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Talk about your hobby – (Cooking)

“Talk about your hobby”  is a topic that appear on the IELTS test. The interviewer can also bring up this topic during a college entrance interview or job application.

hobbies cooking essay

You should say: – How long have you been doing it? – How often do you do it? – What benefits do you get from it? And explain why you enjoy it?

Sample Answer

Alright now I’m gonna talk about one of my favorite hobbies which is cooking. If my memory serves me right, I took up learning how to cook when I was in secondary school. At that time, my parents were so occupied with their work so I helped them with the cooking to reduce their burden. So I would say that I’ve been cooking for about 10 years now.

You know, after graduation, I had to live far away from my house and did everything on my own. So I came to realize that culinary skills play an important role in our life. This is because it makes us more independent and resourceful. We can also choose fresh ingredients of our choice, such as adding more fruits and vegetables, and adjust spices to meet our tastes. I mean, if we ate in eateries or restaurants, I wouldn’t know whether the preparation or cooking process is healthy and clean. It’s also quite costly when we eat out compared to when we make mouth-watering dishes by ourselves.

Another benefit of this survival skill is that it can help connect bonds and build rapport between family members. I believe that the image of a family gathering around on Tet holiday to enjoy Vietnamese traditional food is the most valuable and precious thing that nothing can compare with. By cooking by myself, I feel like I can save up some money as healthy food at restaurants is kind of expensive for a person who lives on a tight-budget like me.

So yeah I think it’s a great skill that everyone should hone in their life.


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Hobby Cents

Cooking As A Hobby (A Detailed Guide)

You might as well try cooking as a hobby because you get to have fun, and enjoy fresh meals while you save on food expenses. Read more for further details on getting started with cooking as a hobby.

Have you been spending too much money eating out? Are you looking for a way to save more money and eat fresh meals out of your kitchen?

Well, cooking is a good hobby to help you achieve that. If you have always loved eating fresh meals, cooking is a great hobby to start. 

What Is Cooking As A Hobby?

Cooking involves preparing fresh meals out of your kitchen. You don’t have to eat take out every day or spend money in restaurants. You can simply look at recipes and tutorials online and prepare the best meals in your own home.

If this is your first time preparing your own meals, you might have a hard time doing it at first. Don’t expect to become a star chef on the first try, but you will eventually get there with continued practice.

Can Cooking Be A Hobby?

Yes, cooking is a great hobby. It’s perfect for people who are looking for new recipes to try out. Even better, you will find foods from different parts of the world that you will love preparing from your home.

It’s a great way to relax after a long day and enjoy amazing fresh food from your kitchen. If you love cooking, you will appreciate all the nuances of preparing something fresh in your kitchen every day.

cooking as a hobby types of people

What Types Of People Like Cooking?

Are you wondering whether or not you fit in the crowd that loves cooking as a hobby? Here is a list of people who love cooking.

1. People Who Love Trying Out New Recipes

If you are always on the lookout for new recipes, you definitely love cooking. If you find a recipe you have never tried before, you will be excited to go look for the ingredients and prepare it in your kitchen.

The joy that comes after eating the finished product will be unimaginable. If this is your first time cooking, soon enough you will be out hunting for fresh recipes to try out.

2. People Who Are Looking To Save Money On Food

Preparing food from your own kitchen helps you save money. Yes, eating take-out or from restaurants can be exhilarating, but with time you will end up digging a hole in your finances.

Take the time to buy groceries and prepare fresh food in your kitchen effortlessly. Even better, you will have more food to yourself, compared to the sizes usually served when you eat out.

3. People Who Love Trying Out Different Foods From Other Countries 

Cooking gives you an insight into other cultures and their foods. If you have always wanted to try Asian, African or other types of foods, you will appreciate preparing them in your own kitchen.

Here, the entire world is a stage, and you will have fun indulging in the different cultures in your own kitchen. If you have all the recipes you need to prepare these foods, you will have fun tasting different dishes from all over the world.

4. People Who Cook To Relieve Stress

Most people love spending time in their kitchen after a rough day because it’s free therapy. Cooking is a great way to relieve stress after a busy day.

Preparing your favorite meal will help you forget any issues that may come up during your busy day. Your kitchen is your own world, and no bad thoughts are allowed to enter there.

If you are new to cooking, you will appreciate the freedom it provides you. Here, you can recharge and enjoy the peace of preparing your meals in the kitchen.

5. People Who Are Looking To Unleash Their Creativity

As you master cooking skills, you will start adding your own flair to the dishes. There is no limit on what to do when you prepare your meals.

Remember, cooking is all about innovation. You can always come up with new dishes or create amazing dishes from the contents remaining in your fridge. It’s the best way to unleash your creativity and learn how to prepare the best meals from the simplest ingredients.

6. People Who Love Watching Cooking Shows

Are you a fan of cooking shows? If you are not in the kitchen preparing a great meal, you are sitting in front of your TV watching the best chefs in the world prepare amazing meals.

Do you love the competition and immense pressure of preparing these amazing meals on TV? Well, cooking is a great hobby for you. That’s because when you are preparing those meals in your kitchen, you will enjoy the pressure to come up with something sweet and amazing.

cooking as a hobby benefits

Benefits: Why Cooking Could Be A Good Hobby?

If you are looking to start cooking as a hobby, here are some of the top benefits you could enjoy.

1. Save Money

You will prepare your own meals and avoid eating out all the time. Therefore, you will end up saving a lot of money on food. You can prepare tasty meals from the smallest ingredients and end up saving a lot of money. Check out other hobbies to save you money here .

2. Avoid Food Allergies 

Do you always have to order special meals when you are eating out because of food allergies? Are you worried that someone in a restaurant might slip something in your food that might be allergic?

Well, by preparing your own food, you will be able to avoid food allergies. You know the type of foods you are allergic to, and you will prepare your own food knowing that.

3. Stress Relief

Cooking is a great way to relieve stress, especially after a busy day. You can enjoy the free therapy and stress relief as you prepare food and forget about the day effortlessly.

4. Spend Quality Time With The Family

When preparing fresh food in the kitchen, you can make it a family affair. You can ask your little ones to help out with the ingredients and prepare tasty meals together. Even better, you will enjoy tasty dinners together as a family.

5. Eating Fresh Cooked Meals Is Healthy

Rather than eating out every time, cooking allows you to prepare fresh-cooked meals in your own home. It’s healthier for you and a great way to understand the type of ingredients you are putting in your food.

Are There Any Drawbacks To Choosing Cooking As A Hobby?

Cooking is a great hobby, but there are some drawbacks that you need to know.

For instance, you might lose motivation with time. On the other hand, if you don’t succeed at first, you might get discouraged altogether. Also, if you are not careful, you might end up hurting yourself when you cook.

Simply put, cooking requires a lot of resilience and determination.

How To Start Cooking As A Hobby

  • Equipment Needed – To start cooking as a hobby, you need to have cooking ingredients, a cooking stove, enough time to prepare the ingredients, and a safe/spacious place to prepare food.
  • Start-Up And Ongoing Costs – Here, you need to spend money to buy cooking ingredients every time you are planning to cook.

Can You Make Money From Cooking?

Yes, as you master cooking skills, you can always sell your food to friends or family and make some money from it. However, you need to be licensed before you can start selling your food.

Also, you can sign up to be a chef and prepare food for other people.

Similar Hobbies To Cooking 

Other hobbies similar to cooking include gardening , baking, waiting tables, and much more.

Alternative Hobbies To Cooking 

Alternative hobbies to cooking that can generate the same benefits include hiking, gardening, walking, reading, and listening to music .

Where To Learn More

If you are starting cooking as a hobby, you can always find resources online to help you become a better cook in your own home. You can also find a lot of recipes online to try out as a beginner.

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