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soal essay checking understanding kelas 8

  • How many persons are there in this dialogue?
  • Where does the conversation take place?
  • What does Tiara’s mother want Tiara to do?
  • Where will Tiara buy fish?
  • How do Tiara go to the market?
  • Does her mother want her to buy anything else?
  • Where should Tiara buy ginger?
  • What does her mother say to check whether Tiara understands or not?
  • And what is Tiara’s response ?
  • Do you think that she is happy to go to market?

Contoh Soal latihan Checking for Understanding.

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Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII

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Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII

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LKPD Checking for Understanding Kelas VIII 2021

Lembar kerja Peserta Didik atau LKPD sangatlah penting sebagai sarana drill latihan siswa dan kerja siswa di dalam suatu pokok bahasan materi tertentu. Di postingan yang lalu penulis telah berbagi LKPD Asking andGiving Attention , Selanjutnya LKPD Asking and Giving Opinions , dan yang ketiga ini adalah LKPD Checking for understanding . LKPD chapter I Kelas 8/VIII ini disusun sedemikian rupa untuk membantu siswa berlatih memahami materi juga biasa digunakan sebagai feedback bagi guru terhadapat materi atau kompetensi yang telah disampaikan.

LKPD Checking for understanding atau submateri mengecek pemahaman seseorang dan tanggapannya masih dalam cakupan Chapter I semester Gasal Kelas 8 SMP MTs untuk mapel Bahasa Inggris. Adapun LKPD disusun dengan format seperti 2 LKPD sebelumnya. Bagian I adalah pendalaman materi dan pemahaman melalui contoh-contoh yang diberikan. Anak ditugaskan belajar mandiri dan membaca contoh-contoh tersebut dan mengidentifikasi ungkapan-ungkapan bagaimana cara mengecek apakah lawan bicara kita paham terhadap apa yang kita sampaikan beserta tanggapannya. Selanjutnya untuk bagian II adalah soal dialog rumpang yang harus dilengkapi peserta didik, dan terakhir bagian III adalah menjawab soal berdasarkan teks/dialog yang diberikan.

Kelas 8, SMP MTs, LKPD, Bahasa Inggris, Chapter I, Almusto

Berikut adalah Lembar Peserta Didik Submateri Checking for Understanding beserta kuncinya.

Kunci LKPD Checking Someone’s understanding View (For Admin Only)

Selanjutnya penulis akan share LKPD Chapter I Submateri Giving Compliments/Showing Appreciation . Submateri tersebut akan melengkapi LKPD di Chapter I ini dimana terdapat 4 submateri yang disampaikan ke peserta didik.

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Bahasa inggris materi checking for understanding kelas 8.

soal essay checking understanding kelas 8

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7 Contoh Dialog Pendek Checking for Understanding beserta Arti

Materi ini adalah tentang ungkapan mengecek pemahaman dalam bahasa Inggris untk kelas 8 SMP dan Mts. Untuk berlatih, bisa membaca contoh soal bahasa Inggris tentang attention understanding opinion dan appreciation beserta jawabannya . Pembahasannya diawali dengan beberapa ungkapan sebagai expression of asking someone understanding, dilanjutkan dengan model model kalimat showing understanding, dan juga pernyataan yang menunjukkan masih belum memahami suatu pembicaraan.

Pelajaran ini melanjutkan materi contoh doialog asking and giving attention sebelumnya. Bagian inti dari pelajaran ini adalah contoh dialog understanding singkat antar 2 orang dan 3 orang yang melibatkan upaya mengecek pemahaman, menjawab bahwa sudah paham, dan juga menjawab ketika ternyata belum memahmi suatu pernytaan.

Ungkapan untuk Checking for Understanding

Ini adalah beberapa ungkapan umum yang dipakai untuk menanyakan pemahaman, mengkonfirmasi apakah sudah faham atau belum. Tentu saja masih banyak lagi ungkapan yang tidak tertulis dalam daftar kosa katai ini.

  • Any questions? = Apakah ada pertanyaan?
  • Are you following me? = Apakah kamu paham?.
  • Are you with me so far? = Apakah kamu paham = sejauh ini?.
  • Are you with me? = Apakah kamu paham?.
  • Do you follow me? = Apakah kamu paham?.
  • Do you get my point? = Apakah kamu paham maksudku?.
  • Do you know what I am saying? = Apakah kamu paham apa yang saya sampaikan?
  • Do you know what I mean? = Apakah kamu tahu maksud saya?
  • Do you know what I’m saying? = Apakah kamu tahu apa yang aku katakan?.
  • Do you know what I’m talking about? = Apakah kamu tahu apa yang aku bicarakan?.
  • Do you understand what I’m saying? = Apakah kamu mengerti apa yang saya katakan?.
  • Do you understand what I’m saying? = Apakah kamu mengerti apa yang saya katakan?
  • Do you understand? = Apakah kamu mengerti?
  • Got it? = Mengerti?
  • Have you got it? = Apakah kamu mengerti?.
  • Is it clear? = Apakah itu jelas?

Ungkapan untuk Showing understanding

Ini adalah jawaban dari pernyataan diatas, ungkapan menunjukan pemahaman.

  • Gotcha. = Aku paham, dakam percakapan Informal
  • I get it. = Saya memahaminya.
  • I got it. = Aku paham
  • I hear what you are saying. = Aku paham apa yang kamu katakan.
  • I hear you. = Aku mengerti
  • I know what you are talking about. = Saya tahu apa yang kamu bicarakan.
  • I know what you are talking. = Saya tahu apa yang kamu bicarakan.
  • I know what you mean. = Aku tahu apa yang kamu maksud.
  • I know. = Saya tahu.
  • I see = O.. begitu
  • I see what you are saying. = Aku mengerti apa yang kamu ucapkan.
  • I see what you mean. = Aku mengerti apa yang kamu maksud.
  • I see. = Aku paham
  • I understand what you are saying. = Saya mengerti apa yang kamu ucapkan.
  • I understand. = Saya mengerti.
  • I’m with you. = Aku mengerti

Beberapa Ekspresi untuk Menunjukkan lack of understanding

Ungkapan ini ditujukan bagi yang masih belum memahami ketika ditanya “Apakah kamu sudah faham?” Kalau belum faham, gunakan pernytaan berikut!

  • Again, please! = sekali lagi tolong
  • Excuse me, but I’m not following you. = Maaf tapi saya tidak memahami
  • I don’t follow you. = Aku tidak mengerti maksudmu.
  • I don’t get it. = Aku tidak mengerti.
  • I don’t quite follow you. = Aku tidak cukup mengerti maksudmu.
  • I don’t understand. = Saya tidak faham
  • I don’t follow you. = Saya tidak sepaham denganmu.
  • I don’t get it. = Saya tidak paham.
  • I’m not following you. = Aku tidak mengerti maksudmu.
  • I’m not sure I get what you mean. = Aku tidak yakin aku paham dengan apa yang kamu maksud.
  • I’m not sure I get your point. = Aku tidak yakin aku mengerti maksudmu.
  • I’m not sure I know what you mean. = Aku tidak yakin aku paham dengan apa yang kamu maksud.
  • I’m sorry, I don’t understand. = Maaf, aku tidak mengerti.
  • I’m sorry. What do you mean? = Maaf. Apa maksud kamu
  • I’m not following you. = Saya tidak sepaham denganmu.
  • I’m sorry, I don’t understand. = Maafkan saya, saya tidak mengerti.
  • What do you mean? = Apa maksud kamu?
  • What was that again? = Apa lagi itu?

Kumpulan Percakapan untuk Checking for Understanding dan Arti

Setelah mengetahui beberapa ungkapan kunci untuk menanyakan pemahaman, sekarang kita melihat beberapa contoh dialog antar 2 orang atau 3 orang. Beberapa frasa yang dicetak teba l adalah bentuk checking for understanding, showing understand, atau lack of understanding.

Contoh Dialog Checking for Understanding 1 Lugo : Sorry to bother you Etar: It’s Okay. What’s up? Lugo : Can you tell me how to answer these questions? Etar: Let me see. First, you must read the text. Then, you read the questions, and focus on the paragraph. Are you with me? Lugo : What do you mean by focusing on the paragraph? Etar: Well, to find the answer to question number 3, you must focus on paragraph two. Lugo : I see . I know what you mean. Thanks.

Arti Lugo: Maaf mengganggu Etar: Tidak Apa-apa. Ada apa? Lugo: Bisakah kamu memberi tahu saya cara menjawab pertanyaan ini? Etar: Biarkan saya melihat. Pertama, kamu harus membaca teksnya. Kemudian, kamu membaca pertanyaan, dan fokus pada paragraf. Apakah kamu faham? Lugo: apa yang kamu maksud dengan berfokus pada paragraf? Etar: Ya, untuk menemukan jawaban untuk pertanyaan nomor 3, kamu harus fokus pada paragraf dua. Lugo: Begitu. Aku tahu apa yang kamu maksud. Terima kasih

Contoh Dialog Checking for Understanding 2 Brother : Can you help me? You : Yes, of course. What can I do for you? Your brother : Can you go to the bookstore and buy me a pencil, an eraser, a drawing book, a ruler, and a blue marker, please? You : Okay. Brother : Wait. Do you remember what I say? You : Yes, I do . A pencil, a blue marker, an eraser, a ruler, and a drawing book. Is it right? Brother : Yes, You are right. Thank you. You : You’re welcome.

Arti Saudara: Bisakah kamu membantuku? Anda: Ya tentu saja. Apa yang bisa saya lakukan? Saudara: Bisakah kamu pergi ke toko buku dan membelikanku pensil, penghapus, buku gambar, penggaris, dan spidol biru, tolong ya? Anda: Ok. Saudara: Tunggu. Apakah kamu ingat apa yang saya katakan? Anda: Ya, saya tahu. Pensil, spidol biru, penghapus, penggaris, dan buku gambar. Apakah tepat? Saudara: Ya, kamu benar. Terima kasih. Anda: Sama-sama.

Contoh Dialog Checking for Understanding 3 You : Dad, I can’t do my English homework. Can you help me? Your father : Yes, sure. Let me read it first. It is easy. You just read it carefully and find the key words from the questions. And then, match it with the text. Do you understand? You : Yes, I do , Dad. Find the keywords. I’ll try, Dad. Your father : Good luck.

Arti Anda: Ayah, saya tidak bisa mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris. Bisakah Ayah membantu? Ayahmu: Ya, tentu. Izinkan ayah membacanya dulu. Ini mudah. Kamu hanya perlu membacanya dengan cermat dan menemukan kata-kata kunci dari pertanyaan. Dan kemudian, cocokkan dengan teks. Apakah kamu mengerti? Anda: Ya, saya ngerti, Ayah. Temukan kata kunci. Saya akan mencoba. Ayahmu: Semoga sukses.

Contoh Dialog Checking for Understanding 4 Mr. Budio: We will make an advertisement today. Do you understand? Students: Yes, Sir. Mr. Budio: What did I say? Students: We will make an advertisement, sir.

Arti Tn. Shidqi: Kita akan membuat iklan hari ini. Apakah kamu mengerti? Siswa: Ya, pak. Tuan Shidqi: Apa yang tadi saya katakan? Siswa: Kita akan membuat iklan, Pak.

Contoh Dialog Checking for Understanding 5 Mother: Dear, can you help me to cook fish? Tiara: Yes, Mom Mother: Will you buy me some fish in the market, first? Tiara: Okay, Mom. I will go there by a motorcycle Mother: All right. And please don’t forget to buy ginger at Bu Ma’s shop. Do you know what I mean , dear? Tiara: I don’t quite follow you , Mom. Mother: please don’t forget to buy ginger at Bu Ma’s shop Okay, be careful dear. Tiara: thank you Mom. I’ll go now.

Arti Ibu: Sayang!, bisakah kamu bantu Ibu memasak ikan? Tiara: Ya, Bu Ibu: Maukah kamu membelikan Ibu beberapa ikan di pasar dulu? Tiara: Oke, Bu. Saya akan pergi ke sana dengan sepeda motor Ibu: Baiklah. Dan jangan lupa untuk membeli jahe di toko Bu Ma. Apakah kamu tahu maksud Ibu, sayang? Tiara: Saya tidak begitu paham, Bu. Ibu: Tolong jangan lupa membeli jahe di toko Bu Ma Oke, hati-hati sayang. Tiara: Terima kasih Bu. Saya akan pergi sekarang.

Contoh Dialog Checking for Understanding 6 Mom: Hey Sandy, can you help me cook this fish soup? Sandy: Yeah sure, Mom. Mom: To cook fish soup, you need a fish, a half liter of water, ginger, red onion, white onion, carrot, tomato, and lettuce. Do you understand? Sandy: I don’t understand Mom, sorry. It was too confusing for me. Mom: It’s okay Sandy, because it is your first time cooking fish soup. Let me help you with it. Sandy: Thank you, Mom. Mom: You are welcome, Sandy.

Arti Mom: Hai Sandy, bisakah kamu membantu ibu memasak sup ikan ini? Sandy: Ya tentu, Ibu. Mom: Untuk memasak sup ikan. kamu membutuhkan ikan, setengah liter air, jahe, bawang merah, bawang putih, wortel, tomat, dan selada. Apakah kamu mengerti? Sandy: Saya tidak mengerti ibu, maaf. Itu terlalu membingungkan bagi saya. Mom: Tidak apa-apa Sandy, karena ini pertama kalinya kamu memasak sup ikan. Biarkan ibu membantu kamu. Sandy: Terima kasih, Ibu. Mom: Sama-sama, Sandy.

Contoh Dialog Checking for Understanding 7 Lia: Hey, Tom! Tom: Hey Lia, what’s happening? You look so confused. Lia: I don’t understand what the teacher said in Biology class. Tom: Let me help you. Which one don’t you understand? Lia: This one. It is about ecosystem. Tom: Oh, in an ecosystem there is a living organisms such as humans, animals, plants and also non living components such as mineral, air, and water. Have you got it? Lia: Yeah, but I’m still not sure about it . Can you teach it to me? Tom: Yeah sure. Should we study about it in our school library? Lia: Yeah sure, let’s go now. Tom: Okay.

Arti Lia: Hai, Tom! Tom: Hai, Lia. Apa yang terjadi? Kamu terlihat sangat kebingungan. Lia: Saya tidak mengerti apa yang diucapkan oleh guru di kelas Biologi. Tom: Biarkan saya membantu kamu. Yang mana kamu tidak mengerti? Lia: Yang ini. Ini tentang ekosistem. Tom: Oh, di sebuah ekosistem ada makhluk hidup seperti manusia, hewan, tumbuhan dan juga komponen yang tidak hidup seperti mineral, udara, dan air. Apa kamu mengerti? Lia: Ya, tetapi saya masih belum yakin dengan itu. Bisakah kamu mengajari saya? Tom: Ya tentu. Haruskah kita belajar tentang itu di perpustakaan sekolah? Lia: Ya tentu, ayo pergi sekarang. Tom: Oke.

Begitulah pelajaran ungkapan checking for understanding dan contoh dialog nya. Pelajaran ini sebagi lanjutan pelajaran tentang asking and giving attention sebelumnya. Sebagaimana pelajaran lain bahasa Inggris, pelajaran ini sant menekankan penguasaan vocabularies. Happy learning English!

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Kunci Jawaban SMP

Soal essay bahasa inggris smp kelas 8 semester 2 lengkap kunci jawaban uts, contoh soal essay bahasa inggris smp kelas 8 semester 2 ini dirangkum untuk siswa smp. terdapat 10 soal essay bahasa inggris smp kelas 8..

Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8 Semester 2 Lengkap Kunci Jawaban UTS

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TRIBUNPONTIANAK.CO.ID - Contoh soal essay bahasa Inggris SMP kelas 8 semester 2 ini dirangkum untuk siswa SMP.

Terdapat 10 soal essay bahasa Inggris SMP kelas 8 .

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Berikut daftar soal bahasa Inggris SMP kelas 8 semester 2.

1. 1. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence below!

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2. My mother... soto last week. It was delicious.

3. Arrange this word below to be good sentence! She-foods-drinks-animals-morning-and-for-every-prepares 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

4. Read the seventh sentence! The word “ill” means...

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6. Your ugly boyfriend... not care about you.

7. Genta is... handsome guy.

8. Alfikar :...

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9. Monkey is not... ugly animal.

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Berikut kunci jawaban soal bahasa Inggris SMP kelas 8 semester 2

1. Most difficult

3. 1,9,2,3,8,5,6,7,4

5. I think, bat is an interesting animal.

8. What do you think about this book?

10. Checking understanding

• Soal Essay Bahasa Indonesia SMP Kelas 8 Semester 2 Lengkap Kunci Jawaban Pilihan Ganda

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kunci jawaban soal essay bahasa Inggris SMP kelas

Kunci jawaban soal essay bahasa inggris smp, kunci jawaban smp, soal essay bahasa inggris smp kelas 8 semester 2, soal essay bahasa inggris smp kelas 8, soal essay bahasa inggris smp.

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Kelas 8 Q.1 ^ Asking & Giving Attention

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What is the meaning of "Attention" in Bahasa Indonesia?

In a library. A : Can I sit down here?

B : ………………………………

A : Thank you.

Yes , I mind.

Yes, you can

Of course no

No , you can't

A : Can I open the window?

B : …………………………………..

No , please do.

No , I would.

Why you did it?

Please Fill the dialog below using asking attention expressions!

Teacher: ______________, look at this board.

Students: Yes ma'am

How are you?

May I have your attention please?

Don't forget to do your homework

lina : Can I use your pen?

Beni : Sure, Take the green one

The underline sentence is showing .....expression

asking permission

Invete someone to do something

Giving Opinion

Asking opinion

A. Mohon perhatian

Mohon pelajarilah


A pretty bird

An angry bird

A : ................................

B : oh yes, right. It's 9 o'clock.

Excuse me sir, do I know the time please?

Excuse me, could you tell me what time is it?

May I have your attention sir?

Attention please!

Which sentence expresses asking for attention?

Can I get your attention

May I have your attention please? indicates that...

Someone is giving attention

Someone is asking attention

What happened next? indicates that ...

example of showing attention ...

i see.. tell me more about it

excuse me ...

attention please

Fill the dialog with the best expressions!

Teacher : ______________, look at this board.

Students : Yes ma'am

Teacher : Everybody, may I have your attention, please?

Students : Yes, Ma'am

The teacher is .......

asking for opinion

asking for attention

appreciating works

checking understanding

B : Oh yes, right. It's 9 o'clock.

Do you listen to me?

Yes, I will

No, I can't

Are you sure?

Fajar : What do you think about the music show?

Gusti : I think . . .

The best answer is

you are smart

it is fantastic

keep silent

Complete the dialogue below!

Andre : (9) ….

Sule : What?

Andre : I pass the voice kids Indonesia.

Sule : (10) ….

that’s great

you are fool

I don’t believe it.

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Website yang menyediakan materi-materi, soal, tugas-tugas bahasa Inggris di sekolah beserta jawabannya

Kumpulan Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8 – Materi Greeting Cards


Choose the correct answer!

The following text is for questions 1 – 2.

kumpulan contoh soal bahasa Inggris smp kelas 8 materi greeting card

1.       What is it?

A.      A birthday card.

B.      A get-well card.

C.       A greetings card.

D.      A condolence card.

To someone who . . .

A.      is sick

B.       is special

C.       celebrates his birthday

D.      has attained and achievement.

The following text is for questions 3 – 4.

kumpulan contoh soal bahasa Inggris smp kelas 8 materi greeting card

3.       When do you send the card?

A.      When a friend celebrates a special event.

B.       When you are going to have a holiday.

C.       When you don’t want to go to school.

D.     When a friend is going on his/her holiday.

4.       Why do you send the card?

A.      To wish your friend happy holiday.

B.       To show the date of holiday.

C.       To hope your friend will get better.

D.      To make the reader proud.

The following text is for questions 5 – 6.

kumpulan contoh soal bahasa Inggris smp kelas 8 materi greeting card

5.       What is it?

A.      An invitation card.

B.       A short message.

C.      A birthday card.

D.      A get-well card.

6.       Why do you send the card?

A.      To express your happiness on your success.

B.       To make your friend happy at this party.

C.      To congratulate a friend on his/her birthday.

D.      To congratulate a friend on his/her success.

The following text is for questions 7 – 8.

kumpulan contoh soal bahasa Inggris smp kelas 8 materi greeting card

7.       To whom do you send the card?

A.      To a sick person.

B.       To a happy person.

C.       To a person who celebrates a birthday.

D.      To a friend who wants to have a party.

8.       “I hope this makes . . . “

The underlined word refers to . . .

A.      the flower

B.       the paper

C.      the card

D.      the pot

The following text is for questions 9 – 10.

kumpulan contoh soal bahasa Inggris smp kelas 8 materi greeting card

9.       What is it?

A.      A condolences card.

B.       A greeting card.

C.       A get-well card.

D.      A birthday card.

10. To whom do you send the card?

A.      To someone who makes something special.

B.       To someone who attains an achievement.

C.       To someone who celebrates his birthday.

D.      To someone has a lot of money.

The following text is for questions 11 – 12.

kumpulan contoh soal bahasa Inggris kelas 8 materi greeting card

11. Who sends the card?

A.      Angga

B.       Handy

C.       Angga’s friend.

D.      Judges.

12. What achievement has Angga attained?

A.      To be the winner of a poetry reading competition.

B.       To be successful in every competition.

C.       To be successful in reading.

D.      To be good as a student.

The following text is for questions 13 – 14.

kumpulan contoh soal bahasa Inggris smp kelas 8 materi greeting card

13. Who celebrates the birthday?

A.      The sender.

B.      Ghania

C.       Aisyah

D.      Ghania’s friend.

14. How old is Ghania?

A.      Tenth

B.       Eleventh

C.       Fourteenth

D.     Fifteenth

The following text is for questions 15 – 16.

kumpulan contoh soal bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8 materi greeting card

15. What is the purpose of writing the text?

A.      To wish somebody happiness on his/her birthday.

B.       To congratulate someone on their success.

C.       To wish someone luck in finding his dream.

D.     To express happiness about someone moving to a new house.

16. From the text, we can conclude that . . .

A.      The writer wants Handy and Heni to visit him.

B.      Handy and Heni have just moved to a new house.

C.       Handy and Heni invite their friends to come to their house.

D.      The writer is visiting Handy and Heni’s house right now.

The following text is for questions 17 – 18.

kumpulan contoh soal bahasa Inggris smp kelas 8 materi greeting card

17. The text is intended to . . .

A.      wish someone luck in the coming exams.

B.       let someone work hard to gain success.

C.       congratulate someone on his success.

D.      encourage someone to take an exam.

18. From the text, we know that the receiver . . . an exam.

A.      had

B.       is having

C.       has passed

D.      already had

The following text is for questions 19 – 20.

kumpulan contoh soal bahasa Inggris smp kelas 8 materi greeting card

19. Why does Handy send the card?

A.      To tell Heni that she has just moved to his new house.

B.       To show Heni that she is proud of her new house.

C.       To Inform Heni that she has a new house, too.

D.     To wish Heni happiness in her new house.

20. From the text, we know that Heni’s new house is . . .

A.      Luxurious

B.       Painted green

C.      Located in the country

D.      Far from Handy’s house

The following text is for questions 21 – 22.

soal essay checking understanding kelas 8

21. The greeting card is sent to . . . Heni for being accepted as a student at SMA 1 Cexo.

A.      support

B.       question

C.       promote

D.     congratulate

22. From the text, we know that Heni is . . . at SMA 1 Cexo.

A.      a new student

B.       in the top level

C.       the best student

D.      in a special class.

The following text is for questions 23 – 24.


23. from the text, we know that . . .

A.      Aunt Dini follows Handy and his family’s move to a new house.

B.      Handy and his family have moved to a new house.

C.       Handy is happy in the new house.

D.      Aunt Dini is moving to a new house.

24. The purpose of the text is . . .

A.      To describe a new house

B.       To pray for someone’s luck

C.      To wish a happy life in a new house

D.      To congratulate someone on buying a new house

The following text is for questions 25 – 26.


25. From the text, we can conclude that . . .

A.      Handy got the highest score in maths

B.       Handy congratulates Heni on her work

C.       Handy likes maths very much

D.      Heni is good at math

26. Congratulations on your achievement in mathematics!

The underlined word is similar in meaning to . . .

A.      time

B.       failure

C.       number

D.     success

The following text is for questions 27 – 28.


27. The card is sent to . . .

A.      inform Heni’s sister that she was accepted in a good school.

B.      congratulate to Heni sister on her graduation.

C.       show Heni’s happiness on her graduation.

D.      encourage Heni’s sister to study harder.

28. From the text, we know that Heni’s little sister is a . . . girl.

A.      lazy

B.      tough

C.       creative

D.      cheerful

The following text is for questions 29 – 30.


29. Why does Ghania send the card?

A.      To wish her mum get well soon.

B.      To wish her mum a happy mother’s day.

C.       To give her mum the courage to be a good mum.

D.      To let her mum know that today is mother’s day.

30. A tender smile to guide my way.

The underlined word has a similar meaning to . . .

A.      tough

B.      gentle

C.       rough

D.      rude

The following text is for questions 31 – 32.


31. How did Nunun feel about Dini’s acceptance by the school.

A.      Sad

B.      Proud

C.       Envious

D.      Shocked

32. From the text, we can conclude that Dini might be Nunun’s . . .

A.      sister

B.      friend

C.       brother

D.      teacher

The following text is for questions 33 – 34.


33. From the text, we can conclude that . . .

A.      the contest was conducted to celebrate West Java Province’s anniversary.

B.       the card is written by Handy’s classmates.

C.       handy is a Senior High School student.

D.      handy lives in West Java.

34. “You’ve made us proud of you.”

The underlined word means . . .

A.      doing something that makes other people happy.

B.       doing something hard that cannot be done by anybody else.

C.       feeling happy about something happening to someone close to you.

D.      feeling pleasure and satisfaction because you or people connected with you have done or got something good.

The following text is for questions 35 – 37.


35. When do you send the card?

A.      When a friend comes to a birthday party.

B.      When a friend celebrates his birthday.

C.       When a friend has a birthday party.

D.      When a friend has wishes.

36. “May your wishes . . .”

The synonym of the underlined word is . . .

A.      happiness

B.      hopes

C.       greets

D.      loves

37. “May your wishes . . .”

A.      the reader

B.       the writer

C.       patient

D.      doctor

The following text is for questions 38 – 40.


38. Who won the singing contest?

A.      Ghania

B.       Uncle Panji

C.       Aunt Nita

D.      Uncle Panji and Aunt Nita

39. “We are proud of you,”

The synonym of the underlined words is . . .

A.      pleased about

B.       sad about

C.       nice to

D.      full of

40. “We are proud of you .”

Handy 2020-08-20 Tags: Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris


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  23. Kumpulan Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8

    Contoh soal greeting card smp kelas 8. 33. From the text, we can conclude that . . . A. the contest was conducted to celebrate West Java Province's anniversary. B. the card is written by Handy's classmates. C. handy is a Senior High School student. D. handy lives in West Java. 34. "You've made us proud of you.". The underlined word means . . .