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15 Tips to Improve Logic Building Skills in Programming

“In some ways, programming is like a painting. You start with a blank canvas and certain basic raw materials. You use a combination of science, art, and craft to determine what to do with them.” – Andrew Hunt

Yes, programming in itself is a very beautiful art. Sometimes we may face some problems while trying to program, but we can definitely overcome them. So, in this article, we will be sharing the top 15 tips and techniques that can help you to make your programming skills more strong, and rectify some common programming problems and this will also help you in the logic-building process.

Improve Logic Building Skills in Programming

How to Improve Your Logic-Building Skills in Programming?

Here are the ways in which you can improve your logic-building skills in programming. So let’s get started!!!

1. Concepts are Building Blocks for Programming

While trying to crack the logic of any coding problem, many of us think that we never came across such algorithms or theorems while studying and therefore are not able to solve the problem. In order to solve any problem, we should know the concepts of that topic, then only we would be able to apply them and solve the problem. Theoretical knowledge and concepts can be gained by reading articles, blogs, documentation, and watching videos based on that topic. You can also refer to the articles on GeeksforGeeks for building your concepts. We should also know the application of concepts and practice some important problems based on that topic.

2. Be Consistent

Many times it happens that we take up a challenge to solve a question for some number of days and then discontinue in the middle after some days!! It is a popular saying that practice makes a man perfect!! The same is the case with building programming logic. Make it a point to revise, or read an article or solve a question daily despite being very busy with remaining activities. Practicing consistently will help a lot in the overall logic-building process. In order to motivate yourself, you should always contemplate the reason why you started, reward yourself, and make programming fun by solving some quizzes and experimenting with the programs to see different outputs.

3. Pen and Paper Approach

After seeing any problem, we generally start coding the same on our IDE. So, when we are asked to write code on paper in interviews, we fail to do so. Always try to write the pseudo code or algorithm of the code before implementing them. It will help you in writing the code and the next time whenever you approach a similar problem you will be able to recollect more easily. It will also help you in getting syntactically strong.

4. Revision is Very Important

Many of you might be facing this issue that you learn a particular concept but after a few days or months when another question with the same logic or concept appears, you are unable to solve it. This is because you haven’t revised the concepts. Always make it a point to write down the important concepts and logic of questions that are important and keep them revised again and again. This will help you in recollecting the concepts easily.

5. Do as Many Questions as You Can 

It happens with most of us that there comes a single question and most of us get stuck there for 4 to 5 days and still are not able to crack it. Always try to practice lots of questions in order to develop your programming logic skills. This will help you in improving your logic building. If you are stuck on a single question, don’t spend a lot of time after a single question instead look for the concepts hidden behind the question.

6. Puzzle Solving

In many coding competitions, problems are not directly asked based on a concept. Instead, it generally involves a story woven around it, and we have to figure out the logic for solving the program. In such cases, sometimes we are unable to solve the problem. Try solving puzzles such as Sudoku to develop your logic and thinking ability because programming is nothing but solving complex problems with the help of good logic. 

7. Follow Step-by-Step Approach

We don’t start running since the day we are born. Similar logic applies to coding also. We should not directly jump to difficult questions. We should go from Basic to Advance questions. You can take the ratio of questions such while choosing 10 questions you can divide them into 5 easy, 3 medium, and 2 hard questions. You can find these questions on many good websites. Sometimes, people solve a lot of easy questions from all the sites, but they are not able to solve medium-level questions. Instead, make a balance of all the levels. This will help in clearing the coding tests while placements as most of the questions are from easy to medium level.

8. Find a Programmer’s Community

Sometimes we get bored while solving problems by ourselves with no one to teach or guide us. In such cases, you can always try discussing solutions or complex questions with fellow programmers and friends. This will always help you in finding new logic for the same problem and will help you in optimizing your code. This will also improve your confidence and communication skills!!

9. Go through the Editorials

It happens a lot of times that we are not able to solve some questions, so we just leave the question or understand the editorial and move forward without implementing it. After programming any question, go through the editorial section and the top submissions of the code. Here you will be able to find optimized and different logic for the same code. Try to implement the solutions in the editorial section after understanding them, so that the next time you find such a question you will be able to solve it.

10. Take Part in Coding Challenges

Most people are aware of coding challenges and if you want to build your logical skills then you must keep taking part in the same. Taking part regularly in coding challenges is very useful as it makes you familiar with the logical mindset. In a coding challenge, there are numerous types of questions that provide you with a lot of exposure. Also, taking part in such challenges allows you to see solutions of various codes provided by different coders and helps you if stuck at some point. 

11. Learn New Things Regularly

Programmers should never stop learning or being stuck on one topic. They must keep on solving multiple topics as it will help them to expand their area of knowledge by building technical skills. The aim should be solving new problems daily and not being stuck to the old pattern or algorithm in order to achieve success. However, at times some topics are a bit tough and take numerous attempts to solve, in that case, stop solving that and go on to the next one as sometimes new problems are helpful in solving the old ones. 

12. Understand Mathematical Concepts

Mathematics is an important aspect of programming and understanding properly will help you in making numerous visuals or graphs, coding in applications, simulation, problem-solving applications, design of algorithms, etc.

13. Build Projects

Project building is another task that will enhance your logical building skills in programming. It challenges your ability to tackling with new things by using different methods and tactics. It is recommended that you must build one project in order to get a proper clarity of the subject and assess yourself in order to work ahead efficiently.

14. Notes Preparation

Notes are saviors and if one does that regularly then nothing can beat them from achieving their goal. While making notes you must write down every trick, concept, and algorithm so that if you need it again it is easily available. So if you are solving any problem then make sure to note down the library functions it will also be helpful for your future interviews. Noting down basic algorithms such as merge sort, binary search, etc. will help you if you are stuck somewhere. 

15. Patience is the Key

Most of the time we leave programming after some days just because we are unable to solve the questions. Let’s always motivate ourselves by saying let’s just try one more time differently, before we decide to quit!!!

If you’ll patiently work on your programming logic skills and follow the tips which we have shared with you, no one can stop you from being a good programmer and you will surely crack all the coding tests and interviews!!!

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10 Tips to Build and Improve Logic Building in Programming 6 min read

Ready to level up your programming skills and become a logic-building pro v2

Are you an aspiring developer, researcher, or analyst looking to enhance your logic-building skills in programming? Logic is the foundation of effective programming and plays a crucial role in problem-solving and creating efficient code.

Whether you are a beginner or have some experience in coding, there are always ways to improve your logic-building abilities. In this article, we will explore ten valuable tips to help you build and enhance your logic skills in programming. So let’s dive in!

1. Understand the Fundamentals

To build a strong foundation in logic building, it is essential to have a solid understanding of programming fundamentals.

Concepts such as variables, loops, conditionals, and data structures are the building blocks of logical thinking in programming.

Take the time to learn these concepts thoroughly and practice implementing them in your code. Online tutorials, books, and coding courses can be valuable resources to enhance your understanding of programming fundamentals. Some important links:

  • W3Schools – Python Fundamentals
  • Codecademy – Fundamentals of Programming
  • Coursera – Programming for Everybody

Example/Usage: When working on a project, understanding variables helps in storing and manipulating data. For instance, in a web application, variables can be used to store user inputs or preferences.

2. Break Down Problems into Smaller Parts

One of the most effective strategies for improving logic-building skills is to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts. This approach allows you to tackle each component individually and then combine them to create a comprehensive solution.

Breaking down problems helps you analyze the problem’s requirements, identify potential challenges, and develop a step-by-step plan to solve them.

This systematic approach enhances your logical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

Some important links:

  • GeeksforGeeks – Divide and Conquer
  • HackerRank – Problem Solving Techniques

Example/Usage: Breaking down a large feature into smaller tasks is akin to dividing a complex algorithm into manageable steps, making it easier to implement and debug.

3. Practice Problem-Solving

Just like any other skill, logic-building in programming improves with practice. Engaging in regular problem-solving exercises helps you sharpen your logical thinking and exposes you to various coding challenges.

Platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, and CodeSignal offer a wide range of coding problems that you can solve to enhance your logic-building skills.

Challenge yourself with different difficulty levels and strive to find the most efficient solutions. Remember, practice makes perfect!

  • HackerRank – Problem Solving

Example/Usage : Regularly solving coding challenges on platforms like LeetCode hones problem-solving skills, making you adept at handling various scenarios.

4. Study and Analyze Existing Code

Studying and analyzing existing code is an excellent way to improve your logic-building skills. Dive into open-source projects, explore code repositories on platforms like GitHub, and examine how experienced programmers approach different problems.

Analyzing well-written code helps you understand different logic-building techniques, learn best practices, and discover new ways to solve problems efficiently.

By studying code, you expand your knowledge and gain insights into logical thinking in programming.

  • GitHub – Explore Repositories
  • Stack Overflow – Code Snippets
  • GitLab – Open Source Projects

Example/Usage: Studying well-written code on platforms like GitHub provides insights into effective logic-building techniques, fostering a deeper understanding of programming.

5. Collaborate with Peers

Collaboration with fellow programmers is a valuable strategy to improve your logic-building skills. Working with others exposes you to different perspectives, ideas, and approaches to problem-solving.

It allows you to learn from their experiences, exchange knowledge, and discover alternative solutions to coding challenges. Participate in coding communities, join coding forums, or even form study groups with like-minded individuals.

By collaborating with peers, you can enhance your logical thinking through shared learning and collective problem-solving.

  • Stack Overflow – Collaborate
  • GitHub – Collaboration Tools
  • Reddit – Programming Community

Example/Usage: Collaborating on a shared project with peers exposes you to diverse solutions, helping refine your logical thinking through shared learning.

6. Implement Pseudocode

Before diving into writing code, it is beneficial to plan your approach using pseudocode. Pseudocode is a simplified version of your code that focuses on the logic and algorithmic steps without worrying about the syntax.

By writing pseudocode, you can outline the logical flow of your program, identify potential issues, and refine your solution before implementing it in a specific programming language.

Pseudocode serves as a blueprint for your code and helps you develop a more logical and structured approach to problem-solving.

  • GeeksforGeeks – Introduction to Pseudocode
  • Khan Academy – Introduction to Algorithms

Example/Usage: Imagine you’re building a system to automate an inventory process. Before coding, use pseudocode to plan out how the system will check stock levels, reorder products, and update the inventory database. It’s like creating a strategic game plan before hitting the coding field!

7. Explore Different Programming Paradigms

Familiarizing yourself with different programming paradigms can significantly improve your logic-building skills. Programming paradigms, such as procedural, object-oriented, functional, and logical programming, offer different approaches to problem-solving.

Each paradigm has its own set of principles and techniques that can expand your logical thinking abilities. By exploring various paradigms, you can gain a broader perspective on programming and develop a more versatile and adaptable approach to logic building.

  • GeeksforGeeks – Introduction to Programming Paradigms
  • Medium – Understanding Programming Paradigms
  • Coursera – Programming Paradigms by Stanford University

8. Continuously Learn and Update Your Knowledge

The field of programming is constantly evolving, with new technologies and methodologies emerging regularly. To stay ahead and enhance your logic-building skills, it is crucial to keep learning and updating your knowledge.

Stay updated with the latest programming languages, frameworks, and tools relevant to your field. Engage in online courses, attend coding conferences and workshops, and participate in webinars to expand your understanding of programming concepts and logical thinking techniques.

  • Udemy – Online Programming Courses
  • Coursera – Computer Science Courses
  • freeCodeCamp – Learn to Code for Free

9. Seek Feedback and Learn from Mistakes

Seeking feedback and learning from your mistakes is an essential aspect of improving logic-building skills in programming. Share your code with experienced programmers, mentors, or colleagues and ask for constructive feedback.

Their insights can help you identify areas for improvement, discover more efficient solutions, and refine your logical thinking process. Embrace failure as an opportunity for growth and view mistakes as valuable learning experiences.

By learning from your mistakes, you can continuously improve your logic-building abilities.

10. Stay Persistent and Practice Patience

Developing strong logic-building skills in programming takes time and persistence. It is essential to stay patient and keep practicing, even when faced with complex problems or challenging coding tasks.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your logical thinking abilities. Embrace the learning process, celebrate small victories, and don’t be discouraged by setbacks. With persistence and patience, you will gradually develop a deeper understanding of logic in programming and become a more proficient programmer.

In conclusion, logic-building skills are fundamental to becoming a successful programmer, researcher, or analyst. By implementing these ten tips, you can enhance your logical thinking abilities and improve your logic-building skills in programming.

Embrace the journey of logic building and enjoy the process of becoming a more skilled and logical thinker in the world of programming.

Happy learning!

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How to Develop Programming Logic: A Step-by-Step Guide

Programming logic is a crucial skill for any developer. It involves breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts and using logical reasoning to solve them. Developing programming logic takes time and practice, but it is an essential skill that can help you write more efficient and effective code.

One of the best ways to develop programming logic is to practice solving problems. By working through a variety of programming challenges, you can improve your ability to think logically and creatively. It’s important to focus not just on finding the solution, but also on understanding how you arrived at that solution. This can help you develop a more intuitive sense of how to approach different types of problems.

Another key aspect of developing programming logic is to learn from others. This can involve reading code written by more experienced developers, studying algorithms and data structures, or participating in online forums and discussion groups. By exposing yourself to different ways of thinking about problems, you can broaden your understanding of programming concepts and develop a more diverse set of problem-solving strategies.

Understanding Programming Logic

Programming logic is the process of designing and implementing a set of instructions that a computer can follow to solve a problem or complete a task. It involves breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts, and then using logical reasoning to develop a solution. Programming logic is a fundamental concept in computer science, and it is essential for anyone who wants to become a skilled programmer.

What is Programming Logic?

Programming logic is the foundation of computer programming. It is the process of taking a complex problem and breaking it down into smaller, more manageable parts. This process involves analyzing the problem, identifying its key components, and developing a logical plan to solve it. Once the plan is developed, the programmer can then write the code necessary to implement the solution.

Programming logic often involves the use of flowcharts, pseudocode, and other visual aids to help the programmer understand the problem and develop a solution. These tools can help to simplify complex problems and make them easier to understand.

Why is Programming Logic Important?

Programming logic is important because it helps programmers to develop efficient, effective solutions to complex problems. By breaking down a problem into smaller parts and developing a logical plan to solve it, programmers can avoid common pitfalls such as inefficient code, bugs, and errors.

Programming logic is also important because it helps programmers to develop solutions that are easy to maintain and update. By using a logical, step-by-step approach, programmers can create code that is easy to understand and modify as needed.

Finally, programming logic is important because it is a fundamental skill that is required for many different programming languages and environments. Whether you are working with web development, mobile app development, or desktop applications, programming logic is a critical skill that you will need to master in order to be successful.

Steps to Develop Programming Logic

Developing programming logic is a crucial skill required for every programmer. It helps in breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts, making it easier to solve them. Here are the steps that programmers can follow to develop programming logic:

Step 1: Understand the Problem

The first step in developing programming logic is to understand the problem. The programmer needs to analyze the problem statement and identify the requirements, constraints, and goals of the program. They should ask questions to clarify any doubts and ensure that they have a clear understanding of the problem.

Step 2: Break Down the Problem into Smaller Parts

The next step is to break down the problem into smaller, more manageable parts. This helps in identifying the key components of the program and the relationships between them. The programmer can use various techniques, such as top-down design or object-oriented design, to break down the problem into smaller parts.

Step 3: Identify the Inputs and Outputs

After breaking down the problem, the programmer needs to identify the inputs and outputs of the program. Inputs are the data that the program receives, and outputs are the results that the program produces. Identifying the inputs and outputs helps in understanding the flow of data in the program and designing the program accordingly.

Step 4: Create a Flowchart or Pseudocode

Once the inputs and outputs are identified, the programmer can create a flowchart or pseudocode to represent the program’s logic. A flowchart is a visual representation of the program’s flow, while pseudocode is a textual representation of the program’s logic. Creating a flowchart or pseudocode helps in designing the program’s structure and identifying any potential issues.

Step 5: Write the Actual Code

After creating the flowchart or pseudocode, the programmer can start writing the actual code. They should follow the program’s structure and use the programming language’s syntax to write the code. The programmer should also ensure that the code is optimized, efficient, and easy to read and understand.

Step 6: Test and Debug the Code

Once the code is written, the programmer needs to test and debug the code. They should run the program and check if it produces the desired results. If there are any errors or bugs, they should identify and fix them. Testing and debugging help in ensuring that the program works as expected and meets the requirements.

Tips for Developing Strong Programming Logic

Programming logic is the foundation of any successful coding project. It involves the ability to think logically and solve complex problems through coding. Here are some tips to help develop strong programming logic skills:

Use Simple Language

One of the most important aspects of programming logic is the ability to communicate effectively. Using simple language can help ensure that the code is easy to understand and maintain. Avoid using technical jargon or complex terms that may confuse others. Instead, use clear and concise language that conveys the intended meaning without ambiguity.

Avoid Repetition

Repetition in code can lead to errors and make it difficult to read and understand. It’s important to avoid repeating code whenever possible. Instead, use functions or loops to simplify the code and make it more efficient. This can also make it easier to debug and maintain the code in the future.

Stay Organized

Organizing the code can make it easier to read and understand. Use comments to explain the purpose of the code and any relevant details. Group related code together and use indentation to show the structure of the code. This can make it easier to follow the logic of the code and identify any errors.

Practice Regularly

Like any skill, programming logic requires practice to develop. Regular practice can help improve problem-solving abilities and increase familiarity with different programming concepts. Practice coding exercises, puzzles, and challenges to strengthen programming logic skills and become a better programmer.

Developing programming logic is a crucial skill for any aspiring developer. It requires a lot of practice and patience to master, but the rewards are well worth the effort. By following the tips and techniques outlined in this article, developers can improve their logical thinking and become better at solving complex problems.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when developing programming logic is to break down problems into smaller, more manageable pieces. This allows developers to focus on one aspect of the problem at a time and reduces the likelihood of getting overwhelmed.

Another key tip is to practice regularly. The more developers practice, the more comfortable they will become with logical thinking, and the easier it will be to apply that thinking to real-world programming challenges.

Finally, developers should not be afraid to seek help and guidance from others. Whether it’s through online forums, coding communities, or mentorship programs, there are many resources available to help developers improve their logical thinking and programming skills.

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8 Tips for Beginners to Improve Programming Logic

Suvankar das.

  • April 8, 2024
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Tips for Beginners to Improve Programming Logic

Programming logic forms the basis for all the code. It is about how we think and structure the programs to make them work efficiently and flawlessly. Good programming logic can enhance code quality, making the code more robust and bug-free. Thereby boosting efficiency by allowing you to write more concise and organized code.

In fact, according to a HackerRank 2023 Developer Skills Report , 70% of employers say that problem-solving skills are more important than programming language knowledge.

Whether you are aspiring to be a web developer, app creator, or software engineer, these eight beginner-friendly tips will help you grasp the fundamentals of programming logic and set you on the path to becoming a skilled programmer. 

8. Don’t hesitate to Debug and Review

Recommended reads, can i become a good programmer without honing my logic-building skills, essential tips for improving your programming logic skills, 1. practice regularly and consistently.

When it comes to enhancing the programming logic, there is a famous saying that goes, “ Practice makes perfect .” This holds true for programming as well. Regular and consistent practice is important. It is the key to improving your logic-building skills. 

According to a study by Codecademy, 85% of learners stated that a consistent coding routine led to faster improvement.

The essential part of the process is to keep coding vigorously and writing solutions regularly. This routine helps sharpen your logical thinking and problem-solving skills. 

2. Learn Data Structures & Algorithms

I. data structures.

When you learn about data structures, you are essentially exploring different ways to organize and store data in your programs. This allows you to choose the most efficient data structure for a specific task, making your code run faster and use less memory.

For example, one might examine how arrays, linked lists, or trees work and why one might be more suitable for a particular problem than the others. This process helps you develop better programming reasoning.

II. Algorithms

Algorithms are step-by-step instructions for solving problems. Understanding algorithms is essential for writing code that performs well and is maintainable. A good way to understand algorithms is to explore sorting algorithms. This knowledge strengthens your logical thinking and problem-solving abilities in programming.

3. Break Down Complex Problems

Breaking down problems is an important skill in problem-solving. Much like programming, this process involves dissecting large issues into manageable tasks or steps. Begin by initially conceptualizing the issue, and if needed, sketch it out on paper.

Pinpoint the primary challenges at hand. Start with the simpler problems, tackling them before moving to more challenging aspects. Persistence is key. By solving each smaller part, your problem-solving skills and logical reasoning will improve. 

4. Study and Understand Other Programmers’ Code

Studying other programmers’ code is a great learning opportunity. When you explore open-source repositories and diverse sources, you are exposed to different coding styles and approaches. GitHub is the best example of this. It provides a vast repository of open-source projects, allowing you to learn from real-world code examples.

This practice allows one to compare problem-solving skills with others and grasp different logical thinking processes. By delving into their code, you gain insights into their strategies. It broadens your understanding of best practices and enhances your adaptability. Also, it is an excellent way to learn from experienced developers. 

5. Participate in Coding Challenges and Learn from Feedback

Coding challenges are a fantastic way to sharpen logical thinking. The challenges are hosted on various websites like TopCoder, Coderbyte, and LeetCode . They not only test your coding skills but also offer solutions from fellow programmers, providing a learning opportunity. By comparing your code with theirs, you can improve your problem-solving abilities.

Consider tackling the most challenging coding tasks and bug bounty programs from tech giants like Microsoft, Google, and Amazon. These experiences will take your coding skills to the next level. The key is to embrace feedback and learn from the mistakes.

6. Adopt Different Programming Paradigms

Understanding different programming paradigms is a valuable skill for any programmer. These paradigms are like blueprints, guiding how to design and structure code. For example, one of the paradigms, the Object-Oriented Paradigm (OOP) emphasizes organizing data and behavior into objects. Learning this helps you create well-structured and modular code.

Another one of the paradigms, functional programming teaches you to approach problem-solving differently by using functions as first-class citizens. This can lead to more elegant and concise solutions. Adopting various programming paradigms expands your toolkit and develops a more versatile mindset.

7. Write Clear and Readable Code

Clear and readable code is key to becoming a skilled programmer. Code that is easy to understand brings numerous benefits. It is easy to maintain, simpler to debug, and less likely to contain errors. Use meaningful variable names that reflect their purpose, making it easier for others to grasp your code. Additionally, write comments that explain your code’s functionality and logic.

Comments serve as a roadmap for anyone reading your code, helping them understand your thought process. At last, maintain consistent formatting throughout your code. It promotes uniformity and ensures that your code is approachable and friendly to others who may need to work with it.

Debugging is also an important skill for programmers. Debugging skills can reduce development time by up to 25% as per a study by JetBrains.

It’s not just about fixing errors, it is a powerful learning tool too. When you debug, you dive into your code, discover why something isn’t working as expected, and find the solution. You understand its flow and logic better. Debugging ways, like breakpoints and print statements, help you pinpoint issues. 

Check this video out : 3 Habits to Build for Improving Your Logic & Programming Skills

In conclusion, strong programming logic is the foundation of becoming a proficient programmer. As highlighted, it demands unwavering practice, problem-solving accuracy, the ability to think logically, breaking complex problems into simple components, writing clear and easy code, meticulous debugging, and embracing your mistakes as learning opportunities are your steadfast allies on this journey. 

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What is the significance of programming logic in coding?

Programming logic is vital in coding as it provides the framework for connecting different components and enabling computers to perform tasks. The clearer your program logic, the easier it is to develop, evaluate, and execute activities within a project.

How can I enhance my programming logic skills as a beginner?

To improve your programming logic skills, practice regularly, expand your knowledge base, and maintain consistency. Stay motivated and develop a strong grasp of data structures and algorithms, as these also play a crucial role in logic building.

Does programming logic vary between different programming languages?

No, programming logic itself remains consistent across programming languages. It defines the rules and facts that computers use for reasoning. However, the implementation of logic can differ between languages and even within the same language.

Why is logic essential for programming?

Logic is fundamental to programming because it underpins the creation of complex algorithms and the solution of problems. Without strong logic-building skills, one cannot become a proficient developer, as programming inherently demands logical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

No, it’s challenging to become a skilled programmer without improving your logic-building skills. Programming inherently relies on logic and sophisticated algorithms. Effective problem-solving and coding are unattainable without a solid foundation in programming logic.

Suvankar Das

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logic building and problem solving

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Slim Coder

Posted on Feb 6, 2020 • Updated on Feb 8, 2020

9 Things You Should Practice for Logic Building

When I started my journey as a Programmer in 2017 my mind was always stuck on the logic building part and it still does the same sometimes but not that much, But how it possible? It is possible because of practice.

When I started my first job I was working on a very complicated project which I started from stretch all the backend logics was built by me using Node JS. I learned a lot during that time but learning new technologies will not help you with the logic building but when I was writing code on that project I touch a few things from the list below without knowing it.

You should try and practice these things as soon as possible to improve problem-solving and logic building skills but first learn a programming language so that you will confident enough to work with all of these things because these things need basic programming knowledge of any language i.e JS, Java Python, etc just learn core for these things no frameworks/libraries are required.

Data Structures: A data structure is a data organization, management, and storage format that enables efficient access and modification i.e Linked List, Binary Search Tree, Hash Table, etc.

Algorithms: An algorithm is a step by step method of solving a problem i.e FizzBuzz, Fibonacci and there are a lot of algorithms even you can build your own but try to practice toughest algorithms.

Design Patterns: They are typical solutions to commonly occurring problems in software design.

Programming Paradigms: A programming paradigm is a style, or way, of programming i.e OOP, Functional, etc.

Competitive Programming: It is all about solving problems revolving around algorithms and data structures as quickly as possible. If you want to improve this skill then challenge yourself that you can write an algorithm in 1 minute and start your stopwatch and after 1 minute stop. if this is boring then try another way of doing it and the way is participating in any Speed Programming Competitions to improve this skill well, I’m not a competitive programmer but I will try to improve as much as I can.

Mathematics: Shit! I know but very compulsory for logic building.

Recursive Programming: It is a method where problems are solved by repeatedly calling a function on sub-instances of the problem.

**Dynamic Programming: **It** **is mainly an optimization over plain recursion.

**Refactoring: **Wait! what? I know you are thinking that how code refactoring can help you to improve your logic building skills. Now suppose if you wrote a recursive function with O(n²) complexity if you refactor that code and try to apply dynamic programming techniques so definitely you can improve the time complexity of your codebase. So always refactor your code.

Follow me AKA #slimcoder on medium and github for more articles ❤

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Valuable information !

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Problem Solving: Introduction to Sets

Learn to read sets from a file and to sort and display them.

  • Exercise 1: Loading set B
  • Implementation of sorting set A
  • Exercise 2: Sorting set B
  • Exercise 3: Printing set B

In this lesson, we’ll work on sets. Sets are a well-defined collection of non-repetitive objects. In our case, we’ll only be looking at the sets of integers.

In this lesson, we’ll learn to:

  • Read integer sets from a file
  • Sort the integer sets
  • Display the sets

So let’s start!

Reading sets from a file

Task: Load the two sets A and B from the file.

The file has the following format:

The two sizes (size of A and size of B) followed by set A and set B entries.

Here is a sample file:

As we know, a set cannot contain duplicate elements. Therefore, if a number is added twice, that duplicate should not be allowed to enter the set.

So we will have two sets, say A and B, both containing numbers without repetitions. The numbers can be either positive or negative.

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8 Ways to Improve Your Logic Building Skills for Programming Bootcamp

Team CodeQuotient / August 10, 2022 / Software Engineering Bootcamp


Do you often struggle to devise the appropriate logic to solve coding problems? This is quite common at the initial stage but may persist even after some time. Why is that so? Often, computer science students think they need to learn every programming language on earth to become good programmers. They will join a programming bootcamp straight away, which are usually fast-paced and advanced, and end up feeling lost.

Before joining any advanced course, you need to improve your logical thinking to easily learn as many programming languages as you want. In this article, we will deep dive into the 8 ways to improve your logic-building skills.

If you want to know what a programming bootcamp is and why you should join it , check out our previous article.

How to Improve Your Logic Building Skills for Programming Bootcamp?


Here are 8 different ways to improve your logic-building skills before joining a programming bootcamp:

1. Improve Your Grasp Over Fundamentals

First, you must clearly understand basic concepts like variables, data types, conditions, functions, loops, and other problem-solving techniques to build a solid foundation. Also, you must learn the data structures and algorithms that help you develop your logical thinking.

Without conceptual clarity, it’s difficult to learn advanced concepts and solve problems. So, don’t just read or watch the theoretical part, but solve questions and write basic programs yourself.

2. Join Coding Communities

Join and be active in coding communities, forums, and groups. If you are stuck on a problem, you will most likely get an answer from someone in these groups and be introduced to different points of view on similar problems.

Also Read: Data Science and Software Developer Internship Trends for 2023: Insights and Opportunities

You can also network with fellow programmers or Bootcamp grads, learn from them, and help others. You can also find experienced professional coders for your project and mentors to guide you.

3. Analyse Other’s Code for Programming Bootcamp

No, we are not telling you to copy. Not all programmers think alike. As you know, there are many ways to solve a particular problem. So, look how your classmate or friend has written a program.

There are many code repositories like GitHub , BitBucket , and SourceForge , where you can view the entire code of a project and try to grasp its logic. You can learn a lot from advanced programmers by observing their programming styles.

4. Participate in Coding Challenges & Hackathons

These time-bound challenges force you to exercise your logic super quickly and come up with accurate solutions, making it a great learning hands-on experience that helps to think faster and improve your logical thinking. You become better at solving problems and writing code with time, and this helps you prepare for advanced-level programming bootcamps. Although we recommend, you don’t focus excessively on winning initially in different online programs.

5. Solve Puzzles

You might have heard about the difficult puzzles that companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and others ask in interviews. Do you know why? Because a person who can solve puzzles is very good at logical thinking and consequently good at programming.

Solve as many logical puzzles and math problems as you can. You can find tons of them online or in a library. We recommend you indulge in at least one puzzle daily to help keep your mind sharp and build soft skills.

6. Play Logical Games

Who doesn’t love to play games? Video games are fun, but try to play more logical games. There are many board games, such as chess, checkers, tiger game, ludo, battleship, etc., or even simple ones like tic-tac-toe, SOS, dots, sudoku, and so on, that help you work the logical muscles of your brain.

If board games are not your thing, you can find many logical games and puzzles online and in your mobile app store. These games are fodder for your brain and sharpen your logical thinking.

7. Learn Different Programming Paradigms

Many programming paradigms, such as procedural, object-oriented (OOP), and functional (FP), are used to solve problems. These paradigms act as blueprints for building projects.

Although OOP is the most popular one, learning from others will help you expand your programming knowledge and improve your general programming skills. You will learn to solve a problem in different ways.

8. Practice, Practice, and Practice

Practice programming by writing code for practical training. You can do this by solving programming questions on websites like GeekForGeeks , CodeChef , and HackerEarth , to name a few.

Don’t do it for a couple of days and stop. Be consistent. Set realistic goals and solve a few questions daily. Start with simple problems and gradually work your way up. You can also use paper and pen to write the logic in the form of an algorithm or flowchart before writing the program on the IDE.

Also Read: 6 things that you need to know before you attend your first coding BootCamp .

9. Mock Interviews

Another powerful way to hone these abilities to join online coding bootcamps is by participating in mock interviews. These simulated sessions allow you to practice breaking down complex problems into structured, step-by-step solutions. By engaging in mock interviews, you’ll not only enhance your analytical thinking but also gain valuable experience in clearly articulating your thought processes, which can give you a job guarantee.

Wrapping Up

Learning a programming language’s syntax doesn’t make you a good programmer. You need to practice, solve problems and improve your logical thinking skills as well. Set realistic goals, be patient, and never give up. Once you get a good programming command, you can join a programming bootcamp to learn advanced skills and have a better chance at cracking interviews for your dream job.

If you are looking for a great coding bootcamp, CodeQuotient ‘s Software Engineering Bootcamp is the best one for you. We cover all the languages with hands-on experience with all the other technical skills, in demand skills, soft skills and techniques needed to grow as a programmer and become a full-stack developer without any additional cost. So, don’t hesitate any longer and build a sustainable career in tech with us. Apply Now !

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LOGIC building & PROBLEM solving

This course introduces students to many basic computer programming topics, using coding examples fro.....

logic building and problem solving

$ 19 /class

logic building and problem solving

About Course

This course introduces students to many basic computer programming topics, using coding examples from various programming languages, pseudocode, and flowcharts. .As an introductory course, students wi

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logic building

why to build logic

how logic building and problem solving interrelated

problem solving

logic building and problem solving

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Focused Learning Speed


Accredited By : STEM.org

STEM.org is the longest continually-operating, privately-held STEM education research and credentialing organization in America, supporting the world’s top brands, organizations and thousands of educators globally.


Accredited By : UNESCO

UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. It seeks to build peace through international cooperation in education, sciences and culture.


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Free Logic Building for Beginners Certification Course Online

logic building and problem solving

About this Coding Essentials: Learn Logic Building for Beginners Free Course

This Scaler Topics free online course on logic building for beginners will introduce you to the fundamental concepts of programming logic. You will learn how to approach complex problems, break them down into smaller parts, and solve them logically. The course is suitable for beginners who have no prior programming experience.

What you’ll learn

  • You will develop an understanding of programming logic and problem-solving skills.
  • Foster the ability to break down complex problems into smaller parts.
  • You'll learn to write simple programs using flowcharts and pseudocode.
  • It'll improve your logical reasoning and critical thinking skills.

Course Content


Certificate for Free Coding Essentials: Learn Logic Building for Beginners Free Course

Instructor of this course.

Prateek Narang

Prateek Narang, popular as Prateek Bhaiya is renowned programming instructor and former Google engineer. He has done his B.Tech from Delhi Technological University, and has taught over 100k students in online and offline modes. He is also co-founder of Coding Minutes and his courses are also popular on Udemy. He also leads initiatives at Scaler Topics bringing high quality free content and takes live sessions at Scaler Academy.

Pre-requisites for Free Logic Building for Beginners Certification Course

  • There are no prerequisites for this beginner-friendly Logic building course.
  • All you need is an internet connection, a laptop with a code editor of your choice, and a passion for learning.

Who Should Learn this Logic Building Free Course for Beginners?

  • Anyone who wants to develop their logical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • High school and college students who are interested in learning programming
  • Beginners who want to start learning programming from scratch

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