TextToHandwriting. com

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Text To Handwriting

Text to handwriting converter is a free artificial intelligence-based human handwriting converter that easily converts your computer text to human handwriting text.

ANNOUNCEMENT: If you make your assignment 100% unique, use the plagiarism remover tool. It will easily remove plagiarism from your article/assignment and make it 100% unique for free in just one click.

Text to Handwriting Converter

The text has always been an essential part of our lives. There was a time when we would use a pen and paper to write most of our content. The only time when you would see typewriter fonts would be in books. People would generally write letters and fill entire notebooks with content.

One of the most significant issues with the modern world is the lack of handwritten content. We have traded pens and paper for computer keyboards. It all feels very impersonal, and it seems like it is time to have a way to bring it back. That handwritten content that we all loved reading.

There are many ways to write content on the web for all kinds of purposes. Today we are going to be talking about a unique approach called text to handwriting . This is a website tool that takes your text and turns it into a document that looks handwritten.

Doing this without using this website software would require that you wrote something on a piece of paper. Then you took a camera and made sure that you took a picture that looked good while avoiding any flash or glare.

It suffices to say that this is the kind of thing that could be very time-consuming. This is a time when everyone wants to be able to avoid wasting their time. Therefore, this tool simplifies things. That is the reason why it is a recommended way to add some creativity to your web content.

How to use the Text to Handwriting tool

This is something that you can use completely free of charge by visiting the website. Once you are on the page, you can enter text for the heading and text for the content or page line. You can choose between 8 different types of handwriting. You can select the heading handwriting size and the content handwriting size as well. Last but not least, you can choose the color of the pen ink between blue, red, and black.

The choice of colors is a nice touch because it also makes it easier for you to personalize the content. This is always good to have because you won’t need to do any further altering of the content with an external editor if you want to use another pen color. Black, blue, and red are the most common you will see in most handwritten content. This is why the software has those options.

Once you have your document ready, you can download it as an image file to use as you see fit. This is something that you could decide to use for the purpose of publishing an article in a unique way on your website. You could also use it to send a note to a loved one for their birthday.

There are new fonts announced on the site, so we can expect to see unique handwriting available in the future. This is a handy tool, and the popularity it gets can bring more updates and more support from the creators.

Capturing the nostalgia of text to handwriting content

There is a negative value that is genuinely undeniable when someone uses this text to handwriting tool. The reason why this is so important is due to how it brings out this nostalgic feeling. This is something that can be extremely rewarding, and it can make people feel like they are taken back to another time.

Nostalgia can often be an excellent way for something to be used, and this is the reason why we recommend the use of this tool. It will allow you to create content that is going to look amazing. The best thing is that you could get very creative with it.

Nostalgic content has become a viral thing with all kinds of media for modern audiences. The truth is that reflective products are usually going to cater more to people who lived in the era of that particular product.

For example , video game remakes for new audiences are the kind of thing that is loved by people who played the original version back in the day. The same thing happens with handwriting. When people see something that is not computer-generated writing, and they see something that is written with a pen on a notepad paper, this is very rewarding, and it brings out many nostalgic feelings.

This alone is the reason why the use of handwritten content can be so engaging. You can use this many occasions to evoke a feeling of yearning in audiences. This has been great for marketing purposes as well as personal use. The main thing to keep in mind with this is that this is a tool that can be super fun. It has a very unique and unforgettable effect that is incomparable to others.

A thoughtful note becomes even more powerful when handwritten.

This is always the nostalgic factor that we have been mentioning in this publication. It brings a freshness that is going to be very attractive, and you can let your creativity move forward. The website loads fast, and it provides the service that it offers without any details. This is the kind of website service that saves you time and delivers something unique.

If you want any message to become something more engaging and compelling, use handwritten content. You will find that this is going to capture the attention of the reader much more.

Handwriting text generator!

Create realistic handwritten texts.

Create Your Own Font from Your Handwriting

Upload multiple custom fonts (with different styles) or choose from standard ones

For maximum realism, adjust the positions of letters and words, and add any annotations to the text

Choose from the ones provided on the website or upload notebook and background images for your notes!

Add annotations on top of the photo of your created notes!

Extract text from photos

Print in any formats

handwriting homework ai

Table Example

You can create a table with various curvature settings

handwriting homework ai

Create Your Own Font

Turn your handwriting into a unique handwritten font, simply scan the template with your handwriting or draw letters right on the website.


DEV Community

DEV Community

Saurabh Daware 🌻

Posted on Apr 19, 2020

Handwriting Generator I made a Text-to-handwriting tool to write my college assignments for me 🤓

Hi everyone, I hope you all are safe and doing fine!

I prefer typing over writing and college told us to write some assignments and I was bored.

So instead of spending 1 hour to write assignments, I spent 3 hours to build a tool that writes assignments for me 🎉. It is called Text-to-handwriting (see... I'm really good at naming my projects)

Text to Handwriting converts text content to an image that looks like handwriting. So this is what the output looks like:

A picture of output from text-to-handwriting that looks very close to the picture taken of handwritten paper

  • Draw diagrams
  • Change font-size, ink color, spacing, etc.
  • Upload font button for custom handwritings (so you can create a font of your handwriting from other online tools and upload the font file)


Do ⭐ the repository

saurabhdaware / text-to-handwriting

So your teacher asked you to upload written assignments hate writing assigments this tool will help you convert your text to handwriting xd.

Text-to-handwriting title image

🤗 Contributing

Checkout Contribution Guide for local setup and contribution guide.

📚 Libraries used

  • html2canvas - Turns DOM into Canvas.
  • jsPDF - To generate PDF from images.
  • cypress - Testing Library
  • serve - Start local server

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Bye! Have fun 🦄

Do share it with your twitter fam 🕺🏻

Saurabh Daware 🌻 (56%) @saurabhcodes I was bored to write assignment so I wrote a tool that converts text to an image that looks like handwriting xD I hope my teacher is not on twitter .___. Do RT (as long as it doesn't reach your teachers :D) github.com/saurabhdaware/… 12:22 PM - 24 Mar 2020 58 270

Thank you for reading 🐨🎉 Let me know your thoughts comments.

You can follow me on Twitter @saurabhcodes and on GitHub @saurabhdaware

Bye! stay safe and remember we are going get through this 🌻

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Edit Pad - Free Online Text Editor

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Text to Handwriting

With our text to handwriting converter, you can change simple digital text into handwritten notes.

This tool works in real-time, and the handwritten text will appear on the right side of the screen as you type/paste/upload your content in the input field.

There are different handwriting and page styles that you can choose from to customize your results.

How to Use This Handwriting Changer ?

Here is how you can convert text to handwriting with this tool:

  • Type or copy-paste your content in the input field.
  • Or, you can directly upload a file from your device’s local storage.
  • Select the output settings from the options given below the input field.
  • Click on the ‘Download PNG’ button to save the converted text to your device.

Features of Our Text 2 Handwriting Generator Tool

Here are some features that you can enjoy with this handwriting changer:

Download Results in PNG

You can download the converted document to your system’s storage in the PNG format by clicking on the ‘Download PNG’ button. below is the sample of how the png image will look like.

handwriting homework ai

Real-Time Instant Conversion

Our text to handwriting converter has a smooth, single-step process.

After you import your text to the input field, the conversion will happen instantly, and the results will appear on the right side of the screen.

Multiple Handwriting and Page Styles

You can pick from 8 different handwriting styles as well as 5 different page styles. Some of the available page backgrounds are A4-Line-Page, Pure-Light-Blank, and Blank-with-Border .

Four Different Pen Ink Colors

Our handwriting changer also lets you choose from four different pen ink colors. The available colors are Blue Pen, Red Pen, Black Pen, and Gel Pen.

Adjustable Handwriting and Heading Sizes

You can make the converted text larger and smaller by adjusting the heading and handwriting sizes separately.

Other Tools

  • Plagiarism Checker
  • Paraphrasing Tool
  • Reverse Text - Backwards Text Generator
  • Small Text Generator - Small Caps / Tiny Text
  • Upside Down Text Generator
  • Words to Pages
  • Case Converter
  • Online rich-text editor
  • Grammar Checker
  • Article Rewriter
  • Invisible Character
  • Readability Checker
  • Diff Checker
  • Text Similarity Checker
  • Extract Text From Image
  • Text Summarizer
  • Emoji Translator
  • Weird Text Generator
  • Stylish Text Generator
  • Glitch Text Generator
  • Cursive Font Generator
  • Gothic Text Generator
  • Discord Font Generator
  • Aesthetic Text Generator
  • Cool Text Generator
  • Wingdings Translator
  • Old English Translator
  • Online HTML Editor
  • Cursed Text Generator
  • Bubble Text Generator
  • Strikethrough Text Generator
  • Zalgo Text Generator
  • Big Text Generator - Generate Large Text
  • Old Norse Translator
  • Fancy Font Generator
  • Cool Font Generator
  • Fortnite Font Generator
  • Fancy Text Generator
  • Word Counter
  • Character Counter
  • Punctuation checker
  • Text Repeater
  • Vaporwave Text Generator
  • Citation Generator
  • Title Generator
  • Text To Handwriting
  • Alphabetizer
  • Conclusion Generator
  • Abstract Generator
  • List Randomizer
  • Sentence Counter
  • Speech to text
  • Check Mark Symbol
  • Bionic Reading Tool
  • Fake Address Generator
  • JPG To Word
  • Random Choice Generator
  • Thesis Statement Generator
  • AI Content Detector
  • Podcast Script Generator
  • Poem Generator
  • Story Generator
  • Slogan Generator
  • Business Idea Generator
  • Cover Letter Generator
  • Blurb Generator
  • Blog Outline Generator
  • Blog Idea Generator
  • Essay Writer
  • AI Email Writer
  • Binary Translator
  • Paragraph Generator
  • Book Title generator
  • Research Title Generator
  • Business Name Generator
  • AI Answer Generator
  • FAQ Generator
  • Sentence Expander
  • White Space Remover
  • Remove Line Breaks
  • Active to Passive Voice Converter
  • Passive to Active Voice Converter
  • Product Description Generator
  • Meta Description Generator
  • Acronym Generator
  • AI Sentence Generator
  • Review Generator

Supported Languages

  • Refund Policy

Edit Pad - Free Online Text Editor

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Morning Dough

12 Best AI Homework Generators

Yakov Itai Samelson

AI Homework Generator

The advent of AI homework generator has revolutionized the way students approach their assignments, offering a seamless blend of efficiency and innovation in tackling academic tasks. With the AI homework generator, students now have at their fingertips a tool that not only simplifies the process of completing homework but also enhances their learning experience by providing tailored assistance. This technology leverages artificial intelligence to generate homework assignments, research materials, and even solve complex problems across various subjects, making it an indispensable asset for students striving for academic excellence. The integration of an AI homework generator into the educational landscape marks a significant milestone, reflecting the growing reliance on technology to bridge gaps in traditional learning methods. By harnessing the power of AI, these generators can analyze vast amounts of data, understand the requirements of an assignment, and produce results that are not only accurate but also customized to the student’s learning pace and style. This personalized approach to homework assistance is a testament to the potential of AI in transforming educational practices, making learning more accessible, engaging, and effective for students worldwide.

The Need for AI Homework Generator

In today’s fast-paced academic environment, students are often overwhelmed with the volume of assignments and the depth of research required to excel in their studies. The pressure to perform well and the time constraints faced by students necessitate a solution that can alleviate these challenges while promoting a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Enter the AI homework generator, a technology-based tool designed to meet these needs by offering a smart, efficient way to handle homework assignments. The need for such a generator stems from the growing complexity of educational curricula and the diverse learning needs of students. Traditional methods of homework assistance can be time-consuming and may not cater to the individual learning styles of each student. The AI homework generator, on the other hand, provides a customized learning experience, enabling students to grasp concepts more quickly and retain information more effectively.

Moreover, the integration of AI in homework generation addresses the issue of accessibility. Students from various backgrounds and with different learning abilities can benefit from the tailored support provided by these generators. Whether it’s breaking down complex mathematical problems, generating ideas for a creative writing assignment, or providing step-by-step solutions in science subjects, AI homework generator is equipped to handle a wide range of academic tasks. This not only helps students manage their workload more efficiently but also encourages independent learning and critical thinking skills. Additionally, the use of AI in homework generation opens opportunities for teachers to focus on more interactive and personalized teaching methods, further enhancing the educational experience for students. In essence, the need for the AI homework generator is driven by the desire to create a more inclusive, effective, and engaging learning environment that caters to the evolving needs of the modern student.

AI Homework Generators

  • Solvo AI Homework Helper
  • AI Essay Writer & Homework
  • StudentMonkey
  • Homeworkify
  • Chegg Study Homework Help
  • AI Homework Helper NoProblem
  • Course Hero
  • Homework AI

How does AI Homework Generator work?

An AI homework generator is innovative technology-based tool designed to automate the process of creating homework assignments. This generator leverages artificial intelligence to produce customized homework tasks tailored to the curriculum, learning objectives, and the individual needs of students. The process begins with the educator inputting specific parameters such as subject matter, difficulty level, and learning goals into the system. The AI then uses this information to generate a variety of questions and assignments that align with the specified criteria. This technology incorporates natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to ensure that the generated tasks are coherent, relevant, and challenging enough to facilitate learning. By analyzing vast amounts of educational content, the AI homework generator can produce unique and diverse assignments that cater to a wide range of learning styles and academic levels.

How to choose an AI Homework Generator?

Selecting the right AI homework generator involves considering several key factors to ensure it meets your educational needs effectively. First, assess the adaptability of the tool to various subjects and curriculums. A versatile generator that can create assignments across different disciplines and complexity levels is invaluable. Next, evaluate the quality of content it produces. The assignments should not only be grammatically correct but also engaging and thought-provoking to stimulate students’ interest and learning. Another critical aspect is the user interface and ease of use. The platform should be intuitive, allowing educators to input their requirements and generate assignments with minimal effort. Customization features are also essential, the ability to tailor assignments according to specific learning objectives, student capabilities, and feedback mechanisms can significantly enhance the learning experience. Lastly, consider the tool’s integration capabilities with existing educational technologies and platforms. Seamless integration with learning management systems and other educational tools can streamline the teaching and learning process, making it more efficient and effective. By carefully evaluating these factors, educators can choose an AI homework generator that not only simplifies their workload but also enriches the educational journey of their students.

Homework Generator

1. solvo ai homework helper.

Solvo AI Homework Helper

Solvo AI Homework Helper is an innovative application designed to assist students in navigating the complexities of their academic assignments. This AI homework generator app serves as a multifaceted educational tool, offering a wide range of functionalities to enhance the learning experience. From solving intricate math problems to helping in writing essays, Solvo is equipped to handle various academic tasks. Its ability to generate summaries of extensive texts and offer suggestions for improving written work makes it an asset for students seeking to elevate the quality of their assignments. By integrating advanced AI technology, Solvo aims to make the process of learning more efficient and accessible, enabling students to maximize their academic potential.

What does Solvo AI Homework Helper do?

Solvo AI Homework Helper is a versatile application that simplifies the academic workload for students across multiple disciplines. Whether it’s tackling challenging math equations, understanding complex scientific concepts, or crafting well-structured essays, Solvo provides comprehensive solutions and insights. By allowing users to scan, type, or upload their assignments directly into the app, it delivers in-depth solution steps and explanations, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Additionally, Solvo’s capability to generate summaries for lengthy books and its feature to enhance and reword existing drafts of texts cater to the diverse needs of students, making it an indispensable tool for academic success.

Solvo AI Homework Helper Key Features

Scan & Solve : This feature enables students to quickly find solutions to math and science problems by simply taking a picture of the assignment. It not only provides the answer but also explains the steps involved, helping students grasp the underlying concepts.

Essay Writing Assistance : Solvo acts as a proficient essay writer, assisting students in articulating their ideas clearly. Users can input their essay topic to receive a well-structured draft, which can be used as a foundation for their final submission.

Writing Improvement Suggestions : For students looking to refine their drafts, Solvo offers suggestions to reword and enhance their writing, ensuring the output is of the highest quality.

Book Summaries : Understanding the essence of lengthy books is made easier with Solvo. By typing the name of the book or author, or uploading a file, students can receive concise summaries, saving time and enhancing their comprehension.

2. AI Essay Writer & Homework

AI Essay Writer & Homework

AI Essay Writer & Homework is an AI homework generator assistant designed to support students, professionals, and anyone seeking assistance with essay writing. This application aims to streamline the essay creation process by generating ideas, crafting outlines, and composing paragraphs. It leverages advanced AI algorithms to analyze input topics and produce comprehensive essays tailored to the user’s needs. With a user-friendly interface and intuitive design, the app promises to make essay writing more accessible and efficient, offering a solution for those who may struggle with writing or face time constraints.

What does AI Essay Writer & Homework do?

AI Essay Writer & Homework is an AI homework generator that serves as a virtual writing companion that takes the user’s input topic and transforms it into a structured essay. It simplifies the writing process by automating the generation of ideas and the construction of outlines, which can be particularly beneficial for users experiencing writer’s block or those who need to produce written content under tight deadlines. The app’s AI algorithms are designed to deliver content that is not only well-written but also customized to meet the specific requirements of the user’s assignment or project.

AI Essay Writer & Homework Key Features

Subscription Model : The app operates on a subscription basis, offering users access to its main feature of automatic essay writing upon purchase. This model allows for continuous updates and improvements to the AI’s capabilities.

Ease of Use : AI Essay Writer & Homework is crafted with a focus on simplicity, ensuring that both novice and experienced writers can navigate and utilize the app without a steep learning curve.

Tailored Content Generation : The AI technology behind the app is capable of producing essays that are customized to the user’s topic, providing a personalized writing experience.

Plagiarism Prevention : A key concern in academic writing, the app includes features to ensure that the content generated is unique, helping users avoid issues with plagiarism.

Citation Assistance : For academic essays that require sourcing, the app provides support in generating and formatting citations, which can be a time-consuming aspect of essay writing.

User Feedback : The app’s development is informed by user experiences and feedback, which guide the enhancement of its features and overall functionality.

3. StudentMonkey


StudentMonkey is an AI-powered tutoring service designed to assist students with their academic endeavors. This innovative AI homework generator offers a range of services to support learners at various educational levels, from elementary school to master’s degree programs. With a focus on providing step-by-step guidance, StudentMonkey caters to a wide array of subjects, ensuring that students can find help with virtually any homework problem. The service prides itself on delivering quick and helpful answers, aiming to reduce the stress and anxiety associated with completing assignments. By offering 24/7 availability, StudentMonkey ensures that students have access to educational support whenever they need it, without the constraints of traditional tutoring hours.

What does StudentMonkey do?

StudentMonkey functions as a virtual tutor, providing immediate assistance to students across a spectrum of subjects. The platform is equipped to handle a variety of question types, from multiple-choice queries to short answer questions, and even essay support. It is designed to understand and address complex homework questions, enhancing students’ essay writing skills and offering assessments of their work. The AI tutor’s capability to review past questions and answers allows students to revisit their learning history, which can be an invaluable tool for test preparation and grade improvement. By eliminating the need for after-school tutoring or reliance on peers for homework help, StudentMonkey empowers students to become more independent in their learning process.

StudentMonkey Key Features

24/7 AI Tutoring: One of the standout features of StudentMonkey is its round-the-clock availability. This ensures that students can receive help at any hour, which is particularly beneficial for those who may have irregular schedules or last-minute questions.

Step-by-Step Guidance: The platform offers detailed, step-by-step solutions to homework problems. This approach not only provides the answer but also helps students understand the methodology behind it, fostering a deeper comprehension of the subject matter.

Support for All Subjects: Catering to a broad educational spectrum, StudentMonkey supports every subject imaginable. This inclusivity means that students from various disciplines can find the help they need all in one place.

Essay Writing Enhancement: Beyond standard homework questions, StudentMonkey also assists with essay writing, providing students with tools to improve their writing skills and produce well-structured essays.

Assessment of Work: The AI tutor can assess students’ work, giving them insights into their performance and areas where they may need to focus more attention.

Learning History Review: Students can access their past questions and answers, allowing them to review and learn from previous assignments, which is a key feature for effective studying and test preparation.

Stress Reduction: By offering quick and reliable answers, StudentMonkey aims to alleviate the stress associated with homework and deadlines, providing a more relaxed learning environment for students.

4. Homeworkify


Homeworkify is an educational platform designed to assist students in finding answers to their academic questions. It operates as a Q&A solution search engine, where users can submit direct links to their homework problems and receive instant solutions. The platform is built on the premise of making education more accessible by providing a free service that helps students overcome the barriers of costly educational resources. With a user-friendly interface, Homeworkify aims to simplify the process of academic research and problem-solving for students across a wide range of subjects.

What does Homeworkify do?

Homeworkify serves as a digital study companion that offers a helping hand to students seeking to understand and complete their homework assignments. By inputting a question or pasting a direct link to a specific problem, students gain access to a database of answers and solutions. The platform’s AI-driven engine searches for the most relevant information to provide students with step-by-step guidance. This not only aids in the completion of homework tasks but also contributes to the learning process by helping students grasp the underlying concepts of their academic challenges.

Homeworkify Key Features

Free Access : One of the most significant features of Homeworkify is that it provides its services at no cost to the user. This feature is particularly beneficial for students who may not have the financial means to afford traditional tutoring services or subscription-based educational platforms.

Q&A Solutions Search Engine : The core functionality of Homeworkify lies in its powerful search engine that allows students to find answers to their questions quickly. By entering a direct link to the homework question, the platform offers instant solutions, making it a time-efficient tool for study.

Wide Range of Subjects : Homeworkify caters to a diverse array of academic disciplines, ensuring that students from various fields can find the help they need. Whether it’s mathematics, science, engineering, or the humanities, the platform strives to cover an extensive breadth of subjects.

Similar Questions Feature : To enhance the learning experience, Homeworkify includes a feature that allows users to search for and view solutions to similar homework problems. This not only provides answers but also exposes students to different approaches to solving a particular type of question.

Direct Question Submission : The platform simplifies the process of getting help by enabling users to submit their questions directly. This straightforward approach saves students from navigating through complex interfaces, allowing them to focus on their studies.


Brainly is a comprehensive AI homework generator and helper app designed to assist students in enhancing their academic performance. With a focus on providing quick solutions and in-depth explanations, Brainly facilitates a better understanding of concepts across various subjects. The platform is celebrated for its ability to connect students with a vast community of peers and experts, making the process of learning interactive, efficient, and enjoyable. By integrating advanced AI technologies and a user-friendly interface, Brainly aims to make education accessible to students worldwide, helping them to achieve better grades and gain confidence in their academic abilities.

What does Brainly do?

Brainly serves as an interactive platform where students can seek and offer help with homework questions across a wide range of subjects. At its core, Brainly enables users to scan math equations or word problems and receive answers within seconds, thanks to its ‘Scan to Solve’ feature. This immediate feedback mechanism is complemented by 24/7 access to AI Tutor and Live Expert support, ensuring that students have the resources they need at any time. Beyond just providing answers, Brainly emphasizes understanding through step-by-step explanations, fostering a deeper comprehension of the material. The app also encourages a sense of community and competition, allowing students to earn points, find study buddies, and climb leaderboards, thereby making the learning process more engaging and motivating.

Brainly Key Features

Scan to Solve : This feature allows students to quickly get solutions to math equations or word problems by simply scanning them with their device’s camera. It’s designed to provide instant help and reduce the time spent on homework.

24/7 AI Tutor and Live Expert Support : Brainly offers round-the-clock access to AI-driven tutoring and live expert assistance, ensuring that students can find help whenever they need it, regardless of the time of day.

Expert-Verified Homework Answers : The platform boasts a vast repository of homework answers that have been verified by experts, providing reliable and accurate solutions to students’ queries.

Community Q&A : Brainly fosters a collaborative learning environment where students can ask questions and receive answers from peers and experts, promoting an interactive and supportive educational experience.

Personalized, In-depth Answers Powered by AI : Leveraging advanced AI technology, Brainly provides personalized and detailed explanations to questions, helping students not just to get the right answers but to understand the underlying concepts.

Points, Study Buddies, and Leaderboards : By gamifying the learning process, Brainly motivates students to engage more deeply with their studies. Earning points, finding study buddies, and competing on leaderboards add an element of fun and competition to education.

6. Studyable


Studyable is an innovative AI homework generator designed to support high school students across a wide array of subjects. Launched on January 17, 2024, this app aims to provide comprehensive assistance in subjects ranging from science, including Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, to Humanities subjects like History and Languages, as well as English, Geography, Social Studies, and more. With a focus on enhancing the learning experience, Studyable offers a user-friendly interface, timely updates for bug fixes, and performance improvements to ensure a smooth and efficient homework help service. The app also encourages user feedback and suggestions, demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement and user satisfaction.

What does Studyable do?

Studyable serves as a versatile tool for high school students seeking assistance with their homework across various subjects. By leveraging artificial intelligence, the app provides detailed explanations, step-by-step solutions, and tailored support for a broad spectrum of academic disciplines. Whether it’s tackling complex equations in Physics, exploring historical events, mastering a new language, or navigating the intricacies of English literature, Studyable aims to simplify the learning process. It not only helps students understand their homework better but also fosters a deeper comprehension of the subject matter, thereby enhancing their academic performance and confidence in their abilities.

Studyable Key Features

Comprehensive Subject Support : Studyable covers an extensive range of high school subjects, offering specialized assistance in Science, Humanities, Languages, and more. This feature ensures that students can find help for virtually any homework challenge they face.

User-Friendly Interface : The app’s design is intuitive and easy to navigate, making it accessible for students of all skill levels. This feature enhances the overall user experience by allowing students to quickly find the help they need without unnecessary complications.

Feedback and Suggestions : Studyable values user input, providing a channel for feedback and suggestions. This feature underscores the app’s commitment to continuous improvement and adaptation to user needs.

Regular Updates : With a focus on maintaining a high-quality service, Studyable regularly updates its software to fix bugs and improve performance. This feature ensures that the app remains reliable and efficient for its users.

Privacy and Security : Understanding the importance of user privacy, Studyable has clear terms of use and a privacy policy. This feature reassures users about the safety and confidentiality of their data while using the app.

7. Chegg Study Homework Help

Chegg Study Homework Help

Chegg Study Homework Help is a comprehensive educational platform tailored to meet the diverse needs of students across various academic disciplines. With its extensive library of step-by-step solutions and flashcards, the app serves as a personal tutor for subjects ranging from Math to Chemistry. It’s designed to assist students in mastering their courses by providing personalized support and a range of study materials that cater to different learning styles. The AI homework generator’s integration of AI solutions backed by expert guidance ensures that students receive timely and accurate homework help, making it a valuable resource for tackling challenging concepts and assignments.

What does Chegg Study Homework Help do?

Chegg Study Homework Help provides an on-demand, 24/7 study aid that empowers students to excel in their academic pursuits. By snapping or scanning a picture of a homework question, users can submit it to Chegg experts and receive detailed explanations in return. This feature is particularly useful for breaking down complex problems into understandable steps. The app also offers a vast selection of flashcards for efficient study sessions, making it easier for students to prepare for exams and understand their courses thoroughly. Whether it’s late-night study sessions or last-minute exam prep, Chegg Study Homework Help is equipped to support students whenever they need it.

Chegg Study Homework Help Key Features

Extensive Solution Library : Chegg Study Homework Help boasts a vast collection of fully explained, step-by-step solutions that are crucial for understanding and mastering various subjects.

Personalized Learning : The app provides personalized support, allowing students to study in a way that best suits their individual learning preferences and needs.

Expert Assistance : With AI solutions complemented by expert guidance, the app ensures that students have access to quality help and accurate information.

24/7 Availability : Students can get help at any time, making it convenient to fit study time into their busy schedules.

Interactive Flashcards : A wide array of flashcards for different subjects and courses is available, facilitating quick and effective study sessions.

Homework Question Scanner : The ability to snap or scan homework questions and submit them for expert review streamlines the process of getting help with difficult assignments.

8. Knowunity


Knowunity is an innovative AI homework generator designed to assist students in their academic journey by providing a comprehensive suite of tools aimed at enhancing the learning experience. With a focus on collaboration and accessibility, Knowunity offers a variety of resources including free flashcards, quizzes, and study groups, all integrated with advanced AI features. This platform caters to the needs of students seeking a more interactive and engaging way to study, making it an asset for learners of all levels. By leveraging technology, Knowunity aims to simplify the process of studying, providing a user-friendly interface that encourages academic exploration and growth.

What does Knowunity do?

Knowunity is an AI homework generator that serves as a multifaceted educational platform that significantly simplifies the studying process for students. At its core, it provides an array of learning tools such as customizable flashcards for memorization, quizzes for self-assessment, and the opportunity to join or create study groups for collaborative learning. These features are enhanced by AI technology, which tailors the learning experience to the individual needs of each user, making it easier to identify areas of improvement and track progress over time. Additionally, Knowunity fosters a community of learners, enabling students to share resources, exchange knowledge, and support each other in their academic endeavors. This holistic approach to learning not only aids in the retention of information but also promotes a more engaging and interactive study environment.

Knowunity Key Features

Free flashcards : Knowunity offers a vast library of flashcards across various subjects, allowing students to enhance their memorization skills and review key concepts efficiently.

Free quizzes : The platform provides quizzes that serve as an excellent tool for self-assessment, helping students gauge their understanding of the material and identify areas that require further study.

Study groups : Knowunity encourages collaborative learning by enabling students to join or create study groups. This feature fosters a sense of community and allows learners to share insights, ask questions, and receive feedback from peers.

AI features : Integrating advanced AI technology, Knowunity personalizes the learning experience for each user. This includes adapting resources to fit individual learning styles and providing analytics to track progress and performance.

Plus Plan : While most features on Knowunity are free, it also offers a Plus Plan at no additional cost, which is particularly beneficial for iPad users, enhancing their study experience with additional tools and functionalities.

9. AI Homework Helper NoProblem

AI Homework Helper NoProblem

AI Homework Helper NoProblem is an application designed to assist students with their academic work by leveraging the capabilities of artificial intelligence. This AI homework generator serves as a personal study companion, offering solutions and explanations to a wide range of homework problems. The app utilizes the camera on a user’s device to scan homework questions, which are then processed by its AI to provide step-by-step solutions. This technology aims to enhance the learning experience by making complex homework tasks more manageable and helping students gain a deeper understanding of various subjects.

What does AI Homework Helper NoProblem do?

AI Homework Helper NoProblem functions as an educational tool that simplifies the process of tackling homework assignments. By scanning a homework problem with the device’s camera, the app quickly delivers comprehensive solutions. It’s not just about getting the right answer, the app also explains the reasoning behind each step, fostering a better grasp of the subject matter. Whether it’s a math equation, a physics problem, or a chemistry reaction, NoProblem is equipped to handle questions from a multitude of academic disciplines, providing real-time assistance to students in need.

AI Homework Helper NoProblem Key Features

Scan and Solve : This feature allows students to take a picture of their homework question, after which the app provides an immediate solution. It’s designed to be quick and user-friendly, reducing the time students spend on challenging problems.

Step-by-Step Guidance : Beyond delivering answers, the app breaks down the solution process into understandable steps. This educational approach helps students learn the methodology behind problem-solving, which can be crucial for their academic development.

Wide Subject Coverage : NoProblem is not limited to one or two subjects, it offers assistance across a broad spectrum, including math, physics, and chemistry. This makes it a versatile tool for students with diverse academic needs.

Real-Time Assistance : The app is available whenever students need it, providing homework help in real time. This accessibility ensures that students can get help outside of school hours, making it a convenient resource for last-minute study sessions.

AI-Powered Technology : At the core of NoProblem is its AI technology, which is based on the latest advancements in the field. This allows for accurate and efficient problem-solving capabilities, making the app a reliable academic aid.

10. Course Hero

Course Hero

Course Hero is an online learning platform designed to provide students with a wide array of educational resources and tools to enhance their study experience. It offers access to an extensive library of study materials, including notes, essays, and practice problems, contributed by a community of students and educators. With the integration of AI technology, Course Hero aims to personalize the learning experience, making it easier for students to find the specific help they need, whenever they need it. The platform’s goal is to facilitate a more efficient and effective study process, enabling students to grasp complex concepts and excel in their academic pursuits.

What does Course Hero do?

Course Hero serves as a comprehensive educational resource for students seeking to deepen their understanding of various subjects. It utilizes AI to offer personalized homework help, enabling students to unlock instant answers and explanations directly within their study documents. Beyond providing immediate solutions, Course Hero connects learners with verified expert tutors for one-on-one assistance, ensuring that every student can conquer challenging topics. The platform also highlights and defines key concepts within documents, aiding in the retention of critical information. With a focus on practice, Course Hero encourages mastery of subjects by matching similar questions and related materials to the student’s current study document, creating a tailored learning experience that prepares students for success in their academic and professional futures.

Course Hero Key Features

AI-Powered Homework Help : This feature leverages artificial intelligence to provide instant answers and explanations for a wide range of questions, from multiple-choice to open-ended queries, directly within the student’s document.

24/7 Personalized Tutor Support : Students can connect with verified experts at any time for additional assistance, ensuring they have access to help whenever they need it.

Key Concepts Highlighted and Defined : Important terms and ideas are automatically identified and explained within study materials, enhancing comprehension and retention.

Access To an Extensive Library of Practice Problems : Course Hero offers a vast collection of practice questions and related study materials, allowing students to hone their skills and deepen their understanding of the subject matter.

Verified Expert Tutors : The platform boasts a team of over 2,600 subject-matter experts from around the globe, each rigorously vetted to provide thorough and accurate answers.

AI Course Assistant : Utilizing content from across the Course Hero library, the AI model curates the most relevant information, integrating it directly into the student’s study document for a seamless learning experience.


Genius is an AI Homework Generator designed to assist students across various academic disciplines. It leverages advanced artificial intelligence to provide comprehensive homework solutions, making it a valuable tool for students seeking to enhance their understanding and improve their grades. By integrating a range of functionalities tailored to meet the diverse needs of its users, Genius aims to simplify the learning process. This AI homework generator offers a user-friendly interface that enables students to navigate through its features with ease, ensuring that they can focus on learning rather than figuring out how to use the tool. This AI-powered homework helper is developed with the goal of supporting students by providing instant, accurate, and detailed homework assistance.

What does Genius do?

Genius operates as a multifaceted AI homework assistant, offering a wide array of services to cater to the academic needs of students. It analyzes homework questions and generates step-by-step solutions, thereby aiding students in understanding complex concepts across subjects like mathematics, science, literature, and more. Beyond just providing answers, Genius emphasizes learning by explaining the rationale behind each solution, ensuring that students grasp the underlying principles. It also features a question-answering service that allows students to input specific queries and receive detailed explanations. Whether it’s solving intricate math problems, assisting with essay writing, or helping understand historical events, Genius is designed to be a comprehensive study companion that enhances the educational journey of its users.

Genius Key Features

Math Problem Solver : This feature allows students to input math problems, and Genius provides step-by-step solutions along with explanations, making complex calculations more understandable.

Essay Writing Assistance : Genius aids in the composition of essays by offering suggestions for structure, content, and grammar, helping students improve their writing skills.

Language Learning Tools : It includes features for grammar checking and language learning, supporting students in enhancing their language proficiency.

Homework Question Analysis : Genius can analyze homework questions across various subjects, offering detailed explanations and solutions to foster a deeper understanding of the topic.

Interactive Learning Interface : The platform is designed to be interactive, engaging students in a more dynamic learning process compared to traditional study methods.

12. Homework AI

Homework AI

Homework AI is an AI homework generator designed to assist students and professionals with their academic and writing tasks. This versatile tool is equipped with a suite of features aimed at simplifying complex problems and enhancing productivity. With its user-friendly interface, Homework AI serves as a reliable companion for tackling a variety of challenges, from mathematics to article writing, ensuring that users can navigate their educational journey with greater ease and efficiency.

What does Homework AI do?

Homework AI provides a comprehensive solution to academic inquiries across multiple disciplines. It functions as a math solver, offering step-by-step guidance to demystify complex equations and enhance understanding. Beyond mathematics, it serves as a general question solver, tapping into a vast database to furnish users with detailed answers to queries spanning history, science, literature, and more. The app also includes features for generating emails and assisting with article writing, addressing the needs of users seeking to communicate effectively and overcome creative hurdles.

Homework AI Key Features

Math Solver : This feature allows users to input or scan math problems, after which Homework AI delivers a detailed, step-by-step solution. It not only provides the answer but also guides users through the methodology, fostering a deeper comprehension of mathematical concepts.

General Question Solver : Homework AI’s ability to answer a wide array of questions makes it an invaluable resource for students and curious minds alike. It covers topics from various fields, ensuring that users receive well-rounded support in their quest for knowledge.

Email Generation : Crafting professional emails can be time-consuming, but with Homework AI’s email generator, users can create articulate and personalized correspondence quickly. By inputting key details, the app composes messages that are ready to send, saving users valuable time.

Article Assistance : For those facing writer’s block or in need of writing support, Homework AI offers tools to help structure ideas, enhance grammar, and provide inspiration. This feature is designed to elevate the quality of writing, making it an asset for students, professionals, and writers.

FAQs on AI Homework Generator

What is an ai homework generator.

An AI homework generator is a sophisticated tool designed to assist students in creating homework assignments. It leverages artificial intelligence technologies, including natural language processing and machine learning, to generate questions, answers, and even entire assignments based on the input provided by the user. This tool is particularly useful for students who are looking to understand a topic better, practice problem-solving skills, or prepare for exams by generating relevant practice questions and assignments.

How does an AI Homework Generator work?

The working mechanism of an AI homework generator involves several steps. Initially, the user inputs a topic or a specific set of instructions related to their homework or study area. The AI then analyzes this input using its database and algorithms to understand the context and requirements. Based on this analysis, it generates questions, problems, or assignments that match the user’s needs. The AI uses a vast repository of information and its understanding of educational content to create accurate and relevant outputs.

Can AI Homework Generators create assignments for any subject?

Yes, AI homework generators are versatile and can create assignments for a wide range of subjects. This includes, but is not limited to, mathematics, science, literature, history, and languages. The capability to generate assignments across various subjects stems from the AI’s access to a broad database of educational material and its ability to process and understand different types of content. However, the quality and accuracy of the generated assignments may vary depending on the complexity of the subject and the specific requirements of the assignment.

Are AI Homework Generators reliable for academic use?

AI homework generators are a reliable resource for academic use, especially for generating practice questions and exploring different types of assignments. They offer a convenient way to enhance learning and understanding of various subjects. However, it’s important for students to review and verify the accuracy of the generated assignments. While AI technologies have advanced significantly, there may still be instances where the generated content requires adjustments or corrections to align with academic standards and expectations.

What are the benefits of using an AI Homework Generator?

Using an AI homework generator offers several benefits, including time savings, personalized learning experiences, and enhanced understanding of subjects. It allows students to quickly generate practice questions and assignments, saving time that can be used for studying or other activities. Additionally, the personalized approach of AI homework generators helps cater to individual learning styles and needs, making studying more efficient. Lastly, by providing a variety of questions and assignments, these tools help deepen students’ understanding of subjects, aiding in better academic performance.

Utilizing an AI homework generator presents a modern approach to studying and assignment preparation. It not only aids in the efficient generation of homework tasks but also supports personalized learning paths for students across various subjects. The technology behind these generators is designed to understand and process educational content, offering reliable and relevant academic resources. While they serve as a valuable tool for enhancing learning, it’s essential for users to engage critically with the generated content to ensure it meets their educational standards and objectives. As AI technology continues to evolve, the potential for AI homework generators to transform the educational landscape becomes increasingly significant, promising a future where personalized and efficient learning is accessible to all.

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handwriting homework ai


A blog by Sam Greydanus

Scribe: Generating Realistic Handwriting with TensorFlow

Aug 21, 2016 • Sam Greydanus

handwriting homework ai

Like most elementary school kids in the 2000’s, I was a master of WordArt. I gleefully overused the big rainbow-colored fonts on everything from class essays to school newspaper articles. One thing that bothered me was the lack of good cursive fonts. Some years later I realized why: each letter in cursive gets shaped differently depending on what letters surround it. That makes mimicking someone’s cursive style with a computer – or even by hand - tricky. It’s the reason we still sign our names in cursive on legal documents.

handwriting homework ai

In this post, I will demonstrate the power of deep learning by using it to generate human-like handwriting (including some cursive). This work is based on the methods from a famous 2014 paper, Generating Sequences With Recurrent Neural Networks by Alex Graves. With this post, I am releasing

  • the code I used to build and train the model
  • a Jupyter notebook which explains the code in a step-by-step manner.

Building the Graves handwriting model

First let’s look at the data. I used the IAM Handwriting Database to train my model. As far as datasets go, it’s very small (less than 50 MB once parsed). A total of 657 writers contributed to the dataset and each has a unique handwriting style:

handwriting homework ai

The data itself is a three-dimensional time series. The first two dimensions are the (x, y) coordinates of the pen tip and the third is a binary 0/1 value where 1 signifies the end of a stroke. Each line has around 500 pen points and an annotation of ascii characters.

The challenge

The data is three dimensional, sequential, and highly correlated both in space and in time. In other words, it’s a big ugly mess. It was originally meant for training online handwriting recognition models which learn that a series of pen points represents, say, the letter ‘a’:

handwriting homework ai

Ok, that is a tough challenge but it can be done using out-of-the-box sequential models such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs). A much more difficult challenge is to reverse the process, ie. to train a model that takes the letter ‘a’ as an input and produces a series of points that we can connect to make the letter ‘a.’

handwriting homework ai

In order to make this happen, we’ll start with a recurrent neural network structure and then add some bells and whistles.

A beast of a model

It’s easy to think of the Graves handwriting model is as three separate models. Each of these models can be trained using gradient backpropagation, so we basically stack them on top of each other like Legos and then train the whole beast from end-to-end. I’ll describe each model in turn and give an intuition for how they work together to generate handwriting.

handwriting homework ai

The Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Cell. At the core of the Graves handwriting model are three Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs). We could just as easily have used Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs), Recurrent Highway Networks (RHNs), or some other seq2seq cell. TensorFlow provides a built-in API for these models so it doesn’t really matter. If you don’t know what recurrent neural networks or LSTMs are, read this post to see how they work and this post to see what they can do.

handwriting homework ai

These networks use a differentiable form of memory to keep track of time-dependent patterns in data. LSTMs, for example, use three different tensors to perform ‘erase’, ‘write’, and ‘read’ operations on a ‘memory’ tensor: the \(f\), \(i\), \(o\), and \(C\) tensors respectively ( more on this). For the purposes of this post, just remember that RNNs are extremely good at modeling sequential data.

The Mixture Density Network (MDN). Think of Mixture Density Networks as neural networks which can measure their own uncertainty. Their output parameters are \(\mu\), \(\sigma\), and \(\rho\) for several multivariate Gaussian components. They also estimate a parameter \(\pi\) for each of these distributions. Think of \(\pi\) as the probability that the output value was drawn from that particular component’s distribution. Last year, I wrote an Jupyter notebook about MDNs.

handwriting homework ai

Since MDNs parameterize probability distributions, they are a great way to capture randomness in the data. In the handwriting model, the MDN learns to how messy or unpredictable to make different parts of handwriting. For example, the MDN will choose Gaussian with diffuse shapes at the beginning of strokes and Gaussians with peaky shapes in the middle of strokes.

The Attention Mechanism. Imagine that we want our model to write ‘You know nothing Jon Snow.’ In order to get the information about which characters make up this sentence, the model uses a differentiable attention mechanism. In technical terms, it is a Gaussian convolution over a one-hot ascii encoding. Think of this convolution operation as a soft window through which the handwriting model can look at a small subset of characters, ie. the letters ‘kn’ in the word ‘know’. Since all the parameters of this window are differentiable, the model learns to shift the window from character to character as it writes them

handwriting homework ai

The model learns to control the window parameters remarkably well. For example, the bright stripes in the first plot are the model’s way of encoding the end of a pen stroke. We never hard-coded this behavior!

It works! After a couple hours on a Tesla K40 GPU, the model generates legible letters and after a day or so it writes sentences with only a few small errors. Even though most of the training sequences were 256 points long, I was able to sample sequences of up to 750.

handwriting homework ai

Since the model’s MDN cap predicts the pen’s \((x,y)\) coordinates by drawing them from a Gaussian distribution, we can modify that distribution to make the handwriting cleaner or messier. I followed Alex Graves’ example by introducing a ‘bias’ term \(b\) which redefines the \(\pi\) and \(\sigma\) parameters according to

To better understand what is happening here, check out my Jupyter notebook or the original paper . Below are results for \(b={0.5,0.75,1.0}\)

handwriting homework ai

The Lego Effect

Deep learning used to be divided neatly according to algorithms. There were convolutional neural networks (ConvNets) for image recognition, RNNs for sequence analysis, and Deep-Q or Policy Gradient Networks for Reinforcement Learning. Some of the most exciting papers in the past year combine several of these algorithms in a single differentiable model.

The Lego Effect is a new trend of stacking together several differentiable models and training them all end-to-end so that each solves a subset of the task

The Graves handwriting model is one of the first examples of the Lego Effect. As I explained above, it’s actually a combination of three different types of models. The RNN cell learns to reproduce sequences of pen points, the MDN models randomness and style in the handwriting, and the attention mechanism tells the model what to write.

handwriting homework ai

There are many other examples of the Lego Effect in the wild. Andrej Karpathy and Justin Johnson combined ConvNets with an LSTM to generate image captions . AI researchers regularly use ConvNets in their reinforcement learning models to solve vision-based games like Atari Breakout . Alex Graves and some other DeepMind researchers combined ConvNets with policy gradients in Recurrent Models of Visual Attention to do gradient-based training on a network which makes non-differentiable decisions.

These sorts of papers will only become more common in coming months. One area of rapid research which promises to benefit from the Lego Effect is differentiable long term memory. Several well-established models have short term memory (LSTMs, Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs), Recurrent Highway Networks) but only a few research-only models ( Neural Turing Machines , Hierarchical Memory Networks ) have the neural equivalent of a hard drive. The fact is that trainable long term memory is really tough to implement! There are some early signs of success in this area that use the Lego Effect. One really exciting paper, Reinforcement Learning Neural Turing Machines combines reinformement learning, recurrent networks, and a big bag of DL tricks to tackle the challenge.

Closing thoughts

Deep learning never started out as a way to generate handwriting. The fact that I was able to achieve state of the art in this task after only a few slight adjustments to an LSTM is what has made the field so explosive and successful. The strength of deep learning models is their generality. For example, by simply increasing the number of parameters and changing my training data, I could turn this model into a text-to-speech generator. The possibilities are limitless.

I hope this project gives you a sense of why deep learning is both extremely cool and brimming with potential. As a scientist by training, I see deep learning as a powerful tool for scientific discovery.

handwriting homework ai

Calligrapher.ai: Handwriting Generator 🖋

Create beautiful handwritten text with Calligrapher.ai 🖋️ Convert text to realistic handwriting using an…

  • Free Trial Paid Plan


⚙️  Tech Specs

❑ website registered on:,   1st january, 1970, ❑ is this mobile friendly, ❑ name servers:, dns1.p03.nsone.net, dns2.p03.nsone.net, ❑ tech stack:, ❑ tool name:,   calligrapher.ai, connect with qr.


〒 Know More

❑ use it for:, ❑ pricing options:,    free trial , paid plan, ❑ suitable tags:,    browser based.

Calligrapher.ai is an online AI tool that allows users to generate realistic computer-generated handwriting. With the help of an in-browser recurrent neural network, this tool can convert text into handwriting in various print and cursive styles. Users have the flexibility to customize the outputs and download them as SVG files.

Major Highlights:

1. Realistic Handwriting Generation: Calligrapher.ai utilizes a powerful recurrent neural network to generate handwriting that closely resembles human writing. This ensures that the output is authentic and realistic.

2. In-Browser Functionality: One of the key advantages of this tool is that it operates entirely in the browser, eliminating the need for any additional software or downloads. Users can access and use Calligrapher.ai directly from their web browser, making it convenient and accessible.

3. Print and Cursive Styles: Calligrapher.ai offers a wide range of print and cursive styles to choose from. Whether you’re looking for a formal and elegant script or a playful and casual handwriting style, this tool has you covered.

4. Customization Options: Users have the ability to customize the generated handwriting to suit their specific needs. They can adjust the size, slant, and spacing of the text, allowing for further personalization and customization.

5. Download as SVG: Once the desired handwriting style and customization options are selected, users can easily download the output as SVG files. This file format ensures that the handwriting can be scaled without losing quality, making it suitable for a variety of applications.

6. User-Friendly Interface: Calligrapher.ai boasts a user-friendly interface that is intuitive and easy to navigate. Even those with limited technical knowledge can quickly grasp how to use the tool and generate their desired handwriting.

7. Time-Saving: With Calligrapher.ai, users can save a significant amount of time compared to manually creating handwritten text. This tool automates the process, allowing for quick and efficient generation of realistic handwriting.

8. Versatile Applications: The generated handwriting can be used in a variety of applications, including graphic design, branding, invitations, certificates, and more. It adds a personal touch and authenticity to digital content.

– Graphic Design: Calligrapher.ai can be a valuable tool for graphic designers who want to incorporate realistic handwritten elements into their designs, such as logos, posters, or social media graphics. 🎨

– Branding: Businesses can use Calligrapher.ai to create custom handwritten logos or signatures, adding a unique and personal touch to their brand identity. 💼

– Invitations and Cards: Whether it’s for weddings, birthdays, or other special occasions, Calligrapher.ai can help create beautiful and personalized invitations and cards with realistic handwritten text. 💌

– Educational Materials: Teachers and educators can utilize Calligrapher.ai to create engaging and visually appealing educational materials, such as worksheets or handouts, with handwritten text. 📚

– Personal Projects: From handwritten quotes to personalized gifts, Calligrapher.ai can be used for various personal projects that require authentic and realistic handwriting. 🎁

In conclusion, Calligrapher.ai is a powerful online AI tool that enables users to generate realistic computer-generated handwriting. With its wide range of print and cursive styles, customization options, and the ability to download as SVG files, this tool offers convenience, versatility, and time-saving benefits. Whether you’re a graphic designer, business owner, educator, or simply someone looking to add a personal touch to your projects, Calligrapher.ai is a valuable tool to consider.

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Best AI Tools for Students: The 11 Free Tools We Recommend

best ai tools for students

Best AI tools for students are super important now—they help with writing better and getting instant feedback on students’ presentations.

The best thing? Lots of these are free AI tools for students! That’s great news for nonprofits and folks with tight budgets.

Study the top 11 AI tools of 2024 for academic success, whether it’s writing great essays or improving communication skills.

Table of Contents

Which ai tool is best for students.

Here is a list of free AI tools for school, college, and engineering students.

  • Caktus.ai is to solve Math questions
  • Quizgecko AI is for creating and sharing quizzes
  • Upword is the best AI for studying and learning
  • TextToHandwriting converts typed text to handwriting
  • ChatGPT prompts for students
  • Tome AI is for creating PPTs easily
  • Duolingo is to learn languages with fun games
  • Otter.ai is to transcribe lectures and meetings
  • Pdf.ai to chat with documents
  • Scholarcy AI summarizes long research articles
  • Socratic.org is for video explanations of questions

Best AI Tools for School Students

These are the top four best AI tools for students in schools.

1. Caktus.ai

Caktus AI turns your text into complete homework answers. With Caktus, students can write essays, solve Math, and code.

caktus ai - one of the best ai tools for students

This chart shows how good Caktus AI is for students.

It gets a rating of 4.2 out of 5. It costs $9.90 per month. It’s user-friendly, with a score of 4.5 out of 5. It has good features, rated 4.2 out of 5. The quality of its output is decent, at 3.8 out of 5. There’s no mobile app. Overall, it’s great for students.

Caktus.ai is similar to an AI answer generator for students.

Highlight Features

  • ✅ Free trial: 5,000 characters.
  • ✅ Features: Essay & code generator.
  • ✅ Easy to use: Input what you need, it handles the rest.
  • ✅ Semi-auto AI: Completes tasks, may need input.
  • ✅ History saving: Edit previous work or request new output.


  • ❌ Slow compared to different AI content generators.
  • ❌ No support/contact info is available within the tool.

Caktus AI Pricing

caktus ai pricing

Caktus offers a 5,000-character free trial, equivalent to 500-1,000 words. Their Premium plan costs $9.99/month and allows unlimited word generation.

Final Thoughts

Try out Caktus AI, a cool writing tool powered by AI . It’s the future, so give it a go!

We want to stress that this AI assistant can’t always do your homework alone. It can mess up and even copy content sometimes.

AI can’t think. It’s like a smart calculator, predicting based on what it’s learned online. It doesn’t know right from wrong, just guesses that often happen to be right.

2. Quizgecko AI

Quizgecko is one of the best AI tools for students making creating and sharing quizzes super easy with AI.

quizgecko - one of the best ai tools for students

It’s for teachers and students. It uses smart AI to make questions from any text, saving a lot of time and effort.

Quizgecko makes it easy for teachers to create tests and for businesses to assess their employees’ knowledge.

  • ✅ Chrome Extension
  • ✅ AI Question Generator
  • ✅ Analytics and Reporting
  • ✅ Flashcards
  • ❌ Free plan is limited
  • ❌ Limited question types

Quizgecko AI Pricing

quizgecko pricing

  • Student: $64/year
  • Educator: $89/year

Quizgecko stands out because it can turn any text, webpage, or video into quizzes. It pulls out the important details and makes quizzes way easier and faster.

3. Upword AI

Upword AI assistant to make finding information easier. With GPT-4, Upword speeds up learning by 10 times!

upword ai - one of the best ai tools for students

Upword’s AI tools make research easy for students, professionals, and researchers turning the content into useful knowledge.

  • ✅ Personalized ChatGPT
  • ✅ AI Copilot
  • ✅ Efficient Search
  • ✅ Summarization
  • ✅ Unlimited Storage

Upword AI Pricing

  • 7 days free trial
  • Paid plan: $12.50/month

Yes, Upword AI gives accurate summaries by extracting key points, so users get clear and useful information.

4. TextToHandwriting.com

The problem is that we’re missing handwritten content nowadays. TextToHandwriting swapped pens for keyboards, making things feel impersonal. It’s time to bring back that personal touch we all love.

texttohandwriting - free ai tool for students

Today, let’s discuss TextToHandwriting —one of the best AI tools for students that transforms your typed text into a handwritten document!

You can add heading text and content text on the page. Pick from 8 handwriting styles and choose sizes for both headings and content. Also, choose ink colors: black, red, or blue.

Picking colors helps you customize content easily.

Once your document’s done, you can save your content as an image. Use it for cool article layouts on your site or send a special birthday note to someone you love.

  • ✅ Excellent conversion
  • ✅ New fonts
  • ✅ User-friendly

TextToHandwriting Pricing

This text-to-handwriting tool is fun and worth checking out. It’s an excellent way to generate fresh content for your users. The site is always free to use.

Best AI Tools for College Students

The four best AI tools for college students.

5. ChatGPT Prompts for Students

ChatGPT serves not only as an AI tool for business and marketing but also proves advantageous for students.

One of the best AI tools for students is ChatGPT using specific prompts. Let’s sort these prompts by topic to make them clear for every community.

A. ChatGPT Prompts for High School Students

If you want to write an essay with a specific topic, just type – Write a friendly essay about [topic] in 500 words and provide it in the correct format.

chatgpt prompt for student for specific topic - best ai tools for students

If you need project ideas, just ask ChatGPT by typing – Suggest some ideas on science projects and get started!

chatgpt prompt related to science project

If you struggle with Math and need help understanding a concept, just ask ChatGPT! Say – Explain [idea_name] with an example in Mathematics.

chatgpt prompt for math students

If you need help with a problem, just ask ChatGPT! Ask questions like – Can you show us how to crack a Geometry problem? and give space and write the question.

chatgpt geometry problem ask prompt

B. ChatGPT Prompts for Engineering and College Students

If you’re new to development and want to make a web app, just ask ChatGPT. Just type – Create an easy web app with JavaScript.

chatgpt engineering prompt related to java script

If you need to discover bugs in some code, just ask ChatGPT using the prompt – Process to see the bug in our sample code.

chatgpt prompt for debugging in the sample code

If you need help adding a feature like a button or icon to your project, just ask ChatGPT! Instead of searching multiple websites, ChatGPT can give you code ideas directly. Just give the prompt, like – Create a button using JavaScript.

chatgpt prompt to add button using javascript

You can make a web app RESTAPI with Express and Node.js . Just type – Create the RESTAPI endpoint with Express and Nodejs .

chatgpt prompt to create restapi endpoint

Tome AI makes creating PPTs easy. It improves presentations, making them better looking and more impactful, whether for showcasing products, sharing research, or impressing clients.

tome ai - one of the best ai tools for students

You can pick templates or create your own to match your brand. It helps make one-pagers or mood boards swiftly, conveying your idea elegantly.

  • ✅ Create presentations faster
  • ✅ Excellent customization
  • ✅ Collaboration
  • ✅ AI image generator
  • ❌ The free version restricts presentation sharing to PDFs. 
  • ❌ The tool only supports 4 languages.

Tome AI Pricing

tome.app pricing

  • Professional: $16/month

This software is different from other best AI tools for students. Its user-friendly interface guides you smoothly. AI offers refined presentation tips. Easily drag and drop tiles and templates.

7. Duolingo

Duolingo is the top education app, making learning languages a fun game.

duolingo - ai tool for students

Playing games makes learning languages more enjoyable and keeps motivation high.

Every day, 5 million people use Duolingo. It’s a huge part of the app world, with more than 500 million downloads worldwide. 

It is free on Android and iOS, and there’s a website too, bringing in 5.5 million users/month.

  • ✅ The Shop: The Shop lets you spend extra gems.
  • ✅ Refill Health: In Duolingo’s free plan, you get five hearts as your “health.” Lose one heart for each query you miss.
  • ✅ Leagues: Duolingo boosts motivation and competition with its weekly leagues, where users compete against 30 players.
  • ✅ Speaks: When you travel and wish to learn about new cultures, being able to chat is key.
  • ✅ Listen: Something useful for people learning languages through audio.
  • ✅ Daily Quest: In addition to reaching your daily goal, you’ll also have daily quests to finish.
  • ❌ Encourages brief instructions to maintain the trend
  • ❌ Speech Practices Are Not Working

Duolingo Pricing

We liked how fun it was to learn with games. It helped us pick up new words without feeling like we were studying. 

Some language applications can be really serious, which is okay sometimes. But Duolingo’s streaks kept us interested. 

Watching our streak grow every day felt exciting. And competing with friends made it even more fun (most of the time). 

But when we lost our streak, we lost our motivation too. Later on, we used Duolingo to practice Spanish alongside other methods.

8. Otter.ai

In today’s busy educational world, where classes and discussions happen quickly, having an AI tool for students to record and understand spoken words is super useful. 

otter.ai - one of the best ai tools for students

That’s where Otter.ai comes in. It’s a high-tech service that uses AI to transcribe speech, making life easier for lots of students.

  • ✅ Transcribes lectures and meetings
  • ✅ Speaker identification
  • ✅ Searchable content
  • ✅ Platform integration
  • ✅ Custom Vocabulary
  • ❌ Otter.ai isn’t perfect.
  • ❌ Real-time needs a stable internet.
  • ❌ The free version has limits.

Otter.ai Pricing

otter.ai pricing

  • Pro : $10/month/user

Otter.ai is another one of the best AI tools for students, helping with lectures, and group work, and never missing a word spoken. It’s a must-have for any student!

Best AI Tools for Engineering Students

Here are the three best AI tools for Engineering students.

PDF.ai is an excellent AI tool for students to chat with documents. People use it for study and work.

You can request the document queries to learn more without reading it.

pdf.ai chats

This is one of the best AI tools for students when learning new things like skills, projects, theories, and more.

  • ✅ Accurate and fast
  • ✅ Saving chats
  • ❌ No ChatGPT integration
  • ❌ Price plan

Pdf.ai Pricing

pdf.ai pricing - best ai tools for students

PDF.ai costs $10/user/month. Unlimited access begins at $20, and there’s also a free plan with some restrictions.

PDF AI helps frequent users think smarter with PDFs.

This AI tool will be liked by students, lawyers, and professionals who want to save effort and time reading long documents and learn faster.

If you’re not excited about ChatGPT, try PDF.ai for all your PDF needs.

10. Scholarcy AI

QuillBot or Quillbot alternative tools help with short articles, and Scholarcy tackles long papers. It’s simple: upload, link, or paste text, and get a quick summary.

scholarcy ai - one of the best ai tools for students

The Scholarcy article summarizer quickly scans long research papers to pick out important details like facts, formations, and references. It then makes a summary card that you can easily save in Word or PowerPoint.

  • ✅ Extensive library
  • ✅ Rob-Highlighter
  • ✅ Reference Summary
  • ✅ Input and Export methods
  • ❌ No mobile app for Scholarcy.
  • ❌ Additional fees for Scholarcy Library access.
  • ❌ Generated output may lack important info at times.

Scholarcy AI Pricing

scholarcy ai pricing

  • Plus: $4.99/month

The Scholarcy summarizer makes summaries of research papers, articles, or reports. It saves you time by condensing important information for you, so you can get things done faster without having to read everything yourself.

11. Socratic.org

Stuck? Socratic helps! This Google AI learning app helps with university studies and high school.

socratic ai

You can ask Socratic your questions, and you’ll find great online resources to help you learn school subjects.

Socratic App Topics

  • Science: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, Environmental Science
  • Math: Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Precalculus, Calculus
  • English/Language Arts: Fiction, Non-fiction, Drama, Poetry
  • History: US History, World History
  • ✅ Useful Results: Utilize camera or voice for online resource connection.
  • ✅ All-in-One Learning Hub: Access videos, step-by-step guides, and more for self-paced learning.
  • ✅ Expert Study Guides: Visual explanations created by experts and teachers for comprehensive understanding.
  • ✅ Multi-Subject Support: Covers Algebra and more.
  • ❌ Web version is not available.

Socratic.org Pricing

  • Free (iOS and Android)

The Socratic application is great with VoiceOver. We could do voice and text searches easily and get results that VoiceOver could read well. Equations are read aloud, but they missed a negative symbol once. We found the missing information elsewhere in the iOS and Android app easily.

Benefits of Using These Best AI Tools for Students

  • Personalized education
  • Immediate response
  • Increases in productivity
  • Engaging education
  • Insights based on data
  • Inclusivity and Accessibility

To Conclude

Your mission is to check out these top 11 AI tools!

The Main Takeaways from this Article:

  • AI in education targets teaching to students’ needs, making learning easier and personalized.
  • If you are in school, use Caktus.ai to solve Math and essays for your homework, let Quizgecko AI help with creating and sharing quizzes, try Upword AI for studying and learning, and consider TextToHandwriting to upgrade your handwriting.
  • For college students, the ultimate AI tools include Tome AI for presentations, ChatGPT for writing help, Duolingo for language learning fun, and Otter.ai for transcribing lectures.
  • For engineering students, top AI tools like Pdf.ai offer document chat capabilities, Scholarcy AI summarizes lengthy research articles, and Socratic.org provides video explanations for questions.

When choosing the best AI tools for students remember to focus on compatibility, effectiveness, reliability, and understanding limitations. These factors are key to making the right decision for your school or institution.

Don’t forget to consider these best AI tools for students in 2024.

Which AI is best for students?

The right AI tool depends on what you need. Upword helps with writing, Caktus.ai is great for Math, and Duolingo is for learning languages.

Is there a free AI app for students?

Quizgecko is the top free AI app for students, famous for making and sharing quizzes, and Pdf.ai lets you chat with documents.

What is the best AI tool for student assignment writing?

Upword AI is the best AI tool for student assignment writing in education. It’s designed to make research and writing easier for academics and students.

How can students use AI?

Teachers can assign Math problems for students to solve using a tool like Caktus.ai. After the AI answers, school and college students can work together in teams to make their own using the Math skills they’ve learned.

What type of AI can be used in education?

Different AI tools for education:

Adaptive learning Attention, empathy, and emotion measurement tools Virtual chatbots Automatic writing evaluation tools Personalized educational resources Apps for smart language learning Platforms for personalizing content

What is the best GPT for students?

Upword AI and Scholarcy AI are the best GPTs for students. They summarize files and extract text. Plus, Upword AI can answer your questions. Great study partners!

What is the AI writing tool for college students?

Upword AI is the best AI writing tool for college students. It automates writing and research for students and academics.

Is AI a good tool for students?

AI in education boosts student performance by giving more feedback. It evaluates progress, offers targeted advice, and spots areas needing improvement.

What is the best AI for engineering students?

Pdf.ai, Scholarcy AI, and Socratic.org are the best AI tools for engineering students.

What software do AI engineers use?

Common AI software includes Pdf.ai, Scholarcy AI, and Socratic.org.

What is AI used for in engineering?

Engineers are using AI in engineering for things like robots, materials, and designing with text. They see how valuable it is.

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How do Locke’s view of human nature and Hobbes’s view differ?

Actual response contains more even more sections including details and transitions

John Locke and Thomas Hobbes both had strong opinions on human nature, but their views notably differed in terms of their perception of people’s self-interest, their views on the role of government, and the significance of natural law.

John Locke saw human beings as self-interested creatures who appreciate the rights to life and liberty.

Locke argued that people in the state of nature develop a shared sense of morality, which prevent them from harming one another. Moreover, he believed that to ensure those rights each person was responsible for protecting the rights of others, and in return, would have his or her own rights preserved.

Hobbes conceptualized man in a state of nature as being self-interested, egoistic and constantly in a state of competition with one another.

Hobbes believed that mankind in the state of nature would remain in a “war of all against all” unless an authority is imposed to establish laws in order to guarantee safety to individuals.

While Hobbes argued that governments should take absolute power and authority over citizens, Locke argued for the opposite.

Locke believed in the idea of limited government, one that respects the people’s right to property and abides by the fundamental laws of nature. In addition, Locke attributed a greater importance to natural law than Hobbes, believing that one should follow the principles of freedom and mutual respect.

Although both Locke and Hobbes offer compelling arguments on human nature and the state, the two philosophers’ views have fundamental discrepancies.

and many more...

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Clever Student Has AI Write Their Homework by Hand

Tiktokker 3d_printer_stuff developed a clever way to avoid homework assignments calling for handwritten essays..

Teachers aren't stupid and they know that some students will do whatever they can to get out of homework. After computers became commonplace, many teachers started requiring that students write out their homework by hand to prevent them from simply printing an essay they found online. That's even more important now that AI writers can churn out pretty decent content based on short prompts. But teachers can never keep up with the really clever students who are willing to expend a lot of effort to avoid homework, as demonstrated by TikTokker 3d_printer_stuff's use of AI and a 3D printer to produce "handwritten" homework .

ChatGPT and several other AI writing models can churn out well-written content that does a pretty good job of covering surface-level topics, such as book reports and basic essays. All a student has to do is enter the prompt they're given for their homework assignment, and ChatGPT can take care of the rest. The best way that teachers can combat that is by requiring digital submissions that they can run through AI writing detection services, which can determine if a written sample was likely written by an AI. But many teachers aren't up to date on the latest in cheating technology and require handwritten submissions, which led 3d_printer_stuff to this solution.

First, they used ChatGPT to generate their homework assignment essay. Next, they needed that written on paper. They could have simply copied the text onto paper themselves, of course. But that would require work, which was what they were trying to avoid. So instead, they turned their 3D printer into a pen plotter. That is easy to do by attaching a pen to the 3D printer near the hot end. As long as the printer knows the Z height of the pen's tip, it can work just like a standard pen plotter. After completing that, the only thing left for 3d_printer_stuff to do was generate the g-code. For that, they used the free online service 3Dwriter.io, which can produce fairly convincing script.

Eagle-eyed teachers will notice that the "handwritten" text is a little too consistent to be legitimate. But even the most observant teachers are overworked and tired, so this could pass muster. The ultimate solution would be to use AI to introduce variations into the script that mimic those we would expect to see in real handwritten text. Hopefully 3d_printer_stuff will implement such a solution before they get caught cheating.

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This genius student uses the power of AI and a 3D printer to 'handwrite' their homework

A+ material.

3d printer with a pen on it writing on paper.

As technology advances, you can always count on one thing: students will use it to avoid doing homework. One industrious student not only got an AI chatbot to do their homework assignment, but they also rigged it to a 3D printer to write it out on pen and paper, expending the maximum amount of effort required to do the minimum amount of homework. Bravo!

TikTok user 3d_printer_stuff shared a series of videos on how they programmed a 3D printer to produce homework with the answers that ChatGPT wrote. 

They gave ChatGPT their assignment; it spit out an answer, and then they copy/pasted that text over to 3dwriter . As you can see, once you sort out the proper spacing and mount a pen onto your 3D printer, 3dwriter can write out the AI-generated text onto a sheet of paper perfectly between the margins. The tutorial video shows the process step-by-step. 

ChatGPT has been in the news recently after Microsoft said it would invest $10 billion in OpenAI . The company developed an AI chatbot that scrapes the internet to produce long-form answers to questions in a human-like fashion. This is exactly why ChatGPT has already been banned in New York City public schools over cheating and plagiarism concerns. Ultimately the fear is that students will use it as a crutch and hinder the development of critical thinking skills, which is why the NYC Dept. of Education restricted access to the AI chatbot on its schools' computers. I don't blame them, considering one of the videos shows math homework being done on the fly. 

@3d_printer_stuff ♬ Calm LoFi song(882353) - S_R

Of course, as many comments suggest, the next logical step in 3d_printer_stuff's scheme should be to train an AI to mimic their handwriting. That way, they could fool a teacher since the handwriting shown here is just a little too perfect. You could also use these tools for non-cheating purposes, I guess. I'd argue that setting up a rig to do your homework takes more time than just doing the homework yourself, but I applaud the hustle nonetheless. 

Either way, it's interesting to see what the cross-section of AI and automation can produce that doesn't involve it being "light outs for us all," according to one CEO. I nor PC Gamer endorse cheating or scamming your way out of doing homework. We do think it's cool, though. 


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Take-Two CEO: The idea that AI will make everyone unemployed is 'the stupidest thing I've ever heard'

Those erroneous search results were just the AI doing its job, says Google—"Prior to these screenshots going viral, practically no one asked Google that question"

Kingston gave me my first glimpse of CAMM2 DDR5 desktop RAM at Computex 2024, along with some AI-gen race drivers and a very heavy F1 theme

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Google’s latest AI model has eyes, reads handwriting and does your maths homework

handwriting homework ai

SINGAPORE – Google’s upcoming artificial intelligence (AI) model for consumers can read handwriting and solve mathematical questions for students, potentially plugging a gap found in earlier AI chatbots.

Named Gemini, Google’s latest AI model, which can understand and generate images, audio and text, will be rolled out to users and enterprise customers gradually throughout 2024.

Google claims to have broken records set by other AI models, outperforming human experts on benchmarks for understanding languages, social sciences, mathematics and other subjects, its presenters said on Dec 6 in an online media conference on the latest AI tools.

Users will receive a first tranche of Gemini-enabled updates on Dec 6 on Google’s free-to-use AI chatbot, Bard , which can summarise information, generate code and reason with greater sophistication. The rest of Gemini’s headlining features will be gradually rolled out in 2024.

In a video shown to the media, the AI speaks to the user verbally and appears to understand anything it sees through a camera. It could understand mathematical workings scribbled on a page and suggest to the user how to solve the equation.

It created a game on command, giving clues to the user to point to a country on a world map based on hints, and even tracked the position of a ball shuffled under three identical cups shifting around.

The AI generated music based on images of musical instruments that were gradually introduced into the frame, and could identify an image of a crab based on a connect-the-dots puzzle without having to sketch it.

To achieve these feats, Gemini was trained using different types of media and components, allowing it to understand various modes of input, like text, audio and images, said Google.

This is unlike how AI models are conventionally built, by training them to learn different modes of communication in silos before “stitching” the components together, the tech giant said.

Gemini will be released in three versions, with varying levels of sophistication to fit the needs of mobile, general and enterprise users.

Mobile users will gradually receive updates with Gemini Nano, a mobile-friendly version that can run its AI features on the phone’s processing chip, even without an Internet connection.

Google Pixel 8 Pro phone users will be the first to use a slew of Gemini-powered AI features, including a summarisation tool on the Pixel’s Recorder app and help from AI to reply to text messages on WhatsApp. When asked why Gemini is not rolled out to the lower-priced Pixel 8, which runs on the same chip as the 8 Pro, Google said it will roll out the updates to other phones gradually to fit different requirements of each device.

The middle-tier Gemini Pro is the go-to version for most developers and business users who want to build AI apps using Gemini. It will also be the version of Gemini backing the updated Bard on Dec 6.

The most capable edition, the Gemini Ultra, is meant for select enterprise customers to execute highly complex tasks. Google said a souped-up version of its chatbot, Bard Advance, will also arrive in early 2024, backed with Gemini Ultra, but it did not state if it will be free to use.

Google said Gemini has been trained to weed out toxic prompts and responses, using 100,000 prompts pulled from the Web.

The tech giant’s latest features are set to heat up the generative AI market, trading blows with OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which was updated to understand and generate images and code, and speak with users verbally.

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How AI Writing Tools Are Helping Students Fake Their Homework

Creativity could be on the way out

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  • AI & Everyday Life News
  • The increasing use of AI writing tools could help students cheat.
  • Teachers say software that helps generate text can be used to fake homework assignments. 
  • One teacher says content from programs that rewrite or paraphrase content sticks out like a "sore thumb" at the middle school level.

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Getting good grades in school may soon be about artificial intelligence (AI) as much as hard work. 

Online software tools that help students write essays using AI have become so effective that some teachers worry the new technology is replacing creativity during homework assignments. Students are increasingly turning to these programs that can write entire paragraphs or essays with just a few prompts, often leaving teachers none the wiser. 

"As far as I can tell, it is currently not that easy to detect AI writing," Vincent Conitzer , a professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University , told Lifewire in an email interview. "These systems do not straightforwardly plagiarize existing text that can then be found. I am also not aware of any features of the writing that obviously signal that it came from AI."

Homework Helpers

The use of AI writing tools by students is on the rise, anecdotes suggest. Conitzer said he’s heard one philosophy professor say he would shift away from the use of essays in his classes due to concern over AI-generated reports.

Tools based on Large Language Models (LLMs), such as GPT-3/X, have seen tremendous improvement over the last few years, Robert Weißgraeber , the managing director of AX Semantics , an AI-powered, natural language generation (NLG) software company, said in an email interview. Users enter a short phrase or paragraph, and the tool extends that phrase or section into a lengthy article.

These systems do not straightforwardly plagiarize existing text that can then be found.

Don't expect LLMs to replace real authors anytime soon, though, Weissgraeber said. GPT-3X tools are just "stochastic parrots" that produce perfect-sounding text, "however when looked at in detail, they produce defects called 'hallucinations,'—which means they are outputting things that cannot be deduced from the arguments built into the input, data, or the text itself. The perfect syntax and word choices can dazzle the reader, but when looked at closely, they actually produce semantic and pragmatic gibberish."

Catching AI Cheaters

AI-assisted writing programs are now so effective that it's hard to catch cheaters, experts say. Other than making students write in a supervised setting, perhaps the best way for teachers to avoid the use of AI writing is to come up with unusual topics that require common sense to write about, Conitzer said.

"For example, I just had GPT-3 write the beginning of two essays," he added. "The first was about whether free speech should sometimes be restricted to keep people safe, a generic essay topic about which you can find all kinds of writing online, and GPT-3 produced sensible text listing the pros and cons.

"The second was about what a teenager who was accidentally transported to the year 1000 but still has her phone in her pocket should do with her phone. GPT-3 recommended using it to call her friends and family and do research about the year 1000."

The perfect syntax and word choices can dazzle the reader...

Erin Beers , a middle school language arts teacher in the Cincinnati area, told Lifewire in an email interview that content from programs that rewrite or paraphrase content sticks out like a "sore thumb" at the middle school level. 

"I can usually spot fraudulent activity due to a student's use of complex sentence structure and an abundance of adjectives," Beers said. "Most 7th-grade writers simply don't write at that level."

Beers said she's against students using most AI writing programs, saying, "Anything that attempts to replicate creativity is likely limiting a writer's growth."

Krit of Studio OMG / Getty Images

Weißgraeber recommends teachers not be fooled by smooth-looking prose that may have been generated by AI. "Look at the argumentation chains," he added. "Are all statements grounded in correlating facts and data that are also listed?"

However, despairing teachers take note. There's at least one upside to students using AI tools, Conitzer contends. 

"In principle, students could learn quite a few things from AI writing," he said. "It often produces clear and well-structured prose that could serve as a good example, though the style is usually generic. Students could also learn more about AI from it, including how it sometimes still fails miserably at commonsense reasoning and how it reflects the human writing it was trained on."

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  23. How AI Writing Tools Are Helping Students Fake Their Homework

    Homework Helpers. The use of AI writing tools by students is on the rise, anecdotes suggest. Conitzer said he's heard one philosophy professor say he would shift away from the use of essays in his classes due to concern over AI-generated reports. Tools based on Large Language Models (LLMs), such as GPT-3/X, have seen tremendous improvement ...