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15 Tips to Improve Logic Building Skills in Programming

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“In some ways, programming is like a painting. You start with a blank canvas and certain basic raw materials. You use a combination of science, art, and craft to determine what to do with them.” – Andrew Hunt

Yes, programming in itself is a very beautiful art. Sometimes we may face some problems while trying to program, but we can definitely overcome them. So, in this article, we will be sharing the top 15 tips and techniques that can help you to make your programming skills more strong, and rectify some common programming problems and this will also help you in the logic-building process.

Improve Logic Building Skills in Programming

How to Improve Your Logic-Building Skills in Programming?

Here are the ways in which you can improve your logic-building skills in programming. So let’s get started!!!

1. Concepts are Building Blocks for Programming

While trying to crack the logic of any coding problem, many of us think that we never came across such algorithms or theorems while studying and therefore are not able to solve the problem. In order to solve any problem, we should know the concepts of that topic, then only we would be able to apply them and solve the problem. Theoretical knowledge and concepts can be gained by reading articles, blogs, documentation, and watching videos based on that topic. You can also refer to the articles on GeeksforGeeks for building your concepts. We should also know the application of concepts and practice some important problems based on that topic.

2. Be Consistent

Many times it happens that we take up a challenge to solve a question for some number of days and then discontinue in the middle after some days!! It is a popular saying that practice makes a man perfect!! The same is the case with building programming logic. Make it a point to revise, or read an article or solve a question daily despite being very busy with remaining activities. Practicing consistently will help a lot in the overall logic-building process. In order to motivate yourself, you should always contemplate the reason why you started, reward yourself, and make programming fun by solving some quizzes and experimenting with the programs to see different outputs.

3. Pen and Paper Approach

After seeing any problem, we generally start coding the same on our IDE. So, when we are asked to write code on paper in interviews, we fail to do so. Always try to write the pseudo code or algorithm of the code before implementing them. It will help you in writing the code and the next time whenever you approach a similar problem you will be able to recollect more easily. It will also help you in getting syntactically strong.

4. Revision is Very Important

Many of you might be facing this issue that you learn a particular concept but after a few days or months when another question with the same logic or concept appears, you are unable to solve it. This is because you haven’t revised the concepts. Always make it a point to write down the important concepts and logic of questions that are important and keep them revised again and again. This will help you in recollecting the concepts easily.

5. Do as Many Questions as You Can 

It happens with most of us that there comes a single question and most of us get stuck there for 4 to 5 days and still are not able to crack it. Always try to practice lots of questions in order to develop your programming logic skills. This will help you in improving your logic building. If you are stuck on a single question, don’t spend a lot of time after a single question instead look for the concepts hidden behind the question.

6. Puzzle Solving

In many coding competitions, problems are not directly asked based on a concept. Instead, it generally involves a story woven around it, and we have to figure out the logic for solving the program. In such cases, sometimes we are unable to solve the problem. Try solving puzzles such as Sudoku to develop your logic and thinking ability because programming is nothing but solving complex problems with the help of good logic. 

7. Follow Step-by-Step Approach

We don’t start running since the day we are born. Similar logic applies to coding also. We should not directly jump to difficult questions. We should go from Basic to Advance questions. You can take the ratio of questions such while choosing 10 questions you can divide them into 5 easy, 3 medium, and 2 hard questions. You can find these questions on many good websites. Sometimes, people solve a lot of easy questions from all the sites, but they are not able to solve medium-level questions. Instead, make a balance of all the levels. This will help in clearing the coding tests while placements as most of the questions are from easy to medium level.

8. Find a Programmer’s Community

Sometimes we get bored while solving problems by ourselves with no one to teach or guide us. In such cases, you can always try discussing solutions or complex questions with fellow programmers and friends. This will always help you in finding new logic for the same problem and will help you in optimizing your code. This will also improve your confidence and communication skills!!

9. Go through the Editorials

It happens a lot of times that we are not able to solve some questions, so we just leave the question or understand the editorial and move forward without implementing it. After programming any question, go through the editorial section and the top submissions of the code. Here you will be able to find optimized and different logic for the same code. Try to implement the solutions in the editorial section after understanding them, so that the next time you find such a question you will be able to solve it.

10. Take Part in Coding Challenges

Most people are aware of coding challenges and if you want to build your logical skills then you must keep taking part in the same. Taking part regularly in coding challenges is very useful as it makes you familiar with the logical mindset. In a coding challenge, there are numerous types of questions that provide you with a lot of exposure. Also, taking part in such challenges allows you to see solutions of various codes provided by different coders and helps you if stuck at some point. 

11. Learn New Things Regularly

Programmers should never stop learning or being stuck on one topic. They must keep on solving multiple topics as it will help them to expand their area of knowledge by building technical skills. The aim should be solving new problems daily and not being stuck to the old pattern or algorithm in order to achieve success. However, at times some topics are a bit tough and take numerous attempts to solve, in that case, stop solving that and go on to the next one as sometimes new problems are helpful in solving the old ones. 

12. Understand Mathematical Concepts

Mathematics is an important aspect of programming and understanding properly will help you in making numerous visuals or graphs, coding in applications, simulation, problem-solving applications, design of algorithms, etc.

13. Build Projects

Project building is another task that will enhance your logical building skills in programming. It challenges your ability to tackling with new things by using different methods and tactics. It is recommended that you must build one project in order to get a proper clarity of the subject and assess yourself in order to work ahead efficiently.

14. Notes Preparation

Notes are saviors and if one does that regularly then nothing can beat them from achieving their goal. While making notes you must write down every trick, concept, and algorithm so that if you need it again it is easily available. So if you are solving any problem then make sure to note down the library functions it will also be helpful for your future interviews. Noting down basic algorithms such as merge sort, binary search, etc. will help you if you are stuck somewhere. 

15. Patience is the Key

Most of the time we leave programming after some days just because we are unable to solve the questions. Let’s always motivate ourselves by saying let’s just try one more time differently, before we decide to quit!!!

If you’ll patiently work on your programming logic skills and follow the tips which we have shared with you, no one can stop you from being a good programmer and you will surely crack all the coding tests and interviews!!!

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10 Tips to Build and Improve Logic Building in Programming 6 min read

Ready to level up your programming skills and become a logic-building pro v2

Are you an aspiring developer, researcher, or analyst looking to enhance your logic-building skills in programming? Logic is the foundation of effective programming and plays a crucial role in problem-solving and creating efficient code.

Whether you are a beginner or have some experience in coding, there are always ways to improve your logic-building abilities. In this article, we will explore ten valuable tips to help you build and enhance your logic skills in programming. So let’s dive in!

1. Understand the Fundamentals

To build a strong foundation in logic building, it is essential to have a solid understanding of programming fundamentals.

Concepts such as variables, loops, conditionals, and data structures are the building blocks of logical thinking in programming.

Take the time to learn these concepts thoroughly and practice implementing them in your code. Online tutorials, books, and coding courses can be valuable resources to enhance your understanding of programming fundamentals. Some important links:

  • W3Schools – Python Fundamentals
  • Codecademy – Fundamentals of Programming
  • Coursera – Programming for Everybody

Example/Usage: When working on a project, understanding variables helps in storing and manipulating data. For instance, in a web application, variables can be used to store user inputs or preferences.

2. Break Down Problems into Smaller Parts

One of the most effective strategies for improving logic-building skills is to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts. This approach allows you to tackle each component individually and then combine them to create a comprehensive solution.

Breaking down problems helps you analyze the problem’s requirements, identify potential challenges, and develop a step-by-step plan to solve them.

This systematic approach enhances your logical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

Some important links:

  • GeeksforGeeks – Divide and Conquer
  • HackerRank – Problem Solving Techniques

Example/Usage: Breaking down a large feature into smaller tasks is akin to dividing a complex algorithm into manageable steps, making it easier to implement and debug.

3. Practice Problem-Solving

Just like any other skill, logic-building in programming improves with practice. Engaging in regular problem-solving exercises helps you sharpen your logical thinking and exposes you to various coding challenges.

Platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, and CodeSignal offer a wide range of coding problems that you can solve to enhance your logic-building skills.

Challenge yourself with different difficulty levels and strive to find the most efficient solutions. Remember, practice makes perfect!

  • HackerRank – Problem Solving

Example/Usage : Regularly solving coding challenges on platforms like LeetCode hones problem-solving skills, making you adept at handling various scenarios.

4. Study and Analyze Existing Code

Studying and analyzing existing code is an excellent way to improve your logic-building skills. Dive into open-source projects, explore code repositories on platforms like GitHub, and examine how experienced programmers approach different problems.

Analyzing well-written code helps you understand different logic-building techniques, learn best practices, and discover new ways to solve problems efficiently.

By studying code, you expand your knowledge and gain insights into logical thinking in programming.

  • GitHub – Explore Repositories
  • Stack Overflow – Code Snippets
  • GitLab – Open Source Projects

Example/Usage: Studying well-written code on platforms like GitHub provides insights into effective logic-building techniques, fostering a deeper understanding of programming.

5. Collaborate with Peers

Collaboration with fellow programmers is a valuable strategy to improve your logic-building skills. Working with others exposes you to different perspectives, ideas, and approaches to problem-solving.

It allows you to learn from their experiences, exchange knowledge, and discover alternative solutions to coding challenges. Participate in coding communities, join coding forums, or even form study groups with like-minded individuals.

By collaborating with peers, you can enhance your logical thinking through shared learning and collective problem-solving.

  • Stack Overflow – Collaborate
  • GitHub – Collaboration Tools
  • Reddit – Programming Community

Example/Usage: Collaborating on a shared project with peers exposes you to diverse solutions, helping refine your logical thinking through shared learning.

6. Implement Pseudocode

Before diving into writing code, it is beneficial to plan your approach using pseudocode. Pseudocode is a simplified version of your code that focuses on the logic and algorithmic steps without worrying about the syntax.

By writing pseudocode, you can outline the logical flow of your program, identify potential issues, and refine your solution before implementing it in a specific programming language.

Pseudocode serves as a blueprint for your code and helps you develop a more logical and structured approach to problem-solving.

  • GeeksforGeeks – Introduction to Pseudocode
  • Khan Academy – Introduction to Algorithms

Example/Usage: Imagine you’re building a system to automate an inventory process. Before coding, use pseudocode to plan out how the system will check stock levels, reorder products, and update the inventory database. It’s like creating a strategic game plan before hitting the coding field!

7. Explore Different Programming Paradigms

Familiarizing yourself with different programming paradigms can significantly improve your logic-building skills. Programming paradigms, such as procedural, object-oriented, functional, and logical programming, offer different approaches to problem-solving.

Each paradigm has its own set of principles and techniques that can expand your logical thinking abilities. By exploring various paradigms, you can gain a broader perspective on programming and develop a more versatile and adaptable approach to logic building.

  • GeeksforGeeks – Introduction to Programming Paradigms
  • Medium – Understanding Programming Paradigms
  • Coursera – Programming Paradigms by Stanford University

8. Continuously Learn and Update Your Knowledge

The field of programming is constantly evolving, with new technologies and methodologies emerging regularly. To stay ahead and enhance your logic-building skills, it is crucial to keep learning and updating your knowledge.

Stay updated with the latest programming languages, frameworks, and tools relevant to your field. Engage in online courses, attend coding conferences and workshops, and participate in webinars to expand your understanding of programming concepts and logical thinking techniques.

  • Udemy – Online Programming Courses
  • Coursera – Computer Science Courses
  • freeCodeCamp – Learn to Code for Free

9. Seek Feedback and Learn from Mistakes

Seeking feedback and learning from your mistakes is an essential aspect of improving logic-building skills in programming. Share your code with experienced programmers, mentors, or colleagues and ask for constructive feedback.

Their insights can help you identify areas for improvement, discover more efficient solutions, and refine your logical thinking process. Embrace failure as an opportunity for growth and view mistakes as valuable learning experiences.

By learning from your mistakes, you can continuously improve your logic-building abilities.

10. Stay Persistent and Practice Patience

Developing strong logic-building skills in programming takes time and persistence. It is essential to stay patient and keep practicing, even when faced with complex problems or challenging coding tasks.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your logical thinking abilities. Embrace the learning process, celebrate small victories, and don’t be discouraged by setbacks. With persistence and patience, you will gradually develop a deeper understanding of logic in programming and become a more proficient programmer.

In conclusion, logic-building skills are fundamental to becoming a successful programmer, researcher, or analyst. By implementing these ten tips, you can enhance your logical thinking abilities and improve your logic-building skills in programming.

Embrace the journey of logic building and enjoy the process of becoming a more skilled and logical thinker in the world of programming.

Happy learning!

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Beginner to Advanced Computing and Logic Building

DEV Community

Slim Coder

Posted on Feb 6, 2020 • Updated on Feb 8, 2020

9 Things You Should Practice for Logic Building

When I started my journey as a Programmer in 2017 my mind was always stuck on the logic building part and it still does the same sometimes but not that much, But how it possible? It is possible because of practice.

When I started my first job I was working on a very complicated project which I started from stretch all the backend logics was built by me using Node JS. I learned a lot during that time but learning new technologies will not help you with the logic building but when I was writing code on that project I touch a few things from the list below without knowing it.

You should try and practice these things as soon as possible to improve problem-solving and logic building skills but first learn a programming language so that you will confident enough to work with all of these things because these things need basic programming knowledge of any language i.e JS, Java Python, etc just learn core for these things no frameworks/libraries are required.

Data Structures: A data structure is a data organization, management, and storage format that enables efficient access and modification i.e Linked List, Binary Search Tree, Hash Table, etc.

Algorithms: An algorithm is a step by step method of solving a problem i.e FizzBuzz, Fibonacci and there are a lot of algorithms even you can build your own but try to practice toughest algorithms.

Design Patterns: They are typical solutions to commonly occurring problems in software design.

Programming Paradigms: A programming paradigm is a style, or way, of programming i.e OOP, Functional, etc.

Competitive Programming: It is all about solving problems revolving around algorithms and data structures as quickly as possible. If you want to improve this skill then challenge yourself that you can write an algorithm in 1 minute and start your stopwatch and after 1 minute stop. if this is boring then try another way of doing it and the way is participating in any Speed Programming Competitions to improve this skill well, I’m not a competitive programmer but I will try to improve as much as I can.

Mathematics: Shit! I know but very compulsory for logic building.

Recursive Programming: It is a method where problems are solved by repeatedly calling a function on sub-instances of the problem.

**Dynamic Programming: **It** **is mainly an optimization over plain recursion.

**Refactoring: **Wait! what? I know you are thinking that how code refactoring can help you to improve your logic building skills. Now suppose if you wrote a recursive function with O(n²) complexity if you refactor that code and try to apply dynamic programming techniques so definitely you can improve the time complexity of your codebase. So always refactor your code.

Follow me AKA #slimcoder on medium and github for more articles ❤

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False Information

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Process of Elimination

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The beginning of our introductory math journey is Logic. Through these challenging problem solving exercises, you'll construct the critical thinking skills that are the basis for mathematical reasoning. You'll use limited information to make predictions – eliminating the impossible to uncover the truth. This course builds up to some truly mind-bending challenges! By the end of this course, you'll be able to spot logical fallacies, navigate some strategic game theory, understand machine logic, and use the symbolic languages of logic to understand fun riddles.

Topics covered

  • Truth Tables
  • Logic Gates
  • Venn and Euler Diagrams
  • Propositional Logic
  • The Square of Opposition
  • De Morgan's Laws
  • Inclusive and Exclusive OR
  • Combinatorics
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Logic and Problem Solving

Problem solving is both an art and science, a truly intellectually entertaining activity. In this course, we will simultaneously bring joy and rigor to solve challenging math problems. We begin by exploring problems from a wide range of difficulty and from a diverse range of areas: logic, combinatorics, inequalities, probability, number theory, geometry, algorithms, and puzzles. Students will acquire a toolkit of useful techniques and problem-solving strategies and also develop a disciplined style of thinking that is both creative and logical. There will be ample opportunity to apply these tools and sharpen students’ thinking skills in solving intriguing problems and puzzles, discuss problem solving with peers, and present solutions. Besides elementary algebra, the only prerequisite for this course is a strong craving for fun.

Session Two

Scheduled class time*.

04:00 PM - 07:00 PM (PDT)

*The course will meet for two hours daily (Monday–Friday) for a live online class during this window of time. The third hour is used for online office hours. Students will be admitted to and attend just one course section and time. The exact course time and office hour schedule will be set closer to the start of the program. In addition to the live meeting times, students complete out-of-class learning assignments such as assigned readings, group work, pre-recorded online lectures, and more.


Completion of an algebra course. 

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Rolling Out

7 best logic games you must learn to play

  • By Mr. Digital Fingers
  • May 27, 2024

logic game

In the vast world of gaming , logic games stand out for their unique blend of entertainment and mental stimulation. These games not only provide hours of fun but also enhance cognitive abilities, problem-solving skills and critical thinking. Whether you’re a casual gamer or a puzzle enthusiast, learning to play logic games can be a rewarding experience. Here, we delve into the seven best logic games you must learn to play, each offering a unique challenge and enriching experience.

1. Sudoku: The classic puzzle game

Sudoku has become a household name for puzzle lovers around the globe. Originating in Japan , this number-placement game involves filling a 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 subgrids contains all the numbers from 1 to 9.

Why Sudoku is a must-play

Sudoku is not just a pastime; it’s a brain exercise. It enhances concentration, boosts logical reasoning and improves memory. As you play, you develop strategies to solve the puzzle more efficiently, making it a great tool for mental sharpness.

Tips for mastering sudoku

  • Start with easy puzzles : Gradually move to more difficult levels.
  • Use the process of eliminatio n : Identify which numbers cannot be in certain cells.
  • Look for patterns : Recognize patterns that can help you solve the puzzle faster.

2. Chess: The game of kings

Chess is one of the oldest and most popular logic games in the world. This two-player strategy game involves a board of 64 squares and 16 pieces per player, each with its own unique movement rules.

Benefits of playing chess

Chess enhances strategic thinking, foresight and planning. It also improves problem-solving skills and boosts cognitive abilities. Each game is a new challenge, making it endlessly engaging.

Learning chess strategies

  • Study classic openings : Understand common starting moves.
  • Learn from the master s : Analyze games played by chess grandmasters.
  • Practice regularly : The more you play, the better you’ll get.

3. Rubik’s Cube: The iconic 3D puzzle

The Rubik’s Cube is a 3D combination puzzle that has fascinated millions since its invention in 1974. The objective is to return the cube to its original state, with each of the six faces being one solid color.

Why you should learn to solve the Rubik’s Cube

Solving the Rubik’s Cube enhances spatial awareness, improves memory and develops problem-solving skills. It’s a great way to challenge yourself and impress others with your skills.

Tips for solving the Rubik’s Cube

  • Learn the basic algorithms : Understand the sequences of moves.
  • Practice finger tricks : Improve your speed and efficiency.
  • Be patient : Mastery takes time and practice.

4. Go: The ancient board game

Go is an ancient board game that originated in China over 2,500 years ago. The game is played with two players who take turns placing black and white stones on a grid of 19×19 lines. The goal is to surround more territory than your opponent.

The intellectual appeal of Go

Go is renowned for its deep strategy and complexity. It develops strategic thinking, enhances pattern recognition and teaches players to balance short-term gains with long-term planning.

Getting started with Go

  • Learn the basic rules : Understand the fundamental principles.
  • Play against stronger players : Gain insights and improve your skills.
  • Study professional games : Learn advanced strategies and techniques.

5. Portal: The first-person puzzle game

Portal is a unique first-person puzzle game developed by Valve Corporation. Players use a handheld device to create portals on flat surfaces, allowing them to navigate obstacles and solve complex puzzles.

Why Portal is a standout logic game

Portal combines physics-based puzzles with a compelling narrative, offering a unique and engaging gaming experience. It enhances spatial reasoning, problem-solving skills and lateral thinking.

Tips for Excelling in Portal

  • Think creatively : Use portals in unconventional ways.
  • Pay attention to physics : Understand how momentum and gravity work in the game.
  • Experiment : Try different approaches to solve puzzles.

6. The Witness: A mystical puzzle adventure

The Witness is a single-player puzzle adventure game set on a mysterious island. Players explore the island and solve a variety of puzzles, each with its own rules and logic.

The intrigue of The Witness

The Witness is known for its beautiful visuals and intricate puzzles. It enhances observation skills, logical thinking and perseverance. Each puzzle is a piece of the larger mystery, making it highly engaging.

Mastering The Witness

  • Explore thoroughly : Pay attention to details in the environment.
  • Learn the language of the puzzles : Understand the visual clues and patterns.
  • Take your time : Some puzzles require deep thought and patience.

7. 2048: The addictive number puzzle

2048 is a simple yet addictive number puzzle game that involves sliding numbered tiles on a grid to combine them and create a tile with the number 2048.

Why 2048 is worth playing

2048 is easy to learn but hard to master. It enhances mathematical skills, strategic thinking and quick decision-making. The game is highly addictive and perfect for short, engaging sessions.

Tips for winning 2048

  • Focus on one corner : Keep your highest number in one corner.
  • Plan ahead : Think a few moves in advance.
  • Avoid random moves : Stay organized and strategic.

The benefits of logic games

Logic games offer a unique combination of fun and cognitive benefits. By learning to play these seven games, you can enhance your mental skills, enjoy hours of entertainment and challenge yourself in new ways. Whether you’re solving the intricate puzzles of The Witness or mastering the strategic depths of chess, these games are sure to provide a rewarding experience. So, pick up one of these games today and start your journey towards becoming a logic game master .

This story was created using AI technology.

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  • 2048 , chess , cognitive benefits , Go , logic games , Portal , problem-solving skills , Rubik's Cube , Sudoku , The Witness


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  7. Steal these 9 HACKS to improve logic-building skills in ...

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    NIIT Shyambazar is a leading Skills and Talent Development Corporation that is building a manpower pool for global industry requirements since 1981. With a f...

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