• Request Letter To Authority Requesting For A Chance To Retake Exam After Failing

Examinations are an essential part of academic life, providing an opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the subject matter. However, sometimes, despite our best efforts, we may not achieve the desired results. In such instances, requesting a chance to retake the exam becomes a crucial step in seeking improvement and proving our dedication to academic excellence.To assist students in drafting an effective request letter for a retake, we have prepared four templates, each addressing various aspects of the request process. These templates cater to different situations, from formal to apologetic tones, and include explanations of circumstances or seeking guidance and support.Whether a student believes they can excel with a second opportunity, seeks compassion in light of unforeseen challenges, or wishes to make amends for previous shortcomings, these templates provide a professional framework for crafting a compelling request letter.Each template emphasizes the commitment to improvement and the willingness to invest additional effort in preparation for the retake. By customizing these templates with specific details and addressing the relevant authority, students can present their request in a respectful and persuasive manner.The goal of these templates is to facilitate clear communication with the authorities, ensuring that the reasons for requesting a retake are well understood. When presented with a genuine desire to improve and succeed, institutions often consider such requests with empathy and fairness.Remember to tailor the templates according to individual circumstances and adhere to the institution's guidelines and policies regarding retaking examinations. Utilizing these templates as a foundation, students can navigate the process of requesting a chance to retake an exam with confidence and professionalism.

Template Request for a Chance to Retake Exam - Formal Tone

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Name of Authority] [Title/Position] [Name of Institution/Organization] [Address] [City, State, ZIP]

Dear [Name of Authority],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request a chance to retake the [subject/exam name] that I recently attempted and unfortunately failed to pass. I understand the significance of maintaining academic standards, and I am committed to improving my performance.

I humbly acknowledge my shortcomings in the previous attempt and assure you that I have taken this setback as an opportunity to identify areas for improvement and work on them diligently. I have sought additional guidance and support from my teachers and tutors to address my weaknesses.

Retaking the exam would not only help me demonstrate my understanding of the subject matter but also allow me to prove my dedication to academic excellence. I assure you that I will apply myself wholeheartedly and strive to achieve a favorable outcome.

I kindly request your consideration in granting me the chance to retake the exam. I understand that retaking an exam is at the discretion of the institution, and I promise to approach this opportunity with the utmost seriousness.

Thank you for your attention to my request. I am eager to prove my capabilities and contribute positively to my academic journey.

[Your Name]

Template Request for a Chance to Retake Exam - Apologetic Tone

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing with a heavy heart to request a chance to retake the [subject/exam name] that I recently attempted but unfortunately failed to pass. I deeply regret my performance and understand the disappointment it may have caused.

I take full responsibility for my inadequate preparation and approach to the exam. While I faced personal challenges during the examination period, I realize that it should not be an excuse for my underperformance. I assure you that I have learned from this experience and am committed to rectifying my mistakes.

I understand that the decision to grant a retake is within the institution's guidelines and policies. However, I humbly request your understanding and compassion in considering my circumstances. I promise to invest extra effort, seek additional support, and adopt a more disciplined approach to my studies.

I truly value the opportunity to learn and grow, and retaking the exam would allow me to prove my dedication and determination to succeed. I am sincerely sorry for falling short of expectations and hope to have the chance to make amends.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my request. I am eager to prove myself and regain your trust.

Template Request for a Chance to Retake Exam - Explanation of Circumstances

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request a chance to retake the [subject/exam name] that I recently attempted and, unfortunately, failed to pass. I believe that some unforeseen circumstances during the exam period significantly affected my performance.

During the exam, I faced [briefly explain the circumstances, such as health issues, personal challenges, technical difficulties, etc.]. These factors severely impacted my ability to focus and perform to the best of my capabilities.

I understand that exams are designed to assess a student's knowledge and understanding, and I deeply regret that my performance did not meet the required standards. However, I firmly believe that with a fair opportunity, I can demonstrate my true potential and understanding of the subject matter.

I am committed to putting in the necessary effort and dedication to succeed in the retake. I have sought guidance from my teachers and have taken steps to address the challenges that hindered my performance during the previous attempt.

I kindly request your understanding and consideration in granting me the chance to retake the exam. I assure you that I will approach this opportunity with renewed focus and determination.

Thank you for taking the time to review my request. I am eager to prove my capabilities and improve my academic standing.

Template Request for a Chance to Retake Exam - Seeking Guidance and Support

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to request a chance to retake the [subject/exam name] that I recently attempted but unfortunately failed to pass. I acknowledge that my performance fell short of expectations and would like to take this opportunity to improve.

I am aware that the decision to grant a retake is based on certain guidelines and policies, and I want to assure you that I am fully committed to meeting these requirements. I have already initiated steps to seek guidance and support to enhance my understanding of the subject matter.

I have reached out to my teachers and sought their advice on areas that need improvement. Additionally, I have enrolled in supplementary study resources and tutoring sessions to strengthen my knowledge and skills.

I value the opportunity to learn and grow, and retaking the exam would allow me to demonstrate my commitment to academic success. I assure you that I will approach this retake with dedication, hard work, and a positive attitude.

I kindly request your understanding and consideration in granting me the chance to retake the exam. I am eager to prove my capabilities and make a positive impact on my academic journey.

Thank you for taking the time to review my request. Your support and guidance are invaluable to my academic growth.

We are delighted to extend our professional proofreading and writing services to cater to all your business and professional requirements, absolutely free of charge at Englishtemplates.com . Should you need any email, letter, or application templates, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at englishtemplates.com. Kindly leave a comment stating your request, and we will ensure to provide the necessary template at the earliest.

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Application for Re-Examination Submission (with Samples & PDFs)

I have listed sample templates to help you craft an effective and professional application for re-examination submission.

Also, I would like to point out that you can also download a PDF containing all the samples at the end of this post.

Re-Examination Request Application

First, find the sample template for application for re-examination submission below.

To, The Principal, [Name of the School], [Address], [City], [State], [Pin Code]

Subject: Application for Re-Examination Submission

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, [Your Full Name], a student of class [Your Class] of your esteemed institution, am writing this letter to kindly request a re-examination for the subject [Name of the Subject].

Due to unforeseen circumstances, I was unable to perform to the best of my abilities in the previous examination held on [Date of Examination]. I understand the importance of these examinations towards my academic progress and thus, I am sincerely requesting for a second opportunity to improve my score.

I am prepared to follow any rules or procedures that the school has in place for such situations. I am also willing to accept any conditions that might come with this opportunity, such as paying an additional fee if required.

I hope you will consider my request and provide me an opportunity to prove my academic abilities. I assure you of my best efforts and dedication in the re-examination.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your favourable response.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Full Name] [Your Roll Number] Date: [Current Date]

Below I have listed 5 different sample applications for “application for re-examination submission” that you will certainly find useful for specific scenarios:

Application for Re-Examination Due to Unforeseen Circumstances

Application for Re-Examination Due to Unforeseen Circumstances

To, The Principal, [Name of the School/College], [Address], [City]

Subject: Application for Re-Examination Due to Unforeseen Circumstances

I, [Your Name], a student of [Class/Year] and Roll No. [Your Roll No.], kindly submit an application for re-examination in the subject of [Subject Name], originally held on [Date of Examination]. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the exam due to unforeseen circumstances that arose on that day.

On the day of the examination, [Briefly explain the reason for not attending the exam, e.g., a sudden health issue, a family emergency, or any unavoidable incident].

I understand the significance of examinations and have always been punctual and diligent throughout my academic journey. I assure you that my absence was beyond my control and not a result of negligence or carelessness.

In light of these unforeseen circumstances, I earnestly request you to kindly consider my situation and grant me permission to appear for a re-examination in the subject of [Subject Name] at the earliest opportunity. Your compassionate consideration will enable me to complete my academic requirements and maintain my academic performance.

I have attached the necessary supporting documents [if any, e.g., medical certificate, police report, etc.] to validate my absence from the examination.

Thanking you in anticipation for your understanding and cooperation.

[Your Name] [Class/Year] Roll No. [Your Roll No.] [Date]

Medical Emergency-based Application for Re-Examination Submission

Medical Emergency-based Application for Re-Examination Submission

To, The Principal, [Name of the Institution], [Address of the Institution], [City], [Pin Code]

Subject: Medical Emergency-based Application for Re-Examination Submission

I, [Your Name], a student of [Department Name] in the [Course Name], bearing Roll No. [Roll Number], kindly request your permission to allow me to appear for a re-examination following a recent medical emergency.

Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the [Subject Name] examination held on [Exam Date] due to a sudden medical emergency that required immediate hospitalization. The nature of the emergency was [briefly describe the medical emergency], and it resulted in my inability to appear for the scheduled examination. My absence was not intentional, and I sincerely regret missing this important examination.

In light of my situation, I humbly request an opportunity to appear for a re-examination at the earliest convenient date. I am enclosing a copy of my medical certificate and treatment summary from the attending doctor as evidence of my genuine medical emergency, as well as a copy of the official examination schedule highlighting the missed exam.

I understand the inconvenience this may cause, but I am hopeful that you will kindly consider my request and grant me the chance to make up for the missed examination. I assure you that I will put in my best efforts to excel in the re-examination and maintain my academic performance.

Thanking you in advance for your understanding and support.

[Your Name] [Roll Number] [Department Name] [Course Name] [Contact Number] [Email Address]

Application for Re-Examination Following Incomplete Initial Attempt

Application for Re-Examination Following Incomplete Initial Attempt

To, The Principal, [Name of the School/College], [Address], [City], [Postal Code]

Subject: Application for Re-Examination Following Incomplete Initial Attempt

I, [Your Name], a student of Class [Your Class/Year], Roll No. [Your Roll Number], humbly request your kind permission to allow me to reappear for the [Name of the Exam/Subject] examination held on [Date of the Exam]. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I was unable to complete my examination attempt and had to leave the examination hall before finishing the paper.

On the day of the examination, I fell severely ill and despite my best efforts to continue with the exam, my deteriorating health made it impossible for me to focus and complete the paper. I had no choice but to submit my incomplete answer sheet and leave the examination hall to seek immediate medical attention. I have attached my medical certificate as proof of my unforeseen illness.

I am aware that it is not a common practice to provide a second chance for examinations. However, considering the unexpected circumstances, I kindly request you to grant me an opportunity to reappear for the exam. I assure you that I will put in my best efforts to perform well in the re-examination and contribute positively to the academic reputation of our esteemed institution.

I am hopeful that you will consider my case with empathy and allow me the chance to prove my dedication and hard work. I look forward to your positive response and the possibility of rescheduling the examination at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

[Your Name] Class: [Your Class/Year] Roll No: [Your Roll Number] Phone: [Your Contact Number] Email: [Your Email Address]

Technical Issues Necessitating Application for Re-Examination Submission

Technical Issues Necessitating Application for Re-Examination Submission

To, The Controller of Examinations, [Name of Examination Board], [Address], [City, Postal Code]

Subject: Technical Issues Necessitating Application for Re-Examination Submission

I, [Your Full Name], am a student of [Course Name] at [Name of College/Institution], bearing the Roll Number [Your Roll Number]. I am writing this application to bring to your attention the technical issues I faced during the [Name of Examination] held on [Date of Examination] which prevented me from completing the examination and to request for a re-examination.

During the examination, I encountered multiple technical issues, including but not limited to frequent disconnections, unresponsive server, and inability to upload my answers within the stipulated time. Despite contacting the helpdesk and attempting to resolve these issues, I was unable to complete the examination within the allotted time, affecting my performance and ability to fairly showcase my knowledge and understanding of the subject matter.

I understand the challenges posed by the current situation and the need for conducting online examinations, but I strongly believe that the technical issues I encountered significantly impacted the outcome of my examination. I kindly request your consideration in allowing me to reattempt the examination to ensure a fair evaluation of my academic abilities.

I have attached a copy of the error logs and screenshots of the issues faced during the examination for your reference. I hope you will understand my predicament and consider my request for a re-examination. I eagerly await your positive response and assure you of my best efforts in the upcoming examination.

Thanking you,

[Your Full Name] [Roll Number] [Contact Number] [Email Address] [Date]

Application to Reschedule Exam Date for Personal Reasons

Application to Reschedule Exam Date for Personal Reasons

To, The Principal, [Name of the School/College], [Address], [City],

Subject: Application to Reschedule Exam Date for Personal Reasons

I, [Your Full Name], a student of Class/Year [Your class/year], would like to kindly request a change in the exam date for the [Subject] examination scheduled on [Original Exam Date]. Due to unavoidable personal reasons, it is impossible for me to appear for the exam on this date.

I understand the inconvenience this may cause and I assure you that this request is made only due to a pressing personal matter. I have been diligently preparing for the exams and have maintained good academic standing in the past.

I humbly request you to consider my situation and reschedule my [Subject] exam to a later date. I assure you that I will put in my best efforts to excel in the examination and uphold the reputation of our esteemed institution.

Thanking you in advance for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Yours sincerely, [Your Full Name] [Roll Number/Admission Number] [Date]

How to Write Application for Re-Examination Submission

Some writing tips to help you craft a better application:

  • Address the application to the appropriate authority, such as the examination board or the head of the department.
  • Write a clear and concise subject line that states the purpose of the application, such as “Application for Re-Examination Submission.”
  • Begin the application by introducing yourself, including your name, registration number, and course details.
  • Provide a brief background of the examination in question, specifying the course, subject, and the date of the exam.
  • Clearly state the reasons for requesting re-examination, such as illness, personal circumstances, or errors in the exam process.
  • Support your reasons with evidence, such as medical certificates, emails, or other relevant documents.
  • Explain the impact of the examination result on your academic progress and future prospects, emphasizing the importance of a re-examination.
  • Be polite and respectful in your tone, and avoid making demands or accusations.
  • Provide your contact information, including email and phone number, for any further correspondence.
  • End the application with a courteous closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Yours faithfully,” followed by your full name and signature.

Related Topics:

  • Application for Rechecking of Exam Paper Submission
  • Application for Examination Permission Submission
  • Application for Absence from Exam Due to Personal Reasons

View all topics →

I am sure you will get some insights from here on how to write “application for re-examination submission”. And to help further, you can also download all the above application samples as PDFs by clicking here .

And if you have any related queries, kindly feel free to let me know in the comments below.

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application letter for retake exam



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Request Letter to Authority Requesting for a Chance to Retake Exam after Failing

Sample letter requesting for a chance to retake exams. These letters can be used by School/University/PhD students who have failed an exam due to some reason, and wish to retake it. Use these sample letters as a guide.

Request Letter to Teacher Requesting for a Chance to Retake an Exam After Failing due to Illness

School’s Name,

School’s Address,

Recipient’s Name,

(mention the post of the recipient if applicable),

Subject: _________________________.

Respected Teacher,

With due respect it is stated that I, sender’s name, am a senior at your high school. Due to some reasons I have failed one of my recent mock tests. I plead you to give me another chance to reappear in the tests so that I will be able ti improve my grade.

I am suffering from a very high fever for almost week. During my mock test, I accidentally fell asleep due to extreme fatigue. I woke up when the invigilator was collecting the exams. More than half of my paper was left unanswered. I apologies for such a mistake but I assure you that I was very sick at the moment.

As a senior ,my internal grades are very important. As these would be sent to universities, and colleges I will applying for admissions. Such a result will badly reflect my overall performance. Hence please consider my request, and allow me to retake this specific test.

I have attached my medical certificate as well as my past grades to assure you that it was just a grave mistake from my part.

Yours Sincerely,

Sender’s Name,

Student’s class, and section,

Student ID,

Request Letter to Examination Committee Requesting for a Chance to Retake an Exam After Failing to reach Examination Center on time.

Examination Committee,

Examination Committee’s head office’s address ,

Subject: _______________________.

I , student’s name (mention examination number/roll number as well), write this letter is extreme worry, and desperation. I recently failed to reach my examination center on time due to which I was not allowed to appear in the exam at all.

On __(mention the date of the exam), I had my ___ exam (mention the subject as well as the serial number for the exam ,if any). On my way to the examination center , my driver had an asthma attack, and we crashed into another vehicle. Fortunately the situation was not very grave but I arrived late at my center of examination. As per the policies, I was not allowed to sit in the exams.

I have attached the traffic police report of the accident as well as the hospital prescription of my driver along with this letter. I hope that you will review my case as soon as possible, and will allow me to reappear in the exam that I failed to give.

Examination Roll number, or ID,

Request Letter to Vice Chancellor of University Requesting for a Chance to Retake a PhD. Exam After Failing the Exam.

Vice Chancellor,

Name of the recipient,

University’s Name ,

University’s Address ,

I , student’s name (mention student ID), am a Phd. student at your University. Recently, I failed my main course exam due to some unforeseen reasons, and I plead you to let me reappear in the course exam so that I can improve my grade, and complete my PhD on time.

My family background is very unprivileged. All my life I have studied using scholarships, financial aids, and students loans. My father recently retired from his government job, and his pension is unfortunately not enough for the whole family. I need to complete my education as soon as possible in order to provide for my family.

If I am not given a chance to reappear in the course exam I will have to spend one more semester in the University. My financial aid does not apply to extra semesters. I do not wish to be a burden to my family anymore. I hope that you will understand my critical situation, and grant me a chance of retaking my exam.

I shall be forever grateful to you if you give me this chance. Hoping for a positive response from you.

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How to Write a Re-Exam Request Letter

At some point in your academic career, you may find yourself in the position of having to retake an exam. Whether it’s due to illness, a family emergency, or not being prepared, there are a variety of reasons why you might need to retake a test.

If you find yourself in this situation, don’t Panic! You can request to retake the exam by writing a letter to your professor. In this blog post, we’ll give you tips on how to write a re-exam request letter that will increase your chances of getting a yes from your professor.

What is a request letter for a re-exam?

Table of Contents

Re Exam Request Letter

A request letter for re-exam is a letter that a student sends to a professor or administrator asking to be allowed to retake an exam. The letter should explain why the student requests a re-take and provide any relevant information or documentation. The student should also state what they have done to prepare for the re-take and why they believe they will be successful if given a chance.

Key Point to Know When Writing a Request Letter for Re-Exam

Before you start drafting your letter, there are a few things you’ll need to do:

  • First, check your school’s policies on retaking exams. Some schools have strict guidelines about when and how students can retake exams. Knowing your school’s policy on retaking exams will help you draft a letter within the bounds of what is allowed.
  • Next, reach out to your professor and ask for their contact information. You’ll need their email address or phone number to contact them about retaking the exam.
  • Finally, gather any documentation you might need to support your case for retaking the exam. This could include a doctor’s note if you’re ill or a death certificate if you have had a family emergency.

Now that you’ve gathered everything you need, you’re ready to begin drafting your letter.

Details to Include in Request Letter for Re-Exam

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to writing a re-exam request letter. However, some elements should be included in every letter. These elements are:

  • Your Name and contact information
  • The professor’s Name and contact information
  • A polite greeting
  • A statement of why you’re writing the letter
  • A request for permission to retake the exam
  • An explanation of why you need to retake the exam
  • A brief statement about why you think you will do better next time
  • Documentation supporting your case
  • A thank-you

Sample request letter for re-exam?

Dear Professor Smith,

I am writing to request a re-take of my final exam for your course, Introduction to Psychology. I understand that I did not perform as well as I could have on the exam, and I am eager to show you what I have learned in class.

I have been reviewing the course material and studying hard since the exam. I am confident that I can do much better if given a chance.

Please let me know if you can accommodate my request. Thank you for your time and consideration.

After you’ve included all of these elements in your letter, it’s time to proofread it for any mistakes and send it off to your professor!


We hope these tips have given you some guidance on writing a re-exam request letter. Remember to be polite, clear, and concise in your letter, and include any documentation supporting your case for retaking the exam.

application letter for retake exam

Peyton Bagley is an English teacher and letter writer from the United States of America. She has been teaching for over 15 years and loves helping her students improve their writing skills. Peyton has also worked as a freelance writer and editor for several years. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family, reading, and hiking.

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Request Letter to Principal for Seeking Permission for a Re-Examination

Request letter maker.

Request Letter to Principal for Seeking Permission to Attend a Family Function

Dannie Hurst 123 Maple Street Anytown, AT 12345 [email protected] (555) 123-4567 February 12, 2024

Principal Amanda Woolf Anytown High School 456 School Lane Anytown, AT 12345

Subject: Request for Permission for a Re-Examination in Mathematics

Dear Principal Woolf,

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Dannie Hurst, a sophomore at Anytown High School, and I am writing to request your permission to retake the Mathematics examination that was held on January 20, 2024.

Unfortunately, I was unwell during the week of the examination, which significantly impacted my ability to prepare and perform as expected. Despite my best efforts to study while recovering, my condition hindered my concentration and retention, leading to a performance that does not accurately reflect my understanding of the subject matter.

I have always strived to maintain a high academic standard, and the grade I received does not represent my true capabilities. I believe a re-examination would allow me to demonstrate my knowledge and skills in Mathematics accurately.

I have attached a note from my healthcare provider confirming my illness during the examination period. I am fully prepared to comply with all necessary protocols and guidelines set forth by the school for re-examination procedures.

I am requesting your kind consideration for my situation and hoping for an opportunity to retake the Mathematics exam. I am confident that, given this chance, I will be able to achieve a grade that truly reflects my efforts and understanding of the course material.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my request. I am eager to hear your decision and am available for any further information or discussion that may be required.

Yours sincerely,

Dannie Hurst Sophomore, Anytown High School


Text prompt

  • Instructive
  • Professional

Create a request letter for a student seeking permission to organize a charity event at school

Generate a request letter for a school library to acquire new science fiction books for students.

Application for Retake in Missing One Exam

Application for Retake in Missing One Exam

[These are sample Applications for Retake in Missing One Exam by a student. You must show the appropriate cause for this situation. You can make any change to the below application as per your needs.]

Date: DD/MM/YY

The Principal/Class Teacher,

Class/Grade no…

School/Institute name…

Sub: Application for Retake in Missing (Subject name) exam

Respected sir,

With due respect, I would like to inform you about the health condition of my father/mother. S/he is suffering from (Disease type) and is under treatment of it. (Describe in your words). As my father/mother and other sibling work so it is not possible for them to be at the hospital all the time and for this, I have to stay there on and off. (Describe actual cause and situation).

Unfortunately, I have missed my (Subject name) exam because I was needed at the hospital on an emergency basis. (Explain all about the situation). As it was 1 st /2 nd terminal exams, I believe it can be compensated by a retake or average passing marks. I shall be really thankful if you give me a chance considering my problem. (Cordially describe your greetings and requirements). Please find attached medical repost of my grandmother. Thanks

Yours obediently,

Roll/Registration no…

Another Format,

Respected Sir,

I hope you are doing great; it is to inform you that, I have missed an exam of my 1 st /2 nd term of (class/grade name) which was on (whatever the date was). (Describe in your words). Actually Sir my Grandmother/father was in hospital, s/he is suffering from cancer (Disease type) and it’s his/her last stage (Describe actual situation) and I can’t be left her in that situation, as I am suffering from stress too because of this all situation. (Describe actual problem and condition).

So please kindly allow me to give my exams next month. (Cordially describe your greetings and requirements). It would be so favorable for me.

Hoping for the positive response

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Florida Board of Bar Examiners

Image of the board's Seal. The central figure on the Seal is a griffin, a universally accepted symbol for vigilance. The griffin is holding the Nordic symbol for fidelity, which comes from Nordic mythology. Beneath the griffin appears the Latin phrase “Clemens iustitiae custodia.” Custodia is the word used for keeping watch in order to protect, and Clementia is used technically for leniency in punishing offenses. Closely translated, this phrase means “Compassionate and vigilant protection of justice.” Expanded, this would mean the watchful protection (or preservation) of justice, a watchful or protective preservation which is compassionate or merciful. The Arabic numerals "1955" appear at the bottom of the seal, indicating the year of the creation of the Florida Board of Bar Examiners.

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application letter for retake exam

July 2024 Filing Deadline

Virtual tour, august 2024 mpre deadline, july 2026 examination announcement, checklist to file a re-examination application (repeater or postponer).



Completion of the online Re-Examination/Conversion Application will take less than 15 minutes. It is suggested that you gather and have the information listed below available when you begin.


When you have gathered the information above, you are ready to complete the Re-Examination/Conversion Application. A high speed Internet connection is recommended.


Check off each item below confirming that you have completed each required item. Your application will not be considered complete unless you submit or have previously submitted to the board all required items.

If applicable, address your package to the Florida Board of Bar Examiners.

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Application for Not Attending Exam Due to Fever – 5 Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs

Exams are important milestones in education to test what students have learned. But sometimes life brings unexpected challenges, like getting sick before a big exam. In cases like this, a thoughtful application can help explain why you missed the exam.

This short guide explains how to write a good application for missing an exam due to fever. The goal is to clearly communicate what happened and ask for a fair solution. Following proper format and including key details will help the application be successful.

The application should briefly explain the situation in 1-2 sentences. Key details to include are: the exam missed, the date, the reason (fever), and any medical evidence if possible. Politely request to either retake the exam or have it excused. Proofread for errors and use proper professional language. With empathy and effective communication, the application can lead to a reasonable resolution so education can continue despite the challenge.

  • 1 Application Letter for Not Attending Exam Due to Fever
  • 2 Application for Absence in Exam Due to Illness
  • 3 Application for Not Attending Exam Due to Illness
  • 4 Application for Not Giving Exam Due to Fever
  • 5 Application for Missing Exam Due to Fever (By Parents)
  • 6.1 Components of a Proper Application
  • 6.2 Structuring the Application
  • 7.1 What should I do if I miss an exam due to illness?
  • 7.2 Can my parents write an application for my absence in exams due to illness?
  • 7.3 Is a medical certificate necessary when applying for a re-examination due to illness?
  • 7.4 What is the usual duration of leave granted for missing exams due to illness?
  • 7.5 Can I reappear for the exam if I miss it due to fever or illness?

Application Letter for Not Attending Exam Due to Fever

To, The Principal, [Your School/College Name], [School/College Address], [City, Pin Code]

Subject: Application Letter for Not Attending Exam Due to Fever

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, [Your Name], a student of [Your Class/Grade] in your esteemed institution, am writing to inform you that I am suffering from fever. Due to my illness, I am unable to attend the upcoming exam scheduled on [Exam Date]. I kindly request you to grant me leave for [Number of Days] days, starting from [Start Date] to [End Date].

I have attached my medical certificate for your reference.

Thank you for your understanding.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Full Name] [Your Roll Number] [Class/Grade]

Application Letter for Not Attending Exam Due to Fever

Application for Absence in Exam Due to Illness

To, The Controller of Examinations, [Your School/College Name], [School/College Address], [City, Pin Code]

Subject: Application for Absence in Exam Due to Illness

I, [Your Name], a student of [Your Class/Grade] in your institution, could not appear for the exam on [Exam Date] due to severe illness. I have been diagnosed with [Specify Illness] and my doctor has advised me to take rest for [Number of Days] days.

I kindly request you to consider my situation and allow me to appear for a re-examination at a convenient date.

Application for Absence in Exam Due to Illness

Application for Not Attending Exam Due to Illness

To, The Examination Committee, [Your School/College Name], [School/College Address], [City, Pin Code]

Subject: Application for Not Attending Exam Due to Illness

I, [Your Name], a student of [Your Class/Grade] in your institution, regret to inform you that I am suffering from [Specify Illness]. Due to my health condition, I was unable to attend the exam held on [Exam Date].

I kindly request you to consider my situation and allow me to reappear for the exam at a suitable date.

Application for Not Attending Exam Due to Illness

Application for Not Giving Exam Due to Fever

Subject: Application for Not Giving Exam Due to Fever

I, [Your Name], a student of [Your Class/Grade] in your esteemed institution, am unable to give the exam on [Exam Date] due to a sudden bout of fever. My doctor has advised me complete rest for [Number of Days] days.

I kindly request you to grant me leave for the specified duration and allow me to appear for a re-examination at a suitable time.

Thank you for your consideration.

Application for Not Giving Exam Due to Fever

Application for Missing Exam Due to Fever (By Parents)

Subject: Application for Missing Exam Due to Fever (By Parents)

We, the parents of [Your Child’s Full Name], who is a student of [Child’s Class/Grade] in your institution, regret to inform you that our child is suffering from fever and is currently under medical supervision. Due to this, [he/she] could not attend the exam scheduled on [Exam Date].

We kindly request you to grant [him/her] leave for [Number of Days] days and allow [him/her] to appear for a re-examination at a convenient time.

[Your Full Name] [Your Contact Number] [Child’s Full Name] [Child’s Roll Number] [Class/Grade]

Application for Missing Exam Due to Fever (By Parents)

Application for Not Attending Exam Due to Fever

Exams are important evaluation points in a student’s academic journey. They measure learning and knowledge. However, sometimes life can be unpredictable and you may become ill with a fever right before a major exam.

In this challenging situation, it is very helpful to know how to write an effective application to be excused from an exam due to fever. This guide will explain the main components to include and how to structure the application well.

By following the recommendations here, you will be able to construct an application that best conveys your situation and makes your request in a compelling yet professional manner. This will allow you to properly explain your circumstances and increase the likelihood your application will be approved.

Components of a Proper Application

  • Date and Address : Begin your application with the current date and the proper address details. This sets the formal tone of the document.
  • Salutation : Address the recipient respectfully. In the Indian context, using “Respected Sir/Madam” or “To the Controller of Examinations” is a common and appropriate choice.
  • Introduction : In the introductory section, briefly explain the purpose of your application. Mention the exam you’re unable to attend due to fever, which adds context to your situation.
  • Medical Certificate : Attach a medical certificate from a certified doctor or healthcare professional. This document is crucial as it validates your health condition and provides evidence of your inability to sit for the exam.
  • Reason for Request : Clearly state your reason for not attending the exam due to fever. Elaborate on the severity of your illness, any complications, and how it has affected your ability to appear for the examination.
  • Request for Rescheduling : Politely request the authorities to reschedule the exam to a more suitable date, keeping in mind your health and academic performance.
  • Polite Closing : Conclude your application with a polite closing statement. Express your gratitude for considering your request.

Structuring the Application

  • Clarity and Conciseness : Keep your application clear, concise, and to the point. Avoid unnecessary details and elaborate only on the relevant information.
  • Professional Language : Maintain a professional and respectful tone throughout your application. Avoid sounding demanding or disrespectful.
  • Formatting : Use a standard font and font size, such as Times New Roman or Arial, in 12-point size. Ensure proper spacing between paragraphs and a neat, organized layout.
  • Proofreading : Carefully proofread your application to eliminate any spelling or grammatical errors. An error-free document demonstrates attention to detail.
  • Document Attachments : Ensure that you include all necessary documents, such as the medical certificate, as requested by the institution.
  • Follow Institutional Guidelines : Adhere to any specific guidelines or formatting requirements provided by your educational institution. This demonstrates your commitment to complying with the institution’s regulations.

What should I do if I miss an exam due to illness?

If you miss an exam due to illness, immediately inform your school/college authorities in writing, stating the reason for your absence and attaching a medical certificate if possible. Request for a re-examination at a later date.

Can my parents write an application for my absence in exams due to illness?

Yes, parents can write an application on behalf of their child if the child is too unwell to do so. They should mention the child’s name, class, the duration of illness, and request a re-examination opportunity.

Is a medical certificate necessary when applying for a re-examination due to illness?

While not always mandatory, attaching a medical certificate strengthens your application. It provides official confirmation of your illness and can support your request for a re-examination.

What is the usual duration of leave granted for missing exams due to illness?

The duration of leave granted typically depends on the nature of the illness. It is usually advised by a medical professional. Schools/colleges generally require a written communication specifying the number of days the student is unfit to attend exams.

Can I reappear for the exam if I miss it due to fever or illness?

Yes, most educational institutions allow students to reappear for exams missed due to genuine illness. You need to follow the school/college guidelines, inform them promptly, provide necessary documentation, and request a re-examination opportunity.

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Before submitting an application, carefully review the information contained in the Candidate Guide . It is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure eligibility before submitting the application. Applicants who are determined to be ineligible and submit an ineligible application or request withdrawal or cancellation of their application will receive a refund of the application fee minus a $75 processing fee.

All applications must be submitted online , and fees must be paid via credit card.

Pearson VUE is AHIMA’s contracted test vendor that administers all AHIMA certification examinations. All certification examinations are delivered in a Pearson VUE proctored test center by means of a computer-based delivery format.

Exam Application Process

Pre-test Day Checklist

  • Verify materials needed at the Pearson VUE testing centers (e.g., code books).
  • Verify the name on the ATT letter matches your identification exactly.
  • Confirm the form(s) of identification needed to enter the testing center.
  • Confirm time and date of exam.
  • Verify directions to the testing center.
  • Arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your testing time with all of your required materials and form(s) of identification needed to take the exam. Expired identification will not be accepted.

Eligibility Period

The exam eligibility period is 120 calendar days from the application approval date. This means that the exam must be scheduled and taken within those 120 calendar days. If a candidate applies for an exam and is deemed eligible but does not schedule a date to take the exam within the 120 calendar days, the exam application eligibility expires, and the candidate will need to reapply and pay all applicable fees.

Eligibility Extension Fees and Policy

You must apply for an extension 14 days prior to your scheduled exam date or 14 days prior to your eligibility end date.

You can apply for extensions in 30-day increments for up to 90 days. The cost for each 30-day increment is $50.


If an applicant has a documented disability covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA) and requires test accommodations, the applicant must notify AHIMA in writing each time accommodation is required.

The applicant must personally submit a Request for Accommodation application form and documentation along with the AHIMA examination application to [email protected] . The materials must be received by the normal application closing date.

  • The application should indicate the nature of the disability and the specific test accommodations needed.
  • Documentation must be provided by a licensed or otherwise properly credentialed professional who has undergone appropriate and comprehensive training, has relevant experience and has no familial relationship with the individual being evaluated. The individual making the diagnosis must be qualified to do so (e.g., an orthopedic limitation might be documented by a physician, but not a licensed psychologist).
  • Requests made by a third party (such as an evaluator, employer, etc.) will not be considered.

Applicants will be notified via email within 14 business days. For questions regarding the ADA process please contact [email protected] .

Exam Re-take Policy

Candidates who have attempted but not successfully passed the CCA or CCS exams are required to wait at least 30 days before their application is approved. This excludes CCS Global candidates from the Philippians and India. All other candidates who have not passed any other exam must wait a minimum of 90 days before their application is approved. To re-take an exam, candidates need to submit a new application along with the relevant resubmit exam fee. Transcripts are kept on file and do not need to be resubmitted. Candidates who are currently in their retest waiting period are not authorized to schedule an exam appointment until a new authorization to test letter has been issued. AHIMA is not authorized to waive retest periods due to test security policies.

Home » Letters » College Letters » Request Letter for Seeking Permission for Examination

Request Letter for Seeking Permission for Examination

application letter for retake exam

Table of Contents:

  • Sample Letter

Live Editing Assistance

How to use live assistant, additional template options, download options, share via email, share via whatsapp, copy to clipboard, print letter, sample letter for seeking permission for examination.

To, The Principal, __________ (Name of College), __________ (College Address)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Seeking permission for examination

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am _________ (Name) and I study in ________ (Department) of your reputed college i.e. ________ (College Name) and my roll number is ________ (Roll Number).

I regret to inform you about the ______ (mention your reason – attendance/any other)  due to the reason ___________ (reason in detail) which resulted in a _________ (attendance shortage/any other. I request you to kindly consider my request and allow me to give the examination.

I shall be highly thankful for your kind support.

Thanking you, ___________ (Name), ___________ (Roll Number)

Live Preview

The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here’s how to use it:

  • Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea.
  • Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags in HTML for better readability.

The letter writing editor allows you to start with predefined templates for drafting your letters:

  • Choose a Template: Click one of the template buttons ("Start with Sample Template 1", "Start with Sample Template 2", or "Start with Sample Template 3").
  • Auto-Fill Textarea: The chosen template's content will automatically fill the textarea, which you can then modify or use as is.

Click the "Download Letter" button after composing your letter. This triggers a download of a file containing the content of your letter.

Click the "Share via Email" button after composing your letter. Your default email client will open a new message window with the subject "Sharing My Draft Letter" and the content of your letter in the body.

Click the "Share via WhatsApp" button after you've composed your letter. Your default browser will open a new tab prompting you to send the letter as a message to a contact on WhatsApp.

If you want to copy the text of your letter to the clipboard:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button after composing your letter.
  • Paste Anywhere: You can then paste the copied text anywhere you need, such as into another application or document.

For printing the letter directly from the browser:

  • Print Letter: Click the "Print Letter" button after composing your letter.
  • Print Preview: A new browser window will open showing your letter formatted for printing.
  • Print: Use the print dialog in the browser to complete printing.
  • A: Mention "Seeking Permission for Examination" to clearly indicate the purpose of the letter.
  • A: Yes, providing such details helps the recipient identify you and your academic affiliation.
  • A: Address the Principal or relevant authority respectfully using "Respected Sir/Madam" or "Dear Sir/Madam."
  • A: Clearly state the reason, such as attendance shortage, and provide a brief explanation to provide context to your request.
  • A: Conclude the letter with a polite expression of gratitude, such as "I shall be highly thankful for your kind support" or "Your consideration of my request would be deeply appreciated."

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REHS/RS Credential

application letter for retake exam

REHS/RS Credential Exam and Application Information

The REHS/RS Credential exam and application information can be viewed / printed in the subcategories below:

REHS/RS Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible to sit for the REHS/RS credential examination, a candidate must meet all of the criteria for Track A or Track B or Track C.

Track A – Environmental Health Degree Track

You must be able to answer YES to all the questions for Track A.  If you answer a question with a “No,” proceed to Track B.

  • Do you have a Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree or PhD from a college or university in the United States?   For foreign degrees and diplomas, see the Candidate Information Brochure section on foreign education.
  • Is your degree in Environmental Health?   
  • Bachelor’s in Environmental Health: http://www.nehspac.org/about-ehac/accredited-programs-ehac-undergraduate...
  • Master’s or PhD in Environmental Health: http://www.nehspac.org/about-ehac/accredited-programs-ehac-graduate-prog...

If you answered “Yes” to all three questions above, you can apply on Track A.  You will not need to submit proof of work experience.  

Track B – Bachelor’s Degree Track

You must be able to answer YES to all questions for Track B. If you answer a question with a “No,” proceed to Track C.

  • Do you have a Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree or PhD from a college or university accredited in the United States?  Your degree can be in any subject.  For foreign degrees or diplomas, see the Candidate Information Brochure section on foreign education.
  • Do you have 30 semester hours (or 45 quarter hours) of college credit in basic science coursework?  Basic sciences include Life Sciences, Natural Sciences, Physical Sciences or Health Sciences. 
  • Do you have credit for a college level Math or Statistics class? 
  • Do you have two years or more experience working in environmental health*?  Work experience should be full-time paid work. 

*  Eligible areas of environmental health include general environmental health (including inspections, environmental microbiology, and contamination control), food protection, wastewater, solid and hazardous waste, potable water, inspections of facilities, vectors and pests, institutions and licensed establishments, swimming pool inspections, radiation, occupational safety and health, healthy housing, indoor air quality, disaster and emergency planning, and environmental health issues related to climate change.

Track C – “In Training” Track

On Track B above, if you said YES to questions 1, 2, and 3 but you do NOT have two years of work experience in environmental health, you can apply on the “In Training” Track.    You would choose REHS/RS-In Training (I.T.) on the application.  You will not be required to submit proof of work experience.  If you pass the exam, your certificate will say, “REHS/RS – In Training.”  You will then have 3 years to obtain 2 years of work experience. Once you have acquired that experience, you can qualify for the full REHS/RS certificate by notifying NEHA and submitting proof of work experience.  If you do not obtain the 2 years of work experience, your “In Training” status will expire and you risk losing the credential and may have to reapply and retake the exam.

On Track B above, if you said NO to question 1 (and you do not have a foreign degree either) OR said NO to question 2 (science hours) OR question 3 (math class), then your education does not meet the requirements for the REHS/RS credential set by the NEHA Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors has ruled that NEHA cannot accept work experience in lieu of college coursework.

Exam / Application Fees

All fees need to be paid in full before your application will be processed.

Completing the Application

Applications must be completed for review at least 4 weeks prior to the exam date. If an application is received less than 4 weeks prior to your planned exam date, you may have to schedule the exam for another date. Applications may be completed online from the MyNEHA home page , > Credentials & Exams > Apply for Certification. This will bring up the login screen to access the application.

A complete application should include:  

  • Official College Transcripts. To be considered an official transcript it should be received at the NEHA office in the sealed envelope from the College Registrar’s Office/Transcript Office. It can be sent directly from the school to NEHA or submitted with the application in the sealed school envelope. Electronic transcripts from the school or transcript service are accepted when e-mailed to [email protected] .

Work Experience Verification, unless applying for the In-training track.

Appropriate fees.

Third party review (applicable for candidates with foreign education).

Application Expiration Policy

Applications are good for 1 year from the date NEHA received them. If you have not tested within 1 year of submitting your application, you will need to submit a new application and fees.

Exam Description / Content Areas

The REHS/RS examination consists of a total of 225 multiple-choice questions. The exam is split into two parts. Part 1 will have 113 questions and Part 2 will have 112 questions. Candidates are given a total of three (3) hours and forty (40) minutes to complete the entire exam or one (1) hour and fifty (50) minutes for each part with a short 10-minute break in between. Of the 225 items, 200 will be scored. The remaining 25 questions will be unscored, pilot questions. Those items will not be called out within the exam. 

Below is an outline of the different content areas the examination covers and the percentages allotted to each of those areas. Please use this outline as a guide when preparing for the examination.

Exam Schedule and Locations

Candidates can choose to schedule the REHS/RS examination in two ways:  

When available, annually at the NEHA Annual Educational Conference (AEC) & Exhibition.

Most Candidates will take the exam on computer through  Pearson VUE.   By choosing this option candidates can schedule the examination at their convenience at one of  Pearson VUE’s  testing locations nationwide. To find a  Pearson VUE  testing center near you please visit  www.pearsonvue.com/neha . Taking the exam at  Pearson VUE  not only offers the candidate flexibility in scheduling the exam, but also allows the candidate to receive his/her unofficial scores immediately following the conclusion of the exam.

Admission to the Exam

Computer Testing at Pearson VUE:

NEHA will send you an authorization letter via e-mail when your application is processed as approved.  Then you will get another e-mail, 1-3 days later, from [email protected] .  That e-mail will have your PTI ID number and instructions on how to schedule the exam at Pearson VUE.  The PTI ID number is good for one year.

On test day you must bring your photo identification (i.e. driver’s license or passport).

If you need to postpone your scheduled computer test, you must contact Pearson VUE at least 24 hours in advance of your scheduled test time.  If you do not show up and did not give at least 24 hours’ notice, you will forfeit your Exam Fee and your Computer Test Fee .  Contact NEHA to pay your fees again so you can be authorized to reschedule.

Paper and Pencil Exams, only at the Annual NEHA Educational Conference (AEC):

NEHA will email an admission letter approximately 2 weeks prior to your test date. The admission letter will detail the exam date and location, reporting time, and starting time. Those that do not appear on the date of the exam at the appropriate time will forfeit all exam fees. Persons arriving after the examination has started may not be admitted.

If you lost your admission letter or have not received an admission letter at least 2 days prior to the test date, please contact NEHA immediately. 

Only approved candidates will be admitted to the exam. No walk-in applicants will be admitted.

On test day please bring with you your admission letter, photo identification (i.e. driver’s license or passport), and sharpened #2 pencils.

REHS/RS Exam Scores

The NEHA REHS/RS examination will report scores using scaled scores that range from 0 to 900 with a passing score of 650. The raw passing score is mathematically transformed so that the passing scaled score equals 650. This process is similar to the way one adjusts Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature scales. While the values may differ the temperatures are the same. For example, water boils at the same temperature regardless of the scale used.

Candidates who pass the examination will earn scaled scores of 650 and above, and those who fail will earn a scaled score between 0 and 649. A scaled score is NOT a percentage score. In summary, a scaled score is merely a transformation of a raw score. Scaling is done to report comparable results when forms and raw passing scores vary over time.

Your score will be based on the number of questions answered correctly. If you are unsure of the answer it is better to guess. You will not be given credit for any question left blank.

Your exam results will be mailed to you from the NEHA office 4-6 weeks after the administration. 

If you pass the exam, NEHA will send you a credentialing packet with a score letter, certificate, wallet card and Continuing Education information.

If you fail the exam, NEHA will send you a score letter and a Retake Application.  You must wait at least 90 days from your test date before you can retake the exam. To retake the exam, you need to submit the Retake Application and pay the Exam Fee and Computer Test Fee, if you will retake the exam on computer.  You do not need to do the whole application again or resubmit transcripts. There is no limit on the number of times you can retake the exam, but you must wait 90 days between each attempt.

Recommended Study References

Https://www.neha.org/professional-development/credentials/rehsrs-credential/rehsrs-study-references, foreign education.

If you have college or university education from outside the United States or its territories, you must have your foreign education evaluated by a “third party” foreign education evaluation service to determine equivalency to a Bachelor’s degree in the United States. You must submit an evaluation report with your NEHA Credential Application or the report can be sent by the evaluation service directly to NEHA.

NEHA cannot evaluate foreign educational documents even if they have been translated into English.  All foreign transcripts must be evaluated by foreign education specialists.

NEHA strongly recommends you choose a service that is a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES).  For information on NACES member companies, visit:  www.naces.org .

Canadian education is considered foreign education.  It must be evaluated by a third party evaluation service.

If you have any questions regarding your foreign education, please contact [email protected]  or 303.756.9090 ext. 310.

Transcript Review

Review for united states college transcripts.

Candidates with education from within the United States can request NEHA to review their transcripts for eligibility separate from the application procedure for $50. A transcript review form must be completed and is available at  Transcript Review Request Form .  Please note that this is not required as it is only for individuals who are not sure if they qualify academically or for individuals that need a letter from NEHA stating they meet the academic qualifications.

Please see additional instructions on the form.

The $50 fee is non-refundable even if NEHA finds that your education does not meet the REHS/RS qualification requirements.  It can take 2-4 weeks for your transcripts to be reviewed and you will be notified by letter and/or e-mail. 

Special Accommodations

Special Accommodations for Candidates with Disabilities or Impairments

NEHA is committed to ensuring that no individual is deprived of the opportunity to take a credentialing examination solely by reason of a disability or impairment. All computer test centers are fully accessible and compliant with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA).

To make a request for special accommodations you must complete the Accommodation Request Form and Documentation of Disability Related Needs Form including the specific diagnosis of your disability; medical records, or other written proof of the diagnosis by an appropriate licensed professional; and the type of accommodation being requested.  All forms and documentation must be returned to NEHA at least 8 weeks prior to the scheduled test date. To receive a copy of the form please contact  [email protected] .

If the forms are not returned to NEHA at least 8 weeks prior to the scheduled test date, your request for special accommodations may not be honored or may be delayed. 

With respect to all matters related to testing accommodations, NEHA will only communicate with the candidate, professionals knowledgeable about the candidate’s disability or impairment, the candidate’s authorized representative (if applicable), Professional Testing Inc. (PTI) and the test administrator or proctor.

Credentialing Handbook

It is strongly recommended that you read  NEHA’s Credentialing Handbook:  Guide to Policies and Procedures for NEHA’s Credentialing Programs . This handbook  outlines all the policies you are expected to follow by being a NEHA credential holder. The handbook also outlines in further detail the procedures for applying for a credential, submitting continuing education, and maintaining your credential.

You can access the Credentialing Handbook at www.neha.org . Click on Professional Development, then click on Credentials and look for the link to the Handbook on the left side.

REHS/RS Credential Maintenance

Earn and submit a minimum of 24 hours of continuing education every two years; and

Submit renewal fees for your credential every two years ($130.00 members; $345.00 non-members).


Application for Vocational Nurse Licensure by Examination

Dca breeze online services.

Applications can be submitted online at DCA BreEZe Online Services

Vocational Nurse Examination Application Flow Chart

Vocational Nurse Licensure Application Forms

  • VN Applicant Live Scan Fingerprint Forms
  • Record of Nursing Program
  • Employment Verification - Nursing Experience
  • Record of Military Service

Notices and Information

  • Applicant Important Information
  • Expedited Licensure for Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Holders of Special Immigrant Visas
  • Notice on Collection of Personal Information For Applicants and Licensees

Qualifying Methods

There are five methods to qualify for licensure as a vocational nurse in the State of California. All applicants for licensure under Section 2873 of the Business and Professions Code must meet the requirements of one of the following methods.

Read the Summary of Requirements for Licensure for each of the following methods and download the application forms for the method by which you qualify.

PLEASE NOTE: The Applicant Live Scan Fingerprint Forms will need to be submitted with each qualifying method.

Method #1 - Graduates of California Approved Schools of Vocational Nursing In California

Instructions are on file with each school. Applications must be submitted by the Director of your Nursing Program. Contact your program director for application instructions and forms.

A list of programs that offer courses for licensed psychiatric technicians which are approved by the Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians can be found on the DCA License Search under Psychiatric Technician Program License Type.

The individual programs should be contacted for information related to specific courses, course content, dates of courses, location and fees.

Method #2 - Graduates of an Out-of-State School of Practical/Vocational Nursing

This method requires completion of a course in vocational or practical nursing in a school approved by the Board of Nursing in the State in which it is located.

Section 2892.1 of the Business and Professions Code specifies that a license which is not renewed for 4 years shall expire. An expired license cannot be renewed, re-issued or reinstated. The licensee is required to submit a new application and retake the licensure examination to receive a new license.

Applicants under this method must submit evidence of prior licensure with this Board (i.e., copy of expired license or license number, original issue date and expiration date.)

Method #3 - Equivalent Education and/or Experience

This method requires the equivalent of completion of 51 months of paid bedside nursing experience in an acute care facility, verification of skill competency and 54-theory hours of pharmacology. For details regarding this method please see Method 3: Qualification Based on Equivalent Education and/or Experience .

Section 2506 of the California Code of Regulations specifies that applications for licensure shall be made "on the form prescribed and provided by the Board". The Board has specific forms that employers must complete in order for an applicant to receive credit for paid work experience. This form will be sent directly to the employer by the Board, and the completed form must be returned directly back to the Board from the employer.

All documentation in support of an application for licensure should be provided directly to the Board. Employers should not provide confidential employment information on licensure applicants to individuals other than the Board.

Applicants with formal nursing education may submit official transcripts for a determination of possible credit in lieu of paid bedside nursing experience.

(See Summary of Requirements for Licensure and/or Method 3: Qualification Based on Equivalent Education and/or Experience for a detailed description of these requirements.)


Pursuant to California Board of Regulation section 2532(c), you are required to complete a minimum of 576 Theory hours which shall include a minimum of 54 hours in pharmacology and 954 Clinical hours to be eligible to take the Licensed Vocational Nursing Exam. You will receive a maximum of 54 theory hour credit for your pre-requisites. You may submit your employment verification and copy of your Certified Nursing Assistant license to complete the remaining hours. You will receive five months credit towards medical surgical nursing for your Certified Nursing Assistant certificate/license.

Method #4 - Military Applicants

This method requires no less than 12 months of active duty bedside patient care on a hospital ward, completion of the basic course of instruction in nursing while in the armed forces and proof that service has been honorable.

Method #5 - Experience with Pharmacology

Online services.


Social Media


  • Application Processing Times
  • DCA Uniform Standards re: Substance Abuse
  • Disciplinary Guidelines
  • Expert Witness Recruitment
  • File a Licensee Complaint
  • Forms and Publications
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Join Our Email List
  • Mandatory Reporting
  • Military FAQ
  • Monitor Reports
  • Precedential Decisions
  • Sunset Information

English Summary

Write An Application To The Principal For Re-Exam Due To Death In English

The Principal St. Mathews Convent School Kollam, Kerala

Subject:- An application for re-exam due to death

Respected Sir,

  With all due respect, I want to seek permission to appear in the sessional exam that was held on 14th of January, 2022. I am a student of class 6th in your school. I had full preparation for the exam but a day before the exam, my grandmother had expired. I was in extreme shock and could not attend the school. Now that I’ve recovered from the grief, please allow me to appear in the exam. I promise to secure good grades.

Thanking You Yours faithfully Vivek Sharma Class 6th, Roll No. 15 A

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application letter for retake exam

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Exam Bulletin - Housing and Community Development Rep II

Exam Code: EX-1726

Examination Plans Included:


Final Filing Date: Applications are accepted on a continuous basis.

Classification Details


Application Instructions

This is not a timed examination. If you request a Reasonable Accommodation, your account will be locked and you will not be able to proceed with the examination until the request is processed.

Who Should Apply:

The information below will help you determine which classification(s) is(are) appropriate for you. Applicants must meet the Minimum Qualifications as stated on this bulletin to compete in this examination.

Open and Open, Non-Promotional Examination(s):

For all Classifications, once you have participated in any of the following examinations, you may not recompete for 3 months :

Exam Code(s):

For HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT REPRESENTATIVE II, once you have participated in any of the following examinations, you may not recompete for 3 months :

How To Apply:

Submit an Examination/Employment Application (STD 678) to apply for this examination.

Electronic applications can be submitted through your account at www.CalCareers.ca.gov.

Special Testing Arrangements:

If you require assistance or alternative testing arrangements due to a disability, indicate on your application that you need reasonable accommodation. You will be contacted by a representative of the testing department to make the necessary arrangements. If you have not been contacted by the time you receive notification of testing, please contact the testing department listed in the Contact section of this bulletin.

If you are unable to submit your application or complete the test due to a disability, please contact the testing department listed in the Contact section of this bulletin.

Minimum Qualifications

All applicants must meet the education and/or experience requirements as stated on this exam bulletin to be accepted to the examination.

Experience applicable to one of the following patterns may be combined on a proportional basis with experience applicable to the other pattern to meet the total experience requirements. Additionally, State experience applied toward the "non-State experience" pattern must be in a class at a level of responsibility at least equivalent to that of one of the classes specified in the promotional State experience pattern. Either 1 One year of experience in the Department of Housing and Community Development performing the duties of a class comparable in level to Housing and Community Development Representative I, Range C. (Applicants may compete with six-months' experience at Range C, but they must complete the required 12 months of experience prior to being eligible for appointment.) Or 2 Experience: Three years of professional experience in one or a combination of the following: 1. In a line or policy development capacity in a public agency or private firm engaged in urban renewal, neighborhood preservation, low-income housing programs, or market housing development. Qualifying experience in such agencies or firms includes property management, underwriting, homeownership and tenant counseling, economics or statistical research, housing policy analysis, and housing law. 2. In a public or private housing, economic, or community development related organization, with finance, loan officer, or economic development experience in a capacity such as mortgage banker, mortgage loan officer, or economic development packager. 3. Extensive site acquisition and site development experience in a housing development operation in a capacity such as land agent. 4. Loan packaging experience with a governmental housing, economic and/or business finance program(s). 5. As a member of the planning staff of a public agency, private firm, or nonprofit organization engaged in community or economic development planning, including preparation of housing elements. 6. Packaging home or other development loans, grants or development contracts utilizing private, State and Federal financing as a staff member of a housing/economic development corporation, or other organization fulfilling a similar function generating new construction, housing rehabilitation and/or development projects which benefit low and moderate income people. (Experience in teaching urban planning or community development or a comparable field may be substituted for up to two years of the required experience on a year-for-year basis.) and Education: Equivalent to graduation from college. (Additional qualifying experience may be substituted for the required education on a year-for-year basis.) (A Master's Degree in Rural or Urban Planning, Rural or Urban Land Economics, Architecture, or a related rural or urban studies field may be substituted for up to one year of the required general experience.)

Position Description


This is the fully experienced journeyperson level in the series. Under general direction, employees at this level independently perform a wide range of housing, economic, and community development functions which include the more responsible, varied, and technically difficult, developmental, or analytical assignments; review and administer loans, grants or development contracts including responsibility for approval or denial of varied and difficult loans, grants or development contracts for the predevelopment, development, rehabilitation, or construction of housing, economic and community development projects; provide technical assistance; act as liaison; perform program design and problem resolution; manage a loan, grant or development contract portfolio including monitoring responsibility; may assume lead responsibility over lower level professional staff or serve as a team leader.

Special Personal Characteristics Willingness to travel throughout the State and work irregular hours.

Additional Desirable Qualification Most positions require at least occasional travel. Therefore, possession of a valid California driver license of the appropriate class issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles may be required.

For information regarding position location(s), please refer to the Eligible List Information section.

Examination Information

We recommend using Chrome, Firefox, or Edge for optimal performance when accessing the examination.

This examination consists of the following component(s):

A final score of 70% must be attained to be placed on the eligible list.

In addition to evaluating the applicant's relative knowledge, skill and ability as demonstrated by quality and breadth of education/experience, emphasis in each test component will be on measuring competitively, relative to job demands, each applicant's:

  • General housing and economic development trends
  • Research techniques
  • Basic finance principles
  • General provisions of Federal, State and local laws, regulations and programs relating to housing, economic and community development
  • Housing resources including Federal, State and local agencies
  • Interpretation and application of Federal, State and local laws, regulations and programs relating to the functions of the Department of Housing and Community Development, especially those laws, regulations and programs pertaining to the financing and development of low-income housing, community, and economic development, and local planning
  • General problems and planning principles in the development of low-income housing and jobs, public works, and facilities
  • Housing construction contract solicitation, and administration
  • Public planning including real estate law and practices
  • Principles and practices of property management, Section 8 vouchers, and housing counseling
  • Principles and practices of impact analysis
  • Legal procedures and documents involved in real property transactions
  • Real property law
  • Methods of describing real property
  • Methods of determining values of real property
  • Conventional financing and lending procedures
  • Institutional loan requirements, methods of financing, holding title and the escrow process to obtain loan commitments to purchase real property
  • Familiarity with laws governing landlord-tenant relations including unlawful detainer actions
  • Contemporary property management practices and affordable housing criteria
  • Reason logically and creatively and utilize a variety of analytical techniques to resolve complex housing issues
  • Identify and evaluate issues related to community and economic development
  • Analyze data and present ideas and information effectively both orally and in writing
  • Consult with and advise other governmental staff on a wide variety of housing subjects
  • Establish and maintain effective working relationships with professional personnel, community groups, and minorities
  • Work independently or as a lead staff-worker in a group
  • Evaluate and analyze data
  • Evaluate and develop procedures and guidelines to ensure compliance with affordable housing criteria
  • Prepare clear, concise reports
  • Provide technical assistance and consultation
  • Establish and maintain cooperative relations with those contacted in the work
  • Work under tight schedules and deadlines

Eligible List Information

A Departmental Open eligible list for the HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT REPRESENTATIVE II Classification will be established for:

  • Department of Housing & Community Development

The names of successful competitors will be merged onto the eligible list(s) in order of final score regardless of test date. Eligibility expires 12 months after it is established. Applicants must then retake the examination to reestablish eligibility.

Resulting Eligibility List(s) will be used to fill vacancies throughout the State of California.

Veterans' Preference will be granted for this examination. Veterans' Preference is an assistance program for veterans, veteran widows and widowers, and spouses of 100% disabled veterans who seek employment with the state. Veterans' Preference is also extended to currently serving military members nearing their retirement or separation date.

You are not eligible for Veteran's Preference if you are:

  • A veteran who has been dishonorably discharged or released.
  • A veteran, widow or widower of a veteran, or spouse of a 100 percent disabled veteran who currently has permanent civil service status. (Permanent civil service status is the status of an employee who is lawfully retained in his/her position after completion of the applicable probationary period. This does not include limited term).

Veterans' Preference is codified in Government Code Sections 18973 – 18979.

Veteran status is verified by the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR). Directions to apply for Veterans' Preference are on the Veterans' Preference Application (Std. Form 1093), which is available at www.CalCareers.ca.gov , and the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Career Credits are not granted for examination(s) administered on an Open basis or a Promotional basis.

Housing and Community Development Representative II Training and Experience Examination Preview

Section 1: Core Tasks


Using the rating scale(s) provided, you will rate your experience performing specific job-related tasks.

Respond to each of the following statements by indicating how the statement applies to you. You are required to respond to every statement by marking one option from the scale(s) provided.

In responding to each statement, you may refer to your FORMAL EDUCATION, FORMAL TRAINING COURSES, and/or WORK EXPERIENCE whether paid or volunteer.

  • Reviewing materials to ensure that they are consistent with rules, guidelines, or regulations.
  • Explaining rules, regulations, or processes to promote understanding and/or provide assistance.
  • Participating in special projects or on teams to improve work processes or customer service.
  • Analyzing information to make recommendations for the increased effectiveness and efficiency of programs or procedures.
  • Assisting in the organization of meetings, workshops, conferences, and/or presentations.
  • Writing memos, letters, or correspondence to communicate with internal or external audiences.
  • Reviewing written documents to ensure proper content, consistency, completeness, and accuracy.
  • Coordinating project activities (e.g., review reports, provide assistance, respond to questions, or review and approve requests).

Section 2: Core Knowledge and Abilities

Using the rating scale(s) provided, you will rate your experience in accordance to specific job-related knowledge and abilities.

  • Ability to be flexible in adapting to changes in priorities, assignments, and other interruptions, which may impact pre-established timelines and courses of action for completing projects and assignments.
  • Ability to use Microsoft Office software (e.g., Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint).
  • Ability to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with management, staff, or internal or external audiences.
  • Ability to use tact and diplomacy when dealing with the needs, problems, and/or concerns of diverse populations.
  • Ability to read and comprehend various technical documents (e.g., policies, procedures, regulations, reports, contracts, manuals).
  • Ability to identify information, materials, and resources needed to complete a project or assignment.
  • Ability to exercise sound judgment when making decisions in accordance with goals and objectives.
  • Ability to communicate information clearly and concisely, in writing, to audiences with varying levels of understanding.
  • Ability to edit documents and written materials (e.g., memos, letters, reports, procedures, technical manuals) to ensure accuracy and completeness.
  • Ability to establish project timelines to complete projects and assignments within desired timeframes.
  • Ability to identify, analyze, and evaluate situations or problems to determine and implement appropriate courses of action.
  • Ability to reconcile discrepancies in data and information from multiple sources.
  • Ability to extract specific, relevant data and information from a larger body of material.
  • Ability to present ideas and information effectively in an oral format.
  • Ability to compose documents (e.g., reports, letters, memos) using proper grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.
  • Ability to apply information gathered through research and/or training to current assignments or projects.
  • Ability to reason logically to resolve issues or draw conclusions.

Section 3: Housing and Community Development Representative II Tasks

  • Providing technical assistance on housing, economic development programs, real estate, and/or financial services.
  • Managing and maintaining records and documents to ensure completeness and compliance with program regulations.
  • Resolving complex problems by researching the issues, proposing solutions, and developing and implementing a plan to reach a positive outcome.
  • Collaborating with interested parties to ensure effective implementation of programs for affordable housing, economic development, real estate, and/or financial services.
  • Making preliminary determinations regarding the acceptability or financial feasibility projects.
  • Responding to questions from interested parties relating to statutes, regulations, or policies to provide technical and troubleshooting assistance.
  • Tracking and/or reporting project activities and progress to provide performance data.

Section 4: Housing and Community Development Representative II Knowledge and Abiliti e s

  • Ability to work independently on projects or assignments without close supervision or detailed instructions.
  • Ability to resolve conflicts with internal and external parties in a professional manner.
  • Ability to analyze, interpret, and apply federal, State, and local laws, regulations and programs to determine changes and possible outcomes.
  • Ability to reason logically to resolve complex housing, financial, or planning issues.
  • Ability to develop and evaluate procedures and guidelines to ensure compliance with contract or program criteria.
  • Ability to analyze, evaluate, and articulate the impact and effectiveness of programs, policies, and/or procedures.

Testing Departments

Contact information.

Technical questions regarding this examination should be directed to:

Administrative questions regarding this examination should be directed to:

California Relay Service: 1-800-735-2929 (TTY), 1-800-735-2922 (Voice). TTY is a Telecommunications Device for the Deaf, and is reachable only from phones equipped with a TTY Device.

Equal Opportunity Employer

Drug free statement, general information.

Examination and/or Employment Application (STD 678) forms are available at the California Department of Human Resources, local offices of the Employment Development Department, and through your CalCareer Account (www.CalCareers.ca.gov).

If you meet the requirements stated on this examination bulletin, you may take this examination, which is competitive. Possession of the entrance requirements does not assure a place on the eligible list. Your performance in the examination described in this bulletin will be rated against a predetermined job-related rating, and all applicants who pass will be ranked according to their scores.

Department of Housing & Community Development reserves the right to revise the examination plan to better meet the needs of the service, if the circumstances under which this examination was planned change. Such revision will be in accordance with civil service laws and rules and all applicants will be notified.

General Qualifications: Applicants must possess essential personal qualifications including integrity, initiative, dependability, good judgment, the ability to work cooperatively with others, and a state of health consistent with the ability to perform the assigned duties of the class. A medical examination may be required. In open examinations, investigation may be made of employment records and personal history and fingerprinting may be required.

Eligible Lists: Eligible lists established by competitive examination, regardless of date, must be used in the following order: 1) sub-divisional promotional, 2) departmental promotional, 3) multi-departmental promotional, 4) service-wide promotional, 5) departmental open, 6) open. When there are two lists of the same kind, the older must be used first. Eligible lists will expire in one to four years unless otherwise stated on the bulletin.

High School Equivalence: Equivalence to completion of the 12th grade may be demonstrated in any one of the following ways: 1) passing the General Education Development (GED) Test; 2) completion of 12 semester units of college-level work; 3) certification from the State Department of Education, a local school board, or high school authorities that the competitor is considered to have education equivalent to graduation from high school; or 4) for clerical and accounting classes, substitution of business college work in place of high school on a year-for-year basis.

Accepted applicants must provide proof of identification at each in-person test session. Acceptable identification consists of a photo identification card or two forms of signed identification.

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  5. Request Letter for Permission to Take Special Exam

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  1. Request Letter to Principal for Retaking Exam (Sample Application)

    Date - Include the date you draft your letter. Essentially, this should be at least a week or two before the exams are scheduled to start. Subject - Add a brief phrase that captures the nature of your letter. For example, 'permission request to retake exam.'. This will help the principal know why you are writing.

  2. Request Letter To Authority Requesting For A Chance To Retake Exam

    Dear [Name of Authority], I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request a chance to retake the [subject/exam name] that I recently attempted and unfortunately failed to pass. I understand the significance of maintaining academic standards, and I am committed to improving my performance.

  3. Application for Re-Examination Submission (with Samples & PDFs)

    Subject: Application for Re-Examination Submission. Respected Sir/Madam, I, [Your Full Name], a student of class [Your Class] of your esteemed institution, am writing this letter to kindly request a re-examination for the subject [Name of the Subject]. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I was unable to perform to the best of my abilities in the ...

  4. Request Letter to Authority Requesting for a Chance to Retake Exam

    Sample letter requesting for a chance to retake exams. These letters can be used by School/University/PhD students who have failed an exam due to some reason, and wish to retake it. Use these sample letters as a guide. Request Letter to Teacher Requesting for a Chance to Retake an Exam After Failing due to Illness…

  5. (5+ Samples) Application for Retaking Exam Due to Illness

    Mention the exam you missed due to illness. Explanation of Illness: Elaborate on the illness that prevented you from taking the exam. Include the date of diagnosis and a brief description of its severity. Medical Documentation: Attach relevant medical certificates and reports to substantiate your claim.

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    The date. Your Name and contact information. The professor's Name and contact information. A polite greeting. A statement of why you're writing the letter. A request for permission to retake the exam. An explanation of why you need to retake the exam. A brief statement about why you think you will do better next time.

  7. Sample Application format for Retaking Exam

    Letter. Sample Application format for Retaking Exam. [Here briefly describe on sample application format by a student to Retaking Exams in college or university with a particular cause. If you missed the term exams or class exams due to any reason you can request your teacher or principal to reappear in exams. You can modify this format as your ...

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    and ethics exam; or, • You fail to retake an exam within one (1) year from the date you were notified of failing the exam. To reopen a closed file you must submit a new application, fee and all required documentation, as . well as meet all current requirements in effect at the time the new application is submitted. There

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  13. (5+ Samples) Application for Not Attending Exam Due to Fever

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    Mail this Application to: Florida Board of Nursing PO Box 6330 Tallahassee, FL 32314 Phone: (850) 245-4125 Fax: (850) 617-6460. Nursing Licensure by Re-examination Application. Website: www.floridasnursing.gov. Email: [email protected].

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    Subject: Application for Retake of Microeconomics Exam. Dear Dr. [Professor's Name], I am [Your Name], a student of batch [Your Batch] at [University Name] doing [Your Program]. I'm requesting that my Microeconomics exam be retaken. As you may be informed, I could not take the exam on the planned day due to a medical issue.

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  19. Request Letter for Seeking Permission for Examination

    Start by addressing the recipient respectfully, mentioning your name, department, college name, and roll number. Clearly state the reason for seeking permission, such as attendance shortage, and provide a brief explanation. Politely request the recipient to consider your request and allow you to give the examination.

  20. Write An Application To The Principal For Re-Exam Due To Fever In

    Jharkhand. Subject:- An application for re-exam due to fever. Respected Sir, With all due respect, I want to seek permission to re-appear in the sessional exam that was held on 25th of October, 2022. I am a student of class 9th in your school. I had also appeared in the exam held on 25th of October but due to fever and cold, I could not prepare ...

  21. REHS/RS Credential

    Your exam results will be mailed to you from the NEHA office 4-6 weeks after the administration. If you pass the exam, NEHA will send you a credentialing packet with a score letter, certificate, wallet card and Continuing Education information. If you fail the exam, NEHA will send you a score letter and a Retake Application.

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    An expired license cannot be renewed, re-issued or reinstated. The licensee is required to submit a new application and retake the licensure examination to receive a new license. Applicants under this method must submit evidence of prior licensure with this Board (i.e., copy of expired license or license number, original issue date and ...

  23. Write An Application To The Principal For Re-Exam Due To Death In

    The Principal. St. Mathews Convent School. Kollam, Kerala. Subject:- An application for re-exam due to death. Respected Sir, With all due respect, I want to seek permission to appear in the sessional exam that was held on 14th of January, 2022. I am a student of class 6th in your school. I had full preparation for the exam but a day before the ...

  24. CalCareers

    Applicants must then retake the examination to reestablish eligibility. ... Writing memos, letters, or correspondence to communicate with internal or external audiences. Reviewing written documents to ensure proper content, consistency, completeness, and accuracy. ... Examination and/or Employment Application (STD 678) forms are available at ...