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10 lines on Potato in for class 1 - Short essay on Potato in English - Few lines on Potato

Today, we are sharing short essay on Potato in English . This article can help the students who are looking for information about Potato in English . These 10 sentences about Potato for class 2 is very simple and easy to understand. The level of this paragraph about Potato is medium so any student can write on this topic. This short essay on Potato is generally useful for class 1, class 2, and class 3 .

10 lines on Potato in English

10 lines on Potato in English - Short essay on Potato in English - Few lines on Potato

  • Potato is a vegetable that is found almost all over the world.
  • Potato is the most important of all green vegetables.
  • Potato is also called the king of vegetables.
  • It is quite common to cook potato curry in our homes.
  • Eating potatoes is very beneficial for our health.
  • Vitamins present in potatoes make our health healthy.
  • By eating potatoes, strength increases inside us.
  • The ability to swim increases by eating boiled potatoes.
  • The chips sold in the market are made of crunchy potatoes only.
  • French fries and chili potatoes are more popular in the form of fast food, which is made of potatoes.
  • Potato comes under the category of vegetables.
  • The shape of the potato is round.
  • Potatoes are grown in the fields.
  • There are two types of potatoes, red and white.
  • Potato plants are above ground whereas potatoes grow inside the ground.
  • When the potatoes are fully developed, they are dug and removed from the ground.
  • Cultivating potatoes is a very laborious job.
  • Farmers grow potatoes with hard work.
  • Vitamin A and Vitamin D are found in abundance in potatoes.

my favourite vegetable potato essay for class 1

  • Potato is a type of vegetable.
  • Potato is the king of vegetables.
  • We usually eat potatoes as a vegetable.
  • Apart from vegetables, many other dishes are made from potatoes.
  • Potato chips, pakoras, chili potatoes, aloo tikkis, aloo chaat, etc. are made from potatoes.
  • Potato is definitely used in any vegetable made in the house.
  • Like Aloo Matar, Aloo Gobi, Aloo Brinjal, Aloo Tomato, etc.
  • No matter what the season, potato is available in the vegetable market in all seasons.
  • We can buy potatoes from the vegetable market anytime.
  • Potatoes are of two types, white and red.

F.A.Q ( Frequently Asked Questions )

  • what is a potato?
  • What vitamins are found in potatoes?
  • How is the shape of a potato?
  • What can we make with potatoes?
  • Where are potatoes grown?

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The article is about short essay on Potato in English. The level of these 10 sentences about Potato is medium so any student can write on this topic. This short essay on Potato is generally useful for class 1, class 2, and class 3.

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  • Essay on Potato


Overview of the Potato

We eat potatoes in the form of french fries, veggies for dinner, Smileys, Chips, Salads, burgers, Sandwiches, rolls, etc. In today’s day, so many of us use potatoes as a staple, almost all of our population in fact can’t imagine having their meals without potatoes in them.

Isn’t it fascinating to think about where our favourite vegetable must’ve come from? What are its uses around the world? How is it grown? And what are its health benefits? This essay on potatoes will definitely help you gain some knowledge about vegetables. So. Let’s read this potato essay and get information about potatoes.

Potatoes as Our Food

Potatoes as Our Food 

Learning About Potatoes 

One of the world's major food crops is the potato . In chilly climates, it flourishes. Frequently, potatoes are roasted, fried, or boiled. They can be mashed, served whole, converted into fries, or turned into potato chips.

5 Sentences About Potato

5 sentences about potatoes are following:

Potatoes belong to the family of plants, which also comprises eggplant, tomatoes, and green peppers. 

The potato is referred to by its scientific name, Solanum tuberosum. It has nothing to do with sweet potatoes.

The potato plant can reach a height of between 20 and 40 inches (50 and 100 centimetres). 

The flowers on it are either white or purple. The leaves are divided into leaflets that range in length from 8 to 12 inches (20 to 30 centimetres).

The potato plant has underground stems. To create potatoes, the stem ends thicken. The "eyes" of the potatoes are buds that can develop into new potato crops. A potato's skin can be anything from brownish white to deep purple. Typically, the inside is white or yellow, but it may also be purple.

Potato Crops

Potato Crops

Origination of Potatoes

Potatoes may have been farmed by South American Indians as early as 1,800 years ago. In the 1500s, potatoes were introduced to Europe by Spanish explorers of the Americas. In Ireland, potatoes were the main crop by the end of the 1600s. Disease destroyed Ireland's potato harvest in the 1840s. Famine followed. Over a million people passed away from diseases brought on by famine or starvation.

In India 

In the early 17th century, the Portuguese began cultivating potatoes along the west coast and sent them to India under the name "Batata." As a root crop called "Alu," potatoes were introduced to Bengal by British traders. It was grown around the late 18th century in India's northern hill regions.

Health Benefits of Potatoes

Fibre, which promotes weight loss by keeping you fuller longer, is found in potatoes. By regulating blood sugar and cholesterol, fibre can help avoid heart disease.



Additionally, potatoes are a great source of vitamins that support healthy bodily functioning and antioxidants that fight disease.

From the few lines about potatoes, we conclude that the most significant starchy vegetable in the world, the potato, plays a crucial but frequently ignored role in the world food chain. It is a staple food that helps more than one billion people globally meet their nutritional and energy needs. A major source of employment and revenue in rural areas, particularly in developing nations is potato production and post-harvest operations. It can be used for a variety of things, including animal feed, cash crops, staple foods, and as a source of glucose for numerous industrial applications. The crop thrives in areas with scarce land and plentiful labour, which are prevalent throughout most of the poorest countries.


FAQs on Essay on Potato

1. Write a few lines about potatoes.

Potatoes are an incredibly productive crop that yields more food per unit of space and per unit of time than maize, wheat, and rice. For Asia and the Pacific, which, like numerous other regions of the world, are currently dealing with significant issues as a result of rising food costs, potatoes are becoming more and more significant.

2. How did potatoes make a difference?

Potatoes, which are incredibly nutrient-dense, also served to lessen the symptoms of illnesses like scurvy, tuberculosis, measles, and dysentery. Everywhere the potato went increased birth rates and reduced mortality rates were encouraged, which resulted in a massive population expansion.

3. Why were potatoes among the most significant plants introduced to the Old World?

The potato was one of the most significant crops introduced to the Old World. It is the crop that has had the biggest influence on the Old World. It is a tube containing enough glucose and water to provide one's entire source of nutrition, as well as sufficient vitamins to cure scurvy.


Essay on My Favourite Vegetable

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Favourite Vegetable in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Favourite Vegetable


My favourite vegetable is the carrot. It is a root vegetable, often orange in colour, though purple, black, red, and yellow varieties exist.

Reasons for My Preference

Carrots are not only tasty but also packed with health benefits. They are rich in vitamins, fibre, and antioxidants.

Usage in Various Dishes

Carrots can be used in a variety of dishes. They can be eaten raw, cooked, or used in salads, soups, and even desserts like carrot cake.

In conclusion, my favourite vegetable, the carrot, is versatile, delicious, and healthy.

250 Words Essay on My Favourite Vegetable

Vegetables are an integral part of our diet, providing essential nutrients and promoting good health. Among the myriad of vegetables, my favourite is the humble potato, a versatile tuber with a rich history and cultural significance.

The Versatility of Potatoes

Potatoes are the epitome of versatility. They can be baked, boiled, mashed, fried, or roasted, each method unlocking a unique flavour and texture. This adaptability extends beyond culinary uses. In the scientific realm, potatoes have been grown in controlled environments as part of research for potential crop cultivation in space.

Nutritional Value

Despite being stigmatized for their carbohydrate content, potatoes are nutritionally dense. They are a good source of vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, and dietary fiber, especially when consumed with their skin. They also provide essential minerals and antioxidants, contributing to overall health and well-being.

Cultural Significance

Potatoes have a profound cultural significance. Originating in South America, they were brought to Europe in the 16th century and have since become a staple in many cuisines. They symbolize sustenance and comfort in several cultures, and their global cultivation attests to their universal appeal.

In conclusion, the potato, in its simplicity and versatility, embodies the essence of my favourite vegetable. Its nutritional value, coupled with its cultural significance, makes it not just a dietary staple but also a testament to human innovation and adaptability. The humble potato, therefore, stands as a symbol of the intersection between food, culture, and science.

500 Words Essay on My Favourite Vegetable

The allure of the aubergine.

Choosing a favourite vegetable may seem like a trivial exercise to some, but to me, it is a reflection of personal taste, culinary preferences, and even cultural background. My favourite vegetable is the aubergine, or eggplant, as it is known in some parts of the world. Its versatility, nutritional value, and the depth it adds to various dishes make it stand out among the plethora of vegetables available to us.

Versatility in the Kitchen

One of the primary reasons I am drawn to the aubergine is its versatility. It is a vegetable that can be used in a myriad of dishes, transcending cultural and culinary boundaries. From the smoky, creamy baba ghanoush of the Middle East to the rich and hearty moussaka of Greece, the aubergine is a star ingredient. In Indian cuisine, it is transformed into a smoky and spicy baingan bharta. Even in Italian cuisine, it finds its place in the layered and cheesy delight that is eggplant parmigiana. This adaptability is a testament to the aubergine’s ability to absorb flavours while maintaining its unique texture and taste.

Nutritional Powerhouse

The aubergine is not just a culinary delight; it is also a nutritional powerhouse. It is low in calories and high in dietary fibre, making it an excellent choice for those looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It also contains essential nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6. The skin of the aubergine is rich in antioxidants, specifically nasunin, which is known for its potential protective effects against free radical damage. This balance of taste and health benefits makes the aubergine an appealing choice for the health-conscious food lover.

The Depth of Flavour

The aubergine’s unique flavour profile is another reason why it is my favourite vegetable. When raw, it has a somewhat bitter taste and a spongy texture. However, when cooked, it undergoes a transformation that is nothing short of culinary magic. It becomes tender and develops a complex flavour profile that is smoky, slightly sweet, and utterly delicious. This depth of flavour makes the aubergine a delight to cook with and eat.

The Cultural Significance

The aubergine’s widespread use across different cuisines also speaks to its cultural significance. In many cultures, it is a symbol of prosperity and fertility. It is a staple in Mediterranean diets, known for their health benefits and longevity. In Asian cuisines, it is celebrated for its versatility and ability to absorb flavours. This cultural reverence adds another layer to my appreciation for the aubergine.

In conclusion, the aubergine, with its versatility, nutritional value, depth of flavour, and cultural significance, is my favourite vegetable. It is a testament to the fact that vegetables can be as exciting and delightful as any other food group. The aubergine’s rich history and wide usage across different cuisines make it not just a vegetable, but a culinary ambassador, breaking barriers and bringing people together through the universal language of food.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Essay on Vegetables for Children & Students

December 16, 2017 by Study Mentor Leave a Comment

Vegetables constitute a major part of our diet. There are some parts of the plant which are consumed by humans for their daily nutrition. The definition of vegetable is still unclear.

This is because it is defined by the culture and tradition which flows down the generations. When we talk about the vegetables we normally do not include the category of fruits, cereals, nuts, and pulses.   

The origin of vegetable is still a matter of fascination. The primal man hunted animals and gathered fruits to sustain his hunger needs. But by some miracle a vegetable seed was sown due to the forces of nature. And when the humans noticed it they came to know that they could also cultivate the land for production of fruits and vegetables.

According to the evidences, the cultivation of vegetables started from 1000 BC to 7000 BC. And is when agriculture started developing. As time passed trade grew.

vegetables essay

At this point of time, China is the largest producer of vegetables. China exports a large no. of vegetables to other countries. India is the second largest producer in vegetables but it doesn’t export a large no. of vegetables because the vegetables produced are consumed within the country itself.   

Vegetables are a very important constituent of our diet. Without vegetables no meal is complete. Vegetables can be cooked to provide a nutrition full meal. It can be eaten with breads like naan, roti, puri, and bedmi. It can also be eaten with rice.

Some vegetables can be consumed raw, in a salad while some need to be cooked before consumption. Vegetables grow on different parts of trees. For e.g. Onion, reddish and carrot grow in the roots of plants and vegetables like spinach are the leaves of a plant. The cauliflower is obtained from the flower of a tree. Vegetables like gourd, bitter gourd are grown on grapevine like structures.    

Thus we see that we have a lot of variety in vegetables. We should concentrate on the consuming portions of vegetables. This provides the body adequate nutrients for its functioning since different vegetables provide the body with different kinds of vitamins and minerals.

Also consumption is a must especially for children who are in their growing stage. Parents should make sure that the children consume a nutrient rich diet and less of junk food. This will make their body strong and will help in the development of their brains and bodies.

Also vegetables increase the immunity of children towards countering diseases. At an early age, they are especially vulnerable to diseases. But the right amount of nutrition helps to fight diseases.   

The advantages of consuming vegetables are many. First of all, vegetables help in weight management. Vegetables like potato and cauliflower can help you to gain weight. While vegetables like spinach and green vegetables can help immensely in weight reduction.

From time immemorial, our elders have promoted the consumption of green vegetables. This is because of the fact that green vegetables have a lot of iron in it. They help in the development of bones and muscles. It is actually good for us to consume vegetables at regular intervals so as to protect our body from any diseases.

Vegetables can help your body to fight against some particular type of cancers. Also a healthy intake of vegetables helps to burn the layers of fat in our body this ultimately improves the blood flow and helps in managing the blood pressure of a person. Consumption of vegetables also keeps cholesterol in check.   

vegetables essay

Also eating vegetables increases your life span by keeping you healthy, in general. Also their frequent intake ensures that we stay rejuvenated throughout the day and we don’t experience any drowsiness or nausea. Vegetables are the fuel to your well-being just like petrol is a fuel to a car.

Vegetables also contains a lot of fibers. Fiber is not a nutrient itself but it helps in the digestive system in our body. To lead a healthy life, one needs to make sure to intake the correct amount of iron or else, the consequences afterwards will be worse. Iron helps the body immensely in carrying out the daily chores.

Also anemia that means lack of hemoglobin in blood can also be cured through the right intake of vegetables. Nevertheless green vegetables also contain folic acid which works wonders on the health of pregnant women.   

Make sure to consume healthy and nutritious food which keeps you fit as a fiddle and satiates your body and soul in every way possible, in every way you have ever wanted. Life is short and every moment of it should be made worth living. What is a life without health? Nothing.

As we say, Health is wealth . You cannot enjoy moments in your life without maintaining a healthy lifestyle. And to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you should consume vegetables. Even in old days of your life, you will have a healthy and disease free life, thanking the temptations of junk food you did not give into.  

No we should also remember one thing. Vegetables are comparatively cheaper to non vegetarian sources of proteins. Although some trainers do recommend non-vegetarian food but doctors and dieticians worldwide have stuck on a unanimous opinion.

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  • Class 1 My Favourite Food Essay

My Favourite Food Essay for Class 1

Everyone enjoys eating tasty and delicious food and has a choice of a favourite dish. Food is necessary for survival. It provides us nutritional value and sustenance and promotes the growth of our body. Eating healthy food supplies the necessary nutrients, which are essential for the growth and development of your body. Kids enjoy eating outside food such as snacks, pizza, burgers, French fries, etc. Here, in this article, we have brought to you an impressive “My Favourite Food Essay for Class 1” kids to help young learners in writing a fascinating essay on the food they love the most in just 10 lines.

Young kids tend to enjoy eating food of different flavours and tastes. Writing my favourite food essay in English helps kids to develop their English writing prowess. Given below is my favourite food essay, 100 words for Class 1, which will aid children of primary classes to write a few lines about the food they love the most and their fascination with a particular food or dish. Besides, you can also explore more such mind-blowing essays for Class 1 kids here.

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My favourite food pizza essay for class 1.

My Favourite Food Pizza Essay for Class 1

  • I am a big foodie and pizza is my favourite food.
  • It is an Italian dish which comes in various shapes and sizes.
  • There are various types of pizza available such as chicken pizza, Margherita and veg pizza.
  • My favourite pizza is Margherita, that has toppings of red tomato, mozzarella cheese and basil leaves.
  • It is unbelievably delicious and has an irresistible taste.
  • My parents gave a pizza party to my friends on my birthday.
  • My mother cooks delicious and yummy pizza.
  • I always request my mother to prepare pizza for me during the holidays.
  • Although a pizza has no nutritional value, I still enjoy eating various flavours of the dish.
  • Pizza is a lip-smacking dish, and it shall always remain one of my favourite foods.

Given above is a sample essay that will help kids to pick some ideas on how they can draft a beautiful 10 lines on my favourite food essay 100 words for Class 1.

Searching for more such exciting learning resources for your kid? Here at BYJU’S, we provide the best solution for young minds where you can check out our Kids Learning section and discover the best for your children such as poems, GK questions, trivia questions, worksheets, stories, NCERT solutions and lots more!

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My Favorite Food Essay

500 words essay on my favorite food.

In order to perform well in life, our body needs energy. We get this energy from the food we eat. Without food, there will be no life. In today’s world, there are so many dishes available worldwide. Food comes in a wide variety all around the world. Dosa, Paneer, Naan, Chapati, Biryani, and more Indian delicacies are available. We are also offered western cuisines such as noodles, pasta, burgers, fries, pizzas and more dominating the food industry. In my favourite food essay, I will tell you about the food I like eating the most.

my favorite food essay

My Favorite Food

As the world is advancing day by day, it is becoming easier to get access to many kinds of food at our doorstep. Every day, we all want to consume great and delicious cuisine. There are many different varieties of food accessible all throughout the world. We all like different foods, however, my personal favourite is burgers. I have eaten many cuisines but my favourite food is definitely a burger. I cannot resist myself when it comes to burgers.

Burgers are one of the most convenient and easiest foods to eat on the fly when we’re in a hurry. We can have a burger at any time of day, whether it’s breakfast, lunch, or supper, and maybe some fries and a Coke to go with it. Many restaurants are well-known for making their speciality burgers in a particular style. Preparation changes from one establishment to the next. But what exactly makes a burger taste so good? They will taste vary depending on where you go, but they are all built the same. It is made up of a bun, a ground meat patty, and various toppings like cheese, onion slices, lettuce, and other sauces.

They are so soft yet crunchy, fresh and juicy that I love eating them. Even though there are many kinds of burgers, my favourite one is a chicken burger. The chicken patty gives the burger a juicy taste and it tingles my taste buds every time I eat it. I can already smell and taste it in my mouth as soon as I walked inside McDonald’s or any other restaurant that serves chicken burgers. As soon as I take a huge mouthful of it, I forget about any problems or troubles that are going on in the outer world and concentrate my entire concentration just on my chicken burger.

I love eating a burger which is filled with cheese and vegetables . The more vegetables you add, the better it tastes. My personal favourite is lettuce. It gives the burger the right amount of freshness and crunchiness.

I always eat my burger with ketchup. Most importantly, the thing I love about eating burgers is that I get to eat French fries along with them. They work as a great side to the dish and also make my stomach full.

Even though I liked eating a burger from a famous fast food joint, nothing beats the chicken burger my mother makes at home. She prepares everything from scratch, even the burger. Thus, it is extremely fresh and healthy too.

I know and feel that burgers have the great flavour and taste that would make anyone’s stomach pleased after a long day of work. I can tell by the reactions on people’s faces when they order their preferred burger variant. Overall, I don’t believe any other fast food will taste as good as a chicken burger. It’s just difficult to think that something will triumph in the future. As a result, I consider my favourite dish to be the best ever created.

A Great Variety

Perhaps the great thing about burgers is the great variety they offer. It has options for all people, who prefer vegetarian, non-vegetarian and even vegans. Thus, you can select the patty of your burger and dive right in.

There are a large number of burger joints being started in every corner of the city, each serving a variety of their own specialised and self-curated recipes. Burgers that are health-friendly and a go-to with a diet are also being introduced by these newly upcoming burger places. There are a lot many burger cafes that give their customers the choice to create their own burgers by providing them with a choice between patties, fillings, veggies, sauces as well as the number of burger layers they want.

Even though my personal favourite is a chicken burger, I also enjoy eating cheeseburgers and vegetable burgers. For me, all burgers taste delicious. Whenever we go out to eat with friends , I always order a burger.

My friends who do not eat non-vegetarian also eat burgers thanks to the great variety it offers. When we order food at home, we make sure to offer all kinds of burgers from cheeseburgers to chicken burgers, so that we get a taste of everything in our meal. Thus, I love burgers and their great variety makes it better.

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Conclusion of My Favorite Food Essay

Even though my favourite food is a burger, I enjoy other foods as well like Pizza and Pasta. However, I feel when it comes to eating daily, nothing beats homemade food. The food we eat daily is what helps us gain energy. We cannot eat our favourite food daily as it will become boring then, but our staple food is something we enjoy eating on an everyday basis.

FAQ of My Favorite Food Essay

Question 1: Why do we need food?

Answer 1: We need food because it provides nutrients, energy for activity, growth. Similarly, all functions of the body like breathing, digesting food, and keeping warm are made possible because of food. It also helps in keeping our immune system healthy.

Question 2: Should you eat your favourite food all the time?

Answer 2: No, never. Favourite foods are meant to be enjoyed when there is any special occasion, or when you are tired of your regular homemade food. Eating too much of your favourite food will make your taste buds adjust to it and eventually, it will not remain our favourite. Excess of anything is bad and the same goes for our favourite food. Thus, we must eat it occasionally so that it remains our favourite.

Question 3: Is fast food healthy? Should we not consume fast food at all?

Answer 3: Fast food is often high in calories, sodium, and harmful fat, with one meal frequently providing enough for a whole day. It is also deficient in nutrients and nearly devoid of fruit, vegetables, and fibre. That doesn’t mean you should completely avoid fast food. It is feasible to eat fast food without jeopardising your healthy diet. Take advantage of the nutritious side dishes available at many fast-food places. Look for meals that include lean proteins, vegetables, and fibre, and avoid anything that is supersized.

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10 Lines on My Favourite Vegetable

10 Lines on My Favourite Vegetable

  • My favourite vegetable is carrot. 
  • It is a healthy root vegetable. 
  • It is rich in Vitamin A, minerals, fibre and many other nutrients.
  • It is good for our eyes and it improves our vision.
  • It is my all-time favourite vegetable.
  • Carrots are made up of 88 per cent water
  • We can cook many different tasty varieties of food using carrots.
  • We can make juices, salads, cakes, side dishes, pickles etc with carrot.
  • We can eat it raw also, but remember to wash it well before eating.
  • So let's include more vegetables and especially carrots in our diet to have a healthy body.

1. Pumpkin is my favourite vegetable.

2. It is a healthy vegetable.

3. Pumpkins are highly nutritious and particularly rich in Vitamin A

4. It is the national vegetable of India.

5. It is a vegetable of the summer season.

6. It is found in many colours.

7. It is a highly nutritious vegetable.

8. Pumpkin improves our immunity system.

9. It helps in weight loss.

10. Pumpkin supports healthy blood pressure.

5 Lines on My Favourite Vegetable

  • My favourite vegetable is potato.
  • My mother makes these two dishes from potatoes. 
  • The potato is brown in colour.
  • It is very good for health.
  • I love to eat.

my favourite vegetable potato essay for class 1

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Essay On My Favourite Fruit “Mango, Apple, Strawberry & Orange” for Class 1, 2 and 3 Kids


Key Points to Remember When Writing An Essay On ‘My Favourite Fruit’ For Lower Primary Classes

5-line essay on ‘my favourite fruit – mango’ for kids, short essay on ‘my favourite fruit – mango’ in english, paragraph on ‘my favourite fruit – apple’, essay on ‘my favourite fruit – strawberry’, long essay on ‘my favourite fruit – orange’ for kids, what your 1st, 2nd or 3rd grader will learn from the ‘my favourite fruit’ essays.

Fruits are a crucial part of our diet. They are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, and more importantly, all the sweetness and enjoyable flavours we can find in nature! Although there are hundreds of different varieties of fruits in the world, mangoes, apples, strawberries, and oranges tend to take up the top spots when it comes to favourites among children. Not surprisingly, this is an essay topic that students are often asked to write. In this article, we will show you how to compose an essay on ‘My Favourite Fruit’ for classes 1, 2 and 3 in short and long formats.

Here are some important things to remember before you start your essay on favourite fruit:

  • One-line essays can focus on generic facts about your favourite fruit such as its taste, seasonal availability, varieties, and colour.
  • Long essays should begin with introducing the fruit and why it is your favourite. You can then elaborate on other aspects of the fruit, such as its colour, appearance, seasons, nutrition, etc.
  • Make the long-form essay more relatable to the reader. Add finer details about the fruits such as the different tastes/flavours of different varieties, or about how the fruits are used in other preparations such as milkshakes and desserts.  

Short essays on mangoes are a good place to start for children in the lower grades. Check out this 5-line essay for classes 1 and 2:  

  • Mangoes are tropical and subtropical fruits available only in the summer season.
  • Ripe mangoes are sweet, juicy, delicious and yellow in colour.
  • Unripe mangoes are green and tangy. They are also enjoyed equally by people.
  • There are hundreds of mango varieties with unique textures, distinct flavours and varying levels of sweetness.
  • Mango is often the favourite fruit of most people.

Short essays on mangoes are more fun to write when it is actually your favourite fruit of all. Here is how to write a paragraph on ‘My Favourite Fruit – Mango’:

Mango is my favourite fruit. It is sweet and sometimes tangy but is always delicious. This fruit is only available during the summer months, which makes it even better because of the scarcity. While the mango is sweet to taste, it is rich in Vitamin A, C and D. It is the national fruit of our country and is also called the King of fruits.

There are hundreds of varieties of mango in the market, and one season is not enough to taste them all! They have subtle differences in flavour and texture, but they are my entire favourite. I love mangoes because they always make my day. I look forward eagerly to every summer just for the mangoes!

Short essays on apples can be informative and fun. This is an example of an essay on apples:

Apple is my favourite because it is a delicious and nutritious fruit. It comes in different sizes, varieties and colours. The red and yellow apple is the most popular type. My favourite one is the green apple because it is tangy and flavourful. One of the characteristic features of apples is that they are one of the most abundant fruit trees in the cold climate ; hence they are available throughout the year. Apples are highly nutritious and contain different types of vitamins and minerals. They are rich in Vitamin C and Iron which makes them an immunity-boosting fruit. Besides eating them raw, apples can be used to make milkshakes, puddings, pies, and cakes. This fruit will always be my favourite because it is the best!

Strawberries are also popular among children because of their flavour. Here is a short essay on this fruit:

The strawberry is my favourite fruit and also my favourite flavour. Strawberries are tiny reddish fruits that are highly flavourful and juicy. Strawberries soften and sweeten as they ripen. They are often grown during summers around the world but are also available throughout the year because of their popularity. Strawberries are often used for garnishing cakes and deserts. I love eating strawberries whole, and my breakfast is never complete without this fruit!

A long essay on this topic can delve into the nutritional value of the fruit along with the child’s thoughts about it. Here’s how you can write an essay on the topic for Class-3:

Oranges are my favourite because of their sweet citrus taste. They are available from the end of the monsoon to late spring every year. Oranges are green in colour before they become ripe. As their colour changes, they become sweeter and lose much of their strong citrus flavour. It is possible to find more than 600 varieties of oranges in the world . In India, the Nagpur orange is the most famous in India. The region grows the country’s best oranges.

During the orange season, I eat always eat one for breakfast and two more during the day. I also like to drink fresh orange juice after a long day of playing outside. Drinking orange juice is refreshing and it instantly energises me .   Oranges are packed with Vitamin C, which makes them the perfect immunity-boosting fruit for me. I always ask for oranges when I come down with a cold since the vitamin C in them helps to fight the infection. After the end of every orange season, I wait eagerly for the next season to taste these tangy fruits once again!

Essays on favourite fruits are a frequently asked topic in exams. By studying the sample essays given above, your child will learn lots of facts about common favourite fruits such as mangoes, apples, strawberries, and oranges. They will also learn to write short and long-form essays on the topic and gain input on different essay writing methods.

Mangoes, apples, oranges, and strawberries are common fruits that children love. These fruits are available in different seasons of the year, and children love them for their unique flavours and textures. And, writing an essay on their favourite fruit can turn out to be an enjoyable activity instead of an exercise to sharpen their writing skills. Your child will also learn so many interesting facts about the fruits along the way and be able to their thoughts and feelings about the fruit. 

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