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Descriptive Essay Topics: Top 220 Ideas to Choose From

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Are you going to write a descriptive essay and are looking for appropriate ideas? Look no further! Here are 220+ top-notch descriptive essay topics recommended by essay writers . For sure, you will find one that interests you and sparks your creativity. We have topics about various places: from rural farmlands to bustling cities. We have topics about people: from friends and family to strangers. We have descriptive writing topics about both concrete objects and abstract ideas. Whatever your writing project is, we have the perfect descriptive essay ideas to help you create a masterpiece. So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring our long list of descriptive topic ideas and find your inspiration!


Our team of professionals provides top-notch academic writing service. Order your perfect descriptive essay from us. We will get it done as soon as possible. Our writers are ready to help you find the easiest path to success!

Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.

Descriptive essay topics focus on describing an object, person, place, experience, emotion, or situation. They can also be used to give a recount of something that happened or that someone has seen or heard. When writing this type of essay, you should aim to provide a vivid and detailed description of the subject so that the reader can fully understand, imagine, or visualize it. When it comes to writing a descriptive essay , there are many descriptive essay topics to select from. Depending on topics for descriptive writing you choose, you may be required to rely on your memory, your observation skills, or your historical knowledge to complete the essay. You can also focus on an object or event that has significantly impacted your life. Other topics for a descriptive essay can include describing a favorite hobby or activity, a memorable trip, or a special moment.

Good topics for a descriptive essay are interesting to write about. The primary objective of descriptive essays is to relate the unique qualities of objects, persons, or events vividly and comprehensively to readers. Good descriptive essay topics can evoke strong emotions and feelings in people. Here are some characteristics of good descriptive essay prompts:

Choosing a good descriptive essay topic can be difficult. The writing style used for descriptive essays is very expressive. Thus, it may be rather challenging to complete your paper if you do not select topics for descriptive essays that suit your preference, knowledge, or experience. Here are a few steps to help you select an interesting title that will make your essay stand out. Follow the tips in provided order.

This section provides you with some of the top descriptive writing topics. Writers enjoy working on depictive papers because they give them unrestricted freedom of selecting their means of expression. Besides, these top topics can come from totally different categories. Below is a descriptive essay topics list to help you with your brainstorming:

The art of describing an event, a place, or a character through vivid writing allows you to take readers to another world. Choosing the right topic is the key to success and it makes a lot of difference in preparing an essay or a speech. Discover the best topics for a descriptive essay listed below to help unleash your creative writing skills.

The best topic for a descriptive essay can often come from your experience. Thus, it should be easy to write about, since you already have necessary information and do not need to do any serious research. Using the above list, if you fail to find a topic that connects with previous incidents in your life, just choose a similar subject matter but such that is somehow related your to your own experience or is easy to explore.

There are descriptive ideas that are relatively more interesting compared to others. Essays about such ideas can help readers better understand an interesting experience or event, imagine and see a vivid picture, or observe and analyze a person from a more intriguing perspective. Here are 15 interesting ideas for a descriptive essay to consider:

If you are wondering what are some good topics for a descriptive essay, you’ll probably find a suitable answer in this segment. The section outlines topic examples you can use for your essay. A good descriptive essay topic should capture your reader’s attention. You can write about multiple ideas, including a person you admire, a special place or object, a favorite childhood memory, or a beautiful landscape. Good descriptive essay titles should be creative, engaging, and thought-provoking. Below are some examples:

Easy ideas for descriptive essays require you to use just your five senses, your imagination, or memory to create a vivid image of the subject in the reader's mind. It also should take you a relatively shorter period to work on such uncomplicated descriptive ideas. You can choose descriptive paper topics from some of the examples provided below:

Allowing the imagination to run wild can lead to interesting ideas, particularly when looking for funny descriptive essay topics. Here we have compiled fifteen funny descriptive essay topic ideas for you to write about. The topics will help you produce a unique and humorous essay. From describing some weird costume to documenting habits of a quirky pet, these topics for descriptive writing are sure to inspire your creativity and provide you with a fun writing experience.

If you are searching for other paper ideas such as division and classification essay topics or informative essay topics , you will find them on our platform.

Students often struggle with finding the right ideas for their descriptive essays. While some topics may seem easier than others, there are plenty of creative and unique directions that can be explored. This section compiles descriptive writing ideas for various learning levels. From descriptive research topics in education to discussing the effects of climate change on nature, these ideas enable students to grow their knowledge and develop their researching skills.

Descriptive writing topics for middle school can range from describing a favorite vacation spot to giving a detailed characterization of a person or place. Working on descriptive essays can help students to hone their writing skills, enabling them to better observe and detail their surroundings. Below are fifteen descriptive paper ideas for middle school students to explore:

Ideas for descriptive writing at high school level are relatively more demanding in terms of the effort needed to develop them comprehensively. You may be required to provide more descriptive details compared to the lower learning levels or even conduct additional research. In certain instances, suitable topics may only be derived from the high school curriculum. Here are some of the examples of descriptive essay topics for high school students:

Descriptive essay topics for university students are even more in-depth compared to the two previous academic levels. Learners tend to focus on topics within their area of specialization. College students are expected to think big and be more creative. Students in high learning institution can be additionally asked to provide educated opinion on the subject matter. Learn some of the descriptive essay topics for college students to get your creative juices flowing:

A descriptive writing topic can come from many different categories. To help you select an essay idea based on your preference, we have compiled multiple topics and arranged them into various groups. We have focused on six primary categories in this section: objects, family and people, events, traveling, experience, and hobbies. You are free to either pick descriptive writing ideas from the lists provided, or use them as foundation for developing your own ones.

Do you want to write impressive descriptive topics about an object? In this section, you can explore the list of proper descriptive essay ideas revolved around specific entities. When analyzing objects, your sharp observation skills and basic knowledge about these items are important. Here are examples of topic ideas for descriptive essays:

You can base your depictive essay on matters pertaining to family and people. Relationships with friends and relatives constitute an integral part of every person’s life, so you will definitely have enough matter and stories to address. In this section, we have outlined sample descriptive essays topics that draw their talking points from the subject of family bonds and friendship. You can deliver a narrative involving memories of time spend together, or expressively discuss some outstanding features of your loved ones. Below are some of the descriptive paragraph topics for papers to get you started:

Look through our definition essay topics to find more ideas on family. 

Over the course of our lives, we witness multiple events ranging from personal parties to ceremonies of national magnitude. Generally, rather than giving personal opinions or using rhetoric approach, you should prioritize providing objective information and key facts when working on topics for descriptive essay writing about events. Below is a list of essay topics for descriptive papers to help you in brainstorming.

Once you have selected your preferred essay topics for descriptive papers, you should strive to expound particulars related to the occurrence in a chronological manner. This ensures that the reader is able to seamlessly follow the directions of your thoughts.

Writing a descriptive paragraph idea about traveling can be a great way to capture the moments and memories of your journey. These topics for descriptive writing can help you create a vivid and interesting essay about your travels.

Writing topics for a descriptive essay about an experience can be a great way to explore and share recollections of your life. Although not everyone is ready or comfortable to share their past, there are people who enjoy talking about the affairs that touched them to their friends, families, and even strangers. Find 15 topics for descriptive papers about an experience to get you started listed below:

Writing descriptive essay topics about hobbies can be a great way to express yourself and explore your passions. Whether it's a hobby you've been doing for years or something new that you've recently taken up, there are countless topics to pick from when it comes to creating a descriptive essay. Below are ideas for descriptive essays to get you started:

If you need more essay ideas, don’t forget that we have an extensive blog that offers different titles, including narrative essay topics and ideas for expository essays .

Descriptive writing essay topics can range from narrating a personal experience to describing a place, person, or thing. It is important to include enough details in your essay so the reader can form a vivid picture. When choosing topics to write a descriptive essay on, you should consider the age and other specifics of the target audience and know your primary intentions in delivering information. It is also vital to be creative and use unique language to make the essay stand out. With the right topic and approach, a descriptive essay can be an engaging and enjoyable writing experience. Do not forget to adhere to grammar rules and employ appropriate lexis when working on topics for descriptive essays!

  • Creative Consider creativity and originality when selecting your essay topic.
  • Clear The topic should be clear and concise.
  • Interesting Select a topic that you will not only enjoy writing about, but that will also be compelling to your readers.
  • Researchable The topic should be easy to research.
  • Think of a title that interests you. Consider a subject that you are passionate about. You should never select a topic blindly.
  • Brainstorm ideas. When thinking about your topic, don’t hesitate to write down words or phrases that come to mind.
  • Research potential topics. You can look for the right content online or visit a library and skim specialized books.
  • Narrow down your topic for descriptive essays. As a result, choose the best idea that you feel will make an interesting and engaging essay.
  • The Pearl Harbor attack.
  • My scariest dream.
  • The political journey of Barack Obama.
  • Remembering my graduation ceremony.
  • My first childhood memory.
  • The most difficult decision you have ever made.
  • Life with a pet monkey.
  • Your childhood hero.
  • A perfect journey.
  • The best book I have read recently.
  • My all-time favorite movie.
  • Great migration of wildebeests across the Mara River .
  • My Coachella music festival experience.
  • Effect of cyberbullying on today’s society.
  • The Mona Lisa: components of the legendary piece of art.
  • The most beautiful place you have ever visited.
  • The appalling state of Guantanamo Bay.
  • Ancient pyramids and settlements in the Bolivian Amazon.
  • An embarrassing moment in your life.
  • Walking the Great Wall of China: the ultimate experience.
  • My strange “addiction” to jogging.
  • Canadian night festivals.
  • Voyages of Christopher Columbus.
  • The best gift ever received from my parents.
  • Weekend living at the cabin.
  • The ultimate daring thing you will always remember.
  • How I discovered my personal hobby.
  • My most challenging moment in school.
  • Women’s suffrage movement.
  • My biggest superstition and its impact on my lifestyle.
  • The feeling of being in love.
  • A holiday on a secluded island.
  • Traits of people you really admire.
  • A woman’s life in the Middle East.
  • Your biggest life-changing moment.
  • My first sleepover.
  • Best FIFA World Cup final ever.
  • Recounting the joyous moment of your day.
  • My biggest fear or terror.
  • Earth’s appearance from out of space.
  • My imaginary best friend from childhood.
  • The TV series you enjoyed the most.
  • Apollo 11: the 1969 NASA moon landing.
  • Surviving the cold Arctic conditions.
  • My backpack adventure in Australian rainforest.
  • My first time on a cruise ship.
  • This year’s Thanksgiving dinner with my family.
  • Your first experience with a foreign culture.
  • Your most treasured childhood toy.
  • How New York looks from Empire State’s 86th floor observatory.
  • My sweet 16 birthday party.
  • Picturing a clear night sky in the countryside.
  • The first time seeing the northern lights in Iceland.
  • My best friend’s wedding reception.
  • One day in the army.
  • A walk through the Central Park.
  • Challenges of living with food allergy.
  • The prom night experience.
  • Main features of Twitter.
  • Most beautiful beaches around the world.
  • Special days spent with your grandparents.
  • Best places to explore in my hometown.
  • A perfect summer day.
  • The house of my dream.
  • The most beautiful sunset you’ve ever seen.
  • Your ideal picnic spots.
  • Your favorite moment in “ Avengers: Endgame ”.
  • Describing my family members.
  • Walking tour through Times Square in New York City.
  • How does freshly-baked bread smell?
  • My sense of humor.
  • Perfect gifts for your partner.
  • My first public speech: a recount of how I felt inside.
  • World’s greatest conspiracy theory.
  • My favorite school teacher.
  • An outlandish Halloween outfit to fit my body.
  • People’s attempts to break odd world records.
  • Charlie Chaplin: the funniest silent play character.
  • How I fell for an April Fool’s Day prank.
  • Most hilarious Super Bowl commercials ever.
  • Funny moments during Donald Trump’s presidency.
  • Funny experience in an eating competition.
  • Diving into the mysterious world of wild street cats.
  • The “No Sweets for Adults” law in Chesapeake City, Virginia.
  • Funny life of Peter Griffin in the “Family Guy” TV show.
  • Amusing ghost stories as presented in Hollywood movies.
  • Funniest punishment ever experienced for losing a bet.
  • An encounter with a celebrity lookalike.
  • My queer self-made alternatives to online entertainments.
  • Explaining the behavior of an eccentric pet.
  • My dream smartphone.
  • My favorite activities in the gymnasium.
  • Fishing and camping with my father.
  • Most important and cherished tradition in my family.
  • Recounting the visit to Jurassic Park.
  • Your most enjoyable activities outside school.
  • An unforgettable moment of wisdom with my teacher.
  • My best outfit.
  • My first time in a live sports event.
  • Game night experiences with my family.
  • A rollercoaster ride with friends.
  • Most beautiful success story in my life.
  • A summer vacation memory.
  • Why my best friend is my security blanket.
  • My lucky charm.
  • Importance of summer school.
  • How I trained my dog.
  • How the solar system works.
  • Kobe Bryant: the mamba mentality.
  • A unique family heirloom.
  • Effect of domestic violence on students’ performance.
  • Qualities of a good roommate.
  • Abraham Lincoln: the greatest American president.
  • My journey as an artist: the development of skills.
  • America’s Independence Day: the Fourth of July celebration party.
  • Thomas Edison’s light bulb invention.
  • Greatest moment of personal growth.
  • The Pleiades star cluster.
  • Dream career: my aspiration to be an engineer.
  • Assassination of J.F. Kennedy .
  • My online virtual learning experience in college.
  • Yuri Gagarin’s journey to space.
  • The role of your mentor in shaping your life.
  • How did you get your first tattoo?
  • Causes of college dropout: my personal experience.
  • The Holocaust: its history and consequences.
  • Greta Thunberg’s inspirational story.
  • Experiencing the pilgrimage to Mecca.
  • Preparing for a date: things to do.
  • Inside an anthill: a view from a tiny camera inside the colony.
  • How do you prepare for exams.
  • Muhammad Ali: his life and achievements.
  • Components of Martin Luther’s greatest speech.
  • Most beautiful locations in Europe.
  • Fastest travel route from Alaska to Ushuaia.
  • My most valued object.
  • Toys I own as an adult.
  • The rarest metal on Earth.
  • World’s most powerful supercomputer.
  • Components of my living room.
  • Things you will find in my wallet.
  • World’s oldest tree: its physical appearance and history.
  • Items in my bank safety deposit box.
  • A detailed description of the most comfortable bed in USA.
  • Burj Khalifa : world’s tallest building.
  • Historical significance of Eiffel Tower.
  • Features of iPhone 13.
  • Inside a Tesla Cybertruck.
  • The largest flower in the world.
  • Japanese katana: appearance, types, materials.
  • My favorite family member.
  • The best part of my Christmas holiday with my family.
  • Effect of divorce on childhood development.
  • Pillars of a strong family.
  • Financial benefit of a marriage institution.
  • Challenges of being a last-born in a family.
  • Things I miss the most about my childhood friend.
  • The relationship between my step-family and me.
  • The day I met my best friend.
  • Our secret family recipe.
  • The best Valentine’s Day experience with my partner.
  • Growing up in a multi-cultural family.
  • Biblical definition of marriage.
  • Components of our family portrait.
  • Impact of extended family on my personal growth.
  • Saint Patrick’s Day celebration in America.
  • Assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
  • Chronological events leading to start of World War I.
  • End of Cold War.
  • September 11 terrorist attacks.
  • My first job interview: how I performed.
  • The birth of my first born and how it affected me.
  • Relevance of the Ramadan celebration in the Islam religion.
  • Effect of “Tomorrowland Music Festival” on today’s morality.
  • 2026 FIFA World Cup: the next tournament in Canada, Mexico, and USA.
  • The incident between Will Smith and Chris Rock at the 2022 Grammy Award.
  • How I proposed to my partner.
  • The best sports event I ever attended.
  • The Winner of the 2022 Formula 1 Series.
  • How I survived an extreme weather condition: a close call.
  • Tourist destinations that left me with a lasting impression.
  • Exploring unfamiliar culture of Amazon tribes.
  • The most stunning natural landscape you’ve seen.
  • Best cheap meal you have ever had while traveling.
  • Most memorable people you met on your trip.
  • The most thrilling journey to the Maldives.
  • Unique souvenirs you brought back from Africa.
  • Exploring local customs and traditions of Native American communities.
  • The Swiss Alps train: The Glacier Express.
  • Magical views of Niagara waterfalls in Canada.
  • A journey to the Himalayas : the city of immortal beings.
  • Challenges you faced while traveling through a non-English speaking country.
  • Exploring the local cuisine of Istanbul.
  • The most interesting thing you learned on your recent trip
  • How I met my travel companion.
  • An experience that changed your outlook on life.
  • A summer night that was particularly memorable.
  • Witnessing Argentina’s 2022 World Cup victory.
  • An experience that made you feel scared and develop a phobia for height.
  • Places that fill you with joy and nostalgia.
  • A moment of relief.
  • My experience learning abroad.
  • The biggest public humiliation that I will never forget.
  • A dream that stayed with you.
  • A time when you felt overwhelmed.
  • A special experience with a family member.
  • Self-realization in my time of adversity.
  • The story of my first heartbreak.
  • How I coped with being hospitalized for weeks.
  • Recounting my visit to a home for the elderly.
  • My inspiration for taking up a new hobby.
  • Athletics as hobbies: their conversion to professions.
  • How my parents helped me pick my hobby.
  • Impact of hobbies on my relationship with family and friends.
  • Effect of sedentary hobby on your health.
  • Recounting the event that made me fall out of love with my traveling hobby.
  • How physical hobbies improved my physiological health.
  • My favorite childhood hobby.
  • Financial implication of having a hobby.
  • My best friend’s unusual hobby.
  • Extreme and dangerous hobbies taken up by my friends.
  • How sharing hobbies with my neighbor developed our friendship.
  • Pressures resulting from doing ballet dancing as a hobby.
  • My hobby’s contribution to my career development.
  • Biggest lessons learned from my childhood hobbies.

What Are Descriptive Essay Topics?

Characteristics of good descriptive essay topics, how to choose a descriptive essay topic, top list of descriptive essay topics, best descriptive essay topics, interesting descriptive essay topics, good topics for descriptive essays, easy descriptive essay topics, funny descriptive essay topics, descriptive essay ideas for students, descriptive writing topics for middle school, descriptive essay topics for high school, descriptive essay topics for college students, topics for descriptive writing by categories, descriptive essay topics about an object, family and people descriptive essay topics, descriptive essay topics about events, traveling descriptive essay topics, descriptive essay topics about an experience, ideas for a descriptive essay about hobbies, bottom line on descriptive essay topics.

Things we can describe in a descriptive essay

Descriptive Essay

Descriptive Essay Topics

Last updated on: Nov 20, 2023

Interesting Descriptive Essay Topics Recommended by Experts

By: Cathy A.

Reviewed By: Jacklyn H.

Published on: Dec 24, 2019

Descriptive Essay Topics

Memories, imaginative situations, feelings, and impressions, writing a descriptive essay is absolutely fun for many college or university students. They get a chance to play with their creativity, which makes this type of essay so much fun.

Descriptive essays do not require a lot of research. They are based on the writer’s personal description and explanation of the selected, or given, topic. This essay type is ideal for school/college students because they are not very much into research.

However, one of the most common problems students face while writing an essay is choosing and picking the essay topic. The process of finding a good essay topic could be difficult, confusing, and time-consuming.

The descriptive essay format is the same; introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. However, the topics for a descriptive essay are different and require a high level of descriptive capability.

Descriptive Essay Topics

On this Page

Descriptive Essay Topics for Students

Here is a list of some good descriptive essay topic ideas. These are just topics and ideas, and you can customize them according to your requirements.

Descriptive Essay Topics for College Students

  • One week of a newly wedded couple.
  • A crazy jump with bungee.
  • Importance of college education.
  • The day when everything went wrong.
  • Education before anything.
  • How can one make the world a better place?
  • The magnificence of this universe.
  • The demand for love In everyone’s life.
  • Future of cloning on planet Earth.
  • Describe your day as a new college student.

Descriptive Essay Topics for Middle School Students

Finding the best writing topics for a descriptive essay is an important task to accomplish. Also, keep in mind that you will easily create the thesis statement if your topic is good. Here are some of the great essay topics for different grades.

Descriptive Essay Topics for Grade 7

  • Favorite cartoon character.
  • My favorite song.A special photograph.
  • A special place.An important time in history.
  • Building a fort.Creepy things.
  • Do I want to be famous?
  • Doing homework.
  • Going for fishing.

Descriptive Essay Topics for Grade 8

  • Favorite hobby.
  • What is your favorite movie?
  • Do you like gaming, and which game is your favorite?
  • Do you enjoy playing a sport?
  • Do you have an unusual talent?
  • What is your favorite subject, and why?
  • How to stop hiccups?
  • Let's help the animals.
  • Looking at the globe.
  • My favorite clothes.

Descriptive Essay Topics for High School Students

For your help, we categorized the descriptive essay topics into different academic grades. Choose the best one that you find interesting.

Descriptive Essay Topics for Grade 9

  • Where do you like to vacation and why?
  • What is the greatest lesson you have learned?
  • Who is your hero, and why?
  • If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
  • Who is your favorite band?Where do you want to go to college?
  • Important reasons why kids should have chores.
  • The benefits of summer school.
  • Staying at a friend's house.
  • What I use a computer for.

Descriptive Essay Topics for Grade 10

  • A game close to my heart.
  • Mobile Phone: boon or a curse?
  • What is your most treasured item?
  • Your favorite restaurant.
  • Your dream house.
  • Five qualities of a good roommate.
  • A note on your closet.
  • Your favorite childhood memory.
  • The ride on a subway train.
  • The street from home to school.

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Good Descriptive Essay Topics

Descriptive essays are only difficult when you have to decide what to write about. Here are some good and easy descriptive essay topics that you can explore to create one of your own.

  • My first day at the job and how I feel about it.
  • Most suffocating day at the workplace and how I survived it.
  • How to avoid negativity in the workplace?
  • How to be more positive with troublesome employees?
  • The best way to resolve a conflict and to avoid it in the future.
  • Miracles of staying focused at the workplace.
  • Importance of maintaining a healthy routine even if you have a tough job.
  • Most embarrassing moment in my office.
  • How to deal with deadline pressure?
  • Top 10 tips to invoke creativity and move ahead in your work.

Descriptive Essay Topics About Person

  • Describe your mother.
  • Discuss my pet.
  • Meeting a famous person.
  • A particular family or family member.
  • I miss them.
  • Memorable person.
  • My dad is the most interesting person.
  • Describe a person you hate.
  • My favorite school teacher.
  • Describe your favorite celebrity.

Easy Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Describe your favorite scene from the most recent movie that you have watched.
  • Describe the physical setting of your favorite soft drink’s TVC.
  • Describe the emotions depicted in the famous Mona Lisa painting.
  • Describe the plot of your favorite movie.
  • Describe your favorite fictional character and discuss why you like it.
  • Choose one abstract painting and describe the emotions depicted in it.
  • How your religious book impacted your inner thoughts?
  • A writer with whom you can relate the most.
  • What is your favorite type of dance; describe your emotions while dancing.
  • Describe your favorite tv-series and why you like watching it.

Best Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Describe an important event that impacted your personality.
  • Describe the psychological events that influenced your personality for the worse.
  • Describe the psychological events that influenced your personality for the better.
  • Describe your first or last day at your college.
  • Why do you enjoy bike riding?
  • Why do you think writing will impact your personality at a deeper level?
  • What did you feel when you held a baby for the first time?
  • Describe the loss of a family member in 800 words.
  • Describe how you would look without hair on your scalp in 900 words.
  • Why are stars compared with human personalities in poems?

Interesting Descriptive Essay Topics

  • All-time favorite movie character.
  • Movie of the century.
  • House that I have always wanted.
  • Most heart-touching poem.
  • Meeting my best friend after a long time.
  • My favorite book.
  • The most amazing thing that I remember.
  • First time I fell in love.
  • My first date.
  • The first time I went shopping on my own.

Descriptive Essay Topics About Memory

  • Describe the oldest memory that you can recall and why it has stuck with you.
  • Describe a time you were the happiest; who were you with?
  • Describe when something completely unexpected caught you off-guard.
  • Describe a memory that you hold close to someone who has passed away.
  • Describe your most embarrassing day or moment.
  • Describe a cold winter evening.
  • Describe the time you went to the beach on a bright sunny day.
  • Describe your first day at preschool; what do you remember about it?
  • Describe the first concert you attended.
  • Describe the time that you felt the most scared.

Descriptive Essay Topics About Object

  • Select five objects from the kitchen and describe their appearance.
  • Describe your prized possession.
  • Describe a room in your house and its most valued objects.
  • Describe your favorite outfit that you can never get rid of.
  • How will you describe a smartphone to someone from ancient times?
  • What role does the computer play in your life?
  • Objects you come across on the way to your school.
  • Describe your favorite toy as a kid.
  • Describe your safety blanket.
  • What objects would you bury in a time capsule?

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Descriptive Essay Topics About a Place

  • A trip to the mountains.
  • Describe your ideal bedroom.
  • Describe your favorite coffee shop.
  • The place I don’t forget.
  • A garden in the gas station.
  • My favorite classroom.
  • Describe the loudest place you visit.
  • An amazing trip to a beautiful valley.
  • Describe your favorite restaurant.
  • Describe your favorite park.

These are the best ideas or topics for a descriptive essay. Make sure you choose a topic of your interest that you are passionate about.

Once you have decided on the essay topic, the next step is to write a descriptive essay. With us, you can learn how to write a descriptive essay with helpful tips and samples.

However, if you are still confused about picking a topic for a descriptive essay, worry not! Consult

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Cathy A.

Education, Scholarship Essay

Cathy has been been working as an author on our platform for over five years now. She has a Masters degree in mass communication and is well-versed in the art of writing. Cathy is a professional who takes her work seriously and is widely appreciated by clients for her excellent writing skills.

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100 descriptive essay topics for easy writing.

July 18, 2019

What is descriptive writing? Descriptive writing is used as a tool to help develop your ability to paint a picture – in a sense – by using citing details that bring the subject to life. You see this often in fiction writing, but it has its merits in academic writing as well since writers are always trying to capture the reader’s attention. It is, then, a great skill to learn early in your academic life (like in high school or early college) since it can assist you in a number of other writing assignments by having you expand your vocabulary and keep the reader captivated with your descriptions.

descriptive essay topics

What Is a Descriptive Essay?

This kind of writing assignment asks you to describe an object, a place, a person, or something that evokes the use of the five senses. It’s really open to anything the writer chooses and does not require an argument or opinion. It is usually limited to about a few hundred words, but some assignments may be as long as several pages. The trick is to write on a subject that you are comfortable with describing in extended detail since this is what most grading rubrics will be scoring on.

How to Start a Descriptive Essay

So now you’re probably wondering “How to start a descriptive essay?” The best approach is to simply start writing with keenness to the five senses. Write about sight, smell, touch, sound, and taste. A great descriptive paragraph will paint a picture in the reader’s mind. Professional writers can help you get started. Afterward this you can create a basic outline and then revise your content accordingly. You will always want to stick with your chosen subject, but the more vivid your writing is the great your success will be in creating a great written work.

100 Good Descriptive Essay Topics

Our descriptive essay topics list was put together by educators, students, and college admissions officers as a means to expose students to the most interesting ideas worth writing and reading about. They aren’t the only things you can write about but you can certainly get a sense of what piques their mind. Even if you don’t’ have a descriptive essay assignment on the horizon, you can benefit from a little practice, and the descriptive essay topics below are great places to find a little inspiration.

Easy Essay Topics

  • Write a descriptive essay about a place you’ve never visited in your life.
  • Describe something that you are addicted to (e.g., a food, an activity, a song, etc.).
  • Write about a favorite vacation spot from your childhood.
  • Describe a favorite “natural” location such as a forest or a desert.
  • Write an essay about a favorite photograph from your childhood.
  • Describe your favorite book, movie, song, or television show.
  • Write about a childhood memory that scares you.
  • Describe a room that has a special memory or evokes a feeling.
  • Write about a favorite place that you have visited in the past.
  • Describe a person you have met that you are afraid of or threatened by.

Essay Topics about Sports

  • Describe your favorite sport in a way that would convince others to try.
  • Write about your favorite professional sports memory.
  • Describe the worst sports injury you have personally suffered.
  • Write about your favorite professional athlete and the reasons why.
  • Describe your favorite moment from 2019’s Women’s World Cup.
  • Write about your all-time inspired sports moment.
  • Describe the best professional sporting event you have seen.
  • Write about an oddball sport that no one knows about.
  • Describe the positive effects of participating in sports.
  • Write about motorsports and their place in American sports.

Topics on Politics and Government

  • Describe government choices that have changed a country’s history.
  • Write about the different types of political terrorism.
  • Describe the different consequences and early causes of war.
  • Write about a political figure that has influenced you.
  • Describe the different types of election processes.
  • Write about one of the major political parties in the U.S.
  • Describe a progressive ideal which has been accepted widely.
  • Write about a political bargaining tool used in negotiations.
  • Describe government branches and their different purposes.
  • Write about socio-political changes in your city or town.

Topics on Information Technology

  • Describe how social media has changed the landscape of communication.
  • Write about the most popular trends in marketing and social media.
  • Describe how dictatorships limit internet access for political gain.
  • Write about how mobile technology is making Americans illiterate.
  • Describe how social media helps poorer populations’ access benefits.
  • Write on the place information technology has affected globalization.
  • Describe how home health care managed is changed by information tech.
  • Write about how the nuclear family home as changed because of IT.
  • Describe how information technology improves our abilities to invest.
  • Write about small business needs when considering information tech.

Topics on the Globalization and Environment

  • Describe the cultural and social manifestations of environmental issues.
  • Write about the effects of globalization on international politics.
  • Write about intelligence sharing and how globalization affects it.
  • Describe how brain-drain has been affected by environmentalism.
  • Write about how the world’s environmental landscapes are changing.
  • Describe the difference between globalization and knowledge exchange.
  • Write about how political parties influence environmental global issues.
  • Describe the needs populations have to protect environmental areas.
  • Write about the main reasons globalization has affected international trade.
  • Explain how environmental issues have increased in the last 20 years.

Topics on Local Government and Public Issues

  • Write about your community’s efforts to clean up public pollution.
  • Explain why it is important to keep your streets clean and safe.
  • Write about a problem that affects your community because of nature.
  • Describe a local issue that has brought the public in turmoil.
  • Write on how public community service helps bring people together.
  • Describe small government rules to protect gun owners’ rights.
  • Write about the rules and regulations concerning elderly rights.
  • Describe how local governments benefit from more recreational spots.
  • Write about local rules regarding abortion rights for women.
  • Describe Planned Parenthood funding through taxes in your town.

Topics on Space Exploration and More

  • Write about the reasons why the U.S. should consider a Mars expedition.
  • Describe how a mixed group of astronauts from different nations is best.
  • Write about the needs to invest in more space research for human advances.
  • Explain how the United States should invest in more spaceship technology.
  • Describe your favorite interstellar space mission from the last half-century.
  • Write about how non-rocket space launches revolutionize NASA’s program.
  • Explain why companies like Space-X should be sharing technology internationally.
  • Describe what it means for the world to invest in space exploration in general.
  • Write about the benefits of returning for a manned mission to the earth’s moon.
  • Explain the different types of spacecraft that are most popular around the world.

Topics on Educational Issues in Public Schools

  • Describe the benefits of having shorter school days at the high school level.
  • Explain why students are more inspired when they receive less standard homework.
  • Write about the subjects that are most important in today’s curriculum.
  • Describe what it’s like to have new, more socially conscious subjects in the curriculum.
  • Explain the benefits of teaching religion in public schools in today’s society.
  • Write about the educational system’s use of cursive writing lessons today.
  • Describe the use of homework each day to evaluate elementary students’ progress.
  • Explain how technology is used to enhance daily lessons and encourage learning.
  • Explain the reasons why schools are considering late start times for students.
  • Describe how standardized tests are created and scored by administrators.

Topics on Descriptive Personal Experiences

  • Write about a childhood adventure that is something you want to do again.
  • Describe a situation at school or in your personal life where you have been stressed.
  • Write about something that motivates you to put in more effort than usual.
  • Explain a difficult obstacle high school students must learn to overcome.
  • Write about the different types of common household pets that are friendly.
  • Describe something that makes people fail and ways to overcome the challenge.
  • Write about something that elementary students find annoying in their daily lives.
  • Explain how people use comfort zones to avoid trying new cultural foods or cuisines.
  • Describe a type of food from an international culture you have recently discovered.
  • Write about different types of desserts offered at five or four-star restaurants.

Topics about Travelling to Distant or International Places

  • Explain what it’s like to attend school abroad in cultural and societal terminology.
  • Describe how different countries treat leisurely travelers from the United States.
  • Explain what travel agencies do to ensure travelers feel welcome and safe abroad.
  • Explain how traveling with friends adds an element of safety when one is abroad.
  • Write about a country you would like to visit that isn’t a popular tourist destination.
  • Describe a travel-based piece of writing that explains everything about going abroad.
  • Write about a historic city with plenty of public places that emphasize local culture.
  • Describe the most visually stunning religious sites most people know little about.
  • Explain the ways European travel between countries is easier than on other continents.
  • Write about traveling with the military or similar opportunities by armed forces.

The above descriptive essay topics for college students are completely free to use. Share them with your classmates and don’t hesitate to brainstorm modifications to them. These are all suggestions and should be customized to your specific needs. If you need more help, you should try to find descriptive essay examples on the web, preferably those created by professional writing sites. You can also find a lot of great resources to help with different types of academic assignments such as expository writing, persuasive writing , narrative writing, and more.

descriptive essay topics for university students

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125 Descriptive Essay Topics

Writing a descriptive essay is an excellent way for students to detail a particular experience related to a person, place, object, situation, emotion, or abstract feeling.

However, while this exercise in creativity showcases a student’s ability to put words into sensory focus, it can be rather challenging to complete because the subject matter is so open-ended.

This is especially true when choosing the topic for a descriptive essay since finding a suitable topic will depend on a student’s ability to find the right words to describe it.

If you are a student that has received a descriptive writing essay assignment from your professor, fear not! This incredible list of 125 descriptive essay topics will ensure that you have a great starting point from which to craft your essay.

Before choosing a topic, check out the secrets to writing a descriptive essay that will help get you the grade you deserve on your writing assignment.

Critical Elements of a Descriptive Essay

Unlike essay styles that are fact-based, it is essential to remember that a descriptive essay is based on abstract observation. Its purpose is to describe a topic, person, place, object, situation, emotion, or abstract feeling.

To do this, descriptive essays require sensory words that create vivid imagery in the reader’s mind to make them feel like they are in the moment being described. Sensory words include, but are not limited to:

  • Taste – sweet, salty, bitter, sour, metallic, spicy, and tart.
  • Touch – smooth, bumpy, coarse, prickly, wet, sticky, dry
  • Sight – colorless, colorful, blurry/blinding/too bright to see clearly
  • Season – fall, winter, summer, spring, crisp, humid, wet, freezing,
  • Sound – hectic, chaotic, quiet, thunderous, loud, jarring
  • Smell – musty, earthy, damp/wet, dusty, smoky, stinky, fragrant
  • Appearance – sharp, glossy, faded, gleaming, sleek, shiny/glossy
  • Feelings – happy, sad, angry, frustrated, excited, afraid/scared

Other sensory words may describe the color of a person’s hair, the mood or energy in a room, and even the temperature. When choosing a topic for your descriptive essay, be sure to pay close attention to sensory words that could serve as the backbone of your paragraphs.

Additionally, because of the nature of the writing, it is 100% okay to embellish or even exaggerate certain sensory words to make them seem even more engaging and tangible for the reader.

How to Structure a Descriptive Essay

Even though this essay will rely on sensory words to create a vivid image of what is being described, it is essential to remember that a descriptive essay still needs to have an intro, body, and conclusion.


The first sentence of an introduction paragraph for a descriptive essay should contextualize the scene. Take the time to describe the place where the event takes place, including setting details like time of day, weather, season, and the current mood of the scene.

Body of the Essay

Once a student has established where they are, it is essential to detail what else is happening in the following paragraphs. This means describing elements of the scene in detailed description using humor, sensory language, and vivid imagery.

Consider incorporating details about what people are doing, the noises they are making, the smells permeating the air, visible colors, and surrounding textures.

A descriptive essay conclusion should serve as a recap in which you describe one final element of the scene or an observation about what was seen, heard, smelled, or touched.

Additionally, this is when you could include a reflection of how the scene made you feel in order to leave your reader with an intangible lasting impression.

What Should Never Go into a Descriptive Essay

To make sure that you are writing a descriptive essay and not another form of writing, students should be careful not to mention or use the following:

  • Dialogue. Remember that the descriptive essay is meant to retell one single image, moment, or experience.
  • Chain of events. The scene should exist in its own bubble of storytelling, free from erroneous events before or after the scene takes place.
  • Characters. While secondary details may go along with the scene, such as people who add to the mood, this is still not an appropriate essay to mention, create, or develop the backstory for a literary character.

With the do’s and don’ts of descriptive essay writing above, students can choose any of these topics to help spark inspiration during their next descriptive essay writing assignment.

Descriptive Essay Topics About People

  • My favorite teacher
  • My first crush
  • My best friend
  • The girl I have a massive crush on right now
  • My newborn baby sibling
  • A member of my family
  • My partner in crime
  • The cutest baby I have ever seen
  • The most annoying person I know
  • Someone who has inspired me the most
  • My first job
  • The student that I want to be like
  • A significant mentor in my life
  • My closest friend’s child
  • The most intelligent person I know

Descriptive Essay Topics About Places

  • My hometown
  • The most beautiful place in nature that I have ever seen
  • A favorite spot on the school campus
  • My favorite coffee shop
  • My favorite country
  • A place I want to visit before I die
  • My favorite movie theater
  • The best beach in the area
  • My favorite retail store
  • The worst place on campus
  • A place where I have experienced fear
  • Where I was happiest
  • The place where I am the most relaxed
  • A place I can’t seem to get enough of
  • My dream house
  • My favorite art gallery
  • The museum that always seems to disappoint me
  • A location I know well
  • Where I would choose to live if money were no object

Descriptive Essay Topics About Objects & Things

  • My favorite book
  • A piece of jewelry that holds a special meaning for me
  • The best meal I have ever eaten
  • My favorite decoration in my room
  • The best painting I have ever seen
  • A piece of clothing that makes me feel beautiful
  • An item that brings back a fond memory for me
  • My favorite sports team’s jersey
  • My favorite outfit to wear while hanging out with friends
  • A book that changed my life
  • My favorite book series
  • The next book I want to read
  • An item that is very special to me
  • My most treasured possession
  • A movie that holds a very dear place in my heart
  • Something I would never throw away despite its flaws
  • A personal memento from someone who has passed away
  • A ridiculous thing I own
  • An item that makes my life easier
  • A piece of technology that has changed my life for the better
  • My favorite poem or short read
  • The best song I have ever heard
  • What I collect obsessively

Descriptive Essay Topics About Animals

  • The most intelligent animal I have ever known
  • A pet that has been with me through thick and thin
  • An animal that fascinates me most
  • The most dangerous animal I’ve encountered
  • An extinct creature I would love to see resurrected
  • A dangerous animal I have a healthy respect for
  • The cutest animal in the world
  • What creature would be my best friend if it could talk?
  • My favorite wildcat
  • An experience I had with an animal that genuinely touched me
  • The strangest pet I’ve ever owned
  • My favorite zoo animal when I was a child
  • What I love most about being a pet owner
  • My favorite farmyard animal
  • The most exotic animal I have ever seen
  • One animal that should be extinct
  • A farm animal that is my spirit creature

Descriptive Essay Topics About Food

  • My favorite meal to cook for myself on a day off
  • The best meal I ever ate out at a restaurant
  • What makes the perfect sandwich to me
  • My go-to comfort food when I’m having a bad day
  • My local specialty
  • My favorite dish at a restaurant I frequent
  • The best meal I have ever had in my life is
  • My most embarrassing/funniest food-related story
  • What I always order when dining out with friends
  • A new flavor combination of food that intrigues me
  • A dish I love to cook when I’m in a happy mood
  • The best dish at a restaurant I don’t want to admit I frequent
  • A food I wish didn’t exist because it makes me fat
  • The best meal my mom ever made for me

Descriptive Essay Topics About Nature

  • A creature I met in the wild
  • A tree outside my house
  • Something I would save if a forest were on fire
  • A stream that runs near my home
  • The most beautiful sunset I have ever seen
  • My favorite type of plant or flower
  • An outdoor activity I enjoy
  • My favorite forest animal
  • A flower I want to grow in my garden
  • Something about nature that makes me feel small
  • The most dangerous/fascinating type of weather phenomenon I have ever seen
  • The best view I have ever seen
  • Where I go to relax outside
  • What natural phenomenon fascinates me the most
  • The most beautiful place in nature that I’ve ever visited
  • A moment with nature that left a lasting impression on me.
  • My favorite park or garden

Descriptive Essay Topics About Memories & Personal Experiences

  • The weirdest dream I ever had
  • One of my worst nightmares
  • My biggest fear in life is
  • A memory from my childhood that brings a smile to my face
  • The worst thing that has ever happened to me unexpectedly
  • The best thing that has ever happened to me unexpectedly
  • One of my most treasured memories is
  • My first memory of meeting someone who changed my life
  • An event that inspired me to start this blog
  • A random act of kindness I received unexpectedly
  • Something amazing about myself that I never thought possible
  • A time I wished I didn’t have to grow up/be an adult
  • The best vacation I’ve ever taken
  • What makes a perfect day for me
  • One of my favorite things to do when it’s raining outside is
  • The moment that made me realize I was officially an adult
  • The most exciting dream I’ve ever had
  • My biggest regret is

With these 125 descriptive essay topics and the handy writing guide above, students can craft a vivid and engaging descriptive essay!

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200+ Captivating Descriptive Essay Topics For Students

Feb 10, 2024 | Essay Topics | 0 comments

200+ Captivating Descriptive Essay Topics For Students

Descriptive Essay Topics are ideas to help you start writing. They can be about real stuff you’ve seen or places you’ve visited, or even about your feelings and dreams. There are lots of topics to choose from, so you can find something that really grabs your interest. Whether it’s something you can touch or just an idea, these topics help make writing your essay fun and easy.

So, if you want to make your schoolwork more exciting, try writing a descriptive essay. It’s an easy and enjoyable way to get better at writing and to share how you see the world. With so many different topics available, you’re bound to find something that gets your creativity going.

we will help you with 200+ descriptive essay topics to make your university life easier.

Table of Contents

Top Descriptive Essay Writing Topics

  • How does radiation affect living things?
  • How does the ecosystem work
  • Social Media and Its Impact on College Students
  • The challenges of balancing work and studies
  • Describe a person you envied
  • The role of technology in modern education
  • Hidden Meanings: The Symbolism in Egyptian Hieroglyphics. 
  • Describe one of your saddest memories
  • The impact of climate change on particular regions
  • The effects of urbanization on a specific area
  • The Birth of Nuclear Science: Pros and Cons
  • The Turbo Charging Technology and the Reason Behind It
  • Magnetism, Magnets, and Physics
  • Global Expansion For Business: Benefits and challenges
  • The Importance of emotional intelligence in leadership
  • How does poor accounting management destroy your business growth within a fraction of a second?
  • Financial conglomerates and crucial accounting standards.
  • What are the various types of symbiotic relationships found in nature?
  • Positive and negative effects of commercial farming on animals
  • Modernization of physical education through different types of equipment and gadgets.
  • Effect of globalization and international cultural exposure

Trendy List Of Descriptive Essay Topics

The doodle shows a man writing Trendy List Of Descriptive Essay Topics.

  • How Studying Abroad Changed My Life Forever?
  • The Risk of Writing a Research Paper Too Quickly.
  • 8 Common Study Mistakes You Can Avoid.
  • Do I Need to Write This Paper? Scope of your research topic?
  • Why does it take so long for some students to learn things while others seem to pick up something quickly?
  • The importance of sleeping and tough study days.
  • There is pressure to do well in all subjects.
  • What are the best ways you have found to write your research paper?
  • What are the benefits of working while studying?
  • Stress levels from a student’s point of view.
  • Exam-sickness.
  • How has doing an activity impacted who you are, and why is it important to continue doing it in the future?
  • Learn how to Write Well in College Courses.
  • My Personal Study Habits and What I Learned from Them.
  • Seven types of time management techniques.
  • Studying can help you grow as a person.
  • What do you think is important about studying?
  • When did you first start studying smartly, and how?
  • Why did you pick your major, or what your major is?
  • Studying practices for exams.
  • What classes do you take and why?

Along with descriptive essay topics check out  informative essay topics for students

Funny Descriptive Essay Topics

  • My cat’s hilarious antics and personality quirks
  • The confusion while preparing for a surprise birthday party 
  • The humorous side of cooking disasters and mishaps
  • The funny habits and mannerisms of my family members
  • The funny and weird habits of my pet dog
  • The humor in the chaos of family road trips
  • Comical events in an April Fool’s Day prank 
  • The humorous side of parenting and raising kids
  • My love-hate relationship with my alarm clock
  • The joys and perils of online shopping addiction
  • Comical things that happen during a language barrier situation
  • The never-ending battle of trying to find matching socks
  • The bizarre and amusing world of reality TV shows
  • Describe the quirks of a funny coworker or classmate.
  • Share the hilarious things of a family camping trip.
  • Funny experience in an eating competition.
  • Describe the funny things while learning a new dance style.
  • Describe the moments of a quirky family holiday tradition.
  • The art of procrastination: a humorous guide
  • Tell about the funny experiences of trying to assemble a piece of furniture.
  • The awkwardness of first dates: a humorous take

Easy Descriptive Essay Prompts

The doodle shows a man with pencil thinking of Easy Descriptive Essay Prompts.

  • Discuss your favorite fictional character and why you like it.
  • What is your favorite dance form? Describe your emotions 
  • Elaborate on your favorite scene from the most recent movie that you have watched.
  • A writer with whom you can relate the most.
  • Choose one abstract painting and describe its emotions
  • The concept of time from antiquity to modern clocks
  • Why safety is important in scientific experimentation. How does it get in the way of discovery?
  • Can computers create meaningful and original art?
  • Enhance the quality of school education with virtual reality
  • Is translation software developed for all languages of the world?
  • Your favorite TV series and why you like it.
  • How has your religious book impacted your inner thoughts?
  • The emotions depicted in the Mona Lisa painting.
  • Share your experience when you met your best friend after years
  • Perfect gifts for your partner.
  • History and evolution of space research
  • Discuss the process of human adaptation to space conditions
  • Inhibitors of Bacterial DNA and Resistance Mechanisms
  • Can DNA Change Beat Aging?
  • Genetic Engineering and its Impact on the modern life
  • Cell Structure & Antibiotic Resistance

Descriptive Writing Essay Topics for High School Students

  • Types of social diseases of modern society.
  • The history of the development of financial relations between people and countries.
  • Greatest moment of personal growth.
  • The development of artificial intelligence.
  • How seed values are changing in the 21st century.
  • The Pleiades star cluster.
  • A unique family heirloom.
  • Qualities of a good roommate.
  • How the solar system works.
  • Kobe Bryant: the mamba mentality. 
  • How have war formats changed with each century?
  • Fighting discrimination around the world.
  • Dream career: I aspire to be an engineer.
  • Types of eating disorders. How common is eating disorder among teenagers?
  • Development of virtual reality.
  • My journey as an artist: the development of skills.
  • Thomas Edison’s light bulb invention.
  • How I trained my dog.
  • Effect of domestic violence on students’ performance.
  • Assassination of J.F. Kennedy
  • America’s Independence Day: the Fourth of July celebration party.

Students who have time constraints can take Assignments help . The expert writers can guide you through the process and ensure your assignments shine.

Descriptive Essay Topics for University Students

A group of students laughing because they got Descriptive Essay Topics for University Students.

  • Describe your childhood idol.
  • Studying abroad, benefits and difficulties.
  • First day experience in your college is different from your expectations?
  • What tattoo would you like to have and why?
  • How would you define “success” after completing university study?
  • Describe your experience at your first amusement park.
  • How do you devote yourself to studies in the present time?
  • Do you prefer studying or partying? Why?
  • The role of your mentor in shaping your life.
  • Experiences with professors.
  • Discuss your family dynamic. Who do you take after and why?
  • Write about your experience with nature and why it is special.
  • Challenges in university and how you overcome them?
  • Write about the most dangerous experience you had in life. 
  • Tips to choose a college course that helps you academically and personally
  • Think back to your childhood and describe your favorite toy.
  • Write what you do in your free time and why it is your favorite.
  • Talk about your memorable experience with meals.
  • What are your short-term and long-term study goals?
  • Give some reasons to pursue studies.
  • Is it true that studying is more than rote memorization and acquiring facts?

You can also learn about Evaluation Essay Topics here. 

Good Descriptive Essay Topics Focusing on Places

  • Describing my school as one of the destinations in my life
  • A Trip to a Historical Place
  • Where was your favorite holiday destination?
  • Describe a place you are going to visit this year.
  • Is there any place so special in your city?
  • Scariest Place You Have Ever Been To
  • Your home country
  • A place where you met your spouse or someone special in life. 
  • Write about a place where you grew up. 
  • Events and festivals in your country
  • A place you go to every day
  • A bookshop that you have visited
  • Explain a typical neighborhood in which you grew up
  • Your favorite vacation spots
  • How about your favorite historical city
  • Descriptive essay on a park 
  • What’s the most stunning and favorite place you have ever seen?
  • The most relaxing place you have ever been to 
  • Overcrowded places you have been to 
  • Hotels and restaurants where you stayed
  • Tourist attractions

Know about Annotated bibliography topics .

Best Topics For Descriptive Essay Writing About An Object

A woman writing the Best Topics For Descriptive Essay Writing About An Object.

  • Choose five objects from the kitchen and describe their appearance.
  • Your favorite outfit you can never get rid of.
  • Write about your favorite outfit and why it is. 
  • Tell about a book that has had a huge impact on you.
  • Your favorite furniture where you like to relax and spend your time. 
  • Describe an object that is special to you.
  • Tell how you get around (for example, a bicycle, skateboard, sneakers, your parent’s car, or the school bus).
  • Describe your prized possession.
  • Give your favorite piece of clothing and why you love it.
  • Tell about a smartphone to a time traveler from the 1900s.
  • Give a tour of one room in your house by describing the most important objects.
  • My most valued object 
  • Describe an object that has significance in your family. 
  • What was your favorite toy as a kid?
  • Role of the computer in your life?
  • What you want to bury in a time capsule to tell people about what life is like today.
  • Choose your favorite food; write a description that includes how it looks, smells, and tastes.
  • Describe your safety blanket.
  • What is your favorite artwork that has a meaning in your life? 
  • Musical instrument and why it is your favorite
  • Describe an everyday item with personal significance, like a favorite coffee mug.

Best Descriptive Essay Topic Ideas On People

  • Describe your favorite person.
  • The best part of my Christmas holiday.
  • Describe your family members.
  • Describe a famous person that you would like to meet.
  • Pillars of a strong family. 
  • Describe one of your friends.
  • Components of our family portrait.
  • Describe one aspect of someone you like (for example, laugh, dress style, words that the person likes to use, etc.)
  • The financial benefit of a marriage institution.
  • Describe someone you never met with.
  • What do you miss about my childhood friend?
  • The relationship between my step-family and me.
  • Growing up in a multicultural family.
  • Describe an older family member when they were your age.
  • Describe someone whom you miss.
  • Describe a person you hate.
  • Challenges of being a last-born in a family.
  • Our secret family recipe.
  • Meeting a famous person.
  • Describe your favorite celebrity.
  • My favorite school teacher.

Learn also about Process Analysis Essay Topics . 

Descriptive Essay Ideas About Memory

The brain doodle shows Descriptive Essay Ideas About Memory

  • Describe the first concert you attended.
  • Describe a time you were the happiest; who were you with?
  • Describe a cold winter evening.
  • Describe the time that you felt the most scared.
  • Describe your best summer vacation.
  • Tell when something completely unexpected caught you off-guard.
  • Describe a cherished memory of a special family meal.
  • Describe a moment of unexpected kindness that touched your heart.
  • Share the experience of going to the beach on a bright, sunny day.
  • Describe your most embarrassing day or moment.
  • Describe a moment of personal triumph that you’ll never forget.
  • Explain your first-day experience at preschool; what do you remember about it?
  • Give the sights, sounds, and emotions of a childhood birthday party.
  • Describe your oldest memory and why it has stuck with you.
  • Describe a memorable road trip with friends or family.
  • A summer vacation memory.
  • Tell a memory that you hold close to someone who has passed away.
  • Describe a bittersweet memory of saying goodbye to a close friend.
  • Describe the feeling of achieving a long-standing personal goal.
  • Describe one of your most embarrassing moments.

Miscellaneous Topics For A Descriptive Essay 

  • Explore the aura of an ancient and historic library.
  • Share the captivating beauty of an underwater coral reef.
  • Discuss the breathtaking sights from the top of a skyscraper.
  • Describe the serenity of a starry night in the countryside.
  • Depict the intricate details of a beloved childhood toy.
  • Describe the tantalizing aroma of a gourmet kitchen.
  • Share the nostalgia and magic of a vintage movie theater.
  • Describe the sensory delight of a summer thunderstorm.
  • Explain the bustling energy of a busy urban subway station.
  • Elaborate on the charm of a cozy, old-fashioned bookshop.

These are some of the examples of descriptive essay topics for students. Choose the one to write a descriptive essay that interests you and helps you get good grades. With the right topic, a descriptive essay can be engaging. 

If you are occupied with other activities and do not get time to do your assignments, don’t worry. Assignments4u provides online assignment help to ensure the work is submitted on time. Our experts are working 24/7 to give you the best assistance in various subjects .

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120 Descriptive Essay Topics to Spark Your Creativity

Writing a descriptive essay is a creative task. It requires using sensory language and expressive means, such as similes, metaphors, personifications, etc., for creating a vivid description of an object, place, person, or experience. The best descriptive essays are usually based on the writer's personal lived reality. However, some good descriptive essay topics require research and imagination to explore. Your instructors might give you one of such assignments to see how well you have absorbed class materials and how confident you are with the knowledge.

Finding a suitable topic to explore is no mean feat. With this blog, we hope to help you with the task. Below, you will find 120 topics grouped by a common theme and academic level they are suitable for. Some of the ideas for descriptive essays are linked to full samples in our free database. Read them to understand descriptive writing better and maybe borrow a trick or two to make your own essay even more compelling.

How to Choose a Descriptive Essay Topic

Before we proceed to our descriptive essay topics list, let's first prime you on brainstorming the ideas and finding suitable topics independently.

The first thing you need to ask yourself is, "What are my limits?" Are you free to use your imagination, or are you restricted to the facts you have witnessed? For example, for your history class, they might ask you to write a descriptive essay of an archeological site you've been digging. That would be a description based on your experience. However, they could also ask you to reconstruct the site and describe what it could look like centuries ago. That would be an assignment based on research but also requiring your imagination and creativity.

With that in mind, you need to inspect what resources you have at your disposal. If you have to base your essay on research, look at what literature you have readily available. If sources abound, you can narrow your topic down for a more efficient search. If, however, the information is scarce, scale up a bit to find more data.

If you have to write a description based on your experience, the best strategy for a good descriptive essay topic would be to go for something that made a strong impression on you. This way, it would be easier to create a powerful description from memory. Also, make sure you touch on points relevant to your class or this particular assignment. For example, you need to write about the importance of emotional intelligence in your practice as a nurse. For this, you must select a case that is both memorable to you and relevant to the topic.

Descriptive Essay Topics for Middle School

First, let us zero in on the academic level. Here are some fun descriptive paper ideas suitable for middle-school students. Some of the suggestions are easy; others are more challenging. However, they all provide an opportunity to give a colorful description and tell a story through images.

  • Describe your favorite animal
  • Describe a fantastical journey through a human body affected by fast food
  • My last weekend and how I spent it
  • Describe the dawn or the sunset
  • Describe your pet (or your friend's pet if you don't keep pets)
  • Describe your favorite item of clothing
  • Describe your last weekend
  • Describe the best journey you ever had
  • Describe your best friend
  • Describe your classroom
  • Describe your street
  • Describe your house

Descriptive Essay Topics for High School Students

If you have been given a descriptive writing assignment but no prompt hinting what to write a descriptive essay on, try these suggestions. Feel free to change them. Treat them as brainstorm starters.

  • A childhood memory that stuck with you
  • A time you lost someone dear to you and how you persevered
  • What are your personal reactions to The Princess Bride movie ? Be descriptive.
  • Retell Frankenstein from the POV of the Creature
  • Describe your family home
  • Describe the last party you've been to
  • Describe a book character (how you picture them based on the information from the book)
  • Describe waking up early
  • Describe your favorite smell
  • Describe a chance encounter that left a lasting impression
  • Describe the most fun activity you have ever participated in
  • Describe a thing that annoys you the most. What makes it so noxious?

Descriptive Essay Topics for College Students

As a college student, you must be looking for more original topics to write a descriptive essay on since you've most likely already explored the easier ones from above. Look in this section or further – in the thematic groups. Read the papers attached as examples if the topic interests you but seems too challenging. Also, don't forget that you can get personalized essay writing help for any type of assignment – creative descriptions included. 

  • Describe your favorite place on campus
  • Describe your experience with contemplating art
  • Describe a hot day
  • Describe events from The Great Gatsby from an unconventional POV
  • Describe a vivid childhood memory
  • Describe a gathering (a club meeting, a political rally, etc.)
  • Describe a construction site
  • Describe a frightening experience you went through
  • Describe building a healthy habit (or breaking a bad one)
  • Describe a wedding you have attended
  • Describe a trip home during the break
  • Describe your new room away from home

Descriptive Essay Ideas About an Object

Describing an object is probably on the easier side of this assignment. However, with these original descriptive writing topics, an essay about an ordinary thing can be just as impressive and sophisticated as a description of unique experiences.

  • My notebook
  • Describe a tool you use every day and its importance
  • The thing that has shaped your childhood
  • Describe your most treasured possession
  • Describe a piece of jewelry you wish you owned
  • Describe a thing that has a story attached to it (a family heirloom, a museum exhibit, a memento, etc.)
  • Describe your favorite piece of furniture
  • Describe a thing that used to scare you as a child
  • Judge a book by its cover: pick up and describe a book you've never read
  • Describe a remarkable door
  • You are living in the Iron Age. Describe the most valuable thing you own
  • Describe an item that belongs to a friend or a family member. What can it tell about its owner?

Topics for a Descriptive Essay About an Experience

Speaking of experiences. If you are tired of well-thumbed issues like triumphs and defeats, choose your next topic for a descriptive essay from the list below. Write a different story that is meaningful and impactful.

  • Describe how you tried something for the first time
  • Describe a music concert or a festival you've been to
  • Describe the feelings of an unfairly incarcerated person
  • Describe a difficult situation that taught you something valuable
  • Describe living through a natural disaster
  • Describe the feeling of sorrow
  • Describe your experience watching a classic movie
  • Describe how you combat stress
  • Describe the sadness of leaving
  • Describe recovering from an illness
  • Do you remember how you learned reading? Tell about the experience
  • Describe your visit to a beauty salon or a barbershop

Examples of Descriptive Essay Topics About a Place

Descriptive paper topics suggested below give you only a general direction for your thoughts. In contrast, a sample attached to each title describes a concrete and very specific place. That is why we advise you to explore the attached pieces for more inspiration.

  • Write about a public place that continues to evoke powerful, emotional memories for you
  • Describe a restaurant in your area
  • Describe a house
  • Describe your hometown
  • Describe ocean shore
  • Describe a museum or an art gallery you've attended
  • Describe a park or a natural spot you like
  • Describe your favorite place on earth
  • Describe the best place to study
  • Imagine a public space designed for teens. Describe it. Where would you place it?
  • Do you remember your first trip out of town? Where did you go? Be descriptive.
  • Describe a place where you feel most safe

Interesting Descriptive Essay Topics About a Person

Describing a person is not an easy task, especially if you need to remain neutral and objective. These topics for descriptive essays about people will be an excellent exercise for you.

  • Describe a person from your class that you find interesting
  • Describe a person you have helped recently
  • Describe a stranger who showed you kindness
  • Describe one of your parents
  • The most unforgettable person in your life
  • Describe a person you can call your mentor
  • Describe your professor
  • Describe someone you see often but not acquainted with (a cash-desk clerk, a bus driver, a dog-walker from your street, etc.)
  • Describe a celebrity you find the most inspiring
  • Describe a fictional character you had a crush on
  • Describe an influential political figure of today
  • If you could interview any historical personality, who would it be? Describe them

Descriptive Essay Topics About Art, Culture, and Esthetics

The area we have outlined in the subheading is vast, so these topics are there to give your creativity a little nudge. Play with them and transform them to suit your assignment.

  • Describe a cultural artifact (a sculpture, a painting, a museum exhibit, etc.)
  • Describe a creative work you have produced
  • A documentary that fascinated you
  • Describe an impact of a poetic work on you
  • Describe characters on your favorite TV show
  • Describe a dance show
  • Describe a thing you would call kitschy. Explain your choice
  • Describe a ceremony or a ritual you partook in
  • Describe a night in a movie theater from the perspective of a first-time goer
  • Describe a consumer good from the point of view of its esthetic value
  • Describe a building. What's its purpose? How is it conveyed through architecture?
  • Describe a historical costume representative of a particular era

Imaginative Topics for a Unique Descriptive Essay

How about running away with your imagination and creating something that doesn't exist? No one said that your description must be documental.

  • If you could rule the world, how would it look like? Describe your perfect vision
  • Describe the art to an alien
  • Describe how your childhood experiences have formed your personality
  • Describe a magical creature you wish existed
  • Describe a robot you could befriend
  • Describe an ordinary day from the point of view of an inanimate object
  • Describe a technological artifact from another planet
  • Describe a day in a park without using sight
  • Describe a sci-fi landscape
  • Describe an immortal being
  • Describe flying over your hometown
  • Describe turning into an animal

Descriptive Essay Topics About Business and Technology

Serious topics can be approached creatively as well. Descriptive essays give a human dimension to business and tech – which is always good for a better understanding their purposes.

  • Internet hoaxes you've come across
  • Describe a product to a potential consumer
  • Describe your short-term (3 years) career goals
  • Describe customer experience in a chain restaurant or reseller's
  • Describe an innovative shop window display
  • Describe your workday or shift
  • Describe a place of work you see yourself in 5 years
  • Describe an ergonomic design you admired
  • Describe a perfect gadget that doesn't exist yet
  • Describe your first computer
  • Describe a technology that should replace human labor. Why would it be better this way?
  • Describe an item that will be in each household twenty years from now

If one of the topics above caught your fancy, but there is no sample, don't despair. We can write one exclusively for you. Moreover, if you have written a draft but you think it could be more expressive and vivid, send it to us for editing, and we will make it shine!

Jana Rooheart

Jana Rooheart

Jana Rooheart came to WOWESSAYS™ with a mission to put together and then slice and dice our vast practical experience in crafting all kinds of academic papers. Jana is an aspired blogger with rich expertise in psychology, digital learning tools, and creative writing. In this blog, she willingly shares tricks of pencraft and mind-altering ideas about academic writing any student will find utterly beneficial.

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Descriptive Essay Topics for College Students


Table of contents

  • 1 What to Write Your Descriptive Essay About
  • 2 How to Choose a Descriptive Essay Topic?
  • 3.1 Topic Ideas on Person I know Closely
  • 3.2 Descriptive Essay Topics on Famous People
  • 4.1 Washington
  • 4.2 New-York
  • 4.4 Virginia
  • 4.5 California
  • 4.6 Florida
  • 4.7 Illinois
  • 5.1 Descriptive Essay Topics on Education System
  • 5.2 Topics on current issues in 2022
  • 6.1 List of Topics on Events
  • 6.2 List of Topics on Objects
  • 6.3 List of Topics on Feelings and Emotions

What to Write Your Descriptive Essay About

There are various topics that you can choose from whenever you are short of ideas on how to title an essay that is described based. Ideally, good descriptive topics are known to be the pillar that supports your creativity as well as help you understand your environment. It is through such writings that you gain the experience to engage in conversations that help you analyze your surroundings. In this article, we will highlight a list of essay topics that will give you an idea of what to present in the intro, body paragraphs, and also conclusion.

All the descriptive essay topic ideas we have here are accurate and popular. This means that any essay topic from the list can help you. First, you need to know what is a descriptive essay and why writing a descriptive essay is so important for you and your education. It is one of the writings that will help you more than you may believe. This is why descriptive essays are so common these days. Most students actually like writing these due to the appeal and great list of possibilities.

How to Choose a Descriptive Essay Topic?

There are a few things we will have to mention here. The first one is the most obvious. Always choose the essay topic you are passionate about, or you find it interesting. If you do this, you will have fun writing, and you will want to work on that paper. If you don’t, you will end up with a paper that you don’t like and you hate working on. This causes stress and forces you to complete the task in less time. As you can assume, this has a huge negative effect on the overall quality and makes your paper poor. This also means that your grade will be lowered, and this is something you don’t want.

The next thing you will want to consider is experience and knowledge. If you have these two that are related to one of the topics. Go for it. You will have the knowledge, meaning you will need to do less research, and you will have a better time writing the actual paper. If you have the skills related to that topic, you can use these as well, and you can make the whole process better and easier.

The last thing here is also very important. You will want a topic that has tons of data and facts, so you can use that. If you have a topic that has no data to use, you will need more time for research, and you will need a lot of time to invest into that paper. This is not something you will actually like or want to do.

Popular Descriptive Essay Topics for College

To get your reader’s attention, make sure that your essay topics for college contain all five human senses. This includes touch, smell, sight, taste, and hearing. The topic or issues to discuss vary from one person to another. Still, some of the ideas that are quite conversant to many people and that are likely to have more content to discuss include themes of people you know closely, famous people, and famous places. In the lack of a better word, descriptive writing is complicated and you need to pay close attention to body paragraphs and the intro. We hope these descriptive essay ideas can help you with the whole task and help you get a better grade.

Topic Ideas on Person I know Closely

These ideas are very common and very popular. You will probably have to write a couple of them in your lifetime. Here are a few examples you will want to consider before you start.

  • My best friend
  • My worst enemy
  • My favorite teacher
  • Describe someone whom you miss
  • Favorite colleague
  • My ideal roommate
  • The idea parent
  • Memorable person
  • Describe yourself to someone who has never met you
  • Describe a famous person you would like to meet
  • The person who made a difference in my life

Descriptive Essay Topics on Famous People

Once again, you will have to write about a person. But, here you will need to use actual data related to that person and also include interesting facts, if possible.

  • Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962) – American singer, actress, model
  • Abraham Lincoln (1809-1965) – US president during the American civil war
  • Mother Teresa (1910-1997) – Catholic missionary nun
  • Muhammad Ali (1942-2016) – American Boxer
  • Bill Gates (1955- ) Microsoft founder
  • Nelson Mandela (1918- 2013)-South African President
  • Martin Luther King, Jr (1929-1968) – Civil rights activist
  • Charles Darwin (1809-1882) – British scientist
  • Albert Einstein (1879-1955) –Theory of relativity
  • Lionel Messi (1987- ) Argentinian footballer
  • Donald Trump (1946- ) President of the United States
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College-Level Descriptive Essay Topics on a Famous Place Near Me

Here you will have to write about a place. Ideally, you will choose a place where you have lived, live now, or where you want to live. These are essential and have a huge role in your education. We can add that these topics are more important than you may believe.

  • Unites States Capitol and Capitol Hall
  • The White House
  • The Lincoln Memorial
  • The Washington Monument
  • National Mall and Veteran Memorials
  • The Statue of Liberty
  • Central Park
  • Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • Broadway and the Theater District
  • 9/11 Memorial and Museum
  • Times Square
  • San Antonio’s River Walk
  • Space Center Houston
  • Big Bend National Park
  • Padre Island National Seashore
  • The Texas State Capitol in Austin
  • Colonial Williamsburg
  • Shenandoah National Park and Skyline Drive
  • Virginia Beach
  • Monticello and Charlottesville
  • Jamestown and Yorktown
  • San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge
  • Yosemite National Park
  • Death Valley National Park
  • Walt Disney World
  • Kennedy Space Center
  • Miami Beach and the Art Deco Historic District
  • Everglades National Park
  • SeaWorld Orlando
  • Willis Tower Skydeck
  • Millennium Park & Cloud Gate
  • Magnificent Mile in Chicago
  • Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum

Topic Ideas for College-Level Descriptive Essay

Unlike high school, descriptive essays that only require you to use a rhetorical style that incorporates the five senses and other details to provide the reader with a clear picture of what is being represented; most essay topics for college require you to be thorough.

This means that you should be able to differentiate between showing vs. telling, incorporating observation details, deciding on the purpose of the description, as well as, organizing the ideas to provide a surreal quality paper. As a college student, it is advisable to focus on current issues as well as those that directly affect you.

The types of essays can be complicated and time-consuming and is the reason why most students choose to seek descriptive essay writing services from online platforms. And although this is a reliable option, here are a few examples that can give you an idea of what to write in your next paper.

Descriptive Essay Topics on Education System

  • Dress codes and school rules. Do you think some are outdated?
  • The ideal modern teacher
  • Education vs. religion
  • Your perception of standardized testing
  • What do you think about multicultural education?
  • Describe school violence and how to minimize and deal with it
  • Are teachers supposed to only strictly teach? What is the role of a teacher as a moral guide and negotiator?
  • Describe private education
  • Describe how the internet has impacted the education system
  • Does education ever stops, or it continues during the entire life
  • How do you stay motivated while in school?
  • Do we need grades in the modern education system?
  • Should parents be involved in the education process?
  • Why is it important to teach sex education?
  • What is your take in elite schools? Are they increasing the divide between the rich and poor?
  • What is the appropriate age for children to start attending school?
  • Is the Electoral College a necessity?
  • Why there are low graduation rates in urban areas

Topics on current issues in 2022

  • Do you feel safe with the current school shooting?
  • Impacts of cultural fragmentation
  • Describe the current climate change reality
  • Have the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) been achieved after 4 years?
  • Walking the walk on financing a better future
  • What do you expect from the modernized UN?
  • What is your response to humanitarian crises?
  • Describe how the world is at a defining moment for collective action. Discuss climate change, economic turmoil, and inequalities.
  • Does God Hate Women? Discuss based on the Bangladeshi murder case
  • Describe your opinion on the ever-growing authoritarianism and social inequalities


Easy Definition Essay Topics

Away from the technical topics, you can still come up with an outstanding descriptive paper based on basic things. A perfect list of topic ideas, whenever you are wondering how to write a descriptive essay,  could be based on places, objects, events, feelings, and emotions, among others. Keep in mind that these topics are easy and simple, but this doesn’t mean you should rush things and try to complete the task in no time. You still have to invest a lot of time and effort and try to make your writing spotless. Choose wisely and once again, try to find a topic that makes a lot of difference, and you really like. This is a simple and effective strategy even professional writers use.

List of Topics on Events

  • A near-death experience
  • Horse riding
  • A bonfire night
  • A visit to a new country
  • My experience of bungee jumping
  • Growing up in a small village
  • My first day as a student
  • The most embarrassing day of my life
  • An event that changed my life
  • The moment I discovered who my true friends were
  • Making a speech in front of the president
  • A night walk
  • A snowy day
  • The longest trip ever

List of Topics on Objects

  • My first smartphone
  • The dress I wore on my prom night
  • Living a day without my smartphone
  • The school bus
  • Describe the childhood toy that you liked to play with
  • The best gift I have ever received in my life
  • The best film I have ever watched
  • Describe your dormitory
  • Describe a food you love the most
  • Describe your favorite book
  • Describe a new car
  • Describe a picture
  • An object that is special to you
  • Your ideal apartment
  • Traveling without your backpack
  • Describe a shopping mall

List of Topics on Feelings and Emotions

  • The experience of falling in love
  • The saddest moment of my life
  • The happiest moment of my life
  • A time that I felt scared
  • A rime that I felt excited
  • The most embarrassing moments
  • My association with Christmas
  • My oldest memory

There is a high chance that you will be required to write a descriptive essay at some point in college, and it is advisable to learn about this type of assignment. Make sure to follow the instructions provided by your teacher, and when you are short of ideas on what to write in your descriptive paper, the above essay descriptive topics are perfect to choose from. Since the main point is to give your reader a pictorial description, make sure to include all the five major senses from smelling, taste, hearing, sight, and touch. If possible, pick the one descriptive essay topic you like the most, and you love writing about. Here you can see countless descriptive writing topics. So, you can pick one that will be just right. Then invest a lot when working on body paragraphs.

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descriptive essay topics for university students

40 Topics to Help With Descriptive Writing Assignments

A Helpful List for Writing Paragraphs, Essays, and Speeches

  • Writing Essays
  • Writing Research Papers
  • English Grammar
  • Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia
  • M.A., Modern English and American Literature, University of Leicester
  • B.A., English, State University of New York

Descriptive writing calls for close attention to factual and sensory details: show, don't tell . Whether your subject is as small as a strawberry or as large as a fruit farm, you should begin by observing your subject closely. Examine it with all five senses, and write down any details and descriptions that come to mind.

Next, go a little further afield with your list and associate your chosen topic or object with memories, opinions, and impressions. This list may give you some ideas for metaphors and possibly even a direction for your paragraph or essay. Then make a list of verbs that could be associated with your topic or object. This will help you have more variety than just "buzzing be" verbs and keep the writing and imagery descriptive and active.

After your brainstorming phase, go through your list and decide which details and descriptions you like the most and are most significant. Don't cross off the others, though. At this point in the project, you want to be open to any direction your imagination and writing take you.

Good advice from Steven King from his book On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft :

If you want to be a successful writer, you must be able to describe [your subject], and in a way that will cause your reader to prickle with recognition. ... Thin description leaves the reader feeling bewildered and nearsighted. Overdescription buries him or her in details and images . The trick is to find a happy medium.

40 Topic Suggestions

To get you started, here are 40 topic suggestions for a descriptive paragraph, essay, or speech. These suggestions should help you discover a subject that especially interests  you . If you don't start out with a topic that you're willing to spend some time with, your writing will show your lack of enthusiasm. If 40 is not enough, try this list of more than 400 writing topics .

If you need some advice for the drafting phase, see " Composing Descriptive Paragraphs and Essays " and " How to Write a Descriptive Paragraph ."

  • a waiting room
  • a basketball, baseball glove, or tennis racket
  • a smartphone
  • a treasured belonging
  • a laptop computer
  • a favorite restaurant
  • your dream house
  • your ideal roommate
  • your memory of a place that you visited as a child
  • an accident scene
  • a city bus or subway train
  • an unusual room
  • a child's secret hiding place
  • a bowl of fruit
  • an item left too long in your refrigerator
  • backstage during a play or concert
  • a vase of flowers
  • a restroom in a service station
  • a street that leads to your home or school
  • your favorite food
  • the inside of a spaceship
  • the scene at a concert or athletic event
  • an art exhibit
  • an ideal apartment
  • your old neighborhood
  • a small-town cemetery
  • a photograph
  • a hospital emergency room
  • a particular friend or family member
  • a storefront window
  • an inspiring view
  • a work table
  • a character from a book, movie, or television program
  • a refrigerator or washing machine
  • a Halloween costume

King, Stephen. On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft . Scribner, 2000.

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1000+ Essay Topics for College Students

Are you having trouble thinking of good essay topics for your class?

It’s no surprise, given the sheer number of potential topics out there.

Luckily, our list of 1000 essay topics for college students will make sure that you never have to worry about choosing one again!

There are a variety of topics here, from general to specific.

This article is designed to be used by both University and college students.

The Importance of Choosing Relevant Topics for Essays

No matter how good of a writer you are, if you don’t write about something that’s relevant to the prompt, your essay will fall flat.

Good essay topics to write about could be anything from your favorite TV show, to your pet’s name, or your favorite country in the world.

You could also share an experience you had with someone close to you or tell a story from your past that has had a lasting impact on you.

Here is a list of reasons why choosing a good topic for your college essay is important:

1) Choosing an interesting and intriguing topic will make writing your essay easier.

2) Your argument might be better structured when you have a central theme or idea to build off of.

3) It’ll take less time since you won’t have to come up with new ideas every sentence.

4) A good essay topic can help you come up with examples and evidence to support your thesis statement.

5) Writing about a well-known topic gives you more opportunities to find outside sources.

6) Relevant essay topics typically get higher grades because they stay focused on the central idea instead of getting distracted by other things.

7) The reader will know what to expect from your essay before they read it, so it’ll be easier for them to understand what you’re trying to say.

8) Some teachers give bonus points just for having a well-researched paper which means that researching good topics pays off!

How to Choose the Right Essay Topic to Write about

Choosing topics for essay writing does not need to be difficult.

Just think about what kind of subject you enjoy writing about the most and then search for a title that fits the subject.

Once you’ve chosen your topic, brainstorm ideas for arguments that you would like to present during the essay (these should stem from the main point).

Make sure that these statements are accurate and logical as this will be one way in which your professor evaluates your work.

Then, narrow down your ideas into a thesis statement that summarizes the entire essay.

Here are other things to consider when choosing essay topics to write about:

1) Who is your audience?

2) What style of writing do you prefer?

3) Are there any related books, movies, or articles that you want to cite?

4) Do you want to compare two different perspectives on the same topic?

5) What tone are you going for? Happy, sad, angry?

6) Is the essay supposed to be humorous or serious?

7) What research methods will you use such as qualitative studies, surveys, interviews, etc.?

8) What genre does the prompt ask for such as narrative essays, personal narratives, etc.?

Ways to find interesting essay topics

  •  Consider your hobbies and interests.
  • Brainstorm with friends or family members.
  • Look for controversial topics in the news.
  • Search online for funny argumentative essay topics.
  •  Browse through your school’s writing center for ideas.

What are the most Common Essay Topics ?

Essay topics assigned to college students include personal experience, relationships, family, education, career goals, and current events.

However, there are endless possibilities when it comes to choosing a topic for your essay. Check out the topics below

  • Personal Experience -What is your best memory?
  • Relationships -How did your first kiss feel?
  • Family -Who was the person that you looked up to the most growing up?
  • Education -What was the hardest class you ever took in high school?
  • Career Goals -What are your plans for after graduation?
  • Current Events- What are some recent events that have made a big impression on you or your community?
  • Humorous essay topic- Have you ever had an embarrassing moment that stands out in your mind? If so, why don’t you share it with us?

Essay Topics by Paper Type

In most cases, your essay topic will depend on the type of paper/essay you are writing.

There are many types of essays and writing assignments that you can complete for different courses in college.

Some of these essay types are short answer questions, narratives, analytical, arguments, definitions, and more.

The essay topic you choose to write about should be appropriate to your paper type.

For example, if you are writing a narrative essay then you should choose a topic that fits well with a personal story.

On the other hand, if you are writing an analytical essay, you may want to select a topic that is complex.

You may also wish to explore the same theme in multiple essays, but make sure that each essay has its own thesis statement.

Argumentative Essay Topics

Writing an argumentative essay requires that you provide evidence for your claim.

This evidence could come in the form of direct quotes, statistics, facts, and observations.

Your argumentative essay topic should also relate to the assigned question.

Here is a list o argumentative essay topics to get you started

  • What are the benefits of having a single-payer healthcare system?
  • Which is worse cigarettes or alcohol?
  • Should American society allow abortion?
  • Is climate change man-made?
  • Who would win in a fight between Batman and Superman?
  • Is violence justified under certain circumstances?
  • Is global warming real or just a myth perpetuated by Al Gore’s documentary An Inconvenient Truth?
  • Is gun control possible in America today?
  • Should we stop using plastic products now before they kill our planet forever?
  • Should a student always tell the truth?
  • How do you define success?
  • Would you take a job for less pay if it meant living closer to your family?
  • Has too much technology ruined communication skills in the workplace?
  • Can video games help children develop intellectually?
  • Does the death penalty deter crime, or does capital punishment lead to further bloodshed?
  • Do women belong in combat positions in the military?
  • Does affirmative action discriminate against Caucasian males?
  • Is love at first sight possible, and what are its effects on people who believe in this notion.
  • Is reading good for your health?
  • What makes someone an adult according to your definition?
  • What is the most significant event that happened in your life?
  • What is your goal for the future?
  • Are you a workaholic or a slacker?
  • Do you think standardized testing in schools should be abolished or are they important?
  • Is it OK to express yourself through body art like tattoos and piercings?
  • Should junk food such as candy, soda, and fast food be banned from schools to protect kids’ health?
  • What are your thoughts on outsourcing jobs overseas to countries with cheaper labor costs?
  • Is it possible for a guy to respect his girlfriend or wife if he finds her attractive sexually too?
  • Is it bad to be a perfectionist?
  • Do you think the U.S. should decrease its use of fossil fuels?
  • Should children be allowed to play with toy guns?
  • Should schools ban uniforms in order to promote diversity and individuality among students?
  • What are your thoughts on reality TV shows, like Keeping Up With the Kardashians or Jersey Shore?
  • What are your opinions on the power that comes with social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter?
  • Do you prefer coffee or tea?
  • Does our country need tougher immigration laws in order to prevent terrorism?
  • Do you think marijuana should be legalized for recreational use and taxed by the government like tobacco and alcohol are regulated today?
  • What are your thoughts on health care reform in the United States?
  • Do you think that beauty pageant should be outlawed because they objectify girls and set unrealistic expectations for them to live up to?
  • Should prisoners have a right to vote?
  • Is it acceptable for a president to use torture tactics during the war, or is torture strictly prohibited in all situations?
  • Should professional athletes be able to use performance-enhancing drugs, like steroids, if these drugs were proven safe and effective?
  • Do you think the Internet has made us lazier than ever before or has it had the opposite effect by making us more informed about everything going on in the world?
  • Should polygamous marriages be legal in America today?
  • What are your thoughts on the controversial book Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov?
  • Is it possible to have true love with somebody you’ve never met before?
  • What are your thoughts on recycling?
  • Should gay marriage be legal in America today?
  • Do you think that suicide is justifiable in certain circumstances, or should it be considered a criminal offense punishable by law.
  • Should e-books replace physical books?
  • Does racial profiling exist in our society today, and if so, how should it be handled by law enforcement officials?
  • Should animals such as cows and pigs be used for food or clothing purposes?
  • Should college tuition be free to everyone?
  • Do you believe in ghosts?
  •  Do you agree with Jeremy Bentham’s idea of utilitarianism, which says that morality can be summed up by the principle of the greatest happiness for the greatest number?
  • What are your thoughts on corporate personhood?
  • Is abstinence-only sex education appropriate for high school seniors?
  • In what ways does technology make life easier or harder?
  • Would people be happier if we stopped having clocks, watches, and calendars?
  • What are your thoughts on genetically modified organisms (GMOs)?
  • How would you handle an argument between two people who refuse to listen to each other’s point of view?
  • What are your thoughts on police brutality?
  • Should people be allowed to make last-minute changes to their wills after they have been written?
  • Do you think that judges should be elected or appointed by the government?
  • What are your thoughts on gun control?
  • Is it wrong for parents to deny their children of basic needs, such as food and shelter, in order to punish them for bad behavior?
  • Does the death penalty have a deterrent effect on crime rates in America today?
  • Is it possible for a mother and daughter to have a healthy relationship when there is abuse involved?
  • Do you think people should be held accountable for their crimes if they commit those crimes under the influence of drugs or alcohol?
  • Do students today learn better from online lectures than from professors lecturing them in person?

Cause and Effect Essay Topics

A cause-and-effect essay explores how one event, or cause, leads to another event, or effect.

The most common cause-and-effect relationships are the short-term (present) effects of a past action (i.e., smoking causes lung cancer) and the long-term (future) effects of a present action (i.e., smoking now will likely lead to death in 50 years).

Cause and effect essay topics can be classified into three different types: 1) events that happen because of others; 2) events that happen because of us; 3) events that happen without our knowledge.

Consider the following list of common cause and effect essay topics:

  • Identify a time when you have caused an undesired result by doing something wrong. What was your original intention? How did you feel about the result?
  • Imagine that there is an invisible barrier between two countries, with people on both sides wanting to cross it but unable to do so. Describe what would happen if someone crossed this barrier without permission from either side’s government.
  • What is the cause of teenage violence?
  • What is the reason for terrorism around the world?
  •  Does technology cause laziness?
  • What causes depression?
  • What has caused the American Dream to change over time?
  • How does music affect moods and emotions?
  • What causes the difference between nuclear energy and fossils fuel energy sources like coal, oil, natural gas, and solar power
  • Where does art inspiration come from–nature or society?
  • What causes poverty in Third World countries?
  • What is the effect of climate change on weather patterns?
  • What effect does extreme weather have on agriculture and food production?
  • What is the cause of homelessness in America today?
  • Why do teens commit suicide more often than adults?
  • Why are the effects of global warming getting worse?
  •  What are the consequences of gun violence?
  • What causes littering?
  • What has been the biggest issue affecting the US economy in recent decades?
  • Anxiety attacks and their causes.
  • What is the correlation between economic growth and unemployment?
  • What causes obesity?
  • Heart attacks and their causes.
  • What is the cause of high blood pressure?
  • What are the causes of insomnia?
  • What are the major causes of strokes?
  • How does excess weight cause diabetes and hypertension?
  • What is a common cause of high cholesterol levels in children and young adults?
  • Can alcohol consumption cause liver disease, heart disease, or stroke?
  • Causes of birth defects.
  • Causes of Alzheimer’s Disease.
  • What is the cause of Alzheimer’s Disease?
  • Why do we grow old and die?
  • What causes tooth decay?
  • How does poor nutrition cause illness and disease?
  • What are the causes of autoimmune diseases, such as Crohn’s Disease or Lupus?
  • Causes of Anemia
  • Causes of business failure.

Persuasive Essay topics for college

Finding appropriate persuasive research essay topics can be a difficult task.

The following list of persuasive essay topics should give you some ideas to get started.

  • Support the legalization of marijuana in America
  • School uniforms are a necessary requirement
  • Mandatory schooling should not extend past the age of 18
  • Every adult citizen should have a right to vote
  • Minimum wage needs to be raised significantly
  • Placing stricter regulations on gun control would help reduce mass shootings and violence in schools.
  • It is important to teach students how to interact with police officers during traffic stops.
  • There should be increased restrictions on unhealthy foods
  • Sexual education classes need to include more information about sexual assault prevention, consent, and what constitutes rape or sexual harassment.
  • We need to make recycling easier by separating trash into different bins.
  • Cutting class should result in an automatic failing grade
  • Domestic abuse victims should not be forced to testify against their abuser
  • Guns and weapons should only be sold through licensed dealers
  • There should be harsher punishments for animal cruelty
  • In order to decrease crime rates in inner cities, we need to focus on improving public housing conditions rather than putting cops on the streets.
  • Religion does not belong in public schools
  • Low-income families should be given tax credits and subsidies
  • People convicted of nonviolent crimes (such as theft) should not be incarcerated for lengthy periods of time.
  • The internet needs to be regulated so that hackers cannot steal sensitive data from businesses or individuals.
  • Every person in America should have access to healthcare coverage and affordable medications.
  • We need new laws that protect citizens’ privacy rights online
  • The government should invest heavily in renewable energy sources
  • There should be a ban on all junk food advertising
  • Criminal offenders should serve their sentence in a prison closer to their home
  • The United States should move away from a two-party system and embrace a multi-party system.
  • Abortion should be legalized in the United States
  • Public universities should be tuition free
  • The death penalty should be abolished
  • Teachers should not be required to give standardized tests to their students
  • The federal government should provide funding for childcare services
  • The gender pay gap should be closed
  • Income inequality is a serious issue
  • Our criminal justice system should be reformed
  • The U.S. Constitution should be amended to make voting compulsory

Informative Essay Topics

An informative essay is a factual essay that provides information on a particular topic.

The goal of this type of essay is to educate the reader about something specific.

Here are examples of Informative essay topics

  • Reasons why genetically modified organisms are harmful to the environment
  • There should be tougher regulations on GMO foods
  • The benefits of banning cars from downtown neighborhoods
  • Schools should start later in the morning because teenagers need more sleep and are more likely to be drowsy throughout the day if they don’t get enough rest.
  • There should be a nationwide ban on texting and driving because it is the leading cause of car accidents.
  • Seat belts should be mandatory in every vehicle because they are the most effective means of preventing death and injury in a car accident.
  • Parents should not be allowed to make decisions about their children’s health care without the children being present because minors do not have full decision-making capacity for themselves yet.
  • There should be a ban on the sale of plastic water bottles because they are harmful to the environment and they use non-renewable resources.
  • Junk food should not be sold in schools because that’s where children spend their time and we have an obligation to keep them healthy.
  • Abortions should not be legal because they are morally wrong and there is a possibility of complications with the procedure.
  • Alcohol should be banned because there is a large amount of evidence that links alcohol consumption to increased rates of cancer and a higher mortality rate.
  • There should be more transparency in the process of police officers’ disciplinary hearings because many communities have distrust for law enforcement.
  • The United States should restrict immigration to maintain a homogenous population because we have become too diverse and our culture is not inclusive anymore.
  • The United States should withdraw from the United Nations because they are ineffective and are not worth the cost of membership.
  • The United States should join the World Trade Organization because we have a good chance of benefitting economically.
  • The United States should institute a universal basic income because our economy is becoming increasingly unstable and there are few jobs available.
  • Harsh prison sentences for drug offenses should be eliminated because they disproportionately affect minorities and our judicial system is not just.
  • The right to bear arms should be restricted so that only the military and law enforcement are able to carry firearms in public.
  • Public officials should be required to disclose their personal finances because of the potential for corruption.
  • The United States should abolish the electoral college because the votes of certain states are undervalued and we have a history of electing presidents that didn’t win the popular vote.
  • There should be a ban on international trade agreements because they are unfair to developing countries and allow other countries to take advantage of us.
  • The United States should make a commitment to energy independence by eliminating all fossil fuels from our energy portfolio and investing in renewable sources like solar power. -The United States should invest in education because we are falling behind in the global marketplace and there is a high demand for skilled workers.
  • The United States should eliminate private prisons because they create an incentive to incarcerate more people and the profit motive has driven the justice system astray.
  • The United States should invest in infrastructure because it is necessary for economic growth and will provide employment opportunities for Americans.
  • The United States should open its borders to refugees because we have a moral responsibility to help those who are fleeing conflict and repression.
  • The United States should legalize marijuana because it is not a harmful substance and it can bring in billions of dollars in tax revenue.
  • Fossil fuel extraction should be phased out because they contribute to climate change and harm the environment.
  • Everyone should have access to free health care because everyone deserves to live a healthy life, no matter their socioeconomic status.
  • The United States should eliminate the death penalty because it does not deter crime and it’s a barbaric form of punishment.
  • The United States should increase gun control to prevent mass shootings because they have been happening more frequently and it is a terrifying trend.
  • Police officers should be given body cameras to record their interactions with civilians because they are less likely to abuse their authority when they know they are being watched.
  • Lawmakers should introduce campaign finance reform to decrease the influence of corporations in politics because we cannot allow moneyed interests to determine our democracy. -The United States should invest in family planning because it is a critical part of women’s reproductive health and we have an obligation to protect their rights.
  • Transgender individuals should be allowed to serve in the military because they are willing to put their lives on the line for our country.
  • White supremacist groups should be classified as terrorist organizations because they threaten our democracy and inflict emotional damage.
  • The United States should eliminate the Electoral College because it makes our democratic system less representative and leads to skewed results.
  • Banning gambling is not an effective way of fighting addiction because addicts would still find ways to gamble.
  • The United States should give reparations to black Americans because of the legacy of slavery and racism.
  • Every person should have a guaranteed basic income because it is the most efficient way to fight poverty and it ensures human dignity.
  • Private companies should be allowed to keep their information secret because they are acting in the best interest of their shareholders.
  • The United States should fund independent media outlets because they offer diverse perspectives and counteract government propaganda.
  • The US should cancel NAFTA because it is harming our economy and destroying American jobs. -The United States should invest in clean energy because it is the only sustainable option and we need to be mindful of the future.
  • The United States should guarantee internet freedom because it allows for a free exchange of ideas and combats censorship.
  • The United States should provide universal healthcare because it is a moral imperative and every American deserves to have their needs met.
  • The United States should prioritize protecting our democracy over combating terrorism because they are two different things and it is impossible to do both well.
  • Female genital mutilation should be banned in the US because it violates a woman’s right to choose what happens to her own body.

Good Descriptive Essay Topics

Descriptive essays can be used to portray a scene, explore the senses and feelings of a place or person, or tell a story.

A good descriptive essay topic is something you’ve observed in your life that you have been drawn to.

The topic of your descriptive essay may be determined by what has caught your attention, whether it was an image or sound.

For example, if you are fascinated by your family’s dining room because of its beautiful chandelier, then write about it!

Another example could be seeing someone on the street who reminds you of yourself from childhood.

Maybe they have red hair like yours did when you were young; maybe they are wearing a blue coat just like yours did for years!

Here are more example topics for a descriptive essay :

  • Describe your favorite scent
  • How do you feel right now?
  • What do you love most about autumn?
  • Describe how it feels to step outside after being cooped up all winter long.
  • Why do you live where you live?
  • If you had three hours to spend with one person (dead or alive), who would it be and why?
  • Imagine that there is a creature called Zoe who lives in the woods near your house. What does Zoe look like?
  • If you could invent anything, what would it be and why?
  • Describe five things about yourself
  • Make a list of ten things that make you happy
  • What’s your favorite book and why?
  • Tell me about a time when you felt safe
  • Your first day at school
  • Your pet’s name
  • One day before I die, I want to…
  • Tell me about something important you learned recently
  • Describe one day of your typical week
  • You’re packing for vacation
  • Write a haiku
  • Name twenty words that rhyme with a bird
  • Write a short story about a recent movie you saw
  • Describe your ideal date 23). Give five examples of irony
  • Find two people who don’t seem like they belong together
  • If you won $10 million dollars today, what would you do with it?
  • Favorite restaurant
  • Favorite song
  • Favorite memory
  • Tell me about yourself
  • Your current mood
  • . Where are you right now ?
  • What are you looking forward to this weekend?
  • Tell me about the best meal you’ve ever eaten
  • Can you describe what happened yesterday morning?
  • Describe a perfect Sunday
  • What is your dream job
  • Describe your daily routine
  • What was the last thing you ate?
  • Describe your bed
  • Describe a hidden talent of yours
  • Who are your three best friends and why
  • What are you doing tomorrow?
  • Describe your idea of the perfect Friday night
  • Think about the first word that comes to mind when you think about your hometown
  • What are your thoughts on religion
  • Think about the last major decision you made
  • What word makes you cringe
  • Put these ingredients into a bowl and mix them together: flour, sugar, eggs, butter.
  • Draw a picture of what happens next
  • Draw a picture of yourself as an animal
  •  Describe the color yellow
  • When do you feel happiest?
  • What would you change about your life if you could?
  • . Describe a goal you have
  • What’s the weather like outside?
  • Do you get scared easily?
  • What advice would you give someone going through a hard time?
  • What year do you think we are living in?
  • What are your thoughts on space exploration?
  • If you could do anything, what would it be?
  • Tell me about your childhood
  • Describe the coolest gift you’ve ever gotten
  • If you had to pick a new identity, who would it be and why?
  • What did you do yesterday morning?
  • What’s the strangest thing that has happened to you in the past month?
  • If you could be a tree, what kind of tree would you be and why?
  • Describe your day
  • What’s the craziest dream you’ve had in the past month?
  • If you could choose to do anything in the world right now, what would it be?

Narrative essay topics college students

A good narrative essay topic is one that has a personal connection and emotional investment.

Narrative essays are popular in college-level composition courses because they are excellent tools for exploring universal human experiences.

When you write a narrative essay, you tell the story of your life, or some other event, through anecdotes and descriptions of your thoughts, feelings, actions, and sensations at the time

Here are example essay topics for a narrative essay :

  • What was the most embarrassing moment of your life?
  • Tell about an incident that was too risky but turned out okay.
  • What have you learned from teaching children?
  • Describe an experience when someone had an undeserved negative opinion about you and what happened as a result.
  • Describe an experience when someone said something unkind to you, but it turned out well in the end.
  • Tell about something I can’t live without (material object).
  • How do others see me?
  • The most important thing I’ve learned from my parents/grandparents
  • What does being successful mean to me?
  • If I could change one rule in my school, what would it be?
  • Discuss the difference between being liked and respected.
  • What is a big deal to me?
  • Why am I like this?
  • If there were three words that described how I feel about myself, what would they be?
  • Write your own eulogy
  • What’s on your bucket list?
  • Would you rather die young or old and why?
  • What’s the best gift you ever received?
  • Have you ever done anything wrong just for fun
  • Who would play me in a movie version of my life and why?
  • What values are most important to me?
  • Who do I admire and why?
  • Describe yourself using five adjectives.
  • Why should people listen to me?
  • In high school, what did people usually think about me before getting to know me?
  • Was there ever a time when you weren’t sure if you should go forward with something even though it seemed like the right decision at the time?
  • Give examples of times when you felt proudest of yourself.
  • Do you believe in fate?
  • Which city is your favorite and why?
  • What’s the craziest thing I’ve ever done?
  • What’s been the hardest year of my life so far?
  • When I am older, what do I want to say about my youth?
  • Imagine somebody made a documentary about your life–what song would be playing during the opening credits sequence, what color would be used for text screens, etc.?
  • Did we make any mistakes raising our kids ?
  • If I were to meet the person I’m going to marry tomorrow, what qualities would he or she need to possess? 36) What are the three best things about me?
  • What makes me a happy person?
  • What talent do I wish I had and why?
  • What trait of mine annoys my friends and family the most and why?
  • Is it better to give up than try your best and fail?
  • When was the last time you cried in front of someone else
  • Which famous person would you like to meet and why
  • Have you ever fallen asleep during a class
  • Describe a situation where you felt helpless
  • Pick a theme for your dream party.
  • If you had to leave the country and never come back, what would you miss the most?
  • When I was a kid, what did I want to be when I grew up?
  • What’s my life motto?
  • What are my top five regrets in life so far?
  • What are the top five moments of joy in my life so far?
  • Describe a time when you felt out of place.
  • If you had to change your name, what would it be and why
  • What’s the first thing that comes to mind when someone says Friday?
  • Have you ever experienced true love and if yes, then describe it
  • Tell about something bad that has happened to me.
  • Describe the most recent time I felt the worst about myself.
  • What’s my definition of success?
  • What would it be like if I could design a new life for myself?
  • If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you do?
  • What are some of my dreams and goals?
  • Where in the world would I like to live?
  • Why do you like your major?
  • What was the best class you took in college?
  • Who has been the most influential person in your life and why?
  • Who is your favorite historical figure and why?
  • Describe an incident that changed your perspective on something.
  •  What’s a time when you got really angry and what did you do about it?
  • Describe a time when someone tried to show their love for you, but they showed it in a way that made you feel uncomfortable.
  • Describe a time when someone made an effort to show how much they cared about you but failed miserably. How did this make you feel?
  •  Describe a time when you lied, and what happened as a result.
  • Describe a time when you experienced a different culture outside of your own (e.g., visiting friends or family from another country).
  • If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?
  •  What is the best thing that ever happened to you during high school or college? And what’s the worst thing that ever happened to you during high school or college?
  • Did you have any pets growing up? Tell us about them.
  •  Is there anything else you want to tell us about who you are or what makes you tick?
  •  Do you have any regrets so far in your life and if so, describe them briefly
  • Would you rather live a comfortable but uneventful life or take risks and experience new things even if they don’t always work out well?
  •  What were some fun activities you enjoyed doing in college?
  •  What were some goals/dreams/ambitions that you had growing up, and which ones came true for you? Which ones didn’t come true for you?
  • When did you first start thinking about pursuing a career in your field?
  • Describe a situation where you saw people being mistreated and what role did you play in this situation?
  • What inspires you to keep going when times get tough?
  • Tell us about something that reminds you of the past.
  • Tell us about your experience with substance abuse.
  • Has anyone close to you died? If so, please share your thoughts and feelings surrounding this event.
  • Is there a particular song that moves you emotionally? Can you tell us more about it?
  •  Do you believe in fate or destiny? Please elaborate on your beliefs.

Expository Essay Topic Examples

Here are some great expository essay topics for college students:

  • What are the most important steps to take when writing an essay?
  •  How can college students manage their time effectively?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of taking online classes?
  • How can students make the most of their college experience?
  •  What are the best ways to prepare for exams?
  •  What are the biggest challenges that college students face?
  •  What are the best ways to handle stress while in college?
  • What are some misconceptions about the college life?
  • Are there any alternatives to going to a four-year university?
  • How do you know if you’re ready for a four-year university or not?
  • Should freshmen be allowed on campus before orientation begins?
  • Can you graduate from high school early and enroll in college early, too?
  • Why should I go to college at all if I’m only going to work at McDonald’s anyway?
  • Can a student get into Harvard without being the valedictorian of his or her high school class or without having perfect SAT scores, ACT scores, GPA, etc.?
  • When is it okay to buy a textbook used instead of new one?
  • Is cheating acceptable in order to succeed academically in college?
  • What is the purpose of living on campus as opposed to off-campus?
  • How does an essay have an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion?
  • Which extracurricular activities will help me get into a good college more than others?
  • What kinds of scholarships are available for people with disabilities?
  • How much money does the average college student spend each year?
  • Who decides how much tuition is at my school?
  • Do I need to come up with a thesis statement before I start writing my paper or after?
  • Should every paragraph in my paper have one main idea that ties together everything in that paragraph or can each paragraph contain its own ideas?
  • What makes  a strong argumentative essay?
  • What is the difference between analyzing an argument and attacking it?
  • Why would someone write an argumentative essay arguing against something he or she doesn’t believe in?
  • What types of arguments can be made in essays (examples)?
  • Does it matter what type of language I use to express my opinion in my essay?
  • Is there such thing as a wrong opinion?
  • Why bother writing anything down at all if nobody reads your blog post anyways?
  • Doctors recommend eating fruits and vegetables, so why don’t we eat them?
  • If you had to choose just one vegetable to eat forever which would it be?
  • If they say these foods are healthy but they don’t taste good then what’s the point of eating them?
  • Is it better to cook the vegetables or put them in a raw salad with vinaigrette dressing?
  • What are the healthiest things to put in a salad?
  • How long can I store fresh vegetables in the refrigerator?
  • Why is it important to wash and clean the outside of produce before cooking or eating it?
  • How can you tell if a fruit or vegetable is bad or rotten?
  • What is the nutritional value of bananas and apples?
  • What is my favorite kind of fruit or vegetable, and why is it my favorite?
  • Technology is advancing at a rapid pace. What are the best ways to cope with that?
  • Can you be friends with somebody and still disagree with them?
  • Is it possible to be in love with two different people at the same time?
  • What is the key to happiness?
  • Why is it that there are people who can’t be happy even when they have everything?
  • How can you be happy with a lot of responsibility?
  • What is the most common reason for depression in college students?
  • Who would you want to give advice to an incoming freshman at college, and what would you want to tell them?
  • Is America a Melting Pot or a Salad Bowl?
  • What’s the difference between stereotypes and prejudices?
  • How does social media affect our lives today?
  • Is there such thing as the perfect match?
  • Do parents have the right to dictate their children’s future, or should they let them make their own decisions? 6. Which is more important- personal happiness or societal progress?
  • Why do people keep comparing themselves to others on social media?
  • Are we living in an age of constant communication overload?
  • Does patriotism mean the same thing today as it did 50 years ago?
  • Can one person make a difference in this world?
  • What is your first year of college like?
  • What is the difference between a freshman and a sophomore?
  • What are the most popular majors in your school?
  • Who do you know who changed their major?
  • Which classes do you think will be the hardest during your first semester at college?
  • How many hours per week do you spend on homework each week?
  • Why did you choose this school over other schools that were more prestigious or had more scholarships available to you?
  • Do you have any regrets about coming to this school or not applying to other schools with better programs?
  • What are the benefits of attending a university close to home as opposed to one farther away?
  • Did anyone ever try to talk you out of going here because it was too far away from home, too expensive, or didn’t offer enough scholarships?
  • Have you applied for any internships yet and if so, what kind?
  •  What would you say is the best thing about being a student at this school (or in your opinion)?

Essay Topic Examples by Subject

Engineering essay topic examples.

Most of these topics are pretty general, so even if you’re not an engineer, you should be able to come up with a decent essay on any of these topics.

If you need help brainstorming for specific prompts or writing your essay itself, don’t hesitate to ask your teachers! Be sure that whatever topic you choose is something that truly interests you—we want to see the passion in your work!

  • What do you think about engineering as a career?
  • Why did you decide to pursue engineering?
  • What qualities do you possess that make you well-suited for engineering?
  • What would your professor say about your strengths and weaknesses as an engineer?
  • How have previous experiences influenced your decision to become an engineer?
  • What makes you excited about studying engineering at [insert school name]?
  • What difficulties might you encounter while pursuing a degree in engineering?
  • What do you hope to accomplish as an engineer?
  • Describe how a motor works: In what ways does it affect our lives?
  • Explain what happens when you turn on a light switch: Do all light bulbs use electricity equally?
  • Explain why some cars get better gas mileage than others
  • Do hybrid cars really save money over time? Is it more environmentally friendly to drive a hybrid car than it is to drive a regular car?
  • Explain why some people use public transportation instead of driving their own cars
  • Are there disadvantages to using public transportation rather than driving your own car?
  • What kinds of jobs will engineers have in 10 years? 20 years? 50 years? 100 years? 200 years? 400 years? 1,000 years from now? 2,000 years from now? 5,000 years from now? 10,000 years from now?
  • How do engineers design buildings that can withstand earthquakes and hurricanes?
  • What are some examples of projects that were designed by engineers?
  • How do we know which products to buy and which ones to avoid? Engineering is both a science and an art. Discuss.
  • Discuss what you like about being an engineer
  • What kind of impact has engineering had on your life?
  • What principles does engineering teach? How can you apply them to other areas of your life?
  • What do you think is the most important lesson that engineering has taught you?
  • Where will engineers be employed in 20 years (in terms of job title)?
  • Where will engineers be employed in 50 years (in terms of job title)? Where will engineers be employed in 100 years (in terms of job title)? Where will engineers be employed in 200 years (in terms of job title)?
  • Where will engineers be employed in 400 years (in terms of job title)?
  • Engineers solve problems every day.
  • Describe how engineers collaborate with one another and non-engineers to solve problems.
  • What role do engineers play in society? Who benefits from their efforts?
  • Who suffers because of them?
  • Which profession uses similar skillsets as those used by engineers?
  • Where do you see yourself working five years after graduation: ten years after graduation: twenty years after graduation: fifty years after graduation: one hundred fifty years after graduation: two hundred fifty years after graduation: five hundred fifty years after graduation?
  • Which major challenges face humanity today and how can they be solved through technology, scientific research, etc.?
  • How could technological advances make our lives easier or better in the future?
  • How could technological advances make our lives worse in the future?
  • Describe your ideal job/career/life path and explain why it appeals to you.

Communications Essay topics examples

The following are sample essay topics in communications.

If you need help writing your own essay, use these topics as a guide. Remember that there are no right or wrong answers in an essay assignment.

Whatever you write should be well-researched, thoughtful, and logical, even if it is not what your instructor expected or wanted to read. Choose one of these topics for your essay:

  • Does film have any social responsibility? Why or why not?
  • Is our society becoming more violent? How do we know?
  • What was rock music like in the 1960s compared to today?
  • What does it mean when something is described as postmodern?
  • How has technology changed how we communicate with each other?
  • Do television shows influence people’s perception of reality?
  • Should journalists tell both sides of a story equally?
  • Does popular culture reflect social values?
  • Are movies more violent than they used to be?
  • Has advertising become less effective over time?
  • What role does gender play in mass media?
  • Is TV good or bad for children?
  • Should media organizations show graphic images from war zones?
  • Can mass media change public opinion on controversial issues such as abortion, gay marriage, gun control, etc.?
  • Which form of communication (e.g., radio, television, newspapers/magazines), if any, would be best suited to getting information out during a natural disaster such as Hurricane Katrina?
  • Does a person’s choice of clothing say anything about his/her personality and character?
  • How much privacy should celebrities expect while going about their lives in public places such as restaurants and airports?
  • Who is responsible for making sure that news stories are accurate?
  • Have modern forms of entertainment replaced activities such as reading books, playing board games and talking to friends face-to-face?
  • What effect does political correctness have on freedom of speech?
  • Do sex scenes in movies contribute to date rape or sexual harassment?
  • In what ways do blogs differ from traditional journalism?
  • How can government agencies use blogs effectively to reach constituents and increase accountability among elected officials at all levels of government?
  • Has Facebook changed the way people interact with each other socially, politically and professionally?
  • To what extent does the Internet affect the quality of life in America?
  • What impact, if any, has the Internet had on politics and government?
  • How has blogging changed the way people share ideas and communicate with others?
  • To what extent is blogging a legitimate journalistic endeavor?
  • Would blogging replace mainstream media as the primary source of news and information in the future?
  • Will bloggers eventually replace professional journalists as sources of reliable information to consumers and businesses?
  • What roles will blogs play in politics, business and education in the future?
  • Is online dating changing or undermining courtship traditions and customs around the world?
  • Does online dating make finding love easier or harder for singles today than it did before internet dating became popular several years ago?
  • How does online dating work?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of using online dating services to meet potential romantic partners?
  • Is it a good idea for young people to use social networking sites such as MySpace, Facebook and Twitter as a means of communicating with each other and sharing information about themselves?
  • Should parents be concerned about what their children are posting on social networking sites such as MySpace, Facebook and Twitter?
  • Do you think that the Internet has made it easier or more difficult for people to find jobs today than in years past?
  • To what extent has the Internet changed the way people communicate with each other in general?
  • Does television have any positive or negative effects on American culture?
  • Does the Internet have any positive or negative effects on American culture?
  • Is blogging a good way for people to express their opinions and communicate with each other?
  • Should politicians use social networking sites such as MySpace, Facebook and Twitter to communicate with voters?
  • What are the pros and cons of social networking sites such as MySpace, Facebook and Twitter?
  • To what extent does television shape public opinion in the United States?
  • How has television changed since it first began broadcasting in the 1950’s?
  • Do you think that blogs are a valuable resource for people who want to learn more about politics and government or do you think that blogs are just another tool for sensationalists who want to be heard by anyone willing to listen?

Education Studies Essay Topic Examples

An ideal topic for an education studies essay is one that has a direct bearing on current or past practices.

For example, you could write about how your school’s curriculum is outdated, or you could discuss how teachers are underpaid in your state.

If you’re writing about a more personal matter, such as your own experience with bullying, make sure it’s relevant and interesting.

Here is a list of some ideas for your next education paper:

  • How do education studies affect students?
  • Does your school have a program designed to support students who may be struggling?
  • Is there something wrong with how schools teach English?
  • What can we do to improve our current educational system?
  • Are parents doing enough for their children’s education?
  • Should schools ban cell phones from classrooms altogether?
  • What should be done about students who skip class regularly?
  • Why aren’t students taking advanced classes at my school?
  • Why don’t girls excel in math and science?
  • What kind of resources does your school need most?
  • Do you think kids these days spend too much time playing video games instead of studying?
  • Should schools allow backpacks into classrooms?
  • What can be done to help kids learn better at home when they come home from school every day?
  • Why are teens so obsessed with social media these days, and what can we do about it?
  • How can teachers best communicate with students outside of classroom hours?
  • Can technology really help us educate students effectively?
  • How can we get rid of standardized testing? What kinds of things should be taught in college classes?
  • What kinds of things shouldn’t be taught in college classes?
  • How important is diversity in higher education? Why do women seem to struggle more than men academically?
  • Are online courses effective ways to earn college credits ?
  • Do all colleges provide equal opportunities for students today, or are some better than others?
  • Will online courses replace traditional ones completely someday?
  • Are universities focusing too much on sports teams rather than academics?
  • Is cheating rampant among college students today, and if so, why?
  • Should all high-school graduates go straight to college?
  • Are learning disabilities being taken seriously enough by colleges today?
  • Should colleges offer free tuition for low-income families who cannot afford it otherwise?
  • Are student loans holding people back from pursuing their dreams?
  • What types of scholarships are available for minority students?
  • Should more minorities pursue careers in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)?
  • What steps can be taken to increase diversity within academia? How well do public universities compare with private ones?
  • Are international students getting fair treatment at American colleges and universities today?
  • Which types of majors lead to successful careers after graduation, and which majors lead nowhere fast?
  • Is there anything wrong with requiring incoming freshmen to take general education classes before declaring a major?
  • Which factors play into retention rates at colleges around the country today?
  • What can be done to reduce the number of students dropping out of school?
  • What can be done to reduce the amount of debt young adults are accumulating in college?
  • What percentage of students graduate with a degree that actually helps them find a job?
  • Are liberal arts degrees still worth the money they cost?
  • Should colleges require students to study abroad for a semester during their undergraduate years?
  • How can professors keep up with the pace of technological change?
  • Should community colleges be charging full price for classes?
  • Why do Americans pay so much for college education, and how can we fix this problem?
  • Should all university professors have PhDs, and if not, what credentials should they have?
  • What’s causing the gap between rich and poor students in higher education today?

Social Work Essay Topics

These social work essay topics can help you learn how to write your paper.

Browse through these sample essays, and use them as inspiration for your own work.

Use the following topic ideas to get started on your own essay:

  • What is social work? How does it relate to other professions?
  • What are some of its challenges and rewards?
  • Why do people choose to become social workers?
  • Are there specific personality traits that make someone a good social worker?
  • How do people decide what area of social work they want to pursue (child welfare, mental health, etc.)?
  • What kind of education and training is required to become a social worker?
  • What specialties exist within social work?
  • How can someone go about finding a job in social work or becoming certified as an LMSW or LCSW?
  • What do social workers do all day long?
  • Describe an average day in your life as a student or professional working in this field. If you were trying to persuade someone else to enter into social work, what would you say?
  • Explain the implications of a recent news story related to social work. For example, if you read about a scandal at one of our nation’s foster care agencies, how might that affect the public perception of social workers?
  • In your opinion, why is it important for students interested in pursuing careers in social work to study psychology?
  • In your opinion, why is it important for students interested in pursuing careers in social work to study sociology?
  • In your opinion, why is it important for students interested in pursuing careers in social work to study political science?
  • What are the effective Interviewing Skills of a Social Worker? What are the Effective Communication Skills of a Social Work Student?
  • What are the Effective Time Management Skills of a Social Work Student?
  • What are the Effective Writing Skills of a Social Work Student?
  • What are the Effective Professionalism Skills of a Social Work Student?
  • Suggest ways to improve the professional skills of a social work student.
  • How does social work intersect with law enforcement?
  • How does social work intersect with corrections?
  • What are some pros and cons of being a male social worker?
  • What are some pros and cons of being a female social worker? Do men face discrimination as social workers?
  • Do women face discrimination as social workers?
  • Can men be successful in their careers as a male social workers? Can women be successful in their careers as female social workers?
  • What are some examples of microaggressions against male social workers?
  • What are some examples of microaggressions against female social workers?
  • Can social work students afford college without taking out loans?
  • Is it possible to find scholarships for studying social work?
  • Are there any grants available for social work students?

 Nursing Essay Topic Examples

Nursing essays are as varied and diverse as the profession itself.

Topics might include healthcare reform, new technology, ethics in nursing practice, or personal reflections on the field.

Here is a list of sample nursing topics to get you inspired :

  • Discuss your experience working with end-of-life patients.
  • How can nurses use social media to make an impact on patient outcomes?
  •  Share your thoughts on the importance of empathy in nursing practice.
  • What can we do to improve the life expectancy for infants born preterm today?
  • Is there a way that nurses can help reduce teen pregnancy rates?
  •  Provide three examples of interventions that support breastfeeding mothers.
  • Why is it important to have continuing education programs for nurses?
  • Why should people who want to be nurses consider starting their careers in pediatrics instead of adult medicine?
  • What do you think about Facebook’s campaign #weareallhuman which aims to raise awareness about mental illness?
  • Do patients feel like they have been abandoned when their nurse leaves the room after giving them medication during hospital stays?
  • How has research impacted nursing practice in the last decade?
  • What is one challenge faced by rural nurses?
  • What did you find most surprising about becoming a nurse?
  • Why does caring for children require different techniques than caring for adults?
  • When did your passion for nursing first start growing and why was it this particular aspect of nursing that captivated you so much at such an early age?
  • Share one story from your career where you had to use all of your skills as a nurse to save someone’s life.
  • Describe a time when you were unsure how to proceed with treating a patient.
  • If a loved one needs surgery, what would you tell them are the benefits and risks?
  • What would be your advice for someone who wants to become a pediatric nurse?
  • Which type of clinical area interests you more: surgical, medical/psychiatric or pediatric?
  • In ten years what do you hope to see changed in the nursing profession?
  • Give some insight into how being around sick kids can affect us emotionally.
  • What is your favorite thing about being a pediatric nurse (or favorite thing about pediatric nursing)?
  • How will smartphones change healthcare delivery?
  • What is the most rewarding part of being a pediatric nurse?
  • What opportunities exist for advancement within pediatric nursing? 27. Why should I choose to pursue a degree in nursing now?
  • What is the best part of your job?
  • What are the main challenges you face in nursing?
  • What tips can you offer to those who want to become a nurse?
  • Has anything surprised you since entering the nursing profession?
  • What lessons have you learned while practicing nursing?
  • Have any of your beliefs changed since entering the field of nursing?
  • What changes could be made to make your job easier or more satisfying for nurses everywhere?
  • What has been the biggest disappointment for you in your career as a nurse so far?
  • If a family member needed surgery, what would be your advice for them to receive good care from a physician or surgeon on their team?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of the modern nursing profession?
  • What motivates you to keep going?
  • Why do you love your profession?
  • How has being a nurse influenced your life in ways that others may not expect?
  • What would be one thing you wish everyone knew about your profession?
  • What are some of the common misconceptions that people have about nurses, and what can be done to correct them?
  • How can nurses cope with burnout or compassion fatigue when it is inevitable in a field such as nursing?
  • What is something that you love about being a nurse but cannot share with anyone else for fear of judgment or criticism from others?
  • What are the top 3 things that you have learned in your nursing career?
  • How has being a nurse contributed to your identity and sense of self?
  • What is the greatest reward of being a nurse?
  • What is one word that describes what it feels like to be a nurse?
  • What would you say to someone considering nursing as a profession today, who might be afraid or worried about taking the leap?
  • How do you maintain balance between work and personal life as a pediatric nurse?
  • How can we encourage young girls to enter the nursing profession and stay with it through their careers, without discouraging boys from doing the same?
  • Who inspires you and why do they inspire you?

 Examples of Math Essay Topics

Although math essays are not very common, they can be found in some college courses.

Here are some examples of the types of topics that could be included in an essay on this subject:

  • How can you solve a problem if you don’t know which operation to use first, addition or subtraction?
  • What is a real number and how is it different from an imaginary number?
  • Why do people say there’s no such thing as a perfect circle?
  • If a point moves farther away from its original position, does it also move faster than when it was closer to its original position?
  • The surface area of circles has been studied for centuries.
  • When was the relationship between circumference and radius discovered and what does it tell us about circles?
  • Narrate an experience with a math word problem and its solution.
  • Find out more about the Pythagorean theorem (the theorem relating the lengths of sides of right-angled triangles).
  • Describe your own understanding or misunderstanding of geometry formulas.
  • Explain why one would study calculus after studying algebra.
  • Explore whether mathematics is an art form.
  • Compare and contrast Euclidean geometry with non-Euclidean geometry.
  • Give two examples of problems that can be solved using geometry formulas and show how they relate to each other.
  • Discuss the importance of symmetry in geometric shapes.
  • Contrast crossword puzzles with geometry problems.
  • Argue for/against teaching elementary school students about angles and lines
  • Discuss whether geometry should be taught in schools.
  • Propose/counterpropose a new formula for calculating the slope of a line based on gradients rather than gradient points; give three examples of where this formula might come into play.
  • Examine infinity as it relates to infinitesimals; argue for infinitesimals over pi because pi never ends while infinitesimals go on forever.
  • Analyze why the sum of two numbers may not always equal the result of adding their reciprocals.
  • Comment on the relevance of trigonometry to a carpenter.

Geography Essay Topic Examples

Essay topics in geography can be about the environment, climate change, the world’s population distribution, and more.

The following are examples of essay topics for this subject

  • How has the environment changed over time and what is it doing to our planet?
  • What is climate change, how do you know if it’s happening, and how can we stop it from happening?
  • Why is there such a large disparity between countries with high populations and those with lower populations; what will happen if the disparity continues to grow; what factors affect the distribution of population worldwide; etc.
  • Describe your own personal experience as an immigrant to Canada or another country, or share your opinion on immigration policies in general. Argue for/against the use of nuclear energy in order to combat global warming.
  • Describe your opinion on whether people should migrate to less populated areas in order to help save their ecosystem and make way for animals that need their habitat.
  • What does the word geography mean to you? Discuss its significance.
  • What is the most significant event that happened to someone living close to where you live, who lives halfway across the world from where you live?
  • How is your family connected to place around them (geographically)? Have they always lived there, did they move there after being born somewhere else, etc.? Write about their connection to the place around them.
  • What is earth formation, when does it happen, and what happens during this process?
  • Who cares about earth formation and why?
  • Discuss the impact of human activity on Earth’s geology. Give specific examples or scenarios.
  • State your opinion on which type of activity poses the largest threat to Earth: Nuclear power plants (pro), coal plants (con), oil drilling rigs (pro), or natural gas fracking wells (con).
  • Discuss an aspect of globalization using 2 case studies: one positive example and one negative example. Is globalization beneficial or detrimental to society in general?
  • how has globalization affected society in general?
  • Does globalization result in some countries getting richer while others get poorer? If yes, explain why and describe some ways to reverse this trend.
  • Do you agree or disagree with Paul Krugman’s views on trade agreements such as NAFTA and TPP?
  • Briefly explain your position on trade agreements and the pros and cons of entering into trade agreements like these-on balance, do they help societies develop economically?

History Example Essay Topics

History is not just about memorizing dates and names.

History, at its core, is the story of people and their actions, who they were as individuals, what they did in life, and how their actions have shaped the world.

An understanding of history requires considerable writing skills to make sense of it all.

The writing skills required for a history essay would be very similar to those used in any other essay: strong topic sentences that lead into supporting paragraphs, with transitions between each paragraph so that readers know where they are and why it matters.

Here are example essay topics for a history essay:

  • What are the lessons of Pearl Harbor?
  • What was it like to live during World War II?
  •  Why did slavery persist in America long after it had been abolished elsewhere?
  • How might World War II have turned out differently if Hitler had not invaded Russia in 1941?
  • Did Eisenhower’s D-Day invasion play a decisive role in defeating Nazi Germany or was it unnecessary given the Russian defeat of Germany?
  • Do you believe there is such a thing as American Exceptionalism?
  • Was WWII worth fighting considering the high cost in both blood and treasure to the United States and its allies?
  • If we were faced with a similar situation today, should we go to war?
  • Is the current US military presence abroad warranted?
  • Should America return to isolationist policies and leave Europe (or Asia)?
  • Should FDR’s New Deal policies still apply today?
  • How did the Montgomery Bus Boycott happen and what effect did it have on desegregation throughout America?
  • What effect do landmark court cases such as Brown v Board of Education have on our daily lives now?
  • How has Dr. King’s I Have a Dream speech changed since 1963 to now?
  • Were MLK and other civil rights activists seen as radicals or reformers?
  • What are some ways in which black communities resisted racism before the 1960s?
  • In your opinion, can black power activists get results without violence?
  • How can youth engage in activism without resorting to violence?

Psychology Example Essay Topics

Psychology is one of the fastest-growing fields in higher education, but it can also be one of the most difficult subjects to write about because it often involves complicated concepts and theories that may be hard for many students to understand.

A good psychology essay will explain an idea simply yet accurately; use clear examples from literature or real-life situations; provide evidence from psychology experiments; avoid jargon; provide an introduction, conclusion, and thesis statement; show empathy towards all parties involved in a controversial issue; provide details to support points being made; use formal language when appropriate but never sound dry or uninterested.

Possible psychology essay topics include:

  • Which parenting style best creates happy children?
  • What is emotional intelligence and why is it important?
  • How does fear affect our behavior?
  • What are the implications of climate change on psychological health?
  • What are the pros and cons of free market capitalism for psychological well-being?
  • Is multiculturalism a recipe for disaster or does it improve mental health outcomes?
  • Can psychology help resolve conflicts in the Middle East? 8. What is the value of Western art?
  •  What are the benefits and drawbacks of a liberal arts college?
  • How has the internet transformed society in America today?
  •  What are the consequences of teenage sexual activity?
  •  Should sex offender registries exist in every state?
  • What are the effects of pornography on adolescents and adults?
  • How has self-esteem affected America’s obesity crisis?
  • What is the relationship between gun control and suicide rates in America?

Examples of Sociology Example Topics

  • What are some of the causes and effects of poverty in America?
  • The interaction between social structures and individual behavior
  •  In what ways does the media influence our thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and behaviors about sexuality?
  • How does socioeconomic status affect academic achievement?
  • What causes gender inequality in society today, and what can be done to overcome it?
  • What is an example of how a public policy could address a sociological issue?
  • Why is the use of isms (i.e., racism, sexism) harmful in discussions about race or gender?
  • What is one way that people might change their actions when they feel guilty or ashamed after taking advantage of someone else’s generosity or goodwill?
  • Does happiness lead to success as much as success leads to happiness?
  •  When do people become less racist, sexist, homophobic, classist, etc.?
  • If you could change one thing about yourself without fear of rejection from others, what would you change and why would you want to change it?
  • Do we need religion?
  • What kinds of challenges are faced by individuals who identify as transgender or nonbinary in America today?
  • Is gambling good for society, bad for society, or neither good nor bad for society?
  • Do boys and girls need different approaches to parenting?
  • How has feminism changed throughout history, and what are its current implications on politics and culture today?
  • Do colors have meaning outside of just physical perception?
  • Which would make the world better: universal basic income (UBI), UBI plus education reform, UBI plus health care reform, or something else entirely different altogether?
  • The unequal distribution of wealth and power in society
  •  Should the US adopt open borders policies?
  •  Why do many couples only date a few people before settling down with one person?
  • What are they, where did they come from, and should we still follow them?
  • Can someone identify as both male and female at once?
  • What are some examples of this idea in everyday life (i.e., men not being able to cry)?
  • How does oppression manifest itself culturally through the roles that women play in relationships?
  • How does racism manifest itself culturally through the interactions between white Americans and those of color?
  • Is there any relationship between prejudice against minority groups and prejudice against women or LGBTQ+ groups?
  • Are Prejudice and discrimination interchangeable, and if not, which is worse/more prevalent in American society?
  •  Has anything been improved since the 1960s civil rights movement?
  • What are the differences between sex and gender?
  • What is a social construction?
  • Do you believe that sex outside of marriage is immoral?
  • Why is it important for a country to legalize same-sex marriage?
  • Is a man always masculine and a woman always feminine?

 Computer Science Essay Topic Samples

Essay writing in computer science can be a difficult task.

One needs to be knowledgeable about the subject and also know how to write with precision.

The following are example topics for computer science essay writing that cover a wide range of subjects:

  • What is your opinion on artificial intelligence
  • Do you believe that people will ever create an AI that is more intelligent than humans
  • How should we educate our children when it comes to technology?
  • In what ways have computers changed your life?
  • Discuss what you think the future of computing will look like 10 years from now
  • Do you believe in virtual reality?
  • Do you think that robots will replace human workers one day? What are your thoughts on this idea?
  • How has technology affected society’s interactions and relationships, such as with friends, family, or love interests?
  • What do you predict will happen in the future as technological advances continue to progress?
  • Is there any new tech out there that you would want to use if given the chance (e.g., VR, Artificial Intelligence)? Why or why not?
  • Do you feel that computers have made us lazy? If so, why do you think this is the case? what is the role of computers in education?
  • Argue for or against using eBooks in classrooms
  • Describe how advancements in technology are affecting how we communicate today
  • Should cell phones be allowed in school?
  • How does technology affect the way students learn today?
  • Discuss the pros and cons of social media
  • How do you think technology will affect space travel in the future?
  • Is downloading music and movies from a computer, YouTube, and other sites illegal?
  • Describe what you think the future of cybercrime will look like.
  • Are online security breaches inevitable?- In what ways has technology improved your quality of life?
  • What predictions do you have for the future?
  • Do you agree or disagree with the statement technology makes it easier for people to cheat?
  • Should parents take responsibility for their child’s smartphone usage?
  • What are some parental guidelines you recommend setting up before giving a child access to smartphones or tablets at home?
  • How much screen time is appropriate for each age group?
  • What are some good apps for kids to help them learn?

English Essay Topic Examples

Essay topics in English can be diverse, with essay questions ranging from analyzing poetry to defending a particular point of view.

A great way to learn about the variety of essay topics is to look at some examples.

One example that you might see on an exam would ask you to analyze and interpret texts.

Another type of question might ask for your personal perspective on a topic or issue such as animal rights or the legalization of marijuana.

Here is a list of more English essay topic examples for college and university students:

  • Discuss the methods of comparison and contrast between two poems
  •  Explain how images affect meaning in poems
  • Analyze the use of dramatic irony in Oedipus Rex
  • Compare/contrast Henrik Ibsen’s play, A Doll’s House and George Bernard Shaw’s play, Pygmalion. Which is the better play? Why?
  • Describe Othello as Shakespeare’s quintessential tragic hero.
  • In what ways does Othello exhibit the characteristics of Aristotle’s perfect tragic hero?
  • Does Othello really deserve his tragic fate?
  • Analyze Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre. What are its major themes?
  • How does Jane Eyre grow throughout her story?
  • Compare/contrast The Great Gatsby and Fitzgerald’s earlier novel, The Beautiful And Damned. What conclusions can be drawn about the attitudes towards America during the time period in which these novels were written?
  • Contrast Coleridge’s poem The Rime of The Ancient Mariner and Shelley’s poem The Mask Of Anarchy. Identify one theme that is consistent between both poems. What did each poet think was necessary for reform? What connections can you make between their ideas?
  • Analyze Emily Dickinson’s famous poem I Heard a Fly Buzz When I Died. What feelings does this title evoke for the reader?
  • Explore how Dickinson builds suspense in this poem through repetition and imagery.
  • Analyse the setting of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet and identify it as either real or imaginary.
  • Compare/contrast Walt Whitman’s Song of Myself and Robert Frost’s The Road Not Taken. Why is Frost less revealing than Whitman? Which do you prefer, Frost or Whitman?
  • Who has a better sense of humor: Frost or Whitman?
  • Analyze Ernest Hemingway’s For Whom The Bell Tolls. Evaluate the role of nature in this novel. Discuss the protagonist’s journey. Determine whether he changes significantly over the course of his journey or remains essentially unchanged.
  • How does Dante present sin, guilt, and punishment in Inferno?
  • In what ways is the power dynamic different in Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations?
  • Analyze John Steinbeck’s East of Eden.
  • What literary devices does Steinbeck use to show the complex relationship between good and evil?
  • What does the Biblical story of Cain and Abel tell us about this theme?
  • Analyze Animal Farm. What is the significance of Old Major’s speech to the animals? Is there a happy ending for any of the characters? Do you think the ending is moral or immoral?
  •  Analyze Charlotte Bronte’s Wuthering Heights. What is Cathy’s character arc like in this book? What is Heathcliff’s character arc like? What is the overall tone of the book?
  •  Analyze Virginia Woolf’s To The Lighthouse. Consider the emotional effect of Woolf’s use of stream of consciousness in this novel. What does Mrs. Dalloway represent for Woolf as a writer?
  • Analyze Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. What is the state of happiness in this novel? What examples of utopia and dystopia exist in this work? What would the world be like if we lived according to Huxley’s vision?
  • Compare/contrast Herman Melville’s Moby Dick and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter. What is the social criticism in Moby Dick? What does The Scarlet Letter criticize, specifically?
  • Analyze Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird.

Physiology Essay Topic Examples

Examples of topics in physiology include plant biology, the human digestive system, and the process of blood clotting.

Essays on plant biology can cover anything from how plants obtain energy to the different types and functions of chlorophyll.

The human digestive system is a topic that can be discussed at length because it is so multifaceted. It deals with everything from digestion to absorption and goes into detail about how specific parts such as teeth, stomachs, and livers work.

Blood clotting can also provide a rich vein of information for an essay, ranging from the ingredients involved to how they interact to stop bleeding.

Here are more examples of essay topics examples in physiology:

  • How does the composition of plants change as they go through their life cycle?
  • Why do people need water every day?
  • What is the function of epidermal cells?
  • What are some uses for hemoglobin besides being a part of red blood cells?
  • How does the food you eat affect your health?
  • Is there any difference between animal protein and vegetable protein?
  • What are somatic cells, why do we have them, and what would happen if we didn’t have them?
  • What is osmosis and what causes it?
  •  Are our genes responsible for who we are or are they simply there as blueprints waiting to be activated by our environment?
  • Is chocolate really good for us or not?
  • What are myelin sheaths and what purpose do they serve?
  • What is meant when someone says cellular respiration?
  • Does eating fat make you fat?
  • Do alcohol-containing drinks like wine promote heart disease?
  • Is it true that fatty foods increase your cholesterol levels and promote heart disease?
  • What happens when carbohydrates enter the bloodstream during metabolism?
  • Why should we drink eight glasses of water per day?
  • What are neurons and what do they do?
  • What is pain management, and how does it work?
  • Should athletes drink fluids before or after working out or both?
  • Can taking vitamin supplements really help you stay healthy?
  • Is cardiovascular exercise better than weightlifting for fitness purposes?
  • What are mitochondria, where are they located in the cell, and what role do they play in human development and reproduction?
  • What does ATP stand for (adenosine triphosphate), where does it come from, and what is its significance to humans?
  • How long can a person live without oxygen since breathing occurs through air instead of gills like fish?
  • What are lymph nodes, what do they do, and how can they become cancerous?
  • What is the major difference between interstitial fluid and plasma?
  • How does the body regulate temperature and keep itself warm in cold environments?
  • Why is glycolysis important to aerobic respiration?
  • What are bone marrow, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts, and what roles do they play in the body’s blood production process?
  • What are neurotransmitters and what does each one do for the brain?
  • What are neuropeptides, where do they originate from, and how do they affect bodily systems such as the immune system?
  • Is Alzheimer’s disease hereditary or environmental?
  • What is the difference between a hormone and a neurotransmitter?
  • What are endorphins, what are they composed of, and how do they affect the human body?
  • How does fasting affect the human body?
  • Why is osteoporosis common in women but uncommon in men?
  • Why is it that animals need to sleep yet humans don’t necessarily have to?
  • What are hormones, what are they made of, and what role do they play in physical responses such as sexual arousal or hunger?
  • What does DHA stand for (docosahexaenoic acid), where does it come from, and how can it help protect against developing certain illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease or depression?

Biology essay Topic Examples

Biology is a science that encompasses all living organisms and non-living matter.

It includes the study of living things such as animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria; the study of their basic structure, function, growth, and development; and also the application of this knowledge to manipulate or alter them for various purposes.

Essay topics on biology could include anything from plant classification to the anatomy of a virus.

There are many more possibilities depending on your field of interest and how in-depth you would like to go into it.

Here is a list of sample essay topics to help get your creative juices flowing:

  • How does biodiversity affect our environment?
  • What does it mean to be alive?
  • What is symbiosis and how does it work?
  • How do species evolve over time?
  • Why is evolution necessary?
  • Which human activity has had the greatest impact on our environment?
  • What are some implications for human society if we were to wipe out an entire species of animal?
  • What would happen if humans were no longer around?
  • What can we do to help preserve endangered species?
  • How did life originate on Earth?
  • How is life sustained through death and decomposition in the natural world?
  • What is the difference between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells, why are there different types of each cell type, what organelles make up each cell type, and how can they change during mitosis (cell division)?
  • Is cancer curable? If so, how?
  • How do bacteria cause disease and what can be done to prevent these diseases from spreading?
  • Does antibiotic resistance come with any disadvantages and how might these disadvantages play out in the future?
  • What causes mutations and how do they affect genetics?
  • Could genetic engineering have adverse effects on future generations?
  • How does DNA differ in humans compared to other primates?
  • Does evolution only account for changes in populations or can it account for changes within one individual’s lifetime?
  • What are Lamarckian inheritance and epigenetics, what causes them, and how do they relate to evolutionary theory?
  • How did people develop a modern understanding of genetics and inheritance?
  • What is the genome, what are genotypes, phenotypes, dominant alleles, recessive alleles, allele frequency, linkage disequilibrium, and linkage equilibrium?

Economics essay Topic Samples

Economic essays can be used to explain a variety of different topics, from the various types of markets and how they work to the economic cycle.

Economic essays can also be used to talk about the way that individuals act in different markets and what factors affect their decisions.

An individual’s income, prices, needs, and wants all play into this as well as external factors like advertising.

A good economic essay will show how these effects interact with each other to create complicated situations for people living in an economy such as ours today.

Here is a list of essay topics that have been asked in previous years:

  •  How does our lifestyle compare to other countries?
  • What do your current spending habits say about your values?
  • Describe some differences between product markets and service markets. Which do you think has greater potential for economies of scale?
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Raising the minimum wage will raise unemployment?
  • Does a person’s income correlate to happiness?
  • Is it more important for consumers to focus on low-cost goods or high-quality goods? Why?
  • The law of supply states that when the price increases, so do the quantity supplied. The law of demand says that when the price goes up, the quantity demanded decreases. Explain why this happens.
  • In capitalism we compete with others in order to make money while socialism focuses on cooperation among citizens. What are the advantages and disadvantages of both forms of government?
  • Discuss alternative energy sources including nuclear power.
  • Do you think there are any disadvantages to free trade? If so, what are they and why should they not be ignored just because we benefit from them economically?
  • What is the difference between inflation and deflation?
  • Should governments intervene to control prices during times of natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina?
  • Who is better at raising children, men or women?
  • What were some possible causes of the Great Depression?
  • Could globalization lead to cultural imperialism where one culture dominates another culture?
  • Name two reasons why free trade helps society.
  • Some people believe that in order to maintain equality within the workplace, everyone must get paid the same amount regardless of their job. Others believe that it is okay if someone who works harder than someone else gets paid more money.
  • Are monopolies bad for a country’s economy?
  • Define socialism.
  • What is Keynesian economics?
  • Would you prefer to live in a capitalist, socialist, communist, or fascist country?
  • Can the laws of economics be changed?
  • What is the role of the entrepreneur in an economy?
  • Can microeconomics and macroeconomics coexist together?
  • What is the relationship between a firm and its suppliers?
  • What is the role of middlemen in the economy?
  • What are three examples of market imperfections?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of economic theories?
  • What is the difference between a black market and a gray market?
  • What are the four major components of GDP?
  • How do prices, wages, interest rates, and exchange rates interact with one another to determine GDP? 32) Discuss the four major components of GDP.
  • When can a company have too much foreign direct investment (FDI)?
  • What is outsourcing and what are its benefits?
  • What is protectionism?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of international trade?
  • How do tariffs affect international trade?
  • What are some ways that a country can protect its economy from the global recession?
  • How do domestic factors influence a company’s response to a recession in other parts of the world?
  • What is the purpose of monetary policy and how does it influence an economy?
  • How does deflation differ from inflation?
  • What is stagflation, and how does it happen?
  • What is the Federal Reserve’s most recent monetary policy?
  • Do you think that we need a central bank to regulate the flow of money in an economy?
  • How do Federal and state governments regulate the flow of money in order to promote stability in the economy?
  •  How do tariffs affect international trade?
  • What are some ways that a country can protect its economy from a global recession?

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50 Descriptive Essay Topics

Make your reader see, smell, hear and feel with these inspirational descriptive essay topics ! We’ve collected 50 descriptive essay topics to sprout some flowery language. Our descriptive essay topics are designed to spark creative thinking and can be modified for students in elementary, middle and high school. They are grouped by topic for easy student and teacher reference. Feel free to print the entire list for plenty of inspiration for your next descriptive essay assignment!

Descriptive Essay Topics: Place

  • Describe your favorite place.
  • Describe your ideal bedroom.
  • Describe the house in which you grew up.
  • Describe what the first house on the moon would look like.
  • Describe some of your favorite places in your hometown.
  • Describe a peaceful place that you’ve visited.
  • Describe a place that exists only in your imagination.
  • Describe a friend’s or family member’s house where you enjoy spending time.
  • Describe your perfect fantasy vacation destination.
  • Describe your favorite store.
  • Describe your favorite teacher’s classroom.
  • Describe a museum that you’ve visited recently.
  • Describe a place you have dreamed about that doesn’t exist in real life.
  • Describe a place where your pet likes spending time.
  • Describe an outdoor place that you know well.

Descriptive Essay Topics: People

  • Describe your favorite person.
  • Describe each of your family members.
  • Describe a famous person that you would like to meet.
  • Describe one of your friends.
  • Describe one aspect of someone that you like (for example: laugh, style of dress, words that the person likes to use, etc.)
  • Describe yourself to someone who has never met you.
  • Describe the average human to an alien who has never before seen a person.
  • Describe your pet.
  • Look at some old family photos and describe an older family member as he or she was when at your age.
  • Describe someone whom you miss.

Descriptive Essay Topics: Objects

  • Describe an object that is special to you.
  • Give a tour of one room in your house by describing the most important objects in that room.
  • Describe one of your favorite outfits.
  • Describe your favorite toy as a child.
  • Describe how you get around (for example: a bicycle, skateboard, sneakers, your parents’ car, the school bus).
  • Describe your favorite piece of furniture where you like to spend time and relax.
  • Describe something that you would bury in a time capsule to tell people about what life is like today.
  • Describe an object that has been in your family for a long time.
  • Choose a piece of food to eat; then, write a description of it that includes the way it looks, smells and tastes.
  • Describe a smartphone to a time traveler from the 1900s.

Descriptive Essay Topics: Memories

  • Describe your oldest memory.
  • Describe your best summer vacation.
  • Describe a memorable concert you attended.
  • Describe a memorable trip you took.
  • Describe a special time that you and your family had together.
  • Describe the first time you met one of your friends.
  • Describe a time you met someone famous.
  • Describe one of your happiest memories.
  • Describe one of your saddest memories.
  • Describe a time that you felt scared.
  • Describe a time that you felt excited.
  • Describe a time that something totally unexpected happened.
  • Describe a memory of someone whom you miss.
  • Describe one of your most memorable first days of school.
  • Describe one of your most embarrassing moments.

Looking for more essay topics? Compare and Contrast Essay Topics Cause and Effect Essay Topics Narrative Essay Topics Persuasive Essay and Speech Topics

How To Write An Essay

Essay Topics

Barbara P

Amazing Essay Topics & Ideas for Your Next Project (2024)

19 min read

Published on: Jan 25, 2021

Last updated on: Jan 30, 2024

Essay Topics

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Are you a student struggling to find interesting and engaging essay topics for your next essay?

Choosing the right essay topic can be a daunting task. It often feels overwhelming to find a topic that is both captivating and meets the requirements of your essay. 

Without a compelling topic, you may struggle to engage your readers and convey your ideas effectively.

But fear not! In this blog post, we provide a list of topics to choose from. 

By exploring these diverse topics, students will not only find inspiration but also develop their critical thinking and analytical skills.

Let's dive in and explore the endless possibilities together!

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Good Essay Topics for Students

A good essay topic will make your writing phase easy and help you get good grades from the teacher. When you pick the essay topic, make sure it is interesting and meets your teacher’s requirements.

We compiled some simple essay topics that will help you in creating a great essay. 

Essay Topics for Kids

  • Describe your worst nightmare.
  • Football vs. baseball.
  • Why is math hard?
  • How to help animals?
  • If I Could Fly.
  • Benefits of drinking tea Vs. Coffee.
  • Is your school day too short?
  • Our school library.
  • What do you like best about winter?
  • Christmas Eve with family and friends. 

Essay Topics for Grade 3 

  • My Favorite Season
  • My Best Friend
  • If I Were a Superhero
  • A Place I Like to Visit
  • My Dream Job
  • The Best Day of My Life
  • My Favorite Animal
  • The Importance of Kindness
  • My Favorite Book

Essay Topics for Grade 4 

  • My last summer vacation.
  • What is the funniest thing you've ever seen?
  • How to prevent bullying?
  • Why is it important to be honest and not lie? 
  • What do you like about how you look?
  • What is your favorite television show, and why?
  • Can you live without television?
  • How are we affecting the environment?
  • Importance of recycling.
  • If I Could Have a Superpower

Essay Topics for Grade 5 

  • Write a poem about your favorite season.
  • Skating and running have a lot in common.
  • Who is your hero, and why?
  • What if the president were a kid?
  • Being rich vs. being famous.
  • Cereal is not a healthy breakfast.
  • A random act of kindness.
  • Are boys too dominating?
  • The rainy season.
  • The Value of Honesty

Essay Topics for Middle School Students 

  • What is your favorite children’s literature?
  • From your point of view, what factors contribute to a good movie?
  • Write about a vacation that you will never forget.
  • Should people be allowed to keep exotic animals like chimpanzees or tigers?
  • Should sports marketing professionals earn more money?
  • Difference between effects of books and video games on morals.
  • How many friends do teens need to have?
  • How do online high schools compare to traditional education?
  • What are the best informative essay topics?
  • Should students be able to pick their teachers?

Essay Topics for Grade 6 

  • Tom and Jerry are the best cartoons.
  • Reading is more important than math.
  • A field trip that your class took.
  • Annual day in my school.
  • How to deal with a bully
  • A world where dogs take over. 
  • Should boys and girls be in separate classes?
  • Describe your future life.
  • How should parents be an example to their children?
  • Technology and education.

Essay Topics for Grade 7 

  • The value of volunteerism
  • The impact of social media on relationships
  • A good diet means good health.
  • Zoos are unsafe for young children.
  • My favorite academic writing website.
  • Why is it important to set goals?
  • What is the best decision you ever made?
  • Schools and colleges should minimize the fees.
  • Effects of social media on youth.
  • How fair is our election process?

Essay Topics for Class 8 

  • The importance of financial literacy
  • Exploring gender equality.
  • Technology makes people's lives better.
  • Is the death penalty right?
  • Youth activism
  • The power of literature
  • Do you prefer weekdays or weekends?
  • The matter of age in a relationship.
  • Do your teachers use technology well?
  • Do you make friends slowly or quickly? 

Essay Topics for Class 9 

  • The impact of social media on young people's mental health
  • Should school uniforms be mandatory? Why or why not?
  • How can we reduce bullying in schools?
  • The importance of physical exercise for students
  • Is homeschooling a better option than traditional schooling?
  • The benefits and drawbacks of online learning
  • The impact of technology on communication skills
  • The impact of fast food on public health
  • The effects of climate change on the environment
  • The importance of conserving natural resources for future generations

Essay Topics for Class 10 

  • The impact of chemical fertilizers on the environment
  • The role of mathematics in daily life 
  • The importance of vaccines in preventing diseases
  • The physics of roller coasters
  • The impact of social media on mental health
  • The benefits of learning a second language
  • The impact of computers on modern society
  • The role of art and music in promoting mental health
  • The history and significance of the Indian Constitution
  • The impact of globalization on Indian economy 

Essay Topics for O levels 

  • Why is education important for personal and societal development?
  • How has social media changed the way we communicate and interact with one another?
  • How can sports help individuals develop discipline, teamwork, and leadership skills?
  • What are some of the drawbacks of technological advancements in our daily lives?
  • What can individuals and governments do to promote sustainable development?
  • How has globalization affected cultural diversity and individual identity?
  • Why is it important to prioritize mental health?
  • Should animals be used for scientific research?
  • How have historical events shaped the world we live in today?
  • How can volunteerism and community service benefit both individuals and society?

Essay Topics for High School Students

  • Does social media negatively impact teenagers’ social lives?
  • Do you always have your phone or tablet at your side?
  • Should children be punished for inappropriate behavior?
  • What is the most important thing in the world to you?
  • Is there a connection between real-life violence and video games?
  • Ways to deal with insomnia and other sleeping disorders.
  • Do advancements in modern technologies ruin childhood?   
  • The implementation of capital punishment should be adopted universally.
  • Methods of preventing excessive air pollution from factories.
  • Pros and cons of getting admission to an expensive university.

Essay Topics for Grade 12 

  • The Benefits and Challenges of Online Learning
  • The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
  • The Role of Social Media in Politics
  • The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Global Health
  • The Ethics of Genetic Engineering
  • The Pros and Cons of Universal Basic Income
  • The Future of Space Exploration
  • The Value of Intercultural Competence
  • The Role of Art and Culture in Society

Essay Topics for College Students 

  • What are the advantages the US educational system offers to international students?
  • Explain the possible consequences of dropping out of college.
  • Social media has played a big role in increasing business opportunities.
  • What is one thing you want to accomplish in college?
  • How would you feel about a computer grading your essays?
  • What is an extracurricular activity that has been meaningful to you?
  • Professional athletes are overpaid.
  • Do you know the secret to Taylor Swift's popularity?
  • The day you decided to change your life.
  • Can you succeed in life working in the field of art?

Essay Topics for University Level 

  • The Ethics of Human Cloning
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Employment
  • The Role of Mass Media in Shaping Public Opinion
  • The Relationship between Technology and Privacy
  • The Pros and Cons of Renewable Energy
  • The Future of Healthcare
  • The Impact of Globalization on Economic Inequality
  • The Ethics of Animal Rights
  • The Importance of Cultural Diversity in Education
  • The Role of Government in Addressing Climate Change

COVID-19 Topics

As the world continues to recover from the effects of the pandemic, it's worth examining some of the topics that emerged during this unprecedented time.

Here are some potential COVID-19 topics to reflect on:

  • How does the current situation compare with other major outbreaks in history?
  • What steps need to be taken now, or soon inaction might lead?
  • How do you get COVID-19?
  • Where do coronaviruses come from?
  • School life during COVID-19
  • How is coronavirus diagnosed?
  • Mental health challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Pros and cons of self-isolation
  • The effects of Covid-19 on business
  • A person or special friend you lost due to COVID-19

Essay Topics by Category

Here are some essay topics that can be categorized into different types of essays.

Good Argumentative Essay Topics

An  argumentative essay  presents arguments for and against an issue. You have to show both sides of the issue, but you only need to focus on the side that you support the most.

Some good argumentative essay topics are below:

  • What should be done to reduce income inequality?
  • Should self-driving cars be legal?
  • Should companies market to children?
  • Is it still important to teach English in schools?
  • Are emojis beneficial or destructive to communication?
  • Should women be allowed to fight on the front lines alongside men?
  • Is cheese a good enough substitute for milk?
  • Should the United States have one official language?
  • Are the public school policies reasonable?
  • The sales and production of tobacco should be made illegal.

Controversial Argumentative Essay Topics 

Essay topics are sometimes controversial. For your help, check this list that gives you ideas for a great essay.  

  • Are hot dogs bad for you?
  • Should euthanasia be illegal?
  • Paper books vs. E-books.
  • Are school uniforms advantageous?
  • Should torture be acceptable?
  • Sports make you a good student.
  • Is bottled water safe?
  • Monarchy: pros and cons.
  • Is prostitution a crime?
  • Should gym classes be required?

Funny Argumentative Essay Topics 

Do you want to make your essay more interesting? Why not try a funny topic? Humor is a great way to get your reader's attention and keep them interested in what you have to say.

Look at the below-mentioned interesting essay topics and write a great one.

  • Why is wearing braces fun?
  • Why are dogs, irreplaceable friends?
  • Can a diamond be a girl’s best friend?
  • Does Google make us smart?
  • Things your mother is always saying.
  • How to deal with breakups?
  • Is music class necessary?
  • Why do women like evening outs?
  • Can I join your family?
  • How not to sleep?

If there's a specific topic or type of writing that interests you, be sure to check more argumentative essay topics .

Persuasive Essay Topics

A  persuasive essay  is a type of writing that you are often asked to do in high school, college, and university. It shows how well you can persuade people with facts and logic.

Here are some topics that you can use for your help.

  • Should healthcare be universal?
  • Should students learn cursive writing in school?
  • School should take place in the evenings.
  • What is the funniest movie you’ve ever seen?
  • Do hobbies help people with their careers?
  • How does it benefit nature to reduce human paper consumption?
  • Dreamers must obtain permission to stay in the US.
  • Schools should have playtime in between classes.
  • Churches should pay taxes too.
  • Is solar energy worth the cost?

Continue reading our blog persuasive essay topics and get some more interesting topics. 

Narrative Essay Topics

A  narrative essay  is a type of writing that tells the writer's story and experiences. The writer's point of view and life events entertain the audience in this essay type.

Below are some good narrative essay topics for your help.

  • The story of how you got your first pet.
  • How did you write your first essay?
  • The beginning of a friendship or relationship.
  • What I remember most about my childhood.
  • The best songwriters of modern times.
  • Write about a time when you felt on top of the world.
  • Growing up in New York.
  • How much time do you spend alone?
  • A day in the life of a flight attendant.
  • Did you like any particular subject when in school?

You can also get more interesting narrative essay topics and choose the one that suits your needs. 

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

In a  compare and contrast essay , you show how two things are similar and different. This essay type is easy to write because you don’t need to use facts, but you have to express your thoughts.

The following are the topics for your ease.

  • Mobile healthcare units or stationary clinics.
  • Formulas of two different chemical reactions.
  • Public vs. private transportation.
  • Chocolate and marmalade candies.
  • How do education and employment compare?
  • British colonization and Spanish colonization.
  • Eating fast food against consuming healthy meals.
  • African countries vs. European countries.
  • Differences and similarities: Writing emails and letters.
  • Plagiarizing content vs. cheating on exams.

You can also check more compare and contrast essay topics an d get ideas for your next essay. 

Cause and Effect Essay Topics

It is fascinating to discuss the effects and causes of two subjects in an essay. An essay that discusses the effects and causes of two subjects enhances the students’ creative and analytical skills.

Take a look at the below topics and choose the best one for your essay.

  • How happy relationships affect a person.
  • Coke and Pepsi: Their influence on our health.
  • What causes social media sites to lose popularity?
  • Why would you mix Coke and Pepsi at breakfast?
  • How does college differ from university?
  • Explain the outcomes of low social status.
  • Microplastic in food damages human health.
  • What are the main reasons couples get divorced?
  • What are the consequences of drinking and driving?
  • How does social media help in overcoming shyness?

Choose from the best cause and effect essay topics for your academic assignment. 

Informative Essay Topics

An  informative essay  is a type of essay that provides detailed information to the readers. This type of essay requires good research skills.

Check out the below topics for your informative essay assignment.

  • Kindness is the utmost personal trait.
  • Things that cause eating disorders.
  • What is the importance of oxygen?
  • How can tanning be dangerous for your skin?
  • The events that led up to World War II.
  • Trump presidency outcomes.
  • The important human health vitamins.
  • How to clean your room?
  • Eating Maggi destroys your health.
  • Importance of vitamin C.

You can also get more informative essay topics from our blog for your essay assignment.  

Research Essay Topics

When you write a research essay, you present an issue based on the work of scholars and scientists.

Here are some interesting research essay topics that you can use or alter according to your teacher’s requirements:

  • What is the future of religion?
  • Effects of homeschooling.
  • What are the pros and cons of cloud computing?
  • How does a search engine work?
  • Should prayer be a part of high school?
  • Can bullying be a cause for murder?
  • Effects of vaccination.
  • How do behavioral patterns develop?
  • The importance of mental health.
  • Explain the art of Ancient Egypt.

Expository Essay Topics

An expository essay's main goal is to explain a process or a cause-and-effect relationship. You have to use facts and research to support what you say. The biggest difference between an expository essay  and other types of essays is that the point you are trying to argue is based on analysis, not just your opinion.

Some good expository essay topics below for your essay assignment:

  • Explain why teens do drugs.
  • How would you stop racism?
  • How was your first day at school?
  • Explain how a seed becomes a plant?
  • Describe the state of the cure for cancer
  • What makes a good friend?
  • Explain how tobacco companies target teenagers.
  • How to become a leader?
  • Why do kids lie?
  • Autocorrect could ruin your life.

Explore more expository essay topics and begin your essay with ease!

Definition Essay Topics

In a  definition essay , the essay writer gives a clear and concise definition of a term. In most cases, these essays are about terms that are not concrete and which can have different meanings depending on the culture or personal perspective.

Here are some excellent topics for a definition essay:

  • Does money matter?
  • Is one friend enough?
  • What is honesty?
  • Social media
  • Define smelly cats/
  • What is college for you?
  • What is physics?
  • Are bananas fruit?
  • Explain the word “agility.”

Get more outstanding definition essay topics from our blog and make your topic selection process easy.

Descriptive Essay Topics

A  descriptive essay  focuses on describing details of a particular person, place, event, etc. Descriptive essays are usually about personal experiences or things that are vivid in the writer's memory.

Any topic can be used for a descriptive essay. For your help, we gathered some great topics, so take a look at them and pick the best one.

  • Describe a lucky object.
  • The best singer
  • My first flight
  • My favorite singer
  • Going fishing.
  • The traffic signal
  • An inspiring view
  • Best summer vacation
  • Piece of art

If you're looking for more great descriptive essay topics , check out this blog. 

Personal Essay Topics

A personal essay is a story about your life. It should be written in a friendly, intimate tone. The essay should reflect your character and examine the emotions you have felt because of certain events that have happened to you.

Here is a great list of topics for your help.

  • Your biggest loss
  • What makes you a good coworker or friend?
  • How did you get hurt?
  • What was your most precious childhood possession?
  • Why do people like karaoke?
  • Your bucket list of wishes
  • Why do some people avoid vaccines?
  • Child discipline
  • Your family traditions.
  • Why don’t I smoke?

Problem Solution Essay Topics

A  problem-solution essay  is a persuasive type of writing. It presents a problem and then describes it in detail. The writer must show how to fix the problem, and they must be convincing. The essay must have strong evidence and arguments that prove that the given solution is the best.

Below are some topics that can make your essay great.

  • What obstacles prevent people from getting help?
  • Should college athletes be paid?
  • How can schools promote tolerance?
  • Educating women on self-defense
  • Helping young people create a healthy family.
  • What are the ways of avoiding cheating?
  • The films are just not very good
  • Cyberbullying
  • Business problems
  • Rising costs of bills

Classification Essay Topics

A  classification essay  is a formal piece of writing that shows how you group things together. You might put things with similar characteristics together or with things that are different.

Check out some great essay topics.

  • Types of Music Genres
  • Healthy breakfast foods
  • Types of fashion brands.
  • Reasons why graffiti is an art form.
  • Types of lectures
  • Portable music players
  • Types of Food Cuisines
  • Types of therapies
  • Examples of women
  • Types of internet commerce

Proposal Essay Topics

A proposal essay is a type of essay where you propose an idea and try to convince the reader why it is a good or bad idea.

You can pick any of the topics from the below-mentioned list and write a great essay.

  • Can vaccines cause autism?
  • The impact of gender roles in Roman society.
  • A program for attracting more men nurses.
  • What tests should be eliminated?
  • Offer simple ways to deal with stray animals.
  • Best ways to handle overbearing parents.
  • Do statistical arguments in sports help?
  • Turning points in personal life
  • Should teens have jobs?
  • How to decrease the number of smokers?

Essay Topics on Technology 

  • The impact of blockchain technology on supply chain management
  • The ethics of using drones in military operations
  • The role of technology in promoting sustainable agriculture
  • The use of biometrics in modern security systems
  • The impact of technology on the music industry
  • The benefits and drawbacks of self-driving cars
  • The potential of nanotechnology in medical research
  • The impact of technology on modern art
  • The role of artificial intelligence in improving cybersecurity
  • The impact of technology on the gig economy

Tips for Choosing the Best Topics 

Choosing the perfect essay topic is one of those things you really should do before starting your essay. If it's not something that interests or excites you, then how will anyone else find any passion in reading about it?

A good backbone for an interesting essay starts with a strong idea. For your help, we gathered some tips that will help you in choosing a good essay topic. 

  • Identify your interests: Choose a topic that you are interested in or passionate about. This will make the research and writing process more enjoyable and engaging for you.
  • Consider your audience: Think about who will be reading your essay. Choose a topic that is relevant and interesting to your audience.
  • Research your options: Do some preliminary research on your topic options. Ensure that there is enough information available to write a comprehensive essay.
  • Narrow your focus: If a topic seems too broad or general, try to narrow it down to a specific aspect or angle that you can explore in more detail.
  • Brainstorm multiple ideas: Generate a list of potential essay topics and then narrow down the options based on your interests, research, and audience.
  • Be creative: Don't be afraid to explore unique or unconventional topics that may not have been covered extensively before. This can help your essay stand out and capture the reader's attention.

Now, you get a list of several essay topics for your college essay assignment. You can experiment with generating new topics using an AI essay writer as well. However, if you need help in the essay writing phase, simply consult .

Our professional essay writers will help you in writing top-notch essays. So, place your " write my essay " request now and get an experienced writer’s help for your assignments.

Barbara P (Literature, Marketing)

Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.

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descriptive essay topics for university students

Descriptive Essay

Descriptive Essay Examples

Caleb S.

Descriptive Essay Examples & Writing Tips

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descriptive essay examples

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Struggling to write a descriptive essay that engages your reader? It can be frustrating to spend hours writing, only to feel like your essay is not meeting your expectations.

Relax, you're not alone! Many students find it difficult to capture readers' attention through descriptive writing.

But don't worry! Our examples of descriptive essays are here to help. These examples provide you with the perfect starting point, helping you to understand how to structure your essay to make it memorable. 

Don't let your descriptive essay fall flat. Explore our examples and learn how to write an essay that your readers won't be able to forget.

Let's dive in to learn more.

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  • 1. Grasping the Concept of Descriptive Essays
  • 2. Descriptive Essay Examples
  • 3. How to Write a Descriptive Essay?
  • 4. Tips to Write a Good Descriptive Essay

Grasping the Concept of Descriptive Essays

A descriptive essay is a type of essay in which a writer describes a specific subject in detail. The writer takes help from vivid language to paint a picture in the reader’s mind by engaging the human senses. 

Whether you are writing about a person or an historical events, use strong adjectives and adverbs to present sensory details. The main objective of writing a descriptive essay is to describe a particular subject, person, place, or situation. 

It is written in a way to make the reader feel the same way as you do. It is like a narrative essay where you provide a detailed description of the subject. 

Descriptive essays vividly depict a subject, engaging the reader's senses. They transport readers to the scene described, making it feel real.

To help you grasp the essence of a descriptive essay and enhance your descriptive writing skills, here is a selection of descriptive essay examples pdf that showcase the art of painting with words.

Descriptive Essay Example 5 Paragraph

By following a 5 paragraph structured approach, you'll learn how to create a captivating essay that vividly brings your subject to life.

It consists of five distinct paragraphs, organised in the following sequence:

  • Introduction
  • Body Paragraph 1
  • Body Paragraph 2
  • Body Paragraph 3

Here's an example of a descriptive essay using the classic 5-paragraph structure.

Subjective Descriptive Essay Example

Subjective descriptive essays are written based on personal experiences. Take a look at the below examples to understand this descriptive essay format. 

Objective Descriptive Essay Example

The objective descriptive essay is a type of descriptive essay in which you describe a person, place, or thing without any emotions or opinions.

Take a look at the below examples to understand this format better.

Descriptive Essay Example About an Object

Personal Descriptive Essay Example

In a personal descriptive essay, the writer vividly portrays a significant aspect of their life, allowing readers to connect emotionally.

Below is an example of an essay focused on a memorable childhood experience.

Descriptive Essay Example About A Person

Looking for a descriptive essay example about a person? Check out our outstanding example:

Descriptive Essay Example About A Place

Describing a place can be tricky. If you want to write a descriptive essay about a place, it is even more difficult. To understand this format better, let's take a look at this descriptive essay example about a place. 

Short Descriptive Essay Example

Many students fail to understand the key to writing a short descriptive essay. If you are one of them, here is an example that will help you get an idea of how to write it. 

Narrative and Descriptive Essay Example

A narrative descriptive essay is a type of descriptive essay where you narrate a story in an interesting manner. Take a look at the below example to understand how to write this type of essay. 

Narrative Descriptive Essay Example

Descriptive Essay Example for Middle School

Middle school students often struggle to write essays. Descriptive essay assignments might even prove to be more difficult. Here is an example that will help middle schoolers understand this format better.

Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 6

Descriptive Essay Examples For Grade 7

Descriptive Essay Example for High School

High school students face similar challenges as middle schoolers when it comes to descriptive writing. It is difficult to describe something without being generic. If you're going through something similar, here are some examples for you.

Descriptive Essay Example for High School Students

Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 10

Grade 12 Descriptive Essay Examples

Descriptive Essay Example for University and College

College and University students have to deal with complex and more challenging descriptive essay topics. Mostly, they don't have time to write such lengthy essays. Here are some examples that can help them understand such essays better.

Descriptive Essay Example for University Students

Descriptive Essay Example College

Thesis for Descriptive Essay Example

How to Write a Descriptive Essay?

There are many elements to an amazing descriptive essay. For starters, it's important that the writer stays focused on one point when learning how to write a descriptive essay.

Also, uses figurative language so readers can imagine what they're reading about in their minds.

Below are some steps as well as how to write a descriptive essay examples that you should follow for writing.

1. Choose a Good Topic

The best way to make an interesting essay is by choosing a unique topic. It will allow you the freedom of creativity. Be careful not to choose something familiar because it might get boring quickly for readers.

Short on descriptive topic ideas? Check out our extensive list of descriptive essay topics to get inspiration.

2. Create a Strong Introduction

In your opening paragraph, introduce your subject and provide some context. Engage your readers' curiosity by offering a glimpse of what you'll be describing.

Your introduction should have a topic sentence and it must set the tone and establish the mood for the essay.

Here are samples for how to write introduction for your descriptive essays:

How to Start a Descriptive Essay - Examples

Introduction of a Descriptive Essay - Examples

3. Write a Thesis Statement

It is the most important part of any essay. When you are planning a descriptive essay, you need to come up with a strong thesis statement .

A thesis statement is usually one or two sentences that explain the whole point of your essay to the reader.

4. Collect Information

To write a good essay, you need relevant information supporting your thesis statement. Make sure that you get your information from reliable sources.

5. Make an Outline

An essay outline is a way to organize your thoughts and plan what you will say in your essay. In the outline, you should have an introduction, a thesis statement, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Don’t know how to make an outline? Visit our descriptive essay outline blog and learn to create impressive outlines for your descriptive essays.

6. Use Descriptive Language

The heart of your essay lies in the details you provide. Use vivid, sensory language to help your readers envision what you're describing. 

Engage all five senses — sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch — to make your description come to life.

7. Conclude Effectively

In your conclusion, summarise the key points and leave a lasting impression. Reinforce the emotional impact of your description and provide a sense of closure.

Make your readers feel like they've completed a journey with you.

How to End a Descriptive Essay - Examples

8. Proofreading

Proofreading is the process of looking for and correcting any spelling or grammatical errors in a written essay. Proofreading makes a document look more professional, so it is important to do it before submission.

How to Write a Descriptive Essay - Example

Tips to Write a Good Descriptive Essay

Writing a good descriptive essay is both a difficult and easy task. Here we have listed some useful descriptive writing tips that will make your writing process easy and simple.

  • Preplanning:  Before you start writing, plan your essay, and write all the essential details. Please do not think that you will remember it just because you know something; it does not happen this way. Write down all the details and assemble them all in one place.
  • Use Descriptive Language: Employ vivid and specific language to paint a detailed picture. Instead of general terms, opt for precise adjectives and powerful nouns to convey a clear image.
  • Appeal to Emotions: Connect with your readers on an emotional level by describing not just the physical attributes but also the emotional significance of the subject. Help readers feel what you felt.
  • Create an Outline:  Creating a descriptive essay outline before starting the essay will keep you focused on the essay topic. Include what you will add to each of the sections. Divide it into the introductory paragraph, thesis statement, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
  • Edit and Revise:  No writing process is complete without thorough editing and proofreading. Spelling and grammar checking the essay for plagiarism are the main steps before the final submission of the essay.

Want more tips to improve your descriptive writing skills? Here is a short video clip to help you out. 

If you are not sure that you could write the essay yourself, let the experts at help you out. Our  descriptive essay writing service can craft custom-tailored, original, and high-quality essays in no time.

We specialize in providing custom papers and essays for various academic levels and subjects. So if you are looking for professiona help, our online essay service is your top choice! 

Order your essay now and get the best value for your money.

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Caleb S.

Caleb S. has been providing writing services for over five years and has a Masters degree from Oxford University. He is an expert in his craft and takes great pride in helping students achieve their academic goals. Caleb is a dedicated professional who always puts his clients first.

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Descriptive Essay Writing

Descriptive Essay Topics

John K.

Top 130 Descriptive Essay Topics for Students

Published on: May 27, 2019

Last updated on: Jan 5, 2023

Descriptive Essay Topics

On This Page On This Page

A descriptive essay is a type of essay that makes the reader feel, touch, smell, taste, hear, and see things. To write a descriptive essay that intrigues the reader, you need to choose a good descriptive essay topic idea.

We have collected some creative and good descriptive essay topics for high school students and everyone. Check out the list of topics and choose the best one for your essay.

Descriptive Essay Topics for Different Grades

Writing a descriptive essay is the easiest task. That is why professors usually assigned them to each grade’s students to improve their writing skills. Below are some interesting descriptive essay topics for different grades.

Descriptive Essay Topics for Grade 4

  • My best friend
  • My favorite pet
  • I love my dad
  • My mother is my hero
  • My favorite cartoon character
  • A visit to the museum
  • My geometry box
  • My first day at school
  • My favorite teacher

Descriptive Essay Topics for Grade 6

  • A long summer day
  • A visit to the library
  • My favorite movie
  • A nightmare
  • My favorite resort
  • My favorite vacation
  • A newscaster
  • The best fishing spot

Descriptive Essay Topics for Class 10

  • A childhood memory
  • My favorite family member
  • I love spending time with my sister
  • A person I envied
  • My inspiring friend
  • My favorite movie character
  • A peaceful place I have visited
  • The best novel writer
  • My favorite book

Good Descriptive Essay Topics for Students

Students get to write descriptive essays throughout their academic careers. Here are some excellent essay topics for students to write a perfect essay.

Descriptive Essay Topics for Middle School

  • Visiting my hometown
  • An inspiring family member
  • My favorite video game
  • My favorite sport
  • The worst childhood memory
  • The perfect train ride
  • The best television show
  • The book I hate the most
  • A lunch break

Descriptive Essay Topics for High School

  • A garden I decorated
  • The house of my dream
  • My first overseas trip
  • The concert
  • My first love
  • My favorite music genre
  • A photographer
  • The best coffee shop
  • My favorite icecream
  • My first tear of joy

Descriptive Essay Topics for College Students

  • My favorite song
  • My first day at college
  • The best restaurant in town
  • My visit to a haunted place
  • Looking into the future
  • A place I loved as a child
  • The ideal bedroom
  • The first email that I wrote
  • My dream career
  • My longest trip

Best Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Imagine the first house on the moon
  • The most exciting cruise
  • Sunset: the most serene view
  • Top 10 tourist spots around the globe
  • The wonders of New Zealand
  • A space journey
  • An addiction
  • Falling in love
  • The beauty of the starry sky

Narrative Descriptive Essay Topics

  • A view of the world from an astronauts eye
  • A ride on a subway train
  • Watching the sunrise from the top of Everest
  • The secrets of nature
  • The discovery of the atom
  • A piece of art in the gallery
  • A happy moment
  • An unforgettable walk at the beach
  • Iceland - another world

Descriptive Essay Topics About a Person

  • An unusually heightened man
  • The grey eyes of my uncle
  • How my best friend laugh
  • My boss’s dress style
  • A stranger in the crowd
  • My opponent in the baseball game
  • Julius Caesar: the legendary commander
  • Elif Shafak: the famous writer
  • A newborn baby

Descriptive Essay Topics About a Place

  • The great wall of china
  • Tajmahal: one of the eight wonders of the world
  • Perfect fantasy vacation destination
  • The place that exists just in my dreams
  • A historical museum in town
  • An old school building
  • Supermarket stores
  • My neighbor’s house
  • The principal’s office
  • Mount Everest: The highest mountain

Descriptive Essay Topics About Objects and Things

  • A special object that is lucky for me
  • My favorite outfit
  • My first car
  • The blue vase in the basement store
  • My first toy as a child
  • My mom’s favorite piece of furniture which I have torn apart
  • My first mobile phone
  • The northern lights
  • A Halloween costume
  • The traffic signal

Descriptive Essay Topics About Memories and Emotions

  • The first time I had tears of joy
  • When I fell in love
  • The most embarrassing moment
  • The best trip I took during summer vacations.
  • A special time I had with my family
  • A time when I felt scared
  • The night I experienced the death
  • When I met my girlfriend/boyfriend’s mother
  • The day I met my best friend after six years.

Descriptive Essay Topics About an Experience

  • A paranormal experience
  • When for the first time I drove the car
  • When I went for scuba diving
  • My first visit to the theater
  • Cooking is my life
  • My religious confession
  • How it feels like to be a Hollywood star
  • One day in the army
  • What is it like to be an airforce pilot?
  • How it feels like to be a friend with superstition

How to Choose a Descriptive Essay Topic

Now that you have a list of amazing descriptive essay topics, it is difficult for you to choose a good topic. Here are some tips to help you choose the best topic for your essay.

  • As the name suggests that descriptive essays describe something so that the reader feels like they actually experienced it. So, whenever you choose the topic, make sure you can show not tell the story.
  • Make sure the topic charms each of the five senses, i.e. touch, taste, smell, see, and hear.
  • Choose the one that interests you the most.
  • Make sure it is not just interesting but informative.

Descriptive Essay Writing Tips

After selecting the topic, the next step is to write an essay. Below are the tips to help you write a good essay.

  • Choose a unique and creative topic for a descriptive essay
  • Write a compelling opening to hook the reader with the essay
  • Provide sensory details in the body paragraphs
  • Use simple words and vivid descriptions to amaze the reader
  • The tactic that makes your essay perfect is “Show, don’t tell”
  • Use ethos, pathos, and logos to intrigue the five senses of the reader.
  • The story should flow logically. Start from the beginning and follow the same sequence in which it actually happened.
  • Write several drafts to make your essay free of errors
  • After writing the essay, take a break before proofreading your essay
  • Spelling and grammar checking is an important factor that should not be missed
  • Ask your friend or any family to read your essay. It is way much easier for them to catch mistakes that might be missed by you.

If you follow these tips you will surely choose the best topic and write a perfect essay. However, if you need any help with academic writing we are here for you. is a professional essay writing service that offers affordable writing help.

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John K. (Analytics, Speech)

John K. is a professional writer and author with many publications to his name. He has a Ph.D. in the field of management sciences, making him an expert on the subject matter. John is highly sought after for his insights and knowledge, and he regularly delivers keynote speeches and conducts workshops on various topics related to writing and publishing. He is also a regular contributor to various online publications.

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Enago Academy

Academic Essay Writing Made Simple: 4 types and tips

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The pen is mightier than the sword, they say, and nowhere is this more evident than in academia. From the quick scribbles of eager students to the inquisitive thoughts of renowned scholars, academic essays depict the power of the written word. These well-crafted writings propel ideas forward and expand the existing boundaries of human intellect.

What is an Academic Essay

An academic essay is a nonfictional piece of writing that analyzes and evaluates an argument around a specific topic or research question. It serves as a medium to share the author’s views and is also used by institutions to assess the critical thinking, research skills, and writing abilities of a students and researchers.  

Importance of Academic Essays

4 main types of academic essays.

While academic essays may vary in length, style, and purpose, they generally fall into four main categories. Despite their differences, these essay types share a common goal: to convey information, insights, and perspectives effectively.

1. Expository Essay

2. Descriptive Essay

3. Narrative Essay

4. Argumentative Essay

Expository and persuasive essays mainly deal with facts to explain ideas clearly. Narrative and descriptive essays are informal and have a creative edge. Despite their differences, these essay types share a common goal ― to convey information, insights, and perspectives effectively.

Expository Essays: Illuminating ideas

An expository essay is a type of academic writing that explains, illustrates, or clarifies a particular subject or idea. Its primary purpose is to inform the reader by presenting a comprehensive and objective analysis of a topic.

By breaking down complex topics into digestible pieces and providing relevant examples and explanations, expository essays allow writers to share their knowledge.

What are the Key Features of an Expository Essay

descriptive essay topics for university students

Provides factual information without bias

descriptive essay topics for university students

Presents multiple viewpoints while maintaining objectivity

descriptive essay topics for university students

Uses direct and concise language to ensure clarity for the reader

descriptive essay topics for university students

Composed of a logical structure with an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion

When is an expository essay written.

1. For academic assignments to evaluate the understanding of research skills.

2. As instructional content to provide step-by-step guidance for tasks or problem-solving.

3. In journalism for objective reporting in news or investigative pieces.

4. As a form of communication in the professional field to convey factual information in business or healthcare.

How to Write an Expository Essay

Expository essays are typically structured in a logical and organized manner.

1. Topic Selection and Research

  • Choose a topic that can be explored objectively
  • Gather relevant facts and information from credible sources
  • Develop a clear thesis statement

2. Outline and Structure

  • Create an outline with an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion
  • Introduce the topic and state the thesis in the introduction
  • Dedicate each body paragraph to a specific point supporting the thesis
  • Use transitions to maintain a logical flow

3. Objective and Informative Writing

  • Maintain an impartial and informative tone
  • Avoid personal opinions or biases
  • Support points with factual evidence, examples, and explanations

4. Conclusion

  • Summarize the key points
  • Reinforce the significance of the thesis

Descriptive Essays: Painting with words

Descriptive essays transport readers into vivid scenes, allowing them to experience the world through the writer ‘s lens. These essays use rich sensory details, metaphors, and figurative language to create a vivid and immersive experience . Its primary purpose is to engage readers’ senses and imagination.

It allows writers to demonstrate their ability to observe and describe subjects with precision and creativity.

What are the Key Features of Descriptive Essay

descriptive essay topics for university students

Employs figurative language and imagery to paint a vivid picture for the reader

descriptive essay topics for university students

Demonstrates creativity and expressiveness in narration

descriptive essay topics for university students

Includes close attention to detail, engaging the reader’s senses

descriptive essay topics for university students

Engages the reader’s imagination and emotions through immersive storytelling using analogies, metaphors, similes, etc.

When is a descriptive essay written.

1. Personal narratives or memoirs that describe significant events, people, or places.

2. Travel writing to capture the essence of a destination or experience.

3. Character sketches in fiction writing to introduce and describe characters.

4. Poetry or literary analyses to explore the use of descriptive language and imagery.

How to Write a Descriptive Essay

The descriptive essay lacks a defined structural requirement but typically includes: an introduction introducing the subject, a thorough description, and a concluding summary with insightful reflection.

1. Subject Selection and Observation

  • Choose a subject (person, place, object, or experience) to describe
  • Gather sensory details and observations

2. Engaging Introduction

  • Set the scene and provide the context
  • Use of descriptive language and figurative techniques

3. Descriptive Body Paragraphs

  • Focus on specific aspects or details of the subject
  • Engage the reader ’s senses with vivid imagery and descriptions
  • Maintain a consistent tone and viewpoint

4. Impactful Conclusion

  • Provide a final impression or insight
  • Leave a lasting impact on the reader

Narrative Essays: Storytelling in Action

Narrative essays are personal accounts that tell a story, often drawing from the writer’s own experiences or observations. These essays rely on a well-structured plot, character development, and vivid descriptions to engage readers and convey a deeper meaning or lesson.

What are the Key features of Narrative Essays

descriptive essay topics for university students

Written from a first-person perspective and hence subjective

descriptive essay topics for university students

Based on real personal experiences

descriptive essay topics for university students

Uses an informal and expressive tone

descriptive essay topics for university students

Presents events and characters in sequential order

When is a narrative essay written.

It is commonly assigned in high school and college writing courses to assess a student’s ability to convey a meaningful message or lesson through a personal narrative. They are written in situations where a personal experience or story needs to be recounted, such as:

1. Reflective essays on significant life events or personal growth.

2. Autobiographical writing to share one’s life story or experiences.

3. Creative writing exercises to practice narrative techniques and character development.

4. College application essays to showcase personal qualities and experiences.

How to Write a Narrative Essay

Narrative essays typically follow a chronological structure, with an introduction that sets the scene, a body that develops the plot and characters, and a conclusion that provides a sense of resolution or lesson learned.

1. Experience Selection and Reflection

  • Choose a significant personal experience or event
  • Reflect on the impact and deeper meaning

2. Immersive Introduction

  • Introduce characters and establish the tone and point of view

3. Plotline and Character Development

  • Advance   the  plot and character development through body paragraphs
  • Incorporate dialog , conflict, and resolution
  • Maintain a logical and chronological flow

4. Insightful Conclusion

  • Reflect on lessons learned or insights gained
  • Leave the reader with a lasting impression

Argumentative Essays: Persuasion and Critical Thinking

Argumentative essays are the quintessential form of academic writing in which writers present a clear thesis and support it with well-researched evidence and logical reasoning. These essays require a deep understanding of the topic, critical analysis of multiple perspectives, and the ability to construct a compelling argument.

What are the Key Features of an Argumentative Essay?

descriptive essay topics for university students

Logical and well-structured arguments

descriptive essay topics for university students

Credible and relevant evidence from reputable sources

descriptive essay topics for university students

Consideration and refutation of counterarguments

descriptive essay topics for university students

Critical analysis and evaluation of the issue 

When is an argumentative essay written.

Argumentative essays are written to present a clear argument or stance on a particular issue or topic. In academic settings they are used to develop critical thinking, research, and persuasive writing skills. However, argumentative essays can also be written in various other contexts, such as:

1. Opinion pieces or editorials in newspapers, magazines, or online publications.

2. Policy proposals or position papers in government, nonprofit, or advocacy settings.

3. Persuasive speeches or debates in academic, professional, or competitive environments.

4. Marketing or advertising materials to promote a product, service, or idea.

How to write an Argumentative Essay

Argumentative essays begin with an introduction that states the thesis and provides context. The body paragraphs develop the argument with evidence, address counterarguments, and use logical reasoning. The conclusion restates the main argument and makes a final persuasive appeal.

  • Choose a debatable and controversial issue
  • Conduct thorough research and gather evidence and counterarguments

2. Thesis and Introduction

  • Craft a clear and concise thesis statement
  • Provide background information and establish importance

3. Structured Body Paragraphs

  • Focus each paragraph on a specific aspect of the argument
  • Support with logical reasoning, factual evidence, and refutation

4. Persuasive Techniques

  • Adopt a formal and objective tone
  • Use persuasive techniques (rhetorical questions, analogies, appeals)

5. Impactful Conclusion

  • Summarize the main points
  • Leave the reader with a strong final impression and call to action

To learn more about argumentative essay, check out this article .

5 Quick Tips for Researchers to Improve Academic Essay Writing Skills

descriptive essay topics for university students

Use clear and concise language to convey ideas effectively without unnecessary words

descriptive essay topics for university students

Use well-researched, credible sources to substantiate your arguments with data, expert opinions, and scholarly references

descriptive essay topics for university students

Ensure a coherent structure with effective transitions, clear topic sentences, and a logical flow to enhance readability 

descriptive essay topics for university students

To elevate your academic essay, consider submitting your draft to a community-based platform like Open Platform  for editorial review 

descriptive essay topics for university students

Review your work multiple times for clarity, coherence, and adherence to academic guidelines to ensure a polished final product

By mastering the art of academic essay writing, researchers and scholars can effectively communicate their ideas, contribute to the advancement of knowledge, and engage in meaningful scholarly discourse.

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