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100 Fun Writing Prompts for 2nd Grade: Journal Prompts

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  • Prompts for Writing a Narrative Essay
  • Prompts for Writing Informative Essays
  • Prompts for Research Writing
  • Prompts for 2nd Graders for Humorous Writing
  • Prompts for Second Graders for Poetry Writing
  • Prompts for 2nd Grade Fiction Writing
  • Prompts for Animals for Second Graders
  • Prompts for Second Grade for Emotional Writing
  • Prompts for Journals for Second Graders
  • Prompts for Descriptive Writing for Second Graders

Are your little ones ready to embark on a thrilling writing adventure? We have an exciting opportunity for 2nd graders to showcase their creativity through our 100 creative 2nd Grade Writing Prompts . With these prompts, your child can write about anything their heart desires, from their favorite pet to their dream holiday spot. They can even create their own magical kingdom, travel to space, or invent their own superhero.

“Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go.” – E.L. Doctorow

Incorporating writing prompts into the curriculum has been shown to improve writing fluency, quality, and overall performance, as well as motivation, according to an article published by IJCER . These prompts are a fun and engaging way to help develop their writing skills and spark their imagination. So, let’s encourage our young writers to explore their creative sides and unleash their inner author. Use them for school writing assignments or fun at home. 2nd grade writing prompts offer endless creative possibilities. Let’s look at narrative, informative, research, funny, poetry, fiction, animal, emotion-based, journal, and descriptive writing prompts. So prepare to write your creative ideas.

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More educational resources and worksheets for 2nd graders !

10 Prompts for Writing a Narrative Essay

Here are ten 2nd grade narrative writing prompts that are perfect for 2nd graders:

  • Make up a story about a magical adventure you went on with your pet.
  • Assume you have a time machine. When and where would you travel? Create a narrative about your experience.
  • Write a story about a superhero’s day in life.
  • What would your superpower be, and why would you want it? Create a story in which you use your power to save the day.
  • Consider yourself a pirate on a treasure hunt. Write a story about your treasure hunt.
  • Write a story about a robot’s day in life.
  • What animal would you be if you could be any animal, and why? Create a story about your experiences as that animal.
  • Write a story about a magical garden you come across.
  • Consider the possibility of speaking with anyone in history. Who would you approach, and what would you ask them? Create a story based on your conversation.
  • Write a story about an astronaut’s day in life.

10 Prompts for Writing Informative Essays

Opinion writing prompts 2nd grade students to help them express their personal views on various topics. Here are ten Informative essay Writing prompts to try:

  • Which animal would you be for a day? Why? Tell your animal adventures.
  • Imagine you can fly one morning. Where do you go? See what? Journal about your exciting day.
  • What is your favorite summer activity as a kid ? Write a paragraph about your favorite summer activity and why.
  • What superpower would you want? Write about rescuing someone with your new power.
  • Your favorite educational game . Why is it special? Explain your love in a paragraph.
  • Favorite book? Write a book review describing the book and why you liked it.
  • Imagine time travel to any historical event. Where do you go? See what? Tell your time-travel story.
  • Which celebrity would you like to meet and why? Write to that person about why you admire them and what you would ask if you met them.
  • Dream holiday. Where do you go? Do what? Describe your perfect holiday.
  • Favorite food? Include ingredients and steps in a recipe.

10 Prompts for Research Writing

Writing topics for 2nd graders can cover a broad range of subjects, from animals and nature to personal learning experiences and cultural traditions. Here are ten research writing prompts that are perfect for 2nd graders:

  • Choose an animal you’re interested in and research some facts about it. What does it eat? Where does it live? What are some interesting things about this animal?
  • Pick your favorite season and learn about it. What kind of weather happens during this season? What activities can you do during this season?
  • Choose a country you’re curious about and discover some facts. What language do they speak? What kind of food do they eat? What are some famous landmarks in that country?
  • Learn about different types of plants. What are some common plants in your area? What do plants need to grow?
  • Research different types of insects. What do they eat? Where do they live? What is their life cycle like?
  • Study the planets in our solar system. What are their names? Which planet is closest to the sun? Which world is the largest?
  • Investigate different modes of transportation. What types of vehicles can you think of? How do they move? What is your favorite mode of transportation?
  • Learn about a joke that you enjoy. What are the rules? How is the game played? Who are some famous athletes in this sport?
  • Choose a historical figure or someone you admire. What did they do that was important? What were their accomplishments?
  • Research different types of food. What are some of your favorite foods? Where do they come from? How are they made?

10 Prompts for 2nd Graders for Humorous Writing

Children Clapping Together

Here are ten fun writing prompts for 2nd grade that will get your imagination going!

  • Imagine waking up with animal-talking abilities. Write about your new pets’ adventures.
  • Write about a silly superhero who turns everything they touch into pizza.
  • What pet would you choose and why? Describe life with your new pet.
  • If you could have any animal as a pet, What pet would you choose and why? Describe life with your new pet.
  • Imagine you woke up in a world made entirely of candy. Write about the adventures you have and the creatures you meet in this sweet new world.
  • Write a story about a robot who is terrible at its job but saves the day.
  • What would you use it for if you could have any superpower?
  • Imagine you were a pirate sailing the seven seas. What adventures would you have, and what treasure would you be searching for?
  • Write a story about a talking tree that is always getting into trouble.
  • If you could be any character from your favorite book, who would it be and why?

10 Prompts for Second Graders for Poetry Writing

Here are some poetry writing prompts for 2nd grade that will help spark their imagination and creativity:

  • Write a haiku about your favorite part of nature. Remember, haikus have three lines with five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third.
  • Pick your favorite color and write a poem about it. Use descriptive words to explain how the color makes you feel.
  • Choose an animal and write an acrostic poem using the letters of the animal’s name. Each line should start with a letter from the title.
  • Write a cinquain poem about someone in your family. A cinquain has five lines with a specific number of syllables in each line (2, 4, 6, 8, and 2).
  • Write a limerick about your favorite food. A limerick has five lines with a specific rhyming pattern (AABBA).
  • Write a free verse poem about a friend. A free verse poem doesn’t have to rhyme, but it should have a clear message or feeling.
  • Write a diamante poem about your school. A diamante poem has seven lines that create a diamond shape with specific numbers of syllables in each line.
  • Write a poem about the weather. Use descriptive words to compare the temperature to something else.
  • Write a quatrain poem about your favorite holiday. A quatrain has four lines with a specific rhyming pattern (ABAB).
  • Write a narrative poem about a dream you had. A narrative poem for kids tells a story and has a clear beginning, middle, and end.

10 Prompts for 2nd Grade Fiction Writing

Creative writing prompts 2nd grade students to encourage imaginative storytelling and self-expression. Here are 10 prompts to get their imaginations flowing:

  • Your pet dog/cat/rabbit suddenly starts talking! What do they say, and how do you react?
  • You discover a magical backyard door leading to a secret world. Describe what you see and do in this new world.
  • You wake up one day with 1 Core money. Where do you go, and what do you do?
  • Write a story about a lost toy that comes to life and goes on an adventure to find its way back home.
  • You find a genie lamp on the beach. What do you wish for, and what happens next?
  • Imagine you are a superhero with a special power. Describe your superhero name, costume, and the villain you are fighting against.
  • You are the Pirate ship captain. Describe your crew, your treasure, and a daring adventure you go on.
  • Write a story about a group of animals that work together to solve a problem.
  • Imagine you are the main character in your favorite fairy tale. Rewrite the story with a different ending.
  • One day, you can speak to plants. Talk to your favorite plant.

10 Prompts for Animals for Second Graders

Here are some creative animal writing prompts for 2nd grade that they will enjoy:

  • Which animal would you be for a day? Why?
  • Write about a lost puppy returning home.
  • Imagine you are a squirrel gathering food for the winter. Write a diary entry about your day.
  • Which wild animal would you pet and why?
  • Write a story about a group of animals who work together to build a treehouse.
  • Imagine being a bird flying high. Write to your best friend about what you saw.
  • If you could talk to any bird, Which bird would you converse with, and what would you say?
  • Write a story about a cat who has magical powers.
  • Imagine being a dolphin in the ocean. Poemize your life.
  • Which zoo animal would you be and why? Write an essay persuading the zookeeper to let you be that animal for a day.

10 Prompts for Second Grade for Emotional Writing

Here are 10 creative 2nd grade writing prompts about emotions for 2nd graders:

  • Describe a happy moment. Your activity? With whom? Has it affected you?
  • Write a letter to someone you love expressing your love.
  • Write about an angry character. What happened? Their anger management?- 
  • Imagine going back to a happy memory. Explain why you like that memory.
  • Write a poem about peace. It could be a place, person, or activity.
  • Recall a scary moment. Describe what happened and how you overcome your fear.
  • Write about a sad character. Why? How do they handle emotions?
  • Imagine having any emotion for a day. Which feeling and why? Write about it.
  • Write about an excited character. What’s exciting? How do they show excitement?
  • Think of a time you were proud. Explain how you felt and why?

10 Prompts for Journals for Second Graders

2nd grade journal prompts can encourage students to express their thoughts and emotions through writing.

“Writing prompts are the highway to the creative subconscious.” – Karen Salmansohn

Here are ten 2nd grade journal prompts to inspire your creative Writing:

  • Imagine a magic pencil that brings your drawings to life. Why?
  • Favorite outdoor activity for kids ? Discuss your favorite exercise and why?
  • If you could have any pet worldwide, what would it be and why?
  • Write about a proud moment. What made you proud?
  • Imagine you are a superhero. How would you help others with your superpower?
  • Describe your favorite holiday and why. Family and friend traditions?
  • If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
  • Recall a problem-solving experience. Describe the issue and your solution.
  • Write a story about a talking fish. What kind of fish is it, and what adventures does it go on?
  • Imagine you are a chef. Write about your favorite recipe and how you make it.

Second grade journal prompts can inspire young writers to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. By providing a variety of 2nd grade journal topics, parents and teachers can encourage their students to explore different writing styles and develop their own unique voices.

10 Prompts for Descriptive Writing for Second Graders

Writing ideas for 2nd grade can range from descriptive writing to narrative writing, providing opportunities for skill-building and growth. Here are 10 descriptive writing prompts for second graders to inspire their creativity and imagination:

  • Describe your favorite toy in detail. What color is it? What does it feel like? What sounds does it make?
  • Imagine you are on a trip to the beach. Describe the sand, the waves, and the sun. How do they make you feel?
  • Describe your favorite animal. What does it look like? What does it eat? Where does it live?
  • Write a description of your bedroom. What color are the walls? What kind of furniture do you have? What’s on your bed?
  • Envision a magical forest. Describe your surroundings. Animals? Any special plants or trees?
  • Describe your favorite food. What does it smell like? What does it taste like? What ingredients are in it?
  • Imagine you are in a haunted house. Describe the creaky floors, the cobwebs, and the spooky sounds. What do you see?
  • Describe your best friend. What do they look like? What do they like to do? What’s their favorite thing to eat?
  • Imagine you are in outer space. Describe the planets, stars, and galaxies. What do they look like? What colors do you see?
  • Describe your dream vacation. Where would you go? What would you do? What would you see?

How to Assist Second-Grade Students in Developing Writing Skills?

The research paper “The Effect of Creative Writing Prompts on Students’ Written Expression in a Second Grade Classroom” suggests that incorporating writing prompts in the classroom and at home can be an effective strategy to help second-grade students develop their writing skills and foster a love for writing. It is an opportunity to encourage them to express their thoughts and ideas creatively and build their confidence as writers. As parents and teachers, we can utilize this to help our second-graders develop their writing skills and build a passion for writing. 

“Writing is an act of faith, not a trick of grammar.” – E.B. White

Here are a few actionable tips to help your child become an excellent writer using 2nd grade writing prompts.

  • Start by teaching the basics of sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation.
  • Set realistic goals and gradually increase the difficulty of writing prompts or journal entries to challenge your child’s writing skills.
  • Provide constructive feedback to help your child improve their writing skills and boost their confidence.
  • Incorporate 2nd grade journal prompts regularly in classroom activities and at home to improve your child’s writing fluency and confidence.

Using these tips and incorporating writing prompts into your child’s learning journey can have a significant impact on their writing performance and motivation. 

Celebrating the Journey of 100 Fun Writing Prompts for 2nd-Grade

Children Raising Their Hands

As parents and teachers, we can play an essential role in nurturing the writing skills of our 2nd graders. By using 2nd grade writing prompts we can encourage our young writers to express themselves in a creative and thoughtful manner. It’s important to note that writing prompts are not just limited to creative writing, they can also be used to explore various topics and encourage critical thinking. In a recent article published by The New York Times , the benefits of using writing prompts have been highlighted as a tool to motivate and engage students. By incorporating prompts into classroom activities such as a mock debate assignment, teachers can help students develop their writing skills, critical thinking abilities, and overall academic performance. 

“Writing prompts are a great way to stimulate your mind and push your writing to new heights.” – Steve Alcorn

So let’s make writing fun and exciting for our 2nd graders by providing them with a variety of writing prompts, and let’s encourage them to write with passion, curiosity, and creativity. Together, we can help our young writers unlock their full potential and become confident and effective communicators.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can these prompts help 2nd grade students.

These 2nd grade writing prompts can help students in several ways. They can help students develop their writing skills by giving them a specific topic to write about and encouraging them to use their imagination. They can also help students learn about different topics and express their thoughts and feelings.

How can teachers or parents use these prompts with their students/children?

Teachers or parents can use these prompts as writing assignments for their students/children. They can give the students/children a prompt and ask them to write a story or a paragraph about it. Teachers or parents can also use the prompts as conversation starters to encourage students/children to talk about different topics and practice their speaking skills.

Are there any resources available to accompany these prompts?

Yes, there are many resources available online that can accompany these prompts. For example, teachers or parents can find graphic organizers, writing templates, and other resources that can help students organize their thoughts and ideas.

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Grade 2 Writing Prompts

25 exciting second grade writing prompts.

creative writing english grade 2

Get your child feeling inspired with these awesome Grade 2 writing prompts!

Sentence Starters

Journal prompts, general prompts.

  • If I could move anywhere in the world…
  • The best TV show to watch is…
  • I feel loved when my family…
  • Everyday I like to…
  • When my family goes out to dinner, we…
  • How to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
  • How to build a snowman
  • How to brush your teeth
  • How to make hot chocolate
  • How to tie your shoes
  • The first time I lost my tooth…
  • My best friend is special because…
  • My favorite subject in school is…
  • I was really scared when…
  • After I finished playing outside, I…
  • What is the best superpower?
  • I believe the best dessert to eat is…
  • In my opinion, the best sport to play is…
  • In my opinion, everyone should…
  • What do you think it would be like to be in the Olympics?
  • What is the best birthday present you have ever received?
  • Write about a time when you and a friend had a problem.
  • Write about a favorite birthday party you have had or went to.
  • Write about when you learned how to do something new.
  • Describe your favorite outdoor activity.

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Hundreds of Awesome Creative Writing Topics for kids

Creative writing is a great way for children to express themselves using imagination. At Kids Play and Create, we value young writers, and we are constantly updating our list to bring you new, fun, and imaginative writing prompts for kids.

We have story starters, icebreakers, fiction writing prompts, and fun topics to inspire kids through writing. From young students to middle school students and even high school, we have great writing prompts for all writing styles and even the most reluctant writers.

We started out with 50 creative writing topics for kids but have added many more. Check back regularly for newly added writing topics. 

                Check the end of the article for updated Creative Writing Topics for Teens. Are you looking for Creative Writing topics for 1st grade and 2nd grade with free printables? We have that too!

Creative Writing prompts for kids

What is Creative Writing?

Creative writing can be used to explain many types of writing. It is a writing style that lets the writer express themselves.  Some forms of creative writing entertain the reader, while others are therapeutic.  Creative writing lets the writer use their imagination and takes the reader on a journey into their thoughts.

Is Creative Writing Important?

Creative writing is a great way to learn more about the children you work with.  You can find out things about what they like and don’t like.  Depending on the topic you choose, you can also find out things about their personality, what kind of friends they are, how they feel about themselves, and if they set goals and more.  

There are many benefits to writing. Creative writing helps build critical thinking skills and writing skills. These writing prompts will build a child’s confidence to write their own stories.

How do you get kids to want to write without complaining?  Give them fun topics that they will learn about themselves while writing.  On this list, you will find various good topics for both younger and older children.

Creative Writing is fun for All Ages.

Creative writing isn’t just for older children. It can be for the little ones too. Young students as early as Preschool or Kindergarten may not have the ability to write but can express themselves through drawing.

Have young students concentrate less on the writing and more on drawing a picture that goes with the topic. Children are great at expressing themselves through art.

hundreds of writing prompts for kids

Awesome Creative Writing Prompts for Elementary Students

1. Have the children write on top of the page:  I Am Special Because… This is a good topic to help children express themselves.

Have the children think about why they are special and ask themselves questions, here are some examples: what am I good at? Who have they helped? How have I made a difference? What special talent do I have?

2. If I was a superhero, what kind of superhero would I be, and what powers would I have? (This can also be done using villains)

 Examples of powers they can write about: are flying, super speed, eye lasers, walking through walls, shooting ice, shooting fire, changing the weather, camouflage, shapeshifting (changing shape), and turning invisible. 

Activity:  Keep track of who chose a superhero or a villain. Do not let the children know that another activity will follow after the writing activity. When the writing activity is over, split the children into two teams, the superhero team and the villain team.  Have them vs. each other in a game of tag.  Who will champion the superheroes or the villains? 

3. What do I want to be when I grow up and why? This a great way to get to know children.  By asking what they want to be when they grow up, you can find out what the children like.  It’s also a great way for children to start thinking about the future.

4. If you were given three wishes, what would they be and why? This is a fun topic.  Children can think about having anything in the world.  Will they pick something like peace on earth or go the million-dollar route?  

5. If I could invent a new animal, what animal would it be?  Have the children ask themselves the following questions: What does the animal look like (what color, is it big or small, is it a combination of two animals)?  What sounds does the animal make?  What does it eat?  Where does it live?  Describe the animal’s habitat.

Creative Writing Topics for kids

Creative Writing Topics for Kids

6. If I could invent a new toy, what kind of toy would I create and why? Or, If I could improve a toy, which toy would I improve, and how would I make it better?  You can talk to the children about the creative process:  First, you come up with an idea, then you have to get it made.  You can talk to the children about manufacturing toys.  Here are some questions you can ask the children about improving a toy.  How do you want to make the toy better?  Do you want to make the remote control car faster?  Is the game challenging enough?  Do you want your doll to have more features or do more?  These are all questions you can ask the children to get their brains thinking.

7. If I could make something disappear in my life, what would it be and why? Ask the children if there is something in your life that makes them unhappy.  Is there a problem you are having?  

8. All About me essay. Some sample questions the children can ask are:  What are my likes and dislikes? What is my favorite subject in school? What do I want to be when I group up?  Who is their favorite actress/actor?  Where do they want to visit? They can name the people in their family, talk about any extracurricular activities they do, etc.

In what ways do I help my family? Have children write about the ways they help their families.  Do you have chores?  If so, what are they?  Do you help your mom or dad cook?  Do you talk out the garbage? Do you take care of your siblings?  Do you have a job to help pay bills?  

10. How can I be a better friend?  Have children think about what type of friends they are.  Are they good listeners?  Are you kind?  Do you talk about your friends to other people?  Have them think about how they would like to be treated by a friend, do they treat their friends the way they want to be treated?

The Best Creative Writing Topics for 4th and 5th grade

11. If you could be invisible, what would you do and why? Have the children think about what it would be like to be invisible.  Would they use this new power for good or would they try to do something bad?

See also   Top 10 Ways you can Encourage Good Homework Habits for Elementary Students .

12. What do you think about bullies and why? Have the children define what a bully is to them in their paper.  Do they think they are a bully?  Do they think bullying is wrong?  Remember, these are things the children are feeling, there are no wrong answers.

13. Why is it important to be honest and not lie?  To them, the children with their writing ask them the following questions. What does it mean to be honest?  Have you ever told a lie that turned into another lie?

14. What would you do if you won a million dollars?  This question is usually a favorite topic with the children.  Ask them if they think one million dollars is a lot of money.  Depending on where you live, it might be just enough to buy a small house and a car.  What are some things you would buy?  Would you save some or spend it all?

15. If you could change the world, what would you do and why? This is a good question for older children.  Would they change things, such as ending hate and violence in the world? Would they change things such as making gas or food free for everyone? You will get various answers, making this a fun and interesting topic.

Little Boy Writing

Fun Writing Prompts Ideas

16. If you were a king/queen, what would you do and why? This is a fun topic for both younger and older children.  Activity: Have the children draw their kingdom and a picture of them as king or queen

17. If you could invent a video game, what kind of game would you create and why? This topic is also great for older children and young er children.  Children love playing video games, they may not realize that they can make video games for a living.  Talk to the children about video game developers and the process of creating video games.  Have them brainstorm ideas for games, and find out what they can come up with.

18. Write about a time when you had to be brave, what did you do, and how did it feel?  Ask the children if they have ever been afraid. What were they afraid of? Did something scary happen to them?  What did they do to get through it?

19. Write about a trip to the moon, how did you get there, what did you see, it was fun or scary?

20. Write about something you are good at?

21. Write about one thing you want to learn about?

22. Write about a time when you worked hard to get something. This can be a thing or an accomplishment, like making a team, finally getting that cartwheel, or passing a test.

23. Write about five things you could be better at if you worked hard and gave more effort.  There is always room for improvement.  Talk to the children about the importance of trying hard and working towards a goal.

24. If you had to give away $1,000, what would you do with it, who would you give it to? This is a great question when talking to children about being kind and helping others.  

Journal Prompts or Kids

25. What is the best thing someone has ever given to you?

26. What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you?

27. Write about what you can teach others. Everyone is good at something.  This question helps children think about what they’re good at and how they can help others.

28. Did you ever get into an argument with a friend or family member? How did that make you feel?  

29. Did you ever hurt someone’s feelings?  Explain what happened and how it made you feel.  

30. Did someone ever hurt your feelings? How did it make you feel? Did you talk to that person about it?

31. Is there anyone you would like to switch places with? who and why?

32. What does it mean to be loyal?

33. When was a time you were loyal to a friend or a friend who was loyal to you?

34. What famous person would you like to meet? Write about a day spent with a famous person.

Self-Esteem Writing Topics

34. Has a friend ever betrayed you? How did it make you feel? What do you think your friend should have done differently?

35. Have you ever been friends with someone who was unpopular or not part of the group?  This is a great question to ask children when teaching them about acceptance and how it feels not to be part of a group.

36. When was a time you felt you were treated unfairly? How did it make you feel?

37. Is it fair to give someone a head start in a race?  When is it fair? When is it not fair?

38. Write about a time when you had a strong opinion about something? Why did you feel so strongly about it?

39. Write about a time you made a big mistake.  How did you fix it?  Everyone makes mistakes.  This writing topic helps children understand that mistakes are part of the learning experience.

40. Write about a time when you were very angry.  What happened? How did being angry make you feel? I find that many times children will feel sad when they are angry.  Did I make a good choice when I was angry? This is a great writing topic when discussing feelings with children.  It is important for them to understand that anger isn’t wrong, and you are allowed to feel angry.

41. If you heard a rumor about a friend you knew wasn’t true, what would you do? How would it make you feel?

42. Write about a time when you cheered someone up. What did you do? How did it make you feel? How did it make that person feel?

43. Write about a time you used your inner strength to get through a tough situation.

44. Write about three things that are hard for you and why.

See also   Free Colorful Printable Tracing Worksheets for Kids ‘

45. When was the last time you were afraid? What scared you? How did you react?

46. What is the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

47. Who is your hero, and why?

48. What do you think risk-taking is?  Have you ever taken a risk?

49. Write about your best friend. Who are they, how long have you known them, and why are they your best friend?

50. What does it mean to have good character? Do you think you have good character, why?

Short Story Writing Topics for Kids

51. Think about something you are not allowed to do but wish you could.  Write about why you want to do it and why you should be allowed to do it.

52. If you could be on a t.v show, which one would it be and why?  

53. If you had to choose to be one age for the rest of your life which age would you want to be?  Why?

54.  If you could pick the perfect job, what would it be?

55. You just found a treasure map, write about what you would do next.  Do you decide to look for the treasure?  Who is going to help you?  What supplies do you need? Did the map lead you to the treasure, or was it fake?  If you found the treasure, what was it?  What did you do with it?

56. You just built a time machine.  Where in time would you go?  What did you do?  What did you see?  Would you want to stay there or come back to the present time?

57.  You just discovered a new land.  What are you going to call your land?  What kind of animals live there?  Have you discovered anything on your land?  What are you going to build on your new land?

58. Challenge the kids to write a scary story.

59. If you are working with younger children, instead of having them write, you can have them draw and answer questions about their drawing.  Try some of these topics.

1  Create a monster.  Your monster can be silly, scary, funny, big, little, colorful, etc..  What is your monster’s name?  What does your monster eat?  Where does your monster live?  Is your monster nice or mean?  You can write the answers to the questions on the paper for the child or have them come up and share their drawing, while they are showing their picture, ask them questions about their monster.

2.  Create an animal.  This is the same as the monster but just an animal instead.

3. Create new food. What kind of food is it?  Is it a dessert, is it something spicy, is it a combination of both?  Have the children draw a picture of their new food.

Group Writing Prompts for kids

Group Writing Prompts for Kids

I’ve been working with kids on group writing and art projects.  The kids enjoyed these topics the best.

58. Create a fairy tale. have each group member write one part of the story. Then have each member of the group draw one part of the story. When the children are finished writing, have them come up in front of the class and retell their story.   

59.  Create an amusement park.  Discuss as a group the name of the park.  Have each member of the group write about the parts of the park. 

A. What is the theme of your park?  Adventure, thrill rides, water rides, safari, etc.

B.  Write about the type of rides in the park.  Are there shows in the park?

C. Describe places to eat at the park and what type of food they serve.

D. Do they have a gift shop?  What do they sell at your park?

Art Project:  On a large poster board, have each group member draw a park map.  List of attractions, games, food, restrooms, gift shops, shows, etc..

 60. Create a planet – Your group has just discovered a new planet.  Have a group discussion about the planet.  What is the name?  Do anyone live on the planet? Is there water on the planet? Did you find fossils, aliens, or animals?  Is there oxygen? Are there plants, trees, or water?  Have each member of the group write something about the planet.

Art Project: Make a planet out of paper mache.  Once dry, paint, and decorate the planet.

Newly Added Creative Writing Prompts

61. Create a new food/or meal and make a recipe to teach others how to make it.  Have the kids draw a picture of the new food/meal.

62. Create a new game and describe how to play.  This writing topic lets children use their imaginations.  Have the children draw out the game on paper.  If creating a  board game, have the children turn the paper into a board game.

63. Write about a time you lost a game, didn’t do well on a test, or made a mistake, what lesson did you learn? This is a great writing topic to use when teaching children about losing.  Everyone loses sometimes.  losing actually makes you better.  Without losing, sometimes, you won’t strive to become better.

64.  Your video just went viral on Youtube.  What did you do in your video? These days children spend so much time looking at videos on Youtube.  Have them imagine what it would be like to become famous overnight with a viral video.

Fabulous Creative Writing Prompts for Kids

65.  Pretend you had an evil twin.  Write about some things your evil twin does.

66. What is the grossest lunch you have ever been served?  Write about this gross meal.  Remember to add many details about what the food looked and tasted like.

67. What is your sorcerer’s name?  What kind of sorcerer would you be?  Would you be evil or nice?  What kind of powers would you have?  What is something that you did as a sorcerer?

68. What are your personal superpowers?  Are you a great friend, are you smart, do you have a hidden talent?  Write about the superpowers that you already have.

See also   Black History Month Writing Prompts for Students .

69. Write about a time when you were proud of your work and did your best.  How did that make you feel?  Do you always try your best?  Why or why not

70. You have been working hard on your schoolwork/project all for a while, and your mind and body are tired, and you need a break.  What are some ways that you like to take a break?  Do you like to color, take deep breaths, play your favorite game, nap, or have a snack?  Tell us about how you like to take a break.

  • Invent a new holiday. What would you call your holiday? When is it celebrated? How is it celebrated?
  • You became a movie star overnight, what movie were you in? What character did you play?
  • Write about your favorite sport. Why is it your favorite? Give directions on how to play.
  • What is your favorite thing? Describe it and tell why it is your favorite.
  • Who is your favorite teacher? Explain why they are your favorite.

Creative Writing Topics for teens

The Best Creative Writing Prompts and Topics for Teens

  • Have you ever seen somebody being treated unfairly?  If so, did you do anything about it, or did you ignore it and walk away?
  • Do you talk to people the same way in person as you do on social media?
  • How do you think social media has changed or is changing the world?
  • What kind of America do you want to live in?
  • What are your plans after high school?
  • What do you think college life is like?
  • Do you think it is important to save money at your age?  If so, how do you save money?  Why do you think it is important?
  •  Do you know what it means to have good credit?  Do you think it is important to have good credit?  Why?
  • Would you ever join the military?  Why?
  • Who is your idol, and why?
  • What is your favorite childhood memory?

New Creative Writing Prompts for Middle School and High School Students

  • If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go?
  • Write about something you would love to try and why
  • Write about something you did but then felt guilty about it later.  How did you handle the situation?
  • What is the hardest experience you have ever been through?  How did you handle it?
  • Have you ever been to a job interview?  Where are you prepared?  Did you get the job? Would you say something different if you could do it over? Would you be better prepared next time?
  • How do you think the world will be 50 years from now? How do you think people will treat each other?  How do you think the internet/social media has changed the world?  What kind of cars do you think we will be driving?  Will we still be using gas?
  • Write about your dream home.  Would you live in a house or an apartment in the city?  Do you want a big house or something small?  What kind of fun features would your dream home have?
  • If you were a parent, would you let your child have a social media account?  Why or why not?
  • Would you rather work in a team on a project or alone?
  • Write about your favorite song, why is it your favorite?  What is your favorite verse?  How do you feel when listening to it?
  • If you were a clothing designer, what kind of clothes would you design?
  • You have to spend one year stranded on a deserted island, you can bring five things or people with you, what do you bring?
  • You are a superhero, you have to use your powers to make a positive change in the world.  What powers do you have?
  • You are given the power to change one thing you don’t like about yourself, would you change anything?  If yes, what would you change and why?
  • Write about your future self. What is your life like?

Updated Creative Writing Topics for Middle School and High School

  • You are creating a new amusement park.  What kind of park would it be?  What kind of rides does it have?
  • Write about the best Christmas gift you have ever received. Explain what it was, why it was your favorite, who gave it to you, do you still have it.  
  • You were given 1 million dollars, but you must give it away.  Who would you give it to?  would you give it to one person or a couple of different people?  Would you donate it to an organization? 
  • Name 5 of the most important things in your life ( house, family, health, etc..); now you just lost all of them.  How would you feel, what would you do?
  • You just became a YouTube sensation.  What did you do that made you famous?  How does it feel to be recognized by people on the street?
  • A friend of yours has been depressed and said that they told you they don’t want to live anymore.  What do you do and why?
  • How would people describe you and why?
  • Do you think that violent video games make people violent?  Do you think there should be age restrictions on video games?
  • You have a choice of giving up social media or hanging out with your friends for a week, which one do you choose and why?
  • Do you think what you learn in school can help you in the real world?  What topics do you think you should be learning and why?

The Best Creative Writing Prompts for Teens Continued 

  • Do you think that money can buy happiness, why or why not?
  • Do you think you need higher education to become successful?
  • How important is your cell phone with you? I rather give up….blank…. than my cell phone (explain).
  •  Describe the perfect day. What would you do?
  • Have you ever been faced with discrimination?  Were you the one being discriminated against, or were you a witness to discrimination, How did you feel?
  • If you were given the opportunity to meet anyone in the world, living or dead, who would you want to meet and why?
  • Why do you think we pay taxes?  Do you believe taxes are necessary?  What do you think our tax money is used for?

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Writing for Grade 2

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Essays For Class 2

Creative essay writing is considered one of the most effective ways to encourage kids to utilise their creative minds and use their imagination while writing an essay on a given topic. Reading and writing essays for Class 2 will enhance their mental ability to come up with alternative ways to write an essay.

Writing an essay for Class 2 broadens their thought processes and helps in improving their problem-solving and analysis skills. As young learners start writing an essay for Class 2 in English, it helps them to assess their thinking power and talent along with their writing prowess.

For a youngster, composing an essay or paragraph for Class 2 in English is like a golden opportunity to express his/her views about a topic in black and white and aids in understanding and analysing his/her writing expertise.

Here we bring you a list of English essays for Class 2 that kids would enjoy writing. This will help them to enhance their creativity and broaden their mindset and intellect.

List of Essay topics for Class 2:

What’s unique about the essays provided by us.

  • The language of the essay has been kept quite simple and compelling.
  • Each essay has been divided into 10 concise lines so that kids find the essays easy to understand.
  • For each topic, all its important aspects have been covered. 
  • The essays have been drafted and verified by our team of subject-matter experts in order to bring the most appropriate essays for your little one.

Writing an essay for Class 2, however, encourages young learners to exercise their own thinking ability and expand their imagination in weaving their ideas into simple words.

As kids gradually understand the importance of reading essays for Class 2, they become more competent and proficient in understanding a topic of interest and look forward to writing a paragraph in a standard English format.

Writing an essay for Class 2 helps children improve their communication skills and vocabulary. Kids can be given a few essay topics for grade 2 and asked to choose one. Later, you can ask them to write a simple paragraph or 10 lines essay. In addition, you can also let them explore topics and compose an essay. By doing this, they feel confident and remember the new words they have learnt. You can also let the kids choose random topics to write an essay, and help them find appropriate words to form meaningful sentences. A solid vocabulary plays an important role in building a child’s communication skills.

You can explore a huge variety of topics in English essays for grade 2. Take a look at our Kids Learning section, and you will find the best learning materials for kids .

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2nd Grade Writing Worksheets

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25 2nd Grade Writing Worksheets

Addressing letters

Do you know your address? Your school's address? In this language arts worksheet, your children will practice addressing two postcards and writing and drawing information about themselves.

Compound words #1

Some words are made up of two other words! In this language arts worksheet, your child gets practice putting together compound words such as football, playground, and pancake.

Compound words #2

Jig + saw = jigsaw! When two individual words can be added together to form a new word, that's a compound word. In this language arts worksheet, your child will find as many compound words as possible using a set of 15 root words.

Compound words: all mixed up!

These compound words are mixed up — can you fix them? In this language arts worksheet, your child gets practice decoding erroneous compound words, correcting them, and writing accurate compound words.


Conjunctions are words that join sentences. In this writing worksheet, your child gets practice combining two sentences into one using different conjunctions.


Don't write it the long way, use contractions. In this language arts worksheet, your child gets practice identifying and writing contractions.

Editing is an important step that follows writing. In this language arts worksheet, your child gets practice deleting extra or unneccessary words and then rewriting the new, shorter sentences.

Write or right? In this language arts worksheet, your child will look up sets of homophones to learn the definitions of the all the like-sounding (but differently spelled) words.

How to write a story

In this set of reading and writing worksheets, your children will first read two short stories for mechanics, then draw and label a diagram about those stories, answer prompts to create their own story, and finish by writing a complete story!

Poems: a mysterious story (meaning and mechanics)

Who is the Traveler? In this language arts worksheet, your child will read the poem aloud and then answer a series of reading comprehension questions about key details, overall meaning, and mechanics of the poem.

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English Grade 2 Creative Writing

Displaying top 8 worksheets found for - English Grade 2 Creative Writing .

Some of the worksheets for this concept are 1 advanced introduction to creative writing, Home assignments grade 2, Elpac practice test grade 2, Build a story activity, Beginning writing, Second and third grade writing folder, Grade 8 writing additional taskssamples personal, Editing exercises read the rewrite all the.

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1. 1 Advanced Introduction to Creative Writing

2. home assignments grade 2, 3. elpac practice test grade 2, 4. build-a-story activity, 5. beginning free writing, 6. second and third grade writing folder, 7. grade 8 writing: additional tasks/samples personal ..., 8. editing exercises read the paragraphs. rewrite all the ....


Reading & Math for K-5

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  • Learning numbers
  • Comparing numbers
  • Place Value
  • Roman numerals
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Order of operations
  • Drills & practice
  • Measurement
  • Factoring & prime factors
  • Proportions
  • Shape & geometry
  • Data & graphing
  • Word problems
  • Children's stories
  • Leveled Stories
  • Context clues
  • Cause & effect
  • Compare & contrast
  • Fact vs. fiction
  • Fact vs. opinion
  • Main idea & details
  • Story elements
  • Conclusions & inferences
  • Sounds & phonics
  • Words & vocabulary
  • Reading comprehension
  • Early writing
  • Numbers & counting
  • Simple math
  • Social skills
  • Other activities
  • Dolch sight words
  • Fry sight words
  • Multiple meaning words
  • Prefixes & suffixes
  • Vocabulary cards
  • Other parts of speech
  • Punctuation
  • Capitalization
  • Narrative writing
  • Opinion writing
  • Informative writing
  • Cursive alphabet
  • Cursive letters
  • Cursive letter joins
  • Cursive words
  • Cursive sentences
  • Cursive passages
  • Grammar & Writing


Grammar and Writing Workbook for Grade 2

Download & Print Only $6.49

Writing paragraphs

Writing structured texts.

These writing worksheets focus on writing short, structured texts. Students are given prompts to write expository (informative), opinion and narrative paragraphs. The focus is on the structure of the paragraphs (e.g. topic sentence followed by facts and examples).  

Informative paragraphs : topic sentence, 2 facts and a conclusion

Informative paragraphs with examples : topic sentence, a fact, an example and a conclusion

Informative paragraphs with 2 examples : topic sentence, 2 facts, 2 examples and a conclusion

Opinion paragraphs : opinion statement, 2 reasons and a conclusion

Opinion paragraphs with an example : opinion statement, reason, example & conclusion

Opinion paragraphs with 2 examples : 2 reasons, both illustrated with an example

Narrative paragraphs : Writing sequentially with first, next & last

Narrative writing : A word bank helps keep the narrative sequential

Show don't tell : Use descriptive writing to show what is happening

Editing practice : Correct a paragraph's grammar, punctuation and spelling

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Grade 2 Paragraph Writing Worksheet

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  1. Creative Writing Topics for Grade 2

    I hope your 2nd grade writers were inspired by these Creative Writing Topics for Grade 2. Now check out these… 11 Bonus Ideas — Simple List of Things for Even More Writing Fun. In case your young learners need even more writing inspiration, check out this list of super simple creative writing prompts and topics for grade 2 students.

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    Inspiring 2nd grade writing prompts are a wonderful way to expand children's writing skills. Find several engaging prompts to offer your students here.

  3. 100 Fun Writing Prompts for 2nd Grade

    10 Prompts for Second Graders for Poetry Writing. Here are some poetry writing prompts for 2nd grade that will help spark their imagination and creativity: Write a haiku about your favorite part of nature. Remember, haikus have three lines with five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third.

  4. Writing Activities for Your Second Grader

    Turn your child's writing into books. Paste her drawings and writings on pieces of construction paper. For each book, make a cover out of heavier paper or cardboard, and add special art, a title, and her name as author. Punch holes in the pages and cover, and bind the book together with yarn or ribbon.

  5. Printable 2nd Grade Creative Writing Worksheets

    Writing Prompt: Earth Day Reflection #2: My Favorite Nature Memory. Worksheet. Writing Prompt: Earth Day Reflection #3: My Eco-Friendly Home. Worksheet. Super Hero Supporting Details. Worksheet. Make Your Own Comic Book #1. Worksheet. Story Mountain Prewriting.

  6. 25 Exciting Grade 2 Writing Prompts

    Our language arts program for kids has been created to keep children engaged, focused, and entertained as they develop their skills. There are thousands of writing activities available on our program, including creative writing prompts, interactive writing lessons, and vocabulary games. Sign up today and get a 7-day FREE trial!

  7. 2nd Grade Writing Worksheets & Free Printables

    This collection of second grade writing worksheets includes a range of activities designed to get kids excited about expressing themselves through language. Sharpen sentence-level grammar through exercises on verb tense, parts of speech, and plurals. Build kids' vocabulary with reading passages that show advanced words in context.

  8. Creative Writing Topics for 2nd Grade

    Have children research a weather-related topic. Some ideas include hurricane, tornado, blizzard, earthquake, or tsunami. Have them list 5 facts about the topic. Pick a dinosaur. Dinosaurs are one of the most researched topics for elementary school students. Have the children research one dinosaur and list 5 facts.

  9. 2nd Grade Writing Activities for Kids

    Second Grade Writing Activities. Check out these writing activities for 2nd grade! Kids will love these creative ways to diagram plots, differentiate fact from opinion, learn verb tenses, and more. Our writing activities also include fun and original writing-based games for 2nd grade. Find that perfect writing activity to help give your little ...

  10. 2nd Grade Writing Worksheets

    Fan the flames of joy for writing by getting your kids to interact with a pencil and paper and not a screen. These 2nd grade writing worksheets will encourage students to think in a creative manner and respond appropriately to prompts. The scenarios were written with students in mind. We strive to help students have fun while helping progress ...

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    Writing checklists are also available to make story editing and revising a breeze for your second-graders. Browse through our collection of resources below. Feel free to download and print all of the 2nd-grade worksheets you need. 2-3: BRAINSTORMING. 2-3: INFORMATIVE WRITING. 2-3: WRITING CHECKLIST. 2-3: WRITING STARTERS. 2-3: NARRATIVE WRITING.

  13. Hundreds of Awesome Creative Writing Topics for kids

    58. Challenge the kids to write a scary story. 59. If you are working with younger children, instead of having them write, you can have them draw and answer questions about their drawing. Try some of these topics. 1 Create a monster. Your monster can be silly, scary, funny, big, little, colorful, etc..

  14. Gr. 2 ENGLISH: Resource Pack

    Grade 2 Writing Toolbox: Empowering Young Writers with Essential Skills Gr. 2 ENGLISH: Resource Pack - Creative Writing (Set 1) | WCED ePortal Google Tag Manager

  15. Grade 2 Grammar & Writing Worksheets

    K5 Learning offers free worksheets, flashcards and inexpensive workbooks for kids in kindergarten to grade 5. Become a member to access additional content and skip ads. Grammar and writing worksheets for Grade 2 including nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, sentences, punctuation, capitalization, writing paragraphs and writing prompts.

  16. Writing for Grade 2

    Grade 2 Writing Toolbox: Empowering Young Writers with Essential Skills. Gr. 2 ENGLISH: Resource Pack - Creative Writing (Set 2) Grade 2 Writing Toolbox: Empowering Young Writers with Essential Skills. Gr. 2 T1 - 4 ENGLISH: Handwriting Work Schedules. Grade 2 Handwriting Toolbox: Empowering Young Writers with Essential Skills.

  17. Summer Creative Story Starter #2

    One of the most challenging parts of creative writing is getting a new piece started. Once kids get started, the story begins to flow. In this story: Scott threw the beach ball to Robbie, who jumped up and tried to catch it. The ball was too high and it sailed over the fence into the neighbour's yard. Suddenly, the ball came flying back over the fence and landed in the pool. "How did that ...

  18. Simple and Interesting Essays for Class 2 on Most Common Topics

    Creative essay writing is considered one of the most effective ways to encourage kids to utilise their creative minds and use their imagination while writing an essay on a given topic. ... As young learners start writing an essay for Class 2 in English, it helps them to assess their thinking power and talent along with their writing prowess ...

  19. 2nd grade writing Worksheets, word lists and activities.

    In this language arts worksheet, your child will read the poem aloud and then answer a series of reading comprehension questions about key details, overall meaning, and mechanics of the poem. Give your child a boost using our free, printable 2nd grade writing worksheets.

  20. English Grade 2 Creative Writing Worksheets

    Displaying top 8 worksheets found for - English Grade 2 Creative Writing. Some of the worksheets for this concept are 1 advanced introduction to creative writing, Home assignments grade 2, Elpac practice test grade 2, Build a story activity, Beginning writing, Second and third grade writing folder, Grade 8 writing additional taskssamples personal, Editing exercises read the rewrite all the.

  21. Writing paragraphs worksheets for grade 2

    These writing worksheets focus on writing short, structured texts. Students are given prompts to write expository (informative), opinion and narrative paragraphs. The focus is on the structure of the paragraphs (e.g. topic sentence followed by facts and examples). Informative paragraphs: topic sentence, 2 facts and a conclusion.

  22. Creative writing online exercise for grade 2

    Level: grade 2. Language: English (en) ID: 2158385. 28/09/2022. Country code: ZA. Country: South Africa. School subject: English language (1061957) Main content: Creative writing (2011716) From worksheet author: creative writing. Loading ad... Share / Print Worksheet. Google Classroom Microsoft Teams ...

  23. KS2 English: Write a script

    Video summary. This short film presents a real-world context for writing a script and challenges children to write a short script for a TV show. The presenter, Naomi Wilkinson, is on the set ...