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  • A Visit to a Historical Place: Long and Short Essay


Essay on A Visit to a Historical Place

Our Principal made an announcement in the school assembly that students would be taken to Agra to visit one of the seven wonders of the world, the Taj Mahal, and a wave of joy ran through us all. Here is ‘A Visit to a Historical Place’ essay in English for students of Class 5 and above. Simple and short sentences are used in this essay for an easy understanding of all students. They will be able to write their own paragraph on "My visit to a Historical place" in English if they go through the points in the essay given below.

Essays On - 'Trip to a Historical Site' for Students of Class 5 and Above

To assist you with your writing, we've included two examples of essays in English for children and teenagers on the theme of 'Visit to a Historical Place,' written in both long and short form. 

Seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth-grade students and those preparing for competitive exams will benefit from reading this extended essay about a trip to a historical site. The other essay, which should be between 150 and 200 words long, is a brief account of a visit to a historical site. It is helpful for all students and children upto 6th grade.

Essay on A Visit to a Place of Historical Importance

Our school had already announced that we were going to see the Taj Mahal. We were elated and were wondering how thrilling, and exciting this experience would be. We had heard and read about it- there was a full chapter in our history book on Taj Mahal, but now we were about to see it for real.

Our principal and teachers had planned for all of us to visit the Taj Mahal on a full moon night. We were told that on the full moon night the monument looks even more glamorous and glorious, and it makes for a splendid spectacle. This added even more excitement to the previous announcement. We would have had to stay awake the whole night but so what? For such a wonderful experience, it was not a big deal.

We were asked to assemble on a Saturday afternoon at the school campus. We were instructed to carry our packed dinner-boxes and water bottles. We were strictly prohibited from buying any eatables there or littering the Taj Garden’s premises. We were warned against buying the souvenirs from the crafty hawkers. These instructions and warnings were repeated to us over and over again. First by our Principal, then by the respective teachers who were in charge of our groups into which we were divided.

We had brought consent from our parents in writing for this trip. From Delhi to Agra, we had to travel by bus, it was around a 5 hours journey. We assembled at the school campus at the given time, and were divided into groups. The teachers took charge of the respective groups, our teacher in charge asked us to stand in a queue, she called out our names from a list that she carried. The items each one of us was carrying were inspected, and then we went ahead to board the buses. 

As we started to move out of the school campus, we all hailed the school with three cheers in a chorus and the journey began. After about 5 hours we were told that we were at The Taj Mahal. The full moon was shining in the sky right above us. The premises seemed like it was filled with the milky hue. We left our buses at a little distance and stepped down. Again, our teachers called out our names from the lists, and we all stood in a straight line. We followed our teacher and walked towards the monument.

After a little while, we were at the main gate of The Taj Mahal. The Taj Mahal glowed in the full moonlight in its grandeur. We all felt wonderstruck by the majesty, beauty, and opulence of the dome structure. The moonlit premises added elegance to the mystique. The Taj Mahal resembled a white swan standing still in a sprawling milk lake. The fountains on the campus were bubbling and bursting along the pathway. The fountains were flanked by the green lawns on either side. It was heavily crowded. Men, women, and children were trying to find a way for themselves. There were so many foreigners looking at the monument like they were totally wonderstruck.

We had to ramble to make it to the main platform, took off our shoes at the entrance, and were up on the main platform on which stood the great monument. The four minarets stood like sentinels on the four corners. After about two hours of wandering and rejoicing around the ‘Dream in Marble’, we came down to the lawns to open our dinner packets. Thereafter, it was time to begin our return journey.

A Visit to a Historical Place Short Essay

Last Sunday, I visited the Taj Mahal with my family. It was a dream come true for us to have visited the architectural marvel about which we have heard so much and had read so much in our books. We started feeling proud of our country to have this magnificent form of art.

Our history teacher asked us to assemble at a place and started explaining how the Mughal emperor Shahjahan got this monument built as a mausoleum for his beloved queen Mumtaz Mahal. He had stated his desire to be buried by her side after his death. So, there were the two graves inside the mausoleum placed side by side.

We roamed around, kept adoring the astounding beauty, and were amazed at the artistry of the fine carvings. How gifted must those hands be which created that piece of art with so much artistry, we pondered. We looked at the Taj Mahal at one glance and in the second looked at the full moon in the sky. The Taj Mahal looked no less marvellous than the moon in the sky.

River Yamuna flows on the backside of this magnificent monument. It was as if the Yamuna was washing the feet of this marvellous wonder with a full sense of gratitude. For two hours, we went around this monument only rejoicing and wondering.

A Visit to a Historical Place Essay for Class 10, 12, and Graduation Students

Throughout India, there are several historical sites. The land is peppered with mediaeval temples and forts from Kanyakumari to Kashmir. Ruins of ninth-century Martand temple in Kashmir is flocked by many tourists every year

The Allahabad Fort was on my trip. Much has changed since then, yet the Allahabad Fort remains. Because of its superior architecture and beauty, Akbar ordered its construction in 1583. That of Agra is inferior. As the confluence of the Ganga and Yamuna rivers, in a triangle shape. Like the Agra fort's crimson sandstone walls.

Three of the city's main entrances include towers. This is because the Ganga and Yamuna rivers flow east and south. Just like the Agra Fort, this gate has a lot of hefty outworks. Built on the Mughal empire's eastern frontier, this fort symbolised the empire's eastward advance. When Allahabad began, it was a major metropolis.

This caused the fort's roof to collapse, destroying much of its former splendour. Allahabad was originally part of the Magadha Empire, and I instantly recognised the Ashoka pillar. The pillar has an ode to Samudragupta, the Magadha ruler, which I read aloud.

I visited the famed Prayag relic, Patalpuri Temple, one of the oldest remaining pre-Muslim buildings. Close to the arsenal's northern wall sits this shrine. It seems the fort was built to be erected far higher than the temple.

The Akshaya Var tree was again in my path as I continued walking. This tree's wish-fulfilling well is said to be a popular destination for folklore lovers. Akbar stopped it. The Mughal Governor's (Military Commander's) pavilion, however, was  most inviting with Beautiful pillars. They had impeccable taste.

The British decided to demolish a considerable portion of the fort to make place for a school, reducing its beauty. At present, the historic palace is now an arsenal.

Then I went back to Triveni for a swim. I lauded the Ganga's merits after my Allahabad Fort visit. Comparing the old and new forts at Allahabad, it is evident that the old fort at Allahabad is in ruins, while the new fort at Allahabad demonstrates neglect.

Describe a Trip to a Historical Site in Ten Lines

The Principal addressed the assembly, announcing a visit to Agra's Taj Mahal. The students are ecstatic.

Parental permission is required—on-time arrival on school property.

Teachers were given groups of pupils to whom they would do roll calls.

The five-hour trip to the Taj Mahal with their lunch bags was delightful and entertaining.

The full moon illuminated the night. From the front gate, the Taj was magnificent.

The description of the campus's lovely grass and fountains.

We reached the central platform after taking off our shoes.

The history instructor gathered the guys and recounted the Taj's whole history to them.

In the moonlight, the white marble monument resembles a swan swimming in a milk lake, Yamuna flows behind the Taj Mahal, the Yamuna cleanses the feet of Taj.

We re-boarded the buses two hours later and arrived in Delhi in the evening. Furthermore, it was a one-of-a-kind encounter.

The Taj Mahal is immortal. It may have been the beauty concretized in pure white marble. It may have been called a joy forever, but unfortunately in the materialistic world of today, even the beauty of the Taj Mahal is in danger because of the effluent Nitrous oxide and Sulphur dioxide being emitted by the Mathura refinery. Let us hope the scientists are able to find a fix and can save our Taj Mahal.


FAQs on A Visit to a Historical Place: Long and Short Essay

1) Why is it important to preserve historical sites?

As a nation, we must do everything we can to protect our nation's historical records and legacy.

2) How do you understand the term ‘historical sites’?

It's a place where the history of a country or region has been preserved. It is accessible to the general public because of its historical significance.

3) What significance do historical sites have?

The most crucial aspect of preserving historical sites is the incorporation of new architectural elements. An abundance of historical and cultural tourism gets actively promoted in the area.

4)  For what reason are people drawn to historic sites?

India's forts, temples, and Mughal architecture are reminders of the country's illustrious history. You'll learn more about India's rich history if you unravel the mysteries of these wonders.


Write an Essay on A Visit to a Historical Place in 100 Words | English Essays for Students

Essay on a visit to a historical place- taj mahal.

During our last summer vacation, I visited the majestic Taj Mahal in Agra with my family. The Taj Mahal, located by the Yamuna River, impressed us with its beautiful white marble and four minarets. Emperor Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal in memory of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal, with the help of 20,000 workers. It took about twenty years to complete. As we looked around, we liked the marble tombs of the emperor and his wife, decorated with beautiful Quranic verses. Surrounded by gardens and fountains, the Taj Mahal stands as a symbol of love and Mughal architecture greatness. Despite the crowds, we enjoyed our visit and completed our tour by noon. Seeing such a stunning wonder was an amazing experience.

short essay for visit


Essay on A Visit to a Historical Place Taj Mahal

Students are often asked to write an essay on A Visit to a Historical Place Taj Mahal in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on A Visit to a Historical Place Taj Mahal


Taj Mahal, a symbol of love and beauty, is a famous historical place in India. I had the opportunity to visit this magnificent monument last year.

Exquisite Architecture

The Taj Mahal, built in pure white marble, displays the brilliance of Mughal architecture. Its beauty left me spellbound.

Symbol of Love

The Taj Mahal was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal. It stands as a testament to eternal love.

Visiting the Taj Mahal was an unforgettable experience. It is not just a monument, but a grand symbol of love and devotion.

250 Words Essay on A Visit to a Historical Place Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal, an epitome of love and romance, stands majestically on the right bank of the River Yamuna in Agra, India. The UNESCO World Heritage Site is a testament to the rich Mughal architecture and a symbol of India’s historical past.

Architectural Grandeur

The Taj Mahal, built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal, is a marvel of Mughal architecture. The symmetrical structure, inlaid with semi-precious stones and adorned with intricate carvings, captivates the beholder’s eye. The central dome, flanked by four minarets, adds to the grandeur and symmetry of the edifice.

Symbol of Eternal Love

The Taj Mahal is more than an architectural masterpiece. It serves as a symbol of eternal love, embodying Shah Jahan’s deep affection for his wife. This poignant sentiment is reflected in the serene ambiance that engulfs the monument, making it a beloved destination for romantics worldwide.

Environmental Concerns

However, in recent years, the Taj Mahal has faced significant environmental threats. Pollution, particularly from the Yamuna River, has discolored the once pristine white marble. The monument’s preservation is a pressing concern, necessitating immediate and effective conservation measures.

The Taj Mahal, a blend of architectural magnificence and emotional depth, is a jewel in India’s historical crown. Despite environmental challenges, it continues to enchant visitors with its timeless beauty and romantic aura. A visit to this historical place is a journey into the heart of India’s rich cultural tapestry, a narrative of love immortalized in stone.

500 Words Essay on A Visit to a Historical Place Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal, an architectural marvel and one of the seven wonders of the world, is a testament to the timeless allure of human creativity and ingenuity. This monument has been a subject of admiration and fascination for centuries, attracting tourists from all corners of the globe. A visit to this historical place is an immersive experience, a journey through time that offers a glimpse into the past.

The Magnificence of the Taj Mahal

Located in Agra, India, the Taj Mahal is a mausoleum built by the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The monument, constructed out of white marble, stands as an enduring symbol of love and devotion. The intricate carvings, the elaborate geometric patterns, and the precious gemstones embedded in the walls are a testament to the exquisite craftsmanship of the artisans of the time.

The Historical Significance

The Taj Mahal is not just a monument but a narrative of history, culture, and art of the Mughal era. The fusion of Persian, Islamic, and Indian architectural styles reflects the cosmopolitan nature of the Mughal Empire. The monument narrates a story of power, love, and loss, making it an integral part of India’s rich historical tapestry.

Personal Experience

My visit to the Taj Mahal was an experience of a lifetime. As I walked through the grand gateway, I was struck by the sheer majesty and grandeur of the monument. The beautiful garden leading up to the mausoleum, the reflection pool mirroring the majestic edifice, and the minarets standing tall at the corners were a sight to behold.

The serenity and tranquility of the surroundings were equally captivating. The cool marble under my feet, the gentle rustling of leaves, and the distant call of birds created an atmosphere of peace and calm. As I explored the monument, the intricate carvings and the precious gemstones embedded in the walls left me in awe of the craftsmanship of the artisans of the time.

Visiting the Taj Mahal is an unforgettable experience, a journey through time that offers a glimpse into the past. The monument stands as a testament to the timeless allure of human creativity and ingenuity, captivating visitors with its beauty and grandeur. It is a reminder of our shared history and heritage, a monument that transcends borders and cultures. It is a symbol of love and devotion, a testament to the power of human emotion and the enduring allure of beauty.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Historical Place
  • Essay on A Visit to a Historical Place
  • Essay on A Village Fair

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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short essay for visit

English Aspirants

Essay on a Visit to a Hill Station [100, 150, 200, 500 Words]

Essay on a Visit to a Hill Station: Hill station is a beautiful place to visit. In this article, you are going to learn how to write an essay or a paragraph on a visit to a hill station . Here we’ve provided 4 short and long essays (100, 150, 200, and 500 words). These essays/paragraphs will be helpful for the students from class 1 to class 12. So, let’s begin.

Essay on a Visit to a Hill Station: 100 Words

Vacations are awaited eagerly and we always make plans to go for a trip whenever we have our holidays. This time we chose to spend our holidays at a hill station. We decided to go to the Nilgiris which is situated in Ooty. We packed our bags with clothes and other necessary items and headed for a one-week trip.

We stayed there for five days and the experience was fantastic. The weather was pleasant. We enjoyed the walks through the Botanical Gardens and the bicycle ride by the lake. The place is really exotic with its extremely beautiful resorts. The lush green mountains and the beautiful flowers were a visual treat. The memory of this trip will always be etched in my mind.

Essay on a Visit to a Hill Station

Also Read: Essay on a Visit to a Book Fair

A Visit to a Hill Station Essay: 150 Words

Last summer I made a trip to Darjeeling, the Queen of Hill Stations. We travelled to New Jalpaiguri by the Darjeeling Mail. There we got into the toy train. Oh! what an experience it was! The train moved very slowly through the Terai in a zig-zag course. The streams, tea gardens, seasonal flowers and the beautiful greenery of the forests on either side of the railway track presented a picturesque scene.

The journey from New Jalpaiguri to Darjeeling was a wonderful experience. We stayed in a hotel in Darjeeling. There are many tourist spots there. We visited the local zoo where we saw some very rare animals. We also visited Lloyd Botanical Garden, Rock Garden, the beautiful monastery at Ghoom and the ropeway. One early morning we drove to the Tiger Hill to enjoy the enchanting beauty of the rising sun. Visiting the mall was a part of our daily routine from where we witnessed the beauty of Mount Kanchenjunga. The visit to Darjeeling was a memorable event in my life.

A Visit to a Hill Station Essay

Also Read: A Journey by Train Essay 

Essay on a Visit to a Hill Station: 200-250 Words

A visit to a hill station had been my great dream since my boyhood. But only last January I had an opportunity for the first time to visit Darjeeling. My uncle who holds his office there asked me to visit the hill station To be frank, my joy knew no bounds at this invitation. I reached Siliguri by bus. Thereafter I boarded the uncle’s office car and started for Darjeeling.

It was a fine morning- clear and bright. The up journey was very thrilling. The snow-capped hilltops afar opened full to the view. The tea gardens- all green in endless rows- were beautifully smooth to see. The windy roads and the mountain springs falling incessantly are great attractions. I could hardly resist the captivating scenery all around. I saw hills on the right and hills on the left. During my short-stay, I used to walk up almost every afternoon to the Mall. From there the entire range of Kanchenjungha can be seen clearly if the day is cloudless.

I enjoyed a ride on the ropeway. I spent a day visiting the zoo, the Lalkuthi, the Lebong Race Course, the Jalpahar and the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute. I viewed to my heart’s content the magnificent sunrise from Tiger Hill. A day was fixed for Mirik Lake where I enjoyed a boating with full delight. The Batasia Loop made me spell-bound at its engineering skill used so far. The Governor’s House is worth a visit. But what impressed me most was the grand view of the Himalayas.

I felt sad that my happy days passed so soon. Yet, I was happy. I visited a hill station. known as the Queen of Hills. Its memory will stay with me forever.

A Visit to a Hill Station Essay: 500 Words


I celebrated life during a refreshing visit to a chilly hill station. It was more enjoyable because it was in summer. It was June and the schools were closed for vacations. Hill stations were crowded with people from the plains.

Your Fondness of Visiting Hill Stations:

I have already visited a couple of hill stations where l enjoyed the beauty of the mountains, the loveliness of nature, and the grandeur of rivers and waterfalls. They are all in the lap of nature, far from the “madding crowd” and pollution of densely populated cities. The landscape of a hill station is literature to a poetic soul. A poetic person, while visiting a hill station, feels:

There’s music in all things, if a man had ears. The earth is but the music of the spheres. (Lord Byron)

Descriptions of Your Visit:

Last summer, I had an opportunity to visit Simla with my mother. My uncle lives there. My mother and I left for Simla by train. We arrived at Kalka. It is a hilly tract of sixty kilometers from Kalka to Simla. The train leading to Simla covers this distance in about six hours. We boarded the toy train. The train had only eight or nine compartments. I looked outside through the window of the train. I saw the mountains were bathed in the glory of the rising sun. Everything looked majestic. The trees were so high. They were, as if, receiving messages straight from heaven. I felt a joyous invitation of Simla in my heart.

The following day and then through the weekend we started visiting places in Simla. It was once the summer capital of the government of India during the British rule. Now it is the capital of Himachal Pradesh. On these visits, we enjoyed the beauty and freshness of Simla. We also went for horse-riding and excursions.

To our despair, Scandal Point or the Ridge was overcrowded. There was a steep rise that took us from the Ridge to Jakhu. It is a mountain peak having very tall trees. As the legend goes, it is believed that Hanuman had fetched Sanjeevani for Lakshman from here. We were greeted by the chirping of birds from tall trees. Their carols were continually ringing in my heart. The landscape was so marvelous that I experienced a tremendous high. The song of the birds, and the whisper of the leaves echoed the ecstasy of nature.  A scented freshness filled the air. There is snow-skating available at Kufri. It is ten kilometers from Simla. We also visited it. I also took photographs to capture the beauty of Simla.


The days sped. As we left Simla, I realised that the sweet memory of this visit would never desert me. If you have a soul that responds to the poetry and drama of a landscape, beware the thrall of Simla, for it will hook you and beckon you annually.

More Essays: 1. A Visit to a Historical Place Essay 2. A Memorable Day in My Life 3. A Visit to a Zoo Essay in English

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A Visit To A Historical Place Essay – 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay

A Visit To A Historical Place Essay – 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay

Key Points to Remember When Writing an Essay on a Visit to a Historical Place

10 lines on a visit to a historical place, a visit to a historical place essay in 100 words , short essay on a visit to a historical place, long essay on a visit to a historical place, what are some best historical places to visit in india , what will your child learn from a visit to a historical places essay .

Writing is a way of expressing one’s thoughts and experiences, and an essay is one such format. Essay writing is an integral part of the academic curriculum, particularly for young learners. One common topic that many students are asked to write about is a visit to a historical place. This provides an opportunity to develop their descriptive skills and broaden their understanding of history and culture . In this article, we will learn how to write an essay on a visit to a historical place, catering to different lengths and complexities. This exercise is an excellent learning tool for kids, and the following guidelines will make the process even more comfortable. The objective here is to enhance the essay writing skills , primarily focusing on how to write an essay in English for kids.

When writing an essay on a visit to a historical place, remember the following points:

  • Describe the historical place you visited.
  • Discuss why you chose to visit this place.
  • Explain the historical significance of the place.
  • Discuss the experience and your feelings during the visit.
  • Conclude by explaining what you learned from the visit.

Writing a 10-line essay can be a fun activity, especially when it involves narrating a personal experience. This format is aptly titled 10 lines essay for kids. Here is an example:

1. Last summer, I visited the Red Fort in Delhi with my family.

2. The Red Fort is a magnificent historical monument built by Emperor Shah Jahan.

3. The red sandstone walls of the fort are impressive and fascinating.

4. We explored its beautiful gardens, halls, and museum.

5. I was excited to see the place where the Indian Independence Day is celebrated every year.

6. The intricate architecture of the fort is a testament to the skills of ancient artisans.

7. The fort’s museum showcases many historical artefacts.

8. Learning about the rich history of the Red Fort was truly enlightening.

9. This visit made me appreciate the significance of preserving our historical heritage.

10. I will always cherish the experience of visiting the Red Fort.

Writing a short paragraph on a visit to a historical place can be a rewarding exercise. It can help students to condense their thoughts and focus on the most important aspects of their experience. Here’s a brief paragraph on visit to a historical place:

Last summer, I had the opportunity to visit the magnificent Taj Mahal in Agra. The grand white marble structure stood against the clear blue sky, taking my breath away. Its intricate carvings and exquisite architecture were a sight to behold. The serene Yamuna river flowing nearby added to its beauty. The Taj Mahal is not just a monument, but a symbol of love, built by Emperor Shah Jahan for his wife Mumtaz Mahal. This visit made me understand why it is one of the Seven Wonders of the World . I returned home with a deeper appreciation for our historical heritage.

A short essay provides an opportunity to express thoughts in a bit more detail. Let’s look at a short essay on a visit to a historical place:

Last winter, I had the unique opportunity to visit the historical city of Jaipur, also known as the ‘Pink City’. The city is rich in history and culture, with various historical sites that take you back to the era of kings and queens. The primary purpose of my visit was to see the renowned Amer Fort.

The grandeur of Amer Fort is beyond words. Its vast courtyards, beautiful gardens, intricate carvings, and mirrored halls left me in awe. The Sheesh Mahal, a hall decorated with thousands of mirror tiles, was my favourite. The fort’s architecture is a splendid blend of Hindu and Mughal styles, reflecting the richness of Indian heritage.

My visit to Amer Fort was both fun and educational. It gave me insights into the lives of the royalty of ancient India. This visit strengthened my belief in the importance of preserving our historical monuments for future generations.

Historical places are portals to the past, providing us with glimpses of the rich heritage and culture that shaped our world. These sites hold significant historical, architectural, and cultural value, attracting travellers and history enthusiasts alike. Visiting a historical place allows us to transcend time and immerse ourselves in the narratives of our ancestors. One such memorable experience was my visit to a fascinating historical site with my family, an expedition that left an indelible mark on my heart.

Importance of Historical Places

Historical places hold immense importance in preserving our cultural heritage and educating future generations about their roots. They serve as tangible links to the past, reminding us of the struggles, triumphs, and contributions of our forefathers. These sites also offer insights into the architectural marvels of ancient civilisations, showcasing their engineering prowess and artistic ingenuity. By exploring historical places, we develop a sense of connection to our history, fostering a deeper appreciation for our cultural identity and collective evolution as a society.

A Visit to a Historical Place With My Family

Last summer, my family and I embarked on a memorable journey to explore the wonders of history. Our destination was the captivating historical site of Machu Picchu, nestled amidst the breathtaking Andes Mountains in Peru. Excitement brimmed within us as we set foot on this iconic archaeological marvel, famously known as the “Lost City of the Incas.”

As we approached the ancient citadel, shrouded in mist, I was awestruck by its grandeur and mysterious aura. Our knowledgeable tour guide provided us with intriguing historical facts, transporting us back in time to the Inca civilisation’s heyday. The stories of this once-thriving city, its purpose, and the enigma surrounding its abandonment left us spellbound.

The intricate stonework of Machu Picchu stood as a testament to the ingenuity and architectural expertise of the Inca people. The precision with which the massive stone blocks were fitted together without the use of mortar was awe-inspiring. We marvelled at the ingenious drainage system that allowed rainwater to flow smoothly through the terraces, ensuring the city’s sustainability.

Climbing higher within the site, we reached the majestic Intihuatana stone, often referred to as the “Hitching Post of the Sun.” Believed to have astronomical significance, this stone served as a sundial and played a vital role in religious ceremonies. Standing beside this ancient timekeeping artefact, I felt a profound connection to the Inca’s reverence for celestial events and their deep understanding of the cosmos.

As we explored the Temple of the Sun and the Room of the Three Windows, the intricate carvings and architectural brilliance captivated us. The well-preserved remnants of ancient structures narrated stories of religious practices, ceremonies, and everyday life of the Inca people.

Apart from the historical significance, Machu Picchu’s picturesque location left us breathless. The panoramic views of lush green mountains, terraced fields, and the Urubamba River winding its way through the valley painted a picture of natural splendour.

Our visit to Machu Picchu not only brought us closer to the wonders of history but also strengthened our family bonds. Sharing this awe-inspiring experience with my loved ones created lasting memories that we cherish to this day. As we explored the ancient citadel together, we exchanged thoughts, laughter, and a sense of wonderment, deepening our familial connection.

India, a land steeped in history and cultural heritage, is home to a plethora of breathtaking historical sites that showcase the country’s rich past. From ancient temples and majestic forts to intricate palaces and grand monuments, India offers a treasure trove of historical places waiting to be explored. If you are a history enthusiast or someone seeking to immerse yourself in the country’s fascinating past, here are seven of the best historical places to visit in India.

1. Taj Mahal, Agra

The iconic Taj Mahal needs no introduction. Built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal, this architectural marvel is an exquisite example of Mughal craftsmanship. Its mesmerising white marble facade, intricate carvings, and symmetrical gardens make it one of the most recognised and visited monuments in the world, rightfully earning it a place among the Seven Wonders of the World.

2. Red Fort, Delhi

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Red Fort in Delhi is a testament to India’s Mughal history. Built by Emperor Shah Jahan, it served as the main residence of the Mughal emperors for nearly 200 years. The fort’s imposing red sandstone walls and intricate architecture, along with the annual Independence Day celebrations held here, make it a must-visit historical site.

3. Ajanta and Ellora Caves, Maharashtra

Located in the state of Maharashtra, the Ajanta and Ellora Caves are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a testament to India’s ancient rock-cut architecture. The caves consist of beautifully crafted Buddhist, Hindu, and Jain temples and monasteries, adorned with stunning sculptures and frescoes that depict religious and secular themes. These cave complexes are a living testimony to India’s rich cultural and religious diversity.

4. Mehrangarh Fort, Jodhpur

Rising dramatically above the city of Jodhpur, the Mehrangarh Fort is a formidable structure that offers breathtaking views of the Blue City. Built by Rao Jodha, the fort showcases impressive architecture and houses a museum that exhibits artefacts and relics reflecting the history and culture of Rajasthan’s Marwar region.

5. Hampi, Karnataka

Once the capital of the Vijayanagara Empire, Hampi is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, dotted with stunning ruins and ancient temples. The sprawling site is a testament to the grandeur and architectural brilliance of the Vijayanagara rulers. Hampi’s boulder-strewn landscape and its various monuments, including the Virupaksha Temple and the Vitthala Temple Complex, offer a mesmerising glimpse into India’s medieval history.

6. Khajuraho Temples, Madhya Pradesh

Famous for their intricate and erotic sculptures, the Khajuraho Temples in Madhya Pradesh are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. These stunning temples dedicated to Hindu and Jain deities are a remarkable example of Chandela dynasty architecture. The exquisite carvings, showcasing human emotions, sensuality, and divine aspects, make Khajuraho a unique and culturally significant destination.

7. Fatehpur Sikri, Uttar Pradesh

Founded by Emperor Akbar, Fatehpur Sikri was the capital of the Mughal Empire for a short period. This historical site showcases a blend of various architectural styles, including Islamic, Hindu, and Persian. The impressive structures, such as Buland Darwaza, Panch Mahal, and Jama Masjid, are a testament to Akbar’s vision and artistic taste.

Writing an essay on a visit to a historical place enhances a child’s analytical and descriptive skills. It helps children develop a deeper appreciation for history and cultural heritage. They learn about the significance of these places and understand the importance of their preservation. The exercise also broadens their perspective, making them more aware of the world around them.

1. Why is it important to secure historical places?

Securing historical places is crucial to preserve our cultural heritage. These sites provide valuable insights into our past and contribute significantly to our identity as a society. Moreover, historical places attract tourists, promoting local economies and creating job opportunities.

2. Why do people love to visit historical places?

People love visiting historical places as they offer a unique combination of education and exploration. Such visits provide a deeper understanding of history, culture, and architecture. They offer a break from the routine and a chance to connect with the past. Walking around these sites, one can almost feel the pulse of the bygone era, making the experience truly enriching.

Writing an essay on a visit to a historical place is an enriching exercise for students of all ages. It helps in enhancing their writing skills, expressing their thoughts and feelings, and cultivating an appreciation for history and cultural heritage. This comprehensive guide provides the necessary tools to write engaging and insightful essays of various lengths, from a short 10-line essay to a detailed long essay. With this knowledge, students can now approach essay writing with a more informed and confident mindset.

The importance of historical places can never be overstated. They stand as silent storytellers, echoing the tales of the past, and cultivating in us an appreciation for the cultural, artistic, and architectural feats of our ancestors. Visiting these places is a rewarding experience, and writing about them encourages us to delve deeper into understanding their significance.

These historical monuments are not just edifices of stone and mortar; they are testaments to our heritage, serving as threads that weave the rich tapestry of our history. As we pen down our experiences visiting them, we contribute to their narrative, thereby playing our part in the preservation and celebration of our shared past.

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English Compositions

Short Essay on Visit to an Exhibition [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

An exhibition is a place where a range of items of a specific type is put on display. Exhibitions introduce us to a specific field of art and are visited by connoisseurs of arts. In this lesson, dear students, you will learn to write essays in three different sets on a visit to an exhibition to help you prepare for your upcoming examinations.

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Short Essay on Visit to an Exhibition in 100 Words

An exhibition is a place where a range of items of one type is shown. Exhibitions introduce us to a specific field of art, and I’ve always been fascinated by art. Last weekend, we went to a painting exhibition at Saltlake Stadium. The entrance fee was a reasonable 200 rupees. We reached there promptly at 4 p.m. It was bright and colourful, with a lively atmosphere.

The first stall displayed colourful and appealing oil paintings. These were mostly one-of-a-kind works of art, and abstract paintings hung next. I was perplexed by this type of painting. It had picked up on what I was thinking. The third stall was the most intriguing. It housed an incredible collection of paintings by well-known artists from around the world like Michelangelo and Pablo Picasso. It was a delightful evening.

Short Essay on Visit to an Exhibition in 200  Words

An exhibition is a setting where various items of a particular type are displayed. Exhibitions expose us to a specific field of art, and art has always captivated me. We went to a painting exhibition at Saltlake Stadium last weekend. The entrance charge was a modest 200 rupees. We arrived at 4 p.m. sharp. We got there early because we wanted to see everything that had been set up. Window shopping and gathering information were more important than making actual purchases.

The ground resembled one of those enormous expenses we’d read about in storybooks. It was bright and colourful, the atmosphere was active, and I could see foreigners. It largely displayed dazzling and attractive oil paintings. These were generally one-of-a-kind paintings. It appeared to be similar to how we snap close-up photos with our cameras.

Abstract paintings were hung next to it as part of an exhibition. This style of art perplexed me. It had picked up on my thoughts. The most intriguing stall was the third. It has a fantastic collection of paintings by well-known painters from all around the world. It also featured works by notable artists such as Michelangelo and Picasso.

We were tired of walking by half-past six, and there were benches at the end of the exhibition. We took a seat there. Popcorn, lemon tea, and delectable fritters were offered for purchase. We continued to eat till we burped. It was a wonderful evening.

Short Essay on Visit to an Exhibition in 400 Words

My mother is particularly fond of visiting exhibitions. I like to accompany her. An exhibition is a place where varied varieties of a particular kind of thing are displayed. It is like a big tree with different branches that bears juicy fruits and vibrant flowers. However, the fruits and flowers are all unique in their way.

Exhibitions give us exposure to a particular field of art, and art always fascinates me. Last weekend, we went to a painting exhibition at Saltlake Stadium. The entry fee was a reasonable 200 rupees. We reached there at 4 pm sharp. We started early because we wanted to see everything put on display. We were more interested in window shopping and gathering information than making real purchases. Photography was prohibited, so I didn’t take the trouble of carrying my camera anyway.

Saltlake Stadium is a large ground, and we realised at the entrance itself that it’s going to be a lot of footwork. The ground appeared to be one of those vast fares we read in stories. It was so colourful and vibrant, the environment was lively, and I could spot foreigners too. People of all ages were gathered up here. We started taking the stroll from the first stall on the left side of the entrance. It primarily exhibited oil paintings that were glossy and alluring. These were mostly the paintings of single pieces. It looked like the way we take close up captures from our cameras.

Next to it, abstract paintings were put up for exhibition. I found this form of art confusing. It picked up my brain. I felt that I, too, could have easily managed to make a stroke or two of those from my skilful hand, but I wasn’t confident enough to make such an utterance in front of my mother. I let the thought pass before it would have made a settlement in my tiny brain.

The third stall was the most interesting. It had a great collection from renowned painters around the world. It also had some paintings by great artists like Michelangelo and Picasso. I wanted my mother to buy at least one of them, but it was way over our budget. I decided I would draw a sketch and colour it nicely and offer it as a present to my mother on her birthday.

By half-past six, we were tired of walking, and there were benches at the end of the exhibition. We sat down there. Bustling popcorns, lemon tea and mouth-watering fritters were available to eat. We kept munching till we burped. We bought a wooden frame for the sketch I planned to do next weekend and returned home in time for dinner. It was a delightful evening.

Dear students, hopefully, after going through this lesson, you have a holistic idea of writing a descriptive essay on a visit to an exhibition. Your essay must paint a picture in front of the readers so that they at once feel as if they are also a part of the visit.

I have tried to cover every aspect that makes an exhibition worth visiting. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, kindly let me know through the comment section below. To read more such essays on many important topics, keep browsing our website. 

Join us on Telegram to get the latest updates on our upcoming sessions. Thank you, see you again soon.

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How to Write a Short Essay

Last Updated: January 17, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Christopher Taylor, PhD . Christopher Taylor is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of English at Austin Community College in Texas. He received his PhD in English Literature and Medieval Studies from the University of Texas at Austin in 2014. There are 12 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 114,868 times.

Essay writing is a common assignment in high school or college courses, especially within the humanities. You’ll also be asked to write essays for college admissions and scholarships. In a short essay (250-500 words), you will need to provide an introduction with a thesis, a body, and a conclusion, as you would with a longer essay. Depending on the essay requirements, you may also need to do academic or online research to find sources to back up your claims.

Picking a Topic and Gathering Research

  • If you have any questions about the topic, ask your instructor. If your essay doesn't respond to the prompt, you likely won't receive full credit.

Step 2 Choose a single arguable point for your brief essay.

  • If you're writing an essay for an in-class test or for an application, tailor the essay to the given prompt and topic. Quickly brainstorm a few ideas; for example, think of positive things you can say about yourself for a college-entrance essay.
  • For example, the topic “depression in American literature” is far too broad. Narrow down your topic to something like “Willie Loman’s depression in Death of a Salesman .”
  • Or, you could write about a narrow topic like “the increase in the USA’s national debt in the 1950s” rather than a broad topic like “the American economy in the 20th century.”

Step 3 Find 1-2 appropriate secondary sources in an online research database.

  • Depending on the field in which you’re writing the essay—e.g., hard sciences, sociology, humanities, etc.—your instructor will direct you towards appropriate databases. For example, if you’re writing a high-school or college-level essay for your English class, visit online literary databases like JSTOR, LION, and the MLA Bibliography.
  • If you're writing the essay for a college or graduate-school application, it's unlikely that you'll need to include any secondary sources.
  • If you're writing a timed or in-class essay, you may not be able to find research articles. But, still do draw information from texts and sources you've studied both in and out of class, and build from points made in any provided reading passages.

Step 4 Use an article...

  • If you’re writing about current events or journalism topics, read articles from well-known news sites like CNN or the BBC.
  • Avoid citing unreliable websites like blogs or any sites that have a clear bias about the topic they’re reporting on.

Composing the Essay

Step 1 Create an outline...

  • If you write the essay without outlining, the essay will be poorly organized.

Step 2 Write a convincing,...

  • This thesis statement is far too weak: “ Death of a Salesman shows the difficulty of living in America after WWII.”
  • Instead, hone your thesis to something like: “Arthur Miller uses Death of a Salesman to show that the American Dream is materialist and impractical.”

Step 3 Use your introduction paragraph to explain the essay’s topic.

  • So, avoid beginning the paragraph by writing something like, “Since the beginning of time, all people have been consumed with the desire for their father’s approval.”
  • Instead, write something like, “In the play Death of a Salesman , Willie Loman’s sons compete for their father’s approval through various masculine displays."
  • Then, you can say, "To examine this topic, I will perform a close reading of several key passages of the play and present analyses by noted Arthur Miller scholars."

Step 4 Keep the introduction and conclusion under 75 words each.

  • In a short essay, the conclusion should do nothing more than briefly restate your main claim and remind readers of the evidence you provided.

Step 5 Use body paragraphs to prove various aspects of your central argument.

  • So, take the example about Death of a Salesman . The first body paragraph could discuss the ways in which Willie’s sons try to impress him.
  • The second body paragraph could dive into Willie’s hopelessness and despair, and the third paragraph could discuss how Miller uses his characters to show the flaws in their understanding of the American Dream.

Step 6 Add information from your research sources to strengthen claims.

  • Always cite your sources so you avoid charges of plagiarism. Check with your instructor (or the essay prompt) and find out what citation style you should use.
  • For example, if you’re summarizing the inflation of the American dollar during the 1930s, provide 2 or 3 years and inflation-rate percentages. Don’t provide a full-paragraph summary of the economic decline.
  • If you're writing an in-class essay and don't have time to perform any research, you don't need to incorporate outside sources. But, it will impress your teacher if you quote from a reading passage or bring up pertinent knowledge you may have gained during the class.

Step 7 Ask someone else to read your first draft.

  • If no one agrees to read the essay, read over your own first draft and look for errors or spots where you could clarify your meaning. Reading the essay out loud often helps, as you’ll be able to hear sentences that aren’t quite coherent.
  • This step does not apply to essays written during a timed or in-class exam, as you won't be able to ask peers to read your work.

Step 8 Revise the first draft into the final essay.

  • It’s always a mistake to submit an unrevised first draft, whether for a grade, for admissions, or for a scholarship essay.
  • However, if you're writing an essay for a timed exam, it's okay if you don't have enough time to combine multiple drafts before the time runs out.

Condensing Your Essay

Step 1 Quote only from secondary sources that are related to your topic.

  • So, if you’re writing about Death of a Salesman , an article about symbolism in Arthur Miller’s plays would be useful. But, an article about the average cost of Midwestern hotels in the 1940s would be irrelevant.
  • If you’re writing a scholarship essay, double-check the instructions to clarify what types of sources you’re allowed to use.

Step 2 Remove verbiage to keep your essay under the word count.

  • A common cliche you might find in an essay is a statement like, "I'm the hardest working student at my school."
  • For example, this sentence is too verbose: “I have been a relentlessly stellar student throughout my entire high school career since I am a seriously dedicated reader and thoroughly apply myself to every assignment I receive in class.”
  • Shortened, it could read: “I was a stellar student throughout my high school career since I was a dedicated reader and applied myself to every assignment I received.”

Step 3 Write short sentences...

  • Avoid writing something like, “Willie Loman can be seen as having achieved little through his life because he is not respected by his sons and is not valued by his co-workers.”
  • Instead, write, “Arthur Miller shows readers that Willie’s life accomplishments have amounted to little. Willie’s sons do not look up to him, and his co-workers treat him without respect.”

Step 4 Present only the most relevant argument in your essay.

  • For example, if you’re trying to prove that WWII pulled the USA out of the Great Depression, focus strictly on an economic argument.
  • Avoid bringing in other, less convincing topics. For example, don’t dedicate a paragraph to discussing how much it cost the USA to build fighter jets in 1944.

Short Essay Template and Example

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Expert Q&A

  • When composing the text of your essay, resist the temptation to pull words from a thesaurus in an attempt to sound academic or intelligent. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • If your high school or college has an online or in-person writing center, schedule an appointment. Taking advantage of this type of service can improve your essay and help you recognize structural or grammatical problems you would not have noticed otherwise. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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A Visit To The Hospital – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay For Kids

Shaili Contractor

Key Points To Note: An Essay On ‘A Visit To The Hospital’ For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on ‘a visit to the hospital’ for kids, short essay on ‘a visit to the hospital’ in english for kids, long essay on ‘a visit to the hospital’ for children, what will your child learn from this essay.

Essay writing is one section that plays an integral role for any student, from primary classes to university level. An essay on “A Visit To The Hospital” for classes 1, 2 and 3 is a popular topic for children. This essay helps in teaching young kids the importance of hospitals and doctors. They understand the benefits of good health as they write about the hospital, doctors and their role in our lives. Some kids are inspired to follow the medical profession after learning about the medical field. The essay on “A Visit To The Hospital” also helps young students in their comprehension lessons and class assignments.

Like all other essays, “A Visit To The Hospital” has the same structure. However, it is different from other essay topics. These key points will help lower primary students to write a good essay on the topic:

  • Write and explain what a hospital is.
  • Describe the hospital briefly you visited, some departments you had to go to, etc.
  • Write about the role of doctors, nurses and other staff working in the hospital.
  • Write why hospitals are necessary and their benefits.

Writing an essay for students of classes 1 and 2 seems difficult at first. Teachers and parents can ask them to write a few lines describing the topic to ease the process. Here are 10 lines on “A Visit To The Hospital” for reference:

  • A hospital is an important place for every city, town, and village.
  • It’s a place where a person goes to get treatment for illness or injury.
  • Many doctors, nurses and ward boys work in a hospital.
  • A hospital can have different departments for treating various illnesses such as cancer, cardiac, and pediatric health issues.
  • I went to the hospital last week to see my ill grandmother.
  • Doctors conducted many tests and checkups to diagnose the illness.
  • The nurses were there to help the doctors and take care of patients. 
  • The hospital was very clean and hygienic.
  • Some speciality hospitals treat only one kind of illness.
  • Hospitals are a necessity for the treatment and health of people.

Young kids of lower primary classes are often asked to write a short paragraph to describe their hospital visits. Here is a short essay on “A Visit To The Hospital” for their reference:

A hospital is a place where sick and injured people get treatment and become healthy. Last week, I went to the hospital to see my ill grandmother. The hospital, from the outside, looked like any other large building, but inside there were many rooms, wards, departments, and doctors’ cabins. Many doctors in white coats were checking patients. Nurses in blue uniforms were helping them. Some ward boys were also there. They were taking patients for tests or cleaning the hospital. I was surprised to see how clean the hospital was! My mother told me cleanliness is necessary to avoid illness or infections. In the hospitals, there were different departments for different diseases. My mother said kids get treatment in the paediatric department. My grandmother was in the general ward. She was happy to see me. The doctors treated her illness for a few more days, and she returned home healthy.

A Visit To The Hospital Essay - 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay For Kids

Students of class 3 are expected to write a long essay on different topics. At this stage, teachers and parents believe they understand many words and sentence-making basics. Here is a long essay on “A Visit To The Hospital” for children:

A visit to the hospital is an experience worth noting. Last summer, my uncle met with an accident. I went to Shourie Hospital, where he was admitted. I visited a hospital for the first time in my life. I saw many people going in and coming out of the hospital building. My parents enquired about my uncle’s ward at the reception. He was in the general ward. There were many beds in that room. My uncle was resting on a bed with bandages covering his arms and legs. A doctor was attending to him, and a nurse was helping the doctor. My uncle felt better after the treatment.

After staying with my uncle for some time, I asked my father to see other hospital areas. He took me for a tour. My father kept telling me about various departments as we went around the hospital. He told me the cancer department is for treating cancer patients, and the general ward is for patients with common illnesses. In every ward, I saw doctors and nurses attending to patients. I felt good after seeing how attentive doctors and other staff were to patients. We even saw the operation theatre from the outside. There was a waiting area near the operation theatre, and relatives of people getting operated on were waiting there.

Outside the main hospital building, there was a huge garden. Many patients sat there with their attendants or ward boys. Then we went back to the general ward. I was happy to see him getting good care from the hospital staff. Being in the medical industry is indeed a noble profession.

A simple essay on hospital visits will teach your kids the value of health and the contribution of the medical staff to our lives and society. Kids will understand how much doctors and nurses work hard to treat patients and learn about different types of medical branches. So, an essay on a hospital visit will broaden their knowledge and make them aware of the benefits of good health and hygiene.

Writing an essay on a hospital visit makes the student understand a hospital’s role, work and importance. They learn to respect the hard work of hospital staff and doctors in treating patients.

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I was poor and gay — and my childhood revolved around hiding that

In a personal essay, NBC News correspondent Steven Romo shares how releasing his secrets became his superpower. 

Standing in the airport fidgeting with my plastic, TV reporter earpiece, my camera crew is setting up to interview a traveler when she fills the brief silence by asking, “How does your wife like New York?”

It’s a small conversational crossroads I’ve faced many times. Is it easier for this quick interview to just not correct her that I have a husband instead of a wife? Still, I find myself answering in milliseconds, “My husband is still adjusting, I think. He does miss driving and good Tex-Mex though.”

“Oh, sorry! Husband. My own husband doesn’t even have a driver’s license. Never needed one,” she says, continuing the conversation without much of a pause.

With the camera’s red light on, I ask about her travel delays. Then when we’re finished recording, she says with a slight chuckle, “I actually didn’t fly until I was in my 40s. Grew up dirt poor. Just didn’t want to say that on camera.”

I find myself faced with another coming out.

“You’re not alone there. I actually grew up poor too. My first plane ride was in my 30s, but I had to use about three different credit cards to pay for it. You probably made better choices than I did.”

We laugh a bit more, I thank her for chatting and she disappears out of the sliding glass door.

Steven Romo talking to someone with a mic in the field during an event

But this airport encounter, though brief, stuck with me — a reminder that honesty, even about something seemingly inconsequential like marital status or family background, could make me feel so fond of an absolute stranger. It was a sense of simple connection that I’d spent years robbing myself of with constant pretense, trying to not stand out.

Flipping through the scant photos that survived my roach-infested childhood, I can’t help but smile at the greasy-haired kid staring back at me. He had no idea the parts of himself he hated would turn out to be exactly what saved him. What I wanted most back then was to be normal — to fit in. No matter how hard I tried and schemed, I never quite got there. My family and I always seemed to stand out. I was usually one of only a few Latino students in my classes. It was much more than that, though. While other kids were getting dropped off at school by minivans glazed in blue, the jalopies that I arrived in were decorated with rust spots and cracked windows. And when most classmates were wearing crisp, new back-to-school clothes, I was washing my own clothes in the bathroom sink and using a permanent marker to try to resuscitate my faded, formerly black jeans.

A young Steven Romo school portrait

Hiding many of these differences was just not possible. But that didn’t keep me from trying — scheming — to hide who I really was. Tall tales about my “wealthy parents” forcing me to wear dirty, ragged clothes to keep me humble didn’t fool classmates for very long. So, I reverted to secrecy and aloofness. Those were some of the earliest things I learned at home — my first language in a way. It’s not something I was explicitly taught, like how to tie my shoes. These were skills I picked up by watching my parents. When someone came to the front door, I learned to freeze in place so the visitor would think no one was home. This was all an effort, to varying degrees of success, to hide what was going on behind that flimsy door.

Trying to explain the conditions of the house seems simple. We had five or six dogs that never went outside. They used the carpet as their bathroom. And the fast food trash piled up over any surface that could hold it. The predictable roach infestation followed. My mom, who ended up passing away while I was in college, had mental health struggles she never truly got help for.  My dad worked as a big rig driver. That left my siblings and me to navigate the chaos on our own.

But then around fifth grade, a new secret I learned about myself made me feel even more alone. Just as many of the other boys started to show interest in girls, I figured out I was gay. I fought it. I tried to will myself straight. I tried to pray myself “normal.” When that didn’t work, I resorted to what felt most natural to me anyway: I decided to hide it.

Projecting this false self into the world every waking moment wasted so much time and energy. And worse, it kept me perpetually at a distance from everyone else. There was always an invisible wall manifested in lies and half-truths. I see that now in these photos showing younger me’s big brown eyes. He was so full of worry and doubt that no kid should have had to carry.

Of course, it wasn’t until I shared these secrets that I was able to wriggle out from under their weight and finally breathe. In high school, I told my best friend about the situation at home. He told me it wasn’t my fault. After I got my first job in news, I told my sister I was gay. She told me she’d already figured that out, and we grew even closer. Coming out freed me. I finally gave myself permission to meet more LGBTQ+ people, and I learned that queer joy is even more powerful than queer sorrow.

Coming out freed me. I finally gave myself permission to meet more LGBTQ+ people, and I learned that queer joy is even more powerful than queer sorrow.

It wasn’t until I stopped trying to blend in that I realized these differences are what gave me the tools I needed to make it. Being an outsider proved to be a gift in disguise. If you’re lucky, feeling isolated can lead to self-reliance, and that helped me navigate my way out of my upbringing. And now covering the news, I get to connect with not only other LGBTQ+ people in their own lived experiences but also others who exist on the margins — the overlooked, the people who feel different. I have the honor of speaking with them in a way others may not be able to. Like interviewing Kate and Trish Varnum, the first same-sex couple to marry in Iowa , and truly understanding their fresh fears about anti-LGBTQ+ legislative proposals targeting their union. Or reporting on a surge of GoFundMe campaigns raising money for same-sex couples’ fertility care , because some insurance companies use definitions that leave them without adequate coverage.

Steven Romo standing happily next to his husband

It turns out, all those things I spent so much time and energy resisting and hiding as a kid have given me superpowers as an adult. And the radioactive spider? That turned out to be simple honesty, allowing me to spin webs of connection. Now, with each truth I share, with each story I tell, I can help bridge the divide between the margins and the blinding mainstream.

Sure, it’s not always easy. There were a lot of ups and downs along the way, like when I dropped out of high school, struggled with depression and constantly fought to make ends meet. And the flip side of that self-reliance sometimes manifests in distancing myself from those who love me. That’s something I’m still working on, and in some ways maybe I always will be.

Looking back at the grimy kid in these tattered photos, I see that while he might not have realized it, he was always meant to tell tales. Not ones to hide who he was or how he struggled, but about how he survived. And of finding the extraordinary strength in embracing the beautiful mess of who we truly are.

Steven Romo is a correspondent for NBC News based in New York City. You can follow his reporting and adventures on Instagram , X , TikTok and Facebook . 

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AI Video Generator

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AI Video Generator Screenshot

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Crank out more video content and ideas with Kapwing's AI Video Generator Screenshot

How to generate AI video online

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short essay for visit

Frequently Asked Questions

Bob, our kitten, thinking

How do people make AI generated videos?

There are many online tools powered by artificial intelligence (AI) to create video content, including Kapwing and Synthesia. AI video tools usually give simple instructions to type out a topic or idea in the input text box, and the AI will generate a video for you instantly. We recommend using Kapwing to create videos with AI since they have a free AI video generator that allows you to edit the video afterwards, all in one place.

What is the AI that turns text into video?

With artificial intelligence (AI) and the demand for content creation rapidly growing, countless SaaS teams are racing to provide the best AI tool that turns text into video. Millions of content creators, social media marketers, and marketing agencies use Kapwing to create and edit their videos in one place, making it the best AI video generator that turns text to video for you in seconds.

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Easily make a video from text by typing out an idea in Kapwing’s AI Video Generator, selecting the video format, and clicking “Generate video.” Make your AI-generated video fit any platform by resizing it to the preset formats optimized for YouTube, TikTok, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Add your own finishes and human touch to your video by customizing the subtitles, changing the background music, and much more.

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With a free account on Kapwing, you can have 2 credits for each generative AI tool. Create the best AI video to kickstart your project. Level up your video generation flow with unlimited usage of every premium AI-powered tool, including the AI Video Generator, AI Image Generator, Generative Fill, and much more.

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Yes! Even better, you can generate video with AI in Kapwing and make any additional edits needed all in one place. With 100+ video editing tools, you're fully equipped with the essentials to create the best AI video for any video creation and ideation process.

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Kapwing is free to use for teams of any size. We also offer paid plans with additional features, storage, and support.

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A Visit To A Historical Place Essay

Visiting historical places helps us learn about Indian heritage and culture. For generations, our country has been distinguished by its culture. Knowing our history and culture helps us create our identities and fosters a sense of national pride in being an Indian. Here are a few sample essays on a visit to a historical place that students can refer to while writing their assignments and projects.

A Visit To A Historical Place Essay

100 Essay On A Visit To A Historical Place

Our school recently organised a trip to Red Fort for class 8 students. The Red Fort, popularly referred to as Lal Quila, is a prominent landmark in Delhi. Shah Jehan constructed it in 1639 using red stones. It included Diwan-e-Aam which is a hall of public audience, Diwan-e-Khas, Rang Mahal, and other structures. Silver linings, diamonds, and precious stones have been used to embellish the pavilion's surroundings. There was also a museum honouring veterans and a war memorial where weapons used in the First World War were exhibited. Every Independence Day, the Indian Prime Minister raises the flag here in Red Fort. I had a great time travelling to the Red Fort.

200 Essay On A Visit To A Historical Place

On the full moon day in October, I went to see the Taj Mahal, the Crown of the World with a few of my schoolmates. Following the passing of his wife Mumtaj Mahal, Shahjahan built this magnificent monument as a tribute to his unwavering love for her. It is claimed to have taken 22 years to construct, during which time 20,000 workers were employed. A stunning landscape surrounds the Taj Mahal. The straight paths through it are lined with tall, black cypress trees. It boasts numerous glistening flowerbeds and smooth, verdant lawns. All of these enhance the Taj's beauty.

The Taj Mahal stands on the banks of the river Yamuna and is made of white marble stone. It is surrounded by four tall slender white marble minarets, one in each corner of the platform on which the vast tomb stands. It is truly a piece of art, and India is proud of it. People travel from all over the world to witness this miracle of wonders. On a moonlit night, every aspect of the structure is really beautiful. Its attractiveness is enhanced by the Yamuna flowing nearby. It was a truly magnificent experience for me that I will never forget.

500 Essay On A Visit To A Historical Place

I visited Qutub Minar with my family last Sunday. Even though we live in Delhi, we had never been to see the minaret from up close. Qutub Minar is among Delhi's most intriguing tourist attractions. We hired a tour guide from the tourist office area located in the premises of the historical monument. While giving us a tour he told us about many interesting historical facts about the monument.

Interesting Facts | Qutub Minar is the world's tallest brick-built minaret, at 72.5 metres high. UNESCO has designated it as a World Heritage Site. This minaret is regarded as the symbol of triumph. Qutub-Ud-In Aibak, a deputy employed by Muhammad of Ghor, began building this minaret in Delhi as a memoir of victory. The building of the Minaret of Jam in Afghanistan served as inspiration for the design of the Qutub Minar. Hence, the Afghani and Indo-Islamic architecture is evident in the design of the minaret. It is regarded as the Delhi Sultanate's emblem.

Architecture | The Qutub Minar features five storeys that are constructed in various timelines and symbolise various historical events. Beautiful balconies extend from each storey, making it a one-of-a-kind minaret. Marble and red sandstone were used to construct the tower. On the northeastern side of qutub minar, Quwwat-ul-Islam Masjid, India's first mosque, was built in 1198. After over 169 years, the lighting-damaged monument underwent renovations and gained two more floors under the reign of the modern Delhi Sultan Firoz Shah Tughlak. He completed the building by adding a dome or cupola to the top. These stories were crafted from white sandstone and marble. In this tower, the colour difference is fairly noticeable. Due to an earthquake that caused the minaret to shake and tumble, this dome is no longer visible. In the British era, Major R. Smith, a member of the British Empire's Royal Engineers, reconstructed the upper section in 1823 using a "Chhatri," or Bengali-style architecture. This upper section is still visible above the fifth storey.

Places We Saw | The interior of the minaret was quite interesting to explore because it had elaborate carvings and lovely patterns that date back more than 900 years. We also saw the minaret's iron pillar which was constructed in the fourth century AD. For 1600 years, the iron pillar stood the test of time. It is almost all wrought iron and hasn't rusted yet.

Our tour guide also took us to visit the tomb of Adham Khan, a minister in Akbar's imperial court, located not far from Qutub Minar. It dates back to the 16th century. Due to the murder of one of Akbar's closest ministers by Adham Khan, the emperor mandated that an octagonal tomb be built rather than a hexagonal one to signify that it is a traitor's tomb. The monument was a large tomb with magnificent archways.

This minaret has a lengthy history, having been built and restored by numerous Indian kings. It is also an illustration of the diverse Indian culture that emerged through several dynasties.I had a great time visiting the Qutub Minar. It was an unforgettable experience that provided us a glimpse of the great heritage of our country.

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Economic Times

How to identify employee disengagement

Managers, imagine a scenario in which five employees on your ten-person team are dissatisfied and disengaged at work, either mildly or acutely. What if a few of those five are acting as cranky force multipliers, wreaking havoc with your best performers’ morale?

That scenario is not a stretch, recent McKinsey research shows . 1 Aaron De Smet, Marino Mugayar-Baldocchi, Angelika Reich, and Bill Schaninger, “ Some employees are destroying value. Others are building it. Do you know the difference? ,” McKinsey Quarterly , September 11, 2023. In fact, more than half of employees we surveyed report being relatively dissatisfied with their jobs. That’s a big percentage that strikes at the heart of value creation for organizations that are already facing rising labor costs and declining worker productivity.

To help solve the problem, managers should first figure out where employees fall along a satisfaction spectrum (exhibit). Our short quiz gets at the core of which employee archetype best describes most employees. Giving the quiz to your team—for them to answer anonymously, for obvious reasons—may provide fodder for some interesting conversations and spur actions to improve engagement .

Five questions help discern the archetypes present on your team

1. how likely are you to quit your job in the next 3–6 months.

Very likely (1 point) Somewhat likely (2 points) Somewhat unlikely (3 points) Not at all likely (4 points)

(If you answered “very likely” or “somewhat likely,” answer questions 2 through 4 and then skip to the end; question 5, on well-being, is most relevant for helping employees who are staying. If you answered “somewhat unlikely” or “not at all likely,” answer questions 2 through 5.)

2. Do you currently hold two or more full-time, salaried jobs?

Yes (You are classified as a double-dipper.) No

3. How satisfied and committed are you to your job?

Mostly dissatisfied (1 point) Somewhat dissatisfied (2 points) Neutral (3 points) Somewhat satisfied (4 points) Mostly satisfied (5 points)

4. How would your supervisor rate your level of performance in relation to expectations for your role?

Well below average (1 point) Below average (2 points) Meeting job requirements (3 points) Going above expectations (4 points) Going well above expectations (5 points)

5. What is your level of well-being? (We define well-being as a person’s ability to experience enjoyable and consistent functioning without major obstacles in the physical, social, mental, and spiritual domains.)

Well below average (1 point) Below average (2 points) Average (3 points) Above average (4 points) High (5 points)

Tallying the score

3–8 points: quitter.

Quitters are very or somewhat likely to leave their jobs in the next three to six months, but they are not necessarily the lowest performers. Strong people leaders  who are connected to their teams can keep high-potential and high-performing workers in this group from leaving for greener pastures.

9–10 points: Disruptor

Disruptors may feel that their needs are not being met, so they rebel and start a vicious cycle that reinforces their behavior within the organization and negatively affects higher-performing teammates. Career development opportunities, as well as honing a sense of purpose at work , are essential for these employees.

7–19 points: Double-dipper

Double-dippers—who hold two or more full-time, salaried jobs (yes, they exist, and there are more of them than ever)—garner a wide range of points because they are spread throughout our categories depending on where they fall on the performance, satisfaction, and well-being spectrums. To ensure that these workers don’t feel trapped in jobs without advancement possibilities, managers can carefully map career paths  and role responsibilities.

11–13 points: Mildly disengaged

The mildly disengaged are neither satisfied nor disruptive in a way that harms the organization. They put in the time and effort to fulfill minimum job requirements, but leaders should not expect these workers to make sacrifices for the company over their personal lives. To elevate performance in this group, employers can focus on flexibility .

14–18 points: Reliable and committed

People in this group are on the positive side of the satisfaction spectrum. And they’re part of the organizational core of reliable performers who will also go above and beyond for an employer. People in this archetype are motivated by meaningful work , flexibility, and a workplace environment  that has supportive coworkers who are open to collaboration.

19 points: Thriving star

The top talent in any organization, these stars sport sustainably high levels of well-being and performance. This group also has a positive impact on team performance and productivity. To help prevent burnout and create sustainable conditions  for these (rare) value creators and drivers of innovation, managers should limit the number of projects these people are working on, since their input is in high demand.

Our research shows that better performance and higher well-being lead to healthier workplaces and more consistent organizational performance . Managers who move their employees up the satisfaction spectrum toward higher engagement are therefore making a strategic choice.

A final thought as the new year gets under way: an organization’s working model plays an important role in the engagement level of employees. Our research shows that while most thriving stars do best in a remote-working environment, a hybrid model can maximize the benefits for the highest number of people. Coming in last: working mostly in person. Caveat employer .

Aaron De Smet is a senior partner in McKinsey’s New Jersey office, Marino Mugayar-Baldocchi is a research science expert in the New York office, Angelika Reich is a partner in the Vienna office, and Bill Schaninger is a senior partner emeritus.

This article was edited by Barbara Tierney, a senior editor in the New York office.

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