• Northwestern Kellogg School of Management Essay Tips and Examples

July 19, 2023

Jeremy Shinewald

Northwestern University (Kellogg)

Northwestern Kellogg 2023–2024 Essay Tips

Required essay 1: kellogg leaders are primed to tackle today’s pressing concerns everywhere, from the boardroom to their neighborhoods. tell us about a time in your life where you’ve needed a combination of skills to solve a problem or overcome a challenge. which skills did you use what did you accomplish (450 words) .

Challenges and obstacles can be powerful learning opportunities. Kellogg wants to learn three primary things here: (1) what are some of the key skills and strengths you already possess, (2) how do you apply them and use them synergistically, and (3) how do you act (and react) in situations that do not go as planned. You of course want to convey that you are not easily discouraged by setbacks and instead use them as learning tools or stepping-stones on your path forward.

For this essay, you could discuss a one-time occurrence or an ongoing issue that you deal with regularly (and have learned to “overcome” when it arises). And because the school does not stipulate that the challenge you share be strictly professional or personal, you should consider every possible option you have from the various facets of your life—your workplace, academic background, family, personal life, community engagements, and so on. Also, the problem could be something you faced alone or as part (or leader) of a group. We recommend using a narrative approach to present your story, but in addition to clearly explaining how you approached and prevailed over the challenge at hand, ensure that you detail the inner workings of your decision making—the thought process and motivation(s) behind your actions. This way, the admissions committee will get a clear impression not only of what you accomplished but also of the abilities and aspects of your character that enabled your success. And be sure to not focus solely on one skill; the prompt specifically notes “a combination of skills,” so you will need to describe a situation in which you drew from different areas and capabilities to create synergy.  

With just 450 words for this essay, you have limited space, but if you can work it in easily, consider mentioning a skill that you could gain at Kellogg that would have made your experience easier or somehow more successful. Similarly, Kellogg does not specifically ask you to explain what you learned from the experience, but if word count allows enough for you to include this element in your essay, we would encourage you to do so. This would demonstrate to the admissions committee an advanced level of self-awareness and highlight your ability to learn from obstacles, rather than be daunted by them. 

One final note: do not be afraid to reveal a weakness or error on your part. Although this is not a “failure” essay, if your own actions helped create the problem or you failed to see the obstacle right before you (and should have), you should not shy away from an honest discussion of your responsibility. Such incidents are usually very effective learning opportunities and could therefore make for a compelling essay.

Required Essay 2: At Kellogg, our values are based on research that concludes organizations comprised of leaders with varied backgrounds and perspectives outperform homogeneous ones. How do you believe your personal and professional experiences to date will help to enrich the Kellogg community? (450 words)

At its core, this is a kind of diversity, equity, and inclusion essay, which many top schools are introducing this year (if they did not already have one). Kellogg is directly stating its belief that when people who represent a diversity of experiences, viewpoints, and capabilities work together, the results are better than those produced by teams of individuals who are more similar than different. The admissions committee is not asking you to comment on this part of the prompt specifically, though, but rather to keep it in mind when formulating your response. Your job with this essay is to convey the special attributes you possess that would be additive to the Kellogg learning environment and community by describing the situations and circumstances that have helped you develop them. Although your personal background, strengths, and abilities might overlap with those of other Kellogg applicants in some way, you can differentiate yourself here via the stories you choose to illustrate them. 

A good way to start identifying your best options for this essay is by making a list of things you believe are notable about you and that would be helpful to have in an MBA environment and then pinpointing the experiences you have had that engendered these qualities. As the prompt notes, you can draw from both your career and your personal life. Look for and especially consider experiences from your past that not only allow you to discuss your strengths and standout characteristics but also involve situations in which you worked with or alongside individuals who were different from you. If you can show the admissions committee concrete evidence that you know how to collaborate and communicate effectively with diverse coworkers, clients, and/or team members, your essay will be even more powerful. 

You will then need to demonstrate both self-awareness and a thorough understanding of the Kellogg MBA experience by drawing connections between (1) what you have done and who you are and (2) what you can subsequently provide at the school as a member of its community. To do this effectively, you will need to truly familiarize yourself in depth with what the Kellogg MBA experience is like. Go beyond the school’s website and published materials and connect directly with students, alumni, and other people who can provide firsthand, insider knowledge. Absolutely visit campus if at all possible, and sit in on a class. Read news articles about the school as well as student blogs, check out Kellogg’s YouTube channel , and, if offered, attend admissions events in your area. As you do all this research, look for places where your skills, strengths, and personality would not just fit but also contribute in some way. You want to make sure that in your essay, you are not merely showcasing traits, events, and achievements that you think are interesting or singular. They also need to clearly fit with Kellogg specifically. 

To further familiarize yourself with the Kellogg program and get an insider’s perspective on its academic program, unique offerings, social life, and other key characteristics, be sure to download a complimentary copy of the  mbaMission Insider’s Guide to the Kellogg School of Management .

Reapplicants: How have you grown or changed personally and professionally since you previously applied and what steps have you taken to become the strongest candidate you can be? (250 words) 

Whether you have improved your academic record, received a promotion, begun a new and exciting project, increased your community involvement, or taken on some sort of personal challenge, the key to success with this essay is conveying a very deliberate path of achievement. Kellogg wants to know that you have been actively striving to improve yourself and your profile, and that you have seized opportunities during the previous year to do so, because a Kellogg MBA is vital to you. The responses to this essay question will vary greatly from one candidate to the next, because each person’s needs and experiences differ. We are more than happy to provide one-on-one assistance with this highly personal essay to ensure that your efforts over the past year are presented in the best light possible.

Additional Information: We know that life is full of extenuating circumstances. Whether you want to explain gaps in work experience, your choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance or something else, you can use this section to briefly tell us anything we need to know about your application. (280 words) 

However tempted you might be, this is not the place to paste in a strong essay you wrote for another school or to offer a few anecdotes that you were unable to incorporate into any of your other essays. Instead, this is your opportunity, if needed, to address any questions an admissions officer might have about your candidacy. We encourage you to download our free  mbaMission Optional Essays Guide , in which we offer detailed advice on when and how to take advantage of the optional essay, along with multiple sample essays, to help you mitigate any problem areas in your profile.

Video Essays: We’ve read your essays, we’ve read your resume — now we want you to bring all that to life in a video. Show us the person behind all those carefully crafted words. The video will be comprised of three questions, each designed to help you showcase your personality and share some of the experiences that brought you here today.

We find these videos to be a great opportunity for you to tell us more about your story, experiences and why kellogg is the right place for you., here are some things to keep in mind as you prepare to complete this section:, video essays are due 96 hours after the application deadline., a video essay link will appear on your application status page after you submit your application and payment., you will need an internet-connected computer with a webcam and microphone, the video should take about 20-25 minutes to complete, which includes time for setup., after submitting your application and payment, you will be able to access the video essay through your application status page., here are some additional tips:, there are practice questions that you may complete as many times as you like to get comfortable with the format and technology. the practice questions and experience will simulate the actual video essay experience, so this is meant to be a useful tool to help you feel prepared., we encourage you to practice so you are comfortable with the format once it is time to complete the official questions. you will not have an opportunity to re-do the answer to the official video essay questions., you will have 20 seconds to think about the question and up to one minute to give your response..

During a Q&A session at a past mbaMission annual conference, a Kellogg admissions representative explained that the school’s video component sprang from the admissions committee’s desire to actually see and hear the applicants they were evaluating. Given that Kellogg’s interviews are conducted by alumni, the video is the committee’s only “live” interaction with candidates. Keep this in mind as you tackle this segment of the application, and make being authentic and natural your primary goal. Kellogg is not looking for the next viral TED Talk presenter or late-night TV host. They just want to get to know you as a unique individual who may one day join its community. 

So, start by taking a deep breath. We understand that these video essays can make you feel like you are being put on the spot, but Kellogg is really not trying to scare you. The admissions committee simply wants a more dynamic representation of your personality than a written essay can provide. You cannot answer any of the school’s video questions incorrectly, so do not concern yourself with trying to give the “right” answer. Just respond to each query honestly, as smoothly as you can (despite any nervousness you may be feeling), and be yourself. 

In the past, Kellogg has provided the questions applicants would encounter in the application’s video segment, but this year (at least at the time this post was written), the specific questions posed are unknown. Do not let this panic you. The core reason for this component is still to put a face to a name for the admissions committee and to see how you communicate and conduct yourself when questioned in this way (very similar to how you will eventually be interviewed by recruiters as a Kellogg student). Not knowing the questions beforehand just ensures a higher level of spontaneity and therefore authenticity. We would not be surprised to learn later that candidates were asked similar questions to those posed in the past, which focused on introducing oneself, one’s career goals, one’s interest in the Kellogg MBA program, and a challenge one has faced—pretty basic stuff for an MBA admissions interview, really. 

Remember to speak with energy and enthusiasm. You are trying to connect with others, so charisma is welcome, and a little less rigid and traditionally “professional” demeanor is okay. Forego any fancy or dramatic tactics, and just be as natural and authentic as possible. As they say, you only have one chance to make a first impression, so dedicate some time to prepping (just in case) to ensure that your introduction is engaging, substantive, and true to who you are. 

Even though you do not know exactly what you will be asked, you can still practice and prepare to some extent. We encourage you to download a free copy of the mbaMission Interview Guide , which includes a list of 100 common MBA interview questions that you can use in getting comfortable with responding to the types of queries you will likely encounter for these videos. And even though this is not an official Kellogg interview, our school-specific Northwestern Kellogg Interview Guide could still be a helpful resource. One minute is not very long, so run through several practice sessions—perhaps in front of a mirror—to get a sense of how quickly those 60 seconds will pass when you are in front of the camera. Although you can prepare as much as you want, you get only one chance at the recording. If you stumble while answering or ultimately are unhappy with your answer, unfortunately, you cannot do anything about it. You will not be able to rerecord your responses or try again another time. This might make you nervous, but we encourage you to view the situation a little differently. Kellogg wants to get to know the  authentic  you through these video essays. If you fumble for words or lose your train of thought, just laugh or shrug and continue with your response. Accepting a mistake with a sense of humor and grace will give the admissions committee a more positive and natural impression of your personality than rigid scripting and overpreparation ever could.

The Next Step: Mastering Your Kellogg Interview

Many MBA candidates find admissions interviews stressful and intimidating, but mastering this important element of the application process is definitely possible—the key is informed preparation. And to help you develop this high level of preparation, we offer our   free Interview Guides ! Download your free copy of the   Northwestern Kellogg Interview Guide  t oday.

To learn more about the essays for other top business schools, visit our  MBA Essay Tips and Examples Resources Page .

2023-2024 Business School Essays MBA Essay Tips Northwestern University (Kellogg)

Tags: business school essay free guides Insider's Guides MBA application essays Northwestern Kellogg optional essay reapplicants video essay

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Homepage > MBA Admissions > Business Schools > How to write Kellogg MBA essays for 2023 intake – Video essay tips included

How to write Kellogg MBA essays for 2023 intake – Video essay tips included

Posted by Suheb Hussain | Mar 10, 2023 | Business Schools , GMAT Focus Edition , MBA Admissions , MBA Application Process

How to write Kellogg MBA essays for 2023 intake – Video essay tips included

Getting into Kellogg MBA is a dream for most candidates. To do that you’ll have to convince Kellogg’s admissions officers that you’re the one they’re looking for. One of the ways you can do that is by writing a spectacular MBA essay for their 2023 intake. In this article, Prashant Tibrewal, an admissions consultant who has helped numerous students with their MBA application, shares his analysis and tips on the Kellogg MBA essay for 2023 intake. He also shares his first-hand experience of visiting the Kellogg School of Management. Here is what he has to say.

Sitting inside the White Auditorium, listening to Kate Smith, Assistant Dean, Admissions and Financial Aid at Kellogg School of Management , address a select group of AIGAC members, I cannot resist getting distracted by the picturesque views of Lake Michigan, right beside the Global Hub, the spectacular new home to the Kellogg MBA. The Global Hub represents not only the transformational impact that Kellogg is set to bring about in management education but also the future-focused and global vision of the school.

Entering the building, you cannot miss the grand 34-foot-wide stairway inspired by the famed Spanish Steps in Rome, running up from the ground to the first and second floors. With collaboration oozing out of this architectural marvel, the 6000-square-foot central atrium is aptly named the Collaboration Plaza. If you are an MBA aspirant, there is no way you can visit the new campus and not make Kellogg your most cherished aspiration.

Kellogg MBA essay

Kellogg Presents an exciting portfolio of full-time MBA programs, including the Two-Year MBA, One-Year MBA, MMM, and the JD-MBA. As you research the option most suitable for you, it may be a good idea to connect with the school to understand the pre-requisites for each of the options. Should you find yourself prepared to apply in the 2020-2021 intake, the application is now open, with the following deadlines:

Kellogg MBA Application Deadlines

Kellogg mba application essays 2022-2023.

There are 2 compulsory essays for the 2023 admissions of Kellogg MBA program. Here are the Kellogg MBA essay topics for the 2023 intake:

  • Kellogg’s purpose is to educate, equip and inspire leaders who create lasting value. Provide a recent example where you have demonstrated leadership and created value. What challenges did you face and what did you learn?  (450 words)
  • Values are what guide us in our life and work. What values are important to you and how have they influenced you? (450 words)

Certain applicants will respond to additional questions:

One-Year applicants : Please discuss your post-MBA career goal, the current experience you will leverage to support the transition, and the Kellogg One-Year MBA opportunities that will help you reach this goal. (250 words)

MBAi applicants: The Kellogg McCormick MBAi Program is designed to train the next generation of leaders who can help businesses deliver successful outcomes through AI-driven technology. Tell us about your firsthand experience with this disconnect between business and technology and how MBAi will prepare you to successfully lead businesses at the intersection. (450 words)

MMM applicants : The five core values of the MMM Program are curiosity, creativity, empathy, open-mindedness and a learning mindset. Describe a situation in which you demonstrated one of these values. Why is this value an important part of the MMM experience for you? (250 words)

JD-MBA applicants : Please discuss your post-JD-MBA career goals and why the JD-MBA Program is the right program to help you reach those goals. (250 words)

Reapplicants : Since your previous application, what steps have you taken to strengthen your candidacy? (250 words)

All applicants have the opportunity to provide explanations or clarification in  Additional Information . Use this section if you think the person reviewing your application might have a few questions about one or more of your responses. This could include:

  • Unexplained gaps in work experience
  • Academic, GMAT, or GRE performance
  • Extenuating circumstances that we should be aware of when reviewing your application

Kellogg MBA Essay 1 Analysis

Kellogg’s purpose is to educate, equip, and inspire brave leaders who create lasting value. Provide a recent example where you have demonstrated leadership and created value. What challenges did you face and what did you learn? (450 words)

Kellogg Leadership essay

The first essay for Kellogg has remained the same as that of last year. “We’re looking for those individuals who have found or plan to find unique ways to demonstrate the Kellogg purpose in their careers.

As you consider leadership, in particular, keep in mind that Kellogg was the school that pioneered the team-based learning model that is now ubiquitous among the top business schools.

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We want all of our students to be able to step up when their teams need them”, suggests Kate Smith in the Kellogg admissions blog. As you strive to match your demonstrated aptitude and skills with the Kellogg purpose, it is advisable to understand the traits that the school is looking for in its students. These include:

  • The ability to motivate a team, to drive impact
  • The courage to question the status quo and to seek unconventional solutions
  • Creativity and talent that is rooted in self-awareness
  • Robust diversity in their networks and teams
  • Eagerness to pitch in and collaborate with an engaged, ambitious community of peers

Effectively, leadership and teamwork come across as the underlying traits that Kellogg values the most. This essay, in very explicit terms, asks for one , recent example. Let’s break the question into smaller parts to understand what it seeks:

“A recent example…” – How recent is recent? Clearly, you cannot afford to bring in college stories here. Post-college, you have probably worked with one or more organizations.

If you have worked with multiple organizations, it will be important to choose an example from your current organization (unless you joined, let’s say, only three months ago).

While we routinely recommend this to applicants, Kellogg cuts the chase by explicitly mentioning it. On the other hand, If you have worked with just one organization throughout your career, present an example from your current role.

As individuals, and as professionals, we continuously evolve – and the recency of the example serves as valid corroboration of how much you may have evolved through your career.

“… where you have demonstrated leadership and created value” is a prompt that hints at the fact that leadership and the creation of value often go together.

Your example, therefore, shouldn’t focus solely on activities related to leading teams or projects or budgets; rather, it should establish how, in each instance, you succeeded in creating value for your organization, your team, and/or even for yourself.

While you have had good training in presenting quantifiable impact and high dollar savings, creating value goes beyond that.

As you narrate your story, it will be interesting to ask yourself if you went beyond the deliverables of the project to build and influence teams, demonstrated innovation and creativity, and put in conscious effort to deliver lasting impact.

“What challenges did you face…” – An achievement devoid of challenges is akin to playing tennis without nets.

It is important to establish why your achievement makes you proud. Explain what made this initiative or exercise so challenging and how you shaped your response to those challenges.

“… and what did you learn” – indeed! Learning is often associated with failure, but a leader is someone who is forward-looking and continues to learn even from achievements.

You probably learned something about team dynamics or working with multi-cultural teams, or inspiring people to work towards a common goal, or even discovered the extent of your own capabilities.

Kellogg MBA Essay 2 Analysis

Values are what guide you in your life and work. What values are important to you and how have they influenced you? (450 words)


This essay replaced the “how have you grown in the past and how do you intend to grow at Kellogg” essay that Kellogg asked two years ago.

It is often insightful to compare an old essay prompt with the new one to draw deeper messages and gauge what the admissions teams may be looking for.

If you compare the current and the previous essay prompts, what is clearly common is the school’s intent to understand you beyond your professional achievements, and your ability to contribute to the class at Kellogg.

This further gets established through Kate Smith’s statement, “Our goal this year is to uncover what motivates and inspires you. What drives you? How will this make you a meaningful member of the Kellogg community?”

While the question does not insist on isolating a single value; it may be wise to identify just two or three strongest values that you can back with examples, instead of spreading yourself too thin by presenting a range of values.

Further, this is one of those questions that require reading well between the lines. The prompt starts with the statement that values guide you in your “life” and “work”, suggesting that you may want to present examples from both the fronts.

If a certain set of values are important to you, you are likely to have strong examples to show how these values have influenced you and your decisions in the past.

The essay wouldn’t be complete without presenting how these values will continue to drive your aspirations and plans – at Kellogg, in your professional career, and in the larger scheme of things.

In other words, it may be a good idea to present how you may be equipped to contribute to the Kellogg community in specific ways, how your long terms goals are influenced by your values and how this may impact your career choice post-MBA.

450 words isn’t a lot of space to communicate all of this, but it is often useful to start with a larger perspective and then narrow it down through multiple reiterations.

Kellogg MBA Reapplicant Essay Analysis

Since your previous application, what steps have you taken to strengthen your candidacy? (250 words)

This is the best opportunity to convince the school that you have indulged in introspection to evolve a fresh perspective and enhanced your eligibility by upskilling or retooling.

If you applied in R1 last year and are applying in R1 again, you have had almost a year to plan afresh. Recapitulate the entire effort you may have expended to improve your profile.

If you applied in R2 last year and are now applying in R1, you have had just about 8 months, and this span may not reflect significant changes in your profile.

Did you still create opportunities to enhance your skills? You presented certain career goals in your last application. Did you take up professional initiatives and self-learning opportunities to move towards your professional career goals? Did you assess what might have gone wrong, talk to alumni and industry experts and attempt to position yourself better this year? If your GMAT score was not good enough, were you willing to push yourself and retake the test?

If you ended up scoring the same again – the school will still appreciate your intent and your commitment to the goal of pursuing an MBA.

Talk about the new projects, new learnings from these projects, things that you got to do for the first time, interactions you have had that had an impact on you and your career plans.

Do not forget to include the experiences that helped you refine your core and soft skills further.

If you presented a goal or a career plan last year that you failed to justify in the interview; or if, after more thorough research, you have decided to opt for an alternative plan that you can validate, do not hesitate to make a statement.

Feel free to present the specifics of the research you engaged in to arrive at a more rational career plan. For all logical purposes, this is a better approach than presenting the same career plans again, when you are not too confident about being able to substantiate them.

Kellogg MBA Additional Essay Analysis

All applicants have the opportunity to provide explanations or clarification in Additional Information. Use this section if you think the person reviewing your application might have a few questions about one or more of your responses. This could include:

  • Academic, GMAT or GRE performance

As straightforward as it looks, candidates often end up overdoing the additional essay by presenting things that may not be required.

It is important to value the reader’s time and adhere to the instructions. While some schools keep the additional essay open-ended, Kellogg has presented clear guidelines that suggest that you should this space only to explain any inconsistencies or extenuating circumstances.

While this looks like a place where you are likely to touch upon the aspects of your profile that aren’t obviously your strengths, it is important to not get too defensive and to not list excuses that look immature.

Go ahead and present specific reasons why you may not have the best college GPAs or a high GMAT score, but don’t blame it on a particular committee you were a part of during college or an office project deadline that coincided with your GMAT date.

Instead, show through external certifications or course, how you are academically capable, despite not having done so well in the college first year, even with your grades improving in the subsequent years.

You may touch upon the quantitative tasks that you may have taken at work to alleviate concerns about your quantitative ability because of a low GMAT Quant score.

Above all, remain cognizant of the fact that schools are looking for reasons to select you and not to reject you. You may not need to justify everything where you think you fall short; as long as you are giving the school enough reasons to believe that you are a deserving candidate.

Kellogg 1-Year MBA Essay 2023

Please discuss your post-MBA career goal, the current experience you will leverage to support the transition, and the Kellogg 1Y opportunities that will help you reach this goal. (250 words)

kellogg one year mba essay

The Kellogg 1-Year MBA, unlike most other 1-year MBAs in the US, has a class profile that’s pretty similar to that of its 2-year version.

The 1-year MBA is just an accelerated format, meant for a small group of about 90-100 participants with a good business background. Applicants to the Kellogg 1-Year MBA, therefore, have to write this career goal essay, in addition to the other required essays.

While it’s a standard career goal essay, it is different in that it requires you to present a higher level of goal clarity than a typical applicant to a two-year program.

A one-year program moves ahead at a significantly higher pace, and if you do not know exactly what you want to do post MBA, the kind of recruiters you would target, and the kind of roles you would like to apply to, you may not be in a position to make the best use of the opportunity.

Further, an important ask of the essay is “the current experience you will leverage to support the transition”.

It is important to relate your current skill set and industry / functional exposure to your future plans if you are hoping to make a smooth career transition through the one-year degree.

This essay isn’t as elaborate as the other ones, with just 250 words to communicate all that you would like to – but you will need to work well to pack a punch even with specific courses and opportunities at Kellogg that will enable you to achieve the desired career transition.

Clearly, if you have decided to apply to the Kellogg 1-Year MBA, you better have the right experience, goal-clarity, and academic background to fit in.

Kellogg invites its 1-Year MBA applicants to fill in an Eligibility form before you start working on the application – something that you may certainly want to make use of.

Kellogg Video Essays – 2023 admissions

Following are the instructions for the Kellogg Video Essay:

After submitting your application and payment, you will be able to access the video essay through your application status page.

You will be asked to answer three questions:

  • Video Essay 1: Please introduce yourself to the admissions committee. Consider this your opportunity to share what you would want your future Kellogg classmates and our admissions committee to know about you. What makes you, you?
  • Video Essay 2: What path are you interested in pursuing, how will you get there, and why is this program right for you?

This is an intentionally broad question so you can answer honestly and meaningfully. We want to know why you’re pursuing an MBA and why you’re choosing a particular Kellogg Full-Time Program.

  • Video Essay 3: The third question will ask about a challenge you’ve faced and what you have learned from it.

There are practice questions that you may complete as many times as you like to get comfortable with the format and technology. The practice questions and experience will simulate the actual video essay experience, so this is meant to be a useful tool to help you feel prepared.

You will have 20 seconds to think about the question and up to one minute to give your response.

We estimate the video essays will take 20-25 minutes to complete — which includes time for set-up and answering all the practice questions. You will need an internet-connected computer with a webcam, microphone, and an updated version of Adobe Flash in order to complete the video essay.

Kellogg MBa video essay

Kellogg Video Essay 1

Please introduce yourself to the admissions committee.

Consider this your opportunity to share what you would want your future Kellogg classmates and our admissions committee to know about you. What makes you, you?

Is this supposed to be your Elevator Pitch? Probably yes, albeit a more personal one. Having presented most of your information through your resume and application essays, this should be your space to “connect” with your future classmates as well as the admissions committee.

While the video will allow the admissions committee to see you and hear you, it is your passion and your story that will invite them to feel your presence and personality. Prepare a story that is authentic, exciting, and enchanting. Above all, sound fluent, but not rehearsed!

Kellogg Video Essay 2

What path are you interested in pursuing, how will you get there, and why is this program right for you?

This is an intentionally broad question so you can answer honestly and meaningfully. We want to know why you are pursuing an MBA and why you’re choosing a particular Kellogg Full-Time Program.

While the first question was about you, the second question is about you and Kellogg. What leads you to Kellogg?

What are the opportunities and platforms you seek to leverage at Kellogg to achieve your career plans? What research have you done to discover and explore the most relevant opportunities and activities that you plan to participate in once you are on campus?

These are all obvious extensions to the second question. As you articulate your thoughts to answer these questions, it may be a good idea to present your plans for taking any initiatives at Kellogg that will further help you, and hopefully your peers, interested in pursuing a similar career path.

Kellogg Video Essay 3

The third question will ask about a challenge you’ve faced and what you have learned from it.

This is one question that you wouldn’t know in advance, but the prompt suggests classic behavioral interview questions that require you to draw examples from your professional or personal life.

Possibilities are immense and varied, ranging from challenges within a team to challenges while working with a client.

The key is to go prepared with a set of diverse stories that you can leverage in varied situations. An instance or example may involve multiple challenges, and if you are well prepared, you will be able to summon the one that’s asked in the essay.

Do not forget, of course, to follow the Challenge-Action-Result framework by not only discussing the challenging situation itself but also delineating the action you took to counter that challenge and the results that you were able to achieve or deliver.

You will have just about 20 seconds to think about the question before you start answering – important, therefore, to not start your video session unprepared.

Here are a few Sample Video Essays for Kellogg Essay 3 that you may want to practice:

  • Describe a challenging time when you had a difference of opinion with a teammate.
  • Describe a time when you took an initiative that wasn’t successful.
  • Describe a time when you had a conflict with your senior/manager.
  • Tell us about a time when you had to make a split-second decision.
  • Tell us about a time when you were forced to make an unpopular decision.
  • Discuss a challenging project where you couldn’t meet the deadline.
  • Discuss an instance when you were misunderstood.
  • Discuss a challenging time when you had to convince or negotiate with a colleague/superior.

I hope this analysis of Kellogg MBA essays for the 2021 intake will help you make a very strong application and the gatekeepers at Kellogg will gladly give you your place at Kellogg; your new home for the next 2 years.

Applying to Wharton? Read our detailed Wharton Essay Analysis

About the Author


Prashant Tibrewal is the founder of Admit Square Consulting and has mentored 1000+ MBA aspirants to get into top global universities such as Harvard, Stanford, INSEAD, Oxford, HEC, ISB, etc. Prashant has also served on the Board of the Association of International Graduate Admissions Consultants (AIGAC) and led the AIGAC Conference 2020, attended by admissions officers from 25+ top-ranked MBA programs.

Admit Square Consulting has mentored applicants from diverse backgrounds to apply to top MBA programs. With a proven track record of 10+ years, and admits to universities such as Stanford, MIT, Kellogg, Cambridge, INSEAD, etc., Admit Square was awarded the Most Successful International MBA Consulting Company in India at the India Education Awards, 2019. With a team of Consultants from top business schools such as MIT, Yale, LBS and Oxford, Admit Square offers 100% Money-back Assurance on its services. You may send your details to  [email protected]  for a free profile evaluation.

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2023-2024 Kellogg MBA Essay Analysis and Tips

Admit expert.

  • August 10, 2023

Thinking about pursuing an MBA at Kellogg? Well, get ready to put your thoughts into words! In this article, we’re diving into the essay prompts for Kellogg MBA admissions. Don’t worry, we’ll break things down and give you an analysis and a few tips to tackle these prompts like a pro.

Kellogg MBA essay analysis and tips

The application process at Kellogg is distinctive in that it includes both written and video essays.

So, if you’re aiming to make a splash with your Kellogg MBA application, stay tuned for the juicy tips and insights coming your way. Let’s make those essays work for you!

Ready? Let’s dive in!

Kellogg MBA essays for the 2024 admissions

Kellogg mba application deadlines, kellogg mba essay analysis, video essay, other essays, let us help you get into kellogg, written essays.

All applicants are expected to submit the following two essays:

Essay Prompt 1 (450 words)

Kellogg Leaders are primed to tackle today’s pressing concerns everywhere, from the boardroom to their neighborhoods. Tell us about a time in your life where you’ve needed a combination of skills to solve a problem or overcome a challenge. Which skills did you use? What did you accomplish?

Essay Prompt 2 (450 words)

At Kellogg, our values are based on research that concludes organizations comprised of leaders with varied backgrounds and perspectives outperform homogeneous ones. How do you believe your personal and professional experiences to date will help to enrich the Kellogg community?

Reapplicants will receive a prompt about their growth since their last application: How have you grown or changed personally and professionally since you previously applied and what steps have you taken to become the strongest candidate you can be? (250 words)

To learn more about what Kellogg is looking for and how to make your application stand out, get in touch with us at [email protected]

Kellogg Leaders are primed to tackle today’s pressing concerns everywhere, from the boardroom to their neighborhoods. Tell us about a time in your life where you’ve needed a combination of skills to solve a problem or overcome a challenge. Which skills did you use? What did you accomplish? (450 words)

Essay 1 Analysis

This question aims to explore various facets, prompting you to not only discuss your skills but also their evolution, application in challenging situations, effectiveness, and the ultimate outcomes. This comprehensive framework provides a platform to showcase the breadth of skills and talents you offer. By skillfully navigating these elements, you can make efficient use of the word limit and demonstrate to the admissions committee that you embody the qualities of a Kellogg Leader.

How to start writing this essay?

The first thing you should know what qualities Kellogg MBA adcom looks for and use those stories which highlight these qualities.

Some of the qualities Kellogg looks for are:

  • Strong, empathetic leader
  • Thinking outside the box, innovation, problem solving
  • Empathy, creativity, adaptability
  • Community, collaboration
  • High impact, low ego leader
  • Diversity, equitably/inclusion

Now follow this framework to create a structure for the essay 1

  • Start by delving into the concern you identified, providing a clear explanation of its significance and why you felt compelled to address it. Explain the reasons behind your decision to take action.
  • Move on to describing your approach to making a difference. Detail the specific areas where your skillset came into play during the strategic planning process. Showcase how your abilities were crucial in shaping your strategy.
  • Summarize the tangible outcomes that emerged from your strategic efforts, underscoring the positive impact you were able to generate within the community. Highlight the transformative changes that resulted from your actions.
  • Conclude by outlining the valuable insights you gained from this experience. Discuss how these takeaways will inform your future endeavors and demonstrate your commitment to applying these lessons in various contexts. 

Here are a few tips to help this essay

Outline concerns & skills

Before you begin writing the essay, set aside some time to create a list of challenges you’ve faced in both your professional workplace and your community. From this list, choose a particular concern that you personally tackled, demonstrating the full extent of your skill set. Take a deeper look within to understand why this specific skill set was crucial in addressing the issue. This form of mind mapping encourages thoughtful consideration of each aspect, allowing you to discuss them in a coherent and relevant manner within your essay.

Impact and accomplishment

When addressing impact and accomplishments, begin by describing the tangible results or material outcomes that stemmed from your actions. Before delving into your key takeaways, consider discussing these outcomes within the context of the ‘community’ aspect, aligning with the question’s emphasis on leadership and influence within communities. Be it in the boardroom or the neighborhood, emphasize how your skills have been harnessed to enhance the lives of others.

Once you’ve outlined the direct consequences of applying your skills and implementing your strategy, transition into discussing your takeaways. Reflect on the lessons you gained from these experiences and briefly mention how you intend to apply these insights in the future.

It’s beneficial to research and understand the attributes of a Kellogg leader – what qualities the admissions committee is seeking. Aligning your responses with these expectations can strengthen your essay and present you as a candidate embodying the traits they value.

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At Kellogg, our values are based on research that concludes organizations comprised of leaders with varied backgrounds and perspectives outperform homogeneous ones. How do you believe your personal and professional experiences to date will help to enrich the Kellogg community? (450 words)

The Kellogg values, often referred to as their ‘purpose,’ are summarized as “To educate, equip, and inspire leaders who build strong organizations and wisely leverage the power of markets to create lasting value.” Examining this statement in the context of the question reveals their belief in the transformative potential of diverse thought and opinions within leadership. Such diversity can ignite change and drive superior performance compared to organizations led by a homogenous group. This notion resonates with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) practices, where the incorporation of diverse perspectives is believed to drive change, expand the talent pool, enhance financial performance, foster innovation, and facilitate decision-making .

In this context, it becomes crucial to demonstrate your engagement with individuals from various backgrounds, your exposure to international settings, and your experience across different industries. These experiences enrich your perspective, offering a breadth of acquired knowledge and resources that enable you to approach challenges from a novel angle.

In your essay, spotlight the distinctive blend of personal and professional experiences that have broadened your worldview. Emphasize how these encounters have introduced you to fresh ideas, diverse individuals, and new vantage points, enabling you to reevaluate and expand upon your previous understanding.

Tips to write Essay 2 effectively

First follow this framework

  • Begin by introducing the specific personal and professional experiences you’ve chosen to highlight.
  • Elaborate on the valuable insights gained and the skills honed through these experiences.
  • Transition into outlining your strategic approach for applying these learnings and skills within the Kellogg community. Emphasize the distinctive contributions you aim to bring to the table, aligning with Kellogg’s ethos.
  • Conclude by discussing your vision for integrating these takeaways with Kellogg’s values in your post-MBA professional pursuits. Illuminate how you plan to synergize these principles to drive positive change and influence in your future endeavors.

Follow these essay tips

Sort carefully

Given that this essay encompasses both your professional and personal experiences, there’s a wealth of material to navigate. It’s advantageous to categorize both these areas and assess which instances best illustrate your interactions with diverse individuals and situations.

To facilitate this process, consider the following aspects: where, what, who, and how.

  • Where: Reflect on the environments or settings where you encountered diversity. This could be within workplaces, community involvement, travel experiences, or educational contexts.
  • What: Identify the specific encounters or situations that exposed you to diversity. Whether it’s collaborating with internatinal teams, participating in cultural events, or engaging with varied perspectives during projects.
  • Who: Recognize the key individuals who played a role in facilitating these experiences. This could include mentors, colleagues, friends from different backgrounds, or community leaders.
  • How: Analyze how these experiences were facilitated. Was it through networking, volunteering, seeking out opportunities, or participating in cross-cultural initiatives?

By addressing these fundamental questions, you can effectively pinpoint experiences that underscore your takeaways. You can then elaborate on how these insights will contribute to enriching the Kellogg community. This structured approach ensures you highlight the depth and breadth of your exposure and its potential impact on your contribution to the Kellogg environment.

Discuss application

Equally essential is the exploration of how you intend to apply these takeaways and lessons. To ensure a balanced treatment, avoid relegating the latter half of the question to just a few lines. While briefly touching upon your experiences is important, the primary focus should shift towards how you plan to leverage these insights at Kellogg and the unique value you’ll contribute to an equally talented and diverse cohort.

Highlight a range of qualities garnered from your experiences, emphasizing how they enrich your interpersonal and communication skills. These enhanced abilities lead to effective interaction and a personable demeanor, allowing you to adeptly navigate challenging group dynamics. For example, if you’ve acquired proficiency in one or more languages during your personal or professional journey, you could discuss how this linguistic skill fosters deeper connections. Understanding people in their native tongue enables you to build friendships and establish rapport, particularly with individuals from diverse backgrounds. In doing so, you will be able to showcase how your skills align with the Kellogg values.

The Kellogg admissions team advises the following in regards to the video essay: We’ve read your essays, we’ve read your resume — now we want you to bring all that to life in a video. Show us the person behind all those carefully crafted words. The video will be comprised of three questions, each designed to help you showcase your personality and share some of the experiences that brought you here today.

Take a look at this article on video essays to get more tips on Kellogg’s Video essays.
Video Essays for MBA Admissions: What They Are, Why They Matter, and How to Create One

There are 3 video essays:

Video essay 1: Please introduce yourself to the admissions committee.

– Consider this your opportunity to share what you would want your future Kellogg classmates and our admissions committee to know about you. What makes you, you?

Video essay 2: What path are you interested in pursuing, how will you get there, and why is this program right for you?

– This is an intentionally broad question so you can answer honestly and meaningfully. We want to know why you’re pursuing an MBA and why you’re choosing a particular Kellogg Full-Time Program.

Video essay 3: This question will be based on a challenge you’ve faced and what you’ve learned from it.

Additional Information

We know that life is full of extenuating circumstances. Whether you want to explain gaps in work experience, your choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance or something else, you can use this section to briefly tell us anything we need to know about your application.

Address any employment gaps or academic concerns honestly, providing a clear and concise explanation of the challenges you faced and how you have overcome them. This will demonstrate your determination and resilience as a candidate.

Focus on highlighting your strengths and unique qualities that set you apart. Discuss your engagement in extracurricular activities, such as local philanthropic drives, sports, or hobbies, and explain how these experiences have shaped you as a person and contributed to your work ethic.

Ensure that your narrative centers around your suitability as a candidate and adds value to the discussion of your candidacy for the program. Avoid irrelevant information and stay focused on showcasing your potential to thrive in the MBA program.


Since your previous application, what steps have you taken to strengthen your candidacy? (250 words)

In this answer, show how you have improved your candidacy in a way that can be seen and touched. A higher GMAT score could be one sign of improvement that can be seen. Also, give us your grades from any new math classes you’ve taken.

You could also talk about a promotion at work or some new volunteer work. You might also need to take on more responsibility at work or in extracurricular activities. Or, talk about how your goals for your career have changed. Lastly, you could talk about how you’ve changed your own goals.

We will help you write essays that portray your unique strengths and experiences in the most favorable light so that your application shines above the rest. We have helped hundreds of students get into top US business schools. Let us help you too.

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Kellogg MBA Essay Examples

Kellogg MBA Essay Examples

Looking for Kellogg MBA essay examples? You’ve come to the right place. The Kellogg School of Management is considered one of the best MBA programs in the world , and is also home to one of the best part-time MBA programs in the US. Getting accepted is extremely competitive, but you can help your application stand out and win the hearts of the admissions committee through your Kellogg MBA essays. In this blog, we’ll look at how to write an MBA essay for Kellogg and some MBA essay examples!

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How to write an mba essay for kellogg.

Getting accepted to Kellogg Business School is very competitive, seeing as it is among the top of MBA rankings not only in the US but worldwide, and globally known for its business education excellence. Kellogg takes a holistic approach to admissions, which essentially means that the admissions committee will look at every aspect of your application materials closely to determine if you’re a good fit. In other words, having a high GPA or impressive GMAT score is not enough to get you into Kellogg. You need to come armed with a stellar MBA resume , strong MBA extracurriculars and, most importantly, nail your Kellogg MBA essays.

Kellogg’s MBA program emphasizes a strong sense of purpose. Moreso, the school has a strong inclination for social impact, diversity, creativity, empathy and innovation in business. The statement of purpose for the Kellogg School of Management is: “To educate, equip and inspire leaders who build strong organizations and wisely leverage the power of markets to create lasting value.”

Kellogg’s MBA program has two MBA essay questions you will be required to respond to in short essay form. Like many MBA programs, Kellogg’s MBA essay topics are focused on leadership and the value you can bring to their program.

Kellogg’s admissions committee is looking for “leaders who possess a blend of analytical, creative and social intelligence and who can uplift teams to their full potential” in their candidates. Brainstorm on these qualities a bit after you read the Kellogg MBA essay prompts and start jotting down some experiences or ideas you can explore in your essay.

The prompts for Kellogg MBA programs two required written essays are:

  • Kellogg’s purpose is to educate, equip and inspire leaders who create lasting value. Provide a recent example where you have demonstrated leadership and created value. What challenges did you face and what did you learn? 
  • Values are what guide us in our life and work. What values are important to you and how have they influenced you?

Kellogg gives a word count limit of 450 words for both essays. Of course, keep in mind that the quality of your writing matters more than the quantity, so don’t focus too much on the word count when you’re drafting your essay. Once you’re ready to start revising your essay, eliminate anything unnecessary or irrelevant, and be sure to ask a friend of MBA essay consultant to serve as a second set of eyes for you.

Reapplicants: Since your previous application, what steps have you taken to strengthen your candidacy? (250 words) ","label":"IMPORTANT","title":"IMPORTANT"}]" code="tab1" template="BlogArticle">

Kellogg has also introduced new, optional MBA video essays . While you can choose not to submit a video essay as part of your application, this is another opportunity to help your application stand out, share more about yourself with the admissions committee and generally put a face and personality to your application package.

The MBA essay questions for the Kellogg video submissions are:

  • Introduce yourself to the admissions committee.
  • What path are you interested in pursuing, how will you get there, and why is this program right for you?
  • Tell us about a challenge you've faced and what you've learned from it.

To complete your Kellogg MBA video essay, you’ll be provided with a link to on your online application once you’ve completed your initial application to Kellogg and provided payment. Your MBA essay is due 96 hours after you complete your application, so be sure you’re prepared to complete the video essay in that time frame!

Once you’ve clicked on the link, you’ll be able to set up your computer’s webcam and microphone and record your answers to the 3 questions. You’ll be provided 20 seconds to think about the question once you’ve read the prompt, and then 1 minute to record your answer. Your video essay will take an estimated 20-25 minutes to complete, including setup.

Kellogg provides practice video essay questions, which simulate the video essay recording experience and allow you to practice giving your answers as many times as you want. This is similar to an MBA mock interview , so we highly encourage you to use the practice questions to get comfortable and rehearse your responses! ","label":"TIP","title":"TIP"}]" code="tab2" template="BlogArticle">

Brainstorming Questions

If you’ve started brainstorming for your Kellogg MBA essays, ask yourself some questions to get your creative juices flowing:

  • When have I acted as leader professionally or personally? How did I create value for myself, my team or others?
  • What has been my biggest challenge as a leader? What did I take away from it?
  • What leadership qualities do I possess? How do they create value for myself or others?
  • What are the 3 most important values for me? Why are they important?
  • Which values define me personally? Which values define me professionally?
  • How do Kellogg’s values align with my own?
  • Why am I choosing Kellogg?
  • What are my short-term and long-term career goals?
  • How will a Kellogg MBA benefit me or help me achieve my goals?

Here are some Kellogg MBA essay examples to help inspire you when writing your own! If you’re looking for more examples from top business schools, read some Chicago Booth MBA essay examples , Stanford MBA personal statement examples , Wharton MBA essay examples or Harvard MBA personal statements .

Kellogg MBA Essay Example #1

Prompt: Kellogg’s purpose is to educate, equip and inspire leaders who create lasting value. Provide a recent example where you have demonstrated leadership and created value. What challenges did you face and what did you learn? 

Recently, I was appointed as the team leader for a major project at my workplace with [company]. The project involved implementing an innovative digital solution to streamline internal communication processes, aiming to enhance efficiency and collaboration within the organization. Because of the company’s move to a hybrid work environment, where employees would be working from home half the week and in-office the rest of the time, there was a need to transition to implement new digital communication processes. As an experienced digital communications and computer technology expert, I was asked to lead the transition. The project was critical to our company's long-term success, and I recognized the opportunity to exhibit leadership and create value for the entire team and the organization.

As the team leader, I initiated the project by carefully studying the existing communication challenges and identifying potential solutions. I independently evaluated which digital options would be most beneficial and feasible for our new hybrid team. Then I organized a series of brainstorming sessions where team members were encouraged to contribute their ideas, fostering a sense of ownership and collaboration. Through active listening and effective communication, I ensured that every team member felt valued and empowered to contribute their unique perspectives and skills. I presented the potential solutions I had vetted and accepted ideas for other solutions so we could debate their value as a team.

To create lasting value, I emphasized the importance of a well-defined project plan and assigned clear roles and responsibilities to each team member. By assigning tasks to key team members, we were able to test our potential digital solutions, identify weaknesses and gaps in communication and assess the overall level of comfort with the transition before implementing it fully. I also prioritized open and transparent communication, providing regular updates to the entire team and addressing any concerns or challenges promptly.

During the project's execution, there was a challenge as some team members were hesitant to adopt the new digital solutions. It required active listening, careful persuasion and showcasing the potential benefits to overcome this resistance. It also required me to work with team members to address their concerns and help them get comfortable with unfamiliar technologies and digital platforms.

Through this experience, I learned the importance of patience and empathy when dealing with resistance to change. Recognizing that people have different comfort levels and motivations allowed me to tailor my approach, fostering a positive environment for collaboration and engagement. By embracing these lessons, I am confident in my ability to lead and create lasting value, aligning with Kellogg's purpose of developing leaders who drive positive change.

Want some more MBA personal statement examples?

Kellogg MBA Essay Example #2

Prompt: Values are what guide us in our life and work. What values are important to you and how have they influenced you?

The three values that have intersected in both my personal and professional life have been empathy, social responsibility and a commitment to learning. In my professional life, I have strived to lead both myself and others with empathy and honesty, to demonstrate and encourage social responsibility and to devote myself to continuous development. In my personal life, these values have remained important to me as well, and I believe these values are indivisible from one another.

These values have influenced me to actively participate in community service initiatives, volunteer work, and sustainability efforts. It has also shaped my career choices, leading me to seek opportunities where I can make a meaningful difference in people's lives and address pressing societal challenges. Currently, I work for an international NGO, which has allowed me to express these personal core values in my professional sphere. I believe that knowledge is a lifelong pursuit and that embracing learning opportunities leads to self-improvement and success. This value has influenced me to seek out new challenges, take risks, and push beyond my comfort zone in my work by accepting new roles and taking on new projects.

By remaining open to new ideas and experiences, I was able to participate in a two-year long project in Haiti, to help provide disaster relief. I have gained a broader perspective and developed adaptability, resourcefulness and deepened my empathy for others. My experiences in Haiti also allowed me to reaffirm my commitment to social responsibility, as I lived and worked alongside good, hardworking people everyday and saw the value of giving back to a community and the healing that comes from rebuilding. Working and living in Haiti allowed me to learn incredible new skills, from well-building to first aid to creative engineering. It taught me that continuous learning doesn’t just involve technical skills but also the development of personal qualities such as resilience, patience and fortitude.

These values of empathy, social responsibility and lifelong learning have guided me through amazing professional growth and opportunities, but they have contributed to deep personal development and improvement, too. I know they will continue to guide me and push me further in both my career and my personal life.

As a top business school, not just in the US but globally, getting accepted to Kellogg is quite competitive. However, the school also has a relatively high acceptance rate among top b-schools, of around 20%, making it one of the easiest MBA programs to get into among the top-ranked business schools.

Yes, the Kellogg MBA essays are an important part of your overall application. Kellogg uses a holistic admissions approach, so any writing example you submit as part of your application will be scrutinized, and it is your chance to distinguish yourself from other qualified applicants.

Kellogg’s MBA program values leadership, social impact, diversity, empathy, creativity and innovation.

No. Kellogg has two required written essays and one optional MBA video essay submission. There are no optional written essay questions.

Although it is optional the video essay is an essential part of your application. It not only allows the admissions committee to put a face to your application, they also want to know your communication style, personality and determine how you fit with the Kellogg community.

Kellogg provides practice questions you can rehearse with as many times as you like, to get comfortable with the video essay format and questions. We highly recommend you treat these practice questions as a sort of mock interview before submitting your official video!

Kellogg provides a word count limit of 450 words for both its required, written MBA essays. 

Yes. Although the MBA video essay is optional, it’s still an excellent chance to expand on your application, share more about your background with the admissions committee and help your application stand out. 

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kellogg values essay sample

Tips for Your Northwestern Kellogg Application Essays 

July 17, 2023

Donna Bauman

Northwestern Kellogg Application Essay Tips, 2023-2024

  • R1 Deadline: September 13, 2023
  • R2 Deadline: January 10, 2024
  • R3 Deadline: April 3, 2024

Kellogg’s essays for the upcoming admissions season represent a fresh update and yet remain consistent with the school’s philosophy of valuing collaborative leadership. These questions will challenge applicants to think one level deeper about the different layers related to leadership and creating impact. Rest assured, however, that Kellogg is still looking for high-impact, low-ego leaders—“the kind of people who elevate the level of everyone in the room without making it all about them”—to loosely quote a former Kellogg admissions staffer when describing how they think about the program’s ideal applicants. 

Consistent with Kellogg’s tradition to holistically review all applicants, the admissions committee has both written essay questions and video response essays to gain as complete a picture of an applicant as possible. Kellogg is also continuing its intention to make the application process less stressful for applicants by allowing people to express interest in multiple MBA program options through the same application. 

Question 1 (450 words)

Kellogg leaders are primed to tackle today’s pressing concerns everywhere, from the boardroom to their neighborhoods. tell us about a time in your life where you’ve needed a combination of skills to solve a problem or overcome a challenge. which skills did you use what did you accomplish.

This question still speaks to Kellogg’s purpose: To educate, equip and inspire leaders who build strong organizations and wisely leverage the power of markets to create lasting value . In answering this question, applicants can draw from different aspects of their life—both professional and personal—to identify the best example of where they have achieved impact in solving a problem. Candidates have the opportunity to be more granular in thinking about the different tools in their skill set to approach solving a problem. Big challenges are not solved by one person, so applicants should think about how they have motivated teams, brought varied perspectives into the decision-making process, and inspired others to achieve meaningful results. 

Applicants can think about breaking this question into a CAR (Challenge/Action/Result) model, wherein the problem is presented along with the specific actions that were taken and the skills used to achieve results. This question also presents applicants with the opportunity to reflect upon their own leadership journey, utilizing self-awareness to recognize and describe how they have made valuable contributions in their professional or extracurricular activities. 

Question 2 (450 words) 

At kellogg, our values are based on research that concludes organizations comprised of leaders with varied backgrounds and perspectives outperform homogeneous ones. how do you believe your personal and professional experiences to date will help to enrich the kellogg community .

In approaching this question, it can be helpful to review the qualities that Kellogg shares on its website regarding its ideal applicants: 


  • Approach business problems with a mix of hard and soft skills.
  • Seek to adapt to the evolving business world with open curiosity and innovation.
  • Believe in strong, empathetic collaboration as a way to strengthen work, perspectives and outcomes.
  • Embrace the power of diversity in your teams and networks.


  • Academic readiness
  • Work experience
  • Professional goals
  • Interpersonal skills”

Kellogg gives applicants the opportunity to reflect further on their personal leadership journey by thinking about how they have problem-solved utilizing the talents of different groups of people. The admissions committee wants applicants to first share an experience when they have embraced diversity—thinking about any of its components: functional, cultural, socioeconomic and even age—and then provide a sense of how applicants can bring those talents to the Kellogg community. In the previous iterations of the Kellogg application, the video essay was the only opportunity candidates had to share how they could contribute to the Kellogg community. In this version, applicants can be specific about naming particular clubs and resources where they can add value. Reach out to students to learn more about the specifics of Kellogg’s offerings, and spend some time thinking about how you can enhance the community. 

If your example in Essay 1 drew on your professional experience, consider how some of your extracurricular experiences can inform your answer to Essay 2—or vice versa—to give Kellogg the fullest version of who you are and what drives your interests.

Certain applicants will respond to an additional question about their interest in our specialty programs. Reapplicants will receive a prompt about their growth since their last application: How have you grown or changed personally and professionally since you previously applied and what steps have you taken to become the strongest candidate you can be? (250 words)

How are you a stronger applicant than when you last applied? Have you retaken the GMAT or GRE? Completed new courses? Been promoted or faced with new challenges at work? Use these 250 words to show growth, change, improvement, and excellence. 

In  Stratus Admissions’ Guide to Getting into Kellogg School of Management   you will find information on a variety of the MBA program’s offerings, such as the Global Hub building, Complete Immersion in Management, the Kellogg Ski Trip, and the Kellogg Tech Conference. This free guide also includes class profile statistics.  Download our guide to learn more about Kellogg!

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2023-2024 Kellogg MBA Essay Tips and Example Essays

Jul 13, 2023

kellogg values essay sample

  • Who is Kellogg looking for?
  • How should I answer the Kellogg essay questions?
  • Make Your Story Shine
  • Kellogg Deadlines

UPDATE : This article was originally posted on August 7, 2018. It has been updated with new information and tips below.

With its Global Hub, Kellogg of Management at Northwestern University has reinforced itself as a haven for collaboratively minded leaders. With its unique MBAi and MMM programs, the school also stands out for those focused on tech and design innovation, respectively. Furthermore, Kellogg is one of the few top business schools in the US to offer a 1-year MBA program. 

However, getting a spot at Kellogg also requires serious smarts, as the school continues to add incredibly appealing majors and pathways, including options on Social Impact and Energy & Sustainability to name a few, getting into Kellogg is more challenging than ever. 

That’s why we’ve prepared this guide to help you use your Kellogg admissions essays to stand out. We’ve rounded up our best tips and links to Kellogg MBA sample essays to ensure you give your Kellogg application your best shot. 

1. Who is Kellogg looking for?


Source: @kelloggschool on Instagram

Each year, Kellogg selects around 500 students to take part in its two-year program. Though there is no one “perfect” type of Kellogg student, the university does favor high test scores (the mean GMAT for the Class of 2024 was 729 and the average GRE score was 163 Quant, 162 Verbal ). 

Additionally, Kellogg is committed to admitting a diverse class, as the composition of the Class of 2024 reflects. 48% of the incoming class are female, 38% are international, 37% are U.S. minorities, and 8% identified as LGBTQ+. 

However, at Kellogg, showing fit with the school goes far beyond having the right GMAT or GRE score. That’s why Kellogg also looks for a set of “soft” skills in its applicants.

Kellogg requirements

In our experience, Kellogg also responds well to applicants with a demonstrated history of giving back.  

So, if this sounds like a community in which you’d be right at home, you’ll have to think of the ways in which you align with the main characteristics of Kellogg’s students. This means forming your business school brand , and then focusing on the aspects of that brand that align with changing the status quo, collaborative leadership, and giving back to society. 

2. How should I answer the Kellogg essay questions?

2.1. essay 1 tips.

Kellogg Leaders are primed to tackle today’s pressing concerns everywhere, from the boardroom to their neighborhoods. Tell us about a time in your life where you’ve needed a combination of skills to solve a problem or overcome a challenge. Which skills did you use? What did you accomplish? (450 words)

After many years retaining the same questions, Kellogg switched things up this year! Yet, leadership still remains at the core of Kellogg’s Essay 1. 

Though you may be tempted to cram in as many examples of leadership as you can in this question, Kellogg clearly asks you for a single experience, though they do not dictate that you must draw this example from your professional experience. 

As such, considering Kellogg’s focus on problem-solving, brainstorm a list of examples in which you faced a clear challenge and were able to overcome it using leadership. 

That means you must focus on examples where your leadership skills were key in solving the problem you faced. As such, an example where your expert programming skills were what helped you face down the challenge won’t work well here. 

Instead, think of examples rich in leadership skills like coaching others to deliver their parts of the project, active listening to ensure a solution was reached, or even resolving conflict. If you’re stumped, you can check out this list of leadership skills for inspiration. 

You may also want to check out how Kellogg defines a Kellogg leader while brainstorming your stories. 

kellogg values essay sample

Additionally, when narrowing down your options to a final choice, make sure you choose an example where you had to face a specific conflict or challenge. If you can’t easily and clearly define the challenge and how you overcame it using specific leadership skills, keep brainstorming!

Finally, make sure your story has a clear outcome or resolution. This shows that your leadership skills are effective! 

Start with a hook introduction that sets the stage and makes your reader want to keep reading to find out what happens. 

Then, show the challenge or challenges you were facing. When writing this essay, do not skim over the conflict part of your story . Though we work hard to avoid conflict in real life, a bit of conflict in your story here demonstrates the efficacy of your leadership skills.  Finally, we truly feel you should stick to the STAR framework to ensure you deliver a winning answer. 

Continue by showing what you did (this is the part in which you’re actively demonstrating your capacity to lead). During this section, focus on showing how you accomplished what you did and why you felt the actions you took were appropriate for the challenge. 

End your essay by showing the result you were able to achieve (we suggest you focus on examples with positive outcomes) and what you learned about leadership in the process. 

TOP TIP : It’s important to name specific skills in the essay. When writing, you want to make sure to utilize phrases like, “I employed my active listening skills to…” or, “In the end, the skill I demonstrated in negotiating with difficult counterparts was…” This will ensure that you fully and clearly answer all aspects of the prompt. You can mention them either throughout the essay or at the end. 

If you have space, you may also include a conclusion sentence that relates how you will apply this lesson at Kellogg. 

Need more guidance? 

Our MBA Resource Center has dozens of Kellogg MBA essays that worked to get our clients admitted to help you plan out a winning Kellogg essay. Our library also includes guides for all top global MBA programs, detailed essay brainstorms, interview tips and mocks, CV templates, and recommendation letter guides. 

Click to join ! 

2.2. Essay 2 Tips

At Kellogg, our values are based on research that concludes organizations comprised of leaders with varied backgrounds and perspectives outperform homogeneous ones. How do you believe your personal and professional experiences to date will help to enrich the Kellogg community? (450 words)

One of the hallmarks of Kellogg’s program is its focus on admitting a diverse class. This means it looks beyond great test scores to see what each applicant can bring to enrich the Kellogg community. This essay is your chance to show off those unique experiences that make you you ! 

For this essay, we highly suggest that you focus on multiple examples. In our experience over the years, 3 ways you plan to contribute tends to work best, though we have seen essays like this with 2 examples and 4 examples work in very special circumstances.  

There are many different ways you can contribute to the Kellogg community, so many different stories and “lessons” you can apply at Kellogg are valid here.  

For example, if you have worked extensively as part of an international team, highlighting a specific experience where diversity was the key to “winning the day” and showing how you would promote diversity while at Kellogg could work very well. 

Or, you might have a specific ability that has proven valuable in analyzing business challenges, might be an outstanding communicator, etc. There really are endless opportunities for this essay. 

When telling your stories, make sure to use the STAR method to ensure you clearly demonstrate what happened, your role in the events, and what you learned. Then, link this lesson to specific resources and opportunities at Kellogg, showing how you will improve the overall community. 

To create an amazing essay, stay focused, do your research on Kellogg, and choose your examples wisely. Showing you’re a leader and team player who fully understands the Kellogg experience and who is prepared to contribute to the Kellogg community is the key to success. 

2.3. 1Y Essay Tips (Applicants to 1 Year MBA Only)

Why is the Kellogg One-Year Program the right fit to help you reach your post-MBA career goals? And what unique academic, personal or professional experience do you bring into this specific program? (250 words)

For this question, we suggest a straightforward statement that includes why the 1-year format is better to help you reach your goals and how the specific elements of the program will support your growth. 

Most importantly, make sure your goals are stated clearly. Goals like “use the MBA to advance in my career” will not cut it here, so make sure you include the details and motivations you need to ensure you demonstrate why you’re ready for a shorter format MBA. 

Finally, you want to make sure to highlight one or two unique experiences that you did not mention in Essay 2 that you can share with the program. Anything works here, as long as it’s relevant and can be concretely tied to some aspect of the Kellogg 1 Year Program.  

2.4. JD/MBA Essay Tips

Please discuss your post-JD-MBA career goals and why the JD-MBA Program is the right program to help you reach those goals. (250 words)

For this question, we suggest a straightforward statement that includes why the additional degree is necessary to reach your goals and specific elements of the program that will support your growth. You want to make sure to include information about any legal training you have, or, if you have no previous legal experience, why you feel it would be essential to complement your MBA experience. 

Writing a 250-word essay can be challenging, but we’ve prepared an in-depth post to help you maximize every word. 

2.5. MBAi Essay Tips

Why is the Kellogg McCormick MBAi Program the right fit to help you reach your post-MBA career goals? And what unique academic, personal or professional experience do you bring into this specific program? (450 words)

Finally, you want to make sure to highlight one or two unique experiences that you did not mention in Essay 2 that you can share with the program. Anything works here, as long as it’s relevant and can be concretely tied to some aspect of the Kellogg MBAi Program. 

2.6. MMM Essay Tips

Why is the MMM Program the right fit to help you reach your post-MBA career goals? And what unique academic, personal or professional experience do you bring into this specific program? (250 words)

Finally, you want to make sure to highlight one or two unique experiences that you did not mention in Essay 2 that you can share with the program. Anything works here, as long as it’s relevant and can be concretely tied to some aspect of the Kellogg MMM Program. 

2.7. Reapplicant Essay Tips

Since your previous application, what steps have you taken to strengthen your candidacy? (250 word limit)

Here, make sure you clearly demonstrate how you have improved since your previous application. We have written extensively on the topic of reapplying to business school here . 

2.8. Optional Essay Tips

All applicants have the opportunity to provide explanations or clarification in Additional Information:

If needed, use this section to briefly describe any extenuating circumstances (e.g. unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance, etc.) (280 words)

First of all, don’t be tempted by the “no word count” element of this question. This is not a place for you to retell your life story or sum up your interest in Kellogg or need for an MBA. Make sure you focus only on weak spots and also discuss what steps you have taken or took to rectify the weaknesses. This essay should be short, sweet, and included only if strictly necessary! 

TOP TIP: Not sure if you need to write an optional essay? Check out our post on the topic here . 

Looking for Kellogg MBA essay examples? 

Check out our real sample essays that got our clients admitted here .

Kellogg MBA Essay Tips and Example Essays

3. We Make Your Story Shine

One of the most common mistakes we see in MBA essays is that candidates fail to tell compelling stories . This is important because if your stories are not compelling, they will not be persuasive. At the same time, they must be backed by strong examples that establish a track record of success and prove to the admissions committees why you belong at their school. 

Striking this balance between content and creativity can be tough, however, as succeeding means not only choosing the right stories but ensuring they are told in an optimal manner. 

This is why our iterative developmental feedback process here at Ellin Lolis Consulting helps you mold your message through the application of our storytelling expertise until it reflects exactly what makes your profile stand out and show fit with your target program. 

Not only can you take advantage of our iterative feedback process through multiple edits – you can also benefit from it after a single review! If your budget is tight, our editors will be happy to help polish your text as much as possible and leave “bonus comments” so you can keep working on it on your own!

No matter how long we work with you, we will always ensure your essays shine . Sign up to work with our team of storytelling experts and get accepted.

4. Kellogg Deadlines

The deadlines for the 2023-2024 season are below. You can access the Kellogg application here . 

kellogg deadlines 2023-24

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Kellogg MBA Essays for 2023-2024

Kellogg MBA essays

Are you targeting Northwestern University’s  Kellogg School of Management ? Then it’s time to shift into high gear. The Kellogg MBA essays and deadlines for the 2023-2024 admissions cycle have been confirmed.

The essays let you explain, in your own words, why you think Kellogg is right for you. Take some time to think through the experiences that led you here and how they have shaped where you want to go.

Kellogg MBA Essays for the Class of 2026

The following two essays are required of all applicants:

Question 1: Kellogg Leaders are primed to tackle today’s pressing concerns everywhere, from the boardroom to their neighborhoods. Tell us about a time in your life where  you’ve  needed a combination of skills to solve a problem or overcome a challenge. Which skills did you use? What did you  accomplish ? (450 words)

Question 2: At Kellogg, our values are based on research that concludes organizations  comprised of leaders with varied backgrounds and perspectives outperform homogeneous ones. How do you believe your personal and professional experiences to date will help to enrich the Kellogg community? (450 words)

Reapplicants : How have you grown or changed personally and professionally since you previously applied and what steps have you taken to become the strongest candidate you can be? (250 words)

All applicants have the opportunity to provide explanations or clarification in  Additional Information . Use this section if you think the person reviewing your application might have a few questions about one or more of your responses. This could include:

  • Unexplained gaps in work experience
  • Academic, GMAT, or GRE performance
  • Extenuating circumstances that we should be aware of when reviewing your application

Video Essays

Per the Kellogg AdCom : We’ve read your essays, we’ve read your resume — now we want you to bring all that to life in a video. Show us the person behind all those carefully crafted words. The video will be comprised of three questions, each designed to help you showcase your personality and share some of the experiences that brought you here today.

We find these videos to be a great opportunity for you to tell us more about your story, experiences and why Kellogg is the right place for you.

Here are some things to keep in mind as you prepare to complete this section:

  • Video essays are due 96 hours after the application deadline.
  • A video essay link will appear on your application status page after you submit your application and payment.
  • You will need an internet-connected computer with a webcam and microphone
  • The video should take about 20-25 minutes to complete, which includes time for setup.

After submitting your application and payment, you will be able to access the video essay through your application status page.

Here are some additional tips:

  • There are practice questions that you may complete as many times as you like to get comfortable with the format and technology. The practice questions and experience will simulate the actual video essay experience, so this is meant to be a useful tool to help you feel prepared.
  • We encourage you to practice so you are comfortable with the format once it is time to complete the official questions. You will not have an opportunity to re-do the answer to the official video essay questions.
  • You will have 20 seconds to think about the question and up to one minute to give your response.

For more information on applying, please visit the Kellogg School MBA admissions website. If you need guidance on your Kellogg essays and MBA application or wish to discuss your MBA plans, reach out for a complimentary analysis of your candidacy. We’re here to help! Meanwhile, here’s a snapshot of the Kellogg expertise on our team:

kellogg values essay sample

SBC’s star-studded consultant team is unparalleled. Our clients benefit from current intelligence that we receive from the former MBA Admissions Officers from Kellogg, Booth and every elite business program in the US and Europe.  These MBA Admissions Officers have chosen to work exclusively with SBC.

Just two of the many superstars on the SBC team: Meet Beth who held the position of Director of Admissions for Kellogg’s Full Time MBA program selecting candidates for the 2-year, 1-year, MMM and JD MBA programs.

Meet Kim , who was an Senior Associate Director of Admissions at Chicago Booth.

Tap into this inside knowledge for your MBA applications by requesting a consultation .

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Table of Contents


The Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University is consistently ranked high and is one of the top seven business schools (“M7”) in the United States. The essay portion of the Kellogg MBA application is unique because it comes in two parts: a written essay and a video essay portion.

The written essays are due along with the application while the video essays are due 96 hours after the application deadline. Once the application and fee have been uploaded, a link will appear on the application portal that will give the applicant access to the video portion.

2022-2023 Kellogg Application Deadlines

Round 1: September 14, 2022

Round 2: January 10, 2023

Round 3: April 5, 2023

To read more about the MBA program at Northwestern, visit The Kellogg School of Management–MBA Program and Application Overview .

Written Essays

The written essay portion is a great place to highlight the skills and experience that can’t be found on your resume or any other part of your MBA application. Your essays should present a compelling, concise, and clear story of your path to business school generally as well as Kellogg specifically. Kellogg requires two essays for all its applicants and a third for certain kinds of applicants (JD-MBA, reapplicants, etc). See the additional questions here .

2022-2023 Prompts

Kellogg’s purpose is to educate, equip and inspire leaders who create lasting value. Provide a recent example where you have demonstrated leadership and created value. What challenges did you face and what did you learn? (450 words)

Reading this prompt closely provides several insights. Firstly, Kellogg asks for an example, not examples. Choose one that makes the most compelling case. Secondly, in asking about challenges, Kellogg acknowledges that leadership comes with difficulties. Talk about the trials you faced throughout the story, don’t just throw them in at the end. Lead the adcom through the ups and downs of the example and make sure that the lessons learned tie into the overall narrative and aren’t tangential.

Values are what guide us in our life and work. What values are important to you and how have they influenced you? (450 words)

This question is purposefully left broad to allow you the space to craft a response that is genuine to your story. A good way to start brainstorming your response is to work backward. Make a list of the major decisions you’ve made in your life and identify why you made them. Then, see if there are any reasons that come up often. Going through the process like this will help you write your response to the second part of the question as well, as how the values have influenced you. You don’t have very many words so stick to one or two of the most important ones and choose examples that concretely show them.

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Video Essays

The video essays are your chance to bring your candidacy to life in a way that is impossible to do on paper. Instead of seeing numbers and credentials, the admissions committee will see a person. The video essay is optional, however, it is definitely strongly preferred that you complete it.

Kellogg says that the video should take about 20-25 minutes to complete, including time for setup. You’ll need to have a stable internet connection as well as a computer with a webcam and microphone. For each question, you’ll have up to one minute to respond.

There are three video essay prompts, all designed to help you make your case for admission. They are as follows:

  • Please introduce yourself to the admissions committee. – What do you want your future classmates and the adcom to know about you? What makes you, you?
  • What path are you interested in pursuing, how will you get there, and why is this program right for you? – Answer honestly and meaningfully, why are you pursuing an MBA and why are you choosing the Kellogg full-time program?
  • One question will be based on a challenge you’ve faced and what you’ve learned from it.

kellogg values essay sample

Kellogg MBA Essay Tips

For each written essay, you are only given 450 words, and for the video you only have a minute for each prompt, both are not a lot. For this reason, make sure that every part of your answer is directly relevant to the question at hand. Here are several tips for acing your essays and making your application that much more competitive.

Use unique stories and anecdotes that aren’t found in other parts of your application.

Essays are a way for you to further expound on your candidacy and provide information that can’t be found elsewhere, whether that be on your resume, letters of recommendation, etc. Be intentional about where you choose to include certain information. If you have an important example that’s a bit lengthier, put it in your written essay. Have a funny or entertaining story? Talk about it in your video essay to add character.

Build Kellogg values into your answers.

After reading your essays and watching your video, the adcom should know exactly why you want to go to Kellogg specifically. You could go to any M7 and be successful and if you can get into one, you can get probably get into another. Even if Kellogg isn’t your top choice, showing that you understand what’s important to the institution will prove to the admissions committee that you care enough to have done some research.

You can do this by reading articles online–both on the school’s official site and third-party publications–taking tours of the campus, talking to alumni, contacting admissions for specific questions, and more. Get creative and work the values into your goals and plans.

Get specific.

When you talk about your strengths and the attributes you portray, make sure you’re providing concrete and specific examples. It’s easy to list off different things; it is much harder to prove how you’ve demonstrated them in the past. They should also be directly and obviously relevant to your overall narrative.

Remember: the admissions committee will not know any information that you don’t explicitly tell them. You have limited space to present a compelling reason that they should give you a seat in the class. Make that more likely by clearly demonstrating what you bring to the table.

Build a cohesive narrative.

At the end of the day, your entire application is basically one long story. Each part of the story should be related to the overall idea. Your candidacy is the culmination of the different parts of you that you’re choosing to present to the adcom.

As you write and film your essays, keep this in mind. Is the example you’re providing directly relevant to the narrative? If not, consider whether it should be there. There is a fine line between trying to portray as much of yourself as you can, in order to show your wide variety of strengths, and focusing on a set of core values. The right balance is usually somewhere in the middle.

Start early!

Start as early as you possibly can on your written essays. Usually, it takes a lot more time than you think it will to write multiple drafts, revise, receive feedback, and polish. For many people, it’s helpful to have a rough idea of your story before you start writing. Working with a coach can be really beneficial for this.

After writing your first draft, put it aside for a few days so that when you go back to it, you’re reading with a fresh perspective. Several drafts later after receiving feedback, read your essay out loud. Doing so will give you an idea of what it will sound like to an admissions committee member.

For the video essays, you should also start early. Practice your responses several times until you feel very comfortable giving them in a smooth manner. The last thing you want is to stumble over your words or be constantly “uhhh” and “umm”-ing your way through the answer. Talk to yourself in the mirror, practice recording yourself on Zoom, or role-play it with a friend.

Hopefully, you find these tips helpful as you put together your Kellogg MBA application. We know that it can be a very stressful process. For personalized, one-on-one advice and guidance, work with a Leland coach . We have lots who are Kellogg alumni who will be able to help you find the right narrative to tell. Here are some of our highest-rated MBA admissions coaches:

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How to Approach the New (!) Kellogg Essays


If you’re applying to Kellogg and have been patiently waiting for them to release their essay questions, the time has come! The prompts have been reworked this year, after a number of application cycles without changes. Without further ado, here are the prompts for this year’s Kellogg essays:

  • Kellogg Leaders are primed to tackle today’s pressing concerns everywhere, from the boardroom to their neighborhoods. Tell us about a time in your life where you’ve needed a combination of skills to solve a problem or overcome a challenge. Which skills did you use? What did you accomplish? (450 words)
  • At Kellogg, our values are based on research that concludes organizations comprised of leaders with varied backgrounds and perspectives outperform homogeneous ones. How do you believe your personal and professional experiences to date will help to enrich the Kellogg community? (450 words)

Note: There is also a third required essay for those applying to a specialized MBA program and/or for those who are reapplying. Finally, Kellogg has three video essay questions that will need to be submitted within 96 hours of the application deadline (a link will be sent to you after you submit your application).

Advice for Approaching the Kellogg Essays

While the Kellogg essays may have changed, the qualities they look for haven’t. Let’s start by defining exactly what those qualities are. Kellogg shares that they value individuals who:

  • Approach business problems with a mix of hard and soft skills.
  • Seek to adapt to the evolving business world with open curiosity and innovation.
  • Believe in strong, empathetic collaboration as a way to strengthen work, perspectives and outcomes.
  • Embrace the power of diversity in your teams and networks.

A strong thread throughout each of these criteria is that Kellogg highly prioritizes soft skills – in short, they want leaders who bring people together to innovate and solve challenges. Before you even consider how you will approach the Kellogg essays, give thought to how you embody this statement and brainstorm examples that prove this is true.  

Think Long and Hard About the Story You Select for Essay One

As the first essay prompt indicates, Kellogg is looking for you to share one concrete ‘story’ in your answer. So, essentially, you have one shot to demonstrate why, as proven by a past experience, you are a strong leader that can overcome challenges and have impact on the organizations of which you are a part. That’s a lot of pressure to put on one story, so it’s important to choose wisely.

Our recommended approach is to brainstorm a variety of stories you could potentially use here and not simply go with the first one that comes to mind. Just because an accomplishment was personally significant to you doesn’t mean it is the best material for this essay.

Most applicants will likely share a professional example, but an extracurricular situation could work equally as well. Whichever you choose, we recommend that it is relatively recent (within the last two years) and involves teamwork of some kind. Kellogg wants to see the kind of leader you are today and given the heavily team-oriented nature of the program, telling a story about a time you accomplished something without the help of others doesn’t demonstrate the fit they are looking for.

Once you’ve brainstormed a list of stories, consider which skills (beyond teamwork, which is non-negotiable) each one highlights. Compare this list of skills with the personal branding you’ve developed earlier in the application process – which story feels most cohesive with the picture you are trying to present of yourself?  Which story highlights the broadest list of MBA-applicable skills, notably those that are important to Kellogg which places a lot of value on soft skills? In fact, we think a successful essay could speak to primarily (if not all) soft skills given Kellogg’s culture and also because hard skills can be showcased through your test score, GPA, and resume. Ask yourself these questions as you narrow down your list to that perfect example.

Revisit Your Personal Branding (Again!) for Essay Two

You may find your head spinning upon reading the second essay prompt, wondering how you’ll possibly narrow down the list of ‘things’ you might share. Note that we’re using the term ‘things’ here because, while the essay prompt references ‘experiences’, we’d suggest that you can also think beyond discrete situations or characteristics and consider including more conceptual influences or themes that make you who you are. For instance, perhaps you’ve lived in seven countries in your lifetime – that combination of ‘experiences’ and their influence on you could be a topic of discussion.

To start, we recommend that you revisit your personal branding work. What formative experiences or influences did you identify as being the driving force behind what you’ve done to date and what you hope to do in the future? Consider these the top contenders for inclusion in this essay because, beyond painting a picture of who you are, they should connect with why Kellogg – and an MBA in general – is right for you (in other words, they tell Kellogg who you are AND, critically, why they should care).

Of note, make sure you don’t lean entirely professional in this essay. Even if you feel like your differentiated work experience is your key ‘selling’ point, it is important to weave in some personal background as well. Kellogg (and business schools in general) want you to bring your whole self to campus, so being comfortable opening up in the application demonstrates you are ready to contribute in this way if admitted.

Once you’ve chosen and described the ‘things’ that make you unique, it is critical to share discrete ways in which you will utilize your perspective, skill set, etc. to improve the experience of others in the Kellogg community. Avoid a laundry list here and, instead, demonstrate you’ve put real thought into how you will contribute on campus with a few specific and impactful examples.

Structure Ideas for the Kellogg Essays

For Essay 1, we recommend a structure somewhat like this:

  • P1: Share the context of the situation you will discuss and the problem or challenge at hand
  • P2: Describe the actions you took, emphasizing elements of teamwork, collaboration, and innovative problem solving
  • P3: Wrap up the story, covering the ‘results’ and the impact you had on your team or organization
  • P4: Summarize the skills you demonstrated as well as any learnings you gained and talk about how you envision applying them at Kellogg and beyond

For Essay 2, we recommend a structure somewhat like this:

  • P1: Introduce the first ‘thing’ that makes you unique, including how it has influenced or changed the way you see the world
  • P2: Describe how you will use this perspective to enrich the Kellogg community
  • P3: Introduce a second ‘thing’ that makes you unique and how it has influenced or shaped you
  • P4: Share another concrete, actionable way you will apply this uniqueness at Kellogg

Kellogg Video Essay Tips

Kellogg requires you to record and submit responses to three questions, which you will not know in advance. The only clues they give are that the questions are designed to ‘help you showcase your personality and share some of the experiences that brought you here today’.

Not knowing the questions can feel intimidating, but we recommend you prepare an introduction of yourself that highlights your personality (hobbies, interests, etc. are fair game!) and also brainstorm a list of the best stories you imagine using for behavioral interview questions.

Procedurally speaking, once the clock starts ticking, you will have 20 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to answer each question. Focus the bulk of your practice on getting the timing right – a minute is shorter than you think! So, practice (out loud!) using the  STAR format  to tell each of your stories within this timeframe so you ensure you don’t get cut off before you can share the awesome ‘result’ you drove.

The post How to Approach the New (!) Kellogg Essays appeared first on Vantage Point MBA .



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  • By Julia Brady

kellogg values essay sample

Kellogg Northwestern updated the two required essays in its 2023-2024 application in significant ways, but as in the past, the essays explore applicant’s approach to leadership and their value system. 

Kellogg also asks you to introduce yourself and “show us the person behind those carefully crafted words” in a video essay. In the video, you’ll respond to three prompts to introduce yourself, your career goal and reasons for seeking a Northwestern MBA, and a challenge you faced and what you learned from it. It’s good to keep this in mind while crafting your essays so you can plan what additional information you might share in the video. For advice on mastering the video, see our related blog on Kellogg MBA Video Essays.

The key to delivering a series of standout essays to Kellogg — from written to video statements — is to embrace your authentic story. Weaving a well-crafted narrative that conveys your passions and clarity of purpose in a way that elicits emotional impact is the secret sauce in creating a connection to an admission reader’s heart.

First, you’ll want to understand why Kellogg is asking each question and what the admissions committee is hoping to uncover. The clues, of course, are embedded within the questions themselves.

Tips for Essay 1

Essay 1 asks: Kellogg leaders are primed to tackle today’s pressing concerns everywhere, from the boardroom to their neighborhoods. Tell us about a time in your life where you’ve needed a combination of skills to solve a problem or overcome a challenge. Which skills did you use? What did you accomplish? ( 450 words; hard cut-off at 480 words)

In this essay, Kellogg is looking to learn about your leadership journey thus far and gain a sense for how you will grow as a leader at Kellogg. Highlighting the role of leadership in addressing “ pressing concerns…from the boardroom to their neighborhoods” reflects a core Kellogg value — that leadership is not something that one turns on or off. Consistently acting as an authentic leader to address any situation is crucial.

The prompt also recognizes that leadership occurs in all kinds of different settings, which invites you to offer an example from a unique context — say, leading from below, or in a volunteer or community setting — if you do not have deep experience in a typical leadership role to draw on.

The heart of the question, “Tell us about a time in your life where you’ve needed a combination of skills to solve a problem or overcome a challenge?” is the opportunity for the applicant to share a compelling example of how they’ve led, guided or facilitated a situation to accomplish a goal or overcome a challenge. Kellogg is focused here on how you put skills into action. And while the subject is “you,” Kellogg leaders recognize the value of bringing others along, and how differences and diverse perspectives create better solutions. 

This is your opportunity to tell a story.  Think through: why must you tell this story?  How is the world, your company or community better off from the skills you used, the actions you took and the contributions you have made? What leadership experiences can you share that reveal you’ve succeeded in elevating people, places and/or circumstances because of your intentional participation? What story will illuminate the significance of this shift, showcasing the situation before you came in, while you were there and after you’ve left? 

Keep in mind this values statement from the Kellogg website: 


  • Approach business problems with a mix of hard and soft skills.
  • Seek to adapt to the evolving business world with open curiosity and innovation.
  • Believe in strong, empathetic collaboration as a way to strengthen work, perspectives and outcomes.
  • Embrace the power of diversity in your teams and networks.

Kellogg wants to get to know the authentic you and enroll those who lead with empathy. They don’t wish to read the ‘heroes’ journey’ where your strength and resilience led to success without thinking about the impact on others. This is an opportunity to reflect how you currently embody Kellogg values and will positively contribute to your classmates’ experience.

Tips for Essay 2 

Essay 2 asks: At Kellogg, our values are based on research that concludes organizations comprised of leaders with varied backgrounds and perspectives outperform homogeneous ones. How do you believe your personal and professional experiences to date will help to enrich the Kellogg community? (450 words; hard cut-off at 480 words)

Here, Kellogg stresses how it values diversity. As the question makes clear, Kellogg’s leadership classes teach that diversity in thought and experience contributes positively to a firm’s performance. In framing the question this way, Kellogg seeks to learn about your lived experiences and values, to assess how you will fit into and contribute to a richly varied and diverse class and community. 

Implicitly, this question invites you to share your identity and background. If your origin story, the circumstances of your childhood, or the environment that you lived or worked in fundamentally shaped your values and how you contribute to the diversity of a team, that can be good territory to mine if you wish. Your personal story can share how those forces and experiences informed the person you are today and your aspirations for the future.

To address the spirit of this essay, start by identifying the values that you lean into, particularly when faced with a challenging situation. Kellogg is looking to understand what it is that inspires, drives and motivates you. Candidates who do the thoughtful introspection required to write with authenticity and substance will deliver a valuable view into who they are as a person, not just the workings of your intellect or the details of your resume.

Your values inherently extend beyond yourself, into your relationships with people and the places where you imagine making a positive impact. In considering examples to share as you reflect on your “personal and professional experiences”, what were the challenges or opportunities you encountered and how did you respond in ways that reflect your diversity of thought, background and/or how you bring that out in others in responding to challenges?

This question is another opportunity to dig deep and get personal. The essay begins, “How do you believe your personal and professional experiences to date…” You can use this to provide an overview of ways you’ve built and led diverse teams or contributed to the diversity of thought or background to an organization. Since the prompt asks for ‘experiences’ yet the essay is limited to 450 words, it will be important to concisely paint a high-level picture of the values that shape you as a leader and what you have gained from those experiences that will allow you to enrich the Kellogg community — then go deeper on one of the experiences.

Finally, address how will your values and perspectives influence the type of experience you create for your future Kellogg classmates? What might you contribute as well as gain from the Kellogg experience?: 

Formatting Guidelines: You can either upload your essays as a file or copy and paste your essay text into the form: Be sure to include the essay prompt in bold at the top of your essay. If you’re uploading a document, please use 12-point Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing and 1-inch margins.

View our  Kellogg & Chicago Booth Admissions Masterclass , an hour-long strategy session with essential advice and insight from Fortuna’s former Kellogg & Booth gatekeepers. View other MBA Essay Masterclasses in our series on Fortuna’s YouTube channel. 

Decoding the Kellogg MBA Video Essays

Lastly, Kellogg asks each applicant to complete a video essay component after submitting the application, and its new third question is a doozy. View our related blog for advice on how to tackle the Kellogg MBA Video Essays , including tips for performing well on camera.

Let’s Get You In.

Fortuna Admissions is a dream team of former MBA Admissions Directors and Officers from 18 of the top 20 business schools, including Kellogg. With our unparalleled collective expertise, we are able to coach you to develop a clear vision of your goals for business school and beyond. We work closely with you throughout the application process and provide expert guidance at every stage to maximize your chances of admission to a top school.

Our free consultations are consistently rated as the best in the industry. To learn more about Fortuna and assess your chances of admission to Wharton and other top programs, request a free consultation .

Want More Advice?

Check out our team’s latest articles, videos, and analysis related to how to get into Kellogg:

  • Kellogg 2023-2024 Essay Tips
  • Kellogg MBA Video Essays & How to Tackle Them
  • Kellogg MBA Interview: What You Need To Know + 7 Tips on How to Prepare
  • M7 Admissions Masterclass: Kellogg & Chicago Booth
  • Business School Profile on Kellogg
  • Request the Kellogg Insider Tips Report

Updated July 14, 2023

Julia Brady is an Expert Coach at MBA admissions coaching firm   Fortuna Admissions   and formerly served as  Managing Director at Kellogg & Former Senior Associate Dean, UChicago . For a candid assessment of your chances of admission success at a top MBA program, sign up for a   free consultation.

  • Posted on July 14, 2023

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Kellogg MBA Values Essay - Examples and Writing Tips

Essay 2: at kellogg, our values are based on research that concludes organizations comprised of leaders with varied backgrounds and perspectives outperform homogeneous ones. how do you believe your personal and professional experiences to date will help to enrich the kellogg community.

Value is a broad topic. Without decoding what Kellogg stands for, you might quote values that might seem noble for the general population but look misplaced in an MBA Application essay.

We follow a simple three-step strategy – what Kellogg has stated, how Kellogg positions through their regular communication (twitter, blogs, email) and the recruitment trends based on incoming class profile & post-MBA placement.

What Kellogg has Stated

There is no better place to find what a brand/school stands for than reading their mission/vision/purpose.

Kellogg’s purpose is To educate, equip and inspire brave leaders who build strong organizations and wisely leverage the power of markets to create lasting value.

Building a strong organization requires

a) Fearless leadership with a long-term view b) Maturity to recognize competitive threats c) Allocating and utilizing resources to address short-term and long-term strategic goals

To meet the three objectives, the leader should have

a) Courage to set ambitious goals and make tough decisions b) The empathy that contributes towards active listening and problem solving c) Emotional intelligence to motivate the team d) An impact-oriented mindset that gives long-term value

Value: Courage, Empathy, Impact-Oriented

What Kellogg Communication/Blog states?

Kellogg clearly positions itself as a school that has championed the cause of women leaders and applicants. ‘Inclusivity’ as a value is essential to reverse an earlier stagnant 30-35% women representation in top MBA program to close to 50% in 2019-20.

Value: Inclusivity, Integrity

What do the incoming class and post-MBA job function states about the values that have attracted top Employers?

The 26% from humanities and 50% from Economics/Business – a combined total that is 76% from backgrounds that value cross-functional thinking and extraversion, clearly highlights Kellogg’s history of accepting students who can develop systemized thinking in a complex, uncertain environment instead of finding a template for a repeatable problem that Technologists/Engineers are capable of developing on a whim.

The real-world market requires such cross-functional understanding and open-mindedness to accept variables that could jeopardize initial plans.

Value: Open Mindedness, Humility

To summarize, the values that resonate most with the Kellogg culture are:

1) Inclusivity

Inclusivity has been the buzzword for top MBA programs. The percentage of women candidates and the US minority representation are the truths that separate the virtue signalers from the doers. Kellogg leads when it comes to representing women candidates at 46%. The school expects candidates with an ‘inclusive’ mindset.

Read the Example of an Applicant who changed the traditional recruitment formula by expanding the talent pool to include diverse backgrounds

2) Integrity

Since a large percentage of applicants are from Sales/Marketing & consulting background, the risk of attracting the ‘talkers’ with no moral compass is high. The leadership and values essays are designed to weed out such applicants. Kellogg also becomes the only school with no option to directly quote the school’s curriculum. The focus is exclusively on the integrity of your character – as a leader and an individual contributor.

3) Open-Mindedness

The value is extremely useful in solving complex functional and industry problems. Candidates with a ‘set’ mindset will not question their assumptions. An open-mindedness to question the client’s assumptions on their product/service, competitors, and market dynamics become the tool to find consulting solution or design products/marketing message that connects with potential customers.

4) Humility

A team player has the humility to recognize their team in the essays and pass on credits wherever it is deserved. The unnecessary persistence in a failed path also results from a lack of humility to recognize one’s folly.

In a class environment, open-mindedness and humility act as the lubricant for learning complex concepts.

Humblebragging, a tested and surprisingly effective tool in MBA admissions, is not humility.

Humility requires casually slipping in impressive achievements without any unnecessary adjectives. The scale of your achievement should be obvious and force the admission team to re-read the sentences several times.

Courage cannot be taught. Most of you are courageous in some contexts.

Some of you can easily stand in front of a 1000-member audience and speak about income inequality or the pressure a woman faces to balance their professional career and personal life.

Some of you have a high threshold for pain and take on adventure sports as if it is a stroll in the park.

Your brain has been uniquely wired.

Reflect and find an event where you took an action that most of the applicants might never have taken. That is courage.

Empathy is not the tilting of your head in sympathy with someone who is suffering. That leads to social media posts and virtue signaling all for the benefit of ‘you’ not the ‘victim.’

To empathize, you must let go of your ego for a moment and wear the shoes of the person with whom you are communicating. The value is highly effective in defining the problem in consulting, developing solutions in technology, and capturing the essence of the brand in marketing.

Read the Example of an Applicant who explored the high churn rate of users for a Tech Giant's Office Productivity Suite

7) Impact-Oriented

Not all of you are impact oriented. That is fine. If you work with a Fortune 500 company, you have been conditioned to focus on immediate problems and not to sneak outside your function. Within the role, find instances where you focused on maximizing the impact. It is not just about cross-functional or company-wide impact.

When you write essays, refer to these 7 values. Preferably mention events/life experiences that have at least 3-4 from the list.

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Stanford MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class) 

  • Sample Why Stanford MBA Essay (Consulting)(396 words)     
  • Sample Why Stanford MBA Essay (Tech Entrepreneur) (389 words)     
  • Sample Why Stanford MBA: Career Switching (Finance to Green Energy Consulting) (388 Words)     
  • Sample Why Stanford MBA: Career Switching (Private Equity to Operations) (384 Words)     
  • Sample Why Stanford MBA: Career Switching (Industry and Function – Oil & Gas to Consulting in Operations) (389 Words)    
  • Sample Why Stanford MBA: Career Switching (Design Engineer in Automobiles to Managing the Products of the Future) (391 Words)    
  • Sample Why Stanford MBA: Career Switching (Accounting to Private Equity) (395 Words)     
  • Sample Why Stanford MBA: Dual Degree (MBA and Public Policy) (380 Words)     
  • Sample Why Stanford MBA: Dual Degree (Investment Banking to Venture Capital) (393 Words)     
  • Sample Why Stanford MBA:  NASA Missions to Mitigating Risks of Global Flooding (393 Words)     
  • Sample Essay A: What matters most to you, and why? (613 Words)(Balance in Life)     
  • Sample Essay A: What matters most to you, and why? (645 Words)(Veterans PTSD and Healing)    
  • Sample Essay A: What matters most to you, and why? (649 Words)(Vulnerability and Learning)    
  • Sample Essay A: What matters most to you, and why? (642 Words)(Education and Investment)     
  • Sample Essay A: What matters most to you, and why? (602 Words)(Freedom and Commitment)     
  • Sample Essay A: What matters most to you, and why? (646 Words)(Savor Every Moment and Be Present)     
  • Sample Essay A: What matters most to you, and why? (632 Words)(Power of Restlessness)     
  • Sample Essay A: What matters most to you, and why? (619 Words)( The Slums, A Tragedy and the Search for a Systemic Solution)     
  • Sample Essay A: What matters most to you, and why? (640 Words)(Privilege to Serving the Most Vulnerable)     
  • Sample Essay A: What matters most to you, and why? (Generative AI, Bias, and Safety) (649 Words)     
  • Sample Essay A: What matters most to you, and why? (Truth from Interpreting Right, Left, and Centre Narratives) (648 Words)    
  • Sample Stanford MBA Positive IMPACT Optional Essay (Flexible Hours for Working Mothers)(200 Words)    
  • Sample Stanford MBA Positive IMPACT Optional Essay (Cross-Functional Collaboration to Mitigate a Toxic Culture) (192 Words)    
  • Sample Stanford MBA Positive IMPACT Optional Essay (Introduced Analytics for monitoring performance) (200 Words)   

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Harvard MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class)

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  • Sample Harvard MBA Essay – Entrepreneurship as an Identity and supporting minority Entrepreneurs (664 Words)     
  • Sample Harvard MBA Essay – Following Passion and consciously challenging oneself (711 Words)     
  • Sample Harvard MBA Essay – Life Starts at No (618 Words)     
  • Sample Harvard MBA Essay – Establishing a Cooperative and Transforming Rural Telecom (695 Words)     
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  • Sample Harvard MBA Essay – Military and the search for IMPACT (826 Words)     
  • Sample Harvard MBA Essay – Numbers to Healthcare Entrepreneurship (820 Words)     
  • Sample Harvard MBA Essay – The American Dream and Harvard’s Peers (662 Words)    
  • Sample Harvard MBA Essay - Volunteering (Marketing in Volunteering) (Mental Health Awareness) (758 Words)    
  • Sample Harvard MBA Essay - Stoic Disregard for Setbacks and value of Freedom (636 Words)     
  • Sample Harvard MBA Essay – Consulting vs. the Power of Data (535 Words)    
  • Sample Harvard MBA Essay – Guilt of working in the Oil & Gas Industry (592 Words)     
  • Sample Harvard MBA Essay – Breaking Away from Family Business (607 Words)     
  • Sample Harvard MBA Essay – Trauma, Healing and Finding Authentic Self (843 Words)    
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  • Sample Harvard MBA Essay – Starting Over Again (861 Words)     
  • Sample Harvard MBA Essay – Gaming for Good (840 Words)    

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Chicago Booth MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class)

  • Sample Booth Goals Essay #1: Oil & Gas to Consulting (474 Words)   
  • Sample Booth Goals Essay #2: Social IMPACT to Marketing (469 Words)   
  • Sample Booth Goals Essay #3: Accounting to Entrepreneurship (490 Words)   
  • Sample Booth Goals Essay #4: Technology (Programming to Product Development) (493 Words)   
  • Sample Booth Goals Essay #5: Media Sales to Consulting (Food and Beverages Industry) (522 Words)   
  • Sample Booth Goals Essay #6: Economic Development to IMPACT investing (586 Words)   
  • Sample Booth Tell Us who you are:Father’s Restaurant Business and Leadership (451 Words)
  • Sample Booth Tell Us who you are: Teaching and Scientific Temperament as a Virtue (654 Words)   
  • Sample Booth Tell Us who you are: Learning from Tragedy (610 Words)   
  • Sample Booth Tell Us who you are: Risk Taking and Learning (Reimagining the Food Supply Chain)(628 Words)   
  • Sample Booth Tell Us who you are: Nature or Nurture (Hunting and Conservationism) (497 Words)   
  • Sample Booth Tell Us who you are: Single Parent and Entrepreneurship (631 Words)

Download Chicago Booth MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class) (12 Sample Essays)

Columbia MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class)

  • Sample Columbia Goals Essay 1: Enterprise Technology to Consumer Marketing (495 Words)
  • Sample Columbia Goals Essay 2: Healthcare (Finance to Consulting) (499 Words)    
  • Sample Columbia Goals Essay 3: FinTech (Product Manager to Strategy) (473 Words)    
  • Sample Columbia Goals Essay 4: IMPACT Investing (Accounting to IMPACT Investing) (447 Words)    
  • Sample Columbia Goals Essay 5: Digital Strategy – Media Technology (Journalism to Media Tech) (454 Words)    
  • Sample Columbia Goals Essay 6: Scaling Boutique Investment Management Firm (492 Words)    
  • Sample Columbia PPIL Essay: Onboarding a non-traditional Candidate (243 Words)    
  • Sample Columbia PPIL Essay: Changing Biases in the Algorithm (244 Words)    
  • Sample Columbia PPIL Essay: Improving Women’s Success Potential (Oil & Gas Industry) (245 Words)    
  • Sample Columbia PPIL Essay: Recommending Unionization (Railway Project) (250 Words)    
  • Sample Columbia PPIL Essay: Recommending Social Media Controls (Liberal Applicant with Conservative peers) (247 Words)    
  • Sample Columbia Fit Essay: Value from NYC (246 Words)    
  • Sample Columbia Fit Essay: Auto Manufacturer (Family Business – Value from EIR) (249 Words)    
  • Sample Columbia Fit Essay: Unique Insights from Mentors (250 Words)    
  • Sample Columbia Fit Essay: Strategic Direction for a Once in a lifetime Opportunity (249 Words)    
  • Sample Columbia Fit Essay: Real Estate Development with ESG Goals and Columbia EIR’s Expertise (242 Words)    
  • Sample Columbia MBA Leader I admire Essay #1 (Tech Entrepreneur) (286 Words)
  • Sample Columbia MBA Leader I admire Essay #2 (Father) (275 Words)    
  • Sample Columbia MBA Leader I admire Essay #3 (Mother) (279 Words)    
  • Sample Columbia MBA Leader I admire Essay #4 (Math Teacher) (289 Words)    
  • Sample Columbia MBA Leader I admire Essay #5 (Co-Founder) (285 Words)   

Download Columbia MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class) (21 Sample Essays)

Wharton MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class)

  • Sample Wharton MBA Essay 1: What do you hope to gain professionally from the Wharton MBA? (Consulting to Finance) (493 words)    
  • Sample Wharton MBA Essay 2: What do you hope to gain professionally from the Wharton MBA? (VC to Consulting (Healthcare))(477 Words)    
  • Sample Wharton MBA Essay 3: What do you hope to gain professionally from the Wharton MBA? (Business Development to Finance (Non-Profit in Energy))(495 Words)
  • Sample Wharton MBA Essay 4: What do you hope to gain professionally from the Wharton MBA? (Digital Marketing to Marketing Strategy) (498 Words)    
  • Sample Wharton MBA Essay 5: What do you hope to gain professionally from the Wharton MBA? General Management (Consulting – Building a Strong Management Fundamentals and International Perspective)(498 Words)    
  • Sample Wharton MBA Essay 6: What do you hope to gain professionally from the Wharton MBA? IMPACT Investing (Experience Outside Govt. Organizations)(490 Words)    
  • Sample Wharton MBA Essay 7: What do you hope to gain professionally from the Wharton MBA? (Incubation & Angel Investing to Venture Capital) (471 Words)    
  • Sample Wharton MBA Essay 8: What do you hope to gain professionally from the Wharton MBA? (Tech Entrepreneur to Product Manager with Strong Business Fundamentals) (497 Words)    
  • Sample Wharton MBA Essay 9: Math Tutoring and Experimental music’s value for the Wharton Community (388 Words)    
  • Sample Wharton MBA Essay 10: Non-Profit – Obesity Epidemic and Healthy Lifestyle at Wharton (398 Words)    
  • Sample Wharton MBA Essay 11: Non-Profit – Energy-Efficient Offices for Start-ups and value of Design Thinking in the Wharton Community (392 Words)
  • Sample Wharton MBA Essay 12: Non-Profit (Personalized Education for Low-Income Students) (397 Words)    
  • Sample Wharton MBA Essay 13: Process Innovation in Investment Banking (360 Words)    
  • Sample Wharton MBA Essay 14: Radical Solution for the Hispanic Community in Philadelphia (400 Words)    
  • Sample Wharton MBA Essay 15: Climate Change – Shaming to Inclusive Strategy with Empathy (392 Words)  

Download Wharton MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class) (15 Sample Essays)

MIT Sloan MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class)

  • Sample Cover Letter – Technology to Consulting (284 Words)
  • Sample Cover Letter – Healthcare Entrepreneurship (297 Words)
  • Sample Cover Letter – Consulting to Technology (298 Words)
  • Sample Cover Letter – Wealth Management to FinTech (299 Words)
  • Sample Cover Letter – Manufacturing to Consulting (Retail) (299 Words)
  • Sample Cover Letter – Strategy to Consulting (297 Words)
  • Sample Video Statement – Technology Consultant with the ambition to transform Education (161 Words)
  • Sample Video Statement - Accounting Professional with a unique patent (142 Words)
  • Sample Video Statement – Oil & Gas Professional with a passion for Flying and Exploration(152 Words)
  • Sample MIT World Shaped Who You Are Essay – Homeschooling (248 Words)    
  • Sample MIT World Shaped Who You Are Essay – War Trauma (242 Words)    
  • Sample MIT World Shaped Who You Are Essay – Military Upbringing (242 Words)    

Download MIT MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class) (12 Sample Cover Letters and Essays)

Haas MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class)

  • Sample Haas What Makes you feel Alive (Start-up in Cryptocurrency) (291 Words)    
  • Sample Haas What Makes you feel Alive (Design as a tool for Change) (296 Words)    
  • Sample Haas What Makes you feel Alive (Flying and AI in Healthcare)(299 Words)    
  • Sample Haas What Makes you Feel Alive (Learning, Failing and Prototyping)(289 Words)    
  • Sample Haas What Makes you feel Alive (Affordable Education and Satellite Technology) (271 Words)    
  • Sample Haas What Makes you feel Alive (Future-Proofing the Underprivileged) (Climate Change) (299 Words)    
  • Sample Haas Career Goals Essay (Technology Consulting to Strategy) (284 Words)    
  • Sample Haas Career Goals Essay (Product Management to Venture Capital in AI) (293 Words)    
  • Sample Haas Career Goals Essay (Corporate Finance to Consulting) (292 Words)    
  • Sample Berkeley Haas Embody Four Defining Principles Video Essay (Team Building – Technology) (Questioning Status Quo & Beyond Yourself) (277 Words)
  • Sample Berkeley Haas Embody Four Defining Principles Video Essay (Student Always) (Adaptability, IMPACT Oriented and Intellectual Curiosity) (276 Words)    
  • Sample Berkeley Haas Embody Four Defining Principles Video Essay (Beyond Yourself) (Adaptability, IMPACT Oriented and Intellectual Curiosity) (247 Words)    
  • Sample Berkeley Haas Embody Four Defining Principles Video Essay (Confidence Without Attitude) (Adaptability, and IMPACT Oriented) (287 Words)    50
  • Sample Berkeley Haas Embody Four Defining Principles Video Essay (Question the Status Quo) (Adaptability, Leveraging Power for Good and Impact-Oriented) (216 Words)    
  • Sample Berkeley Haas Embody Four Defining Principles Video Essay (Beyond Yourself) (Adaptability and Leveraging Power for Good) (294 Words)
  • Sample Haas MBA Essay on DEI  (Building Inclusive Teams to Address Domestic Violence Among Native Americans)  (300 Words)    
  • Sample Haas MBA Essay on DEI  (Silicon Valley and Black Entrepreneurs) (295 Words)    
  • Sample Haas MBA Essay on DEI (DEI in Design) (298 Words)   

Download Haas MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class) (18 Sample Essays)

Yale SOM MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class)

  • Sample Yale SOM Commitment MBA Essay: Business Development (Mobile Phone Start-Up)(474 Words)    
  • Sample Yale SOM Commitment MBA Essay: Investment Banking  and Teaching (499 Words)    
  • Sample Yale SOM Commitment MBA Essay: Consulting and Listening (413 Words)    
  • Sample Yale SOM Commitment MBA Essay: Technology and Commitment to Learning (438 Words)    
  • Sample Yale SOM Commitment MBA Essay: Marketing (489 Words)    
  • Sample Yale SOM Commitment MBA Essay: Entrepreneurship (497 Words)    
  • Sample Yale SOM Commitment MBA Essay: IMPACT Investing (479 Words)    
  • Sample Yale SOM Commitment MBA Essay: Oil & Gas to Clean Energy (Consulting) (435 Words)    
  • Sample Yale SOM Commitment MBA Essay: Angel Investing and Rural Entrepreneurship (490 Words)    
  • Sample Yale SOM Community MBA Essay: Mental Health and Fitness Community(498 Words)    
  • Sample Yale SOM Community MBA Essay: Neighborhood as a Community (496 Words)    
  • Sample Yale SOM Community MBA Essay: Library as a Community Space (489 Words)    
  • Sample Yale SOM Significant Challenge MBA Essay: Scarcity to Growth Mindset (486 Words)    
  • Sample Yale SOM Significant Challenge MBA Essay: COVID-19 Vaccine Development (498 Words)    
  • Sample Yale SOM Significant Challenge MBA Essay: Leadership in Startup to Leadership in Fortune 500  (496 Words)   

Download Yale MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class) (15 Sample Essays)

Ross MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class)   Prompt 1: I want people to know that I    

  • Sample MBA Essay: Finance Professional who was a former member of a rock band (89 Words)    
  • Sample MBA Essay: Marketing Professional with a hidden talent to do Impression (80 Words)    
  • Sample MBA Essay: Life Philosophy through the prism of an Entrepreneurial failure (88 Words)    
  • Sample MBA Essay: Overcoming the Fear of Speaking in front of an Audience (97 Words)    
  • Sample MBA Essay: Communicating Inconvenient Truth (99 Words)    

Prompt 2: I made a difference when I    

  • Sample MBA Essay: Consulting for a Pharma Giant (Made a Difference) (97 Words)    
  • Sample MBA Essay: Three-Level Sanitation Campaign (95 Words)    
  • Sample MBA Essay: Water Conservation Kit (84 Words)    
  • Sample MBA Essay:  Book Donation and Its IMPACT (91 Words)    
  • Sample MBA Essay:  Parental Leave and Flexible Time (96 Words)    

Prompt 3: I was aware that I was different when    

  • Sample MBA Essay: I am aware that I am different (Leadership and Culture) (91 Words)    
  • Sample MBA Essay: I am aware that I am different (Technology Project and Last-minute change) (91 Words)    
  • Sample MBA Essay: I am aware that I am different (Making Business metrics relevant to a Creative team) (83 Words)    
  • Sample MBA Essay: I am aware that I am different (Feedback seeking) (81 Words)    
  • Sample MBA Essay: I am aware that I am different (Challenging Established Way of Thinking) (100 Words)    

Prompt 1: I am out of my comfort zone when    

  • Sample MBA Essay: Out of my comfort zone(extra-curricular) (85 Words)    
  • Sample MBA Essay: Out of my comfort zone (Daily Science Show) (100 Words)    
  • Sample MBA Essay: Simplifying Operations for Manufacturing (extra-curricular) (88 Words)    

Prompt 2: I was humbled when    

  • Sample MBA Essay: Losing client (96 Words)    
  • Sample MBA Essay: Misreading Market Conditions (88 Words)    
  • Sample MBA Essay: Strategic Planning vs. Tactical Dominance in Chess (93 Words)    

Prompt 3: I was challenged when    

  • Sample MBA Essay: I was challenged when (Change in Scope) (100 Words)    
  • Sample MBA Essay: I was challenged when (Team Failed) (98 Words)    

Pick One Thing from your Resume and Tell us More

  • Sample Essay – Pick One Thing from your resume and tell us more (Consulting for Small Business During COVID) (100 Words)
  • Sample Essay – Pick One Thing from your resume and tell us more (Negotiating Design Changes – Cross-functional and Global communication) (100 Words)    
  • Sample Essay – Pick One Thing from your resume and tell us more (Entrepreneurship) (100 Words)    
  • Sample Essay – Pick One Thing from your resume and tell us more (Event Organization – During COVID) (99 Words)    
  • Sample Essay – Pick One Thing from your resume and tell us more (First Job – Career Switcher BA in English to Investment Management) (100 Words)

Short-Term Goals Essay

  • Sample Essay – Short-term Goals and why the goal is the right choice for you (Private Investment as a Tool for Change) (150 Words)    
  • Sample Essay – Short-term Goals and why the goal is the right choice for you (Education to Consulting) (150 Words)    
  • Sample Essay – Short-term Goals and why the goal is the right choice for you (Software Development to Sales to Marketing) (148 Words)  

  Download Ross MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class) (31 Sample Essays)

  Darden MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class)

  • Sample Darden MBA Essay – About you Not in Resume (100 Words) (Near Death Experience)    
  • Sample Darden MBA Essay – About you Not in Resume  (100 Words) (Passion and Networking)    
  • Sample Darden MBA Essay – About you Not in Resume (100 Words) (Persistence)    
  • Sample Darden MBA Essay – About you Not in Resume (95 Words) (Climate Change – A Uniting theme)
  • Sample Darden MBA Essay – About you Not in Resume (96 Words) (Science Fiction)    
  • Sample Darden MBA Essay – Inclusive Leadership (Revamping Recruitment Process) (298 Words)    
  • Sample Darden MBA Essay – Inclusive Leadership (Obesity and Hunger) (Rural America) (272 Words)    
  • Sample Darden MBA Essay – Inclusive Leadership (Decoding Vaccine Hesitation) (298 Words)    
  • Sample Darden MBA Essay – Inclusive Leadership (Team Diversity)(297 Words)    
  • Sample Darden MBA Essay – Inclusive Leadership (Interpreting a foreign culture) (258 Words)    
  • Sample Darden MBA Essay – Leadership (First Leadership Lesson) (289 Words)    
  • Sample Darden MBA Essay: Short-term Post-MBA career goal and align long-term vision (197 words) (Technology to Consulting and Boutique Consulting)    
  • Sample Darden MBA Essay: Short-term Post-MBA career goal and align long-term vision (200 words)  (Product Management and CEO)    
  • Sample Darden MBA Essay: Short-term Post-MBA career goal and align long-term vision (200 words) (Investment Banking to Private Equity)    
  • Sample Darden MBA Essay: Short-term Post-MBA career goal and align long-term vision (199 words)  (Strategy Consulting – Change in Industry)    
  • Sample Darden MBA Essay: Short-term Post-MBA career goal and align long-term vision (197 words) (Operations to Corporate Finance)    
  • Sample Essay – Where you want to go with Darden (47 Words) (Uganda)    
  • Sample Essay – Where you want to go with Darden (49 Words) (Sweden)    
  • Sample Essay – Where you want to go with Darden (48 Words) (China)    
  • Sample Essay – Where you want to go with Darden (49 Words) (Israel)    
  • Sample Essay – Where you want to go with Darden (50 Words) (Germany)    

  Download Darden MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class) (21 Sample Essays)

Duke Fuqua MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class)

  • Sample Duke Fuqua Post-MBA Career Goals (90 Words) (Product Marketing for FinTech start-up)    
  • Sample Duke Fuqua Post-MBA Career Goals (98 Words)(Financial Consulting to Management Consulting)    
  • Sample Duke Fuqua Post-MBA Career Goals (100 Words) (IB to Entrepreneurship)    
  • Sample Duke Fuqua Post-MBA Career Goals (95 Words) (ML to Marketing)  
  • Sample Duke Fuqua Post-MBA Career Goals (100 Words) (Healthcare to Retail)   
  • 25 Random Things: Chinese Female Engineer     
  • 25 Random Things: Indian Product Manager with Strong Community Engagement
  • Sample Duke Fuqua Essay: The Fuqua community and you (Consulting) (Max 1 Page) (279 Words)    
  • Sample Duke Fuqua Essay: The Fuqua community and you (Max 1 Page) (Education Club) (295 Words)    
  • Sample Duke Fuqua Essay: The Fuqua community and you (Performance-Based Micropayments) (Max 1 Page) (256 Words)    
  • Sample Duke Fuqua Essay: The Fuqua community and you (Transforming Grant Making for a Family Foundation) (Max 1 Page) (300 Words)    
  • Sample Duke Fuqua Essay: The Fuqua community and you (Addressing Bias in Patient Experience) (Max 1 Page) (299 Words)  

  Download Duke Fuqua MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class) (12 Sample Essays)

NYU Stern MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class)

  • Sample NYU Stern Essay: Short-Term Career Goals (150 Words) (Finance)    
  • Sample NYU Stern Essay: Short-Term Career Goals (146 Words) (Consulting)    
  • Sample NYU Stern Essay: Short-term Career Goals (148 Words)(Product Management)    
  • Sample NYU Stern Essay: Short-Term Career Goals (149 Words)(Marketing Consulting – Fortune 500 New Media Companies)    
  • Sample NYU Stern Essay: Short-Term Career Goals (150 Words)(Retail Family Business to Luxury)    
  • Sample NYU Stern Change Essay: Dare It (Finance Candidate – Immigrant Family) (350 Words)    
  • Sample NYU Stern Change Essay: Dare It (Communication Gap Around Mandate to Return to Office – Investment Banker) (347 Words)  
  • Sample NYU Stern Change Essay: Dream It (Consultant – Understanding long-term Goal and Personal Fears) (334 Words)    
  • Sample NYU Stern Change Essay: Dream It (EdTech Non-Profit Serving Cincinnati) (349 Words)    
  • Sample NYU Stern Change Essay: Drive It (Entrepreneurial Thinking – Fortune 500 Company)(340 Words)    
  • Sample NYU Stern Change Essay: Drive It (Sports Injury to Media Startup)(348 Words)    
  • Sample NYU Stern Change Essay: Empower It (Healthy Eating for SNAP beneficiaries)(347 Words)    
  • Sample NYU Stern Change Essay: Empower It (FinTech and Behavioral Metrics in Non-Profit)(346 Words)
  • Sample NYU Stern Change Essay: Manifest It (Helping Junior Bankers Manage Mental & Physical Health) (338 Words)    
  • Sample NYU Stern Change Essay: Manifest It (Addressing Homelessness Among Teenagers in Baltimore) (346 Words)  

Download NYU Stern MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class) (15 Sample Essays + 6 Visual Essay Examples)

Kellogg MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class)

  • Sample Essay 1: Demonstrated Leadership, the challenges you faced and Skills Used (Marketing) (425 Words)    
  • Sample Essay 2: Demonstrated Leadership, the challenges you faced and Skills Used (Technology) (450 Words)    
  • Sample Essay 3: Demonstrated Leadership, the challenges you faced and Skills Used (Non-Profit) (441 Words)    
  • Sample Essay 4: Demonstrated Leadership, the challenges you faced and Skills Used (Product Manager) (437 Words)    
  • Sample Essay 5: Demonstrated Leadership, the challenges you faced and Skills Used (Addressing IMPLICIT Biases IN VC Community) (447 Words)    
  • Sample Essay 6: Demonstrated Leadership, the challenges you faced and what you learned (Leadership in Digitization) (447 Words)
  • Sample Essay #1: Diverse Leaders. Enrich Kellogg Community Essay? (Inclusive Hiring) (440 Words)    
  • Sample Essay #2: Diverse Leaders. Enrich Kellogg Community Essay? (Courage and Changing a Corrupt Culture) (440 Words)    
  • Sample Essay #3: Diverse Leaders. Enrich Kellogg Community Essay? (Empathetic Intervention and Consulting) (440 Words)    
  • Sample Essay #4: Diverse Leaders. Enrich Kellogg Community Essay? (Creative Leadership and Technology) (440 Words)    
  • Sample Essay #5: Diverse Leaders. Enrich Kellogg Community Essay? (Open Mindedness - Team Management and Sales Call) (440 Words)    

Download Kellogg MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class) (11 Sample Essays)

Tuck MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class)

  • Sample Why Tuck MBA Essay One: Oil & Gas to Sustainability (288 Words)    
  • Sample Why Tuck MBA Essay Two: Marketing to Branding (284 Words)    
  • Sample Why Tuck MBA Essay Three: Investment Banking to Consulting (263 Words)    
  • Sample Why Tuck MBA Essay Four: VC to Consulting (291 Words)    
  • Sample Why Tuck MBA Essay Five: Technology to Research to General Management (281 Words)    
  • Sample Tuck Who you are Essay One: YouTube Channel and Creative Video Editing (287 Words)    
  • Sample Tuck Who you are Essay Two: Early Education and Storytelling (297 Words)    
  • Sample Tuck Who you are Essay Three: Music as a Healer (294 Words)    
  • Sample Tuck Who you are Essay Four: Breaking AI’s Filter Bubble (289 Words)    
  • Sample Tuck Who you are Essay Five: Transforming Culture to Empower Women Professionals (295 Words)    
  • Sample Tuck Meaningfully contributed sense of inclusion - YouTube Competitor (291 Words)   
  • Sample Tuck Meaningfully contributed sense of inclusion - Ethical Mistake (Second chance) (299 Words)    
  • Sample Tuck Meaningfully contributed sense of inclusion - Deal Novice in Billion $ Transaction (293 Words)    
  • S ample Tuck Meaningfully contributed sense of inclusion - Xenophobia (279 Words)   
  • Sample Tuck Meaningfully contributed sense of inclusion - Overcoming personal Challenges of a teammate as a Manager (282 Words)   

Download Tuck MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class) (15 Sample Essays)

INSEAD MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class)

  • Sample Essay 1: Summarize Current job Nature of work Major Responsibilities (200 Words)    
  • Sample Essay 2: Next Position if Remain in Same Company (198 Words)
  • Sample Essay 3: Description of your Career since Graduating University (183 Words)    
  • Sample Essay 4: Short-Term and Long-Term Career Aspiration (Technology to Consulting) (200 Words)    
  • Sample Essay 5: Candid Description, Strengths & Weaknesses (Marketing Lead) (500 Words)    
  • Sample Essay 6: Candid Description, Strengths & Weaknesses (Consulting to Product Development) (491 Words)    
  • Sample Essay 7: Achievements and Failures (399 Words) (Technology Consultant)    
  • Sample Essay 8: Achievement and Failure (397 Words) (International Relations) (Negotiations)    
  • Sample Essay 9: Achievement and Failure (395 Words) (Woman and Non-Traditional background in IB)    
  • Sample Essay 10: Achievement and Failure (394 Words) (VC)    
  • Sample Essay 11: Extra-Curricular and How enriched you are (274 Words) (Hiking and Vlogging)    
  • Sample Essay 12: Extra-Curricular and How enriched you are (296 Words) (Improv Acting)    
  • Sample Essay 13: Extra-Curricular and How enriched you are (292 Words) (NASA and Scientific Thinking)    
  • Sample Essay 14: Extra-Curricular and How enriched you are (299 Words) (M&A and Orchestra)    
  • Sample INSEAD Video Essay 15 – What do you know about INSEAD MBA (183 Words)    
  • Sample INSEAD Video Essay 16 – Response to Team’s Underperformance (176 Words)    
  • Sample INSEAD Video Essay 17 – Work well with a person with differing opinion (169 Words)    
  • Sample INSEAD Video Essay 18 – Success for me in a Career (158 Words)    
  • Sample INSEAD Video Essay 19 – Unethical Leadership (194 Words)     

Download INSEAD MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class) (19 Sample Essays)

Cambridge MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class)

  • Sample Cambridge MBA Essay 1: Goals (467 Words) (Technology to Finance)   
  • Sample Cambridge MBA Essay 2: Goals (499 Words) (Sales to Consulting)   
  • Sample Cambridge MBA Essay 3: Goals (429 Words) (Technology)   
  • Sample Cambridge MBA Essay – Difficult Decision – Learn and Changed as a Result(188 words) (Marketing)   
  • Sample Cambridge MBA Essay - Difficult Decision – Looking Beyond Data (199 words) (Reducing Open Defecation and the complexity of cultural beliefs)   
  • Sample Cambridge MBA Essay - Difficult Decision – Choosing Crypto over Investment Banking (199 words)   
  • Sample Cambridge MBA Essay – Teamwork and lessons learned (195 words) (Leading a Dysfunctional team)   
  • Sample Cambridge MBA Essay – Teamwork and lessons learned (199 words) (Exposure to International Culture)   
  • Sample Cambridge MBA Essay – Teamwork and lessons learned (197 words) (Not Recognizing Strategic Objective)   
  • Sample Cambridge MBA Essay – Advice to 18-year old Self (196 words) (Avoid Alcohol)
  • Sample Cambridge MBA Essay – Advice to 18-year old Self (187 words) (Creative Career to Banking)   
  • Sample Cambridge MBA Essay – Advice to 18-year old Self (200 words) (Friends and Purpose)

Download Cambridge MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class) (12 Sample Essays)

  London Business School MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class)

  • Sample LBS MBA Essay: Post-MBA Goals  (489 Words)(Technology to Consulting)
  • Sample LBS MBA Essay: Post-MBA Goals (493 Words)(Hospitality to Consulting)
  • Sample LBS MBA Essay: Post-MBA Goals  (500 Words)(Government/Non-Profit to Technology)
  • Sample LBS MBA Essay: Post-MBA Goals  (495 Words)(Medical Doctor to Investment Banking)
  • Sample LBS MBA Essay: Post-MBA Goals  (458 Words)(Wealth Management to Product Management)
  • Sample LBS MBA Essay: Post-MBA Goals  (488 Words)(Risk Management to Operations)

Download LBS MBA Essay Guide (2024 Entering Class) (6 Sample Essays)

Sample Why Stanford MBA Essay (Consulting)(395 words)   Sample Why Stanford MBA Essay (Tech Entrepreneur) (390 words) Sample Why Stanford MBA: Career Switching (Finance to Green Energy Consulting) (390 Words) Sample Why Stanford MBA: Career Switching (Private Equity to Operations) (398 Words)    Sample Why Stanford MBA: Career Switching (Industry and Function – Oil & Gas to Consulting in Operations) (387 Words) Sample Why Stanford MBA: Career Switching (Design Engineer in Automobiles to Managing the Products of the Future) (392 Words) Sample Why Stanford MBA: Career Switching (Accounting to Private Equity) (394 Words) Sample Why Stanford MBA: Dual Degree (MBA and Public Policy) (396 Words) Sample Essay A: What matters most to you, and why? (616 Words)(Balance in Life)    Sample Essay A: What matters most to you, and why? (650 Words)(Vulnerability and Learning) Sample Essay A: What matters most to you, and why? (600 Words)(Freedom and Commitment) Sample Essay A: What matters most to you, and why? (646 Words)(Savor Every Moment and Be Present) Sample Essay A: What matters most to you, and why? (605 Words)(Power of Restlessness) Sample Essay A: What matters most to you, and why? (578 Words)( The Slums, A tragedy and the search for a Systemic solution) Sample Essay A: What matters most to you, and why? (635 Words)(Running away from privilege and serving the most Vulnerable) Sample: Stanford MBA Positive IMPACT Optional Essay (Flexible Hours for Working Mothers)(199 Words)    Sample: Stanford MBA Positive IMPACT Optional Essay (Cross-Functional Collaboration to mitigate a Toxic Culture) (190 Words) Sample: Stanford MBA Positive IMPACT Optional Essay (Introduced Analytics for monitoring performance) (199 Words)    Sample: Stanford MBA Background Influenced Participation IMPACT Optional Essay (Antarctic Expedition and Oil Exploration) (163 Words)    Sample: Stanford MBA Background Influenced Participation IMPACT Optional Essay (Improv Class and coming back from a failed presentation) (169 Words)   

  3. Demonstrates how to answer Essay B in three ways (as a Career Enhancer, as an Entrepreneur and as a Career Switcher) . 4. Shows how to use ‘The Big Five Model’ to evaluate your unique personality for Essay A. 5. 300+ pages of General Essay Writing, Storytelling and Editing Tips 6. Stanford MBA Essay Guide will show you , with examples, on how to use the elements of Storytelling like Incorporating "The Struggle", using Emotional connectors, narrating the Journey and the use of Chronology, Vividness and Active Verbs to transform your essays. Download Stanford MBA Essay Guide

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kellogg values essay sample

June 26, 2022

Kellogg MBA Essay Tips and Deadlines [2023 – 2024], Class Profile

kellogg values essay sample

Kellogg values individuals; who you are as a person, what you’ve done, and how you will be engaged in the school’s greater community are all very important. Yes, academics and work experience are also key parts of your profile, but the school’s essay prompts seek to elicit more about your personality, your values, and your goals so the admissions committee can determine your “fit” with its program. That is one of the reasons they also require video essays.

Kellogg has three excellent videos on preparing its application , and I urge you to watch all of them so you’ll understand better what the school is looking for. And Kellogg provides detailed explanations of its different MBA programs so you can find the one that is right for you. Each MBA program requires that you write these essays and in some cases, an additional essay related to the specific dual degree being pursued (e.g., MBA/JD, MMM, MBAi).

Ready to get to work on your Kellogg application? Read on. 

Kellogg application essay tips

Kellogg application deadlines, kellogg class profile.

Kellogg is unique in that we ask you to complete written essays as part of the application as well as video essays. This is your chance to tell us why you think Kellogg is the right place for you. Take some time to think through the experiences that led you here and how they have shaped where you want to go.

Question 1 (450 words)

Kellogg Leaders are primed to tackle today’s pressing concerns everywhere, from the boardroom to their neighborhoods. Tell us about a time in your life where you’ve needed a combination of skills to solve a problem or overcome a challenge. Which skills did you use? What did you accomplish?

This is a new question, and it indicates what is most important to Kellogg:  your ability to face a challenge and come up with creative solutions. In the process, you must also show your strong teamwork skills and collaborative nature. You’ll want to discuss how you motivate others, how you encourage your team to look beyond difficulties and seek nonconventional methods to achieve a goal, and what skills were most valuable in the process. 

If you have cross-functional skills and also cross-cultural skills, this is the place to show those. Briefly, reflect on examples that will demonstrate how you overcame a challenge, and this can be at work or outside of work. You’ll want to add something that the admissions committee doesn’t already know about you, so try to come up with a story that isn’t fully described on your resume. 

Once you’ve selected a strong example, think about how to describe the challenge in simple terms. Please don’t focus too much on technical details that people who are not in your profession won’t understand. Next, describe how you had to think of ways to work around the difficulty presented. Did you brainstorm with your team, or ask advice from people who might have dealt with a similar situation? How did you involve other people, and what did you learn from that? Which of your own skills were brought into play, and what did you discover that you didn’t know? Why did you make the choices that you did?

Question 2 (450 words)

At Kellogg, our values are based on research that concludes organizations comprised of leaders with varied backgrounds and perspectives outperform homogeneous ones. How do you believe your personal and professional experiences to date will help to enrich the Kellogg community?

Certain applicants will respond to an additional question about their interest in our specialty programs.

Kellogg’s essays in the past have inquired about candidates’ “values.” This is similar yet brings the focus back to Kellogg and how your unique experiences will add to its community. Reflect on your values – how did you acquire them?  Family, culture, faith, a significant event in your life? Values represent principles that are important to you, guide your life, help you make decisions, and help you shape the world around you. In brief, they make you who you are, and each of us is unique in this respect.

In this essay, the Kellogg admissions committee wants to find out what you value and how that has been manifested in your actions, especially when interacting with people who might have a totally different value system. Are you someone who is open to others’ ideas and opinions? Can you give an example of when your judgment was challenged and you ended up seeing things differently? Or alternatively, did you manage to change someone else’s perspective, and if so, how did you do so? Again, the core of this question is conveying how you will collaborate with others and how you will be engaged in the Kellogg community. It doesn’t mean listing a lot of clubs you’re interested in or jobs you’ve had, but more importantly, what has enriched your life that you think will do the same for others? To answer this question well, you need to really understand the “personality” of Kellogg and its community. The best way to do that is to reach out to student ambassadors or talk with alumni of the program who can share with you valuable insights.  

Reapplicant Essay

Reapplicants will receive a prompt about their growth since their last application: How have you grown or changed personally and professionally since you previously applied and what steps have you taken to become the strongest candidate you can be? (250 words)

For this and any other reapplicant essay, you need to show what’s changed from your former application. It could be a new test score, it could be a promotion, or it might simply be a reevaluation of your goals and the realization that what you thought you wanted to do wasn’t really feasible. Keep your message short and to the point, and don’t reiterate anything you said in your previous application essays. 

Video essays

We’ve read your essays, we’ve read your resume — now we want you to bring all that to life in a video. Show us the person behind all those carefully crafted words. The video will be comprised of three questions, each designed to help you showcase your personality and share some of the experiences that brought you here today.

We find these videos to be a great opportunity for you to tell us more about your story, experiences and why Kellogg is the right place for you.

Here are some things to keep in mind as you prepare to complete this section:

  • Video essays are due 96 hours after the application deadline.
  • A video essay link will appear on your application status page after you submit your application and payment.
  • You will need an internet-connected computer with a webcam and microphone
  • The video should take about 20-25 minutes to complete, which includes time for setup.

The video essay should not be perfect!  Don’t over rehearse or read from a script. You won’t know the questions until you’ve submitted your application, but the questions are usually about something you know, and you will have time to prepare for them.  

Practice speaking into a camera, and record yourself to be sure you are looking at the camera and not somewhere else! 

Speak slowly and clearly. If you rush, you’ll look nervous, and worse, your listeners might not be able to understand what you are saying.

Have a neutral background with lighting in front of you. And lock the doors so no one can interrupt you while you are recording. 

Kellogg isn’t trying to trip you up; the admissions committee is looking for reasons to admit you, so breathe deeply, do a few practice runs before you begin (to be sure your equipment is working), and don’t forget to smile!

For expert guidance with your Kellogg MBA application, check out Accepted’s MBA Application Package , which includes comprehensive guidance from an experienced admissions consultant. We’ve helped hundreds of applicants get accepted to Kellogg’s MBA program and look forward to helping you, too!

***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with Kellogg directly to verify its essay questions, instructions, and deadlines.***

Here is a look at the Kellogg MBA Class of 2024 (data taken from the Kellogg website ):

Class size: 503

Female: 48%

International: 38%

U.S. minorities: 37%

Average GMAT score: 729

GMAT score range: 620-780

Median GRE Verbal: 162

GRE Verbal range: 150-169

Median GRE Quant: 163

GRE Quant range: 148-170

Average GPA: 3.7

GPA range: 2.6-4.0

Average years of work experience: 5

Undergraduate majors:

  • Economics/Business: 45%
  • Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics: 38%
  • Humanities: 24%

Industry background:

  • Consulting: 24%
  • Financial services: 19%
  • Technology: 17%
  • Government/Education/Nonprofit: 7%
  • Consumer products: 7%
  • Healthcare/Biopharma: 7%
  • Media & entertainment: 4%
  • Military: 4%
  • Manufacturing: 2%

Getting into Kellogg, or any of the top-tier MBA programs, is very competitive. Our Comprehensive MBA Application Package has everything you need to get you there. We’ll match you with an experienced admissions consultant who will work with you one-on-one to create an outstanding application and prepare you to ace your interview. So give yourself the edge and get ACCEPTED!

Christie St John

Dr. Christie St-John has more than 25 years of higher ed and admissions experience, including ten years in admissions at Dartmouth Tuck. She was formerly the director of MBA recruiting and admissions, director of international relations, and an adjunct faculty member at Vanderbilt University. Having also served on the board of directors of the MBA Career Services & Employer Alliance and the Consortium for Graduate Studies in Management, Christie has a deep knowledge of MBA and other graduate admissions. Want Christie to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch!

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  • Academic Performance in Your MBA Admissions Profile
  • Nine MBA Resume Mistakes to Avoid
  • Which B-School Is Best for You?

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Kellogg application tips: Written and video essays

Here are tips for the Kellogg MBA application written and video essays

By: the Kellogg admissions team , Full-Time MBA Program

  As you move through the MBA application process , one of the most important aspects is telling your personal and professional story as fully and authentically as possible. Each part of the application provides an opportunity for you to share what makes you unique. When you are submitting your written and video essays, consider examples that demonstrate who you are, what drives you and what you plan to achieve as a future Kellogg Leader.   Written essays   The application will give you two short essay prompts:

  • Kellogg Leaders are primed to tackle today’s pressing concerns everywhere, from the boardroom to their neighborhoods. Tell us about a time in your life where you’ve needed a combination of skills to solve a problem or overcome a challenge. Which skills did you use? What did you accomplish?
  • At Kellogg, our values are based on research that concludes organizations comprised of leaders with varied backgrounds and perspectives outperform homogeneous ones. How do you believe your personal and professional experiences to date will help to enrich the Kellogg community? 

Candidates for the MMM, MBAi, JD-MBA and One-Year MBA programs will answer an additional question to let us know how their program of choice will help them reach their post-MBA goals.

Those who have applied before will also have the opportunity to discuss what steps they’ve taken since their last application to become a stronger candidate. 

Video essays

You’ll complete video essays after you submit your application and payment. This is a great opportunity to tell us more about you and explain why Kellogg is the right place for you.

The video portion of the applications will include three questions, each designed to help you showcase your personality and share some of the experiences that brought you to where you are today. 

Please note, video essays are due 96 hours after the application deadline.   Learn more

Today’s changing business landscape demands leaders who possess a blend of analytical, creative and social intelligence and who can uplift teams to their full potential — those are the candidates we at Kellogg are looking for. Know that there are no perfect answers to our essay questions. Instead, when you are writing your essays, think about how you can leave your mark on Kellogg and the world.

We also believe in a holistic approach to the application process. We look at all areas of a candidate’s application. For us, this is much more than a test score, essay or job title. All applicants have unique strengths and attributes. Please make sure we see and hear everything that makes you special.

If you are ready to become a Kellogg Leader, complete your application today.

To explore more application tips or learn more about Kellogg, visit our admissions site or sign up for an event to speak to an admissions officer.  

Good luck, and we look forward to reading your application soon!    Read next: Kellogg expands management education options for early-career professionals

Personal MBA Coach

Kellogg MBA Essay Advice and Application Deadlines: 2023-2024

Kellogg MBA Essay Analysis

Kellogg School of Management has released its essay questions and application deadlines for the 2023-2024 application cycle. Once again, Kellogg asks applicants to answer two essay questions. This year, Kellogg has changed its application essay and has made the video essay questions (which were optional last year) mandatory.

Looking for help with your Kellogg MBA applications? Personal MBA Coach recently welcomed Frenk Nebiu to our team. Frenk is a former Kellogg Admissions Director with 8+ years of professional experience across consulting, higher education, and nonprofits. Reach out today to find out how Frenk and the Personal MBA Coach team can support you with your Kellogg applications through our Comprehensive Packages.

The 2023-2024 Kellogg MBA Application Deadlines Are as Follows

Round 1: September 13, 2023

Round 2: January 10, 2024

Round 3: April 3, 2024

Read Personal MBA Coach’s Top Tips For Tackling Kellogg’s MBA Essays Below!

Kellogg mba essay 1:.

Kellogg Leaders are primed to tackle today’s pressing concerns everywhere, from the boardroom to their neighborhoods. Tell us about a time in your life where you’ve needed a combination of skills to solve a problem or overcome a challenge. Which skills did you use? What did you accomplish? (450 words)

Kellogg has reworked its leadership essay this year; however, the objective is the same as in recent years: give Kellogg an example of how you are an accomplished leader.

Many candidates likely will share a professional story to answer this first prompt. However, strong leadership examples in your extracurricular activities could also work well here.

Be sure to think of a significant undertaking where you can clearly articulate the challenge that you overcame. Ideally, with this example you will also demonstrate the value you added. This story also should be easy enough to explain that you do not have to waste too many words setting up the situation.

A strong essay will discuss the actions you took and show which specific leadership skills you used in your approach. While this year’s question does not specifically ask, you might consider sharing some learnings from this experience. A strong answer not only will demonstrate your leadership experience but also will highlight your most impressive strengths.

Kellogg MBA Essay 2:

At Kellogg, our values are based on research that concludes organizations comprised of leaders with varied backgrounds and perspectives outperform homogeneous ones. How do you believe your personal and professional experiences to date will help to enrich the Kellogg community? (450 words)

This second Kellogg MBA essay is completely new, replacing Kellogg’s longstanding “values” essay. As we have increasingly seen with other schools this year, Kellogg is giving applicants flexibility to talk about what makes them unique, noting the importance of diversity (though not in these exact words) in the classroom.

For this essay, you want to think about how you stand apart from your peers. You can think of this essay as you would any personal story essay (for more on how to think about a personal story essay – check out this blog .)

Ask yourself: “What makes me special?”

You might also evaluate what you have done beyond what is in your resume or items that you wish you had space within your resume to elaborate on.

As you draft you answer, consider how your accomplishments (both in and out of the office), background and/or experiences have shaped you. Then, as you discuss your past, go beyond just telling the reader what you did or how you were raised, and dig deeper. Think about what you have learned from these experiences.

Next, and most importantly, tell the reader how these experiences have prepared you to add value on campus. Write about how you might share your passions, perspective, experiences, and successes with your future peers. Tell the reader how you will improve and enrich the Kellogg community.

As with all essays, be specific about the contributions you will make on campus, and less is more. Do not submit a laundry list here.

Additional Kellogg MBA Application Essays

Kellogg requires candidates considering options other than the full-time MBA to answer these additional essay questions.

One-Year applicants:  Why is the Kellogg One-Year Program the right fit to help you reach your post-MBA career goals? And what unique academic, personal or professional experience do you bring into this specific program? (250 words)

MBAi applicants:  Why is the Kellogg McCormick MBAi Program the right fit to help you reach your post-MBA career goals? And what unique academic, personal or professional experience do you bring into this specific program? (450 words)

MMM applicants:  Why is the MMM Program the right fit to help you reach your post-MBA career goals? And what unique academic, personal or professional experience do you bring into this specific program? (250 words)

This year, Kellogg asks applicants to the one-year MBA program, MBAi or MMM program to answer an additional essay. For those unfamiliar with the MMM program, it is a dual degree program offering graduates both an MBA from Kellogg and an MS in Design Innovation from the Segal Design Institute at the McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science.

The question for all three programs is essentially the same, but applicants to the MBAi have a little more space to work with.

For all three questions, we advise applicants to be very direct both in terms of their career goal (need help on approaching a  career goal essay ?) and how Kellogg will help. To answer these specialty MBA questions, you want to tell the reader where you are in your career currently, and what gaps you are hoping to close. Next, you want to demonstrate how the unique offerings within your chosen program are best suited to help you close these gaps and reach your goals.

Be specific here, outlining what you will take advantage of on campus and how each opportunity will help you.

You should also consider how you will contribute specifically to the program of your choice by sharing what you uniquely bring to the table. Be sure not to repeat anything already discussed in essay 2.

Reapplicants are also required to answer one additional question:  Since your previous application, what steps have you taken to strengthen your candidacy? (250 words)

Reapplicants should use the required additional essay to demonstrate growth. We advise candidates to review  our tips for reapplicants  before tackling this essay.

Woman at Desk Reviews Kellog MBA Application Deadlines

Kellogg MBA Video Essay Questions

“We’ve read your essays, we’ve read your resume — now we want you to bring all that to life in a video. Show us the person behind all those carefully crafted words. The video will be comprised of three questions, each designed to help you showcase your personality and share some of the experiences that brought you here today.”

Finally, Kellogg has mandatory video essays this year. This component of the application offers admissions committee members the chance to learn more about you on a personal level.

Once you submit your application and payment, you will be able to access the Kellogg video essay through your application status page. Unlike last year, the school has not shared these essay questions in advance.

Read Personal MBA Coach’s  tips for handling videos  and other Kellogg MBA application extras.

Schedule a free consultation today for 1:1 Kellogg application support including essay brainstorming and unlimited editing , resume review, and more!

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Decoding The New Kellogg MBA Essays

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kellogg values essay sample

Kellogg’ Global Hub in Evanston, Ill.

The most obvious part of the Kellogg culture from the moment you set foot on campus is the collegiality amongst the students. The school’s lakeside location in the urban suburb of Evanston, about 12 miles north of downtown Chicago, reinforces the close-knit, community-centric feel, where students walk to and from campus and a multitude of micro-interactions build strong ties with classmates. It’s part of what makes Kellogg’s MBA experience so unique – you get to live, work and play in a distraction-free enclave that’s also in close range of a global business hub.

The MBA program’s collaborative learning style places a heavy emphasis on teamwork – ‘we’ rather than ‘I.’ So what exactly does this culture of collaboration entail? It’s often characterized as “high impact, low ego,” and that’s about as good a definition as exists.

As such, nearly every aspect of the application has some component geared toward discerning if a candidate is the right fit. Kellogg takes great pride in identifying candidates who have really self- reflected on what they want, how Kellogg will get them there and how their aspirations support a broader vision for having a positive impact. This year, Kellogg has re-calibrated its second essay question, replacing ‘how have you grown in the past and intend to grow at Kellogg’ with a one squarely aimed at understanding the values that shape you.

As a Fortuna Admissions coach and former Kellogg Alumni Admissions Interviewer, I’m practiced at discerning how the best candidates translate their experiences into a narrative that’s both genuine and distinctive. So let’s talk strategy.

First, you’ll want to understand why Kellogg is asking each question and what adcom is hoping to uncover. The clues, of course, are embedded within the questions themselves:

Essay 1: Kellogg’s purpose is to educate, equip and inspire brave leaders who create lasting value. Provide a recent example where you have demonstrated leadership and created value. What challenges did you face and what did you learn? (450 words)

Essay 2: Values are what guide you in your life and work. What values are important to you and how have they influenced you? (450 words)

Let’s start decoding, piece-by-piece.


“Kellogg’s purpose is to educate, equip and inspire brave leaders who create lasting value.”

To unpack the opening statement: What the question is asserting here is that walking through Kellogg’s door means that you’re not only going to receive a world-class MBA, but you’re also expected to add value by engaging in the classroom, the greater community and, ultimately, the world as a Kellogg alum. How will you drive the type of MBA experience that leaves your classmates wishing they had more time with you? The MBA experience is only as unique as the collective contribution of the class, and this means that Kellogg is trying to uncover your capacity to lead and participate in this collective experience during school and beyond.

“Provide a recent example where you have demonstrated leadership and created value.”

This part is directed at your specific leadership experience. Kellogg is trying to get a sense of who you are as a leader, and how you’ve shaped the organizations and communities in which you’re involved. The words to pay attention to are “created lasting value.” (This notion is so important it’s mentioned twice in the same prompt.) This is your opportunity to tell a story. Think through — why must you tell this story? How is the world better off from you having told this story? What leadership experiences can you share that reveal you’ve succeeded in elevating people, places and/or circumstances because of your conscious participation? What story will illuminate the significance of this shift, showcasing the situation before you came in, while you were there and after you’ve left?

“What challenges did you face and what did you learn?”

This is both the substance and resolution of your story. Who are the characters of your story? What setting are you in? What are the stakes of you not succeeding in your leadership challenge? How did you grow through the challenge? Don’t just share what you learned and stop there; essays that nail this question will also demonstrate how what you learned will translate to your unique contribution towards the Kellogg class of 2021, during your MBA and beyond.


“Values are what guide you in your life and work.”

Your values aren’t a laundry list of adjectives, they’re emblematic of the beliefs that guide your decisions, actions and engagement in the things that matter most to you. Similar to Stanford GSB’s iconic ‘what matters most to you and why’ essay, Kellogg is looking to know what it is it that inspires, drives and motivates you. Candidates who do the thoughtful introspection required to write with authenticity and substance will deliver a valuable view into who they are as a person, not just the inner workings of a dazzling intellect. Your values inherently extend beyond yourself, into your relationships with people and the places where you imagine making a positive impact.

“What values are important to you and how have they influenced you?”

This is an opportunity to tell a story that’s personal, vulnerable and honest. You might lead with one specific value and the emblematic story that helps connect the dots between what has shaped you and who you’ve become. As you look back, what are the seminal moments, influences and interactions that have forged you into an ever-wiser human being? Has anything rocked you to the core, prompting you to rethink the path you’d charted for yourself? This can be anything from the loss of a family member to a horrible mistake or a failure that illuminated what’s most essential for you.

Another tact is to lead with an origin story, the background of your childhood or the environment that shaped you. Then, how have those forces and experiences informed the person you are today and your aspirations for the future? The way to really nail this essay question is to coherently connect past, present and future. How will your values and perspectives influence the type of experience you create for your future Kellogg classmates? For the win: how will this accumulated wisdom inform the type of leader you will become in the longer term?


Lastly, Kellogg asks each applicant to complete a video essay component after submitting the application. This year, the school gives you two of the three questions upfront. The first asks you to ‘introduce yourself to the admissions committee’ in the spirit of what you’ll bring to future classmates and ‘what makes you, you?’. The second drives at your career goals and ‘why Kellogg.’ The third is randomly generated with the objective of understanding how ‘you handled a challenging situation in your career or personal life.’

Consider this video component is a huge opportunity to showcase your personality. As you prepare, imagine how to convey what’s not obvious in your resume, credentials or LinkedIn profile. What will help make your application sticky and memorable? Again, reflect on the story you want to tell and offer a dimension that might be missing.

Play with ways to take advantage of the medium itself in your storytelling. Among my favorite efforts at a ‘introduce yourself’ video response was from a candidate who gave a brief viola performance, then used an element of the instrument itself as a metaphor to convey his personality and interpersonal style.

5 Top Tips to Performing Well on the Video Essays:

1. Plan your answers. Jot down a few bullets or talking points or outline a quick structure, e.g., main answer and supporting examples. But avoid overly scripting – you want to appear fluid and natural on camera.

2. Stand for more energy.

3. Record yourself when you practice. What type of impression are you giving off? Are you friendly and approachable? Would others feel comfortable working with you?

4. Don’t forget to smile. When you enjoy yourself, it shines through and makes a connection with the viewer (you’re on camera, after all).

5. Visualize success. Ask yourself, if the person reviewing my video essay takes nothing else, what is the number one thing I want them to remember about me?

The key to delivering a series of standout essays to Kellogg is to embrace your genuine story. Do this successfully, and you’ll be embraced in return: Among Kellogg’s signature traditions during MBA orientation is the moment when the Dean of Admissions offers a rousing speech called “One of You,” which runs down a list of remarkable highlights about new students. What this means for MBA candidates is that there’s a place for you based on your true, authentic self. Weaving an authentically crafted narrative that conveys your passions and clarity of purpose — in a way that elicits emotional impact — this is the secret sauce in creating a connection to an admission reader’s heart.

Jason Yeh  is an expert coach at MBA consulting firm  Fortuna Admissions , as well as a former Kellogg   Admissions Interviewer and Kellogg MBA Alum. For a candid assessment of your chances of admission   success at a top MBA program, sign up for  a free consultation .


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An MBA applicant gets ready to take notes on the Kellogg MBA Essays

Everything you Need to Know About the Kellogg MBA Essays


The Kellogg MBA essays can be the most challenging part of the school’s application process. But, in reality, they are an opportunity to showcase your authentic self to the admissions committee. In your essays, you can present what best separates you from the rest of the applicants - your personality.

While this may seem straightforward, it can be challenging to know the best approach to selling yourself as an applicant in your essays. Besides being familiar with your strengths, you must know what structure, craft methods, and information would be best to include in your essay for the best chances of admittance.

This article will tell you everything you need to know about the Kellogg MBA essays and provide tips on how to craft your essays for the best chance of a successful evaluation when applying to the Kellogg School of Management.  

Purpose of the Kellogg MBA Essays 

The written and video essays fall under Kellogg’s holistic review process, with no essay being more important than the other. The admissions committee is looking to fill the spots with students that will excel in the classroom and contribute to the community with the ultimate goal to create the most diverse class possible. The school values intellectual ability, leadership, impact, work experience, professional goals, and interpersonal skills, all of which can be displayed in your MBA essays. 

The Kellogg MBA essays consist of two written and three video essays. The written essays are meant to allow you to explain why you feel you belong at Kellogg. Many MBA programs are offered worldwide, so the admissions committee wants to ask you: Why Kellogg?

In these essays, you are encouraged to evaluate past experiences and consider how they influenced your personal and academic goals. This personal reflection will make it easier to discern your values and aspirations based on personal anecdotes and your reactions to adversity.

The three video essays are meant to bring the written essays to life. Personality can be hard to gauge through words alone, and this is remedied with the video essays. These videos will present your personality, highlighting your true authentic self. The video essays would also be another opportunity to reflect and share experiences that shaped you on your path to pursuing an MBA. These essays encourage you to be open and deeply consider how you got to where you are today.

What Are the Kellogg MBA Essays?

The first written essay usually focuses on challenges and experiences in leadership; the admissions committee wants to know what you learned in leadership positions and how you created value from these experiences. This essay will provide insight into your leadership qualities and determine how you will utilize these traits as a Kellogg student.

In a leadership position you may also be asked to think critically about risk factors, which is an important skill to showcase as an applicant. You could provide anecdotes of times you demonstrated leadership and emphasize your involvement and impact on the community around you.

When explaining work experience, reflecting on career progression and critical thinking skills used in the workplace would be a great demonstration of what you’ve learned and how it has affected your ability to lead. 

Collaboration is highly valued at Kellogg and this dependence on collaboration makes your interpersonal skills vital to the admissions committee. With Kellogg being one of the first schools to utilize a team-based learning curriculum, leading a team to success effectively is essential as a potential admit.

Kellogg pioneered a learning method now used amongst other top business schools, making an innovative thought process important. Kellogg’s MBA program aims to inspire, educate, and equip students with the tools they need to create value as leaders.

This essay is an opportunity to illustrate how you can do that, what skills you already possess that will ensure your success, and how innovative you can be. It’s always helpful to be introspective, so you should ask yourself: Where have you been? Why do you need an MBA? What do you want to do next? 

Below is an example question for essay 1, which has been used once before in Kellogg’s application process: 

Ex. Essay 1 

Kellogg’s purpose is to educate, equip and inspire brave leaders who create lasting value. Provide a recent example where you have demonstrated leadership and created value. What challenges did you face, and what did you learn?

The second written essay usually focuses on your values and how they have influenced you in your life thus far. The admissions committee wants to know what motivates you and how this drive will aid your contributions to the Kellogg community.

This essay question asks for some introspection, encouraging you to think about how you acquired your defining values and how you have, and will, utilize them in meaningful change. Unlike the first essay, this one may be the one that closely resembles the required video essays.

Both of the prompts allow the admissions committee to get to know you better, take away the academic obligations, and become more familiar with what makes you unique. This essay will be an opportunity for the committee to see if you possess the qualities needed to become a student that will be an asset to the Kellogg community. 

Below is an example question for essay two used once before in Kellogg’s application process: 

Ex. Essay 2

Values are what guide you in your life and work. What values are important to you, and how have they influenced you?

Video Essays

The purpose of the video essays is ultimately to get to know you better. Usually, you are allowed to introduce yourself and answer a question centered around how a current social or economic issue has influenced you. These video essays will bring your written essays to life, allowing the admissions committee to put a face to the intricately crafted essays you submitted.

Video essay 1 is merely an introduction; here, you will present anything you feel the admission committee should know about you and highlight your values. 

Video essay 2 asks about your professional goals and your interest in the Kellogg MBA program . This question could be seen as an extension of the first video essay but with a more academic and aspirational focus.

The broad nature of the question is purposefully designed to encourage you to write honest and meaningful answers that fit your aspirations precisely. A current social or economic issue will determine the final video essay. This essay intends to gauge your response to adversity and evaluate your understanding of significant societal problems. Video essay number three could also give you the chance to display how innovative you can be when presented with a difficult situation. 

Depending on the type of MBA program you’re applying to, additional questions will be asked along with the two required written essays. A one-year MBA applicant, for example, will have to answer a different additional question than a JD-MBA applicant would.

This difference is due to the specifications of each program. There are different sets of values desired in an admit for each MBA program, and which program you select should be based on your personal career goals. The additional question would ask what each specific program’s values mean to you and how they will influence your professional aspirations. 

Top Tips for Crafting the Kellogg MBA Essays  

1. only use meaningful info.

Both the written and video essays have specific guidelines for their formatting and structure. The written essays should be 450 words each, and the additional program-based questions range from 250-450 words. For such broad questions, this word count may seem too small to condense your thoughts effectively.

With this in mind, the information presented in your essays should be meaningful and imperative to understanding your essay's main focus. Each sentence used should build off of one another, with filler being discouraged. Any info you feel is essential for the admissions committee to know, but does not align with the essay question you are answering, should be expressed in the application’s additional information section. 

2. Be Open and Honest

Know that there is no right way to answer the essay questions. Each question is looking for an honest answer from you, with profound reflection being a key factor in its effectiveness. You could consider these questions a test of your intrapersonal skills.

Before sitting down to write these essays, think about your values and how they have influenced you in your professional and academic work. This reflection will allow you to choose the values that resonate with you most. You should also consider accomplishments and personal events that align with the values you selected. By doing so, you will provide personal anecdotes in your essays to convey your individuality to the admissions committee. 

3. Research Kellogg and Practice 

Researching the school’s programs, activities, clubs, classes, and professors will make it easier for you to discuss how you plan to contribute to the Kellogg community. This method applies more to the written essays, which will gauge the involvement and impact you plan to make as a Kellogg MBA student.

You can assess what programs and activities you want to be a part of based on your passions and interests. The professors and classes you are excited to take will highlight your motivation to be admitted and make you stand out as a well-spoken and knowledgeable applicant. 

For the video essays, Kellogg provides practice questions for you to become familiar with the technology and format. You will have 20 seconds to think about the video question and a maximum of one minute to give your response.

This time constraint makes knowing what you want to say and how you want to say it very important to ensure your answers are eloquent. The practice questions will be much like the video essay you will submit, except you can complete them as often as you need to feel comfortable.

By practicing, you will get the chance to rid yourself of possible application jitters and avoid saying information that may not relate to the question. It is also essential to make sure you are in a space where you will not be interrupted, as you will not have the chance to redo the official video essay questions.

Remember to be yourself and enjoy the process. The admissions committee wants to know you as a person, so feel free to present your personality. 

Kellogg MBA Essay Example 

The following example is a sample introduction, body paragraph, and conclusion based on a past Kellogg MBA essay question. The sample answers the question: 

‘ Kellogg’s purpose is to educate, equip and inspire brave leaders who create lasting value. Provide a recent example where you have demonstrated leadership and created value. What challenges did you face, and what did you learn? ’ 

Sample Introduction:

“To marry my passion for art with my fervent desire to have a positive impact on society, outside my full-time job as a management consultant, I founded an NGO called [NAME] in 2015. Leveraging my strong business acumen, I ideated [NAME's] entire value chain - underprivileged women in [CITY] would be employed to make artisan jewelry, which my team of five peers and I would package, market, and sell to boutique fashion stores. All proceeds from this enterprise would go back to the women. “

This paragraph would be considered a successful introduction. Not only does it perfectly describe the leadership position in question, but it also provides some insight into who the applicant is in the first sentence. From the introduction alone, we know that this applicant has a passion for art and the desire to impact society positively.

The rest of the introduction describes the leadership position and what role they had in it, along with its purpose. The applicant provides this explanation concisely, with every sentence essential to the reader’s understanding. 

Sample Body Paragraph:

“Leading [NAME] has thoroughly challenged my grit, character, and ingenuity. My first major trial came just weeks after our inception. Social norms forbade many women from working, and getting raw materials to them proved to be a logistical nightmare. This started to take a toll on the team. Morale fell, and disagreements brewed.

That was when I realized the importance of persuasive communication as a leadership trait. I organized a weekend retreat to realign the team to our greater mission, especially since impact, and not money, would be our enabler. I ensured that learning from and empowering each other became the team’s mantra. Rejuvenated with a newfound cohesiveness, we convinced over 60 women to join us and creatively leveraged neighborhood suppliers to source raw materials.”

This is a successful and effective body paragraph, answering the last part of the essay question. This paragraph uses a structural approach that states and describes the challenge, lists the effects of said challenge, states the solution, and lists the solution’s outcome along with what they learned.

By structuring the body paragraph this way, each part of the question is answered thoroughly and is imperative to understanding the challenge presented. The section also highlights the applicant’s leadership qualities with a detailed personal anecdote that applies to the essay question; these qualities are what the admissions committee will be looking for.

Thus, by shining a light on your leadership ability and how you applied what you’ve learned, your essay will stand out from the rest. 

Sample Conclusion:

“To date, [NAME] has had a lasting impact on the lives of over 300 women. I am undoubtedly one of them. I am wiser with my learnings and more excited, inspired, and confident than ever to lead teams and leave a positive impact in the years to come.”

While this conclusion is concise, it provides everything needed to answer the essay question. The applicant provides the impact the challenge had on them, what they learned, and their desire to apply it to their future endeavors. The first sentence also highlights the impact the leadership position had on other people. This conclusion answers the essay question and sells the applicant as someone willing and excited to excel at Kellogg. 

1. When will I be able to submit the video essays?

The link to submit your video essays will appear on your application status page after submitting your application and application fee. 

2. When are the written and video essays due?

The written essays are due with your application, and the video essays are due 96 hours after the application deadline. Kellogg has three application rounds. The first is usually mid September, the second is around the beginning of January and the third is around the beginning of April. The applications are expected to be submitted no later than 5pm Central time on the date of that rounds application deadline. International students are encouraged to apply in the first two rounds to allow time for visa processing. 

3. What qualities is the Kellogg admissions committee looking for in applicants?

The admissions committee is looking for intellectual ability, work experience, professional goals, leadership, impact, and interpersonal skills. You can display these qualities in your written and video essays. 

4. Is work experience required to apply to the Kellogg MBA program?

While work experience is not required, it is recommended that you have at least two years of full-time work experience. Kellogg believes this will improve your academic experience at Kellogg and enrich classroom discussion. 

5. When is the best time to submit my application?

Applications are accepted in all three rounds, but the prime time to apply would be in the first two rounds . This early application allows time for visa processing and will enable you to stand out in the applicant pool. 

6. Are there different essay requirements for reapplicants?

Reapplicants must answer the same essay questions as first-year applications. They will also be required to submit their response to an additional reapplicant essay question that asks for an update on their professional and academic career since they last applied. 

Writing the Kellogg MBA essay can produce feelings of angst and nervousness. But with the necessary personal reflection and proper planning, this nervousness can seem silly by the time your application is submitted. By being yourself, researching the university, and providing meaningful answers when crafting your essays, you are sure to produce an essay that makes you stand out in the applicant pool.

Remember, there is no right way to answer the questions, and the admissions committee is looking for an authentic personality. So relax, be yourself, and you’ll be sure to succeed on your journey to becoming a Kellogg admit when you’re writing the Kellogg MBA essay.

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