a short letter that explains why you’re the perfect fit for a job. We’re talking just one page here. It’s your chance to highlight your achievements and showcase your interests.

Typically, you’ll attach a motivation letter to your resume when you apply for a job. But that’s not all. You can use it in other situations, like applying to a college or university, an educational program, an internship, or even a volunteer role.

Now, you might be thinking, “Isn’t that what a cover letter is for?” Great question! There are indeed similarities and differences between these two documents. We’ll break it down for you in just a bit.

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Craft your letter in 3 simple steps

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  • Select one of our unique cover letter templates
  • Write a text tailored to your professional profile
  • Download your letter in PDF or TXT format and easily share it online

Motivation Letter vs. Cover Letter

Now, let’s talk about cover letters and motivation letters. They might seem pretty similar at first glance—both are 1 page or less and go along with your resume and application. Their goal? To impress the hiring manager and make them seriously consider your application.

But here’s the scoop: there’s one key difference between these two types of letters.

Cover letters dive into the nitty-gritty, with specific examples of how your education, skills, job experience, and achievements perfectly align with the job requirements. They concentrate on highlighting your work experience.

On the flip side, motivation letters take a broader approach . Instead of focusing on specifics, they showcase your interests, personality traits, and the reasons behind your application. They’re great when you don’t have much relevant experience to share. We’ll dig into this more in the next section.

See? Cover letters and motivation letters each have their own superpower. Let’s discover how to make the most of motivation letters for your dream job!

The best cover letter templates

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When to Use a Motivation Letter

As mentioned above, if you lack experience directly related to the position you want, a motivation letter can be a real game-changer. It’s perfect for those entry-level roles you’re aiming for.

1. Motivation Letter for University

Now, let’s dive into some specific situations. When it comes to applying to university, your application alone might not fully capture your passion and excitement. That’s where a motivation letter jumps in to save the day.

Use it as a platform to highlight your special connections with the university, why you’ve always dreamed of attending that specific school , or why you’d be an amazing fit for their programs. Show them the real you!

2. Motivation Letter for Job

And when it’s time to land your very first entry-level job , you might not have the work experience to boast about on your resume just yet. But don’t worry! Your enthusiasm and unique qualities can shine through in your motivation letter. It’s all about what makes you stand out from the crowd.

3. Other Times to Use Motivation Letters

Here’s something super cool: motivation letters aren’t limited to just education or employment. They can work their magic for other opportunities too. Just imagine the impact a motivational letter could have on your application for a volunteer position or an internship. It could be a total game-changer.

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How to Format a Motivation Letter

The structure of a motivation letter is very important because it helps you present your ideas and showcase your desire to make a real impact in a new company. 

In this section, we’ll dive into the key parts of a motivation letter: the introduction, body, and conclusion. But that’s not all! We’re also here to guide you on what to include in each section, so you can create a compelling, well-formed letter.

Introduction and Recipient Information

Starting your motivation letter with a professional salutation is the way to go. It shows that you mean business. Make sure to address the recipient by their name and title if you have that information. It adds a personal touch and shows that you’ve done your homework.

But if you don’t have the recipient’s name, don’t stress. You can use a general salutation like “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To Whom It May Concern.” It’s totally okay and still professional.

Next comes the introduction. It’s all about giving a brief introduction of yourself and stating the purpose of the letter. Are you applying for a job, internship, or scholarship? Let them know! Keep it concise and to the point.

Write a letter to tell why you want the job and what makes you good for it. Split the body into 2 or 3 paragraphs so it’s easy to read.

  • Why you want the job : In the first part, tell why you want the job. Say what you like about the company and how the job fits your plans.
  • What you can do : In the next part, talk about what you can do. Share things you’ve done before that show you’re right for the job. Use real examples to show your skills.

Finish your motivation letter layout by going over what you said and showing how excited you are about the job .

Let them know you’re ready to talk more and give them a way to contact you. Close your letter with words like “Sincerely” and then put your name.

A well-structured letter, with attention to detail, effectively presents your eagerness and qualifications for the position.

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How to Write a Motivation Letter

If you find resume and cover letter writing, a challenge, you might feel that motivation letters are intimidating as well. The good news is, they don’t have to be!

Create a Motivation Letter Template

Now you know how a motivation letter should look. Let’s get into the details. 

To know exactly how to write a motivation letter for a job application it’s really important to include all the necessary details. It should be like a regular business letter . Keep it professional and follow the usual format. 

Use the steps below to show why you’re the best for the job.

  • Use a template : A motivation letter template can help you write better and not miss anything. 
  • Your address : Put your address at the top or just above the date. Only add your street, city, state, and zip. No need for your name here. 
  • Date : Write the full date, like “April 6, 2023.” 
  • Who you’re writing to : Write the person’s title, name, and address. Make sure it’s all correct. 
  • Greeting : Start with “Dear” and the person’s name or title, like “Dear Mr. Smith.” Use a colon after. 
  • What to say : Split your letter into short parts. Start by stating the position or program you are interested in, then explain your motivations. Highlight your qualifications, skills, and relevant experiences that make you an ideal candidate. Be specific and provide examples or anecdotes that support your claims.
  • End your letter : Finish with words like “Sincerely” or “Thank you.” This shows you’re thankful for their time. 
  • Sign it : If it’s a paper letter, leave space to sign your name. If it’s an email, you don’t need this space.

Always type your full name on the letter, whether it’s on paper or email. This shows it’s really from you and you agree with what’s written. 

If you send other documents with your letter, like a resume, say so in the letter. Write something like “Enclosures: Resume, Application.” 

In emails, just say you’ve added attachments below your name or in the letter.

Motivation Letter Writing Tips

You can use the following tips as a checklist to make sure your letter is the best it can be.

  • Use the hiring manager’s name : If you don’t know it, look on the company’s website or call them. If you’re not sure about their gender, just use their job title or full name without “Mr.” or “Dr.” 
  • Don’t just repeat your resume in the letter : Instead, add the things that didn’t fit in your resume. 
  • Use action verbs : to make your letter lively. 
  • Include resume keywords . The company might pass both your resume and letter through an applicant tracking system (ATS).
  • Don’t sound too eager or make things up : They’ll find out if you’re not honest. 
  • At the end, include why you’re right for the job and what you hope to learn. Last, ask them to contact you or say you hope to talk soon. 
  • Check your letter for mistakes : Use tools like Grammarly to help.

Enhance your content with our pre-defined cover letters

Do you need help writing your cover letter? Select the category that corresponds to your professional profile to access our pre-defined texts.

Our suggestions enable you to obtain a compelling letter tailored to your profession quickly and easily.

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Motivation Letter Sample

Motivation letters are used for many reasons, so they can vary significantly. You can change the example in this section to fit your needs. 

The motivation letter example below is about an entry-level job for Raul. He hasn’t held a paying job before, but he highlights experiences that might not be on his resume.

123 Address Street

Anywhere, USA 33333

September 10, 2022

ABC Company

456 Workplace Lane

Dear Mr. Smith:

As a first-generation university student, I am looking for a position that will enable me to pay my tuition while making allowances for my class schedule. When I saw your job listing for a weekend Customer Service Representative on the campus information board, I felt that we would be a perfect fit for each other’s needs.

While my on-the-job experience is limited, I have a great deal of experience in dealing with customers. Throughout my teenage years, I have helped out in the family business, a small convenience and souvenir store at the heart of a tourist district.

My duties there were often public-facing, arranging items for sale and assisting customers in finding what they needed. I always did my best to help customers leave with smiles on their faces, even going above and beyond what might be expected. This resulted in many 5-star reviews for the business on Tripadvisor and Google.

Thank you for your consideration. I’d be happy to speak with you in person or via phone to discuss the position and my qualifications further.

With gratitude:

Raul Ascencio

The following motivation letter example concerns an  academic program.  Sue is a high school senior seeking a summer internship after graduation. Her letter is imbued with a passion for the field as well as its relationship to her career goals.

March 1, 2023

Cindy Diver

Caribbean Coral Restoration Project

789 Coastal Road

Nassau, Bahamas

Dear Dr. Diver,

For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to do something to help reverse the damage humans have caused to our planet. For that reason, I was thrilled to receive an invitation to apply to the Caribbean Coral Restoration Project summer program.

Though I come from a landlocked state, I received my open water scuba certification from SDI last August. Training took place in a flooded quarry in Pembroke, Kentucky. I look forward to taking my first “real” oceanic open water dive in the warm waters near your research station.

During my high school education, I have pursued as many ecological opportunities as possible. I participated in the 4-H Club’s Wildlife Judging Team for four years, twice winning regional competitions. I also keep an action camera as a constant companion, participating in citizen science projects such as iNaturalist and Cornell University’s annual bird count.

I have been accepted into State University’s biology program, beginning next fall. After obtaining a bachelor’s degree in biology, I plan to pursue my master’s in marine biology. I hope to start that part of my journey with real field experience under my belt. Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information. My application and resume are enclosed.

Key Takeaways

With the correct format and style, you can create a motivation letter that can win over any recruiter. To do so remember the key points that were addressed in this guide.

  • Motivation letters can effectively be used in place of cover letters when you have little experience or are applying to a university, internship, or volunteer program.
  • Use professional business letter formats.
  • Address your motivations and qualifications clearly in the body of your letter.
  • Express your personality, passions, and motivations.

Ensuring your letter is written in this style will boost your chances whether you’re an entry-level employee or an experienced worker.

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How to Write a Successful Motivational Letter

How to Write a Successful Motivational Letter

Aiden Anderson

  • Apr 18, 2024

As you look for a new opportunity, be it seeking a job or applying for school , you may need to write a motivational letter.

Composing inspirational letters requires creativity, thoughtfulness, and an appreciation of the message one intends to convey. When compiled correctly, it can be an effective way to express yourself and your motivation.

This article offers tips on constructing an outstanding motivation statement. We will discuss what should be included in the letter and how to format it. Additionally, the article will cover what words to use to ensure your letter is as strong and persuasive as possible.

Additionally, we will provide some motivation letter samples so you can get an idea of what works best.

Equipped with this advice, you will be armed to construct a noteworthy motivational statement that will help you reach your aspirations.

Prepare all your application materials

When sending out an application of some kind, you will likely need to submit a package of documents . You may need to complete an online application, provide letters of recommendation , and send a copy of your resume.

To ensure you present yourself in the best light, consider polishing your resume with a free online resume builder!

The builder offers resume templates to help you create a neat and appealing document that presents all your best qualities and expertise.

The AI-powered writing assistant helps come up with the best words to describe you as a professional.

Save time, money, and effort while writing your best resume with Resume Trick .

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What is a Motivation Letter

A motivation letter is a document that serves to introduce who you are and elucidate your personality. This type of inspirational letter may be used to accompany an application for a job or a college/university program.

The letter of motivation should be written in a professional yet personable tone to show your inspiration to apply for a certain position or a degree. You should also demonstrate your enthusiasm for the opportunity and express what motivated you to apply.

The main goal of the motivation statement is to get the reader to look at your CV or resume .

An effectively written letter of motivation can leave a notable impression on prospective employers or admission counselors. It often can be the deciding factor for the "yes" or "no".

Devote enough time to produce a unique, intriguing letter that will aid you to be noticed among the others!

Motivation Letter Example

Motivational letter vs. cover letter.

Motivation letter vs cover letter

Motivational statements and cover letters are documents used in the application process. However, they are different in purpose and content.

The motivation statement must be composed in a friendly, conversational style. It expresses your passion for the opportunity , talks about the talents you have, and how you can help the organization reach its goals.

The cover letter should be professional and concise. It must be well-structured and provide a clear summary of your credentials and skills. It has to be direct and to the point, highlighting relevant experience and qualifications.

Despite the differences, you can try using our cover letter templates for formatting and organizing your motivational letter.

In conclusion, a letter of motivation and a cover letter are two distinct documents. While the two are both important, they serve different purposes and must be written differently.

Ensure that you select the correct type of letter based on the requirements and compose effective supporting materials for your application.

When to Use a Motivational Letter

Crafting a motivational letter may be needed to aid you in being noticed . Here are some occasions when you may need to compose a motivational statement.

A well-written motivational letter serves as a great tool for setting yourself apart from other contenders and exhibiting your keenness for the role or opportunity. Make sure to include all relevant information that is needed to make your application successful!

Motivation Letter Examples

An engaging motivational statement can make the difference between being accepted and rejected. Below you will find examples of letters for various purposes . Use them as a reference for crafting your own.

Example of a motivational letter for a university application:

Dear Ms. Campbell, My name is Alex Throssell. I am writing to you to support my application for admission to Jackson State University. I am enthusiastic about obtaining a degree in Computer Science. I am confident that your school will give me the ideal opportunity to realize my goals. I have been interested in the informatics field since I was a child. I have been coding ever since I was 12 years old. I love solving problems and developing new applications. In high school, I completed courses in computer programming and web development, which sparked my interest in software engineering. In college, I plan to continue to explore the world of computer science. I want to learn more about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, two topics that fascinate me. Additionally, I plan to become involved with research projects related to these topics as well as other areas of computer science. I am confident that Jackson State University can provide me with the best education to help me achieve my goals. Not only does it have excellent faculty members and research opportunities, but also offers a stimulating environment where I can grow both academically and personally. Appreciation for your thoughtfulness in reviewing my application. I anticipate your reply! Best regards, Alex T

Examples of a motivation letter for an internship:

Dear Mr. Miller, I am excited to submit my application for the Social Work Intern position at Compassionate Care Services. With a solid academic foundation, I am confident in my ability to contribute meaningfully to your team. Currently pursuing a degree in Social Work at Towson University, I actively engage in projects that enhance my practical knowledge. Notably, I led the "Youth Empowerment Program" at my university, overseeing skill-building workshops, mentorship programs, and career guidance. This experience sharpened my research, collaboration, and leadership skills, further deepening my understanding of the field. Beyond my academic endeavors, my strong customer service skills and effective communication make me a valuable addition to your team. My passion for Social Work drives my commitment to community betterment. I am eager to apply my skills to contribute to the mission of Compassionate Care Services. Thank you for considering my application. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to discuss how my background, skills, and dedication align with the goals of your organization. Please feel free to contact me for any additional information. Sincerely, Elizabeth Tucker

A motivation letter example for a job application:

Dear Mr. Watts, I am writing to apply for the Landscape Architect role at EcoDesign Studios. I have 5 years of experience in the field. I am confident that I possess the necessary skills and qualifications to make an immediate impact on your team. I am passionate about architecture and have worked hard to develop a deep understanding of the industry. At my previous company, I led the "Urban Harmony Plaza" project, transforming an underutilized urban space into a vibrant, green hub. Collaborating closely with local stakeholders, I applied my architectural skills to address real-world challenges, highlighting the importance of sustainable practices in enhancing community well-being. I am highly motivated and eager to contribute to the success of the EcoDesign Studios. I have a proven track record of meeting deadlines, exceeding expectations, and delivering high-quality results. I am also highly organized and take pride in ensuring that projects are completed according to set deadlines and standards. Furthermore, I have excellent interpersonal skills and enjoy working as part of a team. I am comfortable working with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures and collaborating seamlessly with colleagues at all levels. I would be delighted to put my skills and experience to work for your organization. I believe my qualifications render me a perfect fit for the role and would welcome the opportunity to discuss this further in an interview. Thank you for considering my application. Sincerely, Matthew M. Ferrell

A motivational letter example for joining an organization:

Dear Ms. Ruben, I am thrilled to express my fervent interest in joining Community Empowerment Hub, captivated by its commitment to fostering social and economic justice. The impactful strides your team has taken in improving lives resonate deeply with my personal mission. For quite some time, I have closely followed and been inspired by your organization's dedication to ensuring universal access to quality education, healthcare, housing, and other fundamental needs. I firmly believe in the transformative power of collective action to institute enduring change. My educational background, including a degree in political science, coupled with my experience in the public sector, positions me well for this role. Through my involvement in a recent legislative initiative on climate change, I honed my understanding of policy issues and effective strategies for driving social change. My passion lies in utilizing my skills to contribute to a better world, and I am enthusiastic about the prospect of bringing my expertise to your team. Eager to contribute meaningfully, I am confident in my ability to aid your organization in advancing its goals and objectives. Thank you for considering my application to join Community Empowerment Hub. I am eager to delve deeper into how I can actively contribute to your mission and make a lasting impact on the world. Sincerely, Paul Brown

A motivation letter sample for funding application:

Dear selection committee, I am writing to seek funding for my project, "SustainVisions," which aims to produce a series of educational videos promoting sustainability in our community. The "SustainVisions" project will showcase individuals from our community who are passionate about sustainability, highlighting their impactful work. These videos will be strategically shared on various social media platforms, with the overarching goal of inspiring viewers to take positive actions towards a more sustainable lifestyle. The requested funding will be allocated to cover essential aspects such as equipment, production costs, and associated travel expenses. With this support, I envision creating a unique video series that not only educates our community but also has the potential to resonate beyond our local borders. This endeavor is crucial in raising awareness about sustainable practices and encouraging tangible actions that can positively impact our environment and the lives of many. Beyond my passion for this cause, my experience demonstrates a proven ability to execute impactful projects. I have collaborated with non-profits, government agencies, foundations, and various organizations to develop sustainable initiatives with lasting effects. My skill set includes conducting thorough research, designing effective programs, and establishing valuable relationships with key stakeholders. I am committed to ensuring that any funding received will be utilized efficiently, meeting deadlines, and staying within budget while delivering top-tier results. With a track record of successful projects, I am confident that "SustainVisions" can make a tangible difference with your support. I sincerely believe in the merit of this project and hope for your consideration and support. Thank you for your time and thoughtful consideration. All the best, Nichole Fisher

How to Format a Motivational Letter

The formatting of the motivation statement has to be concise but appealing. Although the requirements are less strict as compared to the cover letter writing , it is a professional document, not a note to a friend.

Tips for formatting your motivation letter:

  • Use a readable font, such as Arial or Times New Roman, in size 11 or 12.
  • Leave 1-inch margins on all four sides of the page.
  • Begin by writing your name and address on the initial line.
  • Include the date underneath your address.
  • List the recipient's contact information below the date.
  • Use a polite salutation, such as "Dear Mr./Ms./Dr." followed by their last name.
  • Ensure that each paragraph is no more than five lines long. Each sentence should contain no more than 12 words.
  • End with a polite closing such as "Sincerely" and include your name underneath.
  • Include any relevant documents, such as a resume or references, after your signature.

By following these simple steps, you can guarantee that your motivational statement has the right format and appears professional.

How to Structure a Motivational Letter

Letter of motivation structure

Drafting such a letter can help you make a good first impression . So, it's worth investing time into crafting a well-written document that outlines your skills, qualifications, and suitability for the role.

Your motivational letter ought to be brief and limited to one page . It has to include the following: an introduction, body paragraphs, a conclusion, and your information.

In the beginning, you should articulate your interest in the role and how it complements your career plans. The body paragraphs should explain why you are qualified for the job by showcasing your qualifications and exhibiting your enthusiasm about the opportunity.

The conclusion is that you can share your excitement for the role and thank them for taking the time to look at your application. At the end of your motivation letter, be sure to include contact information . This will ensure you can be reached out if there are any questions or for further discussion of your candidacy.

Make sure your motivational letter is tailored to the job and reflects your enthusiasm, then send it off with confidence!

Tips on How to Write a Motivation Letter

Motivational letters are a necessary component of competition. It helps companies or schools make decisions about who to choose and shows them what kind of person you are.

Developing a compelling motivation letter can assist you in surpassing other applicants and displaying your devotion to the role or program.

Follow the below steps to create an impressive letter of motivation that will leave a good impression on potential employers or admissions boards.

Motivational letter writing tips:

  • Prepare for writing. Think about what you want to say and why you are writing it. Ensure that you are prepared to explain your interest in the letter.
  • Start with a captivating introduction. [Introduce yourself](/blog/tell-me-about-yourself.html, your goals, and your reason for applying.
  • Use compelling language. Be clear and concise so your motivational statement is easy to read and understand. Keep your sentences short and to the point.
  • Demonstrate your enthusiasm. Tell about your passion for the position, the program, or the project you are applying for.
  • Describe your goals and objectives . Explain what you hope to gain from this opportunity and how it fits into your long-term goals.
  • Show your commitment. Speak about how you will contribute to the company/university and its mission.
  • End your letter with an emphatic declaration. Illustrate your eagerness for the discussed matter and express gratitude for the reader's consideration.
  • Proofread and edit carefully. Ensure that there are no grammar, spelling, or formatting errors in your motivational letter before sending it.

By abiding by the above instructions, you will be able to compose an impassioned motivation letter which will give you a head start on attaining the job or getting into the university.

Addressing Potential Concerns

Applicants can address gaps in experience , low grades, career changes, or other potential concerns in their motivational letter. This can prevent misinterpretations and ensure that the reader has a clear understanding of the circumstances .

Here's how you can address these moments proactively and positively: Begin by acknowledging the concern directly but briefly. For example, if you have a gap in your work history, state it concisely without dwelling on it. This demonstrates transparency and shows that you are aware of the potential red flags. Offer a brief explanation or context. For employment gaps, this could include personal circumstances, health reasons, or pursuing further education. Emphasize what you've learned or gained from the experience, despite the challenges it may have presented. For example, if you took time off to travel, discuss how it enhanced your interpersonal skills . Connect your past experiences, including the problems you've faced, with your future aspirations. Explain how they align with the opportunity you're applying for.

Dos and Don’ts

It is important to remember that success comes from within . Here are some dos and don'ts to keep in mind when it comes to creating a motivation statement:

  • Write clearly and concisely.
  • Make sure your letter is tailored to the specific job or program you are applying for.
  • Use powerful language that exudes confidence.
  • Incorporate relevant examples or reasons behind your motivation.
  • Highlight any special aspects that make your application unique.
  • Don't copy and paste from other letters or applications.
  • Don't use weak phrases like "I think" or "I believe". Instead, use stronger words like "I am confident".
  • Don't be too general with your statements. Be specific about what you can bring to the table.
  • Don't leave out any important details. There should not be questions left for the reader.

Writing a motivational letter: conclusion

Constructing a letter of motivation can be laborious. Yet, it does not have to. Follow the provided guidelines and the motivation statement examples to build yours.

Key takeaways:

  • It is essential to be clear and concise in your writing, as well as to make use of effective language.
  • Highlight your enthusiasm and illustrate why you are the most suitable person for the opportunity.
  • Ensure that the letter is adapted to the specific employer or school you are applying for.
  • Demonstrate your passion and devotion.
  • Proofread and edit your letter for any errors.
  • Don't forget to include a professional signature at the end.

Now, send your letter and wait for a response. Remember: be patient, confident, and positive! Good luck with your application!

Aiden Anderson

Aiden Anderson

Resume Trick Staff Writer

Aiden Anderson is a Resume Trick staff writer specializing in job search-related topics, including resume and cover letter writing. Aiden is constantly seeking innovative ways to bridge the gap between technology and career development. His goal is to offer valuable insights to job seekers on leveraging digital tools for a successful job search. Aiden's passion for the internet and technology is also reflected in his articles for Video Candy .

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How to Write a Motivational Letter [Examples and Tips]

How to Write a Motivational Letter [Examples and Tips]

Writing a motivational letter can be a tough nut to crack. How do you make sure you don’t appear as a Generic Jane or Joe? 

With a well written motivational letter you’ll vastly improve your chances of getting invited to an interview or being accepted into your dream college. Read on to learn how to write your own motivation letter. 

In this article we will go through the following:

What is a motivation letter? 

How to write a motivation letter, motivation letter samples, tips for writing your motivation letter.

A motivation letter - also called a motivational letter or a letter of motivation - is a letter of introduction used for applications. It is usually accompanied by a resume or a CV . 

However, you should not confuse it with a traditional cover letter , which is only used for regular job applications to paid jobs. With a cover letter the goal is to highlight your achievements and skills in order to be considered for a paid position.

When to use a motivation letter

When should you use a motivation letter then? A motivation letter is used in these five situations: 

  • When applying to a university or college (undergraduate, graduate, or postgraduate)
  • When applying for a student programme
  • When applying for a non-profit organization
  • When applying for volunteer work 
  • When applying for an internship

A motivation letter is not usually used when applying to paid positions. That’s where you would use your cover letter. 

Now that you know a little more about what a motivational letter is, and when to use it, it’s time to get your hands a little more dirty. It’s time to write a motivational letter. 

Like your cover letter you should divide your motivation letter into three parts. The first part consists of salutation and introduction. Next part is your story and motivation - this is the body of your motivation letter. Lastly is the third part, your call to action, where you wrap things up. 

We’ve split up the steps to write a motivation letter in to five steps below here. 

A breakdown of how to write a motivation letter example for an internship application

Step 1: Basic information

Let’s start with the easiest part - your basic information. This consists of your details such as name, title (if applicable), and contact information. Now add the details of the recipient (the person you’re addressing the letter to) and today’s date. 

Step 2: Salutation and introduction

The salutation is, although small, an important part of your motivation letter. It’s important to make it personal so ideally you should use either the reader’s first name or last name. 

You’ll also need to write an introduction that captures your reader’s attention to prompt them to read on. One way of doing so is by including a personal detail that intrigues the reader. You can also add an impressive achievement that is relevant.  

Dear Sally,

Your organization, Clown Care, has made a huge impact on my life since I from an early age learned about you and your work. Therefore it has always been a dream of mine to give back to an organization like Clown Care. 

You will want to hook the reader and make them interested in what you have to offer.

Step 3: Your story and motivation

The next step contains the body of your letter of motivation. This is where you need to sell yourself. You’ll want to expand it from your introduction to keep a natural flow. 

Divide your content into smaller sections. Each new topic you tell about will need its own section. This ensures that there is plenty of white space in your motivation letter so you don’t overwhelm your reader with one large blob of text. 


I am currently studying to become a nurse on the children's care unit. When I saw that you’re looking for volunteers I just knew that this was my chance to give something back to someone who has done so much for me and other kids in my situation. I am especially interested in the coordinator role as I think I would be able to make a real difference here.

When I was little (I think it started at around my 5th birthday) I was diagnosed with bone cancer. As a result I was in and out of hospitals for a very long period of my young life. One of the only positive memories I have from that time is the interaction between me, the other kids, and the hospital clown (I’m afraid I don’t remember her name anymore). 

Having had firsthand experience with being in a children’s hospital I learned how important it is to give the children some carefree moments with laughter and joy. Through my education towards becoming a nurse I am now even more convinced that laughter really is the best medicine. As a coordinator for the Clown Care organization I believe I would be able to help you direct your efforts in the best possible way. And I could use my knowledge from both my education and practical experience to the benefit of Clown Care.

Our applicant uses several compelling facts to make her point and to convince the reader why she would be a perfect match for the volunteer position. 

Step 4: Call to action

The last part of your motivation letter is what marketers name the “call to action”. It means you leave your reader on a positive note and that your prompt them to contact you. 

In conclusion I feel I would be an asset for your organization and I hope you will consider me for the position. Please give me a call or an email so we can discuss further. I will look forward to hearing from you. 

Sarah Johnson

Step 5: Proofread your letter

The fifth and final step of your motivation letter is to proofread it. Making sure that your letter is flawless ensures that you appear professional and competent. 

  • Correct spelling and grammar mistakes
  • Weed out any awkward sentences
  • Edit information that is repeated from your resume so your motivation letter only includes unique and new information 

It may be necessary to go through your letter more than once in order to make sure you’ve caught all small errors and typos. If time permits it, it’s a good idea to return to your motivation letter two days after completion as this will allow you to view it more objectively. If you feel insecure about your own skills as a proofreader (and it can be difficult to review your own work, trust me) you can ask a trusted friend or family member to go through your motivation letter for you. 

Below are some motivational letter samples for different situations. You can use these as a guide and inspiration for your own motivation letters. 

Volunteer work application

A motivation letter example for a volunteering position

Text for motivation letter you can copy

Having had firsthand experience with being in a children’s hospital I learned how important it is to give the children some carefree moments with laughter and joy. Through my education towards becoming a nurse I am now even more convinced that laughter really is the best medicine. As a coordinator for the Clown Care organization I believe I would be able to help you direct your efforts in the best possible way. And I could use my knowledge from both my education and practical experience to the benefit of Clown Care. 

College application 

A motivation letter example for a college application

Dear Mr. Johnson,

My name is Caroline Fernandez, and I am a high school student at Chicago City High School with a keen interest in the STEM subjects. I am writing to you to apply for the Higher Mathematics and Physics degree at Chicago College.

I hope to become a particle physics scientist, so I would like to learn more about this particular field. I feel your course would help me understand mathematics and physics in such a degree that I would be able to pursue this goal. 

I love the way mathematics puts everything in a higher order and aligns the world. I believe I have a natural flair for both mathematics and physics as their purity really speaks to me. I am confident that I’ll be able to apply this flair to new projects at your school and thus increase my skills and knowledge with you. 

I have a profound respect for Chicago College’s reputation for both academic and sporting excellence. I appreciate the fact that yours is a school where there’s room for both passion in the classroom as well as outside it. As someone who is very social and engaged in several extracurricular activities, including the school band and lacrosse team, I feel my diverse interests would make me a great fit for your school.

Being able to study at your school would help me develop my skills within the STEM subjects while having fun at the same time. I am open to all the great experiences that life at Chicago College has to offer me and I will engage in the social life as much as my studies would permit. Thank you very much for considering my request.

Please send me an email or give me a call if you have any questions about my application. I will look forward to hearing from you. 

Caroline Fernandez

Internship application 

A motivation letter example for an internship application

Dear Mrs. Peterson,

In addition to my resume I hereby send you my motivational letter to be considered for the internship at Boston Applications inc.. During my college years I have had some excellent achievements such as being elected as president of the student council two years in a row. I believe my experiences here will be of great benefit to your organization.  

In my three years at Boston College, I’ve completed a great deal of coursework on cutting-edge design trends and best practices, including Principles of User Experience Design and Mobile Application Design. I mastered and applied skills such as user journey mapping, application wireframing and designing software for a variety of mobile devices and operating systems.

In addition, I spent the past two semesters as the president of the student council where one of my main goals was to implement a charity to help families in need. I managed to arrange collection and donation of clothes, furniture, and food and then redistribute it to the families who applied for it. In order to succeed with this I created and launched an application that allows people in the community to locate nearby drop-off points and schedule pick-ups.

Next to my studies and volunteer work I also worked in the student library which taught me the importance of building a convenient and memorable consumer experience that aligns with the brand. It also helped me grow my skills in team collaboration, verbal communication and project leadership.

I believe I would make an excellent addition to your team and this internship would help me grow my real-world experience in the technology industry and help me further develop and refine my application design skills.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Mohammad Abadi

Now that you’ve read about motivational letters and seen some different takes on them, it’s time for you to give it a go. Before you start though, here are our best tips for writing a motivation letter. 

1. Keep it simple 

Some organizations will provide you with guidelines (see tip #3) and others won’t. If you don’t have any specific guidelines make sure you keep your motivation letter simple. Keep it to ½ to one page with a basic 11-12 point font like Arial or Calibri. 

Use everyday language that readers can easily understand and avoid slang or complex jargon. Writing short, active sentences is your best bet. 

2. Let your personality shine through

There is only one of you, so make sure that your unique personality shines through in your text. Write about your interests, feelings, and perspectives. This is an effective way of separating your letter from others. Use a natural voice just like you would if you were in the room talking to your reader. However, avoid using too much humor as this is easily misinterpreted. 

3. Follow guidelines provided by the organization

If the organization that you’re sending a motivational letter to has provided you with any guidelines make sure you follow them. This could involve formatting, length, and content guidelines. 

4. Focus on your strengths 

Write about how you can add value to the organization you’re applying for by focusing on your personal strengths. Writing about your strengths instead of your challenges and limitations will show you as a strong candidate.

Alright, let’s sum up what we’ve covered in this article: 

  • Writing a motivational letter can be difficult, but if you follow our guide you get a head start
  • A motivation letter is not the same as a cover letter - you only use it in certain situations and not for paid positions
  • A motivation letter should include the same basic elements as a formal business letter
  • Divide your motivation letter into different sections - avoid writing one big blob of text. Remember the white space
  • Tell your story and motivation for seeking the position. Keep it simple yet personal

Although a motivation letter is not identical to a cover letter they both follow the same standards regarding layout and formatting. Want to create your own motivation letter? 

Create my motivation letter

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Article • 9 min read

The Business Motivation Model

Preparing a resilient business plan.

By the Mind Tools Content Team

motivation letter for a business plan

Have you ever had to develop a business plan for your organization or for a new business?

If you have, then you know how difficult it can be to get it right. There are many different elements to consider, and it can be easy to overlook factors that may have a positive or negative effect on your success.

This is where it can be helpful to use the Business Motivation Model. This tool offers a practical way of sense-checking and optimizing your plan. By using it, you can develop a resilient business plan – one where you've explored the impact of internal and external influencers, and have adjusted the plan appropriately.

In this article, we'll look at what the Business Motivation Model is, and we'll explore how you can use it to improve business planning.

About the Model

The Business Motivation Model was originally developed by the Business Rules Group, a non-commercial consulting firm, in the late 1990s. Its goal was to help people prepare business plans in an ordered, efficient, properly-organized way.

Put simply, the Business Motivation Model helps you think about why you're creating a business plan, identify the essential elements that you need to include, and understand how all of these factors interact with one another. This helps you ensure that your business plan is robust and internally consistent, that it fairly explores the impact of the plan, and that it takes your business in a direction that is useful and valuable.

The model is not only useful for writing traditional business plans – you can also use it to plan projects and new processes.

The name of this model, "The Business Motivation Model," is not particularly helpful. Don't worry too much about this.

There are four main elements to the model:

  • Ends: This is what you want to accomplish with your plan. "Ends" consist of a Vision, Goals, and Objectives. (These are defined in a slightly differently way from the vision, goals, and objectives that we describe elsewhere within Mind Tools – more on this later!)
  • Means: These describe how you're going to achieve the Ends. They include your mission, your overall strategy, and the organizational policies and rules that will affect the achievement of your Ends.
  • Influencers: This is where you assess the people or things, inside or outside your organization, that can affect your Ends or Means.
  • Assessment: This is where you assess your Influencers, and then review and adjust your Ends and Means as necessary.

As you can see in figure 1, below, the model isn't linear – once you've analyzed and assessed Influencers, you review your Ends and Means, and update them until all elements are consistent and well-aligned.

Figure 1 – The Business Motivation Model

motivation letter for a business plan

We'll now look into each element in more detail.

This is where you identify your final, desired result. You can start at this stage, but you'll probably find it more effective to work on your Ends and Means at the same time.

Begin by writing a vision statement . This is a human- or idea-centered statement that expresses what the organization wants to do or become in the long-term. Our article on Mission Statements and Vision Statements explores how to create powerful vision statements.

In this model, creating a mission statement comes under the Means, but it's often more effective to create mission and vision statements at the same time.

Goals and Objectives

You then need to set the Goals and Objectives that will help you achieve your vision.

In the Business Motivation Model, a Goal is long-term, qualitative (rather than quantitative), general (rather than specific), and ongoing. For example, "Answer telephone calls more quickly," or "Offer a friendly service to customers."

You must continually satisfy your goals in order to reach your Vision.

Objectives, on the other hand, need to be attainable , measurable , and time-based . For example, "By June 2014, we will answer 90 percent of telephone calls within 30 seconds," or "Within two years, we will achieve an average score of at least 85 percent on customer satisfaction surveys."

When achieved, these objectives will then help you reach your Goals.

The Means is the "how" of the model – how are you going to achieve the Ends you've identified?

Your Mission

To begin identifying your Means, write a mission statement . The purpose of this is to identify what you'll be doing on a day-to-day basis to achieve your Ends.

The model says that your mission statement should contain at least these three elements:

  • An action part. For instance, "supply."
  • A product or service part. For instance, "help-desk support."
  • A market or customer part. For instance, "customers across North America."

For example, your mission could be "To provide IT help-desk support by telephone to customers in Canada and The United States."

You then need to develop and identify a Strategy for achieving your Ends. Don't skimp on strategy development – this is an extremely important process, and is key to the long-term success of your plan. (Our article on Developing Your Strategy looks in-depth at identifying, and then selecting, strategic options.)

At this stage, you'll also need to identify Directives. These are rules or organizational policies that will directly affect what you want to achieve.

For example, your organization may have a set budget for marketing that will affect how you build awareness for your brand, or your organization may only supply products to retailers within a 50-mile radius of its showroom. These would both affect your ability to compete in certain areas.

Remember that Directives can have a positive, as well as negative, effect on your overall plan.

3. Influencers

Here, you need to identify and assess your Influencers. These are people and factors that can affect your Means and End. They can be both internal and external to your organization.

Internal influencers can include:

  • Infrastructure.
  • Organizational values.
  • Shareholders.
  • Organizational culture.

External influencers can include:

  • Technology.
  • Business environment.
  • Competitors.
  • Media, and the wider community.
  • Industry regulations.
  • Government policies.
  • Commonly-held assumptions.

To identify Influencers effectively, use PEST Analysis (to identify external factors) and Stakeholder Analysis (to identify the people who can affect your organization's success).

4. Assessment

Once you've created your list of Influencers, you then need to assess each one. Here, you look at each of your Influencers, and identify how they're going to impact your Ends and Means.

One way of doing this is to use SWOT Analysis – list each Influencer, then ask yourself whether they present a strength, weakness, opportunity, or threat to your Ends or Means. Then, identify the potential impact of Influencers that present a weakness or threat. (This can initially sound like a strange use of SWOT Analysis, but it's surprisingly effective.)

Tools such as Impact Analysis and Risk Analysis are great for helping you understand threats in more detail.

Once you've assessed each of your Influencers, review your Ends and Means, and update if appropriate.

Bear in mind that you may need to go through each element of the model several times, because any changes to one element will likely affect others. For instance, if you update your Ends, this will have a knock-on effect on your Means, and, possibly, your Influencers.

The Business Motivation Model helps you sense-check why you're creating a business plan, which elements you need to include, and how all of the factors within the plan relate to one another.

By using it, and by iteratively adjusting the plan to take account of the influences upon it, you can develop a more robust, resilient plan for your business – one that delivers the benefits that you want with a minimum of "unexpected" consequences.

There are four main elements to the Business Motivation Model:

  • Influencers.
  • Assessment.

Begin by identifying the Ends (your desired, end result) and your Means (how you're going to achieve this result).

Then, identify Influencers; these are any people or any things that could have an effect on your Means and Ends.

Last, you conduct an Assessment; this is where you judge your Influencers to determine what kind of impact they'll have on your Means and Ends. From there, you can review your Ends and Means, and update as required. Remember that you may need to work through each element several times.

The Business Rules Group (2010), 'The Business Motivation Model: Business Governance in a Volatile World,' Release 1.4.

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25 Best Motivation Letter Example Templates

The key to convincing potential employers that you are a good candidate is to write a motivational letter.  Motivational letters are one of the keys to impressing potential employers. This is different from a cover letter and can be more effective to showcase your years of experience by quantifying your previous accomplishments.

Below we have 25 motivation letter example templates for you to put together a single-page letter unique to you and help you land that dream job.

Sample Letter Template for Inserting Your Body Paragraphs (Body Paragraphs Below)

Using the free template below, the first paragraph should introduce why you are writing to this employer, who you are, and include a summary of your academic institutions and work experience. In the second paragraph, talk about your professional experience, relevant skills, and highlight your value to the company by aligning your skills and experiences with the job posting. The third paragraph should ask for the job interview and include your contact information so that the hiring manager can reach you.

Tailor the following motivation letter to your needs:

[Your Name] [Street Address] [City, State Zip Code] [Telephone Number] [Email Address]

[Hiring Manager Name] [Title] [Company Name] [Street Address] [City, State Zip Code]

Dear [Hiring Manager]:

My name is [Name], and I am writing to express my interest in applying for the [position] at [Company Name]. I have been working toward the goal of having a career in the [industry] industry with [Company Name] and helping it attain its goals of [researched company goals]. My [credential] from [University Name] gives me an edge that can benefit [Company Name].

[Insert your body paragraph(s) here.]

My resume is attached. If you have any questions or if you would like to schedule an interview, please call me at [phone]. I look forward to meeting you to talk further about employment opportunities at [Company Name].

Sincerely, Signature (if a hardcopy letter) [Your Printed Name] [LinkedIn Page, if you have one] [Facebook Page, if it will help you get the job]

25 Best Motivation Letter Example Template Body Paragraphs

Here are 25 sample body paragraphs to plug into the template to create your own letter for that potential job at your dream company.

1. What drew me to [Company Name] was your company vision, [company vision/slogan]. I have demonstrated these values through my work at [Company Name] by always being [quality] and taking the time to [quality]. [Quality] and [quality] are also very important to me, both professionally and personally.

I have [relevant experience] that has catapulted me into learning other aspects of [industry], such as [aspect] and [aspect]. With this well-rounded perspective of [industry], I believe I am the perfect candidate for this position. I have the necessary skills and experience to get you results while keeping your core values at the forefront of everything I do.

2. As you will see by my job application, I have vast experience in [industry], and I’ve always prioritized [quality] and [quality] to ensure a great first impression for every customer. While at [previous Company Name], I developed skills in customer service, sales, and shipping and receiving.

My contributions to the changes in our packaging department saved the company [$number], and our staff appreciated the new [packaging feature]. I believe my strong educational background and extensive experience in the field will be an asset to [Company Name]. I have always been passionate about [industry], and I know that my love of the industry will make my transition into your team very smooth.

3. In your job description for the [position], you listed [quality] as being a priority at [Company Name]. I have [years] of experience managing the [department] where [quality] was made a priority due to changes I implemented in my first year. I have worked in [industry] for [years], and I was impressed by your company news about [quality] being improved across all of your locations. With my extensive experience and a solid background in executing [previously mentioned priority goal], I feel my skills would be a welcome addition to the [department] at [Company Name].

4. Having previously held a [position] and experience in a [field], I understand how challenging it can be to maintain relevance with the rising value of currency and inflation in the [field] market without breaking the budget. I know that [Company Name]’s current focus is to improve [quality], and I’m happy to report that at [current Company Name], I was part of a team that did just that.

In one short [timeline], I led our team to increase [goal] by [number]%, and decrease [goal] by [number]%. The results gave [Company Name] the opportunity to expand [division] by [number]%. Leading my team through this transition allowed me to support all my team members to achieve incredible results. I’m certain I could be a huge benefit to your business.

5. As a master’s degree holder in [industry] with [years] of proven experience in managing both [department] and [department] effectively and efficiently, I am well-prepared for your position. Professionally, I am very organized, calm, and patient with excellent [industry] skills. When [Company Name] experienced hardship with [project], my team and I were able to provide comprehensive solutions that [Company Name] could implement quickly to avoid any loss whatsoever.

In addition to providing quality service to [clients], I have the leadership skills needed to motivate other employees to perform above the industry standard. My team members have always described me as approachable, and results-driven, and I’m proud to say I was awarded [award] for my role at [Company Name]. I would love to bring my incredible expertise to your organization, to plan what we can achieve together.

6. As an [position] at [Company Name], I am responsible for evaluating the [specific measure] of up to [number] [clients]. I am also responsible for developing a rotational system to manage the care of [clients] and coordinate the workforce. I have been recognized as an ambitious, reliable, and dedicated individual who works independently.

Furthermore, I realized and implemented [field] duties I learned in school when I worked in a [position] at [previous employer] for [years]. The [employer]’s management commended my handling of difficult situations with [clients] while I worked there. All of this, along with my relevant education, makes me an ideal candidate for this role.

7. The job position for [position] that you have advertised matches well with the skills that I have acquired during my time at [Company Name]. My areas of expertise and passions are [industry] analysis, project management, and research. In addition to being my passions, these skills are the foundation for any project management professional.

As a financial manager who excels in data analysis, I understand where the company should be focusing its efforts. My experience and deep skillset will launch your company forward into the next decade.

8. I see from your posting that you’re looking for a [position] with experience in [field] maintenance, which happens to be one of my primary strengths. As a [position] at [Company Name], I steered full upgrades to our [task] over [timeline], resulting in an average increase of [number]% in [measurable goal], as well as a decrease of [number]% in [measurable goal]. As a result, productivity and employee satisfaction improved dramatically across the board. Employees found themselves eager to use the new system, and productivity increased by [number]%.

Additionally, I have developed my knowledge of hardware and software issues on [software] as well as [software] at [Company Name]. In addition to my experience level with advanced technical abilities, my proven ability to troubleshoot and resolve problems, and my excellent interpersonal skills, I am confident that I could be a valuable team member at [Company Name].

9. My role as a [position] at [Company Name] is to ensure fluid communication between [department] and [department], including all parties involved. I have doubled the [quantifier] at all [company-organized functions] by implementing new [industry] tactics over the past year. My degree in [subject] also places me in an ideal position to bring forward leadership skills to motivate and encourage all employees.

I have a track record of reliable reporting and a self-reflection tool I use with myself and my employees to drive results to the highest level possible. Employees become motivated to work together as they know I am receptive to all feedback. My passion for hard work and solid results make me the best candidate for your job opening at [Company Name].

10. At [Company Name], I managed a team of [number] people, and my main priority was always based on their safety and security. In contrast to other [positions], I make sure everyone knows their responsibilities when they are due and when they need to make changes, all the while keeping safety in mind. This is done using the system that I have used for [years] throughout that works for me. We conduct a safety meeting every day before anyone lifts a tool, and every [area] is viewable at any time. Every project is then executed on time and on budget, and we can clearly see when we have succeeded and where we need to improve. I think your company would find that I am a good fit for this position.

11. I’ve spent [years] managing [departmental budgets] for a [number]-person company, so I could plan a [frequency] project budget or draft an inter-office budget in my sleep. My career goals include consulting with executives to determine their financial strategies based on their experience.

My skills speak for themselves, but it’s that personal touch that each executive will find invaluable as they watch their investments compound. I take the time to research every client I work for and get to the root of their motivation for maximum results. My experience as a result-oriented professional makes me the right candidate for this position.

12. It was exciting to see that there was an opening in [department] with [Company Name] as your involvement with [other Company Name] has been meaningful to me for a long time. As a result, this job is my best fit since it brings together my experience with [department] and [other Company Name]. This would be a great way for me to integrate myself into your team and help your company launch through your next steps to reach your ambitious goal of [goal].

With my team building and management experience, together with my ability to troubleshoot this process, I believe I would prove invaluable to [Company Name]. At [previous role], I ensured a successful launch of merging both parties, which had a profound effect on both sides. You can count on me to deliver the same caliber of results to your organization.

13. As a longtime admirer of [Company Name]’s success, it was a pleasure to see your job opening. In light of my experience decreasing [goal] by [number]% for [Company Name] while reducing [goal] by nearly [number]% and boosting [goal], I believe I can be of assistance in [Company Name]’s current market challenges. As your company is about to embark on this new chapter, and since I’ve just led a team through a similar project, I think setting up an interview would be beneficial.

14. Ideally, this position will enable me to use my experience gained while holding [position] with [Company Name]. As such, I performed the [duty] at the [location] in all areas of the [department] and the [department]. The experience I gained working in [industry] further prepared me to progress in [industry].

I have a great deal of transferable experience, specifically in [area] and [area]. My objective is to gain a broad understanding of [area], [area], and [area]. Given the opportunity to interview with you, I believe I will make a great first impression on you and your management team.

15. As a [role] at [Company Name], I am in charge of analyzing the [specific measurement] of up to [number] [clients] as well as developing a systematic method for coordinating the care of [clients]. Known for my tenacity, reliability, and dedication, I can work independently. Those clients had a better chance at satisfaction with me leading the team in [department].

When I held a [position] at [previous employer] for [years], I used what I learned in school to fulfill [field] duties. While I worked there, [employer’s management] recognized my ability to resolve difficult scenarios with [clients]. My relevant education, along with my professional experience, makes me an ideal candidate for the role.

16. I have [years] of experience in this part of the business and I understand the communication skills required to perform this job effectively. I am confident that my exposure and knowledge will be an asset to your company. My experience has taught me that teamwork is of the utmost importance. I believe that strong relationships with all the departments in the organization take the company toward success.

I have taught myself to reach out and build relationships with all facets of the organization. I am passionate about my work, and I am confident you will find me a perfect fit for your business.

17. My experience includes leading multi-disciplinary teams and providing actionable solutions through [field] reports, overall campaign effectiveness, analysis, and insights. At [Company Name], I have been successful at increasing [goal] from [number] to number] in [timeframe]. My competitive nature allows me to handle complex situations both strategically and tactically.

With my knowledge of [industry], I managed to achieve [goal for Company Name]. You provide applicants with a vast array of career and growth opportunities, and I would like to join your company because you offer excellent career and growth opportunities. I believe that I am your best chance at hiring someone who will work hard to acquire those opportunities aggressively and with great enthusiasm.

18. I am a brilliant professional [position] who has been consistently praised as a trustworthy leader by my colleagues. Throughout several my career, I have developed proven [skill], [skill], and [skill], which I hope to leverage within the [department] of your company. The first thing I think about before tackling any project is “How can I improve this process to make it safer, and more efficient?” I am always looking for better ways to accomplish company goals. With my vast education and wide-ranging experience, I believe I am the ultimate contender for this position.

19. When it comes to handling and manipulating [product], I am known for my attention to detail and precision. Also, I am proficient in communicating between various groups, including designers, producers, quality assurance personnel, and warehouse personnel.

Your healthcare work appeals to me most about your company. As an employee of [Company Name], I learned the requirements of working in a federally-regulated environment and maintaining the strictest adherence to environmental protection and health regulations. Furthermore, I am committed to setting the latest industry trends and best practices to ensure that my team and I are bringing the latest standards to the warehouse floor. The best thing about having me on your team is that you won’t have to worry about a thing.

20. I worked for a leading [Company Name] for ten years after obtaining a degree from [University]. Several [industry] developments were delivered, and business was good. Along with many other industry professionals, I was laid off during the recession. My new career began with [Company Name] as a leading consultant, achieving a [number]% [goal] for its [project]. Based on this success, my CEO offered me a promotion to my current position [position] for the newly launched [project] of [Company Name].

This high-profile position entails overseeing a team of [number of] [industry] consultants, [industry] engineers, and support staff. Because of my industry knowledge and contacts, I have been able to reduce [field] costs by [number]% every year. In addition to the growth and occupancy goals, I overshot my vacancy turnover goals and resident satisfaction rates as well. Since these results can be reproduced for [Company Name], I believe I would be a good leader to bring a successful future to your department.

21. I’ve had several responsibilities and accomplishments in my previous position at [Company Name], making me an ideal candidate for [position] at [Company Name]. Using a similar format to [Company Name], I wrote plans for [project] at [Company Name], and a number of locations have now adopted it. Furthermore, my [percent] success at [project] and [project] in [industry] are among the best in the state, and I am sure I can produce similar results at [Company Name].

My dream would be to acquire the position at [Company Name]. Your company’s values have always impressed me. I was initially encouraged to become a [position] by several members of [Company Name]. Although I love [task] dearly, there is no other business that would make me as happy to work for as [Company Name]. Should I inherit this position, I am confident that I would be a valuable asset to the team.

22. In my professional career [position], I have consistently been praised by my colleagues as a superior leader. My career has enabled me to develop [skills], [skills], and [skills] that I hope to leverage within your company’s [department]. My successes with [project] over the last [number] years were directly responsible for an increase of [number]% in sales for [Company Name]. In addition, I take the health and safety of my staff very seriously. Before every project, I plan ways to make it efficient, safer, and more cost-effective. Aiming for greater success for the company is my constant goal. Given my extensive education and a variety of experiences, I am the most qualified candidate for this particular role.

23. I am well-suited for this position as a result of my master’s degree and my graduate studies. To complete it, a great deal of independent research was required, necessitating initiative, motivation, and an extensive set of skills. The knowledge of the [industry] was essential for one course, [insert course]. I found this subject to be very stimulating. It prepared me well to begin my career with [Company Name].

My [industry] skills are proficient and precise, and I have a keen eye for detail, so I would be very grateful if I were able to prove myself in this position. My enthusiasm and determination will help me guarantee success in this role immediately.

24. It is my pleasure to have extensive knowledge and experience with multiple applications and processes, including but not limited to [software], [software], [software], [software], and [software]. Throughout my career as an analyst, I acquired skills such as [skill] and [skill], and I approach analytics with a passionate and curious outlook. On my website, you can read several client reviews that demonstrate my ability to spot anomalies and provide solutions to remediate them.

As a self-employed [position], I was not only responsible for delivering on promises to clients but also solely responsible for managing multiple accounts and communicating with any clients. I am confident that these communication skills will help me in this role, which requires good time management and prioritizing skills, along with the ability to communicate findings clearly and concisely.

Despite enjoying the flexibility that comes with working for myself, I am ready to move into a full-time position with a company like [Company Name]. As a team member, I am eager to have the opportunity to collaborate with both my colleagues and clients. Both technical and non-technical team members can benefit from my strong research abilities and presentation skills. As an individual, I am well organized, am open to constructive criticism, and am driven to surpass everyone’s expectations. In my work, I strive for clarity and excellence, which are principles aligned with the company’s core values, which makes me a confident candidate for success on [Company Name]’s team.

25. [Publication] published an article about the opening of your company’s branch in my area, and I read it with great enthusiasm. Congratulations on your new business venture, as well as your pre-launch sale of $[amount]. When I discovered that [Company Name] was hiring, I knew I had to apply.

I have long desired to find a company where I feel like I can make an impact even while working in a [position] in [industry]. My training and knowledge make this the perfect opportunity for me to be a part of your team. Having been vital in the successful launch of [product] at [Company Name], I feel my passion for this [industry] and experience with [field] places me at the top for suitable applicants.

In addition to your letter, you will want to include your resume. Remember: hiring managers read many resumes. If you’re applying for the job of your dreams, as a starting point, consider how quickly your resume could be skimmed by a reader. You want to be direct, assertive, and keep it succinct. Always consider the following:

  • Keep your letter to a simple, clean, single page.
  • Hook them with the first line.
  • Triple check for grammar and spelling mistakes.
  • Research the company you are applying to.
  • Check the job listing carefully for key requirements and align those with your accomplishments – quantifiable results are what employers are looking for!
  • Let your personality shine tough!

For recent graduates with no work experience, it can be the best way to demonstrate your relevant skills by showing specific skills you’ve acquired in school or through volunteering. I hope these examples of professional cover letter samples help you draft your winning letter.

Good luck. You can do this!

motivation letter for a business plan

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18+ Free Sample Motivation Letter Templates (Word, PDF)

A motivational letter, also known as a letter of motivation or a personal statement, is a document that is usually written when applying for a job, scholarship, internship, admission to a program in education, or any other opportunity where you need to convince the recipient why you. is the ideal candidate. It serves as a way to express your motivation, qualifications, and the reasons why you are interested in the position or opportunity. In this article, you’ll find a collection of free Simple Motivation Letter Templates and samples in PDF, Word, and Excel format to help you make your work effective.

Table of Contents

Download Free Sample Motivation Letter Templates

Purpose of motivational letters.

A motivational letter, often called a cover letter or a statement of purpose, serves several important purposes in a variety of contexts:

When applying for a job, a motivational letter accompanies your resume or CV. Its purpose is to introduce yourself, explain why you are interested in the position, and highlight your qualifications and skills that make you a suitable candidate for the job. This allows you to personalize your application and make a strong case for why you should be considered for the role. When applying to colleges or universities, a motivational letter is usually required as part of the application process. In this context, it allows you to explain your academic and personal motivations for pursuing a particular study program, show your passion and commitment, and show your relevant experiences and achievements. When applying for scholarships, a motivational letter is often necessary to explain why you deserve the scholarship and how it will help you achieve your academic goals or career.

This is an opportunity to convince the scholarship committee that you are a worthy recipient. If you are looking for an internship or a volunteer position, a motivational letter can help you express your interest in the opportunity, describe how it aligns with your career goals, and highlight what you can bring to the organization or project. In academia and research, a motivational letter can be part of a grant application or research proposal. It allows you to outline the importance of your research, your research goals, and why you are the right person to carry out the project. Sometimes, a motivational letter can be used to express your interest in working with someone or to request mentorship or guidance from a more experienced professional. In this case, it will help you make a compelling case for why the person should consider your request.

Elements of a Motivational Letter

A motivational letter often called a personal statement or statement of purpose, is a document in which you express your motivation and reasons for applying for a specific position, program, or opportunity. it’s typically used when applying for jobs, scholarships, internships, or educational programs. Here are some key elements of a motivational letter:

  • Introduction: Begin by addressing the recipient, usually with a formal greeting. State the purpose of the letter and state the specific opportunity you are applying for.
  • Personal Information: Provide a brief overview of your background, including your name, educational qualifications, relevant work experience, and any relevant personal details.
  • Motivation: Explain why you are interested in the position or opportunity. Mention your passion, interests, and the reasons that motivated you to apply. Be specific about what attracted you to this particular opportunity.
  • Qualifications and Skills: Highlight your relevant skills, qualifications, and experiences that make you a strong candidate. Use examples to illustrate your abilities and achievements.
  • Future Goals: Discuss your career or academic goals and how this opportunity will help you achieve them. Explain how it fits into your long-term plans.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your main points and restate your motivation for the opportunity. Express your gratitude for considering your application.
  • Formal Closing: Use a formal closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Yours faithfully,” followed by your name and signature.
  • Formatting and Length: Make sure your letter is well-organized, free of errors, and follows any specific formatting instructions given by the recipient. Typically, a motivational letter is about a page long.       

Benefits of using Motivational Letter Templates

Using sample motivational letter templates can provide many benefits, especially if you are writing a motivational letter for a specific purpose such as a job application, college admission, or scholarship application. Here are some advantages of using these templates:

  • Sample templates provide a structured format for your motivational letter. They usually include sections for the introduction, body, and conclusion, which help you organize your thoughts and information together.
  • Templates are often designed with a professional appearance with appropriate fonts, spacing, and formatting. This will make your letter look more polished and impressive to the recipient.
  • Creating a letter from scratch can be time-consuming. Using a template saves time because you can fill in the relevant details and customize it to your needs.
  • Templates help ensure clarity and consistency in your correspondence. It often includes prompts or guides for each section, preventing you from forgetting important details or straying off topic.
  • Sample templates often contain content, which can serve as inspiration or guidance for what to include in your letter. This is very helpful if you are not sure how to express your thoughts or achievements.
  • Templates often use professional and persuasive language, helping you express your motivation and qualifications effectively.
  • Templates can include tips or warnings about common mistakes to avoid, such as too generic language or too much self-promotion.
  • While the templates provide a framework, you can still customize them to make your letter unique and tailored to your specific situation. You can add personal anecdotes or experiences to illustrate your letter.
  • Using a template can boost your confidence in writing a motivational letter, especially if you are inexperienced in this type of writing. Knowing that you have a solid structure to work with can reduce anxiety.

How to use a Motivation Letter Template

Using motivation letter templates can be a helpful starting point if you need to write a motivation letter for various purposes such as job applications, scholarships, or university admissions. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to effectively use these templates:

  • Read and Analyze the Template: Read the sample motivation letter carefully to understand its structure and content. Pay attention to the opening, body paragraphs, and closing, and see how the writer presents their qualifications, experiences, and motivations.
  • Personalize the Template: Avoid using the as-is template, as it does not accurately reflect your unique qualifications and experiences. Customize the template to include your personal information, such as your name, contact details, and specific details related to your application. Tailor the content to match your qualifications, skills, and experiences relevant to the position or program you are applying for.
  • Highlight Your Unique Qualities: Use the template as a guide to help you structure your cover letter, but be sure to emphasize what sets you apart from other applicants. Share your skills, accomplishments, and passion for the opportunity.
  • Follow Formatting and Style: Keep the same formatting and style as the template, including fonts, margins, and spacing. Make sure your letter looks neat and professional.
  • Proofreading and Editing: Proofread your motivation letter carefully for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Edit the content so that it is clear, concise, and engaging.
  • Keep a Positive Tone: Maintain a positive and enthusiastic tone throughout the letter. Express your genuine interest and enthusiasm for the opportunity.

How To Download Free Motivation Letter Templates As PDF Or Word Files  

I can provide you with basic templates for a motivation letter that you can use as a starting point. However, please keep in mind that the letter should be personalized and tailored to your specific situation and the job or program you’re applying for.  

To Download As A PDF

  •  Open a text editor such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs.
  • Copy and paste the template into the text editor.
  • Format and customize the letter to your liking.
  • Save the documents.
  • To convert it to PDF, many word processing programs have a “Save As PDF” option in the” File” menu. Select that option to save the documents as a PDF File.

To Download As A Word File

  • Open a text editor such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs.
  • Format and customize the letter to what you like.
  • Save the documents with a .docx extension (for Microsoft Word) or in the appropriate format for your text editor.

In conclusion, motivational letter templates serve as valuable resources for individuals seeking to create persuasive and motivational letters for a variety of purposes. Whether you’re applying for a job, scholarship, admission to a university, or seeking sponsorship, these templates provide a structured framework and helpful content ideas to convey your motivation, qualifications, and effective goals. While using these templates as a starting point, it’s important to personalize your letter to reflect your unique experiences, aspirations, and the specific requirements of the opportunity you’re seeking.

Tailoring your motivational letter ensures that it stands out and is heard by the recipient. In addition, remember that a well-structured motivational letter should include a compelling introduction, a body that highlights your relevant qualifications and achievements, and a compelling conclusion that repeats your enthusiasm and expressing gratitude. Proofreading and editing are essential to ensure clarity, professionalism, and error-free communication.

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  • Tips and Example of Motivat...

Tips and Example of Motivation Letter for Scholarship

On this page, motivation letter for scholarship.

Topics covered

  • 19 May 2024

Studying abroad is a dream of many students. But, before getting there, there are many things that need to be prepared, one of which is the cost of studying.

It's not impossible if you go abroad at your own expense or through a sponsor. But another option that you shouldn't miss is scholarships.

Apart from the IELTS certificate, documents that are quite important in applying for scholarships are scholarship recommendation letters and motivation letters. Do you know what the difference is between these two?

Difference between Recommendation Letter and Motivation Letter

There are many ways to get free study abroad scholarships. Even so, the terms and conditions they need are not much different, such as scholarship recommendation letters and motivation letters. A scholarship recommendation letter is a letter written by someone who has worked or mentored you directly, for example a teacher, lecturer, or supervisor, who can provide an assessment of your performance or potential. Because of this, recommendation letters generally contain an objective description of the experience and skills you have from another perspective.

Meanwhile, a motivation letter is a letter that contains an explanation of your motivation and qualifications so that you are eligible to receive a scholarship. Unlike a letter of recommendation, a motivation letter is made by yourself as a scholarship applicant.

In this article, we will not discuss examples of scholarship recommendation letters. Instead, we focus on how to write and examples of motivation letters.

Tips for Writing a Motivation Letter

Motivation letter is an important document. While not all scholarships require this letter but if you have the opportunity to include it at the time of application, make sure you do your best. The motivation letter you write for a scholarship is slightly different from the essay you may need to include when applying. This letter shows the quality of yourself so that the scholarship or university provider believes that you are the right person to receive the scholarship. Broadly speaking, a motivation letter contains two general things, that are the reasons why you are the right candidate to get a scholarship, and what contribution you will make with the knowledge you have. In writing a motivation letter, there are several things you need to understand so that the letter has a clear structure and convincing content, including:

1. Follow the Application Writing Guidelines

It may look simply, but you need to re-examine the guidelines for writing scholarship applications. Make sure that what you write follows the guidelines, starting from the format, length, and content. If the scholarship awarding institution doesn't provide specific guidelines, you can write it in a standard format such as text about half to one page long in Times New Roman or Arial font with a size of 12 points.

2. Knowing What You Want to Write

Before writing a motivation letter, you need to understand the outline of the letter. Don't let any part be missed.

Mention the reason why you are applying for a scholarship abroad. Because this letter is intended for a scholarship, you need to state your reasons for choosing the scholarship by explaining your educational background and experience. If you have worked, done an internship, or participated in social activities, you can share these experiences to strengthen your reason for applying for a scholarship. With good delivery and flow, your scholarship application letter can leave a distinct impression on the assessor.

Explain the reasons for choosing the major and the destination campus In addition to the reasons for choosing a scholarship, you also need to write down the reasons why you chose a particular major and campus. For example, you have good public speaking skills, so this scholarship is intended to deepen and hone that knowledge. Things like this are what you should add as reasons for choosing your major and destination campus.

Share your plan or contribution to the scholarship In this section, you can focus on your mission, study goals, and what you want to achieve or plan to achieve through this scholarship. For example, you aim to get a master's degree in health scholarship with the hope of building a clinic in a remote area of Indonesia.

3. Focus on Your Strengths

When telling about your educational background and experiences, you also need to add things you are good at. Focus on personal strengths, not on challenges or limitations. In that way, you will be seen as someone who is able to understand the value of yourself and can use it for the plans.

4. Connecting Between the Desired Majors and the Scholarships Applied For

The motivation letter must link your future plans to the scholarship you are applying for. This letter should provide the reader with an understanding that you are genuinely interested in studying a particular field, and that your choice will benefit not only yourself but also the scholarship provider and others. This can strengthen the reasons why you deserve the scholarship.

5. Write with Your Own Personality

Everyone's interests, language style, and perspective are different. So, write your motivation letter in a way that reflects how you would speak to the assessor in real time. Write the letter as naturally as possible by providing interesting things about yourself that can make the letter different from others.

Things to Avoid in Writing a Motivation Letter

Ready to start writing your motivation letter? Before that, there is one more thing that you need to pay attention to. There are some common mistakes to avoid if you want to increase your chances of being accepted into your favorite courses or university on a scholarship.

Do not copy other people's motivation letters. Seeing examples from the internet is not wrong. However, use that motivation letter example as a reference only and as a consideration what you need to write about.

Making motivational letters too formal and will sounds too boring. Write sentences fluently and use words that reflect your true thoughts. No need to use complicated words or terms, just choose good diction and avoid repeating words.

Not showing your enthusiasm to apply for a scholarship or to study in a particular major. This can be seen from the style of language you use in the motivation letter. If you really want to get the scholarship, you will write it in order, neat and detailed.

Using an inappropriate font or format.

Sending a motivational letter without reviewing its contents. Make sure you've checked spelling, content, and the relationship between each paragraph.

So far, you already know the tips on writing motivation letters. The next part, you will see the example motivation letter.

Motivation Letter Example

There are several types of motivation letters that you can write. However, below is an example of a motivation letter written for a scholarship application in the field of language and culture.

Dear Sir or Madam, My name is [your name], and I am writing this letter to express my interest in a scholarship for a cultural studies programme. I’ve always been passionate about learning other cultures and how they influence people. Moreover, I am sure that this opportunity can enrich my future studies and help me reach my career prospects. During my prior studies, I joined the student and local community which helped me develop social skills and experience a range of activities that support humanities. I have a great passion for meeting new people from different backgrounds, to know and learn about their culture. I believe this programme will provide me with a variety of tools to analyse how social norms are created, exchanged and produced in a cultural context. As a student, I tend to think critically. Before saying something, I try to analyze and see the problem from various perspectives. In that way, it can be more structured and have a clear direction. My ideas will also be more easily accepted and appreciated by those who hear them. Thank you for considering my application. Hopefully, I can get this scholarship opportunity and reach my future. I look forward to your positive response. Sincerely, [Your name]

Pursue Your Dream of Studying Abroad with IDP

After knowing tips and examples of motivation letters, you may still not be sure about what things need to be prepared for studying abroad. Or, you don't know where to start? Don't worry, IDP is ready to help you! At IDP, we have a counsellor team who are ready to guide you with your study abroad plan. Start from selecting majors and universities, searching for scholarships, until applying for visas, we will help you! So, what are you waiting for?

Start a free consultation with the IDP team now and make your dream of studying abroad come true!

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    Once your business plan is ready, follow these steps to write a cover letter: Step 1. Create a header. The header of your business plan cover letter should include your name, the name of your business, your address, and your contact information. Next, write the date. And finally, write the name of the investor, the institution they are ...

  2. How to Write an Effective Business Plan Cover Letter

    In order to compose an effective cover letter, you should keep several things in mind. First, try not to exceed a half-page for your cover letter. The person that you are sending it to is likely going through a large stack of business plans, and they don't have time to read a long cover letter from every business owner in need of funding. It ...

  3. How To Write a Business Plan Cover Letter in 5 Steps

    Here are some steps to writing a cover letter for a business plan: 1. Create the header. In the letter's header, include the name and contact information of people involved in the proposal who might be resources. Also, include the name of the business, the business address and the contact information for the business.

  4. Best Business Motivational Letter: 7 Sample

    A business motivational letter is a great way to give your employees a pick-me-up. Here are five things you can include in your letter to get the most impact. First, let your employees know that you appreciate their hard work. A simple "thank you" can go a long way in boosting morale. Second, give them a glimpse of the future.

  5. Motivational Letter Writing Guide + Examples for 2024

    Convey Your Ambitions #8. Don't Lie #9. Use a Motivational Letter Template How to Structure a Motivational Letter #1. Contact Details #2. Introduction #3. Body #4. Conclusion How to Format a Motivational Letter Motivational Letter Example Key Takeaways. Share this article. You're about to apply for the job opportunity of your dreams.

  6. 5 Steps to Writing a Business Plan Cover Letter [+…

    Consider using bullet points to quickly list out important details like market research findings, product launch plans, or business goals. Step 4. Revise your cover letter. Don't expect to knock it out of the park on the first try. Give yourself time to revise the cover letter over a couple of days.

  7. How to Write a Motivation Letter: Sample & Guide for 2024

    1. Start With a Motivation Letter Header. Addressing a motivation letter is exactly the same as creating a header for a cover letter. Take a look at this example: Addressing the Letter of Motivation—Example Right Example. Jane Kelly. High-School Graduate. 506 5th St. La Porte, IN 46350, USA. 574-205-9169. [email protected]. 07.20.2023. Ms ...

  8. How to Write a Motivation Letter in 2024 (Guide & Examples)

    Use a professional letter font and set it to 12 pt size. Set your letter spacing to 1" on all sides of the page. Choose a good letter layout to convey your professionalism. Make sure you create a professional letter file title so that recruiters can find your motivation letter right away.

  9. Motivation Letter: Complete Writing Guide [with Examples & Tips]

    A motivation letter is a one-page document candidates write and submit to highlight their passion for the opportunity.. You can write a motivation letter for a university educational program, internship, non-profit organization, or volunteering movement.. The best way to format a motivation letter is to use a business letter format.. Every motivation letter needs to have a catchy opening, an ...

  10. How To Write A Motivation Letter (With Examples)

    What to include in a motivation letter. As with most business writing, there's an expected format to follow when writing a motivation letter. You want to make sure to include all the necessary elements, such as a heading, intro, body paragraph, and conclusion. ... My plan is become a family therapist, so I want to learn all I can about ...

  11. How to Write a Motivation Letter With Examples

    Date: Write the full date, like "April 6, 2023.". Who you're writing to: Write the person's title, name, and address. Make sure it's all correct. Greeting: Start with "Dear" and the person's name or title, like "Dear Mr. Smith.". Use a colon after. What to say: Split your letter into short parts.

  12. How to Write a Motivation Letter (With Tips and Examples)

    3. Expand your outline for your body. Expand the points in your outline to form your motivation letter's body. Take a new paragraph for every new topic. Remember, your motivation letter aims to convince your recipient of your value, so use compelling facts to be persuasive. 4. Conclude your motivation letter.

  13. How to Write a Successful Motivational Letter: Guidelines

    Key takeaways: It is essential to be clear and concise in your writing, as well as to make use of effective language. Highlight your enthusiasm and illustrate why you are the most suitable person for the opportunity. Ensure that the letter is adapted to the specific employer or school you are applying for.

  14. How to Write a Motivation Letter 2024 (+ 3 Examples)

    Craft an emotional story for the middle part of the letter. The body of the motivation letter gives you the chance to outline exactly how your motivations fit the opportunity that is on offer. If you are applying for a PhD programme, go deep into why you are passionate about your subject.

  15. Motivation Letter Sample

    After you write a good opening statement, continue describing your motivations for applying in 2-3 more paragraphs. And consider adding a bulleted list to make your motivation letter easier to read. 3. Close strong. End your letter of motivation with a paragraph that: thanks the reader for going through your letter.

  16. Motivation Letter Examples, Template & Writing Tips

    Font - Top 10 best fonts for a letter of motivation are: Arial, Cambria, Calibri, Didot, Garamond, Georgia, Helvetica, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, and Veranda. Spacing - The standard letter spacing is 1" on all sides of the page, but you can adjust it accordingly based on the space.

  17. How to Write a Motivation Letter (With Samples and a Template)

    Proofread your letter. 1. Create an outline. The first thing to do is to brainstorm ideas for your motivation letter. Gather your thoughts about relevant details, such as the requirements you meet for a study program or qualifications for volunteer work. Next, write an ordered outline of the content of your motivation letter.

  18. How to Write a Motivational Letter [Examples and Tips]

    Step 1: Basic information. Let's start with the easiest part - your basic information. This consists of your details such as name, title (if applicable), and contact information. Now add the details of the recipient (the person you're addressing the letter to) and today's date.

  19. The Business Motivation Model

    Key Points. The Business Motivation Model helps you sense-check why you're creating a business plan, which elements you need to include, and how all of the factors within the plan relate to one another. By using it, and by iteratively adjusting the plan to take account of the influences upon it, you can develop a more robust, resilient plan for ...

  20. 25 Best Motivation Letter Example Templates

    25 Best Motivation Letter Example Template Body Paragraphs. Here are 25 sample body paragraphs to plug into the template to create your own letter for that potential job at your dream company. 1. What drew me to [Company Name] was your company vision, [company vision/slogan].

  21. 18+ Free Sample Motivation Letter Templates (Word, PDF)

    Open a text editor such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs. Copy and paste the template into the text editor. Format and customize the letter to your liking. Save the documents. To convert it to PDF, many word processing programs have a "Save As PDF" option in the" File" menu. Select that option to save the documents as a PDF File.

  22. How To Write a Motivation Letter (With Tips and Examples)

    3. Expand on key topics. Expand on the key bullet points included in your outline to craft the body of your motivation letter. You can create a new paragraph for each topic to structure this section. Remember, your motivation letter aims to convince your recipient of your value, so use compelling facts to be persuasive.

  23. Write a Successful Motivation Letter for Your Master's

    Make sure you cover all the points below to craft a compelling motivation letter for your Master's degree: Write down some of the main ideas you want to include, important points you would like to cover in your motivation letter and later build around them, then enrich their content. Make your goal clear: provide a short preview of the rest of ...

  24. Tips and Example of Motivation Letter for Scholarship

    For example, you aim to get a master's degree in health scholarship with the hope of building a clinic in a remote area of Indonesia. 3. Focus on Your Strengths. When telling about your educational background and experiences, you also need to add things you are good at.