Funky Pedagogy

A Level Literature Ideas – #1: Writing Introductions

Introductions and conclusions always seem like quite abstract things, threatening to book end an essay with vague statements and ‘summing up’. However, done right, an introduction serves as the perfect vanguard of a well crafted argument.

There are tons of different ways to teach introduction writing, but the most successful in my experience is ‘Discuss, Define, Refine’ (DDR). Here is a brief outline:

Discuss: Introduce the key terms of the question, showing that you are fully aware of the given theme/issue/area. Often constitutes a simple re-wording of the question. e.g. “Madness is a topic which clearly fascinates writers across all of literature.”

Define: Define the key terms in the question, showing that you appreciate a range of ways to interpret the topic. e.g. “‘Madness’ could refer to a range of human emotion and conditions, such as the brief madness caused by grief, the intoxicating madness of love, or the tragic madness of severe mental illness.”

Refine: State clearly how YOU are interpreting the question/terms for this particular essay, bringing the question to your specific text(s). Ensure that the final sentence of the introduction firmly establishes your key argument. e.g. “Perhaps the most significant presentation of madness in literature is that of King Lear as he succumbs to old age, confusion, anger and dementia, destroying his family and, for a time, losing his humanity. In Lear, Shakespeare presents a king who loses his mind, his country and his children; this is not a play about greed or evil, but about a frail and vulnerable man in the throes of mental instability.”

This structure effectively ensures that students begin with a very wide concept, and then narrow this concept down to their own specific argument. I use an upside-down triangle to show my students how this works:

Intro Slide

The other very pleasing thing about the triangle shape is that we could see it as an arrow, literally pointing towards the rest of the essay…

line of argument slide

The resource below is a writing frame using the triangle/chevron shape, which students can use to plan their introduction. The shape is really helpful in emphasising the fact that students have to start in general terms, and gradually become more specific, ending in a final, very clear, narrow focus for their argument.


The finished introduction is here:

“How do writers present male dominance in Victorian literature? Consider one prose and one drama text.

Male dominance pervades Victorian literature in everything from plot to setting to characterization. The writing community itself was almost all male, with only a handful of notable female writers to create any sense of balance. Male dominance could refer to depictions of powerful men and domestic hierarchies which were typical of the period. It could also refer to the way in which masculinity and misogyny are ingrained in the very fabric of novels, plays and poetry.  The most potent example of male dominance in these texts is the very real and oppressive way in which characters such as Torvald Helmer and Lord Henry control and manipulate those around them. These writers present their male oppressors as villains who exemplify all that is wrong in a male dominated society.”

I’d be really interested to hear other A Level intro structures you have used or developed @FunkyPedagogy

My next post on the A Level Literature Ideas series will be on essay planning…

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AQA A Level English Literature Specification A (legacy)

La5c: literary connections coursework, final coursework re-takes: january 2010.

These are texts that have produced interesting work for this unit. It is not an exclusive list nor are these 'approved' texts - candidates are free to select from the wide range of suitable works, as explained on the LA5C page . It is important, in addition, that the task is carefully focused - which is why both texts and tasks need to be approved in advance by your moderator.

Some texts have links to Amazon to provide you with more details, but as there are over 100 pairings here, completing this task will take some time! You can use the search box on the left to locate editions. Meanwhile, please send in any further suggestions of your own.

  • Paradise Lost and Lord of the Flies (evil)
  • Paradise Lost and Frankenstein
  • Villette and Frankenstein (mother figures)
  • Paradise Lost and Philip Pullman (anti-heroes)
  • Cold Comfort Farm and Precious Bane
  • Passage to India and Heat and Dust
  • Tolkien and Pullman (fantasy novels' exploration of good and evil)
  • The Wasp Factory and Lord of the Flies
  • Catch 22 and Captain Corelli's Mandolin (heroes)
  • Lolita and A Child Called It (the presentation of abuse)
  • Mrs Dalloway and The God of Small Things
  • The Return of the Soldier and Not So Quiet (Helen Zenna Smith)
  • How to Be Good (Nick Hornby) and The Good Doctor (Damon Galgut) (the concept of goodness)
  • Oliver Twist and The Jew of Malta
  • Beloved and The Color Purple
  • Nice Work and Hard Times
  • The Waves and Ulysses (the presentation of the self)
  • The Collector and The Lovely Bones (abductors and villains)
  • The Collector and Frankenstein
  • Jane Eyre and The Wide Sargasso Sea
  • Roddy Doyle and poems by Seamus Heaney (childhood)
  • The Cider House Rules and Up the Junction
  • Nights at the Circus and Big Fish (Wallace) (magic realism)
  • Nights at the Circus and A Streetcar Named Desire
  • A Streetcar Named Desire and Wuthering Heights (relationships between men and women)
  • Jane Eyre and Tulip Fever (Moggach)
  • Oranges are Not the Only Fruit and A Room with a View
  • The Crucible and The Scarlet Letter
  • Tess of the D'Urbervilles and Esther Waters (George Moore) (the treatment of women)
  • Top of page
  • Legacy course
  • Examination units
  • AQA LA5C texts
  • First World War
  • Revision guide
  • Romanticism
  • New course (2008)
  • Word of the day
  • AQA A Level A
  • Books for A Level
  • Literature links
  • Literary Drinkers
  • Alan Bennett
  • William Blake
  • Carol Ann Duffy
  • Michael Frayn
  • Philip Larkin
  • Arthur Miller
  • Edwin Morgan
  • Shakespeare
  • R B Sheridan
  • Oscar Wilde
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Copyright 2008 © Literary Connections

English Literature Coursework Planning

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Thank you to Kat Howard, @saysmiss, whose work on curriculum planning inspired this lesson entirely. We have simply adapted her model for a different purpose!


Thank you to Kat Howard, @saysmiss, whose work on curriculum planning inspired this lesson entirely. We have simply adapted her model for a different purpose! A PowerPoint to direct students through the initial planning stages of their English Literature coursework (Edexcel). Includes accompanying student note-taking sheet.

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a level literature coursework ideas

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July 10, 2020.

Think Student

A-Level English Literature Guide

In A-Level by Think Student Editor October 21, 2022 Leave a Comment

A-Level English Literature can be a niche or popular subject – sometimes classes have less than 10 people, sometimes classes are full. Whether you’ve picked it for A-Level or are sitting on the fence, it can be one of the hardest subjects to get right. Think you need some help? This guide is here to help answer all your questions.

In this guide I’ll be discussing whether you should take A-Level English Literature, what the course involves and what the benefits are to taking it. Keep reading to find out more!

Table of Contents

Should you take A-Level English Literature?

Personally, I feel that A-Level English Literature is one of the most creative A-Level subjects. If you enjoyed English Literature GCSE, the chances are you’ll also enjoy English Literature A-Level.

I’d only recommended taking English Literature A-Level if you are strongly passionate about it. The workload can be intense, so if you don’t enjoy the subject, you probably won’t enjoy the A-Level course.

Most schools will hold events for future sixth form students to learn more about each subject. From these you find out more about the course the school offers, or you can ask your teachers.

Alternatively, exam board websites usually post their specifications. For example, you can find the OCR specification here .

If you know what you want to pursue beyond A-Levels, you should also consider whether English Literature A-Level is necessary for future careers. This Think Student article has information on the most respected A-Level subjects.

Alternatively, read this Think Student article if you want to read more about A-Level combinations favoured by universities.

However, if you really want to take English Literature, you should choose what you’re interested in — it will make A-Levels in general more enjoyable.

Ultimately, whether you take English Literature A-Level or not is up to you. If you have a passion for the subject or think it could help you in the future, you should definitely consider choosing it.

How hard is A-Level English Literature?

Any A-Level English Literature student will tell you that it’s not an easy A-Level . In fact, this Think Student article has a list of the top 10 hardest A-Levels to take.

However, you shouldn’t let difficulty put you off. If you achieved the GCSE grades required to take the A-Level, you’re good enough to take the subject.

I would say that A-Level English Literature is moderately difficult. What many students, including myself, like about English is that there is technically no “wrong” answer. However, this also means your knowledge has to be on-point .

Still, don’t let difficulty get you down. Your school wouldn’t let you take A-Level English Literature if they thought you couldn’t handle it. Difficulty is also subjective; what other students find hard, you may find easy.

However , if you are a few weeks into the course and you decide it isn’t for you, there will still be time to switch subjects . If you have any concerns, this Think Student article offers advice on how to know if a course is right for you.

Now that we’ve established whether A-Level English Literature is right for you, let’s look at what the A-Level actually involves.

What do you do in A-Level English Literature?

The A-Level English Literature course is different depending on which exam board your sixth form uses. Even so, most of the courses have similar structures or modules.

As I mentioned earlier, if you enjoyed your GCSE English course, you’ll probably like the A-Level course too. Keep reading to find out more about the general structure of A-Level English Literature.

Exam boards provide a list of “set texts”. This means that your school has to choose a text to study from that specific list.

Exactly which texts are chosen is entirely up to your school. Meaning that you might study a different text to someone doing the same course.

What kind of work does A-Level English Literature involve?

The literature you study will cover poetry, prose and drama, and each exam board requires an NEA (non-exam assessment) project as part of the A-Level . Across the course, you’ll be analysing texts in response to questions on specific themes, ideas, characters or events.

The kinds of questions you get can vary . Sometimes, they’ll be a statement which you’ll be asked to agree or disagree with.

As well as this, you’ll be asked open-ended questions like discussing the presentation of a particular feature. This is one of the best things about A-Level English Literature: your opinion matters!

You’ll also have a lot of new and more complex terminology to learn, to help you analyse texts. This can definitely seem daunting when you first start. Although, if English is your favourite subject, then like me, you’ll learn to love it pretty quickly!

Does A-Level English Literature involve a lot of work?

I don’t think I need to tell you that A-Level English Literature is a very essay-based subject. However, this also means that you will have lots of writing to do and you will probably get set essays regularly . Your teachers may even set you an essay every week or two.

Due to this, for English literature, the jump from GCSE to A-Level is pretty noticeable. Especially as you will generally have quite a lot of work to do. If you’re worried that you aren’t prepared enough for it, this Think Student article has tips you’ll find useful.

Like I said earlier, exactly what you do, including how much work, depends on which exam board your school has chosen. Read further to find out more about the different exam boards, and what they offer as part of A-Level English Literature.

What are the exam boards for A-Level English Literature?

All 4 English exam boards – AQA, OCR, Edexcel and Eduqas – offer A-Level English Literature as a subject. Earlier in the guide , I mentioned that each exam board offers different texts and modules.

While your specific texts will depend on your sixth form, the modules are the same for everyone under the exam board. Continue reading for more information.

What is AQA A-Level English Literature like?

AQA, unlike the other exam boards, actually offers 2 different specifications: A and B .

In specification A, there are 3 compulsory modules. These are “Love through the ages”, “Texts in shared contexts”, and “Independent critical study: Texts across time”.

In specification B, there are also 3 compulsory modules. These are “Literary genres”, “Texts and genres”, and “Theory and independence”.

The texts that are part of specification A include one Shakespeare play, one pre-1900 poetry anthology and one pre-1900 prose text in one module. As well as 3 texts (one prose, one poetry and one drama) with at least one text written post-2000 in another module.

The texts that are part of specification B include one Shakespeare play and two pre-1900 texts in one module. As well as one post-2000 prose, one poetry, and one pre-1900 text in another module. As you can see, both specifications feature similar content but divide them differently .

However, this guide can only offer you a brief overview of the A-Level course. You can find the specifications for AQA A-Level English Literature here (specification A) and here (specification B).

What is OCR A-Level English Literature like?

The OCR A-Level English Literature specification is divided into 3 sections. These are “Drama and poetry pre-1900”, “Comparative and contextual study”, and “Literature post-1900”.

The latter section is a coursework module. Some exam boards require coursework as part of A-Level English Literature, but some don’t.

In the first section, you’ll study one Shakespeare play, one pre-1900 drama and one pre-1900 poetry text. In the second section, you’ll choose one theme (from a list provided by the exam board) and two texts, with at least one text from the list provided by OCR.

The third section is a coursework module, which means you don’t sit an exam for it. Instead , you produce an essay over the course which determines a percentage of your final grade . You can find the full OCR A-Level English Literature specification here .

What is Edexcel A-Level English Literature like?

Pearson Edexcel offers 4 components as part of A-Level English Literature. These are “Drama”, “Prose”, “Poetry”, and a coursework module.

As with the components and modules of other exam boards, each module has its own exam (except for coursework). For Edexcel, the “Drama” and “Poetry” exams are 2 hours 15 minutes, and the “Prose” exam is 1 hour 15 minutes .

In “Drama”, students study one Shakespeare play and critical essays related to the play, and one other drama. In “Prose”, students study two prose texts with one text written pre-1900.

In “Poetry”, students study an anthology and a range of poetry from either a specific poet or specific period. The Pearson Edexcel specification is linked here .

What is Eduqas A-Level English Literature like?

The Eduqas English Literature A-Level specification also has 4 components. These are “Poetry”, “Drama”, “Unseen Texts”, and “Prose Study”.

The “Prose Study” component is a coursework module. All 3 Eduqas A-Level English Literature exams are 2 hours long.

In total, you’ll study two selections of poetry (pre-1900 and post-1900), a Shakespeare play, two non-Shakespeare plays (pre-1900 and post-1900), and two prose texts.

Unlike the other exam boards, Eduqas dedicates a whole module to unseen texts , so you can’t directly revise for that. If you want to read the complete specification, you can do so here .

How to do well in A-Level English Literature

Every student knows there’s no set way to do well. There are way too many changing factors to offer you a fool-proof guide to success!

However , there are definitely techniques and processes to help you secure those top grades . Continue reading for my personal advice on how to succeed in A-Level English Literature.

The best advice I received while studying A-Level English Literature is to include your work in your everyday life. This could be as simple as telling your friend about a character you liked. Alternatively, you could use a key quote in a conversation.

These things both count as revision, because it helps you remember important information. For more revision techniques, see this Think Student article.

in A-Level English Literature is to take advantage of peer review . You’ll definitely make mistakes in your work, no one is perfect!

Asking a partner, friend, or family member to read your essay is a great way to pick up on things you miss. This Think Student article has some useful advice for English literature essay writing!

How to write an English literature essay for A-Level?

Sometimes, the exam system can make it feel like you don’t have much self-expression. I know I’ve certainly felt that way.

One of the great things about essays, and English literature, is that you get to voice your own opinion in your own way . I’ll take you through some general tips on what makes a good essay.

The most important thing is to perfect your spelling and grammar as much as possible. One thing I was always told in school was that if your essay is coherent, you’re halfway to a good essay. Obviously, this is harder if English isn’t your first language, but practice makes perfect!

On top of spelling and grammar, you should make your argument as clear as possible. Teachers will often refer to this as “signposting”.

It lets examiners know exactly what you’re going to talk about. It’s also useful if you run out of time, as examiners can see what you were planning to talk about; it shows you had good ideas, you were just limited by time. For tips on how to structure an English essay, check out this Think Student article.

A third, more obvious tip is to keep your assessment objects in mind as much as possible . In your essays, it’s good to mentally check off what criteria you’ve followed. This way you can keep track of the marks you’ve achieved, and the ones you still need.

What can you do with an English literature A-Level?

Being a student who took A-Level English Literature myself, one of my biggest concerns was the pathways available to me afterwards .

English is often talked about as a subject with limited options – but don’t worry! A-Level English Literature is useful for degrees in fields like English, History, Law, Politics, Philosophy and more.

It might surprise you, but English is a subject that a lot of universities and employers like . You don’t have to want to be a writer to find English A-Level useful.

The writing skills you gain are desirable to universities and employers in a range of fields . However, if you’re still uncertain, I’d recommend researching what A-Levels you need to pursue your future degree/job.

For example, if you want to be a vet , midwife , counsellor , nurse , social worker , police officer , pilot or account , you can click on their respective links to see what A-Levels you will need.

Don’t let how useful A-Level English Literature is stop you from taking it if you really want to! The most important thing about A-Levels is that you choose the subjects you like.

From personal experience, I can tell you that if you don’t care about the subject, you won’t enjoy the A-Level. If you think A-Level English Literature is right for you, choose it!


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NEA Coursework Poetry Recommendations - A Level English Lit B

NEA Coursework Poetry Recommendations - A Level English Lit B

Subject: English

Age range: 16+

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity

Mst1248's Shop

Last updated

17 July 2023

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a level literature coursework ideas

I have researched a range of poets and collections of poetry for the NEA Coureswork for AQA A Level English Literature B - focusing on the critical perspectives of Feminism, Postcolonialism, Ecocriticism and Marxism. From this, I have collated a list of poets, collections, a brief overview and key themes. I have included about 30 poets in total, which should be plenty to get any A Level Literature class started on their coursework with some guided choices. This is a pdf file and 6 pages in total.

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AS and A-level English Literature A

  • Specification
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  • Introduction
  • Specification at a glance
  • 3.1 Love through the ages
  • 4.1 Love through the ages
  • 4.2 Texts in shared contexts
  • 4.3 Independent critical study: texts across time

Scheme of assessment

  • Non-exam assessment administration (A-level only)
  • General administration

 Scheme of assessment

Find past papers and mark schemes, and specimen papers for new courses, on our website at

The AS specification is designed to be taken over one or two years with all assessments taken at the end of the course. The A-level specification is designed to be taken over two years with all assessments taken at the end of the course.

Assessments and certification for the AS specification are available for the first time in May/June 2016 and then every May/June for the life of the specification.

Assessments and certification for the A-level specification are available for the first time in May/June 2017 and then every May/June for the life of the specification.

These are linear qualifications. In order to achieve the award, students must complete all exams in May/June in a single year. All assessments must be taken in the same series.

Our AS and A-level exams in English include questions that allow students to demonstrate their ability to:

  • draw together their knowledge, skills and understanding from across the full course of study
  • provide extended responses.

All AS and A-level components offer only extended response questions.

All materials are available in English only.

Courses based on these specifications must encourage students to develop their interest in and enjoyment of literature and literary studies as they:

  • read widely and independently both set texts and others that they have selected for themselves
  • engage critically and creatively with a substantial body of texts and ways of responding to them
  • develop and effectively apply their knowledge of literary analysis and evaluation
  • explore the contexts of the texts they are reading and others’ interpretations of them.

In addition, A-level specifications must encourage students to develop their interest in and enjoyment of literature and literary studies as they undertake independent and sustained studies to deepen their appreciation and understanding of English literature, including its changing traditions.

Assessment objectives

Assessment objectives (AOs) are set by Ofqual and are the same across all AS and A-level English Literature specifications and all exam boards.

The exams and non-exam assessment will measure to what extent students have achieved the following AOs:

  • AO1: Articulate informed, personal and creative responses to literary texts, using associated concepts and terminology, and coherent, accurate written expression.
  • AO2: Analyse ways in which meanings are shaped in literary texts.
  • AO3: Demonstrate understanding of the significance and influence of the contexts in which literary texts are written and received.
  • AO4: Explore connections across literary texts.
  • AO5: Explore literary texts informed by different interpretations.

Weighting of assessment objectives for AS English Literature A

The specification reflects the belief that the assessment objectives (AOs) work best together, producing a rounded and holistic view of English literature. Students will need to show coverage of all AOs in all tasks. To be specific:

AO1 essentially requires informed and relevant responses which are accurately written and use appropriate concepts and terminology.

AO2 requires students to analyse ways in which meanings are shaped in literary texts, with particular focus on the structures of texts as a form of shaping.

AO3 relates to the many possible contexts which arise out of the text, the specific task and the period being studied.

This specification treats AOs 1, 2 and 3 as broadly equal, given their relative weightings: AO1 has a weighting of 28% whilst AOs 2 and 3 both have a weighting of 24%.

AO4 involves connections across texts and sees possible meanings and interpretations arising not only out of the contexts of the text itself (AO3 above) but also out of the wider and broader contexts which comes from the study of period. Thus even when an individual text is being investigated it should still be seen as being framed by a wider network of texts and contexts to which it connects.

AO5 completes the picture by acknowledging that if work in AOs 2, 3 and 4 had been included in the response to the question then debate and interpretations will arise out of this work showing that the interpretation of texts is not a fixed process but a dynamic one.

AOs 4 and 5 each have a weighting of 12% in all questions.

Weighting of assessment objectives for A-level English Literature A

This specification reflects the belief that the assessment objectives (AOs) work best together, producing a rounded and holistic view of English literature. Students will need to show coverage of all AOs in all tasks. To be specific:

AO5 completes the picture by acknowledging that if work in AOs 2, 3 and 4 had been included in the response to the question then debate and interpretations will arise out of this work showing that the interpretation of texts is not a fixed process but a dynamic one. In non-exam assessment only, discussion of different interpretations must include, on at least one text, consideration of different interpretations of the text(s) over time.

Assessment weightings

The marks awarded on the papers will be scaled to meet the weighting of the components. Students' final marks will be calculated by adding together the scaled marks for each component. Grade boundaries will be set using this total scaled mark. The scaling and total scaled marks are shown in the table below.

Non-exam assessment marking criteria

Weightings for each question are as follows:

AO1: 7 marks; AO2: 6 marks; AO3: 6 marks; AO4: 3 marks; AO5: 3 marks

South Asia Center Course List | Summer 2024

May 16, 2024

This  list contains courses both explicitly on a South Asian topic and  courses with an international or thematic focus taught by South Asia Center affiliated faculty. Always double-check the UW Time Schedule  for the most current  course  information.


Anthropology, art, art history, and design, comparative history of ideas, comparative literature, cinema and media, middle eastern languages and cultures, area courses, jsis 483    music cultures of the silk road        (ssc).

11836         A        TuTh        110-320         SAV 131         Mawkanuli,T

Offered with ANTH 269 A


11846         A        *        *-0                 Porter,D

JSIS A 268    SILK ROAD & GLBLZTN        (DIV,SSc)

11847         A        TuTh        220-430         DEN 212         Mawkanuli,T

Offered with MELC 268 A


13333         A        *        *-0                 Novetzke,C

Offered with CHID 120 A

ANTH 269    Music Cultures of the Silk Road         (SSc)

10108         A        TuTh        110-320         SAV 131         Mawkanuli,T

Offered with MELC 269 A


14169         A        TuTh        1000-1150         ART 003         Singh,K

CHID 120    YOGA PAST & PRESENT        (DIV,A&H,SSc)

10721         A        *        *-0         * *         Novetzke,C

Offered with RELIG 120 A

C LIT 250    Roads to Mecca: Pilgrimage Writings from the Islamic World        (A&H,SSc)

10576         A        MWTh        110-250         MLR 316         Fani,A

Offered with MELC 286 A

MELC 268    SILK ROAD & GLBLZTN        (DIV,SSc)

12352         A        TuTh        220-430         DEN 212         Mawkanuli,T

Offered with JSIS A 268 A


12353         A        TuTh        110-320         SAV 131         Mawkanuli,T

Offered with MUSIC 269 A

MELC 286    Roads to Mecca: Pilgrimage Writings from the Islamic World        (A&H,SSc)

12354         A        MWTh        110-250         MLR 316         Fani,A

Offered with MELC 596 A

MELC 596    Roads to Mecca: Pilgrimage Writings from the Islamic World        

12360         A        MWTh        110-250         MLR 316         Fani,A

Offered with C LIT 250 A


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  1. Good books to use for the A Level English Lit essay (UK)

    Most A Level syllabi in the UK, e.g. AQA, require you to write a comparative essay and a critical essay. For the critical essay, symbolism/ metaphor, feminist and Marxist criticism are usually prescribed. Instead of searching in the dark, we can now have a list of books that readers advise would be good, maybe offering some less written about ...

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    8 Cambridge International AS & A Level English Literature 9695 If you study A Level Literature in English, you will study four more texts. These will be different from your AS Level texts. You will study: • one poetry text • one prose text • one Shakespeare play • one other play. For the full A Level you will study seven texts in all.

  3. A Level Literature Ideas

    Introductions and conclusions always seem like quite abstract things, threatening to book end an essay with vague statements and 'summing up'. However, done right, an introduction serves as the perfect vanguard of a well crafted argument. There are tons of different ways to teach introduction writing, but the most successful in my experience is 'Discuss, … A Level Literature Ideas ...

  4. AQA

    Texts listed in the A-level core set text and comparative set text lists in Sections 4.1 and 4.2 cannot be studied for non-exam assessment. Texts chosen for study may include texts in translation that have been influential and significant in the development of literature in English.

  5. Literary Connections: text ideas for AQA LA5C A Level English Literature

    Empire of the Sun and Birdsong. Birdsong and Atonement. Wuthering Heights and Birdsong. Birdsong and Schindler's Ark. Birdsong and The Remains of the Day. Birdsong and A Farewell to Arms. Birdsong and Chickenhawk (Robert Mason) Master Georgie (Beryl Bainbridge) and Birdsong. Birdsong and Scars Upon My Heart.

  6. AS and A-level

    Thus all five AOs are assessed in each question. See Assessment objectives section. When used in AS and A-level English Literature questions, the term 'significance' has a very specific use and gives access to AOs 2, 3, 4 and 5. Its use here derives from semiotics and involves understanding the idea of 'signification'.

  7. English Literature Coursework Planning

    A level. English Literature Coursework Planning #90600. Download Like(5) ... A PowerPoint to direct students through the initial planning stages of their English Literature coursework (Edexcel). Includes accompanying student note-taking sheet. TAGS. A level. Author Info. Emjsarge View Profile. Download Info. Views Info 1087 views. Likes 5. File ...

  8. A-Level English Literature Guide

    The OCR A-Level English Literature specification is divided into 3 sections. These are "Drama and poetry pre-1900", "Comparative and contextual study", and "Literature post-1900". The latter section is a coursework module. Some exam boards require coursework as part of A-Level English Literature, but some don't.

  9. Choosing coursework texts and titles for A level English Literature

    Checking your titles with the CAS. Before checking your titles with the CAS or the subject advisor, use this title checker. If you'd like guidance on using a particular text, do let us know the second text and proposed title. If you think a text 'borderline', it's always worth you or your student researching what contextual and critical ...

  10. PDF Recommended reading list for English Literature A Level

    Recommended reading list for English Literature A Level The list that follows is by no means exhaustive, but it should give you somewhere to start when faced with a whole library full of possibilities! The texts in bold are currently on the set text list. You might be studying these texts as AS or A2; it will depend on your teacher. Happy reading!

  11. Teaching guide: AO2

    Poetic structure. Students will consider how meaning around subject matter and attitudes and ideas is shaped through such aspects as: stanza length (eg couplet, tercet, quatrain, sestet, octave etc.), shape, regularity. line length, shape, regularity. end-stopped lines, caesura, enjambment.

  12. PDF AS and A-level English Literature A Teaching ideas

    Students will: explore the effects of different ways of structuring narratives. consider the importance of the beginning and ending of a novel. begin to develop their analysis of their set text by applying knowledge of narrative structures. Students explore a range of novel openings to consider how writers establish settings, characters, themes ...

  13. PDF AQA A Level English Language and Literature Handbook

    Level Students. Important Course Specifics: The course will run over two years and will include mock examinations towards the end of year 12, term four of Yr 13 and then terminal examinations in June 2020. In addition, you will need to have done sufficient reading before you start planning your NEA coursework at the end of Yr12.

  14. PDF A Level English Language and Literature H474 NEA Guide

    Students produce a 1,000 to 1,200-word piece of original writing in a non-fiction form, thus extending the range of original writing produced in the A Level beyond the narrative piece produced for Component 3. The work should be preceded by a 150-word introduction, outlining some of the key choices of language, form, and structure.

  15. NEA Coursework Poetry Recommendations

    Age range: 16+. Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. File previews. pdf, 312.35 KB. I have researched a range of poets and collections of poetry for the NEA Coureswork for AQA A Level English Literature B - focusing on the critical perspectives of Feminism, Postcolonialism, Ecocriticism and Marxism. From this, I have collated a list of poets ...

  16. AQA

    Our AS and A-level exams in English include questions that allow students to demonstrate their ability to: draw together their knowledge, skills and understanding from across the full course of study. provide extended responses. All AS and A-level components offer only extended response questions.

  17. PDF International A-level English Literature

    thorough work where ideas are linked together in a focused and purposeful way in relation to the task. At the top of the band students will demonstrate a fully coherent and thorough argument across all three assessment objectives in the course of their response. At the bottom of the band ideas will be discussed in a shaped, relevant and

  18. South Asia Center Course List

    Always double-check the UW Time Schedule for the most current course information. Area Courses. JACKSON SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES ... COMPARATIVE HISTORY OF IDEAS. CHID 120 YOGA PAST & PRESENT (DIV,A&H,SSc) ... COMPARATIVE LITERATURE, CINEMA AND MEDIA. C LIT 250 Roads to Mecca: Pilgrimage Writings from the Islamic World (A&H,SSc) 10576 A ...