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Human Trafficking: A Rural and an Urban Problem


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Making a dent in human trafficking: investigating the effects of social institutions and policies across 60 countries

  • Published: 12 May 2021
  • Volume 76 , pages 321–336, ( 2021 )

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dissertations on human trafficking

  • Laura A. Kabbash 1 &
  • Scott T. Ronis   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-2410-1362 1  

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Given the worldwide magnitude, pervasiveness and deleterious consequences of human trafficking (Roth, 45 ), a more comprehensive understanding of its underlying causes is imperative. This study attempted to examine the influence of three social factors (i.e., economics, social capital, and criminal justice) on human trafficking in 60 countries. Although regression and Bayesian analyses showed that macro level economic, social, and criminal justice factors were not predictive of human trafficking, our findings highlighted the variability and potential inaccuracy in reporting of information in many countries. Many factors contribute to unreliable human trafficking data including: (1) inconsistencies in the application of trafficking legislation, (2) problems with victim identification and reporting, (3) varying definitions and counts of trafficking, (4) the creation of cultural binaries in the media, and (5) problematic human-trafficking policies. To accurately identify factors contributing or maintaining human trafficking, it is critical for governmental and non-governmental agencies to collect a range of standardized information.

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Laura A. Kabbash & Scott T. Ronis

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About this article

Kabbash, L.A., Ronis, S.T. Making a dent in human trafficking: investigating the effects of social institutions and policies across 60 countries. Crime Law Soc Change 76 , 321–336 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10611-021-09964-z

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Accepted : 04 April 2021

Published : 12 May 2021

Issue Date : October 2021

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s10611-021-09964-z

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Human trafficking: flying under the radar.

Amber L. Hulsey , University of Southern Mississippi Follow

Date of Award

Spring 5-2018

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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Political Science, International Development, and International Affairs

Committee Chair

Robert J. Pauly, Jr.

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David L. Butler

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Daniel Prather

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Edward A. Sayre

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Tom Lansford

Committee Member 5 Department

The global hegemon, the United States encompasses roughly 57,000 to 63,000 of the roughly 45.8 million slaves present across the world today (Walk Free Foundation 2016a). This dissertation research uses the theoretical lens of Human Security as a unique approach in that it is people-centered, focusing on the individual, rather than the more traditional theories in international relations that emphasize the state as the central actor. This dissertation focuses on the understudied area of human trafficking into and within the United States. More specifically, the objective of this research examines the movement of trafficked persons via air and details actions to be taken to combat human trafficking.

Although the world relies upon aerial commerce to enable globalization and interdependence, these same transportation systems and flows that carry persons and goods for legal commerce and trade can also be used as an avenue for illegal commerce, including trafficking of human. Thus, the researcher surveyed aviation personnel in various sectors of the industry, government organizations, non-government organization and victims/survivors via an online survey platform and utilized social media to reach potential survey participants. The sample size used for this study was 10,065 and the study received 578 participants.

The data collection procedures and results used in this dissertation were designed to identify gaps in security safeguards that further enable human trafficking via aircraft. The author presents strategies that can be adopted to reduce, if not eliminate, human trafficking into and within the United States via air. The researcher identified eleven opportunities for future research and discusses the limitations. The studied reveals seven key findings: definition of human trafficking is not known in totality, the level of human trafficking awareness, the number of human trafficking cases identified, the characteristics of the typical respondent, aviation sectors place a slightly different areas of emphasis of human trafficking that is understudied, understudied areas of human trafficking were different than that of the typical respondent, and the absence of human trafficking regulations and training. Finally, the study introduces a comprehensive-holistic human trafficking training curriculum entitled, “Operation Safe House: Human Trafficking Training for Aviation Professionals.”


2018, Amber L. Hulsey

Recommended Citation

Hulsey, Amber L., "Human Trafficking: Flying Under the Radar" (2018). Dissertations . 1501. https://aquila.usm.edu/dissertations/1501

Since May 16, 2018

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Profile image of Aaushvhi ka Swag

Human Trafficking is the third most registered international crime worldwide after drug and weapon trafficking. Human trafficking is a booming international trade, making billions of dollars at the expense of millions of victims; who are robbed of their dignity and freedom. The key concept of human trafficking is ―exploitation of people against their free will. With the transnational operation called human trafficking, slavery remains alive and thriving. Trafficking in persons is a global issue. No country can claim that its borders are not affected in some way by trafficking. Trafficking in persons is the equivalent of modern-day slavery. Slavery is illegal throughout the world, it is a violation of human rights, and it is a crime. Reaching an idea of what exactly HUMAN TRAFICKING is demands a lot of perception. This is because every case and circumstances of human trafficking is exceptional in its own course. To substantiate this, in a general case of human trafficking it is seen that a person (who later on becomes the victim) is taken from their village or town or city to another place, based on false promises of employment in a promising sector (commonly domestic help or labourer) with a handsome pay. Now this pay is made to look more than what this person gets in his/her own region. Such lucrative deals are the base or the main reasons for trafficking to start off in a region in the first place. Nevertheless when they arrive at the destination, what welcomes them is a shock of reality. They either never get the job that they were promised in the first place. The pay that they were promised is below their imagination. And from thereon, the situation starts deteriorating. In many cases it is unacceptable. They are handed over to placement agencies where they are further sent to different houses as domestic help and to different industries for different kind of small scale labour jobs. Primarily if we see these circumstances is that of human smuggling. But since the recruiter makes misleading promises, this case is moulded into the shape of human trafficking. In transnational trafficking, it is commonly seen that those people who are taken away from their home country in the pretext of being given good jobs, their passports are taken away from them. And other such related personal documents are confiscated. There is no escape for these victims. They are held as hostages are drowned in huge debts which can cost them their lives, if they ever tried to escape. Therefore whilst giving a global perspective to Human Trafficking calls for understanding the concept of it as well as educating civilians as to how they must recognize and respond and tackle the traffickers and trafficking happening in their communities and periphery. Tracking down these intricate details of the dynamics of human trafficking is much more important than just haphazardly going forward with new laws and policies or whatsoever.

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“Trafficking” is not a thing. It is not an event. You cannot point a finger at it or take a photograph of it. “Trafficking” is a convenient, simple and useful label attached not to a single phenomenon but to a complex series of states and events that individually may or may not be harmful or wrong.”1Increasing attention has been given to the issue of trafficking in human beings worldwide because it is a gross violation of human dignity and human rights. Hundreds of thousands of women and children are now commodities sold on an international market to be exploited in prostitution, pornography and forced labour. No country is immune because trafficking is a problem that goes beyond national borders. This thesis focuses on the example of one country, namely Georgia, and its position in the fight against trafficking in human beings. The thesis employs a qualitative research strategy and a case study research design. As a developing country, Georgia greatly depends on assistance from various stakeholders from the international community and local civil society. Thus, the thesis examines a network of cooperation for the formulation of anti-trafficking policy with the help of foreign governments, international organizations and local non-governmental organizations. The conclusions drawn from the conducted research can be summarized as follows: anti-trafficking policy is a specific policy area where issue experts having knowledge about various aspects of this phenomenon count as much as establishments possessing political, economic and organizational power. Thus, anti-trafficking policy formulation and development in Georgia can serve as an example of an issue network.

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Carr, Zachary Vachudová Milada Anna. "Trafficked women, the garbage can, and frustrated policy EU failure to combat human trafficking /." Chapel Hill, N.C. : University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2009. http://dc.lib.unc.edu/u?/etd,2755.

Morehouse, Christal. "Combating human trafficking policy gaps and hidden political agendas in the USA and Germany." Wiesbaden VS, Verl.für Sozialwiss, 2008. http://d-nb.info/992304946/04.

Hartl, Jennifer Ann. "Human trafficking in the Russian Federation: an examination of the anti-trafficking efforts of the federal government, non-governmental organizations and the International Organization for Migration." Thesis, University of Iowa, 2010. https://ir.uiowa.edu/etd/682.

Steele, Sarah Louise. "Warriors, wimps, and workers : constructions of masculinities in United States anti-trafficking law and policy, 1999-2011." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2011. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.547808.

Patel, Jaynisha. "Strengthening the enforcement of policy to combat human trafficking: a network approach for improving collaboration." Master's thesis, Faculty of Humanities, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/32175.

Nguyen, Ngoc TB. "Human Trafficking Crime Awareness Among Remote Communities in Central Vietnam." ScholarWorks, 2019. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/6634.

Klynn, Nicholas M. "Supranationalism in the Fight Against Transnational Threats: A Comparative Study of ASEAN and EU Policy Responses to Human Trafficking." PDXScholar, 2012. https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/open_access_etds/509.

Suzuki-Jones, Maya K. "Anti-Human Trafficking Efforts: A Case Study of Argentina and Its Federal Capital." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2016. http://scholarship.claremont.edu/scripps_theses/872.

Faltesek, Gibbons Theresa. "The Circuit Breaker: Recommendations to Combat Sex Trafficking Between Seattle and Portland." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2018. http://scholarship.claremont.edu/scripps_theses/1114.

Holguin, Raquel Monique, and Athena Noel Barber. "SOCIAL SERVICE WORKERS KNOWLEDGE ON THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY FOR HUMAN TRAFFICKING." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2018. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/etd/709.

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Thompson, Chelsea L. "Sex, Slaves, and Saviors: Domestic and Global Agendas in U.S. Anti-trafficking Policy." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2014. http://scholarship.claremont.edu/scripps_theses/355.

Cook, Elizabeth Ann. "A Determinant of Child Sex Trafficking in Los Angeles County, California." ScholarWorks, 2017. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/3758.

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Jesse, Bach E. "The Portrayal of Force, Fraud, and Coercion Within Northern Ohio Federal Sex Trafficking Trials — 2010-2013." Cleveland State University / OhioLINK, 2015. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=csu1432227255.

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Ho, Chi-keung Albert, and 何志強. "A policy analysis of the prevention of human infection of Avian Flu inHong Kong." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2005. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B45012428.

Rocha, Michelle Dantas. "Where is the Survivor's Voice? An Examination of the Individual and Structural Challenges to the Reintegration of Immigrant Human Trafficking Survivors." Thesis, University of South Florida, 2016. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=10142373.

The United States is one of the top destination countries for human trafficking, and Florida has the third highest number of reported cases of human trafficking. Despite the severity of this issue, Florida anti-trafficking legislation, reintegration programs, and awareness campaigns tend to contribute to the invisibility of the victims and undermine their recovery and reintegration into society, especially when the victims are immigrants. This project uses a multi-method approach including content analysis of anti-human trafficking campaigns to argue that portrayals of a “perfect victim” only amplify stigmatization and discrimination against immigrant victims. Through in-depth interviews and ethnographic observation highlighting the voices of immigrant survivors, law enforcement and service providers, I analyze the individual and structural challenges to reintegration. Using these insights, I offer several recommendations about the type of services and training necessary to help trafficking victims recover from their trauma and rebuild their lives.

Gresham, Anne Ellen. "Identifying and Mitigating Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking in an Urban Community." ScholarWorks, 2015. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/280.

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Ngwenze, Lizo Archibald. "Investigating the role of human resources in the implementation of the government immovable asset management act and its policy framework." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1020653.

Samarnbutr, Caruspong. "An examination of technological capability development in the Thailand automotive industry : the role of Thai government policy from 1960-2009." Thesis, University of Portsmouth, 2012. https://researchportal.port.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/an-examination-of-technological-capability-development-in-the-thailand-automotive-industry(fdd7ba8d-aa78-4021-a8ba-6b8c1d479f97).html.

Neil, Howard. "'It's easier if we stop them moving' : a critical analysis of anti-child trafficking discourse, policy and practice : the case of southern Benin." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2013. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:11094e72-496e-4b99-ba15-6b19e6efc490.

Lo, Seen-tsing Sue. "A study on the policy options for the HKSAR Government to tackle the low fertility rate in Hong Kong." Thesis, View the Table of Contents & Abstract, 2005. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record/B31363179.

Rocha, Michelle Cristina Angelo Dantas. "Where is the Survivor’s Voice? An Examination of the Individual and Structural Challenges to the Reintegration of Immigrant Human Trafficking Survivors." Scholar Commons, 2016. http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd/6370.

Footen, Nicole Kristine. "The Making of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000: Viewed Through the Lens of the Advocacy Coalition Framework." VCU Scholars Compass, 2007. http://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/etd/826.

Noble, Hugo Robert. "Local government and sustainable human development: local government as development agent in the promotion of local economic development." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/20929.

Smith, Heather K. "The impact of framing on policy passage: the case of assisted reproductive technology." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/42774.

Yeung, Suk-yee, and 楊淑兒. "The crisis management in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: a case study of the human swineinfluenza." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2010. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B46783155.

Berschinski, Sarah. "Cutting Costs and Paying the Price: The Threat to Prisoners' Health and Well-Being Under Government Negligence." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2017. http://scholarship.claremont.edu/scripps_theses/939.

Fariss, Christopher J. "Human Rights and the Strategic Use of US Foreign Food Aid." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2007. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc5184/.

黃美鳳 and Mei-fung Connie Wong. "The impact of lump sum grant funding policy on the human resources management of non-government organizations in Hong Kong." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2002. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B31967073.

Purdue Public Health research affirms salon workers key in identifying victims of sex trafficking, intimate partner violence

Alexandra Hughes-Wegner talks about her research at a podium.

Alexandra Hughes-Wegner (MPH ’24) presents her research on March 22 at the 2024 HHS Life Inspired Week Three Minute Thesis competition. Her project, “Exploring the Role of Salon Professionals in Interacting and Intervening with Victims of Violence,” won top top honors. Tim Brouk

Written by: Tim Brouk, [email protected]

The fight against sex trafficking and intimate partner violence (IPV) has an unexpected ally in salon professionals across Indiana and beyond, according to new work by Purdue University College of Health and Human Sciences researchers.

Drawing in student researchers from the departments of Public Health and Psychological Sciences as well as Purdue’s College of Agriculture and Polytechnic Institute, the study led by Alexandra Hughes-Wegner, a May 2024 Master of Public Health graduate, found a striking number of Indiana salon workers — estheticians, massage therapists, nail technicians, barbers and hair stylists — have come into contact with people who were victims of sex trafficking and IPV during appointments.

“Salon professionals serve as touch points for victims of sex trafficking, as they are often brought there (to a salon) for grooming purposes,” said Hughes-Wegner, whose initial research started in 2021 during her junior year of her undergraduate studies. “No state has mandatory training of salon professionals for sex trafficking, and very few have it for intimate partner violence. (The salon professionals) do not know how to identify, when to interact with victims of violence, or who to contact — specifically to get (their clients) help. By no means do we want salon professionals to put themselves in harm’s way, so who can they contact to help them help the victims?”

Hughes-Wegner and her team of undergraduate research assistants will present the data to Indiana agencies, policymakers and nonprofits in June and July. She hopes to get the work — organized in six modules or mini online classes — to be a part of the training or curriculum for a salon worker to obtain their license to work in Indiana. The modules give overviews on IPV, sex trafficking, law enforcement resources, why salon workers are needed to reduce sex trafficking and measures their salons can take when faced with clients who may be experiencing such abuse. The modules take about 90 minutes to complete in total, and they will be pilot tested by 10 Indiana salon professionals this summer. The researchers will do a couple follow-ups with them including a process and outcome evaluation.

The research was funded by a $75,000 award from the Purdue Honors College .

Strong response

HHS associate dean Jason Harris stands with Alexandra Hughes-Wegner for a photo.

Jason Harris, Purdue HHS associate dean for graduate programs and online education, poses with Alexandra Hughes-Wegner after the then Purdue Public Health graduate student accepted her first place award at the 2024 HHS Life Inspired Week Three Minute Thesis competition. Tim Brouk

Working under Andrea DeMaria, former Purdue Public Health faculty member, and Kathryn Seigfried-Spellar of the Polytechnic Institute, Hughes-Wegner and the team first interviewed 10 salon professionals across Indiana, and nine responded they have been either told outright or suspected a client had been a victim of IPV and/or sex trafficking.

The researchers then developed an Indiana-wide survey. More than 400 salon workers responded. This data fueled the study titled “Exploring the Role of Salon Professionals in Interacting and Intervening with Victims of Violence.” The biggest takeaway from the survey responses: About 45% of the respondents were directly told by their clients that they are being trafficked. Other pertinent data included:

  • 74 Indiana counties were represented.
  • 80.1% suspected interaction with a victim of sex trafficking.
  • 88% suspected interaction with a victim of IPV.
  • 51% were told directly by a client they were a victim of IPV.

The survey provided a space for workers to write their thoughts, and the feedback was eye-opening. One salon professional stated, “Educate the community more on this topic.” Another opined, “The government should provide resources to affected individuals.”

“The salon professionals wanted a training, and they wanted it to be super-collaborative, super-dynamic in that policymakers, law enforcement, and salon professionals all come together to give their shared experiences and advice on tackling this problem,” Hughes-Wegner said.

Alexandria Bedard, a May 2024 psychological sciences graduate, capped off her Purdue undergraduate research career with this project. She said she found the subject extremely important, and it will help strengthen her next academic journey as a forensic psychology graduate student at Arizona State University.

One of Bedard’s favorite parts of the research process came this spring when she helped present the project at Purdue research poster competitions. She said the work was “very eye-opening” to judges and fellow students alike, from the amount of money generated by sex trafficking nationwide ($150 billion, according to her work) to how a nail technician could save someone’s life by adeptly noticing signs of abuse.

“This research needs to be done for salon professionals not just in Indiana but everywhere,” Bedard said. “Sex trafficking made more money in the U.S. than Starbucks and Nike. I think that’s mind-blowing to a lot of individuals. They just have no clue. They never hear of it happening here in Indiana.”


Hughes-Wegner acknowledged that salon professionals can sometimes become almost therapists to their regular clients. In some communities, the stylist is a confidant and sounding board.

“The salon plays such a large role in their lives. It’s a very unique relationship that develops where I think clients feel comfortable talking to their salon professional,” she said. “Just the unique environment and the nuanced ways that these situations kind of come up. They talk about their partners and them fighting. And salon professionals do see the bruises.”

A part of the work acknowledged the mental health of salon professionals in these situations.

“So much gets dumped on them. In a day, they may see three or four people. They know everything about them and they’re sitting in a chair one-on-one for hours. A lot of people don’t get this much access to a therapist most times,” Hughes-Wegner explained. “I do think a heavy burden is placed on the salon professionals. We’ve tried to be cautious as we develop this material because we don’t want to put extra burdens or any extra weight on the salon professionals. They aren’t trained to intervene. We just want them to know the signs so they can contact law enforcement to intervene.” 

In 2021, more than 120 sex trafficking cases were logged in Indiana.

While the team received a strong response from its survey, some salon workers did not respond, and some respondents said they never heard of clients suffering from abuse and/or trafficking. But it’s possible these professionals did have such contact and just didn’t recognize signs or cues like the bruises, bite marks and scratches. 

“In Lafayette alone, we have I-65, which runs right through our backyard, and that’s known to be a facilitator of trafficking victims,” Hughes-Wegner said. “Law enforcement professionals we’ve spoken to in Lafayette get all kinds of reports and tips of this happening. I think it’s just important to be aware of it.”

Just one missed opportunity to recognize signs of abuse could put a client in danger. That’s one too many. The work of Hughes-Wegner and her team could reduce the number of missed opportunities for intervention and reduce the rates of abuse and sex trafficking in Indiana.

“I would like to see Indiana be a leader in this work and for other states to follow suit,” Hughes-Wegner said. “We know these acts of violence are very prevalent in cities all over America. With few policies in place overall, I’d like to see Indiana be a role model in this way. I would love to see a policy at the school level or at the licensing level put in place.”

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

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Kennesaw State master’s graduate makes the personal academic

KENNESAW, Ga. | Jun 4, 2024

William Reed

So, he broke new ground.

Reed, who earned his master’s degree in exercise science , connected his love of soccer with his academic interest in human performance, earning acclaim along the way. In 2023, he earned honors at the Symposium of Student Scholars and at Wellstar College of Health and Human Service ’s Research and Engagement Day. In April, he won the Graduate College ’s Three-Minute Thesis competition, all for his research into proper conditioning and analyses of running form for soccer officials.

“Soccer teams and leagues invest millions in their players, but I haven’t seen that kind of investment in officials—conditioning them or studying their work,” said Reed, who has officiated soccer games for three years. “My courses and research at KSU led me to deep study on this topic, and I hope to keep looking into it.”

In soccer, an official, known as the assistant referee, runs along the sideline carrying a flag, which adversely affects running form. Reed sought empirical data on those effects while working as a graduate assistant with associate professor of exercise science Garrett Hester.

“Most of the subjects’ movements and associated variables—whether that be forced production, whether it be acceleration variables, whether it be velocity or power—are all reduced significantly when they're holding that flag,” said Reed, whose thesis was titled “Kinetic and Kinematic Effects of Unilateral Flag Carrying on Referee Sprinting and Agility Performance.” “Whatever the mechanism is, when they're holding that flag, performance does in fact decrease.”

Senior lecturer of exercise science Kevin Huet, who officiates college and professional soccer games, first started working with Reed during Reed’s undergraduate studies; Reed also earned his bachelor’s in exercise science from KSU in 2022. Huet advised the undergraduate exercise science student group and stayed in touch with Reed as he advanced in his studies. When Reed got the idea for his thesis, he sought Huet’s advice.

“I’ve done similar research on soccer referees, but William came up with this idea on his own,” Huet said. “When he presented it to me, I was practically jumping out of my chair. I was so excited to see a student advancing this research, and I’ve been honored to help him out these past couple of years.”

Huet had contacts in various leagues, and he provided them to Reed for the research. Reed, in turn, worked with officials at multiple levels, from youth through college, and even included one subject with certification from FIFA, the world’s governing body for soccer. From the perspective of an official, Reed said he was happy to expand the base of knowledge on soccer officials beyond studies simply scrutinizing the accuracy of in-game officiating decisions.

Down the road, Reed hopes to publish his thesis in exercise science and strength and conditioning journals, touting the novelty of the research into an understudied realm. He wouldn’t rule out a doctoral degree focusing on sprinting mechanics or conditioning for soccer officials.

“If there's something you're interested in, chances are there is at least one professor who will support you if not multiple professors,” he said. “There is space for a person to explore what they want to. The world, and academia, only grow because of students taking, doing research and exploring their interests. Since KSU fosters that environment, I can't really think of a better compliment for an academic institution.”

– Story by Dave Shelles

Photos by Darnell Wilburn Jr.

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    Title: Application of Machine Learning in RF Systems: A Hardware Acceleration ApproachCommittee:Dr. Saibal Mukhopadhyay, ECE, Chair, AdvisorDr. Shaolan Li, ECEDr ...

  26. Implementation of a Staff Education Project on Human Trafficking for

    Human trafficking is a rising public concern, with all races, genders, and socioeconomic groups being at risk (Ladd & Jones, 2022). The International Labor Organization (ILO, 2016) approximated that 40.3 million people. were victims of human trafficking globally (Ladd & Jones, 2022). Those trafficked are at.

  27. Kennesaw State master's graduate makes the personal academic

    As his master's thesis started to take shape, recent Kennesaw State University graduate William Reed noticed a limited amount of literature reviewing soccer referees within exercise science. So, he broke new ground. Reed, who earned his master's degree in exercise science, connected his love of soccer with his academic interest in human performance, earning acclaim along the way.