Try These 160 Insanely Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Your Next Presentation

Ausbert Generoso

Ausbert Generoso

Try These 160 Insanely Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Your Next Presentation

In the modern-day PowerPoint presenting, slide decks don’t just inform, but also entertain and spark joy. PowerPoint shouldn’t just be confined to the monotony of bullet points and charts, but rather offers a unique canvas where imagination can run wild!

We get it. The thought of sitting through another mundane PowerPoint presentation might make you want to run for the hills. But fear not, because we’re here to spark some fun PowerPoint ideas for your your next presentation. Whether you’re aiming to captivate colleagues during a virtual meeting, add a splash of excitement to your classroom, or simply stun your friends at your next PowerPoint game night , we’ve got you covered with ideas that blend education and entertainment seamlessly.

So, fasten your seatbelt (or loosen your tie 😉), as we embark on a complete list through categories that will transform your next PowerPoint presentation into a rollercoaster of excitement. Whatever theme you’re thinking of for your next presentation, these fun PowerPoint ideas are poised to leave your audience not just informed, but exhilarated.

Why Settle for the Ordinary? Elevate Your Presentations with Fun PowerPoint Ideas!

You might be wondering, why bother with all the extra effort to infuse fun into your PowerPoint presentations? After all, the usual routine of bullet points and graphs seems to get the job done, right? Well, allow us to unveil why taking the road less traveled and incorporating fun PowerPoint ideas can be the game-changer you never knew you needed.

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

🤸🏻‍♀️  Unforgettable Engagement

Let’s face it – the human attention span isn’t exactly legendary. But when you introduce a touch of fun into your presentation, you’re not just holding attention, you’re capturing it in a delightful grip. Unconventional ideas, witty humor, and interactive elements transform passive listeners into active participants , making your message resonate and stick.

🧠  Enhanced Memorability

Ever noticed how the most memorable experiences are the ones that evoke emotion? The same principle applies to presentations. When you inject an element of fun, whether it’s a surprising twist, a clever visual, or an unexpected game , you create a mental anchor for your audience. Those who chuckle and engage are more likely to remember and recall the essence of your presentation long after it’s over.

🎨  Sparking Creativity

The world thrives on innovation, and that extends to the world of presentations too. Opting for fun PowerPoint ideas challenges you to think beyond the norm and come up with creative solutions . It encourages you to see your content from new angles, fostering a culture of innovation and resourcefulness that extends beyond the presentation room.

💬  Connection and Communication

Human beings connect through shared experiences and emotions. By introducing an element of fun, you’re forging a connection with your audience that goes beyond the screen. Laughter and engagement create a bond, facilitating better understanding and communication. In a professional setting, this can translate into improved team dynamics and a more open dialogue.

So, while the tried-and-true method might get you from point A to point B, why not embark on a journey that’s not only efficient but also exhilarating? Why settle for the ordinary when you can captivate, connect, and leave a mark with your fun PowerPoint ideas? The possibilities are limited only by your imagination. It’s time to break free from the mold and transform your presentations into extraordinary experiences that linger long after the last slide.

150+ Fun PowerPoint Ideas for All Presentation Types

Fun powerpoint ideas for social gatherings and events.

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Friends

  • Emoji Charades:  Use emojis as clues for a game of charades with friends.
  • Virtual Costume Party:  Have participants dress up and share their costumes on slides.
  • Name That Tune:  Play a few seconds of a song and challenge attendees to guess the title.
  • Create Your Meme:  Provide images and have guests come up with humorous captions.
  • Bucket List Share:  Have everyone share one item from their bucket list with images and explanations.
  • Interactive Map Quest:  Share travel stories and ask attendees to guess the locations on a map.
  • Party Playlist Collaboration:  Let participants add their favorite songs to a shared playlist slide.
  • Personal Trivia:  Create a slide about yourself with facts for others to guess.
  • Two Truths and a Lie:  Participants share statements; others guess which one is false.
  • Virtual Escape Room:  Turn your slides into a virtual escape room with puzzles and clues.

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for the Workplace

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for the Workplace

  • Emoji Icebreaker:  Start meetings with a slide displaying emojis representing moods.
  • Reverse Role Presentation:  Present as if you’re the audience and vice versa.
  • Meme Monday Updates:  Share weekly updates in meme format to keep things light.
  • Interactive Polls:  Add clickable options for participants to vote on decisions.
  • Choose Your Adventure:  Present a scenario with choices, letting the audience decide the outcome.
  • Team Trivia Challenge:  Test knowledge with team-based trivia using PowerPoint animations.
  • Inspirational Quote Showcase:  Share powerful quotes with visual design to motivate the team.
  • Visualize Goals:  Use animations to show progress towards team goals over time.
  • Role Play Skits:  Act out scenarios using images and text in a comic book-style layout.
  • Name the Colleague:  Share humorous hints to have attendees guess the colleague.

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for the Classroom

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for the Classroom

  • Science Experiment Journey:  Present the process and results of a science experiment.
  • Historical Time Travel:  Create immersive history lessons with visuals and sound effects.
  • Math Riddle Challenge:  Share math riddles and reveal solutions with animations.
  • Language Learning Adventure:  Teach vocabulary and phrases in a foreign language interactively.
  • Literary Parodies:  Analyze literature through humorous parodies of famous stories.
  • Math Olympics:  Turn math problems into interactive challenges with medals for winners.
  • Interactive Periodic Table:  Explore chemical elements with interactive info and animations.
  • Geography Quiz:  Engage students with interactive maps and questions.
  • Scientific Pictionary:  Play a Pictionary-style game with scientific terms and concepts.
  • Art Appreciation Gallery:  Analyze famous artworks through an interactive virtual gallery.

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Personal Projects & Hobbies

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Personal Projects and Hobbies

  • Hobby Exhibition:  Display your hobbies, from painting to photography, using slides.
  • Fitness Journey Timeline:  Document your fitness progress with images and data charts.
  • Digital Portfolio:  Showcase your work and skills through an interactive digital portfolio.
  • Travelogue:  Share your travel experiences with photos, anecdotes, and travel tips.
  • DIY Tutorial:  Teach a craft or DIY project through a series of animated slides.
  • Music Playlist Presentation:  Curate themed playlists and explain your song choices.
  • Language Learning Journey:  Document your progress in learning a new language.
  • Culinary Adventure:  Showcase international cuisines you’ve explored and cooked.
  • Writing Journey:  Share your writing process and excerpts from your creative pieces.
  • Art Evolution:  Display your artistic journey from early works to current creations.

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Storytelling

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Storytelling

  • Virtual World Tour:  Craft a global adventure through storytelling and images.
  • Mystery Detective Story:  Unravel a mystery using clues and interactive elements.
  • Personal Evolution:  Share your life journey through milestones and anecdotes.
  • Time-Traveling Adventure:  Create an interactive story that spans different eras.
  • Fairy Tale Remix:  Reimagine classic fairy tales with a modern twist.
  • Unsolved Mysteries:  Present historical or fictional mysteries and let the audience speculate.
  • Myth vs. Fact:  Compare myths and facts through interactive scenarios.
  • Character Development Showcase:  Create profiles of fictional characters with images and backstories.
  • Epic Quest Narrative:  Craft an epic journey with challenges, choices, and consequences.
  • Alternate Endings:  Rewrite the endings of famous stories with your creative twist.

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Challenges and Quizzes

Fun PowerPoint Quiz Ideas

  • Trivia Extravaganza:  Host a fun-filled trivia night with interactive questions and answers.
  • Visual Riddles:  Present visual riddles and reveal the solutions with animations.
  • Guess the Sound:  Play audio clips for attendees to guess the corresponding sounds.
  • Brain Teaser Quiz:  Challenge participants with puzzles that test logical thinking.
  • Quote Identification:  Display famous quotes and ask participants to identify the source.
  • Word Association Challenge:  Present words and have participants quickly associate related words.
  • Pop Culture Trivia:  Test knowledge of movies, music, and current events through a quiz.
  • Speed Typing Challenge:  Display words, and participants type them as fast as they can.
  • Guess the Logo:  Share partial images of logos for attendees to guess the brands.
  • Memory Game:  Reveal a series of images, then ask attendees to recall the order.

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Data and Infographics

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Data

  • Data Storytelling:  Transform statistics and data into compelling visual narratives.
  • Illustrated Concepts:  Use custom illustrations to explain complex ideas and concepts.
  • Interactive Infographics:  Create clickable infographics with hidden details and insights.
  • Process Flow Comics:  Present processes as comic strips with characters navigating each step.
  • Comparative Timelines:  Compare historical events, progress, or trends side by side.
  • Interactive Charts and Graphs:  Make charts interactive for deeper exploration of data.
  • Explorable Maps:  Present geographical data with interactive maps and annotations.
  • Evolution of Technology:  Visualize the evolution of technology and its impact.
  • Visual Decision Trees:  Present decision-making processes as interactive branching scenarios.
  • Illustrated Quotes:  Combine famous quotes with custom illustrations that capture their essence.

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Motivational Talks

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Motivational Talks

  • Personal Growth Journey:  Share your personal growth journey with motivational lessons.
  • Success Stories:  Present inspiring stories of individuals who overcame challenges.
  • Motivational Quotes Compilation:  Curate a collection of powerful quotes for inspiration.
  • Life Lessons Through Stories:  Convey life lessons using engaging narrative examples.
  • Overcoming Adversity:  Share stories of resilience and strategies to overcome challenges.
  • The Power of Positivity:  Explore the impact of positive thinking on personal and professional life.
  • Leadership Insights:  Present leadership principles with examples from renowned leaders.

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Futuristic and Imaginative Presentations

Futuristic PowerPoint Ideas

  • Time Capsule:  Present predictions and visions of the future with a time capsule theme.
  • Virtual Reality Showcase:  Use VR-inspired visuals to immerse the audience in your content.
  • Space Exploration:  Explore the cosmos with interactive space-themed slides.
  • Inventions of Tomorrow:  Present imaginative ideas for future inventions and innovations.
  • Post-Apocalyptic Scenarios:  Craft a presentation depicting post-apocalyptic worlds and possibilities.
  • AI and Robotics:  Discuss the future of AI and robotics through speculative presentations.
  • Dystopian vs. Utopian:  Compare and contrast dystopian and utopian visions of the future.
  • Future of Education:  Visualize how education might evolve with technology and trends.

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Entertainment and Pop Culture

Fun Pop Culture PowerPoint Ideas

  • Guess the Movie Scene:  Display screenshots and challenge your audience to guess the movie.
  • Pop Culture Charades:  Act out pop culture references, from movies to memes.
  • Fan Theories Discussion:  Present and analyze intriguing fan theories about popular shows or movies.
  • Celebrity Look-Alike Game:  Share images of ordinary people who resemble celebrities.
  • Music Lyrics Challenge:  Display song lyrics with missing words for attendees to complete.
  • TV Show Mashup:  Combine characters and scenes from different TV shows for humorous outcomes.
  • Pop Culture Trivia Tournament:  Host a tournament-style trivia challenge with various rounds.

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Self-Care and Wellness

Fun Wellness PowerPoint Ideas

  • Mindful Moments:  Guide attendees through a short mindfulness exercise during your presentation.
  • Self-Care Bingo:  Create bingo cards with self-care activities for a wellness-themed meeting.
  • Healthy Habits Showcase:  Present effective wellness tips and habits for a balanced lifestyle.
  • Stress Relief Techniques:  Share interactive slides with stress-relief exercises and techniques.
  • Gratitude Journal:  Encourage participants to share moments of gratitude during the presentation.
  • Daily Affirmations:  Present daily affirmations to boost positivity and confidence.
  • Wellness Goal Tracker:  Create interactive slides to track personal wellness goals.
  • Mental Health Awareness:  Present insights and resources for maintaining mental well-being.

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Cultural Exploration and Diversity

Fun PowerPoint Ideas for Cultural Exploration

  • Global Cuisine Showcase:  Present unique dishes from various cultures with images and descriptions.
  • Folklore and Legends:  Share fascinating folktales and legends from different countries.
  • Cultural Attire Exhibition:  Display traditional clothing and explain their significance.
  • Language Showcase:  Teach fun phrases and greetings from different languages.
  • World Festivals Journey:  Explore diverse festivals and celebrations from different cultures.
  • Cultural Traditions Quiz:  Create interactive slides to test knowledge of cultural customs.

Want More? Download This Exclusive PowerPoint Ideas Book with 160 Fun PowerPoint Ideas! 👇

Best practices to maximize your fun powerpoint ideas.

Congratulations, you’re now armed with a treasure trove of fun PowerPoint ideas that are bound to leave your audience both entertained and enlightened. But before you dive headfirst into crafting your next presentation masterpiece, consider these tips to ensure your creative efforts shine:

  • Tailor your chosen fun PowerPoint idea to your audience’s preferences and expectations. What might resonate with friends at a game night could differ from what engages colleagues in a meeting.
  • While fun is essential, remember the purpose of your presentation. Make sure the chosen idea aligns with your message and doesn’t overshadow the content.
  • Familiarize yourself with the technical aspects of executing your chosen idea. Smooth transitions, animations, and interactions contribute to a polished presentation.
  • While creativity is key, don’t sacrifice clarity for novelty. Ensure your audience can follow your narrative and main points throughout.
  • Manage your time effectively. Ensure your fun elements don’t consume too much of the presentation, leaving room for your core content.
  • Maintain a consistent visual theme to tie together the fun elements and the main content. Harmonious design enhances the overall experience.
  • Before the big day, gather feedback from colleagues or friends. Their insights can help you refine your presentation and identify areas for improvement.
  • Embrace the fun you’ve planned. Confidence in your delivery will make your audience more receptive to the engaging elements you’ve integrated.
  • Sometimes, unexpected technical glitches or participant reactions can arise. Be prepared to adapt on the spot to keep the fun flowing.
  • If your fun idea involves interactive elements, make sure they work flawlessly. Test the technology and ensure everyone can participate seamlessly.

Remember, these tips aren’t meant to limit your creativity, rather, they’re tools to ensure your creative ideas are presented in the best possible light. By blending innovation, enthusiasm, and strategic planning, you’re set to deliver a presentation that’s both fun and impactful.

And there you have it – a whole bunch of exciting, innovative fun PowerPoint ideas ready to turn your next presentation into a showstopper! From parties to classrooms, meetings to personal projects, we’ve covered it all. Now, it’s your turn to run with these creative gems and make your slides come alive with laughter, engagement, and sheer enjoyment.

With over 150 ideas to choose from, you’re set to rock any occasion. So, don’t just settle for the usual slides – inject your unique style, tell stories, and keep everyone on their toes. Remember, it’s all about sparking connections, sparking ideas, and having a blast while you’re at it. Here’s to unleashing your inner presentation superstar – one fun idea at a time!

More Fun PowerPoint Ideas

Free PowerPoint Trivia Template for Different Difficulty Levels
How to Make a Jeopardy Game on PowerPoint (Playable Template)
Level Up Your Game: Free Family Feud PowerPoint Template and Step-by-Step Tutorial
Free Interactive PowerPoint Puzzle Template and Tutorial in 5 Simple Steps

About Ausbert Generoso

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30 Amazing Things You Can Do And Create In PowerPoint

Angie Arriesgado

Everyone knows PowerPoint is one of the best – if not THE best – presentation software around. It’s great for making all sorts of presentations. From academic to corporate presentations (and everything in between), PowerPoint can seemingly do it all. But presentations are not all PowerPoint can do. The truth is, it’s a very powerful and versatile software. In this article, I’m going to share with you 30 amazing things you can do and create in PowerPoint. Let’s begin!

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

  • Make social media images

Surprised? Yes, you can indeed use PowerPoint to make social media images. Whether it’s for your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and more, PowerPoint can do it all. Now, the first thing you need to do is figure out the image size so you can resize your PowerPoint slides.

You can do a quick Google search for this. Or you can download Louise Myers’ social media images cheat sheet here . Just scroll down the page and you’ll find her table of contents with links to top social media platforms’ image sizes.

So, now that you know the image dimensions, let’s head on over to PowerPoint. Go to the Design > Slide Size > Custom Slide Size . You’ll see this pop-up on your screen:

design social media images - one of the things you can create in powerpoint

For width and height, the default measurement is either centimeters or inches depending on your location. The good news is you don’t need to do some mathematical calculations to do your conversions. PowerPoint will automatically do it for you. How?

If you look at the screenshot above, you’ll notice that in Width , I typed in “ 800 px .” ( Important note : There’s a space between “800” and “px.”)

The moment I moved my cursor to the next field, “Height,” PowerPoint automatically converted 800 pixels to 4.167 inches. Pretty neat, right? Try it!

This is what my 800 px x 800 px (or 4.167 inch x 4.167 inch) slide size looks like:

how to make custom slide size in powerpoint

With the width and height dimensions set up properly, you can now proceed to designing your social media images. Just use PowerPoint like normal.

Now, here’s a great video with step by step guide to making a viral image quote poster for social media:

  • Make YouTube videos

Yep, you read that right – YouTube videos! You don’t need to buy expensive camera gear for your first few YouTube videos. Before you get overexcited though, temper your expectations a bit. As you probably already know, PowerPoint is a slide-based presentation software, so you can’t use it for your vlogs. You can, however, create simple videos like lectures or tutorials.

You can use animations and transitions to make your presentation/video fun. Plus, you can record timings and narrations, and even laser pointer gestures! Here’s how you do it:

Once you’ve saved your file, go to File > Export > Create a video . Alternatively, you can go to the Recording tab and click on the Export to video button. What’s really awesome about making videos on PowerPoint is that you’re not limited to 480p or 720p (regular HD). You can make 4K or ultra HD videos on PowerPoint!

If you’d like to know more, you should watch this short 6-minute tutorial on this very subject:

Oh, and if you’re wondering if you can also create your YouTube intro and outro in PowerPoint, the answer is yes! Check out this tutorial article I wrote about this very topic here: How To Make Amazing YouTube Intros and Outros In PowerPoint .

  • Make infographics

Just like social media graphics, infographics dimensions can be all over the place. It can be small or large depending on the information that needs to be conveyed. However, there’s actually a standard size for infographics.

Ideally, an infographic should not exceed 600 px in width and 1800 px in height. But some sites do have infographic size requirements though. So, before you create one, make sure it’s going to make the cut in your target platform.

That said, if you need infographic design inspiration, you should check out this link right here .

  • Create eye-catching checklists

You can write down a checklist on a plain piece of paper. Or, you can use your favorite word processor like Microsoft Word. However, what’s really great about using PowerPoint to create your checklists is that you can quickly transform them into beautiful works of art. How? By converting your checklist, a.k.a. bullet point list, into SmartArt!

Here’s how:

First, type your checklist. Then right-click on the list and you’ll see the menu option below. Click on Convert to SmartArt . You can either choose from the default options or you can click on More Smart Art Graphics at the bottom.

how to create checklists in powerpoint

Here’s my new and improved checklist after converting it to SmartArt graphic:

sample smartart graphic in powerpoint

Note that you can format your SmartArt by going into the SmartArt Tools tab in PowerPoint.

Alternatively, you can download any of our free checklist PowerPoint templates . All you have to do is just replace the placeholder text with your content and you’ll have an eye-catching checklist in no time at all!

Here’s a screenshot of some of our checklist templates:

preview of checklist templates in 24Slides Template Hub

  • Design business cards

For business cards, you’d need to set the slide size to 3.5 inches x 2 inches. The usual business card uses a horizontal layout. But if you want your card to stand out and be memorable, then consider using a vertical layout.

To do this, you’d need to use portrait orientation for your card. Go to Design > Slide Size > Custom Slide Size, then click on Orientation . The default option is Landscape, so you’ll need to click on Portrait, like so:

business cards design in powerpoint - use portrait orientation

  • Make creative visual resumes

Here’s another fun thing you can create in PowerPoint. If the job you’re applying for is fine with a bit of creativity, then submitting a visual resume is the way to go. However, if you’re interested in landing a spot at a more ‘serious’ firm, then Word may be your best bet. Else, you risk being flagged as a non-serious applicant and have your application rejected.

Creating visual resumes obviously will take a lot more time than if you just typed up the same thing in Word. However, if you’re applying for a job that requires – or at least appreciates – creativity, then you should take the time to create a visual resume. PowerPoint can easily help you with this.

  • Use it as a journal

PowerPoint may not be at the top of your list as a journaling tool. But it does have a nifty feature called presentation protection which allows you to encrypt your file with a password. This means you’ve got the liberty to write whatever you want on your PowerPoint slides and be safe in the knowledge that it’s going to be for your eyes only!

At this point, you’re already well aware that PowerPoint is an excellent graphics creation tool. So, in addition to writing down your ideas, thoughts, and feelings, you can also add a variety of elements to make your journal come alive.

To lock your journal, a.k.a. your PowerPoint, go to File > Info > Protect Presentation > Encrypt with Password . Here’s a screenshot:

how to password protect your powerpoint

  • Remove photo backgrounds

Removing an image’s background can come in handy in many situations. For example, if you’ve got a photo of a young boy in a park and you want to ‘move’ the boy elsewhere, you can remove the original background first and then insert a new background.

While PowerPoint is no Photoshop, it’s no slouch either when it comes to removing photo backgrounds. Here’s how:

First, you’ll need to click on the photo you want to edit. Then click on Picture Tools > Remove Background . Check out this tutorial for more info:

Just take note that PowerPoint can’t remove backgrounds from vector graphic files such as Adobe Illustrator Graphics (.ai) or Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg). But it works great for editing the more common PNG and JPG files.

A logo is part of a company or brand’s identity. If you’re looking to create a new logo for your business, then you’re in luck. You don’t need to spend any money to have it done for you. You can do it yourself in PowerPoint!

Now, logos don’t need to be complicated. A simple one will often be enough. Your logo creation options in PowerPoint may be a bit limited. But with a bit of creativity, you can create beautiful logos.

You can use a combination of Word Art, shapes, icons, even SmartArt. Then group all the elements together and save it as a picture (choose PNG format from the file type list). And that’s it! You’ve got your brand-new logo.

Now, if you want to add some transparency to your logo (which would be ideal in most cases), then you need to add a shape to the logo and adjust its transparency level accordingly.

If you don’t want to add a shape to your logo, don’t worry. The shape will only serve as a transparent medium, it doesn’t need to be visible in your logo. You can then set the transparency level for the shape before you save your logo. PowerPoint will preserve the shape’s transparency when you save it as a PNG file.

You can follow this short tutorial to give you an idea on how logo transparency works in PowerPoint:

  • Make photo collages

Making photo collages on PowerPoint is fun and easy. First off, you’d need to insert your photos onto the slide. You can do this by dragging the pics manually or by going to the Insert > Photos tab. I recommend the following methods to get your collage quickly:

  • Use Design Ideas tab

make photo collage in powerpoint - use design ideas tab

This tab should open up automatically once you add the photos. However, if this doesn’t appear you can just click on Design > Design Ideas . You’ll then see a bunch of recommended layouts for your collage. Click on the layout that catches your fancy and you’re good to go!

  • Convert to SmartArt

how to convert images to smartart graphic

To convert your images to SmartArt, you can press CTRL+A (Windows) or CMD+A (on Mac) to select all images. Then click on Picture Tools > Picture Layout . Select the layout you want to use. The downside to using this method is you’ll likely see text boxes, so if you don’t need those, you’ll need to manually delete them.

Note that both these methods crop the images automatically. If you want to adjust an image’s position in the collage, you can click on that image. Then go to Picture Tools > Crop . You can then drag the image around until you’re happy with the cropped result.

  • Create desktop wallpaper

You’re probably wondering why you’d bother using PowerPoint to create a desktop wallpaper for your computer. After all, you can just go to and download an unlimited number of beautiful images. Well, if you don’t want to do what everyone else is doing, then PowerPoint can help you create 100% unique wallpapers!

You can still download images from Unsplash. But with PowerPoint, you can add graphics, text, and other elements to make the wallpaper truly yours. Just remember to save the PowerPoint slide file as PNG or JPG, so you can see the option to set the image as desktop background. Here’s a screenshot:

how to create desktop wallpaper in powerpoint

  • Create calendar

Manually creating a calendar in PowerPoint is doable, but it’s going to take some time. For instance, you’ll need to add a table (6 rows x 7 columns for basic calendars), then add the labels in. You’ll also need to think about the design if you don’t want your calendar to look like the most basic calendar ever created.

Fortunately, there’s a much easier way to go about adding a calendar to your slides. And that is by downloading a ready-made PowerPoint template.

You can open up a new PowerPoint file and search for free calendar templates, like you see below. However, as you probably already know, the templates you’ll find on Microsoft aren’t exactly lookers.

free built-in templates in powerpoint

If you want high-quality and eye-catching calendar templates, I highly recommend you visit our Template Hub. You can download our free calendar templates . Here’s an example of what you can expect to see:

screenshot of free calendar templates in 24Slides Template Hub

  • Make brochures and flyers

Many professional designers use apps like Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, and Microsoft Publisher to create brochures and flyers. If you’re willing to learn how those apps work, you can create great-looking brochures and flyers. However, if you just want to create something basic, then PowerPoint can help.

Go to and download a free brochure or flyer. Make sure the file you download is compatible with PowerPoint. Check out the screenshot below:

brochures and flyers you can download for free in microsoft website

I downloaded a tri-fold brochure template. Here’s what it looks like:

example trifold brochure template from microsoft

You can edit all the elements on the slides, so you can truly make it your own brochure or flyer!

  • Use PowerPoint in webinars

Webinars are great for maximizing your reach. You can have a live webinar or you can pre-record it. What’s really great about webinars is that people can watch your content 24/7 without you physically needing to be there. The whole world can literally be your audience!

You can upload your webinar to YouTube and Facebook. If you want a more controlled environment, you can use webinar platforms like WebinarJam, GoToWebinar, and more.

If you want more information about this subject, read this article: How To Use PowerPoint For Your Webinar

  • Make wedding invitation

Wedding invitations can be fun to make especially if it’s your own! You can go on Pinterest to look for design inspiration, like you see below:

sample wedding invitations from pinterest

You can choose from a wide variety of designs. You’re also not limited to using a single size or shape; the most common size seems to be 5×7 inches though. Your invitation can be as simple or as extravagant as you like.

Before you create in PowerPoint, just remember that if you’re mailing your invitations to some guests, you may need to consider using a more traditional wedding invitation size.

  • Create ad graphics for Facebook

Did you know that over 2 billion people go on Facebook every month? If you want to take advantage of this massive platform, then you should definitely consider advertising on Facebook. It’s relatively more cost-effective than other advertising platforms.

That being said, you want to use ad graphics that will effectively stop people from scrolling down their feeds. As a PowerPoint user, you’ve got a powerful tool at your fingertips. Before you design your ads, however, make sure you check out Facebook’s ad format guidelines .

  • Take a screenshot

There are plenty of apps that take screenshots. However, what’s really good about using PowerPoint is that in addition to getting the whole screen, you can also take screen clippings.

In the past, you could only take screenshots of open Microsoft Office files. But now, you can take screenshots of all open applications in your computer! For Office 365 subscribers, there’s a new Recording tab that allows you to take screenshots and screen recordings quickly. Here it is:

taking screenshots in powerpoint

As you can see, I’ve got 3 windows open on my computer. Clicking on any of those thumbnails will add a full screenshot to my current slide.

Now, if you click on Screen Clipping , you will be taken to the app you opened prior to clicking on PowerPoint. An ‘overlay’ will appear on the screen and your mouse cursor will turn into a crosshair pointer. Just drag your mouse until it covers the area you want to screenshot. Your screen clipping will then automatically appear on your current slide.

  • Do a screen recording

As mentioned in the previous point, you can do a screen recording just by going to the Recording tab in PowerPoint. You can select the area you want to record (great if you don’t want to share everything on your screen). You can also choose whether you want to capture your audio (from your default microphone) or if you wish to record your mouse pointer movement.

how to record your screen using powerpoint

  • Create a gif

Gifs are especially popular in social media. Go on sites like Reddit and Facebook, and you’ll probably see a gif every 5 seconds. It may be a bit of an exaggeration, but the point is that gifs (especially the animated kind) are extremely popular.

Now, PowerPoint can only make still gifs (non-animated). If you want to make animated gifs, there are a couple of different methods you can check out:

(1) You can add animations to your slide elements, save it as video, and then use an online converter to convert from video to GIF. Check out this video tutorial if you want to use this particular method:

(2) Alternatively, you can save your slides (with animated elements) as images and then go to a site like to create your free GIF. This post does a pretty good job explaining the steps of this specific method.

  • Make a mind map

Mind maps are great for brainstorming and coming up with new, creative ideas. It helps you visualize your ideas and enables you to think outside the box. There are free mind mapping tools like MindMup which is easy enough to use. But if you want to try out how this works in PowerPoint, then let me tell you it’s actually quite easy.

All you have to do is fire up PowerPoint and use SmartArt! SmartArt is extremely flexible and will accommodate all your ideas in a single slide. It will automatically adjust the font size and the graphic size itself.

For mind maps, you can choose from any of SmartArt categories, but I think the best ones to use are in the List, Process, Cycle and Hierarchy categories. Check out this mind map I made using the Hierarchy SmartArt:

how to make a mind map in powerpoint using smartart graphic

Play around with the different options until you find the right SmartArt graphic for your mind map!

  • Make your own icons

You can download free icons on the web. But if you want to use something unique in your presentation, then you can actually make your own icons in PowerPoint. Amazed? You should be!

By creating your own icons, you take your brand a step further. You can use your custom icons on your website, your advertisements, your organization’s letterhead, and basically anywhere else you can think of!

This video should help you off to a good start in making your own PPT icons:

  • Reshape photos into any shape you like

If you’re tired of using the same old rectangle or square shape for your images, then you may want to use PowerPoint to make your images more exciting. Here are a few tips to reshape your photos into fun, new shapes!

Method 1: Shape fill with pictures option

Go to Insert > Shapes if you want to use this method. The good news is you’re not limited to using only one shape per picture. If you want to make a truly unique shape, you can use the Merge Shapes option. You’d need to select the images you want to merge. Then you can choose from the following merge options: Union, Combine, Fragment, Intersect, and Subtract.

different shape merge options in powerpoint

Play around with the different options and you’ll see that you can literally come up with an infinite number of unique shapes!

Method 2: Convert using SmartArt graphics

If you want a more uniform look for your images, then this is the method you should choose. I already gave a rundown on how you can convert photos to SmartArt in #10 (Make photo collages), so you should scroll up if you haven’t read that part yet!

There are plenty of things you can do with your photos on PowerPoint. I wrote a detailed guide on this very topic. If you want to know more about working with multiple images in PowerPoint, check out this article .

  • Create photo album

If you want to create a photo album and turn it into a slideshow, then PowerPoint can easily help you out. It just takes a few clicks and you’ll have your album. Go to Insert > Photo Album and you’ll see this menu pop-up:

how to create photo album in powerpoint

As you can see in the screenshot, you’ve got a lot of options to choose from. For picture layout, you can have up to 4 pictures per slide. You can select the frame shape as well as the photo album theme. Once you create in PowerPoint, you can then go a step further by going to the Design Ideas tab and switching up your photo album’s look!

  • Use video as background

It’s quite easy to embed YouTube videos in PowerPoint and play it during your presentation. But not everyone knows that you can use video as your presentation’s background. Here’s how:

Go to Insert > Media > Video > Video On My PC . Once you’ve added your video, click on it to open up the Video Tools menu. Click on the Playback tab, and set your video to start Automatically . Then tick on the box that says ‘Loop until stopped.’

how to use video as background in powerpoint

You can resize your video and make it fill the slide. Then you can add text, graphics, and various other elements in the foreground.

You can download free stock video footage on just like I’ve done in the screenshot above. The good thing is their video file sizes are quite small, so it’s not going to make your PowerPoint file too heavy and slow to load. The video file I downloaded and used in the sample above is only 10MB in size.

  • Use 3D models for more engaging presentations

Sometimes, the usual 2D graphics just don’t cut it anymore. If you want to bring your presentation up a notch, try using 3D models. You can rotate your 3D graphic and show everyone a 360-degree view. You can even use Morph animation to make your 3D image come to life.

Fortunately, inserting a 3D model to your slide is just as easy as adding images, shapes, videos, icons, charts, etc. Just go to Insert > 3D Models and select whether to add from a file on your computer or from the Remix 3D community.

Check out this demo from Microsoft:

  • Use free, high-quality templates

Yes, PowerPoint may have a bunch of free templates, but they’ve been around for ages. Their design hasn’t been updated in years, so if you use their default templates, your presentation will look like it’s a throwback to the 90’s!

If you’ve been on our website before, then you probably already know we’ve got hundreds of high-quality and professionally-designed free PowerPoint templates. But if this is your first time here, you should definitely check out this link to our Template Hub .

Here’s a screenshot of what you can expect:

screenshot of free PPT templates from 24Slides

Just sign up for a free account and you can download to your heart’s content!

  • Save your PowerPoint as PDF

Saving your PPT file as PDF has a lot of advantages. You can keep all your slide elements intact – the text, graphics, shapes, formatting, etc. It will preserve the visual appearance of your slides. The only downside is you can’t export the animations and slide transitions. That said, saving your file as PDF is great if you want to share your presentation file via email or upload it to the web.

  • Create Prezi-like effects

PowerPoint uses a linear, slide-based approach to presentations. Prezi, on the other hand, makes use of a single canvas where you put all your ideas together. Since it’s not slide-based, it uses a pan and zoom animation to move from one part of the canvas to another. Now you can do the same with PowerPoint. If you have Office 365, you can use Zoom animation to create Prezi-like effects.

Watch this tutorial if you want to know how this works:

  • Embed fonts in your presentation

So, you spent hours choosing the right combination of fonts to make your slides look perfect. But when you finally get to the presentation venue, you realize your beautiful fonts have all been replaced by the default Calibri font. What a disaster! To prevent this from happening, learn how to embed your fonts in your presentation.

  • Password-protect your presentation

If you don’t want prying eyes on your presentation, then you better put a password on it. This is a must-have if you’re presenting highly valuable information. Read this article to find out how you can password-protect your file as well as disable the password when it’s no longer necessary.

Final Words

Wouldn’t you agree with me when I say PowerPoint is amazing? It’s really no surprise why it’s still the best presentation software today even with all the competition around. The 30 amazing things you can create in PowerPoint that I shared in this article are just the tip of the iceberg. I’m sure you’ll discover more fun things to do in PowerPoint!

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

Create professional presentations online

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Hugh Culver


Author, speaker, coach, 10 easy ways to make any powerpoint presentation awesome.

Make your PowerPoint Presentation awesome

Updated to Speaking on May 3, 2023.

This post was updated in 2023.

It was 20 minutes before lunch, my client was frantically looking at the clock, and the audience was squirming. We had suffered through endless forgettable PowerPoint slides and were all hoping for a merciful end. That’s when the presenter announced, “I see I’m running out of time, so I’ll just hurry through my last 30 slides.”

We’ve all suffered through slide shows with long lists of unreadable bullets, unnecessary YouTube clips, and overuse of graphics. Instead of holding our attention and making their point even stronger, each slide distracts the audience with more content they don’t need. Bad slides are agnostic. You can use PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi, Google Slides, or hold up a piece of paper – it’s all a distraction if you don’t do it well.

Done well, a thoughtfully prepared slide deck can be the perfect slide dish for your full meal presentation. Done poorly and your audience will feel like they made one too many trips to the buffet table. This post will help you do it well.

For the first years of my speaking career, I presented with 35mm slides. You know, the photographs framed by cardboard that got jammed in the projector? That was me – hauling out the projector, clicking in the carousel, and praying that tonight it would all work. I soon learned that the more slides I showed the less the audience listened to me. So I cut back on the slides. I also noticed that when I switched to a black screen (see #9) the audience turned all their attention to me. So I practiced fading to black whenever I told a story or had an important point to make.

How I started

When I switched to PowerPoint I suddenly had a candy shop full of treats to sweeten my presentations with. And I started making all the same mistakes again: too many slides, too much content on each slide, and too distracting. After every presentation I always do a quick debrief – what worked, what needs to change? And slowly I developed a checklist for slide presentations.

I have shared with checklist with hundreds of speakers to help put the spotlight on them. Some were designing a new speech, some were preparing for a webinar and others needed slides to back up a video presentation. In every case, this checklist made their presentation better. They sold more products, got more referrals, and, in most cases, spent a lot less time working on their slide deck.

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

If you’ve ever struggled to create interesting slides or worry your slides are too wordy or you have too many of them, this will help.

Here are my 10 easy ways to make any PowerPoint presentation awesome.

1. Build your slides last

This might be the most important rule on the list. Don’t build your slide deck until you build your presentation.

You could be tempted to start monkeying with slides early in your speech writing process – after all, it’s a fun way to procrastinate from all that hard thinking – don’t. Building your slide deck before you build your presentation is like building a road before you know where it’s going.

Your slides are there to ADD to a well-designed speech, not to replace it.

2. Don’t try to replace you

People come to hear you. If you are launching your service on a webinar, they want to know how this solution has helped you and whether is it right for them. If you are delivering a keynote speech or workshop, they want a glimpse into your solutions that can help move them forward in their work or in life.

Fancy transitions, superfluous video clips, and endless bullet points will get your audience’s attention, but take their attention off of you. Every time you hit the clicker the audience leaves you and goes to the screen.

Your goal for every presentation is to deliver the goods, not the slides.

3. Use a consistent theme

We are easily distracted and confused. That’s why brands always anchor advertising on their unique colors, fonts, slogan, or a jingle. They know that consistency in their brand theme builds recognition and puts more attention on the message. You should do that with your slides.

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

Start with a simple, white background and san serif fonts.

A consistent, simple theme helps your audience focus on the content of each slide. Watch TED talks that have gone viral to see how simple a slide theme can be, like the ones by Dan Pink The puzzle of motivation (30M views), and Shawn Achor The happy secret to better work (25M views).

4. More images, less text

Want to quickly reenergize a tired slide deck? Make your images larger ( in this post I share where to get free images ) and reduce the text size. Remember, the theme in this post is that you are the presentation, not your slides.

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

Your brain can process images 60,000 times faster than text. When you use images (and less text) you allow your audience to process the image without distracting them away from your powerful story, or making a critical point. Like subtle mood music in the background of a dramatic movie scene, images can augment and enhance what you are saying without stealing the show.

5. One story per slide

When I started using PowerPoint I would have 60 to 80 slides for a 60-minute speech. It was a lot of work to prepare each deck and when I was deep into the speech I would sometimes forget where I was and have to jump forward a couple of slides.

Then it became 30-35 slides and I could breathe easier, knowing that fewer clicks meant less to worry about. As my confidence grew it became 10-12 slides and each slide became a key part of storytelling or point-making—they had to earn their place.

I might use a slide as a backdrop to a story or for a short list that supports a lesson I’m delivering. Either way, it’s always on ‘story’ per slide. If I don’t need a slide, I fade to black (#9).

But, I always stick to one story per slide.

6. Reveal one bullet at a time

This is an easy one – reveal one bullet at a time. The function of bullets is to reinforce (not replace) what you are delivering. That’s why they need to be short (see the 2/4/8 rule, below). A good bullet point is complete on it’s own, but much better when combined with a live presentation of it. Here’s an example from a list of (very wordy) time management strategies:

  • Infrequent visits to your Inbox give you more time for deep work
  • time blocking allows you to protect time for important work
  • the Pomodoro technique can help you focus with fewer distractions

A better list – like one you might use on a PowerPoint slide – would be:

  • visit your Inbox less often
  • block time for important work
  • the Pomodoro technique helps you focus

To reveal one bullet at a time in PowerPoint, right-click on your text box, select Custom Animation > Add Entrance Effect and then choose the effect you want. In Keynote, click Animate > Build in and choose the effect you want.

7. Leave the fireworks to Disney

It’s great that you know how to turn text into flames and make images spin with the click of your mouse – but leave those fireworks to Disney. Your job is to make your content the star of the show. Every time you haul the audience’s attention away to some animation you lose a truckload of opportunity to help them.

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

Your slides can still be amazing and helpful, but that should always be secondary to your primary purpose of helping people. Simple transitions, clean, san serif fonts, and large, attractive graphics trump PowerPoint tricks, every time.

8. The 2/4/8 rule

When I am advising other speakers I often don’t know their topic—certainly not as well as they do. So I rely on certain rules I have developed over many years. For slide decks, I use my 2/4/8 rule. Here’s how it goes…

  • about every 2 minutes I have a new slide (that’s 30 slides for a 60-minute speech),
  • no more than 4 bullets per slide, and
  • no more than 8 words per bullet.

Just like any recipe, you can mess with the ingredient a bit. If your content is more technical, you might need more slides. Sometimes I need 5 or 6 bullets. I use the 2/4/8 rule to remind me that slides are there to support what I have to say, not replace me.

9. Fade to black

The last time I was shopping for a car, I noticed the salesperson had a clever technique. While he asked how I liked the car and if I had any questions, he kept his sales offer face-down on the table. Because there were no other distractions, he had my full attention. And when it was time to reveal his offer, it was much more dramatic (so was the price!) Use the same technique with your slides.

When you fade to black you regain your audience’s attention. For example, after I present a solution, I’ll fade to black while I expound on how to apply that solution in my audience’s work/life. When I’m finished, I turn black off and go to the next point. Or if I’m halfway through a story I’ll fade to back before the punchline so I know I have everyone’s attention.

It’s no different than a close-up scene in a movie—the director wants you to focus only on the speaker. Note that if you are shopping for a slide remote, be sure that yours has the black screen feature.

10. When in doubt, delete

This might be the most advice I can leave you with. When in doubt, delete it.

There is a weird attraction to more. Authors add more pages thinking it makes the book more valuable. Sales people who talk too much miss the opportunity to ask for the sale. And presenters add more slides thinking it will make them look better. Wrong.

When you are doing the final edits on your slide deck, the ultimate question you should be asking about each slide is, “Will it make my speech better?” If not, dump it.

Remember, nobody will miss what isn’t there. Also fewer slides allows you more time for side stories, spontaneous thoughts or even time for Q&A.

Remember this…

I’ve said it numerous times in this post, but it’s worth repeating. You are the show, not your slides. More slides means more time your audience is not paying attention to you. Fewer (and better) slides means you have more time to build rapport, share memorable stories, explain your solutions and motivate your audience to action. You are there for a reason. Now go and deliver.

One last thing. Spend the $80 and pack a remote (with spare batteries.) Nothing’s worse than watching a speaker repeatedly lean over, hunt for the right key, and then peck away to advance the slides.

If you enjoyed this article, here is more about presentation skills:

How the experts create world-class PowerPoint Slides (and you can too) PowerPoint Primer – the only 3 slides you’ll ever need How to add video to PowerPoint and Keynote like a pro

Slide by  Nathan Anderson  on  Unsplash

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things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

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50 Creative Ideas For Your Next PowerPoint Night

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

TikTok is the newest, hippest (just ask any twenty-something year old) social media platform and arguably the biggest thing since Instagram’s launch in 2010. The platform boasts over 1 billion users and has been downloaded an upwards of 200 million times in the United States alone. You can find all sorts of videos on TikTok from food recipes and fashion, to presentation tips. Its diverse, entertaining, short-form content is what makes the app so favorable across many different age groups and demographics. 

Many trends and recommendations have come to light because of the ever-popular social media app like dances, sounds, and meals. But another TikTok trend that has taken millennials and Gen Z by storm is PowerPoint nights. PowerPoint nights became especially popular in 2020 during the pandemic when friends and family were looking for ways to connect with one another via technology. Essentially, friends create presentation decks about cheeky topics (unrelated to work or school) and present them to each other either in-person or through video calls. Oftentimes served with plenty of snacks and beverages, PowerPoint nights have become a new Friday night “thing” to do. A trend we can get behind. 

And of course, we’re thrilled that it put presentations on the map for something fun other than board meetings and thesis assignments. 

So we’re tapping in. Here are 50 creative ideas for your next PowerPoint night. Extra points if you use and tag us on TikTok. 

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

  • Your colleagues as The Office characters
  • Dating app contenders 
  • Hot takes on a new album from your favorite artist
  • Your Spotify Wrapped list
  • Bachelor/bachelorette (or other reality TV show) predictions
  • A song to describe each person in your friend group and why
  • Suggest locations for your next friend trip
  • Everyone’s love language
  • Fantasy football updates
  • Everyone’s favorite movies, ranked
  • Water bottle brands ranked
  • The best restaurants in a 30 mile radius according to you
  • Dream wedding destinations
  • Your friends as Disney characters
  • The best nostalgic shows for your generation
  •  Things you would do if you were president 
  •  Pet names that you love and hate
  •  The best and worst managers or bosses you’ve ever had
  •  Your favorite memory with each friend
  •  The best iPhone/android apps you can’t live without
  •  Each friend’s toxic trait
  •  Fashion trends you can’t get behind
  •  Friend trivia or two truths and a lie
  •  Office gadgets that just make sense
  •  A [insert name] starter pack for all of your friends
  •  Give each friend a superpower and explain why
  •  Your colleagues as an alcoholic beverage
  •  Things you hate: and everyone has a chance to try to change your mind
  •  Everyone’s enneagram types
  •  Unpopular opinions: things you like that no one else does
  •  The emojis you need in the next update
  •  The top 10 best celebrity couples
  •  Things that just make sense to have in your home
  •  Band names each friend would name their band
  •  Things from Amazon that you would recommend to a stranger
  •  Your friends as fast food restaurants
  •  A song for every milestone in your life
  •  How each person’s road trip snack preference defines them
  •  The first five things you’d spend money on if you won the lottery
  •  Bucket list items
  •  Local coffee shops, ranked
  •  The best and worst things about everyone’s jobs
  •  Give all your friends a new name and persona
  •  How everyone’s zodiac signs fit their personality
  •  Your group as Friends characters
  •  Holidays ranked from worst to best
  •  Celebrities that would play your friends in a movie or TV role
  •  Things you’d rather be doing than your current job
  •  Each of your colleagues as dog breeds
  • The best (most useful) things you’ve learned from TikTok

Want to create a viral-worthy presentation in half the time? Let DesignerBot take the wheel . While PowerPoint night topics are subjective, DesignerBot can help you pull in facts, images, or information on your topic. For example, for a presentation on "water bottle brands ranked" you can enter the prompt "top 10 water bottle brands" and watch DesignerBot generate the deck for you like magic. You can then edit the slide(s) to reflect your personal rankings and thoughts without wasting time sourcing brand names, photos, or logos. You might even ask DesignerBot to pick a PowerPoint night topic for you— the possibilities are endless.

Jordan Turner

Jordan Turner

Jordan is a Bay Area writer, social media manager, and content strategist.

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Top 17 Funny PowerPoint Topics for Presentations in 2024

Lakshmi Puthanveedu • 29 March, 2024 • 9 min read

PowerPoints comedy is great! Powerpoint nights with your besties are the best nights. It’s the perfect activity when you want to do something entertaining but want to avoid going to a frat house or dealing with a large crowd.

Powerpoint night videos are all the rage on TikTok right now, and if you have yet to try one, you’re in for a treat. So, let’s check out the top 17 Funny Powerpoint Topics !

Looking for things to make a slideshow about for fun? There are numerous ways to plan spectacular, fun PowerPoint night ideas with your friends; the best part is that it is relatively easy to execute.

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Table of Contents

What is a powerpoint party, #1 your friends as dog breeds, #2 friends as spongebob characters, #3 your friends as taylor swift era, #4 in your friends’ bodies for a day, #5 what reality tv show each friend belongs to.

  • #6 Who knows me best: a trivia game

#7 Your friends as Disney characters

  • #8 Every Friend is a superhero
  • #9. Selfie as Vogue Covers

#10 Each friend as a skincare product

#11 your colleagues as alcoholic beverages, #12 your favourite memory with each friend, #13 band names each friend would name their band, #14 prediction on bachelor, #15 roasting your friend’s zodiac signs, #16 your euphoria high school outfits, #17 each friend in a former lifetime, frequently asked questions.

A PowerPoint party is, at its core, a gathering where each attendee creates and delivers a presentation on a topic of their choice. Instead of a dull academic presentation, you can make the humorous topics as funny, playful, or niche as possible by creating your slideshow in Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, AhaSlides , or Keynote .

The key is to be creative with your topics, whether it’s an interactive Google Slides on how about your ex-es, a niche about Taylor Swift songs, a funny ranking of who’s most likely to win Too Hot To Handle, or a breakdown of your roommates as Disney villains. You can even make it a competition, with scoring sheets and a grand prize at the end.

Are you ready to start playing? Here are some of the best Funny Powerpoint Topics ideas for your next gathering.

🎉 Check out: What is PowerPoint Party and How to host one?

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Funny PowerPoint Topics

🎊 More 2024 tips about 17+ funny topics for powerpoint presentation

If you have terrific friends, chances are they remind you of a specific dog breed: From cuddly golden retrievers to snappy angry tiny chihuahuas, your presentation will bring out the laughter fest.

Mr, Krab, Patrick Star, and Squidward tentacles, there’s undoubtedly a friend who is just like the living meme from Spongebob characters. The funny PowerPoint presentation topics with your friends as Spongebob characters will change your night.

If you’re a Swiftie, choosing your favourite era can be tricky—after all, each has at least one standout moment that could highlight the singer’s entire career.

Try assigning your friends to iconic Taylor Swift eras; trust me, it will be the night!

Let’s say you switched bodies with your friends for the day. What sneaky things you’ll be want to do.? That sounds hilarious. Try adding some memes along with the presentation pictures, and trust me, you got the Powerpoint party all covered.#

You got friends you want to go out to lunch, dinner, or brunch with because they always have the most up-to-date gossip and news about people in your mutual circles. And there’s another circle of literal drama queens that even tops the TV shows. Cast your friends in TV reality shows where you think they’ll come out on top.

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Funny Powerpoint Topics

#6 Who knows me best: The Trivia Games

Still looking for interesting PowerPoint topics? Nothing tops the trivia games on PowerPoint party nights. Do you want to know who your loved ones know the most about you? Then continue reading! Who knows me? Best Questions are the fun games for determining who listens to your rants.

Allow two or more people to compete against each other! What if your boyfriend has to compete against your best friend? Or your mother versus your father? That sounds like a lot of fun! Or, check out 21+ icebreaker games that should be used to gain more fun for your PowerPoint parties!!

Cindrella, peter pan, Baymax ?. Who is that friend of yours who closely resembles the Disney characters you love? Enjoy the Disney-themed PowerPoint party with an absolute blast.

#8 Every Friend is a superhero – Funny Powerpoint Topics

Everyone is a superhero. When we think of a superhero, our mind automatically thinks of a world of superman, batman, or Ironman. Assign your friends as the superhero from Marvel and viola; let’s start the funniest PowerPoint party. Remember to add and assign some comic powers to them as well.

#9 Selfie as Vogue Covers

Who doesn’t likes to live in their model era? Take those best vogue cover-worth selfies of your friends into those PowerPoint slides and begin the party. Rate them and crown the winner with the highest marks.

Face scrub, glow serum, foundation & the list goes. Label your besties as your routine skincare products with funny short descriptions that will make your PowerPoint party.

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Screwdriver, white Russian, Sea breeze, bloody mary, exciting names, rights ?. Let’s see who is the personalised version of these alcoholic drinks. Name your friends as the popular alcoholic beverages, and let the fun begin.

We all have some unforgettable and funny moments with our desert friends, So let’s pick one such funny memory and share it during the PowerPoint point presentation party. Trust me. It will be one of the hilarious nights of your life.

Who doesn’t like to flaunt their inner musicians from time to time? Spend the PowerPoint party nights by naming the possible band names of each friend a have a blast throughout the night.

Who is the most likely to receive the final rose on The Bachelor? You can predict the current Bachelor season’s four hometown dates and the eventual winner.

The most [insert zodiac sign] thing has ever done Permission to roast the Leos and Scorpios in the room lightly—I can say that because I am one. But be gentle with your Pisces friends.

Funny Powerpoint Topics

It needs to be done by a friend with legitimate Photoshop skills, but you’re replacing everyone’s stock photos with a Euphoria high school look.

For instance, I was in the Salem witch trials. Perhaps one of your other friends was a badass anti-Civil War activist or was in the audience at the first Woodstock.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get the party to begin with funny PowerPoint topics! You also should add live Q&A feature to make your presentation more engaging and be opened for more feedback!

🎊 Learn more: Spinning Wheel Powerpoint

Why Funny Powerpoint Topics are essential?

Funny PowerPoint topics can be important for several reasons, as it enhance engagement, make slides more memorable and relatable, release stresses for presenters and also boost creativity! Tips: You should use an online quiz creator to make your presentation more engaging and memorable!

What are PowerPoint nights?

PowerPoint and presentation nights are actually the party you can hose at night, to get together with friends, and present on silly topics, to bring more funs to the group!

Is it hard to make an Interactive Powerpoint?

It’s actually not, especially when you choose the perfectly working plug-in, compatible with MS Powerpoint. You can now create a free account to create an AhaSlides Interactive Powerpoint .

Lakshmi Puthanveedu

Lakshmi Puthanveedu

A small-town girl enthralled by culture, languages, and sunsets. Casual artist and musician looking to make memories every step of the way. Now changing the way humans live and have virtual interactions with AhaSlides.

Tips to Engage with Polls & Trivia

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What To Make A PowerPoint About? (20 Creative Ideas)

Are you in need of a creative way to present your ideas? Whether you need to present a professional or creative topic, PowerPoint is a great way to engage your audience. But the question is: What should you make a PowerPoint about? In this article, we’ll provide 20 creative ideas to consider, as well as tips on how to structure your presentation, keep your audience engaged, and incorporate visuals and multimedia to enhance your presentation. So, if you’re looking for ideas on how to make a great PowerPoint presentation, keep reading!

Short Answer

You could make a PowerPoint about a topic you’re interested in or studying in school.

If you need more inspiration, you could look up examples of PowerPoint presentations online or research current events for ideas.

Choosing a Topic

When deciding on a topic, consider topics that are both interesting and relevant to the audience.

For example, if you are presenting to a group of business professionals, topics such as business, economics, science, and technology may be more appropriate than topics such as art, design, music, and literature.

This will give you a better understanding of the type of topics that the audience may be interested in.

Once you have chosen a topic, create an outline of the points you wish to cover in the presentation.

This will help draw the audience in and make the presentation more memorable.

Creative Topics to Explore

Some creative topics to explore include art, design, music, literature, and more.

Art: Art can be a great topic to explore in a PowerPoint presentation. It can be used to illustrate different concepts, such as the evolution of art styles throughout history, the development of art movements, the impact of art on society, or the use of art in advertising. Art can also be used to showcase the work of master artists, or to discuss the techniques and processes used in creating works of art.

Literature: Literature can be a great topic to explore in a PowerPoint presentation. It can be used to discuss the history of literature, the development of different genres, or the impact of literature on society. Literature can also be used to showcase the work of master authors, or to discuss the techniques and processes used in creating works of literature.

These are just a few of the many creative topics that can be explored in a PowerPoint presentation.

Professional Topics to Explore

Economics presentations can focus on topics like global markets, supply and demand, economic indicators, and economic policy.

Outlining the Presentation

Outlining the presentation is an important step in creating a successful PowerPoint.

When creating an outline, start by identifying the main ideas or points that need to be included in the presentation.

Finally, consider how the presentation can be made more engaging and interesting for the audience.

Engaging Your Audience

3. Use visuals and multimedia: Using visuals and multimedia can make your presentation more engaging for your audience. Incorporate images, videos, and music to enhance your presentation and keep your audience interested.

Incorporating Visuals

Incorporating visuals into the presentation can help make it more exciting and memorable for the audience.

Visuals can help to bring your presentation to life and make it more enjoyable for the audience.

Incorporating Multimedia

Additionally, you can add audio clips that can help to enhance the presentation and make it more memorable for the audience.

Final Thoughts

Consider topics that are both interesting and relevant to your audience, and make sure to outline the presentation to keep it on track.

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things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

12 Fun Presentation Ideas for Your Next PowerPoint Night

  • The Speaker Lab
  • May 22, 2024

Table of Contents

PowerPoint presentations aren’t always for boardroom meetings. Sometimes, they’re a great way to shake things up and have some fun. For instance, maybe you’re a teacher trying to come up with fun ways to practice impromptu speeches. Or maybe you’re in leadership and looking for a way to work in some team building exercises .

Whatever your goal, we have 12 fun PowerPoint presentation ideas for you to use. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a first-time presenter, these themes are guaranteed to bring the laughs and make your night one to remember. No need for comedy chops or design skills—all you need is a dash of creativity, a bit of courage, and a readiness to have a blast.

How to Host a PowerPoint Night

If you’re committed to making this PowerPoint night a reality, you’ll first want to make sure you have the logistics sorted out before jumping into fun presentation ideas. Using our foolproof tips, you can ensure your PowerPoint party is a smashing success. From choosing the perfect theme to keeping the laughs coming all night long, we have you covered.

Choosing a Theme

First things first, you need to pick a theme. This will help guide your guests as they create their presentations. Choose a broad theme that allows for creative interpretation, such as “Unpopular Opinions” or “Conspiracy Theories.” This way, everyone can put their own spin on it and bring something unique to the table.

Creating a Presentation Template

In order to keep things cohesive, it’s a good idea to provide a basic template for your guests to use. Create a Google Slides template with a consistent color scheme and font. This will help maintain visual consistency throughout the night and make it easier for those who may not be as design-savvy to focus on their content.

Encouraging Participation

In some cases, not everyone is going to jump at the chance to create a PowerPoint presentation in their free time. That’s why it’s important to encourage participation. Offer incentives like a prize for the most creative presentation or a “People’s Choice Award” voted on by the audience. A little friendly competition can help participants engage more.

Sharing Presentations

When it comes to the actual presentation night, you want to make sure everything runs smoothly. Use a platform like Google Slides or Prezi that allows for easy sharing and collaboration. This way, you can seamlessly transition between presentations without any awkward lulls. And if you have friends who can’t make it in person, they can still join in on the fun remotely.

Remember, for each of these suggestions, they’re just that—suggestions. Based on the vibe and size of your group, you may want to tweak these suggestions to allow for more creativity and fun. If you’re not sure how to strike the balance between creativity and structure, just experiment and ask for feedback for your participants.

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Fun Presentation Ideas for Your Next PowerPoint Night

PowerPoint nights offer a fun-filled opportunity to strengthen friendships while letting your imagination run wild . If you’re searching for inspiration for your next PowerPoint night, look no further. Below, we’ve compiled fun presentation ideas that will help your crew grow and laugh together!

Bucket List

Forget boring old bucket lists—it’s time to level up with this PowerPoint presentation. Gather your squad and get ready to share your craziest dreams and aspirations. Skydiving? Learning to cook like a pro? Finally writing that novel? Create a presentation showcasing your ultimate bucket list items and the reasons why they matter to you. Not only will it be a blast, but you might just inspire each other to start making those dreams come true.

Dog Breeds as People

If you’re a dog lover, then this one’s for you. Imagine if different dog breeds were people. What would their personalities be like? Would a chihuahua be the sassy, high-maintenance friend who always needs to be the center of attention? Would a golden retriever be the loyal, always-down-for-a-good-time pal? Compare different dog breeds to human personality types and get ready for some laughs—especially if you decide to create some art for your slides.

Celebrity Lookalikes

We’ve all gotten the “you look like so-and-so” comment at some point. Well, now’s your chance to lean into it. Have everyone find their celebrity doppelganger and create a side-by-side comparison slide. Bonus points if you dress up as your celebrity twin for the presentation.

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. A mood board, however, is the perfect way to express yourself without saying a thing. Design a mood board that represents your current state of mind, goals, or aesthetic. Incorporate images, quotes, and colors that capture the essence of your chosen theme. It’s like a window into your soul, but with way better visuals.

Social Media Profiles

Social media is a wild place. But have you ever wondered what it would be like if historical figures or fictional characters had their own profiles? Now’s your chance to find out. Create a mock social media profile for a famous person from the past or a beloved character, complete with status updates, likes, and comments that align with their personality. It’s like fan fiction, but with a 21st-century twist.

Fun Interactive Ideas for Your Presentation

There are plenty of fun presentation ideas out there, but what about interactive ones? Luckily for you, we have some in store. The best part is you don’t need a Hollywood budget or a degree in computer science to make it happen. All it takes is a dash of creativity and some smart planning, and you’ll be delivering top-notch interactive presentations in no time.

Childhood Photos

Liven up your next presentation with this interactive idea: request childhood photos from your audience beforehand. Incorporate these snapshots into your slides, and create a story that ties all of them together. Your audience will love the personal touch, and it’ll spark conversations and connections that last long after the presentation ends. Afterwards, you can even have people share the background behind their photo(s). Not only does this fun presentation idea allow people to share nostalgic stories, but it also gives people the chance to learn about the others better.

Unpopular Opinions

Another fun interactive presentation idea is to poll your audience on their unpopular opinions. This works especially well if you’re already presenting on a topic that people tend to have strong feelings about, like politics or pop culture. Create a list of controversial statements related to your topic, then ask your audience to vote on whether they agree or disagree with each one.

For instance, say you’re giving a presentation on social media marketing, and you decide to poll the audience on statements like “Instagram outshines Twitter.” In addition to engaging your audience, throwing in a few interactive polls can also help you gauge what they already know about your topic.

Conspiracy Theories

Here’s a pro tip: if you want to make your presentation unforgettable, then ask your audience about conspiracy theories connected to your topic. People love sharing their favorite theories, and it’s a fantastic way to break the ice and get everyone talking. Take those theories and run with them—you’ll be surprised at how much fun everyone has.

For instance, say you’re giving a presentation on media literacy. By asking people to share the wildest conspiracy theory they’ve ever heard, you can then break down the elements that made it seem compelling (even if it wasn’t true). You can then use conspiracy theories as a way to talk about the importance of critical thinking. It’s a fun way to get people thinking about how media messages are constructed and how to spot misinformation.

Here’s the secret to making interactive presentation ideas work: keep them on-topic and audience-appropriate. Quizzes and polls are awesome, but only if they drive home your key points. And here’s the really important part—have fun up there! After all, if you’re loving what you’re talking about, your audience will too.

Powerpoint Night Theme Ideas for Your Friend Group

When it comes to planning a PowerPoint night with your besties, the possibilities are endless. But sometimes, having too many options can be overwhelming. That’s where themed nights come in clutch.

Selecting a theme for your PowerPoint party isn’t just about limiting the scope of presentation topics; it’s a chance to inject more fun and originality into the event. It also provides a unique opportunity to strengthen your bond with your friend group by learning about their experiences and interests. Let’s take a look at some fun theme ideas for your next PowerPoint presentation night.

Favorite Memory

Take a trip down memory lane and have each friend share their favorite memory with the group. It could be a hilarious inside joke, an epic adventure you all went on together, or a heartwarming moment that brought you closer.

TV Characters You Relate To

We all have that one TV character that we see a little bit of ourselves in. Have each friend choose a character they identify with most and explain why. It could be a shared personality trait, a similar life experience, or just a general vibe.

Lessons Learned

Life is full of ups and downs, and sometimes the most valuable lessons come from the hardest experiences. Have each friend share a life lesson they’ve learned and how it’s impacted them. It could be a lesson about love, friendship, career, or personal growth. The key is to be vulnerable and honest.

Create a “Starter Pack”

Starter packs are a popular meme format that typically include a collection of items, traits, or experiences that are associated with a particular type of person or group. Have each friend create a starter pack meme that represents their personality, interests, or quirks. It’s a fun way to sum up who you are in a visual way and bond over your shared (or contrasting) starter packs.

The beauty of PowerPoint nights is that there are no rules. No matter which theme you choose, the most important thing is to have fun and let your creativity shine.

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Tips for Making Your PowerPoint Night Memorable

If it’s your first time hosting a PowerPoint night, then we have some tips to make sure yours runs smoothly. We’re not just talking fun presentation ideas, but ways to make the whole event exciting and engaging. Let’s take a look at some of these tips.

Incorporating Music

A good playlist can set the tone for the entire night and keep the energy up between presentations. Consider creating a collaborative playlist ahead of time and ask everyone to add a few songs that fit the theme of the night. That way, everyone feels like they’re part of the process and you get a diverse mix of tunes.

Adding Humor

Of course, the most important element of any Powerpoint night is humor. The whole point is to make people laugh, so don’t be afraid to get a little weird with it. Encourage people to use memes, GIFs, and inside jokes in their presentations.

Encouraging Storytelling

Never forget the magic of a good story. The most unforgettable PowerPoint night presentations are the ones where the presenter opens up and shares personal tales and experiences. It’s an amazing opportunity to deepen your bonds with friends and create a warm, intimate atmosphere that brings everyone closer together.

At the end of the day, the most memorable PowerPoint nights are the ones where everyone feels like they’re part of something special. So don’t be afraid to get creative, take risks, and let your personality shine through. With a little bit of planning and a lot of laughter, your PowerPoint night is sure to be a fun one.

FAQs on Fun Presentation Ideas

What can i make a fun presentation about.

Dive into “A Day as Your Pet” or explore “If Historical Figures Had Instagram.” Keep it light and funny.

What is an interesting topic for presentation?

“The Science of Superheroes” hooks almost anyone. It’s cool, quirky, and sparks imagination.

How to creatively present a presentation?

Mix in memes, tell stories instead of listing facts, and maybe even throw in a mini-quiz. Engage your audience.

What is a good 5 minute presentation?

Pick something like “Weird Laws Around the World.” It’s snappy, surprising, and easy to chat about quickly.

And there you have it—12 fun presentation ideas that’ll take your next PowerPoint night to the next level. Whether you’re bonding over cringey childhood memories or debating the merits of your favorite conspiracy theories, these themes are sure to bring the laughs and create some unforgettable moments with your friends.

Remember, the key to a successful PowerPoint night is to let your personality shine through. Don’t be afraid to get a little weird, a little vulnerable, and a whole lot creative. Your friends will love you for it, and you might just discover a hidden talent for comedy along the way.

So what are you waiting for? Pick a theme, fire up your favorite presentation software, and get ready to wow your crowd with your hilarious PowerPoint skills. Trust us, your friends will be begging for an encore performance in no time!

  • Last Updated: May 23, 2024

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13 PowerPoint Presentation Tips to Create Engaging Presentations

13 PowerPoint Presentation Tips to Create Engaging Presentations

Written by: Chloe West

powerpoint presentation - header

Have to create a PowerPoint presentation and dread it? Your presentations don’t always have to be dry, boring and limited. With these PowerPoint presentation tips, you’ll be able to put together a dynamic and engaging presentation.

Let’s start from the very beginning before you even open up your presentation tool.

  • Start by writing out your talking points.
  • Get creative with your slide design.
  • Keep your design consistent throughout.
  • Make your presentation interactive.
  • Add animation.
  • Put together seamless transitions.
  • Use text creatively.
  • Align objects with the grid.
  • Create non-linear presentations.
  • Place shapes strategically.
  • Crop images into shapes.
  • Utilize the presenter notes.
  • Use a dynamic presentation software.

1. Start by writing out your talking points.

The first thing you need to do, before even considering your presentation design, is to write out your talking points and outline your speech.

Pay attention to popular and engaging presentation structures so you know the framework you want to follow throughout your talk. This will also make it easier to create an outline that focuses on each of your talking points.

Once you’ve put together an outline that represents your topic and touches on each important element you need to cover, you can start searching for a PowerPoint presentation template that will fit your topic.

Or, you can start browsing through Visme’s presentation templates below.

Presentation Templates

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

Ecommerce Webinar Presentation

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

Buyer Presentation

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

PixelGo Marketing Plan Presentation

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

Product Training Interactive Presentation

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

Company Ethics Presentation

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

Work+Biz Pitch Deck - Presentation

Create your presentation View more templates

2. Get creative with your PowerPoint presentation slide design.

When it comes to putting your content onto your PowerPoint presentation slides, you want to be sure your slides are clean, easy to read and engaging.

This means you should try out a variety of different creative themes. And while we have a post with over 100 creative presentation ideas you should check out, here are a few ways to really make your slideshow stand out.

Use more design elements than photos.

powerpoint presentation - template with design elements

While a photo collage or stock image background tends to be PowerPoint presentation go-to’s, we’re trying to empower you to do something different!

Take a page out of this template’s book by taking advantage of different design elements. Here, we see a solid colored background, shapes, icons and text decorating the slides of this presentation.

In this example PowerPoint slides, we do still see a photo added to emphasize the point on one of the slides, but it’s used as a design element rather than the foundation of the slide.

Use a bold color scheme.

powerpoint presentation - template with bold colors

When customizing example PowerPoint slides , your color palette matters. Using a more bold and bright color scheme is a great way to grab audience attention and make yourself seem more serious about your topic.

A more powerful color scheme makes an impression on your viewers, helping them to further see you as an authority on the information you’re sharing.

This example PowerPoint slides uses a bold blue and orange color scheme to stand out. To get an idea for a color palette for your next presentation, take a look at these 50 combinations .

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things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

3. Keep your design consistent throughout.

We just shared a couple of different presentation templates available with our platform in the last point. What do you notice?

Here’s another example for you to take a look at.

powerpoint presentation - template with cohesive design

All of the example PowerPoint slides have a similar look and feel, creating a cohesive presentation deck that looks intentional and professionally designed.

Imagine if you were sitting in a presentation that looked something like this.

powerpoint presentation - cluttered design example

This looks messy and cluttered. It’s an amateur-looking design, and your audience will be confused about how these slides make any sense together.

Because keeping your design consistent is an essential part of creating an engaging presentation, we’ve also created a few different presentation themes with hundreds of example PowerPoint slides that all follow the same design theme.

Here’s an example of our Modern presentation theme below with over 900 different slides so that you can find a variety of slides perfect for your next slide deck.

powerpoint presentation - modern theme

4. Make your presentation interactive.

One way to create a really dynamic presentation that will keep your audience engaged and create a memorable experience is to make your presentation interactive.

While we’ve covered 17 ways to create an interactive presentation before, let’s go over how you can do this using a tool like Visme.

PowerPoint is widely known as the go-to presentation software, but there are so many alternatives that can lead you to a better solution and a better end result.

In Visme’s presentation maker, you can easily add links to any object in your presentation that lead to web pages, other slides within your presentation or create popup or hover effects with other objects on your slide.

powerpoint presentation - add links in visme's dashboard

Simply click on the element that you want to add a link to, head to the Actions menu, then select which type of interactive link you want to add.

You’re also able to create interactive maps and data visualizations that allow you or your viewers to hover over each element in your visual to see more information.

Here’s an example of an interactive map that you can easily create to showcase more information in a more digestible format.

Visme also allows you to embed external content like videos, polls, forms, surveys, quizzes and more. Plus, there are several third-party integrations you can use to embed and connect even more interactive content.

5. Add animation.

Another way to help your slides stand out is by adding in animated elements. Try to incorporate enter and exit effects for various objects on your slides to grab your audience’s attention as new slides fly onto the screen.

Here’s a great example of how this could look.

Or, if you put together your PowerPoint presentation slides with a different tool – like Visme, wink wink – you can gain access to even more animated elements.

Visme provides users with fully customizable animated illustrations, icons, shapes and more that can have their size, colors and animation speed updated to fit your needs.

powerpoint presentation - elements available in visme

These illustrations can be perfect for adding even more depth to your presentation slides, especially when it comes to your title slides and section headers to help break up your presentation.

6. Put together seamless transitions.

When customizing example PowerPoint slides, you want to put a creative spin on it. Instead of having one slide disappear for another to appear in full, why not try out some creative transitions?

It’s important for us to note that if you find a transition you like, you should stick with it throughout your presentation. This goes back to our point about cohesive design. You want everything to flow well.

This means that you don’t want to throw a ton of different slide designs, animation types and transitions into the mix, or you’ll end up with a cluttered and hard-to-follow presentation deck.

Visme’s unique transitions offer not just slide transitions, but a way to seamlessly transition all of your elements onto the screen as well.

Take a look at this presentation below to see how this looks. Click through the slides to see them transition.

To get this effect, simply choose one of the following transitions that also show the slide elements following suit after the background appears.

powerpoint presentation - transition options in visme

Ready to create your own presentation in minutes?

  • Add your own text, images and more
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  • Choose from hundreds of slide designs and templates
  • Add interactive buttons and animations

7. Use text creatively.

There are hundreds of fonts to choose from, so how do you know the best ones to use and how to make them stand out on your slides?

First, you can check out our guide to font pairing to understand some basics for choosing the right fonts for your slides.

For example, make sure you’re using 3 fonts max, and that each has a specific role in your presentation, as you see below.

powerpoint presentation - font pairing guide

Once you’ve chosen your preferred fonts, whether you look through our selections of top fonts , modern fonts , pretty fonts or elsewhere, start considering how you can use them creatively in your presentation design.

Pro Tip: It’s important to remember that in a presentation, you won’t have many words on the screen. So you want to make sure the text that you do include focuses on your main point of each slide and grabs attention.

Let’s cover a few ways that you can use text creatively and really make your slides stand out to your viewers.

Surround your text with shapes.

powerpoint presentation - template with text and shapes

If you really want to make certain words pop off the slide, add a shape behind them like you see in this presentation about dinosaurs above.

While this is more of an informational presentation, this tactic can also be used for business-related presentations as well. 

Simply search through Visme’s library of shapes for something that matches your theme and set it behind your content.

Place your text on the white space of a photo.

powerpoint presentation - template with white space for text

Try positioning your photos strategically and utilizing pictures with more white space than you normally would. This helps you find the perfect spot to place your text so that it’s easy for your audience to read while still being visual.

In the above example PowerPoint slides, these minimalistic nature photos are the perfect backdrop for the text, providing tons of white space while still offering texture and visual elements.

Use color overlays.

powerpoint presentation - template with color overlays

Another great way to really make your words pop is by adding a translucent color overlay on top of your background photo.

Incorporating a photo into your presentation slide helps create more depth and visualize the words you’re saying, but you still want to be able to have your text be legible throughout the slide deck.

8. Align objects with the grid.

When using a tool like Visme to create your presentation, you can turn on a grid that allows you to ensure your design elements are properly aligned and perfectly symmetrical.

To access the grid in Visme’s editor, click the hamburger menu, then go to View Options , then toggle the Show grid option to turn it on.

powerpoint presentation - grid options in visme

You can set the size you want your grid to be to strategically align elements around your slide as well as set how opaque the grid lines are.

9. Create non-linear presentations.

You don’t have to go from slide to slide in your PowerPoint presentation. In fact, there are endless options for how you could navigate between slides when presenting.

Whether you let the audience decide the direction of your presentation by offering them different options to choose from, you create a navigation bar for your presentation or you allow yourself to determine the flow as you go by adding a progress bar, you have tons of options.

Here’s a great example of what your presentation could look like with a navigation menu within your slides.

10. Place shapes strategically.

Don’t underestimate the power of shapes in your presentation design. Or any design, really. 

Using various geometric shapes or even shapes you may not have heard of before to draw attention to various elements on the screen is a great design practice.

Our Creative presentation theme – with over 300 different slide layouts – is a great example of using shapes strategically to add design elements and emphasize various parts of your content.

powerpoint presentation - creative theme

Visme presentation maker has a library full of different types of shapes that can be used in diagrams, as backgrounds to icons , to frame text and so much more.

Put together a set of guidelines for which shapes you plan to use in your presentation and stick to no more than two or three different shapes throughout. While you can resize them based on your needs, you don’t want to clutter your slides.

11. Crop images into shapes.

Back with the shapes! Another creative way to bring shapes into your designs is to crop photos into different geometric shapes.

The presentation template below is the perfect example for how you can visually incorporate these cropped images into your slide design.

powerpoint presentation - template with geometric shapes

It’s easy to do this with a tool like Visme. Simply drag and drop your choice of photo from the photo library in the left sidebar onto your slide, click it, choose Frames in the navigation bar and choose the one that fits your design.

Take a look at a few of the frames available in our software.

powerpoint presentation - image frames available in visme

12. Utilize presenter notes.

Want to really give a good presentation ? It’s important not to read off the slide and actually speak directly to your audience throughout your PowerPoint presentation.

One great way to keep yourself on task and ensure you don’t skip over any important information is to take advantage of presenter notes available to you when up on stage or in front of your audience presenting.

Visme has dynamic and comprehensive presenter notes built in that help ease the pressure of presenting.

Take a look below at what you can expect to see on your screen when presenting – all while your audience only sees the slide you’re showcasing.

You get access to the time of your presentation, the current slide, the slide you can expect next to help with the flow of your slideshow and the notes you’ve prepared for your talking points.

13. Use a dynamic presentation software.

The last way to create an amazing and engaging PowerPoint presentation is to use a dynamic presentation software that isn’t PowerPoint.

I know what you’re thinking – how can you deliver a PowerPoint by using a different software?

With a tool like Visme, you’ll get tons of premade example PowerPoint slides to choose from. You’re able to both import existing PowerPoints to edit and spice them up and export editable PowerPoints to present offline and make any last minute changes.

When creating your presentation, you can use Dynamic Fields to automatically update key information throughout the slides. You can also personalize the fields and apply them to other projects.

Our analytics tool helps you track the performance of your presentation. You can track views, unique visits, average time, average completion and a host of other key metrics.

Learn more about turning your Vismes into PowerPoint presentations in this quick tutorial video.

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

Start improving your PowerPoint presentations with Visme.

Ready to start creating PowerPoint presentations with Visme? Sign up for a business account today and improve your brand and the presentations you share with your audience. Start creating engaging and interactive presentations that your viewers will love.

Create beautiful presentations faster with Visme.

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

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things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

About the Author

Chloe West is the content marketing manager at Visme. Her experience in digital marketing includes everything from social media, blogging, email marketing to graphic design, strategy creation and implementation, and more. During her spare time, she enjoys exploring her home city of Charleston with her son.

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

400+ Creative & Funny PowerPoint Night Ideas [2024]

400+ Creative & Funny PowerPoint Night Ideas [2024]

Table of Contents

A PowerPoint night is when friends come together and share slides about a topic they pick, one after the other. This cool trend on TikTok is a super fun activity for get-togethers and sleepovers.

You can make a PowerPoint to play this game with your family, college buddies, or classmates. Tools like make it easier with free templates and smart features that turn your words into slides in no time .

We all know these PowerPoint nights are a funny and enjoyable way to hang out with friends, colleagues, or loved ones. It’s a chance to let your creativity shine through your slides! Here are some awesome PowerPoint night ideas for parties.

What is PowerPoint night?

A PowerPoint night is an interactive social event where friends present their PowerPoint slides on chosen topics (or the most obscure questions), creating a fun and engaging atmosphere for friends, family, or colleagues. Also known as PowerPoint parties, they can be hosted in person or through video calls.

A theme for the night is chosen, and each individual or group creates presentation decks about funny topics to present. Usually accompanied by lots of finger foods and drinks, it’s a refreshing change from the same old party games.

The possibilities are endless. Pick ideas from any category to suit the dynamics of your groups. Add drinking games. Personalize the ideas for specific jobs or niche interests. This is an activity that can be played by a lot of friends at once, so get creative!

PowerPoint night with friends

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Our Top Funny PowerPoint Night Ideas

  • Pineapple on pizza: Delicious topping or a culinary sin?
  • Things you believe are overrated: Start a controversial discussion, but keep it in good spirits!
  • Explain that funny image: Get everyone to speculate and interpret what’s happening.
  • DIY Olympic events: Invent new sports you and your friends could compete in.
  • How each of my friends will get canceled: Humorously predict reasons and why.
  • Spotify Wrapped: Compare your Spotify Wrapped stats and top songs.
  • Forbidden foods: Things that aren’t edible that you want to eat.
  • Reality check: What you thought being an adult would be like vs. reality.
  • ‘I can’t believe we used to do that’: Ridiculous things that were normal in the past.
  • Worst online purchase: Share stories of disappointing or funny online shopping fails.
  • Emoji wishlist: Which emojis do you wish existed? Suggest 3 to 5 new emojis.
  • Useless talents: Show off a quirk, fun but not particularly useful talent.
  • Things that have happened to you that no one believes: Unbelievable but true stories.

PowerPoint night ideas for friends

Creative PowerPoint Night Party Ideas for Friends

  • How did you meet: Share stories of how you met each of your friends.
  • Rate how introverted or extroverted each friend is: Discuss each other’s social tendencies.
  • Creating a Pinterest mood board for each friend: Make a mood board that represents a friend.
  • Each friend’s toxic trait: Light-heartedly reveal each other’s flaws.
  • Give all your friends a new name and persona: Invent new names and personas for each other.
  • If we met earlier: Imagine how different your friendship would be if you met earlier in life.
  • Where will we be in 10 years?: Predict where each of you will be in a decade.
  • Create starter packs for each friend: Assemble a ‘starter pack’ meme for each friend.
  • Your favorite memory with each friend: Share cherished memories with each friend.
  • Body swap adventures: Create stories about swapping bodies with each other.
  • Bits of me: Share a mood board or collage of your favorite things, places, and experiences.
  • Three things I cannot live without: The most essential things in your life and why.
  • Things you hate: Share them and let friends try to change your mind.
  • Top dislikes: Discuss your biggest pet peeves and reasons why.
  • Foods you don’t eat: Show pictures and explain your aversions.
  • Weirdest food you have ever eaten: Describe unusual foods and where you tried them.
  • Change my mind: Present an opinion and challenge others to change your view.
  • Unpopular opinions: Share likes that are generally unpopular.
  • Regrettable moments: Reflect on past moments you wish you could change.
  • Best year of your life & why: Reflect on the best year of your life and the reasons behind it.
  • Life lessons learned the hard way: Discuss important lessons learned from past mistakes.
  • How everyone’s zodiac signs fit their personality: Discuss the accuracy of zodiac traits.
  • The most ‘Zodiac sign’ thing each person has done: Stereotype the zodiac signs playfully.
  • Friendship compatibility test: A playful assessment of how well you mesh as friends.
  • Top 10 moments in our friendship history: Highlight the top moments you’ve shared.
  • Best superhero powers: Would you rather have the ability to fly or be invisible?
  • Binge-watching vs. weekly episodes: Which makes for a better viewing experience?
  • Never have I ever: Talk about the things you’ve never done (but should have, in a fun tone).
  • Would you rather?: Present different scenarios and choose your preferences.
  • Jail time predictions: Guess what silly crimes your friends could get jailed for, and assign the jail time.
  • Cats vs dogs: Which are the superior pets?
  • Each of your friends as dog breeds: Match friends to dog breeds based on their personality.
  • Friends as mythical creatures: Turn them into mythical creatures based on their personality.
  • Friends as podcasts: Assign a podcast theme to each friend.
  • The best memes: Share your favorite memes.
  • Trends you take part in and regret: Discuss past trends you regret following.
  • Unpopular opinions: Reveal opinions that go against the norm.
  • Why (fill in the blank) is overrated: Discuss why certain things are overhyped.
  • Parallel universe: Imagine an alternate reality for your friend group.
  • Friend trivia or two truths and a lie: Share fun facts or play the classic game.
  • Everyone’s love language: Share and discuss each other’s love languages.
  • Things you’d rather be doing than your current job: Share your dream jobs or activities.
  • Funniest thing that ever happened at a job: Relive hilarious work moments.
  • Assign each friend a job you think they’d be suited for: Suggest ideal jobs for each other.
  • The most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you: Share your most embarrassing moments.
  • Gender swap: Imagine if you and your friends were the opposite gender.
  • The group chat’s texts out of context: Share funny out-of-context messages from your group chat.
  • Conspiracy theories: Come up with unique conspiracy theories.
  • Time travel adventure: Share where you’d go if you could time travel.
  • Cringiest childhood photos: Share embarrassing childhood photos.
  • Awkward teenage phase: Relive cringey teenage moments.
  • Everyone’s best and worst photos on Instagram: Showcase each other’s Instagram hits and misses.
  • Bucket list items: Share items on your bucket list.
  • Everyone’s spirit animal and why: Assign and explain a spirit animal for each friend.
  • Pet names you love and hate: Discuss favorite and least favorite pet names.
  • Bank heist roles: Assign roles to each friend in a hypothetical heist.
  • The best things you’ve learned from TikTok: Share useful TikTok discoveries.
  • Social media blunders: Discuss embarrassing social media mistakes.
  • Best and worst social media trends: Rate recent social media trends.
  • Give each friend a superpower and explain why: Choose fitting superpowers for your friends.
  • Suggest new names for each friend: Come up with creative new names for each other.
  • Band names each friend would name their band: Invent band names that reflect each friend’s personality.
  • Who my friends were in their past lives: Guess each friend’s past life persona.
  • Everyone’s celebrity lookalikes: Match friends with their celebrity doppelgängers.
  • Celebrities that would play your friends in a movie: Choose actors to portray each friend.
  • Music showdowns: Which is better, 90s pop, 2000s hip-hop, or Taylor Swift?
  • Movie remakes: Enhancements or recasts to the original?
  • Your group as TV show characters: Assign each friend a character from a TV show everyone has watched.
  • Bachelor/bachelorette predictions: Guess who would win on these reality shows.
  • Which reality show should each friend participate in?: Match friends with reality shows.
  • The top 10 best celebrity couples: Rank your favorite celebrity couples.
  • A song to describe each person: Choose a song that represents each friend.
  • A song for every milestone: Pick songs that match life milestones.
  • Hot takes on a new album: Share opinions on recent music releases.
  • The best restaurants: Discuss and rank your favorite dining spots.
  • Dream wedding destinations: Describe your ideal wedding locations.
  • Dream vacation: Talk about your ultimate vacation destinations.
  • Locations for your next friend’s trip: Brainstorm and suggest future trip ideas.
  • Holidays ranked from worst to best: Rank holidays based on your preferences.
  • Your friends as fast food restaurants: Match friends with fast-food chains based on their personality.
  • Things you would do if you were president: Share what changes or policies you’d implement.
  • Best board games and why they’re the best: Discuss your favorite board games and reasons for liking them.
  • Best gaming console: Share your favorite and a few top games to go along with it.
  • Your most-watched movie & why: Share and explain your most-watched film.
  • Everyone as -Movie or TV Show- Characters: Assign movie or TV show characters to each friend.
  • Write a cheesy hallmark movie plot for everyone: Create a Hallmark-style plot featuring your friends.
  • Recasting a new movie: Imagine a new cast for a well-known movie.
  • Casting in a live-action for a cartoon movie: Suggest live-action actors for a cartoon.
  • Dating app contenders: Create humorous dating app profiles for friends.
  • Best & worst dates: Recount your best and worst dating experiences.
  • Pick-up lines you’ve heard: Share memorable or cheesy pick-up lines.
  • Best hookup stories: Discuss memorable or funny hookup stories.
  • Everyone’s worst ex: Talk about past relationships gone wrong.
  • Red flag crushes: Share crushes you had despite obvious red flags.
  • Fashion trends you can’t get behind: Discuss popular fashion trends you dislike.
  • Fashion fails awards: Present awards for the most memorable fashion fails.
  • Extreme makeover: Imagine a dramatic makeover for each other.
  • Decade-specific fashion fails: Laugh about the 90s, 2000s, or 2010s fashion trends.
  • Tech evolution witnessed: Talk about the evolution of technology you’ve seen in your lifetime.
  • GIF pronunciation: Is it “GIF” with a hard ‘g’ or “JIF”?
  • Adulting wins and fails: Share your most successful and hilarious adulting moments.
  • Hobby evolution: How have your hobbies changed from your teens to now?
  • Back in my day…: Funny anecdotes about ‘the good old days.’
  • Parenting tips I never got: Humorous or serious parenting advice you wish you had known.
  • DIY home improvement disasters: Share stories of home projects that didn’t go as planned.
  • Fantasy music festival lineup: Create your ultimate music festival lineup.
  • Political run: Imagine if you ran for a political position and your campaign promises.
  • First Horror Movie Victim: Guess who would be the first to go in a horror movie.
  • Survivor timeline: Create a survivor story for your group and vote for who will last the longest.
  • How everyone would die in a zombie apocalypse: Predict each other’s fate in a zombie outbreak.
  • If we were in a sitcom: Create sitcom scenarios featuring your friends.
  • Villain origin story: Imagine each friend as a villain and create origin stories.
  • Kidnapper’s change of heart: Invent a story where a kidnapper releases you for a funny reason.
  • Movie remakes you’d like to see: Discuss old movies you’d love to see remade.
  • Throwback playlist: Songs that define your earlier years and why.
  • If our lives were a reality show: Title and plot for a reality show about your group.
  • The great debate: Light-hearted debates on trivial topics (e.g., best pizza topping).
  • Health fad experiences: Discuss health trends you’ve tried and their outcomes.
  • The evolution of your dream home: Describe how your ideal home has changed over the years.
  • Life hacks that actually work: Share genuinely useful life hacks you’ve discovered.
  • ‘I wish I knew’ in my early 20s: Valuable insights you wish you had known earlier.
  • Bucket list check-in: Update and share your life’s bucket list progress.
  • How I’d spend a lottery win now vs. ten years ago: Contrast your spending plans.
  • The ultimate road trip: Plan an epic road trip with specific stops and reasons.
  • ‘This is why I’m single’ stories: Share funny or bizarre dating experiences.
  • If we started a business together: Brainstorm a business idea suited to your group.
  • DIY culinary creations: Share your best or worst attempts at cooking or baking.
  • Retro gaming night: Discuss old video games and their impact on you.
  • ‘That’s so 2000s’: Laugh about things that were quintessential in the 2000s.
  • My secret guilty pleasure TV show: Confess the TV shows you secretly love.
  • The evolution of social media: How your use of social media has changed over time.
  • ‘What if’ scenarios about major life decisions: Reflect on alternative life paths.
  • The mixtape of my life: Songs for various phases and moments in your life.
  • Letter to my younger self: Write a letter to your younger self with advice and insights.
  • Dream concert experiences: Share which concerts you wish you could have attended.
  • Fitness journey ups and downs: The highs and lows of staying fit over the years.
  • The evolution of our friend group: How your group dynamic has changed over time.
  • If our lives were a novel: What genre and plot would your group’s novel have?
  • Wine-tasting adventures: Share stories from wine tastings or vineyard visits.
  • Pandemic hobby reveals: New hobbies or skills picked up during the pandemic.
  • Travel disaster stories: Share your most chaotic or humorous travel mishaps.
  • Global cuisine cook-off: Discuss international dishes you’ve tried cooking.
  • Around the world in 80 tales: Share stories from countries you’ve visited.
  • Adulting 101: Essential life skills you’ve learned since becoming an adult.
  • The art of finding balance: Discuss how you balance work, life, leisure activities, and family.
  • Mystery trip planning: Design a surprise trip for each other with imaginary unlimited budgets.
  • Celebrity dinner party: Choose which celebrities you’d invite to a dinner party and why.
  • Eco-challenge ideas: Brainstorm fun challenges to live more sustainably.
  • Dream music festival line-up: Create the ultimate line-up with your favorite artists.
  • If we were superheroes: Assign each friend a superhero identity and powers.
  • House renovation fantasies: Share your dream home renovation plans.
  • Future technology predictions: Predict what technology will look like in 20 years.
  • Fantasy road trip across fictional worlds: Plan a journey through your favorite fictional universes.
  • Reimagining famous paintings with friends: Insert yourselves humorously into famous artworks.
  • If our pets could talk: Imagine what your pets would say about you.
  • Reinventing classic fairy tales: Rewrite classic fairy tales with a modern twist.
  • Virtual world tour: Share a place you’ve virtually explored or want to visit.
  • Alien invasion survival plan: Create a strategy for surviving an alien invasion.
  • If we were in a musical: Imagine your life as a musical and describe key scenes.
  • Underwater world exploration: Describe an adventure in an imagined underwater city.
  • DIY fashion show: Create your own fashion line and present it.
  • Secret agent identities: Come up with secret agent personas and missions for each other.
  • Time capsule predictions: Predict what items will be in a 2050 time capsule.
  • If we made a band: Come up with a name, genre, and first album cover.
  • Reimagined book covers: Redesign the covers of your favorite books.
  • Magazine cover stars: Create magazine covers featuring each friend.
  • Mythical world creation: Invent a mythical world and describe its inhabitants and rules.
  • If we were video game characters: Assign each friend a role in a video game.
  • Dream theme park rides: Design a theme park ride based on your favorite movie or book.
  • Alternate universe careers: Discuss what careers you’d have in different universes.
  • Hidden talents show and tell: Share a talent or skill that most people don’t know you have.
  • Life as a sitcom: Create a sitcom plot line based on your friend group.
  • If we were a traveling circus: Assign each friend a role in a circus troupe.
  • Vintage photo recreation: Recreate old family photos with a modern twist.
  • Mythbusters: Friend edition: Debunk common myths with personal stories.
  • Epic prank wars stories: Share the best pranks you’ve played or experienced.
  • Dream concert line-up from past eras: Create a concert line-up with artists from different decades.
  • If our lives were an epic poem: Write an epic poem about your adventures together.
  • Fantasy island getaway planning: Design a fantasy island and plan an imaginary trip there.
  • DIY game show night: Create your own game show with unique challenges.
  • ‘What’s in my apocalypse survival kit’: Share what you’d include in a survival kit.
  • Recipe fails and successes: Discuss your best and worst attempts at cooking or baking.
  • If we were on a reality TV show: Choose a reality TV show and imagine your role in it.
  • Our group’s theme song: Write or choose a theme song for your friend group.
  • Dream music festival lineup with a twist: Create a festival lineup featuring unexpected artist collaborations.
  • If we were characters in a fantasy novel: Assign each friend a role in a fantasy story.
  • Superpower lottery: Randomly assign superpowers and discuss how you’d use them.
  • Life milestones bingo: Create a bingo game based on common and uncommon life milestones.
  • Retro-decade party themes: Pick a decade and plan a themed party around it.
  • Recreating iconic movie scenes: Act out and record iconic scenes from movies.
  • Life in a parallel dimension: Describe what your life might look like in an alternate dimension.
  • Future tech we wish existed: Discuss futuristic technology you wish was real.
  • Gadget invention brainstorm: Come up with a gadget that doesn’t exist but should.
  • No design skills required
  • 3 presentations/month free
  • Don’t need to learn a new software


Family-Friendly PowerPoint Night Ideas

  • Favorite childhood memories: Reminisce about favorite memories from your childhoods.
  • Childhood dreams revisited: Share what each family member wanted to be when they grew up.
  • Family tree storytelling: Share interesting stories about ancestors and relatives.
  • The story of our family name: Explore the history and meaning behind your family’s surname.
  • Our family’s favorite myths and legends: Discuss myths or legends that fascinate your family.
  • Culinary heritage: Discuss traditional dishes from your family’s cultural background.
  • Family recipe swap: Present favorite family recipes and their histories.
  • Kitchen catastrophes: Relive the most memorable cooking fails and disasters.
  • The great family bake-off: Plan a family baking competition and describe the ideal entries.
  • Family’s favorite comfort foods: Discuss the comfort foods that everyone loves.
  • Favorite family tradition or routine: Discuss beloved family traditions or daily routines.
  • Is it cake?!: Vote on photos of hyper-realistic cakes (and decoys) to guess which is cake.
  • Our family in different eras: Imagine your family living in different historical periods.
  • If our family started a business: Brainstorm ideas for a family business.
  • Our family’s impact on the world: Discuss how your family contributes to the community.
  • Family milestone: Highlight significant milestones achieved by family members.
  • Predict the future: Predict each other’s lives in 5, 10, or 20 years.
  • Family time capsule: Decide on items each family member would include in a time capsule.
  • A day in our family’s life (past vs. present): Contrast a typical day in the past with now.
  • Family’s guide to happiness: Share each member’s ideas on what happiness means.
  • Our family’s unsung heroes: Talk about family members who have made a significant impact.
  • Family advice column: Share the best advice given by different family members.
  • Our family’s world records: Create funny or serious world records held by family members.
  • Guess the relative: Show baby or old photos and guess which family member it is.
  • Doppelgängers: Share photos or stories of family members who look like celebrities or characters.
  • Talent show: Showcase each family member’s unique talents or skills.
  • Family talent hidden gems: Unveil hidden talents that family members haven’t shared before.
  • Our family’s theme song: Choose or create a theme song for the family.
  • Family sports day: Plan a family sports event and discuss the potential activities.
  • Family fitness challenge ideas: Come up with fun fitness challenges for the family.
  • The evolution of family pastimes: Discuss how family pastimes have changed over the years.
  • Gardening mishaps for those without a green thumb: Talk about gardening attempts that didn’t go as planned.
  • Tech blunders: Share stories of funny or frustrating technology mishaps in the family.
  • Virtual family world tour: Present a virtual tour of places the family would love to visit.
  • Share desired travel spots for family vacations: Discuss dream destinations for family trips.
  • Family time-travel destinations: Choose historical periods to visit as a family.
  • The product you like and recommend the most on Amazon: Share your top Amazon recommendations.
  • Things that make sense to have in your home: Discuss practical items every household should have.
  • Everyone’s favorite movies ranked: Debate and rank the family’s favorite movies.
  • Everyone’s favorite TV shows ranked: Share and rank favorite TV shows among family members.
  • Our family as a reality show: Create a hypothetical reality show based on your family life.
  • The best nostalgic shows for your generation: Discuss TV shows that define your generation.
  • Your dream home with a $5 million budget: Describe what your dream home would look like.
  • Funniest Amazon reviews: Find and share hilarious product reviews from Amazon.
  • Family Pet Hall of Fame: Share memorable moments and stories about family pets.
  • Family book club: Discuss a book that the whole family has read.
  • Home movie night: Watch and comment on old family videos.
  • Family karaoke night: Have fun singing songs chosen for each family member.
  • DIY projects gone wrong: Talk about DIY attempts that ended up being disasters.
  • Favorite board games ranked: Discuss and rank the family’s favorite board games.
  • Least favorite herb or garnishing: time for the coriander-haters to air their grievances.
  • A letter to our future family: Write letters to future generations of your family.

PowerPoint night ideas for couples and date nights

Sibling Shenanigans: PowerPoint Night Ideas

  • Before-College Tips: Tell what you wish you knew before going to college.
  • Ex Breakdown: Talk about funny or interesting stories from past relationships.
  • Childhood Tales: Share funny, embarrassing, or memorable stories from when you were kids.
  • Siblings’ Goals List: Share goals you want to achieve together as siblings.
  • Show and Tell: Each sibling shows something special and explains why it’s important.
  • Sibling Rivalries: Reminisce about playful rivalries and competitions from your childhood.
  • Tech Mishaps: Share funny tech mishaps and text conversations.
  • Synced Silliness: Make funny dance routines or silly faces together.
  • Family Lingo: Share jokes, phrases, and slang that only your family understands.
  • Hidden Talents: Reveal surprising talents or skills your siblings have.
  • Photo Recreations: Recreate old photos funnily.
  • Prank Wars: Tell the best pranks you played on each other.
  • Guilty Pleasures: Share secret hobbies or interests you enjoy.
  • Comedy Roast: Jokingly make fun of each other with good-natured humor.
  • Through the Years: Show how your relationship evolved with pictures.

powerpoint night ideas for siblings

Bonding PowerPoint Night Ideas for Couples & Dates

  • Love language exploration: Discuss and share each other’s love languages and what they mean to you.
  • Our favorite things about each other: Share what you most appreciate about each other.
  • Our best moments: Relive and share the best moments you’ve had together.
  • Love story timeline: Create a timeline of your relationship, highlighting key moments.
  • My favorite photos of you: Present and explain your favorite photos of each other.
  • Our bucket list: Compile a list of adventures and experiences you want to go on together.
  • Creative date night ideas: Come up with a list of unique and fun ideas for future date nights.
  • Virtual date night ideas: Share creative ideas for virtual dates or for those in LDRs.
  • Fantasy getaway: Plan an imaginary perfect vacation or escape.
  • Honeymoon destinations: Discuss and plan your ideal honeymoon spots.
  • Our parallel universe: Imagine and describe your lives together in an alternate universe.
  • If we were a meme: Create or find a meme that perfectly describes your relationship.
  • Our story as a graphic novel: Visualize your relationship story as a series of comic strips or a graphic novel.
  • Our superhero alter egos: Invent superhero identities for yourselves as a couple.
  • Playlist for our relationship: Compile a playlist that represents different stages of your relationship.
  • Astrological compatibility: Discuss how your astrological signs influence your relationship.
  • Future kid names: Share and discuss potential names for future children.
  • Parenting bloopers: Relate funny or memorable moments from parenting (if applicable).
  • Celebrity power couples: Compare your relationship to famous celebrity couples.
  • Guess each other’s likes and dislikes: Try to guess each other’s preferences accurately.
  • Dream house design: Collaborate on designing your ideal home.
  • House renovation fantasies: Talk about how you would renovate or change your current living space.
  • TikTok challenge duo: Plan and present a TikTok challenge you would do together.
  • Our YouTube channel concept: Come up with an idea for a YouTube channel you could start together.
  • Travel vlog dream: Discuss the idea of creating travel vlogs of your adventures.
  • Our dream music festival lineup: Create a lineup for a music festival you’d love to attend together.
  • Couples’ gaming night: Plan a gaming night, including which games you would play.
  • Fitness challenge as a couple: Plan a fitness or wellness challenge you can do together.
  • Our eco-friendly lifestyle plan: Discuss ways to make your lifestyle more environmentally friendly.
  • If we had a podcast: Develop an idea for a podcast you could host as a couple.
  • Our favorite viral videos: Share and discuss your favorite viral videos or trends.
  • If we were influencers: Brainstorm the type of content you would create if you were social media influencers.
  • Our custom emojis: Design emojis that capture unique aspects of your relationship.
  • Social media archives: Look back at your posts and interactions with each other on social media.
  • Our food blog concept: Imagine starting a food blog together and what it would feature.
  • Shared hobby exploration: Propose a new hobby you could start learning together.
  • Couple’s wellness retreat: Plan an imaginary wellness retreat, including activities and locations.
  • Our couple’s signature dish: Create and present a dish representing your relationship.
  • Couple’s themed photoshoot ideas: Come up with fun and creative themes for a photoshoot together.
  • Our signature dance move: Choreograph, or choose a dance move you both love.
  • Dream home tech setup: Imagine the ultimate tech setup in your future home.
  • Virtual reality adventures: Imagine and describe an adventure you’d have in a virtual reality world.
  • Fashion style evolution: Share how each other’s fashion styles have evolved since you’ve been together.
  • If we wrote a book: Come up with an idea for a book you could write together.
  • DIY project for two: Plan a DIY project you can work on together.
  • Pet parenting plan: Discuss the possibility and plans for having a pet together.

PowerPoint night ideas for colleagues

Engaging PowerPoint Night Ideas for Colleagues

  • Paid holiday scenario: What will you do, and where will you go if you had three months of paid leave?
  • Dream job swap day: Talk about a job you want to try for a day, within or outside your current workplace.
  • Alternate universe careers: Imagine different career paths you and your colleagues might have taken.
  • Fantasy retirement plans: Describe your ideal retirement life.
  • The ultimate sandwich combo: A delicious debate on what goes into your ideal sandwich (with images!).
  • The great office work debate: Engage in a discussion of the pros and cons of remote work.
  • Meeting styles: Compare the effectiveness and preferences for in-person versus virtual meetings.
  • Work hours: Discuss preferences between traditional 9-5 schedules or flexible working hours.
  • Things you’ve always wanted to learn how to do: List skills or sports you’ve wanted to learn.
  • Things you would do with a million dollars: Share what you would do if you suddenly became a millionaire.
  • Everyone’s enneagram types: Discuss your enneagram types and how they reflect your work styles.
  • Initial impressions: Talk about your first impressions of your colleagues and how they have changed.
  • Colleague catchphrases: Highlight unique or commonly used phrases by colleagues.
  • Job title makeovers: Invent creative and humorous job titles for yourself and your colleagues.
  • The best and worst managers or bosses you’ve ever had: Share experiences with different types of managers.
  • Office confessions: Admit to harmless office misdeeds or funny incidents.
  • Most embarrassing email sent: Share stories of sending emails that went wrong or to the wrong person.
  • Office fashion faux pas: Recall memorable office fashion mistakes.
  • Best office cubicle/space design: Showcase well-designed office spaces or dream cubicle setups.
  • Most bizarre thing on your office desk: Share the weirdest items you have or have seen on office desks.
  • Dream office chair: Share your ideas on what you think is the best office chair money can buy.
  • Office gadgets that make sense: Share useful or innovative gadgets that enhance the workspace.
  • The best iPhone/Android apps you can’t live without: Present essential mobile apps for work and personal life.
  • Best work music: Discuss whether certain genres of music, like classical or lo-fi, help with focus at work. Bonus – share your playlist!
  • Virtual background challenge: Compete to create the most unique or funny virtual backgrounds.
  • Colleague cocktails: Assign a type of cocktail to each colleague based on their personality.
  • Each of your colleagues as cat breeds: Compare your colleagues to different cat breeds based on their traits, accompanied with cat photos or videos!
  • Compare colleagues to “The Office” TV show characters: Match colleagues with characters from “The Office.”
  • Coffee or tea: Debate the merits and preferences of coffee vs. tea.
  • Office memes: Share popular or internal office memes.

PowerPoint night ideas for classmates

Spark Laughter with Classmates: PowerPoint Night Ideas

  • Viral video reacts: React to popular YouTube videos or TikToks together.
  • TikTok Challenge Hall of Fame: Showcase favorite TikTok challenges or create a class-specific challenge.
  • Stream team: Discuss the latest series, show, or channel everyone’s been watching.
  • Best YouTube channels to binge-watch: Recommend your go-to YouTube channels and explain your addiction.
  • Playlist exchange: Share your current favorite playlists or songs.
  • Your favorite guilty pleasure song: Confess the songs you love but might be embarrassed to admit, and explain which moods they suit.
  • Guess the celebrity: Try to identify celebrities from their childhood images.
  • Your favorite fictional character: Talk about a fictional character you love and the reasons behind it.
  • If you were a video game: Match friends to video games based on their personality.
  • Your friends as Disney or Marvel characters: Assign a Disney or Marvel character to each classmate.
  • If I were an anime character: Choose an anime character that best represents you (or your alter ego).
  • Hogwarts sorting: Sort classmates into Hogwarts houses.
  • Classmates as historical figures: Which historical figure do they resemble or embody?
  • Classmates as animals: Imagine which animal each classmate would be.
  • Ice cream flavors: Which ice cream flavor would each person be, and why?
  • Color palette matching: Choose color palettes that match classmates’ personalities.
  • Most likely to go viral: Come up with ideas on what each of your classmates will go viral for, then do a vote.
  • Pop culture time machines: Rate pop cultures (e.g., 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s) based on defining hairstyles, fashion, singers, and trends.
  • Evaluate yearbook photographs: Look back and rate yearbook photos for a good laugh together.
  • Hidden talents: Reveal skills or talents that your classmates might not know about.
  • Passion projects: Discuss personal projects or interests you’re passionate about.
  • Future class reunion: Predict what everyone will do at a class reunion 10 years later.
  • Tech time capsule: Predict the future of technology in 10 years.
  • Dream influencer collab: Discuss which influencer you’d love to collaborate with (or meet) and why.
  • Indie hacker dream: Describe an app or software that you’d invent and why.
  • What’s in my bag: Reveal interesting or unusual items you carry every day.
  • Snacks on the go: Share your go-to nibbles for busy days or study sessions.
  • Favorite childhood treats: What snacks did you like as a child (and perhaps still do)?
  • Rating fast food restaurants: Rank fast food chains and your favorite order there.
  • The best books you’ve ever read: Talk about your all-time favorite books.
  • Book club: Recommend books for your classmates to read and explain why.
  • Study strategies: Share effective studying techniques or tips.
  • Handwriting vs. typing: Which is better for learning?
  • Group projects or solo work: Which is more effective?
  • Art vs. science: Which is more crucial in education?
  • Ideal pet: Describe your dream pet, real or imaginary.

PowerPoint night ideas for icebreakers and new friends

Icebreaker PowerPoint Night Ideas for New Friends

  • Emoji introductions: Use emojis to express your personality.
  • First impressions: Discuss your initial thoughts or feelings about each other.
  • New friend fun facts: Share an unusual or funny fact about yourself.
  • Two truths and a lie: Guess which of the three statements is a lie.
  • Top misconceptions about your culture, language, or customs: Clarify common misunderstandings and stereotypes with a light heart and open mind.
  • My name in another language: Translate or adapt your name into five different languages.
  • Personality collage: Create a visual representation or mood board about your personality.
  • Guess my passion: Prepare a collage of images about your greatest passion, and let others guess what it is.
  • Life hacks that changed your life: Share a tip or trick that’s been a game changer.
  • If I were an inventor: Pitch an invention you would create.
  • Favorite drink or beverage: Rank your top beverages and explain why.
  • Favorite foods and cuisines: Photos of your favorite foods and why.
  • Road trip snack preference: Connect snack choices to personality traits.
  • If I were a food: Describe what kind of food you’d be and why.
  • Book or movie character: Pick a character you relate to or aspire to be like.
  • Movie night choices: What genre and movie would you choose?
  • The best and worst things about everyone’s jobs: Shed light on the extreme ends of your job.
  • Things from Amazon that you would recommend to a stranger: Your top Amazon picks and finds, and why.
  • Lottery win: The first five things you’d spend money on if you won the lottery.
  • If you could swap lives for a day: Choose whose life you’d like to experience for a day.
  • If you could time travel: Where would you go if you could get there instantly, and why?
  • Describe your best day ever: What would your perfect day be from start to finish?
  • Guilty pleasures and indulgences: Confess your guilty pleasure or secret indulgence.
  • Favorite season: What is your favorite season, and what does it remind you of?
  • Ideal superpower: Choose your own ideal superpower and why.
  • Dream vacation: Cultural exploration or relaxing beach?
  • Best dessert: What is your favorite dessert, and what would you pair it with?
  • Morning routine: Are you an early riser, or do you snooze 5 times every morning?
  • Morning or evening person?: Early bird or night owl? Share bits of your routine and sleep habits.
  • Fitness preferences: Gym workout? Outdoor activities?

Tips for hosting a PowerPoint night presentation

🍿 Turn it into a potluck, or have friends bring their own food and drinks

📺 Use a TV screen (and big fonts) and Chromecast or Airplay

⏰ Use a timer for each presenter to keep things on time

🗂️ Use AI to help with creating the slides and templates

✨ Grab a friend with legit Photoshop skills to add fun visuals and interactive elements to the slides

💡 You don’t need to stick to Microsoft PowerPoint – Google Slides works too!

Learn more: Convert PowerPoint slides to Google Slides

Hosting a PowerPoint night is a super simple way to bond, spend quality time, and share anecdotes and experiences while remaining cozy indoors. You can stick to one theme for the night or mix and match multiple ideas – as long as there is something for everyone you are inviting!

We hope this mega list of themes, funny ideas, and topics has given you some good ideas and conversation starters to help prepare for your next PowerPoint night with your best friends!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. what kind of topic should i choose.

Let your creativity flow! Funny, serious, personal, even bizarre – the best topics showcase your personality and spark conversation.

2. How long should my presentation be? How many slides?

Keep it concise! Aim for 3-10 minutes and 5-15 slides. Remember, it’s about sharing, not lecturing.

3. Do I need to be a PowerPoint expert?

Absolutely not! PowerPoint Night is about having fun with friends, not fancy effects. Beginners are welcome!

4. Can we do PowerPoint Night online?

Sure! Use video call apps like Zoom or Google Meet to share your screen and presentations.

5. How can I make my presentation more interesting?

Spice it up! Use humor, personal stories, pictures, or even interactive elements like quizzes or polls. Encourage participation with questions and discussions.

6. Can PowerPoint Nights have themes?

You bet! Themes add an extra layer of fun. Explore options like conspiracy theories, childhood memories, favorite movies, or cooking disasters.

7. Can I use other presentation tools?

Of course! Use Google Slides, Prezi, Canva, or any presentation tool you prefer.

8. How do we decide who presents first?

Keep it light! Draw names from a hat or let a natural presenter kick things off, if you have one.

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Home Blog Presentation Ideas 10+ Outstanding PowerPoint Presentation Examples and Templates

10+ Outstanding PowerPoint Presentation Examples and Templates

Cover for PowerPoint presentation examples article by SlideModel

Nobody said it’s easy to make a PowerPoint presentation . There are multiple design decisions to consider, like which layout is appropriate for the content you have to present, font pairing, color schemes, and whether to use animated elements or not. 

Making these choices when working under the clock is overwhelming for most people, especially if you only intend to make a report more visually appealing. For this very reason, we curated a selection of 11 good PowerPoint presentation examples categories in different niches to give you insights into what’s valued and how to take your presentations to a professional quality. All the templates used on each case will be linked for easy access.

Table of Contents

General Guidelines for Professional-Quality PowerPoint Presentations

Business pitch powerpoint presentation examples, marketing plan powerpoint presentation examples, company profile powerpoint presentation examples, quarterly/annual results presentation examples, project proposal presentation examples, training presentation examples, change management presentation examples, industry analysis presentation examples, financial planning examples, inspirational presentation examples, academic presentation examples, final words.

Before introducing our presentation slide examples, we need to discuss a list of factors that transform an average slide into a professional-quality one. 

Design Principles

For any professional-level slide deck, a consistent layout, color scheme, and font pairing are required throughout the presentation. The slides should remain uncluttered, with proper care of white balance across their composition, and stick to the 10-20-30 rule of presentations ’s concept of one concept per slide. 

Contrast between text and background color must comply with web design accessibility standards , meaning to work with a 4.5:1 contrast ratio for normal text, with exceptions for larger text. You can find more information in our article on accessibility for presentations .

A general rule in any graphic design project is to stick with fonts with ample legibility, like Arial, Helvetica, or Calibri. These are known as sans-serif fonts, and they work better than serif ones (i.e., Times New Roman) for larger text blocks.

Avoid using more than two different font families in your presentation; otherwise, the overall design will lose cohesion. Since you ought to ensure readability, the minimum size for body text should be 18pt, opting for larger variations and/or bold text for titles.

Using a combination of font pairing and font sizing helps create a hierarchy in your slides’ written content. For more insights on this topic, browse our article on fonts for presentations .

Color Scheme

Sticking to a color palette selection is one of the first design decisions to make when creating a custom slide deck . Colors have their own psychological impact on presentations, as explained in our article on color theory , so presenters must stick to 3-4 colors to avoid mixing up content in the slides. That being said, the colors have to be carefully selected according to the typical color scheme configurations, and using contrast to highlight key points on presentation slides.

Slide Layout

We can apply multiple graphic design guidelines to create professional-quality presentation slides, but in order to simplify the process, here are the key points to take into account:

  • Grids and Guides: Divide your slide into sections using guides in PowerPoint or Google Slides. Then, you can build a grid that helps place elements and catch the viewer’s interest as they follow a logical flow while looking at the slide.
  • Whitespace : Empty space is not your enemy. Slides shouldn’t be dense or feel hard on the eyes to read; therefore, work with a minimum of 30% whitespace.

Multimedia Elements

According to our expertise, video presentations and animation effects certainly increase the retention rate of the content you present. This is because they reduce the tiresome 2D presentation layout and add dynamism to the slides. Testing their functionality across different devices is a must to incorporate these elements into your presentation, especially if we consider that not all PowerPoint animation effects are compatible with Google Slides animations . 

Sound can be distracting in many scenarios unless you opt for an interactive presentation and require an audio track for an exercise. Action buttons in the form of quizzes or multiple-choice questions are fine examples of how we can integrate hyperlinks in interactive presentations.

Problem slide presentation example in a business pitch

The first professional PowerPoint example we will cover is when creating a problem slide business pitch. This selected business pitch PPT template has a 50/50 image-to-content balance that allows us to add images from our organization (or stick to the corporate placeholder image design) and quickly summarize the issue or need that our business aims to solve.

Remember that the selected colors for the text background area and text color are not 100% pure values—they are slight variations to reduce eye strain, making this slide a perfect choice for any kind of meeting room. Ideally, you can present up to three different problems to solve; otherwise, the text will look too small.

Revenue model slide PowerPoint presentation example

Another fine example of a PowerPoint presentation comes at the time of delivering an elevator pitch . As we all know, this concise presentation format requires a considerable amount of presentation aids to briefly expose each point in the speech under the allotted time frame. In this Revenue Model slide, we can find the answers to typical questions that help us shape the speech, all of them with icons and cues to remember from which areas the information comes.

Sponsorship deck PowerPoint presentation example slide

If we aim to create a sponsorship pitch deck , it is important to bring proof of past sponsorship experiences to build our credibility in front of prospective sponsors. With this best PPT template tailored for sponsorship pitch presentations, we can display such data in an attractive visual format. The neat layout balances whitespace with content, with three distinctive KPI areas to talk about your history in sponsorship experiences. 

Market segmentation presentation example slide

Talk about the market segmentation strategies of your marketing plan with this creative infographic template. This slide clearly illustrates that not all examples of PowerPoint presentations follow the same structure in terms of graphics-to-text balance. You can introduce data on how purchasing habits, user status, and brand loyalty influence buying decisions. Present key information about demographic & geographic segmentation and how psychographic information can provide deeper insights into consumer motivations to purchase.

Market opportunities slide presentation example

Another PowerPoint example comes in the format of presenting market opportunities in marketing plans . You can list up to four points, which can be extracted from the outcomes of a SWOT analysis or from retrieved data from polls or stakeholders’ insights. The icons are entirely editable, and the crisp layout makes readability much easier.

Consultancy agency services slide in marketing plan presentation example

Marketing agencies can benefit from this presentation PowerPoint example, which illustrates how easy it is to customize the content and repurpose slides for different client meetings. This and the other slides of this marketing plan slide deck allow professionals to discuss their expertise, past projects, and proposals for their target clients. In this case, the agency in question is offering insights on their work ethics through a clean slide layout with icons to flag key areas.

Company Profile financial slide presentation example

Our next PPT presentation example is suited for a Company Profile presentation in which we have to disclose key financial data. Thanks to the pie chart, presenters can segment revenue streams or do a balance between investments and profit. Additionally, the box placeholders allow us to deepen our knowledge of precise areas of interest.

One-pager Company Profile presentation example

Organizations who are looking to create a company profile can opt for a one-page arrangement to introduce the team members in charge, the overall services or products, the business model, the market, competitors, and relevant strategy information. The text boxes placed in the right area are a perfect opportunity to highlight KPIs.

Mission statement slide presentation example

In any company profile presentation, we have to introduce the organization’s Mission and Vision Statements. This presentation sample slide allows us to creatively discuss those topics. Including icons, users can summarize the primary aspects of their mission statement in one single, professionally styled slide.

Quarterly employee performance review presentation example

Quarterly reports don’t need to be depicted as boring PDF files. We can work with clean layouts that provide information in an easy-to-follow format that focuses on the core elements of the report. This quarterly report presentation example is perfect for detailed reports as we cover all essentials in a one-page format for an employee’s performance review.

Department progress report slide

If, instead, you opt for a department-by-department approach, this slide presentation example illustrates two out of four quarters in the annual report. You can compare the product’s performance by production, allowing room to perform further optimizations based on sales behavior.

Construction project presentation example slide

The construction industry requires a detailed presentation that covers all planned and contingency strategies for a project. Such an approach builds trust in the client, and that’s why we believe this PPT template for contractors is an essential tool for securing business deals. This presentation example template shows how to deliver a project proposal in style with accurate cost estimates.

Project proposal presentation example timeline format

A generic PPT project proposal template allows us to repurpose the slide for many projects—ideal for agencies, consultants, and academics. With this visual project proposal timeline, you can discuss the different stages of a project, plan for resources (both material and workforce), seek funding, or prepare for contingencies.

PPT presentation example of project deliverables

Once the project proposal’s core aspects are approved, teams must align efforts for project deliverables, acceptance criteria, and delivery format. This PPT presentation example illustrates a slide in a multi-team meeting to fine-tune aspects of the project deliverables, with an accurate representation of the due date and expected products.

Training objectives slide PPT example

Team training requires a framework in which the objectives of the workshop, coaching, or mentoring programs are laid out for management. HR teams can benefit from this presentation example by summarizing the objectives about missed business opportunities or expansion plans for the organization.

Course unit slide presentation example

Before even delivering a training program, HR teams discuss the content to cover with the head of each department, mainly to spot any missing area of knowledge required for optimal operations. Presenters can repurpose this slide for that kind of training proposal presentation or the training presentation itself.

Training course diagram presentation example slide

Intended for the early planning stages of a training program, this diagram is a well-rounded presentation example of how to discuss all points in one single slide, from the training budget to how to process employee feedback. We can expand each of these six topics in companionship slides.

Change management methodologies models

Companies undergoing change management processes can opt to apply the DMAIC or the ADKAR frameworks to orient the workforce. This presentation slide allows management to compare both methodologies and pick the one best suited for their organization.

Information sharing in change management process slide

Since data sharing is delicate in charge management situations, implementing an information flow diagram is a good practice to orient your team, get the new owners or management the required information, and exchange information between departments.

Change management stages slide

For change management directed at process optimization, this example slide allows management to stress the importance between the current situation and the expected improved state. This PPT template can also introduce the different milestones per stage and involve the management parties per area.

Industry analysis segmentation presentation example

Startups often present their industry analysis to procure investment from venture capitalists. This industry analysis presentation example showcases a typical FinTech segmentation. Presenters can describe the different types of crowdfunding, credit, and factoring services and provide examples of companies or platforms in each subcategory. They can discuss areas like asset management, payments, and other relevant aspects in detail, with successful stories from referents that helped shape their business model.

STEEPLE analysis presentation example

STEEPLE stands for Social, Technological, Economic, Ethical, Political, Legal, and Environmental factors. This framework allows us to perform a multidimensional industry analysis in which stakeholders can evaluate the appropriate approaches for venturing into a new business niche, renewing their overall strategy, or pursuing new goals based on recent industry changes, even those we don’t initially acknowledge.

Gap analysis presentation example

The Gap Analysis concept compares a company’s current status to a desired future state. By doing so, organizations can identify deficits or areas that require improvement in alignment with the future state. Presenters can work with this metaphorical gap analysis template and express the need for a plan that bridges such a gap.

Scope and Inventory Slide presentation example

The next example of a PowerPoint presentation is oriented to the financial area, in which a consultant can refer to an organization’s asset management. By Scope, we imply the extent and boundaries of the asset management activities within an organization. It outlines what will be included in the asset management plan and what will not. On the other hand, Inventory points to a comprehensive and detailed list of all the assets owned by an organization. It includes essential information about each asset to facilitate effective management.

Financial dashboard snapshot presentation example

In financial presentations, the information must be clearly arranged so decisions can be made easily. In this case, we observe how a financial dashboard template can represent an organization’s relevant KPIs.

Motivational teamwork presentation example slide

Think about TEDx presentations or Pecha-Kucha . They all have one factor in common: quality graphics to talk about inspirational stories. Graphics can feel overwhelming for some presenters, which ends in picking low-quality pictures or stock images unsuitable for the context of your slide deck. For this reason, we highly recommend you implement vector illustrations into your motivational presentation slides. Easy to customize, they are a valuable asset to mix & match PPT templates and create your custom deck.

Goal achieving motivational slide presentation example

Aligning efforts toward a common goal requires a powerful visual communication language. Images are easier to retain than words, so imagine adding a storytelling factor and turning a goal into a mountain to conquer. Presenters can work with this mountain PPT template and signal the different milestones to reach prior to fulfilling a significant goal for the company/organization.

Success story PPT slide

Another take in inspirational presentations is when we need to share our success stories with investors or in networking environments to inspire others. With this roadmap PPT template, presenters can go stage by stage and present the key stages that made them reach their success, or even project for expected goals to achieve.

Academic presentation example for project overview

Academic presentations don’t have to look dull or excessively formal. We can incorporate a sleek layout into our slides and use icons to highlight key points. In this case, we observe a project overview for a research project, and the icons represent the main aspects to cover in this research.

Research presentation example

A thesis presentation requires properly introducing the methodology to demonstrate the hypothesis. Rather than adding complex figures, we can work with a minimalistic slide design and briefly describe the research methods. This slide deck is suitable for thesis presentations as well as academic projects, research papers , and more.

As we can see, counting with a professionally designed slide deck makes a difference in how your presentation is perceived by the audience. By working with SlideModel PowerPoint templates, we can reuse and repurpose our slide templates as often as required or mix elements from different slides seen in these PowerPoint presentation examples to create uniquely styled slide decks.

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

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How to Make Boring Presentations More Interesting & Fun (10 Expert Tips)

Andrew Childress

When you take the stage for a presentation, the  last  thing you want to be is forgotten. If your presentation is boring, your content simply won't reach the audience.

If you want to make a presentation more interesting, our network of experts is here to help. 

Boring Presentation

We've surveyed leading presentation pros to get their perspectives. Here are ten tips that any presenter can use while learning how to make a boring presentation interesting.

We'll also share some professional presentation templates that'll make it easier to create your next presentation. So, stay tuned to learn how to make a presentation fun and interesting.

1. Less Slide Content, More Speaking Points

If there's one trap that I see rookie presenters fall into, it's this: they load their presentation slides with far too much content. To learn how to make a presentation interesting, it might be about  removing  slide content.

Presentation expert Miriam Plotinsky  ( @MirPloMCPS on Twitter) has a great perspective on how presenters balance slides with their speaking points:

When the presenter has practiced and is confident, an overwhelming amount of information does not need to go on the slides; instead, the best content is elevated for the presentation itself.

How to make boring presentations interesting

Not sure if you've got too much content on your slides? Here's a good test that Plotinsky offers to reduce slide content:

All slides should really be speaking points... My overall thought is that people pack slides with too much text (and then proceed to read directly from the slide, which disengages their audience) because they are not prepared to present. 

You're the presentation. The slides exist to support you. Don't open your presentation tool of choice as the first step! 

Instead, focus your front-end work on writing the presentation, focusing on the content. Then, build slides that reiterate those points.

2. Use Animation for Effect

One of the most controversial topics when it comes to presentations is  animation.  Some presenters suggest that animations are too distracting, while others think it's a powerful effect. 

Animation   creates motion on your presentation slide. Maybe you use it to reveal a box of text as a punchline to your joke. Or, you might use animation to show a chart in motion with a critical piece of data revealed.

So, should  you  use animation?  Suzannah Baum is a presentation expert with more than 12 years of coaching presenters and presenting herself. Here's what she's got to say about using animation effectively:

"As a presenter, you want to add a brief moment of visual interest, but then get the audience’s attention back to YOU and your message." 

It's clear that Baum urges presenters to use animations as a  complement  to the speaker, not the focal point itself. But, it's also important to balance that usage without overwhelming the presenter, as Baum goes on to advise:

"Too many moving, spinning, pulsating or bouncing objects flying in and out of your presentation is overkill. If you overuse them, you run the very real risk of distracting your audience from your message, and simply turning them off as well.  

If you're wondering how to make a presentation interesting, a bit of animation might do the trick. But be careful not to overdo it.

On Envato Tuts+, we've got tips that help you strike the right balance of using animations without distracting in PowerPoint. Check out our tutorial below:

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

3. Make the Most of Your Screen Real Estate

You're sitting in an auditorium with a stunning presentation screen. The presenter takes the stage and turns on their presentation. And there's an embarrassing glitch: t he presentation shows on screen but doesn't fill the entire display.

Display screens are made in a variety of sizes and  aspect ratios,  the proportion of width to height. When a presentation doesn't fill the screen, it's due to a mismatch between the presentation file and screen. It's sure to annoy the detail-oriented in your audience.

If you've worked at how to make a presentation interesting, don't miss out on making the most of your screen! When you set your presentation settings correctly, your finished PPTX will fill the screen. Learn how to set the proper screen dimensions with the help of our tutorial below.

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

4. Invest The Majority Of Your Time in Writing Great Content

How to make a presentation interesting

Preparing a presentation is a process. It consists of many steps. How you divide your time among those steps is critical. Here are the basic steps that I divide the presentation process into:

  • Research & ideation . This is where you start formulating the plan for your presentation. What are the basic ideas you want to share with an audience? What are the key points to remember?
  • Writing . After you plan the ideas, write the more detailed specifics. They're the individual speaking points that support your presentation perspective.
  • Presentation design . Make sure to wait until you've got your presentation's content prepared before you open your app of choice. It's easier if you already have your crucial speaking points designed before you begin to put them into slide format.
  • Rehearsal and practice . After you finish your slide deck, you'll need time to rehearse and practice your delivery.

Time is limited. According to expert speechwriter Anthony Trendl , you should devote a disproportionate amount of time to the  writing  part of the process:

Often, speakers get lazy with the writing. "I know this stuff. I'll just speak from the heart." This can lead to shapeless rambling. Do this and you'll miss an opportunity to control your presentation strategically... You are the distinction. Your presentation should work without the slide deck.

Learn how to become an expert presentation writer with the help of these two tutorials. While some tips are specific to PowerPoint, they also contain general guidelines that can help you become an expert writer:

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

The advice is clear: nailing the writing stage is how to make a presentation interesting . It all starts with the content.

5. Energize the Audience

Energy is hard to measure, but easy to recognize. It's an essential part of holding an audience's attention. Learning how to make a presentation more interesting is easier when you're energetic.

Upbeat speakers build confidence in their content. If you've seen a high energy speaker like  Robert Kennedy III , you know that energy is contagious. He recommends bringing energy to your presentation by arriving at your speaking engagement early.

Greet some of the participants and give them a subtle preview of who you are. This way, when you come on stage, you already have some "allies" in the audience. They will "know" you because this isn't the first time they are seeing you. Demand the audience come up to the level of energy you bring instead of you feeding off their energy.

I love this idea that Robert shares. It means that those allies that you meet early will already be in your corner and match your energy when your presentation begins.

6. Leave Presentation Design to the Professionals

Time is always in short supply. When you're asked to speak, is it the best use of your time to focus on learning slide design?

An alternative is to use designs built  for you . Instead of opening PowerPoint to a blank slate staring at you, you can use ready-to-use slide designs.

But you might be wondering if this design option will break the bank. Hiring a professional must cost an arm and leg, right? Well, here's a "best of both worlds" option: use  professional presentation templates   from Envato Elements . Use professionally designed templates without commissioning a design of your won.

Elements Presentation templates

On Envato Elements, your options are practically limitless. For a single flat rate, you unlock tens of thousands of presentation templates. That includes Keynote templates, Google Slides templates and PowerPoint templates. 

See some of our favorite templates in action for a variety of leading presentation app. Each of them helps you see how to make a presentation more interesting:

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

The fastest way to make a PowerPoint presentation interesting is to hand off the design to others. Envato Elements is an impressive value that's sure to improve your presentation's outcome.

7. Collaborate With Others

Too often, we think of our projects as solo efforts. We feel we've got to go it alone and create all the content on our own. That doesn't have to be the case.

I'm reminded of this quote from Steve Jobs:

"Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people."

Even if you're going to be the only presenter, you can still lean on others to help improve it. Ask for opinions, ideas, and feedback from your network before you take the stage. Here are tutorials that help you work with others via collaboration:

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

Specifically, you can ask a collaborator about how to make a presentation more interesting. Ask if there were any sections that felt like it lulled or lost the audience's attention.

8. Match Your Design to the Topic

We covered the power of professional PowerPoint templates but remember one point: not every design is a fit for every occasion . A marketing template simply has a different design than a template for education, for example.

Luckily, there are templates for practically every purpose. We've featured many "special purpose" templates on Envato Tuts+ that include the best ways to make your presentation stand out:

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

To learn how to make your presentation stand out, don't forget about the incredible variety of designs that exist. Sample the best templates from Envato Elements or GraphicRiver to bring a professional design to your presentation.

9. Share Follow-up Information After the Presentation

Your presentation can be the start of a conversation with your audience. You can use it to launch a sales opportunity, get to know your attendees, or grow your network.

To do that, it helps to share your contact information and give your audience follow-up information. But, don't leave your audience scrambling to take notes as you wrap up your presentation in a hurry.

Here's another great tip from Miriam Plotinsky to help you share follow-up information without shifting the burden to them to remember or write all the info:

A best practice with reducing slide content is to not just practice the presentation and only include brief bullets on the slides, but also to take all of the information being shared and make sure the audience has access to it in a packet, an e-mail, or similar.

One tip to help you learn how to make a presentation more interesting: finish it with an ask and include your audience . Here's a tutorial with even more ideas for ending your presentation with a bang:

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

10. Be Authentic, Be You

How to Make a Presentation Fun

Rounding out our expert tips, there's one tip that takes time to master. It's the art of  authenticity,  bringing a personal touch to your presentation.

Learning how to make a boring presentation interesting is all about interjecting what makes you unique. It doesn't mean that you've got to make every presentation about  you. The truth is that authenticity is presenting your content in a way that feels true to yourself.

So, how do you start to incorporate authenticity? Here's a great tip from Sandra Zimmer , whose presentation coaching focuses on authenticity and encourages speakers to include personal touches:

Tell stories from your personal life or professional career that help listeners understand what you are talking about. Use your stories to help make your points so they get a gut level experience.

Great presenters find ways to inject just enough of themselves so that the presentation feels like a unique experience. Blend in elements that are specific to you to add authenticity.

You Just Learned How to Make a Boring Presentation Interesting

Presentations aren't everyone's cup of tea. But you  need  to build skills as a presenter to excel in business or your career. It's okay if you're never passionate about public speaking; the goal is to level up your skills.

Thanks to the experts in this tutorial, you've learned techniques that show you how to make a boring presentation interesting. Once you've learned how to make a presentation exciting, put these into action, and present confidently.

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39 Team Meeting Ideas & Topics that are Out of the Box 

By: Angela Robinson | Updated: December 29, 2023

You found our list of fun out of the box team meeting ideas and topics.

Out of the box team meeting ideas are change-ups from the normal meeting routine that make for more fun and interesting gatherings. Example ideas include walking meetings, field trips, and team Pomodoro sessions. The purpose of these activities is to engage and energize attendees, spark creativity, and facilitate team building. These insights are also known as “staff meeting ideas.”

These ideas are a type of unusual team building activity , virtual team building activity and remote employee engagement exercise . The ideas are similar to team building meetings , morning meeting ideas , virtual morning meeting ideas and community building activities .

This list includes:

  • positive staff meeting ideas
  • out of the box meeting ideas
  • fun team meeting topics for discussion
  • weekly team meeting ideas
  • team meeting activities
  • fun activities to liven up meetings
  • fun ways to start a meeting
  • activities for staff meetings
  • meeting engagement ideas

Here we go!

List of team meeting ideas & topics that are out of the box

Here is a list of creative meeting ideas to shake up the routine and engage employees.

1. Team Pomodoro session

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that involves working in 25 minute intervals followed by five minute breaks. To keep your team on-track and engaged, you can hold group pomodoro sessions. You could either bring tasks to work on and co-work together, or split the meeting or discussion into this format. During the breaks, teammates can chat, grab a snack, take a stretch, and recharge.

Here is a list of free pomodoro apps you can use.

2. Competitions

Competitions are one of the most fun activities to liven up meetings. By gamifying the gathering and pitting participants against each other in friendly rivalries, you can capture attendees’ attention and keep energy high.

First, split the group into two or three teams. Then, break up the meeting with mini-games and trivia questions. You can also award points for work accomplishments like delivering a strong presentation or sharing a milestone. At the end of the meeting, count the scores and give a prize to the team with the highest tally.

Here are more tips for workplace competitions , and here is a collection of trivia questions for work meetings .

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3. Outdoor meetings

In the same way teachers take classes outside on warm days, you can move your meetings outside to give your teams a much-needed dose of fresh air and sunshine. Simply designate a meeting space outside, or have your team meet inside and walk outdoors together. Keep in mind that there may be noise, and you may also want to avoid this format if you have confidential matters to discuss or presentations that require extensive technology. For the full effect, bring blankets or lawn chairs to sit on, and pass out snacks for a picnic feel.

Here is a list of outdoor team building activities .

4. Powerpoint party

Powerpoint parties are eccentric team meeting ideas that involve participants presenting on irrelevant topics. Before the meeting, instruct participants to prepare a slideshow on a subject of their choice. Any matter that is safe-for-work is fair game. For example, a teammate might give a lesson in ukulele music appreciation, an overview of The Great Emu war, or just share pictures of cute dogs they met in their neighborhood.

When the meeting begins, give each participant a maximum of five minutes to present the slideshow to the group. At the end of the meeting, attendees can ask additional questions or vote for the best presentation.

Reunions are one of the most unexpected meeting ideas. For this type of meeting, invite back team members who left on good terms to spend time with the team. Former teammates can catch up and re-ignite their camaraderie, and the surprise visit can be a quick morale booster for the team. Plus, the gesture sends the message that you value staff as human beings and remain on good terms with former employees, which can strengthen your relationship with your current team.

Former team members can either visit in person, or call into the meeting via video conferencing software. Be sure to leave buffer time for teammates to chat and connect.

Rewinds offer a chance to reflect on the past and measure progress. These meetings give the group the opportunity to celebrate and re-celebrate team and individual wins together. You can include work wins, team outings, life changes, and more, and can do the year in review or look back over a longer period of time. You can make a slideshow or video of highlights, or ask each team member to come to the meeting prepared with one past win to share. This meeting theme enables the group to take stock of accomplishments and can inspire the team to keep moving forward.

7. Breakfast meeting

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One way to perk up first-thing-in-the-morning meetings is to serve breakfast. You can lay out a spread of bagels and cream cheese, set up an omelette station, fire up the waffle iron, or special order from a beloved local breakfast spot. Be sure to have plenty of coffee on hand to help wake the team up, and leave buffer time for attendees to get food and get settled.

8. Field trip

Field trip meetings provide a change of scenery and an environment that stimulates teammates. First, choose a nearby destination, such as a botanical garden, museum, coffee shop, or co-working space. Venues with free admission or low-admission costs are probably best suited to this format, since the group will be working and may not be able to have a typical visit. Plan out time to enjoy the space as well as time for discussions, progress reports, team building, or brainstorming sessions. Be sure to double check with the venue beforehand that accommodating the group is possible. Many spaces offer meeting spaces where you can hold your work. Also keep in mind that you will have to coordinate transportation. Best to choose a spot not too far away so that the group can carpool or walk over together.

For inspiration, here is a list of virtual field trip ideas .

9. Walking meeting

If you have ever found yourself saying “walk with me,” to a colleague during a conversation, then walking meetings are for you. This format ditches the conference table and stuffy meeting room for a track or trail. Movement can get your team’s blood pumping and ideas flowing. Be sure to give your team a heads up to wear walkable shoes that day, because few folks want to take a trek in heels! When meeting time arrives, gather your group, take a stroll, and have a talk.

You can walk a nearby track or large indoor space, or you can travel to a destination. For instance, you can go to a park where your team can play games or an ice cream shop where you treat your crew to small cones.

10. Guest speaker

Inviting a guest speaker is one of the easiest ways to make meetings interesting. These special guests can take part in the group discussion or give a talk to the team. The speaker may train team members in a skill, share interesting and little-known history, explain a philanthropy mission, or simply talk about a cool topic. You can gauge what subjects interest the group and reach out to an expert to pay the team a visit. Feel free to encourage employees to make recommendations from within their social circles as well.

For ideas, here is a list of virtual keynote speakers .

11. Support session

Support sessions are meetings where teammates can gather to talk out things that are bothering them or confusing them. These sessions are a type of check-in activity leaders can use to gauge group morale and take care of the team’s mental and emotional health. Participants can swap tips, talk, listen, and vent. These sessions are a way to build camaraderie and assure employees that team members have their backs. Attendees can bring up work and non-work topics, and this can be a valuable exercise for encouraging empathy among the group.

For best results, set ground rules to ensure that these meetings are a safe place where team members feel comfortable sharing, and keep conversations healthy and productive.

For similar activities, check out employee resource groups .

12. Mini retreat

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

Mini retreats are intensive team bonding experiences. Like longer retreats, these activities enable development in a structured setting free from distractions. Mini retreats take place over a day or half day and are close to the office. You can plan a getaway to an outside venue for the day, or find a secluded space in the building for the team to meet. Then, organize team building activities, discussions, lectures, meals, and other programming for team members to take part in. These gatherings are like mini conferences just for your team, and allow your group to focus on topics like professional development, current projects, and team building without interference or interruptions from outside influences.

Here is a guide to holding retreats remotely .

13. Working lunch

Working lunches are one of the most common out of the box team meeting ideas. In this format, participants bring their laptops to the lunchroom or a restaurant and enjoy a meal while finishing tasks. Keep in mind that lunches are meant to be a break for employees and that larger groups tend to take more time to get served in restaurants. Plan to extend the lunch hour to allow some time for relaxing alongside business, and cover the cost of the meal. Dining tables are great spaces for conversation, and meeting in a restaurant can feel more intimate than meeting in a conference room.

You can also hold a remote lunch where attendees eat together during a Zoom call. Here are instructions to hold a virtual team lunch .

14. Virtual reality meeting

Virtual reality has progressed to the point that professionals can hold meetings in virtual spaces with avatars. This meeting idea is useful for dispersed teams, especially if team members have grown weary of Zoom screens. Even if the group works in the same building, this meeting can be a novelty and a welcome change of pace.

First pick a platform, then design your virtual meeting space. Make sure your teammates download the software or app needed to access the area and know how to navigate to the digital space at meeting time. Then, gather digitally and hold your meeting in the metaverse.

Here are virtual events platforms to try for VR meetings.

15. Video game quest

Teams looking for new and different ways to meet can play video games together. Many games and gaming platforms have online multiplayer modes and built-in communication systems like text or voice chat. Teammates can complete missions together to improve collaboration and communication skills. Plus, playing the games can help workers de-stress and blow off steam.

According to The New York Times , even some executives use video games for meetups in place of traditional conference rooms or restaurants.

16. Animal therapy

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

Animal therapy may be one of the most appreciated motivational meeting ideas. People love pets, and employees will likely be much more psyched to attend a meeting if it means the chance to cuddle a cat, dog, rabbit, or other fuzzy friend while listening to the agenda.

To host this type of gathering, reach out to a local animal rescue or adoption center and ask about the possibility of arranging a visit. Many such organizations coordinate dog or cat therapy sessions with colleges and may be able to accommodate. Or, you can bring your team to the center to volunteer for a couple of hours and meet aftward.

Pro tip: Make sure no team members are allergic before you bring in the critters! Also, be sure to clear the activity with leadership, and be ready to clean up any animal accidents.

For more fun with furry friends, check out this list of office pets .

17. Work skills workshop

Work skills workshops are activities that help teammates develop work competencies. Professional development is important to employees, and making skills training the focal point of a meeting gives workers the opportunity to learn while on the clock.

Here are a few example topic ideas:

  • Time management
  • Financial literacy
  • Negotiation
  • Navigating cultural differences
  • Storytelling
  • Personal branding

First, find out which subjects most interest the staff. Next, find a pro to lead the workshop and set a date and time.

It tends to be best to structure these sessions to involve hands-on activities that allow for practice and encourage participation.

Learn more about corporate workshops .

18. Battle of the…

Battle of the… is part competition and part experiment. In this activity, teammates try out different versions of a product and pick an overall winner. This activity is a fun way to start or end a meeting.

Before the meeting begins, decide on a category. For instance, cupcakes, apps, touchscreen gloves, or Chinese takeout. Each participant should decide on a different brand or shop to buy from. Participants will order the items online, or else visit a local shop the day of or day before the meeting to pick up the product.

During the meeting, participants will try each other’s items and compare notes before deciding on a winter.

You can structure the activity to be more work-related, for instance, trying out different industry apps. Or leave the activity just for fun, such as “battle of the cannolis.”

This exercise can be a fun bonding exercise and is sure to appeal to folks who make everything into a competition.

Here are more ideas for team bonding .

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

Recess gives team members a chance to play and embrace their inner child. This type of meeting is unstructured time where team members can escape the office and blow off steam. You can organize team playground games such as kickball and tag, or simply hang out outside together. Recess can happen inside too, with team building board games or indoor team building activities . Allow at least 15 to 30 minutes of free time. The point of the exercise is to give employees a break and re-energize the team.

20. Virtual lunch and learns

Lunch and learns are educational activities where employees meet on lunch break to hear a lecture while enjoying a snack or meal. These activities are common in the workplace, however you can get creative in the topics covered. Beyond basic subjects like time management or leadership training, you may consider more eccentric topics, for instance, tips on confidence and presentation skills from a drag queen or prepping work snacks with a chef.

You can also shake up the format of lunch and learns by meeting remotely. Even if your team works in-office, you can stream the session so that teammates can tune in from wherever they are in the building and staff outside the office can still participate. You can even deliver lunch to desks, or reimburse the faraway folks the cost of takeout.

Here is a guide to doing virtual lunch and learns .

21. Hourly check-ins

Hourly check-ins are motivational meeting ideas that can help keep team members on-track and on task. At the appointed time, team members will gather and give updates on the work and/or on their moods. This is especially useful on days of events.

The group does not have to physically gather for these meetings, and can respond to a Slack thread or group chat instead. The get-togethers do not have to happen every hour either, and can occur a couple of times throughout the day. These check-ins can give team members needed support and encouragement, as well as encourage accountability.

Here is a list of employee check-in questions .

22. Workout meetings

Workout meetings do the double duty of helping employees get exercise while accomplishing tasks. This meeting format can counter sedentary work styles and encourage healthier habits. The community element promotes team bonding. Plus, the accompanying endorphin boost can improve employee moods.

It is best to do a low-intensity workout such as yoga, hiking, or casual bike-riding, otherwise teammates may get winded and it will be hard to communicate.

For inspiration, check out this list of team workout ideas .

23. Brainstorm graffiti

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

Brainstorm graffiti is an idea-generating exercise that encourages participation from all team members. The one-at-time format of more traditional brainstorming sessions may make shyer teammates hesitant to participate. In brainstorm graffiti, team members write down all ideas at once, and then explore the different topics as a group.

To do this exercise, get a large whiteboard or roll out a big piece of paper on the floor. Then, give each attendee a different color marker. When you say go, teammates will have five to ten minutes to write down every thought that comes to mind. When time runs out, team members take a seat, and the meeting host guides the group through the mural of ideas. The host should touch on at least one word in each color to give every team member the chance to contribute.

Since this activity is time-limited and higher-pressure, ideas do not need to be fully formed and can be rough. The point of the exercise is to spark creativity, limit second-guessing, and get as many ideas as possible into the open.

For more inspiration, here are books on creativity .

24. Timed segments

Occasionally in meetings, one team or team member hogs the floor, causing other participants to have to rush through their updates. Skilled moderators can ensure that talking time gets divided evenly, however doing timed segments is another alternative. As each presenter begins to speak, set a visible timer for 5 to 15 minutes. Participants can challenge themselves to race against the clock and be as brief as possible. As host, you can save some time at the end and have teammates compete for the extra slots.

This exercise is intended for fun and should not cause anxiety among staff. If there is a topic in need of further discussion, then the teammate can have a private conversation after the meeting or the team can circle back to the topic in the future.

25. Q&A

Q&A sessions give teammates the chance to satisfy curiosity, clear up confusion, and have a back-and-forth with an expert in the know. You can host Q&A’s to address upcoming organizational changes, for instance, rebranding or restructuring, or to get to know individual team members better, for instance, a meet-and-greet with a member of a different department or an introduction to a new team member. Higher management can use these sessions as a way to have dialogue with the staff, and can benefit from feedback and insights just as much as employees benefit from having questions answered. You can also host experts outside of your organization, and can facilitate Q&A’s virtually.

26. Town Halls

All hands meetings and town halls are not unusual in the workworld, yet you can structure these meetings in a way that is engaging, welcoming, and valuable to all attendees. For example, you can plan activities that offer a chance for attendees to get to know colleagues in other departments, or by offer employees a chance to guest-host segments. You can even have random prize drawings, games, and perks to incentivize attendance and participation.

Here is a guide to doing all hands meetings .

27. Buddy Up

things to make a powerpoint presentation fun

Introducing a buddy system for meetings gives team members a chance to bond and strengthen relationships. There are a few different ways to achieve this end. For instance, you could match up meeting attendees to talk through prompts and complete tasks together, can pair up teammates for 1:1 peer-learning calls during weeks when the manager is away, or can invite another department to hold a joint meeting with the team. This format gets employees more familiar with more distant coworkers and builds stronger bonds throughout the organization.

Check out more relationship building activities .

28. Scavenger hunt meeting

Scavenger hunts are one of the most out of the box meeting activities. There are many ways to structure the activity. For example, you can open the meeting by having attendees retrieve materials they will need to complete a team building exercise during the meeting. Or, you can ask each presenter to submit a question relating to an important topic they will cover, make a worksheet out of the questions, and ask attendees to fill in the blanks as the meeting goes on. You can also hold a more traditional scavenger hunt as a team building exercise.

For more tips and ideas, here is a guide to doing scavenger hunts virtually .

29. Meeting soundtrack

Because meetings do not typically have music, adding a background playlist can elevate the experience. You can pick a different team member to act as DJ every meeting, or ask teammates for song suggestions to build a team playlist. Team members can also choose songs to play during presentations. Playing music can help team members focus and feel comfortable, and can eliminate awkward silences and set a mood for the meeting.

Pro tip: Send out the playlist post-meeting in the recap email or notes.

For inspiration, here is a list of team building songs .

Fun team meeting topics for discussion

Here are suggestions for topics to talk about in work meetings to incite lively discussion.

1. Moonshots

Moonshots are ambitious ideas that may seem impossible at first glance. These projects can drive innovation and push teammates beyond perceived limits. Moonshots can also be one of the most fun talking topics for meetings. Teammates can come up with over-the-top ideas together, and then brainstorm ways to make these distant aims achievable. The more outrageous the thought, the better. While not every moonshot may succeed, by striving for great results team members are likely to grow and achieve more than they initially expected. Plus, dreaming big is fun and can ignite the team’s passion and imagination.

For further inspiration, here is a list of books on innovation .

Discussing goals in a group setting can be fun and useful. Team members can give each other encouragement, and announcing the goal can create a sense of accountability that makes participants follow-through and take action. We recommend structuring the discussion so that teammates share one work goal and one non-work goal. During future meetings, check in and assess progress. This idea can serve as an ongoing discussion point and icebreaker activity.

Here are goal setting activities for teams .

3. Predictions

It can be fun to make forecasts about the industry and the company, especially during times of significant change. This exercise can improve the team’s critical thinking abilities. Simply have participants weigh in and predict events and developments that may occur within the next month, quarter, year, etc. You can even start a for-fun betting pool and award the participant with the most accurate prediction with a prize.

Predictions do not need to be serious or long-range. For example, the group can make predictions like “who will be the next team member to get a positive review?” or “who will be the next participant to forget to unmute their mic on Zoom?”

4. Client catch ups

Client catch ups give employees the opportunity to learn more about customers and encourage the team to keep current with clients. You can highlight a few exciting developments at client companies in a slideshow, ask participants to volunteer news, and can even make a trivia game to reward employees who are most well-informed on client goings-on. You can even invite a client to call in and share their news within the first five minutes of the call, have the team offer congratulations, and generate goodwill between you and the customer.

Everybody makes mistakes from time to time. Owning up to failures can normalize imperfection and make team members feel better about mess-ups. Not to mention, stories about things-gone-awry can be entertaining. Team members can take turns confessing to mess-ups, and you can even award a fail-of-the-week. The team can comfort each other and offer advice and suggestions to help each other learn.

6. Hypotheticals

Hypotheticals are fun tangents to explore in work meetings. Team members can take turns thinking up different scenarios and challenging other team members to talk through their problem-solving approach. This exercise can help team members plan more thoroughly and consider multiple angles when making decisions. Plus, it can be fun to think about different possibilities, even unlikely ones.

Here are more problem-solving activities .

7. Personal updates

It is good for team members to get to know each other as human beings and to keep tabs on each others’ important events outside of the office. You can leave room in meetings to share personal updates. For example, engagements, births, house-buyings, pet adoptions, and graduations. Team members can also share less monumental developments like starting a new hobby, planning a weekend trip, or finally cleaning their desk.

8. New member introduction

New member introductions are a way to welcome new employees and facilitate team bonding. Each member of the team can tell a little bit about themselves, and established team members can ask the new hire questions or give advice. The new team member can also use this opportunity to ask questions, or just to banter with their new coworkers. These discussions help to break the ice and build relationships among the team much faster.

Here are more get to know you activities .

9. Work Wins

Recognition is an important part of the job satisfaction puzzle. Plus, hearing positive news can boost employee morale. You can dedicate time each meeting to acknowledging work wins. Managers can announce these achievements, team members can praise each other, or employees can toot their own horns. Starting the gathering with these conversations can set an uplifting tone for the rest of the meeting. You can also host an entire meeting devoted to talking about each team member’s accomplishments, like an informal award ceremony.

10. Today I learned

Today I learned is one of the most fun meeting discussion topics. This exercise encourages constant learning and empowers team members to share fascinating facts with the team. To do this activity, have each attendee share one tidbit that they recently learned. These snippets could be work-related or non-related, on any topic of the speaker’s choice, and can be serious or silly.

Final Thoughts

The average employee spends a significant amount of time in meetings. The routine can grow stale, and team members can tune out. Introducing new and interesting meeting topics and formats can reinvigorate the team and lead to more thoughtful discussion, better morale, increased creativity, and greater productivity.

For more tips, check out virtual meeting etiquette and these corporate workshop ideas .

We also have a list of the best games for team meetings .

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FAQ: Out of the box team meeting ideas

Here are common questions about out of the box team meeting ideas.

What are out of the box team meeting ideas?

Out of the box team meeting ideas are unusual and unexpected activities and topics for meetings. The purpose of these exercises is to add variety to the workday routine and to engage and re-energize employees.

What are some unexpected work meeting ideas?

Some unexpected work meeting ideas include animal therapy, meeting soundtracks, reunions, and video game quests.

How do you engage employees during meetings?

To engage employees during meetings, incorporate elements of participation such as games, quizzes, and questions. A change in scenery can also shake up the routine and make employees more alert and receptive to discussion, as can changing the standard meeting format and planning unexpected activities.

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Author: Angela Robinson

Marketing Coordinator at Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses.

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Marketing Coordinator at

Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses.

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Introducing Microsoft 365 Copilot – your copilot for work

Mar 16, 2023 | Jared Spataro - CVP, AI at Work

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Screenshot Microsoft 365 Copilot

Humans are hard-wired to dream, to create, to innovate. Each of us seeks to do work that gives us purpose — to write a great novel, to make a discovery, to build strong communities, to care for the sick. The urge to connect to the core of our work lives in all of us. But today, we spend too much time consumed by the drudgery of work on tasks that zap our time, creativity and energy. To reconnect to the soul of our work, we don’t just need a better way of doing the same things. We need a whole new way to work.

Today, we are bringing the power of next-generation AI to work. Introducing Microsoft 365 Copilot — your copilot for work . It combines the power of large language models (LLMs) with your data in the Microsoft Graph and the Microsoft 365 apps to turn your words into the most powerful productivity tool on the planet.

“Today marks the next major step in the evolution of how we interact with computing, which will fundamentally change the way we work and unlock a new wave of productivity growth,” said Satya Nadella, Chairman and CEO, Microsoft. “With our new copilot for work, we’re giving people more agency and making technology more accessible through the most universal interface — natural language.”

Copilot is integrated into Microsoft 365 in two ways. It works alongside you, embedded in the Microsoft 365 apps you use every day — Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams and more — to unleash creativity, unlock productivity and uplevel skills. Today we’re also announcing an entirely new experience: Business Chat . Business Chat works across the LLM, the Microsoft 365 apps, and your data — your calendar, emails, chats, documents, meetings and contacts — to do things you’ve never been able to do before. You can give it natural language prompts like “Tell my team how we updated the product strategy,” and it will generate a status update based on the morning’s meetings, emails and chat threads.

With Copilot, you’re always in control. You decide what to keep, modify or discard. Now, you can be more creative in Word, more analytical in Excel, more expressive in PowerPoint, more productive in Outlook and more collaborative in Teams.

Microsoft 365 Copilot transforms work in three ways:

Unleash creativity. With Copilot in Word, you can jump-start the creative process so you never start with a blank slate again. Copilot gives you a first draft to edit and iterate on — saving hours in writing, sourcing, and editing time. Sometimes Copilot will be right, other times usefully wrong — but it will always put you further ahead. You’re always in control as the author, driving your unique ideas forward, prompting Copilot to shorten, rewrite or give feedback. Copilot in PowerPoint helps you create beautiful presentations with a simple prompt, adding relevant content from a document you made last week or last year. And with Copilot in Excel, you can analyze trends and create professional-looking data visualizations in seconds.

Unlock productivity. We all want to focus on the 20% of our work that really matters, but 80% of our time is consumed with busywork that bogs us down. Copilot lightens the load. From summarizing long email threads to quickly drafting suggested replies, Copilot in Outlook helps you clear your inbox in minutes, not hours. And every meeting is a productive meeting with Copilot in Teams. It can summarize key discussion points — including who said what and where people are aligned and where they disagree — and suggest action items, all in real time during a meeting. And with Copilot in Power Platform, anyone can automate repetitive tasks, create chatbots and go from idea to working app in minutes.

GitHub data shows that Copilot promises to unlock productivity for everyone. Among developers who use GitHub Copilot, 88% say they are more productive, 74% say that they can focus on more satisfying work, and 77% say it helps them spend less time searching for information or examples.

But Copilot doesn’t just supercharge individual productivity. It creates a new knowledge model for every organization — harnessing the massive reservoir of data and insights that lies largely inaccessible and untapped today. Business Chat works across all your business data and apps to surface the information and insights you need from a sea of data — so knowledge flows freely across the organization, saving you valuable time searching for answers. You will be able to access Business Chat from Microsoft, from Bing when you’re signed in with your work account, or from Teams.

Uplevel skills. Copilot makes you better at what you’re good at and lets you quickly master what you’ve yet to learn. The average person uses only a handful of commands — such as “animate a slide” or “insert a table” — from the thousands available across Microsoft 365. Now, all that rich functionality is unlocked using just natural language. And this is only the beginning.

Copilot will fundamentally change how people work with AI and how AI works with people. As with any new pattern of work, there’s a learning curve — but those who embrace this new way of working will quickly gain an edge.

Screenshot Microsoft 365 Copilot

The Copilot System: Enterprise-ready AI

Microsoft is uniquely positioned to deliver enterprise-ready AI with the Copilot System . Copilot is more than OpenAI’s ChatGPT embedded into Microsoft 365. It’s a sophisticated processing and orchestration engine working behind the scenes to combine the power of LLMs, including GPT-4, with the Microsoft 365 apps and your business data in the Microsoft Graph — now accessible to everyone through natural language.

Grounded in your business data. AI-powered LLMs are trained on a large but limited corpus of data. The key to unlocking productivity in business lies in connecting LLMs to your business data — in a secure, compliant, privacy-preserving way. Microsoft 365 Copilot has real-time access to both your content and context in the Microsoft Graph. This means it generates answers anchored in your business content — your documents, emails, calendar, chats, meetings, contacts and other business data — and combines them with your working context — the meeting you’re in now, the email exchanges you’ve had on a topic, the chat conversations you had last week — to deliver accurate, relevant, contextual responses.

Built on Microsoft’s comprehensive approach to security, compliance and privacy. Copilot is integrated into Microsoft 365 and automatically inherits all your company’s valuable security, compliance, and privacy policies and processes. Two-factor authentication, compliance boundaries, privacy protections, and more make Copilot the AI solution you can trust.

Architected to protect tenant, group and individual data. We know data leakage is a concern for customers. Copilot LLMs are not trained on your tenant data or your prompts. Within your tenant, our time-tested permissioning model ensures that data won’t leak across user groups. And on an individual level, Copilot presents only data you can access using the same technology that we’ve been using for years to secure customer data.

Integrated into the apps millions use every day. Microsoft 365 Copilot is integrated in the productivity apps millions of people use and rely on every day for work and life — Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams and more. An intuitive and consistent user experience ensures it looks, feels and behaves the same way in Teams as it does in Outlook, with a shared design language for prompts, refinements and commands.

Designed to learn new skills.  Microsoft 365 Copilot’s foundational skills are a game changer for productivity: It can already create, summarize, analyze, collaborate and automate using your specific business content and context. But it doesn’t stop there. Copilot knows how to command apps (e.g., “animate this slide”) and work across apps, translating a Word document into a PowerPoint presentation. And Copilot is designed to learn new skills. For example, with Viva Sales, Copilot can learn how to connect to CRM systems of record to pull customer data — like interaction and order histories — into communications. As Copilot learns about new domains and processes, it will be able to perform even more sophisticated tasks and queries.

Committed to building responsibly

At Microsoft, we are guided by our AI principles and Responsible AI Standard and decades of research on AI, grounding and privacy-preserving machine learning. A multidisciplinary team of researchers, engineers and policy experts reviews our AI systems for potential harms and mitigations — refining training data, filtering to limit harmful content, query- and result-blocking sensitive topics, and applying Microsoft technologies like InterpretML and Fairlearn to help detect and correct data bias. We make it clear how the system makes decisions by noting limitations, linking to sources, and prompting users to review, fact-check and adjust content based on subject-matter expertise.

Moving boldly as we learn  

In the months ahead, we’re bringing Copilot to all our productivity apps—Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams, Viva, Power Platform, and more. We’ll share more on pricing and licensing soon. Earlier this month we announced Dynamics 365 Copilot as the world’s first AI Copilot in both CRM and ERP to bring the next-generation AI to every line of business.

Everyone deserves to find purpose and meaning in their work — and Microsoft 365 Copilot can help. To serve the unmet needs of our customers, we must move quickly and responsibly, learning as we go. We’re testing Copilot with a small group of customers to get feedback and improve our models as we scale, and we will expand to more soon.

Learn more on the Microsoft 365 blog and visit WorkLab to get expert insights on how AI will create a brighter future of work for everyone.

And for all the blogs, videos and assets related to today’s announcements, please visit our microsite .

Tags: AI , Microsoft 365 , Microsoft 365 Copilot

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things to make a powerpoint presentation fun


  1. Fun things to do a presentation on. 9 interactive ideas for squashing

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  2. 10 easy ways to make any PowerPoint presentation awesome

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  3. Fun Powerpoint Template

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  4. 40+ Best Cool PowerPoint Templates (With Awesome Design)

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  5. 25+ Creative, Fun PowerPoint Templates 2023

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  6. 140 Interesting Powerpoint Presentation Topics for Students

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  1. AI can make PRESENTATIONS now?!🔥🤯 #powerpoint #tutorial #study

  2. How to Make PowerPoint presentation tutorial in bangla |PowerPoint tutorial

  3. How to make PowerPoint Presentation with CANVA

  4. Amazing PowerPoint Slide animation tutorial (Morph Animation)

  5. 10 Awesome PowerPoint Slides in 10 Mins

  6. Presentation Design Idea


  1. 160 Insanely Fun PowerPoint Ideas For Your Next Presentation

    Fun PowerPoint Ideas for the Classroom. Science Experiment Journey: Present the process and results of a science experiment. Historical Time Travel: Create immersive history lessons with visuals and sound effects. Math Riddle Challenge: Share math riddles and reveal solutions with animations.

  2. 30 Amazing Things You Can Do And Create In PowerPoint

    To do this, you'd need to use portrait orientation for your card. Go to Design > Slide Size > Custom Slide Size, then click on Orientation. The default option is Landscape, so you'll need to click on Portrait, like so: Make creative visual resumes. Here's another fun thing you can create in PowerPoint.

  3. 10 easy ways to make any PowerPoint presentation awesome

    To reveal one bullet at a time in PowerPoint, right-click on your text box, select Custom Animation > Add Entrance Effect and then choose the effect you want. In Keynote, click Animate > Build in and choose the effect you want. 7. Leave the fireworks to Disney.

  4. 50 Creative Ideas For Your Next PowerPoint Night

    Here are 50 creative ideas for your next PowerPoint night. Extra points if you use and tag us on TikTok. Your colleagues as The Office characters. Dating app contenders. Hot takes on a new album from your favorite artist. Your Spotify Wrapped list. Bachelor/bachelorette (or other reality TV show) predictions.

  5. 105+ Creative Presentation Ideas to Engage Your Audience

    2 Be Minimal. Using a minimal design composition is one of the unique presentation ideas. The trick is to have just enough information and visual details for the viewer to feel comfortable seeing the slides. A minimal design can instill calm and awe in your audience when done right.

  6. Top 17 Funny PowerPoint Topics for Presentations in 2024

    What is a PowerPoint Party? #1 Your Friends as dog breeds. #2 Friends as Spongebob characters. #3 Your Friends as Taylor Swift Era. #4 In your friends' bodies for a day. #5 What Reality TV Show each friend belongs to. #6 Who knows me best: a trivia game. #7 Your friends as Disney characters. #8 Every Friend is a superhero.

  7. Fun PowerPoint Presentation Ideas For Your Audience (+Video

    Using props is a fun presentation idea. Props can make your presentation more powerful by giving the audience visual objects they can see in person. Props can also help the audience understand the point that you're trying to make. The bigger the prop is, the more impressive that prop is for your audience. 5. Use Video.

  8. 50 PowerPoint Ideas to Inspire your Next Presentation

    Idea #21: Make It Colorful. Use vibrant colors when designing your presentation or choosing your presentation template. Colors give your presentation life and create unique psychological reactions in people. For example, use more red in your slides to evoke intense and excited emotions in your audience.

  9. Make Creative PowerPoint Presentations (With Unique Ideas + Video

    For this example case, we're going to imagine we're introducing a new app using a PowerPoint presentation. This is just one example of making a creative presentation to showcase a new product, but you can use your own content to get similar results. 1. Grab Your Audience's Attention.

  10. 23 PowerPoint Presentation Tips for Creating Engaging Presentations

    Avoid unnecessary animations. Only add content that supports your main points. Do not use PowerPoint as a teleprompter. Never Give Out Copies of the Presentation. Tips To Making Your Presentation More Engaging. Re-focus the attention on you by fading into blackness. Change the tone of your voice when presenting.

  11. What To Make A PowerPoint About? (20 Creative Ideas)

    Create an outline: Once you have chosen a topic, create an outline of the points you wish to cover. This will help you stay organized and ensure that the presentation flows smoothly. 3. Use visuals and multimedia: Using visuals and multimedia can make your presentation more engaging for your audience.

  12. 12 Fun Presentation Ideas for Your Next PowerPoint Night

    Or maybe you're in leadership and looking for a way to work in some team building exercises. Whatever your goal, we have 12 fun PowerPoint presentation ideas for you to use. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a first-time presenter, these themes are guaranteed to bring the laughs and make your night one to remember.

  13. How to create an inspirational PowerPoint presentation

    Therefore, the key to a successful inspirational presentation is to deliver a clear, impactful message that is both engaging and memorable. Structure your presentation as a narrative, with a clear beginning, middle, and end. To elevate the storytelling qualities of your presentation, introduce a conflict or challenge and describe the journey of ...

  14. 60 Effective PowerPoint Presentation Tips & Tricks (Giant List)

    Here are a handful of PowerPoint presentation tips and tricks to help you avoid missteps. 37. Stop With the Sound Effects. Sound effects are distracting and outdated. In most cases avoid it. Skip sound effects if you want to learn how to make your PowerPoint stand out without distractions. (Image source: Envato Elements.)

  15. 180+ Presentation Topic Ideas [Plus Templates]

    Some of the best presentation topic ideas for students center around topics such as current events, education, general culture, health, life skills, literature, media and science. When picking presentation topics, consider these things: your hobbies, the books you read, the kind of TV shows you watch, what topics you're good at and what you ...

  16. 15 Ways to Make Your Presentation More Interactive

    Use humor. Showing your personality and sense of humor can lighten the mood and build a good rapport with the crowd. The audience is more likely to remember you if you make them laugh and in turn remember your ideas and key points. 6. Eye contact. The power of good eye contact can never be underestimated.

  17. 20 interactive PowerPoint activities to add awesome to classes

    Here are 20 interactive activities to harness the power of PowerPoint in your classroom. 1. Play Snapchat Games. When I first saw some of these Snapchat games — specifically "Would You Rather," "This or That," and "My Face When," I immediately thought of how it could be used in class!

  18. 13 PowerPoint Presentation Tips to Create Engaging Presentations

    1. Start by writing out your talking points. The first thing you need to do, before even considering your presentation design, is to write out your talking points and outline your speech. Pay attention to popular and engaging presentation structures so you know the framework you want to follow throughout your talk.

  19. How to Make a Presentation More Humorous (With 7 Top ...

    7. Use Analogies and Contrast. Another tip when thinking about how to add humor to a presentation is to use techniques like contrast, surprise, tension and analogies. Some of the examples shared earlier illustrate how surprise works to get attention. Here's an example of an analogy being used in a funny PowerPoint.

  20. 10 PowerPoint tricks for wow-worthy presentations

    Sometimes you may want to preserve your PowerPoint format and layout and have it viewed as a PDF. You have two easy ways to do it: Option 1. Go to File > Save As. Choose the location where you want to save your file. In the Save as type drop-down, choose PDF. Option 2. Go to File > Export > Create PDF/XPS Document.

  21. 400+ Creative & Funny PowerPoint Night Ideas [2024]

    400+ Creative & Funny PowerPoint Night Ideas [2024] A PowerPoint night is when friends come together and share slides about a topic they pick, one after the other. This cool trend on TikTok is a super fun activity for get-togethers and sleepovers. You can make a PowerPoint to play this game with your family, college buddies, or classmates.

  22. Free Fun PowerPoint Templates & Google Slides Themes

    Free Fun Slide Templates for an Exciting Slideshow. Add a splash of fun to your presentations with this fun PowerPoint template. Whether you're a teacher, student, or just want to liven up your next meeting, these templates will help you engage your audience and keep them entertained. With a range of customizable slides, you can easily manage ...

  23. 10+ Outstanding PowerPoint Presentation Examples and Templates

    Scope slide to establish the financial assets and financial health of an organization. Create a similar design by using our Asset Management PowerPoint Template. The next example of a PowerPoint presentation is oriented to the financial area, in which a consultant can refer to an organization's asset management.

  24. Free Online Slide Presentation: PowerPoint

    One person. Sharing and real-time collaboration. PowerPoint for the web and PowerPoint desktop app for offline use. Premium templates, fonts, icons, and stickers with thousands of options to choose from. Dictation, voice commands, and transcription. Advanced spelling and grammar, in-app learning tips, use in 20+ languages, and more.

  25. How to Make Boring Presentations More Interesting & Fun ...

    The advice is clear: nailing the writing stage is how to make a presentation interesting. It all starts with the content. 5. Energize the Audience. Energy is hard to measure, but easy to recognize. It's an essential part of holding an audience's attention. Learning how to make a presentation more interesting is easier when you're energetic.

  26. 39 Team Meeting Ideas & Topics that are Out of the Box

    List of team meeting ideas & topics that are out of the box. Here is a list of creative meeting ideas to shake up the routine and engage employees. 1. Team Pomodoro session. The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that involves working in 25 minute intervals followed by five minute breaks.

  27. Introducing Microsoft 365 Copilot

    Copilot is integrated into Microsoft 365 in two ways. It works alongside you, embedded in the Microsoft 365 apps you use every day — Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams and more — to unleash creativity, unlock productivity and uplevel skills. Today we're also announcing an entirely new experience: Business Chat.