Consulting cover letter guide (for McKinsey, BCG, Bain, etc.)

Consulting cover letter

Today we’re going to explain everything you need to know about writing consulting cover letters.

We’ll start by reviewing an example cover letter that got interview invitations from ALL the MBB firms (McKinsey, BCG, and Bain). 

And then we’ll explain exactly how you should write your own cover letter to land consulting interviews. Here’s a full list of the topics in this guide:

  • Example cover letter

How to write your consulting cover letter

Consulting cover letter tips.

  • The skills consulting firms look for

Consulting cover letter screening process

  • Get help with your cover letter

Let’s get to it! 

Click here for a consulting letter/resume review with an ex-MBB consultant

Example cover letter (which got interviews at mckinsey, bcg, and bain).

Below is an anonymised cover letter from a candidate who got interviews at McKinsey, BCG and Bain. So you can trust that this template works.

The image here highlights the different sections of the cover letter, but we’ll dive deeper into the text later, and you can also get a downloadable copy below.

Consulting cover letter example

Free download of the consulting cover letter example, here. 

In the next section, we’ll go step-by-step through each part of the cover letter and explain how to go about writing it. But before we dive in, please note the following points about the above template:

  • A lot of people use this template. Get inspiration from it, but every sentence in your letter should be written from scratch.
  • This cover letter might sound impressive. It's one of the best ones we’ve seen. But even if you have not achieved as much as this person, you can still get an interview.

With that said, let’s dig into the cover letter writing process!

As a starting point, this video provides a nice overview of the full writing process for a consulting cover letter. 

Now let’s break things down further.

1. Introduction

Example - Introduction

Mary Taylor - [email protected]


Dear Sir / Madam,

I would like to apply for an Associate position at McKinsey in London.

This section is a formality. It should simply state the following information:

  • Your name and email address. You can replace your email address with a postal address although those are not commonly used anymore.
  • The date on which you are sending your letter
  • The position, company, and office to which you are applying

Keep it short and sweet.

2. Why you? 

Example - Why you?

I started working as an Analyst at Big Finance in New York in September 2020 and was quickly promoted to Associate in a year and a half instead of the average four years. While at Big Finance, I advised a broad range of clients who constantly gave me positive feedback and regularly asked to work with me again. Before joining Big Finance, I graduated as the top student of my MEng in Chemical Engineering at Prestigious University in the UK. While studying, I received two competitive scholarships and awards. In addition, I developed my leadership skills as the President of the Prestigious University Consulting Club. High energy was essential to lead a team of 5 managing the club and growing the number of members by 20%.

This is your "GOLD MEDALS" section. It is the first section of your cover letter and therefore the most important one.

It should state the TOP 3 achievements of your life to date that are relevant to consulting. These achievements should be as unique and as memorable as possible. When your reviewer reads them they should think "Wow, that's impressive. I want to know more about this person."

To write this section you need to step back and ask yourself "What are the most impressive things I've done with my life so far?" This is not an easy question to answer. 

In our experience discussing this with a close friend can help. It's sometimes easier for them to quickly point out the impressive things you have done as they are an external observer.

In addition, notice how achievements are QUANTIFIED in the example above. Saying you have been promoted "in a year and a half instead of the average four years" is much more powerful than saying you have been promoted "quickly." You should quantify your achievements whenever possible.

This section is your chance to grab the reader's attention. If there's nothing impressive in it, they will stop reading and just scan the paragraphs. So don't miss your opportunity!

3. Why consulting?

Example - Why consulting?

There are several reasons why I want to pursue a consulting career. To start with, I know I will enjoy being a strategy consultant because I have already worked in a strategy team in the past. This was in summer 2019 when I was a Strategy Intern at Big Grocery Retailer in London. In addition, I think consulting is a unique opportunity to comprehensively learn about business management by working on a variety of company situations. Over the past two years, I have started building my business skills while advising clients on financial matters at Big Finance. I now look forward to learning more about companies’ management at McKinsey. Finally, I want to work in consulting because I truly enjoy interacting with clients. Throughout my work experiences I have built a successful track record of developing and maintaining relationships with clients including, for instance, the senior strategy team at Big Grocery Retailer.

Once you have convinced your reviewer that you have impressive achievements under your belt they'll be thinking: "Ok, this person is impressive. But do they REALLY want to be a consultant? Or are they just applying because they're not sure what to do with their career."

The third section of your letter should therefore answer the  "Why consulting?" question . But here is the thing about this question: There are some reasons to go into consulting that you should tell your reviewer about. And some reasons that you should really keep to yourself.

For instance, one of the mistakes candidates commonly make in their cover letter is to write something along the lines of "I'd like to spend 2 or 3 years in consulting to learn more about business in general and then decide what I want to do." This is a HUGE mistake. 

Consulting firms want to hire FUTURE PARTNERS. Not employees who will stay for a couple of years. You can watch the video below for more details about this.

The best approach for your "Why consulting?" section is to write about past experiences that really show you know what you are getting into. The perfect situation is if you have done an internship in consulting or in corporate strategy and have enjoyed it. If that's the case, this is the perfect section to write about it.

But even if you haven't done related internships, there are plenty of angles you can use to connect your past experiences to what you will do as a consultant. For instance:

  • You might have enjoyed working with clients when you were in M&A or in Sales
  • You might have enjoyed structuring and solving tough problems as an engineer

You should use these experiences to say that "working with clients" or "solving tough problems" is something you KNOW you enjoy doing; and you look forward to spending more time doing this as a consultant.

When they read this section, your reviewer should think: "Ok, this person is impressive AND they know what they are getting into."

4. Why McKinsey / BCG / Bain / Other?

Example - Why McKinsey?

McKinsey appeals to me for three reasons. To start with, the different people from the company I have met and worked with all told me they had truly enjoyed their time there. For the past two years, I have worked for Michael Smith, a former Engagement Manager from the London office, who now works for Big Finance. Additionally, I regularly read McKinsey’s reports on financial services and think the insights delivered by Sarah James and others in the Finance practice are truly superior to that of other consultancies. By joining McKinsey, I therefore think I would have an opportunity to work with and learn from the best consultants in the industry. Finally, the fact that McKinsey was selected by Finance Supercorp to shape its digital strategy also played an important role in my decision to apply. This was a first-of-its-kind contract in finance and it shows that while at McKinsey I could get the opportunity to work on truly unique projects.

If you have managed to convince your reviewer that you have an impressive background and that you really want to be a consultant, you have a VERY HIGH chance of getting an interview. 

The only question that's left for you to answer is: " Why McKinsey  / Why BCG? / Why Bain? "

Top consulting firms  have a lot in common. In most regions, they cover the same industries and work for similar clients. They also pay similar salaries, and the career path is more or less the same from firm to firm. So what should you write about in this section?

In our experience, the most efficient way to set yourself apart in this section is to write about three specific elements:

When you write "I've met with Michael Smith," or "I've read report X," or "I've heard about project Y," you are making an argument that's SPECIFIC enough for your reviewer to think: "Ok they've done their homework."

If you stay too GENERIC, your argument will be much less credible. For instance, writing something like "While at McKinsey, I'll be exposed to a broad range of industries which I'm excited about" is a weak argument because you could swap McKinsey for BCG or Bain in that sentence.

In fact, this is the ultimate test. If you can swap McKinsey with another name in your "Why McKinsey?" section you are not being specific enough. You need to work on your paragraph again and mention SPECIFIC people, reports, or projects that you find interesting.

5. Conclusion

Example - Conclusion

For all these reasons, I am very enthusiastic about the chance to work at McKinsey. I am available for an interview at any time and look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Mary Taylor

The last section of the cover letter is a formality again. It should include the following elements:

  • A sentence or two saying that you are enthusiastic and available for interviews at any time
  • Your final signature

So how do you make it easy for your reviewer to put your cover letter on the "Accept" pile? We have put together the 10 tips below to make sure you can achieve this and avoid common mistakes.

Consulting cover letter tips

Tip #1 Don't use a template letter

Writing cover letters is painful. But trust us, reading hundreds of them can be at least as painful. That's why you should make every effort to make your letter interesting and genuine. 

It's ok to get inspiration from templates such as the one we provide in this guide. But every sentence in your letter should be written from scratch.

Tip #2 Keep it to one page

One of the unwritten rules of consulting cover letters is that they should not be longer than one page. The trick to achieve this is to only select the MOST RELEVANT experiences from your  resume  and to summarise them. 

The points you decide to highlight should clearly demonstrate that you would make a great consultant.

Tip #3 Standard format and font

It's tempting to use an eye-catching font and format. But that's actually a bad idea. You only risk your interviewer thinking: "I've never seen this font, it looks really weird. Who is this person?" Your cover letter should stand out because of its content, NOT because of its format.

Tip #4 Not the time to be shy

Your cover letter is not the time to be shy. If you went to Harvard and have three Olympic medals, now is the time to say it! Most of us don't, and that's fine. But the point is that you should really push yourself to bring your most impressive accomplishments forward.

Tip #5 Network, network, network

This might sound surprising, but a big part of the cover letter is  how much networking you have done . Having networked with people from the firm you are applying for pays dividends for multiple reasons. 

First, they might recommend you to the HR team. But most importantly, these people will give you insight into what makes their firm UNIQUE. Then you can quote what you've heard in your cover letter (and name drop the person you heard it from) to show that you really understand the firm you are applying for.

Tip #6 Read, read, read

Unfortunately, networking is not always easy or possible. In these cases, your second best option is to read as much as you can on the firms you are applying for. You should read about the firm's projects, reports, and partners and find pieces of information you are really interested in. 

For instance, if you did your master thesis on electric vehicles, try to find who works in this area at the firm and what they have to say about it. And then mention what you have found in your cover letter.

Tip #7 One letter per firm

One question we often get is: "Should I write one letter per firm?" The answer is YES. But it's not as hard as it might sound. 

Every cover letter needs to answer three questions: Why you? Why consulting? And why this firm? The only paragraph you will need to change in every letter is the one about "Why this firm?" For each firm, you will have to do the networking and reading mentioned above.

Tip #8 Start writing early

Writing an outstanding cover letter is VERY HARD. Most candidates underestimate how much time it takes and start this process too late. You'll need to take a step back and reflect on everything you have done to date to highlight your most relevant experiences. 

This takes multiple iterations. Start early.

Tip #9 Get feedback

In our experience, great candidates all look for feedback and iterate on their cover letter until it's truly as good as it can get. It's a lot of work, but it's worth it.

It’s best to get feedback from peers or consultants. These people will be able to point out which parts of your letter they don't get or don't find impactful enough. If you’d like to have an expert review your cover letter, check out our team of  ex-consultant coaches .

Tip #10 Proofread multiple times

Finally, you should check and double check your letter for typos and grammar mistakes - multiple times. A cover letter is (not so secretly) a writing test and you should really treat it like one.

What consulting firms look for

To get multiple interviews at  top consulting firms , it’s extremely important to understand what those firms are actually looking for. 

The good news is that most of the leading consultancies are looking for basically the same skills. 

To illustrate this point, here’s what  McKinsey  and  Bain  say that they’re looking for in candidates, along with our own translation of what they mean:

What consulting firms look for

There are also a few unofficial items that consulting firms will look for on your resume, and you can read about those in our  consulting resume guide .

Next, let’s talk about the typical cover letter screening process.

Screening process

Now let's talk about HOW your cover letter will be handled once you send it. Here's how it works.

Your application will be sent to a JUNIOR CONSULTANT who recently graduated from your University. They will score your documents based on a grid provided by the HR team. 

Consultants usually have to score 200 to 400 applications in about 2 weeks. And this is sometimes on TOP of their normal project. It's not uncommon for them to leave the job to the last minute and to have to do it on a Friday night just before the deadline.

Why is this important? The point we are trying to make is your application is part of 100 other applications. And the person who will review it will be tired by the time they get to your cover letter. If they don't understand something, they won't Google it. It's your job to make their job easy.

Why consultancies ask for a cover letter

There are two main reasons why consulting firms ask for cover letters.

First, partners bill several thousand dollars per day to their clients. The opportunity cost of interviewing you is HUGE for the firm. Put yourself in the shoes of a consultancy for a second. What are the top 3 questions you want to answer before investing money in interviewing a candidate?

  • Have they demonstrated the skills needed to be a consultant?
  • Do they know what consulting is and what they are getting into?
  • Are they genuinely interested in working for our firm?

If you don't answer these three questions in a structured and impactful way, your chances of getting past the screening process are very low. This is why every cover letter should be structured as follows:

  • Why consulting?
  • Why this firm?

The second reason consulting firms ask for a cover letter is to test your writing skills. Consultants write all the time: emails, PowerPoints, Word documents, etc. They spend about 50% of their day writing. And a lot of the time their job is to summarise very large quantities of information in a succinct way.

This is exactly what you have to do in your cover letter. You have to a) look back on all your past experiences, b) select the relevant experiences to convince the reviewer that you are the right person for the job and c) summarise all these experiences in a way that's easy to read and digest.

Cover letters are a disguised writing test. Candidates who end up getting invited for interviews recognise this early on. Making a good impression on paper is way harder than making a good impression in person.

Are many candidates ready to invest HOURS in writing the perfect cover letter? No. That's the whole point. That's how you can set yourself apart. If you spend enough time making sure that your letter is as impactful as it can be, you stand very high chances of getting invited for interviews.

Another reason that it can help to have a cover letter is to explain anything on your resume that may look unusual to a reviewer, such as a time gap or a non-traditional background for consulting. 

Whatever your unique situation is, if you’re not confident in how your cover letter looks today, then we can help you. 

Get an Ex-MBB consultant to review your cover letter

The guide above, in addition to our guide on  consulting resumes , should go a long way in helping you craft documents that will get you interviews. 

But if you still feel you need additional help, we have a team of ex-MBB recruiters and interviewers who would be happy to provide feedback on your cover letter.

You’ll get feedback on how to immediately improve your cover letter, including what experience to focus on, how to optimise your phrasing, formatting, etc.

Start by browsing profiles for available coaches.

Interview coach and candidate conduct a video call

Consulting Cover Letter: a comprehensive guide

  • Understanding Consulting Cover Letters
  • Practicalities of Writing Your Cover Letter
  • Section-by-Section Breakdown
  • Quality Control

Work with us

A stellar cover letter is going to be a basic pre-requisite if you want to land a top-tier consulting job at the likes of the MBB’s, Kearney, LEK, Deloitte etc.

More than half of consulting candidates are rejected based on their applications alone , before they ever make it to interview. This means that, for all the emphasis on case interview prep, your resume and cover letter, together with networking , are the single greatest determinant as to whether you land your dream MBB job or not .

Candidates typically have some realisation of the importance of applications, but make the mistake of devoting all their time to the resume alone as they assume it is the "important one". They assume that the accompanying cover letters are always fairly generic and/or are merely a formality that don't actually get read.

However, the idea that your cover letter is any less important than your resume is a hugely damaging misconception.

In fact, speaking to consultants currently involved with recruitment at MBB firms, we are told that cover letters have been becoming more and more important recently. This is for a couple of reasons:

  • More and more resumes are coming in basically perfect (the proliferation of material like our excellent free resume guide has a part to play here). This means that cover letters are increasingly being focussed on as a way to differentiate top candidates.
  • Cover letters are more indicative of your soft skills and personal fit with the office culture than a resume. Since firms are having particular difficulty finding candidates with the right social skills (especially post-Covid), cover letters become more and more salient in the filtering process.

To up the ante even more, add to this the fact that applications are increasingly read by AI tools as well. Whilst a human reader working in a hurry and skimming a document in a hurry might have simply missed an error, you can be sure the computer will pick up on any mistakes you make.

So, how do you get things right?

Putting together a decent consulting cover letter can be tricky and will probably take longer than you think. The demands are different and quite a bit more rigorous than for cover letters you might have written for other industries.

Luckily though, the strict demands on consulting cover letters mean that there is an equally strict set of rules to follow when writing them - as long as you follow these and put the time in to do things properly, you can reliably turn out an excellent document.

This guide will help you understand what it is recruiters want to see in a good cover letter and take you through the steps to draft your best possible offering. To make things as clear as possible, we discuss a template cover letter section-by-section.

Help is at hand!

Writing applications can be pretty daunting, especially with a dream job on the line.

Before we dive into all the complex nitty-gritty of how to turn out your cover letter, we should let you know that we have an editing service where a 5+ year experienced MBB consultant helps you draft your best possible resume and/or cover letter. You can read more here:

Explore Professional Editing

This isn't obligatory, but is a great option for those who feel overwhelmed and want some help to get things right, as well as for those who want the inside track in terms of optimising something that is already close to the mark.

This application editing can also be done as part of a broader mentoring package, where that same experienced mentor helps you through the whole consulting selection process, from networking, through to case interview prep. You can find out more here:

Learn More About Comprehensive Mentoring

1. Understanding Consulting Cover Letters

Close up of intricate cogwheel mechanism illustrating our gaining a better understanding of consulting cover letters

To write a good one we will first need to understand the demands it must meet. That is to say, we need to understand the function of the cover letter and precisely how it will be assessed.

Let's start by going through some important points:

1.1. Function of a Consulting Cover Letter

The basic function of a consulting cover letter is to tell recruiters three things:

  • Why you are worth employing
  • Why consulting is a perfect fit for you
  • Why you are interested in the target firm in particular

As we will see later, a standard management consulting cover letter is broken down into three paragraphs, addressing each of these issues more-or-less separately.

In many ways, the demands of your cover letter sit between your resume ) and your fit interview (which you will be invited to only if your resume and cover letter make the cut).

A consulting cover letter helps demonstrate the same skillset as your resume and you will effectively be selecting a few of the key points from your resume to amplify in the cover letter.

However, the objective of this document is not simply restating the facts on your resume, but rather creating a persuasive link between your personal story and the job you are applying for. In effect, the main purpose of your cover letter is to show that you are a great fit for the job you are applying for across the board. As such, you need to convey your personality and your motivation to do the job - things that are not readily assessed via your resume alone.

These are exactly the qualities that are also assessed in your fit interview. Indeed, just as with the Additional Information section of your resume, the information in your cover letter is very likely to form the basis of questions in your fit interview - where your personality and motivation are assessed again. Thus, just as with the Additional Information section of your resume, when you are drafting your cover letter you should be keeping half an eye on how you would be able to work the items you select into compelling fit interview answers.

All this means that our article on the fit interview is especially worth a read as you get started on cover letter writing!

1.2. Motivation

Consulting is a tough life and the average consulting recruit only stays in the industry for around two years - which means that many of those applicants who are lucky enough to land jobs will have left within 12 months.

Beyond this, many of those entering consulting only ever intend to stay for a couple of years before bailing out into roles in private equity or internal strategy, becoming a start-up founder, or any of the other typical roles where consulting experience will enhance their career chances.

This constant loss of talent is a big problem for consulting firms, who don't want employees to disappear as soon as they have accrued the training and experience required to be genuinely useful to the company. In effect, firms want to ensure they get a positive return on investment on training you.

As such, recruiters will be trying to identify candidates who are genuinely in it for the long haul - who want to make partner someday and who have the necessary motivation to push them through the years of long hours and tight deadlines en route.

Of course, we realise that you the reader might well be one of the candidates who only really plan to stick with consulting for two years before parachuting out into another industry. Realistically, this is a perfectly sensible career trajectory and we're certainly not going to tell you not to do so.

However , if this is the case, your application and subsequent interview are really not the time to discuss it. If you have ever had any inkling that you might consider sticking around and making a long-term career in consulting, then this is the inclination to channel during the selection process.

We return to discuss your rationale for entering consulting in our section-by-section breakdown of the letter itself.

1.3. A Test in Itself

Art installation of telephones to illustrate the different ways in which your cover letter conveys information to the recruiters of your target consulting firm

Your target firm uses your cover letter to learn more about you in a couple of ways. Obviously, they receive all the information you communicate explicitly - all the achievements and experience and positive character traits you tell them about. However, your cover letter is also used by the target firm as an implicit (but very real) test of your writing skills and other qualities. It is important to realise this dual function and keep it in mind during drafting.

At a basic level, using correct, industry standard formatting etc shows that you have the professionalism and diligence to find out and follow the rules. As we will discuss later, writing a letter specific to the firm you are applying to also demonstrates your commitment to that employer.

More directly, though, your cover letter is used by consulting firms as a test of your writing skills. Writing consulting cover letters is not an easy business - if it were, you wouldn't be reading this guide! Composing a good cover letter requires you to assemble a body of information, synthesise it and present it in a compelling form.

Importantly, this is a set of skills - summarising complex information into compelling prose and extracting key points in data - that consultants use every day. Your cover letter is one of the main ways firms check for your competence here.

Similarly, readers will be very interested in your ability to use your cover letter to market yourself. In effect, consultants must constantly sell themselves, their firm, and their recommendations to clients. Indeed, this is becoming a larger and larger part of the job as more of the analytic side of consulting work is automated. As such, the ability to communicate persuasively is a key management consulting skill.

1.4. The Reader

With any piece of writing, the first thing you need to consider is who the intended reader is. This is especially important for consulting cover letters.

During the application screen, as well as filtering by AI tools and HR staff, your cover letter will be placed with one or two hundred others and passed to a junior consultant (often a recent alum from your university) to assess. Generally, this will be piled on top of that consultant's normal workload and often they will end up with very little time to get through this mound of applications. As such, your reader will be tired, possibly slightly grumpy and in a hurry - probably only skimming what you have written.

Keep this reader in mind at all times and write in a way that makes their life easier. This means making everything as clear, easy to read and precise as possible!


Hand about to write on a blank piece of paper, illustrating you beginning to write your cover letter

So, we have a good idea of the basic job of a cover letter needs to do, what ground it needs to cover, and how it will be assessed. Now it's time to get down to business and actually get the thing written!

To this end, we'll look at a few practical points about how to meet the requirements mentioned above, before focusing one-by-one on the five main segments of a management consulting cover letter.


Sheep standing in pens, illustrating the importance of conforming to standard formatting rules when drafting a consulting cover letter

Just as with your resume, formatting a consulting cover letter is really not the time to embrace your creative side. Failing to stick to the standard rules of formatting risks being rejected immediately, without your letter even being read.

The tired junior consultant tasked with plowing through a pile of cover letters is unlikely to be in the mood for a strange font or weird layout and will simply send your application directly to the bin.

As noted above, standard formatting shows that you are professional enough to take the application seriously and that you have bothered to find out what is expected from your cover letter. The best way to understand how you should format this document is simply to take a look at our examples below, which are formatted in a standard "safe" manner.

In particular, though, you should make sure your letter conforms to the following basic standard:

  • Standard typeface at a normal size
  • No longer than one printable page
  • Normal size margins etc - no extreme formatting to pack more words on the page!
  • Name, contact information, and date at the top, in the manner of a traditional letter - you can include a postal address if you like, but an email address is perfectly sufficient nowadays - and will save space
  • Standard structure explained below - opening, three main paragraphs, closing

2.2. Content - Being Unique!

A peacock with spread tail, illustrating the importance of your cover letter content being unique and making a strong impression on recruiters

You might have to keep the format strictly in line with everyone else, but it is absolutely crucial that the actual content of your letter is unique!

Always remember that your cover letter will be part of a stack of 1-200 deep. The content needs to really impress the reader if you are going to stand out from the pack and earn yourself an invitation to interview.

To achieve this, you are going to have to draw on your most impressive achievements and experiences and then portray them in the best possible fashion, to really make your reader pause and take note, rather than toss your letter towards the bin with the others.

Content that is unusual is also helpful in making your application memorable and might prompt interview questions where you can be well prepared to shine. During an application process with so many competitors, it pays to have something unique to you - a USP - to differentiate you from your peers.

However, this will only add value if it is relevant to management consulting!

In our discussion below on how to introduce yourself and your abilities, we'll discuss how you can emphasize your personal "spikes" - which help make your cover letter more unique.

2.3. Be Specific!

Your letter needs not only to be unique, but also highly specific .

Many candidates think that they can save a bit of time by just writing a one really "good" cover letter and using that for all their applications without any modifications. This might be true (or almost true) of a good resume. However, if you think that the cover letter you wrote for McKinsey will be able to be used without any changes to for Bain and BCG as well, we can tell you now that that letter wasn't good enough to get you a job with any of those firms!

As noted previously, a major function of your cover letter is to gauge your motivation to stick with the company if you are lucky enough to be hired. Your recruiter wants to make sure that you are genuinely keen to work for their specific firm for the foreseeable future. Any suggestion that your cover letter is just a generic chunk of text sent out to everyone in scattergun fashion obviously makes this idea pretty difficult to maintain - and will see your application heading towards that bin in short order.

To avoid this, then, take the time to write a separate letter for each firm you apply to. In these letters, you should include content that is specific to your particular target firm. What is more, this specific content should not be something generic or some kind of empty platitude.

If the best you can come up with is an obvious truth - or even worse, a common misconception - you will betray only a very shallow level of engagement, and will only succeed in vexing your reader.

Instead, you should be able to make specific remarks which show genuine insight. This will clearly demonstrate both your commitment to and knowledge of the firm.

These points will be particularly relevant to the section of the cover letter where you explain your decision to apply to your target firm, and we will pick up this discussion again later in this guide. However, there is room for material specific to your target firm in all sections of your cover letter.

3. Section-by-Section Breakdown

Disassembled smartphone, illustrating our section-by-section breakdown of the cover letter writing process

Let's go through the different sections of a standard management consulting cover letter one-by-one.

We will give examples as to how you might approach each section - however, it is imperative that you don't simply copy from specimens that we or anyone else have written. The examples here are only a guide as to how you should approach the different elements of a cover letter, not components to be lifted as-is.

Your own cover letter needs to stand out from a very strong field. Think about it - how can you possibly stand out by copying others? Beyond this, though, any hint that you are just copying from another source will see your whole application rejected immediately.

On a similar note here, we strongly advise against using an AI chatbot like ChatGPT to write your cover letter. Aside from that tool not knowing enough about your own life experiences, interests etc to say something with the correct degree of specificity, you run the risk of sending in a cover with the same writing style - or possibly even the same turns of phrase - as everyone else who did the same thing. Indeed, recruiters across many industries are already getting used to spotting AI-generated applications .

As we noted earlier, there are three main questions your cover letter must answer - why you, why consulting and why that firm in particular. The three main paragraphs of your cover letter will answer these three questions in sequence.

Provided you are careful to link everything together properly, there is actually some flexibility to vary the ordering of these paragraphs. You will always introduce yourself first, of course, but you can then state why you are interested in the specific firm before you explain what drew you to consulting, or deal with these in the reverse order.

In the interests of simplicity here, though, we will just deal with why-consulting-in-general first, followed by why-that-firm-in-particular.

The following examples are taken from an entry-level cover letter from an applicant to Bain London - and the detailed content is obviously tailored to that office.

In contrast to the relative ease with which a resume can be repurposed, you will have to significantly change the specifics of your cover letter as you apply for different offices and firms. Obviously, our candidate below can't just send this off to Bain New York without changing quite a lot of content. Similarly, this won't work as a cover letter for the London offices of McKinsey, BCG or Deloitte a wholesale rewrite.

With all this said, what is crucial is that the overall structure and format is maintained. This will be the case whether you are a recent graduate, Ph.D. or MBA. Even experienced hire cover letters will maintain the same fundamental format - though there will be (even) more expectation on the quality of the content.


The opening to your cover letter is very straightforward and is pretty much impossible to mess up if you follow basic rules.

First, you should record your name, email address, and the date of sending. You can include a postal address if you like, though this is no longer a strict requirement and takes up a lot of space. Your first sentence should state the specific position to which you are applying at the relevant office and firm.

The only issue that should give you any cause for concern here is to Whom the letter is addressed. Where possible, you should be addressing the letter to a named person - usually the recruiting manager of the office to which you are applying. However, where you cannot find a name to address your cover letter to, it is perfectly acceptable to begin "To whom it may concern" or "Dear Sir or Madam".

Jane Wu [email protected] 05/05/2019

Dear Ms Douglas,

I am writing to apply for the Associate Consultant position at Bain and Company's London office.

3.2. Introducing Yourself

After this brief opening, proceed straight to introducing yourself. Don't be shy - this is not the time for understatement or modesty! Top consulting firms are looking for exceptional individuals. Here, you need to leave the reader in no doubt that you are just such an exceptional individual!

To do this, looking at all the information you assembled for your resume, ideally, you should recount the three most impressive achievements in your life so far.

Of course, do this with an eye to achievements that are particularly relevant to consulting (your golf handicap might be good, but nobody in the workplace cares). Also, realise that the things we are most proud of personally might not actually be the ones that are most impressive to others (your golfing probably isn't great anyway). Try to look at your resume as if you are reading one from someone else. Alternatively, ask a friend what stands out to them.

It's your resume's job to paint a balanced picture of you as a well-rounded candidate with all the skills required to excel in consulting. However, in your cover letter, it can be beneficial to emphasise one or two particular strong suits, where you are exceptionally gifted. These are what consultants call "spikes". What recruiters are really looking for is well-rounded, generally capable candidates with a few "spikes" that might be especially useful.

I have recently graduated from the University of Cambridge with a first-class BA/MSci in Physics. At Cambridge, I was consistently near the top of my year academically and won a number of competitive scholarships and prizes; including the award for the best final year research project. During my third year, I was selected as the best of a very large field of applicants to take part in a prestigious summer research project at MIT. I was also elected as a Student Representative for two consecutive years.

3.3. Why Consulting is a Good Fit

Your job here is to provide a strong narrative demonstrating why consulting is a good fit for you and why it makes sense at this point in your career as a natural progression from what you have done before.

This is much the same as what is required from your answers in any subsequent fit interviews you receive. As such, our article on the fit interview , as well as our more comprehensive fit interview course and/or lessons in the MCC Academy , are highly relevant here.

Now, as we noted above, it is important to remember that there are some reasons to get into consulting that your target firm will be happy to hear about and others that will very definitely not impress.

We're not here to judge your reasons, whatever they are, for wanting a consulting job. However, there are certain reasons that you should probably not highlight if you would like to actually get that job.

Some candidates are not sure what career they actually want yet and think consulting would make a good first step, exposing them to different industries and keeping their options open for the future. The worry, from a firm's point of view, is that these individuals will not be sufficiently motivated to actually stick with consulting when they come up against the stress and high workload that come with the job.

Alternatively, some applicants are fully intent, right from the start, on bailing out into another industry after two years - when a sufficiently long stint in consulting has given them transferable skills and boosted their opportunities elsewhere.

Many candidates actually state these kinds of intentions - though they will certainly not be hired! As we noted above, firms want to retain staff and are looking for candidates who are committed to consulting for the long term.

3.3.1. Proving You Know What You are Getting Into

Given how many recruits drop out, firms want to be sure that you know exactly what you are getting into when you apply . When you explain why you have decided that consulting is a great fit for you, you obviously need it to be clear that you are doing so with a real understanding of what the job entails.

Ideally, you will have done an internship in consulting or a closely related industry. Alternatively, you might be moving sideways from a parallel sector, such as finance or tech, having worked alongside consultants in past roles and observed what they do first hand. In either such case, it is clear that you understand the demands of the job.

However, many of you will fall into neither of these camps and won't yet have any first hand experience of the consulting world. If this describes you, be aware that there is a particular onus on you to demonstrate that you know what is required of a working consultant - and that you have what it takes to meet those requirements.

Don't dismay, though, as this is definitely possible - it just requires a bit more thought from you. Really, you are limited to a strategy of identifying key consulting skills and showing that you have already had significant past experience (and ideally achievements) demonstrating that you are capable and comfortable in these areas - and, importantly, that you enjoy this kind of work!

This is similar in principle to some of what you should have already done in bullet point form in your resume. Our resume guide is useful here in listing the relevant consulting skills and giving examples that demonstrate them. However, your cover letter differs from the resume here in that the focus will be less on technical skills and more on personal character. You also can't be so schematic as in your resume, but must weave everything into a compelling narrative that leaves your reader in no doubt that you are well suited to, and prepared for, the job.

3.3.2. Finding Things to Say

Some candidates feel the need to embroider their accounts when they explain why they want to be a consultant. Maybe they genuinely think that the only reason they have chosen consulting is for the high salary and exit opportunities. Since they can't include either of these (as discussed below), they then cobble together an insincere-sounding road-to-Damascus story about how they had an epiphany that they should work at BCG or Bain.

However, introspection on the reasons that informed your own decision making can actually be a great source of material here. You might not be able to explicitly state them just now, but there are probably better reasons than you think for your choices.

Think about what exactly it was that led you to believe that you could do a consulting job and why have chosen to apply to jobs in that sector, rather than going into something else. If you want to be totally pragmatic, remember - it's a lot easier to answer interview questions on something approximating the truth than a tissue of lies!

I believe that I would be particularly well suited to the Associate Consultant position as consulting would provide real intellectual challenges, but placed within contexts allowing me to make use of my strong interpersonal skills. As a student representative, I instigated "Student Week" in the Physics department. This was a week where time was given over so that students could organise their own conferences and workshops. In order to make this initiative a success, I faced two main challenges: creating a committed team and getting the academic staff's support. I began by offering all students a stake in shaping the week and created teams in charge of all aspects of an organisation, delegating responsibilities to team leaders. Most of all, this experience taught me how to motivate people, leveraging their potential impact and the rewards to be gained from positive results. In the end, the teams were able to invite an outstanding line-up of speakers. Presenting the week as a chance to promote the school in the media enabled us to gain the final approval of academic staff. Understanding the perspectives of multiple stakeholders and identifying what they really cared about enabled me to transform an ambitious plan into reality. I loved this experience and would look forward to employing a similar skillset as an Associate Consultant.

3.4. Why that Firm?

Now finally, you need to show that you are committed to the particular firm to which you are applying . This is a crucial part of demonstrating your motivation as well as a way of showing your diligence in doing your research before applying. Needing to address why you want to work at your target firm in particular is why you fundamentally can't just re-use the same letter for all your consulting applications.

So, how should you do this?

In practice, there are three main ways to generate firm-specific content:

3.4.1. Contacts and networking

Whilst you might not have seen consultants at work first hand, there is nothing to prevent you from meeting them at career fairs, networking events, and the like.

You can also reach out to consultants in your target office via LinkedIn and potentially even schedule calls with them. You can do this from anywhere in the world. An experienced consultant can also guide you in this process within one of our mentoring programmes

The very best cover letters will grow out of substantial networking with current or former employees from your target firm - ideally from the specific office to which you are applying.

The individuals you speak to might be in a position to recommend you to recruiters. Otherwise, though, they will definitely be very well placed to tell you what is really unique about the company in general or your target office in particular. This is a surefire way for you to be able to make your cover letter specific in a way that actually rings true to those who read it.#

Also, don't be afraid to drop in the names of your contacts where they are relevant (and where this is appropriate, of course). The recruiter might know the people in question and they will lend credence to your application.

3.4.2. Reading

Of course, this kind of networking will not always be feasible, and certainly not at short notice. If you don't have access to anyone who has worked for your target firm, you should be able to get access to some of their output in the form of reports and similar material. Being able to comment on these demonstrates your enthusiasm to work at the target firm, as well as your diligence and intelligence. Indeed, mentioning report authors is a good way to shoehorn in the names of company employees whom you have not actually met in real life.

3.4.3. Observations

Of course, you would ideally be able to write about the first hand experience of working alongside consultants at a company that was a client of your target firm. Otherwise, if you have done your research, you will be able to discuss a successful project in which you have not been involved, but have taken a particular interest (possibly in an industry in which you have experience). This should convey genuine interest and, at the very least, shows you really have done your homework.

An example of how to approach this paragraph is as follows:

Bain specifically appeals to me for a few reasons. At a more personal level, all of the individuals I have spoken to who have worked at Bain have loved their jobs and seemed like people I would relish working with. Recently, I spoke to Sarah McKinney and Benedict Philips from the London office at a networking event. Both were very helpful and encouraging of my application. In particular, I was very excited to be able to talk to Sarah about Bain's recent work with capacitor technology firm NuCell. This was a project I had become aware of via my physics background and was very impressed with the sophisticated but wonderfully elegant solutions that Bain implemented. This was a significant influence in my decision to move towards consulting in general and Bain in particular.

3.5. Closing You Cover Letter

As with the opening, it is easy to get your cover letter's closing right simply by following a few standard rules.

Closing a consulting cover letter really just follows the same rules as a standard formal letter. Note that technically the form of your sign off depends on whether the letter was addressed to a named recipient or not. If you did manage to address your cover letter to a specific individual at the target firm, you should sign off your letter "Yours Sincerely". However, if you addressed the letter "Dear Sir or Madam" or "To Whom it May Concern", then you should sign off "Yours faithfully".

Not everyone will pick up on this, but some certainly will!

I very much hope that I can be considered for an interview. If you have any questions about my application or would like to know more, please do not hesitate to be in contact by email or on +44 7933023234. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely, Jane Wu

3.6. An Aside - Blurring Boundaries

Image of circuit board showing complex connections between large components. This echoes the blurring of boundaries between the discrete cover letter sections we have described in this guide

For the sake of clarity, we have given quite a schematic picture of how a cover letter is structured. In practice, the separation between the content of the three main paragraphs is often not quite as clear as has been shown so far.

This is something to bear in mind as you are writing. Certainly, it is not a problem that the content of the three main paragraphs somewhat bleed into one another. Indeed, it might well be that the optimal version of your letter gives you more bang for your buck in including points with more than one positive function.

For example, you might make mention of people or reports from your specific target firm in explaining why you chose to enter consulting in general. Simultaneously you will likely be able to include some impressive achievements, relevant to your initial description of yourself, in that same explanation as to why consulting was for you.

4. Quality Control

Mentor helping a student edit a document, illustrating the importance of receiving high quality feedback when you proof your cover letter

By now, you should have a completed document in front of you. However, this doesn't mean that you're finished!

Just as with the resume, quality control should be taken very seriously when you are writing your cover letter, and will almost certainly take longer than did writing your initial draft.

First, you should make sure you have followed all the rules we set out for formatting and structuring a consulting cover letter. This is the easy bit, after all, and you shouldn't be making mistakes here when it's something you can easily control for yourself.

The following checklist is useful to make sure that the major elements are in order. Thus, you must make sure that any management consulting cover letter:

  • Does not exceed one page
  • Is formatted sensibly
  • Contains no spelling mistakes (double check names of the company, position, HR manager and your contact information)
  • Mentions skills that are relevant to the job
  • Has relevant examples to back up those skills
  • Reinforces skills that are not adequately explained in your resume
  • Explains how your skill set relates to the job you are applying for
  • Is tailored to the target firm

Of course, to hammer the point home, it should go without saying that spelling, punctuation, and grammar should be perfect throughout - especially these days, where AIs will be reading applications thoroughly, besides harried humans skimming them.

In particular, though, you should triple-check spelling around the opening where you list your own contact information and state the name of the target firm and specific role. Imagine making the cut to for interview only to have your invitation dispatched to the wrong email address!

You wouldn't believe how many candidates we see making mistakes here - indeed, outside consulting, the former Graduate Recruitment Manager at City law firm Mayer Brown found that 20% of applicants got the firm’s name wrong. If so many high-end, detail-oriented lawyers can make that kind of mistake, so can you - check!

4.2. Feedback

As with any important piece of writing, you will want another set of eyes on your cover letter. However, a consulting cover letter is not quite the same as for a more "normal" job, and there is only so much that your classmate, your buddy or your mum is going to be able to tell you . These people might be able to help you with spelling, punctuation, and grammar, but not a great deal else.

If you have access to a careers adviser, they will certainly be more knowledgeable and be able to give you more specific feedback. That said, the very particular demands of consulting and how cover letters are assessed means there is no real replacement for someone with actual consulting experience .

As always though, real consultants are incredibly busy people and their time has a high price tag. You might be lucky enough to have access to a consultant who will help you out - perhaps a friend or relative or maybe one of your networking contacts who likes you enough to take the time to look at your application.

However, for those who aren't so lucky, there are still ways to get top quality feedback. MyConsultingCoach offers cover letter review and feedback , both alone on its own and in a package with resume review.

With this service, a deeply experienced MBB consultant mentor, with a minimum of five years at McKinsey, Bain or BCG, will provide the kind of granular, nuanced feedback you simply can't find elsewhere. You can read more here:

Explore Application Review

You can also have the same kind of 5+ year experienced MBB consultant do this kind of editing for you as part of a wider personal mentoring programme. Find out more here:

Mentoring Programmes

Of course, none of these services are strictly necessary, and this guide is here to help everyone. However, professional editing will help you close the gap with your competitors who have the advantage of pre-existing inside contacts.

4.3. Iterate

It is easy to become attached to what you have written. Especially after pouring time and energy into a document, constructive criticism can end up being taken personally and ignored. However, if you actually want to get a job in consulting, you need to swallow your pride and be prepared to make substantial changes if they are advised .

Once you have re-drafted the document, you need to cycle through the same stages of quality control again, always making sure that everything is formatted correctly with no typos and then getting decent feedback on what you have produced. To get the whole thing just right will likely take at least a couple of these iterations. Indeed, this is precisely why MyConsultingCoach's review packages all include three rounds of feedback as standard .

Finally, then, you will have completed your cover letter and be ready to submit your application. You can give yourself a pat on the back for getting everything so far done. However, you still have a lot more work ahead of you if you are serious about making it into consulting!

Man on mountain top looking across cloud covered landscape, illustrating the fact that completing one's application is only the first step in the journey to landing a consulting job

If you are interested in getting an interview at the likes of the MBBs, Kearney, LEK, Deloitte, or any high-end consulting firm, it is absolutely crucial that your cover letter is the very best that it can be .

To this end, we have given a detailed guide on how to optimise a cover letter, breaking down all the relevant sections. Examples were provided from a sample cover letter for a Bain London application, though it was explained that you should never simply copy from such example cover letters.

We encourage you to read further - starting with our resume guide - and to consider editing from one of our ex-MBB consultant coaches. However, what we have given you here is a very good starting point for you to carve out a great draft cover letter.

If you have followed this guide and ideally found someone to provide decent feedback, you should have every chance of being invited to interview. However, nobody is going to do well if they prepare for a consulting interview the way they would for a more "normal" job.

Management consulting interviews area very different beast to what you might be accustomed to elsewhere. You can read more about the characteristic consulting case interviews here here . Suffice to say, though, that a large volume of preparation is both necessary to so well and explicitly expected by the firms themselves . Putting together your consulting resume or cover letter might have seemed arduous or time-consuming, but what was just the tip of the iceberg!

In particular, you will need to learn how to solve case studies. You can start with our intro to case interviews , which links to other useful resources.

It's important to learn to tackle case studies the right way if you want to perform in the more demanding interviews at higher-end firms. The old-fashioned frameworks you will often find promoted online can be dysfunctional in more complex case studies. By contrast, we recommend the slightly more demanding, but much more capable, from-first-principles method used in real consulting work. You can find out more in the followng video:

To make your preparation as effective and time efficient as possible MyConsultingCoach has developed a comprehensive consulting interview prep course . This teaches everything you need to give your best possible showing in an interview. Included are all the mental maths, business and finance theory and logical principles needed not only to solve cases but to do so in a way that will impress the interviewer - the way a real consultant would . Also included is a set of lessons on how to address "fit" questions about your character and motivation to enter consulting.

Find out about our resume editing services

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Consultant Cover Letter Example (w/ Templates & Tips for 2024)

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Navigating the competitive world of consulting job applications? You're not alone in feeling the weight of first impressions. 

You see, with dozens of applicants vying for the same role, it's easy to get lost in the pile. 

The trick to standing out? A powerful cover letter tailored just for consultants. 

The good news? We've got you covered. Dive into our comprehensive guide on crafting that perfect consultant cover letter for 2024. 

Here's what we're going to cover:

  • An Inspiring Cover Letter Example
  • 5 Steps to Writing a Great Consulting Cover Letter
  • 3 Essential Cover Letter Tips for Consultants

Ready to up your cover letter game and make a lasting impression? Let's dive in! 

Consulting Cover Letter Example

Consultant Cover Letter Example

5 Steps for the Perfect Consulting Cover Letter

Now that you've seen what a great cover letter looks like, you're all set to write your own . 

Ready to get started and craft that winning consulting cover letter? 

Let's do it!

#1. Put Contact Information in the Header

When crafting your consulting cover letter, begin with your contact details placed neatly in the header, just like on your resume .

Here's what to include:

  • Full Name. Always place your first and last name at the top of the page.
  • Professional Title. Ensure your professional title matches the specific consulting position you're seeking. E.g. if you’re applying for the role of “management consultant,” that should be your exact title, and not, for example, “consultant” or “business consultant.”
  • Email Address. Opt for a professional and straightforward email address, such as a combination of your first and last name. 
  • Phone Number. Include your phone number and make sure it’s typo-free.
  • Location. Typically, your city and state will suffice. In case you’re looking for a relocation, make sure to mention that.
  • Relevant Links. Optionally, you can include links to relevant websites or social media profiles. E.g. personal website, LinkedIn profile, etc.

Now, let's move on to the hiring manager's information:

  • Company Name. Clearly state the company to which you're applying.
  • Hiring Manager's Name. If possible, find the name of the hiring manager for the department you're interested in. Check the job posting, the company's website, or their LinkedIn page for this information.
  • Hiring Manager's Title. If you identify the hiring manager for the specific job posting, and they hold a departmental leadership role, use that title instead of "Hiring Manager."
  • Location. Provide the city and state or country, especially if the company operates globally. Optionally, include the exact company address for precision.

With these elements in place, your consulting cover letter will be poised for success. 

Want more examples of what an ideal cover letter looks like? Check out our article with 21+ other cover letter examples .

#2. Address the Hiring Manager

Once you've included all the relevant contact details , it's time to address your consulting cover letter to the person who will be reading it.

Avoid the generic "To Whom It May Concern" whenever possible.

The way you address your cover letter can make a positive impression on the hiring manager— if you get it right.

So, start with a bit of research. Go through the job posting, the company's website, or their LinkedIn profiles to identify the hiring manager for the consulting department you're interested in. 

Next, address them formally. Using Ms. or Mr. followed by their last name is a good practice. However, if you're unsure about their gender or marital status, using their full name works just as well. For example:

  • Dear Mr. Anderson,
  • Dear Taylor Anderson,

If you can’t find the hiring manager’s name, then simply addressing them as “Dear Hiring Manager,” also works.

#3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement

Hiring managers typically spend about seven seconds reviewing a candidate's application before deciding whether to continue reading.

So, making a strong first impression with your consulting cover letter is essential.

Your opening paragraph should introduce yourself and express your genuine interest in the consulting role.

Depending on your experience level, you can also begin your cover letter with a noteworthy achievement or highlight the skills that align with the role's requirements.

However, keep this paragraph concise. The goal is to spark the hiring manager's curiosity and encourage them to read the rest of your consultant cover letter.

#4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details

The body of your cover letter is where you really sell your application and convince the hiring manager that you’re a great fit for the job.

Avoid the temptation to simply rehash your consultant resume - the hiring manager already read through that.

Rather, use the body of your cover letter to talk about:

  • Your top achievements (in detail). Provide specific examples of significant accomplishments in your consulting career. Explain the challenges you faced, your role in resolving them, and the measurable outcomes or impact of your work.
  • Past industry experience. Discuss the industries you've worked in and the depth of your experience within those sectors. Highlight any specialized knowledge or insights you've gained that can benefit the employer.
  • Your top skills (that make you a great fit for the role). Showcase the skills that directly align with the consulting role you're applying for. Whether it's data analysis, project management, client relationship-building, or any other skill, provide concrete examples of how you've used these skills effectively to achieve results in previous consulting engagements.

#5. Wrap It Up and Sign It

After you’ve written your body section, the first thing you need to do is write a conclusion for your cover letter .

The conclusion is your opportunity to confidently reiterate why you're the perfect fit for the role. It goes something like this:

In conclusion, my extensive experience in the field of consulting, coupled with my proven track record of delivering successful projects and driving positive outcomes for clients, makes me an ideal candidate for this consulting role at MadeUpCompanyX.

Then, after your wrap-up, it's time for a call to action. Encourage the hiring manager to take that next step, whether it's discussing your application further or setting up an interview.

For example: 

I am eager to discuss in more detail how my skills and background can contribute to the success of your projects or clients at MadeUpCompanyX.

Last but not least, maintain a professional tone as you sign off. Choose an appropriate signature line, followed by your full name.

And finally, if you're looking for alternatives to the commonly used "Best regards," consider these options:

  • Kind regards,
  • Respectfully yours,
  • Thank you for your consideration.

consultant cover letter structure

10 Essential Consulting Cover Letter Tips

Finally, once you’re done with your cover letter, review our top cover letter tips to take your consulting cover letter from “good” to “great:”

  • Research the Company: Understand the firm's values, culture, and projects. This will allow you to tailor your letter specifically to the company and demonstrate your genuine interest in becoming a part of their team.
  • Start Strong: Begin with a compelling opening that grabs the reader's attention. Mention a recent company accomplishment and tie it to your excitement about the consultancy role.
  • Highlight Relevant Experience: Focus on past experiences that align with the consultancy role you're applying for. Discuss specific projects, the challenges you've faced, and the results you achieved.
  • Show Problem-Solving Abilities: Consulting is all about solving client problems. Provide examples of how you've approached complex issues in the past and the strategies you employed to resolve them.
  • Quantify Achievements: Use numbers wherever possible. Instead of saying "I helped increase sales," mention "I contributed to a 20% increase in sales over a 12-month period."
  • Demonstrate Soft Skills: While technical and analytical skills are crucial, soft skills like communication, teamwork, and adaptability are also highly valued in consulting. Use anecdotes or examples to highlight these.
  • Keep it Concise: Hiring managers often skim cover letters due to the volume they receive. Aim for a concise, one-page letter that gets straight to the point while effectively showcasing your value.
  • Customize for Each Application: Avoid using a generic cover letter for all applications. Each company and role may have unique requirements or values, so take the time to customize your letter for each position.
  • End with a Call to Action: Conclude your letter by expressing your eagerness for an interview. You might say something like, "I am excited about the opportunity to discuss how my expertise aligns with the needs of your team and would appreciate the chance to meet in person."
  • Proofread: Errors can make a poor impression and suggest a lack of attention to detail. Before sending, proofread your cover letter multiple times, or even consider having a colleague or professional review it.

consulting cover letter examples

Key Takeaways

Hopefully, this article taught you all you need to know in order to create an impressive consultant cover letter.

Before you go, here’s a quick summary of everything we’ve covered so far:

  • Always tailor your cover letter to the specific company and role, ensuring you address the hiring manager by name whenever possible.
  • The initial paragraphs should pique the reader's interest, highlighting alignment with the company's values and your enthusiasm for the role.
  • Use the cover letter's body to elaborate on unique achievements and experiences not just reiterated from your resume.
  • End your letter by confidently summarizing your suitability for the position and encouraging further discussion or an interview.
  • Proofread meticulously, maintain brevity, and customize your approach for each application to stand out in the competitive consulting industry.

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Rachel Coulthard-Graf

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15 March 2019

Category: Articles Job applications

Tags: CVs , job applications

Crafting impactful statements for your CV and cover letter

When you are writing a job application, it is essential to describe your experience in a way that highlights the skills relevant for the position you are applying for. We’ve previously posted on some general tips on preparing job applications for industry . In this post, we provide details of some techniques that can help you demonstrate your skills in your CV & cover letter.

1. Action verbs

Action verbs can help demonstrate your skills by clarifying your role in projects. This can be particularly helpful for short statements on your CV.

For example, rather than simply stating:

“Project: role of gene xyz in process abc , collaboration with Bloggs & Mustermann labs”

to emphasize your role in assay development, you could write:

“Developed biochemical assays to investigate the role of gene xyz in process abc.” .

or emphasis leadership you could write:

“Led project coordination and biochemical research in an international collaboration that revealed the role of gene xyz in process abc.”

Be precise so that you demonstrate your skills without overstating your role.  If you are unsure how your statements could be interpreted, ask others for feedback.

See: 185 action verbs (external) or (within EMBL) handouts on job applications , which also includes a list of action verbs relevant for scientists’ applications.

2. Quantification, achievements and evidence

The easiest way of demonstrating a skill is to provide evidence of a positive outcome. For example, if you have great feedback for courses you have taught on, you can use this feedback in the cover letter to evidence your communication skills.

I have taught a number of courses at EMBL, where my ability to communicate complex topics has resulted in excellent evaluations (average  rating 4.9 / 5, where 5 is excellent teaching).

Quantification can more generally provide context for the scale of projects, helping to show the impact of your work.

If there is a key skill you have, but you don’t have hard evidence for, you could instead simply give examples of when you have used the skill. Additionally, if you want to really highlight this skill – show you know what makes someone good in this area:

During my postdoc, I have communicated my results in a wide-variety of settings, for example by writing a news and views article on a paper in my field. I have learnt the importance of tailoring the message to the audience and of using clear but precise language.

3. Re-framing experiences to highlight key skills

As this article outlines, framing examples in different ways can change the skills you are highlighting.  See below for some examples that would be suitable for a cover letter, and note the use of different action verbs. Reframing your examples can also be used for shorter CV bullet points.

To highlight impact / ability to deliver results – highlight the outcomes and your actions

I introduced a new high-throughput assay in the lab, which enabled analysis of x samples per day (increase of x compared to previous method). In addition to my project, the assay has now been used for 6 other projects and contributed to research in 4 papers to date.

To highlight teamwork – define who you worked wit h

I introduced a new high-throughput assay in the lab,  collaborating closely with the light microscopy facility to ensure compatibility with existing technology. I also worked with 5 others in the lab so that the technique could be applied to their projects in addition to my own.

To highlight communication skills – define the different ways you communicated

I introduced a new high-throughput assay in the lab, successfully persuading my PI to fund the adaptations to our microscopy set-up, and liaising with the company providing the technology and with the light microscopy laboratory. Additionally, I wrote detailed documentation and carried out informal training sessions, enabling others to use the technique for their own research.

Ability to Work Independently – define your contribution

I initiated and implemented introduction of a new assay in the lab. This involved independently researching high-throughput techniques, gaining PI and budget approval, and liaising between the company providing the technology and relevant stakeholders at the institute.

Project management – define the complexities & process

I led the introduction of a new high-throughput assay into the lab. This involved carrying out an analysis of the potential solutions, helping prepare documentation for budget approval, and finally coordinating delivery and installation, including liaising with the company providing the technology and relevant stakeholders at the institute.

Bringing it together

The annotation below shows how these techniques could be used in the research experience section. The level of detail, focus and exact points included should depend on the role you are applying for.

cover letter for life science consulting

Relevant sources:

  • Other articles on job applications from this blog
  • (within EMBL) EMBL Fellows’ Career Service : handouts e.g. on Academic Applications | Non-Academic Applications
  • University of Columbia career service post on impactful bullet points
  • Boehringer Ingelheim guide to creating a compelling job application
  • NatureCareers academic and nonacademic toolkits
  • UCSF and UPenn sample CVs
  • Blog post from @akrook on describing your skills in a cover letter
  • article on identifying your unique selling points
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7 Essential Tips to Write a Cover Letter for a Lifesciences Job

7 Best Tips to Write a Cover Letter for a Lifesciences Job | The Lifesciences Magazine


In certain circumstances, a well-written and well-structured cover letter is the key to securing an interview, regardless of how professional your CV is. Recruiters and HR professionals have a significant number of CVs to comb through in a short period of time, so they may only have a few minutes (or even seconds) to review your application.

Most recruiters in this area are seeking a very precise set of talents or a list of prerequisites, so a Cover Letter for a Lifesciences Job may be your greatest chance at showcasing why you’re the ideal candidate. Preclinical can provide insider advice on what to put in your cover letter to increase your chances of landing the life science job of your dreams.

Here are 7 Essential Tips to Write a Cover Letter for a Lifesciences Job;

1. state your existing status and desires clearly..

Recruiters must be able to rapidly extract fundamental information from your cover letter, such as why you want to work for the firm, any personal needs you have, your notice period, and whether or not you want to move. You’re one step closer to an interview if you make this material readily available and it checks all of their criteria.

Avoid using general phrases like “It would be a terrific chance to work for such a respected firm” when describing why you wish to work for the organization. Instead, wow them with a sincere and well-thought-out explanation.

2. Tailor your cover letter to the job.

There is no question that your CV is a primary emphasis for companies; thus, make sure that your Cover Letter for a Lifesciences Job complements it by being equally clear and precise. Our recruitment gurus all agree that the primary purpose of a cover letter is to highlight your most relevant core talents and competencies that are best suited to the post at hand.

7 Best Tips to Write a Cover Letter for a Lifesciences Job | The Lifesciences Magazine

For example, if you are looking for a CMC position in regulatory affairs, your cover letter should emphasize your talents and expertise in this subject right away. Any more talents may be added to your CV later if necessary.

As you compose the cover letter, have the job description nearby so you can provide concrete examples from your experience to match each bullet point. This will assist you in demonstrating that you are the greatest answer to their situation.

3. Provide as many detailed instances as possible.

Because your CV is likely to have numerous quick bullet points summarizing your talents and experience, a Cover Letter for a Lifesciences Job is an excellent chance to elaborate on these topics. This is critical since you must be able to demonstrate why you are qualified for the position and how you will provide value.

Important information to include may be the work you’ve done in a certain therapeutic area, samples of specific projects you’ve worked on, or a product you’ve launched in the field that the position is concerned with.

Include any international experience you’ve got and how your knowledge of different markets might assist the organization. The goal is to make engaging and impressing the recruiter or employer as simple as possible. The applicant will be more desirable if his or her skill set is more precise and relevant.

4. Highlight your professional accomplishments and any existing networks.

Standing out from the crowd may be challenging, but including some important professional accomplishments on your cover letter will help you stand out. For example, if you successfully oversaw a clinical research study, founded a new business unit in another nation, or were recognized internally as a high performer at a prior job, give some short information about these accomplishments.

If you’ve built a strong network over the course of your career, your Cover Letter for a Lifesciences Job is an excellent chance to include any high-profile individuals you know. For example, if you are a medical affairs professional, showing contacts with top physicians in certain therapeutic areas as well as a high reputation with important opinion leaders might be critical in securing an interview.

5. Personalize while demonstrating your writing abilities.

As previously said, your CV is a succinct description of your important abilities and experience, but it provides a limited chance to show your ability to express information correctly. A cover letter provides you with a blank canvas on which to express yourself while being inconspicuous.

It’s crucial to note that, although recruiters and employers are primarily looking for the greatest skill set, they’re also looking for someone who will be a cultural fit inside the company. Most essential, remember to proofread your letter completely! Recruiters may question your attention to detail and writing abilities if you make spelling and punctuation errors.

7 Best Tips to Write a Cover Letter for a Lifesciences Job | The Lifesciences Magazine

Although a Cover Letter for a Lifesciences Job is not usually the most crucial component of a job application for all of the various life sciences professions, there is a lot of evidence that a solid cover letter may help you get interviews and prepare for them.

This is due to the fact that it is a vital exercise in learning how to convey effectively why you are the greatest match for the position, which will aid you when answering interview questions later on.

6. Use numbers to demonstrate outcomes.

Don’t be hesitant to showcase your greatest work from your career, as long as it’s relevant. If you’ve increased marketing leads via a campaign, rebranded an entire product line or developed sales leads month after month, say so – ideally with statistics.

Being able to demonstrate to any company that you have a basic grasp of reporting may put you ahead of other applicants. It demonstrates that you are business-driven, that everything you do can be recorded and assessed, and that you are a results-driven employee.

7. Keep an eye out for grammatical errors.

7 Best Tips to Write a Cover Letter for a Lifesciences Job | The Lifesciences Magazine

Be cautious with your grammar, since it might rapidly land you in the ‘no’ pile. When creating a well-written Cover Letter for a Lifesciences Job, it is critical to read, re-read, and have someone else check it (and your CV). When you’ve been working on something for a long time, it’s easy to ignore little flaws.

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5 tips for writing a cover letter for a life sciences job

Monique Ellis

No matter how polished your CV may be, in some cases, the key to getting an interview is a clearly written and well-structured cover letter. Recruiters and HR professionals have large volumes of CVs to sift through within a very limited time so they may have a matter of minutes (even seconds) to glance through your application.

Most of the time, recruiters within this industry are looking for a very specific skillset or list of requirements, meaning that a cover letter could be your best shot at highlighting why you’re the best candidate. Proclinical can offer some inside tips on what to include in your cover letter to give you the best chance of securing the life science job you want.

Clearly state your current situation and preferences

Recruiters need to be able to quickly pull basic information from your cover letter; the reason you want to work for the company, any personal requirements you have, your notice period and if you're looking to relocate. If you make this information easily accessible and it ticks all of their boxes, you're a step closer to an interview. 

When you're explaining why you want to work for the company, ensure that you avoid any generic statements such as "It would be a great opportunity to work for such a reputable company". Instead, impress them with a genuine and well thought out reason.

Tailor your cover letter for the specific job

There is no doubt that your CV is a major point of focus for employers, so make sure that your cover letter complements it by being just as clear and concise. All of our recruitment consultants agree that the main function of a cover letter is to draw out your most relevant key skills and competencies that best fit the role in question. For example, if you are applying for a CMC role within regulatory affairs, you cover letter should immediately emphasise the skills and experience you have within this field. Any other skills can be seen on your CV later on if needed.

Have the job description next to you as you write the cover letter so that you can give direct examples from your experience to match each bullet point. This will help to show that you are the best solution to their problem.

Make your examples as specific as possible

Your CV is likely to contain several brief bullet points that summarise your skills and experience, so a cover letter is a good opportunity to expand on these points. This is crucial as you want to be able to prove exactly why you are suitable for the role and how you will add value.

Important details to give could include the work you’ve done within a particular therapy area, examples of specific projects you have worked on, or perhaps a product that you have launched within the field that the job is concerned with. Be sure to mention any experience you’ve had abroad and how your expertise of other markets can benefit the company. The idea is to make it as easy as possible to engage and impress the recruiter or employer. The more specific and relevant the skillset, the more appealing the candidate.

Highlight your career achievements and any established networks

Standing out from the competition can be difficult so outlining some notable career achievements on your cover letter will help to position you above the rest. For instance, if you’ve successfully overseen a clinical research trial, established a new business unit in another country, or been internally recognised for your work as a top performer at a previous employer, make sure that some brief details of these achievements are included.

If you’ve established a strong network over the course of your career, your cover letter is a good place to include any high-profile people you are connected with. For example, if you are a medical affairs professional, demonstrating relationships with top doctors within certain therapy areas and a good reputation with key opinion leaders can be crucial in gaining an interview.

Personalise whilst showcasing your writing ability

As previously mentioned, your CV is a concise summary of your key skills and experience, but this leaves little opportunity to demonstrate that you can competently communicate information. A cover letter gives you a blank canvas in which to do this while allowing you to discreetly put across your personality. It’s important to remember that whilst they are predominately searching for the best skill set, recruiters and employers also look for the person who will be a cultural fit within the team. Most importantly, remember to  thoroughly proofread your letter! Spelling mistakes and incorrect grammar can cause recruiters to doubt your attention to detail and writing skills.

Although a cover letter may not always be the most important component of a job application for all the different life sciences professions, there is much evidence to suggest that a strong cover letter is very beneficial in gaining interviews and helping with interview preparation. This is because it’s an important exercise in learning how to communicate concisely why you are the best fit for the role, which will help when answering interview questions later down the line.

For more advice on cover letters, CV writing and interviewing, follow Proclinical's career advice blog which is updated regularly. Alternatively, if you're looking for your next job in life sciences, simply apply to any current vacancies or upload your CV .

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Consulting Cover Letter Samples & Examples That Worked in 2024

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Crafting an impressive consulting cover letter is your key to unlocking a highly rewarding role, where you can provide detailed analyses, expert insights, and strategic business recommendations.

We'll be your guide, offering important tips, illustrating via meaningful examples, and even suggesting accessible templates to make your journey into the realm of consultancy a smoother ride.

Maersk Business Partner Cover Letter Example

In this guide, we'll cover everything you need to know about writing a cover letter as a consultant. Keep reading to learn about:

  • Crafting a well-formatted consultant cover letter header & headline
  • Creating a personalized greeting for your consultant cover letter
  • Writing an engaging & eye-catching consultant cover letter introduction
  • Showing your professional value as a consultant with accomplishments
  • Ending your consultant cover letter with a powerful closing statement
  • Accessing the best resources for job-seeking consultants

Still looking for a job? These 100+ resources will tell you everything you need to get hired fast.

1. Write a well-formatted consultant cover letter header & headline

The first two components to craft on your cover letter are your header and headline.

A cover letter header is a short block of text found most commonly in the upper left corner of the document that includes all the necessary applicant and company information. As for the cover letter headline , this is a brief title statement that helps to lead into the rest of the letter.

To better demonstrate how to format each of these elements, below are more in-depth explanations and examples of each:

Formatting the header

Your cover letter header can vary in format, style, and order of information. Some applicants will choose to include their name in larger font at the very top of the header, while others will create a more letter-style address in the header.

Regardless of what format you opt for, your header should always include:

  • The name of the company (& department, when applicable) you are applying for
  • Your name and professional title
  • Your contact information (phone number, email address, etc.)

Here is an example of a letter-style header on a consultant’s cover letter

To: Carhill Business Partners, Consulting Department From: Joe King , Business Consultant (123) 456-7890 | [email protected] |

Writing the headline

When writing the headline for your consultant cover letter, you should consider how journalists use headlines and article titles to grab the attention of readers. Your headline should be eye-catching, while also offering an accurate preview of the information to come.

In your headline, you should always use a keyword related to the position, an eye-catching number or trigger word, a powerful adjective or verb, and a promise.

Here is an example of an effective headline from a consultant’s cover letter

My 3 Negotiation Abilities that Make Me the Perfect Consultant for Your Company

Trigger Word/Number : My 3 Negotiation Abilities Keyword: Consultant Adjective: Perfect Promise: For Your Company – this addition at the end of the headline indicates to the employer that you will go beyond simply describing your skills by also relating them to the specific needs of the employer’s business.

Let your cover letter write itself — with AI!

2. create a personalized greeting for your consultant cover letter.

Whenever you write a greeting on a consultant cover letter, it is crucially important to create a personalized greeting that addresses a specific person or department within the company.

By doing so, you show the employer that you not only have excellent attention to detail but also that you have taken the time to thoroughly research their company beforehand.

In the event that you are unable to uncover a specific person or department that will be reviewing your application, try out one of the following alternatives:

To the [Company Name] Team

To the [Company Name] Hiring Manager

3. Build an engaging consultant cover letter introduction

By the time an employer reaches the introductory paragraph of your cover letter, you should have already hooked their attention with the headline and greeting. To keep this attention intact, include the following details in your introduction:

  • A brief overview of your professional history and goals
  • A statement on why you are enthusiastic about applying to this company
  • A mutual acquaintance (when possible)

Here is an example to help demonstrate how to write a consultant cover letter introduction

To the [Company Name] Hiring Manager,

I am writing to you today to apply for the open Consultant position after receiving a recommendation to do so by your company’s VP, Jane Doe. As a Consultant with over 6 years of experience in the financial industry, I am certain I will bring a high level of professionalism and excellence to this role and your company.

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4. Show your professional value as a consultant with accomplishments

Once the introduction of your consultant cover letter is squared away, it’s time to provide a more in-depth look into your qualifications in the body paragraphs of your letter. A strong cover letter will typically contain between 2 to 4 body paragraphs that answer the following questions:

  • What excites you about working at this company?
  • What do you hope to learn from working at this company?
  • What accomplishments or qualifications make you stand out as an applicant?
  • What key skills do you possess that are relevant to the position?

Providing quantifiable accomplishments is particularly effective in a cover letter, as this gives the employer real-life examples of the value you can provide to their business.

Here is an example of how to describe an accomplishment in a consultant cover letter

As the Digital Transformation Consultant for [Former Employer], I assisted more than 50 companies in the development and implementation of strategies to improve their digital infrastructure and online presence. In turn, these partnerships increased annual sales by an average of 30% annually for my former employer. 

5. End your consultant cover letter with a powerful closing statement

The conclusion of your consultant cover letter should be just as compelling as the introduction. To create a powerful closing statement, you should include:

  • An enthusiastic sentence saying you are looking forward to hearing from them
  • An additional sentence stating you will follow up, including how you will contact them or how they can contact you
  • A formal sign-off

Here is an example of a strong closing statement from a consultant cover letter

Thank you for taking the time to read my cover letter and consider my application. As your new Consultant, I am certain I can elevate your business partnerships and increase your sales according to your company’s high standards of quality. To best reach me, call (123) 456-7890 any weekday during normal business hours.

If I do not hear from you within a week, I will reach out to touch base regarding my application. 


[Applicant Name]

Follow this cover letter outline for maximum success.

6. Top resources for job-seeking consultants

Exploring the job market for consultants might seem daunting, but with the right tools and resources, you'll find your way. Here are some top recommendations:

  • Job platforms:  Websites like Glassdoor and Indeed offer an abundance of job postings, customizable search options, and critical alerts for new opportunities.
  • Professional networking sites:   LinkedIn stands out in this category. Beyond networking, it's a hub filled with job listings, industry-related content, and helpful groups to join discussions and stay informed. What's more, you can turn your LinkedIn profile into a polished resume within a few seconds.
  • Industry-specific job boards:  Certain websites cater to specific industries, such as Dice for tech consultants or Idealist for non-profit consulting roles. Exploring these can narrow down your search to targeted opportunities.
  • Company career pages:  Never underestimate the power of direct applications. Websites of companies you're interested in likely have a careers section with job postings.
  • Career counseling services:  Many universities, and some private organizations, offer career counseling services. They can provide individualized advice, resume and cover letter reviews, interview practice, and more.
  • Job search engines and aggregators:  Google for Jobs , SimplyHired , and others pull postings from multiple sources to save you from visiting each site individually.
  • Recruitment agencies:  Firms like Robert Half or Michael Page specialize in placing candidates in jobs. They often have relationships with companies seeking consultants and can help match you to suitable openings.

Armed with these resources, your consulting job search becomes a planned mission instead of a scattered ordeal.

Note: These aren't replacements for a compelling consulting cover letter and a strategic networking approach, but support tools on your professional journey.

Consulting Cover Letter FAQ

The recommended structure includes an opening salutation, an introductory paragraph, one to two body paragraphs explaining your qualifications and how they match the job requirements, followed by a conclusion and formal closing.

The golden rule is to keep it concise. Aim for no more than one page, and certainly no more than 400 words. Remember, hiring managers review several cover letters; short and impactful will get the job done.

Avoid using a one-size-fits-all cover letter for all your job applications. Tailor-make each letter to suit the specific position and company. Mirror the language in the job description and demonstrate how your skills and experiences align with the role.

Absolutely. Keywords can act as a bridge between the employer's needs and your skills. They can also dutifully serve as trackers for applicant tracking systems. Identify the keywords in the job description — like 'team player', 'analytical skills', or 'project management' — and integrate them into your letter where relevant.

If you know the hiring manager's name, address them directly (for example, "Dear Ms. Johnson"). If you don't know their name, it's better to opt for a generic, yet professional greeting like "Dear Hiring Manager" or "Dear Consulting Team".

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Milan Šaržík, CPRW

Milan’s work-life has been centered around job search for the past three years. He is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) as well as an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Careers Coaches (PARWCC™). Milan holds a record for creating the most career document samples for our help center – until today, he has written more than 500 resumes and cover letters for positions across various industries. On top of that, Milan has completed studies at multiple well-known institutions, including Harvard University, University of Glasgow, and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

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How To Write A Consulting Cover Letter That Gets You An Interview

Table of contents.

As the recruiting season comes thick and fast, applicants worry about the ideal way to structure their resume and cover letter.

And for good reason. Employers look for personalized and thoughtfully written cover letters as one of the ways of screening applicants for positions that they are hiring for.

A bad cover letter can be a deal breaker, so it is one of the most essential things recruiters from top-tier consulting firms consider.

In this article, we will cover how to write the perfect cover letter for you to secure a role at a management consulting firm – from the Big 4 to MBB.

What is a consulting cover letter?

A consulting cover letter accompanies your resume and documents your personal motivation for applying for the role, why you’d be a good consultant, and your desire for joining the firm you’re applying to.

When is a consulting cover letter required?

A consulting cover letter is required by most consulting firms, including McKinsey, BCG, Bain, the Big 4, and boutiques. It is generally required for both full-time and intern positions.

The best way to confirm whether a cover letter is required is to speak to the recruiter or check the firm’s website. In most cases, the firm will require you to submit both a resume and a cover letter.

cover letter for life science consulting

Why do firms ask for a consulting cover letter?

There are a number of reasons that firms require applicants to submit a cover letter, including:

  • It gives an insight into the unique attributes of the applicant. Since a cover letter is a personalized essay of sorts, it gives firms a richer understanding of the candidate, compared to just the resume.
  • Allows the applicants to describe their motivation to join the firm. The cover letter offers the candidate some free-form space to share their story and motivations.
  • Separating the extraordinary from the rest. A resume constrains what a candidate can talk about. The cover letter, on the other hand, allows the candidate to focus on the parts of their experience and motivations that make them unique.
  • It’s a sneak peek into your communication skills. As a consultant, you will need to convince and persuade your clients. Firms are looking to see whether you can use your cover letter to convince them to give you an interview.

cover letter for life science consulting

How to structure a consulting cover letter

Paragraph 1. a simple opening.

The opening to your letter is the most basic and straightforward paragraph. Simply introduce yourself and state the role that you are applying for. Keep it short, sweet, and simple.

Paragraph 2. Why you are a promising candidate

This is where you get the chance to open up and show why you are the ideal fit. Don’t be shy, this is no time for understatement or modesty.

Start by researching the firm that you’re applying to, and the skills and attributes that they are looking for. For example, the McKinsey website talks about how they value leadership abilities.

Next, think about the most compelling personal or professional demonstration of that attribute. In the case of McKinsey, you want to find an example where you demonstrated strong leadership.

The most important thing about your examples is that they show outcomes and results. It’s not enough to show that you are a leader; you need to show that your leadership achieved something amazing.

If possible, you want to demonstrate 2-3 skills and attributes that you firm is looking for. Given that there is limited space on a one-page cover letter, it’s fine to show multiple attributes in one example.

cover letter for life science consulting

Paragraph 3. Why you want to be a consultant

Now is your chance to demonstrate why you chose consulting as your career path.

All the top consulting firms want to recruit candidates who show a desire to work in high-stakes world of consulting. You need to show that you know what you are getting into, that you are ready for the challenge, and most importantly, that you are excited to work in consulting .

Although firms understand that most consultants exit to industry after a few years, don’t mention that in your cover letter.

Paragraph 4. Why the position and firm is for you

Now that you have covered why consulting is a good fit for you, it’s time to narrow down on the specific role and position that you are applying for.

Research the firm thoroughly and identify a few exciting projects, people, or reports that caught your attention. Talk about why those things impressed or interested you, and led you to want to work at the firm.

cover letter for life science consulting

Download 120+ strategy consulting presentations for free

Looking for slide inspiration? Download 120+ consulting slide decks from top strategy consulting firms, such as McKinsey, BCG and Bain!

Common mistakes while writing a cover letter

There are a number of common mistakes to avoid when writing a cover letter:

  • Not being specific enough.  Firms can sniff a generic cover letter a mile away. Ensure that your cover letter is tailored to the firm you’re applying to.
  • Not demonstrating the right skills. Although firms can be similar, there are small differences in the type of candidates they are looking for. Make sure that you demonstrate the right skills and abilities for the specific firm you’re applying to.
  • Attention to detail . Ensure that your cover letter is clear and there are no spelling or grammatical mistakes. That would be a good demonstration of what they are not looking for!

cover letter for life science consulting

Sample cover letter for Full Time position at LEK

Associate consultant.

My name is XXXX; a chemist with a PhD in chemistry. I am writing to apply for an associate consultant role. I recently attended one of your recruitment seminars where I met Dr xxx and was blown away by the life sciences team in L.E.K. I was attracted by the variety of projects consultants encounter over the year and the depth of industry knowledge within the team. The support and training that the company offers to associate consultants to aid their professional development also makes L.E.K. stand out to me as an employer alongside the swap program, which seems like a great opportunity to experience new projects and discover new cultures.

I have held two Research Associate positions where I have taken on multiple leadership roles. As the senior postdoc   at Imperial College, I took responsibility for all lab activities from health and safety to training of new researchers. I have also initiated multiple collaborations across different departments, which enabled me to lead my own projects where I recruited students to work with me. These have resulted in an article submission and Ph.D scholarship granted to our group to continue the research. My previous position was at the University of XXX where I worked with a team of postdocs  from multiple universities on a drug discovery program identifying cancer therapeutics. During this project, I have used my analytical skills to sort and score large data sets of hits from  microarrays in order to determine lead compounds that would be advanced to the next stage of the program. As a result we have managed to enhance the lead activity by 1000 fold and submit a patent. 

I have always chosen interdisciplinary projects because of the opportunity they provide to encounter new ideas and approaches. I have published multiple articles in high impact journals, a book chapter and a patent. I am very comfortable communicating ideas with large audiences. Furthermore, my fluency in three languages provided me with excellent communication skills, which I have leveraged to build a wide network of collaborations in France and the UK.

My strong scientific background and exceptional communication skills, alongside a proven track record delivering high quality projects under pressure, provide me with an excellent foundation for a career within L.E.K. These skills, alongside my passion for learning more about the fascinating world of management consultancy, will be vital in tackling the challenging and intellectually stimulating projects undertaken in your firm as an associate consultant.

Thank you for your time in considering my application and look forward to hear from you.

Kind Regards,

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Life Science Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the life science job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Resume Builder

  • Manage the territory by developing and maintaining effective customer relations with purchasing and end users within assigned territory
  • Communicate with supervisor any customer issues or potential problems; perform other tasks assigned by manager
  • Attend & Organize exhibitions/in house seminars/workshops/Pharma & Biotech Organizations
  • Perform sales calls and vendor relations with all customers and potential customers in the assigned territory
  • Understand and manage the sales funnel to meet short- and long-term sales objectives, including preparation of quotations and proposals
  • Maintain accurate reporting, records, and files necessary for proper management of territory
  • Direct selling of UPW Sievers instruments
  • Working with and providing training and scientific input for students and laboratory staff
  • Performs library research and assist in the preparation of grants and manuscripts
  • Manage and respond to project related email
  • Prepare progress reports for the PI and funding agency
  • Advanced knowledge of laboratory procedures and processes
  • Drafting of presentations and manuscripts for publication
  • Collect and analyze data
  • Provide concise communication of noted quality assurance and regulatory compliance issues to the Quality Assurance Supervisor/Manager
  • Assist with the collection and reporting of designated account/project metrics
  • Perform all other related duties as assigned
  • IQ/OQ/PQ/UAT Qualification Test Plans
  • Maintain an up-to-date knowledge of life science industry regulations, quality assurance practices, infrastructure qualification and computerized system validation practices and procedures
  • Personnel training records, CVs, and Job Descriptions
  • As assigned by the Quality Assurance Supervisor and/or Quality Assurance Manager, the Quality Assurance Auditor will conduct quality assurance reviews of account system specific documentation to include, but not limited to
  • Excellent organizational skills and demonstrated ability to complete detailed work accurately
  • Proficient working knowledge of Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, and Outlook)
  • Learn and perform other more advanced tasks, depending on ability and time available, such as animal surgical procedures
  • Excellent oral and written communication and interpersonal skills. Ability to adjust communication method based on customer situation
  • Ability to problem-solve and deal with a variety of concrete variables in situations where only limited standardization exists
  • Comfortable interacting with a wide variety of people with different personalities and backgrounds within Airgas and outside the Company
  • Excellent manual dexterity
  • Meticulous attention to detail and record keeping in laboratory procedures
  • A strong interest in cellular neuroscience
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Office software (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

15 Life Science resume templates

Life Science Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

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  • Responsible for total portfolio specific sales in territory (strategy, market Intel, planning, execution)
  • Set and execute an effective Sales Strategy in country and region. Develop territory plans to achieve goals and exceed targets
  • Achievement of revenue goals for specific solution portfolio in territory
  • Link sales organization with the portfolio product and marketing organization. Influence product and marketing execution to advance sales
  • Expert on competitors in the territory (product portfolio and landscape)
  • Develop and maintain product champion relationships in the regions - decision makers, influencers and partners
  • Seen as a thought-leader for the solution area
  • Is an active contributor within the research domain in the territory (e.g. societies)
  • Required to participate/present at customer events
  • Effectively hire, coach and develop and retain people
  • Lead by example; manage change (effectively implement global initiatives in region)
  • Fully understand and utilize Elsevier sales tools (e.g. sales compensation plan, pipeline dashboards, etc) to drive sales behavior
  • People management
  • Negotiation skills
  • Domain knowledge
  • Science or researcher background (can be in academia) is a plus
  • Proven experience in sucessfully leading sales teams made-up of varying seniority, skills and knowledge (minimum of 5 years)
  • Senior level person (gravitas), with sales experience at executive levels
  • Preferred experience and knowledge of specific solution areas (competitive)
  • Background in complex solution-sales approach - “consultative selling”
  • Strong communication (verbal and written) and presentation skills; fluency in English
  • Experienced in working in an international matrixed organization
  • Self starter
  • Frequent travel required (40%)

DCG Health & Life Science Market Analyst & Business Planning Grad Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Understand the Vertical Market Model and HLS Market model and perform quantitative analysis
  • Plan, coordinate sessions across multiple business groups to communicate data from the Vertical Market Model
  • Align the Health Market model numbers with data from business groups on relevant platforms (PC, tablets, etc.)
  • Research on latest health trends and gather insights to share with the HLS community and Market Insights site. Understand the BUT insights (User, Competition, Market size, Technology trends) for the 4 initiatives and post the real time insights on the website, create new blogs on latest insights
  • Well-developed written and verbal communication skills
  • Excellent teamwork skills and ability to work with cross-site global teams
  • Must be pursuing an MBA (Masters in business administration)
  • Business analysis and market research
  • Expert in Excel/pivot tables
  • Understanding of macros
  • Background or Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science, Information Systems or other science/engineering related field

Life Science Associate Partner Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor's Degree
  • At least 4 years experience in Experience in design and delivery of Digital Engagements
  • At least 4 years experience in Understanding of project design and development cycle
  • At least 4 years experience in Experience in writing case studies and reports of the digital solution
  • At least 2 years experience in Proven commercial experience running and planning complex high performance projects
  • At least 4 years experience in Delivering against challenging timescales and within a high-pressure environment
  • At least 4 years experience in Expertise in Lifce Science, ability to develop and grow business

Global Life Science General Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assists executive management with the strategic planning for assigned accounts. Leads the annual planning and growth productivity framework processes to develop and deliver results. Acts on defined strategy for account relations and implements processes to engender one company brand and view to the account. Partners with leaders and teams across the organization to improve and/or redefine processes for result
  • Manages account profit-and-loss including achieving revenue goals and profitability targets
  • Acts and makes informed decisions based on data against key metrics. Ensures that metrics are in place to measure key outcomes and oversees formulation of processes/standards to achieve productivity and revenue objectives for assigned accounts. Ensures appropriate financial structure and oversees the use of resources
  • Leads execution of business plans and standardized processes, including planning and implementation of operations, personnel, marketing, customer service and accounting programs and initiatives; monitors to ensure consistency and efficiency across appropriate groups
  • Reviews and reports on the operational and financial health of assigned accounts including overview of staffing, workflow, volume and other key financial metrics for presentation of findings and recommendations to senior management. Creates and executes improvement strategies
  • Manages responsiveness to customers and identifies areas for improvements in service, staffing and operations that will increase customer satisfaction
  • Manages overall personnel activity of the area which may include managers and senior and specialized personnel regarding staffing, retention and compliance. Ensures department resources are properly allocated. Maintains open communication between employees and management, with direct intervention as appropriate
  • Manages, develops and oversees budget; ensures activities are appropriately funded, coordinated and managed according to the guidelines/constraints of resource allocations. Oversees and manages expenditures related to business/accounts. Balances cost savings with needs of the department

Solution Sales Manager Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develops a deep understanding of the relevant customer segment the solutions are sold into, translating the solution value to be segment specific
  • Key expert on specific research workflow, being able to bring global references to customers in territory
  • University degree, preferably in Life Sciences, Chemistry, Biology, Biochemistry, Medicine or related study
  • Strong communication (verbal and written) and presentation skills
  • Fluency in English and French (Spain language could be beneficial)
  • A passion for closing deals and new business

Life Science Project Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Takes part in a pre-sales activities and in contract renewals as soon as potential customers have been identified by sales representatives
  • Takes part in the briefing stage (contextual parts, customer issues)
  • Help the sales representative to build the high level requirements used to calculate the price of the solution
  • Provides to the sales representative every information that could facilitate up-selling
  • Helps customers to redefine their needs (formalize issues, give a general idea of the solution proposed)
  • Writes the specifications and amends as required following consultation with customer and internal specialists (e.g. technical consultant)
  • Identifies and provides solution parameters following internal guidelines
  • Assesses resources needed & workload with the heads of tech/content resources
  • Defines project plan and budget
  • Respects deadlines, budgets, commercial proposals and current methods
  • Is responsible for ensuring projects run within time and budget; provides reporting elements
  • Identifies potential delays and proposes solutions
  • Identifies and flags risk/opportunities regarding customer satisfaction & budget
  • Provides resource schedules, anticipates activity peaks and critical stages
  • Ensures that the services provided by LNI BIS meet customer needs and the agreed commercial proposal
  • Closely collaborates with colleagues from the technical department to solve issues

QA Leader, Life Science Service Enterprise Resume Examples & Samples

  • Acts as QA lead support to regional Flex Factory (FF)/KUBio projects supporting milestone reviews
  • Provides QA Support to Global Flex Factory/KUBio projects as requested
  • Assists in ensuring 100 percent quality and regulatory compliance in accordance with documented procedures for all aspects of functional responsibility
  • Leads, acknowledges, develops, communicates & implements a strategy to ensure compliance
  • Responsible for the development, implementation, and continuous improvement of process effectiveness and efficiency for the Enterprise solution business
  • Ensures process compliance through the development of comprehensive procedures, workinstructions, flowcharts, forms, templates, checklists, worksheets, and other product and process related documentation
  • Supports continuous product and process improvement through detailed failure analysis for nonconformances, and investigates, develops and implements effective and compliant solutions for product or process corrections, retrospective and remediation action plans, and for corrective and preventive actions (CAPA Program)
  • Leads process efficiency and compliance effectiveness through the development and implementation of process verification and validation plans, including Master Validation Plans (Site Level), Validation Master Plans (Product or Process specific plans), and the development of detailed process flow diagrams that describe critical process interdependencies with respect to process inputs, outputs, risks and impacts
  • Ensures readiness of facilities, systems, and operating mechanisms in compliance with GEHC and Life Sciences (LS) requirements
  • Coordinate validation protocols and reports from draft to approval
  • Support on-site document control, including but not limited to, documents from SAT, Automation, IQ, OQ etc
  • Supports Service QA in hosting Customer audits related to Flex Factory/KUBio
  • Participates in the establishment of equipment testing documents for FF products
  • Conducts trainings, such as GDP, GMP(21 CFR part 210/211, part 820) & document control, to the project team as necessary
  • Administers deviations and EngaGE cases in accordance with internal procedure
  • Responsible for escalation and categorization of risks associated with teams interactions with customers, third parties, regulators, and operating mechanisms
  • Support coordination and oversight of KUBio Qualification
  • Supports ad-hoc assignment based on business need
  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent knowledge and experience
  • Proven experience of Quality Assurance/Regulatory Assurance in a regulated industry or a Masters degree or equivalent knowledge and experience
  • Ability to communicate effectively in English (both written and oral)
  • Demonstrated validation experience in pharmaceutical or medical device industry
  • Familiarity with HVAC system, WFI, PW and automation for environmental monitoring requirements
  • Demonstrated understanding or aptitude to understand Medical Device QMS & Pharmaceutical
  • GMP regulatory requirements including but not limited to FDA CFR 21 820, 210/11, ISO9001 & ISO13485
  • Ability to travel and work at customer site based on needs from different project phases
  • Demonstrated experience and proficiency with MS Office word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, and database applications
  • Knowledge & experience of ISO14644 cleanroom requirements
  • Experience in ISPE, GAMP5 and GMP requirements
  • Demonstrated knowledge of Quality Management System tools, continuous improvement methodologies & in-depth understanding of site level products & related processes
  • Demonstrated expertise to effectively communicate within all levels of the organization around concepts of design controls, design verification and validation activities; production &process controls; Corrective & Preventive Action (CAPA), complaints & risk management; & product quality improvement using tools such as six sigma, DFR, etc
  • Demonstrated collaboration, negotiation & conflict resolution skills
  • Demonstrated ability to lead, acknowledge, develop, communicate & implement a strategy under crisis situations to ensure compliance
  • Demonstrated understanding of product development lifecycles, design change and document change control, process verification and validation methodologies, manufacturing / production process control methodologies, and servicing in a medical device environment
  • Demonstrated understanding of continuous quality / process improvement tools: (As defined by the local site, e.g. DMIAC, SPC, Lean SS, 5S)
  • Experience leading and implementing change
  • Experience performing internal audits and participating in external audits
  • Exceptional analytical, problem solving & root-cause analysis skills
  • Ability to multi-task & handle tasks with competing priorities effectively
  • Strong technical aptitude (i.e. able to read & comprehend technical documentation & execute procedures), global regulatory experience & demonstrated experience interfacing with regulators

Life Science Sales Specialist Consumables Resume Examples & Samples

  • Responsible consumable product lines are in the area of protein purification and characterization (Western blotting), filtration (Whatman) and nucleic acid purification & amplification
  • Achieve sales targets and customer satisfaction in assigned area
  • Create end user demand for both direct and indirect customers and spend at least 60% of time in the field
  • Motivate, encourage and support distributors to promote GE Healthcare Life Sciences consumables
  • Sales negotiation and deal closure, interfacing with all key buying influencers such as direct users and decision makers
  • Promote solution selling by combining all relevant consumables in the customer workflow and find leads for related instruments
  • Develop and maintain a high level of product knowledge of GE and competitive products
  • Actively use CRM system ( to ensure transparency and total customer management
  • Degree and experience from the field of Life Science or equivalent
  • Ideally consultative sales experience
  • Willingness to travel within your specified geographic region with occasional overnight stays
  • Fluent in English with good knowledge of both written and verbal English
  • Knowledge and experience in the field of filtration, protein and nucleic acid sample preparation, protein purification and characterization e.g. Western blotting is a benefit
  • Experience in working with distributors
  • Robust interpersonal skills, with demonstrated ability to work independently as well as with a team
  • Demonstrated ability to analyze customer data and develop financially sound sales solutions
  • Strong communication skills and ability to synthesize complex issues into simple messages
  • Demonstrated ability for prioritization and to perform multiple tasks simultaneously

Health & Life-science Industry Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead the development of global sales and marketing programs and guide implementation that drives Intel thought leadership in accordance with the defined strategy for HLS markets
  • Providing an executive presence for Intel within the HLS segments and acting as the "voice of the customer" back to relevant Intel business units to ensure the company’s strategies and solutions are designed to tackle key business imperatives
  • Lead early stage, pre-market ready solution plays into key accounts and help close important wins that would serve as reference “tipping-point” engagements
  • Work with Intel’s product teams and our ecosystem partners to formalize and deploy go-to-market programs to ensure consistent messaging
  • Work with the product teams to help ratify their product road maps against industry trends, competitive analysis, emerging business models, regulatory and policy environments, and other market dynamics
  • 10 years of sales or business development experience in the technology sector, preferentially with experience in the HLS vertical
  • Proven track-record of building strong, direct relationships with senior government and business leaders
  • Previous Enterprise experience in global strategic account management and sales
  • Strategic vision, leadership and implementation skills
  • Excellent cross-functional team leadership and strong influence/matrix management skills
  • Proven track record of creating, managing and operating in virtual teams - driving strategies, tactics and goals/objectives
  • Proven ability to make significant impact in dynamic, global work environments
  • Experience in leading and developing diverse staff and building high impact teams
  • Excellent sales, verbal and written communication skills with a proven track record of participating in complex customer engagements

Customer Consultant Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Can demonstrate all solutions in portfolio to expert end-users, at a feature level comparison against all competitors
  • Trusted advisor to the customer – in-depth knowledge of their very specific research workflow and how they extract value from our solution
  • Stay abreast of development in field and market segment, and share with Elsevier. Active thought-leader in the domain in the specific territory
  • Provide customer feedback to product and marketing teams and plans to help direct marketing efforts in meeting strategic sales objectives

Solutions Sales Manager Life Science UK Resume Examples & Samples

  • Achievement of new-sales, including expansion sales (upsell), revenue growth targets of the Life Sciences portfolio in territory
  • Collaborate with regional sales teams to develop targeted sales plans for each region and the execution of these plans
  • Fluency in English (Scandinavian language could be beneficial)

Basic Life Science Research Associate Resume Examples & Samples

  • Scientific expertise and/or background in scholarly study of a relevant topic or discipline
  • A PhD or professional degree (e.g., MD, with molecular biology experience) in a relevant area of study and at least five years of work experience
  • Publication in academic outlets are strongly preferred
  • Outstanding professional and interpersonal communication skills (oral and written)
  • Effective collaborator and team builder
  • Extensive organizational, time management, and problem-solving skills
  • Dedication to science
  • A can-do attitude and good humor; able to interact well with people ranging from senior faculty to first-year undergraduates
  • For consideration, please submit curriculum vitae, cover letter, two writing samples on relevant topics, and the names and contact information of three references
  • A background check will be required for the final candidate

Life Science Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Understanding of molecular and cell biology principles and some previous experience with tissue culture and molecular biology techniques generally associated with approximately one year’s employment experience in laboratory work or equivalent training (e.g., one year of college science)
  • Experience with handling and processing RNA samples is desirable
  • Must be detail-oriented and able to keep accurate records of experiments
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to work with a diverse group of staff
  • Good organizational and computer skills desirable, experience with next generation sequencing protocols is advantageous
  • A Ph.D. or M.D. degree with at least 3 years of postdoctoral research experience required
  • A comprehensive understanding of mouse immunology with a strong background in multivariate data analysis
  • Nucleic acid analyses: DNA and RNA extraction, QRTPCR, digital PCR, RNAseq library preparation
  • Mouse handling techniques: IP injections, tail bleeds, general handling techniques
  • Flow cytometry techniques
  • The ideal candidate will have experience coding in R, Python or MATLAB
  • Experience with mouse models and isolating primary cells from mouse tissues
  • Experience with grant proposal preparation and submissions, and preparation
  • Of proposal budgets
  • Experience with project database maintenance
  • Design and oversight of experiments
  • Interpretation of data
  • Ph.D. in life science or related discipline and experience in molecular biology required
  • At least 2 years of post-doc experience in academic environment or biotechnology industry
  • Strong experimental design and data analysis skills; familiarity with molecular biology techniques including qPCR, qRT-PCR, SNP assays, and cloning. Experience with high-throughput sequencing a plus
  • Possess the ability to write and communicate effectively
  • Prepare materials for submission to granting agencies and foundations
  • Prepare, maintain, and update website materials
  • Supervise students, residents, and/or fellows working on the research project (maintaining records on assignment completion, acting as liaison/mediator between the trainees and the faculty researcher)
  • Attend project meetings
  • Attend seminars and other meetings as necessary
  • Summarize project results
  • Prepare other articles, reports, and presentations
  • Monitor the project budget

Life Science Research Asst Resume Examples & Samples

  • B.S. degree in related scientific field required, M.S degree desired
  • Three years of relevant experience and comprehensive understanding of biological sciences principles
  • Proficiency with the following techniques required: understanding of medical imaging, including of MRI imaging, understanding of DICOM format, understanding of image processing, understanding of registration and segmentation
  • A BS/BA in Biological Sciences with a minimum of two year of prior lab experience is required for the position
  • Highly self-motivated, strong desire to learn, and have excellent communication skills
  • Advanced scientific knowledge in cancer biology, molecular biology, cellular biology, and mouse models
  • Strong ability to design and carry out molecular and cellular biological experiments and mouse study
  • Familiarity with different computer programs and tools that are commonly used in a biological research lab
  • Strong troubleshooting skills and excellent scientific judgment
  • Ability to work under deadlines with general guidance
  • Expertise with basic molecular, cell biology techniques, such as cell culture, DNA, RNA, protein isolation and analysis, subcloning, and immunohistochemistry
  • An advanced degree, such as MS or PhD in Cancer Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, or a related field
  • Prior research experience in cell signaling, transcription regulation, transgenic and knockout mouse models

Managing Director, Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum of seven years of prior work experience (with a Life Science industry focus) in investment banking, venture capital, private equity or leveraged finance
  • Experience in senior debt, asset-based financing, select equipment-based financing, subordinated or mezzanine debt and leveraged buyout firms
  • Extensive contacts in the private equity, venture capital and/or financial intermediaries’ communities
  • Strong analytical capabilities, financial modeling proficiency, excellent written and oral communication skills, a willingness to be proactive in contacting people and learning about new developments
  • Experience in senior management roles (including attending management meetings, involvement with deal structuring, pre and post investment portfolio management, etc.) in the transactions they sponsored or executed

VP, Account Executive Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide strategic direction and drive business with client to achieve revenue growth, profitability and continuing customer satisfaction in the Life Science sector
  • Maximize opportunities across all service lines, taking accountability for qualification and closure of all new business within the account
  • Own and develop the long term client relationship on behalf of Capgemini
  • Provide the necessary direction and management of the Account Team, identifying and implementing any development needs as required
  • Work closely with the solutions team in the Outsourcing, Technology Services and the various Sector groups to develop and win a pipeline of new/add-on business
  • Experience in a senior client/account management role within the supply side including management of account P&L of 50MM or greater
  • Proven track record of delivering IT solutions and growing revenue within a major account
  • Experience operating at CXO level, and ability to demonstrate excellent client relationships
  • Knowledge of Life Sciences, domain and network
  • Strong Understanding and experience of Outsourcing, IT programme/project delivery and off shore delivery teams, mechanisms and processes
  • Excellent client engagement – able to empathise with and respond to the needs of stakeholders

Field Project Manager Life Science Automation Resume Examples & Samples

  • Support the sales team in the sales of ‘complex projects&#8217
  • Analyse customer laboratory processes and workflows and requirements
  • In conjunction with the Sales Specialist, develop custom Life Science Automation solutions with a focus on ‘complex projects&#8217
  • Provide support in the customization of smaller workstations where applicable
  • Act as a consultant both for customers and internally for our sales specialists
  • Present complex solutions to customers at sales meetings including software demonstrations
  • System drafting and design using MS Visio or similar suitable tools
  • Communication with Integrated Solutions to develop a system and generate final custom quotations and drawings
  • Be part of global sales processes such as growth rooms and ASAP project management
  • Cultivate key customer relationships to bring unique solutions to internal stakeholders
  • Managing third party supplier relationships, quotations and part number generation
  • Advanced degree in biology, biochemistry
  • Outstanding communication skills (written and verbal) required
  • Laboratory automation system sales experience preferred
  • Applications support experience preferred
  • Deep knowledge of lab automation processes
  • Strong IT literacy and ideally experience in automation control software
  • Customer relations and cross functional teamwork experience
  • Understanding of complex sales solution processes
  • Fluent English required
  • Travel estimated at 50%

Northern European Life Science Automation Application Team Leader Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ensure daily management with northern European team ( currently UK, Nordics, The Netherlands, Switzerland)
  • Manage priorities regarding available resources in collaboration with Central LSapps team Leader
  • Contribute to the achievement of financial targets
  • Conduct demonstrations of instruments and reagents
  • Provide scientific and technical support on the instruments and systems
  • Participate in implementation of instruments and protocols for customers
  • Conduct customer on-site trainings
  • Collection and Reporting of Business Data
  • Ensure customer satisfaction
  • Ensure Team engagement and conduct performance management activities as per set calendar
  • Ensure Pre Sales Support for the LSA Sales team in territory
  • Coordinate training and support of Dealers in territory
  • Drive the implementation of policies and procedures that ensures strict compliance with all legal, regulatory and company requirements
  • This position requires the incumbent to be partly field based to approximately 50%

Life Science Sales Account Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • 3-5 years previous experience selling supply chain systems, software, or services to the Life Science markets
  • Experience in working with Life Science manufacturing, quality, distribution and/or cargo security strongly preferred
  • Must have the ability to develop strategic plans for large multi-national accounts and the tactical action skills to implement them in order to exceed the financial goals of the territory
  • This position is based in the Mid- Atlantic US and overseeing the Philadelphia area with up to 50% (mix of auto and air) travel required
  • Experience in performing injections and surgical procedures on mice is desirable
  • Experience with western blots, immunofluorescence and protein purification will be advantageous
  • Good organizational and computer skills desirable
  • Minimum of 3 years’ proven sales track record in the Middle East is mandatory
  • Fluency in English and Arabic
  • Competitive salary and a 13th month
  • Attractive collective health care insurance package with considerable reduction rates
  • Profit share or bonus plan subject to the company annual results
  • Additional benefits, such as memberships to Elsevier’s magazines, discount on books and in-house sport facilities
  • Numerous training, coaching and e-learning modules for long term job opportunities and development
  • Several local and global networking communities to share best practices and knowledge
  • Excellent organizational skills, communication skills, attention to detail, flexibility and an eagerness to learn
  • Must be able to work independently as well as in a team setting
  • One year of employment experience in laboratory work or equivalent training (e.g., one year of college science)
  • The ability to work under deadlines with general guidance and a general understanding of scientific principles

Director of Consulting, Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Recruitment and hiring for assigned territory including interviewing and recommending potential candidates
  • Business development together with own team of Services Sales specialists and weekly review and forecast of assigned account revenue
  • Support/Drive escalations within support and product engineering
  • Participate in quarterly Dell EMC Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs) on assigned accounts
  • Participate in quarterly territory staff demand planning
  • Previous working experience in regulatory or clinical domains within a Life Science company is a strong plus
  • Fluency in Life Science industry processes and terminology in at least one specialization (e.g. clinical) and understanding of the industry value chain
  • Extensive working experience deploying Life Science content management solutions (5+ years)
  • Regulated Content Management experience required, experience with Documentum preferred
  • Prior consulting / customer facing experience, preferably with pre-sales experience
  • Understanding of validated system deployment
  • Program management skills
  • Preference for candidates living in the Northeast. Work from home position with travel to clients and Princeton, NJ office

Inside Solution Sales Manager Life Science Maeu Resume Examples & Samples

  • Create and execute on the Life Sciences penetration plan in territory. Align territory and account solution portfolio plan with holistic territory/account plan
  • Successful transition of ownership of the account/ agreement to Account Manager & Customer Consultant, ensuring total growth on total base of the portfolio
  • Provide continuous feedback to product and marketing teams and participate in projects to help marketing in meeting strategic sales objectives
  • Channel feedback to the Product organization for continued product enhancement and new development needs, including for customized solutions
  • University degree in Chemistry
  • Minimum of 5 years’ proven sales track record in selling Software Solutions / tools in a Life Science environment, Technology, Pharma or Software environment
  • Experience in a Scientific environment could also be gained due to study / research
  • Proven experience in complex solution-sales approach - “consultative selling”
  • Knowledge in regional or national research programs, collaboration networks, and key opinion leaders
  • Excellent analytical and presentation skills
  • Fluency in English and German
  • Experienced in working in an international matrix organization

Life Science Solutions Architect Resume Examples & Samples

  • For assigned accounts, have global responsibility for the design, and the accountability for the implementation and ongoing production support, of comprehensive solutions (process & technology) to meet the specific needs of the accounts
  • The focus of all solutions is to support the profitability of the PAREXEL Informatics & Phase II/III & Peri/Post Approval service lines, to ensure quality delivery, and aid new business acquisition
  • The Principal provides global expertise for a high value area of Clinical Research Technology, providing to the team leading expertise in this area while mentoring more junior Client Technology Partner
  • Single point of contact for account-level technology and data integration solutions covering technology third party vendors
  • Participate in client facing meetings to gather requirements related to solution delivery
  • Have experience in software engineering, software development, enterprise and/or solution architecture and able to develop a High Level Design (HLD)Technical project management experience required in the eClinical/Technology Integration area
  • Proven record of leading a team and leading complex scope of projects in clinical research area and/or IT integration
  • 10 years professional experience minimum
  • Experience with external data standards organization (CDISC, HL7) is a plus

Life Science Research Associate Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor’s degree in biology or in a related field with 0 to 1 year of experience or equivalent combination of education and experience is required
  • General understanding of biological sciences principles
  • Proficiency with basic molecular biology techniques
  • Experience with culturing endothelial progenitor cells and cardiomyocytes
  • Trained to handle mice and rats
  • Experience in applying for NIH grants is preferred

Principal Engagement Mganager, Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Engage with the sales team to help close business through presentations and/or responding to RFP’s
  • Master degree in a business discipline, or equivalent
  • Domain specific industry expertise
  • Proven xperience in leading / advising successful document management project implementations in at least one of the following areas: Clinical & Trial Master File, GCP Regulations; Quality & Manufacturing, GMP Regulations, Regulatory Submissions
  • Solid experience in computer systems validation
  • Experience with formal project management techniques (i.e. formal status reporting and client communication, budget/scope management and change controls, and project team direction and technical leadership.) is an advantage
  • Experience with formal structured design, development and testing techniques
  • Demonstrated ability to provide oversight and support to a portfolio of projects concurrently (>3), each with assigned project managers
  • Consistent demonstration of taking a leadership role regarding program/project discussions, coalescing relevant information and data, and managing account stakeholders successfully
  • Versed in multiple project/program management methodologies
  • Deep breadth of analytical techniques, tools and approaches, i.e.SharePoint sites, Visio mapping, business cases, communications and change management plans, user stories
  • Ability to successfully run a number of complex client processes, i.e. RFI/RFP selections
  • Uses in-depth knowledge of customers to develop solutions
  • Ability to mentor and train consulting staff regarding LifeScience industry processes
  • Pre-Sales skills that combine delivery and business acumen
  • Experience participating in or completing solution sales is strongly preferred
  • Advanced LifeScience Industry certifications

Life Science Rsch Prof Resume Examples & Samples

  • Familiarity with principles and preparation of paraffin embedding, sectioning, and staining human fixed tissues
  • Familiarity with principles of sterile and RNAase free sectioning and histological sample preparation
  • Expert level knowledge and skills in field of science related to research project
  • General computer skills, experience with databases and scientific applications, and ability to quickly learn and master computer programs
  • Developing project management skills

Manager Within R&D & Experience From Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Improving and sustaining the yield of the ABL90 SC
  • Balancing resources and time between several projects
  • Working with quality assurance, design control and under FDA requirements
  • Optimizing our processes through Lean and facilitating cost reductions where possible
  • Supporting daily production and collaborating across functions with colleagues in R&D and Operations as well as suppliers, which will take you travelling about 10% of your time

Clinical Research Associate Trainee Program for Life Science Graduates Early Talent Resume Examples & Samples

  • Participate and complete Graduate Program CRA Functional training curricula with satisfactory results
  • Shadows and learns functions and/or project activities under close supervision
  • Complete appropriate therapeutic, protocol and clinical research training to perform job duties
  • Assignments will reflect the work being developed within the business department that are relevant for the Graduate development and may include working as a Clinical Trials Assistant, member of a project team or independently in closely supervised projects/assignments
  • Gain experience in study procedures by working with experienced clinical staff
  • Under close supervision, monitoring support activities in accordance with contracted scope of work and good clinical practices
  • Assist CRA in updating tracking systems as needed
  • Under close supervision, establishes regular lines of communication with sites to help manage ongoing project expectations and issues
  • Under close supervision, provide support to assigned studies by tracking regulatory submissions and approvals, recruitment and enrolment, and data query resolution. May also support start-up phase
  • Collaborate and liaise with study team members for project execution support as appropriate
  • Under close supervision, perform other duties /learning activities as directed
  • Must have a full and valid driving license
  • EU or valid passport, with the necessary rights to travel and work in Ireland for 5 weeks
  • Fluency in English, good verbal and written communication skills to function within a professional work environment
  • Fluency in Hungarian, native speaker or good verbal and written communication skills to function within a professional work environment
  • A good appreciation for commercial business strategy
  • Working knowledge of MS –Office suite of applications
  • Willingness to improve personal knowledge as it applies to supporting the company' objectives
  • Basic organizational and problem-solving skills
  • Working time management skills
  • Document Attachment – Please attach a CV and transcript to your application
  • Please be sure that your CV includes your degree classification and graduation date, including both month and year
  • Please upload a transcript from your current/most recent degree program. An unofficial version of your transcript is sufficient

Commercial Director, Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • World class understanding of pharmaceutical industry and ability to engage business and technical stakeholders in high impact business value discussions
  • Strong understanding of research-intensive ecosystems, including conversational-level domain expertise and technical understandings
  • Ability to thrive as an entrepreneur in a matrix environment
  • 10 + years in Life Science or Pharmaceutical IT or commercial equivalent, M.Sc. in bench life science, demonstrable experience with regional account planning and strategy, identifying and securing large commercial agreements (>$500k)
  • Demonstrated organizational and resource management capabilities
  • Commercial account management experience in Life Science with focus on Global 500 companies and/or top pharma. Strong ability with CRM, Excel, MS Project

Life Science Industry Leader Resume Examples & Samples

  • Prior Account Manager experience (preferably experience of managing large international accounts) in a technology-based organization
  • In debt knowledge of the Life Sciences industry dynamics
  • A minimum of 8 years’ experience in either Automation, IT, consulting type of business
  • Ability to cross sell to existing costumers
  • Experience in coordination of multi-cultural teams

Sales Representative Life Science Automation Resume Examples & Samples

  • Development of sales territory
  • Management of sales funnel
  • Achieving the quarterly and annual revenue targets for hardware and consumables
  • Development and presentation of customer solutions
  • Completion of sales negotiations
  • Commercial reporting in line with internal procedures

Life Science Marketing Transformation Senior Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provides solutions to complex business problems for area(s) of responsibility where analysis of situations requires an in depth knowledge of organizational objectives
  • Involved in setting strategic direction to establish near term goals for area of responsibility
  • Has latitude in decision-making and determining objectives and approaches to critical assignments
  • Decisions have a lasting impact on area of responsibility with the potential to impact outside area of responsibility
  • Manages large teams and/or work efforts at a client
  • Minimum of 5 years of recent experience in Health or Life Sciences sectors
  • Minimum of 4 years of project delivery experience in Consulting with experience planning and directing teams of resources
  • Minimum of 5 years of Multi-channel sales and marketing experience, e.g. understanding of sales operations processes, web channel, mobile channel, marketing campaigns, CRM implementation projects, or training/change management
  • Multichannel Customer Relationship Management: Customer-facing project delivery interacting with client stakeholders
  • Proven success in contributing to a team-oriented environment with full solution delivery life cycle project experience
  • Experience in Life Sciences Sales & Marketing management consulting
  • Experience in key Therapeutic Areas (Oncology, CV, Diabetes, Respiratory)
  • Ability to meet travel requirements of 75% routinely
  • Proven ability to build, manage and foster a team-oriented environment
  • Proven ability to work creatively and analytically in a problem-solving environment

Engagement Lead Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • First PoC for the client to manage work delivered out of different Cognizant locations
  • In conjunction with Client, develops overall client strategy
  • Manages multiple hubs (EU, US, APAC) and delivers outsourcing strategy
  • Understands client expectations to engage and manage this across geographies
  • Status reporting to client and Cognizant stakeholders
  • Risk management, risk mitigation during operational phase
  • Overall responsibility for meeting milestones and quality assurance
  • In conjunction with client, ensures SOPs, work instructions, and best practice guides are followed during all aspects of the operational phase
  • Focus on engagement experience and contract compliance
  • Core responsibility to keep the team fully updated on all feedback coming from the client and ensuring that they adhere to client expectations
  • Responsible for all billing and invoicing of the client as well as support the financial targets of the business by managing operational costs
  • Onsite travel to client locations abroad if required
  • Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in medicine / pharmacy / biomedical sciences or related OR Doctorate degree (PhD) in the above streams
  • Profound knowledge and several years experience within Life Science industry is essential
  • The ideal candidates should have Domain Expertise from Life Science/regulatory affairs
  • Good Communication skills, persistent & patient, meticulous and detail oriented as well as resourceful and creative
  • Strong analytical skills and good understanding of Quality and Agreed SLAs / KPIs in the Outsourcing Scenario
  • Understanding of appropriate technologies required to deliver the service
  • Ability to define, schedule and execute formal customer review meetings
  • Ability to understand the consulting business processes and problems

Client Partner Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Plan, review and mine accounts to expand the practice footprint
  • Build high level strategic relationships with key users and decision makers in the customer organization
  • Annual revenue target planning, communication and execution of sales plans for the practice
  • Pricing decisions within the scope of the Master Services Agreement (MSA)
  • Participation in resource planning
  • Keen on selling consulting; lead innovative solutions to clients in the LS industry
  • Accountable for customer satisfaction and first point of escalation
  • Numerous years of experience in driving pursuits for large size proposals client relationship management –managing relationships with key client personnel and CXOs within client organization
  • Experience in reviewing sales plan / pipeline with leadership to ensure target achievement. Navigate account to identify various deals, build internal consensus and prioritize opportunities
  • Strong knowledge of business environment and norms to be able to spot opportunities and ensure conversion to business as per client needs
  • Knowledge of selling concept, deal closure, handling objections etc
  • Prior experience in LS Industry is mandatory
  • Good Knowledge of overall LS Industry and processes is must. Proven experience in at least one or more process area/value chain R&D, S&M, Supply Chain & Manufacturing or Regulatory process
  • Knowledge of Digital trends and how it can bring disruption into Life Sciences/Pharmaceutical industry will be critical
  • Knowledge of value articulation principals include client ROI and appropriate storyboarding techniques
  • Expert knowledge of MSA / Other contract process & standard and understand the nuances of MSAs and interdependencies to other business aspects
  • Strong presentation experience alongside a pre-sales background
  • Bachelor’s degree or foreign equivalent required. MBA would be a plus
  • Hiring skills based on project needs
  • Fluent in English and German

Senior Underwriter, Technology & Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Risk Selection/Technical Underwriting: Takes lead role in risk selection, pricing, and Technology account management
  • Has extensive knowledge of Hartford Programs, forms and services for the Technology & Life Science Practice and within The Enterprise, with emphasis on Middle Market, and Hartford Financial Products
  • Is creative in use of underwriting tools and techniques to write profitable business. Uses pricing models for appropriate risk selection/pricing and is able to communicate rationale for underwriting decisions
  • Exhibits a commitment to finding ways to write business without sacrifice of quality, including appropriate leverage of all lines and account underwriting. Successful individual will be responsible for both IT and Life Science risks

Account Manager Life Science for Germany Resume Examples & Samples

  • Accountable and self- driven
  • Independent and structured working style
  • Highly customer oriented
  • SFDC skills are a plus
  • Scientific degree, doctor´s degree is a plus
  • Ideally sales experience and/or laboratory experience

Life Science Product Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Analytical skills close to the competitors in the product lines of Life Sciences
  • Able to sell ideas by getting others to see advantage; anticipates questions, objections and conflicts and prepares responses to create mutual understanding
  • Willingness and ability to take on additional responsibilities and undertake challenging tasks and/or global projects is necessary
  • Ability to multi-task and ability to work in a fast paced environment is a must
  • Willing/ availability to travel
  • Fluent English level (Speaking, Reading, Listening & Writing)
  • 1+ years of marketing/product management experience

Regional Marketing Manager Life Science Group Central Europe Resume Examples & Samples

  • Prioritize and execute market analysis in the region in collaboration with market datas research team
  • Work with industry associations and regional KOL/peers to stay abreast of changes in the market environment, regulatory environment and competitive strategies and to be the advisor around trends and issues across the region
  • Identify and assess regional opportunities within the targeted customer segments and geographies in collaboration with regional sales organizations,
  • Propose and develop regional/country based strategies to target selected opportunities and to ensure local needs are captured and addressed and to maximize ROI
  • Propose and develop regional/country based strategies to ensure local needs are captured and addressed
  • Participate in the strategic planning process for your region, share your strategies and set up the appropriate go-to-market tactics and activities required to develop/achieve the marketing plan
  • Update or adjust the plan accordingly to profitably acquire, grow and retain the key customers in the targeted customer segments and geographies
  • Add a task on regional budget discussion

Technical Sales Representative Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage the strategic direction for the territory. Develop and execute sales strategies to meet assigned targets and expand business within assigned territory; Maintain a pipeline of opportunities to meet or exceed sales objectives
  • Maintain awareness and understanding of competitor and industry activity and keep informed of new products/services and other general information of interest to customers. Incorporate this data into the business plan
  • Support multiple research sales representatives by providing information specific to life science, including technical information, product recommendations for customer applications, and other life science support
  • Manage pricing within territory to control profitability, negotiate pricing as required
  • Be aware of supply and price trends and support customer inquiries and communications as required
  • Positively represent Thermo Fisher Scientific at all times throughout customer locations
  • 2+ years of sales experience, preferably in the research laboratory industry
  • Bachelor’s degree, preferably in the sciences, M.S. or PhD preferred or equivalent work experience
  • Strong technical and lab experience in molecular, protein and/or cell biology
  • 5+ years of sales experience, preferably in the research laboratory industry
  • Bachelor’s degree, preferably in the sciences, M.S.. or PhD preferred or equivalent work experience
  • Excellent knowledge in Proteomic, Genomic, Gene expression and/or tissue culture
  • Strong interpersonal, oral and written communication, and presentation skills
  • Must possess the organizational skills to multi-task and meet deadlines as needed
  • Strong industry, pharmaceutical and science background preferred
  • Demonstrates the Thermo Fisher values (The Four I’s) – Integrity, Intensity, Innovation, and Involvement

Account Executive Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Achieve account sales goals of assigned territory
  • Develop customer relationships and account strategies for existing and future product portfolio
  • Achieve professional sales using sales, planning, presentation and financial skills with sophisticated decision makers and work with other field force members when necessary
  • Ensure adequate territory coverage as per company guidelines
  • Promote all annual marketing plans within given timelines
  • Handle administrative activities in timely and complete manner including entering current information into CRM
  • Manage expenses as per guidelines

Managing Consultant, Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage, lead and execute projects from medium to large size (over $100K), delivering the best results to customer within the deadlines and budget by driving project members
  • Understand customer needs and find the best solution within Clarivate Analytics Professional Services capability to develop a suitable & strong proposal which can create difference from competitors
  • Keen to changes in industry and policy in the local and global pharmaceutical and healthcare field to grasp issues surrounding our customer and being able to lead discussion with customers and present expertise in public
  • Work with global life science professional services experts in UK and US to leverage global resources to develop strong business in Japan
  • Professionally represent the company at all times
  • A marketing research professional who designs research plan, and create research reports with data analysis, graphics, and documentation based on customer requirements
  • Minimum of five years relevant work experience & project management within Pharmaceutical/healthcare industry
  • Minimum of three years for people management
  • Excellent proposal writing and report writing skills
  • High level skill in using Microsoft excel (familiar with use of excel formula), powerpoint and word
  • Fluent in Japanese and English in speaking, listening, writing, and reading
  • Good team player / self starter with the ability to work using own initiative
  • Quantitative analysis skills & basic statistical knowledge: e.g. multiple regression analysis, factor analysis, being able to develop a forecasting models
  • Experience of presenting work to senior clients and stakeholders
  • Experience of writing reports which has been published or disclosed in public

Cloud Lead Practitioner Life Science Exp Resume Examples & Samples

  • Business development lead with prior experience in lead generation and opportunity development in Life science
  • Ability to work closely with Cognizant teams, alliance partners and customer teams to drive complex cloud sales cycle to closure
  • Ability to forecast revenue, coordinate for resource fulfillment and SOW management
  • Should be able to create and nurture excellent relationships with alliance partners and customers
  • Ability to present to CXO level management articulating benefits of cloud adoption
  • Prior experience in AWS and/or Microsoft Azure cloud required
  • Self-starter who can drive multiple pursuits independently and motivate teams to work together
  • Ability to understand the ROI from adopting cloud and articulate this to customer
  • The right candidate must have demonstrated consecutive quarterly and yearly quota achievement in complex selling environments utilizing a solution selling model
  • Proficiency Legends
  • 1+ years lab experience in cell biology and with knowledge of basic virology
  • Experience in diagnostic lab employing PCR analysis
  • Experience working collaboratively with others in an academic lab environment

Business Analyst Life Science Solutions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assist in building convincing business cases for Elsevier Life Science Solutions products and projects
  • Create robust and complete set of functional requirements and communicate them to team members
  • Implement strategies for gathering, reviewing, and analyzing product requirements
  • Prioritize requirements and create conceptual prototypes and mock-ups
  • Contribute to the improvement of the Product Management team as a whole
  • University degree, preferably in a Life Sciences field
  • Experienced in working in an international environment
  • Strong time management and analytical & organizational skills (structured way of working)
  • A prolific communicator
  • Fluent spoken and written English, conversational German is a plus

Life Science Senior Quality Assurance Auditor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Project Qualification/Validation Plans (QP/VP)
  • System Requirement Specifications (SRS)
  • System Configuration Specification (SCS)
  • Test Scripts
  • Qualification/Validation Summary Reports (QSR/VSR)
  • As assigned by the Quality Assurance Supervisor and/or Quality Assurance Manager, the Quality Assurance Auditor will conduct quality assurance reviews of account operations to include, but not limited to
  • Change Control
  • Corrective and Preventative Actions (CAPA)
  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
  • Records archival
  • Maintain a working relationship with account project and delivery team members to assure that compliance operations are aligned with business objectives and client expectations
  • Bachelor's degree (B.A./B.Sc.) or equivalent from four-year College or University in a scientific discipline or related field
  • Training in GxP (Good Clinical Practice, Good Laboratory Practice, or Good Manufacturing Practice) regulations and quality assurance principles
  • Training in infrastructure qualification in the life science industry
  • Training in computerized system validation in the life science industry
  • Training in electronic record keeping and electronic signature (ERES) regulations and associated regulatory agency guidance
  • A minimum of 5 years experience in the life science industry (pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device firm, contract research organization)
  • Basic knowledge regarding the components of a quality management system in a life science firm
  • Basic knowledge of regulatory requirements for infrastructure qualification and/or software validation projects within the life science industry
  • Previous quality assurance experience preferred
  • Strong communication and writing skills required

Senior Project Manager Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ensuring accurate compilation and approval of estimates and proposals adhering to the LQI sales process
  • Production of project schedules using Microsoft Project and thereafter the use of internal tracking sheet to monitor activity and production
  • Close monitoring of projects by the comprehensive and effective use of standardised server project folder structure and thorough filling of project assets and documentation, budgets, change orders, resource request forms, handover documents, MDS, Status.xls, status sheets, timely invoicing and payment tracking
  • Project planning and the demonstration of risk assessment planning, best process identification implementing best methodology and communication to project teams
  • The identification and implementation of ‘value added’ service to clients
  • Effective verbal and written communication with client, local offices, freelancers and internal project team members
  • Monitoring and mentoring of project managers and associates
  • Training and development of new and junior members of team
  • Identification of process advancements and identifying potential solution implementations
  • Resolution of client and project issues
  • Conference call leading with existing clients and for potential new clients
  • Elevation point for associates for project and client issues
  • Account growth
  • Client satisfaction levels assessed by feedback
  • Numbers and levels of quality issues
  • Effectiveness in advancing technology solutions
  • Degree in either Life Science or a business related area or equivalent work experience
  • 5+ years of Life Sciences project management experience
  • 5+ years of budget management experience
  • Extensive localisation knowledge involving all aspects – Engineering, DTP, translation, testing and translation tools and methods
  • Experience growing accounts
  • Strong written/verbal business communication and presentation skills
  • Customer service experience
  • Ambitious and with a desire to learn and progress
  • Analytical and organized problem solving abilities
  • Able to meet deadlines and work under pressure

Life Science Digital Customer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum of 4 years Patient Services strategy and design skills
  • Patient service vendor collaboration
  • Patient research
  • Health outcomes analysis
  • Technology solution enablement for patient care services

Product Sales Specialist Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor’s Degree or significant selling experience in a medical, healthcare or technical field (e.g. biomedical engineering, medical physics) or Life Sciences field
  • Previous experience in the Healthcare Industry
  • Ability to interface with both internal team members and external customers as part of solutions based sales approach
  • Ability to energize, develop and build rapport at all levels within an organization
  • Strong capacity and drive to develop career
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills in local language as well as good command of English
  • Ability to synthesize complex issues and communicate in simple messages
  • Excellent negotiation & closing skills
  • Able to travel
  • Valid motor vehicle license
  • EU Work Permit
  • Proven and progressive previous experience in sales/services/promotion to C-suite and technical decision makers e.g. CEOs, Strategic Planning Directors, Facilities/Estates managers, Biomedical Engineers, nursing staff, medical specialty staff (Anesthesiology, Radiology, Intensive care, Nuclear Physicists etc.)
  • A minimum of three years of laboratory experience with human samples is desired
  • Experience planning and performing molecular biology procedures is highly desired
  • Experience and knowledge of planning and performing the following items is highly desired

Risk Advisory Life Science Advisory Resume Examples & Samples

  • We offer you a varied and challenging role in a quickly growing company
  • You will handle business and IT consulting projects on client’s site and analyse the requirements on business side
  • You will support/moderate Risk assessment sessions to help our clients identify risks associated to an IT system and support/monitor execution of associated mitigations
  • You will conduct testing, documentation and change management activities
  • You will gain in-depth complex business processes and system environment expertise
  • You will manage business development activities
  • As a member of our highly motivated, multicultural team, you can expect new challenges every day
  • Master’s degree from a university or technical college in Computer Sciences or Natural Sciences
  • Extensive experience in Computer Systems Validation projects
  • Knowledge of the FDA 21 CFR Part11, regulations and guidelines (GLP;GCP:GDP etc)
  • Understanding of Quality Risk Managemen
  • Experience in User Requirement Specification (URS) and testing
  • Handling of product category 3, 4 & 5 from specification to verification under GAMP5Design/Installation/Operation/Performance Qualification (DQ, IQ, OQ, PQ)
  • Enthusiasm for new ideas and innovative solutions
  • You find working with various stakeholders, daily challenges and exciting projects rewarding
  • You are happy to travel in the area of Switzerland and EU
  • You communicate confidently in German and English. Any further languages would be an advantage

Manager of Life Science & Healthcare Consulting Resume Examples & Samples

  • Prepared project plan to meet objectives within established budget and timeline and recognizes when plans should be adjusted to meet objectives
  • Ensures that teams' work meets quality assurance standards and that all relevant risks have been identified and appropriately addressed
  • Prioritizes tasks on the team based on relative importance, delegating to the right resources, based on role, experience and skill level
  • Appropriately engage with more senior personnel on the case (e.g., Directors, Partners)
  • Scans for business development/add-on sales opportunities; organizes these efforts under direction of others
  • Builds Productive, long-term, relationships with clients and colleagues, across a broad network , based on mutual respect
  • Supports team members' development needs through formal and informal coaching and knowledge sharing
  • Master's degree with related major, preferable MBA from a top-tier institution
  • Minimum 4 years of consulting experience from a top-tier firm with deep knowledge of the industry
  • Fluent in English and Mandarin in both oral and written
  • Demonstrated ability to deliver complex projects
  • Proven capabilities for team development and coaching
  • Emerging business development skills
  • Proven core consulting skills including: slide design, document story lining, problem solving, analytics, modelling
  • Technical skills: strong written and oral communications ability, foster open dialogue amongst the team, strategic thinking, strong organizational capability
  • Meet or exceed revenue targets in the assigned territories with the goal of growing the business year to year
  • Attend & Organize exhibitions/in house seminars/workshops/Pharma & Biotech Organizations
  • Ability to demonstrate and present all Analytical Instrument Group products
  • Organize sales appointments using the existing database or cold calling and prospecting
  • Keep customer database up to date
  • Provide company with accurate and timely forecasts and metrics for the appropriate territories and product lines utilizing Pivotal
  • Built relationships with Engineering companies
  • Degree in Chemistry /Chemical Engineering / Biotechnology or equivalent knowledge and experience
  • A successful track record selling analytical instrumentation products, ideally into Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Possession of driving license
  • Working experience or knowledge of Instrument validation and cleaning validation
  • Outstanding communication and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to prioritize and work within stringent deadlines
  • Construction experience
  • Strong focus on Quality and documentation management
  • Experience in sites and commissioning activities
  • Goal oriented self-starter
  • Development skills with high integrity
  • Competency in a European language

Life Science Consultant Resume Examples & Samples

  • Deliver insightful analysis by following a structured and logical approach to secondary data collection, collating disease- and market-specific data and assessing the key drivers of market movement
  • Under the direction of project directors, assist in and eventually lead the development of primary market research materials
  • Conduct primary market research interviews and develop concise reports of all findings
  • Develop complex forecast models in Microsoft Excel
  • Participate in project delivery either via teleconference or in-person client meetings and assist in communicating all findings to the client
  • Work with more senior members of the Consulting team to develop project proposals and actionable work plans that reflect the client’s needs
  • 3-5 years of experience with information-based consulting or 3-5 years of experience as a business analyst within the healthcare, medical device and/or pharmaceutical industries
  • A Bachelor’s degree, preferably in the fields of life-science, math, or finance; a Master’s degree (MBA or MSc) is an advantage but not essential
  • An ability to work well as part of a team, showing flexibility and the capacity to multi-task across a range of projects with varying degrees of complexity
  • A can-do attitude and the ability to stay motivated and look for solutions when problems/challenges arise
  • Commercial awareness, communication skills, rigor in analysis and reporting, flexibility and cultural sensitivity are key factors for a Consultant’s success
  • Experience and practical knowledge of mouse eye histological phenotyping is desired
  • Excellent written and verbal skills with background in English instruction, scientific writing and grant editing
  • Knowledge of mouse ocular anatomy
  • Technical skills for microscopy, image capture, image editing
  • Experience with online database

Medimmune Life Science Architect Resume Examples & Samples

  • Establish working relationships with the MedImmune customer organization to develop an in-depth understanding of business priorities and early insight into changing needs in order to inform and shape IT demand
  • Contribute to technical development efforts originating from the IT portfolio, participate in IS/IT initiatives and provide active guidance for better planning and decision making in programs/projects and services
  • Assess and review architecture work, in programs/projects/services, and support a balance between the immediate short-term and the strategic long-term perspectives
  • Use specialist knowledge and understanding of the MedImmune business area direction and priorities to drive innovative solutions to issues and challenges faced by the customer area
  • Develop capabilities (methods, processes, best practices, etc.) in at least one of the architecture, system development/implementation, or technical/system engineering capabilities
  • Drive solution evaluation and selection decisions, buy vs. build decisions, and early-phase project estimates which contribute to the creation of business case
  • Architect and design comprehensive sets of solutions that meet business requirements and are aligned to AstraZeneca standards, providing subject matter expertise to ensure business opportunities are identified and realized
  • Ensure that architecture decisions support both business and IT strategy, and that architectures delivered are compliant with relevant AZ architecture standards, blueprints and roadmaps
  • Guide and support architects and engineers (including third party suppliers) in the development and documentation of IS/IT architectures for complex and business critical projects
  • Contribute to the development of architecture and engineering standards, roadmaps (1-5 years) and blueprints for one or more architecture focus areas or business domains
  • Demonstrated understanding of the processes, stages, activities, and decision points in either preclinical or clinical areas
  • Demonstrated understanding of the interdependencies between the deliverables of the various functions
  • Comfortable with key decision points
  • Ability to apply knowledge to solve problems and knows when to enlist help from others
  • Established knowledge or some experience with working in a specific disease or therapy area
  • Established knowledge of scientific domain(s) and/or some experience working in the scientific domain
  • A good understanding of the scientific theory of the scientific domain
  • A good understanding of the techniques and approaches applied in the scientific area of expertise and how to interpret to derive useful information

Sales Engineer Life Science Automation Resume Examples & Samples

  • Sales experience
  • Knowledge in sales Lab automation processes
  • IT literacy
  • Advanced degree in scientific education
  • Customer relations and teamwork experience
  • Knowledge in life science research market is an asset

Basic Life Science Research Scientist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ph.D. in life science or related discipline and experience in immunology required
  • Strong experimental design and data analysis skills; familiarity with flow cytometry, immunology techniques, molecular biology and cloning. Experience with high-throughput sequencing a plus
  • Must be a self-starter, self-motivated, adaptable, and able to work with minimal direction in a change-oriented environment
  • Strong organizational, collaborative, and time management skills
  • Ability to convey complex technical information to a diverse group of people

Applications Specialist Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Experience in working with advanced fluorescence and microscopy products is a must
  • Sales experience in selling products of a technical nature is desirable but not mandatory
  • In-depth knowledge of the microscopy market is also highly desirable
  • A minimum of two years related microscopy experience in a laboratory is essential
  • Experience with dealers is desirable
  • Approximately one year of previous laboratory experience in molecular and/or cellular biology is required. Basic technical writing beneficial but not required
  • Must be capable of and willing to pay strict attention to detail, including following written and oral instruction. Familiarity with the following experimental techniques preferred
  • General computer skills, experience with databases
  • Ability to work under deadlines with general guidance is essential

Sales Manager, Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manages, hires, leads, motivates and trains the team to achieve the highest sales performance, customer service, and productivity. The Sales Manager is personally accountable to close deals when necessary
  • Completes annual reviews and Goal Setting for the for the assigned Life Science (LS) team members
  • Leads the professional development of the LS team
  • Drives sales growth by providing strategic and tactical feedback driving business quality improvement, overcoming problems, and developing the team’s sales techniques and skills
  • Drives territory growth via a consultative sales process leveraging critical planning, goal setting, implementation and regular “Sales Metric Portal” reviews
  • Improves sales and profitability margins within each account manager’s assigned territory through account acquisition, margin enhancement, product sales strategy, value add offering, and sales tactics
  • Secures the existing account base by enhancing customer contact and contract relationships with key decision makers, and buying influencers
  • Actively reviews and addresses territory Accounts Receivable balances to help minimize Airgas working capital investment and financial risk
  • Meets and consults with key stakeholders (e.g., Area VPs, District Managers, Senior Leaders, National Accounts, etc.) to optimize bi-directional communication and planning
  • Improves existing business practices through the use and management of Airgas Product Specialists, vendor partners, current industry best practices, innovative marketing strategies, and other regional and national available resources
  • Develops annual and strategic sales budgets and plans
  • Leverages all tools such as sales meeting, sales campaigns, and other strategic sales efforts
  • Ensures effective collaboration, teamwork, and communication with internal teams relative to sales plans, programs and issues, customer successes, customer failures, new customer developments and other customer specific information. Partners with and participates in (where appropriate) the operations and branch continuous improvement initiatives to enhance the customer experience
  • Ensures compliance with all company policies & procedures, including, but not limited to Equal Employment Opportunity, workplace violence, drug-free workplace, and other internal and external policies to provide associates, and external customers with a quality and safe work environment
  • Supports and maintains a Safety First culture. Responsible for ensuring a safe environment at all Airgas facilities
  • Other projects/initiatives as assigned
  • Four-year college degree from an accredited institution in Business, Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Sales Management, Engineering, or related field
  • In lieu of degree requirement, may consider an equivalent amount of education and experience as a trade-off
  • Minimum of three (3) years of increasing responsibility in a business to business sales-related or sales operations position to include prior experience managing a team and a P&L or comparable experience in gases or the Life Science industry
  • A track record of achieving profitable sales growth is required
  • A reputation for strong leadership skills and the capability of developing and managing a team of experienced sales professionals and technical subject matter experts with a strong emphasis on customer excellence and customer-focused results is required
  • Versatility to function effectively in a fast paced and changing business environment
  • Excellent motivational skills
  • Ability to analyze a business opportunity, and develop a successful sales strategy to acquire new business & increase customer wallet share
  • Demonstrated knowledge of business and accounting concepts including but not limited to Return on Investment (ROI), Profit & Loss (P&L) statements, balance sheets, interest and leasing calculations, and margin responsibilities
  • Tough-minded, take charge change agent who challenges the status quo and acts with a sense of urgency
  • Strong interpersonal skills with the ability to influence others and to create cross-functional alignment
  • Must possess excellent communication skills, especially in the development of actions plans and to ensure accountability and follow through
  • Ability to make highly effective oral and written presentations and proposals to all levels of management
  • Working knowledge of SAP preferred
  • Employee may be required to remain stationary for extended periods of time
  • Employee may occasionally be required to transverse through office and/or manufacturing locations
  • Employee will frequently be required to actively listen and exchange information
  • Employee will be required to observe and assess information received via computer
  • Requires use of computer, telephone and operation of a motor vehicle
  • May occasionally be required to transport up to 60 pounds with appropriate tools
  • Frequent regional travel (up to > 80% of work time)
  • Some overnight travel required
  • Must have reliable, appropriate transportation
  • Job requires visitation of to various Airgas and customer sites, which have varying environments/conditions, layouts, and accessibility

Senior IT Project Manager Within Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Contribute with project management expertise in the sales phase
  • Initiate projects by identifying and setting up the project organisation, resources and delivery structure
  • Plan and execute the projects on all levels: Detailed planning and follow-up, reporting on milestones
  • Establish and manage project scope and overview, create structure and define and manage risk and issues
  • Manage stakeholders (Communicate and report on all relevant levels at the customer and internally at NNIT including in the Steering Committees)
  • Ensure a high level of customer satisfaction
  • Ensure projects are delivered according to the business cases including invoicing
  • Run the projects according to NNIT project model based on PMI
  • Contribute to the development of the project management discipline and community in NNIT
  • You have a strong Project Management tool-box
  • 8+ years of project management experience with in IT preferably with an IT vendor/provider
  • Experience with delivering to pharma and/or life science customers particularly delivering according to GxP requirements
  • You have a strong customer focus
  • You relate well to people, possess the necessary empathy and understand how to motivate your team
  • You can work independently with a large personal drive while also securing project results through personal leadership
  • Knowledge and experience in using all major Project Management disciplines with possible knowledge of Prince2 and/or PMI-Standard. Certification is not a requirement, but we urge our PMs to be certified within a short timeframe
  • You hold a Master’s degree and you are fluent in English, written and oral
  • At least two years of previous laboratory experience or two years of college coursework in related scientific discipline required. Bachelor’s degree with concentration cell and molecular biology desired
  • Careful observation and objective assessment skills are required
  • Must be capable of and willing to pay strict attention to protocols, including following written and oral instruction
  • Previous experience with hair cell culture techniques, confocal imaging, mice colony maintenance, and bioinformatics computing is a plus
  • Organizational, computer (PC & Apple), detail oriented skills are desired

Life Science Account Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Increase Perkin Elmer’s market share by identifying new customers
  • Plan face to face meetings with new and existing customers
  • Develop specific annual growth plans in designated account(s)
  • Network within designated account(s) to fully understand their needs
  • Monitoring overall customer satisfaction with our products and services
  • A degree or equivalent in Life Sciences or similar
  • Sales training will be given to laboratory technicians/scientists who have used relevant instrumentation in industry or academia

Technology & Life Science Underwriter Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum of 3 years with Commercial Underwriting experience; Technology UW experience preferred but not required
  • Bachelor degree preferred or equivalent combination of education and work experience required
  • Must be able to work independently
  • Strong analytical skills and the ability to pay attention to detail to create risk based underwriting decision including risk acceptance and pricing decisions
  • Strong presentation and negotiation skills
  • 4 year college degree preferred
  • Excellent organizational/time management skill

Life Science Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Review and help generate product documentation pertaining to the engineering product, drawings, equipment manual, hardware and software documentation including initial release and subsequent revisions
  • Enter/Update Cost Analysis for equipment manuals, hardware and software documentation
  • Modify or edit equipment manuals and broachers in English language
  • Use the following software Citrix, Oracle, SSQ web site, AutoCAD, Adobe Acrobat, Frame Maker, PageMaker, Autho Submission site, Large Scale transfer, Poly VIEW, Paint.Net, Nero, Lightscribe technology, As400, PLM, Life Sciences Steris data base
  • Assist the product launching for Life Sciences products
  • Support to manufacturing process from Life Sciences
  • Support to enter or elaborate the engineering to new orders for Life Sciences products
  • Review the Report 5545 daily
  • Submittal tracking LS report daily
  • Experience with software engineering development tools, such as, Microsoft Office, AutoCAD, Page Maker 7or equivalent, frame maker 12 or equivalent, Acrobat Adobe, Access data base, MS Project
  • Bilingual capable to have business conversations

High Potential Trilingual With Life Science Degree Resume Examples & Samples

  • Act as contact for project team and study sites
  • Perform CRF review, query generation and resolution against established data review guidelines, under direct supervision on Covance or client data management systems, as assigned by management
  • Assist with generation and reconciliation of queries to investigative sites/clients to resolve problem data
  • Assist with the management of study supplies and organize shipments
  • Create, update, track, and maintain study-specific trial management files, tools, and systems
  • Assist the local project team members with other administrative activities as required (e.g. payments to investigators, correspondence with clients, preparation of status reports, and organization of investigators’ meetings)
  • Co-ordinate meetings with clients, investigators, and project team, including taking minutes
  • Ensure compliance with Covance SOPs, FDA, ICH, and GCP regulations for clinical conduct in all aspects of daily work
  • Provide input in writing Monitoring Conventions as assigned
  • Assist in submissions and notifications to Ethics Committees and Regulatory Authorities
  • General On-Site Monitoring Responsibilities
  • Trilingual in French /Dutch and English in oral and written
  • University/college degree (life science preferred), or certification in a related allied health profession from an appropriately accredited institution (e.g., nursing certification, medical or laboratory technology)
  • In lieu of the above requirement, candidates with one (1) or more years of relevant clinical research experience in pharmaceutical or CRO industries may be considered

System Software Engineering Specialist Life Science Customer Collaboration Resume Examples & Samples

  • Typically requires, MSc or PhD degree in a technical discipline, such as applied physics and/or Computer Science/Embedded Systems Biomedical Engineering or any combination that shows the experience needed for this role
  • Must demonstrate clear ability to develop and communicate effective integration software for complex, high-performance subsystems and components
  • Able to clearly identify a roadmap/ plan and roll out between the customer site and the development site in Eindhoven, the Netherlands/
  • Preference for development experience on top of highly-integrated, high-performance systems used in life science capital equipment or related industries
  • Able to work on diverse objectives and problems where analysis of situation or data requires an evaluation of identifiable factors
  • You will stationed at the customer’s site, and are willing to travel 30% of the time to Eindhoven, the Netherlands
  • Agile/Scrum Development
  • Model Driven designs and Domain Specific languages
  • TDD, Unit testing
  • State-of-art C++ C#
  • Python incl. scientific libraries (e.g. Numpy, Scipy)

Project Manager Life Science Facilities Design Build Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ability to lead a project and design effort from concept design through start-up
  • Oversees the preparation of plans, specifications and contract documents
  • Administers overall facility (site, buildings, infrastructure) design and construction, solves design problems proactively and collaboratively through client and design team interface
  • Manages all client communications and client expectations
  • Manages project timelines, budget, scope, change and risk throughout the project execution
  • Ability to evaluate project progress and adjust critical path for scope completion and budget adherence required
  • Interfaces and coordinates with local authorities having jurisdiction (AHJ’s). Reviews, interprets and applies the Building Code in compliance with the application
  • Interfaces with the Construction Manager and Site Manager to resolve design coordination details and any constructability issues as well as assists with the value engineering effort
  • Prepares proposals and participates in sales presentations
  • Minimum 8+ years of relevant project management and engineering experience executing capital projects covering schematic design, design development, plan check and permit acquisition, construction documents, contract documents and construction administration services
  • Experience in pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device projects preferred
  • Exposure to and a working knowledge of a broad range of engineering disciplines including civil/site work, structural, architectural, mechanical systems (refrigeration, chillers, cooling towers, boilers, hot water, domestic water, compressed air, plumbing and HVAC), and electrical power distribution
  • Plant engineering experience is a plus
  • Execution of projects within an A/E/C design firm
  • Developed specifications, interfaced with and coordinated multidiscipline teams, both on-site and remotely, particularly in private industry
  • Facility, utility design projects for manufacturing and distribution clients
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills for formal presentations, maintaining client relationships and interacting with our valued team members
  • Strong computer skills including Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Project

Life Science Sales Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Achieve and exceed monthly and annual pipeline, orders and sales targets, strategic and unit sales mix objectives, profit goal and market share goals
  • Actively prospect both within and outside Leica Biosystems customer base and follow up leads to consistently and continually increase pipeline volume and quality
  • Actively manage existing Leica Biosystems Accounts in order to achieve maximum customer satisfaction and maximize sales potential through repeated business
  • Develop and maintain an accurate weekly forecast of sales projects substantiated by accurate documentation and planned follow up actions
  • Identify all key stakeholders in sales projects and then develop and execute strategies and tactics to successfully win business in a way that provides sustained value to both customer and LBS
  • Collaborate with LBS EU SU colleagues to identify and develop opportunities across the entire LBS portfolio products in order to deliver increased customer value
  • Identify and manage the planning and execution of relevant trade shows and customer-focused events e.g. seminars and workshops
  • In collaboration with colleagues, initiate, coordinate and participate in demos at customer sites
  • Develop territory-based reference site customers for demo visits by prospective customers
  • Actively input, maintain and manage sales projects in SFDC
  • Promote and negotiate service contracts with customers at time of purchase of instruments
  • Continually develop knowledge of products, market and industry trends, competition and customer strategies for potential development
  • Actively participate in development of the territory annual operating plan
  • Develop knowledge and skills and understanding of solution portfolio
  • Develop and implement business plan for achievement of pipeline, revenue and market share targets
  • Be in a position to work independently and with the skills necessary to conduct introductory product demonstrations solo
  • Develop and maintain relationships with territory network of customers and key accounts and try network of customers and share targets
  • Conduct agreed volume of face to face customer meetings and on site or reference site demo’s per week
  • Involve and build relationships with Country personnel (internal, Sales, Technical Specialists, Marketing, Technical Services, Shared Services and Business Unit) to understand the requirements and key factors of success of the business
  • Develop knowledge and skills for the utilization of effective Leica Biosystems sales tools such as SFDC
  • Proven track record of sustained growth in a territory, selling complex workflow-changing solutions to Life Science customers
  • Strong commercial awareness: an understanding of capital sales, rental reagent sales and leasing agreements
  • Life Science industry: knowledge of technologies, processes and selling/purchasing within the territory. It would be advantageous for the candidate to have an appreciation and high level understanding of where pathology imaging could impact the challenges of R&D in the Life Sciences, particularly histology and cytogenetics
  • Financial acumen: budgets, forecasting, providing quotations, responding to tenders and managing priorities to meet revenue targets
  • Strong knowledge and understanding of the Life Science IT
  • Understands business on a European scale and that different approaches work in different places
  • Language requirement – Local Language + English
  • Tenacity/Do What It Takes
  • Sense of urgency
  • Traction Counts, Make an Impact
  • Strategic and Tactical
  • Detail-orientated
  • Provides onsite and remote support for Airgas’s supply chain solution (referred to as Life Science) for gases, and safety products. Installs, trains, repairs & trouble-shoots (on-site, phone, email, and remote) for both internal and external customers
  • High School Diploma or GED Required. Two to four year college degree preferred
  • Must have prior inventory management, customer service, sales and/or PC help desk related experience
  • Ability to provide administrative support for a Database Management System (DBMS)
  • Must have knowledge of software and hardware installation
  • Communicates effectively both verbally and in writing; listens effectively and clarifies information as needed; works well with others in a team environment across the organization knowing who to engage to achieve results. Uses candor and sensitivity in their dealings with others
  • Ability to build effective relationships with all levels and roles in the organization and to work well both independently and as part of a team
  • Excellent analytical and creative problem solving skills with the ability to make independent decisions based on investigation and judgement as well as ability to discern when to escalate issues
  • Strong client-service and continuous improvement mindset
  • Self-starter; self-motivated; operates with a sense of urgency; ability to work independently and under pressure to meet deadlines
  • Demonstrated planning skills and outstanding personal relationship skills
  • Ph.D. in biology or related discipline and experience in laboratory required
  • Strong experimental design and data analysis skills; familiarity with laboratory techniques such as RIA, ELISA, western blot, rtPCR, immunohistochemistry, primary cell culture, protein and metabolite assays, and real-time PCR techniques
  • Specific experience working with adipose tissue and cultured adipocytes is strongly desired

Life Science Business Development Consultant Resume Examples & Samples

  • Consultative sales of Analytical Services and other Patient-Reported Outcome tools
  • Strategize with marketing staff on how to generate leads and build market position
  • Track, qualify, and sell to leads
  • Maintain client and contact databases via NAV internal reporting systems to identify trends
  • Follow up with prospective customers and manage each relationship through the sales cycle
  • Cold call prospect lists to generate leads
  • 5+ years of sales experience in healthcare, particularly pharmaceutical with proven record of meeting sales quota
  • Proficiency in MS Office applications & CRM system
  • Ability to travel 10% of the year
  • Self-motivated, proven drive to succeed and ability to achieve results
  • Demonstrated organizational skills with the ability to multitask
  • Strong, professional telephone presence
  • Demonstrated proactive and strong customer relations skills
  • Exceptional negotiation skills
  • Patient Report Outcomes experience
  • CRM experience with Microsoft Dynamics (NAV) Navision
  • Contract Research Organization service / sales experience

Account Manager, Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Meet or exceed business goals of our commercial targets for the territory
  • Drive the tactical implementation of the business plan – including sales to new accounts, successful introduction of new products, and the retention of current customer
  • Maintain effective customer relationships and assure continued market penetration and profitability by making in depth calls to end user and purchasing contacts
  • Work to drive product sales to support supplier partnerships and actively promote core products and value added services
  • Work closely with fellow sales team members within the customer, e.g. Specialist representatives
  • Develop and maintain a rounded understanding of the sales positioning of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its products within the various markets in which we operate. Using this knowledge, effectively leverage the strengths and breadth of the organization by building and maintaining an effective network of connections within the Thermo Fisher Scientific organization
  • Establish relationships with key suppliers and negotiate improved terms as and when possible to increase profitability to the company
  • A Masters of Science degree, preferably within microbiology or similar
  • Some years of relevant commercial experience after degree
  • Laboratory experience across a wide range of sectors including pharmaceutical, industrial and academic segments would be an advantage, particularly where there is a sound understanding of the current marketplace for laboratory equipment, consumables and/or chemicals
  • Strong business acumen shown in previous roles
  • The ability to compile and analyze customer feedback
  • The right personality to work in a team environment and influence/motivate other team members
  • Love being on the road visiting clients. Most customers are within the Oslo-area but you are happy to travel when needed
  • Proficient user of Word, Excel and PowerPoint a must, sales force automation a plus
  • Fluent English language as well as Norwegian

Grade Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Effective communication skills, both verbal and written
  • Flexibility, organization, decision making and problem solving skills
  • Interpersonal skills with diverse populations in-person and on the telephone
  • Knowledge of APS community, computer system, financial procedures, and legal requirements
  • Ability to meet deadlines, work on multiple projects, and coordinate the work of others
  • Knowledge of District policies on immunization, medication, first aid, emergencies and child abuse/neglect
  • Knowledge of all laws, regulations and guidelines affecting teachers and students
  • Knowledge of effective classroom management techniques
  • Ability to maintain positive relationships with students, parents, community members and staff
  • Bachelor’s degree
  • Current New Mexico teaching certificate in specified field
  • Current endorsements dependent upon specific positions may be required
  • Additional requirements may be applicable for specific positions

Life Science Project Manager to Grow Nnit Germany Resume Examples & Samples

  • Proven track record from engagements within life science
  • Entrepreneurial spirit and the desire to participate in growing an ambitious IT company together with a team of like minded colleagues
  • Strong drive and passion for life science
  • Good insight and understanding of applications, systems and data within on or more of the areas R&D, clinical or regulatory

Sales Manager for Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Leverage industry knowledge and existing contacts to accelerate the commercialization of the Aramus Single Use bag by driving adoption with the industry’s top bioprocessing end users, OEMs and fabricators
  • Ensure Entegris meets or exceeds its growth and revenue targets especially for Aramus and as well for the other products which are applicable in the Life Science industry (Cynergy product lines, liquid containers, sensing and controls)
  • Working with Regional Director, create and coordinate strategies and processes (i.e. MH blue sheets, Technical Review Meetings, Share Point lists, Gold Charts, …) to rapidly develop business at global Biotechnology accounts within EMEA
  • Drive customer intimacy by integrating Business Unit personnel into customer relationship with Voice-of-Customer (VOC) sessions, expanding trials/evaluations and providing feedback into the organization on market trends and competitive knowledge
  • Participate in planning and implementing Trade Shows and assuming the lead responsibility for organizing meaningful customer meetings and events related to the Aramus SU Bag
  • Develop and implement regional business plans for expansion/maintenance as part of key account strategies
  • Maintain in-depth knowledge of customer's business, organizational structure, business processes and financial structure
  • Understand strengths and weaknesses of key competitors and leverages this knowledge in assigned accounts
  • Manage activities of territory to ensure high level of customer service
  • Manage our dedicated Life Science network of EMEA sales channel partners and customer business agreements
  • Apply knowledge to solve common and complex business issues
  • Exercise judgement and manage company assets effectively and within established parameters (inventory, payment terms)
  • Develop and maintain relationships with industry experts to understand trends and new business opportunities
  • Align the Life Science technology road map in core developments to the technology goals of assigned customers
  • 3-5 years of Single Use market expertise with emphasis on SU Bag
  • Access and influence with key SU decision-makers
  • Technical aptitude and experience selling within Life Science market
  • Strong strategic selling management skills
  • Ability to travel up to 50% in EMEA
  • Self-starter, enthusiastic, team player, committed, honest and effective
  • Excellent language skills in English and in German or French
  • Strong communication /presentation skills
  • One year of employment experience in laboratory work or equivalent training (e.g., one year of college science) is required
  • Work requires the ability to follow detailed instructions and keep accurate records
  • Experience with photography and image processing, trouble shooting and problem solving especially as it pertains to equipment
  • Maintain transgenic mouse populations, set up breeding and weaning; ear tag mouse and tail mouse for genotyping
  • Digest mouse tail, extract DNA, set up and perform PCR, run agrose gel electrophoresis and interpret results for genotyping
  • Maintain cell cultures, to prepare, stain and observe histology sections under microscope
  • Maintain detailed record from genotyping and other experiments in words, charts and/or images, to analyze and interpret the results
  • The incumbent will independently perform skilled techniques that require delicate manipulation and/or fine adjustments. S/He will draw upon previous laboratory experience with the test or equipment to detect if something is wrong with the procedure and may make procedural changes or modify techniques. S/he may be expected to complete general mathematical analysis. This position requires a high level of responsibility and independence. Work is performed routinely without direct supervision, however all work is reviewed and discussed with supervisor
  • Must be capable of and willing to pay strict attention to detail, including following written and oral instruction. Familiarity with the following experimental techniques desired

Sales Account Manager Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage all User Group activity by product as required
  • Work with FEI Service to achieve excellent customer satisfaction
  • Typically requires 5 years of sales experience in a related product area
  • Ability to travel to customer sites and factory locally and internationally

Sales Account Manager Life Science France North Resume Examples & Samples

  • Understand all budget issues at each customer and take strategic action
  • Excellent, enthusiastic, clear communication skills to a diverse audience is critical to the success of this position
  • Ability to work in good cooperation within an account team

Sales Account Managere Life Science UK South Resume Examples & Samples

  • Own all sales/ account management responsibilities of specified FEI products to all sites including resolving any issues
  • Manage the sales booking process
  • Highly developed negotiation skills for customer interaction and closure of sales and other issues

Temporary Life Science Research Assistant Resume Examples & Samples

  • Prepare samples for researchers and clients throughout Stanford and the world
  • Manage sample submissions through iLab and liaise with clients on the progress of their samples
  • Prepare and perform lab experiments in support of research projects based on knowledge of scientific theory

Life Science Research Assistant Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor's degree in related scientific field. Preferably in biology or a field studying behavior. Experience working with non-human primates desired
  • General computer skills (e.g. email, web, Microsoft Excel) and ability to quickly learn and master computer programs, databases, and scientific applications
  • Excellent organizational skills and demonstrated ability to complete detailed work with attention to detail

Life Science Application Process Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Establish and maintain communication with all stakeholders to keep track of the latest workflow insights (e.g. Thermo Fisher Application Engineers, Thermo Fisher R&D, Customers in Pharmacy/Universities/Research Institutes)
  • Design workflows architecture in order to keep sequences and interdependencies in control and provide customers the fastest route from sample to result (a 3D reconstruction)
  • Document the instructions in our authoring tool, which exports the workflows to the App
  • Validate workflows in a lab environment (e.g. sample preparation, vitrification, electron microscopy)
  • Requires a Molecular Biology / Life Sciences Bachelor degree, or higher
  • Excellent, enthusiastic, clear communication skills, both in writing and speech – proven ability to interact with a diverse audience is critical to the success of this position
  • Excellent interfacing and teaching skills
  • Affinity with software development is a pré
  • Affinity with microscopy is a pré
  • Ability to interact with cross-functional and cross-cultural teams
  • Ability to travel frequently both within Europe and intercontinentally and possession of a valid passport (up to 20%)
  • The LST position requires at a minimum completion of high school, with one year’s work experience in a basic science lab, and /or 1 year of college level science background
  • Computer proficiency and excellent organizational skills are required
  • Must be accurate, efficient, reliable, have excellent record keeping abilities and have good communication skills

Director of Sales, Life Science Group Resume Examples & Samples

  • An intense focus on the customer
  • A deep knowledge and understanding of the Canadian market gained from a minimum of 5 years’ experience in Canada
  • Ideally the candidate would have sales experience in the life Science/Genetic Analysis capital equipment market selling to Academic, Government and Clinical customers
  • The successful candidate must demonstrate outstanding leadership and sales management characteristics
  • He/She will embody a strong personal character coupled with a broad business acumen and intellect, vital competencies essential to navigating complex and dynamic market conditions
  • He/She will have a successful track record of managing and growing a sales organization
  • The successful candidate will be a decisive business leader that will thrive in a fast-paced business culture
  • Additionally, our successful candidate will have a demonstrated ability to identify commercial opportunities and develop aggressive and innovative sales strategies to capitalize on those opportunities
  • He/She will have the ability to think clearly and critically, articulate a vision, and inspire others to follow
  • He/She will be a risk-taker who is willing and able to make dispassionate and objective decisions based on hard data as well as soft data
  • Implement the commercial strategies, ensuring alignment with the global and regional plans. Achieve the business and strategic objectives – these must be competitive from both an industry and regional perspective
  • Regularly monitors customers’ needs and Thermo Fisher Scientific’ product offerings to ensure needs are understood by team members and key Thermo Fisher Scientific departments and, appropriate levels of service and responsiveness are provided to accounts
  • Develops and maintains an up to date knowledge of markets, products, and buying practices required to effectively compete in the global Life sciences market
  • Uses comprehensive knowledge of customer activities and goals to develop, deliver and coach team to deliver high impact strategic selling presentations promoting Thermo Fisher Scientific solutions
  • In addition the Canada Leader will be responsible for driving growth of the LSG business via our channel partners, particularly Fisher Scientific
  • The Canada leader will work closely with the different divisional leaderships to define strategy and marketing plans for the region, and then develop detailed sales execution plans to deliver against revenue and growth expectations in the current year as well as over a 3 year horizon
  • BS/BA required in Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry or related discipline (Masters, MBA or PhD desirable but not required)
  • Proven track record at Senior District Manager or Director Level with track record of results delivery, and demonstrated leadership potential
  • Demonstrated capability to develop sales strategy and translate strategy into a tactical plan that achieves and drives top line growth with experience in a business with a minimum of $100M in revenue
  • Possesses experience in: team management, sales strategies and personal selling effectiveness, analytical and problem solving skills, communication skills, client relationship management skills, industry/market analysis skills, and business planning skills
  • Proven ability to work effectively in a highly networked internal company environment and adept at building strong long term relationships with key stakeholders to ensure alignment and produce robust execution plans
  • Experience selling life science/genetic analysis capital equipment to Government , Academic and Clinical markets
  • Proven ability to manage multiple priorities and projects in a cross-functional, matrixed environment

SG Senior Manager Technology Digital Solution Architect Life Science Industry Resume Examples & Samples

  • A good honors Degree, preferably at postgraduate level, in Information Technology, Business Information Systems, Business, mathematics or related disciplines
  • Experience in Big 4 or MNC Consulting firm will be preferred
  • Prior experience in a Pre-Sales or Solutions Architect role, working with regional clients
  • Strong understanding of technical skills and experience in Digital technologies like eCommerce, Content Management, Social, Mobility and/or Analytics
  • Demonstrate strong design and development skills with the ability to learn new technologies and tools quickly
  • Technology or product specific specialization is preferred
  • Project experience in ASEAN region
  • Strong experience and knowledge in Life Science industry
  • Strong analytical skills, excellent oral and written communication skills in English, be self-motivated, and be able to work in stressful situations with changing priorities
  • Excellent problem solving skills, ability to think out-of-the-box, work under pressure and tight project timelines
  • Drive, tenacity, client focused and results oriented
  • Proven demonstration of sound business acumen, teamwork and leadership qualities
  • Willingness to work outside of office base and most of all…
  • An appreciation of the consulting lifestyle and ability to travel (both locally and abroad) is a pre-requisite to fit to our short-term and long-term project assignment

Life Science Business Development Executive Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage the overall relationship and communication with key clients and have full command of their business model, application landscape and how Perficient solutions deliver value
  • Manage and execute the entire end-to-end selling process, working closely with the Perficient delivery team (initial lead inquiry, qualification of opportunities, requirements gathering, project scope definition, effort estimation, proposal development, SOW creation, contract negotiation and closing)
  • Develop and manage key relationships with Life Science Industry clients and Partner Alliance personnel to drive additional new business and provide proper communication on account activity
  • Leads and manages customer engagement opportunities from lead generation, to deal review, to negotiations and closing a deal
  • Ability to travel to client sites where needed (up to 50% travel)
  • 10+ years of services sales or professional consulting experience within Life Sciences companies
  • A proven track record of achieving and exceeding revenue objectives in complex solutions environment at Fortune 500 clients (preferably Life Sciences clients)
  • Knowledge of/experience with structured sales methodologies, e.g., Strategic Selling, Solution Selling, SPIN, Power based Selling, Target Account Selling
  • Able to partner with clients to understand their organizational needs and recommend solutions that add value to their business
  • Strong verbal, written communication, and listening skills; strong customer service and interpersonal skills
  • Excellent collaboration and team-building skills

Life Science Resesarch Professional Resume Examples & Samples

  • MS or higher level degree preferred
  • At least 1 year experience
  • Experience with CRISPR, lentivirus genetic techniques
  • Proficiency in mouse colony management including breeding and genotyping
  • Proficiency in scientific writing in English
  • Comprehensive understanding of scientific principles
  • Proficiency in cell culture techniques such as growing and passaging cells
  • Experience and training in handling human cells/blood samples for DNA and RNA purification
  • Experience with database programs for storing and tracking data/samples
  • Prior experience with mouse models of disease

Ambitious Line Manager to Join our Life Science Solutions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Drive lead generation and customer sales through close interaction with your team, department and other parties in NNIT
  • Actively develop and lead your team
  • Build up strong customer relationship with our existing and new customers, domestic and internationally
  • Contribute to develop our consultancy capabilities and consultancy services
  • Develop Life Science Solutions within our pre-clinical, clinical and regulatory domain offerings portfolio to match market and customer expectations
  • Develop Cloud based offerings and services
  • Build mutually beneficial and collaborative relationship with our partners
  • Build and develop our near-shore project delivery capability and our international consultancy capacity
  • Manage project delivery and manage customer engagements
  • Actively deliver on own consultancy and project assignments while working together with your team
  • Build and maintain your team’s competencies and skills
  • Achieve customer satisfaction and business targets
  • Contribute to answering customer RfIs/RfPs
  • Contribute to the Life Science Solutions strategy work

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cover letter for life science consulting


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  3. This factory gives new life to used hotel soap. #Hotels #Recycling #Sustainability

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  1. Consulting cover letter guide (for McKinsey, BCG, Bain, etc.)

    Below is an anonymised cover letter from a candidate who got interviews at McKinsey, BCG and Bain. So you can trust that this template works. The image here highlights the different sections of the cover letter, but we'll dive deeper into the text later, and you can also get a downloadable copy below. Free download of the consulting cover ...

  2. How to Write a Cover Letter for Job in the Life Sciences

    There are many ways to format and write a cover letter, but the following is an outline of what should be included in every cover letter for a scientific position. 1. Heading and Introduction: The heading of your cover letter should include your name, address, phone number, and email. The introduction should briefly state who you are, what ...

  3. Consulting Cover Letter Guide

    1. Understanding Consulting Cover Letters. To write a good one we will first need to understand the demands it must meet. That is to say, we need to understand the function of the cover letter and precisely how it will be assessed. Let's start by going through some important points: 1.1.

  4. Life Science Cover Letter

    How to Write the Life Science Cover Letter. 7258 Cronin Via. Port Denese, MN 12185. Dear Shiloh Goodwin, In response to your job posting for life science, I am including this letter and my resume for your review. Previously, I was responsible for scientific expertise, build knowledge and activity based relationships with Key Opinion Leaders to ...

  5. Science Cover Letter: Examples & Writing Tips for Scientists

    Here's how to write a cover letter for a science job application: 1. Use a proven science cover letter format and layout. For a cover letter design that passes the chi-square test, follow these tips: Cover letter layout: one-inch margins on all sides will make your cover letter look professional and inviting.

  6. Consultant Cover Letter Example (w/ Templates & Tips for 2024)

    Content. Top ↑ Consulting Cover Letter Example 5 Steps for the Perfect Consulting Cover Letter #1. Put Contact Information in the Header #2. Address the Hiring Manager #3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement #4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details #5. Wrap It Up and Sign It 10 Essential Consulting Cover Letter Tips Key Takeaways.

  7. Consulting Cover Letter Example (+Skills List)

    Jan 2, 2020. Hiring Manager's Name 341 Company Address Palo Alto, California 94301 (xxx) xxx-xxxx [email protected]. Dear [Hiring Manager's Name], I am writing to apply for the consultant position at [Company Name - e.g., Bain] that I discovered while attending the Curious about Consulting networking event in Boston last week.

  8. Crafting impactful statements for your CV and cover letter

    A life science careers blog for early career researchers. This blog aims to inspire early career researchers exploring different career options. We provide interview-based profiles of life scientists working in diverse science-related careers and articles on a broad range of career-related topics, with new content added on a regular basis.

  9. 7 Essential Tips to Write a Cover Letter for a Lifesciences Job

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    Research scientists are a critical component of the life science industry.According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), medical scientists earn a median annual salary of $84,810 and typically have a doctoral or professional degree.. Some may have an M.D. but conduct research in addition to, or instead of, practicing as a physician. The BLS projects job growth for medical scientists at a ...

  11. 5 tips for writing a cover letter for a life sciences job

    For example, if you are applying for a CMC role within regulatory affairs, you cover letter should immediately emphasise the skills and experience you have within this field. Any other skills can be seen on your CV later on if needed. Have the job description next to you as you write the cover letter so that you can give direct examples from ...

  12. Consulting Cover Letter Examples (For All Consultant Jobs)

    A consulting cover letter like that would get BCG's attention. Now, here's how to write a consulting cover letter like that: 1. Use the Best Consulting Cover Letter Template. Let's get your consulting cover letter buttoned down. To do that, use this cover letter template. It's got all the value-adds to put you on the case.

  13. Consulting Cover Letter Samples & Examples 2024

    Thank you for taking the time to read my cover letter and consider my application. As your new Consultant, I am certain I can elevate your business partnerships and increase your sales according to your company's high standards of quality. To best reach me, call (123) 456-7890 any weekday during normal business hours.

  14. How to write effective consulting resumes and cover letters: the free

    As with resumes, a great consulting cover letter also has the right layout, content, and language. It should ideally contain four sections: an introduction of yourself, what you bring to the role, your motivation, and finally, a quick wrap-up. ... capital markets, and life sciences. It's also a result of the Top 3 firms getting bigger and ...

  15. How to Write a Consulting Cover Letter (With Tips and Example)

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  16. Consulting Cover Letter: Expert Guide, Examples & Template

    Pick a cover letter template here. 3. Introduce Yourself and Identify the Job to Which You're Applying. You want to make sure the first paragraph of your consulting cover letter s hows what the hiring manager reads is actually relevant to them. Here's the first step: address the hiring manager by name in your greeting.

  17. Consulting Cover Letter: Ultimate Guide

    Consulting firms receive thousands and thousands of cover letters, so the last thing they want to read is your entire life story. Keep your consulting cover letter to one page, max. Show Instead of Tell; The cover letter is the time for you to conduct a deeper dive into your 2-3 most impressive stories. Instead of explaining why you're such a ...

  18. How to Write a Killer Consulting Cover Letter for McKinsey

    The opening to your letter is the most basic and straightforward paragraph. Simply introduce yourself and state the role that you are applying for. Keep it short, sweet, and simple. Paragraph 2. Why you are a promising candidate. This is where you get the chance to open up and show why you are the ideal fit.

  19. Scientist Cover Letter Example and Template for 2024

    Dionne James. Evanston, Illinois. 771-555-0199. [email protected] May 1, 2023 Dear hiring manager, I'm a labratory scientist with an Master of Science in chemistry and four years of lab experience. I'm writing you to discuss my candidacy for the open Scientist position at Grasch-Plyman Labs. I bring a passion for toxicology, a methodical ...

  20. LEK Cover Letter

    Sample cover letter for Full Time position at LEK. My name is XXXX; a chemist with a PhD in chemistry. I am writing to apply for an associate consultant role. I recently attended one of your recruitment seminars where I met Dr xxx and was blown away by the life sciences team in L.E.K. I was attracted by the variety of projects consultants ...

  21. Consultant Cover Letter Example and Template for 2024

    New York, NY. 344-555-0167. [email protected] May 9, 2023 Dear Hiring Manager: My name is Jonas Haspen, and I'm a recent graduate of Heleron University with a Bachelor of Arts in Business. After four years at the top of my class and two internships with consulting firms, I'm eager to begin my career strategizing to help businesses reach ...

  22. How To Write a Consultant Cover Letter (With Examples)

    The steps are as follows: 1. Research the company. Before you write the first word of your cover letter, do as much research into the company you're applying to as possible. A good consultant cover letter is tailored to the job opening and company in question. Researching them allows you to do this, and demonstrate your diligence and ...

  23. Life Science Resume Samples

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