My Journey Through the Best Presidential Biographies

My Journey Through the Best Presidential Biographies

The Best Biographies of John Quincy Adams

27 Friday Sep 2013

Posted by Steve in Best Biographies Posts , President #06 - J Q Adams


American history , best biographies , book reviews , Harlow Unger , John Quincy Adams , Joseph Wheelan , Marie Hecht , Paul Nagel , presidential biographies , Presidents


In every respect, John Quincy Adams’s life was made for a great novel or movie…or even a good biography.  At age ten, John Quincy had his first opportunity to travel to Europe with his father (a diplomat in Paris) and begin a youth filled with foreign affairs, multiple languages and new customs. This in an era when few New Englanders of any age  ever travelled beyond their own state’s borders.

Returning only briefly to the US, the father/son duo soon traveled abroad again – this time seeing Spain, France and the Netherlands. Fortunately for posterity, twelve-year-old John Quincy began a diary on this trip abroad – a diary he maintained for almost seventy years until his death.

As barely a teenager, multilingual John Quincy had the opportunity to leave his father behind in Europe and travel to St. Petersburg.  He was asked to serve there as private secretary and translator to the American minister to Russia who, it turns out, could not speak French (the language of diplomacy at the time)…or even Russian.  Later, having barely received a structured education of any kind, he began attending the University of Leyden while his father was a diplomat in Holland.

Returning to America to attend Harvard he found life in the US (and the legal profession, which he later entered) quite dull by comparison.  After all, most of his sentient youth was spent absorbing multiple languages, attending diplomatic functions, going to the theatre and opera, and discussing world affairs with luminaries such as Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, Lafayette and countless European kings, queens, counts and diplomats.

John Quincy’s rise was not over, of course.  His experiences in Europe and Russia made him the obvious choice of four presidents to serve as a U.S. diplomat in multiple countries; he also served a term as a U.S. Senator and was Secretary of State under President Monroe.  In 1824 he was elected President of the United States. Ironically, his presidency encompassed the least remarkable and most un successful four-year stretch of his entire life.

Unfortunately, his single term in office was hampered by his political “purity” (or naiveté), tactical errors in filling his cabinet, his failure to fully embrace either of the prevailing political parties, and a hostile Congress.  He left the White House dejected, but was soon elected to the House of Representatives where he served – with great passion and impact – until the day he died. Indeed, his post- presidential years were some of the most successful and potent years of his entire public life.

Today, few Americans remember much about John Quincy Adams.  And most of those who do recognize his legacy merely recall the vague impression left by an unsuccessful presidency.  But in my mind, having just re-lived his life four times (on paper, anyway), John Quincy Adams’s life’s story is one of the more remarkable I have ever encountered.

Through hard work, good luck, a brilliant mind and a keen eye, John Quincy led almost a Swiss Family Robinson- style life of political and diplomatic adventure.  Many will be surprised to learn that his single notable public failure – his presidency – was accompanied by a lifelong battle with intense self-doubt, self-criticism and even depression.  But from start to finish, John Quincy’s was a life made for a great (if sometimes tragic) story.

* Marie Hecht’s “ John Quincy Adams: A Personal History of an Independent Man ” is the oldest, and lengthiest, of the four JQA biographies I read.  In this book, Hecht marches steadily and comprehensively through John Quincy’s life, seeming to leave few stones unturned.  This is neither the most exciting nor the most efficient biography of Adams I read. But it is probably the most thorough (if not insightful) of them all. All that is missing is the penetrating analysis of the personal side of John Quincy Adams which was provided in more contemporary biographies. ( Full review here )

“ John Quincy Adams: A Public Life, A Private Life ” by Paul Nagel was published in 1997 and appears to have been the first significant biography of JQA in the twenty-five years following the publication of Hecht’s biography. In about one-third fewer pages, Nagel accomplishes most of what Hecht achieved, but with the added benefit of providing significantly more insight into the “private” side of John Quincy Adams. This seems particularly useful since John Quincy’s personal demons (endless self-doubt and episodic depression) inspired – or hampered – much that we witness of John Quincy Adams. ( Full review here )

Joseph Wheelan’s “ Mr. Adams’s Last Crusade ” provides a distinctly different perspective on John Quincy’s life. Rather than offering yet another review of Adams’s life from start to finish, Wheelan choses to focus on John Quincy’s last two decades of life – those which followed his unspectacular presidency.  Despite his age and failing health, this was perhaps the most vigorous and effective period of his life. While this book cannot fully take the place of a traditional biography, no one’s understanding of John Quincy can be complete without reading “Mr. Adams’s Last Crusade.” ( Full review here )

“ John Quincy Adams ” by Harlow Unger is the most recently-published of my John Quincy Adams biographies. Without a doubt, Unger’s biography is the most “efficient” of the four as it covers Adams’s entire life (with some “extra” context-setting American history thrown in for good measure) in the fewest pages. This provides a fast-paced reading experience but also a less informative one. Left aside are numerous details, side-stories and nuances that are crucial in really understanding the sixth president. This book is useful as a quick-read on JQA, but for a slightly deeper investment, readers will get more from another biography. ( Full review here )

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[ Added June 2019 ]

* Five years after reading the preceding four biographies of JQA I read “ John Quincy Adams: Militant Spirit ” by James Traub – a biography from my “follow-up” list which was only published after I had completed my initial round of reading on JQA.

Published in 2016, “ John Quincy Adams: Militant Spirit ” is not perfect, but sets the new standard for biographies of the 6th president. This book is well-organized, engaging and uncommonly thoughtful. It is erudite without being stiff, and is detailed but not exhausting. In the interest of efficiency Traub left coverage of certain interesting but tangential events from JQA’s youth out of the text. And the chapters covering Adams’s relatively unsuccessful presidency are probably the least fulfilling in the biography. But the book’s introduction, its consistently keen dissection of Adams’s personality, its observations concerning early American politics and its carefully nuanced coverage of Adams’s attitude toward slavery overwhelm any shortcomings. ( Full review here )

[ Added Jan 2021 ]

* I was able to read Fred Kaplan’s 2014 “ John Quincy Adams: American Visionary ” which was published the year after I initially got through the then-best biographies of JQA. With a 570-page narrative, this is the second longest of the half-dozen biographies of Adams I have read and among the most thorough. The biography emphasizes JQA’s love of poetry and his foresight in seeing the national fracture caused by slavery. But, the author’s predilection for presenting the narrative in an extraordinarily non-linear way is likely to frustrate readers new to Adams. And in the end, I find this to be a better  study of John Quincy Adams than biography . ( Full review here )

[ Added Apr 2022 ]

* I finally read William J. Cooper’s 2017 “ The Lost Founding Father: John Quincy Adams and the Transformation of American Politics .”  This is a resonably efficient (441-page) biography that does not aspire to the role of definitive biography. Instead, Cooper aims to place JQA within the context of his era of transformational politics. As a result, Cooper leaves aside much of Adams’s life as it relates to his heritage, parents, siblings, children and friends with a decided emphasis on his persona – particularly as it relates to his life in politics. Readers seeking to understand JQA’s place in history will find this enormously rewarding; those hoping to see the world through the eyes of the 6th president are likely to find it too clinical and focused on Adams’s public life. ( Full review here )

Best Biography of John Quincy Adams: “ John Quincy Adams: Militant Spirit ” by James Traub

Honorable Mention: “ John Quincy Adams: A Public Life, A Private Life ” by Paul Nagel

and “ John Quincy Adams: A Personal History of an Independent Man ” by Marie Hecht

Best “Beach Read” on JQA: “ John Quincy Adams ” by Harlow Unger

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49 thoughts on “the best biographies of john quincy adams”.

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September 27, 2013 at 3:57 pm

Thank you for this great post on a neglected figure in American history.

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September 27, 2013 at 4:12 pm

Thanks for your kinds words. I enjoyed the tour through JQA’s life and only wish he weren’t quite so unknown, as I found his story quite compelling.

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September 27, 2013 at 9:55 pm

Reblogged this on The Presidents Project .

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September 28, 2013 at 9:13 pm

Reblogged this on Practically Historical .

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September 29, 2013 at 8:27 am

Great post bringing light to a neglected president. I clicked over here from Practically Historical. Glad I did.

September 29, 2013 at 8:30 am

Thanks for your note and for stopping by!

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September 30, 2013 at 5:59 am

So, do you think there is a need for an engaging biography of JQA along the lines of what David McCullough did for John Adams?

Also, have you read the 1855 Life of John Quincy Adams by William Seward? It may be the first of the JQA biographies (I’m guessing).

September 30, 2013 at 6:20 am

I’ve often wondered what a McCullough biography of JQA, or James Monroe or James Madison would look like. John Quincy, in particular, led such an interesting and productive life (and has been neglected by history as was his father for a time) that he would seem fertile ground for someone like McCullough.

I haven’t read Seward’s early biography of JQA. I have it on my “watch” list and am on the lookout for a copy to plug into my library – and read.

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April 2, 2014 at 2:35 pm

I just purchased the Nagel biography. Monroe is next, but I like to stay a president ahead for my library.

April 2, 2014 at 2:50 pm

Enjoy Monroe, and good luck when you get to the Nagel bio! By a close margin it was my favorite of JQA who, before, I wasn’t terribly familiar with but enjoyed getting to know.

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November 27, 2014 at 12:54 pm

Important new book on JQA: Nation Builder: John Quincy Adams and the Grand Strategy of the Republic by Charles N. Edel.

November 28, 2014 at 4:31 am

Thanks – I’ve added this to the Recent Releases page. Not sure how I missed it but I appreciate you catching this for me!

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October 31, 2015 at 9:23 pm

You’ll want to read Fred Kaplan’s new work. It’s now the best single volume.

Regardless, though, I can’t imagine writing about JQA books without mentioning Samuel Bemis’s 2 volumes!

November 1, 2015 at 5:47 am

Indeed – I started maintaining a follow-up list for biographies published after I finished a particular president, and biographies I later discovered to be particularly important. Kaplan’s work is included for the first reason; Bemis’s two volumes are included for the second. I’ll be hitting both as soon as I can. I’m quite hopeful that Kaplan’s and/or Bemis’s bios will fill a biographical void I discovered. JQA may not have been a great president but he certainly deserves a great biography!

November 1, 2015 at 9:27 pm

Good stuff Steve. JQA was a great statesman who happened to become President. My own thoughts on Kaplan are here:

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November 30, 2017 at 1:04 pm

I read Kaplan’s. Grant by Chernow, and American Visionary are the best I’ve read yet.

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January 8, 2016 at 2:54 pm

I just finished JQA a few days ago. I chose to read Unger + Wheelan, and I thought it was an excellent combination. I felt each book made up for the other book’s weakness (in terms of content)!

January 8, 2016 at 2:55 pm

I just finished JQA a few days ago. I chose to read Unger + Wheelan, and I thought it was an excellent combination. I felt each book made up for the other book’s weakness (in terms of content)!

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February 14, 2016 at 7:28 pm

I have not seen the movie Amistad, but do you agree with the Washington Post that the movie had a great job with John Q. Adams. Would you agree with that? 🙂

February 15, 2016 at 5:03 am

I have to admit I haven’t seen “Amistad” either…I’ve been too busy reading to sit back and enjoy a movie of virtually any kind! (But I did see the PBS special on James Garfield which I thought was pretty good…)

March 20, 2016 at 3:30 pm

I thought it was interesting, a little long, before I watched the show I didn’t know anything about Garfield. I knew a little bit about Chester Arthur since one of my parents went to Union College in New York State.

December 27, 2018 at 5:01 pm

I just finishing Amistad the movie reminded a lot of Schindler’s List mixed with Lincoln Did John Q. Adams really raise orchids and African violets? 🙂

December 27, 2018 at 5:12 pm

JQA raising orchids and African violets? I couldn’t say. But I raise peonies and dahlias so almost anything is possible(!)

December 28, 2018 at 5:11 pm

The writer of Amistad, David Franzoni could have added the African violets part to have a scene where the character played by Djimon Hounsou as Joseph Cinque and Anthony Hopkins as John Q. Adams could stare at an African Violet. 🙂

February 15, 2016 at 5:54 pm

How did the PBS show compare to the book?

February 15, 2016 at 5:55 pm

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February 19, 2016 at 12:00 am

I see you did a follow-up with Remini’s bio for JQ, what did you think of it?

February 19, 2016 at 7:25 am

The Remini biography of JQA is on my follow-up list, but I won’t get to it until I finish reading through my “primary” bios on each of the presidents first. In other words, it’s going to be at least a couple of years before I get to it since I won’t finish my first pass through each of the presidents until at least Feb 2018…

February 19, 2016 at 10:26 am

Ooooooooh, ok…I’m sorry, I misunderstood what the ‘follow up list’ was, I thought they were books you also already read. 🙂 Good for you though! If I read it first, I will let you know how it was.

February 22, 2016 at 11:15 pm

Three new ones in the past year…

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June 7, 2016 at 11:21 am

I just finished Militant Spirit and highly recommend it. It does a very good job of setting up Adams’s unbending character and principles and how they shaped his approach and attitudes with regard to the major political issues of the day. It also has some very interesting and pertinent information on the triumvirate of Clay, Calhoun, and Webster and the way these statesman interacted with Adams. The book has only a curiously cursory treatment of Adams’s presidency but that seems to play into a common theme in JQA biographies, which was that being president was not the culmination of his political prowess and that Adams did not prosper in this role due to his unwillingness to compromise on matters of principle. The book suffers little, if any, from this rather sparse treatment.

June 7, 2016 at 1:17 pm

I just finished Militant Spirit by James Traub and I highly recommend it. Traub does a very good job of establishing Adams’s unbending principles and how these principles shaped his views on the vital political issues of the day.

June 8, 2016 at 10:46 am

Thanks for the info – I’ve heard consistently good things about this book so I’m going to go ahead and add it to my follow-up list. Looking forward to reading it!

June 8, 2016 at 10:13 pm

Cool. Great site by the way. I find myself agreeing with most of your reviews of the books I have read, especially Meacham’s book on Jackson.

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July 12, 2016 at 9:17 am

I’m new to this blog. I recently read Chernow’s Washington. I was looking for a Monroe bio when I discovered Militant Spirit, which I am about to start. I’m still looking for Monroe and decided to pass on Unger’s book after reading the intro.

July 12, 2016 at 10:35 am

Welcome aboard! I’ve obviously not yet read Militant Spirit but have heard good things. Living so close to where Monroe lived and practiced law, I’ve been waiting for a “great” bio of him to be published…so I’m really looking forward to getting Traub’s take on his life. Let me know what you think if you have a chance once you’ve finished it!

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September 10, 2016 at 6:35 am

Several people have labeled JQA as a “forgotten” figure in history…although his name is not as renowned as his father and other members of the previous generation, I would not consider him forgotten. He has had a good number of biographies written about him and would say he is a household name. However, I do believe he does not get the political credit he deserves, due to his less than impactful presidency. I read the Samuel Flagg Bemis volumes and appreciated both Bemis’s and JQA’s work. The biography was thorough and covered JQA’s entire political career and included significant components of “his times.”

September 11, 2016 at 4:46 am

I’m really looking forward to reading the Bemis volumes and the recent book by James Traub – the two biographies of JQA I hear the most about which I haven’t yet read.

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November 29, 2018 at 10:12 am

Traub’s book on JQA is simply fantastic. I’m thinking about reading Unger’s next, as there is so much information in Traub’s that I’d like a re-read of just the big ideas, but for a definitive biography of JQA, I really can’t recommend Militant Spirit enough. I got a great sense of who JQA was as a politician and individual.

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May 7, 2019 at 7:49 pm

I see you haven’t read The Remarkable Education if John Quincy Adams by Phyllis Lee Levin 2015 – was wondering if you had it in your sights?

May 21, 2019 at 3:42 am

Thanks for the prompt – especially since I am currently reading another follow-up biography of JQA currently (by Traub). I definitely have my sights on The Remarkable Education, but I haven’t yet added it to my website follow-up list. I’ll do that shortly, but rest assured I want to read this one!

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April 2, 2020 at 1:27 pm

One suggestion which might be good for a follow up would be the Library of America which I think 2017 published selections from JQA’s diary. That might be a good read.

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January 24, 2021 at 1:27 pm

Thank you for the time-consuming feedback you have provided for all of us who want to read about the presidents but didn’t know where to begin. I had floundered around trying to find a more balanced book about John Quincy Adams after having read Unger’s, and had given it a rest after trying some of the titles on Amazon’s list (I found your web site AFTER I’d already done this). Got a chuckle when I saw Unger’s book as your Best “Beach Read.” Agree, but that book definitely got me interested in JQA, but seemed like it was too positive. So I was delighted to find Traub’s book on your follow-up list which definitely gets into his personality – but not the most up-lifting thing to read about! Now I’m waiting for your April follow up review of Merry’s book on McKinley. I already had his book on Polk and found his behind-the-scenes details about how Polk maneuvered to get his desired legislation through very interesting, and got a kick out of how Buchanan was always frustrating him. Had previously read the Borneman Polk bio and agree that it’s almost a toss up between which is better.

January 25, 2021 at 5:46 am

I have to admit it’s amusing reading your comment and imagining myself going through the same mental machinations (which I do…frequently) as I consider the merits of different books on each of the presidents and find myself juggling the pros and cons of them and dreaming of what it would have taken for a particular book to have been “ideal” in my mind.

I’m definitely looking forward to Merry’s biography of McKinley. But it’s hard for me to believe it has been seven (7!) years since I read his biography of Polk. McKinley is one of those presidents I remember reading about…but not vividly. The impression I formed of him was quickly overwhelmed by the larger-than-life image of Teddy Roosevelt who was next in line of course. And TR is a hard one to forget…

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March 11, 2021 at 11:55 pm

First, let me thank you for sharing your great endeavor here! A while back I set out to find the best biography of each President available and read them in order as a way to restudy American history chronologically as I think that history is best studied through the lives that made it with the varied perspectives of each. Your site has been a great asset.

I should have added this some time back but I chose the Nagel effort and found it a good read but lacking when it came to Adams’ actual time while President. As I was finishing the book, I noted mention of The Presidency of John Quincy Adams by Mary W. M. Hargreaves in the bibliography. I found it provided what I thought were the “missing chapters” in Nagel’s work and would recommend the two books as a package read.

March 12, 2021 at 5:16 am

Thanks for sharing the insight! I’ve always felt that JQA deserves a biography as colorful, revealing and thorough as those enjoyed by his father and others of the era. But while I’ve often been left feeling a bit disappointed by treatment of his presidency I think I just suspected that was primarily due to those being the least successful years of his life and would naturally come across a bit flat. I’ll have to check out your suggestion for the “package read” at some point since that seems to hold some promise-

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May 20, 2021 at 7:42 pm

I just wanted to put in a good word for William J. Cooper’s The Lost Founding Father: John Quincy Adams and the Transformation of American Politics. Despite the title, it is in many ways a fairly traditional biography of the sixth president. It is a rather brief biography, just 441 pages, but It is a cradle to grave study that covers more than his political endeavors. Cooper does a good job of covering Adams’s early years, his time as Secretary of State, and his presidency. However, I found Cooper’s narrative of Adams’s time in the House of Representatives, which takes up more than a third of the book, very compelling. I knew less about Adams’s time as a Congressman and the book transformed my view of Adams as a figure in American history. There’s much more to know about his later years than just his involvement in the Amistad case. No, he wasn’t as instrumental as his father in the founding of this country, but JQA’s record of public service is almost unparalleled.

As always, thank you to Steve for starting this page.

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April 10, 2022 at 8:19 am

It’s interesting that you emphasize the “biography” while I emphasize the “presidential.” For instance, I think Nagel’s bio of Adams was pretty dull from the perspective of someone trying to learn about the era’s politics, and strongly preferred Kaplan.

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March 31, 2023 at 3:00 pm

Great Stuff on JQA the forgotten stateman. Similar to your notes on Wheelan’s, “Last Crusade”, you may wish to pick up, should you have time, (ha ha) a copy of WL Miller’s, “Arguing About Slavery”. He tells a mean story as an orator of auld.

From his own introduction:”I discovered the true story told in these pages while I was working on something else” – (of course<-my comments here). "When I came across this story it grabbed me by the collar, threw me upon the floor, sat upon my chest, and insisted on being told."

And away goes Miller telling the story in a fashion where students use to sit in a rough semi circle facing a great fireplace in a large room and, sipping "something" to keep them warm whilst their Professor related history as oratory in conversational fashion.

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john quincy adams biography books

The 10 Best Books on President John Quincy Adams

Essential books on john quincy adams.

john quincy adams books

There are numerous books on John Quincy Adams, and it comes with good reason, beyond being America’s sixth President (1825-1829), he was a member of multiple political parties over the years, and also served as a diplomat, a Senator, and a member of the House of Representatives.

“Democracy, pure democracy, has at least its foundation in a generous theory of human rights. It is founded on the natural equality of mankind. It is the cornerstone of the Christian religion. It is the first element of all lawful government upon earth,” he remarked.

In order to get to the bottom of what inspired one of America’s most consequential figures to the height of political power, we’ve compiled a list of the 10 best books on John Quincy Adams.

John Quincy Adams: A Public Life, A Private Life by Paul C. Nagel

john quincy adams biography books

February 21, 1848, the House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.:  Congressman John Quincy Adams, rising to speak, suddenly collapses at his desk; two days later, he dies in the Speaker’s chamber. The public mourning that followed, writes Paul C. Nagel, “exceeded anything previously seen in America.” Forgotten was his failed presidency and his often cold demeanor. It was the memory of an extraordinary human being – one who in his last years had fought heroically for the right of petition and against a war to expand slavery – that drew a grateful people to salute his coffin in the Capitol and to stand by the railroad tracks as his bier was transported from Washington to Boston.

Nagel probes deeply into the psyche of this cantankerous, misanthropic, erudite, hardworking son of a former president whose remarkable career spanned many offices: minister to Holland, Russia, and England, U.S. senator, secretary of state, president of the United States (1825-1829), and, finally, U.S. representative (the only ex-president to serve in the House).

On the basis of a thorough study of Adams’s seventy-year diary, among a host of other documents, the author gives us a richer account than we have yet had of his life – his passionate marriage to Louisa Johnson, his personal tragedies (two sons lost to alcoholism), his brilliant diplomacy, his recurring depression, his exasperating behavior – and shows us why, in the end, only Abraham Lincoln’s death evoked a greater outpouring of national sorrow in nineteenth-century America.

Mr. Adams’s Last Crusade by Joseph Wheelan

john quincy adams biography books

Following his single term as President of the United States (1825-1829), John Quincy Adams, embittered by his loss to Andrew Jackson, boycotted his successor’s inauguration, just as his father John Adams had done. Rather than retire, the sixty-two-year-old former president, U.S. senator, secretary of state, and Harvard professor was elected by his Massachusetts friends and neighbors to the House of Representatives to throw off the “incubus of Jacksonianism.” It was the opening chapter in what was arguably the most remarkable post-presidency in American history.

In this engaging biography, historian Joseph Wheelan describes Adams’s battles against the House Gag Rule that banished abolition petitions; the removal of Eastern Indian tribes; and the annexation of slave-holding Texas, while recounting his efforts to establish the Smithsonian Institution.

As a “man of the whole country,” Adams was not bound by political party, yet was re-elected to the House eight times before collapsing at his “post of duty” on February 21, 1848, and then dying in the House Speaker’s office.

Nation Builder by Charles N. Edel

john quincy adams biography books

“America goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy” – John Quincy Adams’s famous words are often quoted to justify noninterference in other nations’ affairs. Yet when he spoke them, Adams was not advocating neutrality or passivity but rather outlining a national policy that balanced democratic idealism with a pragmatic understanding of the young republic’s capabilities and limitations.

America’s rise from a confederation of revolutionary colonies to a world power is often treated as inevitable, but Charles N. Edel’s provocative biography of Adams argues that he served as the central architect of a grand strategy that shaped America’s rise. Adams’s particular combination of ideas and policies made him a critical link between the founding generation and the Civil War-era nation of Lincoln.

Adams’s ambitions on behalf of America’s interests, combined with a shrewd understanding of how to counter the threats arrayed against them, allowed him to craft a multitiered policy to insulate the nation from European quarrels, expand U.S. territory, harness natural resources, develop domestic infrastructure, education, and commerce, and transform the United States into a model of progress and liberty respected throughout the world.

Arguing About Slavery by William Lee Miller

john quincy adams biography books

In the 1830s slavery was so deeply entrenched that it could not even be discussed in Congress, which had enacted a “gag rule” to ensure that anti-slavery petitions would be summarily rejected. This stirring book chronicles the parliamentary battle to bring “the peculiar institution” into the national debate, a battle that some historians have called “the Pearl Harbor of the slavery controversy.”

The campaign to make slavery officially and respectably debatable was waged by John Quincy Adams who spent nine years defying gags, accusations of treason, and assassination threats. In the end, he made his case through a combination of cunning and sheer endurance. Telling this story with a brilliant command of detail, Arguing About Slavery  endows history with majestic sweep, heroism, and moral weight.

John Quincy Adams by Harlow Giles Unger

john quincy adams biography books

He fought for Washington, served with Lincoln, witnessed Bunker Hill, and sounded the clarion against slavery on the eve of the Civil War. He negotiated an end to the War of 1812, engineered the annexation of Florida, and won the Supreme Court decision that freed the African captives of  The Amistad . He served his nation as minister to six countries, secretary of state, senator, congressman, and president.

John Quincy Adams was all of these things and more. In this masterful biography, award-winning author Harlow Giles Unger reveals Quincy Adams as a towering figure in the nation’s formative years and one of the most courageous figures in American history, which is why he ranked first in John F. Kennedy’s Pulitzer Prize-winning Profiles in Courage .

The Lost Founding Father by William J. Cooper

john quincy adams biography books

Long relegated to the sidelines of history as the hyper-intellectual son of John and Abigail Adams, John Quincy Adams has never basked in the historical spotlight. Remembered, if at all, as an ineffective president during an especially rancorous time, Adams was humiliated in office after the contested election of 1824, viciously assailed by populist opponents for being both slippery and effete, and then resoundingly defeated by the western war hero Andrew Jackson, whose 1828 election ushered in an era of unparalleled expansion.

Aware of this reputation yet convinced that Adams deserves a reconsideration, award-winning historian William J. Cooper has reframed the sixth president’s life in an entirely original way, demonstrating that Adams should be considered our  lost  Founding Father, his morality and political philosophy the final link to the great visionaries who created our nation.

As Cooper demonstrates in this gem among books on John Quincy Adams, no one else in his generation – not Clay, Webster, Calhoun, or Jackson – ever experienced Europe as young Adams did, who at fourteen translated from French at the court of Catherine the Great. In fact, his very exposure to the ideas of the European Enlightenment that had so influenced the Founding Fathers, including their embrace of reason, were hardly shared by his contemporaries, particularly those who could not countenance slaves as equal human beings.

The Birth of Modern Politics by Lynn Hudson Parson

john quincy adams biography books

The 1828 presidential election, which pitted Major General Andrew Jackson against incumbent John Quincy Adams, has long been hailed as a watershed moment in American political history. It was the contest in which an unlettered, hot-tempered southwestern frontiersman, trumpeted by his supporters as a genuine man of the people, soundly defeated a New England “aristocrat” whose education and political resume were as impressive as any ever seen in American public life.

It was, many historians have argued, the country’s first truly democratic presidential election. It was also the election that opened a pandora’s box of campaign tactics, including coordinated media, get-out-the-vote efforts, fund-raising, organized rallies, opinion polling, campaign paraphernalia, ethnic voting blocs, “opposition research,” and smear tactics.

In this gem among books on John Quincy Adams, Parsons shows that the Adams-Jackson contest also began a national debate that is eerily contemporary, pitting those whose cultural, social, and economic values were rooted in community action for the common good against those who believed the common good was best served by giving individuals as much freedom as possible to promote their own interests. The book offers fresh and illuminating portraits of both Adams and Jackson and reveals how, despite their vastly different backgrounds, they had started out with many of the same values, admired one another, and had often been allies in common causes.

The Remarkable Education of John Quincy Adams by Phyllis Lee Levin

john quincy adams biography books

A patriot by birth, John Quincy Adams’s destiny was foreordained. He was not only “The Greatest Traveler of His Age,” but his country’s most gifted linguist and most experienced diplomat. John Quincy’s world encompassed the American Revolution, the War of 1812, and the early and late Napoleonic Age.

As his diplomat father’s adolescent clerk and secretary, he met everyone who was anyone in Europe, including America’s own luminaries and founding fathers, Franklin and Jefferson. All this made coming back to America a great challenge. But though he was determined to make his own career he was soon embarked, at Washington’s appointment, on his phenomenal work abroad, as well as on a deeply troubled though loving and enduring marriage.

But through all the emotional turmoil, he dedicated his life to serving his country. At 50, he returned to America to serve as Secretary of State to President Monroe. He was inaugurated President in 1824, after which he served as a stirring defender of the slaves of the Amistad rebellion and as a member of the House of Representatives from 1831 until his death in 1848.

John Quincy Adams by Robert V. Remini

john quincy adams biography books

Chosen president by the House of Representatives after an inconclusive election against Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams often failed to mesh with the ethos of his era, pushing unsuccessfully for a strong, consolidated national government. Historian Robert V. Remini recounts how in the years before his presidency Adams was a shrewd, influential diplomat, and later, as a dynamic secretary of state under President James Monroe, he solidified many basic aspects of American foreign policy, including the Monroe Doctrine.

Undoubtedly his greatest triumph was the negotiation of the Transcontinental Treaty, through which Spain acknowledged Florida to be part of the United States. After his term in office, he earned the nickname “Old Man Eloquent” for his passionate antislavery speeches.

Descent from Glory by Paul C. Nagel

john quincy adams biography books

There has never been any doubt that the Adams family was America’s first family in our politics and memory. This research-based and insightful book is a multigenerational biography of that family from the founder father John through the mordant writer Brooks.

If you enjoyed this guide to essential books on John Quincy Adams, be sure to check out our list of The 10 Best Books on President John Adams !


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‘John Quincy Adams: Militant Spirit,’ by James Traub

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By Joseph J. Ellis

  • April 4, 2016

JOHN QUINCY ADAMS Militant Spirit By James Traub 620 pp. Basic Books. $35.

In June of 1775, when John Quincy Adams was almost 8 years old, his mother, the indomitable Abigail, took him by the hand up a peak in Braintree, Mass., to view from afar the battle of Bunker Hill. Over 70 years later, in February 1848, “Old Man Eloquent,” as he was then called, collapsed at his desk in the House of Representatives and an obscure one-term congressman named Abraham Lincoln was assigned to the committee making the funeral arrangements. Many of the eulogies to Adams identified him as the last remaining link to the founding generation. James Traub’s splendid new biography, “John Quincy Adams: Militant Spirit,” asks us to envision him as the missing link between the creation of the American Republic and its near dissolution in the Civil War.

John Quincy Adams is easy to admire, but difficult to like, much less love. Traub, whose books include “The Freedom Agenda,” recognizes this problem from the start and solves it by not trying. His Adams is cold, emotionally stunted, impossibly solitary and self-contained, just the kind of man who, as Ralph Waldo Emerson described him, took sulfuric acid with his tea. Even his own adoring son Charles Francis acknowledged that “he makes enemies by perpetually wearing the iron mask.”

The mature Adams, with all his sharp edges and impossible standards of perfection, was very much a product of the parenting practices of Abigail and John. Many American boys — now also girls — are raised to believe that they can grow up to become president of the United States. John Quincy was raised to believe that anything less rendered him an abject failure. Abigail was actually tougher on him than John, and one can only wince at her admonition, written after her 10-year-old son had completed a risky voyage across the Atlantic with his father: “For dear as you are to me, I had much rather you should have found your grave in the ocean you have crossed . . . rather than see you an immoral profligate or a graceless child.” John Quincy never had a childhood, nor was he raised to be a happy man. He was instead fashioned like a hardened steel projectile, aimed at the center of American history.

The sheer scale of Adams’s career ­poses narrative problems for any aspiring biographer: minister to four European capitals, senator, Harvard professor, secretary of state, president, representative in the House. And even that listing is deceptively simple. More than 60 years ago the Yale historian Samuel Flagg Bemis required two fat volumes to record the public story, which flowed through diplomatic nooks and crannies in multiple venues and stretched from the Louisiana Purchase, through the Monroe Doctrine, to the Mexican War and beyond.

Traub begins with the assumption that the career should be folded into the life, not the other way around. He therefore makes Adams’s journal his central source, the prism through which to view the man. He provides chapter-length accounts, for example, of the Monroe Doctrine and Adams’s argument before the Supreme Court defending African prisoners in the Amistad case. Some scholarly specialists might ask for more details, but I found his versions reliably thorough, blissfully bereft of jargon and nicely paced to blend with the private story.

Which is to say that we glimpse Adams swimming with nothing but goggles in the Potomac at dawn, writing an epic poem about early Ireland, planting hundreds of fruit trees on the trips back to Quincy and, most important of all, interacting awkwardly with Louisa Catherine Adams, his wife of 50 years. Louisa Catherine was an orchid of a woman, indispensable as John Quincy’s diplomatic partner, with a social sense that he altogether lacked, a bit fragile (nine miscarriages) and the hummingbird to Abigail’s eagle. Traub devotes more space to Louisa Catherine than any previous Adams biographer, in part because she is so omnipresent in the journal.

A word about that journal. It is over 14,000 pages long, and without much question the most revealing record by a prominent figure in American history. Adams himself expressed his own amazement at its scope and length: “There has perhaps not been another individual of the human race, whose existence from early childhood to fourscore years has been noted down by his own hand so minutely as mine.” Traub is the beneficiary of heroic work by the editors of the Adams Papers at the Massachusetts Historical Society, who have transcribed and digitized the entire journal, allowing Traub to read it on his desktop.

As Traub explains, the presidency was not the capstone of Adams’s career so much as an awkward interlude. This is ironic, since he had been groomed for the office since childhood. But he violated his most cherished principles by effectively stealing the election from Andrew Jackson in a back-room deal with Henry Clay after the decision went to the House. And his presidential agenda was a double-­barreled anachronism: 30 years too late, as an echo of the Hamiltonian program of the 1790s; over a hundred years too early, as a preview of the New Deal. It proposed an activist federal government that promoted vast “internal improvements” (roads, canals) and public projects that featured a national university. In Jacksonian America such a robust expression of government power was dead on arrival. Traub endorses the verdict of the British historian George Dangerfield, describing the Adams presidency as “a rather conspicuous example of a great man in the wrong place, at the wrong time, with the right motives and a tragic inability to make himself understood.”

Reverse all the ingredients in that verdict and you have an accurate assessment of John Quincy’s performance as secretary of state. His great achievement was to translate Washington’s vision in the 1796 Farewell Address — neutrality abroad, unity at home — into a grand strategy in which unity at home came to mean consolidation of American control over most of the North American continent. All the political templates that moved against him domestically shifted in his favor diplomatically: Europe after Waterloo craved peace and stability, and Spanish decline continued, rendering her American possessions indefensible, as Adams made abundantly clear in negotiating the Transcontinental Treaty of 1819. Even British ascendancy proved a huge American asset, effectively providing the naval protection that made enforcement of the Monroe Doctrine’s policy of hemispheric isolation possible.

But the most famous Adams utterance, delivered on July 4, 1821, emphasized the limitations of American expansion, chiefly because he believed that republican principles were unlikely to flourish in foreign soil. George Kennan, the architect of the “containment” strategy during the Cold War, loved to cite these words about America’s proper role in the world: “She does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own.”

His long service in the House has the appearance of a quirky epilogue, but in fact was his finest hour. His one-man crusade against the gag rule was part of a larger campaign to insist that slavery be placed on the political agenda as the major piece of unfinished business left by the founders. All the irritating Adams characteristics worked to his advantage here, as his arrogance, stubbornness and sheer audacity made him, as one frustrated Virginia slaveholder put it, the “acutest, the astutest, the archest enemy of Southern slavery that ever existed.”

Along the way he left two political legacies that Lincoln subsequently embraced. He insisted that the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution, was the seminal document of the American founding, making slavery a self-evident anomaly that must be put on the road to extinction. He also insisted that he was not an abolitionist, because a frontal assault on slavery most probably meant ending the union. Therefore, slavery must be attacked on the flanks, which Lincoln eventually did by opposing its extension to the western territories, but not its existence in the Deep South.

Traub gives the last word to Louisa Catherine, who outlived her husband by four years. (Both houses of Congress closed down in her honor, the first time this tribute was paid a woman.) Traub appears to endorse her final judgment as his own, concluding that John Quincy Adams should be found “exasperating, tendentious, self-absorbed and yet, in the end, magnificent.”

An illustration caption on April 10 with a review of “John Quincy Adams: Militant Spirit,” by James Traub, misstated the number of candidates in the presidential election of 1824. There were four, not three. (In addition to Adams, the candidates were Andrew Jackson, William H. Crawford and Henry Clay.) A credit with the illustration misstated the surname of the 19th-century cartoonist who depicted the candidates in a foot-race. He was David Claypoole Johnston, not Johnson.

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Joseph J. Ellis is the author, most recently, of “The Quartet: Orchestrating the Second American Revolution.”

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The Best Books To Learn About President John Quincy Adams

john quincy adams biography books

(You can view the rest of our presidential Best Book lists by going to our Best US President Books page, or for a more in-depth look at how we found and ranked the books you can visit our Best Book About Every United States President  article.)

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The Best Book About John Quincy Adams (Appears on 7 Lists)

John quincy adams: a public life, a private life by paul c. nagel.

John Quincy Adams- A Public Life, a Private Life by Paul C. Nagel

  • At Times Dull
  • Best Presidential Bios
  • Library of Congress
  • Mandi Lindner
  • Presidential History
  • Presidents USA
  • The Tailored Man
February 21, 1848, the House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.: Congressman John Quincy Adams, rising to speak, suddenly collapses at his desk; two days later, he dies in the Speaker’s chamber. The public mourning that followed, writes Paul C. Nagel, “exceeded anything previously seen in America.” Forgotten was his failed presidency and his often cold demeanor. It was the memory of an extraordinary human being–one who in his last years had fought heroically for the right of petition and against a war to expand slavery–that drew a grateful people to salute his coffin in the Capitol and to stand by the railroad tracks as his bier was transported from Washington to Boston. Nagel probes deeply into the psyche of this cantankerous, misanthropic, erudite, hardworking son of a former president whose remarkable career spanned many offices: minister to Holland, Russia, and England, U.S. senator, secretary of state, president of the United States (1825-1829), and, finally, U.S. representative (the only ex-president to serve in the House). On the basis of a thorough study of Adams’ seventy-year diary, among a host of other documents, the author gives us a richer account than we have yet had of JQA’s life–his passionate marriage to Louisa Johnson, his personal tragedies (two sons lost to alcoholism), his brilliant diplomacy, his recurring depression, his exasperating behavior–and shows us why, in the end, only Abraham Lincoln’s death evoked a greater outpouring of national sorrow in nineteenth-century America. We come to see how much Adams disliked politics and hoped for more from life than high office; how he sought distinction in literary and scientific endeavors, and drew his greatest pleasure from being a poet, critic, translator, essayist, botanist, and professor of oratory at Harvard; how tension between the public and private Adams vexed his life; and how his frustrations kept him masked and aloof (and unpopular). Nagel’s great achievement, in this first biography of America’s sixth president in a quarter century, is finally to portray Adams in all his talent and complexity.

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#2-3 Books (Appear on 4 Lists Each)

John quincy adams by robert v. remini.

John Quincy Adams (The American Presidents #6) by Robert V. Remini, Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.

  • All The Presidents Books
  • The Washington Post
Chosen president by the House of Representatives after an inconclusive election against Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams often failed to mesh with the ethos of his era, pushing unsuccessfully for a strong, consolidated national government. Historian Robert V. Remini recounts how in the years before his presidency Adams was a shrewd, influential diplomat, and later, as a dynamic secretary of state under President James Monroe, he solidified many basic aspects of American foreign policy, including the Monroe Doctrine.

John Quincy Adams: American Visionary by Fred Kaplan

John Quincy Adams- American Visionary by Fred Kaplan

In this fresh and lively biography rich in literary analysis and new historical detail, Fred Kaplan brings into focus the dramatic life of John Quincy Adams—the little known and much misunderstood sixth president of the United States and the first son of John and Abigail Adams—and persuasively demonstrates how Adams’s inspiring, progressive vision guided his life and helped shape the course of America.

#4-5 (Appear on 3 Lists)

John quincy adams by harlow unger.


He fought for Washington, served with Lincoln, witnessed Bunker Hill, and sounded the clarion against slavery on the eve of the Civil War. He negotiated an end to the War of 1812, engineered the annexation of Florida, and won the Supreme Court decision that freed the African captives of The Amistad. He served his nation as minister to six countries, secretary of state, senator, congressman, and president.

Mr. Adams’s Last Crusade by Joseph Wheelan

1858 --- by George Peter Alexander Healy --- Image by © The Corcoran Gallery of Art/CORBIS

Lists It Appears On:

Following his single term as President of the United States (1825–1829), John Quincy Adams, embittered by his loss to Andrew Jackson, boycotted his successor’s inauguration, just as his father John Adams had done (the only two presidents ever to do so). Rather than retire, the sixty-two-year-old former president, U.S. senator, secretary of state, and Harvard professor was elected by his Massachusetts friends and neighbors to the House of Representatives to throw off the “incubus of Jacksonianism.” It was the opening chapter in what was arguably the most remarkable post-presidency in American history.

#6-8 (Appear on 2 Lists)

John quincy adams: a personal history of an independent man by marie hecht.

John Quincy Adams- A Personal History of an Independent Man by Marie B. Hecht, Katherine E. Speirs

The Life and Times of Congressman John Quincy Adams by Leonard L. Richards

The Life and Times of Congressman John Quincy Adams by Leonard L. Richards

Richards’ study presents not only a vivid portrait of John Quincy Adams but also provides an insightful exploration of American politics in the 1830s and 40s. Examining one of the few presidents who sustained a political career after his term in the White House, Richards depicts how two years after losing the presidential election to Andrew Jackson, Adams ran for the House of Representatives and served there until his death seventeen years later.

John Quincy Adams and the Foundations of American Foreign Policy by Samuel Flagg Bemis

John Quincy Adams and the Foundations of American Foreign Policy (John Quincy Adams #1) by Samuel Flagg Bemis

#9-24 (Appear on 1 List)

American phoenix: john quincy and louisa adams, the war of 1812, and the exile that saved american independence by jane hampton cook.

American Phoenix- John Quincy and Louisa Adams, the War of 1812, and the Exile that Saved American Independence by Jane Hampton Cook

American Phoenix is the sweeping, riveting tale of a grand historic adventure across forbidding oceans and frozen tundra—from the bustling ports and towering birches of Boston to the remote reaches of pre-Soviet Russia, from an exile in arctic St. Petersburg to resurrection and reunion among the gardens of Paris. Upon these varied landscapes this Adams and his Eve must find a way to transform their banishment into America’s salvation.

Amistad: A Novel by Alexs Pate

Amistad by Alexs D. Pate

Based on the true story of the 1839 mutiny on board the Spanish slave ship, Amistad, here is the frightening sequence of events that led fifty-three young men and women – and one young nation – to seek freedom and justice for all people. Amistad is the story of Cinque, the illegally enslaved son of a Mende chief who led an uprising full of fury and courage. It is also the story of John Quincy Adams, the former American president, who reluctantly heeded the call to justice and defended Cinque in a Supreme Court trial that would alter the nation’s history. And it is the story of men and women searching to find truth and to uphold the basic tenets of the American Constitution. Brilliantly narrated by award-winning novelist Alexs Pate, Amistad celebrates the human spirit’s profound determination to fight, hope, and to be free. Visit the “Amistad” book site! A junior novelization is also available for young adults.

Arguing About Slavery: John Quincy Adams and the Great Battle in the United States Congress by William Lee Miller

Arguing about Slavery- The Great Battle in the United States Congress by William Lee Miller

In the 1830s slavery was so deeply entrenched that it could not even be discussed in Congress, which had enacted a “gag rule” to ensure that anti-slavery petitions would be summarily rejected. This stirring book chronicles the parliamentary battle to bring “the peculiar institution” into the national debate, a battle that some historians have called “the Pearl Harbor of the slavery controversy.” The campaign to make slavery officially and respectably debatable was waged by John Quincy Adams who spent nine years defying gags, accusations of treason, and assassination threats. In the end he made his case through a combination of cunning and sheer endurance. Telling this story with a brilliant command of detail, Arguing About Slaveryendows history with majestic sweep, heroism, and moral weight.

Descent from Glory: Four Generations of the John Adams Family by Paul C. Nagel

Descent from Glory- Four Generations of the John Adams Family by Paul C. Nagel

There has never been any doubt that the Adams family was America’s first family in our politics and memory. This research-based and insightful book is a multigenerational biography of that family from the founder father John through the mordant writer Brooks.

Diary of John Quincy Adams by John Quincy Adams

The Diary of John Quincy Adams 1794-1845 by John Quincy Adams

This 586 page book is a compilation of the original 12 volumes published between 1874-1877 by Charles Francis Adams. Allan Nevins has been able to select from the “Memoirs” that matter which is most important and of the greatest permanent worth. He” has given emphasis to the material which throws light on the social background of the period, on John Quincy Adams’ character, and on the more dramatic political and diplomatic events of the time. Thus, in 600 pages, he has presented nearly everything from the Diary that the general reader and ordinary student will want.”

John Quincy Adams by Lynn H. Parsons

John Quincy Adams- A Bibliography by Lynn H. Parsons

The 1828 presidential election, which pitted Major General Andrew Jackson against incumbent John Quincy Adams, has long been hailed as a watershed moment in American political history. It was the contest in which an unlettered, hot-tempered southwestern frontiersman, trumpeted by his supporters as a genuine man of the people, soundly defeated a New England “aristocrat” whose education and political résumé were as impressive as any ever seen in American public life. It was, many historians have argued, the country’s first truly democratic presidential election. It was also the election that opened a Pandora’s box of campaign tactics, including coordinated media, get-out-the-vote efforts, fund-raising, organized rallies, opinion polling, campaign paraphernalia, ethnic voting blocs, “opposition research,” and smear tactics.

John Quincy Adams and American Global Empire by William Earl Weeks

John Quincy Adams and American Global Empire by William Earl Weeks

This is the story of a man, a treaty, and a nation. The man was John Quincy Adams, regarded by most historians as America’s greatest secretary of state. The treaty was the Transcontinental Treaty of 1819, of which Adams was the architect. It acquired Florida for the young United States, secured a western boundary extending to the Pacific, and bolstered the nation’s position internationally. As William Weeks persuasively argues, the document also represented the first determined step in the creation of an American global empire.

John Quincy Adams and the Union by Samuel Flagg Bemis

John Quincy Adams and the Union (John Quincy Adams #2) by Samuel Flagg Bemis

John Quincy Adams: Militant Spirit by James Traub

John Quincy Adams- Militant Spirit by James Traub

John Quincy Adams was the last of his kind—a Puritan from the age of the Founders who despised party and compromise, yet dedicated himself to politics and government. The son of John Adams, he was a brilliant ambassador and secretary of state, a frustrated president at a historic turning point in American politics, and a dedicated congressman who literally died in office—at the age of 80, in the House of Representatives, in the midst of an impassioned political debate.

Letters Of John Quincy Adams, To His Son, On The Bible And Its Teachings by John Quincy Adams

Letters of John Quincy Adams to His Son on the Bible and Its Teaching by John Quincy Adams

Life and Public Services of John Quincy Adams by William H. Seward

Life and Public Services of John Quincy Adams- Sixth President of the Unied States by William H. Seward

HENRY ADAMS the founder of the Adams family in America fled from ecclesiastical oppression in England and joined the Colony at a very early period but at what precise time is not recorded.

Louisa Catherine: The Other Mrs. Adams by Margery M. Heffron

Louisa Catherine- The Other Mrs. Adams by Margery M. Heffron, David L. Michelmore

Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, wife and political partner of John Quincy Adams, became one of the most widely known women in America when her husband assumed office as sixth president in 1825. Shrewd, intellectual, and articulate, she was close to the center of American power over many decades, and extensive archives reveal her as an unparalleled observer of the politics, personalities, and issues of her day. Louisa left behind a trove of journals, essays, letters, and other writings, yet no biographer has mined these riches until now. Margery Heffron brings Louisa out of the shadows at last to offer the first full and nuanced portrait of an extraordinary first lady.

Memoir of the Life of John Quincy Adams by Josiah Quincy

Memoir of the Life of John Quincy Adams. by Josiah Quincy

The ensuing Memoir comprises the most important events in the life of a statesman second to none of his contemporaries in laborious and faithful devotion to the service of his country. The light attempted to be thrown on his course has been derived from personal acquaintance, from his public works, and from authentic unpublished materials. The chief endeavor has been to render him the expositor of his own motives, principles, and character, without fear or favor,—in the spirit neither of criticism or eulogy.

The Adams Women: Abigail and Louisa Adams, Their Sisters and Daughters by Paul C. Nagel

The Adams Women- Abigail and Louisa Adams, Their Sisters and Daughters by Paul C. Nagel

From his vast storehouse of knowledge about the Adams family. Nagelpulls out the feminine threads of that tapestry to write all about the Adams women, from Abigail to daughter Nabby, from Louisa Catherine Adams, wife of John Quincy, to Clover Adams, wife of Henry, with others making more than cameo appearances. They all lived exceptional, if not extraordinary, lives, in different ways.

The Presidency of John Quincy Adams by Mary W. Hargreaves

The Presidency of John Quincy Adams (American Presidency Series) by Mary W.M. Hargreaves

Historians have not been generous in judging the presidency of John Quincy Adams. Those who have most conspicuously upheld Adams’s fame have, at the same time, virtually ignored his service in the White House. Critics, on the other hand, have described his administration as a failure, founded upon “bargain and corruption” and marked by exclusion of the United States from the British West Indian trade, the ineffectiveness of its efforts to promote strong Pan-American relationships, and the enactment of the “tariff of abominations.” Some analysts have even argued that it generated the sectionalism which terminated the “Era of Good Feelings.”

The Remarkable Education of John Quincy Adams by Phyllis Lee Levin

The Remarkable Education of John Quincy Adams by Phyllis Lee Levin

A patriot by birth, John Quincy Adams’s destiny was foreordained. He was not only “The Greatest Traveler of His Age,” but his country’s most gifted linguist and most experienced diplomat. John Quincy’s world encompassed the American Revolution, the War of 1812, and the early and late Napoleonic Age. As his diplomat father’s adolescent clerk and secretary, he met everyone who was anyone in Europe, including America’s own luminaries and founding fathers, Franklin and Jefferson. All this made coming back to America a great challenge. But though he was determined to make his own career he was soon embarked, at Washington’s appointment, on his phenomenal work abroad, as well as on a deeply troubled though loving and enduring marriage. But through all the emotional turmoil, he dedicated his life to serving his country. At 50, he returned to America to serve as Secretary of State to President Monroe. He was inaugurated President in 1824, after which he served as a stirring defender of the slaves of the Amistad rebellion and as a member of the House of Representatives from 1831 until his death in 1848. In The Remarkable Education of John Quincy Adams, Phyllis Lee Levin provides the deeply researched and beautifully written definitive biography of one of the most fascinating and towering early Americans.

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John Quincy Adams: A Short Biography: Sixth President of the United States (30 Minute Book Series)

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  • Print length ‏ : ‎ 48 pages
  • #2,108 in Biographies of US Presidents
  • #4,932 in 90-Minute Biography & Memoir Short Reads
  • #12,250 in Presidents & Heads of State Biographies

About the author

Doug West is a retired engineer, small business owner, and an experienced non-fiction writer of the 30 Minute Book Series. His writing interests are general, with expertise in science, biographies, and history. Doug has a B.S. in Physics from the Missouri School of Science and Technology and a Ph.D. in General Engineering from Oklahoma State University. He has also completed additional graduate studies in Astrophysics at Wichita State University. He lives with his wife and spoiled dog “Millie” near Kansas City, Missouri.

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  1. The Diaries of John Quincy Adams 1779-1848: A Library of America Boxed

    john quincy adams biography books

  2. The Diaries of John Quincy Adams: A Digital Collection

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  3. John Quincy Adams: A Short Biography

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  4. John Quincy Adams by Heidi M.D. Elston · OverDrive: ebooks, audiobooks

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  5. 9 Fascinating Books About the Founding Fathers of America

    john quincy adams biography books

  6. John Quincy Adams

    john quincy adams biography books


  1. 5 Weird Facts About U.S. Presidents


  1. The Best Biographies of John Quincy Adams

    Best Biography of John Quincy Adams: " John Quincy Adams: Militant Spirit " by James Traub. Honorable Mention: " John Quincy Adams: A Public Life, A Private Life " by Paul Nagel. and " John Quincy Adams: A Personal History of an Independent Man " by Marie Hecht. Best "Beach Read" on JQA: " John Quincy Adams " by Harlow Unger.

  2. John Quincy Adams: 9780306822650: Unger, Harlow Giles: Books

    John Quincy Adams. Paperback - October 1, 2013. by Harlow Giles Unger (Author) 4.6 723 ratings. See all formats and editions. He fought for Washington, served with Lincoln, witnessed Bunker Hill, and sounded the clarion against slavery on the eve of the Civil War. He negotiated an end to the War of 1812, engineered the annexation of Florida ...

  3. The 10 Best Books on President John Quincy Adams

    Essential Books on John Quincy Adams. There are numerous books on John Quincy Adams, and it comes with good reason, beyond being America's sixth President (1825-1829), he was a member of multiple political parties over the years, and also served as a diplomat, a Senator, and a member of the House of Representatives.

  4. John Quincy Adams

    About John Quincy Adams. A magisterial journey through the epic life and transformative times of John Quincy Adams In this masterful biography, historian Randall B. Woods peels back the many layers of John Quincy's long life, exposing a rich and complicated family saga and a political legacy that transformed the American Republic.

  5. Books by John Quincy Adams

    John Quincy Adams has 211 books on Goodreads with 3123 ratings. John Quincy Adams's most popular book is Letters of John Quincy Adams to His Son on the B...

  6. John Quincy Adams: American Visionary

    John Quincy Adams: American Visionary. Hardcover - May 6, 2014. Fred Kaplan, the acclaimed, award-winning author of Lincoln, returns with John Quincy Adams, an illuminating biography of one of the most overlooked presidents in American history—a leader of sweeping perspective whose progressive values helped shape the course of the nation.

  7. John Quincy Adams: A Man for the Whole People

    Terms. In this masterful biography, historian Randall B. Woods peels back the many layers of John Quincy's long life, exposing a rich and complicated family saga and a political legacy that transformed the American Republic. Born the first son of John and Abigail Adams, he was pressured to follow in his father's footsteps in both law and ...

  8. 'John Quincy Adams: Militant Spirit,' by James Traub

    Militant Spirit. By James Traub. 620 pp. Basic Books. $35. In June of 1775, when John Quincy Adams was almost 8 years old, his mother, the indomitable Abigail, took him by the hand up a peak in ...

  9. John Quincy Adams

    Books. John Quincy Adams. Harlow G. Unger. Da Capo Press, Sep 4, 2012 - Biography & Autobiography - 364 pages. He fought for Washington, served with Lincoln, witnessed Bunker Hill, and sounded the clarion against slavery on the eve of the Civil War. He negotiated an end to the War of 1812, engineered the annexation of Florida, and won the ...

  10. John Quincy Adams by Harlow Giles Unger

    John Quincy Adams was all of these things and more. In this masterful biography, award winning author Harlow Giles Unger reveals Quincy Adams as a towering figure in the nation's formative years and one of the most courageous figures in American history, which is why he ranked first in John F. Kennedy's Pulitzer Prize-winning Profiles in ...

  11. Nation Builder

    Nation Builder: John Quincy Adams and the Grand Strategy of the Republic is an intellectual biography rather than a full-dress life. Few presidents merit such treatment as much as Adams, who, through essays, speeches, letters and a diary kept meticulously over almost 70 years, left a remarkable record of a great mind at work on the prospects of the young, fragile nation…

  12. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS by Harlow Giles Unger

    Raised for greatness by his parents John and Abigail Adams, John Quincy Adams surpassed their expectations to become one of America's greatest and most courageous leaders. In this action-filled biography, award-winning author Harlow Giles Unger reveals John Quincy Adams as one of the towering figures during the nation's formative years ...

  13. John Quincy Adams

    John Quincy Adams was raised, educated, and groomed to be President, following in the footsteps of his father, John. At fourteen he was secretary to the Minister to Russia and, later, was himself Minister to the Netherlands and Prussia. He was U.S. Senator, Secretary of State, and then President for one ill-fated term. His private life showed a parallel descent. He was a poet, writer, critic ...

  14. The Best Books To Learn About President John Quincy Adams

    The Best Book About John Quincy Adams (Appears on 7 Lists) John Quincy Adams: A Public Life, a Private Life by Paul C. Nagel. Lists It Appears On: At Times Dull; ... This research-based and insightful book is a multigenerational biography of that family from the founder father John through the mordant writer Brooks.

  15. John Quincy Adams: A Man for the Whole People|Hardcover

    A magisterial journey through the epic life and transformative times of John Quincy Adams In this masterful biography, historian Randall B. Woods peels back the many layers of John Quincy's long life, exposing a rich and complicated family saga and a political legacy that transformed the American Republic. ... Pulitzer Prize winning author of ...

  16. John Quincy Adams: American Visionary

    If he could read this biography, Adams would be satisfied that he had been fairly dealt with at last." —Carol Berkin, Washington PostIn this fresh and illuminating biography, Fred Kaplan, the acclaimed author of Lincoln, brings into focus the dramatic life of John Quincy Adams—the little-known and much-misunderstood sixth president of the ...

  17. John Quincy Adams: Militant Spirit

    A splendid biography." -- Wall Street Journal Few figures in American history have held as many roles in public life as John Quincy Adams. The son of John Adams, he was a brilliant ambassador and secretary of state, a frustrated president, and a dedicated congressman who staunchly opposed slavery. In John Quincy Adams, scholar and journalist ...

  18. John Quincy Adams

    John Quincy Adams (born July 11, 1767, Braintree [now Quincy], Massachusetts [U.S.]—died February 23, 1848, Washington, D.C., U.S.) was the sixth president of the United States (1825-29) and eldest son of President John Adams. In his prepresidential years he was one of America's greatest diplomats (formulating, among other things, what ...

  19. ‎John Quincy Adams on Apple Books

    "There is much to praise in this extensively researched book, which is certainly one of the finest biographies of a sadly underrated man. . . . [Kaplan is] a master historian and biographer. . . . If he could read this biography, Adams would be satisfied that he had been fairly dealt with at last."&…

  20. John Quincy Adams: American Visionary

    This book is the biography of John Quincy Adams. It covers his complete life: born 1767; died 1848. Before reading this book, I, of course, knew that he was the sixth President of the United States (1825 - 1829) and the son of Abigail and John Adams, the second President of the United States. ...

  21. John Quincy Adams: A Public Life, a Private Life

    Paperback - April 15, 1999. by Paul C. Nagel (Author) 4.4 214 ratings. See all formats and editions. John Quincy Adams was raised, educated, and groomed to be President, following in the footsteps of his father, John. At fourteen he was secretary to the Minister to Russia and, later, was himself Minister to the Netherlands and Prussia.

  22. The Unexpected Abigail Adams

    ‎Show 2 Complicated 4 History, Ep The Unexpected Abigail Adams - John Smith - May 13, 2024

  23. Furniture witnessed the birth of America's political parties

    Reg Ankrom is a former director of the Historical Society of Quincy and Adams County. He is a local historian, author of a prize-winning two-volume biography of U.S. Senator Stephen A. Douglas ...

  24. John Quincy Adams: A Short Biography: Sixth President of the United

    The thirty-fifth president, John F. Kennedy, wrote of his fellow Bostonian that he "held more important offices and participated in more important events than anyone in the history of our nation."Read about this great leader from early America by purchasing the book "John Quincy Adams: A Short Biography." 30-Minute Book Series Welcome ...

  25. John Quincy Adams: A Short Biography: Sixth President of the United

    The thirty-fifth president, John F. Kennedy, wrote of his fellow Bostonian that he "held more important offices and participated in more important events than anyone in the history of our nation." Read about this great leader from early America by purchasing the book "John Quincy Adams: A Short Biography." 30-Minute Book Series