Top 18 Art Teacher Resume Objective Examples

Photo of Brenna Goyette

Updated July 14, 2023 13 min read

A resume objective is a brief statement of your professional goals and aspirations as they relate to the position you are applying for. When writing a resume objective for an art teacher position, it’s important to highlight your passion for art and teaching, as well as any qualifications or experience that make you a good fit for the role. For example, if you have prior experience in teaching or working with students, make sure to mention this in your resume objective. Additionally, emphasize any skills that would be beneficial for the job such as classroom management or creative problem-solving. Finally, demonstrate how your enthusiasm for art and teaching can benefit the school and its student body. Examples of resume objectives could include: “Seeking an art teacher role where I can utilize my creativity and passion for teaching to help students develop an appreciation of art” or “Dedicated educator looking to apply my knowledge of classroom management and art history to inspire students”.

Art Teacher Resume Example

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Top 18 Art Teacher Resume Objective Samples

  • To obtain a position as an Art Teacher where I can utilize my creativity and passion for teaching to inspire students.
  • To secure a position as an Art Teacher in which I can use my experience and knowledge to help students develop their artistic skills.
  • Seeking a challenging role as an Art Teacher where I can share my enthusiasm for art and help students reach their creative potential.
  • Aiming to become an Art Teacher at a school where I can bring my dedication to teaching and foster the growth of young minds.
  • To leverage my expertise in art education by becoming an Art Teacher at a dynamic educational institution.
  • Looking for a position as an Art Teacher that will allow me to apply my strong organizational skills and commitment to student success.
  • To obtain a role as an Art Teacher that will enable me to utilize my knowledge of the arts and create engaging learning experiences.
  • Seeking a position as an Art Teacher that will provide me with the opportunity to use innovative teaching methods to help students reach their full potential.
  • Aiming to work as an Art Teacher at a school that values creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking.
  • To acquire a role as an Art Teacher where I can use my interpersonal skills and passion for art education to motivate students.
  • Seeking employment as an Art Teacher in which I can combine my enthusiasm for teaching with my extensive knowledge of the subject matter.
  • Applying for the position of Art Teacher in order to share my love of art with students while helping them reach their academic goals.
  • Looking for a job as an Art Teacher in order to utilize my strong communication skills and ability to inspire others through creative instruction methods.
  • To gain employment as an Art Teacher so that I may share my enthusiasm for art while providing meaningful instruction in the classroom setting.
  • Desiring a role as an Art Teacher so that I may use both traditional and modern techniques when teaching students about various forms of visual expression.
  • Hoping to secure employment at a school that values creativity, exploration, and problem-solving by becoming its next Art Teacher.
  • Applying for the position of Art teacher so that I may contribute positively towards student development by providing engaging lessons on artistic concepts and techniques.
  • Aiming to become part of a team-oriented faculty by obtaining the position of art teacher at your institution so that I may promote creative thinking among students through interactive activities

How to Write an Art Teacher Resume Objective

Writing an art teacher resume objective is a critical part of the job search process. It can help you stand out from other applicants and give potential employers a better understanding of the type of person you are, as well as what kind of teaching style you have. When crafting your resume objective, it is important to keep in mind the qualities that make a successful art teacher, such as creativity, communication skills, and dedication to student learning.

The first step in writing a great art teacher resume objective is to reflect on your past experiences and accomplishments in the field. Think about any awards or recognition you may have received for teaching art classes, as well as any special projects or initiatives you’ve completed that demonstrate your passion for the subject matter. This will help you create an objective that accurately reflects your qualifications and goals for the position.

Once you’ve reflected on your strengths, it’s time to craft an effective statement that captures the essence of who you are and why employers should consider hiring you. Your resume objective should be succinct yet powerful; avoid using overly long sentences or complex language that may confuse readers. Instead, focus on highlighting your unique skills and qualifications in a clear and concise way. For example: “A passionate art educator with over five years of experience teaching children aged 5-12 about painting techniques, color theory, and other elements of visual arts. Committed to creating engaging lesson plans while inspiring students to explore their creative potential.”

Finally, be sure to use keywords relevant to the job posting throughout your resume objective so potential employers can easily identify how qualified you are for the position. With these tips in mind, writing an effective art teacher resume objective should be relatively straightforward!

Related : What does an Art Teacher do?

Key Skills to Highlight in Your Art Teacher Resume Objective

In the competitive field of art education, having a well-crafted resume can make all the difference. The objective section of your resume is particularly crucial as it provides potential employers with a snapshot of your capabilities and career goals. Highlighting key skills in this section can effectively capture the attention of hiring managers and set you apart from other candidates. This section will discuss the essential skills that you should emphasize in your art teacher resume objective to increase your chances of landing that coveted position.

As an art teacher, the ability to draw is fundamental as it forms the basis of most artistic expressions. This skill is necessary for a resume objective because it showcases the candidate's ability to instruct and guide students in various drawing techniques, styles, and mediums. It also demonstrates their proficiency in a key area of art education, making them more qualified for the role.

2. Painting

An Art Teacher needs the skill of painting as it is one of the fundamental areas of art education. This skill is needed for a resume objective to demonstrate that the teacher has mastery over this essential technique and can effectively teach students how to express their creativity, understand colors, textures, and different painting styles. It also shows that the teacher can guide students in developing their own unique artistic voice through painting.

3. Sculpting

An Art Teacher needs to have a skill like sculpting in order to effectively teach students about different forms of artistic expression. Sculpting involves understanding the properties of different materials, spatial awareness, and creativity, which are all important aspects of art education. By having this skill, an Art Teacher can provide comprehensive lessons on three-dimensional art creation and help students develop their own sculpting abilities. This can make the teacher more appealing to potential employers who want well-rounded educators capable of teaching a wide range of art techniques.

4. Printmaking

An Art Teacher with a skill in printmaking demonstrates a broad understanding of art techniques, which is necessary for teaching a diverse curriculum. This skill can enhance the teacher's ability to instruct students on different forms of artistic expression, fostering creativity and innovation. It also shows potential employers that the candidate has hands-on experience in various art forms, making them more versatile and adaptable in their teaching approach.

5. Ceramics

As an Art Teacher, having a skill in ceramics is crucial as it broadens the scope of art forms you can teach. It allows you to introduce students to different mediums and techniques, fostering their creativity and versatility. This skill can also help in developing students' fine motor skills, patience, and attention to detail. Including this on a resume objective shows potential employers your capability to provide comprehensive art education.

6. Digital Art

As an Art Teacher, having a skill in Digital Art is essential as it shows the ability to teach and guide students in modern art techniques. It demonstrates adaptability to new technology and trends in the art world, which is important for providing comprehensive art education. This skill can also help in developing students' creativity and technical skills in various digital platforms. Including this on a resume objective would highlight the candidate's capability to provide diverse and up-to-date art instruction.

7. Photography

An Art Teacher with a skill in photography can offer a broader range of knowledge and techniques to students. This skill is beneficial for a resume objective as it showcases the teacher's ability to instruct beyond basic art mediums, therefore enhancing the overall art curriculum. It also demonstrates their proficiency in modern digital media, which is an increasingly important aspect of art education. This could make the teacher more appealing to potential employers seeking comprehensive art programs for their students.

Collage is a unique art form that involves the combination of various materials and mediums to create a new piece of artwork. As an Art Teacher, having this skill demonstrates creativity, innovation, and the ability to teach students how to think outside the box. It also shows that the teacher is capable of instructing on a wide range of techniques and styles, which can be beneficial in a diverse classroom setting. Furthermore, collage requires patience, precision, and attention to detail - qualities that are valuable in any teaching position.

9. Textiles

An Art Teacher with a skill in textiles showcases their ability to teach various forms of art, not just limited to drawing or painting. This broadens the scope of learning for students and offers them a more comprehensive understanding of the art world. Textiles involve creativity, precision, and patience - qualities that are essential in teaching. This skill also indicates knowledge in different materials and techniques, which can be beneficial when creating diverse lesson plans. It adds uniqueness to a resume objective, making it stand out to potential employers.

10. Art History

Understanding Art History is crucial for an Art Teacher as it provides the foundational knowledge of various art movements, styles, and artists. This skill is essential to effectively teach students about different art techniques and their historical context. It also enables the teacher to develop comprehensive lesson plans that incorporate historical perspectives, enhancing students' learning experience. Including this skill in a resume objective demonstrates the candidate's depth of knowledge in art and ability to provide a well-rounded art education.

Top 10 Art Teacher Skills to Add to Your Resume Objective

In conclusion, your Art Teacher Resume Objective should be a compelling showcase of your most valuable and relevant skills. This section is your chance to grab the attention of potential employers right from the start. While it's essential to tailor this part of your resume to each specific job application, remember that it should also reflect your unique strengths and experiences as an art educator. A well-crafted objective can make a powerful first impression and set the tone for the rest of your resume, potentially giving you an edge in a competitive job market.

Related : Art Teacher Skills: Definition and Examples

Common Mistakes When Writing an Art Teacher Resume Objective

When writing an art teacher resume objective, one of the most common mistakes is being too vague. An effective resume objective should clearly define the job you’re seeking and how you can use your skills to benefit the organization. Avoid generic phrases such as “seeking a challenging position in art education” or “looking for an opportunity to utilize my teaching experience.” Instead, focus on specific qualifications that make you a strong candidate for the position.

Another common mistake when writing an art teacher resume objective is failing to highlight your accomplishments. Art teachers have a unique skill set and should emphasize any special achievements or awards they have received in their career. Listing these accomplishments shows potential employers that you are capable of producing quality results and meeting deadlines.

Finally, many art teachers make the mistake of not tailoring their objectives to the specific job they are applying for. It is important to customize your resume objective by emphasizing how your skills match up with what the school or organization is looking for in an art teacher. This will show them that you have taken time to research and understand what kind of qualities they are seeking in a candidate and that you are committed to fulfilling those needs if hired.

All in all, writing an effective art teacher resume objective takes careful consideration and planning. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can create an objective that stands out from other applicants and showcases your unique talents as an educator.

Related : Art Teacher Resume Examples

Art Teacher Resume Objective Example

A right resume objective for an art teacher would be to demonstrate a passion for art and the ability to inspire students while a wrong resume objective would be to make more money or gain more job experience.

Editorial staff

Photo of Brenna Goyette, Editor

Brenna Goyette

Brenna is a certified professional resume writer, career expert, and the content manager of the ResumeCat team. She has a background in corporate recruiting and human resources and has been writing resumes for over 10 years. Brenna has experience in recruiting for tech, finance, and marketing roles and has a passion for helping people find their dream jobs. She creates expert resources to help job seekers write the best resumes and cover letters, land the job, and succeed in the workplace.

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Common Responsibilities Listed on Art Teacher Resumes:

  • Developing and implementing lesson plans for art classes
  • Instructing students on the principles of art and design
  • Assessing student progress and providing feedback
  • Organizing and supervising art projects and activities
  • Maintaining a safe and orderly classroom environment
  • Creating a positive learning atmosphere
  • Collaborating with other teachers and staff
  • Attending professional development workshops
  • Maintaining accurate records of student progress
  • Participating in parent-teacher conferences
  • Developing and implementing art-related extracurricular activities

Speed up your resume creation process with the AI-Powered Resume Builder . Generate tailored achievements in seconds for every role you apply to.

Art Teacher Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented a comprehensive art curriculum that resulted in a 25% improvement in student performance and a 10% increase in student enrollment.
  • Collaborated with local artists and community organizations to organize art exhibitions and events, showcasing student artwork and fostering community engagement.
  • Implemented innovative teaching techniques, such as incorporating technology and multimedia, resulting in a 15% increase in student engagement and creativity.
  • Organized and led art workshops for teachers, providing professional development opportunities and enhancing their art teaching skills, resulting in a 20% improvement in teacher effectiveness.
  • Implemented a differentiated instruction approach, catering to students with diverse learning needs, resulting in a 30% increase in student achievement and a more inclusive classroom environment.
  • Developed and implemented an art club, providing students with additional opportunities to explore their artistic talents and fostering a sense of belonging, resulting in a 10% increase in student participation and overall student satisfaction.
  • Collaborated with the school administration to secure grants and funding for art supplies and resources, resulting in a 50% increase in available materials and enhancing the quality of art education.
  • Implemented a student-centered approach to art education, encouraging students to take ownership of their learning and fostering a sense of creativity and self-expression, resulting in a 20% increase in student confidence and self-esteem.
  • Developed and implemented an art integration program, incorporating art into other subject areas, resulting in a 15% improvement in student understanding and retention of content.
  • Curriculum development and implementation
  • Community engagement and collaboration
  • Innovative teaching techniques
  • Technology and multimedia integration in teaching
  • Organizing and leading professional development workshops
  • Differentiated instruction
  • Club and extracurricular activity development
  • Grant writing and funding acquisition
  • Student-centered teaching approach
  • Art integration across curriculum
  • Ability to foster creativity and self-expression
  • Ability to cater to diverse learning needs
  • Ability to increase student engagement and participation
  • Ability to improve student performance and enrollment
  • Ability to enhance teacher effectiveness
  • Ability to foster a sense of belonging among students
  • Ability to increase student confidence and self-esteem
  • Ability to improve student understanding and retention of content.

Top Skills & Keywords for Art Teacher Resumes:

Hard skills.

  • Drawing and Painting Techniques
  • Sculpture and Ceramics
  • Printmaking
  • Digital Art and Design
  • Art History and Art Criticism
  • Color Theory and Composition
  • Art Materials and Techniques
  • Classroom Management
  • Lesson Planning and Curriculum Development
  • Assessment and Grading
  • Art Education Standards and Pedagogy
  • Differentiated Instruction and Individualized Learning

Soft Skills

  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Presentation Skills
  • Patience and Flexibility
  • Adaptability and Open-mindedness
  • Organization and Time Management
  • Collaboration and Teamwork
  • Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
  • Empathy and Understanding
  • Leadership and Classroom Management
  • Attention to Detail
  • Passion for Art and Teaching
  • Active Listening and Feedback Incorporation

Resume Action Verbs for Art Teachers:

  • Demonstrated
  • Facilitated
  • Collaborated

Generate Your Resume Summary

art teacher resume objective

Resume FAQs for Art Teachers:

How long should i make my art teacher resume, what is the best way to format a art teacher resume, which keywords are important to highlight in a art teacher resume, how should i write my resume if i have no experience as a art teacher, compare your art teacher resume to a job description:.

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Art Teacher job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

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Elementary school teacher, high school teacher, music teacher, spanish teacher, special education teacher, substitute teacher, teacher assistant, preschool teacher.

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3 Art Teacher Resume Examples to Land Your Next Job in 2024

Stephen Greet

Art Teacher Resume

Clean art teacher resume, modern art teacher resume.

  • Art Teacher Resume Writing 101

As an art teacher, you work with students at a particular school, guiding them on art fundamentals and methods of personal expression. Maybe you prefer the local art institution, where you can offer classes to the general public.

But how do you choose a resume template and write a cover letter that show recruiters you’ve got what it takes to share artistic skills and methods with others effectively? What details are most likely to help you land the job?

Don’t worry. We’ve been doing this for years, and after helping plenty of art teachers like yourself, we’ve put together our three art teacher resume examples to inspire you.

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Art teacher resume example with 5+ years experience

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What Matters Most: Your Skills & Profession-Related Experience

Your resume skills and work experience

One of the first things recruiters will look at is your job skills section. What abilities, specialties, technical skills, and teaching methods do you have that will empower you to guide others?

Ensure you avoid generic stuff like “communication” and go for specifics like “composition critique” to show you possess depth of knowledge. Don’t flatten your skills into vague list items that could apply to any profession!

Be as technical as possible while building your list. What programs or software do you use? Do you teach people how to make 3D models to help plan their next great sculpture? What collaborative tools can you name, like Google Workspace or Tilt Brush?

9 most popular art teacher skills

  • Adobe Animate
  • Google Workspace
  • 3D Composition
  • Wacom Intuos
  • Autodesk Maya
  • MS PowerPoint
  • Adobe Lightroom

Sample art teacher work experience bullet points

Your job skills are like a checklist of “tools” you use while teaching, but your work experience demonstrates how you make the most of your abilities.

Use examples that run parallel with the organization’s goals you’re applying for. Revisit the job description and look for any current obstacles they’re facing. When did you overcome similar hurdles, like offering distance-learning art classes through Zoom?

Make sure you measure your impact, too. Recruiters need to see metrics that bolster your success stories, like positive ratings, feedback percentages, or reductions in material costs.

Here are a few examples:

  • Launched the use of Autodesk Maya, which enabled students to explore 3D modeling and animation, resulting in an 81% increased interest in multimedia art forms
  • Boosted photography grades by an average of half a letter grade through interactive learning using Adobe Lightroom
  • Introduced students to Wacom Intuos tablets for digital drawing exercises, improving students’ digital art and distance-learning experience by 67%
  • Showcased students’ work on Behance, providing them with a platform to share their creations with a wider audience and increasing the average class rating to 4.8/5 stars

Top 5 Tips for Your Art Teacher Resume

  • Recruiters have only a few seconds on average for that initial skim over your resume. While you’re eager to stand out as a creative mentor, keep color usage to a tasteful minimum. Stick with clean, modern fonts for high readability, too.
  • If you’re skilled in everything from digital painting to clay sculptures, switch out some experience points to match your qualifications to each organization’s needs. Don’t pitch your “Paint and Sip” teaching experiences to an elementary school!
  • Suppose you’ve spent years sharing your artistic expertise with others. In that case, you might consider tying your excellence with a resume summary that briefly outlines why you want this job and sprinkles in some quick qualifications. If you’re new to teaching or just stepping into the professional world, a resume objective can briefly highlight your career goals.
  • See how quickly that typo jumped off the page? The same thing could happen if you don’t proofread your resume before sending it off! Seemingly small errors can become deciding factors when recruiters start narrowing down their stack of art teacher applications.
  • If you’re starting a fresh path as an art teacher, you may need to bulk up your resume with some success points from unrelated jobs. That’s okay! Look for where interpersonal or creative skills (like Google Workspace or display arrangements) overlap with something in your desired job’s requirements.

Recruiters don’t have much time, so stick to a one-page resume that will almost always look more appealing than anything bulkier. This is a great opportunity to demonstrate your efficient communication skills, too!

You only need them if the job listing calls for them . . . But they’re usually a pretty good idea either way, especially for greener applicants. If you have any previous employers, coworkers/peers, or even art professors who will vouch for you, go for it!

Delve beyond the depths of the job description and browse their website to pull some nice references to the school or art center’s values. By aligning yourself with their teaching and creative missions, you demonstrate thoroughness and exemplify the ideal fit for their open role.

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  • Art teacher objectives and summaries

Art teacher

Art teacher Objectives & summaries

6 Art teacher objectives and summaries found

A well-written objective or summary on your resume can be the difference between getting rejected, or getting invited for an interview. Copy any of these Art teacher objective or summary examples, and use it as inspiration for your own resume. All examples are written by certified resume experts, and free for personal use.

Learn more about: objective vs. summary

Art teacher resume summaries

Enthusiastic and aspiring art teacher with strong abilities in building self-esteem and encouraging creativity in young children. Warm and friendly with both children and parents and understands how to recognize talent in children. Persuasive in getting children to become interested in art as a hobby or as a potential vocation.

Creative and passionate educator in the arts with skills pertaining to use of multimedia such as flash animation, graphic design, and videography. Highly confident in abilities to bring the best out of students and encourage them to apply their creativity to a variety of multimedia projects.

Innovative education professional with credentials in studio art and strong work ethic with great attention to detail. Adept with applying various techniques in the art of printmaking to curriculum. Uses a straightforward and articulate lecturing style when explaining lessons and projects to students.

Art teacher resume objectives

Independent creative professional with 3 years of experience in providing art appreciation to students in search of part-time opportunity to teach the basics in drawing and painting.

Visual Arts professional in the education field with 7 years of experience teaching students a variety of artistic strategies looking for opportunity to help students build critical thinking skills.

Process-oriented and innovative art teacher with 4 years of experience using modern technology in search of full-time job opportunity to help students create and design web pages.

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art teacher resume objective

Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

Art Teacher Resume Examples

Create the perfect art teacher resume using these professional examples

RC Team

Art Teaching Resume Samples

1. Candidate seeking art teacher position

Resume summary statement:

Creative Elementary Art Teacher with 10 years of experience and a strong passion for introducing children to interactive art. Adept at teaching art without computers, making instant connections with students, and creating entertaining lesson plans. Specialized in children with special needs and younger elementary school children.

Developed art activities for ongoing use throughout the school year

Created lesson plans that excited students, and made them interested in making art

Organized an annual student art show which became popular in the community

Arranged and organized student mural painted on the school wall

Innovative and passionate art teacher with 6 years of experience working with diverse student groups. Possessing successful development and expansion of creative, multicultural, and multidimensional programs in the high school curriculum. Skilled in introducing students to multiple art experiences by encouraging interest in artistic expression.

Planned and delivered a balanced, meaningful, and flexible art program that favored learning and personal growth for students

Ensured quality and disciplined learning that maximized students’ artistic achievement

Assisted students with the optimal presentation of artworks, and development of functional portfolios

Coordinated with other teachers on projects like set designs, school magazines, murals, and social media

Art Teacher Resume Vocabulary & Writing Tips

Using the right  resume keywords  is crucial to getting through to the interview phase. You must include industry-related vocabulary that matches the art teacher role you have seen in the job offer.

Take a look at our list below, along with some power words including action verbs that can strengthen your job descriptions on your resume.

Words to Use

  • Oil painting
  • Color field painting
  • Choreography
  • Minimalism art
  • Art history & critique
  • Cinématographe
  • Harlem renaissance
  • Art installation
  • American scene painting
  • Creative process
  • Art therapy
  • Mood painting

Action Verbs

  • Communicate
  • Demonstrate

Art Teacher Resume Tips and Ideas

The job of an art teacher is to instruct students on the principles, theory, and practical skills of art.

Art teachers play a role in the expression and development of children  within learning institutions, such as schools and colleges. As an art teacher, you’ll not only be instructing in art but also collaborating with other teachers to aid in the development of the students in your care.

Therefore, when  writing a resume , in addition to your degree and qualification as an art teacher, you should also showcase your ability to work with other teachers, parents, and professionals and your capacity to interact meaningfully with pupils.

As you’ll know from experience your role as an art teacher doesn’t just stop with instructing learners. Your skills may stretch to such projects as newsletters , magazines, and marketing. Displaying your experience in managing such projects is a plus for your resume.

Considering the changing needs in the workplace, with the introduction of new technologies, children need to be equipped with the most current skills, even in art. Hence,  candidates who have good computer skills and other new techniques will certainly have a better chance of getting hired.

As an art teacher, your role will involve multiple responsibilities , including showing students how to use art materials and techniques, ordering art resources, evaluating the class activity, encouraging students to create artwork, and organizing student exhibitions. Such a position typically requires a degree in Fine Arts.

  • Chronological format
  • Combination format, if you have minimal work experience
  • Sufficient spacing
  • Legible font size 12
  • Contact information
  • Objective of resume

Work experience

  • Certification
  • Personal interests

Resume Length

The  chronological   resume format  is ideal for an art teacher’s resume.

By listing your experience , starting from the most recent, you present a convincing argument for hiring managers to consider you for the role.  The work experience is a powerful indicator of the skills you possess and the achievements you gained in your career.

If you don’t have sufficient work history , you can opt for the combination resume format. The combination resume format helps you fill in gaps in your work history using your skills.

Our  online resume builder provides templates  that cater to all resume formats, including chronological and combination formats. You can use it to  create a powerful art teacher resume.

Your resume should look presentable while being easy to read.

Make sure every section of your resume has a legible font , preferably size 12. Also, give ample spacing to allow recruiters to differentiate the sections.

You can  make specific sections stand out by making the text bold or using italics.  Don’t overdo this, since it will water down the impact.

Always review the  resume design  after creating your resume by trying to observe it from a distance as well as up close. This way, you can identify issues that you might otherwise overlook.

Do not include a photo in your resume.  In the U.S., hiring managers frown on such resumes, which can influence hiring decisions based on appearance and gender, contrary to anti-discriminatory laws.

Sections of an Art Teacher Resume

Place the greatest focus on the expected sections of your resume. These sections are the critical parts of your resume that recruiters will look at, and they’ll influence their decision to move you to the next phase of the hiring process.

The primary sections include:

  • Summary statement

Optional sections you can add to improve your chances of getting hired include:

You can provide all the necessary details within a one-letter page resume (8.5’ x 11’).

Remember, you’re trying to present as much information in as few words as possible. Making your resume concise will give you the best chance of a busy recruiter reading your full resume.

Art Teacher Resume Section Headings

Headings should be clear so that the recruiter knows what to expect before reading. They should be highly relevant to the role you’re applying for.

Your work experience plays a crucial role in influencing hiring managers’ decisions. You need to give exhaustive detail of the specific schools you have worked in and the kind of responsibilities you had.

You should only focus on skills that are relevant and valuable. If you have skills that are of no value in this role, exclude them. Less is sometimes more.

Almost any role in education has a minimum formal academic qualification.

Your resume should show that you have specific art training , along with a teaching qualification, as a minimum.

Make sure anything you list adds value to the role you are applying for by highlighting the transferable skills you gained, if not immediately obvious.

Continuous training is a valuable aspect that can make you stand out from other candidates. It shows your commitment to the profession, which will benefit students and the school. It can be beneficial to add a Professional Development section, where you can list additional training.

The extent of your skills relevant to teaching art will show how well-versed you are as an art teacher. If you have only a few art-related  resume skills  and multiple unrelated skills, you may not stand out as the best applicant.

Therefore, you need to  present the right balance between technical skills and soft skills  like excellent communication abilities , leadership skills, time management, and others.

Don’t bury the most valuable skills deep within the list.  Provide the most important skills at the top , which will make recruiters notice them first.

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Substitute Teacher Learn the tricks for designing and creating an expert substitute teacher resume that conveys your expertise and will get employers calling. Updated on December 21, 2023 Substitute Teacher


Art Teacher Resume Example (Free Guide)

Create an art teacher resume that lands you the interview with our free examples and writing tips. use and customize our template and land an interview today..

Art Teacher Resume Example

This article provides a comprehensive example of an art teacher resume. It includes sections on professional experience, education, and additional skills. It also offers useful tips on how to make your resume stand out and get noticed. With this guide, you can create a resume that will make you stand out from the competition and land your dream teaching job.

We will cover:

  • How to write a resume , no matter your industry or job title.
  • What to put on a resume to stand out.
  • The top skills employers from every industry want to see.
  • How to build a resume fast with our professional Resume Builder .
  • What a resume template is, and why you should use it.

What does an Art Teacher do?

A Art Teacher is responsible for teaching students about art and art related topics, such as art history, theories, techniques, and practices. They may also be responsible for developing lesson plans, assessing progress and providing feedback, and working with students to develop their artistic skills and techniques. Additionally, Art Teachers may also need to be involved in the selection of art materials and supplies, as well as maintaining the art studio and its equipment.

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What are some responsibilities of an Art Teacher?

  • Develop and implement lesson plans that teach fundamental concepts in art and art history
  • Evaluate student performance and provide appropriate feedback
  • Assign projects, homework and tests
  • Develop and implement creative approaches to lessons
  • Maintain classroom discipline and promote a positive learning environment
  • Provide instruction in the use of materials, tools and techniques of art
  • Organize field trips to art galleries and museums
  • Incorporate technology into the classroom
  • Attend faculty meetings and participate in school-wide activities

Sample Art Teacher Resume for Inspiration

Art Teacher

Name: Jane Doe

Address: 123 Main St, Anytown, USA

Phone: 555-555-5555

Email: [email protected]

Jane Doe is an experienced Art Teacher with 7+ years in the field. She has a passion for teaching and a commitment to fostering creativity in her students. Jane is highly skilled in teaching art fundamentals and techniques while inspiring her students to develop their skills in a variety of mediums. She has a strong knowledge base in art appreciation, art history, and studio practices.

Work Experience

  • Art Teacher, Anytown Elementary School, Anytown, USA (2013-present)
  • Instruct students in grades K-5 in art fundamentals and techniques
  • Develop and implement weekly lesson plans that promote creativity and critical thinking
  • Ensure the safety of students in the classroom
  • Provide students with feedback and guidance on their art projects
  • Bachelor of Arts in Art Education, Anytown University, Anytown, USA (2009-2013)
  • Associate of Arts in Art, Anytown College, Anytown, USA (2007-2009)
  • Patience and enthusiasm for teaching
  • Ability to engage students in art projects
  • Strong knowledge of art fundamentals and techniques
  • Ability to create and implement lesson plans
  • Ability to assess student progress and provide feedback
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite and Adobe Creative Suite


  • Certified Art Teacher, Anytown Board of Education, Anytown, USA (2013)
  • CPR and First Aid Certified, Anytown Board of Education, Anytown, USA (2013)
  • English (fluent)
  • French (basic)

Resume tips for Art Teacher

Creating a perfect, career-launching resume is no easy task. Following general writing rules can help, but it is also smart to get advice tailored to your specific job search. When you’re new to the employment world, you need Art Teacher resume tips. We collected the best tips from seasoned Art Teacher - Check out their advice to not only make your writing process easier but also increase your chances of creating a resume that piques the interest of prospective employers.

  • Highlight certifications and qualifications that demonstrate knowledge and experience as an art teacher.
  • Focus on the most relevant teaching experience and accomplishments that are related to the job description.
  • Include examples of how you have implemented classroom technology to enhance student learning.
  • Demonstrate how you have built relationships with students, parents, and colleagues.
  • Include examples of how you have engaged students in creative and artistic activities.

Art Teacher Resume Summary Examples

A resume summary or resume objective is an important part of an art teacher resume. It helps to draw the attention of potential employers and provides a snapshot of your qualifications, experience, and skills. A resume summary is particularly useful for art teachers because it allows them to demonstrate their teaching experience, educational background, and knowledge in the field of art. It also allows them to showcase their strengths, such as their ability to work with students of all ages, their passion for the arts, their understanding of the importance of art education, and their commitment to student success. By utilizing a resume summary or objective, art teachers can quickly and effectively demonstrate why they are the right candidate for the job. For Example:

  • Experienced Art Teacher passionate about inspiring creativity in students. Skilled in developing comprehensive lesson plans and motivating students to reach their creative potential.
  • Dedicated Art Teacher skilled in encouraging students to explore their own creative processes. Demonstrated ability to develop engaging lessons and activities that stimulate student learning and creativity.
  • Art Teacher with 5+ years of classroom experience. Expert at providing a safe learning environment that fosters exploration and creativity. Experienced in creating engaging curriculum to meet the needs of all students.
  • Innovative Art Teacher with excellent communication skills and an ability to engage students. Skilled in developing and delivering comprehensive art lessons that stimulate student learning.
  • Highly skilled Art Teacher with a passion for encouraging students to explore their creative potential. Experienced in developing engaging lesson plans that foster student growth and development.

Build a Strong Experience Section for Your Art Teacher Resume

Building a strong experience section for an art teacher resume can help to showcase your professional background, highlight your teaching abilities, and set you apart from other applicants. It can also provide potential employers with a better understanding of your qualifications and experience. A strong experience section will help to demonstrate your knowledge and experience in the field of art education, as well as your ability to engage and inspire your students. Additionally, it can demonstrate your dedication and commitment to the profession and show employers that you are the right candidate for the job. For Example:

  • Successfully taught Art classes for elementary, middle and high school students for three years.
  • Designed creative art lessons and activities that engaged students and encouraged them to express their creativity.
  • Guided students through various art mediums and techniques, such as clay sculpting, painting, printmaking, and photography.
  • Developed and implemented an art curriculum that was in line with the school district’s standards.
  • Collaborated with other art teachers to create special projects and competitions.
  • Organized field trips to art museums, galleries, and other cultural sites.
  • Attended professional development programs to stay up to date on the latest art education methods.
  • Mentored and coached students who needed extra help.
  • Established and enforced classroom rules to ensure a safe learning environment.
  • Communicated regularly with parents to discuss student progress and behavior.

Art Teacher resume education example

A Art Teacher typically needs to have at least a bachelor's degree in art, art history, or a related field. Some states may require teachers to have a teaching license. In addition, some schools may require Art Teachers to have specialized knowledge in a particular area of art, such as painting, drawing, sculpture, or digital art. Art Teachers should also have good communication and organizational skills, as well as the ability to motivate and inspire students of all ages. Here is an example of an experience listing suitable for a Art Teacher resume:

  • Bachelor of Fine Arts, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, 2003
  • Master of Arts in Art Education, California State University, Long Beach, CA, 2005
  • California Teaching Credential, 2005
  • Certified K-12 Art Teacher, 2011

Art Teacher Skills for a Resume

Adding skills to an Art Teacher Resume is important because it shows a potential employer that you have the knowledge and experience necessary to be successful in the role. It also demonstrates your dedication to the profession and that you are an active learner. Skills can include areas of expertise, such as painting, sculpting, and design, as well as teaching abilities, such as classroom management, communication, and lesson planning. By including skills, you demonstrate your qualifications and show potential employers why you are the right candidate for the job. Soft Skills:

  • Creative Thinking
  • Organizational Skills
  • Problem Solving
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Collaborative Skills
  • Time Management
  • Team Building
  • Printmaking
  • Digital Art
  • Art History
  • Photography

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing an Art Teacher Resume

In this competitive job market, employers receive an average of 180 applications for each open position. To process these resumes, companies often rely on automated applicant tracking systems, which can sift through resumes and eliminate the least qualified applicants. If your resume is among the few that make it past these bots, it must still impress the recruiter or hiring manager. With so many applications coming in, recruiters typically give each resume only 5 seconds of their attention before deciding whether to discard it. Considering this, it's best to avoid including any distracting information on your application that could cause it to be thrown away. To help make sure your resume stands out, review the list below of what you should not include on your job application.

  • Not including a cover letter. A cover letter is a great way to explain why you are the best candidate for the job and why you want the position.
  • Using too much jargon. Hiring managers do not want to read a resume full of technical terms that they do not understand.
  • Omitting important details. Make sure to include your contact information, educational background, job history, and any relevant skills and experiences.
  • Using a generic template. Take the time to customize your resume to the job you are applying for. This will show the employer that you are serious about the position.
  • Spelling and grammar errors. Always double-check your resume for typos, spelling mistakes, and grammar errors.
  • Focusing too much on duties. Make sure to include accomplishments and successes to show the employer that you are a great candidate.
  • Including personal information. Avoid including any personal information such as age, marital status, or religious beliefs.

Key takeaways for a Art Teacher resume

  • Highlight experience in teaching art and related subjects
  • Include any awards or certifications related to art teaching
  • Demonstrate your knowledge of different mediums and artistic styles
  • Mention any volunteer or collaborative work you have done
  • Showcase your ability to create a positive learning environment
  • Showcase any additional skills such as computer skills, multimedia, and graphic design
  • Include any extracurricular activities you have led such as field trips, art shows, and contests

Create CV

Art Teacher Resume Samples

Art teachers work in schools, community centers, and other establishments to teach students about art and history of art. The art teacher as a part of the job description works around and manages various job tasks such as – supervising and assisting students in the subject, grading artwork , encouraging creativity, assisting the participating students in various projects and models, preparing lesson materials , ordering subject-oriented models, or presentation tools; instructing students through various modes such as –seminars, workshop, examination, lectures and assignments.

The art teachers should have a thorough knowledge of the subject and be proficient in latest educational methodologies, they should be able to handle sensitive students and be flexible to tolerate the mood swings of the students, and they should also have a deep understanding of child and adolescent development and manage student behavior. Mentioning in the Art Teacher Resume a college degree with a specialization in the related subject along with an appropriate training certificate makes the candidate eligible for this position.

Art Teacher Resume example

  • Resume Samples
  • Art Teacher

Art Teacher Resume

Summary : Creative and resourceful art teacher trained in a variety of media with experience teaching art production, art history, and art appreciation and creating inter-disciplinary and open-ended lessons. Proven ability to maintain a highly motivated and well-disciplined classroom. Ability to foster student creativity and motivation by using positive reinforcement to ensure each child succeeds and feels confident in their own abilities.

Skills : Drawing, Painting, Graphics, Bilingual Spanish/ English and Dutch.

Art Teacher Resume Example

Description :

  • Taught art history, appreciation, and production to students preschool through fifth grade, including general education classes, inclusive classrooms, and self-contained autistic classes.
  • Created and maintained digital student portfolios, used to track progress throughout school year, and over the course of several years, as well as to engage family and community participation in the arts.
  • Collaborated with other related arts teachers, classroom teachers, and special education teachers to supplement curriculum with creative arts projects.
  • Supported staff to incorporate art with character education and anti-bullying lessons.
  • Constructed school-wide art projects that include the community, such as municipal-sponsored contests and recycled object murals.
  • Wrote and implemented art curriculum for elementary grades, providing a comprehensive art experience for students from year to year.
  • Guided and mentored new art teachers in district.

Elementary School Art Teacher Resume

Objective : A multi-faceted, imaginative and reliable Teaching Artist with over fourteen years experience with a wide array of artistic mediums and age levels. Talent for instilling art appreciation and promoting creativity, while maintaining a well-disciplined and motivated classroom.

Skills : Art assignments, Art techniques, Art materials, Art history.

Elementary School Art Teacher Resume Format

  • Designed and presented exciting lessons that actively engaged learners, while educating them on the proper artistic methodologies and various technical aspects.
  • Providing students with opportunities to reach their full potential through creative expression, cognitive strategies, and a broad range of aesthetic historical, critical, and production experiences.
  • Certified Art Education instructor for grades kindergarten to grade 12.
  • Designed a supportive and positive classroom that adheres to school guidelines.
  • Developed detailed lesson plans for grades 9 through 12.
  • Promoted a fun and inventive educational atmosphere where students were engaged in learning to see art as a creative expression.
  • Included the use of PowerPoint, book references, and hands-on demonstration to verify attention to learning styles.

Art Teacher Assistant Resume

Objective : Let us love our children by helping them gain the skills and knowledge necessary to be healthy and ready to learn. We all need to support their learning and discovery of the world that surrounds them. And as a drawing teacher, I am fortunate to witness their endless creativity and curiosity.

Skills : Wrote Art curriculum and Kindergarten curriculum for the classroom, Entered students in various exhibitions and won numerous awards.

Art Teacher Assistant Resume Model

  • Bring knowledge and talent into the classroom to introduce students to art in its many forms and traditions.
  • Instructed students at all levels to encourage and assist students to express themselves through art.
  • Educated students in elements and principles of art through disciplines such as drawing, painting, and three-dimensional media.
  • Integrated other disciplines such as language arts, math, history, and science.
  • Established classroom management for classes of twenty to twenty-five students.
  • Fulfilled all the responsibilities and duties of a classroom teacher, including following curriculum guidelines, keeping records, and maintaining order in the classroom.
  • Adapted teaching methods and instructional materials to meet students' varying needs and interests.

Head Start Teacher Resume

Headline : To utilize my multidisciplinary art skills and education to secure a position working in the art, or fashion design field. I have 5+ years of industry experience concept creating, designing, patternmaking, constructing complex projects, teaching and working as a freelance professional designer and artist..

Skills : Microsoft Office, Creative Direction, Fashion Design, Photoshop, Art Direction.

Head Start Teacher Resume Example

  • Taught knowledge and skills in art, including drawing, painting, sewing, sculpture, and art history.
  • Provided instruction by which students develop aesthetic concepts and appreciations and the ability to make qualitative judgments about art.
  • Instructed students in proper care and use of tools and equipment.
  • Organized storage areas and control the use of materials, equipment, and tools to prevent loss or abuse and to minimize the time required for distribution and collection.
  • Evaluated each student's performance and growth in knowledge and aesthetic understandings, and prepared progress reports.
  • Planned and presented art displays and exhibitions designed to exhibit students' work for the school and the community.
  • Maintained professional competence and participate in educational activities provided by the school.

Lead Head Start Teacher Resume

Objective : Experience as a part-time after school art teacher for a studio and private elementary schools throughout the region. His field of study focuses on the fine arts, along with education-related methods such as teaching procedures, basic childhood development, and curriculum development in accordance to state and national art and common core standards.

Skills : Fine artist, Customer Service Skills, Teaching, Photoshop, Indesign, Accounting, Event Planning, Fundraising.

Lead Head Start Teacher Resume Example

  • Instructed students individually and in groups, using various teaching methods such as lectures, discussions, and demonstrations.
  • Established clear objectives for all lessons, units, and projects and communicate those objectives to students.
  • Established and enforced rules for behavior and procedures for maintaining order among the students for whom they are responsible.
  • Met with parents and guardians to discuss their children's progress and to determine priorities for their children and their resource needs.
  • Prepared students for later grades by encouraging them to explore learning opportunities and to persevere with challenging tasks.
  • Prepared materials and classrooms for class activities.

Art Teacher II Resume

Summary : Most of my career was spent as an Art and Enrichment Teacher in a traditional elementary classroom. Recently, I have been teaching Art Pre K through 8th grades, in two private elementary schools. I am interested in teaching preschool through elementary level students, part time or full time.

Skills : Drawing, Painting, printmaking, Teaching.

Art Teacher II Resume Template

  • Teach, prepare and implement art lessons in accordance with HCPS/MD state curriculum guidelines for high school/middle school students in an alternative high school setting.
  • Meet the social, academic, and mental needs of the "at risk" student.
  • To incorporate and instill the PBIS behavior system to improve student behaviors and school environment in a positive manner.
  • Collaborate and communicate the needs of the students with counselors, psychologists, behavioral specialists and special education staff.
  • To cooperate and communicate in a professional manner with students, parents, administration and fellow staff members.
  • To provide a safe, nurturing, academic environment for my students to enjoy their visual art experience.
  • Prepare and advise students on graduation requirements as well as preparation for college and/or trade education beyond high school.

Art Teacher/Science Teacher Resume

Headline : A professional and success-oriented individual seeking a position offering the challenge and growth necessary for a long-term career.

Skills : Word, Powerpoint.

Art Teacher/Science Teacher Resume Format

  • Work with students in grades 9-12th teaching in areas of art, which is integrated with math, science, ELA, social studies, project management, problem solving, etc.
  • Plan and develope a ceramics program from introductory level that would progress to advanced.
  • Plan and teach lessons that engage students in a variety of mediums, styles, artists, and eras that are consistent with SC and District standards.
  • Build strong relationships with students in the classroom, to encourage and motivate them to be their best and give guidance in good and right choices for their future.
  • Provide an environment where students can express their creativity, skill, and growth in knowledge of techniques, vocabulary, and history of art.
  • Monitor and maintain consistent gradebook and feedback for students.
  • Develop relationships and interact with parents on student performance.

Art Teacher III Resume

Summary : High-energy art teacher who is focused on promoting student growth while maintaining positive relationships with administration and the community. Consistently delivers first-rate coaching and fosters positive relationships with the community to encourage stability and loyalty. Tech-savvy, highly accurate and efficient in general operations.

Skills : Skilled planner and organizer Excellent interpersonal,.

Art Teacher III Resume Example

  • Developed daily art instruction based on the requirements of the Minnesota state curriculum standards for K-5 Elementary students.
  • Being able to juggle the diversity between ages in the elementary setting, especially in the span of one day.
  • To adjust to the different learning needs of each student on every level.
  • Building relationships with co-workers, and parents in order to make the learning experience the most beneficial to the students.
  • Skills Used Communication skills, to explain the material in the curriculum in a variety of ways to students who have diverse learning styles.
  • Interpersonal skills, such as patience and the ability to remain calm in stressful situations.
  • Collaborative skills to work productively with colleagues.

Visual Art Teacher Resume

Summary : Over 10 years experience in designing, developing and delivering successful training programs, ensuring that learning experiences are efficient, effective, and appealing to students.

Skills : Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Microsoft Word,.

Visual Art Teacher Resume Template

  • Collaborates with Student Improvement Team.
  • Teach art classes and integrates core subject concepts to a diverse array of students of varying ages and abilities.
  • Plans and organizes hands-on activities that encourage active participation, involvement, and team work.
  • Creates an orderly, and positive learning environment, conducive to high levels of engagement and learning.
  • Design project based lessons and blended learning modalities into the art curriculum Incorporating cultural, social, mathematical and historical components into lessons and assist learners in making connections to core subjects and expand learning outcomes.
  • Foster and encourage student reflection, critical thinking and analysis of the learning objectives and processes.
  • Certified Mental First Aid First Responder.

Art Teacher Head Resume

Summary : Accomplished educator with demonstrated ability to teach, motivate, and direct students while maintaining high interest and achievement. Strong ability to break complex tasks into simple steps in order to facilitate excellent results. Articulate communicator able to effectively interact with diverse populations of students at a variety of academic and economic levels. Consistently maintain excellent relations with students, parents, faculty, and administrators.

Skills : Art Direction, Excel, Word, Educator.

Art Teacher Head Resume Format

  • Developed various lesson plans utilizing age-appropriate material and focusing on relevant topics including wildlife, landscapes, and cartoons.
  • Prompted student motivation, participation, and listening skills through positive reinforcement and weekly recognition.
  • Designed and presented exciting lessons that actively engaged the learners while educating on proper artistic methods and various technical aspects.
  • Provided students with opportunities to reach their fullest potential through creative expression.
  • Offered extracurricular tutoring to ensure each student is able to understand the material.
  • Communicated weekly progress to parents and assisted with tuition and student schedules.
  • Acting Manager when needed and assistant to the Enrichment Program manager when needed.

Volunteer Art Teacher Resume

Summary : Experienced art teacher seeking a position where I can emphasize the importance of art and provide a positive classroom environment for students to express their talent.

Skills : Considerable artistic abilities and Knowledge of aesthetics and art history.

Volunteer Art Teacher Resume Template

  • Designed and presented lessons that engaged the students while teaching artistic methodologies and various techniques.
  • Provided opportunities for each student to reach their fullest potential by creative expression.
  • Increased student motivation, awareness and understanding of art.
  • Achieved student participation by using creativity and incorporating "real life" connection in the classroom in order to gain and maintain student's interest and self expression.
  • Promoted student motivation and listening skills through the implementation of positive reinforcement.
  • Promoted student participation in local high school art shows.
  • Offered one on one tutoring to ensure that each student understood the material.

Objective : To teach children while doing fun projects, enforcing academic and strategic thinking skills and confidence, using creativity, compassion, and cultural sensitivity in a structured and orderly environment.

Skills : Microsoft Word, Excel, And Power Point.

Art Teacher Resume Format

  • Educated students about art principles, art elements, art history, and present day art/artists.
  • Encouraged the fostering of student's creativity and problem solving skills.
  • Worked with students of different abilities, including self-contained special education students.
  • Created and implemented standards based lesson plans and assessments.
  • Started the process of integrating college and career readiness standards into art lessons when possible.
  • Integrated relevant math, reading, science, and social studies into art projects.
  • Developed and implemented a full Art program for Kindergarten through 8th grades with 650 students.

Table of Contents

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Art Teacher Resume Sample. CV Template for Art Educators

Create your unique resume faster.

Just click "Edit this resume" to get a quick start and easily build a perfect resume in just a few minutes. Fill in your own details, change colors or templates & start your job application today!

Art Teacher

Pittsburgh, PA


Highly skilled fine art educator and adept in curriculum development. Expert in drawing, painting, aesthetics and art appreciation. Possessing a strong commitment to the development of students while providing an engaging, safe and supportive learning environment. Dynamic, team player with a proven track record in collaborating with the school community, maintaining excellence in education and creating safe, inclusive spaces

Art Teacher / Grades 1-5

American creative academy, 2018 present.

  • Developed an engaging and creative curriculum, which fostered a classroom environment conducive to learning while promoting excellent student/teacher interaction consisting of consistent, authentic feedback
  • Developed and implemented various thematic lesson plans utilizing age-appropriate and relevant material
  • Organized and implemented effective strategies and monitor student achievement

Art Teacher / Grades K-8

William levering elementary, forest hills, pa.

  • Designed and presented exciting lessons that actively engage learners while educating on proper artistic methodologies and various artistic media
  • Supervised the portfolio building process for eighth-grade students preparing for entrance into secondary school art programs
  • Directed planning and supervision of a school mural
  • Participated in student community art projects


Book design and illustration, master of education / art education, arcadia university, jan 2012 jul 2015, bachelor of fine arts / graphic design, parsons school of design, feb 2008 dec 20012, certifications, k-12 art education.

State of Pennsylvania

Art Teacher's Resume Tips and Tricks

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world," so said Albert Einstein, and can you find fault with it?

With that thought, imagine you could create an art teacher resume so amazing that the recruiter will sit up and pay attention.

Like the moment you discovered your favorite artist.

As an art teacher, you might work with pottery or photography, clay modeling or make-up, unleashing creativity, or constraining new media, our complete guide to getting your resume polished will help you land the art teacher job you always wanted.

Let’s answer your burning questions, like:

  • What should be on an art teacher resume?
  • How to list art skills on resume for art teacher job?
  • How to write a resume summary for art teacher?

And back them up with art teacher resume examples!

Write art teacher resume objective or summary as a self-portrait

Going for an art teacher job, you either need to include a summary of your professional skills or add a resume objective right at the top.

  • A professional summary is when your experience spans more than two years
  • Use a resume objective when you have little or no experience as an art teacher

Think of your summary or resume objectives for teacher of art like your self-portrait.

Using this short, 3 or 4 line paragraph shows the principal where you’ve come from, how good an educator you are, your experience with art, and what you want to get out of teaching.

Let’s check out an objective you might find on a beginning teacher resume:

Got experience and need to know how to write a resume summary for art teacher?

We’ve got a great example of the type of summary to write for a high school teacher resume:

You may be looking at online art teaching jobs wanting to apply for private school art teacher jobs; either way, be sure your opening paragraph matches the art teacher job description in the advert.

Go through it in detail and use power words to convey action rather than pack it with teacher resume buzzwords.

Add teacher resume skills

A common question from teachers is how to list art skills on resume for art teacher job?

First, we should know what skills apply to an art teacher!

We’ve put together this list of important skills of a teacher resume for arts-based jobs:

Say you want to move from teaching another subject or you’re just starting out in your career.

You don’t want to make a mundane list of skills, like so:

Make your skills section look nice and packed with details.

Check this example of how to list art skills on resume for a new art teacher job:

  • Took classes in web design and digital media during my degree program
  • Scholar of art history with multiple college credits in the field
  • Certificate in Special Education 2020
  • Special mention in teacher appraisal for classroom management

Clearly, there’s more to art teacher qualifications than what Bob Ross made out!

Be sure that both your hard and soft skills are prominent in your resume.

Want to make sure you include absolutely everything your resume needs? Try out our teacher resume template for free! Browse templates 🔎

List your art teacher achievements for resume correctly

Resume writing for teachers is as easy as grading a test - you follow the formula.

For your work experience section, include the art teacher duties that are most relevant to the job posting and back up all your claims with solid evidence, plus include your awards and accolades. This shows you’re as gifted and talented as your AP students.

This is what you should aim for as an example :

  • Planned, prepared, and taught courses for students across grades 9-12
  • Instituted a virtual art gallery to showcase new and classic media creations, winning school groups "Classroom Innovator Award 2018"
  • Worked with SaaS companies to provide creative tools at a discount and provide tutorials for students
  • Innovated an art curriculum focused on real-world challenges and engaged with cultural issues

What do you think?

You’ve got numbers, you can see this person’s passion, and it’s clear that they care about what they do.

This is the level you should be aiming for!

Pro-Tip No teaching experience yet? Include any volunteer roles or days as a substitute teacher. Read stories to children working in a library; add it in!

Art teacher cover letter tips

The cover letter is like the program at the gallery.

It offers a teaser of what the reader will get in your resume and should make you the standout candidate.

A cover letter and resume are both different media, so be sure you understand the difference before launching into yours.

A great cover letter will read something like this:

The bulk of the text should be all about why you’re the best candidate for the role at their school on a personal and professional level.

Art Teacher Career Outlook Insights

In the US, the average teacher salary across the board is $39,654/year .

Using employment marketplace data from across the US and Zip Recruiter , we’ve found nine best art teacher quotes salaries that are more than the national average.

Washington state comes out on top, with Maryland and Nebraska coming in close silver and bronze positions.

Nebraska tops the national average by a strong 5.8%, with Washington nearly ten percent about the national standard for art teachers.

In most art teacher roles, you can expect to get paid somewhere in the region of $31,000 to $43,500 .

What effect does this have on your career?

It means that there are career advancement opportunities ahead and higher salaries when you build your skills, gain experience, and are prepared to change locations.

Our simple resume templates for teachers of art and other subjects are waiting to be explored to help you move on up in your career! Build your resume now 👈
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Art Teacher Resume Sample

Are you looking for an eye-catching and creative art teacher resume? This example is sure to grab the reader's attention and really helped Denise stand out from the competition!

We included an appealing, relevant icon at the top of the page, which demonstrates Denise's creativity. In this example, we've utilized a light blue border to brighten up the resume and make it more visually appealing . The formatting for this art educator resume has been kept very clean and easy to read; thus, allowing the hiring administrator to peruse through it efficiently, without missing key items.

Instead of using a long art teacher resume objective we used the title of the job she wishes to secure. Denise's resume begins with a strong professional summary profile detailing her strengths as an art teacher. It touches on both her art skills and ability to teach a variety of different artistic methods, as well as her general teaching and classroom management expertise.

Teachers Resume Writing Process

Since Denise's education and teaching credentials are relatively recent, we listed them right after the resume profile. In addition to being obtained somewhat recently, they are also pertinent to the teaching position she is seeking, since her bachelor's and master's degrees are in fine art and education respectively.

When you review this art instructor resume example, you will see many examples of educational keywords , which are critical to obtaining an art teacher job interview — this is especially true if your teaching resume is scanned through ATS Applicant Tracking System. To help with this, we've also included an areas of expertise section with important keywords listed, such as classroom management, technology integration, and artistic instruction.

Denise's elemetary school job history is also very solid, making it easy to come up with several relevant teaching accomplishments that will impress the school principal or school district superintendent. As she is currently employed as an art teacher, this job experience is very important to highlight thoroughly.

We began her job experience by describing her daily duties including designing creative lesson plans in paragraph form. This is followed by bullet points showcasing her accomplishments. She has achieved many accolades in her position. One such strong achievement includes: "Initiated an after school art club to provide students with additional opportunities to further their artistic capabilities and discover new mediums".

In page two, Denise's art instructor resume conveys her many teaching talents and skills, while communicating her passion to instil art appreciation within her students. As well, her accomplishments really sell her as a potential job candidate. We demonstrated how Denise was able to achieve student participation, encourage student creativity, motivate children, and incorporate interdisciplinary elements.

You will also notice that the second page has included a page header that contains her name and the page number. This is important, as all pages of your application should contain your name, and by including the page number, this ensures that your resume will remain intact with all pages included.

The second page of Denise's resume continues her professional experiences with another art teacher position followed by a substitute teaching job. Once again, we have described Denise's duties and accomplishments in her second art teaching position. This time we have highlighted different responsibilities and achievements that show her ability to teach art to a wide variety of student populations in different grade levels and school communities.

Her substitute teaching experience is also highlighted because it demonstrates her ability to teach in additional subject areas, as well as her ability to adapt and be flexible in her teaching. This resume format works excellent with her background.

Achievements are the most important part of a resume , so make sure to include them in your art teacher resume. Instead of just listing your duties and skills, accomplishments show what you have done for a school in the past, letting a potential school know what you can do for them in the future.

Achievements should follow the C.A.R. method: challenge, action, result. What was a challenge you faced, what actions did you take to solve it, and what was the result? For instance, in Denise's resume, one of her accomplishments is as follows: taught third grade students the division of space in creating their own compositions through the use of mixed media, watercolors, and acrylics where they created original paintings by observing other artists' works. If your job search isn't working it may be time to revisit your resume and make sure you have relevant achievements included.

Following her experience section, we have included a professional development section and a professional affiliation section. It's always important to demonstrate how you are dedicated toward your own self-growth as an educator, as well as your commitment to remaining up-to-date with your skills. Denise has completed courses in art-related areas as well as in more general teaching subjects. Her membership in the National Art Institute and National Education Association has also been highlighted.

Since Denise's resume started with a bang, we wanted to close with one too! At the end of this art teacher resume example you will find a positive quote from a famous artist. We have numerous other ideas for building a creative resume, and are always open to suggestions!

You can also view the matching cover letter that complements this art teacher resume example.

Click the following links to see the pdf version of this art teacher resume.

Read in-depth resume formatting tips for educators to gain some modern ideas to enhance the format of your existing education resume.

DENISE SOMEONE, M.A.E. 123 One Street • Anywhere, TX Home: 555-555-5555 • Cell: 555-555-5556 • [email protected]


Resourceful and imaginative teaching professional highly trained in a wide array of artistic mediums. Talent for instilling art appreciation, and promoting creativity and open-mindedness. Proven ability to maintain a well-disciplined and highly motivated classroom. Offer individualized support and provide positive encouragement to ensure that each child succeeds. Collaborative educator, with outstanding communication and interpersonal skills to cultivate and sustain strong relationships within the school community.

Areas of Expertise

  • Classroom Management
  • Student Motivation
  • Artistic Instruction
  • Interactive Learning
  • Differentiated Instruction
  • Thematic Units
  • Visual Aids
  • Technology Integration


Master of Art Education Art University, Anywhere, TX, 2016, GPA 4.0

Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art Art University, Anywhere, TX, 2012, GPA 3.8

State of California Teaching Credential, K-6


ABC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – ANYWHERE, TX 8/2014 – Present Art Teacher

Design and present exciting lessons that actively engage learners, while educating on proper artistic methodologies and various technical aspects. Provide students with opportunities to reach their fullest potential through creative expression, cognitive strategies, and broad range of aesthetic, historical, critical, and production experiences. Offer extracurricular tutoring to ensure each student is able to understand the material.

  • Initiated an after-school Art Club to provide students with additional opportunities to further their artistic capabilities and discover new mediums.
  • Developed and implemented various thematic lesson plans utilizing age-appropriate material and focusing on relevant topics including wildlife, greenery, and landscapes.
  • Successfully achieved student participation by utilizing creativity and incorporating a "real life" connection into the classroom in order to gain and maintain students' interest and encourage self-expression.
  • Prompted student motivation, participation, and effective listening skills through the implementation of positive reinforcement and weekly rewards.
  • Positively impacted classroom activities by utilizing overhead projectors, computers, movies, outside speakers, and puzzles gearing lessons both visually and conceptually.

XYZ ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – ANYWHERE, TX 8/2013 – 5/2014 Art Teacher

Raised student awareness, understanding, and appreciation of the visual arts through creative instruction. Assessed and evaluated approximately 700 students. Acted as creator and promoter of student displays at ABC Art Gallery. Held parent-teacher conferences to keep parents up-to-date on their child's progress and address disciplinary matters. Developed creative, multidisciplinary lesson plans on various art topics; focused on diverse areas of interest and the real world to effectively convey concepts and aid in learning.

  • Developed an innovative art program with strong interdisciplinary connection, which integrated all subject areas and numerous diverse cultures.
  • Created fun and engaging educational and recreational projects, enabling students to gain knowledge with numbers, letters, patterns, sounds, shapes, colors, and reading.
  • Taught third grade students the division of space in creating their own compositions through the use of mixed media, water colors, and acrylics where they created original paintings by observing other artists' works.

ABC CITY SCHOOLS – ANYWHERE, TX 1/2013 – 5/2013 Substitute Teacher

Travelled throughout the school district substitute teaching all core subjects for grades K-5. Implemented pre-planned lessons and activities in accordance with school standards and teachers' guidelines. Utilized a cooperative discipline model and established a reward system to maintain a positive and focused classroom.


Art Appreciation • The Well-Disciplined Classroom • Rubrics Scoring

Computer Integration • Discipline Made Easy • Parent Communication

Using Positive Reinforcement in the Classroom • Incorporating Visual Images


National Art Institute • National Education Association

"The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place; from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider's web."

::: Pablo Picasso :::

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  1. Top 18 Art Teacher Resume Objective Examples

    Examples of resume objectives could include: "Seeking an art teacher role where I can utilize my creativity and passion for teaching to help students develop an appreciation of art" or "Dedicated educator looking to apply my knowledge of classroom management and art history to inspire students". Use this template.

  2. Art Teacher Resume Examples [+Objective]

    Since you have to complete a degree to get most art teacher jobs, skip the high school entry on your resume. Pro Tip: Relevant coursework for art teaching jobs include anything to do with artistic styles, artistic movements, media, art history, and methods. 5. Highlight Your Art Teacher Skills.

  3. Art Teacher Resume (Sample & How to Write)

    Here's a list of some key art teacher hard skills to highlight in your resume: Project management skills. Understanding of art principles (theory, materials, and techniques) Teaching and instruction for individuals and groups. Progress reporting and assessment. Lesson planning.

  4. Art Teacher Resume Examples, Templates & Tips for 2024

    Art Teacher Resume Objective GOOD EXAMPLE A Boston University Art Education student, on the Dean's List with a 3.8 GPA, seeking to gain invaluable teaching experience at Littlewood High. Ready to contribute behavior management skills for children with developmental delays and ADHD, gained through targeted education in the Special Education ...

  5. How To Write an Art Teacher Resume (With Example and Tips)

    4. Add your educational background. Provide your educational background on your resume to show you have earned the necessary qualifications. Art teachers commonly hold bachelor's degrees in education or art. List the degree you've earned, your major or area of study and where you went to school.

  6. 5 Art Teacher Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    No matter if you chose a summary or objective, get some extra inspiration from real-world professional creative art teacher resumes: Resume summaries for a creative art teacher job Seasoned Creative Art Teacher with over 10 years of dynamic experience in fostering a robust learning environment in high school settings.

  7. 2024 Art Teacher Resume Example (+Guidance)

    As an Art Teacher, your resume should reflect your creativity, expertise, and passion for teaching. Here are some keywords and action verbs that you might want to consider incorporating: 1. Art Techniques: Mention specific art techniques that you are proficient in, such as painting, drawing, sculpture, printmaking, ceramics, or digital art.

  8. Art Teacher Resume Examples & Writing Guide 2024

    Resume writing/. Art Teacher Resume Examples & Writing Guide 2024. 17 August 2021. Creativity and an ability to articulate theory, practice, and history of Art are just a few of the qualities educators are seeking today. While teaching Art is a specialty position, trying to land that perfect job can be challenging.

  9. Art Teacher Resume Examples & Writing Tips (2024)

    As a source of advice to job seekers in hundreds of different occupations, maintains that successful resume writing is also an art. This writing guide illustrates how to take that approach, with reference to an adaptable art teacher resume example. 4.3. Average rating. 38 people've already rated it.

  10. Art Teacher Resume Examples & Formats

    Use an art teacher resume objective. As we discussed previously, an art teacher resume objective places more emphasis on one's career goal. Thus, it is more suitable for an art teacher resume with no teaching experience.  Highlight education for the entry-level art teacher resume. Education is a critical indicator of a fresher's ...

  11. 3 Art Teacher Resume Examples to Land Your Next Job in 2024

    Top 5 Tips for Your Art Teacher Resume. Go sleek and modern. Recruiters have only a few seconds on average for that initial skim over your resume. While you're eager to stand out as a creative mentor, keep color usage to a tasteful minimum. Stick with clean, modern fonts for high readability, too. Tailor your niche to the job description.

  12. Art teacher

    Art teacher resume objectives. Independent creative professional with 3 years of experience in providing art appreciation to students in search of part-time opportunity to teach the basics in drawing and painting. Visual Arts professional in the education field with 7 years of experience teaching students a variety of artistic strategies ...

  13. Art Teacher Resume Sample and Guide

    Art Teaching Resume Samples. 1. Candidate seeking art teacher position. Art Teacher. Resume summary statement: Creative Elementary Art Teacher with 10 years of experience and a strong passion for introducing children to interactive art. Adept at teaching art without computers, making instant connections with students, and creating entertaining ...

  14. Art Teacher Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

    Art Teacher Resume Examples. Art Teachers are employed by various education institutions and are in charge with instructing students on art principles, theory, and practical skills. Typical resume samples for Art Teachers highlight duties such as ordering art resources, showing students how to use materials and techniques, encouraging students ...

  15. Art Teacher Resume Example (Free Guide)

    Here is an example of an experience listing suitable for a Art Teacher resume: Bachelor of Fine Arts, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, 2003. Master of Arts in Art Education, California State University, Long Beach, CA, 2005. California Teaching Credential, 2005. Certified K-12 Art Teacher, 2011.

  16. Art Teacher Resume Sample

    Download this art teacher resume sample here. Also, Monster has pay-related data to give you an idea of what you can potentially earn as an art teacher. The median salary for an art teacher is $47,764, with a range between $31,364 and $74,962. High-demand locations for art teachers include:

  17. Art Teacher Resume Samples

    Art Teacher Resume. Objective : To teach children while doing fun projects, enforcing academic and strategic thinking skills and confidence, using creativity, compassion, and cultural sensitivity in a structured and orderly environment. Skills : Microsoft Word, Excel, And Power Point. Download Resume PDF.

  18. Art Teacher Resume Example & Art Educator CV Template

    And back them up with art teacher resume examples! Write art teacher resume objective or summary as a self-portrait. Going for an art teacher job, you either need to include a summary of your professional skills or add a resume objective right at the top. A professional summary is when your experience spans more than two years ; Use a resume ...

  19. Art Teacher Resume Sample

    Instead of using a long art teacher resume objective we used the title of the job she wishes to secure. Denise's resume begins with a strong professional summary profile detailing her strengths as an art teacher. It touches on both her art skills and ability to teach a variety of different artistic methods, as well as her general teaching and ...

  20. Top 10 Art Teacher Resume Objective Examples

    Experienced Art Teacher Resume Objective Examples. 1. Passionate and dedicated art teacher, eager to provide engaging instruction to empower all students of ABC High School. Known for inspiring the passion needed for students to achieve their goals, live their best lives, and positively impact the world. Bachelor's Degree in Arts.

  21. Teacher Resume Objective: 14 Examples for Your Resume

    14 Teacher Resume Objective Examples. The last thing you want to do is plop a generic objective at the top of your teacher resume. To make your resume objective stand out, incorporate specific details about your teaching skills and experience to show administrators how their school will benefit from your expertise.