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Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Subject Verb Agreement

November 11, 2016 by efin.marifatika

Hello friends šŸ™‚ Let’s try latihan soal Bahasa Inggris Subject Verb Agreement!

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Subject Verb Agreement Exercises with Answers

soal essay subject verb agreement

Subject Verb Agreement Exercises are practice activities intended to enhance studentsā€™ grammar skills. Understanding subject-verb agreement is crucial in English grammar, and essential for every English language learner to comprehend.Ā 

In this article, weā€™ve organized subject-verb agreement exercises according to the different levels of importance. This subject-verb agreement helps ESL learners grasp the concepts effectively.

Weā€™ve included subject-verb agreement questions and answers covering a range of difficulty levels, aligning with the requirements of various International Entrance English Examinations like IELTS, TOEFL, and others.

Basics Subject Verb Agreement Exercises: Set 1

Basics Subject Verb Agreement Exercises: Set 1 provides foundational practice to help learners grasp the fundamental rules of subject-verb agreement in English sentences. By focusing on basic concepts, this set aims to build a strong understanding of how subjects and verbs should align, laying a solid groundwork for more advanced language skills.

Exercise 1:

1. Choose the correct word from the brackets according to Subject Verb Agreement Rules.

(a) People __________(is/are) fun loving.

( b) Hira __________(was/were) present that day.

(c) My father __________ ( read/reads) book every day.

(d) She __________ (sing/sings) well.

(e) I __________ (play/plays) in the field.

People also ask

Exercise 2:

2. Choose the correct word from the brackets according to Subject Verb Agreement Rules.

(a) Hira and Manik __________ (push/pushes) the log. 

(b) The players __________ (assemble/assembles) in the dressing room.

(c) I and my friend  __________ (plan/plans) to visit the zoo.

(d) These stones __________ (have/has) rough surfaces.

(e) Elephants __________ (are/is) big in size.

Exercise 3:

3. Identify the error and correct it.

(a) She like pizza.

(b) The children is playing in the park.

(c) The cat and the dog is chasing each other.

(d) Every student in the class have completed the assignment.

(e) The news are always interesting.

Exercise 4:

4. Fill in the Blanks:

(a) Everybody (enjoy) __________ a good laugh.

(b) Someone (call) __________ for you on the phone.

(c) None of the cake (remain) __________ after the party.

(d) Nobody (know) __________ the answer to that question.

(e) Somebody (want) __________ to join the hiking club.

Exercise 5:

5. Fill in the blanks for subject verb agreement

(a) Neither the cat nor the dogs (like) __________ water.

(b) Not only the flowers but also the vase (require) __________ careful handling.

(c) Each of the solutions (seem) __________ viable for different reasons.

(d) Not only the birds but also the squirrel (be) __________ in the tree.

(e) Either the dog or the cats (be) __________ in the garden.

Exercise 6:

6. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of verbs given in brackets.

(a) The news (be) __________ often sensationalized by the media.

(b) Both the mother and her children (enjoy) __________ the family vacation.

(c) The library (offer) __________ a wide range of books and magazines.

(d) The collection of rare coins (be) __________ displayed in the museum.

(e) Many of the staff members at the company (be) __________ going on vacation.

Exercise 7:

7. Use proper forms of verbs in the blanks

(a) The group of friends (was) __________ excited about the upcoming trip.

(b) Each of the cars (need) __________ a thorough inspection.

(c) Many of the apples (is) __________ ripe and ready to be picked.

(d) Both the car and the bicycle (need) __________ maintenance.

(e) The pile of books (be) __________ on the table.

(f) How (do) __________ the new regulations affect your business?

(g) What (be) __________ your thoughts on the recent developments?

(h) When (was) __________ the last time you visited that museum?

(i) Why (be) _______ the kids playing in the park?

(j) Where (be) _______ the new neighbors from?

(k) A group of skilled artisans (create) __________ intricate designs on the pottery.

(l) The fleet of ships (sail) __________ gracefully into the harbor.

(m) The committee members (hold) __________ diverse opinions on the matter.

(n) Not only the birds but also the squirrel (be) __________in the tree.

(o) The team of experts (be) __________ working tirelessly on the project.

Advanced Subject Verb Agreement Exercises Set 2 :

Advanced Subject Verb Agreement Exercises Set 2 provides targeted practice for learners aiming to master intricate grammatical nuances. Through challenging tasks and complex sentence structures, this set encourages a deeper understanding of subject-verb agreement rules.

1. Use proper forms of verbs and fill in the blanks

(a) The collection of rare coins (be) __________ up for auction.

(b) Fifty percent of the population (support) __________ the new policy.

(c) A series of unfortunate events (lead) __________ to unexpected outcomes.

(d) Most of my family members prefer to (stay) __________ indoors on weekends.

(e) The majority of the students in the class (pass) __________ the exam.

2. Fill in the blanks with subject verb agreement definition

(a) The council (meet) __________ every Tuesday to discuss community matters.

(b) The jury (deliver) __________ its final verdict after hours of deliberation.

(c) The family (gather) __________ for a reunion once a year.

(d) The orchestra, led by a renowned conductor, (be) ________ performing tonight.

(e) The herd of elephants (be) ________ roaming through the African savanna.

(f) Neither of the candidates (seem) __________ suitable for the position.

(g) Either of the options (lead) __________ to positive outcomes.

(h) All of the information (be) __________ thoroughly researched.

(i) Both of the candidates (be) ________ qualified for the position.

(j) One of the boys (have) ________ forgotten his backpack.

(k) Some of the cake (be) ________ missing after the party.

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms

(a) The committee (discuss) __________ the upcoming event.

(b) The orchestra (perform) __________ breathtaking symphonies.

(c) The team of explorers (discover) __________ ancient artifacts.

(d) A flock of seagulls (be) ________ overhead.

(e) My family (be) ________ going on vacation next week.

(f) The choir (be) ________ rehearsing for the upcoming concert.

(g) Bread and butter (go) __________ well together as a meal.

(h) The sun, along with the stars, (illuminate) __________ the night sky.

(i) The laughter and chatter of children (fill) __________ the playground.

(j) The book and the magazine ________ on the shelf.

(k) Politics and economics ________ his areas of expertise.

4. Use subject verb agreement rules to fill in the blanks

(a) Fifty dollars (be) __________ a fair price for this antique.

(b) The news (be) __________ both shocking and unexpected.

(c) The majority of the work (be) __________ already completed.

(d) The group of friends (be) ________ planning a surprise party.

(e) Plenty of books (be) ________ donated to the library.

(f) While the sun (shine) __________, the children played in the park.

(g) Despite their differences, harmony (exist) __________ among the team members.

(h) As the temperature drops, the leaves (turn) __________ vibrant shades of red and gold.

(i) The company, along with its subsidiaries, (have) ________ a global presence.

(j) The concert, which was scheduled for tonight (have) ________ canceled.

(k) The fact that technology (evolve) __________ rapidly is undeniable.

(l) Her belief that perseverance (lead) __________ to success is inspiring.

(m) The idea that nature (heal) __________ the soul is widely accepted.

(n) The idea that we can finish early (be) __________ appealing.

(o) Whoever wins the competition (receive) __________ a cash prize.

(p) A majority of the students (prefer) __________ interactive learning methods.

(q) The entire team (be) __________ dedicated to achieving the projectā€™s goals.

(r) Several of the options (seem) __________ viable for implementation.

(s) Plenty of interesting documentaries (be) __________ available on that streaming platform.

(t) A series of meetings (have) __________ been scheduled for this week.

Difficult Subject Verb Agreement Exercises Set 3:

This Difficult Subject Verb Agreement Exercises Set 3 provides targeted practice to navigate complex subject-verb agreement scenarios, enhancing language skills for advanced communication tasks.

(a) If the weather (permit) __________, weā€™ll have a picnic tomorrow.

(b) Should you require assistance, our customer service team (be) __________ available.

(c) In case of an emergency, the alarm (activate) __________ automatically.

(d) Unless they (study) ________ harder, they wonā€™t pass the exam.

(e) If the weather (be) ________ nice tomorrow, we will have a picnic.

(a) The success of the company (depend) __________ on its ability to innovate.

(b) The variety of colors (create) __________ a visually stunning display.

(c) The implications of the research (extend) __________ beyond the current scope.

(d) The flowers that bloom in spring (be) ________ beautiful.

(e) The computer, as well as the printer, (be) ________ not functioning properly.

(a) Each participant (receive) __________ a certificate of completion.

(b) The governmentā€™s response (be) __________ swift and resolute.

(c) The contents of the report (remain) __________ confidential.

(d) Neither the book nor the magazine ________ (contain) the necessary information.

(e) The CEO, along with the senior executives, ________ (attend) the conference.

(a) If the sun (shine) __________, weā€™ll go for a hike in the afternoon.

(b) Should the opportunity arise, I (pursue) __________ further studies.

(c) In case of a power outage, the generator (activate) __________ automatically.

(d) If it ________ (rain) tomorrow, we ________ (stay) indoors.

(e) Unless they ________ (finish) the project on time, they ________ (face) consequences.

(a) Despite their differences, mutual respect (exist) __________ among the team members.

(b) While the orchestra (tune) __________ their instruments, the audience settled in.

(c) As the years pass, our understanding of the universe (expand) __________ significantly.

(d) The report, along with its supporting documents, ________ (have) been submitted by the deadline.

(e) The project, which has been in development for months, ________ (require) additional funding.

(a) The implications of climate change (affect) __________ every corner of the globe.

(b) The analysis of historical data (reveal) __________ fascinating patterns.

(c) The role of education (extend) __________ far beyond the classroom.

(d) In todayā€™s world, access to quality education (be) __________ considered a fundamental right.

(e) The Internet, along with social media, (have) __________transformed how we connect with one another.

(a) The majority of scholars (agree) __________ with the theoryā€™s fundamental premise.

(b) The concept of cultural relativism (give) __________ rise to diverse interpretations.

(c) A significant number of experiments (yield) __________ inconclusive results.

(d) Literature, as well as other forms of art, (play) __________ a role in stimulating critical thinking.

(e) The impact of literature on society (have) __________ been studied extensively by scholars and academics.

Exercise 8:

(a) The collection of rare artifacts (be) __________ an invaluable resource.

(b) The cluster of stars in that constellation (form) __________ a breathtaking pattern.

(c) The array of choices available (overwhelm) __________ the decision-making process.

(d) The consequences of climate change (be) __________ far-reaching and require immediate action.

(e) Classic literature and modern novels both (play) __________ a significant role in shaping societal values.

Exercise 9:

(a) Each participant (receive) __________ a copy of the conference agenda.

(b) The terms and conditions of the contract (be) __________ subject to negotiation.

(c) The accuracy of the financial report (reflect) __________ meticulous attention to detail.

(d) Teachers, along with their students, (play) __________ a crucial role in the learning process.

Subject Verb Agreement Exercises for College Students Set 4:

Exercises on Subject Verb Agreement for college students with answers can be invaluable tools for reinforcing grammar knowledge and improving writing skills.

Exercises 1:

1. Each of the students (has/have) completed their assignments.

2. The book on the shelf (belongs/belong) to Sarah.

3. Neither the cat nor the dog (was/were) at home when I arrived.

4. The news about the accident (was/were) shocking to everyone.

5. The group of friends (was/were) excited to go on a road trip.

Exercises 2:

1. My collection of rare coins (is/are) worth a lot of money.

2. One of my favorite hobbies (is/are) reading science fiction novels.

3. The pile of books on the table (needs/need) to be sorted.

4. The jury (has/have) reached a verdict in the case.

5. The team (is/are) practicing hard for the championship.

Exercises 3:

1. The company, along with its subsidiaries, (is/are) expanding into new markets.

2. Neither the teacher nor the students (was/were) aware of the surprise quiz.

3. The variety of options available (makes/make) it difficult to choose.

4. The collection of rare stamps (is/are) on display at the museum.

5. The number of participants in the study (has/have) increased significantly.

Exercises 4:

1. The list of requirements for the job (seems/seem) overwhelming.

2. Either the red or the blue car (is/are) available for rent.

3. His collection of vintage records (is/are) worth a fortune.

4. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore (is/are) so soothing.

5. A pair of shoes (was/were) left in the hallway.

Exercises 5:

1. The majority of the students (was/were) satisfied with their grades.

2. The book, as well as the magazine, (belongs/belong) to me.

3. The police officer, along with the firefighters, (is/are) on the scene.

4. The stack of pancakes on the plate (looks/look) delicious.

5. Ten dollars (is/are) all I have left in my wallet.

Exercises 6:

1. The team of experts (has/have) been working on this project for months.

2. The idea of traveling to distant lands (excites/excite) her.

3. A variety of animals (live/lives) in the rainforest.

4. Each of the students (has/have) their own unique talents.

5. The collection of rare coins (was/were) stolen from the museum.

Exercises 7:

1. The news of her promotion (was/were) unexpected.

2. The number of applicants (has/have) increased significantly.

3. The committee members (disagree/disagrees) on the proposal.

4. The box of chocolates (has/have) been eaten.

5. My favorite pair of jeans (is/are) in the laundry.

Subject Verb Agreement Exercises for Competitive Exams Set 5:

Subject-verb agreement exercises for competitive exams require careful attention to detail and are essential for achieving a high score. Here are 25 challenging subject-verb agreement exercises set for different competitive exams:

Subject Verb Agreement Exercise 1:

1. Neither the teacher nor the students __________ pleased with the exam results. a) is b) are c) was d) were

2. The book, along with several others, __________ on the shelf. a) is b) are c) has d) have

3. The committeeā€™s decision __________ final. a) is b) are c) has been d) have been

4. Each of the team members __________ to submit their report by tomorrow. a) is required b) are required c) requires d) require

5. The quality of the products __________ improved significantly over the years. a) has b) have c) is d) are

Subject Verb Agreement Exercise 2:

1. Neither John nor his siblings __________ interested in politics. a) is b) are c) was d) were

2. The pile of documents on the desk __________ overwhelming. a) is b) are c) was d) were

3. One of the keys to success __________ effective communication. a) is b) are c) was d) were

4. The group of protestors __________ demanding changes in the law. a) is b) are c) was d) were

5. The teacher, as well as the students, __________ excited about the field trip. a) is b) are c) was d) were

1. Both the dog and the cat __________ missing since yesterday. a) is b) are c) was d) were

2. The news of the accident __________ shocking to everyone. a) is b) are c) was d) were

3. The majority of the population __________ in favor of stricter environmental laws. a) is b) are c) was d) were

4. The collection of rare artifacts __________ displayed in the museum. a) is b) are c) was d) were

5. Each of the candidates __________ to give their best performance. a) is expected b) are expected c) expects d) expect

1. The jury __________ reached a unanimous decision. a) has b) have c) is d) are

2. The series of novels __________ been adapted into a popular TV show. a) has b) have c) is d) are

3. The box of chocolates __________ tempting, but I wonā€™t indulge. a) is b) are c) was d) were

4. The supply of fresh vegetables __________ running low. a) is b) are c) was d) were

5. The committee members __________ not yet arrived for the meeting. a) has b) have c) is d) are

1. The staff in this office __________ exceptionally dedicated to their work. a) is b) are c) was d) were

2. Not only the students but also the professor __________ attending the seminar. a) is b) are c) was d) were

3. The list of supplies needed for the project __________ quite extensive. a) is b) are c) was d) were

4. The cost of living in this city __________ high. a) is b) are c) was d) were

5. The number of cases of flu __________ rising steadily. a) is b) are c) was d) were

Exercises for Subject Verb Concord Set 6:

Concord exercises of subject verb agreement are designed to test a studentā€™s knowledge of subject-verb agreement, which is also known as concord. Here are some concord (subject-verb agreement) exercises :

1. The group of students (is/are) going on a field trip.

2. Neither the cats nor the dog (is/are) fond of water.

3. A variety of delicious dishes (was/were) served at the party.

4. Ten dollars (is/are) not enough to buy that book.

5. The news about the election results (was/were) surprising.

6. The collection of antique cars (is/are) on display at the museum.

7. Each of the students (has/have) completed their assignments.

8. The team, along with their coach, (is/are) traveling to the championship.

9. The number of visitors to the museum (has/have) increased this year.

10. The stack of books on the table (needs/need) to be sorted.

Subject Verb Agreement Exercises Set 7:

Read each sentence carefully and identify whether the subject and verb agree.  Choose the correct verb form based on the subject. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Choose the correct verb form:

(a) The cat (is/are) sleeping.

(b) The dogs (barks/bark) in the yard.

(c) Either the student or the teacher (is/are) responsible.

(d) Each of the books (has/have) its own charm.

(e) All of the cookies (was/were) eaten.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct verb form:

(a) The team of players (plays/play) exceptionally well.

(b) None of the information (was/were) accurate.

(c) Every student in the class (has/have) completed the assignment.

(d) The company, along with its subsidiaries, (is/are) expanding its operations.

(e) Neither the book nor the magazine (interest/interests) me.

3. Decide whether the verb should be singular or plural:

(a) A basket of apples (was/were) on the kitchen counter.

(b) The group of friends (enjoy/enjoys) hiking together.

(c) One of the cakes (need/needs) more frosting.

(d) The collection of stamps (is/are) quite valuable.

(e) Each of the cars (require/requires) regular maintenance.

4. Choose the appropriate verb form:

(a) All the chairs in the room (was/were) arranged neatly.

(b) The committee members (has/have) differing opinions.

(c) Many of the movies (was/were) filmed on location.

(d) The majority of the audience (was/were) impressed by the performance.

(e) Some of the information (seem/seems) unreliable.

5. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb:

(a) Neither the coffee nor the tea _______________ my preferred beverages.

(b) Each of the students _______________ a unique perspective.

(c) The flock of birds _______________ gracefully across the sky.

(d) All the tickets for the concert _______________ sold out.

(e) The collection of rare coins _______________ on display at the museum.

6. Identify the correct verb form for each sentence:

(a) The movie that you recommended (was/were) captivating.

(b) Each of the students (have/has) completed the assignment.

(c) The committee members (discuss/discusses) the agenda.

(d) Neither the cat nor the dog (likes/like) the new food.

(e) The collection of stamps (is/are) stored in a secure album.

7. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb:

(a) Every employee in the department _______________ their role seriously.

(b) The box of chocolates _______________ tempting.

(c) Both the manager and the assistant _______________ busy.

(d) Not only the students but also the teacher _______________ excited about the field trip.

(e) A variety of options _______________ available for breakfast.

8. Choose the suitable verb form:

(a) All the evidence in the case (point/points) to a different conclusion.

(b) The group of musicians (practices/practice) diligently.

(c) None of the solutions provided (seems/seem) effective.

(d) One of the paintings on the wall (needs/need) restoration.

(e) The team, along with their coach, (is/are) celebrating their victory.

9. Complete the sentences with the appropriate verb form:

(a) Each of the books in the library (provide/provides) valuable insights

(b) Many of the participants (has/have) already arrived.

(c) The collection of antique coins (is/are) considered priceless.

(d) The family of birds (build/builds) nests in the tree.

(e) Neither the pen nor the pencil (is/are) on the desk.

Exercise 10

10. Decide whether the verb should be singular or plural:

(a) A group of friends (enjoy/enjoys) hiking together.

(b) The series of events (unfold/unfolds) in a surprising manner.

(c) Every student in the class (participate/participates) actively.

(d) The list of names (is/are) being reviewed.

(e) Both the cat and the dog (seem/seems) content.

Exercise 11

11. Choose the correct verb form for each sentence:

(a) The team of players (is/are) working hard to win the championship.

(b) Not only the flowers but also the trees (adds/add) beauty to the park.

(c) Every student in the class (has/have) submitted their assignments.

(d) The collection of coins (belong/belongs) to a passionate collector.

(e) None of the options (seems/seem) suitable for the situation.

Exercise 12

12. Complete the sentences with the appropriate verb:

(a) Each of the cars in the garage _______________ a unique history.

(b) The committee members _______________ unanimous in their decision.

(c) A variety of books _______________ available in the library.

(d) Neither the company nor its subsidiaries _______________ profitable this year.

(e) The flock of birds _______________ south for the winter.

Exercise 13

13. Decide whether the verb should be singular or plural:

(a) All the information provided (is/are) accurate.

(b) The series of events (unfold/unfolds) in a chronological order.

(c) Many of the employees (has/have) attended the seminar.

(d) The family of dolphins (swim/swims) gracefully in the ocean.

(e) The collection of vintage posters (is/are) on display.

Exercise 14

14. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb form:

(a) Neither the cake nor the ice cream _______________ appealing to me.

(b) Both the manager and the assistant _______________ working diligently.

(c) Not only the students but also the teacher _______________ excited about the upcoming trip.

(d) The collection of rare stamps _______________ highly valuable.

(e) Every member of the team _______________ dedicated to their role.

Exercise 15

15. Choose the appropriate verb form for each sentence:

(a) The series of novels (capture/captures) the readerā€™s imagination.

(b) None of the solutions provided (solve/solves) the issue completely.

(c) Every one of the members (contribute/contributes) to the success of the project.

(d) The group of friends (enjoy/enjoys) spending time together.

(e) The selection of colors (create/creates) a vibrant atmosphere.

Exercise 16

16. Select the correct verb form for each sentence:

(a) The collection of rare coins (is/are) worth a fortune.

(b) Not only the students but also the teacher (is/are) excited for the field trip.

(c) Every one of the employees (has/have) contributed to the project

(d) The committee members (disagree/disagrees) on the proposed changes.

(e) A series of novels (transport/transports) readers to different worlds.

Exercise 17

17. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb form:

(a) Each of the paintings in the gallery _______________ a story to tell.

(b) The team of researchers _______________ conducting groundbreaking experiments.

(c) The variety of flowers in the garden _______________ a colorful display.

(d) Neither the cat nor the dog _______________ allowed on the furniture.

(e) The family of dolphins _______________ in harmony with their surroundings.

Exercise 18

18. Decide whether the verb should be singular or plural:

(a) A group of tourists (explore/explores) the ancient ruins.

(b) All the information in the report (is/are) accurate.

(c) Many of the students (participate/participates) in extracurricular activities.

(d) The collection of antique maps (belong/belongs) to a dedicated enthusiast.

(e) The flock of birds (migrate/migrates) to warmer regions.

Exercise 19

19. Complete the sentences with the appropriate verb:

(a) None of the options provided _______________ suitable for the occasion.

(b) Both the manager and the employees _______________ committed to success.

(c) Every one of the books in the library _______________ a valuable resource.

(d) The selection of colors for the painting _______________ carefully chosen.

(e) The family of elephants in the reserve _______________ in their natural habitat.

Exercise 20

20. Choose the suitable verb form for each sentence:

(a) Each of the team members (play/plays) a crucial role.

(b) The list of ingredients for the recipe (seem/seems) exhaustive.

(c) Every student in the class (excel/excels) academically.

(d) The series of events (lead/leads) to an unexpected twist.

(e) The variety of flavors in the menu (delight/delights) customers.

Exercise 21

21. Choose the accurate verb form for each sentence:

(a) The collection of vintage cars (spark/sparks) excitement among enthusiasts.

(b) Every member of the team (plays/play) a vital role in our success.

(c) The committee (meets/meet) regularly to discuss important matters.

(d) A variety of options (is/are) available for the upcoming vacation.

Exercise 22

22. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb form:

(a) Each of the paintings in the gallery _______________ a unique perspective.

(b) The group of volunteers _______________ dedicated to their cause.

(c) The family of elephants _______________ harmoniously in their natural habitat.

(d) Neither the book nor the magazine _______________ interesting to me.

(e) The collection of rare stamps _______________ displayed in a special exhibition.

Exercise 23

23. Decide whether the verb should be singular or plural:

(a) A series of lectures on art history (is/are) scheduled for next week.

(b) All the information in the report (appear/appears) accurate.

(c) Many of the applicants (meet/meets) the criteria for the scholarship.

(d) The collection of antique coins (belong/belongs) to a passionate collector.

(e) The flock of birds (fly/flies) in perfect formation.

Exercise 24

24. Complete the sentences with the appropriate verb form:

(b) Both the manager and the employees _______________ dedicated to their work.

(c) Every student in the class _______________ their own strengths.

(e) The family of dolphins in the bay _______________ a joy to observe.

Exercise 25

25. Choose the suitable verb form for each sentence:

(a) Each of the team members (contribute/contributes) to the projectā€™s success.

(c) Every student in the class (participate/participates) actively in discussions.

(d) The series of novels (transport/transports) readers to distant lands.

(e) The variety of landscapes in the region (create/creates) a stunning backdrop.

Exercise 26

26. Choose the appropriate verb form for each sentence:

(a) The collection of vintage books (contains/contain) valuable information.

(b) Neither the cat nor the dog (like/likes) the new food.

(c) Every member of the team (plays/play) an important role.

(d) The committee (meets/meet) every Monday to discuss matters.

(e) A variety of options (is/are) available for the event.

Exercise 27

27. Complete the sentences with the suitable verb form:

(a) Each of the paintings in the museum _______________ a story to tell.

(b) The group of volunteers _______________ dedicated to making a difference.

(c) The family of birds _______________ in perfect harmony.

(d) Neither the book nor the magazine _______________ of interest to me.

(e) The collection of rare coins _______________ displayed with care.

Exercise 28

28. Decide whether the verb should be singular or plural:

(a) A series of lectures on history (is/are) scheduled for next month.

(b) All the information in the report (seem/seems) accurate.

(c) Many of the students (excel/excels) in academics.

(d) The collection of antique artifacts (belong/belongs) to a private collector.

(e) The flock of birds (fly/flies) in a V formation.

Exercise 29

29. Complete the sentences with the correct verb form:

(b) Both the manager and the employees _______________ dedicated to their roles.

(e) The family of dolphins in the bay _______________ a joy to watch.

Exercise 30

30. Choose the suitable verb form for each sentence:

(a) Each of the team members (contributes/contribute) uniquely to the project.

(b) The list of ingredients for the recipe (seem/seems) extensive.

(d) The series of novels (transport/transports) readers to far-off places.

(e) The variety of landscapes in the area (create/creates) a breathtaking scene.

Exercise 31

31. Choose the correct verb form for each sentence:

(a) The collection of antique coins (hold/holds) immense value.

(b) Neither the movie nor the book (captivate/captivates) my interest.

(d) The committee (convene/convenes) every Wednesday to discuss important matters.

(e) A variety of options (is/are) available for the upcoming event.

Exercise 32

32. Complete the sentences with the suitable verb form:

(a) Each of the sculptures in the gallery _______________ a unique story.

(b) The group of volunteers _______________ dedicated to making a positive impact.

(c) The family of swans _______________ gliding gracefully on the lake.

(e) The collection of rare stamps _______________ carefully preserved.

Exercise 33

33. Decide whether the verb should be singular or plural:

(a) A series of workshops on creativity (stimulate/stimulates) innovation.

(b) All the information in the report (appear/appears) to be accurate.

(c) Many of the students (excel/excels) in their academic pursuits.

(d) The collection of historical artifacts (belong/belongs) to a local museum.

(e) The flock of birds (fly/flies) in a graceful V formation.

Exercise 34

34. Complete the sentences with the correct verb form:

(b) Both the manager and the employees _______________ committed to their roles.

(c) Every student in the class _______________ their own unique strengths.

(d) The selection of colors for the painting _______________ carefully considered.

(e) The family of dolphins in the bay _______________ a source of wonder.

Exercise 35

35 . Choose the suitable verb form for each sentence:

(a) Each of the team members (contributes/contribute) their expertise to the project.

(b) The list of ingredients for the recipe (seem/seems) quite extensive.

(c) Every student in the class (participate/participates) actively in classroom activities.

(e) The variety of landscapes in the region (create/creates) a breathtaking panorama.

FAQs on Subject Verb Agreement Exercises

Q: what is a subject-verb agreement exercise.

Ans: A subject-verb agreement exercise is a language learning activity that helps individuals practice matching the grammatical number (singular or plural) of a subject with the corresponding form of the verb in a sentence.

Q: What is an example of a subject-verb agreement with answers?

Ans: An example of a subject-verb agreement with answers is: ā€œThe cat sleeps on the windowsill.ā€ Here, the singular subject ā€œcatā€ matches with the singular verb ā€œsleeps.ā€

Q: What are the 10 rules of subject-verb agreement?

Ans: Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental aspect of English grammar. Here are ten rules to ensure that the subject and verb in a sentence agree:

1. Singular subjects take singular verbs:

2. Plural subjects take plural verbs:

3. Compound subjects with ā€œandā€ are plural:

4. Compound subjects with ā€œorā€ or ā€œnorā€ follow the closer subject:

5. Collective nouns can be singular or plural:

6. Indefinite pronouns may be singular or plural:

7. Subjects with ā€œeachā€ or ā€œeveryā€ are singular:

8. Subjects with ā€œeitherā€¦orā€ and ā€œneitherā€¦norā€ require singular or plural verbs:

9. Phrases beginning with ā€œone ofā€ or ā€œa number ofā€ are plural:

10. Inverted sentences with prepositional phrases:

Mastering these rules helps ensure grammatical correctness in your writing and speaking.

Q: How do you solve subject-verb agreement questions?

Ans: To solve subject-verb agreement questions, identify the subject and verb in the sentence, and ensure they agree in number (singular or plural) based on the rules of subject-verb agreement. If they donā€™t agree, make the necessary adjustments to match the subject and verb correctly.

Q: How do you teach subject-verb agreement?

Ans: Teaching subject-verb agreement effectively involves several steps and strategies:

1. Introduce the Concept:

2. Provide Clear Examples:

3. Engage in Practice Exercises:

4. Use Visual Aids:

5. Make it Fun:

Consistent practice, clear explanations, and a variety of teaching methods can help students grasp the concept of subject-verb agreement and apply it effectively in their writing and communication.

Congratulations on completing these additional subject-verb agreement exercises! Your dedication to mastering this grammar rule is commendable and will undoubtedly enhance your communication skills.

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What is Subject-Verb Agreement? Definition, Examples of English SVA

Home Ā» The Writer’s Dictionary Ā» What is Subject-Verb Agreement? Definition, Examples of English SVA

Subject-verb agreement definition: Subject-verb agreement includes matching the subject with the correct form of a verb.

What is Subject-verb Agreement?

Subject-verb agreement means that the subject and the verb must agree in case and in number.

When a writer uses a singular noun , he must use a verb that is conjugated to match singular nouns.

When a writer uses a plural noun , he must use a verb that is conjugated to match plural nouns.

Subject-verb Agreement Examples

verb subject agreement

  • I walk. (singular)
  • You walk. (singular and plural)
  • He/She/It walks. (singular)
  • We walk. (plural)
  • They walk. (plural)

Incorrect Examples:

  • They walks.

Subject-Verb Agreement in Different Constructions

For simple sentences, subject-verb agreement isnā€™t difficult to figure out.

  • John is leaving.
  • They are leaving.

These sentences are incredibly simple, which means itā€™s also incredibly simple to determine the correct subject and verb case.

Subject and verb agreement can be tricky, however, when the construction of the subject changes.

Letā€™s take a look at some of those tricky constructions.

With More Than One Subject Connected by ā€œAndā€

agreement verb

  • Drake and Drew ARE playing soccer.
  • Drake, Drew, and Danny ARE playing soccer.
  • Cats and dogs DO NOT play together well.
  • My friends and I ARE playing soccer.

With More Than One Singular Subject Connected by ā€œOrā€

When there is more than one singular noun as the subject and the nouns in the subject are connected with ā€œor,ā€ a singular verb must be used.

  • Drake or Drew IS playing soccer.
  • A cat or dog IS making noise outside.

Agreement with Contractions

and subject verb agreement

Examples with ā€œdonā€™t:ā€

  • I do not = I donā€™t (singular)
  • You do not = You donā€™t (singular and plural)
  • He/She/It does not = He/She/It doesnā€™t (singular)
  • We do not = We donā€™t (plural)
  • They do not = They donā€™t (plural)

When Phrases Come Between the Subject and Verb

When a phrase interrupts the subject and the verb, the verb must agree with the subject regardless of the phrase.

  • The man who plays soccer IS handsome.
  • The men who play soccer ARE handsome.
  • That toy, which I found in the oven, IS ruined.

Non-count Noun

subject verb agreement all

  • Mathematics IS a difficult course for me.
  • My luggage IS packed and ready to go.
  • This environment IS congested.
  • Civics IS not my favorite course.

Sentences With There Are, There is, Here Are, Here is .

When a writer begins sentences with ā€œthereā€ or ā€œhere,ā€ the verb agreement must match the words that follow. If a singular noun follows, use a singular verb. If a plural noun follows, use a plural verb.

  • There IS a ghost in our attic.
  • There ARE ghosts in our attic.
  • Here IS the ghost.
  • Here ARE the ghosts.

Tricky Words to Determine Agreement

Some writers may find that matching indefinite pronouns with the appropriate subject and verb can be difficult.

Some tricky indefinite pronouns that are always singular include:

  • Each one IS identified.
  • Someone IS asking.
  • Everyone IS talking at once.

Some tricky indefinite pronouns that are always plural include:

  • All ARE identified.
  • Some ARE talking.
  • All ARE asking.

Collective Nouns

help with subject verb agreement

  • The group MAKES a decision.
  • The people MAKE a decision.

Summary: Subject-verb Agreement Rules

Define subject-verb agreement: the definition of subject-verb agreement is the requirement that a subject and verb of a clause must match in person and in number.

In summary, subjects and verbs should always have the appropriate agreement, whether singular or plural.

While some can be tricky, it is unacceptable to match a singular subject with a plural verb and vice versa.

  • Subjective Verb Agreement

Verbs must agree with subjects in number and in person (1st/2nd/3rd).Ā A subject is a noun or pronoun .Ā A verb is an action performed by the subject. In the following section, we will see many such examples of the Subjective Verb concept. We also have exercises that will help you cement the concept of Subjective Verb in a proper way.

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Verbs must agree with subjects in number and in person (1st/2nd/3rd). Subjects and verbs must agree in number. This is the cornerstone rule that forms the background of the concept. For example, consider this: The dog growls when he is angry. The dogs growl when they are angry.

Subjective Verb

Following is a roadmap or rules that you can follow to avoid any mistakes in the Subject-Verb Agreement:

Donā€™t get confused by the words that come between the subject and verb; they do not affect agreement . The dog, who is chewing on my jeans, is usually very good.

Prepositional phrases between the subject and verb usually do not affect agreement. For example, The colours of the rainbow are beautiful.

When sentences start with ā€œthereā€ or ā€œhere,ā€ the subject will always be placed after the verb, so care needs to be taken to identify it correctly. For example, “There is a problem with the balance sheet . Here are the papers you requested.”

Subjects don’t always come before verbs in questions. Make sure you accurately identify the subject before deciding on the proper verb form to use. For example: Does Lefty usually eat grass? Where are the pieces of this puzzle .

If two subjects are joined by and, they typically require a plural verb form. Example: The cow and the pig are jumping over the moon.

The verb is singular if the two subjects separated by and refer to the same person or thing. For example: Red beans and rice is my mom’s favorite dish.

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  • Adjectives and Adverbs
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  • English Grammar Practice Questions

If the words each, every, or no come before the subject, the verb is singular. No smoking and drinking is allowed. Every man and woman is required to check in.

If the subjects are both singular and are connected by the words or, nor, neither/nor, either/or, and not only/but also the verb is singular. For example: Jessica or Christian is to blame for the accident.

The only time when the object of the preposition factors into the decision of plural or singular verb forms is when a noun and pronoun subjects likeĀ some, half, none, more, all, etc. are followed by a prepositional phrase. In these sentences, the object of the preposition determines the form of the verb. For example: All of the chicken is gone. All of the chickens are gone.

The singular verb form is usually used for units of measurement . For example: Four quarts of oil was required to get the car running.

If the subjects are both plural and are connected by the words or, nor, neither/nor, either/or, and not only/but also, the verb is plural. For example: Dogs and cats are both available at the pound.

If one subject is singular and one plural and the words are connected by the words or, nor, neither/nor, either/or, and not only/but also, you use the verb form of the subject that is nearest the verb. For example: Do your sisters or your girlfriend want any pizza?

Indefinite pronouns typically take singular verbs. Example: Everybody wants to be loved. Except for the pronouns (few, many, several, both) that always take the plural form. For example: Few were left alive after the flood.

If two infinitives are separated by and they take the plural form of the verb. For example: To walk and to chew gum require great skill.

When gerunds are used as the subject of a sentence they take the singularĀ verb form of the verb, but when they are linked by and they take the plural form. Example: Standing in the water was a bad idea. Swimming in the ocean and playing drums are my hobbies.

Collective nouns like the herd, senate, class, crowd, etc. usually take a singular verb form. Example: The herd is stampeding.

Titles of books, movies, novels, etc. are treated as singular and take a singular verb. For example:Ā The Burbs is a movie starring Tom Hanks.

Final Rule ā€“ Remember, only the subject affects the verb!

Prepositional Phrases and Why They Matter

Example: The boxes of cake mix are on the shelf.

The verb is ā€œare,ā€ but what is the subject? Is it ā€œboxesā€ or ā€œcake mixā€? In order to figure out the subject, we must eliminate the prepositional phrase which is often times in between the subject and the verb.

A prepositional phrase is a two – to four – word phrase (sometimes more) that begins with a preposition (above, among, at, below, beneath, between, in, of, over, to, under). A verb must agree with itsĀ subject, not with the object of a prepositional phrase, which often comes between the subject and the verb.

Since ā€œofā€ is a preposition, we ignore the prepositional phrase ā€œof cake mix.ā€ Therefore, ā€œboxesā€ is the plural subject, which matches perfectly with the plural verb ā€œare.ā€

Practice Questions:

Q 1: Everyone (has/have) done his or her homework.

Q 2. Each of the students (is/are) responsible for doing his or her work.

Q 3. Either my father or my brothers (is/are) going to sell the car.

Q 4. Neither my sisters nor my mother (is/are) going to sell the house.

Q 5. The samples on the tray in the lab (need/needs) testing.

Q 6. Mary and John usually (plays/play) together.

Q 7. Both of the dogs (has/have) collars.

Q 8. Neither the dogs nor the cat (is/are) very hungry.

Q 9. Either the girls or the boy (walk/walks) in the evening.

Q 10. Either the boy or the girls (walk/walks) in the evening.

Q 11. At the end of the fall (comes/come) the hard tests.

Q 12. The slaughter of animals for their fur (has/have) caused controversy.

Q 13. The student, as well as his teacher, (was/were) going on the field trip.

Q 14. The hard tests (comes/come) at the end of the fall.

Q 15. Both of my roommates (has/have) decided to live in the dorms.

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Subject Verb Agreement Questions

Subject Verb Agreement means that the verb in a sentence must agree with the subject in terms of number and person.

Here, we present you with the 100 important Subject Verb Agreement Questions with Answers and Explanations.

Subject Verb Agreement Questions

Question 1: Choose the correct sentence with subject-verb agreement.

Daily Grammar Test - Attempt Now

A) The dog and the cat was playing in the garden. B) The dog and the cat were playing in the garden. C) The dog and the cat is playing in the garden.

Answer 1: B) The dog and the cat were playing in the garden.Explanation 1: When subjects are joined by “and,” they are plural, so the correct verb is “were.”

Question 2: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) Neither of the books is interesting. B) Neither of the books are interesting. C) Neither of the books am interesting.

Answer 2: A) Neither of the books is interesting.Explanation 2: “Neither” takes a singular verb form, so it’s “is” instead of “are.”

Question 3: Which sentence has proper subject-verb agreement?

A) Every student in the class have completed the assignment. B) Every student in the class has completed the assignment. C) Every student in the class had completed the assignment.

Answer 3: B) Every student in the class has completed the assignment. Explanation 3:”Every student” is singular, so the correct verb is “has.”

Question 4: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The group of friends was going to the party. B) The group of friends were going to the party. C) The group of friends is going to the party.

Answer 4: A) The group of friends was going to the party.Explanation 4: When the subject is a collective noun like “group,” use a singular verb like “was.”

Question 5: Choose the sentence with the proper subject-verb agreement.

A) Either the cat or the dog are responsible for the mess. B) Either the cat or the dog is responsible for the mess. C) Either the cat or the dog were responsible for the mess.

Answer 5: B) Either the cat or the dog is responsible for the mess.Explanation 5: When “either…or” is used, the subject closer to the verb determines the verb form.Ā “Cat” is singular, so the verb should be singular too.

Question 6: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

A) The news are always changing. B) The news am always changing. C) The news is always changing.

Answer 6: C) The news is always changing.Explanation 6: “News” is treated as a singular noun, so the verb “is” should be used.

Question 7: Choose the sentence with proper subject-verb agreement.

A) My collection of stamps were stolen. B) My collection of stamps was stolen. C) My collection of stamps is stolen.

Answer 7: B) My collection of stamps was stolen.Explanation 7: “Collection” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 8: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) Neither the teacher nor the students was happy. B) Neither the teacher nor the students were happy. C) Neither the teacher nor the students is happy.

Answer 8: B) Neither the teacher nor the students were happy.Explanation 8: When “neither…nor” is used, the verb agrees with the subject closest to it. In this case, “students” is plural, so the verb is “were.”

Question 9: Which sentence has the proper subject-verb agreement?

A) There is many birds in the tree. B) There are many birds in the tree. C) There were many birds in the tree.

Answer 9: B) There are many birds in the tree.Explanation 9: When “there is” or “there are” is used, the verb agrees with the subject that follows. “Birds” is plural, so the correct verb is “are.”

Question 10: Choose the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) One of the students have already completed the quiz. B) One of the students has already completed the quiz. C) One of the students had already completed the quiz.

Answer 10: B) One of the students has already completed the quiz.Explanation 10: When “one of” is used, the verb agrees with the object of the preposition (“students” in this case), making the verb “has.”

Question 11: Which sentence demonstrates proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The number of participants were high. B) The number of participants was high. C) The number of participants is high.

Answer 11: B) The number of participants was high.Explanation 11: “The number of” is considered a singular unit, so the verb should be “was.”

Question 12: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) Mathematics are my favorite subject. B) Mathematics is my favorite subject. C) Mathematics was my favorite subject.

Answer 12: B) Mathematics is my favorite subject.Explanation 12: “Mathematics” is a singular noun, so the correct verb form is “is.”

Question 13: Choose the sentence with proper subject-verb agreement.

A) His collection of coins were displayed at the museum. B) His collection of coins was displayed at the museum. C) His collection of coins is displayed at the museum.

Answer 13: B) His collection of coins was displayed at the museum.Explanation 13: “Collection” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 14: Which sentence has the proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The majority of the votes is in favor. B) The majority of the votes are in favor. C) The majority of the votes was in favor.

Answer 14: B) The majority of the votes are in favor.Explanation 14: “Majority” refers to a collective group, so the correct verb form is “are.”

Question 15: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) Each of the students have finished their projects. B) Each of the students has finished their projects. C) Each of the students had finished their projects.

Answer 15: B) Each of the students has finished their projects.Explanation 15: When “each of” is used, the verb agrees with the object of the preposition (“students” in this case), making the verb “has.”

Question 16: Which sentence demonstrates proper subject-verb agreement?

A) A pair of shoes are under the bed. B) A pair of shoes is under the bed. C) A pair of shoes were under the bed.

Explanation 16: “A pair of shoes” is considered singular, so the correct verb form is “is.”

Answer 16: B) A pair of shoes is under the bed. Explanation 16: “A pair of shoes” is considered singular, so the correct verb form is “is.”

Question 17: Choose the sentence with proper subject-verb agreement.

A) The committee are making its decision. B) The committee is making its decision. C) The committee was making its decision.

Answer 17: B) The committee is making its decision.Explanation 17: “Committee” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “is.”

Question 18: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) All of the cake were eaten at the party. B) All of the cake was eaten at the party. C) All of the cake is eaten at the party.

Answer 18: B) All of the cake was eaten at the party.Explanation 18: When “all of” is used, the verb agrees with the object of the preposition (“cake” in this case), making the verb “was.”

Question 19: Which sentence has proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The population of the city is growing. B) The population of the city are growing. C) The population of the city was growing.

Answer 19: A) The population of the city is growing.Explanation 19: “Population” is a singular noun, so the correct verb form is “is.”

Question 20: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) Neither the car nor the trucks were damaged in the accident. B) Neither the car nor the trucks was damaged in the accident. C) Neither the car nor the trucks are damaged in the accident.

Answer 20: B) Neither the car nor the trucks was damaged in the accident.Explanation 20: When “neither…nor” is used, the verb agrees with the subject closest to it. In this case, “trucks” is plural, so the verb should be “were.”

Question 21: Which sentence demonstrates proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The fleet of ships were sailing across the ocean. B) The fleet of ships was sailing across the ocean. C) The fleet of ships are sailing across the ocean.

Answer 21: B) The fleet of ships was sailing across the ocean.Explanation 21: “Fleet” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 22: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The list of ingredients for the recipe were long. B) The list of ingredients for the recipe was long. C) The list of ingredients for the recipe is long.

Answer 22: B) The list of ingredients for the recipe was long.Explanation 22: “List” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 23: Which sentence has proper subject-verb agreement?

A) My family are planning a vacation. B) My family is planning a vacation. C) My family was planning a vacation.

Answer 23: B) My family is planning a vacation.Explanation 23: “Family” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “is.”

Question 24: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) Each of the books were interesting. B) Each of the books was interesting. C) Each of the books is interesting.

Answer 24: B) Each of the books was interesting.Explanation 24: When “each of” is used, the verb agrees with the object of the preposition (“books” in this case), making the verb “was.”

Question 25: Which sentence demonstrates proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The flock of birds are migrating south. B) The flock of birds is migrating south. C) The flock of birds were migrating south.

Answer 25: B) The flock of birds is migrating south.Explanation 25: “Flock” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “is.”

Question 26: Choose the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The company of actors were rehearsing for the play. B) The company of actors was rehearsing for the play. C) The company of actors is rehearsing for the play.

Answer 26: B) The company of actors was rehearsing for the play.Explanation 26: “Company” is a collective noun that is treated as singular, so the verb should be “was.”

Question 27: Select the sentence with proper subject-verb agreement.

A) His pair of glasses were on the table. B) His pair of glasses was on the table. C) His pair of glasses is on the table.

Answer 27: B) His pair of glasses was on the table.Explanation 27: “Pair” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 28: Which sentence demonstrates proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The staff are preparing for the meeting. B) The staff is preparing for the meeting. C) The staff were preparing for the meeting.

Answer 28: B) The staff is preparing for the meeting.Explanation 28: “Staff” is a collective noun that is considered singular, so the verb should be “is.”

Question 29: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) Ten dollars were found on the sidewalk. B) Ten dollars was found on the sidewalk. C) Ten dollars is found on the sidewalk.

Answer 29: A) Ten dollars were found on the sidewalk.Explanation 29: Although “dollars” is plural, the phrase “ten dollars” is considered a plural unit, so the verb should be “were.”

Question 30: Which sentence has the proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The jury are still deliberating. B) The jury is still deliberating. C) The jury was still deliberating.

Answer 30: B) The jury is still deliberating.Explanation 30: “Jury” is a collective noun, so the verb should match it as “is.”

Question 31: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The crowd were cheering loudly. B) The crowd was cheering loudly. C) The crowd is cheering loudly.

Answer 31: B) The crowd was cheering loudly.Explanation 31: “Crowd” is a collective noun that is treated as singular, so the verb should be “was.”

Question 32: Which sentence demonstrates proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The police is investigating the case. B) The police are investigating the case. C) The police was investigating the case.

Answer 32: B) The police are investigating the case.Explanation 32: “Police” is a plural noun, so the verb should match it as “are.”

Question 33: Select the sentence with proper subject-verb agreement.

A) The majority of students was absent. B) The majority of students were absent. C) The majority of students is absent.

Answer 33: B) The majority of students were absent.Explanation 33: “Majority” refers to a collective group, so the correct verb form is “were.”

Question 34: Which sentence has the proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The audience is enjoying the show. B) The audience are enjoying the show. C) The audience was enjoying the show.

Answer 34: A) The audience is enjoying the show.Explanation 34: “Audience” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “is.”

Question 35: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) Neither the dog nor the cats were seen in the yard. B) Neither the dog nor the cats was seen in the yard. C) Neither the dog nor the cats is seen in the yard.

Answer 35: A) Neither the dog nor the cats were seen in the yard.Explanation 35: When “neither…nor” is used, the verb agrees with the subject closest to it. In this case, “cats” is plural, so the verb should be “were.”

Question 36: Which sentence demonstrates proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The team of athletes are competing in the championship. B) The team of athletes is competing in the championship. C) The team of athletes were competing in the championship.

Answer 36: B) The team of athletes is competing in the championship.Explanation 36: “Team” is a collective noun, so the verb should match it as “is.”

Question 37: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) A number of people were at the event. B) A number of people was at the event. C) A number of people is at the event.

Answer 37: A) A number of people were at the event.Explanation 37: “A number of” takes a plural verb, so the correct verb is “were.”

Question 38: Which sentence has proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The class is studying for the exam. B) The class are studying for the exam. C) The class were studying for the exam.

Answer 38: A) The class is studying for the exam.Explanation 38: “Class” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “is.”

Question 39: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) His group of friends were going to the movies. B) His group of friends was going to the movies. C) His group of friends is going to the movies.

Answer 39: B) His group of friends was going to the movies.Explanation 39: “Group” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 40: Which sentence demonstrates proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The pair of shoes are on sale. B) The pair of shoes is on sale. C) The pair of shoes were on sale.

Answer 40: B) The pair of shoes is on sale.Explanation 40: “Pair” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “is.”

Question 41: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The committee are discussing the proposal. B) The committee is discussing the proposal. C) The committee was discussing the proposal.

Answer 41: B) The committee is discussing the proposal.Explanation 41: “Committee” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “is.”

Question 42: Which sentence has proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The pack of wolves are hunting for food. B) The pack of wolves is hunting for food. C) The pack of wolves were hunting for food.

Answer 42: B) The pack of wolves is hunting for food.Explanation 42: “Pack” is a collective noun that is considered singular, so the verb should be “is.”

Question 43: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The number of attendees were large. B) The number of attendees was large. C) The number of attendees is large.

Answer 43: B) The number of attendees was large.Explanation 43: “The number of” is considered a singular unit, so the verb should be “was.”

Question 44: Which sentence demonstrates proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The collection of stamps are valuable. B) The collection of stamps is valuable. C) The collection of stamps was valuable.

Answer 44: B) The collection of stamps is valuable.Explanation 44: “Collection” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “is.”

Question 45: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The group of children are playing in the park. B) The group of children is playing in the park. C) The group of children was playing in the park.

Answer 45: B) The group of children is playing in the park.Explanation 45: “Group” is a collective noun, so the verb should match it as “is.”

Question 46: Which sentence has proper subject-verb agreement?

A) Each of the books are interesting. B) Each of the books is interesting. C) Each of the books was interesting.

Answer 46: B) Each of the books is interesting.Explanation 46: When “each of” is used, the verb agrees with the object of the preposition (“books” in this case), making the verb “is.”

Question 47: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The fleet of cars are lined up for the race. B) The fleet of cars is lined up for the race. C) The fleet of cars were lined up for the race.

Answer 47: B) The fleet of cars is lined up for the race.Explanation 47: “Fleet” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “is.”

Question 48: Which sentence demonstrates proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The pair of gloves are missing. B) The pair of gloves is missing. C) The pair of gloves were missing.

Answer 48: B) The pair of gloves is missing.Explanation 48: “Pair” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “is.”

Question 49: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The crew of workers were busy renovating the building. B) The crew of workers was busy renovating the building. C) The crew of workers is busy renovating the building.

Answer 49: B) The crew of workers was busy renovating the building.Explanation 49: “Crew” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 50: Which sentence has proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The number of leaves on the tree were decreasing. B) The number of leaves on the tree was decreasing. C) The number of leaves on the tree is decreasing.

Answer 50: B) The number of leaves on the tree was decreasing.Explanation 50: “The number of” is considered a singular unit, so the verb should be “was.”

Question 51: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The pile of papers are on the desk. B) The pile of papers is on the desk. C) The pile of papers were on the desk.

Answer 51: B) The pile of papers is on the desk.Explanation 51: “Pile” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “is.”

Question 52: Which sentence demonstrates proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The band of musicians were performing on stage. B) The band of musicians was performing on stage. C) The band of musicians is performing on stage.

Answer 52: B) The band of musicians was performing on stage.Explanation 52: “Band” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 53: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The number of messages in my inbox are overwhelming. B) The number of messages in my inbox is overwhelming. C) The number of messages in my inbox was overwhelming.

Answer 53: B) The number of messages in my inbox is overwhelming.Explanation 53: “The number of” is considered a singular unit, so the verb should be “is.”

Question 54: Which sentence has proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The series of books were captivating. B) The series of books was captivating. C) The series of books is captivating.

Answer 54: B) The series of books was captivating.Explanation 54: “Series” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 55: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The crew of sailors are preparing to set sail. B) The crew of sailors is preparing to set sail. C) The crew of sailors was preparing to set sail.

Answer 55: B) The crew of sailors is preparing to set sail.Explanation 55: “Crew” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “is.”

Question 56: Which sentence demonstrates proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The team of experts were analyzing the data. B) The team of experts was analyzing the data. C) The team of experts are analyzing the data.

Answer 56: B) The team of experts was analyzing the data.Explanation 56: “Team” is a collective noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 57: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The collection of artwork were impressive. B) The collection of artwork was impressive. C) The collection of artwork is impressive.

Answer 57: B) The collection of artwork was impressive.Explanation 57: “Collection” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 58: Which sentence has proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The family of deer were grazing in the meadow. B) The family of deer was grazing in the meadow. C) The family of deer is grazing in the meadow.

Answer 58: B) The family of deer was grazing in the meadow.Explanation 58: “Family” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 59: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The pair of socks are in the drawer. B) The pair of socks is in the drawer. C) The pair of socks were in the drawer.

Answer 59: B) The pair of socks is in the drawer.Explanation 59: “Pair” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “is.”

Question 60: Which sentence demonstrates proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The staff of teachers were attending the meeting. B) The staff of teachers was attending the meeting. C) The staff of teachers is attending the meeting.

Answer 60: B) The staff of teachers was attending the meeting.Explanation 60: “Staff” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 61: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The majority of the answers were correct. B) The majority of the answers was correct. C) The majority of the answers is correct.

Answer 61: A) The majority of the answers were correct.Explanation 61: “Majority” refers to a collective group, so the correct verb form is “were.”

Question 62: Which sentence has proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The crowd of people were cheering loudly. B) The crowd of people was cheering loudly. C) The crowd of people is cheering loudly.

Answer 62: B) The crowd of people was cheering loudly.Explanation 62: “Crowd” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 63: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The committee of experts were discussing the issue. B) The committee of experts was discussing the issue. C) The committee of experts is discussing the issue.

Answer 63: B) The committee of experts was discussing the issue.Explanation 63: “Committee” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 64: Which sentence demonstrates proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The population of the city are diverse. B) The population of the city is diverse. C) The population of the city were diverse.

Answer 64: B) The population of the city is diverse.Explanation 64: “Population” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “is.”

Question 65: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The audience of listeners were engaged. B) The audience of listeners was engaged. C) The audience of listeners is engaged.

Answer 65: B) The audience of listeners was engaged.Explanation 65: “Audience” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 66: Which sentence has proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The pair of jeans were on sale. B) The pair of jeans was on sale. C) The pair of jeans is on sale.

Answer 66: B) The pair of jeans was on sale.Explanation 66: “Pair” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 67: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The crew of astronauts were preparing for launch. B) The crew of astronauts was preparing for launch. C) The crew of astronauts is preparing for launch.

Answer 67: B) The crew of astronauts was preparing for launch.Explanation 67: “Crew” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 68: Which sentence demonstrates proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The team of researchers were conducting experiments. B) The team of researchers was conducting experiments. C) The team of researchers is conducting experiments.

Answer 68: B) The team of researchers was conducting experiments.Explanation 68: “Team” is a collective noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 69: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The collection of antique items were impressive. B) The collection of antique items was impressive. C) The collection of antique items is impressive.

Answer 69: B) The collection of antique items was impressive.Explanation 69: “Collection” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 70: Which sentence has proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The family of birds were building nests in the trees. B) The family of birds was building nests in the trees. C) The family of birds is building nests in the trees.

Answer 70: B) The family of birds was building nests in the trees.Explanation 70: “Family” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 71: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The pair of shoes are too small. B) The pair of shoes is too small. C) The pair of shoes were too small.

Answer 71: B) The pair of shoes is too small.Explanation 71: “Pair” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “is.”

Question 72: Which sentence demonstrates proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The staff of nurses were busy at the hospital. B) The staff of nurses was busy at the hospital. C) The staff of nurses is busy at the hospital.

Answer 72: B) The staff of nurses was busy at the hospital.Explanation 72: “Staff” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 73: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The majority of the decisions were unanimous. B) The majority of the decisions was unanimous. C) The majority of the decisions is unanimous.

Answer 73: A) The majority of the decisions were unanimous.Explanation 73: “Majority” refers to a collective group, so the correct verb form is “were.”

Question 74: Which sentence has proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The crowd of spectators were cheering loudly. B) The crowd of spectators was cheering loudly. C) The crowd of spectators is cheering loudly.

Answer 74: B) The crowd of spectators was cheering loudly.Explanation 74: “Crowd” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 75: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The committee of judges were discussing the cases. B) The committee of judges was discussing the cases. C) The committee of judges is discussing the cases.

Answer 75: B) The committee of judges was discussing the cases.Explanation 75: “Committee” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 76: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The series of lectures were informative. B) The series of lectures was informative. C) The series of lectures is informative.

Answer 76: B) The series of lectures was informative.Explanation 76: “Series” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 77: Which sentence demonstrates proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The team of explorers were mapping the terrain. B) The team of explorers was mapping the terrain. C) The team of explorers is mapping the terrain.

Answer 77: B) The team of explorers was mapping the terrain.Explanation 77: “Team” is a collective noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 78: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The number of pages in the book are overwhelming. B) The number of pages in the book is overwhelming. C) The number of pages in the book was overwhelming.

Answer 78: B) The number of pages in the book is overwhelming.Explanation 78: “The number of” is considered a singular unit, so the verb should be “is.”

Question 79: Which sentence has proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The collection of rare coins were impressive. B) The collection of rare coins was impressive. C) The collection of rare coins is impressive.

Answer 79: B) The collection of rare coins was impressive.Explanation 79: “Collection” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 80: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The family of bears were seen near the river. B) The family of bears was seen near the river. C) The family of bears is seen near the river.

Answer 80: B) The family of bears was seen near the river.Explanation 80: “Family” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 81: Which sentence demonstrates proper subject-verb agreement?

Answer 81: B) The pair of gloves is missing.Explanation 81: “Pair” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “is.”

Question 82: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The crew of workers were completing the project. B) The crew of workers was completing the project. C) The crew of workers is completing the project.

Answer 82: B) The crew of workers was completing the project.Explanation 82: “Crew” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 83: Which sentence has proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The staff of writers were working on the article. B) The staff of writers was working on the article. C) The staff of writers is working on the article.

Answer 83: B) The staff of writers was working on the article.Explanation 83: “Staff” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 84: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The majority of the students were happy with their grades. B) The majority of the students was happy with their grades. C) The majority of the students is happy with their grades.

Answer 84: A) The majority of the students were happy with their grades.Explanation 84: “Majority” refers to a collective group, so the correct verb form is “were.”

Question 85: Which sentence demonstrates proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The audience of theatergoers were entertained. B) The audience of theatergoers was entertained. C) The audience of theatergoers is entertained.

Answer 85: B) The audience of theatergoers was entertained.Explanation 85: “Audience” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 86: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The crowd of fans were cheering enthusiastically. B) The crowd of fans was cheering enthusiastically. C) The crowd of fans is cheering enthusiastically.

Answer 86: B) The crowd of fans was cheering enthusiastically.Explanation 86: “Crowd” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 87: Which sentence has proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The committee of experts were discussing various solutions. B) The committee of experts was discussing various solutions. C) The committee of experts is discussing various solutions.

Answer 87: B) The committee of experts was discussing various solutions.Explanation 87: “Committee” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 88: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The population of the town are diverse. B) The population of the town is diverse. C) The population of the town was diverse.

Answer 88 B) The population of the town is diverse.Explanation 88: “Population” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “is.”

Question 89: Which sentence demonstrates proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The pair of binoculars are missing. B) The pair of binoculars is missing. C) The pair of binoculars were missing.

Answer 89: B) The pair of binoculars is missing.Explanation 89: “Pair” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “is.”

Question 90: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The crew of sailors were preparing the ship for departure. B) The crew of sailors was preparing the ship for departure. C) The crew of sailors is preparing the ship for departure.

Answer 90: B) The crew of sailors was preparing the ship for departure. Explanation 90: “Crew” is a singular noun, so the verb must match it as “was”.

Question 91: Which sentence has proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The team of athletes were training hard. B) The team of athletes was training hard. C) The team of athletes is training hard.

Answer 91: B) The team of athletes was training hard.Explanation 91: “Team” is a collective noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 92: A) The staff of teachers were working diligently. B) The staff of teachers was working diligently. C) The staff of teachers is working diligently.

Answer 92: B) The staff of teachers was working diligently.Explanation 92: “Staff” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 93: Which sentence demonstrates proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The majority of the votes were in favor. B) The majority of the votes was in favor. C) The majority of the votes is in favor.

Answer 93: A) The majority of the votes were in favor.Explanation 93: “Majority” refers to a collective group, so the correct verb form is “were.”

Question 94: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The audience of viewers were captivated by the performance. B) The audience of viewers was captivated by the performance. C) The audience of viewers is captivated by the performance.

Answer 94: B) The audience of viewers was captivated by the performance.Explanation 94: “Audience” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 95: Which sentence has proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The crowd of supporters were cheering loudly. B) The crowd of supporters was cheering loudly. C) The crowd of supporters is cheering loudly.

Answer 95: B) The crowd of supporters was cheering loudly.Explanation 95: “Crowd” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 96: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The committee of experts were evaluating the proposals. B) The committee of experts was evaluating the proposals. C) The committee of experts are evaluating the proposals.

Answer 96: B) The committee of experts was evaluating the proposals.Explanation 96: “Committee” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 97: Which sentence demonstrates proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The population of the city are growing rapidly. B) The population of the city is growing rapidly. C) The population of the city was growing rapidly.

Answer 97: B) The population of the city is growing rapidly.Explanation 97: “Population” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “is.”

Question 98: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The pair of shoes are on display. B) The pair of shoes is on display. C) The pair of shoes were on display.

Answer 98: B) The pair of shoes is on display.Explanation 98: “Pair” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “is.”

Question 99: Which sentence has proper subject-verb agreement?

A) The crew of astronauts were embarking on the mission. B) The crew of astronauts was embarking on the mission. C) The crew of astronauts is embarking on the mission.

Answer 99: B) The crew of astronauts was embarking on the mission.

Explanation 99: “Crew” is a singular noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Question 100: Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

A) The team of researchers were presenting their findings. B) The team of researchers was presenting their findings. C) The team of researchers is presenting their findings.

Answer 100: B) The team of researchers was presenting their findings.Explanation 100: “Team” is a collective noun, so the verb should match it as “was.”

Subject Verb Agreement

Subject Verb Agreement

Rules of Subject Verb Agreement

Rules of Subject Verb Agreement

Subject Verb Agreement Examples

Subject Verb Agreement Examples

Grammar Quiz

Subject-Verb Agreement Quizzes

Preview 20 Quizzes about Subject-Verb Agreement

Field testing or surveys _______ their marketing strategies.

A. Determines B. Determine

A single bite from any of a dozen species of spiders instantly kill / kills their prey.

A. Kill B. Kills

None of our neighbors __________________ when the band practices.

A. Complain B. Complains

Our teacher ____________ our work.

A. Mark B. Marks

Bread and Butter _____ together.

A. Go B. Goes C. Gone

Neither his father nor his mother ____ mahjong.

A. Play B. Plays

The news of the Philippine Election 2010 _________ been contentious.

A. Has B. Have

Select the intervening phrase (sits between the subject and verb) in each sentence.

The picnic feast that we brought tasted delicious.

A. tasted delicious

B. the picnic feast

C. that we brought

Year 5 students ________________ on a class project.

A. Is working B. Are working

Neither strawberry shortcake nor pecan pie ______ their attention.

A. Attracts B. Attract

Each of the loans ______ been recalled by the bank.

The children __________ having cake and ice cream for dessert.

A. Is B. Are

The rangers, the explorers, or the camper _________ the bear.

A. See B. Sees

(Everyone, Several) wears a coat in the rainy weather.

A. Everyone B. Several

Select the verb that agrees with the singular or compound subject in each sentence.

Swimming __________ fun to do in the summer.

A. are (plural)

B. is (singular)

Five percent of the profits _________ to be distributed to the stockholders.

Life (is,are) very complicated.

Speaking and writing each ____ a mastery of words.

A. Requires B. Require

People (is, are) often ten or twenty years behind the times in their knowledge of the world.

Mother ________ the laundry last Saturday

A. Do B. Does C. Did D. Done

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Sat / act prep online guides and tips, subject-verb agreement on sat writing: strategies and practice.

SAT Writing


Subject-Verb Agreement may be the most tested grammatical rule on the SAT . Therefore, just by mastering this rule and its applications, you will be well on your way toward achieving a ridiculously good score on the SAT Writing.

While the rule itself is relatively simple, the questions related to it can be challenging and a bit tricky. In this article, weā€™ll teach you how to become a master of all things subject-verb agreement on the SAT.

In this post, Iā€™ll do the following:

  • Give you a clear understanding of subject-verb agreement.
  • Explain why and how subject-verb agreement questions on the SAT can be tricky.
  • Offer general strategies that can help you correctly answer subject-verb agreement questions.
  • Provide you with practice questions so you can test what youā€™ve learned.

Review: What's a Subject?

Simply, a subject is the noun which corresponds with a verb in a sentence . In a sentence where there is an action, the subject is the noun which is doing the action. Here is an example:

Justin saved the world.

Justin is the subject because he did the saving.

In a sentence where there is a description, typically using a form of the verb ā€œto beā€, the subject is the noun which is being described. Consider this beautifully written sentence:

Justin is amazingly humble.

Justin is the subject because he is the person who is amazingly humble.

Now that we have a basic understanding of a subject, let's define this ubiquitous SAT grammar rule.

What Is Subject-Verb Agreement?

Subject-verb agreement is a rule stating that all subjects must agree with their verbs in number . Singular subjects take singular verbs . Plural subjects take plural verbs .

Most of the subject-verb agreement questions on the SAT deal with verb forms in the third-person singular form (he/she/it/one) and third-person plural forms (they).

In the present and present perfect verb tenses, third person singular verb forms end in an ā€œsā€ .   Third person plural verb forms do not .

Let's check out an example sentence to give you a better understanding of this rule:

The celebrity chef cook lobster and foie gras.

This sentence probably already "sounds" wrong to your ear, but let's break down exactly why. The subject of this sentence is "chef". Obviously, because we are only talking about one chef, the subject is singular . Therefore, the verb should be in the singular form. However, "cook" is the third-person plural form of the verb so this sentence is incorrect. Here is how the sentence should read:

The celebrity chef cooks lobster and foie gras.

Here's another basic example:

The gymnasts performs incredible feats of strength.

In the above sentence, the subject is "gymnasts" because they are doing the performing.   "Gymnasts" is plural so the verb should be in the plural form .  However, "performs" is in the singular form. This is the corrected sentence:

The gymnasts perform incredible feats of strength.

This rule is relatively basic and easy to comprehend, right? Some of you may be thinking that all subject-verb agreement errors on the SAT will be as simple to detect as they were in the example sentences above. However, in traditional SAT fashion, sentences on the SAT are intentionally deceptive and questions related to subject-verb agreement can be rather challenging.

Subject-Verb Agreement questions can deceive you

Why Are These Questions Tricky?

Generally, questions related to subject-verb agreement on the SAT can be difficult because the subject is usually not placed directly in front of the verb.

This problem appears in two ways: Interrupting Phrases, and inverted sentences where the subject follows the verb.

Common Trap #1: Interrupting Phrases

Interrupting phrases are phrases that separate the subject from the verb . Such phrases make locating the subject and determining whether the verb should be singular or plural more difficult. There are specific types of interrupting phrases and we'll take a closer look at a few of them. You don't know need to know all of the specific grammar terms, but it's important to recognize how they influence subject-verb agreement questions .

Non-Essential Clauses

Non-essential clauses are phrases describe a noun, often the subject of a subject-verb agreement question on the SAT. Non-essential clauses are surrounded by commas. These clauses can be removed without creating grammatical errors or changes in the meaning of a sentence . Take, for example, this sentence:

My doctor, who is very unfriendly , spoke to me for less than a minute.

The phrase in bold is a non-essential clause. It is separated by commas and removing the clause does not create an error or change the meaning of the sentence. The phrase is only used to provide descriptive information about the subject. See:

My doctor , who is very unfriendly, spoke to me for less than a minute.

A non-essential clause often starts with a relative pronoun (which, who, whose, or where), but it doesn't in a phrase known as an appositive . An appositive functions like a non-essential clause, but it doesn't have a verb. Here is an example:

My doctor, a very unfriendly man , spoke to me for less than a minute.

Again, the phrase provides information about the doctor, but it can be removed and will not create any errors or change the meaning of the sentence.

So, how will knowing about these phrases help you correctly answer SAT questions related to subject-verb agreement? I'll explain.

Non-Essential Clauses and Appositives on the SAT

On the SAT, these phrases will be placed between subjects and verbs to trick you into thinking a subject is singular or plural . Look at this example of an incorrectly written sentence in which I've underlined the subject and bolded the verb:

My math teacher , who is extremely demanding and yells at all the students, give too much homework.

The subject is singular and the verb is in the plural form. However, there is a non-essential clause separating the subject from the verb so it is more difficult to locate the error in subject-verb agreement.

Also, on the SAT, there will often be a plural noun in the non-essential clause placed right next to the verb in such a sentence.   Many test takers will incorrectly assume that "students" is the subject,  especially if you read the question quickly in one go.  Here is the corrected version of the above sentence:

My math teacher , who is extremely demanding and yells at all the students, gives too much homework.


So, how do you avoid falling into this common trap that the SAT will set for you?

For these types of questions, always cross out appositives and non-essential clauses . Doing so will make it easier to notice any issues with subject-verb agreement. The resulting sentence should be grammatically correct. Let's do this with the incorrectly written version of our previous example:

Crossing out the non-essential clause leaves us with "My math teacher give too much homework." The subject-verb agreement error in that sentence is easy to spot.

Here is another type of interrupting phrase, probably the most common on the SAT: the prepositonal phrase.

Prepositional Phrases

Quick Review: prepositional phrase begins with a preposition. Prepositions provide additional details about nouns and often answer the questions "Where?", "When?", or provide descriptive information. Here is a chart showing examples of commonly used prepositions:


On the SAT, prepositional phrases are often inserted between subjects and verbs to make errors in subject-verb agreement less noticeable.  Take a look at this incorrectly written sentence with the prepositional phrase underlined:

Changes for the new and improved SAT is going to be implemented soon.

The subject of the sentence is "changes" and the prepositional phrase provides descriptive information about the changes. Because the subject is plural, the verb should be in the plural form .

Once again, notice how the SAT can trick you by putting a singular noun, SAT, right before the verb, "is." If you go by ear, you're likely to fall prey to this trap.

Here is the corrected version of the sentence:

Changes for the new and improved SAT are going to be implemented soon.

The approach you should take with sentences that contain a prepositional phrase is very similar to the one you should use with non-essential clauses and appositives.

My ghost writer. He knows his SAT grammar.

Cross out the prepositional phrase and the resulting sentence should be grammatically correct . Also, doing so will make it easier for you to identify the subject and ensure that the subject and verb agree. The subject will never be contained within a prepositional phrase. Let's use the cross out method with the above incorrectly written sentence:

The subject-verb agreement error is much more obvious. Hooray!

Interrupting phrases are not the only tactic the SAT uses to complicate subject-verb agreement questions.

Common Trap #2: Sometimes the Subject Will Follow the Verb

Occasionally, the normal word order of a sentence will be changed so that a prepositional phrase appears at the beginning of a sentence and the subject will follow the verb.  In these sentences, it can be difficult to identify the subject and determine whether there is an error in subject-verb agreement. Take, for example, the following sentence with the prepositional phrase underlined and the verb in bold:

On my forehead resides five unsightly pimples.

We know that a subject cannot be contained within a prepositional phrase and the subject must correspond with the verb. What is doing the residing? The pimples. And "on my forehead" provides information about where the pimples are located.  Because the subject is plural, the verb needs to be in the plural form:

On my forehead   reside five unsightly pimples.

The correctly written sentence may sound more awkward to you because the noun "forehead" is singular and it is placed right next to the plural form of a verb. That is why you should focus on the rules and not rely on what sounds right .

In rare cases, the verb comes before the subject but is not preceded by a preposition.  What? How is that possible? Check out this sentence with the subject underlined and the verb in bold:

Eating Hot Cheetos is fun, but less fun is its consequences .

In the sentence, what is less fun? The consequences. Therefore, "consequences" is the subject which corresponds with the verb. There is an error in subject-verb agreement. The sentence should read like this:

Eating Hot Cheetos is fun, but less fun are its consequences .

The order of the words has been changed, but this sentence is saying that "The consequences are less fun." So, how should you tackle sentences in which the subject follows the verb?

In these sentences in which the subject follows the verb, simply rearrange the sentence so that it follows the normal structure of subject then verb . This will enable you to more easily spot errors in subject-verb agreement. If you did that in the incorrectly written example above, you would be left with "its consequences is less fun". The subject is right in front of the verb and the error is obvious.

Application: Real SAT Example

So, weā€™ve established that subject-verb agreement questions can be tricky because the subject is often not placed directly in front of the verb.  Letā€™s see how this plays out with an actual SAT question. First, let's look at a sentence with an interrupting phrase.


The subject of this sentence is ā€œresearchā€. The phrase ā€œby several scientistsā€ is a prepositional phrase providing descriptive information about the research.  Therefore, the subject is singular and the verb should be in the   singular form . If you get rid of the prepositional phrase, the sentence reads "research suggest". B is the answer ; the word should be ā€œsuggestsā€.

There are additional situations which complicate the most basic questions that test subject-verb agreement. Now we'll take a look at some of these specific situations.


Common Trap #3: Compound Subjects

If the subject is two singular nouns connected by ā€œandā€, then the verb should be in the plural form.  Here is an elementary sentence illustrating this rule:

Justin and the SAT are friends.

The subject is both Justin and the SAT so the verb needs to be in the plural form.  

Here is a more difficult SAT-style example in which a prepositional phrase is also placed at the beginning of the sentence:

Under my bed exists a pen and a Taco Bell receipt from 1994 .

So, where is the subject? "Under my bed" is a prepositional phrase - that's not the subject.  What exists? Both a pen and a Taco Bell receipt. We can rearrange the sentence order so that the sentence reads that "A pen and a Taco Bell receipt exists". Because there is a compound subject, the verb should be in the plural form.  This is the corrected version of the sentence:

Under my bed exist a pen and a Taco Bell receipt from 1994.

Application: Real SAT Example

Here is an example of an actual SAT subject-verb agreement question that uses a compound subject.


The subject is both the time and the place.  Therefore, the verb should be in the plural form .  Also, there is an additional error in the sentence in that ā€œto approvingā€ should be ā€œto the approvalā€.  The correct answer is C.

Collective Nouns

Another unique situation that affects subject-verb agreement involves the use of collective nouns.  Collective nouns are singular nouns that refer to groups of people. On the SAT, these nouns, if used in the singular form, should be used with singular verbs.  Examples of collective nouns include team , band , company , and committee. 

Keep in mind that subject-verb agreement questions with collective nouns are rare, but I have seen this type of question on actual SATs. This is what the sentence would look like:

After losing by thirty points, the basketball team have decided to fire its coach.

Even though there are multiple people on a team, the subject is referring to one team .  Therefore, the subject is singular and the verb should be in the singular form.  This is corrected version of the sentence:

After losing by thirty points, the basketball team has decided to fire its coach.


Other Singular Subjects That Can Be Tricky

Aside from collective nouns, there are other specific types of subjects that may intuitively appear to be plural but are singular and require a singular verb.


The word ā€œeachā€ implies that youā€™re referring to each thing individually so you should use a singular verb when ā€œeachā€ is the subject.  This is an example of an incorrectly written sentence using "each" as the subject:

Each of the members of the team are athletic.

Keep in mind that "of the members" and "of the team" are prepositional phrases. After removing the prepostional phrases, the sentence reads "Each are athletic." Each is our subject so the verb should be singular . This is the correct version:

Each of the members of the team is athletic.


Similarly, the word ā€œeveryā€ implies that youā€™re referring to each thing individually.  Think of the word ā€œeveryā€ as implicitly stating ā€œevery oneā€. Here is an example of this rule in effect:

Every person in each of my classes are intelligent.  

Although all of the students are intelligent, this sentence is stating that every single student is intelligent. Also, the use of the singular noun "person" further indicates that the subject is singular and requires a singular verb. Remember that "in each of my classes" is a prepositional phrase. This is how the sentence should look:

Every person in each of my classes is intelligent.

Gerunds When Used as Subjects=Singular

A gerund is a verb which is used as a noun and ends in ā€œingā€. When a gerund is being used as a subject, then the subject is singular.  Look at this example:

Remembering the names of all of the Kardashian sisters are easy.

 To determine the subject, think about what is easy. Also, we know that "of all of the Kardashian sisters" is a prepositional phrase which we can cross out and will not contain the subject. Therefore, we're left with "Remembering the names are easy". Even though "names" is plural, "the names" is not the subject and simply provides additional information about what we're remembering.  The subject is "Remembering", a gerund which requires a singular verb.  So, here is the corrected version:

Remembering the names of all of the Kardashian sisters is easy.


Who is this?

It's time to take a look at an actual SAT subject-verb agreement question that includes one of these uniquely singular subjects.


The subject is the gerund ā€œstoringā€, which is singular.  Therefore, the verb should be ā€œincreasesā€ and the answer is B .  Also, because ā€œdelaysā€ is singular and shares the same subject, you should know that any verb which corresponds with the same subject should be in the singular form as well.

Now that we've looked at various types of subject-verb agreement questions, let's go over strategies you can use on your SAT to help determine if you're encountering a subject-verb agreement question and ensure that you answer the question correctly.

Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?   We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must use to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

General Strategies for SAT Subject-Verb Agreement

Look for errors in subject-verb agreement when a verb is underlined.

In any of the subsections (sentence improvement, identify the error, paragraph improvement), if a verb is underlined, make sure that there are no errors in subject-verb agreement.

Always Identify the Subject

Both subjects of sentences and subjects of clauses must agree with their verbs.  For each verb, find the noun which corresponds with that specific verb.   Then, determine whether that subject is singular or plural and make sure that the subject and verb agree. 

The Subject is Never Part of a Prepositional Phrase

Be aware that the subject will not be part of a prepositional phrase.  Most subject-verb agreement questions on the SAT separate a subject from a verb with a prepositional phrase.

Cross Out Interrupting Phrases

The SAT tries to deceive you by placing long phrases in between the subject and the verb. Often, the number of the noun closest to the verb will not match the number of the subject. By crossing out the interrupting phrase, you will have an easier time identifying the subject and determining whether there is an error in subject-verb agreement.

Be Able to Recognize the Common Tricks

Knowing the common tricks the SAT uses on questions that test your knowledge of subject-verb agreement can be helpful.  The better you know these tricks, the more quickly youā€™ll be able to identify them and correctly answer subject-verb agreement questions.

Additional Practice

Hopefully, by this point you thoroughly understand subject-verb agreement and how to correctly answer any subject-verb agreement question that may appear on the SAT. I've created some practice problems to test you on what you've learned. Remember to use the general strategies I referenced above.


1.  Every summer in Los Angeles (A) the sound of children yelling  (B) at the beach on a weekday indicate  (C) that it is summer vaction (D). No error (E)

2. The selfie, which is  (A) a photograph taken  (B) by many narcissistic people, is  (C) extremely popular on various social networking websites (D). No error (E)

3. An effective and helpful  (A) tutor demonstrates  (B) exceptional knowledge, is responsive to the needs  (C) of her students, and listen  (D) to them carefully. No error (E)

4. Extremely careful analysis  (A) of handwriting samples show  (B) that creative people are more likely to write  (C) rounded letters (D). No Error (E)

5. Playing sports  (A) such as basketball, football, or baseball allow  (B) children to learn teamwork  (C) and develop (D) coordination. No error (E)

Answers: 1. C, 2. E, 3. D, 4. B, 5. B

What's Next?

If you want to know everything that is tested on the SAT Writing section, read our article about what's actually on SAT Writing . After you have mastered the basic questions, study the hardest SAT Writing questions.

Finally, if you're aiming for an 800 on SAT Writing, find out how to get a perfect score from a perfect scorer.

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?   We have the industry's leading SAT prep program. Built by Harvard grads and SAT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so you get the most effective prep possible.   Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next.   Check out our 5-day free trial today:

Justin has extensive experience teaching SAT prep and guiding high school students through the college admissions and selection process. He is firmly committed to improving equity in education and helping students to reach their educational goals. Justin received an athletic scholarship for gymnastics at Stanford University and graduated with a BA in American Studies.

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🏠 / Clause/Sentence / Subject-Verb Agreement: Penjelasan dan Contoh Soal

Subject-Verb Agreement: Penjelasan dan Contoh Soal

Soal subject-verb agreement, pengertian subject-verb agreement.

Subject-verb agreement Ā adalah persesuaian antaraĀ  verb Ā (kata kerja) denganĀ  subject Ā kalimat dalam hal number, yaitu:Ā singularĀ (tunggal) atauĀ pluralĀ (jamak).

  • Pronoun – Antecedent Agreement
  • Subject and Predicate
  • Understood Subject
  • Delayed Subject
  • Subjective Case
  • Subject Complement

Subjek dapat berupa noun Ā (kata benda),Ā  pronoun Ā (kata ganti), atau konstruksi lain yang berakting sebagaiĀ noun, seperti gerund dan infinitive. Ā Pada dasarnya, singular subjectĀ (subjek tunggal) menggunakan singular verb (kata kerja tunggal), sedangkan plural subjectĀ (subjek jamak) menggunakan plural verb (kata kerja jamak).

Subject-Verb Agreement (Umum)

Secara umum pada bentuk simple present tense , singular verb berupa base form / bare infinitive Ā (bentuk dasar dari verb) dengan ditambahkan endingĀ (akhiran) -s/-es. Adapun pada plural verb tanpa ditambahkan endingĀ -s/-es (sebaliknya,Ā plural subject ditambahkan endingĀ -s/-es).Ā Aturan kata kerja ini berlaku pula pada subjek berupa third personĀ (orang ketiga, contoh: Ricky, Anna) dan semuaĀ  personal pronoun Ā (they, we= jamak; he, she, it= tunggal), kecualiĀ  I Ā danĀ  you. Ā Walaupun berupa subjek tunggal, I dan you dipasangkan dengan kata kerja bentuk jamak.

Jika kata kerja dalamĀ  verb “to be” , Ā  am Ā dipasangkan dengan I , is dengan singular subject kecuali I dan you , dan are dengan plural subject danĀ  you .

Sedangkan pada past tense , tidak ada perbedaan bentuk kata kerja dalam hal number (tunggal atau jamak) subjek kalimat, semua dalam verb-2, kecuali jika kata kerja yang digunakan merupakan verb “to be” was-were . Was untuk singular subject kecuali you, dan were untuk you dan plural subject.

Contoh Kalimat Subject-Verb Agreement

subject=Ā  bold ; verb=Ā  italic

  • The sun rises . (Matahari terbit.) singular subject, singular verb
  • The stars shine . (Bintang bersinar.) plural subject, plural verb
  • Leo Ā rarelyĀ  eats Ā white bread. (Leo jarang makan roti putih.) singular subject, plural subject
  • You go straight ahead then turn left. (Kamu jalan lurus ke depan lalu belok kiri.) singular/plural subject, plural verb
  • My Ā boss Ā alwaysĀ  comes Ā on time. (Bos saya selalu datang tepat waktu.) singular subject, singular verb
  • They Ā  like Ā eating out. (Mereka suka makan diluar.)Ā  plural subject, plural verb
  • Ricky Ā  is Ā smart. (Ricky pintar.) verb to be
  • The children Ā  are naughty. (Anak-anak itu nakal.)Ā  verb to be
  • I am hungry. (Saya lapar.)Ā  verb to be
  • You are gorgeous. (Kamu sangat menarik.)Ā  verb to be
  • She drove fast. (Dia mengebut.)Ā  TIDAK BERLAKU
  • I was there yesterday. (Saya di sana kemarin.) verb to be
  • You were always busy. (Kamu dulu selalu sibuk.)Ā  verb to be

Jika ada helping verb / auxiliary verb ,Ā maka helping verb-nya yang berubah sedangkan main verb dalam bentuk dasar, present participle (-ing), atau past participle (verb-3). Pilihan helping verb dalam bentuk tunggal-jamak-nya adalahĀ  is-are , was-were ,Ā  does-do , dan has-have . Khusus untuk has-have , agreement tidak berlaku jika kata tersebut merupakan second helping verb atau digunakan dibelakangĀ helping verb lainnya. Pada situasi tersebut, have yang digunakan.

rumus subject-verb agreement verb "to be": AM, IS, ARE *I + am *singular subject (kecuali I dan you) + is *plural subject / you + are WAS, WERE *singular subject (kecuali you) + was *plural subject / you + were

rumus subject-verb agreement verb “to be”

subject=Ā  bold ; verb=Ā  italic ; helping verb = underlined

  • He is working . (Dia sedang bekerja.)
  • I do submit the task. (Saya harus mengirimkan tugas tersebut.)
  • The manager has checked the documents. (Manager telah mengecek dokumen-dokumen tersebut.)
  • IĀ  will have been sleeping for an hourĀ when you arrive. (Saya akan sudah tidur selama satu jam ketika kamu tiba.) has-have TIDAK BERLAKU
  • The cat was sleeping . (Kucing itu sedang tidur.)
  • We were roasting corn. (Kita sedang membakar jagung.)
  • My books were stolen . (Buku-buku saya dicuri.)

Permasalahan pada Subject-Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement menjadi membingungkan ketika Ā dihadapkan pada persoalan seperti: subjek berupa collective noun , compound subject ,Ā plural form dengan makna singular, dan indefinite pronoun . Selain itu, ada pula phrase atau clause yang menyela subjek dan kata kerja sehingga cukup dapat membingungkan didalam penentuan agreement-nya.

Berikut penjelasan dan beberapa contoh subject-verb agreement. [Subject= bold ; verb, linking= italic ; helping verb= underline ]

collective noun

CollectiveĀ noun merupakan kata benda yang digunakan untuk menyatakanĀ suatu nama kumpulan (terdiri dari lebih dari satu anggota). SebagaiĀ subjek, kata benda ini dapat singular atau plural tergantung konteks.Jika anggota kumpulan melakukan hal yang sama secara serentak, makaĀ kata benda ini dianggap sebagai suatu kesatuan subjek dengan singularĀ verb. Sebaliknya, bila anggota dari kumpulan bertindak secara individual,Ā maka dianggap sebagai subjek jamak dengan kata kerja yang jamak pula.

  • The team is going Ā on holiday now. [Artinya: Para anggota team sedang pergi berlibur (bersama-sama) sekarang.]
  • The team are going Ā on holiday now. [Artinya: Para anggota tim sedang berlibur (masing-masing) sekarang.]

compound subject

Jika dua atau lebih subjek, baik singular maupun plural, dihubungkan dengan coordinate conjunction Ā  AND , maka digunakan plural verb. Jika dua atau lebihĀ singular subjek dihubungkan dengan OR atauĀ  NOR , maka digunakan singular verb. Berlaku sebaliknya pada plural subjek.

Contoh Subject-Verb Agreement

  • Ichel and her brother go to school by bus. (Ichel dan kakak laki-lakinya pergi ke sekolah dengan bus.)
  • Atiek , Adon and I were at home. (Atiek, Adon, dan saya di rumah.)
  • To stay or to go is your prerogative. (Tinggal atau pergi adalah hakmu.)Ā  subjek berupa infinitive (to + verb)
  • The jackets or the shirtsĀ  are in the cupboard. (Jaket-jaket dan kemeja-kemeja ada di dalam lemari.)

Jika compound subjek yang menggunakan OR atau NOR terdiri dari singular dan plural noun atau pronoun, maka verb mengikuti subjek yang terdekat posisinya dengannya, baik sebelum maupun setelahnya (kalimat pertanyaan).

Jika compound subject terdiri atas subjek (tunggal maupun jamak) positif dan negatif, maka verb mengikuti yang positif.

  • The staffs but not the manager have received their salaries. (Para staff tapi tidak sang manager telah menerima gaji.)
  • It is mine , not theirs , that has wore out. (Itu milikku, bukan milik mereka yang sudah aus.)

subject dengan plural form (bentuk jamak) namun makna singular

Beberapa noun tampak plural karena memiliki ending -s , namun sesungguhnya bermakna singular karena hanya merujuk pada satu hal. Dengan demikian, noun tersebut membutuhkan singular verb pula. Dapat dibuktikan dengan substitusi noun tersebut dengan “it” yang terasa lebih make sense daripada “they”. Noun ini antara lain:

  • news , dollars (ketika membicarakan jumlah)
  • nama penyakit, seperti: measles ,Ā  mumps
  • noun dengan ending -ics, seperti: mathematics , statistics , physics

Namun ending -ics dapat pula merupakan plural meaning jika noun tersebut bukan dianggap sebagai cabang keilmuan melainkan masing-masing bagian dari suatu kesatuan. Contoh: statistics = data-data statistik.

  • Measles is one of the most contagious diseases among young children. (Campak adalah satu dari penyakit paling menular diantara anak kecil.)

tidak berlaku pada:

Tidak berlakuĀ pada:, subject dengan plural form (bentuk jamak) berupa duaĀ bagian dalam satu kesatuan.

Noun seperti:

merupakan dua bagian pada satu kesatuan benda. NounĀ ini membutuhkan plural verb.

  • My glasses were broken into two pieces. (Kaca mataku pecah menjadi dua bagian.)
  • The trousers are made from denim. (Celana panjang tersebut terbuat dari denim.)

fractional expression dan mathematical process

A majority of,Ā a part of, a percentage of,Ā dan half of merupakan fractionalĀ expression dapat diikuti oleh singularĀ verb atau pluralĀ tergantung dari maknanya. Jika diikuti oleh plural noun,Ā maka subjek menjadi plural sehingga harusĀ dipasangkan dengan plural verb. BegitupunĀ sebaliknya.Ā Berlaku pula pada all ,Ā  some , Ā dan most ketika berfungsi sebagai subjekĀ yang diikuti oleh prepositional phrase ,Ā perhatikan noun (sebagai objek preposition ) didalam frasaĀ tsb. Mathematical process, sepertiĀ penambahan, merupakan singular sehinggaĀ membutuhkan singular verb.

  • Ten and ten is Ā twenty. (Sepuluh ditambah sepuluh adalah dua puluh.)

kalimat dimulai dengan there / here + is / are / was / were

ThereĀ maupun here bukan subjek. Subjek muncul setelahĀ  verb “be” Ā (is/are/was/were). Dengan demikian, subjek mengikuti verbĀ apakah singular atau plural.

  • There is a big difference . (Ada sebuah perbedaan besar.)
  • There are your friends . (Disana ada teman-temanmu.)

indefinite pronounĀ (kata benda untuk untuk orang, benda, atau hal secara umum)

NeitherĀ  dan either merupakan singularĀ pronoun meskipun tampak merujuk pada dua hal. Oleh karenaĀ itu, membutuhkan singular subject. Indefinite pronoun lain seperti:

  • anybody/anyone
  • everybody/everyone
  • somebody/someone
  • nobody/noĀ one

juga merupakan singular pronounĀ sehingga diikuti singular verb.

  • Neither isĀ  bad. (Tidak satupun dari keduanya buruk.)
  • Everybody likes him. (Setiap orang menyukainya.)
  • Someone has sent him an anonymous letter. (Seseorang telah mengiriminya surat kaleng.)

phrase dan clause yang berada diantara subjek dan verb

Pada dasarnya verb disesuaikan dengan subjek, bukan noun atauĀ pronoun yang berada pada phrase atau clauseĀ yang menyelanya.

AccompaniedĀ with , along with , as well as , as with ,Ā  including , in addition ,Ā dan together with dapat digunakan bersama subjek tanpa menambah jumlah subjek karena tidak sama dengan AND .

  • The prime minister , together withĀ his staffs , is visiting Lombok. (Menteri bersama para stafnya sedang mengunjungi Lombok.)
  • That girl as well as herĀ brother is sitting on the edge ofĀ swimming pool. (Anak perempuan itu bersama saudara laki-lakinya sedang duduk di pinggir kolam renang.)
  • One of the men Ā  is a surgeon. (Satu dari para pria itu adalah dokter bedah.) prepositional phrase
  • The woman in my bedroom is my mother. (Wanita di dalam kamarku adalah ibuku.) prepositional phrase
  • Cats that live in the wild rarely get sick. (Kucing-kucing yang hidup di alam liar jarang sakit.) relative clause (defining/non-defining)
  • The table , which is made of marble , has been repaired . (Meja yang terbuat dari marmer telah diperbaiki.)Ā  relative clause (defining/non-defining)
  • Cats living in the wild rarely get sick. participial phrase (defining/non-defining) ā‰ˆ reduksiĀ  adjective clause
  • The table , made of marble , hasĀ  beenĀ  repaired . participial phrase (defining/non-defining) ā‰ˆ reduksi adjective clause
  • A famous news presenter Al HuntĀ  works in Bloomberg Television. (Seorang pembawa acara berita terkenal, Al Hunt, bekerja di Bloomberg Television.) appositive Ā  (defining and non-defining)
  • My brother , a chemical engineer , is very smart. (Kakakku, seorang engineer kimia, sangat pintar.)Ā  appositiveĀ (defining and non-defining)

10 Contoh Soal Subject-Verb Agreement Pilihan Ganda

Ketik a atau b untuk melengkapi bagian yang kosong.

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  • Making Subjects and Verbs Agree. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/599/1/. Accessed on November 12, 2012.
  • Subject-Verb Agreement. Ā http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/sv_agr.htm. Accessed on November 12, 2012.
  • Self Teaching Unit: Subject-Verb Agreement. http://www.towson.edu/ows/moduleSVAGR.htm . Accessed on November 12, 2012.
  • Subject Verb Agreement [S-V]. https://eee.uci.edu/programs/esl/svlink.html . Accessed on November 15, 2012.

Wilma is a grammar enthusiast. She loves learning about things and writes about them.

8 thoughts on “ Subject-Verb Agreement: Penjelasan dan Contoh Soal ”

Halo Jack, maaf banget baru balas šŸ™

Kalimat di atas merupakan expletive construction ya, dimana dengan “empty word” it selalu diikuti is/was: It + be (is/was) + noun/pronoun/adjective/past participle + subordinate clause. Verb ā€œbeā€ tsb harus sesuai dengan noun/pronoun pertama setelahnya, dalam hal ini “mine”. Mine itu singular Jack (juga yours, hers, his), sedangkan theirs itu plural (juga ours dan yours.). Oleh karena itu padanan mine “has” (singular).

Semoga membantu šŸ™‚

thank you,,

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Subject ā€“ Verb Agreement

Subject-Verb Agreement

Itā€™s important to pay attention to subject-verb agreement to ensure grammatical accuracy in your sentences. In the TOEFL exam, you will encounter various sentence structures, and having a good grasp of subject-verb agreement rules will help you choose the correct verb form for a given subject.

Remember to practice identifying subject-verb agreement in sentences and pay attention to the number of the subject and the corresponding verb. With practice and familiarity, you will become more confident in applying subject-verb agreement rules and producing grammatically correct sentences in English.

1- Everyone complains when gas prices go up. 2- Most of Benitoā€™s shirts have at least one pocket. 3- Somebody is addressing all the wedding invitations with a fountain pen. 4- Everyone in the Hundley family buys a new toothbrush twice a year. 5- Few of my friends dislike both crunchy peanut butter and the smooth variety. 6- Nobody remembers that the space between the thumb and the first finger is called the purlicue. 7- Some of the children stop at the ice cream shop every day. 8- Nothing ends the babyā€™s crying except being rocked in the rocking chair. 9- All of the workers who enter by the main gate pass through a metal detector. 10- Each of the messages on the answering machine is for Dody. These sentences have the correct subject-verb agreement, matching the verb form to the subject in each case.

1- Every participant has been notified of the change in schedule. 2- The old lady and her twelve cats were evicted from the apartment. 3- Everyone is bringing a homemade dish. 4- Neither of the cars in the accident was insured. 5- Most of the rooms in the hotel have air-conditioning. 6- John, together with his wife and two children, is going to dinner. 7- One of the speakers is not here yet. 8- No news is good news. These sentences demonstrate the correct subject-verb agreement by matching the verb form to the subject in each case.

1- Neither Mary nor her friends are going to have a party. 2- A number of graduates have received scholarships from this department. 3- All of the money was found. 4- Every man and woman has the right to vote. 5- The number of car accidents is increasing every year. 6- Both corn and wheat are grown in Canada. 7- Most of our furniture is in storage. 8- My new pair of pants is at the cleaners. 9- The Chinese were drinking tea in the year 2000 B.C. 10- The police are on the alert for the escaped convict.

1- One of the students in my class comes from Bangladesh. 2- The people who have invited me to the opening of the exhibition want me to write an article about it afterward. 3- Almost everyone in my class has a part-time job. 4- Writing essays requires a lot of skill. 5- Neither his wife nor his children know that he has lost his job. 6- Every book that is assigned for this course costs more than $20. 7- The president and his wife have agreed to attend the ceremony. 8- My sister always tries her hardest. 9- Todayā€™s news is surprising. 10- The bunch of flowers that she wants to buy is very expensive.

1- Ethics is the study of moral duties, principles, and values. 2- The first bridge to be built with electric lights was the Brooklyn Bridge. 3- There are two types of calculus, differential and integral. 4- George Gershwin, together with his brother Ira, was the creator of the first musical comedy to win the Pulitzer Prize. 5- In a chess game, the player with the white pieces always moves first. 6- The Earth and Pluto are the only two planets in the solar system believed to have a single moon. 7- A number of special conditions are necessary for the formation of a geyser. 8- Each of the Ice Ages was more than a million years long. 9- The battery, along with the alternator and starter, makes up the electrical system of a car. 10- Teeth are covered with a hard substance called enamel. 11- The more-or-less rhythmic succession of economic booms and busts is referred to as the business cycle. 12- The number of chromosomes in a cell varies from species to species. 13- All trees, except for the tree fern, are seed-bearing plants. 14- Fifteen hundred dollars a year was the per-capita income in the United States in 1950. 15- Everyone who goes into the woods should recognize common poisonous plants such as poison ivy and poison oak.

1- Neither the doctor nor the nurses are here. 2- The number of nurses in the city is very large. 3- All of the nurses are very good. 4- All of the medicine is gone. 5- Some of the water is used for irrigation. 6- Most of the money is counterfeit. 7- Not only the money but also the jewels are locked up in the safe. 8- Neither the jewels nor the money is mine. 9- All of the cookies are gone. 10- Half of the furniture is in the truck. 11- Neither of the reporters is allowed to interview the players. 12- Everyone is required to write a composition. 13- Every man, woman, and child is given a free ticket. 14- Everything in the house is destroyed by the fire.

1- The crew is asleep in their bunks down in the hold of the ship. 2- Several unusual species of birds are found in this area. 3- When a young deer is motionless, its coloring will hide it well. 4- The committee is ready to make its recommendations public. 5- Both apparatus are available for your use. 6- The family is fighting among themselves constantly. 7- The fish in the aquarium are waiting for their daily feeding. 8- Each of those species of birds is common in Texas. 9- All sheep are dipped in the spring to kill the parasites. 10- The press is requested to show their credentials to the guard.

1- Alumni of the university are invited to the graduation ceremony. 2- English is heard all over the world. 3- The Portuguese are fortunate to have such a beautiful coastline. 4- Many Vietnamese are living in the United States. 5- The criteria for promotion are clearly stated. 6- The appendices are usually found at the back of a book. 7- Supernatural phenomena are of great interest to many people. 8- Few are strong enough to finish the race. 9- There is a pair of sunglasses lying on the floor. 10- Both my good trousers and my old jeans are at the laundry. 11- Many of you are going to score above 500 on the TOEFL. 12- There are several books on the top shelf of the bookcase.

1- Nylon, like orlon, is synthetic. 2- Either his children or his wife is arriving today. 3- Both the chair and the sofa are on sale. 4- Every dog and cat must be vaccinated against rabies. 5- There are several universities in the city. 6- It is the bicyclists who endanger the joggers. 7- The New York Times is read by many people. 8- Everyone in the class is working hard. 9- All of the creeks are polluted. 10- All of the water is contaminated. 11- The committee is having its meeting. 12- The committee is separated from their families for long periods of time. 13- Two hundred dollars is a lot of money to lose. 14- Mathematics is a pure science. 15- A number of doctors are employed by the hospital. 16- The number of female doctors is growing. 17- The English are well known for their love of tea. 18- The hypothesis is supported by the data. 19- The young deer are staying near their mothers. 20- Those species of fish are found in Texas lakes.

1- The trousers you bought for me donā€™t fit me. 2- Physics was my best subject at school. 3- Fortunately, the news wasnā€™t as bad as we had expected. 4- The police want to interview Fred about a robbery. 5- Three days isnā€™t long enough for a good holiday. 6- Where does your family live? 7- England has lost all their football matches this season. 8- Can I borrow your scissors? Mine arenā€™t sharp enough. 9- Iā€™m going to take a taxi. Six miles is too far for me to walk.

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Subject-Verb Agreement | Examples, Rules & Use

Published on 22 August 2022 by Fiona Middleton . Revised on 18 April 2023.

Subject-verb agreement means that the subject of the sentence matches the verb describing its action. This helps your reader understand who or what is doing something and makes your writing easier to read.

First, identify the subject (the person or thing doing the action) and the verb (the action word) in a sentence. If the subject is singular, the verb describing its action should be singular. If the subject is plural, the verb should be plural.

While subject-verb agreement is easy in simple sentences like these, it can become tricky in more complex sentences. This article teaches you the most important rules and common mistakes.

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Table of contents

Compound subjects, subjects separated from verbs, indefinite pronouns, subjects that come after the verb, numbers and amounts, collective and uncountable nouns, abbreviations and acronyms.

Sometimes two or more subjects are linked to one verb. These are called compound subjects. To decide whether to use a singular or plural verb, consider how the subjects are linked.

Subjects linked with ‘and’

When subjects are linked with and , use a plural verb.

Exception :Ā When the two nouns don’t refer to separate things but to a single entity, use a singular verb.

Subjects linked with ‘or’

When singular subjects are linked with or , eitherā€¦or , nor , neitherā€¦nor , use aĀ singular verb.

If all the subjects are plural, use a plural verb.

If the compound subject contains both singular and plural nouns , the verb takes the form of the closest subject.

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Often the verb does not directly follow the subject, which can lead to agreement mistakes. Make sure to match the verb with the correct subject, especially in long sentences with phrases or clauses in between subject and verb.

‘As well as’ and other tricky phrases

The phrase as well as is not the same as the conjunction and .Ā Subjects linked by and Ā always take a plural verb. In contrast, phrases like as well as , in addition to , or along with are not linked to the verb. If the subject is singular, the verb should stay singular.

These refer to non-specific persons, places, and things (e.g., someone , other , anyone , anything , somewhere , every , none ).

Most indefinite pronouns are treated as singular subjects. However, some are always treated as plural, as they refer to multiple items or amounts.

Certain indefinite pronouns may be treated as either singular or plural, depending on whether they refer to multiple items or to a proportion of a single item.

Sometimes the subject follows the verb, especially when the sentence begins with there or here . In this case,Ā  there is not the subject ā€“ the true subject should be identified and matched with the correct verb form.

Note : Identifying the true subject can be difficult when using these phrases in a long sentence, which can be confusing for your readers, so be careful when starting a sentence in this way.

When usingĀ  numbers, percentages or proportions , the correct form of verb agreement depends on exactly what you’re referring to.Ā Itā€™s helpful to look beyond the numbers and find the true subject.

If you’re referring to a specific number or amount of something, match the verb with the noun rather than the number.

This also applies when the number refers to an unnamed noun.

If the subject of the sentence is a number referring to a unified quantity of something, use a singular verb.


Terms that describe a proportion of something are usually followed by ‘of’ (such as most of ). First look at the noun you are describing to determine if itā€™s singular or plural, then match it to the verb.

It can be hard to work out whether to treat collective and uncountable nouns as singular or plural.

Collective nouns

A collective noun refers to a group of people or things as a singular whole (e.g., population , team , committee , staff ). The form of verb depends on the style of English you are using.Ā  US English Ā tends to use a singular verb, while UK English tends to use a plural verb. This also applies to the names of companies and organizations.

However, in both styles of English, this rule is somewhat flexible depending on whether you want to emphasise the actions of the collective as a whole or the individual actions of its members.

*A singular verb makes more sense here, as the emphasis is on the company as a unified entity.

**A plural verb makes more sense here, as the emphasis is on the individual staff members.

Uncountable nouns

These nouns describe abstract concepts or masses that can’t be counted (e.g., research , power , water Ā and vegetation ). TheyĀ take a singular verb.

Note :Ā  Data is technically a plural noun, but it is widely treated as an uncountable noun, so it is acceptable to use either the singular or plural verb form.

Abbreviations and acronyms usually take a singular verb. If youā€™re unsure, check if the full version of the acronym or abbreviation is a singular, plural or collective noun, and refer to the rules above. Itā€™s most important to use one form of agreement consistently.

In the examples above, RPM (‘revolutions per minute’) refers to a stand-alone number, so it takes a singular verb. HNS (‘hazardous and noxious substances’), on the other hand, is used to describe multiple things, so it takes a plural verb.

Sources for this article

We strongly encourage students to use sources in their work. You can cite our article (APA Style) or take a deep dive into the articles below.

Middleton, F. (2023, April 18). Subject-Verb Agreement | Examples, Rules & Use. Scribbr. Retrieved 26 May 2024, from https://www.scribbr.co.uk/verb/subject-verb-agreement-explained/
Aarts, B. (2011).Ā  Oxford modern English grammar . Oxford University Press.
Butterfield, J. (Ed.). (2015).Ā  Fowler’s dictionary of modern English usageĀ  (4th ed.). Oxford University Press.
Garner, B. A. (2016).Ā  Garner’s modern English usage (4th ed.). Oxford University Press.

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soal essay subject verb agreement

Subject Verb Agreement: Rumus, Contoh, dan Penggunaannya

subject verb agreement

Dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris, pastinya kita akan mengenal verb, subject , grammar, dan lain sebagainya.

Salah satu hal yang mungkin sampai sekarang masih membuat kita bingung atau keliru adalah perubahan kata kerja pada sebuah kalimat Bahasa Inggris. Kamu pasti sering menjumpai bagaimana ada kata kerja yang berubah dikarenakan subyek dari kalimat tersebut berubah yang seringkali diakibatkan oleh jumlah dari subyek kalimat tersebut. Hal ini ternyata disebut sebagi subject-verb agreement yang bisa berubah karena kondisi jamak atau tunggal.

Daripada makin bingung, mari kita bahas langsung saja mengenai materi ini.

Pengertian Subject-Verb Agreement

Merupakan sebuah penyesuaian antara verb (kata kerja) dengan subyek sebuah kalimat dalam halĀ  number , yaitu:Ā  singular Ā (tunggal) atauĀ  plural (jamak).

Subyek dapat berupa noun (kata benda),Ā  pronoun (kata ganti), atau konstruksi lain yang berakting sebagai Ā noun, Ā sepertiĀ  gerund Ā danĀ  infinitive.k

Pada dasarnya,Ā  singular subject Ā (subjek tunggal) menggunakanĀ  singular verb Ā (kata kerja tunggal), sedangkanĀ  plural subject Ā (subjek jamak) menggunakanĀ  plural verb (kata kerja jamak). Contohnya:

  • MyĀ  dog always growls at the postal carrier. ( Singular subject, singular verb)
  • Basketballs roll across the floor. (plural subject, plural verb)
  • I donā€™t understand the assignment. (singular subject, singular verb)
  • These Ā clothesĀ  are too small for me. (plural subject, plural verb)
  • Peter doesnā€™t like vegetables. (singular subject, singular verb)

Baca juga: No Offense: Pengertian, Contoh Kalimat, dan Cara Penggunaan

Penggunaan Subject Verb-Agreement

Secara umum pada bentukĀ simple present tense,Ā  singular verb Ā berupaĀ base form atau bare infinitiveĀ (bentuk dasar dariĀ  verb ) dengan ditambahkanĀ  endin g (akhiran) -s atau-es.

Pada plural , verb tidak ditambahkan akhiran -s atau -es melainkan hanya bentuk kamus saja.

Aturan kata kerja ini berlaku pula pada subjek berupaĀ  third person Ā (orang ketiga, contoh: Ricky, Anna) dan semua Ā personal pronoun Ā  ( they, we = jamak; he, she, it = tunggal), kecualiĀ  I Ā danĀ  you.

Sebaliknya, subyek kalimat yang singular atau tunggal kita tidak menambahkan akhiran -s atau -es kecuali pada I dan you yang aturannya akan ikut ke plural verb.

Sedangkan padaĀ  past tense , tidak ada perbedaan bentuk kata kerja dalam hal Ā number Ā (tunggal atau jamak) subjek kalimat, semua dalam verb-2 , kecuali jika kata kerja yang digunakan merupakan verb ā€œto beā€ Ā  was-were .

Was Ā untuk Ā singular subject Ā kecualiĀ  you , danĀ  were Ā untukĀ  you Ā danĀ  plural subject .

Apakah kamu sudah cukup paham dengan perubahan-perubahan verb di atas?

Jika sudah, ada lagi permasalahan-permasalahan yang ada di dalam subject verb-agreement yang perlu kamu tahu.

Subject-verb agreement menjadi membingungkan ketika Ā dihadapkan pada persoalan seperti: subyek berupa collective noun,Ā compound subject,Ā plural form Ā dengan maknaĀ  singular , danĀ indefinite pronoun.

Selain itu, ada pulaĀ  phrase Ā atauĀ  clause yang menyela subyek dan kata kerja sehingga cukup dapat membingungkan didalam penentuanĀ  agreement -nya.

Baca juga: Infinitive: Definisi, Contoh Kalimat, dan Cara Penggunaannya

Collective noun

Merupakan kata benda yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu nama kumpulan (terdiri dari lebih dari satu anggota).

Sebagai subjek, kata benda ini dapat singular atau plural tergantung konteks. Jika anggota kumpulan melakukan hal yang sama secara serentak, maka kata benda ini dianggap sebagai suatu kesatuan subyek dengan singularĀ verb .

Sebaliknya, bila anggota dari kumpulan bertindak secara individual, maka dianggap sebagai subyek jamak dengan kata kerja yang jamak pula. Contoh:

  • TheĀ teamĀ isĀ going on holiday now. (Para anggota team sedang pergi berlibur (bersama-sama) sekarang.)
  • TheĀ teamĀ areĀ going on holiday now. (Para anggota tim sedang berlibur (masing-masing) sekarang.)

Compound subject

Dilansir dari Your Dictionary, compound sentence merupakan dua subyek yang ada di dalam satu kalimat.

Ada beberapa kondisi untuk menentukan kapan kita mengubah verb menjadi plural atau singular.

  • Jika dua atau lebih subyek, baik singular Ā maupunĀ  plural , dihubungkan denganĀ c oordinate conjunction “and”, maka digunakanĀ  plural verb . Contoh: Ichel and her brother go to school by bus. (Ichel dan kakak laki-lakinya pergi ke sekolah dengan bus.)
  • Jika dua atau lebihĀ  singular subyek dihubungkan dengan “or” atauĀ  “nor”, maka digunakanĀ  singular verb . Berlaku sebaliknya padaĀ  plural subyek. Contoh: To stayĀ orĀ to goĀ is your prerogative. (Tinggal atau pergi adalah hakmu.)
  • JikaĀ  compound subjek Ā yang menggunakanĀ  “or” Ā atauĀ  “nor” Ā terdiri dariĀ  singular Ā danĀ  plural noun Ā atauĀ  pronoun , makaĀ  verb mengikuti subjek yang terdekat posisinya dengannya, baik sebelum maupun setelahnya (kalimat pertanyaan). Contoh: TheĀ womanĀ or herĀ friendsĀ eat lunch here every monday. (Wanita itu atau teman-temannya makan siang disini setiap hari minggu.)
  • JikaĀ  compound subject terdiri atas subyek (tunggal maupun jamak) positif dan negatif, makaĀ  verb mengikuti yang positif. Contoh: TheĀ staffĀ but not theĀ manager have received their salaries. (Para staff tapi tidak sang manager telah menerima gaji.)

Baca juga: Many dan Much: Perbedaan, Contoh, dan Cara Penggunaannya

Itu dia beberapa kondisi perubahan dari subject-verb agreement yang bisa kamu pelajari. Masih banyak materi yang bisa kamu dapatkan bahkan bimbingan intensif yang untuk mempertajam skill Bahasa Inggris kamu. Lewat WSE GO (Wall Street English Goes Online) kamu bisa belajar dari rumah kapan saja.

Kamu bisa memulai juga dengan mengetahui level Bahasa Inggris kamu. Yuk,Ā  isi kuis di bawah ini agar tahu tingkat kemampuan Bahasa Inggris kamu!

7 Tips Meningkatkan Profesionalisme Kerja

Tips public speaking dalam bahasa inggris dengan percaya diri, 7 alasan mengapa kamu perlu ikut workshop public speaking, merayakan pengembangan diri melalui bahasa inggris di national conference kami, dukungan wall street english indonesia untuk abang none jakartaĀ timurĀ 2023, apa itu elevator pitch dan apa manfaatnya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

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20 Soal Dan Jawaban Tentang Subject Verb Agreement: Complete Guide

20 soal dan jawaban tentang subject verb agreement, soal jawaban.

Selamat datang di blog kami! Hari ini kita akan membahas subjek dan kesepakatan kata kerja. Ini topik sering membingungkan orang, sangat penting dipahami agar dapat pikiran jelas efektif. Dengan memahami subjek dan kesepakatan kata kerja, kita dapat menghindari kesalahan gramatikal yang umum terjadi.

Pertanyaan 1: Subject Verb Agreement

Subjek dan kesepakatan kata kerja adalah aturan gramatikal yang mengharuskan kata kerja untuk sesuai dengan subjeknya dalam jumlah (tunggal atau jamak) dan orang (orang pertama, kedua, atau ketiga). Antara subjek kata kerja dapat kalimat jelas baku.

Studi Kasus

Sebuah studi yang dilakukan oleh Language Learning Journal menemukan bahwa sekitar 40% dari siswa internasional di Amerika Serikat mengalami kesulitan dengan subjek dan kesepakatan kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris. Hal ini menunjukkan betapa pentingnya pemahaman yang baik tentang aturan ini, terutama bagi mereka yang belajar bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua.

Saran Pribadi

Sebagai seorang penutur bahasa Inggris, saya juga pernah mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami subjek dan kesepakatan kata kerja. Namun, dengan memperbanyak latihan dan membaca contoh-contoh kalimat, saya akhirnya berhasil memahami aturan-aturan tersebut dengan baik. Saya percaya bahwa dengan ketekunan dan kesabaran, siapa pun dapat menguasai topik ini.

Saya harap artikel bermanfaat bagi Anda. Jangan ragu untuk berlatih lebih banyak soal-soal tentang subjek dan kesepakatan kata kerja untuk meningkatkan pemahaman Anda. Terima kasih membaca!

Contract 20 Soal dan Jawaban tentang Subject Verb Agreement

This Contract 20 Soal dan Jawaban tentang Subject Verb Agreement (the “Contract”) entered into on this day by and between the Parties (the “Parties”) for the purpose providing a legal agreement on the subject matter.

In witness whereof, the Parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.

10 Popular Legal Questions About Subject Verb Agreement

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Soal TOEFL Subject Verb Agreement

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Beranda / TOEFL / Soal TOEFL Subject Verb Agreement

Soal TOEFL subject verb agreement adalah salah satu materi yang harus kamu pelajari ketika ingin latihan soal TOEFL. Dalam bahasa Inggris, terdapat verb, subject, grammar, dan sebagainya yang wajib kamu tahu

Kadang, sampai saat ini tidak mudah memahami perubahan kata kerja pada kalimat Bahasa Inggris. Kamu juga pasti mengingat bahwa kata kerja bisa berubah kraena adanya subjek kalimat yang berubah, misalnya karena jumlah subjeknya. Inilah yang disebut dengan subject-verb agreement karena kondisi jamak atau tunggal subjek.

Penggunaan Subject Agreement

Apa itu subject verb agreement merupakan penyesuaian antara kata kerja dan subjek dalma sebuah kalimat, terkait number yaitu: singular disebut tunggal dan plural disebut jamak. Materi ini patut kamu pelajari, terutama ketika kamu bergabung dalam kelas persiapan TOEFL.

Subjek bisa berupa kata benda atau noun , kata ganti atau pronoun, dan juga konstruksi lainnya yang berperan sebagai noun, infinitive, dan gerund . Pada dasarnya, singular subject atau subjek tunggal memakai singular verb atau kata kerja tunggal. Sementara itu, plural subject atau subjek jamak memakai plural verb atau kata kerja jamak. Agar lebih jelas belajar tentang subject verb agreement , kamu bisa lihat contoh berikut:

  • My cat always runs at the backyard-Singular subject, singular verb .
  • Joanna doesnt understand the homework-Singular subject, singular verb.
  • These shoes are too small for my brother-Plural subject, plural verb.

Pada umumnya, menggunakan subject verb agreement berbentuk simple present tense, dengan singular verb base form atau bare infinitive dan ditambah adanya akhiran es atau s .

Pada plural, verb tidak perlu penambahan akhiran s atau es , tetapi bentuk kamus saja. Aturan kata kerja tersebut berlaku pada subjek yang merupakan orang ketiga atau third person juga personal pronoun seperti they, he, she, it, tapi tidak termasuk I dan you.

Untuk past tense , tidak ada perbedaan kata kerja pada hal number subjek kalimat, semua pada verb 2, kecuali kata kerja to be was dan were.

Baca Juga: Apa Saja Materi Dasar TOEFL?

Soal Subject Verb Agreement dan Kunci Jawaban

Berikut adalah soal TOEFL subject verb agreement . Kamu bisa menggunakan soal ini untuk latihan sehari-hari, kemudian kamu juga bisa mengoreksi hasil latihan kamu dengan kunci jawaban berikut:

1. Tom, along with Sam (is/are) planning to your party.

2. The picture of his old friends (bring/brings) back many memories .

3. The quality of those recordings (is/are) not quite good.

4. If the duties of these teachers (isnt/arent) reduced, there will not be enough time to finish teaching.

5 . The effects of mercury (has/have) been proven to be harmful.

6. The use of credit ccards to replace cash (has/have) increased rapidly in many years.

7. Advertisements on online platforms (are/is) becoming more competitive than before.

8. Living expenses in Indonesia, as well as in many others (is/are) high.

9. Miss Joanna, accompanied by several of her partners, (have/has) proposed some new policies.

10. The level of teachers acievement in our school (vary/varies) from their background.

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soal essay subject verb agreement


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Contoh Soal Agreement and Disagreement dan Jawaban, Pilihan Ganda dan Essay

Ingin tahu contoh-contoh soal bahasa Inggris tentang agreement and disagreement dengan tipe pilihan ganda dan essay? Simak artikel berikut.

Contoh Soal Agreement and Disagreement dan Jawaban, Pilihan Ganda dan Essay ā€“ Soal-soal bahasa Inggris tentang agreement and disagreement bisa diberikan dalam bentuk pilihan ganda ataupun essay.

Dua jenis soal tersebut tentunya perlu dikerjakan dan dijawab dengan tepat.

Agar tidak bingung, pelajari contoh-contoh soal beserta pembahasannya. Berikut ini Mamikos akan memberikan contoh soal agreement and disagreement. Yuk, simak!

  • Contoh-Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Agreement and Disagreement

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Soal Pilihan Ganda

  • Tips Mengerjakan Soal-Soal Agreement and Disagreement

Contoh-Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Agreement and Disagreement

Ragam soal bahasa Inggris dengan topik seperti agreement and disagreement seringkali muncul pada ujian ataupun penugasan.

Untuk menjawabnya, diperlukan pengetahuan dan konsep yang matang terkait materi tersebut.

Saat belajar konsep agreement, kamu mungkin tidak akan bingung bahwa konteks tersebut menyatakan persetujuan terhadap suatu hal. Sedangkan disagreement bermakna sebaliknya.

Namun, masih banyak yang bingung saat dihadapkan dengan soal-soal tersebut.

Agar kamu terbiasa menjawab soal-soal tentang agreement dan disagreement, berikut ini adalah referensi contoh-contoh beserta jawabannya.

Ada pula tips-tips mengerjakan soal pilihan ganda dan essay tentang agreement dan disagreement.

Baca Juga :

ļ»æ13 Contoh Soal Kata Sambung Bahasa Inggris Pilihan Ganda dan Jawabannya

A: I feel that children should explore more outdoor activities. B: ā€¦ Outdoor activity can help develop motoric sensory. It is also beneficial for children.

A. I agree B. Iā€™m not sure C. I disagree D. I totally disagree

Jawaban: A. I agree

Chika: Iā€™m sure this food will end up in the trash. Sasa : Well, I totally disagree with you. The beggar has waited for the leftovers. It wonā€™t end in the trash.

A. Sasa is doubtful about it B. Sasa has the same opinion with Chika C. Sasa totally cannot accept Chikaā€™s opinion D. Sasa doesnā€™t know what to say

Jawaban: C. Sasa totally cannot accept Chikaā€™s opinion

A: ā€¦ B: I think it is delicious and tasty.

A. what do you think of this battle B. what about the food taste C. how do you feel about the outfit D. how about cooking food

Jawaban: B. what about the food taste

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soal essay subject verb agreement

soal essay subject verb agreement

May 21, 2024

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Whether you're a student, professional, or just someone who wants to maintain a polished online presence, you understand how a simple spelling or grammatical issue can undermine your message.

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How to use Copilot in the Microsoft Edge sidebar to proofread your work

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  • Proofread the following text to check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
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  1. 100+ Subject Verb Agreement Questions Answers Examples

    Explore 100+ subject verb agreement examples and practice sets to gain a comprehensive understanding of this vital grammar concept. Learn how to apply it effectively in your writing. These examples demonstrate how subject-verb agreement works in various contexts. Ensuring that your subjects and verbs agree in number is essential for maintaining proper grammar and clarity in your writing and ...

  2. Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Subject Verb Agreement

    efin.marifatika. Hello my name is Efin Marifatika. I'm founder of kelasbahasainggris.com. Please feel free to contact me at [email protected]. Tes Bahasa Inggrismu disini! Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Subject Verb Agreement. Selamat berlatih! Silahkan coba juga berbagai soal Bahasa Inggris lainnya.

  3. Subject Verb Agreement Exercises with Answers

    Concord exercises of subject verb agreement are designed to test a student's knowledge of subject-verb agreement, which is also known as concord. Here are some concord (subject-verb agreement) exercises: Exercises 1: 1. The group of students (is/are) going on a field trip. 2. Neither the cats nor the dog (is/are) fond of water. 3.

  4. Subject-Verb Agreement

    Revised on April 18, 2023. Subject-verb agreement means that the subject of the sentence matches the verb describing its action. This helps your reader understand who or what is doing something and makes your writing easier to read. First, identify the subject (the person or thing doing the action) and the verb (the action word) in a sentence.

  5. Subject Verb Agreement Rules & Exercises (English Grammar)

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  6. PDF Subject-Verb Agreement Quiz with Answers

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  7. Grammar guide: Subject-verb agreement (article)

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  8. What is Subject-Verb Agreement? Definition, Examples of English SVA

    Define subject-verb agreement: the definition of subject-verb agreement is the requirement that a subject and verb of a clause must match in person and in number. In summary, subjects and verbs should always have the appropriate agreement, whether singular or plural. While some can be tricky, it is unacceptable to match a singular subject with ...

  9. Subjective Verb Agreement: Solved Examples & Practice Questions

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  10. Subject-Verb Agreement

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  11. Best 100 Subject Verb Agreement Questions with Answers & Explanation

    A) A pair of shoes are under the bed. B) A pair of shoes is under the bed. C) A pair of shoes were under the bed. Explanation 16: "A pair of shoes" is considered singular, so the correct verb form is "is.". Show Answer. Question 17: Choose the sentence with proper subject-verb agreement.

  12. Subject-Verb Agreement Quiz, Test and Exercise

    Subject-Verb Agreement Multiple Choice Quiz. Subject-Verb Agreement Quizzes. Start > Preview 20 Quizzes about Subject-Verb Agreement. Field testing or surveys _____ their marketing strategies. A. Determines B. Determine. A single bite from any of a dozen species of spiders instantly kill / kills their prey.

  13. Latihan Soal Subject Verb Agreement

    Latihan soal Subject verb agreement - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document contains 40 sentences with blanks to be filled in with the correct form of verbs based on subject-verb agreement. The verbs given as options to fill in the blanks are in both singular and plural forms to test the ability to choose the verb that ...

  14. Subject-Verb Agreement on SAT Writing: Strategies and Practice

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  16. Subject

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  17. Subject-Verb Agreement

    Revised on 18 April 2023. Subject-verb agreement means that the subject of the sentence matches the verb describing its action. This helps your reader understand who or what is doing something and makes your writing easier to read. First, identify the subject (the person or thing doing the action) and the verb (the action word) in a sentence.

  18. The Basics of Subject-Verb Agreement

    The general rule here is to add an '-s' to the verb when using a plural noun for the subject. With the verb 'run', for example, the singular form is 'runs' while the plural is 'run': Singular = The dog runs through the garden. Plural = The dogs run through the garden. Other examples of verbs that follow this convention include ...

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  22. Contoh Soal Agreement and Disagreement dan Jawaban, Pilihan Ganda dan Essay

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  23. Printable Middle School Verb Worksheets

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  24. William & Mary

    2,962 likes, 38 comments - william_and_mary on August 12, 2020: "Move-In looks a little different this year, and we know there are mixed emotions right now. We want ...

  25. Check Your Work with an AI Proofreader

    These AI tools identify spelling errors and check for grammar issues, such as problematic tense or subject-verb agreement. These checks can also help ensure proper usage of punctuation marks and formatting guidelines to match specific style guides, such as MLA or Chicago Manual of Style.