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Important information for scholarship applicants

Two students read a brochure in the library

You would like to apply for a DAAD scholarship in Germany? Information and answers to questions about application conditions, requirements and the selection procedure are available here.

  • Requirements for scholarship application
  • Preparing your application
  • Planning your project
  • Writing your application
  • The selection procedure
  • Scholarship benefits

A. Requirements for scholarship application

1. is there an age limit for daad scholarships.

No, there is usually no fixed age limit. There are individual exceptions in programmes in which this is explicitly requested by an international partner. Most scholarship programmes stipulate that only a certain amount of time should have elapsed since the last degree was obtained (see also question 2 ). For details, please refer to the respective Call for Applications at under the heading "Application requirements" .

2. I finished my university degree or started my doctorate longer ago than the application requirements specify. Am I still eligible to apply?

Yes, an application may be permissible under the following circumstances which may have a delaying effect on studies or doctoral projects:

  • pregnancy and childbirth
  • care of children up to the age of 12 (maximum of three years per child)
  • care of care-dependent relatives
  • disability or chronic illness
  • prolonged, serious illness
  • compulsory military service
  • if applicable, other circumstances.

The dates of birth of children and periods of childcare or care of relatives or longer periods of absence due to illness or disability should be indicated in the application form; the last free text field "Other comments / Information"  is available for this purpose. DAAD reserves the right to ask you to submit appropriate supporting documents.

Please provide proof of disabilities or illnesses in the form of a disability card or medical certificate. If possible, the medical certificate should indicate the periods of absence.

Information about studying abroad with a disability or chronic illness is provided in the following: Mobility with a Disability .

Other circumstances must also be justified and substantiated with supporting documents.

3. I have not completed my university degree by the application deadline. Am I still eligible to apply for a scholarship?

Yes, in programmes which require a first university degree, you can apply in your last year of study. You must then meet all the academic requirements set out in the Call for Applications by the time your funding period begins. Also, you can hand in your degree later; it must be submitted before the start of the funding period.

4. I'm already in Germany. Am I still eligible to apply?

Yes, if you have been in Germany for a maximum of 15 months by the closing date for applications and the Call for Scholarship Applications makes no other specifications.

5. I am not currently living in my country of origin. Am I still eligible to apply for a scholarship?

An application from your current country of residence is possible under certain circumstances:

  • If you wish to apply for a short-term scholarship (up to 6 months), you must have lived in your country of residence for at least one year at the time of application and have a residence there.
  • If you would like to come to Germany for more than 6 months, you must also have obtained your last degree (e.g. Bachelor / Master ) in your country of residence or obtain this degree until the start of the scholarship.

In any case, you can apply from your country of origin, even if you currently live in another country and meet the above requirements. Your country of origin is usually the country in which you have spent most of your life and may differ from your nationality.

Example: You were born and raised in Albania and have lived in the UK for four years , where you also obtained your Bachelor's degree. It is best to apply from the UK as you have a UK degree. It is possible to apply from Albania as an alternative. - However, you may not apply from both countries at the same time.

We strongly recommend that you seek information and advice to find out which scholarship programmes are available to you. Contact persons are listed in the Scholarship database under "Contact and advice" .

6. I have dual citizenship. From which country should I apply?

Dual nationals must apply from their country of origin (usually the country where you have spent most of your life). If the requirements are met, an application from the current country of residence is also possible, as described above (A5) . Nationality alone does not entitle you to apply from a country you have never lived in and are not currently living in.

Example: You were born and raised in Argentina, currently live there and have Argentinean and Italian citizenship. You can only apply from Argentina. It is not possible to apply from Italy.

7. I am enrolled in a study programme at a German university and aim to complete this degree in Germany, or I am completing a doctoral degree at a German university. Can I apply for a DAAD scholarship for a stay in a country other than Germany?

Under the following conditions, foreign nationals who live in Germany may also apply for a DAAD scholarhip for stays in other countries than Germany.

  • You are enrolled in a study programme at a German university with the aim of obtaining a degree from the German university, or
  • you are doing your doctorate at a German university

and want do go abroad during this time . This regulation does not apply to international students/ doctoral candidates who are already being funded with an "Incoming DAAD scholarship" in Germany.

In addition, persons of equal status to Germans according to § 8 Para. 1 Number 2ff. Paragraph 2, Paragraph 2a, and Paragraph 3 BAföG can apply. In this context, the wording of the law applies, which can be found here .

Furthermore, it will be checked to what extent there is a connection to Germany and whether there is a justified expectation that you will return to Germany after the end of the temporary stay abroad.

A funding in your home country is usually excluded.

Programmes for funding abroad for students in Germany are listed in our scholarship database .

8. Can I apply for a scholarship whatever subject I am studying?

Principally yes: DAAD offers many  scholarship programmes that are open to almost all subjects, although restrictions apply to some subjects (e.g. medicine).

There are also subject-specific programmes that are aimed at very specific subject areas, such as architecture, music or computer science. In the Scholarship database , you can select the scholarships programmes that are offered for your subject group.

9. What language skills do I need to apply for a scholarship?

Not all programmes require a general minimum language level for funding applications. Depending on country of origin and scholarship programme, however, certain language skills may be expected. You can find out which requirements these are in the section "Application requirements"  and under "Application documents"  of the Call for Applications. Please read these requirements thoroughly to find out what applies to your programme and your country.

If you are awarded the scholarship, the DAAD can provide a preparatory German language course for you. The DAAD scholarship selection committee will assess whether such a German course is necessary for you and how many months (maximum six) are appropriate. These German courses will enable you to improve your German language skills. However, it is not realistic to reach the level required for university admission within the framework of these courses if you have no or only very limited German language skills by then.

In order to apply for a place at a German higher education institution and thus to start your scholarship , you must also submit proof of your language skills (e.g. DSH or TestDaF if the language of instruction is German; e.g. TOEFL or IELTS if the language of instruction is English). Level C1 is often required; however, this varies from degree programme to degree programme. Please contact your chosen host university as early as possible to find out about the requirements you need to meet. You can also find more information about the requirements on our website.

10. My German language skills are not yet sufficient. Are there e-learning language courses that I can take in my home country to improve my skills?

Yes, there are internet offers for learning German . For example, the Goethe-Institut as well as Deutsche-Uni Online (DUO) offer special online courses in German. For scholarship holders whose funding lasts longer than six months, DAAD will pay the costs of one DUO module.

Furthermore, you can find a wide range of free online content for learning German on Deutsche Welle on .

11. I am considering taking a distance / online / part-time course (e.g. dual course of study) in Germany. Am I eligible to apply for a DAAD scholarship?

No, DAAD scholarships are awarded to applicants wishing to complete a full-time course of study with compulsory attendance in Germany. This is why applicants wishing to take a blended learning or distance/e-learning programme or part-time programme (e.g. dual course of study) are not eligible for DAAD funding.

Only in the programme University Winter Courses Online for Foreign Students and Graduates  is it currently possible to take part in a language course online.

12. I already have a scholarship from the European Union, the DAAD or another organization in Germany. Can I still receive a DAAD scholarship?

If you are already funded by the DAAD, another German funding organization or another state agency in Germany, you cannot receive a scholarship from the DAAD at the same time.

An Erasmus scholarship is not compatible with a full DAAD scholarship. Scholarship holders in the "University Summer Courses in Germany" and "University Winter Courses in Germany" programmes as well as those who receive a partial scholarship from DAAD can also take advantage of ERASMUS funding.

13. How good do my grades have to be in order for me to receive a DAAD scholarship?

The DAAD primarily supports individuals with high academic achievements. As a rule, the scholarship programmes do not stipulate a minimum grade point average for the application. Academic performance (selection criterion "qualification") is nevertheless an important criterion for the award of the scholarship.

But good grades are not everything: other aspects are also taken into account that are also important, such as the quality of the project, language skills, motivation, extracurricular commitment, special circumstances, etc.

Further information on the selection criteria can be found at Section E .

B. Preparing your application

1. in the call for applications a so-called "letter of motivation" must be submitted. what does this mean.

In a letter of motivation, you are required to describe your professional and personal reasons for your planned project in Germany on at least one and no more than three pages.

A letter of motivation gives you the opportunity to describe your personality and the reasons why you are applying for DAAD funding in your own words. The following information and questions will help you write an informative letter of motivation.

  • Studies: study programme, number of semesters , if applicable, degree
  • Professional experience, if applicable
  • Specialised knowledge, skills and language skills
  • Prizes and awards (if applicable)
  • Why do you wish to take the study programme or attend the language or specialist course for which you are applying?
  • What appeals to you about your chosen university?
  • What do you hope to gain from your stay in Germany (personal, professional, for your career)?
  • Why are you applying for a DAAD scholarship?
  • What do you expect of this scholarship?
  • How will the scholarship help you achieve your academic, professional and personal goals?
  • Here you can outline special extracurricular achievements and commitments or personal qualities that say something about your character.

2. The calls for applications for research grants require a so-called "proposal". What does this mean?

A proposal is a detailed and precise description of the project you have agreed to complete with your academic supervisor. In a proposal, you define the goals of your research work, reflect upon theoretical and methodical procedures and you describe the individual steps. You have to prepare and formulate the proposal yourself. Taking over proposals from others is a violation of the Rules of Good Academic Practice .

The objective

  • What is the subject of your research project?
  • Which steps are planned?
  • What is the time schedule for your planned research project?

The structure

The proposal (unless otherwise stated in the scholarship announcement, maximum of 10 pages) should contain details about:

  • The research field in general and the current state of research literature:
  • What is the current state of research?
  • Which theories/work of other academics will you draw upon?
  • What theoretical framework or scientific models will you use? Explain the reasons why you are drawing on this theory or model. Are there competing theories/models and, if so, why are you not using these in your project?
  • What is your research question?
  • Key research questions (hypotheses), research objectives and academic relevance of the project:
  • What do you intend to find out?
  • What goals are you pursuing with your project?
  • Research strategies/methods:
  • How do you intend answering the research questions?
  • How do you want to collect data (document analyses, quantitative or qualitative survey, experiment, etc.)?
  • Which academic literature will you use?
  • How will you evaluate results?
  • What preparation have you already done or intend doing before funding begins?
  • Ethical issues/anticipated difficulties related to collecting data
  • Research bibliography: List of books and essays upon which your work is based.

Please note that the time plan must be uploaded to the DAAD portal as a separate document.

C. Planning your project

1. do i need contacts in germany when i apply.

If you wish to carry out individual research or complete a doctorate in Germany, you need confirmation from a university teacher that you are being supervised in Germany (see question 2 ). If you are taking part in a structured doctoral programme, proof of existing contacts to a doctoral programme coordinator must be submitted in the form of respective correspondence.

If you wish to take a Master's degree in Germany, all you need to provide is information about your study programmes for which you would like to apply (see "Application procedure" in the Call for Applications).

2. I need a supervisor for my individual project in Germany. Who can be my host?

Hosts can be university teachers or academic teaching staff who work at a state or state-recognised institution of higher education or a non-university research institution in Germany. If possible, the host should have a professorial qualification in an academic field.

These tips on the site Research in Germany will help you find an academic supervisor.

3. I have already found a supervisor for my individual project. What documents do I need from him/her for the application?

You need a "Letter confirming academic supervision" . With this, your academic host confirms their willingness to support you in carrying out your research project or doctorate . You must submit the confirmation of supervision together with your application.

Ideally, the letter of confirmation (informal) from your supervisor

  • indicates that the description of your research project and schedule have been discussed,
  • confirms that a workplace is available for you, and
  • indicates which working language is spoken at the host institute.

4. I am planning to study for a Master's degree in Germany. What do I have to consider when applying for a place at university?

You will have to arrange your application for admission and possible matriculation at the host university yourself. Even a DAAD scholarship is no guarantee that you will get a place at a particular university in Germany. If you do not receive admission to study your scholarship will be forfeited.

It is therefore important that you inform yourself well in advance about the application requirements and deadlines and apply to several universities. When searching, also look for courses offered by universities of Applied sciences (HAW) or smaller universities. This will increase your chances of being admitted.

Information on suitable study programmes can be found, for example, in the database for international programmes or all degree programmes in the Higher Education Compass.

D. Writing your application

1. how do i apply for a daad scholarship.

Application procedures may vary depending on scholarship programme. To find out where and how to apply, please read the "Application procedure" section of the Call for Applications in the Scholarship database ( ). Seek advice if you have any questions.

Contact persons (often in your area) are listed under "Contact and advice" . A list of locations and contact data from the DAAD network is available here .

2. In the Call for Applications it is said that I have to apply through the DAAD portal.

What does this mean.

You have to apply online. To do this, you must register in the DAAD portal. In the scholarship database , first select your chosen scholarship programme and then the tab "Submit application" . Note that this tab is only shown during an ongoing application period. The closing date for applications is indicated in the "Application procedure" tab.

I have technical problems with my online application. What can I do?

If technical problems occur, the portal hotline is available to help you on weekdays from 9 am to midday at (+49) 228/882-8888 or by e-mail at [email protected] .

Which documents do I have to upload to be able to submit an application to the DAAD portal?

Your application is only complete if you submit all the application documents listed in the Call for Applications. Artistic work samples (e.g. audio files) are uploaded via a media databas e – you will receive an upload link as indicated in the Call for Aplication. In some cases, individual documents (e.g. university certificate) may be submitted at a later date if this is explicitly permitted in the programme's Call for Applications.

Do I receive confirmation that my application has been received?

Yes, as soon as you have submitted your application online, you will automatically receive confirmation that your application has been successfully submitted and an e-mail informing you that a message has been sent to you via the portal's messaging system. The message confirms that your application has been received.

3. The Call for Applications states that I have to submit a reference from a university teacher. Who can write a reference for my application?

References in scientific subjects should be written by university teachers with a doctoral degree who can provide information about the following:

  • What are your academic achievements?
  • What are your academic and personal qualities?
  • Is your project well planned, feasible and relevant?
  • What significance does the scholarship have for your academic and professional career?

Find out how to generate and submit the reference form in the respective Call for Applications in the Scholarship database ( ).

4. Do I have to apply in German?

Unless otherwise stated in the Call for Applications, you can submit your application either in German or English. Please note that application documents that are not in German or English, e.g. university certificates, must be translated either into German or English. The translations do not have to be certified for the application procedure and you may do the translations yourself.

5. What language certificates do I need when I apply for a scholarship?

You can find out what language certificates you need when you apply for a scholarship in the "Application procedure" section of the Call for Applications.

When submitting your scholarship application to the DAAD you must provide proof of your current level of proficiency in the language of instruction ( German, English or German and English ) of your chosen degree programme.

As a rule, the following certificates can be considered as language certificates for German :

  • German Language Diploma of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (DSD),
  • Goethe-Zertifikat ,
  • Austrian Language Diploma as well as
  • telc Deutsch and
  • onSET Deutsch .

The following certificates, for example, can be submitted as proof of English language proficiency:

  • Cambridge English,
  • Cambridge Business,
  • TOEFL Essentials,
  • TOEIC as well as
  • PTE Academic and
  • An onSET test can be taken in many countries, e.g. with a DAAD Lecturer. Please also take a look at "Contact and Advice" .

6. I obtained a German Language Diploma II (DSD II) more than two years ago. Do I still have to submit a language certificate for German?

In this case, a simple placement test (e.g. a free online test) is a sufficient proof of your current language skills.

7. Do my certificates and transcripts (lists of grades) have to be certified for my application?

No, not initially. DAAD reserves the right to request certified documents after a positive selection decision has been made.

E. The selection procedure

1. who makes a decision about my application.

Scholarship applications are reviewed by an independent and voluntary selection committee. This may be made up of local and/or German university teachers, researchers and DAAD Lecturers. Depending on scholarship programme and the local situation, the best applicants may also be required to introduce themselves personally. This can take place either on site, face-to-face, or virtually.

Depending on programme, the selection decision is made either by the local selection committee directly or – in the case of a two-stage selection procedure – by another independent committee of academics in Germany. DAAD staff are not entitled to vote in the scholarship selection procedure.

2. Will I be given the names of the professors involved in the selection?

No. In order to maintain the independence of our volunteer selection committee members, we must ensure that they can make their assessments without any influence or bias. For this reason, like other funding institutions, we refrain from disclosing the composition of the individual commissions and the names of any additional experts who may have been consulted.

At the same time, strict bias regulations apply to the selection experts: To avoid conflicts of interest/bias, experts are not allowed to evaluate applications from the university’s own faculty or examine applicants with whom they have a personal (supervisory) relationship.

3. According to which criteria does the selection committee make its decision?

The key selection criteria are:

Professional qualification

  • Academic achievements (grade point average, development of grades)
  • Academic progress
  • Knowledge of the language(s) of instruction or working language(s)
  • Academic performance (general grade point average, grade development)
  • School-leaving certificate, if applicable
  • Course of studies
  • Knowledge of the language of instruction or working language
  • If applicable, relevant internships, work experience

Quality of the study or research project

Study project:

  • Quality of the study project and of the preparation (preliminary information, choice of degree programme, host university and establishment of contacts)
  • Integration of the project into the academic career path
  • Quality of the study project as well as the preparation (preliminary information, choice of study programme, host university and establishment of contacts)

Research project:

  • Quality of research proposal and preparation (originality, topicality and relevance of the project, choice of host institution and first contacts)
  • Feasibility and consistency of study plan and schedule
  • Incorporation of project within the overall doctorate (in terms of content and time), if relevant
  • Quality of the research project as well as the preparation (originality, topicality and relevance of the project, choice of host institution and establishment of contacts).
  • Feasibility and consistency of the work plan and timetable (analysis and evaluation steps)
  • Embedding of the project in the overall doctoral project (in terms of content/time), if relevant

Potential of the applicant

  • Motivation: academic and personal reasons for the stay in Germany, German language skills (if different from the working language);
  • Prospects: Significance of the stay in Germany for further academic, professional and personal development.
  • Extracurricular commitment: extracurricular knowledge and skills, social commitment.
  • Motivation: professional and personal reasons for the stay in Germany, German language skills (if different from the working language);
  • Perspectives: Importance of the stay in Germany for further academic, professional and personal development

In addition, in order to ensure equal opportunities, the selection committee may take into account special circumstances, which you can state in the application form. Examples of "special circumstances" are

  • disability,
  • chronic or prolonged illness,
  • raising children,
  • caring for relatives,
  • extensive employment required to finance studies.

In these or comparable cases, disadvantages will be compensated for when assessing the application.

Depending on scholarship programme, additional selection criteria may be relevant, e.g. language skills. To find out what applies to your programme, read the Call for Applications in the Scholarship database ( ).

F. Scholarship benefits

1. how much scholarship money is paid a month.

The scholarship payment depends on the academic qualifications of the scholarship holders and on the scholarship programme. Scholars taking a Master's programme typically receive  EUR   934 , doctoral candidates and postdocs  EUR 1,300 . Rates for university teachers are usually EUR 2,000 for assistant teachers , assistant professors and lecturers , EUR 2,150 for professors .

You can find an overview of other possible benefits in each programme's Call for Applications in the Scholarship database ( ).

2. Who pays for outward and return travel expenses?

DAAD grants an allowance towards travel expenses in the form of a lump sum. You can find more information on the travel allowance in the respective Call for Applications the Scholarship database .

3. Are there additional benefits for family members?

Under certain conditions, DAAD offers an allowance for accompanying spouses, child allowance and insurance benefits for spouses, registered partners and children ("marital allowance"). For scholarship holders with a funding period of over six months, please read the Call for Applications in the Scholarship database ( ) to find out if a programme provides for family members. If the funding period is less than 6 months, no family benefits will be granted.

The "marital allowance" is 276 euros per month . If you are not entitled to state child benefit, you can apply for a DAAD child allowance in the amount of the state child benefit. Currently, you receive 250 euros per month per child . Information on state child benefit can be found here .

4. Do I have to take out health insurance in Germany and does DAAD contribute towards this?

Scholarship holders and accompanying family members must be covered by health insurance from the first day of their stay in Germany. In many programmes, insurance coverage is part of the scholarship. As a rule, the DAAD then takes out health insurance for the scholarship holder as part of the scholarship and pays the premiums. Please read the "Scholarship benefits" section of the Call for Applications in the Scholarship database ( ).

If your chosen programme does not include insurance coverage, under certain circumstances you may be able to take out inexpensive health, accident and personal liability insurance through DAAD at your own expense.

If you have any more questions, contact DAAD's insurance office: [email protected] or +49-228-8828770.

5. Am I allowed to take on a part-time job as a scholarship holder in Germany?

Scholarship holders wishing to work part-time during their scholarship period, i.e. pursue gainful employment or an unpaid internship , always require the approval of DAAD. It is necessary that your academic supervisor or course coordinator must also give their consent.

DAAD will verify that the part-time employment does not interfere with the purpose of the scholarship. Additional income exceeding EUR 520 gross per month shall be deducted from the monthly scholarship payment.

6. I am receiving a second scholarship from provider in my home country. How does this impact my DAAD scholarship?

A second scholarship from an international provider of up to EUR 520 will not have an effect on your DAAD scholarship. If the second scholarship exceeds this amount, the excess amount shall be deducted from the DAAD scholarship.

A scholarship form another German funding organisation or another state agency in Germany may not be used at the same time as a DAAD scholarship (see also question A.11 ).

7. Some universities in Germany charge tuition fees. Do I have to pay these fees if I'm receiving a DAAD scholarship?

Yes. DAAD does not pay tuition fees for its scholarship holders. Even as a scholarship holder, you should therefore ask your chosen host university whether tuition fees are charged for your programme.

Although tuition fees are not generally charged in Germany, studying at some locations is not always free. In the federal state of Baden-Württemberg , international students from non-EU/EEA countries ( Bachelor and Master's level ) at state universities have to pay a fee of EUR 1,500 per semester.

Private universities in all federal states may also charge tuition fees. These can vary. Both state and private universities in all federal states may also charge fees for so-called " weiterbildende Masterstudiengänge " (non-consecutive Master's degrees), that often require previous professional experience or lead to a specific additional qualification. These include, for example, the so-called LL.M degree programmes for law students. Fees for these programmes are sometimes very high so you should find out about them in advance.

8. Are there additional scholarship benefits for people with a disability or chronic illness?

Yes, in such cases you can apply for additional benefits which individually supplement the regular scholarship benefits. To do so, please contact the relevant contact person at DAAD following the scholarship selection procedure.

Please note: It is not necessary to specify your disability or chronic illness on the application form but under certain circumstances it may be helpful, for example if your disability negatively impacted your studies or academic achievements and this should be taken into account in the selection procedure. For more details, go to Mobility with a disability .

9. In my scholarship programme, a monthly rent subsidy may be granted if applicable. What are the requirements and what is the amount of the rent subsidy?

If you are in Germany alone, without accompanying children or spouse/registered partner , and are studying or researching in a place with particularly expensive rents (rent levels III to VII), you may be able to receive a monthly rent subsidy of a maximum of  EUR 350 . Whether the application is approved depends, among other things, on what portion of your scholarship you have to spend on rent and whether the accommodation is customary in the locality and appropriate. The amount of the rent subsidy depends, among other things, on the amount of the warm rent for your accommodation.

If you live together with your family (spouse or registered partner and/or children) in a flat in Germany, you can apply for a rent subsidy in any place in Germany. In this case, too, we will first check what share of your scholarship you have to spend on rent and whether the accommodation is customary in the locality and appropriate.

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Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degree Scholarship

About the scholarship, application, details about funding.

This is one special scholarships of the DAAD that has become popular given the way it beautifully combines the advantages offered by the applicant's own country and Germany.

Take a quick look

Take a quick look

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What is the bi-nationally supervised doctoral degree scholarship (PhD sandwich) programme?

This is a scholarship programme specially designed for students who have enrolled for PhD at an institution in South Asia and want to do a part of their research in Germany. They get to carry out research at the home institution and also in Germany. As a scholarship holder the student not only gets access to a wide range of resources and advanced infrastructure but also guidance and exposure.

Will I have one supervisor from my university and one from a German institution?

Indeed! Your doctoral research is supervised by a supervisor from your home university as well as by a supervisor from your host institution in Germany. This way you get guidance from multiple perspectives.

While the role of the DAAD is to provide you with the finances for your stay in Germany, your contribution is to identify and get acceptance from the German supervisor. Both these supervisors will need to sign your proposal.

Will I get the doctoral degree from my home university or the German university?

Your home institution awards you the doctoral degree. After your research in Germany, you come back, consolidate your research, and submit your PhD thesis to the home institution. They will evaluate it and award you a PhD.

Am I eligible for this scholarship?

You are eligible to apply for this scholarship if you are formally registered for your PhD. After the third year of PhD registration, you are no longer eligible.

What is the application deadline?

The application deadline is 20 October every year. This is for scholarship starting from October of the following year.

The application portal opens 6 weeks ahead of the deadline.

Do I need to know German to apply for the scholarship?

To apply for this scholarship the knowledge of the German language is not mandatory.

What is the selection procedure?

After you have submitted all the required documents online successfully, an independent selection committee consisting of specialist scientists from Germany and the region i.e. India/ Bangladesh/ Bhutan/ Nepal/ Sri Lanka reviews your application. If you are shortlisted, you are invited for a personal interview which either takes place in face to face or online.

What are the selection criteria?

Your academic qualifications including your scholarly achievements after the graduation and quality of your research project, research publications if any etc. are checked during the selection.

Your personal interview plays a very important role.

What is the duration of the scholarship?

Initially the scholarship is awarded for 12 months.

Based on approvals from the home supervisor, the host professor and the DAAD, the scholarship can be extended for another (maximum) 12 months.

What is the scholarship value and what all is covered?

You get the scholarship value of €1,200 per month once you are in Germany. This is in addition to travel allowance, funding for the mandatory language course, research allowance and insurance. The scholarship also covers monthly allowance for accompanying members of family. The amount is not taxable.

An individual student typically requires about EUR 934 per month  for subsistence i.e. housing, food, clothing, study material and other expenses such as health insurance and leisure activities. The amounts can vary from city to city, and of course from lifestyle to lifestyle! The precise split up for this amount will be updated soon.

Additionally, travel and accommodation expenses of your supervisors for one trip of maximum 10 days are also covered. The trip can either be to Germany to monitor your progress or to your home university to take part in your PhD viva. You need to indicate the trip of your home institution supervisor in your work and time schedule.

If you are interested in this scholarship, do take a look at the announcement .

Special announcement

Egypt and Sudan

Scholarship Database

Here you can find information on various kinds of DAAD funding for students, graduates and postdocs as well as on funding offered by other selected organisations.

17 Scholarship Options for your selection

Graduate school scholarship programme (gssp).

DAAD grants for recent graduates who want to pursue their PhD in a structured graduate school in Germany.

  • Doctoral candidates/PhD students
  • Language and Cultural Studies
  • Law, Economics and Social Sciences
  • Mathematics/Natural Sciences
  • Veterinary Medicine/Agriculture, Forestry and Nutritional Science
  • Engineering
  • Art, Music, Sport

Study Visits for Academics - Artists and Architects

DAAD grants for university teachers and artists which enable them to continue their education with a study visit to Germany and intensify artistic cooperations with German host institutions.

  • Postdoctoral researchers

University Summer Courses offered in Germany for Foreign Students and Graduates

DAAD scholarships for students taking Bachelor's and Master's degree courses in all subjects wishing to improve their German proficiency and cultural knowledge of the country.

  • Undergraduates

Study Scholarships - Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Architecture

DAAD scholarships allowing students to continue their academic training with a postgraduate or continuing course of study in Germany

Study Scholarships - Postgraduate Studies in the Fields of Fine Art, Design, Visual Communication and Film

DAAD scholarships that allow students to continue their academic training with a postgraduate or continuing course of study in Germany

Advertisements by German Universities

daad scholarship for phd

Onboard for success – Apply for the International Master’s Programme “...

Start your future in semiconductor research and engineering with the English-taught M.Sc. in Micro- and Nanoelectronics at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg.

daad scholarship for phd

Hands-on Master’s programs at Hof University Graduate School

Launch your career with our hands-on M.B.A. and M.Eng. programs. All programs include a one-year internship - a great opportunity to apply your knowledge and gain additional professional experience!

daad scholarship for phd

Be part of the transition to the future shape of energy

Join our English-taught Bachelor of Science in Energy Systems Engineering and Management!

daad scholarship for phd

MBA International Business Consulting at Offenburg University (Black F...

MBA IBC (Black Forest Business School) – Prepared for Leadership Upgrade your career with an English-taught MBA degree of Offenburg University! Your gateway to a qualified job in Germany and around...

daad scholarship for phd

Jumpstart your Career with our English taught Study Programs!

Our university is a lively hub of practice-oriented learning with cutting-edge research and a vibrant student community – it is just the right place to study!

daad scholarship for phd

Unlock the impact of religion on our global futures at Bayreuth

Do you want to address critical issues about how religion is shaping our shared futures? Are you interested in understanding these issues from an innovative, global perspective? Then come to the Unive...

daad scholarship for phd

HFU – The time of your life

Located in the heart of the Black Forest - experience freedom in every breath - join our international community!

daad scholarship for phd

Kick-start your future career in Financial Management at Coburg Univer...

If you are interested in management and finance our premium MBA program Financial Management could be just right for you! The program features an optional Dual Degree from UniSC Australia and a Bloomb...

daad scholarship for phd

Find Your Bachelor’s Program at TUM Campus Heilbronn

Students at TUM Campus Heilbronn receive a high-quality education at the renowned TUM University of Excellence and extensive support services for their studies.

daad scholarship for phd

Food Quality and Safety (M.Sc.)

Your master’s degree for a better world! Be a part of our international master’s programme at the Faculty of Life Sciences: Food, Nutrition and Health and apply now!

daad scholarship for phd

Transform tomorrow: Advance your tech skills for a sustainable world

Study in the center of Germany: Bachelor and master programs designed for real-world impact.

Regional Office Cairo

Special announcement

Daad scholarship programmes for pakistan.

International students look at various funding programmes on the PCs in the library.

The DAAD supports Pakistani students and academics through a number of funding programmes. You will find an overview in the lists below.

Master Scholarships

  • PhD scholarships
  • Post Doc Grants

Further information

Please also read the important information for scholarship applicants .

PhD Scholarships

Funding for post-docs.

Advertisements by German Universities

daad scholarship for phd

Unlock the impact of religion on our global futures at Bayreuth

Do you want to address critical issues about how religion is shaping our shared futures? Are you interested in understanding these issues from an innovative, global perspective? Then come to the Unive...

daad scholarship for phd

Jumpstart your Career with our English taught Study Programs!

Our university is a lively hub of practice-oriented learning with cutting-edge research and a vibrant student community – it is just the right place to study!

daad scholarship for phd

HFU – The time of your life

Located in the heart of the Black Forest - experience freedom in every breath - join our international community!

daad scholarship for phd

MBA European Management with special Entrepreneurship courses

Study the MBA European Management with a focus on Entrepreneurship at the heart of Europe and qualify for management positions around the world! Apply today and become a leader of the future!

DAAD Pakistan

DAAD Information Centre Islamabad

Special announcement

Scholarship database.

Here you can find information on various kinds of DAAD funding for students, graduates and postdocs as well as on funding offered by other selected organizations.

24 Funding Options for your selection

Study scholarships - master studies for all academic disciplines.

DAAD scholarships for graduates with a first academic degree wishing to continue their academic training in Germany with a postgraduate course of study.

  • Language and Cultural Studies
  • Law, Economics and Social Sciences
  • Mathematics/Natural Sciences
  • Veterinary Medicine/Agriculture, Forestry and Nutritional Science
  • Engineering
  • Art, Music, Sport

Research Grants – Short-Term Grants

DAAD grants for doctoral candidates and young scientists and academics wishing to carry out research and continue their education in Germany for up to 6 months.

  • Postdoctoral researchers
  • Doctoral candidates/PhD students

Research Grants – One-Year Grants for Doctoral Candidates

DAAD grants for doctoral candidates and young scientists and academics wishing to carry out research and continue their education in Germany.

Research Grants - Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees / Cotutelle

DAAD grants for doctoral candidates and young scientists and academics whose doctoral degrees are supervised both by a university teacher at the home university and an academic adviser at the host institute in Germany

Graduate School Scholarship Programme (GSSP)

DAAD grants for recent graduates who want to pursue their PhD in a structured graduate school in Germany.

Advertisements by German Universities

daad scholarship for phd

Elite Master’s Program ASC

Elite M.Sc. ‘Advanced Signal Processing and Communications Engineering (ASC)’: In this research-oriented program, the focus is on individualized student support.

daad scholarship for phd

Elevate your career with us!

Let your career take off! Be part of an emerging university with a cutting-edge Master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (M.Sc.)!

daad scholarship for phd

A degree that makes a difference – study at RPTU in Landau!

Embark on a journey to unravel environmental challenges with our international degrees in Environmental Sciences and Environmental Pollution Management.

daad scholarship for phd

Kick-start your future career in Financial Management at Coburg Univer...

If you are interested in management and finance our premium MBA program Financial Management could be just right for you! The program features an optional Dual Degree from UniSC Australia and a Bloomb...

daad scholarship for phd

International Master program “Biofabrication” (M.Sc.)

Want to be a game changer in biomedical engineering? The study program Biofabrication is your master plan for a demanding interdisciplinary engineering career.

daad scholarship for phd

Philosophy and Computer Science (M.A. / M.Sc.)

Think. Code. Transform. This interdisciplinary master’s programme combines philosophy and computer science to address challenges raised by modern information technologies.

daad scholarship for phd

Unlock the impact of religion on our global futures at Bayreuth

Do you want to address critical issues about how religion is shaping our shared futures? Are you interested in understanding these issues from an innovative, global perspective? Then come to the Unive...

daad scholarship for phd

Study in Berlin – Summer and Winter

FUBiS is an intensive academic program of Freie Universität Berlin through which students can earn credits. Sessions run for 3 to 6 weeks taking place in summer and winter.

daad scholarship for phd

Building Sustainability (MBA)

Unlock new possibilities in sustainable urban development, with our MBA in Building Sustainability. Take the first step towards a rewarding and impactful academic journey and join us now in shaping ur...

daad scholarship for phd

Hands-on Master’s programs at Hof University Graduate School

Launch your career with our hands-on M.B.A. and M.Eng. programs. All programs include a one-year internship - a great opportunity to apply your knowledge and gain additional professional experience!

daad scholarship for phd

International Master’s program Mind, Brain and Behavior

Are you interested in studying human perception and behavior with state-of-the-art experimental and neuroscience methods? Join our Master’s program in Germany!

Global Food, Nutrition and Health (M.Sc.)

Your master’s degree for a better world! Be a part of our international master’s programme at the Faculty of Life Sciences: Food, Nutrition and Health and apply now!

Regional Office New York

DAAD Information Point San Francisco DAAD Information Point Toronto

Special announcement

Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, and East Timor

DAAD Scholarships for Indonesia

International students sitting at the table with laptops at a seminar at the university.

DAAD offers scholarships for graduates, scientists, and Higher Education Institutions in various fields of study and research.

Here you find an overview of the DAAD scholarships only whereas the Scholarship database  also lists funding offered by other selected organisations. The DAAD scholarships you can currently apply for are listed separately. Please note that there are no full scholarships for undergraduate studies which can be applied for individually. For scholarships for Master study programmes, at least two years of professional experience is required.

For undergraduates (S1)

For graduates (s2/s3), for scientists (postdocs), for faculties, for daad alumni.

Advertisements by German Universities

daad scholarship for phd

Global Food, Nutrition and Health (M.Sc.)

Your master’s degree for a better world! Be a part of our international master’s programme at the Faculty of Life Sciences: Food, Nutrition and Health and apply now!

daad scholarship for phd

Find Your Bachelor’s Program at TUM Campus Heilbronn

Students at TUM Campus Heilbronn receive a high-quality education at the renowned TUM University of Excellence and extensive support services for their studies.

daad scholarship for phd

Kick-start your future career in Financial Management at Coburg Univer...

If you are interested in management and finance our premium MBA program Financial Management could be just right for you! The program features an optional Dual Degree from UniSC Australia and a Bloomb...

daad scholarship for phd

Earn an LL.M. International Finance degree at the Institute for Law an...

Scholarships available! Degree conferred by Goethe University Frankfurt. For graduates from Asia holding a first degree in law, business or economics. One-year program conducted in English. Apply now...

daad scholarship for phd

Jumpstart your Career with our English taught Study Programs!

Our university is a lively hub of practice-oriented learning with cutting-edge research and a vibrant student community – it is just the right place to study!

Food Quality and Safety (M.Sc.)

daad scholarship for phd

Be part of the transition to the future shape of energy

Join our English-taught Bachelor of Science in Energy Systems Engineering and Management!

daad scholarship for phd

MBA International Business Consulting at Offenburg University (Black F...

MBA IBC (Black Forest Business School) – Prepared for Leadership Upgrade your career with an English-taught MBA degree of Offenburg University! Your gateway to a qualified job in Germany and around...

daad scholarship for phd

Hands-on Master’s programs at Hof University Graduate School

Launch your career with our hands-on M.B.A. and M.Eng. programs. All programs include a one-year internship - a great opportunity to apply your knowledge and gain additional professional experience!

DAAD Indonesia

DAAD Regional Office Jakarta


  1. DAAD Scholarships

    DAAD scholarships do not have to be paid back. They usually consist of a monthly scholarship payment (currently, for example, € 934 for graduates and € 1,200 for doctoral/PhD students) and a flat-rate travel allowance. In many cases, DAAD also provides you with health, accident and personal liability insurance. Depending on scholarship ...

  2. Important information for scholarship applicants

    How do I apply for a DAAD scholarship? 2. In the Call for Applications it is said that I have to apply through the DAAD portal. 3. The Call for Applications states that I have to submit a reference from a university teacher. Who can write a reference for my application? 4. Do I have to apply in German? 5.

  3. Scholarship Database

    871 United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017 Telephone: +1 (212) 758-3223. E-mail: daad.newyork Google Analytics. Session. Cookie. Here you can find information on various kinds of DAAD funding for students, graduates and postdocs as well as on funding offered by other selected organizations.

  4. General FAQ DAAD Scholarships & Grants

    DAAD USA and the programs on serve the academic communities of North America only. In most cases international students and scholars at North American universities are eligible for DAAD programs if they meet certain requirements. Learn more here about your eligibility as an international student.

  5. PhD Studies

    If you want to do your full PhD in Germany DAAD PhD Scholarship would be more relevant for you. The application deadline is 20 October every year. This is for scholarship starting from October of the following year. Here is a step-by-step guideline for your application process: Step 1 Collect general information about the DAAD PhD scholarship.

  6. Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degree Scholarship

    This is one special scholarships of the DAAD that has become popular given the way it beautifully combines the advantages offered by the applicant's own country and Germany. ... This is a scholarship programme specially designed for students who have enrolled for PhD at an institution in South Asia and want to do a part of their research in ...

  7. PDF DAAD Funding for Students: 2024/25

    DLR-DAAD Research Fellowships. Program offered in partner-ship with German Aerospace Center (DLR) Open to PhD students & postdocs working in: Aeronautics, Space, Transportation, Energy. Funds 3-year PhD studies or Postdocs research stay of 6-24 months. Monthly stipend of €1,760 (PhD) € 2400 (Postdocs) plus travel allowance and insurance ...

  8. Scholarship Database

    Graduate School Scholarship Programme (GSSP) DAAD grants for recent graduates who want to pursue their PhD in a structured graduate school in Germany. Status: ... DAAD scholarships for students taking Bachelor's and Master's degree courses in all subjects wishing to improve their German proficiency and cultural knowledge of the country.

  9. DAAD Scholarship Programmes for Pakistan

    PhD research in pure natural science (e.g. Molecular Biology) leading to the degree "Dr. rer. nat." or "Dr. rer. medic." (Important: Please note that at the time of application, you must have completed your MBBS degree!) DAAD Graduate School Scholarship Programme: 3 years: Please see programme announcement

  10. Study Scholarship

    Regional Office New York. 871 United Nations Plaza +1 (212) 758-3223. DAAD Information Point San Francisco. DAAD Information Point Toronto. Highly qualified final year undergraduate students or those who have received an undergraduate degree of all disciplines may apply for the DAAD Study Scholarship for a full master's degree program at a ...

  11. DAAD Scholarships for Indonesia

    DAAD offers scholarships for graduates, scientists, and Higher Education Institutions in various fields of study and research. Here you find an overview of the DAAD scholarships only whereas the Scholarship database also lists funding offered by other selected organisations. The DAAD scholarships you can currently apply for are listed separately.