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IELTS Writing Task 2: Opinion Essays- Benchmark IELTS

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  • Problem Solution
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opinion ielts essay guide

Opinion essays are a very common writing task 2 essay type. As you would expect from the name, you need to write a well-structured IELTS writing essay topics that give your opinion. We’ve put together a guide with everything you need to know to write a great IELTS writing task 2 opinion essay. Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

1.1 understanding the question, 1.2 example opinion questions.

  • Essay Structure for Opinion Essays
  • 3.1 Identify key words and phrases

3.2 Organise your ideas

3.3 identify vocabulary, 4.1 introduction, 4.2 main body paragraphs, 4.3 conclusion.

  • 5.1 Complete the sample opinion essay

5.2 Opinion Sample Essay

1. opinion essay overview.

An opinion essay is also known as an agree or disagree essay . As with all writing task 2 essays, you will have 40 minutes to write at least 250 words .

Read on to find out how to produce a great opinion essay.

It is important that you first understand what writing task 2 essay question you have been given before you start writing. The type of essay question you get will slightly change the structure of your essay.

Remember, there are five main types of writing task 2 questions:

  • Advantage/disadvantage
  • Double question
  • Problem/solution

You will be given an IELTS statement and a question . Here are some common questions/sentence starters that tell you that you have been given an opinion essay:

  • What is your opinion
  • Do you think…

To what extent do you agree?

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

  • Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

The main aims of this type of essay are:

  • Choose one side of the argument
  • To state your opinion about a given topic
  • Support your opinion with clear reasons and examples

A common mistake test takers make when writing an opinion essay is that they treat it like an advantage/disadvantage essay and try to write about both sides of the argument in detail (see our guide on advantage/disadvantage essays and compare the difference).

For an opinion essay, you need to pick a side : it does not matter which side of the argument you choose, just pick the one that you can develop the best argument for.

However, you should briefly acknowledge the other side of the argument, and will show you how to do this in your introduction , main body paragraphs, and conclusion .

You should not give reasons to support the opposing argument , only support one side with reasons and examples.

Make it clear to the examiner what your opinion is from the beginning to the end of your essay (this is called a thesis-led approach: leading with your opinion).

Here are some example opinion writing task 2 questions to help you recognize them in the IELTS exam:

Some people think that more money should be spent on protecting endangered species while others think it is a waste of valuable money.

What is your opinion?

Also, read the following IELTS Essay Writing Guides

  • IELTS Discussion Type Questions
  • Double Question IELTS Essay Topics
  • IELTS Advantage Disadvantage Essay Type
  • Problem Solution IELTS Writing Task Statement

Systems of funding university education are different from country to country. While some countries charge students for studying at university, others offer university education for free.

Do you think students should pay for higher education?

Every school system in the world includes regular tests and exams, and many people think that it is important for students to take lots of exams.

Children should not start school until the age of six or seven because they need to have more time to play and develop before they go to school.

Scientists and technology experts seem to be more valued by modern society than musicians and artists.

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2. Essay Structure for Opinion Essays

Although there is more than one way you could choose to structure your essay, we have provided you with a foolproof structure you can always use for opinion essays to score highly in Coherence and cohesion , as well as address all parts of the task to do well in Task achievement :

3. Planning your Opinion Essay

Don’t skip this step! Taking 5 minutes to plan your essay could be the difference between your desired score and a missed opportunity.

3.1 Identify keywords and phrases

By identifying the topic of your essay, you are making sure that you are going to write about the correct topic and not go off-course. Test takers that rush and panic can make the mistake of writing about a completely different topic to the one they have been asked to write about. Don’t be one of those test taskers and make a plan !

Let’s take a look at the question for our sample answer where we have underlined the topic words:

The topic words are underlined and show the general topic of this essay question is protecting endangered species .

Now that we have identified the topic sentence, we should also look for any other keywords or phrases that give more information about the topic. Look at the words in bold below:

Some people think that more money should be spent on protecting endangered species while others think it is a waste of valuable money .

So this question is not only asking you to give your opinion on protecting endangered species, but also the amount of money that is spent on this cause.

A test taker that had only addressed the first point would likely have scored poorly in Task achievement.

There are so many ways you could choose to organize your ideas. We have chosen to note down our ideas by paragraph:

We give more note taking and idea generation tips in  Master Guide for IELTS writing task 2 .

If any useful IELTS vocabulary for writing comes to mind during the planning process, it is useful to write it down so you don’t forget (remember to cross out any notes or planning before the end of the 40 minutes so the examiner does not mark this as your essay).

4. Writing your Opinion Essay

Paraphrasing means being able to write something in your own words without changing the meaning . This is an essential skill needed for the IELTS exam, especially writing task 2.

There is no one right way to paraphrase an IELTS statement. You could choose to use synonyms or parallel expressions (phrases with more than one word but have the same meaning). You could also change the sentence structure, but make sure it is still grammatically correct. Another paraphrase technique is to change a word class, for example, a noun to a verb form.

Take a look at our example, can you see the main changes we have made?

Although this is a formal essay, you are still allowed the use of the first person ‘I’ and ‘my’, you will need to use this when giving your opinion (just don’t over-do it).

Notice that in this example, the opinion has been clearly stated whilst presenting both sides of the argument :

Opinion: However, my view is that more government funding should be used for wildlife conservation.

Other side of the argument:  It is argued by some that the protection of endangered animals is wasteful.

Not all sample essays will show this, but you can choose to briefly state what your essay will do, for example:

This essay will explain my opinion in more detail.

Now let’s move on to the main body paragraphs.

A topic sentence is usually found at the beginning of your paragraph. This should give the reader the main idea of your paragraph in one sentence.

Here are two examples taken from the sample answer:

  • One reason that I believe more money should be spent on the conservation of wildlife is that animals are an essential part of maintaining the health of an ecosystem.
  • Another reason to support spending on wildlife protection is that it also benefits humanity.

The start of your sentence indicates to the reader that you are clearly stating a reason for your opinion and that you are going to develop this idea throughout the paragraph.

You could also choose to start your topic sentence with the following structures:

  • One reason that I believe…
  • One argument in favor of… is that…
  • The main reason that I think…
  • Another reason to second…. (note that second here means ‘ to agree with an idea ’ )

You could also use the grammatical structure ‘ Not only… but also…’ to avoid repetition and put emphasis on the second reason, for example:

Not only does spending money on conservation help the animal kingdom, but it also benefits society as a whole.

Not only will preventing the extinction of species help the animals themselves, but it will also have a positive effect on the quality of air, water, and agricultural land.

As this is an opinion essay, it is essential that you use a range of phrases to give your opinion. Far too often, candidates just repeat the phrase ‘In my opinion…’ Here are some other sentence starters you can use to impress the examiner

  • My point is that…
  • I am of the opinion that…
  • My argument is that…
  • As far as I am concerned,…
  • In my view…

Your conclusion is a very important part of your essay. You need to restate your opinion (in different words than your introduction) as well as choose the most convincing argument from your essay.

Remember to also briefly mention the other side of the argument to show the examiner that you understand there are two sides and you have clearly chosen one.

Here is a useful structure to do this:

Although it is true that… on balance I believe that/ I am of the view that/ another opinion phrase)…

And here is the full example from our sample essay :

… although it is true that there are valuable uses for funding that could aid environmental protection, on balance I am of the opinion that governments should invest in the protection of endangered species.

5. Example Opinion Essay and Exercise

Now it’s time to test your knowledge about IELTS writing task 2 opinion essays. We’ve created a model answer, but removed some of the keywords and phrases.

You need to select the correct missing words and complete the model answer. Good luck!

5.1 Complete the Sample Opinion Essay

These days, the number of species facing extinction is growing, and as a result,  a larger number of people are becoming involved in environmental issues.  It is argued by some that the protection of endangered animals is wasteful. However, my view is that more government funding should be used for wildlife conservation. This essay will explain my opinion in more detail.

One reason that I believe more money should be spent on the conservation of wildlife is that animals are an essential part of maintaining the health of an ecosystem. If a species becomes endangered, it signals that an ecosystem is out of balance. As a result, the loss of one species may trigger the loss of others and may lead to irreversible consequences for the animal kingdom.

Another reason to support spending on wildlife protection is that it also benefits humanity. For example, if the ecosystem is out of balance then the health of the environment is also negatively affected, for example, the loss of wildlife can affect the quality of clean water and air for a population. In addition, the fertility of agricultural land may also be reduced with the loss of certain species. Having said that, there are those that argue that this is a costly and inefficient use of public funds. They think that money would be better spent on other schemes such as renewable energy projects.

In conclusion, having looked at the topic in detail, although it is true that there are valuable uses for funding that could aid environmental protection, on balance I am of the opinion that governments should invest in the protection of endangered species. The main reason is that the protection of wildlife will not only benefit the animal kingdom, but also the human race and the environment we inhabit.

2 thoughts on “IELTS Writing Task 2: Opinion Essays- Benchmark IELTS”

Hey. Thanks for a great material. I have one concern though. In the ” common questions in opinion essay” part, you mentioned this question ” Discuss both view and give your opinion.” But isn’t it included to the “Discussion essays”??

Hi, I just wanted to ask this question cuz it made to think about it thoroughly.

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English Writing Exercises for B2 – An opinion essay

English Writing Exercises for B2


‘A friend in need is a friend indeed.’ This saying means that a real friend is there for you in times of trouble. Write an essay in which you give your own opinion of this view, taking into consideration the way we make friends these days and situations where you can recognise real friends.

1. Read the task above. How many elements are there to cover?

Three elements:

1 Give your opinion of the view

2 Describe how we make friends these days

3 List situations where you can recognise real friends

2. Read the essay. In which paragraphs does the writer cover each element of the task?

[ A ]   I find that the saying ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’ is a true one and I wholeheartedly agree with it. I do think that a true friend is one who is always there for you, no matter what.

[ B ]   In the internet age, people are more sociable than ever. It’s easy to make lots of friends online because no one makes any demands on you. Not that it isn’t good to have a wide circle of people to socialise with. Nevertheless, it is said that most of us can count our number of true friends on the fingers of one hand, and I personally think that it is in times of trouble that you find out who your real friends are.

[ C ]   I have known my closest friend Mina since primary school and she remains the nicest, gentlest person I know. We rarely have arguments. Not that we agree on everything, but we generally have a caring and supportive relationship. When my mum was very ill in hospital, she was the truest friend of all. She never once complained that I was bad company, like one or two of my other friends, and I could always talk to her about all my fears. This type of situation really shows you who your friends are.

[ D ]   So, in my view, although you may have lots of friends to have fun with, make sure you have at least one close friend who can support you when you need it most.

Element 1 A    Element 2 B    Element 3 C

Writing Strategy

Use a variety of grammatical structures and vocabulary instead of simple sentences. This will make your essay more interesting and more effective.

3. Read the Writing Strategy and underline an example of each of the structures below in the essay.

1   contrasting clause with but and although

2   an example of another linker

3   an example of preparatory it

4   a sentence starting with Not that …

5   an example of do / did for emphasis

1   Not that we agree on everything, but we generally have a caring and supportive relationship. (para C), … although you may have lots of friends to have fun with, make sure you have at least one close friend … (Para D)

2   Nevertheless (Para B)

3   It is said … (Para B)

4   Not that it isn’t good to have a wide circle of people to socialise with. (Para B)

5   I do think that a true friend is one who is always there for you … (Para A)

4. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.

1   She’s a good friend, but she can be a bit moody.

     Although …………………………………

2   People say that you must be a good friend to have a good friend.

     It …………………………………

3   Having true friends is important.

4   I tried talking to him, but he didn’t understand what I was saying.

     I tried talking to him, not that …………………………………

5   I try hard, but she won’t be friends with me.

     I try hard. However, …………………………………

1    Although she’s a good friend, she can be a bit moody.

2    It is said that you must be a good friend to have a good friend.

3   It is important to have true friends.

4   I tried talking to him, not that he understood what I was saying.

5    I try hard. However, she won’t be friends with me.

5. Rewrite the sentences using do/did for emphasis.

1   I liked her.


2   ‘Why didn’t you tell him I was here?’ ‘I told him!’

3   Although she’s twice my age, we have a lot in common.

4   I think he is a good friend.

5   ‘You don’t support me enough.’ ‘I support you!’


1   I did like her.

2   ‘Why didn’t you tell him I was here?’ ‘I did tell him!’

3   Although she’s twice my age, we do have a lot in common.

4   I do think he is a good friend.

5   ‘You don’t support me enough.’ ‘I do support you!’

Writing Guide

There is a saying ‘Age is no barrier to friendship.’ Write an essay in which you give your opinion of this view, taking into consideration the generation gap and different life experience.

6. Read the task above. Make some notes for your opinion and personal description.

7. Write your essay.

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IELTS Opinion Essay Sample Questions

Below are some IELTS opinion essay sample questions which can come in writing task 2. Another name for these essays is argumentative essays.

Opinion Essays Tips

  • spend at least 5 minutes analysing the words and ideas in the statement
  • make sure your answer is a complete answer which addresses all parts of the task
  • give a clear opinion
  • stay true to your opinion throughout your essay
  • follow a safe opinion essay model

Opinion Essay Questions

“Prevention is better than cure”. Researching and treating diseases is too costly so it would be better to invest in preventative measures. To what extent do you agree.
With the increased global demand in oil and gas, undiscovered areas of the world should be opened up to access more resources. To what extent do you agree?
We live in a world of technology these days. While the internet brings with it clear advantages, the problems in terms of control and security of information outweighs the advantages. To what extent do you agree?
In many countries today, parents are able to choose to send their children to single-sex schools or co-educational schools. Some people think that children going to single-sex schools have disadvantages later in life. To what extent do you agree?
Scientists and technology experts seem to be more valued by modern society than musicians and artists. To what extent do you agree?
Some people think that success is the best measure for intelligence, while others think that intelligence can be measured in other ways. What is your opinion?
Some people believe that men and women are equal and so women should be able to do any job they want. Others feel that men and women are not equal and therefore there are certain jobs which are not suitable for women. What is your opinion?
Some people think that more money should be spent on protecting endangered species while others think it is a waste of valuable money. What is your opinion?

Other IELTS Essay Questions

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Organization and format of an essay and useful language to express opinions, and contrast and add information, give examples, propose solutions and introduce conclusions.

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An opinion essay

Importance of Exercise Essay

500 words essay on exercise essay.

Exercise is basically any physical activity that we perform on a repetitive basis for relaxing our body and taking away all the mental stress. It is important to do regular exercise. When you do this on a daily basis, you become fit both physically and mentally. Moreover, not exercising daily can make a person susceptible to different diseases. Thus, just like eating food daily, we must also exercise daily. The importance of exercise essay will throw more light on it.

importance of exercise essay

Importance of Exercise

Exercising is most essential for proper health and fitness. Moreover, it is essential for every sphere of life. Especially today’s youth need to exercise more than ever. It is because the junk food they consume every day can hamper their quality of life.

If you are not healthy, you cannot lead a happy life and won’t be able to contribute to the expansion of society. Thus, one needs to exercise to beat all these problems. But, it is not just about the youth but also about every member of the society.

These days, physical activities take places in colleges more than often. The professionals are called to the campus for organizing physical exercises. Thus, it is a great opportunity for everyone who wishes to do it.

Just like exercise is important for college kids, it is also essential for office workers. The desk job requires the person to sit at the desk for long hours without breaks. This gives rise to a very unhealthy lifestyle.

They get a limited amount of exercise as they just sit all day then come back home and sleep. Therefore, it is essential to exercise to adopt a healthy lifestyle that can also prevent any damaging diseases .

Benefits of Exercise

Exercise has a lot of benefits in today’s world. First of all, it helps in maintaining your weight. Moreover, it also helps you reduce weight if you are overweight. It is because you burn calories when you exercise.

Further, it helps in developing your muscles. Thus, the rate of your body will increases which helps to burn calories. Moreover, it also helps in improving the oxygen level and blood flow of the body.

When you exercise daily, your brain cells will release frequently. This helps in producing cells in the hippocampus. Moreover, it is the part of the brain which helps to learn and control memory.

The concentration level in your body will improve which will ultimately lower the danger of disease like Alzheimer’s. In addition, you can also reduce the strain on your heart through exercise. Finally, it controls the blood sugar levels of your body so it helps to prevent or delay diabetes.

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Conclusion of Importance of Exercise Essay

In order to live life healthily, it is essential to exercise for mental and physical development. Thus, exercise is important for the overall growth of a person. It is essential to maintain a balance between work, rest and activities. So, make sure to exercise daily.

FAQ of Importance of Exercise Essay

Question 1: What is the importance of exercise?

Answer 1: Exercise helps people lose weight and lower the risk of some diseases. When you exercise daily, you lower the risk of developing some diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and more. It also helps to keep your body at a healthy weight.

Question 2: Why is exercising important for students?

Answer 2: Exercising is important for students because it helps students to enhance their cardiorespiratory fitness and build strong bones and muscles. In addition, it also controls weight and reduces the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Further, it can also reduce the risk of health conditions like heart diseases and more.

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China Launches Military Drills Around Taiwan as ‘Punishment’

China said the sea and air drills were meant as a “stern warning” to its opponents after Taiwan’s new president asserted the island’s sovereignty in defiance of Beijing.

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China conducted a series of drills for four days after Nancy Pelosi visited the island.

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By David Pierson and Amy Chang Chien

David Pierson reported from Hong Kong, and Amy Chang Chien from Taipei, Taiwan.

China launched two days of military drills surrounding Taiwan on Thursday in what it called a “strong punishment” to its opponents on the self-governing island, after Taiwan’s new president pledged to defend its sovereignty.

The drills were the first substantive response by China to the swearing-in of President Lai Ching-te , whom Beijing dislikes, in Taipei on Monday. Mr. Lai’s political party asserts Taiwan’s separate status from China, and in a high-profile inaugural speech , he vowed to keep Taiwan’s democracy safe from Chinese pressure.

China, which claims Taiwan as its territory, had mainly responded to Mr. Lai’s speech with sharply worded criticism. But it escalated its response Thursday by announcing that it was conducting sea and air exercises that would encircle Taiwan and draw close to the Taiwanese islands of Kinmen, Matsu, Wuqiu and Dongyin in the Taiwan Strait.

From the start of the exercises until the afternoon, 15 Chinese navy vessels, 16 Chinese coast guard vessels and 42 Chinese military aircraft were detected around Taiwan’s main island and smaller outlying islands, according to Taiwan’s Defense Ministry. Officials at a briefing in Taipei said that so far none of the Chinese aircraft and vessels had entered Taiwan’s territorial waters.

“We must express our condemnation for this behavior that damages regional peace and stability,” Sun Li-fang, a spokesman for the Taiwanese ministry, told the briefing.

The last time China held a major drill in multiple locations around Taiwan was in April 2023, after Kevin McCarthy , then the speaker of the House of Representatives, met with the president of Taiwan at the time, Tsai Ing-wen. Beijing opposes such exchanges with the island’s leaders.

A television on a wall in a restaurant shows a news broadcast about Taiwan. One person is seated at a small table, looking at a phone.

China conducted the largest of such exercises in recent years in August 2022 to protest the visit to Taiwan of Nancy Pelosi, who was the House speaker at that time. Those drills, which included the firing of Chinese missiles near and over Taiwan, covered six swaths of sea surrounding the island, three of which appeared to overlap with areas that Taiwan regards as its territorial waters. Those exercises lasted four days, and China conducted additional exercises for several days after.

Li Xi, a spokesman of the Eastern Theater Command of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, said the latest exercises served as “strong punishment” for “Taiwan independence forces,” according to Chinese state media, and “a stern warning against the interference and provocation by external forces,” a reference to the United States.

Even as Mr. Lai pledged to protect Taiwan in his speech, he had sought to strike a conciliatory note in other ways, signaling that he remained open to holding talks with Beijing — which China had frozen in 2016 — and to resuming cross-strait tourism.

But China took offense to Mr. Lai’s assertion that the sides were equal — he had said that they “are not subordinate to each other” — and his emphasis on Taiwan’s democratic identity and warnings against threats from China.

After the speech, Beijing accused Mr. Lai of promoting formal independence for Taiwan and said the new president was more dangerous than his predecessors. Wang Yi, China’s top foreign policy official, said this week: “The ugly acts of Lai Ching-te and others who betray the nation and their ancestors is disgraceful,” according to China’s Foreign Ministry. “All Taiwan independence separatists will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history.”

Taiwanese officials and military experts had been expecting China to make a show of military force after Mr. Lai’s inauguration. Ma Chen-kun, a professor at Taiwan’s National Defense University, said the People’s Liberation Army was likely to continue exerting its presence, including around the Kinmen and Matsu islands close to the Chinese mainland.

Beijing, said Ja Ian Chong, an associate professor of political science at the National University of Singapore, “seems resolved to put pressure on Taiwan, regardless of what Lai said or didn’t say” in his speech.

The exercises could teach the People’s Liberation Army valuable lessons about how to impose a possible “quarantine” or blockade around Taiwan. Many experts believe that if the Chinese government tries to force Taiwan to accept unification, it may first try using a ring of military forces to severely restrict air and sea access to the island.

Chieh Chung, an adjunct assistant professor of strategic studies at Tamkang University in Taiwan, said that the scope and nature of the exercises China has announced indicated that the drill was “based on various stages of an invasion of Taiwan.” The exercise could be a way to assess including Taiwan’s outlying islands in any attempt at a blockade, he said. Unlike in the larger exercises China conducted in the last two years, this week’s might feature training to seize one of those islands, Mr. Chieh said.

The drills could also provide different branches of the People’s Liberation Army and the Chinese Coast Guard with an opportunity to coordinate their forces. The Coast Guard in Fujian, the coastal province facing Taiwan, announced that it would conduct a “comprehensive law enforcement exercise” around the islands of Wuqiu and Dongyin, Chinese state media said.

“The simultaneous conduct of the law enforcement activity with the P.L.A. military exercise further allows China to train its P.L.A. to engage in coordinated activities with its Coast Guard across a large area around Taiwan,” said Bonny Lin , a senior fellow for Asian security at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

“This could be invaluable experience for a range of operations against Taiwan,” added Ms. Lin, who is the lead author of a study to be published this month on how China could impose a maritime quarantine around Taiwan.

Mr. Lai visited a Taiwanese marine corps brigade near Taipei on Thursday. In his published remarks, he did not mention the Chinese exercises, but sounded a note of defiance.

“At this moment, the international community is paying a great deal of attention to democratic Taiwan,” Mr. Lai said, according to a statement issued by his office. “Faced with external challenges and threats, we will keep defending the values of freedom and democracy.”

Chris Buckley contributed reporting.

David Pierson covers Chinese foreign policy and China’s economic and cultural engagement with the world. He has been a journalist for more than two decades. More about David Pierson

Amy Chang Chien is a reporter and researcher for The Times in Taipei, covering Taiwan and China. More about Amy Chang Chien


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