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Request Letter for Name Change in School – Sample Letter to School for Change of Name

application letter for name change in school

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To, The Principal, ____________ (Name of the School), ____________ (Address)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Change of name

Respected Sir/Madam,

With due respect, I am writing this letter to inform you that my name is ___________ (Name) and I am a student of ___________ (Class) of your school _________ (School Name). My roll number is _________ (Roll Number).

I am writing this letter to bring into your kind concern that my name has been legally changed from ___________ (Previous Name) to ___________ (Name). I would request you to kindly update my name to __________ (Name) in school records in order to prevent any confusions in the coming time. I am attaching a copy of ____________ (New Name Document Proof /Any Other Relevant Document) as proof of a change in the name along with Birth Certificate for your reference.

I request you to kindly consider this as genuine and update my name for future references. I shall be obliged for the same.


_____________ (Name), _____________ (Class)

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  • A: Yes, it's essential to provide valid proof of the name change, such as a legal document or court order, to support your request.
  • A: Processing times may vary depending on the school's administrative procedures. It's advisable to follow up with the school administration if you haven't received a response within a reasonable timeframe.
  • A: Yes, you can include a request for updating your name in all relevant school records, but ensure to specify each document or record you wish to be updated.
  • A: It's appropriate to address the letter to the principal, as they are typically responsible for overseeing administrative matters in the school.
  • A: If the school requests additional documentation, promptly provide the required documents to expedite the processing of your request.

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  • letter to school principal for change of name

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Application For Name Change In School

Would you want to change your name on your school records? OR, Are you looking for some of the best samples of application for name change in school ?

If Yes, then you don’t have to worry about it, because below we have provided samples of name change application, which if you submit to your school Principal or Headmaster, you can easily change your name.

Application For Name Change In School, Application For Change Of Name In School, Application For Name Correction In School, Application For Change Name In School From Parents

After submitting your application, your school usually changes your name in their school records within 10 to 20 days. But, if you want to change the name on any mark sheet, it may take some more time.

Also, you need to know that the school will be able to actually change the student’s name on their record after having an official copy of the legal document when changing your name.

Application For Change Of Name In School

To, The Principal/Headmaster, [School Name], [School Address], [Date].

Subject: Name change request letter.

Dear Sir/Madam,

With due respect, I am writing this letter to inform you that I am ________ [Write your name], son/daughter of ____________ [Write your father name]. I am a student of class ______ [Mention your class] in your school.

As per the record of school, my name is “________” [Write your wrong name] which is incorrect. My correct name is “________” [Write your correct name]. That’s why I’m requesting you to update your school records with the correct name instead of my wrong name.

If you can announce the correct name for school students through a notice I will be thankful to you.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Best Regards, [Name], [Class & Section], [Your Address], [Contact Details].

To, The Principal, [Name of the School], [School Location], [Date].

Subject: Name change application in school.

I am writing to you because I would like to request that you correct my name on all the officials of the school.

My name is spelled “________” [Mention your correct name] and on my all school documents, it is spelled like this “_________” [Mention your wrong name]. (You can mention your actual problem and situation).

Therefore, I formally request you to please change/update the name in order to prevent any issues in the future. In case, if you require any other clarification or documents, I can be contacted at _______ [Mention your mobile number] or by email __________ [Mention your email address].

Thank you in advance.

Yours Faithfully, [Your Name], [Class & Section], [Roll No].

Read Also: Application For Degree Certificate

Application For Changing Name In School

Form, [New Name of Student] [Address of Student], [Date].

To, The Principal, [School Name], [School Address].

Subject: Application For Name Correction In School.

Most humbly and respectfully, I would like to state that I have legally changed my name. But my previous name has remained in all the documents of my school, which I want to change with my new name. My old name is _______ [Mention Your old name], which I changed to my new name ________ [Mention your new legal name].

So, for this, I would like to request you please change from my old name to my new name. Also, I have enclosed a copy of the proof of my name change.

Please help me to change my name, it will be your great favor.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Name], [Your Signature], [Contact Info].

Application For Name Correction In School

To, The Headmaster, [Your School Name], [Your School Address], [Date].

Subject: Name change/correction application.

Respected Sir/Madam,

With due respect, I want to let you know that I am ________ [Write your Name], and a student of ___________ [Mention Your Class] in your school. All my school documents have misspellings of my name. So I request you to fix my name immediately on your school records so that I can avoid all the hassles related to the name. The correct spelling of my name is _______ [Write Your Correct Name].

I will be thankful to you If you do the needful.

Thanking you.

Yours Faithfully, [Signature], [Class & Section], [Phone Number].

Application For Change Name In School From Parents

To, The Principal, [Name of the School], [School Address], [Date].

Subject: Application For Name Correction.

With due respect, I want to inform you that my son/daughter _________ [Mention your son/daughter name] is studying in class _________ [Mention his/her class & section] of your reputed school.

A few days ago I noticed there was a spelling mistake in his mark sheet and all official schooling documents. For that, I would like to make a formal request that you change your all school records to his/her correct new name. His/her correct name is ______ [Mention correct name].

Thank you and hoping for your consideration on this matter as early as possible.

Yours Faithfully, [Your Name], [Your son/Daughter Name], [Mobile No/Email ID].

Best Name Change Application In School

Name Change Application In School, Application For Name Change In School, Application For Changing Name In School, Application For Change Of Name In School

👉 DOWNLOAD This name change application PDF & Image.

FAQs On Application For Name Change In School

Can surname be change in school records? Yes, Of course, you can change the surname as well as the name in your school records. To change the surname at your school, you need to submit a name change request letter to your school principal or headmaster.

Can I change my name in 10th Marksheet? Yes, if your name is incorrect in your 10th Marksheet, then you can change or correct it. Personally, I suggest you, you should change it. Because otherwise, it can cause you a lot of problems in the future.

How do I change my father’s name on school records? If you want to change your father’s name in your school records then you need some important documents. Such documents are proof of your father’s name, address and age (E.g. Aadhar card, Voter card or it can be ration card.), as well as a father’s name change application.

Best Video For About School Name Change Process & What Documents You Will Need For It.

We hope you have chosen the right application for name change in the school sample for you. If you need any more applications like this, you can let us know by commenting in the comments section below, so that we can provide them to you as soon as possible.

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application letter for name change in school

  • Request Letter For Change Of Name In School Records

Requesting a change of name in school records is a crucial step to ensure that official documents and academic records accurately reflect an individual's identity. To assist with this process, we have prepared four templates for requesting a change of name in school records for various reasons. These templates cover scenarios such as correcting a misspelled name, legal name changes, name changes after marriage, and personal reasons.Each template is designed to address the specific situation while maintaining a polite and professional tone. Whether it's a simple correction of a misspelled name or a more complex legal name change, these templates provide a structured and formal approach to communicating the request.It is essential to customize these templates with accurate personal information and provide any necessary documentation to support the request. School administrators play a vital role in updating records, and we hope these templates will help streamline the process and ensure that the requested name change is accurately reflected in all official school documents.Remember to follow any additional guidelines or procedures provided by the school regarding name change requests. By utilizing these templates, you can navigate the process of requesting a change of name in school records confidently and efficiently.

Template Request Letter for Change of Name in School Records - Misspelling

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[School Administrator's Name] [School Name] [School Address] [City, State, ZIP]

Dear [School Administrator's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention an error in my name recorded in the school records. It has come to my notice that my name is misspelled as [Incorrect Name] instead of the correct spelling, [Correct Name].

I kindly request your assistance in rectifying this error as soon as possible. Having the correct name in my school records is important for various purposes, including official documents, academic certificates, and future applications.

Enclosed with this letter are copies of relevant documents, such as my birth certificate and identification card, showing the correct spelling of my name. I trust that these documents will support my request for the change of name in the school records.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to receiving confirmation of the name correction and updated records. If you require any further information or documentation, please do not hesitate to contact me.

[Your Name]

Template Request Letter for Change of Name in School Records - Legal Name Change

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request a change in my name recorded in the school records. The reason for this request is that I have undergone a legal name change.

My previous name in the school records is [Old Name], and my new legal name is [New Name]. I have attached a certified copy of the legal name change documentation, which includes a court order or an affidavit confirming the name change.

I kindly ask for your prompt attention to this matter to ensure that my school records accurately reflect my current legal name. This change is necessary for various official purposes, including my academic achievements and future educational pursuits.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. I appreciate your help in making this transition smooth and updating my records accordingly. If there is any additional information or documentation required, please let me know.

Template Request Letter for Change of Name in School Records - Marriage

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to request a change in my name listed in the school records. The reason for this request is that I have recently gotten married, and I would like to update my name to reflect my new legal name.

My previous name in the school records is [Maiden Name], and my new legal name after marriage is [Married Name]. To support this request, I have attached a copy of my marriage certificate, which validates the change of my name.

I kindly ask for your prompt attention to this matter to ensure that my school records accurately reflect my current legal name. This change is necessary for official purposes, including any future communications and academic documentation.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. I appreciate your assistance in making this transition seamless and updating my records accordingly. If there is any additional information or documentation required, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Template Request Letter for Change of Name in School Records - Personal Reason

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request a change in my name recorded in the school records for personal reasons.

My previous name in the school records is [Old Name], and the name I would like to be updated to is [New Name]. The reason for this name change is [explain your personal reason briefly].

I understand that this request may be unconventional, but I believe it is essential for my well-being and personal growth. I kindly ask for your understanding and support in this matter.

If required, I am willing to provide further explanation or documentation to justify my request. Please let me know if there is any additional information needed to process the name change.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I am hopeful that you will consider my request favorably and update my school records accordingly.

We are delighted to extend our professional proofreading and writing services to cater to all your business and professional requirements, absolutely free of charge at Englishtemplates.com . Should you need any email, letter, or application templates, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at englishtemplates.com. Kindly leave a comment stating your request, and we will ensure to provide the necessary template at the earliest.

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Request Letter for Change of Name in School Records

Format of Sample Application To Change a Few things such as name in Official School Records by students, or student’s Parents

Sample Application For Name Change In School Documents

The principal, Epic grammar school

Respected sir,

With due respect, I am writing this letter to inform you that my daughter got admitted in your school last month, and today we have received his admission letter, and school card. The name printed on the admission letter, and the school card is “Hannah Shawn” whereas the correct name of my daughter is “Hannah Sean” , kindly make the corrections, and send us the new admission letter, and the school card. I shall be really thankful to you. Please find attached birth certificate of my daughter. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs. Samantha Sean

  To the Admin Staff,

Dear Sir/Madam,

With due respect, I sent this letter to request for changing the name of my daughter, Fatima Aamir, who studies in Grade 8 th . Her name has been changed recently on the Birth Certificate , and to avoid any confusion in the future, I wrote this email as soon as possible.

Furthermore, my daughter is a very active student who is not only good in academics but also participates in a lot of extracurricular activities. All the certificates of participation will help her to build a strong profile in the future when she has to apply to universities so I request you to also give her new updated certificates of the recent events in which she participated. If this is not possible then a letter would be fine too stating that the name of your student was changed as per on request of her father. I don’t want to miss anything which might affect her in future.

I will send the updated Birth Certificate to the office on Monday as a proof. Kindly assist me with this, and you may contact me for further queries. I would be very thankful to you.

Best Regards,

Mehmood Ali

Father of Fatima Aamir

  Respected Principal,

With all due respect, I am writing this letter to request you to please change my name in the school records. Recently, I had my name changed due to some personal issues, and it was a very long process. I had to go through a lot to have my name changed. My name had to be changed on identity card, my passport, and my bank accounts, and what not. It is my request to please change my name in the school records as well from Anna Mirza to Sabrina Mirza. I will provide you with the further documentation that is required.

I hope you will acknowledge my situation, and approve this change as soon as possible. For further inquiries you may contact me at the number provided below.

Sabrina Mirza

Contact: ________

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My daughter’s name is Salma Sultana but her name is reflected in all her mark sheets is Salma Sulthana. Request advice how to omit the word h in her name before issuing the degree certificate as well as in the mark sheets..

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application letter for name change in school


Sample Letter Of Change Name Request: Free & Effective

In this guide, I’ll walk you through the steps to write a compelling and professional name change request letter, drawing on my personal experiences and insights.

Key Takeaways

  • Purpose : Understand why a well-crafted Letter of Change Name Request is crucial for the legal, personal, or professional name change process.
  • Structure : Learn the essential components of the letter to make it effective.
  • Customization : Gain insights on how to personalize your letter to reflect your unique circumstances.
  • Template : Access a ready-to-use template to streamline your letter-writing process.
  • Tips : Benefit from expert tips to enhance your letter’s clarity and impact.

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Your Letter

Step 1: start with your contact information.

Your letter should begin with your current name, address, and the date at the top left corner. This establishes your identity and provides a point of reference for the recipient.

Lisa Fang 123 Main Street Anytown, USA 12345 January 1, 2024

Step 2: Include the Recipient’s Details

Address the letter to the specific person or department handling name change requests. If you’re unsure, a general “To Whom It May Concern” is a safe option.

Step 3: Craft a Clear Subject Line

Trending now: find out why.

A straightforward subject line, such as “Request for Name Change,” immediately clarifies the letter’s purpose.

Step 4: Write a Polite Introduction

Begin with a polite greeting, then introduce yourself and state your request. It’s crucial to be concise yet informative.

Step 5: Detail the Reason for Your Name Change

Be transparent about why you’re requesting the change. Whether it’s due to marriage, divorce, or personal preference, a clear explanation helps the recipient understand your situation.

Step 6: Provide Necessary Documentation References

Mention any attached documents that support your name change, such as a marriage certificate or court order.

Step 7: Include a Call to Action

Politely request the recipient to process your name change and offer to provide additional information if needed.

Step 8: Close with Appreciation

Thank the recipient for their time and consideration, sign off with a respectful closing, and include your signature and printed name.

Tips from Personal Experience

  • Be Specific : Clearly state your current name, the new name, and any specific details to avoid confusion.
  • Maintain Professionalism : Even if the name change is for personal reasons, keep the tone formal and respectful.
  • Follow Up : After sending your letter, consider following up to ensure it was received and to inquire about the status of your request.
  • Keep Records : Always keep a copy of the letter and any related correspondence for your records.

Letter of Change Name Request Template

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name or Department] [Company/Organization Name] [Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Request for Name Change

Dear [Recipient’s Name or To Whom It May Concern],

I am writing to formally request the change of my name in your records. My current name is [Current Name], and I would like to change it to [New Name].

This change is due to [briefly explain the reason, e.g., marriage, divorce, personal preference]. Attached, please find the relevant documents supporting this change, including [list documents, e.g., marriage certificate, court order].

I kindly ask that you update your records accordingly and inform me of any additional steps or documentation required to complete this process.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I appreciate your assistance in updating my records to reflect my new name.

[Your Signature (if sending a hard copy)] [Your Printed Name]

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

application letter for name change in school

Free Download this School Change Application Letter Design in Word, Google Docs, PDF, Apple Pages, Outlook Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable.

An application letter you can use for the purpose of transferring a student to another school. Download this template and get to write a formal and effective letter. This is printable and easy to edit.

School Change Application Letter


This letter is to bring to your kind notice that I, [YOUR NAME], [RELATIONSHIP] of [NAME] attending [SCHOOL NAME] for school year [YEAR], would like to transfer [NAME] to [SCHOOL NAME 1] due to [REASON].

It has been an honour for my child to have attended [SCHOOL NAME]. However, we feel that our child will be better suited to study in [SCHOOL NAME 1] because [REASON 1]. The school has our deepest thanks for nurturing and mentoring our child up until now. 

Please feel free to contact me with any additional questions and clarifications. You can reach me at [YOUR PHONE NUMBER] or email me at [YOUR EMAIL ID].



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Sample application for name change.

Sample Application for name change and Application of name correction  in school, college and university. Application for name correction on passport, registration form, documents etc.  Templates are given below, one can use this format in order to request for his name change in any organization.

Application to Change Name in School Record due to Safety Purpose

Dear Principal [Principal’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request a change in my name on the school records from [Current Name] to [Preferred Name]. This request is motivated by safety concerns that I have been facing, and I believe that using my preferred name will help me maintain a lower profile and reduce the risk of unwanted attention.

I kindly request your assistance in facilitating this change promptly. Ensuring my safety while attending school is of utmost importance to me, and I appreciate your understanding and support in this matter.

Thank you for your attention to this request.

[Your Signature]

[Your Typed Name]

Name Change Request in School Record due to Personal Reference

[School Name]

[School Address]

Dear School Administration,

I am writing to formally request a change in my name on the school records from [Current Name] to [Preferred Name]. This change reflects my personal preference, and I kindly ask for your assistance in updating the records accordingly.

I appreciate your attention to this matter, as it will help create a more comfortable and inclusive environment for me at school.

Sample Application for Name Change in School

To, The Principal, Beaconhouse School System. Canal Side Campus, Lahore.

Subject: Request for Changing Name

With due respect it is to be stated that my name has been changed from “Zareen Kanwal” to “Zareen Bilal”. I request you to change my name on all the officials of school. I also request you to change the name on all the school records so that it didn’t cause any problem in future. I shall be very grateful to you in this regard.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours Obediently, Zareen Bilal. Class 9- gOGreen Dated: 09-11-2014.

Sample Application for Name Change In School

Sample Application Format for Name Change

Respected Sir,

With huge respect and estimation, it is stated that I am a student of psychological department in this prestigious university. I am in my first semester and there is an issue that needs to be addressed as early as possible. My name is Angelina with g in it but in university documents, it is saved as “Anjelina” which changes my name and distinct it from my original name. It is my kind request to please change it as soon as possible so I can continue participating in different activities in university. I shall be very grateful to you for this favor.

Warm Regards,

Email to the School Management to Change Your Name in the Records

The Principal,

Mumbai International School,

Subject: Application for Name Change in School Records

I am the Father of Shivani Joshi in your school. We got her admitted to the school 6 months back in 3 rd grade. Yesterday she came back home with a certificate of participation which had her name as Shinavi Jay. It was confusing so we checked on the school and confirmed that the school record had her name incorrect t this whole time and now her certificates also have the wrong name on them which can later create problems identifying when she gets admitted to other schools/ colleges. I would request you to kindly correct her name in the school records so that all the documents created for her from now on have the correct name on them to be used by her when needed. Thanks.

Ravi Joshi.

Sample Email to the School Management to Change Your Name in Records

Leaders School System Delhi.

Subject: Application For Name Change In School Records.

I am Akshara Khanna studying in your school in grade 8 with role no 11. I am writing you this to notify you that I have changed my name due to personal reasons on my birth certificate from Akshara Khanna to Ankita Khanna. My name has been changed legally on my passport and all the documents on my name as well. I would request you to kindly change my name from Akshara Khanna to Ankita Sharma in school records and update all of the school documents as well regarding my name so that it does not create any problems for me in the future when I get my passing certificates. I will be grateful. Thanks.

Ankita Sharma.

Easy Application for Name Correction

The Principal, Esna Foundation, Lahore.

Subject: Application for Name Change

Respected Madam,

It is stated that I am Sania Ali D/O Muhammad Ali  studying in BS Computer Science in this institution. My name spellings in the University Registration Form are wrongly written as (Saniya Ali). I have Sania instead to Saniya at my documents and passport. If these will not be corrected it may cause problem in the issuance of visa to me. I request you to please correct my name in the University records and degree. I shall be highly obliged in this regard.

Yours Obediently,

Sania Ali. BS. Computer Science.

Application for Name Correction on Passport

The Complaint Incharge, Passport Office, Islamabad.

Subject: Application for Name Correction

Respected  Sir,

It is stated that I applied for my passport the last week on urgent basis. Yesterday I got my passport but my name is not correctly written. Even though I provided my correct name on Cnic and Documents but still this error occurred. I request you to kindly correct my name on passport as Atif Majeed instead of Asif Majeed. Copy of form with my correct name is also attached for your review. Please issue me the new passport as soon as possible as I am in urgent need. I shall be highly obliged.

Yours Sincerely,

Atif Majeed.

Application for Name Correction on Passport

Sample Application for Correction of Name on Birth Certificate

I am Ali Arshad resident of Lahore, Pakistan  requested for birth certificate of my son Khalid Ali which is required by his school administration. I recently got the certificate but his name on certificate is written incorrect. Khalid Ali is written as ‘Khalil Ali’.  I request you to please issue new certificate having correct name. I shall be grateful to you in this regard.

Ali Arshad F/O Khalil Ali

Request for Name Change

To, The Student Facilitation Centre University of Larkana, Sindh, Pakistan.

Subject: Change of name request

It is stated that my name has been changed after graduating from university, where previously it was Muhammad Ali Farooq it is now only Ali Farooq, the degree issued by the university carries my previous name.

I request that my name be changed on my final degree and a new one be issued to me in my name. If you need confirmation for the change to be possible then you can consult the newspaper Jang dated 12 th March 2016 in which it was announced that my name has been changed and subsequently only the new one will be recognized for all official purposes. Hence I request you to take the required steps and change my name on the final degree issued for all my documents need to be in line with legal requirements and orders.

Yours Obediently Ali Farooq 14 th July, 2016.

Request to Correct Name on Death Certificate

Chairman Council, Ronkonkoma , USA

Subject: Request to correct the name on death certificate

I would like to request you to change the name of my sister on her death certificate which you issued last month. The name of my sister was Marry William. You have issued the certificate with wrong name. I am attaching all attested copies of relevant documents with this letter. Please issue me a certificate with correct name so it can cause no problem in future. I shall be very thankful you in this regard. I have attached the documents with this application. The list of documents are; baptismal records, insurance policy, hospital and clinic records, family bible record, record of employment, marriage certificate, birth certificate and medical examination at the time of death. I am attaching payment draft as well for your required fee. Thanking you in anticipating.

Mr. Crook freak Date 17.05.2016

Application for Changing the Name of My Child

To The Principle Lahore Grammar School, Punjab Society Lahore.

Subject: Application for changing the name of my child

With extreme regards, this is to inform that my daughter “Waania Batool” is studying in 7 th standard in your school since 2005. We had changed her name from waania Batool to Waania Rizwan. We had also followed the legal proceeding regarding changing the name. I am attaching attested photo copies of my daughter birth certificate other legal documentation with this application. I request you to change her name in your school record as well, so there would be no cause of problem in future about her education. I will be brimmed with gratitude if you consider my plea. Kindly inform me after changing the name of my daughter in your record. Thanks.!!

Yours Faithfully,

Dr. Sara Asad Mother of Waania Batool Date 23.4.18 0322 8486787

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Current Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Title] [Organization’s Name] [Organization’s Address]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request a name change in my records held by [Organization’s Name]. After careful consideration and personal circumstances, I have decided to change my legal name from [Current Name] to [Desired Name]. To support my name change request, I have enclosed the necessary documents and legal evidence: 1-Certified copy of my birth certificate 2-Photocopy of my valid government-issued identification (driver’s license, passport, etc.) 3-Original copy of the court order approving my name change (if applicable) I understand that changing my name may require updating various records and documentation within your organization. Therefore, I kindly request your guidance regarding the specific procedures and forms necessary to complete the name change process. I am committed to providing any additional documents or information required promptly. I kindly request that you update your records to reflect my new name as soon as possible. I also kindly ask for your assistance in ensuring that my new name is reflected in any future correspondence or communications from [Organization’s Name]. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in facilitating this name change process. I look forward to a positive response.

[Your New Name] [Your Current Name] [Account/Reference Number (if applicable)]

78 thoughts on “Sample Application for Name Change”

please help me write an application to the chairman of NBSE, permission to change surname. Thankyou!

The Chairman NBSE, Address.

Respected Sir, Please be informed that I have to change my surname from ABC to XYZ and for this purpose I’m in need of your permission. I’ve attached all the relevant documents for your review. The reason for change is that I’m not comfortable with the old surname and more interested to have the new one. I hope that you’ll considerate upon my request. Thanking You Ahead of Time. Sincerely, Name.

How to write a correction letter for my transfer certificate mistake of father name spelling

Hy Kindly Visit the below given link:-

https://documentshub.com//letter/sample-letter-for-spelling-correction/ Regards

please help write in application to the school principal change for name on my t.c.. i am in m.sc. i have a problem with the spelling mistake to make my passport.. please help me

The Concerned Person, It is stated with high esteem and respect that I request you to please change my name in in school tc. I passed my school in 2010 and currently student of M.Sc and I have applied for my passport. Unfortunately, due to spelling errors it is causing a huge trouble for me. Sir, the only option left for me is that I get my name altered in school record and by this way my spelling error in record can be corrected.Please do cater my request, I shall be intensely obliged to you for this. Thanking you in anticipation. Sincerely, Name and contact.

please help me to write a cover letter to change my name in california board of nursing. thanks

The Concerned Person, It is stated with extreme reverence that I want to change my name in California Board of Nursing. The reason is, I changed my name permanently and therefore I need to clear the previous one from every record. Kindly update my record and I’m enclosing the name change proof with the letter. I shall be highly obliged. Thanking you in anticipation. Sincerely, Name and Contact

Please help me to write applications to regional passport office.as in my birth certificate name and other document father name is different but I want to in my passport as in my birth certificate.

The Concerned Person, With due respect and regard it is stated that I have applied for my passport last week. Sir, I want to make clear that my father’s name in the birth certificate and in my other documents is different. This was owing to some technical errors which could not be sorted out that time. I request you to kindly make the details in the passport according to my birth certificate so that I may not create other difficulties for me in future. I shall be highly obliged to you. Thanking you I remain. Sincerely, Name Contact

Please help for aplication add surname for my childs birth certificate

The Concerned Person, With due esteem it is stated that in the birth certificate of my child, the surname is not added. I applied for the certificate a week ago and yesterday have received. I request you to please add the surname and I am attaching all the details wit the application. I shall be highly obliged. Thanking You. Sincerely, Name and Contact.

please sir write applicatio for marks correction in universty

The Concerned Person, It is stated that I received my Detailed Marks Certificate few days back and I get to know that there is error in my marks of 2 subjects. It is requested that kindly recheck the marks of Subject:A and Subject:B and update them. I shall be obliged. Yours Obediently, Name, department and Contact

Please help for application for changing name to my director

Hey Adam, just change your name and organization in the given template.

Application for Name Correction

It is stated that I am Sania Ali D/O Muhammad Ali studying in BS Computer Science in this institution. My name spellings in the University Registration Form are wrongly written as (Saniya Ali). I have Sania instead to Saniya at my documents and passport. If these will not be corrected it may cause problem in the issuance of visa to me. I request you to please correct my name in the University records and degree. I shall be highly obliged in this regard.

Sania Ali. BS. Computer Science

Hi, please can you help me with how to write an application letter for change of name on my passport due to marriage. Thanks

The Concerned Person, It is stated with due reverence that I want to apply for the change of name in my current passport. I got married a month back and in order to issue visa my passport name should be the same as of my other documents. I request you to please update my information, by changing the name. I have attached the details with the application. I shall remain obliged. Sincerely, Name and Contact.

Hi, please can you help me with how to write an application letter for change of name to present working office Thanks

The Concerned Person, It is stated with due reverence that I want you to change name in the official record of office. I have attached the document showing the details with the application. Kindly make the necessary changes. I’ll be obliged.

Sincerely, Name and Contact

Sir ,please help me to write an application to institute for change in my caste category general to OBC . Help me.

The Concerned Person, It is stated with due reverence that I want to request that please change my caste category from general to OBC. I wasn’t able to mention it earlier but now I request you to please make the necessary change. I shall remain obliged. Thanking you. Sincerely, Name and Contact

Pls. Help me write a latter my name was wrongly spell in the statement of result… Am ask to write a letter to the head of department. Thanks

Respected Sir, It is stated with deep reverence that my name is wrongly spelled in the result card issued by the school. The information which I provided was correct and intact but unfortunately may be because of some human error the name is misspelled. I am attaching my birth certificate for information and I request you to please make the corrections. I’ll be obliged.

Thanks. Yours Obediently, Name and Contact

Hi, please can you help me how to write an application letter for change of name on my school diploma, i mistakenly used a mispelled name in my records i just found out the correct spelling when i got my birth certificate. thank you.

It is stated that I am abc D/O xyz studying in BS Computer Science in this institution.It is to inform you that I want you to correct my name spellings in the school record and on my diploma. the actual spellings are on my birth certificate and according to them these will be considered wrong when I’ll have to apply for my visa or other such things. I request you to please correct the spellings. The copy of birth certificate is attached with the application.I shall be highly obliged in this regard.

Name and Contact

Hy please sir help me toup write a letter to the principle to change my father and mother name in my admit card.

The Concerned Person,

This is to inform you that I want you to change my father and mother’s name on my admission card. The reason is personal/incorrect typing. I have attached the required documents and copies if identity cards along with the application. I request you to please do it on priority basis. I’ll be obliged.

Yours Sincerely, Name and Contact

I want to know how to write an application to cbse board for changing mother’s name spelling.


How to write a application to CBSE Board for changing father’s name spelling.

To, The Director, Central Board of Secondary Education,

Subject: change of spellings of father’s name

It is stated that my secondary school certificate carries an onerous mistake, my father’s name has been misspelled and that has caused considerable inconvenience for me, it would be a relief if it could be changed. My father’s name has been spelled as ‘Idress Yaqoub’ whereas his official documents carry the spellings ‘Idress Yakub’ this slight mistake has caused considerable problem especially when I apply to universities on that certificate since a computerised record matching is conducted. Please help me in this regard.

Yours Truly,

How to write a letter to correct the name after submission of online scholarship application form

how to change name of father and mother high school markseet and intermediate my father incorrect name of high school. Ambika prasad. but correct name Amerika prasad and incorrect mother name Saraswati devi correct name basanti devi high school passing year 2011 and intermediate 2013 please help me sir how to change name roll no.2725517 and intermediate roll no.1988233 mobile number. 8953917686

please help me on how to write a simple letter of request for correction of baptismal certificate thank you….

https://documentshub.com/request-letter/request-letter-to-issue-baptismal-certificate/ https://documentshub.com/authority-letter/authorization-letter-for-baptismal-certificate/

Pls help me how to write an application to correct your name in CCC online form in which my name was miswritten.

https://documentshub.com/letter/sample-letter-for-spelling-correction/ https://documentshub.com/application/application-for-correction-of-childs-name/

hello… plz help me now… in writing an application to principal for changing my fathers name on the cheque given by my school to me..

The concerned person, It is stated with due reverence that recently a cheque ABC is issued from school to me. I want you to please change my father’s name from — to —- on the given cheque. I have attached the cheque with application. I shall remain obliged.

Yours Obediently, Name and contact

To write a letter to principal to change my sons name in all school documents

Respected Principal it is requested that the name of my son has been written wrong mistakenly, its a humble request to you to change his name so he get secure from the future problems which can raise from the wrong name documentation. Regards

Sir ,please help me to write an application to board of SSC for change my name in SSC marks memo …

I have small “Doubt sir i want to change my name in marks memo , but i write Requst letter to Ssc board “or” school plz tell me

It is to state with much humility that I recently received my mark memo of SSC result and the name written on the sheet did not belong to me. The roll number, registration number and the school address are mine, so I assume there is misconception regarding my name. Kindly correct it as soon as possible and I am attaching my Character Certificate and the Birth certificate as a proof of my words. Thanking you in anticipation. X.Y.Z


Hi can you pls help me write a letter so my mother who was raised in the South, was just given to a relatives and took on the last name, attended school with that last name and then married and divorced with that last name. Married again with that name. Hope I’m making sense, but she is now trying to obtain a passport but can’t prove how she got that last name. There are no baptism records.

Most preferably, you should write a letter to arrange meeting with the person and elaborate all this situation. Secondly, you may write it as: Since my mother was orphan and was raised by relatives. She was given the last name by choice and since then this name is her identity.

Sir , Please help me to write an application to head of branch university to resolve my problem in my marks.I am the student of M.sc(pre) in Agra University with Maths..i have got good marks in 3 papers.but i have got baaaad marks in 1 paper & I have full confidence my first paper is so good..but numers are wrong obtained so plz tell me i will be do.

It is stated with due reverence that I want to request for my paper rechecking and recounting. I am student of Grade—- and have taken the exams of—- recently. I was shocked to see my result ad in the subject of — my grades are unexpectedly low even though my exam went good. In all other subjects I have got good grades and I’m a hardworking student. For this purpose, I want you to please counter check my exam. shall be very obliged.

Yours Obediently, Name and Grade.

Please help me! I want yo submit an application for the change of my address pincode that is 201002 but in the passport mistakingly there is written 201009….

I had recently received my passport for England. Everything about it was correct as per information given to you by me but there is minor mistake which may be of typing that the pin code for my home address was 201002 as provided by me. In the passport it is written as 201009 and this mistake can cost me a lot of trouble in my career or even landing there. Kindly correct it as soon as possible and for that reason I am ready to pay extra correction charges, if there is so in rule book. Thank you.

University se documents wapus lene hetu application btaye Counselling ke wakt documents submit krwaye but admission nhi liya

The Concerned Person, It is stated with deep reverence that I submitted my documents while counselling session in this prestigious institution. Unfortunately, I couldn’t manage to take admission here and now I request you to please provide my documents back. I shall remain indebted.

Sincerely, Name and contact

Please help me to write a letter to the punjab school education board for correction in my own name & also my father name ..both are having wrong surname on my matric certificate..

I had recently sat for my SSC examination under Punjab Education Board and today I received my result certificate having wrong surname and incorrect name of mine as well. This mistake can affect my admission in HSSC. Kindly correct the error as soon as possible. Thanking for your earliest compliance. Yours Sincerely, _____________

I want to write application for correction in school leaving certificate. SCHOOL ALSO issued school leaving certificate but in which a mistake is made. I passed sixth class but in school leaving certificate written fifth class. Kindly suggest me . Thank you

Hy, Kindly visit the below given link:-


plz. draft a letter for school for change mother’s name in school records and for future documents. because my son’s biological mother was no more and we want to add her second mother name in his certificate

It is stated that my wife passed away a few years ago and I remarried, my son has been a student at your school since pre-nursery and I wish that his mother’s name is changed. Since my second wife is now his legal guardian in case one is needed in my absence I request that her name be added to the official school record. His certificates and documents of the future shall carry the same as well. Her name is Meena Kumari, any other details will be provided if the need arises.

Sir ,please help me to write an application to board of CBSE for change my father name.

Subject: Name change in birth certificate

It is stated that my name has been misspelled in my birth certificate; it is Ratul Sharma whereas it is written Rahul Sharma, and it will be kind of you to change it. This particular error has considerable impact on every other document that I receive and the error has jeopardised my position to get a high school certificate as well. I need all my recent documents to match as well ad since the birth certificate is the only document that carries incorrect information. Please assist me in this issue.

application for change of father name in cbse 10th marksheet

Hi,Please help me to write an application for the correction of Signature on Admit Card of MDU, Rohtak.


With due honour and attire I would like you to know that I am Mr. Seneca Sin and Admit Card is an official document that is as important as National Identity Card itself. I cannot exercise many of my rights in the best possible way and my name in the Admit card has wrongly written. Please see to my issue as soon as possible. Kindly correct it as Mr. Ronnie Rock and not Ronny Rock and I will be grateful to you for this kind act.

sir please help me in writing application to the university for Correction of name ,as may my name is wrongly written in my marksheets, admit cards and registration card

It is to scribble on piece of paper with much respect that I am student of first year and few days ago I received my registration card and admit card. On both the documents, the spelling of my name is written incorrectly. Yesterday I received my mark sheet and on this document again same mistake was repeated. Kindly, I request you to do the necessary corrections in my all documents as soon as possible. I will be grateful to you for this kind action. Thank you.

Sir please help me, I am running the school and I want to write the one application to CBSE regional office for one of my students for their changing the name in 10th &12th marksheet. But we don’t have some documents and the CBSE regional office said ,”if school have not any document then they can write the letter to us that they don’t have the documents and request for issuing 10th & 12th marksheet.” Help me to write this

It is to state with due respect and honour that I am principal of the school and there is an issue of name changing in my school and it is entirely of religious nature to the family so I am hand cuffed and could not say a word against their wish. Now the state is that I want to get the name of one of the student be changed on his mark sheet of 10th and 12th. The required documents needed by the CBSE are not with us, but we cannot compromise the future of our student. Please find some way out to solve this grave issue. All required documents are attached for future concern. Thank you.

Please help me I have to change my fathers name in school records

Sample format is here

To, The Headmistress, Loyola High school, Hindupur, India.

Subject: Application to change father’s name from record

Respected Headmistress,

It is kindly stated that I am a student of this prestigious school and studies in 9 th grade. Recently, I passed my 8 th grade and the result card mentioned my father’s name different as it is. I thought to address this problem as soon as possible. I observed that it is maybe a faulty error which has caused this because as I remember, that I informed and wrote correct name of my father while taking admission in your respective school. I humbly request you to please ask your administration to change my father’s name from “David” to “Mathew Jonas”. As you know that father’s name in education document is very important and it becomes your whole identity. Therefore, please change my father’s name from the record of school and also rectify the name from result card. I would highly appreciate if it is done as early as it could be because I cannot participate in extracurricular activities of school; the certificated issued to me would have same problem. Thank you.

Yours Obediently, Mr. John Mathew Jonas, 23 December, 2018.

Please help me I want to change my name in ITI result, institution name is meeramandir pvt. Inds. training institute . The institute have misspelled my name Vicky to visky

To, January 20,2020 The Head Of, MEERAMANDIR (pvt.) Inds. Training Institute, ABC.

Subject: Request for Name Change

Please be informed that I am a bondafide student of your institution. Unfortunately by some clerical mistake my name was printed as “visky” Actually it is Vicky. My all testimonials are here annexed showing my correct name spelling. It is therefore I request you kindly change my name in the ITI result from visky to VICKY.

I shall be very grateful to you for this kindness.

Thanking you I remain, Your’s Obediently, X.Y.Z.

Can you please help me to write an application to my college for( subject) my father’s name is not mention in my 1st semester adimt card…… Please help me sir… Its an emergency

To, The Principal College Name Subject: Request application to add father’s name in admission card Respected Ma’am, With utmost reverence, It is stated that My fathers name is not mentioned on my admission card, it will create problem for my further admission. kindly look into this matter. I shall be very thankful to you. Yours Sincerely, XYZ

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Documents Hub Consultants


School Transfer Certificate (TC) Application by Parents (with Samples & PDFs)

I have listed sample templates to help you craft an effective and professional school transfer certificate (tc) application by parents.

Also, I would like to point out that you can also download a PDF containing all the samples at the end of this post.

Application for School TC by Parents

First, find the sample template for school transfer certificate (tc) application by parents below.

To, The Principal, [School’s Name], [School’s Address], [City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Request for School Transfer Certificate

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am [Your Name], the parent of [Child’s Name], who is studying in class [Child’s Current Class] in your esteemed school. This letter serves as an application to request a Transfer Certificate (TC) for my child.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are relocating to [New City or Town’s Name] by the end of [Month, Year]. Consequently, my child will be unable to continue his/her studies in your prestigious institution. We have made arrangements to admit [Child’s Name] to a new school in our new place of residence, and thus require the Transfer Certificate to facilitate this process.

I kindly request you to issue the Transfer Certificate, along with any other necessary documents related to [Child’s Name]’s academic progress at your school. We have always been proud to be part of the [School’s Name] family and are grateful for the quality education and nurturing environment provided to our child.

Please let us know of any formalities or fees that need to be taken care of for the issuance of the Transfer Certificate. We will ensure to complete them at the earliest. Also, if possible, we would appreciate it if you could expedite this process as it is crucial for my child’s seamless transition to the new school.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance in this matter.

Yours faithfully,

[Your Name] [Your Contact Information] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Below I have listed 5 different sample applications for “school transfer certificate (tc) application by parents” that you will certainly find useful for specific scenarios:

School Transfer Certificate Application for Relocation Purposes by Parents

School Transfer Certificate Application for Relocation Purposes by Parents

To, The Principal, [School Name], [School Address], [City], [Date]

Subject: Application for School Transfer Certificate due to Relocation

I am [Your Name], parent of [Child’s Name], studying in class [Class and Section] in your esteemed institution. I am writing this letter to request the issuance of a transfer certificate for my child due to our family’s relocation.

Due to an unavoidable change in my job, I have been transferred to [New City Name]. Consequently, our entire family must move to the new city to settle there. In light of this situation, I request you to kindly issue the transfer certificate for my child at the earliest possible date, as it will be required for seeking admission in a new school in the new city.

I am grateful to the entire school faculty for their dedicated efforts in providing an excellent educational environment for my child. We will always cherish the memories and values learned at this school.

Kindly consider my request and provide the transfer certificate at the earliest. I will clear any pending dues before collecting the certificate.

Thank you for your understanding.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City] [Contact Number]

Application for Transfer Certificate Due to a Change in Curriculum by Parents

Application for Transfer Certificate Due to a Change in Curriculum by Parents

Subject: Application for Transfer Certificate Due to Change in Curriculum by Parents

I, [Your Name], am writing this application to request a transfer certificate for my son/daughter, [Child’s Name], who is currently studying in Class [Class] Section [Section] of your esteemed school. Due to certain personal reasons, we have decided to change the curriculum for our child and have decided to enroll him/her in a different school that follows the desired curriculum.

Our decision stems from the belief that the new curriculum will be more suitable for our child’s future goals and aspirations. We are immensely grateful for the excellent academic foundation and moral values that your school has provided to our child during his/her time here.

I kindly request you to issue the transfer certificate at the earliest, as we need to complete the admission process at the new school as soon as possible. I understand that there may be formalities and fees associated with the issuance of the transfer certificate, and I am ready to complete them as required.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance in this matter. We will always cherish the memories and experiences that our family had at your esteemed institution.

[Your Name] [Your Address] [Contact Number] [Email ID]

Requesting a School Transfer Certificate Application for Health Reasons by Parents

Requesting a School Transfer Certificate Application for Health Reasons by Parents

Subject: Request for School Transfer Certificate due to Health Reasons

I, [Your Name], father/mother of [Student’s Name], who is currently studying in class [Class and Section] in your esteemed school, kindly request you to issue a transfer certificate for my child on account of health reasons.

Due to some unforeseen health complications, our family doctor has recommended us to change our current place of residence for the betterment of my child’s health condition. Consequently, we have decided to shift to a different city and hence, my child will not be able to continue their education at your esteemed institution.

I would like to express our sincere gratitude for the exceptional guidance and support provided by your school in nurturing my child’s academic growth so far. It is with a heavy heart that we have to make this decision and request your kind cooperation in this matter.

Kindly issue the transfer certificate for my child, [Student’s Name], at the earliest to facilitate a smooth transition to the new school. I have cleared all the outstanding fees and dues.

[Your Name] [Father/Mother of Student’s Name] [Address] [Contact Number]

Application for School Transfer Certificate Following Disciplinary Issues by Parents

Application for School Transfer Certificate Following Disciplinary Issues by Parents

To, The Principal, [Name of the School], [Address], [City, State, Pin Code]

Subject: Application for School Transfer Certificate following Disciplinary Issues by Parents

I, [Your Name], parent of [Student’s Name], who is currently studying in Class [Class and Section] at your esteemed school, am writing this application to request the issuance of a Transfer Certificate for my child.

My son/daughter has been facing disciplinary issues at school due to the interference of his/her parents. We deeply regret our behavior and the impact it has had on the school environment and our child’s education. We understand the importance of maintaining discipline, and we take full responsibility for our actions.

We have realized that our involvement has caused unnecessary disruptions, and it is in the best interest of our child and the school that we seek admission in another institution. Hence, I request you to kindly issue a Transfer Certificate for [Student’s Name] at the earliest, so that we can initiate the admission process in another school without any delay.

I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter, and I assure you that we will not repeat such behavior in the future. Kindly consider our request and do the needful.

Thanking you.

[Your Name] [Contact Number] [Address] [Date]

School Transfer Certificate Application Due to Financial Constraints by Parents

School Transfer Certificate Application Due to Financial Constraints by Parents

Subject: Application for School Transfer Certificate Due to Financial Constraints

I, [Your Name], am the father/mother of [Student’s Name], a student of class [Class and Section] in your esteemed school. I am writing this application to inform you about the financial constraints our family is currently facing, and to request a transfer certificate for my child.

Due to the ongoing economic crisis, I have been facing severe financial difficulties, which have adversely affected our family’s income. As a result, we are unable to afford the school fees and other expenses associated with my child’s education at your esteemed institution. It is a tough decision for us, but we have decided to move our child to a more affordable school to continue their education.

In light of these circumstances, I humbly request you to kindly issue a transfer certificate for my child, [Student’s Name], so that we can complete the admission process in the new school without any delay. We will always be grateful for the quality education and nurturing environment provided by your esteemed school, which has played an essential role in my child’s growth and development.

I hope you will understand our situation and approve our request at the earliest. Your kind support in this matter would be highly appreciated.

Thanking you,

[Your Name] [Contact Number] [Address]

How to Write School Transfer Certificate (TC) Application by Parents

Some writing tips to help you craft a better application:

  • Begin with the subject line: Mention “Application for Transfer Certificate” or “Request for School Transfer Certificate” as the subject.
  • Address the principal: Start the application by addressing the principal of the school and use a formal salutation like “Respected Sir/Madam” or “Dear Principal.”
  • Introduce yourself: Briefly introduce yourself as the parent or guardian of the student and mention your child’s name, class, and section.
  • State the reason for transfer: Clearly state the reason for requesting the transfer certificate, such as relocation, better educational opportunities, or any other personal reasons.
  • Mention the last date of attendance: Provide the date on which your child will be attending the school for the last time.
  • Request for academic records: Along with the transfer certificate, request for your child’s academic records, report cards, and any other relevant documents to ensure a smooth transition to the new school.
  • Provide contact details: Include your contact information, such as phone number and email address, for any further communication or queries from the school.
  • Express gratitude: Thank the principal for their time and consideration in processing your request.
  • End with a closing statement: Close the application with an appropriate statement like “Yours sincerely” or “Yours faithfully” followed by your name and signature.
  • Proofread and edit: Double-check the application for any spelling or grammatical errors before submission to ensure a professional impression.

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I am sure you will get some insights from here on how to write “school transfer certificate (tc) application by parents”. And to help further, you can also download all the above application samples as PDFs by clicking here .

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application letter for name change in school

School Transfer Application

Whether you have completed your SSC, you are moving to a new place with your family or your parents are in a government job, you will always require a school transfer application, commonly called a TC.

school transfer application

What is TC and how can we Apply for it?

A TC is a school transfer certificate provided by the current school in which the child is studying and is needed for the child’s transfer to another school or college. Without a TC, the other school or college won’t allow the students to take admission. Along with other documents, TC is a compulsory certificate that has to be submitted during admission procedures.

A TC is issued by the head authority of the college or school where the student resides. It is given either on completion of studies or the course. TC can also be issued if requested for some cases, like moving to a new city, changing schools for some reason, etc. A parent of the student or a student can write a letter requesting a TC to the head authority of the institution.

Format of School Transfer Application

The format of a TC is the same as that of a formal letter. TC letters should include the necessary information like date, transfer reason, admission certificate of the new school or college, etc. Check the format given below to get an idea.

Parent/student name

The Headmaster/Principal

School/college name

School/college address

Sub-Requesting for TC

Greetings or salutations, e.g., Respected/Dear Sir/Ma’am

The main body of the letter. I am requesting a TC. The reason why the student is leaving the school/college. Mention the last date of the student at that school/college. Attach all the necessary proof with the letter.

Express gratitude towards the employer.

Yours faithfully/truly/sincerely


Your name is in block letters.

Contact number


A Sample of a School Transfer Application

A school transfer application should be written formally. The letter should be short and contain only the necessary information. The tone of the letter should be polite as you are requesting. Have a look at the sample letters below to get a better understanding of the same.

Sample Letter 1: Request for Transfer Certificate.

Rajkumar Yadav

Ishwar Road


Date-August 7, 2022

The Principal,

Bharat Mahan Government School.


Sub: Requesting a transfer certificate.

Respected Sir,

I am Rajkumar Yadav, the father of Tejas Yadav, a sixth-grade student at your school. With due respect, I would like to request that you issue a transfer certificate for my son as we have admitted him to a private school.

Our financial condition is now much more stable and I would like to admit my son to a private school for better opportunities. My son’s last day at your school will be August 17th.

I hope you will issue the transfer certificate as soon as possible.

Thank you in advance.

Yours truly,


Contact number: 0000000000

Admission letter to a new school

Admission letter for the current school

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Sample Letter 2 – Request for TC to Change Schools

Jigar Verma

12-A, Perl Society


Date-September 29, 2022

The Headmaster

St. Sebastian High School

Sub: Requesting a transfer certificate to change schools

Respected Ma’am,

I am Jigar Verma, father of Sudhir Verma, who studies at your school in class 9th C. I would like to inform you that I am a police officer and I have been transferred to Delhi.

With due request, I would like you to issue my son a transfer certificate so that he can continue his studies at Holy Cross School in Delhi. We are moving to Delhi next week and August 2nd will be the last day of my son’s attending your prestigious school.

I would beg you to please issue my son’s transfer certificate as soon as possible.

Thank you in anticipation.

Yours sincerely,



Admission letter from Holy Cross School

Admission letter from St. Sebastian High School

Sample Letter 3 –  Request for TC for Change of College

Sandesh Mishra

Ganesh Appartments

Pune – 451634

Date: April 1, 2022

Sathe International College

Pune – 451666

Sub: Request for a transfer certificate for a change of college

I am Sandesh Mishra, a student at your respectable college. I have completed my HSC at your institution, and now I would like to go further with the science stream. This decision has been made by me and my family members. As our college does have only arts and commerce streams, I will have to change colleges.

With due respect, I request that you please issue me a transfer certificate so that I can be admitted to another college. I have attached the required documents with the letter.

I would be highly obliged if you issued me a transfer certificate as soon as possible.


Admission letter by a science college

Admission letter from Sathe International College

Frequently Asked Questions on the School Transfer Application

Question 1. Who can write a school transfer application?

Answer. Transfer certificates can be requested by parents or students themselves from the schools or college’s highest authority. Usually, in school, parents should write a letter.

Question 2. What is the difference between LC and TC?

Answer. LC is the leaving certificate, and TC is the transfer certificate. As a matter of fact, they are both the same. Schools or colleges either give a TC or an LC. There is no difference between the two.

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  • School Transfer Application

School Transfer Application: How to Write and Samples

There might be many instances where you will have to shift from one place to another for educational, professional or personal reasons. In such scenarios, informing the head of the institution/company about your situation is mandatory. Just like a relieving letter is proof that an individual is relieved from all their duties, is eligible and free to join another institution, a school transfer certificate does the same for a student. In this article, you will be introduced to the format of a school transfer application. Go through them and also check out the sample application letters for better understanding.

Table of Contents

How to Write a School Transfer Application?

Student transfer letter to another school, transfer letter to change school, frequently asked questions on school transfer application.

In our school life, you will have written a lot of applications and letters for some or the other reason. Once you have learnt to write an application to the principal , it would be easy to write letters for various concerns as the format followed is the same.

A school transfer letter should be addressed to the principal of the school, mentioning the reasons behind the transfer. You can write an application requesting a TC if you are planning to move to another branch of your school or from one school to another. The format for writing a school transfer request letter would include the student’s address, the address of the school, date, subject, and the reason behind the transfer of school explained in the body of the letter. End the letter with a complimentary closing, signature and name in capital letters.

The points which can be added in the transfer letter are:

  • Reason for transferring to a different school or branch
  • Details of the student like class, section, roll number etc.
  • The period of study and the date of leaving the school

School Transfer Request Letter Samples

A school transfer application has to be written in the formal letter format. Check the school transfer request letter samples provided below for better understanding.

2nd Main Road

Dairy Circle, Koramangala

22nd February, 2022

The Principal

St. Mary’s International School

Sub: Request for transfer letter

Respected Madam,

I am Sarmistha Tripathy, mother of Sharmili Tripathy (student of your prestigious school and studying in Class 7 B, with admission number 1234), would like to inform you that my daughter has cleared the Air Force School entrance exam. I had mentioned about our intention to admit her in the Air Force School to the admission committee on the day of admission. As per their instructions, I am writing this letter to request you to issue my daughter’s transfer letter.

The admission process begins on the 1st of March, so it would be of great help if we could get the transfer letter on or before the 27th of February. I request you to kindly consider my request and do the needful.

I would like to inform you that she has already cleared the entrance exam of Christ School of Social Sciences in Mumbai, and they have sent the admission offer letter to join the school. Therefore, I request you to kindly issue the transfer certificate to her at the earliest so that it can be helpful for us to get her admission done without any delay. I have attached the admission offer letter, a copy of her ID card, and the admission letter of your school, along with the application.

Thank you in advance.

Yours faithfully,



Mother of Sharmili Tripathy


  • Copy of ID card
  • Admission offer letter of the new school
  • Admission letter of the current school

449, Saheed Nagar


2nd February, 2022

Kendriya Vidyalaya No-1

Unit-9 Bhubaneswar

Sub: Requesting a Transfer Certificate to Bhopal Branch

Respected Sir,

I am Athish Rao, father of Joanna Rao, a student of your prestigious school studying in Class 8. I beg to state that I have been transferred to the Bhopal army campus; and so I would like to avail a transfer for my daughter from Unit-9 Bhubaneswar branch to the Army Campus Bhopal branch. We are shifting to Bhopal by the end of this month and it is not possible for me to leave her behind. So, I request you to kindly consider my application and provide her with a Transfer Certificate at the earliest so that I can start her admission process at the other campus. I have attached all the relevant documents needed for the TC, as informed.

Father of Joanna Rao

Admission no. 2345

  • Admission letter
  • Acceptance application from the new school

How can I write a school transfer application to my principal?

You can write an application following the format as mentioned below stating that you want to transfer from the current school to the other and mention the reason behind leaving the school.

Your address

XYZ School,

I am ____ of class ____ section ___, with admission number ____. I beg to state that I want to transfer from ____ school to ____ school for _____(reasons). I kindly request you to issue the transfer certificate at the earliest.

Yours sincerely,

Parent’s signature

Can I write an application for transfer from one school to another?

Yes, you can write an application for transfer from one school to another if you want your child to study in some other school, but remember to mention the reason behind leaving the school.

What are the documents we need to provide to request a transfer certificate?

For issuing a transfer certificate, you will have to write a school transfer application addressing the principal of your school and stating the reason behind leaving the school. The documents required are the admission letter from the current school and the admission acceptance letter from the new school or branch. You can check with the school’s office to learn the documents they require to issue the transfer certificate.

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The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500

Statement from President Joe   Biden on $7.7 Billion in Student Debt Cancellation for 160,000   Borrowers

Today, my Administration is canceling student debt for 160,000 more people, bringing the total number of Americans who have benefitted from our debt relief actions to 4.75 million. Each of those borrowers has received an average of over $35,000 in debt cancellation. These 160,000 additional borrowers are people enrolled in my Administration’s SAVE Plan; are public service workers like teachers, nurses, or law enforcement officials; or are borrowers who were approved for relief because of fixes we made to Income-Driven Repayment. 

Today’s announcement comes on top of the significant progress we’ve made for students and borrowers over the past three years. That includes providing the largest increases to the maximum Pell Grant in over a decade; fixing Public Service Loan Forgiveness so teachers, nurses, police officers, and other public service workers get the relief they are entitled to under the law; and holding colleges accountable for taking advantage of students and families. And last month, I laid out my Administration’s new plans that would cancel student debt for more than 30 million Americans when combined with everything we’ve done so far. 

From day one of my Administration, I promised to fight to ensure higher education is a ticket to the middle class, not a barrier to opportunity. I will never stop working to cancel student debt – no matter how many times Republican elected officials try to stop us.

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  16. How To Write A School Application Letter (With Examples)

    1. Address the concerned authorities. Foremost, address the school's principal and mention the school's name right below it. Follow these two lines with the complete address of the school. Always remember to place this section on the top left of the application letter. 2.

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  18. School Transfer Application

    The letter should be short and contain only the necessary information. The tone of the letter should be polite as you are requesting. Have a look at the sample letters below to get a better understanding of the same. Sample Letter 1: Request for Transfer Certificate. Rajkumar Yadav.

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    Ooty - 643001. Subject: Application for change of subject. Dear Sir, I am Arjun Santhosh, a student of Class VIII B. I am writing this letter to inform you that I have decided to change my second language subject from Hindi to French. I have conveyed the same to my Hindi teacher and French teacher.

  20. School Transfer Application: How to Write and Samples

    End the letter with a complimentary closing, signature and name in capital letters. The points which can be added in the transfer letter are: Reason for transferring to a different school or branch. Details of the student like class, section, roll number etc. The period of study and the date of leaving the school.

  21. Statement from President Joe Biden on $7.7 Billion in Student Debt

    Today, my Administration is canceling student debt for 160,000 more people, bringing the total number of Americans who have benefitted from our debt relief actions to 4.75 million. Each of those ...