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College Essays


If you grow up to be a professional writer, everything you write will first go through an editor before being published. This is because the process of writing is really a process of re-writing —of rethinking and reexamining your work, usually with the help of someone else. So what does this mean for your student writing? And in particular, what does it mean for very important, but nonprofessional writing like your college essay? Should you ask your parents to look at your essay? Pay for an essay service?

If you are wondering what kind of help you can, and should, get with your personal statement, you've come to the right place! In this article, I'll talk about what kind of writing help is useful, ethical, and even expected for your college admission essay . I'll also point out who would make a good editor, what the differences between editing and proofreading are, what to expect from a good editor, and how to spot and stay away from a bad one.

Table of Contents

What Kind of Help for Your Essay Can You Get?

What's Good Editing?

What should an editor do for you, what kind of editing should you avoid, proofreading, what's good proofreading, what kind of proofreading should you avoid.

What Do Colleges Think Of You Getting Help With Your Essay?

Who Can/Should Help You?

Advice for editors.

Should You Pay Money For Essay Editing?

The Bottom Line

What's next, what kind of help with your essay can you get.

Rather than talking in general terms about "help," let's first clarify the two different ways that someone else can improve your writing . There is editing, which is the more intensive kind of assistance that you can use throughout the whole process. And then there's proofreading, which is the last step of really polishing your final product.

Let me go into some more detail about editing and proofreading, and then explain how good editors and proofreaders can help you."

Editing is helping the author (in this case, you) go from a rough draft to a finished work . Editing is the process of asking questions about what you're saying, how you're saying it, and how you're organizing your ideas. But not all editing is good editing . In fact, it's very easy for an editor to cross the line from supportive to overbearing and over-involved.

Ability to clarify assignments. A good editor is usually a good writer, and certainly has to be a good reader. For example, in this case, a good editor should make sure you understand the actual essay prompt you're supposed to be answering.

Open-endedness. Good editing is all about asking questions about your ideas and work, but without providing answers. It's about letting you stick to your story and message, and doesn't alter your point of view.


Think of an editor as a great travel guide. It can show you the many different places your trip could take you. It should explain any parts of the trip that could derail your trip or confuse the traveler. But it never dictates your path, never forces you to go somewhere you don't want to go, and never ignores your interests so that the trip no longer seems like it's your own. So what should good editors do?

Help Brainstorm Topics

Sometimes it's easier to bounce thoughts off of someone else. This doesn't mean that your editor gets to come up with ideas, but they can certainly respond to the various topic options you've come up with. This way, you're less likely to write about the most boring of your ideas, or to write about something that isn't actually important to you.

If you're wondering how to come up with options for your editor to consider, check out our guide to brainstorming topics for your college essay .

Help Revise Your Drafts

Here, your editor can't upset the delicate balance of not intervening too much or too little. It's tricky, but a great way to think about it is to remember: editing is about asking questions, not giving answers .

Revision questions should point out:

  • Places where more detail or more description would help the reader connect with your essay
  • Places where structure and logic don't flow, losing the reader's attention
  • Places where there aren't transitions between paragraphs, confusing the reader
  • Moments where your narrative or the arguments you're making are unclear

But pointing to potential problems is not the same as actually rewriting—editors let authors fix the problems themselves.

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Bad editing is usually very heavy-handed editing. Instead of helping you find your best voice and ideas, a bad editor changes your writing into their own vision.

You may be dealing with a bad editor if they:

  • Add material (examples, descriptions) that doesn't come from you
  • Use a thesaurus to make your college essay sound "more mature"
  • Add meaning or insight to the essay that doesn't come from you
  • Tell you what to say and how to say it
  • Write sentences, phrases, and paragraphs for you
  • Change your voice in the essay so it no longer sounds like it was written by a teenager

Colleges can tell the difference between a 17-year-old's writing and a 50-year-old's writing. Not only that, they have access to your SAT or ACT Writing section, so they can compare your essay to something else you wrote. Writing that's a little more polished is great and expected. But a totally different voice and style will raise questions.

Where's the Line Between Helpful Editing and Unethical Over-Editing?

Sometimes it's hard to tell whether your college essay editor is doing the right thing. Here are some guidelines for staying on the ethical side of the line.

  • An editor should say that the opening paragraph is kind of boring, and explain what exactly is making it drag. But it's overstepping for an editor to tell you exactly how to change it.
  • An editor should point out where your prose is unclear or vague. But it's completely inappropriate for the editor to rewrite that section of your essay.
  • An editor should let you know that a section is light on detail or description. But giving you similes and metaphors to beef up that description is a no-go.


Proofreading (also called copy-editing) is checking for errors in the last draft of a written work. It happens at the end of the process and is meant as the final polishing touch. Proofreading is meticulous and detail-oriented, focusing on small corrections. It sands off all the surface rough spots that could alienate the reader.

Because proofreading is usually concerned with making fixes on the word or sentence level, this is the only process where someone else can actually add to or take away things from your essay . This is because what they are adding or taking away tends to be one or two misplaced letters.

Laser focus. Proofreading is all about the tiny details, so the ability to really concentrate on finding small slip-ups is a must.

Excellent grammar and spelling skills. Proofreaders need to dot every "i" and cross every "t." Good proofreaders should correct spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar. They should put foreign words in italics and surround quotations with quotation marks. They should check that you used the correct college's name, and that you adhered to any formatting requirements (name and date at the top of the page, uniform font and size, uniform spacing).

Limited interference. A proofreader needs to make sure that you followed any word limits. But if cuts need to be made to shorten the essay, that's your job and not the proofreader's.


A bad proofreader either tries to turn into an editor, or just lacks the skills and knowledge necessary to do the job.

Some signs that you're working with a bad proofreader are:

  • If they suggest making major changes to the final draft of your essay. Proofreading happens when editing is already finished.
  • If they aren't particularly good at spelling, or don't know grammar, or aren't detail-oriented enough to find someone else's small mistakes.
  • If they start swapping out your words for fancier-sounding synonyms, or changing the voice and sound of your essay in other ways. A proofreader is there to check for errors, not to take the 17-year-old out of your writing.


What Do Colleges Think of Your Getting Help With Your Essay?

Admissions officers agree: light editing and proofreading are good—even required ! But they also want to make sure you're the one doing the work on your essay. They want essays with stories, voice, and themes that come from you. They want to see work that reflects your actual writing ability, and that focuses on what you find important.

On the Importance of Editing

Get feedback. Have a fresh pair of eyes give you some feedback. Don't allow someone else to rewrite your essay, but do take advantage of others' edits and opinions when they seem helpful. ( Bates College )

Read your essay aloud to someone. Reading the essay out loud offers a chance to hear how your essay sounds outside your head. This exercise reveals flaws in the essay's flow, highlights grammatical errors and helps you ensure that you are communicating the exact message you intended. ( Dickinson College )

On the Value of Proofreading

Share your essays with at least one or two people who know you well—such as a parent, teacher, counselor, or friend—and ask for feedback. Remember that you ultimately have control over your essays, and your essays should retain your own voice, but others may be able to catch mistakes that you missed and help suggest areas to cut if you are over the word limit. ( Yale University )

Proofread and then ask someone else to proofread for you. Although we want substance, we also want to be able to see that you can write a paper for our professors and avoid careless mistakes that would drive them crazy. ( Oberlin College )

On Watching Out for Too Much Outside Influence

Limit the number of people who review your essay. Too much input usually means your voice is lost in the writing style. ( Carleton College )

Ask for input (but not too much). Your parents, friends, guidance counselors, coaches, and teachers are great people to bounce ideas off of for your essay. They know how unique and spectacular you are, and they can help you decide how to articulate it. Keep in mind, however, that a 45-year-old lawyer writes quite differently from an 18-year-old student, so if your dad ends up writing the bulk of your essay, we're probably going to notice. ( Vanderbilt University )


Now let's talk about some potential people to approach for your college essay editing and proofreading needs. It's best to start close to home and slowly expand outward. Not only are your family and friends more invested in your success than strangers, but they also have a better handle on your interests and personality. This knowledge is key for judging whether your essay is expressing your true self.

Parents or Close Relatives

Your family may be full of potentially excellent editors! Parents are deeply committed to your well-being, and family members know you and your life well enough to offer details or incidents that can be included in your essay. On the other hand, the rewriting process necessarily involves criticism, which is sometimes hard to hear from someone very close to you.

A parent or close family member is a great choice for an editor if you can answer "yes" to the following questions. Is your parent or close relative a good writer or reader? Do you have a relationship where editing your essay won't create conflict? Are you able to constructively listen to criticism and suggestion from the parent?

One suggestion for defusing face-to-face discussions is to try working on the essay over email. Send your parent a draft, have them write you back some comments, and then you can pick which of their suggestions you want to use and which to discard.

Teachers or Tutors

A humanities teacher that you have a good relationship with is a great choice. I am purposefully saying humanities, and not just English, because teachers of Philosophy, History, Anthropology, and any other classes where you do a lot of writing, are all used to reviewing student work.

Moreover, any teacher or tutor that has been working with you for some time, knows you very well and can vet the essay to make sure it "sounds like you."

If your teacher or tutor has some experience with what college essays are supposed to be like, ask them to be your editor. If not, then ask whether they have time to proofread your final draft.

Guidance or College Counselor at Your School

The best thing about asking your counselor to edit your work is that this is their job. This means that they have a very good sense of what colleges are looking for in an application essay.

At the same time, school counselors tend to have relationships with admissions officers in many colleges, which again gives them insight into what works and which college is focused on what aspect of the application.

Unfortunately, in many schools the guidance counselor tends to be way overextended. If your ratio is 300 students to 1 college counselor, you're unlikely to get that person's undivided attention and focus. It is still useful to ask them for general advice about your potential topics, but don't expect them to be able to stay with your essay from first draft to final version.

Friends, Siblings, or Classmates

Although they most likely don't have much experience with what colleges are hoping to see, your peers are excellent sources for checking that your essay is you .

Friends and siblings are perfect for the read-aloud edit. Read your essay to them so they can listen for words and phrases that are stilted, pompous, or phrases that just don't sound like you.

You can even trade essays and give helpful advice on each other's work.


If your editor hasn't worked with college admissions essays very much, no worries! Any astute and attentive reader can still greatly help with your process. But, as in all things, beginners do better with some preparation.

First, your editor should read our advice about how to write a college essay introduction , how to spot and fix a bad college essay , and get a sense of what other students have written by going through some admissions essays that worked .

Then, as they read your essay, they can work through the following series of questions that will help them to guide you.

Introduction Questions

  • Is the first sentence a killer opening line? Why or why not?
  • Does the introduction hook the reader? Does it have a colorful, detailed, and interesting narrative? Or does it propose a compelling or surprising idea?
  • Can you feel the author's voice in the introduction, or is the tone dry, dull, or overly formal? Show the places where the voice comes through.

Essay Body Questions

  • Does the essay have a through-line? Is it built around a central argument, thought, idea, or focus? Can you put this idea into your own words?
  • How is the essay organized? By logical progression? Chronologically? Do you feel order when you read it, or are there moments where you are confused or lose the thread of the essay?
  • Does the essay have both narratives about the author's life and explanations and insight into what these stories reveal about the author's character, personality, goals, or dreams? If not, which is missing?
  • Does the essay flow? Are there smooth transitions/clever links between paragraphs? Between the narrative and moments of insight?

Reader Response Questions

  • Does the writer's personality come through? Do we know what the speaker cares about? Do we get a sense of "who he or she is"?
  • Where did you feel most connected to the essay? Which parts of the essay gave you a "you are there" sensation by invoking your senses? What moments could you picture in your head well?
  • Where are the details and examples vague and not specific enough?
  • Did you get an "a-ha!" feeling anywhere in the essay? Is there a moment of insight that connected all the dots for you? Is there a good reveal or "twist" anywhere in the essay?
  • What are the strengths of this essay? What needs the most improvement?


Should You Pay Money for Essay Editing?

One alternative to asking someone you know to help you with your college essay is the paid editor route. There are two different ways to pay for essay help: a private essay coach or a less personal editing service , like the many proliferating on the internet.

My advice is to think of these options as a last resort rather than your go-to first choice. I'll first go through the reasons why. Then, if you do decide to go with a paid editor, I'll help you decide between a coach and a service.

When to Consider a Paid Editor

In general, I think hiring someone to work on your essay makes a lot of sense if none of the people I discussed above are a possibility for you.

If you can't ask your parents. For example, if your parents aren't good writers, or if English isn't their first language. Or if you think getting your parents to help is going create unnecessary extra conflict in your relationship with them (applying to college is stressful as it is!)

If you can't ask your teacher or tutor. Maybe you don't have a trusted teacher or tutor that has time to look over your essay with focus. Or, for instance, your favorite humanities teacher has very limited experience with college essays and so won't know what admissions officers want to see.

If you can't ask your guidance counselor. This could be because your guidance counselor is way overwhelmed with other students.

If you can't share your essay with those who know you. It might be that your essay is on a very personal topic that you're unwilling to share with parents, teachers, or peers. Just make sure it doesn't fall into one of the bad-idea topics in our article on bad college essays .

If the cost isn't a consideration. Many of these services are quite expensive, and private coaches even more so. If you have finite resources, I'd say that hiring an SAT or ACT tutor (whether it's PrepScholar or someone else) is better way to spend your money . This is because there's no guarantee that a slightly better essay will sufficiently elevate the rest of your application, but a significantly higher SAT score will definitely raise your applicant profile much more.

Should You Hire an Essay Coach?

On the plus side, essay coaches have read dozens or even hundreds of college essays, so they have experience with the format. Also, because you'll be working closely with a specific person, it's more personal than sending your essay to a service, which will know even less about you.

But, on the minus side, you'll still be bouncing ideas off of someone who doesn't know that much about you . In general, if you can adequately get the help from someone you know, there is no advantage to paying someone to help you.

If you do decide to hire a coach, ask your school counselor, or older students that have used the service for recommendations. If you can't afford the coach's fees, ask whether they can work on a sliding scale —many do. And finally, beware those who guarantee admission to your school of choice—essay coaches don't have any special magic that can back up those promises.

Should You Send Your Essay to a Service?

On the plus side, essay editing services provide a similar product to essay coaches, and they cost significantly less . If you have some assurance that you'll be working with a good editor, the lack of face-to-face interaction won't prevent great results.

On the minus side, however, it can be difficult to gauge the quality of the service before working with them . If they are churning through many application essays without getting to know the students they are helping, you could end up with an over-edited essay that sounds just like everyone else's. In the worst case scenario, an unscrupulous service could send you back a plagiarized essay.

Getting recommendations from friends or a school counselor for reputable services is key to avoiding heavy-handed editing that writes essays for you or does too much to change your essay. Including a badly-edited essay like this in your application could cause problems if there are inconsistencies. For example, in interviews it might be clear you didn't write the essay, or the skill of the essay might not be reflected in your schoolwork and test scores.

Should You Buy an Essay Written by Someone Else?

Let me elaborate. There are super sketchy places on the internet where you can simply buy a pre-written essay. Don't do this!

For one thing, you'll be lying on an official, signed document. All college applications make you sign a statement saying something like this:

I certify that all information submitted in the admission process—including the application, the personal essay, any supplements, and any other supporting materials—is my own work, factually true, and honestly presented... I understand that I may be subject to a range of possible disciplinary actions, including admission revocation, expulsion, or revocation of course credit, grades, and degree, should the information I have certified be false. (From the Common Application )

For another thing, if your academic record doesn't match the essay's quality, the admissions officer will start thinking your whole application is riddled with lies.

Admission officers have full access to your writing portion of the SAT or ACT so that they can compare work that was done in proctored conditions with that done at home. They can tell if these were written by different people. Not only that, but there are now a number of search engines that faculty and admission officers can use to see if an essay contains strings of words that have appeared in other essays—you have no guarantee that the essay you bought wasn't also bought by 50 other students.


  • You should get college essay help with both editing and proofreading
  • A good editor will ask questions about your idea, logic, and structure, and will point out places where clarity is needed
  • A good editor will absolutely not answer these questions, give you their own ideas, or write the essay or parts of the essay for you
  • A good proofreader will find typos and check your formatting
  • All of them agree that getting light editing and proofreading is necessary
  • Parents, teachers, guidance or college counselor, and peers or siblings
  • If you can't ask any of those, you can pay for college essay help, but watch out for services or coaches who over-edit you work
  • Don't buy a pre-written essay! Colleges can tell, and it'll make your whole application sound false.

Ready to start working on your essay? Check out our explanation of the point of the personal essay and the role it plays on your applications and then explore our step-by-step guide to writing a great college essay .

Using the Common Application for your college applications? We have an excellent guide to the Common App essay prompts and useful advice on how to pick the Common App prompt that's right for you . Wondering how other people tackled these prompts? Then work through our roundup of over 130 real college essay examples published by colleges .

Stressed about whether to take the SAT again before submitting your application? Let us help you decide how many times to take this test . If you choose to go for it, we have the ultimate guide to studying for the SAT to give you the ins and outs of the best ways to study.

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?   We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download them for free now:

Anna scored in the 99th percentile on her SATs in high school, and went on to major in English at Princeton and to get her doctorate in English Literature at Columbia. She is passionate about improving student access to higher education.

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Get Paid to Write: 13 Sites That Pay Up to $450 per Article

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Paid freelance writing is a lucrative way to get paid to write from home. You don’t need a degree or even the most eloquent prose to have a lucrative side hustle as a freelance writer.

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Our mission at DollarSprout is to help readers improve their financial lives, and we regularly partner with companies that share that same vision. If a purchase or signup is made through one of our Partners’ links, we may receive compensation for the referral. Learn more here .

When I started a blog four years ago, I had no idea I could get paid to write about anything. Fast forward three years. Now I get paid to write about things I love, and I make a full-time living doing it.

Freelance writing can be a great way to make money from home. But with any business, there’s a steep learning curve. You have to know what editors want, where to find jobs that are legitimate, and what to charge as you progress.

A Look at the Best Freelance Writing Websites

When you’re building your writing portfolio, there are some freelance writing sites that stand out for offering legitimate jobs and paying writers a living wage. They’re the best freelance writing websites for beginners.

Upwork is a freelancer marketplace and go-to source for business owners looking for all kinds of digital services. You can find hundreds of paid writing jobs in dozens of subjects.

One of the benefits of using Upwork is that you won’t have to chase down payment from clients. All invoices and payments happen through Upwork, and you’re guaranteed payment for the work you do.

The downside is that Upwork charges a 20% fee on your first $500 earned with each client, 10% up to $10,000, and 5% beyond that. It’s a good place to get started, but you won’t want to use it for long.

Known for offering services starting at $5, Fiverr is a marketplace for freelancers to showcase their services to prospective clients. You create a profile, list a “gig,” and then it becomes available to a global audience.

All communication and payments are processed through Fiverr, but it also charges a steep 20% fee on all earnings. If you’re nervous about reaching out to clients yourself, Fiverr can be a good platform where they come to you.

But you’ll have to do something to make yourself stand out in a sea of other writers. That’s where specializing in one subject matter can be your strength.

3. Textbroker

Textbroker only offers content and writing services on its platform. Writers who sign up with Textbroker will find many resources on how to improve their writing, including editors to review articles, writing tutorials, and videos on how to get the most out of Textbroker.

Earnings per word depend on your quality level. You can earn from $0.07 per word up to $0.50. You choose from thousands of orders available based on your quality level, and there are no additional fees. Textbroker also offers milestone and quarterly bonuses when you achieve different word counts.

Writers, designers, videographers, and other creatives can all find jobs on Skyword . Skyword is a marketplace where you can find jobs and be found by clients. It works with both small and high-profile clients and is a great way to make the jump from lower-paying job sites.

You can’t just sign up for Skyword clients. Fill out a profile and wait until you’re hand-selected for jobs, meaning your profile can sit in Skyword for a long time before you’re submitted to clients or able to view job opportunities. You can increase your chances of being picked by editors by keeping your social media relevant and updated.

5. ClearVoice

ClearVoice connects qualified writers with job opportunities based on the writer’s CV or ClearVoice portfolio. Once you complete your CV, you’ll be able to join ClearVoice’s Talent Network and have your CV sent to prospective clients.

Writers are then handpicked for opportunities based on their CV, so there’s an incentive to create one that stands out. You set your own rates and are paid via PayPal upon assignment approval, so you get the security of going through a marketplace without the fees typically associated with them.

6. Contently

Contently is an online writing agency that connects freelance writers with businesses. Many writers use the site for its free portfolio service, but Contently editors use these portfolios to handpick freelancers for clients.

Many high-profile websites and companies use Contently to source writers, so the jobs pay well. These jobs tend to go to the most experienced candidates, and it can take years for an editor at Contently to refer you to a client. But if you’re patient, Contently can offer lucrative writing opportunities.

Another place experienced freelance writers can find high-paying jobs is on nDash . nDash is a content platform where writers can create a profile and pitch ideas for blogs, articles, and whitepapers to prospective clients.

nDash claims the average writing assignment on its platform pays between $175 to $450. Once an assignment is approved, payment is deposited directly into the writer’s bank account within two to three business days.

It’s a relatively new site so not as many companies are using it, but writers have reported that if you’re willing to pitch more, you’ll make a decent income.

8. SmartBug

SmartBug is a content marketing company specializing in B2B (business to business) marketing and copywriting. Its writers produce content for the web, social media, email, sales pages, and more.

This is a great site for writers who aren’t beginners but may not have the experience or portfolio to compete for jobs with other top writers. There’s no direct way to apply, but you can fill out a general interest application on the website.

9. NewsCred

NewsCred is a community for experienced freelance content creators. In-house editors pair creators with customer programs, but you can also view freelance positions on the platform. Then NewsCred’s editorial team serves as your managing editor for all client work.

You can find high-profile Fortune 500 companies from a variety of industries using NewsCred, the most popular being tech, healthcare, and financial services. There’s currently no button to apply on NewsCred’s website, but you can contact the company via the contact form on its website.

10. The Writer Finder

Growth Machine is an SEO-focused content marketing company with a freelance writing platform called The Writer Finder . Growth Machine works with a variety of clients in AI, travel, wellness, dogs, weddings, and more.

What sets The Writer Finder apart is the Slack group for freelance writers. It lets you communicate with other freelance writers on the team. Rates are competitive, and you’ll also have the chance to learn sought-after SEO skills.

Related: 51 Freelance Jobs Websites with the Best Remote Work Opportunities

Apply for Assignments on the Best Freelance Writing Job Boards

Job boards are easy places for companies to post their jobs. The job board doesn’t vet freelancers, handle payments, or make promises on behalf of clients.

There are some things to be aware of when applying and taking a job from a job board. Because the service is free for writers, you’re competing against thousands of other bloggers for a limited number of jobs.

Job boards are also notorious for phishing scams. “Clients” may ask you to download a zip file of their payment terms or writing guidelines and ask you to invoice them via PayPal. The zip file is actually a keystroke logger allowing them to steal your PayPal credentials. Be careful when applying to jobs on these boards.

11. ProBlogger

The ProBlogger job board is updated daily with blogging and article writing jobs across all subjects.

Businesses have to pay ProBlogger to post their job ad, meaning the writer isn’t paid through ProBlogger. They don’t charge the writer any fees for joining or getting paid.

Another job board filled with many freelance writing opportunities is Indeed . You can find full-time, part-time, and freelance remote writing jobs across all subjects, and because of the vastness of the board, competition isn’t as high compared to others.

You can sign up for job alerts based on your searches. Simply enter your email address and activate emails to see them as soon as they hit the website.

13. MediaBistro

Journalists and anyone else in media will find MediaBistro helpful for finding jobs in the industry. If you’re looking for paid writing jobs in marketing, advertising, television, or news, you can find hundreds of jobs from recognizable names on MediaBistro’s job board.

There are entry-level positions listed, but your best move is to get enough writing experience to make a professional-looking resume before you start applying for jobs on this site.

How to Get Paid to Write (Step by Step) 

Before you apply to get paid for writing, there are a few things you should do to make yourself stand out to potential clients.

1. Choose What to Write About

When you’re writing for money, you might think that only writing about a couple of topics limits your options, but it actually expands them. Sites and companies that pay well don’t want freelancers who write about anything, they want experts in their field. When you stick to a single niche and become known for it, you’ll become a sought-after writer.

Choosing one topic also allows you to scale your business faster. You learn your subject thoroughly, research less, work faster, and can take on more clients. All this leads to being able to earn a higher hourly rate for your work. The key is to pick a profitable niche.

2. Create a Portfolio

There are several ways to create a portfolio. The first is with a blog. Every new writer should have a blog, especially if you don’t have many clips to show potential clients.

Once you choose your niche, write five to ten blog posts on various topics within it. This shows potential clients your writing style, expertise, and gives them a place to contact you.

You can also make money with a blog . One way is to find products and services related to your niche that you like using and see if they have an affiliate program. Then every time someone makes a purchase through your affiliate link, you’ll earn a small commission.

3. Create Profiles on Multiple Sites

Once you’ve written a few articles for other sites or publications, you can create profiles and portfolios on multiple professional freelance writing sites. is a portfolio site for journalists, Contently is used by many web-based content writers, and LinkedIn is a go-to place for businesses looking for expert writers.

Having a presence on a few different sites makes it easier for clients to find you and your work. They may also learn personal facts about you that give you an edge over other writers so don’t underestimate including things like your alma mater, pets, and hobbies.

4. Post on Social Media

Building a social media presence around your niche can also put you ahead for freelance writing jobs. Twitter is most popular for journalists and print publications while Instagram is becoming a popular place for e-commerce businesses to find writers.

You don’t have to make another social media account just for your writing. Post facts, breaking news, advice, and stories related to your niche and tag them with relevant hashtags. It’ll help brands find you, and it can further reinforce to potential clients that you’re knowledgeable and stay current about the topics you write about.

Related: How to Become a Social Media Manager

5. Accept Smaller Jobs While Building Your Reputation

While you’re building your portfolio and expertise in your niche, you’ll have to be willing to accept lower-paid writing jobs. Think of them as practice that you’re getting paid to do. The more organizations, editors, and platforms you work with now, the more you’ll be able to impress high-paying clients in the future.

You can also pitch websites to guest post. You won’t get paid to write guest posts, but you may be able to add links to your blog posts in your article. This will help your posts rank higher in Google, and potential clients may be able to find you through simple Google searches.

Related: How to Get Paid to Write Reviews

 6. Learn to Network

You can start freelance writing on your own, but if you want to build a business and make a living writing, you need a network of other writers. Your network should be filled with writers and editors in your niche who are a little ahead of you and a little behind you in the journey.

Your network can also help you find sources for stories, give you feedback on pitches, advise you on rates to charge, and help you to feel like you’re not alone in this often isolating industry.

Related: How to Make More Money as a Freelance Writer

Resources on How to Get Paid as a Writer

When you’re running your freelance writing business, you’ll want to have some resources to make it easier to write and get paid.

Freelance Writer’s Den

Started by veteran freelance writer Carol Tice, the Freelance Writer’s Den is a membership site just for freelance writers. You have access to over 300 hours of freelance writing education including eCourses, webinars, and podcasts.

There’s also a forum for networking with other writers and a job board with new writing jobs posted every Monday and Thursday, all with a minimum rate of $50 per article.

Membership for the Freelance Writer’s Den only opens twice a year. If you’re interested in joining, sign up for the waitlist to be notified.

Get Paid to Write for Blogs (Course)

This is a course geared towards new freelance writers that was created by Cat Alford (who, coincidentally, has been a freelance writer on DollarSprout in the past).

The course features eight video modules covering beginner-level lessons, including how to create a portfolio that will attract high-value clients. The course also covers everything you need to know about running the business side of things. 

Related: The Best Online Writing Courses for New Freelance Writers

Getting Paid to Write is Possible

You can get paid to write in any field at any level. Like any business, it’s difficult to get started.

However, if you work your way through the many content marketing agencies and job boards, you’ll be able to find steady work and grow your business.

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Make a Living Writing


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money for essays


  • Write for Money: 80+ Websites that Pay Freelance Writers $50+

Write for money: 80+ websites that pay freelance writers $50+

What’s included in this write for money roundup (and what’s not included), business, career and finance, family and parenting, lifestyle and general interest, travel and food, tips for successful pitching, need help learning how to pitch a paying guest post.

Tired of earning pennies (or peanuts or whichever cliche for crappy pay you prefer) and ready to learn how to write for money online for real?

We’re tired of it, too. That’s why Make a Living Writing pays for posts, and why our rates start at $150 depending on the type of article we commission (but please note we are not currently open to submission). And it’s why we update our list of sites that pay on a regular basis.

Below is an updated version of the Make a Living Writing list of websites that pay at least $50 per post.

Rather than updating our Monster List of 161 Markets for Freelance Writers , we decided to release an updated and comprehensive list with newer markets and made our bottom line $50 for posts. That’s our minimum for this post. If you want to explore sites that pay $30-$50, check out these 21 niche markets .

In some cases, these sites keep it on the down low exactly what they pay. We’re including markets where freelance writers in our network report they pay more than $50, in order to bring you the widest variety of paying markets possible.

We also removed sites that are not currently accepting pitches, which knocked a good portion of the writing-focused sites off. Sites where you only have a shot at earning $50 writing on spec, or based on traffic or ad clicks, are NOT included. This is a list of markets offering guaranteed pay only!

The list runs the gamut of topics, from parenting and knitting to business and writing, so there should be something here for everyone, no matter what type of writing job you’re looking for.

And don’t forget, if you’re ready to supercharge your freelance writing career, the Freelance Writers Den has over 300 hours of on-demand bootcamp trainings you can access 24/7 plus an exclusive community of 1,500+ members sharing valuable advice day in and day out. There’s also a direct referral program with new opportunities to make money writing posted regularly. Get on the waiting list now so you can take your career to the next level.

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As always, we appreciate any corrections or additions. Here’s the list.

  • B. Michelle Pippin pays $50-$150 for business-related articles
  • Coaches Training Blog is looking for articles about coaching—business, life, career, and other kinds. Pay based on assignment
  • Copyhackers pays $300-$1,000 for articles about copywriting, branding, running a business, and more. Read the submission guidelines carefully to pitch
  • CEO Hangout  will pay $50 if you pre-arrange it with the editor—send a pitch and negotiate payment before writing the article. They run posts about the CEO lifestyle, success stories, interviews, and other reported features of interest to business leaders
  • HerMoney pays $150 for articles about women and money. They list a blackhole editorial@ email address, so take time to research which editor is best-suited for your topic. Start with Kathryn Tuggle , chief content officer
  • Doctor of Credit pays $50 for personal finance articles that focus specifically on credit
  • eCommerce Insiders pays $75-$150 for articles about online retailing
  • FreelanceMom pays $75-$100 for posts about running a business as a busy parent
  • FreshBooks (yup, that same freelancer invoicing site we recommend) pays $200 a post and up. They’ve removed their contributors page since we first published this article, but they still reportedly accept pitches from time to time for their blog
  • Acorns has an online pub called Grow Magazine that pays $50+ for finance writing geared toward millennials. They don’t have guidelines posted, but they told me to submit to [email protected] with the word STORY in your subject line. We don’t normally recommend those generic emails, but because the pub is still new, it might not be a huge black hole yet
  • IncomeDiary pays $150-$300 for articles about making money online, including SEO, affiliate sales, and traffic generation
  • Mirasee  pays $200 for 1,000- to 2,000-word posts on marketing, business productivity, and growth topics. NOTE: Mirasee publishes guest articles by invitation only
  • Modern Farmer reportedly pays around $350 for articles
  • Priceonomics pays $250-$1,000 for articles on data and economics. The catch? Articles must be submitted on spec. They occasionally post requests for articles on specific topics , which might get you closer to that big paycheck
  • RankPay pays $50 for articles about SEO, content marketing, and social media
  • LiisBeth is all about feminist entrepreneurs. Study the guidelines, read past articles, and look at the About page and LiisBeth manifesto to get a feel for the audience. Pay depends on assignment
  • Smart Blogger regularly invites writers to craft posts on content marketing and freelancing through its job board. Assignments typically pay $150 to $350. BONUS: Even when there aren’t current assignments available to write for Smart Blogger’s blog, the job board offers numerous paid writing opportunities from other sites
  • Aish accepts first-person accounts on the positive influence of Orthodox Jewish beliefs on everyday life—and they reportedly pay $200 on publication. Know the frum life to succeed here, and email [email protected]
  • Hearst owns more than 200 magazines worldwide and many of them accept pitches and pay writers a minimum of $100. You can write for money about a wide variety of topics, but in order to pitch you must track down the individual magazine editors and review their calls for pitches
  • Dame reportedly pays $350-$750 for essays. They do accept reported features and other article types, and pay rates may vary for those
  • Brain Child Magazine publishes long-form essays on a wide range of topics. Pay is reported as $300 for 1,500 to 4,500-word essays
  • The Establishment pays $125 and up for reported stories and essays
  • Eureka Street is an Australian site that pays $200 for analysis or commentary on politics, religion, popular culture or current events in Australia and the world. They also pay $50 for poetry (check out our full guide to poetry jobs ), which seems to be a rarity these days
  • Guideposts reportedly pays $250 for Christian faith-based essays
  • LightHouse pays $100 for uplifting essays by blind or visually-impaired writers
  • Narratively reportedly pays $200-300 for 2,000- to 2,500-word essays on specific topics. Check their guidelines for a list of current needs
  • The New York Times Modern Love column reportedly pays as much as $300 for essays on any topic that could be classified as modern love
  • Skirt reportedly pays $200 for 300- to 800-word essays about women’s issues
  • The Bold Italic might be a great fit if you’re from San Francisco or have a connection to the city. Past essay topics have included the gig economy, online dating, mental illness, and more. Pay is $50 per essay
  • Vox reportedly pays in the $400 range for personal essays of about 1,500 words. Pitch  marina.bolotnikova
  • Buzzfeed has an estimated 168 million unique visitors every month, and they publish a wide variety of topics to keep those visitors entertained and informed. Pay is reported to be between $0.13 and $0.27 per word

Vertical illustration that says write for money: 80+ websites that pay writers. There's a graphic of a bag of money and some green bills.

  • Just Parents is a UK-based site that focuses on pregnancy and parenting. They reportedly pay $60 per post
  • posts non-snarky articles about parenting and family issues. Pay reportedly starts at $50
  • Fatherly is looking for parenting advice and funny experiences with kids from a dad’s perspective. Pay based on assignment
  • Well Family  (the New York Times’ parenting blog) pays $100. Pitch the editor

36. The Anxiety Foundation  pays $50 for mental health articles

37. The Atlantic’s  online health section reportedly pays $200

38. PsychCentral covers mental health. They don’t list a pay rate on their site, and they didn’t respond to our query about pay, but a reader on last year’s list reported they are a paying market. TIP: The website says they don’t pay, but exceptions are made if you discuss payment BEFORE submitting

39. BBC Britain doesn’t publish their pay rate, but I’ve seen reports of $350-$1,000 for various BBC sites. Pitch stories with a British slant for an international audience

40. Bitch Magazine’s website pays for pop culture features. Pay is variable, so negotiate to get your desired rate

41. BookBrowse pays for book reviews! Writers accepted into their stable of reviewers will earn a reported $50 for a 600-word review

42. Adoptive Family accepts pitches on all aspects of the adoption process. Pay based on assignment

43. The Daily Beast reportedly pays $250 and up. Their submission guidelines have a black-hole editorial@ email address, so you’ll want to do a little digging to find the right person to pitch

44. Backpacker is all about wilderness hiking. Pay based on assignment

45. getAbstract reportedly pays $300 for longer (2,000-4,000 word) book summaries

46. Gothamist pays $50-$150 for reported pieces about New York when the publication is open for submissions

47. Backstage is a resource for performing artists. Pay is reported at $0.14/word – pitch Briana Rodriguez, Editor-in-Chief, on LinkedIn

48. The International Wine Accessories blog pays $20 and up for articles

49. The Conversation doesn’t publish their rates, but it’s reported by our community that they pay well

50. Knitty  raised their rates to $300 for articles about knitting and knitting patterns. They also have a sister site— Knittyspin —for knitters who like to use handspun yarn

51. Lifezette reportedly pays $100-$200 for articles on parenting, politics, faith, health, and pop culture. Contact the appropriate editor with your idea. NOTE: Lifezette has removed their editorial contact page so you’ll have to do some digging

52. Listverse pays $100 for long (1,500 word) lists on various topics

53. New York Observer pays $100 on posts about politics and culture for “sophisticated readership of metropolitan professionals”

54. OZY does allow freelancers to write for money, but rates vary

55. Paste reportedly pays $50+ for submissions in many different areas

56. Playboy reportedly pays up to $350, depending on the topic. NOTE: Playboy has removed their editorial contact page so you’ll have to do some digging

57. Pretty Designs covers fashion and beauty. You’ll need to negotiate per-post pay

58. Refinery29 reportedly pays $75 and up for slideshows, articles, and essays on various topics. They also post their needs for specific columns on their guidelines page

59. Salon pays $100-$200 for essays and reported features, even very long ones

60. Smithsonian Magazine Online reportedly pays established freelancers up to $600 for reported articles

61. The Tablet pays for articles on Jewish news, ideas, and culture. Pay varies, so be prepared to negotiate. I saw a report of $1,000 for a heavily reported 2,000+ word feature

62. Upworthy reportedly pays $150-$200 for 500-word posts

63. Vice ‘s pay rate varies, so you will need to negotiate if you’d like to write about food, technology, music, fashion, and other lifestyle topics

64. YourTango reportedly pays $50 for posts on love, sex, travel, mental health, and just about anything else that affects your relationships

65. A List Apart covers web design. They reportedly pay $200 per article

66. The Graphic Design School blog pays $100-$200 for articles and tutorials about Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and open source design tools. NOTE: This site has removed its submission guidelines page, and it’s not clear whether they still take guest posts

67. Linode reportedly pays $250 for articles about Linux,, NoSQL databases, game servers, Open Change, and Web RTC

68. SitePoint reportedly pays $100-$150 for articles on HTML, CSS, Ruby, PHP, web development and more

69. SlickWP reportedly pays $100 for posts about WordPress and the Genesis Theme framework

70. Tuts+ pays $100 and up for tutorials on various technologies, including web design and Flash. Tuts once ran a network of 16 different blogs, including Freelance Switch, but now it’s all together on a single site that encompasses design, gaming, photography, writing, and more

71. WordCandy reportedly pays $0.06 to $0.10 cents per word for ghostwritten pieces about WordPress—these will appear on some of the larger WordPress blogs, such as wpmudev

72. WPHub reportedly pays $100-$200 for posts on web design trends, coding best practices, and other WordPress-related topics

73. Expatics serves U.S. expatriates. This is another site where you’ll need to negotiate pay before you write your article

74. Fund Your Life Overseas reportedly pays $75 for articles about business ideas that provide enough income for U.S. ex-pats

75. Saveur reportedly starts at $150 for “amazing stories about food and travel”

76. The Salt (NPR’s food blog) reportedly pays $200+

77. ClearVoice is a platform to connect bloggers with brands in various niches, as well as commissioning posts for its own blog. Pay is variable but ranges as high as $250-$400 from what we’ve seen so far. When you apply, you set the rates you’re willing to accept; then, the platform emails you when appropriate opportunities arise. It’s not a bid site—fees are preset. But gigs are presented to multiple writers, and then the client chooses who they’ll work with. Luckily, there’s no elaborate application process, once your profile is set, you simply reply that you’re interested, and they let you know if you win the job

78. Contently pays about 35 cents a word for their freelancer-focused online magazine

79. Freedom with Writing pays $50-$150 for lists of paying publishers. They also pay for short ebooks, so there is an option for longer-form content too

80. Make a Living Writing . That’s right, this blog pays for guest articles, starting at $150, depending on complexity and research needed. Be sure to read our guidelines thoroughly, especially our list of the topics we’re actively looking for guest posts on right now. Pitching one of those will seriously improve your odds!

81. WOW! Women on Writing pays $50-$150

82. The Write Life pays for some posts, starting at $150

Before you pitch any of these sites, read the guidelines carefully and study the posts they’ve already run. Make sure you either have a fresh topic or a new way of exploring an issue they’ve covered before.

Paying markets are more competitive than posting on free sites. And the more bad pitches a site receives, the likelier they will reconsider whether they even accept guest posts, let alone pay for them. (Believe me, this happens, and it is the reason some sites we’ve listed before are no longer accepting pitches.)

  • See this post on Guest Post Pitches That Got the Gig
  • See this post on what not to do when pitching
  • Make sure to check out our tips for effective freelancer invoicing so you get paid for your work

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Jennifer Roland is a freelance education, financial institution, and technology writer—and keeps things running at the Freelance Writers Den. Her latest book, 10 Takes: Pacific Northwest Writers , was published by Gladeye Press.

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money for essays

The Pros and Cons of Writing Essays for Money

Considering writing essays for money? Consider these pros and cons before jumping into this popular freelance gig.

Essay writing jobs are popular among freelance writers. They have low barriers to entry, and you can quickly find dozens of gigs online.

Although accessible, you might feel skeptical about paid essays. They encourage cheating, after all. To help you reach an informed decision, let's discuss some pros and cons of writing essays for money.

The Pros of Writing Essays for Money

Freelance writers worldwide take on essay writing jobs because they’re simple and accessible.

1. Academic Writing Gigs Are Widely Available

Freelancers primarily accept essay writing jobs for their accessibility. They’re widely available. A quick search on Upwork already displays 1,000+ projects, and you’ll likely find more on other essay-writing platforms .

Just search “academic writing” or “essay writing” on freelancing sites to get started. And make sure you contact multiple clients. They receive thousands of resumes regularly—your first few applications will likely get rejected.

Also, sign up as a Fiverr seller. While you might not receive as many orders initially, you’ll have some flexibility over setting your rates.

2. You Can Work on Essays Within Your Field of Expertise

Essay writing jobs comprise several niches. There are orders for personal essays, academic research papers, history reports, case studies, and business proposals, among other coursework. You’ll have no trouble finding ones that suit you.

While you might feel tempted to write about multiple topics, consider starting with just one or two fields. Orders often require 1,000+ words. You’ll spend too much time researching if you have minimal background knowledge of them.

Choose orders that align with your profession. For instance, economics reports suit finance professionals, while biology essays are perfect for healthcare workers.

3. Writers Can Make a Quick Buck With Paid Essays

It’s common for freelancers to struggle with client acquisition regardless of their tenure and skill. Even seasoned professionals experience a dry spell. Many spend weeks finding a lucrative gig that will replace their previous ones.

If you lose work and get strapped for cash, supplement your income with essay writing jobs. They don’t pay much. However, the extra money should help you get through these trying times.

Attract more freelance clients by utilizing your online network. Update your portfolio, contact hiring managers, and publish guest posts on reputable websites.

4. Essay Writing Gigs Are Often Open to Writers of All Levels

Writers of all levels can try writing essays for money. Even inexperienced freelancers and college students qualify for most of these gigs. They don’t even have to write that well yet. Clients just need assistance with their coursework, e.g., essays and theses.

Newbie writers should maximize these low barriers to entry. Try taking on as many essay writing jobs as possible to jumpstart your career. The freelance market is super competitive. You won’t win projects if you have zero experience.

5. Some Essay Mills Encourage Writers to Paraphrase Content

Essay writing jobs have become easier with the advancement of AI. Content mills now encourage their writers to rephrase articles that chatbots generate.

ChatGPT can generate large amounts of text quickly. The writer then needs to paraphrase the AI-generated text, a process that can vary in time depending on the complexity of the content.

Some clients might overlook it, but copy-pasting AI content classifies as plagiarism. Chatbots only pull information from their datasets. Instead, explore the responsible, ethical ways to use AI as a writer .

The Cons of Writing Essays for Money

Think twice before accepting essay writing jobs. Weigh the disadvantages first—they might not be worth your time.

1. Essay Mills Encourage Cheating

Regardless of what content mills say, writing essays for money is unethical. It promotes cheating and commodifies plagiarized work. Entitled students may eventually think that corruption and bribery will help them achieve their goals.

The U.K. government even banned essay mills in 2022 . It’s a criminal offense to sell paid essays or facilitate these transactions. While writing essays for money might not be illegal in the U.S., no educational institution allows it. Students caught submitting paid essays will get sanctioned.

2. Writing Essays for Money Is Unsustainable

Essay writing jobs are unsustainable. Students will stop paying for essays once they find free alternatives, e.g., AI. Content mills only paraphrase AI-generated content, after all. And considering the accessibility of chatbots and paraphrasing tools, students can do that themselves.

Even if the industry survives, essay writing jobs offer no career progression. There’s nowhere else to go. You’ll only increase your income if you exploit the system yourself and start an essay mill.

3. Clients Care Little About Quality

Essay mills rarely teach writing skills. Let’s face it—students pay no attention to quality. They merely want their assignments done. So unlike legitimate publications and agencies, content mills solely focus on churning out thousands of words. You’ll have no reason to upskill.

While writing essays for money could offer some opportunity for practice, it's important to remember that high quality, engaging writing is usually valued more in other writing fields. These fields may also offer better opportunities for improving and honing your writing skills.

4. Essay Writers Make Very Little

Unfortunately, you can’t make a living writing essays. Although essay writing jobs are widely available, they pay terrible rates. There are Fiverr sellers offering 500-word pieces for just $5, and to make matters worse, content mills pay even less. Even if you write 5,000 words a day, you’ll only make around $20 to $50.

5. You Can’t Add Paid Essays to Your Portfolio

You can’t add paid essays to your writing portfolio. They already belong to the buyer. Essay mills even provide contracts stating writers should never upload or repurpose their content.

Either way, publications might not be interested in your experience writing essays. The practice is a freelancing gray area. Just write some new blogs and articles if you have no other samples.

Should You Write Essays for Money?

Writing paid essays is a quick way to make extra cash. With the prevalence and accessibility of essay mills, you could probably land your first gig within hours. Just note that writing essays for money is neither sustainable nor lucrative.

Please explore other freelancing opportunities as your writing career progresses. You’ll find plenty of high-paying projects on LinkedIn, Upwork, ProBlogger, Pitchwiz, and even Facebook. Broaden your options.

29 easy ways to make money writing online in 2023

money for essays

Good news: there are a LOT of different options when it comes to paid online writing. No matter your interests or areas of expertise, if you’re ready to bring in some extra cash, opportunities are waiting for you.

Whether you want to write an occasional article for extra spending money or dedicate your free time to running a blog so you can one day quit your day job and become a freelance writer for hire , we’ll show you 30 easy ways to make money writing online in 2023 and everything you need to know to get paid for your writing skills.

1. Start a blog

Blogging is a tried-and-true method for writers to make money online. You may be wondering if it’s still possible for new bloggers to make money with all the established blogs already online, and the answer is YES.

Blogging requires dedication and consistency, and it will also take some time for your blog to gain momentum before you see much income, but it is absolutely possible.

The first step to starting a blog is picking your niche. This is the topic you’ll write about. It’s good to get specific here; there are many blogs on the internet, so if you can provide a unique perspective, your readers are more likely to stick around.

Next, you’ll need to pick your domain, design your blog, and get it all set up. There are a ton of great resources out there to help you with this (just remember you get what you pay for: while there are free blog hosting sites and free templates, top bloggers agree that you’ll need to spend a little money upfront if you want to make money writing in the long run).

Once you’ve got your blog established, remember to post regularly, promote your posts on social media, and engage with your readers. No blog has ever been an overnight success, but you can make good money from blogging with a little time and consistency.

2. Create blog posts (for others)

If you’re not quite ready to start your own blog, you can always dip your toes in the water by guest blogging. Many bloggers hire other bloggers to create content, and a lot of companies will hire freelance writers to contribute to the blog section of their website.

If you decide to go this route, make sure to do your research beforehand. Familiarize yourself with the blog you’re writing for, so you can match the tone and blend in with the existing content.

Bloggers who publish daily get 57% better results than those who publish multiple times per week. - Semrush

3. Establish a niche website

If you have an interest or expertise in a particular niche, you can start a website dedicated to it. This gives you all the creative control of running your own blog without the pressure of regular posting. (Although you will need to update your website regularly to keep it fresh and make sure it reaches full potential.)

4. Self-Publish a book

There are self-publishing options for every type of book, from short instructional guides to romance novels to nonfiction tomes. If you’ve written a book and you’re unsure what your next step should be, why not consider self-publishing?

Publishing your own book is an incredibly rewarding experience, as you have control over every step of the process. This can be a double-edged sword, however. After starting down the path to self-publication, many authors realize that while they love writing, they don’t love obsessing over font and margin options or negotiating with cover artists.

And even if you use a free service, such as Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing , you’ll need to spend money on editing, cover design, marketing, and advertising.

The hope is that you would make that money back from your book sales, but there are no guarantees. But if you play your cards right, it’s possible to turn a profit from your self-published book.

5. Create affiliate content

Ever notice how almost every food blogger includes Amazon links to their favorite ingredients and cookware? Or maybe you found an article on Pinterest listing an outdoor enthusiast’s essential camping gear.

These are both examples of affiliate content, where you (the affiliate) partner with a company to drive traffic to their website and earn commissions on any resulting sales. Affiliate marketing content is an excellent way to generate passive income on your blog or website.

It takes a little strategizing, but once you develop a plan and implement your affiliate content, you can make money while you sleep .

6. Write scripts for video creators

If you understand scriptwriting’s technicalities, you can bring in money by partnering with a video creator. It’s pretty common for video creators to have great screen presence—but not-so-great writing skills, so there are plenty of gigs to be had in this field.

Video content is exploding in popularity, so now is a great time to get your foot in the door and add some script-writing experience to your resume. These gigs are often posted on job boards , and you can also take the initiative and reach out to some content creators whose work you enjoy to see if they could use a hand with scriptwriting.

"60% of businesses use video as a marketing tool." - Biteable

7. Write show notes for podcasts

Show notes are a written online resource for podcast listeners that accompany each episode of a podcast. Every podcast approaches show notes a little differently, but typically, they are brief, easy-to-scan episode summaries that often include additional relevant resources. You can find work writing show notes on job boards, or send cold pitches out to podcasters you would like to work with as a freelance writer.

8. Create written content for social media

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Large companies typically have a marketer (or a team of them) dedicated to keeping their social media running smoothly. But smaller businesses often can’t hire a full-time employee to manage their social media presence. Freelancers are the ideal solution, and are a win-win for everyone.

Think about your favorite local ice cream parlor, gift shop, or espresso stand, and do a little digging into their social media presence. If you notice that they haven’t posted anything in months or that they struggle with creating high-quality, engaging content, then you just found an excellent opportunity to pitch your writing services.

There’s no need to bash them or focus too much on their social media mistakes , but you can start a polite and friendly conversation where you mention that you noticed room for improvement. Try to emphasize what they stand to gain from working with you and how much potential you see in their social media presence.

Before you pitch your social media writing services, make sure you do your research on fair pricing and know which services you want to offer at what rates. If a business owner shows interest in working with you, the last thing you want to do is keep them waiting while you iron out details you could already have had in place.

9. Produce content for local businesses

While you’re talking to small, local business owners about their social media content, don’t forget the other services you can provide as well.

Maybe a local business could use your help with the occasional blog post, copy for their website, or informational materials like brochures and pamphlets. If you need a list of local businesses, consider joining your local chamber of commerce. Their events can be an effective way to network with other local business owners.

10. Submit magazine articles

Do you have a juicy story from your personal life that your friends love hearing over and over again, or a political perspective that incites the “mind-blown” emoji from every person you share it with? Write it down and turn it into a magazine article to make money.

The magazine industry may not be as prominent as it once was, but it is still going strong , and plenty of freelance writers are getting paid to write magazine articles. Some magazines pay upwards of $500 per article.

Do a little research to find the magazines that would be the best fit for your article, and make sure they haven’t published anything too similar in the recent past.

This is also a good time to find the magazine’s submission guidelines—make sure you follow their instructions carefully, so you have a better chance of getting accepted.

11. Create an information product

If you’re an expert at something, you can monetize that knowledge by creating and selling informational products. This can be an ebook, a video, a short PDF, or any electronic format sharing your insights. Don’t be afraid to get creative here!

Online information products are an excellent way to generate revenue because there are little to no overhead costs involved. You don’t need to worry about packing and shipping a physical product, nor do you need to be involved in the transactions once you handle the initial logistics of making your product available.

The most important thing is to make sure you’re providing a high-quality product with valuable tips and tricks that your customers won’t be able to find elsewhere. If your customers love what they learn from you, they’re much more likely to pay for other products you offer and recommend your business to their friends.

12. Ghostwrite online content

Want to know a secret?

When you see a byline on an online article or blog post, there’s a pretty good chance that the named author didn’t actually write that content. Ghostwriting is not just for celebrity autobiographies; a lot of blogs and websites hire ghostwriters, too.

If you’re okay with taking home the paycheck but not seeing your name on the byline, seek out ghostwriting gigs. These jobs often command rates of 30% to 50% more than bylined work because they aren’t pieces you can add to your portfolio or claim responsibility for.

13. Write video game guidebooks

Streaming your gameplay isn’t the only way for gamers to make money online. If you know a video game inside and out, consider writing a guidebook for it and selling it as a PDF.

If you don’t want to handle the logistics of selling your own product, you can always write freelance articles and guides for video game websites and magazines.

"In 2019, the gaming industry has generated total revenue of $151.9 billion." - Review42

14. Create destination guides

Whether you love to travel or are the go-to person for the best spots to visit in your hometown, you can turn your knowledge into a profitable destination guide. This can be an extensive information product that you sell on your blog or website, or you can pitch it to a travel magazine or blog accepting these types of publications.

15. Write poetry

Poetry may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about making money writing online, but it’s possible to turn a profit off of your poems. There are several places you can submit your poetry online for publication, and if your piece is selected, you’ll get a paycheck on top of bragging rights. Here are some of the top-paying online poetry publishers:

  • The Sun Magazine : Pays $100-$250
  • Poetry Foundation : Pays $300+
  • Boulevard Magazine : Pays $50-$250
  • Crazyhorse : Pays $20-$200
  • EPOCH : Pays a minimum of $50 per poem

16. Transcribe documents

Transcribing is flexible work that can pay very well once you have some quality pieces in your portfolio. High-paying transcription jobs often require experience, special equipment, and specialized medical or legal knowledge.

But don’t let that discourage you if you think you’d enjoy the work. You can quickly get your foot in the door by taking on a few simple, lower-paying gigs. Check out these reputable transcribing sites to learn more:

  • TranscribeMe

17. Write personal essays

money for essays

If you have interesting life stories, the world wants to hear them. Lots of websites pay you for the right to publish your personal essays. Further below, you’ll find some publications to pitch.

You could also turn your essays into a blog or website, although you should be very strategic if you decide to go this route; blogs dedicated to niches tend to perform exceptionally well, while personal perspective blogs do not.

18. Create greeting card sayings

Someone has to write the sayings and poems on greeting cards. Frequently, that someone is a freelance writer. If you think you have what it takes to create a best-selling greeting card, these companies that pay for greeting card verse submissions:

  • Oatmeal Studios
  • Blue Mountain Arts

19. Write product descriptions

Some companies pay quite well to ensure that the product descriptions on their websites are clear and informative. Look for these gigs on job boards or pitch the company yourself. There are even websites you can join, such as Crowd Content , that pay you to write product descriptions for their clients. You can also find possible clients for this on sites like Upwork .

20. Start copywriting

Copywriting can refer to any writing that is specifically used for promotion and marketing. This can include content on websites, video scripts, blog posts, emails—you name it.

Businesses use copy to promote a product or service and drive the reader to action. Some companies hire freelance copywriters, some hire copywriters from marketing agencies that work with multiple companies, and some have staff copywriters. You can find copywriting work on job boards of all kinds, including Indeed and Zip Recruiter.

21. Create email sequences

An email sequence is a series of automated emails sent from a business to its clients at different sales cycle stages. Companies also send out email sequences when someone takes a specific action (or lack of action), such as clicking a link in an email or leaving an e-commerce site with items still in the shopping cart.

If you have a strong understanding of email marketing tactics, you can work with any company to create or improve their email sequences. Since more companies are getting into email marketing , there is plenty of opportunities to make money writing here.

Nearly 90% of marketers use email marketing to distribute content organically. - Content Marketing Institute

22. Write technical manuals

Technical writing is a lucrative field because it requires extensive knowledge of the industry you’re writing for. Technical writers need to know how to take complex information and break it down into simple, easy-to-understand messages.

23. Post on a revenue sharing site

Revenue sharing sites host your content and give you a percentage of the ad revenue generated from the page in exchange. This can be a great way to gain experience writing online , since you don’t have to worry about setting up your own website or driving traffic—although you should do everything you can to market your work and encourage people to read your work on revenue sharing sites.

Here are some examples of revenue sharing sites where you can get paid to write articles:

24. Enter a writing contest

Keep an eye out for writing contests, and throw your hat in the ring when you can. This one is a bit of a gamble because only the winners get paid, but it could well be worthwhile.

Some contests pay their winners surprisingly well, and winning can also be a great way to gain exposure as a writer. So if you have the time, why not give it a shot?

Here are a few reputable contests to get you started:

  • Reedsy lists over 100 writing contests
  • Biopage’s Storytelling Contest pays $100 to $300 for winning short stories.

25. Write resumes

If you have a knack for creating effective resumes, you can find freelance work writing resumes for job hunters. Check job boards for resume writing gigs, and spread the word through social media that you are accepting clients for resume makeovers.

As a similar way to get paid to write, you can also specialize in LinkedIn profiles. Many professionals are willing to pay for an optimized profile that can help them land work.

26. Write and sell songs

Do you love writing music? You can sell your songwriting services online with the help of these websites:

  • Nashville Songwriters Association

27. Review books

Calling all readers! Did you know you can get paid to review books? If you can read quickly and write engaging, objective reviews, this could be an excellent way to earn some extra money.

Here are some companies that accept applications for book reviewers:

  • Reedsy Discovery
  • Online Book Club

28. Do SEO writing

SEO writers are some of the best-paid freelance writers because they provide the most value to their clients. These specialized writers know plenty of SEO tips, including researching keywords and integrating them into websites to make them rank higher in search results.

Semrush lists seven SEO Certification courses that you can take if you want to learn more about SEO, some of which are free.

29. Write sponsored content

If you have a blog, writing sponsored content is a no-brainer. Simply put, sponsored content is anything that a company pays you to write and publish on your blog.

There are tons of options for companies you can work with, and some creative ways to write sponsored content that doesn’t feel like advertising. Check out these trusted sponsored post networks you can join to find paid blogging opportunities:

  • Blog Meets Brand

How can you find paid writing opportunities online?

money for essays

There are several ways to find legitimate opportunities to make money writing online. The links provided in the above examples are an excellent start, and we have even more ideas for you below.

Cold pitching companies you want to work for

As a freelance writer, one of the most critical skills for you to develop is learning how to cold pitch your services. This is where you send unsolicited emails to companies or individuals to offer your writing services.

Since the people you’re approaching didn’t ask for your help, it’s normal to get many nos. But there’s also a chance that the business does need your services, and you’ll never know unless you ask.

Searching online job boards

Online job boards are a great resource for finding any work, freelance writing gigs included. Here are a few of our favorite reputable job boards. You’ll find some free ones and others that you’ll need to pay to access:

  • Freelancing Females
  • Freelance Writers Den
  • Blogging Pro

Pitching bloggers who accept guest posts

When you’re looking at blogs, take note of the ones that include guest blogging articles. Use your cold pitching skills and email the author to offer your guest writing services.

Bloggers are typically very busy people, and they’re often grateful for the opportunity to outsource some of their work. Not all bloggers can afford to pay their guest bloggers, so it’s up to you if you want to accept free work or not.

Sometimes the new connection and link to a published article that you can add to your portfolio are worth it, but only you can decide.

Searching on social media

It’s becoming more common for companies to turn to social media to find writers to hire. The next time you’re scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn, take a moment to check out these hashtags:

  • #needwriters
  • #hiringwriters
  • #writerswanted
  • #writersneeded
  • #bloggerswanted

Then read through the listings and see what catches your interest. You can often find opportunities in a variety of niches this way.

Submitting queries to publications

If there’s a magazine or website you love, check and see if they accept submissions from freelance writers. See further below for tips on finding a publication to pitch.

Networking with other freelance writers

Keeping in touch with your writer acquaintances is always a good idea. Don’t be afraid to mention that you’re always looking for new writing jobs—the next time they get an offer that they’re too busy for, they may just pass your name along.

You can connect with other writers on social media or at in-person events. Work on keeping your working relationship positive, and you never know when you’ll see a referral coming your way.

Pro tip:Search for freelance writer groups on Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social platforms.

Posting on social media

If you don’t already have social media accounts strictly dedicated to your writing business, don’t waste any time in getting them established. Social media is a fantastic resource to find paid writing opportunities; the occasional post announcing that you’re accepting new clients can do wonders for your business. Don’t forget to encourage your followers to share your posts. Someone in your network may know someone who is searching for a writer.

Creating a website to share your services

Setting up a website to help advertise your writing services is a great way to appear more professional to prospective clients. You can share a link to your website whenever you apply for a gig or cold pitch your services.

Here are some essential elements to include:

  • Your resume
  • A professional photo of yourself
  • Links to any published writings of your own
  • Sample articles
  • A list of services you provide
  • Testimonials from past clients
  • Your contact information or even a contact form so potential clients can email you directly from your site

Searching on Craigslist in major cities

Craigslist often has paid writing opportunities, so don’t overlook this resource. Remember to search other locations outside of your own city, too. Check the listings for major metropolitan areas, where people post the majority of jobs. Here are five cities you should check regularly:

  • Los Angeles
  • San Francisco

Another tip to help you find assignments on this website - writing jobs on Craigslist are sometimes posted under “Gigs” and sometimes under “Jobs,” so be sure to check both sections.

Asking past freelance writing clients if they have more work for you

As mentioned earlier, networking is essential. Keeping in touch with your past clients is equally important. There’s no need to hound them, but don’t be afraid to check in periodically and see if there’s anything else they need help with.

Where can you submit your writing online for money?

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When deciding where to submit your writing, you want to make sure that the publication will pay its authors and that it fits well with your preferred writing style. Here are a few possibilities for you to check out, organized by niche.

If you prefer writing personal essays, you’re in luck. Here are five sites that might pay you for your essays:

The Bold Italic

Can you write a personal essay about the spirit of San Francisco that will make readers laugh or cry? If yes, submit it to The Bold Italic . The editors will review it and make a decision. If it’s published, you’ll get $50.

Buzzfeed Reader

If you want your personal essay to be read by the masses, you’ve got to pitch the editors over at Buzzfeed Reader . It pays competitive rates for essays about nearly any fresh idea.

The LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired in San Francisco pays for dynamic personal essays written by blind or visually impaired writers. It will occasionally publish pieces written by writers outside of this category. The editors enjoy working collaboratively with you on the piece, and pay $100 upon publication.

If you can write a unique personal essay with a strong voice, the editors at Dame want you to send a pitch. A published essay will earn you about $150, though you’ll finalize payment details throughout the submission process.

Business, career, and finance

The penny hoarder.

This popular website is a great place to pitch if you have a laid-back writing style and unique tips about earning or saving money. The Penny Hoarder gives detailed pitch directions and provides a form you can fill out, making the whole process as simple as possible. If your pitch is accepted, an editor will discuss payment with you at that time.

Doctor of Credit

Do you have a strong understanding of consumer credit law? Have you found a unique credit card from a small issuer? Doctor of Credit is a great blog that may publish a guest post if you have niche financial knowledge to share. They pay $50 per post.

Income Diary

This website is all about making money online, from blog design to content creation to entrepreneurship and a success mindset. Income Diary pays up to $200 for an article on these topics.

Freelance Mom

If you know how to balance being your own boss and being an awesome mom, Freelance Mom wants to hear from you. You can earn between $75 and $100 on articles between 900 to 1,500 words.

Family and parenting

Pregnant chicken.

This fun and informative website features pregnancy tips and stories about pregnancy, childbirth, and being a new parent. Pregnant Chicken pays $100 per post.

Zift publishes articles relating to parenting in a technology-driven world. If you have an evergreen, original article about managing kids and screen time, you could earn $100 for it.

Your Teen Media

If you’ve raised teenagers and seen it all, you can get paid to write by Teen Media , a trusted editorial source for readers seeking information about raising teenagers. Payment rates are not listed on their websites, but you can discuss this with the editor if your pitch gets accepted.

Go World Travel

This is a great place to pitch if you’re a new writer. Go World Travel publishes contributions from first-time writers and experts alike. If you can tell a captivating, descriptive story about your travels, you can earn $30 to $40 per article.

Matador Network

You’ll need to set up a profile with Matador Network to respond to their calls for submissions. Once you do, you can earn $40 or more for short commissioned travel articles.

GoNOMAD is a resource for “honest, accurate, well-written and detailed articles and destination guides that speak to an educated, curious, and well-traveled audience.” They pay $25 for stories between 1700 to 2200 words long.

Extra Crispy

Extra Crispy is all about breakfast, and they are looking for opinion pieces, stories, essays, recipes, etc. This is the perfect place to pitch if the most important meal of the day also happens to be your favorite. It doesn’t list payment terms on its website, so you’ll need to work that out with the editor if your pitch is accepted.

Taste of Home

This family-favorite publication publishes recipes from home cooks. You can sign into their website to see what types of recipes they are currently looking for. Taste of Home discusses payment rates upon acceptance.

If you have a unique perspective on food culture, try pitching Eater . They cover a wide range of food-related topics, so take a look and see if you can come up with an idea they might love! Payment terms are not listed on their website.

Digital Ocean

DigitalOcean is looking for talented authors to create technical tutorials and articles about software development. In addition to a personal payout (typically $300), you’ll also get to select a tech-focused charity to receive a donation from DigitalOcean.

If you can create original content to add to Linode’s library of technical guides and tutorials, you can earn $300. They currently are focusing on adding articles about Kubernetes, Linux essentials, and databases, so if you send a pitch about one of those topics, you’re more likely to be accepted.

Do you consider yourself a WordPress expert? If yes, consider pitching WPHUB . Depending on your article’s topic and length, they pay between $10 to $200 for content about web design trends, exploring useful plugins for developers, coding best practices, and other WordPress-related topics.

How to send a pitch for an online writing gig

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Whether you're trying to send a submission to a specific blog or applying for a gig you found on a job board, you’ll need to send a pitch if you want to get paid to write.

If you’re wondering what a pitch is, it’s a written correspondence in which you explain to an editor or publisher an idea you have for an article, blog post, story, etc., and ask them to consider hiring you to execute your idea.

While you want your pitch to have your voice and not sound like you copied and pasted it, there are a few essential pieces to include. Here’s what every pitch needs:

  • The editor’s name. Addressing your pitch to the right person will show that you did your homework. On this note, also make sure you send it to the correct email address.
  • Details about your idea. No need to send the entire finished piece (unless it’s asked for). However, you need to make it clear what your story is about and why you’re the best person for the job.
  • A brief bio. The editor doesn’t have time to read your life story, but you should introduce them to you and share any relevant experience you may have.
  • A link to your portfolio. This gives the editor the chance to get a feel for your writing abilities and style. If you write in a wide range of styles, it’s a good idea to only link to the ones that best match the publication you’re pitching to.

It’s natural to feel a little nervous when submitting a pitch, especially for new writers. Whatever you do, don’t let your fear of rejection or imposter syndrome stop you from sending a pitch. Manage your expectations, and know going into it that you will receive a lot more nos than yeses.

That’s true for even the most talented writers, though, so don’t take it personally. Keep at it, and eventually, your pitch will reach the person who’s ready to work with you.

5 tips for successful pitching as a freelance writer

To improve your acceptance rate, here are five tips to help you send a better pitch:

1. Follow directions

If you are replying to a job listing or submitting to an established publication, make sure you carefully follow any guidelines they provide. If the publisher thinks that you can’t follow simple instructions such as giving your email the proper subject line or saving your resume in the specified format, they probably won’t be very eager to work with you.

2. Pitch for topics you’re comfortable writing about

When you’re first getting started, It’s tempting to pitch for any and all gigs you can find. But it’s highly encouraged that you pitch selectively.

You don’t need to stick to just one niche, but if you pitch topics you’re genuinely excited about, your passion and expertise will show, it’ll take you less time, and your finished work will be stronger.

3. Send a great idea

If you’re pitching an idea you came up with for a magazine article or a guest blog post, take some time to research the existing content and see what’s missing, so you don’t suggest topics they’ve already published.

Try to come up with a unique angle or provide a different perspective. That way, you send a great idea instead of a topic the site has already covered.

4. Explain why it’s a great fit

Make it clear to the publisher that you’re familiar with the publication and that you know what they’re looking for. Don’t make it about you; emphasize what they and their readers stand to gain from a partnership with you.

Do your research beforehand and know who their target audience is, what types of content they typically publish, the tone they usually write in, etc. The more you understand their style, the more you can blend in and convince them that it’s a natural partnership.

5. Keep it short

Editors are busy and don’t have time to read a novel in their inbox. Your pitch is the perfect place to show that not only are you a great writer, but you have an excellent understanding of clear and concise communication. Stick to the point, and don’t run off on unrelated rabbit trails.

How to get paid to write online

When you write content online, you’re typically considered a contract writer instead of an employee. This means you’ll need to send an invoice if you want to get paid.

An invoice is a simple document that sums up the work you did for your client, so they can see what they owe you. Basically, it’s a bill for services rendered.

It’s essential to make your invoice look professional. If you have branding elements or a logo, you’ll want to include those.

Your freelance writing invoice should include the following elements:

  • The word “Invoice” at the top. You want to make it clear to your client that this is an official billing document so that they’re more likely to pay you promptly.
  • Date you sent the invoice.
  • Your client’s name.
  • Your contact information.
  • An itemized list of services provided, with short, clear descriptions of each, and individual rates for each service.
  • Dates services were provided.
  • Payment rate.
  • Total amount due.
  • Any payment terms previously agreed upon.
  • A unique invoice ID number for your records.

There are invoice templates available online that can help you quickly set up invoices to send to your clients. The downside to using templates is that you can't easily track the payment status of all the different invoices you've sent to your clients.

Wave's invoicing software lets you do everything above (and more!) for free, no strings attached. You can create unlimited invoices with your logo and keep tabs on whether clients have seen your invoices. There are also options to set up recurring invoices for regular clients, which can save you a lot of time and headaches. If you turn on the payments option, there’s a small per-transaction fee when a client makes a payment.

Wave Money , a new service we’re launching, lets you deposit client payments and manage funds in an FDIC-insured account. We’re transforming the business banking industry with small business owners in mind. It’s the perfect online business banking option for freelance writers and other entrepreneurs.

How to create a portfolio to help you make money writing online

Having a solid portfolio is a crucial tool for any writer. Follow the below tips to make your portfolio as strong as possible.

Keep your portfolio up-to-date with your best new work

It doesn’t matter how much amazing content you created three, five, or ten years ago. Your potential clients want to see that you have recent publications under your belt.

Don’t include everything

Think of your portfolio as your highlights reel. Only include the writing you’re most proud of and that aligns with the type of work you hope to get more of. There’s no need to have articles from your stint as a sports reporter if you’re trying to break into beauty blogging.

Break it into categories

If you do more than one type of writing, keep your portfolio well organized so that your potential clients can easily find the work that is most similar to what they want to hire you for.

Host it in an effective location

Your personal business website is the best place to keep your portfolio. However, if you don’t have a website yet, you can always use a portfolio-hosting website such as Contently or ClearVoice .

7 Red flags to watch for with online writing jobs

While you can legitimately get paid to write, there are scams out there. Knowing what to look for can help you avoid getting scammed, so keep an eye out for these red flags.

  • Anything that sounds too good to be true.
  • Any online gig requiring you to send money before you make money (except for some legitimate publications that charge a nominal submission fee).
  • A potential client asking for too much personal information.
  • Job postings that list unprofessional email addresses that look like a jumbled mess of letters and numbers.
  • Vague job descriptions.
  • Meager pay for the amount of work. (And on the other end, payment that seems way too high for the demands of the job.)
  • A company requesting that you do trial work for free to evaluate or sample your services.

While these red flags don’t necessarily mean you’ve stumbled upon a freelance writing scam, seeing one does mean you need to proceed with caution. You don’t want to get your identity stolen or complete work you never get paid for.

Time to take action

Now that you’ve learned about the best options available for you to get paid to write online, it’s time to get out there and give it a shot. Remember, there’s nothing you can gain from doubting yourself, so show a little faith, pick a path to get started with, and begin to make some money. With the right attitude and enough determination, anyone can make a living writing online.

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From stress to success – hire a pro essay writer!

Trust your assignments to an essay writing service with the fastest delivery time and human-written content.

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Top-notch essay writers in one place

Welcome to a platform where students get matched with quality essay help. Compare our essay writers’ ratings and choose your perfect writing assistance partner. You're just steps away from top-notch support!

Neat W.

Work with your chosen essay writer online

Curious about a specific paper writer? Check their profile for ratings and reviews. Once you've made your choice, they'll start to write paper for you.

1. Give us your essay writing instructions

To complete your write my essay request, our team needs a few details concerning your order. Fill out a short form to specify what kind of essay writing help you need and place your order

2. Hire your ideal essay writer online

Browse paper writer accounts to see their ratings, customer reviews, and other information. Compare different experts and pick one to write paper for you.

3. Get your paper writing done

Once your order is ready, download the paper to check if it meets your needs. Then, pay for essay using your personal account at EssayPro.

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Customers are talking about our writing service

Check out the latest feedback from learners who use our essay writing services.

The perks of using our essay writing service

Original writing.

When you turn to our essay writing service for assistance, you're guaranteed to receive an outstanding piece, free from copied content. Our genuine pros craft all papers from scratch, referencing your instructions at all times. Ask us to write a paper and enjoy unparalleled originality, reaching beyond 96%.

24/7 support by your side

Our stellar customer service team is on standby 24/7 to address your "write my essays for me" requests. With our top-notch essay service, you'll never be left hanging.

Personal data safety

Pay for essay and never worry about the security of your personal data. EssayPro fiercely protects your details and uses secure gateways to process payments when you hire a paper writer. We safeguard your information in accordance with our Privacy Policy's detailed guidelines.

Unlimited edits free of charge

When you pay for essay writing at EssayPro, you get straightforward guidance every step of the way. Our highly skilled essay writers will edit your work for free within 14 or 30 days depending on your order's details.

Your #1 paper writing service

Our expert essay writers can tackle any academic task you entrust them with. Here are some of the services we offer.

  • Research paper
  • Presentation or speech
  • Annotated bibliography
  • Article review
  • Literature review
  • Business plan
  • Research proposal
  • Book / movie review
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  • Reflective writing
  • Thesis / dissertation
  • Admission essay
  • Creative writing
  • Critical thinking / review
  • Book reviews
  • Engineering
  • Multiple choice questions
  • Short answer questions
  • Word problems

Essay writing service FAQs

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Join the big family of our writing service on Instagram to get lots of handy tips and tricks and be the first to learn about our discounts!

Follow our paper writer service on Facebook to check out the freshest memes and killer essay hacks.

Watch us on YouTube to take your essay writing skills to the next level with advice from experts.

Make your studies effortless with our essay service

Your essay writing service with tons of experience.

EssayPro has been providing top-quality essay writing services for over a decade. This means managing our customers’ assignments and helping them succeed. So, why do clients keep choosing our services?

We carefully handpick all our paper writers to ensure that each of them demonstrates the highest level of professionalism, expertise, and dedication. This approach allows us to deliver top-notch papers for everyone who turns to us with a "write my essays" request.

Our experienced essay help team specializes in crafting all types of papers at any complexity level. From a simple one-page essay to a thorough and complex dissertation - EssayPro has you covered.

Thanks to our vast experience, we create papers tailored to every customer’s unique needs. And we’re ready to handle any learning challenges you are facing. When you turn to us for help, you will receive the best quality of service within your specified timeframe!

How can hiring an expert essay writer help me?

You're probably going through a wide range of challenges, such as combining studies with sports and other extracurriculars. On top of that, you probably have a side hustle or even a full-time job to cover your expenses. So, if your life is intense and fast-paced, it will never hurt to have a trusted assistant by your side. And that’s why EssayPro is here!

By hiring professional essay writers, you get an opportunity to take some load off your shoulders. When you are busy with a job, sports, family commitments, or anything else, all it takes is to say, “please write my essays for me,” and we will help you get your papers done right and without effort.

We have everything to satisfy your "write my paper" request. Whether you need an essay or any other paper - we’ll take up the challenge. When your papers are due in a week or in just 3 hours - we’ll deliver them on time, or you will receive a refund in accordance with our Refund Policy. And, if you have other things to do or simply want to rest from your struggles - try our essay writer help to regain control of your life!

The fastest way to write my essay for me

Our paper writing service team knows that a learner’s life often involves juggling lots of responsibilities and pursuing several important goals at once. But what if you’re constantly drained? You might feel like it’s impossible to keep up with your seemingly successful peers despite your best efforts.

We’ve been there - it’s not your fault. The thing is, there’s almost always too little time to handle all your assignments properly. This can put too much pressure on you, causing you to be too hard on yourself just to tick all the boxes on your list. Pushing yourself to achieve unrealistic goals brings even more problems, including burnout and even depression.

Our "write my paper for me" service was created to help you avoid this. With our essay writing help, every learner can delegate their tasks to professionals who will complete them right on time and at the highest level possible. Starting from just $11 per page, we give you an opportunity to save your energy for things that matter without harming your performance. And even that’s not all!

We realize that you can be in a tight spot when there is no time to complete a paper due in just a few days. The good news is that you can hire an essay writer to overcome this challenge. Even if you’re in a rush, we can deliver your paper ASAP without compromising the quality!

Say “write my paper” and get help from top-rated writers

Whether you have a last-minute essay or some extensive research work that you are dealing with, you shouldn’t worry about it when there’s EssayPro by your side. Our essay writing service is always here to give you a helping hand, with top-level professionalism guaranteed.

Our service collaborates with the best paper writers. Our experts hold Bachelor’s, Master’s, and even Ph.D. degrees, and each of them has vast experience crafting papers in their respective fields.

Before we let a new partner work on your "write essay for me" orders, we make them undergo several rounds of verification and tests to check if their qualifications are high enough to deliver high-level help. And we require them to study and follow our thorough quality control procedures for the best results.

What else allows us to reach almost 100% satisfaction? Apart from selecting the best authors, we also work with seasoned managers who will supervise their work. We believe that effective supervision is the key to ensuring consistently high quality for all papers that we deliver. So, when you pay for essay with us, you always have a quality guarantee.

To reap these benefits, just start an order with our service and pick your perfect expert. Our service operates 24/7, so you can reach us whenever you need.

Once your order is placed and assigned to an expert, they will complete it per your instructions. Our experienced authors will tailor every paper to your unique requirements. And, once the order is ready, you can always download and check it before releasing payment.

Lastly, we give every client 14 or 30 days after an order's completion to request amendments for free.

All these factors make us one of the best writing service providers for you. So, don’t waste any time and get your professional assistance now!

A professional paper writing service you can afford

Whether requesting an essay, or any other type of assistance, with EssayPro, you can afford it! When you place your "write my essay online" order with us, you get:

  • user-friendly interface and seamless ordering process
  • the best paper writers for hire
  • professional assistance with all kinds of papers
  • customer-centered approach
  • round-the-clock support
  • on-time delivery
  • amendments until you consider your paper flawless

And we make all of it affordable for every learner!

The price for our "write paper for me" services starts from as low as $11 per page. What’s more, we always provide generous discounts to help you save even more money while also saving your precious time. For instance, the further your completion date - the lower the price.

Also, the more pages you order, the more cost-effective our service will be.

EssayPro is the perfect balance of accessibility and professionalism. With us, everyone can afford to hire an expert essay writer. It's an investment in the future that results in better performance with less stress. So, don’t miss this chance!

Pick the paper writer you like most

At our essay writing help service, you will find a large pool of qualified essay writers ready to lend you a helping hand. What’s more, when you pay for essays with us, we give you an opportunity to select the author who suits your needs best.

Choosing your perfect expert is simple. You can browse specialists by their field of expertise and experience. You will also be able to see their bios, rate of success, customer reviews, and overall ratings, so it’ll be much easier to make the right choice. In addition, you’ll be able to chat with professionals bidding on your order. This way, you can find out even more information about the person who’ll work on your paper.

Need extra help? Don’t worry! Our friendly support team is there for you 24/7. Just drop them a line saying, “I want to pay someone to write my paper,” and they will tell you how to order and pick the most suitable author.

Exceptional write my essay experience

We want every customer to have the best experience when they hire an online paper writer. Our paper writing service team does everything possible to deliver a positive client experience. To make this real, we made the interface of our service extremely user-friendly. It is easy to navigate, so even new clients can quickly get used to it and place their "do my essay" orders without wasting too much of their precious time.

Apart from this, we keep our support team operating 24/7. This lets our customers ask their questions, receive prompt assistance with their issues, and place their “write a paper for me” orders at any time.

We provide high-quality guarantees, collaborate with the best authors, and offer a wide range of other benefits. So, if you are looking to pay someone to write your essay, there is no better place than EssayPro!

What if I’m not 100% satisfied with my write my essay for me order?

Although dissatisfaction is nearly impossible with our professional essay writers, as we always strive for excellence, there may be additional adjustments that you want to make in your paper. And that’s okay!

Sometimes, especially when your "write my paper" order is complex and comes with a broad set of requirements, you may have the need for extra edits. Our team is always open to this. After your order's delivery, you can request unlimited amendments free of charge. So, if it turns out that the final draft of your paper doesn’t match your expectations completely, don’t hesitate to ask for corrections.

To request edits, you only need to contact the author who completed your paper and explain your concerns. Then, together with our expert QA team, the author will make all the necessary edits to ensure you’re 100% happy with the paper you ordered from our essay writing service online.

If it turns out that you are completely dissatisfied with the work, which is rare, refunds are possible according to our Refund Policy. If you pay for an essay and are not happy with its quality, you can request a refund within 14 or 30 days upon completion of your order, depending on its details.

Do my essay perfectly!

Ready to get top-quality "write a paper for me" assistance? With EssayPro, you are in good hands! All you need to do is say, “please, write my paper for me,” and we will do everything possible to help you succeed!

To ensure that learners can delegate any type of assignment to us, we partner with qualified paper writers from all fields of study. We can easily handle any order regarding business, literature, chemistry, marketing, etc.

Choosing your ideal essay writer online is also easy. We keep our experts’ profiles and ratings publicly visible. So, it never takes too long to find the right professional for your order.

Regardless of the type of help you need and the author you select, with our essay service, you can always expect the best results. All our experts are native English speakers and each of them is capable of:

  • Performing in-depth research and finding credible sources
  • Completing even the most complex assignments on time
  • Meeting the client halfway
  • Keeping customer requirements and comments in mind
  • Coping with any paper's topic within their area of proficiency

Get help from an online essay writer now

Want to request professional essay writer help and get it right this moment? We have you covered! Just reach out to us and say, “write my paper,” and we will do it for you, regardless of whether it’s due in a week or a day.

Here is how you can make the most of our essay writing service.

Create a Personal Account

To join EssayPro as a customer, simply provide us with your name and email address or phone number. Then, come up with a password for your account and verify your email.

Give Us Your Requirements

When your personal account is ready, place your "do my essay" order right from your dashboard. It takes a few moments to fill out a form and tell us more about your assignment.

Assign a Suitable Author

Check out a database of our professionals and choose one based on their field of expertise, rating, success rate, and customer feedback. Or just drop a line, “I want to pay someone to write my essay” to our customer support and let us find the right expert for you.

Communicate Your Last-Minute Requirements

Forgot to mention something important in your "write an essay for me" order? No problem! Use the direct chat feature to contact your author and pass on any last-minute requirements that you have for your paper. Our experts keep your comments in mind when working on your assignment.

Stay in Touch

Keep in contact with your assigned expert through every stage of the order process. Use the direct chat feature to monitor the process, provide additional requirements, or ask your questions.

Get Your Flawless Paper

When your order is done, you will find a notification in your mailbox. You will be able to download the final draft and ensure that the author has abided by all your instructions. If you are happy with the result, pay for your order. And if there is anything that needs to be fixed or changed, feel free to ask for amendments.

That’s how easily you can get help from us!

Get more done with an expert essay writer by your side

Are you completely overwhelmed with work? Struggling to handle completing daily work and other responsibilities? You've come to the right place as we're set up to alleviate your worries. Make a "write my paper" request and we will make hundreds of qualified and experienced writers available to you. Pick a writer, send them your requirements, and use the opportunity to catch up with your work or other duties, safe in the knowledge that you are getting a guaranteed high-quality paper before your due date.

When you leave us your "do my essay" request, you are assured of highly original work based on the requirements you provided to our essay writing service. We put all our papers through the most commonly used originality software. You can request this report upon order completion to confirm authentic work.

The choice is simple. Get an expert to do your paper writing and give yourself room to breathe. Rest assured, your comfort and confidence in our services remain our top priority. So if you want to "pay someone to write my essay," you've come to the best place. The final result is a great piece of writing that is affordable and will help you reach your career and life goals!

Essay writing service that keeps your data safe

Getting paper writing help is not a shameful practice, yet we understand the wishes of our clients to keep their details confidential. Therefore, we have respectfully implemented encryption of the highest levels and only employ world renowned payment gateways so that both your personal information and card information are in safe hands. Say "help write my essay" knowing that you won't be exposed and that your data is managed with the highest standards of security. Hire essay writers and work with real pros, improve your academic performance, and get access to a unique set of bonuses.

Wallet Squirrel

Get Paid To Write Articles: 20+ Websites That Pay You For Writing

Getting paid to write articles is one of our favorite ways to earn extra money, so much so that we made a list of websites that will actually pay you to submit articles for their publications. This is a great way to earn extra money while building your writing brand. #earnextramoney #sidehustle

20+ Websites That Pay You For Writing

Get Paid To Write on Listverse - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Anything with a Top 10 Tagline How Much Can You Make : $100 per 1,800 word article (via PayPal) Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb): 8.02M monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here Listverse is full of (you guessed it) lists! Top 10 lists and such are a great attention grabber for readers and Listverse pays for articles with at least 10 list points. They will easily shell out $100 for good quality list articles. If you have a great idea for an attention-grabbing list, submit your list idea to Listverse for consideration. It may be a quick way to get paid to write articles, making $100 per article on our list of websites that pay you for writing. Just make sure that you do your research on your lists, avoid easy grammar issues and create a really attention-grabbing headline.

Smithsonian Magazine (online)

Get Paid To Write on Smithsonian - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : History, Science, Innovation, Arts & Culture, etc. (Smithsonian stuff) How Much Can You Make : $1,000 per article Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb): 9.81M monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here How ambitious are you? The Smithsonian is a big deal and one of the more prestegious websites that pay you fro writing. So you may be surprised to hear they do accept submissions from freelance writers. Although you need to provide at least 3 links to previous writing examples, and if you don’t have good ones, you should move on. If you do have all of that, you should “pitch” an idea for an article you have. Don’t worry about having crazy good photographs, they’ll provide the photography your article needs, you just need to supply the 250-300 worded idea and eventually final article if approved.

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How To Start A $5K Blog Free Email Course

A free step by step course with Andrew Kraemer looking at examples of blogs making over $5k, how to set up your own blog and what you need to do to get more traffic. 

Join us to get wonderful blogging tips and access to this amazing course! 

I will guard your email with my life. Check your inbox. =)

Get Paid To Write on HubPages- Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Anything How Much Can You Make : Pennies Per Page View (via ads) Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb): 3.18M monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here HubPages is an online community that writes about anything and everything. Once you sign up for free, you can write about whatever your passionate about. Your article will have ads on them and you’ll receive a portion of that revenue while you get paid to write articles. The more popular your articles are, the more money you’ll make. This is similar to having your own blog , but HubPages host your articles for you in return for a small portion of the ad revenue your articles produce.

Get Paid To Write on iWriter - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Topics They Ask For How Much Can You Make : Up to $40 for a 500 word article (depending on writing level) Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb): 591.52K monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here How iWriter works is that people pay iWriter to write articles for them. So a client will pay iWriter to write an article on “Baking Bread”, for example. Then iWriter will send the request to its army of writers (you) and you’ll take the job. The client will pay iWriter and iWriter will pay you in return. The more great articles you write, the more you’ll earn from iWriter based on their 4 tier (Standard, Premium, Elite & Elite Plus) writer levels. Once you receive Elite Plus level, you’ll be paid $40 for a 500-word article. You’ll pay will depend on the level of writer you are and the number of articles you write. What’s nice is you can accept/decline as many articles as you can write from the comfort of your own home. This is nice because the email request will come in with different topics where you can get paid to write articles.

Get Paid To Write on Tuts - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : How To Articles for coding, web design, Adobe Products, anything graphic How Much Can You Make : $200 per tutorial (increases the more you submit) Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb): 19.74M monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here Tuts+ is a site I used to visit all the time when learning Photoshop. They have some great tutorials by some awesome teachers, so this probably isn’t for new writers, but people who can prove they’ve written similar tutorials for well-known websites. This makes them one of the top websites that pay you for writing, paying around $200 (starting out) for How-To’s. There are opportunities to create written and video how-to-tutorials. Just make sure you have the depth of experience to back up what you’re teaching. Here is a list of tutorials they’re looking for people to teach .

Income Diary

Get Paid To Write on Income Diary - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Tips to help out bloggers (blogs, social media, making money online) How Much Can You Make : $100 – $200 per article Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb): 303.49K monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here The Income Diary is a website focused on helping new bloggers to set up their site, write content and monetize it for future revenue. Since this is a specific niche, there is much similar content that currently exists on the site. While you may be able to earn $200, it is a very difficult way to get paid to write articles and get your content accepted. However if you have an idea that you think fits well with their audience, submit your idea and they’ll tell you if it’s worthy. Otherwise don’t bother writing an entire article until your idea is accepted. If you do get your article idea accepted, you should jump for joy because they are one of the top paying websites that pay you for writing.

Travel + Leisure

Get Paid To Write on Travel and Leisure - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Trip Ideas, Destinations, Hotels (travel stuff) How Much Can You Make : $1 a word (articles range from 400 – 2,000 words) Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb): 6.03M monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here With an audience of 1 million viewers per month, Travel + Leisure receives many writer submissions so they’re looking for high-quality articles from writers with previous writing experience. If you’re interested in writing for them, go over their website and understand what type of articles are published. Then go over to their contact page and email them a short email with your “pitch”, don’t bother writing your full article. If they like your idea, they’ll email you back with the guidelines they want. About 95% of the articles on their site are from freelance writers so you may have a shot. They’re one of the few proven websites that pay you for writing.

Transitions Abroad

Get Paid To Write on Transitions Abroad - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Volunteering, Work, Living and Studying Abroad How Much Can You Make : $50 – $150 (for a 1,250-2,000 word article) Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb): 422.94K monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here While not the most aesthetically pleasing website, these guys have tons of articles submitted by people around the world relating to volunteering, working and living abroad. So much so that their “Travel Writer Guidelines for Submissions” page is heavily detailed on what they’re looking from their writers. Overall this is a great place to share that amazing study abroad adventure you had in college and share all those little secrets you learned along the way like don’t buy cheap outlet plug converts or how to use hotel key cards as knives for your PBJ sandwiches . If you have any of those wacky travel stories, consider this one of the first websites that pay you for writing that you try.

Back To College

Get Paid To Write on Back To College - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Things important to adults going back to college How Much Can You Make : $55+ (for a 1,000-1,500 word article) Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb) : 386.82k monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here This is an old-school website but maintains high popularity for people interested in going back to college later in life. This site makes money by ads and selling leads to college recruiters. So articles about sharing your personal story about going back to college or how your thinking about going back to college may be ideal. This may be a great place to get paid to write articles if you’ve ever considered going back to school.

The Travel Writers Life

Get Paid To Write on Travel Writers - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Getting paid to travel whether it’s writing, photography, tours, etc. How Much Can You Make : $50 – $200 (for a 300-600 word article) Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb) : less than 10K monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here This is an interesting writing topic because The Travel Writers Life showcases popular ways people are making money while traveling. So you won’t find any fluffy travel stories here. It’s more about how you paid for your study abroad apartment by working at your landlords banana stand. If you have any stories where you made a little money while traveling, this is a great place to share your story on one of the few websites that pay yforfro writing.

The Matador

Get Paid To Write on Matador - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Wide range of topics from life style, culture to family and night-life How Much Can You Make : $20 – $60 Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb) : 3.35M monthly visitors Since this is such a popular website they receive numerous writing solicitations and thus don’t have to offer much money for people looking to get paid to write articles. While they don’t pay much, this may be a good place to start if you’re a beginner writer. If you’re looking to try it out, you’ll have to create a profile on their contributor page and send them your article idea. It’ll take them a month or two to review it and if you don’t hear back, don’t take it personally they get a lot of ideas. Try submiting another idea. When it comes to larger websites like this, it’s a numbers game. Luckily you have the option to write about a wide range of topics on their websites that pay you for writing.

A List Apart

Get Paid To Write on A List Apart - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Web development related to code, content, design, process, business, etc. How Much Can You Make : $50 – $200 (1,500 word articles avg.) Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb) : 543.71K monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here This is a very niche website related to website development. If this topic interests you, send their team your pitch idea (ideally in a Google Doc) for review. They review all ideas once a week and rarely accept pitches on the first draft. However they’ll likely help you develop your idea further making it worthy of their website. They’re currently looking for new writers so if you have a story to share regarding web development or user experience, shoot them an email.

Flywheel – The Layout

Get Paid To Write on Flywheel Layout - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : All things WordPress Website related How Much Can You Make : $50 (They give you a list of topics with prices) Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb) : 712.64K monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here These guys have one of the most efficient ways to get new writers. Beyond their super easy sign-up page where you submit your credentials, they give you a list of topics to write about and how much they’ll pay for each one. It looks like someone on their team realized keywords they want to rank for and added that list for potential writers to write about. Most of the articles they currently have posted only pay $50 per article, but they claim up to $150. Keep in mind, most of the articles they are looking for are related to how to code WordPress websites, so it may be a little niche for most people. If you have the WordPress knowlege though, it’s one of first websites that pay you for writing you should consider.

Get Paid To Write on BootsNAll - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Trip Ideas, Destinations, Travel Adventures (travel stuff) How Much Can You Make : $50 per article (articles range from 1,200 – 2,000 words) Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb): 160.98K monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here This is a site I really enjoyed right after researching. It’s a very indie type travel site where it encourages really exploring your travel destinations over high-end resorts. If you have a travel story/idea that you want to pitch, send it to them after you check out their article guidelines to get paid to write articles. Most of is it pretty basic, but something to keep in mind. If you’re not sure your work is good enough to submit, try their “Guest Post” guide where your article won’t be paid for, but you can submit it in front of their audience. It’s a great way to gain travel writing exposure without much pressure on our list of websites that pay you for writing.

International Living

Get Paid To Write on International Living - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : All things related to retiring overseas (cost, living, places, etc.) How Much Can You Make : $75 – $400 Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb) : 712.64K monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here International Living has both a blog/newsletter (they call it a Postcard) and monthly magazine that they’re looking for contributing writers to get paid to write articles. If your article gets accepted to the Postcard, it’s worth around $75 while the monthly magazine is worth $250 for 840 words and $400 for 1,400 words. If you’re curious what to write about, they love inspirational stories about retiring abroad in your dream location ( use SEMrush for popular keyword ideas ). They want to know how your money will stretch longer in other countries and how that affects healthcare and other lifestyles. If you’ve ever been thinking about retiring in a small tropical country or somewhere cooler, maybe this is one of the websites that pay you for writing for you.

Get Paid To Write on Cracked - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Anything Pop Culture with a funny twist How Much Can You Make : $100 – $200 Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb) : 19.24M monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here While most websites actively look for experienced writers, Cracked is all about encouraging new writers to submit ideas with lots of different ways to contribute and get paid to write articles. You can write the long lists they’re known for like “ 26 Sexy Halloween Costumes That Shouldn’t Exist ” or creating funny graphics they can use on their social media accounts. They are heavily reliant on content writers like you can contribute to their online publication. If you think you have a sarcastic or satire writing personality, definitely register as a writer for them and jump into the hilarious world of Cracked. This is one of the most popular websites that pay you for writing on our list.

Get Paid To Write on Photodoto - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Articles About Great Photography How Much Can You Make : Likely Around $50, not listed Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb) : 151.96K monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here This is a really open category, photography. Everyone has tried photography at some point in their life. It’s pretty easy to point and click to great a great image. Either to sell via stock photography , share with your friends or hang up in a gallery. The point is, most people have a photography lesson learned or story to share and Photodoto is the perfect place for topics such as Photography Inspiration, Tips, Gear or post-production. Take a shot at this website to write a guest post, they seem to be very excited to hear about pitch ideas.

The Dollar Stretcher

Get Paid To Write on Dollar Stretcher - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Anything to help people save time and money (stretch your dollar) How Much Can You Make : $0.10 per word (Most articles 500-700 words) Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb) : 151.96K monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here Now, this is a site we can get behind, another personal finance website! If you have some great ways to save money/time this is the place but keep in mind, The Dollar Stretcher has been in circulation since January 1998. They have TONS of articles on how to save money so if you’re going to pitch them you need to be creative, inventive and very specific. They ask you don’t pitch them “ 7 ways to save on groceries “, but rather “7 ways to save money on ground beef”. If you email them your pitch and don’t hear anything, they likely already have similar content and didn’t bother responding. Try pitching again being more creative, everyone does something cool to save money. It’s a great way to get paid to write articles if you’re able to niche down into specific money saving ideas.

Get Paid To Write on Curbly - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : DIY Home Improvement / Interior Design Projects How Much Can You Make : Likely Around $50, you set your price. Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb) : 271.60K monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here Yay I’ve been looking for a good DIY site where I can get paid to write articles. Curby started as one man’s journey doing home improvement projects and grew into a vibrate community of 271 thousand visits a month focusing on cool home improvement and interior design projects inspiring people. Now they’re one of the top websites that pay you for writing about home improvement projects. If you have a home improvement project that all your friends just rave about, consider pitching Curby to see if it’s a good idea for their site and get paid!

Get Paid To Write on Blog Paws - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Life of a Pet Owner (tips, hacks, pet stories, etc.) How Much Can You Make : $75 per article Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb) : less than 10K monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here Many websites that pay writers are related to web development or travel so it’s great to see sites like this that pay for articles that most people have experience with, like pets. This site focuses on connecting pet owners through their site and social media. More importantly, they help animal shelters and rescues connect with a wide range of pet owners for possible adoption. Blog Paws really tries to capture the reality of life with pets and can use writers that can help others navigate that world. If you’re a pet owner that can’t stop talking about how great it is to be a pet owner, this may be a perfect place to get paid to write articles on our list of websites that pay you for writing in 2018.

Consider Writing For Your Own Blog

How To Start Your Own Blog That Makes Money on Day 1

Writing for others is a quick way to get paid writing and build up your own portfolio. However, you’re working for other people and making THEM money. Consider using our guide to Starting Your Own Blog That Makes Money on Day 1 ! This is a nice alternative utilizing your writing creativity. Having your own website allows you to display a portfolio of your writing work and earn money for yourself from the awesome content you create!

Get Paid To Write Articles – Our Thoughts

Hope you like our blueprint for starting to get paid to write articles! We absolutely love websites that pay you for writing, helping fellow freelance writers and side-hustlers. While writing this and looking at the criteria these websites are looking for in contributing writers, it’s actually a really easy way to earn extra money . Most of these websites paying between $50 – $150 per article even for beginners, you could write an article every day for a month (30 days) and make $3,000.

money for essays

Wallet Squirrel is a personal finance blog by best friends Andrew & Adam on how money works, building side-hustles, and the benefits of cleverly investing the profits. Featured on MSN Money, AOL Finance, and more!

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This is a very beautiful thing to know that money is everywhere online. In fact, content is and always will be king on the world wide web. Thank you for sharing this beautiful information with us. DrewryNewsNetwork is in your corner as a solid supporter of WalletSquirrel! 🙂

I had to double back to this post and say that I never knew Smithsonian paid everyday people to write content for them. I’m completely blindsided knowing this now. I’m wondering how many links are you allowed to include in a Smithsonian post linking back to your blog or website before submitting content to them.

They would not only be excellent for promoting WalletSquirrel, but also help improve your long term SEO and side hustle income potential.

Hayes @ Absolute Budget

Wow, thanks for doing all the dirty work and getting this awesome list out there for us! I can’t wait to dig into some of these!

Good morning Andrew and Adam,

This is beautiful news to know that websites pay writers for organic content marketing. This goes to show that there’s more money online in job security then traditionally working for the man on a regular day job in America. You gotta invest in yourself I tell people instead of making your employer rich without a pay raise!


Heya exceptional blog! Does running a blog like this take a large amount of work? I’ve no expertise in computer programming but I was hoping to start my own blog in the near future. Anyhow, should you have any ideas or techniques for new blog owners please share. I understand this is off subject nevertheless I simply had to ask. Cheers!

Wallet Squirrel

Hi Rosalyn! It really doesn’t cost much to run a blog. We share all our blog costs in our monthly reports and provide screenshots on how to start a blog . Let me know if you have any other questions!

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260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples

Looking for a topic about money? Money won’t leave anyone indifferent! There are lots of money essay topics for students to explore.

🏆 Best Money Essay Examples & Ideas

👍 good money essay topics, 💡 easy money topics to write about, 📃 interesting topics about money, 📑 good research topics about money, 📌 most interesting money topics to write about, ❓ research questions about money.

You might want to focus on the issue of money management or elaborate on why money is so important nowadays. Other exciting topics for a money essay are the relation between money and love, the role of money in education, etc. Below you’ll find a list of money topics to write about! These ideas can also be used for discussions and presentations. Money essay examples are a nice bonus to inspire you even more!

  • Can Money Buy You Happiness? First of all, given that happiness is related to the satisfaction of personal needs, there is also a need to consider the essential need of human life such as housing, medicine, and food.
  • I Don’t Believe Money Can Buy Happiness This shows that as much as money is essential in acquisition and satisfaction of our needs, it does not guarantee our happiness by its own and other aspects of life have to be incorporated to […]
  • Connection Between Money and Happiness Critical analysis of money-happiness relationship shows that socioeconomic factors determine the happiness of an individual; therefore, it is quite unsatisfactory to attribute money as the only factor and determinant of happiness.
  • Money, Happiness and Relationship Between Them The research conducted in the different countries during which people were asked how satisfied they were with their lives clearly indicated the existence of a non-linear relationship between the amount of money and the size […]
  • Money as a Form of Motivation in the Work Place This then shows that money can and is used as a motivational factor in the work place so that employees can strive to give their best and their all at the end of the day.
  • Money: Good or Evil? Comparing & Contrasting While there are those amongst us who subscribe to the school of though that “money is the source of all evil”, others are of the opinion that money can buy you anything, literary.
  • Does Money Buy Happiness? Billions of people in all parts of the world sacrifice their ambitions and subconscious tensions on the altar of profitability and higher incomes. Yet, the opportunity costs of pursuing more money can be extremely high.
  • Should America Keep Paper Money It is possible to begin the discussion of the need for keeping paper currency from referring to the rights of any people.
  • Strategies to Save and Protect Money Thus, the main points of expenditure will be clearly marked, which will help to exclude the purchase of unnecessary goods and services.
  • The Global Media Is All About Money and Profit Making It is noteworthy that the advertisement are presented through the media, which confirms the assertion that global media is all about money and profit making. The media firms control the information passed to the public […]
  • Time Value of Money: Importance of Calculating Due to fluctuations in economies, all organizations need to take into consideration concepts of the time value of money in any investment venture.
  • Discussion: Can Money Buy Happiness? Reason Two: Second, people are psychologically predisposed to wanting more than they have, so the richer people are, the less feasible it is to satisfy their demands.
  • Opinion on the Importance of Money In the absence of money, individuals and organizations would be forced to conduct transactions through barter trade which is a relatively challenging system due to existence of double coincidence of wants.
  • Money Laundering: Most Effective Combat Strategies The practice of money laundering affects the economy and security of a country. Countries have directed their efforts to curb money laundering to control the downwards projections of their countries’ economies.
  • Money, Happiness and Satisfaction With Life Nonetheless, the previously mentioned examples should be used to remind us that money alone is not a guarantee of happiness, satisfaction with life, and good health.
  • Money and Modern Life The rich and the powerful are at the top while the poor and helpless are at the bottom, the rest lie in-between.
  • Anti Money Laundering and Financial Crime There are a number of requirements by the government on the AML procedures to be developed and adopted by the firms in the financial service in industry in an attempt to fight the illegal practice.
  • Electronic Money: Challenges and Solutions First of all, it should be pointed out that money is any type of phenomenon which is conventionally accepted as a universal carrier of value, or “any generally accepted means of payment which is allowed […]
  • Money and Its Value Throughout the World History What is important is the value that people place on whatever unit they refer to as amoney.’ Money acts as a medium of exchange and an element of measurement of the value of goods and […]
  • Success and Money Correlation The development of the information technologies and the ongoing progress led to the reconsideration of the values and beliefs. It is significant to understand that there is no right or wrong answer for the question […]
  • Why People Should Donate Time, Money, Energy to a Particular Organization, Charity, or Cause Its vision is to have a world that is free from Alzheimer’s disease.”The Alzheimer’s Association is the leading, global voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care and support, and the largest private, nonprofit funder of Alzheimer’s […]
  • Relation Between Money and Football In the English league, clubs have been spending millions to sign up a player in the hope that the player will turn the fortunes of the company for the good.
  • Change in the Value of Money According to Keynes To explain the effect of inflation on investors, Keynes delves into the history of inflation through the nineteenth century and tries to explain the complacency of investors at the beginning of the First World War […]
  • Efforts to Raise Money for Charity However, the point is that charity is supposed to be for a simple act of giving and not expecting any returns from it.
  • Anti-Money Laundering and Hawala System in Dubai To prevent money launders and agents, most countries enacted the anti-money laundering acts with the goal of tracking and prosecuting offenders.
  • Money and Happiness in Poor and Wealthy Societies Comprehending the motivations for pursuing money and happiness is the key to understanding this correlation. The Easterlin paradox summed this view by showing that income had a direct correlation with happiness.
  • Money or Family Values First? Which Way to Go As such, family values becomes the epicenter of shaping individual behavior and actions towards the attainment of a certain good, while money assumes the position of facilitating the attainment of a certain good such as […]
  • Prices Rise When the Government Prints too Much Money Makinen notes that an increase in the supply of money in an economy relative to the output in the economy could lead to inflationary pressure on prices of goods and services in the economy.
  • Dreams of Avarice in Ferguson’s “The Ascent of Money” The chapter “Dreams of Avarice” of the book “The Ascent of Money” explores different stages of development of money functioning in the world by relating them to corresponding historical events.
  • Money Saving Methods for College Students A budget is one of the methods that a college student can use to save money. In the budget, one should indicate how much to save and the means of saving the money.
  • Money, Success, and Relation Between Them In particular, the modern generation attaches so much importance to money in the sense that success and money are presumed to be one and the same thing.
  • Drugs: The Love of Money Is the Root of All Evils The political issues concerning the use of drugs consist of, but not limited to, the substances that are defined as drugs, the means of supplying and controlling their use, and how the society relates with […]
  • Edwin Arlington Robinson: Money and Happiness in “Richard Cory” It is evident that money cannot guarantee happiness in one’s life due to the uncertainties that surround each one of us.
  • Money Laundering Through Cryptocurrencies This study will try to critique the approaches used by countries to address the aspect of money laundering activities and the risks posed by digital currencies.
  • Giving Money to the Homeless: Is It Important? The question of whether a person should give money to a homeless person or not is a complicated one and cannot have the right answer.
  • Why Money Is Important: Benefits & Downsides The notion originated from the Bible because the person who made Jesus suffer on the cross was enticed by the love of money to forsake Jesus.
  • Money and Banking: General Information The essay gives the definition of money and gives a brief description of the functions of money. As a store of value, money can be saved reliably and then retrieved in the future.
  • Two Attitudes Towards Money The over-dependence on money to satisfy one’s emotional needs is a negative perspective of money. The positive attitude of money is rarely practiced by people.
  • The Lebanese-Canadian Bank’s Money Laundering The bank was later banned from using the dollar by the American treasury; this resulted in the collapse and eventual sale of the bank.L.C.B.had to pay a settlement fine of one hundred and two million […]
  • Where Does the Money Go? by Bittle & Johnson Therefore, the authors explain key issues of the national debt in a relatively simple language and provide their opinion on how the country got into that situation and what could be done about it. In […]
  • Anti-Money Laundering in Al Ansari Exchange Case Study Details Company name: Al Ansari Exchange Headquarters: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Sector: Financial Services Number of employees: 2500 Annual gross revenue: UAED 440.
  • “From Empire to Chimerica” in “The Ascent of Money” In the chapter “From Empire to Chimerica,” Niall Ferguson traces back the history of the Western financial rise and suggests that nowadays it is being challenged by the developing Eastern world. The hegemonic position of […]
  • Paper Money and Its Role Throughout History The adoption of the paper money was considered to be beneficial for both the wealth of the country and the individual businessmen.
  • Artworks Comparison: Les Demoiselles d’Avignon and Tribute Money Though the Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, a fresco created by Picasso, was created in an entirely different epoch than Masaccio’s Tribute Money was, the two artworks still share a range of stylistic, compositional and conceptual similarities, […]
  • Exploring the Relationship Between Education and Money A person cannot be able to change his/her ascribed status in the society, but only through education a person is able to change his/her Socio-economic status and to some extent that of his/her family once […]
  • The Relationship Between Money Supply and Inflation It is evidenced that changing the money supply through the central banks leads to a control of the inflationary situations in the same economy.
  • Money: Evolution, Functions, and Characteristics It acts as medium of exchange where it is accepted by both buyers and sellers; the buyer gives money to the seller in exchange of commodities.
  • Money Laundering Scene in Police Drama “Ozark” In one of the first season’s episodes, Marty, the main character, illustrates the process of money laundering crime. In the scene, one can see that Marty is fully sane and is committing a crime voluntarily.
  • Money From the Christian Perspective Work in Christian missions is a business and since it affects the relationship between the missionary and the people he is trying to reach, missionary funding is essential.
  • Business Case Scenario: Missing Money in a Company A possible scenario explaining how money is missing is through the payroll department my first argument seeks to prove the payroll department as the loophole of the company’s misfortunes.
  • Sports Stadiums’ Funding by Public Money The issue is controversial from an ethical point of view since not all citizens whose taxes can be spent on the construction of the stadium are interested in or fond of sports.
  • Money Laundering: The Kazakhgate Case He was accused of breaking the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1974 and money laundering by the’s office for the Southern District of New York.
  • The Ways Terrorists Raise and Move Money Moreover, the government has put into action the freezing orders and blocking of united states individuals who are presumed to have a hand in terrorist activities.
  • “Money as a Weapon” System and Fiscal Triad Furthermore, the fiscal triad encompasses the procurement of products and services and the disbursement and accounting of public funding. Fiscal legislation and contracts are two key components of the “money as a weapon” system.
  • The Fiscal Triad and Money as a Weapon System The reliance on the unit commanders sparked the development of the complementary strategy, “Money as a Weapon System,” which became a focal point of the Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns.
  • Saving Money Using Electric or Gas Vehicles The central hypothesis of the study is that the electric car will save more money than gas ones. The main expected outcome that the study is counting on is a confirmation of the presented hypothesis […]
  • Traditional vs. Modern Forms of Money The most significant argument for the continuing existence of traditional forms of money is the impossibility of converting all financial resources into a digital form.
  • Time Value of Money: What You Should Know The time value of money is a paramount financial concept, according to which a certain amount is now worth more than the same amount in the future.
  • The Concept of the Time Value of Money The concept of the time value of money refers to the financial principle noting that a fixed amount of money currently is worth more than the same amount of money in the future.
  • Play Money Paper: A Report Betas of the Companies in the Portfolio It is noteworthy that in the given portfolio, the beta indices of the companies involved vary considerably.
  • Integration of Business Ethics in Preventing Money Laundering Schemes The shipping information within the document seems inaccurate with the intention to launder money from the buyer. The contribution of ocean carrier in the transaction process is doubtful to a given extent.
  • Trade-Based Money Laundering The purpose of this paper is to research the subject of trade-based money laundering, its impact on global scene and export controls, identify types of trade finance techniques used to launder illegal money, and provide […]
  • Impact of Natural Disasters on Money Markets and Investment Infusion of funds from the central bank during natural disasters results in higher process of exports as a direct result of an increase in the value of the local currency.
  • The Perception of Money, Wealth, and Power: Early Renaissance vs. Nowadays In the Renaissance period, power was a questionable pursuit and could be viewed as less stable due to more frequent upheavals.
  • Financial Institutions and Money Money is a store of value because it can be saved now and used to purchase se goods and services in the future.
  • Researching of the Time Value of Money After receiving the loan, one of the monetary policies that would help PIIGS to stabilize is the deflation of their currency, in this case, the Euro.
  • Anti-Money Laundering: Financial Action Task Force Meanwhile, given the limited access for physical assessment of state jurisdictions, it is likely that current provisions of FATF are yet to be revised in spite of pandemic travel and assessment restrictions.
  • Anti-Money Laundering in the UK Jurisdiction The regime adopted in the UK is based on the provisions of “the Terrorism Act of 2000, the Proceeds of Crime Act of 2002, as well as the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Transfer of […]
  • Trade-Based Money Laundering and Its Attractiveness The proliferation of the trade-based money laundering is directly related to the growing complexity of international trade systems, where new risks and vulnerabilities emerge and are seen as favorable among terrorist organizations seeking for the […]
  • Money Laundering and Sanctions Regulatory Frameworks Under the provisions of OFAC, the company has violated the cybersecurity rules that might indirectly bring a significant threat to the national security or the stability of the United States economy by engaging in online […]
  • Type Borrowing Money: Margin Lending In the defense of the storm financial planning firm, BOQ submitted to the authorities that in view of banking regulatory policies, storm had not contravened any of the policies and this is the reason why […]
  • Lessons on Financial Planning Using Money Tree Software Financial planning remains a fundamental function among the investors in coming up with a method of using the finances presently and in the future.
  • The Supply of Money in the Capitalist Economy In the capitalist economy that the world is currently based on, the supply of money plays a significant role in not only affecting salaries and prices but also the growth of the economy.
  • Time Value of Money Defined and Calculations Simply put, the same value of money today is worth the same value in future. The time value of money can therefore be defined as the calculated value of the money taking into consideration various […]
  • Money Tree Software: Financial Planning This return is important because: It represents the reward the business stakeholders and owner of the business get in staking their money on the business currently and in the future It rewards the business creditors […]
  • Money Management: Investment on Exchange-Traded Funds The essay will discuss the possibility of investing in a number of selected ETFs in connection to an investment objective of an individual.
  • What Is Money Laundering and Is It Possible to Fight It Certainly and more often money involved in laundering is obtained from illegal activities and the main objective of laundering is to ‘clean’ the dirty money and give it a legitimate appearance in terms of source.
  • Time Value of Money: Choosing Bank for Deposit The value of the money is determined by the rate of return that the bank will offer. The future value of the two banks is $20,000 and $22,000 for bank A and bank B respectively.
  • How Money Market Mutual Funds Contributed to the 2008 Financial Crisis While how the prices of shares fell below the set $1 per share was a complex process, it became one of the greatest systemic risks posed by the MMMF to the investors and the economy […]
  • Time Value of Money From an Islamic Perspective Islamic scholars say that the time value of money and the interest rates imposed on money lent are the reasons why the poor keep on getting poor and the rich richer.
  • Rational Decision Making: Money on Your Mind The mind is responsible for making financial decision and it is triggered by the messages we receive on the day to day activities. Lennick and Jordan explain that, we have two systems in the brain; […]
  • A Usability Test Conducted on GE It is common knowledge that the easier it is to access services and products on a given website the more likely users will be encouraged to come back.
  • “Most Important Thing Is Money Ltd”: Vaccination Development Thus, necessary powers have been vested with the Secretary of State for Health in England, through the recommendations of the Joint Committee on Vaccinations and Immunisation to enforce such preventive steps, through necessary programs that […]
  • Money Investments in the Companies and Bonds The stock volume is on the low level now, about 30, but it is connected with the crisis in the world and the additional investment may support the company and increase it. In general the […]
  • Money Management in the Organization There is a much debate on the issue and several people an financial experts do analyze the historical perspectives of the Active vs Passive money management.
  • How the Virus Transformed Money Spending in the US In the article featured in the New York Times, Leatherby and Geller state that the rate at which people spend their money has rapidly decreased due to the emergence of the virus in the United […]
  • The Role of Money and Class Division in Society The image of modern American society tries in vain to convey the prevalence of personality over social division. Americans’ perception of financial status has been shaped for years by creating the notion of the “American […]
  • Money and American Classes in 1870-1920 Wherein, the time of the stock market emergence was the time of the ongoing “carnival,” where the mystical power of money transferred to miraculous products and medicines and compelling advertisements.
  • The Ascent of Money – Safe as Houses Looking from a broad historical perspective, Niall Ferguson devotes the chapter “Save as Houses” to the observation of the real estate concept transformation, describes the place of the real estate market in the economic systems […]
  • The Ascent of Money – Blowing Bubbles The price for a share tells how much people rely on the cost of the company in the future. The life of a stock market represents the reflection of human moods on the price of […]
  • Canada’s Role in the History of Money: The Relationship Between Ownership and Control Individuals with the predominant shares gain the directorship of the wealth production channels and as such gain control of the diversified owners.
  • Why Non-Monetary Incentives Are More Significant Than Money It is important to recognize that both monetary and non-monetary incentives, otherwise known as total rewards, are offered to employees in diverse ways for purposes of attracting and motivating them to the ideals of the […]
  • To Make Money or Serve the Society? However, when the issue of the corporation to serve the society arises, then it kind of compromises the main focus of the corporation, which is to make money. These have been the major causes of […]
  • Money Role in Macro Economy The dollar is till now the most accepted currency in the world and this dollar fluctuation that has been caused by the worst recession in American history since the time of the Great Depression is […]
  • Two Attitudes Toward Money Two attitudes toward money involve negative perception of money as universal evil and positive perception of money as source of good life and prosperity.
  • Organizational Communication & the “Money” Aspect While the use of this information is critical for both ensuring survival of the organization and being a frontrunner in its strategies for the future, there are large boulders in use of this information effectively, […]
  • Tax Money Usage on Military Spending Issue The fact that America won the Cold War and defeated the Soviets is taken as a vindication by the American leaders of the need to continue military spending.
  • Money Makes You Happy: Philosophical Reasoning It is possible to give the right to the ones who think that money can buy happiness. This conclusion is not accepted by psychologists who think that wealth brings the happiness only in the moment […]
  • “Who Says Money Cannot Buy Happiness” by Lee Investment is a production process for will it bring about goods and services that can be sold to the market and in the process, the owner of the business makes some profit.
  • Technical Analysis as Active Money Management Method Technical analysis is the financial markets methodology that asserts the capability to foretell the probable course of security charges by the means of past market data study, principally price and volume.
  • Spare Change: Giving Money to the “Undeserving Poor” To address the central theme of the article, one need to delve deeper into the psyche of giving alms and money to the poor people we meet on the street.
  • The Use of Money in Business Practices Money is seen as the cause of problems and especially in the minds of emerging market respondents. Through this they can pick up groceries for the old in their neighborhood and make money from this.
  • Money Laundering and Terrorist Finance However, the balance money after the sham gambling is transferred to another ordinary bank account, thereby creating a legal status for the laundered money as if it has come from gambling and will be employed […]
  • City Planning. Too Much Money: Why Savings Are Bad The scenario is that the expected growth in economies where the rate of savings is high has not shown a corresponding increase in growth rate also.
  • Debates in Endogenous Money: Basil Moore The value of the currency was determined by the value of the precious metal used to mint the currency. From the time Federal Reserve took control of money and credit, economic consistency is attained by […]
  • Money and Banking. Financial Markets The essay will examine the essence and the importance of the above-mentioned financial phenomena and see how their interrelation, especially in the negative context, can influence the state of things in society.
  • Money and Justice: High-Profile Cases It is estimated that thousands of persons bracketed in the ‘poor’ sector of society go to jail annually in the United States without having spoken to a lawyer.
  • Accounting for Public Money After Railway Privatization There were very many problems prior to the railway privatization in of the problems that led to the privatization of the railway line in the UK was the misappropriation of taxpayers’ money.
  • Time Value of Money and Its Financial Applications The time value of money refers to the idea that money available at the present time is worth more than the same amount in the future, due to its potential earning capacity.
  • Time Value of Money in Examples Therefore, re-purchase of the shares appeals to the managers of the company because it will allow the company uses the money to regenerate more money for the purpose of repurchase the shares in the future.
  • Wall Street Managers: The Art of Making Money In the end, the goal of Wall Street managers is to ensure optimal returns in all of their investments. The evolution of Wall Street managers is etched in the history of financial markets.
  • Money Laundering in the USA and Australia The International Money Fund has established that the aggregate size of money laundering in the World is approximately four percent of the world’s gross domestic product.
  • Locke’s Second Treatise of Government and Voltaire’s Candide’s Value on Money Both written at a time when philosophers had started questioning the relevance of capitalism and the concept of wealth creation, it is evident that the two authors were keen on explaining the power of money […]
  • The Concept of Money Laundering The first issue I have learned is that the main problem lies in the presence of Big Data that includes trillions of transactions of various financial organizations and systems.
  • Fraud, Money Laundering, and Terrorism Financing After the audacious attack by Al-Qaeda and the destruction of the Twin Towers on 11th of September 2001, terrorism was declared the number one enemy to the peace and stability of the modern world.
  • Time Value of Money – Preparing for Home Ownership The purchase price of the house is determined by using the following formula in Excel. 66 The down payment is 20% of the future value of the house, i.e, $40,278.13.
  • Martin Van Buren: Money and Indian Relocation One of the reasons for such collaboration and understanding is the focus on the values we have. I believe this path will bring us to the land we all would like to live in.
  • The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money Money is a determinant of the propensity to consume; hence, the more money one makes, the more that he or she consumes and the converse is the case.
  • The Practice of Saving Money Knowledge of the language is also a very crucial component of EAP as it aids the learner in understanding questions and responding to them in their examinations.another differentiating factor between the two varieties of English […]
  • Money Market and Value-Based Pricing Consequently, the GDP can be defined by the equation: Y=C+I+G+NX where: Y= Total GDP, C=Consumption by household, I=Investment, G=Government expenditure, NX=Net Exports Net Domestic product entails the reduction of the GDP by the depreciation of […]
  • How Money Markets Operate? Furthermore, only free markets have shown the resilience that is necessary to accompany the fluctuations in demand and supply of the money markets.
  • Access Right to Money: Sculpture Theft Among the suspects, there are those in dire need of the money due to financial problems, while others need the values worth of the item and not the actual monetary price attached to the item.
  • History of Money in Spain The production of coins melted from gold also ceased in the year 1904, with the production of that melted from silver ceasing in the year 1910.
  • Money Flows and Financial Repression in the US and China From the article, the authors depict how the interest rates in developed countries like the United States compare with those of the emerging markets such as China, India, and Brazil.
  • Management: “Marketplace Money” and “Undercover Boss” In this case, the accents are made on the support of the healthy workforce in order to guarantee the better employees’ performance and on the idea of rewards as the important aspects to stimulate the […]
  • Money Compensation for Student-Athletes Besides, sports are highly lucrative for colleges, and students whose labor brings the revenues should share the part of them not to lose the interest in such activities.
  • Chapters 1-3 of “Money Mechanics” by David Ashby The retained amount of money in the commercial bank is the primary reserve. The banks can decide to reduce their working reserve, and the money obtained is transferred to the excess reserve fund in accounts […]
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  • Karl Marx on Commodities, Labor, and Money Division of labour is very important in the production of commodities. The use-value of each commodity contains useful labour.
  • The UAE Against Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing This valuation of the anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism government of the United Arab Emirates is founded on the forty endorsements and the nine special commendations on extremist supporting of the monetary […]
  • UAE Anti-Money Laundering Laws and Their Benefits The legal maintenance of counteraction to the legalization of criminal incomes is carried out by means of a system of laws and regulations, controlling financial, bank, and customs relations and establishing the order of licensing […]
  • Money, Their Features, Functions and Importance The first hindrance is the inability of the household to monitor the activities of firms. In this case, it is used to state the value of debt.
  • Happiness Without Money in Sociology and Psychology The tendency’s mechanics are simple – being in the possession of any substantial sum of money increases a person’s chance to secure a dominant status within the society, which in turn will result in strengthening […]
  • Money Market Development Factors The money market is one of the fundamental elements in the functioning of any state. Under these conditions, the gradual rise of technologies and their implementation in the sphere of financial operations alter the money […]
  • “God’ Money is Now My Money” by Stanley Seat It could be said that different priorities and the lack of time for supervision of the employees are the critical reasons for the violation of rules and high frequency of fraud in the religious institutions […]
  • International Money Laundering Thus, money laundering has a profound impact on the state of the global economy, as well as on the economy of the U.S.
  • Cybercrime and Digital Money Laundering The result of the investigation was the indictment of Western Express and a number of the company’s clients for several charges including stolen credit card data trafficking and money laundering.
  • Hawala Remittance System: Anti-Money Laundering Compliance The existence and operation of money remittance systems is one of the primary features of developing economic relation at all scales from local to the global ones.
  • Time Value of Money in Economies of Scale Also, the investigation of the VoF becomes easier by means of scrutinizing the tradeoff between the TVM and the EoS. The TVM is also employed to reach the integration of infrastructure investment valuation and risk […]
  • Time Value of Money in Investment Planning The author of the post makes a good point that an amount of money is worth more the sooner it is received.
  • David Leonhardt: May Be Money Does Buy Happiness After All The case study of Japanese citizens that support Easterlin paradox do not factor in the confounding psychological effects of the Second World War on the entire population and the country.
  • Illegal Drug Use, Prostitution and Money Laundering Upon discussing the impact of money laundering, illegal drugs, and prostitution, the paper proposes the issuing of a court order restraining the use of wealth acquired from victimless crimes as one of the approaches to […]
  • Getting Beyond: Show Me the Money Nevertheless, underpayment and overpayment are common, leading to dissatisfaction. Notably, compensation is part culture, but analytics will gain traction in the big data era, as start-ups leverage such advantages from experts to manage a sales […]
  • Space Programs: Progress or Waste of Money? According to Ehrenfreund, the ingenuity to develop technologies and work in space is part of the progress that comes from space programs. Space programs have led to the development of technologies that improve air transport.
  • “The Money Machine: How the City Works” by Coggan The media plays a chief role in educating the public concerning the various financial matters that affect the undertakings of the City.
  • Money Evolution in Ancient Times and Nowadays In the means to defining what money is, most of the scholars from the psychological and physiological field have come up with the theoretical aspects of money and the ways it influences the economic growth […]
  • Fraud and Crime Theory in the “Black Money” Movie The movie shows the irregularities involved in the acquisition of arms for the Saudi government. The movie is a perfect display of the international crimes and financial fraud that has been on the rise in […]
  • Mercantilism, Stamped Money, and Under-Consumption It is paramount to note that he criticizes ideas of Ricardo quite frequently, and he believed that he did not consider the ideas that were suggested by other prominent economists.
  • Money Evolution in the 21st Century and Before The history of the world cannot be described effectively without identifying the function of money. Money has been used to measure the value of resources and financial markets.
  • Financial Crisis in Ferguson’s “The Ascent of Money” By Ferguson, the main purpose of the historian is to relieve humanity from the financial illusions on the examples of the past.
  • Monetary Policy in “The Ascent of Money” by Ferguson The rise of Babylon is closely linked to the evolution of the concept of debt and credit; without bond markets and banks, the brilliance of the Italians would not have materialized; the foundation of the […]
  • The Airtel Money Service: Indian and African Paths When comparing the Indian and African paths in introducing the service, the first difference that arises is the main user of the service as in the case of India, it was the lower middle class.
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  • Treatise on the New Money: Document Analysis
  • Human Bondage in Ferguson’s “The Ascent of Money”
  • Money History, Bonds, Market Bubbles, and Risks
  • Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream
  • Deflation in the Quantity Theory of Money
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples.

"260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples." March 2, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples." March 2, 2024.


IvyPanda . "260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples." March 2, 2024.

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20 Websites to Write and get Paid Instantly (upto $200 each)

20 Websites to Write and get Paid Instantly (upto $200 each)

*This post may contain affiliate links. Please read the full disclosure here . 

Get Paid to Write

Table of Contents

If you are looking for ways to get paid to write articles from home, you will love this list!

You can get paid to write about anything, from food, faith, health, money and more.

This is the perfect way to make money instantly and will also give you the confidence to begin a freelance writing career online.

You can get paid for writing articles that will benefit readers of the websites listed in this post.

Get Paid for Writing

For example, say you are looking to write on “Earn money as a stay-at-home mom” – make it informative, rather than a personal story. So instead of only talking about your experience finding a work from home mom job, get into details – write about income potential, job description, and advance career options.

This way they are getting the full package and your article are more likely to be accepted for publication.

Remember, it’s not about how long your posts are, but about how beneficial they are to their readers.

Research articles on the topics before you submit your first draft for approval.

Also, make sure you go through their website and read previous articles that have been submitted by other writers. This way you know the type of articles that click with their audience.

They could be looking for humour, tutorials, list-based posts, or just simple and easy to follow tips. Keep these in mind before applying and you can nail these gigs easily.

You can either be a blogger, a freelance writer or just someone who writes as a hobby.

Get Paid to be a Writer

If you are looking to make a full-time career as a freelance writer, here is a mom blogger who teacher beginners how to do just that.

As a blogger, I have followed Elna Cain for years and can tell you from experience that she always has some solid advice to share.

Elna runs multiple blogs, one of which teaches you how to make money as a writer. She has also created this online course that will show you how to make your first $1,000 freelance writing.

I had purchased her blogging course in the past and it was plain simple and easy to follow. I would recommend her online training for beginners who need help breaking into this career.

freelance writing jobs

Related post:  Legit list of phone apps that will pay you up to $10,000!

Let us now take a look at this list of paid articles and writing websites to apply.

Paid Articles

Clubhouse Magazine is a Christian magazine that helps teach faith to children by providing stories and educational material.

Fiction stories are $200 and up, while non- fiction is $150 and up.

Eureka Street accepts submissions of up to 800 words, on topics surrounding politics, religion and culture in Australia and around the world.

They pay $200 per article and also accept poetry and short fiction.

Visit their website for more information and submission guidelines.

Cooking detective  – If you are a food or a recipe blogger you will love this! Get paid for writing review articles on kitchen gadgets and appliances.

Up to $160 for posts and payment made through PayPal. Review articles need to be written keeping food, recipe, and nutrition in mind. There is an email address to send in your pitch on their website.

Related post:  Incredibly easy ways to get free money right now

Health & Wellness

Eating well  – You can earn up to $1/word for an article you write for them.

Its a magazine about recipes, educative nutrition and science-based approach to healthy living.

If this is something that suits you, go ahead and apply as they have a reach of over 850k readership!

The editors’ email address is provided for you to apply to on their site.

Listverse  –  You know I was going to mention this, didn’t you?

Listverse is a list based website that will pay your $100 for a post even if you are not an experienced writer.

You just need to include a bit of humour into your post and have a passion to write on things unusual and interesting.

A perfect way to start your writing gig as a newbie!

Wonders list – Similar to listverse, they are looking for list-based articles with a unique content that is factual and will pay you via Paypal for a 1500 worded post. They have included an email address for you to send in your pitch.


Money pantry  – Get paid to write with MoneyPantry and earn between $30- $150 a post.

They welcome writers at any level – even if you are just a beginner.

They are looking for unique money-making or money-saving articles, that would be of benefit to their audience.

The post needs to be at least 700 words and emailed to the editor.

Penny Hoarder   – If you blog about personal finance, money-making or money-saving you are bound to know this website.

With a huge readership, you will be gaining a lot of visibility as a writer and will get paid for doing it.

They haven’t mentioned the payment figures on their website, however, the editor will discuss this based on your post.

They have an online contribution form for you to submit your article.


Income Diary – If you are well versed with SEO this website pays $200-$500 per blog post.

Other topics accepted are social media marketing and making money online.

You can also choose to write about increasing blog traffic, web design or affiliate marketing.

Money Crashers – They are a personal finance site looking for 3,000+ words on investing, money management, retirement planning, credit and debt, real estate, mortgages, frugal living, and lifestyle.

Their payout is monthly by PayPal or direct deposit.

Make a Living Writing – Pay between $75-$150 for writing guest posts on the following topics:

  • Copywriting
  • Ghostwriting
  • productivity
  • Social media marketing success stories and more

Freelance mom  – well researched, informative articles that will benefit the readers.

The post is meant to be 900-1800 words long and you get  $75  – $100  paid through PayPal

Her view from home  – this is a family oriented site that is looking for writers on topics like parenting, kids, faith.

Articles are to be between 600-800 and you get paid through PayPal based on the number of views tour post received.

Wow! Women on Writing – they are looking for an article worded between 1000- 3000 which relates to how- to’s, interviews or roundups that will be of benefit to fellow writers.

Paid via PayPal either  $50  Or  $75  based on the article

A fine parent – An online community for parents that publish in-depth articles each week. Articles must be original and within the range of 1,500 and 3,000 words.

Paying  $75  for a post, you just don’t want to miss out!  – They require articles on a wide range of well researched and thought out topics.

They have listed a variety of previously published posts that have fared well, to give you a sense of what they are looking for in your submission. A well paying $50- $150  for a post.

Just parents  – They are a parenting site based in the UK.

They accept submissions through their contact form and you will be paid through PayPal in 24hrs of your article being approved

Green parent  – If you live in the UK, this UK based publication accepting guest post between 1,500 to 2,000.

They have a readership of over 100,000 and they pay £75 for every 1000 words!

Metro- parent  – Pay varies depending on the type of article, length of it and experience of the writer. But you have a lot of options to choose from.

Focus on the family – They are looking for hands-on practical ideas for parents to try. Word count is between 50-300, with a payment of $50 on acceptance. Visit their website for more information on how to submit your work.

Great Escape Publishing  – Is about articles on getting paid to travel whether its to do with writing or photography.

Their payment is up to $200 depending on the content you create, and how much readers can profit from it.

Transitions Abroad – They are looking for planning guides for travel, work, study and living abroad. Details about how to submit are on their website. Once accepted, writers can earn between $75 to $150 per article.

Writing Jobs:

If you are an experienced freelance writer or blogger, you can try applying to websites that offer regular writing jobs like Online Writing Jobs .

Once you apply with them they offer you writing gigs on a regular basis. They only accept those living in the United States.

The application involves, submitting an online application form, writing sample, proof of residency and tax form.

Another online platform hiring writers is GrammarGang . They have full-time, part-time and freelance writing jobs available.

Topics include freelancing, writing, grammar, SaaS, B2B, eCommerce, and affiliate content.

According to their website, you can earn between $75 – $500 per article, and they have an online application form that you can use to apply.

FlexJobs is another choice for freelance writing jobs.

You have regular jobs posted on their website and you can apply to the ones that suit you best. FlexJobs is an online job board, but they do require you to pay a monthly fee to view their listings.

Writing Websites

While the list above offers a quick one-time writing opportunities, let’s take a look at some sites that offer regular freelance writing gigs.

  • Click Worker
  • Virtual Vocations
  • We Work Remotely

In conclusion to this post on paid articles

First thing is to make sure you sign up for a PayPal account. It’s free to sign up and a fairly simple verification process.

Make sure your content is – unique. Something that will be of benefit to the reader, and something that leaves the reader with an action plan

If allowed, try an aim for a personal experience in your post so the audience can relate to it. This makes your post more relatable and sets a realistic goal for the readers.

Be sure it’s100% your original content.

Be confident, keep trying and don’t give up.

Start getting paid for writing on topics you love!

get paid to write : 16 websites to write and get paid instantly



This is such an incredible resource. I had no idea there were this many sites out there willing to pay for posts. Right now I’m focusing mostly on writing for our site, but will be saving this for the near future. I would love love love to make a little extra money doing what I’m passionate about. Keep up the good work. You’ve provided so many valuable resources and this post is yet another one!

Saranya Ramanathan

Thank you so much, Jenny!! Yes, there are numerous websites that pay writers, and these are some that are currently accepting.


Thank you for the article. I applied to Penny Hoarder =). Hopefully they will be in touch.

Hi Karen, that’s great! Let us know how you get along:)


Thank you so much for this list. How in the world do you find all this information? This is great. I am working on the courage to start pitching and freelancing. I will check some of these out. I love it!

Thanks Jane! I hope you find some of these resources useful to find freelance work. I had to research and filter out the most legit sites in the market to narrow down this list:) Let me know how you go!


Awesome resource- thanking for writing and sharing this information 😊

Thanks Samantha!

Davianna @ Mompursuit

Reading this post was so engaging. I ended up on 4 more of your post. It gave me a sense of a better understanding to improve my blog moving forward. So greatful for these helpful post… You are awesome ..

Aww thank you Davianna! And you just made my day:)


Hello, I’m really interested but PayPal isn’t available in my country. Do you have any other recommendations?


hello, i m interested to write something about health and fitness ,but PayPal isn’t available in my region . what can i do ?


This is a great resource, thanks!

Craig | Lifein12Keys

Another great article Saranya. I’ve found this to be a great way for new bloggers to cover some monthly costs while honing their writing craft. I’ve also made some extra money re-writing short 500 word articles into longer 1000+ word posts with my own affiliate links and ads.

Hi Craig! Thank you for commenting. This is indeed motivating for new bloggers looking to make some extra money online. And thank you for sharing your tips on whats worked for you:)


Could you tell me about it, please?


Thank you, this is a great resource


I think I will try “Litverse” and “Wow! Women on Writing”. I love to write and I was wondering what is the next step. It would be nice to make a bit of money from my writing; doing something that I love.

Absolutely Ingrid! Writing for magazines are a great way to earn extra money, if you enjoy writing. Thanks for stopping by!

Have you tried Listverse? Do they actually pay you? Also how often because I’ve heard things.

I haven’t personally used Listverse, but have heard some good reviews about it and hence included it in this list:)

Elena Aquino

Great article. I really appreciate it. But I have just one question. Do the post have to be written in English or do the sites accept posts in Spanish too?

Hi Elena, This post particularly deals with English content, unfortunately.


Is this available in Nigeria

Mighty isaacs

Thank you dear for sharing such info. Be blessed

amit maurya

I think I will try “Litverse” and “Wow! Women on Writing”. I love to write and I was wondering what is the next step. It would be nice to make a bit of money from my writing; doing something that I love.

surendra naruka

Thank you so much for this list. How in the world do you find all this information? This is great. I am working in High School. I also work on a website; Thank again.

Thank you Surendra!

marco baatjes

great post, I will try to sign up for some of these when I have a moment. Thanks for sharing the list


This is an amazing article full of website links. I will definitely share this to my friends who really wanted to earn money by writing.

Nayan Kumar

Nice Article. Thanks for sharing.

Oladoke kehinde

What an excellent post here,writing is one of my passion, I could write as long as i can

I am very sure that with this wonderful guide I would be able to make money writing article


Hi, the great article you have written here, I love this blog I already bookmarked it and I am a regular visitor to this site, it’s very helpful for me. thanks


Are there any websites that you could suggest for blogs or articles about dealing with addiction?

Ray Leezy

very interresting thank you. is there any sites for cleaning or sales? thats my background. thanks again.

Aruni Jayawardane

Hi there. It’s my first time trying this out. Ive been out of work for a few months and wanted to give writing ago as it was something I really loved doing sometime back. As I’m not working, I’ve enough time to write and was hoping to slowly earn some money writing. Would anyone know of any sites that accept writing but do not require that I put money in first to begin and that would work for Asia? I am currently in Sri Lanka and so would need something that works in this part of the world. Could anyone please advise me. Thanks so much


Great Article thanks for sharing this.

Mubashar Iqbal

Really awesome piece of content. I really don’t know about these websites that you’ve mentioned in your post. Very thorough research and You’ve put everything in such a way that even a newbie can understand this and can start earning money using their writing skills.

Codeaxia Digital Solutions

thanks for the website list where we write and pay …


Great information about digital marketing websites to grow your business.

Nasir sindhu

That’s a great job. It gives full description about the topic.

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Essays About Money: Top 5 Examples and 6 Prompts

With money comes great power; however, power must always come with responsibility. Discover thought-provoking essays about money in our guide.

Money is everywhere. We use it to eat, drink, clothe ourselves, and get shelter, among many other uses. Nowadays, it is an undisputed fact that “money makes the world go round.” The earliest known form of money dates back to around 5,000 years ago ; trade was previously carried out using a barter system. However, over the centuries, more and more nations began implementing a currency system, and money has become more critical. 

In the contemporary world, it seems to be “all about money.” However, it is important not to lose sight of what is important; we must maintain good physical and mental health and healthy relationships with the people around us. Money is necessary; it is just not the only thing necessary. To start your essay, read these examples to write insightful essays about money. 

5 Top Examples On Essay About Money

1. essay on money by prasanna, 2. how money changed human history by jacob wilkins, 3. capitalism: money that make money by ernestine montgomery, 4.  is money the most important thing by seth higgins.

  • 5. ​​An Introduction to Saving Money by Jeremy Vohwinkle

Writing Prompts For Essays About Money

1. good uses for money, 2. the “dark side” of money, 3. money’s role in history, 4. morality vs. money, 5. can money buy happiness, 6. how to save money.

“Imagine the world without money. We will eventually come to a point where we will be asking questions like “what’s the point of life”. Hope and goals are some of the important things that will keep a man going in life. Without any sense of achievement or motivation, there wouldn’t be any inventions or progress in the world. People work to get money and then people work harder to get more money. This cycle of life that keeps a man motivated and hopeful is one of the biggest advantages of the system of money”

This essay gives readers a general outlook on money and its advantages and disadvantages. It gives people equal opportunity to work for their dreams and motivates them to be productive members of society, while it also raises the question of greed. Money, without a doubt, has its positive and negative aspects, but it exists and is only becoming more critical.

“But the barter economy was flawed. There was no universal measure for determining the value of an item. It was all based on the subjective opinion of the individuals involved. And to make matters worse, the barter economy relied on both sides wanting something the other had to offer. Trade, therefore, could be sluggish and frustrating. Human beings needed something different, and money was the answer.”

Wilkins writes about how money revolutionized the way trade was conducted. The barter system involved trading any objects if both parties agreed to a deal, such as trading animal skins for fish or medicine for timber. However, the only measure of an item’s value was how much one party wanted it- both sides needed to have something the other wanted. The introduction of money allowed people to put a solid value on commodities, making trade easier.  

“So, if you were to closely observe the dirty, disordered canvas of economic progress during the 20th and 21 st century, you should conclude that, for all its warts, capitalism has been the winner. It has sometimes caused pain; suffered from serious cycles; and often needed the clout of the state- such as we have seen from September 2008. It has also been quite resistant to sensible regulation. Even so, the basic institutions of capitalism have worked, not just in the US and the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and development) nations, but also many developing countries, of which India is one.”

Albeit lengthy, Montgomery’s essay discusses the debate between socialism and capitalism, a topic of which money is at the core. Montgomery describes Karl Marx’s criticism of capitalism: all the money goes to a few people, not the workers. She believes these are valid to an extent and criticizes certain forms of capitalism and socialism. Neither capitalism nor socialism is perfect, but according to Montgomery, capitalism creates a better economy. 

“Being the richest man in the world does not mean you are the happiest man in the world, although money can buy you happiness sometimes, but not always. If we could all appreciate the way life is, the fun, and the beauty I think the world would be better. If people weren’t power hungry maybe we’d have a lesser demand for money. Those people who is money hungry and power hungry need to relax. Money can’t buy you happiness. These individuals need to understand that.”

Higgins implores readers to remember that money is not the only thing people need in the world. He stresses the necessity of money, as it is used to pay for various necessary goods and services; however, he believes it is not a prerequisite for happiness. Material things are temporary, and there are other things we should focus on, like family and friends. 

5. ​​ An Introduction to Saving Money by Jeremy Vohwinkle

“A financial emergency may take the form of a job loss, significant medical or dental expense, unexpected home or auto repairs, a hurricane or major storm, or something unthinkable, such as a global pandemic. The last thing you want to do is to rely on credit cards with their hefty interest fees or to be forced to take out a loan. That’s where your emergency fund can come in handy. Historically, the formula for an emergency account is to have enough readily available cash to cover three to six months of living expenses.“

Vohwinkle’s essay gives readers some suggestions on how to save more money. Most importantly, he suggests setting up an emergency fund, as all other saving techniques stem from there. He also suggests creating an automatic savings plan and cutting down on “spending leaks,” like buying coffee. You might also be interested in these essays about celebration .

In this essay, write about why money is necessary and the ways to use it for the greater good, and include ways in which it can be used (investing, donating, etc.). For each point, you make, be sure to explain why. Of course, this is entirely subjective; feel free to write about what you consider “good uses” for money. 

On the other hand, money also has a negative side —research on money-related issues, such as taxpayer-funded corruption and trading of illegal goods. In your essay, explore this side of money and perhaps give solutions on how to stop these problems. 

Money has played a progressively more important role throughout human history. Discuss the development of currency and the economy, from the barter system to the digital world we live in today. You need not go too in-depth, as there is a lot of ground to cover and many eras to research. Be sure to cite reputable sources when discussing history. 

Many people warn of “selling your soul” for financial gain. In your essay, you can write about the importance of having solid values in this day and age, where money reigns supreme. What principles do you need to keep in mind? Explain how you can still value money while staying grounded; mention the balance between material needs and others. 

As stated in Higgins’ essay, more people have begun to prioritize money over all else. Do you believe that money is truly the most important thing? Can it alone make you happy? Discuss both sides of this question and choose your position accordingly. Be sure to provide precise supporting details for a stronger argument. 

Essays About Money: How to save money?

Enumerate tips on how you can save money. Anything works, from saving certain things for special occasions to buying more food in the grocery rather than eating out. This is your opinion; however, feel free to consult online sources and the people around you for extra advice. 

For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers .If you’re still stuck, check out our general resource of essay writing topics .

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Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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Essay on Money for Students and Children

500+ words essay on money.

Money is an essential need to survive in the world. In today’s world, almost everything is possible with money. Moreover, you can fulfill any of your dreams by spending money. As a result, people work hard to earn it. Our parents work hard to fulfill our dreams .

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Furthermore various businessmen , entrepreneurs have startup businesses to earn profits. They have made use of their skills and intelligence in getting an upper hand in earning. Also, the employee sector works day and night to complete their tasks given to them. But still, there are many people who take shortcuts to success and get involved in corruption.

Black Money

Black money is the money that people earn with corruption . For your information corruption involves the misuse of the power of high posts. For instance, it involves taking bribes, extra money for free services, etc. Corruption is the main cause of the lack of proper growth of the country .

Moreover, money that people having authority earns misusing their powers is black money. Furthermore, these earnings do not have proper documentation. As a result, the people who earn this do not pay income tax . Which is a great offense and the person who does this can be behind bars.

Money Laundering

In simple terms, money laundering is converting black money into white money. Also, this is another illegal offense. Furthermore, money laundering also encourages various crimes. Because it is the only way criminal can use their money from illegal sources. Money laundering is a crime, and the people who practice it are liable to go to jail.

Therefore the Government is taking various preventive measures to abolish money laundering. The government is linking bank accounts to AADHAR Card. To get all the transaction detail of each bank account. As a result, the government comes to know if any transaction is from an illegal source .

Also, every bank account has its own KYC (Know your Customer) this separates different categories of income of people. Businessmen are in the high-risk category. Then comes the people who are on a high post they are in the medium-risk category. Further, the last category is of the Employee sector they are at the lowest risk.

Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas

White Money

White money is the money that people earn through legal sources. Moreover, it is the money on which the people have already paid the tax. The employee sector of any company always has white money income.

Because the tax is already levied on their income. Therefore the safest way to earn money is in the employment sector. But your income will be limited here. As a result, many people take a different path and choose entrepreneurship. This helps them in starting their own company and make profitable incomes .

Every person in this world works hard to earn money. People try different methods and set of skills to increase their incomes. But it is always not about earning money, it’s about saving and spending it. People should spend money wisely. Moreover, things should always be bought by judging their worth. Because money is not precious but the efforts you make for it are.

Q1. What is Black Money?

A1. Black money is the money that people earn through illegal ways. It is strictly prohibited in our country. And the people who have it can go to jail.

Q2. What is the difference between Black money and White money?

A2. The difference between black money and white money is, Black money comes from illegal earnings. But white money comes from legal sources with taxation levied on it.

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3 Most Common Mistakes You Make in a College Essay

Why you never make it as good as an essay writer.

The world is changing and these changes affect all spheres. What your parents and seniors taught you might not longer work. For example, learn hard, get good grades and you'll be admitted to college. Well, turns out this rule is also in the past. College admission committees are no longer looking for studious and obedient applicants. What matters is the personality that shines through the pages of your college essay, ability to think and to create, spatial intelligence and your personal opinion. Do you think you can nail this piece of writing? Check out 3 most common mistakes you might be making!

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#1. Absence of creativity. Your work should be unique. It has nothing to do with plagiarism. Making a simple essay saying how good you were at school and how hard you're going to work in college won't help to win a place. Essay writer, for example, never says anything about studying. He tells the story. Your own outstanding story.

#2. Time management failure. How fast can you type 1 page? Probably, it takes you a bit more than 10 minutes. Then why sitting with one thought in the head "How do I write my essay?" if only 10 minutes required. Because it's a challenging task! You can't finish it overnight.

#3. Being trivial. Nothing is as bad for an essay as the very same words and the very same thoughts everyone repeats in their papers. How to avoid them? First, stop reading the website for essay help and templates. If someone has written and posted it on the Internet, there's a high chance it's already been copied to thousands of papers.

Advantages you get with essay writing service

Want to see an email confirming your admission? Then be smarter than copypasting someone's story or thought, especially if you don't share this attitude. The helping hand is always closer than you think. What can be better than to enjoy a readymade essay created personally for you?

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Allow essay rewriter read your paper and make necessary changes. He will take the best parts of your work and turn them into a brilliant piece. As a result you get an ideal writing without staying awake the whole night.

Another advantage of essay writing service is moderate prices. You don't have to own Tesla company or invent Facebook to pay for the work. A proficient writer would perform the task flawlessly as he has done many times before. It's way better when someone with certain experience is writing an essay, not a person who's torn between leisure time and duty calling. Receive your paper in time, enclose it to your documents and sit until getting an email from college with good news!

What to do after getting the paper

Nevertheless, your participation is required as well. An important part of each task performed by another person is to make sure you've got the proper and suitable paper. We recommend to read essay after you receive it. Check the grammar, learn the words you don't understand or unknown names before blindly sending your paper to college. Add your name if it's not mentioned (might occur if you prefer to keep your confidentiality) and decide whether the story correlates with your own one or if the thoughts are similar to those you share.

How the Wells Fargo Active Cash can help with summer travel costs

How to earn the wells fargo active cash welcome bonus, how to apply for the wells fargo active cash, what to do with your welcome bonus, alternatives to the wells fargo active cash, the bottom line, want extra money for summer travel this card has a fast pay out.

The Wells Fargo Active Cash isn't a travel rewards card, but it could still help boost your vacation budget.

Holly Johnson

Holly Johnson


Holly Johnson is a credit card expert and writer who covers rewards and loyalty programs, budgeting, and all things personal finance. In addition to writing for publications like Bankrate,, Forbes Advisor and Investopedia, Johnson owns Club Thrifty and is the co-author of "Zero Down Your Debt: Reclaim Your Income and Build a Life You'll Love."

Tiffany Connors

Tiffany Wendeln Connors is a senior editor for CNET Money with a focus on credit cards. Previously, she covered personal finance topics as a writer and editor at The Penny Hoarder. She is passionate about helping people make the best money decisions for themselves and their families. She graduated from Bowling Green State University with a bachelor's degree in journalism and has been a writer and editor for publications including the New York Post, Women's Running magazine and Soap Opera Digest. When she isn't working, you can find her enjoying life in St. Petersburg, Florida, with her husband, daughter and a very needy dog.

Evan Zimmer

Staff Writer

Evan Zimmer has been writing about finance for years. After graduating with a journalism degree from SUNY Oswego, he wrote credit card content for Credit Card Insider (now Money Tips) before moving to ZDNET Finance to cover credit card, banking and blockchain news. He currently works with CNET Money to bring readers the most accurate and up-to-date financial information. Otherwise, you can find him reading, rock climbing, snowboarding and enjoying the outdoors.

The editorial content on this page is based solely on objective, independent assessments by our writers and is not influenced by advertising or partnerships. It has not been provided or commissioned by any third party. However, we may receive compensation when you click on links to products or services offered by our partners.

Key takeaways

  • The Wells Fargo Active Cash has a welcome bonus that’s relatively easy to earn in a short period of time.
  • An introductory APR period also allows you time to pay for summer travel purchases.
  • Travel-specific credit cards may offer more benefits and perks for long-term credit use.

With this year’s summer travel season only months away, there’s not a lot of time left to save for your trips. Luckily, you can still increase your vacation fund by applying for the Wells Fargo Active Cash® Card . It lets you earn a $200 cash rewards welcome bonus after you spend just $500 in purchases within three months of account opening.

So long as you can pay off your balance on time and in full every month, the Active Cash card is among the best credit cards to help you cover the last-minute costs of summer travel. Here’s what to consider before applying.

The Wells Fargo Active Cash is among easier-to-earn credit card welcome bonuses. A welcome bonus pays out extra rewards beyond what you earn with the card for normal spending once you reach a specified spending threshold set by the credit card issuer.

With its low $500 spending requirement in the first three months of account opening, you could likely earn that by putting a month of your grocery and gas spending on the card. Once you’ve met that requirement, you’ll have an extra $200 in cash rewards to put toward any upcoming trips. 

And the welcome bonus isn’t the only way the Active Cash card can help you save on summer travel. It’s also one of the best flat-rate rewards cards , letting you earn 2% cash rewards on purchases -- including your hotel, airfare, rental car or any other travel expense. Plus, there’s no annual fee.

New cardholders can also benefit from the card’s introductory APR offer for purchases and balance transfers, which is ideal for debt consolidation or paying down large purchases, like plane tickets.

The intro 0% APR on purchases and qualifying balance transfers lasts for 15 months from account opening (then 20.24%, 25.24% or 29.99% variable). If you’re making a big purchase, plan out your payment schedule ahead of time so you can avoid incurring interest charges when the intro APR period ends.

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Making a plan before you apply for a card can help ensure you earn the welcome bonus without falling into credit card debt:

  • Plan your spending based on your budget . Knowing which purchases you can put on your card ahead of time can help you avoid overspending to reach the bonus. 
  • Use your card for regular spending and bills . Charge all your regular expenses to your card to earn the bonus faster. Consider using plastic to pay for subscriptions and insurance premiums in addition to everyday expenses like groceries and gas. But watch out for credit card convenience fees that can add to your bill.
  • Closely track your spending on the card . Missing the spending requirement by even $1 would cause you to miss out on the bonus offer.
  • Wait for the bonus points to show up in your account . Most credit card welcome offers show up in your account after your next statement closing date. However, some bonuses can take six to eight weeks to show up in your account.

Before applying, it’s a smart idea to make sure the Wells Fargo Active Cash is a good fit for you. 

  • Check for prequalification. Finding out if you prequalify can give you an idea of your approval chances without damaging your credit score.
  • Calculate if you can earn the bonus with regular spending. To earn the bonus, you’ll need to spend $500 within three months of account opening. That works out to $167 in purchases every month for three consecutive months. Although it’s a relatively low threshold, avoid overspending to reach it.
  • Make sure the card is a good fit for the long term. While the Active Cash’s welcome bonus may be attractive, you shouldn’t get a credit card simply for its welcome bonus. Applying for a credit card requires a hard inquiry that may temporarily hurt your score , so it’s important that you can get long-term value from the card’s other features, too. 
  • Read the fine print. It helps to know exactly how much time you have to meet the spending requirement. Typically, the timeline to earn a bonus starts on the day you get approved for a card instead of the day it arrives in the mail. 
  • Submit your application. If you think the card offers the right benefits for you, you can apply for the new credit card and wait for it to arrive in the mail. Some credit cards also offer virtual card numbers that let you use them before the physical credit card arrives at your home.

How to spend your welcome bonus is a personal decision. Because the Active Cash is a cash-rewards credit card, you can redeem rewards for statement credits, gift cards or cash redemption at an ATM (available in $20 increments when you use your Wells Fargo ATM or debit card). 

The Active Cash isn’t a travel card. While it earns rewards for your travel purchases, it’s missing a lot of things that come standard with travel cards, including point transfers and travel-centric perks and protections. 

If you want to earn travel-specific rewards like points or miles, the best travel credit cards typically offer additional perks and travel protections, although some charge an annual fee. However, unlike the Active Cash, many don’t charge foreign transaction fees , which could make them better options if you’re planning to travel internationally.

Some of the best credit cards with welcome bonuses offer larger payouts (and taller spending requirements) than what’s offered by the Active Cash.

Pursuing a credit card welcome bonus makes sense any time of the year, but it can be especially helpful when you have big expenses like summer travel plans coming up. 

Not only can upcoming expenses help you reach the bonus’s spending threshold, but you can also use rewards to cover part or all of your purchases in order to reduce your credit card bill.

Just remember to only charge purchases you can afford to pay off when the statement balance is due each month. If you wind up carrying debt in pursuit of a credit card welcome bonus, the interest charges you’re responsible for will likely wipe out the value of the bonus you earn.

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CNET editors independently choose every product and service we cover. Though we can’t review every available financial company or offer, we strive to make comprehensive, rigorous comparisons in order to highlight the best of them. For many of these products and services, we earn a commission. The compensation we receive may impact how products and links appear on our site.

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Sign Up for Your Money’s Financial Boot Camp for 20-Somethings

We want to help you get your money in shape.

Mike Dang

By Mike Dang

It’s graduation season, which is a good time for people in their early 20s to start thinking about how to get a better handle on their finances. How do you balance paying off student debt with saving for the future? Should you move back in with your parents to save on rent? What’s the best way to create a proper budget?

Very few people have their finances perfectly in order while figuring out their lives and careers in their 20s. We want to help you get started.

We’ve put together a five-day financial boot camp for people in their 20s to get them thinking about jobs, budgeting, saving and tackling debt.

Starting on May 13, 2024, Ron Lieber, a financial columnist; Tara Siegel Bernard, a consumer finance reporter; and Mike Dang, a personal finance editor, will help guide you on the best practices for getting your finances in order.

By the end of the week, we hope you’ll have a better understanding of your money and what you’ll need to do to create a solid financial future for yourself.

How to get started

Sign up for the Your Money newsletter . Whether you’re a young person thinking about your money, know a young person who could benefit from this boot camp or simply want to follow along, you can subscribe by using the link below.

What you’ll get

Every day, for five days, you’ll receive advice, explainers and exercises on how to think about taking advantage of job benefits, creating a budget, paying off debt and thinking about your future.

When the boot camp ends, you will receive the Your Money newsletter, which features stories and advice to help you better grasp your finances, delivered to your inbox every Monday.

If you already receive the Your Money newsletter, you will automatically get the challenge, and will not see a way to sign up above. You can find out which newsletters you are signed up for here .

Mike Dang is the personal finance editor on the Business desk for The New York Times. More about Mike Dang

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'Chicken scratch' notes, Trump's book, and a 2006 picture: See evidence in hush money trial

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By time Donald Trump 's hush money trial concluded its fourth week, witness testimony swung drastically from accounting processes to Stormy Daniels ' blockbuster story about sex with Trump.

Trump has been indicted on 34 counts of falsifying business records. Prosecutors say he covered up reimbursements to Cohen, who paid Daniels $130,000 to keep her story under wraps ahead of the 2016 election. More than a dozen people have taken the stand, and they all come with tidbits of evidence to explain to the jury.

Prosecutors appear to be using that evidence to show jurors Trump's approach to business and how that led him to signing checks to Cohen himself, while also propping up Daniels' alleged sexual encounter with the former president in 2006. (Trump denies it happened).

Coupled with courtroom sketches , transcripts of the trial and on-the-ground reporting from USA TODAY, the following evidence gives insight into what the jurors are seeing and considering:

Trump trial live updates: Michael Cohen set to testify as star witness in hush money trial

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The paper trail: Michael Cohen's checks and 'chicken scratch' numbers

Who introduced the evidence: The prosecution. The checks and accounting documents form a central part of the case as prosecutors try to show Trump was reimbursing Cohen for the $130,000 hush money payment to Daniels and falsifying records to cover it up. The defense has denied the payments were reimbursements.

Associated witness: The paperwork has come into play across a few testimonies, as prosecutors try to show the jury the accounting processes behind Trump's organization approving and issuing checks. The documents above were verified by Jeffrey McConney, the former controller at the Trump Organization and Deborah Tarasoff, an accounts payable supervisor at the Trump Organization.

Testimony: McConney calculated how the $130,000 allegedly netted out to $35,000 monthly payments for Cohen's for a "retainer." The $130,000 paid to Keith M Davidson Associates PLC, plus $50,000 paid for technology services, doubled to pad for taxes, plus a $60,000 bonus, equaled $420,000. At a monthly rate, McConney testified, that came to $35,000. Tarasoff testified the check from Trump's personal account was signed by Trump.

Trump Organization junior bookkeeper Rebecca Manochio and former presidential aide Madeleine Westerhout later testified about how checks were signed in 2017, once Trump was in the White House. They had to send them via FedEx back and forth.

Quote from the transcript: "Allen (Weisselberg) said we had to get some money to Michael, reimburse Michael. He tossed a pad towards me, and I started taking notes on what Allen said," McConney said of his "chicken scratch" notes during a January 2017 meeting.

He also testified the hand writing on the bottom left of the First Republic Bank account statement belonged to Weisselberg, the former Trump organization CFO convicted of tax fraud and falsifying business records.

'I sign all my own checks, so I know where my money's going'

Who introduced the evidence: The prosecution.

Associated witness: Sally Franklin , a senior vice president and executive managing editor in publishing at Penguin Random House.

Testimony: Franklin read loud several portions of Trump's books, in which Trump outlines his approach to business, which includes closely checking invoices and checks. The defense team raised the fact that he used a ghostwriter in cross examination.

Quote from the transcript: "As I said before, I always sign my checks, so I know where my money's going," Trump wrote in his book "Trump: Think Like a Billionaire." "In the same spirit, I also always try to read my bills to make sure I'm not being overcharged"

Photos of Trump and Stormy Daniels at Lake Tahoe golf tournament, 2006

Associated witness: Stormy Daniels, the adult film star who allegedly had sex with Trump in July 2006 at a Lake Tahoe golf tournament.

Testimony: Daniels testified she met Trump while she was working for adult film company Wicked Pictures, a sponsor for the tournament. Trump has denied a sexual encounter between them ever occurred. These photos demonstrated that the two were at least in the same place at the same time.

Transcript excerpt: "So, Wicked sponsors one of the holes on the golf course, which, yes, I know it's very funny. We are an adult film company sponsoring one of the holes," Daniels said on the stand, before describing being introduced to Trump, along with several other golfers. "The owner of the company was like...'this is my contract star and director Stormy Daniels.' And that's when he acted like, oh, you actually direct too? You must be the smart one. And there is a picture and they moved on."

'Oh my god': Stormy Daniels testifies on spanking Trump, his gold tweezers, and silky PJs

Stormy Daniels book and merchandise

Who introduced the evidence: The defense.

Associated witness: Stormy Daniels.

Testimony: Defense lawyer  Susan Necheles pressed Daniels on how she has profited from telling her story. Daniels confirmed a post on social media saying that she made $1 million from her 2018 book "Full Disclosure ," which covered her life story, including the interaction with Trump. Daniels also has other themed merchandise for sale like a candle and a comic book, she confirmed on the stand. Necheles suggested Daniels made up the story of having sex with Trump.

"If that story was untrue, I would have written it to be a lot better," Daniels shot back. "I didn't have to write this one."

Contributing: Aysha Bagchi, Bart Jansen

Jurors in Trump's hush-money trial finally see the 34 allegedly falsified documents in accounting-heavy day of testimony

  • Donald Trump's criminal trial finally arrived at the 34 documents at the heart of the case.
  • Prosecutors allege Trump falsified records to cover up reimbursements to Michael Cohen.
  • Longtime Trump Organization employees testified about the handling of reimbursements.

Insider Today

For the past two weeks, jurors in former President Donald Trump's Manhattan criminal trial heard about extra-marital affairs, seedy "catch and kill" machinations, and the frantic damage control within his campaign ahead of the 2016 election.

On Monday, they heard a lot about accounting.

Prosecutors spent the day presenting two dry — but crucial — witnesses who handled The Trump Organization's finances, cutting checks and creating records within the company.

Those witnesses, longtime Trump Organization employees Jeffrey McConney and Deborah Tarassoff, handled the checks, invoices, and other records that comprise the 34 business records the Manhattan district attorney's office alleges Trump illegally falsified.

This paperwork, shown on giant TV screens in the courtroom, is the crux of the case.

The purpose of those falsifications, prosecutors say, was to cover up reimbursements to Michael Cohen, who wired a $130,000 hush-money payment to porn actress Stormy Daniels just 11 days before the 2016 presidential election.

District Attorney Alvin Bragg alleges the money interfered with the election by silencing Daniels' story, long denied by Trump, of a hotel-suite fling during a Lake Tahoe celebrity golf tournament in 2006, just months after Melania Trump gave birth to their son.

After a brief hearing Monday morning — in which the judge held Trump in contempt for a 10th gag order violation and threatened to jail him — prosecutors called McConney to the stand.

Under a mop of shiny white hair, McConney testified about how finances were managed at the Trump Organization, where he worked for over 30 years and served as the company's controller before retiring in February 2023. He oversaw 401K plans, loan documents, and payroll processing.

Most crucially for the case, he also oversaw Trump's accounts payable department and the accounts receivable department.

"Accounts receivable is the other side, when someone owes you money," McConney said, making grabbing motions in the air with his hands.

The two Trump Organization employees were responsible for making sure Cohen got paid

McConney testified about a meeting in January 2017 with Allen Weisselberg, the Trump Organization's chief financial officer at the time.

Weisselberg has since stepped down from the position. He was sentenced to five months in jail in 2022 for a Trump Organization felony payroll tax-fraud prosecution , and is now serving another five-month sentence for felony perjury in last year's Trump Organization civil fraud trial.

The Trump Organization needed to reimburse Cohen for some money, McConney testified that Weissberg told him.

"Are you familiar with someone named Michael Cohen?" prosecutor Matthew Colangelo asked McConney on the stand.

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McConney gave a heavy sigh, paused, and then answered, "Yes."

"He said he was a lawyer," McConney added, to some laughter in the courtroom.

Prosecutors showed jurors a copy of a bank statement revealing that Cohen sent $130,000 to Keith Davidson — an attorney representing Stormy Daniels, who testified earlier — from one of his accounts.

In handwritten notes shown to the jury , Weisselberg had added $50,000 to cover technical services, doubled that sum to account for the taxes, and then added on a $60,000 bonus.

That total of $420,000 should be disbursed to Cohen throughout 2017, in $35,000 chunks, McConney jotted down in a second document .

And here's Jeffrey McConney's notes of a meeting with Allen Weisselberg, where he was told to handle the payments to Cohen. — Jacob Shamsian ⚖️ (@JayShams) May 6, 2024

Colangelo led jurors meticulously through what prosecutors say was the phonied up paperwork for each of these reimbursement checks.

Each reimbursement check began with Cohen emailing an invoice — and a personal greeting — to Weisselberg, the CFO.

"Hope you are holding up and not damaged by the hurricane to your Florida home," Cohen emailed the CFO in September of 2017.

"Happy Thanksgiving and hope all is well," Cohen emailed the CFO when he sent along his November invoice.

In each month's email Cohen would attach a brief invoice — 11 in all, each of them a falsified document, the DA alleges.

"Dear Allen," each began. "Pursuant to the retainer agreement, kindly remit payment," the invoice would continue.

Weisselberg forwarded each invoice to McConney, the controller, who would forward them to Tarasoff, the accounts payable supervisor.

Tarasoff would print and cut the checks, 11 in all — each of them another alleged falsified document.

Jurors saw each of these checks, too, including nine Capital One personal checks to Cohen that Trump would need to sign himself throughout his first year at the White House.

That created a problem, McConney said. For decades, Trump worked from his office upstairs in Trump Tower, and it was easy to get ahold of him to sign a check. As president, he was rarely in New York, McConney said.

"Somehow, we would have to get a package to the White House," McConney said. Yet another Trump Organization employee would FedEx the checks to Trump in DC, he testified.

In the afternoon, prosecutor Christopher Conroy slogged through more records with Tarasoff, who said she has worked at the Trump Organization for 24 years.

Tarasoff sounded both anxious and cautious as she walked jurors through the process of printing, cutting, and creating payment vouchers for each check.

The parade of emails and invoices didn't excite everyone. At one point during Tarasoff's testimony, Trump's lawyer Todd Blanche let out a wide-mouthed yawn.

Conroy scored a point that seemed to demonstrate Trump was paying attention to each and every check. Sometimes, Tarassoff testified, he'd write "VOID" on a check if he didn't want it paid.

"It was signed in black and it was in Sharpie and that's what he usually uses," Tarasoff said.

Watch: Trump fights back as fraud trial begins

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Trump will face Michael Cohen in court as prosecution nears the end of its case

Stormy Daniels is finished testifying, but another popular target of former President Donald Trump is scheduled to take the witness stand in his criminal trial on Monday — his former lawyer Michael Cohen, multiple sources have told NBC News.

Both Daniels, an adult film actress, and Cohen, Trump's onetime fixer, are outspoken critics of the Republican presidential nominee and key witnesses in Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's falsifying business records case. The former president has labeled them both "sleaze bags."

The move to call Cohen comes as a prosecutor said at the end of court Friday that they could rest their case as soon as next week. Prosecutor Joshua Steinglass told the judge that the DA’s office has only two witnesses remaining. Cohen's testimony is expected to last multiple days.

Trump attorney Todd Blanche asked Judge Juan Merchan to bar Cohen from commenting publicly on the case since he’s about to take the stand. He noted that Cohen appeared on TikTok earlier this week wearing a T-shirt showing Trump behind bars wearing an orange jumpsuit. Blanche had previously complained about Cohen posting on social media and doing interviews criticizing Trump during the trial. Cohen had slowed his frequent commentary after Merchan said he may exclude him from the gag order barring Trump from attacking witnesses in the case because of his commentary.

Steinglass said the DA’s office had previously asked Cohen to stop speaking. The judge directed the DA to tell Cohen that the judge was asking him to stop.

Trump fumed about the lack of a gag order for Cohen after the day's proceedings wrapped. “Everybody can say whatever they want” but “I can’t say anything, “ he told a group of reporters in a courthouse hallway. “It’s a disgrace.”

Daniels testified on Tuesday and Thursday, sparring with Trump attorney Susan Necheles during cross-examination about her claim that she had a sexual encounter with Trump in 2006. Then-Trump lawyer Cohen paid Daniels $130,000 to keep quiet about the allegation during the 2016 presidential election. Trump later reimbursed Cohen in payments prosecutors charge were covered up with falsified business records. Trump has pleaded not guilty and denied Daniels’ claim.

Earlier in the day, jurors heard continued testimony from Madeleine Westerhout, who was Trump's executive assistant in the White House between 2017 and 2019.

Follow live updates on the Trump hush money trial

Westerhout had testified on Thursday about how thrilled she was to be working for Trump and broke down in tears when prosecutors asked her about her departure from the White House in August 2019. She said that working for Trump was “amazing” and that he was “a very good boss” who had a close and loving relationship with his wife, Melania Trump.

The portrayal was at odds with testimony from Daniels, who said Trump had told her not to worry about his wife while he was making passes at her in his hotel room after they met at a celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, in 2006.

Westerhout also testified Thursday that Trump was attentive when she delivered him personal checks to sign and that on occasion he would call his company’s chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, if he had questions about any of them — information prosecutors are likely to use to argue Trump was well aware of what he was paying Cohen for.

On Friday, Trump attorney Susan Necheles got Westerhout to say that Trump wasn’t always paying attention when he was signing checks — and he would sometimes be on the phone or in meetings while he did. “He was a person who multitasked, right?” Necheles asked. “Yes,” Westerhout replied.

Necheles also pressed her on details about Trump's reaction when the payment to Daniels became public in 2018.

"He was very upset by it,” Westerhout said. “My understanding is that he knew it would be hurtful to his family. … The whole situation was very unpleasant.”

Westerhout said one of her duties was to act as an intermediary between Trump and the Trump Organization on issues that needed his or the company’s attention, like his travel schedule, mail or phone calls.

She asked Trump's assistant at the company, Rhona Graff, in 2017 for a list of Trump’s contacts, which Graff sent to her, according to an email shown to the jury. The list included information for Cohen and  David Pecker , the former National Enquirer publisher who testified he worked with Trump and Cohen to suppress scandalous stories about Trump during his 2016 campaign.

Westerhout was followed to the stand by Daniel Dixon, an analyst for AT&T who was brought in to authenticate "call detail records" relating to Cohen's cell phone.

Jennie Tomalin, an analyst from Verizon, was also called to authenticate phone records from Keith Davidson, Daniels' former lawyer, and former Trump Organization chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg.

She was followed by Georgia Longstreet, a paralegal for the DA's office, who was brought in to testify about some of then-President Trump's social media postings that prosecutors say were an effort to influence Cohen and other people he was concerned could cause him legal problems.

One of the posts praised Cohen as "a fine person with a wonderful family" before he began cooperating with federal investigators. After he pleaded guilty to charges that included ones related to the Daniels payment, Trump tweeted, “If anyone is looking for a good lawyer, I would strongly suggest that you don’t retain the services of Michael Cohen!”

Longstreet also read aloud texts between then-National Enquirer editor-in-chief Dylan Howard and Gina Rodriguez, who was Daniels' manager. The 2016 texts included Howard telling her he thought Pecker would pay for her story. Pecker said he did not do so because he'd already spent $180,000 to kill two other salacious Trump stories, and he feared doing business with a porn star could harm his paper. But, he said, he did encourage Cohen to pay the money.

Trump attorney Todd Blanche moved for a mistrial at the end of court Thursday, arguing Daniels' testimony — including her claim that Trump didn't use a condom when they had sex — was unfair and prejudicial. He called the condom allegation "a dog whistle for rape."

State Judge Juan Merchan agreed that Daniels shouldn't have been asked about the condom but noted that there was no objection to that line of questioning, which he said befuddled him.

"I don't understand," he said.  

He denied Blanche's mistrial demand, as well as a request that he loosen the gag order barring Trump from attacking witnesses to allow him to respond to Daniels' testimony.

Prosecutors have previously said they are hopeful they'll be able to wrap up their case by May 21.

It's unclear whether Trump will testify in his own defense. He is under no obligation to do so.

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Adam Reiss is a reporter and producer for NBC and MSNBC.

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Gary Grumbach produces and reports for NBC News, based in Washington, D.C.

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Jillian Frankel is a 2024 NBC News campaign embed.

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Dareh Gregorian is a politics reporter for NBC News.

Unlock M4 iPad Pro power with these apps for creative professionals

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It’s been a big week for the iPad. The M4 iPad Pro and iPad Air 6 will make their way into users’ hands in a matter of days. That makes now the perfect time to start making a list of all the best iPadOS apps to enjoy while using the latest and greatest iPad hardware.

The question of getting things done on the iPad is evergreen. So we’ve assembled a collection of some of the best iPad apps specifically for creative professionals, spanning a variety of fields.

Want to create great things using Apple’s tablet? Here are some of the top tools to get started. Many of them will push the power of the new M4 iPad Pro, but even those that don’t will still run smoother than ever on the new hardware.

Final Cut Pro for iPad editing video

  • FiLMiC Pro is a video capture app that gives you full manual control of your footage. It supports shooting in ProRes and was even touted by Apple for that feature when the iPhone 13 Pro debuted. As an alternative, be sure to check out Apple’s new Final Cut Camera app when it debuts later this spring.
  • LumaFusion is the gold standard third-party app for video editing on the iPad. Our own Fernando Silva even uses LumaFusion for his video work at 9to5Mac.
  • Final Cut Pro is Apple’s own solution for iPad video editing. Years in the making, the app finally debuted last spring and is getting a big upgrade to version 2 soon.

How to create a hit podcast

  • Spotify for Podcasters is the new name for what was once known as Anchor until Spotify acquired it. Anchor built a strong reputation for making podcasting easy and accessible to the masses, with a streamlined set of tools that take the complexity out of recording and publishing a podcast.
  • Ferrite Recording Studio is the app I used to edit the now-retired Adapt podcast on my iPad Pro. It’s a versatile audio editing tool that works equally well when just using touch, or with an Apple Pencil, or a connected Magic Keyboard.


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  • Affinity Photo was the Photoshop-equivalent on the iPad long before Photoshop debuted on iPadOS. A powerful, touch-native design, Afffinity proves that iPad apps don’t have to be second-class citizens to their Mac counterparts.
  • Photomator provides user-friendly but dynamic tools to users of all skill levels and has been especially on the front lines with utilizing AI and ML.
  • Adobe Photoshop may not be the exact replica of its Mac sibling, but Adobe has done significant work to bring some of the most important editing tools to the iPad.
  • Darkroom is a far more approachable app than tools like Photoshop, providing valuable tools for those who don’t need a full-fledged editing suite. Darkroom’s secret weapon is that it’s built for editing not just photos, but video too.

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  • Ulysses is my app of choice for writing on the iPad Pro. It features an elegant, exceedingly native feeling design, while also providing powerful tools that scale from smaller works like writing 9to5Mac articles to drafting entire books.
  • Scrivener is a fan favorite among novelists especially, with an array of tools built specifically for managing and keeping track of various author notes, character details, and other world-building information.


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  • Procreate has a long history on the iPad and continues to receive noteworthy updates all the time. It’s the most popular app for sketching, painting, and illustrating and has truly earned its success.
  • Linea Sketch is a lighter weight illustration tool for anyone intimidated by Procreate. The app does a great job of curating a core set of tools and providing a distraction-free interface for creating.

Logic Pro for iPad’s stem splitting feature

  • BandLab provides a one-stop shop for music creation on the iPad, with tools that span the whole process from recording to editing and even sharing your music online.
  • Logic Pro is Apple’s iPad version of the well-known Mac tool that musicians and producers have relied on for decades. Logic’s upcoming stem splitting feature seems set to take full advantage of the iPad Pro’s M4 chip.

The above apps are just scratching the surface of the powerful tools available to creative professionals on iPad. While it’s undeniable that iPadOS comes with a variety of restrictions and limitations that don’t plague the Mac, the platform can still be a fantastic place for creative work if you find the right tools for the job.

What are your thoughts? Do you have any go-to apps for getting creative work done on the iPad? Let us know in the comments.

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Ryan got his start in journalism as an Editor at MacStories, where he worked for four years covering Apple news, writing app reviews, and more. For two years he co-hosted the Adapt podcast on Relay FM, which focused entirely on the iPad. As a result, it should come as no surprise that his favorite Apple device is the iPad Pro.

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    But, he said, he did encourage Cohen to pay the money. Trump attorney Todd Blanche moved for a mistrial at the end of court Thursday, arguing Daniels' testimony — including her claim that Trump ...

  30. Unlock M4 iPad Pro power with these apps for creative pros

    LumaFusion is the gold standard third-party app for video editing on the iPad. Our own Fernando Silva even uses LumaFusion for his video work at 9to5Mac. Final Cut Pro is Apple's own solution ...