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6 Examples of Presenting Business Highlights in Your Annual Report

6 Examples of Presenting Business Highlights in Your Annual Report

Last Updated on April 25, 2024 by Anastasia

Need to share information about your company performance and create a comprehensive overview of activities throughout the preceding year? Financial data and key business highlights can contain lots of content and be quite heavy text-wise. Make your annual report easy to understand by using graphs, icons, infographic elements, and data-driven charts.

Annual reports are intended to give shareholders and other interested people information about the company’s operations and financial performance. Prepare that report smoothly using our pre-designed structured slides.

All slide examples presented below can be downloaded as an editable source. Click here to see the Annual Report Company Performance Presentation for PowerPoint .

Get inspired by our visualization examples, which show how you can present selected six business and financial highlights compellingly.

Present the company at a glance and illustrate business highlights in the annual report

Company At-a-Glance powerpoint slide

Start with outlining key company facts, like global presence, portfolio projects or clients, and satisfied customers. You can easily combine those facts with a shareholding structure pie chart and add a quote from the CEO if you’d like.

Alternatively, use another slide to show your company a glance. You can reuse this template, where we included such business highlights as employment, office subsidiaries, factories, clients, sales, profit products, and brand portfolios. Notice how each fact is illustrated with a symbol. We also added a neutral background picture, which makes this slide more attractive without stealing attention from the content.

Illustrate milestones in a roadmap

Key Achievements and Milestones Roadmap

Choose the most essential events that influenced your company and show them using a timeline.

In the example above we illustrated six milestones: new IT infrastructure introduction, 3 new products with favorable customer feedback launch, market share achievement, production capacity increase, flagship store opening, and selling over. Each stage is shown with flags and there’s an icon of a mountain as a symbol of accomplishment at the last stage. You can optionally add an illustrative photo on the right or left side of the slide.

Include the top customers’ analysis in the business highlights of the annual report

Top Customers Analysis Template

To recap your best customer profiles you can use a slide like above, containing a short description, revenue achieved, and share in total annual sales.

Focus your audience’s attention on figures. Consider increasing the font size and using a different color from other text.

Create revenue and profit snapshot

Company Revenue and Profit Snapshot annual report review ppt

The company revenue and profit snapshot slide doesn’t have to be boring and contains lots of text information. We propose a creative way: use gauge data charts dashboard to describe net sales and profitability evolution in 5 years. We included the following indexes: Net Sales, Operating Expenses, EBIDTA, and PBT. You can reuse it to adapt to your needs.

If you look closer, this slide example includes much content, but it is designed in such a way that it’s easy to understand. You can also add your comments and observations aside.

Show next year’s outlook

Company Revenue and Profit Snapshot annual report review ppt

Illustrate your next year’s business growth outlook using a revenue forecast and 4 focus areas with targets slide. In our example, we focused on the following highlights: E-commerce growth, New Markets, L-4-L growth, and New Product Lines. Each point is illustrated with a suitable symbol. If you’d like to include more elements into the forecast, you better break it down into several slides, not to stuff one too much with the figures.

Create the balance sheet and cash flow statement readable

Annual Company Balance Sheet Table

Such busy long tables usually don’t look good. Make a difference this time – try using such table templates with headers and icons. You can also include comments if needed. Current, Fixed, Intangible, Total Assets, Current, Long-Term Liabilities, and Shareholders’ Equity are the most common elements of the balance sheet, while cash flow from Operations, Investing, and Financing are a part of the cash flow statement.

Guide on how to visualize goals achievement summary slide

Check a quick instruction on how you can present a goals achievement summary as part of your business highlights using simple shapes, icons, and success/failure indications.

1. Replace table content with text in shapes.

A form of table is not the best visual format in this case. Using a PowerPoint shape looks better and is easier to edit, too.

guide on creating Goals Achievement Summary slide first step

2. Enrich the list with status marks

It’s good to use a consistent set of icons expressing the goal’s achievement.

guide on creating Goals Achievement Summary slide second step

3. Create an area for comments.

guide on creating Goals Achievement Summary slide third step

4. Make your infographic look attractive.

Add a background picture and color-coding supporting the meaning of Done and Not Done goals.

guide on creating Goals Achievement Summary slide fourth step

See the whole step-by-step guide and other examples here: How to Create an Effective Annual Report and Company Performance Presentation .

Resource: Annual Report Company Performance Presentation

The examples above are only a part of our annual report slide collection. Check our pre-designed annual report deck that incorporates key business highlights example layouts and financial data and present the data in a clear, informative, and visually appealing manner.

The majority of our slides have a space for your text/comments, so it is very easy to extend the presented ideas. We also included detailed instructions on how to alter the content, values, colors, and look and feel of our slides. See the full deck here:

Annual Report Company Performance PPT Presentation

More Design Inspiration

Check out our YouTube channel, where we share practical tips and before-after slide transformations like this:

If you need to focus only on the company’s stock performance and cover financial and sales information during your report, check our blog about visualizing stock financial annual report components.

Use modern graphics to create more consistent slides and communicate your ideas. Want to do even more customizing? Infographics from the collection of professionally designed editable diagram templates might help level up your PowerPoint presentations.

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  • The Complete Guide to Mastering Business Presentations
  • Introduction to Business Presentations

What is a Business Presentation?

Aayush Jain

Aayush Jain

Definition and components of a business presentation, unpacking the core: the what and why of business presentations.

Business presentations are pivotal in the corporate landscape, acting as a bridge between a company and its audience—be it clients, investors, or internal teams. This opening paragraph sets the stage for our exploration, highlighting the essence of a business presentation. It's not merely about presenting a company; it's about crafting a narrative that engages, informs, and compels action. Here, we delve into what makes up a business presentation, emphasizing its importance in achieving business objectives and how it fits into the broader context of corporate communication.

Building Blocks: Anatomy of an Effective Presentation

Diving deeper, we explore the structural components that constitute a business presentation. From the opening slide that sets the tone, through the compelling core where ideas and data intermingle, to the concluding call to action, every element plays a crucial role. This section breaks down the anatomy of a presentation, including the significance of a visually appealing design, the strategic use of visual representations like charts and graphs, and the art of balancing information density to maintain the attention spans of audience. The goal is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the components that, when combined, create a compelling business presentation.

From Theory to Practice: Stories of Impact

Here, we transition from the theoretical framework to the tangible impact of business presentations in the real world. By presenting examples from various industries, we illustrate how presenting a company effectively can pivot its market position, attract potential customers, or secure funding from potential investors. This narrative brings to life the power of a well-crafted presentation, showcasing real success stories and current trends that underline the importance of design, storytelling, and audience engagement.

Expert Insights and Quantitative Backing

In this part, we lean on expert opinions and quantitative data to underscore the value of professional presentation design. Highlighting insights from industry leaders like Aayush Jain of INK PPT , we discuss the undeniable impact of aesthetics and narrative in making a presentation not just seen but felt. This exploration is reinforced with statistics and research findings, validating the strategic importance of most presentations in business success and decision-making processes.

Vision for the Future: Evolving Presentation Landscapes

Concluding, we look forward to the evolving dynamics of business presentations, especially in the context of digital transformation and virtual engagement. This future outlook article is complemented by a YouTube video link that offers viewers a deeper dive into innovative presentation techniques and the emerging tools reshaping how we convey business narratives. This segment aims to leave readers with a sense of anticipation and readiness for the advancements in presentation strategies, encouraging them to think beyond traditional formats towards more interactive, engaging approaches.

[Explore Innovative Presentation Techniques]

Historical Evolution of Business Presentations

Historical Evolution of Business Presentations

Business presentations have come a long way from the days of overhead professional company presentation has transformed into a sophisticated process that leverages advanced technology like PowerPoint to deliver powerful messages.

Imagine the evolution of business presentations as a journey from the simplicity of a hand-drawn road map to the complexity of a GPS system. For instance, in the 1980s, a company presentation might have been limited to paper handouts and verbal explanations, while today, it involves dynamic PowerPoint slides, videos, and interactive elements.

Research indicates that the use of visual aids in presentations has increased retention rates by up to 65%, highlighting the shift towards more visually oriented communication strategies.

"In the early days, we relied on our words and basic slides to convey our ideas. Now, we use a rich tapestry of visuals, animations, and interactive elements to tell our story," reflects Aayush Jain on the evolution of presentation techniques.

Common Types of Business Presentations

Common Types of Business Presentations

There are several types of business presentations , each designed to fulfill specific objectives. From informational to persuasive, and decision-making presentations, the goal is always to present the company in the best light possible.

Consider the difference between a documentary and a feature film. Both tell stories, but while the documentary aims to inform and educate, the feature film seeks to entertain and perhaps persuade. Similarly, an informational presentation aims to educate the audience about the company profile, while a sales pitch seeks to persuade potential clients to invest.

Statistics show that over 70% of businesses consider presentation skills crucial for career success, underscoring the variety and importance of these presentations in the professional landscape.

"Each type of business presentation requires a unique approach to storytelling and design. Understanding your audience's needs and expectations is key to delivering a successful presentation," advises Aayush Jain.

Purposes and Objectives of Business Presentations

Purposes and Objectives of Business Presentations

The primary purpose of an organizational presentation varies from presenting a company's achievements to potential investors, to educating new employees about company policies. Each presentation is designed with specific objectives in mind, such as persuading clients or facilitating decision-making processes.

The purpose of a business presentation can be compared to a compass in a ship's navigation. Just as a compass guides the ship towards its destination, the objectives of a presentation guide the content and delivery to achieve the desired outcome. An example of this is using a company presentation to secure new clients by effectively communicating the value proposition.

Data from LinkedIn shows that presentations with clear objectives are 50% more likely to achieve their desired outcomes, highlighting the importance of having a focused message.

"Setting clear objectives at the inception of the presentation design process ensures that every separate slide, every visual element, and every word spoken is aligned with the goal of showcasing the company in the most effective manner," says Aayush Jain.

Understanding the purposes behind business presentations paves the way for exploring the role they play in decision-making, further demonstrating their importance in the corporate world.

The Role of Business Presentations in Decision-Making

The Role of Business Presentations in Decision-Making

Business presentations are pivotal in the decision-making process, providing a structured opportunity for presenting complex information and recommendations. They serve as a crucial touchpoint, influencing the opinions and actions of stakeholders, from internal team members to external partners and clients.

Imagine the idea of a company presentation as a compass guiding a ship through the treacherous waters of corporate decision-making. Just as a captain relies on a compass to navigate, so do leaders rely on presentations to guide their decisions.

For instance, a well-executed presentation that showcases a comprehensive market analysis and competitive advantages can significantly influence the strategic direction of a company.

Research from the Decision Management Association highlights that decks that effectively present relevant data and analysis can improve decision-making speed and accuracy by up to 40%. A study by the International Business Communication Council found that decision-makers cite clarity, conciseness, and relevance as the top three factors that make presentations impactful in their decision-making process. These insights underscore the importance of strategic focus and data-driven content in business decks.

Key Elements of a Successful Business Presentation in showcasing a company

Key Elements of a Successful Business Presentation in showcasing a company

A successful business presentation hinges on several key elements: clear objectives, audience understanding, powerful storytelling, effective visual aids, and confident delivery. These components work in concert to engage the audience, convey the message effectively, and achieve the presentation's intended outcomes.

For example, incorporating visual aids such as bar graphs and slides can help illustrate complex ideas, much like how a vivid solo can highlight a particular emotion in a musical piece.

A study by the Presentation Institute of America found that presentation decks incorporating visual aids are 67% more effective at maintaining the attention. Additionally, Gallup research indicates that presentations that include storytelling elements are twice as likely to result in a positive outcome.

These findings highlight the critical role of integrating multiple elements to craft a driving and successful presentation.

Company Presentation vs. Public Speech: Understanding the Distinctions

Company Presentation vs. Public Speech: Understanding the Distinctions

While often intertwined, company presentations and public speech serve distinct purposes and require different skill sets. A business presentation is typically more focused on delivering specific information or persuading an audience regarding an organization-related topic, utilizing visuals and structured content.

Public speech, on the other hand, might focus more broadly on inspiring, informing, or entertaining an audience, often without the support of graphics.

Imagine a business presentation as a guided tour through a museum, where the guide (presenter) points out and explains various artifacts (points of discussion) with the help of visual cues and structured narrative.

Public speech, in contrast, is like a storyteller weaving tales under the moonlight, where the power of voice and story alone captures the audience's imagination. For instance, while showcasing an organization to investors, the focus is on persuading through data and strategic insights, distinct from the broader motivational approach of speaking publicly.

According to a study by the Public Speaking Association, 80% of professionals believe that presentation skills are crucial to achieving business success, yet only 40% distinguish these from public speaking abilities.

A survey by Presentation Magazine found that incorporating elements of public speech into business presentations, such as storytelling and audience engagement techniques, can enhance the effectiveness of the presentation by up to 35%. These statistics highlight the importance of understanding and integrating the strengths of both disciplines to enhance communication impact.

Cultural Considerations in Business or Company Presentations

Cultural Considerations in Business or Company Presentations

The global organizational environment demands sensitivity to cultural differences in business presentations. Factors such as communication styles, power distance, individualism versus collectivism, and uncertainty avoidance play significant roles in how decks are crafted and delivered.

Consider the analogy of a chef preparing a meal for an international audience. Just as the chef must understand and respect the dietary preferences and restrictions of their guests, so must a talk show presenter be cognizant of the cultural nuances of their audience.

For example, a company presentation in Japan might require a more formal approach and the use of subtle persuasion, in contrast to the more direct and assertive style preferred in the United States.

Research by Hofstede Insights reveals that decks tailored to the cultural expectations of the audience are up to 70% more effective in achieving their objectives. A study by the International Journal of Business Communication supports this, finding that presentation decks that acknowledge and adapt to cultural differences improve comprehension and engagement among international audiences.

These insights underscore the critical role of cultural awareness in the success of business presentations on a global scale.

Adapting Company Presentations for Virtual Platforms

The shift towards virtual meetings and conferences necessitates adaptations in how company presentations are designed and delivered. Virtual platforms offer unique opportunities and challenges, from technical considerations to maintaining audience engagement in a digital format.

Think of transitioning from a live concert to a virtual performance. While the essence of the performance remains, the dynamics change significantly. The artist must engage the audience without the immediate feedback of live interaction, relying more on the quality of the content and presentation. Similarly, when showcasing a company virtually, the presenter must leverage technology to maintain the attention, using visual and interactive elements effectively.

A survey by Zoom Video Communications indicates that 58% of professionals find virtual presentation decks more challenging to engage the audience than in-person events. However, a report by Microsoft found that presentations that are specifically designed for virtual delivery, incorporating interactive elements like polls and Q&A sessions, see a 40% increase in audience engagement.

These findings highlight the importance of adapting presentation strategies to suit the virtual environment, ensuring that the message is not only delivered but also received and acted upon effectively.

Incorporating Storytelling Techniques while presenting a company

Incorporating Storytelling Techniques while presenting a company

Storytelling in business presentations is a powerful tool to engage and connect with the audience, making complex information more relatable and memorable. It involves weaving a narrative through the presentation, using real-life examples, anecdotes, and metaphors to illustrate points and evoke emotions.

Imagine a business presentation as a novel, where instead of chapters, you have sections of your presentation, each contributing to the overall narrative. Just like a compelling novel hooks the reader from the very start, a great presentation uses storytelling to capture the attention of target audience and keep them engaged throughout.

For instance, starting a presentation with a customer success story sets the stage for a narrative that the audience can follow and relate to, making the subsequent data and analysis more impactful.

According to a study by the Stanford Graduate School of Business, stories are 22 times more memorable than facts alone. Additionally, research by the Narrative Institute shows that decks using stories can increase audience persuasion by up to 30%.

These statistics validate the effectiveness of storytelling as a technique to enhance the communicative power of business presentations, making them not just informative but also transformative experiences for the audience.

Conclusion on how company presentation can be a game changer

Conclusion on how company presentation can be a game changer

A business presentation is more than just an act of presentation to an audience; it is a carefully crafted communication tool designed to inform, persuade, and connect. Through a combination of historical evolution, cultural sensitivity, storytelling, and adaptation to digital platforms, business presentations have become an essential component of professional success.

By understanding and implementing the key elements of effective decks, individuals and organizations can significantly enhance their ability to communicate ideas, influence decisions, and achieve their objectives.

Frequently asked questions

How do you introduce a company in a presentation.

To introduce a company in a presentation effectively, start with a compelling opening that grabs the audience's attention from the beginning. Provide a first impression and a brief overview of your company, emphasizing the uniqueness of your brand and the value you bring to clients.

Showcasing milestones can illustrate your company's growth and success, thereby building credibility. When presenting products or services to a client, think on how they address the needs and challenges of your target audience, supported by visuals and concise descriptions.

Incorporating a testimonial can lend authenticity and demonstrate real-world impact. Lastly, introducing your team personalizes your presentation, showing the faces behind the success. Throughout, ensure your presentation is visually appealing and avoid overwhelming your audience with too much information or industry jargon.

What should be in a company presentation?

A company presentation must include a clear visual representation of your company's name, brand identity, and the core products or services you offer, designed to convey feelings of trust and reliability to your client. It should give a brief overview of your company's history, mission, and vision, helping the audience understand who you are and what you stand for. Highlighting key milestones and achievements can demonstrate your company's growth and expertise.

Testimonials or case studies provide social proof and build confidence in your potential customers. Visual elements such as your company logo, color scheme, and visuals like bar graphs or slides should be used to make the presentation more engaging and to help convey complex ideas more effectively.

Remember, the goal is to create a lasting and positive first impression on your audience, making your presentation short and to the point, and ensuring it is visually appealing from start to creating a compelling narrative.

How do I present my company in a presentation?

To present your company effectively in a presentation, begin with a strong and engaging introduction that clearly states what your business is about and why it matters. Be concise throughout, focusing on your bullet points and delivering a clear and impactful message about your company's vision, mission, and what sets you apart from the competition. Use high-quality graphics to support your points, making your presentation more memorable and easier to understand.

Highlight your main products or services, emphasizing their benefits to your target or even test audience. Avoid industry slang and ensure that your presentation progresses smoothly without rushing, allowing your audience to fully absorb the information.

Engaging your audience with relevant examples and compelling storytelling can further enhance the impact of your presentation, making it a powerful tool for presenting your company.

What are the three general types of business presentations?

The three general types of business presentations are:

  • Pitch Deck Presentation: This type focuses on showcasing to investors or partners, highlighting the business model, market opportunity, and financial projections to secure funding or strategic alliances.
  • Sales Deck Presentation: Aimed at potential clients or customers, this type showcases the company's products or services, demonstrating their value proposition and how they solve specific problems or meet specific needs.
  • Product Market Slide Deck: This presentation type is used to introduce a new product or service to the market, detailing its features, benefits, and competitive advantages to generate interest and drive adoption.

What are the three parts of a professional company presentation?

A professional business presentation is structured into three main parts:

  • Introduction (10-15%): Start by capturing the audience's attention with an engaging opening, set the context, and briefly outline what the presentation will cover. This sets the tone and expectations from the very beginning.
  • Body (75-80%): The core of your presentation, where you delve into the details of your company presentation, highlighting the company profile, showcasing your products or services, and discussing key points in further detail. Use this section to convey your main message, supported by visuals, examples, and data to enhance understanding and retention.
  • Conclusion (10-15%): Summarize the key points made throughout the presentation, reinforce the main message, and provide a clear call to action or outline the next steps. The conclusion should leave a lasting impression, ensuring your company and its offerings remain top of mind for your audience.

What is the most important element in a powerpoint company presentation?

The most important element in a business presentation is clarity of message. Showing the company's goals, values, and objectives in a clear, concise manner ensures that the audience understands the company profile core message. Visuals, storytelling, and engaging content support this clarity by reinforcing the message and keeping the audience's attention focused.

How has technology impacted business presentations?

Technology has revolutionized business presentations by enabling more dynamic, interactive, and visually appealing presentation desks. Tools like PowerPoint, video conferencing software, and interactive polls have made it easier to engage with the audience, whether in-person or virtually. Technology also allows for broader reach, enabling slide decks to speak to global audiences through webinars and online meetings.

What are the key differences between business presentations and public speech?

Business presentations often focus on numerous aspects of a company, its products, or services to a specific audience with a clear objective, such as persuading, informing, or decision-making. Public speech, while it can share these goals, is broader and may not always involve creating a business context. It focuses more on the delivery, rhetoric, and engagement with the audience on various topics.

How can storytelling be incorporated into business presentations?

Storytelling can be incorporated by framing the presentation around a compelling narrative point that relates to the audience's experiences or challenges. Using real-life examples, customer testimonials, and a clear narrative arc can make the business presentation more engaging and memorable. Storytelling helps to humanize the company and makes complex information more relatable.

What are the best practices for designing a business presentation?

Best practices include keeping the design simple and professional, using a consistent color scheme and font, minimizing text on slides, and making good use of visuals and graphs. It's also important to tailor the presentation to the audience, focus on key messages, and practice delivery to ensure smooth flow and timing.

How can one adapt a business presentation for an international audience?

To adapt a presentation for an international audience, consider cultural sensitivities, use clear and simple language, avoid local jargon, and incorporate relevant global examples or case studies. It's also helpful to be mindful of time zone differences for live decks and to provide translations or subtitles if necessary.

What are the benefits of practicing a presentation before delivering it?

Practicing a presentation helps in refining the delivery, timing, and transitions between topics. It builds confidence, reduces anxiety, and allows the presenter to adjust pacing and emphasis based on the flow of the presentation. Practice also helps in identifying and correcting any potential issues with the content or delivery.

How can visuals enhance the effectiveness of a presentation?

Visuals, such as charts, graphs, images, and videos, can help illustrate and reinforce key aspects, making complex information easier to understand. They capture and retain the audience's attention, add interest to the presentation, and can evoke emotional responses that enhance persuasion and recall.

What role does the audience play in shaping the content of a presentation?

The audience's needs, interests, and level of knowledge significantly shape the content and delivery of a presentation. Understanding the audience allows the presenter to tailor the content to address their specific questions, concerns, and expectations, making the presentation more relevant, engaging, and effective.

How can feedback be used to improve future presentations?

Feedback provides valuable insights into what worked well and what could be improved in terms of content, delivery, and engagement strategies. Constructive criticism helps identify areas for improvement, while positive feedback can reinforce effective practices. Incorporating feedback into future decks ensures continuous improvement and better audience engagement.

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Business Presentation Introduction Examples & Templates

Learn how to create a business presentation introduction that gets attention in the first 15 seconds. See real-life business presentation introduction examples & samples.

business highlights presentation

Dominika Krukowska

9 minute read

Business presentation introduction examples

Short answer

What makes a good presentation introduction.

Data shows that a good presentation introduction is all about grabbing attention in the first 15 seconds.

An effective presentation introduction includes interactive design, a big idea, and a mystery to hook the audience in. A good introduction improves reader engagement and increases reading time.

You have only 15 seconds to earn your audience’s attention

Imagine a sprinter at the Olympics. They've trained for years, but a false start costs them the race. A weak introduction is the false start for your presentation, costing you your audience's attention and engagement.

But there's a way to get back on track and back in the race.

Our analysis of over 100,000 presentation sessions shows that the first 3 slides and the initial 15 seconds determine the success of your entire presentation.

These first slides and first moments decide whether a reader will give you their full attention or bounce never to look back.

In this post, we'll guide you on how to craft an introduction that ensures a strong start, keeps your audience engaged, and sets you up for a winning presentation.

Ready? Let’s dive in.

What is the purpose and goal of a presentation introduction?

The introduction in a business presentation has 4 goals: (1) to provide context by introducing the topic, (2) to build authority and trust by introducing the team (3) to manage expectations by giving a preview of the presentation content, and (4) to ignite interest by introducing a big idea.

What are the main types of presentation introductions?

8 types of presentation introductions:

  • Personal intro: Unveils the speaker's background and expertise.
  • Team intro: Showcases the experience and accomplishments of a team.
  • Company intro: Unfolds the company's vision and values
  • Topic intro: Sets the stage for the discussion topic.
  • Product intro: Highlights the product's unique features and benefits.
  • Project intro: Outlines the project's roadmap and expected milestones.
  • Business plan intro: Provides a sneak peek into a business's strategic blueprint.
  • Executive summary (Report intro): Summarizes a report's key insights and takeaways.

How to write presentation introductions that keep people reading

The introduction slide is the gateway to your presentation. Here are some tips to ensure your audience can't resist reading on:

Start with a hook: Start with a captivating bit of information - a surprising statistic, a bold statement, or a thought-provoking question.

Show relevance: Highlight why your presentation is important to your audience.

Keep it simple: Make your introduction clear and concise to avoid overwhelming your audience.

Include visuals: Incorporate relevant visuals to enhance your message.

Use interactive elements: Using running numbers to present stats or giving your audience something to play around with, like sliders or tabs to click through, is another proven way to boost engagement.

Add a personal touch: Make your introduction resonate with your specific audience by personalizing it. This can get 68% more people to read your presentation in full and increase the average reading time by 41%.

Manage expectations: Provide an estimated reading time to set clear expectations and lower your bounce rate by 24% .

How to design a presentation introduction that grabs attention?

Designing an engaging presentation introduction is a crucial step in capturing your audience's attention.

Here are some strategies you can use to create an impactful introduction:

Video introduction

A video introduction adds a personal touch to your presentation. It brings in the human element with voice, gestures, and expressions, establishing a connection with your audience. This non-verbal communication is crucial for building relatability and trust.

According to our research, presentations with a video in their cover slide have 32% more people interacting with them .

And this doesn’t just refer to the top part of your deck. By embedding any video into your presentation, you can get people to read it 37% longer and enjoy a 17% increase in the CTA click-through rate.

This can be a short clip that introduces the topic or a brief message from the presenter. Our interactive editor allows you to easily embed videos in your slides by uploading them to the media library or pasting a URL.

Here’s an example of an introduction slide with a video:

Introduction slide by Storydoc

Text and image

Pairing a story with a relevant image can create a memorable connection. Whether it's a personal photo for an individual introduction, a team photo for a group introduction, or a symbolic image for a company introduction, the right image can enhance your narrative.

Our platform offers a variety of design options to help you craft this perfect pairing. You can either choose your own images or let our AI assistant take care of it for you. You can also select the placement and adjust the proportions so that it doesn’t overpower your key message.

Here’s an introduction slide sample using a mix of text and images:

Introduction slide with text and image

Timeline (History slide)

A timeline slide can take your audience on a journey through your company's or your personal history. It allows your audience to appreciate each significant milestone individually, adding depth to your presentation and making it easier to follow.

And, on top of that, giving your readers slides they have to click through makes them 41% more likely to scroll it all the way down to the bottom and read it 21% longer.

Here's an example of a history slide:

History slide by Storydoc

Multiple introductions (Tabs)

Tabs offer a neat way to introduce multiple aspects within the same context. You can dedicate a tab each for the speaker, the team, leadership, partners, and the company.

This feature also allows you to tailor your introduction to different audience personas, ensuring that your content resonates with everyone. An AI text generator can reduce the time spent on these different messages.

Here’s an example of an introduction slide using tabs:

Introduction slide with tabs

Best examples of how to write and design your presentation introduction

When it comes to creating a compelling presentation introduction, real-life examples can provide invaluable insights. Let's explore how 4 Storydoc clients have leveraged the platform's features to create impactful starts to their presentations.

Yotpo is an e-commerce marketing platform that provides solutions for managing customer reviews and loyalty programs. Their presentation starts with a dynamic variable, allowing them to personalize the experience for each viewer with just a few clicks.

The introduction slide features a video showcasing their product in action, while the third slide uses a timeline to explain how to measure the product’s impact, complete with screenshots for clarity.

This approach not only engages the viewer but also provides a comprehensive overview of the product's capabilities. And, by sharing how to use data-driven insights to make the most of the platform, it helps build trust and credibility with potential customers.

WiseStamp , an email signature manager solution, uses dynamic variables on their first slide to embed the prospect's name and their company's name.

The introduction slide visualizes what the prospect's email signature would look like if they signed up for WiseStamp. All the data, including the name, address, phone number, and website, can be pulled directly from the CRM thanks to robust integration capabilities .

And, once they’ve seen the end result, prospects can also watch a short video showing how the product works.

All this combined makes potential customers feel like the presentation was created specifically for them, when in reality it takes just a few clicks to create unlimited versions of any deck.

The end result? A completion rate of 60% and a CTA conversion rate of 10%!

Octopai , an automated data intelligence platform, also leverages the power of personalization by including a dynamic variable on the cover slide.

The introduction slide grabs the readers’ attention by using a running number to present an agonizing problem statement. The third slide uses shocking statistics to reiterate the main issue plaguing the industry, paired with relevant images.

This approach effectively highlights the problem that Octopai solves. It can easily be personalized to include the prospect’s specific pain points, either found online or mentioned during the discovery call, making them more likely to be interested in the solution.

And, it worked wonders for the Octopai team! Their salespeople could easily create several versions of the same deck using the intuitive editor, leading to more demos booked and improved sales calls.

Orbiit , a virtual networking platform, provides a link to a shorter executive summary on their first slide for prospects who don't have time to read the whole presentation. Using the analytics panel, they can easily see who clicked on it and who didn’t, and follow up accordingly.

The introduction slide uses running numbers to present statistics regarding networking benefits before moving on to the main problem statement.

This engaging approach shows the importance of solving the issue and positions Orbiit as the perfect solution provider right from the start.

If you want to see more presentation introduction samples, check out our examples section .

Business presentation introduction do’s and don’ts

To ensure your introduction hits the right notes, here are some key do's and don'ts:

✅ Ignite interest with a compelling hook, like a surprising fact or a provocative question.

✅ State the purpose of your presentation clearly. Make sure your audience understands why they should care.

✅ Enhance your introduction with strategic visuals. A picture can speak a thousand words.

✅ Tailor your introduction to your specific audience. Make them feel seen and understood.

✅ Include an estimated reading time. It helps set expectations.

❌ Flood your audience with too much information upfront. Keep it simple and intriguing.

❌ Begin with a lengthy personal introduction that doesn't directly relate to your topic.

❌ Include large blocks of text. They can be overwhelming and off-putting.

❌ Send generic introductions. They can make your audience feel disconnected.

❌ Leave your audience in the dark about how long your presentation will take.

How to write your intro based on data from previous interactions with clients

By analyzing how clients interact with your content, you can then tailor the introduction of your following presentation to their preferences and expectations.

Say the first presentation was a sales one pager, you can use the engagement data gained there to tailor the intro for your sales proposal.

You can use engagement data to answer which slides and topics they engaged with and which they skipped, or if they viewed a video, used a calculator, filled out a form, or clicked your CTA.

You can then use this information to deduce what they really care about and use that information in your next intro.

The only problem is that with traditional static presentation makers like PowerPoint or Google Slides the only information you can get is whether the email where you attached them was opened.

You’re completely blind to what happens after you hit ‘Send’, good or bad.

But if you upgrade from static PowerPoints to Storydoc’s AI business presentation maker you get out-of-the-box analytics with multi-layered engagement information down to the slide and button interactions.

You can learn more about presentation analytics here:

Storydoc analytics pa

Advanced: How to personalize your introduction at scale?

According to our research, personalizing your presentation can greatly improve your presentation performance. For example, including a personal note in your presentation can get 68% more people to read it in full and share it internally 2.3x more often.

But personalization takes time. Time which most of us can’t afford to spend on every reader.

However, this can easily be done at scale by integrating Storydoc with your existing tech stack.

Doing this will enable you to pull customer data directly from your CRM and into your presentations with a single click (and send back engagement data to your CRM!).

All you have to do is use dynamic variables in your presentations the same way you’d use them in your email automation.

Address your readers by name, use their company logo and branding, and include a note or a video that addresses their specific pain points.

This is how it works:

how to make a good personalized presentation slide

Advanced: How to introduce multiple people, companies, or subjects?

When you're tasked with introducing various elements, tabs can be a game-changer. They allow you to neatly organize and present different entities such as the speaker, team, or company, each in their own dedicated space.

This way, you can customize the content to suit different audience personas.

For a more chronological approach, the timeline slide can be a great tool. It enables you to guide your audience through the history of your company or personal journey, highlighting each significant event individually.

It's a simple yet effective way to make your introduction more engaging and informative.

Make a beautiful interactive presentation introduction from a template

Creating a presentation from scratch can feel like climbing a mountain. You need to figure out the layout, the message, the story, and the visuals—it's a lot to handle!

But what if you could skip the uphill struggle and get a head start? That's where interactive introduction slide templates shine.

They offer you a ready-made design and content structure, guiding you on where to place your key points for maximum impact. It's like having a roadmap to a successful presentation.

So, why not take the shortcut? Pick a template and start building your engaging interactive presentation introduction today!

First slide of presentation template with logo and video background

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

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The definitive guide to creating a high impact business presentation (with examples)

Presentation Shapes Image

How to give a business presentation

Have you ever watched a presentation and been blown away by the presence or charisma of the speaker?

The truth is that the best speakers included,use a set of specific skills which they have learned and developed over time. It’s not a fluke that they have taken you on a journey, made you feel like the only person in the room, and inspired you to take action on what they say. They are following a process and using a set of tactics that elicit this reaction. And our goal here is helping you achieve that.

Each component of their presentations is still deliberate and learned. Even the very best comedians, who appear to display the epitome of “off-the-cuff” commentary, meticulously plan and practice every aspect of their shows so that they come across as natural and witty.

Jerry Seinfeld, for instance, is renowned for being one of the most well-prepared speakers in the world.

Jerry Seinfield presentataions

‍ Seinfeld says , “Every comedian, like every athlete, has a little routine… I never vary it. It just feels comfortable.” ‍ From pitching a potential client to persuading your CEO to ramp up the marketing budget, each presentation has subtle differences which determine whether or not they are effective in achieving the desired outcome.

With that said, there are a few universal guidelines when it comes to delivering an effective business presentation. This guide will provide an overview of the different types and delve deeper into the elements that work together to deliver impact. 

Here are some of the most important business presentation skills you should learn and improve over time:

Practice and prepare

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking “I know this stuff” and “winging it” when it’s time to present. Some may even think that an delivering an excellent business presentation is as easy as speaking. However, the best presenters prepare meticulously.

For important presentations, plan on a minimum of 10 run-throughs . By doing so, you increase your chances of the presentation going off without a hitch and your ability to ability to engage with the audience in the moment.

business highlights presentation

When presenting, it’s easy to get lost in your slides, caught reading notes or worried about what you will say next. But if you prepare appropriately, you can truly be present during the presentation–the most effective way to engage an audience and maintain their attention. 

However, we know that is easier said than done. Here’s a quick but effective guide to help you give killer presentations without notes:

Tell a great story

Studies suggest that stories are up to 22 times more memorable than facts. Stories connect with us on a personal level, tapping into emotion–just one reason they have been a crucial foundation of human society, passing on knowledge for generations.

Storytelling, however, isn’t as easy as it sounds. It’s a skill and a formula that the best presenters use to capture an audience.

This TED Talk by Nancy Duarte showcases not only an impactful presentation, but highlights the power of storytelling in conveying a message.

The 10-20-30 rule

Helping others understand a complex topic in simple language is perhaps the greatest skill of an effective presenter. If you overload a presentation with information, the people watching are more likely to leave being confused or simply disengage during the presentation. Guy Kawasaki’s 10-20-30 rule is a good structure to follow: ‍

Inexperienced presenters have a tendency to overload their slide deck with information and run out of time right before they get to the juicy part of their message. Using the 10-20-30 rule is a good way to condense a presentation and reduce the chance of running out of time.

Physical awareness, eye contact, and voice projection

Did you know that 55% of the way someone interprets your communication is attributed to body language, and 38% attributed to your tone of voice? That leaves only 7% of interpretation based on the actual words said.

Given these statistics, the way we prepare for presentations should be weighted towards understanding how what our body language and tone of voice says, rather than obsessing over simply the words we say. 

As with any new skills, these presentation skills won’t develop overnight. To truly become an excellent presenter and communicator in the workplace, you need to practice and refine your skillset habitually.

Now let’s talk about how to create the presentation deck itself.

How to make a business presentation slide deck

What is the audience looking at when you are presenting? Your slides.

There will be moments when you engage one-to-one in eye contact with people, but for the most part, they are using their visual senses and looking at your slides to better understand what you are talking about.

Given this behavior, the look and feel of your slides can either help or hinder the consumption and retention of your message. As a result, the way you design your slide deck is critical. If you’re short on time or resources, SketchDeck just might be the perfect solution to get high-quality, on brand presentation design.

Here are some best practices to follow when it comes to presentation design:

Types of business presentations

There is a fairly broad spectrum of pitches, speeches, and meetings that business professionals both encounter and carry out in their day-to-day work. As a result, it is important that before we talk about how to create one, we define what it is.

A business presentation is the delivery of a message to a group or individual with the purpose of influencing their perception of a topic so that it aligns with a desired set of outcomes. While these presentations take several forms, we can group them into three primary categories: ‍

  • Sales presentation : A sales presentation or sales pitch refers to a structured message which attempts to persuade someone to buy a product or service. ‍
  • Marketing presentation : Unlike a sales pitch, a marketing presentation is typically delivered to other representatives within a business. The purpose of this business meeting presentation is to educate and influence internal decision-makers or budget holders to buy into a plan for promoting a product or service. ‍
  • Other business presentations : ‍ On top of marketing and sales presentations, there are any number of professional presentations that could be categorized as business presentations. These include information sessions, training initiatives, reporting on results, innovation brainstorms, problem-solving collectives, and much more.

Use brand guidelines

Your business should have a set of design guidelines in place which all collateral, including presentations, abide by. Things such as primary colors, secondary colors, layout, fonts, style, and flow should all be itemized and described in this document.

For an example, check out the SketchDeck Brandbook.

Business presentation templates are your friends

In addition to using your brand’s set of design guidelines, it’s helpful to create a series of themed templates for each type of business presentation. This way, whenever someone in your organization is conducting a presentation they have an on-brand framework to work from.

Have a design library

To ensure consistency across your brand, develop a design library for employees that is hosted in the cloud. This library will provide quick and easy access to your guidelines, templates, and a set of pre-approved images and graphics. 

PowerPoint best practices

For our next step, let’s check a few PowerPoint best practices (works for Google Slides and pretty much any other presentation software, too):

Adopt the KISS approach

Say it with us–keep it short and simple and you’ll keep your viewers happy. Limit yourself to one key idea per slide:

Not only will this allow you to inform your audience without overwhelming them, but it will also keep you from diluting the importance of each piece of information with tangents.

This doesn’t apply to only text, though–crowding every corner with graphs, animations and even logos prevent the key points from being communicated. As posited by Edward Tufte, “ PowerPointPhluff ” is a trap many presenters fall prey to, replacing serious analysis with chart junk, over-produced layouts, cheerleader logotypes, and branding, not to mention corny clip art.

As a general rule, you should aim to include no more than three pieces of information on one slide–all of which contribute to one idea.

Draw attention to key points

Use contrasting colors, font variations, and moving graphics to draw people’s attention to the most important points in your presentation.

In the example below, you can see how a simple variation in fonts can have a powerful visual impact on the way someone interprets a slide:

business highlights presentation

Additional business presentation tips

Once you’ve practiced your presentation skills and refined your design, you may ask: what else can you do to deliver a powerful presentation? Here are some additional tips, ideas and best practices:

Seek feedback

As with anything, if you want to get better at presenting, the best way to do so is to seek constructive feedback and use that feedback to improve.

For best results, go beyond asking a friend or colleague “how it went” or “how you did.” Instead, enlist a coach, mentor, or accountability partner who can provide structured and meaningful feedback.

‍ Even though you are conducting a business presentation, don’t neglect the entertainment factor.

People like to feel –whether it be laughing, crying, being held in suspense, and/or drawn to the edge of their seat. Entertainment and emotion are components that grab attention and will inevitably help you convey your message. 

Make it visual

Research suggests that a staggering 65% of people are visual learners. Not only that, but studies show that the retention of knowledge is significantly increased when visuals are used rather than text, so keep this in mind when creating your slide deck.

This presentation from Andreas von der Heydt shows off the power of visuals in presentations with only minimal text on each slide. 

Andreas von der Heydt – The Magic to Think Big

Now let’s get visual and check a few great business presentation decks available online!

Here is a collection of 15 of the best business presentations, including key insights and takeaways for your next deck.

Sample business presentations

1. how google works.

Putting together a presentation like this one is no easy task. It is lighthearted but extremely professional and relevant at the same time. Each slide makes you curious to see what’s next, and they keep it fun without fluff. Bravo!

business highlights presentation

2. Zuora Sales Deck

Some say this is the best sales deck ever . For us, it’s hard to say this is the best business presentation we’ve seen, seeing as we’ve designed over 4,000 presentations for amazing clients–but it is surely one of the more powerful presentations out there. 

We like how Zuora’s deck tells a compelling story through great visuals and a perfectly structured narrative. They press the right buttons throughout to make their target audience uncomfortable enough to pay attention, yet hopeful enough to crave for their solution.

And while finding good business pictures for presentations can be challenging, Zuora takes it to the next level by using on-brand visual aids to support their message on each slide. 

business highlights presentation

PowerPoint is not boring–dull slides and corny animations are. 

With creativity and skill, you can make wonderful presentations in PowerPoint. This presentation we made for Dialpad was a big hit thanks to the engaging animations that both embodied the brand’s exceptional quality and displayed in-depth service details in a clean, dynamic way. (Again, all in PowerPoint!) 

In order to resonate with your audience, you must know your audience–something Reddit excels at.

Not only is this deck 100% on-brand, it’s also funny and interesting in a relevant way for their audience. They did a great job with their company presentation, showing how Reddit works and their strong policies against spammers and attempts to “game” the platform.

The deck also excelled at showing success cases, using both creative and down-to-earth ads to show that their platform brings a good ROI if you follow their guidelines, whether you have a brilliant marketing campaign or a set of simple, on-point ads.

business highlights presentation

5. Hiperdist ‍

This deck is living proof you don’t need to toot your own horn in a professional business presentation.

In this 9 slide deck about key reasons to move your clients to Microsoft Office 365, Hiperdist remained laser focused on the solution that was relevant to their audience. They only mentioned their own brand in the final slides, with contact information and a one-sentence description.

Perhaps the only area that they could’ve done better in is following the golden rule–one key point per slide! To ensure you are concise and not wordy in your own presentation, create a business presentation outline before designing your deck. 

business highlights presentation

6. Snapchat

This deck does a magnificent job by cutting to the chase quickly and presenting relevant data without clutter. Simple, on-brand, to the point and well-designed–a great example of how business presentation slides should look and feel.

business highlights presentation

7. Adgibbon

After providing top-notch business presentation services for years, we’ve developed a sixth sense when it comes to great presentations. We can usually tell if a deck is good or bad from the first slides.

Adgibbon was a hit from head to tail, dynamically showcasing their product, one feature per slide and keeping things light, fun, and 100% on-brand. 

business highlights presentation

8. Launchrock ‍

With a clean, on-brand look and feel, Launchrock showcases everything they need in 16 crisp slides. 

And the best thing about their clean design? If they need new business presentations, all they need to do is use this one as a template and they’re ready to go!

business highlights presentation

That’s one of the major benefits of a professional business presentation PPT template: you can easily streamline outstanding decks, keeping guesswork out of the equation.

9. Schmidt Ocean Institute

Giving a presentation about something as complex as marine science and conservation could be considered overwhelming. That didn’t stop Schmidt Ocean Institute, however, from killing it with their 2018 Visions to Reality deck.

This deck is a masterclass on how to make a business PowerPoint presentation look great by harmonizing beautiful photography, illustrations, data points, blockquotes, technical knowledge and company achievements without clutter, fluff or dullness.

business highlights presentation

10. Greylock Partners

With major companies like Dropbox and Okta on their portfolio, Greylock Partners has in-depth knowledge and experience in their field. They also know how to show their expertise in a digestible and compelling manner. 

If you’re stuck and need some tips on how to give a powerful presentation, take a deep dive into this deck. They use subtle background authoritative images to build trust with their audience…  

business highlights presentation

And not only do they ask the billion dollar question…

business highlights presentation

But they also answer it with uncanny precision and great visual aids.

business highlights presentation

Finally, they use data-driven graphs to back up their answer and simultaneously show the audience their expertise.

business highlights presentation

Pitching investors demands your A-game. And since 91% of professionals feel more confident when they have a beautifully designed presentation, design plays a major role in prepping for success.

When Air was preparing for an important presentation for a group of investors, they decided they needed a new look. Within two weeks, we had worked together to create a beautiful final presentation. The presentation was a hit, and they wowed their investors!

Remember: beautiful design is not only an aesthetic need, but also a profitable decision that can make or break huge opportunities.

12. Office Vibe

With vibrant colors and fun illustrations, each slide from Office Vibe’s deck is delightful and informative. It’s captivating enough to make you want to flip through the entire deck more than once–a good marker of a winning PowerPoint business presentation deck.

business highlights presentation

13. Degreed

Degreed’s takeaway slides are just what every audience needs–a breakdown of data-heavy slides into digestible tidbits. 

business highlights presentation

Their capacity to illustrate data is also worth mentioning, as it increases information retention.

business highlights presentation

14. Hubspot

Hubspot presentations are on-brand, fun, and engaging, and their Zero to IPO deck is no different.

business highlights presentation

And of course, full of memes.

business highlights presentation

Disclaimer: we’re not saying you should use memes, but they can help engage the audience if on-brand (assuming your audience is as fond of memes as many marketers are!)

15. Thrive Savings

Have a tight timeline for an important business presentation, but not confident your current deck is good enough to make a stand for your brand?

That’s why we exist! Thrive Savings was a young startup without firm brand guidelines, but that didn’t stop us from creating a pitch deck that personified their brand. Taking inspiration from their social media marketing, we worked together to create a fresh and dynamic deck design in under a week, from start to finish. 

Picture of Aislinn Barry

Aislinn Barry

  • Originally published on September 11, 2019

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Home PowerPoint Templates Text & Tables Highlights and Lowlights PowerPoint Template

Highlights and Lowlights PowerPoint Template

The Highlights and Lowlights PowerPoint Template is an editable layout for engagingly presenting the key points of a meeting, agenda , or discussion points. The highlights refer to the highly important points that should be emphasized during the presentation. In contrast, the lowlights are the opposite of the highlights, which means to be prioritized after the highlights. For example, in an educational session, the coach can divide his lecture into two parts, i.e., highlights (the crucial lessons that must be covered) and lowlights (the less important lessons which can be skipped in case of time limitation). Likewise, in business, marketing, real estate, and project discussions, the highlights and lowlights can help the audience understand what is important and which falls second. So, we have prepared this 100% editable PPT template for simplifying the process of creating the highlights & lowlights presentations. Users can grab this slide for the agenda and meeting outline presentation.

The Highlights and Lowlights PowerPoint Template shows a multi-layered diagram crafted using PowerPoint shapes , colors, and shadow effects. The first slide carries three rows of flat bars with two color fills (the first half has blue, and the other is orange). A half part is shaded darker in each color, making a curved look, and the other is bright. The orange segment is slightly smaller, and thus it is entitled to mention the lowlights. In contrast, the blue part is to display the highlight points. This structure appears 3D due to the background black shades. These rows have representative graphical icons which can be replaced according to the requirements. The following slide is single-colored, with two shades of blue. On this slide, the darker side is to mention the lowlights, and the brighter one is for highlights. So, this presentation layout is ideal for professional and educational purposes to discuss the agenda and key points. Download and try it now!

Highlights and Lowlights Template for PowerPoint

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Business highlights ppt slides display

Get the modern, fully professional, business oriented Business Highlights PPT Slides Display presentation design template and create effective slideshows to display annual business highlights among your superiors, managers and investors. The design template is mainly used to represent important positive or negative business highlights during tenure of year on quarterly basis. Business managers, professionals can use this readymade PPT template to showcase annual turnover, business and financial growth, business performance and expansion plans for coming year quarter wise to show in front of their investors, superiors and clients. The design slide can also be used in finance and marketing, process management and improvement related presentations. The design structure includes high resolution colored tags to display business performance overview throughout the year. The design layout is amazing that will attract interest of your audience and make them stick to presentation till the end of presentation. So, keeping all this in mind, just download this professionally designed quarterly reporting presentation diagram and use in your future presentations. Our Business Highlights Ppt Slides Display ensure constant growth. The graph will continue to climb.


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The main advantage of this Business Highlights PPT design is that it’s completely modifiable; you can modify and personalize the design by changing design elements such as font, type, color, size, shape, style etc and put your business information on the design. The slideshow is fully compatible with Google Slides and MS PowerPoint software. Slideshow can be viewed both on normal and wide screen view; no concession with design quality on wide screen view.

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Animated Business Highlights PowerPoint Template

Animated Business Highlights PowerPoint Template & Google Slides Theme

Product Description:

This Business PowerPoint template is a dynamic and visually appealing slide that showcases key business highlights, achievements, and milestones of a company or organization. This slide typically includes a mix of text, images, and animation to bring the information to life and keep the audience engaged. This animated PPT template can range from simple transitions between slides to more complex animations that add depth and movement to the presentation. This slide is often used by business professionals to start a presentation or to provide a quick overview of their company’s key achievements or important information. This presentation slide is designed to be informative and attractive, with a clear and concise message that the audience can easily understand. 

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  • Oct 16, 2018

Business Presentation Skills: Highlight key points at the end of your presentation

Updated: Nov 22, 2018

At the end of your business presentation in English, you should take some time to highlight your main points. By doing this, you'll make sure everyone is focuses on the key points you've made. When they leave the presentation, you want them to be thinking about these key points.

business highlights presentation

These business English sentences above are a great way to clearly state the main point or points you've made in the presentation. For example:

"If you understand the importance of improving our customer service, then I've done my job in today's presentation."

This is an excellent example of really focusing your audience on your key point.

business highlights presentation

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  • Generation Bio-stock
  • News for Generation Bio

Generation Bio Announces Recent Business Highlights and First Quarter 2024 Financial Results

- Oral presentation at ASGCT described selective, high levels of therapeutic transgene delivery to T cells in vivo by cell-targeted lipid nanoparticle (ctLNP)

- ASGCT poster presentations described immune-quiet DNA (iqDNA) as partially single-stranded, produced by flexible, scalable, proprietary rapid enzymatic synthesis

- Cash balance of $233.9 million still expected to fund operations into 2H 2027

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., May 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Generation Bio Co. (Nasdaq: GBIO), a biotechnology company innovating genetic medicines for people living with rare and prevalent diseases, reported additional data on its cell-targeted lipid nanoparticle (ctLNP) platform presented at the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT) 27th Annual Meeting as well as first quarter 2024 financial results. “The data presented on our ctLNP and iqDNA platforms highlight their maturity and differentiation as the foundation for building programs in hematology,” said Geoff McDonough, M.D., chief executive officer of Generation Bio. “Our unique non-viral delivery and cargo may unlock a series of non-viral in vivo therapeutic candidates, starting with sickle cell disease and hemophilia A. We believe our medicines could have a drug-like, redosable in vivo profile, meaning they can surpass what is possible for current viral, biologic and ex vivo approaches to reach people on a global scale.”

Recent Highlights:

  • Presented New Data Demonstrating In Vivo Delivery of a Therapeutic Transgene to T cells with ctLNP : During an oral presentation at ASGCT, Generation Bio discussed in vivo data demonstrating selective delivery of a T cell-targeted ctLNP carrying mRNA cargo encoding a CAR. In these studies, CAR expression was efficient and dose-dependent with robust surface presentation on T cells. Transduced CAR T cells demonstrated preliminary efficacy in an in vitro tumor cell killing assay. The data were generated as part of the company’s collaboration with Moderna, Inc. Generation Bio has engineered its ctLNPs to avoid clearance by the liver and spleen, allowing selective targeting of tissues and cell types with the addition of a receptor-specific targeting ligand. The next steps for the platform include assessing efficacy in mouse disease models and evaluating the delivery of immune-quiet DNA (iqDNA) with T cell ctLNPs. The company is also developing a ctLNP targeting hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) as part of its sickle cell disease and beta-thalassemia program . At ASGCT, the company showed preliminary data demonstrating selective uptake and expression in human HSCs delivered by an HSC-targeted ctLNP. “The demonstration of selective delivery with a therapeutic cargo outside the liver is an important proof point for the ability of our ctLNPs to reach previously unreachable cell types and tissues,” said Phillip Samayoa, Ph.D., chief strategy officer of Generation Bio. “We look forward to advancing our ctLNP platform in T cells and continuing to expand the application into other cell types, beginning with a wholly-owned program in sickle cell disease and beta-thalassemia.”
  • Disclosed New Information About iqDNA Platform and RES : Also at ASGCT, Generation Bio described its iqDNA as a modified, structured, partially single-stranded DNA that is non-immunogenic while remaining transcriptionally active. The company invented iqDNA using its proprietary rapid enzymatic synthesis (RES) method. RES is a cell-free process that allows for precise chemical and structural changes to DNA. This high degree of control enables the enhancement of DNA functionality by engineering molecular design and components. Generation Bio is advancing its iqDNA platform with the application of RES. The findings presented at ASGCT demonstrated that a second generation of iqDNA achieved greater luciferase expression than a first-generation iqDNA. The company is currently testing formulations of iqDNA encoding Factor VIII delivered by LNP.

First Quarter 2024 Financial Results

  • Cash Position : Cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities were $233.9 million as of March 31, 2024, compared to $264.4 million in cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities as of December 31, 2023. The company continues to believe that its cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities will fund its operating plan into the second half of 2027.
  • R&D Expenses : Research and development (R&D) expenses were $14.3 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2024, compared to $22.0 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2023.
  • G&A Expenses : General and administrative (G&A) expenses were $10.4 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2024, compared to $12.9 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2023.
  • Loss on lease termination : During the three months ended March 31, 2024, we recognized a non-cash charge of $56.9 million in connection with the termination of the Seyon Lease.
  • Net Loss:  Net loss was $74.5 million, or $1.12 basic and diluted net loss per share, for the quarter ended March 31, 2024, compared to a net loss of $ 32.1 million, or $0.53 basic and diluted net loss per share, for the quarter ended March 31, 2023.

About Generation Bio

Generation Bio is innovating non-viral genetic medicines to provide durable and redosable treatments for hundreds of millions of patients living with rare and prevalent diseases. The company is developing two distinct and complementary platforms: a potent, highly selective cell-targeted lipid nanoparticle (ctLNP) delivery system and a novel immune-quiet DNA (iqDNA) cargo produced by a scalable capsid-free manufacturing process that uses proprietary cell-free rapid enzymatic synthesis (RES). With these platforms, Generation Bio aims to develop the next wave of non-viral genetic medicines to support its mission to extend the reach of genetic medicine to more people living with more diseases, around the world.

For more information, please visit

Forward-Looking Statements

Any statements in this press release about future expectations, plans and prospects for the company, including statements about the company’s strategic plans or objectives, cash resources, technology platforms, research and clinical development plans, and preclinical data, including those relating to immune-quiet DNA, and other statements containing the words “believes,” “anticipates,” “plans,” “expects,” and similar expressions, constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual results may differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements as a result of various important factors, including: uncertainties inherent in the identification and development of product candidates, including the conduct of research activities, the initiation and completion of preclinical studies and clinical trials and clinical development of the company’s product candidates; uncertainties as to the availability and timing of results from preclinical studies and clinical trials; uncertainties regarding our novel platforms and related technologies; whether results from preclinical studies will be predictive of the results of later preclinical studies and clinical trials; challenges in the manufacture of genetic medicine products; whether the company’s cash resources are sufficient to fund the company’s operating expenses and capital expenditure requirements for the period anticipated; as well as the other risks and uncertainties set forth in the “Risk Factors” section of the company’s most recent annual report on Form 10-K, which is on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and in subsequent filings the company may make with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In addition, the forward-looking statements included in this press release represent the company’s views as of the date hereof. The company anticipates that subsequent events and developments will cause the company’s views to change. However, while the company may elect to update these forward-looking statements at some point in the future, the company specifically disclaims any obligation to do so. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing the company’s views as of any date subsequent to the date on which they were made.

Investors and Media Contact Maren Killackey Generation Bio [email protected] 857-371-4638

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