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How to Write a Market Research Brief (+ Free Template)

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A market research brief is a document a client produces detailing important information about their unique situation and research requirements. This information should include (but is not limited to) the context of the situation in which the decision to conduct research was made, the initial objectives, and the resulting actions that hope to be taken after the research has concluded.

This brief would come before the typical market research plan (see our example here ), and so any information that is contained within the brief will be subject to modification once in-depth chats between the client and the research agency have been conducted.

This is one of the most important initiating steps for market research as it provides the necessary information that researchers need to understand your needs as much as you do yourself. There is a lot to be said for being on the same page at this early stage of the research experience. While different agencies will prioritise different aspects of the research project, 90% of the brief will follow the same lines, so a draft should always be made and then it can be easily edited to the agency’s requirements.

Why Create a Market Research Brief?

Writing up a brief is essential for the clear communication of your research requirements. Clear communication from the very start is essential if a positive working relationship is going to bloom between the parties involved. This brief outline of a business’ unique scenario communicates information that researchers need in order to achieve a high level of understanding which they can use to create and further refine a detailed plan the research experience.

Key Components

Just looking at the many template designs out there, we can see that a research brief has a few key aspects that everyone agrees are important:

1. Contextual Information

Now this can be interpreted in two ways, both of which should be included within the market research brief. The first interpretation is contextual information relating to the business hiring the research agency. What does the business do? What are it’s values? How is it run? And then the second interpretation is contextual information relating to how the need for research arose. What are the steps that took place towards the realisation that research was needed? This timeline could span months or just days, but even so, the detail must be included for the researcher to get a full understanding of the situation at hand.

2. Description of Research Purpose

At this point, a description of the product (or service) which is to be researched is needed; whoever is carrying out the research will need to know as much detail as possible about the subject of the study as this will have a big influence on the research method used (more information on that to come).

A description of the target markets will also be needed at this point: covering the geographical territories, the target audience (consumers vs. potential consumers) and any specific demographics that should be included or excluded. If this information is known, an approximate sample size can also be noted down.

If a business is wanting to test adverts, product examples, etc. then example designs or prototypes are going to be needed for both the researcher and the participants to use in the formation of the research tasks and the generation of data.

3. Objectives

 Again, this aspect of the brief can be split up into two equally important interpretations. The objectives of the business are incredibly important as they provide another level of contextual understanding for the researcher. The other set of objectives that are needed within the brief, are the research objectives. Now, these are usually formed as questions that the business would like answered, but are subject to modification with the input of the researcher as they will know what is achievable, and what the business needs instead of what they want. Research objectives also cover what the business want to do with the insights generated as that gives an indication of what sort of research needs to be conducted. For the best research experience that ends in fully applicable insights, aligning business and research objectives is imperative.

Market Research Brief Template Shot

4. Research Methods

While this will also be subject to modification, an idea of what types of research methods the business might want to employ for this research experience will provide insights on a couple of things to a well-trained researcher. Firstly, it will indicate the business’ level of knowledge on market research, which will allow the researcher to adjust their tone, etc. to accommodate for any knowledge gaps that might be present.

Secondly, it will indicate what type of research that the business is looking to conduct (i.e. qualitative or quantitative, etc.), even if they don’t know it themselves. This section also serves the purpose of sparking a bit of research on the business’ end to see for themselves what options are available to them.

5. Business constraints

This is a relatively simple one. Constraints such as time and budget are imperative to communicate to the researcher, as this will be the main factor in the shaping of your research experience. Depending on whether a business is very constrained or loosely constrained will determine what types of research tasks should be employed, and how extravagant and dedicated a researcher can be in their pursuit of insights for the business.

 a. Research Deliverables

Finally, this is an optional category of information that will help shape the research experience in both the formation of the research tasks and the research reports. One important question is, what actions would you want to take after receiving the insights from the research?

If the answer to this question depends on the tone of the insights, then what options do you see for how the results will be used within the business? Different agencies will offer different reporting options and it helps to know which you would like. So, what type of report would you like to receive? The answers to these questions help how the report and project are framed.

Free Template Example

Use this link to download our free market research brief template. This template contains editable sections that complies with the advice above, with brief guidance and tips on how to make the most out of your brief. This template is currently available in .docx format only, and will require a copy of Microsoft Word or an alternative text editor to be used.

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A good market research brief helps agencies lead successful projects. Learn what to include and how to write a detailed brief with our template guide.

A market research brief is a client document outlining all the relevant information that a research agency needs to understand the client’s specific research needs to propose the most suitable course of action.

A clear, informed brief will ensure the market researcher can deliver the most effective research possible. It also streamlines the project by reducing the need for back and forth between your company and the researcher. A good brief will leave no confusion and provide a meaningful framework for you and the researcher, maximising the accuracy and reliability of insights collected.

Start your project faster with our market research brief template!

In this article, we’ve broken down the key components of a well-written brief, with examples. Using this template guide, you can confidently equip the researcher with the right information to deliver exemplary research for your next project.

Business Background/ Project Background

This section of the brief introduces your company to the market researcher, giving them a more informed overview of your brand, product/service, and target market. You should provide all available context to ensure you and the researcher are on the same page with the project.

Relevant information to add in this section includes: company details, company mission/vision, industry status and trends, market performance history, competitive context, any existing research.

Business Objectives/ Marketing Objectives

Your business objectives/marketing objectives should answer why you are being asked to conduct the research. The researcher should be able to grasp the existing problems/issues your company is looking to address in the research.

For example, this could involve sales, competition, customer satisfaction, or product innovation, to name a few.

Research Objectives

Research objectives address the specific questions you would like the research to cover, including what insights you wish to gain. This is where you should detail what actions your company is planning to take based on the research you are commissioning.

Your research objective is one of the most important elements of your brief, as it dictates how your study will be conducted and the quality of results.

Target Market

Who will this research focus on? This is where you should state respondents’ demographic and profiling information, along with any pre-existing segments you want to target. Be specific, but also be aware that the more restrictive the criteria are, the higher the sample cost will be. Extensive limitations are also realistically harder to meet.

For example:

  • Market: Canada
  • Sample size: 200 – 1000
  • Demographics: Household income of $150k and above a year
  • Markets: Malaysia (priority), Thailand, Singapore
  • Sample size: N=200 (Product Variant Selector) + N=500 (Conjoint)
  • Demographics: 16 – 50 years old
  • National representation: Age, gender and location
  • Target definition: Bought electronics online in the past 12 months
  • Reads on: 16 – 30-year olds vs. 31 – 50-year olds
  • Market: South America
  • Sample size: 1800
  • Target definition: Main and joint grocery buyers
  • 5 target groups: Income, urban/rural, age, family status, shopping frequency (divide each into 3 subgroups, e.g. low, medium, high).

Action Standards/ Decision Rules

Action standards outline which criteria will determine the decisions you make following research. These should detail specific numerical scores and any company benchmarks which need to be met in your research results for decision-making to go ahead. Clear and detailed action standards will allow you to make decisions faster and more confidently following research.

Nestlé’s 60/40 action standard which prioritises preference and nutrition, by aiming “to make products that achieve at least 60% consumer taste preference with the added ‘plus’ of nutritional advantage”.

Pricing is seen as credible by at least 40% of the target market.

Product has at least 50% acceptance from the target market.


You should only include methodology if you are certain of the approach you want to take. If you do not know which methodology you should use, leave this section blank for agency recommendations.

Monadic test : Monadic testing introduces survey respondents to individual concepts, products in isolation. It is usually used in studies where independent findings for each stimulus are required, unlike in comparison testing, where several stimuli are tested side-by-side. Each product/concept is displayed and evaluated separately, providing more accurate and meaningful results for specific items.

Discrete choice modelling : Sometimes referred to as choice-based conjoint, discrete choice is a more robust technique consistent with random utility theory and has been proven to simulate customers’ actual behaviour in the marketplace. The output on relative importance of attributes and value by level is aligned to the output from conjoint analysis (partworth analysis).

Qualitative research : Qualitative forms of research focus on non-numerical and unstructured data, such as participant observation, direct observation, unstructured interviews, and case studies.

Quantitative research : Numbers and measurable forms of data make up quantitative research, focusing on ‘how many’, ‘how often’, and ‘how much’, e.g. conjoint analysis , MaxDiff , Gabor-Granger , Van Westendorp .


Deliverables should clearly outline project expectations – both from your company and the agency. This should cover who is responsible for everything required to undertake research, including survey inputs and outputs, materials, reporting, reviewing, and any additional requirements.

  • PowerPoint presentation
  • Crosstabs of data
  • Raw datasets
  • Excel simulator
  • Online dashboard
  • “Typing tool” for future research

Timing and Cost

Timing covers the due dates for key milestones of your research project, most importantly, for your preliminary and final reports. Cost should include your project budget, along with any potential additional costs/constraints.

Contacts and Responsibilities

This section states all stakeholders involved in the project, their role and responsibilities, and their contact details. You should ensure that these are easy to locate on your brief, for quick reference by the agency and easier communication.

Ready-to-use market research brief template with examples

Start your research project faster and get better results. Using this template, you can confidently equip the researcher with the right information to deliver exemplary research for your next project.

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How to write an effective research brief

Whether you’re launching a simple survey or planning a large-scale project the quality of your brief will hugely impact on the value you get from the research. While it can take a little time and effort creating a research brief, it will undoubtedly be time well spent – getting you better results and return on your investment and saving you valuable resources on further clarification. At best, a poor brief will be a time drain on you and your team. At worst, the findings will fail to meet your objectives, costing you time and money.

We’ve seen a lot of research briefs over the years. Some of which have been well thought through and clear, helping us prepare a detailed proposal and deliver an effective project and subsequent results. And others which have been not so good, lacking clarity or detail.

Using this experience, we’ve put together a ‘how to’ guide on writing an effective research brief, to help you ensure success on your next project.

1. Preparation is key

As with any project, before you start it’s crucial you think through what you want and need to deliver. Here are some things you should consider:

  • Why are you conducting the research? What exactly are you looking to understand?
  • Who are you looking to understand better? Who do you need to speak to answer your research questions?
  • Who are your internal stakeholders? Have you discussed the project needs with the people in your organisation who will use the findings or who are invested in the research?
  • How will the findings be used?
  • When do you need the findings?
  • Have you agreed a budget with either your procurement team, or the relevant person in your organisation?

2. Be clear on your objectives

This is one of the most important parts of your brief to convey to the reader what you want out of the project and ensure you get results which deliver.

Projects should have around three or four overarching aims which set out what the project ultimately wants to achieve.

These might be things like:

  • Assess the impact of……
  • Examine views of…..
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of….

In addition to project objectives, you should also include the key questions you want the research to answer. These should support you in meeting the aims of the research.

For example, if the project aim is to assess the impact of an intervention, your research questions might include:

  • Who did the intervention target?
  • What did the project deliver?
  • What elements were successful, and why?
  • What were the main enablers and barriers?

3. Remember your audience

Research agencies or organisations who will be responding to your brief might not know anything about your business. So, make sure you include enough background information in your brief to enable them to understand your needs and deliver effectively. And avoid use of jargon or acronyms which could lead to errors or confusion.

4. Structure your research brief

Before you start to populate your brief it’s worth considering all the information and sections you need to include, to structure your thinking and ensure you don’t miss anything important.

This might include some, or all, of the following:

  • Background info
  • Introduction
  • Aims and objectives
  • Research Question(s)
  • Issues / Risks
  • Methodology
  • Timing and Outputs
  • Project Management

5. Make it thorough, yet succinct

While it’s crucial to include all the relevant information to enable bidders to respond effectively, no one wants to read reams and reams of information. To avoid the key information getting lost in the details use annexes to add supplementary information which could be useful.

6. Consider how prescriptive you want to be on the methodology

The extent to which you want to specify the methodology will depend on the project you aim to deliver. There are benefits and risks to being overly prescriptive or offering free reign. If you outline in precise detail how you want the research to be conducted, you will hamper any original ideas from those invited to tender and might limit the impact on the research. Whereas, if you’re less prescriptive, allowing room for creativity, you risk not getting the project or results you want, or receiving proposals on a scale which you can’t resource.

Generally, it is useful to allow those invited to tender some scope to develop the methodology they propose to use. Exceptions might be where previous work has to be very precisely replicated or some other very precise commitment about the nature of findings has been given to stakeholders.

7. Define your timelines

As a minimum, you need to include when you want the project to start and end. But you should also include the timetable for procurement. When planning this, don’t underestimate the time and resource needed to run a procurement exercise. Make sure your evaluators are available when you need them and have enough time blocked out in their diary.

You’ll likely also want to include milestones for when you expect outputs to be delivered, such as deadlines for a draft report (providing opportunity for review and feedback) and the final report; allowing sufficient time between the two to enable your stakeholders to consult, for you to feedback and for the contractor to revise the report.

8. Set expectations on cost

You will most likely have budgetary constraints, with a figure for what you are prepared to spend. To save you and your bidders time, and to set realistic expectations, you should include an indication within your brief. This will prevent you receiving proposals which are way out of the ballpark; enable bidders to plan a project which delivers on (or at least close to) budget; and will prevent any nasty surprises, further down the line.

By following these tips you’ll be well on your way to creating an effective research brief which delivers on time and on budget.

If you’d like more guidance download our “step-by-step” guide, which includes a template and information for what to include in each section to ensure success.

Download the guide now.

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Research project brief

Optimize research success with structured planning. Unlock methodological clarity with our project brief template.

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Your guide to effective research planning

Crafted for simplicity and effectiveness, our research project brief template is the key to successful research management. It's perfect for researchers, academic institutions, and businesses aiming to conduct research with precision and ease. This template is a clear guide, aligning every project detail for smooth progress. It transforms the complex task of planning and executing various research projects into a more manageable and streamlined process.

Benefits of using the research project brief template:

Enhance your research projects with our template, designed to optimize every phase:

  • Structured clarity: Simplify your project's outline, ensuring everyone involved shares the same vision and goals.
  • Efficient resource management: Manage budgets and timelines effortlessly, maximizing your research's potential while avoiding unnecessary costs.
  • Proactive risk management: Anticipate challenges early on for smoother project progression.
  • Strategic dissemination: Develop effective strategies to share your findings, increasing their impact and relevance in your field.

These features combine to create an effective, clear, and strategic research management process.

Key components of the template:

Craft your research project carefully by utilizing these components tailored to ensure a comprehensive and strategic approach:

  • Project overview: Capture vital project aspects like the title, duration, and a concise yet impactful description, highlighting the research's significance for better stakeholder engagement and understanding.
  • Objectives and goals: Define primary and secondary research objectives while delineating the intended audience, providing a clear direction for the research and ensuring relevance to stakeholders.
  • Scope of work: Delve into research methodologies, data collection techniques, and analysis approaches, furnishing an in-depth insight into the research methods adopted for a thorough understanding.
  • Budget and resources: Strategically allocate funds, break down costs, and identify any additional resource requirements, ensuring financial transparency and optimal resource utilization throughout the project.
  • Timeline and deadlines: Structure key research phases and milestones with a clear timeline, ensuring efficient progress and goal attainment while managing time effectively.
  • Communication plan: Establish robust communication channels among the research team and stakeholders, fostering a cohesive approach and facilitating information flow for smoother project execution.

How to make the most of this template

Kickstart your research project with precision. Define clear objectives, delve into detailed methodologies, and allocate resources efficiently. This approach not only ensures clarity and integrity but also fosters effective progress and impactful results.

Embrace the power of this template for straightforward planning and clear methodologies in your research. Ready to transform your research planning? Start streamlining your process today with our comprehensive template!

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Research Brief Format: Essential Guide for Clear & Concise Reports

  • Author Survey Point Team
  • Published February 28, 2024

A person reading a book while holding a pen. Illustration for a Research Brief Format.

Research brief format are invaluable tools for distilling complex research findings into an easily digestible format for busy stakeholders. A well-structured research brief gets the most important information in front of decision-makers, policymakers, and other non-technical audiences.  This guide breaks down the essential elements that make a research brief impactful and easy to understand.

Delving into the world of research briefs requires finesse and a deep understanding of the essentials. In this guide, we unravel the intricacies of the [Research Brief Format: Essential Guide for Clear & Concise Reports]. From the foundation to advanced strategies, we’ve got you covered. Let’s embark on this journey to elevate your reporting skills.

Table of Contents

Research Brief Basics

Definition and Purpose: A research brief is a short, targeted summary of a research study or project.  Its primary purposes are to:

  • Inform decision-makers who might not have time for in-depth reports.
  • Influence policy by highlighting key research outcomes.
  • Shape public opinion or action regarding a specific issue.

Target Audience: Research briefs are written for a non-specialist audience. This generally includes policymakers, stakeholders, or the general public without the technical background to decipher full research reports.

Key Differences from a Research Report:

Length: Research briefs are concise (often 2-4 pages), while reports are much longer.

Focus: Briefs highlight key conclusions and recommendations, while reports present detailed methodology, data, and in-depth analysis

Essential Elements of a Research Brief Format

Title: Concisely and accurately reflects the research focus.

Executive Summary: A few sentences or a short paragraph outlining the absolute essentials: problem, key findings, and main recommendations.

Background/Problem Statement: Briefly explain the issue the research addressed and why it matters.

Research Questions: State the specific questions your research sought to answer.

Methodology: A high-level summary of your research methods (e.g., surveys, experiments, etc.). Avoid excessive technical detail.

Key Findings: Present main findings as clear bullet points or short statements.

Recommendations: Offer actionable recommendations based directly on your findings.

Limitations: Briefly acknowledge factors that might limit the generalizability of your findings.

Visual Aids (Optional): A simple graph or chart can powerfully illustrate the most important finding.

Tips for Writing Clear & Concise Research Brief Format

Plain Language: Ditch the jargon and complex terminology!

Focused: Include only the most essential information for your target audience.

Action-oriented: Clearly emphasize the implications of your findings and provide practical recommendations. What is the ideal length for a research brief? A research brief’s length depends on the complexity of the topic. However, aiming for a concise document of 2-3 pages is often effective.

Frequently Asked Questions

How crucial are LSI keywords in a research brief? LSI keywords enhance the visibility and relevance of your research brief, making it a vital element for a successful report.

Can visual aids replace detailed explanations? While visual aids are impactful, they should complement, not replace, detailed explanations. Balance is key for an effective research brief.

Is there a specific structure to follow in a research brief? Yes, a well-structured research brief typically includes an introduction, methodology, findings, and conclusion. Adhering to this format ensures clarity.

How can I scope my research effectively? Define the scope by clearly stating the objectives, limitations, and expected outcomes of your research. This provides a clear roadmap for your study.

Should I include recommendations in my research brief? Yes, offering actionable recommendations adds value to your research brief, demonstrating its practical implications.

A well-formatted research brief is a powerful communication tool .  It can shape how your research is understood and applied by those in positions to make a difference. Use this guide to create briefs that are both informative and persuasive.

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Do you have a freelance client who has given you a huge project? Are you currently in negotiation with one about a massive project? If you do, then it could be time to consider using a research brief template. The template offers consultants – and their clients – massive advantages. A freelance researcher needs as many tools as possible to deliver stunning work and results for the client.

Research Brief Template

The template offers you a myriad of benefits, as you will see below.

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At no time should the freelancer ever lose sight of the most important aspects of the project. The focus should remain on the most important components of the project. The research brief template plays a significant role in all this. It sets you on the road to victory. The template helps you to remain focused on building and sustaining healthy relationships with clients thus making it easier to accomplish all that you set out to do.

4. Defining problems and their solutions with your research brief sample

All freelancers are capable of defining and identifying the problems that their clients face. However, only the truly exceptional clients are capable of defining problems and identifying the appropriate solutions. More importantly, the template also offers consultant’s clients a chance to define and seek more clarification about the objectives . After all, each project has a few objectives. The solutions must meet or actualize the objectives in question.

5. The research brief example provides access to background information

Do you understand or approach the project based on the client’s perspective? If you don’t, it might be time to consider doing just that. Background information determines the direction the entire takes. Why is the client interested in proceeding with the project? What history do the clients have with the problems for which they need solutions? The research brief template provides answers to these questions via the background information.

Research Brief Template Sample

6. Provide details regarding existing constraints in the research brief sample

A detailed understanding of everything the project is likely to encounter is crucial to its success. Without this information, you have little to no guarantee of success. Each project has its limitations that could be anything between budgetary or time-related constraints. It’s worth reminding freelancers that constraints are not necessarily bad or wrong. For this reason, constraints are worth embracing rather than hating.

A good brief contains constraints to help the freelancer to decide if the project is worth taking.

Lastly, the research brief template is a powerful tool for talking about methodologies and deliverables too. It clarifies strategies vis-Ă -vis research outputs. It talks about the schedule, costs, analysis and reporting, and everything else that is central to the success of the large project the consultant is about to embark upon. Essentially, you should never dive into a large project before going through and familiarizing yourself with all that the template says.

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customer segmentation research

How to conduct customer segmentation market research?

Qualitative research enables you to understand your customer base in detail, to explore the feelings and beliefs that lie behind their decisions and behaviour, and to identify the factors that are most likely to differentiate the different customer groups that you would like to target.

Brand insight research

Brand research: what, why and how

Regardless of how much time you spend developing a brand strategy and planning your brand identity down to the last detail, all that matters, in the end, is consumer perceptions. In this article we explore different types of brand research, as well as the multiple methods you can choose to accomplish your brand research objectives.

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  • Mapping customer journeys: The role of qualitative market research
  • How to build a powerful customer insight strategy
  • Using Projective Techniques in Online Qual
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Designed for use with our online qual research platform Together™, our activity templates include a range of activities, from warm-ups and ice-breakers, to deep cultural immersion projects and concept testing.

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Conducting research with diverse and multi-cultural consumers

To deeply understand diverse and multi-cultural audiences requires deep expertise and an enabling approach. This guide contains the principles and approaches Further’s award-winning research team use to gather and activate insight and evidence for greater inclusion and equality.

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  • There are no suggestions because the search field is empty.

How to write a great qualitative research brief

research brief template free

From speaking to researchers across the land, it's clear that it is fast becoming the norm for clients not to have a written brief.

Sure, they know what they want to achieve, what their objectives are, but they don’t always know how to get it down on paper and write a qualitative research brief (or they’ve not got the time!).

I’m always the first to put my hands up and offer to help clients write their briefs. There are three compelling reasons for that

  • It takes pressure off the client
  • It ensures that all stakeholders are included in the process and that everyone discusses - and agrees - the parameters of the research upfront
  • It means we are immersed in the project and the business, deepening our understanding of what you need.

I’m going to share with you my thoughts on what makes a good qualitative research brief outline (for both online qual and face-to-face) and why it’s so necessary to get it right.

Start with the wrong brief, and you’re heading down the wrong path from the get-go. Not only will you set the wrong course, but you’ll probably cost the project incorrectly and even propose the wrong methods.

There's a handy research project brief template you can download along with a number of other useful tools you'll find in the resources section of our website.  

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Before I dive into the specifics, here are three key things to consider:

1. Frame and re-frame

First and foremost, the research brief outline frames the client's problem or challenge, and it establishes the fundamental question(s) they want answering. More often than not, research briefs are framed through the lens of the business , when in fact, they should be through the lens of the consumer.

A cautionary tale:

Here's a quick example - naming no names! - of what happens when research is framed through the lens of the business, rather than through the lens of the consumer.

A well-known drinks company was looking to expand its range. An opportunity came up to buy a niche energy drink with a small but dedicated fanbase who loved its distinctive taste.

The company wanted to take the drink mainstream. So, they commissioned research focusing on what would make the drink more palatable to a wider audience.

The results came back saying that the drink should taste sweeter and the design of the packaging should be softened. The changes were made, the drink was relaunched and... flopped. Mainstream consumers didn’t buy it. The original fanbase abandoned it. Why? Because the brief had been framed through the lens of the business, not the consumer. No one asked if the mainstream audience wanted a new energy drink. And as it turned out...they didn’t.

Reframing is perhaps better to be done by the researcher/agency as they can see outside the business more readily than the client. The phrase, ‘wood for the trees’ is poignant.

2. Keep it short and simple

Research project brief templates don’t need to be long and exhaustive. In fact, the the more precise and jargon-free the better. A short brief:

  • Ensures clarity. Straightforward language - free from acronyms or industry-specific terms - is easy to understand. It avoids confusion.
  • Gets to the point. A concise brief has been thought about and refined: helping to create a tight, accurate focus for your research.
  • Encourages buy-in. It’s easy to digest, so it’s easier for stakeholders of all kinds to ‘get it’.

3. Take the right tone

Like any written document that has its readers, a qualitative research brief needs to adopt the appropriate tone, be it a formal business one or a more relaxed consumer-friendly version.

Most businesses are jam-packed with technical jargon , so handle this with care and remove where possible so that everyone can be sure of being (and staying) on the same page.

OK, now to the details...

Here’s what your qualitative research project brief template should include:

1. Some background

Provide a summary of the primary business the client is in. Clearly explain

  • Why the business exists
  • Its mission and vision
  • How its goals have changed over time and its future goals
  • The competitive set
  • Which markets the study should explore

We sometimes call this a 'research amnesty’. It is vitally important we have sight of any pre-existing research so as not to duplicate any findings that already exist. No matter what form the research/insight is, throw it at us and we’ll read through it to create a detailed picture of the business/ brand .

2. Research objectives

This is where you set about describing what the core research task is. For example, the research objective might be to find out what your customers think of your recently launched product or service.

Set out specific research objectives to:

  • Clarify the key questions you need to answer
  • Identify the information you need to gather to address the challenge.

Here’s an example of three research objectives we created for a client who wanted to understand the best ways of supporting their employees’ wellbeing:

  • To capture people’s attitudes and natural behaviours when it comes to their well-being
  • To gather instinctive responses to what they would like to do more of and what is holding them back
  • To discover and co-create ways we can help them in the future.

Now you’re starting to motor and get into the details around the questions that need to be answered, or the spaces you’re going to explore.

Remember, qualitative research helps understand why people do what they do, so write the objectives through that lens and think about the behaviours, motivations, thoughts and feelings you want to understand.

3. Business objectives

Your research objective may be driven by a strategic business objective. This is framed differently. Quite simply, it outlines why you are being asked to do this. For example, does the research support modifying a service or product or is it intended to deliver growth?

4. Stakeholder team

Which parties/departments (internal and/or external) will be involved with and have a vested interest in this research study? They might be a sponsor, collaborator or a third-party that needs an actionable outcome. For each stakeholder, detail their requirements and comment on their level and method of involvement. In some instances, different stakeholders will have conflicting expectations or objectives for the research. The focus needs to be agreed and signed-off by everyone before the process goes further.

5. Target audience to research

Who do you need to talk to? Are they current customers, lapsed customers or those of a competitor? Are demographics relevant, such as age, gender, income, occupation, location , company size, etc? Is social profiling relevant, or their personal attributes and proficiencies?

The target audience could include:

  • Who you want researched and how many (sample size)?
  • Source: Will the client be providing a customer list, or do you need to recommend the best way to source respondents such as panels, free-finding or social media?

6. Methodology

Based on the objectives, which qualitative research methods are best deployed and why. Are you proposing a combination of methods as is usually the case? Should the research be conducted face-to-face, by telephone or even online?

Consider internal milestones such as meetings and decision-making deadlines.

Timescale could include:

  • Timescale for the procurement process, the start of the research and when you want the findings
  • Whether you want to receive top-line findings in advance of the main findings
  • Leaving time to receive a draft set of findings for you to review before receiving the final deliverables.

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Do you have a specific research budget in mind, including incentives and recruitment? Can you provide guidance on the available budget, even if it is only a ball-park figure?

The budget might look to include:

  • An indication of available budget; stipulate whether or not this includes VAT.
  • A breakdown of how recruitment and incentives.
  • Payment terms (if standard)

9. Deliverables (what/how/when)

Do you want the findings in a written report format or as a presentation? You may want to have both or to have a meeting with us to discuss the findings.

Deliverables could include:

  • Your preferred format for the findings - for example, a report in Word or a presentation in PowerPoint, hardcopy and/or electronic, etc
  • Do you want the researcher to present the findings, either in-person or remotely?
  • Is there anything else you expect the research team to provide?

10. Hypotheses

If there are any pre-existing hunches, assumptions or hypotheses then now is a good time to share them with us. If they come out part-way through the project they may result in a re-brief and re-costing exercise, which is something to be avoided.

11. Materials the client will provide

Provide a detailed breakdown of the materials, assets and stimulus that the client will provide.

Examples might include:

  • Visual brand identity assets
  • Market reports/intelligence
  • Information about competitors
  • Stimulus materials
  • Concepts and mock-ups

12. What does success look like?

Cast yourself into the future and imagine you are looking back at the successful project. What made it so successful, what was so good about it. Did it make you ‘famous’, if so why?

13. What does failure look like?

What are the failure factors of this project and what would team it unsuccessful ? Another way to think about this would be to ask the question ‘Why might this project fail?'

14. Client contacts and roles

Who are the immediate client team responsible for running this project, including day-to-day contact details and email addresses. It’s also a good idea to address what time/input the client has to invest in the project as you may find they don’t want to be involved in the way you hope.

There you have it.

There are more things to consider, and more detail to get into, pending the size/scale/risk of the project, but this will get you started.

There are many mistakes you can make in delivering qualitative research (online or in-person) and research community to be mindful of, especially how you see through consumer's half-truths , so beware.

If you have any questions, or have a research brief outline you'd like help with then why not book a demo or discovery call with one of our online qual specialists.

Topics: Online Qual , brief , debrief


There you have it!

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Research Brief Template

Research Brief Template in Word, Google Docs, PDF

Download this Research Brief Template Design in Word, Google Docs, PDF Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable.

Don't waste time trying to create a research brief from scratch. Let's Research Brief Template do the heavy lifting for you. With this easy-to-use template, you can clearly outline your research objectives, methodology, and analysis in a fraction of the time. Stay organized and efficient with this indispensable tool.

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Market research templates: what they are and how to use them.

18 min read Interested in market research but need some templates to start with? In this guide, we unpack market research, survey planning best practice and share some of our best templates for brand, customer, product and employee research.

What is a market research template?

While you’re no doubt familiar with the concept of market research and how it can help you to reach your target audiences and improve your product or service , the real challenge is designing a market research plan that is conducive to excellent results.

All of this starts with the right market research template(s) to help you analyze specific target audiences, collect the right data and uncover insights that can drive actionable change.

In this article, we’re going to:

  • talk about market research and its use cases,
  • provide you with a standard template that allows you to plan your research,
  • and share several other templates to help you with specific types of market research

You can also check out our free template library.

But first, let’s revisit market research.

What is market research?

Market research is the process of determining the viability of a new service or product through surveys and questionnaires with prospects and/or customers. It involves gathering information about market needs and prospect/customer preferences .

Through market research, you can discover and/or refine your target market, get opinions and feedback on what you provide to them and uncover further prospect/customer pain points and expectations of your service or product .

Market research can be conducted in-house, either by you and your research team, or through a third-party company that specializes in it (they will typically have their own research panels or be capable of creating a research panel to suit your requirements).

The four common types of market research

There are lots of different ways to conduct market research to collect customer data and feedback , test product concepts , and do brand research, but the four most common are:

The most commonly used form of market research, surveys are a form of qualitative research that asks respondents a series of open or closed-ended questions , delivered either as an on-screen questionnaire or email.

Surveys are incredibly popular because they’re cheap, easy to produce, and can capture data very quickly, leading to faster insights.

2) Focus groups

Why not bring together a carefully selected group of people in your target market using focus groups? Though more expensive and complex than surveys and interviews, focus groups can offer deeper insight into prospect and customer behavior – from how users experience your products and services to what marketing messages really resonate with them.

Of course, as a market research method that’s reliant on a moderator to steer conversation, it can be subject to bias (as different moderators might have preferred questions or be more forceful) and if you cut corners (not asking all the necessary questions or making assumptions based on responses), the data could get skewed.

3) Observation

As if you were a fly-on-the-wall, the observation market research method can be incredibly powerful. Rather than interviewing or surveying users, you simply take notes while someone from your target market/target audience engages with your product . How are they using it? What are they struggling with? Do they look as though they have concerns?

Observing your target audience/target market in this fashion is a great alternative to the other more traditional methods on this list. It’s less expensive and far more natural as it isn’t guided by a moderator or a predefined set of questions. The only issue is that you can’t get feedback directly from the mouth of the user, so it’s worth combining this type of research with interviews, surveys, and/or focus groups.

4) Interviews

Interviews allow for face-to-face discussions (both in-person and virtually), allowing for more natural conversations with participants.

For gleaning deeper insights (especially with non-verbal cues giving greater weight to opinions), there’s nothing better than face-to-face interviews. Any kind of interview will provide excellent information, helping you to better understand your prospects and target audience/target market.

Use cases for market research

When you want to understand your prospects and/or customers, but have no existing data to set a benchmark – or want to improve your products and services quickly – market research is often the go-to.

Market research (as mentioned above), helps you to discover how prospects and customers feel about your products and services, as well as what they would like to see .

But there are more use cases and benefits to market research than the above.

Reduce risk of product and business failure

With any new venture, there’s no guarantee that the new idea will be successful. As such, it’s up to you to establish the market’s appetite for your product or service. The easiest way to do this is through market research – you can understand the challenges prospects face and quickly identify where you can help. With the data from your market survey, you can then create a solution that addresses the needs and expectations of would-be customers.

Forecast future trends

Market research doesn’t just help you to understand the current market – it also helps you to forecast future needs. As you conduct your research and analyze the findings, you can identify trends – for example, how brands and businesses are adopting new technology to improve customer experiences or how sustainability is becoming a core focus for packaging. Whatever it is you’re looking to understand about the future of business in your market, comprehensive market research can help you to identify it.

Stay ahead of the competition

Understanding your market and what prospects and customers want from you will help to keep you ahead of the competition . The fact is that the top businesses frequently invest in market research to get an edge, and those that don’t tap into the insights of their audience are missing low-hanging fruit.

As well as helping you to stay in front, you can also use market research to identify gaps in the market, e.g. your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses . Just have participants answer questions about competitor products/services – or even use the products/services – and work out how you can refine your offerings to address these issues.

Plan more strategically

What’s the foundation of your business strategy? If it’s based on evidence, e.g. what people expect of your products and services, it’ll be much easier to deliver something that works. Rather than making assumptions about what you should do, market research gives you a clear, concrete understanding of what people want to see.

Check out our guide to market research for a more comprehensive breakdown.

How do you write a market research plan/template?

A market research plan is very similar to a brief in that it documents the most vital information and steps about your project. Consider it a blueprint that outlines your main objective (summary), key questions and outcomes, target audience and size, your timeline, budget, and other key variables.

Let’s talk about them in more detail.

Elements of a great market research plan

1) overview or summary.

Use the first section of your market research plan to outline the background to the problem that you are attempting to solve (this is usually your problem statement or problem question). Include background information on the study’s purpose and the business to provide context to those who would read the report, as well as the need for the research. Keep the overview simple and concise; focus on the most salient elements.

2) Objectives

What is it that you hope to achieve with this survey? Your objectives are the most important part of the survey. Make sure to list 3-5 of the decisions or initiatives that the research will influence.

For example:

Understand the most-used channels for customer engagement and purchasing to decide where to prioritize marketing and sales budget in Q1 2022. Determine what’s causing customer churn at the later stages of the buyer journey and implement a new retention and sales strategy to address it.

Your objectives should be smart, that is: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely.

3) Deliverables (or outcomes)

This section should focus on what you expect to have at the end of the project. How many responses are you looking for? How will the data be presented? Who will the data be shared with? (Stakeholders, executives) What are your next steps? Make sure you state how you will collect and analyze the data once it’s available.

Products such as Qualtrics CoreXM make this process fast and incredibly easy to do, drastically reducing the time to insights so you can make more meaningful changes, faster.

4) Target audience

Not to be confused with your market research sample, your target audience represents who you want to research. Of course, your sample may include ideal buyers from your target audience. Here you want to define the main variables or factors of your audience: demographic , age, location , product interaction, experience, and so on. It’s worth building out your buyer personas (if you haven’t already) and including a quick breakdown of them here.

5) Sample plan

How many participants do you want to research and what kind of groups do you want to reach? Depending on these two variables, you may have to use qualitative, quantitative , or multi-method approaches.

6) Research methods

What methods will you use in your market research project? The insights (and the granularity of those insights) will depend on the methods and tools you choose. For example, and as mentioned earlier, surveys are often the go-to for many organizations as they’re affordable and straightforward, but if you want to get more personal views from your respondents, one-to-one interviews might be more applicable. You might even want to take a hands-off approach and simply observe participants as they use your products, or try a combination of research methods. Make sure to outline what methods you will use as part of your research plan.

7) Timeline

How long will your research project run? It’s worth putting together a Gantt chart to highlight key milestones in the project, along with dependencies, and to break down tasks as much as possible. Schedule in contingency time in case some tasks or research runs over – or you need more responses.

Set a budget for the overall program and list it in your plan. Though this might be the most difficult aspect of any research plan, it helps you to be more strategic about tasks and hold people accountable at each stage of the process. If costs go over, that’s good to know for future market research. If costs are lower than anticipated, you then have the opportunity to do further research or prop up other areas of the study.

9) Ethical concerns or conflicts of interest

One of the most important parts of your market research plan, you should highlight any ethical concerns. To begin with, it’s your duty to state whether or not responses will be kept confidential and anonymous as part of the study. It’s also important to allow participants to remain anonymous and ensure you protect their privacy at all times.

Another issue to consider is stereotyping. Any analysis of real populations needs to make approximations and place individuals into groups, but if conducted irresponsibly, stereotyping can lead to undesirable results.

Lastly, conflicts of interest – it may be that researchers have interests in the outcome of the project that lead to a personal advantage that might compromise the integrity of your market research project. You should clearly state in your market research report that any potential conflicts of interest are highlighted and addressed before continuing.

But I want a faster solution!

Well, there’s a quicker and far easier way to do all of the above and get the data you need – just use a market research survey template. In our next section, we’re going to share a whole list of templates that you can use.

Free market research survey templates

No matter what kind of research you want to conduct, we have templates that will remove the complexity of the task and empower you to get more from your data. Below we’ve compiled a list of templates for four key experience areas: Brand , Customer , Employee , and Product .

All of our research templates are free. All you need to do is sign up for a free Qualtrics account to access them.

Brand experience market research templates:

  • Logo testing : Collect feedback to help you evaluate and iterate on your logo designs and concepts
  • Brand awareness : Track the level of brand awareness in your target market, including current and potential future customers
  • Ad testing : Evaluate your consumers’ reaction to an advertisement so you know which campaigns to deploy before you invest
  • A/B testing : Quickly and easily compare to versions or options in a study, whether it’s a design, headline, color palette or a mock-up of your latest ad campaign

Customer experience market research templates

  • Student satisfaction : Gather feedback on how your institution is delivering on the student experience
  • Net promoter score (NPS) : Measure customer loyalty and understand how they feel about your product or service using one of the world’s best-recognized metrics
  • Customer satisfaction : Evaluate how satisfied your customers are with your company, including the products and services you provide, and how they are treated when they buy from you
  • Customer service : Gain insights into the contact center experience, so you can achieve and maintain optimum levels of customer experience (CX) performance
  • Event feedback : Measure the effectiveness of your events and how well they meet attendee expectations so that you can continuously improve your offering
  • IT help desk : Understand how satisfied your employees and customers are with your IT help desk experience
  • Website suggestion box : Collect visitor feedback on how your website can be improved
  • Website satisfaction : Find out how satisfied visitors are with your website’s design, usability, and performance
  • Store purchase feedback : Capture customer experience data at the point of purchase to help you improve the in-store experience
  • Online purchase feedback : Find out how well your online shopping experience performs against customer needs and expectations

Employee experience market research templates

  • Employee satisfaction : Get an overview of your current employee experience
  • Manager feedback : Improve your skills as a leader with valuable feedback from your team
  • Employee engagement : Find out how employees find the current experience at your workplace with this entry-level engagement survey
  • Employee exit interview : Understand why your employees are leaving and how they’ll speak about your company once they’re gone with this survey template
  • Employee onboarding : Improve your onboarding program by understanding what’s working and what’s not
  • Team event planning : Collect inputs from employees to plan a team event that works for everyone
  • Meeting feedback : Check-in with team members after a meeting to see how well your company is running and what improvements can be made
  • Interview feedback : Improve your candidate experience by gathering actionable insights about the interview process
  • Employee suggestion box : Gather anonymous data to help address concerns and improve the employee experience in your organization
  • Candidate experience : Improve your candidate experience to increase brand perception, offer acceptance rates, and hiring process efficiency with this single-touchpoint survey template
  • Employee suggestion action : Take employee feedback a step further by working with your staff to quantify solutions based on their experience data

Product experience market research templates

  • Product research : Evaluate your consumers’ reaction to a new product or product feature across every stage of the product development journey
  • Pricing : Understand how to set the exact price point for your product or service, according to your target consumers
  • Feature prioritization : Compare and contrast product features using conjoint analysis to find the optimal mix for your customers
  • Product package testing : Collect feedback on your product packaging to see how well it meets the needs and expectations of your customers

Armed with the right market research templates, getting the information you need across brand, product, customer and employee disciplines — as well as beyond — is significantly easier.

But if you want help putting together complex market research and scaling your in-house research team to get agile insights, check out our guide to building an agile research function.

Insights are more important than ever, especially during times of change, but building a great team takes a lot of time and money.

In our eBook, we’ll explain how you can:

  • Scale your research team
  • Build a smart partner strategy
  • Ensure you have the right technology for market research and data analysis

Tackle your market research with our agile market research eBook

Related resources

Market intelligence 10 min read, marketing insights 11 min read, ethnographic research 11 min read, qualitative vs quantitative research 13 min read, qualitative research questions 11 min read, qualitative research design 12 min read, primary vs secondary research 14 min read, request demo.

Ready to learn more about Qualtrics?

Free Marketing Brief Templates

By Joe Weller | October 24, 2022

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We've compiled a variety of marketing brief templates in multiple formats so you can organize and document marketing campaigns in detail.

Included on this page, you’ll find a marketing brief template , a marketing client brief template , a digital marketing campaign brief template , and a marketing project brief template .

Marketing Brief Template

Example Marketing Brief Template

Download a Sample Marketing Brief Template for Microsoft Word | Google Docs

Download a Blank Marketing Brief Template for Microsoft Word | Google Docs

Use this marketing brief template to summarize your project, identify its purpose, and define essential objectives. Identify the target audience and detail the marketing strategy with this easy-to-use template. The template features space to include timeline projections, deadlines, and marketing campaign deliverables.

Outline your project’s purpose, objectives, timeline, and more with these free project brief templates .

Marketing Client Brief Template

Marketing Client Brief Template

Download a Marketing Client Brief Template for  Microsoft Word | Excel | Google Docs

This marketing brief template includes space to provide a client and project overview, as well as a projected timeline with deadlines. Enter primary and secondary demographic information for your target audience. Use this template to enter significant competitor research findings in order to help drive a successful marketing campaign.

Strategize implementation and track performance with this collection of free marketing project plan templates .

Digital Marketing Campaign Brief Template

Digital Marketing Campaign Brief Template

Download a Digital Marketing Campaign Brief Template for  Microsoft Word | Google Docs

Use this digital marketing campaign brief template to drive brand awareness and sales. This template describes campaign resources, as well as lists the goals and timelines for social media, email, and other digital marketing channels. Marketing teams can use the template to identify campaign goals and opportunities, as well as list essential elements to achieve key objectives.

Check out this collection of free brand brief templates to better structure brand creation or rebranding efforts. 

Learn more about writing design briefs with these design brief examples and free templates .

Marketing Project Brief Template

Marketing Project Brief Template

Download a Marketing Project Brief Template for  Microsoft Word | Google Docs

This marketing project brief template helps teams identify a marketing project's purpose, opportunities, elements, and objectives. Use this template to specify your target audience and fine-tune marketing strategies and messaging. The template provides space for team members and stakeholders to contribute thoughts and ideas before approval. 

Enter background information, list objectives, define your target audience, and more with one of these free creative brief templates .

How Do You Write a Marketing Brief?

Stakeholders rely on marketing briefs to communicate the objectives and strategies of marketing their campaigns. A marketing brief is a blueprint for the structure of a campaign. Download a marketing brief template to help ensure that you include necessary components. 

Consider the following tasks when writing a marketing brief:

  • Discuss and define the marketing campaign purpose.
  • Collaborate with marketing team members and other stakeholders.
  • List the marketing campaign objectives.
  • Identify the target audience.
  • Document the campaign strategy in detail.

What Should You Ask in a Marketing Brief?

A successful marketing campaign relies on asking the right questions in your marketing brief. Questions that clarify who is the client, as well as what is the budget and the central message, will help guide you toward success. 

Consider asking the following questions in your marketing brief:

  • What is the purpose of this marketing campaign?
  • Who is our client?
  • What is our budget?
  • What is our campaign timeline?
  • Who is our target audience?
  • What is our marketing strategy?
  • What is our message?
  • What are our campaign deliverables?

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Empower your people to go above and beyond with a flexible platform designed to match the needs of your team — and adapt as those needs change. 

The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed. 

When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time.  Try Smartsheet for free, today.

Discover why over 90% of Fortune 100 companies trust Smartsheet to get work done.

UX Research Brief Template

UX Research Brief Template, within the Milanote app

Run a successful UX research project

The best products and services are built with an intimate insight into its customers. To achieve this level of insight requires user research, and great user research starts with a clear brief.

This template will help you outline the right user research plan . It covers background information, goals, proposed research methods, target audience and recruitment details, along with any key dates, budget information, and access to past research.

This template is part of the UX/UI Designers collection.

  • Set the vision & strategy
  • Organize requirements
  • Share with your team & clients
  • Gather feedback
  • Download as PDF or Word

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Grad Coach (R)

What’s Included: Research Proposal Template

Our free dissertation/thesis proposal template covers the core essential ingredients for a strong research proposal. It includes clear explanations of what you need to address in each section, as well as straightforward examples and links to further resources.

The research proposal template covers the following core elements:

  • Introduction & background (including the research problem)
  • Literature review
  • Research design / methodology
  • Project plan , resource requirements and risk management

The cleanly-formatted Google Doc can be downloaded as a fully editable MS Word Document (DOCX format), so you can use it as-is or convert it to LaTeX.

PS – if you’d like a high-level template for the entire thesis, you can we’ve got that too .

Research Proposal Template FAQS

What types of research proposals can this template be used for.

The proposal template follows the standard format for academic research projects, which means it will be suitable for the vast majority of dissertations and theses (especially those within the sciences), whether they are qualitative or quantitative in terms of design.

Keep in mind that the exact requirements for the introduction chapter/section will vary between universities and degree programs. These are typically minor, but it’s always a good idea to double-check your university’s requirements before you finalise your structure.

Is this template for an undergrad, Master or PhD-level proposal?

This template can be used for a research project at any level of study. Doctoral-level projects typically require the research proposal to be more extensive/comprehensive, but the structure will typically remain the same.

How long should my research proposal be?

The length of a research proposal varies by institution and subject, but as a ballpark, it’s usually between 1,500 and 3,000 words.

To be safe, it’s best to check with your university if they have any preferences or requirements in terms of minimum and maximum word count for the research propsal.

How detailed should the methodology of the proposal be?

You don’t need to go into the fine details of your methodology, but this section should be detailed enough to demonstrate that your research approach is feasible and will address your research questions effectively. Be sure to include your intended methods for data collection and analysis.

Can I include preliminary data or pilot study results in my proposal?

Generally, yes. This can strengthen your proposal by demonstrating the feasibility of your research. However, make sure that your pilot study is approved by your university before collecting any data.

Can I share this template with my friends/colleagues?

Yes, you’re welcome to share this template in its original format (no editing allowed). If you want to post about it on your blog or social media, we kindly request that you reference this page as your source.

What format is the template (DOC, PDF, PPT, etc.)?

The research proposal template is provided as a Google Doc. You can download it in MS Word format or make a copy to your Google Drive. You’re also welcome to convert it to whatever format works best for you, such as LaTeX or PDF.

Do you have templates for the other chapters?

Yes, we do. We are constantly developing our collection of free resources to help students complete their dissertations and theses. You can view all of our template resources here .

Can Grad Coach help me with my dissertation/thesis?

Yes, you’re welcome to get in touch with us to discuss our private coaching services .

Further Resources: Proposal Writing

The template provides step-by-step guidance for each section of your research proposal, but if you’d like to learn more about how to write up a high-quality research proposal, check out the rest of our free proposal-related resources:

  • Research Proposal 101
  • Examples of research proposals
  • How To Find A Research Topic
  • How To Find A Research Gap
  • Developing Your Golden Thread
  • How To Write A Research Proposal
  • 8 Common Proposal Writing Mistakes

You can also visit the Grad Coach blog for more proposal-related resources.

Free Webinar: How To Write A Research Proposal

If you’d prefer 1-on-1 support with your research proposal, have a look at our private coaching service , where we hold your hand through the research process, step by step.

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  1. How to Write a Market Research Brief (+ Free Template)

    Free Template Example. Use this link to download our free market research brief template. This template contains editable sections that complies with the advice above, with brief guidance and tips on how to make the most out of your brief. This template is currently available in .docx format only, and will require a copy of Microsoft Word or an ...

  2. Market Research Brief

    Market: Canada. Sample size: 200 - 1000. Demographics: Household income of $150k and above a year. Option 2: Markets: Malaysia (priority), Thailand, Singapore. Sample size: N=200 (Product Variant Selector) + N=500 (Conjoint) Demographics: 16 - 50 years old. National representation: Age, gender and location.

  3. 7 Essential Steps: How to Write a Research Brief That Gets Results

    Explore the seven essential steps to write an effective research brief, ensuring success in your projects. Learn from experts and avoid common pitfalls. Embarking on a research journey requires a well-crafted roadmap. A research brief serves as the compass, guiding you through the intricate terrain of data and insights.

  4. How to write an effective research brief

    Using this experience, we've put together a 'how to' guide on writing an effective research brief, to help you ensure success on your next project. 1. Preparation is key. As with any project, before you start it's crucial you think through what you want and need to deliver. Here are some things you should consider:

  5. PDF How to Write a Research Briefing

    in policy relevant research as it progresses. You can write a briefing at any stage in a project; in fact you may want to plan a number of briefings throughout a project. Ask yourself how you can generate conversation around your Research Briefing(s). Speaking with research users during a project allows you to hear

  6. Research project brief

    This template is a clear guide, aligning every project detail for smooth progress. It transforms the complex task of planning and executing various research projects into a more manageable and streamlined process. Benefits of using the research project brief template: Enhance your research projects with our template, designed to optimize every ...

  7. Free, Downloadable Educational Templates for Students

    Revised on July 23, 2023. We have designed several free templates to help you get started on a variety of academic topics. These range from formatting your thesis or dissertation to writing a table of contents or a list of abbreviations. We also have templates for various citation styles, including APA (6 and 7), MLA, and Chicago.

  8. PDF How to write a research brief

    Introduction (about 50 to 100 words) Write a one-paragraph introduction (50 to 100 words) summarizing the policy problem, the research question, and the key findings. Use the introduction and conclusion to the discussion paper as sources for the introduction (and conclusion) of the brief. This is your homework!

  9. Research Brief Format: Essential Guide for Clear & Concise Reports

    Research brief format are invaluable tools for distilling complex research findings into an easily digestible format for busy stakeholders. A well-structured research brief gets the most important information in front of decision-makers, policymakers, and other non-technical audiences.

  10. How to write a great qualitative research brief

    Here's what your qualitative research brief should include: Background. Provide a summary of the primary business the client is in, and clearly explain why the business exists, what its mission ...

  11. Market Research Brief Template & Example Project

    A typical brief should include background information, objectives of the research, details on the product/service being studied, who the target market is, key dates, budget information, and access to any past research. Read our guide on writing inspiring creative briefs to learn more. This template is part of the Marketers collection.

  12. Free Research Brief Template

    A freelance researcher needs as many tools as possible to deliver stunning work and results for the client. Image Credits: The template offers you a myriad of benefits, as you will see below. 1. Improved communication with clients with your research brief template. Freelancers have to keep improving themselves.

  13. Creating a qualitative research project brief template

    2. Keep it short and simple. Research project brief templates don't need to be long and exhaustive. In fact, the the more precise and jargon-free the better. A short brief: Ensures clarity. Straightforward language - free from acronyms or industry-specific terms - is easy to understand. It avoids confusion.

  14. 8 Essential Market Research Templates (free)

    Use these free templates to to organize your brand market research. The collection includes templates for customer research, positioning your brand, planning tasks and much more. ... The goal of any marketing research brief is to define the objectives in a way that a researcher can confidently build an appropriate study. This clarity will then ...

  15. Free Research Paper Template (Word Doc & PDF)

    If you're preparing to write an academic research paper, our free research paper template is the perfect starting point. In the template, we cover every section step by step, with clear, straightforward explanations and examples.. The template's structure is based on the tried and trusted best-practice format for formal academic research papers. The template structure reflects the overall ...

  16. Research Brief Template in PDF, Word, Google Docs

    Download this Research Brief Template Design in Word, Google Docs, PDF Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable. Don't waste time trying to create a research brief from scratch. Let's Research Brief Template do the heavy lifting for you. With this easy-to-use template, you can clearly outline your research objectives ...

  17. Market Research Templates: What They Are and How to Use Them

    8) Budget. Set a budget for the overall program and list it in your plan. Though this might be the most difficult aspect of any research plan, it helps you to be more strategic about tasks and hold people accountable at each stage of the process. If costs go over, that's good to know for future market research.

  18. Free and customizable research templates

    Browse our free templates for research designs you can easily customize and share. Start of list. Skip to end of list. Skip to start of list. End of list. 11,256 templates. 1 of 20. ... Research Brief Docs Banner in Orange Teal Pink Soft Pastels Style. Docs Banner by Canva Creative Studio.

  19. Free Marketing Brief Templates

    This marketing project brief template helps teams identify a marketing project's purpose, opportunities, elements, and objectives. Use this template to specify your target audience and fine-tune marketing strategies and messaging. The template provides space for team members and stakeholders to contribute thoughts and ideas before approval.

  20. Research Brief Template online for free

    A free research brief template for outlining your client's relevant information, needs, and requirements to create a successful action plan. Categories. 🎯 Marketing. Related Templates. Campaign Brief. A free brief template to outline your marketing campaign, its key points, goals, messaging and targeting.

  21. UX Research Brief Template & Example Project

    This template will help you outline the right user research plan. It covers background information, goals, proposed research methods, target audience and recruitment details, along with any key dates, budget information, and access to past research. This template is part of the UX/UI Designers collection. Set the vision & strategy.

  22. Free Download: Research Proposal Template (Word Doc

    What's Included: Research Proposal Template. Our free dissertation/thesis proposal template covers the core essential ingredients for a strong research proposal. It includes clear explanations of what you need to address in each section, as well as straightforward examples and links to further resources. The research proposal template covers ...

  23. Free Research Google Slides and PowerPoint templates

    Download the "Project Research Infographics" template for PowerPoint or Google Slides and discover the power of infographics. An infographic resource gives you the ability to showcase your content in a more visual way, which will make it easier for your audience to understand your topic. Slidesgo infographics like this set...

  24. UCLA Mindful

    The mission of UCLA Mindful is to foster mindful awareness across the lifespan through education and research to promote well-being and a more compassionate society. Mindful awareness (mindfulness) can be defined as paying attention to present-moment experiences with openness, curiosity, and a willingness to be with what is. ... Cost: Free Live ...