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National day celebration

National day celebration 6 models

National Day celebration, a topic about the National Day in English contains many important and valuable information about the national day celebrated by many countries around the world, which is often the independence day of each country. Here we will learn about the importance of this day and how to celebrate it in every country. All that information and more you will find here in National day celebration.

National Day celebration

The National Day is considered one of the most important feasts and events celebrated by countries, which has a national place in the heart of every society, often expressing the independence day of that country. How to celebrate the National Day differs from one country to another and this is what we will know here in National day celebration.

National Day

 National Day is one of the most important national events in which countries around the world celebrate as an expression of the need to preserve all the concepts of unity, friendliness, peace and brotherhood between the members of society,and to express their love for each other and their good leadership.

Some countries have one national Day, others have two and more .This is often a public holiday for all employees in the country. In most countries, it marks the date of its independence.

The importance of this national day stems from reminding the new generations of all the achievements of their predecessors, and keen to instill cultural values ​​in the hearts of young generations to move forward in the same steps, and to provide the best picture of their country in all international forums, and to raise awareness about the need to preserve national unity.

The activities of the national day differ from state to state, according to the customs of each country, where the governments of some countries are launching official national celebrations,  Through which the flags are raised on all government institutions, and requests the people to participate in these events,  While some other countries declare this day as an official holiday for all institutions in the State, whether public or private.

Celebration of our national days paragraph

Undoubtedly, the celebration of our national holidays is very important for the young and old, as it establishes customs and traditions, and preserves the memory of history, victories, and glories achieved by the state.

The celebration of a national holiday is always related to a victory or a major change that had an impact and credit on the prosperity and progress of the country.

The National Day  is a cornerstone of customs and traditions for children. It is one of the things that must be adhered to and not to be abandoned  and not to allow them to get used to the customs and traditions of other countries.

Each country and religion has its own customs and traditions, so it is not appropriate to be lenient and imitate any foreign customs, which may affect the thought and religion of the homeland in which we live.

Therefore, it is important and necessary to involve the younger generations in such celebrations of national holidays and to inform them of the reasons for that.

National day celebration essay

Celebrating the National Day is one of the things that everyone in society should participate in, as it represents a difference day in the life of the country, whether it represents an industrial revolution or a transitional period from occupation to liberation or one of the important things that caused a complete and comprehensive change in the conditions of the country.

It is the duty of every father and mother to bring out their children to celebrate this day, and to explain the concept of this day to them and what it represents for their dear homeland, so that love for the homeland, belonging and patriotism is implanted in them, and they have love for their homeland, and thanks and appreciation for the great role played by those who were present before them.

Many of the new generations deny the great roles played by people before them, denying the sacrifice and the dangers they took, and they do not see any positive side from what preceded them.

Of course, no one likes to be this person or his children or his friends, Therefore, the National Day plays a major role similar to alerting and reminding of what the state was and how it became after that, and the extent of the sacrifice of others for you so that you can live today in prosperity and a decent life.

National day paragraph

The National Day represents a lot in order to establish values, spread cultural awareness of the history of countries, preserve heritage, and plant love for the homeland in the hearts of young and old.

Therefore, the National Day is an important day in the history of any town, because it always represents the day of change, the day of liberation from a regime or occupation, or an economic and commercial change that completely changed the life of the state.

Therefore, we find great interest from all the media on this day, and we find parents preparing for this day by preparing the flags and clothes that fit with it, and taking their children with them, so that they can know the value of this day, and raise them to appreciate it and keep celebrating it, and that it is not only for them but also For the generations that will come after them.

Essay about national day celebration

There is no doubt that the celebration of the National Day is one of the wonderful and beloved celebrations, whether for adults or children.

But it is certainly more joy and happiness for the children, as they can prepare and celebrate in many different ways on this day, whether in terms of the clothes they choose, preparing the flags, drawing their faces with the flag of their country, or decorating the car with the country’s flag and going out to celebrate in long marches that include everyone who loves his country and loves to celebrate the National Day.

Therefore, this celebration is wonderful and there is a lot of joy, whether from seeing everyone’s joy in it, or with fireworks and parties, and the gifts that are distributed.

It is wonderful to have such celebrations that plant the love of the homeland in the hearts of its people and keep them reminding it’s  National Day  with this love and gratitude to their country for the good they are in.

Essay writing about national day celebration

Celebrating the National Day anywhere in the world is no different from others. All the celebrations that take place on the National Day, whether in the countries of the East or the West, all aim to be grateful to the state for the good, safety and peace that it has provided.

In addition to motivating the young future generations to love their country and to know what the country has gone through in terms of wars, sacrifices and economic crises.

We find great interest from parents to accompany their children and equip them with clothes and fireworks, and to go out in long marches to celebrate this day and make it a habit for them to participate in such celebrations so that the love of the homeland and the cultivation of all the values ​​and good habits that help their country rise and benefit from them in the future. And this makes them fully ready to give everything they could for their country, just as their grandfathers and fathers did before.

This is the importance of celebrating the National Day, and there is certainly joy and happiness since the morning or the day before it for the children, as they prepare to go out and celebrate with their friends, enjoy the atmosphere and spend happy times, whether walking around on foot, or riding in cars, getting out of the windows and waving flags. The atmosphere is great, encouraging and enthusiastic.

In this way, we have provided you with a topic about the National Day celebration, and you can read more topics through the following link:

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Essay On National Days Topics

english essay on national day

Table of Contents

Short Essay On National Days Topics

There are many national days that are celebrated all around the world, each with its own significance and meaning. Some of these national days commemorate important events or milestones in a country’s history, while others are designed to promote unity, awareness, and reflection.

One of the most significant national days is Independence Day, which marks a country’s independence from colonial rule or another form of political domination. In many countries, Independence Day is celebrated with parades, speeches, and other patriotic activities, and it is a time for people to come together to celebrate their country and its achievements.

Another important national day is Constitution Day, which celebrates the adoption of a country’s constitution and the establishment of its system of government. This day is often marked by speeches, debates, and other educational activities that encourage citizens to learn more about their country’s history and government.

National Days can also be used to promote awareness of important social and political issues. For example, Earth Day is a national day that is celebrated in many countries to raise awareness about environmental issues and to encourage people to take action to protect the planet. Similarly, International Women’s Day is a national day that is celebrated to promote gender equality and women’s rights.

In conclusion, national days play an important role in promoting unity, awareness, and reflection. Whether they commemorate important events in a country’s history, promote social and political issues, or encourage education and patriotism, national days are an important way for people to come together and celebrate their shared values and beliefs.

Long Essay On National Days Topics

National days are special days designated by governments to celebrate a nation, its people, and its achievements. Writing an essay on a national day can be a great way to learn more about the history and culture of your own country as well as other countries around the world. Read this article to find out what topics you can write about for an essay on national days and how to approach them!

Introduction to National Days

A national day is a day on which a country celebrates its national identity. It is a day when the people of a country come together to show their pride in their nation. National days are usually celebrated with parades, speeches, and other patriotic events.

The United States celebrates its national day on July 4th. This is the day when the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776. On this day, Americans celebrate their freedom and independence.

Canada celebrates its national day on July 1st. This is the day when Canada became a country in 1867. On this day, Canadians celebrate their history and culture.

Australia celebrates its national day on January 26th. This is the day when Australia became a country in 1901. On this day, Australians celebrate their history and culture.

Benefits of Celebrating National Days

National days are a great way to celebrate the history and culture of a country. They can also be a time for people to come together and show their national pride. Here are some of the benefits of celebrating national days:

1. National days can help to promote a sense of national identity.

2. They can be a time for people to come together and show their national pride.

3. National days can help to raise awareness of a country’s history and culture.

4. They can also be a time for people to enjoy special events and activities.

Examples of National Days Around the World

Every country celebrates national days in different ways. For example, America celebrates Independence Day on the 4th of July while France celebrates Bastille Day on the 14th of July. In China, they have several national days throughout the year including the Spring Festival and National Day. Here are some examples of different national days around the world:

-4th of July (America): On this day, Americans celebrate their independence from Britain with fireworks, parades and barbecues.

-14th of July (France): On this day, the French celebrate the storming of the Bastille during the French Revolution with military parades and firework displays.

-1st of May (China): This is a public holiday in China that celebrates workers and laborers. There are often street parades and rallies held on this day.

Tips on Writing Essays on National Days Topics

When writing an essay on a national day, it is important to focus on the historical significance of the day and how it is celebrated. It is also important to consider the different ways in which people celebrate the day. For example, some people may celebrate by attending parades or fireworks displays, while others may choose to spend time with family and friends.

When choosing a topic for your essay, it is important to select something that is both interesting and relevant to the reader. In addition, it is important to ensure that your essay flows well and is free of grammar and spelling errors. Finally, be sure to proofread your work before submitting it for grading.

Different Types of National Day Essays

There are different types of national day essays. Each type has its own purpose and audience.

Type 1: The Official National Day Essay

This is the official essay written by the government or organization responsible for celebrating the national day. It is usually published in a newspaper or online, and its purpose is to inform the public about the event and its significance.

Type 2: The Unofficial National Day Essay

This type of national day essay is written by an individual, not by the government or any organization. It can be published in a newspaper or online, but it is not considered an official document. Its purpose is to share the writer’s personal thoughts and feelings about the national day and what it means to them.

Type 3: The Historical National Day Essay

This type of national day essay looks back at the history of the event being celebrated. It can be written by anyone, but it is usually done by historians or other experts on the subject. This type of essay is usually published in a history book or online, and its purpose is to educate readers about the event’s origins and development over time.

How to Find Inspiration for Your Essay

In order to write an essay on national days, you will need to find inspiration for your essay. There are many ways to find inspiration for your essay. You can look at newspapers, magazines, books, and websites about the topic. You can also talk to people who have written about the topic or have experience with it. Once you have found some inspiration for your essay, you can start writing your essay.

Celebrating our national days, holidays and festivals is a great way to bring people together. Not only does it promote patriotism, but it also gives us an opportunity to reflect on our collective history, culture and values. We hope this essay has provided you with some ideas for topics related to celebrating national days that you can use in your own essays or research papers. Whether you decide to write about the importance of honoring our heritage or the meaning behind a particular holiday, we wish you luck as you explore these important topics!

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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English Essay, Paragraph on “National Day Celebration” Essay in 250 words for class 8, 9, 10, and 12 Students.

National Day Celebration

Shirley and Keith were excited. It was National Day, a day to celebrate Singapore’s independence. They had always been excited when it was National Day as they knew that they would be able to watch a spectacular fireworks display.

Just the day before in school, they had celebrated by watching concerts and having some games. The teachers also told them of the hard times early Singaporeans faced helping the country gain independence.

Shirley and Keith were very proud of Singapore’s achievements as well as being Singaporeans. That was why they would always sign up for the celebration in the neighbourhood.

In the evening, after dinner, they brought the flags that they had made and went down to join the crowd. Everyone was dressed in red and white. They sang National Day songs and there were games for every resident to take part. There were also some performances by pupils and residents. It was indeed an entertaining concert.

There was also a mega television screen, showing the actual National Day Parade that was held at the Padang. Everyone cheered when the fireworks display was shown. Over at where they were, there was a smaller scale of fireworks, making the atmosphere livelier

Soon, it was time to go home. Shirley and Keith bade their neighbours farewell. They had a great time and they could not wait for the National Day next year.

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National Voters Day Essay in English

National Voters Day Essay in English ,   People in India celebrate different national holidays because of some festivals, or other special days designed by the government of the country. One of the special days in the history of India is National Voters Day. There is a special meaning and significance behind every day celebrated in India. National Voters Day is celebrated on 25 January to mark the establishment of the Election Commission of India.

There are many reasons to celebrate this day, but the primary purpose of National Voters Day is to motivate the population of India to vote.

national voters day essay in english

Essay on National Voters Day

This is how the enrolment of voters can be maximized with the help of National Voters Day. This is why National Voters Day plays a vital role in Indian history. Voting is the right of people in India as we are living in a democratic country. Voting acts as the central pillar of any functioning democracy and our democratic country gives this right to every citizen of India.

There is the main condition to vote, which is none other than age limitation. A voter must be 18 years or above only then he or she will be entitled to vote in our country.

In India, people tend to vote once every 5 years so that they can elect representatives to the state, local, and national legislative bodies. Voting is one of the extremely important exercises to be followed because people in India have direct control or the right to choose the right people and elect them to the positions of governance.

National Voters Day is Celebrated On

national voters day essay in english

National Voters Day has been begun on 25 January 2011. Since then, this day has been celebrated every year. This day is celebrated on 25 January with the aim to encourage the youth and even adults to take participation in the electoral procedure.

Importance of the National Voters Day

Why it is important to focus on National Voters Day every year? There is a particular reason behind it. This day is celebrated on 25 January with the aim to encourage the youth and even adults to take participation in the electoral procedure.

National Voters Day is not only important for the electoral process, but even it also lets us remember that it is our basic right to vote and we should not misuse or waste this right and give the power of the country to incompetent hands. When we choose the right candidate after voting, we feel safe that our country is in safe hands.

Only the right and competent candidate will think about the development, growth, and peace of our country. This is the main reason why National Voters Day is being decided to celebrate. On this special day of National Voters Day, people use it to send quotes or themes to their loved ones. They can also put slogans as their status on smartphones.

Essay on Voters Day

National Voters Day has been begun on 25 January 2011. Since then, this day has been celebrated every year. In the meeting of the Union Cabinet, chaired by Sr. Manmohan Singh, the prime minister of India, approved the proposal by the law ministry and the National Voters Day has come into effect.

On this day, rallies on the government campus were taking place. When the new voters were observed, who have achieved the age of 18 years, they were showing less interest in enrolling in the electoral rolls. At that time, the level of enrolment was as low as 20-25 percent in some cases.

The government wanted to deal with this problem, but how? The Election Commission has taken a decision to take up a vigorous plan to detect all eligible voters who are at the age of 18 years as of January 1 every year in 8.5 lakh polling stations in different parts of the country.

Such qualified voters would get enrolled on time and hand over their EPIC (Electoral Photo Identity Card) on January 25 every year. With this initiative made by the government, it is anticipated to provide the youth with a sense of pride, and empowerment, and motivate them to plan their franchise.

The best part is that the new voters would be given a badge with its logo such as ‘Proud to be a voter – Ready to Vote.’ This is how National Voters Day has begun to boost the number of voters in the whole country. And this initiative has helped the government to a great extent.

Celebrations on the National Voters Day

When this day comes every year, there is a celebration in different parts of the country. People love to celebrate National Voters Day in different ways. Some set some particular themes, in which they deliver speeches and competitions are to be held. The winners of these competitions are given some prizes or rewards.

With this, people not only get encouraged to participate in the electoral process but even, they pay attention to their basic rights. One of the basic rights of Indian citizens is the Right to Vote. This year, we have celebrated the 10th National Voters Day.

Every year, this day is celebrated in New Delhi in the existence of the Hon’ble President of India. The president of India is the chief guest of this celebration. There are different activities to be done when it comes to celebrating National Voters Day.

The celebration begins with a welcoming speech. After that, a number of cultural events are being organized like plays, folk dance, drawing competitions on many different themes, music, and many others.

Final verdict 

The main objective of National Voters Day is to make people aware of their basic rights. Some people who are over the legal age of voting in our country do not know their voting rights in the right way. The reason behind it is the lack of education. This is why National Voters Day has been celebrated for many years with the motive to spread awareness among people.

After getting the right education on voting rights, people can choose a representative from a political party of their own choice, who can meet their needs and assist in the development of a specific area. In the end, it can be said that National Voters Day comes with huge importance every year. We should respect it and obey the motive behind this day.

This is the national voters day essay in english, from this entire article, we cover information regarding voters day in india. If found anything missing let us know by commenting below. For more info kindly visit us at wikiliv.com

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Essay on National Constitution Day for Students and Children

500+ words essay on national constitution day.

We celebrate National Constitution Day or Samvidhan Divas on 26 th November every year. The significance of this day is that on this day in the year 1949, the Constituent Assembly of India adopted the Constitution of India . However, the Constitution of India came into force on 26 th January 1950. We celebrate 26 th January as Republic Day every year.

essay on national constitution day

Declaration of National Constitution Day

On 11 th October 2015, while laying the foundation stone of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s Statue of Equality memorial at Indu Mills compound, in Mumbai, the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi made a declaration. On 19 th November 2015, the Government of India officially declared 26 th November as the National Constitution Day by notification in the Gazette.

The year 2015 marks the 125 th birth anniversary of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar . Baba Saheb was the chairman of the drafting committee of the Constituent Assembly. He played a very significant role in the drafting of the Indian Constitution. The idea behind choosing this day to celebrate is to spread the importance of the Constitution as well as the ideas and thoughts of Baba Saheb Ambedkar. It is noteworthy here that previously we celebrated this day as National Law Day.

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Celebrations on National Constitution Day

Since the year of 2015 was the 125 th birth anniversary of Baba Saheb Ambedkar, the Government of India decided to celebrate this year in a massive way. For this purpose, a special committee was formed under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi . Various ministries and departments organized various programs throughout the year with a view to spreading the thoughts and ideas of Baba Saheb. However, National Constitution Day is not a public holiday.

The first National Constitution Day was celebrated by the various government departments. According to the instructions of the Department of Education and Literacy , all the students of all the schools, read the preamble of the constitution. The students were also given information about the salient features of the Indian Constitution through lectures in each school.

Also, quiz and essay competitions both online and offline on the constitution of India were organized. As per the instructions of the Department of Higher Education, various universities were asked to arrange mock parliamentary debates in colleges. The University Grants Commission (UGC) also organized an all-India quiz competition at Ambedkar University, Lucknow.

The Ministry of External Affairs also instructed all overseas Indian schools to celebrate 26 th November as National Constitution Day. It asked the embassies to translate the Indian constitution into the local language of that nation and thereafter distribute it to various academies, libraries, and faculties of Indology. The Department of Sport also organized a symbolic run named “Run for Equality”. On 26 th November 2015, there was also held a special session of Parliament in order to give tribute to the constitution and Baba Saheb Ambedkar. Also, on this occasion, the Parliament House was decorated and illuminated.

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Essay on National Unity Day

Students are often asked to write an essay on National Unity Day in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on National Unity Day


National Unity Day, also known as Rashtriya Ekta Diwas, is celebrated every year on October 31st in India. It commemorates the birthday of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, a key figure in uniting the country.


The day emphasizes the importance of unity in diversity. It reminds us that despite our different cultures, languages, and religions, we are one nation.

On this day, people participate in pledge-taking ceremonies, run for unity, and other events that promote unity and integrity.

National Unity Day is a significant day that fosters unity and harmony, reminding us of our shared values and common destiny.

250 Words Essay on National Unity Day

National Unity Day, also known as Rashtriya Ekta Diwas, is celebrated every year on October 31st in India. It commemorates the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, a key figure in the country’s struggle for independence. The day underscores the importance of unity in diversity, fostering a sense of national pride and cohesion.

The Significance of National Unity Day

National Unity Day serves as a reminder of Patel’s tireless efforts to unite India. His vision of an integrated nation is a beacon of inspiration for generations. The day encourages citizens to maintain unity and integrity, essential elements for a nation’s progress and prosperity. It’s a day that emphasizes the strength of unity in diversity, a core principle of the Indian Constitution.

Role of Youth in Promoting National Unity

The youth, as the future of the nation, play a pivotal role in promoting national unity. They are the torchbearers of the values of tolerance, mutual respect, and unity. It is their responsibility to uphold these values and pass them on to the forthcoming generations. National Unity Day serves as an opportunity for them to reaffirm their commitment to these ideals.

In conclusion, National Unity Day is more than just a commemoration; it’s a call to action. It’s a day to reflect on our shared history, celebrate our diversity, and commit ourselves to uphold the unity of our nation. As we celebrate this day, let’s remember that our strength lies in our unity and it’s our collective responsibility to safeguard it.

500 Words Essay on National Unity Day

National Unity Day, also known as Rashtriya Ekta Diwas, is a significant event celebrated annually on October 31st in India. The day commemorates the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, a visionary leader who played a pivotal role in unifying India post-independence. The primary objective of National Unity Day is to promote unity, integrity, and security of the nation, fostering a sense of nationalism among the citizens.

Historical Significance

The Indian government inaugurated National Unity Day on October 31, 2014, as a tribute to Sardar Patel’s relentless efforts in uniting India. Known as the ‘Iron Man of India’, Patel’s political acumen and firm determination led to the integration of over 500 princely states into the Indian Union. His vision of a united India has been a guiding force for the country, and this day is a reminder of his invaluable contributions.

Importance of National Unity Day

National Unity Day serves as a reminder of the strength in unity and the importance of national integrity. It is a day to reiterate our commitment to a united and diverse India. It emphasizes the values of unity in diversity, a unique feature of India, and encourages citizens to maintain the national unity and integrity irrespective of their caste, religion, region, or language.

Observance of National Unity Day

On this day, various activities and events are organized across the country to promote unity. The ‘Run for Unity’ is one such event where people from different walks of life participate to express their solidarity. Educational institutions organize debates, quizzes, and essay competitions emphasizing the importance of unity. The government also bestows the ‘Unity in Diversity’ awards on this day to individuals or institutions contributing significantly towards promoting unity and integrity in the country.

Unity in Contemporary India

In the current scenario, unity is more critical than ever. With the rise of divisive forces and increasing communal tension, the spirit of unity needs to be reinforced. The celebration of National Unity Day is not just a tribute to Sardar Patel but also a call to the citizens to stand united against all odds. It encourages us to put the nation’s interest above personal or group interests, fostering a sense of national unity.

National Unity Day is a celebration of the spirit of unity that binds us together as a nation. It is an opportunity to reflect on our shared heritage and to reaffirm our commitment to the unity, integrity, and security of our nation. As we remember Sardar Patel’s contributions, let us also strive to uphold the values he stood for and continue to work towards a united and prosperous India. The essence of National Unity Day lies not just in its yearly commemoration but in imbibing the values it stands for in our daily lives.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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english essay on national day

English Summary

Essay on National Education Day

In India, we love to celebrate our heroes of the past that have helped craft the country that we can be proud of. Among such heroes, there is a special mention for those who sacrificed their blood, tears, sweat, and flesh for our independence and construction of modern India.

One such luminary is Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the first education minister of independent India. His birthday i.e. 11 November is celebrated as the National Education Day as a way to honor his legacy and life’s work towards furthering the cause of national education and access to the same.

The day was first declared in 2008 and over the years has been marked with various educational institutions organizing seminars, talent competitions, processions and awareness campaigns to help the cause of national literacy and all levels of education.

Azad himself was an erudite scholar and laid the foundations of Indian education system. He was one of the premier leaders who realized the potential of press in terms of mobilizing public opinion and feverishly worked for the same through his weekly journal in Urdu called Al-Hilal.

For his peerless commitment for the same, he posthumously bestowed with the highest civilian award of the country in1992, the Bharat Ratna.

He was versed in several languages like Urdu, Persian and Arabic and supported the use of English for imparting higher education (primary education in mother tongue).

He believed in universal access to primary education which is free, robust and welcoming to all irrespective of gender, social status, wealth, faith etc. He wanted to institutionalize compulsory education for all children up to the age of 14, which was realized through the RTE (Right to Education) Act in 2009.

This act enshrined education as a basic and fundamental right in the constitution of the country. Azad was also a huge votary of vocational training and technical education which not only imparts theoretical knowledge but also instill life skills and technical abilities to earn livelihoods and become employable.

He was also a big proponent of modern sciences’ ability to offer solutions of the biggest problems of human society and natural environment. Institutions like the University Grants Commission, IISc, IITs etc. were all realized under his leadership.

Moreover, it was due to his efforts that various incubation centers of arts and literature like Lalit Kala Academy, ICCR (Indian Council for Cultural Relations), Sahitya Academy etc were established.

Further Reading

  • Play Quiz on National Education Day
  • Essay on Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

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How to Celebrate National Essay Day

How to Celebrate National Essay Day

4-minute read

  • 28th February 2022

If you’re a student who enjoys writing for fun, you’ll be pleased to hear that February 28th marks a new holiday dedicated to rekindling the magic of writing. National Essay Day is a time to relish in the joy of writing without restrictions. It encourages the art of creatively expressing yourself by putting pen to paper. Read on to discover the history of this memorable day and pick up some practical tips to celebrate the occasion.

Why February 28th?

If you’re wondering why we celebrate this day on February 28th, it’s quite simple. It coincides with the birthday of a renowned philosopher from the French Renaissance, Michel de Montaigne . He published a collection of work about his brutally honest opinions on topics ranging from childhood education and dealing with grief to the necessity of marriage when raising a family, and he was the first person to call his writings “essays.”

Michel de Montaigne’s writing style was considered unorthodox and too forthright. He fully immersed himself in his topics and often used personal stories and anecdotes as subject material. His message rings clear to this day: don’t be afraid to express your ideas in ways that make sense to you. Allow your writing to freely express who you are, and the world will thank you later.

Michel de Montaigne’s birthday seems like the perfect occasion to celebrate freedom of expression as we remember the life of an author who challenged conventions and the restrictions we place on the written word. So, now that you know the origins of this day, how can you celebrate it in a truly fitting manner? Well, you can start by writing an essay of course! If you’re having trouble translating your ideas into a well-written piece, try out some of these handy tips.

1. Choice of subject matter

Choose a topic that you’re passionate about, not just something you think you should be writing about. When you pick a subject you love, the words will flow naturally, and the writing will be more fun. It could be anything, from your favorite book or movie to your role model or a sports personality you admire.

2. Essay outline

Formulate a basic understanding of why you’re writing about the topic and lay out the thoughts you’d like to expand on. Start with a clear argument and use the body of your essay to support it.

3. Type of essay

Instead of arguing a clear point, you can choose to debate both sides of the argument and allow the reader to reach their own conclusion.

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4. Thinking outside the box

Celebrate this day in true spirit by going beyond conventional ideas and norms. You could create a video essay or a podcast for people to listen to as they go about their day. Or you could compile a Dear Diary series that documents your thoughts and feelings about the subject.

5. Proofreading your essay

Check your work thoroughly and edit your final draft to ensure that your message is clear, accurate, and error-free. This will help you reach your desired audience more effectively.

6. Sharing your creation

Use social media, writing forums, YouTube , or other creative outlets to reveal your creation to the world.

We’re positive you can use some of these tips to write a truly memorable piece of work in honor of Montaigne. You could also celebrate this holiday by writing essays as a group, entering essay competitions, or enjoying readings by authors at your college or university. In addition, you could attend workshops to learn more about essay writing or participate in any other activities that help cultivate these skills.

Are you ready to get started on writing a piece that reflects the very essence of who you are? One without any limitations or rules to follow? Fall in love with writing again by celebrating this special day and showcasing your talents to the world. And when your first draft is ready, why not submit it to us for proofreading? We can help add a little extra magic to your written work of art.

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10 Lines And Short Essay on National Youth Day

Short essay on national youth day.

National Youth Day in India is celebrated on January 12th every year to honour the birth anniversary of the great philosopher and spiritual leader, Swami Vivekananda. Vivekananda believed in the potential of the youth to bring positive change to society. Therefore, National Youth Day serves as a reminder for students to use their energy and education towards nation-building.  

On National Youth Day, educational organisations organise various activities like seminars, debates, and cultural events, centred around Vivekananda’s teachings. Students are encouraged to set goals, work hard, and aim for excellence, just like how Swami Vivekananda wished. 

National Youth Day also reminds us about the teachings of Swami Vivekananda and his values that are crucial for personal growth and social development. 

Ten Lines on National Youth Day

1. National Youth Day in India on 12 January every year to mark the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda.

2. Swami Vivekananda believed in the power of youth for positive societal change.

3. The day encourages students to use their energy and education towards nation-building.

4. Educational organisations organise activities like seminars, debates, and cultural events on National Youth Day.

5. These events are centred around Vivekananda’s teachings and philosophy.

6. Students are motivated to set goals, work hard, and strive for excellence in alignment with Vivekananda’s vision.

7. National Youth Day serves as a reminder of the potential of youth to contribute to societal progress.

8. The day emphasises the importance of values taught by Swami Vivekananda for personal growth and social development.

9. It encourages reflection on Vivekananda’s teachings about tolerance, universal acceptance, and unity.

10. Overall, National Youth Day inspires the younger generation to embody Vivekananda’s ideals for a brighter future.

Know About Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda was a great Indian philosopher and spiritual leader who played a key role in introducing Hinduism to the Western world. He spoke about the universality of religions and believed in the transformative power of youth for positive societal change.

Full Name: Swami Vivekananda (Born as Narendranath Datta)

Parents: Vishwanath Datta (father) and Bhuvaneshwari Devi (mother).

Born: 12 January 1863.

Place of Birth: Kolkata, India.

Major Works: Founding the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, and promoting the ideals of Vedanta and yoga.

Teacher: Ramakrishna Paramahamsa.

Organisation: Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission

10 Lines on Swami Vivekananda

english essay on national day

  • Swami Vivekananda was born as Narendra Nath Datta on 12 January 1863, in Kolkata, India.
  • His birth anniversary is celebrated as National Youth Day in India. 
  • He was a great Hindu monk and spread the Vedanta philosophy in the Western world.
  • He was heavily influenced by the teachings of Ramakrishna Paramahansa.
  • Swami Vivekananda travelled extensively across the world, delivering lectures to promote ancient spiritual culture and universal peace.
  • He believed in the equality of all religions.
  • In 1893, he represented India in the World Parliament of Religions and delivered impactful speeches in English on respecting all religions.
  • He established the Ramakrishna Mission, an organisation that promotes education and helps the poor.
  • Swami Vivekananda passed away at the age of 39 on 4 July 1902.
  • Despite his early death, his legacy endures, inspiring millions worldwide.

Swami Vivekananda at the Parliament of the World’s Religions

In 1893, Swami Vivekananda represented India and Hinduism in the Parliament of the World’s Religions. He nervously began his speech with the iconic greeting, “Sisters and brothers of America!” The crowd of seven thousand responded with a two-minute standing ovation.

Vivekananda, a member of the Vedic order of sannyasins, spoke about religious tolerance and universal acceptance. He was praised as the  “cyclonic monk from India”. American newspapers called him the “greatest figure in the Parliament of Religions.”.

Inspirational Quotes by Swami Vivekananda:

  • You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself.
  • Arise! Awake! and stop not until the goal is reached.
  • You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.
  • In a conflict between the heart and the brain, follow your heart.
  • They alone live, who live for others.
  • Neither seek nor avoid, take what comes.
  • Comfort is no test of truth. Truth is often far from being comfortable
  • The fire that warms us can also consume us; it is not the fault of the fire
  • Ask nothing; want nothing in return. Give what you have to give; it will come back to you but do not think of that now.
  • Do one thing at a Time, and while doing it put your whole Soul into it to the exclusion of all else .

Frequently Asked Questions on National Youth Day and Swami Vivekananda

1. When is National Youth Day celebrated?

Ans. National Youth Day is celebrated on January 12th every year to commemorate the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda.

2 . What activities can be done on National Youth Day?

Ans. Activities like seminars, discussions and debates, sports and writing competitions can be organised on National Youth Day. 

3. Who was Swami Vivekananda?

Ans. Swami Vivekananda was a great Hindu monk and spiritual leader.

4. What were Swami Vivekananda’s main teachings?

Ans. Swami Vivekananda taught unity, human dignity, and the universality of religion. He believed in the potential of the youth to bring positive change to society and encouraged practical spirituality.

5. Did Swami Vivekananda travel outside India?

Ans. Yes, Swami Vivekananda travelled extensively, delivering lectures not only across India but also globally. He represented India at the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893.

6. What is the Ramakrishna Mission?

Ans. The Ramakrishna Mission is an organisation founded by Swami Vivekananda. It is dedicated to serving the poor through various activities like education and healthcare.

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Essay on National Youth Day

National Youth Day, or Swami Vivekananda Jayanti, is celebrated on January 12 of every year. The Indian Government, in 1984, decided to celebrate the birthday of Vivekananda as National Youth Day. An essay on National Youth Day explains the purpose and significance of celebrating and dedicating this day to Swami Vivekananda and his principles.

National Youth Day is a special day dedicated to the youth. The day intends to promote understanding, appreciation and responsibility for young people . It promotes social engagement and supports education through activities, events, and celebrations. National Youth Day is observed every year across schools and colleges. Processions, youth conventions, speeches, music, seminars and other events mark National Youth Day on 12 January. Moreover, the role of youth in nation building plays an important role in the country’s development.

english essay on national day

In his address at the inauguration of four-year-long celebrations of Swami Vivekananda’s 150th birth anniversary, former Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh noted: “The philosophy of Swamiji and the ideals for which he lived and worked could be a great source of inspiration for the Indian Youth Day.”

Purpose of National Youth Day

Swami Vivekananda urged the youth to use their energies and time to develop their country positively. India celebrates National Youth Day to remember Swami Vivekananda’s birth, opening opportunities for youths to make impactful decisions.

National Youth Day is an annual day to celebrate youth. This celebration also includes speeches and gatherings in various cities across the country. This short essay on National Youth Day allows the little learners to understand how important they are to nation-building.

It allows celebrating and raising awareness about the importance of their role in society and how they can help shape it. The day also provides young people with a platform to express themselves and achieve their goals, which is why it is such a popular event for parents to take their children out for this day.

Significance of National Youth Day

To honour Swami Vivekananda and the ideals he believed in, i.e., the future hope of India- the youth, January 12 is a day of celebration in India. According to the 2021 census in the country, millions of people were between the age of 15 and 29. This has had an incredible impact on social norms and development.

Essay writing plays a vital role in helping children improve their vocabulary. BYJU’S essay on national youth day helps them to explore the topic in-depth.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of national youth day.

National Youth Day is an annual day to celebrate youth. This celebration also includes speeches and gatherings in various cities across the country. It allows celebrating and raising awareness about the importance of their role in society and how they can help shape it. The day also provides young people with a platform to express themselves and achieve their goals,

What is the significance of National Youth Day?

To honour Swami Vivekananda and the ideals he believed in, i.e. the future hope of India – the youth, January 12 is celebrated as National Youth Day in India

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Arby’s celebrates National Roast Beef Day with a $5 for 5 sandwich deal

June may herald the official arrival of summer, but for Arby’s, it also signifies the return of its fan-favorite “Beef Week.”

During this momentous seven days of juicy sliced protein, customers can score 5 Classic Roast Beef Sandwiches for $5, for one week only. 

Roast Beef sandwich.

While an enticing $5 for 5 sandwich deal might seem like the latest battle in the fast food value wars , it’s actually been on the calendar for quite some time.

Arby’s first introduced the iconic offer more than three decades ago, before phasing it out for a time — that is, until it made its triumphant return last year . Now, in 2024, it’s back again for a limited time, so folks can celebrate National Roast Beef Day on June 12 with plenty of the stuff.

The offer will only be available to Arby’s Rewards members from Monday, June 10 until Sunday, June 16 when guests order through the Arby’s App or Arbys.com . 

The “We Have the Meats” brand suggests this makes it the perfect deal to celebrate Father’s Day this year, coyly adding that there’s another Beef Week announcement from Arby’s coming on June 11.

The demand for budget-friendly eats has been increasing in recent months, from fast food to fast casual chains all vying for the few dollars customers are willing to let escape from their wallets. McDonald’s and Burger King both recently announced $5 value meals, all while Arby’s has been offering a “2 for $6” deal for years.

Back in April, Arby’s also launched a month-long sandwich bonanza called “ Free Sandwich Month ,” during which customers could get one free sandwich, wrap or gyro with any purchase every week in April. This meant with the purchase of a small drink, for example, one could score their most expensive sandwiches on the house.

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Washington, D.C. native Joseph Lamour is a lover of food: its past, its present and the science behind it. With food, you can bring opposites together to form a truly marvelous combination, and he strives to take that sentiment to heart in all that he does.

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Essay on National Youth Day


Important Points : Introduction - National Youth Day 2022 - History of National Youth Day - Activities on National Youth Day - Why National Youth Day is celebrated - National Youth Day 2022 theme - Conclusion.

Every year on January 12, National Youth Day (Youth Day or Swami Vivekananda Birthday) is celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy all over India. It is celebrated to remember the birthday of Swami Vivekananda, the creator of modern India. It was first declared by the Indian government in the year 1984 to celebrate the birthday of Swami Vivekananda as the National Youth Day. Since then it started celebrating as National Youth Day all over the country.

Like every year, this year also National Youth Day (or Birthday of Swami Vivekananda) is celebrated on 12 January 2022, Wednesday. The theme for National Youth Day 2022 in India is "It’s All in the Mind."

It is well known that on the auspicious occasion of birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda on 12th January, the Indian government had declared to celebrate National Youth Day every year. This decision was taken by the Indian government to inspire all the youth of the country towards the philosophy and ideals of Swami Vivekananda. It was decided to celebrate the birthday of Swami Vivekananda as National Youth Day to fulfill the goal of improving the future of the country by encouraging the youth through the thoughts and lifestyle of Swami Vivekananda. The main goal of celebrating it is to spread the importance of ideals and thoughts of Swami Vivekananda among the youth of India. This day is celebrated to awaken the energy of the youth along with their big efforts to make India a developed country.

Many activities on National Youth Day like sports, seminar, essay-writing, competition for, presentation, yogasana, conference, singing, music, lecture, speech on Swami Vivekananda, etc. Activities by youth in all schools, colleges National Youth Day (Youth Day or Swami Vivekananda Birthday) is celebrated. Lectures and writings related to the thoughts of Swami Vivekananda are also done by the students to inspire the Indian youth. Various other programs are also presented by people participating in programs across India to encourage their inner soul, to promote trust among youth, lifestyle, art, education. In Uttar Pradesh, a two-day program is organized by Mission Bhartiyam for all age groups. The program comprises dozens of activities and is known as Basti Yuva Mahotsav. Government, non-profit organizations as well as corporate groups celebrate this day in their own way. The program begins at dawn with the worship of the holy mother Sri Sharada Devi, Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda and Swami Ramakrishnananda. Worshiped by devotees and worshipers. After that the devotees offer flowers and perform the aarti of Swami Vivekananda.

The thoughts, philosophy and teachings of Swami Vivekananda are great cultural and traditional assets of India. Youth is an important part of the country which takes the country forward, that is why the youth are first chosen by the ideals and ideas of Swami Vivekananda. That is why the celebration of National Youth Day was started every year to inspire and promote the respected youth of India. To celebrate the event enthusiastically, the school and college are furnished in an interesting manner. Swami Vivekananda was a great man who always believed in youth power to build and lead the historical tradition of the country.

The theme of National Youth Day from 2011 to 2022 was -

  • The theme for National Youth Day in the year 2011 was "India First".
  • The theme for the National Youth Day in the year 2012 was "Celebrating Unity in Diversity".
  • The theme for the National Youth Day in the year 2013 was "Awareness of Youth Power".
  • The theme for the National Youth Day in the year 2014 was "Youth for a Drugs Free World".
  • The theme for National Youth Day in the year 2015 was "Young Manch and Youth for Clean, Green and Progressive India".
  • The theme for the National Youth Day in the year 2016 was "Indian Youth for Development, Skills and Harmony".
  • The theme for National Youth Day in the year 2017 was "Youth for Digital India".
  • The theme for National Youth Day in the year 2018 was "Sankalp Se Siddha".
  • The theme for National Youth Day in the year 2019 was "Transforming Education".
  • The theme for National Youth Day in the year 2020 was "Fit Youth Fit India".
  • The theme for the National Youth Day for the year 2021 was "YUVAAH – Enthusiasm of New India".
  • The theme for National Youth Day in the year 2022 is " It’s All in the Mind.".

On the occasion of National Youth Day, various programs are organized by Nehru Yuva Kendra on January 12 in Government Tulsi Mahavidyalaya Anuppur. During this, many colorful programs including speech competition, essay writing are organized. On National Youth Day in the year 2019, 33 feet high statue of Swami Vivekananda was unveiled in the big pond on the occasion of Youth Day program in Ranchi, Jharkhand. Its main purpose was to spread the ideas of Swami Vivekananda to the people. On the occasion of Swami Vivekananda Jayanti in the year 2020 on National Youth Day, the program of National Youth Week was celebrated in various districts from January 12 to January 19. During this, various types of programs were organized throughout the week, under which programs like Shramdan Program, Sports Competition, Professional Skill Program, Chetna Diwas etc. were organized.

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Speech On National Girl Child Day for Children in English

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  • Jun 3, 2024

Speech On National Girl Child Day

Speech on National Girl Child Day: The entire nation celebrates National Girl Child Day on 24 Jan every year. This national event is organized by the Ministry of Women and Child Development to raise awareness of gender equality and provide adequate means of equal opportunities to girls and boys. The theme for the same was, ‘Digital Generation, Our Generation, Our Time is Now—Our Rights, Our Future’. Let’s discuss more via a speech on National Girl Child Day.

1-minute Speech On Girl Child Education

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A.1 An educated woman not only contributes to the country’s economic development, but her educated choices also have an impact on her life and community. They are educators for the next generation. 

A.2 National Girl Child Day celebrates the achievements of girls in society. This day raises public awareness about the inequalities that girls face in Indian society and focuses on the importance of working towards an equitable and inclusive society.

A.3 The Ministry of Women and Child Development introduced the National Girl Child Day in 2008.

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Guest Essay

Why We Must Keep the Memory of D-Day Alive

Soldiers in fatigues and helmets.

By Garrett M. Graff

Mr. Graff is a journalist, a historian and the author, most recently, of “When the Sea Came Alive: An Oral History of D-Day.”

Day by passing day, the Greatest Generation is coming toward its end. D-Day, June 6, 1944, had more than two million Allied personnel on the move across Operation Overlord, and today perhaps a few thousand veterans remain.

In 2021, Harry Parham, believed to be the last Black combat veteran of D-Day — about 2,000 Black troops landed that day — died at 99. Last July, Leon Gautier, the last surviving French commando at the Normandy landings, died. In December, it was Maureen Sweeney, the Irish weather observer whose reports of storms over the Atlantic changed the course of D-Day. In April, it was Bill Gladden, who had been part of the British Sixth Airborne Division’s glider landing on that day and had hoped, at age 100, to survive to return to Normandy, France, for Thursday’s 80th anniversary.

As we mark the final passing of those who won that war, it’s easy to get caught up in gauzy romanticism and lose sight of how the Axis powers unified the free world against them and showed Americans, specifically, what we are capable of.

Every serviceman headed to Normandy was handed a “Pocket Guide to France” that read, in part: “We democracies aren’t just doing favors in fighting for each other when history gets tough. We’re all in the same boat. Take a look around you as you move into France and you’ll see what the Nazis do to a democracy.”

This election year it is worth asking what we are doing with the legacy that the Greatest Generation defended and bequeathed to us. American freedom has always been imperfect — a nation seeking, generation after generation, to be better, more equal, more inclusive and still more free. It is a story of hard-fought rights and bloodily defended liberties that each generation of Americans has handed down to the next, a vision for a future in which each successive generation will improve upon the past.

We now face the very real question of whether America will embrace a vision of a country less free and less democratic, more divided and more unequal. It would be a step backward unlike almost anything else in American history.

We can hold on to the past to be reminded of what America, and its allies, were once able to achieve. D-Day was a titanic enterprise, perhaps the largest and most complex single operation in human history — an effort to launch a force of more than a million men across the English Channel on more than 3,000 planes and more than 7,000 ships; to methodically transport entire floating harbors, a herculean secret project known as the Mulberries, as well as 300,500 gallons of drinking water and 800,000 pints of blood plasma, a stockpile carefully segregated, as mandated at the time, between white and Black donors.

The day, fought across five beaches and a roughly 60-mile-wide front, is too vast to comprehend and, in that sense, is best understood at the level of the individual. Take the story of Albert Mominee serving with the 16th Infantry Regiment. He was a slight 28-year-old from Southbridge, Mass., who had cleared the Army’s five-foot height minimum by a mere inch. Two years into his military service, D-Day would already be his third foreign invasion.

He was among the older of the troops at the time; many of the “veteran” sergeants on D-Day were just in their early 20s, while the paratroopers and soldiers they commanded were often still in their teens. The coxswain of LCT-589, Edward Bacalia, known as “Bugs,” was 17 years old. “We owed our skins to Bugs’s seamanship, too, that day,” recalled his crew mate Martin Waarvick. “How about that: 17 years old and piloting a landing craft onto Omaha Beach on D-Day? Not just once, but twice.”

Pvt. Frank Palys, of the 101st Airborne’s 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment — the regiment whose Easy Company was later immortalized in the mini-series “Band of Brothers” — recalled, “I was just a young kid, like the rest of them, trying to free the world from the Nazis.” Or, as Pvt. Ernest Hilberg, of the 18th Infantry Regiment, put it: “I was doing a job that had to be done, that we were going to get rid of the bastard Hitler.”

What that Greatest Generation fought for on D-Day was noble — the first successful cross-Channel invasion from Britain in history, launched not to subjugate or seize but to liberate a continent darkened by authoritarianism. As the supreme allied commander, Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, told CBS’s Walter Cronkite, when they returned to Normandy in 1964 for the 20th anniversary, “These men came here — British, and our other allies, Americans — to storm these beaches for one purpose only, not to gain anything for ourselves, not to fulfill any ambitions that America had for conquest, but just to preserve freedom.”

It took another 20 years for the heroism of what would come to be called the Greatest Generation to be appropriately lionized. For decades, few had spoken openly or boastfully of the fights of World War II. Veterans, ripped early from their already hard peacetime childhoods during the Great Depression, had been deposited back in the country after 1945 flush with hard-earned experience, youthful energy and G.I. Bill cash. They settled into aggressively pursuing their daily lives and an American economic boom that created, as politicians often celebrated, the strongest middle class in world history.

In their adulthoods, they held the line against the Communists and the Soviet Union in the Cold War, again defending freedom from authoritarianism. First Sgt. Leonard G. Lomell, of the Second Ranger Battalion, who had climbed the cliffs of Pointe du Hoc in Normandy to disable a threatening German battery, captured the sentiment of many: “I’ve kept a low profile for 50 years, as have most of my men. We didn’t write articles, books, make speeches or publicize the performance of our duties. We knew what each other did and we did our duty like professionals. We weren’t heroes; we were just good Rangers.”

It was President Ronald Reagan’s speech at Pointe du Hoc in 1984, celebrating the exploits of Lomell and his comrades, that began to properly honor and memorialize the fight of World War II. Follow-on work by writers like Stephen Ambrose, Douglas Brinkley and Tom Brokaw changed forever how history will view the sacrifices of both the living and the dead of World War II.

Mr. Brokaw found himself transformed by his journey at the 40th anniversary through the cafes and villages of Normandy, speaking to veterans who had returned to view the beaches they had fought so hard to capture. “I was deeply moved and profoundly grateful for all they had done. I realized that they had been all around me as I was growing up and that I had failed to appreciate what they had been through and what they had accomplished,” Mr. Brokaw wrote in the introduction of his 1998 book, “The Greatest Generation.”

Now it feels almost trite to label World War II the “Good War,” but, in so many ways, for America it was — arguably the last war America fought that ended with a clear victory, waged against an enemy that united America more than it divided us, the last war that clearly pitted good against evil in the pursuit of the ideals of freedom and democracy, which in today’s America feels ever more elusive, unfortunately controversial, and too often negotiable or situational.

America’s role in World War II was far from perfect — recent years have seen an overdue reckoning with the internment of Japanese Americans, to name just one dark chapter. But it was a war we understood and one that gave meaning to those who fought in it. It was a war for an ideal, where our leaders and politicians asked clearly and confidently for sacrifice for noble reasons.

Across the next few months we will be hearing a lot of argument about what America is and what it isn’t. There’s a simpler answer to that question than many would like to admit: What we’ll fight for is who we are. And, as we look ahead, we must decide if we’re still as willing today to fight for democracy as the generation who stormed Normandy was 80 years ago.

Mr. Graff is a journalist, a historian and the author, most recently, of “ When the Sea Came Alive: An Oral History of D-Day .”

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National Essay Day / Feb 28

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When is this day celebrated? February 28

What is this day?

National Essay Day  celebrates the power of essay writing. It encourages students to give essay writing a try and write a piece on the topic they really care about. It also stimulates the need to express ideas and beliefs without fear of judgement or the necessity to follow all the academic requirements of essay writing.

National Essay Day has a powerful historical background. It is celebrated on February, 28. It is the birthdate of Michel de Montaigne, the author of the first writings named “essays”.

Michel de Montaigne was one of the most significant philosophers of the French Renaissance, known for popularizing essays as a literary genre. His collection of essays named Essais exercised an important influence on both French and English literature, in thought and style.

In his writings, he was never afraid to say what he really thought, no matter how unorthodox his ideas were. Montaigne explored the art of conversation, raising children, tackling loss and grief, handling sexual desire, reading, preparing for and understanding the reality of death. All of it – based on his own experiences, rather than the social norms.

On National Essay Day, students and all interested are invited to follow Michel de Montaigne’s paradigm of essay writing. They are welcome to explore their writing skills and creative stamina through essay writing without any borders or restrictions, without fear of being judged or misunderstood.

Why was this day created?

There are a lot of college-related holidays. They celebrate maths, libraries, sports events, etc. But there’s no holiday that would be connected with essay writing – the most frequent and most demanding assignment in schools and colleges.

Just think of it: first-year students, on average, write 92 pages during the academic year, while seniors write 146 pages. That’s a lot of pressure. And that is why a lot of students avoid essay writing.

National Essay Day aims to change this unfavorable perception of academic writing and encourages to celebrate essay writing at least one day a year – February, 28.

Who created this day? This day was founded by One Freelance Limited in 2020. At One Freelance Limited, they’re happy to help students to overcome the writing barrier and finally fall in love with essay writing at all stages of their academic career.

How should this day be celebrated or observed?

The celebration doesn’t have a strict set of rules. Students are advised to practice essay writing on their own and in groups.

Schools and colleges are welcome to arrange on-campus activities connected with essay writing: workshops, readings., etc..

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english essay on national day

Election Results 2024 LIVE Streaming: Where and how to watch election result

Election result 2024 live streaming: the counting of votes commenced at 8 am. check india today's website or their television channel for live coverage of the election results..

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Election Results 2024 LIVE Streaming: When and where to watch Lok Sabha Elections Result Coverage on India Today

The counting of votes commenced at 8 am, starting with postal ballot papers. Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar announced on Monday that India has set a new global benchmark with a staggering 64.2 crore voters. Speaking at a press briefing, he highlighted the monumental scale of the electoral process, involving over 68,000 monitoring teams and 15 million polling and security personnel.

India's General Elections for 2024 reached their conclusion on June 1, with the customary embargo on exit poll disclosures enforced until the final vote was cast and polling completed nationwide. The seven-phase voting process, spanning from April 19 to June 1, covered the 543-member Lok Sabha, with only the Surat and Indore seats uncontested. The Election Commission of India has overseen this process diligently, ensuring transparency and adherence to electoral protocols.

Following the completion of the final phase of voting across seven states and the union territory of Chandigarh on June 1, discussions and analyses surrounding exit polls commenced. The electoral outcomes, eagerly awaited by the nation, are scheduled to be unveiled by the evening. Contingency plans are in place to address any potential delays, guaranteeing that results will be announced no later than early on June 5.


The Lok Sabha election results 2024 will be released by the Election Commission of India today. The counting of votes has begun. The official result will also be shared by India Today immediately, and all updates and developments will be shared across India Today platforms.

Live results will be shared by Aaj Tak on your phones and television.


How AP covered the D-Day landings and lost photographer Bede Irvin in the battle for Normandy

On D-Day, The Associated Press had reporters, artists and photographers in the air, on the choppy waters of the English Channel, in London, and at English departure ports and airfields covering the Allied assault in Normandy

NEW YORK — When Associated Press correspondent Don Whitehead arrived with other journalists in southern England to cover the Allies’ imminent D-Day invasion of Normandy, a U.S. commander offered them a no-nonsense welcome.

“We’ll do everything we can to help you get your stories and to take care of you. If you’re wounded, we’ll put you in a hospital. If you’re killed, we’ll bury you. So don’t worry about anything,” said Maj. Gen. Clarence R. Heubner of the U.S. Army 1st Infantry Division.

It was early June 1944 — just before the long-anticipated Normandy landings that ultimately liberated France from Nazi occupation and helped precipitate Nazi Germany’s surrender 11 months later.

On D-Day morning, June 6, 1944, AP had reporters, artists and photographers in the air, on the choppy waters of the English Channel, in London, and at English departure ports and airfields. Veteran war correspondent Wes Gallagher — who would later run the entire Associated Press — directed AP’s team from the headquarters in Portsmouth, England, of Supreme Allied Commander Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower.

The greatest armada ever assembled — nearly 7,000 ships and boats, supported by more than 11,000 planes — carried almost 133,000 troops across the Channel to establish toeholds on five heavily defended beaches; they were code-named Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword and stretched across 80 kilometers (50 miles) of Normandy coast. More than 9,000 Allied soldiers were killed or wounded in the first 24 hours.

Having heard on German radio that the landings had begun, Gallagher hurried to the British Ministry of Information to await the official communique. It came just before 9 a.m. with this brief instruction: “Gentlemen, you have exactly 33 minutes to prepare your dispatches.”

At precisely 9:32 a.m., the doors opened and the journalists poured out to release their reports. Gallagher’s FLASH appeared via teletype in the New York headquarters of AP just one minute later.


The 1,300-word story that followed began: “Allied troops landed on the Normandy coast of France in tremendous strength by cloudy daylight today and stormed several miles inland with tanks and infantry in the grand assault which Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower called a crusade in which ‘we will accept nothing less than full victory.’”

As men on either side of him were killed, AP correspondent Roger Greene waded ashore on the eastern end of the landing front. Sheltering in a bomb crater, Greene pounded out the first AP report from the beachhead, with wind flicking sand into his typewriter keys and rattling the paper.

“Hitler’s Atlantic Wall cracked in the first hour under tempestuous Allied assault,” he wrote.

On Omaha, the deadliest invasion beach, AP’s Whitehead lost his bedroll and equipment and nearly his life as he landed with the 16th Regiment of the 1st Infantry Division.

“So many guys were getting killed that I stopped being afraid. I was resigned to being killed, too,” he later recalled.

He witnessed German heavy machine-gun fire, mortar and artillery rounds raking landing craft and pinning down U.S. soldiers, vehicles and supplies that “began to pile up on the beach at an alarming rate.”

Whitehead never forgot the calmness of Col. George A. Taylor urging troops onward by yelling: “Gentleman, we’re being killed on the beach. Let’s go inland and be killed.”

The Battle of Normandy was underway, with Allied forces pushing off the beaches and fighting their way inland in the following days and weeks. By June 30, the Allies had landed 850,000 soldiers, nearly 150,000 vehicles and more than half a million tons of supplies.

Casualties mounted on all sides and among French civilians. By the second half of August, with Paris being liberated, more than 225,000 Allied troops had been killed, wounded or were missing. On the German side, more than 240,000 had been killed or wounded and 200,000 captured.

The dead included 33-year-old AP photographer Bede Irvin, killed July 25 near the Normandy town of Saint Lo as he was photographing an Allied bombardment that went horribly wrong, with some of the bombers mistakenly dropping their payloads on their own forces.

As well as Irvin — hit by shrapnel as he was diving for the shelter of a roadside ditch — more than 100 American soldiers were killed and almost 500 others wounded, said Ben Brands, a historian with the American Battle Monuments Commission. It manages the the Normandy American Cemetery where Irvin is buried, overlooking Omaha Beach.

On Monday, colleagues from AP’s Paris bureau, covering the 80th anniversary of the landings, laid flowers at the foot of the white stone cross on his grave. Irvin’s is one of 9,387 graves in what was the first American cemetery in Europe of World War II, set up two days after D-Day.

In its September 1944 edition, AP’s in-house magazine said the native of Des Moines, Iowa, had until then survived some of the worst fighting in Normandy and “had only one complaint — that he was not seeing enough action.”

In a letter after his death to one of Irvin’s AP colleagues, his widow, Kathryne, poured out her sorrow. Muriel Rambert, an ABMC guide at the cemetery, read out an extract Monday at his grave, after she’d used sand from Omaha Beach to highlight Irvin’s name on his headstone and planted American and French flags in front of it.

“There are so many hopes and plans between a husband and wife,” she said, reading from the letter. “Plans that won’t for Bede and me ever come true.”

Valerie Komor is AP’s director of corporate archives. Associated Press writer John Leicester in Colleville-sur-Mer, France, contributed to this report.

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