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Extreme sports – Essay from Examiners 2018

Extreme sports such as sky diving and skiing are very dangerous and should be banned.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

In recent years, extreme sports have become increasingly popular, and some people argue that governments should prohibit them. I completely disagree with the idea that these sports are too dangerous, and I therefore believe that they should not be banned.

In my opinion, so-called extreme sports are not as dangerous as many people think. All sports involve some element of risk, and there should always be clear regulations and safety procedures to reduce the possibility of accidents. People who take part in extreme sports are usually required to undergo appropriate training so that the dangers are minimised. For example, anyone who wants to try skydiving will need to sign up for lessons with a registered club, and beginners are not allowed to dive solo; they must be accompanied by an experienced professional. Finally, the protective equipment and technology used in sports from motor racing to mountain climbing is constantly improving safety.

While I support regulations and safety measures, I believe that it would be wrong, and almost impossible, to ban extreme sports. In the first place, we should all be free to decide how we spend our leisure time; as long as we understand the risks, I do not believe that politicians should stop us from enjoying ourselves. However, an even stronger argument against such a ban would be the difficulty of enforcing it. Many of the most risky sports, like base jumping or big wave surfing, are practised far away from the reach of any authorities. I cannot imagine the police being called to stop people from parachuting off a mountain face or surfing on an isolated beach.

In conclusion, I would argue that people should be free to enjoy extreme sports as long as they understand the risks and take the appropriate precautions.

Total: 320 word.

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Essay 229 – Dangerous sports should be banned

Gt writing task 2 / essay sample # 229.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people say that dangerous sports should be banned since they are deadly and life-threatening.

Do you agree or disagree with this viewpoint?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer:

The growing popularity of dangerous sports has sparked a heated debate and many people insist on prohibiting life-threatening sports. I think otherwise and believe that it is the right of an individual to choose whatever sporting activity she or he wants.

The reason why a ban on adventurous yet risky sports is warranted is that these sports contain the potential hazard to athletes. Even a slight fault can ruin one’s life. An athlete can die if the parachute fails to open, for example, when he or she takes part in skydiving. A case in point is a 17-year-old US skydiver named John Nikola, whose parachute failed to open, plummeted 2000 metre to the ground and got killed instantaneously. In addition to the grave risk, these sports also encourage violent behaviour, thereby desensitizing society to dangerous activities. Therefore, opponents of dangerous sports urge the government to ban these sports.

The proponents of extreme sports have some valid arguments. Human rights and freedom, according to them, are violated by imposing such a ban on dangerous sports. They go on arguing that since athletes are keenly aware of menace from adventure sports, they should have the liberty to choose any activity or sport they find suitable for them. Besides, almost every sport possesses a risk to an extent. If the government prohibits all potentially risky sports, then there will be limited opportunity for individual’s choice and freedom, which ultimately undermines democratic values. Therefore, extreme sports should not be banned so as to exercise players’ democratic rights.

In conclusion, I believe that preventing individuals from participating in extreme sports due to the potential of inflicting fatal wounds is unjustifiable. People should have the freedom of choice to pursue their favourite adventurous sports. If an act does not cross others’ rights, a person has the rights to do it.

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essay on extreme sports should be banned

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Should young people be allowed to do extreme sports.

Analyzing Authors’ Claims

Read the Article

YES:  Jamie Burr, Professor of Human Health and Nutritional Science, University of Guelph, Canada NO:  Vani J. Sabesan, M.D., Associate Professor, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit

Analyze the debate.

1. Set Focus Frame the inquiry with these essential questions:  What is a reasonable risk? When do the risks of an activity outweigh its benefits? Who gets to decide when something is too risky?

2. R ead and Discuss Have students read the debate and then answer the following questions:

  • What is the issue being debated? How does it relate to current events? (The issue is whether kids and teens should be allowed to participate in extreme sports. The issue is timely because youth participation in extreme sports is at an all-time high.)
  • Evaluate why these two authors might be interested in and qualified to comment on this issue.  (Jamie Burr is a professor of human health and nutritional sciences. Vani J. Sabesan is a doctor who also teaches at a university medical school.)
  • Analyze Burr’s view. (Burr says that young people should be allowed to participate in extreme sports. He says that risk is a part of life and that barring young people from risky activities would deprive them of the chance to develop risk-management skills. He says adults can help manage the risk for young people by properly ramping them up to the activity.)
  • Analyze Sabesan’s view. (Sabesan says that young people should not be allowed to participate in extreme sports. She says the risks, including paralysis and death, related to extreme sports are far greater than with traditional sports and that most protective equipment can’t prevent injuries. She also says that young people’s brains haven’t developed sufficiently for them to make good choices about these activities.)

Extend & Assess

4. Writing Prompt In an essay, evaluate one of the debaters’ arguments. Assess whether the reasoning is valid and whether it’s supported with evidence. Point out biases or missing information.

5. Classroom Debate Should young people be allowed to do extreme sports? Have students use the authors’ ideas, as well as their own, in a debate.

6. Vote Go online to vote in Upfront’s poll—and see how students across the country voted.  

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic: Dangerous Sports


Updated On Feb 26, 2024

essay on extreme sports should be banned

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic: Dangerous Sports

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The Essay Writing section of the IELTS Writing Module can be a difficult task for many IELTS Aspirants. Thus, it is vital that you polish your essay writing skills before attempting the IELTS.

Below is a sample IELTS Essay for the IELTS Essay topic:

Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports, while others think people should have freedom to do any sports or activity. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

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Discussion essay


  • Paraphrase the topic of the discussion.
  • Give a clear insight into the gist of the essay and what one could expect from the same.
  • Paragraph 1- Advocates of banning certain sports may argue that their inherently dangerous nature may threaten lives. As extreme conditions are a prerequisite for these sports, risks like equipment failure render players more vulnerable than in other sports.
  • Paragraph 2- , I believe that people should have the autonomy to play any sports they want, regardless of their danger. This is because they can already decide for themselves whether to take part in several dangerous non-sport activities. If personal freedom is championed with regard to things like alcohol, one can argue that it should be extended to sporting pursuits as well. Instead of an outright ban on extreme sports, I believe there are ways to mitigate the risks attached to them. Sports associations could impose an age limit for extreme athletes to ensure only people who are fully developed physically are allowed to participate.

Conclude the essay by providing an inference made from the essay.

Sample Essay

It is a common belief that we should strictly prohibit  extreme sports due to the huge number of risks involved. In this essay, I am going to demonstrate that risk factors are present in all sports before suggesting that people should have the right to play any sports they want.

Advocates of banning certain sports may argue that their inherently dangerous nature may threaten lives. As extreme conditions are a prerequisite for these sports, risks like equipment failure render players more vulnerable than in other sports. For example, skydivers who freefall from enormous altitudes seem more prone to injuries or even death than players of ordinary sports. It not only imperils the lives of the people undergoing the severities post such injuries or mishappenings but also curbs one’s harmony as at times, the players may be rendered distraught and traumatized for life. This, as they say, is a clear lack of prudence and safety measures for the people participating in such sports.

In contrast, I believe that people should have the autonomy to play any sports they want, regardless of their danger. This is because they can already decide for themselves whether to take part in several dangerous non-sport activities. For example, those who reach the legal drinking age are free to purchase alcohol, the excessive consumption of which may have fatal consequences . If personal freedom is championed with regard to things like alcohol, one can argue that it should be extended to sporting pursuits as well. Instead of an outright ban on extreme sports, I believe there are ways to mitigate the risks attached to  them. Sports associations could impose an age limit for extreme athletes to ensure only people who are fully developed physically are allowed to participate. Another solution is to bar players from practising or competing without the necessary protective gear. These measures would strike a happy medium without intruding on people’s personal freedom.

In conclusion, I believe people a re entitled to play dangerous sports if they want, and certain restrictions in lieu of a ban would help ease the safety concerns.

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The media commonly provides a barrage of news about dangerous sports as the deaths and injuries associated with them often make for spectacular headlines . As a result, some people have argued that all extreme sports should be banned, although I would argue that such a policy would be out of all proportion to the real risks involved.

Those in favour of prohibiting people from taking part in dangerous sports tend to focus on the risk element. Even when individuals may be physically and mentally prepared to participate in extreme sports activities, and even when they have all the right gear, the dangers are potentially existing . To take an example, some sports are challenging and fraught with danger as BASE jumping. Participants hurl themselves off cliffs, and few escape without suffering severe bruising or acute abdominal pains, which normally last for several days. In addition, although sports equipment rarely malfunctions, this may still happen and the consequences may be fatal. The supporters of legislation to ban dangerous sports argue that such tragic outcomes not only affect the individual victims, but also leave mental scars that their families then have to live with for the rest of their lives.

However, I support the view of those who contend that participation in extreme sports must be a matter of personal choice. Firstly, overcoming physical challenges may be a springboard for positive personal transformation. It may make a person stronger and more determined, and the experience may be a life-changing one. Secondly, the rigours of preparation in order to go mountain-climbing, white-water rafting or other such extremely strenuous activities demand that an individual is in the peak of health and physical condition. Finally, there is an ethical aspect that dictates that a person should have the freedom to pursue the challenges which they set themselves, even though this may involve a level of risk which others might find unacceptable.

In conclusion, while acknowledging the real risks, I would defend the right of any individual to take part in the extreme sport of their choice.

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essay on extreme sports should be banned

Posted on Dec 28, 2023

Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports, while others think people should have freedom to do any sports or activity. Discuss both views and give your own opinion

Some people believe that goverment should ban dangerous sports, while other agrue that everyone should have freedom to practice any sports or activity. In this essay i am going to discuss why people want goverment to ban this sport and also why other people argue against this opinion.

Firstly, people want goverment to ban dangerous sports because some sports like wrestling, kick boxing and many other can cause a permanent physical as well as mental injury to person who is participating in the activity. For example recently in kick boxing tournament one of the player got hit on the back of the neck and was paralyzed and it took about 2 year for him to recover from that, even after 2 years he is not fully recovered and won’t be able to practice the sport anymore. Another reason is that this sports are broadcasted worldwide so young ones who are watching this shows, amy get influenced in a negative way and possibly adapt a violent nature.

Moving forward, To the people who argue that this sport should not be ban and everyone should have freedom to choose activity of their choice. One of the major reason this sports are encouraged is the betting market. where people put money on the winning horse, let’s take example to understand this better. Now if there is a fight between person A and B, than people will put money on them on the basis of winning probablity .

In conclusion, I believe that yes everyone has a right to choose sport they want to play but goverment should put certain restrictions and established strict regulations. S o life of person practicing that sport is not in danger and parents should also monitor what kind of media content their children’s are consuming to prevent negative impact on them.

IELTS Expert

IELTS Expert

Posted on Jan 2, 2024

Overall Band: 4 Main ideas are difficult to identify and such ideas that are identifiable lack relevance, clarity and support. Large parts of the response are repetitive. Relationships between ideas is unclear and inadequately marked. There is some use of basic cohesive devices, which is mechanical.

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essay on extreme sports should be banned

Posted on Dec 1, 2021

While some people endorse the idea that highly risky sports should be prohibited by the government, I disagree with this position and support the opposite party that praises freedom over security.

Proponents of banning dangerous sporty activities might state that this would significantly affect the well-being of our society and environment. Firstly, their approach would protect the sportspeople from injuries and — in the worst case — death. Secondly, bypassers would be protected, especially when it comes to forms of sport that are performed in a public area and pose a constant risk for people staying there. Lastly, forbidding dangerous sports that take place in nature, like rock climbing, could help to reduce damages on flora and fauna.

Whereas these alleged outcomes sound promising at first sight, no prove can be furnished that illegalizing these sports would actually lead to people ceasing them. It is more probable, that they would continue practicing their hobby furtively. This will not lessen but increase the danger of their activities due to the lack of proper supervision. Furthermore, this question bears an ethical aspect, since we live in a highly individualized society, where personal freedom is a much valued moral concept. Therefore, implementing the suggested restraint would contradict our modern ideals. For these reasons suppressing specific sports completely is not an option, but it should be considered to set stricter regulations to them, comparable to the laws on the acquisition and use of weapons. Conceivable restrictions may be a specific training or license compulsory for exercising in this field.

To conclude, even if there are arguments for a comprehensive interdiction of sports which are highly risky, they can not outweigh the disadvantages. Instead of banning these sports it would be more effective to impose some conditions on their practice.

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To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Sentence 1 - Background statement
  • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
  • Sentence 3 - Thesis
  • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
  • Sentence 2 - Example
  • Sentence 3 - Discussion
  • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
  • Sentence 1 - Summary
  • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
  • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

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Home / IELTS, CAE, FCE Writing Samples / IELTS Writing Task 2: Extreme Sports

IELTS Writing Task 2: Extreme Sports

Extreme sports such as sky diving and skiing are very dangerous and should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

Some people hold the opinion that the government should prohibit extreme sports. I completely disagree with this view as these sport will not include risk or danger to the players’ safety if they are played in the right way (1) . To begin with, every sport has specific safety rules and regulations in order to ensure that serious accidents could not take place. As a result, I believe that if the players comply these rules properly (2) , there will be no danger and there is no reason for the government to ban extreme sports. Furthermore, accidents could happen if the equipment provided for the players are not in high quality and it is true that the more extreme the sports are, the more fatal the accidents could be (3) . However, this would not be an important problem if the players choose carefully and purchase the highest standard sports equipment (4) . Another reason why the government should continue allowing extreme sports is that they are considered to be extremely good for the players’ mental as well as physic health (5) . This is mainly because playing these sports will definitely help the players to get rid of all the tension from daily life (6) . Moreover, the players can maintain a healthy body and increase resistance to serious illnesses such as heart attack or high blood pressure. In addition, the players’ courage is also increased as these sports are all extreme sports, which contain a high level of danger (7) . In conclusion, there are a lot of reasons why extreme sports should continue to be allowed such as helping the players be healthier and these sports have safety rules and the players will not be dangerous if they fulfill these rules strictly  (8) . 289 words

The commentaries are marked in brackets with number (*). The numbered commentaries are found below. The part in italics is taken from the text, the word underlined is the suggested correction. Words in (brackets) are the suggested addition to the original phrase or sentence.

  • Some people hold the opinion that the government should prohibit extreme sports. I completely disagree with this view as these sports ( or kinds of sports ) will not pose/involve  risk or danger to the players’ safety if they are played in the right way — Plural should be used in the first case as you mean at least two different kinds suggested by task. Second correction suggests proper collocation of verb+risk.
  • As a result, I believe that if the players comply (with) these rules ( or follow this rules) properly  — ‘comply’ is an intransitive verb and therefore needs a preposition . Alternatively you can use a transitive verb ‘to follow’.
  • Furthermore, accidents could happen if the equipment provided for the players is  not of  high quality and it is true that the more extreme the sports are, the more fatal the accidents could be — ‘equipment’ is singular; you can use ‘in’ preposition when talking about condition (e.g. my shoes are in poor condition ). The second part (about the accidents) has completely different idea and would be better used to sum up the paragraph as a stand-alone sentence.
  • However, this would not be a  big/serious/major problem if the players chose ( or would choose) and bought ( or buy — used with would here ) sports equipment of the highest standard.  — make sure to use the adjective that collocates with ‘problem’. In the second part try to maintain consistency of tense.
  • extremely good for the players’ mental as well as physical health — ‘physical’ is the adjective when you want to refer to the aspect of body rather than mind.
  • This is mainly because (taking part in) these sports will definitely help the players to get rid of all the tension from their/the daily life — the first part should use ‘taking parts in these sports’. You don’t ‘play’ skiing or sky diving.
  • Moreover, the players can maintain a healthy body and increase resistance to serious illnesses such as heart attack or high blood pressure. In addition, the players’ courage is also increased as extreme sports involve high level of danger .  — avoid using the same verb (‘increase’) twice in such close proximity. See this list of synonyms for most common words to avoid such mistakes in the future. Remake the sentence). I have rephrased the second part to be shorter and easier to understand, at the same time avoiding using ‘sports’ twice in the same sentence.
  • Last sentence is awfully long and should be transformed into two or even three smaller one. A general advice is to avoid using single-sentence introduction and conclusion — they end up being either too short or too difficult to write and understand.

As most essays, this would be improved by better collocations and appropriate use of prepositions. When preparing for your written exam, don’t be shy to consult your dictionary whenever you are in doubt — a good one will have examples of prepositions that a certain word takes.

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Extreme Sports Like Skiing, Water Rafting Should Be Banned

by Manjusha Nambiar · Published April 8, 2019 · Updated April 20, 2024

essay on extreme sports should be banned

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Sample essay

According to some people, dangerous sports should be banned because they pose a threat to the lives of people who participate in them. However, others feel that adventurous sport is a part of recreational activities and hence it should not be banned. I agree with this view to a great extent. In my opinion, participating in adventurous sports is an opportunity for people to conquer their fears and discover latent talents. However, people who indulge in such sports should receive proper training and supervision to reduce the risks.

Young people are keen to explore new things and conquer their fears, so they participate in risky sporting events such as skiing, water rafting and bull fighting. They are driven by the adrenaline rush they get to experience while engaging in such activities. However, they are putting their lives at risk. For example, in white water rafting, the inflatable rafts may overturn and the player can fall into the river or even drown. Likewise, in bungee jumping the equipment may malfunction leading to the untimely death of the participant.

Having said that, banning such sports is not the solution. To start with, adventure tourism is a booming industry and makes significant contributions to the economy of many nations. Banning such activities will ultimately prove to be detrimental to them. A better solution is to ensure that such sporting events are performed under expert supervision. Only licensed organizers should be allowed to conduct such activities. In addition, the participants should be made to undergo proper training. If adequate security measures are taken, it is possible to play adventure sports safely.

In conclusion, dangerous sports should not be banned but those who are passionate about such sports should be trained properly to mitigate the fatal injuries and deaths.

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essay on extreme sports should be banned

Manjusha Nambiar

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essay on extreme sports should be banned

Winch And Pulley

Extreme Sports Debate – Should They Be Banned?

a man surfing during the day

While many sports fans enjoy the fast pace of a cricket series, the skill of a well-played football game, or the camaraderie of rugby, others require more adrenaline to drive their fitness zeal.

Extreme sports are a good example of this. These sports frequently feature an element of endurance, risk, or limit-pushing owing to technical expertise, speed, exertion, height, or a combination of these elements, whether they are tougher, faster, or riskier.

Extreme sports appeal to many people who are looking for a little thrill. Snowboarding, free running, skating, surfing, and other extreme sports allow you to challenge yourself mentally and physically to do exploits that would make other athletes queasy. However, many extreme sports have a level of danger that goes beyond that of ordinary sports.

If you’re an adrenaline junkie thinking about trying an extreme sport like rock climbing, supercross, street luge, base jumping , or kite surfing, think twice before jumping! Are you qualified and experienced enough to participate in these activities responsibly and safely? Have you also examined the dangers of extreme activities, carefully evaluating the benefits and drawbacks?

We frequently see a variety of injuries, including deaths, associated with these types of activities. Many of the negative consequences of extreme sports-related incidents are long-term, perhaps permanently damaging. This article discusses the long-running extreme sports debate over whether or not they should be outlawed.

Extreme Sports Pose Serious Risks

a doctor pointing to x-ray images of the body and an mri of the brain

First, consider the risks associated with extreme activities, particularly for unprepared or unskilled individuals. We’ll also look at ways to protect yourself if you participate in these activities.

Spinal Injuries

When traveling at high speeds, it only takes one minor blunder to cause serious injury. Just ask BMX dirt bicyclist Stephen Murray, who lost control and landed on his head, badly damaging his spinal cord. Wearing proper protection and establishing a thorough grasp of how your equipment works, and spending enough time training and not pushing yourself too hard can help to reduce the danger.

Broken Bones

There aren’t many extreme athletes who haven’t suffered a broken limb, arm, or tailbone. If you break a bone while missing a maneuver in extreme sports, count yourself lucky because, for certain athletes, it’s all part of the game. Knowing your limits, easing into the sport gradually, and wearing protective equipment are the only ways to avoid breaking a bone.

Paralysis can devastate any part of the body and is usually caused by serious brain or spinal injuries. In some situations, with continuing motor skills retraining and therapy, you can gradually reduce the effects, but the paralysis is permanent in others. This can impact anything from your ability to work to your ability to care for yourself without the assistance of others.

Brain Injuries

a brain mri

An acquired (ABI) or traumatic (TBI) brain damage can result in substantial problems – memory, mental health, eyesight, and coordination are just a few things that might be affected. You may have to relearn basic skills like walking, talking, and writing. In some circumstances, complete recovery is impossible.

Olympic snowboarder Kevin Peace, for example, had a catastrophic brain injury and required years of rehabilitation to eat and walk again. It can happen to anyone, so always be cautious and wear protective headgear!

Extreme sports do, unfortunately, have a high rate of fatalities. Many deaths have happened in the past, ranging from skiers and mountain climbers to skydivers due to a lack of training, negligence, or faulty equipment.

Several young, gifted athletes have lost their lives to their respective sports due to pushing the limits. Taking risks in any activity has a cost, and even when the activities have rules and are supervised by stringent regulations, your safety is not guaranteed.

Extreme Sports: Should They Be Banned?

men sky diving

Regardless, millions of people hit the surf, slopes, and skies every year. On the never-ending chase for adrenaline, many people continue to push the limits of what is safe or even conceivable. So, what motivates people who are generally gravity-averse to jump from high-rise buildings? Or those who want to go faster, higher, further, and beyond? Or for those who like the land to attempt to surf 20-meter-high waves?

Many extreme sports participants are motivated by a sense of risk and anxiety. They attempt to put themselves to the ultimate test in various life-threatening situations. Extreme sports are also popular among spectators, which explains why their popularity has risen in recent years.

You’ve probably seen extreme sports on television or social media. Many corporations want to associate their names with these thrill-seekers, and some athletes obtain huge sponsorships. Some sponsorships even allow professional extreme sports athletes to compete.

Extreme sports players who excel at them can have lucrative and extended careers. However, even little errors in these sports can have serious—even fatal—repercussions. Extreme sports caused almost four million injuries between 2000 and 2011.

Many of these injuries are avoidable. Unfortunately, the younger folks most inclined to participate in extreme sports lack excellent judgment. The prospect of Internet stardom entices many people to try activities they aren’t ready for.

We all have an inherent “death wish,” according to Sigmund Freud, a deep inbuilt urge to destroy ourselves. Of course, most people don’t participate in extreme sports to injure or kill themselves, but danger is an integral component of most thrill seekers’ enjoyment. As a result, thrill-seekers are continuously on the lookout for larger, better, and quicker thrills.

Individuals participate in dangerous sports to feel alive, not to tempt death—the greater the risk, the greater the excitement. Among the most dangerous types of extreme sports is speed riding and speed flying, yet no matter how risky a sport is, there will be someone somewhere ready to try it. After a few weeks, someone else will be doing the same thing or going even further.

Extreme sports have the potential to be extremely dangerous. This never-ending discussion over whether or not these sports should be banned boils down to the individual’s choice. Never participate in an activity for which you have not prepared.

If you’re thinking of trying an extreme sport, seek advice from family and friends first. You should also consult experts in the sport. If you decide to go ahead, start small. The most crucial consideration is always your safety.

essay on extreme sports should be banned

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IELTS essay, topic: Some people think that dangerous sports should be banned (discuss + opinion)

  • IELTS Essays - Band 8

IELTS Model Essay Sample Band 8 March 2024

This essay topic was seen in recent IELTS test in Sri Lanka .

Some people think that dangerous sports should be banned, while others believe that people should be free to do any sports or activities. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Opinions are sharply divided over the issue of whether dangerous sports should be banned. Some advocate for prohibition due to significant safety concerns, while others argue for the preservation of individual autonomy, emphasising that people should have the freedom to pursue any sports or activities they choose. Personally, although I acknowledge the legitimate concerns about safety, I believe that the principle of individual freedom should prevail.

essay on extreme sports should be banned

Those in favour of banning dangerous sports often cite the significant risks involved such as severe injuries or even death. Activities like cliff diving or extreme mountain biking carry inherent dangers that often lead to severe or even fatal accidents. What is more, many impressionable young people are not fully aware of the consequences of participating in such activities. For these reasons, banning extreme sports is necessary to prevent unnecessary harm and the emotional and financial impact on the participants as well as their families.

Conversely, advocates for personal freedom believe that everyone should be free to choose their activities, regardless of the associated risks. They argue that high-risk sports can be incredibly rewarding, and offer personal growth and an unparalleled adrenaline rush. They further point out that with meticulous training and implementation of strict safety measures, the dangers of these sports can be considerably reduced. For instance, with thorough training and stringent safety protocols, the risk of skydiving can be substantially lowered, allowing participants to enjoy these activities responsibly.

In my view, while safety is crucial, it should not overrule people’s freedom to choose their sports. Banning dangerous sports outright might prevent some accidents, but it also strips away the right to make personal choices about risk-taking. A balanced approach, where high-risk sports are regulated through strict safety measures and informed consent is a more reasonable solution.

Teacher’s feedback:

Overall, your essay is likely to get a Band 8 in IELTS for the following reasons:

Task Response: Band 8 You address the question directly, presenting a clear opinion that while safety concerns are valid, individual freedom of choice should prevail. Your argument is well-developed, with both sides of the argument presented before concluding with your own reasoned viewpoint.

Coherence and Cohesion: Band 8 The essay is well-structured, with clear paragraphs each dedicated to a different aspect of the argument. The use of transition words like “Conversely” effectively contrasts different viewpoints, and the conclusion succinctly summarizes your position, enhancing the essay’s overall coherence.

Lexical Resource: Band 8 Your essay demonstrates a strong vocabulary with terms such as “inherent dangers,” “impressionable,” “adrenaline rush,” and “informed consent.” This varied vocabulary helps to clearly and effectively convey your arguments.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy: Band 8 The essay showcases a variety of complex grammatical structures used accurately. Sentences are well-constructed, with appropriate use of complex clauses and passive forms which add to the clarity and sophistication of the writing.

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23 September 2023 IELTS Agree Disagree Essay on Sports

Find the answer to the 23 September 2023 IELTS Writing Task 2 question as reported by Academic test takers.

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This IELTS Academic Question Appeared on 23 September, 2023 in India.

Question: Some think dangerous extreme sports such as skydiving and rock climbing should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is believed by many that certain action sports should be banned as they can pose a threat to human life. In my view, extreme sports should not be banned but regulated to ensure the safety of individuals.

It is crucial to understand that individuals participate in extreme sports by their own choice and banning them would prevent people from making independent choices. Moreover, restricting these activities can deprive people of the joy that they experience while taking part in sports such as skydiving, rock climbing, trekking, and scuba diving. For instance, it might be a personal goal of an individual to skydive from a certain height and accomplishing it might help them achieve new milestones in their endeavours. In addition to this, participating in these action sports elevates one’s life experiences and allows one to challenge oneself to attain new levels each time.

Furthermore, when individuals participate in such physical activities, it enhances their physical health as well as mental resilience. The commitment towards completing an extreme sport fills one with discipline and determination as one has to go through rigorous training and conditioning to prepare oneself for the challenges to be faced. In addition, taking risks is a crucial component of life but one should also follow proper risk mitigation. For instance, authorities should deploy proper safety measures and be ready for any kind of worst-case scenario.  

To encapsulate, by following proper regulatory steps, authorities can help individuals strike a balance between freedom and safety while participating in extreme sports, without having to completely prohibit them.  

Some think dangerous extreme sports such as skydiving and rock climbing should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Academic topics

  • Individuals' rights to engage in activities that do not pose a significant risk to others.
  • Extreme sports discover and develop valuable life skills and deepen our knowledge about nature and ourselves.
  • Extreme sports can contribute to the economy through tourism, events, and related industries.
  • Establishing safety standards can save more people if governments opt for regulation rather than outright prohibition.
  • Governments establish safety standards and licensing requirements.
  • Education and awareness campaigns to inform the public about the risks associated with extreme sports.


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News Analysis

Florida’s Six-Week Abortion Ban Is Now Law, With Political Implications

The ban, which took effect on Wednesday, was part of Gov. Ron DeSantis’s push into cultural conservatism. But Florida politics is rarely that simple.

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Ron DeSantis, in a white shirt and blue vest bearing the logo of his campaign, looks off-camera toward the left, with a microphone in his left hand. Two large American flags are in the background.

By Patricia Mazzei

Reporting from Miami

As Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida prepared to run for president last spring, he gathered anti-abortion activists in his Capitol office for an unusual bill signing, held late at night and behind closed doors.

Florida lawmakers had just approved a ban on abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, a major policy shift that would sharply restrict access to the procedure for women in neighboring states as well as for Floridians. That law took effect on Wednesday.

For Mr. DeSantis, the move seemed like something that would play well among some Republican presidential primary voters in states like Iowa. But this was Florida, and public opinion polls suggested broad opposition to such a strict law.

So Mr. DeSantis, who typically crisscrosses the state to sign bills, enacted the six-week ban in April 2023 with little fanfare, part of a headlong push into cultural conservatism meant to bolster his national campaign.

Mr. DeSantis dropped out of the presidential race in January. His culture wars appear to have peaked, at least for now. Voters in a string of states, including more traditionally Republican ones, have chosen to protect or expand abortion rights. A similar ballot measure will go before Florida voters in November, with the potential to significantly influence contests down the ballot.

Perhaps the biggest political question in Florida, though, is just how much abortion might swing the election. Is it unique enough to turn around a state that has trended reliably Republican?

The proposed constitutional amendment, known as Amendment 4, would allow abortions “before viability,” or up to about 24 weeks, and would need more than 60 percent support to pass. That threshold is high, especially in the face of an organized opposition campaign characterizing the language as too far-reaching.

“The average Floridian, when they hear the truth about this extreme amendment, they will vote it down,” State Representative Jenna Persons-Mulicka, a Fort Myers Republican, said last month.

But some Floridians, including some Republicans, have wondered whether a relentless pursuit of divisive policies ahead of Mr. DeSantis’s presidential run might now be forcing a bit of recalibration to be more in line with the state’s diverse electorate.

The governor and Republican lawmakers pursued fewer culture war fights during this year’s legislative session. They made it harder for residents to file book challenges in schools. The state also settled a lawsuit filed by opponents of a law prohibiting instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity through the eighth grade.

“We’re very much Middle America,” said the Rev. Sarah Robinson, pastor of the Audubon Park Covenant Church in Orlando, who attended a “Yes on 4” rally last month. “Middle-class people who are trying to raise families and care for their communities. And there are definitely things that they’d rather be doing than fighting these policies.”

National Democrats have expressed optimism that the abortion ballot measure could put Florida in play, despite no clear commitment of how much money the party is willing to spend in the state and a substantial Democratic disadvantage in voter registrations. President Biden briefly spoke about the six-week ban in Tampa last week, and Vice President Kamala Harris will travel to Jacksonville to draw attention to the state ban on Wednesday.

“There is one person responsible for this nightmare: Donald Trump,” Mr. Biden said in a statement about the ban.

Asked on Tuesday about Democrats’ hopeful claims, Mr. DeSantis offered a dismissive “Pfft” and laughed.

“I welcome Biden-Harris to spend a lot of money in Florida. Light up the airwaves,” he said, indicating that the funds would be poorly spent. “We are fine with you doing that here, but I can confidently predict that you will see Republican victories, not just at the top of the ticket but up and down the ballot.”

Former President Donald J. Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, who won Florida in 2016 and 2020 and resides in Palm Beach, has refused to say whether he will vote against the constitutional amendment. He has recently suggested that some states have gone too far in restricting abortion, though in keeping with his shifting views on the issue, he has also said that the decision should lie with the states.

Democrats have tried to pin the strict state abortion laws on Mr. Trump for appointing to the Supreme Court justices who helped overturn Roe v. Wade in June 2022.

For his part, Mr. DeSantis has rarely campaigned on the ban that he signed. On Tuesday, he mostly focused on waiving admission fees for Florida state parks during Memorial Day weekend and on promoting Gulf red snapper season.

“This was done to help Ron DeSantis in his ambitious plan to run for president,” State Senator Lauren Book, the Democratic minority leader, said of the ban. “It didn’t work, and it has really created dire, dangerous consequences for women.”

Florida is full of transplants from the Northeast and Midwest, and their cultural politics have skewed more liberal — or at least more libertarian — than those in other parts of the Deep South. Floridians have elected Republicans while also approving liberal ballot proposals, including ones that raised the minimum wage to $15 an hour, restored felons’ voting rights and legalized medical marijuana.

Before Mr. DeSantis enacted a 15-week abortion ban in April 2022, Florida allowed abortions up to 24 weeks.

John Stemberger, the president of Liberty Counsel Action, an anti-abortion lobbying group, said that Florida’s 24-week law had less to do with public opinion and more to do with legal precedent set by the Florida Supreme Court in 1989. The court ruled then that a privacy clause in the State Constitution extended to abortion rights.

“It didn’t really reflect the demographics of Florida,” Mr. Stemberger said of the old ruling. “It reflected the opinion of seven justices who made a policy-oriented decision.”

The court, now conservative and nearly entirely appointed by Mr. DeSantis, reversed that position on April 1. Mr. Stemberger credited Mr. DeSantis for stocking his administration with “solid social conservatives” willing to push abortion restrictions: “Personnel is policy.”

Even with the 15-week ban in place, there was an uptick in abortions in Florida last year, in part because women from other Southern states with stricter laws had traveled to Florida for the procedure.

Stephanie Loraine Piñeiro, executive director of the Florida Access Network, a fund that helps women in Florida pay for abortions, said that requests for support doubled in April, as the countdown to the six-week ban was underway. The organization increased its budget by 25 percent for the month but still had to turn away some patients.

“The reality is that people are going to continue to need abortion access,” she said, “regardless of the election cycle.”

Patricia Mazzei is the lead reporter for The Times in Miami, covering Florida and Puerto Rico. More about Patricia Mazzei


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