What is an Assignment Fee? The Ultimate Wholesaler’s Guide

In real estate investing, an assignment fee is the fee paid by the end buyer to the real estate wholesaler at the time of closing.

what's a assignment fee

What is an assignment fee? 

How do you assign a real estate contract? 

How can you increase your assignment fee as a real estate wholesaler? 

Those are just some of the questions we're going to answer in this ultimate assignment fee guide. 

Let's dive in!

Part 1. Answering Common Questions About Assignment Fees

To start, we're going to answer some of the most commonly asked questions about assignment fees.

In real estate investing, an assignment fee is the fee paid by the end buyer to the real estate wholesaler at the time of closing. 

This is the part of the process where the real estate wholesaler makes their money -- after finding a great deal and getting the property under contract, they then flip (i.e. assign) that contract to a cash buyer for a profit. 

How are assignment fees calculated? 

Assignment fees are calculated by taking the difference between what the seller was promised and what the buyer is paying. 

For example, if a wholesaler has a contract to purchase a property for $100,000 and they assign that contract to a cash buyer for $120,000, then their assignment fee would be $20,000.

Who pays the assignment fee? 

The assignment fee is paid by the cash buyer at closing. 

And, critically, you -- the wholesaler -- are the person who gets to decide what that assignment fee is... it's only a matter of getting the cash buyer to agree (assuming you're not doing a double closing; more on that later). 

What is the average wholesaler’s assignment fee? 

The average assignment fee for a real estate wholesaler is between $2000 and $7000. 

Of course, this number will depend on the market you're in as well as the level of experience that you have. 

Many wholesalers charge upwards of $10,000 or even $20,000 for their assignment fee. Later in this guide, we'll show you how to systematically increase your assignment fee. 

REISift users, on average, pull more money per deal than non-members. Here are some testimonials from our members and Sift Dojo attendees. 

Are assignment fees taxable? 

Yes, assignment fees are considered taxable income. 

Be sure to speak with your accountant or tax advisor about the specific rules in your state. 

What is a real estate assignment contract? 

A real estate assignment contract is the contract between the wholesaler and the cash buyer that assigns (or transfers) the rights of the original purchase agreement to the cash buyer. 

This contract will include all of the terms of the original purchase agreement, including: 

  • The price that was agreed to between the wholesaler and seller  
  • The property address 
  • The closing date 
  • Any contingencies that were in the original contract (i.e. financing, inspections, etc.) 

Once the assignment contract is signed by both parties, the cash buyer will take over all responsibilities under the original purchase agreement and will be responsible for closing on the property.

What is a double close? 

A double close is a type of real estate transaction where the wholesaler sells the property to the cash buyer and then immediately purchases the property from the seller. 

In other words, there are two closings -- one for the sale of the property from wholesaler to cash buyer and another for the purchase of the property from seller to wholesaler. 

In terms of assignment fees, double closings are often used when the wholesaler wants to keep their assignment fee confidential.

Download Assignment Fee Template

Part 2. how to assign a real estate contract .

Next, we're going to discuss the process for assigning a real estate contract -- from finding a great deal and building your buyers list to acquiring an assignment contract and collecting your assignment fee. 

Step 1. Find a Great Deal

The first step in wholesaling real estate -- and thus assigning property contracts -- is finding a great real estate deal. 

This is where your marketing efforts will come into play. You'll need to generate a steady stream of leads in order to find the best possible deals on properties that fit your criteria. 

There are a number of ways to generate leads, but the most effective method is to use a combination of online and offline marketing. 

This could include everything from direct mail campaigns and cold calling to driving for dollars and door knocking. 

Check out our complete real estate investor marketing plan to learn more about this part of the process. 

Step 2. Build Your Buyers List

A fundamental part of wholesaling real estate is flipping property contracts to cash buyers who have the funds to purchase your deals within just a couple of weeks. 

A buyers list is a database of cash buyers (other real estate investors) who are interested in buying your deals. 

You can find cash buyers by networking with other investors, attending real estate meetups and seminars, or searching online. 

Here are 10 more ways to find cash buyers . 

Step 3. Acquire an Assignment Contract

Once you've found a great real estate deal and got under contract with the seller, it's time to acquire an assignment contract. 

You can do this by searching online for assignment contract templates or hiring a local lawyer to put the contract together for you. The assignment contract will pass the purchasing power and obligations from you to the new buyer.

Step 4. Collect Your Assignment Fee

After the new buyer has closed on the property, it's time for you to collect your assignment fee. This is typically done by wire transfer or check at the closing table via a title company. 

And that's it! You've now successfully assigned a real estate contract and collected your assignment fee. 

Part 3. The Pros & Cons of Assignment Contracts

Now let's take a moment to look at the pros and cons of assignment contracts. 

  • It's Cheaper Than Double Closing:   Double closings can be more expensive (in terms of both time and money) than assignment contracts. 
  • It's Simple: Assignment contracts are relatively simple compared to other types of real estate transactions. 
  • It's Fast:   Assignment contracts can be completed in as little as a week or two. 
  • It's Transparent: Unlike double closings, there is no need for two sets of escrow accounts, two sets of title insurance policies, or two sets of closing costs. 
  • Your Assignment Fee is Visible: Because your assignment fee is paid at closing, it will be visible to everyone involved in the transaction. 
  • It's Not Always Allowed: Some states have laws that prohibit or restrict the use of assignment contracts.

Part 4. 10 Ideas For Increasing Your Assignment Fee as a Wholesaler

To close out this guide, we're going to share 10 different ways that you -- the real estate wholesaler -- can increase your assignment fee. 

1. Start With Great Deals

The better the deal, the higher your assignment fee will be.

This is why finding great deals -- and double-checking your math as well as your due diligence -- is absolutely critical to increasing your assignment fee. 

So how do you find great real estate deals? 

We have a detailed guide on finding great real estate deals over here .

2. Learn to Negotiate (With Sellers)

If you want to increase your assignment fee, you need to be able to negotiate with sellers. 

The better you are at negotiating and sales — which in large part, just depends upon being an empathetic and helpful person — the better deals you’ll be able to get and the higher your assignment fee will be. 

After all, if the seller agrees to a lower price, then that means you make a bigger profit. 

The caveat here would be that you should always do right by your sellers. Don’t be afraid to negotiate (start lower than your max offer)... but also don’t try to screw anyone over. 

3. Follow Up

It’s very rare that you’re going to turn someone from a lead into a deal with just a single phone call. 

The nature of wholesaling real estate is that it requires a consistent and systematic follow-up process with seller leads to be successful. 

Following up will help you close more deals… and closing more deals will give you the confidence, experience, and volume you need to increase your assignment fee. 

4. Find Your Offer Min & Max

Good real estate deals are just a result of good due diligence and good math. 

Determine how much money your cash buyer is going to want to pull, factor in your assignment fee, consider repair costs and holding costs… and calculate your max offer on the property. 

Do this before you negotiate with the seller. 

And make sure that when negotiations begin, you start well below your max offer so that you have room to adjust based on their response to your initial offer — this is your minimum offer. 

You might find your max offer by using the popular 70% rule — which states that a real estate investor should pay no more than 70% of a property’s ARV (After Repair Value) — but you can find your starting offer by decreasing that to 50% or lower. 

5. Qualify Your Cash Buyers

The amount of your assignment fee — as well as the efficiency with which your business operates — depends upon high-quality cash buyers. 

Most wholesalers are a little over-eager to add email addresses to their cash buyer list. 

But remember: quality over quantity. 

You might have 500 cash buyers on your list… but only 20 or 30 of those are actually high-quality buyers. 

Before adding buyers to your list, get proof of funds and make sure they’ve bought properties via assignment before. 

Those buyers are going to move faster, pay the asking price for your properties, and return for more properties to buy.

6. Identify Cohorts of Cash Buyers

The instinct for most wholesalers is to send every deal to every cash buyer… but that actually wastes a lot of time. 

It’s not in your interest to have to help every potential buyer determine whether or not they’re the right buyer for this deal. 

It’s far more efficient to learn about your buyers upfront and determine what type of cash buyers they are — rehabbers, landlords, etc. 

Using simple software, you can then create cohorts of cash buyers and send the right deal to the right people to get faster turn-around-times, less questions, and bigger assignment fees. 

7. Text Your Buyers

Email is easy and popular… but it’s not necessarily the best channel when promoting deals to your list of cash buyers. 

In fact, SMS or text messaging has some clear advantages. 

Just consider these stats from ManyChat …

  • 269 billion emails are sent every day with roughly 50% of them ending up in spam folders.
  • SMS has a click-through rate of 19% and email has a click-through rate of 3.2%

The point is, if you want to get the attention of your high-quality buyers, then it’s probably worth sending both emails and text messages. 

The faster you reach the right buyer, the easier it’ll be to get the assignment fee you want. 

8. Don’t Negotiate (With Buyers)

As the wholesaler, realize that you determine your assignment fee. 

No one else gets to decide what your assignment fee is going to be — now if you can’t get the buyer to agree to pay it, then that’s another problem… but you can always walk away and find another buyer. 

If you’re going to raise your assignment fee, then it’s important to understand that all you have to do is… well, raise it. And see what happens.

High-quality buyers aren’t going to care about how much you’re making so long as they’re also making a good chunk of money.

9. Work With Real Estate Agents

Real estate agents control a huge part of every real estate market. 

So if you exclude working with real estate agents to find cash buyers, then you’re ignoring a huge portion of the market’s revenue and potential. 

Plain and simple. 

Good real estate agents who work with cash buyers will understand your business model and be more than willing to coordinate the deal for you. 

You will have to pay a bit of commission — or at least, the buyer will — but you’ll get to remove all the drama from the equation by working with agents. They understand how assignments work, and they negotiate on the behalf of the cash buyer. 

It might not drastically increase your assignment fee, but it will help you dispose of deals far more efficiently. 

10. Require a Nonrefundable Fee

When it comes to wholesaling, time really is money — the faster you can find a high-quality cash buyer, the more likely you are to get the assignment fee you want. 

And one of the worst things that can happen is that your buyer will back out of the deal and you’ll have to restart the entire process. 

That’s why you should make the buyer have skin in the game.

Require a nonrefundable fee from cash buyers who are ready to take action — this fee should be upwards of $3,000 and it can contribute to your total assignment fee. 

If a buyer refuses to pay this to secure the deal as they’re own, then you probably want to find a different buyer anyway.

Final Thoughts on Real Estate Assignment Fees

We hope this guide has helped clear up any confusion you had about assignment fees and how they work in wholesaling real estate. 

Remember: if you want to increase your assignment fee, focus on finding (and negotiating) great deals, following up with leads, qualifying cash buyers, and being systematic in your business. 

Do those things, and you’ll be well on your way to making more money per deal. 

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5. Is it ethical

Now that we got the “ legal ” question out of the way…

What about “How ethical is it to wholesale”.

Type that into the web and you’ll get thrown into a black hole of comments and forums chatter you won’t ever be able to get out of.

Here’s the bottom line of why it gets so much controversy and what it has to do with assignment fees…

Wholesalers are going around marketing “We buy houses CASH” when in reality, they aren’t buying it cash… they’re assigning the contract for a fee.

This is where everyone gets their tights all tied up in a bunch (did I just make up a word?! Yes! I did). Because if you say you’re going to close it with cash, but you have to walk away from the seller because you can’t find a buyer… how would you feel leaving a seller (who seriously needed to close yesterday), hanging)?

Some with a conscious would feel pretty bad… others don’t care.

So it’s up to you how you feel about the ethics side of things.

Can you close the deal yourself if you can’t find a cash buyer , via a hard money lender or partner? Or will you feel comfortable walking away from the deal? Or will you be confident enough to go up to the seller and tell her the truth, that you intended on selling the contract to a cash buyer but it seems that your priced it too high, can we renegotiate?

The underlying problem with “walking away” from a buyer is not pricing it right.

If you have a good deal, cash buyers will be all over it and be HAPPY to pay you an assignment fee.

Here’s a video on ethical wholesaling:

6. How much should a fee be?

New wholesalers typically aren’t sure what they should charge. But it’s going to vary from deal-to-deal, and market to market.

A decent wholesaling fee can range from $10,000 to $30,000.

There are occasions when you hear about $100,000 assignment fees. And they do happen. It’s just a matter of negotiating a good deal.

While there isn’t a “set fee” that wholesalers should charge, it all depends on how good of a deal you can negotiate, and how high you can mark up the contract for an end buyer.

So there are two components that determine how much you can get paid for an assignment fee:

  • Seller’s price.
  • End buyers price.

Later, in another section, I talk about how you can increase your assignment fee… for now, let’s just cover how much your can charge.

Earlier I mentioned that your market might have an influence on how much you can charge. And that has more to do with how low of a discount, sellers are willing to take AND how competitive it is in your market.

Here’s an example:

If a seller talks to three wholesalers, one offers $200,000 while the others offer $180,000, she most likely will go with the higher offer. Well, now those wholesalers might enter into bidding wars in the market, by creeping up their MAOP (Max allowable offer price).

When wholesalers start raising their Max offers (because the market is demanding it), AND if the end buying price (what cash buyers are willing to pay for that deal) does move up with it…

Then you start seeing wholesalers’ assignment fees start shrinking down. We’ll go over later some techniques for helping with this natural occurrence in the market.

Here’s an example of a real wholesaler using our handwritten mailers, in a case study where he made anywhere from $4k fees to $22,500

Assignment fee examples from a case study

7. Who pays for it?

Typically, in a traditional real estate wholesaling model, the end buyer (the cash buyer) is paying for your assignment fee.

For example: You negotiate with the seller to buy the property for $100,000. And the end buyer agrees to buy this deal for $120,000. He enters into escrow and pays the $120,000. You get the difference between the seller price and the end buyer price.

8. Does the seller or buyer see the fee?

In a typical assignment transfer, yes your assignment fee will be inside the closing statements.

After a property closes escrow, every party involved will get “closing statements” that look might look like this (depending on your state and the companies you use):

what's a assignment fee

One of the line items may show up as “Assignment Fee” (or something similar), and show the amount.

Buyers will see these, as well as sellers.

However, a cash buyer (usually) understands that wholesaling is A LOT of work and that you should get paid for it. A good cash buyer understands that.

Sellers, most likely, won’t understand what an “assignment fee” is when they see this doc (they most likely won’t even read it).

On the rare occasion that they actually do ask what that line item is, you can tell the truth like this: “We work with partners and lenders all the time, and sometimes we end up selling the property during escrow to these partners, instead of keeping it ourselves. In this case we ended up selling to them”.

There’s a way to circumvent this potential problem of an assignment fee showing up on the closing documents…

And that’s by doing a double close instead of an assignment.

Let me explain in the next section…

9. Alternatives to an assignment?

As mentioned in the previous section, an assignment fee can have some cons to it. The primary being that sellers AND buyers can see how much you’re getting paid.

However, there is another “tool” you can use that hides this from both parties, and that’s called the “double close” (sometimes referred to as a “simultaneous closing” or “back to back” closing. As the name implies, there are 2 separate closings, not 1 (like our assignment fee transaction).

Here’s an explanation:

  • The homeowner (party A) agrees to sell to a wholesaler (Party B) for $100,000
  • They enter escrow
  • While in escrow, Party B finds a cash buyer (Party C)
  • Party C agrees to buy that property for $150,000
  • They enter a second escrow agreement (different from the first)
  • Party C funds the escrow account to buy the property at $150,000
  • Party B uses those funds (minus his “assignment fee”) to pay the purchase from Party A

A little confusing?

Maybe this infographic helps:


We won’t go into too much detail about this as this is an article on the assignment fee… But just know that there is an alternative to hiding your fee but using a double close.

The con to this is that you pay a little more because you’re in fact doing 2 closes, not 1. So the times you might want to a double close vs an assignment fee is when you negotiated a very good deal and want to conceal the big check you’ll be getting.

10. Assignment fees and agents?

Anyone can get paid an assignment fee for this kind of “wholesaling” transaction. There’s no law that says agents can’t. However, that agent/broker needs to pay careful attention to their State RE commission laws as they’re put under serious scrutiny if they walk any fine lines.

For instance, if you’re buying the property and wholesaling it AND you’re licensed… in most states, you have to express to the seller that you are a licensed real estate agent but you are NOT representing them, and instead the principle of the transaction.

If you’re an agent wondering if you can (or should) do this, first contact your broker or RE Commission office to find out more.

Secondly, you might want to reconsider doing this as in some markets agent commission fees are higher than typical wholesaling fees. This is rare, but there are some hot markets where wholesalers have to keep raising their prices to win the deal, and therefore lower their assignment fee.

11. How to increase your assignment fees?

As mentioned in a previous section, your fee is greatly dependent on the kind of deal you negotiate.

So if you get a deal at $100,000 and another investor (cash buyer) is willing to pay $150,000 for it, you walk with a $50,000 assignment fee (assuming no closing costs are removed from this).

There are 4 factors to increasing your assignment fees…

  • Become a better marketer If you improve your knowledge and skill set in marketing, you can essentially get to motivated sellers before anyone else.In the next section, we cover how to find these properties, which has everything to do with marketing, but one way (that we specialize in) is using handwritten mail to gain the best response rates from sellers.
  • Become a better negotiator If you study and practice good salesmanship you can effectively win deals even if you’re offer is “low” . If you have no experience in sales, this will take time, but there are loads of resources available online (free and paid) that you can take advantage of. But, if you’re planning to stay in this entrepreneurship game for the long haul I HIGHLY suggest you study sales on a regular basis.
  • Know you numbers Getting better and better at knowing what your market demands in terms of prices, rehab costs , etc… will help determine a more accurate price at a faster rate. Why does this matter to getting paid a higher assignment fee? It’s 2 reasons: First, if you know that cash buyers are willing to pay X, you can raise your asking price from end buyers, or on the flip side of that if, you know that a house needs some major repairs you can use that negotiated a lower price with the seller…Secondly, if you are really good with numbers, you can give an offer faster than your competition who has to take 1-2 days to send an offer in. In competitive markets “ Speed to lead ” wins and the person who can act fastest is usually the one who takes the trophy.
  • Build a thriving buyers list The second component of the assignment fee and wholesaling business is selling the contract to a cash buyer.And, if you can build a list of buyers who will pay more for a good deal than most of the other “bottom of the barrel” buyers who demand very steep prices.Where do find buyers willing to pay more? It’s usually among high w-2 earners (doctors, lawyers, etc) who like to flip houses on the side. Or high-income business owners looking to park their cash somewhere to earn 15%+ annual ROI by doing so occasional flips.If you can find them, network with them, and add them to your list you can essentially raise your property raise to increase your assignment fee

12. How to find discounted properties to wholesale?

Finally our last section in this article which is probably at the top of some people’s minds:

“ Assignments sound great, but how do you FIND discounted properties!?!?”

Wholesaling is probably one of the toughest occupations in real estate.

You have to be well-rounded in almost every aspect of the industry. And you have to be top-notch in your selling and marketing capabilities.

But with that, there are foundational techniques to help you find these properties on your own. I’m going to give you 2 resources to start below.

First, is our article “ 8 ways to find 100 sellers for under $500”

Second is our eBook on Direct mail

You can get the Ebook for free by subscribing below to our newsletter, where we give lessons, stories, and value every week to real estate investors like you…

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What Is an Assignment Fee in Real Estate?

andy kolodgie

The real estate investment landscape requires a deep understanding of various terminologies and concepts and one term that frequently comes up, especially in wholesaling, is the "assignment fee."

This concept plays a critical role in the wholesaling transaction process and can significantly influence the profitability of deals. 

To fully grasp its impact and effectively utilize it as a part of your real estate investing strategy, it's important to delve deeper into the nature of assignment fees and their role in real estate wholesaling. We’ll do just that in this blog, so keep reading!

What is an Assignment Contract?

What is an Assignment Contract?

An assignment contract in real estate is essentially an agreement that allows one party (the assignor) to transfer or assign the rights and obligations of a property purchase agreement to another party (the assignee).  Contract assignments are typically used by real estate investors who have very little money or those who don't want to buy properties and put in an earnest money deposit.

To be more detailed, the property owner and the assignor (usually a real estate investor or wholesaler) enter into a purchase agreement. This real estate contract states that the assignor agrees to buy the property for a specific price within a certain time frame. The real estate contract details all the terms and conditions of the sale.

The assignor then decides they don't want to or cannot complete the purchase themselves. Instead, they find another interested party (the assignee) who wants to purchase the property. 

The assignor enters into an assignment contract with the assignee. This real estate assignment contract effectively transfers all rights and obligations of the initial purchase agreement from the assignor to the assignee. 

Once the assignment contract is signed, the assignee steps into the shoes of the assignor. They are now the ones who will buy the property, adhering to the terms and conditions of the original purchase agreement. The assignee will complete the purchase with the original property owner.

What is an Assignment Fee?

What is an Assignment Fee?

The assignment fee is the difference between the price the real estate wholesaler contracted with the original seller and the price the end buyers or cash buyers agree to pay. This fee is essentially the wholesaler's compensation for their role in finding the property, securing the real estate assignment contract, and linking the seller with a willing cash buyer.

For instance, if the real estate wholesaler got a property under a real estate assignment contract for $100,000 and found an end buyer willing to pay $120,000, the $20,000 difference would be the real estate assignment fee during the closing date. This is the wholesaler's profit for effectively linking up the seller and the buyer.

How Much is the Average Assignment Fee For a Real Estate Investor? (How Much Does a Real Estate Wholesaler Make?)

How Much is the Average Assignment Fee For a Real Estate Investor

The average assignment fee for a real estate wholesaler can vary widely based on several factors, including the real estate market they're operating in, the specific property, and the details of the deal. 

It's not uncommon to see assignment fees range anywhere from a few thousand dollars to $20,000 or even higher. Some wholesalers aim for a standard assignment fee, like $5,000 or $10,000 per deal, while others may aim to make a certain percentage of the property's price which may realistically cost 10 to 20%.

A significant factor that impacts the assignment fee is the potential profit in the deal. If a property is significantly undervalued and there's a large margin for profit on the closing date, the assignment fee could be higher. Similarly, if the deal is less profitable, the assignment fee might be on the lower end. 

As the real estate market can fluctuate and change rapidly, always consult with a real estate professional or legal expert for the most current and accurate information.

What is the Average Assignment Fee for a Lot?

The average assignment fee for a lot, much like with a house or other types of real estate, can vary greatly based on numerous factors such as the location of the lot, its size, the demand in the area, zoning restrictions, and more.

There isn't a universally applicable average fee due to the wide array of factors at play. However, wholesalers might aim to earn a certain percentage of the lot's price as their assignment fee, typically somewhere around 10 to 20% , but it can go higher or lower depending on the specifics of the deal.

For example, in an area where vacant lots are in high demand for new construction, the assignment fee could be substantial. Conversely, in an area with lower demand or restrictive zoning, the assignment fee might be lower. This may also vary if you are double closing.

Who Pays the Assignment Fee?

Who Pays the Assignment Fee?

In a real estate wholesaling transaction, the assignment fee is typically paid by the end buyer or assignee. This is because the assignment fee represents the wholesaler's profit for facilitating the deal, identifying the property, securing the original contract, and then assigning that real estate contract to the cash buyer.

The cash buyer pays the wholesaler the agreed-upon assignment fee, often at the closing date, in addition to the real estate purchase price that the wholesaler originally negotiated with the seller. The wholesaler makes their profit from the assignment fee, while the seller receives the originally agreed price. This may be a little different when double closing.

How are Assignment Fees Calculated?

The calculation of an assignment fee in real estate wholesaling is fairly straightforward. The assignment fee in an assignment of contract is typically the difference between the price that the wholesaler has agreed to pay the property seller and the price that the end buyer agrees to pay for the property.

Remember, while this is a common way to calculate assignment fees on real estate contracts, there can be variations based on the specific deal and local laws and regulations. 

Are Assignment Fees Taxable?

Are Assignment Fees Taxable?

Assignment fees in real estate wholesaling are generally taxable. They are considered income for the wholesaler and are subject to tax laws just like any other form of income.

When a wholesaler earns an assignment fee in an assignment of contract, this fee is essentially the profit they make from facilitating the real estate transaction. Therefore, it's considered as part of their taxable income for the year in which the fee was earned.

The specific tax rate can vary depending on several factors in an assignment of contract, including the total amount of income the wholesaler earns in a year, their filing status, and more. Additionally, the tax treatment can vary if the wholesaler operates as an individual or through a business entity, like an LLC or a corporation.

As always, tax laws can be complex and they can vary from place to place, so it's essential to consult with a tax professional or tax advisor to understand the implications and obligations in your specific situation.

It's crucial to keep accurate records of all real estate transactions or assignment of contract, including the earning of assignment fees and double close deals, to ensure you're prepared when it's time to file taxes.

Does the Assignment Fee Show Up on the HUD?

The HUD-1 Settlement Statement, often simply referred to as the HUD (implemented by the Department of Housing and Urban Development), is a standardized form that outlines the final details of a real estate transaction, including closing costs.

It itemizes all charges imposed on both the cash buyer and the seller and provides a full accounting of the transaction when flipping real estate contracts.

The assignment fee could show up on the HUD-1 Settlement Statement, but its placement would depend on the specific circumstances of the transaction. 

In some cases, wholesalers prefer to keep the assignment fee off the HUD-1 to maintain privacy about their earnings from the transaction. Instead, they might use a separate assignment agreement with the end buyer or cash buyer that outlines the fee in the assignment contracts.

However, some transactions — especially those involving certain types of financing such as double close or those subject to specific local laws or regulations — may require all fees to be documented on the HUD-1. In such cases, the assignment fee might be listed as a line item on the form.

Can a Real Estate Agent Get an Assignment Fee?

In many cases, real estate agents are not typically involved in assignment fees because such fees are often associated with wholesaling transactions or assignment contracts , a practice that most agents don't engage in as they are representing sellers or cash buyers in a more traditional sales process.

However, it's technically possible for a real estate agent to earn an assignment fee if they're also operating as a wholesaler or are involved in a wholesale transaction, but there are some important things to consider.

First, the agent must fully disclose their intentions to all involved parties. If they have a property under contract and intend to assign that contract for a fee, they must let the seller, buyer, and any other relevant parties know about this. 

Second, the agent should confirm that this practice is allowed under their brokerage's policies. Some brokerages may not allow their agents to engage in wholesaling or similar activities. 

Lastly, the agent needs to ensure they're adhering to all local and national laws in an assignment of contract. This can vary greatly, so it's crucial to consult with a legal expert or a real estate attorney or closing attorney to ensure everything is being done legally and all contractual obligations are performed.

How to Increase Assignment Fees for Wholesale Real Estate Investors?

There are many strategies you can use to increase assignment fees in an assignment of contract, but they can vary in effectiveness based on your local market, real estate laws, and personal real estate investing strategy. 

To help you start earning larger assignment fees, check out the following tips:

Double Closings

Double closing, also known as "simultaneous closing" in assignment contracts, involves two separate transactions that are linked at the same time. The wholesaler first purchases the property from the seller and then immediately sells it to the buyer. 

By doing double closings, the wholesaler can often increase their assignment fee because the end buyer does not see the original real estate purchase or asking price , which allows the wholesaler to mark up the property's price more significantly.

Use the go-to formula or the 75% rule

If you don't want to do double closing, maybe the 75% rule will work for you. The 75% rule is a guideline that suggests that an investor should pay no more than 75% of the after repair value (ARV) of a property minus the repairs needed. Sticking to this rule in assignment contracts can ensure that the property is purchased at a price that allows room for a profitable assignment fee.

Be confident in negotiating 

A strong negotiation can significantly increase assignment fees real estate. Wholesalers must be skilled in negotiating a lower price with the seller and a higher price with the buyer in the assignment of contract. This requires confidence, a good understanding of property values, and a knack for sales and communication.

Find high-quality cash buyers

Cash buyers are often willing to pay more for the convenience of a quick close , which can result in a higher assignment fee. Establishing a strong network of reliable cash buyers who are looking for investment opportunities can be very profitable for a wholesaler.

Implement a max allowable offer

This refers to setting a ceiling on the original purchase price that still allows for a profitable assignment fee. By calculating the max allowable offer (MAO), wholesalers can ensure they never overpay for a property and that there's always room for their assignment fee.

Don't waste time on unmotivated sellers

An unmotivated seller is unlikely to agree to a price that leaves room for a good assignment fee. Wholesalers should focus their time and energy on sellers who are motivated to sell quickly and willing to negotiate on price.

Find out what works for other wholesalers

Networking and learning from other successful wholesalers can provide valuable insights. Other wholesalers might share successful strategies, potential pitfalls to avoid, or even refer deals if they have too many.

Use the 80/20 rule

The 80/20 rule, or the Pareto Principle , states that 80% of effects come from 20% of causes. In wholesaling, this could mean that 80% of profits come from 20% of deals. 

Identifying and focusing on the types of deals in assignment contracts that generate the most profit can help increase overall real estate assignment fees.

Steps in Wholesaling Real Estate

Steps in Wholesaling Real Estate

Now that you already understand what an assignment fee is, it’s time to start wholesaling real estate. To guide you, here are the detailed steps.

Step 1. Understand Local Wholesaling Regulations

Before embarking on any real estate venture, it's vital to understand the rules and regulations that govern the practice. 

This includes both local and national laws relating to wholesaling. Be aware of the legalities involved in assigning contracts, necessary disclosures, and any license requirements in your area.

Step 2. Identify Potential Properties

The next step involves seeking out properties that are not listed on the market—these are often referred to as off-market properties. 

These can be properties in need of repair, owned by motivated sellers, or those foreclosed upon property or real estate owned. Uncovering the property address of these opportunities often requires diligent research and networking.

Step 3. Evaluate the Property's Potential Value

Assess the property's After Repair Value (ARV). This is an estimate of what the property could be worth after paying for the repair costs. 

This is a crucial step in determining whether the deal could be profitable and how much you should offer for the property. The typical repair cost can be expensive so you should really look into this before signing the sale agreement.

Step 4. Engage with the Property Owner

Once you've identified a promising property, the next step is to reach out to the seller to offer an assignment of contract. This could be through a direct mail campaign, a phone call, or even a door-to-door visit. The goal is to discuss their interest in selling the property for a contract assignment.

Step 5. Conduct Thorough Property Assessment

This involves investigating the property in detail. You'd want to look at the physical condition of the property, any title issues by contacting the title company, and any other factors that could affect the property's value or scalability before you get ready for a sales agreement and get the property sold. This process is often referred to as "due diligence."

Step 6. Secure the Property with a Purchase Contract

If the property passes your due diligence and the owner is willing to sell, the next step is to put the property under contract. This agreement for the property obtained should allow you to assign the contract to another buyer (unless local laws prohibit this).

Step 7. Locate a Potential Buyer

Now that you've secured the contract, you need to find an end buyer. This is often a real estate investor looking for a new project. You'll want to have a robust buyer's list that you can reach out to when you have a property available.

Step 8. Assign the Contract to the Buyer

Once you have a willing buyer, you'll assign them the rights to the purchase contract. This involves another contract, known as the assignment contract, in which you officially transfer your rights as the buyer to the new buyer.

Step 9. Receive Your Wholesaling Fee

After the assignment contracts reassigned and the new buyer purchases the property from the seller in the closing table, you can get the assignment fee paid. 

This is your profit for facilitating the deal , and it's usually the difference between the price you contracted with the seller and the price the buyer agreed to pay for the original contract in case you do not double close.

Key Takeaways: What is an Assignment Fee in Real Estate?

Understanding the concept of an assignment fee in assignment contracts is crucial for anyone involved in real estate wholesaling. As discussed in this blog, an assignment fee is essentially the profit a wholesaler makes for facilitating a property transaction.

Various factors can influence the amount of this fee, such as the property's potential value, market demand, and the negotiation skills of the wholesaler. 

If you feel like you are ready for your first wholesale deal, then check us out at Property Leads . We offer highly motivated seller leads perfect for wholesaling! We sell these leads exclusively to cut your competition.

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what's a assignment fee

AssignToday Blog

All About Assignment Fee: The Only Guide You'll Ever Need

All About Assignment Fee: The Only Guide You’ll Ever Need

In real estate, when a buyer and seller enter into a purchase contract, a buyer will on occasion decide to sell an assignment of the contract to another buyer. To facilitate this, there is generally an Assignment Fee charged to the new buyer.

What Constitutes An Assignment?

This is when someone has entered into a contract to purchase a property but decides to sell their interest in the property before they take possession, and before closing. The original buyer sells their contract to a new buyer but it should be noted, they are not actually selling the property since they do not yet own it.

They are really selling their agreement to purchase the property and the new buyer takes over the rights and obligations of the original buyer as contained in the original Purchase Agreement.

The original Purchase Agreement likely contains language regarding how an Assignment is to be handled and may include the need for the original seller to approve the Assignment to the new buyer. It should also detail the fee structure for the Assignment Fee, whether it is a flat fee or a percentage of either the original purchase price or the new purchase price agreed to between the original buyer and the new buyer.

How Do Assingment Fee Works?

Assignment fees are not all the same. If the property is a presale unit – one which has not yet been built – an assignment fee of between 2% and 5% of the sale price is fairly typical. This fee is payable to the developer.

In some instances, developers may also charge an Administration Fee to facilitate completion of the Assignment Agreement. This can be anywhere from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars.

If you are selling an Assignment of a resale unit, any profits generated above the original purchase price to the amount being paid by the new buyer may have to be split with the original seller. Always check the original purchase contract to see how this is be addressed and if there is any question, check with your lawyer.

If a profit is made on the sale of the Assignment, this income will most likely be taxed as income. Check with your accountant or financial advisor for the implications to your situation.

Real Estate Fee

If the property is listed for sale with a realtor, real estate fees and commissions will be an added expense impacting the overall profit to the original buyer. It should be noted, there may be restrictions on listing a property for sale, particularly in a presale situation, since the original developer/seller may limit how may units can be resold under Assignment Agreements.

Legal fees on Assignment Agreements can be higher than with a straightforward real estate transaction. This is due to the complexities of dealing with more than one agreement since both the original Purchase Contract and the Assignment Agreement need to be handled.

If you are contemplating either buying or selling an Assignment , it’s best to obtain professional advice and assistance before undertaking. Failing to understand how the transaction works, or the associated financial considerations are best avoided by utilizing experienced professionals to guide you through the process to successful completion.

Meghna Negi

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How To Navigate The Real Estate Assignment Contract

what's a assignment fee

What is assignment of contract?

Assignment of contract vs double close

How to assign a contract

Assignment of contract pros and cons

Even the most left-brained, technical real estate practitioners may find themselves overwhelmed by the legal forms that have become synonymous with the investing industry. The assignment of contract strategy, in particular, has developed a confusing reputation for those unfamiliar with the concept of wholesaling. At the very least, there’s a good chance the “assignment of contract real estate” exit strategy sounds more like a foreign language to new investors than a viable means to an end.

A real estate assignment contract isn’t as complicated as many make it out to be, nor is it something to shy away from because of a lack of understanding. Instead, new investors need to learn how to assign a real estate contract as this particular exit strategy represents one of the best ways to break into the industry.

In this article, we will break down the elements of a real estate assignment contract, or a real estate wholesale contract, and provide strategies for how it can help investors further their careers. [ Thinking about investing in real estate? Register to attend a FREE online real estate class and learn how to get started investing in real estate. ]

What Is A Real Estate Assignment Contract?

A real estate assignment contract is a wholesale strategy used by real estate investors to facilitate the sale of a property between an owner and an end buyer. As its name suggests, contract assignment strategies will witness a subject property owner sign a contract with an investor that gives them the rights to buy the home. That’s an important distinction to make, as the contract only gives the investor the right to buy the home; they don’t actually follow through on a purchase. Once under contract, however, the investor retains the sole right to buy the home. That means they may then sell their rights to buy the house to another buyer. Therefore, when a wholesaler executes a contact assignment, they aren’t selling a house but rather their rights to buy a house. The end buyer will pay the wholesale a small assignment fee and buy the house from the original buyer.

The real estate assignment contract strategy is only as strong as the contracts used in the agreement. The language used in the respective contract is of the utmost importance and should clearly define what the investors and sellers expect out of the deal.

There are a couple of caveats to keep in mind when considering using sales contracts for real estate:

Contract prohibitions: Make sure the contract you have with the property seller does not have prohibitions for future assignments. This can create serious issues down the road. Make sure the contract is drafted by a lawyer that specializes in real estate assignment contract law.

Property-specific prohibitions: HUD homes (property obtained by the Department of Housing and Urban Development), real estate owned or REOs (foreclosed-upon property), and listed properties are not open to assignment contracts. REO properties, for example, have a 90-day period before being allowed to be resold.

assignment fee

What Is An Assignment Fee In Real Estate?

An assignment fee in real estate is the money a wholesaler can expect to receive from an end buyer when they sell them their rights to buy the subject property. In other words, the assignment fee serves as the monetary compensation awarded to the wholesaler for connecting the original seller with the end buyer.

Again, any contract used to disclose a wholesale deal should be completely transparent, and including the assignment fee is no exception. The terms of how an investor will be paid upon assigning a contract should, nonetheless, be spelled out in the contract itself.

The standard assignment fee is $5,000. However, every deal is different. Buyers differ on their needs and criteria for spending their money (e.g., rehabbing vs. buy-and-hold buyers). As with any negotiations , proper information is vital. Take the time to find out how much the property would realistically cost before and after repairs. Then, add your preferred assignment fee on top of it.

Traditionally, investors will receive a deposit when they sign the Assignment of Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement . The rest of the assignment fee will be paid out upon the deal closing.

Assignment Contract Vs Double Close

The real estate assignment contract strategy is just one of the two methods investors may use to wholesale a deal. In addition to assigning contracts, investors may also choose to double close. While both strategies are essentially variations of a wholesale deal, several differences must be noted.

A double closing, otherwise known as a back-to-back closing, will have investors actually purchase the home. However, instead of holding onto it, they will immediately sell the asset without rehabbing it. Double closings aren’t as traditional as fast as contract assignment, but they can be in the right situation. Double closings can also take as long as a few weeks. In the end, double closings aren’t all that different from a traditional buy and sell; they transpire over a meeter of weeks instead of months.

Assignment real estate strategies are usually the first option investors will want to consider, as they are slightly easier and less involved. That said, real estate assignment contract methods aren’t necessarily better; they are just different. The wholesale strategy an investor chooses is entirely dependent on their situation. For example, if a buyer cannot line up funding fast enough, they may need to initiate a double closing because they don’t have the capital to pay the acquisition costs and assignment fee. Meanwhile, select institutional lenders incorporate language against lending money in an assignment of contract scenario. Therefore, any subsequent wholesale will need to be an assignment of contract.

Double closings and contract assignments are simply two means of obtaining the same end. Neither is better than the other; they are meant to be used in different scenarios.

Flipping Real Estate Contracts

Those unfamiliar with the real estate contract assignment concept may know it as something else: flipping real estate contracts; if for nothing else, the two are one-in-the-same. Flipping real estate contracts is simply another way to refer to assigning a contract.

Is An Assignment Of Contract Legal?

Yes, an assignment of contract is legal when executed correctly. Wholesalers must follow local laws regulating the language of contracts, as some jurisdictions have more regulations than others. It is also becoming increasingly common to assign contracts to a legal entity or LLC rather than an individual, to prevent objections from the bank. Note that you will need written consent from all parties listed on the contract, and there cannot be any clauses present that violate the law. If you have any questions about the specific language to include in a contract, it’s always a good idea to consult a qualified real estate attorney.

When Will Assignments Not Be Enforced?

In certain cases, an assignment of contract will not be enforced. Most notably, if the contract violates the law or any local regulations it cannot be enforced. This is why it is always encouraged to understand real estate laws and policy as soon as you enter the industry. Further, working with a qualified attorney when crafting contracts can be beneficial.

It may seem obvious, but assignment contracts will not be enforced if the language is used incorrectly. If the language in a contract contradicts itself, or if the contract is not legally binding it cannot be enforced. Essentially if there is any anti-assignment language, this can void the contract. Finally, if the assignment violates what is included under the contract, for example by devaluing the item, the contract will likely not be enforced.

How To Assign A Real Estate Contract

A wholesaling investment strategy that utilizes assignment contracts has many advantages, one of them being a low barrier-to-entry for investors. However, despite its inherent profitability, there are a lot of investors that underestimate the process. While probably the easiest exit strategy in all of real estate investing, there are a number of steps that must be taken to ensure a timely and profitable contract assignment, not the least of which include:

Find the right property

Acquire a real estate contract template

Submit the contract

Assign the contract

Collect the fee

1. Find The Right Property

You need to prune your leads, whether from newspaper ads, online marketing, or direct mail marketing. Remember, you aren’t just looking for any seller: you need a motivated seller who will sell their property at a price that works with your investing strategy.

The difference between a regular seller and a motivated seller is the latter’s sense of urgency. A motivated seller wants their property sold now. Pick a seller who wants to be rid of their property in the quickest time possible. It could be because they’re moving out of state, or they want to buy another house in a different area ASAP. Or, they don’t want to live in that house anymore for personal reasons. The key is to know their motivation for selling and determine if that intent is enough to sell immediately.

With a better idea of who to buy from, wholesalers will have an easier time exercising one of several marketing strategies:

Direct Mail

Real Estate Meetings

Local Marketing

2. Acquire A Real Estate Contract Template

Real estate assignment contract templates are readily available online. Although it’s tempting to go the DIY route, it’s generally advisable to let a lawyer see it first. This way, you will have the comfort of knowing you are doing it right, and that you have counsel in case of any legal problems along the way.

One of the things proper wholesale real estate contracts add is the phrase “and/or assigns” next to your name. This clause will give you the authority to sell the property or assign the property to another buyer.

You do need to disclose this to the seller and explain the clause if needed. Assure them that they will still get the amount you both agreed upon, but it gives you deal flexibility down the road.

3. Submit The Contract

Depending on your state’s laws, you need to submit your real estate assignment contract to a title company, or a closing attorney, for a title search. These are independent parties that look into the history of a property, seeing that there are no liens attached to the title. They then sign off on the validity of the contract.

4. Assign The Contract

Finding your buyer, similar to finding a seller, requires proper segmentation. When searching for buyers, investors should exercise several avenues, including online marketing, listing websites, or networking groups. In the real estate industry, this process is called building a buyer’s list, and it is a crucial step to finding success in assigning contracts.

Once you have found a buyer (hopefully from your ever-growing buyer’s list), ensure your contract includes language that covers earnest money to be paid upfront. This grants you protection against a possible breach of contract. This also assures you that you will profit, whether the transaction closes or not, as earnest money is non-refundable. How much it is depends on you, as long as it is properly justified.

5. Collect The Fee

Your profit from a deal of this kind comes from both your assignment fee, as well as the difference between the agreed-upon value and how much you sell it to the buyer. If you and the seller decide you will buy the property for $75,000 and sell it for $80,000 to the buyer, you profit $5,000. The deal is closed once the buyer pays the full $80,000.

real estate assignment contract

Assignment of Contract Pros

For many investors, the most attractive benefit of an assignment of contract is the ability to profit without ever purchasing a property. This is often what attracts people to start wholesaling, as it allows many to learn the ropes of real estate with relatively low stakes. An assignment fee can either be determined as a percentage of the purchase price or as a set amount determined by the wholesaler. A standard fee is around $5,000 per contract.

The profit potential is not the only positive associated with an assignment of contract. Investors also benefit from not being added to the title chain, which can greatly reduce the costs and timeline associated with a deal. This benefit can even transfer to the seller and end buyer, as they get to avoid paying a real estate agent fee by opting for an assignment of contract. Compared to a double close (another popular wholesaling strategy), investors can avoid two sets of closing costs. All of these pros can positively impact an investor’s bottom line, making this a highly desirable exit strategy.

Assignment of Contract Cons

Although there are numerous perks to an assignment of contract, there are a few downsides to be aware of before searching for your first wholesale deal. Namely, working with buyers and sellers who may not be familiar with wholesaling can be challenging. Investors need to be prepared to familiarize newcomers with the process and be ready to answer any questions. Occasionally, sellers will purposely not accept an assignment of contract situation. Investors should occasionally expect this, as to not get discouraged.

Another obstacle wholesalers may face when working with an assignment of contract is in cases where the end buyer wants to back out. This can happen if the buyer is not comfortable paying the assignment fee, or if they don’t have owner’s rights until the contract is fully assigned. The best way to protect yourself from situations like this is to form a reliable buyer’s list and be upfront with all of the information. It is always recommended to develop a solid contract as well.

Know that not all properties can be wholesaled, for example HUD houses. In these cases, there are often anti-assigned clauses preventing wholesalers from getting involved. Make sure you know how to identify these properties so you don’t waste your time. Keep in mind that while there are cons to this real estate exit strategy, the right preparation can help investors avoid any big challenges.

Assignment of Contract Template

If you decide to pursue a career wholesaling real estate, then you’ll want the tools that will make your life as easy as possible. The good news is that there are plenty of real estate tools and templates at your disposal so that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel! For instance, here is an assignment of contract template that you can use when you strike your first deal.

As with any part of the real estate investing trade, no single aspect will lead to success. However, understanding how a real estate assignment of contract works is vital for this business. When you comprehend the many layers of how contracts are assigned—and how wholesaling works from beginning to end—you’ll be a more informed, educated, and successful investor.

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Assignment of Contract – Assignable Contract Basics for Real Estate Investors

What is assignment of contract? Learn about this wholesaling strategy and why assignment agreements are the preferred solution for flipping real estate contracts.

what's a assignment fee

Beginners to investing in real estate and wholesaling must navigate a complex landscape littered with confusing terms and strategies. One of the first concepts to understand before wholesaling is assignment of contract, also known as assignment of agreement or “flipping real estate contracts.”  

An assignment contract is the most popular exit strategy for wholesalers, and it isn’t as complicated as it may seem. What does assignment of contract mean? How can it be used to get into wholesaling? Here’s what you need to know.

What Is Assignment of Contract?

How assignment of contract works in real estate wholesaling, what is an assignment fee in real estate, assignment of agreement pros & cons, assignable contract faqs.

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Assignment of real estate purchase and sale agreement, or simply assignment of agreement or contract, is a real estate wholesale strategy that facilitates a sale between the property owner and the end buyer.

This strategy is also known as flipping real estate contracts because that’s essentially how it works:

  • The wholesaler finds a property that’s already discounted or represents a great deal and enters into a contract with the seller,
  • The contract contains an assignment clause that allows the wholesaler to assign the contract to someone else (if they choose to!), then
  • The wholesaler can assign the contract to another party and receive an assignment fee when the transaction closes.

Assignment of contract in real estate is a popular strategy for beginners in real estate investment because it requires very little or even no capital. As long as you can find an interested buyer, you do not need to come up with a large sum of money to buy and then resell the property – you are only selling your right to buy it .

An assignment contract passes along your purchase rights as well as your contract obligations. After the contract assignment, you are no longer involved in the transaction with no right to make claims or responsibilities to get the transaction to closing.

Until you assign contract to someone else, however, you are completely on the hook for all contract responsibilities and rights.

This means that you are in control of the deal until you decide to assign the contract, but if you aren’t able to get someone to take over the contract, you are legally obligated to follow through with the sale .

Assignment of Contract vs Double Closing

Double closing and assignment of agreement are the two main real estate wholesaling exit strategies. Unlike the double closing strategy, an assignment contract does not require the wholesaler to purchase the property.

Assignment of contract is usually the preferred option because it can be completed in hours and does not require you to fund the purchase . Double closings take twice as much work and require a great deal of coordination. They are also illegal in some states.

Ready to see how an assignment contract actually works? Even though it has a low barrier to entry for beginner investors, the challenges of completing an assignment of contract shouldn’t be underestimated. Here are the general steps involved in wholesaling.

Step #1. Find a seller/property

The process begins by finding a property that you think is a good deal or a good investment and entering into a purchase agreement with the seller. Of course, not just any property is suitable for this strategy. You need to find a motivated seller willing to accept an assignment agreement and a price that works with your strategy. Direct mail marketing, online marketing, and checking the county delinquent tax list are just a few possible lead generation strategies you can employ.

Step #2: Enter into an assignable contract

The contract with the seller will be almost the same as a standard purchase agreement except it will contain an assignment clause.

An important element in an assignable purchase contract is “ and/or assigns ” next to your name as the buyer . The term “assigns” is used here as a noun to refer to a potential assignee. This is a basic assignment clause authorizing you to transfer your position and rights in the contract to an assignee if you choose.

The contract must also follow local laws regulating contract language. In some jurisdictions, assignment of contract is not allowed. It’s becoming increasingly common for wholesalers to assign agreements to an LLC instead of an individual. In this case, the LLC would be under contract with the seller. This can potentially bypass lender objections and even anti-assignment clauses for distressed properties. Rather than assigning the contract to someone else, the investor can reassign their interest in the LLC through an “assignment of membership interest.”

Note: even the presence of an assignment clause can make some sellers nervous or unwilling to make a deal . The seller may be picky about whom they want to buy the property, or they may be suspicious or concerned about the concept of assigning a contract to an unknown third party who may or may not be able to complete the sale.

The assignment clause should always be disclosed and explained to the seller. If they are nervous, they can be assured that they will still get the agreed-upon amount.

Step #3. Submit the assignment contract for a title search

Once you are under contract, you must typically submit the contract to a title company to perform the title search. This ensures there are no liens attached to the property.

Step #4. Find an end buyer to assign the contract

Next is the most challenging step: finding a buyer who can fulfill the contract’s original terms including the closing date and purchase price.

Successful wholesalers build buyers lists and employ marketing campaigns, social media, and networking to find a good match for an assignable contract.

Once you locate an end buyer, your contract should include earnest money the buyer must pay upfront. This gives you some protection if the buyer breaches the contract and, potentially, causes you to breach your contract with the seller. With a non-refundable deposit, you can be sure your earnest money to the seller will be covered in a worst-case scenario.

You can see an assignment of contract example here between an assignor and assignee.

Step #5. Receive your assignment fee

The final step is receiving your assignment fee. This fee is your profit from the transaction, and it’s usually paid when the transaction closes.

The assignment fee is how the wholesaler makes money through an assignment contract. This fee is paid by the end buyer when they purchase the right to buy the property as compensation for being connected to the original seller. Assignment contracts should clearly spell out the assignment fee and how it will be paid.

An assignment fee in real estate replaces the broker or Realtor fee in a typical transaction as the assignor or investor is bringing together the seller and end buyer.

The standard real estate assignment fee is $5,000 . However, it varies by transaction and calculating the assignment fee may be higher or lower depending on whether the buyer is buying and holding the property or rehabbing and flipping.

The assignment fee is not always a flat amount. The difference between the agreed-upon price with the seller and the end buyer is the profit you stand to earn as the assignor. If you agreed to purchase the property for $150,000 from the seller and assign the contract to a buyer for $200,000, your assignment fee or profit would be $50,000.

In most cases, an investor receives a deposit when the Assignment of Purchase and Sale Agreement is signed with the rest paid at closing.

Be aware that assignment agreements can have a bad reputation . This is usually the case when the end buyer and seller are unsatisfied, realizing they could have sold higher or bought lower and essentially paid thousands to an investor who never even wanted to buy the property.

Opting for the standard, flat assignment fee is much more readily accepted by sellers and buyers as it’s comparable to a real estate agent’s commission or even much lower and the parties can avoid working with an agent.

Real estate investors enjoy many benefits of an assignment of contract:

  • This strategy requires little or no capital which makes it a popular entry to wholesaling as investors learn the ropes.
  • Investors are not added to the title chain and never own the property which reduces costs and the amount of time the deal takes.
  • An assignment of agreement is easier and faster than double closing which requires two separate closings and two sets of fees and disclosures.
  • Wholesaling can be a great tool to expand an investor’s network for future opportunities.

As with most things, there are important drawbacks to consider. Before jumping into wholesaling and flipping real estate contracts, consider the downsides .

  • It can be difficult to work with sellers and buyers who are not familiar with wholesaling or assignment agreements.
  • Some sellers avoid or decline assignment of contract offers because they are suspicious of the arrangement, think it is too risky, or want to know who they are selling to.
  • There is a limited time to find an end buyer. Without a reliable buyer’s list, it can be very challenging to find a viable end buyer before the closing date.
  • The end buyer may back out at the last minute. This may happen if they do not have owner’s rights until the contract is assigned or they do not want to pay an assignment fee.
  • Not all properties are eligible for wholesaling like HUD and REO properties. There may be anti-assignment clauses or other hurdles. It is possible to get around this by purchasing the property with an LLC which can then be sold, but this is a level of complication that many wholesalers want to avoid.
  • Assignors do not have owner’s rights. When the property is under contract, investors cannot make repairs or improvements. This makes it harder to assign a contract for a distressed property in poor condition.
  • It can be hard to confirm an end buyer is qualified. The end buyer is responsible for paying the agreed upon price set by the seller and assignor. Many lenders do not handle assignment agreements which usually means turning to all-cash end buyers. Depending on the market, they can be hard to find.

In the worst-case scenario, if a wholesaling deal falls through because the end buyer backs out, the investor or assignor is still responsible for buying the property and must follow through with the purchase agreement. If you do not, you are in breach of contract and lose the earnest money you put down.

To avoid this worst-case scenario, be prepared with a good buyer’s list. You should only put properties under contract that you consider a good deal and you can market to other investors or homeowners. You may be able to get more time by asking for an extension to the assignment of contract while you find another buyer or even turn to other wholesalers to see if they have someone who would be a good fit.

What is the difference between assignor vs assignee?

In an assignment clause, the assignor is the buyer who then assigns the contract to an assignee. The assignee is the end buyer or final buyer who becomes the owner when the transaction closes. After the assignment, contract rights and obligations are transferred from the assignor to the assignee.

What Is an assignable contract?

An assignable contract in real estate is a purchase agreement that allows the buyer to assign their rights and obligations to another party before the contract expires. The assignee then becomes obligated to meet the terms of the contract and, at closing, get title to the property.

Is Assignment of Agreement Legal?

Assignment of contract is legal as long as state regulations are followed and it’s an assignable contract. The terms of your agreement with the seller must allow for the contract to be assumed. To be legal and enforceable, the following general requirements must be met.

  • The assignment does not violate state law or public policy. In some states and jurisdictions, contract assignments are prohibited.
  • There is no assignment clause prohibiting assignment.
  • There is written consent between all parties.
  • The property does not have restrictions prohibiting assignment. Some properties have deed restrictions or anti-assignment clauses prohibiting assignment of contract within a specific period of time. This includes HUD properties, short sales, and REO properties which usually prohibit a property from being resold for 90 days. There is potentially a way around these non-assignable contracts using an LLC.

Can a non-assignable contract still be assigned?

Even an non-assignable contract can become an assignable contract in some cases. A common approach is creating an agreement with an LLC or trust as the purchaser. The investor can then assign the entity to someone else because the contractual rights and obligations are the entity’s.

Assignment agreements are not as complicated as they may sound, and they offer an excellent entry into real estate investing without significant capital. A transaction coordinator at Transactly can be an invaluable solution, no matter your volume, to keep your wholesaling business on track and facilitate every step of the transaction to closing – and your assignment fee!

Adam Valley

Adam Valley

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How Wholesalers Use Assignment of Contract

Lex levinrad.

Assigning a contract is a very useful tool for wholesalers that would like to assign their rights to a property for a small profit. An assignment of contract form is used to transfer beneficial interest in the property to the new buyers (assignee) from the existing buyer (assignor).

How Does The Assignment Of Contract Work?

Assume your name is Jack Smith and you have signed a contract to purchase a property located at 123 Main St in Fort Lauderdale Florida. Your purchase price on your contract is $40,000 but you would like to make a quick $5,000 profit and sell this contract (or assign it) to another buyer. Let's say that you are successful in locating a buyer for this property that is willing to purchase the property for $45,000 which is $5,000 more than what your purchase contract states.

You tell this buyer that you have a contract to purchase this property for $40,000 and you will assign all rights to purchase this property for a fee of $5,000 to him/her. This fee is called an assignment fee.

The buyer agrees to the assignment fee and you have a one page form called an assignment of beneficial interest form or assignment of contract form (use an attorney to draw up this form) , which states that you are giving up all rights to purchase this property and assigning it to the new buyer in exchange for an assignment fee of $5,000.

What Are The Benefits Of Doing This?

Well, firstly you are essentially flipping a property without ever closing on it or really owning it which means that you do not have to come up with any cash or pay any closing costs or incur any liability or expense. You are not really flipping the property you are actually flipping the contract that gives you the right to purchase the property. This is what wholesalers do and it can be extremely lucrative.

The only money that you will actually need to put down will be the deposit that you give to the seller or put on the contract as a deposit held in escrow (escrow is preferred). A true wholesaler would never put more than $10 or $100 down in order to reduce their risk.

What Is The Risk To The Wholesaler?

If the Wholesaler cannot find a buyer to purchase the house at a higher price, they will need to cancel the contract. When they do cancel the contract their deposit can be forfeited. Purchase contracts have an inspection period which is the time period that the buyer is allowed to inspect the property. Regular buyers use this inspection period to bring in their general contractor or inspector to complete an inspection of the property. However, wholesalers use this inspection period to try and market the property and find a buyer.

If the wholesaler cannot find a buyer for this property then they can simply cancel the contract within the inspection period and get their deposit back. If there is a problem or delay in getting the deposit returned (like the seller won't give it back), or if the buyer has cancelled after the expiration of the inspection period then the deposit will not be returned and will be forfeited. It is for this reason that you should use the least amount possible when placing a deposit on a property that you plan on assigning. A deposit of $10 or $100 is the most you should use for deposit on an assignable contract.

There is one key point for you to keep in mind if you are going to be assigning a contract. You must use the words “and or assigns” after your name. This means that on the purchase contract the buyers name should be Jack Smith and or assigns not just Jack Smith. If you don't use those words “and or assigns” then your contract will not be assignable. You should also check off the clause that says that the contract is assignable, which is a separate item that is further down in the purchase contract.

Another important point is that you will not be able to use the assignment method with bank owned properties and short sales. Banks do not want assignable contracts because they don't want wholesalers tying up their bank owned properties and trying to flip them. If you are making an offer on an REO or short sale or any property where the bank is the seller then you will have to use the double closing method for these properties.

A disadvantage to the assignment of contract method is that your buyer will see how much profit you make so, if your profit is really huge it could potentially create a problem with your buyer trying to reduce the purchase price. For example, if you purchased the property for $15,000 and tried to sell it for $45,000 with a $30,000 assignment fee then you might encounter a lot of resistance from the buyer who thinks you are marking up the property excessively. This could be avoided by using the double closing method where the buyer does not see how much you paid until after the transaction has closed (public records).

I find that it is often preferable to double close on all transactions regardless of who the seller is and I use as low a deposit as possible depending on whether the seller is a private party or a bank (banks require at least $1,000 deposit). This way you will have many more options available to you when you are flipping the property.

If the property is owned by an individual (not a bank), then an assignment of contract can be a really low cost entry into wholesaling for beginners. All you need to get started is a purchase contract, $10 and a distressed seller.

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Understanding the Concept of an Assignment Fee in Real Estate

Navigating the realm of real estate transactions can often feel like deciphering a complex puzzle, especially for those who are early on their property journey. A concept that can confuse professionals and individuals involved in transactions alike is the idea of an assignment fee in real estate—something that comes into play in various scenarios. In the context of real estate, an assignment fee is an essential concept to grasp, bridging the gap between  creative financing  and the traditional purchase and sale of properties.

What is Assignment in Real Estate?

To understand an assignment fee in real estate, you first have to understand what an assignment is. An assignment contract is essentially the document that gives someone the right to purchase a property. The assignment fee refers to the payment made to an individual, generally known as an assignor, for transferring their rights and obligations under a pre-existing real estate assignment contract to another party, known as the assignee. 

This transaction is particularly prevalent in the practice of  real estate wholesaling . In these transactions, an individual will secure a contract to purchase a property and then assign that same contract to an end buyer, charging a fee for the convenience and the opportunity they present.

A contract assignment fee is a strategic tool for those looking to leverage lucrative opportunities within the market without needing a significant capital investment. It allows for flexibility in the investment realm, enabling professionals to generate income from real estate deals without the traditional barriers of entry. This means people can make headway in their careers without having to obtain mortgage loans or conduct extensive renovations.

In essence, the assignment fee is the financial reflection of the value that the assignor brings to the table in a transaction. The assignor is a useful party for both buyers and sellers, helping the process along by identifying a potentially profitable deal, negotiating terms, and then passing on the right to execute the deal to a suitable party. Understanding this concept is crucial for real estate investors at all stages of their careers, especially those interested in using wholesale strategies and creative financing options.

What is an Assignment Fee in Real Estate?

The assignment fee in real estate is a concept rooted in the overarching principle of a contractual rights transfer. It represents the price that an assignee, someone interested in purchasing property, pays to the assignor for the rights to acquire said property under the terms the assignor has already negotiated with the seller. To make sure you get the right fee for the assignment of a contact, you need to understand the mechanics of how they work. 

This section expands on how assignment fees function in real estate transactions and delves into the factors that influence their amounts.

Explanation of How Assignment Fees Work in Real Estate

When an investor or a wholesaler, known in this case as the assignor, enters into a purchase agreement with a property seller, they acquire the legal right to buy the property at some negotiated, agreed-upon terms. However, instead of completing the purchase themselves, the assignor then finds another buyer, known as the assignee, who is interested in taking over the contract to eventually own the property.  This is when assignment fees come into play. 

The assignee must pay an assignment fee to the assignor for the right to purchase the property. Only once this fee is paid can the assignee step into the shoes of the original buyer, then proceed to close the deal with the seller. The original contract to buy is thus “assigned” from the assignor to the assignee, who from then on becomes responsible for fulfilling its terms.

Factors That Determine the Amount of Assignment Fees

The amount, or monetary value, of the assignment fee can vary greatly from deal to deal, being influenced by a range of factors, which we’ve broken down below:

Property Value and Equity:  Appropriately, the value and equity of the property will inform the assignment fee. A property with high value or substantial equity typically commands a higher assignment fee and vice versa.

Market Demand:  Consider  overarching market trends  when ascertaining an appropriate assignment fee. For example, in a seller’s market with higher demand for properties, assignment fees can increase because of plentiful competition among buyers.

Deal Profitability:  Even in the cases of lower-value properties, the nature of the deal itself will impact the assignment fee. This means that the more profitable a deal appears to be, the higher the fee that an assignor can command.

Negotiation Skills:  In a similar vein to the impact that profitability can have, negotiation skills can also change the shape of an assignment fee. The ability of the assignor to negotiate deals on both ends can directly impact their fee amount, with skilled negotiators often being able to secure higher fees.

Timeframe:  Time is money, and in the case of a wholesale assignment contract, this can be especially true. If the assignor negotiates the situation and closes the deal quickly, they might be able to command a higher fee for the increased convenience of a speedy transaction.

Comparison of Assignment Fees with Other Real Estate Transaction Costs

Assignment fees differ from the costs associated with various other real estate transactions in a variety of ways: 

Earnest Money vs. Assignment Fee:  Earnest money is a kind of deposit made to demonstrate the buyer’s seriousness about acquiring a property. This fee can typically be refunded under certain conditions or applied to the purchase at closing. On the other hand, an assignment fee is a non-refundable payment made to the assignor, specifically for the right to take over the contract.

Closing Costs vs. Assignment Fee:  Closing costs can encompass a variety of fees that buyers and sellers pay at the end of a real estate transaction. These fees can include things such as those associated with title searches, real estate attorney’s fees, and credit report charges. Assignment fees are separate from these, only ever being paid to the assignor for the contract rights.

Commission vs. Assignment Fee:  Real estate agents earn their living through commissions based on the property’s sale price, paid by the seller, generally from their earnings through making the sale. In contrast, an assignment fee is paid by the assignee to the assignor and is not related to the sale price or commission.

Understanding the nature of assignment fees, such as when they’re applicable, how they are calculated in relation to a transaction, and how they compare to other common transaction costs, is essential for anyone involved in real estate investing. This level of understanding is particularly vital in strategies such as wholesaling, where such fees are part and parcel of the process.

Pros and Cons of Assignment Fees

Assignment fees in real estate can be positive elements of transactions for sellers and investors while posing some notable challenges depending on the perspective of all parties involved, including the buyer. Below, we explore the advantages and disadvantages for the enactors of these transactions, as well as the risks and challenges that come with assignment fees.

Advantages for Sellers and Investors

For sellers:.

Quick Sales:  Sellers benefit from the existence of assignment fees as they can do wonders for speeding up the transaction. Wholesaling and the assignment fees that come with it are especially viable solutions when a seller wants to shift their asset quickly. Investors or fellow wholesalers who offer to pay these fees often aim to close deals rapidly.

Fewer Hurdles:  Sellers might avoid some traditional selling hurdles when embracing the nature of wholesaling and assignment fees. In the standard selling cycle, sellers might have to go through various stages, such as multiple showings or a buyer’s own financial approval process. These processes can be skipped altogether when dealing with investors ready to pay an assignment fee.

For Investors:

Profitability:  Investors or wholesalers can use assignment fees as their primary source of income. As it sidesteps the traditional processes of investing and reselling properties, wholesalers stand to make a profit through the assignment fee without having to close on the property themselves. By embracing this system, they also avoid closing costs and the need for financing.

Less Capital:  Wholesaling is a great method for generating income, without needing the same level of seed investment. Since the investor doesn’t need to purchase the property outright, they generally just have to pay a small (often refundable) deposit for the contract; there is less capital required upfront compared to traditional real estate investments.

Flexibility:  Because of the nature of deals that use assignment fees, investors can back out of a particular deal at any time. This can be achieved by offering and assigning the contract to another, more suitable buyer if the deal doesn’t fit their investment strategy or if they cannot secure financing.

Disadvantages for Buyers and Sellers

For buyers:.

Increased Cost:  Assignment fees do often increase the overall cost for the end buyer, as it becomes their responsibility to cover both the property’s agreed-upon price and the assignment fee. In some cases, the assignment fee can be taken from the overall sale price, but this isn’t common, meaning the speedier sale usually comes with an inflated price tag. 

Transparency Issues:  Buyers in these situations can often find it challenging to get full transparency regarding the property’s conditions or the original contract terms if not properly disclosed by the assignor. This shouldn’t be an issue, as long as the wholesaler or assignor does their job properly, but buyers should make sure to vet any collaborators carefully. 

Potential for Overextension:  Sellers may encounter issues if they work with the wrong wholesaler or investor. In some cases, an inexperienced investor can overextend and find it difficult to find a buyer to whom they can assign the contract, slowing down the transaction process and possibly reversing it. 

Market Misrepresentation:  Sellers could face the challenges of market misrepresentation if the assignor markets the property incorrectly or unethically, leading to potential legal challenges. For example, if the assignor lies about the property’s amenities, uses  unrealistic photography , or overvalues it, buyers might respond with legal action. 

Potential Risks and Challenges with Assignment Fees

Legal and Ethical Considerations:  The legality of assignment fees, much like many other aspects of the real estate market,  varies from region to region . Along with the legal side of things, there may also be ethical considerations to consider if parties are not fully informed of the contract terms and fees involved.

Market Fluctuations:  Market conditions can change rapidly—need we remind you of what happened to the housing market in 2008? This means that if the property value decreases or interest rates increase, it will likely become more challenging for the assignor to find a buyer willing to pay the fee on top of the existing property price.

Contractual Risks:  If the assignee fails to close the deal, the assignor might end up legally obligated to purchase the property under the original contract terms. Considering the reasons that most investors choose to embrace wholesaling and assignment fees, this could pose a significant financial risk that they’re not ready to incur.

Reputational Risks:  Assignors who consistently charge unnecessarily high assignment fees might gain a negative reputation in the real estate community among potential clients and fellow professionals alike. It’s important to consider what a fair, mutually beneficial fee should be to avoid potentially negatively affecting future business.

Complexity in Transactions:  Assignment fees add a level of complexity to real estate transactions, which are already fairly complicated at the best of times. There may be misunderstandings or disputes between the involved parties over the terms of the contract, the condition of the property, or the responsibilities each party has.

Both sellers and investors involved in wholesaling and assignment in real estate need to weigh the potential for quick and profitable transactions against the complexities and risks assignment fees introduce. It is crucial for every party involved to conduct suitable due diligence, operate transparently, and possibly seek professional legal counsel to ensure the process is conducted legally and ethically.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

The use of assignment fees in real estate transactions is full of potential, being a viable part of a strategic investment plan. However, while assignment fees and the deals they’re attached to can be highly lucrative, they also come with the potential for legal and ethical quandaries. Here, we delve into the legal regulations and ethical considerations that assignors should consider, highlighting potential issues that could arise from the misuse of assignment fees.

Legal Regulations and Requirements

Regulatory landscape:.

Disclosure Requirements:  Many jurisdictions require the full disclosure of an assignment fee to all parties involved in a transaction, ensuring no one feels like they’ve missed out on any vital information. Failure to clearly express the assignment fee to the buyer can often lead to legal penalties or complications.

Contractual Rights:  There are some contractual points to consider when handling an assignment fee in real estate. The original purchase agreement must expressly allow for the assignment of the contract without the need for repeat consent of the seller, or the investor must obtain written permission from the seller to assign the contract.

Licensing Laws:  Some regions may require an individual enacting a wholesale deal or receiving an assignment fee to have a professional real estate license, as the transaction could be considered as engaging in real estate brokerage without a license. This is worth considering if you want to pursue a career as a wholesaler or investor in general. 

State and Local Laws:  Both assignment fee legality and the ability to assign a contract can vary greatly between the different states and localities of the US. It’s crucial to understand the specific regulations of the area where you’re working and or where the property is located. It’s always important to tailor your approach to real estate for the area that you operate within. 

Ethical Considerations:

Fairness to All Parties:  Ethically, the fee should always reflect the value that’s actually been added by the assignor in finding the deal and should not be exploitative. If you’re working as a real estate wholesaler or receiving an assignment fee in any other way, make sure that you’re offering real value without overstating your contribution to the transaction. 

Transparency:  Assignors must be totally transparent about the property’s condition, the original contract terms, and the assignment fee’s size at every stage of the transaction. Remember, you’re not just trying to avoid legal implications with your honesty; you’re looking to build positive professional relationships built on trust. 

Conflict of Interest:  Ethically, an assignor should avoid any conflicts of interest in all transactions and should not misrepresent the potential value or investment benefits to the assignee. For example, if the assignor knows that an area is losing steam in the market, they should make that clear to their assignee.

Examples of Potential Legal and Ethical Issues

Non-Disclosure:  Failing to disclose one’s assignment fee openly and clearly to the end buyer or seller can lead to lawsuits, as it may be considered a fraudulent practice. It’s absolutely essential that a wholesaler makes it clear what they stand to gain from a deal so everyone understands the transaction from top to bottom. 

Predatory Practices:  Charging exorbitant assignment fees, especially in distressed markets or from vulnerable sellers, which are often hubs for real estate wholesaling, can be seen as unethical and might lead to legal challenges. This is why offering real value and making your fees reasonable is crucial.

Misrepresentation:  An assignor could face serious legal action if they misrepresent the terms of the original contract or the property’s condition for the purpose of securing a higher fee. It goes hand in hand with all of the other aspects of transparency—assignors must be clear and honest at every stage to avoid legal and ethical complications. 

Violation of Licensing Laws:  If an assignor acts as a de facto real estate broker by frequently assigning contracts for fees without a professional license, they might face legal penalties, including fines and injunctions. These laws vary from state to state, meaning it’s best to have a license in place, ensuring you can work in as many areas as possible. 

Breach of Contract:  If the original contract does not allow for the assignment of the property and the assignor proceeds without consent, they are highly likely to be sued for breach of contract. It should go without saying, but every real estate transaction needs to be enacted with the utmost professionalism, ensuring every party is fully aware of its nature. 

It’s essential for every party involved in the assignment of real estate contracts to be aware of the legal and ethical implications. The complex nature of these transactions often warrants the involvement of a dedicated legal professional to navigate the potential minefield of legal regulations and ethical considerations. Moreover, maintaining transparency and integrity throughout the process not only helps assignors avoid legal troubles but also builds a reputation that can lead to more successful deals in the future.

In this exploration of assignment fees in real estate, we’ve navigated their many complexities and nuances. From definition to application, assignment fees are a pivotal mechanism for investors, particularly in the realm of wholesaling.

There are many advantages and disadvantages associated with assignment fees. For sellers and investors, they can represent an expedient route to liquidity and profit. Conversely, for buyers, they can often introduce additional layers of cost and complexity.

The discussion of legal and ethical considerations illuminated the tightrope walked by those who engage in these transactions. The importance of adhering to disclosure norms, maintaining transparency, and aligning practices with the legal stipulations of the local and state jurisdictions cannot be overstated in this particular vein of real estate.

While the concept of assignment fees may appear straightforward, its application is often fraught with potential legal and ethical pitfalls. Those involved in real estate transactions must have a clear understanding of these fees and the corresponding regulations that govern their use.

By engaging in thorough research and due diligence and enlisting expert guidance, navigating the complex world of real estate can be achieved with confidence. The strategic use of assignment fees can indeed unlock opportunities and foster successful transactions, but only when managed with suitable care and consideration of all the variables at play.

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What is an Assignment Fee in Real Estate?

What is an Assignment Fee in Real Estate

It’s common to have lots of questions when reviewing the final settlement sheet of a real estate transaction. Whether you’re buying or selling a house , there are plenty of fees that aren’t straight forward. Have you ever asked yourself what an assignment fee in real estate is? This line item can come as a surprise to buyers and sellers preparing to close on a property – especially to those who didn’t know a wholesaler was involved in their deal.

Let’s uncover all that you’ll need to know about what an assignment fee in a real estate transaction is.

Definition of a Real Estate Assignment Fee

A real estate assignment fee is the difference between the original contracted price of an off-market transaction and the final sale price. An assignor – typically a real estate wholesaler – connects a seller and buyer, both at different prices. Once the deal closes, the assignment fee is the wholesaler’s cut for helping facilitate the transaction.

How Does an Assignment Fee Work?

Assignment Fee Real Estate

An investor (let’s call them Investor A ) agrees to buy a property at a particular price. Then they find another buyer ( Investor B ) willing to purchase it at a higher price before the original sale closes. The difference, or the ‘assignment fee,’ is what Investor A pockets. It’s like being a matchmaker but for houses and profits.

Example of an Assignment Fee

Investor A gets a property under contract to buy for $100,000 . He (or she) then contacts Investor B about the deal because Investor A knows that Investor B loves these types of properties. Investor B agrees to pay $105,000 for the property. Investor A assigns the rights of the original purchase agreement (contract) to Investor B before closing. Then, Investor A gets paid $5,000 as the assignment fee once it closes and Investor B gets the property.

Difference Between Assignment Fees and Commissions

An assignment fee is essentially a finder’s fee for an off-market real estate deal. It’s common to see these fees when someone is trying to wholesale a house . What is the main difference? The wholesaler isn’t really representing anyone besides themself. Their goal is to get the seller to agree to one price, and then find a buyer that will agree on a slightly higher price.

These are different than real estate agent commissions . A deal that involves an assignment fee takes place outside of the MLS (off-market). It’s common to see these on fixer-upper properties that are being purchased by real estate investors.

The Role of an Assignment Fee

Assignment Fee in Real Estate

Picture property flipping as a relay race. The assignment fee is the baton. The baton is passed from the property from the original buyer (who might have cold feet or a change of heart) to a new buyer, ready to sprint to the finish line.

Assignment fees in real estate are most commonly seen when investors buy distressed properties. For example, a company that buys houses as-is will likely target fixer-uppers. They will work directly with wholesalers, who will try to find them these types of homes.

Wholesalers Role in Assigning Properties

Wholesalers then reach out directly to homeowners, seeing if they’re interested in selling. Oftentimes, when a property suffers from serious damage and is hardly livable, listing it on the market isn’t the best option. Traditional buyers will try to purchase it using a mortgage and the loan will get denied because of the condition of the house. That’s why it’s more common to see fixer-upper properties sold off-market by wholesalers who take an assignment fee once they connect the dots.

Who Pays the Assignment Fee?

In the dance of real estate, the one who takes the final bow (the end buyer, or Investor B) pays the assignment fee. Think of it as a finder’s fee for finding a good deal. Real estate investors are willing to pay more for a property knowing that there’s an assignment fee baked into the price if that means securing a solid deal. Especially in competitive real estate markets where good deals are hard to come by, assignment fees paid by real estate investors are common.

Average Wholesaler Assignment Fee

Talking numbers, assignment fees can vary drastically. They range from a few thousand bucks to the price of a luxury car, depending on the deal’s size and the property’s value. On average, an assignment fee can range between $5,000 and $10,000 per deal.

In smaller cities where home values are low, assignment fees will be lower. On the flip side, larger cities like San Diego CA will experience larger assignment fees (and realtor commissions) because of the home prices. For example, if someone is wholesaling a large countryside home in California, the assignment fee could be as big as the land itself.

Are Assignment Fees Taxable?

Build a Wholesale Buyers List

Ah, taxes—the plot twist no one likes. Yes, assignment fees are taxable. They’re income, after all. Uncle Sam considers these fees as earnings, so they must be reported. Similar to real estate commissions, taxes must be paid on these.

Strategies for Negotiating Assignment Fees with Investors

Negotiating assignment fees is part art, part science, and all hustle. It’s like haggling at a flea market—you want the best deal without scaring off the seller. Start by knowing your worth and the property’s value.

Be transparent but firm, and always, always be ready to walk away. Remember, the goal is to find a win-win where both you and the investor skip away happy. Sometimes, throwing in a sweetener, like offering to handle some paperwork, can seal the deal.

Real Estate Assignment Fees

In conclusion, assignment fees are the secret sauce in many real estate deals . These fees offer a way for investors to profit without getting their hands dirty. Understanding how they work, who pays them, and how to negotiate them can turn you from a real estate newbie into a savvy investor. From the investor’s perspective, it can be worth paying an assignment fee to secure a great piece of real estate.

Assignment Definition

Investing Strategy

Investing Strategy , Jargon, Legal, Terminology, Title

Table of Contents

  • What Is an Assignment?
  • What is an Assignment in Real Estate?
  • What Does it Mean to Assign a Contract in Real Estate?
  • How Does a Contract Assignment Work?
  • Pros and Cons of Assigning Contracts

REtipster does not provide legal advice. The information in this article can be impacted by many unique variables. Always consult with a qualified legal professional before taking action.

An assignment or assignment of contract is a way to profit from a real estate transaction without becoming the owner of the property.

The assignment method is a standard tool in a real estate wholesaler’s kit and lowers the barrier to entry for a real estate investor because it does not require the wholesaler to use much (or any) of their own money to profit from a deal.

Contract assignment is a common wholesaling strategy where the seller and the wholesaler (acting as a middleman in this case) sign an agreement giving the wholesaler the sole right to buy a property at a specified price, within a certain period of time.

The wholesaler then finds another buyer and assigns the contract to him or her. The wholesaler isn’t selling the property to the end buyer because the wholesaler never takes title to the property during the process. The wholesaler is simply selling the contract, which gives the end buyer the right to buy the property in accordance with the original purchase agreement.

In doing this, the wholesaler can earn an assignment fee for putting the deal together.

Some states require a real estate wholesaler to be a licensed real estate agent, and the assignment strategy can’t be used for HUD homes and REOs.

The process for assigning a contract follows some common steps. In summary, it looks like this:

  • Find the right property.
  • Get a purchase agreement signed.
  • Find an end buyer.
  • Assign the contract.
  • Close the transaction and collect your assignment fee.

We describe each step in the process below.

1. Find the Right Property

This is where the heavy lifting happens—investors use many different marketing tactics to find leads and identify properties that work with their investing strategy. Typically, for wholesaling to work, a wholesaler needs a motivated seller who wants to unload the property as soon as possible. That sense of urgency works to the wholesaler’s advantage in negotiating a price that will attract buyers and cover their assignment fee.

RELATED: What is “Driving for Dollars” and How Does It Work?

2. Get a Purchase Agreement Signed

Once a motivated seller has agreed to sell their property at a discounted price, they will sign a purchase agreement with the wholesaler. The purchase agreement needs to contain specific, clear language that allows the wholesaler (for example, you) to assign their rights in the agreement to a third party.

Note that most standard purchase agreements do not include this language by default. If you plan to assign this contract, make sure this language is included. You can consult an attorney to cover the correct verbiage in a way that the seller understands it.

RELATED: Wholesaling Made Simple! A Comprehensive Guide to Assigning Contracts

This can’t be stressed enough: It’s extremely important for a wholesaler to communicate with their seller about their intent to assign the contract. Many sellers are not familiar with the assignment process, so if the role of the buyer is going to change along the way, the seller needs to be aware of this on or before they sign the original purchase agreement.

3. Find an End Buyer

This is the other half of a wholesaler’s job—marketing to find buyers. Once they find an end buyer, the wholesaler can assign the contract to the new party and work with the original seller and the end buyer to schedule a closing date.

4. Assign the Contract

Assigning the contract works through a simple assignment agreement. This agreement allows the end buyer to step into the wholesaler’s shoes as the buyer in the original contract.

In other words, this document “replaces” the wholesaler with the new end buyer.

Most assignment contracts include language for a nonrefundable deposit from the end buyer, which protects the wholesaler if the buyer backs out. While you can download assignment contract templates online, most experts recommend having an attorney review your contracts. The assignment wording has to be precise and comply with applicable local laws to protect you from issues down the road.

5. Close the Transaction and Collect the Assignment Fee

Finally, you will receive your assignment fee (or wholesale fee) when the end buyer closes the deal.

The assignment fee is often the difference between the original purchase price (the price that the seller agreed with the wholesaler) and the end buyer’s purchase price (the price the wholesaler agreed with the end buyer), but it can also be a percentage of it or even a flat amount.

According to UpCounsel, most contract assignments are done for about $5,000, although depending on the property and the market, it could be higher or lower.

IMPORTANT: the end buyer will see precisely how much the assignment fee is. This is because they must sign two documents that show the original price and the assignment fee: the closing statement and the assignment agreement, respectively, to close the transaction.

In many cases, if the assignment fee is a reasonable amount relative to the purchase price, most buyers won’t take any issue with the wholesaler taking their fee—after all, the wholesaler made the deal happen, and it’s compensation for their efforts. However, if the assignment fee is too big (such as the wholesaler taking $20,000 from an original purchase price of $10,000, while the end buyer buys it for $50,000), it may ruffle some feathers and lead to uncomfortable questions.

In these instances where the wholesaler has a substantially higher profit margin, a wholesaler can instead do a double closing . In a double closing, the wholesaler closes two separate deals (one with the seller and another with the buyer) on the same day, but the seller and buyer cannot see the numbers and overall profit margin the wholesaler makes between the two transactions. This makes a double closing a much safer way to conclude a transaction.

Assigning contracts is a way to lower the barrier to entry for many new real estate investors; because they don’t need to put up their own money to buy a property or assume any risk in financing a deal.

The wholesaler isn’t part of the title chain, which streamlines the process and avoids the hassle of closing two times. Compared to the double-close strategy, assignment contracts require less paperwork and are usually less costly (because there is only one closing occurring, rather than two separate transactions).

On the downside, the wholesaler has to sell the property as-is, because they don’t own it at any point and they cannot make repairs or renovations to make the property look more attractive to a potential buyer. Financing may be much more difficult for the end buyer because many mortgage lenders won’t work with assigned contracts. Purchase Agreements also have expiration dates, which means the wholesaler has a limited window of time to find an end buyer and get the deal done.

Being successful with assignment contracts usually comes down to excellent marketing, networking, and communication between all parties involved. It’s all about developing strategies to find the right properties and having a solid network of investors you can assign them to quickly.

It’s also critical to be aware of any applicable laws in the jurisdiction where the wholesaler is working and holding any licenses required for these kinds of real estate transactions.

Related terms

Double closing, wholesaling (real estate wholesaling), transactional funding.

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10 Essential Things to Know About Real Estate Assignment Sales (for Sellers)

— We take our content seriously. This article was written by a real person at BREL.

what's a assignment fee

What’s an assignment?

An assignment is when a Seller sells their interest in a property before they take possession – in other words, they sell the contract they have with the Builder to a new purchaser. When a Seller assigns a property, they aren’t actually selling the property (because they don’t own it yet) – they are selling their promise to purchase it, along with the rights and obligations of their Agreement of Purchase and Sale contract.  The Buyer of an assignment is essentially stepping into the shoes of the original purchaser.

The original purchaser is considered to be the Assignor; the new Buyer is the Assignee. The Assignee is the one who will complete the final sale with the Builder.

Do assignments only happen with pre-construction condos?

It’s possible to assign any type of property, pre-construction or resale, provided there aren’t restrictions against assignment in the original contract. An assignment allows a Buyer of a any kind of home to sell their interest in that property before they take possession of it.

Why would someone want to assign a condo?

Often with pre-construction sales, there’s a long time lag between when the original contract is entered into, when the Buyer can move in (the interim occupancy period) and the final closing. It’s not uncommon for a Buyer’s circumstances to change during that time…new job out of the city, new husband or wife, new set of twins, etc. What worked for a Buyer’s lifestyle 4 years ago doesn’t always work come closing time.

Another common reason why people want to assign a contract is financial. Sometimes, the original purchaser doesn’t have the funds or can’t get the financing to complete the sale, and it’s cheaper to assign the contract to a new purchaser, than it is to renege on the sale.

Lastly, assignment sales are also common with speculative investors who buy pre-construction properties with no intention of closing on them. In these cases, the investors are banking on quick price appreciation and are eager to lock in a profit now, vs. waiting for the original closing date.

What can be negotiated in an assignment sale?

Because the Assignee is taking over the original purchaser’s contract, they can’t renegotiate the price or terms of the contract with the Builder – they are simply taking over the contract as it already exists, and as you negotiated it.

In most cases, the Assignee will mirror the deposit that you made to the Builder…so if you made a 20% deposit, you can expect the new purchaser to do the same.

Most Sellers of assignments are looking to make a profit, and part of an assignment sale negotiation is agreeing on price. Your real estate agent can guide you on price, which will determine your profit (or loss).

Builder Approval and Fees

Remember that huge legal document you signed when you made an offer to buy a pre-construction condo? It’s time to take it out and actually read it.

Your Agreement of Purchase & Sale stipulated your rights to assign the contract. While most builders allow assignments, there is usually an assignment fee that must be paid to the Builder (we’ve seen everything from $750 to $7,000).

There may be additional requirements as well, the most common being that the Builder has to approve the assignment.

Marketing Restrictions

Most pre-construction Agreements of Purchase & Sale from Toronto Builders do not allow the marketing of an assignment…so while the Builder may give you the right to assign your contract, they restrict you from posting it to the MLS or advertising it online. This makes selling an assignment extremely difficult…if people don’t know it’s available for sale, how they can possibly buy it?

While it may be very tempting to flout the no-marketing rule, BE VERY CAREFUL. Buyers guilty of marketing an assignment against the rules can be considered to have breached the Agreement, and the Builder can cancel your contract and keep your deposit.

We don’t recommend advertising an assignment for sale if it’s against the rules in your contract.

So how the heck can I find a Buyer?

There are REALTORS who specialize in assignment sales and have a database of potential Buyers and investors looking for assignments. If you want to be connected with an agent who knows the ins and outs of assignment sales, get in touch…we know some of the best assignment agents in Toronto.

What are the tax implications of real estate assignment?

Always get tax advice from a certified accountant, not from the internet (lol).

But in general, any profit made from an assignment is taxable (and any loss can be written off). The new Buyer or Assignee will be responsible for paying land transfer taxes and any HST that might be due.

How much does it cost to assign a pre-construction condo?

In addition to the Builder assignment fees, you will likely have to pay a real estate commission (unless you find the Buyer yourself) and legal fees. Because assignments are more complicated, you can expect to pay higher legal fees than you would for a resale property.

How does the closing of an assignment work?

With assignment sales, there are essentially 2 closings: the closing between the Assignor and the Assignee, and the closing between the Assignee and the Builder. With the first closing (the assignment closing) the original purchaser receives their deposit + any profit (or their deposit less any loss) from the Assignee. On the second closing (between the Builder and the Assignee), the Assignee pays the remaining amount to the Builder (usually with the help of a mortgage), and pays land transfer taxes. Title of the property transfers from the Builder to the Assignee at this point.

I suppose it could be said that there is a third closing too, when the Buyer takes possession of the property but doesn’t yet own it…this is known as the interim occupancy period. The interim occupancy occurs when the unit is ready to be occupied, but not ready to be registered with the city. Interim occupancy periods in Toronto range from a few months to a few years. During the interim occupancy period, the Buyer occupies the unit and pays the Builder an amount roughly equal to what their mortgage payment + condo fees + taxes would be. The timing of the assignment will dictate who completes the interim occupancy.

Assignments vs. Resale: Which is Better?

We often get calls from people who are debating whether they should assign a condo they bought, or wait for the building to register and then sell it as a typical resale condo.

Pros of Assigning vs. Waiting

  • Get your deposit back and lock in your profit sooner
  • Avoid paying land transfer taxes
  • Avoid paying HST
  • Maximize your return if prices are declining and you expect them to continue to decline
  • Lifestyle – sometimes it just makes sense to move on

Cons of Assigning vs Waiting

  • The pool of Buyers for assignment sales is much smaller than the pool of Buyers for resale properties, which could result in the sale taking a long time, getting a lower price than you would if you waited, or both.
  • Marketing restrictions are annoying and reduce the chances of finding a Buyer
  • Price – What is market value? If the condo building hasn’t registered and there haven’t been any resales yet, it can be difficult to determine how much the property is now worth. Assignment sales tend to sell for less than resale.
  • Assignment sales can be complicated, so you want to make sure that you’re working with an agent who is experienced with assignment sales, and a good lawyer.

Still thinking of assignment your condo or house ? Get in touch and we’ll connect you with someone who specializes in assignment sales and can take you through the process.

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what's a assignment fee

Raj Singh says:

What can be things to look for, especially determining market value for an assigned condo? I’m the assignee.

what's a assignment fee

Sydonia Moton says:

Y would u need a lawyer when u buy a assignment property

what's a assignment fee

Gideon Gyohannes says:

Good clear information!

Who pays the assignment fee to the developer? Assignor or Assignee?

Thanks Gideon 416 4591919

what's a assignment fee

Melanie Piche says:

It’s almost always the Seller (though I suppose could be a point of negotiation).

what's a assignment fee

Fiona Rourke says:

If there are 2 names on the agreement and 1 wants to leave and the other wants to remain… does the removing of 1 purchaser constitute an assignment

what's a assignment fee

Brendan Powell says:

An assignment is one way to add or remove people from a contract, but not the only way…and not the simplest. Speak to your lawyer for advice on what makes the most sense for your specific situation. For a straightforward resale purchase you could probably just do an amendment signed by all parties. If it’s a preconstruction purchase with various deposits paid, etc it could be more complicated.

what's a assignment fee

Katerina says:

Depends on the Developer. Some of them remove names via assignments only.

what's a assignment fee

Haroon says:

Is there any difference in transaction process If assigner or seller of a pre constructio condo is a non resident ? Is seller required to get a clearance certificate from cRA to complete the transaction ?

what's a assignment fee

Nathalie says:

Hello , i would like to know the exact steps for reassignment property please.

what's a assignment fee

Amazing info. Thanks team. I may just touch base with you when my property in Stoney Creek is completed in. 2020. I may need to reassign it to someone Thanks

what's a assignment fee

Victoria Bachlowa says:

If an assignor renegs on the deal and refuses to close because they figured out they could get more money and the assignment was already approved by the builder and all conditions fulfilled what can the Assignee do. I have $33,000 dollars in trust in the real estate’s trust fund. They sent me a mutual release which I have not signed. The interim occupancy is Feb. 1 and the closing is schedule for Mar. 1, 2019. I have financing in place, was ready to move in Feb. 1 and I have no where to live.

Definitely talk to your lawyer right away. They’ll want to look at your agreement of purchase and sale and will be able to advise you.

what's a assignment fee

With assignment sales, there are essentially 2 closings: the closing between the Assignor and the Assignee, and the closing between the Assignee and the Builder. With the first closing (the assignment closing) the original purchaser receives their deposit + any profit (or their deposit less any loss) from the Assignee. Can I assume that these closing happen at the same time? I’m not sure how and when I would be paid as the Assignor.

what's a assignment fee

What happens to the deposits or any profits already paid if the developer cancels the project after an assignment?

what's a assignment fee

Hi, Did you get answer to this? I did an assignment sale last year and now the builder is not completing apparently and they are asking for their money back. Can they do that? After legal transactions, the lawyer simply said “the deal didn’t go through”. Apparently builder and the person who assumed the assignment agreed on taking out the deal. What do I have to pay back after it was done a year ago

This is definitely a question for your lawyer – as realtors we are not involved in that part of the transaction. I would expect that just as the builder would have to refund your deposits, you would likely need to do the same…but talk to your lawyer. As to whether the builder can cancel a project, yes they always reserve that right (but the details of how and under what circumstances would be in your original purchase agreement). It’s one of the annoying risks in buying preconstruction!

what's a assignment fee

I completed the sale of my assignment in Dec 2015 however the CRA says I should be reporting the capital income in 2016 when the assignee closed his deal with the developer in July 2016. That makes no sense to me since I got all my money in Dec 2015. Can you supply any clarification on that CRA policy please?

You’d have to talk to the CRA or an accountant – we’re real estate agents,so we can’t give tax advice.

what's a assignment fee

Hassan says:

Hello, You said that there are two closings. The first one between the assignor and the assignee and the second one between the builder and the new buyer (assignee). My question is that in the first closing does the assignee have to pay the assignor the deposit they have paid and any profit in cash or will the bank add this to the assignee’s mortgage?

The person doing the assigning usually gets their money at the first closing.

what's a assignment fee

Kathy says:

What is the typical real estate free to assign your contract with the builder ?

Hi Kathy While we do few assignments (as they are rarely successful, and builders do not make it easy), in past we have charged more or less the same as we do for a typical resale listing. While there are elements to assignments that should be easier than a resale (eg staging), many other aspects of assignments are much MORE time-consuming, and the risk much higher since attempts to find a buyer for assignments are often unsuccessful. It’s also important to note that due to the extra complication, lawyer’s fees to assign are typically higher than resale as well–although more $ for the purchase side vs the sale side.

what's a assignment fee

Mitul Patel says:

If assignee has paid small amount of deposit plus the original 25% deposit that the assignor has paid to the builder and gets the Keys to the unit since interim possession has been completed, when the condo registration is done and assignee is getting mortgage from the Bank or Pays the remaining balance to the Builder using his savings and decides not to pay the Balance of the Profit amount to Assignor, what are the possibilities in this kind of scenario?

You’d need to talk to a lawyer to find out the options.

what's a assignment fee

David says:

How much exactly do brokers get paid at sale of Assignment? i.e. Would the broker’s fee be a % of your assignment selling price or your home’s selling price? I’m really looking for a clear answer.

I am using this website’s calculator associated with selling your home in Ontario. But there is no information on selling assignments. https://wowa.ca/calculators/commission-calculator-ontario

Realtors set their own commission, so there is no set fee- that website is likely the commission that that agent offers. We often see commissions of 4-5% for assignments. The fee is a % of the price of the assignment – for example, you originally bought for $500K; you’re now assigning for $600K – commission would be payable on the $600K.

what's a assignment fee

Candace says:

Question: if i bought a pre construction condo, can i sell it as soon as it closes or do i have to live in it for 1 year after closing in order to avoid capital gains taxes?

Or does the 1 year start as soon as you move in?

I would suggest you talk to your accountant re: HST credit implications and capital gains, but if you sell it for more than you paid for it, capital gains usually apply.

what's a assignment fee

You mention avoid paying HST when you assign your property. What is the HST based on? It’s not a commercial property that you would pay HST. Explain. Thanks.

HST and assignments are complex and this question is best answered specific to your situation by your accountant and real estate lawyer. In some cases HST is applicable on assignment profits – more details can be found on the CRA website here:


If you are a podcast listener, the true condos podcast is also a great resource.


what's a assignment fee

heres one for your comment, purchase pre construction from builder beginning of 2021, to be finished end of 2021, (semi detached) here we are end of 2022, both units are now ready. Had one assigned but because builder didnt accept within certain time frame(they also had a 90 day clause wherein we couldnt assign prior to 90 less firm closing date (WHICH MOVED 4 TIMES). Anyrate now we have a new assinor but the builder says we are in default from the first one and wants 50k to do the assignment (the agreement lists the possibility of assigning for 12k) Also this deal would include us loosing our whole deposit and paying the 12k(plus fees) would be in addition too the 130k we are already loosing. The second property we are trying to close but interest rates are riducous, together with closing costs(currently mortgage company is asking that my wife be added to that one, afraid to even ask this builder. Any advice on how to deal with this asshole greedy builder? We are simply asking for assignment as per contract and a small extension for the new buyer(week or two) Appreciate any advice. Thank you

Dealing with builders/developers can be extremely painful, much worse than resale transactions in our experience. Their contracts are written to protect THEM. Unfortunately all I can say is follow the advice of your lawyer.

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Options Exercise, Assignment, and More: A Beginner's Guide

what's a assignment fee

So your trading account has gotten options approval, and you recently made that first trade—say, a long call in XYZ with a strike price of $105. Then expiration day approaches and, at the time, XYZ is trading at $105.30.

Wait. The stock's above the strike. Is that in the money 1 (ITM) or out of the money 2  (OTM)? Do I need to do something? Do I have enough money in my account? Help!

Don't be that trader. The time to learn the mechanics of options expiration is before you make your first trade.

Here's a guide to help you navigate options exercise 3 and assignment 4 —along with a few other basics.

In the money or out of the money?

The buyer ("owner") of an option has the right, but not the obligation, to exercise the option on or before expiration. A call option 5 gives the owner the right to buy the underlying security; a put option 6  gives the owner the right to sell the underlying security.

Conversely, when you sell an option, you may be assigned—at any time regardless of the ITM amount—if the option owner chooses to exercise. The option seller has no control over assignment and no certainty as to when it could happen. Once the assignment notice is delivered, it's too late to close the position and the option seller must fulfill the terms of the options contract:

  • A long call exercise results in buying the underlying stock at the strike price.
  • A short call assignment results in selling the underlying stock at the strike price.
  • A long put exercise results in selling the underlying stock at the strike price.
  • A short put assignment results in buying the underlying stock at the strike price.

An option will likely be exercised if it's in the option owner's best interest to do so, meaning it's optimal to take or to close a position in the underlying security at the strike price rather than at the current market price. After the market close on expiration day, ITM options may be automatically exercised, whereas OTM options are not and typically expire worthless (often referred to as being "abandoned"). The table below spells it out.

  • If the underlying stock price is...
  • ...higher than the strike price
  • ...lower than the strike price
  • If the underlying stock price is... A long call is... -->
  • ...higher than the strike price ...ITM and typically exercised -->
  • ...lower than the strike price ...OTM and typically abandoned -->
  • If the underlying stock price is... A short call is... -->
  • ...higher than the strike price ...ITM and typically assigned -->
  • If the underlying stock price is... A long put is... -->
  • ...higher than the strike price ...OTM and typically abandoned -->
  • ...lower than the strike price ...ITM and typically exercised -->
  • If the underlying stock price is... A short put is... -->
  • ...lower than the strike price ...ITM and typically assigned -->

The guidelines in the table assume a position is held all the way through expiration. Of course, you typically don't need to do that. And in many cases, the usual strategy is to close out a position ahead of the expiration date. We'll revisit the close-or-hold decision in the next section and look at ways to do that. But assuming you do carry the options position until the end, there are a few things you need to consider:

  • Know your specs . Each standard equity options contract controls 100 shares of the underlying stock. That's pretty straightforward. Non-standard options may have different deliverables. Non-standard options can represent a different number of shares, shares of more than one company stock, or underlying shares and cash. Other products—such as index options or options on futures—have different contract specs.
  • Stock and options positions will match and close . Suppose you're long 300 shares of XYZ and short one ITM call that's assigned. Because the call is deliverable into 100 shares, you'll be left with 200 shares of XYZ if the option is assigned, plus the cash from selling 100 shares at the strike price.
  • It's automatic, for the most part . If an option is ITM by as little as $0.01 at expiration, it will automatically be exercised for the buyer and assigned to a seller. However, there's something called a do not exercise (DNE) request that a long option holder can submit if they want to abandon an option. In such a case, it's possible that a short ITM position might not be assigned. For more, see the note below on pin risk 7 ?
  • You'd better have enough cash . If an option on XYZ is exercised or assigned and you are "uncovered" (you don't have an existing long or short position in the underlying security), a long or short position in the underlying stock will replace the options. A long call or short put will result in a long position in XYZ; a short call or long put will result in a short position in XYZ. For long stock positions, you need to have enough cash to cover the purchase or else you'll be issued a margin 8 call, which you must meet by adding funds to your account. But that timeline may be short, and the broker, at its discretion, has the right to liquidate positions in your account to meet a margin call 9 . If exercise or assignment involves taking a short stock position, you need a margin account and sufficient funds in the account to cover the margin requirement.
  • Short equity positions are risky business . An uncovered short call or long put, if assigned or exercised, will result in a short stock position. If you're short a stock, you have potentially unlimited risk because there's theoretically no limit to the potential price increase of the underlying stock. There's also no guarantee the brokerage firm can continue to maintain that short position for an unlimited time period. So, if you're a newbie, it's generally inadvisable to carry an options position into expiration if there's a chance you might end up with a short stock position.

A note on pin risk : It's not common, but occasionally a stock settles right on a strike price at expiration. So, if you were short the 105-strike calls and XYZ settled at exactly $105, there would be no automatic assignment, but depending on the actions taken by the option holder, you may or may not be assigned—and you may not be able to trade out of any unwanted positions until the next business day.

But it goes beyond the exact price issue. What if an option is ITM as of the market close, but news comes out after the close (but before the exercise decision deadline) that sends the stock price up or down through the strike price? Remember: The owner of the option could submit a DNE request.

The uncertainty and potential exposure when a stock price and the strike price are the same at expiration is called pin risk. The best way to avoid it is to close the position before expiration.

The decision tree: How to approach expiration

As expiration approaches, you have three choices. Depending on the circumstances—and your objectives and risk tolerance—any of these might be the best decision for you.

1. Let the chips fall where they may.  Some positions may not require as much maintenance. An options position that's deeply OTM will likely go away on its own, but occasionally an option that's been left for dead springs back to life. If it's a long option, the unexpected turn of events might feel like a windfall; if it's a short option that could've been closed out for a penny or two, you might be kicking yourself for not doing so.

Conversely, you might have a covered call (a short call against long stock), and the strike price was your exit target. For example, if you bought XYZ at $100 and sold the 110-strike call against it, and XYZ rallies to $113, you might be content selling the stock at the $110 strike price to monetize the $10 profit (plus the premium you took in when you sold the call but minus any transaction fees). In that case, you can let assignment happen. But remember, assignment is likely in this scenario, but it is not guaranteed.

2. Close it out . If you've met your objectives for a trade, then it might be time to close it out. Otherwise, you might be exposed to risks that aren't commensurate with any added return potential (like the short option that could've been closed out for next to nothing, then suddenly came back into play). Keep in mind, there is no guarantee that there will be an active market for an options contract, so it is possible to end up stuck and unable to close an options position.

The close-it-out category also includes ITM options that could result in an unwanted long or short stock position or the calling away of a stock you didn't want to part with. And remember to watch the dividend calendar. If you're short a call option near the ex-dividend date of a stock, the position might be a candidate for early exercise. If so, you may want to consider getting out of the option position well in advance—perhaps a week or more.

3. Roll it to something else . Rolling, which is essentially two trades executed as a spread, is the third choice. One leg closes out the existing option; the other leg initiates a new position. For example, suppose you're short a covered call on XYZ at the July 105 strike, the stock is at $103, and the call's about to expire. You could attempt to roll it to the August 105 strike. Or, if your strategy is to sell a call that's $5 OTM, you might roll to the August 108 call. Keep in mind that rolling strategies include multiple contract fees, which may impact any potential return.

The bottom line on options expiration

You don't enter an intersection and then check to see if it's clear. You don't jump out of an airplane and then test the rip cord. So do yourself a favor. Get comfortable with the mechanics of options expiration before making your first trade.

1 Describes an option with intrinsic value (not just time value). A call option is in the money (ITM) if the stock price is above the strike price. A put option is ITM if the stock price is below the strike price. For calls, it's any strike lower than the price of the underlying equity. For puts, it's any strike that's higher.

2 Describes an option with no intrinsic value. A call option is out of the money (OTM) if its strike price is above the price of the underlying stock. A put option is OTM if its strike price is below the price of the underlying stock.

3 An options contract gives the owner the right but not the obligation to buy (in the case of a call) or sell (in the case of a put) the underlying security at the strike price, on or before the option's expiration date. When the owner claims the right (i.e. takes a long or short position in the underlying security) that's known as exercising the option.

4 Assignment happens when someone who is short a call or put is forced to sell (in the case of the call) or buy (in the case of a put) the underlying stock. For every option trade there is a buyer and a seller; in other words, for anyone short an option, there is someone out there on the long side who could exercise.

5 A call option gives the owner the right, but not the obligation, to buy shares of stock or other underlying asset at the options contract's strike price within a specific time period. The seller of the call is obligated to deliver, or sell, the underlying stock at the strike price if the owner of the call exercises the option.

6 Gives the owner the right, but not the obligation, to sell shares of stock or other underlying assets at the options contract's strike price within a specific time period. The put seller is obligated to purchase the underlying security at the strike price if the owner of the put exercises the option.

7 When the stock settles right at the strike price at expiration.

8 Margin is borrowed money that's used to buy stocks or other securities. In margin trading, a brokerage firm lends an account owner a portion of the purchase price (typically 30% to 50% of the total price). The loan in the margin account is collateralized by the stock, and if the value of the stock drops below a certain level, the owner will be asked to deposit marginable securities and/or cash into the account or to sell/close out security positions in the account.

9 A margin call is issued when your account value drops below the maintenance requirements on a security or securities due to a drop in the market value of a security or when a customer exceeds their buying power. Margin calls may be met by depositing funds, selling stock, or depositing securities. Charles Schwab may forcibly liquidate all or part of your account without prior notice, regardless of your intent to satisfy a margin call, in the interests of both parties.  

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Related topics.

Options carry a high level of risk and are not suitable for all investors. Certain requirements must be met to trade options through Schwab. Please read the Options Disclosure Document titled " Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options " before considering any options transaction. Supporting documentation for any claims or statistical information is available upon request.

With long options, investors may lose 100% of funds invested. Covered calls provide downside protection only to the extent of the premium received and limit upside potential to the strike price plus premium received.

Short options can be assigned at any time up to expiration regardless of the in-the-money amount.

Investing involves risks, including loss of principal. Hedging and protective strategies generally involve additional costs and do not assure a profit or guarantee against loss.

Commissions, taxes, and transaction costs are not included in this discussion but can affect final outcomes and should be considered. Please contact a tax advisor for the tax implications involved in these strategies.

The information provided here is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered an individualized recommendation or personalized investment advice. The investment strategies mentioned here may not be suitable for everyone. Each investor needs to review an investment strategy for his or her own particular situation before making any investment decision.

All expressions of opinion are subject to change without notice in reaction to shifting market conditions. Data contained herein from third-party providers is obtained from what are considered reliable sources. However, its accuracy, completeness, or reliability cannot be guaranteed.

Examples provided are for illustrative purposes only and not intended to be reflective of results you can expect to achieve.

Short selling is an advanced trading strategy involving potentially unlimited risks and must be done in a margin account. Margin trading increases your level of market risk. For more information, please refer to your account agreement and the Margin Risk Disclosure Statement.

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Assignment: Definition in Finance, How It Works, and Examples

Adam Hayes, Ph.D., CFA, is a financial writer with 15+ years Wall Street experience as a derivatives trader. Besides his extensive derivative trading expertise, Adam is an expert in economics and behavioral finance. Adam received his master's in economics from The New School for Social Research and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in sociology. He is a CFA charterholder as well as holding FINRA Series 7, 55 & 63 licenses. He currently researches and teaches economic sociology and the social studies of finance at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

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Yarilet Perez is an experienced multimedia journalist and fact-checker with a Master of Science in Journalism. She has worked in multiple cities covering breaking news, politics, education, and more. Her expertise is in personal finance and investing, and real estate.

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What Is an Assignment?

Assignment most often refers to one of two definitions in the financial world:

  • The transfer of an individual's rights or property to another person or business. This concept exists in a variety of business transactions and is often spelled out contractually.
  • In trading, assignment occurs when an option contract is exercised. The owner of the contract exercises the contract and assigns the option writer to an obligation to complete the requirements of the contract.

Key Takeaways

  • Assignment is a transfer of rights or property from one party to another.
  • Options assignments occur when option buyers exercise their rights to a position in a security.
  • Other examples of assignments can be found in wages, mortgages, and leases.

Uses For Assignments

Assignment refers to the transfer of some or all property rights and obligations associated with an asset, property, contract, or other asset of value. to another entity through a written agreement.

Assignment rights happen every day in many different situations. A payee, like a utility or a merchant, assigns the right to collect payment from a written check to a bank. A merchant can assign the funds from a line of credit to a manufacturing third party that makes a product that the merchant will eventually sell. A trademark owner can transfer, sell, or give another person interest in the trademark or logo. A homeowner who sells their house assigns the deed to the new buyer.

To be effective, an assignment must involve parties with legal capacity, consideration, consent, and legality of the object.

A wage assignment is a forced payment of an obligation by automatic withholding from an employee’s pay. Courts issue wage assignments for people late with child or spousal support, taxes, loans, or other obligations. Money is automatically subtracted from a worker's paycheck without consent if they have a history of nonpayment. For example, a person delinquent on $100 monthly loan payments has a wage assignment deducting the money from their paycheck and sent to the lender. Wage assignments are helpful in paying back long-term debts.

Another instance can be found in a mortgage assignment. This is where a mortgage deed gives a lender interest in a mortgaged property in return for payments received. Lenders often sell mortgages to third parties, such as other lenders. A mortgage assignment document clarifies the assignment of contract and instructs the borrower in making future mortgage payments, and potentially modifies the mortgage terms.

A final example involves a lease assignment. This benefits a relocating tenant wanting to end a lease early or a landlord looking for rent payments to pay creditors. Once the new tenant signs the lease, taking over responsibility for rent payments and other obligations, the previous tenant is released from those responsibilities. In a separate lease assignment, a landlord agrees to pay a creditor through an assignment of rent due under rental property leases. The agreement is used to pay a mortgage lender if the landlord defaults on the loan or files for bankruptcy . Any rental income would then be paid directly to the lender.

Options Assignment

Options can be assigned when a buyer decides to exercise their right to buy (or sell) stock at a particular strike price . The corresponding seller of the option is not determined when a buyer opens an option trade, but only at the time that an option holder decides to exercise their right to buy stock. So an option seller with open positions is matched with the exercising buyer via automated lottery. The randomly selected seller is then assigned to fulfill the buyer's rights. This is known as an option assignment.

Once assigned, the writer (seller) of the option will have the obligation to sell (if a call option ) or buy (if a put option ) the designated number of shares of stock at the agreed-upon price (the strike price). For instance, if the writer sold calls they would be obligated to sell the stock, and the process is often referred to as having the stock called away . For puts, the buyer of the option sells stock (puts stock shares) to the writer in the form of a short-sold position.

Suppose a trader owns 100 call options on company ABC's stock with a strike price of $10 per share. The stock is now trading at $30 and ABC is due to pay a dividend shortly. As a result, the trader exercises the options early and receives 10,000 shares of ABC paid at $10. At the same time, the other side of the long call (the short call) is assigned the contract and must deliver the shares to the long.

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Determining wholesaler assignment fee

I really need your help BP, I am fairly new at wholesaling properties even though I quite a few under my belt. Recently another wholesaler told me I was selling myself short on assignment fees. He (the other wholesaler) said you can assignment however much you want. Just for reference, he has wholesaled over 80 properties. I use the formulas of 10-15% of the contract price or a standard 5k assignment fee. I feel assignment 10k on a 20k contract is just greedy in that case I would use the 10-15% route. Keep in mind I'm trying to build a successful real estate investing career, not just grab some quick cash. I feel like at the end of the contract when people are feeling the 'Did I just get robbed" feeling, they less likely to refer me to someone else or come back and have me find another property for them but if I give them a fair deal, then referrals and repeat business will come naturally. On the same note, I don't want to sell myself short.

So my question is how are the more seasoned wholesalers determining their assignment fees?

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Assignment of Lease

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What is an assignment of lease.

The assignment of lease is a title document that transfers all rights possessed by a lessee or tenant to a property to another party. The assignee takes the assignor’s place in the landlord-tenant relationship.

You can view an example of a lease assignment here .

How Lease Assignment Works

In cases where a tenant wants to or needs to get out of their lease before it expires, lease assignment provides a legal option to assign or transfer rights of the lease to someone else. For instance, if in a commercial lease a business leases a place for 12 months but the business moves or shuts down after 10 months, the person can transfer the lease to someone else through an assignment of the lease. In this case, they will not have to pay rent for the last two months as the new assigned tenant will be responsible for that.

However, before the original tenant can be released of any responsibilities associated with the lease, other requirements need to be satisfied. The landlord needs to consent to the lease transfer through a “License to Assign” document. It is crucial to complete this document before moving on to the assignment of lease as the landlord may refuse to approve the assignment.

Difference Between Assignment of Lease and Subletting

A transfer of the remaining interest in a lease, also known as assignment, is possible when implied rights to assign exist. Some leases do not allow assignment or sharing of possessions or property under a lease. An assignment ensures the complete transfer of the rights to the property from one tenant to another.

The assignor is no longer responsible for rent or utilities and other costs that they might have had under the lease. Here, the assignee becomes the tenant and takes over all responsibilities such as rent. However, unless the assignee is released of all liabilities by the landlord, they remain responsible if the new tenant defaults.

A sublease is a new lease agreement between the tenant (or the sublessor) and a third-party (or the sublessee) for a portion of the lease. The original lease agreement between the landlord and the sublessor (or original tenant) still remains in place. The original tenant still remains responsible for all duties set under the lease.

Here are some key differences between subletting and assigning a lease:

  • Under a sublease, the original lease agreement still remains in place.
  • The original tenant retains all responsibilities under a sublease agreement.
  • A sublease can be for less than all of the property, such as for a room, general area, portion of the leased premises, etc.
  • Subleasing can be for a portion of the lease term. For instance, a tenant can sublease the property for a month and then retain it after the third-party completes their month-long sublet.
  • Since the sublease agreement is between the tenant and the third-party, rent is often negotiable, based on the term of the sublease and other circumstances.
  • The third-party in a sublease agreement does not have a direct relationship with the landlord.
  • The subtenant will need to seek consent of both the tenant and the landlord to make any repairs or changes to the property during their sublease.

Here is more on an assignment of lease here .

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Parties Involved in Lease Assignment

There are three parties involved in a lease assignment – the landlord or owner of the property, the assignor and the assignee. The original lease agreement is between the landlord and the tenant, or the assignor. The lease agreement outlines the duties and responsibilities of both parties when it comes to renting the property. Now, when the tenant decides to assign the lease to a third-party, the third-party is known as the assignee. The assignee takes on the responsibilities laid under the original lease agreement between the assignor and the landlord. The landlord must consent to the assignment of the lease prior to the assignment.

For example, Jake is renting a commercial property for his business from Paul for two years beginning January 2013 up until January 2015. In January 2014, Jake suffers a financial crisis and has to close down his business to move to a different city. Jake doesn’t want to continue paying rent on the property as he will not be using it for a year left of the lease. Jake’s friend, John would soon be turning his digital business into a brick-and-mortar store. John has been looking for a space to kick start his venture. Jake can assign his space for the rest of the lease term to John through an assignment of lease. Jake will need to seek the approval of his landlord and then begin the assignment process. Here, Jake will be the assignor who transfers all his lease related duties and responsibilities to John, who will be the assignee.

You can read more on lease agreements here .

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Image via Pexels by RODNAE

Assignment of Lease From Seller to Buyer

In case of a residential property, a landlord can assign his leases to the new buyer of the building. The landlord will assign the right to collect rent to the buyer. This will allow the buyer to collect any and all rent from existing tenants in that property. This assignment can also include the assignment of security deposits, if the parties agree to it. This type of assignment provides protection to the buyer so they can collect rent on the property.

The assignment of a lease from the seller to a buyer also requires that all tenants are made aware of the sale of the property. The buyer-seller should give proper notice to the tenants along with a notice of assignment of lease signed by both the buyer and the seller. Tenants should also be informed about the contact information of the new landlord and the payment methods to be used to pay rent to the new landlord.

You can read more on buyer-seller lease assignments here .

Get Help with an Assignment of Lease

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Meet some of our Assignment of Lease Lawyers

Mathew K. on ContractsCounsel

Kerbis' practice includes business and real estate transactions, estate planning, and limited scope litigation consulting. Mathew has negotiated deals involving multinational corporate franchises and has collectively helped hundreds of clients with their transactional, civil litigation, and appellate legal needs. Throughout his tenure as an American Bar Association leader, Mathew has advocated for legal education reform, interviewed ABA Presidents and State Appellate and Supreme Court Justices, and lobbied Congress on behalf of the legal profession. As a law student, Mathew served as an extern for the Honorable Justice Robert E. Gordon of the Illinois Appellate Court, First District.

Craig Y. on ContractsCounsel

Craig E. Yaris is a Managing Partner at Holon Law Partners, with the experience and drive to handle all your Franchise, General Business Practice, and Mediation needs. As a former small business owner and Chief Operating Officer of a franchisor himself, Mr. Yaris is passionate about promoting business growth. He has experience handling daily operations, employee disputes, and negotiations of pertinent contracts for a franchise company with 100 locations in five states, where he organized and conducted semi- annual meetings to educate and inform franchisees of best practices for improved growth. In addition, Mr. Yaris was responsible for the preparation and filing of the UFOC (Uniform Franchise Offering Circular) in several states and is well-versed in business formation. Between his time as Franchisor and Conflict Resolution Specialist, Mr. Yaris was the Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of an online company whose goal was to help inform marketers and business owners of the fast-paced and ongoing changes within their specific verticals. This experience helped him hone his research and writing skills and prepared him for the cloud-based aspects of Holon Law Partners. Mr. Yaris also has extensive experience in public speaking, as he has planned and delivered several keynote addresses and educational seminars for many New York-based organizations, and as a Continuing Education Instructor for Hofstra University. Prior to joining Parlatore Law Group, Mr. Yaris worked as a Patient Advocate, and more recently, a Conflict Resolution Specialist, where he mediated and resolved disputes on behalf of patients with insurance companies. In this role, he negotiated for coverage of previously denied medications and medical procedures as well as successfully mediated disputes between individuals and business partners which would have otherwise resulted in protracted litigation. In addition, he has experience mediating employer and employee disputes as well as helping resolve family conflict. He has also studied and attended many Non-Violent Communication (NVC) workshops and strives to bring these tools and methods to all of his mediations. His variety of experiences speak to his ability to handle small business needs at all stages of business growth and development. Mr. Yaris also has experience with business growth and development, as he has worked with several small business on creating and implementing strategies for steady growth. In addition, to spending time with family, Mr. Yaris volunteers his time helping spread the message of the ACLU and he supports many local charities focused on families and children. He is admitted to practice in New York.

Tina R. on ContractsCounsel

15 years for legal experience; expertise in contracts, healthcare, ERISA, physicians, financial services, commercial contracts, employment agreements, etc. I am adept at all contracts and can provide you with efficient and quality services. I have worked at a law firm, financial services company, consulting ,and non-profit.

Antoine D. on ContractsCounsel

In his firm, Talented Tenth Law, Antoine focuses on helping people maximize their protection and prosperity in the courtroom and the boardroom. His firm’s services include representing people in lawsuits involving breach of contract, many types of civil lawsuits and helping business owners win government contracts among other things.

Tom L. on ContractsCounsel

Tom is a former chief legal officer of public and private companies. He has extensive experience in mergers & acquisitions, commercial transactions, joint ventures, finance, securities laws and general corporate law across a broad range of industries, including construction, consumer products, e-commerce, energy and healthcare. As an attorney who practiced at two different Top 50 international law firms, he can deliver "Big Law" service at a competitive price. Prior to becoming a lawyer, Tom served as an officer in the U.S. Army and attained the rank of Captain. He served a tour in Iraq where he led a reconnaissance platoon and was awarded the Bronze Star Medal.

Amy P. on ContractsCounsel

Amy has served as outside general counsel and litigator to established businesses throughout western Washington since 2010. Her passion and focus is providing the best possible representation for clients in the construction, transportation and hospitality industries.

Jacob O. on ContractsCounsel

I am bar certified in the lovely state of Missouri. I received my J.D. from The University of Iowa College of Law (2019) and my B.A. in Political Science from BYU-Idaho (2015).

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Contract to lease land from a church.

I’m planning on leasing land from a church. Putting a gym on the property. And leasing it back to the school.

what's a assignment fee

Ok; first step is that you will need a leasing contract with the church. Ask them to prepare one for you so you would just need an attorney to review the agreement and that should cost less than if you had to be the party to pay a lawyer to draft it from scratch. You need to ensure that the purpose of the lease is clearly stated - that you plan to put a gym on the land so that there are no issues if the church leadership changes. Step 2 - you will need a lease agreement with the school that your leasing it do (hopefully one that is similar to the original one your received from the church). Again, please ensure that all the terms that you discuss and agree to are in the document; including length of time, price and how to resolve disputes if you have one. I hope this is helpful. If you would like me to assist you further, you can contact me on Contracts Counsel and we can discuss a fee for my services. Regards, Donya Ramsay (Gordon)

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United States Patent and Trademark Office - An Agency of the Department of Commerce

USPTO fee schedule

Effective December 29, 2022  (Last revised May 3, 2024)

The fee schedule provides information and fee rates for USPTO's products and services. All payments must be paid in U.S. dollars for the full amount of the fee required. View the Accepted payment methods page or call the USPTO Contact Center at 571-272-1000 or 800-786-9199 for assistance.

SCAM ALERT - Warning about non-USPTO solicitations and  warning about spoofed calls that impersonate the USPTO requesting payments.

Current fee schedule

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Patent fees

  • Application filing
  • Examination
  • Issue and publication
  • Extension of time
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  • Post issuance
  • Trial and appeal

Patent Cooperation Treaty fees

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  • Fees to foreign offices

Hague - international design application fees

Trademark fees.

  • Application-related
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  • Madrid Protocol
  • Fastener Quality Act

General service fees

The fees subject to reduction upon establishment of small entity status (37 CFR 1.27) or micro entity status (37 CFR 1.29) are shown in separate columns. Except for provisional applications, each application for a patent requires the appropriate search fee and examination fee in addition to the appropriate fees in the "Patent application filing fees" section below. This means each fee listed as a "Basic filing fee" in the "Patent application filing fees" section should be accompanied by the appropriate search fee listed in the "Patent search fees" section as well as the appropriate examination fee listed in the "Patent examination fees" section. The $400/$200 non-electronic filing fee (fee codes 1090/2090/3090 or 1690/2690/3690) must be paid in addition to the filing, search and examination fees, in each original nonprovisional utility application filed in paper with the USPTO. The only way to avoid payment of the non-electronic filing fee is by filing your nonprovisional utility application via Patent Center. The non-electronic filing fee does not apply to reissue, design, plant, or provisional applications. 

As of the implementation of mandatory electronic filing on February 15, 2020, paper trademark filings are no longer accepted. The paper filing fees are provided for the very limited circumstances in which a paper filing is permitted. The “electronically filed” fees are relevant for most customers.

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This year, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) observes International Women’s Day by joining over 35 intellectual property (IP) offices and organizations in sharing a joint statement recognizing the importance of diversity in innovation and creativity and the incredible value that women...

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U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo this week announced in a press release that Kathi Vidal, Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the USPTO, has been appointed as a Federal Co-Chair of the National Advisory Council on Innovation & Entrepreneurship (NACIE)....

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) earlier this year launched the COVID-19 Prioritized Patent Examination Pilot Program and the COVID-19 Prioritized Trademark Examination Program . These programs enable the USPTO to grant requests for...

Out of an abundance of caution for the health and safety of the public and USPTO employees, all USPTO offices will be closed to the public beginning Monday, March 16, 2020 until further notice. USPTO offices will remain open for employees, contractors, and those with access badges. Unless otherwise...

WASHINGTON – The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) today announced the appointment of Henry “Jamie” Holcombe as the agency’s Chief Information Officer. Holcombe’s first full day in his new role will be Monday, February 25, 2019. Holcombe joins the USPTO after more than 20 years of...

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FHFA maintains a list at this page of each person that is currently suspended under the Suspended Counterparty Program.

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What Part B covers

If you're in a Medicare Advantage Plan or other Medicare plan, your plan may have different rules. But, your plan must give you at least the same coverage as Original Medicare. Some services may only be covered in certain facilities or for patients with certain conditions.

What's covered?

NEW INSULIN BENEFIT!  If you use an insulin pump that's covered under Part B's durable medical equipment benefit, or you get your covered insulin through a Medicare Advantage Plan, your cost for a month's supply of Part B-covered insulin for your pump can't be more than $35. The Part B deductible won't apply. If you get a 3-month supply of Part B-covered insulin, your costs can't be more than $35 for each month's supply. This means you'll generally pay no more than $105 for a 3-month supply of covered insulin. If you have Part B and Medicare Supplement Insurance ( Medigap ) that pays your Part B coinsurance, you plan should cover the $35 (or less) cost for insulin.

Part B covers 2 types of services

  • Medically necessary services: Services or supplies that are needed to diagnose or treat your medical condition and that meet accepted standards of medical practice.
  • Preventive services :  Health care to prevent illness (like the flu) or detect it at an early stage, when treatment is most likely to work best.

You pay nothing for most preventive services if you get the services from a health care provider who accepts assignment .

Part B covers things like:

  • Clinical research  
  • Ambulance services
  • Durable medical equipment (DME)
  • Partial hospitalization
  • Intensive outpatient program services (starting January 1, 2024)
  • Limited outpatient prescription drugs

2 ways to find out if Medicare covers what you need

  • Talk to your doctor or other health care provider about why you need certain services or supplies. Ask if Medicare will cover them. You may need something that's usually covered but your provider thinks that Medicare won't cover it in your situation. If so, you'll have to  read and sign a notice . The notice says that you may have to pay for the item, service, or supply.
  • Find out if Medicare covers your item, service, or supply .

Medicare coverage is based on 3 main factors 

  • Federal and state laws.
  • National coverage decisions made by Medicare about whether something is covered.
  • Local coverage decisions made by companies in each state that process claims for Medicare. These companies decide whether something is medically necessary and should be covered in their area.

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What’s the difference between a traditional ira and a roth ira.

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What's the real difference between a Roth and traditional IRA?

One of the most common questions around retirement is around the difference between a Roth and traditional IRA, and which one might be better suited to your situation .

The Difference Between A Traditional And A Roth IRA

At the core, it’s simple. With a traditional IRA, your money goes in pre-tax and then grow tax-sheltered, so that when you retire and withdraw that money you’re then taxed at your ordinary income tax rate. A Roth IRA works in the reverse, meaning that you’re taxed now at your ordinary income tax rate, and the dollars grow tax-free so that when you take that money out at retirement you’re not taxed on it then.

Hedging Your Bets

When deciding if you should select a Roth or a traditional IRA, you’re really betting on what your income and tax rates will be when you retire. If you expect to be in a higher tax bracket when you retire, you might want to consider a Roth, whereas if you anticipate being in a lower tax bracket when you retire, a traditional IRA may be a better fit.

There are a few other things to consider – if you’re opening the account pretty close to retirement, you’ll want to make sure you have a Roth open for five years before taking distributions in order to get the tax benefits. There are also some income restrictions for Roth accounts. If you earn more than $161,000 yourself or $240,000 filing jointly in 2024, you can’t contribute to a Roth. Contributions are reduced at lower incomes; in 2024 they begin at $146,000 for individuals and $230,000 for couples that file as joint.

Why Not Both?

Sometimes, when you assume the same tax rates and the same investments, the math works out so that the net amount at the end would be identical. This would obviously depend on your specific situation and needs, but many times, there’s not much of a difference for most people between if they’re putting their money into a Roth or a traditional IRA. When that’s the case and there isn’t a clear winner (such as when you definitely make too much money currently for a Roth, etc.) then it may be a good idea to split the difference and invest some in each. If you happen to be a high earner (like the aforementioned example), then you could max out the pre-tax option and do more advanced strategies such as a mega back door Roth. No matter what option, or options, you go with, they are all personal and depend highly on not only your situation but if you have a spouse contributing as well. It helps to talk through the potential scenarios with a financial advisor who may be able to help you model out potential options with you.

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Financial planning and Investment advisory services offered through Diversified, LLC. 

Diversified is a registered investment adviser, and the registration of an investment adviser does not imply any specific level of skill or training and does not constitute an endorsement of the firm by the SEC.

A copy of Diversified’s current written disclosure brochure which discusses, among other things, the firm’s business practices, services and fees, is available through the SEC’s website at:  www.adviserinfo.sec.gov .

Diversified, LLC does not provide tax advice and should not be relied upon for purposes of filing taxes, estimating tax liabilities or avoiding any tax or penalty imposed by law. The information provided by Diversified, LLC should not be a substitute for consulting a qualified tax advisor, accountant, or other professional concerning the application of tax law or an individual tax situation.

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Online marketplace eBay to drop American Express, citing fees, and says customers have other options

Online marketplace behemoth eBay said it plans to no longer accept American Express, citing what the company says are “unacceptably high fees” and that customers have other payment options to shop online

NEW YORK — Online marketplace behemoth eBay said it plans to no longer accept American Express, citing what the company says are “unacceptably high fees” and that customers have other payment options to shop online.

It’s a notable blow to American Express, whose customers are often the most attractive among merchants and spend the most money per month on their cards. But it’s not the first time merchants have voiced opposition to AmEx’s business practices by walking away, most notably the warehouse chain Costco nearly a decade ago.

“After careful consideration, eBay has decided to no longer accept American Express globally effective Aug. 17 due to the unacceptably high fees American Express charges for processing credit card transactions,” said eBay spokesman Scott Overland, in a statement.

Overland said that eBay customers have become aware of new ways to pay for items, making payments more competitive than ever before, and AmEx was no longer a necessary partner for eBay. eBay has increasingly been offering customers buy now, pay later options on purchases through Apple Pay, PayPal and other companies like Klarna and Affirm as well.

“We know that the vast majority of eBay customers are willing to use alternative payment options to continue enjoying buying and selling on our marketplace,” Overland said.

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Online merchants have become increasingly combative with payment processors in recent years over the fees they charge to accept payments. Amazon had a similar fight with Visa in the U.K. roughly two years ago, where Amazon threatened to drop Visa as a payment acceptance type over what it also called high fees.

Visa and Amazon eventually resolved their differences , and there was no disruption of service.

Like other payment processors, AmEx takes a percentage of each transaction a merchant processes on their network. The fee varies by industry, and the fees that the largest merchants pay are typically a closely guarded trade secret. The National Retail Federation says the average fee to accept a credit card is roughly 2% but can be as high as 4% on premium rewards credit cards like AmEx.

In a statement, American Express says that eBay’s cost to accept AmEx cards is “comparable to what eBay pays for similar cards on other networks” and that AmEx cardmembers typically spend double at eBay what is spent on other networks.

“We find eBay’s decision to drop American Express as a payment choice for consumers to be inconsistent with their stated desire to increase competition at the point of sale,” said Adam Isserlis, a spokesman for AmEx.

AmEx has been on an aggressive campaign, under its current CEO Steve Squeri, to be a more universally accepted payment option across all merchants in an effort to combat the negative image that AmEx is less accepted and only available for its cardmembers for travel, dining, high-end shops or in dense urban areas. AmEx says its cards are now accepted at 99% of the places that Visa and Mastercard are accepted in the U.S., a metric it achieved in 2019.

But there have been setbacks along the way.

When Costco announced it would drop American Express in 2015, it was a major blow to AmEx since Costco represented roughly 10% of cardmember loans and roughly $80 billion in network volumes. It was also one of AmEx’s most prominent partnerships.

Analysts at Keefe, Bruyette & Woods estimate that eBay may represent roughly 0.5% of AmEx’s worldwide network volume and it’s unlikely that AmEx will budge much on pricing with eBay.

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What ‘house of the dragon’ boss ryan condal learned when he took on tv’s most stressful assignment.

Since he became the sole showrunner of the 'Game of Thrones' spinoff, the writer has been managing intense anxiety while shepherding one of the most valuable franchises in the world.

By Mikey O'Connell

Mikey O'Connell

TV Features Editor

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Ryan Condal was photographed May 23 in London.

When Ryan Condal decamped for the U.K. in 2020 to begin work on a Game of Thrones spinoff, it hadn’t occurred to the screenwriter that he, his wife and their two young children wouldn’t return to Los Angeles anytime soon. “It was about two years later, when the show came out and everybody watched it, that I finally thought, ‘Oh, OK, we’re going to be here for a while,’ ” he says.

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The New Jersey native, who initially made a living shilling pharmaceuticals, is still a fan at heart. That helped him earn the approval of Game of Thrones source material author George R.R. Martin and the confidence from HBO to let him produce a second spinoff ( A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms ). But being the steward of one of TV’s biggest properties, as Condal’s the first to admit, is a hell of a lot of work.

You’ve worked over 5,000 miles from your corporate bosses for four years now. Is that space from Hollywood a good or bad thing?

It certainly has its benefits, being physically removed. But there’s this weird thing where I don’t feel like I work in Hollywood at times. It’s been five years since I’ve pitched something other than a season or an episode of this show. It’s like I’ve been sent off on an embassy assignment.

That’s got to be odd for someone who once had a reputation for being a pitch machine.

Was that early approach a byproduct of how you came to work in the industry? You first worked in marketing and advertising for big pharma. Quite a pivot!

I always wanted to be a screenwriter, but I was a safe and conservative person. I sold my first spec and didn’t tell anybody, just kept going to my day job and writing on nights and weekends. It wasn’t until I booked my third studio gig that I finally fessed up to this double life. I didn’t want to let anybody down, but I showed [my bosses] articles about the deals, and they were like, “Wait, what? This is amazing.”

How does that safe and conservative approach manifest in the way you work now?

Oh, lots of anxiety. ( Laughs .) I’ve learned to channel it, make it useful for me, as a sort of reverse procrastination. Maybe we should call it “precrastination”? It’s a good skill set for a showrunner: looking far down the road, envisioning a possible note that might come and having three ways out of it. Having worked in corporate America, it was not an alien experience for me to be one creative cog in a collective that’s trying to make something for a corporate master. You pitch your ideas, defend them and sometimes watch them get crushed to death.

I’ve seen you refer to this as the “most stressful job” you’ve had. So, what makes you sign on to produce a second series of this scale?

In your own self-assessment, what do you think you did well and not so well in the first season?

I’m very proud of season one, but there are things that I wish we had more time to work on in postproduction.

One criticism was the lighting.

Oh, for sure. We went into season two very conscious of that feedback. Season two is much more in line with my particular aesthetic and what I think the show should look like. It’s not a massive difference, but I don’t anticipate getting the “it’s too dark” note again.

You co-ran the first season with the director Miguel Sapochnik. What’s your take on his exit, and were you ready to go it alone?

It was my suspicion that Miguel was going to do one season and probably be done. He’d done the original Game of Thrones . He climbed that mountain, and I don’t think he had anything left to prove. So while I was prepared for it, it was an adjustment. But it was something that I think I was ready to take on.

How does the pressure shift between seasons one and two?

You’ve been attached to a lot of big projects that never got made. If you could take the defibrillator paddles to one, which would it be?

Paradise Lost . I developed it with Alex Proyas, director of The Crow , for Legendary [which pulled the plug on it in 2012]. We were in Sydney for eight weeks of prep and preproduction, Bradley Cooper was going to star, and it just fell apart. It was too expensive, the VFX people filed Chapter 11 or whatever, all these business reasons. It was my most devastating moment as a writer because I thought the train had left the station. But it’s when I realized that I’m responsible for my own happiness and sense of worth.

As a fan of many things, what IP do you most want to adapt?

I love Hellboy . Very simply, Hellboy is an X-File who investigates X-Files. He’s a paranormal detective. And I like the Guillermo del Toro movies, but it’s one of those properties that’s suited very well to episodic TV because there is a monster of the week in the best way. It would be a great change of pace from what I’m doing now.

We’ve talked a lot about pressure. What do you do to de-stress?

This story first appeared in the June 5 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine. Click here to subscribe .

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  1. Assignment Fee: The (ULTIMATE) Guide

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  2. Assignment Fee: The (ULTIMATE) Guide

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  3. What Is An Assignment Fee

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  4. What Is An Assignment Fee

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  5. Assignment Fee: The (ULTIMATE) Guide

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  6. Assignment Fee: The (ULTIMATE) Guide

    what's a assignment fee


  1. How To Guarantee Your Assignment Fee ✅🤑

  2. Wholesale Assignment Fee Formula For Creative Finance Deals

  3. How to write an Assignment in Seven easy steps! 💻

  4. Real Estate Wholesaling Explained: How an Assignment of Contract Works

  5. Assignments

  6. Assignment. Meaning, types, importance, and good characteristics of assignment


  1. What Is An Assignment Fee? A Guide For New Wholesalers

    An assignment fee is a wholesaler's compensation for their pivotal role as a contract flipper. In its simplest form, an assignment fee is the money the wholesaler receives for facilitating the transfer of contractual rights from the original seller to the end buyer. In many ways, an assignment fee is the antithesis of its rehabbing counterpart ...

  2. What is an Assignment Fee? The Ultimate Wholesaler's Guide

    The average assignment fee for a real estate wholesaler is between $2000 and $7000. ‍. Of course, this number will depend on the market you're in as well as the level of experience that you have. ‍. Many wholesalers charge upwards of $10,000 or even $20,000 for their assignment fee. Later in this guide, we'll show you how to systematically ...

  3. What Is An Assignment Fee

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  4. What's an assignment fee

    An assignment fee is a real estate wholesaler's staple. There are other ways to get paid as a wholesaler of course (which we'll cover in this article). But if you're new into the whole world of assignment fees, wholesaling, and real estate, we're going to give you a deep dive into this article. Starting with … Why use an assignment fee

  5. What Is an Assignment Fee in Real Estate?

    The assignment fee is the difference between the price the real estate wholesaler contracted with the original seller and the price the end buyers or cash buyers agree to pay. This fee is essentially the wholesaler's compensation for their role in finding the property, securing the real estate assignment contract, and linking the seller with a willing cash buyer.

  6. All About Assignment Fee: The Only Guide You'll Ever Need

    Assignment fees are not all the same. If the property is a presale unit - one which has not yet been built - an assignment fee of between 2% and 5% of the sale price is fairly typical. This fee is payable to the developer. the Assignment Agreement. This can be anywhere from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars.

  7. Assignment of Contract In Real Estate Made Simple

    The terms of how an investor will be paid upon assigning a contract should, nonetheless, be spelled out in the contract itself. The standard assignment fee is $5,000. However, every deal is different. Buyers differ on their needs and criteria for spending their money (e.g., rehabbing vs. buy-and-hold buyers).

  8. Assignment of Contract

    Assignment contracts should clearly spell out the assignment fee and how it will be paid. An assignment fee in real estate replaces the broker or Realtor fee in a typical transaction as the assignor or investor is bringing together the seller and end buyer. The standard real estate assignment fee is $5,000.

  9. 8 Ways to Increase Your Assignment Fee as a Wholesaler

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  11. Understanding an Assignment Fee in Real Estate

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  12. What is an Assignment Fee in Real Estate?

    An assignment fee in real estate is the middle cut made by a wholesaler from the end buyer of a deal. Fees can range in price.

  13. What Is an Assignment in Real Estate?

    An assignment or assignment of contract is a way to profit from a real estate transaction without becoming the owner of the property. The assignment method is a standard tool in a real estate wholesaler's kit and lowers the barrier to entry for a real estate investor because it does not require the wholesaler to use much (or any) of their own ...

  14. What Is an Assignment Fee?

    Published on 26 Sep 2017. If you assign cash, property or other assets to another party, an assignment fee may be required to complete the transaction. The assignment fee compensates the assignor for the rights he is giving up in the agreement. The amount of the fee will vary based on the type and value of the property involved in the agreement.

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  17. Options Exercise, Assignment, and More: A Beginner's Guide

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  18. Assignment fee or percentage of asking price? What's better?

    I have a few questions about wholesaling. I found a property could potentially be an excellent deal. 1. When marketing property to potential investors after i tie it up in contract, do I include the assignment fee in the selling price, OR for example I have the property tied up for $300k and list it at $350k as a starting point and lets say we ...

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    Assignment: An assignment is the transfer of an individual's rights or property to another person or business. For example, when an option contract is assigned, an option writer has an obligation ...

  20. Determining wholesaler assignment fee

    He (the other wholesaler) said you can assignment however much you want. Just for reference, he has wholesaled over 80 properties. I use the formulas of 10-15% of the contract price or a standard 5k assignment fee. I feel assignment 10k on a 20k contract is just greedy in that case I would use the 10-15% route.

  21. Assignment of Lease: Definition & How They Work (2023)

    The assignment of lease is a title document that transfers all rights possessed by a lessee or tenant to a property to another party. The assignee takes the assignor's place in the landlord-tenant relationship. You can view an example of a lease assignment here .

  22. What Is Options Assignment Fee? What Is Options Exercise Fee?

    In both cases, some brokers will charge fees. Nowadays, however, not all that many brokers still charge assignments and exercise fees. This is part of an overall movement toward low-cost or no-cost discount brokers. One big exception is TradeStation, who charges $14.95 for both options exercise and assignment. Ultimately, you may want to choose ...

  23. USPTO fee schedule

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    Part B covers 2 types of services. Medically necessary services: Services or supplies that are needed to diagnose or treat your medical condition and that meet accepted standards of medical practice. Preventive services: Health care to prevent illness (like the flu) or detect it at an early stage, when treatment is most likely to work best.; You pay nothing for most preventive services if you ...

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    The way American campaigns are financed can be impenetrable even to people who pay close attention to politics.

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    A copy of Diversified's current written disclosure brochure which discusses, among other things, the firm's business practices, services and fees, is available through the SEC's website at ...

  29. Online marketplace eBay to drop American Express, citing fees, and says

    The fee varies by industry, and the fees that the largest merchants pay are typically a closely guarded trade secret. The National Retail Federation says the average fee to accept a credit card is ...

  30. What 'House of the Dragon' Boss Learned From Making the Show

    The "everybody" in question was 29 million viewers, per episode, across platforms, a stat that minted House of the Dragon as HBO's new flagship. It returns for a second season June 16, with ...