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55 Macroeconomics Research Paper Topics

Macroeconomics Research Paper Topics

Macroeconomics is a field of economics that deals with performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making in the aggregate economy. It also focuses on inflation, economic growth, national income levels, unemployment, and poverty rates. In simpler terms, macroeconomics concentrates on the economic factors and challenges affecting an entire region or nation instead of a household or an individual.

Interesting Macroeconomics Research Paper Topics

The best macroeconomics topics for paper.

  • Exiciting Macroeconomics Paper Topics For Research

Creative Macroeconomics Research Topics

Excellent topics for macroeconomics paper, current macroeconomic topics for paper, incredible macroeconomics paper ideas, argumentative macroeconomics term paper topics, top macroeconomic topics, good topics for economic research papers, top economic paper topics ideas, final words about macroeconomics topics.

It is an exciting course to study. One of the mandatory requirements for a macroeconomics course completion is a research paper. A good research paper in macroeconomics will influence your final grades and whether you graduate. So, students must strive to give their best in research papers.

The key to preparing and writing an excellent macroeconomic research paper is selecting suitable economics research paper topics . Unfortunately, picking a good research topic for your macroeconomics paper is not a walk in the park. For this reason, we prepared some creative and exciting macroeconomics paper topics for your consideration.

Macroeconomics seems like a dull and complex topic at first sight. However, you can easily select interesting macro and microeconomics research paper topics that keep the reader or instructor excited and glued to your paper. Here are some macroeconomics topics you may consider for your research paper:

  • The 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act: What were its effects?
  • What are the best ways to reduce unemployment in the US?
  • The role of banks in a country’s economy
  • A comprehensive analysis of the state regulations related to the economy in the UK
  • An analysis of labor organizations in the European Union?

Macroeconomics is a vast and complex subject that even covers argumentative essay topics . Therefore, there are many directions you can take with your research paper. Here are some macroeconomics topics to inspire you:

  • The causes of the financial crisis in 2021
  • The impact of unemployment rates on a country’s economy
  • What factors influence a financial crisis?
  • Financial crisis: what is it, its causes, remedies, and preventions
  • An analysis of the inflation and deflation crisis in the UK in 2022

Top Macroeconomics Paper Topics For Research

You can cover numerous areas in your macroeconomics research paper, and research topics for STEM students should come in handy. However, the key is to choose a specific area and topic so that your paper is simple and worthy of a top grade. Take a look at some good sample topics for economic research paper:

  • The inflation rate in the US in 2022
  • How can countries reduce budget deficit issues?
  • GDP as a measure of wealth: an analysis
  • What is the correlation between politics and economics?
  • The impacts of the pandemic on the global economy

A mistake most students make when picking topics for research papers is sticking to the same old basic ideas. Creativity is key to making your paper written from social media research topics stand out. Here are some creative macroeconomic research topics for your consideration:

  • The UK’s economic stabilization policy: an insight
  • An overview of the US’s macroeconomic situation
  • The Classic Economic Model: what is it?
  • The Consumer Choice Theory: An analysis
  • How does government spending influence the economy?

The first thing you ought to do when selecting a macroeconomics research paper topic is choose the specific area you wish to focus on. For instance, you can select social issues research topics . From there, you can explore issues worth discussing in that area. Here are some macroeconomic topics to write about:

  • The free market: everything you should know about it
  • Macroeconomic risks in European nations: an overview
  • An extensive analysis of the mixed economy?
  • How does the national minimum wage affect a country’s economy?
  • How can third-world countries reduce their unemployment rates?

Macroeconomics focuses on the economic factors, changes, and behaviors in a region or a nation. Therefore, it is an ever-changing phenomenon. You can choose macroeconomic topics to write about on recent affairs. Here are some examples:

  • The global economic response to the COVID-19 pandemic
  • How the civil rights movements in 2022 are affecting the US economy
  • What is the impact of the Trump Administration on the US economy?
  • The link between politics and the current economic state in the UK
  • The negative effects of internet banking on the global economy

Do you need to find the most exciting and attention-grabbing macroeconomics research paper topics? In addition to this list of thesis statements about social media , we composed some incredible ideas for you. Here are a few economic research paper example topics:

  • Consumption in the EU nations
  • Important regulation models that influence a country’s economy
  • The balance of trade in the US: an in-depth analysis
  • What is the role of macroeconomics in individual lives?
  • Why should individuals care about their nation’s macroeconomics?

An argumentative paper differs from others because it requires you to take a stance on an issue and convince your readers that your stance is the most logical or the best. So, your topic should reflect your stance on a particular issue. Let us look at some interesting macroeconomic topics you can write about in an argumentative paper:

  • Internet banking has caused adverse effects on the global economy
  • The rise of interest rates in African countries poses dangers to their economy
  • Protectionism significantly affects the economy
  • Unemployment in the US is a result of poor economic choices
  • Poor saving habits affect a nation’s economy

Are you looking for a topic for your macroeconomics paper that will earn you top grades? Look no further, for we have you covered. Here are some topics you may consider for your macroeconomics research paper:

  • Is COVID-19 a macroeconomic factor?
  • What are macroeconomic factors?
  • The impacts of macroeconomic factors on a region’s economic state
  • Production in macroeconomics: what is it?
  • How can nations promote long-term economic growth?

While macroeconomics is a branch of economics, it does not mean you must stick to the specific area for your research paper. There is a lot you can do with a good economics research topic. Here are some great topics for economic research papers:

  • What roles do retail sales play in the macro economy?
  • Short-term business cycles and their impact on a country’s economy
  • The concept of compound interest: an insight
  • Deflation: a comprehensive analysis
  • Balance of payments: a comprehensive analysis

You cannot complete your graduate course without writing a research paper. Economics is a fantastic course, even though finding a good research topic in this area is difficult. Let us look at some economic research paper topics ideas:

  • An analysis of the trade policies between the US and China
  • Ways to reduce inflation in the UK
  • The positive and adverse effects of tax cuts in a country
  • Protectionism vs free trade: an analysis
  • The role of the central bank in global economics

Sometimes, even with the perfect topic, you may still struggle to prepare your research paper. A quality research paper requires experience and expertise in paper writing and the study subject. For this reason, you would benefit from the services of qualified and experienced research paper writers. Our company offers the best and most reliable writers to help you transform your topic into a quality research paper. Contact us today for all your macroeconomics research paper writing needs.

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bachelor thesis macroeconomics topics

Economics Undergraduate Honors Theses

Examples of honors theses written by economics undergraduate students.

Posted with permission of the author. © 2019-2022 by the individual author. All rights reserved.

  • "The Causal Effect of ACA Subsidies on Insurance Coverage Status Among California Adults"  - William Vereyken
  • "Economic Impacts of Immigration Detention Centers Built Between 1990-2016 on U.S. Commuting Zones"  - Ekaterina Yudina

Spring/Summer 2022

  • "The Impact of Indiv. Mandate on High-Income, Non-elderly Indiv. Health Insurance Coverage Rates and Racial/Ethnic Disparities"  - YeJin Ahn
  • "An Economic Analysis of the 1997 Amhara Land Redistribution in Ethiopia"  - Ezana Anley
  • "Affirmative Action's Effect on Educational and Wage Outcomes for Underrepresented Minorities"  - Vishnu G. Arul
  • "Are the Effects of Racism Really That Black and White? A Study on the Effect Racism Has on the Productivity of Black   Footballers in the Premier League"  - Advik Banerjee
  • "An Empirical Analysis of Industrial Concentration and Prices: Can We Blame Inflation on Corporate Greed?"  - Anton Bobrov
  • "Tax Revenue Cyclicality and Income Inequality: Evidence from U.S. Counties From 1989 to 2019"  - Yiyang Chen
  • "The Impact of Economic Opportunities on African American Migration Patterns in Oakland"  - Fernando Cheung
  • "Impact of Tech Companies on Wages in the Local Economy"  - Niki Collette
  • "Warm Welcome: Evidence for Weather-based Projection Bias in College Choice"  - Maria Cullen
  • "Impact of the Belt and Road Initiative on Bilateral Trade with China"  - Pedro de Marcos
  • "Renaissance of the Black Homeowner: Impact Evaluation of Michigan's Renaissance Zones"  - Rupsha Debnath
  • "Lockdown Blues: The Effect of Social Norms on the Psychological Cost of Unemployment During the COVID-19 Pandemic"  - Dylan Hallahan
  • "How Education Affects Health Outcomes Across Genders"  - Jessica Li
  • "Is Increasing Diversity Inclusion Effective in Improving Companies' Performance in the Financial Services Industry?"  - Miranda Li
  • "The Future Financial Status of the Social Security Program"  - Chloe Manouchehri
  • "Does Recreational Marijuana Legalization Affect Hard-Drug Use? - Evidence from Cocaine Prevalence and Treatment Admissions"  - Arthur Weiss
  • "Relationship Between Economic Status and Money Spent on Private Education Leading to Economic Inequality in South Korea"  - Jiho Lee
  • "The Impact of Migrant Remittances on Rural Labor Supply: Evidence from Nepal"  - Amanda Wong
  • "Confirmation Bias: The Role of Messages and Messengers"  - Hongyu (Randol) Yao

Spring 2021

  • "Gender Equality and Economic Growth: Solving the Asian Puzzle"  - Zoya Ali
  • "Women in STEM: Moving Up or Falling Off the Academic Career Ladder?"  - Sophia J. Bai
  • "Time Dependence in Okun's Law at the State Level" - Sarah Baig
  • "Labor Regulation and the Impact on Firm Behavior in India" - Vatsal Bajaj
  • "Gender Representation in Academia: Evidence from the Italian Education System Reform" - Oyundari Batbayar
  • "Money & Marriage on the Elementary Mind: A High-Level Analysis of Inequitable Child Development in LA County" - Matthew J. Chang
  • "Unanticipated Unemployment Rate News on the Stock Market" - David Chi
  • "Should Physicians Be More Collaborative? Determining the Relationship Between Patient Participation and Treatment Plan Confidence Across a Spectrum of Illness Severity in the State of California" - Saif Chowdhury
  • "Modeling Optimal Investment and Greenhouse Gas Abatement in the Presence of Technology Spillovers" - Sabrina Chui
  • "Understanding the Influence of Marginal Income Tax Rates on Retirement Investment Habits"  - Daniel Cohen
  • "Infrastructure in India's Internal War: A District-Level Analysis of the Naxalite-Maoist Conflict" - Krunal Desai
  • "Do Eucalyptus Trees Increase Wildfires?"  - Lila Englander
  • "Understanding the Labor Outcomes of Hurricane Sandy" - Kevin Fang
  • "Does TikTok Show Viewers the Content Relevant to them?" - Ekaterina Fedorova
  • "The Impact of the Affordable Care Act Dependent Care Provision on Long-term Young Adult Labor Market Choices" - Anne Fogarty
  • "Orchestra Sex Disparity: Experimental Evidence from Audience Members" - Richard Gong
  • "The Big Three Medical Price Indexes: A Comparative Review and Analysis"  - Robert Hovakimyan
  • "Effect of Value-Added-Services on Customer Reviews in a Platform Marketplace" - Shankar Krishnan
  • "COVID19 Recession: Gender Layoff Gap Explodes" - Ember Lin-Sperry
  • "The Gender Wage Gap in China: Learning from Recent Longitudinal Data" - Donghe Lyu
  • "Local Graduation Policies as a Tool for Increasing College Eligibility: Evidence from Los Angeles" - Dan L. Ma
  • "Trust in Government and Lockdown Compliance in Sub-Saharan Africa" - Charles McMurry
  • "I Do (or Don't): The Impact of Same-Sex Marriage Laws on International Tourism" - Oliver McNeil
  • "International Shipping Consequences of a Navigable Arctic" - Jack Melin
  • "Investigating Dollar Invoicing Trends Using United Kingdom Export Data" - Aneesh Nathani
  • "Micro-Level Impact of Initial Public Offerings on Bay Area Housing Inflation" - Mina Nezam-Mafi
  • "Explaining EU's Oil Dependency Through the Response of the Portuguese Sector Indexes to Brent Oil Prices Fluctuations" - Pedro S. Nunes
  • "Dynamic Incentives and Effort Provision in Professional Tennis Tournaments" - Ruiwen Pan
  • "Examining the Effects of Minimum Wage Laws on Part-Time Employment" - Odysseus Pyrinis
  • "The Great Indian Identity Crisis? Exclusions & Intersectionality in the Indian Aadhaar System" - Aditi Ramakrishnan
  • "The 'Clutch Gene' Myth: An Analysis of Late-Game Shooting Performance in the NBA"  - Can Sarioz
  • "Estimating the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Jobs Within the Healthcare Industry" - Sidharth Satya
  • "Factors Influencing Telehealth Utilization: Evidence from California" - Emily Schultz
  • "Cash and Conflict: Evidence from the Indian Banknote Demonetization" - Nachiket Shah
  • "Determinants of the Number of Anti-Government Demonstrations: Evidence from OECD Countries" - Nina Singiri
  • "Hygiene Heroes: A Process Evaluation of Promoting Hygiene Practices in Tamil Nadu Schools" - Malika Sugathapala
  • "Exploring the Labour Patterns of Women and Mothers Through the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Impact of School Closures and a New Kind of Recession"  - Renee Isabel Utter
  • "How Have Socioeconomic Achievement Determinants Changed in the Past Decade for First-Generation Chinese Immigrants in the U.S." - Haolin Wang
  • "The Impact of Quarantining on School Enrollment: Evidence from the Ebola Epidemic in Sierra Leone" - David Willigrod
  • "Weeding out Needy Households and Welcoming the Better Off? Impacts of Transactional Barriers on SNAP Participation Rates" - Kevin Woo
  • "Are Soccer Teams Being Inefficient? An Analysis of Sunk Cost Fallacy and Recency Bias Using Transfer Fee" - Junru Lyu
  • "The Effects of Access to Family Planning Facilities on Female Labor Market Outcomes"  - Marcus Sander
  • "Macroeconomic Volatility at the Zero Lower Bound: Evidence from the OECD" - Anthony Swaminathan
  • "How are Society's Conditions and Demographics Related to the Popularity of Chief Executive Carrie Lam  and the Hong Kong Government"  - Peter To

Spring/Summer 2020

  • "Parental Involvement: The Differential Impacts of Consent and Notice Requirements for Minors' Abortions" - Angela Ames
  • "Examining Local Price Levels and Income Distribution Over Time" - Josh Archer
  • "Estimating the Effect of Grandparent Death on Fertility" - Jason Chen
  • "Democracy in the Face of COVID-19: Have Less Democratic Countries Been More Effective at Preventing the Spread of This Pandemic ?" - Yi Chen
  • "Understanding the Effects of Conditional Cash Transfers on Indigenous People in Mexico" - Arushi Desai
  • "Microfinance and Payday Lending: Are they Solving a Problem or Creating One?" - Sophia Faulkner
  • "The Risk-Taking Channel of Monetary Policy and Foreign Banks" - Noah Forougi
  • "Ride of Die? Metropolitan Bikeshare Systems and Pollution" - Sean Furuta
  • "Internet's Important Involvement in Information Industry Integration in Idaho, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana (and others): How the emerging internet affected the economic geography of the information industry" - Keming (Alex) Gao
  • "The Relationship between Economic Crises and Long-Run Wealth Inequality" - Renuka Garg
  • "Voter Bias in the Associated Press College Football Poll : Reconducting a 2009 study with new data in a $1 Billion-dollar industry that has seen significant changes in the past decade"  - Brent Hensley
  • "Monopsony Exploitation in Major League Baseball: Using Wins Above Replacement to Estimate Marginal Revenue Product" - Jacob C. Hyman
  • "The Relationship Between Currency Substitution and Exchange Rate Volatility" - Jewon Ju
  • "Efficiency, Bias, and Decisions: Observations from a Sports Betting Exchange" - Alexander Kan
  • "The Effect of Medicaid Expansion on Substance Use Disorder Treatment Utilization: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act" - Christy Kang
  • "Analyzing the Relationship between Personal Income Tax Progressivity and Income Inequality" - Gevorg Khandamiryan
  • "The Effects of Occupancy Taxes on the Short-Term Rental Market: Evidence from Boston" - Alan Liang
  • "Corporate Types and Bank Lending in Contractionary Era: Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies" - Zishen Liu
  • "Financial Constraints on Student Learning: An Analysis of How Financial Stress Influences Cognitive Function in Children" - Simone Matecna
  • "The Effect of Workplace Inspections on Employment and Sales - A Regression Discontinuity Analysis" - Jeseo Park
  • "Lending Sociodynamics, Economic Instability, and the U.S. Farm Credit Crisis" - Erfan Samaei
  • "The Effect of Intangible Assets on Value Added: Evidence from microdata across small and large firms in Europe" - Tamara Sequeira
  • "Price Efficiency Differences Between Public and Private Utilities: An Empirical Analysis of US Electric Utilities" - Yechan Shin
  • "Effect of Campus Shootings on Academic Achievement: Examination of 2014 Isla Vista Killings" - Min Joo (Julie) Song
  • "First-Degree Price Discrimination: Evidence from Informal Markets in India" - Rishab Srivastava
  • "Who Benefits From Gentrification? A Case Study of Oregon Public High Schools" - Namrata Subramanian
  • "Estimating the Economic Impacts of Wealth Taxation in France" - Jeffrey Suzuki
  • "Transit-Oriented Development or Transit-Oriented Displacement? Evaluating the Sorting Effect of Public Transportation in Los Angeles County" - Yeeling Tse
  • "How State Abortion Policy Restrictiveness is Associated with Unintended Pregnancy Outcomes in the United States from 2014-2018" - Ruhee Wadhwania
  • "Global Food Security and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation"  - Aidan Wang
  • "The Relationship Between Pharmaceutical R&D Spending and NME Development" - Taylor Wang
  • "The Role of Individual Risk Attitude in Occupational Inheritance" - Yi Wang
  • "Labor Market Segmentation: Evidence from U.S. Janitorial Jobs Advertised in English and Spanish" - Zijun Xu
  • "Bias on the Brain: How Patient Gender Influences Use of Emergency Room Diagnostic Imaging" - Abigail Zhong
  • "Age Effects, Irrationality and Excessive Risk-Taking in Supposedly Expert Agents" - William Aldred
  • "Pricing Disparities for Minority Communities in Chicago: Rideshares and Taxis" - Matthew Cleveland
  • "Where My Negros At? Evaluating the Effects of Banning Affirmative Action on Black College Enrollment" - Ellie Koepplinger
  • "Race and Recession: How Minorities May Affect Downturns" - Alexander Szarka
  • "Understanding the Effects of Canadian International Food Aid on Production and Trade" - Patrick D. Tagari
  • "Urban Property Rights and Labor Supply in Peru: Heterogeneity Analysis by Gender and Educational Attainment" - Juan Sebastián Rozo Vásquez
  • "Effect of High-Speed Rail on City Tourism Revenue in China: A Perspective on Spatial Connectivity" - Lingyun Xiao

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261 Macroeconomics Topics for Any Paper [+Tips]

Take a look at our macroeconomics research topics and select the most suitable one. And don’t forget to check out our tips on how to compose a paper.

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❓ Macroeconomics Essay Questions

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All finance students are required to take the macroeconomics course throughout their studies. Although the subject is crucial and useful, it is pretty challenging. In particular, it can become a problem if you want to nail an original macroeconomics project. Topics to write about can be tricky to find for students regardless of their school level.

But you won’t face any difficulties.

Our team of experts has prepared a comprehensive list of macroeconomic topics. Here you can find fascinating ideas for any type of assignment.

🤔 What Is Macroeconomics?

Of course, you could go straight away to the essay ideas search. But are you familiar with essential economic terms? If not, then the topic selection process can turn into huge trouble.

We have good news for you!

For your convenience, we developed a brief study guide on the basics of economics. So, don’t hesitate to use our prompts to make your studying process more pleasurable.

⚖️ Macroeconomics & Microeconomics

In essence, macroeconomics and microeconomics are two fundamental parts of economic science. They perfectly complement each other and provide a wide range of opportunities for economists. Nevertheless, the microeconomic and macroeconomic objectives differ to a great extent.

Macroeconomics and microeconomics deal with similar issues.

So, what are they?

Macroeconomics is a field of economics that studies the economic performance of countries. By employing it, governments can analyze the financial situation within a country. Macroeconomic theory’s concepts help to predict and prevent possible economic obstacles. Generally, the field presents the big picture. That is to say, it shows the economic development on a national and international level.

In contrast, microeconomics focuses on specific firms or companies. It analyzes the business owners’ decision-making process. Microeconomics does not interact with national or even international economic problems. It mainly investigates enterprises and their internal issues.

📑 Topics in Macroeconomics

Macroeconomics is a broad field that covers a wide range of issues. The two topics of primary concern in macroeconomics are:

  • the behavioral tendencies;
  • the decision-making processes of an economy as a whole.

In other words:

Macroeconomics explores human actions and interactions from an economic perspective.

Have you ever noticed any macroeconomic topics in the news? Or maybe in the headings of magazine articles, in the posts on social media? Or have you heard the discussion of high inflation and unemployment rate on the radio or television? These are all examples of the application of macroeconomics in real life.

Professor Carol L. Osler's quote about macroeconomics as a verb.

The spectrum of issues examined by macroeconomics impresses with its diversity. To make your studying more pleasant, our team gathered ideas in one place.

The topics studied in macroeconomics include:

  • Price levels
  • Inflation rates
  • Political economy
  • Unemployment rates
  • Finance development
  • Fiscal and monetary policies
  • National and international trade
  • Government savings and investments
  • Macroeconomic and Microeconomic Analysis of Nestle Nutrition Due to high competition in the market, an increase in the prices of Nestle’s products is likely to decrease their demand, thereby reducing the firm’s sales.
  • The Microeconomics and Macroeconomics Factors in a Startup Café The objectives of this poster are to illustrate the importance of the microeconomics and macroeconomics factors in my project, which is a Startup Cafe.
  • How Macroeconomics Affects on Remote Industry & Operating Environments The fourth and last macroeconomics variable is the interest rate prevailing in the economy, which is the measure of the cost of capital.
  • Basics of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics GDP is equal to all expenses of all goods and services produced in a country, equal to the total of value-added during the production of the goods and services by all industries within a country […]
  • New Classical Macroeconomics The New Classical Macroeconomics school of thought is built on the assumption that all agents in the economy use the information available to make rational decisions.
  • Difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics Macroeconomics Macroeconomics emphasizes on the bigger picture of the economy thus acquitting on how things in the world in terms of the structure, performance, behavior and decision making process of the whole economy.
  • Gas Prices and Macroeconomic Indicators The paper will investigate the possible effects of the change of gasoline price on changes in GDP, CPI, and unemployment rate.
  • Macroeconomic Environment: Oversight and Governance In order for the business to be listed on the exchange, it must first meet all of the listing rules and then pay any expenses associated with being listed.
  • Insurance in Europe Profitability and the Macroeconomic Environment The assignment analyses the cost structure of the industry, the economic landscape in Europe, and how it relates to the insurance sector, changing consumer preference, and the impact of Covid-19 on the industry.
  • Articles Explaining Macroeconomic Concepts and Events The model interprets the characteristics of the financial markets and investigates the stability of a country’s economy. The LM curve indicates the GDP output levels where the money supply is equal to the demand.
  • Macroeconomic Problems Faced by Sweden and Saudi Arabia Macroeconomics studies the behavior of the economy, as well as its major sectors, such as the public and private sectors, and the monetary system, as well as the relationships between the most significant general economic […]
  • The Impacts of the Macroeconomic Variables on the Business Environment These are also indicators of the rank of the well-being of the population, exports and imports operations, the overall rate of economic growth, and other economic processes.
  • Macroeconomics Principles: International Commerce On the other hand, the higher the productivity gap, the greater the concentration of export businesses and the fewer their links with the rest of the economy.
  • Macroeconomics Principles of Demand and Supply The article suggested that the aggregate demand must be boosted to support the monetary policies and decrease the risks faced after the pandemic’s shock for the worldwide economy.
  • United States National Debt and Macroeconomics The national debt of the United States is one of the most known economic phenomena in the world. This is the real danger of using the national debt as a solution to the lack of […]
  • The United States Macroeconomic Policies During COVID-19 One of the main reasons is the social hardship caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and, consequently, the government’s need to ensure a steady flow of funds to support the budget.
  • Macroeconomic Variables Overview According to the data, GDP growth in 2017 was 2. The inflation rate in the same years was 2.
  • Economic Principles: Macroeconomics This paper intends to describe the housing industry in the United States as presented in the Census Bureau. The housing industry is one of the most vibrant in the United States and the rest of […]
  • Behavioral Finance: Meaning of Macroeconomics Keen disapproves of all the economic theories that support the concept describing their flaws and mishaps. The theories they disapprove of have some flaws that are well stated and displayed.
  • Macroeconomics: US Monetary Policies in 1980-1990 The chart shows the rise in inflation that reached peak levels in the late 70’s, causing the Federal Reserve to come up with new policies to solve the issue.
  • Food Security and Macroeconomics Discussion This is a bad trend which severely hurts the supply of food in third world countries which are not food sufficient.
  • Macroeconomic Overview and Employment Rates in India The occupational structure of India shifted since the 1990s, and the percentage of people employed in the agricultural sector decreased considerable, which also positively affects economic growth. In summary, both the internal and external environment […]
  • Macroeconomics in Unemployment Frictional unemployment is described as the unemployment that takes place because of the movement of people from one occupation to another.
  • Macroeconomics and Hyperinflation in 1914-1923 The officials of the Central bank of Germany thought the cause of hyperinflation was the depreciation of the mark in foreign exchange currency.
  • Interpreting World Macroeconomic Conditions The production of wine is related more to the gross domestic product compared to the rates of interest. In the United States the fast food industry is said to contribute a total of $ 1.
  • Business Proposal Project and Macroeconomics Policy The purpose of this paper will be to come up with a unique technological innovation that the company can invest in order to meet the needs of the clients and the suppliers.
  • Macroeconomic Study of Latin America The economic growth as in the third quarter of 2008 was at 4. 8% and with the economic stimulus plan of $ 4Billion that is intended to quash the current meltdown in the economy, economic […]
  • Macroeconomics – Fiscal Policy‏ The stability of the Fiscal Policy is of great significance to any economy because it is one of the prime determinants of the strength of the economy of the country.
  • Jordan: Macroeconomic Issues In most cases, the human development index is be termed as the welfare of the people in that economy as it encompasses per capita GDP, life expectancy, education and in remote cases purchasing power.
  • Microeconomics and Macroeconomics Differences The perception of macroeconomics is in terms of a worldly view of resources while microeconomics entails a more individual feature of the economy. This makes the difference from macroeconomics, which appertains to the sum total […]
  • Concepts and Problems in Macroeconomics The unemployment rate in Israel is presented in the figure below. The first massive rise in the unemployment rate was during 1988 to 1992 when there was the incidence of the Gulf War.
  • Science of Economics: Microeconomics and Macroeconomics This paper will examine the issue of “why is the science of economics concerned with the activity of households and individuals at one end of the scale, and that of multinational corporations and governments at […]
  • Macroeconomic Development of Haiti The political condition in Haiti is in the shambles with a long history of anarchy, insurrection, dictatorship and political infighting the Haitian economy has remained one of the poorest economies of the world. Then the […]
  • Evaluating Effectiveness of Supply Side Economics on Macroeconomic Objectives This paper takes the position that supply side economics has had its day and the deregulation aspect of the theory has gone too far with the result that the US economy as well as the […]
  • Macroeconomics and Unemployment The author of the article is Jennifer Steinhauer and the source where the article is taken from is the newspaper “The New York Times”, issued on September 18, 2009, that is why the information under […]
  • Macroeconomic Impact on UK Hotel Chain’s Marketing Mix Other harbingers of the current economic travails are tight credit and falling home prices The country has not been spared the effects of the global economic slowdown that commenced with a recession across the Atlantic […]
  • Macroeconomic Changes and Its Impact on the Agricultural Sector Formerly, the growth in the agricultural sector of the United States had been quite unpredictable. The rate of economic growth has a significant impact on the demand for agricultural products in the United States.
  • Mexico Country: Micro and Macroeconomic Environment This undertaking is of vital importance to the company; it provides a view of short run costs that will have to be paid for the company to gain in the long run.
  • The United States’ Macroeconomic Performance The problem of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will be adding more financial pressures to the economy of the United States of America.
  • Kenya’s Macroeconomic Activities With the expansion of tourism, transport, and recovery in Agriculture which is in the due process, the gross domestic product per capita is expected to increase with high percentage. On top of that, Kenya’s economy […]
  • India’s International Macroeconomic Environment The country is a major power in the South Asia and has got the status of full dialogue partner with ASEAN and has been admitted as a member of the ASEAN Regional Forum.
  • Reductionist Effect in Macroeconomics Coddington says that limiting the supply of a product or service in the market will pull down the performance of a firm since the firm will lose its market share to competitors.
  • Macroeconomics: Aggregate Demand and Supply The overall effect of the drilling in Alaska on the economy is that the economy will be rejuvenated and this cannot be more welcome in the united states at this time of financial crisis.
  • Australian Fashion Industries. Macroeconomic Situation. It has been investing heavily in the industry by having designer wear that are readily available in the market and shopping malls and there are many customers who are interested and exposed to the products […]
  • Macroeconomics: Increasing Firm’s Income The assumption of the equilibrium state within national income will hold and that the supply in national income is equal to the demand for the same income.
  • Macroeconomics, Stagflation and Government Policy If the economy already appeared in a state of stagflation at the intersection of AD and AS2, the goal of the policy is to shift the aggregate supply curve to the right to AS.
  • Macroeconomics: South Africa’s Fiscal Space Reforms The purpose of this paper is to review the article and express the author’s opinion on the subject matter. The budget of South Africa should implement the government’s commitments to reduce the budget deficit and […]
  • Fiscal Policy and Macroeconomics Moreover, the peculiarities and current state of the fiscal policy can be discussed by the Council of Economic Advisers, which means that this body is another aspect that might include macro.
  • Macroeconomics: Unemployment Rate in North America Such indicators of economic development as the labor force rate and the unemployment rate are the significant aspects of state development and its policies regarding the labor market.
  • Applying Macroeconomic Concepts in France The focus should be on analyzing such issues influencing the economic stability in the state as the problem of unemployment, changes in the unemployment rate, as well as changes in the inflation rate.
  • France: Applying Macroeconomic Concepts Its continental borders are the North Sea, the English Channel, the Atlantic Ocean, the Bay of Biscay, Spain, Monaco, and Andorra, the Mediterranean Sea, and Italy, Switzerland and Germany, and Belgium and Luxemburg.
  • “The Trouble with Macroeconomics” by Paul Romer In his article, Paul Romer addresses the challenges that the global economy has been experiencing due to the rise in the influence of the factors such as scientific research on the development of macroeconomics and […]
  • Macroeconomics: McDonald’s Challenges in 2012 Therefore, this hurts McDonald’s reputation as a global fast-food business. The price demand elasticity strategy was a tactic to increase McDonald’s market share.
  • American Macroeconomic Situation in 2011 It should be known that various insolvencies that had been experienced are falling and this is good as far as the economy is concerned. The Federal Reserve has maintained low-interest rates and this has been […]
  • Australia’s Macroeconomic Policies The unemployment rate had been above 3% once since the the1940s went above 4% in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s recessions. The inflation rate was above 10% in the early 1990s.
  • Macroeconomic Issues and Funding Adjustments When ADF and ASF are equal, the amount of group 3 funds has for lending would be equal to the total amount group 2iwould be willing to borrow.
  • Macroeconomics: Origins, Development and Current State In the event that there are these changes to these variables, the graphs presented in appendix 1 are a show of what is anticipated to happen to the core macroeconomic elements of the economy.
  • Macroeconomics Course: Japanese Yen and US Dollar March 1: 1 USD = 81. 8425 JPY March 12: 1 USD = 81.
  • 2008 Macroeconomic Collapse and Prevention Efforts The rise in the subprime mortgage rates led to the crash of the stock prices in the US. Therefore, in a volatile market, the aim is to reduce portfolio risk and not maximize trading profits.
  • Macroeconomic Determinants of Savings in the UK The neoclassical model examines whether the development between steady states, positive changes in the savings ratio may stimulate the growth rate in the economy.
  • Peter Coy Views on Macroeconomics Peter Coy’s article gives insight into the economic thought on the government’s involvement in the economy. In the article by Peter Coy, critics view the free market as the only thought that can counterbalance the […]
  • Macroeconomic Factors of Website Content and Services Since internet usage is advancing significantly, the long-run prices offered in internet marketing would significantly decline as a result of high competition.
  • “Lectures in Macroeconomics” by Arnold Kling Both increased productivity and trade are regarded as beneficial for the economy due to the potential ability to move labor resources from one sector that experiences productivity exceeding demand to those that encounters prevalence of […]
  • Classical Macroeconomic Analysis and Its Principles The repercussion of the ASF line being horizontal is seen given a scenario where the APE line shifts to the right; implying an increase in expenditure with no funding to compliment it.
  • Macroeconomics: Aggregate Planned Expenditures The major role of any economy is to ensure that it coordinates the changes in the level of goods produced and the changes in the demand for the goods.
  • Macroeconomic Factors and Hong Kong Stock Returns This chapter covers the background of the study, problem statement, research objectives and hypotheses and the significance of the study. He argues that the inverse relationship between inflation and real stock returns is as a […]
  • Macroeconomic Coordination and Demand Shocks Based on their needs, the most appropriate options are for the consumers, especially group two to borrow money in the form of loans, spend the money, and pay back the loan with interest. However, the […]
  • Britain’s Economic Issues and Macroeconomic Concepts The spending power of the population has been eroded and the growth of wages is half the level of inflation. This is because there is little excess to be affected than in the first occurrence […]
  • Russian Federation’s Macroeconomics in 2011 This resulted in a major decline of the economy with the GDP and the industrial output dropping by up to 50%.
  • Johnson & Johnson: Macroeconomic Variables Analysis It will be used to show the effect of the variables on the sales of the product GDP stands for the gross domestic product which is used to represent the total demand for the goods […]
  • Macroeconomic Concepts and International Trade Simulation When the per capita income is high, it means that the level of production per individual in the economy is also high. This is referred to as the relative advantage of a country to produce […]
  • Macroeconomics in 2010 Newspaper Articles The article has its basis on the recent global financial crisis, which started in the United States and spread to other parts of the world.
  • Macroeconomics Performance and Policies of Mexico That is why it is possible to claim that inflation is one of the important macroeconomic issues that are to be solved in the future.
  • Brexit Macroeconomic Impact on the United Kingdom One of the most important aspects of the referendum that appealed to pro-Brexit voters was the perception of how immigration can affect the labour market.
  • Macroeconomic Indicators and Financial Data Thus, to be a macro-economist in the company means to analyze these macroeconomic factors and suggest a strategy that considers the latest trends in the market or the industry.
  • Macroeconomic Elements: the Reduction of Oil Prices Oil prices in the international market have been on a consistent decline since June 2014 and the impact of this decline on the economy of the country has been evident. It is expected that the […]
  • Greece and Ireland: Macroeconomic and Financial Comparison However, the growth in Ireland was more than that in Greece. For Greece, it was engaged in fighting a runaway debt since the 1990s.
  • Macroeconomic and Microeconomics: Ubiquity and Popularity The discipline focuses on the analysis of global economic issues and the mechanisms and principles that determine the observed behaviors and trends to be able to model the future course of action and predict the […]
  • US Macroeconomic Indicators in 2005-2012 The decline in economic growth reported in the first quarter of the year 2012 is a reflection of a lower growth rate in fixed investments and inventory by businesses.
  • UAE Macroeconomics and Global Economy Changes The appearance of specific trends in the way countries interact, the high speed of globalization, and the emergence of new dominant agents impact the way economies evolve.
  • Scarcity, Decision-Making, and Macroeconomics The inability to concentrate on a particular task due to distractive thoughts about an ill parent/child or the need to make provision for a family usually plays a huge disservice in the matters of general […]
  • Azerbaijan Macroeconomic Risk Analysis When entering the gas and oil sector of Azerbaijan, the CEO of the company should determine whether the risk factors outweigh the positive aspects of the industry.
  • Japan Macroeconomics: Problems and Possible Solutions Based on this, the problems that need to be addressed as a result of this crisis are threefold: the first is the need to implement some form of reconstruction, the second is to address the […]
  • Macroeconomics Fundamentals and Terms The unemployment rate is also used to evaluate the purchasing power of consumers in a particular economy. It is used to estimate the value of a currency and the purchasing power of consumers in a […]
  • Macroeconomic Environment: Self Correction of the Economy However, if the demand of shares in the stock market drops, it means that there will be a drop in income payments and many firms will be affected.
  • Belgium Macroeconomic Data Analysis In Belgium, expenditure by the central government and the regional governments is separate. In 2012, central government expenditure was 23% of the total government expenditure.
  • Macroeconomic Indicators and Their Impact on the Greek Economy To effectively identify and analyze macroeconomic indicators and their impact on the economy of Greece, the report undertook a research and collected information using a range of primary and secondary sources.
  • Fundamentals of Macroeconomics Activities Influences The paper evaluates the way in which different activities taking place in the economy affects businesses, households and government dealings. The choices households make in relation to purchase of grocery affect other large-scale factors.
  • Current Macroeconomics in the US Most importantly, the building and sale of residential houses have reduced and the cost of housing has also declined prompting a closure of the housing industry in the future.
  • Current Macroeconomic Situation in US The economic situation is in the form of recession since the factors of production are not utilized to the maximum. This makes up a component of the federal system of reserve and is mandated to […]
  • Wall Street Impacts – Macroeconomics The article is one of the latest reports on the improving international business at both the Wall Street and the European Union, owing to a number of fiscal policies expected within the next few months.
  • Equilibrium Supply and Demand – Macroeconomic Demand is the quantity of goods desired by consumers while supply is the amount of goods the producers can offer to the market.
  • Germany and Its Macroeconomics At the same time, the growing share of private consumer spending in the German GDP is a wonderful opportunity to expand employment prospects and use its positive results to improve the standards of living in […]
  • Larry Elliott: Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century It is possible, to contradict the rationality of the major theme in Piketty’s book because a simple reduction in inequality may not be the solution.
  • Macroeconomic Factors within the EU Recession in the EU has pushed some of the international companies out of the market because of the increased production costs in the region and low profits.
  • 2008 Global Recession: UK’s Macroeconomic Policies It is on the basis of these negative effects of the global recession that the group of twenty countries met in the United Kingdom to come up with new macroeconomic policy mechanisms in response to […]
  • Public Debt in Managing Macroeconomics The rates compound, and finally the government’s ability to repay the debt is doubted. The solution to the US’ debt crisis is to reduce government spending.
  • Macroeconomic Concepts and Models Application Some of the impacts that have brought about more use of the biofuel in the current world have led to the replacement of the liquid oil from 1-2% recently1.
  • Current macroeconomic situation in the USA In order to deal with the problem of inflation, the federal government could sell treasuries of the United States such as bonds in the international market.
  • Economic Data Comparison of Australia, China, and Greece The budgetary position for Australia and Greece has been increasing from 1999 up to 2009 when the GFC occurred making the governments of these countries to reduce national expenditure and increase taxation to curb the […]
  • Setting Macroeconomic Policies Initially, the government sets the inflation target and the Monetary Policy Committee forecasts the expected future inflation through economic statistics and imposes measures to curb it so as to meet the target.
  • Project Macroeconomics Forecast Component Compare and contrast differences for the respective statistics prepared by the forecasters From the projection carried out by the CBO forecasters, the economic indicators seem to be at the highest between 2007 and 2010.
  • European Macroeconomic Policies and Risks New entrepreneurs need to consider key macroeconomic factors such as aggregate demand polices, aggregate supply policies, fiscal policies, and the policies for the integration of the macroeconomic factors with the European social model.
  • United States of America’s Macroeconomic Analysis The political system in the U.S.has been relatively stable over the years, making it the leading democracy in the world. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the United States of America had experienced a […]
  • Macroeconomic Situation of the US The United States boasts of being a leading economic power in the world, and as a result, the recent economic recession in the country led to the repercussions being felt in almost all the parts […]
  • The Impact and Link of Macroeconomic Variables on the Share Prices in UK The reason of the difference of stock market behavior in the two countries is explained to be the result of slump of Japan after 1990 and liquidity trap of the late 1990 and start of […]
  • Interpreting Macroeconomic Conditions: interest rate Low income levels means that the industry will spend a lot in an effort to increase sales and this will be reflected in high operating costs.
  • The Impact of Macroeconomic Variables A case study of the UK and US will be used to illustrate how these variables have an impact on the real exchange markets According to Consumer Price Index can be used as a direct […]
  • Nominal and Real GDP Growth Rates When the real GDP is constant, the inflation rate follows the same trend and the natural rate of unemployment is not necessarily constant. When the Real GDP is high, the unemployment rate is low and […]
  • France’s Economy: Five Key Macroeconomic Variables However, the economic crisis in Europe and the global economic downturn, which began in 2007, have led to severe reduction in the country’s growth rate.
  • Introduction to Macroeconomics: Sequestration and Its Impacts on an Economy According to Choi and Devereux, an increase in the permanent spending results in an increase in the released money, thus, an increase in the circulating currency.
  • Macroeconomic Issues Related to the Federal Deficit and the National Debt What is affected by the federal budget deficit, which is equivalent to government debt level, is the change in the rate of interest.
  • Exchange Regimes and Their Impact on Macroeconomic Performance The terms and the conditions of the exchange rates can either have a positive or a negative impact on the economic growth of a given country. The managed floating rates are a combination of the […]
  • GDP Evaluation and Comparison: China, Greece, and Australia China GDP Annual Growth Rate In the year 2000 the annual growth rate of the GDP was 6% while the highest attained was 13% in the year 2009.
  • Macroeconomic Policy About Population Growth Below is a list of twenty developing countries whose population growth was high in the 1960’s and 1970’s and declined at the beginning of the 21st century; Population growth rate GDP per capita Argentina 1 […]
  • Macroeconomic Policy under Floating Exchange Rate This means that the exchange rate is flexible and can change from time to time in response to the dynamics of the foreign exchange markets.
  • Macroeconomics: Socialism, Totalitarism and US Economics Compare and contrast the approach to economics of the U.S.system of government to Socialism Capitalism, which is the economic system in the U.
  • Macroeconomic Analysis Using an Article The prize that a commodity or service is worth in the market is accumulated is summed up to the value of government expenditure and overall consumer expenses and is measured against the income value1. The […]
  • Macroeconomics and Reality This demand is affected by the price of the car, the price of other models of cars, tastes and preferences of consumers among others. Many of the models in the article are also difficult to […]
  • Macroeconomic Policy Settings in Australia Monetary policies on the other hand are policies used by the reserve bank of Australia to monitor the flow of money in the economy.
  • Macroeconomic Policy Settings in Australia The economic growth in Australia is aimed at reducing the unemployment rates in the future. The country has succeeded in achieving economic growth and prosperity in the face of the global recession.
  • Macroeconomics: Collapse of the United States Housing Market Such was the experience that the economy of the United States faced in the year 2009 following the crisis that was realized in the housing market.
  • Macroeconomics and Monetary Policies The rate of interest will lower to such an extent that the aggregate demand will start to rise until it is equalized with the addition supply of funding.
  • Macroeconomics: Determination of GDP It is the market value of these final goods and services that is referred to as gross domestic product. A general rise in the average price of goods and services in an economy is referred […]
  • Macroeconomics: Demand of Super Bowl Tickets Rovel argues that the prices of Super Bowl tickets are plummeting because there are very few short sellers and that the location of New Orleans is not optimal since it is not easy to make […]
  • Analysis of Macroeconomic Condition of Argentina Despite acquiring the land against the will of the natives, the foreigners ensured that the proceeds from agriculture were used for the development of the country.
  • Macroeconomic Study about Argentina Despite the growth in the real GDP of the country, the aforementioned statistics shows a consistent rise in the rate of inflation in the country.
  • The Impact of Premature Financial Liberalisation on Macroeconomic and Financial Stability Effects on rate of savings and investment One of the roles of liberalisation is to remove rigidity in the control of rates of exchange and rates of interest, compulsory allocation of credits from banks, and […]
  • Comparative Analysis of Macroeconomic Indicators of USA and Brazil The rationale is that unemployment refers to a proportion of the population that has skills and is willing to provide the skills to the labor market.
  • Macroeconomic forecast of Turkey for the next 5 years (up to 2017) To determine the unemployment rate, the total population of the labor force and the employed people in a given region/country is considered.
  • Macroeconomics: Interest Rates Keynesian theory of interest has been used to explain the effects of changes in the Federal Reserve rate on the general interest rates and prices in the economy.
  • Conceptual Study on Macroeconomics Notions The law of demand states that the higher the costof the good or service, the less people will demand it, while the law of supply states that the higher the price of a commodity, the […]
  • Macroeconomic Coordination Process The graph, which is one diagram, will show the relationship between the level of interest on the vertical axis and the degrees of GDP, APE and ASF on the horizontal axis.
  • A Macroeconomic And Financial Outlook Of New Zealand Some of this factors are the level of consumption of the country’s population, the level of savings and investment and the government’s fiscal and monetary policies.
  • Measuring Macroeconomic Concepts As a matter of fact, it can also be referred to as the rate at which the purchasing power of individuals’ changes as time goes by. The country is in a stable period of prices […]
  • Great Britain’s Macroeconomics In Relation To The US The mammoth economy was however destabilized by the innumerable costs accrued to the first and the second world wars and the great depression in the ninety’s.
  • Macroeconomics: Price Elasticity of Demand Price elasticity of demand refers to the “…responsiveness of changes in the quantity of goods and services demanded in relation to the changes in their prices”.
  • Rapidly Developing Macroeconomics in Chile The history of macroeconomic reforms in Chile dates back to the beginning of the 1990s, when the military government initiated the first economic reform.
  • Principles of Macroeconomics: Supply and Demand Relationship In conclusion, supply and demand relationship tries to describe macroeconomic variables like price levels and amount of quantity in the economy.
  • Macroeconomic Policies in Australia The policy makers therefore always strive to keep the inflation rate at low levels to minimize the effects of a high inflation rate.

🤗 Interesting Macroeconomic Topics

Did you figure out the basic economic terms and concepts? Congratulations! Now, you are ready to go to the next step of your task completing. It is a topic search. Take this step responsibly because a compelling topic is a key to a successful paper.

The process of idea selection may become a real struggle for students. But not for you! We created a list of macroeconomics paper topics. The ideas are divided into several sections based on the type of assignment you need to complete. The macroeconomics topic choice has never been so easy!

📄 Macroeconomics Topics for Essay

  • Effect of oil prices on different countries’ GDP.
  • The political economy of international trade.
  • Limitations of GDP as a measure of economic welfare.
  • The significance of Adam Smith’s “invisible hand” concept in modern economics.

The invisible hand is an unobservable market force.

  • Remittances role in spurring global economic growth.
  • Economic factors of Dubai tourism demand.
  • The effects of inflation targeting.
  • The interactions of economic and political science.
  • The nature of the catch-up growth phenomenon in developing countries.
  • The benefits of medical tourism to the world economy.
  • The economic recession of 2007-2009 . Conduct an economic analysis of the worldwide crisis of 2007-2009. What were the causes and effects of the recession? Analyze the role of monetary and fiscal policies. What role do they play in reducing the risks of a total financial collapse during the crisis?
  • The tourism industry in the state of Oregon . Investigate traveling commerce in Oregon from an economic perspective. How thousands of tourists help to maintain the appropriate level of economic growth? Explore the impact of tourism on the economy of Oregon and the USA. Look at them separately.
  • The impact of the COVID -19 outbreak on the global economy . Explore the influence of the pandemic on the different branches of the economy. Analyze the readiness of the countries to face financial difficulties. Were the governments’ reactions to the risks of recession effective enough?
  • Practical problems of active economic stabilization policy . There are three key negative effects of stabilization policy: – recognition lag – decision lag – impact lagDiscuss how these lags may lead to destabilization of the economy instead of stabilization. Why can a stabilization policy be useful for one class of enterprises? Why can it be ineffective for another one?
  • Neoclassical economists. Analyze the scientific impact of three the most famous neoclassical economists: -Thorstein Veblen -Eliot Roy Weintraub -George Joseph StiglerCompare and contrast their approaches to macroeconomic objectives. How did these figures contribute to the development of the modern economy?

🖥️ Macroeconomics Topics for Presentation

  • Sustainable economic development. The four greens.
  • European macroeconomic policies and risks.
  • International environmental concerns in economics.
  • Macroeconomic environment: self-correction of the economy .
  • Economic systems types: free market and a mixed economy.
  • Abu Dhabi commercial bank and financial regulation.
  • Economic inequality as a result of globalization.
  • Cultural differences and ethics of international trading.
  • Economic analysis of criminal law.

Economists approach the analysis of crime assuming that criminals are rational.

  • Economic fluctuations in aggregate demand and aggregate supply.
  • Theory of liquidity preference . Analyze Keyne’s theory of liquidity preference. Can interest rate adjustments indeed bring money supply and demand in balance? Use visual aids (graphs, charts) to make the understanding of the topic more accessible.
  • Who leads the economy: economists or politicians? Explore the influence of politics on the economic sector. Why economics and politics cannot exist independently? Investigate the positive and negative outcomes of economic and political interactions. List all the key ideas on the slides. Appropriate illustrations will help the audience comprehend your ideas more effectively.
  • Money laundering as one of the most critical financial crimes . Explain the mechanisms of economic crimes that occur in modern society. What criminal procedures are applied to deal with money laundering? What are the possible ways to reduce the risks of crimes against the property?
  • Short-run aggregate supply and long-run aggregate supply differences. Explore the notions. What do they mean? How are they familiar? To make your presentation more professional, use slides. Demonstrate the correlation of short-run aggregate supply and long-run aggregate supply curves on the graph.
  • Keynesian economics . Briefly introduce John Maynard Keynes. What were his economic approaches? Illustrate his models (the liquidity trap, IS-LM plot, Keynes–Samuelson cross). Highlight the significance of Keynesian discoveries for modern economics.

📊 Macroeconomics Topics for Project

  • The costs and benefits of incurring an annual federal budget deficit.
  • Cause and effects of the mortgage crisis.
  • The effects of the introduction of the national minimum wage on employment.
  • GDP growth rate and economic future of the United States.
  • Alternative policies towards the exchange rate.
  • Economic tools: alcohol abuse problem-solving.
  • Optimizing production in the food industry.
  • Automatic economic stabilizers.
  • Methods of sustainable economic development.
  • The role of China and the USA for the international economy. Compare and contrast the impact of both countries for global economic development.
  • Strategies to overcome economic recession . Develop your ways to deal with economic obstacles. How to be ready for a financial crisis? How to reduce the negative consequences of the recession? State your ideas clearly and structure them wisely.
  • Ways to reduce the unemployment level . Examine the causes and effects of unemployment. What would be possible mechanisms of dealing with the issue of lack of working places in a country? Explore the concept of the natural unemployment level and consider it while developing your project.
  • Business establishment. Imagine you are planning to open a company. Applying economic concepts, develop a business plan for your enterprise. Organize the funds’ distribution within a company. What macroeconomic concepts should be used for this project

A business establishment is a location where a business is conducted.

  • Inflation vs. deflation. Investigate the positive and negative sides of inflation and deflation. What causes more harm to the national economy? Develop a strategic plan of dealing with the obstacles of inflation and deflation.
  • Overconsumption of goods: beneficial for the producers, bad for the environment. Comment on the problem of unreasonable goods’ purchases. Why don’t people consider the lack of environmental resources while buying useless stuff? Develop a mechanism to control the consumption of the products to save the environment.

👩‍💻 Macroeconomics Topics for Research

  • Different forms of currency regimes and their impact on economic determinants.
  • The implications of internet-banking on bank profitability.
  • The trickle-down economics definition and aspects .
  • Effects of increasing interest rates in Africa.
  • The structure, history, and activities of the World Bank.
  • Analysis of economic indicators for the United States and South Korea.
  • The impact of demographic fluctuations within a country on its economic performance.
  • The importance of the governmental support of small and medium businesses.
  • The causes of economic inequality, poverty of underdeveloped countries.
  • Macroeconomic implications of the healthcare sector development.
  • The real exchange rate and the nominal exchange rate. Conduct research and analyze the differences between real and nominal exchange rates. What are the reasons for utilizing a real exchange rate? Support your ideas with arguments and appropriate examples.
  • Theory of effective demand. Explore the significance of a balanced demand for the global economy. What place does Keynesianism take in this theory? For convenience, demonstrate your findings in the graphs.
  • The bright future of the economy of ASEAN countries . Explain how the ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations) can become a leading economic force globally. What opportunities and benefits do these countries have? Using economic thinking, suggest the right direction for the economic growth of ASEAN countries.

ASEAN is fast becoming a major economic force in Asia.

  • How the Coronavirus outbreak affected stock prices and growth expectations? The worldwide pandemic noticeably weakened international economic performance. Discuss the adverse effects of COVID-19 on stock prices. What strategies did the governments implement to maintain a stable financial situation in a country?
  • The impact of immigration on the national economy. What are the positive and negative effects of immigration? Develop an economic strategy to reduce the drawback of immigration on the national economy and maximize the benefits.

✍️ Macroeconomics Topics for Term Paper

  • Unemployment rate as the most prominent national economy challenge .
  • The nation’s budget deficit and how it relates to economic theory and crisis .
  • Market elasticity in the banking industry.
  • Minimum wages and their effects on the hospitality industry .
  • New liquidity standards and implications.
  • Corporate entrepreneurship and new business venturing.
  • Economic factors on the stock market.
  • The threat of Norwegian commercial banks for the economic stability of a country.
  • Indicators of the upcoming recession and the strategies to prevent it.
  • Influence of consumers’ tastes and preferences on market growth.
  • The economy of France: five key macroeconomic variables . Provide a brief background of France’s economy and the overview of five variables. Analyze of the country’s economy. What would be some possible policy recommendations? Provide graphs, charts, or tables if necessary.
  • Strategies for raising the country’s per capita gross domestic product. Explore the possible ways to increase the GDP per capita. How will the rise of GDP stimulate the country’s economic growth? Provide clear arguments to support your opinion.
  • The benefits of investments in innovative technologies . Explain why business owners should invest in innovations. How will it help them to increase the profitability of the companies? Examine the future of economics. Will the high-quality production be possible without modern technologies?
  • Profit maximization strategies. Analyze the existing ways of maximizing the firms’ profit. What are the benefits and drawbacks of these strategies? Develop your profit-maximizing method. What macroeconomic principles and theories would you use for it? State your ideas clearly and provide examples to support your position.

A classic profit-maximizing strategy is skim pricing.

  • Globalization: an opportunity or a threat to the international economy? Analyze the positive and negative effects of globalization. What obstacles does globalization cause to small entrepreneurial organizations? How does globalization influence huge corporations? Present bright examples to solidify your ideas.

🔥 20 More Hot Topics in Macroeconomics

Did you look through our ideas and still unsure of which one to select? Then, take a look at the following section. Here, you can find the most popular and effective macroeconomics paper topics. Use one of the ideas from this list, and don’t worry that it will be inappropriate.

  • International political economy perspectives.
  • An invisible network of demand and supply.
  • Factors affecting marketing and production decisions.
  • The impact of monetary policy on economic stabilization.
  • Behavioral finance and economics.
  • Elasticity and its crucial role in business development.
  • Sustainability and trends of the global trade imbalance.
  • Financial economics for infrastructure and fiscal policy.
  • The ways to increase the stockholders’ equities after the settlement of liabilities.
  • Core-Econ: what economic data offers this online platform?
  • The causes and effects of inflationary and deflationary gaps.
  • The most effective ways to reach market equilibrium.
  • The application of the macroeconomic concepts in real-life situations.
  • Price discrimination problem. Introduce the phenomenon of price discrimination in the modern economic environment. What are the causes of the problem? What are the possible solutions? After the problem is solved, suggest future directions to prevent further concerns about price discrimination.
  • The impact of the governmental regulations on the national economy. This is a topic of multiple-purpose. Are you searching for an idea for a term paper, presentation, or a capstone project? Then use this topic. It is quite relatable and offers a wide variety of sources to explore.
  • The impact of biology progress on economic growth . Explain how biological innovations improve the production capacities of firms. What impact do such changes have on the healthcare, food, and agricultural industries? Refer to statistical data from reliable sources to support your ideas.
  • Economic ethics . Analyze the progress of economic ethics from middle ages to contemporary times. Why is the following of moral rules while developing a business essential? Provide solid arguments and clear examples to prove your position.
  • The importance of GDP for investors. Explain how investors make their decisions based on the GDP of a country. What factors do the investors take into consideration while investing money?

Investors pay attention to the GDP because it can affect the stock market.

  • Unemployment and inflation rates correlation. Explore the relationship between inflation and unemployment in the short-run and the long-run. Why do the outcomes of their correlation are different in the short-run and long-run? Refer to the Philips curve line graph to demonstrate your findings.
  • Securities market structures. There are four types of securities market structures: – Quote-driven markets – Order-driven markets – Hybrid markets – Brokered markets Compare and contrast them. What structure is the most transparent and effective? How to minimize the risks of the securities market collapse?
  • What Is Macroeconomics in Economics?
  • What Are Macroeconomics and Examples?
  • What Are the Five Macroeconomics?
  • What Are the Four Main Factors of Macroeconomics?
  • Which Is the Main Objective of Macroeconomics?
  • Why Is Macroeconomics Important?
  • What Are the Primary Tools of Macroeconomics?
  • How Do Macroeconomics Factors Affect SMEs?
  • How Does the Study of Microeconomics Differ From That of Macroeconomics?
  • How Does Macroeconomics Affect Business?
  • How Does Macroeconomics Affect Managerial Decision Making?
  • How Well Can the New Open Economy Macroeconomics Explain the Exchange Rate?
  • What Can Civil Society Expect From Academic Macroeconomics?
  • What’s Wrong With Modern Macroeconomics?
  • What Does the Entrepreneurial Problem Reveal About Keynesian Macroeconomics?
  • What Are the Consequences for Macroeconomics During the Past 60 Years?
  • Where Did Modern Macroeconomics Go Wrong?
  • Which Way Forward for Macroeconomics and Policy Analysis?
  • Why Does Macroeconomics Not Supervene on Microeconomics?
  • Will the New Keynesian Macroeconomics Resurrect the IS-LM Model?
  • Does Akerlof and Shiller’s Animal Spirits Provide a Helpful New Approach to Macroeconomics?
  • Does Macroeconomics Need Microeconomic Foundations?
  • How Macroeconomics Different From Microeconomics?
  • How Can Macroeconomists Use Microeconomic Theory to Guide Them in Their Work?
  • Macroeconomics: Should the Minimum Wage Increase?
  • Macroeconomics: What Are the Main Causes of Unemployment in an Economy?

🔨 Tricks to Nail a Macroeconomics Paper

You are likely to have a general idea of essay writing. A thesis statement, five-paragraph structure, and arguments with supporting evidence are all part of it. Your paper on macroeconomics will probably follow the same old formula as well. However, we found a few tricks that will make the writing process less complicated. They can be used for any paper on macroeconomics.

  • Find out the type of assignment beforehand. The structure of the project will differ drastically from that of the research paper. If it’s an essay, determine whether its an argumentative, informative, cause and effect, etc. Follow the structure If you need to prepare a presentation. Make appropriate slides to help the audience get your ideas. But remember to make the PowerPoint presentation professional. Use a readable font and suitable design to impress your listeners.
  • academic style;
  • suitable writing formats;
  • reliable sources;
  • proper citations.
  • Change the central idea. The first viewpoint that comes to your mind can be erroneous. Any piece of academic writing requires a thought-out message. If you’re not sure what to state in your thesis, search for another macroeconomic topic for a paper. And don’t be afraid of changing it if necessary. Remember, a well-developed central idea is a key to a high grade. So, take enough time to compose a strong thesis statement.
  • Research before writing. Macroeconomics is a broad field, so you have to make sure you see all the angles of the issue. Look for related macroeconomic topics or overlapping areas of study. If needed, improve your research question or change the perspective of your research. Make sure to select only credible sources. And don’t forget to cite them properly. Are you unsure about formatting requirements? Double-check the rules of the writing format you use.
  • Outline your paper. Any writing guide will tell you that this is a great way to ensure the logical order. A well-developed outline will help you to structure your paper correctly. Thus, the readers will get your ideas without any difficulties. Moreover, fixing it is easier than the written text. So, don’t skip this step. By spending some time on outlining, you will save a lot of time on writing.
  • Set out the size of each part. Remember that the introduction and conclusion must be shorter than the body. Moreover, the central part of your paper has to be divided into several sections. Use a separate body paragraph for each key point. A long and complicated text unit will only distract the readers’ attention. So, each part should follow its purpose and deliver the idea effectively.
  • Find examples . Appropriate examples always improve the quality of a paper. Firstly, the readers understand the ideas more deeply when the writer presents the illustrations. Secondly, well-selected cases establish the credibility of a document. So, you can use them for reference. But be careful. To avoid confusion, make sure you provide suitable and relatable examples.
  • Use online grammar correctors. We are not robots, and we make mistakes. That’s natural! Fortunately, we have an opportunity to use online grammar correctors. Such tools will ensure you haven’t missed an error while proofreading. One of the most useful and efficient ones is Grammarly . Besides correcting your spelling or grammar mistakes, it will also suggest style and vocabulary improvements. Why not use the benefits of correcting tools if there is such an opportunity?

Ask your friends or relatives to check an economic paper for you.

Thank you for visiting our page! We hope your article was helpful. Don’t forget to share your macroeconomic topics and essay writing tips with your friends!


  • Macroeconomics: Economics and Finance, Khan Academy
  • Macroeconomics: Articles, Research, & Case Studies on Macroeconomics, HBS Working Knowledge
  • Top 100 Economics Blogs Of 2020: Prateek Agarwal, Economics Theory & News, Intelligent Economist
  • Hot Topics in the U.S. Economy: US Economy and News, The Balance
  • Writing Economics: Robert Neugeboren with Mireille Jacobson, Harvard University
  • Macroeconomics Essay: Bartleby
  • Organizing an Essay: Writing Advice by Jerry Plotnick, University College Writing Centre, University of Toronto
  • Academic Essay Writing, Some Guidelines: Department of Economics, Carleton University
  • Sample Business and Economics Essay: Research & Learning Online, Monash University
  • Macroeconomics: Britannica
  • Studies in Macroeconomic History: Cambridge Core, Cambridge University Press
  • 14 Types of Essay Hooks with Samples And How to Write Them: EduPeet
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, February 28). 261 Macroeconomics Topics for Any Paper [+Tips]. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/macroeconomics-essay-topics/

"261 Macroeconomics Topics for Any Paper [+Tips]." IvyPanda , 28 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/macroeconomics-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '261 Macroeconomics Topics for Any Paper [+Tips]'. 28 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "261 Macroeconomics Topics for Any Paper [+Tips]." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/macroeconomics-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "261 Macroeconomics Topics for Any Paper [+Tips]." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/macroeconomics-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "261 Macroeconomics Topics for Any Paper [+Tips]." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/macroeconomics-essay-topics/.

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Honors Theses

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Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

Faculty of business, economics and social sciences, institute of economics.

bachelor thesis macroeconomics topics

Chair of Monetary Economics and International Finance

Topics for bachelor theses, bachelor theses (appr. 30 pages):.

You can find all valid information about registration deadlines and procedure on the homepage of our registrar's office.

Our chair offers a list of topics on this page from which you can choose your preferred topic for your thesis and make a reservation. Documents for reservation and official registration are available at our secretary’s office. There you can also make your reservation for your preferred topic with a deadline of four weeks

To meet the deadline Prof. Lux’s dated signature on the official registration document is authoritative. Please also inform the secretary’s office about your official registration. Otherwise your reservation will be cancelled and the topic is given to other interested candidates.

You can make a reservation only for one topic at the same time. You can exchange topic reservations but you cannot change back. Each topic will be assigned only once. Therefore, we recommend contacting our chair early. In case a list is not announced, please contact Prof. Lux directly to arrange a topic.

Interest in specific topics should be expressed to:

Hiwi Team ( [email protected] ) - accompanied by an up-to-date record of current status and exam results.   

Guidelines for Theses:

Guidelines for writing a thesis or seminar paper

Halten von Vorträgen

Der richtige Umgang mit dem Urheberrecht

Further Information about formalities regarding Bachelor- and Mastertheses are available on the homepage of the  Examination Office

1. The Intraday Term Structures of the Overnight Money Market

Recent studies have investigated the intraday yield change of loans during the day. Give an overview of the estimation approach and the findings, start out with the following two papers:


Baglioni, A. and A. Monticini (2008): The intraday price of money: Evidence from the e-MID interbank market. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol. 40, No.7, 1533-1540.

Sebastien Kraenzlin and Thomas Nellen, Daytime is money, Swiss National Bank Working Papers 2010-6.

Supervisor: Dr. Cristina Sattarhoff

2. Die ältere deutsche Literatur zur "Kreditmechanik" und die aktuelle Diskussion zur Geldschöpfung der Geschäftsbanken

Decker, F. and C. Goodhart: Credit mechanics: A precuror to the current money supply debate. VOX, CEPR Policy Portal, 2018 (http://voxeu.org)

Supervisor: Sven-Ulrich Bauermeister

3. Brauchen Zentralbanken Eigenkapital? (reserved)

Aufgabe: Überblick über die Rolle der Zentralbankbilanz und deren Eigenkapital für die Geldpolitik. Diskussion von Argumenten für oder wider die Notwendigkeit positiven Eigenkapitals zusammen mit einer Fallanalyse ausgewählter Fälle, in denen das Eigenkapital einer Zentralbank negative Werte auswies (z.B. Deutschland, Chile, Tschechische Rebublik)

Jordan, T., Braucht die Schweizerische Nationalbank Eigenkapital?  Redemanuskript, 2011. (httü://snb.ch)

Supervisor: Clemens Knoppe

4. Direct Measurements of the Velocity of Money: Approaches and Results

Task:  Review pertinent literature and contrast it to the more traditional approach.

Mattsson, C. et al.,  Measuring the Velocity of Money, Working Paper, University of Leiden, 2022

Morgan, M. Measuring Instruments in Economics and the Velocity of Money, Working Paper, London School of Economics, 2008

5. Divisia – Geldmengenaggregate: Ein Überblick über das theoretische Konzept, seine Umsetzung und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten

6. Abweichungen von der gedeckten Zinsparität während der Finanzkrise: Empirische Befunde und Erklärungen

Supervisor: Lutz Honvehlmann

7. "Nowcasting" of current macroeconomic variables: An overview over current practices at central banks.

8. The Natural Rate of Interest: Relevance for Monetary Policy and Empirical Quantification.

9. Die Diskussion um die Modern Monetary Theory und ihre wirtschaftspolitische Implikationen

Literature: Wray, R., Modern Monetary Theory: A Primer on Macroeconomics for Sovereign Money Systems. 2nd ed. Palgrave

10. Testing Endogeneity of Money Supply: An Overview of the Empirical Literature

Literature: Deleidi, M. and E. Levrero, The Money Creation Process: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis for the United States, Metroeconomica 70, 2019

11. The Monetary Policy of the West African Economic of Monetary Union (UEMOA): Its Origin, Institutional Framework, and its Contribution to Regional Economic Integration

Supervisor: Dr. Duc Luu

12. Should Central Banks "Go Green": An Overview over the Recent Discussion on Environmental  Objectives for Central Bank Policy

13. The Quant Meltdown of 2007: Anatomy and Explanation of a Financial Market Crisis

14. The Sri Lankan Economic Crisis in the Light of First-Generation Currency Crisis Models 

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At our chairs, we are pleased to supervise your bachelor and master thesis as well as project studies.  

Topic assignment

We always discuss the search for topics with you individually. We welcome your personal suggestions on specific topics for the thesis. We support you in the further development of initial ideas on an exciting research topic. However, you can also apply for advertised thesis topics. Here you can also find examples of theses that have already been completed.


The final theses are supervised by Prof. Trede, Prof. Wilfling and the academic staff. If you would like to write your thesis with us, please contact us via the  information card . For further questions, please contact  Susanne Deckwitz or  Andrea Rüschenschmidt .

Our notes on the procedure refer to the bachelor and master thesis as well as the project studies. The empirical results of your project studies can serve as the basis for your master thesis. Ideally, you should contact us first before registering your thesis with the examination office. 

In a first meeting, possible topics for the paper are discussed, then put in concrete terms and a supervisor is furthermore found. From now on, the scope, goals and further details of the paper are agreed upon. Registration with the examination office takes place and the binding start date is determined. This is then also the starting point for your thesis in close coordination with your supervisor. You are not bound to any formal requirements regarding the paper, but we will be happy to provide you with templates.

List of completed theses

  • „Analysis of inheritance and consumption based on HFCS data“ - 11/2022
  • „Correlation of stock market returns in different time zones“ - 07/2022
  • „Estimation of age-dependent excess mortality using the mortality tables of the Federal Republic of Germany“ - 04/2022
  • „The survival of a cartel as a function of the number of companies involved and their qualitative heterogeneity: An empirical analysis of cartel cases detected by the EU Competition Authority“ - 02/2022
  • „Does wage transparency reduce the Gender Pay Gap in Germany?“ - 01/2022
  • „Analysis of donation behavior in Germany“ - 01/2022
  • „Randomized response techniques in online surveys“ - 01/2022
  • „INARMA-models - parameter estimation by indirect inference“ - 10/2021
  • „Robust fitting of INGARCH processes - a generalized method of moments approach“ - 10/2021
  • „Non-parametric Machine Learning regression under misspecification“ - 09/2021
  • „A panel data analysis of the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis considering schooling“ - 02/2023
  • „Forecasting of crude oil price volatility using GARCH-MIDAS approach“ - 12/2022
  • „Behavioral economics and policy solutions - An economic analysis of the COVID-19-pandemic in Germany“ - 09/2022
  • „Hierarchical time series forecasting of business revenues using the example of Telekom Deutschland GmbH“ - 09/2022
  • „Solving real business cycle models with Deep Reinforcement Learning“ - 09/2022
  •  „Man-made fire risk under Solvency II“ - 07/2022
  • „Operational risks in commercial banks and Machine Learning“ - 06/2022
  • „Deep Reinforcement Learning Portfolio optimization on Cryptocurrency Markets“ - 06/2022
  • „Estimating risks of portfolio: A Copula approach“ - 06/2022
  • „The European monetary union and the importance of an economic convergence in times of crisis“ – 04/2022

Announced theses

Prof. Dr. Mark Trede  

Areas for bachelor thesis :

 Inheritance and consumption

 Descriptive analysis of the reaction of rich taxpayers to tax changes

 Income distribution in Germany considering housing costs

 Development of housing costs

 Time zones and stock exchanges

 Tuition fees and wage distribution

 Are subjectively expected income fluctuations autoregressive?

Duration of work and wage level

Areas for master thesis :

       1.  Structural microsimulations

       2.  Return modelling

       3.  Misspecified state space models

       4.  Forecast models for commodity prices

       5.  Education and economic shocks

       6.  Multivariate density forecast

       7.  Income mobility

You can find more detailed information on each topic here .

Prof. Dr. Bernd Wilfling 

Area for bachelor and master thesis:

            Financial Econometrics

Dr. Andrea Beccarini​

Master theses:

  •   Economics and pandemic: a broad overview of the related microeconomic, macroeconomic, financial and policy aspects
  •  Economics and pandemic: from the Microeconomic analysis to the economic policy solutions
  •   Economics and pandemic: from dynamic aspects to the economic policy solutions
  •   Quantifying and internalizing the externalities due to the pandemic
  •   Designing a better welfare state
  •   The volatility in financial markets during the pandemic
  •   Investment, uncertainty and the pandemic
  •   Investing in startups: risks and opportunities due to the pandemic
  •   The uneven effects of the pandemic on economic and/or financial sectors
  •   Labor market restructuring due to the pandemic
  •   Which labor market reforms for the era after the pandemic?
  •   The ECB monetary policy in times of the pandemic
  •   Then nonconventional ECB monetary policy
  •   The Next generation EU plan and the pandemic
  •   The German fiscal policy during the pandemic
  •   Redesigning the Stability and Growth Path
  •   Toward a fiscal European Union  

​ Gaygysyz Guljanov, M.Sc.

            Estimation of DSGE models 

Stella Martin, M.Sc.

Areas for bachelor and master thesis:

 Applied Microeconometrics

 Labour Economics

 Treatment Evaluation

Verena Monschang, M.Sc.

Friederike Schmal, M.Sc.

  •  Labour market, local labour markets
  •  Optimisation algorithms
  •  Employment biographies
  •  (Income-) inequality

Björn Schulte-Tillmann, M.Sc.

Dr. Mawuli Segnon

Areas for bachelor and master thesis:   

  •  Forecasting Financial Market Volatility
  •  Risk Management
  •  High-Frequency Financial Market Data
  •  Quantitative Macroeconomics
  •  Quantitative Energy Economics
  •  Machine Learning

Kevin Stabenow, M.Sc.  

  •  Gender-specific labour market decisions
  •  Inequality of income
  •  Inequality of assets

Manuel Stapper, M.Sc.   

  • Count Data in Econometrics
  • Disease Spread
  • Machine Learning Methods

Main Content

Guidelines for writing essays and theses.

Students interested in writing their Bachelor's or Master's Thesis at the Macroeconomics Group should take a look at the documents provided below. We invite students seeking to work on topics relating to macroeconomics, political economy and socio-economics or any topic with an empirical focus to simply come to Prof Hayo's office hour.

Bitte bachten Sie folgende Hinweise beim Erstellen einer Seminararbeit bzw. einer Bachelorarbeit .

Please mind the following guidelines for Writing a Seminar or Term paper and for Writing a Master's Thesis .

bachelor thesis macroeconomics topics

Economics Dissertation Topics

Economics is about making choices in the face of scarcity and uncertainty and ensuring that resource allocation is effectively and efficiently done. What was popularised by writers, researchers and philosophers such as Adam Smith in the 1770s, has become a field with significant relevance and importance in today’s society that is highly financialised and globalised. Dating back to medieval scholastics as well as literature published back in the 15th and 18th century, through the 19th century, the concerns of economics have largely focused on aspects such as choices of individuals, borrowing, money, consumption and production, occupations and employment, markets, trade, pricing of assets, taxes, and most recently human behaviour in relation to economic decisions.

There are multitudes of research studies, within the existing literature, that have been conducted in relation to the above concerns and many of these have resulted in a number of models that attempt to provide possible explanations to real world problems. As the world continues to evolve with the advent of technological advancements that have increased the pace of transformation and globalisation, new areas in economics have emerged as worthwhile research targets. The following are possible economics dissertation topics to choose from for your academic research project in economics:

Economic Geography Dissertation Topics

Economic sociology dissertation topics, institutional economics dissertation topics, microeconomics dissertation topics, macroeconomics dissertation topics, regional development dissertation topics.

  • Employment Economics Dissertation Topics

Financial Economics Dissertation Topics

This is the area in economics academic literature that is concerned with the role of geographic location and place with the economical outcomes. It focuses on describing and analyzing patterns and trends in human behavior and activity to gain understanding of the processes and drivers that shape and affect the economic and cultural landscapes. Within regions and localities, there are great dynamics that shape the nature and extent of economic activity. Below are some suggestions for economics dissertation topics on economic geography:

  • The impact of local and regional cultures on shaping entrepreneurial economic development.
  • Can entrepreneurial attitude be exported? The role of emigrants in introducing new entrepreneurial attitudes.
  • Differences of entrepreneurial behaviour in rural and urban areas.
  • Is there any relationship between mature industries dominating small towns and their local cultural factors?
  • The role of local culture in promoting regional innovation networks.
  • National, regional and local policies to support local clusters: opportunities.
  • How can policy support the creation of a local cluster?
  • Are networks affected by local proximity? Differences between co-localised and dispersed networks.
  • The likelihood impact of Brexit on policy outcomes that shape the local economy in UK cities.
  • A model for the development of information and communication technology incubators in the UK. Analysis of the concentration of Top 50 IT companies.
  • What is causing regional divergence? An analysis of the richest and poorest regions in the UK.
  • The economic geography of recession. Difference between regional and city economics in the UK.
  • Why are housing built in flood-prone coastal areas?
  • Understanding educational progression at the local level: A comparison of the North and South cities in the UK.
  • How COVID has contributed to house price volatility in various cities in the UK.
  • How the COVID lockdown has affected social life of big cities.
  • Will coronavirus cause a big city exodus?

Economic sociology refers to sociological aspects influencing the economic indicators and their relationship with social outcomes. It is the study of how the material conditions of life are produced and reproduced through social processes and broadly covers the sociology of markets and the sociology of consumptions. Possible economics dissertation topics in this area include:

  • The role of social networks in supporting innovation activities in mature industries.
  • The financial and non-financial support of family in the development of successful entrepreneurship.
  • The private network as the facilitator of the firm start-up.
  • Exploring the differences between trust and power in local productive systems.
  • Social contracts and peer-pressure as the source of traditional industry development in the UK.
  • Can cultural mix increase productivity in creative industries? Evidence from the UK.
  • The role of social and intellectual capital in rural places in the UK.
  • Is social capital a critical factor in the British creative industries?
  • How can universities take advantage of social networks to induce entrepreneurial action among their students?
  • The role and contribution of social entrepreneurship in the UK.
  • The economic impact of migration from different regions of the world to the UK. Comparative analysis between the EU and the non-EU migration.
  • Is the relationship between economic and social development linear?
  • The convergence of economic systems in the wake of globalisation and their implications on the social development across developed, emerging and developing national economies.

Institutional Economics relates to a variety of economics traditions that are concerned with social institutions which are linked to consumption, distribution and production of goods and services as well as the underlying corresponding social relations. In essence, Institutional Economics has a relatively broad inquiry scope and is considered to have relatively close ties with other disciplines such as anthropology, economic sociology, psychology, economic history, behavioural economics, behavioural finance, physical science, management and business studies, and nowadays neuro, cognitive and brain science. This implies that there are various dissertation topics that can fall under the Institutional Economics bracket; some of these include the following.

  • An assessment of the implications of Institutional Economics methodologies for the analysis of the property market.
  • A study of how the theoretical assumptions of the New Institutional Economics’ (NIE) micro analytical level influence a firm’s choice of governance structures.
  • How do habits and routines affect productivity? The case of (an industry).
  • How does the culture mix impact on the organisation of firms in the UK?
  • Resilience to economic shrinking in an emerging economy: the role of social capabilities.
  • Financial constraint, trust, and export performances: The case of UK SMEs.
  • Efficiency in the property market in the UK: An institutional perspective.
  • Transaction costs and economic development.
  • A resource-based theory analysis to firm co-operation.
  • How can transaction costs economics account for inter-firm collaboration?
  • Ownership and control in the UK: An institutional analysis.
  • Institutions and policies of economic freedom: different effects on income and growth.
  • How does job experience relate to entrepreneurship? Evidence from the UK.
  • Educational aspects of entrepreneurship. The role of formal school in promoting entrepreneurial capacities in the UK.
  • Latent entrepreneurship: the UK vs Europe.

Microeconomics has to do with supply and demand, and with the way they interact in various markets. It is andconcerned with how economic agents, that is, individual decision-makers (both consumers and producers) behave in different economic settings. The overarching goal of microeconomic research is to identify the incentives of various agents and trade-offs that they may face. To understand behaviour of individuals in terms of their economic decision-making, researchers build various models, use data and conduct experiments.

The following are the examples of dissertation topics on ‘Microeconomics’:

  • The evolution of household consumption in the UK over the last 10 years: Trends in consumer behaviour.
  • Are mergers and acquisitions related to productivity in UK firms?
  • Is the minimum wage still relevant in the UK economy?
  • Is the British retail sector becoming less oligopolistic? An analysis of the impact of new supermarkets.
  • Are British oligopolistic markets really oligopolistic?
  • Conditions for the existence of a knowledge firm.
  • Characteristics of the innovative organisation in the UK.
  • Are UK firms more innovative than their European counterparts?
  • The impact of the European regional policy on British small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
  • The energy market in the UK: A microeconomic approach.
  • The impact of regulation on British industries: The case study of Uk energy sector.
  • Does firm size affect firm profits? Evidence from telecommunication firms in the UK.
  • Game theory and decision theory.

Macroeconomics is concerned with how the overall economy works and how all markets interact to generate big phenomena that economists call aggregate variables. It studies such things as employment, gross domestic product, inflation, national income, employment and the interaction between the global economy and financial markets.

The following are the examples of dissertation topics on ‘Macroeconomics’:

  • How do interest rates affect consumption in the UK?
  • What is the role of the dollar evolution in UK spending?
  • The magnitude of the impact of oil price changes on UK consumption.
  • The impact of Brexit on consumer spending in the UK.
  • The impact of Brexit on employment and labour in the UK.
  • What factors influence the salary inequality across the UK?
  • The evolution of the exchange rates in the UK: Causes and consequences.
  • Negative interest household savings in the UK.
  • The impact of the common agriculture policy (CAP) on British agriculture.
  • Economic growth and productivity. The UK in the century transition.
  • Interest rates and foreign direct investment in the UK.
  • Brexit and foreign direct investment in the UK.
  • Monetary policy pass-through for the UK after Brexit.
  • Development of UK monetary policy overtime.
  • Does inflation affect firms’ profits in the UK?
  • Macroeconomic determinant of house prices in the UK.
  • Unemployment and regional mobility of labour in the UK.
  • The impact of finance on growth: The case of UK.
  • Economic growth and unemployment: Is there a relationship in the UK?
  • The macroeconomics of SMEs entrepreneurship in the UK.
  • Global economic recession and factors that contribute to it.
  • Is the UK insurance system economically viable?
  • How does the Greek financial crisis impact the EU economy overtime?
  • The impact of COVID income inequality in the UK.
  • Coronavirus and wage inequality: The case of UK manufacturing sector.
  • COVID and economic recession: Will the impact be more pronounced than the 2007 financial recession?
  • Role of information technology in economic development.
  • Social inequality: the difference between wealth and income.
  • Why is insurance necessary for the economic development of a country?
  • How is the tax burden shared between buyers and sellers in the UK?
  • Asymmetric information and adverse market selection: A case study of UK insurance market.
  • Economic rent and transfer earnings in the UK.

This discipline is focused on understanding the dynamics of regions as smaller economies with their own circumstances and outcomes. The focus is on the internal working of the regional economies as well as on their interaction with other regions. There is a component of economic growth and development at a regional level. The suggestions below will give you further ideas for your economics dissertation topics:

  • Regional development and profitability of the businesses. What are the factors underpinning this relationship?
  • The contribution of entrepreneurial networks for regional development.
  • Implications and development of regional development policy in the UK.
  • Infrastructures and regional development. How can the rail and road network explain the differences in the development of regions in the UK.
  • Regional comparative advantage in natural resources and regional development.
  • Effect of regional policy surrounding start-ups on regional development: more new firms or better old ones?
  • The role of broadband internet technology in regional development: co-relation between internet speeds and regional development?
  • Public investment and regional output: Evidence from the UK regions.
  • Robustness of regional institutions and development: How to search for a link?
  • Regional aspects of entrepreneurship in the UK.
  • Differences between types and extent of entrepreneurship and unemployment across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
  • Convergence and endogenous growth differences between South East England and the rest of the UK.

Employment/Labour Economics Dissertation Topics

Employment is considered to be a key concept in economics and its significance is reflected in the perception that people at work are seen as individuals/groups of individuals involved in the production of services and goods. Such production requires human capital and time; thus, organisations of different types pay people that are involved in the production process providing them with income that is later used to boost economic activity. In macroeconomics, low rates of national employment may signal underdevelopment or long-lasting depression while high rates of national employment may signal economic growth and development. Below is a list of dissertation topics that cover the area of employment economics.

  • Work from home or office and employee wellbeing: The case of the COVID pandemic.
  • A study of how flexible employment affects political support for social policy protection.
  • The impact of gender inequality in employment on economic growth and workforce productivity.
  • The influence of economic cycles on employment, workforce productivity and innovation: a study of manufacturing industries.
  • Local pools on unemployment in the UK: Looking for similarities.
  • Factors determining self-employment in the UK.
  • The effects of minimum wages on British employment.
  • How does technological innovation affect British unemployment? Evidence from the manufacturing industries.
  • A comparison of self-employment across Europe: Where does the UK stand?
  • Government policies in support of self-employment: Evidence from the UK.
  • The effects of immigration on British employment and productivity.

Financial economics concentrates on exchanges in which money of one type or another is likely to appear on both sides of a trade. Financial markets are crucial in facilitating these exchanges at a relatively reduced transaction cost. In many such cases, the amount of money to be transferred in the future is uncertain. Financial economists thus deal with both time and uncertainty. Often the latter is called risk. Financial economics is thus a branch of economics that examines the utilisation and distribution of economic resources in financial markets in which decisions must be made under uncertainty.

The following are examples of dissertation topics on ‘Financial Economics’:

  • How has the coronavirus pandemic affected the UK stock market?
  • How is the FTSE affected by interest rates?
  • Does CAPM measure the risk of stocks listed on the FTSE 100?
  • How does the behaviour of the FSTE 100 affect economic growth?
  • Behavioural finance: A study on the motivation of British investors.
  • The determinants of corporate debt in the UK.
  • The role of private equity and debt market in the finances of SMEs in the UK.
  • Do SMEs achieve higher profitability rates than large corporations in the UK?
  • The financial structure of British firms: A comparison with the European Union.
  • Financial markets and financial intermediation in the UK.
  • Temporary and permanent components of asset prices in the UK.
  • Capital and financial structure of UK companies.
  • Investor protection and corporate governance: Comparison between EU and US financial market.
  • Political uncertainty on asset prices.

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We are very happy that you want to write your bachelor or master thesis at our institute. On this page, you may find all relevant information regarding the thesis topics and registration. 

Bachelor Theses

Centralized application procedure.

All students, who want to write their bachelor theses in economics and management, have to use the centralized application procedure, offered by the dean’s office. The procedure is usually taking place in the beginning of each year. More informations can be found on the faculty’s website.

After beeing allocated to our institute

If you have been assigned to our institute as part of the central application process, you can select a bachelor's thesis topic and set the registration date.

An overview of possible bachelor thesis topics can be found below. You can generally choose between an empirical or theoretical bachelor thesis. The empirical bachelor's theses are based on simple applied scientific work on monetary policy topics and include, for example, a correlation analysis or a simple regression analysis. In principle, the higher standards for empirical work are also taken positively into account  in the evaluation.

We strongly recommend taking a seminar at the Institute for Money and International Finance before working on your bachelor's thesis. The seminars are offered every semester and enable in every study:

  • to familiarize yourself with possible topics in the field of money and international finance and the associated academic literature,
  • to practice academic writing, as it used at the Institute for Money and International Finance.

We also recommend taking the “Programming for Finance” course at the Institute for Finance and Commodity Markets to work on an empirical bachelor’s thesis. In this course you can familiarize yourself with initial data work and the R software.

To register for your bachelor's thesis (topic selection and registration time), please use the contact form below and send it at least 14 days before the deadline of your work begin. Here you can enter two topic preferences. We will contact you with enough distance to your official registration date with the official registration.

When you have completed your work, please send it in digital form to [email protected] and submit a double-sided, single-stapled paper version of the work to us. You can either hand this in on Wednesdays at the institute or at any time to the Conti Campus gatekeeper and ask that you put it in the mailbox of Prof Dräger/Institute for Monetary and International Finance.

Possible registration points for your bachelor thesis

March 1st, April 15th and June 1st

September 1st, October 15th and November 1st

Topics regarding International financial markets

Jauch, S.; Watzka, S. (2012): The Effect of Household Debt on Aggregate Demand - The Case of Spain. CESifo Working Paper No: 3924, Link .

Data: Eurostat, IMF, BIS

Lane, P.; McQuade, P. (2014): Domestic Credit Growth and International Capital Flows. Scandinavian Journal of Economics 116(1), 218-252, Link .

Data: IMF, BIS

Hobza, A., Zeugner, S. (2014): Current accounts and financial flows in the euro area. Journal of International Money and Finance 48, 291-313, Link .

Borio, C., Disyatat, P. (2011): Global imbalances and the financial crisis: Link or no link? BIS Working Paper No 346, Link .

Lane, P; Milesi-Ferretti, G. (2018): The External Wealth of Nations Revisited: International Financial Integration in the Aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis. IMF Economic Review, 66(1), 189-222, Link .

Topics regarding macroeconomic expectations

Das, S., Kuhnen, C. M., und Nagel, S. (2020): Socioeconomic Status and Macroeconomic Expectations. The Review of Financial Studies, 33(1), 395–432, Link .

D’Acunto, F., Malmendier, U. und Weber, M., 2022. What do the data tell us about inflation expectations? NBER Working Paper No. 29825, Link .

Data: University of Michigan Survey of Consumers, ECB Consumer Expectations Survey, NYFed Survey of Consumer Expectations

Bachmann, Rüdiger, Tim O. Berg, and Eric R. Sims (2015): Inflation Expectations and Readiness to Spend: Cross-Sectional Evidence. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 7(1), 1–35, Link .

Dräger, L. und Nghiem, G. (2021): Are Consumers‘ Spending Decisions in Line with a Euler Equation? The Review of Economics and Statistics, 103 (3), 580–596, Link .

Sheen, J. und Wang, B. (2023): Do monetary condition news at the zero lower bound influence households’ expectations and readiness to spend? European Economic Review, 152, 104345, Link .

Data: University of Michigan Survey of Consumers

Oinonen, S., und Paloviita, M. (2017): How Informative are Aggregated Inflation Expectations? Evidence from the ECB Survey of Professional Forecasters. Journal of Business Cycle Research, 13, 139–163, Link .

Data: ECB Survey of Professional Forecasters, US Survey of Professional Forecasters (Philadelphia Fed)

Coibion, O.; Georgarakos, D., Gorodnichenko, Y., Kenny, G. and Weber, M. (2024): The Effect of Macroeconomic Uncertainty on Household Spending. American Economic Review, 114(3), 645-677, Link .

Dräger, L. und Lamla, M. (2016): Explaining Disagreement on Interest Rates in a Taylor-Rule Setting. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 119(4), 987-1009, Link .

Gürkaynak, R., Levin A. und Swanson, E. (2010): Does inflation targeting anchor long-run inflation expectations? Evidence from long-term bond yields in the U.S., U.K. and Sweden. Journal of the European Economic Association, 8(6), 1208-1242, Link .

Kumar, S., Coibion, O., Afrouzi, H. und Gorodnichenko, Y. (2015): Inflation Targeting Does Not Anchor Inflation Expectations: Evidence from Firms in New Zealand. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2015, 151-208, Link .

Dräger, L. und Lamla, M. (2018): Is the Anchoring of Consumers’ Inflation Expectations Shaped by Experience? CESifo Working Paper No. 7042, Link .

Data: University of Michigan Survey of Consumers, NYFed Survey of Consumer Expectations, Federal Reserve Economic Database (FRED)

Coibion, O. und Gorodnichenko Y. (2015): Is the Phillips curve alive and well after all? Inflation expectations and the missing disinflation. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 7(1), 197-232, Link .

Dräger, L.; Lamla, M.J. und Pfajfar, D. (2016): Are Survey Expectations Theory-Consistent? The Role of Central Bank Communication and News. European Economic Review, 85, 84-111, Link .

Carvalho, C. und Nechio, F. (2014): Do people understand monetary policy? Journal of Monetary Economics, 66, 108-123, Link .

Coibion, O. und Gorodnichenko, Y., 2012. What Can Survey Forecasts Tell Us about Information Rigidities? Journal of Political Economy, 120(1), 116-159, Link .

Coibion, O. und Gorodnichenko, Y., 2015. Information Rigidity and the Expectations Formation Process: A Simple Framework and New Facts. American Economic Review, 105(8), 2644-78, Link .

Malmendier, U. und Nagel, S., 2016. Learning from inflation experiences. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 131(1), 53-87, Link .

Ma ć kowiak, B.; Mat ě jka, F. und Wiederholt, M. (2023): Rational Inattention: A Review. Journal of Economic Literature, 61(1), 226-273, Link .

Topics regarding macroeconomic effects of monetary policy

Albanesi, S. (2007): Inflation and inequality. Journal of Monetary Economics, 54(4), 1088-1114, Link .

Data: Deininger, K., Squire, L., 1996. A new data set measuring income inequality. World Bank Economic Review 10, 565–591 (Gini Koeffizient für Einkommensungleichheit)  und OECD, World Bank, IMF (Inflation)

Coibion, O., Gorod nichenko, Y., Kueng, L. und Silvia, John (2017): Innocent Bystanders? Monetary policy and inequality .  Journal of Monetary Economics , 88(C), 70-89, Link .

Data: Consumer Expenditure Survey (CEX), geldpolitische Schocks von Romer und Romer (2004), upgedated von Wieland und Yang (2020), Link .

Roubini, N., 2006. Why Central Banks Should Burst Bubbles. International Finance, 9(1), 87-107, Link .

Posen, A. S., 2006. Why Central Banks Should Not Burst Bubbles, Commentary. International Finance, 9(1), 109-124, Link .

Schularick, M.; ter Steege, L. und Ward, F. (2021): Leaning a gainst the Wind and Crisis Risk. American Economic Review: Insights, 3(2), 199-214, Link .

Gambacorta, L. und Signoretti, F. M. (2014): Should monetary policy lean against the wind?: An analysis based on a DSGE model with banking, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,43, 146-174, Link .

Davis, E. P. and Karim, D., 2010. Macroprudential Regulation – the Missing Policy Pillar. National Institute Economic Review, 211 , R3-R16, Link .

Aikman, D.; Bridges, J.; Kasjyap, A. und Siegert, C. (2019): Would M a croprudential Regulation Have Pre vented the Last Crisis? Journal of Economic Perspectives, 33(1), 107-130, Link .

Agénor, P.-R. und Pereira da Silva, L. A. (2014): Macroprudential regulation and the monetary transmission mechanism, Journal of Financial Stability, 13, 44-63, Link .

Topics regarding financial crises

Reinhart, C. M. und Rogoff, K. S. (2011): From Financial Crash to Debt Crisis. American Economic Review, 101, 1676-1706, Link .

Reinhart, C. M. and Rogoff, K. S. (2009): This Time is Different – Eight Centuries of Financial Folly, Princeton University Press, Link .

Daten: Link

Gambacorta, L.; Hofmann, B. und Peersman, G. (2014): The effectiveness of unconventional monetary policy at the zero lower bound: A cross-country analysis. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 46(4), 615-642, Link .

Joyce, M.; Miles, D.; Scott, A. und Vayanos, D. (2012): Quantitative easing and unconventional monetary policy – an introduction. The Economic Journal, 122(564), F271-F288, Link .

Bernanke, B. S. (2020):  The New Tools of Monetary Policy, American Economic Journal, 110(4), 943-983, Link .

Claeys, G. und Leandro, Á. (2016): The European Central Bank's quantitative easing programme: Limits and risks. Bruegel Policy Contribution, 4, Link .

Kuttner, K. N. (2018): Outside of the Box: Unconventional Monetary Policy in the Great Recession and Beyond. Journal of Economic Perspectives 32 (4), 121-146, Link .

Woodford, M. (2016): Quantitative easing and financial stability, NBER Working Paper Nr. 22285, Link .

Master Theses

Topics for your master thesis are not offered in advance, but have to be suggested by the students and developed in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Dräger or the employees of the institute. In general, we only support empirical master theses in the context of money and international finance.

If you want to write your master thesis at the Institute of Money and International Finance, please send a short E-Mail to Prof. Dr. Dräger, which includes your prefered starting date and topic suggestion. Alternatively, you can visit the office hour as well.

Contact for general questions regarding theses

bachelor thesis macroeconomics topics

Last Change: 25.04.24 Print

bachelor thesis macroeconomics topics

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Faculty of Economics and Management Science

work Institutsgebäude Grimmaische Straße 12 04109 Leipzig

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Vice-Dean Prof. Dr. Martin Friedrich Quaas

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Secretariat Cathérine Krobitzsch

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  • Institute of Empirical Economic Research (IEW)
  • Institute of Insurance Science (IVL)
  • Institute of Public Finance and Public Management (PFPM)
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Here you can find information about bachelor and master theses. If you are interested, please contact the chair.

enlarge the image: Abbildung einer Masterarbeit in grünem Einband

On this page you will find hints and relevant information for writing a thesis at the Chair of Macroeconomics (Leipzig University). For writing a Bachelor's/Master's thesis at the Chair of Macroeconomics, the regulations of the examination regulations as well as the instructions of the Study office (Studienbüro) apply.

From students who want to write their thesis in Macroeconomics we expect:

  • very good to good performance in the macroeconomics modules you have taken and
  • at least one advanced module in macroeconomics.

1. Topic selection, preliminary discussion and registration Theses will be supervised in the following topics:

  • Climate change and economic growth
  • Epidemic crises and economic growth
  • Energy crises and economic growth
  • Monetary policy and macroprudential regulation
  • Climate change and financial stability

Please formulate two alternative and specific topic proposals (in the form of research questions) that fall within one of the above areas.

Arrange a preliminary meeting to discuss your proposed topics with us.

Once you have been accepted for supervision, please follow the organizational procedure regarding registration, which is described on the pages of the Office of Student Affairs:

  • Bachelor theses
  • Master theses

2. Meeting dates

In principle, we offer you further regular meeting dates after the preliminary meeting. We expect you to prepare for these appointments accordingly. 2.1 First appointment . Basis of the meeting: final formulation of the research question, results of the first literature search, intended conception (intensive versus extensive treatment of the topic) as well as preliminary outline with page references and short summaries of the respective chapters (two to three sentences). Note : For Master's theses, we always require an intensive conception (including an own creative performance), for Bachelor's theses we recommend an extensive conception (structuring literature review). When? Four weeks after registration of the thesis 2.2 Second appointment . Basis of the meeting: final outline with page references and three-page abstract of the thesis. When? After half of the processing time 2.3. In case of own creative performance: another appointment where you give us a short presentation of the creative performance. The timing is at your discretion, but should leave enough editing time for you to still incorporate potential comments.

3. Questions during editing and additional meeting dates

If additional questions (organizational or technical) arise during the editing process, we will be happy to assist you. To ensure an efficient working method, we ask you to proceed as follows:

  • Think intensively about your question before contacting us.
  • Send us your explicitly formulated question by e-mail.

4. Regulations for the preparation of a bachelor/master thesis

The formal regulations for the preparation of a thesis must be observed. Non-compliance will be reflected directly and negatively in the evaluation. Detailed information can be found in this

PDF document PDF ∙ 31 KB

5. Examples of successful bachelor's/master's theses

You can view examples of successful theses by appointment with Monika Sprenger (I 206). Good luck!

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Study organisation, campus library.

Bachelor Theses

The Chair offers bachelor’s theses on various topics related to public finance. The thesis is usually a purely literature-based analysis. In exceptional cases, working on an empirical contribution is possible, but it requires advanced knowledge of econometric methods and experience with at least one statistics program (preferably Stata). Additionally, sufficient data for an empirical analysis on the preferred field of research has to be available.

Current suggestions for topics areas (20.12.2023)

  • Regional Economics
  • Local Public Finance
  • VAT and VAT Evasion
  • Charitable Giving
  • Fiscal Equalization
  • Empirical Analysis of Taxes
  • Historical Analysis of German Tax System
  • Forecast Evaluation of Taxes
  • Income Tax and Migration
  • Marriage and Inequality
  • Fiscal Rules
  • Local Public Reserves

Writing a bachelor’s thesis at the chair requires to have taken Seminar on European Integration/Seminars zur Finanzwissenschaft  or an equivalent seminar in Economics. Moreover, having passed at least two of the three public finance-related courses “Wirtschaft und Staat”, “Ökonomie des Öffentlichen Sektors” (both in German)  or “European Economic Integration” is recommended.

If you are interested in writing your thesis at our chair, please contact Annalisa Tassi .

Typically, the process of writing a bachelor’s thesis at our Chair is the following:

  • Contacting the Chair via e-mail (please include the topic area)
  • Preliminary talk with one of the Chair members
  • Specification of the topic and registration at the examination office
  • Discussion of the outline with your supervisor
  • Presentation (after about 5-7 weeks)
  • Submission of your thesis after 9 weeks at the latest

Formal aspects

The scope of a bachelor thesis is 30-40 pages of pure text, not including tables and illustrations. It is worth 15 ECTS (12 ECTS for the thesis itself and 3 ECTS for the presentation).

Students have to hand in two printed versions and one electronic version (on CD or USB stick) of their thesis at the examination office.

The thesis can be written in German or English (after consultation with the Chair).

Our Guide to Writing Bachelor’s Theses gives you additional in-depth information on the procedure and formal requirements of writing a bachelor’s thesis at our Chair.

Overview of finished bachelor’s theses

  • Effects of Subsidies on the Independence of German Clubs
  • Das Bedingungslose Grundeinkommen aus ökonomischer Perspektive
  • EU Fiscal Rules: Rules or Standards
  • Taxonomy of Green Finance: a Critical Perspective
  • Von Panama bis Pandora Papers, die Offenlegung von Offshoregeschäfte zur Steuerminimierung
  • Paternity leave and gender wage gap in Germany
  • Green Labels im Immobilienmarkt
  • Einkommensteuer und Ehe: Inwiefern beeinflusst Besteuerung private Entscheidungen zum Ehestand?
  • Carbon Pricing in the EU ETS: What drives allowance prices?
  • Neighborhood Effects and Inequality: Can Housing Policies Improve Social
  • Antizyklische Kapitalpuffer als Instrument zur Stabilisierung des Finanzsektors
  • Using development aid to finance global public goods: What determines the allocation of climate-related aid?
  • Aufkommen und Wirkungsweise einer Lenkungssteuer: Das Beispiel der Tabaksteuer
  • Trust in Government and Tax Morale in Europe: What do we learn from behavioral economics?
  • Führt Migration zu einer Änderung im Angebot öffentlicher Leistungen?
  • Führt Migration zu einem Rückbau öffentlicher Leistungen?
  • Alternativen zum Ehegattensplitting
  • Ist die Bankenabgabe ein Weg, Banken fairer zu besteuern?
  • Klimawandel in der volkswirtschaftlichen Betrachtung – Steuern oder Zertifikate als Instrumente der Klimapolitik
  • Zielsetzung und Umsetzung des Neuen Kommunalen Haushalts- und Rechnungswesens: Eine Fallstudie zum Straßeninfrastrukturvermögen in Baden-Württemberg
  • Europäische Arbeitslosenversicherung: Begründung und Risiken
  • Die Umsatzsteuerermäßigung aus finanzwissenschaftlicher Perspektive
  • Trends in der Besteuerung von Arbeit und Kapital – Eine ökonomische Auswertung der Abgeltungssteuerreform
  • Besteuerung, Regulierung und Debt-Bias: Die Kapitalstrukturwahl von Banken im Vergleich zu Unternehmen
  • Langfristige Tragfähigkeit der Staatsfinanzen in Deutschland und die gesetzliche Rentenversicherung
  • Demographischer Wandel und die Tragfähigkeit öffentlicher Finanzen als finanzpolitische Herausforderung der Kommunen
  • Finanzpolitische Effekte der Zuwanderung: Erfahrungen mit der EU-Osterweiterung
  • Anreizverträglichkeit des Länderfinanzausgleichs: Schafft das Prämienmodell eine Verbesserung?
  • Auswirkungen des Ehegattensplittings auf das Arbeitsangebot verheirateter Frauen
  • Umsatzbesteuerung in der Europäischen Union
  • Vertikalisierung des Finanzausgleichs als Reformoption
  • Die Entwicklung der Rendite von Staatsanleihen im Euroraum: Bestimmungsgründe und Implikationen für die Finanzpolitik
  • Solidarität oder Wettbewerb: Sollen reiche Gemeinden einen höheren Beitrag zum Finanzausgleich leisten?
  • Intergenerationale Einkommensmobilität in Deutschland
  • Steuerliche Gestaltungen aus ökonomischer und wirtschaftlicher Perspektive
  • Der Flughafen als Standortfaktor aus volkswirtschaftlicher Sicht
  • Lokaler Steuerwettbewerb und Yardstick Competition – Liefern Quasi-Experimente neue Erkenntnisse?
  • Gibt es eine Abwärtsspirale in der internationalen Unternehmensbesteuerung?
  • Das US-Steuerabkommen „FATCA“ am Beispiel der Schweiz: Eine finanzwissenschaftliche Analyse
  • Staatsverschuldung und Imperfektionen des internationalen Kapitalmarktes
  • Einkommensteuerhinterziehung – Theorie und Ansätze zur Messung
  • Effizienzsteigernd oder kriminalitätsfördernd? Eine differenzierte ökonomische Betrachtung internationaler Steueroasen
  • Ziele und Wirkungsweise einer Finanztransaktionssteuer

bachelor thesis macroeconomics topics

Note to (1): A seminar may be considered passed before the end of the course if the majority of the work has been completed and only a final grade of 4.0 or better is mathematically possible. The examiner responsible for the seminar must have informed the Student Services about this separately before you send your e-mail to the Student Services.

Administrative Preparation, Step 2: E-mail to Your Supervisor

As soon as you have coordinated the topic and start date of your bachelor's thesis with your supervisor, forward the reply from the Student Services from step 1 via your Mannheim e-mail account to your supervisor and precede it with the following text:  

"[Your greeting],

I, [first name] [last name], [matriculation number], would like to formally register my bachelor's thesis with you. We agreed on the following topic:

[Title of the Bachelor's thesis in English (must always be given)]

[if the bachelor's thesis is written in German , also provide the German title]

I kindly ask you to confirm the topic, start date, and latest submission date by e-mail, with CC to the Student Services ([email protected]).


Please note that the processing time starts on the day this e-mail is sent. The processing time for bachelor's theses is 10 weeks.

Confirmation by Your Supervisor

Your supervisor confirms to you via e-mail, with a copy to the Student Services, the topic of the bachelor's thesis and the latest submission date (start date plus 10 weeks).

If you believe there are discrepancies with the agreements made in the preliminary discussions, please contact your supervisor immediately.

Maybe: Return of the Topic

The bachelor's thesis can be returned once and only within the first four weeks of the processing time to the responsible examiner. The examiner informs the Student Services of the return date. If returned in time, the examination attempt is considered not undertaken; otherwise, the examination persists.

In the case of a returned thesis, a new topic must be agreed upon. You can also choose a different examiner for this.

When repeating a failed bachelor's thesis, the return of the topic is only permissible if this option was not used in the first examination attempt.

To return your topic, quote the entire e-mail sent to your supervisor in step 2 and send it again to them via your Mannheim e-mail account, preceding it with the following text:  

I hereby return the topic of my bachelor's thesis [Title of the bachelor's thesis in English] with the agreed start date [Date].

As you can see from the initial confirmation from the Student Services, I have not yet returned a bachelor's thesis topic.

I kindly ask you to confirm the return of the topic by e-mail, with CC to the Student Services.

Maybe: Confirmation by Your Supervisor

Your supervisor confirms to you via e-mail, with a copy to the Student Services, the return of the topic. You now agree on a new topic and continue with the point Administrative Preparation, Step 2: E-mail to Your Supervisor. When selecting a new supervisor, you must include in your e-mail that you meanwhile returned the topic once; otherwise, it constitutes an attempt of deception.

Maybe: Request for an Extension of the Processing Time

In exceptional cases, the Examination Committee may grant an extension of up to four weeks for the submission of the bachelor's thesis. The request for an extension must be submitted at least eight days before the deadline and must be approved by the supervisor of the bachelor's thesis.

If you wish to request an extension of the processing time, please send your informal request with the specified extension period either as a signed pdf file via your Mannheim e-mail account to cischinsky mail- uni-mannheim.de or in writing (i.e., on paper with an original signature) to the Examination Committee (Attn: Dr. Cischinsky). If you are requesting an extension due to illness, please submit the original medical certificate to the Examination Committee.

The Examination Committee will inquire about the approval of your supervisor. You will receive an answer from the Examination Board regarding your request.

Postal address of the Examination Committee:

University of Mannheim Examination Committee B.Sc. Economics Attn: Dr. Christiane Cischinsky L 7, 3–5, Room 423 68131 Mannheim

Submission of the Bachelor's Thesis

The completed Bachelor thesis must be submitted to the supervisor in the form of two printed copies no later than the specified (possibly extended) submission deadline. The deadline for submission can be met by delivery to a post office , documented by certificate of posting. Please coordinate with your supervisor regarding submission in good time. He/ she can appoint a substitute to receive the thesis, but this must be arranged transparently for all parties involved in advance. The uncoordinated delivery of the Bachelor's thesis to a different location than previously designated does not fulfill the requirements of the examination regulations.

The examiner may additionally require the submission in electronic form.

Neither the student nor the examiner is required to notify the Student Services of the timely submission of the Bachelor's thesis. However, the examiner shall promptly inform the Student Services of any failure to submit the Bachelor's thesis on time and the resulting grade of 5.0 in accordance with § 14 (7) of the examination regulations.  

If you have not passed your Bachelor's thesis and still have a second attempt available, please proceed with Step 1 of the Administrative Preparation.

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Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics

Quicklinks und sprachwechsel, main navigation, bachelor's/master's theses.

Part of a Bachelor's or Master's program involves writing a thesis that treats a subject in the student's degree program in a scholarly manner.

Table of contents

Completion time and scope, general procedure, selection of topic and supervisor – business and economics, selection of topic and supervisor – quantitative finance, selection of topic and supervisor – informatics, olat process: registration, collection of project definition, and submission of thesis, alternative process: registration, collection of project definition and submission of thesis.

Registration for graduation

Note on publication

The information below applies to all theses.

*Plan the completion of your degree in advance, taking into consideration the published deadlines.

Registration deadlines

There are different procedures for the thesis process, from the issuance of the binding project definition to the timely and formally correct submission. The exact procedure is determined by the supervisor. 

For students of Informatics , the information and documents can be found on the website of the Department of Informatics.

Fact sheet for Bachelor's theses in Informatics   Fact sheet for Master's theses in Informatics

For students of Business and Economics as well as of the Joint Degree Master Program in Quantitative Finance of UZH and ETH, the two possible procedures for the process from registration to submission are presented below.

Business and Economics students may write their thesis with a professor of their choice from the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics at UZH. The individual departments can provide additional assistance when it comes to selecting a topic.

Information from the Department of Finance   Topics suggested by the Departments of Economics and Business Administration (German only (PDF, 271 KB)

Students of the joint degree Master's program in Quantitative Finance at UZH and ETH may write their thesis with a professor of their choice from the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics at UZH or the Department of Mathematics at ETH.

Information on the Quantitative Finance program

Informatics students must write their thesis with a professor from their program of study.

List and information for Bachelor's theses in Informatics   List and information for Master's theses in Informatics

After you have found a supervisor the further steps will be done via OLAT. You will receive an e-mail from your supervisor stating that you have been accepted into an OLAT course and that you can start with your thesis. As soon as you have selected the link in the e-mail and have thus joined the course, you will have one day (24 hours) to select your thesis topic.

With your selection, your personal workflow in OLAT will start in which the binding deadline will be recorded and which will always be visible for you. You will also receive an e-mail with the binding deadline. Please note that the deadline has to be met.

The following instructions describe the process and the further steps you have to take now.

Instructions OLAT (PDF, 960 KB)

You must submit your final thesis digitally in OLAT no later than the binding deadline (accessible in your personal workflow in OLAT or in the assignment email at the beginning of the workflow). Theses submitted late are considered to have been failed. Please be aware that the deadline is defined to the minute precisely and this has to be adhered to

Business and Economics or Quantitative Finance students can request their project definition by e-mail to [email protected] . They will also receive their topic and the exact deadline by e-mail. The submission will also be done by e-mail.

Fact sheet for theses using analogue procedure in Business and Economics and in Quantitative Finance (PDF, 126 KB)

The following documents must be attached to the e-mail:

  • Proof of matriculation (e.g., student ID card)
  • Students in a Bachelor's program: Proof that the assessment level has been passed (transcript of records, module booking printout or online summary of credits on a smartphone, tablet, or laptop)
  • Students in a Master's program: Proof of admission to the Master's program for students who have not obtained a Bachelor's degree from the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics at the University of Zurich (letter of admission incl. any appendix to the letter of admission).
  • The completed registration form.

Form for Business and Economics (PDF, 545 KB)   Form for Quantitative Finance (PDF, 545 KB)

The thesis must be submitted by e-mail  no later than the agreed submission deadline (until 23:59) to [email protected]

The thesis may not be placed in the Dean's Office mailbox.

Theses submitted late are considered to have been failed.

In order to register for graduation certain deadlines apply. Please consider the information on the degree conferral dates:

Degree conferral dates

The actual registration for graduation takes place in the app "Study progress & graduation". Please not the procedure on the following website:

Publication by UZH As a researcher at the University of Zurich, you are required by the UZH Open Science Policy to publish a complete version of your current publications on the ZORA repository, if the legal situation allows it. Further information on publishing on the UZH ZORA repository can be found here .

Publication by external parties After completing their final theses, students repeatedly receive requests from (mainly) German publishers for a publication. Such requests should be treated with caution. Clarify any publication with your supervisor in advance. The supervisor can impose conditions for a publication. Ultimately, however, it is your decision whether you want to publish with a publisher. You should be aware that this is not to be equated with a publication in a scientific journal. Further information on the various publication channels can be found here .

Weiterführende Informationen


Contact Dean's Office

For the submission of documents and for questions of all kinds: E-Mail

Telephone hours for inquiries about the studies (except for questions regarding Master's admission and credit transfer ): +41 44 634 21 24 Mornings: Mon, Thu, Fri 9:30-11:30am Midday: Tue, 10:30am-12:30pm Evenings: Wed, 17:00-18:00pm

Opening hours Dean's Office desk (KOL-G-207): Tuesdays, 14.00-16.00pm

Study Coordination Informatics

Office BIN 2.B.11 Binzmühlestrasse 14 8050 Zurich Office hours

bachelor thesis macroeconomics topics

Contacts (sorted alphabetically by students' surnames)

A to J: Bea Girardet, Dekanat E-Mail  

K to O: Donata Mikosch, Dekanat E-Mail  

P to S: Richard Müller-Winter, Dekanat E-Mail  

T to Z: Susanne Erber, Dekanat E-Mail

Information Search in the Central Library

The central library regularly offers courses and workshops on researching academic literature:

  • Research workshops (German only)
  • Individual research support

If suspicion of plagiarism arises, supervisors will apply PlagScan-in-a-BOX to the thesis to verify if plagiarism is present.

Master's theses that are to be published on ZORA are always checked by means of software beforehand.

  • Fact sheet on plagiarism (PDF, 109 KB)
  • Scan Software «Turnitin Similarities»
  • UZH website



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    The economics of alcohol abuse problems. In this thesis, students can develop several essential issues. First, they can examine how poverty is connected to alcohol abuse. Second, they can see the link between alcohol consumption and productivity. To sum up, students can elaborate on the economic costs of alcohol abuse.

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    Filter by thesis title. Author Thesis Title Year Argueta, Allison. A Precinct-Level Analysis of Latino Voting Behavior During The 2016 And 2020 Presidential Elections . 2023. Brown, Drakos. ... "The Stanford Economics Department has two central missions: to train students at the undergraduate and graduate level in the methods and ideas of ...

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    at least one advanced module in macroeconomics. 1. Topic selection, preliminary discussion and registration Theses will be supervised in the following topics: ... Regulations for the preparation of a bachelor/master thesis. The formal regulations for the preparation of a thesis must be observed. Non-compliance will be reflected directly and ...

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    The thesis can be written in German or English. Bachelor theses are typically a literature review of the theoretical and empirical research on the topic. In case you are interested in writing your thesis on one of the proposed topics please contact Lisa Bogler via Email ([email protected]). You can also make your own proposition.

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  18. PDF Guidelines: How to Write a Bachelor's Thesis in the Economics ...

    1 Procedure. To be admitted for the Bachelor's thesis, you are required to have successfully taken the "proseminar". Furthermore, you are required to have previously participated in an elective or compulsory elective course at the chair where you wish to write your thesis. You should have passed the course at least with the grade 2.3.

  19. Bachelor Theses

    The Chair offers bachelor's theses on various topics related to public finance. The thesis is usually a purely literature-based analysis. In exceptional cases, working on an empirical contribution is possible, but it requires advanced knowledge of econometric methods and experience with at least one statistics program (preferably Stata).

  20. Fachbereich 02

    The bachelor's thesis can be written in German or in English. If you are interested in writing your master's thesis on a macroeconomic subject under the supervision of Prof. Kaas, please send an e-mail to office.kaas[at]hof.uni-frankfurt[dot]de indicating your specific topics of interest within macroeconomics as well as your intended starting date

  21. Bachelor Thesis

    Finding a topic and supervisor for your bachelor's thesis may take some time, so please start the process early. The assignment, supervision, and grading of bachelor's theses is limited to professors, junior professors, and university lecturers (Hochschuldozenten, Privatdozenten, akademische Räte).

  22. What is a good, challenging topic for a Bachelor Thesis?

    First, game theory and econometrics are hard to mix together. Second, you have to pick a topic where the data is easily assessable. Macroeconomic topics are easier to collect data (FRED database for example) than microeconomic topics which sometimes rely on survey data. Third, the model you choose needs to be simple.

  23. Bachelor's/Master's Theses

    Bachelor's/Master's Theses. Part of a Bachelor's or Master's program involves writing a thesis that treats a subject in the student's degree program in a scholarly manner. Completion time and scope. General procedure. Selection of topic and supervisor - Business and Economics. Selection of topic and supervisor - Quantitative Finance.