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Sixth Grade Creative Writing Worksheets

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Home > English Language Arts Worksheets > 6th Grade Writing

At the 6th grade level, we are encouraging students to use evidence to back up any argument that you are trying to propose. Students will start analyzing text and be able to infer about the text and understand central themes. Students will begin to understand how to write using the correct point of view for their intended audience. This is designed to help engage readers more. We encourage students to use figurative language and bright language to open up a new world to their readers. At this point students are ready to write for a wide range of audiences and purposes. We often find that writing for purpose is highly motivating for students at this level. At the education crossroads in 6th grade, your students are ready to tackle more in depth writing assignments. Before they say good bye to grade school, get students hammering away in the classroom and at home to enhance creative writing skills. How about this for a dive deep into the imagination of a 6th grader: "Write a letter to your younger self, telling yourself what you wished you had known then." You will be amazed how far your kids have progressed as writers by downloading the lessons from this series.

These writing worksheets were created specifically for 6th grade students that are putting a great deal of effort into their written expressive language. Students will find some deep thinking prompts and situations that they must assess and adjust to. Many teachers tell us that students find this work engaging and enjoyable. It is all about keeping them motivated and actively thinking at the 6th grade level. Reach deep into the vivid imaginations of your students by presenting creative writing lessons from the task of a simple writing prompt.

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Printable 6th grade writing worksheets, click the buttons to print each worksheet and answer key., how's life.

Imagine you are an elderly person looking back on your life. Write about how your life turned out. What did you do? What are you most proud of?

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8 Quick Prompts

Do you think it is a good idea for teachers to specialize in one subject, or do you think that you should always only have one teacher per grade, even as your get older?


What Did You Learn?

What is one thing you have learned this year about how you do and don't want to treat other people? Explain.

Important Values

What are the values most important to your family? How do you know? How does your family exhibit these values in daily life?

Parents Advice

What advice have you been given by parents or other adults about how to choose your career when you grow up? How do you feel about that advice?

What Do You Wish You Knew?

Write a letter to your younger self, telling yourself what you wish you had known then.

Healthy Diet

What do you think makes up a healthy diet? Do you eat a healthy diet? Why or why not?

The Most Dangerous Animal

What do you think is the most dangerous animal on earth? Why do you think that? How is it dangerous? What do you think would happen if you encountered one?

Playing Sports

Do you think that every student should be required to participate in a sport? Why or why not?

New Student

Imagine your favorite fictional character was a new student in your school. What do you think might happen?

What's Important?

What do you think if the most important school subject? Why?

Staying In Town

When you grow up, do you want to stay in this town or move somewhere else? Explain.

A Quality Teacher

What quality do you most appreciate in a teacher? Why?

Eight More Prompts

Have you ever been told by an adult that it is bad to do something, and then seen that same adult doing it? How did that make you feel? What did you do?

What is the most disappointing thing that someone that you care about has done? Why were you disappointed? What happened?

Download 6th Grade Writing Worksheets




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Tim's Printables

6th Grade Writing Prompts

If your 6th grader enjoys creative writing, print this free 6th grade writing prompts PDF. With worksheet was created t0 help aspiring writers and language arts teachers. There are 20 writing prompts to get your pen moving. Some of the writing prompts are intellectually challenging, while others are fun and will inspire your imagination.

Click the image thumbnail below to download the PDF version. Alternatively, you can read online by scrolling further down the page.

6th Grade Writing Prompts

6th Grade Writing Prompts List

  • The year is 1700, and you are in charge of starting a colony in the New World. Name your colony, and describe how you would build it. What challenges would you face, and how would you overcome them?
  • You meet a wise man at the top of a mountain, who knows all the answers. He will let you ask him one question. What do you ask?
  • Humans have colonized Mars, and now you are on a space ship traveling to the new Martian settlement. Describe your thoughts about traveling to this new planet. Why are you going? What will you see? Who will you meet?
  • The year is 1880, and your sailing ship has just crashed on a tropical island in the Pacific. How will you survive?
  • You have just found a time machine. What happens next?
  • What is the difference between hearing and listening?
  • Your space ship has been sucked through a black hole and miraculously you have survived the trip to the other side. Describe what you encounter.
  • If you could not longer use a cell phone for an entire year, how would you communicate with people?
  • You’re a detective in the 1930s. Write a story about your first case.
  • How did computers affect the world?
  • Invent a new holiday. Describe what you’re celebrating and some traditions that go along with the holiday.
  • Name one problem that currently exists in the world. How would you solve it?
  • What is your definition of creativity? How are you creative?
  • Write an autobiographical haiku.
  • Write a plot summary of a story that contains three fictional characters from three separate books by three different authors.
  • Write myth explaining how the world was created.
  • Write a story about a superhero with a ridiculous superpower.
  • You’re spending the day with the wizard Merlin. Write down some of the wise lessons he teaches you.
  • The campfire grew out of control…
  • Describe your life if you lived during the Middle Ages.
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100 creative 6th Grade Writing Prompts

Writing Prompts |

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100 Creative 6 th Grade Writing Prompts

Sixth grade is the right time to introduce students to activities that promote self-expression and improves their overall writing skills. In this post, we have come up with a list of 100 writing prompts — from storytelling and expository to research and creative writing prompts — to help students tap into their creativity and hone their writing skills.

In this post, we have for you:

  • Storytelling writing prompts
  • Research writing prompts
  • Reflective writing prompts
  • Narrative writing prompts
  • Expository writing prompts
  • Procedural writing prompts
  • Creative writing prompts

So, let’s put this show on the road.

grade 6 creative writing worksheets

Storytelling writing prompts for 6 th grade

  • When we found that the grandpa’s closet opens up to a deep forest, we decided to…
  • As I was walking around the local park, a dog came up to me and said, “You have got to listen to my story.” And then he began speaking…
  • The most surprising thing we have found in our school was…
  • As I was cleaning the attic in my grandparent’s house, I found the genie’s lamp. I decided to…
  • My brother and I were in the first fight ever. It all began when…
  • Our dream family vacation to… got canceled my younger brother woke up with…
  • As the world’s first 12-year scientist, I need to share my invention…
  • My first road trip with my dad didn’t go as per the plan. First…
  • When Lucy opened her lunch box, she couldn’t help exclaiming “Ugh” because the food looked as gross as…
  • I got the biggest surprise of my life when my dog…
  • I had never laid eyes on a dragon until that morning when our school took us to the nearby jungle as part of a trekking tour.
  • I woke up one morning only to find I have been turned into a big bug. While I was still coming to terms with this, my mother shouted, “Hurry up or you’ll be late for the school.” So I did what I had to do, which was…

Research writing prompts for 6 th grade

  • How much time do students spend on the internet?
  • How much screen time students have per day?
  • Does social media makes peer pressure worse?
  • How long can human beings survive without water?
  • How long can human beings survive without food?
  • How long can fish survive out of water?
  • Research your dream career? Mention all the things you must do to achieve it.
  • Research the childhood of your favorite writer?
  • When, why, and how was your country founded?
  • How long camels can go without drinking water? Can they survive long? If yes, how do they manage that?
  • How smoking affects your lungs?
  • Which has been the most important discovery in the last 50 years?
  • What steps can we take to minimize global warming?
  • What are civil rights? Who fought for them?
  • How do penguins survive in extreme cold?
  • Are polar bears good swimmers? If yes, how are they able to swim efficiently in spite of their weight?
  • How much food does an elephant needs in a day?
  • How shark uses senses to hunt?

grade 6 creative writing worksheets

Reflective writing prompts for 6 th grade

  • Write about a time when you were not able to keep a promise. What had happened? How did you feel?
  • What’s the best thing about being in the 6 th grade?
  • What’s the worst thing about being in the 6 th grade?
  • What has been your biggest learning in the last six months?
  • What are the qualities that a good friend must have?
  • Write about three qualities you admire in your dad?
  • Which sport you like the best and why?
  • List your favorite extracurricular activities. What have you learned from them?
  • Track the weather for five days? Which was the most comfortable day?
  • How students can reduce their screen time?
  • Is reading a more satisfying activity than watching television?
  • What are the negative effects of social media?

Narrative writing prompts for 6 th Grade

  • Do you think you can go three months without the internet?
  • Write a letter to your emotional self?
  • Is it important for kids to have responsibilities and chores at home?
  • What advice would you give to someone who is being bullied at the school?
  • Which animal in your opinion represents your personality the most and why?
  • Do you like making new friends? Why or why not?
  • If you could change one thing about your school, what would it be?
  • Write a poem or essay about your parents?
  • Describe your favorite family vacation?
  • Think about the best day in your life so far. What made the day so memorable?
  • Think about the worst day in your life so far. What made the day so miserable?
  • Which is your favorite book? How has it impacted you?
  • Which your favorite movie? Why do you like it so much?
  • Think about your future self. Write about a day in your life, five years from today.
  • Tell a family story from the perspective of your mom.
  • Who is the fittest person you know? Would you like to become as fit as this person? Why or why not?
  • Write about how it feels to spend a night at home alone?
  • What are three great things about your school?
  • Describe your life if you lived during the Middle Ages?
  • What is the biggest problem the world is facing today? How would you solve it?
  • How did computers affect our lives?
  • Imagine you were asked to pick a new holiday. Describe what you’ll be celebrating and how.
  • Could you live without a cell phone for a year? How would you communicate with your friends?
  • How hearing and listening are two different things?
  • If you could go back in time, which year would you choose?
  • You meet a wise man who knows answers to all questions, but you can ask him only one question. What would you ask?
  • Who is the oldest person you know?
  • Think about a time you were not able to keep a New Year’s resolution? What had happened? Why did you fail?

grade 6 creative writing worksheets

Expository prompts for 6 th grade

  • Describe your favorite short story in your own words.
  • Find an interesting story in the newspaper or a local magazine and write it in your own words.
  • Write an essay explaining the similarities and differences between you and your sibling or your best friend.
  • In what ways Barrack Obama and Abraham Lincoln are similar? In what ways they are different?
  • Is life as a sixth grader today different than it was when your parents were studying in the sixth grade? If yes, how it is different.
  • Compare and contrast your two close friends.
  • How has been your school year so far? What are the main highlights? 
  • What was the cause of the recent argument you had with your mom or dad? How did it go?
  • Compare and contrast two of your most favorite books?
  • How is empathy different from sympathy? Explain the concept of empathy?
  • How important is to have a hobby? Explain the benefits of having a hobby.
  • Explain a problem in your school? How would you solve it?
  • How has cell phone changed our lives?
  • Is there really something as cell phone addiction? If yes, what it is?
  • Gaming addiction is on the rise among kids? How do you think we can tackle this problem effectively?

Procedural writing prompts for 6 th Grade

  • Your friend wants to learn how to play your favorite board game. Explain the steps to him or her.
  • Explain a grandparent how to use Facebook.
  • Explain a reader how to play your favorite computer game.
  • Write step-by-step instructions to tie shoelaces.
  • Explain a reader how to play your favorite card game.
  • Write step-by-step instructions to create a post on Instagram.
  • Explain how to complete all the levels of a video game.
  • Describe how you get home from school.

Creative writing prompts for 6 th Grade

  • If you could spend a week in any holiday destination in the world, where would you go?
  • If you had the power to communicate with pets, what conversations would you have?
  • Write a poem that describes your family.
  • If you could meet one media personality, who would you choose and why?
  • If you could change one thing about your country, what would you choose and why?
  • You wake up one morning to find that you can fly. What adventures will you have?
  •  You wake up one morning to find that you have grown taller and your clothes and shoes don’t fit you anymore. What would you do?

We hope these writing prompts will help get your pen or pencil moving. Some of these writing prompts need research, some are intellectually challenging, and some others are fun and creative. If you would like more writing prompts, have a look at this post , which offers tons of additional writing prompts you can use to unleash your writing talent. Good luck!

  • Get other writing prompts for kids here :
  • 3rd-grade writing prompts
  • 4th-grade writing prompts
  • 5th-grade writing prompts
  • Middle School Writing Prompts

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Free Printable Fiction Writing Worksheets for 6th Grade

Fiction Writing: Discover a vast collection of free printable Reading & Writing worksheets tailored for Grade 6 students. Enhance their creativity and storytelling skills with our comprehensive resources provided by Quizizz.


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Non Fiction Writing - Printable Fiction-writing Worksheets Grade 6 - Quizizz

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Explore printable Fiction Writing worksheets for 6th Grade

Fiction Writing worksheets for Grade 6 are an essential resource for teachers who want to engage their students in the creative process of storytelling. These worksheets provide a structured approach to help students develop their writing skills, focusing on key elements such as character development, plot structure, and descriptive language. By incorporating these worksheets into their Reading & Writing curriculum, teachers can encourage students to explore their imaginations and express their ideas through well-crafted narratives. Additionally, these worksheets can be used to reinforce grammar and punctuation rules, as well as to introduce new vocabulary and literary devices. With Fiction Writing worksheets for Grade 6, teachers can provide their students with the tools they need to become confident and skilled writers.

Quizizz is an innovative platform that offers a wide range of educational resources, including interactive worksheets and quizzes, to help teachers enhance their students' learning experiences. By incorporating Quizizz into their lesson plans, teachers can create engaging and interactive activities that cater to the diverse needs of their Grade 6 students. In addition to Fiction Writing worksheets, Quizizz offers resources covering various topics in Reading & Writing, such as comprehension exercises, grammar practice, and vocabulary building activities. Teachers can also customize the content to align with their specific curriculum and learning objectives. Furthermore, Quizizz provides real-time feedback and analytics, allowing teachers to monitor their students' progress and adjust their instruction accordingly. By utilizing Quizizz and its wide array of offerings, teachers can create a dynamic and effective learning environment for their Grade 6 students.

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6th Grade Writing Prompts Worksheets

Our printable writing prompts worksheets for grade 6 will get the young wordsmiths instantly going! Children will never experience writer's block and will kick-start their creativity to write engaging narratives, reports, and essays. Challenge kids with writing tasks that require critical thinking and implementing writing techniques. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas through selecting and organizing relevant content. Use appropriate transitions and domain-specific vocabulary. Grab our free pdf 6th grade writing prompt worksheet and the others will soon be on your wish list for sure!

How Is Life in an Igloo?

How Is Life in an Igloo?

How do igloos keep you warm in the worst winter conditions? Interesting, isn't it? Narrate how life in an igloo would be like. Support your claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.


Look before You Leap

Opinions differ on whether we should carefully consider the consequences before doing something or we should be daring and adventurous. Write an opinion essay explaining your point of view.

Baking a Birthday Cake

Baking a Birthday Cake

In this printable 6th grade writing prompt worksheet, write step-by-step instructions on how to make a birthday cake. Include details of what ingredients to use, too.

Endangered Animals

Endangered Animals

Write a research report on animals that are in danger of being harmed or lost. Gather information from multiple print and digital sources; quote or paraphrase the data to avoid plagiarism.

Book Report 6

Book Report 6

Which book did you read recently? Write the title and author's name. Besides providing a summary, describe the story setting and main events. Do let us know more about your favorite part in it.

Story Prompt 1

Story Prompt 1

A room at your grandmother’s, which is always locked, is open one day. Write a story about what happened next. An excellent opportunity for grade 6 kids to express themselves through writing.

Air Pollution

Air Pollution

Air pollution is a major concern, and many believe the best way to address this is to ensure as many people use public transport as possible. Write if you agree. Provide reasons and examples.

Riding a Bike

Riding a Bike

It's important for children to learn how to ride a bike because it not only helps them move out independently, it also makes them more responsible. In this 6th grade pdf, write how to ride a bike.

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls

This printable writing prompt asks kids to prepare a research report on Niagara Falls. Provide the basic bibliographic information of the sources you use. Draw evidence to support reflections.

If I Won a Jackpot

If I Won a Jackpot

We all dream about winning a jackpot someday! Imagine you won a huge jackpot - one that's worth $1,000,000! What would you do? Write a narrative to develop this imagined experience.

Social Media

Social Media

Social media has come a long way since it began! For example, it offers an incredible chance to meet people. Write a research report on websites that allow people to communicate with each other.

Story Prompt 2

Story Prompt 2

The oldest form of written composition, story writing is an art. In this writing prompt pdf worksheet for grade 6, write a story about what was inside a mysterious package that was on your doorstep.

Technology in Classroom

Technology in Classroom

While technology makes learning easy, it also helps make life more enjoyable. In this part of our writing worksheets for grade 6, write if you agree with this statement. Provide evidence.

Retelling the Story with a Twist

Retelling the Story with a Twist

This printable writing prompt is fun! The main character of your most loved story has stepped out. Write what happened next. Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue and description.

Story Prompt 3

Story Prompt 3

This part of our 6th grade writing prompt worksheet pdfs is a story about life with aliens. Help yourself gain significant literary momentum through this creative exercise! Leave your readers craving for more!

If I Were a Zookeeper

If I Were a Zookeeper

You are greatly concerned about animals and their welfare. Write what you would do to protect the animals if you were the zookeeper at the Bronx Zoo for a day. What steps would you take?

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FREE Figurative Language Worksheet Practice Activity

grade 6 creative writing worksheets

Out of This World Similes

grade 6 creative writing worksheets

Happy New Year Resolution 2024 Writing Activity Pennant - FREE VERSION

grade 6 creative writing worksheets

April Activities Packet - Writing, Math, Word Search, Coloring Page and More!

grade 6 creative writing worksheets

Writing Paper FREEBIE

grade 6 creative writing worksheets

Argumentative Essay Writing Resources: Persuasive Essay Graphic Organizer

grade 6 creative writing worksheets

FREE Halloween Paragraph Writing - Prompts for Opinion, Informative, & Narrative

grade 6 creative writing worksheets

End of Year the Writing | End of the Year Activity | Summer Activities | Writing

grade 6 creative writing worksheets

Types of Poetry Writing -Types of Poems - Alliteration Craft Activity

grade 6 creative writing worksheets

Lined Paper - Full page of lines & half page for drawing and writing {FREEBIE}

grade 6 creative writing worksheets

Idioms Figurative Language Worksheet Activity

grade 6 creative writing worksheets

Essay Writing: Free Comprehensive Essay Checklist

grade 6 creative writing worksheets

How to write a Friendly Letter and address an Envelope Worksheet and Powerpoint

grade 6 creative writing worksheets

FREE Reverse Grammar Worksheet

grade 6 creative writing worksheets

Prepositions & Prepositional Phrases Worksheets - Grammar Practice Activity

grade 6 creative writing worksheets

FREE Thanksgiving Paragraph Writing- Prompts for Opinion, Informative, Narrative

Preview of Persuasive Writing- *Sell Me This Pen*- A Lesson in Logos, Ethos, and Pathos!

Persuasive Writing- *Sell Me This Pen*- A Lesson in Logos, Ethos, and Pathos!

grade 6 creative writing worksheets

Christmas ELA Activity Free : Holiday Figurative Language Coloring 4th 5th 6th

Preview of "Mean" by Taylor Swift:  Similes, Inferences, Imagery with Anti-Bullying Message

"Mean" by Taylor Swift: Similes, Inferences, Imagery with Anti-Bullying Message

grade 6 creative writing worksheets

Find Writing resources | TPT

Learn more about writing resources.

Writing worksheets can help your child develop essential writing and literacy skills needed for school and life. If you’re a teacher or parent looking for printable and digital writing resources to help your student learn a writing concept, look no further! TPT has an extensive collection of resources, created by other teachers, that are designed to help with any need across grade levels.

For elementary students who are just learning to write, you can use worksheets to practice letter formation. Students in middle and high school can use learning stations to learn how to write and revise essays. With plenty of TPT resources at your fingertips, you can sharpen your student's writing skills in no time. Extend writing activities beyond the classroom and observe as your child nurtures their imagination, enriches their vocabulary, and enhances their storytelling prowess.

Fun and engaging writing activities to try

Here are a few ideas for writing activities — from our teacher-created resources — that you can find on TPT and that are designed to teach students how to write effectively. (Pro tip: These worksheets serve as an excellent complement to our reading materials.)

Encourage students to keep daily journals where they can freely express their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This practice helps them develop their writing style and build the habit of writing regularly.

Writing Prompts

Provide engaging prompts that encourage imaginative storytelling. For instance, you could ask students to write about a world without the internet, or ask them to describe something only using one of their five senses (sight, sound, smell, touch, or taste).

Peer Editing

Have students exchange their written work with a peer for feedback. This helps them strengthen their ability to identify and correct mistakes in grammar, punctuation, and spelling; give constructive criticism; and revise their writing based on feedback.

Sentence and Paragraph Construction

Provide sentence and paragraph building exercises to help students understand the basic structure of writing and how to organize their ideas coherently.

Letter Writing

Ask students to write letters to real or fictional recipients. They could compose formal letters, persuasive letters on specific topics, thank-you notes, or postcards.

Create a classroom blog where students can publish their writing for a wider audience. This teaches them to write for a purpose and consider their audience's perspective.

Research Papers

Guide students through the process of researching and writing informative or argumentative essays. Teach them how to construct persuasive arguments and counterarguments on various topics, include evidence, and cite sources.

Poetry Writing

Explore different forms of poetry, such as haikus, sonnets, and free verse. Encourage students to experiment with imagery, rhythm, and metaphor.

By incorporating these (and other!) writing activities into your lesson plans, you can nurture a love for writing.

Frequently asked questions about teaching writing

What types of writing resources are available on tpt.

There are many different types of writing resources sold by Sellers on TPT. Some popular writing lessons include creative writing, poetry, writing essays, writing expository, and handwriting.

How do I find writing lessons on TPT?

Educators can save time preparing writing lessons with resources created by experienced teachers. Simply start a search for writing resources on the TPT marketplace, and filter by grade level, price, and/or resource type to find materials that've been proven to work in classrooms like yours. No matter what you’re teaching, there are plenty of writing lessons and activities sold by Sellers on TPT that are tailored to meet your students' skill levels.

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Teacher Worksheets

Writing Worksheets

Free writing worksheets: kindergarten writing workbook 1st grade writing workbook 2nd grade writing workbook 3rd grade writing workbook 4th grade writing workbook 5th grade writing workbook 6th grade writing workbook 4th grade writing prompts worksheets book 5th grade writing prompts worksheets book 6th grade writing prompts worksheets book.

  • 1st Grade Writing
  • 2nd Grade Writing
  • 3rd Grade Writing
  • 4th Grade Writing
  • 5th Grade Writing
  • 6th Grade Writing
  • Language Arts
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Reading Skills
  • Graphic Organizers

This Week's Math Book

  • Homework Books
  • Fast Finishers
  • Critical Thinking

10 Things to Consider When Engaging Students in a Writing Program [with Free Writing Worksheets]

10 Things to Consider When Engaging Students in a Writing Program [with Free Writing Worksheets]

Kindergarten Writing Worksheets

Kindergarten Writing Worksheets

1st Grade Writing Worksheets

1st Grade Writing Worksheets

2nd Grade Writing Worksheets

2nd Grade Writing Worksheets

3rd Grade Writing Worksheets

3rd Grade Writing Worksheets

4th Grade Writing Worksheets

4th Grade Writing Worksheets

5th Grade Writing Worksheets

5th Grade Writing Worksheets

6th Grade Writing Worksheets

6th Grade Writing Worksheets

grade 6 creative writing worksheets


  1. Creative Writing Activities For 6th Grade

    grade 6 creative writing worksheets

  2. Creative Writing For Kids Worksheet

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  3. Esl Creative Writing Worksheets

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  4. 😍 Grade 6 narrative writing samples. FSA. 2022-10-25

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  5. Creative Writing Worksheets For Grade 6

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  6. 50+ Creative Writing worksheets for 6th Grade on Quizizz

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  1. Creative Writing Worksheets for Grade 6

    Sixth Grade Creative Writing Worksheets. Authored by: TeacherVision Staff. Last edited: November 9, 2022. Let your sixth-grade students show you how imaginative they can be, with our most popular creative writing printables. We have plenty of poetry and short-story activities for them to enjoy, plus many other types of lessons!

  2. 6th Grade Writing Worksheets

    These writing worksheets were created specifically for 6th grade students that are putting a great deal of effort into their written expressive language. Students will find some deep thinking prompts and situations that they must assess and adjust to. Many teachers tell us that students find this work engaging and enjoyable.

  3. 6th Grade Writing Worksheets (Free Printables)

    More Free Grade 6 Writing Resources. 6th Grade Journal Prompts — Here you will find a wonderful list of 31 prompts and writing ideas for your grade 6 child.. As sixth graders enter middle school and prepare to become teenagers, many kids find themselves struggling to understand their emotions and to express their changing, unique personalities.

  4. PDF Creative Writing Activity Packet

    ★Show Me Sentences - p. 6 ★Half a Conversation - p.7 ★Borrowed Line Stories - p. 7 ★Wonka Words - p. 8 ★Telephone Pictionary - p. 9 ★Book Spine Poetry - p. 10 ★Point of View - p. 10 ★Found Poetry - p. 11 ★Around the Room - p. 11 ★Conflict Prompt - p. 11 ★Consequences - p. 12 2

  5. Free Printable Creative Writing Worksheets for 6th Grade

    Creative Writing worksheets for Grade 6 are an excellent resource for teachers looking to engage their students in the world of reading and writing. These worksheets provide a variety of activities and exercises designed to help students develop their skills in fiction writing, as well as other forms of creative expression. ...

  6. Printable 6th Grade Creative Writing Worksheets

    Worksheet. Summer Creative Writing Prompt #1: Secrets of the Sand. Worksheet. Summer Creative Writing Prompt #3: The Captivating Carnival. Worksheet. Leap Year Creative Writing Prompt #3: A Time for Superpowers. Worksheet. Spring Creative Writing Prompt #2: Foul Ball Fiasco. Worksheet.

  7. Printable 6th Grade Writing Worksheets

    Earth Day Creative Writing Prompt #1: Earth Day Discovery. Inspire learners to think and write creatively with this fun writing prompt about an Earth Day discovery! ... In this sixth-grade worksheet, students hone their narrative writing skills by practicing identifying and removing irrelevant details to strengthen a story. 6th grade.

  8. Download 6th Grade Writing Worksheets

    Download printable lesson plans , reading passages , games and puzzles , clip art , bulletin board ideas, and skills sheets for kids in any grade. View Scholastic's 6th grade writing worksheets, printable lesson plans, practice pages, games & activities that build your students' writing skills.

  9. PDF Revised 6th Grade Writing Worksheets

    Teach grammar. ... by having kids copy down a sentence from a book and then discuss how the author uses tools like commas, verbs, compound sentences and so forth... Free Write! Read to your students. Then have them free write about what they just heard, what they think of it, and why knowing how to write matters.

  10. Printable Creative Writing Worksheets

    Creative writing worksheets encourage young students to express themselves in new and interesting ways. Unique mini assignments, like our evil snowman writing prompt and real superpowers graphic organizer, make writing enjoyable. Our creative writing worksheets are crafted with care by teachers for young learners looking to hone their writing ...

  11. 6th Grade Writing Prompts

    If your 6th grader enjoys creative writing, print this free 6th grade writing prompts PDF. With worksheet was created t0 help aspiring writers and language arts teachers. There are 20 writing prompts to get your pen moving. Some of the writing prompts are intellectually challenging, while others are fun and will inspire your imagination.

  12. 6th Grade Writing Worksheets

    The 6th grade writing worksheets on this page are an endless resource full of fun exercises, puzzles, and writing prompts. They ask students to do things like write a topic sentence, practice grammar, properly use your vs. you're, pick a viewpoint on a topic, and write an opinion piece for a newspaper. Give your sixth-grade child a chance to ...

  13. Free Printable Writing Worksheets for 6th Grade

    Creative Writing 10 Q. 4th - 6th Narrative Writing 10 Q. 5th - 6th Argument Writing 15 Q. 6th Writing Expressions 20 Q. 6th Argumentative Writing 20 Q. 6th - 8th ... Furthermore, these Grade 6 writing worksheets can be easily adapted to suit individual learning styles and abilities, making them a versatile and valuable resource for any ...

  14. Free 6th grade creative writing projects

    This Book Week Writing Project is designed to be completed across a whole week and can be used in the classroom or for online learning.Students will work their way through planning, writing, editing, publishing, illustrating and then recording their own picture book. Subjects: Creative Writing, Reading, Writing.

  15. 100 creative 6th Grade Writing Prompts

    100 Creative 6 th Grade Writing Prompts. Sixth grade is the right time to introduce students to activities that promote self-expression and improves their overall writing skills. In this post, we have come up with a list of 100 writing prompts — from storytelling and expository to research and creative writing prompts — to help students tap ...

  16. Printable Writing Prompts

    Lots of creative writing worksheets with prompts that spark students' imagination. Describe one time when you were brave. (creative writing journal) Invent a new kind of sandwich. Describe what is on it and how you would make it. (critical thinking and writing) Pretend you had $100, but you weren't allowed to keep it for yourself.

  17. Free Printable Fiction Writing Worksheets for 6th Grade

    Explore printable Fiction Writing worksheets for 6th Grade. Fiction Writing worksheets for Grade 6 are an essential resource for teachers who want to engage their students in the creative process of storytelling. These worksheets provide a structured approach to help students develop their writing skills, focusing on key elements such as ...

  18. 6th Grade Writing Prompts Worksheets

    Story Prompt 3. This part of our 6th grade writing prompt worksheet pdfs is a story about life with aliens. Help yourself gain significant literary momentum through this creative exercise! Leave your readers craving for more! If I Were a Zookeeper. You are greatly concerned about animals and their welfare.

  19. Free 6th grade writing worksheets

    I Sense a Simile- student activity and sample 3. It Came From Planet Simile- simile/art activity (includes three different versions to suit grade/ability level) 4. Simile, Sweet Simile- identifying similes 5. Simile Haiku Poetry- writing haiku 6. Strange Similes- correcting mixed-up similes 7.

  20. Writing Worksheets for Creative Kids

    Print FREE writing worksheets for kindergarten through 6th-grade students. Simple, fun, and no-prep effective writing worksheets to use in your classroom. ... 1st Grade Writing Worksheets; 2nd Grade Writing Worksheets; 3rd Grade Writing Worksheets; ... "Get Creative Writing Juices Going & Flowing" Jumbo Chart : Use Colorful Words - 11 x 8.5 ...