10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

  • By Illiya Vjestica
  • - January 23, 2023

10 Powerful Examples of How to End a Presentation

Here are 10 powerful examples of how to end a presentation that does not end with a thank you slide.

How many presentations have you seen that end with “Thank you for listening” or “Any questions?” I bet it’s a lot…

“Thank you for listening.” is the most common example. Unfortunately, when it comes to closing out your slides ending with “thank you” is the norm. We can create a better presentation ending by following these simple examples.

The two most essential slides of your deck are the ending and intro. An excellent presentation ending is critical to helping the audience to the next step or following a specific call to action.

There are many ways you can increase your presentation retention rate . The most critical steps are having a solid call to action at the end of your presentation and a powerful hook that draws your audience in.

What Action do You Want Your Audience to Take?

Before designing your presentation, start with this question – what message or action will you leave your audience with?

Are you looking to persuade, inspire, entertain or inform your audience? You can choose one or multiple words to describe the intent of your presentation.

Think about the action words that best describe your presentation ending – what do you want them to do? Inspire, book, learn, understand, engage, donate, buy, book or schedule. These are a few examples.

If the goal of your presentation is to inspire, why not end with a powerful and inspiring quote ? Let words of wisdom be the spark that ignites an action within your audience.

Here are three ways to end your presentation:

  • Call to Action – getting the audience to take a specific action or next step, for example, booking a call, signing up for an event or donating to your cause.
  • Persuade – persuading your audience to think differently, try something new, undertake a challenge or join your movement or community.
  • Summarise – A summary of the key points and information you want the audience to remember. If you decide to summarise your talk at the end, keep it to no more than three main points.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

1. Asking your audience to take action or make a pledge.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

Here were asking the audience to take action by using the wording “take action” in our copy. This call to action is a pledge to donate. A clear message like this can be helpful for charities and non-profits looking to raise funding for their campaign or cause.

2. Encourage your audience to take a specific action, e.g. joining your cause or community

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

Here was are asking the audience to join our community and help solve a problem by becoming part of the solution. It’s a simple call to action. You can pass the touch to your audience and ask them to take the next lead.

3. Highlight the critical points for your audience to remember.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

Rember, to summarise your presentation into no more than three key points. This is important because the human brain struggles to remember more than three pieces of information simultaneously. We call this the “Rule of Three”.

4. If you are trying to get more leads or sales end with a call to action to book a demo or schedule a call.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

Can you inspire your audience to sign up for a demo or trial of your product? Structure your talk to lead your prospect through a journey of the results you generate for other clients. At the end of your deck, finish with a specific call to action, such as “Want similar results to X?”

Make sure you design a button, or graphic your prospect can click on when you send them the PDF version of the slides.

5. Challenge your audience to think differently or take action, e.g. what impact could they make?

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

6. Give your audience actions to help share your message.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

7. Promote your upcoming events or workshops

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

8. Asking your audience to become a volunteer.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

9. Direct your audience to learn more about your website.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

10. If you are a book author, encourage your audience to engage with your book.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

6 Questions to Generate an Ending for Your Presentation

You’ve told an engaging story, but why end your presentation without leaving your audience a clear message or call to action?

Here are six great questions you can ask yourself to generate an ending for your presentation or keynote talk.

  • What impression would you want to leave your audience with?
  • What is the big idea you want to leave them with?
  • What action should they take next?
  • What key point should you remember 72 hours after your presentation?
  • What do you want them to feel?
  • What is the key takeaway for them to understand?

What to Say After Ending a Presentation?

When you get to the end of a book, you don’t see the author say, “thank you for reading my last chapter.” Of course, there is no harm in thanking the audience after your presentation ends, but don’t make that the last words you speak.

Think of the ending of the presentation as the final chapter of an epic novel. It’s your chance to leave a lasting impression on the audience. Close with an impactful ending and leave them feeling empowered, invigorated and engaged.

  • Leave a lasting impression.
  • Think of it as the last chapter of a book.
  • Conclude with a thought or question.
  • Leave the audience with a specific action or next step.

How to End a Presentation with Style?

There are many great ways you can end your presentation with style. Are you ready to drop the mic?

Ensure your closing slide is punchy, has a clear headline, or uses a thought-provoking image.

Think about colours. You want to capture the audience’s attention before closing the presentation. Make sure the fonts you choose are clear and easy to read.

Do you need to consider adding a link? If you add links to your social media accounts, use icons and buttons to make them easy to see. Add a link to each button or icon. By doing this, if you send the PDF slides to people, they can follow the links to your various accounts.

What Should you Remember?

💡 If you take one thing away from this post, it’s to lose the traditional ending slides. Let’s move on from the “Thank you for your attention.” or “Any questions.” slides.

These don’t help you or the audience. Respect them and think about what they should do next. You may be interested to learn 3 Tactics to Free Your Presentation Style to help you connect to your audience.

Illiya Vjestica

Illiya Vjestica

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how to close your presentation in english powerfully

7 Powerful Ways To End a Presentation

by Janice Tomich

  • Presentation Planning & Public Speaking Skills

Have you ever attended a presentation or speech and didn’t know when it was over? Maybe you were even unsure if it was time to clap or get up and leave?

Your audience not knowing when a presentation has finished is a clear sign that you need to work on your conclusion. If you ending isn’t clear the closing statements sputter. Don’t let your words fizzle out.

People attend your presentation or speech to learn from you. Your passion for what you’ll be sharing started long ago. Keep that passion clear from your personal introduction right through your conclusion if you want the impact of your words to continue well past the time you step off the stage.

It’s crucial you get both the open and close of your speech right.

The conclusion is especially pivotal, because if you’ve thoughtfully structured your presentation at the end you will influence your audience to be inspired to do what you had planned with the information you’ve shared.

There are many different ways to close a presentation effectively.

If you’re lost and unsure about how to make your presentation compelling, I can help.

I’ll start with explaining 7 powerful ways I’ve seen my public speaking coaching clients end their speeches, and then give you my advice about two common ways to close a presentation which you should avoid.

Table of Contents

7 Techniques for Ending Your Presentation Powerfully

1. end with a overt call to action.

The most overt type of close is the Call To Action or CTA. A call to action is a clear, direct statement to your audience of what you want them to do next. Use this type of presentation conclusion when you want to be perfectly clear about your message.

close with a clear call to action, like "go out and protest, make change in the world"

This closing technique transparently encourages your audience to do something as concrete as “buy my book” or “sign my petition” or “take on a challenge.”

I once had the privilege of seeing Dr Hans Rosling deliver a TED Talk . He is an excellent presenter and a master of the close. Based on his research, he clearly challenges his audience to take his data to make decisions about resources needed for population growth. The talk is worth watching if you’re planning out a closing statement, because it’s a brilliant example of a strong close.

2. End with a a Soft and Subtle Call To Action

Have you ever left a presentation inspired to do something differently, even if you were not specifically directed to take action? The closing technique you witnessed was probably a subtler version of a CTA.

For a masterful example of this closing technique, watch the end of Tim Urban’s TED Talk on procrastination. Notice that he never specifically tells you to take action – to stop procrastinating. Instead, he gets you onboard in a soft way, slowly building up his argument via a number of examples of his own experience with procrastination.

Tim Urban's TED Talk "Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator" ends with a powerful, but subtle, call to action.

Then, close to the end, he shows a visual which leaves you reassessing your life and what you will do with the remainder of it.

Tim’s masterful presentation conclusion has prompted many people to take action and change their habits, but it’s subtle and leaves you thinking as if the conclusions you come to are you own idea, not his.

3. Use a Quote to End Your Presentation

Using a quote for your final words can be an effective way to end your presentation. Choose your quote carefully, however—the quote needs to align with your message and clearly communicate your key point. Never use an obscure or confusing quotation. Don’t make your audience work too hard to understand the relationship between the quote on your final slide and your overall message.

One of the most touching quotes I heard used to conclude an inspirational speech was the last lines of the Mary Oliver poem “Summer’s Day”: “Tell me, what is it you will do – With your one wild and precious life?”

It kept me thinking about the preciousness of the days, how I had permission to push limits, and what those limits might be.

4. Finish Your Presentation By Closing The Loop

Create intrigue with a story which takes your audience on a journey. Using storytelling in business presentations or in a speech, threading it throughout, is not only a good way to grab the audience’s attention and enhance engagement. It’s also a powerful way to come to a conclusion when you finish your story.

Dr. Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk uses the “close the loop” technique brilliantly. She begins her presentation telling us about an accident she had that impacted her ability to thrive in university. She worked hard to make progress. Under the mentorship of a professor she thrived.

Dr. Cuddy goes on to talk about her research into how we can build confidence through body language techniques. She winds her talk up by speaking about a student of hers that she mentored through a lack of confidence…and very craftily closes the loop.

5. End Your Speech Using the Rule of Three

The rule of three will help your audience remember the end of your presentation

A communication technique called the Rule of Three is a powerful way to end your speech. Using this technique to end your presentation will make your key message stick.

An example of the Rule of Three is this Winston Churchill quote, “This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning”.

Using three concepts triggers your brain to recognize a pattern, which humans are wired to do. Pattern recognition is how we make sense of things, it’s how we connect the dots and make meaning from the message.

Use the Rule of Three if you want your closing remarks to be remembered long after your audience leaves their seats.

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

​​​​Sucheta Misra Associate VP Inclusion & Diversity and Social Impact Leader

6. Finish with a Thought Provoking Question

There is value in having your audience walk away thinking about the questions you asked in your conclusion—and their personal responses to them. We humans are natural problem solvers. A question is a sticky way to create a memorable ending.

In his TED Talk, What Baby Boomers Can Learn From Millennials & Vice-Versa , Chip Conley provides food for thought about how we can all be contributors in the workplace by creating generational bridges. He asks, “Personally, who can you reach out to to create a mutual mentorship relationship? And organizationally, how can you create the conditions to foster an intergenerational flow of wisdom?” It’s not a rhetorical question, it’s a call to action. Chip finishes his presentation by telling us that bridges are the true sharing economy.

7. Deliver a Summary to Close Your Presentation

Delivering a summary of your core message can be an effective way to conclude, but be careful. Using a summary to finish your presentation sometimes risks losing your audience’s attention. If you name the main message(s) by rote, as if you’re rattling off a series of bullet points, the conclusion is likely to flop. Instead, use your summary slide to close your speech inspirationally, reviewing the key message and critically “the why.” Without the why, your summary will be forgotten in minutes.

2 Things to Avoid in Your Conclusion

Preparing, writing, and delivering a powerful speech is difficult, and some speakers are unprepared when they approach their closing remarks. Here are two things to avoid:

1. Running Out of Time

A poorly thought out and only minimally practiced presentation usually results in you having to cram your final remarks into the last few minutes of your allotted time. Your audience won’t be able to digest your final concepts if your words come at double-speed.

When you rush to the finish line not only will you feel stressed, your audience will too. This can seriously mar your reputation as a polished and professional public speaker.

2. Finish with a Question and Answer Session

You’re the speaker. You’ve been invited to take the stage and the audience is there to hear your ideas. The impact of too many otherwise excellent presentations are dulled in the last minutes, when a presenter opens the floor to questions, which are sometimes commandeered by someone in the room whose motivations might not align with your own. Your audience will remember your response to the last question. End with a question and answer session and you’ve essentially let someone else write your conclusion for you.

Question and answer sections aren’t a bad thing, but don’t end with them. Finish up your presentation by having all eyes on you. Close on your own terms.

The final (and best) tip I can give you is no matter the closing technique you choose to end your presentation or keynote address , is to practice it until it is firmly embedded into your memory. You want to know it inside out (and upside down) with absolute full confidence so you won’t have to scramble to come to a full stop.

You don’t have to prepare a presentation alone. If you’re feeling stuck or uninspired by your presentation’s conclusion, I invite you to book a 1-hour presentation strategy session . I’ll help you create a powerful ending that will have your audience leaving inspired.

If you’d like help with the entire presentation, I do that too. We can work together, one on one, to develop and create your next presentation or speech so you can deliver it with confidence and ease -> Prepare For Your Upcoming Presentation, Speech, or Talk .

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How to end a presentation in english: methods and examples.

  • By Matthew Jones

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

Naturally, the way you end a presentation will depend on the setting and subject matter. Are you pitching an idea to your boss? Are you participating in a group presentation at school? Or are you presenting a business idea to potential investors? No matter the context, you’ll want to have a stellar ending that satisfies your audience and reinforces your goals.

So, do you want to learn how to end a presentation with style? Wondering how to end an informative speech? Or do you want to know how to conclude a Powerpoint presentation with impact? We’re here to help you learn how to end a presentation and make a great impression!

How to End a Presentation: 3 Effective Methods

Every presentation needs a great beginning, middle, and end. In this guide, we will focus on crafting the perfect conclusion. However, if you’d like to make sure that your presentation sounds good from start to finish, you should also check out our guide on starting a presentation in English .

Though there are many ways to end a presentation, the most effective strategies focus on making a lasting impression on your audience and reinforcing your goals. So, let’s take a look at three effective ways to end a presentation:

1. Summarize the Key Takeaways

Most presenters either make an argument (i.e. they want to convince their audience to adopt their view) or present new or interesting information (i.e. they want to educate their audience). In either case, the presentation will likely consist of important facts and figures. The conclusion gives you the opportunity to reiterate the most important information to your audience.

This doesn’t mean that you should simply restate everything from your presentation a second time. Instead, you should identify the most important parts of your presentation and briefly summarize them.

This is similar to what you might find in the last paragraph of an academic essay. For example, if you’re presenting a business proposal to potential investors, you might conclude with a summary of your business and the reasons why your audience should invest in your idea.

2. End with a CTA (Call-To-Action)

Ending with a Call-To-Action is one of the best ways to increase audience engagement (participation) with your presentation. A CTA is simply a request or invitation to perform a specific action. This technique is frequently used in sales or marketing presentations, though it can be used in many different situations.

For example, let’s say that you’re giving an informational presentation about the importance of hygiene in the workplace. Since your goal is to educate your audience, you may think that there’s no place for a CTA.

On the contrary, informational presentations are perfect for CTA’s. Rather than simply ending your presentation, you can direct your audience to seek out more information on the subject from authorities. In this case, you might encourage listeners to learn more from an authoritative medical organization, like the World Health Organization (WHO).

3. Use a Relevant Quote

It may sound cliche, but using quotes in your closing speech is both memorable and effective. However, not just any quote will do. You should always make sure that your quote is relevant to the topic. If you’re making an argument, you might want to include a quote that either directly or indirectly reinforces your main point.

Let’s say that you’re conducting a presentation about your company’s mission statement. You might present the information with a Powerpoint presentation, in which case your last slide could include an inspirational quote. The quote can either refer to the mission statement or somehow reinforce the ideas covered in the presentation.

Formatting Your Conclusion

While these 3 strategies should give you some inspiration, they won’t help you format your conclusion. You might know that you want to end your presentation with a Call-To-Action, but how should you “start” your conclusion? How long should you make your conclusion? Finally, what are some good phrases to use for ending a presentation?<br>

Examples of a Good Conclusion

In conclusion, I believe that we can increase our annual revenue this year. We can do this with a combination of increased efficiency in our production process and a more dynamic approach to lead generation. If we implement these changes, I estimate that annual revenue will increase by as much as 15%.

The example above shows a good conclusion for a business presentation. However, some people believe that the term in conclusion is overused. Here’s how to end a presentation using transition words similar to in conclusion .

Transition words help your audience know that your presentation is ending. Try starting your conclusion with one of these phrases:

  • To summarize

However, transition words aren’t always necessary. Here are a few good ways to end a presentation using a different approach.

  • Summarize Key Takeaways : There are two things that I’d like you to remember from today’s presentation. First, we are a company that consults startups for a fraction of the cost of other consultation services. And second, we have a perfect record of successfully growing startups in a wide variety of industries. If anything was unclear, I’d be happy to open the floor to questions.
  • Make a Call-To-Action : I am very passionate about climate change. The future of the planet rests on our shoulders and we are quickly running out of time to take action. That said, I do believe that we can effect real change for future generations. I challenge you to take up the fight for our children and our children’s children.
  • Use a Relevant Quote: I’d like to end my presentation with one of my favorite quotes: “Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.”

As you can see, your conclusion does not need to be very long. In fact, a conclusion should be short and to the point. This way, you can effectively end your presentation without rambling or adding extraneous (irrelevant) information.

How to End a Presentation in English with Common Phrases

Finally, there are a few generic phrases that people frequently use to wrap up presentations. While we encourage you to think about how to end a presentation using a unique final statement, there’s nothing wrong with using these common closing phrases:

  • Thank you for your time.
  • I appreciate the opportunity to speak with you today.
  • I’ll now answer any questions you have about (topic).
  • If you need any further information, feel free to contact me at (contact information).

We hope this guide helps you better understand how to end a presentation ! If you’d like to find out more about how to end a presentation in English effectively, visit Magoosh Speaking today!

Matthew Jones

Matthew Jones


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Best Ways to Conclude a Presentation

Last Updated: October 4, 2023 Fact Checked

Strategies for Wrapping up a Presentation

Other best practice presentation tips, public speaking advice, how should you end a presentation.

This article was co-authored by Patrick Muñoz and by wikiHow staff writer, Ali Garbacz, B.A. . Patrick is an internationally recognized Voice & Speech Coach, focusing on public speaking, vocal power, accent and dialects, accent reduction, voiceover, acting and speech therapy. He has worked with clients such as Penelope Cruz, Eva Longoria, and Roselyn Sanchez. He was voted LA's Favorite Voice and Dialect Coach by BACKSTAGE, is the voice and speech coach for Disney and Turner Classic Movies, and is a member of Voice and Speech Trainers Association. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 5,300 times.

You’ve just spent the last hour or so preparing a super thorough and detailed presentation. Now it’s time to add the finishing touches and come up with an attention-grabbing and memorable closer. What strategies can you use to make sure that people really remember what you've said? Keep reading to learn all the most effective methods you can use to conclude your presentation in a way that’ll really stick with your audience. We'll cover different strategies you can mix and match to end your presentation with a bang, then follow up with public speaking tips. Let's dive in!

Things You Should Know

  • Bring your presentation to a close by first giving a clear indication that you’ll be wrapping up, followed by a short summary of your main ideas.
  • Grab your audience’s attention with a strong call to action and an explanation of what good things will happen when they listen to your message.
  • Make your presentation memorable by embellishing it with a powerful quote, a story, or a surprising statistic or fact.
  • Get your audience involved by running a poll or survey at the end of your presentation.

Step 1 Give a clear indication that the presentation is coming to an end.

  • “In conclusion…”
  • “In summary…”
  • “As I conclude my presentation, let me ask you a question.”
  • “This brings me to the end of my presentation today.”
  • “In respect of time, allow me to wrap up my last comments.”

Step 2 Provide a quick and concise summary of the presentation’s key points.

  • “That brings me to the conclusion of my presentation. If you’re to take anything away from my presentation today, let it be the three Cs of credit that we talked about: character, capacity, and capital.”
  • "Above all else, remember the acronym RAM: redesign, application, and management."

Step 3 Grab your audience’s attention with a strong call to action.

  • “When you volunteer for this program, you will build your skills and gain valuable experiences.”
  • “You will participate in the increased profitability of our company by joining this new program.”
  • “Make this company a more inclusive and healthy place to work by taking just a few minutes out of your day to do these small actions.”

Step 4 End your presentation with a powerful statement or quote.

  • “As the Greek historian Plutarch once said, ‘The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.’ Let’s kindle the fire within our minds and make the changes we want to see.”
  • “I’ll leave you today with a quote from Theodore Roosevelt: ‘Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.’”
  • “Work hard to inspire not only those around you, but yourself as well.”

Step 5 Present one last surprising statistic to grab people’s attention.

  • Pair this statistic or fact with a memorable visual, such as an illustrated graph, a video, or a picture. The more visual your presentation is, the more memorable it will be to your audience.

Step 6 Conclude by telling a story that encompasses your main ideas.

  • Another way to go about telling a story is to start it in your presentation’s intro and end it during the conclusion. Your audience will be curious to know how the story ends.

Step 7 Ask a rhetorical question that’ll make your audience think.

  • “What do you think the word ‘success’ means?”
  • “How can we make an impact every day through the work we do?”
  • “Why do you think people are so afraid of change and questioning the way things have always been done?”
  • Asking a question at the beginning of your presentation and answering it during the conclusion is another strategy to consider. Just be sure that you don’t forget to answer this question and accidentally leave your audience hanging.

Step 1 Put your Q&A section in the middle of your presentation instead of at the end.

  • “What’s your usual mood during the workday?”
  • “Have you ever presented your supervisor with a new idea or suggestion?”
  • “Do you see yourself participating in this new program?”

Step 4 Conduct a final...

  • What they liked and disliked about the presentation
  • What improvements could be made
  • One memorable thing they took away from your presentation

Step 1 Make your presentation about your audience and not solely about you.

  • Before your presentation, go and talk with some of the audience members. This will give them a chance to warm up to you and can help you feel more relaxed once you get up and start presenting.

Step 2 Use hand gestures to create an inviting atmosphere.

  • Using hand gestures also shows the audience that you’re in control of the space around you, and makes you appear much more confident and at ease.

Step 3 Maintain your professional stage presence before and after the presentation.

Expert Q&A

  • Keep in mind that your presentation gives you the chance to be a messenger. Give your audience something meaningful to walk with at the end of your speech. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

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  • ↑ https://www.washington.edu/doit/presentation-tips-0
  • ↑ https://www.wilmu.edu/edtech/documents/the-science-of-effective-presenations---prezi-vs-powerpoint.pdf
  • ↑ https://www.mentimeter.com/blog/awesome-presentations/ways-to-end-a-presentation-and-tools
  • ↑ https://www.niu.edu/presentations/organize/index.shtml
  • ↑ https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2017/11/02/15-methods-of-every-effective-public-speaker/?sh=3a911bdd3047
  • ↑ https://youtu.be/VRJzvJ5XPQI?t=11

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How to End a Presentation with Punch (17 Techniques)

  • PowerPoint Tutorials
  • Presentation Design
  • March 5, 2019

In this post you’ll learn 17 different ways for how to end a presentation that you can test out.

Why worry about the ending?

Because how you end your presentation is just as important as how you start your presentation ( details here ).

If you start strong but flounder at the end of your presentation, what feeling are people going to be walking away with?

Not a good one, that’s for sure! That’s why the ending your presentation is so important.

1. Call to action

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

2. Skip the Q&A at the end your presentation

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

3. End your presentation with a rhetorical Question

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

4. Conclude your speech with a story

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

As you can learn in our post on the best ways to start a presentation ( details here ), emotional listeners retain more information. An emotional story, whether it’s funny, sad, or thought-provoking, is a sure fire way to engage your audience.

If you can, try to tie the beginning and end together with your stories, like Heather Lanier does here:

5. The power of 3 for your conclusion

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

6. Come full circle at the end of your presentation

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

  • Pose a question which you answer at the end
  • Tell a story and either refer to it or finish it at the end
  • Repeat the first slide, this work especially well with powerful images or quotes

7. Demonstrate your product

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

8. End with an either / or scenario

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

9. End your presentation on a high note

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

10. A sound bite

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

11. End with a provocative question

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

12. Use the title close technique

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

13. A quick presentation recap

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

14. End with a powerful quote

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

15. End with a strong visual image

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

16. Close with a clear cut ending

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

17. End your presentation on time

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

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How to End a Presentation (+ Useful Phrases)

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Table of Contents

Most people are aware of the power of first impressions.

However, our appearance and the first words we utter are only one part of the impact we have on others.

Arguably, the final words we exchange during an interaction can have an even more lasting effect . And that applies to public speaking, too.

Obviously, the way you introduce yourself and the topic you’ll be discussing is important.

However, the end of a presentation should also be recognized as a crucial part of the experience .

With that in mind, this article will walk you through some:

  • Things you should consider before drafting your conclusion,
  • Tips for ending a presentation memorably,
  • Mistakes you should avoid, and
  • Phrases you can use to wrap up your speech.

But, before we discuss how to end a presentation, let’s establish why having an impactful conclusion is so essential.

How to end a presentation - cover

Why is it important to have an impactful ending for your presentation?

In our article about starting a presentation , we explained how the steps of the motivated sequence framework correspond to the structure of the average presentation or speech.

As we have established, the introduction of a presentation mirrors the first step of that model. That means that one of its main goals is to get the listeners’ attention .

The central part of the speech, or the body , corresponds to the second, third, and fourth steps of the motivated sequence framework. In other words, it has to:

  • Introduce the audience’s need (or identify a problem the listeners are having),
  • Offer a way to satisfy (or resolve) that need, and
  • Help the listeners visualize the successful implementation of the speaker’s solution.

Having checked off these points, we arrive at the conclusion , i.e., the subject of this article.

That stage of a presentation corresponds to the final step of the motivated sequence model — which consists of the call to action .

So, the conclusion of a presentation allows the speaker to drive their point home and nudge the audience toward performing a specific action.

However, that’s not the only purpose of a conclusion.

According to the authors of Business Communication: Process & Product , the final section of a presentation should achieve 3 goals . It should:

  • Summarize the main themes of the presentation,
  • Leave the audience with a specific and noteworthy takeaway (i.e. propose a specific course of action), and
  • Include a statement that allows the speaker to leave the podium (or pass the mic) gracefully.

Above all, the ending of a presentation should be memorable , akin to the punchline of a joke.

Having said that, let’s talk about some factors you should consider as you’re writing the conclusion of your speech.

Things to consider before crafting the conclusion of your presentation

If you’re trying to figure out how to end a presentation, knowing the goals of a conclusion should help.

However, those objectives are only one part of the puzzle. To get the others, you should also consider:

  • Your audience’s demographic breakdown,
  • The general purpose of your presentation ,
  • The specific purpose of your presentation , and
  • Your thesis statement .

With that in mind, let’s see how each of these factors can help you develop an impactful conclusion for your presentation.

Factor #1: The demographic breakdown of the audience

As we have noted in our article about starting presentations, understanding the demographic breakdown of one’s audience is a crucial part of drafting a speech .

After all, the audience affects all of the choices we make — from the way we present ourselves to the vocabulary and the supporting materials we use during our presentations.

In our quest to learn more about the effect an audience can have on a presentation, we spoke to Persuasion Strategist Juliet Huck .

Having spent a significant portion of her professional career preparing people to take the witness stand, Huck knows a thing or two about adjusting one’s messaging to fit the preferences of one’s audience. She says:

Juliet Huck

“[The] ending [of] every presentation should be different and always based on the background of your audience. This should not be a blanket statement.  It also depends on if you are educating your audience or persuading them to make a decision in your favor.  You must do the homework on your audience prior to giving a presentation and end by leading them to your desired conclusion by giving them a conclusion they can relate to.”

But, if you’re not entirely sure how to take your audience into account when drafting your conclusion, consider the following questions:

  • How will your audience connect to the topic you’re discussing?
  • How can you relate the information you’re sharing to the listeners’ needs?
  • What would make your audience think back on your presentation in positive terms?
  • What would be the most effective way to get your point across to this specific audience?

Knowing whether your audience is friendly, neutral, uninterested, or hostile will also help you adjust your approach.

If nothing else, it’ll tell you whether you should stick to the facts or feel free to deliver a more casual or rousing speech.

Examples of different audience breakdowns

In our article about starting a presentation, we demonstrated our tips through 3 fictional speakers. So, let’s use the same presenters to illustrate this point.

  • Nick Mulder is talking about the dangers of phishing. He introduced himself as the head of the security department. So, we can assume that he’s speaking to an audience of fellow employees, perhaps even through video conferencing software. Therefore, he was addressing an internal problem the company was having in front of a fairly receptive audience.
  • Joan Miller is talking about how artificial intelligence is changing the future of the marketing industry. In her introduction, she mentioned having over four decades of experience in marketing. Consequently, we can infer that she’s speaking to an audience of marketing specialists who were previously unaware of her credentials.
  • Milo Green is talking about employee retention. In his introduction, he indicated that the audience may know him as the founder of Green & Co. So, he’s probably famous enough to be recognized by at least a portion of his audience. Between that and the subject of his presentation, we can assume that he’s talking to the upper management of other companies.

From our examples, we can see how the identity of the speaker and their level of familiarity with the listeners might affect the way they prepare their presentations .

Factor #2: The general purpose of your presentation

Understanding the general purpose of a speech brings you one step closer to knowing how to end a presentation.

According to the authors of Communicating at Work , most presentations can be sorted into one of 3 categories based on that factor. In that regard, your presentation could be:

  • Informative , aiming to expand the listeners’ knowledge and/or help them acquire a specific skill,
  • Persuasive , with the goal of changing the listeners’ opinions or encouraging them to behave a certain way, or
  • Entertaining , which is good for getting the audience to relax and look forward to upcoming speakers or events.

The general purpose of your presentation will naturally affect your conclusion because it will change what you choose to emphasize.

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The basic goal of your presentation could correspond with the type of presentation you’re giving. To learn more about presentation types and styles, check out this article:

  • Presentation types and styles explained

Examples of defining the general purpose of a presentation 

Let’s see how our imaginary presenters would define the general purpose of their presentations.

  • The general purpose of our phishing expert’s presentation is informative . The speaker’s primary goal is to teach his coworkers how to recognize and defend themselves against phishing attempts.
  • Our marketing expert’s presentation is persuasive . She wants to change her listeners’ minds and make them more open to using AI in their marketing campaigns.
  • The last speaker’s presentation about employee retention is also persuasive . After all, the speaker is attempting to show his listeners how they can increase the employee retention rate at their own companies. However, depending on the circumstances surrounding the speech, it could also take on some entertaining qualities.

Factor #3: The specific purpose of your presentation

The specific purpose of a presentation is essentially the outcome you’re looking to achieve with your speech. Defining this goal will require you to know the answers to the following questions :

  • Who do you want to influence?
  • What do you want them to think or do?
  • How, when, and where do you want them to do it?

Ideally, the specific goal you come up with should be realistic and highly specific .

To that end, the authors of Communicating at Work recommend setting measurable goals . So, for example, instead of thinking: “ I want to get approval for my project. ”,

“I want my manager to let me set aside one day per week to work on this project. I also want them to let me ask one or two other people to help me with it.”

Having this kind of goal in mind will help you figure out how to wrap up your presentation.

Examples of defining the specific purpose of a presentation

So, how would our 3 speakers specify the desired outcomes of their presentations in measurable terms? Let’s see:

“I want the people in my company to understand the dangers of phishing attacks. They should learn the exact steps they need to take when they see a suspicious email in their inbox.”
“I want these marketing experts to be more knowledgeable about the way artificial intelligence works right now and understand how they can incorporate that software into their professional practice.”
“I want managers and HR professionals to know how they can make their companies a better place to work so they can keep their employee retention rate high.”

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Factor #4: Your thesis statement

Ultimately, defining the general and specific goals of your presentation is a great way to keep yourself on track when crafting your speech.

However, the audience doesn’t need to know those goals.

Instead, they can hear your thesis statement — a summary of your overall message .

You can treat this statement as the throughline of your presentation. It will appear at least once in the introduction, followed by a few repetitions throughout the body of the presentation.

Finally, you’ll also want to include that same idea in your conclusion at least once.

In addition to keeping you, as the speaker, grounded, that repetition also keeps your audience from wondering what your presentation is about .

Examples of defining the thesis statement of a presentation

So, what would a thesis statement look like in practice? Let’s hear it from our fictional presenters:

“Identifying and reporting phishing emails will save the company’s information and money in the long term.”
“Right now, artificial intelligence isn’t as advanced as people think it is. However, we can still use it for marketing purposes as long as we make sure the process doesn’t begin and end with AI.”
“Improving your employee retention rate makes employees more engaged with their work and saves the company time and money that would otherwise go to training new personnel.”

How to end a presentation with a bang: 10 tips + examples

Now that we know why having an impactful conclusion is so crucial, it’s time to find the right way to achieve your goals.

To that end, we have highlighted 10 tips that might help you wrap up your presentation .

  • Reiterate the key points and your core message.
  • Mirror your opening statement.
  • Elicit a response.
  • Engage the audience.
  • Call to action.
  • Hand out materials.
  • Acknowledge your contributors.
  • Provide contact information.
  • Thank the audience.
  • Ask for feedback.

Of course, many of these methods we’ll discuss can be combined. However, your choices may be limited depending on the factors we have previously mentioned.

Tip #1: Reiterate the key points and your core message

Making sure the audience remembers your main points is one of the most important objectives your conclusion should accomplish.

With that in mind, you should dedicate some time at the end of your speech to reinforcing what you were trying to say throughout your presentation.

Take it from Mark Beal , Assistant Professor of Professional Practice, Communication, at Rutgers University:

Mark Beal

“Every presentation should deliver and consistently reinforce three key message points. Most audience members will not recall more than three messages. Some may only recall one or two. With that [in mind], an engaging and effective presentation should conclude with the three messages the presenter wants the audience to take away.”

In essence, you’ll want to summarize your presentation by reiterating up to 3 key points and then repeating your thesis statement.

You could even translate this tip to your presentation slides. As Juliet Huck says:

“Your last slide should always draw your audience to your desired conclusion. [It] should be your billboard message , as we remember 70% of what we see and 20% of what we hear.”

We can see what that might look like through the example of our imaginary presentation on the dangers of phishing, below.

The final slide of a presentation about phishing

Tip #2: Mirror your opening statement

According to the authors of Communicating at Work , splitting a narrative between the introduction and the conclusion of your presentation is a good way to keep your audience’s attention.

Assistant Professor of Rhetorical Communication at the State University of New York, Dr. Lee M. Pierce , agrees:

Dr. Lee M. Pierce

“Psychological closure is looping back to the beginning to give the audience a sense of a closed circle. Don’t add new information in the conclusion, just tie the presentation up with a bow. [For example,] I always customize my closings based on the opening of the speech. During a TEDx Talk on Beyoncé’s ‘Formation,’ I began by walking out to the introduction to the song, and then I ended by walking off to the end of the song.”

The above quote demonstrates that this tip can be useful no matter which method you used to start your presentation .

You can use it to put a new spin on a statistic you shared in the introduction, give a story you told a different ending, or finish the punchline of a joke you started with.

Overall, coming back to the theme you introduced at the beginning of your speech should make your presentation seem more complete and intentional .

Phrases you can use to reflect the introduction of your presentation in the conclusion

With all that being said, let’s see how our imaginary speakers would mirror the opening lines of their presentations in their conclusion.

Having started with a phishing statistic, our first speaker might say:

“Going back to the number we started with, remember that the Anti-Phishing Working Group has recorded 1,270,883 individual phishing attacks in the third quarter of 2022 — and that number is always on the rise. Luckily, you now have all the information you need to avoid becoming a part of that statistic.”

Our second speaker would have announced her plans to survey her listeners at the beginning of her presentation. In her conclusion, she might say:

“At the beginning of my presentation, I asked you to answer a quick survey on whether you’d be willing to work with AI. If you look back at your phones, you’ll see a different link in the #general channel on Pumble . Let’s see if this talk has managed to sway some opinions!”

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

Lastly, our final speaker might refer back to a humorous statement he made about chaining one’s employees to their desks to ensure that employee retention rates stay high.

“Once you start making your company a better place to work, your employees will happily perform their daily tasks — without being glued to their desks.”

Tip #3: Elicit a response

Making an audience experience strong emotions is always a good thing, but especially as the presentation comes to a close.

Putting the listeners in a contemplative mood or, even better, a cheerful one, means that they’ll be more likely to remember you and the points you made after your presentation ends.

On top of that, concluding your presentation in this manner would allow you to step off the stage gracefully, which is one of the main goals your conclusion should accomplish.

Now, depending on the type of presentation you’re delivering and, indeed, your style of presenting, you could elicit a response by:

  • Ending with a short but powerful statement ,
  • Asking a thought-provoking rhetorical question ,
  • Relying on an impactful statistic or a quote , or even
  • Inserting a funny picture or a meme on your final presentation slide.

Any one of these methods could help you solidify yourself and your message in the minds of the audience.

Phrases you can use to elicit a response from the audience

So, how would our 3 presenters try to get a response from their audiences? Well, they might use the following statements.

“Ultimately, the best defense against phishing attacks is human intelligence. You, alone, can ensure that your information remains secure by implementing the checklist I’ve shared today.”
“So, let me ask you again. Would you be willing to incorporate AI into your marketing campaign?”
“Hey, if the conditions you’re offering to your employees are good enough — there’s no need to keep them glued to their desks.”

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

Tip #4: Engage the audience

As we’ll discuss later on, having a Q&A session at the end of your presentation doesn’t always pan out the way you want it to.

Even so, getting your audience — or at least a few select listeners — to verbally respond to you can go a long way toward making you seem like a more engaging speaker.

Still, you can’t implement this tip without a strategy. You want to lead your audience to a certain type of response .

Professional speaker, career change consultant, and host of the Career Relaunch® podcast, Joseph Liu , had this to say:

Joseph Liu

“I often invite attendees to share what action they’re going to take amongst the potential ones I’ve covered throughout the presentation or to at least commit to taking some sort of action.”

Speaker, author, and editorial producer at CNN, Nadia Bilchik , agrees:

Nadia Bilchik

“If time allows, I always ask participants to share their biggest takeaway.”

The quote above also highlights the importance of being aware of the time as you are concluding a presentation — which is another thing we’ll talk about later.

For now, we’ll just boil this tip down to the following statement: if possible, try to make people verbalize or at least think about the knowledge they’re taking away from your speech .

Phrases you can use to engage the audience

Going back to our imaginary speakers, let’s see how this tip might work in practice.

“As we approach my conclusion, I’d like for us to reflect on everything we’ve learned here today. So, let me turn the spotlight on you all. Does anyone remember how to recognize a phishing email without opening it?”
“Now, I’m sure everyone here has some idea of how they might incorporate AI into their next marketing campaign. Is anyone willing to share their strategy?”
“Alright! Pop quiz time — don’t worry, I won’t grade you. Can you all shout out the main 3 ways to increase employee retention? Number 1?”

Tip #5: Call to action

Once you have finished reiterating your core message and making sure you have your audience’s attention, you need to be able to direct the listeners to the next step.

As Michelle Gladieux , author of Communicate with Courage and President of Gladieux Consulting, an employee coaching provider, would put it:

Michelle Gladieux

“What can the audience DO with the information you’ve shared? Suggest a positive, fruitful next step or, even better, suggest several, and let your presentation participants choose among options that have panned out well for others.”

In her workshops, Gladieux says:

“We ask participants to document at least one goal for behavior change that is specific, measurable, and time-based, and take a bonus step of inviting them to name one person they’ll tell about their goal for added accountability.”

According to the authors of Communicating at Work , there are 2 ways to deliver a call to action at the end of your presentation. Namely, you can either phrase it as:

  • An appeal or a question (e.g. “If any of this sounds interesting, you can learn more by signing up for our newsletter through the link on the screen behind me.” ), or
  • A challenge or a demand (e.g. “Now, you can keep doing what you’re doing and getting lackluster results. Or, you can sign up for our newsletter to receive tips that will help you upgrade your strategy.” ).

As always, your choice will depend on the factors we have listed at the top of this article.

Phrases you can use to call the audience to action

Let’s see what our fictional speakers’ calls to action might look like.

“Remember, even if you happen to open a phishing email, you’ll be able to deal with it easily by forwarding it to this email address. That’s the main thing you need to remember from this talk.”
“I bet many of you could come up with even more creative ways to incorporate AI into your marketing campaigns. So, how about this: if you fill out the form I’m about to send you, I’ll check in with you in about three months. Those of you who succeed in using AI in a meaningful way will get a chance to share your insights on this very stage next year!”
“I have a challenge for those of you who are ready to meet me at my level. I want you to sign a pledge, promising to boost your employee retention rate by 10% in the next year. We had a similar experiment at one of my talks a couple of years back, and even I was surprised by the results.”

If you decide to accompany this part of your speech with a call to action slide, keep Juliet Huck’s advice in mind:

“A call to action slide is not always persuasive. Persuasion is not a call to action — it is a directed action. To ‘call’ means someone can say no, but to ‘persuade’ [is to] direct your audience to your desired conclusion based on a number of steps.”

In effect, that means that your call to action should be the final step of your persuasion strategy.

You should start building to that desired outcome well before you get to the end of your presentation.

Tip #6: Hand out materials

The ending of a presentation is the perfect time to give the audience a keepsake of your speech .

But, keep in mind that a memento doesn’t have to be a physical item. As Michelle Gladieux would say:

“I like to direct my audiences to free downloadable resources on our website for those who want to continue their personal and professional growth as leaders and communicators.”

So, sharing resources through email or a business messaging app would work just as well.

Of course, you don’t have to hold off until the conclusion of your presentation to give your audience something to remember you by. Gladieux also shared a method she used in her workshops: 

“[Most of our] participants have our high-quality original workbooks in hand during the presentation and available later as a tangible resource. Folks add notes, take short assessments, and work on case studies when we teach using workbooks. If we use presentation slides, we keep the content as engaging visually as possible and short on words.”

If your budget allows you to do something similar, that might be a good way to make the audience remember you.

Phrases you can use before handing out materials

In the scenarios we have conjured up, the speakers might introduce their additional materials like so.

“If you’re interested in learning more about phishing and how you can defend yourself from future attacks, you’ll find more information by following the link on the screen.”
“Now, at this point, I see that my associates have already started delivering some additional materials and miscellaneous goodies to you. I hope you’ll use them to workshop further ideas for using AI in your marketing strategies.”
“I’ll go ahead and forward these presentation slides as well as some additional resources for improving employee retention to you all.”

The third speaker uses the team communication app, Pumble, to share additional resources

If you’re looking for a convenient way to deliver additional resources to the attendees of your speech, Pumble is a great option. This article offers some practical tips for using business messaging software for educational purposes — including online conferences:

  • Using Pumble for teaching and learning  

Tip #7: Acknowledge contributors

If you’re delivering a business presentation as a representative of a team or a department, you can also use the final moments of your speech to acknowledge everyone who worked on the presentation with you.

On the one hand, you could simply thank your team in general terms and leave it at that.

Alternatively, you could highlight the individual contributions of specific team members if you want to make sure their effort doesn’t go unnoticed.

Phrases you can use to acknowledge your contributors

Here’s how our fictitious presenters might acknowledge the people who helped them create their presentations:

“Before I sign off, I’d like to take a moment to thank Jill and Vanessa from the security team, who helped me compile the data and create the slides you just saw.”
“Finally, I’d like to acknowledge that this presentation wouldn’t be half as informative without the experts who helped me understand the technical side of AI.”
“Now, let’s all give it up for my wonderful team, who helped me organize this lecture.”

Improve communication and collaboration for increased team efficiency with Pumble.

Tip #8: Provide contact information

Business presentations often double as networking opportunities , both for presenters and for audience members.

With that in mind, you might want to put your contact information on one of your closing slides.

For one, doing so would show the audience how they can get in touch with you after your presentation ends. After all, they may have additional questions or even interesting business opportunities for you.

On top of that, putting your contact information on the last slide is also a good way to remind the audience of your name and credentials .

For that reason, our second imaginary speaker might have “Joan Miller — Chief Marketing Officer at Happy Media” on her final slide.

Phrases you can use to provide contact information

So, how would our presenters encourage their audience to keep in touch? Well, they might say: 

“I’m always happy to answer any of your security or phishing-related questions on Pumble. You’ll find me by clicking the plus sign next to the direct messages section and searching my name, Nick Mulder.”
“If you all have any follow-up questions for me or one of the AI experts I’ve spoken to, you’ll find all of our contact information on this slide.”
“If you want to stay up to date on Green & Co’s latest news, follow us on LinkedIn.”

The first speaker asked his coworkers to contact him through direct messages on the business communication app, Pumble 

Tip #9: Thank the audience

Many presenters find a way to incorporate a “ thank you ” slide at the end of their presentations.

If you want to express your appreciation to your audience members , you could do the same thing.

However, as we’ll soon discuss, many of the experts we’ve spoken to would advise against having pointless visuals at the end of your presentation.

After all, you want to leave the audience with something memorable to take away from your speech.

Still, if you want to thank the audience, you could always make that final slide serve multiple functions .

For example, a “thank you” slide can also contain the speaker’s contact information, as well as additional resources.

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

Tip #10: Ask for feedback

Lastly, some speakers might benefit from knowing what the audience thinks about their delivery and other aspects of their presentation.

That’s why some of the experts we’ve spoken to suggest that conducting a brief survey of the audience could be a good activity to end a presentation with.

Rutgers University professor, Mark Beal, says that:

“Offering audience members the opportunity to take a concise survey at the conclusion of a presentation will result in valuable insights that will inform how to consistently evolve and improve a presentation. […] We use the last few minutes of seminars to allow participants to answer a few questions about what was most useful in our content and delivery, and what, in that individual’s opinion, could improve.”

Michelle Gladieux is also an advocate for audience surveys, saying:

“I’ve delivered thousands of training workshops and keynotes and never miss an opportunity to ask for feedback formally (in writing), informally (in conversation), or both. As you might guess, I advise every presenter reading this to do the same.”

You could encourage this type of feedback by:

  • Asking attendees to share their thoughts on your presentation after you step off the stage,
  • Setting up a notebook near the door and asking people to jot down their thoughts as they exit,
  • Having a suggestion box for hand-written feedback notes, or
  • Creating an anonymous survey online and linking to it on your presentation slides.

Most presenters nowadays tend to rely on technology to compile audience feedback, but the method you use will depend on the circumstances surrounding your presentation.

If you’ve never had to ask for feedback before, you might find this article interesting:

  • How to ask your manager for feedback  

The worst ways to end a presentation

Having gone through the best practices for concluding a presentation memorably, we also wanted to know what are some of the mistakes speakers should avoid as they reach the end of their speech.

The experts we have spoken to have identified 5 of the worst ways to end a presentation :

  • Overloading your final slide.
  • Settling for a lackluster closer.
  • Ending with a Q&A session.
  • Not having time for any questions at all.
  • Going over your time.

So, let’s see what makes these mistakes so bad.

Mistake #1: Overloading your final slide

Overloading your presentation slides isn’t a mistake you can make only at the end of your presentation.

Professional speakers know that slides are only there to accompany your speech — they shouldn’t be the main event.

As Nadia Bilchik says:

Nadia Bilchik

“Slides are only there to support your message. Towards the end of the presentation, I may even stop the slideshow entirely and just have a black screen. At the very end of the presentation, my suggestion is to have a slide up with the next steps or a call to action.”

Dr. Lee M. Pierce also tends to use blank slides:

Dr. Lee M. Pierce

“I always end and begin with blank slides. As a speaker, you’re trying to build connection and rapport between you and the audience, not between the audience and your slide deck.”

Therefore, putting too much information onto a single slide can make the speaker seem unprepared, in addition to overwhelming the audience.

When in doubt, remember Kawasaki’s 10/20/30 rule :

  • No more than 10 slides per presentation,
  • Keep your presentations under 20 minutes, and
  • The text on your slides should never be smaller than 30-point font. 

Mistake #2: Settling for a lackluster closer

If your goal is to become a proficient speaker, you’ll have to stop using uninspired closers like:

  • “Well, I guess that’s it.”
  • “That’s pretty much all I had to say.”
  • “That’s about it from me. Can we get some applause?”

The audience will respond if you say something deserving of a response.

Instead of using these bland lines, remember Juliet Huck’s advice:

“Never end your presentation without closing the loop of your beginning theme and being specific when asking for your desire conclusion.”

As we have established, it’s best to conclude your speech by bringing back your thesis statement and key points.

Finishing with weak visuals is similarly offensive — and here we’re not just talking about presentation slides.

Remember, body language is an important component of our communication .

Fidgeting as your presentation comes to a close or slumping your posture as soon as you’re finished speaking won’t do.

As Michelle Gladieux would say:

“Never end a presentation seeming happy to be done, even if you are! Be certain you’re happy to be the presenter before you begin, or find someone else to do it.”

In other words, try not to show signs of anxiety during your presentation .

Maintain a confident demeanor for as long as you remain on stage or as long as you’re on camera, in the case of virtual meetings .

Mistake #3: Ending with a Q&A session

One of the experts we have spoken to, Nadia Bilchik, was particularly adamant about not ending presentations with Q&A sessions.

“Never ever end a presentation on a question-and-answer session. I have seen numerous presenters end by asking ‘Any questions?’ Too often there are no questions, and the presenter is left looking deflated and muttering ‘Thank you.’ [If there are] no questions, you can always say ‘A question I’m often asked is…’ or ‘Something I would like to reiterate is…’ Never end your presentation without your audience being clear about what they are expected to do with the information you have just shared.”

Adding that you can:

“Ask for questions, comments, and concerns, and only then end with a quick wrap-up. The goal is to end with your audience being clear on their next steps.”

Even if the listeners do have questions, there’s a good reason not to have a Q&A session at the very end of your presentation.

Namely, there’s always a chance that someone will ask a question that completely derails the conversation.

If you have the Q&A portion right before your conclusion, you’ll have time to reiterate your core message and proceed with a memorable closing statement .

For reference, you can ask for questions by saying:

“Before I close out this lecture, do you guys have any questions for me?”

Then, if there are no questions, you can still proceed to your conclusion without losing face. 

A Q&A session is one of the best ways to make your presentations more interactive — but it’s not the only way to go about it. To learn more, check out this article:

  • 18 Ways to make presentations more interactive and engaging

Mistake #4: Not having time for any questions at all

Ending with a Q&A session could be a problem — but, perhaps, not as big of a problem as not taking questions at all.

As Mark Beal would say:

“Not giving the audience the opportunity to participate in the presentation via a question and answer session is another ineffective way to end a presentation. Audiences want to have a voice in a presentation. They will be more engaged with the presentation content and recall it more effectively if given the opportunity to participate in the presentation and interact with the presenter.”

Dr. Lee M. Pierce adds:

“It’s always good to leave at least 15 minutes for questions. Leaving 5 minutes is annoying and pointless. Also, be prepared that the audience may not have questions or not feel comfortable just jumping in, so have some of your own questions ready to offer them. You can say something like, ‘Just to put it out there, if I were going to ask me a question, I’d ask…’ ”

Now, both Nadia Bilchik and Lee M. Pierce have mentioned phrases you can use if no one comes forth with a question.

You’ll notice that the sentences they have come up with will require you to consider the questions you may be asked ahead of time .

In addition to helping you create a better presentation, doing this will also allow you to answer any questions effortlessly.

Mistake #5: Going over your time

Last but not least, many of the professional speakers we have interviewed have stressed the importance of ending one’s presentation on time.

Michelle Gladieux said it best:

“The best way to end a presentation is ON TIME. Respect others’ time commitments by not running over. You can always hang around for a while to speak with people who have more to say or more to ask.”

Dr. Lee M. Pierce agrees:

“The worst thing you can do is run over time. If you were given 45 minutes for a presentation plus 15 minutes for Q & A, you should end at 45 minutes — better if you end at 35 or 40.”

Then again, according to Guy Kawasaki’s 10/20/30 rule, even going over the 20-minute mark could risk boring and alienating one’s audience.

Useful phrases for ending a presentation

In the course of our research, we’ve found many practical phrases one might use to wrap up a presentation.

We even had experts send in their suggestions. For example, Nadia Bilchik says:

“I always end with a very quick summary of the content, a definitive call to action, and a reiteration of the benefits to the audience. This is a superb model, and I have shared it with thousands of individuals who have found it immensely valuable. Use this as your framework: What I have looked at today… What I am asking you to do… The benefits are…”

Other phrases you might use at the end of your presentation include:

“To recap, we’ve discussed…”

“Throughout this presentation, we talked about…”

“In other words,…”

“To wrap up/conclude,…”

“In short, I’d like to highlight…”

“To put it simply,…”

“In conclusion…”

“In summary, the goal of my presentation…”

“If there’s one thing you take away from my presentation…”

“In bringing my presentation to a close, I wanted to…”

If you’d like to incorporate a call to action, you might say:

“I’m counting on you to…”

“After this presentation, I’d like to ask you to…”

“Please take a minute to…”

“Next time you (see a suspicious email), remember to (forward it to this email address).”

To end with a quote, you could say:

“Let me leave you with this quote…”

“That reminds me of the old saying…”

Lastly, more useful phrases include:

“Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.”

“For more information, head to the link on the screen.”

“Thank you for your time/attention.”

“I hope you found this presentation informative/useful/insightful.”

Remember: the last words you say should make it abundantly clear that your presentation has ended.

What should your final slide look like?

If you don’t want to leave your final slide blank as some of the experts we have talked to would recommend, there are other ways to fill that space.

Joseph Liu told us:

“I tend to make it very clear the presentation is coming to an end by having a slide that says, ‘Closing Thoughts’ or something to that effect. I recommend ending with a recap of your content, reconnecting with the initial hook you used at the start, and finally, some sort of call to action.”

Mark Beal has a similar formula for his closing slides, saying:

“The final slides of my presentation include: A slide featuring three key messages/takeaways, A question and answer slide to engage the audience at the conclusion in the same manner a presenter wants to engage an audience at the start of a presentation, and A final slide including the presenter’s contact information and a website address where they can learn more information. This slide can include a QR code that the audience can screenshot and access the presenter’s website or another digital destination.”

Between these two suggestions and the many examples we have included throughout our guide, you ought to have a clear picture of what your final slide might look like.

End your presentations with a bang on Pumble

Knowing how to end a presentation effectively is a skill like any other — you’re bound to get better through practice and repetition.

To get the most out of your presentations, make sure to give them on Pumble.

Pumble — a team communication and collaboration app — allows you to have the most interactive, efficient presentations thanks to:

  • The video conferencing feature that allows you to share your knowledge with a large group of people,
  • The screen sharing feature that allows you share your presentation,
  • The in-call message feature, to ensure your audience can participate (and send questions for the FAQ partition of the presentation, for example), and
  • The blur background feature, that ensures your audience’s attention is always on you and you alone.

Secure, real-time communication for professionals.


Olga Milicevic is a communication researcher and author dedicated to making your professional life a bit easier. She believes that everyone should have the tools necessary to respond to their coworkers’ requests and communicate their own professional needs clearly and kindly.

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how to close your presentation in english powerfully

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Different Ways to End a Presentation or Speech

November 6, 2017 - Dom Barnard

The beginning and ending of your presentation are the most important. The  beginning  is where you grab the audience’s attention and ensure they listen to the rest of your speech. The conclusion gives you a chance to leave a lasting impression that listeners take away with them.

Studies show  that when people are tasked with recalling information, they “best performance at the beginning and end”. It’s therefore essential you leave an impact with your closing statement. A strong ending motivates, empowers and encourages people to take action.

The power of three

The rule of three is a simple yet powerful method of communication and we use it often in both written and verbal communication. Using information in patterns of three makes it  more memorable  for the audience.

Examples of the power of three being used:

  • This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning – Winston Churchill
  • Blood, sweat and tears – General Patton
  • I came, I saw, I conquered – Julius Caesar

A compelling story

Ending your presentation on a short story, especially if that story is personal or illustrates how the content presented affects others is the best way to conclude.

If you want to talk about a customer experience or successful case study, think about how you can turn it into a meaningful story which the audience will remember and even relate to. Creating empathy with your audience and tying the story back to points made throughout the presentation ensures your presentation will be well received by the audience.

A surprising fact

A surprising fact has the power to re-engage the audience’s attention, which is most likely to wane by the end of a presentation. Facts with  statistical numbers  in them work well – you can easily search online for facts related to your speech topic. Just make use you remember the source for the fact in case you are questioned about it.

A running clock

Marketing and advertising executive Dietmar Dahmen ends his Create Your Own Change talk with a running clock to accompany his last statement. “Users rule,” he says, “so stop waiting and start doing. And you have to do that now because time is running out.”

If you’re delivering a time-sensitive message, where you want to urge your listeners to move quickly, you can have a background slide with a  running timer  to add emphasis to your last statement.

Example of a running timer or clock for ending a presentation

Acknowledging people or companies

There are times when it’s appropriate to thank people publicly for helping you – such as

  • Presenting a research paper and want to thank people involved in the project
  • Presenting data or information obtained from a company or a person
  • When someone helped you build the presentation if it’s a particularly complex one

You can even use the  PowerPoint credits  feature for additional ‘wow’ factor.

A short, memorable sentence

A sound bite is an attention magnet. It cuts to the core of your central message and is one of the most memorable takeaways for today’s  Twitter-sized  attention spans. Consider Steve Jobs’ famous last line at his commencement address at Stanford University: “Stay hungry, stay foolish.”

Think about how you can distil your message down to a crisp, memorable statement. Does it represent your authentic voice? Does it accurately condense what your core message is about? Listeners, especially business audiences, have a radar that quickly spots an effort to impress rather than to genuinely communicate an important message.

An interesting quote

A relatively easy way to end your speech is by using a quote. For this to be effective, however, the quote needs to be one that has not been heard so often that it has become cliché.

To access fresh quotes, consider searching current personalities rather than historical figures. For example, a quote on failing from J.K. Rowling: “It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default.”

You need to figure out what resonates with your audience, and choose a quote that fits the presentation theme. If you’re up to it, you can round off the quote with your own thoughts as well.

A visual image

Make use of this power by ending your presentation with a riveting visual that ties to your take-home message. Leave this slide on when you finish your presentation to give the audience something to look at and think about for the next few minutes.

Use a summary slide instead of a ‘thank you’ slide

‘Thank You’ slides don’t really help the audience. You should be verbally saying ‘Thank you’, with a smile and with positive eye contact, putting it on a slide removes the sentiment.

Instead of a ‘Thank You’ slide, you can use a  summary slide  showing all the key points you have made along with your call to action. It can also show your name and contact details.

This slide is the only slide you use that can contain a lot of text, use bullet points to separate the text. Having all this information visible during the Q&A session will also help the audience think of questions to ask you. They may also choose to take photos of this slide with their phone to take home as a summary of your talk and to have your contact details.

Example summary slide for a presentaiton or speech

Repeat something from the opening

Closing a presentation with a look back at the opening message is a popular technique. It’s a great way to round off your message, whilst simultaneously summing up the entire speech and creating a feeling of familiarity for the audience. Comedians do this well when they tie an earlier joke to a later one.

Doing this will signal to the audience that you are coming to the end of your talk. It completes the circle – you end up back where you started.

There are a few ways to approach this technique:

  • Set up a question at the beginning of your speech and use your ending to answer it
  • Finish a story you started, using the anecdote to demonstrate your message
  • Close with the title of the presentation – this works best with a provocative, memorable title

Link the main points to the key message

At the beginning of your talk, it’s important to map out the main ideas you will talk about. An audience that doesn’t know the stages of the journey you are about to take them on will be less at ease than one that knows what lies ahead. At the end of your talk, take them back over what you’ve spoken about but don’t just list the different ideas you developed, show how they are related and how they support your main argument.

Finish with enthusiasm

It’s only natural that you’ll feel tired when you get to the end of your talk. The adrenaline that was racing through your body at the beginning has now worn off.

It’s crucial that the audience feels that you are enthusiastic and open for questions. If you’re not enthusiastic about the presentation, why should the audience be?

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Don’t end with audience questions

When the  Q&A session  is over, stand up, get their attention and close the presentation. In your closing give your main argument again, your call to action and deal with any doubts or criticisms that out in the Q&A.

A closing is more or less a condensed version of your conclusions and an improvised summary of the Q&A. It’s important that the audience goes home remembering the key points of the speech, not with a memory of a Q&A that may or may not have gone well or may have been dominated by someone other than you.

If possible, try and take questions throughout your presentation so they remain pertinent to the content.

Getting rid of the “questions?” slide

To start, let’s talk about what you shouldn’t do. You shouldn’t end a presentation with a slide that asks “Questions?” Everyone does and there is nothing memorable about this approach.

Ideally, you should take questions throughout the presentation so that the question asked and the answer given is relevant to the content presented. If you choose to take questions at the end of your presentation, end instead with a strong image that relates to your presentation’s content.

Worried about no audience questions?

If you’re afraid of not getting any questions, then you can arrange for a friend in the audience to ask one. The ‘plant’ is a good way to get questions started if you fear silence.

Chances are that people do want to ask questions, but no one wants to be the first to ask a question. If you don’t have a ‘plant’, you might need to get the ball rolling yourself. A good way to do this is for you to ask am open question to the audience. Ask the most confident looking person in the room for their opinion, or get the audience to discuss the question with the person sitting beside them.

A cartoon or animation

In his TED talk on  The Paradox of Choice  , Barry Schwartz ends his presentation with a cartoon of a fishbowl with the caption, “You can be anything you want to be – no limits.” He says, “If you shatter the fishbowl, so that everything is possible, you don’t have freedom, you have paralysis… Everybody needs a fishbowl”. This is a brilliant ending that combines visuals, humour and a metaphor. Consider ending your presentation with a relevant cartoon to make your message memorable.

Ask a rhetoric question

So, for example, if you’re finishing up a talk on the future of engineering, you might say, “I’d like to end by asking you the future of manufacturing, will it be completely taken over by robots in the next 30 years?”

The minute you  ask a question  , listeners are generally drawn into thinking about an answer. It’s even more engaging when the question is provocative, or when it touches potentially sensitive areas of our lives

Thank the audience

The simplest way to end a speech, after you’ve finished delivering the content, is to say, “thank you.” That has the benefit of being understood by everyone.

It’s the great way for anyone to signal to the audience that it’s time to applaud and then head home.

Call your audience to action and make it clear

It’s not enough to assume your message will inspire people to take action. You need to actually tell them to take action. Your call to action should be clear and specific. Your audience should be left with no doubt about what it is you’re asking.

Use the last few minutes of the presentation to reinforce the call to action you seek. Examples of strong calls to actions include:

  • Retain 25% more employees with our personal development solution
  • Save your business 150% by using this framework
  • Donate today to save millions around the world

Make it clear that you’ve finished

Nothing is more uncomfortable than the silence of an audience working out if you’ve finished or not.

Your closing words should make it very clear that it’s the end of the presentation. The audience should be able to read this immediately, and respond. As we mentioned previously, saying “thank you” is a good way to finish.

If the applause isn’t forthcoming, stand confidently and wait. Don’t fidget and certainly don’t eke out a half-hearted, ‘And that just about covers it. Thank you’.

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How To End A Presentation To Make A Lasting Impression (9 Techniques)

How To End A Presentation To Make A Lasting Impression (9 Techniques)

This blog provides creative ideas on how to end a presentation with a punch. Studies show that when people try recalling information, they usually recall the beginning and the end. Therefore, you must leave an impact on the audience with a strong closing statement. A weak ending can leave the audience unenthused and uninspired, they may even forget your message within a few hours. But a strong ending motivates and empowers. It encourages people to take action.

So how to end a presentation well? Here are a few techniques you can try – 

End your presentation on time

Close with a clear cut ending

Conclude your speech with a story

Come full circle at the end of your presentation

Use the title close technique

…Always a high note, always the high road

A sound bite

A quick presentation recap

End with a strong visual image

Sounds like a no brainer? You will be surprised how many people struggle with this seemingly basic idea. At the root of it lies a tendency to cram too much content and then hurrying through to the end, often straying beyond the allotted time slot.

Being on time communicates to the audience that you respect their time and also leaves an impression about you being organized and well planned.

Some tactical tips

Remember, the ending time of the professional presentation includes any Q&A and discussion time so the audience has the space for interactivity.

You should state at the beginning of the meeting your intention to end on time and ask for audience cooperation. This includes agreeing to put side topics/conversations into a parking lot; recognizing when the deviations from the core topic take place, etc.

In the end, when you do successfully end on time, be sure to remind the audience of the fact that you ended on time and thank them for their cooperation.

It is indeed a weird moment when the audience is unsure whether you have ended the presentation and transitioned into a general drift of conversations or worse, an awkward silence. Be sure to include a definitive statement to let the audience know that your presentation has arrived at its final destination. This can be a clear cut, ‘thank you!’,’ With this, my presentation comes to a close’, a wave, a bow, but let it be a clear-cut indication that this is the end and the audience is free to leave the discussion.

Storytelling is often underutilized as a tool to leave an impact towards the end of PowerPoint presentations . While there is a lot of literature out there on the art of storytelling (See our own post here), clever use of stories to conclude the presentation can powerfully and in emotional ways reinforce your core messages and make these memorable.

Towards the end, you do want the story to be relatively brief and can start with a statement like “Let me end my presentation on a personal note….”

Give the audience a sense of closure by referencing your opening message at the end. It gives the audience a feeling of coherence and consistency.

You will need to plan for this ahead of time though. Some tips and ideas:

  • Pose a question which you answer at the end
  • Tell a story in the beginning but leave it unfinished until the end
  • Repeat the first slide, this work especially well with powerful images or quotes
  • Reference a comment, someone, in the audience made and connect it to the closure

Some presenters bring back the title slide to close their presentation. It is a subtle yet effective technique to keep the audience grounded and connected to the core topic and the content

This creates a sense of bookend to your entire presentation and can be used to bring your audience full circle as referenced above.

Your presentation is a great platform to uplift the spirits of the audience. While some topics easily lend themselves to positive messages, there is always light at the end of the tunnel even if you are delivering bad news

There is almost never a situation when you cannot inspire people. And you must never leave an opportunity to. There are many ways this can be achieved

  • Use vibrant, visual language
  • Appeal to the broader sensibilities of the audience
  • Think long term, not immediate fall outs
  • Most of all stay optimistic, positive, and energetic

A sound bite is like a slogan, a catch-phrase that attracts attention. It challenges you to condense your presentation into a pithy phrase?

If you can find a core message of your business presentation that is catchy and short, you can expect the audience to have a higher recall of your presentation. Some examples, inspired by famous quotes.

  • Stay hungry but stay balanced
  • With this project, we didn’t fail, we just found 35 ways that don’t work
  • 100% of the shots you don’t take don’t succeed

One common approach that never fails to impress is the “tell them” method.

It goes like this:

  • Tell them what you are going to tell them
  • Tell them what you just told them

Studies state that people only absorb 30% of what you say. So this seeming repetition helps. But the real reason this method has stayed in vogue is that it plays on our innate need to see the information multiple times to understand patterns and start to believe in it

One pitfall to avoid here is to avoid staleness by saying boring phrases such as “In conclusion” or “To sum up”

Instead, spur the audience with phrases like “Where is this all leading?” or “What does this all mean?”

A picture is worth knowing how many words. This adage is equally true when you are making a presentation.

Find an image that evokes the emotion that characterizes your presentation and the feeling you would like to leave the audience with. This can be a humorous, inspirational, or descriptive image that caps up/sums up your message. For example, in a message to the executives, a brand manager in a pharma company very effectively used the image of a child’s facial expression in vivid detail post receiving the painful therapy that the brand was trying to replace.

Here are a few slides examples of how to end a presentation effectively:

How to End a Presentation

Thank You Slide

View Thank you Slide 

Explore our extensive library of Thank You Slides to get creative ideas on how to end a presentation.

Lessons Learnt Template

Lessons Learnt Template

View Lessons Learnt Template 

How to End a Presentation

Questions Template

View Questions Template 

Explore our Questions Slides to get creative ideas on how to end a presentation.

Quotes template - How to End a Presentation

Quotes Template

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Quotes template - How to End a Presentation

Explore our Quotes Slides  to get creative ideas on how to end a presentation.

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  • 5 Effective Strategies To End A Presentation

By Paola Pascual on Feb 7, 2022 5:15:00 AM

You just gave a great presentation in English… And it’s time to conclude.

If you think all the work is done –watch out! Did you know that the beginning of your presentation , together with the end of it, are the most important parts of your speech? This is what your audience will remember best, so it’s important to make the introduction and the conclusion as memorable as possible.

The last few minutes of your presentation are your best opportunity to make a long-lasting impression on your audience. This last part will help your audience remember the key points and help you get across the main idea .

In this article, you will learn 5 strategies to end your presentation in a powerful way. You’ll also learn useful expressions you can use to transition from one point to the next.  One great tip is to prepare both the beginning and the end of your presentation:

Prepare your presentation - Quote by Sonya Hamlin

5 Effective Strategies to Close Your Presentation

Choosing the right strategies to conclude your presentation will help you bring your audience back to the main point. We all get distracted sometimes, and our attention span keeps getting shorter. 

The goal is for you to connect with your audience and make them feel connected to your topic. Your presentation should always be about them –not you. Make it easy for them to remember key points and bring their attention back to them.

Download this great effective presentation checklist and check the strategies below. Pick the ones you feel most comfortable with and dare to combine them –some of them work great together!

How to end a presentation - Talaera Blog

1. Restate your main idea 🔁

The most effective way to make your key points stick? Repeat them. Once again. And again. 

You may feel that restating your key message throughout the presentation can be repetitive. However, adding recaps after each section and summarizing your main points in your conclusion will really make it stick in the minds of your audience members.

When you restate your main idea, make sure you paraphrase the points in a slightly new and refined way. You can change the word category, use synonyms, or use a simpler version.

Use these closing words and useful phrases to summarize your key points:

  • In other words, today we went over ...
  • To put it simply, this presentation examined ...
  • What I mean to say is, throughout this presentation, we explored ...
  • As we/I understand it, 
  • By and large, we discussed ...
  • Overall, today's presentation covered ...
  • To recap, we examined ...
  • In conclusion, 
  • To conclude,
  • In short, I’d like to highlight…
  • To quickly recap,
  • In a nutshell, 
  • In summary,
  • To sum up,  I’d like you to remember…
  • To summarize, 
  • All things considered, 
  • All in all, 
  • To put it briefly, 

2. Include a Call To Action or next steps ➡️

Your presentation has a goal and some next steps. When you give a speech, you expect something else to happen. Whether that may be for your audience to provide feedback, for them to buy your product, for you to send them a brochure…

What are your future actions? It’s what we call our “ Next ” in our WHAT-WHY-NEXT framework . This should be one of the first things should consider when preparing your presentation. What do you want your audience to do after your speech? Do they need to take action or will you follow up with them? 

Clearly tell your audience what they need to do after your presentation –or what they can expect.

Introduce your Call To Action and present how your findings will impact the future:

  • To wrap this up, I’d love to ask you to…
  • After today’s session, please take a minute to…
  • I’m counting on you to…
  • Looking forward,
  • To this end, it would be great to…
  • As a consequence, we must …
  • If you would like more information, please…
  • Please reach out to me if you have any questions…
  • I will send you a list of great resources that will help you…
  • So, next time you…, remember to…

3. Close the loop ⏺️

The "Loop Technique" is a popular technique in which you return to the subject you opened with at the start of your presentation. It’s especially effective because it creates a perfect circle and a satisfying sense of completion. Skillful speakers often build up audience anticipation at the beginning of their talk and then keep them in suspense until the end when they finally finish their story, give the punchline to their joke, or answer the question they posed right at the start.

Closing a presentation referring back to your opening message is a very common speech structure in many TED Talks . It is a great way to round off your story and remind your audience why they were there in the first place. It is also commonly used in comedy and marketing.

To approach this technique, you can finish a story or an anecdote you started or set up a question at the beginning of your talk and wait until the end to answer it. 

4. End with an inspirational quote or surprising statistic 📊

I must be honest with you –quotes are not my favorite way of ending a presentation, but I see how it can work in some contexts.

If you want to make your audience feel in a particular way or there is something you want your audience to remember, a quote or a surprising fact can be your best ally. It is an effective way to reengage your audience and help them remember your main point.

Always remember to add a quote or statistic that is related to your topic.

Oh, an impactful image could work just as well!

Use these phrases to introduce great quotes or statistics:

  • I’d like to finish with this inspiring quote from…
  • This reminds me of a wonderful quote from…
  • Let me leave you with this surprising statistic…
  • Let’s finish this session with an interesting quote…
  • Did you know that…?
  • It reminds me of the words of…
  • In the end, this is what matters...

5. Thank your audience 💙

Before you go, remember to always thank your audience. After all, they’ve stayed until the end, right? A simple sentence will suffice, and it will make a difference by making you more likable.

Phrases to thank your audience:

  • Thank you so much for your attention today.
  • I’d like to thank you for your interest today.
  • I truly appreciate your interest and attention this morning.

Keep improving your presentation skills

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More resources on presentation skills:

  • Presentation Skills for Non-Native English Speakers
  • 101 Must-Know Transition Phrases for Engaging Presentations Online
  • 21 Helpful Tips For Remarkable and Outstanding Presentation Skills
  • How To Start a Presentation: Follow These 4 Easy Steps
  • How To Bring Across Your Main Idea In A Presentation Effectively
  • 6 Public Speaking Tricks To Captivate Your Audience
  • How To Do Effective Business Storytelling According To Former Prosecutor
  • 8 Little Changes That'll Make A Big Difference With Your Presentations
  • 3 Quick Public Speaking Tips For Your Next Presentation
  • Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are [TED Talk Lesson]

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6 Ways to Near Autochthonous Presentation With Styles (& Tools to Use)

6 Ways to Close Your Presentations With Style (& Tools to Use)

Written by: Ashish Arora

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Picture is: You've just delivered an astonishing how that had your audience hooked from who start. To excitement in the room is glaring since you arrive the finished moments of your presentations.

Now, it's zeite to close with a bang and walk one enduring impression.

The way you concluded your presentation holds immense power. That’s and definitions moment that cements thy message in which minds of your audience.

So how do you wrap up your presentation within adenine memorable way additionally leave your audience feeling inspired? That’s why we built this article the teach you select to end a presentation.

In this article, we're going into explore six awesome ways to close your presentation on style. Such techniques will help you leave a stable impact and induce insert audience go "Wow!"

Get ready to level up your presentation skill and charm your viewer with dieser proven closing techniques.

Table concerning Contents

  • 6 Ways at Close Your Presentation With Style
  • Power to Help You Create a Submission
  • Key Phrases to End a Presentation
  • How to Start a Presentation
  • Top Presentation Mistakes to How
  • How you end will presentation can make all the difference stylish solidify your letter and leaving your audience includes a feel of purpose.
  • Level up your presentation skills and charm your audience with these proven closing abilities: include a strong call-to-action (CTA), don't end with a question and answer slide; conclude with a memorable quote, tell a story, summarize respective wichtigste points and thank the audience.
  • Here am some ways you can start autochthonous presentation on a strong note: make a bold claim, give them the unexpected, pique wonder, ask questions and tells a story.
  • Avoid these top presentation flaws: lack of adequate presentation, being robotic, avoiding eye contact, beginning additionally ending poor.
  • Visme, Prezi, Slidebean and Google Slides are four stand-out implements you cannot use to create stunning or effective talks.
  • Visme’s presentation software offers a widely coverage of molds also extensive functionality to help you create next-level presentations.

6 Ways toward Close Your View With Style

There’s no question such grabbing your audience’s watch at the very beginning of you show is important. But how you end it can make all the difference in your presentation’s overall impact.

Here are some lanes to ensure your end powerfully:

  • Route #1: Include a Strong Call-to-Action (CTA)
  • Way #2: Don't Terminate With a Q&A
  • Way #3: End With ampere Memorable Quote
  • Route #4: Close With a Story
  • Way #5: Drive Your Main Points Home
  • Way #6: Thank and Acknowledge

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1. Include a Strong Call-to-Action (CTA)

If you’re a business owner, the primaries purpose of your presentation is to inspire the audience the action. Don’t expect they will pick it, move your to it.

Use powerful words so are definitive and instructional. Calls-to-action like “Begin to journey” or “Join an fight” are to-the-point and let the audience know what to do. Stand a fine conclusion to every presentation given available! :)

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2. Don’t End with adenine Q&A

You’ve just spent 20-30 minutes wowing your audience and start you’re going to let your presentation fizzle out with a Q&A? Beyond one item that you are never in full drive of what questions you will be asked, Q&As are just not memorable.

So how do you stop a presentation with a bang? It remains better to taking questions throughout the presentation. This way the questions asked are relevant to to particular information nature shared both yours can provide your audience is holding upward with you.

Is you have been forced to structure your feature so that questions are taken at aforementioned end, make sure to permit yourself a moment or two after one Q&A. Use this point to close the speaker with your final takeaways and letters away inspiration.

3. End with a Memorable Quote

Sometimes, if you can’t find the perfect language to end with, utilize someone else’s words.

“Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of whereby I react to it.”  –Charles Swindoll

“Life is whatever happens to to while you’re busy creation other plans.” –John Lennon

“Your time is limit, so don’t waste it living personage else’s life.” –Steve Jobs

These are pretty powerful words, no? Make quotes similar these as you wrap up your presentation, or add them in your final slide to leave a strong impression.

4. Close with an Story

If beginning with adenine compelling story worked, there’s a very good chance that closing with one will more right. While adenine story at this beginning was an effective lead-in to your message, a story at the end can creatively sum up the information thou have shared.

A word of caution: don’t end with a case study. Many business home do this. Case studies are great for the middle of is presentation. Still for the conclusion, you want an meaningful story that affects your audience emotionally and causes them to recollect get letter available a longs, long time.

5. Driver You Main Spikes Front

Your audience will appreciate some mail of summation the an end the will act since a linear representation of what they’ve fair heard.  There is a unsophisticated summary formula that many professional speakers use in and finishing slide: Video Conclusions: Ringing to the Exit | Target Instruction GmbH

  • Tell her what you are going till teller your.
  • Then, tell you what you related them.

You can simply say something like, “Before I depart you about my final thoughts about XYZ, let me briefly restate my main takeaways…” Don’t straight list your principal points instead show the audience wie each links to the other points.

Offer a successful presentation takes a lot of work and commitment. By creating a powerful opening and closing, you will ensure that your message is nope only entire received but impactful the well.

6.  Thank and Acknowledge

If you're finding it hard to signal to your audience that your view has done real it's time to applaud, grateful them can be a great path to do that. Including an end carriage or thank you slide can make things easier.

Along who end of thy presentation, you can also acknowledge no companies or people who helps you put together will presentation, such as a website you used as a input source. Tips & Guides - Intros. & Conclusions - Hamilton College

Tools to Search You Create an Presentation

Nowadays that you know select to end a feature effectively, let's meet out method you can form one that speaks since itself.

A well-designed slide deck can not must helped i better convey our communication, but a can also make yours feel more confident about your presentations.

Here exist four tools him can use to compose stunning and effective exhibits.

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The master out non-linear presentations, Prezi, lets you create slide decks that are bound up stand out from select.

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3. Slidebean

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If the most important thing to yourself when making a powerpoint exists saver date, Slidebean power be adenine wide fit.

The highest thing about the tool is it uses artif intelligence (AI) to help you create stunning layouts for your contents.

Slidebean is ideal if you're not looking for wide customizability, just ease of uses and time-saving features like templates and content blocks.

4. Google Dia

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Sometimes, the many basic tools are enough forward creating a great presentation, especially whenever of industry you're operating in requires simplicity and seriousness.

The best portion about Google Slides is ensure you can use it from anywhere and from any device. Used example, yours bottle create your entire presentation on your phone using of mobile application.

Presentations made in Google Pictures can also be opened with Microsoft PowerPoint and Keynote, welche produces to fair adenine versatile tool.

Key Phrases to End an Display

if you're wondering as to close your presentation, here are some key phrases you canned use:

Appreciate their listeners

  • Thank her for your time and attention.
  • I appreciate your presences on today.
  • Thank you for being such an interested audience.

Express gratitude used the opportunity

  • I'm grateful for the chance to share...
  • I want to express mein gratitude to...
  • Thank you once moreover required the opportunity.

Summarize the main points

  • In summary...
  • To sum up...
  • In conclusion...

Use a call until promotion

  • ME encourage each of you to...
  • Let's operate together to...
  • Take the next step by...

Inspire or motivate your audience

  • Remember that...
  • As ours move forward, let's keep in mind...
  • Let this be adenine memento that..."

Walk your closing reflections

  • In closing...
  • As a final thought...
  • To wind things up...

Encourage your listener to ask questions or share their thoughts

  • I'm instantly open to any questions you may have.
  • I'd love to hear your thoughts on...
  • Feel free to outreach out if you have any further getting.

Reiterate the main credits

  • Just at recap...
  • Go restate the key points...
  • Inches essence, ours covered...

Use closing quotes

  • To offer [relevant figure]...
  • In the terms of [author]...
  • As [famous person] once said...

Express optimism about that future

  • Looking ahead...
  • The future holds great opportunities for...
  • I'm excited about an what that lie ahead.

Remember, these entertaining ways to end a presentation aren't one-size-fits-all. You want to tailor these phrases to fits the specific context and tone of your presentation. Learn whereby to end a presentation like a pro and make a lasting impact on to audience with those 10 powerful strategies.

Bronze 1: How to Start one Featured

Now you know whereby go conclude a presentation. We’ve also discussed ​​what to declare at the end of a presentation.

Let’s discuss how to begin a presentation.

According to bestselling author, Malcolm Gladwell, in  Blinkers: The Power of Thinking Without Philosophy , "Snap rulings are ... enormously quickness: they rely on the thinnest slices of experience."

In other words: first impressions are real, additionally they happen really quickly. Think about those presentations you having sat in the audience for.

How quickly acted you sum a presenter up when they took the stage? Did you judge themselves on their posture? What they were wearing? How they addressed the audience? What their voice ring like?

Most likely, thou took all about these key into account real quickly decided whether you were going to give them will full focus or think about get yours shoud make for dinner.

As a presenter, you must understand that your audience members will make a snapping decision about you within the first few moments after taking that stage. Your job at that very beginning of the presentation is toward grab their attention.

Weiter are some ways you may start your presentation strong.

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1. Make a Audacious Claim

Imagine being in one audience when a announcer opens his mouth and the foremost words out are, “When I’ve finished here today, you is have the knowledge to increase your revenue by 200% this year.” Um… would you sit forward inches your chair and learn to every single word? You bet you would! How to End a Presentation in English: Methods and Examples

Them have been asked to speak because you are an expert inches your field and have valuable information to share. So why be shy about it? Start your presentation equal an bold assertion, and then overdeliver. What to In int an Conclusion of Your Presentations in English

2. Deliver Them the Unexpected

Another powerful way to grab attention right increase top is to contradict audience prospect. Some people refer to which as "applied unpredictability principle." We've created a view of 6 ways to close your presentation along with some powerful tools up help you establish one visual appealing presentation.

Gifts people what they expect is not very excitingly. Imagine a roller coaster that had no sudden drops or turns. It wouldn’t thrill you. Okay the same can are enunciated forward presence. The unexpected hooks the audience instantly. Do you want in know how to end a presentation with a bang? We asked commercial lecturers to share his counselling.

Here’s an example. Pamela Meyer, author of Liespotting , starts off her presentation by scanning the audience and then verb, “Okay, I don’t want to alarm anybody in this room, but it’s just come to my attention that the person to your right is a liar! Also the people to our left is a liar.”

Well, the audience chuckles, getting her intended joke, but you can tell that this unexpected statement has hanging them, and they are ready to give them full attention. Learning how to out an presentation will depend on your goals. Exist you pitching an idea for your boss or participating the a crowd submission?

3. Picking Your

Humans like to have own interest piqued. We love the feeling by being presented by information that makes usage curious and wonderful about something.  Exploring actually exhibitions that curiosity prepares our intellect to learn something new. How does it do this?

Well, when we are curious info something, we give that object our full attention. We look for clues and assessment places. This is how wealth operate and it’s how our ancestors stayed alive.

If they want to grab one audience’s attention right off the beater, ask a question or pose an idea that pikes their curiosity. You’ll see many Ted Talk presents do this over “confessing” they may to share a secret otherwise an apology.

Speaker Dan Red does this stylish his famous  THYROXINE e d Speaking  when he says:

“I must to make a your, among the outset go. A little over 20 years ago, I did some that I regret. Something that I am don particularly proud of. Something that in many ways EGO wished no can want ever know, but that more I feel considerate of obliged to reveal. In the late 1980s, in a second of youthful indiscretion, I went to law school.”

This minute someone says they have something to confess, we HAVE to know what it is, both how wee are forced toward repay attention.

RELATED: 29 Assassin Presentation Tips to Wow Your Spectators

4. Ask Questions

This technique is an oldie still a goodie. By posing a thoughtful query to your audience, their brain is forced to THINK about an answer. You have busy them out second one. An key is to doing the problem one this unable be answered in a simple yes or no, but prefer one that plants the seed of an idea. How To End A Presentation & Leave AN Lasting Imprint - Venngage

“What scares you the most?”

“How do human beings constantly reach goals we all believe can almost be reached?”

“When was the last period them allowed yourself to feel powerful?”

5. Tell a Story

“When I be nine, MYSELF met a homeless gentleman who said he ability see my entire forthcoming. He told me that while I turned 12, I would die. And I did.”

Okay, I am FULLY listening.

Stories are powerful. The people brain sounds to have had wired to listen to fables. No mater wherewith old we get, when someone starts to tell how a story, we instantly become 5-years-old, wide-eyed, ready the depart on an adventure.

The show you tell can be personal or professional, just construct safer to ties into your overall message.

Bonus 2: Pinnacle Presentation Mistakes to Avoid

If we’re going to discussing a presentation success formula, we’ve got to first tackle some of the greater public speaking mistakes ensure guarantee your presentation has unsuccessful. Are you guilty of optional of these? 6 Ways to Finish Your Presentation At Style (& Tools to Use)

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1. Not Be Prepared

We’ve all been those presenters who make it look so fluent. Steve Jobs was like that. You looked to sliding onto the stage, open his mouth and now enthrall everyone. Components of a Presentation

But the truth is, even Fels Jobs had to prepare.

Thoughtful planning is fundamental for any level of general speaking. Performing the work forwards of time will non only help you sensing and sound more confident, it will ensure you delivering the right message to that right audience.

2. Exist Robotic

Beyond being comfortable with your material, you must be comfortable in your own body. Have she seen presenters who just stand in one spot and barely move at select? Whilst they’re not very good at exciting its audience, they do possess a keen knack used lulling listeners to sleep. Because you finalize this preparation of your presentation in English-speaking, can definite to include these 5 key details + get three ways to conclude the presentation powerfully.

Guaranteed, there may being these rare situations where, because concerning a lack of robust technology, you have no choice but up stand behind a podium. But even therefore, be security to use gestures to punctuate your message. Gestures communicate upon a level is words don’t. Don’t be extraordinary but try and uses natural gestures as much as him can – you’ll seem humanly instead of machine-like.

And, when technology does allow you free movement, at all means, move around that stage. Steve Jobs was great on utilizing agitation intentional during his presentations. How go present guides and closing

If you have a presentation coming up and want to avoid sounding robotic, this video explains 8 ways go memorize your presentation.

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

3. Avoiding Eyes Make

We can’t talk about dead language and doesn mention one of the biggest mistakes that many speakers construct, real that is avoiding eye your. Methods many presentations got you seen where the orator spent the entire time gaze during her notes or PowerPoint presentation? Like has you feel? Perhaps imperceptible?

Meeting a person’s gaze defines a real connection and keeps listeners engaged. If your audience will small enough, try to make ear contact with everyone at few once. If the audience is too bigger, to you best to scan each section of the audience, ending on a few people. To will give everyone a general impression that you are doing your our to connect. How to Conclude a Submission: Tips and Examples | Lyerlyplace.com

4. Starting and Ending Low

Wenn there is one-time no-no a presenter can doing, such is it.

Yourself should think of your view as a delicious meal you have painstakingly prepared used your dining. That do you reminds most about a great meal? If you’re like most people, you remember and appetizers and the dessert – everything in between is sorted are a good-tasting unclear. As to Lock a Presentation: Tips and Examples · 1. Summarized the key points. Choose three or four points from the presentation and reiterate ...

When you startup and end your presentation strong, you gain the audience’s attention quickly real leave a positive and lasting imprinting. These are two skills that cannot shall marked enough.

Let’s look at some of the ways you can making you start your presentation strong:

Ready to Level-Up Your Presentation?

Whether it's a business presentation or one motivational speech, knowing how to give a closing statement and ending your talk on a high note is important. A good conclusions knotted together whole the parts in our presentation. Try up include some sort of related to our introduction. Avoid counterfeit or many endings ...

The last thing you say in front of a massen can help you leave ampere memorable impression, whether it's a recap of your video satisfied or a rhetorical question. Images this: You've just delivered somebody impressive presentation that had your audience mounted with the start. The tension in the room is glaring as you reach the finalize nuts of your exhibits

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About the Owner

Ashish Arora is the Co-Founder from SketchBubble.com , a leading provider of result-driven, professionally built presentation generate. Travelling the world on gather new artists ideas, he has been works in the electronic marketing space since 2007 and has a passion to designing presentations. I can also search me on  Cheep or  LinkedIn .

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

Presentation Geeks

How To Close A Presentation

Table of contents, why the ending is the most important part.

The goal of your presentation is to have the audience members remember the message and act on it.

In order to effectively achieve this outcome, you must structure your presentation accordingly. You will need a strong introduction to set the scene, proof points throughout your presentation to support your argument and a conclusion to tie everything together.

Without a proper closing, your presentation will feel incomplete and leave the audience with more questions than answers. As the introduction is to the foundation of a home, the conclusion is to the roof. Without one, your presentation seems unstructured and incomplete with an empty void.

It is not up to the audience to break down what they’ve heard – that is simply too much cognitive processing required for them. You’ll lose your audience and your entire presentation would have been for nothing.

As the presenter, it is your responsibility to summarize key takeaways and craft a proper presentation conclusion that will leave a lasting impression with your audience.

All effective presentations have a conclusion. Whether it’s an inspirational quote, call to action or a few simple closing words. Nevertheless, you must practice and master the skills of how to end your presentation to join the ranks of master presenters.

To help you on your journey, we’ve put together a list of five ways you should end your presentation whether it be an informal, formal presentation or a virtual presentation . Even though these are only a few ways to end your presentation, they are tried and true based on presentation feedback we have received over the years.

10 Ways To End Your Business Presentation & PowerPoint Presentation

1 – end with a call to action.

In the world of business, you’ll be presenting to gain new business on a daily occurrence. RFP presentations and client proposals are just some of the presentations you’ll be engaged with. Just like any sales system, closing and asking for the business is the most critical part.

One way to end your presentation, especially in business is with a call to action.

A call to action is when you directly ask the audience what next steps you want them to take. This might be asking them to sign up for a promotion, following you on social media or engaging in some way.

A call to action is a great tool to use to close your presentation as it has a high conversion rate, the message is clear and it keeps the audience engaged.

2 – End With A Compelling Story

We are social creatures and stories are one of the most effective communication channels we use. Presentation psychology shows us that messages told through the use of a story are better remembered since they act on our human emotions and behaviors.

Stories are also great because it helps the audience sympathize with your messaging easier. Since they already have experienced emotions tethered to an event they can relate to, eliciting an emotional response from them will be easier.

3 – Avoid Q&As

Don’t end your presentation with a Q&A.

Question and answer periods are often unstructured. They could discredit your presentation should the questions not be vetted and your main message may get misconstrued.

Luckily, there are alternatives to Q&As which can still offer the same benefits without the uncertainties.

Alternative Ways To Get The Audience’s Attention, Feedback and Increase Engagement

Instead of using an unstructured Q&A period, try using a presentation tool such as Pigeonhole .

Software similar to this can help you filter questions before they’re made visible to the public. This will help you avoid any awkward or unwanted questions.

It can also allow you to ask for questions ahead of the presentation. This can allow you to avoid all questions being submitted at the end and will give you an opportunity to answer questions throughout the presentation.

4 – Come Full Circle With Your Message

Even with a strong opening message, it’s important to come full circle with your message.

As you progress through your presentation, points you mention will start to fade as your audience tries to remember the key points. Unfortunately, there are times where the main points of your presentation do get forgotten.

A way to combat this is to come full circle with your message. At the very beginning of your presentation, you should introduce the argument or message of your presentation similar to a thesis of an essay. As you progress through your presentation with proof points, you are supporting your argument. By the end, your audience might’ve forgotten what the main argument is. Not a problem, simply reintroduce the thesis, argument or key message of your presentation on the final slide for a lasting impression.

5 – Demonstrate Your Product

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

If your presentation is showcasing a new product or line of services, consider ending with a demonstration or live performance!

This will certainly blow away your audience members and be a strong ending. A perfect example of a presenter who perfected this technique is Steve Jobs.

Not only is ending your presentation with a demonstration a great way for your presentation to conclude, it also provides great additional benefits such as PR.

Also, depending on how your audience learns new things, it will help put into perspective what you just presented. If you talk about the benefits of a new product you’re launching, demonstrating those benefits will help provide context.

6 – Always End On A High Note

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

Always end a presentation on a high note.

Even if your presentation is covering a grim and dark topic, leave the audience with some positive motivation.

Negative motivation such as having your audience act on fear and anger are not ideal ways to end a presentation. Although considered effective by some marketers, ending on a high note leaves a longer lasting impression.

The last thing people want to hear are bad things. We are already bombarded with negativity on the news and social media. Convey a sense of positivity by ending on a high note.

7 – End With A Thought Provoking Question

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

Spark a sense of curiosity by asking your audience a relevant thought provoking question.

Asking a thought provoking question is a great way to end a presentation as it sticks with the audience long after everything is finished.

By having the audience fixated on a question, it will keep reminding them of your presentation and what initially sparked that question in the first place.

Remember though, the question should be relevant to what you spoke about.

8 – End With A Powerful Quote

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

Similar to a question, a quote will leave a lasting impression with your audience.

Sometimes, what you want to be said has already been said in a profound way you can’t top and that’s ok. Adding a quote, especially an impactful quote from someone famous like Julius Caesar helps drive your point across.

9 – End With A Powerful Image

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

We all know the saying that a picture says a thousand words.

What better way to end a presentation with an image that can leave the audience with their own personalized conclusion.

Ending off with a powerful image lets your audience come to their own conclusion of the presentation. The image might be meaningful as it relates to the topic you’re presenting or might target a specific emotion you want to elicit from them.

10 – End With Clear Next Steps

Similar to a call to action, outlining clear next steps is important for ending a presentation.

Even when you might not require the audience to take action as you would when inputting a call to action, you might want to set clear steps for what you as the presenter will do, what the organization will do or what the audience as individuals will do in a business setting.

Outlining clear next steps holds everyone accountable and it makes things less ambiguous.

You may consider outlining next steps typically in a business presentation.

For example, if you’re pitching to a client on some business you hope for them to buy into, providing a timeline will help put them in a mindset that makes them believe they’re already working with you. Next steps could be what to expect once the contract is signed with clear deliverable dates.

If you’re still not sure on how to end your presentation, consider outsourcing your presentation design to an agency like Presentation Geeks that have years of experience crafting presentations for a variety of industries.

By trusting professional presentation designers, you can be assured that from beginning to end, your presentation will be one to remember and you’ll be on your way to becoming a better presenter .

Author:  Ryan

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How to Close a Speech – 15 Unique Ways

how to close your presentation in english powerfully

The question of how to close a speech is an important one that every presenter must ask, given the weight those final words have on your audience.

As the open of your speech sets the stage, your close seals the deal. It is your last chance to restate a key idea, make a final impression, inspire the audience, move a group to action, or change a person’s perspective. A tall order, yes, but it’s far from impossible.

When speakers think about how to close a presentation, there are several key elements to consider when it comes to their close:

  • Is it engaging?
  • Does it reiterate your message?
  • Have you clearly identified the next step you want your audience to take?

Too often, speakers mistakenly believe that the audience will be able to infer what they should do next. The truth of the matter is even the most talented presenter can benefit from sending the audience off with a clear call to action . When it is specific, easy to execute, and aligns with their needs, wants, and concerns, they are more likely to take you up on your request.

Since these final words are so important, you’ll want to make a singular impression.

Here, we offer 15 unique ways to close a speech.

15 Unique Ways to End a Speech

These presentation closes highlight many different approaches in how to end a speech that work for our clients in our public speaking classes . What they are not are recipes for quick escapes. Save the “thank you for your time,” “feel free to email or call me with questions,” and “that’s all I have for today” for another day. Your close is what you want them to remember, so make sure it’s something they can’t forget.

1. The Summary Close –  Let’s talk turkey. This close is about the most straightforward, direct, and unequivocal one in the list. In the annals of how to close a presentation speech, it also could be called the “recap” close. If you opt to close a speech with a summary, you want to be clear with your biggest idea and convey to the audience that it is what you want them to remember. That doesn’t mean, however, the summary close is never engaging.

For example, you’re a doctor who is encouraging an audience to adopt lifestyle changes that can lead to longevity. You could end your talk by saying:

“In conclusion, while genetics plays an important role in our lifespans, there are decisions you can make that can improve your chances for a longer and more productive life. There are three letters I want you to remember, “i”, “a,” and “n.” Why? They come at the end of three important words: octogenarian, nonagenarian, and centenarian. If you plan to be active in your 80s, 90s, and 100s, you better start eating better, getting more exercise, eliminating unnecessary stress, and scheduling those routine screenings. A thriving future is in your hands.”

illustration of The Ants and the Grasshopper

2. The Illustrative Close – The artistry in this close comes from your ability to appropriate a first- or third-person anecdote, case study, or fable; an apocryphal (fictional but plausible) tale; or another storytelling device to serve as an illustration of the main points you made during your talk. Quick tip: Many talks begin and end in this manner.

Example No. 1: You are a senior vice president of a nonprofit that provides health and humanitarian care to locations around the world. You are talking to a group of would-be donors about the significance of their contributions. You decide to end your speech with a personal experience.

“I’ve spent the past 20 minutes encouraging you to dig into those pockets to help make the world a better place for others. I want to tell you one more story. It’s about a personal decision I made some 10 years ago after visiting a coffee shop. I plunked down my two dollars, grabbed my coffee, and headed out the door. During my five-minute walk back to my office, my one-minute walk up the stairs, and the four minutes I spent catching up on email, I had finished it. In 10 minutes, I had managed to spend and consume the amount of money that the world’s poorest people live on in a day. Could I give up that coffee to help others? You bet I could, and I did. Since then, no matter what else I donate each year, it always contains $520, what I call my “coffee fund.” Simple measures not only add up but have the power to change lives.”

Example No. 2:

You are a guidance counselor who is speaking to a group of students who are applying to college. Throughout your talk, you impress upon them the importance of planning and setting deadlines. You could end your speech by referencing Aesop’s fable The Ants and the Grasshopper .

“I want to tell you all a story, and perhaps it is one you remember. Long ago, a grasshopper decided to spend his summer making music and otherwise lazing about. In contrast, a group of ants busily set aside food for the winter. The grasshopper thought he would be fine if he waited to the last minute. He wasn’t, nor will you be if you put off the tasks that need to be done today. Applying for college is an intense and important process that can’t be rushed at the end.”

3. The Surprise Close – Some of the best movie endings of all time were wicked twists, surprising conclusions, and outright shockers. Why are they so memorable? First, they are unexpected. It turns out our brains are more active when we experience something we didn’t anticipate. Second, we expected a different conclusion. When a pattern is broken, we become particularly attuned to what comes next . When you close a speech with a surprise ending , you are signaling to your audience to listen up. Here are some ways to do that:

  • Your talk is about how positive thinking gives you the power to overcome overwhelming obstacles. Your talk has been about a woman who “beat the odds.” At the end, you reveal that person is you.
  • You lead a school building committee, and you are giving a presentation about the renovation plans for an 80-year-old school. You want to persuade the community to back the plan. As you end your speech, you concede that speaking about the design is a lot less effective than seeing it. You could close with this:
“We all know seeing is believing. So, while I do not have an actual building to show you, I want to take you on a virtual tour of our new middle school. You are the first to see this. (You reveal a screen and project a short video.) This plan provides for the students’ futures and doesn’t keep them stuck in the past.”

4. The Metaphor Close – When it comes to how to close a speech, you may feel that you are drowning in options, but if you take a careful look at your topic and what you want to convey, you will find it’s as easy as pie. We bet that’s music to your ears. Welcome to the metaphor close. We just gave you three. Metaphors are figures of speech that make an indirect comparison between two things that are symbolically similar but literally different. You are not literally drowning in options, but it sure can feel that way.

Here’s a way to employ this close: You are a spokesperson for a technology company that is releasing a new residential surveillance product. You outlined its merits throughout your talk and have arrived at the end. Here, we show you two closes, one without and one with a metaphor.

Example No. 1 (Without)

“Our proprietary technology makes our product stand out. By installing our surveillance system, you have – at your fingertips – one of the industry’s strongest lines of defense against would-be thieves, intruders, and other unwanted visitors.”

Example No. 2 (With)

“When you install our surveillance system, it is as if you have dozens of lookouts guarding your home.”

5. The Forward-Looking Close – Calling all dreamers and visionaries: Paint a picture of what the world might look like in the future. This speech close is a good option if you are talking about recommendations to adopt or future trends that could have a bearing on your topic. It’s important to create a vivid and vibrant picture to help the audience better visualize what it is you hope to accomplish. Say you are a financial advisor talking to a group 15 years away from retirement. During your talk, you have shared a portfolio of products and your firm’s approach to investment. Your close could be this:

“I have shared with you some tips and techniques that will help you to grow your money, so you have it when you need it most. We have talked about your bottom line, market variability, and the strategies that go into investing. But, I want to leave you with a different picture. When you pay attention to your investments today, your tomorrows will be spent poolside, hiking mountains, traveling the globe, learning a new skill, or finally attaining what you have always dreamed of doing. You will no longer be working for your money. Your money will be working for you.”

close a speech

6. The Backward-Looking Close – We move away from the future and reach into the past. Some audiences, including those who are discouraged or complacent, may need to be reminded of how far they have come. Say you are the manager of a sales team that has spent the past two years working full tilt to hit revenue goals. During your speech, you outlined an ambitious approach to the coming year that some audience members believe is unattainable. Your close, then, encourages them to move forward with confidence, given their past successes. You could offer this:

“I know how hard you all worked these past two years to increase revenue and create a more thriving and vibrant environment. You may not think it, but I can hear your silent groans of frustration. Yes, we do have an ambitious path before us. However, I have no doubts that you are all up to the task. In the past two years, you have taken a company with $500,000 a year in sales to one that clears $1 million. The expressions of doubt and concern that face me now were the same I saw two years ago. But guess what? During these past two years, whatever challenges we faced were met and managed quickly – and that is entirely due to your work ethic. I know we can do this. I know we will do this.”

7. The Next Steps Close – You probably have several to-do lists in your life. There are those that cover daily needs; others focus on short-term goals. There’s likely one lurking out there for long-term dreams, too. Although the timeframe may be different, each list has its own set of tasks that must be met to ensure that things get done. You can close a speech with a similar list. In this case, you want to lay out the sequence and timeline of steps needed to make a decision or achieve a goal.

8. The Rhetorical Question Close –  You don’t have to wait until the end, as rhetorical questions are effective throughout a talk. However, asking one at the conclusion of your presentation is powerful since the audience leaves with your question rattling around their minds. One of the most famous rhetorical questions came during a 1980 presidential debate between President Jimmy Carter and his challenger, Governor Ronald Reagan. In the ensuing years, Reagan’s message has become an oft-asked question during every presidential election cycle: “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” Here’s what he said to end that 1980 debate:

“Next Tuesday is Election Day. Next Tuesday all of you will go to the polls, will stand there in the polling place, and make a decision. I think when you make that decision, it might be well if you would ask yourself, are you better off than you were four years ago? Is it easier for you to go and buy things in the stores than it was four years ago? Is there more or less unemployment in the country than there was four years ago? Is America as respected throughout the world as it was? Do you feel that our security is as safe, that we’re as strong as we were four years ago?” And if you answer all of those questions yes, why then, I think your choice is very obvious as to whom you will vote for. If you don’t agree, if you don’t think that this course that we’ve been on for the last four years is what you would like to see us follow for the next four, then I could suggest another choice that you have.”

9. The Provocative Close – Merriam-Webster defines provocative as “serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate.” Of course, every presenter hopes to stimulate the minds of their audiences, but a provocative close snaps people to attention. Here’s how to end a presentation speech provocatively. For instance, you are:

Man with beard in front of a white background appears to be skeptical

  • Delivering a wake-up call – You conclude with a forceful call to action. This is particularly effective if you have power or hold sway over the group to whom you are presenting. For example, you have just delivered a talk to employees about a new technology they are going to have to learn – no ifs, ands, or buts.
  • Talking to a group that resists change – You could end with the consequences if no action is taken regarding your topic. You want to paint an “if we fail to act” vision, but it’s also important to take it easy. Too much negativity could lead to a sense of hopelessness, and hopelessness is not the greatest of motivators.

10. The PowerPoint Close – When you dispense with cluttered visual presentations and instead offer an image that draws your audience in, PowerPoint can create a memorable close. Powerful visuals encourage curiosity. Here are a few options to close a speech with a PowerPoint slide. You might project:

  • A photo that is seemingly unrelated to your speech topic and requires your explanation.
  • An image that is humorous but makes a profound point.
  • A line graph showing two potential outcomes – one if the audience gets involved and another if they don’t.

11. The Recommendation Close – In the long-running game show “Let’s Make a Deal,” contestants, who are dressed in outlandish costumes, are urged to, yes, make a deal for cash and prizes. They must choose a prize or gamble for another, which is often behind a curtain or some other wall or obstruction. “Let’s Make a Deal” contestants don’t know what’s behind the curtain, but your audience will. With the recommendation close, you provide your audience with the plusses and minuses of several different options – no curtains or costumes needed.

To be viewed as credible, however, you should offer honest pros and cons for each recommendation. It should not appear to the audience as if you are stacking the odds in favor of one column over the other. Just be mindful not to tip your hat, and the audience will get an unvarnished look at the options before them.

12. The Activity Close – As you can see, how to conclude a presentation speech is as unique to the presenter as it is to the message. In this close, you engage in an activity that drives your main message home. For instance, you could employ a group “pop quiz” to see how many of your key points landed. ( Added bonus: The feedback affords one more opportunity to clarify and reiterate what you want the audience to remember.) You could also end with some of the following activities:

You are a representative for a cosmetics company and are unveiling a new foundation. For your close, you break the audience into groups, provide samples, and ask the groups how it delivered. You run a government agency that is implementing a new program for requests for proposal. You are running some information sessions for contractors, consultants, and other businesses. For your close, you could lead participants through one test round of the system.

13. The Takeaway Close – Parents of young toddlers and teenagers do this every day, to mixed results, but when used to close a speech it can be entirely effective. You ask the audience to reflect on two or three things they heard you say that resonated with them the most. You might even ask them to write them down. The exercise has a twofold benefit – you get to see whether your messages stuck, and the audience is forced to recall what you said, but on their terms.

14. The “Since I Started Speaking” Close – This close works well when talking about a health issue, a societal phenomenon, or anything that can be explained through statistics and further broken down into concrete examples. Say, for instance, you are a spokesperson for a smoking cessation program, and you are talking to a group of employees about the dangers of smoking. After you have outlined how smoking leads to disease and is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, you could end with this:

“In the 60 seconds it will take me to finish my presentation, someone in the United States will have died from cigarette smoking. That happens every minute, making smoking the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. The dangers are real, and the dire consequences of smoking are relentless, yet it remains an unhealthy habit that too many are unable to quit. What will it take to make that change? After you leave here today, why don’t you take a minute and think of how much it costs you to smoke. Then think of what you could be doing with the money instead. Vacations? Home renovations? New bikes? A new wardrobe? Philanthropic pursuits? Find the incentive that finally gets you to stop lighting up. Quitting is difficult, but it isn’t impossible. And we’ll be here to help you, even if you fall down a few times along the way.”

Vintage cogs and gears mechanism in detail

15. The Relevance Close – In today’s fast-paced society, yesterday’s news ain’t what it used to be. A fresh tidbit during the morning news cycle is stale by lunchtime. Such an environment can make it hard for a presenter whose talk is historical or retrospective in nature. How to close a speech in this scenario? Connect old ways or thoughts to contemporary norms or thinking. Perhaps, you find that your topic reflects an adage that stands the test of time. Say you are a museum curator whose latest exhibition delves into the history of work and the machines that revolutionized different industries. You have just wrapped up a presentation about the show to a group of donors. You have laid out the main points and are heading for the close. Here are some closing techniques:

You might remind the audience how the machines of yesterday were once the state-of-art technology of their day. Then, encourage them to think about what will replace current technology and how that will affect the nature of work. Map out the historical line between an object of today with its predecessors to show how the technology of work is ever evolving. Find an adage or quote that covers the overall theme of how technology and human industry have been and will be linked into the future.

One caveat: For most talks, speakers would want to establish such a relevance early on (i.e., what now seems old was once state of the art). However, for some talks, such as the one referenced above, the moment might have more impact and resonance if it is saved until the end.

Need Help Closing Your Speech?

While every presenter needs to think about how to close a speech, the answer is not always going to be the same. It’s a personal decision that should reflect your personality, your goals, and the content of your presentation. You might choose one that is straightforward, traditional, creative, or innovative.

Whichever you choose, aim to end on a high note. This is not the time for quick goodbyes, mumbled thank-yous, or body language that suggests all you really want to do is flee. There are many public speaking tips  we share with our clients, and a key one is to remember that a presentation’s close is one of its most important parts.

It’s your last chance to make an impression on your audience – which in turn will help you to inspire them to think big, persuade them to change their perspective, or move them to action. Make it count!

Most speakers benefit from teaming any of these unique endings with a second close, which can make for a more powerful and memorable ending. Want to learn more? In this post , we delve into the art of wrapping up your talk with two closes, rather than just one. 

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  • presentation closes
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  • public speaking skills
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    Six ways to effectively close your presentation are: 1. A short summary. Simple, straightforward and effective. For example, if your presentation has three takeaways, just summarize those three ...

  6. How to End a Presentation in English: Methods and Examples

    Though there are many ways to end a presentation, the most effective strategies focus on making a lasting impression on your audience and reinforcing your goals. So, let's take a look at three effective ways to end a presentation: 1. Summarize the Key Takeaways. Most presenters either make an argument (i.e. they want to convince their ...

  7. 6 Ways to Close Your Presentation With Style (& Tools to Use)

    Here are many ways to ensure you end powerfully: Way #1: Incorporate a Strong Call-to-Action (CTA) Way #2: Don't Conclude To one Q&A ... Your job at the highly beginning are your presentations is to grab own attention. 6 Ways to Close Your Presentation With Style (& Tools to Use) ... English; Deutsch; Currently showing.

  8. How to End a Presentation: Most Effective Methods

    Some things you can say include: [1] "In conclusion…". "In summary…". "As I conclude my presentation, let me ask you a question.". "This brings me to the end of my presentation today.". "In respect of time, allow me to wrap up my last comments.". Provide a quick and concise summary of the presentation's key points.

  9. How to End a Presentation with Punch (17 Techniques)

    This can be linked to your 'call of action' ending in tip 1. For example, you can close a presentation by saying something along the lines of, "We can do this, or we can do nothing. The choice is yours.". 9. End your presentation on a high note. Whichever way you choose to end your presentation, end it with energy!

  10. The Full Guide To Ending Your Presentation With Impact

    3. Don't forget your call to action. Your presentation won't be complete without a call to action. Of course, your entire presentation is basically a prelude to your call to action. This means the meat of your slides should be persuasive enough to get people to follow you by the time you end your presentation.

  11. How to End a Presentation (+ Useful Phrases)

    Mistake #5: Going over your time. Last but not least, many of the professional speakers we have interviewed have stressed the importance of ending one's presentation on time. Michelle Gladieux said it best: "The best way to end a presentation is ON TIME. Respect others' time commitments by not running over.

  12. Different Ways to End a Presentation or Speech

    It completes the circle - you end up back where you started. Set up a question at the beginning of your speech and use your ending to answer it. Finish a story you started, using the anecdote to demonstrate your message. Close with the title of the presentation - this works best with a provocative, memorable title.

  13. How To End A Presentation To Make A Lasting Impression (9 Techniques)

    Here are a few techniques you can try -. End your presentation on time. Close with a clear cut ending. Conclude your speech with a story. Come full circle at the end of your presentation. Use the title close technique. …Always a high note, always the high road. A sound bite. A quick presentation recap.

  14. 3 Techniques to Close Your Presentation in English

    Giving a call to action prior to the end of your presentation is imperative, especially if you give a persuasive talk. If you don't ask, they will not move. If you don't ask the audience to ...

  15. 5 Effective Strategies To End A Presentation

    So, next time you…, remember to…. 3. Close the loop ⏺️. The "Loop Technique" is a popular technique in which you return to the subject you opened with at the start of your presentation. It's especially effective because it creates a perfect circle and a satisfying sense of completion.

  16. 6 Ways to Close Your Presentation With Style (& Tools to Use)

    Picture this: You've just ships an amazing presentation that had your listener hooked from the start. The emotion in that room is glaring as him reach the finished moments away your presentations ... We've created a list of 6 ways to close your powerpoint along with some powerful tools the help you creation a visual appealing presentation.

  17. How To Close A Presentation: Why The Ending Is So Important

    10 Ways To End Your Business Presentation & PowerPoint Presentation. 1 - End With A Call To Action. 2 - End With A Compelling Story. 3 - Avoid Q&As. Alternative Ways To Get The Audience's Attention, Feedback and Increase Engagement. 4 - Come Full Circle With Your Message. 5 - Demonstrate Your Product.

  18. 6 Ways to Close Your Presentation With Style (& Tools to Use)

    Pic save: You've just delivered with amazing present that had your audience bent from this start. And excitement is and room is glaring as she reach the finishing momenta of your presentations 6 Ways to Close Your Presentation With Style (& Tools to Use) - Great Openings and Closings for Presentation - Kindcongress

  19. How To Close A Speech

    The First Close. Your first close begins once you conclude the main body of your presentation. When moving from the body to the close, signal to the audience that the end is approaching (such a signal breaks the pattern, which helps regain the attention of audience members whose focus has drifted).There are two primary ways to transition to your close: through the use of spoken transitions and ...

  20. How to Close a Speech

    1. The Summary Close - Let's talk turkey. This close is about the most straightforward, direct, and unequivocal one in the list. In the annals of how to close a presentation speech, it also could be called the "recap" close. If you opt to close a speech with a summary, you want to be clear with your biggest idea and convey to the ...

  21. Learn how to end a presentation powerfully

    Avoid your "Thank you" slide. At the end of the talk, many presenters show a slide that says, "Thank you!". Some even include pleasant photos or happy faces to make the slide more visually effective. Actually, these slides create an artificial atmosphere in the presentation hall. Neither of these slides is a good idea nor helps the ...

  22. Confident English Lessons

    How to Close Your Presentation in English Powerfully [+ FREE Presentation Checklist] As you finalize the preparation of your presentation in English, be sure to include these 5 key details + get three ways to conclude your presentation powerfully. read more.

  23. 5 Ways To Close Your Presentation

    In this Business English presentations lesson, you'll learn fiv... If you want to know how to end your presentation effectively, then this is the video for you!