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Here’s Exactly How To Set A Fitness Goal That You Can Actually Achieve

By Alexa Tucker

Image may contain Human Female Person Woman Hair Exercise Sport Sports Working Out and Fitness

Having a solid fitness goal is an amazing way to power you towards success, but not all #goals are created equal. While it's great to have an end-game in mind, there are some best practices when it comes to goal setting. Whether you want to lose weight , improve your fitness level, or train for an event , putting the SMART method into action can help you achieve what you set out to do.

SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely—all of which are important in reaching a fitness objective. SMART goals can help keep you on track and remind you of your priorities, so you're able to follow through with every workout or healthy meal you have planned. "Being accountable to what you set is the only way to maintain real long-term consistency," says Jason Loebig , Nike trainer and ambassador for HI-VIBE , a Chicago-based superfood juicery.

Get SMART and put these five elements into action when you're setting your fitness goal.

"You need something that’s not too arbitrary," says Loebig. "A bad goal would be, say, 'get healthy'. A specific goal would be to lose weight." You'll narrow down that goal even further by using the rest of the method, but whether you want to get stronger, faster, or smaller, having a baseline points you in the right direction.

Here's where you determine exactly how you'll measure your goal. "If you’re going to follow the bad goal, it would be get really healthy," says Loebig. "That's not quantifiable. A measurable goal would be, say, 'lose 10 pounds'. You can quantify your progress, and you can sort of back into a time frame once you have that." Your goal may be to master a pull-up, run five miles, or go to the gym four days a week—whatever it is, you should have a definite way of knowing when you've reached your goal.

While it can be helpful to set big-picture goals in the long-term, says Loebig, you need a more achievable goal on the horizon to keep you on track. "You want to start small and see early wins, which encourages long-term consistency," he says. "If you set something too lofty right off the bat, it might be discouraging to not make progress as fast as you would like." You should also consider the size of your goal—for example, a goal of losing 30 pounds in one month just isn't going to happen, so you're better off setting smaller goals that are in closer reach.

This is where things get a little tricky, says Loebig–finding your "why" is easier said than done. "[Ask yourself], 'is this goal worthwhile, and am I motivated to do it?' Creating a goal with some type of motivation attached to it, like I want to lose 10 pounds in two months to be ready for my wedding , can give a bit of relevancy to your goal." Whether you want to feel confident at a big event or perform better during everyday activities, pinpoint why a goal is important to you.

"You want to be strict about a deadline—doing so creates urgency," says Loebig. It's also important not to set your sights too far out. "If you give yourself four months to lose 10 pounds, that might be too long because you aren’t incentivized to start working at it immediately." Instead, consider setting smaller goals along the way, like "I want to lose three pounds in two weeks." Maybe running a marathon is your long-term goal, but if you've never been a runner, signing up for one that's a month away isn't realistic—instead, set smaller mileage goals for shorter time periods and work your way up.

You should also be honest with yourself about what you're able to accomplish in a given time frame. "If losing 10 pounds is at the top of your list and you’re willing to make sacrifices in your social life and at work, we can attain that more quickly," says Loebig. And if not? That's completely fine, too he says—you just need to adjust your expectations so they're in line with your schedule and commitments.

Once you have your goal in place, it's all about the follow-through. Whether you want to lose one pound a week, be able to do five full push-ups in two weeks, or run a 5K in under 30 minutes in four weeks, you can come up with a plan to help get your where you want to go—but it all starts with deciding what you want. Be accountable to yourself, stay consistent , and the results will follow.

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smart fitness goals essay

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SMART Fitness Goals Examples to Motivate You

SMART Fitness Goals Examples to Motivate You

All you need is the belief that you can get there..

Just about everyone wants to improve or work on something when it comes to their personal physical fitness. From weight loss to eating more nutritious foods to training for a triathlon, each person has their own unique physical activity goals. There are tons of ways to go about making these desired lifestyle, diet, and exercise changes. But often, despite our best intentions, we fail to stick with or reach our fitness goals.

Some people find that they can come up with a plan and a time frame to succeed, but for many, the execution is where they struggle. Know that it is very common to be all-in for your goal at first but then to slowly lose steam. Or to make many grand plans but not follow through at all.

However, it’s not simply about lack of drive or willingness to put in the work seven days a week. Really, it’s about not effectively structuring or understanding your goal—and the process of going after it. This is where setting a SMART fitness goal can help.

Setting up SMART fitness goals for yourself will give you a roadmap for securing your goal, a strategy that optimizes your chances for success. This process will make you accountable and help you see the path forward.

You’ll know exactly what you are committing to do and see the light at the end of the tunnel. Whether you want to stick to a healthier diet, drop a dress size, improve your overall health and fitness, or walk more steps each day, making SMART fitness goals can help get you there.

Learn what a SMART fitness goal is, see examples of SMART fitness goals, and discover how to use SMART goals to help you reach all the health and fitness aims you desire.

SMART Fitness Goals Examples

One easy way to understand how to use SMART is to look at an example of using a SMART fitness goal. For instance, generally, if you want to lose weight using SMART fitness goals, you pick one area of your diet to make an adjustment for a set amount of time. You might decide to cut sugary sodas out of your diet altogether. Or if you tend to drink three or four of these drinks a day, you might simply decide to drop down to indulging in just one daily for one week straight.

That’s the SMART approach. Essentially, you use the same SMART goal template each time but just swap out the exact thing you are wanting to do for each goal. It’s an easy, concrete approach that helps keep you focused on your aim. You know exactly what you need to do, which makes following through much more likely.

Once you get the hang of setting SMART fitness goals, you will be on your way to achieving your goals and living the lifestyle you truly want. But first, let’s dive into exactly what SMART means.

What are SMART goals?

SMART goal-setting is a technique used to guide goal making and optimize achievement. The word “SMART,” an acronym that was first developed with business goals in mind, represents a method that can be utilized and adapted for the pursuit of any type of activity, including those having to do with fitness and lifestyle.

There are a variety of versions of SMART. But generally, it stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable/Achievable, Relevant/Realistic, and Time-bound/Timeframe.

In other words, a SMART goal is something that is distinct and precise. In fact, the specificity of your goal is key to the magic of SMART goal-setting. As in, your goal is the opposite of vague. Rather than broadly deciding that you will eat better or start exercising, you tease out a specific item that you will pursue, such as running two miles per day, eating five servings of fruit daily, or skipping dessert.

Measurable means that your goal has a specific quantifiable aspect. For example, instead of aiming to walk more steps each day, you will determine exactly how many more steps to add, such as 500 more per day. Or you’ll decide to do 100 jumping jacks and 50 burpees three times per week.

The attainable or achievable part of SMART means simply that the fitness goal needs to be something you can actually accomplish. So, don’t decide to run a marathon the first week you begin a running program. You want to challenge yourself, but going overboard is a surefire way to disappointment.

And even if you start off fully committed to an overly ambitious goal, you’re likely to burn out before reaching your final goal. Instead, set a more realistic goal that you really can do and sustain over time, such as adding an extra half mile to your run every three days for a three-week period.

Making sure your lifestyle goal is relevant and realistic is also key. The SMART goal needs to make sense as a part of reaching your ultimate goal. So, if you long to get in shape, you’ll want to pick goals that apply directly to this aim.

For instance, you might decide to ride your bike to and from work. Or instead of walking your dog twice around the block each night, you can up that to five times. But aiming for 50 times around the block most likely won’t be realistic, unless you have unlimited time and energy.

Additionally, the goals need to fit into your fitness plan. So, setting goals to read more or eat less meat aren’t directly relevant to your goal of getting fit. And deciding you’ll workout for three hours a day may be completely unrealistic, so pick a more plausible goal.

Lastly, make sure your goal is time-bound, meaning that you set a specific timeframe in which to pursue and complete your goal. So, rather than deciding to eliminate sugar forever, you want to make your SMART goal to last for one day or one week or one month. Having a set duration gives you a finish line. And having a potential end in sight—and the tangible victory you get from lasting the entire prescribed time—sets you up to stick with the goal until the time is up.

What are SMART fitness goal examples?

Examples of SMART fitness goals include picking a food or drink you want to eat more or less of and then coming up with an exact amount that you will either consume or abstain from eating or drinking over the course of a specific amount of time. You might decide to eliminate dessert or fast food for two weeks or you could choose brown rice over white rice or replace butter with olive oil in your food for a month.

SMART goals for exercise might be to do three sets of 10 push ups each day or to do 100 sit ups and 50 push ups daily for two weeks. Other ideas include swimming 20 laps twice a week or playing basketball with your friends for an hour every Friday night for a month. You might use the stairs instead of the elevator. You might play squash or soccer three times a week. You might decide to read three motivation quotes about health and fitness each day. You could choose to stick to a set bedtime routine and schedule for a week.

Whatever you decide, just make sure it is a specific, achievable goal that makes sense for your ultimate goal. And that you can track your progress over the course of your challenge for an exact period of time.

Your larger fitness and lifestyle goal may be to lose weight, eat better, get in shape, become more physically active, get healthier, sleep better, feel better in your body, or any other health or fitness aim that resonates with you. However, your SMART goal will be a concrete, doable, relevant item that you’ll commit to pursuing for a set duration.

Things to consider before setting your SMART fitness goals

Remember that while you want to challenge yourself, if you start out small, you are more likely to have a realistic and achievable goal. While it’s understandable to want to go for a big dream from the start, such as running 10 miles a day, that’s not likely to happen right away. Nor does it need to!

Making your goal something a bit more modest is a way to set yourself up for success—and protect yourself from getting discouraged. The aim is to pick something that’s just out of reach rather than something that’s still out of sight. That’s not to say that ultimately you can’t get there, just that you take it one step at a time.

That’s the beauty of using SMART goals. You find a specific objective and go after it over a specific amount of time. Once you reach that finish line, you can decide to re-up the goal if it serves you well or you feel it is still needed. You can also choose to abandon or modify the goal. Whatever you decide, if you reach the initial goal, you still have the feeling of success—even if you don’t continue whatever the practice was.

SMART goals are more likely to succeed because they are completely personalized to your wishes, wants, and situation. In other words, instead of trying to jump on the bandwagon of the latest fitness, diet, health, or wellness trend, you tailor your goal to exactly what will work for you.

Another great plus of this approach to time management and goal setting is that you are always in a test phase and have the opportunity to keep refining your methods as each SMART goal comes to a close.

So, if you chose to drink 10 glasses of water daily but found that you were still thirsty you could switch to drinking 12 a day. Or if you end up waking up at night to use the restroom, you might cut back to 8 glasses of water a day or decide only to drink them before 5 pm. Alternatively, if you struggled to drink all that water, you might try flavored water, instead.

Essentially, the SMART approach gives you ample opportunity to keep finetuning your goals to make them more relevant and achievable.

The benefits of setting both long-term and short-term SMART fitness goals

Another great thing about SMART fitness goals is that you can have more than one at a time. In fact, having both long-term and short-term goals can help you stay motivated while also inching your way toward your ultimate fitness aims.

Start small, build big

Short-term goals with a duration of, say, a few days or weeks, are easier to stick to because, well, they are shorter. For example, if you want to give up candy, you might know for sure that you can go a few hours without eating any. But the idea of lasting a week or longer seems overwhelming. So, you might make it your goal to not eat candy for one whole day.

Success builds over time

Then, once you reach that milestone, you can decide either to go again or maybe to up the stakes to two days at a time. In this way, your long-term goal may be to eat candy only once a month or never again. But you can use multiple short-term goals to get you there. Getting that short-term goal success helps to keep you focused on the present and tends to feed the desire and willpower to stay committed to your goal.

Creativity it key

Additionally, having both short- and long-term goals at your disposal can help to facilitate some creativity on your part. And this process can lend your goal-setting into a bit of a game. Making it feel like a game certainly boosts the likelihood that you’ll stick around to play. In other words, piecing together a variety of short-term goals to get to your long-term ones helps to build and sustain your motivation—and sense of success—along the way.

SMART fitness goals examples for absolute beginners

Here are some more examples that may work well for SMART fitness goal beginners:

Take the stairs an extra time every day

Drink two glasses of water with every meal, only eat dessert on the weekends, do not eat any chips, begin tracking your steps each day, then add 200 more steps each day for a week, walk on the treadmill for 15 minutes a day, bike for 20 minutes three times a week, swim for 30 minutes every other day, instead of fried food, choose baked or steamed, skip your afternoon snack, choose fruit instead of chocolate for an evening treat, switch to 1% milk rather than drinking whole milk, use salad plates rather than dinner plates to reduce portion size, when you go out to eat, skip the appetizer, have one glass of wine with dinner rather than two, do a circuit of 10 weights, do 20 sit-ups each morning, do 10 push-ups before bed, do 30 second planks daily, do 60 second wall sits each day.

Remember that these fitness goal examples are simply that—examples. You can pick a few to try or you can create your own. The key is to pick a specific goal to pursue within a set timeframe. Make the duration something that seems a little bit hard but not so challenging that it feels impossible. If you think one week is too long to stick to your goal, lower your intent to a few days. Conversely, if you know you can go a week without drinking a soda, you might want to strive for lasting two weeks or even a month.

Then, once you get there, you can opt to extend your goal for another time period. And at a certain point, you might even find that your SMART fitness goal has become a new healthy habit, one that you can sustain much more easily—eventually, even without the SMART goal framework.

Key takeaways

Using the SMART goal management method to reach your health and fitness aims is a great way to set yourself up to reach your goals. The SMART system guides you to select specific, time-sensitive goals that you can actually achieve. And having a clock ticking is sure to boost your motivation and help you stick to your plan.

Plus, even if you have trouble meeting to your goal, instead of getting discouraged, all you need to do is to modify your SMART fitness goal into something you really can stick with. So, look at your SMART goal setting as an experiment as well as a challenge. There is no failure, only information you can use to create better, more realistic goals for yourself in the future. In other words, if you don’t make your SMART goal the first time, try and try again.

As you get the hang of the SMART method, you’ll soon become a whiz at tailoring your goals to fit your particular needs and lifestyle while also picking something that furthers your short- and long-term goals. So, get inspired by the examples of SMART fitness goals. Then, go ahead, tinker, have fun, and create some personal SMART goals that will get you on the path to reaching the health and fitness goals you truly want to achieve. All you need is the belief that you can get there—and the know-how that comes with following the SMART goal-setting plan.

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Family Rejects $100M and Preserves Honey Creek State Area

In a world where financial gain often trumps environmental conservation, one Texas family made an extraordinary decision that prioritizes the greater good.

The Urbanczyk family turned down a potential $100 million profit to preserve their 245-acre ranch in Hill Country, transforming it into a public park for future generations to enjoy. This inspiring story underscores the importance of protecting our natural heritage and the selfless acts that make it possible.

A Bold Decision For The Greater Good

Honey Creek Natural Area | Ronnie and Terry Urbanczyk pose for camera

Dave Sims Media/The Nature Conservancy | www.savehoneycreek.com

Ronnie and Terry Urbanczyk, who purchased their 245-acre ranch near the Honey Creek State Natural Area three decades ago, faced a significant choice.

Over the years, they expanded their property to 750 acres and considered capitalizing on the booming Hill Country population by developing housing on their land. Such a move could have secured a $125 million inheritance for their children. However, their neighbors and local conservationists expressed concerns about the potential environmental impact, particularly on Honey Creek's fragile ecosystem and pristine waters.

Ronnie recalled the moment they involved their family in the decision-making process: "We brought them into the equation, and said, ‘Hey, what do y’all think?’ Because it was a huge financial ask of them also." To their delight, their children unanimously supported the idea of preserving the land as a park. “Dad, if it could be a park we could drive by and see the rest of our lives, and our grandkids' lives, let’s make it a park,” they said.

The Birth Of A Public Park

Trees and water

ONE SWEET CONSERVATION DEAL Honey Creek State Natural Area in Central Texas. © Dave Sims Media

After years of planning, Texas Parks and Wildlife announced in June 2023 that they would purchase the Urbanczyks' 515-acre ranch for $25 million. This transaction would ensure the land's preservation, safeguarding nearly 5,000 acres of habitat alongside the adjacent Guadalupe River State Park.

Rodney Franklin, Texas State Parks Director, emphasized the significance of this acquisition: “Together with the adjacent Guadalupe River State Park, these protected lands encompass nearly 5,000 acres of habitat that sustain plants and wildlife, benefit water quality, and provide opportunities for people to spend time in nature.”

Terry Urbanczyk expressed her surprise at the possibility of creating a public park: “We were not aware that making it a park would be a possibility unless you just donate the land, which we couldn’t do.” The decision was a family affair, with Ronnie consulting his nine grandchildren, whom he fondly calls his “board of directors.” Their enthusiastic support, "Yes! Let’s do it!" reinforced the family's resolve.

The land, rich with pristine streams, cypress trees, and at-risk species such as golden-cheeked warblers and Comal blind salamanders, will now be accessible to the public. Texans will have the chance to create their own memories in this beautiful natural setting, just as the Urbanczyk family did.

A Reminder "You Can't Take It With You"

In a capitalist world obsessed with amassing fame and fortune, the Urbanczyks' decision to prioritize conservation over profit is a powerful reminder of the importance of protecting our natural resources. Ronnie, who owns a concrete business, reflected on the emotional significance of their choice: "And now the people in Texas are going to get to really enjoy it for the next thousand years," he said. The couple plans to retire overlooking the state’s natural area, comforted by the knowledge that it will remain unchanged.

Local experts will manage the ecosystem to prevent harmful construction, ensuring the area's ecological integrity for future generations. Annalisa Peace of the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance expressed gratitude for the Urbanczyks' foresight and generosity.

The family encourages other landowners to consider similar actions and seek assistance from organizations like the Nature Conservancy and state parks departments. Ronnie advises exploring creative solutions to protect sensitive ecosystems, noting the increased funding available for land preservation through initiatives like the Great American Outdoors Act of 2020 and recent state legislation.

The Urbanczyks' story is a testament to the profound impact individuals can have on environmental conservation. Their choice to forego substantial financial gain in favor of preserving natural beauty and biodiversity highlights a deep commitment to future generations. As Terry observed, their children understood the true value of their decision: “How much money does someone really need?”

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9 Year Old Saves Parents Crushed In Car Amid Tornado Storm

In times of crisis, heroes often emerge in the most unexpected ways. Such is the story of Branson Baker, a 9-year-old boy from Dickson, Oklahoma, who demonstrated extraordinary bravery during a devastating EF-4 tornado.

His courageous actions saved his parents and serve as a powerful reminder of the resilience and strength found in even the youngest among us.

A Race Against Nature

Car trapped under tree

Lindy Baker/GoFundMe

On April 27, the Baker family found themselves in the path of a deadly tornado. Wayne and Lindy Baker, along with their son Branson, were racing to a friend's storm cellar for safety. As they drove, the tornado loomed ever closer, its destructive force visible within a mile or two. Wayne Baker described the harrowing moment:

"We could pretty much see this tornado within about a mile and two miles away from us. But as we turned, the tornado turned itself."

The situation turned dire when a tree, uprooted by the powerful winds, crashed onto their truck, trapping Wayne and Lindy inside. Despite his fear, Branson acted with remarkable quickness and presence of mind.

"I was really, really scared," the 9-year-old recounted to ABC News , but he knew he had to act.

"Please Don't Die" — One Last Hope For Help

Branson Baker's parents, Lindy and Wade pose for the camera.

Baker Family, KTVT via CNN

In a moment of pure courage, Branson managed to escape from the wrecked truck. His thoughts were with his parents as he ran for help, telling them, "Don't die," before sprinting over a mile to find assistance. Wayne Baker marveled at his son's bravery: "Branson sprung into action really quick. He's very courageous for a 9-year-old boy. Not many adults would have done what he did."

The urgency of the situation was palpable for Wayne's brother, Johnny Baker, who was on the phone with the family when the tree hit. "About that time, you start hearing some dinging on the glass, like, maybe hail and then boom. And the phone went silent," Johnny recalled. He and his wife rushed to the scene, with his wife calling 911. Branson, determined and undeterred, returned with help alongside the first responders.

Wayne Baker is now recovering from injuries to his back, neck, and arm, while Lindy remains in the hospital. Through it all, Wayne's pride in his son shines brightly. "You couldn't be more proud to be a father of a son that can accept a challenge that way," he said. "Shows that he would go above and beyond for anyone."

Triumph In The Face of Adversity

Branson Baker, 9, batters up!

The day after the tornado struck, Branson displayed his resilience and spirit in another way — on the baseball field. Despite the traumatic event, he hit a home run and turned a double play, dedicating his performance to his parents. His actions on and off the field are a testament to his strength and determination.

Branson’s story is a powerful reminder that heroes can come in all sizes and ages. His quick thinking and fearless actions in the face of a deadly tornado saved his parents and inspire us all. In moments of crisis, it is the courage and resilience of individuals like Branson that shine through, reminding us of the extraordinary capabilities within each of us, regardless of age.

For those wanting to help, the Bakers have a GoFundMe to help cover medical expenses for the family.

Copyright © 2024 Goalcast

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SMART Fitness Goals: The Ultimate Guide

  • Last Updated: 4th August 2021
  • Personal Training Resources
  • Editors: Abbie Watkins
  • Verified By: Luke Hughes

smart fitness goals

Whether you’re in the fitness industry or not, you may have heard of SMART fitness goals. Standing for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound, the acronym is most commonly used as a criteria for personal trainers to set goals for their clients. 

There are a whole host of benefits to setting SMART fitness goals, but also some potential drawbacks to consider. We’ll discuss all of this and more- as well as some SMART fitness goals examples.

What Are SMART Fitness Goals?

What does smart goals stand for in fitness, smart fitness goals examples.

  • Potential Disadvantages Of SMART Fitness Goals

Help your clients reach their long and short term SMART fitness goals even faster by qualifying from our Level 4 Sports Nutrition Course .  Get started by enquiring today or browse the full range of our courses by downloading our free course prospectus here . 


12 ways you can boost your pt income.

smart fitness goals essay

‘SMART’ is an acronym that provides a set of criteria to follow when setting goals. It stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound. 

The term is said to have been first coined in the 1980s by George T. Doran, and can be applied to goal-setting in many different contexts- including fitness. 

In the context of personal training, SMART fitness goals are simply fitness-related goals that follow the SMART criteria. Whether it's losing weight or training for a specific event, SMART fitness goals help you stay focused and motivated! 

Setting goals for your client is one of the major roles of a personal trainer . If you’re a personal trainer, using the SMART acronym is a great way to set the right goal for your client. We will explore more reasons why it is so beneficial later in this article! 

Every client will have different needs, objectives and requirements when it comes to personal training. Using the SMART criteria when setting client goals means you can really understand what your client wants to achieve and create a more tailored programme for them. 

Helping each client successfully reach their goals in their preferred space of time means you can make money as a personal trainer as clients will likely return or recommend you to others!

Now that you know what SMART goals are, let’s break down each letter, what it stands for and how you can use the criteria to set your clients’ goals.

S- Specific 

smart fitness goals essay

When it comes to setting a SMART fitness goal, it needs to be specific. The more specific you are with a goal, the more likely you are to achieve it! Without a specific target to aim for, how will you really know if you have achieved what you wanted to achieve?

Setting goals that are specific removes any confusion as to whether or not a goal has been achieved. Whether it’s reaching a specific bodyweight or being able to run a certain distance, a specific goal helps to mark a point at which it has been accomplished. 

For that reason, all SMART fitness goals must include a start and target figure.

Being specific with what it is you want to accomplish is the difference between "I want to lose weight" , and "I want to lose 7 pounds of overall body mass" . The latter is a good example of a SMART fitness goal! 

When drafting a SMART fitness goal, try to answer these 5 ‘w’ questions:

  • What does my client want to accomplish?
  • Why is this goal important?
  • Who is involved?
  • Where is it located?
  • Which resources or limits are involved? 

This kind of specificity benefits both you as a personal trainer and your client. For the PT, a specific goal makes it easier for you to track your client’s progress and know when they have achieved it. It also makes it a lot easier for you to create a tailored programme for them, as you will have a specific focus in mind when planning your PT sessions .

Setting a specific goal also benefits the client. Without a specific and quantifiable target to aim for, they are much more likely to feel demotivated and lack commitment to the programme. Setting specific SMART fitness goals helps them to focus their efforts and feel truly motivated to achieve it!

M- Measurable 

smart fitness goals essay

The second aspect of a SMART fitness goal is that it must be quantifiable, i.e. able to be measured. 

For example, if a client has the goal of “I want to be able to walk more” , this is not measurable as ‘more’ cannot be quantified. It can be made into a measurable SMART fitness goal by defining how long your client will walk for and how often they will do it. This can therefore be turned into a SMART fitness goal simply by saying “I will walk for 30 minutes on 3 days next week” . 

As a personal trainer, setting measurable goals helps you track your client’s progress more easily. It also helps keep your client motivated, focused and feel the excitement of getting closer to achieving their goal! 

When setting a SMART fitness goal, to make sure that it is measurable, ask yourself questions such as:

  • How will we know when it is accomplished?

By making your SMART fitness goal measurable, your client is much more likely to achieve it! Plus, it also makes it easier to track progress if you have a quantifiable goal to work towards. 

Some good ways for personal trainers to measure goals include using a food diary or training log.  

A- Attainable/ Achievable 

smart fitness goals essay

As a personal trainer, making sure that your client's goal is attainable is crucial to how well they adhere to the programme. A good SMART fitness goal must be a balance of challenging but also achievable! 

If your client is continuing to fail to meet their goals, they are likely to become disheartened and lose motivation to train. Whilst failure is a natural part of any journey- particularly a fitness one, it can be prevented by making sure that the goal is attainable in the first place. 

Being able to push your client to reach their potential is one of the key skills needed to be a personal trainer . Pushing your client’s to their limit is great, but a SMART fitness goal should still be physically and mentally possible. 

Setting an attainable goal doesn’t just mean considering your client’s physical ability to reach it. You should also consider other external factors, such as their budget. For example, if your client does not have the financial means to pay for several sessions a week, they may not be able to reach their goal as quickly as someone who isn’t restricted by financial constraints.

When setting a SMART fitness goal, you should therefore ask yourself the questions:

  • How can my client accomplish this goal?
  • What methods need to be adopted for this goal to be achieved?
  • How realistic is the goal, based on other constraints such as financial factors?

An example of an achievable SMART fitness goal is “I will gain 3kg in lean muscle mass in 8 weeks by weight training 3-5 days a week and increasing their protein intake by 25kg a day” . This is a lot more attainable than “I will gain 20kg of lean muscle in 4 weeks by weight training once a week” !

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R- Relevant / realistic

smart fitness goals essay

The ‘R’ in the SMART fitness goals acronym refers to whether the goal is relevant and realistic for the client to achieve. In other words, it is about considering the likelihood of your client achieving their goal and whether it is in line with their personal values, wants and needs. 

Personal trainers should question why the goal is realistic and relevant, for example, is it based on current commitments? Is it something the client can currently do? Or, is it based on a national guideline? 

For example, if your client wants to run a marathon in a year's time, a goal such as “increasing their chest press weight by 20kg in 3 weeks” is not relevant! Whilst upper body strength might help a marathon, a relevant SMART goal should instead focus on cardio training. Plus, it needs to include the relevant time frame of one year, not 3 weeks! 

When checking if your SMART fitness goal is relevant, make sure that you can answer ‘yes’ to these questions:

  • Does this seem worthwhile?
  • Is this the right time to work on this goal?
  • Is this goal applicable in the client’s current lifestyle and financial situation? 

A good SMART fitness goal should be one that matters to the client. They are much more likely to be motivated to follow your programme if it is realistic and they can see how it relates to their interests.   

T- Time-bound 

smart fitness goals essay

This refers to the timeframe in which to reach a goal. SMART goals in fitness should be time-bound so that there is a deadline to work towards. 

Setting SMART fitness goals that are time-bound helps to keep your client motivated and gives them a clear target to aim for. Having a realistic time-frame plays a huge role in determining whether or not a goal is achievable.

This element of the SMART fitness goal criteria also helps to prevent everyday tasks from taking priority over longer-term goals. For example, if you have a client with a busy schedule, setting out how many sessions they will have a week and for how long, means that they can factor that into their weekly timetable. They will therefore be more likely to stick to it and attend the sessions if a time-frame is set out in advance!

A timeframe also creates an element of urgency and pressure, which will help motivate your client forwards with the programme. 

When setting a time-bound SMART fitness goal for your client, ask yourself the following questions:

  • When will the client have achieved the goal?
  • What can the client achieve 6 months / 6 weeks from now?
  • What can my client achieve today?

A good example for a SMART fitness goal which is time-bound is “I want to fit into a size 10 pair of jeans within the next 3 months” , rather than just “I want to fit into a size 10 pair of jeans ”.  

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So, now you know what SMART goals stands for in fitness, here is an example of a SMART fitness goal with each part of the acronym broken down. 

SMART fitness goal: Reduce overall body mass by 1 stone, from 14 stone to 13 stone, in 3 months. 

smart fitness goals essay

S - To lose 1 stone of weight, from 14 stone to 13 stone.

M - Measure weight loss using the scales every 2 weeks. 

A - Will be achieved by clients going to gym 3 times a week and increasing caloric expenditure whilst decreasing calorie intake by switching unhealthy snacks for healthy alternatives . 

R - This is a realistic goal based on using the government guidelines for safe weight loss to decide upon an appropriate time-frame. 

T- Aims to achieve this goal within 3 months. 

By using the SMART acronym, it is easier to break down the goal and make sure that it is realistic and achievable.  

Benefits Of SMART Fitness Goals

We have already touched upon why SMART fitness goals are so useful in personal training, but here are the 4 major benefits to using the SMART criteria.

#1 - Provides direction and motivation

smart fitness goals essay

As we have seen, a huge benefit of SMART fitness goals is that they provide direction for a client, by setting a clear target to work towards. 

Following the ‘Specific’ part of the SMART acronym is particularly important for providing direction. Setting a goal such as “I want to gain 10kg in muscle mass” is far more specific than just “I want to gain weight” . This gives the client a specific number to work towards, making them more focused and much more likely to reach it! 

One way to think of it is like driving a car. If you don’t have a specific destination in mind, you may end up driving aimlessly and lose focus. But if you are aiming for a specific place, you will drive more efficiently and most likely get there a lot faster! 

If you really want to stand out as a personal trainer , using SMART fitness goals is therefore a great way to help your client reach their goals quickly and efficiently. 

#2 - Makes it easier to track progress 

smart fitness goals essay

Another great benefit of SMART goals in fitness is that they make it easier to track a client’s progress. The ‘Measurable’ and ‘Time-Bound’ elements of the SMART acronym are particularly useful for tracking progress. 

For example, saying “I want to lose weight” is a hard goal to track. Whilst you can record a client’s weight once a week, if there is no ultimate target weight, it is harder to determine whether they are on track or not. 

However, “I want to lose a stone in 2 months” is both specific and measurable, making it a good example of a SMART fitness goal! This means that as a personal trainer, you can track your progress numerically and make sure that the client is on track to achieve their goal.

#3 - Helps a PT with making a tailored programme

smart fitness goals essay

One of the hardest things about being a personal trainer can be creating the right programme for your client. But setting SMART fitness goals can really help with that! 

By having a goal which is measurable and time-bound, you have a lot more to work with when it comes to designing a programme. The more information you have about what a client wants to achieve, the more tailored you can make your sessions. 

A client will be much more likely to be motivated to see the programme through to the end if it feels specific and unique to them. This also builds a strong PT-client relationship, as they will have more trust in you. 

The ‘Attainable’ part of the SMART acronym is also important to consider when designing a fitness programme. As we have discussed, a client will respond better to an attainable and realistic goal!

#4- Get out of your comfort zone

smart fitness goals essay

Setting a SMART fitness goal is a great way to make your client step out of their comfort zone. 

Many clients come to personal trainers because they feel like they aren’t seeing any progress with their current fitness routine. This is very often because they have lost sight of their goals and reasons for training. 

This is where the SMART acronym can help bring some clarity and get a client out of a rut. The process of setting SMART fitness goals with a client pushes them to really think about what, where, how, when and why they want to achieve something!

This balance of being attainable but also challenging is what makes SMART fitness goals so effective. 

Potential Disadvtanges Of SMART Fitness Goals

As we have discussed, there are a whole host of benefits to using the SMART acronym to set fitness goals for your clients. But like anything, there are some potential drawbacks to consider too.

#1 - Too Much Pressure

smart fitness goals essay

Whilst SMART fitness goals can be incredibly motivating, some clients may find the pressure too much. They may become so overwhelmed with trying to achieve it, that it actually becomes a hindrance to their progress.

However, a good personal trainer should be able to motivate their clients without putting unreasonable pressure on them. Putting a client under too much pressure is actually counterproductive and can cause them to disengage with the programme. 

In fact, following the SMART acronym when setting your client’s goals will actually avoid this kind of pressure being put on them. The Time-Bound element of the SMART acronym is particularly important in this case. As we have discussed, the time-frame should be realistic. Setting too short a time to achieve a goal will lead to your client feeling under pressure and overwhelmed. 

You should also remember that goals can be changed! Whilst it is good to stick to a goal, at the same time, you should be flexible and willing to change it if it transpires that it is actually unattainable. A personal trainer must know how to be adaptable and flexible!  

#2 - Disappointment & Failure

smart fitness goals essay

Since SMART fitness goals are so focused and specific, they are arguably more open to failure than a generic goal.

Take “I want to do a long-distance run ” compared to the SMART fitness goal, “I want to run 10km in 58 minutes” . The latter has a measurable and specific target, which although has its benefits, it can also leave more room for failure. For example, if they run the 10km in 1 hour, they may feel like they have completely failed, even though they are just 2 minutes short! This can cause them to lose confidence and feel disheartened to carry on. 

That said, a good personal trainer should be able to motivate their client to push through failure and reach their goals regardless! 

#3 - Neglecting Other Goals 

smart fitness goals essay

Another potential issue with SMART fitness goals is that since they are so specific, you could neglect goals in other areas of your life. 

For example, some clients may become so focused on training for a big event like a triathlon or ironman , that they prioritise it over a professional goal such as getting a promotion at work. It can even start taking priority over aspects of their personal life too. 

Again, this is where a good personal trainer can prevent this from happening. If you follow the SMART fitness goal criteria correctly, you should have considered your client’s other commitments and how that could affect how much time they commit to the goal. 

Before You Go!

So, there are clearly a whole host of benefits to setting SMART goals in fitness. Now you know what they are and how to set them, why not try using the criteria with your next client? We guarantee you’ll be amazed with the results!

If you're already a personal trainer and want to take the next steps in your career, check out OriGym’s Advanced Nutrition Course and help your clients smash their health & fitness goals.

Find out more by getting in touch with our team today or  download our course prospectus here . 

​the Mind Tools Content Team By the Mind Tools Content Team, Team, the M. T. C., wrote, B. T., & wrote, D. (n.d.). Smart goals: – how to make your goals achievable. Time Management Training From MindTools.com. https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/smart-goals.htm.

Written by Alice Williams

Alice graduated with a First-Class degree in French and Linguistics from the University of Leeds in 2019. As part of her degree, she spent a year living in France where she worked for a lifestyle blog, gaining professional experience in both translation and content writing. 

Alice is also a qualifiied yoga teacher, allowing her write from a place of expertise when it comes to yoga!

When she’s not writing or practicing yoga, she also loves running, cooking and music! 

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The Essential Guide to Writing SMART Goals

By Kate Eby | January 9, 2019

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In this article, you’ll find the latest tips and examples to help you create and execute on SMART goals. We’ve also provided a free, downloadable SMART goals template to get you started.

Included on this page, you’ll find examples of SMART goals , a customizable SMART goals worksheet , and the best project management tool to use to put your plan in action.

What Are SMART Goals?

SMART goals are a relatively new idea. In 1981, George T. Doran, a consultant and former director of corporate planning for Washington Water Power Company, published a paper called, “There’s a SMART Way to Write Management’s Goals and Objectives.” In the document, he introduces SMART goals as a tool to create criteria to help improve the chances of succeeding in accomplishing a goal.

What are SMART goals?

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Smartsheet is a cloud-based platform that allows teams and organizations to plan, manage, and report on work, helping you move faster and achieve your goals. See Smartsheet in action.  

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What Does the SMART Acronym Stand For?

The acronym stands for:

S – Specific

When setting a goal, be specific about what you want to accomplish. Think about this as the mission statement for your goal. This isn’t a detailed list of how you’re going to meet a goal, but it should include an answer to the popular ‘w’ questions:

  • Who – Consider who needs to be involved to achieve the goal (this is especially important when you’re working on a group project).
  • What – Think about exactly what you are trying to accomplish and don’t be afraid to get very detailed.
  • When – You’ll get more specific about this question under the “time-bound” section of defining SMART goals, but you should at least set a time frame.
  • Where – This question may not always apply, especially if you’re setting personal goals, but if there’s a location or relevant event, identify it here.
  • Which – Determine any related obstacles or requirements. This question can be beneficial in deciding if your goal is realistic. For example, if the goal is to open a baking business, but you’ve never baked anything before, that might be an issue. As a result, you may refine the specifics of the goal to be “Learn how to bake in order to open a baking business."
  • Why – What is the reason for the goal? When it comes to using this method for employees, the answer will likely be along the lines of company advancement or career development.

M – Measurable

What metrics are you going to use to determine if you meet the goal? This makes a goal more tangible because it provides a way to measure progress. If it’s a project that’s going to take a few months to complete, then set some milestones by considering specific tasks to accomplish.

A – Achievable

This focuses on how important a goal is to you and what you can do to make it attainable and may require developing new skills and changing attitudes. The goal is meant to inspire motivation, not discouragement. Think about how to accomplish the goal and if you have the tools/skills needed. If you don’t currently possess those tools/skills, consider what it would take to attain them.

R – Relevant

Relevance refers focusing on something that makes sense with the broader business goals. For example, if the goal is to launch a new product, it should be something that’s in alignment with the overall business objectives. Your team may be able to launch a new consumer product, but if your company is a B2B that is not expanding into the consumer market, then the goal wouldn’t be relevant.

T – Time-Bound

Anyone can set goals, but if it lacks realistic timing, chances are you’re not going to succeed. Providing a target date for deliverables is imperative. Ask specific questions about the goal deadline and what can be accomplished within that time period. If the goal will take three months to complete, it’s useful to define what should be achieved half-way through the process. Providing time constraints also creates a sense of urgency.

The Easiest Way to Write SMART Goals

When it comes to writing SMART goals, be prepared to ask yourself and other team members a lot of questions. The answers will help fine-tune your strategy, ensuring the goals are something that’s actually attainable. While you should be as realistic as possible, it’s important to approach writing SMART goals with a positive attitude. After all, this is something that you want to achieve.

smart fitness goals essay

This doesn’t have to be a daunting experience; in fact, it should be quite illuminating. Later in the article, we demonstrate how to write SMART goals for two typical business scenarios: completing a project and improving personal performance. Below, we’ve included an easy-to-use SMART goals template in Word, along with a template to help you plan and manage your goals in Smartsheet.  

SMART Goals Worksheet Template

‌ Download the SMART Goals Template in Word

Execute on SMART Goals with Project Management in Smartsheet

Once you’ve defined your SMART goals, it’s essential to put a plan in place to achieve them. To help with execution, you need a tool that enables you to plan, track, manage, automate, and report on your goals in real-time.

One such tool is Smartsheet, a work execution platform that enables enterprises and teams to get from idea to impact - fast. With a collaborative, real-time objectives tracker in Smartsheet, you can increase transparency and improve accountability across your initiatives.

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Plus, top project management leaders rely on Smartsheet to help align the right people, resources, and schedules to get work done. Use Smartsheet to create consistent project elements, increase speed, and improve collaboration with scalable options that fit individual work preferences. Hold yourself and your team accountable, improve visibility into team priorities, and ensure nothing slips through the cracks.

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Examples of SMART Goals

Here are two examples of initial goals we'll use to walk through this process:

  • I want to complete a project
  • I want to improve my performance

This is a typical approach to creating goals, but both of these are very vague. With the current wording, the goals probably aren’t going to be attainable. The statements lack specifics, timelines, motivation, and a reality check.

Now, let’s use the SMART goals formula to clarify both and create new and improved goals.

Goal 1: I want to complete a project

  • Specific: Many people are accessing our current site from their mobile devices. Since it’s not a responsive site, it provides a poor experience for customers. I want to launch a mobile app for my company website by the end of Q2, which requires involvement from software development, design, and marketing.
  • Measurable: Creating a mobile app for our company site will require a lot of resources. To make it worthwhile, I’d like to have 50,000 installs of the site within six months of launch. I’d also like to show a 5% conversion rate from customers using the mobile site.
  • Achievable: The departments that will be involved have signed-off on creating a mobile app. I’ll need to manage the project and set milestones to keep everyone motivated and on target.
  • Relevant: Improving the customer experience on mobile devices is a core initiative for my company this year.
  • Time-Bound: In order to achieve 50,000 mobile app installs and a 5% conversion rate by the end of the fiscal year, the app will need to be launched by Q2 with a robust marketing campaign that should continue through the end of the year.

Goal 2: I want to improve my performance

  • Specific: I received low marks on my ability to use PowerPoint at my last performance review. Improving my skills requires that I learn how to use PowerPoint efficiently and practice using it by creating various presentations. I’d like to be more proficient using PowerPoint in time for my next review in six months.
  • Measurable: By the time of my next review, I should be able to create presentations that incorporate graphs, images, and other media in a couple of hours. I should also be able to efficiently use and create templates in PowerPoint that my coworkers can also use.
  • Achievable: Improving my PowerPoint skills is instrumental in moving forward in my career and receiving a better performance review. I can set time aside every week to watch PowerPoint tutorials and even enroll in an online class that can teach me new skills. I can also ask coworkers and my manager for PowerPoint tips.
  • Relevant: Working with PowerPoint is currently 25% of my job. As I move up in the company, I’ll need to spend 50% of my time creating PowerPoint presentations. I enjoy my career and want to continue to grow within this company.
  • Time-Bound: In six months, I should be proficient in PowerPoint ensuring it only occupies 25% of my workload instead of the nearly 40% of the time it occupies now.

Once you go through and write your goals according to each SMART characteristic, you can then combine and consolidate all the work you’ve done into one SMART goal.

SMART goal: I want to complete a project

  • Description: Improving the customer experience on mobile devices is a core initiative for my company this year, so we are going to create a mobile app. By the end of the fiscal year, there should be 50,000 installs of the mobile app we develop, and it should produce a 5% conversion rate. We’ll build the mobile app in-house and launch it by the end of Q2 with an app-related marketing campaign that will continue to the end of the year.
  • Milestone: Mobile app launches end of Q2.
  • Deadline: End of the fiscal year.

SMART goal: I want to improve my performance

  • Description: To grow in my career, I need to improve my PowerPoint skills. By taking online classes and reviewing tutorials, I’ll improve my PowerPoint skills so that it only requires 25% of my work time.
  • Milestone: Complete an online PowerPoint course in three months.
  • Deadline: Next employee review in six months.

Discover more project management tips, template, and best practices in our comprehensive Project Management Guide .

Establishing Clarity Around Success and Failure of Goals

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9 Short Term Fitness Goals Examples to Improve Your Health

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If you’re aiming to improve your health, you probably wish you could have an overnight transformation. But as you know, it takes a lot of work (and time) to reform your body, which can feel frustrating if you aren’t getting the quick results that you want.

To reduce these feelings of frustration, you need to have short-term goals that are easily achievable to help you recognize your progression so you know that your hard work is moving you in the right direction. 

While small goals are frequently overlooked and seen as being too easy or insignificant to contribute to a lasting change, these are the goals that will help you attain the big results you’re looking for in the long-run, so they shouldn’t be ignored.

Taking stock of your little victories is the key to long-term goal achievement. Watch the video below for the 3-step process you can use to start celebrating those small wins. 

Short-term and long-term fitness goals are very different from each other, but they are both critical to your success. Both of these types of goals will also help you make great strides toward achieving the fitness level, body, and health you’re aiming for. 

In this article, we are going to look at the difference between short-term and long-term fitness goals, and then I’ll give you nine examples of short-term goals you can make that will help you see the progress you’re making on your journey to a healthier body.

Let’s get started by taking a more detailed look at what a short-term fitness goal might look like.

Table of Contents

What Is a Short-Term Fitness Goal?

Short-term fitness goals are milestones that can be attained in a relatively short amount of time (usually 6 months at the most) and will bring you closer to achieving your ultimate vision of success. These goals are typically more specific to your individual needs or schedule than broader, long-term goals. 

Often, ‘overhaul’ fitness programs are neither individualized nor sustainable because they don’t take the various stages of planning, change, and the required support for success into consideration, but your short-term goals are all about what you need to do right now to succeed.

Depending on how “short-term” your goal is, you can achieve it by the end of the week, month, or six months, which is much shorter than your long-term or “lifetime” fitness goals will take.

Your long-term goals will not only take more time, but they will also take more patience, willpower, and perseverance to achieve. Both of these types of goals are equally as important as one another and neither should be ignored if you want to achieve your ideal level of fitness. 

The truth is that your long-term results are based on the small decisions that you make each day , and if you want to improve the results that you are getting, then you need to set short-term goals.

Even Olympians say that you may set your sights so high that your goals seem unattainable , but focusing on the process through short-term goals will help you build the skills that you need to help you get where you’re going. 

Let’s take a quick look at some lasting benefits that you will get from your short-term fitness goals that will help you reach your ultimate goals later on.

“Fitness” is such a broad subject that encompasses a variety of factors, including strength training, balance, agility, flexibility, endurance, etc.

With all of the directions you can go, it’s easy to experience analysis paralysis , where the overwhelming number of options can make you indecisive, causing you to choose to do nothing. 

By picking a short-term goal, you can focus on one element of improving your fitness at a time. For example, you can set a goal of being able to complete a certain number of pushups if you’re working on strength training and leave your cardio workout for another time. 

Once you’ve made progress in one fitness domain, you can either expand that goal or start working on a different goal, such as flexibility. Your short-term fitness goals can provide you with the structure and sense of direction to help you focus on one thing at a time.

The more short-term goals you have, the larger your skillset will become. This will make it easier to accomplish your goals quickly and efficiently.

You will learn a lot about yourself while you’re working on your short-term goals, such as your patience level and your ability to persevere, in addition to how you can keep yourself motivated. 

When you look at your growth through the lens of your short-term goals, you will be able to perceive any struggles you’ve faced as being a blip on the radar rather than the end of your journey.

It takes dedication to accomplish short-term goals on the micro level, but when you finish several of them, you will notice growth that would have otherwise been impossible to achieve.

The series of small wins that comes along with achieving your short-term goals will make you feel better about the longer process of achieving your dreams. This series of minor milestones will keep you motivated on your way to realizing your vision .

Short-term goals can be accomplished quickly, which makes you feel good and helps you keep up the momentum you need to succeed. The more short-term goals you finish, the more invested you will be in accomplishing your goal.

You will be constantly striving toward making improvements with this sense of momentum and your risk of experiencing burnout will be much lower than if you were to only focus on long-term goals.

For example, it can be hard to notice progress when you’re working toward losing 75 pounds, but if you just focus on losing a pound or two a week, you will keep up your enthusiasm.

Now that you know why you need short-term fitness goals, let’s look at some examples that you could focus on for yourself.

9 Short-Term Fitness Goals Examples to Focus on Next

One quick note about your goals: you want to make sure to follow the SMART goal format . This way, you will know when you’ve completed one goal and it’s time to move onto the next. This will also help you keep your goals organized so you stay on track.

1. “I will run a 10K in five months by training on Tuesday and Thursday mornings before work and on Saturday afternoons.

2. “I will lose 15 pounds in 3 months by replacing soda with water , exercising for at least 150 minutes per week, and limiting eating out to once a week.”

3. “This week, I will use my smartwatch to measure my steps and burn at least 1,500 calories just by walking .”

4. “I will do daily stretching in addition to one hour of yoga twice a week to be able to do the splits within 12 weeks.”

5. “I will reduce my body fat by 20% within the next six months by keeping a food journal and signing up for a HIIT class at the gym.”

6. “I will do upper body strength training three times a week in order to be able to complete 12 consecutive chin-ups within the next six months.”

7. “I will gain three pounds of muscle mass in the next six months through weight training and increasing my protein intake .”

8. “I will reduce my LDL cholesterol by 20 points within the next year by limiting my intake of saturated fat, eliminating trans fats, increasing my activity level, and reducing my consumption of alcohol.”

9. “I will use pace charts to hold myself accountable for making incremental speed improvements for the next six weeks in order to run a 6-minute mile.”

Final Thoughts on Short-Term Fitness Goals

One of the beauties of short-term fitness goals is that they can compound to improve your overall health, even if you only focus on one at a time.

After you’ve finished a few of your short-term goals, you will gain confidence in yourself, which will increase your ability to handle  whatever fitness challenges come your way. 

Growth is ultimately about being consistent and dedicated, and there’s no better time to get started than right now. So tailor any short-term goals listed in this article to your own situation to help you get started moving toward a longer-term improved version of yourself.

Now, if you're looking for more examples and other fitness inspiration, here are some articles to check out:

  • 13 SMART Fitness Goals Examples That Will Motivate You
  • 11 Vision Board Ideas & Examples for Weight Loss
  • 13 Top Fitness and Exercise Habit Books

Finally, if you want to take your goal-setting efforts to the next level, check out this FREE printable worksheet and a step-by-step process that will help you set effective SMART goals .

smart fitness goals essay

Connie Mathers is a professional editor and freelance writer. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing and a Master’s Degree in Social Work. When she is not writing, Connie is either spending time with her daughter and two dogs, running, or working at her full-time job as a social worker in Richmond, VA.

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Setting Fitness Goals

Setting Fitness Goals is Essential to Long-Term Success

Reading Time: 6 minutes 39 seconds

DATE: 2023-12-19

What are your clients' goals? There are some common things clients say they want to achieve when they come to personal trainers for workouts:

Lose weight

Be healthier

Get stronger

You've probably heard these a million times. But what makes the difference between those who succeed and make positive changes and those who fail or drop out?

The secret is goal setting. Just saying you want to get fit doesn't mean much. What does fit look like? Can you measure it? To help your clients succeed and truly make changes, you have to first help them set the right goals that will inspire and motivate and that can be measured and tracked.

Expand your education and better assist clients in making change—get started on the ISSA Transformation Specialist credential today! Learn how to gather the right information and use it to motivate clients and drive their success. Make a difference that will last a lifetime!

The Importance of Setting Fitness Goals

Before beginning the process of setting and trying to achieve fitness and health goals, it helps to have an understanding of why doing so is important. As a trainer, you probably already know this fact. You know that you see more and better results when you start with an achievable, specific goal as opposed to just working out with no plan.

But to have a complete grasp of why goals can help you achieve more, you also need to be able to explain the concept to clients. Help them realize why you need to start with goals before you ever hit the gym.

Goals Make Change Seem More Possible

A lot of people hesitate to get involved in training or fitness because making big changes seems insurmountable. It took a lot of courage for that overweight client to come to you for training. She has likely wanted to change for a long time, but doing so felt like climbing an impossible mountain.

Help her set small, actionable goals and she will begin to see that change can happen. It's not climbing a mountain—it's just walking up a series of reasonable hills, one after the other.

Goals Spur Motivation

One of the most common challenges trainers face is keeping clients motivated . With goals in place, you have something to return to again and again as a source of motivation. Keep the goal, whether it's a specific weight loss or being able to finish a 5k without walking, dangling like a carrot and your client will stay more motivated for longer.

With Goals, You See Progress

This fits with the idea of motivation. When you have goals to meet, you actually see the progress you're making as a result of input of effort. If your client wants to lose a certain number of inches from their waist, for instance, you can measure that. They see that the work they're doing and the planning you are doing for them are really paying off and that acts as further motivation to continue.

Every Workout is More Efficient with Goals

When your client has a specific goal, or goals, every training session will be more focused than it would be otherwise. Without goals, or with very vague goals, like lose some weight or get stronger, you can't focus their workouts. With the right goals, you'll actually save them time by honing in on exactly what they want to achieve and the strategies that will get them there.

Without Setting Fitness Goals, Success is Elusive

What all this adds up to is the fact that without firm goals in place, success is more difficult to achieve. You may lose some weight; you'll probably get a little stronger; you will be healthier than before you started training; but will you achieve all you hoped? Probably not. Your clients need goals to succeed, to achieve what they hired you to help them achieve.

Tips for Setting Effective Fitness Goals

Goal setting is unfortunately not as simple as just saying what you want: I want to be skinny; I want to run faster; I want to be stronger. Sure, you can make it that simple, but if you do, success will be much less likely. Good goal setting is thoughtful. It takes time, consideration, and planning to create goals that won't be a setup for failure.

Think about New Year's resolutions. It's common knowledge that the vast majority of people fail at the big goals they set for the coming year. This isn't because we don't want to achieve those goals or make real changes. Most people fail because they don't know how to set effective goals that prepare them to succeed.

1. Break goals into parts.

A big reason New Year's resolutions fail is that they're too big. Losing 50 pounds by the end of the year is a worthy health goal, but it's pretty difficult to face something so major. Achieving that goal is more likely if you break it down into smaller parts. For instance, losing one pound a week or four pounds a month is much more manageable and therefore achievable.

2. Make goals specific and measurable.

Your clients with performance goals are more likely to succeed. Why? Because their goals are usually very specific, like running a 5k in under 24 minutes. When you have something specific to hit, you can make a better plan for actually getting there.

Athletic and performance goals are also typically measurable. For a fitness competition, for instance, your client may want to have a certain number of inches around their biceps. You can measure that, which means you can plan more focused training strategies to achieve it.

3. Make goals realistic and attainable

There's nothing wrong with dreaming big, but big, overarching goals that are unrealistic only set people up for failure. If a client comes to you with a goal that seems unreasonable to you, don't shut them down completely. Instead, work with them to break it into smaller, attainable goals.

With goals that are unrealistic, clients will only get frustrated and be more likely to quit. With smaller, realistic goals you'll help them see that they are making progress toward something bigger. This provides greater motivation.

4. Put a time limit on it.

Goals need to be time-constrained. With no time limit, there is no urgency and no reason to push. If your client's goal is simply to lose ten pounds, when will they achieve it? They could potentially spend the rest of their life trying to lose that weight. Set a larger goal with a big time limit, like one year, and then break it down into smaller goals with shorter time periods.

5. Goals must be meaningful.

If goals are not personally meaningful for your client, they'll never meet them. There needs to be an emotional attachment, which is why it is essential that clients set their own goals. You should guide them, but never look at new clients and decide what changes they need to make. It has to be up to each individual.

Setting goals is just the first part of helping clients make lasting, positive changes. Check out this ISSA blog post on how to help clients be more successful with long-term changes .

Avoid These Common Mistakes When Setting Goals

Now you know that setting goals are much more complicated than many people imagine. Anyone can set a goal in seconds, but to do it right takes thought and planning. Successful goal setting also requires avoiding some pitfalls. Learn from the mistakes of others and avoid these common mistakes:

Setting negative goals. Don't let your clients set goals like ‘not being fat' or ‘never eating junk food again.' Success is more attainable with positive goals like getting to a healthy weight or eating more vegetables.

Being afraid to adjust goals as needed. Adjustment doesn't mean failure. Ingrain this in your clients because failing is a big de-motivator. Always be prepared to change goals if you find they are not realistic or need more time.

Not keeping track of progress. Put your clients' goals in writing, and then keep a record of their progress. Remember, goals should be measurable. When you measure and record progress, they get to see the benefits of their efforts and this is motivating.

Punishing failures. Again, avoid the idea of failure altogether, and whatever you do, don't encourage punishment. This is not helpful but it is a common reaction to not meeting goals. We have a tendency to punish ourselves. Instead, talk to your client about what went wrong and what they can do differently going forward.

Not rewarding achievements. Punishment is counterproductive, but rewards can be helpful and motivating. Celebrate each small goal met and each bit of progress recorded, even if it's just a high five and kind words.

Focusing on perfection. Perfection is pointless, and going for it sets even the most motivated client up for failure. Focus on consistency and progress, not perfection.

Setting fitness goals is a cornerstone of success in making lasting, healthy changes. Goals should never be an afterthought, for you or your clients.

Every time you meet a new client and get to know them, talk about their goals. Let them lead, but also guide them and help shape those goals so that the goals are attainable, realistic, measurable, time-constrained, and specific. Help your clients set the goals that will set them up for success.

You can make a lasting difference for your clients. Transform their fitness, transform their doubts, and transform their lives. Get started with ISSA's Transformation Specialist .

Fitness Goals Handout

[ Click HERE to download this handout and share with your clients! ]

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Fitness — My Fitness Plan: Reflective Analysis


My Fitness Plan: Reflective Analysis

  • Categories: Fitness Healthy Lifestyle Physical Exercise

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Words: 835 |

Published: Apr 11, 2019

Words: 835 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

Table of contents

Fitness program, interpretation of my current fitness levels, works cited:, how these activities improved my stress levels, impact these activities have had on my emotional and social well-being, the success of self-set goals at the beginning of the program.

  • About. (n.d.). Black Lives Matter. Retrieved from https://blacklivesmatter.com/about/
  • About Dr. King. (n.d.). The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change. Retrieved from https://thekingcenter.org/about-dr-king/
  • Encyclopedia of Alabama. (n.d.). Montgomery Bus Boycott. Retrieved from http://www.encyclopediaofalabama.org/article/h-1560
  • King, M. L., & Carson, C. (2015). The essential writings and speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr. HarperCollins.
  • Morris, A. D. (2013). The Scholar Denied: W. E. B. Du Bois and the Birth of Modern Sociology. University of California Press.
  • Parker, C. (2018). Martin Luther King Jr.: A life. Beacon Press.
  • Reid, P. (2018). The United States of America, 1765-1865: Slave Empires and the Kingdom of Cotton. Routledge.
  • Sitkoff, H. (2011). The struggle for Black equality. Hill and Wang.
  • Taylor, C. (2018). From #BlackLivesMatter to Black liberation. Haymarket Books.
  • Waldschmidt-Nelson, B. (2017). Who Speaks for the Negro?: Confronting the Jim Crow South. University Press of Kentucky.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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How to write SMART goals

It’s easier to succeed when you have clearly defined objectives that are based in reality.

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5-second summary

  • Teams often fall short of meeting their goals due to a lack of consensus on the definition of success.
  • SMART goals use a specific set of criteria to help ensure that objectives are clearly defined and attainable within a certain timeframe.
  • Working through each step of creating a SMART goal can reveal instances where priorities and resources are out of alignment.

Meet Jane. She’s a product manager at a mid-sized tech company – let’s call it Techfirm, Inc. Jane has been tasked with increasing usage of Techfirm’s mobile app.

She knows she’ll need all hands on deck to make this happen, but when Jane has set team-wide goals in the past, they’ve quickly fallen off track. Nobody seemed to have a clear understanding of what success should look like; progress wasn’t monitored closely enough, and inevitably, that important objective slipped to the back burner (before toppling off the stove entirely).

That’s why, this time around, Jane plans to leverage SMART goals for setting an action plan and staying the course.

Want to get started right now?

Use our template to define the different components of your SMART goal.

What are SMART goals?

The SMART in SMART goals stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

Defining these parameters as they pertain to your goal helps ensure that your objectives are attainable within a certain time frame. This approach eliminates generalities and guesswork, sets a clear timeline, and makes it easier to track progress and identify missed milestones.

An example of a SMART-goal statement might look like this: Our goal is to [quantifiable objective] by [timeframe or deadline]. [Key players or teams] will accomplish this goal by [what steps you’ll take to achieve the goal]. Accomplishing this goal will [result or benefit].

Let’s use Jane’s objective to work through each component.

S: Specific

In order for a goal to be effective, it needs to be specific. A specific goal answers questions like:

  • What needs to be accomplished?
  • Who’s responsible for it?
  • What steps need to be taken to achieve it?

Thinking through these questions helps get to the heart of what you’re aiming for. Here’s an example of a specific goal Jane might come up with:

Grow the number of monthly users of Techfirm’s mobile app by optimizing our app-store listing and creating targeted social media campaigns.

M: Measurable

Don’t underestimate the outsized impact of short-term goals

Don’t underestimate the outsized impact of short-term goals

Specificity is a solid start, but quantifying your goals (that is, making sure they’re measurable) makes it easier to track progress and know when you’ve reached the finish line.

Jane and her product team want to grow the number of their mobile app users – but by how much? If they get even one new signup, that’s technically positive growth – so does that mean they’re done? Same goes for their strategy – how many platforms will they advertise on? 

To make this SMART objective more impactful, Jane should incorporate measurable, trackable benchmarks.

Increase the number of monthly users of Techfirm’s mobile app by 1,000 by optimizing our app-store listing and creating targeted social media campaigns for four social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

A: Achievable

This is the point in the process when you give yourself a serious reality check. Goals should be realistic –  not  pedestals from which you inevitably tumble. Ask yourself: is your objective something your team can reasonably accomplish?

Jane might look at her goal and realize that, given her small team and their heavy workload, creating ad campaigns for four social platforms might be biting off more than they can chew. She decides to scale back to the three social networks where she’s most likely to find new clients.

Increase the number of monthly users of Techfirm’s mobile app by 1,000 by optimizing our app-store listing and creating targeted social media campaigns for three social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Safeguarding the achievability of your goal is much easier when you’re the one setting it. However, that’s not always the case. When goals are handed down from elsewhere, make sure to communicate any restraints you may be working under. Even if you can’t shift the end goal, at least you can make your position (and any potential roadblocks) known up-front.

R: Relevant

Here’s where you need to think about the big picture. Why are you setting the goal that you’re setting? Jane knows that the app is a huge driver of customer loyalty, and that an uptick in their app usage could mean big things for the company’s bottom-line revenue goals. Now she revises her statement to reflect that context.

Grow the number of monthly users of Techfirm’s mobile app by 1,000 by optimizing our app-store listing and creating targeted social media campaigns for three social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Because mobile users tend to use our product longer, growing our app usage will ultimately increase profitability.

T: Time-bound

To properly measure success, you and your team need to be on the same page about when a goal has been reached. What’s your time horizon? When will the team start creating and implementing the tasks they’ve identified? When will they finish?

SMART goals should have time-related parameters built in, so everybody knows how to stay on track within a designated time frame.

When Jane incorporates those dates, her SMART goal is complete.

Grow the number of monthly users of Techfirm’s mobile app by 1,000 within Q1 of 2022. This will be accomplished by optimizing our app-store listing and creating targeted social media campaigns, which will begin running in February 2022, on three social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Since mobile is our primary point of conversion for paid-customer signups, growing our app usage will ultimately increase sales.

Knowing how to set goals using the SMART framework can help you succeed in setting and attaining goals, no matter how large or small.

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Fitness Goal Setting 101: SMART Techniques for Your Next Workout

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Fitness is not a destination but a journey, requiring dedication, discipline, and perseverance. How does one know if they are on the right track? How do you measure your progress and celebrate your achievements? That’s where goal setting comes in.  

Goal setting is a powerful tool that can help you clarify your vision, focus your efforts, and motivate you to overcome challenges. However, not all goals are created equal. Some goals are vague, unrealistic, or irrelevant, which can lead to frustration, disappointment, or loss of interest.  

Don’t worry! We will guide you through the basics of goal setting, explore various goal types, and offer tips on effectively setting SMART fitness goals for your next gym day.  

Goal Setting for Success  

smart fitness goals essay

Believe it or not, the goal-setting process is a crucial step in achieving success, whether in business, education, or personal development. Establishing clear and achievable goals allows individuals and organizations to create a roadmap for progress and stay focused on what needs to be accomplished.  

First, identify what needs to be achieved, which could range from increasing revenue, completing a project, or improving personal fitness. Make sure these goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART), as it ensures that the goals are realistic and attainable.  

Once the goals are set, it's important to create a plan to achieve them. This involves breaking down the goals into smaller, manageable tasks and setting deadlines for each. It's also essential to consider potential obstacles and come up with strategies to overcome them.  

Regular monitoring and evaluation of progress are also key parts of the goal setting process, as these allow for easy tracking of achievements and making any necessary adjustments to the plan. It also provides motivation and a sense of accomplishment as milestones are reached.  

Finally, it's essential to celebrate the achievement of goals. Recognizing and rewarding progress helps maintain motivation and encourages continued success. It also provides an opportunity to reflect on what has been learned and how to approach future goals.

Which Goals Should Be Set?

smart fitness goals essay

There are three main types of goals one can set for themselves: outcome goals, process goals, and performance goals. Each type of goal serves a different purpose and can help individuals achieve success in various areas of their life.  

Outcome goals are the most common type of goal that people set because these focus on the result or outcome they wish to achieve. For example, someone may set an outcome goal of losing 20 pounds, getting a promotion at work, or running a marathon. These goals are important in providing a clear target for individuals to work towards and can serve as motivation to keep pushing forward.  

On the other hand, process goals focus on the actions and steps that need to be taken to achieve a desired outcome. These goals are more focused on the journey rather than the result. For instance, one may set a process goal of going to the gym three times a week, networking with five new people each month, or saving a certain amount of money each paycheck. These goals help in creating a roadmap for how individuals will achieve their outcome goals, and can help break down larger and more daunting tasks into smaller, achievable steps.  

Finally, performance goals are focused on improving one's own performance or skills in a specific area. These goals are more personal and can help individuals push their own limits and reach new levels of achievement. A person may set a performance goal of decreasing their mile time by 30 seconds, increasing their sales numbers by 10%, or improving their public speaking skills. Such goals encourage individuals to continually strive for improvement and become the best version of themselves.  

What About SMART Fitness Goals?  

smart fitness goals essay

Setting fitness goals is an important part of any workout routine, and simply saying "I want to get in shape" isn't enough. It's important to set SMART fitness goals, so let's dissect the meaning of each component when it comes to setting fitness goals.  

Your fitness goals should be clear and well-defined. Instead of saying "I want to lose weight," a specific goal would be "I want to lose 10 pounds in three months," providing a clear target. Sample specific goals would be to:  

  • Complete a 30-minute jog, three times a week.  
  • Perform 20 push-ups without breaks within two months.  
  • Reduce body fat percentage by 5% in six months through a combination of diet and exercise.  


Fitness goals should be quantifiable so that you can track your progress. Instead of saying "I want to get stronger," a measurable goal would be "I want to increase my bench press by 20 pounds," enabling progress measurement and adjustments. This may include the following:  

  • Increase the number of steps taken daily from 5,000 to 10,000 within three months.  
  • Run a 5K race in under 30 minutes by the end of the year.  
  • Complete three strength training sessions per week, gradually increasing the weights used.  


Goals should be realistic and within reach, ensuring a balance of challenge and attainability. If you've never run a 5k before, setting a goal to run a marathon in a month's time might not happen. Start with a 5k goal instead, and then work your way up to longer distances. Some examples of achievable goals would be to:  

  • Complete a 10-minute daily home workout routine for a month.  
  • Lose 1-2 pounds per week through a combination of diet and exercise.  
  • Increase flexibility to touch toes within three months through regular stretching exercises.  

Make sure your goals are relevant to your overall fitness journey and contribute to your overall health and well-being. Setting a goal to increase your flexibility may be irrelevant if your primary focus is strength training. You may add these examples to your list:  

  • Improve cardiovascular health to reduce the risk of heart disease and increase energy levels.  
  • Enhance strength and flexibility to support better posture and reduce the risk of injuries.  
  • Achieve a healthy weight to boost confidence and improve overall self-image.  


Your goals should have a deadline, as it helps create a sense of urgency and motivation to work towards them. Without a deadline, it's easy to procrastinate and not make progress. Why not go for the following goals this year:  

  • Complete a 30-day squat challenge, gradually increasing repetitions each week.  
  • Run a half marathon within six months, following a structured training plan.  
  • Achieve a target weight of 150 pounds within nine months through consistent exercise and a balanced diet.  

Smart Devices for Your SMART Goals  

@yenismonterrey Let me introduce you to the best Stationary Home Exercise Bike, " AI SMART BIKE," from @RENPHO #RENPHO #smartbike #renphohealthhero ♬ original sound - Yenis Monterrey

Aside from implementing SMART techniques, utilizing advanced fitness equipment can further enhance your ability to achieve your fitness goals. One such device is the RENPHO Smart Bike , a cutting-edge exercise bike that combines technology and functionality to provide an immersive and effective workout experience. With its AI-powered features and built-in sensors, the bike allows you to track your progress in real-time, making it easier to incorporate measurable parameters into your fitness goals. It also offers customizable workouts and training programs that can be tailored to your specific objectives, as well as feature an interactive display with valuable metrics such as distance, speed, calories burned, and heart rate.

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The best waterproof activity trackers for meeting your summer 2024 fitness goals

By Brittany Vincent

Edited By Leslie Gornstein

May 31, 2024 / 2:56 PM EDT / Essentials

CBS Essentials is created independently of the CBS News editorial staff. We may receive commissions from some links to products on this page. Promotions are subject to availability and retailer terms.

Scuba diver wearing Apple Watch

A good fitness tracker or smartwatch can take a few drops or splashes. But if you're serious about your swimming or you tend to sweat excessively, a regular watch may not be able to take the brunt of the moisture it's exposed to. That's why you might want to buy a waterproof fitness tracker instead. Knowing that you can't damage your tracker even when you're doing laps and exercising gives you that peace of mind (and accuracy) you'll be looking for.

But it's not always obvious whether the unit could sink to the bottom of the pool and survive. That's why we've put together some of our favorite picks for you. Whether you want to go all-out with a tracker that can accommodate heavy-duty water activities like the Apple Watch Ultra 2 or you just need something casual like your choice of Fitbit , there's a pick for everyone here. Now get out there and get wet!

Best waterproof activity trackers for 2024

Best waterproof activity tracker: apple watch series 9, best waterproof activity tracker for swimming: fitbit charge 6.

  • Best premium waterproof activity tracker:  Apple Watch Ultra 2
  • Best budget waterproof activity tracker: Fitbit Versa 4 

Best waterproof activity tracker for Android users: Samsung Galaxy Watch 6

Apple Watch Series 9 (GPS + Cellular) 45mm Midnight Aluminum Case with Midnight Sport Loop with Blood Oxygen - Midnight

The Apple Watch Series 9 has excellent water resistance, making it a great smartwatch choice for swimmers and just about anyone else who might need to worry about their watch getting wet. 

With a WR50 water resistance rating, the Series 9 can be submerged up to 164 feet, meaning it's safe for swimming in both pools and the ocean, so you can get your swim on safely without taking your watch off. You can also wear it in the shower or hot tub without worrying about damaging it. 

For tracking swims, the Series 9 has dedicated Pool and Open Water workout modes. It also has an IP6X certification for total dust protection, so sand won't damage it at the beach. Its water resistance makes it a versatile smartwatch pick if you want connectivity on land and in the water. 

It's important to note that though the Apple Watch Ultra 2 has it beat in terms of depth of waterproofing, this is the more affordable, all-round best option for most users. 

Fitbit Charge 6

The Fitbit Charge 6 fitness tracker has solid water resistance for swimmers and anyone else who's active. 

With a water resistance rating of up to 164 feet, the Charge 6 can handle dips in both pools and open water. It has a dedicated swimming workout mode in its Exercise app and a useful Water Lock feature to prevent accidental screen touches during swims, too. So you're covered all around if you decide to jump in and practice laps. 

The SmartTrack feature also automatically recognizes and logs swim workouts. It isn't really meant for showering or hot tub use, but this Fitbit does offer plenty of protection for swimming or getting caught out in the rain. 

You'll want to note that this watch doesn't have any dust or sand protection, so it may not be the best choice for beach activities. But for most swimmers who want a pretty affordable tracker, this is a great choice. 

Best premium waterproof activity tracker: Apple Watch Ultra 2

Apple Watch Ultra 2

The Apple Watch Ultra 2 takes water resistance to the extreme, making it the best (and most expensive) of our picks for waterproof activity trackers. 

With a WR100 rating, it can be submerged down to 328 feet, which is twice as deep as the Series 9. It meets dive watch standards too, so you can feasibly wear it when scuba diving to 130 feet if you'd like. The screen is large enough to read underwater, thanks to its largest size of the Apple Watch lineup, so you're getting what you pay for in this instance. 

You can also wear the watch at the beach since it does have extreme dust and sand protection. It can even stand freezing temperatures if you happen to be caught out in the cold. 

With waterproofing that goes beyond most smartwatches, the Apple Watch Ultra 2 is built for anyone who takes swimming or adjacent water-based activities seriously. So you won't need it if you swim casually or get sweaty when you work out. But if you're into more demanding workouts it can be a big help. 

Best budget waterproof activity tracker: Fitbit Versa 4  

Fitbit Versa 4

The Fitbit Versa 4 has solid 164-foot water resistance, so it's another great option for anyone who spends most of their time in the water. Whether you've got diving practice or you accidentally fall into the pool, it'll come out just fine. 

The tracker's Fitbit app comes with a dedicated swim tracking mode, and its SmartTrack feature can automatically recognize and logs each one of your pool or open water workouts. Of course, it has all the other features you'd want from a smartwatch as well, with a shape similar to that of the Apple Watch. 

It may lack some of the more compelling options from some of the more expensive models, but the Fitbit Versa 4 is a competent option for when you need to get into the water and go beyond what a normal smartwatch is capable of doing. 

Samsung Galaxy Watch 6

While iPhone users are covered with Apple Watches, and Fitbits work with all devices, Android users can look to the very capable Samsung Galaxy Watch 6.

This tracker can handle depths down to 164 feet, making it great for both pool and regular old swimming. It can also withstand dust, dirt, sand, extreme temperatures, vibrations and shocks in case you get too out there during one of your trips out into the world.

It offers plenty of water sport modes like swimming, kayaking, and water aerobics. Plus, it Water Lock feature keeps you from accidentally touching the screen. While it isn't the most robust in terms of keeping water out in comparison to some of the other watches on the market, it excels at what it does and it's an affordable option for Android enthusiasts. 


Brittany Vincent has been covering gaming, tech, and all things entertainment for 16 years for a variety of online and print publications. She's been covering the commerce space for nearly a decade. Follow her on Twitter at @MolotovCupcake.

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Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

City coordinates

Coordinates of Elektrostal in decimal degrees

Coordinates of elektrostal in degrees and decimal minutes, utm coordinates of elektrostal, geographic coordinate systems.

WGS 84 coordinate reference system is the latest revision of the World Geodetic System, which is used in mapping and navigation, including GPS satellite navigation system (the Global Positioning System).

Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) define a position on the Earth’s surface. Coordinates are angular units. The canonical form of latitude and longitude representation uses degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes, or in decimal degrees.

Latitude varies from −90° to 90°. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator (abbrev. N). Negative latitude values correspond to the geographic locations south of the Equator (abbrev. S).

Longitude is counted from the prime meridian ( IERS Reference Meridian for WGS 84) and varies from −180° to 180°. Positive longitude values correspond to the geographic locations east of the prime meridian (abbrev. E). Negative longitude values correspond to the geographic locations west of the prime meridian (abbrev. W).

UTM or Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system divides the Earth’s surface into 60 longitudinal zones. The coordinates of a location within each zone are defined as a planar coordinate pair related to the intersection of the equator and the zone’s central meridian, and measured in meters.

Elevation above sea level is a measure of a geographic location’s height. We are using the global digital elevation model GTOPO30 .

Elektrostal , Moscow Oblast, Russia


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Elektrostal Localisation : Country Russia , Oblast Moscow Oblast . Available Information : Geographical coordinates , Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel . Nearby cities and villages : Noginsk , Pavlovsky Posad and Staraya Kupavna .


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    Sample specific goals would be to: Complete a 30-minute jog, three times a week. Perform 20 push-ups without breaks within two months. Reduce body fat percentage by 5% in six months through a combination of diet and exercise. Measurable. Fitness goals should be quantifiable so that you can track your progress.

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    Best waterproof activity tracker for swimming: Fitbit Charge 6 Amazon The Fitbit Charge 6 fitness tracker has solid water resistance for swimmers and anyone else who's active.

  20. Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

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  21. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  22. Heat-ex

    Heat-ex Elektrostal postal code 144002. See Google profile, Phone, Website and more for this business. 0.5 Cybo Score. Heat-ex is working in General contractors, Heating installation and repair activities. Review on Cybo.

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