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21 Of The Most Hilarious "In This Essay" Memes On Twitter

An essay devoted entirely to Chris Evans being very huggable? WOULD READ.

Isha Bassi

Junior Staff Writer, Australia

Essays. We've all done them at some point or another, and I'm guessing that most of them were on some insanely boring topics that you bullshit your way through.

But what if you had the chance to vent your feelings on the things that matter most to you, well last month i spotted this tweet on twitter, and i haven't been able to stop thinking about it..

Max Walton @max_walton_ Jonas Brothers recorded “Year 3000” in 2006, and the main explanation for a society underwater is global warming. However, global warming was not really talked about until about 2008. The only logical explanation is that they did travel to 3000. In this essay I will 07:54 PM - 02 Jun 2018 Reply Retweet Favorite

Partly because it's pretty hilarious, but also because I'm now entirely invested in a Jonas Brothers-themed essay.

Turns out I was late to the party, because this meme has been doing the rounds for a while now, with some truly excellent results.

jam @notnotviolet i write sins not tragedies and mr. brightside are two timeless songs that still get played on mainstream pop radio stations despite the fact that they're both over 10 years old. i doubt this level of iconic will ever be reached again in our lifetime. in this essay i will 02:42 PM - 12 Mar 2018 Reply Retweet Favorite
Splenda Pappy @caroline_oreo The girl Flo Rida sings about in Low was wearing apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur, baggy sweatpants, AND reeboks with the straps all at the same time so we must conclude that she was, in fact, a centaur. In this essay I will 07:30 PM - 26 Mar 2018 Reply Retweet Favorite

Most people decided to stick in the familiar realm of pop culture , discussing video games, movies, and iconic tunes.

Casey Nugent @CaseyNuge Wario and Waluigi are inverse versions of Mario and Luigi, hence the "W" names – "M" upside down, or inverted. For this reason, the evil version of Peach would not be called "WaPeach," but rather, "beach." In this essay I will 01:25 AM - 13 Jun 2018 Reply Retweet Favorite
Girls Eat Free And Never Leave @AskAQueerChick The dad's emotions in Inside Out are all dudes, and the mom's are all ladies, but Riley has some of each, making her the first canonically genderqueer Disney protagonist. In this essay, I will 12:14 AM - 11 Jun 2018 Reply Retweet Favorite
NORMAL HUMAN @NORMALHUMAN4 To truly understand the impact of the boys being back in town, one must first examine the circumstances that led to the boys’ departure in the first place. In this essay, I will 08:38 PM - 12 Jun 2018 Reply Retweet Favorite
🤠🏳️‍🌈 @scene_destroyer The Dixie Chicks’ bold declaration of their anti-war beliefs to an audience of ultra-conservative country fans, and refusal to apologize or back down in spite of death threats and plummeting sales makes them more punk than any band of straight men. In this essay I will 09:47 PM - 17 May 2018 Reply Retweet Favorite
f thot fitzgerald @dracomallfoys in her 2009 hit single 'TiK ToK' kesha sings "wake up in the morning feeling like p diddy" which raises several questions: what does diddy feel like in the morning? what emotion was kesha trying to convey through this metaphor? why choose diddy as a subject? in this essay i will 03:35 PM - 08 Jun 2018 Reply Retweet Favorite
Shannon Barry @barry_happy In this essay I will be discussing the feminist manifesto that is Make Some Noise by Hannah Montana, a song that encourages young girls to be loud and take up space simply because they deserve to. Before we get started, you must understand that Hannah Montana is actually 02:52 PM - 06 Jun 2018 Reply Retweet Favorite
tony muhammad al'stark love bot @ironmantrilogy iron man 3 is one of the most important superhero movies ever released because of the way it gives tony a visible and debilitating mental illness which makes him vulnerable and more human without taking away from his abilities as a hero. in this essay i will 06:00 AM - 17 May 2018 Reply Retweet Favorite
Layne 🌟 @laynemorgan Glee's Quinn Fabray was a lesbian whose aggressive behavior stemmed from self hatred and repression not only because she loved girls but because she loved Rachel Berry. This was made even more clear when she attended Jodie Foster's clambake after graduation. In this essay, I will 08:39 AM - 14 Apr 2018 Reply Retweet Favorite
maria 🏳️‍🌈 @cevansdoritos chris evans is very huggable. sources say his hugs feel like reconnecting with someone who you love dearly and haven’t seen in years. his arms are soft and very squishable, which means he is a great hugger. in this essay, i will 11:55 AM - 19 Jun 2018 Reply Retweet Favorite

While others chose to hit us with some real and interesting truths.

Jared 🏳️‍🌈 @jareddantis love is ⚪ in the air ⚪ an open door 🔘 a non-progressive verb, therefore, the well-known McDonald's slogan, "I'm lovin' it," is grammatically incorrect. in this essay i will 07:21 AM - 18 Jun 2018 Reply Retweet Favorite
Sam N @nussenzwagger In 2013, vine came into existence and hit the nation with a bang. From YEET to fleeky eyebrows to MAGCON to “you better stop bitch stop ahh,” vine never failed to entertain. However after 4 short years, vine was mysteriously deleted. In this essay I will explore 07:26 PM - 13 Jun 2018 Reply Retweet Favorite
adrian @emptyflirting boys that say shit like “let’s get married” after one day of talking have commitment issues and will ghost u in 3-5 business days in this essay i will 05:00 AM - 08 May 2018 Reply Retweet Favorite
jess @jesshakeitoff rich people are so lucky bc whenever one side of their headphones stops working they can afford new ones immediately, which is unfair bc if anybody deserves to walk around listening to music in only one ear for a while it’s donald trump. in this essay i will be 09:29 PM - 04 Apr 2018 Reply Retweet Favorite
🌈20gayteen🌈 @MillennialOfMNL you don't really want a relationship sometimes you're just lonely in this essay i will 12:42 PM - 10 Jun 2018 Reply Retweet Favorite
⋆⋱ sueming ⋰⋆ @xsueming icing is without a doubt my least favorite part of cake. a thin layer is adequate but i always b swiping that shit off if it exceeds that amount. it’s way too sweet and makes my teeth hurt. the idea that ppl buy tubs and eat it straight is repulsive. in this essay i will 05:58 PM - 29 Mar 2018 Reply Retweet Favorite
jayne baran @thatssoJAYven the bears on the charmin ultra soft commercial are always doing laundry, but don’t wear any clothes. if they are naked bears, why would they even own a washing machine. given that, are we pretending that they are civilized enough to buy 2 ply toilet paper? in this essay i will 02:13 AM - 27 Mar 2018 Reply Retweet Favorite

And some users, well, they just wanted to give their two cents, which is fair enough.

brad haupt @bradhasspoken the “in this essay i will” meme isnt funny and people only add it to their weird thoughts or niche opinions because it was nostalgic the first 3 times they saw it... thank you for coming to my ted talk 07:23 PM - 13 Jun 2018 Reply Retweet Favorite

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10 Better Ways To Write “In This Essay, I Will…”

“In this essay, I will” is a common way for people to talk about what they will write in their essays. However, it’s often overused, which is why it might be wise to look into a few available alternatives. This article will share the best ones with you.

What Can I Write Instead Of “In This Essay, I Will…”?

There are plenty of other ways to write this phrase. We’ll take you through the following to show you how they’re effective:

  • You will learn about
  • You will find out about
  • I find… really interesting…
  • This essay demonstrates
  • This essay will discuss
  • In this essay, you will learn
  • I will show both sides of the argument
  • This essay will analyze
  • I strongly agree/disagree, and this essay will explore why
  • This paper will explore

better ways to write in this essay i will

The preferred versions do not reference the “essay” at all. Instead, the best options are “you will learn about” and “you will find out about.” These work well because they save time and words in the essay, and they don’t seem like wasted space for the reader.

You Will Learn About

“You will learn about” works well because it shows the reader straight away what they will learn. We do not have to use the phrase “In this essay” or anything similar because they’re already aware that they are reading an essay.

The biggest problem with writing “in this essay” is that it’s a waste of time and words. Anyone reading your essay is typically evaluating it, so they do not need to be reminded what they are reading.

Instead, you should try to impress them with the contents of your essay and the points you want to highlight. The quicker you can explain the basic points you will touch on, the more engaged your examiner will be throughout the written piece.

Here are a few examples that will help you make the most of it:

  • You will learn about my beliefs here, and I will make sure to elaborate on why I think it’s important to change the current rule system.
  • You will learn about how it helps to practice these things before you undertake them.
  • You will learn about what makes elephants such captivating creatures, and I’ll be sure to convince you by the end.

You Will Find Out About

“You will find out about” works in much the same way. We still do not mention the “essay.” It helps us show what we will be demonstrating. It only needs to be a sentence or two, but it’s a great way to explore our main idea without any other unnecessary bits.

Check out some of these examples to see how it works:

  • You will find out about what makes them tick and how you can decide whether they’re right for you and your lifestyle.
  • You will find out about many things from this piece, and I’ll make sure that your mind will be blown by the end of it.
  • You will find out about the inhabitants of this fine city, as I will demonstrate going forward.

I Find… Really Interesting…

“I find… really interesting…” is a two-part phrase. We typically include the subject of the essay after “find” and then go on to explain why we find that subject “really interesting.” It’s a great way to avoid using “essay” in the introduction for no reason.

We can use this phrase with great success in many cases. It helps us to evaluate the overall tone and message behind our essay before we’ve even begun. Many readers and examiners look forward to reading essays set up in this way.

You can see how it works in the following examples:

  • I find the people’s beliefs really interesting because they do not back down from them even when challenged.
  • I find the current state of things really interesting because they’re nowhere near as glamorous as they would have been five decades ago.
  • I find the things we talk about really interesting, and I will explain to you what it takes to become the best teacher you can be.

This Essay Demonstrates

“This essay demonstrates” is a good phrase to start an essay if you want to include the phrase. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with starting essays with a phrase like this; it mostly depends on personal choice and writing style.

Some examiners do not like reading things starting with “in this essay” or “this essay does this.” In those cases, you might be better suited to try to remove it. It’s also good practice to get you used to start your essays in more exciting ways.

However, if you like the style of including “this essay” and similar phrases, there are no reasons why you shouldn’t be able to do that!

  • This essay demonstrates my vital opinion on the matter and what we can do about it.
  • This essay demonstrates everything you need to know about how to fix the issue.
  • This essay demonstrates why it is crucial that we start making strides to fix the current global situation.

This Essay Will Discuss

“This essay will discuss” is another way to share the overall point of your essay. The sooner we can convey the overall meaning, the more interested the reader will be. It helps them to know what they are reading about before they begin.

Here are a few examples to show you how it works:

  • This essay will discuss all of the most important things you need to consider.
  • This essay will discuss what it takes to make it in today’s climate.
  • This essay will discuss the importance of making sure you care for your family no matter what.

In This Essay, You Will Learn

“In this essay, you will learn” helps to show a bit more confidence in your writing skills. If you say “you will learn,” it sounds like an order, which is a great way to show that you are confident enough to explain things correctly. It’s the mark of a strong and capable writer.

Check out some examples of how it might work:

  • In this essay, you will learn a lot about what needs to be done to correct the path you’re going down.
  • In this essay, you will learn all the psychological benefits of doing physical exercise daily.
  • In this essay, you will learn how to manage your stress much better.

I Will Show Both Sides Of The Argument

“I will show both sides of the argument” helps you to evaluate the question of the essay. This works because it does not outright state you are writing an “essay” (saving time). It also shows that you want to cover both sides to remain unbiased as best you can.

Here are some examples of how it works:

  • I will show both sides of the argument before the end of this paper.
  • I will make sure to show both sides of the argument and try to convince you to agree with my view.
  • I will show both sides of the argument and come to an ultimate decision by the end.

This Essay Will Analyze

“This essay will analyze” is another great way to start an essay with the words “essay” and “will.” It helps to sound confident when using phrases like this, and it goes over the things that the essay is likely to cover.

Some examples will help you to understand it better:

  • This essay will analyze the effects on children of being surrounded by troublesome youths.
  • This essay will analyze the findings from my previous experiment.
  • This essay will analyze common social interactions and why they exist.

I Strongly Agree/Disagree, And This Essay Will Explore Why

This phrase works well to either agree or disagree with the question. Most essays ask a question that you are supposed to ponder. Starting an essay with your direct opinion is a good way to engage the reader early on.

The sooner you can keep the reader engaged, the better off you’ll be. It’ll make your writing sound much more professional and should score you higher marks in the long run.

Check out these examples for more help:

  • I strongly agree with this question, and this essay will explore my reasons why.
  • I strongly disagree with the quote above, and this essay will explore why.
  • I strongly agree with this, and this essay will explore why I think that this is the best move for everyone.

This Paper Will Explore

“This paper will explore” is the last alternative we want to cover. It’s possible to replace “essay” in all cases with “paper,” and many readers prefer to see this because it does not sound as wasteful or as obvious.

The idea behind both “this essay” and “this paper” is the same. However, it’s up to you which one you think looks best on the page.

Here are some examples:

  • This paper will explore the benefits of outreach for smaller companies .
  • This paper will explore how to keep member retention much higher than in previous calendar years.
  • This paper will explore the effects of mental illnesses.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here .

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in this essay i will discuss meme


16 Synonyms for “In This Essay I Will”

in this essay i will discuss meme

If you’re unsure how to introduce what you will be talking about in an essay, you’ve come to the right place!

In this article, we’ll discuss whether it’s okay to use the phrase “in this essay I will” as an introduction. Moreover, we’ve provided a list of alternative phrases you can use instead!

“In This Essay I Will” Synonyms

  • The following essay will
  • The purpose of this paper is
  • In the following essay, I will
  • This essay will
  • This paper will
  • The following paper will
  • The aim of this paper is
  • The aim of this essay is
  • The purpose of this essay is
  • This paper aims
  • In this paper, I intend to
  • The following paper shall
  • In this paper, I will
  • This study will
  • The following dissertation will
  • This thesis will


  • It is not bad to introduce a paper with “in this essay I will,” but you should ask your teacher whether they prefer a paper without personal pronouns in it.
  • “The following essay” is a great alternative that uses similar words while removing the personal pronoun “I.”
  • You can use “the purpose of this paper is” if you want to completely change your phrasing from the original.

Keep reading to see how we use our choice of alternatives for “in this essay I will” in a couple of helpful examples.

After that, we’ll talk about whether it’s a bad idea to use the phrase “in this essay I will” in an academic paper.

The Following Essay Will

Another way to say “in this essay I will” is to say “the following essay will.” This alternative is great for when you’re writing a particularly formal essay.

After all, many academics urge against the use of personal pronouns like “I” in some academic essays. This synonym uses similar words to the original but removes the controversial “I”!

“The following essay will” isn’t an inherently better phrase than “In this essay I will.” However, it is a fact that most markers warn against the use of personal pronouns. Therefore, it’s a safer option if you’re unsure!

Let’s see a couple of examples making use of this alternative:

The following essay will discuss the sociological impacts of neocolonialism in former British colonies.

While both Clapton and Hendrix were self-taught, the following essay will illustrate that both possessed skills that were equal to, if not surpassing, their classically trained counterparts.

The Purpose of This Paper Is

If you’re wondering what to say instead of “in this essay I will,” we’d go with the phrase “the purpose of this paper is.”

This alternative is great if you want to completely alter your choice of words in your introduction. It replaces “essay” with “paper” and removes the personal pronoun “I” to boot!

This makes this synonym a better option than “in this essay I will” if you are unsure whether the marker will penalize you for using personal pronouns.

Finally, consider the following examples to see this phrase in action:

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the link between patriarchy and capitalism.

With the following questions in mind, the purpose of this paper is to theoretically unpack Kant’s notion of a “universal and objective law” in light of globalization and arguments for moral relativism.  

Is It Bad to Say “In This Essay I Will”?

The phrase “in this essay I will” is not inherently bad . For example, this may be a perfectly acceptable way to start an essay at a high school level.

There are even some higher academic papers that start this way. In general, how one goes about introducing their topic is a matter of preference .

That being said, it’s always a good idea to talk to the person who will be grading your paper before you start. Ask them if it’s okay to use personal pronouns. In recent times, some professors prefer papers written in an accessible way that’s easy for everyone to understand!

Likewise, some teachers would prefer a more formal tone, so using personal pronouns like “I” should be avoided. That’s why we recommend that you always ask before you start!

So, if you’ve found out that “in this essay I will” is acceptable according to your teacher, here are a few variations of this phrase you might try:

  • In this essay I will discuss
  • in this essay I will be discussing
  • in this essay I will argue

It would also be correct to add a comma after “in this essay.” Whether or not you add a comma is a stylistic choice , and some people choose not to for a smoother read. Nonetheless, the following variations would also be correct:

  • In this essay, I will show
  • In this essay, I will demonstrate

In conclusion, it isn’t necessarily bad to say “in this essay I will” to introduce your paper. However, it’s always good to check with your teacher or professor and find out how formal they want your paper to sound.

If you found our list of synonyms helpful, feel free to bookmark this page!

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Chapter 6: 21st-century media and issues

6.4.1 Communication through memes (argument from experience)

Alexander Caldwell

English 102, February 2021

What makes a person laugh? Could it be clowns, cat videos, or comedians? Something that makes me laugh is memes. Memes are humorous texts or situations that people share online. People have different opinions about memes, some positive, some negative. Regardless of the matter, I believe the history of memes has led to new online social interactions, new vocabulary to the English language, and the continuation of literacy through the communication of memes.

From my understanding, memes originated from vines. Vines were usually live-action shorts where individuals would do or say something humorous or relatable. These vines would then be popularized on YouTube and other social media. This growing group of vine viewers and producers created a new social cluster of people. It is far from an organized group, but this cluster of people began to communicate interests, hobbies, and relatable moments through the usage of vines. This cluster of people can be joined and existed as with the blink of an eye, it all depends on one’s communication to being online and involved in online humor. This includes viewers as well. Many people in modern memes like to refer to this cluster as “the internet.” While it is true that a massive amount of people online view memes, some people like to use the internet strictly for business, so this term does mean the whole internet. Through the use of vines, more people joined “the internet” and became familiar with the idea of posting shorthanded humor online. During the era of vines, I was not currently literate on social media. At the time, I had only heard of vines through the chatter of other people. These vines related to my literacy because this was the time where I started to also take note of online humor. I noticed that an individual in-person could be funny, but so could that same person online. This expanded my definition of the genre of humor.

Although vines were well enjoyed by the internet, their time of glory soon came to an end with the new era of memes. It should be noted that this transition took time and did not happen immediately over the internet. Rather, each new era of meme phases out old meme eras. The new era of memes is what I describe as the drawn meme age. This was most certainly one of the longest existing meme eras and it includes many iconic memes still occasionally enjoyed today. The era was constructed by memes that appear to be extremely simple drawings of human emotions. Drawn era memes are almost always accompanied by a short text and might include panels, similar to how a comic book reads. Popular drawings include the troll face, le gusta meme, and like-a-boss stick figures (see figure 1). These drawings, combine with their text, allowed content producers to convey exaggerated or enhanced emotions to their audience. Another term for a content producer is what many like refer to as a memer or meme lord if one wants to go that far. This drawing era is a stark contrast to the vines because a memer can keep their anonymity, while in vines people are required to share their visage. The drawn era was truly when I started to be an active consumer of memes. I enjoyed the quick-witted puns that these memes provided. Sometimes, I would spend hours just looking and reading these memes. The troll face memes were by far my favorite. I remember saving the troll face icon in my photo library so if I ever wanted to use it in a text chat, I could. Whenever someone in my texting group sent a troll face to one another, it usually meant that they did something funny, or their previous comment was just a joke and should not be taken seriously. The drawn era offered plenty of other memes, like the troll face, where anyone could copy the image and use it to express an emotion, similar to an emoji. This form of communication was unique in my eyes and enjoyed by others who used memes to communicate in a group text. These communications were all possible because of the drawn era memes.

Although the drawn era was through the internet, another era was happening as well. Circa the drawn meme era, there was what I like to call the classic meme era. This era often exhibited memes that are single panel, contain white font with a black border, and an image in the background (see figure 2). The images often were reused, but contained a similar ‘base emotion,’ while white font added a new context to that image. The Classic era, similar to its sibling, the Drawn meme era, did last for a longer amount of time, but unlike the Drawn era, most of the Classic era memes are considered dead or outdated by the internet. It is common practice that a dead meme ceases to be posted because they create an unsettling feeling in the audience. The reason why this practice exists is somewhat of a mystery but can slightly be explained by the fact that people do not want to see the same meme repeatedly. This phenomenon fosters new memes but also forces memers to adapt to new eras or risk their popularity. It should also be noted that while the internet as a whole might view a meme as dead, small groups of the internet might still enjoy a meme, making the meme live in that respective group. I understood the Classic era of memes as one of the easiest ways to communicate day to day situations. This was also the era where I noticed, in my friend-group-chat, that memes soon became competitive. To elaborate, everyone in the group chat would try to have the funniest meme posted last. This communication led to a string of nothing but memes being communicated from each person in the group chat. The point of doing this was to seem like the funniest person in the group by finding the funniest meme.

Over time, more and more people became dedicated to memes. Many personal social media accounts have participated in the sharing of memes by this time. While the internet embraced the sharing of memes, some memers noticed that their work was being copied. If the meme were stolen, with no credit given to the creator, memers would consider the stealer a meme thief. In modern times, most people do not care about whether they stole a meme or not because everyone did it at some point. However, during this era, people were passionate that their work was not stolen. This next era is the clone era. The Clone era is what appears to end in the classic era. Due to the many social media accounts active in the internet cluster, the hassle of making a white font with a black border seemed unnecessary for many and the style of classic memes was all dying. This brought the new age of cloned memes. These memes often use simple fonts and often include a popular person or character. What made their era completely unique from other eras was the uniformity of the memes. The best example of this era would be the spongegar meme (see figure 3). This meme was on every major memer’s page. Despite having different text and different context, every memer would clone a template of this specific meme. Due to the consistent reuse of the same meme template, clone era memes often died faster than most. If a social media site were to be lagging even a few days behind others, this could result in a Clone era meme being dead before it fully reaches other social media platforms. A good example of this is the Uganda Nuckles meme. Only a few days after the meme fully arrived on Instagram other meme viewers were already showing distaste for the meme, declaring it as dead while hopping onto a new meme. This hypercycle of picking up and dropping memes is what is suspected to believe what caused the collapse of the Clone era memes. Like all other memes, the Clone era memes also relate to literacy. Clone era memes, I noticed, in the comment section self-promoting became more popular. I often would find memers commenting on other’s comments try to rake up followers and make themself more noticed.

Shortly after the collapse of the almost-meme-empires from the clone era, the memers realized that using a clone is acceptable but it is not a viable method if everyone uses the same meme template. This caused a new wave of memes, often referenced to as the collapse meme. Collapse era memes have very little in common except for the fact that some were particularly bizarre. The best example of the would be the E meme (see figure 4). This meme was an unusual edit of Lord Farquaad, Mark Zuckerberg on trial, and a YouTuber named Markiplier. The E text provided no real understanding and neither did the image. Despite this, the meme became popular and was amusing for its moment of fame. The Collapse era itself was brief but a few Collapse era memes are still being produced today. I noticed that the comments on these memes were often unappreciative of these memes, many questioning how memes even evolved to such a low point. My high school friends and I found these memes funny, but not for a very long time. We would often, in a text group chat, share a Collapse era meme, only for someone to argue the point that “it wasn’t funny.”

in this essay i will discuss meme

The final era is what is going to be called the Modern era. This era stands apart from other eras due to the sheer diversity of memes. This era started circa before the Clone era and is still in effect today. Modern era memes include video memes, gif memes, Tik Tok memes, movie quote memes, dark humor, as well as semi-cloned memes. Modern era memes will also borrow memes or make remarks from previous eras. The modern era of memes survived through different eras because of their ability to adapt and be diverse. This meme diversity also makes the life span of a meme much longer than how other eras would have treated it. A good example is the Chad meme. This meme was always humorous due to its exaggerated context and its vast diversity of artwork. Despite the fact Chad meme is no longer in its prime, Chad memes are still made today, and they have not been declared dead. The modern meme also excels at sharing points of view, whether it be political, the relationship between a girl and her boyfriend, or between the United States and Canada.

The modern era of memes is where I started to make a few memes for myself. The modern era memes that I made were always directed to a specific interest group. An example that I have is this Clash of Clans meme. The meme is special because only a person who actively plays Clash of Clans would fully understand what I was communicating. Through communication of modern memes, I also noticed that I could use these memes as a video game and movie review system. A good example of this is the recent game Cyberpunk 2077. I was considering getting the game when suddenly I saw a new flow of memes revolving around the game. All the memes pointed to the flaws in the game, such as poor graphics, bugged physics, and flawed logic. Through the communication of memes, I learned that Cyberpunk 2077 was not a well-programmed game and decided not to buy it. Another way I use memes is to communicate to friends who are a long distance away. An example of this is a friend, unnamed, who is in Canada. She and I both enjoy memes and both enjoy Star Wars. I can communicate to her by sending a Star Wars related meme. She will often send a Star Wars related meme back. These memes on their own only relate to Star Wars, but by sending them to one another, we share opinions about the actual content of the Star Wars film. To elaborate, I send a meme that references to General Grievous trying to collect more lightsabers. This communicates to her that I am making a meme out of Grievous’s addiction to collecting lightsabers. While at the same time it is humorous, it comments on an odd feature of the character, which is understood by my Canadian friend. This communication, in short, allows us to converge onto a similar topic and relate to one another’s interest in Star Wars.

Communicating through memes is more than just communicating to people you know. Other observations I have noticed about the literacy involved with memes is also through the comment section. Almost every major social media has a comment section. To go into further detail about the comment section, I must mention that memes allow strangers to converse. An example of this is time I had a conversation under a Minecraft-related meme. The meme suggested, using humor, that a glowing squid would be useless in the game. I cannot directly quote the original conversation, but it went in a similar fashion.

Stranger: “To be honest, yeah, a glowing squid in Minecraft does not seem like a good idea.”

Me: “I am on the same page with you on that. I think the iceloger would have been a cool new mob in place of the glow squid.”

Stranger: “I wanted the moobloom. I think the iceloger would make it annoying to cross mountains. But I agree with you that anything would be more interesting than that glow squid.”

Me: “Still, the iceloger would have been another unique Illager to combat, but yeah, anything except the glow squid.”

This conversation, though brief, allowed a completely random person and me to talk about a game we both enjoy. This hinds at the fact that memes are capable of fostering communication. With the original message of the meme as the focal point, almost any topic can be explored, commented on, and discussed with others on the internet.

Memes only go to show how humans have evolved on the internet to maximize their need for a diverse way of communicating through humor, to be exact memes. Through the shared history of online memes, people can connect from great distances by relating to day-to-day humor. Today, my friends and I still share memes to keep in touch. We share memes that comment on our daily lives, what is going on in the news, and what our interests are. With that said, memes and literacy go hand in hand.

Works Cited

Adam. “Lord Marquaad E.” Know Your Meme , 2018, knowyourmeme.com/memes/lord-marquaad-e.

Blubber, Captain. “Trollface.” Know Your Meme , 2010, knowyourmeme.com/memes/trollface.

Blunt, James. “SpongeGar / Primitive Sponge / Caveman Spongebob.” Know Your Meme , 2015, knowyourmeme.com/memes/spongegar-primitive-sponge-caveman-spongebob.

Raspberry, Funky. “One Does Not Simply Walk into Mordor.” Know Your Meme ,2010, knowyourmeme.com/memes/one-does-not-simply-walk-into-mordor.

Understanding Literacy in Our Lives by Alexander Caldwell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Alternatives to “In This Essay I Will…” (#1)

Elsewhere, I have examined the use of the self-reflexive construct  “ In this essay I will… ” in essays and argued that, at least for first year university students, it is a useful construct. “In this essay I will argue …” for instance, reminds the author that he is, in fact, making an argument; “In this essay I will evaluate …” likewise reminds the author that he is “evaluating” something. For the novice essayist it can be easy to lose sight of what you are actually doing, what the key function of the essay actually is; this admittedly perfunctory construct at least puts us in the frame of mind to make an argument, to evaluate a text, to compare and contrast two (or more) or more texts. The construct is always followed by the key verb, which is then followed by the point of focus, the text, the scene, to example, etc.

To be sure, however, “In this essay I will…” is the basic point of entry, and it is best to keep in mind that there are better ways to formulate your argument. Most first year students are ready to begin moving away from this construct, at least in the editing phase. It can be useful to start your draft with this construct and then “edit it out” later on. But the question arises: How? The first, and possibly most important point, thing to remember is that there is an element of modality expressed in this construct. Modality is an often overlooked aspect of argument. It refers to an argument as contingent or merely possible. “In this essay I will…” implicitly acknowledges this modality, and this is the point I wish to focus on.

I have professed elsewhere my favour for the adverb “ arguably ,” and its derivatives, such as “it can be argued”; the adverbial function of this word and its derivatives pulls double duty, I often say. First, it acknowledges that an argument is being made; second, it acknowledges that while there is an argument being made, there are also other arguments that could be made instead . The construct “In this essay I will argue…” is a variant of this, which by acknowledging that a particular argument is to be made, tacitly acknowledges other arguments could also be made. Similar constructs, such as “In this essay I will demonstrate…,” operate in the same way. “In this essay I will…” is a perfunctory way of performing this “double duty.”

“In this essay I will…” functions in a similar way as “It can be…”; “In this essay I will argue…” for instance has a similar function to “It can be argued.” Both express a modal proposition, a possible state of affairs. The major difference is where the respective constructs occur in the introduction of your essay. In its most basic form, “In this essay I will…” are the first five words of your essay. It’s just as artless to begin your essay with “It can be….” In order to change the construct from the former to the latter, a slight rearrangement is required. here’s a simple example:

In this essay I will argue that “The Road Not Taken” is a poem about regret.

This thesis statement can be arranged as follows:

“The Road Not Taken” can be seen as a poem about regret.

“In this essay I will argue” has been transformed into “can be seen.” In either case, the construct signifies the modality of the argument. The poem “The Road Not Taken” can, indeed, be seen or understood as a poem about regret, but it could also be seen or understood in other ways, and that could form the basis of a different argument. There is nothing wrong with making an argument in the full knowledge that there are other arguments that could be made instead. This is why it’s critical to narrow the focus of your argument. Acknowledging the modality of your argument, even in simple constructs like “it can be seen,” is a simple and elegant way of narrowing the focus. Sometimes we use the explicit modal construct in conjunction with the more self-reflexive construct:

In this essay I will argue that Frankenstein can be seen as a cautionary tale against the excesses of the scientific revolution. In particular, I will argue that Frankenstein demonstrates that science should be guided by the ethical values of society, and not simply the ambitions of scientists.

In this example both the modal and pronominal construct has been used: “In this essay I will…” and “can be/should be.” Only one needs to be used:

Frankenstein can be seen as a cautionary tale against the excesses of the scientific revolution. Frankenstein demonstrates that science should be guided by the ethical values of society, and not simply the ambitions of scientists.

If you find yourself employing the modal and the self-reflexive construct, particularly in the one sentence, it’s a good sign you’re ready to move on to more complex and nuanced introductions. All arguments have some shade of modality about them; the trick is identifying the modal propositions or components and determining and if and how that modality can be used to frame your argument. It won’t always be a modal construct, of course, but the easiest first step is to identify when and where a modal proposition is used or is necessary. You are making an argument, not asserting an incontrovertible fact – something about your argument will be, well, arguable! It’s just a question of how you make that arguable aspect work in your favour.

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One response to “ Alternatives to “In This Essay I Will…” (#1) ”

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Thank you so much for writing this, it has been a big help when writing essays and trying to get beyond the basic ‘In this essay I will…’. I have passed this article on to my friends as well. -Roe

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English Recap

9 Synonyms for “In This Essay, I Will”

in this essay i will discuss meme

It’s all too easy to fall into a repetitive trap in essay writing. So, you need to actively avoid being too repetitive and boring.

This article will explore another way to say “in this essay, I will.” There are plenty of great alternatives available that will spice up your essays.

Is It Bad to Say “In This Essay, I Will”?

It is bad to say “in this essay, I will.” Generally, it’s a repetitive and bland phrase that adds nothing of value to your essay. The reader knows they’re reading your essay, so you shouldn’t be redundant and say “in this essay, I will.”

It is too personal of a phrase to include in most essays. Also, it’s informal , making it problematic when you’re writing in a more formal environment.

  • It’s clear.
  • It’s a basic phrase that might help you write your first essay.
  • It’s redundant.
  • It makes your essay sound boring and repetitive.

Clearly, “in this essay, I will” is not a good phrase to use. If you want to keep your essays readable and interesting, you should have a few synonyms ready to go.

Keep reading to learn alternatives to “in this essay, I will.” We’ve also provided essay example sentences for each.

What to Say Instead of “In This Essay, I Will”

  • You will learn about
  • I find… really interesting…
  • This essay demonstrates
  • We will discuss
  • The key factors are
  • Both sides of the argument will be explored
  • I will analyze
  • I will explore
  • My personal reflections

1. You Will Learn About

One of the best alternatives to “in this essay, I will” is “you will learn about.” Using “you” instead of “I” makes it clear to the reader what to expect from your essay.

Generally, this phrase implies that you are writing your essay for the reader. It puts them in control and shows them that they should listen to what you have to say.

It’s also a very confident phrase. Saying “you will learn” is very confident and implies that you are certain you will teach the reader something new .

You may also benefit from the following examples:

You will learn about different systems in place to keep the workforce moving. Also, I will explore alternative options that might appear in the future.

You will learn about all of the relevant arguments. Hopefully, you can come to your own conclusion alongside mine.

2. I Find… Really Interesting…

Start an essay with “I find” to discuss the topic . It allows you to explain what you’re going to discuss later in the essay. From there, you can say how interesting you find it.

So, the full phrase might look like this:

  • I find this topic really interesting .

It’s a simple sentence, but it’s a great way to set up an essay. It’ll entice the reader immediately. From there, you can start talking more about the topic and what makes it so interesting to you.

Here are a couple of examples to help you understand it:

I find these matters really interesting , so I would like to discuss them in more detail. It’s vital you understand more.

I find the experiment really interesting . Therefore, I will be exploring the different ways to go about completing it.

3. This Essay Demonstrates

Another great confident alternative to “in this essay, I will” is “this essay demonstrates.” Using “demonstrates” shows that you know your essay is good and will explain something important to the reader.

However, you should always be careful using a phrase like this too often. Any phrase that includes “this essay” in it might be a bit redundant and overused. It could bore the reader if you’re not careful. Use it once only. Any more than that might cause issues.

You can also refer to the following examples:

This essay demonstrates the difference between the two standpoints. After that, you can create a fair conclusion.

This essay demonstrates the different means behind both arguments. Therefore, you will learn which one you relate to more.

4. We Will Discuss

There’s no reason why you can’t use “we” to group yourself and the reader together . It shows that you value the reader’s insights just as much as your own while writing an essay. That’s why “we will discuss” works so well here.

It tells the reader what to expect . Also, it’s a great way to open a discussion quickly inside an essay. Then, the reader will be much clearer on where you’re going and whether they’re interested in your essay.

Here are some examples to help you understand more about it:

We will discuss the alternatives to see whether there are better options. The conclusion will determine which is the best.

We will discuss both theories in great detail. It’s the only way to settle the debate and decide which is better.

5. The Key Factors Are

It’s also worth including fancy words in your essays to keep things interesting. Something like “the key factors are” is a great way to do this.

It shows that you’ve explored your options before writing about a topic. This should show the reader that you know what you’re talking about .

Also, “the key factors are” is a great way to get to the point quickly . You can explain what your essay is about immediately before diving deeper into the key factors.

Check out the following examples if you’re still unsure:

The key factors are laid out in front of you. I will be discussing the best situations to keep things uniform between attempts.

The key factors are related to the way they conduct the projects. Therefore, I will focus on the conduct rather than the outcome.

6. Both Sides of the Argument Will Be Explored

Exploring both sides of an argument is integral to a well-written essay . So, why don’t you say “both sides of the argument will be explored” at the start of your essay? After all, it shows that you want to have an unbiased discussion .

Generally, this phrase is great at the start of an essay. It entices the reader to learn more about your discussion without expecting you to favor one side over the other.

Obviously, they can wait to hear your final verdict when they read your conclusion. However, letting the reader know you will explore both sides openly is a great way to get them to keep reading.

Also, these examples should help you to figure things out:

Both sides of the argument will be explored before any conclusions are made.

Both sides of the argument will be explored in this essay. Then, the conclusion will focus on the most reasonable argument.

7. I Will Analyze

We recommend writing “I will analyze” in your essays instead of “in this essay, I will.” It’s a great way to demonstrate what you’re trying to achieve .

You can analyze anything that you think needs to be dived into. This allows the reader to understand your motives and follow along with what you say in the rest of the essay.

You should also check out the following examples:

I will analyze the reasons behind the debate. Also, I will discuss both views to keep things fair.

I will analyze and argue both points. That way, it will be clear where we stand and what should happen next.

8. I Will Explore

Another great simplistic alternative to “in this essay, I will.” You can say “I will explore,” which removes the need to say “in this essay” at all. Instead, it lets the reader know what to expect from your essay.

It’s a great way to keep the reader engaged. It’s also clear and concise . So, they should be no confusion about the contents of your essay and what you plan to write about.

Here are some examples to help you:

I will explore different alternatives to creating sustainable living environments. There are many options available.

I will explore appropriate ways to keep things fair during all experiments. Variables are vital and must be uniform.

9. My Personal Reflections

Personal opinions can often make your opinions biased. Unfortunately, this can create issues when you’re supposed to remain unbiased in certain essays.

However, if you highlight this with “my personal reflections” at the start of an essay, you can try to explain your opinions .

It’s a great alternative to “in this essay, I will.” Of course, how you can use it is a bit more specific . Nevertheless, we recommend it to start a sentence when you want to explore an idea without directly saying “in this essay” at any point.

Perhaps these examples will clear some things up:

My personal reflections will be explored in this essay. I hope to explain more about why I chose these options.

My personal reflections might create some bias during this paper. However, I will try to keep my opinions level.

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‘Black Twitter’: Movements, Memes and Crying Jordan

This new Hulu docuseries explores how a social media subculture influenced American culture at large.

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Ashley Weatherspoon sits as she is interviewed.

By Robert Ito

When Prentice Penny first began work on the forthcoming docuseries “Black Twitter: A People’s History,” the last thing the director wanted to do was explain to anybody just what Black Twitter was. How could he?

“Everybody has a different opinion what it is, and a different entry point and path to how they feel about it,” he said.

“Black Twitter” is a kind of shorthand descriptor referring loosely to commentary, jokes and other kinds of cultural conversation and activism driven largely by Black users of the social media platform now named X. What Penny wanted to do was capture the pivotal moments that have come to define this organic online community, including the movements ( Black Lives Matter ; OscarsSoWhite ) and defining hashtags (#uknowurblackwhen, #BlackGirlMagic) it has propelled and championed.

And he wanted to do all of this while Black Twitter was still around.

“So much of Black culture in this country isn’t documented,” Penny said. “When you see books about culture and race being banned, when you see narratives saying, oh, there were good sides to slavery, you realize that Black Twitter could be here today and gone tomorrow.”

Indeed, since Penny started the project, Twitter itself has disappeared — or the name officially has, anyway. “I don’t trust anybody who stopped calling it Twitter,” said Jason Parham, a producer on the show whose 2021 Wired story “A People’s History of Black Twitter” inspired the series.

Now streaming on Hulu, the three-part series opens with the rise of Black Twitter before and during the Obama presidency, with nods to earlier online platforms like Blackvoices and NetNoir, and continues through the Trump years and into the pandemic.

Critics, artists, journalists and activists, including the stand-up comic W. Kamau Bell, the author Roxane Gay, the writer and trans activist Raquel Willis and the Northeastern journalism professor Meredith Clark, discuss what Black Twitter meant to them.

Also appearing are individuals who made their names on Black Twitter, like CaShawn Thompson, whose offhand tweet “Black girls are magic” went viral and sparked a global conversation, and Ashley Weatherspoon, whose uknowurblackwhen hashtag in 2009 is credited as one of Black Twitter’s foundational sparks.

More than 40 people sat down for interviews. “I’ve been on projects where you’re pulling teeth to try to get somebody to sit down,” said Joie Jacoby, the showrunner and a documentary filmmaker (“Candace Parker: Unapologetic”). “This wasn’t like that. People wanted to talk.”

Parham’s Wired article was a reaction, at least in part, to stories about Black Twitter he had been seeing in other outlets. “There were media folks and white folks in general saying, ‘What are all these Black folks doing over there on Twitter?’” Parham said. “It was sort of like we were in a petri dish.”

“Black Twitter” began production at the beginning of 2023, not long after Penny completed his duties as the showrunner on the HBO series “Insecure.” He primarily used Twitter for Los Angeles Lakers updates, “and that was sort of my entryway into Black Twitter, this sort of coming from the N.B.A. world,” he said. But he initially had no interest in making a film about it — he had never done a documentary before, let alone one about something so amorphous. “I was scared,” he admitted.

At first, it was difficult to find a through-line in a story with so many different voices, stories and pivotal moments. “But then we realized that this was really a coming-of-age story,” Penny said. “Black Twitter was coming of age, and so was the community. That’s why Trayvon Martin is different from Rodney King: The platform allowed people to give voice to it in ways that didn’t exist 20, 30 years ago.”

For Jacoby, “It was so much bigger than a social media platform story,” she said. “We wanted to tell a story about Black people in America over the last 25 years in a way that was fun, a celebration, but that was also meaningful and authentic to who we are.”

Finding the right tone was tricky, given the often somber subject matter. The second episode takes the viewer from the killing of Trayvon Martin and the rise of Black Lives Matter through the police killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo.

“We didn’t want it to be a total downer,” Jacoby said.

Comedy became a key counterbalance, Parham said. “One thing Black folks are going to do is get a joke off, no matter how bad things get,” he said.

To that end, the series also explores the roots and growth of memes like Crying Jordan, which creatively repurposed a photo of Michael Jordan weeping at his 2009 induction into the Basketball Hall of Fame, and #MeetMeInTemecula, in which an online spat between strangers over Kobe Bryant devolved into a challenge to fight about it, on Christmas Day, in a small California town.

“We were cracking up all the time,” Jacoby said.

One big question lingered: When, where and how should the story end? Parham’s Wired article ended with reflections about the legacy of Black Twitter and about the Jan. 6 insurrection. (In the piece, the podcast host Brandon Jenkins said, “If we saw Black people out there, we’d know that we were about to watch one of the biggest massacres to ever take place on American soil.”)

For the docuseries, Penny wanted to extend the narrative to the present day and to include such topics as the global coronavirus pandemic and the racist backlash against Black Twitter. But then a funny thing happened mid-production: Elon Musk bought the platform.

“It became, how does this impact the story?” Penny said. “But as people started getting fired and the hate speech started going up , it just really crystallized to me why we were making the doc. So many things on the internet are impermanent, and if Elon wanted to, he could turn it off, and it would all be gone.”

The creators hope the series shows the enormous impact that Black Twitter has had on the culture, from encouraging media outlets to cover stories like Ferguson to convincing the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to diversify its ranks. They also hope it shows that the whole thing was about more than just celebrities like Michael Jordan, crying or not, or Rihanna, who transformed the Twitter beef (against everyone from Joan Rivers to Ciara) into high art.

“Black Twitter is made up of all of us: famous people, regular people, and everything in between,” Penny said. “It’s a great democratization of a space.”

When the series had its world premiere at South by Southwest in March, Jacoby invited members of her family to the screening. “A lot of Black people aren’t on Twitter,” she said. “So I have family that was like, ‘What is this all about? What are you doing here?’”

“Then one of my sisters, she saw Episode 1 and 2, and she was like, ‘Oh, it’s us,’” Jacoby said, laughing. “‘It’s just us on the internet.’ And I was like, yeah, pretty much.”

An earlier version of a picture caption with this article misspelled the given name of an author. She is Roxane Gay, not Roxanne.

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    12. Glee's Quinn Fabray was a lesbian whose aggressive behavior stemmed from self hatred and repression not only because she loved girls but because she loved Rachel Berry. This was made even more ...

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  4. The „in this essay I will..." meme format is great for ...

    The way to write an essay is simple: tell them what you're going to tell them, tell them, tell them what you told them. You tell them what you're going to tell them in the intro. You don't need to say "in this essay", because clearly it's in this essay. You don't need to say "I will", because by telling them through the essay you will have done.

  5. in this essay i will Memes

    All Memes › in this essay i will. All Memes. › in this essay i will. aka: in this essay i will discuss, in this essay. Caption this Meme. Blank. No "in this essay i will" memes have been featured yet. Make your own ---->.

  6. 10 Better Ways To Write "In This Essay, I Will…"

    This Paper Will Explore. "This paper will explore" is the last alternative we want to cover. It's possible to replace "essay" in all cases with "paper," and many readers prefer to see this because it does not sound as wasteful or as obvious. The idea behind both "this essay" and "this paper" is the same.

  7. Urban Dictionary: in this essay, i will

    "in this essay, i will" memes are the most wholesome of the current popular memes because as well as being genuinely hilarious, they encourage deep, analytical thinking which often produces profound statements. in this essay, i will

  8. Meme Literacy

    essay I will discuss the meme in its various contexts including its history, the internet, and culture to explore the importance of being meme literate. Elmore and Coleman, a graduate research assistant and an associate professor, explain in their article "Middle School Students' Analysis of Political memes to Support critical Media

  9. 6.4.4 Messages through memes (research essay)

    6.4.4 Messages through memes (research essay) Alexander Caldwell. English 102, April 2021. The simple fact is that humans are social animals. With that in mind, anything social should be studied and learned about to ensure that humanity has an understanding of itself. Memes, without question, play a role in modern society and will likely do so ...

  10. 16 Synonyms for "In This Essay I Will"

    If you're wondering what to say instead of "in this essay I will," we'd go with the phrase "the purpose of this paper is.". This alternative is great if you want to completely alter your choice of words in your introduction. It replaces "essay" with "paper" and removes the personal pronoun "I" to boot! This makes this ...

  11. 6.4.1 Communication through memes (argument from experience)

    Modern era memes will also borrow memes or make remarks from previous eras. The modern era of memes survived through different eras because of their ability to adapt and be diverse. This meme diversity also makes the life span of a meme much longer than how other eras would have treated it. A good example is the Chad meme.

  12. Alternatives to "In This Essay I Will…" (#1)

    The construct "In this essay I will argue…" is a variant of this, which by acknowledging that a particular argument is to be made, tacitly acknowledges other arguments could also be made. Similar constructs, such as "In this essay I will demonstrate…," operate in the same way. "In this essay I will…" is a perfunctory way of ...

  13. "discuss" Meme Templates

    in this essay i will. Add Caption. strongmen discussing. animated. Add Caption. among us discussion. Add Caption. loretta lynch meeting Bill Clinton tarmac airport discuss invest. ... discuss Meme Templates. Search. NSFW GIFs Only. Conversation. Add Caption. discussion. Add Caption. Me and the boys discussing. Add Caption. Gandalf Theoden ...

  14. 9 Synonyms for "In This Essay, I Will"

    I will explore. My personal reflections. 1. You Will Learn About. One of the best alternatives to "in this essay, I will" is "you will learn about.". Using "you" instead of "I" makes it clear to the reader what to expect from your essay. Generally, this phrase implies that you are writing your essay for the reader.

  15. Should you write "In this essay I will discuss..." or "This essay will

    I wouldn't do either. It's obviously an essay or document. If the title isn't clear enough, try writing the opening paragraph in a different, more interesting and unique way. Grab the reader's attention and make them interested in the topic. You: In this essay, I will discuss Digifant and its applications in mid-80s Volkswagens.

  16. Meme Analysis

    Rhetorical Meme Analysis. Naisha Patel. The meme I've chosen for this assignment is: Describing the picture itself, we can see a guy holding his girlfriends hand and as he walks by another girl, he turns around to take another look at her seemingly being interested in her, as his girlfriend stares at him with a shocking facial expression looking at him concentrating on the other girl.

  17. 'Black Twitter': Movements, Memes and Crying Jordan

    Critics, artists, journalists and activists, including the stand-up comic W. Kamau Bell, the author Roxane Gay, the writer and trans activist Raquel Willis and the Northeastern journalism ...