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650 words on college essays.

best yale college essays

The life of an admissions officer can be a fascinating one. I spend a lot of time traveling to faraway places to meet students from around the world, voting in committee to help determine each next college class, but I am perhaps most privileged to have a unique glimpse into the personal lives of hundreds of 17 year olds each year via my absolute favorite art form: the college essay. After 5 years I have read thousands of these 650-word windows into the minds of high school students, and can assure you that the college essay comes in many flavors: good, bad, eloquent, conversational, sarcastic, insightful, deep, shallow, hilarious, painful, delightful, disturbing, and so on.

For any high school senior working on their college applications, the essay can seem like a daunting task. For Yale, you’ll even have to write more than one. I hope you see this not as a burden or a hoop you must jump through, but an opportunity: to reflect on your past few years and look ahead to college. The skills of reflection, self-expression, and cogent writing are all ones that will serve you well in college (in fact, they will be critical), so consider this practice. You do not have to be the world’s most eloquent wordsmith to write a successful college essay; the best essays we read are those where the genuine voice of a high school student (that’s you!) comes through loud and clear and we really get a sense of who you are.

When I talk to prospective Yalies about the application process, I am often asked what my favorite essay topic is. I assure you there is no such thing. The quality of a college essay has little to do with topic, and everything to do with reflection and voice. I truly believe I could read 100 essays about the same topic, each of them completely unique and in their own ways excellent and entrancing (or not). There are certainly amusing trends that emerge over time: in the past few years, I’ve seen an uptick in essays reflecting on life lessons learned from Uber drivers. I’m told that 10 years ago, essays explaining what Hogwarts House one belongs in were abundant. I wouldn’t dare say that there are any essay topics you should shy away from, because I’m certain that a great college essay could be written about nearly anything. And it doesn’t matter if we’ve read about it before – only you can write about you.

I do have favorite essays that I can remember, but they have no particular topic in common. Instead, they are the ones where at the end I have a grasp on what it might be like to have a conversation with the writer, to be in the same room as them. This is what we mean when we talk about voice. Revise and edit, but be sure not to lose the sense of individuality that only you can put into words. Have someone proofread, but don’t get too much help. My colleagues and I can tell when an essay is written more by a parent or, dare I even say it, a college consultant than by a student – and I can promise you that those pieces are not very good.

While your grades and test scores will speak for themselves and your teachers and counselor will write on your behalf, the essays are your opportunity to really take control of your application. Every required bit of writing should be considered precious real estate on your applications; think about what you want us to know about you, and do your best to work that information into the space allotted. It is through these essays that your admissions officer revels in your successes, shares in your disappointments, gets to know – forgive the cliché – the real you. So get writing. We can’t wait to hear from you.

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Yale University

134 Yale Essays That Got In

Updated for the 2024-2025 admissions cycle.

.css-1l736oi{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;gap:var(--chakra-space-4);font-family:var(--chakra-fonts-heading);} .css-1dkm51f{border-radius:var(--chakra-radii-full);border:1px solid black;} .css-1wp7s2d{margin:var(--chakra-space-3);position:relative;width:1em;height:1em;} .css-cfkose{display:inline;width:1em;height:1em;} About Yale .css-17xejub{-webkit-flex:1;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;justify-self:stretch;-webkit-align-self:stretch;-ms-flex-item-align:stretch;align-self:stretch;}

Nestled in New Haven, Connecticut, Yale University is an Ivy League institution that provides students with an exceptional educational experience. Students at Yale may benefit from the University's highly regarded academics and research opportunities, diversified campus culture, world-renowned professors, and extensive choice of extracurricular activities. Yale's dedication to quality extends far beyond the confines of a typical institution, with renowned undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs, as well as world-class museums and libraries. The school’s interdisciplinary philosophy is best captured by their motto “Yale is and.” Indeed, at Yale, students are encouraged to study multiple disciplines and see how they interact; for Yalies, it’s about studying fields like biology and sociology — not one or the other. As such, Yale University—with its lively student body and devoted staff—provides an exciting, challenging, and creative learning environment for students from all walks of life.

Unique traditions at Yale

1.Bulldog Days: This tradition is held annually in the spring and is a multi-day event that provides prospective students an opportunity to experience and explore life at Yale. 2.Freshman Shirts: A tradition where incoming freshman each choose a unique shirt and wear it on the Wednesday of Bulldog Days. 3.Heave Ho: At the end of each spring semester, Yale students gathered outside Dwight Hall and wait for a shared count of three. Then, with 3 cheers of “Hip Hip Heave Ho!” the entire Yale community school throws their hats in the air. 4.The Gold Rush: In this tradition, competing teams of Yale undergraduate students race around the Yale campus while pushing a shopping cart with two passengers on board. 5.The Stephen S. Roberts Memorial Run: A 13-mile march offered to all incoming freshmen that follows historical events and locations related to the Yale community.

Programs at Yale

1) Yale Women in Business: A student-led organization with a mission to foster an inclusive and supportive network of women at Yale who are passionate about business. 2) Morse College Writing: A yearlong program of small-group seminars focused on the study of the craft of writing. 3) Chapter 16: A club devoted to the study and directed discussion of Yale's Literary Magazine, Chapter 16. 4) The Chinese Language and Culture Program: An intensive language program focused on introducing beginners to conversational Chinese through conversation and culture courses. 5) Yale Debate Association: A student-run organization that provides students of all levels with the opportunity to improve their debating skills through a variety of competitive and educational activities.

At a glance…

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New Haven, CT

Real Essays from Yale Admits

Prompt: what inspires you.

Unfinished stories. They’re a reminder that life isn’t neatly defined by chapters, and that I have the power to choose the meaning and impact of events and find ways to improve upon them.

Profile picture

Essay by Rosie

Statistics & Data Science + Ethics, Politics & Economics (and Musician?) @ Yale :D

Prompt: What is something about you that is not included anywhere else in your application?

The freedom of a Hibachi buffet is amazingly powerful. Ice cream, beef and broccoli, a dozen dishes of fish—it’s a veritable choose-your-own adventure novel. For me, Yale holds even more appeal. I want to gorge myself on Yale's "Writing About Oneself" course—it focuses on self-exploration through literature and theme introspection, something I wish to do with my own writing. My palate is not bound to English foodstuffs—I also want to devour Yale's "Democracy and Sustainability" course. Through my urban community farm, I have seen firsthand the importance of sustainability but have seldom been able to study it at my own school. Yale's undergraduate curriculum combined with its two-week shopping period will allow me to freely explore my many interests—letting me discover myself in the process.

Essay by Python Chen

I'm an aspiring author from Nashville. I love reading & writing, playing video games, watching anime, cooking, and letting my undiagnosed ADHD lead me on a wild ride everyday!

Prompt: What is it about Yale that has led you to apply?

Visiting campus, I learned Yale students were exceptionally passionate. Yalies raved not only about the world-renowned academics, but also their adventures in the arts, volunteering, and athletics. Additionally, I saw that residential communities’ fascinating guest speakers and social events transform dorms into lively homes. As an institution, Yale fosters student enthusiasm. Through class shopping, students explore their many interests before committing to a course. Also, many classes are seminars, proving that Yale has plenty of opportunities like any large university, but maintains the intimacy of a small college. Finally, I love that the Yale spirit is intelligent and collaborative. Students are both brilliant and appreciate others’ strengths. Yale is the perfect place for me to pursue my passions, surrounded by other Yalies doing the same.

Essay by Michelle

Yale grad who loves renewable energy, travel, and the arts!

Prompt: Yale’s residential colleges regularly host conversations with guests representing a wide range of experiences and accomplishments. What person, past or present, would you invite to speak? What would you ask them to discuss?

To rapper and Pulitzer Prize winner Kendrick Lamar: How do you balance telling your own personal stories and addressing social issues in your music?

Essay by Nikhe

History student, poet, and Succession-fanatic @ Yale

Prompt: You are teaching a new Yale course. What is it called?

Computer science: an alluring juxtaposition of problem-solving and art. It transforms me. When I’m meticulously debugging code, I’m 8-year-old me, manipulating the faces of my Rubik’s cube to return it to its original configuration. When I’m fervently typing away lines of code, I am a craftsman, painting on the canvas I call the IDE-software-application. When I’m compiling code, I am a scientist, testing for sources of error.

Essay by Rose

Programmer and performer @ Yale!

.css-310tx6{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-webkit-box-pack:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;-webkit-justify-content:center;justify-content:center;text-align:center;gap:var(--chakra-space-4);} Find an essay from your twin at Yale .css-1dkm51f{border-radius:var(--chakra-radii-full);border:1px solid black;} .css-1wp7s2d{margin:var(--chakra-space-3);position:relative;width:1em;height:1em;} .css-cfkose{display:inline;width:1em;height:1em;}

Someone with the same interests, stats, and background as you


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Sat / act prep online guides and tips, 4 tips for a standout "why yale" essay.

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College Essays


For students applying to Yale, the "Why Yale" essay may seem straightforward, but it can also be very intimidating due to its low word-count limit and the specific nature of the prompt.

You might be wondering what you can write to make sure your application stands out from the crowd...and gets you accepted!

In this article, we're going to:

  • Break down the "Why Yale" essay
  • Explain what the university is looking for in your response
  • Suggest topics to write about that'll help you make an impact
  • Give a "Why Yale Essay" sample to get inspiration from another student's answer

So let's dive in!

The "Why Yale" Essay Prompt

What is it about Yale that has led you to apply? (125 words or fewer)

Wow! This is a short essay prompt. You might be wondering what you can possibly write about to stand out from other applicants with such a brief assignment.

For instance, you may be thinking that everyone applies to Yale for the same reason: the school's stellar academic reputation.

While that's undoubtedly true, the admissions committee already knows that Yale is a great university. The admissions committee wants to know why you'd rather go to Yale than any of the other Ivy League universities or other top schools in the world.

What Is the Purpose of the "Why Yale" Essay?

Why do schools like Yale require you to answer a " why this school " essay?

No matter which schools you're applying to, this type of prompt is one of the most common that you'll see on your college applications.

Why? Because colleges want to see that you really want to attend their school. Students who love their school are more likely to be active and happy students—and later, active and happy alumni.

In short: your essay should show the admissions committee that you really love Yale, which will make them feel more confident that you'll be a great addition to the campus.

Because the " why this college " type of essay is common, it might be tempting to recycle one you wrote for a different school and plug it into your Yale application. That's not a good idea!

If your essay is generic or nonspecific to Yale, the admissions committee will worry that you're not invested in going to Yale. They may even think that you don't care about getting into Yale, which could cause them to pass over your application in favor of another student who really wants to attend Yale. The admissions committee wants to accept students who will attend Yale the next year.

Basically, Yale wants to make sure you know and value what they offer, and they also want to assess how you'll take advantage of the many opportunities on Yale's campus to further your academic and professional career.


What Should You Write About in Your "Why Yale" Essay?

Yale might be best known for its academics but there are many features of the university that you can talk about for your essay. Here's a list of potential topics:

  • Majors or classes you're especially interested in
  • Professors whose work you admire and whom you'd like to study with or conduct research with
  • Extracurriculars that you'd be interesting in joining
  • Research opportunities you'd like to have
  • Current and past Yale students you've met who you admire
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Professional opportunities
  • Campus life

You should make sure that the points you choose are unique to Yale itself. For instance, Yale's residential college system is very unique and creates a different campus life experience than most universities. Talking about how you appreciate that feature of Yale's campus will show that you have done your research and like Yale's unique features.

No matter which topic you choose, you should be sure to connect it back to your own interests.

For instance, if you talk about a professor whose work you admire, describe how studying under that professor will help your academic career.

Your answer to this prompt must be specific ; you can't just say that you are intrigued by Yale's stellar faculty. You need to give examples of which faculty members you want to learn from. Focus on your chosen feature of Yale, how it relates to you as a student and person, and how Yale can help you achieve your future goals.

Want to build the best possible college application?   We can help.   PrepScholar Admissions combines world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've guided thousands of students to get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit and are driven to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in:

Tips for a Great Response to the Why Yale Essay

Regardless of how you decide to answer this prompt, there are four tips everyone should keep in mind to make sure they're fully answering the question, giving the information Yale wants to see, and making sure they stand out from other applicants.

#1: Do Your Research

Before you begin writing your response to this essay prompt, you should know exactly why you want to attend Yale. There are multiple ways to do this research. You can check out the school website or course catalog . You could also schedule a campus visit, meet with an alum or current student, or chat with a Yale professor.

#2: Be Specific

From your research, you should have come up with specific reasons why Yale is a great school for you. The more specific you can be when answering this prompt, the better.

Don't say Yale has great academics, caring professors, and an interesting student body. The vast majority of schools have that.

Instead, try to mention opportunities only Yale can provide , like specific professors, course names, extracurriculars, or research opportunities.

#3: Show Your Passion

Yale wants students who care a lot about their studies and their school, so make sure this comes across in their response. A bland statement like, "I am impressed by Yale's drama program" doesn't tell the school anything about you or help you stand out from other applicants.

You've done your research so you can mention specific qualities of Yale that have enticed you, and now you need to discuss specific qualities about yourself as well. Why does the drama program make you so excited? What do you want to get out of it? Be detailed, specific and honest.

Showing a passion that's unique to you will help differentiate you from other applicants and show Yale that you're going to take your studies seriously.

#4: Proofread

Your Yale essay should be the strongest example of your work possible. Before you turn in your application, make sure to edit and proofread your essays.

Your work should be free of spelling and grammar errors. Make sure to run your essays through a spelling and grammar check before you submit.

It's a good idea to have someone else read your "Why Yale" essay, too. You can seek a second opinion on your work from a parent, teacher, or friend. Ask them if your work represents you as a student and person . Have them check and make sure you haven't missed any small writing errors. Having a second opinion will help your work be the best it possibly can be.


"Why Yale" Essay Sample and Reasons Why It Works

To help you get a better idea of what a great response to this prompt can look like, below is a "Why Yale" essay sample that we wrote. We'll also explain what makes it an excellent response.

The first song I could sing was Puccini's "O mio babbino Caro." I don't think that my mother realized she was sparking a love for opera by teaching me a party trick. That love has grown into a driving ambition and a door into my favorite areas of study: history, drama, language, and music. As a college student, I have always hoped to combine all of these fields.

While visiting Yale, I took a voice lesson from a mezzo soprano from the School of Music. She told me about how she studied Roman and Greek literature, leading her to specialize in baroque opera. Her inclusive approach to her craft inspired me and let me know that I can do the same at Yale. I cannot imagine giving up the study of language and history in favor of music, and at Yale I wouldn't have to.

Let's take a look at what makes this "Why Yale" essay work well.

#1: Answers the Prompt Specifically

This essay gives examples of personal experience with the school and reveals an applicant who did their research. The applicant is clearly interested in the music program at Yale, since he or she has taken a lesson with a student and talked with the student about their experience.

#2: Gives Details About a Program

The applicant's essay illustrates that they know the subjects they want to study at Yale: music, language, and history. They also show that they took the initiative to seek out a current vocal student to assess the kind of skills that could be gained by Yale's program.

#3: Shows Where the Applicant Fits In

It's clear from reading this essay where the author sees him or herself at Yale. They've shown that Yale has opportunities they want to take part in and contribute to, and they tie this into their academic goals for the future.

#4: Shows Interaction With Current Students

The applicant's experience with a current student is the main feature of this essay. It shows that the student had the foresight to take a lesson with someone who was a product of the school's undergraduate music program, and the evidence that she collected to support her goal of finding a school that wouldn't limit her learning experience to music alone.

Recap: Writing a Great "Why Yale" Essay

Your "Why Yale" essay can help give the admissions teams a good idea of why Yale is a great fit for you. The purpose of this essay prompt is for you to show Yale that you've done research on their school, feel it's a good fit for you , and already know some of the opportunities at the school you want to make the most of.

In your Yale essay, you can write about multiple topics, including academics, the student body, extracurriculars, and research opportunities. When writing your essay for this prompt, be sure to do lots of research on the school, be specific, show your passion, and mention plans you have for the future. Looking at "Why Yale" essay examples can also help, though they are hard to find.


What's Next?

Getting into college requires a strong application, including SAT/ACT scores. Wondering how high of an SAT score or ACT score do you need to get into your top colleges?

Worried about paying for college? Here's a complete guide to figuring out how much college will cost for you .

Know exactly what you want to study in college? Check out some of our best-of-specialty-school lists, including the best film schools , best video game design schools , best journalism schools , and best creative writing schools .

Want to write the perfect college application essay?   We can help.   Your dedicated PrepScholar Admissions counselor will help you craft your perfect college essay, from the ground up. We learn your background and interests, brainstorm essay topics, and walk you through the essay drafting process, step-by-step. At the end, you'll have a unique essay to proudly submit to colleges.   Don't leave your college application to chance. Find out more about PrepScholar Admissions now:

Hayley Milliman is a former teacher turned writer who blogs about education, history, and technology. When she was a teacher, Hayley's students regularly scored in the 99th percentile thanks to her passion for making topics digestible and accessible. In addition to her work for PrepScholar, Hayley is the author of Museum Hack's Guide to History's Fiercest Females.

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Yale Supplemental Essays 2023-24

Yale supplemental essays.

Want to know how to get into Yale? Well, every strong application starts with well-crafted Yale supplemental essays. 

As one of the nation’s top schools, the Yale application process is highly competitive. Therefore, by crafting unique and interesting Yale supplemental essays, you can ensure you impress the admissions team. 

In this article, we’ll go over each of the Yale supplemental essays in detail. Additionally, we’ll review tips for responding to the Why Yale essay, as well as the other Yale short answer essays. 

Yale Essay Prompts: Quick Facts

  • Yale University Acceptance Rate:  5%–  U.S. News  ranks Yale University as one of the  most selective  schools in the nation
  • 2 short answer essays (125-200 words each)
  • 4 “short take” questions (35 words each)
  • 1 longer response essay (400 words)
  • Yale University Application:  Students must submit their Yale University application through either the  Common Application , Coalition Application , or Questbridge Application . Make sure to have all of your Yale University supplemental essays and other  required application materials  ready when applying. 

Single Choice Early Action: November 1 st  

Regular decision: january 2 nd.

  • Yale University Essay Tip:  Though there are several Yale supplemental essays, make sure to answer each one in detail, demonstrating why Yale is a great fit for you.

Please note that essay requirements are subject to change each admissions cycle, and portions of this article may have been written before the final publication of the most recent guidelines. For the most up-to-date information on essay requirements, check the university’s admissions website. 

Does Yale have supplemental essays?

Yes, there are Yale supplemental essays.

Students should think critically about the Yale essay requirements. There are a total of seven Yale supplemental essays. These vary in length and format. 

You’ll submit the Yale supplemental essays in addition to your main personal statement, sometimes called the Common App essay . As such, you will need to submit eight essays as part of your application. 

Writing all of these Yale supplemental essays by the Yale application deadline might seem daunting. However, if you plan ahead, you can ensure all of your Yale supplemental essays highlight your strengths. 

Overall, make sure you have a strategy when working on your Yale supplemental essays. To help you get started, let’s review the Yale essay prompts in detail. 

Does Yale have a Why Yale essay?

Yes—one of the Yale supplemental essays is a Why Yale essay. The Why Yale essay is a short answer essay that can be a maximum of 125 words long. The objective of the Why Yale essay is the same as it is for other Why School essays—to demonstrate that you have researched the school well and explain what makes it the right fit for you. 

The Why Yale essay for 2023-24 is worded as follows:

What is it about Yale that has led you to apply? 

The keywords in this essay question are “Yale” and “you.” In short, in your Why Yale essay, you must demonstrate that you have done research on Yale. You can do so by emphasizing aspects of the school’s academics, culture, clubs, research opportunities, or anything else that stands out to you. By the end of your Why Yale essay, a Yale admissions officer should have a clear sense of why you belong at Yale. 

Secondly, every one of the Yale supplemental essays is a chance to showcase more about yourself. As such, use the Why Yale essay as a chance to talk more about passions, values, and interests that make you unique. Since you only have 125 words to write for the Why Yale essay, it’s important to be concise.

Yale Questbridge Essay Requirements

Yale University is a Questbridge partner . Students wondering how to get into Yale should explore Questbridge further, as it is one of the three ways to apply to Yale.

But, what is Questbridge? Questbridge is a scholarship program for students from low-income backgrounds who wish to attend elite colleges. Some of these, like Yale, are Ivy League colleges . As part of their application, students rank schools that they would like to attend. If a school they ranked admits them, then they are considered a “match” and receive a full scholarship to attend the school. 

Check out this virtual information session for 2022 Yale Questbridge Finalists to learn more about Questbridge at Yale and how to apply.

Understanding the Yale requirements for Questbridge

Students who apply via the Yale Questbridge application complete slightly different Yale supplemental essays than students who apply regularly through the Common App or Coalition App. Indeed, the Questbridge application only requires two short answer essays.

Specifically, the Questbridge Yale essay prompts only include the academic interest and why Yale essay. They do not include the “short take” or longer response questions. Instead, the Yale Questbridge application gives more space for students to discuss their backgrounds and unique circumstances. 

In the next section, we’ll go into further detail on the Yale short answer essays, which are required of all students regardless of whether they are applying to Yale through the Common App, Coalition App, or the Questbridge Scholarship application.

Yale Short Answer Essays

The first set of Yale supplemental essays are the three short answer essays. These Yale supplemental essays are required for all applicants, regardless of which application they use to apply.

The Yale short answer essays are as follows:

Short Answer Question 1: 

Students at yale have time to explore their academic interests before committing to one or more major fields of study. many students either modify their original academic direction or change their minds entirely. as of this moment, what academic areas seem to fit your interests or goals most comfortably please indicate up to three from the  list  provided., short answer question 2: , tell us about a topic or idea that excites you and is related to one or more academic areas you selected above. why are you drawn to it (200 words or fewer), short answer question 3:, what is it about yale that has led you to apply (125 words or fewer).

Since we already discussed the Why Yale question above, we’ll focus on breaking down the first two short answer questions.

Question 1: Your Academic Interests

The first of the Yale supplemental essays asks you to identify three academic areas of interest. Yale is a liberal arts school that allows students to choose a major but also requires them to take courses outside of their major via their distribution requirements. As such, it is important to demonstrate your flexibility in learning many different subjects. However, these subjects do not have to be related. In fact, in some cases, it may be more intriguing if they are not. For example, a student who states an interest in Asian American history and evolutionary biology definitely makes an intriguing candidate.

However, you should respond to this question as you do all of your Yale supplemental essays—genuinely. Indeed, Yale wants to know what you are truly interested in. Therefore, listing majors simply to impress or seem intriguing won’t serve you well.

Question 2: A Topic that Excites You

The next short answer essay asks you to discuss a topic that excites you. This should be directly related to one of the academic interests you described in the first question. 

In this question, focus on the “why.” What makes this topic interesting or meaningful to you? How does it relate to your background, experiences, or future goals? The more specific you can be, the better. 

Wondering how to select a topic or idea to highlight in your Yale essays? Here are a few tips:

Tips for Selecting a Yale Essay Topic

1. brainstorm 3-5 ideas..

Take a few minutes to jot down specific memories you have associated with this topic. For example, if you are interested in evolutionary biology, maybe you remember learning about how birds evolved from dinosaurs. Use descriptive language to show us what you learned and bring the topic to life. 

2. Choose a meaningful topic.

After you have brainstormed, note which topic makes you feel excited. Don’t choose the topic that you think sounds more impressive to others. Choose the one that impresses you.

3. Write a lot and then edit it down.

Don’t limit yourself by focusing on the word count. Instead, begin by writing freely. From there, edit out words or sentences that don’t seem essential. Additionally, you can ask mentors or friends to help you revise.

A successful response to these Yale essay prompts will have the following characteristics:

How to Respond to Yale Essay Prompts

1. relate to yale’s academics..

As supplements must be specific to each school, it’s important that you highlight topics and majors that you know can study at Yale. First, think about Yale’s academic strengths, and then use these as a basis for your essays. 

2. Demonstrate a passion for learning.

Yale values students’ intellectual curiosity. As such, the topic you discuss must demonstrate your passion for learning. 

3. Tell us why you are drawn to the topic.

As the question denotes, Yale doesn’t just want to know what you are interested in, but why. Does the topic have some kind of personal relevance? Does it excite you because it’s baffled scientists for centuries? Make your reasoning clear.

Now that we’ve looked in detail at these Yale requirements, we’ll explore the Yale short answer essays that are even shorter. Indeed, these Yale supplemental essays are sometimes known as the “short takes.”

Additional Yale Supplemental Essays

In addition to responding to the Yale short answer essays above, you’ll need to respond to four “short takes” and one longer response which offers you three Yale essay prompts to choose from. First, we’ll discuss the “short takes.”

Inside the Yale “Short Takes”

There are four Yale “short takes.”  These Yale supplemental essays ask students to respond in 200 characters or less, which roughly equates to 35 words. As such, you must be extremely concise in your response while still answering the question. Still, use these essays to showcase your unique brand or personality, helping the admissions team understand who you are.

Below are the Yale essay prompts for the “short takes,” followed by tips for responding well: 

1. What inspires you?

For this prompt, take some time to simply free-write and brainstorm a list of things that inspire you. Don’t limit yourself by thinking your response must relate to academics. There is no right response to this question. The key is to express what inspires you in a way that enriches your profile. 

2. If you could teach any college course, write a book, or create an original piece of art of any kind, what would it be?

As we shared above, Yale is a liberal arts college very interested in intellectual curiosity. This question allows you to showcase your creativity and passions. Rather than trying to think of an idea that will impress admissions officers, focus on choosing one that speaks to you. 

3. Other than a family member, who is someone who has had a significant influence on you? What has been the impact of their influence? 

This question alludes to Yale’s focus on “improving the world.” By asking you to highlight a person who has influenced you, they get to see what you value in others and whether you can recognize the interdependence of the world. Note that the question asks you to highlight someone “other than a family member.” So, logically, avoid writing about family members in this Yale essay. Lastly, even though you are writing about someone else, the core of your response should demonstrate more about who you are. Therefore, briefly name the person and their relationship to you. And then, mainly focus on how they impacted you. 

4. What is something about you that is not included anywhere else in your application?

The final of the Yale supplemental essays “short takes” could potentially be the most challenging one to answer. This question is open-ended on purpose. Unsurprisingly, Yale values diversity as much as most elite schools. As such, they provide space for you to share something that they may not have asked you about yet. To brainstorm, perhaps ask friends and family to read your application and then tell you a few aspects of your personality or experience that aren’t represented. Then, express that uniqueness in 35 words or less. Additionally, this could be a space to express more about any challenges or unique circumstances you have faced that impacted your life or academics significantly. However, those details may also be better suited for the “Additional Information” section. So, think about what information is best suited where.

Breaking Down the Yale Longer Response Essay

The Yale longer response essay is the final of the Yale supplemental essays. While it is indeed the longest of the short answer essays, it is still only 400 words maximum in length. You can choose from three Yale essay prompts for this question. 

Here are the three Yale essay prompts, along with guidance on how to respond:

1. Reflect on a time you discussed an issue important to you with someone holding an opposing view. Why did you find the experience meaningful?

With this question, Yale hopes to gauge whether you can engage in the “free exchange of ideas” they mention in their mission statement. To respond well, choose an example of a conversation that truly did impact you. Describe the conversation with enough detail to make it clear what the opposing views were. In the end, the most critical piece of this essay is showing how the experience impacted you. Since Yale values learning, Yale hopes to see whether you can find opportunities to learn in your day-to-day life just as much as you do in the classroom.

2. Reflect on your membership in a community to which you feel connected. Why is this community meaningful to you? You may define community however you like.

This Yale supplemental prompt seeks to learn more about the communities you are a part of and how you interact with them. Consider your neighborhood, school, family, religious group, or any other group of people to which you feel closely connected. Remember that the focus of this essay is still you, so avoid spending too long describing the community. Instead, jump right into why it is meaningful to you.

3. Reflect on an element of your personal experience that you feel will enrich your college. How has it shaped you?

As we noted above, Yale values diversity in the broadest sense of the word. As a result, they look for students who can bring new experiences to campus. However, those experiences don’t have to be grand, like living in five different countries as a child. In fact, perhaps you lived in the same house for all your childhood and this taught you to value history, tradition, and legacy. As with all the other Yale essays, the right answer is the one that resonates most with you.

At this point, you may be wondering which of the Yale essay prompts to choose. While there isn’t one essay prompt that Yale admissions officers value more than another, there might be one that feels more authentic to you. Another way to decide is to choose a prompt that allows you to talk about an aspect of yourself that you haven’t yet divulged. In this way, you can fit more about yourself on the page and avoid repeating previous information.

What does Yale admissions look for in essays?

If you’re wondering how to get into Yale, you’re probably also wondering what Yale looks for in Yale supplemental essays. Here are a few tips to make your Yale essays stand out:

Each year, Yale aims to build an incoming class that reflects a diverse array of identities, experiences, and interests. Beyond that, admissions officers are skilled at reading for authenticity. This means that trying to impress them will likely come across on the page and discourage them from accepting you.

2. Passion for Yale.

Each of the Yale supplemental essays gives you space to highlight aspects of your experience that overlap with Yale in some way. As such, they must be Yale-specific in some sense, even if only by highlighting how your values align with Yale’s mission. 

3. Stick to your own voice.

While your essay must be written formally, only use vocabulary words that you would use. Avoid looking for the fanciest possible vocabulary word (unless it’s one you actually use), since this will only come off as ingenuine.

4. Proofread.

As Yale is a prestigious academic institution, they are looking for writing that reflects conventionally proper grammar and spelling. Make sure you have multiple people read your essays. In fact, reading your Yale supplemental essays out loud can help you catch errors or missing words.

What is the application deadline for Yale?

In addition to understanding the Yale requirements, students must choose one of two Yale application deadlines.

You have two main options for your Yale application deadline. They are as follows:

Early Action is a Yale application deadline that allows students to apply early. SCEA means that you are only allowed to apply to one school’s Early Action deadline. 

If you apply to Yale through Early Action, you cannot apply to any other school’s Early Action or Early Decision program. There are a few exceptions to this restriction. For instance, students may apply to public institutions as long as they are non-binding. At Yale, applying SCEA tends not to dramatically increase students’ admissions odds. However, for some schools, applying early can make a huge difference in terms of demonstrated interest. 

This is the date by which most students apply. There are no restrictions on how many schools you can apply to through Regular Decision.

A note on Questbridge students’ application deadlines :

Students applying via Questbridge must complete their application by September 26 . Then, they will be notified of whether they matched with Yale on November 1. 

Starting early on your Yale supplemental essays is key to a successful application. By starting early, you have time to brainstorm ideas, get multiple people’s opinions, and incorporate feedback. Plus, starting early helps you avoid feeling stressed by the Yale requirements.

More Yale Essay Resources from CollegeAdvisor

As always, CollegeAdvisor is committed to helping you find your way in the college admissions process. As such, we have several tailored resources to learn more about how to get into Yale. 

To learn more about the Yale supplemental essays, check out this webinar for more tips on responding to the Yale essay prompts. In addition, our college admissions experts will share guidance on writing efficiently so you can complete your other applications as well. 

Want to hear from a Yale alum about their admissions pathway to Yale? Listen to one of our experts talk about how they aced the admissions process. This webinar includes an excerpt from their Yale supplemental essays. It also discusses how this student put together their application so their profile stood out.

Lastly, check out this article full of sample Why Yale essays. Inside, you’ll get a clear perspective on how students responded fully to this question using their own unique flair.

Yale Supplemental Essays – Takeaways

In this article, we broke down the Yale requirements, ranging from Yale supplemental essays to Yale application deadlines. We talked about how to write compelling essays that showcase your unique personal brand, even in your Why Yale essay. We also provided resources for you to continue with your research on Yale requirements.

As you continue researching, read the Yale website regularly for updates . Consider reading sample essays for other Ivy League schools’ applications and make sure you research other schools’ supplemental essay requirements to find overlap in essay topics.

Most importantly, reach out to CollegeAdvisor for additional customized support. We’re here to make your college journey as successful and stress-free as possible.

This essay guide was written by senior advisor, Courtney Ng . Looking for more admissions support? Click here to schedule a free meeting with one of our Admissions Specialists. During your meeting, our team will discuss your profile and help you find targeted ways to increase your admissions odds at top schools. We’ll also answer any questions and discuss how CollegeAdvisor.com can support you in the college application process.

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How To Answer Yale's 2023/24 Supplemental Essays: Tips & Insights

How To Answer Yale's 2023/24 Supplemental Essays: Tips & Insights

What's New in 2023/24

What Are Yale's Essay Prompts?

Answering the Short Answer Questions

Answering the Short Essay Questions

General Guidelines

Dive into Yale's 2023/24 supplemental essay updates, grasp the intricacies of each prompt, and garner insights on penning standout answers with our comprehensive guide, enriched with expert advice and links to exemplary Yale essay samples.

Yale’s 2023/24 Supplemental Essay Updates: What's Changed?

Securing a spot at Yale University , with its acceptance rate between 3-4% , is undeniably challenging . In such a competitive landscape, your supplemental essays become instrumental in distinguishing your application.

Every academic year, elite institutions like Yale refine their application process to ensure they holistically understand their applicants. For the '23/24 admissions cycle, Yale University has introduced some significant changes to its supplemental essay questions .

Previously, applicants were posed with questions about hosting a guest speaker in Yale's residential colleges and suggesting a title for a new Yale course they envision teaching. These have now been replaced.

The current cycle invites you to highlight personal academic interests and directions, and share unique insights into who has inspired you or influenced your personal growth.

The longer essay section appears designed to help Yale see how you engage with campus and community life. While this section retains two past themes — discussing opposing viewpoints and community involvement — a fresh prompt has been added. This third option encourages applicants to reflect on personal experiences that would enrich the Yale community .

These modifications underscore Yale's ongoing commitment to understanding its applicants' personal narratives, values, and potential contributions to a dynamic university environment.

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What Are Yale’s Supplemental Essay Prompts for 2023/24?

For the 2023/24 application cycle, Yale University has introduced specific supplemental essay prompts to delve deeper into the profiles of its applicants in tandem with the Common App or Coalition App questions. These prompts are designed to uncover your academic interests, personal insights, and your unique connection to Yale.

Short Answer Questions — Academic Interests & Motivations

All applicants are required to address three core questions: one asks you to identify three academic disciplines of interest, another is a short essay about a topic of interest related to one of those academic disciplines, and the third is about your reasons for choosing Yale. The word limits are 200 words for the second item, and 125 words for the third item.

  • Academic Exploration: Students at Yale often evolve their academic directions. As of now, which academic areas align with your interests or goals? Please select up to three from the provided list .
  • Topic of Interest: Discuss a topic or idea related to one or more academic areas you selected above that genuinely excites you. Why are you drawn to it? (200 words or fewer)
  • Connection to Yale: What aspects of Yale have motivated you to apply? (125 words or fewer)

Short Answer Questions (Common & Coalition App Applicants)

For those using the Coalition or Common Application, additional short answer questions are capped at roughly 35 words or 200 characters. These questions probe into personal inspirations, potential academic or artistic contributions, influential figures outside of family, and unique aspects of one's identity not mentioned elsewhere in the application.

  • Inspiration: What inspires you? (Approximately 35 words)
  • Creative Endeavor: If you could teach a college course, write a book, or create an original piece of art, what would it be? (Approximately 35 words)
  • Significant Influence: Other than family, who has significantly influenced you, and how? (Approximately 35 words)
  • Unique Aspect: What's something unique about you not mentioned elsewhere in your application? (Approximately 35 words)

Short Essay

Lastly, in the essay section, Coalition or Common Application users will select one of three prompts , responding within a 400-word limit . The options in this section include discussing opposing viewpoints, reflecting on community ties, or narrating a personal experience that you believe will help you enhance the college community.

  • Discussing Opposing Views: Reflect on a time you discussed a vital issue with someone holding a contrary view. Why was this experience significant to you?
  • Community Connection: Reflect on your membership in a community that resonates with you. Why is this community meaningful?
  • Personal Enrichment: Reflect on a personal experience that you believe will enrich your college community. How has it molded you?

These prompts provide you an opportunity to present a comprehensive picture of your personality, background, values, and aspirations — ensuring Yale gets a multifaceted view of who you are.

Seeking some inspiration? Explore these Yale essay examples to understand what makes an application stand out!

How This Student Got Into Yale

How to Answer Yale’s Supplemental Short Answer Questions?

Three short answer questions about academic interests.

  • Academic Exploration: Students at Yale have time to explore their academic interests before committing to one or more major fields of study. Many students either modify their original academic direction or change their minds entirely. As of this moment, what academic areas seem to fit your interests or goals most comfortably? Please select up to three from the provided list .

Short Answer Question 1

Students at yale have time to explore their academic interests before committing to one or more major fields of study. many students either modify their original academic direction or change their minds entirely. as of this moment, what academic areas seem to fit your interests or goals most comfortably please select up to three from the provided list. please select up to three from the provided list. please indicate up to three from the list provided., academic exploration — choosing one to three disciplines from the list provided..

Yale's reputation for academic rigor and intellectual engagement is renowned. The university fosters an environment where students are encouraged to explore various academic interests before settling into their major(s) . This flexibility is a testament to Yale's commitment to producing well-rounded individuals who are not just experts in their fields but also possess a broad knowledge base.

Be genuine when deciding whether to indicate one, two, or three disciplines from the list. There’s probably little to gain from selecting a discipline if it won’t tie into responses to other questions or essay prompts and doesn’t have any connection with academic interests and motivations you want to emphasize.

You may want to preview the other two questions in this section, as well as the remaining short answer and essay prompts — making sure to select a discipline from the list if you anticipate talking about it in other responses.

Short Answer Question 2

Tell us about a topic or idea that excites you and is related to one or more academic areas you selected above. why are you drawn to it, - 200 words or fewer.

The subsequent question offers an opportunity to delve deeper into a specific academic topic or idea . This is your chance to demonstrate genuine passion. Instead of providing textbook answers:

  • Discuss unique perspectives or insights you've developed about the subject.
  • Share personal experiences or projects that have enriched your understanding.
  • Reflect on contemporary issues or debates within the subject and where you stand.

1. Unveiling Your Academic Passion

Yale's second short answer question is a direct invitation to showcase your academic passion. The university, renowned for its intellectual vibrancy, seeks students who are not just academically competent but also deeply passionate about their chosen fields of study .

2. Diving Deep into Your Chosen Topic

This question is your space to "nerd out" and demonstrate genuine enthusiasm for a specific topic or idea. Reflect on:

  • Personal experiences or projects that deepened your interest in this topic.
  • Contemporary debates, research, or developments in the field that excite you.
  • Unique perspectives or insights you've developed about the subject.

Avoid merely regurgitating textbook knowledge. Instead, offer a fresh take or a personal connection to the topic.

3. Connecting Past, Present, and Future

While the previous prompt may have focused on your broader academic interests, this question allows you to home in on a specific topic . You can:

  • Draw connections from past experiences or studies that ignited your interest in this topic.
  • Discuss how your current engagements (like readings, projects, or discussions) have further fueled this passion.
  • Envision how deepening your understanding of this topic at Yale will benefit your future aspirations.

Yale's second short answer question emphasizes depth over breadth. It's an opportunity to delve into the intricacies of a specific academic topic that excites you . You can convey to the admissions committee why this topic resonates with you and how it aligns with your academic journey at Yale by showcasing genuine passion, thoughtful engagement, and a clear understanding of the subject.

Short Answer Question 3

What is it about yale that has led you to apply, - 125 words or fewer, 1. decoding the "why yale" question.

Yale's third prompt is a classic " Why this school? " question, albeit phrased with a twist. It's not just about why you want to attend Yale but what specific aspects of Yale resonate with your aspirations and interests .

2. Beyond the Generic

Avoid generic answers that could apply to any top-tier university. Yale's admissions officers are looking for applicants who have genuinely understood what makes Yale unique .

3. Research is Key

To craft a compelling response:

  • Dive deep into Yale's academic programs. Are there specific courses, professors, or research opportunities that align with your interests?
  • Explore Yale's extracurricular landscape. Are there clubs, organizations, or events that you're excited to join or initiate?
  • Reflect on Yale's community and culture. What aspects of Yale's student life or traditions resonate with you?

4. Envisioning Your Yale Journey

Discuss how you see yourself fitting into the Yale community:

  • How will Yale's offerings help you achieve your academic and personal goals?
  • In what ways do you plan to contribute to the Yale community, both in and out of the classroom?

The "What is it about Yale?" question is an opportunity to demonstrate your genuine interest in the university and how it aligns with your goals . By showcasing a deep understanding of what Yale offers and articulating how it fits with your aspirations, you can convey a sincere desire to be a part of the Yale community.

5 Tips for the "Why This School?" Essay

Additional Short Answer Questions (35 words)

For applicants using the Common or Coalition App only.

Short Answer Question 4

What inspires you, - approximately 35 words, 1. understanding the question's intent.

The question aims to delve into your intrinsic motivations and passions . Yale wants to understand what drives you, what makes you tick, and what fuels your academic and personal pursuits. This is not just about what interests you but what deeply moves and motivates you.

2. Being Authentic and Specific

While it might be tempting to provide an answer you think the admissions committee wants to hear, it's crucial to be genuine. Reflect on moments, people, books, artworks, or experiences that have profoundly impacted your perspective or aspirations .

3. Connecting to Your Broader Application

Your answer should ideally resonate with other parts of your application. Discussing a related inspiration can create a cohesive narrative if you've mentioned a particular interest or activity elsewhere.

4. Avoiding Clichés

Steer clear of overused phrases or generic inspirations unless you can provide a unique twist or a deeply personal reason for why something commonly cited truly inspires you.

Question 4 offers a window into your inner world. By sharing what genuinely inspires you, you give Yale a glimpse of your passions, values, and potential contributions to their community . Ensure your response is both authentic and reflective of your unique perspective.

Short Answer Question 5

If you could teach any college course, write a book, or create an original piece of art of any kind, what would it be, 1. channeling your creativity.

This question is a playground for your imagination and intellectual fervor. Yale is keen to understand the depth of your interests and how you might bring a unique perspective to their campus.

2. Intersecting Passions

Reflect on the subjects or hobbies that resonate with you. This question allows you to merge different areas of interest to create something novel. If you're a history buff with a penchant for drama, perhaps you'd write a play set during the Renaissance. If you're passionate about biology and art, maybe you'd create an intricate sculpture representing cellular structures.

3. Beyond the Ordinary

While authenticity is key, strive to think outside the box. Consider topics or ideas that aren't just personal but also bring a fresh perspective or address contemporary issues. For instance, if you're intrigued by psychology and technology, you might design a course on "The Psychological Impacts of AI on Human Interaction."

4. A Nod to Yale's Ethos

Yale is a hub for innovation and interdisciplinary exploration. Your response should echo a spirit of inquisitiveness and a hunger to delve deep into subjects, reflecting how you'd enrich the Yale community with your unique insights.

Yale's Question 5 is more than just a query; it's an opportunity. You're offering a window into your intellectual and creative soul by suggesting a course, book, or artwork. Craft a response that's not just distinctive but also deeply reflective of who you are and what you'd bring to Yale.

Short Answer Question 6

Other than a family member, who is someone who has had a significant influence on you what has been the impact of their influence, 1. identifying your influencer.

This question seeks to understand the people and experiences that have shaped you outside your immediate family . It's a chance to highlight mentors, teachers, friends, or even public figures who have left an indelible mark on your life.

2. Depth Over Popularity

While it might be tempting to choose a well-known personality, ensure that your choice genuinely reflects a deep personal connection . It's not about the prominence of the influencer but the depth of their impact on you.

3. Narrating the Journey

Discuss specific moments, lessons, or interactions that encapsulate the essence of their influence.

  • Did a coach instill resilience in you?
  • Did a teacher ignite your passion for a subject?
  • Or did a friend's kindness redefine your understanding of empathy during a tough time?

4. Beyond the Obvious

While the direct influence is essential, it also reflects on the ripple effects. How did their influence shape your actions, decisions, or perspectives in broader areas of your life?

Yale's Question 6 is an introspective journey into the people who have molded your character and values . Yale aims to understand the external forces that have shaped your journey through this prompt. As you craft your response, focus on authenticity, detailing who influenced you and how their influence continues to resonate in your life.

Short Answer Question 7

What is something about you that is not included anywhere else in your application, 1. unearthing the hidden gems.

This question offers a unique opportunity to share a facet of your personality, experience, or aspiration that hasn't been covered in your application. It's a chance to provide a fuller picture of who you are.

2. Beyond Academics and Extracurriculars

While your academic achievements and extracurricular activities are essential, this prompt seeks insights into your character, passions, or experiences that aren't necessarily tied to school or structured activities .

3. Personal Anecdotes Shine

Perhaps there's a hobby you're passionate about, a quirky tradition you uphold, or a personal project you've embarked on. Whatever you share, find a way to make your short response shine a spotlight on something unique, about yourself — perhaps something ingratiating, humorous, or compelling .

4. Reflect on the Why

It's not just about stating the 'what.' Be sure to share how this aspect of your identity, psychology, experiences, or personality shapes your values, your aspirations, or how you interact with others in friendships or in community settings.

Yale's Question 7 is a canvas for you to paint a more comprehensive picture of yourself . It's an invitation to share something special that make you unique. As you respond, ensure that what you share is relevant to an admissions context and offers a fresh insight into something that makes you unique and may make your application more memorable.

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How to Answer Yale’s Supplemental Short Essay Questions?

Applicants submitting the Common App or Coalition Application will respond to one of the following prompts in 400 words or fewer.

Essay Prompt 1

Reflect on a time you discussed an issue important to you with someone holding an opposing view. why did you find the experience meaningful, - 400 words or fewer, 1. the essence of intellectual engagement.

Renowned for its academic rigor, Yale University values students who can engage in meaningful discussions , especially when faced with opposing views. This question seeks to understand your ability to engage in such dialogues, emphasizing your intellectual curiosity and interpersonal skills.

2. Narrating the Experience

Begin by setting the stage.

  • What was the issue at hand?
  • Why was it important to you?
  • Who were you discussing it with?

The depth of your reflection on this experience is crucial. It's not just about the disagreement but about understanding and learning from it .

3. Showcasing Growth and Understanding

Discussing an opposing view can be transformative. Reflect on how this conversation changed or solidified your perspective . Did it teach you the value of understanding different viewpoints or the importance of effective communication?

4. Beyond the Conversation

This prompt isn't just about a single discussion; it's about how you approach disagreements and challenges in general . Reflect on how this particular experience is indicative of your broader approach to challenges and learning.

Yale's Question 1 is an opportunity to showcase your ability to engage in meaningful, constructive dialogues and to learn from them . It's about demonstrating intellectual curiosity, respect for diverse viewpoints, and personal growth.

Essay Prompt 2

Reflect on your membership in a community to which you feel connected. why is this community meaningful to you you may define community however you like., 1. defining your community.

Begin by clearly defining the community you're discussing . This could be based on ethnicity, shared interests, geographical location, a shared challenge, or any other binding factor. Remember, the definition of 'community' is broad, and Yale gives you the freedom to interpret it in a way that's most meaningful to you.

2. Your Role and Connection

Discuss your role or membership within this community . Have you been an active member, a leader, or an observer? How have you engaged with this community, and how has it shaped your identity or perspective?

3. The Significance of the Community

Delve into why this community is meaningful to you . Is it a source of support, a platform for shared experiences, or perhaps a space where you've faced challenges and grown from them? Reflect on the emotions, experiences, and lessons this community has offered you.

4. Personal Growth and Reflection

End by discussing how your connection to this community has influenced your personal growth . Has it taught you the value of diversity, the importance of support, or perhaps the strength in unity? Reflect on the broader implications of your membership in this community and how it might influence your future endeavors, especially at a place like Yale.

Yale's Question 2 is an opportunity to showcase your understanding of community, your place within it, and the personal growth that arises from such connections . It's about demonstrating empathy, understanding, and the ability to connect with diverse groups of people.

Essay Prompt 3

Reflect on an element of your personal experience that you feel will enrich your college. how has it shaped you, 1. identifying the experience.

Start by pinpointing a specific personal experience or element of your life. This could be a unique cultural background, a challenging obstacle you've overcome, a hobby or passion you've pursued, or any other experience that has significantly impacted your life.

2. The Value to the College Community

Discuss how this experience or element of your life will enrich the college community . Perhaps your unique background offers a diverse perspective, or maybe a challenge you've faced has equipped you with resilience and adaptability. Consider how your experience can contribute to classroom discussions, group projects, extracurricular activities, or casual dorm conversations.

3. Personal Transformation

Reflect on how this experience has shaped you as an individual . Has it instilled certain values in you? Has it changed the way you approach challenges or interact with people? Dive deep into the personal growth and self-awareness that emerged from this experience.

4. Future Implications

Consider how this element of your personal experience will influence your future at college and beyond . Will it drive you to join certain clubs, advocate for causes, or pursue specific academic interests? How will it continue to shape your journey?

Yale's Question 3 is an invitation to introspect and share a facet of your life that not only defines you but also adds value to the diverse tapestry of a college community. It's about showcasing self-awareness, growth, and the potential for future contributions.

General Guidelines for Answering Yale's Supplemental Essay Questions

  • Research and Specificity : Yale's prompts often ask about your interest in the university or a specific program. Always back your claims with specific details. Mention professors, courses, clubs, or traditions that resonate with you. This shows genuine interest and that you've done your homework.
  • Show Self-awareness : Yale values introspective students who can reflect on their experiences. Whether discussing an intellectual interest or a community you belong to, always tie it back to your personal growth or what you've learned about yourself.
  • Diversity of Thought : Like many top-tier institutions, Yale values diversity in all its forms. This doesn't just mean ethnic or cultural diversity but also diversity of thought, perspective, and experience. Highlight experiences or viewpoints that make you unique.
  • Be Authentic : It's tempting to write what you think the admissions committee wants to hear, but they can spot inauthenticity. Be genuine in your responses, even if it means discussing failures or weaknesses. Authenticity often resonates more than a polished facade.
  • Quality Over Quantity : With word limits on these essays, it's essential to be concise. Focus on depth rather than breadth. Dive deep into one or two experiences or ideas rather than skimming over several.
  • Narrative Storytelling : Engage your reader with narrative storytelling when possible. Instead of just stating facts, weave a short story that captures the essence of your experience. This makes your essay memorable and showcases your writing skills.
  • Proofread and Revise : Always proofread your essays multiple times. It's not just about catching grammatical errors but also ensuring that your essay flows well and effectively conveys your message. Consider getting feedback from teachers, peers, or mentors.
  • Connect to the Bigger Picture : Always tie your responses back to how you'll contribute to the Yale community and how Yale will facilitate your personal and professional growth. This shows forward-thinking and a commitment to being an active member of the university.

Remember, the supplemental essays are an  opportunity to showcase aspects of yourself that aren't evident in other parts of your application . Use them wisely to provide a holistic picture of yourself and why you'd be a great fit for Yale.

Looking for inspiration? Dive into these  Yale essay examples  to see what successful applications look like!

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Final Thoughts

Embarking on the journey to Yale is about more than showcasing academic excellence; it's about weaving a narrative that deeply resonates with the admissions committee. Your supplemental essays offer a unique lens into your character, aspirations, and the distinct contributions you'll make to the Yale community.

Every Yale hopeful possesses a unique story. This is your golden opportunity to narrate yours. Approach your essays with authenticity, introspection, and a genuine enthusiasm for your narrative.

If you're uncertain whether your essay truly encapsulates your essence or if it will distinguish you amidst the sea of applications, our essay review service is here to assist. Our seasoned experts will meticulously review and provide feedback, ensuring your essay strikes a chord with admissions officers. Explore our ebook , which features essays from students who secured places at elite institutions for added inspiration. And for those aiming for Yale, our collection of successful Yale essay examples will offer invaluable insights.

For those at the onset of their college application journey, consider booking a free consultation with our experienced college counselors. We're committed to guiding you in crafting an application that amplifies your chances of walking through Yale's historic gates. Your dream of becoming a Yalie is attainable, and we're here to support you every step of the way.

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How to Write the ‘Why Major’ Yale Essay

This article was written based on the information and opinions presented by Hale Jaeger in a CollegeVine livestream. You can watch the full livestream for more info. 

What’s Covered:

  • “Why This Major” and “Why Yale”

Applying With Multiple Majors

Applying undecided, be authentic, reasons to avoid.

In this article, we discuss strategies to write Yale University ’s “Why This Major” supplemental essay. For this essay, applicants must respond to the following prompt: 

“Students at Yale have time to explore their academic interests before committing to one or more major fields of study. Many students either modify their original academic direction or change their minds entirely. As of this moment, what academic areas seem to fit your interests or goals most comfortably? Please indicate up to three from the list provided.

Tell us about a topic or idea that excites you and is related to one or more academic areas you selected above. Why are you drawn to it? (200 words)”

‘Why This Major’ and ‘Why Yale’

When responding to Yale’s “Why This Major” essay prompt, keep in mind that the real hidden question is “Why do you want to pursue these fields of study specifically at Yale?” While it is important that you draw connections between your academic interests and Yale, you also will be writing a “Why Yale” essay, so you don’t have to cover every reason that you are interested in the school in this essay. 

That said, try to write about any specific programs or opportunities that you want to take advantage of within the department you are interested in at Yale. This essay is a great place to mention those academic opportunities unique to your major at Yale.

When you apply to Yale, you are asked to choose at least one and up to three majors. A wide range of disciplines are offered, with the three most popular majors at Yale being economics, computer science, and molecular, cellular, and developmental biology. 

It is common for Yale applicants to select two or three potential majors when they apply. If you do this and can connect them, even if they’re seemingly not connected at all, that is a great aspect to demonstrate within your essay. 

For example, when Hale applied to Yale, he applied as a chemistry and English double major, which on the surface seemed to be different fields. Hale was able to connect these fields by discussing his interest in scientific writing and scientific communication. In his essay, he discussed wanting to be able to both discover things and write about them in ways that were accessible to the average person and not just the scientific community.

If you are considering multiple majors that are not connected, try to think about the reason why you are interested in them. Is there something that they share even if they seem to be very different? 

Applying Undecided and Changing Majors

Many students are not yet sure as to what exactly they want to study in college, and it is fine to be undecided. When applying to Yale in particular, students have the option to select “undecided” as their major. 

Many students change their major at some point in college. For example, Hale is no longer a chemistry and English double major. He changed his major to biology before he even got to Yale, and then changed once again to his current major, neuroscience.

Writing About Undecided Majors

As you approach this essay, keep in mind that by writing about your academic interests, you are not setting in stone your future academic goals, and you will not be held to the major that you include in this essay. If you are undecided, try choosing one, two, or even three majors that you are considering studying, and talk about why those things interest you. Even if you haven’t made a real decision yet, it’s good to show why you’re interested in potentially pursuing certain fields because it gives the admissions team a window into what you’re passionate about.

Additionally, Yale has some interesting joint programs and interdisciplinary opportunities, such as computing in the arts, which is a combination of computer science and music. If you have multiple interests, you can use Yale’s course and department website to find unique programs that might be a good fit for you.

As you write your essay, it is important to highlight the authentic reasons that you’re interested in your field of study, rather than superficial ones. Authentic reasons are those that mean something and tell the admissions committee something important about who you are.

Some sample guiding questions to help you add authenticity to your essay are: 

Do you have past experiences that have made you interested in this major? Do you have goals for your future that this major will facilitate? What are the specific things about the major that are appealing to you? Is there a particular methodology associated with this field that aligns with your style of learning? Do you like to work with your hands and that’s why you want to go into your specific field? Do you like to ask questions and then go through a process to find the answers? What are the real reasons that you’re getting this degree? 

There are also some reasons for pursuing a major that don’t translate well in this essay. Reasons to avoid include post-graduation salary, clout and prestige, and family pressure.

It is important to show that you are not pursuing your major just because it’s something that will make you look good or give you a particular lifestyle. Instead, aim to demonstrate that you chose your major because it is actually what you want to do. There are plenty of careers that pay well, are prestigious, and seem cool, but there are only so many things that you’re passionate about, and that’s what a reader looks to see. 

Avoid talking about pursuing your major to make your parents proud or because they want you to study it. Your parents aren’t applying to college; it will be you attending this school, getting your bachelor’s, and starting your career. Yale wants to know what you want, not what your parents want.

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August 1, 2023

2023-2024 Yale University Supplemental Essay Prompts

A panoramic of Yale University's campus at sunset.

Yale University has released its admissions essay prompts for the 2023-2024 college admissions cycle. In addition to the essay options on The Common Application , Yale applicants will indicate their intended majors and then be required to write two short essays, one of 125 words or fewer and another of 200 words or fewer, four short answers, all of approximately 35 words or fewer (or 200 characters), and a 400-word essay from an option of three prompts. So what are this year’s Yale essay questions ? Let’s dive in!

2023-2024 Yale Essay Topics and Questions

Short answer questions.

1. Students at Yale have time to explore their academic interests before committing to one or more major fields of study. Many students either modify their original academic direction or change their minds entirely. As of this moment, what academic areas seem to fit your interests or goals most comfortably? Please indicate up to three from the  list  provided.

So many students indicate particular intended majors but then neglect to showcase their interest in these subjects on the rest of their applications. We at Ivy Coach urge students to ensure they’ve demonstrated — in their activities and storytelling — the origin of this interest and how they’ve showcased their passion for the discipline.

2. Tell us about a topic or idea that excites you and is related to one or more academic areas you selected above. Why are you drawn to it? (200 words or fewer)

Here, of course, is an applicant’s first opportunity to shine a spotlight on precisely why they’re interested in studying the disciplines they’ve indicated. It shouldn’t come out of left field. If a student expresses an interest in math and they haven’t gotten involved in all sorts of math activities outside of school, they’ll lack the content to answer this question effectively. Yale wants to know how a student will contribute to their classrooms and potentially their research in this field.

3. What is it about Yale that has led you to apply? (125 words or fewer)

While the essay prompt contains 11 words, make no mistake — it’s Why Yale . This short essay needs to be filled with specific after specific about how a student intends to contribute their singular hook — rather than well-roundedness — to Yale’s campus. And, no, don’t treat the Why College essay like a game of Mad Libs. If one can easily replace the name of one school’s program with another school’s in a sentence, strike that sentence from the record. Yale wants to see that you genuinely want to attend. They want to see you’ve done your homework on the Ivy League institution. So name-dropping professors or regurgitating class names is not the way to go. It’s about capturing enduring specifics about the school.

4. What inspires you? (no more than 200 characters or approximately 35 words)

While these prompts are short, each must showcase an applicant’s intellectual curiosity. And always make sure admissions officers learn something while reading such responses — not only about you as an applicant but ideally also something they didn’t know before parsing through your application.

5. If you could teach any college course, write a book, or create an original piece of art of any kind, what would it be? (no more than 200 characters or approximately 35 words)

This prompt is a chance for an applicant to show their creative side. A fun, pithy name for a course or book can work here. But students must include more than just the name of the course, book, or artwork. They’ve got to use the remaining real estate to address why they’d wish to teach this course, write this book, or create this piece of art. The  why  matters.

6. Other than a family member, who is someone who has had a significant influence on you? What has been the impact of their influence? (no more than 200 characters or approximately 35 words)

Too many students write the name of a teacher or coach — although we at Ivy Coach strongly discourage students from writing about coaches since sports essays are all too common — and follow it with a cliché explanation. Aim to be original. Did you see someone do something that inspired you when they didn’t know you were watching? How so? Tell a story!

7. What is something about you that is not included anywhere else in your application? (no more than 200 characters or approximately 35 words)

This prompt is an opportunity to write whatever applicants want but, again, they should make sure it still showcases their intellectual curiosity and, ideally, it’s in line with the singular hook that they’ve spotlighted throughout their application, never in the same way but always in complementary ways. Great essays are essentially like puzzle pieces. No two pieces are the same, yet they all fit neatly together.

Essay Prompts

Applicants must respond to one of the following three prompts:

1. Reflect on a time you discussed an issue important to you with someone holding an opposing view. Why did you find the experience meaningful? (400 words or fewer)

In this essay, students must ensure they treat people respectfully — no matter their disagreements. Contrary to popular belief, it’s ok to delve into political issues and for applicants to express their viewpoints as long as they understand and appreciate that theirs is not the only acceptable view. While admissions officers are known to be liberal, they covet diversity of thought on their campuses. A student with a conservative perspective should not shy away from expressing it — with deference for the other side. Too often, students are advised to avoid any issue that could potentially be controversial. It’s terrible advice. Dare to write something interesting instead, leading always with respect.

2. Reflect on your membership in a community to which you feel connected. Why is this community meaningful to you? You may define community however you like. (400 words or fewer)

While Yale has asked applicants this essay question in years past, it has new meaning in the wake of the Supreme Court’s outlawing of Affirmative Action . For students from underrepresented backgrounds, it could be an opportunity to spotlight how a student’s race or background has influenced them. But community can be any sort of community. It could be a community of sculptors or writers, physicists, or even musicians.

3. Reflect on an element of your personal experience that you feel will enrich your college. How has it shaped you? (400 words or fewer)

Like The Common Application’s Personal Statement, this essay question is also open-ended, allowing students to write whatever they wish. In short, Yale hopes students will write about how they’ll contribute to Yale’s community — ideally through a singular hook. If a student will enrich Yale through their science research, let’s hear about the student’s research to date and how they hope to further their work. If a student will enrich Yale through their love of the Classics, let’s hear about their interest in the Classics and how they hope to contribute to the literary canon in their lifetimes.

Ivy Coach’s Assistance with Yale 2023-2024 Essays

If your child needs assistance brainstorming and writing compelling essays to wow Yale admissions officers, fill out Ivy Coach ’s consultation form , and we’ll be in touch to outline our college counseling services for seniors .

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, why yale essays that worked.

I'm applying to Yale and I'm really struggling with my 'Why Yale' essay. Does anyone have any examples of 'Why Yale' essays that worked or any advice on what to focus on in this essay? I want to make sure I convey my interest in the university effectively.

I can definitely help you with some pointers for your 'Why Yale' essay!

1. Research Yale's academic offerings: Pick a specific major or program that you're interested in, and explain how Yale's unique approach, courses, or faculty members in that field would enrich your learning experience. Avoid generic statements; being specific will help demonstrate that you've done your research.

2. Extracurricular activities and campus culture: Explore Yale's clubs, organizations, and campus traditions that interest you, and explain how you would contribute to and benefit from them. This helps showcase your understanding of community engagement and how you would fit into the Yale community.

3. Residential colleges: Yale's residential colleges are an integral part of the university's culture. Delve into how the residential college system would foster your sense of community and intellectual growth. Mention specific initiatives, traditions, or programs within a residential college that appeal to you.

4. Resources and opportunities: Identify resources, such as research centers, libraries, or internship opportunities, that make Yale stand out from other institutions. Explain how you would take advantage of these resources in pursuit of your academic and career goals.

5. Personal connection: If there is any personal story or connection that specifically ties you to Yale, mention it briefly. This helps humanize your essay and creates a memorable link between you and the university.

As you write your essay, focus on your genuine passion and interest in Yale, combined with your understanding of what makes Yale unique. Write with authenticity and enthusiasm, and avoid clichés or overly general statements. Remember that the admissions office is interested in seeing how Yale would be an ideal fit for you, and how you would positively contribute to the Yale community.

Good luck with your application!

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CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.

Business Insider

I was accepted to Yale. Here's everything I included in my successful Ivy League application.

  • I got into Yale University after submitting a successful college application.
  • I included my SAT score and high GPA in the application, along with an essay about my culture.
  • Ultimately, I tried to highlight all the ways I would be a benefit to the Yale community.

I recently reviewed my Yale admissions file after being a student there for three years. It was strange but enlightening to read what the admissions officers really thought of my application.

Since then, many people have respectfully requested to hear about my stats, extracurriculars , and essays.

I believe that everyone's college application journey is unique and that mine is just one sample, but I equally understand the urge to hear about other people's experiences. I devoured hundreds of college decision reactions on YouTube just three years ago, hoping to find that secret formula.

So, I'm now sharing a deeper look into my college application. But I want to first emphasize that as complicated and stressful as the process of applying to college may be, the best application you can ever show others will be the one you enjoy writing the most. I know I enjoyed every second of writing mine.

My GPA and standardized test scores were important factors in my application

With colleges such as Yale and Dartmouth reinstating standardized testing requirements , the reality is that academics will always be the first line of assessment for admission.

The GPA I submitted to Yale was 98.23/100. An admissions officer commended my GPA in the context of my financially underprivileged upbringing.

I also tried to take the most rigorous workload possible while also prioritizing my mental health , ultimately sending in six AP test scores. My SAT score was 1590.

I credit a lot of my academic achievements to the fact that I surrounded myself with peers who were very serious about their education.

My pre-calculus teacher's recommendation — the one that the admissions team rated higher — emphasized that I held the second highest grade in her class over her 20-year teaching career.

I tried to highlight my passions in my extracurriculars

My activities were a confusing mosaic of interests and impulses, but one that perfectly captured this 17-year-old boy who was still very unsure about who he was and what he wanted.

I researched human visual perception at a local community college , I performed spoken word poetry, and I hit about 80% of the notes in the choir (on a good day).

My primary extracurricular, however, was the one I connected with most. At the start of the pandemic, I founded a language-learning program for children called "Spanish Meets You." I used the proceeds I made from the program, which featured tutoring and pen-palling services, to host community giveaways of essential health supplies — such as masks, face shields, and hand sanitizer.

"Spanish Meets You" evolved from my experience growing up in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, which was predominantly Hispanic and Asian. I loved going to cookouts and finding a diligent spread of both spicy tamales and fried rice. Despite our cultural differences , the two groups were united in our challenges and our respect for each other.

When I submitted my application, I worried that I didn't have a coherent theme for my extracurriculars, nor enough leadership — but based on the admissions team's comments, my genuine passion for one or two activities mattered in the end.

I wanted to capture who I truly am in my college essay

When I started drafting my essay, I knew I wanted to capture what was unextractable from my résumé: my curiosity, thick skin, and mistakes.

I decided to make the topic of my college essay about Chinese New Year, a holiday I celebrated with my 14 floormates in this tiny Brooklyn apartment building that we all called home for two decades. Every year, I would wait for my father by the door with mandarins, only to be disappointed by his absence.

Ultimately, however, I learned to enjoy this holiday — even if my celebration was unorthodox. My 14 floormates and I are unrelated by blood, but I remember we would gather over food every holiday, tell stories, and play a game of JENGA. Their laughter still ricochets in my ears hundreds of miles away as I now sit in my college dorm room , wrapping up my junior year.

I tried not to overthink the other essay questions

I would jot down whatever came to mind in the first 30 seconds, asking myself: "How would 7-year-old Brian answer this?"

Whenever I took too long to craft a response, it was a sign that I was probably sacrificing genuineness to make a false good impression.

One of the essays asked about my favorite intellectual concept. Instead of showing off by detailing some obscure scientific theory, I moved forward with writing about the diversity of motherhood in the animal kingdom, tying it back to my close relationship with my own mother.

My application was focused on proving how I would fit into the Yale community

Colleges are searching for those who will enrich the lives of their peers in different ways.

Therefore, in my application, I tried to highlight all the parts of me that would prove to Yale I would benefit their campus and their students. In doing so, I was accepted and met students doing just that.

One of my friends, for instance, is studying law. She also loves to rap and surprise her friends with midnight ice cream. Another is a science journalist who gives the best dating advice .

I would say Yale wouldn't be home even if one of them were missing. Everyone is here; everyone ends up where they are.

For students applying to Ivy League schools , I implore you to tell your dynamic, unique story — to think about how your rhythm will fold into a community's song.

If you enjoyed this story, be sure to follow Business Insider on Microsoft Start.

I was accepted to Yale. Here's everything I included in my successful Ivy League application.

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12 graduates awarded library prizes for best senior essays

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Each year, the library invites Yale College seniors to submit their senior essays for consideration to win one of three prizes for excellence: the Harvey M. Applebaum ’59 Award, the Diane Kaplan Memorial Prize, and the Yale Library Map Prize. The winners are selected by librarians or faculty members, and the prizes are funded by Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.

The prizewinners are each awarded a cash prize in the amount of $500 (honorable mention recipients receive $250), and all winners’ essays are published on EliScholar, Yale Library’s digital platform for scholarly publishing. As is the tradition, students receive their awards at their residential commencement ceremonies.

The Harvey M. Applebaum ’59 Award

The Harvey M. Applebaum ’59 Award recognizes a student whose senior essay or capstone project substantially draws on national government information or intergovernmental organization (IGO) information, including documents or data. Yale Library has been a designated federal depository library since 1859.

The Applebaum award was presented to Henry H. Carroll , Davenport College, for the essay “Ship Shaping: How Congress and Industry Influenced U.S. Naval Acquisitions from 1933—1938.” Read Henry Carroll’s essay .

Honorable mention was awarded to Nina Grigg , Benjamin Franklin College, for the essay “Surveyor: Scratching for a Wild Moon.” Read Nina Grigg’s essay .

The Diane Kaplan Memorial Prize

The Diane Kaplan Memorial Prize recognizes prizewinning students’ excellent use of research materials from the library’s diverse collections and also the high quality of their writing.

Three students received the Diane Kaplan prize this year:

Leo Egger , Trumbull College, for the essay “‘Living Its Strange Life’: A Literary Biography of Margery Latimer from the Archives in 18 Scenes.” Read Leo Egger’s essay .

AJ Laird , Benjamin Franklin College, for the essay “Whaling Logbooks: Colonial Knowledge Acquisition in the Pacific World.” Read AJ Laird’s essay and visit the related exhibit in Sterling Memorial Library exhibition corridor.

Shira Minsk , Pauli Murray College, for the essay “Steady through Time: Ella Barksdale Brown and the Perception-Based Politics of Black Women’s Racial Uplift in 20th-Century America.” Read Shira Minsk’s essay .

The Library Map Prize

The Library Map Prize recognizes students whose senior essays or projects make use of one or more maps or charts in substantive ways. Students may either create the maps or refer to maps found online or in the library’s special collections.

This year the Map Prize was awarded to two seniors:

Lisa Dong , Pierson College, for the interactive StoryMap essay “So, Where Are Your Really From?: A Digital Humanities Repository Mapping ‘Home, Identity, and Belonging’ within the Intimacies of the Fuzhounese Experience.” View Lisa Dong’s web-based essay .

Nick McGowan , Pauli Murray College, for the essay “Rebirth: Investigating Industrial Gentrification and the Land Use Policy in Chicago’s West Loop.” Read Nick McGowan’s essay .

The Department of History Prizes

The library also stewards the funds for three American History prizes, selected by faculty members in the Department of History. This year, five prizes were awarded for best senior essays.

Julia Aerin Hornstein , Ezra Stiles College, won the Howard R. Lamar Prize for the essay “Charles ‘Minnie’ Dole: The Peak of Masculinity and the Frontier of Western Snow”; AJ Laird , Benjamin Franklin College, won a David M. Potter Prize for “Whaling Logbooks: Colonial Knowledge Acquisition in the Pacific World”; Sydney Zoehrer , Silliman College, won a David Morris Potter Prize for the essay “Adobe: Material Histories at a Crossroads in Marfa, Texas; Hilary B. Griggs , Branford College, won a Walter McClintock Prize for the essay “Does a Man’s Word or a Nation’s Word Ever Become Obsolete?’: Fighting the Floodwaters on the Fort Berthold Reservation”; Teanna Hart (Sicangu Lakota), Silliman College, won a Walter McClintock Prize for the essay “Reconciliation Is Not Enough: Looking and/as Speaking Back at Portrayals of the American Indian”; and Taylor Rose won the Frederick W. Beinecke Dissertation Prize for the essay “Battle Born: Mining, Militarization, and Native Lands in the Nevada Desert, 1860–1990.”

Read more about the three Library Prizes and other Undergraduate Student Prizes. Read more about the History prizes.

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Why Ivy League And Top Colleges Value Your Summer Job Experience

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High school student summer job

With summer break on the horizon, high school students across the country will soon start working summer jobs to earn extra money and build their resumes. While many students assume that scooping ice cream or walking dogs will contribute little to their college applicant profiles, summer jobs are what students make of them. Ivy League and other top schools want to admit students who are motivated self-starters, leaders in their communities, and industrious and conscientious members of society. A summer job—whether prestigious or seemingly insignificant—is often a student’s first foray into the professional world, offering them the opportunity to practice their networking acumen, develop teamwork and leadership skills, and build connections with potential recommenders for their college applications. Students who choose to coast and collect a paycheck may get little out of their summer jobs, but those who have Ivy League aspirations should take their summer work seriously—the colleges they apply to certainly will.

Here are five ways you can maximize your summer job to enhance your professional skills, develop networking opportunities, and level up your college admissions profile:

1. Start with a Professional Mindset

The first step to making the most of your summer job is adopting a professional mindset. Take your job—no matter how small it may seem—seriously and dedicate yourself to it. It may not be the vocation you ultimately wish to pursue, but focus on how the skills you can develop in your position will contribute to your future career goals. Show up on time, dress appropriately, and be enthusiastic about your tasks. Your attitude towards your job will not only impress your supervisors but also set a strong foundation for your professional reputation.

2. Network with Colleagues and Supervisors

Networking is not just for seasoned professionals; it’s a valuable skill for high school students. First and foremost, students should seek to make their presence known at their job rather than clocking in and out without building relationships. Take the time to learn about your managers’ career paths and seek their advice about how to navigate your own. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and show genuine interest in their experiences. These connections can provide valuable insights and potentially open doors for future opportunities.

Maintaining these relationships after your summer job has ended is just as important as building them in the first place. You never know how a connection may benefit you in the future as you build your resume, and recommenders with whom you have a longer history will offer great insights in your college letters of recommendation.

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No matter what your summer job is, you will have opportunities to hone valuable skills that will serve you throughout your career. If you are working a job in which you interact with clients (whether retail, food industry, child or pet care), you can develop your professional persona: speaking politely with clients, learning how to handle negative feedback with grace, solving problems creatively, and representing the company well. If you’re in an internally facing role, you can be diligent about showing up on time, being a team player, communicating effectively with peers and superiors, and creating an organized and effective workflow.

4. Seek Opportunities for Growth

One of the keys to maximizing any professional opportunity is setting measurable goals and taking proactive steps toward reaching them. Particularly if you return to the same job for multiple summers (which you should consider in order to demonstrate commitment and build lasting professional connections), be proactive in seeking opportunities for growth—doing so will demonstrate initiative and a willingness to learn, qualities that are highly regarded by employers and college admissions officers alike. For example, if you are working in a retail store, offer to help with inventory management or marketing efforts. If you are in a food service job, learn about the business side of the restaurant industry and offer to take on extra responsibilities. By taking on these extra tasks, you can gain a broader understanding of the business and demonstrate your commitment to professional growth.

5. Reflect on Your Experiences

One of the best things high school students can do to maximize their summer job experience on college applications is to keep a journal or written log of their experiences. Writing down the responsibilities you had and lessons you learned will help to jog your memory when it comes time to compile your activities list, help you articulate the qualities and duties you would like your supervisor to highlight in a letter of recommendation, and could even provide inspiration for your personal or supplemental essays!

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From drab to fab: elevate your essay writing with powerful techniques, sponsored post.

  • May 28, 2024

Essays. The mere word can make some students groan and break out in a cold sweat. Some of them don’t know where to start, and others wonder, “How do I make my essay better to get a good grade?” But essays don’t have to be your nemesis. With the right tools and tricks, you can transform your essays from drab to absolutely fabulous!

Whether you panic at the sight of a blank page or feel like your texts always end up being a confusing jumble, you’re in the right place. And yes, sometimes it helps to get extra guidance from websites like WritePapers when it comes to academic writing. Yet, with the strategies we’ll talk about here, you can start crafting those A+ essays your teachers will rave about. 

Let’s ditch the dull texts and get creative!

best yale college essays

Spice Up Your Sentences

Basic sentences get the job done, but they won’t make your essay pop. To really elevate your writing, you should experiment with different sentence structures and words. 

Think about how you can add flair to your writing strategies. A mix of sentence lengths is a great starting point. Short, punchy sentences can create emphasis. Longer, detailed sentences are perfect for describing complex ideas. 

And don’t forget the power of those vivid verbs! They bring your writing to life. Instead of describing something as “interesting,” try words like “fascinating,” “captivating,” or “riveting.”

Master Transitions

Smooth transitions are essential for creating a strong, cohesive essay. Imagine trying to cross a river without any bridges…it’d be tough! Effective transitions show the relationships between your ideas, taking your reader on a clear and logical journey. 

Using signal words and phrases is a cornerstone of successful transitions. For example, if you’re adding onto a previous point, words like “furthermore” or “additionally” work wonders. Want to show contrast? Try “however” or “on the other hand.” To demonstrate cause and effect, use words like “consequently” or “therefore” are your friends. 

But transitions can be more subtle than just these signal words. A well-placed example or brief anecdote can seamlessly move from one concept to the next.

Apply the Right Evidence

Using relevant evidence is one of the best essay writing strategies. But simply dropping a quote won’t cut it. The real magic comes from analyzing and integrating evidence into your own words. Explain why that particular quote or piece of data backs up your argument. 

Moreover, you should provide context for your evidence. Don’t let it stand alone in a disconnected way – weave it seamlessly into your writing. 

And lastly, remember that variety is key when it comes to essay writing tips. Mix up the types of evidence you use – a poignant quote, a relevant statistic, or a vivid example – to keep your reader engaged and make your points even more convincing.

best yale college essays

Don’t Skip the Revision Step

Never underestimate the power of thorough revision. It’s where you can refine your ideas, polish your writing, and truly make your essay better. 

One crucial step in the revision process is to take a break after writing your first draft. Returning to your work with fresh eyes lets you catch those sneaky errors or confusing passages you might have glossed over initially.

Reading your work aloud is another invaluable strategy! Hearing your words spoken out loud helps you notice awkward phrasing or areas where the flow feels off. This is a simple yet highly effective way to identify where you might need to focus on how to improve writing skills.

Finally, remember that revision isn’t just about fixing typos (although those are important, too!). Take a step back and ask yourself the big questions: 

  • Is your thesis statement crystal clear? 
  • Is your essay well-organized? 
  • Does each paragraph seamlessly support your main argument? 

If you find yourself needing guidance or an extra set of eyes, don’t hesitate to seek out help with writing. There are numerous resources available, including online platforms and essay writing services, that can provide valuable feedback and help you take your writing to the next level.

Embrace Your Voice

One of the easiest ways to fall into the “drab essay” trap is by trying to sound overly formal or academic. While correct grammar and good structure are non-negotiable, letting your own voice shine through is what makes your writing memorable. Think about these tips:

  • Write like you talk (but a bit more polished). Imagine you’re explaining your essay topic to a friend. What kind of language would you use? Keep the tone engaging and natural.
  • Don’t be afraid of strong opinions. Essays are opportunities to argue your point of view. Using words like “clearly,” “undoubtedly,” or “importantly” adds conviction to your statements.
  • Own your perspective. Share insights or experiences that relate to your topic. This sets your essay apart from the crowd.

Your writing doesn’t have to be filled with complex jargon to be impressive. Clarity, confidence, and a dash of personality can create an engaging essay that your teachers won’t soon forget!

Final Thoughts

Essays aren’t always the most thrilling thing in the world. But with the strategies we talked about, you can learn to craft sentences that make your reader lean in, not zone out. You’ll master the art of making your ideas flow effortlessly, and you’ll use evidence like a pro to back up your arguments.

The revision process allows you to look at the piece of writing from another perspective. Don’t be afraid to read your essay out loud, get feedback from others, and ask those big-picture questions about your organization and thesis statement. 

And hey, we all need a little extra support sometimes! There are tons of amazing resources out there to help if you need guidance on how to write better essays.

Most importantly, don’t try to sound like someone you’re not. Let your personality be reflected in your writing. Share your unique perspectives, use vivid language, and express your opinions with confidence. Your teachers will notice the difference!

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Commencement 2024: a celebration of community.

A student looks back and smiles before processing through Porter Gate at Commencement.

(Photo by Dan Renzetti)

As members of Yale’s Class of 2024 gathered Monday morning before proceeding to Old Campus for the university’s 323rd Commencement, they generated the kind of joyous din that was harder to muster when many of them started at Yale, given pandemic conditions then. But those days are now well past, and the graduates looked forward to a well-earned celebration.

Julia Wang, standing with friends from Berkeley College, took a moment to appreciate the profound sense of community that marked her Yale years.

“ I will miss living so close to all my best friends,” said Wang, who majored in molecular, cellular, and developmental biology and education studies. “I think the community that I found at Yale is definitely one of my favorite things about the last four years. In Berkeley College, I found a family.”

Soon, Wang and her classmates joined a tide of students from across Yale — representing every undergraduate residential college and all the graduate and professional schools — toward a sun-dappled Old Campus, where thousands of family members and friends awaited them.

The Yale University concert band played as legions of soon-to-be graduates filed into their seats. And on the main stage, Yale President Peter Salovey, presiding over his final commencement as Yale’s leader before his return to the faculty in June, welcomed the graduates and guests alike.

“ We gather to recognize the extraordinary accomplishments of all of you who have worked so hard to complete your programs of study,” Salovey began. “We salute your effort, your diligence, your talent and intellect.”   

University Chaplain Maytal Saltiel offered an opening prayer.

“ Loving and divine spirit called on by many names, we come here today as a resplendent tapestry of your creation,” she said in part. “We come in humility and celebration having delved into the nooks and crannies of your handiwork, unearthing the elements of your truth and light in the library stacks and laboratories, studios and stadiums, clinics and classrooms of this campus.”

The happy business of the event — the conferring of degrees — began with Yale College and continued through the 13 professional schools and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences . All told, about 4,400 graduates received degrees across the university, including more than 1,675 undergraduates from Yale College.

Branford College graduates in front of Sterling Memorial Library

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Per tradition, Salovey conferred the degrees — with all their “rights and responsibilities.” (And in a couple cases, as that of the law school, the president cheerfully pledged to confer the degrees; some Yale schools conclude the year later than the rest.)

After degrees were bestowed on the Yale School of Nursing graduates, the group unleashed a shower of confetti and silly string.

An offering of thanks

Following the conferral of degrees, Provost Scott Strobel joined Salovey in presenting honorary degrees to eight individuals — including a retired associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, a Nobel Prize-winning molecular geneticist, and a trailblazing physician and health policy leader — who have made pioneering achievements or exemplary contributions to the common good. ( See related story for details.)

Strobel suprised Salovey by presenting a ninth honorary degree, a Doctor of Humane Letters, to Salovey himself, recognizing his more than four decades of service to Yale, including the past 11 as the university’s 23rd president.

Peter Salovey accepting his honorary degree.

“ When you were appointed, you said you hoped to help a great university create a more accessible, a more innovative, and a more excellent Yale,” Strobel said of Salovey, who has held more senior leadership positions at Yale than anyone in the university’s 322-year history. “You have done all three.”

The honorary degree citation noted some of the major accomplishments that marked Salovey’s presidency, including a productive university relationship with the City of New Haven that strengthened the local economy; an increase in the socioeconomic and geographic diversity of the student body, academic departments, and professional schools; and historic enhancements in Yale’s ability to make scholarly discoveries and meet pressing societal challenges.

“ From the start of your presidency you have inspired us to look beyond our schools, our departments, our disciplines,” Strobel said. “You have inspired us to create a Yale that is more unified. As you return to the faculty, Yale offers its thanks. We gratefully confer on you your fourth Yale degree, Doctor of Humane Letters.”

‘ Build bridges rather than walls’

After the closing hymn, “Let Light and Truth Suffuse the Mind,” Gregory Sterling, dean of Yale Divinity School, led all gathered in a benediction:

“ You who are within us, enlarge our hearts to serve. Humble us to place others before ourselves. Calm our souls in the tumult of our world. Help us resolve to build bridges rather than walls.”

Throughout the day of celebration, families expressed pride in their graduates; and graduates offered thanks to those whose loving sacrifices enabled their success.

For Leleda Beraki, a graduating senior from Branford College and former president of the Yale College Council, the occasion was an opportunity to express her immense gratitude to her family and parents, Eritrean refugees who moved to the United States 15 years ago so that she could pursue her education here.

“ My graduation is the culmination of all the sacrifices they’ve made,” said Beraki, who will intern at the World Bank doing policy work related to global health before returning to campus next fall to complete a master’s degree in public health. “I owe all of my success to them. And all of my future achievements will result from the foundation of their sacrifices.”

Jonathan Weiss, a senior from Pauli Murray College, described mixed feelings of sadness and excitement.

“ I really love my Pauli Murray community here and I loved being a music major,” said Weiss, a composer who is writing a musical about Melusina, a fairy in European folklore who has the body of a serpent from the waist down. “It was the first chance in my life to really do what I wanted to do full time. It’s really bittersweet.”

After graduation, Weiss will remain in New Haven as one of two recipients of a Chauncey Fellowship, awarded by the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven for college graduates pursuing the arts or community projects.

“ My experience at Yale has been exhausting and joyful every step of the way,” he said. “Exhausting because I’m doing everything that I want to do.”

Abigail Jones, who earned her master’s of science in nursing from the Yale School of Nursing, was looking forward to celebrating with her classmates.

“ We came from all kinds of walks of life and to be studying the same thing together for three years was really fun,” said Jones, who next will pursue a critical-care fellowship at Emory University in Atlanta. “It just feels like a big family.”

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