Distance Learning: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction, the essence of distance learning, advantages and disadvantages of distance learning, works cited.

Computer and information technologies have significantly affected all spheres of human life. These technologies have also changed the field of education, since the improvement and development of this direction is one of the main mechanisms that make up the public life of the United States. Thus, a new form of distance learning has appeared in modern human life, which, along with the traditional form, has taken an important place in our society. This kind of training allows not only to study but also to improve the qualification level of its users.

The research paper offered to the reader is devoted to the concept of distance learning, as well as its advantages and disadvantages. The question of the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning has been in the focus of research attention especially against the background of a general quarantine, which justifies the actuality of this topic. To facilitate the preparation of this final project, the author formulates the problem in several forms of proposals, namely:

  • Analysis of the phenomenon of distance learning.
  • Analysis of the pros and cons of distance learning.

This study focuses on analyzing the pros and cons of distance learning, as well as predicting its further application. The results of this study are of practical use, because they will be of interest to students and teachers who are choosing whether to switch to remote learning.

Sawsan Abuhammad, the Assistant Professor in Jordan University of Science and Technology, in his article “Barriers to distance learning during the COVID-19 outbreak: A qualitative review from parents’ perspective” (2020) states the following. The author claims that many parents have faced serious problems in the process of distance learning of their children. The author believes that the barriers that arose among the parents were of a personal, financial and technical nature. The author also states that these barriers need to be eliminated with the help of some changes, including through communication with other parents and students.

The author used the social network Facebook to recognize local groups, as well as keywords including distance learning, parents and Jordan. The author used a general qualitative method and analyzed all the messages and posts of parents related to this topic. This article was written by the author in order to describe and clarify the ideas of parents about the obstacles to distance learning during the coronavirus crisis (Abuhammad). The main audience of this article is parents, as well as persons representing the government and making decisions regarding distance learning. Thus, in the process of distance learning, many parents have various barriers that need to be overcome. We intend to use this source to demonstrate the problems and difficulties of distance learning.

Živko Bojović, Petar D. Bojović, Dušan Vujošević and Jelena Šuh, in their article “Education in times of crisis: Rapid transition to distance learning” (2020), state the following. They claim that the pandemic crisis has a negative effect on the standard of living and education. The authors believe that violation can pose a serious threat, and therefore a working model is needed that will allow switching from the traditional form of training to distance learning quickly and painlessly. The authors also argue that distance learning is acceptable on a long-term basis, if it is implemented correctly.

The authors of this article used a modeling method that allowed them to determine organizational and technical solutions for maintaining the quality of teaching. In addition, the authors used the method of comparative analysis of the survey data of students and teachers. The article was written by the authors in order to facilitate the transition from traditional learning to distance learning against the background of the pandemic and quarantine (Bojović et al.). The model developed by them has many advantages and thoughtful solutions. The main audience of this article is teachers and other representatives of educational institutions who face the difficult task of implementing distance learning. We intend to use this article to better understand the essence of distance learning, as well as its advantages.

Tim Surma and Paul A. Kirschner in their article, “Technology enhanced distance learning should not forget how learning happens” (2020), state the following. They believe that the traditional type of learning is under threat due to the accelerated process of adapting the traditional learning process to a new, remote one. They argue that modern technologies are both a danger and a chance for education to reach a completely new level.

The authors of this article used the methods of surveys and interviews to find out the attitude of students and teachers to the new form of education, and to track the progress in learning. This article was written by the authors in order to provide the importance of clear guidelines and optimal use of distance learning technologies (Surma and Kirschner). Moreover, the authors identified important principles that will help students get used to a new form of education, for example, feedback and an individual approach. The main audiences of this article are students, parents and teachers who will be interested in this information for the successful implementation of distance learning. We intend to use this article to understand the possible future prospects of the distance learning method.

John Traxler, the Professor of Digital Learning in the Institute of Education at the University of Wolverhampton, in his article, “Distance Learning—Predictions and Possibilities” (2018), states the following. The author claims that the definition of distance learning is not clear, but vague and changeable. The author considers the process of distance learning in a global context and studies the issue of adaptation and implementation of distance learning. The author believes that people should be ready for global changes, be open and aware, since changes are inevitable.

The author of this article uses observation and comparison methods that allow determining the essence of distance learning, the danger of pressure on educational institutions, as well as the importance of innovations in education. This article was written by the author in order to create a complete understanding of the phenomenon of distance education in a global context (Traxler). In addition, this article demonstrates the difficulties of distance learning application in conditions of ignorance or isolation. The main audience of this article is teachers, students and parents who want to get acquainted in more detail with the concept of distance learning in a global context. We intend to use this article to learn more about what distance learning is, as well as its goals and objectives.

The main benefit of distance learning is that it allows a person to study anywhere, but requires a computer and the Internet. The material is easily accessible and easy to handle and structure, and it also has all the necessary features that students of higher educational institutions need. In addition, the student is free to build their own individual training schedule, depending on their free time and desire to study (Lassoued et al.). The difference between classical distance learning and its more advanced form is small – the lack of personal communication between students and teachers (Bojović et al.). In this paper, the pros and cons of distance learning will be considered, but first it is required to understand the very essence of distance learning.

In the process of remote learning, students and teachers are at a significant spatial and temporal distance from each other. Teachers use a variety of computer technologies to make the process of remote learning as interesting and useful for students as possible (Schneider and Council). Distance type of education has an important goal-to expand opportunities and provide new services for those people who want to acquire new skills or change their profession. There are six main forms of distance learning, which are the most common.

  • external education;
  • university education;
  • training that involves the cooperation of several educational institutions;
  • creation of specialized institutions where distance classes are held;
  • autonomous learning systems;
  • special multimedia courses that differ in a certain informal component.

At the same time, different technologies are combined: pedagogical, informational, and often andragogic. There is a British synchronous model of distance learning and an American asynchronous one. Distance education is a new, specific form of education, somewhat different from the usual forms of full-time or distance learning (Dietrich et al.). As for the present, the real contingent of potential students can include those who are often on business trips, military personnel, women on maternity leave, and people with physical disabilities. In addition, this category consists of those who want to get additional education with a lack of time. Distance learning has several key characteristics that are important to consider when analyzing this type of learning.

  • flexible and convenient schedule of classes;
  • modularity;
  • mass character;
  • active mutual communication and a variety of communication tools;
  • the totality of knowledge and orientation to the independence of students, to the motivation of learning.

Indeed, the effectiveness of distance learning directly depends on those teachers who work with students on the Internet. Such teachers should be psychologically ready to work with students in a new educational and cognitive network environment. Another problem is the infrastructure of student information support in networks. The question of what the structure and composition of the educational material should be remains open. Also, the question is raised about the conditions of access to distance learning courses.

Analyzing the components of distance learning related to the educational institution, they can determine the structure of the network system. It should include educational material submitted in the form of programs, tasks, control and graduation papers, and scientific and practical assistance (Costa et al.). The student should be provided with fundamental printed textbooks, teaching aids, and hypertext multimedia programs (Arthur-Nyarko et al.). Additional materials may include lectures prepared by teachers on disciplines that can be transmitted via the network. In addition, distance learning provides communication in various modes, teacher advice on implementing term papers, theses, or other final work.

The essential component of distance learning is the ability to consider situations that are close to reality. In addition, important elements are creating conditions for the self-realization of students, the disclosure of their potential, the systematic learning process, the individuality of the approach (Bojović et al.). This component is the basis of academic and cognitive activity and affects the quality of distance learning.

Electronic versions of textbooks, which became the basis for the creation of distance courses and traditional books, do not solve the problems of independent activity in obtaining knowledge. These software products only create a virtual learning environment in which distance learning is carried out. Here there are psychological problems, such as inexperience, lack of self-education skills, poor volitional self-regulation, the influence of group attitudes, etc. When developing distance learning programs, it is crucial to carefully plan classes, including each of them with the setting of learning goals and objectives.

If interpersonal communication between students and the teacher is ineffective, there is a possibility of a communication barrier. If this happens, the information is delivered in a distorted form, which leads to the fact that there is a threat of the cognitive barrier growing into a relationship barrier. The barrier of relations turns into a feeling of distrust and hostility towards information and its source.

There are also many disadvantages in distance learning that should be listed and that cannot be ignored. It is worth starting with technical and methodological problems, including ignoring the psychological laws of perception and assimilation of information using multimedia tools of different modalities. There are also methodological problems, including the complexity of developing electronic versions of traditional educational materials, primarily textbooks and practical manuals.

Many students and experts believe that distance learning has many indisputable and obvious advantages.

  • A student studying remotely independently plans their schedule and decides how much time to devote to studying.
  • The opportunity to study anywhere. Students studying remotely are not tied to a place or time, as they only need an Internet connection.
  • Study on the job from the main activity. Distance learning allows to work or study at several courses at the same time to get additional education.
  • High learning outcomes. Remote students study the necessary material independently, which allows them to better memorize and assimilate knowledge.
  • Distance learning is much cheaper, since it does not require expenses for accommodation and travel, as well as for a foreign passport if the university is located abroad.
  • Remote education provides a calm environment, as exams and communication with teachers are held online, which allows students to avoid anxiety.
  • Teachers who conduct remote classes have the opportunity to do additional things, cover a larger number of students, as well as teach while, for example, on maternity leave.
  • Remote learning allows teachers to use a more individual approach to their students, as well as to devote a sufficient amount of time to all students.

Experiments have confirmed that the quality and structure of training courses, as well as the quality of teaching in distance learning is often much better than in traditional forms of education. New electronic technologies can not only ensure the active involvement of students in the educational process, but also allow them to manage this process, unlike most traditional educational environments (Arthur-Nyarko et al.). The interactive capabilities of the programs and information delivery systems used in the distance learning system make it possible to establish and even stimulate feedback. Despite the predominant number of advantages of distance education, this system is not perfect. During the implementation of e-learning programs, the following problems of distance education were identified.

  • Remote learning requires strong concentration and motivation. Almost all the educational material is mastered by a remote student independently. Remote classes require students to have perseverance and developed patience.
  • In the process of distance learning, it is difficult to develop interpersonal communication skills, since contact with teachers and other students is minimal.
  • In the process of distance learning, it is quite difficult to acquire practical skills, thus, specialties that require practical skills suffer.
  • The problem of user identification. It is difficult to track whether a student wrote their exam honestly, since the only way to check this is video surveillance, which is not always possible.
  • Insufficient computer literacy. In every country there are remote areas where there is no direct access to the Internet. Moreover, often the residents of such areas do not have any desire to learn, so it is necessary to spread computer literacy.

It is required to start by creating special Internet conferences and forums in schools that would guarantee the relative “live” communication of groups of students to deal with disadvantages (Chen et al.). It is also necessary to cooperate with traditional and distance learning, cooperation between teachers and students using a broad terminological and methodological base of psychology and pedagogy (Abuhammad). Despite all these problems, distance learning is very much appreciated by psychologists and teachers (Traxler). Nevertheless, the complete replacement of traditional education systems with similar ones-distance ones still causes some caution. One thing is indisputable – remotely studying students are more adapted to external conditions, are responsible and active, and therefore more successful in the modern business world.

Speaking about the distance form of education, it is necessary to talk about the creation of a single information and educational space. When it comes to distance learning, it is necessary to understand the presence of a teacher, a textbook and a student in the system, as well as the interaction of a teacher and students. It follows from this that the main thing in the organization of distance learning is the creation of electronic courses, the development of didactic foundations of distance learning, and the training of teachers-coordinators. It is not necessary to identify the distance form with the correspondence form of education, because it provides for constant contact with the teacher and imitation of all types of full-time training.

The dynamism of economic and socio-cultural processes in society causes changes in the field of education. Since the features of distance education are simply not acceptable for many students. Based on psychology and the methodology of independent learning, distance learning has some advantages and disadvantages. Summing up, we can unequivocally answer that distance education has a future. However, much depends on how quickly the problems of eliminating information illiteracy, technical equipment and improving the quality of e-education will be resolved. These factors arise during the implementation of remote scientific programs and projects. So, the factors and examples given above show the need to create and expand distance learning in the United States.

Abuhammad, Sawsan. “ Barriers to distance learning during the COVID-19 outbreak: A qualitative review from parents’ perspective. ” Heliyon (2020): e05482. Web.

Arthur-Nyarko, Emmanuel, Douglas Darko Agyei, and Justice Kofi Armah. “Digitizing distance learning materials: Measuring students’ readiness and intended challenges.” Education and Information Technologies (2020): 1-16. Web.

Bojović, Živko, et al. “Education in times of crisis: Rapid transition to distance learning.” Computer Applications in Engineering Education 28.6 (2020): 1467-1489.

Chen, Emily, Kristie Kaczmarek, and Hiroe Ohyama. “Student perceptions of distance learning strategies during COVID‐19.” Journal of dental education (2020). Web.

Costa, Roberto D., et al. “The theory of learning styles applied to distance learning.” Cognitive Systems Research 64 (2020): 134-145. Web.

Dietrich, Nicolas, et al. “Attempts, successes, and failures of distance learning in the time of COVID-19.” Journal of Chemical Education 97.9 (2020): 2448-2457. Web.

Lassoued, Zohra, Mohammed Alhendawi, and Raed Bashitialshaaer. “ An exploratory study of the obstacles for achieving quality in distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. ” Education Sciences 10.9 (2020): 232. Web.

Schneider, Samantha L., and Martha Laurin Council. “Distance learning in the era of COVID-19.” Archives of dermatological research 313.5 (2021): 389-390. Web.

Surma, Tim, and Paul A. Kirschner. “Technology enhanced distance learning should not forget how learning happens.” Computers in human behavior 110 (2020): 106390. Web.

Traxler, John. “ Distance learning—Predictions and possibilities. ” Education Sciences 8.1 (2018): 35. Web.

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Distance Learning Essay | Dissertationmasters.com

Distance learning, as it is known to many students, is the online learning and teaching programs offered by world class institutions of learning. Unlike traditional classroom education, students are virtually enrolled in their programs and respective classes online. Statistical data taken from the leading institutions of higher learning in the United States and United Kingdom show that the number of students registering for distance learning programs is increasing day and night. In the United States alone, the number of students taking courses through distance education has since risen from 3.9 million in 2010 to approximately 8.9 million students in 2013. Whereas distance learning is applauded for its inherent ability to reduce illiteracy amongst the Americans through promotion of cheaper internet enabled computer programs, the mode of education has been found out to compromise the quality of learning outcomes.

Although traditional classroom education remains the mode of learning which is widely practiced and offered by most of the institutions such as colleges and universities across the world, distance learning is increasingly becoming more popular in the age of information technology. Distance learning is no longer an alternative mode of learning to traditional education but a preferred mode of learning across the world. The most recent survey conducted among college students revealed that 80% of the college and university students are in favor of distance learning because of its flexibility. The subsequent popularity of distance learning is attributed to fact it is the only mode of education that gives students freedom to choose the convenient time of the night or day to take classes. Unlike the subjective traditional face-to-face education with its fixed teaching and learning schedule, the highly individualized distance learning gives students full freedom on when and what they want to learn.

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Secondly, distance learning reaches the highest number of students within the shortest period of time as opposed to the traditional face-to-face learning. The number of students graduating from various institutions of education after undertaking distance learning programs is increasing every year. Statistics show that about there are about 9 million students registered for various distance learning programs in the United States last year and the figures are on an upward trend. The flaring number of students opting for the distance learning implies that larger segments of illiterate populations are effectively reached. Consequently, the mode of learning has proven to the most effective and convenient method of combating higher rates of illiteracy across the continents. Apart from its accessibility, multitudes of learners successfully complete their courses because distance learning programs are far cheaper than compared to traditional learning programs.

Suffice it to say, there is substantial evidence that distance learning has proven to be more effective tool in promoting literacy amongst the adult populations. It is more suitable for the adult learners who are either in full time employment or committed in their domestic duties thus, cannot manage to fit in traditional mode of education with fixed schedule. With the full knowledge that the internet-enabled mode of learning takes place in the comfort of living rooms, many mature learners find distance learning more palatable because it upholds their confidentiality and privacy. In this regard, the electronic mode of learning renders education a private affair compared to traditional education that makes education a public affair. It therefore goes without saying that distance learning has adequately counteracted shame that most adult students face in their efforts to access education programs in traditional institutions.

Most importantly, distance learning programs are designed to meet the diverse needs of learners like no other. For instance, the programs are scheduled to ensure that learners who are in active job with tight work schedule, parents taking care of their children, and persons living outside the catchment areas of the learning institutions can create time and study at their own convenient time. Both the young and old; men and women; the rich and poor are satisfactorily accommodated by the distance learning education programs. In addition to this, distance learning educational programs are designed in a way that individual learners can study at their pace; students are at liberty to start, break and resume personalized studies at their own discretion. This rare phenomenon gives distance learning an upper hand above traditional classroom face-to-face learning.

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Despite the numerous gains and advantages that come with the distance education on the students' side, it has been established that learning at home behind an internet-enabled computer cannot replace face to face education existing in institutions of higher learning such as universities and colleges. On many occasions, educational experts have raised their concern on the effectiveness of distance learning on pedagogical delivery of complex concepts especially in science-oriented subjects such as chemistry and mathematics. According to the latest research finding, distance learning is limited to the kind of courses they offer to students. For instance, technical courses such as engineering, applied technology and mechanics that require the instructors to impart psychomotor and manipulative skills to learners could not be delivered via distance learning programs. The much desired delivery of technical courses of this nature is therefore an exclusive reserve of the traditional face-to-face education. At the end of it all, It emerges that traditional face-to-face education produces better results in technical subjects that requires practical skills.

It has been proven over and over again that there are a lot of difficulties in self-directed learning which is demanded by the online education. Many a times, students undertaking online courses do not have set schedule for their studies thus, leaving much room for distracters that altogether work to the detriment of students' academic performance. Taking into consideration that students are left to study on their own while at the same time being least supervised by their course instructors, most of the students do not see the need to delve into their studies before the examination period. The reduced contact hours between instructors and students due to exclusive use of virtual interactive platform, instructors will not be able to constantly monitor students' learning progress. In this case, the outcome of the learning process in learners is compromised because instructors often fail to identify students' weaknesses in distance learning. On the other hand, instructors quickly identify individual learner's areas of weaknesses and fix them in time to bring about desirable learning outcome in learners.

Lack of the physical interaction between students and course instructors in the distance learning programs leads to gross instructional misunderstanding. This could have unbearable detrimental effects on the accuracy and effectiveness with which learning objectives are met. Contrary to the traditional face-to-face form of education, distance learning deprives students of the adequate opportunity to be in constant contact with their course instructors. Therefore, they are bound to experience instruction breakdown from the internet learning interface. It is imperative to note, however, that distance education leads to increased incidences of cheating alongside other host of irregularities in online examinations.

In conclusion, distance learning has proven to be more convenient, cheaper and confidential learner-friendly mode of learning. The global enrolment rates in the institutions of higher learning have shot up tremendously since the rolling out of distance learning educational programs. Judging from the ongoing trends, it is evident that distance learning will continue to gain prominence over the traditional face-to-face education.


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Essay On Online Education: In 100 Words, 150 Words, and 200 Words

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  • Sep 22, 2023

Essay On Online Education

Online education has emerged as a significant transformation in the global education landscape, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic . This essay explores the various facets of online education, from its inception to its advantages and disadvantages and its impact on learners and educators alike. The evolution of online education presents a new horizon for accessible and flexible learning .

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Online Education in 100 words
  • 2 Essay on Online Education in 150 words
  • 3 Essay on Online Education in 200 words

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Essay on Online Education in 100 words

Online education is a modern educational paradigm where students access instructional content through the internet. This innovative approach has gained immense popularity, especially after the pandemic, owing to its convenience and adaptability. It has enabled students of all ages to acquire knowledge from the comfort of their homes, transcending geographical barriers. Online education offers a diverse range of courses and resources, fostering continuous learning. However, it also presents challenges, such as dependency on technology and potential disengagement from the physical world.

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Essay on Online Education in 150 words

Online education marks a revolutionary shift in how we acquire knowledge. It harnesses the power of the internet to deliver educational content to students, making learning more flexible and accessible. Technology advancements have accelerated the development of online education, enabling educational institutions to provide a wide range of courses and programmes through digital platforms.

One of the primary advantages of online education is its ability to cater to a diverse audience, regardless of geographical location or physical limitations. It eliminates the need for commuting and offers a cost-effective alternative to traditional classroom learning. However, online education also comes with its challenges. It requires self-discipline and motivation as students often learn independently. Additionally, prolonged screen time can have adverse effects on students’ physical and mental well-being, potentially leading to social disconnection.

Essay on Online Education in 200 words

Online education has witnessed remarkable growth in recent years, with the internet serving as the conduit for delivering educational content. This transformation has been accelerated, particularly in response to the global pandemic. Online education transcends the boundaries of traditional learning, offering students the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills from anywhere in the world.

One of the most compelling aspects of online education is its flexibility. Learners can access course materials and engage with instructors at their convenience, breaking free from rigid schedules. Moreover, this mode of education has expanded access to a vast array of courses, allowing individuals to pursue their interests and career goals without geographical constraints.

However, it’s important to acknowledge the challenges associated with online education. It demands a high degree of self-discipline, as students must navigate the coursework independently. Prolonged screen time can have adverse effects on health and may lead to a sense of disconnection from society.

In conclusion, online education represents a significant shift in how we approach learning. It offers unprecedented access and flexibility but also requires learners to adapt to a more self-directed approach to education. Striking a balance between the benefits and challenges of online education is key to harnessing its full potential.

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If you’re struggling to meet the word count, review your content to see if you can expand on your ideas, provide more examples, or include additional details to support your arguments. Additionally, check for any redundancies or irrelevant information that can be removed.

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Manasvi Kotwal

Manasvi's flair in writing abilities is derived from her past experience of working with bootstrap start-ups, Advertisement and PR agencies as well as freelancing. She's currently working as a Content Marketing Associate at Leverage Edu to be a part of its thriving ecosystem.

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Argumentative Essay: Online Learning and Educational Access

Conventional learning is evolving with the help of computers and online technology. New ways of learning are now available, and improved access is one of the most important benefits available. People all around the world are experiencing improved mobility as a result of the freedom and potential that online learning provides, and as academic institutions and learning organisations adopt online learning technologies and remote-access learning, formal academic education is becoming increasingly legitimate. This essay argues the contemporary benefits of online learning, and that these benefits significantly outweigh the issues, challenges and disadvantages of online learning.

Online learning is giving people new choices and newfound flexibility with their personal learning and development. Whereas before, formal academic qualifications could only be gained by participating in a full time course on site, the internet has allowed institutions to expand their reach and offer recognized courses on a contact-partial, or totally virtual, basis. Institutions can do so with relatively few extra resources, and for paid courses this constitutes excellent value, and the student benefits with greater educational access and greater flexibility to learn and get qualified even when there lots of other personal commitments to deal with.

Flexibility is certainly one of the most important benefits, but just as important is educational access. On top of the internet’s widespread presence in developed countries, the internet is becoming increasingly available in newly developed and developing countries. Even without considering the general informational exposure that the internet delivers, online academic courses and learning initiatives are becoming more aware of the needs of people from disadvantaged backgrounds, and this means that people from such backgrounds are in a much better position to learn and progress than they used to be.

The biggest argument that raises doubt over online learning is the quality of online courses in comparison to conventional courses. Are such online courses good enough for employers to take notice? The second biggest argument is the current reality that faces many people from disadvantaged backgrounds, despite the improvements made in this area in recent years – they do not have the level of basic access needed to benefit from online learning. In fact, there are numerous sources of evidence that claim disadvantaged students are not receiving anywhere near the sort of benefits that online learning institutions and promoters are trying to instigate. Currently there are many organisations, campaigns and initiatives that are working to expand access to higher education. With such high participation, it can be argued that it is only a matter of time before the benefits are truly realised, but what about the global online infrastructure?

There is another argument that is very difficult to dispel, and that is the response of different types of students to the online learning paradigm. Evidence shows that there are certain groups of students that benefit from college distance learning much more than other groups. In essence, students must be highly motivated and highly disciplined if they are to learn effectively in their own private environment.

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Classroom Q&A

With larry ferlazzo.

In this EdWeek blog, an experiment in knowledge-gathering, Ferlazzo will address readers’ questions on classroom management, ELL instruction, lesson planning, and other issues facing teachers. Send your questions to [email protected]. Read more from this blog.

Distance Learning ‘Has Been OK, I Guess': Students Share About This Year’s Experiences

short essay about distance learning

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(This is the first post in a multipart series.)

The question-of-the-week:

What has your online learning experience been as a student this fall? What is working for you and why? What is not working for you and why?

Student voice is important, and some of the most popular columns appearing here feature them. You can see them all at Student Voices , including commentaries from students around the country talking about remote teaching and learning last spring.

This new series will highlight contributions from students in my classes.

Today, Cathy Liu, Julia Yang, Eliseo Angulo Lopez, and Masihullah Shafiq share their thoughts.

It’s “been okay, I guess”

Cathy Liu is a junior at Luther Burbank High School in Sacramento, Calif.:

My learning experience as a student this fall has been OK, I guess. The schedule of the class has been OK, and the work is fine, well that is because I have no life. Unlike other people, I have no job or a big responsibility in the house. I don’t have to take care of my brother since he is old enough to take care of himself but he still does stupid things from time to time. I don’t have chores that take me so long that I can’t do my work. Even if the school decides to change the schedule completely, it will still work for me because of how open my schedule is.

There are some difficulties with online learning. I’m more lazy than the times when we were all in school. I postpone my assignments until the last minute, and that makes me feel overwhelmed and stressed because I don’t have much time to finish my work, and the assignments take a long time to finish. I have been trying to fix the bad habits, trying to finish my work way before the deadline. Another thing that is hard about online learning is that it’s harder to bond with other people. It’s harder to get to know other people. Sometimes in the breakout room, no one talks at all, everyone is quiet, and it is so awkward because you waited and thought that someone was going to talk, but no one did. Then you are stuck in the position of should you say hello or is it too late to do that. You just don’t know what to do. Other than those random things that bother me, my learning experience has been OK so far.

short essay about distance learning

“I can get distracted”

Julia Yang is a junior at Luther Burbank High School:

This year of 2020, it has been very crazy. It is unfortunate that the pandemic happened, and we all are stuck at home. Many schools closed down due to the coronavirus. During this time of the year, I feel like it is a time for all people to learn how to appreciate important things. It is a new perspective for all of us, and with this new perspective of the world, we can learn and be more considerate of others.

When distance learning first started, it was frustrating that we had to end the school year with online classes. It was a whole new experience doing online classwork. I remembered I woke up early every morning thinking that I had to get ready for school, later on realizing that schools are closed. While working on my assignments, I realized that it was weird to not hear any of my classmates talking or other students yelling or laughing in the hallway. It was strange to learn at home without teachers. Since this was a new learning experience, I had troubles with technology a few times, which made me stressed out a lot. This made me very scared, and I started to doubt myself whether I’ll do well with distance learning.

The few months of online school went by, and summer came. I begin to think we’d able to go back to school again. I held onto my hopes, hoping that the virus would go away soon and that things would go back to normal. Sadly, it didn’t happen. This disappoints me to know that I won’t be able to go through the school year of high school normally. And I’m pretty sure that it’s not just me who feels like this.

Now, it’s fall season, and we’re back to online learning. Beginning this school year with distance learning as a junior, I’d found what is working for me and not working. Some of the pros for online learning are slideshows posted by teachers. These slideshows help remind me of what I learned and did in class. For example, if I forgot something or want to clarify my understanding, I go back to the slideshows and I can get my answers there. Another thing that is also helping is that I don’t have to get up too early. With that, I can get more time to get prepared for my classes. An hour break of lunch is also helpful because I can then focus on my asynchronous work.

Some of the problems I have with distance learning is that sometimes I can get distracted. The reason why I sometimes get distracted is because I’m at home. And being home can urge me to procrastinate. Whereas at school, there are students who are working and teachers. That helps me focus more. Another thing I found difficult is communication. I feel like sometimes communicating with other students is hard because we don’t see each other.

I am hoping that things will go back to normal next year.

short essay about distance learning

Eliseo Angulo Lopez is a junior at Luther Burbank High School:

Although distance learning is new for many of us, it will not stop me from reaching my goals. Through these past two months, students like me have found the new schedule helpful and less confusing. In addition, writing on a computer is way more simple than writing on a piece of paper, and having the internet available and the possibility of investigating any information that you need in order to completely understand a lecture is by far something that we should never miss out on.

The only negative thing that I’ve found is that spending these many hours in front of a monitor or screen can be really damaging, causing eye strain and headaches from which I’ve personally already experienced. In order to prevent this from happening, I suggest having one Monday off every 2-3 weeks, one day off to add to your weekend in which you can spend more time with your family and less time looking at a screen, which is what we do all week. This change can be really helpful to avoid stress and maintain a more positive mindset.

short essay about distance learning

“Distance learning has been really good”

Masihullah Shafiq is a junior at Luther Burbank High School:

For some people, distance learning can be stressful and boring, but overall my experience with distance learning has been really good. Just like before when we went to school, I haven’t missed any classes or assignments. I also have good grades.

The positive thing about distance learning is that we don’t have to go class and I get enough rest, even though sometimes we have so much work to do sitting in front of the screen all day makes your eyes and your brain really tired, and it’s also unhealthy.

I sometimes struggle with getting my assignments done because I won’t have enough time, or in some cases, there are lots of assignments to do, and I can’t get all of them done on time. For now, I’m not really struggling with any of my classes, but it is sometimes really difficult to manage your time with distance learning.

The downside to it is sitting in front of a screen all day and sometimes technical issues; sometimes the teachers struggle with getting all the students into Zoom because the Zoom keeps dropping them, and in some cases, the internet does not work, and students can’t get into Zoom, which leaves them behind from others, and they will have to catch up later.

In general, distance learning is not so different from going to school, and in my opinion, it’s better with distance learning since it makes things much easier if we don’t have technical issues, which we often don’t. I don’t know if it’s just me or not, but I learn better with distance learning than going to school, so I prefer distance learning. I also have to say my teachers are doing really well, and so far, I have not had any problems or difficulties asking questions or learning.

short essay about distance learning

Thanks to Cathy, Julia, Eliseo, and Masihullah for their contributions!

Please feel free to leave a comment with your reactions to the topic or directly to anything that has been said in this post.

Consider contributing a question to be answered in a future post. You can send one to me at [email protected] . When you send it in, let me know if I can use your real name if it’s selected or if you’d prefer remaining anonymous and have a pseudonym in mind.

You can also contact me on Twitter at @Larryferlazzo .

Education Week has published a collection of posts from this blog, along with new material, in an e-book form. It’s titled Classroom Management Q&As: Expert Strategies for Teaching .

Just a reminder; you can subscribe and receive updates from this blog via email or RSS Reader. And if you missed any of the highlights from the first eight years of this blog, you can see a categorized list below. The list doesn’t include ones from this current year, but you can find those by clicking on the “answers” category found in the sidebar.

This Year’s Most Popular Q&A Posts

Race & Racism in Schools

School Closures & the Coronavirus Crisis

Classroom-Management Advice

Best Ways to Begin the School Year

Best Ways to End the School Year

Student Motivation & Social-Emotional Learning

Implementing the Common Core

Facing Gender Challenges in Education

Teaching Social Studies.

Cooperative & Collaborative Learning

Using Tech in the Classroom

Student Voices

Parent Engagment In Schools

Teaching English-Language Learners

Reading Instruction

Writing Instruction

Education Policy Issues

Differentiating Instruction

Math Instruction

Science Instruction

Advice for New Teachers

Author Interviews

Entering the Teaching Profession

The Inclusive Classroom

Learning & the Brain

Administrator Leadership

Teacher Leadership

Relationships in Schools

Professional Development

Instructional Strategies

Best of Classroom Q&A

Professional Collaboration

Classroom Organization

Mistakes in Education

Project-Based Learning

I am also creating a Twitter list including all contributors to this column

The opinions expressed in Classroom Q&A With Larry Ferlazzo are strictly those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of Editorial Projects in Education, or any of its publications.

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  • Short Essay On Online Classes

Short Essay on Online Classes

500+ words short essay on online classes.

Online classes and learning have emerged as a new method of teaching nowadays, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Online classes have gained immense popularity due to the many advantages like time flexibility, affordability etc. The traditional teaching method includes face-to-face interaction between the teacher and the students. However, in online learning, the interaction takes place in a digital platform in the form of videos, audio, graphics etc. Also, there are hybrid means of studying which combine face-to-face meetings with an online component. In this essay on online classes, we will be covering the topic of online classes and online learning. We have also compiled a list of CBSE Essays on different topics which students can practise to boost their writing skills. It will also help them to participate in different essay writing competitions conducted at the school level.

Online Classes

Online Classes are a type of education system that is delivered via the Internet to students using computers, laptops, mobile phones, tablets etc., in the comfort of their homes. During the last decade, online courses and classes have become popular. Especially during the COVID pandemic, most schools have opted for online classes, and the teachers deliver the lectures remotely through digital platforms.

Online classes are not just the use of technology in the education system, but it is a medium to transmit knowledge, values and skills to younger generations. In many fields, online education and e-learning have become the default way to conduct training or provide education. The online classes consist of four basic elements. The first element is to teach what learners need to learn. The second is to define clear learning objectives. The third is to build knowledge on the right objectives, and the final is in the power of delivering the lectures using technology.

Benefits of Online Classes

Online education has brought a positive impact on the lives of students and working professionals. It has given them an opportunity to take up additional courses along with their studies or job at their convenience. Online classes have also helped the faculty in the institutions to ask students to refer to/study some parts of the syllabus online, which do not require much classroom teaching. Thus, faculty can save time and utilise it to interact with the students more. The quality of education has improved through online classes. Students can easily refer to the content at their time and convenience. Online classes liberate students from planning their schedule of attending classes, driving to school, and being physically present. Online classes work as a lifeline to those people who face physical disabilities and geographical distances. In the era of digitalisation, the scope of online classes has increased even more.

The advantages of online classes take over their disadvantages. If students want to learn, then they have immense opportunities to learn from online classes. In conclusion, we can say that a combination of online and traditional learning methods will be the best for students. Because there are few things which are easier to understand by visualisation where online classes will help, and there are some topics which can be explained better in the physical presence of a teacher. So, combining both online and offline together will make the best education system.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning: IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic

You must write at least 250 words for IELTS Writing Task 2. You will be given a topic and evaluated on your abilities to answer by expressing and defending your viewpoint, explaining the topic, summarising facts, describing challenges, identifying potential alternatives, and illustrating what you write with explanations, claims, and specific examples from your own expertise or experience.

Today we will read about a very popular topic “Advantages and disadvantages of online learning essay”.

So, let’s get started.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic: Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes

Let us help you in your IELTS writing preparation with an interesting and informative topic. Read all the 3 sample answers and learn how to approach a topic in different ways.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes Sample Answer One for IELTS Writing Task 2

Online teaching and learning have grown in popularity among students in recent times, and this is viewed differently by different learners. Many students see this as a helpful learning tool, although others believe it is not as successful as classroom instruction. This article would explore the benefits and drawbacks of digital education.

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Advantages of Online Classes Essay

Students who study online have more flexibility in their schedules and spend less money on their education. They will study their desired courses and subjects at their own pace. This is a fantastic opportunity for learners to learn new skills and expand their experience while remaining in the comfort of their own home. For example, a Nepali student seeking an Australian degree in business administration does not need to travel to Australia; he can train and complete the course while remaining at home. As a result, distance learning is both cost-effective and time-efficient.

Disadvantages of Studying Online

That being said, online classes offer more emphasis on the analytical aspect of learning and there is less instructor and student contact. It ignores realistic learning elements and encourages passive learning. It is clear that students perceive it to be less successful than classroom instruction. According to a new survey, a larger percentage of students considered classroom instruction to be much more successful than digital education.


Conclusion: Merits and Demerits of Online Teaching

In conclusion, the ever-increasing availability of digital education has gained traction among young adults for many years and is viewed as helpful by many and less successful by others. The focus should be placed on its efficacy in order to identify it as the most cost-effective learning method other than classroom instruction.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes Sample Answer Two for IELTS Writing Task 2

Recently, the course has grown in popularity, resulting in more excellent learning options for students. While this movement may have some benefits, it may also have some risks and challenges as a result. Both sides of learning will be addressed in more detail in the following chapters. On the one hand, distance education has certain benefits. For starters, the simplicity of distance learning is essential.

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There is no time constraint and the online classroom and teacher are (theoretically) accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As a result, students will stick to their schedules without impacting their learning outcomes.

Second, the advantage of learning is that it saves resources. Tuition at online schools is often smaller than at conventional universities. Building repairs, grounds maintenance, food service, class accessories, and other expenses that impact the cost of credits are not needed.

Learners, on the other hand, may suffer from a number of disadvantages of simulated learning. To continue, students can encounter technical issues, which can have a variety of implications.

Furthermore, some students are not equipped with the good internet access that online courses necessitate, and therefore fall behind their simulated classmates: poor monitors find it difficult to obey the course Management.

The system, as well as their learning process, becomes troublesome. Another downside to digital education is the scarcity of accreditation and the poor standard of instruction. The growing demand for digital education has resulted in an uncontrollable proliferation of colleges, including some unregulated schools, and there is no way to check the content of all courses. As a consequence, illegal organisations can con several students out of money.

Finally, online education can be helpful in terms of scheduling flexibility and reduced tuition. However, immersive learning has some drawbacks, including poor student conditions and a lack of quality control over classes.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes Sample Answer Three for IELTS Writing Task 2

These days, online learning is becoming increasingly popular. Many conventional colleges began to make their classes available for free. It represents a simple and convenient way to gain expertise in almost any area, from law and accounting to social sciences such as sociology, anthropology, and history. Digital education is a fantastic alternative to conventional universities, particularly for people who do not have the time or resources to attend traditional universities. So what are the benefits and drawbacks of online learning?

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While many people still believe that traditional colleges are the only way to gain expertise and obtain a diploma, digital education has proven to be an excellent option. Students should study on their own time, and particularly for free. It is an excellent way to learn a variety of subjects while still increasing self-motivation. Online learning is so successful because students can complete their assignments easily, leaving more time for hobbies or job search.

Access to all of the opportunities of a typical course allows learners to practise wherever they are, giving them the opportunity to prepare wherever they choose. An individual may attend various courses with only an Internet connection. Students’ accountability and self-discipline are among the benefits of digital learning.

Limitations of Online Learning

An individual can only learn properly in a small group. Learners learn at school how to make new friends, be polite, deal with failure, and, most importantly, compete. Competition among colleagues can be very exciting, and students can learn greatly from it. Human contact is not possible for digital learning.

Another drawback is that online classes cannot handle the thousands of students who attempt to participate in debates. Furthermore, if digital education is intended for disciplines that need preparation, it can be challenging.

Conclusion of Studying Online

Finally, digital education can be seen as a supplement to and expansion to traditional ways of learning. Even the best online course cannot completely substitute physical interaction with an instructor or the human connections formed in a group. As a result, standard classes can not be replaced by digital learning.

Any essay can be satisfactory if addressed correctly. It is critical to remember in IELTS writing that each type of essay necessitates a different approach. In the case of an ‘advantage and disadvantage’ essay, a mixture of solid structure and appropriate data is a game-changer. As a result, in order to achieve a 9 band in your exam, you must devote some time to planning and structuring your essay.

If you need more assistance on this, you can simply visit IELTS Ninja .

Also Read: How to Write Agree and Disagree Essays in IELTS? Tips to Write the Perfect Essay


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Thank you for providing the advantages and disadvantages of the online learning, but many prefer online learning over self study, what do you think about it?

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About the Author

Madhurjya chowdhury.

Madhurjya Chowdhury, a web content writer in Ufaber EduTech has a very strong passion for writing and alluring the readers. You can find him writing articles for the betterment of exam aspirants and children. With immense interest in research-based content writing and copywriting, he likes to reach out to more and more people with his creative writing style. On the other side, he is an Electronics and Communication Engineer from LPU, Jalandhar. In his leisure time, he likes to play badminton or read about space discoveries. Apart from this, he is a pro gamer on PC, PS and Mobile gaming platforms.

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Benefits of Online Learning Essay

In this modern era, there are many methods through which one can acquire knowledge. Among these, the most popular is online learning. It can be discerned as a method of teaching and learning through internet tools, to be in touch and have an alliance in an instructive environment. It helps the students to learn simultaneously and they can study without going to or staying in a school or college.

Many educational institutions support and engage in some kind of online education. Today, one can see that most of the people are unsatisfied with their job and so they try to acquire a better job with a high salary which leads them to a better lifestyle. People thus employed can study while doing their job with the help of the internet. The best advantage is that in this system one can study at his or her own time when the person feels comfortable. It is highly useful for professionals who may want to learn more without going to classrooms. To a great extent, it is also useful for housewives and retired people. Through this mode, one can become a well-informed individual who possesses great knowledge in his or her studies.

Benefits of online learning

  • Online learning has many benefits for high-tech companies: As the companies use different methods to design, transport, select, manage and extend their business, etc. online teaching process is instrumental for them. They can give valuable guidance, pieces of training for their employees without the need for them to be absent for long which helps to increase their skill, and through this skill, the company can achieve their goals. Besides, through this system, they can increase the efficiencies of the employees and add value to the process of business developments. At the same time, they can also save the cost of training as online learning is comparatively much cheaper.
  • Online learning improves knowledge: People with good knowledge are needed in every field, especially in business. Online learning provides updated knowledge that relates to every level and this will help people at all levels develop greater knowledge in different fields. This knowledge and skill one gains from online help the person to intermingle with others in a better way, progress their profession, or develop their business successfully. It also helps to construct relationships and build up an atmosphere of trust, affection, and admiration and to be confident, and to have good and better personal and professional relationships.
  • Online learning provides great opportunities at various academic levels. Through this students can save money for tuition, accommodation, and food. Online learning improves their talent in computers and the internet. Online learning does not need physical movements and students are not bound by time, place, and the tutor. “People with accessibility issues are not disadvantaged on an online course – everybody is equal.” (Benefits of Online Learning). Each individual has a similar chance to talk, express ideas through chatting without any discrimination or gender partiality.

From the above-mentioned factors, one can conclude that online learning has a lot of advantages over the other modes of education and that the main objective of online learning is to provide maximum information while being very convenient for both students and teachers. Thus online learning helps to develop business with great efficient employees, assist people to develop accurate knowledge about everything and thereby attain great achievement in their life and supplies enormous chance in educational level to help the students to gain considerable development in their life. Online learning gives a desired outcome to the person than any other means of learning.

Works Cited

Benefits of Online Learning: No Limitations. People Open Access Education Initiative People- uni: Building Public Health Capacity Using Internet- based e-learning. 2008. Web.

  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2023, October 31). Benefits of Online Learning. https://ivypanda.com/essays/benefits-of-online-learning/

"Benefits of Online Learning." IvyPanda , 31 Oct. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/benefits-of-online-learning/.

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Benefits of Online Learning'. 31 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Benefits of Online Learning." October 31, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/benefits-of-online-learning/.

1. IvyPanda . "Benefits of Online Learning." October 31, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/benefits-of-online-learning/.


IvyPanda . "Benefits of Online Learning." October 31, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/benefits-of-online-learning/.

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Distance Education Essay

In the modern world of education traditional study at the universities and colleges is gradually complemented or even replaced by new technologies of distance learning. It is characterized as a process of delivering teaching to students who are not physically present in classrooms. This type of education has gained its growing popularity with the developing of Internet, as students can simply communicate with their teachers and exchange materials over the net, even living in the different parts of the world.

Distance learning has a lot of benefits that make it really a strong and prospective competitor against a traditional education. For example, attending a distance course, learners can study at their own place, time and speed, choose individual and flexible schedules and combine different activities simultaneously. It is also beneficial for people over 25 who mostly have a full time job and can study after it. Distance learning is preferred by females especially Indian, as they have time restriction and strict rules or simply would like to stay close to home. Also it is a great financial advantage as during distance courses travel expenses and educational fees are significantly lower.

There are many different methods that are used in the distance education. The most popular and effective are e-mails, forums, faxes, audio and video recordings, print materials, web and video conferencing, internet radio, telephone, live streaming and much more others. Thank to all these technologies distance learners receive the same number of writing assignments, materials and worksheets as traditional students on campus.

My personal attitude to the distance education is quite ambiguous as on the one hand, it truly has a lot of benefits for students and can solve many educational problems in the future. But on the other hand, I can not imagine student life without attending lectures, communicating with group-mates and teachers, passing exams, receiving good or bad grades, loving stories and much more fascinating stuff that is worthy for going to the campus for even more than six years.

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Short Essay : The Positive Sides of Online Learning


Revealing the Positive Sides of Online Learning During Pandemic

According to the covid.go.id page, until February 24, 2021, there have been more than 1.3 million Covid-19 cases in Indonesia. The number that is increasing every day will make the government tighten its policies to reduce the number of Covid-19 victims in Indonesia. One of the ways that the government is still implementing in preventing the spread of this virus is the application of online learning which is followed by almost all schools and universities in Indonesia. The implementation of distance learning or online on a large scale in Indonesia is relatively new, therefore in its implementation of course there are many problems experienced by students and educators throughout Indonesia. However, we cannot 100 percent think online learning is a problem. In fact, behind these obstacles, there are several advantages that we can get from studying online during this pandemic for both students and teachers.

The first advantage of online learning is that students can save on their living costs. Most university students take online lectures at their home, so they can save on living costs such as no need to pay boarding fees, no need to spend money on daily meals, no need to pay for transportation costs and costs to buy clothes, considering that in university students can wear any clothes so that most of them are willing to spend a lot of clothes for college. Students in elementary until high school can also feel these advantages, such as reducing transportation costs and student pocket money. For that, with online learning they can save on the costs of living necessities.

Second, online learning gives students plenty of free time. In terms of time, online and offline learning are different, where in the online learning, teaching and learning time is cut and shorter than face-to-face classes. The advantage that can be taken from this is that the time to rest, gather with family, finish assignment is increasing. So, this online learning gives students free time which can be used for various positive things.

The third advantage, learning online during a pandemic has taught students to become more proficient in technology. We are in the 4.0 era, where knowledge and skills of technology are very important to be mastered in order to keep up with the flow of globalization. As we know, today's learning is very dependent on technology. Implementation of teaching activities, providing material, attending classes, giving, creating and collecting assignments are done digitally. Reported in BBC News Indonesia, research conducted by Cambridge International found that in 2018 Indonesian students became one of the highest technology users in the world, one of the findings is that 67% of Indonesian students use smartphones in the classroom and 81% are used for homework. For this reason, during the Covid-19 pandemic, students can continue to develop skills and increase their knowledge of technology as provisions for future life.

The last advantage is increasing the creativity of teachers in providing education. Learning online from home does have many obstacles, including students becoming unfocused, bored and ultimately the knowledge provided cannot be absorbed by students. To deal with this problem, teachers should make learning interesting and exciting. The Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture on the kemenkopmk.go.id page said that learning in this pandemic, teacher creativity and innovation were the main factors in order to provide teaching that was easy to understand and not boring. Therefore, teachers are challenged to use their creativity in order to attract the attention and focus of their students. There are many technologies that teachers can use as interesting learning media, one example is that teachers can make learning materials in the form of power points with beautiful templates, various animations, as well as short but clear content. So, in online learning not only students but teachers can also improve their skills and creativity through technology.

Online learning is one of the challenges for education in Indonesia. Its implementation which is fairly new, of course, will cause various problems for students and educators. However, we cannot underestimate this system. In fact, without realizing it, there are advantages to online learning policies that we feel, such as saving living costs, having lots of free time and being able to develop technological skills in students and teachers.

  • Komite Penanganan Covid-19 dan Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional. (2021). Data Sebaran Covid-19. Retrieved on February 24, 2021 from: https://covid19.go.id/
  • Pelajar Indonesia Jadi Salah Satu Pengguna Teknologi Tertinggi di Dunia. (2018). Retrieved on February 24, 2021 from: https://www.bbc.com/indonesia/majalah-46500293
  • Kreativitas Guru Kunci Keberhasilan Pembelajaran Selama PSBB. (2020). Retrieved on February 25, 2021 from: https://www.kemenkopmk.go.id/kreativitas-guru-kunci-keberhasilan-pembelajaran-selama-psbb

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New Reality: Online Distance Learning in Philippines

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Published: Feb 11, 2023

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Online learning, advantages and disadvantages of online learning, philippines and online learning.

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