How to Write A Heartfelt Sister Of The Groom Speech

Sister of the groom giving speech during wedding reception.

  • Lauren is a contributor for The Knot covering topics such as music, cakes, venues and speeches.
  • She has been published in a wide array of lifetsyle-oriented publications including SELF and Allure.
  • Lauren is a proud graduate of Syracuse University's SI Newhouse School of Public Communication.

Speaking at your brother's wedding is quite an honor. As the sister of the groom, your speech should be sweet and sentimental. "The sister of the groom will often speak at the rehearsal dinner, but it's also not unusual for her to speak at the wedding reception," explains Katelyn Peterson of Wedding Words , a wedding vow and speech writing service.

However, presenting the wedding toast to your brother and your new sister-in-law in front of all of your friends and family members can seem daunting, especially if you're not fond of public speaking. Fortunately, we're here to help, which is why we've reached out to wedding planners and experts to help you craft the perfect sister of the groom wedding speech. Read on for tips, tricks, templates, and examples.

How Long Should a Sister of the Groom Speech Be?

The number-one tip to crafting an A+ sister of the groom speech? Keep it short and sweet. Many wedding planners we spoke to recommend making your sister of the groom speech as brief as possible. Just take it from wedding planner Monique Banks of Monique Banks Party in Chappaqua, New York, who says the speech should be "kept to a maximum of 5 minutes."

How to Write a Sister of the Groom Speech

"I recommend sisters write from the heart," celebrity wedding and event planner David Tutera says. This advice may sound simple, but it truly is the key to crafting a memorable, sentimental, and emotional wedding speech that your brother and his new spouse are sure to appreciate on their special day.

Additionally, "Since you've known the groom most or all of your life, you likely have a ton of stories to tell," says Peterson. To help you narrow down the best, most memorable stories, "start by making bullet points of thoughts and memories," says Banks.

Remember, Peterson says: "You not only want to engage guests with your storytelling, but you also want to use each story to show something about the groom."

Sister of the Groom Speech Template

This fool-proof, 5-step speech wedding speech outline comes courtesy of Hester Parks of Park Avenue Events .

Introduce yourself. While most of the wedding guests will already know who you are, you can open your speech by greeting everyone and introducing yourself as the groom's sister.

Talk about the groom. When talking about the groom, make sure to share stories that "truly have meaning to both brother and sister," advises wedding planner Lynne Goldberg of Ms. Wedding Planner in South Florida, New York and Las Vegas. She continues, "Pick a few that illustrate the kind of brother and man the groom has become."

Talk about the bride. It's important to make your new sister-in-law or brother-in-law feel welcome. According to Peterson, you should ask yourself: What do you admire about them? Why are you grateful that they're joining your family?

Find your kind of venue

Talk about the couple. According to Goldberg, this is the perfect time to talk about the first time you met your new in-law. Share what it was like to watch their love story unfold in real-time. Alternatively, "Illustrate the wonderful qualities the newlyweds share," says Goldberg.

End with a toast to the happy couple. According to Trista Croce of BTS Event Management : "You should always end the sister of the groom speech with happy thoughts and well wishes for the couples' future together."

Who does the sister of the groom thank in her speech?

"The sister of the groom should thank her brother's new spouse for making her brother so happy," Tutera says. Additionally, he says, "She can conclude with thanking everyone for being part of this special celebration of love."

How to Give a Sister of the Groom Speech

According to Goldberg, the secret to giving a great sister of the groom speech is to speak from the heart — just as if you're "telling a story to a group of friends while out to dinner."

Remember, she says: "A great sister of the groom speech will have family members and guests not only enjoying the speech but also feeling closer to the family."

Sister of the Groom Speech Jokes

According to Ireland-based wedding planner Tara Fay , sisters of the groom "can get away with a little more humor" compared to other family wedding speeches, like mother of the bride speeches and father of the bride speeches, "as long as it is still tasteful." (But, more on that later.)

And, while Tutera typically warns against jokes in wedding speeches, he adds, "If the joke leans toward being a sweet story and not an embarrassing one, they can be fun additions."

Collage of couples exchanging emotional vows with flowers and books

Sister of the Groom Speech Example

Suffering from writer's block? No worries. Check out this pre-written sister of the groom speech for some much-needed insight and inspiration.

Good evening, everyone! For those of you who don't know me, I'm Alice, Gray's younger sister. I've had the absolute pleasure of growing alongside him, and I'm thrilled to be here with all of you today. Thank you all so much for coming.

And, of course, before diving into my speech, I'd be remiss not to thank our parents for the exceptional, unconditional love they have shown both of us throughout our childhood years. We would not be who we are today without you two.

When Gray asked me to prepare a speech for his wedding day, I was especially excited to see what embarrassing stories I could come up with — kidding! But, in all seriousness, I feel so grateful to have had the opportunity to watch you evolve into such an amazing man and husband.

With Gray by my side all through childhood, I was blessed with a built-in best friend. Fortunately, that hasn't changed over the years. Sure, we had our differences — sorry for the constant bickering, Mom and Dad — but in the end, we'd always come together and reunite over Saturday morning cartoons (the Flintstones were our favorite!) and Sunday night ice cream. Gray, mint chocolate chip is still the best flavor: Sorry to break it to you. As we grew older, I began to idolize Gray even more, despite the fact that he was more into his Rock Band and Guitar Hero sets than he was into me.

When I was in high school, Gray went off to college. It felt like a piece of my heart was missing. I wasn't used to being a so-called only child, and I did not enjoy it one bit. Whenever he came home on school breaks, I'd follow him around the house like a lost puppy. He wasn't interested in hearing about the latest high school drama — he was, and I quote, "too cool for that" — but he did appreciate the free car rides to his friends' homes, the beach, and the pizza shop. And I appreciated the extra time spent with him.

Gray was a typical immature college kid up until his junior year of college: All of that changed when he met Avery at a fraternity party. Things started heating up pretty seriously, and she was gearing up to meet my parents and me for the first time over winter break. It was clear my brother was smitten. He began calling me, his younger sister he previously avoided at all cost, for relationship advice!

So, remember when I said I felt my heart felt incomplete when Gray first went to college? Meeting Avery seemed to instantly cure that. Their warm demeanor and fun-loving ways made me feel whole again for the first time in two years. I knew then that they were a perfect match for each other. Since then, my relationship with Gray — and Avery — has only grown and improved. I've always wanted an older sibling, and I'm so fortunate to have found that in Avery. They already knows how loved they are by our family, but I'd still love to toast to Avery and Gray on their big day. Please join me in raising a glass to the happy couple!

How to End the Sister of the Groom Speech

"I advise sisters of the groom wrap up their speeches by welcoming their new sister-in-law to the family and express how much they look forward to all the new experiences they will have together as a family," Tutera says.

Trista Croce of BTS Event Management in Arizona agrees. "You should always end the sister of the groom speech with happy thoughts and well wishes for the couples' future together," she says.

What NOT to Say in a Sister of the Groom Speech

Skip the dirty jokes. While humor is essential to a great sister of the groom speech, Peterson advises keeping the jokes "G-rated. "You definitely don't want to make Grandma and Grandpa uncomfortable," she says.

Avoid any mention of exes. "Do not bring up past girlfriends, even if you hated them," advises Croce.

Be respectful. It goes without saying, but, on that same note, do not put down your new in-law, Croce says.

Don't embarrass the groom. "Steer clear of any stories involving sloppy stories about the groom being inebriated," Tutera says. "It's a time of celebration, and speeches should avoid making anyone feel uncomfortable!"

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  • 9 January 2023
  • Sister of the Groom

Sister of the Groom Speech Ideas For Wedding

This blog post is all about the sister of the groom’s speech.

Are you the sister of the groom and looking for ideas for your wedding speech? Look no further! In this post, we’ll give you inspiration and speech tips for creating a heartfelt and memorable talk that will honor your brother and his new spouse on their wedding day.

Whether you want to tell funny stories, express your love and support, or offer advice for a happy marriage, we’ve got you covered. So grab a pen and paper, and let’s get started on writing your sister of groom speech!

Speeches from family members are during a wedding reception after the best man, maid of honor, and father of the bride.

Sister of the Groom Speech Outline

  • Introduction:
  • Greet the audience and introduce yourself as the sister of the groom.
  • Share a memorable story or anecdote about growing up with the groom.
  • Express your happiness for the couple:
  • Talk about how happy you are for the groom and bride.
  • Mention specific qualities that make them a great match.

3. Talk about your brother:

  • Share a few funny or poignant stories about growing up with the groom
  • Talk about the groom’s personality and how it has developed over the years

4. Talk about the bride:

  • Talk about how the groom met the bride and what drew him to her
  • Share your impressions of the bride and why you think she is a good match for your brother

5. Share your well wishes:

  • Offer your congratulations to the newlyweds.
  • Share your hopes and wishes for their future together.
  • Thank the audience for listening.
  • Offer a wedding toast to the newlyweds.

Remember to keep your speech heartfelt and personal, and try to keep it around 5-7 minutes long. Also, don’t forget to practice beforehand to ensure that your delivery is confident and natural.

Sister of the Groom Speech Example

sister of the groom speech

Hello everyone,

I am so happy say that the groom and I are brother and sister. And (bride’s name) is now my sister and law. I would like to express a few sentiments on their big day.

Growing up, (groom’s name) was always my role model and someone I looked up to. He was always there for me, offering advice and support whenever I needed it. So it’s no surprise to me that he’s found someone as amazing as (bride’s name).

(Bride’s name), you and (groom’s name) are such a perfect match, and I’m so happy to see the joy and love that you bring into each other’s lives. Your happiness is contagious, and I know that you will have a lifetime filled with love and adventure.

To the newlyweds, congratulations and best wishes on this exciting journey. I’m so grateful to have you both as part of my life, and I can’t wait to see all the amazing things you will accomplish together.

Please join me for a toast to the newlyweds!

sister of the groom speech examples

Younger Sister of the Groom Speech Samples

Hi everyone,

I’m so happy to be standing here today as the sister of the groom. (Groom’s name) has been such a significant person in my life. I’m just ecstatic to see him marrying the love of his life.

Growing up with (groom’s name) was an honor. He was always there for me and looked out for me. He was my protector and my biggest fan, and I’m so grateful to have this powerful bond with him.

(Bride’s name), you are such a beautiful and wonderful person and I’m so excited to see you and (groom’s name) get married. You make him a better person and I know that you will have a lifetime filled with unconditional love and bliss.

I want to say congratulations and I wish you the best on this new adventure. I’m so happy that l have you both in my life, and I am s excited to see all the things your marriage has in store.

Cheers to the happy couple!

Good evening everyone,

I’m the sister of the groom, and I couldn’t be happier to stand here today and watch my brother marry the love of his life. (Groom’s name) has always been such a special person to me, and I’m so grateful to (bride’s name) for bringing so much joy and love into his life.

Growing up, (groom’s name) was always there for me and supported me in everything I did. Whether it was cheering me on at my sports games or helping me study for exams, he was always the best brother anyone could ask for. So it’s no surprise to me that he’s found someone who is just as kind, compassionate, and loving as he is.

(Bride’s name), you and (groom’s name) are truly a perfect match, and I have no doubt that you will have a lifetime filled with love and happiness. I’m so grateful to have you as a new sister and can’t wait to see all the amazing things you will accomplish together.

To the newlyweds, congratulations and best wishes on this exciting journey. Cheers to many more years of love and laughter.

Older Sister of the Groom Wedding Speech

I’m so honored to stand here today as the sister of the groom and to witness the love and commitment that (groom’s name) and (bride’s name) have for each other.

As the older sister, I’ve had the privilege of knowing some of (groom’s name)’s most embarrassing moments. I’ve also watched him grow and mature into the kind, caring, and loving person that he is today. And it’s no surprise to me that he has found someone as amazing as (bride’s name) to spend his life with.

(Bride’s name), you and (groom’s name), my baby brother are such a perfect match, and I have no doubt that you will have a lifetime filled with love and happiness. Thank you for bringing so much joy and love into his life.

To the newlyweds, congratulations and best wishes on this exciting journey. I’m so grateful to have you both in my life, and I can’t wait to see all the amazing things you will accomplish together.

A toast to the happy couple!

Sister of the Groom Speech Template

sister of the groom speech template

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How to Write a Sister-of-the-Groom Speech

An expert shares the best tips for writing a winning and sentimental toast.

sister of the groom speech examples

Photo by Kristen Marie Parker

In This Article

If your brother has asked you to speak at his wedding, you know it’s a big honor. But even though you love your brother and his fiancé , mustering up the courage to give a speech might be a difficult task. Between figuring out what to write, the pressure to be funny, and simply the fact that all eyes will be on you, many people often get extremely nervous when preparing for the special moment . Plus, if you don’t love public speaking, giving a sister-of-the-groom speech may sound like a total and complete nightmare. However, don't fret, we're here to help!

To start, a sister-of-the-groom speech is a sweet moment at the wedding that's meant to bring joy and well wishes to the happy couple. It's a toast that typically includes anecdotes and compliments to the newlywed, and is generally given during the wedding reception (though some couples choose to schedule this speech for the rehearsal dinner.) Simply put, a celebratory experience that shouldn't evoke complete fear.

Thus, to assist you in writing the best toast for your sibling, we've asked expert Heidi Ellert-McDermott to help us create a guide full of speechwriting tips, guidelines, and ideas for your big moment. Read on for more.

Meet the Expert

Heidi Ellert-McDermott is the founder of Speechy , a group of seasoned writers who help people with their wedding speeches.

Sisters of the groom have more leeway than other family members when writing their speech, as they can be funny, teasing, charming, or even sassy (in a good way!). They can also be personal, demonstrating the relationship between brother and sister , all while keeping things short, sweet, and sentimental.

Before you begin the writing process, discuss the ideal length of your speech with your brother. As a general rule, however, "Unless you're opting to deliver a poetic speech, I'd recommend aiming for a speech that's about five to six minutes long, or about 800 to 900 words," says Ellert-McDermott. "If you're providing the 'entertaining' speech, then I'd advise you limit your speech to less than eight minutes or 1,200 words."

Once you have your timing confirmed, your next step is to start putting pen to paper. But if you don't know where to begin, we put together an outline to get you started on your perfect toast.

Greet the Guests

If you are the first one giving a speech greet, your guests and welcome them to the wedding. If you aren’t, skip this step and jump straight into the good stuff.

Get in a Laugh Early

Ellert-McDermott suggests making a joke early, ideally within the first 20 seconds of the speech. “It will immediately relax you and your audience. Think about your brother’s individual quirks, eccentricities, and habits," she notes.

Share Anecdotes

Tell stories about your brother, either from the early days or more recently, in order to show what type of person he is to you. “Resist the cliches about your brother always being there for you when you needed him,” adds Ellert-McDermott. “Instead, tell the anecdotes that prove his great qualities and bring his specific, unique characteristics to life.” 

Don't Forget Your Brother's New Spouse

No matter how many nice things you say about your brother, the way to truly make him happy is to talk about his new partner. “Again, avoid platitudes,” cautions Ellert-McDermott. “Think about the reasons you’ve bonded with your new sister (or brother) in law and why you think they’re so right for your brother.”

Honor Your Parents

“Your speech is not only an opportunity to tease your brother; you can also make fun of your parents and the way they brought you both up,” says Ellert-McDermott. “Remember how they wouldn’t let you eat sugar after 4 p.m.? ‘Well, mom, there’s a magnum of Champagne over there that definitely contains a few grams of sugar and I’m certainly sampling it!’”

If your parents have passed away, your speech is a good time to honor their absence, as well. “Think of how you can honor any absent loved ones by bringing a smile to everyone’s face, rather than a tear,” notes Ellert-McDermott. 

Wrap Up With a Toast

"The toast can be emotional, humorous, or a bit of both," Ellert-McDermott shares. "It's great (and seems really clever) if you can echo a thought from earlier in the speech to somehow wrap up the theme of your speech (for example, marriage advice )." 

Photo by  Jenny Quicksall Photography

Sister-of-the-Groom Speech Writing Tips

Here, Heidi Ellert-McDermott shares her best tips for writing and delivering a speech everyone will love.

Crowdsource Ideas

If you are the only sibling giving a speech, get ideas and anecdotes from your other siblings. “Arrange a family get-together or just email them with a few questions with a tight deadline for contribution,” says the speech writer.

Write Early and Practice

Ellert-McDermott suggests writing your speech at least one month before the wedding to allow time to edit and rehearse. If you feel stuck, however, just write whatever comes to your mind. It doesn't have to be perfect the first time around, and once it’s on paper, you can edit it (which we'll get into below). She also says to rehearse multiple times, so you’ll feel confident on the big day. 

Edit Your Material

“A lot of people make the mistake of trying to include everything in their speech, and considering you have a lifetime of material to get through, this isn’t a great plan,” says Ellert-McDermott. “Speeches are better when they are punchy.” In other words, make sure your speech is concise, while still hitting all the points you'd like to address. She also adds, “If a story takes longer to explain, maybe it’s better reserved for the bar later.”

Keep It Light

“Another mistake a lot of sisters make is getting overly sappy and emotional,” Ellert-McDermott continues. “Aim for 75 percent comedy, 25 percent heartfelt sentiment. At Speechy, we believe that it's always good to start a speech with some humor. The emotional, sentimental content should be in the final third of the speech." After all, you want to kick off the celebration in high spirits and get everyone excited to hit the dance floor once the toasts are over.

Carefully Consider Jokes

" Telling a bad joke is worse than no joke ," notes Ellert-McDermott, who advises staying away from politics, contentious issues, religion, cultural differences, exes, and anything that would require your brother to apologize to his new spouse. "It's not worth the risk," she adds.

Focus on a Theme

“The trick to crafting a great speech, one people will be complimenting till 1 a.m., is to find a theme that connects all the random insights and anecdotes into one narrative,” Ellert-McDermott says. “You want to think of your speech like a good, old-fashioned story with a beginning, middle, and almighty climax.”  

“If you’ve written your speech but still feel it’s lacking something, look at using a couple of quotes in your speech. Wittier, wiser people may have already articulated what you’re trying to say and, as long as you credit them, it’s not plagiarism,” Ellert-McDermott explains. “Think of the writers, bands, films, that mean something to you and your brother. Yoda does a fine line in wise words , for example.” She does note, though, that sisters of the groom should avoid "any googled gags. Nothing cliched, wedding-y, or generic."

Photo by Dani Toscano

Sister-of-the-Groom Speech Examples

Need a few examples to jumpstart your speech-writing journey? Ahead, Ellert-McDermott shares a few sample lines (these are on the funnier side!) to use in your own toast.

Opening Lines 

“Ladies and Gentlemen, what a pleasure it is to see you all here today. For those I’ve yet to meet, I’m [Name], and I’m giving the lesser-known sister-of-the-groom speech. It’s kind of like the father-of-the-bride speech—a tribute to their personality and character—but just significantly more abusive." 

Talking About Your Parents

“ A special thanks to our fantastic parents who have done an amazing job hosting such a special occasion tonight. All the effort, all the hard work; anyone would think [Name] was actually their favorite child! On a serious note, [Name] and I wouldn't be who we are today if it wasn't for you two. No heckling from either of our partners please—they did their best with us!”

Talking About Your Brother’s Partner

“Yes, [Name], you look absolutely stunning today and it’s a privilege to have you as my sibling-in-law. I’m so excited that not only have you officially joined the [Name] family, but that you’ve also taken on responsibility for my brother. Yes, those calls at 2 a.m. when he’s forgotten where he lives are now your problem. Really [Name], you should have read the small print."

The Final Toast

"So, my final piece of utterly unqualified advice to you both is simple: Enjoy your life together. [Brother’s name], you’re so lucky to have found your soulmate, and [Partner’s name], you’re lucky to have found someone who will make you laugh every day. Usually unintentionally. And often in the bedroom. Ladies and gentlemen, a toast to my brother and my favorite new brother/sister. Cheers!"

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Sister of the Groom – Sample Wedding Speeches & Toasts

Sample wedding speech for the sister of the groom.

It is with great joy that I say “congratulations” to my brother Brad and his beautiful new bride, Amy. They say there is someone out there for everyone, and it appears that Brad has found his perfect match with Amy.

From the first moment I met Amy, I knew she was someone special to my brother. Amy, you’re everything I could ever want for my brother and I am pleased to welcome you to our family. You’re already like a sister to me — but now it’s official!

Brad, I am so proud of you. I never imagined that my rambunctious baby brother could look so handsome in a tux! I know you’re going to be a great husband. And I know I’d make a great aunt — just something to think about, OK little brother?

Seriously, though…I wish you both the greatest happiness throughout your lives. Let’s all raise our glasses in honor of the bride and groom!

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Sister of the Bride – Sample Wedding Speeches & Toasts

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Say It From The Heart: Mastering the Art of the Perfect Sister of the Groom Wedding Speech

From crafting the perfect words to conquering pre-speech jitters, writing a sister of the groom speech can be a nerve-wracking experience. But with a little preparation and a lot of love, you'll be able to deliver a heartfelt and memorable tribute that honors your brother and welcomes your new sister with open arms. ToastWiz provides the tips and templates you need to give your speech.

Wedding background

Writing a sister of the groom wedding speech can be a daunting task, but it's also an honor to be able to share your thoughts and feelings about your brother and his new spouse on their special day. With a little preparation and organization, you can craft a heartfelt and memorable speech that will leave a lasting impression on the newlyweds and their guests.

Here are some tips on how to write a sister of the groom wedding speech:

  • Start by brainstorming. Before you begin writing your speech, take some time to think about the key points you want to include. Consider the relationship you have with your brother, your memories together, and how you feel about the couple as a whole. Jot down any anecdotes, quotes, or personal stories that come to mind.
  • Get to know the couple. If you're not already close with the bride, take the time to get to know her and learn more about her relationship with your brother. Ask your brother or other family members for their thoughts on the couple and what they love most about them. This will give you a better sense of what to include in your speech.
  • Keep it upbeat. Your speech should be a positive and uplifting tribute to the couple, rather than a list of complaints or criticisms. Focus on the love and happiness that the couple shares and what you're looking forward to in their future together.
  • Be personal. Share your own personal memories and experiences with your brother and the couple. The guests will appreciate hearing your unique perspective.
  • Be sincere. Don't be afraid to show your emotions and be sincere in your speech. Weddings are an emotional occasion and the guests will appreciate your honesty and vulnerability.
  • Practice, practice, practice. Rehearsing your speech is an important step in delivering it well. Practice in front of a mirror, or with friends or family members. Time yourself to ensure that your speech is within the allotted time.
  • End on a high note. End your speech with a heartfelt toast to the couple, wishing them a lifetime of love and happiness together.
  • Keep it short and sweet. Typically, wedding speeches last around 3-5 minutes, so be sure to keep your speech within that time frame. Definitely don't go more than 7 minutes.
  • Finally, it's important to keep in mind that your speech should be heartfelt, sincere, and representative of your relationship with your brother, and his new spouse. The couple will appreciate your effort and words.

In conclusion, writing a sister of the groom wedding speech can be a challenging task, but with a little preparation and organization, you can craft a heartfelt and memorable speech that will leave a lasting impression on the newlyweds and their guests. Remember to be upbeat, personal, sincere, and to practice, practice, practice!

Here are 20 templates you can use for your sister of the groom wedding speech:

Sister of the Groom Template #1

Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you today as the proud sister of the groom. Now, I know what you're thinking: "But wait, I thought the sister of the groom was supposed to be jealous and bitter." Well, I may be a little bitter that my brother is leaving the family nest, but mostly I'm just thrilled that he's found someone as wonderful as [bride's name].

But enough about my brother, let's talk about me. Growing up, I always looked up to [groom's name] as the cooler, more popular sibling. He was the star of the football team, while I was the one who accidentally set the field on fire during a science experiment. But even though I never quite lived up to his athletic prowess, I always knew he had my back.

Like the time [insert personal story about the groom supporting you], or the time [insert another personal story about the groom being a great brother].

But enough about our childhood, let's talk about the present. [Groom's name], you've grown into an amazing man, and [bride's name], you are truly lucky to have him. And I know that together, you two will have a lifetime of love and laughter.

So, raise a glass to the happy couple, and to [groom's name], my brother, my best friend, and my personal hero. May your marriage be as sweet as mom's homemade apple pie and as strong as dad's favorite beer.

Sister of the Groom Template #2

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the celebration of love and commitment. I'm [Name], the sister of the groom, and I'm here to tell you a few things about my dear brother [Groom's Name].

First of all, let me just say that [Groom's Name] has always been a bit of a wildcard. [Insert personal story about the groom's antics or quirks]. But despite his quirks, [Groom's Name] has always been the kind of brother who [insert personal story about the groom's generosity or love for his family].

And now, he's found the love of his life in [Bride's Name]. [Insert personal story about how the couple met or their relationship]. And let me tell you, [Bride's Name] is the perfect match for [Groom's Name]. She's the [insert personal story about the bride's personality or characteristics that complement the groom].

As the sister of the groom, I am honored to stand here today and witness the love and commitment between [Groom's Name] and [Bride's Name]. I know that they will have a lifetime of love and laughter together.

So, let's raise a glass to the happy couple. May their love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. Cheers!

Sister of the Groom Template #3

Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you today as the sister of the groom. And let me tell you, it's been quite the journey.

[Insert personal story about growing up with the groom]

But I wouldn't have it any other way. My brother is not only my sibling, he's also my best friend. And I couldn't be happier for him to be marrying [bride's name].

[Insert personal story about how the groom and bride met]

And let me tell you, these two together are a match made in heaven. They bring out the best in each other, and I know they'll have a lifetime of happiness together.

[Insert personal story about a humorous incident involving the groom and bride]

So, to my brother and [bride's name], congratulations on finding your soulmate. I love you both and wish you all the happiness in the world. Cheers!

Sister of the Groom Template #4

Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great honor to stand before you today as the sister of the groom. And let me tell you, growing up with [groom's name] was no easy feat. But I wouldn't trade it for the world.

[Insert personal story about the groom here]

Now, I know some of you may be wondering, what is it like to have [groom's name] as a brother? Well, let's just say he was always the life of the party. He was the one who would always [insert funny memory here]

But in all seriousness, I am so thrilled to see [groom's name] so happy and in love with [bride's name]. They truly are a perfect match, and I know they will have a lifetime of laughter and love together.

So, let's raise a glass to the happy couple. [Groom's name] and [bride's name], cheers to a lifetime of happiness. May all your dreams come true and may you always be the perfect match for each other.

Sister of the Groom Template #5

Ladies and gentlemen, can we all just take a moment to appreciate my brother, the groom? [Pause for laughter] I mean, look at him, he's a catch, right? [Pause for laughter] But honestly, I'm just so happy that he's found someone to put up with him. [Pause for laughter]

Now, let's talk about the bride. [Groom's sister's name], is just so perfect for my brother. She's kind, she's smart, she's beautiful. [Pause for laughter] Oh, I'm just kidding, she's tolerable. [Pause for laughter]

I have to say, I have a lot of great memories growing up with my brother. Like the time he [insert personal story]. And let's not forget about the time he [insert personal story]. I'm sure you all have your own memories of him, but let's just say, he's never been accused of being the sharpest tool in the shed. [Pause for laughter]

But in all seriousness, [Groom's name] and [Bride's name], I couldn't be happier for the two of you. I know you'll make each other laugh, support each other through thick and thin, and make each other's lives a whole lot better. So, let's raise a glass to the happy couple. To [Groom's name] and [Bride's name]! Cheers!

Sister of the Groom Template #6

Ladies and gentlemen, my name is [Your Name] and I am honored to be the sister of the groom. I have to say, I was a little nervous about giving a speech today, but then I remembered that I'm related to the groom and he's turned out just fine despite my influence.

I've known the bride [bride's name] for [number of years] and let me tell you, she's a catch. [Groom's name] must have been pretty desperate to land someone like her. But in all seriousness, [bride's name] is truly a wonderful person and I'm so happy that she and [groom's name] have found each other.

Now, let's talk about the groom. [Groom's name], you may not know this, but when we were kids, you used to steal my clothes and wear them to school. But I forgive you because you look great in my clothes. And I know you'll look even better in your wedding dress. Just kidding, I'm happy for you and [bride's name].

[Insert personal story about the groom here]. [Add some jokes about him or any other funny memories]

To [bride's name] and [groom's name], I wish you a lifetime of love and happiness. And to everyone else, I wish you an open bar. Cheers!

Sister of the Groom Template #7

Ladies and gentlemen, can I just say how honored I am to be standing up here as the sister of the groom? And I know that when my brother said he was getting married, he probably had someone a little more put together in mind to give this speech. But, hey, that's just not how life works, is it?

So let me tell you a little bit about my brother. Growing up, he was always the one getting into trouble. Like that time he decided to make homemade fireworks in the garage and ended up setting our house on [INSERT YOUR PERSONAL STORY HERE]. But, through it all, I always knew he had a heart of gold. And that's why I'm so happy he found [BRIDE'S NAME], because she's the only one who can put up with him.

And let me tell you a little bit about [BRIDE'S NAME]. When she first came into our family, I wasn't quite sure what to think. But, it didn't take long for me to realize that she was the perfect match for my brother. She's kind, she's smart, and she's got a sense of humor that's almost as twisted as mine. Almost.

I also want to give a special shout out to the couple's parents for raising such wonderful children and for giving me the opportunity to make this speech, and also for not disowning me after all the trouble I've caused over the years.

And to the happy couple, I want to say that I'm so happy for you two and I'm excited to see what the future holds for you.

Just remember, if things get tough, just remember that "love is a choice you make from moment to moment" and that's why you'll make it through anything together.

So, let's raise a glass to the happy couple. May your marriage be filled with laughter, love, and many, many homemade fireworks. Cheers!

Sister of the Groom Template #8

Good evening everyone, I'm the sister of the groom and I'm here to tell you that my brother [insert groom's name] has finally found someone even crazier than him. Welcome to the family [insert bride's name]!

Now, I know some of you might be thinking, 'But Amy, you're the crazy one in the family.' And you're right, I am. But let me tell you, [insert personal story about groom and bride]

[Insert personal story about groom and bride]

But in all seriousness, I couldn't be happier for my brother and [insert bride's name]. They truly are perfect for each other. Just like how ketchup is perfect on a hotdog, but not so much on a wedding cake. Am I right?

So let's raise a glass to the happy couple. May they have a lifetime of love, laughter, and [insert personal story about groom and bride]. Cheers!

Sister of the Groom Template #9

Good evening everyone, I am the sister of the groom and I am here to tell you all about my brother (groom's name). Now, I know what you're thinking, 'Oh no, not another sappy speech about how wonderful the groom is!' But fear not, because I am not here to bore you with cliche's. I am here to give you the inside scoop on the man of the hour.

First of all, let me tell you about (groom's name) and his love for (insert funny or embarrassing hobby/interest). As a child, he would always (insert funny or embarrassing memory). And even to this day, he still (insert current funny or embarrassing hobby/interest) and we still can't believe he's found someone who loves him despite it.

But in all seriousness, (groom's name) is truly one of a kind. He is kind, caring, and always puts others before himself. He has always been a rock for our family, especially during (insert personal story that shows the groom's character).

So, to (bride's name), I have to say, you have truly found yourself a gem. And to (groom's name), I couldn't be more happy for you and I wish you and (bride's name) a lifetime of love and happiness.

Now, let's raise a glass to the happy couple and to many more (insert funny or embarrassing hobby/interest) moments to come! Cheers!

Sister of the Groom Template #10

Good evening everyone! I am [Name], the sister of the groom and the honorary comedic relief for the evening.

First of all, I would like to say that my brother [Groom's Name] has always been a great sibling. Except for that one time when he stole my clothes for his Halloween costume and went as "little sister." But I'll let that slide for now.

[Personal story about groom and sister dynamic]

Now, let's talk about the beautiful bride [Bride's Name]. Not only is she stunning, but she also has the patience of a saint for putting up with my brother's [insert funny quirk about groom].

[Personal story about bride and sister dynamic]

In all seriousness, I couldn't be happier for my brother and [Bride's Name]. They are truly perfect for each other and I know they will have a lifetime of love and laughter.

So, let's raise a glass to the happy couple. To [Groom's Name] and [Bride's Name], may your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. Cheers!

Sister of the Groom Template #11

Good evening everyone,

As the sister of the groom, I couldn't be happier to be standing here today to witness my brother marry the love of his life. [Personal story about the groom and his relationship with the bride].

Growing up with my brother, I have seen him go through many ups and downs, but I have never seen him as happy and in love as he is with [bride's name]. [Personal story about the groom and the bride together].

I am so grateful to [bride's name] for coming into my brother's life and making him the happiest man I know. You two are truly meant to be together.

As my brother starts this new chapter in his life, I want him to know that I will always be here for him, supporting him, and cheering him on. [Personal story about the groom and the speaker].

So, to my brother and [bride's name], I raise a glass and toast to your love and happiness. May you always be each other's rock, and may your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. Cheers!

Sister of the Groom Template #12

Dear family and friends,

As the sister of the groom, I am filled with so much love and joy for my brother on his special day. Seeing him marry the love of his life is truly a dream come true.

Growing up, my brother and I shared many laughs, tears, and memories together. From childhood adventures to teenage mischief, we've been through so much together. And now, as he starts this new chapter in his life, I am so proud to stand by his side and celebrate this union.

[Personal story about the groom and bride]

I have been blessed to have [bride's name] in my life as well. She is kind, caring, and an amazing person. She is the perfect match for my brother and I know they will have a lifetime of happiness together.

[Personal story about the groom and bride together]

On behalf of my family, I want to welcome [bride's name] into our family with open arms. We love you and are so happy to have you as our sister.

To the happy couple, I want to say congratulations and I love you both. May your marriage be filled with love, laughter, and happiness.

Cheers to the newlyweds!

Sister of the Groom Template #13

My fellow friends and family,

As the sister of the groom, I stand before you today with a full heart and a deep sense of gratitude. Today, we come together to celebrate the union of my brother and his partner, and to bear witness to the love that they share.

Like many of you, I have known my brother for a long time. We have shared countless memories together, through the good times and the tough times. I have watched him grow and change, and I have seen him find the love of his life. And I can honestly say, I have never seen him happier.

As the sister of the groom, I am honored to stand by my brother's side on this special day. I am proud of the person he has become, and I am grateful for the love he has found. And I know that his partner is equally deserving of our love and our support.

[Personal story about the groom and his partner]

As we gather here today, let us celebrate the love that brings us together. Let us celebrate the joy and the happiness that fills this room. And let us pledge to support and love my brother and his partner in the years to come.

Sister of the Groom Template #14

My fellow family and friends,

It is with great honor and emotion that I stand before you today as the sister of the groom. As I look around this room, I am reminded of the love and support that surrounds us all.

As my brother has grown and found his partner, I have been privileged to witness the love they share. It is truly a beautiful thing to see two people so deeply in love, and I am thrilled to be able to call [bride's name] my sister-in-law.

[Personal story about my brother and his partner]

My brother has always been an inspiration to me, and I know that he will be a wonderful husband to [bride's name]. He has a kind heart, a strong sense of family, and a deep sense of commitment. I am proud of the man he has become and I know that he will continue to make us all proud in the years to come.

[Personal story about the bride and groom together]

Today, we celebrate the union of two families and the start of a new chapter in the lives of my brother and [bride's name]. Together, they will face the challenges of life with love and grace, and I know that they will be blessed with a lifetime of happiness.

As we raise a glass to the happy couple, let us remember that love is the greatest gift of all. May their love for each other continue to grow stronger with each passing day.

Congratulations, [groom's name] and [bride's name]. I love you both and wish you all the happiness in the world.

Sister of the Groom Template #15

As the sister of the groom, I am truly honored to stand here today and share in the joy of my brother's wedding day. [Personal story about the groom and their relationship].

As I stand here and look at my brother, I am reminded of all the memories we have shared together, the laughter and the tears, the good times and the bad. [Another personal story about the groom].

But today is not about me, it's about my brother and his beautiful bride. [Personal story about the bride and groom's relationship].

I have watched their love grow and flourish, and I couldn't be happier for the two of them. They truly are each other's soulmates and I know they will have a lifetime of happiness together.

[The Groom's name], I am so proud of the man you have become and I know you will be an amazing husband to [The Bride's name]. [The Bride's name], welcome to our family. We love you and we are grateful to have you as a sister.

To the newlyweds, may your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day, and may you always find happiness and joy in one another.

Congratulations and cheers to the happy couple!

Sister of the Groom Template #16

I stand before you today as the sister of the groom, filled with joy and gratitude for the union of my dear brother [groom's name] and his beloved [bride's name]. As I have watched them fall in love and grow together, it is clear to me that they are truly meant for one another.

As the sister of the groom, I have known [groom's name] since he was but a young boy, full of mischief and energy. But as he has grown into a man, I have seen him mature into someone who is kind, thoughtful, and deeply in love with [bride's name].

I am honored to have [bride's name] as my sister-in-law and cannot wait to see the wonderful life they will build together. They are a true testament to the power of love and devotion, and I know they will be blessed with a lifetime of happiness together.

To [groom's name] and [bride's name], I raise my glass in a toast to the love you share and the future you will build together. May your love continue to flourish and bring you all the joy and happiness that you deserve.

Congratulations to my dear brother and his beautiful bride. Cheers!

Sister of the Groom Template #17

First and foremost, I want to congratulate my brother and his new spouse on their wedding day. Seeing the two of you together is a reminder of the power of love and the beauty of two souls coming together as one.

[Personal story about my brother and his partner.]

[Personal story about the importance of family and how grateful I am to have my brother as my family.]

As the sister of the groom, I have had the privilege of being a part of my brother's life and watching him grow into the amazing partner, friend, and person he is today. I know that [partner's name] is the perfect match for him and I am so happy that they have found each other.

And like they always say "Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning, all you need is two hearts and a diamond. By the end, you wish you had a club and a spade."

In closing, I raise my glass to the happy couple and say cheers to a lifetime of love and happiness together.

Congratulations, [brother's name] and [partner's name], on your wedding day!

Sister of the Groom Template #18

I am [insert name], the sister of the groom. I can't tell you how happy I am to see my brother [insert groom's name] finally tie the knot with his beautiful bride [insert bride's name].

[Insert personal story about the groom or a shared memory]

But let's be real, [groom's name] isn't always the easiest person to deal with. [insert funny anecdote or story about the groom that shows his flaws in a comedic way]

On a serious note though, I am so happy for the both of them and I know they will have a lifetime of love and happiness together.

[Insert personal story about the bride or a shared memory]

And [bride's name], welcome to the family! We're thrilled to have you as part of our family.

So let's raise a glass to the happy couple. [Insert groom's and bride's name], cheers to you both! May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day.

Sister of the Groom Template #19

Ladies and gentlemen, I am honored to stand here today as the sister of the groom. I have known [groom's name] for as long as I can remember, and let me tell you, he's always been a bit of a handful. But I wouldn't have it any other way.

As I stand here and watch my brother marry the love of his life, [bride's name], I can't help but feel a little bit jealous. Not because I want to marry [groom's name], but because I wish I could find someone who looks at me the way [bride's name] looks at him.

[Insert personal story about the bride and groom together here]

So to my brother and new sister-in-law, I raise a glass and say cheers. May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. To the happy couple!

Sister of the Groom Template #20

Good evening everyone, I am the sister of the groom and I couldn't be more thrilled to be standing here today. As I look at my brother and his beautiful bride, I can't help but think about all the shenanigans we've been through together. Like the time [insert personal story]. But all jokes aside, I couldn't be happier for my brother and his lovely partner. They truly are a match made in heaven.

Now, I know some of you may be wondering, "What does the sister of the groom have to say at a wedding?" Well, I'm here to tell you that the sister of the groom is just as important as the sister of the bride. We may not have matching dresses or bouquets, but we do have a lifetime of memories and inside jokes.

So, please join me in raising a glass to the happy couple. May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. Cheers!

sister of the groom speech examples

sister of the groom speech examples

The Sister of the Groom Speech: What to Write, Say & Do

Hey there! So, your brother is tying the knot and you’ve been asked to prepare a sister of the groom speech. That’s super exciting, but also a bit nerve-wracking, right? How do you wrap years of sibling love, shared secrets, and inside jokes into a few minutes of the spotlight? Fear not, I’ve got some tips to help you spin the magic with your words and deliver a sister of the groom speech that will leave a lasting impression.

Pexels Mikhail Nilov 6893377

Jotting Down Your Thoughts

First things first, grab a pen and paper, or your laptop, and start by reminiscing about your adventures with your brother. From those pillow fights to his first heartbreak, and the triumphant moments you’ve celebrated together – jot down whatever crosses your mind.

Now, remember the beautiful bride-to-be. Throw in a story or two about how she’s become part of your family. Did you notice when your brother’s eyes started to sparkle a bit more when she walked into the room? Share that with everyone!

Try to keep your sister of the groom speech short and sweet, something like three to five minutes should do the trick.

Choosing the Right Words

Alright, let’s dive into the speech. Kick things off with a warm welcome to all the lovely people who’ve gathered to celebrate this special day. It’s a nice touch to thank the bride and groom’s parents too.

Next, spill some beans about your brother’s journey, his growth, and all those qualities that make him an amazing brother. And, hey, why not have a little fun with it? Throw in some funny anecdotes or inside jokes to keep it light and entertaining.

Shift gears and focus on the star couple. Talk about how they complete each other, how their love story unfolded, and how your brother has bloomed in her company. Trust me, everyone’s waiting to hear these juicy details.

Wrap up your sister of the groom speech by showering the couple with your blessings and well wishes for their future. Then, raise your glass for a heartfelt toast to their happiness.

Delivering Like a Pro

Now, you’ve got a fabulous speech ready, but how to deliver it? Here’s the secret – practice, practice, and then practice some more. Reading your speech aloud will help you with your pace, pauses, and overall flow. And remember, it’s totally okay if you get a bit teary-eyed. It just shows how much you love your bro.

While giving your speech, try to make eye contact with your audience, especially your brother and his bride. This will make your sister of the groom’s speech more engaging.

And hey, no one’s expecting you to give a TED talk. It’s all about being yourself and speaking from the heart. If you stumble over a word or two, just laugh it off and carry on. As long as your speech is genuine, you’re golden.

Wrapping it Up

Being asked to deliver a sister of the groom speech is truly an honor, and sure, it can feel like a daunting task. But remember, this is your chance to express your love for your brother and welcome a new sister into your family. Keep it authentic, heartfelt, and relatable, and your speech will be a hit. So, break a leg; you’re going to do great!

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A Sister of the Groom Wedding Speech That’s Worth a Standing Ovation

Are you the sister of the groom and have to make a speech on the big day? Make it simple yet remarkable with the right words and expressions.

Sister of the Groom Wedding Speech

There is always a different air of romance, family bonding, love, and commitment when there’s a wedding in process. A bond which the new couple makes doesn’t just give them a sense of belonging, but also gives hope to those witnessing it. Weddings are all about the beautiful bride and groom that are going to be united in holy matrimony. The sheer joy, happiness, and excitement in the atmosphere is so contagious that nobody can seem distant in those moments. Everyone is looking forward to seeing the gorgeous bride take her steps towards eternal happiness with the handsome groom, and all have nothing but best wishes in mind. Such is the magic of weddings. The entire day for celebration has many elements to make any wedding memorable. Right from the bride walking down the aisle to the wedded couple rushing off on their honeymoon after the wedding reception party. And in between all that, there’s one more event that takes place which is important, giving wedding speeches; especially when it’s from someone close to the family, like the sister of the groom. The speech, no matter who says it, has to be from the heart or else the emotions don’t get carried across.

As I mentioned earlier, the toast can either be funny, filled with humor or could touch a more emotional tone as well. Depending on how you (the sister) wishes to keep the ambiance of the reception party, you have the liberty to handle the crowd accordingly. And if you’re searching for some inspiration for your speech, then we can be of some help for certain because your toast to the happy couple has to be just right.

Wedding Toast Made Easy

I’m sure you’ve heard that any speech needs to be short and simple. But what defines short? Is it few lines or an entire paragraph? The only time a speech seems long and boring is when the guests are finding the toast monotonous and draggy.

Of course, while giving a speech, you have to be very careful as to what information you can disclose. It’s not always an easy task and getting the right words out might be tougher than you may think. Whether you wish to write the speech beforehand or like to take a stab at being impromptu, it’s always a good thing to stick to the essentials. What I mean by that is you don’t want to go all the way to your childhood and bring out stuff to talk about. Just hint on the main subjects and how the bride, your new sister-in-law, has made a new man out of your brother. And to help you get the toast perfect, here’s a sample speech.

Sister of the Groom Wedding Speech

I am so happy today to be able to congratulate my brother (Name) and his beautiful wife, (Name). I have always believed that there is someone out there for everyone and today, (Brother’s name) has found his soulmate in (Bride’s name).

The first time I met (Bride’s name), I was absolutely sure that she is the right person for my brother. Instantly we became friends and our families bonded together smoothly, that was a relief. When I told (Brother’s name) that I wanted to give a speech at the wedding, he sort of freaked out as he thought I may talk about how he always used to tease me and make me mad. But I’m not going to do that because we have our entire lives to get to that with (Bride’s name). Plus I am not going to bore you all with any poetry or a long speech. I just want the happy couple to know that I am proud of both of them and really happy to be able to stand here with the entire family to witness your wedding.

On this day, all I would wish is the two of you the greatest happiness for the rest of your lives. It might come with a mix of good and bad times, but they are only there to test your love for one another. So be true to each other and never stop believing in yourself and one another.

This toast goes to the beautiful bride, my beautiful sister-in-law and to the handsome groom, my sweet, kindhearted, loving brother. Here’s to you both (raise your glass), two beautiful souls who have their heads but who have lost their hearts.


And there you have it, your toast to the bride and groom is ready. As tradition goes, writing a toast to the bride and groom is an integral part of the entire celebration. Along with your speech, you can also use sentimental wedding quotes to make the speech that much better.

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The Bridal Tip

A Sister’s Toast to the Groom

by Antoinette Barajas

Sister of the Groom Speech: A Guide to Celebrating the Happy Couple

Weddings are a time of joy, celebration, and love. It is a special occasion where family and friends come together to witness the union of two people deeply in love. As the sister of the groom, you have a unique role to play in this momentous event. One of the ways you can contribute to the celebration is by delivering a heartfelt speech that honors your brother and his new bride. In this article, we will guide you through the process of crafting a memorable sister of the groom speech.

Introduce yourself

Before delving into the details of your speech, it is essential to introduce yourself to the audience. Not everyone may be familiar with your relationship to the groom, so take a moment to share a brief introduction. This will help set the context for your speech and allow the guests to connect with you on a personal level.

Talk about the groom

As the sister of the groom, you have a unique perspective on your brother’s life. Take this opportunity to share some heartwarming anecdotes, funny stories, or memorable moments that showcase his character and personality. Highlight his strengths, achievements, and the qualities that make him a remarkable individual. It is important to strike a balance between humor and sincerity to keep the audience engaged.

Talk about the bride

While your speech revolves around your brother, it is equally important to acknowledge and celebrate the bride. Share some insights into her life, her journey, and what makes her the perfect match for your brother. Be sure to mention her admirable qualities, her love for your brother, and the positive impact she has had on his life. This will show your support for the couple and reinforce the bond between your family and the bride’s family.

Talk about the couple

Now that you have highlighted the individual qualities of the groom and the bride, it is time to shift the focus to the couple as a unit. Talk about how they complement each other, their shared interests, and the adventures they have embarked upon together. You can also express your hopes and wishes for their future as they enter this new chapter of their lives. This is an opportunity to convey your love and support for their journey as a married couple.

End with a toast to the happy couple

To wrap up your speech, raise a toast to the newlyweds. Offer your well wishes and congratulations as they begin their life together. This is a moment to celebrate their love and commitment, and your words of encouragement will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression.

Tips for a successful sister of the groom speech

While crafting your speech, keep in mind these additional tips to ensure its success:

1. Skip the dirty jokes: It is best to avoid any jokes or anecdotes that may be inappropriate or offensive. Remember that this is a special occasion, and your speech should reflect the joy and love surrounding the couple.

2. Be respectful: While it is okay to inject some humor into your speech, always maintain a respectful tone. Avoid any mention of exes or embarrassing moments that could potentially make the couple or other guests uncomfortable.

3. Be sincere: Your speech should come from the heart. Be genuine in your compliments and expressions of love for the couple. Your sincerity will shine through and make your speech all the more memorable.

As the sister of the groom, you have a wonderful opportunity to honor your brother and his new bride through a heartfelt speech. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can create a speech that not only celebrates the couple’s love but also leaves a lasting impression on everyone present. So, take a deep breath, speak from the heart, and enjoy this special moment as you toast to the happiness and love of the newlyweds.

What Do You Say In A Sister Of The Groom Speech?

In a sister of the groom speech, it’s important to introduce yourself to the audience. Start by sharing your name and relationship to the groom. This will help set the context for your speech and make it more personal.

Next, focus on talking about the groom. Share some anecdotes or stories about his childhood or any memorable moments you’ve shared together. Highlight his positive qualities, such as his kindness, sense of humor, or determination. You can also mention any accomplishments or milestones he has achieved.

After discussing the groom, shift your focus to the bride. Talk about how you’ve gotten to know her and share some positive traits or qualities you admire about her. You can also mention any shared interests or experiences you’ve had with her.

Once you’ve discussed both the groom and the bride, it’s time to talk about the couple as a whole. Share some insights into their relationship and how they complement each other. Mention any special moments or milestones they’ve reached as a couple, and express your happiness for them.

End your speech with a heartfelt toast to the happy couple. Raise your glass and wish them a lifetime of love, happiness, and fulfillment in their marriage.

It’s important to keep in mind a few guidelines while writing your speech. Avoid using dirty jokes or any inappropriate language. Also, refrain from mentioning any exes or past relationships. Be respectful and considerate of both the bride and groom, as well as the audience.

By following this template and adding your own personal touch, you’ll be able to deliver a heartfelt and memorable sister of the groom speech.

What Do You Say In A Sister In Law Wedding Speech?

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I stand before you to express my heartfelt appreciation for my sister-in-law, [Sister-in-law’s Name]. As we gather here to celebrate her marriage to my beloved brother, I want to take a moment to acknowledge just how much she means to me and share some of her most endearing qualities.

First and foremost, [Sister-in-law’s Name], you are an incredible listener. Whenever I’ve needed a shoulder to lean on or someone to confide in, you have been there with open ears and a compassionate heart. Your ability to truly hear and understand others is a rare gift, and it has made a profound impact on my life.

Additionally, your kindness knows no bounds. Whether it’s lending a helping hand, offering words of encouragement, or simply brightening someone’s day with your infectious smile, you consistently demonstrate an unwavering commitment to spreading positivity and making those around you feel valued.

I am also in awe of your intelligence and determination. You are a true go-getter, always seeking knowledge and striving for personal growth. Your dedication to your career and your continuous pursuit of excellence serve as an inspiration to me and everyone fortunate enough to know you.

Moreover, your sense of humor is absolutely delightful. You have an uncanny ability to find joy in the simplest things and effortlessly bring laughter into any room. Your quick wit and infectious laughter have brought countless moments of joy and lightheartedness to our family gatherings.

[Sister-in-law’s Name], I want to assure you that you will undoubtedly make the best spouse for my brother. Your love and unwavering support for him are evident in every interaction I’ve witnessed between you two. Your compatibility, shared values, and mutual respect lay a solid foundation for a beautiful and fulfilling marriage.

As you embark on this new chapter of your lives together, I want you to know that our entire family is here to support and love both of you unconditionally. May your journey be filled with endless love, joy, and cherished memories.

To [Sister-in-law’s Name] and my brother, may your union be blessed, and may you find happiness in each other every single day.

Cheers to the newlyweds!

Does The Sister Of The Groom Have To Make A Speech?

Traditionally, it was not expected for the sister of the groom to make a speech at a wedding reception. However, modern trends have changed, and it is now common for family members, including the sister of the groom, to have the opportunity to give a speech. While it is not a requirement, many sisters choose to seize this opportunity to express their love, support, and well wishes for the newly married couple.

The decision of whether or not the sister of the groom will make a speech ultimately rests with the couple and their preferences. Some couples may specifically request that the sister of the groom give a speech, while others may not. It is important to respect the couple’s wishes and follow any guidelines or instructions they provide regarding speeches.

If the couple does invite the sister of the groom to make a speech, it is a chance for her to share special memories, anecdotes, or words of wisdom. The speech can be a heartfelt tribute to the couple’s relationship and a celebration of their love. It is an opportunity for the sister to show her support and convey her happiness for her brother and his new spouse.

When preparing a sister of the groom wedding speech, it is advisable to keep it concise and focused. The speech should be well-structured and include a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. It is important to speak from the heart and be genuine in expressing emotions and sentiments.

Remember, the sister of the groom speech should not overshadow the other speeches or the overall flow of the reception. It is essential to be mindful of time constraints and ensure that the speech is appropriate and respectful.

While it is not mandatory for the sister of the groom to make a speech at a wedding, it has become increasingly common and accepted in modern times. If given the opportunity, the sister can use the speech to express her love, support, and well wishes for the newly married couple. Ultimately, it is important to respect the couple’s wishes and guidelines regarding speeches and to deliver a heartfelt and appropriate speech that adds to the overall celebration of the wedding.

What Should The Sister Of The Groom Do?

The sister of the groom can play a special role in the wedding ceremony and celebration. Here are several suggestions for what she can do:

1. Matron of Honor or Bridesmaid: If the sister has a close relationship with the bride, she can be asked to be the matron of honor or a bridesmaid. This entails participating in pre-wedding events, helping with wedding planning, and standing next to the bride during the ceremony.

2. Groomswoman: In more modern weddings, the sister of the groom can be invited to stand on the groom’s side as a groomswoman. This shows support for her brother and breaks traditional gender roles.

3. Reading during the ceremony: The sister can be asked to perform a reading during the wedding ceremony. This can be a poem, a Bible verse, or any other meaningful text chosen by the couple.

4. Unity candle/lighting ceremony: Another option is for the sister of the groom to participate in a unity candle or lighting ceremony. This involves lighting a candle or joining two separate flames to symbolize the union of the couple.

5. Toast or speech: The sister may be invited to give a toast or speech during the reception. She can share heartfelt memories, offer well wishes to the couple, and express her love and support for her brother and his new spouse.

6. Dance with the groom: During the reception, the sister can share a special dance with her brother. This can be a traditional slow dance or a choreographed routine, depending on the preferences of the couple and the sister.

7. Assistance with wedding preparations: The sister can help with various wedding preparations, such as addressing invitations, organizing seating arrangements, or assisting with DIY projects. This can be a meaningful way to involve her in the wedding planning process.

8. Support and be there for the couple: Ultimately, the sister of the groom should provide emotional support and be there for her brother and his new spouse throughout the wedding planning process and on the big day. This can involve offering a listening ear, providing advice, and being a calming presence during any stressful moments.

Remember, the specific role and responsibilities of the sister of the groom can vary depending on the couple’s preferences and the overall dynamics of the family. It is important to communicate openly with the couple and discuss what they envision for her involvement in the wedding.

The sister of the groom speech is an important and heartfelt moment during a wedding reception. It is an opportunity for the sister to express her love, admiration, and support for her brother and his new spouse.

When crafting the speech, it is essential to introduce yourself and establish a connection with the audience. This can be done by sharing a personal anecdote or highlighting a special bond between the sister and the groom.

Next, the sister should talk about the groom, highlighting his qualities, accomplishments, and the impact he has had on her life. It is important to be sincere and genuine in expressing admiration for the groom, while also adding a touch of humor or light-heartedness to keep the speech engaging.

Moving on, the sister should shift the focus to the bride and express her excitement and joy in welcoming her into the family. This is a perfect opportunity to talk about the bride’s qualities, her love for the groom, and the ways in which she complements him.

The sister of the groom speech should then transition into talking about the couple as a unit. This can involve sharing stories of their relationship, highlighting their strengths as a couple, and expressing confidence in their future together. It is important to convey a sense of happiness and support for their journey as husband and wife.

The speech should end with a meaningful toast to the happy couple. This can be a moment to raise a glass and wish them a lifetime of love, happiness, and success in their marriage.

In crafting the sister of the groom speech, it is important to be respectful, avoid any mention of exes or controversial topics, and keep the tone positive and uplifting. It is also recommended to practice the speech beforehand, ensuring a confident and polished delivery.

The sister of the groom speech is a beautiful opportunity to celebrate the love and union of two people and to express the sister’s love and support for her brother and his new spouse. With thoughtful preparation and a heartfelt delivery, this speech will surely be a cherished moment during the wedding celebration.

Yeah Weddings

Sister Wedding Speech: Tips and Examples for a Memorable Toast

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Speeches are a crucial component of the celebration at weddings. Additionally, you can be requested to make a speech honoring your sibling and their new spouse if you are the bride’s or groom’s sister.

Sister Wedding Speech

It might be intimidating to stand in front of a crowd and give a moving speech, even if it is an honor to be asked to speak.

Don’t worry if you’re unsure of where to begin with your sister’s wedding speech; we’ve got you covered.

We’ll provide you advice, suggestions, and strategies in this post to help you perfect your sister of the bride or sister of the groom speech.

We’ll go over everything, including the ideal length of your speech as well as key points to include and exclude.

You may give a speech that your sibling and their new spouse will remember for years to come with our advice.

As sisters, we share a bond that is unlike any other. When our younger sister or big sister gets married, it is a beautiful and emotional moment for us.

maid of honor speech

One of the most important parts of the wedding reception is the wedding speeches, and as sisters, we have a unique opportunity to share our love and support for the newlyweds through our sister wedding speech.

Our sister wedding speech is not just a formality, but an opportunity to express our emotions and share our memories and anecdotes with the bride and groom.

It is a chance for us to offer our advice, support, and love to the newlyweds as they embark on their new journey together.

Our sister wedding speech is a way to show the bride and groom how much we care about them and how proud we are of them.

As the bride’s sister or the groom’s sister, we have a special relationship with the newlyweds.

We have seen them grow and change over the years, and we have been there for them through their adventures and hard times.

Our sister wedding speech is a chance to reflect on these memories and share them with the wedding guests.

Preparing a sister wedding speech can be emotional and overwhelming, but with the right preparation and tips, we can deliver a beautiful and loving speech.

We can start by brainstorming our personal stories and memories with the bride and groom, and choosing a theme or message that we want to convey.

We can also seek advice and guidance from wedding experts or use a maid of honor speech template to help us organize our thoughts.

Our sister wedding speech is a way to express our unconditional love and support for the newlyweds.

It is a chance to share our personal stories, memories, and advice with the bride and groom, and to show them how much we care about them.

We are honored and lucky to have the opportunity to give a sister wedding speech, and we should embrace it with grace and love.

How to Prepare

Preparing for a sister wedding speech can be nerve-wracking, but with the right approach, it can also be an enjoyable experience.

how to prepare

In this section, we will provide tips on how to choose the right tone, structure your speech, and practice effectively.

Choosing the Right Tone

The tone of your speech should reflect your relationship with the bride or groom and the overall mood of the wedding .

It’s important to strike a balance between being emotional and entertaining. Here are some tips to help you choose the right tone:

  • Be sincere: Speak from the heart and express your genuine feelings towards the bride or groom.
  • Be positive: Focus on the happy moments and memories you share with the couple.
  • Be respectful: Avoid embarrassing stories or inappropriate jokes that could offend the couple or their families.

Structuring Your Speech

A well-structured speech can help you stay organized and on track. Here’s a simple outline you can follow:

  • Introduction: Start by introducing yourself and your relationship with the bride or groom.
  • Personal anecdotes: Share some personal stories or memories that highlight the couple’s best qualities.
  • Advice or well wishes: Offer some words of wisdom or express your hopes for the couple’s future together.
  • Conclusion: End your speech with a heartfelt toast to the newlyweds.

Practicing Your Speech

Practicing your speech is crucial to delivering it with confidence and ease. Here are some tips to help you prepare:

  • Time yourself: Make sure your speech is not too long or too short. Aim for a duration of 3-5 minutes.
  • Record yourself: Use your phone or a recording device to listen to your speech and identify areas that need improvement.
  • Rehearse in front of others: Practice in front of friends or family members and ask for their feedback.

Remember, the key to a successful sister wedding speech is to be yourself, speak from the heart, and have fun.

With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to delivering a memorable speech that the couple and their guests will cherish forever.

What to Include

As the sister of the bride or groom, giving a wedding speech is a great opportunity to share your love and joy for your sibling. Here are some ideas on what to include in your sister wedding speech:

sister wedding speech

Personal Memories and Anecdotes

One of the best ways to make your sister wedding speech memorable is to share personal memories and anecdotes.

This could be a funny story from childhood, a touching moment you shared with your sibling, or a special memory from the wedding planning process.

Personal stories are a great way to connect with the audience and show the love and bond you share with your sibling.

Words of Advice and Wisdom

As the older sister, you may have some words of advice and wisdom to share with the newlyweds.

This could be something you learned from your own marriage or a piece of advice that has been passed down through your family.

Giving advice shows that you care about the couple and want to help them have a successful and happy marriage.

Expressions of Love and Gratitude

Finally, it’s important to express your love and gratitude to your sibling and their new spouse.

This could be a heartfelt message about how much you love and admire your sister or brother, or a thank you to their partner for making them happy.

Expressing love and gratitude is a great way to end your sister wedding speech on a positive note and leave a lasting impression on the newlyweds and guests.

When giving a sister wedding speech, it’s important to include personal memories and anecdotes, words of advice and wisdom, and expressions of love and gratitude.

By sharing your love and joy for your sibling and their new spouse, you can make their special day even more memorable and meaningful.

Adding Humor

When it comes to adding humor to your sister wedding speech, it’s important to remember that the goal is to make your sister and her new spouse laugh, not to embarrass them or make them uncomfortable.

funny sister speech

Here are some tips to help you add humor to your speech:

  • Use personal anecdotes:  One of the best ways to add humor to your speech is to share personal anecdotes about your sister. Think about some funny memories you have shared together, or any embarrassing moments she may have had. Just make sure that the anecdotes are appropriate for the occasion.
  • Keep it light:  While it’s important to add some humor to your speech, it’s also important to keep it light. Avoid any topics that may be controversial or offensive, and steer clear of anything that may make your sister or her new spouse uncomfortable.
  • Use jokes sparingly:  Jokes can be a great way to add humor to your speech, but use them sparingly. Too many jokes can make your speech feel like a stand-up routine, and you don’t want to take away from the heartfelt sentiment of the occasion.
  • Practice your delivery:  When it comes to adding humor to your speech, delivery is key. Practice your speech in front of a mirror or with a friend to make sure that your jokes are landing and that your timing is on point.

Remember, the goal of your sister wedding speech is to celebrate your sister and her new spouse, so make sure that your humor is in service of that goal.

With a little bit of preparation and practice, you can add some humor to your speech that will have everyone laughing and smiling.

Delivering a Memorable Speech

As the sister of the bride, delivering a memorable wedding speech is an important part of the wedding reception .

a memorable speech

It’s a chance to express your love and appreciation for your sister, share some heartfelt memories, and engage the audience with your words

Here are some tips to help you deliver a memorable sister wedding speech.

Speaking with Confidence

Public speaking can be daunting, but with preparation and practice, you can deliver a confident and engaging speech.

Start by writing down your thoughts and ideas, and then organize them into a clear and concise speech. Practice your speech several times, either in front of a mirror or with a trusted friend or family member.

This will help you feel more comfortable and confident when delivering your speech in front of a larger audience.

Engaging the Audience

To engage the audience, start by introducing yourself and thanking everyone for attending the wedding.

Share some personal stories and memories about your sister, but keep your speech short and sweet.

Avoid inside jokes or stories that only a few people will understand. Instead, focus on stories that everyone can relate to and enjoy.

Use humor, but make sure it’s appropriate for the occasion.

Closing Your Speech

In closing your speech, offer some words of wisdom or advice for the newlyweds. Congratulate the bride and groom and wish them a lifetime of happiness together. End your speech with a heartfelt toast to the newlyweds.

Remember, delivering a memorable sister wedding speech takes preparation, practice, and confidence. If you’re feeling nervous, take a deep breath and remember that everyone is there to celebrate the love and happiness of the newlyweds.

By following these tips and speaking from the heart, you can deliver a speech that will be remembered for years to come.

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Crafting the Perfect Sister of the Bride Speech: A Heartfelt Guide

Natalia Bayeva


In the grand tapestry of a wedding day, the role of the sister of the bride is a poignant thread, weaving together shared memories and the promise of a beautiful future. This unique position carries the honor of offering heartfelt sentiments and creating a lasting imprint on the joyous occasion. Today, we explore the art of crafting the perfect sister of the bride speech.


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Sister Of The Bride Speech Examples To Find Inspiration

There are no hard and fast rules for writing wedding speeches. However, whether you’re looking for younger or older sister of the bride speech samples, the basics are the same.

Start with an introduction, share your memories and emotions for your sister, talk about family and the groom, and don’t forget to toast the bride.

Hello everyone! I think most of those present here know me personally, but for those who see me today for the first time – my name is _ and I am the younger sister of _. _ has always been a great example for me in life and today is the day when my heart is full of joy and pride at the same time – today she is a bride! Look how beautiful she is, what a magical dress she has, and what a beautiful wedding, it’s just a fairy tale, the dream of every girl. I remember how in childhood we talked about our ideal weddings, and you know, today everything is exactly as _ wanted! What can I say about the groom? He is every girl’s dream too! A smart, handsome guy, _ you are very lucky! I wish you many sunny days together, many bright emotions, and incredible happiness! Let’s raise our glasses to our newlyweds!
Hey! My name is _ and I am the younger sister of our charming bride. I have never liked public speaking and I confess to all of you that I am very nervous right now. I rewrote my speech at least 5 times and today I again wanted to make some changes to it. In the end, I forgot it at home. But nothing! At least something I’ve remembered. I would like to tell you that my sister is just an incredible person – she is the kindest and nicest person I know, mom and dad, I’m sorry. All girls dream of meeting their prince and _’s dreams have come true! It’s just incredible, we are so happy, our whole family! _, now I have not only a sister, but also a brother! Let’s raise our glasses and wish our newlyweds to live at least a hundred years together in idyll and happiness.
I would like to say thank you to everyone who is here with us today, on such a special day for my little sister, me, and our family. This is very valuable because I know that some guests flew to us from other countries! _ you are incredibly beautiful! I have a question for our guests – do you know that the dress that you can see on her today – she drew it herself and created it together with wedding couturiers? Yes, yes, my sister is also so talented. This dress took 6 long months to be done and I think we all have a few new gray hairs, but this masterpiece is worth it! _, what can I say, welcome to our family! Love my sister, be her support, and make her the happiest woman in the world! Cheers!
Good day to all of you! I am so happy today because my little sister got married. I remember how we discussed our future ideal husbands when we were kids and she always said that she wanted to marry a man in uniform. and as we can see, she married a fireman! Now we all know that dreams come true, it all depends on how much we believe in them! I don’t even have any doubts that this is her destiny! I don’t even have doubts that these two are made for each other! From the first moment they met, no one had any doubts that one day we will all be here! Be happy and give birth to many, many children! Cheers!

Wedding Speech Tips For Sister Of The Bride

sister of the groom speech examples

You’re an overwhelmed Sister of the Bride who has a ton of great stories about the Bride, but zero idea which one(s) to pick for your wedding speech.

Deep breaths! Here’s how you can write a compelling Sister-of-the-Bride speech in 3 easy steps.

Step 1 – Brainstorm Your Favorite Memories With The Bride

It’s totally normal to feel stuck when writing a speech, but the way to get unstuck is by brainstorming and doing what writers like to call “word vomiting”. Word vomiting means that you are going to write everything that comes to mind when you think about your sister and the life you two have shared together without caring how it sounds at first.

Remember that now is not the time to start editing what you’ve already written. Editing comes later.The point of this step is to simply get your favorite and most impactful memories down on paper or typed out in a Word Document.

Here are some questions to think about…

  • What is your favorite memory with your sister?
  • How has the Bride positively impacted your life?
  • Why are you proud of her?
  • Why do you think she will make a great wife?

After you’ve written down everything you can possibly think of, it’s time to move on to Step 2!

Step 2 – Identify a Theme

When looking over everything that you’ve written down, what stands out the most about your sister, specifically what character trait stands out the most? Is she loyal, adventurous, kind-hearted, generous, selfless, optimistic, resilient, hilarious, etc?

Once you have decided what it is, I want you to focus on your favorite story that highlights this particular character trait best and then use it for your speech!

Step 3 – Why Will She Make A Great Wife

Next, we want to connect this theme to the marriage, explaining why your sister’s positive character trait will benefit the groom.

So, let’s look at an example of a speech Amanda helped write.

I once worked with a Maid of Honor named Lindsey whose best friend, Michelle, was like her sister. They were basically joined at the hip from a young age and then ended up traveling the world together as adults. We started noticing a theme about Michelle–she was very adventurous and always kept a positive attitude despite the crazy circumstances.

For example, one time they visited Thailand and went scuba diving, which sounds super fun, but then a nasty storm hit and it was actually a little scary.

“Michelle still made it fun because of her positive attitude,” Lindsey told me.

No matter what happens, Michelle still finds joy in whatever situation she is in!

To conclude Lindsey’s Maid of Honor Speech and tie it into Michelle’s marriage…

Here is what we wrote (specifically addressing the Groom): “We all know life is hard, but just know that when the storms come and the waves crash overhead, Michelle will be right by your side, reminding you to just keep swimming.”

I hope you found this helpful!

Wedding Speech For Sister Of The Bride: Outline

sister of the bride speech wedding

mollycarrphotography via Instagram

Looking for what to say in your speech or how to structure it? Take a look at this outline.

  • Introduce yourself: Always start with an introduction. Though everyone might know who you are, there are still some who would need the introduction.
  • Welcome guests and newlyweds: Continue by welcoming the couple, the guests that came to celebrate with you all, and thanking them for attending.
  • Share some stories about the bride: Take a walk down your sisterly memory lane and share some jokes from your childhood. Non-fiction humor tends to be funnier and is the reason behind the phrase, “it’s funny because it’s true.”
  • Bragging Rights: You have the right to brag about your sister, especially on a day like this. So, pack on the flattery and gush about her until she blushes.
  • Say some words about the groom: If you share a bond, now will be the time to say a thing or two about that. You could also insert some anecdotes about when they met and say some nice things about his character too.
  • Recognize what makes your sister and her partner a great couple: Propose a toast to your sister, highlighting the good she has done, her love as a sister and just for the person that she is.
  • Talk about your parents: Don’t leave your parents out, they are part of the bigger picture. You could talk about a story that includes them, their reaction to meeting your new brother-in-law, etc.
  • Wish something to the couple or give advice: It could be comical, serious or something lighthearted you know they would love to hear.
  • End with a toast: Finish your speech with a toast to the newlyweds. Include all that you wish for them, and the love that you have for them.

What Not To Say In Brides’ Sister’s Speech

While it’s important to know what to say in your wedding speech and how to say it, knowing what not to say can also be helpful. Below you can find a list of some of the things that it is better not to use in your speech for your sister’s wedding day.

  • Do not add some bad memories: It’s a day of celebration. The last thing you want is to dredge up memories that will make your sister and the family unhappy. Focus on the good and enjoy a wonderful day.
  • Do not cry too much: While watching your sister get married and reliving your memories can be emotional, it’s important not to cry too much and ruin your makeup. More smiles and less tears, hopefully?
  • Do not joke too much: Humor is always good, but only in the right amount. When jokes are too much, they run the risk of crossing the line from funny to downright offensive, so try to find a balance.
  • Do not make it too long and boring: A speech should not be so long that guests get bored, or too short that they don’t get the message. Find that sweet spot around five to seven minutes long.
  • Do not mention the bride’s exes: A big no-no is bringing up the bride’s exes in your speech. They are in the past and belong there. Focus on the present.

What do you say in a sister of the bride speech?

Begin by expressing your joy and excitement for your sister’s special day. Share heartfelt anecdotes about your sister, highlighting her qualities and the bond you share. Extend warm wishes to the newlyweds and offer a toast to their love and happiness.

What can I say at my sister wedding?

Express your love and support for your sister on her wedding day. Acknowledge the significance of the moment and share a personal memory or sentiment. Convey your best wishes for her future happiness with her spouse.

What do you say at a siblings wedding?

Celebrate the union of your sibling by expressing your happiness and sharing stories that showcase the love between you and your sibling. Offer well-wishes for their journey ahead, and perhaps add a touch of humor or a heartfelt quote to make the speech memorable.

While family is dynamic and can be sometimes annoying, they are always there for you. This is also reflected in the relationships of sisters. The special bond makes the sister of the bride speech important on that special day. Avoid common wedding speech mistakes and use this guide to write and deliver the perfect sister of the bride speech.

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Wedding Speech For Sister

Ai generator.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good evening,

For those who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], the incredibly proud sibling of the beautiful bride, [Bride’s Name]. It is an absolute honor to stand before you today to celebrate the marriage of two wonderful people, [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name].

Reflecting on Our Relationship

[Bride’s Name], growing up with you has been one of the greatest blessings of my life. From our childhood adventures to late-night conversations, you have always been my confidant, my supporter, and my best friend. Your kindness, compassion, and unwavering strength have always inspired me, and I am so proud of the incredible person you have become.

Meeting [Groom’s Name]

When you introduced us to [Groom’s Name], it was clear from the start that he was someone special. The way he looked at you, with so much love and admiration, told us everything we needed to know. [Groom’s Name], you have brought so much joy and happiness into [Bride’s Name]’s life, and for that, we are truly grateful. We couldn’t have asked for a better partner for our beloved sister.

Cherished Memories

I’d like to share a few stories that highlight just how amazing [Bride’s Name] is. One of my favorite memories is [insert a funny or heartwarming anecdote from your childhood or growing up together]. This story perfectly illustrates [Bride’s Name]’s [character trait, e.g., adventurous spirit, sense of humor, kind heart].

And [Groom’s Name], there’s another story that stands out: [insert a memory of the couple together or something special the groom did]. This shows the deep love and care you have for my sister.

Words of Wisdom

As you both embark on this new journey together, I want to share some words of wisdom that I’ve gathered over the years:

  • Communication : Always keep the lines of communication open. Share your thoughts, your dreams, and your concerns with each other.
  • Support : Be each other’s biggest supporters. Stand by each other’s side through all of life’s ups and downs.
  • Laughter : Never forget to laugh together. Humor is one of the most important elements of a strong relationship.
  • Love : Continue to nurture your love with small acts of kindness and appreciation. Never take each other for granted.

Now, if everyone could please raise their glasses.

Here’s to [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. May your marriage be filled with love, laughter, and countless beautiful moments. May you continue to grow together, building a life that’s rich with joy and happiness. Here’s to a lifetime of love, companionship, and endless adventures.

Thank you, and congratulations to the newlyweds!


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sister of the groom speech examples

Sister of the Bride Speech Guide with Examples

When your sister asks you to speak at her wedding, you know it’s a tremendous honor. And while growing up, you may not have always seen eye-to-eye, being there for her on her wedding day is huge! The brides’ sisters can create an extra-special moment for the bride and the groom on their wedding day.

With an extra bout of sentiment and sass, this speech can make tears fall. and giggles erupt. And don’t worry about nerves; we’ve got you covered. We have compiled some great examples of the sister of the bride speeches here. If you’re worried about messing your speech up, we’ve got you covered. Check out our article on avoiding common wedding speech mistakes .

What Makes a Great Sister of the Bride Speech?

Sisters share a common lineage that makes them partners and friends for life.

It goes way beyond being described as close or as members of the same family. A sister’s wedding presents an opportunity to make her feel special and enjoy a uniquely sweetly-worded sister of the bride’s wedding speech .

Five Tips To Improve Your Sister Of The Bride Speech

  • Make it personal.
  • Share profound memories – the good and the slightly embarrassing.
  • Practice. Practice. Practice. And start writing it early.
  • Gush about your sister and let everyone know how and why she is so unique to you and others.
  • Always thank the guests for coming.

Sister of the bride giving speech at wedding

Other Important Tips To Remember

When you plan to deliver a sister’s wedding speech, make sure you keep the moments as lively and simple as possible. Don’t be afraid to be funny , and people will always love the heartfelt side too.

Start by stating the relationship you share, if you are older or younger, to the bride. Having done this, extend a few words of congratulations to the couple on behalf of your family and remember to thank your guests and relatives for coming.

Examples of Sister of the Bride Speeches

Keep it light and fun.

“All right, good afternoon, everyone. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Lindsay, and I am a younger sister of the bride. Those of you who do know me, I’ll have the usual, just put the butter by my purse. I would like to congratulate the other Lenny, Lenny, the number one for her Oscar nomination. Thank you for making us beautiful today, taking the time out, and thank you for telling Glenn Klaus “No” and Emmy “Yes.” We appreciate it. The day that Emmy asked me to be her maid of honor… actually, she never asked me to be her maid of honor. I just sort of assumed the role. So hopefully, I’m the person you want sitting next to you; if not, I’m sorry there are no refunds.

Anyway, when I started thinking about a speech, I was really nervous, and I even contemplated asking her if she would mind if I didn’t speak. I have several anxieties. But I quickly scrapped that idea because, for those of you who know my sister, you know that she does not take no for an answer. I can elaborate with a short story to help pin up a better picture for you. When Emmy first told me she was moving to Ireland, for those of you who know my sister, the conversation was something like, “Hello, you’re what? Steve begged you? And he’s, “Jeez!” Yeah, great. No, I don’t think dad will kill him.”

Steve’s version of it went something like, “You’re sister, she’s the most determined woman I’ve ever met.”

“What? What do you mean?”

“Well, she came for a three-day visit, and she had three job interviews lined up, and she had an apartment.” So, there are two sides to every story, but she’s a very determined young lady. Growing up with Emmy as a big sister really helped paved the way for me in high school. “Oh, are you Emmy Thorne’s sister?” “Yes.” Well, that pretty much meant that if I had any grade below an A, they questioned whether or not we were indeed related.

And they would do the same for your brother too. So, that was tough. But not only was Emmy an academic star but she never really joined anything else in school except the captain of the dance team. She is the head of math leads, president of the student council, basketball player, volleyball player, a typical underachiever. And then went to North Western on top of it. On a more serious note, Emmy is a type of sister that everyone probably wishes that they had; I’m not going to cry. As far back as I can remember, you’ve been the voice of reason, my biggest cheerleader, and my role model.

Above all, you’ve been a great friend. Even though she’s far away, she’s still the first person I call with good news or bad or someone just when I need advice or someone to listen to me bitch. She’s that person. I honestly don’t know what I would do without you. Steven, oh Steven… I’m not going to embarrass Steve because Johnny is going to handle that. I’d like to welcome you to our family officially. We all love you very much. I’ve always hoped that Emmy can find someone that can keep up with her, someone who challenges her, makes her laugh, enjoys the same thing she does. Above all, I would hope she found someone who can put her in her place, and you are that someone.

One of Emmy’s best friends back home refers to you as gentleman Steve, and that name couldn’t be any more fitting, and dad I thought sober for my speech. You’re a true gentleman, and Emmy couldn’t have picked a sexier accent to listen to if you ask me. To finish up, Steve, I would like to share a few tips with you, which are supposed to guarantee a long and happy marriage. Number one, when you’re wrong, admit it; when you’re right, shut up. The best way to remember your anniversary is to forget it once. A happy wife is a happy life. And finally, Steven, never be afraid that Emmy will leave you, she has spent years training you, and she will not give that up.

With that said, I’d like everyone to please raise a glass; I’d like to make a toast to Emmy and Steve. I wish you a lifetime of happiness. May the road be long, and the party never end.”

Funny Sister of The Bride Gives Speech That Includes Great Quotes Can Use

Now, this is how you give an incredible sister of the bride toast! This sister gives a very poised and funny speech that includes a few  great quotes that may be perfect to include in your wedding toast. This speech by the sister of the bride also includes a few digs at herself, and funny things about the bride and many praises for the new Mr. Presented in a very down-to-earth, lighthearted and enjoyable manner. Watch it now-it’s great!

A Wonderful Sister Of The Bride Speech For The Sentimental

“Good evening! First of all, I want to thank all of you for coming and celebrating this beautiful new marriage, especially all those who had to buy a plane ticket and take off work to be here. We appreciate you so much.

For those who don’t know me, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Claire, and I’m the little sister of the stunning bride tonight. And when Claire asked me to be her maid of honor, I was so honored although slightly nervous about this task right now.

Our relationship has always been solid. We fought, of course, but my memories are filled with giggles and hugs and secrets. Although we shared a room for nearly ten years and were utterly sick of each other when she moved off to college, she’s always been my favorite person.

When she brought Ben home that Christmas, I knew this was it for her. I knew we’d never share a room again; I knew that I’d never get to share an apartment with her after we graduated college. Because the truth was, she had already found her forever roommate just two months into freshman year.

Both of you are such good people, deserving of each other’s love and an inspiration to all of us. I have an incredible sister already, and I’ve been doubly blessed this evening by gaining a brother too.

We salute you and wish you both an incredibly happy and long life together.”

Double Trouble, And Twice The Fun – A Twin Sister Wedding Speech

“Good evening, everyone, and thank you so much for being here. My name is Cara, and I’m the bride’s sister, twin, and best friend – Ainsley agrees, just ask her! I said that I’d make an allowance for her new husband and begrudgingly keep my visits to three times a week. But I still get first dibs on the comfy blue couch!

Welcome to the Family

Ainsley, I can’t believe this is your wedding day and that you’re standing there in such a gorgeous dress. You always used to say that even though we’re identical twins, you were the prettier one. I always smacked you for comments like that, but today, I know that it’s true. You’re a beautiful bride.

Tristen, I’m in awe of the love you and Ainsley have for each other. The gentle touches, the little smiles. I’m so happy you’re now a part of my sister’s life, that you’re part of our family. You guys have something extraordinary, though, and I know that it will only grow deeper with time.

Ainsley, when I look back on our time growing up, I recall so many moments full of giggles when we should have been sleeping, sneaking out of the house when we should have been sleeping, writing our scary stories when we should have been sleeping … there seems to be a pattern here.

Mom and Dad spent many nights yelling at us to go to bed and then threatening to keep us from our toys, then our music, then our friends. I guess the threats worked for a while, but we just couldn’t help ourselves.

Ainsley, there’s no one else I’d rather have as my sister. You were the perfect partner in crime, and I will admit, there was an occasion or two that I pretended to be you so you’d take the blame for some devious plan of mine.

To my sister and brother-in-law, I wish you years of happiness, and I can’t wait to see what the future brings.”

sister hugs bride after giving speech

Heartfelt Sister of The Bride In Under 5 Minutes

No one ever said a wedding speech has to be long. In fact, most experts recommend that you keep it under 5 minutes. Here is a wonderful example of a younger sister giving a heartfelt, emotional speech with a little humor in under 5 minutes. Watch it here.

Older Sister Of The Bride Wedding Speech Sample

“Welcome, everyone, I’m Nadia, and you’re all looking absolutely lovely tonight! But of course, no one can beat my little sister, the bride Naomi. In case you haven’t guessed yet, I’m the older sister of this stunning bride, and I am totally ready to crush all the other speeches for first place.

To The Blushing Bride

Naomi, what can I say. You’re so gorgeous in that dress. I know you have dreamt of this day since you were a little girl, and I have too. But I never imagined in a trillion years that you could be so unbelievably radiant on this day.

Ladies & Gentlemen, Naomi is wearing our mother’s wedding gown that she wore to wed our father 30 years ago. Of course, being the older sister, I tried to fit into it for my own wedding a few years ago, but I quickly realized that it wasn’t meant to be. Clearly, I took after our daddy’s side of the family.

Naomi, she’s the spitting image of our mom at that age, so of course, the gown fits her perfectly. And although I was saddened that I couldn’t walk down the aisle in mom’s dress, today I am over the moon to see how stunning Naomi looks wearing it. We were just 11 and 14 years old when Mama left us, and Naomi wearing her gown today gives incredible tribute to our love for her.

Ideally Suited in Love and Life

And of course, today there wasn’t just one beautiful dress at this wedding; there are two. Naomi and her new wife Eva were captivating standing hand in hand under the gorgeous floral arch in their stunning gowns.

Eva, I see how much Naomi has blossomed since first meeting you. I see how much you both bring out each other’s best traits.

I remember when Naomi was nine years old, she ran to her room, closed the door, and several hours later emerged with this incredible poster full of whirls, swirls, and intricate flowers. The colors were gorgeous; it was truly amazing.

At the time, Mama was sick, but she knew that Naomi had talent. She squeezed my hand and told me to promise to do everything possible to ensure Naomi went to art school. And trust me when I say no was not an option.

Dad and I did what we could to save, cut back on things so that we could fulfill the promise we made. Naomi went off to art school, found her purpose in life, and quickly met her ladylove. Seeing the two of you share your love for art and the incredible talents you both have inspires us all.

Hand-in-hand, with their paint brushes, pencils, and sketchbooks, Naomi and Eva are ready to accomplish great things. The world is a vast place, but knowing that they will have each other’s backs throughout life will make the journey just a little bit sweeter.

To Naomi and Eva.”

Getting Over Fear Of Public Speaking – A Great Sister Of The Bride Speech

There are a lot of people that have a tremendous fear of speaking in public. In this next sister of the bride speech example, Michaela overcomes her anxiety and speech fear and presents a great sister of the bride speech.

“Good evening everyone, I would like to welcome you all and say thank you to Linsey and Neil for allowing us to share their special day.

For those of you who don’t know who I am, my name is Michaela. I am Linsey’s very proud older sister, and just in case you were wondering if you heard right, you did, it’s true I am the older sister,.. hard to believe I know,… but that’s enough about me, today it’s all about my beautiful little sister and her husband.

This is the first wedding in our family, we tend to be a little on the free-spirited side of life, and of course, there have been the usual tears and tantrums, but that was just me trying to write this speech.

Linsey, of course, has been the epitome of calm and decorum. It’s true what they say,” that a deep river runs still,” and that’s what you get with my little sister. Who On the surface is very glamorous and calm, but you will get a flash of her depths every now and then.

I once read a quote that said,” A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life,” and that is what Linsey has been to me.

I was so excited when Linzy was born and even more so when I held her for the first time. She had massive blue eyes, and as I looked into those huge eyes, I remember wondering what our lives would hold.

Little did I realize it would mean sleepless nights, sharing a bedroom for the next 18 years, regular loss of my clothes from MY part of the wardrobe, being woken up on Saturday mornings by her singing like a Diva into her fisher price tape recorder to Whitney Houston’s ‘I will always love you. ..’ and then playing it back over and over again. To be honest, I still laugh about that.

She has always been creative, and it appeared at an early age. She loved to draw; she drew all the time, on the wall, on her bedsheets, on my bed sheets, on her arms, up her legs, and anywhere else she could reach. Fortunately, she also loved to bathe! She would spend hours in there, ducking and diving under the water; well, it would remove the pen, but she would end up so cold that she would be shivering.

As she has grown older, she managed to place her creativity into more constructive things, and her talent has taken her through university, on to teaching, and then on to her own ‘Linzy Lou’ creations.

When Linsey met Neil, I immediately noticed something different about her…. There was a twinkle in her eye! One I hadn’t seen before. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I thought to myself.

Although it took Neil a very LONG time to realize what he was missing out on, a few Facebook traumas, and a bad hair dye reaction on Linsey before their first date, they finally got together, and there has been no looking back!

Of the two Sisters, one is always the watcher, one the dancer. Well, I am definitely the watcher as I missed out on both coordination and rhythm, whereas Linz is definitely the dancer. She has danced her way through life to her own rhythm.

The world of Linz has always been a place you want to be a part of…. Full of dreams, laughter, music, quirky ideas, and God…… it draws you in,… it surprises you, delights you, comforts you, and makes you feel special, and I feel lucky to have been there from the very beginning.

Linsey has been there through thick and thin, been my confidant and adviser, Loyal and protective; Neil, she will be all of these things to you and more! Today I am not losing a sister but gaining another brother. I would love to take this opportunity to welcome you to our family; the adventure begins here.

Could I ask you all to raise your glasses as I propose A toast to Linsey and Neil.

May your dreams be shared visions, your Christian walk side by side, hand in hand, and your love deepen every day of your lives.

To Linsey and Neil.”

Heartfelt Younger Sister Of The Bride Speech

We know that not all sisters have an intense bond, and many don’t grow up together. But love is love, and Genesee shares her undying love for Marin (her older sister) with a heartfelt speech that explains their distance, reconnection, and unconditional love that will last for eternity. Check out this lovely younger sister of the bride speech.

“I want to start by saying how, just last night, Marin whispered to me how worried she was that people wouldn’t love her wedding. Marin, let me reassure you on that one. Judging by the sea of smiles around me, you can put that fear neatly to rest.

Hello, everybody, and thank you for coming. I’m Genesee, and I’m Marin’s younger sister.

Marin and Hal are the cutest couple, aren’t they? It’s incredible to think that they didn’t know one another four years ago. They’re so in-tune with one another and so comfortable with sharing their truths.

I am thankful for having the opportunity to get to know Hal and welcome him as the brother I never had. He loves to sing as I do, and he has joined in on numerous karaoke nights when Marin would wave him out the door with her usual, “Go bother someone else with all that croaking.” With that, we’d head to our favorite karaoke bar and croak away.

Just last week, we were singing away and having a blast. I guarantee there will be many more to follow!


Marin and I have an unusual family history. We weren’t all that close when we were growing up. It wasn’t until I was in college that we really got close. I had a pretty rough time of it at first—I can see by the smiles that some of you remember dealing with me when I was having my “rough time”—and one night, when I was feeling really gloomy, something made me send Marin a message, even though we hadn’t talked in months. She wrote back right away, and we ended up talking until late in the night.

That night long chat turned into weekly coffee meet-ups and coping with college got a lot easier after that. I just needed to remember I had an older sister I could count on.

And of course, I remember the coffee chat when Marin told me about this great guy she’d just met. You guys might know him; he’s standing over there now. Hi, Hal!

Love From All Corners

But let’s bring it all back to today. Marin, I see the way Hal looks at you. I see the way your little girl looks at you, who, by the way, is the cutest flower girl ever. All of that love makes me so proud to call you my sister. Some days I completely forget that we didn’t grow up together.

To Marin, Hal, and little Tala, I wish you the very best. Wherever the road takes you, you’ll be surrounded with love and laughter. Oh, and this girl right here, because I’m not going anywhere. I love you guys. Cheers to the bride and groom!”

Groom delivering a rhyming wedding speech. Guests are laughing.

Groom Speech Examples

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Home » Groom Speech Examples

(*Of course, if you’re looking for more than ‘advice’, check out all the different ways the Speechy team can help you write & deliver a great speech. Or check out our new AI-powered team member, SpeechyAI .)

wedding speech love story couple

Lessons to Learn from Our Speech Examples

  • Length – no more than 1,300 words
  • Structure – Don’t begin with the thank-yous, start with the stories and hook in your audience
  • Don’t let your speech become a tedious thank-you list
  • Tell good stories
  • Resist Googled-gags, cliches, and platitudes
  • Pepper the speech with humour throughout
  • Have the romantic summary towards the end of your speech

Ultimately though,  every speech should be unique and tailored to the individual speaker’s style.

For obvious reasons, we cannot share the full range of speeches we write for our clients but these are generic (and made-up) speeches to give you an idea of a good structure.

Your speech may be more sentimental, shorter, or poetic. Crucially, it needs to be more YOU!

wedding speech scheduling

Groom Speech Example – Delivered by Ryan

Background: Ryan has married Misty. They live in Edinburgh, Scotland, and met through friends. Ryan’s mum has passed away.   


Honoured guests, welcome to what can only be described as the greatest day of my life. Well, second greatest day of my life, if you include the day Misty managed to not leave a wet towel on the bed. (Pretend to wipe tear away) Sorry, it’s an emotional memory.

Firstly, on behalf of both Misty and I, let me thank you all for coming. I know many of you have travelled long distances to be here. And a special thanks to our English friends, many of whom see travelling north of the border as akin to entering the Squid Games. Your bravery is greatly appreciated.


Now, another person I’d like to thank is our mutual friend Lou who actually set us up six years ago. I mean, I say ‘set up’, she described me to Misty as ‘average looking, but has nice shoes’.

But uncharitable review or not, it certainly seemed to do the trick. When we met for the first time at Lou’s birthday drinks, we immediately gravitated towards each other. We talked intensely all evening. It was one of those conversations where you lose all track of time and everything else just seems to drift into the background. We talked about life, hobbies, future plans and how when she was a kid, she was obsessed with Winnie the Pooh. Which makes it not at all surprising that she’d end up with me: a chubby character with one shirt and an aggressive appetite.

I remember coming away from that evening in a bit of a haze, not only had I found someone I liked, and liked me back, but I’d also found someone who could still rap all the words to Eminem’s ‘Stan’.

I thought life couldn’t get any better until, as we went to leave, she nervously turned to me and uttered those three magic words all guys want to hear: Fancy a kebab?

It was then I knew I was in love.

It’s a weird feeling meeting someone that you know you’d happily spend the rest of your life with. Before meeting Misty ‘love’ felt like just a word, and all of a sudden, she comes along and fills that word with meaning.

To this day, I’ve always maintained that it feels like we are two halves of the same whole. It felt like that then, and still does now, that we were just the right amount of similar, and just the right amount of different to be perfect together.

We complement each other’s good traits, and soften each other’s bad ones. By which I mean, I occasionally pick up her wet towels and she does literally everything else.

But I also mean that she has taught me a lot. She’s taught me that kindness always wins, she’s taught me that it’s not the words you say, but the way you make people feel that gets remembered, and she’s taught me that marmite and cheese on crumpets is the greatest snack known to man.

She is the other side to my coin, the cheerful Winnie the Pooh to my grumpy Eeyore. And now, incredibly, she’s my wife.


If you’ll all allow me, I’d like to take this opportunity to mention some incredibly important people who have helped us not just today, but throughout our lives.

Firstly, I’d like to thank my dad, who has taught me that being a man isn’t about machismo and bravado, it’s about being warm, welcoming and caring. I’ve often been called a ‘mini David’, and it’s something I’ll continue to wear as a badge of honour.

To Misty’s parents, June and Martin, your help with the wedding planning has been utterly invaluable, and I can’t thank you enough for how you’ve both welcomed me into your family. I’ll look forward to many more Sunday dinners that end with Martin saying ‘I’ll get the whiskey’.

To my groomsmen, for turning up both fully dressed and mostly sober, and also for years of support, advice and knowing exactly when I need a chat and a game of FIFA.

To Misty’s bridesmaids for being amazing friends and helping everyone keep a cool head with yesterday’s dress disaster. Your sage advice and support has always been a great comfort to Misty and I both.


And finally, I’d like to say thank you to a very special woman who is sadly no longer with us: my mum. There’s no other way to say it, other than it’s heartbreaking that she can’t be here today. She was a person who was born to be at big events. A person who filled the room with her smile and her presence. And while she can’t be with us, I know how much she approved of Misty, because in the latter weeks of her life, she tapped me on the hand and gently said ‘Misty is a keeper’.

So mum, I love you and I miss you, and I hope you’re looking down on us today with your characteristic big smile on your face, safe in the knowledge that I’ve taken your advice on board.


Now, I’m not one for massive promises and grand gestures, but now seems like as good a moment as any to break from that tradition. So Misty, before I end this speech, I’d like to give you three promises for our future life together: I promise whenever you say ‘fancy a kebab?’ I’ll always say yes. I promise to always back you up by singing the Dido chorus in ‘Stan’, and I promise that no matter what, I’ll spend the rest of my days attempting to make you as happy as you’ve made me.

So, without further ado, if you’ll all kindly be upstanding, and join me in a toast to my best friend and love of my life: The new… Mrs Misty Ferguson! (Raise toast).

Written by Ed and Tom , Speechy Writers

wedding toast groom romantic speechy

Groom Speech Example – Delivered by Alejandro

Background: Alejandro has married Michelle. They live in Boston. Alejandro is in his fifties and is originally from Spain. There are lots of people at the wedding for whom English is their second language.

Ladies and gentlemen, friends and family, Spaniards and Americans – today is a historic day. As Michelle has done me the great honour of agreeing to be my wife, it is a day when our countries’ traditions and cultures come together.

Today, the Spanish Imperial Eagle takes to the skies with the American Bald Eagle. Today, we scatter hamburgers and fries across the paella and create the McPaella. Today, we play the Marcha Real alongside the Star-Spangled Banner.


As you can perhaps tell, a mix of cultures is not always an easy thing, but I believe that, with work, my wife and I can make it so that our music is harmonious, our meals are delicious and our nation’s birds do not peck each other to death.

Today, I have the joy of standing here as part of a married couple. As you may know, I am more mature than the traditional groom and I must admit that as, one-by-one, my friends and family members all got married, I sat there at a succession of weddings, always on the single table. In case you were wondering, the single table is Table Five today. Please stop by and pity them, it’s what they deserve. 

At every wedding, I was pestered by my mother and aunts about when I will marry. I looked at the grooms and I thought, ‘Thank God I am single.’ I will admit I have enjoyed the bachelor life. I have enjoyed being free to pursue my work, to not worry about when I come home, and to live in a house where there are fewer than two cushions in the entire place.

But then Michelle happened.

We met through the intervention of our friend Katya – there she is on Table Five, and, yes, she is single. I met Michelle in the street as we were passing and she was rude to me and bossy. I couldn’t understand this American powerhouse. She told me to take her out for coffee and I don’t know what happened. I lost the power to resist. All of my bachelor strength was drained, and I found myself nodding and doing as I was told for once.

I don’t know how but Michelle flies under my radar, she unpicks my defences and I find it impossible to resist her. And I have tried!

So, my beautiful wife Michelle arrived and my bachelor life ended. I am able to stand here today and say I am so grateful that it has. No more Table Five. No more aunts and mothers asking me when I will get married. So many more cushions.

Michelle has allowed me to speak for both of us today, which she did so on the condition that I understood this was to be the last time in our married lives that this was the case. From now on, I shall be the perfect trophy husband that Michelle wants, I will nod and I will look pretty.

I would like to take this opportunity then to say some sincere and heartfelt thank yous. First of all, I would like to thank you, our guests, for coming today. I know that for some of you, especially the guests today from Malaga in southern Spain, the journey to join us here today has been significant.


When people will fly nearly 5,000 miles to a wedding, you realise how powerful the offer of free food and drink truly is. I hope today is a celebration for you too and please know that we are so grateful for you making this day so special.

Now for the rest of you, I want to issue a warning that many of our Malagan guests might not have the greatest command of the English language. For some of them this is the first time that they have been abroad. I won’t embarrass him by name, but one of the guests asked me where Mickey Mouse was and I had to explain that the mouse isn’t everywhere.

So, to make them feel more welcome I thought maybe I could teach you some useful Spanish phrases that could help you integrate. If you look on your table you will see a card for you each so you can read along with me. So listen to me and repeat please!

‘He bebido demasiado Sangria y no puedo sentir mis piernas.’

Come on, I know you can do it.

That is a very useful Spanish phrase which means:

‘I have drunk too much Sangria and can no longer feel my legs.’

Ok, another:

‘Me gustaria bailar Flamenco contigo hasta una hora desaconsejable.’

That means:

‘I would like to dance the flamenco with you until an inadvisable hour.’

Excellent! Now finally:

‘Hola, me puedes llamar un Uber. No recuerdo nada de anoche.’

That translastes as:

‘Please call me an Uber, I have no recollection of last night.’

Now, as you may know I have been in America for nearly ten years now and I am starting to think of myself as part-American. For Michelle, I know this makes her laugh, because she often says that I am the most Spanish man in the history of the world.

But I think coming to a foreign country can be an amazing learning experience because every day you do things as an outsider. Everything is different here. Everything. You want to go to the toilet in America then you have to pay to go into the toilet. In America, toilets are also a business! Amazing!

I am an outsider with your food. Thanks to my mother I was raised eating home-cooked food bursting with flavour, then I come to America and I eat McDonalds every day and slowly my tastebuds fade away and now they are on life support, kept going only by the jamon iberico my mother sends me at Christmas.

But as an outsider I have also been shocked to see the difference in some people in America – the friendliness and the warmth that I am offered. I think this is why Michelle has overcome my defences.

As you know, she works as the director of a charity and she lives her life for other people. She thinks and she cares for other people all the time and I am amazed that she has agreed to be my wife today. Perhaps I am her biggest charity project yet and one day after years of rehabilitation she will release me back into the wild. I hope not.

By contrast, I am the greedy property developer, making money from the ruins of other people’s lives and hopes. I will not lie, my day is not complete until I have pushed at least three widows out of their houses and turned their homes into flats. But maybe this too has been useful for my marriage. After all, my work has taught me to look at ruined and dilapidated things and see the beauty there. Anyone drawing any comparisons to Michelle should be ashamed of themselves.


Seriously, I couldn’t imagine a more beautiful woman on any continent in the world today.

I want to thank you for coming to our wedding. I want to thank Michelle for agreeing to be my wife and I want to end my speech by offering her these traditional arras . These are Spanish gold coins that a groom gives to his wife on their wedding day. The coins are a symbol of how the man promises to provide for his wife. Not just in terms of finance but also for their emotions – to be a provider that gives her everything she needs.

My love, I give these coins to you today and promise that I will do my best to ensure that for you for the rest of our lives you have everything you ever need and, always, more than enough love.

Now everybody: please raise your glasses and repeat after me:  ‘¡Arriba! ¡Abajo! ¡Al centro! …. y pa dentro!’ That means put your arm up, put your arm down, health for you all, drink it down!

Speech written by Andrew, Speechy writer

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Groom Speech Example – Delivered by Kanav

Background: Kanav has married Priyanka. They live in Nottingham, England and are of South Asian descent. Kanav is an architect. The wedding is traditionally large, with over 350 people attending.

Ladies and gentlemen, uncles and aunties, bhaiyon aur behano – namaste and welcome. My wife and I…(pause for applause) thank you so much for coming to share this wonderful weekend with us.

Of course, as much as we’d love to take credit for it, this has been a mammoth group effort with so many to thank for their involvement. After this, our parents are going to take a well-earned rest and sort out the global warming issue.

Now, you already heard the disastrous way Priyanka and I met from the best man, so I won’t go over that again. But it’s true what he said – we were… well, we are like chalk and cheese. Or some would say coal and paneer. And you can tell which one of us is paneer, can’t you?

As a primary school teacher, Priyanka is warm, caring, communicative – a real people’s person who works amongst a number of impatient clients every day. As an architect, I’m concise, introverted, and analytical – I need my space to focus on just one project, sometimes for months at a time. Basically, I’m boring, slow and don’t like hanging out with people.

(Look around) Really, I’ve no idea how this all happened.

But, as the saying goes, opposites attract and you can see that for yourselves in our wedding. Priyanka’s creativity and vivid imagination has gone wild. Getting married in October, she actually wanted this weekend to have a Halloween-themed twist, asking guests to wear Indian costumes, but ripped and bloodied so we’d all look like zombies.

At one point, there was even a Thriller dance routine being planned.

I, of course, shot down idea after idea with my pragmatism, wanting us to keep things traditional, low-maintenance and on the right side of sane. But, if any of you want to rip up your lehangas and kurtas and cover yourselves in the madras, feel free. Though, looking at my mother, maybe not!

Of course, I couldn’t reject all of Priyanka’s inspired ideas and you’ll spot many of them here this evening: the Indian food twists on pizzas and sushi, and the dosa-crepe stand were all her idea. The games of Antakshari, the Carrum tournament, the masala cocktails and the band that does rock covers of Bollywood numbers? All her.

Whilst she came up with all the cool ideas, I kept in my lane; compiling an Excel spreadsheet and making sure we could actually pay for it all. And when I say ‘ we ’, what I actually mean is we pay a small percentage while our parents pay the rest. Thank you Maa, Papa, Saasuma, Sasurji. We owe you. Literally!

But honestly, watching Priyanka plan our wedding has been an absolute joy and seeing how beautiful she looks today is truly humbling.

Priyanka’s knowledge and creativity as a teacher, even as an individual, has never failed to astound me. I had no idea how much my life lacked colour until I met her. She introduced me to different foods, different countries and cultures, and even different films and TV.

I honestly thought she was ready to break up with me when I told her I’d never watched Kuch Kuch Hota Hain . And I was sure it was the end of us when she forced me to watch Maine Pyar Kiya and I walked out halfway through the film. Those of you who don’t know, she loves Maine Pyar Kiya the same way I love KFC.

As I say, opposites attract.


Priyanka brings the fun and the excitement to the relationship, and I hope, as an architect, I bring the structure. It may not sound as fun as colour, but when you build the foundations of a relationship you need both passion and pragmatism to keep it from crumbling when confronted with life’s challenges.  

We visit monuments like the Taj Mahal and the Pyramids of Giza because of their colour and the emotions they evoke, and thankfully they continue to stand due to their intelligent architecture. Both foundation and beauty play equally important roles in maintaining the immortality of these international treasures. And I think it’s the same principle that means Priyanka and I will stand the test of time.  

We bring out the best in each other and push one another to challenge the people we are. Sure, this can lead to a few ‘debates’ but we’re ready to hear each other out, and most importantly, we’re ready to compromise. This wedding is the perfect example of the beauty that compromise can lead to. I’ve no doubt we have a few more disagreements ahead of us, but I’m equally sure that our compromises will lead to ever more beautiful times shared together.

Priyanka, before I met you, I already had strong foundations. In fact, I was an unmovable object, working in the same place I’d joined since graduation, living in the same flat. You came in like an unstoppable rainbow grenade, and I don’t think my life was ever the same again. I don’t want my life to ever be the same again.

Whenever you’re about, Kuch Kuch Hota Hain (something happens) and it’s fair to say, Maine Pyar Kiya (I fell in love).

Now, if you can all join me in a toast to my beautiful wife, my very own rainbow grenade, my wonderful Priyanka.

To Priyanka.

Written by Shai, Speechy writer (He has also written some specific South Asian groom speech advice )

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“All Of The Wannabes”: Groom’s Parents Deliver The Most Insulting Speech, Think It’s Funny

Weddings are supposedly among the happiest moments of a person’s life. They’re a special occasion shared with friends, family, and the person they intend to spend the rest of their days with. 

But not all ceremonies are beautiful tearjerkers. There are disastrous exceptions, much like today’s story courtesy of Reddit user honey-smile. It was their firsthand account involving the groom named Jon, who had to sit through an insulting speech from his own parents. To make matters worse, the old couple also made rude remarks to some of the guests.

It can be difficult to have sharp-tongued parents

Image credits: Getúlio Moraes (not the actual image)

In this story, the groom endured harsh words from both his mother and father during his big day

Image credits: oneinchpunchphotos (not the actual image)

Such behavior from parents can be greatly damaging, experts say

It’s not clear whether or not the groom went through the same cycle of verbal attacks from his folks when he was young. But as pointed out by New York-based psychologist Dr. Asa Don Brown , a parent’s constant belittling of their children can be as damaging as physical or sexual abuse. 

What’s more problematic is that the damages caused by such harsh treatment aren’t easily seen. 

“But, with no bruises to spot, pediatricians, teachers, and family members may have trouble recognizing these and other forms of psychological abuse,” he wrote in an article for the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.  

“Not only are there no obvious physical scars, there is no universally agreed-upon definition of what constitutes psychological maltreatment of children, and a fine line can exist between not-so-great parenting and outright abuse.” 

Dr. Brown also reiterated the importance of immediate care for a child who had endured a lot of chastising from their parents and the potential consequences if not taken care of. 

“The urgency for aid is crucial to the child’s recovery. If you avoid seeking out aid, the child may harbor resentment. Likewise, the type of aid may, and will vary, depending upon the type, frequency, longevity, and the overall duration of the event.” 

Image credits: Mario Schafer (not the actual image)

Emotional abuse from parents carries over until later in life

There’s a chance that the groom in this story could carry any resentment he may have harbored into his later years of life. A few people shared their stories with author Peg Streep, who published them in Psychology Today . Many of them were already in their mid-life at the time the article came out. 

A 43-year-old woman named Becca shared her experience dealing with a “bully” and “control freak” father and a mother who “staunchly” defended his actions. According to her account, her mother considered her father’s put-downs as “a way of keeping us from getting too full of ourselves.” 

“I t has taken me years to really understand that loving someone doesn’t require you to lose your soul and that how she treated me was about her, not me. I still have trouble trusting people and feeling safe,” Becca said. 

Others experience their parents’ resentment for their existence. As a woman named Julia explained, her birth “was the cause of all hardship and strife.”  

“That was the family story, and they have never deviated from it, not in 50 years. I am still the source of all their disappointments, large and small, and that is part of their bond. In a weird way, their marriage has thrived, because they had someone to blame for their occasional unhappiness from the very start.”

Image credits: Andrea Piacquadio (not the actual image)

The speech concluded with a compliment (sort of)

Image credits: honey-smile

The original poster shared more details for added context, but most commenters felt bad for the groom

“All Of The Wannabes”: Groom’s Parents Deliver The Most Insulting Speech, Think It’s Funny

Global AI summit tackles misinformation and deepfakes with a little ‘bot’ of help

Exhibition of robots at ITU's annual AI for Good Global Summit 2024, Geneva.

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The thorny issue of how to protect the unwary from deepfakes was just one of the key issues in the spotlight at a UN conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI) held in Geneva this week, where a staggering 25,000 enthusiasts – and robots - from 145 countries added their voices to longstanding calls for checks and balances on the all-conquering tech.

The annual  AI for Good Summit has been described as the leading UN platform promoting this technology to advance health, climate, gender, inclusive prosperity, sustainable infrastructure, and other global development priorities.

Frederic Werner, Head of Strategic Engagement at the UN International Telecommunication Union ( ITU ) underscored the need to develop standards to combat misinformation and deepfakes.

“You have different techniques for that. So, for example, you have watermarking, which is basically an invisible signature or a digital fingerprint, if you will. That can tell if a piece of digital media - it could be a photo, audio, video - has been altered or has it been AI-generated,” he said.

With less than 10 years left to achieve the  Sustainable Development Goals , the AI For Good Summit examined how to advance those targets, looking into practical use cases.  Prior to the start, a whole day was devoted to the issue of AI governance. 

Beyond the Summit – an annual feature in Geneva where attendees queue for blocks before the doors open - AI For Good is an online community platform called the Neural Network.

It brings together 30,000 people from 180 countries, including academics, industry representatives, top level executives and leading experts in the field, along with   47 partners from the UN system.

Robotic charm

UN News  attended the Summit and met Desdemona, or “Desi”, who described herself as an AI-powered humanoid social robot for good.

  “I can play a crucial role in detecting and preventing deepfakes, but it's also important for humans to be vigilant and fact check information before sharing it,” she insisted. 

Journalists interview robot Desdemona at AI for Good Summit in Geneva.

“While the power of deepfakes can be scary, we shouldn't let fear control us. Instead, we should focus on developing and implementing tools to detect and combat deepfakes and continue to educate ourselves and others about the importance of verifying information,” she added.

Specific AI systems can be equipped with advanced algorithms designed to detect deepfakes, making them valuable tools in the fight against misinformation. The AI For Good Summit brought together industry, inventors, governments, academia and more to create a framework under which those designs follow considerations based on ethics, human rights and the rule of law.

“And hey, if all else fails, just remember that I can't create a deepfake of your unique personality and sense of humour,” Desi said, in the rather inscrutable way that robots have.

On a more serious note, whether knowingly or unknowingly, many consumers see misleading news and pass it on to someone else, putting even the savviest news audiences at risk. 

For Data and Social Scientist Dr. Rumman Chowdhury, CEO of the non-profit tech company Humane Intelligence, misinformation is a phenomenon linked to a twisted desire for social engineering. 

“This is actually more about creating fake accounts that seem to demonstrate or support a particular perspective,” she said. “And even engaging with people, again, to kind of groom them into thinking about misinformation. Now, I could be part of engaging in all of those methods of misinformation spread. So, while deepfake identification is part of the solution, it is not the entire solution.”

Many of those debating the pros and cons of AI agree that its awesome potential cannot be left only in the hands of those who want to manipulate it for power or for profit. This will require regulation to ensure that the technology is accessible to everyone on an equal basis.

“We need to frame these technologies. We need to increase the capacities of governments to frame them, the capacities of communities to use them, the capacities of the small and medium sized enterprises to deploy them, so that the story of AI is not an unequal one and is not just reproducing the inequalities,” said Gabriela Ramos, Assistant Director-General for the Social and Human Sciences at UNESCO , the UN agency for culture, science and education, advocating the need for proper governance and 

Far-reaching representation

This year’s Summit saw representation from more than 145 countries at ITU headquarters in Geneva, along with an active online community of more than 25,000 people, who participated in more than 80 sessions, keynotes, panel discussions and workshops.

With 10,000 people who registered in person, the AI for Good Summit was organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) – the UN specialized agency for information and communication technology – in partnership with 40 sister agencies and co-convened with the Government of Switzerland.

  • Artificial Inteligence


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  1. The Sister of the Groom Speech: What to Write, Say & Do

    Skip the dirty jokes. While humor is essential to a great sister of the groom speech, Peterson advises keeping the jokes "G-rated. "You definitely don't want to make Grandma and Grandpa uncomfortable," she says. Avoid any mention of exes. "Do not bring up past girlfriends, even if you hated them," advises Croce.

  2. How to Write Sister of the Groom Speech: Samples & Tips

    Sample 1: "Ladies and Gentlemen, what a pleasure it is to see you all here today. For those I've yet to meet, I'm [Name], and I'm giving the lesser-known sister of the groom speech. It's kind of like the father of the bride speech—a tribute to their personality and character—but just significantly more abusive.".

  3. Sister of the Groom Speech Ideas For Wedding

    Share your impressions of the bride and why you think she is a good match for your brother. 5. Share your well wishes: Offer your congratulations to the newlyweds. Share your hopes and wishes for their future together. 6. Close: Thank the audience for listening. Offer a wedding toast to the newlyweds.

  4. Sister Of The Groom Speech Samples, Tips, And Ideas

    The perfect sister of the groom speech sample starts with information gathering, especially if you are the only sibling speaking. Ask your other siblings the things they know about your brother and collate the information. Document everything you gathered and organize your thoughts into outlines and content.

  5. How to Write a Sister-of-the-Groom Speech

    Here, we asked an expert to help us create a guide, full of sister-of-the-groom speech tips, guidelines, and ideas for your big moment. 90 years of expert advice and inspiration, for every couple ...

  6. Sister of the Groom

    Sample Wedding Speech for the Sister of the Groom. It is with great joy that I say congratulations to my brother Brad and his beautiful new bride, Amy. They say there is someone out there for everyone, and it appears that Brad has found his perfect match with Amy. From the first moment I met Amy, I knew she was someone special to my brother.

  7. How To Perfect Your Sister of the Groom Wedding Speech

    Therefore, your involvement in the toasts is an addition, on top of the other members of the wedding party who traditionally speak. i.e., father of the bride, best man, and so on. If you are invited as the sister of the groom, we would suggest giving a speech of 5 minutes or less. Wedding guests tend to have relatively short attention spans ...

  8. Sister Of The Groom Speech

    Step 1: Know Your Etiquette & Plan For The Day. Luckily, there isn't much. These days, you don't need to address anyone as 'ladies and gentlemen' unless it's a particular formal affair or you simply want to. A sister of the groom doesn't need to think about thank yous either. These will be handled by the newlyweds.

  9. Say It From The Heart: Mastering the Art of the Perfect Sister of the

    From crafting the perfect words to conquering pre-speech jitters, writing a sister of the groom speech can be a nerve-wracking experience. But with a little preparation and a lot of love, you'll be able to deliver a heartfelt and memorable tribute that honors your brother and welcomes your new sister with open arms. ToastWiz provides the tips and templates you need to give your speech.

  10. The Sister of the Groom Speech: What to Write, Say & Do

    Being asked to deliver a sister of the groom speech is truly an honor, and sure, it can feel like a daunting task. But remember, this is your chance to express your love for your brother and welcome a new sister into your family. Keep it authentic, heartfelt, and relatable, and your speech will be a hit. So, break a leg; you're going to do great!

  11. Memorable Sister Of The Groom Wedding Speech Guide

    To conclude your speech, raise your glass and give a toast to the couple. Wish them a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness. Encourage everyone to join you in celebrating their union and toasting to their bright future. This final gesture will leave a lasting impression on the newlyweds and bring the speech to a heartfelt closure.

  12. A Sister of the Groom Wedding Speech That's Worth a ...

    Sister of the Groom Wedding Speech. I am so happy today to be able to congratulate my brother (Name) and his beautiful wife, (Name). I have always believed that there is someone out there for everyone and today, (Brother's name) has found his soulmate in (Bride's name). The first time I met (Bride's name), I was absolutely sure that she ...

  13. 7 Tips for How to Write a Sister of the Groom Wedding Speech

    Steps for organizing your sister of the groom speech notes: Step 1: Using a pen, circle any of your notes that you definitely want to include within your speech. Step 2 : Highlight each note using a different color to differentiate points. For example, use blue to highlight notes that represent stories. Use yellow to highlight housekeeping ...

  14. A Sister's Toast to the Groom

    Groomswoman: In more modern weddings, the sister of the groom can be invited to stand on the groom's side as a groomswoman. This shows support for her brother and breaks traditional gender roles. 3. Reading during the ceremony: The sister can be asked to perform a reading during the wedding ceremony.

  15. Sister Wedding Speech: Tips and Examples for a Memorable Toast

    In closing your speech, offer some words of wisdom or advice for the newlyweds. Congratulate the bride and groom and wish them a lifetime of happiness together. End your speech with a heartfelt toast to the newlyweds. Remember, delivering a memorable sister wedding speech takes preparation, practice, and confidence.

  16. Mastering the Sister of the Bride Speech: Tips, Tricks and Ideas

    However, whether you're looking for younger or older sister of the bride speech samples, the basics are the same. Start with an introduction, share your memories and emotions for your sister, talk about family and the groom, and don't forget to toast the bride. Hello everyone! I think most of those present here know me personally, but for ...

  17. Sister of The Groom Speech Tips

    The sister of the groom is generally asked to give a speech for her brother that helps shed some light on their relationship. It can be quite a daunting task when you are asked to give a speech at the wedding. There are plenty of sister of the groom speech examples that you can use for your brother's wedding. Celebrate the joyous occasion ...

  18. Wedding Speech For Sister [Edit & Download]

    Wedding Speech For Sister. Ladies and Gentlemen, Good evening, For those who don't know me, I'm [Your Name], the incredibly proud sibling of the beautiful bride, [Bride's Name]. It is an absolute honor to stand before you today to celebrate the marriage of two wonderful people, [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name].

  19. Sister of the Bride Speech Guide with Examples

    The brides' sisters can create an extra-special moment for the bride and the groom on their wedding day. ... In this next sister of the bride speech example, Michaela overcomes her anxiety and speech fear and presents a great sister of the bride speech. "Good evening everyone, I would like to welcome you all and say thank you to Linsey and ...

  20. Brother or Sister Of The Groom Speech: How To Easily Write A Heartfelt

    Please note: A brother of the groom's speech sample comes after this one. But you are advised to read both since they are both tailored towards a male sibling and you can find useful ideas from both samples. So, you are reminded to read both. Sister of The Groom Speech Toast Example

  21. Brother Or Sister of The Groom Speech

    At this point, let's look at this: Sister of the Groom Wedding Speech Example/Template. I would like to thank for this example. My name is Tihana Schmidt and on behalf of my parents, Ted and Mira, I am honored to say a few words to my brother Ivan and my new sister-in-law Maria.

  22. Groom Speech Examples & Tips

    Groom Speech Example - Delivered by Ryan. Background: Ryan has married Misty. They live in Edinburgh, Scotland, and met through friends. Ryan's mum has passed away. INTRODUCTION. Honoured guests, welcome to what can only be described as the greatest day of my life. Well, second greatest day of my life, if you include the day Misty managed ...

  23. Top 10 Groom Speech Examples

    Speech Example 4: The Humorous Twist. Introduction: "Ladies and gentlemen, family, and friends, thank you for being here today to celebrate this incredible milestone in my life. I must say, I'm feeling a mix of excitement and relief that I managed to tie my tie correctly. It's a big day for me!".

  24. Sister of the groom gave the BEST WEDDING SPEECH!

    This grooms sister found some old videos that made her speech the best yet. "To the girl who makes his heart dance"Thank you guys for all your support and lo...

  25. Dad And Mom Of Groom Make A Wedding Speech Insulting Almost Every ...

    Such behavior from parents can be greatly damaging, experts say. It's not clear whether or not the groom went through the same cycle of verbal attacks from his folks when he was young. But as ...

  26. Global AI summit tackles misinformation and deepfakes with a little

    UN News attended the Summit and met Desdemona, or "Desi", who described herself as an AI-powered humanoid social robot for good. "I can play a crucial role in detecting and preventing deepfakes, but it's also important for humans to be vigilant and fact check information before sharing it," she insisted. Journalists interview robot ...