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  • Resume Help

300+ Action Verbs for a Resume to Make It Stand Out

Marta Bongilaj, CPRW

Our customers have been hired by:

I’ve made a comprehensive resume, but it still sounds plain like 100 other resumes. Seems familiar?

Might be that it repeats some worn-out phrases that no longer serve your resume’s main purpose—standing out from other competitive resumes. Replace boring phrases and cliché words in your application with strong action verbs for a resume, and see how it changes.

In this guide:

  • What are action verbs for a resume, and how to use them smartly.
  • 300+ action verbs for a resume grouped by keyword synonym.
  • Separate lists of resume adjectives to make your work stand out.

Want to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes? Try our resume builder. It’s fast and easy to use. Plus, you’ll get ready-made content to add with one click. See 20+ resume templates and create your resume here .

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sample resume example

Sample resume made with our builder— See more resume examples here .

Looking for other ways to improve your resume? Check these guides:

  • Best Resume Keywords to Pass ATS Scans
  • What Are Resume Buzzwords?
  • Improve Your Resume Quickly: Instructions & Tips
  • Best Resume Tips to Use in 2024
  • What Are the Best Fonts for a Resume?
  • Put These Skills on Your Resume: Skills Examples

Action Words: Resume Example

Matthew Lawson

Web Designer


[email protected]

Creative Web Designer with over 10 years of experience in website design. Enthusiastic about supporting DesignDazzle Studios in creating compelling websites with the best user experience by using strong expertise in user experience design. Increased conversion rate by 25% for a high-traffic website at WebWeave Creations by improving navigation.

WebWeave Creations, West Valley City, UT

June 2016–Present

Key Qualifications & Responsibilities

  • Coordinating with the marketing team on the creation of blog posts, leading to a 30% increase in organic search traffic.
  • Designing and developing a mothly average of 5 responsive website layouts using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Collaborating with clients to understand their vision and implement it.
  • Utilizing user testing and feedback to make improvements to website functionality and design.

Key Achievement:

  • Redesigned the company's main client's website, leading to a 25% increase in conversion rates within two months.

PixelPerfect Design Co., West Valley City, UT

January 2013–May 2016

  • Managed multiple design projects for diverse industry clients.
  • Collaborated with developers to create clean and efficient code.
  • Assisted in the creation of a mobile-first responsive website design.
  • Recognized for exceptional aesthetics in overall design.

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Web Design

University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT

August 2010–May 2014

Relevant extracurricular activities

  • Web Design Club member
  • Graphic design workshop participant.

Academic achievements:

  • Graduated with a 3.8 GPA.
  • Awarded "Best Senior Project" in Graphic Design.
  • Graphic design
  • Project management
  • Client communication
  • Team collaboration


  • Certified Professional Web Designer,, 2016
  • 2017, "Best Website Design," WebWeave Creations


Member of the AIGA since 2014

  • Presented a lecture on "The Importance of Website Aesthetics" at the AIGA 2017 National Conference, San Francisco.
  • English—Native proficiency
  • Running a local web design meet-up group.
  • Writing a blog on the latest web design trends.

What Are Action Verbs?

Action verbs (or power words) are words you can use on your resume to describe your work activities and professional duties . These words have positive connotations and can highlight your initiative and strengths. You should use them to replace passive-sounding words such as “responsible for.”

People tend to minimize their own achievements . Instead of being proud of their successes, they say: “Oh, anyone could do that.” But in a resume, minimizing your accomplishments is a bad thing, and you should avoid it. 

Using weak words may make recruiters doubt your candidature. And that’s why you should replace all the phrases that downplay your role with resume power words. No more “assisted,” “was in charge of,” or “worked with.” Instead, say: “initiated,” “coordinated,” or “collaborated,” and see the impact.

260+ Action Verbs for a Resume

You don’t have to frantically browse through thousands of words to find the right ones. We’ve done that for you. Just click one of those categories and jump to the action verbs list you need:

  • Team Player Action Verbs
  • Leadership Words for Resume
  • Responsible For Resume Words
  • Communication Power Words
  • Achiever Action Words

Worked On Action Verbs for a Resume

  • Improved Power Words
  • Researched Synonyms
  • Creativity and Problem-Solving Words
  • Managed Resume Verbs
  • Assist Resume Action Verbs
  • Utilize Resume Verbs

Pro Tip: Remember that you should use past tenses in a resume when describing your work activities from previous jobs. You can use the present form of resume action verbs to talk about the job you have at the moment.

Best Resume Action Verbs for Team Players

You don’t have to write “worked with 4 other team members on a project” over and over when presenting your work experience in your resume . Instead, use one of these resume action verbs to highlight your teamwork skills . How about “Partnered with team members” or “Contributed to a team project” instead?

Here’s a selection of resume words you can use to describe teamwork activities and collaboration skills :

  • Acknowledged
  • Assimilated
  • Collaborated
  • Contributed
  • Diversified
  • Participated
  • Volunteered

Best Leadership Action Words for a Resume

Did you just use the word “led” for the fifth time in your job application? Replace it with “chaired team meetings.” It’s a small change but makes all the difference.

Use the following resume power words to highlight your leadership skills :

  • Facilitated
  • Mobilized 
  • Orchestrated
  • Spearheaded

Resume action verbs are great for describing achievements on a resume. See more: Examples of Accomplishments for a Resume

Resume Action Verbs to Use Instead of Responsible For

If you plan to describe your work history by saying, “I was responsible for carrying out various duties,” don’t do this. Instead, be specific and use good resume words to showcase your accomplishments.

Here’s a bunch of resume action verbs you can apply to describe your duties:

  • Accomplished
  • Succeeded In

Best Communication Action Words for a Resume

Communication skills are all the rage today. But if you type “Communicated with XYZ departments” multiple times, the word becomes empty. Instead, try power words. Say: “Consulted subject-matter experts to clarify the key aspects of the project” or “Informed project stakeholders about updates and milestones.”

The following resume action words are great for describing communication at work:

  • Corresponded
  • Illustrated

Achiever Action Words for a Resume

If you’re one of those high achievers that headhunters seek , your resume might be filled to the brim with the word “achieved.” Try using other words to replace it—they’ll also carry more concrete meaning, thus making your work profile more attractive.

See these resume words that can replace the verb “achieve”:

  • Accelerated
  • Stimulated 

“At my previous company, I worked on multiple projects.” Boring. How about being more specific? Replacing words devoid of meaning with resume action verbs not only sounds better but also helps save space on the document. And that’s the key to making a one-page resume .

These resume power words can replace the verb “work on”: 

  • Constructed
  • Made Progress On
  • Put Together

When making a resume in our builder, drag & drop bullet points, skills, and auto-fill the boring stuff. Spell check? Check . Start building a professional resume template here for free .

Create the perfect resume

When you’re done, Zety’s resume builder will score your resume and our resume checker will tell you exactly how to make it better.

Resume Power Words for Improved

If improving things is your specialty, you might end up repeating this word endlessly. Try using other resume verbs as opposed. For example, if you’re writing a resume for a UX designer , you can change “improved the app interface” to “redesigned the app interface.”

These action verbs for a resume can be used to replace the word “improve”:

  • Reorganized
  • Restructured
  • Streamlined
  • Strengthened

Best Resume Power Words for Researched

A scientist’s resume might turn out swarmed with the word “researched.” But you can use other strong resume words to show your analytical skills , and we’ve featured them on the action verbs list below. 

Here’s a collection of resume action words to use instead of “to research”:

  • Investigated
  • Tracked 

Power Words for a Resume to Describe Creativity and Problem-Solving

Maybe you’re an artist, a designer, an engineer, or a natural innovator. You create something all the time. But repeating this word makes it meaningless. Instead, say: “Drafted a mock design for a smartphone app,” “Built a prototype of an engine,” or “Designed a collection of 10 garments”.

Try these action verbs examples to highlight your creative skills and problem-solving activities :

  • Established

Strong Action Verbs to Use Instead of Managed

Managers manage, and haters gonna hate. Don’t want a hiring manager reading your application to become one of those haters? Then replace the word “managed” with other good resume words that can help highlight management skills .

Change the word “manage” to one of these resume action verbs:

Resume Action Verbs to Replace Assist

Maybe you’re writing an assistant resume, and the word “assisted” just sounds natural. But after using it for the 5th time, it just sounds bad. Show what your job duties really involve by using a different resume word.

Here are 10+ resume power words to employ instead of “assist”:

Resume Power Words to Replace Utilize

At work, you might utilize various resources, methods, teams, approaches… But you could also substitute this word with a different one. For example, you can “apply a new method” instead of utilizing it.

Consider changing the word ‘utilize’ for the action verbs examples below:

  • Specialized In

You can use resume power words to upgrade your LinkedIn profile, too. That’s just one of the ways to improve it. Learn more: How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

Plus, a great cover letter that matches your resume will give you an advantage over other candidates. You can write it in our cover letter builder here.  Here's what it may look like:

matching set of resume and cover letter

See more cover letter templates and start writing.

Key Takeaways

Here’s a recap of resume words and how to use them: 

  • Resume action verbs are words that introduce accomplishments. They describe job duties but leave room for all-important metrics.
  • Communicated
  • Coordinated
  • Individualized
  • Transmitted
  • Don’t ever simply say you’re skilled, a go-getter, or hardworking. Back it up with resume power words and concrete figures.
  • Action verbs for resumes can make your resume more readable. They’ll also help you prove your worth and get many more interviews.

Do you have questions about resume action words? Not sure how to use resume power words to get the best effect? Give us a shout in the comments! Let's talk about phrases to level up your resume wording.

About Zety’s Editorial Process

This article has been reviewed by our editorial team to make sure it follows Zety's editorial guidelines . We’re committed to sharing our expertise and giving you trustworthy career advice tailored to your needs. High-quality content is what brings over 40 million readers to our site every year. But we don't stop there. Our team conducts original research to understand the job market better, and we pride ourselves on being quoted by top universities and prime media outlets from around the world.


Frequently Asked Questions about Action Verbs and Resume Words

What are power words in a resume.

Power words are words and phrases that catch the reader’s attention. Power words in a resume are used to make the candidate’s job application stand out from others.

The most powerful resume words are verbs. They can be used to describe actions, duties, and tasks from the candidate’s most relevant experience . For example, instead of writing “responsible for running internal projects”, the candidate can use a power word and write “coordinated internal projects” and make a better impression on the recruiter. This way, it’s easier for applicants to showcase the qualities that employers value .

What are good verbs for a resume?

The best resume verbs are action verbs. They describe activities that involved physical or mental actions and provided a significant result. Good verbs for resumes suggest that the action was successful, which automatically boosts the candidate’s qualifications . They are perfect for describing accomplishments and worth researching when you're learning to write a good resume .

Here’s a sample action verb list: 

  • Demonstrated
  • Implemented
  • Represented
  • Revitalized

What are good action words for a resume?

Action words in resumes are synonymous with action verbs. These words or phrases are best for describing achievements, work experience, as well as skills in a functional resume . Using resume action verbs helps to catch the recruiter’s attention and to stand out from other applicants.

Some examples of good action words for a resume include: administered, advocated, created, completed, demonstrated, designed, enabled, estimated, facilitated, fixed, implemented, investigated, merged, managed, operated, overhauled, tested, transformed, utilized, updated.

You can find different categories of resume action words in this article:

  • “Team Player” Action Words
  • “Leadership” Words for Resume
  • “Responsible For” Synonyms
  • “Communication” Power Words
  • “Achiever” Action Words
  • “Worked On” Action Words
  • “Improved” Power Words
  • “Researched” Synonyms
  • “Creativity and Problem Solving” Words
  • “Managed” Resume Verbs
  • “Assist” Resume Verbs
  • “Utilize” Resume Verbs

What are resume buzzwords?

Resume buzzwords are verbs, nouns, and adjectives that can help the candidate to stand out from other applicants. They include action verbs for describing work experience, nouns that describe tasks and responsibilities, and personality adjectives that describe the candidate’s personal qualities and can be used during job interviews to talk about yourself .

While using buzzwords is encouraged, the candidates must do it right. Many resume buzzwords, such as “team player” or “passionate” are so overused that they became cliché, and can make a resume look bad . When writing a resume, it’s best to take a look at lists of useful resume buzzwords, as well as use a thesaurus to find synonyms whenever necessary. You can also easily improve your old resume by editing it and adding a few buzzwords here and there.

Should a resume start with verbs?

It’s good practice to start some sentences in a resume with action verbs. While the candidate’s personal profile usually starts with a strong personality adjective, job title, or a strong resume headline , the description of work experience should start with action verbs. For example, instead of writing “I was responsible for designing the app user interface”, they might say: “Designed the app user interface”. It not only saves space. Such descriptions of candidates’ duties make a better impression on the recruiter.

How to use action words in a resume?

Before you sit for your resume writing, read the job advertisement thoroughly. It often contains a whole host of hints to help you create a resume tailored to a specific job profile . When scanning the job ad, look particularly for key responsibilities, skills, and other requirements. Collate this information with your own experiences and abilities, and look for similarities. Then, find action words that describe such experiences and accomplishments accurately. While infusing your resume with action words, mind the right balance. Don’t try to stuff your resume with power words that finally make your document sound unnatural and stuck-up. One power word is fairly enough for one sentence, as it already gives it some extra boost.

Marta Bongilaj, CPRW

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900+ Resume Synonyms

Explore hundreds of synonyms to perfect the language on your next resume

Find the Best Synonym to Tailor Your Resume

Resume synonyms for leadership.

Responsible or answerable for something.

Ruled or directed with authority.

Publicly supported or recommended a particular cause, policy, or approach.

Influenced, molded, or determined the formation or direction of something.

Ordered or authorized the creation or production of something.

Educated, prepared, or developed skills in others for specific tasks.

Led or directed someone, ensuring a successful navigation or completion.

Managed or supervised activities, tasks, or a group of individuals.

Oversaw, directed, or managed tasks, processes, or a team.

Took the lead role in initiating or driving a specific project or movement.

Led, managed, or was in charge of a group, project, or initiative.

Oversee, direct, or manage activities, tasks, or people.

Responsible for overseeing or managing a specific area or task.

Initiate or lead a project, movement, or initiative as the forefront.

To guide, direct, or be in a key role, overseeing tasks or groups.

Guided, trained, or advised individuals, enhancing their skills or knowledge.

Previously guided or took charge of a task, group, or initiative.

Resume Synonyms for Customer Service

Maintained, repaired, or provided specific services to systems, equipment, or clients.

Directed someone for advice, help, or further information.

Responded to questions, requests, or challenges.

Confronted, tackled, or directly dealt with a specific issue, topic, or requirement.

Addressed, settled, or found solutions to problems or conflicts.

Extended help or assistance, supporting someone in achieving their objectives.

Provided expert guidance or counsel to individuals or groups in specific areas.

Communicated and built cooperative relationships between groups or organizations.

Acted in a role to assist, support, or provide for others or groups.

Actively assist, work for, or provide a service to others or an organization.

Assisted or supported others in achieving tasks or goals.

Assisted, backed, or facilitated someone or a task to achieve outcomes.

Actively helped or supported someone in a particular endeavor or task.

Managed, dealt with, or took responsibility for specific tasks or situations.

Offer help, guidance, or support to ease the completion of tasks.

Tailor your resume language to the job description

work synonym resume

Resume Synonyms for Communication

Quick to notice or understand; observant.

Demonstrating good judgment or keen insight.

Showing sharp acumen; keen in judgment or perception.

Kind, pleasant, and easy to get along with.

Converted information or text from one language or form to another.

Conveyed or passed on information, messages, or items to another party.

Provided or was given relevant or necessary information.

Clarified or made something understandable to others.

Spread or distributed information or knowledge widely.

Communicated in writing, usually in a formal manner.

Guided, trained, or mentored individuals to improve skills or performance.

Clearly explained or elaborated upon a topic, removing any doubts or confusion.

Informed or updated a group on vital details, objectives, or situations.

Communicated thoughts, feelings, or information clearly.

Teach or inform someone about a specific topic or task.

Wrote, created, or originated content, research, or a significant piece.

Clearly showed or exemplified a skill, idea, or concept.

Communicated or transmitted a message, idea, or feeling to others.

Clearly showed or exhibited information, skills, or products.

Shared or exchanged information with others through various means.

Imparted knowledge, skills, or values to others, often in an educational setting.

Composed or created text, reports, or content in previous tasks or roles.

Convey information, feelings, or ideas effectively to others.

Displayed, demonstrated, or showcased information, ideas, or results to an audience.

Resume Synonyms for Team Collaboration

Providing encouragement or emotional help.

Willing to engage in social interactions.

Fully involved or occupied with tasks.

Collaborative individual who works effectively with others, contributing to group success.

Motivated, influenced, or stimulated individuals toward positive action or creativity.

Joined together or combined forces for a common goal or purpose.

Brought together diverse elements or groups into a cohesive or single entity.

Engaged or communicated with others, typically in a collaborative manner.

Combined or incorporated parts to create a unified whole.

Impacted or shaped outcomes, decisions, or behaviors of others.

Actively worked in harmony with others for a shared purpose.

Actively worked alongside others to achieve a shared outcome or project.

Completely revamped or made major improvements to systems or processes.

Actively involved or committed to an activity or initiative.

Monitored, managed, and ensured proper execution of tasks or projects.

Provided resources, ideas, or time to aid a collective endeavor.

Work together harmoniously with others towards a mutual objective.

Collaborate or cooperate with individuals, teams, or tools to achieve a goal.

Offer ideas, resources, or efforts to help achieve a shared goal.

Collaborated or interacted with individuals, teams, or tools in previous roles.

Work together with individuals or teams towards a common goal.

Resume Synonyms for Creative Roles

Curious and eager to acquire knowledge.

Adaptable to various roles, functions, or situations.

Possessing originality or inventiveness.

Introducing new ideas; original and creative in thinking.

Reworked or updated a design or structure for improved functionality or appearance.

Chose or made a decision based on available options.

Introduced new ideas, methods, or products, enhancing effectiveness.

Formed or created something in a specific manner.

Created or invented a new method, plan, or idea.

Formed a detailed idea or concept based on abstract principles.

Thought of or formed an idea, plan, or concept.

Demonstrated or made clear by using examples, charts, or pictures.

Created a structured plan or representation for a specific purpose.

Brought a new concept, item, or project into existence.

Resume Synonyms for Marketing Roles

Made or tailored something to meet individual preferences or needs.

Developed plans or strategies for a specific purpose or long-term achievement.

Promoted or brought attention to events, products, or causes widely.

Elevated or advocated for a cause, product, or individual to a higher status.

Actively ensuring consistency and reliability of a process or system.

Focused or directed efforts towards a specific goal or group.

Delivered or spread items or information across a range of recipients.

Initiated or began a new project, product, or initiative in a workspace.

Presented or extended a proposal, solution, or opportunity.

Made improvements or augmented the quality of something.

Conducted a detailed examination or scrutiny to derive understanding.

Produced or created something, typically as a result of a process.

Resume Synonyms to Describe Technical Work

Repaired something that was broken or damaged.

Identified and removed errors from software.

Clearly described, outlined, or specified a concept, boundary, or scope.

Diagnosed and addressed issues or problems in systems, processes, or equipment.

Evaluated, assessed, or examined the quality, performance, or reliability.

Designed, wrote, or set up computer software or applications.

Set up or positioned equipment, software, or apparatus for use.

Designed or constructed using specialized knowledge or techniques.

Confirmed and verified the authenticity, ensuring its originality and truth.

Identified the nature or cause of a situation or problem through analysis.

Watched or studied processes or behaviors to gain insights.

Diagnose and solve problems or malfunctions in systems or processes.

Successfully executed or put into action a specific plan or decision.

Put a plan, decision, or method into effect or action.

Enhanced or refined a skill, idea, or product over time.

Resume Synonyms for Project Management

Planned or arranged events, tasks, or activities at specific times.

Entrusted tasks or responsibilities to another person or team.

Designated tasks, responsibilities, or resources to individuals or teams.

Actively made a task or process smoother or easier.

Assessed or judged the value, significance, or condition.

Offer guidance, wisdom, or advice to less-experienced individuals.

Ranked tasks or responsibilities based on importance or urgency for maximum efficiency.

Function or work within systems, machines, or professional environments.

Convinced or influenced others to adopt a viewpoint or action.

Arranged or combined components in a harmonious and effective manner.

Coordinated various elements to achieve harmonious or desired results.

A favorable circumstance or chance for growth, progress, or success.

Resume Synonyms to Describe an Achievement

Went beyond the limits of; exceeded.

Of excellent quality; splendid.

Notable or remarkable.

Evoking admiration through size or quality.

Beyond what is usual; exceptional.

Remarkably superior or notable.

Went beyond; exceeded.

Surpassed expectations, especially in tasks.

Went beyond set expectations or limits.

Surpassed others or performed at a superior level.

Improved or honed in clarity, focus, or efficiency to enhance performance.

Made as large or great as possible to achieve the best potential results.

Strengthened, supported, or reinforced, often to improve performance or confidence in a task or project.

Achieved victory or secured a favorable outcome in a contest or challenge.

Improved, enhanced, or replaced older systems, processes, or equipment for better performance.

Achieved desired results or outcomes through effort or strategy.

Injected new life or vigor, often rejuvenating or renewing.

Strengthened, supported, or emphasized a point, structure, or behavior.

Increased the volume, impact, or intensity of something, making it stronger.

Moved forward in a position, skill level, or undertaking, showing progress.

Hastened the pace or progress of a project, process, or task, achieving faster results.

Successfully ensured protection, safety, or acquisition of assets or data.

Recognized, understood, or brought a concept or idea to fruition.

Successfully attained, achieved, or arrived at a specific goal or level.

Achieved a goal, status, or result after dedicated effort.

Successfully completed tasks or projects showcasing notable skill, expertise, and proficiency.

Enhanced, increased, or elevated the status, performance, or value.

Made stronger, more resilient, or more robust.

Achievement of an aim, purpose, or favorable outcome.

Enhanced or bettered the quality, efficiency, or performance of something.

Successfully provided, transported, or presented something to a recipient.

Recognized and given a prize or distinction for notable achievements.

Increased in size, amount, or degree; developed over time.

Grew or made larger in size, amount, or degree.

Successfully acquired, achieved, or learned valuable skills or knowledge.

Improve or augment the quality, value, or strength of something.

Met or surpassed a goal through dedicated effort, skill, or hard work.

Successfully finished or brought a task or project to its end.

Resume Synonyms for Organization

Organized or arranged according to a systematic procedure or plan.

Restructured or rearranged for better efficiency or clarity.

Handled, organized, or converted information or materials through a set procedure.

Systematically recorded, detailed, or provided written evidence of something.

Brought multiple elements or operations together under a single authority.

The arrangement or interrelation of parts in a system, organization, or composition.

Organize elements or components in a particular order or pattern.

Organized, arranged, or designed in a coherent and effective manner.

Systematically organized or set up items, events, or tasks.

Designed strategies, activities, or processes in anticipation of needs.

Resume Synonyms for Analytical Roles

Became apparent or was made known after being hidden or not obvious.

Foretold or estimated a future event or trend based on information or analysis.

Made a well-informed guess or determination about a quantity, value, or outcome based on available data.

Determined or ascertained through mathematical methods or careful consideration for decision-making.

Estimated or predicted future outcomes based on current data.

Carefully examined or reviewed something for accuracy, quality, or compliance.

Predicted or estimated a future trend or occurrence.

Conducted a detailed evaluation to understand value, significance, or quality.

Systematically looked into or examined a matter in detail.

Inspected or studied in detail to determine nature or condition.

Examine data or situations in detail to draw insightful conclusions.

Top 10 Resume Synonyms Used Most

Top resume synonyms for, software engineering, more synonyms & replacement words.

On your resume, every word matters

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Resume Job Description Match

Frequently asked questions.

There are certain terms that are overused on resumes and come across as cliche. In general, it's best to avoid using vague phrases like "hard worker", "good communicator", or "team player". Descriptors like these fail to provide any meaningful insight or evidence of your abilities and won't add value to your resume. Instead, it's better to demonstrate your qualities with specific examples that align with the job description.

Using the right words in your resume comes down to describing your experiences accurately and carefully tailoring your language to each specific job description. Review the job responsibilities, qualifications and highlight key phrases that overlap with your background and skillset. Focus on incorporating this language into your resume to demonstrate you are a strong fit for the role. For additional guidance with your resume, Teal can help.

Focus on choosing strategic and compelling synonyms in your resume summary, work experience, and skill sections. These are the crucial areas where strong wording can capture a hiring manager's attention right away.

Resume Worded   |  Career Strategy

Resume synonyms for work on.

Want another word for Work on to use on your resume? Our team's compiled the most effective action verbs and synonyms you can use instead of the overused resume phrase, " Work on ".

Kimberley Tyler Smith Author Photo

The phrase 'work on' shows that you have a long-term focus and can see through to completion what needs to be done. It also indicates that you've got a solid work ethic, which employers look for in candidates. However, using 'work on' in your resume is a problem because it's vague. It doesn't give your reader details about what you've done or why and how you completed a particular task. It only tells people that you've worked on something—not what, precisely. You can fix this problem using action verbs, which are specific and descriptive and highlight your skills. Use also the past tense of the verb ('worked on') when listing past achievements, unless it's a current one. For example, instead of saying 'work on' something, say 'improved' or 'refined.' This way, the recruiter will know what tasks you took on and your role within the organization. Action verbs help you describe the impact of your work on a company and how it benefited that organization. They also make your resume more compelling to employers, who will likely call you in for interviews. Plus, they show that you have a high level of confidence in yourself—and confidence is attractive! I've compiled some synonyms you can use instead of Work on on your resume, followed by real examples I've written for clients (feel free to use them!).

Resume Synonyms for Work on :

  • Orchestrated
  • Transformed

How to replace Work on with a stronger action verb:

Let's look at examples of how you can remove and replace the overused phrase, Work on, with a stronger synonym and alternative that is more effective at highlighting your achievements.

• Worked on improving customer service and experience

After: Using a stronger synonym • Improved customer service effectiveness by 30% by identifying sales data trends with Salesforce reports; reduced average lead-to-sale time conversion by 17% by implementing improved tracking methods. .

Replacing Work on with Directed ▾

• Worked on product development team

After: Directed • Directed a product development team of 12, introducing a new product to market in 6 months, 25% ahead of the original timeline.

By using 'Directed' at the start of the sentence, it shows that the candidate took on a leadership role. Moreover, including the number of team members and how much time was saved in the project brings in clear, strong metrics.

Tip: I've prepared a ton of additional examples for you to give you inspiration. Please click on any of the following to expand and see real examples of how I've rewritten client bullet points.

Replacing Work on with Optimized ▾

• Worked on the process to make production more efficient

After: Optimized • Optimized the production process, leading to a 20% increase in efficiency and a subsequent reduction in costs by 12% over six months.

Using 'Optimized' indicates taking initiative to improve a process. Including specific metrics gives solid evidence of the outcome of the efforts.

Replacing Work on with Negotiated ▾

• Worked on suppliers contracts

After: Negotiated • Negotiated supplier contracts, enabling a 15% cost reduction which saved the company $100K annually.

The word 'Negotiated' shows determination and talent, while the detailed metrics highlight the significant achievement.

Replacing Work on with Orchestrated ▾

• Worked on marketing campaign

After: Orchestrated • Orchestrated an effective marketing campaign, increasing product awareness by 70% and sales by 40% within 3 months.

Using 'Orchestrated' emphasizes management skills and creativity. The result, expressed in numbers, adds value to the candidate's leadership abilities.

Replacing Work on with Transformed ▾

• Worked on company's financial infrastructure

After: Transformed • Transformed the company's financial infrastructure, reducing monthly overheads by 25% and increasing ROI by 35%.

'Transformed' indicates a significant positive change. Providing metrics gives insight into the magnitude of the impact made.

Replacing Work on with Devised ▾

• Worked on plans to increase sales

After: Devised • Devised a strategic plan that boosted sales by 80% in Q4 2020, leading to a $150K increase in revenue.

The term 'Devised' showcases strategic thinking and planning skills. Mentioning specific figures make the results tangible.

Replacing Work on with Supervised ▾

• Worked on training new hires

After: Supervised • Supervised the onboarding and training process for 15 new hires, increasing department productivity by 23% in 6 months.

The verb 'Supervised' implies a position of responsibility and leadership. Providing specifics on the team size and resulting productivity increase paints a clearer picture of the candidate's capabilities.

Replacing Work on with Cultivated ▾

• Worked on building client relationships

After: Cultivated • Cultivated strong client relationships, resulting in a 35% increase in repeat business over a 12-month period.

Using the term 'Cultivated' shows a dedication to nurturing relationships, and the corresponding numerical outcome demonstrates the positive results.

Replacing Work on with Amplified ▾

• Worked on expanding company's market presence

After: Amplified • Amplified the company's market presence nationally, generating a 200% increase in brand awareness.

'Amplified' shows the candidate's effort to widen the company's reach and its notable success is validated through specified metrics.

Replacing Work on with Minimized ▾

• Worked on reducing faulty production rates

After: Minimized • Minimized faulty production rates by 45%, saving the company $50K in waste costs per quarter.

The phrase 'Minimized' shows the candidate's focus and success in addressing a crucial problem area. Specific cost-savings figures emphasize its financial impact.

How to use these synonyms in practice

We've put together an infographic to give you more examples of how to put this into practice. Note the use of strong action verbs instead of words like Work on.

work synonym resume

More resume bullet point samples that use strong synonyms

How to use assessed on a resume:.

• Assessed the product portfolio and created a brand turnaround strategy for a global fashion company; conducted qualitative interviews with industry experts and quantitative analysis to determine barriers to purchasing and distribution.

How to use Formulated on a resume:

• Formulated implementation plans for transactions in collaboration with senior members of trading, sales, compliance and legal teams; generated annual profits of $10+ million.

How to use Analyzed on a resume:

• Analyzed 50+ companies to identify potential investments, built valuation models, and visited 90+ members of senior management in Germany, Nigeria, Indonesia and Singapore to evaluate companies' growth outlook.

How to use Developed on a resume:

• Developed strategies to trade and manage risk on the trading book comprising 30+ indices; 2016 P&L: $8M.

How to use Led on a resume:

• Led interview campaign with existing customers (300+ person survey, 40+ face-to-face discussions) to formulate requirements of a new product to help couples manage their expenses; outputs directly impacted product roadmap.

How to use Launched on a resume:

• Launched an e-commerce website which sold t-shirts themed on the 2016 Presidential Election; successfully processed 800+ online transactions from 600+ unique users.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is another word for work on on a resume.

Here are some synonyms for commonly repeated words, like Work on, I see on resumes:

What can I use instead of Work on on a resume?

You should vary up your language on your resume, instead of using Work on over and over again. Good synonyms to use instead include:

Get a free resume review: Find out if your action verbs are strong enough.

Want to know what's holding your resume back? Upload your resume to the tool below. You'll get a report outlining what you did well, and what you need to improve.

Related resume examples

Customer success.

An Onboarding Manager resume template showcasing business experience and technical skill set.

Network Administrator

A Junior Network Administrator resume showcasing certifications and hands-on experience.

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Get expert feedback on your resume, instantly. Our free AI-powered resume checker scores your resume on key criteria recruiters and hiring managers look for. Get actionable steps to revamp your resume and land more interviews.

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Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

work synonym resume

Synonyms of resume

  • as in to continue
  • as in summary
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Thesaurus Definition of resume

 (Entry 1 of 2)

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • proceed (with)
  • resuscitate

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • discontinue

Thesaurus Definition of résumé  (Entry 2 of 2)

  • summarization
  • recapitulation
  • encapsulation
  • run - through
  • summing - up
  • condensation
  • curtailment
  • streamlining
  • abbreviation
  • abridgement
  • simplification
  • amplification
  • enlargement

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Thesaurus Entries Near resume

results (in)

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“Resume.” Thesaurus , Merriam-Webster, Accessed 16 May. 2024.

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Nglish: Translation of resume for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of resume for Arabic Speakers

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noun as in outline of experience

Weak matches

  • curriculum vitae
  • recapitulation
  • work history

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Example sentences.

The NBA and its players' union agreed on Friday to resume the league's playoffs on Saturday after players refused to take the floor for a number of games this week in protest of the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wis.

Overall trading on both platforms resumed as normal once the issue was resolved.

As the federal government and local housing authorities loosen moratoriums on evictions, concerns are growing that the Annapolis agency’s ramped up court actions will resume.

This is a groundbreaking step that is expected to provide a longer-lasting protection in public spaces, increasing consumer confidence in resuming normal air travel and other activities.

Wells Fargo is resuming layoffs, as the beleaguered bank looks to cut costs to cope with the coronavirus pandemic and long-running regulatory issues that have hampered its growth.

If he did, it could be a sign that our politicians are ready to resume genuine policy-making across party lines.

As for the search, which will soon resume, Soelisto confessed that “the capability of our equipment is not optimum.”

They added that the shutdown was temporary and they plan to resume the trial in January.

Sharpton, well known for a series of controversial incidents earlier in his career, also played defense about his own resume.

Then, thanks to home care support, she was able to resume an independent life.

Fortunately, Massna had time to make his way through the Austrian skirmishers and resume his command.

One morning Tom was awakened by his faithful attendant to resume his weary journey.

I shall then give an account of my various excursions in an Appendix, and afterwards resume the thread of my journal.

He did not resume his book immediately, but sat for a while meditatively looking out into the garden.

When you happen to think of it; will you try never to allow yourself to resume that expression—that expression again?

Related Words

Words related to résumé are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word résumé . Browse related words to learn more about word associations.

noun as in short document prepared from a longer one

  • condensation

noun as in account of person's life

  • autobiography
  • confessions
  • experiences
  • life history
  • personal account
  • personal anecdote
  • personal narrative
  • personal record

verb as in return

Viewing 5 / 47 related words

On this page you'll find 58 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to resume, such as: continue, go on, proceed, regain, reopen, and restart.

From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

Related Words and Phrases

Bottom_desktop desktop:[300x250].

Word Resume Templates

Ready to start or update your resume? The next step of your career starts with a Microsoft Word resume template! Our 2024 resume templates for Word are designed by experts to showcase your skills and experience in a polished, organized document.

Kellie Hanna, CPRW

As seen in: * Foot Note

Featured Microsoft Word resume templates

Our Microsoft Word resume templates are professionally designed to highlight your career qualifications and guide the reader’s eyes to your strongest skills. Plus, they are easy to use and customizable, with our Resume Builder providing pre-written content suggestions tailored to your industry.


This all-purpose Word resume layout works for almost any job, with clean lines and elegant fonts contributing to its polished appearance

This Word resume template provides a streamlined look, topped with an attention-grabbing color header. The  two-column resume layout  gives you plenty of space to expand on your work history and skills.

Present yourself as a proactive, strong candidate using this Microsoft resume template, featuring bold fonts and a colorful two-column design.

“Connect the dots” of your career using this Word resume design’s unique dot graphics. Section headings are arranged on the left for quick navigation.

This Microsoft Word resume classy layout arranges sections in a tab layout for easy access, with subtle but striking fonts and colors.

This eye-catching design is laid out in quadrants, with your summary statement getting prominent placement in your Word resume template.


As the name suggests, this Microsoft Word resume template presents you as an attractive candidate, thanks to its dual-color combination and streamlined layout.


You can’t get much more polished than this Word resume template, which presents your qualifications in an uncluttered style.

Section headings are highlighted using box graphics, while the monogram design for the header adds a unique touch to this Word resume template.

Download free resume templates for Word

Start writing your professional document using one of these free to download Word resume templates.

Blue Grey Word Resume Template

  • Visually striking
  • Organized two-column layout
  • Unusual presentation may not fit every job
  • Limited space to present  work history  and  skills
  • Photo of job seeker may be inappropriate for many job applications

Modern Chronological Word Resume Template

  • Streamlined layout
  • Strong header with job seeker’s name prominently displayed
  • Easy to get cluttered if you have a lot of information to present
  • Looks a little plain compared to other layouts

Polished Word Resume Template

  • Bold section headings make for quick navigation
  • Color header makes for a strong statement
  • Icons at bottom are a unique graphic element, but leave less room for the rest of your resume
  • Black font against the header’s red background may be difficult for some to read

Columns Word Resume Template

  • Unusual “homemade” look
  • Each section neatly organized
  • Might not be appropriate for more professional jobs
  • Large header cuts down on space to feature your qualifications

Color Block Word Resume Template

  • Colors jump off the page
  • Summary and contact information prominently displayed
  • Not much room to feature  skills  and  work experience
  • Color combination might not work for everyone

Clean Elegant Word Resume Template

  • Color background helps your resume stand out
  • Creative  layout
  • Layout lacks room for summary and complete skills section
  • Using “skill level bars” may throw off readers and ATS

Minimalist Word Resume Template

  • Intriguing “centered” layout
  • Highlights important  skills
  • Unorthodox sections may confuse recruiters
  • Outdated  references  section

Geometric Word Resume Template

  • Attractive minimalist design
  • Subtle but effective graphic elements
  • Limited space to present your credentials
  • Packing in information can lead to “unbalanced” look

Swiss Design Word Resume Template

  • Highlights the  summary statement
  • Contact info can be difficult to find
  • Skills section is deemphasized

Contemporary Word Resume Template

  • Striking visual design
  • Plenty of space for  work experience
  • Employers and  ATS  may be confused by “About Me” section
  • Skill “ratings” may not appeal to everyone

How to create a Microsoft Word resume using our templates

Creating a resume using our Resume Builder takes only a few minutes. Just follow these steps:

Select your professionally designed template.

Open our Resume Builder and choose a template from our library to fit your personality and industry. You’ll be able to save as a resume template in Microsoft Word format.

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Build or update your resume with AI help.

Start a new resume or elevate your current one with our expert suggestions tailored to the latest trends in your industry. You’ll have the flexibility to add your own information or edit our suggestions to create a custom, professional resume that highlights your unique strengths and experiences.

My Perfect Resume Prewritten Suggestions E1715378604670

Save and download your finished resume

Complete the process — don’t forget to proofread!— and save your optimized resume. Download it as a Word document and you’re done! 

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See What Job Seekers are Saying About Our Excellent Builder

5 tips for your microsoft word resume.

1. Make sure your formatting is consistent.

The easy way to check your Word template resume layout is to display all the formatting marks for your resume. Just go to the “home” tab of your Microsoft Word screen and click the paragraph icon.

Now you’ll see how tabs, spaces and paragraph returns are used in your document. Make sure your formatting is consistent throughout, and when you’re ready to save the document, click the paragraph icon again to return to normal view.

2. Stick with a straightforward layout.

You might be tempted to use special graphic elements in your Word resume template to gussy it up, but employers (and the  applicant tracking systems  (ATS) they use to scan resumes) will find it easier to read your resume if you use simple lines and bullet points.

3. Give yourself some space.

What’s not in your resume can be just as important as what’s in your resume — aim to create an easy-to-read document by using white space in a smart way. Don’t clutter up your Word resume template with too much text; use peppy bullet points and phrases, and use margins that are at least 1 inch from the edges of the document. To see how experts in your field space their resume, visit out resume examples  page.

4. Links can be handy.

If you want to point employers towards a job network profile (e.g., LinkedIn) or a professional portfolio site, be sure to link the text of your Word resume. Highlight the URL you want to link to, go to the “Insert” tab on your Word screen, and click on the “Links” icon. Then enter the link to the URL.

5. Focus on the content.

While putting together a resume that looks its best is important, what you put in your resume is just as important. Make sure you have the right format for your Word resume template, with the help of our resume formats guide, and make sure each section of the resume addresses exactly what the employer needs — our handy guide on how to write a resume will give you all the tips you need.

Microsoft Word Resume Template FAQ

Yes, Microsoft Word provides templates to create a resume, as featured on this page. You can also use our own Microsoft Word-friendly resume templates to create your resume. Just follow the instructions above for constructing your resume using our Builder.

To create a resume using a Microsoft Word resume template, follow these steps:

Choose your template in Word.  To create your resume from scratch, click “File” in your Microsoft Word menu (you can also hit Alt+F on a PC or Command+F on a Mac). Click “More templates” to see a selection of Word resume template layouts. You’ll notice that the following screen also has a “Resumes and Cover Letters” option — click it to see a complete set of resumes. You can also enter “resume” in the “Search for online templates” box.

Choose Word Template

Create your resume.  Once you’ve picked a Word resume template, click it. You should see this screen. Click “Create” to continue.

Create Resume

Fill out your resume.  Add your information to the Word resume template.

Fill Resume

Save your resume.  Hit Ctrl+S (or Command+S on a Mac) to save your document. If you need to save your resume in a file format other than Word, click “More options …” On the next screen, you can choose to export your resume in PDF format by clicking “Export” or save it in a different file format (e.g., RTF).

Save File Resume

The best Word resume template for your resume is ATS-friendly, easy to read, visually appealing, and highlights the individual experience as well as hard skills and soft skills .

If you’re applying in a traditional industry, go for a resume template that has a neat, streamlined appearance.  For a more creative job, look into using a template with a bit more color and flair. Our Word resume templates are designed to showcase your career and style. You can choose the one that catches your eye, and it’ll get the job done. For more tips about putting together the perfect resume, visit our resume-writing resources section .

Our Word resume templates have a dedicated section for your work experience. Simply replace the filler text with your information. Use the job description to  create a targeted resume  for your Word template and combine  action verbs  with your  quantifiable achievements  to build a powerful document.

Not at all. Most employers prefer to have resumes sent to them as a Microsoft Word file. Just remember to review your resume before you send it in. Make sure your information is up to date, contains skills and work experience information that addresses what the job requires, and is neatly organized. The easy way to make sure your resume looks its best is to print it out — as long as it looks good in print form, it should look fine when you submit it electronically.

For free templates, visit our templates section — you’ll find a host of free templates of all types you can download and use to create your own resume. Our templates are ready-made to be downloaded in Microsoft Word or other formats such as  PDF  or  plain text .

Use our ATS Resume Checker to get rid of the guesswork. Upload your finished Word resume template and our ATS Resume Checker will provide it a score out of 100, suggestions on what to fix and what areas to improve. The closer you can get to 100, the higher the chance your resume will make it past the application tracking system and into a hiring manager’s hands.

More resume tips

Ats Friendly

Creating an ATS-Friendly Resume: Templates & Formats

By Kellie Hanna, CPRW

March 21, 2024

Update Resume Quick Fix Guide

Guide to Update & Fix Your Resume

May 06, 2024

Personalize 1

How to Create a Targeted Resume

Nilda Melissa Diaz, CPRW

By Nilda Melissa Diaz, CPRW

February 17, 2023

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Just three easy steps

  • Select a template from our library of professional designs
  • Build your resume with our industry-specific bullet points
  • Download your resume and send!

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You've taken a big leap forward in your job search by choosing a resume template from MyPerfectResume.

‡ Results derived from a study responded by 1000 participants of which 287 created a resume online.

*The names and logos of the companies referred to above are all trademarks of their respective holders. Unless specifically stated otherwise, such references are not intended to imply any affiliation or association with MyPerfectResume.


  1. "Worked" Synonyms for Resumes: Employers Prefer These Words

    10 synonyms for "worked". Here are 10 more powerful verbs you may consider instead of the word "worked" on your resume, as applicable: 1. Achieved. This verb emphasizes your successful outcomes and highlights the positive results you attained during your previous or current roles.

  2. The Best Synonyms for Common Resume Verbs & Adjectives

    Example: Evaluated market trends and competitor strategies to identify key insights, informing strategic decision-making and achieving a competitive edge.. Synonyms for your resume introduction. A resume introduction is a short paragraph at the top of your resume that summarizes your key qualifications as a candidate.. A strong resume introduction sells your candidacy by targeting the job ...

  3. 500 Synonyms for Common Resume Power Verbs

    Examples of how to use synonyms for assisted on your resume: " Aided the development team with coding projects, increasing productivity by 20%." " Stimulated new collaborations between marketing and sales departments through the implementation of innovative strategies." " Expedited the onboarding process of new employees, reducing the waiting time from two days to one day."

  4. Synonyms For Common Resume Power Verbs

    Synonyms for Learned on your resume. A commitment to learning isn't just an important aspect of professional development — it's also a key skill for jobs involving research and analysis. Try using synonyms like: Attained. Mastered. Discovered. Identified. Studied. Trained.

  5. 300+ Action Verbs for a Resume to Make It Stand Out

    300+ action verbs for a resume grouped by keyword synonym. Separate lists of resume adjectives to make your work stand out. Want to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes? Try our resume builder. It's fast and easy to use. Plus, you'll get ready-made content to add with one click. See 20+ resume templates and create your resume here.

  6. 900+ Resume Synonyms

    Explore hundreds of resume synonyms to find the best way to position yourself as the ideal candidate. On your resume, every word matters. ... Focus on choosing strategic and compelling synonyms in your resume summary, work experience, and skill sections. These are the crucial areas where strong wording can capture a hiring manager's attention ...

  7. Worked Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    A better word for 'Worked' that does that would be 'Capitalized,' 'Amplified,' or 'Advanced.'. This will give the recruiter or hiring manager a better sense of what your work was like and what kind of results you were able to produce. I've compiled some synonyms you can use instead of Worked on your resume, followed by real examples I've ...

  8. Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    Resume Synonyms for Commonly Used Action Verbs. Our team has compiled a list of strong action verbs you can use on your resume, so your resume is more effective and your accomplishments stand out. ... We did the work for you: we spoke to 50+ hiring managers + condensed their insights into ten quick resume hacks. Get the checklist Close.

  9. 21 worked synonyms for a resume (With examples and FAQs)

    Work experience examples. These examples show how you can use 'worked' synonyms in the work experience section of your CV: Example 1: project manager. This is an example of a project manager 's work experience section with bullet points that use 'worked' synonyms: Project Manager | September 2020-June 2023 Penhollow Business Services | London ...

  10. Experience Synonyms for a Resume: How To Choose and Examples

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  11. 40 Synonyms for "Strong" to Supercharge Your Resume

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  12. 43 Powerful Resume Synonyms for Collaborate

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  13. Work on Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    The phrase 'work on' shows that you have a long-term focus and can see through to completion what needs to be done. It also indicates that you've got a solid work ethic, which employers look for in candidates. However, using 'work on' in your resume is a problem because it's vague. It doesn't give your reader details about what you've done or ...

  14. 241 Synonyms & Antonyms for WORK

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  15. RESUME Synonyms: 77 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for RESUME: continue, restart, reopen, proceed (with), renew, revive, pick up, resuscitate; Antonyms of RESUME: complete, finish, conclude, end, consummate ...

  16. 18 Synonyms & Antonyms for RÉSUMÉ

    Find 18 different ways to say RÉSUMÉ, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at

  17. What is another word for résumé

    A summary or synopsis of something. A summary or account of education and employment experiences and qualifications. An account of an event or situation, typically intended for publication or broadcasting. (usually "minutes") A summarized record of the proceedings at a meeting. History or biography of a person's life.

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  20. Free and Premium Microsoft Word Resume Templates for 2024

    Create your resume. Once you've picked a Word resume template, click it. You should see this screen. Click "Create" to continue. Fill out your resume. Add your information to the Word resume template. Save your resume. Hit Ctrl+S (or Command+S on a Mac) to save your document. If you need to save your resume in a file format other than ...