The Best Fonts for Your Resume in 2024, According to HubSpot Recruiters

Caroline Forsey

Published: April 24, 2024

Besides your content, using one of the best fonts for resumes may help you get a recruiter’s attention. Studies have shown recruiters typically scan a resume for six to thirty seconds before deciding if an applicant is fit for a role.

Job applicant uses best font for resume to help stand out from other candidates

With only a few seconds to demonstrate your qualifications for a position, every detail counts — including the font you use. The question is, what are the best resume fonts to pass the six to thirty-seconds scan?

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I asked HubSpot recruiters to reveal the seven best fonts for your resume and what they consider in terms of design ‌so your resume can stand out in a pile.

Table of Contents

What is the best font for a resume?

Expert advice on choosing the right font.

  • Top 7 Best Fonts for Resumes
  • Does Using The Best Resume Fonts Even Matter?
  • Worst Fonts for Resumes
  • Ideal Resume Font Sizes

Resume Font Tips

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Here’s a hot take — I don’t think there is one best font for a resume.

I think most folks would lean toward Times New Roman or Calibri, but there are so many factors that go into choosing a font that works best for you.

  • What industry are you in? Certain industries, like law, have font standards, so it’s not a bad idea to align your resume accordingly.
  • Is your resume text-heavy? Some fonts work better in smaller sizes and in tighter formats than others.
  • What’s the company culture like? Times New Roman might be a great fit for lawyers, but it might not be the best choice if you’re joining a company with more of a relaxed vibe.

So, my non-answer is … it depends.

If I absolutely had to pick my favorite, I’m going with Helvetica because it’s clean, simple, and easy to read (even in smaller sizes). Plus, it’s available on most, if not all, devices.

But don’t take my word for it. Let’s hear what the experts have to say.

To evoke a sense of style, professionalism, and uniqueness, you must put effort and consideration into your font choice. When speaking with recruiters, it quickly became apparent that classic fonts are still the best options.

“I’m a big fan of the 'classics' for resumes — Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri, Helvetica, and Cambria. I’m a little old school, but I think they are the cleanest and exude professionalism,” said Johanna Fleming , a former senior recruiter at HubSpot.

Riley Kundtz , the former senior MBA campus recruiter at HubSpot, agreed.

“I find the classic formatting and Times font helpful when reading a dense resume from an experienced MBA candidate.”

Times New Roman has become a bit controversial lately. It was the go-to font for many years because it’s traditional and recognizable, but lately, some are opting against it.

“For me, it’s all about legibility and cleanliness. I prefer sans-serif fonts like Helvetica, which is modern and elegant, over serif fonts like Times New Roman,” says Glory Montes , a technical recruiter at HubSpot.

“Overall, I would just stay away from a font like Times New Roman; it’s overused and reminds me of long nights writing course papers in college,” adds Glory.

Georgia is one font The New York Times uses and is similar to Times New Roman. It’s a bit wider, making it easier to read.

best fonts for resume

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Paulina Valdez Franco, former executive recruiter at HubSpot, agrees with this take.

“My two favorite fonts are Helvetica if you're looking for a clean and classic look, and Georgia, if you want a more modern and fun look,” she said. “The latter is also designed to read well on screens.”

Helvetica is widely used in advertising and works equally well for text-heavy pages and documents.

A lesser-known font that’s a great option for your resume is Garamond, recommended by our former team lead of engineering recruiting at HubSpot, Rich Lapham .

“Recruiters have an idea of the skills they are looking for on a resume, so if you try a new style or format, it can be tougher for recruiters to find the information they are looking for,” he said. “Keep it clean and simple.”

Franco added that Arial and Calibri are great choices to play it safe.

Bridget LeMon , HubSpot's global emerging talent and university recruiting senior manager, echoes this.

“It's totally acceptable – and becoming more common – for candidates to stray away from the resume norms of Times New Roman and Calibri,” she said. 

“Avenir Next and Muna are two excellent font options if you are looking to break the status quo.”

Ultimately, you‘ll want to consider the position you’re applying for when choosing a font. To Glory Montes’ point, certain more creative roles might benefit from a unique font than Times New Roman.

The Best Resume Fonts

  • Times New Roman
  • Avenir Next

Best Fonts for Resume

1. Times New Roman

Times New Roman font has been popular for resumes for decades.

This serif option is easy-to-read and communicates formality. Online, the font is uniform and accessible across various platforms and operating systems.

resume bullet point in times new roman

Best for: Word documents. PDFs can host unique fonts. However, a standard font will be helpful if your resume is uploaded as a Word document.

  • It has a classic and professional look, making it an excellent choice for applicants targeting corporate positions.
  • It’s a standard font used in most word processors, making it an accessible option for any device.
  • It’s easily readable in print and on-screen.


  • Times New Roman’s outdated look may not appeal to all industries, and some may consider it bland or generic.
  • This font may make your resume blend in with the rest due to its ubiquity.
  • It’s a heavy serif font, taking up more space than other options.

Arial is a sans-serif font that has become popular for its clean and modern look. 

Arial's straightforward and minimalist design has made it a popular choice for applicants targeting creative positions.

resume bullet point in arial

Best for: Resumes submitted online, where readability is essential for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) used in recruitment.

  • Arial offers simplicity, which allows your content to stand out. 
  • It has strong legibility in small font sizes, even in print.
  • It’s ideal for applicants trying to fit all the necessary information in their resume on a single page.
  • The font's overuse in branding and design has led to its association with a non-innovative style. 
  • Arial's uniformity may not suit industries such as graphic design or creative writing seeking to showcase creativity and flair.
  • It may make the text appear less formal and inappropriate for specific job applications.

3. Avenir Next

Avenir Next is a modern typeface gaining popularity among designers and recruiters. Avenir Next's appearance is characterized by its geometric shapes, open contours, and strong lines.

Its clean, contemporary look has become a popular font choice for resumes.

resume bullet point in avenir next

What I love: Avenir Next is a scalable font. It maintains its readability even at small sizes, and its geometric shapes make it a perfect choice for digital resumes.

  • Avenir Next's sleek and modern design makes it an excellent choice for applicants targeting creative industries.
  • Its clear, simple lines offer a sense of elegance, while its legibility gives recruiters a sense of professionalism.
  • Avenir Next may not be as widely recognized.
  • It could be difficult to read on some computer systems without the font installed.
  • It’s a premium font with a higher price tag.

4. Helvetica

Helvetica is a widely recognized and popular font used on resumes, particularly in the design industry.

It’s clean, classic, and timeless. This font is popular with professionals, design enthusiasts, typographers, and Wes Anderson.

resume bullet point in helvetica

What I love: The font is available in multiple weights, making it easier to differentiate headings and sections in the resume.

  • Helvetica is easy to read and has a professional, straightforward appearance.
  • The font‘s popularity means that job recruiters and hiring managers are familiar with it.
  • Helvetica’s clean lines give the resume a structured and well-organized look, making it ideal for those in finance, law, and business management.
  • The font's ubiquity in resumes may make it feel overdone and uninspired. 
  • With so many applicants using the font, your resume may struggle to stand out.
  • Helvetica‘s minimalist design can also work against you if your resume has limited content.

Calibri is a contemporary design, making it a popular choice for creating a visually appealing and easy-to-read resume.

resume bullet point in Calibri

What I like: Calibri offers a sense of uniformity across different platforms, making it an accessible and reliable option for applicants.

  • The font has been designed with legibility in mind, making it an excellent option for resumes.
  • Calibri's modern look creates a sleek appearance, making it ideal for job seekers looking to highlight their contemporary skills.
  • Calibri is also lighter than other font options, making it an ideal choice for single-page resumes.
  • Calibri is one of the default fonts available in most word-processing programs, so it’s not unique or personal.
  • The font can be perceived as informal, making it less than ideal for formal industries, like law or finance.

Cambria's classic design features elegant serifs, making it a perfect choice for job seekers. You can easily create a traditional, professional-looking resume that stands out.

resume bullet point in cambria

What I like: Cambria's generous spacing between characters and lines makes the resume much easier to read and stands out from other fonts.

  • Cambria has a classic yet modern appearance.
  • The font‘s serifs give it a timeless look that is perfect for job seekers in more traditional industries such as finance or law.
  • It’s  highly readable, even in smaller font sizes, which makes it an excellent choice for information-heavy resumes.
  • Some recruiters and hiring managers might view the font as old-fashioned or generic.
  • Cambria's heavy serifs may be problematic for those trying to keep their resume to a single page.

Georgia is a traditional serif font that has been a popular choice for resumes due to its elegant and classic look.

Georgia's unique design features distinguishable serifs that give it a professional appearance.

resume bullet point in georgia

What I like: The font's design combines traditional and modern aesthetics, making it a versatile option for job seekers applying for a wide range of positions.

  • Georgia's design is easy to read even in smaller font sizes, making it a perfect choice for resumes with limited space.
  • It can be customized, which makes it an excellent option for applicants looking to add their personal touch.
  • The font's traditional appearance may not be suitable for applicants targeting creative or non-traditional fields.
  • It’s a serif, making it difficult to read in small sizes on a digital screen or in online applications.

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Does using the best resume fonts even matter.

Most recruiters I spoke with were hesitant to offer a font. Instead, they focus on the content.

“I rarely pay too much attention to fonts,” said Heta Patel , a former HubSpot recruiter. “I'm more concerned to see a resume that’s formatted neatly – submitting a PDF is helpful with this, so your formatting doesn't shift.”

Sales Recruiting Manager Kelsey Freedman agreed.

“Honestly, I care little about the font of a resume, as long as it's clear and in PDF format," Freedman said. "I typically review a resume for 20 to 30 seconds, so a traditional font is good."

Freedman continued, "I would advise avoiding script font or bubble font, or similar fonts that are distracting.”

Ultimately, and as expected, your content still matters most. However, a clear font will help avoid any irritability you might cause a recruiter with a distracting, messy design.

“What I get most excited about is the content. Depending on the role, I look to see that candidates are sharing direct and compelling snapshots of their work,” said Ashley Hodder , a global recruiting manager at HubSpot.

“I look for indicators that show data orientation, autonomy, and thoughtfulness about business impact,” she said.

Worst Resume Fonts

While some recruiters may not have suggestions for the best fonts, many can agree on some of the worst ones.

“Anything that is cursive or too bubbly is too hard to read. For instance, I'd stay clear of Comic Sans,” says Holly Peterson , team lead for management and research recruiting HubSpot.

Another resume font type to avoid is Script.

With text-heavy documents, Scripts, and any of their derivatives make text hard to read because they look like they’re written by hand.

They’re generally used in hand lettering and calligraphy for artistic projects and shouldn’t be present anywhere near your resume.

Ideal Resume Font Size

When asked which font size is best, Fleming said 12 is ideal. Most recruiters would agree.

Your text should be large enough to read comfortably without straining but small enough that there’s space to include all key elements, such as your objective, contact information, skills, and experience.

You can use larger font sizes for headings containing your name and section titles.

If your font is extensive, you can scale to 10.5 — but never go below it.

The critical takeaway is to make your resume clear and easy to read, which means keeping the font size around 12, sticking to classic fonts with modern twists, and forsaking your favorite script font.

1. Choose a font that’s best suited for your industry.

It’s important to keep industry nuances in mind as you’re writing. 

For example, a seasoned graphic designer wouldn’t dare use Comic Sans. And the standard font for most legal documents is Times New Roman.

This is not to say your resume font will make or break your chances of getting the job. But this small step can help demonstrate your attention to detail and your experience in the field.

Pro tip: Whenever I’m refreshing my resume, I like to browse examples in my industry for inspiration. It helps me make sure that I’m aligning the overall style with the position I’m applying for.

This is especially useful when I’ve been out of the job market for a while.

2. Keep the font consistent throughout.

Font consistency is just as important as font type and size. It can be confusing for recruiters if you’re switching back and forth between fonts.

And as I mentioned, you have about 30 seconds tops to make an impression. Make your resume scannable and easy-to-read at a glance.

Pro tip: If you’re going to mix fonts, at least make sure all text levels are the same throughout. For example, all titles and headers should be the same, and all paragraph fonts should match.

3. Be mindful of contrast and colors.

It’s fun to introduce colors into your resume — whether it’s background colors or adding some flare to your titles and headers.

But the most important part is readability. Don’t get carried away with bright or busy colors. You’ll end up taking away from the content on the page.

Pro tip: You can use a color contrast checker to make sure your resume is accessible and legible.

4. Pay attention to formatting.

Similar to font consistency, you’ll want to make sure your resume is well-formatted and organized.

Use headers to break up your sections, make sure your margins are at least half an inch on all sides, and use a font type with optimal clarity.

Recruiters get thousands of resumes per job listing. Make sure your resume catches their eye for good reason — not bad.

Pro tip: Just because your resume looks good on your computer, doesn’t mean it’ll look good on all computers. Save and send your resume as a PDF to ensure the formatting stays constant wherever it goes.

1. Should I choose a serif or sans-serif font for my resume?

This decision largely depends on the type of job you’re applying for and the contents of your resume. 

While there’s no right or wrong answer, here’s a helpful cheat sheet:

  • Serif fonts are classic and professional. They work best for multi-page or light-text resumes and traditional fields (e.g., law, finance, business).
  • Sans-serif fonts are modern and sleek. They work best for single-page or text-heavy resumes and creative fields (e.g., marketing, design).

2. What size should my resume font be?

Size 12 is the ideal font size for a resume.

You can go as low as 10.5 if you have a lot of information to include, and I wouldn’t recommend going larger than font size 14.

However, you can go larger than 14 for headers and section titles to help organize your sections (i.e., Education, Experience, etc.).

Happy Resume Writing

Editor's note: This post was originally published in November 2018 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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10 Best Fonts for Resume: Complete Guide for 2024

best fonts for resume

Your resume is the first impression recruiters have of you. It is your chance to showcase your experience, qualifications, and personal brand. However, did you know that the font you choose can affect the readability and overall impression of the document?

Choosing the right font for your resume is essential. It can mean the difference between your application being noticed, or overlooked. Different fonts can affect the readability of your resume and may impact your chances of securing that dream job.

In this guide, we’ll take a look at the importance of selecting the right font for your resume. We’ll explore how different fonts can affect readability and provide key considerations to help you choose the best font for your resume.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have a good understanding of why font selection is critical and how to choose the right font for your resume to make it stand out from the crowd. So, let’s get started!

Serif Fonts

When it comes to creating a compelling and professional-looking resume, the choice of font can make or break your chances of getting noticed. Serif fonts, characterized by small lines or flourishes at the ends of their strokes, are often regarded as a classic and traditional choice for resumes.

Definition of Serif Fonts

A serif font is a typeface that features small lines, stems, or projections at the ends of characters. These lines are usually at a 90-degree angle to the main vertical or horizontal stroke of the letterform. Serif fonts are often used in printed materials, such as books, newspapers, and magazines because they tend to be more legible at smaller sizes than sans-serif fonts.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Serif Fonts in Your Resume

One of the advantages of using a serif font is that it can give your resume a classic and professional-looking appeal. It also has better readability and is great at guiding the reader’s eye through the text on a page.

On the other hand, a disadvantage of using serif fonts is that they’re often seen as outdated and boring. They also tend to be less readable when used at smaller font sizes, and can take up more space on a page than a sans-serif font.

Top 3 recommended Serif Fonts for Your Resume

Times New Roman : A classic serif font that has been a standard in the industry for decades. It’s a great choice for conservative or traditional industries such as law or finance.

Georgia : A modern take on a classic serif font that’s a great choice for creative industries such as design or advertising.

Cambria : A versatile serif font that can be used for a wide range of industries and professions. It’s a great choice if you want to give your resume a modern touch.

Sans Serif Fonts

Definition of sans serif fonts.

Sans Serif Fonts are a type of font style that do not have the small lines or strokes at the end of each letter, unlike their Serif counterparts. They often have a cleaner and more modern aesthetic and are generally easier to read on screens.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Sans Serif Fonts in Your Resume

One of the biggest advantages of using Sans Serif Fonts in a resume is that they can make the document look more modern and professional. They are often easier to read, particularly on digital devices, and can help make your resume stand out from the crowd.

However, there are also some potential disadvantages to using Sans Serif Fonts in a resume. First, they can sometimes come across as cold or impersonal, particularly if the rest of your resume style is more traditional. Additionally, some hiring managers may still prefer a more traditional Serif font style.

Top 3 Recommended Sans Serif Fonts for Your Resume

Calibri  – This is a classic Sans Serif font that has been a popular choice for resumes for many years. It is clean, modern, and easy to read, which makes it a great choice for any resume.

Helvetica  – This is another classic font that has been used in a wide range of contexts, from print advertising to branding. It has a clean and modern feel that makes it a great choice for a resume.

Open Sans  – This is a newer font that has gained popularity in recent years due to its clean and modern aesthetic. It is available in different weights, which makes it a versatile choice for a resume.

Example of Sans Serif Fonts in Action

Using Sans Serif Fonts in a resume can help make the document look more modern and professional. For example, you could use Calibri for your resume heading and section headers, and then use Helvetica or Open Sans for the body text. This would create a clean and modern look that would be easily readable on screens or in print.

Sans Serif Fonts can be a great choice for a resume, particularly if you want to create a clean and modern aesthetic. Just be sure to balance this style choice with the rest of your resume design and be aware of potential personal preferences from hiring managers.

Script Fonts

Script fonts are a type of font that imitates handwriting. They are characterized by their flowing and curved lines that vary in thickness. They are elegant, stylish, and often used in invitations, greeting cards, or logos. Script fonts come in various styles, from classic to modern, and are a popular choice for adding a personalized touch to your documents.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Script Fonts in your Resume

Using a script font in your resume can be beneficial in certain situations but also has some drawbacks. The main advantage is that they can make your resume look more creative and sophisticated. They can showcase your personality and creativity while highlighting your professionalism. However, using a script font in your resume can be risky, as it may not be easy to read or scan by resume screening systems. Moreover, some employers may not appreciate the use of a script font in a professional document, depending on their industry or job requirements.

Top 3 Recommended Script Fonts for your Resume

When choosing a script font for your resume, it’s essential to consider legibility, readability, and compatibility with the rest of your resume design. Here are the top three recommended script fonts for your resume:

Lobster  – a popular script font that’s modern, elegant, and easy to read. It’s perfect for headings or titles in your resume.

Alex Brush  – a beautiful, handwritten script font that’s perfect for conveying a personal touch. It’s ideal for highlighting your name or contact information.

Allura  – a sophisticated script font that’s easy to read and gives a modern touch to your resume. It’s versatile and can be used for both headings and body text.

Example of Script Fonts in Action

Imagine you’re applying for a job in a creative industry that values design and originality. You want your resume to stand out and showcase your skills and personality. You decide to use a script font for your heading and name, paired with a clean and modern sans-serif font for the rest of the text.

Using a script font for your name creates a unique and elegant look, while the clean sans-serif font for the rest of the text ensures readability and legibility. By combining these two fonts, you create a balance between creativity and professionalism, making your resume stand out among others.

Using script fonts in your resume can be a great way to showcase your creativity and add a personal touch to your application. However, it’s crucial to choose the right font that balances legibility and originality and complements the rest of your resume design. Following these tips and recommendations can help you create a standout resume that impresses employers and lands you the job you want.

Display Fonts

Definition of display fonts.

Display fonts are fonts that are meant to be used in large sizes, such as headlines and titles. They are decorative in nature, making them ideal for catching the eye and drawing attention to specific elements of a design or document.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Display Fonts in Your Resume

Using display fonts in your resume can help make it stand out and create a sense of personality and style. However, it is important to balance the use of display fonts with legibility and readability. Overusing them can make your resume difficult to read and distract from the content.

Top 3 Recommended Display Fonts for Your Resume

Roboto Slab : A modern, stylish font that balances legibility with personality. It is a popular choice for headings and titles.

Bebas Neue : A bold, sans-serif font that is perfect for making a statement. It is ideal for headlines and titles.

Abril Fatface : A decorative, serif font that is elegant and unique. It is a great choice for creating a sense of style and personality in your resume.

Example of Display Fonts in Action

When using display fonts in your resume, it is important to use them selectively and sparingly. For example, you could use Bebas Neue for your name and section headings, while using Roboto Slab for the body text. This will help create a sense of hierarchy and organization, while still maintaining a professional and legible appearance.

When using display fonts in your resume, it is important to consider the purpose and audience of your document. Use them strategically to add personality and style, while still maintaining readability and clarity.

Combination Fonts

Combination Fonts are a mixture of two or more different font types. This technique of mixing and matching fonts helps to create a professional and visually appealing resume. The combination can be of serif and sans-serif or cursive and bold fonts.

Using Combination Fonts in your resume has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.


  • They stand out in comparison to the typical Times New Roman or Arial fonts.
  • They can be used to highlight important information such as headers, skills, or job titles.
  • Combination Fonts can help to create visual hierarchy and provide a clear flow of information.


  • Overuse or misuse of this technique may lead to a cluttered and incoherent resume.
  • Too many fonts may cause visual discomfort, thus making it difficult to read the resume.

Here are the top three recommended Combination Fonts for your resume:

Garamond and Helvetica:  This is a perfect combination of a traditional serif with a sans-serif font. Helvetica’s clean and modern feature complements Garamond’s elegant and classic style.

Roboto and Lato:  Roboto is often used in technology and modern-day design, while Lato is a sans-serif font that has been tailored for the web. This pairing provides a professional, readable, and modern feel.

Baskerville and Franklin Gothic:  This combo lies somewhere between traditional and contemporary. The pairing of Baskerville’s timeless serifs with Franklin Gothic’s bolder sans-serif creates a resume that looks elegant, modern, and professional.

Now let’s look at an example of Combination Fonts in action. Our candidate, John, decided to use Garamond and Helvetica throughout his resume. He uses Garamond only for the headings, while Helvetica is used for the body text.

In the header, John used a 16pt Garamond font for his name, followed by a 12pt Helvetica font in bold for his job title. For the body paragraphs, John used an 11pt Helvetica font. In addition, he used Garamond in bold for his section headings.

John’s resume stands out because of his use of Combination Fonts. The combination of the two fonts helps to create a professional and visually appealing resume, which is easy to read and navigate.

Therefore, Combination Fonts can be an excellent way to differentiate your resume from others, but always ensure that you use the right mix of fonts and pay utmost attention to readability.

Font sizes and spacing

When it comes to creating a resume, it’s important to pay attention to font sizes and spacing. These elements can greatly impact the overall look and readability of your document. Here are some tips on how to determine the appropriate font size and spacing for your resume, as well as recommended measurements for various sections.

How to Determine Font Size and Spacing

The font size you choose will depend on the font you select and the amount of space you have available. In general, use a font size between 10-12 points, with a slightly larger font for section headings. Additionally, consider setting your resume margins to approximately 1 inch on all sides to create a clean, professional look.

Spacing is also important. You want to make sure there is enough white space between lines to make your resume easy to read, but not so much that it looks sparse. A good rule of thumb is to use 1.15 or 1.5 line spacing to ensure readability.

Ideal Spacing for Various Sections

Different sections of your resume should have different levels of spacing to create visual hierarchy and make it easy for employers to find the information they need. For example, you may want to use wider spacing in your contact information section to make it stand out, and narrower spacing in your experience section to make it more compact. Here are some ideal spacing recommendations for each section:

  • Contact Information: Wider spacing between lines and margins to make it stand out
  • Objective or Summary: Slightly wider spacing than body text, but not as much as contact information
  • Education: Similar spacing as body text
  • Experience: Slightly narrower spacing than body text, but not so narrow that it looks crowded
  • Skills: Similar spacing as body text

Recommended Font Sizes for Different Sections

Just like spacing, font size can also be used to create visual hierarchy on your resume. Here are some recommended font sizes for different sections:

  • Name and Headings: 14-16 points
  • Objective or Summary: 12-14 points
  • Body Text: 10-12 points
  • Section Headings: 11-12 points

By following these guidelines for font size and spacing, you can create a clean and professional resume that’s easy to read and visually appealing. Remember, your resume is often the first impression you make on potential employers, so it’s important to make it count!

Font Pairing

Font pairing refers to the practice of using two or more fonts in a design to create a harmonious and visually appealing composition. It involves selecting fonts that complement each other in terms of style, weight, and legibility while also conveying the desired tone and message.

In your resume, font pairing plays a crucial role in setting the right tone and highlighting your skills and achievements effectively. The fonts you use can convey your personality, level of professionalism, and attention to detail. By choosing the right font combinations, you can make your resume stand out from the competition and leave a lasting impression on hiring managers.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when pairing fonts for your resume:

  • Limit your fonts : Stick to using no more than two or three fonts in your resume, as too many fonts can create visual clutter and distract from the content.
  • Choose contrasting fonts : Pair fonts that have contrasting styles or weights, such as a serif and a sans-serif, to create interest and hierarchy in your resume.
  • Consider readability : Make sure the fonts you choose are easy to read and legible at various sizes, especially if your resume might be scanned by applicant tracking systems (ATS).
  • Be consistent : Use the same fonts consistently throughout your resume to create a cohesive and polished look.

Some popular font pairings for resumes include:

  • Roboto and Open Sans : Both sans-serif fonts, Roboto has a more futuristic feel, while Open Sans is more traditional. This pairing is a good choice for tech or design roles.
  • Georgia and Helvetica : Pairing a serif and sans-serif font creates contrast and hierarchy. Georgia is a classic serif font, while Helvetica is a timeless sans-serif. This pairing is best suited for traditional or conservative industries.
  • Lato and Merriweather : Lato is a clean and modern sans-serif font, while Merriweather is a warm and approachable serif font. This pairing works well for creative or customer-facing roles.

Ultimately, the fonts you choose will depend on your personal style, industry, and the message you want to convey. By following these tips and exploring different font pairings, you can craft a resume that stands out and leaves a positive impression on potential employers.

When it comes to creating a standout resume, font choice and formatting aren’t the only factors to consider. Font color is also an important element that can help catch the eye of a potential employer and emphasize key information.

Importance of font color in your resume

Font color plays a crucial part in determining the overall look and feel of your resume. It can help create a hierarchy of information, highlight important sections, and make the document easier to read. Using color strategically can also help your resume stand out from the stack of black-and-white applications.

Best colors to use for your resume

The colors you choose for your resume should complement the overall design and branding of your application. In general, it’s best to stick to neutral colors like black, gray, and navy blue. These colors are professional, easy to read, and won’t distract from the content of your resume.

If you are applying for a creative role, you can consider using brighter, more vibrant colors like red, green or blue. However, be sure to use them sparingly and in a way that enhances the readability of your resume, rather than detracting from it.

How to use font color to highlight key information in your resume

When using font color in your resume, it’s important to do so strategically. Here are some tips to help you use color to your advantage:

  • Use color sparingly:  Stick to one or two colors at most, and use them to highlight key information rather than overwhelming the entire document.
  • Create a hierarchy:  Use color to create a visual hierarchy of information. For example, you could use a brighter color to draw attention to your name and contact information, and a darker color for the body text.
  • Use color consistently:  If you choose to use color in your resume, make sure you use it consistently throughout the document. This will help create a cohesive and professional look.
  • Consider your audience:  Keep in mind the company or industry you’re applying to when choosing font colors for your resume. Some industries may be more conservative, while others may appreciate more creative approaches.

While font choice is important, font color can also play a big part in creating a professional and eye-catching resume. By using color strategically and thoughtfully, you can highlight key information and make your application stand out from the crowd.

Font Accessibility

Font accessibility is an often overlooked but crucial aspect of resume design. While aesthetics should certainly be considered when selecting a font, it’s important to ensure that the font you choose is also accessible for all readers, including those with vision impairments.

Understanding the Importance of Font Accessibility

Individuals with visual impairments often use screen readers to read text on a page. However, certain fonts can be difficult for screen readers to recognize and parse properly. Fonts with particularly thin or intricate lettering may be particularly difficult to recognize, causing confusion or making it difficult to navigate through the information presented.

In addition to being practical, font accessibility is simply good design practice. Making your resume accessible to a wide range of readers ensures that your experience and qualifications are communicated as effectively as possible, increasing your chances of securing an interview.

Guide to Selecting Accessible Fonts for Your Resume

When selecting a font for your resume, it’s important to choose one that is both aesthetically pleasing and accessible. Here are a few tips:

Stick to common fonts : Common fonts like Arial, Times New Roman, or Verdana are more likely to be recognized by screen readers, increasing the accessibility of your resume.

Avoid fonts with thin or ornate lettering : Fonts with thin or intricate lettering may look stunning to the eye but can be difficult for screen readers to decipher.

Consider font size and spacing : Ensure that your font size and spacing are appropriate for readers with visual impairments, as larger fonts and increased spacing can make text easier to read.

Use bold or italic formatting sparingly : While bold and italic formatting can be used to draw attention to important information, these styles can be difficult to recognize for screen readers. Use these formatting options sparingly and only for necessary information.

Recommended Accessible Fonts for Your Resume

Here are a few fonts that are both commonly used and easily recognized by screen readers:

  • Times New Roman

By selecting one of these accessible fonts for your resume, you can ensure that your experience and qualifications are communicated as effectively as possible.

Best Practices for Using Fonts in Your Resume

General guidelines for using fonts in your resume.

When it comes to creating a visually appealing and professional resume, the font you choose can play a significant role. Here are some general guidelines to follow when using fonts in your resume:

  • Stick to standard fonts: Times New Roman, Arial, and Calibri are safe bets.
  • Use a font size of 10-12 points for the body text and 14-16 points for headings.
  • Keep it simple: Avoid using too many different fonts, styles, or sizes.
  • Make sure your font is legible and easy to read.
  • Use bold or italicized text sparingly and uniformly.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing Fonts for Your Resume

While choosing the right font may seem like a small detail, it can make a significant impact on your resume’s overall impression. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when choosing fonts for your resume:

  • Don’t use a font that is difficult to read or too ornamental.
  • Avoid using too many fonts, styles, or sizes, as this can make your resume look cluttered and unprofessional.
  • Don’t use fancy or cursive fonts for the body text, as this can make it difficult to read.
  • Avoid using font sizes that are too small or too large, as this can make your resume look unprofessional.

Tips for Enhancing the Visual Appeal of Your Resume Using Fonts

In addition to following general guidelines and avoiding common mistakes when using fonts in your resume, here are some tips for enhancing its visual appeal:

  • Use a bold or italicized font for headings and section titles to make them stand out.
  • Experiment with font size and weight to create hierarchy and visual contrast within your resume.
  • Use a sans-serif font for online resumes, as it is easier to read on screens.
  • Use color sparingly and uniformly to add visual interest, but not too much that it becomes distracting.

By following these best practices, you can create a professional and visually appealing resume that is sure to catch the eye of potential employers.

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best fonts for resume

What’s the Best Resume Font, Size, and Format [For 2024]

Background Image

When you’re working on your resume the font might be the last thing on your mind.

But details matter.

And something that might seem insignificant at first, like your resume font, can have a huge impact on whether you get the job or not.

Why’s that?

Consider the resume readability.

You may have the best resume in the world, but if the font is assaulting the HR manager’s eyes, well , chances are, they’re not going to give you a call back any time soon.

Similarly, if you go with the most boring font that’s almost camouflaging with the background, they just might forget about your resume by the end of the day.

Most HR managers don’t spend a whole lot of time on actually analyzing your resume. The very first they look at is the resume layout and only then do they go through the contents.

If the layout is good (e.g. 1 page, looks good, easy-to-scan, etc.) and the font looks readable - only then will they decide if it’s worth a read or not.

And remember, this is only done in a matter of seconds.

So, imagine someone glances at your resume. What first impression is your font giving off?

Do you want your resume to stand out and go in the right box?

If so, read on to find out: 

  • What's the Best Resume Font & Size

How to Format Your Resume

How to make your resume (the easy way), what’s the best resume font & size.

When it comes to font and font size, we generally recommend going with something that stands out, but not too much.

The font you go with has a direct impact on the readability, and so, it needs to look good on PDF as well as paper.

Before we dive into the best resume fonts though, let’s take a look at one font you shouldn’t ever use :

Comic Sans.

bad font for resume

Yes, you’ll stand out. No, not in the good way.

Jokes (and bashing comic sans) aside, the most common font people tend to use is Times New Roman, 12pt.

Now, there’s nothing necessarily wrong with that, but you should know that it’s going to be the default font for most people.

Do you want your resume to stand out among all the Times New Roman resumes?

If so, consider using:

  • Ubuntu - Ubuntu is a modern, humanist-style, typeface developed in 2010. It looks great everywhere, maximizes readability, and does not belong to any specific industry. You can use it for all job applications and your resume is guaranteed to stand out.
  • Roboto - Looks familiar? You might recognize this font because Google developed it for its Android operating system in 2011. But don’t worry, it’s free for commercial use. It has a tech look to it, but feel free to use it in any industry - tech or otherwise.
  • Overpass - Relatively newer font, developed in 2015, Overpass is a digital typeface font inspired by Highway Gothic. It looks very formal and classy, making it ideal for more conservative industries. But you can’t go wrong with using it in other industries as well because of its sleek design.

Once you’ve picked your font, you move on to:

Resume Font Size

In a resume builder , such as ours, the font sizes are pre-defined in order to create a font hierarchy across the document that will result in increased readability of your resume.

When faced with a situation where you are not relying on a resume builder and have to choose the font size yourself, as a rule of thumb, we recommend going with 10-12pt for normal text and 14-16pt for section titles and headers.

This approach should save you some space and also won’t make the HR manager have to squint to read the text.

It’s important to note that once you decide on a font and font size, they should be consistent throughout the whole resume.

Basic Layout Info

When it comes to the resume layout, here’s what you need to know:

  • Line spacing - Go for 1.0 or 1.15 line spacing between text and double lines after subheadings. Feel free to adjust this accordingly based on the space of your resume
  • Bullet points - You can use bullet points in your resume experience section to make it easier to skim through. Just make sure you don’t overuse them, limit them up to 6 points within each section.
  • Resume length - Stick to one page, unless you have 5+ years of experience (2/3 pages at most, in that case).

So, once you’ve got the basic layout and the feel of your resume down, you can now move onto actually writing the main sections within your resume. Here’s how you do that:

how to write a resume

You probably already have a general idea of what you should include in your resume.

Sounds simple, right? 

Simply list your qualifications and call it a day.

Well, not quite.

The sections you list on your resume have to be relevant to the HR manager and the job you’re applying for. 

No one wants to hear your whole life and backstory.

Instead, here’s what to include and how .

Contact Information

contact information on resume

Let’s start with the basics.

Your name, professional title, email address, contact information . These are all things that go on any resume ever. 

After all, they need a way to contact you, right?

Make sure the spelling is correct, and everything is up to date.

Thinking of including your social media handles?

As long as they’re relevant - go for it.

Your LinkedIn profile is important for most HR managers.

But your Behance link might be relevant only if you work in design. Likewise, you might want to include Github only if you’re in IT.

Resume Summary or Objective?

resume objective summary

Do you have more than 2 years of work experience?

Include a resume summary that sums up your previous jobs and qualifications in 50 words or less. Don’t just repeat what’s on the resume below. Instead, offer insight that might compel the HR manager to learn more about you.

Now, if that’s not the case, feel free to include a resume objective that mentions your motivations and why you’re the perfect candidate for your job. If you don’t have a lot of experience, feel free to lean on what inspires you instead.

Work Experience

work experience for resume

This is the section most HR managers jump to in your resume.

If you want to convince them that you’re the right fit, make sure you list work experience that’s relevant to the position and offers actionable insight.

If possible, quantify the impact you made when working for each role and be very specific about your contributions.

  • Improved revenue by 20% by optimizing Facebook ads.
  • Created Facebook ads.

At the end of the day, the HR manager wants to hear about your accomplishments, not responsibilities.

skills sections on resume

Most job ads typically list the type of skills they’re looking for straight away. This is your chance to stand out and prove to the HR manager that you’ve actually read the job ad.

To perfect your skills section, get a good mix of hard and soft skills .

What’s the difference?

Well, your hard skills include specific knowledge and expertise that comes from training. For example, if you’re applying for a tech job, your hard skills should include specific knowledge needed for the job.

For example:

Your soft skills , meanwhile, are self-developed and come from experience. I.e. skills you’ve learned from life, such as communicating with people, working in a startup, and so on.

  • Communication
  • Self-Driven

When thinking about some of the skills to put on your resume , read the job ad carefully. You want to mention the skills that are relevant for the job - no one cares about your Expert knowledge of Underwater Basket Weaving.

This is fairly straightforward, yet, many people make the mistake of filling this section with unnecessary information.

When writing your education section, only include the important things, such as:

  • University name
  • Years attended
  • (Optional) GPA - Is it more than 3.5? Then you might want to include it. 
  • (Optional) Honors - Were you top of the class? Go for it.
  • (Optional) Minor program - Relevant to the job? Feel free to include.

Keep it simple, no need to waste space with the background of your university or what motivated you to choose your major.

Optional Sections

optional section for resume

Want to stand out from the crowd AND leave a good impression? Some of these optional sections might help…

  • Hobbies and interests
  • Volunteering Experience
  • Certifications and Awards
  • Publications

There’s a lot more to making a good resume than what we’ve covered so far. Want to learn more? We have a super-comprehensive guide for that. Give it a read, and you’ll be an expert in no time!

resume builder

Now that you know what goes in a resume, you might be wondering - “what’s the best way to make one?”

Yes, you can do the whole thing manually and hand-craft your own resume with Microsoft Word

But think about it - do you really want to go through all the hassle?

If you’re going to be hand-crafting your resume from scratch, you need to get everything right. 

You need to format it right, get the layout right, make sure it’s ATS-friendly (CV screening software HR uses), and really dive into the details.

This is extremely time-consuming.

Instead of manually knitting up a resume, you could be making better use of your time.

Work smarter, not harder, right?

If you want to make your life easier, try Novorésumé’s resume builder . It’s free (with premium options) and really simplifies the process of creating a resume.

Our templates were developed with recruiters and employers in mind, so you can rest assured that you’re always sending in your best work.

Whether you’re a college student or a senior executive - Novoresume templates have your back when it comes to best resume formatting practices.

Key Takeaways

Ready to get back into the job search with the best resume font practices that will have the HR manager grabbing your resume from a full-stack?

Make sure your resume font reflects that and that it’ll have your resume radiating with the font choice the next time you send it in.

Here’s a quick recap of what we’ve learned so far:

  • Best resume fonts are: Ubuntu , Robot , Overpass . The worst one? Comic Sans
  • Best resume font sizes are: 11-12pt for normal text, 14-16pt for section titles and headers.
  • The most-used resume formatting order is: Contact information , work experience , skills , and education .

With that said, if you don’t want to worry about the specific resume formatting and getting the details right - you can always use a resume builder to make your life much easier.

There is no reason as to why you should be pouring your sweat, blood, and tears into the painstaking hours of perfecting your resume, down to the margins and fonts manually, when you can just use a resume builder (which is free) to do it for you.

If you want to learn other ways to save time and stay up to date with the latest career advice, be sure to check out our career blog .

Suggested reading:

  • How to Pick the Best Resume Format [+Examples]
  • What to Put On a Resume (To Get The Job You’ll Love)
  • 100+ Achievements to Write in Your Resume [Examples for 2024]

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Top 10 ATS-Friendly and Readable Resume Fonts in 2024

There are thousands fonts you can choose from, but how do you know which are the most suitable for your resume?

Fonts cheatsheet (free infographic)

Top 10 ATS Friendly Resume Fonts

These 10 fonts will always be a good safe choice for any resume:

  • Times New Roman

Continue reading below to see why these fonts will help potential employers and Applicant Tracking Systems be able to find and correctly parse the text in your resume.

Beautiful resume templates to land your dream job

College Student

The importance of legible fonts on your resume

The font you select for your resume can impact your employers perception of you. Employers will look for something beyond your words, and having a well-selected font is one way you can express your professional presence. If it's unreadable, it could be the first thing someone may notice and the reason why your resume gets skipped. Choosing a font that is clean, crisp, and well-defined can show the reader that you have style, are professional, and have a personal touch. If your resume is using a hard-to-read font, it tells the reader that you don’t care about presentation or looking unprofessional.

A font that is too cluttered, too big, or too small makes it difficult for the hiring manager to read your resume—and sends a message to them that you are disorganized, sloppy, or do not sweat the details.

While there is no perfect resume font, there are fonts that are better than others. It is important that you select a font that works for you and presents the best possible image for the type of resume you are creating. ‍

What is an ATS-friendly font?

The ATS-friendliness of a resume is based on whether the ATS can correctly parse out the text on your resume. Of course your resume’s content counts for much more than your font choice, but choosing a font that’s easy to read on any screen is a great way to make your resume more accessible to recruiters, hiring managers and ATS systems. If you’re wondering what the difference is, it’s important to know that an ATS (Applicant Tracking System) is the primary application that’s developed to track hiring processes for new candidates. When you apply for a job online, chances are that the employer is using an ATS of some kind to accept and process all job applications. To make an ATS-friendly resume, you need to make it easy for the computer to read .

This means making it easy for the computer to parse your text and pull out the information it needs from your resume without having to ask you for help. Computer programs like an ATS can handle simple formatting like tabs and spaces, but they can be confused by larger and more complex changes to your text, like decorative texts. See the example below:

Incorrect and Correct Example of Using Resume Fonts

In the incorrect example above —when the computer wants to parse your text, it can miss the letters in a decorative font, making your content difficult to parse and possibly missed. ‍

Choosing a font and size for your resume

It’s important to make sure that your font is clear and easy to read, both in print and on the screen. What happens if you choose a resume font that’s not very clear? Well, you’re going to run into problems when the hiring manager or recruiter can’t read your resume. If your resume looks like a jumbled mess, they won’t bother with it. At best, you’ll get passed over for a more readable resume. At worst, you’ll get a rejection letter because the hiring manager or ATS won’t be able to make sense of your resume.

One of the most important aspects when choosing a font is how it looks. Your potential employer won’t be impressed by a resume that looks like it was typed by a teenager.

TIP: We also recommend trying to mix and match Heading & Body fonts like in the example below to help your resume stand out even more.

Blog Writer

You can use our template editor to quickly change fonts for any resume template that we offer. We have a mix of professional fonts, commonly used ATS-friendly fonts, and even a selection of decorative Google Fonts for more creative industries and professions. To change fonts, just open up any template in our resume builder and select fonts from the Heading Font and Body Font dropdown menu as seen in the example below:

Using Easy Resume Builder to Edit Fonts

When choosing a font size, make sure to keep it large enough to read. At minimum, it should be 12pt. A font size no smaller than 10pt should be used on the name of the company and your contact information at the top of your resume. This will help ensure it is easily readable and that the reader will be able to understand your content. ‍

Deciding on spacing and margins

As far as spacing goes, the easiest way to decide how much spacing you should have is by following the 1-inch rule.

You should have to at least 1-inch of whitespace and margins across all sides of your resume.

If your resume has a lot of content, then you can try to decrease your margins by a quarter-of-an-inch at a time. Ideally never less than 0.5 inch margins. We also suggest a good range of line spacing, this is the spacing in-between each of line of text in a paragraph. Somewhere between 7-8pt of line-spacing should be good. If your font size is bigger, you can increase the line-spacing between text relative to your font size. That being said, you should also be aware of what is known as a generous line spacing. When we say generous, we mean to create a more readable resume that utilizes whitespace. The exception to this is if you have experience, education, or awards that can’t be combined. In this case, the spacing needs to be generous so it doesn’t overlap and mess up the formatting. ‍

Here are the Top 10 ATS-Friendly fonts

Times New Roman Resume Font

Times New Roman (serif) ‍

Perhaps one of the most popular and classic fonts that gets used on resumes— and college essays . It's a default choice as a serif font in many applications and has been a solid go-to for many types of documents including resumes. We'd recommend using Times New Roman when choosing a more professional style resume like our Wakefield template.

Times New Roman should be available as a font on most Windows & Mac computers. ‍

Tahoma Resume Font

Tahoma (sans-serif)

‍ Tahoma was created by the team at Microsoft and initially shipped with early releases of Windows 95. It has a similar feel to the font Verdana (below) and can often be a suitable substitute given it's more tighter character spacing. Tahoma should be available as a font on most Windows & Mac computers. ‍

Verdana Resume Font

Verdana (sans-serif) ‍

Verdana, has similarities to Tahoma, and is another clean and crisp font designed by Microsoft. The main difference is Verdana's more generous character spacing (whereas Tahoma is more tighter). It feels professional, works great on screens and is very legible at smaller sizes, making it ideal for resumes that may contain a lot of body copy. Verdana should be available as a font on most Windows & Mac computers. ‍

Arial Resume Font

Arial (sans-serif) ‍

Arial is everywhere. It has similarities to both Helvetica (below) and Verdana (above). You'll likely have seen or used Arial at some point in your career or even just browsing the web. Arial was also the default font for Microsoft Office applications, before being replaced by the introduction of Calibri in 2007. Arial should be available as a font on most Windows & Mac computers. ‍

Helvetica Resume Font

Helvetica (sans-serif) ‍

Helvetica is one of the most enviable fonts of the modern era. The grotesque and Swiss style typeface is widely used and beloved amongst many designers. Using Helvetica will instantly make your resume feel more modern, easier to read and feel sophisticated all at the same time. Helvetica is available as a font on most Mac computers. For Windows users, we'd recommend using Arial as a fallback or downloading Roboto from Google Fonts which can also be a suitable replacement. ‍

Calibri Resume Font

Calibri (sans-serif) ‍

As mentioned earlier, Calibri was introduced with Microsoft Office in 2007. It's commonly used amongst many as a replacement for more classic sans-serif typefaces such as Arial, Tahoma, and Verdana. It works for a variety of use-cases, and offers familiarity and flexibility to your resume. You can use Calibri as both heading and body copy. Calibri is available as a font on most Windows computers. For Mac users, we'd recommend using Helvetica or Verdana as an alternative. ‍

Georgia Resume Font

Georgia (serif) ‍

Georgia is a great classic serif font for resumes. Created by the same inventor as Verdana, Tahoma and Arial—Matthew Carter of Microsoft. It is a serif font, which means that the characters are more fluid and the letters have little tails that serif fonts often have. This works well for resume fonts because it is easier to read in small sizes, which you want in a resume. It is a good font for longer job descriptions because it can be easily read in the small space. It is still easy to read, but is not as distracting as other fonts. This font is perfect for resumes and will help your resume stand out without being too flashy. Georgia should be available as a font on most Windows & Mac computers. ‍

Cambria Resume Font

Cambria (serif) ‍

Cambria is a beautiful serif font that is a bit more blockier than what we normally see. This makes the font ideal for body text and is readable at smaller sizes. The font itself is very sturdy and can stand on it's own very well. We'd recommend using Cambria as an alternative to Times New Roman if you're looking to emphasize more parts of your work experience or resume in general. Cambria should be available as a font on most Windows computers. If you don't have access, we'd recommend using Source Serif Pro from Google Fonts as a free alternative. It possesses similar characteristics, most prominently its blocky serif style. ‍

Gill Sans Resume Font

Gill Sans (sans-serif) ‍

Gill Sans has a rich history, mainly being introduced as one of the first prominent sans-serif fonts that gained wide popularity across parts of Europe in the early 20th century. Gill Sans still remains one of the most popular and widely distributed typefaces as of today. It has a large x-height, a wide range of weights, and a classical appearance. It is often used to convey a sense of trustworthiness and prestige, and has been found in  corporate branding, logos and signage. Gills Sans should be available as a font on most Windows and Mac computers. ‍

Garamond Resume Font

Garamond (serif)

‍ Garamond is a beautiful and classic font that represents old-style fonts extremely well. Use Garamond if you're applying to a more professional industry, and you want to stand out as someone who cares about the details which is what Garamond is primarily known for. Garamond should be available as a font on most Windows and Mac computers.

Blog Writer

Video Summary

Here's a video summary of all the best resume fonts we've recommended above, in under 30 seconds.

Browse more resume templates that fit your role

Ed Moss is an author for Easy Resume

Ed is a co-founder of Easy Resume. His background in scaling teams at tech startups over the last decade has given him extensive experience and knowledge around how to hire top talent and build successful teams. He enjoys mentoring, coaching, and helping others reach their career goals. When he's not writing about career-related advice, he's playing with his dog, Lilo, or going on long hikes in upstate New York.

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  1. Best Font for a Resume: How To Choose Type and Size

    1. Use a professional and easy-to-read font. Complex fonts can make your resume difficult to read, which could encourage employers to overlook it. Instead, choose a clean, simple resume font that makes your words clear to the employer. There are two general styles of fonts: Serif and Sans Serif.

  2. Best Resume Fonts for 2024: Size, Style, List & Guide

    The best resume fonts to choose and fonts to avoid. What size font for a resume and a cover letter works like a charm on employers. Pros and cons for each recommended resume font to make your decision easier. Tips and tricks for standard professional fonts to use on a resume.

  3. The best font for your resume according to experts

    01. Garamond. Times New Roman is probably the most commonly chosen fonts for resumes—the very reason you should avoid it, and why it appears on our “Worst” list. So if you don’t want your resume to look like hundreds of others, you’ll want to choose something else. And Garamond is a great alternative.

  4. The Best Fonts for Your Resume in 2024, According to HubSpot

    I asked HubSpot recruiters to reveal the seven best fonts for your resume and what they consider in terms of design ‌so your resume can stand out in a pile. Table of Contents. What is the best font for a resume? Expert Advice on Choosing the Right Font; Top 7 Best Fonts for Resumes; Does Using The Best Resume Fonts Even Matter? Worst Fonts ...

  5. 10 Best Fonts for Resume: Complete Guide for 2024

    It can mean the difference between your application being noticed, or overlooked. Different fonts can affect the readability of your resume and may impact your chances of securing that dream job. In this guide, we’ll take a look at the importance of selecting the right font for your resume.

  6. What’s the Best Resume Font, Size, and Format [For 2024]

    Comic Sans. Yes, you’ll stand out. No, not in the good way. Jokes (and bashing comic sans) aside, the most common font people tend to use is Times New Roman, 12pt. Now, there’s nothing necessarily wrong with that, but you should know that it’s going to be the default font for most people.

  7. 15 Best Fonts for a Resume in 2024 Curated by Hiring Experts

    The best sans-serif fonts to use on your resume are Arial, Helvetica, and Gill Sans, while the best serif fonts are Georgia and Garamond. The right font for your resume will look serious and professional, grab the recruiter’s attention in the first few seconds, and pass the ATS scan.

  8. Top 10 ATS-Friendly and Readable Resume Fonts in 2024

    These 10 fonts will always be a good safe choice for any resume: Times New Roman. Tahoma. Verdana. Arial. Helvetica. Calibri. Georgia. Cambria. Gill Sans. Garamond. Continue reading below to see why these fonts will help potential employers and Applicant Tracking Systems be able to find and correctly parse the text in your resume.