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PhD in Psychology

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Curriculum 1: Psychological Sciences

General Psychology

  • Emotions attention and learning
  • Perception and decision making
  • Body action and cognition
  • Spatial cognition memory and individual differences
  • Psychometric
  • Psychometric methods in cognitive and clinical assessment
  • Advanced inferential statistics
  • Qualitative methods for psychological research
  • Bayesian inference in inferential statistics
  • Developmental and Education Psychology
  • Typical and atypical development from early infancy to adulthood
  • Risk and protective factors in development
  • Lifespan development and information and communication technologies
  • Teaching learning and social processes in educational contexts
  • Social Psychology
  • Gender inequalities and prejudice reduction
  • Personal and social identity
  • Psychosocial factors in risk and safety
  • Equal opportunities and community participation
  • Work and Organizational psychology
  • Diversity management in organizations
  • Organizational change and development
  • Employability and new careers
  • Psychosocial factors at work
  • Psychodynamics
  • Perinatal psychopathology
  • Developmental psychopathology in childhood
  • Child and parents psychotherapy research
  • Emotional intelligence in clinical and educational settings
  • Clinical psychology
  • The use of new technologies in clinical psychology
  • Clinical assessment of psychological distress/well-being/adjustment/attachment
  • Psychosomatics
  • Psychological interventions.

Curriculum 2: Joint PhD Program in Cognitive Neuroscience

  • The neural bases of higher cognition processes including memory, cognition, time perception, self-projection, executive functions.

Maurizio Codispoti

Dipartimento di Psicologia "Renzo Canestrari" - PSI

Viale Berti Pichat 5 Bologna (BO)

[email protected]

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PhD program in Psychology, Neuroscience and Data Science

The institution.

The University of Pavia, founded in 1361, is one of the world’s oldest academic institutions. Today almost 24,000 students, from both Italy and overseas, study at our University. Pavia, as a city-campus, offers students a unique experience in Italy and rare in Europe: to stay at one of 20 University colleges. Pavia is a city in northern Italy with 70,000 inhabitants located 30 km south of Milan, connected by regional and suburban trains every 10 minutes. Life in Pavia is both pleasant and affordable, particularly in comparison with much higher housing and living costs in Milan and other urban centres in Lombardy. Pavia’s campus offers a unique university experience to students who can enjoy countless events, festivals, exhibitions, concerts and sport activities, at all levels.

The program

The Ph.D. in Psychology, Neuroscience and Data Science provides an interdisciplinary knowledge covering Psychology, Neuroscience, Health (prevention, diagnosis and treatment), Medical Statistics, Epidemiology and Data Science. The main topics involved are the identification of genetic and environmental risk factors for chronic and acute diseases, the investigation of causal mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative disorders via integrated analysis of data set from different sources, the development and application of novel statistical methods, the evaluation of the effectiveness of clinical and community trials and preventive and educational interventions and, the identification of the neurophysiological and anatomical correlates of cognitive processes and emotions in healthy subjects and patients with neurological and psychiatric diseases in the life span. This PhD provides the study of human behaviours in both the historical perspective and the view of the most modern Neuroscience.

Teaching and research are at international standards, and open to foreign students to achieve a competitive professional profile in the international scenario concerning speculative and applicative research.

This PhD course provides expertise to design observational and experimental studies, to perform statistical analyses on diverse data set involving Neuroimaging data analysis, “big data management and analysis”, including machine learning and data mining, from genomics to systemic neuroscience.

For more detailed information see: https://phd-pnds.unipv.eu/

Coordinator of the PhD program: Prof. Gabriella Bottini

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PhD program

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The University of Padova believes in investing in young people to give new impetus to research. Training researchers is one of the main purposes of the university. Doctorate research activities range from the training of future generations of university lecturers and researchers to the preparation of professionals with the specific skills needed to work in the R&D centres of industries and at independent institutions.

The Doctoral School of Psychological Sciences at Padua University, one of the oldest Universities in Europe, is designed to produce highly skilled experimental psychologists with specialized training in one of five areas:

  • Experimental Psychology
  • Developmental and Socialization Psychology
  • Social and Personality Psychology
  • Cognitive Science
  • Experimental and Clinical Psychobiology
  • Applied Cognitive Science and Neuroscience.

For information about the Doctorate Course in Psychological Sciences please visit http://dottorato.psy.unipd.it/ .

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Dipartimento di Psicologia

Dipartimento di Psicologia

PhD programmes

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The research Doctorate represents the highest level of university education and is open to Master's Degree graduates. The programme lasts 3 years; access to the programme is based on the evaluation of candidates' educational career, their curriculum vitae and on a formal exam. Access to the Doctorate is restricted to a limited number of students. Succesfully completing the Doctorate awards the title of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). The Department of Psychology have recently changed the Doctorate Programmes and now offers the following three different Doctorate Programmes in:

  • Behavioral Neuroscience
  • Psychology and Social Neuroscience
  • Psychology and Cognitive Science  

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma

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Psychological sciences.

phd in psychology in italy

The course is aimed at training high-level researchers in psychological sciences providing a solid methodological approach as well as strong scientific know-how which can be used in both basic and applied research.

  Find out more

The 3-year program is designed for students holding an MS. The advisor of Doctoral students can be one of the approximately 60 faculty members who are experienced researchers in different areas of psychology using a large set of labs with different state-of-art equipment. Each student defines the main area of research early on, in agreement with his/her advisor and the experimental work is carried on starting from the first year. During the three-year program, students are required to spend a period in a foreign University or Research Center, working under the supervision of an external advisor for a minimum period of 3 months to a maximum period of 12 months. Padova University and the Departments involved in the program strongly support the mobility of the students providing them money for attending meetings, conferences, or summer/winter schools.

The overarching goal of the PhD program is to train high-level researchers in psychological sciences, by promoting a scientific top-notch, evidence-based, approach. PhD students will be trained to work effectively as researchers, college and university instructors, and to become professional research psychologists in basic science and applied domains. The program is centered on providing general skills that can be applied across diverse fields of research with particular emphasis on Clinical and experimental psychology, Human life-span development, Neuropsychology and cognitive psychology, Social, cultural and group psychology, Neuroimaging and computational neuroscience, Evolution of mind and cognitive functions, Language and psycholinguistics, Consumer choice & behavioural economics, Dynamical psychology, Mathematical psychology and statistical applications to psychology.

Methodological courses are aimed at providing students with state-of-art knowledge about models suited for the analyses of complex behaviors (e.g., Bayesian models, linear models, log-linear models, mixed effect models with random factors, multiple regression, exploratory factor analysis, structural equation models), as well as on how to handle and to analyze complex signals (e.g., brain activity). Programming courses focus on specific software needed to acquire data and conduct statistical analyses (e.g., MATLAB, R). Practical and soft skills courses focus on developing strategies for effective presentation of scientific data, and on learning how to plan research programs, how to write scientific articles and grant proposals, and how to review others' scientific work. Discussion on the ethics of research in psychology is also promoted.

Interdisciplinarity between the different domains and approaches in psychological research is strongly supported. The limited number of candidates and the large number of academic scholars involved in the program ensures that each student can receive a continuous and focused attention to the development of an individualized curriculum in which more than one supervisor is involved. As concerns the job market, the aim of the course is to train students in order to enable them to compete and successfully handle the current societal challenges in the academic and applied domains at both the national and international level. In particular, at the end of the course, our PhD candidates will be able to plan, program and carry out all research activities in an autonomous fashion within a rigorous, in-deep, and open-minded scientific perspective.

Our PhD course potentially trains a wide range of professional roles. Some of these roles are already fully recognized within the European job market. It is very likely that other roles will be more and more relevant in future years due to recent events which have a relevant impact in our lives (e.g., COVID pandemic, war in Ukraine). For instance, our PhD program has trained experts in the following areas:

  • Methodology in the social sciences
  • Data analysis
  • Cognitive (neuro)psychology and neuroscience
  • Social cognition and psychology of stereotypes and prejudice
  • Behavioural economics
  • Psychology of typical and atypical development
  • Social ergonomics
  • Cultural differences and cultural mediation
  • Demoscopic studies
  • Clinical assessment and intervention
  • Aging and well being

As concerns the temporal development of the course, doctoral students are also expected to participate in the following activities:

1st year: Doctoral students have to start to develop their research project and follow some basic courses in methodology, statistics, programming and other practical skills. All courses are taught in English language and are specifically tailored for PhD students (i.e., they are not courses for undergradiate students). At the end of each year, doctoral students have to discuss their theoretical area of research and the general content of their research project in front of a committee of faculty members.

2nd year: Students are expected to have a research training in an international research center or university outside of Italy. Institutions are selected on the basis of the individual interests and career objectives of each student.

3rd year: Preparation of the Ph.D. Thesis in either Italian or English language. At the end of the 3rd year, doctoral students have to present their work at the "School Lunch" meetings. Two months before the end of the program the thesis should be sent to two external reviewers for admission to the Defence. The reviewers are Italian or foreign researchers selected ad-hoc for each student. At the end of the program, students, in groups of two-four, will defend their thesis in front of an external committee. Organization of Classes across the three years and other activities

Classes have to main general objectives:

1) Provide advanced knowledge in disciplines common to different research approaches and provide students with the main research and methodological skills, as well as soft skills. 2) Expose students to several research areas, presenting them the new trends in the different domains of the Psychological Sciences and promoting interdisciplinarity in the approaches and methods.

Students have to attend to some mandatory classes (about 90 hrs in total). It is highly recommended that students attend to mandatory courses during their first year. Derogations must be discussed with both the Coordinator and the Supervisor. Students can also choose among a large set of optional classes in order to deepen their knowledge in specific domains from both a theoretical and practical perspective. These classes can be attended during the three years, but students are suggested to attend to these courses during the first year of the PhD program. Timetables for the courses are always organized so that time overlappings are prevented. Students are invited to attend a weekly appointment on Thursday from 1 to 2 pm which could be in the form of either a School Lunch or a School Meeting. School Lunch series. Students at the third year of the PhD program present their work to the academic staff. The series is open to all members of the Psychological Departments. School Meeting series. Members of the academic staff or other visiting scholars report to students regarding the new trends and the hot topics in Psychological Science.

  Other information

  • PhD Programmes Calls and Admissions
  • PhD Programmes
  • The International PhD guide
  • More informations


Stefania Gabrieli [email protected]

Collegamenti utili

University of padua.

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  • Italiano| English

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© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma

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Admissions to 2023-2024 PhD Programmes

Call for pre-selection for citizens of the people’s republic of china - xl cycle - academic year 2024/2025.

Sapienza University of Rome published a call for pre-selection for postgraduate PhD positions with scholarships fund by China Scholarship Council . List of PhD Programmes for which it is possible to apply are indicated in the Appendix CSC XL cycle. The deadline for submission of the application is February 28th, 2024 at 12.00 a.m. (CET).


Call for pre-selection CSC XL  -  Appendix CSC XL   -   Agreement Sapienza-CSC

Addition PhD Call 2023-2024/ 39th Cycle

Deadline for applications  October 13, 2023, at 23:59 (local time)

National PhD programme - Call 2023-2024/ 39th Cycle

Deadline for applications July 20, 2023, 2 pm local time. 

Dottorato Nazionale in Heritage Science - English version of the call

Dottorato Nazionale in Intelligenza Artificiale - English version of the call

Dottorato Nazionale in Osservazione della Terra - English version of the call

PhD Call 2023-2024/ 39th Cycle

Deadline for applications  June  22, 2023, 2 pm local time. 


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PhD Psychology programs in Italy

School and community psychology.

University of Bologna logo

University of Bologna

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings is the only global university performance table to judge research-intensive universities across all of their core missions: teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook.

Psychological Science

The University of Padua logo

The University of Padua

Psychological techniques and sciences.

Vita-Salute San Raffaele University logo

Vita-Salute San Raffaele University

Free University Maria SS. Assunta logo

Free University Maria SS. Assunta

Applied psychological sciences.

University of L'Aquila logo

University of L'Aquila

Clinical interventions psychology in social contexts.

University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli logo

University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli

Clinical psychology.

University of Bari Aldo Moro logo

University of Bari Aldo Moro

University of Bergamo logo

University of Bergamo

Applied cognitive psychology, work, organizational and personnel psychology.

University of Cagliari logo

University of Cagliari

Clinical and health psychology.

University of Florence logo

University of Florence

Clinical and health psychology sciences and techniques.

University of Messina logo

University of Messina

Applied experimental psychological sciences.

University of Milano-Bicocca logo

University of Milano-Bicocca

Clinical psychology and health promotion: person, family and community relationships, programming and management of social policies and services, psychology of social processes, decision-making and economic behavior.

University of Naples Federico II logo

University of Naples Federico II

Applied cognitive psychology, clinical and life cycle health psychology, developmental psychology and education, social work and communication psychology, physical activity and health.

Foro Italico University of Rome logo

Foro Italico University of Rome

Sapienza University of Rome logo

Sapienza University of Rome

Cognitive neuroscience and clinical neuropsychology, psychology and health, psychology applied to health, labour and legal-forensic contexts, physical activity and health promotion.

Tor Vergata University of Rome logo

Tor Vergata University of Rome

Clinical psychology and life cycle neuropsychology.

University of Niccolo Cusano Studies logo

University of Niccolo Cusano Studies

Psychological science and techniques, psychological sciences and techniques, clinical-dynamic psychology.

University of Salento logo

University of Salento

University of Valle d'Aosta logo

University of Valle d'Aosta

University of Pisa logo

University of Pisa

Clinical and health psychology and neuropsychology.

European University of Rome logo

European University of Rome

Kore University of Enna logo

Kore University of Enna

Cognitive psychology in health communication.

University of Trento logo

University of Trento

Psychology for organizations: human resources, marketing and communication.

Catholic University of the Sacred Heart logo

Catholic University of the Sacred Heart

Deadline information, best universities with psychology in italy.

best universities with psychology programs

Bachelor Psychology programs in Italy

bachelor psychology programs

Master Psychology programs in Italy

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Most Popular Psychology programs in Italy

most popular psychology programs

PhD Psychology programs in Italy

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Best Global Universities for Psychiatry/Psychology in Italy

These are the top universities in Italy for psychiatry/psychology, based on their reputation and research in the field. Read the methodology »

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Here are the best global universities for psychiatry/psychology in Italy

University of padua, sapienza university rome, university of florence, university of bologna, universita della campania vanvitelli, university of milan, catholic university of the sacred heart, university of pavia, university of turin, university of pisa.

See the full rankings

  • Clear Filters
  • # 73 in Best Universities for Psychiatry/Psychology
  • # 115 in Best Global Universities

The University of Padua is a public institution that was founded in 1222. It is located in the city of Padua, in... Read More

  • # 84 in Best Universities for Psychiatry/Psychology
  • # 125 in Best Global Universities  (tie)

Sapienza University of Rome is a public institution that was founded in 1303 by Pope Boniface VIII. The Italian... Read More

  • # 135 in Best Universities for Psychiatry/Psychology
  • # 250 in Best Global Universities  (tie)

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  • # 139 in Best Universities for Psychiatry/Psychology
  • # 122 in Best Global Universities

The University of Bologna is a public institution that traces its roots back to 1088. In a recent year, around 85,000... Read More

  • # 166 in Best Universities for Psychiatry/Psychology  (tie)
  • # 554 in Best Global Universities  (tie)

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  • # 156 in Best Global Universities  (tie)

The University of Milan is a public institution that was founded in 1924. The Italian university’s main campus is... Read More

  • # 187 in Best Universities for Psychiatry/Psychology
  • # 366 in Best Global Universities  (tie)
  • # 196 in Best Universities for Psychiatry/Psychology
  • # 295 in Best Global Universities  (tie)

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  • # 205 in Best Universities for Psychiatry/Psychology  (tie)
  • # 209 in Best Global Universities  (tie)

The University of Turin, sometimes called Unito, is a public institution that was founded in 1404. It is located in... Read More

  • # 210 in Best Universities for Psychiatry/Psychology
  • # 219 in Best Global Universities  (tie)

Pava Education

Studying Psychology in Italy

Studying psychology in Italy , which is one of the top places that comes to mind when it comes to university education abroad, has an increasing reputation in recent years. Psychology education, which is the branch of science that studies the human mind and human attitude, will help you learn the basics such as brain and behaviors, developmental psychology, social psychology and communication, clinical psychology, sports and health psychology. Psychologists, who usually provide counselling, help people find the right path in order to examine, perceive and help solve behavioral disorders. Although motivation is an important part of the job, the main area of interest is the subconscious mind, in other words, psychology.

Studying Psychology in Italy

Psychology education in Italy is given in undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels, as well as in Italian and in English. The first educational institution that comes to mind when talking about the Undergraduate degree Psychology education in Italy is the University of Padua .

Universities Offering Psychology Education in Italy

Studying psychology in Italy is possible in Italian as well as in English. If you do not rely on your Italian language level, our Italian language  course will be sufficient at the beginning. If you have a plan to do a master’s degree in Psychology taught in English in Italy and continue your professional life in Italy, you need to make an agreement with the Italians for the program you are studying.

These are the universities that offer psychology education in Italian and in English in undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral levels:

Studying Psychology in Italian

  • University of Cagliari (Undergraduate)
  • University of Brescia (Undergraduate)
  • University of Padua (Undergraduate, Master’s)
  • University of Bergamo (Undergraduate, Master’s)
  • University of Florence (Undergraduate, Master’s)
  • University of Milan (Undergraduate, Master’s)
  • University of Milan Bicocca (Undergraduate, Master’s)
  • University of Napoli Luigi Vanvitelli (Master’s)
  • University of Messina (Master’s)
  • University of Naples Federico II (Master’s)
  • University of Palermo (Master’s)
  • University of Perugia (Master’s)

Studying Psychology in English

  • University of Padua (Undergraduate)
  • La Sapienza University of Rome (Master’s)
  • University of Rome Tor Vergata (Master’s)
  • San Raffaele University (Master’s)
  • University of Bologna (Doctorate)

In addition, you can check our article about “Top 500 Italian Universities” .

Undergraduate Education in Psychology at the University of Padua

Undergraduate program at Department of Psychology of University of Padova lasts for 3 years. Its long tradition in experimental psychology has been shaped through contacts with experts in the cognitive sciences, neuroscience, information engineering, physiology and biology. The main research areas of the department are clinical and health psychology, cognitive, behavioral and emotional neurosciences (including neuropsychology and psychophysiology), experimental and cognitive psychology, comparative and evolutionary psychology, ergonomics, human factors, psychophysics, and quantitative and mathematical psychology.

Studying Psychology at University of Padua

It is an international department where education is organized entirely in English, offering students a basic knowledge of the main areas of psychology, including general, social, dynamic and scientific research methods. As an international environment, the University of Padua connects students wishing to study psychology in Italy with the international labor market through strategic partnership agreements. Students will be able to carry out professional work in the fields of psychometric, psychosocial and developmental assessment, in educational institutions, companies, third sector organizations and human resources management, in public and private structures.

This degree program is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in psychology. It includes both compulsory and optional courses and aims to build the scientific basis for your future studies in psychology and prepare you for work in a variety of sectors. Theoretical learning will be integrated with practical work and experimental activities, so that you will enjoy attending lectures and work in study groups. Seminars and workshops will also be part of the studies. The aim of the University is to encourage its students to take a critical approach to their studies and to gain an international perspective.

For more detailed information, you can take a look at our articles about “ Undergraduate Education in Italy ” and “ Master’s Degree education in Italy “.

Academic Program and Courses

Each academic year consists of two semesters. The knowledge and topics you will learn in these academic years are as follows:

  • The first year of the program will include: Basic concepts of psychology, brain and behavior, developmental psychology, social psychology and communication, dynamic psychology.
  • The second year will include: Statistical methods in psychology, business and organizational psychology, clinical psychology, animal psychology and neuropsychology.
  • The third year will include: genes and behavior, cognition and sensory perception, spatial cognition, language psychology and health psychology.

Each year, students have to choose elective courses to achieve the required amount of credits.

Career opportunities

Graduates of psychology program can find professional employment in public or private institutions, education sector, third sector businesses and organizations.

Under the supervision of a professional psychologist, they might work in health promotion services that concern individual, groups, organizations and communities. All these sectors are concerned with psychometric assessment, psychosocial assistance and human resource development throughout the life.

Moreover, you can read our article about “ Job Opportunities After Graduation in Italy ”.

Studying Psychology in Italy, career opportunities

Language requirements

This program does not require students to have an English language certificate, only a fluent level of English is required, courses, exams, textbooks and etc. are entirely in English.

Scholarships and fees

The University of Padua offers different types of scholarships to international students.

For more detailed information, you can take a look at our article about “ Scholarship Opportunities in Italy ”.

If you would like to obtain more information about the Department of Psychology at the University of Padua, please fill out our application form. Our expert consultants will contact you as soon as possible.

Advantages of Studying Psychology in Italy

  • In Italy, the duration of undergraduate education is 3 years and the duration of postgraduate education is 2 years. For this reason, you can finish your education life in a short period of time and take faster steps towards for becoming a psychologist or for working.
  • After finishing your university studies in Italy, you get a “blue diploma”. Thanks to this diploma you can find an opportunity to work anywhere in Europe.
  • Studying psychology in Italy Compared to other European countries, it is quite economical and of high quality.
  • Studying psychology in Italy give you a chance to learn both Italian and English, and you will have an international cultural and social environment with students coming from many different countries.
  • Your living costs in Italy will be affordable as your tuition costs are calculated according to your family income.

Studying Psychology in Italy – Application Requirements

The application requirements that candidates who want to study psychology in Italy should pay attention to differ for undergraduate, master’s and doctorate levels:

Undergraduate Entry Requirements for Psychology Education

  • Having completed 12 years of education
  • Passing the threshold score in university entrance exams
  • To get a sufficient score from the SAT Exam (Non-EU applicants residing outside of Italy can deliver their achievements such as awards, language certificates and etc. instead of the SAT certificate. There might also be a Skype interview to assess your language level. However, priority will be given to candidates with SAT test scores.)
  • As a foreign language certificate, a valid score from exams such as TOEFL or IELTS is required, but some universities do not require a language certificate.

For more detailed information, take a look at our topic “ SAT, TOEFL and IELTS Exams ”.

Master’s Entry Requirements for Psychology Education

  • You must have graduated from the relevant undergraduate department.
  • As a foreign language certificate, a valid score from exams such as TOEFL or IELTS is required. It will be sufficient to have a B2 level certificate in Italian or in English.
  • Although the conditions vary according to each university, universities may require a good average for graduate education.

Doctorate Entry Requirements for Psychology Education

Applicants holding at least one of the following academic qualifications, regardless of age and citizenship, are eligible to apply for entry:

  • Holding one of the specialization or master’s degrees equal to Laurea specialistica or Laurea magistrale (second cycle master’s degrees)
  • Laurea Vecchio Ordinamento (degree achieved according to previous Italian regulations)
  • Degree awarded by AFAM (Advanced Artistic and Music Education) institutions .
  • Master’s degrees taken abroad that are considered equivalent to the above items

Studying Psychology in Italy – Tuition Expenses

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One important detail that every individual who wants to study psychology in Italy is curious about is university fees. University fees in Italy vary between 156 € and 3500 € and based on the family income calculated for each student. According to this situation, scholarship opportunities might be offered based on your family income. Due to the high exchange rate, students usually benefit from a discount on tuition fees and you can also receive an annual scholarship of € 2000 to € 5200. In addition to these, extra discounts and scholarships are also given according to the student’s success and/or daily free meal.

Studying Psychology in Italy – Accommodation Facilities

Accommodation and dormitory facilities are available at majority of universities for students in Italy. There are single, double and studio apartments as well as large apartments for students. Students have accommodation options suitable for almost every budget. If you cannot find a place to stay, some companies contracted by the universities will offer you both dormitories and private houses, apartments, rooms, dormitories, hostels and hotels. Moreover, international students are given priority for dormitories, but the most important thing in this process is to make the registration and application procedures on time and completely.

For more detailed information, please see our article about “ Accommodation in Italy “.

Using the Pava Education counselling service will set you on the best route to become a psychologist. Please fill out our application form for studying psychology in Italy and university admission processes without wasting time. Our expert education consultants will contact you as soon as possible.

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  • Best Online Doctorates In Education

Best Online Doctorates In Education Of 2024

Jeff Tompkins

Published: May 15, 2024, 10:59am

If you’re a rising or mid-career education professional, you may have considered earning a doctorate in education, whether it’s a Ph.D. or a Doctor of Education (Ed.D.).

A doctoral degree can lead to higher earning potential and better job opportunities, including leadership roles in education, government, and both the nonprofit and private sectors. But earning that doctorate involves a multiyear commitment—and often a hefty price tag.

Earning your doctorate in education online can make this career step more accessible. Online degree programs often cost less than their on-campus counterparts, and they offer more flexibility, allowing you to keep working while you complete your studies.

To help jump-start your program search, we ranked the 10 best U.S. colleges and universities offering online doctorates in education according to metrics such as affordability, flexibility and student outcomes. Get the details on each program, learn why accreditation is critical for any degree and find out what to consider before committing to online study.

Why You Can Trust Forbes Advisor Education

Forbes Advisor’s education editors are committed to producing unbiased rankings and informative articles covering online colleges, tech bootcamps and career paths. Our ranking methodologies use data from the National Center for Education Statistics , education providers, and reputable educational and professional organizations. An advisory board of educators and other subject matter experts reviews and verifies our content to bring you trustworthy, up-to-date information. Advertisers do not influence our rankings or editorial content.

  • 6,290 accredited, nonprofit colleges and universities analyzed nationwide
  • 52 reputable tech bootcamp providers evaluated for our rankings
  • All content is fact-checked and updated on an annual basis
  • Rankings undergo five rounds of fact-checking
  • Only 7.12% of all colleges, universities and bootcamp providers we consider are awarded

Our Methodology

We ranked 149 accredited, nonprofit colleges offering online education doctoral programs in the U.S. using 14 data points in the categories of student experience, credibility, student outcomes and affordability. We pulled data for these categories from reliable resources such as the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System ; private, third-party data sources; and individual school and program websites.

Data is accurate as of February 2024. Note that because online doctorates are relatively uncommon, fewer schools meet our ranking standards at the doctoral level.

We scored schools based on the following metrics:

Student Experience:

  • Student-to-faculty ratio
  • Socioeconomic diversity
  • Availability of online coursework
  • Total number of graduate assistants
  • Portion of graduate students enrolled in at least some distance education


  • Fully accredited
  • Programmatic accreditation status
  • Nonprofit status

Student Outcomes:

  • Overall graduation rate
  • Median earnings 10 years after graduation


  • In-state graduate student tuition and fees
  • Alternative tuition plans offered
  • Median federal student loan debt
  • Student loan default rate

We chose the 10 best schools to display based on those receiving a curved final score of 86% or higher.

Find our full list of methodologies here .

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Degree Finder

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Learn about start dates, transferring credits, availability of financial credit and much more by clicking 'Visit Site'

Johns Hopkins University

Program Tuition Rate


Percentage of Grad Students Enrolled in Distance Education

Overall Graduation Rate

Baltimore, Maryland-based Johns Hopkins University offers a four-year Doctor of Education Program that emphasizes social justice, critical thinking and effective communication.

Designed to accommodate working practitioners, this part-time program is fully online. Students focus on a “Problem of Practice”—a topic of concern that they’ve encountered in their work—which becomes the subject of a culminating dossier-style dissertation project. This project is required for graduation and can take the form of an oral presentation, public-facing or scholarly writing, or a video.

  • Our Flexibility Rating: Learn on Your Schedule
  • School Type: Private
  • Application Fee: $80
  • Degree Credit Requirements: 48–54
  • Program Enrollment Options: Part time
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Foundations of education, applied research and evaluation
  • Concentrations Available: N/A
  • In-Person Requirements: No

Endicott College


A private institution in Beverly, Massachusetts, Endicott College offers online Ed.D. and Ph.D. in education programs that combine research with practical field experience. The school’s Ed.D. program in educational leadership with a concentration in pre-K-12 education promotes an innovative mindset. This program features primarily online coursework along with residency weekends.

Endicott’s two research-based, fully online Ph.D. programs train students through coursework, mentorship and doctoral apprenticeships. The curriculum and teacher education concentration centers on teacher preparation and development and curriculum theory, while the higher education concentration delves into the administrative, financial, legal and sociocultural dimensions of present-day higher education.

  • Application Fee: $50
  • Degree Credit Requirements: 51–60 credits
  • Program Enrollment Options: Full time
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Advanced qualitative methods, current issues in educational policy
  • Concentrations Available: Curriculum and teacher education, higher education, pre-K–12 education
  • In-Person Requirements: Yes, in the Ed.D. in educational leadership program


The fully online Ed.D. in curriculum and instruction from the University of Central Florida in Orlando allows students to choose among 13 specialization areas such as curriculum and instruction, health and human performance, and educational psychology.

Core coursework covers topics like learning and motivation, organizational theory in education and identifying complex problems of practice. All specializations include a “Laboratory of Practice” that gives students practical leadership and research experience in a professional setting.

  • School Type: Public
  • Application Fee: $31
  • Degree Credit Requirements: ​​54–57
  • Program Enrollment Options: Part time, full time
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Evaluation of school programs; data, assessment and accountability
  • Concentrations Available: Curriculum and instruction; education psychology; English language arts; exceptional student education; gifted education; global, international and comparative education; health and human performance; instructional design and technology; ; methodology, measurement and analysis; reading education; social science education; TESOL; K-8 mathematics education; signature research area (mindfulness and meditation in education)
  • In-Person Requirements: Yes, a field-based “Laboratory of Practice”

Alverno College


Alverno College is a private, Catholic women’s college in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, that offers coeducational graduate programs. The college’s online Ed.D. in education offers three concentration options: K–12 leadership, higher education leadership and teaching and learning in higher education.

Each program places students in a cohort of fellow education professionals who proceed through the program in unison. Small class sizes foster personal and professional connections with fellow students and instructors. All three concentrations provide resources and support for the concluding dissertation from the first semester.

Although Alverno’s online Ed.D. is primarily online, students in all concentrations are expected to attend two on-campus weekend residencies.

  • Application Fee: Free
  • Degree Credit Requirements: 54–57
  • Program Enrollment Options: Accelerated
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Equity in diverse educational settings, higher education curriculum and assessment
  • Concentrations Available: Higher education leadership, K–12 leadership, teaching and learning in higher education
  • In-Person Requirements: Yes, two on-campus weekend residencies

Union Institute & University


The Ed.D. Program at Cincinnati’s Union Institute & University emphasizes issues surrounding equity and social justice. Majors in pre-K–12 educational leadership and higher education leadership help students develop the skills needed to lead organizations and institutions toward real-world change.

Structured for maximum flexibility, the 100% online program comprises three terms per year (spring, summer and fall), with a virtual residency at the start of each. Union also allows eligible students to transfer up to 24 credits of previous graduate coursework for an accelerated timetable.

  • Degree Credit Requirements: 66
  • Program Enrollment Options: Accelerated, part time, full time
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Schools, society and culture; education and social justice; research methods
  • Concentrations Available: Educational leadership, pre-K–12; higher education leadership

Gwynedd Mercy University

$980/credit (in-state)

Gwynedd Mercy University (GMercyU), located outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, offers an online executive Ed.D. featuring four concentrations geared toward leadership positions in all levels of education (pre-K through college) and in education-related nonprofits and government. Coursework covers topics like assessment, education research and teaching, faculty management and community relations.

Each concentration takes about three years to complete and consists of online coursework, two on-campus residencies, field experience and one week of international study in Limerick, Ireland (costs of the latter are included in tuition).

The program provides a high level of dissertation support from the outset. GMercyU also offers an 18-month ABD variant for students who have completed Ed.D coursework but not the dissertation.

  • Our Flexibility Rating: Learn on a Set Schedule
  • Application Fee: N/A
  • Degree Credit Requirements: 54
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Designing interventions and assessing outcomes, school law and policy in special education
  • Concentrations Available: Teaching and learning in higher education, leadership in pre-K–12 schools and school districts, leadership in special education, leadership in higher education
  • In-Person Requirements: Yes, on-campus and global residencies

University of Southern Mississippi


The University of Southern Mississippi ’s fully online Ed.D. in higher education administration dispenses with a dissertation requirement in favor of a capstone research project. This project focuses on real-world problems students have encountered in their professional lives. Capstone courses are scheduled in parallel with the content courses so that students finish the capstone in tandem with their required coursework.

Synchronous classes take place weekly, typically in the evening, allowing students to form a genuine learning community with instructors and classmates. Applicants need a current educator license and at least three years of teaching experience.

  • Our Flexibility Rating: Learn Around Your 9-to-5
  • Application Fee: $60
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Public school finance, school law

Ball State University

$464/credit (in state)

Ball State University ’s online doctorates in education include three Ed.D. programs and two Ph.D. programs. These programs cater to educators and school administrators who aspire to higher-level teaching positions or leadership roles in policy or administration.

Located in Muncie, Indiana, Ball State’s programs are among the few online doctoral programs in the Midwest. Students may continue working full time through their programs and can choose a start date in the fall, spring or summer to accommodate their schedules. Some programs include an in-person field experience in areas like clinical work, college teaching or in-service training.

Note: The stated 91 to 97 credits may sound like a lot, but Ball State University encourages doctoral candidates in education to transfer credits from their master’s degrees. Students must complete a minimum of 48 credits through Ball State.

  • Degree Credit Requirements: 91–97
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Statistical methods in educational and psychological research; behavior studies
  • Concentrations Available: Elementary education, literacy/reading education; early childhood education, higher education, community college leadership, adult and community education
  • In-Person Requirements: Yes, field experience

Indiana University Bloomington

$500/credit (in state)

Indiana University Bloomington lets applicants choose among five online doctorates in education—an Ed.D. in literacy, culture and language education, an Ed.D. in instructional systems technology, and an Ed.D. in curriculum and instruction with specializations in art, math and science education.

All four programs require 60 credits and a successfully completed dissertation for graduation. Fully online and asynchronous, these doctorates serve working practitioners who want to teach at colleges and universities or advance to high-level administrative positions in those and other institutions (such as museums, in the case of the art education specialization).

  • Application Fee: $70
  • Degree Credit Requirements: 60
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Theoretical issues in the study of language and literacies; research seminar in literacy, culture and language education
  • Concentrations Available: Literacy, culture, and language education; science education; math education; art education; instructional systems technology

Liberty University


Liberty University is a private, Christian institution in Lynchburg, Virginia. The university’s online doctoral offerings in education consist of six Ph.D. and Ed.D. programs with a wide array of specializations available in areas like curriculum and instruction, higher education leadership and special education.

All courses are fully online and asynchronous, with each course lasting eight weeks to offer learners maximum flexibility. Ph.D. students conclude their course of study with a dissertation, while Ed.D. programs culminate in a research-driven capstone project, developed with a faculty mentor, that addresses a real-world challenge in the education field.

  • Degree Credit Requirements: 54–60
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Advanced learning theory and research, history and future of special education
  • Concentrations Available: Educational leadership, curriculum and instruction, educational psychology, elementary education, instructional design and technology, middle grades education, online teaching and learning, secondary education, special education, higher education administration, assessment and evaluation, organizational leadership, student affairs, educational law

An online doctorate in education can be a practical option if you need the flexible schedule and lower costs that come with remote learning. However, consider these key questions before you commit to earning a doctorate online:

  • Is the program accredited? Before anything else, verify that an accrediting organization approved by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or the U.S. Department of Education has accredited any school or program you have in mind. Accreditation ensures that the program meets minimum quality standards and that future employers will recognize your doctorate.
  • How do you prefer to learn? Consider which mode of online learning best suits your learning style. Synchronous delivery means you log into class at set times every week, whereas asynchronous delivery means your learning schedule is in your hands. Hybrid learning combines these two modes. Decide whether you benefit from more built-in structure or if you’re comfortable creating your own.
  • Will distance and location affect your availability? Even though most of their coursework takes place online, some programs listed here require students to attend residencies or other activities on campus. Think about whether factors like travel time or the need for childcare or a pet sitter will affect your ability to fulfill in-person requirements.

Two kinds of accreditation are critical for anyone considering an online doctorate in education. Institutional accreditation confirms an educational institution’s overall quality and effectiveness. It attests to the school’s academic rigor, faculty qualifications, financial governance and student services, among other criteria.

Verify a school’s accreditation via the accreditation page on its website or use CHEA’s directory to research accredited schools, departments and programs.

Programmatic or specialized accreditation applies to specific programs or departments within an institutionally accredited school. In the U.S., the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) is the most prominent accreditor of degree programs in education. You can verify your program’s accreditation using CAEP’s online directory .

Consider Your Future Goals

Settling on the right doctorate in education program is a major decision that will shape your academic and professional trajectory. Before you start researching, ask yourself what you want to get out of your doctoral study. Are you interested in teaching, research, administration, policy or some other aspect of education? Defining your objectives can help you choose a program that fits your needs.

Next, you can begin assessing individual doctorate in education programs. Ph.D. programs often emphasize research and academia, while Ed.D. programs may focus more on practical applications in educational leadership and administration. Decide which type of program matches your career goals and learning preferences.

Finally, examine the student outcomes for any potential program. Consider where graduates have found jobs, how far they’ve advanced in their careers and what contributions they’ve made to the education field. Alumni networks and testimonials can give you insight into the program’s effectiveness in preparing students for the careers they want.

Understand Your Expenses and Financing Options

Tuition costs for the online doctorates covered on this page range from less than $20,000 to more than $110,000. Financing options differ by program, and your eligibility for assistance depends on your financial situation at the time you apply. To find out what types of aid you qualify for, you’ll need to do some research.

Start by filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) to determine your eligibility for federal financial aid programs. Online students are usually eligible for federal aid, but some programs may have specific eligibility requirements, so ask your school’s financial aid office for more information.

The financial aid office may be able to point you to some of the following resources as well:

  • Scholarships and grants. Some doctoral students, including those enrolled in online programs, may qualify for these forms of gift aid. Grants and scholarships can be merit-based, need-based or specific to certain disciplines.
  • Employer tuition reimbursement. If you’re currently working, ask your employer whether they offer tuition reimbursement or sponsorships. If your doctorate is relevant to your present role or a potential future role within the organization, some employers may be willing to cover at least part of your tuition costs.
  • Fellowships. Occasionally doctoral programs will offer fellowships: financial support in the form of a stipend or tuition remission in exchange for research or teaching assistance.
  • Student loans. Private loans from banks, credit unions or online lenders are a potential resource, but remember that private loans typically mean higher interest rates and less-flexible repayment options than federal loans.

Scrutinize all terms and conditions, ideally in writing, before you agree to any financing option, to avoid any potentially adverse effect on your financial status after you graduate.

Is it worth getting a doctorate in education?

The value of a doctorate in education depends on several factors, including career goals and financial considerations. If you suspect you’re not fully committed to several more years of academic study, explore other ways you could achieve your career goals in education, such as a professional certification or a specialized training program.

How long does a doctorate in education take?

Earning an online doctorate in education typically takes from three to seven years. Factors that can affect completion time include specific program requirements, whether the student already holds a master’s degree in education and whether they enroll full time or part time.

What is the difference between a Ph.D. and a doctorate?

The terms Ph.D. and doctorate are sometimes used interchangeably, but there are important differences between them. A Ph.D. is a research-oriented doctoral degree in a wide range of academic disciplines, such as the humanities, sciences, social sciences, education and engineering. A “doctorate” refers to a broader category that encompasses all types of doctoral degrees, including Ph.D., Ed.D., J.D., M.D. and Psy.D. degrees.

What is a doctoral degree in education?

A doctoral degree in education, sometimes known as a Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) or a Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Ph.D. in Education), is the most advanced degree in the education field. It prepares teachers, researchers, administrators and other professionals to contribute to the education field through scholarly inquiry, critical analysis and the practical application of knowledge.

Jeff Tompkins

Jeff Tompkins is a writer and teacher of English as a Second Language living in New York City. He was born in Hartford, Connecticut, in 1967 and was educated at Brown University and University College London. His articles and reviews have appeared in CHA Review of Books and Films, the Brooklyn Rail, the Chicago Review of Books, PopMatters, Words Without Borders, and other outlets.

Explore over 200 exciting PhD positions in diverse fields offered by the University of Turin, Italy


📢 Call for Admission to over 200 PhD Positions - 40th Cycle (2024/2025) 🎓

The University of Turin is thrilled to announce the opening of applications for quite large number of PhD positions in the 40th Cycle for 2024/2025 academic year. This is an exceptional opportunity for aspiring researchers to pursue their doctoral studies in diverse fields.

💡 Highlights:

  • Assignment of doctoral scholarships funded by the University, Next Gen.EU-NRRP (National Recovery and Resilience Plan), and other funds.
  • Join a vibrant academic community and contribute to cutting-edge research.
  • Benefit from world-class resources, facilities, and expert supervision.
  • Develop your skills and expertise in a supportive and intellectually stimulating environment.

📆 Application Deadline: 20 June, 2024, 12:00pm (noon), CET.

Several academic units will be participating in the call for PhD admission

Comparative Analysis of Institutions, Economics and Law;

Business and Management;

Complex Systems for Quantitative Biomedicine;

Law and Institutions;

Law, the Individual and the Market;

Economy "Vilfredo Pareto";

Medical Physiopathology;

Food System;

Global History of Empires;

Computer Science;

Innovation for the Circular Economy;


Modern Languages and Literatures;


Experimental Medicine and Therapy;

Molecular Medicine;

Modeling and Data Science;


Cultural Heritage and Historical-Artistic Audiovisual and Multimedia Production;

Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences;

Archeological, Historical and Historical-Artistic Sciences;

Biological Sciences and Applied Biotechnologies;

Biomedical Sciences and Oncology;

Health Sciences: Sociology, Nursing Sciences and Rehabilitation Sciences;

Chemical and Material Sciences;

Earth Sciences;

Pharmaceutical and Biomolecular Sciences;

Psychological, Anthropological and Educational Sciences;

Veterinary Sciences for Food and Animal Safety;

Sustainable Development and Cooperation (SUSTNET);

Technologies for Cultural Heritage (Tech4Culture);

Translational Oncology

For more information and to apply:  https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/234024


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  1. PhD details

    The PhD programme aims at training students in innovative basic, field, applied, clinical and rehabilitative research in Psychology. This goal is achieved by training students in basic skills concerning comprehension of scientific texts, scientific writing, presentation skills, oral communication of scientific results in national and ...

  2. Best 9 Psychology PhD Programmes in Italy 2024

    This page shows a selection of the available PhDs in Italy. If you're interested in studying a Psychology degree in Italy you can view all 9 PhDs. You can also read more about Psychology degrees in general, or about studying in Italy. Many universities and colleges in Italy offer English-taught PhD's degrees.

  3. 9 Ph.Ds in Psychology in Italy

    The PhD in Psychology and Social Neuroscience at Sapienza University of Rome is designed to train researchers in a multidisciplinary vein and to advance their knowledge in theory, research methodology, and several substantive fields that are part of psychology and social neuroscience field.

  4. PhD program in Psychology, Neuroscience and Data Science

    The University of Pavia, founded in 1361, is one of the world's oldest academic institutions. Today almost 24,000 students, from both Italy and overseas, study at our University. Pavia, as a city-campus, offers students a unique experience in Italy and rare in Europe: to stay at one of 20 University colleges.

  5. PhD program

    The Doctoral School of Psychological Sciences at Padua University, one of the oldest Universities in Europe, is designed to produce highly skilled experimental psychologists with specialized training in one of five areas: Experimental Psychology. Developmental and Socialization Psychology. Social and Personality Psychology.

  6. Doctorate in Psychology and Cognitive Science

    The PhD Program is a full-time course of study. Degree requirements include attending seminars and classes, given by members of the Board and by other Italian and foreign scientists, and conducting experimental studies (each year) that will be included in the final dissertation.

  7. PhD programmes

    Succesfully completing the Doctorate awards the title of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). The Department of Psychology have recently changed the Doctorate Programmes and now offers the following three different Doctorate Programmes in: Behavioral Neuroscience. Psychology and Social Neuroscience. Psychology and Cognitive Science.

  8. Psychological Sciences

    Psychological Sciences. Thematic area Life Sciences. Duration 3 years. Language English. PhD Programme Coordinator Lucia Regolin. The course is aimed at training high-level researchers in psychological sciences providing a solid methodological approach as well as strong scientific know-how which can be used in both basic and applied research.


    The PhD Program "Psychology and Cognitive Science", as far as the scope and structure of its subjects of interest, the width and interdisciplinary characterization of the Board of Professors, and the network of National and International research collaborations are concerned, complies with the criteria established by the Ministry and approved by the National Council of University (CUN ...

  10. Doctoral programmes (PhD)

    Doctoral programmes (PhD) Info and contacts. . 39th cycle - 2023/24. 40th cycle- 2024/25. Study area. Languages. PhD name. Search.

  11. Psychology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Italy

    At the Center for Translational Neurophysiology of Speech and Communication (CTNSC), at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), we focus our efforts in two integrated directions. Read more. Supervisors: Prof A D'Ausilio, Prof luciano Fadiga. 31 May 2024 PhD Research Project Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide) 1.

  12. Admissions to 2023-2024 PhD Programmes

    The Italian research doctorate (PhD) is the highest academic degree awarded by universities in most fields of study. The PhD programme is open to applicants who hold a Masters Degree or equivalent degree obtained abroad. PhD programmes train students to carry out scientific research and improve their research methodologies. A Research Doctorate ...

  13. PhD

    The Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy, "Dottorato di ricerca") is the highest university degree in Italy, aiming to provide the necessary knowledge, skills and research abilities to engage in top-quality research activities in universities, public institutions, or private bodies. A yearly call for applications is launched to be selected for a Ph.D. Program at the University of Turin.

  14. Psychological Sciences, Ph.D.

    The main goal of the PhD Psychological Sciences programme at University of Padua is to train high-level researchers in the field of Psychological Sciences, and to enable them to increase the body of scientific knowledge upon which the discipline of psychology rests. University of Padua. Padua , Italy. Top 1% worldwide.

  15. StudyQA

    PhD Psychology programs in Italy. Order by: Name. Price. Deadline. Duration. Master. School and Community Psychology. University of Bologna Bologna, Italy . Study mode: On campus Languages: English Italian. Local: $ 1.63 k / Year(s) Foreign: $ 1.63 k / Year(s) 167 place ...

  16. Best Global Universities for Psychiatry/Psychology in Italy

    India. Japan. Netherlands. South Korea. See the US News rankings for Psychiatry/Psychology among the top universities in Italy. Compare the academic programs at the world's best universities.

  17. PhD in Clinical Psychology Programs in Italy 2024+

    Clinical Psychology PhD Programs near Italy. Students aspiring to become licensed clinical psychologists may choose one of two types of PhD in Clinical Psychology Programs: a Doctor of Psychology PsyD in Clinical Psychology or a Doctor of Philosophy PhD in Clinical Psychology.Earning a doctoral degree is a requisite for licensure and practice in clinical settings - so if you want to continue ...

  18. Studying Psychology in Italy

    Studying psychology in Italy, which is one of the top places that comes to mind when it comes to university education abroad, has an increasing reputation in recent years.Psychology education, which is the branch of science that studies the human mind and human attitude, will help you learn the basics such as brain and behaviors, developmental psychology, social psychology and communication ...

  19. 10 Ph.Ds in Neuroscience in Italy

    Neuroscience. 2,626 EUR / year. 3 years. This PhD in Neuroscience course at the University of Padua intends to attract international students from several branches of knowledge, among which: Psychology, Medicine, Biology, Neuroscience, Engineering, Physics, Mathematics and Statistics. Ph.D. / Full-time / On Campus.

  20. PsyD Programs and Graduate Schools in Italy 2024+

    What are PsyD Programs near Italy ? The Doctor of Psychology, abbreviated 'PsyD, Psy D, or Psy.D. is an applied, clinically focused doctorate degree somewhat like an MD in medicine.Earning a degree from a PsyD program typically prepares a graduate to fulfill the educational requirements for state licensure; licensure is a requirement for use of the title "psychologist" in many states.

  21. Best Online Doctorates In Education Of 2024

    An Ed.D. or Ph.D. in education can prepare you for leadership, research and policy roles. Explore the top 10 schools for an online doctorate in education.

  22. Explore over 200 exciting PhD positions in diverse fields offered by

    📢 Call for Admission to over 200 PhD Positions - 40th Cycle (2024/2025) 🎓. The University of Turin is thrilled to announce the opening of applications for quite large number of PhD positions in the 40th Cycle for 2024/2025 academic year.