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Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. – george bernard shaw.

There are plenty of reasons to not change. But without change, how will you progress, how will you grow?

There are plenty of reasons to not change. But without change, how will you progress? Without progress, how will you grow? This is just a partial list. What is on your list?

What does that mean? This quote is about the one certain thing in life; change. Change will happen. The question is will you allow your mind to change as the new facts are revealed?

To move beyond where you are requires change. Progress is what we call that motion when it is in a desired direction (or at least desired to the person calling it progress).

That requires us to be willing to change our minds when the errors in our thoughts are pointed out to us. If we are unwilling to change our minds, there is nothing which can be done for us, right?

This quote is about examining the facts, and changing our opinions when the facts no longer support our prior thoughts or beliefs.

Why is considering the facts important?    The people who believed in a flat Earth, or the Sun revolving around the Earth eventually changed their minds. Or they didn’t. But those that didn’t eventually died out, and now neither the flatness of the Earth nor what is at the center of the Solar System is in any dispute.

Humanity has believed all sorts of things in the past. But change, and eventually progress, have slowly been working at straightening out these misconceptions. When we consider the latest facts, we have to consider what changes we need to make to our beliefs and lives.

Many of us believed at one point in our young lives that we could fly. Whether it was with a cape or a bed-sheet, we believed we could make it happen. Eventually, after considering the facts, we changed our minds about our ability to fly. And that was progress, right?

But if we refuse to consider new facts as they are uncovered and verified, how will we ever be able to change our minds? If we refuse to change our minds, how will we ever be able to progress beyond our misconceptions? Change is the nature of the Universe. Adapt or be left behind.

Where can I apply this in my life? When I was a child, the big scare of Climate Change was about Global Cooling, and where we would place all the Canadians fleeing the encroaching ice sheets. People changed their minds as the cooling trend changed. Then it got warmer, and people changed their minds and it was Global Warming.

The latest data says temperatures have been stable, and so it appears it is time for us to change our minds once again. At least that is what the facts seem to show, and what would appear to be a reasonable conclusion. But for some, they won’t be able to change their minds.

Imagine how difficult it would be to make progress in your life if you believed something untrue, and refused to let go of that thought. If someone believed they were ugly and no one could possibly love them, how would they react when someone expressed interest in them?

Until that person is able to change their mind, how will they be able to make any progress regarding their self-image, and their ability to feel loved? How long will they feel this way? Until they can reconsider the facts and change their mind. For some, that takes a very long time indeed.

To me, that is the real point of the quote. We know so many things which simply are not true. Yet we defend them because we believe them to be true. Even when they are not. I used to believe I was a lousy writer. Now I know better. I’ve upgraded myself to somewhere between tedious and mediocre. 8)

Where in your life have you believed one thing, but been told something else? Do you think you sing poorly, but have been told you are pretty good at singing? Perhaps you don’t think much of your ability to speak or write, but have been encouraged by others to do more?

The first thing is to consider the source. It’s easy to dismiss the encouragement of a close relative or friend. They want you to feel good about yourself, so they might be stretching the truth a little. But what if they are not? Have you considered that possibility?

Next consider the expertise of the person giving you the facts. Are they knowledgeable? Is someone who sings worse than you saying you are great? Is that just because you sing better than they do? Or do they know something you have yet to realize?

We understand that things change. What we may not be willing to consider is that we are changing as well. The only question is if the change will lead to progress or not. If we can consider the facts as we become aware of them, we can change for the better.

If we cannot (or will not) change our minds, then and only then are we well and truly stuck.

From: Twitter, @thequote confirmed at :  – Everybody’s Political what’s what – page 330, Bernard Shaw – Dodd, Mead, 1944-380 pages Photo by  Anne Adrian

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3 responses to progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything..


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Am making changes right now in my life.4 the first in my life, I HAVE THE PEACE OF GOD IN MY LIFE,4 GOD IS GOOD.

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George Bernard Shaw: 'Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.'

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.

The quote by George Bernard Shaw, "Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything," encapsulates the profound truth that in order for progress to occur, we must be willing to embrace change and evolve our perspectives. Without a willingness to adapt and reconsider our beliefs, we are impeding our own growth and hindering any potential advancements. This quote serves as a reminder that in order to effect meaningful change, both on an individual and societal level, we must be open and receptive to new ideas and perspectives.At first glance, Shaw's quote seems fairly straightforward. It urges us to recognize the importance of change in fueling progress, both on a personal and collective level. However, when we delve deeper into this notion, a fascinating philosophical concept emerges - the relationship between our minds and the external world.We often perceive reality through the lens of our own experiences, beliefs, and biases. These mental constructs shape our understanding of the world, guiding our actions and decisions. However, if we are unwilling to challenge and revise these mental frameworks, we become trapped within our own limited perspectives. This self-imposed confinement prevents us from embracing new possibilities and inhibits any potential for growth.Now, let's explore an unexpected philosophical concept - the idea of solipsism. Solipsism is the belief that all reality is subjective and can only be known through one's mind. According to this viewpoint, we are essentially trapped within our own consciousness, unable to access anything beyond our own thoughts and perceptions. While solipsism may seem far-fetched and disconnected from Shaw's quote, it serves to highlight the importance of open-mindedness and the ability to change our mental constructs.If we were to subscribe to solipsism and stubbornly cling to our own preconceived notions, refusing to consider alternative viewpoints, we would effectively be denying ourselves the opportunity for growth and progress. Our fundamental understanding of reality would remain stagnant, and any attempt at change, whether personal or societal, would be futile.In contrast, embracing the idea that there is a reality beyond our own subjective experiences allows us to acknowledge the potential for growth and progression. By recognizing that our understanding of reality is limited and subject to change, we open ourselves up to new perspectives, ideas, and possibilities. This mental flexibility enables us to adapt and evolve, ultimately leading to progress both in our personal lives and in the world at large.In conclusion, George Bernard Shaw's quote, "Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything," serves as a powerful reminder of the inseparable connection between progress and open-mindedness. By acknowledging the limitations of our existing beliefs and being willing to reconsider and revise our perspectives, we can propel ourselves forward and effect meaningful change. The philosophical concept of solipsism further emphasizes the importance of being receptive to new ideas and embracing the ever-changing nature of reality. Ultimately, it is through our willingness to evolve our minds that we can truly change the world.

George Bernard Shaw: 'You see things; and you say 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say 'Why not?''

George bernard shaw: 'life isn't about finding yourself. life is about creating yourself.'.


Progress Is Impossible Without Change

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essay on progress is impossible without change

One thing is sure in life; that progress is impossible without change. But no matter what you do, nothing remains the same forever. To move beyond where you are, it requires getting out of your comfort zone. And growth is what is called the motion you make in a chosen or required direction.

Would you allow your mind and your beliefs to change and grow as new facts are revealed? Or would you resist transformation and maintain a closed mindset? How can you cultivate a more open outlook and receive change in your world? And just how can you apply it in your life?

In my life, I often heard that the reason many of us resist change is that we are afraid of losing something. The reasons are plenty. It may be the fear of losing the familiar, fear of losing control, or merely the distress of losing someone and find ourselves alone.

On the other hand, when moving beyond where you are, you might see new possibilities or things you have to gain. You have to realize that change is a constant. Rather than running away from it, you should entirely and intentionally embrace it because you might live a more satisfying and full life.

But it requires you to be willing to change your mind and belief system. We are only human, and we do make mistakes. When you are unwilling to change your mindset, you stagnate. Remember that your brain is a muscle and it also has to be exercised.

Being Stubborn Blocks Change

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” – George Bernard Shaw

You have to examine the facts. The reason is that you have no choice than changing your opinions when evidence or proofs no longer support your thoughts or belief system. Stay away from being obstinate in your ways. It will swallow you up or anything else that does not evolve, grow, change, progress and transform. So accept that things do change!

All of us are guilty of being stubborn or have a fixed mind at times. And yes, it takes a lot of courage, strength and self-discipline to admit that you are wrong or allow progress to happen. But what is life without a change of heart or a change of mind?

Considering Possibilities is Key to Change Centuries ago, people believed in a flat Earth, and that the horizon was the end of the world, but with time and evidence, they eventually changed their minds. The old ideas and beliefs finally died out. Today, everyone recognizes the roundness of our planet and the Sun which is at the center of our Solar System, as well as the galaxy we live in, the ‘Milky Way.’

From the dawn of time, we have believed all sorts of things. But change along with progress and scientists have worked in transforming many of our misconceptions. So, we may have to consider that changes and getting out of our comfort zone are needed to grow and have a better life.

For ages, many thought that flying could happen while others believed it was impossible or insane. Eventually, in 1903, civilization went from successfully flying the first operated airplane to walking on the moon in 1969. All of it happening in the short span of sixty-six years.

Progress is Impossible without Change So, you see that nothing is impossible as long as your dreams still glide in your head. A creative spirit is vital for you to change, grow and progress. Never stop dreaming since the opportunities are endless. But if you refuse to change your mindset, your beliefs, or your routine, you will never be able to move forward beyond your false impressions.

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” – George Bernard Shaw

Change is the natural order of the Universe. Many of us are unmotivated and lost. Many young people have no idea what to do when arriving at the end of their teenage years and getting into adulthood. Stop strolling through life trying to be someone else. Be unique. Find and live your true identity. Take action to change and grow rather than letting the world tell you who you are.

Grasp Change with Both Hands Again, you have to grasp change. Do not let doubt, fear or failure command the course you want to travel on the roadmap of your life. Take some risks instead of playing it safe. And you may be surprised by what you might acquire once leaving your comfort zone. You might experience all that life has to offer you.

Can you imagine how hard it would be to make a change, grow and progress in your life if you refuse to let go of misconceptions? It is like when someone believes they are overweight and no one can love them. How could they accept somebody that express care for them?

If something is not working, you have to change your mindset. Many of us know things which are not true. Yet we defend them because we accept them as real. It is easy to be influenced by the doubts or unbelief of a relative or friend. They can even push you to think that your ideas are impossible.

But have you ever considered the possibility that they might be wrong?

Change and Growth – A Mark of Success You need to be in the driver’s seat when you seek change, growth, progress or anything else in life. Otherwise, you are going to accept an average belief system and never move beyond what could be.

You have to stand up for yourself, but also willing to change and get out of your area of comfort; otherwise, you are not going to accomplish anything you desire.

Change and growth are a mark of success. It does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one next time. Accept failure as a part of success also. When you fail, you learn from your mistakes, and you can then identify what you did and not repeat them.

Basically, you should not fear to make a change to grow and develop but rather be afraid of stagnating and not learning anything new.

Accept Change You must realize that things change and never remain as it is. What you may not be willing to accept or consider is that you have to change as well. But you should! Try to recognize which changes will lead you to progress or growth. Become aware of the facts so that you can change for the better.

Let go of the shame and embrace the change you have to make because progress is impossible without it. Changes will be what create the person you want to be. So, you can contribute to the world rather than expecting the world to provide for you. I wish you a great transformation!

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  • Quote of the Day

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” – George Bernard Shaw

essay on progress is impossible without change

Quote of the Day: “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” – George Bernard Shaw

Photo: by NEC, CC

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Outrun Change

We need to learn quickly to keep up with the massive change around us so we don't get run over. We need to outrun change.

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”

That quote from George Bernard Shaw is also the title of a post pondering its meaning at Philosiblog.

The focus of the discussion is we must be willing to change our mind, especially our opinion of ourselves, if we are going to make progress toward the goals we value.

Consider this:

To move beyond where you are requires change. Progress is what we call that motion when it is in a desired direction (or at least desired to the person calling it progress). That requires us to be willing to change our minds when the errors in our thoughts are pointed out to us. If we are unwilling to change our minds, there is nothing which can be done for us, right? This quote is about examining the facts, and changing our opinions when the facts no longer support our prior thoughts or beliefs.

You can take this many directions. Mr. Philosiblog ponders that we need to change our negative opinions of ourselves and the world around us in order to make progress.

Coping with change requires the ability to change our mind

I’ll expand the idea to say we need to review the facts in the rapidly changing world that surrounds us. We may find facts have changed since we last pondered any situation.

If we find any facts that have changed drastically, we need to be willing to change our mind to keep up with the brand new reality.

That can get painful.

If we don’t change our mind, the changing realities will give us a major surprise when they overwhelm us.

We must be constantly scanning the environment. We must be willing to change our minds.

3 thoughts on ““Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.””

I know this post is from 2013, but it is still so timely. Your arguments all make perfect sense to me; I’m a retired RN, & BOY do I see things changing in my field quickly! My email is below should you wish to contact me in future.

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” This quote from George Bernard Shaw is one of my most favorites & the fact it was ALREADY printed at the beginning of this blog is no coincidence. Because people it is TRUTH. Read it Then Read it again. Like I said, Truth. TRUTH!!! It’s a good word. Hang on to it. Meditate on it. Have it be your mantra.. Name your Dog Truth. Hell, name your Children Truth!!! It’s a good name. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thanks so much for your comments.

Truth can be painful. Truth can be uncomfortable. If we deny truth, there will be more pain and more discomfort.

Thanks for the reminder.

And thanks for reading and taking the time to comment.

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The New York Times

The learning network | e.l.l. practice + prompt | changing your mind.

The Learning Network - Teaching and Learning With The New York Times

E.L.L. Practice + Prompt | Changing Your Mind

<a href="//">Related Article</a>

Note: We invite any English Language Learner student 13 years or older to post comments in response to the writing prompts in this post.

First, think of a time when you changed your mind about something after you learned new information. For example, did you ever have a certain outlook about a place like a school, neighborhood or city when you first got there, but changed your mind after you spent more time there?

Second, read this passage from the Op-Ed essay “ The Virtue of Contradicting Ourselves .” Then answer the questions.

Intelligence is often defined as the ability to learn, and a sign of learning is changing your views over time. When historians and political scientists rate the presidents throughout history, the most effective ones turn out to be the most open-minded. This is true of both conservative and liberal presidents. Abraham Lincoln was a flip-flopper: He started out pro-slavery before abolishing it. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a flip-flopper, too: Elected on a platform of balancing the budget, he substantially increased spending with his New Deal. One person’s flip-flopping is another’s enlightenment. Just as we would fear voting for candidates who changed their minds constantly, we should be wary of electing anyone who fails to evolve. “Progress is impossible without change,” George Bernard Shaw observed, “and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”

Third, answer the following writing prompt and question and, if you are 13 or older, post your answers to our blog.

The beginning of this post asked you to think about a time when you changed your mind. Please write about it now. You can use this sentence frame:

I used to think _________. Then I learned _________. Now I think _________.

Find many more Ideas for English Language Learners.

What's Next

FHI Partners

Turning protest into progress: How process and partnerships can tackle our toughest challenges (part one)

To view part two of this two-part series, visit here

Written by Richard Crespin, CEO, CollaborateUp Ricardo Michel, Managing Director, FHI Partners

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” — George Bernard Shaw

Complex societal issues — such as systemic racism, the urban/rural divide and unequal economic growth — have long histories and will be around for years to come. Yet, that should not create apathy or hopelessness. Solving complex problems requires new ways of thinking about ideas that have challenged us for generations. It also involves hard work and time to slog through the three Cs: collaboration, consensus and consultation. Collaboration requires changing our mindset from opposition-based thinking to problem-first thinking. By restating “right versus right” issues to “and” instead of “or,” we can create good for the unit and good for the whole, good for the short term and good for the long term, truth and loyalty, and justice and mercy to seek a consensus that accomplishes both ends to the maximum extent possible.

Forging political consensus will mean breaking down problems in a way that creates a vision for , not against . It also requires discussion and consultation with people often very different from us, with ideas different from ours. If you are looking for easy, quick answers or if you want to be right and prove others wrong, then this two-part blueprint for progress may not be for you. If, however, you are looking to understand the nature of systemic challenges and find lasting solutions built on durable compromise, read further. As a society, we face problems without easy answers, and solutions will require compromise with people whose points of view we may find deeply distasteful. That is the tough part. But there is good news: There are proven ways of navigating these kinds of problems and crafting effective solutions.

The murder of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer sparked waves of international soul-searching on the treatment of racial and ethnic minorities by police, especially in the United States. It also kicked off mostly peaceful but, at times, violent and destructive protests resulting in further instances of violence and brutality at the hands of police officers and counter-protestors. This cycle of violence on both sides divided communities and resulted in an oversimplification of those who are deemed anti-racist and those who support law and order. This polarization was further exacerbated by the global COVID-19 pandemic, which added to an already polarized and tense environment within the United States, where normally banal public health topics like mask-wearing became politicized by dividing communities into pro-science or pro-liberty camps.

In both cases, extremists paint themselves in the best possible light and the other side in the worst. In an era dominated by media attention, the loudest, wildest voices seem to get the most airtime. They focus on the extreme actions of opposing parties, ignoring the substantive issues. As practitioners of social innovation and community collaboration, we expressly and profoundly reject either end of these extremes. Racism in all its forms must be condemned, as must the willful ignorance of science, anarchy, violations of due process and extra-judicial killing. We must move past name-calling and seek political solutions, and we know that this requires compromise as well as collaboration.

We do not presume to know the ideal solution for these perplexing, stubborn issues in the headlines. The scholars, activists, leaders and diverse communities long in the fight know far more about these issues than we do. What we can offer is a process backed by a set of tools and methods for defining complex challenges, bringing parties together to collectively address tough issues that require collective action and creating and nurturing effective partnerships to drive lasting change.

In this two-part blueprint series, CollaborateUp and FHI Partners share core concepts, long used in our work, that leaders on the frontlines of these movements can adapt and use. FHI Partners’ agile, client-centered approach to social impact through collective action, in tandem with CollaborateUp’s lean startup approach to multisector collaboration, provides tools and methods you can adapt for yourself. Using our processes, community leaders can see entrenched issues from a new perspective, invite relevant stakeholders to have a seat at the table and provide a roadmap for forging innovative partnerships needed to create new collaborative capacity between sectors.

We will start with four core how-to concepts: developing problem-first thinking, applying adaptive leadership, engaging stakeholders and having tough conversations. We will follow these with building blocks to help you add more tools to your community leadership toolkit. This first piece focuses on the first core concept.

“Right versus right” issues and problem-first thinking

Most systemic problems are “right versus right” issues. As argued by Dr. Rushworth Kidder in his seminal book How Good People Make Tough Choices , most ethical dilemmas arise when two good things, or multiple bad things, collide and create a situation where, in certain aspects, each side is “right” to argue for the correctness of their perspective. These can be categorized into debates, as below:


These debates are easy to spot within the stubborn problems we see in the news. Disagreement on the Black Lives Matter movement and police reform often invokes the balance between addressing historic racial injustice and ensuring that law and order remain in place — a “justice versus mercy” debate. Discord over participation in international organizations or systems (such as the World Health Organization, United Nations or NATO) highlights the tension between participating in a global system and pursuing country-first strategies: the good of the many versus the good of the few. How do you resolve these tensions? Short answer: very carefully.

  • Recognizing that you face an adaptive challenge
  • Changing your mindset from solving a “right versus wrong” problem to a “right versus right” challenge
  • Engaging stakeholders and helping them to understand and fall in love with the problem

Most people oversimplify the problem, then quickly jump to an oversimplified solution and keep advocating for it, ceasing to listen to the other side. “Defund the police” and “law and order” are classic examples. Both oversimplify the issues, use inflammatory language and shut down discussion with people who disagree, labeling them as racists, anarchists or other pejoratives. Assigning these kinds of labels is particularly damaging because it goes beyond criticizing someone’s behavior (which they can theoretically change) to impugning someone’s character (which they cannot).

Instead, a more disciplined approach would seek to:

  • Focus on the problem, placing it at the center of the discussion.
  • State the problem, not the solution, in multifactorial terms by using “and” instead of “or.”
  • Invite discussion using phrases like “Why … ?”, “How might we … ?”, or “What if we tried …” [1]

For instance, we could say, “How might we eliminate systemic racism and police brutality and keep all people within our communities safe within the rule of law?”

By pursuing a collective strategy that respects complexity and does not shy away from it, we can drive toward systemic, meaningful change. First, we may need to change our own normative thinking and how we view the problem to effectively engage with others in the system. Second, as leaders and proponents of systemic change, we must adopt more deliberate and disciplined approaches to ensure that passion-filled protests become sustained, institutionalized progress. In our next post, we will delve further into the concept of adaptive leadership, a mindset for effectively managing and tackling complex challenges. We will also explore how to engage stakeholders and have tough conversations to bring about successful resolution.

Further information and reading

This two-part blueprint series is part of an ongoing partnership between CollaborateUp and FHI Partners . For more on this and other topics, please contact us at [email protected] and [email protected] and follow us on Twitter at @CollaborateUp and @FHIPartners.

[1] This concept is drawn in part from A More Beautiful Question.

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essay on progress is impossible without change

All Progression is Impossible Without Change

Change is a constant in life. We can embrace it or resist it, but ultimately it’s going to happen. In the business world, change is especially important and often necessary for survival.

Change is like Marmite (or Vegemite), you either love it or we hate it. Admittedly, change isn’t always easy, but it’s one of the constants in life that’ll happen to us all, whether we embrace it or not. Change is like cold and wet Scottish weather in winter. It’s inevitable!

Without change, it would be senseless to have hope or expectations for future innovations and improvements.

Change is an inevitable part of life, and all progression is impossible without change. You can either resist change and potentially get bowled over by it, or you can choose to co-operate with it, accept it, and learn to benefit from it.

To achieve goals you’ve never achieved before, you must start doing things you’ve never done before. When you make peace with the inevitability of change, you’ll begin to see it as an opportunity for personal growth and development. If you’re not prepared to embrace change openly, you might end up being left behind.

So how do you prepare yourself for change?

1. remain open-minded and flexible..

Flexibility is the key to stability. Change can be daunting, but it’s important to remain open to new possibilities. Be prepared to make adjustments as needed, and don’t hold onto past successes (or failures) too tightly. Freedom can be found in the flexibility and ease with which you navigate your way through change.

2. Stay Informed about Current Developments.

Keep up with the latest news about whatever is relevant to your immediate circumstances and watch out for imminent changes. This will help you anticipate your future needs. Stay informed, but also be wise enough to decipher between what is noise and what is real. Always stay with the times and keep evolving.

3. Remain Proactive Instead of Reactive.

When it comes to change, it’s better to be ahead of the curve rather than play catch-up later on. Anticipate challenges and opportunities as they arise and plan ahead accordingly. Always be the creator of your circumstances rather than a victim of consequence. If you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready.

Many people resist change out of fear or stubbornness. It’s important to remember that embracing change is not only necessary but also inevitable. With this mindset, you can sensibly prepare yourself for the future and actively embrace all of the changes that WILL come your way. Life is movement and change. The more change there is, the more flexibility is required. The more flexible you are, the easier you’ll find it to change.

Those who take responsibility for initiating change will be far better prepared to manage all future, inevitable changes. Some changes look negative on the surface but usually end up creating space in your life for something new to emerge.

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Concept of Change

Chapter outline.


Meaning of Organisational Change

Nature of Organisational Change

Pressure for Change

Planned Change

Types of Planned Change

Levels of Change

Change Cycle

Organisational Barriers to Change

Performance-driven Organisational Change

Rate of Change

Different States of Change

Creating Change

Implementation of Change

General Guidelines for Effective Change

Review Questions

“Progress is impossible without change; and those who cannot change their minds, cannot change anything.”

“We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves, otherwise we harden.”


We live in an age of transition. What is constant is change. It has become an inescapable ...

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20 Quotes About Change Never to Forget (No Matter What)

  • By Sarah Barkley
  • Published on October 11, 2020
  • Last modified August 14, 2023

Change means different things to different people, as these quotes explain. Some people embrace change, while others resist it.

Change can mean good things are coming, or it could be something unexpected and dreaded is happening. Either way, you have to accept it and make that change into something great . These quotes about change can help you accept any change and make it as beneficial as possible.

Based on your mindset, you can control what effect a change will have on your life. If you embrace change , you will find the benefits of it. On the other hand, if you resist change, you may struggle to see any benefit.

20 Quotes About Change Never to Forget

Change in life is inevitable. These quotes about change will help you understand that it is necessary. Plus, some of the quotes about change guide making the most of the change.

1. “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” – Barack Obama

No one else can implement the changes that you want to see, says President Obama . You have to be the one to make the changes and begin the process. This is the only way to have the life you have dreamed of and reach your goals.

2. “Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.” – Arnold Bennett

Change isn’t easy. It’s uncomfortable and new, and it won’t always be perfect. This doesn’t mean it’s not a good change, so keep an open mind as you get used to the new situation.

3. “Even if you cannot change all the people around you, you can change the people you choose to be around.” – Roy T. Bennett (click to tweet)

Change doesn’t always have to be forced on you. It can be a choice that you make. This doesn’t always make it any easier, however. When you sense that you need a change in your life, it is up to you to figure it out. This may mean walking away from people you care about if they aren’t a positive influence in your life.

4. “I cannot say whether things will get better if we change; what I can say is that they must change if they are to get better.” – Georg Lichtenberg

There is no guaranteed outcome when something changes. However, if you don’t try and choose to stay the same, there will be no room for improvement. To have a better life, you have to be willing to change.

5. “Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them — that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” – Lao Tzu

Resisting change is only resisting the inevitable. It will leave you feeling frustrated and in despair, as Tzu explains. Instead, accept each change as it comes and adapts accordingly.

6. “Nothing is absolute. Everything changes, everything moves, everything revolves, everything flies and goes away.” – Frida Kahlo

Everything in life changes at some point. Things aren’t meant to stay the same, so nature ensures the changes are never-ending. Accept them and know that even if one thing leaves, something good will take its place.

7. “Resistance is never the agent of change. You have to embrace the actions that are going to get you closer to your goal.” – Ali Vincent

Trying to avoid making a change will keep you from reaching your goal. You have to roll with each change, no matter how unexpected, to keep getting closer. With each change that you adapt to, you are becoming more resilient for the next one.

8. “There can be no life without change, and to be afraid of what is different or unfamiliar is to be afraid of life.” – Theodore Roosevelt

Without change, the life cycle would end. Each part of life requires some change. So, to be afraid to change is the same as being afraid of life itself, as Roosevelt explained.

9. “No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you’ve come from, you can always change, become a better version of yourself.” – Madonna

Anyone can change if they set their mind to it. This means you can change yourself and become whoever you have always dreamed of being. It isn’t too late to become the best version of you. Just remember that you are the only one who can change you; it should be the changes you want.

10. “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” – George Bernard Shaw

You can’t become better if you never change. Improvement is always necessary, and improving means changing and adapting. Those who can’t change won’t be able to progress in any of their life goals.

11. “Look at things from a different perspective, embrace change, look out for opportunities, and you will feel much more in control.” – Steve Backley

When a change seems to be hard, try looking at it differently. If you can see it differently, you’ll find the opportunities that arise from the change.

12. “Continuity gives us roots; change gives us branches, letting us stretch and grow and reach new heights.” – Pauline R. Kezer

While roots are essential, branches are the only way to expand. Branches grow and stretch across new places and see new things that roots could never see. Allow yourself to branch out and see more of the world than you would have if your life never changed.

13. “Without change, something sleeps inside us and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken.” – Frank Herbert

Life would become dull and monotonous if nothing ever changed. You would lose a part of yourself that sparked the urge to grow and adapt.

14. “Stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and start being excited about what could go right.” – Tony Robbins

In life, there are always things that could go wrong. This is especially true when a change is taking place because you aren’t sure what to expect.

However, the chance of things going right is greater than the chance of them going wrong. Instead of focusing on what could go wrong, focus on the excitement of what you want to happen. There is no need to stress yourself out over the negative when the positive is likely to occur.

15. “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” – Michael Jordan

Sometimes, life forces you to make a change. When an unexpected obstacle gets in your way, make a change to get around it. Create a new plan and adapt accordingly.

16. “Things alter for the worse spontaneously, if they be not altered for the better designedly.” – Francis Bacon

If you don’t make a change when given the option and the chance to plan accordingly, it could happen unexpectedly. When this happens, you’ll be left scrambling and trying to recover. So, when the chance arises, make a change for the better, so you aren’t blindsided later on.

17. “Dreams are the seeds of change. Nothing ever grows without a seed, and nothing ever changes without a dream.” – Debby Boone

You must be willing to change your life when you have a dream. You can’t reach new successes and achievements if everything stays the same. So, when you have a dream, allow it to grow and make the necessary changes.

18. “Change is slow and gradual. It requires hard work, a bit of luck, a fair amount of self-sacrifice, and a lot of patience.” – Robert Greene

When a change occurs, it isn’t always easy, as explained before. Getting used to it may take time and dedication, and you may feel like giving up sometimes. Just keep working at it, though; eventually, it will be normal.

19. “It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful.” – Alan Cohen

At some point, change is necessary. Your life isn’t intended to stay the same for all of the time. You have to let go of what you are comfortable with and accept what is coming next.

20. “Some changes look negative on the surface, but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge.” – Eckhart Tolle

While some changes may seem devastating, try to remember that something good is coming. When a change leaves an empty void in your life, it will be replaced by something else. You will have good things in your life, even if bad things occasionally happen.

Final Thoughts on Quotes About Change to Remember Always

Change isn’t always easy, but these quotes about change should help you accept it . Life is full of unexpected changes, and you must make decisions that will lead to serious change. It is all a part of growing and learning.

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Author: Sarah Barkley

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About the Author

Sarah Barkley

Sarah Barkley is a lifestyle blogger and freelance writer with a Bachelor’s Degree in Literature from Baker College.

She is experienced in all things related to parenting, marriage, and life as a millennial parent, but loves to learn new things. She enjoys the research that goes into a strong article, and no topic is off-limits to Sarah.

When she isn’t writing, she is immersed in a book or watching Gilmore Girls. Sarah loves reading classic novels but also enjoys a good thriller.

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