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My Hobby Playing Football | [Essay for Students]

Hello, students today I have come up with an essay on My hobby playing football. In this essay I have told why I love playing football. So let us start with the essay.

Boy with football image

My hobby playing football.

My hobby is playing football. There is something about the intensity and excitement of the game that I find thrilling. Whether I am playing on a team or just kicking the ball around with friends, I always enjoy the challenge and camaraderie of football.

In conclusion, my hobby is playing football. It keeps me active and healthy, allows me to be part of a team, and has social and cultural significance. Although it is not without its challenges, I find playing football to be a rewarding and enjoyable activity.

Students, why do you like the sport of football the most? Do tell us in the comment section below.

This essay can be used by students of classes 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th for their educational purposes. This essay can also be used on following topic.

  • My Favorite sports Football.

Students, hope you liked this essay and if you need an essay on any topic then do tell us in the comment section below.

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I love football. i play with happy and mind play. and my favourite player is massi. I love football.

my hobby is playing football essay

Very nice 👌😊

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Thanks for the essay of football ⚽️ Assalamoalycom

I am an player too and I like this essay. Keep it up>



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My Hobby – Football

My Hobby – Football

The author discusses hobbies and how they vary from person to person. They then go on to talk about their own hobby, playing football. Initially, their father did not allow them to play due to safety concerns, but the author persisted because they enjoyed it. They had an injury while playing, but continued to play after recovering because they saw the benefits it had for their health, including increased strength and reduced body fat. The author also values how playing football has allowed them to make friends, learn teamwork and coordination, and be prepared for both success and failure in life. They encourage others to try playing football as well.

A hobby is an enjoyable activity that people engage in during their free time. Hobbies can vary widely, from playing the guitar and watching movies to reading books or simply sleeping. For me, my personal hobby is playing football .

Football, the most popular sport worldwide, is played in many countries. Despite initial safety concerns, my father’s worries did not prevent me from starting to play at ten years old. In the beginning, he would scold and even physically discipline me for participating in the sport. However, my love for football never wavered.

Throughout my academic journey, I devoted two hours every day to playing this cherished game. Unfortunately, during a match against another team, I suffered a severe leg injury when they accidentally struck me while trying to clear the ball from the goal. The seriousness of the injury necessitated immediate hospitalization.

After a three-month confinement at home due to a leg injury, I have finally regained my mobility and returned to playing football. Football is not just something I am passionate about, but it also plays a crucial role in improving my overall well-being. Engaging in this sport allows me to enhance muscle and bone strength while reducing body fat through activities like walking, running , and sprinting. Furthermore, football helps develop leg strength and improves concentration. Therefore, playing football effectively promotes fitness and establishes positive fitness habits. Participating in team sports such as football offers various benefits.

Playing football boosts my self-assurance and lessens stress. It imparts lessons on teamwork , sharing, and coordination, fostering numerous friendships. Furthermore, football imparts valuable life skills that will prove beneficial as I mature. It equips me to handle future setbacks by teaching acceptance of both triumphs and defeats. Football holds a significant place in my life as the supreme sport globally. Hence, engaging in football is strongly advised as it is a choice one won’t rue.

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my hobby is playing football essay

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Essay On Football for Students and Children

500+ words essay on football.

Essay On Football- Football is a game that millions of people around the world play and love. It can be called a universal game because every small and big nation plays it.

Moreover, it’s a great relaxer, stress reliever, teacher of discipline and teamwork . Apart from that, it keeps the body and mind fit and healthy. It’s a team game that makes it a more enjoyable game as it teaches people the importance of sportsmanship. Leadership, and unity .

Essay On Football

History of Football

The history of football can be traced back to the ancient times of the Greeks. Everyone knows that the Greeks were great sportsmen and have invented many games.

Football happens to one of them. A similar game like football is played in many countries but the latest version of football that we knew originates in England. Likewise, England formulated the first rule of the game. From that day onwards the football has progressed in ways we can’t imagine.

Importance of Football

Football is an important game from the point of view of the spectator as well as the player. This 90 minutes game is full of excitement and thrill.

Moreover, it keeps the player mentally and physically healthy, and disciplined. And this ninety-minute game tests their sportsmanship, patience, and tolerance.

Besides, all this you make new friends and develop your talent. Above all, it’s a global game that promotes peace among countries.

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How to Learn Football

Learning any game is not an easy task. It requires dedication and hard work. Besides, all this the sport test your patience and insistence towards it. Moreover, with every new skill that you learn your game also improves. Above all, learning is a never-ending process so to learn football you have to be paying attention to every minute details that you forget to count or missed.

Football in India

If we look at the scenarios of a few years back then we can say that football was not a popular game in except West Bengal. Also, Indians do not take much interest in playing football. Likewise, the All India Football Federation (AIFF) has some limited resources and limited support from the government.

my hobby is playing football essay

But, now the scenario has completely changed. At this time football matches the level of cricket in the country. Apart from that, the country organizes various football tournaments every year.

Above all, due to the unpopularity of football people do not know that we have under-17 and under-23, as well as a football team.

Football Tournaments

The biggest tournament of Football is the FIFA world cup which occurs every 4 years. Apart from that, there are various other tournaments like UEFA cup, Asian Cup (AFC), African completions (CAF) and many more.

To conclude, we can say that football is very interesting that with every minute takes the viewer’s breath away. Besides, you can’t predict what’s going to happen the next second or minute in football. Apart from all this football keeps the one playing it fit and healthy. Above all, it can be a medium of spreading the message of peace in the world as it is a global game.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What are soccer and rugby?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Soccer is another name of the world-famous game Football. While on the other hand, rugby is an American version of Football in which they carry the rugby ball in their hands.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Is football a dangerous or safe game?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”For school students and youngsters it’s a much safer game as compared to professionals. Because professionals can suffer from injuries and can cost them their careers. But overall football is a dangerous game.”} }] }

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Essay on Hobby Football

Students are often asked to write an essay on Hobby Football in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Hobby Football

What is hobby football.

Hobby football means playing football for fun, not as a job. People of all ages enjoy kicking a ball around in parks, fields, or backyards. It’s a simple game that just needs a ball and some space.

Benefits of Playing Football

Playing football keeps you fit. It makes your body strong and helps you run faster. It’s also good for making friends because you play with other people.

Rules of the Game

The basic rule is to score goals by getting the ball into the other team’s net. You can’t touch the ball with your hands unless you’re the goalkeeper.

Football Equipment

You don’t need much to play. A football and shoes are enough. Some wear special clothes, but it’s not a must.

Joining a Team

You can join a local team to play regularly. Teams practice together and sometimes play against other teams. It’s fun and exciting.

250 Words Essay on Hobby Football

Hobby football is playing football for fun, not as a job. Many people enjoy kicking a ball around with friends at a park or in their backyard. It’s a great way to relax and have a good time. You don’t need to be a pro to play. All you need is a ball and some space.

Playing football is good for your health. It makes your body strong and keeps your heart healthy. When you run, jump, and kick, you are doing exercise. This exercise can help you stay fit and happy. Also, playing with others can make you good at working with people and solving problems together.

Learning New Skills

When you play football, you learn new things. You get better at controlling the ball, and you learn how to play with a team. You also learn to follow rules and respect other players. These are important skills that you can use in other parts of your life, like at school or home.

Football for Everyone

One of the best things about football is that anyone can play. Boys and girls, young and old, can all enjoy the game. It doesn’t matter how good you are. The most important thing is to have fun and try your best.

Football is a simple game that brings people together. It’s a hobby that can make you smile, help you make friends, and keep you active. So why not grab a ball and start playing today?

500 Words Essay on Hobby Football

Football, known as soccer in some countries, is not just a game played by professionals. It is also a common hobby for people of all ages. A hobby is an activity that someone does for pleasure when they are not working. Hobby football means playing football for fun, not as a job or in professional leagues. It is a way to relax, stay fit, and enjoy time with friends.

Playing Football for Fun

Many people play football without the pressure of winning trophies or earning money. They meet in parks, backyards, or on local football fields. The rules are often more relaxed because the main goal is to have a good time. Players might not wear official uniforms, and teams can be made up of anyone who wants to play, regardless of their skill level.

Benefits of Playing Football as a Hobby

Playing football as a hobby has many benefits. It is a great way to exercise and stay healthy. Running around the field is good for the heart and helps to build strong muscles and bones. It also improves balance and coordination. Besides the physical benefits, playing football with others can help build friendships and teaches important life skills like teamwork, discipline, and respect for others.

Learning and Improving Skills

Even though hobby football is about fun, players often want to get better at the game. They might practice dribbling, shooting, and passing in their free time. Some may watch football games or videos to learn new techniques. This learning process is part of the joy of having a hobby—it’s rewarding to see yourself improve over time.

Football Everywhere

One of the best things about football is that it can be played almost anywhere. You don’t need a lot of expensive equipment to start. A ball and some space to play are enough. That’s why people from all over the world, from big cities to small villages, enjoy playing football as a hobby.

Community and Sharing the Love for the Game

Football brings people together. It is common to see players of different ages and backgrounds sharing the field. Parents play with their children, and friends from school form teams to play against each other. In many places, community centers or local clubs organize football matches for hobbyists, creating opportunities for everyone to join in.

Respect and Fair Play

Even in hobby football, respect and fair play are very important. Players learn to follow rules, be honest, and play in a way that is fair to everyone. This teaches important values that are useful not just in football, but in everyday life.

In conclusion, hobby football is a wonderful activity that offers fun, fitness, and friendship. It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, a beginner or more experienced; football has a place for you. It’s a simple game that connects people and creates joy. So, if you’re looking for a hobby that’s exciting and healthy, football might be the perfect choice.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Essay on Football – 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay For Children

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Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Football For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on football for kids, a paragraph about football for children, short essay on my ‘favourite game: football’ for kids, long essay on football for children, what will your child learn from an essay on football.

Today’s increasing pressure on the children in school is several folds higher than a few years ago. An essay on football for classes 1, 2 and 3 kids captures kids’ interest and helps them gain some writing skills. However, this change has helped get Indian children up to a good ranking globally, and there is a visible improvement in students’ vocabulary and language skills. These essays are mainly targeted toward common interests like an essay about football in English or other interesting topics and famous personalities like Sachin Tendulkar and Chandrashekhar Azad. Here is how you can develop a good write-up on football.

Essay writing plays a major role in this pursuit of better language skills, and children are made to write articles, paragraphs, and essays starting from a young age, class 1 in most cases. Here is a list of points to understand how to write an essay on football.

  • Always start your essay with a short introduction.
  • Be clear with your facts. Since it is a popular sport, do not add things you are unsure about.
  • In the case of short articles for lower classes, it should be fine to stick to general statements.
  • Maintain a good continuity between your paragraphs.

When writing a few lines on football for your children, keep a good balance between personalised content and general facts. Here is how you can write a short essay for classes 1 and 2.

  • Everyone in my class has their favourite hobbies, and so do I.
  • My favourite hobby is playing football after school.
  • I play regularly on the ground next to my home with my friends.
  • I also enjoy watching football matches at home with my parents.
  • My favourite player is Lionel Andres Messi, and he is my role model.
  • My favourite part about playing football is when I score goals for our team.
  • We play very friendly and keep a healthy competition between us.
  • I have taken part in many league matches in our school and hometown.
  • I also have a few medals and certificates for my wins.
  • I wish to grow better and improve my football skills with practice.

Since the popularity of football is sure to be maintained through many years to come, it is a very common topic to be asked for an essay or composition. You can write about the game as a small paragraph.

Football is one of the most popular games all over the globe. It is played in many forms in different countries, like soccer, rugby, American football and more. As a thumb rule, a team comprises of 11 players, where one is a goalkeeper. The players run around during the whole game, scoring goals by kicking the ball through the post. It is a fun game that many school-going children enjoy across many countries, including India. The game is also known as soccer in South Africa, Australia, and North America. There are many famous tournaments which are played as well. The most widely known one is the FIFA world cup, which takes place every four years. I enjoy watching football and playing it with my friends every day!

When you write a short essay on football for relatively higher classes, it would be more appropriate to include more facts like the rules and regulations of the game or so. Here is how you can write up a good paragraph.

My favourite game is football. I have been a big fan of Manchester City’s team ever since I started watching football on TV with my father. I watch all their matches without missing even one. Especially the FIFA world cup is something that keeps me excited for many days before it starts. I also play football in school with my friends every day, and I am the goalkeeper of my team. We have participated in a few league matches and tournaments with other schools. I want to improve my skills like my favourite players in the future. The game of football is so much more than just a simple sport. It is a complex exercise for physical and mental health as it involves a lot of concentration and focus. It also helps to build good team spirit while playing in teams. That’s why, it is my favourite sport.

As we progress to higher classes, the write-ups require longer paragraphs with additional subheadings. When such a situation arises, another factor of paragraph continuity should be kept in mind. Here is an example essay for class 3 on the topic of football.

Football is a game which requires combined mastery and skills in different aspects like strength, fitness, cleverness, and teamwork. It is a game played by 11 players in most cases and for 90 minutes. This game is a fun and entertaining one, where you get to witness the players pass around the ball with swift techniques and score goals left and right.

History And Origin Of Football

Folk football has always been part of medieval times. In ancient days, the ball the players used were made with a wide range of materials, many of which were quite weird. Some even used balls made out of the pig’s bladder, obtained after blowing up the animal. Records say Tsu’ Chu, a game played in the Han Dynasty, was closer to football as it involved a ball that players used to push through a 30-40 cm opening.

Benefits Of Playing Football

There are many benefits of playing football every day, and a few of the noteworthy ones include the following.

  • Improved aerobic capacity because of intense activity for 90 minutes.
  • Better cardiovascular health while maintaining good health and burning calories.
  • Lowers body fat
  • Improves muscle tone and strength
  • Promotes teamwork
  • Good exercise for coordination
  • Better self-esteem
  • How Is Football Played?

Being a short game of just 90 minutes, the game’s entirety is filled with excitement. Every time a player tries to take the ball towards the goal post, it is similar to watching a movie. There are many associated factors like what the opponents do to defend and how much effort they put into scoring the goal. It is always interesting to watch pro players like Ronaldo and Messi show off their skills on the field.

The football teams consist of 11 players and are played in several tournaments both nationally and internationally. The game is literally what is stated in its name, where players kick the ball with their feet towards the goalposts on either side to score points for their team. The different techniques and skills used by professional teams from diverse backgrounds are more interesting. These players tend to show variations with every game, and many fans find it very interesting to keep track of such information and details.

By writing essays about how football is an interesting and exciting sport, your child will be motivated to get into good physical activity as a regular hobby. As we discussed before, having a hobby like a football is good in multiple aspects. Your child also learns about the game’s details while framing the composition on football.

Every child must know how to write a proper essay to improve their writing skills. Hence it is essential to start teaching them such skills from a young age.

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Essay on My Favourite Game Football for Students and Children in 1000+ Words

Essay on My Favourite Game Football for Students and Children in 1000+ Words

In this article, read an essay on my favourite game football for students and children in 1000+ words. It includes history, rules, structure, importance of the sport of football.

Table of Contents

Essay on My Favourite Game Football for Students and Children (1000+ Words)

The game football serves as a very crucial part of human being health . It keeps people fit. Further, it keeps them away from various diseases. So, having some physical hobby is must necessary for them.

Crucially, many doctors and nutritionists recommend playing this amazing game. Kids play so many games like football, basket, cricket, hockey, badminton, tennis, and many more. Since in India, the popular game is cricket , many kids keep it as their hobby. But, for me my favourite sport is football. 

About My Favourite Game Football

Football is one of the most famous games in the world. It is played in almost over 100 countries. It is an outdoor sport played between two teams. Each of these teams has 11 members. The field is rectangular and has a goal post on each end.

The prime goal of football game is to score a goal against the opponent team. The team that scores the max number of goals against the other wins the match. As the name suggests, the player plays this game by kicking the ball with their foot. Also, the other name given to this game is “Soccer.”

Football is an extremely popular game that attracts people all throughout the world. It helps many to get relief from stress, teaches teamwork, discipline, and also brings fitness to the fans and players. It is a game of much wonder, joy, and interest. 

History of Football Game

Football is said to be an ancient Greek game known as “Harpaston.” It was played be kicking a ball with foot by two teams. It was a rough game aimed to score a goal by kicking or running the ball past the goal line.

It was played with no particular side boundaries, the number of players, limits filed to size, and many more. It is said that it had its origin in twelfth. Later on, football became famous in England first, and then its rules came into effect when it became a leading sport in institutions in the 19 th century.

Further, it was spread to the US but was mostly banned in schools because of the increasing brutality. But it got legalised by the committee in 1905. 

How to Play Football Game?

Football is a famous sport that keeps players disciplined and healthy. It develops their team spirit, sense of tolerance, and mind among them. It is played for 90 mins in two halves of 45 mins, and 15 mins break.

This game has two teams of 11 players in each. Here, players have to kick a ball with their feet and take a goal by putting the ball into the goal post of the opponent team. In order to oppose the goal made of players of the opponent team, there is a goal-keeper on both sides. 

Players are prevented to touch the ball with hand except for the goalkeeper. A team having more goals is declared as the winner and the other as a loser. The game football is conducted by two linesmen, one on each side and by a referee.

All the players are warned to follow the rule while playing strictly. It has been an international game & played as a World Cup tournament every four years in various countries throughout the world. 

Rules in Game Football

Similar to other games, there are some rules and regulations in a football match. First, the ball shouldn’t be touched by hand. If the ball gets touched, the other team gets a free-kick.

There is a small area near the goalpost. ‘D’ is the game of that area. The boundary of ‘D’ is at least 10 yards from the goalpost. If a player touches the ball, they’re the opposite team gets a penalty.

Further, there are other rules. The second crucial rule is the “offside rule.” In this rule; when the player crosses the defender line, it becomes the off-side. If you are a great fan of football, you must know what defenders are. 

In this sport, the players are into three sub-categories. The first category is “Forward.” These are players who put the ball in the goalpost’s net. The 2 nd category is a “Midfielder.”

They pass the ball to the forward player. The 3 rd category is the “Defenders.” The defenders stop the other team players from putting the ball in the goalpost. 

Apart from this, if a player injures and fouls the other team player, the referee gives him a “Yellow” or “Red Card.” The yellow card is a warning card, and the red card is a suspension card. This card suspends the play for the rest of the football game. 

Like said earlier, sports person plays the game in a rectangular field. Here, the length of the area is 110m, and the breadth is 75m long. There are lines marked in the field known as yards; the centre line is the 50-yard line and the line near the goal post in the 10-yard line.

Each team comprises 2 center forward players, one right out and one left out, 4 back players and 2 halfback players, and a goalie. Here, the players are prevented from touching the ball with hand… Only a goalie can do so. 

Why football is My favorite Game?

For me, football is my all favourite time game. It has been the source of immense enjoyment and excitement for both my family and me. I played for my school’s football team on the attacking side and felt a rush in my veins whenever I take the ball forward to the opponent’s goalpost.

When I scored a goal, all my teammates will come cheering me. I have always watched football, and Christino Ronaldo is my favourite player. He plays as a forward player and is indeed the greatest of all times.

Certainly, he is the best player the world has known in football. I watch all his matches, and he is my role model. I even try to imitate his moved while playing. 

Importance of Playing Football Game

Soccer has also been a source of great physical activity. As it is played for 90 mins with a break of 15 mins after 45 mins, it is a game that keeps a person running around the field all the 90 minutes.

So, a 90 mins cardio workout will surely keep people fit and immune to diseases. Playing football is refreshing to the body. And the best part is that it is a team game, so you will find a feeling of effort and team building. Working in teams will surely help one in the future.

If you play soccer regularly, it will render so many benefits like improving fitness skills, enhancing concentration level, psychosocial benefits, increasing aerobic and anaerobic fitness , and so forth. It benefits people of all age groups.

Some of the important advantages of playing football game are –

  • Football game makes a person punctual, calm and disciplined
  • The game improves cardiovascular health & engages the cardiovascular system
  • It motivates players for teamwork.
  • Football improves the level of fitness skills
  • It helps improve health habits, muscle strength, gain lean muscle, lose more body fat throughout life.
  • The game football improves mental and physical strength
  • It provides social and psychological benefits by helping players deal with disappointment and practice good fair play.
  • Football game improves confidence level self-esteem by quick-thinking & developing adaptability
  • Reduces depression by developing positive attitudes

Football, throughout the sport, represents life. Strive hard to succeed and must know how to work and team up with others as in football; it is only the team spirit that will lead you to play and win against the opponent.

In life, you keep running behind a goal and score one. So, children and kids must be promoted to play soccer at schools and home to get fit mentally and physically. Hope you liked this essay on my favourite game football.

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This essay helped me a lot for my assignment………….. Cristiano Ronaldo Dos Santos Aveiro is my role model tooo

This essay also helped me for my holidays essay

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Why I love football?

Niyati is from Mumbai in India. She is a massive football fan and has been playing football since she was 8 years old. In Niyati's first vlog for Premier Skills English, she shows us her home, and how she gets to and from football training. She also talks about why she loves football. In the lesson below, you can find out more about Niyati and her life in Mumbai and we ask you to tell us why you love football or your favourite hobby.

Niyati has been playing football since she was 8 years old.

Hi, I’m Niyati from Mumbai, India, and I have been playing football since I was 8 years old.

To me, football is more than a sport. It's my life.

This is my little room in Mumbai. These are all my jerseys,  framed and hung up on my wall.

Oh... and my Coldplay poster

So my brother and I would watch the Premier League matches at home.

And he always supported Arsenal and I always supported Manchester Utd.

I love football because I feel the sport is a perfect balance of mental and physical fitness.

And if I play a few times in a week with my friends, you know...not anything really serious, I have a great time.

Football has its own language. You don't have to speak or dress a certain way or even know the same language communicate with another football fan or a football player.

Say hi... hello

I have a great club team. We're called Kenkre Football Academy and right now we're playing the local MDFA league cup.

We've just qualified for the quarter-finals and we're on our way for a match and I'm so excited! Are you guys excited?

Natasha say hi

Ah - it's a little squirrel

And that's why I love football because it's a sport made for the whole universe.

So I'm going to show you my teammate who just got injured with the ball on her face.

And there's the mark!

How much did you understand?

In her vlog, Niyati used some words and phrases that might be new for you. You can see two examples here: 

He always supported Arsenal and I always supported Manchester United.
We have just qualified for the quarter-finals and I'm so excited!

There were a few more tricky words that Niyati used. Try the activity below, then, listen again to hear how she used the words in context. This can really help with understanding.

Present Perfect Continuous

Niyati has been playing football for a long time. In her vlog she says this sentence:

  • I have been playing football since I was eight years old.

We use the present perfect or present perfect continuous to describe something that started in the past but continues in the present. It's an ongoing process or something that you do frequently that hasn't finished. For example, you could say:

I' ve been living in Spain for ten years. H e's been studying at university since 2015.

This is how we create the present perfect continuous:

  • subject (I/you/she/he/we) + have/has been + verb+ing

Niyati on the train after her football match.

For and Since

When we use the present perfect continuous we often use the words 'for' or 'since' to be more specific about when we started doing something or for how long we have been doing something. Look again at two examples we used above:

I have been playing football since I was eight years old. I've been living in Spain for  ten years.

We use 'since' when we want to say a specific point in time. For example, 'I was eight', 'last summer', or '2015'. We use 'for' when we want to say a period of time. For example, 'ten years', 'six months', or 'five days'.

In this activity, check your understanding of the present perfect and how we use 'for' and 'since'.

My Favourite Hobby

Niyati loves football. It's her favourite hobby. She loves playing it, watching it and talking about it. Have a look at the questions below and think about how Niyati would answer them.

  • What's your favourite hobby?
  • When do you do it? 
  • How long have you been doing it?
  • Where do you play?
  • Who do you play with?
  • Why do you love it?

Are there any other questions you would like to ask Niyati about her favourite hobby?

Please login to take this quiz.

Niyati told us about her favourite hobby in this vlog. We would like to hear from you. Is football your favourite hobby or is it something else? Tell us more about your hobby in the comments section below.

Did you like Niyati's vlog? What would you like to ask her about life and football in India?

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Cin's picture

My favorite hobby is watch sports, specially football. I watch TV sports on weekends, or sometimes one or two days at week. I like football since i was 16 years old. Soccer is a really amazing sport!

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my hobby is playing football essay

Football is a passion

hsn's picture

Task 1. Her favourite hobby is playig football. 2. Almost everyday. 3. Since eight years old. 4. Local pitch. 5. Ladies football teams. 6. It.s her life style. My turn 1. My favourite hobbies are football,reading book and watching movie. 2. In my free time but reading is my daily activity. 3. Since I’m (12) years old. 4.5.6. Now I’m older just walking not playing football. Phrases • I haven't experienced transport by rickshaw yet.

juanma's picture

My favourite hobby is playing and watching football. Well, in general I do it at the weekend. I have been it since 1988, when I was 12 years old. I play in a club near my home. With my brother and friends. I love it Because for me it is the best sport in the world.


Climbing mountains with my wife.


Nice video!!! My student also loves the Premier League, but he just wanted me to tell you that he's not a United fan, lol. He also says he respects you, but not the trainer.

Thank you very much for the video, and I hope you're well.

My other students wants you to know that we all loved your video!


1.Play soccer the evening 3.Since I was 7 years the gym or on the street friends and the other people is a wonderful game


1 My favorite hobby is playing computer games

2 When my classes finish

3 For bout 2 years

4 In my home

5 With my friends online

6 Because i can be closer to people i like

my hobby is playing football essay

1. P: Listen to music while play. F: Circus and Taekwondo. 2. P: Every day in the afternoon. F: I stopped circus, but I go to taekwondo twice a week. 3. P: Since one year ago. F: I started circus 6 years ago and Taekwondo for around 4 years. 4. P: Yeah, actually it isn't a sport, I see in my notebook. F: Circus at school and Taekwondo at AYAM. 5. P: Sometimes with my mother or sister, but most alone. F: With my classmates and random people that do Taekwondo at the same time. 6: P: I love it because I relax when I'm listening music while playng F: I love it because they are good exercises and funny, and, while Niyati thinks football it's the perfect mind and body balance, I think Taekwondo is.

Gabriel Amaral's picture

My favourite hobby is to watch football matches from every national or international tournament I can. I'm used to do it every day! It's an enormous pleasure! I've been doing it since I was a child. My dad took me to a football match for the first time when I was 1 year old. I normally play at the futsal court called "Arena VG" at my neighbourhood and sometimes at the club I work. With me usually are playing eather my friends and/or my work mates. I love every single moment of football. Since the preparation weeks to the match day. Because of its passion, excitement, fight and environment that mobilizes a lot of people from around the world.

mobeckham's picture

I like your vlog so much , Niyati. It's been so inspiring especially you support United like me :)) I'm so proud of you and your friends who love the game and so passionate about it Keep going and we all support you In my local team in Turkey , we have 3 girls from Romania , Germany and Turkey and they are so talented You reminded me of them

Take care and have a lovely day :)

My favourite hobby is definitely football. I love watching and playing football regularly. I have been playing football since I was 7. My favourite team is Manchester United just like Niyati. We often play once or twice a week with my local team in Izmir. We play in the local pitch in Kültür Park in Alsancak. Our local team has players from different countries in the world as we have players from Egypt , England , Germany , Jordan , Italy , Netherlands , Nigeria , Romania , Russia , Saudi Arabia and Turkey for sure so we are an international team. I love football because it's so exciting and competitive and it unites people from everywhere <3


1-play soccer 2-I play soccer every day at 7:00 pm 3-I have been doing it since I was 10 years 4-I play in my neighborhood 5-I play with friend and the people in my neighbor 6-I love it because it make me fun and keeps me fit


I enjoyed Niyati's video blog.It's interesting to know that she was once a player, and now she owns a club.I wish her all the best.

Hello Niyati , I like a lot you're vlog because is : funny, interesting and I loved. My name is Elena and I have been playing tennis for 7 years old and I liked a lot is a good sport and important for the salute for the muscles and bones a loved. Goodbye Elena

my hobby is playing football essay

Hi Niyati, your vlog is very interesting and I could see you are passionate about football. Three years ago I started playing volleyball and I met people that I never thought that I would meet. Your vlog is very cool and I think you are funny. Martina.

ninjabharucha's picture

Thank you so much Martina! That's the joy of sport - to connect with different people who have the same love for the game.

DonSimon's picture

A very interesting vlog, thanks Niyati.

Thanks for watching DonSimon :)


my favorite hobby is playing a guitar , i learn to play a guitar since i was 9yearsold, i play a gitar almost evry single night , i use to play in my bedroom , to be honest im never play a guitar with someone else because i only enjoy play by my self, the reason why do i love play a guitar is because i feel enjoy and is not just for playing i also can make a short song and thingking.


I like it so much, it seems that she enjoy a lot football and loves to share time with her friends. what i would like to ask her is ¿How many football female team are there?

Hello! Wow, I wish I knew the answer to that but honestly I think there are many women's teams now! Did you know Manchester United just officially put up their women's team? Hope you will support them too :)


Very funny and at the same time cool vlog.As for me,my favorite hobbies are football and swimming.

Hi Niyati! Thank you for your story, it was very interesting to watch. There are two things that i love - football and India, so i was very excited about your story. I wish you a big wins with you team!!

Hi Emil, thank you so much for your kind words! I am so glad you love my country, hope you can visit soon. I would love to come and see Russia as well! From the videos and pictures from the world cup, your country looks beautiful. Wish you all the luck and keep playing the beautiful game.

assemjuve's picture

My favorite hobby is playing football,i play it on weekends and on holidays,i have playing football for seven years.I play it at the park and at school,i play with my friends and my teammates.I love it because it is life.

kwesimanifest's picture

An awesome Vlog Niyati and i am particularly excited about the fact that you are a lady in love with the sports in a nation that has much love for cricket.

elghoul's picture

Very good vlog, Niyati. You are really happy to make it. Good luck with soccer.

Liubomyr's picture

Very nice story, thank you for that. As I know the football is not very popular sport in India, the cricket is much more popular, am I right?

Hi Liubomyr, Thank you, I am so glad you liked it!

Yes, that's right! It is very cool that you know that. We love cricket here in India - but football has become very popular in the last 10 years. We now have many more places to play football and we are all watching football on TV. We also have a new football league here with international players in our teams. That has been our biggest growth.

What are the other sports that are popular in your country? I would love to know!

My friend used to spend his vacation in Indian state Kerala several times, so he told me a lot about India and I know many interesting things about your county from him. He loves India very much. In Ukraine football is the most popular sport, and I think that the box is the second most popular. Basketball and swimming are although very popular. Ukrainian national team is not very successful in “classic” football, but it has a success in alternative variants of football such as futsal and beach soccer.

I have a very close friend from Ukraine and he tells me the same, that there are many people playing futsal and he's grown up playing it too. Thank you so much for sharing and taking an interest in my beautiful country! I hope one day you can visit India to play some football ;) and I hope I can do the same.

I hope you enjoyed my video. I would love to know your thoughts, and would be happy to answer as many questions as I can about my story. You can put your questions here in the comments!

If you think my life as a footballer is fun, you can get to know more about me and follow me on

Thanks and waiting to hear from you all.


I was wondering if it was not too difficult for girls to play football in India. In France I watched a film called "bend it like Beckham" and the girl in the film had difficulties to make her parents accept her choice to play football. Was it difficult for you too?

Emir Veličanstveni's picture

It's really good video, i like it and you are beautiful :)


Language: Talking about hobbies

Language: Present Perfect Continuous

Language: For and Since

my hobby is playing football essay

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My hobby is playing football

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IELTS essay My hobby is playing football

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Soccer as My Hobby and How It Shapes My Life

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Essay on My Favourite Game Football

Whenever our children have free time, they only play their favourite game without any compulsion. In the immediate aftermath of returning home from school, they will rush off to play cricket or football with friends without changing their uniforms. The purpose of this essay is to show children how to write an essay about their favourite game.

There is a high probability that one of your children enjoys cricket and the other enjoys football in your house if you have two children. As with all children, they have different tastes, but we will focus on football in this essay.

While some people watch football on television, others jump at the chance to play and score a goal. This essay on my favourite game, football, will help us understand the rules of the game.

Table of Contents

Essay on My Favourite Game Football 150 Words

The first time I saw people playing football on a nearby field was when I was six years old. I was fascinated by the way the players passed the ball with their feet, and I unknowingly let out a huge cheer when they scored. My excitement persisted even after I got home, and I knew my goal was to learn football.

Despite my lack of expertise at first, my father eventually bought me a football, and we began playing it together in the evenings. Despite not being an expert at first, I gradually learned the game through hard work and dedication.

After I began playing well, I became a member of the school football team. As a result of this, I was able to improve my playing tactics by learning how to navigate a team of 11 players with the ball and kick the ball into the goalpost.

Moreover, football improved my stamina and leadership abilities. This essay on my favourite game football will confirm that I consider football my preferred game.

Essay on My Favorite Game Football

Essay on My Favourite Game Football 250 Words

Having a hobby keeps you entertained, focused and happy all the way through. Hobbies are the result of sheer human nature and aptitude into some kind of skill. In my opinion, one of the most popular outdoor games in the world is playing football.

Football is a combination of the words foot and ball, in which players run and kick a ball. The game is played between two teams and each team has 11 players, with one player serving as a goalie. At both ends of a large field are goalposts that are supported by big nets.

The goalkeeper stands in front of their team’s goalpost in order to prevent the ball from entering their goalpost to save a goal when each team competes with an opposing team, and he or she can try to kick a ball into the opponent’s goalpost, which is referred to as a goal.

Football games are also supervised by a referee who judges a player’s goal and also ensures that the game is played honestly.

If either team scores no goals or equals goals, extra time of 30 minutes is given to each team, and ultimately, a penalty shootout of five attempts is given to each team.

It takes 90 minutes to play football, which is divided into two sessions of 45 minutes each with a break of 10 minutes between each session. Since playing football is a great way to exercise and maintain good health, almost every school and college plays this game.

Football matches are played worldwide, and the highest tournament is the World Cup which takes place every four years. FIFA is responsible for taking care of football as a game worldwide. There have been 21 World Cup tournaments since 1998, with Brazil winning five times and Germany and Italy winning four times.

With the world’s popularity, football is also very popular in India. Though the game is only 90 minutes long, it is full of all the excitement you would expect from a game.

Essay on My Favorite Game Football

Essay on My Favourite Game Football 500 Words

It is an outdoor sport played between two teams with 11 members each, on a rectangular field with goal posts on either side. Football is played in almost a hundred countries around the world.

A football match has the primary goal of scoring a goal against the opponent. Players play this game by kicking a ball with their foot. As the name implies, the team with the highest number of goals wins the match. As another name, this game is known as “Soccer.”

There is no doubt that football is one of the most popular games all over the world. It helps many people reduce their stress, teaches teamwork and discipline, as well as improving their fitness levels. It is a game of wonder, joy, and interest for all parties involved.

In ancient Greece, football was called Harpaston. Two teams kicked a ball with feet and scored goals by running or kicking the ball past goal posts.

Football is one of my favourite games of all time. It has been an immense source of joy and excitement for me and my family. Whenever I took the ball forward to the opponent’s goalpost, I felt a rush in my veins. I played on the attacking side of my school’s football team.

All my teammates will cheer me on when I score a goal. I’ve always enjoyed watching football, and Christino Ronaldo is my favourite player. He is the greatest forward of all time.

It goes without saying that he is the greatest player the world has ever seen in football. I watch all of his matches and I view him as my role model. While playing, I even attempt to mimic his moves.

A person who plays soccer for 90 minutes with a 15-minute break after 45 minutes is going to be running around the field for the entire 90 minutes.

Playing football is refreshing to the body. And since it is a team game, you will feel a sense of effort and team building. Work in teams in the future will surely prove beneficial.

There are so many benefits to playing soccer regularly. Some of them include improving fitness skills, heightening concentration level, and enhancing psychosocial well-being.

Playing football has several important advantages, including:

  • Playing football makes you punctual, calm, and disciplined
  • Cardiovascular health is improved and the heart is engaged as a result of playing the game
  • It encourages teamwork among players.
  • Fitness skills are improved by playing football
  • Over the course of a lifetime, it improves health habits, strengthens muscles, increases lean muscle mass, and helps lose body fat.
  • Physical and mental strength are improved by playing football
  • A good fair play practice and dealing with disappointment are two of its many benefits, which benefit players socially and psychologically.
  • Fast-thinking and adaptability are key to improving confidence level and self-esteem in football games
  • Promotes positive attitudes, which reduce depression

It is only through team spirit that will lead you to play against a rival and win against them. Football, throughout the sport, represents life. Strive hard to succeed and know how to work together with others to succeed.

Throughout your life, you will keep running behind goals and eventually score them. Therefore, children and children should be encouraged to play soccer at home and at school in order to get physically and mentally fit. I hope you enjoyed this essay.

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My Hobby Playing Football Essay Example

My Hobby Playing Football Essay Example

  • Pages: 1 (272 words)
  • Published: May 28, 2017
  • Type: Essay

Badminton is my favorite among all the sports that i know. Badminton makes me more healthy and more active in doing something that uses a speed and strenght. I think badminton is the most beautiful sports. It make me good as a healthy person because every time i play badminton my body feels good wholeday.

It makeas you good also. And badminton have 2 equipment that you need only rocket and shuttlecock. I think that playing sports like badminton feeds my body to become healthy.Playing badminton is very interesting because every battle that you join theres a excitement but at the end of the game there is only one winner and losser. That badminton reminds me when my dad wants to teach me some technique but i always hit my e

nemy when the ball is not passing throught him because i,m trying to hit it.

That badminton reminds me also the first gift that my father give me. The common in this sport is even it is not played always of the players they can easily remember it even they are not playing it all the times.The common in playing badminton is the more you play the more friends you got and a challengers come to have a battle to know if you are a great player. Having a sports is good because sports is more interesting than the computers,and cellphones that we use. Playing badminton can make your body have a good body strenght and active in everything.

It can also help you to have a new friends and a new persons to teach how to play it.

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    500+ Words Essay on Football. Essay On Football- Football is a game that millions of people around the world play and love. It can be called a universal game because every small and big nation plays it. Moreover, it's a great relaxer, stress reliever, teacher of discipline and teamwork. Apart from that, it keeps the body and mind fit and healthy.

  5. Essay on Hobby Football

    Football, known as soccer in some countries, is not just a game played by professionals. It is also a common hobby for people of all ages. A hobby is an activity that someone does for pleasure when they are not working. Hobby football means playing football for fun, not as a job or in professional leagues. It is a way to relax, stay fit, and ...

  6. Essay on Football (in English) for Classes 1, 2 & 3: 10 Lines, Short

    An essay on football for classes 1, 2 and 3 kids captures kids' interest and helps them gain some writing skills. However, this change has helped get Indian children up to a good ranking globally, and there is a visible improvement in students' vocabulary and language skills. These essays are mainly targeted toward common interests like an ...

  7. Essay on My Favourite Game Football for Students 1000+ Words

    Football is one of the most famous games in the world. It is played in almost over 100 countries. It is an outdoor sport played between two teams. Each of these teams has 11 members. The field is rectangular and has a goal post on each end. The prime goal of football game is to score a goal against the opponent team.

  8. Why I love football?

    My favourite hobby is definitely football. I love watching and playing football regularly. I have been playing football since I was 7. My favourite team is Manchester United just like Niyati. We often play once or twice a week with my local team in Izmir. We play in the local pitch in Kültür Park in Alsancak.

  9. My hobby is playing football

    Playing football is one of the most popular hobby in the world, especially for boys and male teenagers. Nowadays, it becomes a job and becomes the most popular individual sport in the world. I usually play football in my leisure time. I play this sport with my friend who is very like sports. I've played football since I was 9 years old and it ...

  10. My hobby is playing football

    Essay ELC590 my hob is playing football. there is something about the intensity and excitement of the game that find thrilling. whether am playing on team or ... for me, the rewards of playing football outweigh the challenges. In conclusion, my hobby is playing football. It keeps me active and healthy, allows me to be part of a team, and has ...

  11. Essay on My Hobby Playing Football

    Welcome to this thrilling video that celebrates the exhilarating hobby of playing football. Football is not just a sport but a passion that unites people fro...

  12. Essay on My Hobby

    Cite this essay. Download. A hobby is an activity, habit, or favorite choice of a person who regularly performs in leisure time for pleasure and enjoyment. Everyone has different hobbies that he or she would like to do to have fun or relax. They can be physical activities such as jogging, soccer, swimming, or cricket.

  13. Soccer as My Hobby and How It Shapes My Life

    Get Custom Essay. Hobby is an activity, habit or favorite choice of a human, who regularly performs in leisure or extra time for pleasure, relaxation and enjoyment. Everyone has different hobbies that he or she would like to do to have fun or relax. They can be physical activities such as jogging, soccer, swimming, cricket.

  14. My Hobby-Football//15 lines essay on My Hobby Playing ...

    My Hobby//Essay on My Hobby Playing Football//Speech on My Hobby//15 Lines on My Favourite Sport#MyHobby #Football #15linesessayonMyhobby Playingfootballinen...

  15. PDF My hobby

    • While playing, you must remember that football is a team game. Individual actions may be satisfying, but there's more pleasure from the game when you remember about the teamwork. Moreover playing as a team is much more effective, and when there's chemistry between the teammates, you can beat stronger or even more skilled oponents.

  16. Essay on My Favourite Game Football in English (2024)

    Essay on My Favourite Game Football 250 Words. Having a hobby keeps you entertained, focused and happy all the way through. Hobbies are the result of sheer human nature and aptitude into some kind of skill. In my opinion, one of the most popular outdoor games in the world is playing football.

  17. 10 Lines on My Hobby Playing Football in English || Essay Writing

    10 Lines on My Hobby Playing Football10 Lines Essay on My Hobby Playing FootballSubscribe For More English Essay.Thank You.

  18. My Hobby Playing Football Essay Example

    My Hobby Playing Football Essay Example. Badminton is my favorite among all the sports that i know. Badminton makes me more healthy and more active in doing something that uses a speed and strenght. I think badminton is the most beautiful sports. It make me good as a healthy person because every time i play badminton my body feels good wholeday.

  19. my hobby essay playing football

    John F. Kennedy's hobbies and interests as a boy included swimming, football, tennis and boating, and he enjoyed English and history, although he had poor grades and disliked all other school subjects. Kennedy was the 35th President of the ..... An informative essay is any type of essay that has the goal of informing or educating an audience.

  20. Soccer is my hobby…… Free Essay Example

    5875. Everybody has different hobbies that he or she would like to do for fun or relaxation. They can be either physical activities like jogging, football, swimming, skateboarding … or mental activities like reading, watching movies, playing a computer… depending on each personality. For me, soccer is my hobby because it's part of my life ...

  21. My Hobby Football Essay in English || 10 Lines on My Hobby Playing

    My Hobby Football Essay in English || 10 Lines on My Hobby Playing FootballSubscribe our channel For More English Essay.Thank You😊⏩ Topics Covered ⏪My Hobby...

  22. My Hobby Playing Football Essay Example StudyHip

    My Hobby Playing Football Essay Example | StudyHip 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2.

  23. My Hobby Playing Football

    Playing a team sport can produce several benefits to the student, family, and also the community. Team sports can be very educational and also healthy for children of all ages. It can help them have fun, improve skills, learn skills and gain new friends. It too can help them become physically fit.