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12 Account Executive Resume Examples for 2024

Stephen Greet

Account Executive

Account Executive

Best for senior and mid-level candidates

There’s plenty of room in our elegant resume template to add your professional experience while impressing recruiters with a sleek design.

Resume Builder

Like this template? Customize this resume and make it your own with the help of our Al-powered suggestions, accent colors, and modern fonts.

Account Executive Resume

  • Account Executive Resumes by Experience
  • Account Executive Resumes by Role
  • Writing Your Account Executive Resume

The cursor blinked while Ellin wondered what she could do to make her resume more current. After an admirable seven-year stint as an account executive at Consolidated Smart Systems, she felt excited to pursue a change in scenery. But how could she bring her dusty, old resume into the modern, competitive hiring world of today?

Ellin needed some handy tips on how to get started, so she started researching what it would take to begin the next chapter of her life. She was eager to land an amazing job that would give her a sense of fulfillment—and allow her to take that vacation overseas she’d been dreaming of, too!

Luckily, our invaluable resume-building tools were just a quick search query away! Our account executive resume examples and advice on building a resume launched Ellin into her next interview. Find your own success by trying them for yourself!

or download as PDF

Account executive resume example with 7 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Are you driving sales, renewals, and upgrades for your business? Did you exceed targets, and if so, by how much? Did you outperform on lead generation? Answer these questions to demonstrate to the hiring manager that you’ll significantly impact your future workplace.
  • Using a  resume template  can not only improve your formatting but also showcase some creative flair. Wouldn’t you rather read a resume with a unique layout and some color over a black and white list?

Entry-Level Account Executive Resume

Entry-level account executive resume example

  • Include your desired job title, the name of the business you’re applying to, and any applicable skills.
  • Remember that if you include an objective, you have to tailor it for each job to which you apply, so if you’re short on time, skip this section and opt for more work experience.
  • Consider including internships, projects, applicable activities, or  hobbies to your resume . Employers simply want to know that you can do the job, so including relevant activities is a smart choice if you haven’t held many jobs yet.

Junior Account Executive Resume

Junior account executive resume example with 9 years of experience

  • Does your resume look somewhat sparse? Add a projects section! You can add academic projects, club memberships, side projects, or even volunteer work. Bonus: you can write these exactly like work experience bullet points, so you can add metrics!
  • Measurable achievements can be a difficult area for junior-level applicants, so pick whichever of your accomplishments that delivers the most powerful impact.
  • Even if you don’t have a college degree, you can still make an impact by listing relevant skills in your  resume’s skills section . Working them into your work experience bullet points is also a plus!
  • Add any additional courses or training classes you’ve taken, too.

Senior Account Executive Resume

Senior account executive resume example with 10 years of experience

  • Templates are good for organizing your thoughts, and they’re even better at helping your format your resume so hiring managers and the ATS can read it. So, don’t be wary of using one for your senior account executive resume !
  • You can always include optional sections like certifications or projects to highlight experience that’s not quite a job. Of course, employers prefer to see work experience, but don’t avoid using these sections if they’re relevant.

Account Executive Advertising Resume

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  • Let them see in your account executive advertising resume increased sales, improved customer engagement, successful ads that bring business growth, etc.

SaaS Account Executive Resume

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  • Let your sales figures, revenue-generation milestones, and creative business solutions buoy your SAAS account executive resume to a potential employer.

Sales Account Executive Resume

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  • For example, if the employer wants someone with experience with long sales cycles, then you should mention any experience that’s relevant to that specific requirement.
  • You should also pay attention to the overall size of the business to which you’re applying. For example, if only have experience with small businesses, you’ll need to be honest about that in your sales account executive resume .
  • Start by cutting any unnecessary adjectives or adverbs. Common ones include “successfully,” “closely,” and “as needed.” You should also cut personal pronouns in your bullet points.
  • All the details you’d like to include about your projects and works success are best saved for writing your account executive cover letter .

Key Account Executive Resume

resume format for accounts executive free download

  • Add anything relating to your most relevant achievements. It can help to look at the  account executive job description  to see what employers might want to see in your summary.
  • Furthermore, ask yourself how you’ve helped your past employers. Did you generate millions in sales? Did you manage key accounts?
  • This can be include working larger accounts, leading projects, or creating new sales strategies. Maybe you lead junior account managers or executives—anything that demonstrates leadership and increased duties as you’ve grown in your career.

Marketing Account Executive Resume

resume format for accounts executive free download

  • Our recommendation: write everything you want in the  resume outline . Once you’ve written everything, rephrase your work experience bullet points so they start with action verbs (like “spearheaded,” “enacted,” “drove,” and “calculated”).
  • Next, cut out unnecessary words (especially adjectives and adverbs). You might have to rewrite some things, but it’s worth it to make space!
  • Include numbers and percentages relating to ROI, campaign results, quotas and sales targets you met, the total number of clients/teammates you helped, number of events attended annually, or how much revenue you generated.

Mid-Market Account Executive Resume

resume format for accounts executive free download

  • The hard part will be condensing your information, but you can adjust your  resume format  to help make space. And don’t forget to  check your resume  to cut out any unnecessary words or errors!
  • Instead, imagine you’re highlighting one or two skills per work experience bullet point. Then go back and make sure you’ve hit every part of the customer lifecycle, and you’ve got a winning resume!

Public Relations Account Executive Resume

Public relations account executive resume example

  • Mentioning how you used LinkedIn to scout and secure clients will appeal to any hiring manager.
  • If you want to highlight your personal accounts, here’s a handy  resume tip : you can include your profile URLs in your contact header! It’s highly likely they’re going to review your accounts eventually, so make it as easy as possible.
  • Instead of telling the hiring manager about your skills, use numbers to prove that you’ve made a positive impact. Numbers help you to objectively state your worth without taking up too much space (or sounding arrogant).
  • You should also include certifications if you have them since they show you have the necessary training to succeed as an account executive.

Enterprise Account Executive Resume

resume format for accounts executive free download

  • We’d recommend using a reverse-chronological format to showcase how you’ve climbed the career ladder. 
  • Reading from left to right, you can “flip” the arrangement of your resume to your advantage. If your experience is the real showstopper, place it on the left in block format. If you’d rather highlight your skills, keep those on the left.

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  • Customer Service

4 Resume Tips for Account Executives

Construction crew rearranges items on computer screen to signify formatting job materials

Before we get into the weeds, let’s make on thing clear about your account executive resume; the single most important thing you should do is  quantify your impact . Employers are looking for how future employees will benefit the company, so if you can prove that you’ve done so at your previous workplaces, hiring managers are bound to be impressed.

Outside of that, there are a few other tips you can use to maximize your chance of getting an interview:

  • Customize your resume for each job to which you apply
  • Include common skills employers are looking for in account executives
  • Optimize your resume objective for your career stage

We’ll dive into each of these tips in more detail below, but before we do, we’ll give you another top tip: proofread, proofread, proofread.

Grammar and spelling errors are the worst reason not to get an interview. And since hiring managers are reviewing hundreds of resumes, so they’re looking for an excuse to say “no.”

Don’t give them an easy reason to say “no,” and instead  check your resume  diligently for any errors, no matter how small.

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Account executive job description for resume

Tailoring your resume for each account executive role you apply to is a lot of work. That’s why this step will increase your chances of getting an interview; people rarely do it! By spending that extra time, you can increase your chances of getting an interview by over 25 percent. 

When customizing your resume for the job, use this basic methodology:

  • Read the job description. Do any specific projects or achievements come to mind as you read it? If so, add them to your resume in your work experience section.
  • Look for keywords in the job descriptions (a specific CRM or sales methodology, for example). If you have those skills, add them to your resume skills section. 

Let’s review an example to see what this looks like in practice.

Example: Customize your account executive resume for the job

Work background

If you have more years of experience as an account manager than as an account executive, this is how we might describe your latest work experience:

USPay August 2017 – Present, New York NY Account Executive

  • Led development of demo strategy for a new product offering, targeting large financial institutions, which were used to generate $2.9M in annual revenue
  • Worked with SDRs to hone in on target customer personas based on customer conversations which reduced costs by 15% while improving close rate by 22%
  • Performed regular checks of existing account holders to ensure their needs were being met, resulting in an annual retention rate of 3 percentage points above the plan

Account executive job description

This is a job description for an account executive role at ACME Corp:

What you’ll do:

  • Cultivate and maintain a solid pipeline of well-qualified leads
  • Take charge of your sales cycles, from initial prospecting and opportunity identification all the way to sale closure and managing the post-sale relationship
  • Be a high-touch sales rep who builds strong client connections and gains insight into how the ACME Corp solution can create maximum value for our customers
  • Develop expertise and become a go-to resource for information on ACME Corp and on the customer experience management industry
  • Land and expand is a key strategy to our growth—you will be expected to develop and maintain key accounts and identify opportunities for the company to continue to deliver value, and demonstrate the impact our product has on the client’s customer success strategy
  • Keep track of everything—new leads, deal progress, marketing commitments, and success rates—so you can report back to your manager on how awesome you are on a regular basis

Update the work experience

It seems like this account executive role is a bit further up in the sales cycle. Let’s assume you’ve have some of these responsibilities, but it’s not a perfect fit. Let’s tailor it!

Let’s start by fixing the first bullet point. Remove the focus on product demos and replace it with experience on prospecting (changes underlined). Then, since they want someone who also manages the post-sale relationships, the bullet point about performing regular check-ins is a great one to keep. Now this looks more like the job description!

Feedzai August 2017 – Present, New York NY Account Executive

  • Led  the customer prospecting and opportunity identification  for a new product offering, targeting large financial institutions which were used to generate $2.9M in annual revenue
  • Worked closely with SDRs to hone in on target customer personas based on customer conversations which reduced costs by 15% while improving close rate by 22%
  • Performed regular check-ins with existing account holders to ensure their needs were being met, resulting in an annual retention rate of 3 percentage points above the plan

The changes don’t need to be drastic. Make small alterations to each of your work experience sections until they more closely echo the job description (but never exactly match, since that’s a red flag).

resume format for accounts executive free download

Resume skills

You’ve got another opportunity to customize your resume with your  resume’s skills section .

Let’s back up and give some context:

Before the hiring manager or recruiter looks at your resume, an automated system called an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) will score it. The ATS is simply looking to see whether or not your resume contains certain keywords.

For example, if a job description repeatedly says they are looking for someone with inside sales experience, you can be sure the ATS will be looking for the keyword “inside sales experience.”

With that said, keep your skills section to your top five to ten skills. Listing more than that is a red flag for employers, as is listing any fewer. Around six to eight skills is a good amount to hit.

Common resume skills for account executives

  • Written and Verbal Communication 
  • Contract Negotiation
  • Presentation 
  • Organization
  • Microsoft Office (PowerPoint, Word, Excel)
  • CRM (Salesforce, HubSpot)
  • Problem-solving
  • Sales Fundamentals and Relationship Building
  • Detail-oriented
  • Time Management
  • Multi-tasking
  • Building Client Relationships
  • Sales Reporting
  • Phone Sales
  • Inside Sales
  • Self-motivated

resume format for accounts executive free download

Resume objective

Let’s be real about your  resume objective  or  resume summary . The majority of the time, you don’t need one.

They take up space that can be used for work experience, and they’re usually generic and lacking in any real value. Since you want everything on your account executive resume to increase your chances of an interview, you need to consider whether or not it’s worth it including a summary or an objective.

Our recommendation? Unless you’re going to customize it for each job you apply to, you’re better off not having a summary or an objective.

With that said, here are some examples of effective resume objectives and summaries for account executives to give you some inspiration.

Account executive resume objective/summary examples

  • “Seasoned account executive with 6+ years of experience in high-value B2B enterprise sales. Looking to leverage my ability to build meaningful relationships with prospective customers in an environment like ACME Corp where I can contribute to the mission of democratizing online payments across the world.”
  • “Through my extensive experience with inside sales, I’ve learned repeatable, scaleable strategies to better prospect clients and remove objections, resulting in an additional $10M a year for my past employers. Looking to continue to further hone my inside sales skills at an early-stage, growing SaaS company like ACME Corp.”
  • “Senior key account executive with 10+ years of experience across the entire sales cycle for small and enterprise B2B companies, generating millions in sales. Looking for an opportunity to utilize my data-driven account management style to manage key accounts at a top-performing health company like ACME Corp.”

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Measure your impact

The most valuable thing you can do to maximize your chances of getting an interview as an account executive is to use numbers on your resume.

This accomplishes a few goals:

  • It draws attention, meaning the hiring manager will spend more time reviewing your resume.
  • It convinces the hiring manager that since you’ve had a measurable impact in your past roles, it’s likely you’ll have a similar impact in the role for which they’re hiring.
  • It demonstrates your keen knowledge of which metrics an account executive should be improving. 

As an account executive, there are a whole host of metrics on which you can focus. You don’t have to give precise numbers, either—rough estimates are okay.

Here are some questions you can ask to figure out how to include metrics in your work experience on your resume:

  • How did I perform against sales targets? How much revenue did I generate for the business?
  • How was my close rate? Was it better than average? By how much?
  • How was the retention rate for accounts I managed? How much revenue did that generate?
  • Did the accounts I managed generate upgrade revenue? How much?
  • How many leads did I generate, and how much revenue did they develop?
  • How effective were my product demos in increasing adoption or close rate?

Again, this is not an exact science. You’re just trying to show that you are data-driven and know which metrics are the most important drivers of a business.

Here’s a specific example of a work experience description with and without numbers to clarify. Which do you think is more convincing?

WRONG – no quantifiable metrics

Acme Corp August 2016 – May 2018, New York NY Account Executive

  • Led inside sales efforts as the startup grew from year to year
  • Introduced and analyzed sales strategies to improve lead generation performance iteratively
  • Worked closely with the executive team to overhaul onboarding processes, which improved product adoption rate

RIGHT – quantifiable impact

  • Led inside sales efforts as the startup grew from $5M in annual revenue to $27M 
  • Introduced and analyzed sales strategies to improve lead generation performance by 35% year over year
  • Worked closely with the executive team to overhaul onboarding processes, which improved product adoption rate by 26%

We know applying for jobs is exhausting and stressful, but we believe in you! Follow your resume up by using a cover letter generator .

And remember, keep your head up, keep applying, and follow these resume examples and tips so you can start interviewing for your next account executive role in no time!

Create my free resume now

HR Cabin

Accounts Executives Resume Formats in Word |  Free Download

Describing yourself is very important while preparing your accounts executive resume. You need to highlight your accounting skills and previous experience details in your resume, a good resume will catch the attention of the employer and it will separate you from other accounts executive job seekers.

Here you can find some best accounts executive resumes which you can download in Word format.

Entry Level Accounts Executive Resume

Entry level accounts executive resume in india

Junior Accounts Executive Resume (Format 1)

Junior accounts executive resume download in Word

Junior Accounts Executive (Format 2)

Junior accounts executive resume download

Senior Accounts Executive Resume (Format 1)

Senior accounts executive resume download in Word format

Senior Accounts Executive Resume (Format 2)

Senior accounts executive resume download in ms word

Accounts Executive Career Objectives

  • To be a part of a reputed organization to  enhance my accounting knowledge and skills and further become a valuable part of the organization development.
  • A qualified commerce graduate looking for an entry level opportunity in a competitive and challenging environment to gain accounting experience and become a part of organization growth.
  • Seeking an opportunity in an esteemed organization in the field of accounting where I can utilize my skills, knowledge and experience for the development of both organization and myself.
  • A B.Com/M.Com/MBA finance student obtaining a challenging career in a dynamic environment to grow my accounting knowledge and experience and looking forward  to making a significant contribution in  achieving the organization goals.
  • A Self motivated and result oriented accounting professional with more than two years of experience, seeking a challenging career in an esteemed company where  I can apply my experience and knowledge.
  • Accounts executive with more than three years of finance and accounting experience with knowledge in processing invoices, preparing balance sheets and recording accounts payables and receivables.
  • An experienced accounts executive looking for employment with a reputable company, possess  knowledge in managing account statements, sales invoice preparation, purchase entries and handling GST, PT & TDS.

Accounts Executive Skills & Responsibilities

  • Accounting entries,  invoice preparation and purchase entries.
  • Recording accounts payables and accounts receivables.
  • Filing records of daily transactions.
  • Preparation of  balance sheets.
  • Reconciliation of bank statements.
  • E Filing of TDS and GST returns.
  • Knowledge of  Tally ERP and MS Excel.
  • Knowledge of VAT, sales tax, Profession tax, 
  • Handling GST, TDS, PT, ESI and EPF returns.
  • Preparation of monthly payroll statements 
  • Bookkeeping knowledge
  • Petty Cash handling
  • Income tax returns.
  • Business accounting
  • Experience with accounting softwares like Tally, Quickbooks and Zoho Books Etc
  • Letter drafting
  • Strong analytical skills
  • Vendor management.
  • Handling monthly, quarterly and annual closings.
  • Participation in budget forecasts.


  • Salary slip formats in Excel, Word, and PDF
  • Job biodata formats in Word.
  • Declaration in resume for freshers.

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Accountant Resume Templates

resume format for accounts executive free download

Email Delivery

An  accountant resume  is a document that showcases an accountant’s work experience, education, and certification. The templates accommodate accountants from all backgrounds and experience levels. For instance, an entry-level accountant or a financial executive can complete the following documents to apply for a job position.

Before writing the resume, the applicant should consider its primary purpose: to offer a skill set that the hiring company needs or wants. The candidate achieves this goal by using an organized template that highlights their best and most qualifying skills. The resume must include accurate details about the applicant’s experiences. Interviewers immediately reject prospective employees who lie or enter false information on their applications.

Accounting Resume Examples

resume format for accounts executive free download

Tips for Writing an Accounting Resume

Since accounting jobs require immense attention to detail, the resume must adhere to the same standard. Make sure it is accurate and free from errors or inconsistencies. Regardless of the accountant’s career stage, the applicant must include their title, certification(s), or field-specific markers (i.e., CPA, GAAP, or QuickBooks). Providing this information increases the candidate’s credibility and raises the possibility of an interview. The placement of the title can make a difference, as well. For this reason, be sure to display it in large or bold font on the top of the page.

Accounting Resume Samples

resume format for accounts executive free download

What Experience Should be Included?

The accountant’s experience level influences the information presented in the resume. “Experience” refers to the number of years worked, along with positions held, internships completed, and the names of previous employers.

Regardless of the job’s tier or ranking, the prospective employee must include previous roles or experiences that highlight their competencies. They should specifically focus on large or unique projects that set them apart from other candidates. For example, an applicant would want to include that they “managed private foundation grants totaling over $35 million” or “developed controls to reduce errors by 18%.” Similarly, they would benefit from stating that they “processed 50+ vendor invoices per month with 100% accuracy” or “prepared 10 tax returns in the previous year.”

  • Entry-Level-Accountants

Mid-Level Accountants

Senior-level accountants, entry-level accountants.

The profession considers entry-level accountants as individuals that have worked anywhere from zero (0) to two (2) years. Accountants new to the workforce have less experience than those who have been in the profession for a longer amount of time. For this reason, they must include relevant work experience, volunteer work, or additional details that demonstrate their knowledge and/or capabilities. Including applicable skills in a resume (e.g., math, auditing, banking, etc.) helps to give applicants more leverage over more experienced candidates. The goal of entry-level accountants is to find a job that allows them to gain experience and build their resumes to advance their careers. Entry-level accountant jobs include:

  • Budget or financial analysts;
  • Accounting clerks, assistants, associates, or representatives;
  • Bookkeepers;
  • Personal or private accountants; and/or
  • Junior or staff accountants.

A mid-level accountant has more experience than an entry-level employee as they have been in the career between two (2) and eight (8) years. They gain the critical skills needed to move onto an expert accountant role during this time. They have more responsibility and may take on managerial positions. The following list contains examples of jobs for mid-level accountants:

  • Accounting manager or analyst;
  • Cost accountant; and/or
  • Tax, finance, or audit manager.

An individual only takes on the expert accountant title if they have worked in the field for eight (8) years or more and have taken on a managerial position. Expert accountants are confident in their abilities and have a strong knowledge of the role. They may be responsible for overseeing a larger group of employees, such as a department. In addition, they may have to examine complicated financial documents and reports. Senior-level accountant jobs may have titles, such as:

  • Vice president of accounting;
  • Director of finance;
  • Audit director;
  • Senior accountant;
  • Controller; and/or
  • Chief financial officer.

Entry Level Accounting Resumes

resume format for accounts executive free download

What Resume Format Should be Used?

For jobseekers with little accounting experience, a skills-based or functional resume format is best. This layout highlights the applicant’s transferable skills without spotlighting previous (and perhaps not as relevant) work experience.

Accountants with previous accounting experience should use the reverse-chronological order format. With this type of resume, the applicant lists the most current and relevant work experience first, followed by the next most recent. This style gives the hiring personnel a brief but total picture of the applicant’s professional experience.

Senior Accounting Resumes

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Key Takeaways

Accountants are detail-oriented, highly precise, and well-organized, and their resumes should be no different. While there is no right or wrong format or template to use, the form must be free from clutter, gimmicks, and irrelevant or inaccurate information. Most importantly, accountants should design their resumes to fit the employer’s job description.

  • Account manager
  • Account executive resume examples

Account executive

Account executive Resume examples

5 Account executive resume examples found

All examples are written by certified resume experts, and free for personal use. Copy any of the Account executive resume examples to your own resume, or use one of our free downloadable Word templates. We recommend using these Account executive resume examples as inspiration only, while creating your own resume.

Learn more about: how to write a perfect resume

Account executive

Directly responsible for the preservation and expansion of the customer base by finding business opportunities and manage customer relationships. Develop clients into long-term, profitable relationships by educating and training them on the company’s portfolio of products.

  • Responsible for the entire sales cycle from start to finish, consistently reaching out for updates and possibilities for additional business.
  • Guided and mentored junior account managers to help them increase sales by up to 50% in their second year.
  • Provide a professional and consistent positive environment and reflection of the company’s core values.
  • Developed sales agendas with targeted communication methods, frequently asked questions, and high quality customer service.
  • Managed a portfolio of 50+ clients and increased potential sales pool by 50%.

Managed major accounting transactions, including payable and receivable reconciliations and quarterly and annual closings. Collected monthly statement data and investigated variances and trends. Outlined new revenue-generating pipelines while maintaining strong networks with professional organizations.

  • Generated $3.5M in annual revenue by partnering with senior executives to develop new product strategies for large financial institutions.
  • Oversaw the preparation of tax return documents and evaluated audit financial transactions.
  • Increased yearly sales by 18% by meeting annual quotas, developing new accounts through outside and inside sales, and finding new solutions to achieve revenue retention.
  • Assembled data for quarterly and annual tax filings, and estimated payments, and ensured management complied with filing requirements and regulations throughout the process.
  • Responded to financial inquiries by summarizing and interpreting data, applying financial principles, and developing recommendations.

Oversee and execute top client contracts, generating new sales and opportunities for new business by networking with small businesses.

  • Managed a portfolio of 15 local small businesses, driving $1 million in revenue.
  • Initiated collaboration with the marketing team to identify advertising opportunities, resulting in 100% increase in organic website visits and product demonstrations.
  • Demonstrated new products and services to clients to increase sales by 15% per client on average.
  • Maintain relationships with clients by managing execution and progress through frequent calls and checkups.

Answer customer questions and resolve problems with members’ accounts in a timely manner, earning majority positive (94%) customer feedback. Develop new business by providing product demonstrations and take note of requested features for future offerings.

  • Mastered product knowledge to upsell compelling product offerings and earn additional revenue from 50% of clients.
  • Developed long-term relationships with customers, educating and problem-solving for them, increasing customer retention by 40%.
  • Consistently place in the top 10% of sales each month.
  • Proven track record delivering strong and consistent sales growth while consistently exceeding revenue targets.

Grew end-to-end portfolios for medium and large-sized businesses while cultivating client relationships to foster company growth and increased productivity. Analyzed financial performances to understand company needs and future goals and maintained strategic ongoing relationships with C-level executives.

  • Managed customer communication from discovery calls through contract negotiation, developing customized solutions to achieve each client’s target goals.
  • Grew client retention rate by 5% through regular check-ins with new and existing account holders, ensuring their needs were met at any stage of the process.
  • Led a team of 12 members to develop an inside and outside sales matrix, implement community outreach initiatives, and utilize data and CRM tools to outline new strategies.
  • Increased account volume through extensive networking with high-end clients. Designed and oversaw business development campaigns to retain a stronger client base.
  • Generated a 63% annual increase in sales volume by streamlining an effective lead process, discussing product replenishment solutions with buyers, and projecting finances.
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Professional resume templates

Make a resume that wins you interviews! Choose one of these professionally-designed resume templates and follow 3 easy steps to complete.

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Resume examples

Free resume templates

  • Free for personal use
  • Direct download as a Microsoft Word document
  • Created by a CPRW certified resume expert
  • Optimized for applicant tracking system (ATS) screening

Choosing a correct resume format and template

Resume examples

Resume template

Download our American style resume template. Chronological resume format. Download a functional resume template .

resume chronological

Learn more about the differences between a resume and a CV .

CV template

Download our British/European style cv template. Similar to a resume but more commonly used in Europe, Asia and Africa.

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Download cv-template.docx 29.34 KB

Account Executive Resume: Sample and Free Template [2020]

Use these account executive resume sample bullets to create your resume and land your dream job. all of these can be accessed for free in our in-product account executive resume templates. explore them below., search account executive resume bullets for your resume:.

  • Developed relationships with customers, negotiated and sold new business
  • Developed strong business relationship with key clients, resulting in a $1 million annual sales increase
  • Developed marketing plans and strategies for the business, developed new accounts and maintained existing relationships
  • Developed financial models for the purpose of forecasting and budget analysis
  • Developed processes and systems for the development of a CRMS system for the company
  • Developed highly effective relationships with customers and the general
  • Developed strategy and execution of new product launch, resulting in $1M+ annual sales
  • Developed a new customer relationship management program, and increased the number of customer accounts by 20%.
  • Developed strategic business relationships with Fortune 100 clients and their staff
  • Developed, managed and maintained a portfolio of client-specific business relationships and partnerships
  • Developed an annual marketing strategy for the organization and created a marketing plan for the annual conference
  • Developed the first-of its type of marketing strategy for the company's largest clients
  • Developed marketing strategy and executed strategic initiatives to grow revenue and market share for the firm
  • Developed and implemented a comprehensive business plan for the firm's first client
  • Developed, implemented and monitored the company-specific policies, programs & procedures
  • Developed new business and grew the company from a single client to over 100
  • Developed business plans and managed the development of business
  • Developed the business from scratch and implemented a CRMM solution for the company
  • Developed relationships with clients to ensure that they were successful in the sales process
  • Developed strategic plans and executed marketing campaigns for a variety of client accounts
  • Developed strategies to meet their financial needs, while meeting the client expectations
  • Developed highly empathic customer service relationships with each call center customer
  • Developed social media strategy and marketing strategies for the firm
  • Created and implemented a new business model for the firm's sales and service division
  • Created an interactive website for the CEO to share information with his team and clients
  • Created an online application for the client to submit their tax returns
  • Created and implemented a successful business development strategy, resulting in a $5 million increase
  • Created and maintained a comprehensive database of over 200 business and government contracts
  • Created reports, tracked and reported on the progress of projects
  • Created a new marketing campaign for the firm
  • Created an internal project tracking tool to monitor the status of all project deliverability
  • " Created the first ever ""Best Buy Branding Strategy"" for the company"
  • Provided direct customer support to customers in a high-pressure environment
  • Provided technical and strategic leadership to the company
  • Provided information to clients regarding the company and their account status
  • Provided guidance and direction to the executive staff on a variety of administrative and operational issues
  • Provided strategic direction and support to the Sales, Finance & Marketing departments
  • Provided technical support for the development of new media and marketing materials for the organization
  • Provided excellent customer support to clients and their representatives in a high-volume environment
  • Managed multiple accounts and provided support to the Salesforce
  • Managed payroll for approximately 200+ associates
  • Managed day to date operations of a multi million-year business
  • Managed all accounts recevments and payable for the business
  • Managed multiple accounts for the largest manufacturer of home automation equipment
  • Managed new and current clients in the area of sales
  • Managed high volume of in house and off-shore client calls
  • Managed customer service calls and emails
  • Managed and directed the development of a mobile app for the CEO and C-Level executives
  • Managed daily operations of the Internet Marketing department, overseeing all sales and customer support functions
  • Managed strategic planning and implementation of new product development, marketing and advertising campaigns
  • Assisted in the creation of a business model for the organization
  • Assisted in the preparation of proposals and contracts
  • Assisted the Senior Director of Sales with daily tasks
  • Assisted the Director of Marketing with various administrative tasks, such as filing and organizing
  • Assisted clients with all aspects of the sales cycle including prospecting, client follow up and closing
  • Assisted management with the creation of a monthly financial statement for the company, including all financial statements and related documentation
  • Assisted senior executives with daily business functions, such
  • Assisted and supported the President of a small, independent business
  • Assisted members with their banking accounts
  • Assisted senior executives with the creation of a salesforce application
  • Assisted in the planning and development of a marketing campaign for the company, which was successful
  • Assisted with the preparation of client presentations and sales
  • Assisted CEO with daily business development and strategic marketing
  • Assisted students with questions and issues related to online banking services
  • Assisted CEO in managing a portfolio of clients with high profile clientele and a focus on the client relationship
  • Assisted and advised senior leadership on business strategies
  • Assisted and supported the President of a major healthcare provider with all aspects of the company's business
  • Assisted VP of Marketing with various tasks
  • Assisted with the creation of a new marketing strategy for the organization, including a website and email marketing plan
  • Assisted the CEO in all facets of business development
  • Assisted the CEO in managing all aspects of the organization
  • Assisted CEO with the planning and execution of a global IT project for the firm
  • Assisted and supported the President of a major corporation in the development of a mobile app for the company
  • Assisted Senior Management with all administrative duties, such a scheduling appointments and meeting arrangements, maintaining calendars for the President and CEO
  • Assisted senior management with various tasks including data analysis
  • Assisted HR Manager with the creation of a HR system for the organization
  • Assisted business owners with the selection of a qualified, highly motivated and results oriented prospecting specialist
  • Conducted research and prepared reports for management review, presentation and distribution
  • Conducted strategic and operational analysis of the company
  • Conducted extensive interviews with potential candidates and provided recommendations for the hiring process, including background checks and reference check
  • Conducted a feasibility analysis of the company and proposed a plan to improve the company
  • Conducted training for all new employees and provided ongoing coaching to all employees on the company's policies and practices
  • Conducted research and analyzed data to identify opportunities for business expansion
  • Conducted weekly, quarterly and monthly system reviews to evaluate the effectiveness of systems and recommend improvements
  • Conducted market analysis to develop and execute strategic business initiatives for the company, including product launches and promotions
  • Conducted financial and accounting analyses of the company
  • Conducted internal and customer-related research to determine the effectiveness of marketing initiatives
  • Conducted meetings with the President and Vice Presidents of Sales, Operations & Marketing to review and discuss the status of their projects
  • Conducted seminars and workshops to promote the use of technology in business and personal
  • Prepared, organized and presented monthly business reviews to executive team
  • Prepared conference rooms for meetings and conferences
  • Prepared monthly financial statements, reconciling bank accounts and maintaining financial records for the bank
  • Prepared budget and financial reports for senior executives, managed accounts payable and payroll
  • Prepared proposals and negotiated with potential customers to purchase new equipment and services for the organization
  • Prepared all financials for the year and maintained a balance sheet
  • Prepared all documents for new client presentations
  • Prepared quarterly and yearly tax return for over 200 companies and individuals
  • Prepared agendas and distributed information to the executive
  • Prepared reports, spread sheet and presentations for executive team
  • Prepared detailed financial statements and reports for senior executives;
  • Provide support to the CEO and Board of Trusters in the preparation and execution of annual financial reports
  • Performed extensive market analysis, including competitive analyses and product development
  • Performed extensive market analysis and developed sales plans for the entire company
  • Performed as a member of the team to implement a business plan for the company
  • Performed extensive data analysis and created a database to support the business
  • Performed monthly and year to month analysis of sales and expenses
  • Performed strategic and financial analyses of the company, identified potential opportunities and implemented solutions
  • Performed in depth market analyses to determine the competitive advantages of new products and services
  • Performed data analysis for the client, prepared and maintained all financial reports
  • Performed business development and client retention
  • Performed data entry and research for the purpose of generating new leads and maintaining customer database
  • Designed a web application to track and manage the company website
  • Designed customized sales strategies to increase revenue and profitability of the company
  • Designed new processes and standards for internal reporting, which reduced the number of errors by 50%.
  • Designed an application to automate the processing of customer invoice payments
  • Designed a marketing strategy to promote the business and its products to existing clients
  • Designed the company website to increase sales and generate revenue
  • Designed custom reports for the executive team to use in their presentations and meetings
  • Designed an integrated solution to automate the processing of all incoming and out going invoice payments
  • Assist with the implementation of new processes and standards for the company
  • Assist in the planning of annual budgets and quarterlyannuities
  • Assist customers with questions regarding the company and their mobile phone
  • Assist with the creation of a new business plan for the sales team
  • Assist executives with presentations to the public and other executives
  • Developed and executed strategic plans to increase revenue and market share
  • Developed and executed a strategic marketing campaign to generate interest in the organization
  • Developing and executing strategies to drive sales, profitability and growth of the organization
  • Project Coordinator for the development of a comprehensive project tracking tool for the organization
  • Manage the development of new products and processes
  • Create customized solutions for clients to achieve business objectives and maximize revenue
  • Create reports for senior executives to track and monitor their financial performance
  • Prepare and deliver presentation materials to clients
  • Prepare, analyze and execute strategic marketing plan for the company's clients
  • Prepare financial reports and analyze results
  • Led the implementation of a CRMS for all the clients
  • Led team of 8 CRMs in the creation and development of a comprehensive CRMS for the entire organization
  • Led strategic initiatives to drive sales and revenue for the organization
  • Led global sales and marketing efforts for a $2 billion global manufacturer of mobile phones
  • Led an organization of over 50 professionals in the areas of business development and marketing
  • Led a $10MM annual operating plan for the business unit
  • Led team of 20 in the development and launch of a new online banking application
  • Led and managed the implementation of a $10MM budget for the department
  • Led cross functional initiatives to increase sales and revenue by 30%.
  • Led multiple initiatives to drive brand and revenue, increase customer satisfaction
  • Led company in the growth of online sales and account development
  • Led efforts to establish and maintain a new client relationship with the largest and most respected financial institution in the world
  • Led the development of a $1M annual revenue plan for the company
  • Led all aspects of business operations, sales and account management
  • Led an organization of 20 sales representatives in the areas of customer satisfaction, account development and retention
  • Led an initiative to build a mobile application for the company
  • Led company in annual growth of $2 million, including sales and marketing
  • Maintained and developed a strong relationship with the local and regional community
  • Maintained the CRMS database for all of our customers, including the creation and updating of new accounts
  • Maintained high levels of customer service and sales support for a $1 million dollar company
  • Maintained accurate and up-to date records of accounts payablereceivable, including all invoicing and expense reporting
  • Maintained daily, monthly and annual financial reporting for the organization
  • Maintained knowledge of all company and industry news
  • Maintained up to $1 million in revenue per year, while maintaining a high customer satisfaction rate
  • Maintained and exceeded daily goals for the store and sales, while maintaining a high standard of customer satisfaction
  • Maintained the company database and developed spread sheets for the Sales Force
  • Maintained daily contact with all accounts and clients to provide accurate information
  • Maintained an effective working relationships with the Sales force
  • Maintained customer accounts by responding to telephone and inperson request for information, resolving customer complaints and correcting
  • Maintained strong relationship with key decision-making stakeholders and business partners
  • Maintained highest level of service to all clients and customers;
  • Maintained accurate and up keep of the Internet for all employees
  • Maintained website and provided customer assistance with online ordering, billing and account management
  • Maintained current and up keep of the business office and its employees
  • Maintained and grew the client's business by providing technical support and consulting services to the client
  • Maintained and exceeded monthly quotas for sales, inventory control and merch
  • Maintained the office's budget and expenses
  • Maintained the highest levels of sales and service for the company, including all customer service and administrative duties
  • Maintained knowledge of all company services, policies and programs
  • Perform analysis of financial statements and other reports to identify areas of opportunity and develop action plans to achieve objectives
  • Performed research and wrote a comprehensive analysis of the market
  • Perform analysis of customer data and provide solutions to meet customer requirements and goals
  • Utilized strong customer relations skills to ensure a high customer retention rate
  • Utilized a variety of marketing tools to promote and market the company's services
  • Utilized Microsoft Office to create and manage spread sheets for the company
  • Utilized the company website to provide customer support and information on products, policies & services
  • Utilized knowledge of the Internet to create and implement a comprehensive marketing plan for the organization
  • Utilized to identify and implement strategic business opportunities for the organization
  • Utilized Quickbooks to track and manage the financial status of clients
  • Utilized Excel to track and analyze sales, expenses & revenue
  • Utilized MS Office suite to manage and track project status
  • Utilized Quickbooks to track and maintain all financial transactions, including accounts receivable and payable, payroll taxes
  • Utilized various tools to increase revenue and profitability of the business
  • Utilized online resources to create and implement a marketing strategy for the company's website
  • Utilized company-specific software to manage and maintain the executive calendar
  • Utilized knowledge of the business and industry to provide strategic sales support for the company
  • Utilized Microsoft Word to organize and distribute information for the CEO, CIO and Board of Directors
  • Utilized the following systems and tools to track accounts, such as Accounts Payability, General ledger
  • Utilized my extensive background in customer relations to develop and maintain relationships with key decision making and sales leaders
  • Utilized Microsoft Excel to develop and maintain a detailed schedule of all new and existing projects
  • Utilized extensive experience in the retail and wholesale markets to drive sales, maximize profitability
  • Utilized Microsoft Excel to track and analyze sales, inventory control,.
  • Utilized client-focused sales tactics to increase revenue and expand client base;
  • Utilized various Microsoft Word programs to prepare and maintain confidential client information
  • Utilized multiple databases to create and update spread sheet reports for the Executive team
  • Utilized Quickbooks to track and manage expenses for the CEO
  • Utilized social networking to create a new business and establish rapport with clients, including the CEO and other executives
  • Utilized various marketing techniques to generate leads and build client relationships
  • Utilized knowledge of the industry to assist in developing strategies for new business development
  • Utilized agile methodology to identify and develop a comprehensive, scalable solution to meet the needs of a large scale organization
  • Utilized Microsoft Office to develop and implement a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation for the CEO
  • Utilized the company mobile platform to manage and maintain the company website
  • Utilized my extensive experience in the sales and customer relationship management field to develop and execute sales plans for the entire company
  • Utilized consultative sales tactics to identify and target prospective clients, generate leads for sales team and develop new client base
  • Utilized Microsoft Office to develop and implement a comprehensive plan for the business
  • Utilized knowledge of MS Access and Excel to develop spreadsheets, graphs,.
  • Utilized Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Word to produce PowerPoint Presentations, Business Cards & other documents
  • Utilized excellent communication and problem-solver abilities to provide excellent service and meet the needs of customers
  • Utilized knowledge of the financial and operational aspects to manage the daily activities of a small business
  • Utilized strategic planning and communication to drive business development, increase revenue and improve sales
  • Conduct daily meetings with clients to review and analyze sales performance
  • Conducted monthly meetings with executive management to ensure compliance and efficiency
  • Conduct financial analyses of the organization and identify potential risks
  • Conducted market analysis to identify opportunities and implement strategic sales strategies to increase market penetration
  • Conducting market analysis to identify opportunities and implement action plans to achieve sales and profit goals
  • Lead team of 8 to develop and execute a new strategic plan for the company
  • Lead weekly meetings with the clients to review and explain their financial situation
  • Coordinated weekly meetings with sales and management to review current business
  • Coordinated sales and service activities with other team leaders to ensure customer satisfaction and retention
  • Coordinated multiple events for the executive management
  • Coordinated with the sales and operations team to develop a comprehensive plan of action to meet the needs and objectives of each client
  • Coordinated a team of 15+ employees to complete a variety of tasks
  • Implemented and maintained a successful sales program for the business, including new and existing accounts
  • Implemented a comprehensive sales plan to achieve the highest possible profit margin
  • Implemented business processes and procedures for the organization, which included
  • Implemented strategies to improve the overall efficiency of operations and improve the quality, productivity of employees
  • Implemented all new processes and systems for the SalesForce team
  • Implemented business plan to increase revenue and profit margins by 30%.
  • Implemented an internal marketing campaign to promote the new business unit
  • Implemented an online marketing strategy to generate leads and build client base
  • Implemented all new hire orientation and benefits administration for the organization
  • Implemented various strategies to generate business and expand customer accounts in the area of retail
  • Implemented company policies and programs to ensure that the clients received excellent service, and ensured that all clients are provided with the highest levels of quality service
  • Implemented business plans to achieve and maintain a positive business climate
  • Implemented a new system for the company to manage all aspects of the mobile phone sales process
  • Implemented a system to keep all new account holders up to speed on all accounts
  • Implemented an online ordering program for the entire company to ensure accuracy and efficiency
  • Implemented strategies to improve the company's profitability and customer satisfaction, resulting in a 10% growth of the sales volume
  • Implemented sales strategies to grow the business and expand customer base, while maintaining a strong focus on customer service
  • " Installed the first ever ""Inventory Control System"". Created and maintained a new inventory system for the company"
  • Installed and maintained a network of business contacts and customers, including the development of new business opportunities
  • Installed a web application to automate the daily tasks of a CRM system
  • Installed all new and updated applications
  • Installed new software and maintained the company website, which included all of the information for each department
  • Installed a new system for the company to manage their CRMs and created a system to manage their accounts
  • Installed an Oracle 11G solution for the entire enterprise
  • Made use of the latest in cloud-hosting technology to create a cloud based solution for the business
  • Made key contributions to the growth of a new company
  • Made recommendations to the executive leadership team on strategic business planning and sales strategies
  • Made business decisions and provided leadership to the sales force
  • Supported the Senior Management team with daily tasks and projects, including creating reports for the Senior Manager and Vice Presidents of the business
  • Supported sales and operations teams with daily tasks, sales and marketing
  • Supported senior executives in the planning and implementation of business development initiatives
  • Supported management with weekly and quarterly reports, including monthly financial statements
  • Supported clients with the development of business strategies and marketing materials
  • Supported all levels of management in the execution and implementation of strategic business initiatives
  • Supported the Director of Operations and other staff with daily tasks
  • Supported sales and operations, developed new accounts
  • Supported multiple business groups in the creation of CRMS and reporting solutions, including
  • Supported all levels of the business including Sales Exec
  • Supported multiple business unit executives in the creation of a comprehensive business plan for the new division
  • Supported sales and management in the execution of strategic business plan
  • Supported Sales and Service teams with new product development
  • Supported the development of a strategic plan to improve the business process and increase efficiency
  • Supported a team of five sales associates in the areas of customer relations, product development and account management
  • Supported over 100, 000 customers with their internet needs
  • Supported senior management in the creation of new strategic initiatives
  • Supported management with monthly financial reports, including sales forecasting and account reconciliation
  • Supported a team of 15+ employees in the execution and implementation of a variety marketing campaigns
  • Supported Chief Financial Officers with annual budgeting and analysis
  • Built and maintained a strong business presence in the Southeast region
  • Built a new SaaSP solution for the business to manage and track all the business processes
  • Built relationships with clients, vendors and other key decision-makers to develop new products and services
  • Built an extensive database of clients and their financial information to track all aspects of the business
  • Built the team from scratch and managed all sales, customer service & operations
  • Built strong customer base through excellent sales and marketing
  • Built brand recognition and increased revenue by developing new accounts and expanding existing ones
  • Built a successful client relationship with over 200 accounts and increased sales by 30%.
  • Built strategic alliances with Fortune 1000 clients and led the implementation of a global strategy to drive revenue and growth
  • Built and maintained a solid customer base, including generating new accounts and maintaining relationships with existing clients
  • Built a strong team of Sales Force and Account Executive to support the company in achieving sales and profitability objectives
  • Built, managed and led a team of 15-20 employees in the execution and delivery of all aspects for the company
  • Built an effective team of professionals to support the client's business needs
  • Served clients with a wide variety of business and personal accounts
  • Served a broad spectrum of clientele including Fortune 100 clients, government and private equity firms
  • Served a broad spectrum of administrative and executive duties for a multi-billion dollar corporation
  • Served an integral part of the company in a fast paced environment
  • Served customer service and administrative support to the Salesforce team
  • Served various roles in the development of new products and processes
  • Served primarily in the areas of business planning and sales
  • Served as a key liaison between the clients and their sales team
  • Served customers with a friendly attitude and assisted in any needs they may
  • Served a variety of administrative and executive functions for the company's largest business unit
  • Served multiple customers daily
  • Served with the organization to implement a CRMM for the company
  • Served with the organization in a leadership capacity to ensure the success of a business
  • Served the needs of clients by providing exceptional service and support to clients
  • Served and sold a broad variety of insurance policies to individuals and commercial clients
  • Served primarily as a Senior Account Executive for the firm's global business unit
  • Generated a variety of prospect leads for the purpose and sales of new business
  • Generated all sales and marketing material for the firm, which included brochure and email blasts
  • Generated revenue by selling and servicing new business
  • Generated new accounts for the organization and created monthly sales forecasts
  • Generated monthly, weekly and annual sales goals for the company, and maintained a strong relationship with the customer to achieve sales and retention objectives
  • Generated, tracked and analyzed financial reports for the company
  • Generated, tracked and reported on all new business opportunities
  • Generated all press materials and media kits for the agency
  • Helped to create and implement a successful, profitable business
  • Helped the CEO with all of her duties
  • Helped the CEO and COO with various tasks
  • Helped customers with questions, concerns and payment issues; Assisted customers with product selection and order placement
  • Helped build a strong customer service relationship with the public and clients
  • Helped establish a successful business by creating and executing a marketing plan to promote the business
  • Helped implement a sales plan to generate more business and revenue
  • Helped to create a more productive and effective office, resulting in increased sales and client satisfaction
  • Helped develop and maintain a salesforce of 20-50 people
  • Helped with the planning and development of a marketing strategy for the company, which was adopted by all of the clients
  • " Helped create and manage the first annual ""Achieve a Million Dollar Goal"" fundraising event"
  • Helped the CEO with daily business functions
  • Helped in the planning and development of a $3M annual sales budget
  • Helped design and manage the new HR department for a large-scale healthcare organization
  • Helped the CEO and other senior management with all of his daily tasks and projects
  • " Helped organize and execute the company-sponsored ""Business of Excellence"" program"
  • Helped clients with financial and investment decisions, managed portfolios of over $10 million in assets, and oversaw the execution of financial transactions
  • Helped manage the daily operation of a high profile retail business
  • Helped with the creation of a new mobile application for the organization, which allowed users to access their personal data and manage the company email accounts
  • Helped develop and launch a mobile app for the University of Michigan
  • Helped create and execute a successful sales plan for the company's first-in, second and third party accounts
  • Helped customers with questions about their accounts, and also helped with billing questions
  • Helped manage the company budget and expenses, including payroll
  • Helped manage the company budget and payroll, managed all aspects of the business
  • Helped in the creation of a new company and managed the business
  • Participated as a liaison between the customer and company to resolve issues
  • Participated actively in the development of new CRMs and processes
  • Participated & assisted in the planning and implementation of a sales plan for the company
  • Participated for the development of a business model for the organization
  • Participated & led the development of a $2M business plan for the company
  • Participated and lead the team in developing a strategic business model for the organization
  • Participated with the design and execution of a strategic business strategy for the organization
  • Participated actively in the design and implementation of a comprehensive web-based eLearning program for the Department of Veterans' Services
  • Participated & lead in the implementation of a Mobile Marketing Campaign
  • Participated directly in the planning of a new product line for the company's largest retail store
  • Participated daily in the sales cycle and managed all client accounts
  • Participated in the creation of a new account base and created an Excel spreadsheet to manage the account base
  • Participated on the team to create a strategic marketing campaign for the new business
  • Participated with the sales department to create a marketing campaign for the new accounts
  • Participated with the design and development of a marketing campaign for the organization
  • Participated in the creation of a marketing strategy for the organization, including a marketing plan for the company to promote its services
  • Participated weekly in the development of sales and customer retention strategies, including prospect development and cold-calling
  • Participated weekly in the implementation of new processes and standards for the company
  • Participated & managed the annual sales and profit goals for the entire store
  • Participated daily in the creation of a weekly email list for the executive team
  • Design & Developed a website for the organization's largest client
  • Designed and executed a new sales strategy for the company, resulting in a 20% growth of the business
  • Trained to handle customer service calls and inquiries, including billing questions
  • Trained as a Sales Associate and was responsible for the sales of all new and existing accounts
  • Trained the team on how to effectively sell and promote the company's product line
  • Trained new hires on the basics of SAAAS and how to utilize the new software
  • Trained, mentorship & coached new employees, and developed a strong relationship with the customer base
  • Trained staff on all facets of the company, and developed a strong relationship with all levels of the management staff
  • Trained sales team on how to use the system, and created a sales plan for the new account
  • Trained employees on the company website and provided support to the company's internal and outside sales team
  • Trained by the company to develop and execute a strategic sales plan for the company
  • Trained a staff of 15 employees in the use and operation of a POS system
  • Trained and mentoring employees on new accounts, including billing and collections; customer service, sales management
  • Trained new employees on the use of their phones and how to navigate the system
  • Trained to manage and direct a team of up to 20 people in a highly dynamic, high-pressure call environment
  • Trained on the new product and how to sell them
  • Trained employees on the new system and assisted with training of employees on the company website
  • Trained as a salesperson and worked with the public
  • Trained a team of 6 to develop and execute a new SPAWAR system for the business
  • Trained the staff on how to use our system and the process of billing
  • Answer calls from customers, agents and other departments regarding the status of accounts
  • Answer customers' inquiries regarding policies and services
  • Established strong rapport with clients and ensured that they received the highest level of service
  • Established an exceptional rapport with clients and prospects, while providing excellent customer services
  • Established a strong foundation of customer relationships and loyalty by establishing a strong customer service and sales culture
  • Established relationships with customers to drive business and generate revenue, while maintaining a high standard of customer satisfaction
  • Established strong customer base and maintained a positive attitude to help customers
  • Established an effective and profitable account management program for the business
  • Established an exceptional rapport with the customer
  • Established strategic business relationships with major accounts and provided technical expertise to ensure the successful execution of business plans
  • Established rapport with key clients and provided ongoing client education to ensure successful business growth
  • Established and maintained a professional network of business partners and clients to increase sales, generate new accounts and expand business
  • Established a strong client relationship and built relationships with potential clients to ensure a smooth and successful business
  • Established strategic relationships with top-tier executives and senior management to ensure successful business growth
  • Established strategic partnerships with clients and vendors to ensure the highest quality of service
  • Established processes and systems for improving customer satisfaction
  • Established key relationships with top-tier executives and clients
  • Handled all incoming and outgoing calls for the CEO, CFO and other executives
  • Handled in-depth research and development of new client accounts
  • Handled all financial and administrative matters for the CEO
  • Handled customer service calls from clients and vendors regarding the purchase of their homes
  • Handled large volume of calls and inquiries from clients regarding their account balances
  • Handled multiple projects and was able to manage a high volume of calls
  • Researched and analyzed the financial status of various clients and their financial status, including the ability to identify and resolve complex financial problems
  • Researched new and current accounts to identify potential sales and customer retention opportunities, developed new business relationships and negotiated contracts with customers
  • Researched, developed and executed marketing plans for the business, including advertising and promotion of the business
  • Researched current and potential clients to identify needs, develop and implement marketing plans to increase sales, and develop new clients
  • Researched & analyzed business trends and developed a new marketing strategy
  • Researched the market for new products and created a list of potential customers to sell
  • Researched current and potential clients to identify opportunities for new and existing clients, developed business plans to achieve revenue targets and increase profitability
  • Researched the industry and created a new marketing strategy to promote the company's products and services
  • Researched trends and created a comprehensive marketing strategy for the organization
  • Researched competitive market and industry information to identify potential business partners and develop strategic partnerships
  • Researched data and created reports to improve the company
  • Researched various topics and presented to executive team on a regular basis
  • Researched potential new clients and created a marketing strategy to grow the business and increase sales
  • Researched local and international markets to identify opportunities for growth and profitability
  • Researched and developed a business to market the new company's products and solutions
  • Researched market and industry, analyzed competitors' needs
  • Researched market and product trends to identify potential sales leads, developed and maintained relationships with key accounts
  • Researched business and technical needs for the CEO
  • Researched the market for potential business partners and provided the appropriate information to clients
  • Researched market, created and executed sales plans
  • Researched market and competitive trends for the purpose of generating business
  • Researched competitive landscape for the industry, and provided market feedback
  • Researched potential clients for the firm, and worked with attorneys to obtain necessary documents
  • Researched & analyzed potential business prospects and provided analysis to executive management
  • Researched all relevant business and financial data to create a detailed report for the CEO
  • Researched the industry to develop a new product and marketing campaign
  • Researched potential new opportunities and provided strategic recommendations to the executive team
  • Researched clients and business prospects to determine the needs of each client
  • Researched and developed a strategic business plan to increase the number of business opportunities
  • Researched new business and developed relationships with clients to secure new accounts and expand current business
  • Researched new business and established a strong client relationship with the firm's clients
  • Researched market trends and analyzed business needs to determine appropriate product and services
  • Researched & developed a database to track and manage employee's attendance
  • Researched & wrote a detailed analysis of the company and its business
  • Researched & resolved issues with existing accounts, and provided solutions to account holders
  • Researched competitive offers and negotiated pricing
  • Researched potential clients and presented to them the benefits of a successful business
  • Researched information and wrote reports for management review, as well
  • Researched potential clients and provided information on their accounts to the client andor company
  • Researched industry trends and competitive landscape to identify potential business opportunities and implement strategies to achieve these
  • Researched business opportunities and provided analysis to clients on the status of existing accounts
  • Researched topics and wrote a variety of reports for the Executive Vice Presidents of Sales and Marketing
  • Researched potential clients and created a database to assist in the selection of clients
  • Researched relevant information and resources to provide a better experience for our clients
  • Support in the creation of a mobile app for the CEO
  • Support the development and maintenance of CRMs for the entire organization
  • Support in the implementation of new business initiatives and provide guidance to the team
  • Organized weekly meetings with clients to review and analyze financials
  • Organized event and conference calls for the Executive Vice Presidents of Sales, Finance and Marketing
  • Organized company's events, meetings and travel
  • Organized and managed all office functions including payroll and timekeeping
  • Organized monthly sales reports for the executive management
  • Organized events and programs for the sales department to maximize profits
  • Organized a $10, 000 budget for the annual audit
  • Organized monthly sales and expense reporting for executive
  • Organized a new office and implemented the company-specific software
  • Organized office operations to improve workflow and productivity; Manages office supplies inventory
  • Organized and executed all aspects of the sale
  • Organized and managed all office operations
  • Organized monthly meetings with executives to discuss upcoming projects and events, including agendas
  • Providing assistance to clients with the creation of customized plans for their individual financial needs
  • Wrote and implemented a new business model for the sales department
  • Wrote, designed and implemented a new marketing plan for the company
  • Wrote Business Requisitions and managed the implementation of new software
  • Utilize extensive experience in the business to provide a comprehensive solution for the customer
  • Utilize knowledge of the industry to assist in client's decision making
  • Utilize social media to engage and educate clients on the benefits of a new business
  • Utilize a variety of tools to develop and implement strategies for sales, marketing campaigns and business plans
  • Answered telephone inquiries regarding the store and products
  • Answered high- volume of incoming phone inquiries and provided accurate information to customers
  • Answered and managed phone inquiries for the CEO and Vice Presidents of Sales
  • Answered customer inquiries and addressed concerns in a friendly, helpful and professional fashion
  • Answered customers questions and resolved their issues in a friendly and timely manner while maintaining a high level of service
  • Answered high-potentials customer service inquiries
  • Supervised 10 employees and coordinated their daily work schedules to ensure they met deadlines

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Accounts Executive Resume Examples & Guide for 2022

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Example Accounts Executive Resume - Browse more resume templates and build a stand-out resume

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Table of contents

What does this article cover

Here’s what you’ll learn in this short Accounts Executive resume guide

  • What are the most important resume sections recruiters look for when reviewing your application;
  • What content to add in each section of your resume;
  • Accounts Executive resume example from a job-seeker who got hired, which you can use as a base to build your own resume;
  • Additional tips and tricks on resume layout, formatting, and design;
  • Little known resume red-flags, you have to pay extra attention to.

How to write a Accounts Executive resume

Top accounts executive resume sections that make the best layout.

  • Professional summary
  • Experience (with numbers and results)
  • Relevant skills
  • Certifications

There are three basic resume formats you can choose from:

  • Reverse-chronological resume format ;
  • Functional resume format ;
  • Hybrid (or Combination) resume format.

The most optimal format for your particular case will depend on your years of experience, as well as whether you’re switching industries or not.

  • Reverse chronological resumes are best suited for experienced individuals who are sticking to their industry. The experience section takes a central place, and its bullets contain your responsibilities and achievements, coupled with numbers and results.
  • Functional resumes are used by less experienced jobseekers or career changers. Note that it’s not a format that recruiters prefer, as most are used to the classic chronological alignment. Instead of a list of job titles, functional resumes focus on your skills, and through what experiences you gained them.
  • Hybrid resumes are great for both experienced and entry-level candidates, as well as career changers. They combine the best of both worlds - most often in a double column format, where one side of the content is focused on your experience, whereas the other - on your skills, strengths, and proudest moments.

hybrid (combination) resume format built on Enhancv platform

Here are more resume tips regarding your layout and style :

  • Clear and legible 12p resume font size;
  • Use 10’’ resume margins - that’s default for a great resume design;
  • Use a one-page template resume length if you’ve got less than 10 years of experience; otherwise, opt for a two-page resume ;
  • Save your resume as PDF before sending it to the recruiter.

To take it a step further, check out how your resume can stand out without leaning too much on the creative side.

Recommended reads:

  • Parts of a Job-Winning Resume: How to Choose Resume Elements
  • Resume Sections: Everything You Need to Know
  • Targeted Resume: 3-Step Process to Win Any Recruiter Over
  • Resume Headings To Stand Out With

Accounts Executive Resume Header: Tips, Red Flags, and Best Practices

Resume header by Enhancv - image for resume example guides

Here’s what to include in your Accounts Executive resume header:

  • Your name and surname in a legible and larger resume font
  • The job title you’re applying for or your current job title as a subheading to your name
  • Link to your portfolio or online profile, such as LinkedIn
  • Address (City and State for the US; just your city for rest of the world)
  • Email address
  • Headshot (required or welcomed in the EU; not required and sometimes frowned upon in the US)

Stick to popular email providers such as Gmail or Outlook. And use these professional formats to create your username:

Accounts Executive Resume Summary best practices

resume summary - Enhancv resume examples article image

Checklist: what to include in your Accounts Executive resume summary:

  • Years of experience;
  • Highlight top 3 skills and proficiencies;
  • One big professional accomplishment you’re most proud of, that you can tie with the aforementioned skills;
  • Use short, direct sentences - but no more than three - to keep the HRs interested.
  • 83 Resume Summary Examples & How-To Guide
  • 10+ Resume Objective Examples & How To Guide
  • How To Write A Resume Personal Statement (With Examples)
  • How To Write An Effective Resume Profile (With Examples)

Best Practices for Accounts Executive Resume Experience Section

resume experience best practices - image for Enhancv resume example guides

Job experience checklist - what to add to your Accounts Executive resume:

  • Use 4-6 bullet points per job title;
  • Don’t go further than a decade behind when describing your job history, unless you’re applying for an executive position;
  • Combine job responsibilities as well as achievements with numbers in results when you describe your past work;
  • Start each sentence with a power verb and avoid overused buzzwords;
  • Use either C-A-R or S-T-A-R methodology, when describing your experience.
  • How to Describe Your Resume Work Experience
  • Resume Job Description: Samples & Tips To Help You Enhance Your Application
  • Resume Without Work Experience: 6+ Sections to Demonstrate Impact
  • Can I Leave a Job I Was Fired From Off My Resume?
  • Lying On A Resume: Here's What It Can Cost You

Accounts Executive Resume Skills’ Tips & Tricks to Impress Recruiters

Top skills to add to your accounts executive resume.

  • keywordshitter
  • Microsoft Word

Resume Skills Section Checklist:

  • Ensure your hard skills section (including technologies) are exactly matching the job description.
  • Don’t simply list your soft skills. Apply the “show, don’t tell” principle - let your job achievements speak for themselves.
  • Find a way to showcase your skills beyond the skills section.
  • Your resume’s skill section is important to ATS systems - so don’t skip it.
  • How to Create A Resume Skills Section To Impress Recruiters

Listing Your Education, Certifications and Courses

Checklist for your resume education

  • Include your highest education degree;
  • List the duration you spent there, as well as the institution;
  • If you’re applying for an entry-level position, include additional details like relevant courses and projects;
  • Feature your certifications if they are necessary for the position - either as a separate section, or, in your resume headline.
  • Add the year your certificate was issued or renewed, if it’s in a subject area that requires regular updates.
  • Perfecting the Education Section on Your Resume
  • How To List Certifications On A Resume (Examples Included)
  • When You Should (And Not) Add Dean's List On Your Resume
  • How To Include Your Relevant Coursework On A Resume
  • How to List a Major & Minor on Your Resume (with Examples)
  • How to Put an MBA On Your Resume (With Examples)
  • Should I Put In An Incomplete Degree On A Resume?
  • Can You Put GPA On A Resume? And What's Wrong With GPA Anyway?
  • When Should You Include Your High School on Your Resume?

Accounts Executive Cover Letter Tips

cover letter tips

Nowadays, job application forms include questions like “why do you want to work here”, or “explain why you’re the best fit for us”, which makes you wonder: are cover letters really necessary?

In case the job description says you need to provide a cover letter, do include yours. Otherwise, you can always leave it out.

Still, they help you tell your story in a way that, if written right, it’s captivating and engaging.

In any case, you should pay close attention to the following tips when a cover letter is a must:

  • Make sure you go over a cover letter checklist , so you don’t forget what your cover letter should say ;
  • Match the cover letter design with your resume’s;
  • Address your cover letter properly;
  • Keep an eye on your cover letter length ;
  • Use an appropriate cover letter ending .

If you need more inspiration, check out our cover letter examples for different jobs.

Other sections to include in your resume

Depending on the type of company (corporation or start-up; innovative or traditional), job seniority level and your location, you may want to include more sections to your Accounts Executive resume:

  • Language skills
  • Hobbies and interests
  • Volunteer work
  • Resume Awards
  • Publications

Accounts Executive Resume: How to Make Yours More Creative & Stand Out

When you send your resume to a potential employer, chances are it's the fiftieth one they've seen that day. That's why you need to make your Accounts Executive resume stand out for the right reasons. That means showing your personality, not just your professional experience. Employers are far more likely to remember a candidate who seems like a genuine person and not a robot. Do this by including your passions (which is also a great place to demonstrate skills on a resume), share your favorite books, or even what your usual day looks like.

Enhancv resume creative section

What Makes a Great Accounts Executive Resume: Key Takeaways

  • Choose a resume layout that sends the right message across and fits your current career situation;
  • Create a resume header that shows your desired job title, and easy to find contact numbers;
  • Be specific about your experience, accomplishments and future goals in your summary;
  • Feature detailed metrics and specific examples that show the impact you made in your previous roles when describing your experience;
  • List soft skills backed by examples;
  • Add all of your technical skills and certifications that you have and match the job description;
  • Show off a dash of personality in your resume that will demonstrate your culture fit and the right mix of hard and soft skills.

accounts executive resume example

Looking to build your own Accounts Executive resume?

resume format for accounts executive free download

See more Accounting & Finance resume guides

Learn from people’s resumes similar to your industry., check out more winning  resume examples  for inspirationg, browse resumes from people who’ve succeeded in their job hunt., how to build your resume, recommended reads from our blog on how to make a great resume..

Should my resume be one page?

How to make a creative resume

And how to build one

Examples and guide

Why it's important and how to show it

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Account Executive Resume Templates

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  • Account Director Resume
  • Account Executive Resume
  • Account Letter
  • Account Manager
  • Account Manager Cover Letter
  • Account Manager Letter
  • Account Manager Resume
  • Account Plan
  • Account Representative Resume
  • Account Resume
  • Account Specialist
  • Account Supervisor

If you excel in sales and team management skills, you might be an excellent fit for an account executive position. Show your skills and qualifications in a modern resume today and impress HR managers with just a first look at your application.

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Accounts Executive Resume Samples

An Accounts Executive is responsible for maintaining and compiling financial information. The roles and responsibilities for this job description template also include monitoring daily cash exchanges, reviewing the budget and controlling the expenses of the company. Accounts Executive Resume should highlight experience in reporting the bank statements, interacting with internal and external auditors for auditing purpose and ensuring that the company standards are met within all aspects. The individual should report the accounting issues and results in a higher authority.

Accounts Executive should be well versed with the accounting aspects, have good communication skills and maintain good client relationship. The individual should be able to work under pressure and handle complexity and have good knowledge of accounting practices. The educational qualification required are Bachelors or masters in commerce, specialization in accounts is an added advantage.

Accounts Executive Resume example

  • Resume Samples
  • Accounts Executive

Accounts Executive Resume

Summary : Experience in Finance & Accounts, Taxation, CS, Audit, AP, MIS, etc Proficient in preparing reconciliation statements and financial statements. Experience on analyzing and maintaining financial statements, ledgers and trial balance. Having good exposure of Accounting Packages (ERP Tally 9.0) and MS Office Experience on summarizes current financial status by collecting information, preparing balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and other reports.

Skills : Accounting, Finance, Budgeting, Audits

Accounts Executive Resume Sample

Description :

  • To understand and participate in finance, accounting and management aspects of a multifunctional enterprise, so as to help me to acquire knowledge and understanding the relationship of finance to general management decisions and strategies.
  • Proficient in preparing reconciliation statements and financial statements.
  • Experience on analyzing and maintaining financial statements, ledgers and trial balance.
  • Having good exposure of accounting packages (erp tally erp. 9) and ms office.
  • Experience on summarizes current financial status by collecting information, preparing balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and other reports.
  • Having experience on consolidating financial data for budgets and forecasts, including development and maintenance of financial models to consolidate data.
  • Experience on consolidating monthly financial results for top management reporting.
  • Having good exposure of payroll statement in (tally erp. 9) and excel.
  • Significant experience in developing relationships with key decision-makers in target organizations for revenue.
  • Experience in managing general financial functions in co-ordination with internal / external departments for smooth business operations.
  • Possesses excellent interpersonal, communication & organizational skills with abilities in team management & customer relationship management.
  • Hardworking, interested in learning new technologies, with good written and verbal communication skills and adept at working in both team environments as well as individually. Fast learner, self-driven and highly-motivated with good problem solving skills.

Summary : Detail-oriented, efficient and organized professional with extensive experience in accounting systems. More than 6 years of progressive Accounting and PCI audit experience. Have experience in financial tools like Quick Books & Peachtree and over 3 years Experience in Banking and Financial Industry.

Skills : Microsoft Office, Quickbooks, Peachtree, Business Analysis , Business Analysis, Communications, Inventory Management, Supply Chain Management, Collections

Accounts Executive Resume Template

  • Collaborate with clients and development team to develop system requirements.
  • Perform analysis activities, make recommendations for process and business flows.
  • Proactively identify new business opportunities through cold calling, networking, marketing, referrals, and lead databases.
  • Timely acceptance of all lean loads and updating lean with real time data.
  • Work with inbound logistics, distribution centers, stores and dispatch to coordinate on time delivery of product.
  • Confirm backhauls with vendors and set up delivery appointments at df.
  • Responsive to "what if" situations to consider alternative approaches.
  • Accountable in current role and have a proactive approach and take initiative.
  • Works directly with the teams business process reengineering analyst to determine "as is" and "to be" process flows.
  • Experience developing documentation for rfps (request for proposal).
  • Managed and coordinated monthly payroll function for 85-90 employees.
  • Handling suppliers and reconciliation of sundry creditors and debtors.

Junior Accounts Executive Resume

Objective : A result-oriented professional with over 3.5 years of experience in trade finance and accounts along with strong academic background with MBA specialization in Finance Proven success in creating, developing & executing innovative business development plans & strategies together with designing, consolidating & improving organizational processes .

Skills : Financial & Accounting Analysis, Trade Finance, Accounts, Book Keeping & Data Entry Process, Improvement, Liaison & Coordination, Client Relationship Management, Managing Administrative Tasks, Handling Suppliers and Debtors

Junior Accounts Executive Resume Model

  • Performing activities related to accounts and book keeping and managing general office duties and other administrative tasks of the company.
  • Preparation of weekly confidential sales reports for presentation to management and managing the internal and external mail functions.
  • Preparing and updating food cost report and comparing it with the total sales v/s actual budget report.
  • Maintained daily sales and purchase reports for mis and administered online banking functions.
  • Scheduled client appointments and maintained up-to-date confidential client files.
  • Managed all the activities related to accounts payable, accounts receivable, and payroll departments.
  • Monitoring and recording company expense and managing vendor accounts, generating weekly on demand cheques and ensuring compliance with accounting deadlines.
  • Actively supported cfo with focus on expense component of budget and variance of budget and actual financial statements.

Headline : Around 4 years of experience in corporate level accounts transactions and preparing MIS, VAT, TDS, and BRS. Coordinating with the branches make sure all the receipts, revenue and payments has to be acknowledged with in time line. In charge of preparing the sales report by region wise by branch wise consultation with finance manager. Monitoring online purchases through, by using PRS, CPD application.


Accounts Executive Resume Example

  • Responsible to management of corporate level accounts transactions as daily basis for ten branches.
  • Co-ordinate with branch accountants for collecting the statements at regular intervals like mis, vat, tds, brs, and statement checked with tally erp9.
  • Expertise in statutory work such as tds, vat prepared and submitting within the due date periodically.
  • Finalization of all books entries like sales, purchase, receipt, payments, journals.
  • Finalization of sales mis report branch wise and consolidation of region wise, and report submit to the finance head of every month basis.
  • Surprise branch visit for physical cash, stock, grn note, surgery register audit.
  • Cash deposited reconciliation as per cash sales on daily basis. Cash & bank closing balance maintaining and petty cash vouchers rechecking.
  • All credit purchase bills online processing approval, by using prs, cpd software, entries checked with tally erp9.
  • Preparing the monthly reconciliation statement. (bank reconciliation, income & expenditure reconciliation, credit card reconciliation).
  • Entry of branch sales, daily expenses like petty cash, purchases (like consumables, pharmacy, optical, ot, iol, lab) payment details in tally and cash deposited (bank reconciliation).
  • Entry of daily expenses in tally from various branches for a month and approve of release of payment as cheque.
  • Maintain tds record for various branches, staff salaries, professional fees, hospitals rent and contractors like house keeping charges, security charges & etc.

Accounts Executive II Resume

Summary : 10+ years of experience as an Accounts Executive. Strong exposure and knowledge on Tableau. Excellent communication and presentation skills. Strong analytical, Quantitative and problem solving skills. Enthusiastic and able to plan, organize and co-ordinate things. Enthusiastic about learning large and complex systems Commitment and dedication in Work.

Skills : Good understanding of basic principles of accounting. Proficient in MS office tools Good exposure and knowledge in SAP FICO Technical Skills & Certificates: BI Tools Tableau Desktop 9.1, Tableau Server Alteryx Alteryx Designer Desktop 10.0

Accounts Executive II Resume Format

  • Managing sales operations and identifying new markets for territory growth, and achieving sales targets.
  • Overseeing sales/services of wireless phone and related products and indirect sales channels and stores in the territory.
  • Executing interviews, recruitment and supervision of personnel, creating work schedules and handling employee related matters;.
  • Ensuring staff compliance with company policies, procedures and standards.
  • Meeting with sales team for training/mentoring and coaching on new products, services, and sales techniques and improve.
  • Implementing sales plans, programs, projects, initiatives, and identifying setbacks; determining improvement areas and actions.
  • Effectively managing budgets, contracts, promotional strategies and activities, as well as the systematic control of inventory.
  • Administering all point-of-sale activities, including safety and security aspects.
  • Inspecting point-of-sale operational efficiency and safeguarding companys assets; monitoring loss control.
  • Evaluating profit/loss ratio to maximize profitability in operations; executing sales forecasts and results analysis.
  • Maintaining customer friendly environment and executing client retention; positively assisting in the handling and resolution of customers concerns and explaining terms of services and costs, billing process, contracts, and payment details.

Objective : Seeking a position in the accounting field where personal growth and experience will be further developed and utilized.

Skills : Office Administration, Account Executive, Secretarial

Accounts Executive Resume Model

  • Process accounts payable from receipt of invoice to processing of checks.
  • Work with purchasing and receiving departments on a daily basis, clearing up discrepancies and creating new processes for more efficient work flow.
  • Implemented new processes and procedures to lessen the occurrence of receiving discrepancies flowing through to accounting.
  • Work with Accounts controller for all month end closings and reconciliations.
  • Manage the company credit card reconciliation each month and process expense reports (25+ card holders).
  • Keep running records of all open sales orders and aging receivables.
  • Manage milestone billings to insure they are processed in a timely manner.
  • Process accounts payable and receivable for three separate companies with in epd inc.
  • Designed a set of new procedures for making fund requests that reduced preparation time by 50%, from four days to two.

Accounts Executive I Resume

Objective : Account Executive with more than 3 years experience in office management, clerical, and support staff management. Committed and motivated with exceptional customer service and decision making skills. Strong work ethic professional demeanor and great initiative. Core Qualifications Filing Proficiency in Excel, Word and Power Point Detail-oriented Reports generation and analysis Accounts receivable Record keeping Statement billing Strong communication skills.

Skills : Time Series Analysis, Fundamental Analysis, Financial Modeling, Regression, Pivot Table, SQL, Bloomberg Terminal, Microsoft Office

Accounts Executive I Resume Model

  • Offered special advisory services including business plan reviews and business valuations.
  • Evaluated customer financial data and payment history to evaluate credit exposure.
  • Report on intrinsic value of stock of honeywell international inc. (apr 2011).
  • Computed annual average percentage changes in dividends and required rate of return using sml.
  • Estimated growth of dividend discount model and evaluated and analyzed stock by earning multiplier technique and ddm for valuation of stock.
  • Analyzed the historical price chart and valuation techniques and thereby recommended whether to buy or sell the stock.
  • Calculated profitability factors, risk factors, income statement revenues percentages, growth rates and balance sheet growth rates; forecast the operating performance, return on equity, asset turnover and liquidity of the company.
  • Evaluated the market price of the option of past 1 year, compared the implied volatility of historical data of call and put option of goldman sachs with the volatility of black scholes model as well as binomial tree model.

Headline : To seek employment in a well performing organization that will allow me to add value to its operations through consistent hard work and dedication and enhance my knowledge as well as personal growth.

Skills : MS Excel, Tally, XBRL

Accounts Executive Resume Template

  • Preparation and analysis of financial data and disclosures reported in annual and quarterly reports filed with sec.
  • Evaluates company financial statements. Public companies issue these 10-k, 10-q annual financial statements as required by the security and exchange commission.
  • Analysis and review of financial statements and disclosures of us companies and complete projects on-time with high quality.
  • Complete quality xbrl filing involves assigning correct tags for items in balance sheet, cash flow, income statements, dnf along with narrative information. Also involves decision on setting calculation hierarchy & consistency.
  • Create customized taxonomy document using a clients recent filing with sec as well as the us gaap, ifrs taxonomy.
  • Ensure on time delivery of final approved xbrl financial statements for customer.
  • Preparation and submission of mis reports relating to inflow and outflow of jobs handled.
  • Communicating with clients to enhance the features of applications and tools implemented.

Objective : I have more than three Years working experience in the field of Accounts and Finance. Currently, I am managing the overall accounting into ERP system the one of IBL (International Brands Private Limited) retail group namely Dunkin Donuts. For further prosperity in career, I am also engaged with the professional certification CMA.

Skills : Quantitative Reasoning, Administrative Support, Inventory Management, Accounting/Reconciliation Tasks, Microsoft Office Suite, Internet Research, Data Entry

Accounts Executive II Resume Format

  • Prepare profit and loss statements and monthly closing and cost accounting reports.
  • Compile and analyze financial information to prepare entries to accounts, such as general ledger accounts, and document business transactions.
  • Establish, maintain, and coordinate the implementation of accounting and accounting control procedures.
  • Monitor and review accounting and related system reports for accuracy and completeness.
  • Prepare and review budget, revenue, expense, payroll entries, invoices, and other accounting documents.
  • Explain billing invoices and accounting policies to staff, vendors and clients.
  • Recommend, develop and maintain financial data bases, computer software systems and manual filing systems.
  • Supervise the input and handling of financial data and reports for the companys automated financial systems.

Headline : Seeking a position where I can use my skills to attract and retain corporate clients. I desire the challenge to grow personally and professionally and mold a team that will look to the future while driving measurable growth.

Skills : MS Excel, MS Word, MS Project 2010, MS VISIO, SAP ECC 6.0, SAP SCM 7.0

Accounts Executive Resume Sample

  • Manage northern new jersey territory for apartment community staffing agency. Hire, train, and place the property management leaders of tomorrow.
  • Increased revenue from under $10,000 annually to over $1 million annually.
  • Search, interview, and recruit employees for temporary, perm, and direct hire positions.
  • Proficiency with job boards, job fairs, social media, and referrals to attract qualified employees.
  • Develop relationships with property managers, regional pms, executives, and community owners.
  • Solve issues with late paying clients and brought the accounts current.
  • Negotiate annual contracts with property management companies to increase revenue.
  • Develope and provide performance reports for intersolutions c-level executives.

Table of Contents

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Free Accounts Executive Resume Template

Accounts Executive Resume

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Free accounts executive resume template with example for job seeker. Accounts Executives manage a portfolio of client accounts and liaise between companies and advertising agencies.

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Accounts Executive Resume

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Senior Account Executive Resume Template

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As a Senior Account Executive, you'll play a pivotal role in managing and growing key client relationships. When writing a resume for this position, it's important to highlight your track record of success in sales, collaboration, and negotiation. Additionally, companies are increasingly seeking strategic thinkers who can identify and capitalize on emerging trends. So, demonstrating your ability to stay ahead of the curve and creatively tackle challenges in your industry can set you apart from other candidates. In today's competitive job market, many opportunities demand a strong digital presence and expertise in utilizing cutting-edge sales tools. Make sure to showcase your proficiency in these areas, as well as any industry-specific certifications or training you've completed. Employers appreciate Senior Account Executives who are proactive about enhancing their skills and staying updated with the latest developments.

A well-structured resume showcasing key accomplishments and cross-functional teamwork prowess.

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Recruiter Insight: Why this resume works in 2022

Tips to help you write your senior account executive resume in 2024,    highlight major account wins.

Showcase instances where you successfully secured large accounts or significantly grew existing ones. Provide specific examples and numbers, like the percentage of revenue growth or the size of the account, to demonstrate your impact.

   Showcase cross-functional collaboration

As a Senior Account Executive, you'll often be working closely with other departments such as marketing and product development. Emphasize your ability to lead cross-functional teams and collaborate effectively to achieve shared goals, using real-life project examples.

Showcase cross-functional collaboration - Senior Account Executive Resume

As a senior account executive, you’ll be taking a leading role in growing a client base and increasing company revenue. You’ll be responsible for leading your own team, driving new initiatives, and identifying opportunities for growth. Recruiters for senior-level roles are looking for evidence of strong leadership and communication skills in addition to sales expertise.

Senior account executive resume sample template emphasizing leadership and transferable skills

   Focus on leadership, since this is a senior role

If you’re applying for a senior role, make sure your resume looks the part. Listing job titles like “senior” or “lead” and emphasizing past leadership roles you’ve taken on are a great way to show that you can already do the job. Be sure to mention the sizes of the teams you’ve led as well as a few key accomplishments.

Focus on leadership, since this is a senior role - Senior Account Executive Resume

   Emphasis on transferable skills

Skills like leadership and communication are soft skills, which means you can’t simply list them on your resume. Demonstrate those skills instead by focusing on achievements like mentoring other staff, operating as the main point of contact for a large client base, giving public presentations, and effectively using cold calling, social media, and prospecting tools.

Emphasis on transferable skills - Senior Account Executive Resume

Key Account Manager Resume Sample

Sales account director resume sample, senior sales executive resume sample, client relation executive resume sample.

As a hiring manager who has recruited for companies like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Oracle, I've seen hundreds of resumes for senior account executive positions. The best resumes that lead to interviews and job offers have several things in common. In this guide, I'll share insider tips on how to make your resume stand out and increase your chances of landing a senior account executive role.

   Highlight your sales performance and revenue growth

Hiring managers want to see evidence of your ability to drive sales and revenue. Use specific numbers and percentages to show your impact:

  • Achieved 120% of sales quota for 3 consecutive years, generating $2.5M in annual revenue
  • Grew territory revenue by 30% year-over-year, from $1.5M to $1.95M

Avoid vague statements that lack context, like:

  • Consistently met sales targets
  • Helped grow revenue

Bullet Point Samples for Senior Account Executive

   Showcase your ability to manage key accounts

Senior account executives are responsible for managing high-value client relationships. Demonstrate your experience with key accounts:

  • Managed a portfolio of 25 key accounts, with an average contract value of $250K
  • Retained 95% of key account clients year-over-year through proactive relationship management

Don't just list your responsibilities. Quantify the scope and impact of your account management.

   Emphasize your leadership and mentorship skills

Many senior account executive roles involve leading and mentoring junior sales reps. Showcase your leadership experience:

  • Led a team of 5 account executives, coaching them to achieve 105% of team quota
  • Mentored 3 junior account executives, resulting in 25% improvement in their close rates

Avoid generic statements like:

  • Managed a sales team
  • Provided mentorship to junior reps

   Tailor your resume to the specific company and role

Customize your resume for each job application. Research the company and highlight relevant skills and experience. For example:

Experienced SaaS account executive with a proven track record of selling to enterprise clients in the financial services industry. Skilled in navigating complex sales cycles and building C-level relationships.

Avoid using the same generic resume for every application. Tailoring your resume shows the hiring manager you've done your research and are genuinely interested in the role.

   Include relevant sales certifications and training

Listing relevant certifications and training shows your commitment to professional development. Some examples:

  • Certified Sales Professional (CSP)
  • Challenger Sales Training
  • Miller Heiman Strategic Selling

Only include certifications that are relevant to the sales industry and the specific role. Avoid listing generic or outdated certifications that don't add value to your application.

Writing Your Senior Account Executive Resume: Section By Section


As a Senior Account Executive, your resume summary is an opportunity to provide a brief overview of your qualifications and experience. While a summary is optional, it can be particularly useful if you are a career changer or have extensive experience that may not be immediately apparent from your work history alone.

When crafting your summary, avoid using an objective statement, as these are outdated and do not provide value to hiring managers. Instead, focus on highlighting your most relevant skills, achievements, and experience in a concise manner. Remember, your summary should complement the rest of your resume, not repeat information that is already included elsewhere.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Senior Account Executive resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Senior Account Executive resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Senior Account Executive Resume Summary Examples , or Senior Account Executive Resume Objective Examples .

1. Tailor your summary to the Senior Account Executive role

When writing your summary for a Senior Account Executive position, it's essential to tailor your content to the specific requirements of the role. Research the company and the position to identify the key skills and experience they are looking for in a candidate.

For example, if the job description emphasizes client relationship management and sales growth, focus on highlighting your achievements in these areas:

  • Accomplished Senior Account Executive with 8+ years of experience driving sales growth and fostering long-term client relationships in the SaaS industry.
  • Proven track record of exceeding sales targets by an average of 20% year-over-year and maintaining a client retention rate of 95%.

Avoid using generic or irrelevant information that doesn't showcase your fit for the role, such as:

  • Experienced professional seeking a challenging position in a dynamic company.
  • Hardworking and dedicated employee with a passion for learning.

To ensure your resume is tailored to the Senior Account Executive role, try using Targeted Resume . This tool analyzes your resume against a specific job description and provides feedback on how well your skills and experience align with the position's requirements.

2. Highlight your key achievements and skills

Use your summary to showcase your most impressive achievements and skills relevant to the Senior Account Executive role. Quantify your accomplishments whenever possible to provide context and demonstrate your impact.

Results-driven Senior Account Executive with a proven ability to build and maintain strong client relationships. Skilled in developing strategic account plans, leading cross-functional teams, and identifying new business opportunities. Key achievements include: Secured $5M+ in new business revenue within the first year of managing a key account. Implemented a new account management process that increased client satisfaction scores by 30%. Mentored and trained a team of 5 junior account executives, resulting in a 25% increase in team sales performance.

Avoid using vague or cliché language that doesn't provide concrete examples of your skills and achievements, such as:

  • Experienced in sales and account management.
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Team player with a strong work ethic.

After crafting your summary, use Score My Resume to receive instant feedback on the strength of your resume. This tool evaluates your resume on over 30 key criteria that hiring managers look for and provides actionable suggestions for improvement.


The work experience section is the most important part of your senior account executive resume. It's where you show hiring managers that you have the skills and experience to excel in the role. In this section, you'll want to highlight your most relevant and impressive accomplishments, using specific examples and metrics to demonstrate your impact.

Here are some tips to help you write a strong work experience section:

1. Use strong action verbs to showcase your impact

When describing your work experience, use strong action verbs to showcase your impact and accomplishments. Some great action verbs for senior account executives include:

  • Managed: Demonstrates leadership and ownership
  • Developed: Shows strategic thinking and planning
  • Negotiated: Highlights your ability to build relationships and close deals
  • Exceeded: Emphasizes your ability to deliver results

For example, instead of saying:

  • Responsible for managing key accounts and growing revenue
  • Developed and executed account growth strategies, resulting in a 25% increase in revenue for key accounts

Action Verbs for Senior Account Executive

2. Quantify your accomplishments with metrics

Whenever possible, quantify your accomplishments with specific metrics to demonstrate your impact. This helps hiring managers understand the scope and significance of your work. For example:

  • Increased revenue by 30% year-over-year for top accounts
  • Achieved 95% client retention rate through exceptional relationship management
  • Secured $500K in new business through targeted outreach and networking

If you don't have access to specific metrics, you can still quantify your experience in other ways, such as:

  • Managed a team of 5 account executives
  • Oversaw a portfolio of 20+ key accounts

3. Highlight your career growth and promotions

Showcasing your career growth and promotions is a great way to demonstrate your value and potential to hiring managers. If you've been promoted within the same company, make sure to list each role separately with the corresponding dates and responsibilities. For example:

ABC Company Senior Account Executive, 2018-Present - Developed and executed strategic account plans for top clients, resulting in a 20% increase in revenue - Led a team of 3 junior account executives, providing coaching and mentorship to drive performance Account Executive, 2016-2018 - Managed a portfolio of 10 key accounts, achieving a 95% retention rate - Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop and implement client solutions

If you've held similar roles at different companies, you can still highlight your career progression by emphasizing your increasing levels of responsibility and impact in each subsequent role.

4. Tailor your experience to the job description

To make your resume stand out, tailor your work experience section to the specific job you're applying for. Review the job description carefully and identify the key skills and requirements for the role. Then, highlight the experiences and accomplishments that best demonstrate your fit for those requirements.

For example, if the job description emphasizes client relationship management, make sure to focus on your experiences building and maintaining strong client relationships, like this:

  • Developed and nurtured long-term relationships with key clients, resulting in a 20% increase in account retention
  • Collaborated with clients to identify their unique needs and develop customized solutions, leading to a 95% client satisfaction rate

On the other hand, if the job description focuses more on sales and business development, prioritize those experiences:

  • Prospected and secured new business opportunities, resulting in $250K in new revenue
  • Conducted market research and competitive analysis to identify new business opportunities and develop targeted sales strategies


The education section of your resume shows hiring managers that you have the necessary background and training for the senior account executive role. It also gives them a sense of your career trajectory and how your education has prepared you for this position. Here are some key tips for crafting a strong education section:

How To Write An Education Section - Senior Account Executive Roles

1. Put education at the top if you're a recent grad

If you graduated within the past few years and your education is your strongest qualification for the senior account executive role, place the education section at the top of your resume, above your work experience.

This is especially important if you have relevant coursework, projects, or extracurricular activities that showcase your skills in account management, client relations, or sales. For example:

Bachelor of Business Administration, Marketing University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Relevant Coursework: Account Management, Sales Strategies, Digital Marketing Senior Capstone Project: Developed a comprehensive marketing plan for a local small business, resulting in a 20% increase in sales

2. Keep education concise for mid-level to senior roles

If you have several years of work experience as an account executive or in a similar role, your education section should be brief. Hiring managers will be more interested in your professional accomplishments than your academic background.

In this case, just list your degree, university name, and graduation year. For example:

  • MBA, Marketing Concentration, New York University
  • B.A. Business Administration, University of California, Berkeley

Avoid listing:

  • High school education if you have a college degree
  • Coursework, projects, or GPA from many years ago
  • Incomplete degrees or education not relevant to account management

3. Include relevant certifications and professional development

In addition to your formal education, include any relevant certifications, licenses, or professional development courses you've completed that relate to account management, sales, or your target industry.

This shows hiring managers that you're committed to ongoing learning and staying up-to-date with industry best practices. For example:

  • Certified Sales Professional (CSP), National Association of Sales Professionals
  • HubSpot Inbound Sales Certification
  • Advanced Google Analytics Certificate

However, avoid listing:

  • Certifications or courses not relevant to the senior account executive role
  • Online courses or trainings that are very short or not well-known
  • Outdated or expired certifications


Your skills section is a critical component of your resume as a Senior Account Executive. Hiring managers and recruiters will quickly scan this section to determine if you have the right mix of abilities to excel in the role. It's important to showcase your most relevant and impressive skills to make a strong first impression.

In this section, we'll provide tips and examples to help you craft a compelling skills section that will catch the attention of potential employers.

How To Write Your Skills Section - Senior Account Executive Roles

1. Highlight key account management skills

As a Senior Account Executive, you'll be responsible for managing high-value client accounts and driving revenue growth. Emphasize skills that demonstrate your ability to build and maintain strong client relationships, such as:

  • Client relationship management
  • Strategic planning
  • Contract negotiation
  • Cross-functional collaboration
  • Business development

By showcasing these skills, you'll show potential employers that you have the expertise needed to succeed in a senior account management role.

2. Tailor skills to the job description

Many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to screen resumes for relevant skills and keywords. To increase your chances of passing the ATS and catching the attention of hiring managers, align your skills section with the requirements listed in the job description.

For example, if the job posting emphasizes experience with Salesforce CRM, make sure to include it in your skills section:

Salesforce CRM (Advanced) Account management Sales forecasting Client onboarding

By tailoring your skills to the specific role, you demonstrate that you're a strong fit for the position.

3. Group skills by category

Organizing your skills into relevant categories can make your skills section more readable and impactful. Consider grouping your skills under headings like:

  • Account Management : Client relationship management, Account growth strategies, Contract negotiation
  • Sales : Business development, Sales forecasting, Pipeline management
  • Technical : Salesforce CRM, Microsoft Dynamics, HubSpot

This structure helps hiring managers quickly identify your key strengths and areas of expertise.

Microsoft Office Communication Teamwork Problem-solving

Avoid listing generic or soft skills that don't provide meaningful insights into your capabilities as a Senior Account Executive.

4. Showcase industry-specific expertise

As a Senior Account Executive, you may work in a specific industry, such as technology, healthcare, or finance. Highlighting your industry-specific skills can set you apart from other candidates and show that you have the knowledge needed to succeed in the role.

For example, if you're applying for a Senior Account Executive position in the healthcare industry, you might include skills like:

  • Healthcare industry knowledge
  • HIPAA compliance
  • Medical device sales
  • Pharmaceutical sales

By showcasing your industry expertise, you demonstrate that you can hit the ground running and add value to the organization from day one.

Skills For Senior Account Executive Resumes

Here are examples of popular skills from Senior Account Executive job descriptions that you can include on your resume.

  • Business Strategy
  • Direct Sales
  • Sales Process
  • Solution Selling
  • Sales Management
  • Cold Calling
  • Lead Generation
  • Business-to-Business (B2B)
  • Sales Presentations

Skills Word Cloud For Senior Account Executive Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Senior Account Executive job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more likely you should include it in your resume.

Top Senior Account Executive Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

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  • Account Executive Resume Guide & Examples for 2022

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Senior Account Executive Resumes

  • Template #1: Senior Account Executive
  • Template #2: Senior Account Executive
  • Template #3: Senior Account Executive
  • Template #4: Key Account Manager
  • Template #5: Sales Account Director
  • Template #6: Senior Sales Executive
  • Template #7: Client Relation Executive
  • Skills for Senior Account Executive Resumes
  • Free Senior Account Executive Resume Review
  • Other Sales Resumes
  • Senior Account Executive Interview Guide
  • Senior Account Executive Sample Cover Letters
  • Alternative Careers to a Sales Account Executive
  • All Resumes
  • Resume Action Verbs

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Executive Resume Example for 2024 [Free Templates]

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Being in charge of entire departments comes with a whole set of advantages - high impact, lots of responsibilities, interesting work, high pay, and so on.

Being an executive, though, does not mean you get to skip out on the job search process. You still need to create an executive resume and cover letter and apply for jobs.

And creating an executive resume comes with its own special types of hurdles. 

Most conventional resume-writing advice does not apply here, leaving you with a ton of questions:

  • With so much work experience under your belt, how can you make your executive resume as impactful as possible?
  • Do you limit yourself to one page (which is the industry standard), or can you go over it?
  • How detailed does your work experience have to be, and do you include positions from a decade back?

In this article, we’re going to answer all these questions and more!

To help you write the executive resume, we’ll cover: 

  • How Is an Executive Resume Different?

How to Write a Compelling Executive Resume in 9 Steps

  • 17 Relevant Skills for Executives

Executive Resume Example

Before we dig into the steps you need to take to create a convincing executive resume, let’s cover an example, so you know what it looks like:

executive resume example

The executive resume example above does everything right, including: 

  • Reverse-chronological resume format. The executive resume example above uses the reverse-chronological resume format to highlight this executive’s impressive work experience.
  • Attention-grabbing resume summary. This executive resume example contains an impressive resume summary that emphasizes the candidate’s passions, strengths, and industry-related achievements. 
  • Focus on work achievements. The executive resume example above highlights the candidate’s most noteworthy achievements , which helps them stand out from other candidates only listing their responsibilities. 
  • Concise education section. This executive resume example doesn’t go into too much detail in the executive’s education section and instead simply lists the candidate’s most recent and relevant degrees. 
  • Good use of bullet points. This executive resume example uses bullet points to structure and present information, making the resume well-structured and easy to read. 
  • Well-structured skills section. Instead of listing all skills in one column, this executive resume example only includes the most relevant skills for the executive position and divides them into soft and hard skills.
  • Certifications. The executive resume example above lists all of the candidate’s industry-related certifications. 
  • Additional sections. This executive resume example includes the candidate’s proficiency in foreign languages and their memberships to help them stand out from other candidates with similar work experience and education. 

How Is an Executive Resume Different? 

Executive positions are nothing like normal jobs, so it only makes sense for an executive resume to be different from a normal resume too. 

But what exactly are those differences? Here are the most important ones you should know about: 

  • Resume length . As an executive, you probably have much more work experience than your average candidate. As such, you don’t have to fit it all on one page; as a rule of thumb, the executive resume can be two pages, with a maximum of three.
  • Data-focused achievements. The last thing recruiters want to see in an executive resume is a list of your responsibilities. If you want to stand out from your competitors, you have to show exactly how you improved the company, optimally by providing data and evidence. 
  • Conventional format. If you’re applying for an executive position, it’s your resume content that should impress recruiters, not its format. Meaning, that although your executive resume should be well-organized, with ample white space, and with impeccable grammar and spelling, a simple, conventional, black-and-white design should be more than enough. As an executive, there’s no need to go overboard with fancy fonts and creative designs . 
  • Tailored to the position. Most executives - and especially the senior ones - have a rich work history that could probably fill out more than three pages. That, however, would be counterproductive (both for you and the hiring manager). So, the key here is to tailor your work experience to the target position. Yes, you might have had amazingly valuable work experiences as a team lead from twenty years back, but unless they’re super relevant for the position you’re applying for, you might as well leave them out of your resume. As a rule of thumb, don’t go further back than your last 15 years of employment on your executive resume (some exceptions may apply). 
  • Selected achievements. Yes, you’re an executive. But you’re also competing against other executives with plenty of achievements. To make your achievements stand out, add a Selected Achievements section right below your resume summary and list 3-4 accomplishments you’re especially proud of (and don’t forget to back them up with hard data). 

Now let’s go over each section of a successful executive resume, step by step: 

#1. Format Your Executive Resume Right

How your executive resume looks is just as important as what it contains. After all, before you impress recruiters with your achievements, you have to get them to read them. 

A messy, cluttered resume, however, might just have the opposite effect. 

This is where formatting comes in! 

The first thing to know is that the reverse chronological format is the most suitable for executives among the three most popular resume formats (the other two being the functional and combination formats) . 

That’s because it is both the most popular among recruiters and the most suitable for candidates with a lot of work experience. 

Here’s an example of the reverse-chronological resume format: 

chronological resume template

Additionally, make sure that you follow these layout tips:

  • Use clear headings to identify the sections in your resume (e.g. H2 or H3). Alternatively, use a bigger font size for your headers and bold them. 
  • Choose the right font style and size to ensure your executive resume looks professional. For example, Overpass is a formal and classic font perfect for executives in conservative industries.
  • Don’t forget to save your resume as a PDF file (unless specifically requested to deliver it in another format). PDFs remain the same no matter the device or Operating System used to view your resume and look much more professional than, say, MS Word files. 

Use an Executive Resume Template (& Save Time on Formatting)

Creating a compelling executive resume from scratch can take you hours, especially if you’re using outdated tools like Microsoft Word.

And as a busy executive, time is something you don’t have.

Want to create a well-designed, eye-catching resume within less than 5 minutes?

Use one of our resume templates ! 

You can choose among 8 free resume templates - executive resume template included and 8 Premium templates. 


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#2. Add Your Contact Information

The contact information section on a resume is as straightforward as it gets, so you might as well get it out of the way first. 

That said, this section is as essential as it is straightforward, so make sure to double and triple-check that it contains no typos. 

After all, you don’t want a recruiter not to be able to contact you just because of a typo on your phone number.

Here’s what this section must include: 

  • First and last name.
  • Professional title.
  • Updated phone number. 

Additionally, you can also include your LinkedIn profile ’s URL and a link to your personal portfolio or website, if you have one. 

The same goes for your personal website or portfolio, which can effectively give recruiters a more in-depth look at who you are and what your strengths are.

87% of recruiters check candidates’ LinkedIn profiles during the hiring process. So, we’d recommend optimizing your LinkedIn profile to reflect your executive profile and achievements! 

Here’s an example of an executive resume’s contact information section: 

Michelle Larkins Chief Financial Officer [email protected] 123-123-2233 Silicon Valley, California

#3. Write an Attention-Grabbing Resume Summary

The resume summary is among the first things recruiters notice and it serves as a short intro to your professional profile and, specifically, the highlights of your career. 

Typically, here’s what this 2 or 3-sentence long paragraph includes: 

  • Your experience
  • Your skills
  • Your professional background
  • Your accomplishments

Nailing your resume summary is a must if you want recruiters to dig deeper into your executive resume. Just remember to keep it short and sweet with some of your most noteworthy achievements and notable skills. 

Here’s an example of a great executive resume summary: 

  • CMO with 7+ years of experience in developing and overseeing promotional marketing campaigns. Coming from a long career in public affairs and digital marketing strategies, I am now Executive Vice President at NewEast Inc. Winner of the 2021 Global Best of the Best Effie Award. 

#4. Add a Selected Achievements Section 

If you were to choose, you’d probably want recruiters to notice your career highlights right off the bat, instead of having to look for them. 

Well, as an executive, you can do just that by adding a Selected Achievements Section. 

Positioned between your resume summary and your work experience, a Selected Achievements section can give recruiters a quick preview of your most noteworthy achievements and get them to look deeper into your executive resume. 

As such, think about the highlights of your career - between two and five achievements you’re particularly proud of - and list them in bullets on your executive resume. 

Here is an example of an executive’s Selected Achievements section:

  • Was the youngest person to be promoted to CFO in the company in 40 years. 
  • Led company-wide initiatives that won me the Strategy Execution Award and the Young CFO of the Year Award.

#5. Focus Your Work Experience Section on Your Achievements

The work experience section is going to be the highlight of your executive resume.

This particular section is exactly where you show off years worth of experience and achievements. 

Here’s how you should do it: 

  • Start with your current or most recent position and go backward from there. 
  • For every work entry, list your professional title, company name, the dates you worked there, and 4-6 of your achievements in bullet points. 
  • The further back you go in your work history, the fewer achievements you need to list. For jobs going 5+ years back, you can save resume space and just list 1-2 of your most notable accomplishments. 
  • When listing your achievements, make sure to make them as quantifiable as possible. For example, instead of writing “improved company stock,” you can write “increased company stock by 15% within a one-year period.” 
  • Give your work experience section an active voice by using action verbs such as “achieved,” “managed,” “increased,” “led,” “emphasized,” etc. 
  • Tailor your work experience section to as many jobs as you’re applying for. So, if you’re applying for more than one position, use your diverse work experience to customize your resume based on the job you’re applying for, as opposed to submitting a one-fits-all executive resume. 

It’s actually pretty simple, right? Here’s a concrete example of an executive’s work experience section:

Chief Human Resources Officer XYZ Inc. 02/2018 - 06/2022

  • Successfully led teams of +200 employees in 4 locations. 
  • Updated the company’s talent acquisition strategy, leading to a 20% increase in the number of people hired in 2021.
  • Improved company inclusion policies, which resulted in winning a Forbes diversity award. 
  • Changed up the company’s hiring process, paying particular attention to positive discrimination policies, resulting in hitting company diversity quotas for the year.

Human Resources Manager

02/2013 - 12/2017 

  • Improved company hiring rates by 47% by establishing a more inclusive hiring process. 
  • Applied new interview questions to the hiring process, making the hiring process more effective by hiring employees that are more suitable to the company culture.

#6. Briefly Mention Your Education

Your education should come right after your work experience section. This section is just as important as your work experience, though it doesn’t require that you go into too much detail. 

After all, if you already hold an executive position, you probably already have a lot to show through your professional achievements. 

Here’s what you should include in your education section to make it stand out from the crowd:

  • Begin with your most recent degree and include the institution’s name and location, as well as the years attended. 
  • If you hold more than one Master’s or advanced degree, also include those in your education section.
  • Leave your high school education out of your executive resume. 

Here’s what this looks like on an executive resume: 

Ph.D. in Marketing 

Haas School of Business - University of California, Berkeley

2012 - 2014

MSc in Innovation & Marketing Management

Strathclyde Business School - University of Strathclyde, Glasgow 

2011 - 2012

#7. Include Your Executive Skills

It probably comes as no surprise that executive positions are highly competitive. 

This means that you need to make sure that, in addition to your work experience and education sections, other sections also need to stand out, including your skills, certifications, interests, and awards. 

In light of this, here’s the best way to list your skills on your executive resume: 

  • List your soft skills and hard skills. Include both CEO skills (e.g. leadership) and management skills, as well as industry-related skills here (e.g. if you’re into finance, that would include all your finance-related skills). 
  • Pay close attention to the job description of the position you’re applying for. Do any of the keywords indicate what skills are required for the position?
  • Make sure to include the skills mentioned in the job description on the skills listed on your executive resume (as long as you actually have them). 

17 Relevant Skills for Executives 

Here’s a list of relevant skills for executives that you can use on your executive resume:

  • Senior Leadership Skills
  • C-Suite Communication & Presentation Skills
  • Change Management
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Decision Making
  • Employee Development
  • Adversity Management
  • Collaboration
  • Active Listening
  • Communication Skills
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Conflict Management
  • Negotiation
  • Project Management

#8. Add Optional Resume Sections

The difference between great and perfect lies in the details - such as taking advantage of some optional sections that can take your executive resume to the next level. 

Specifically, the following sections can help you stand out from other executives applying for the same position by highlighting your individuality and the diversity a truly great executive needs:

  • Awards , especially anything job-related. 
  • Memberships , for example, Member of the Chicago CEO Club.
  • Foreign languages , particularly those you’re fluent in.
  • Certifications , such as Project Management Professional (PMP) or Accredited Business Communicator (ABC). 
  • Personal achievements , including successful personal initiatives and noteworthy recognitions outside your industry. 
  • Hobbies and interests , anything from fitness to reading books. 

#9. Don’t Underestimate the Power of the Cover Letter

Attaching a cover letter to your application is just as essential as creating a powerful executive resume. 

Specifically, a cover letter is important because:

  • Recruiters expect a serious job application also to include a cover letter, even if they skip reading it. 
  • It lets you go into more detail about your skills and qualifications. 

Here’s how to write a cover letter that is on par with your executive resume: 

  • Start your cover letter with an impactful introduction. 
  • Use the body of your cover letter to offer a more in-depth explanation of your executive skills and managerial experience. 
  • To enhance your executive resume, include skills and achievements that support what you’ve stated there. 
  • End your cover letter with a call to action. 

To give you a more concrete picture of what we mean, here’s what the structure of a cover letter should look like: 

executive cover letter structure

Want to learn more about cover letter writing? Then check out our guides on cover letter tips and common cover letter mistakes !

Key Takeaways 

And that’s a wrap! 

By now, you should be ready to nail your executive resume! Before you go, here are the most important points we covered in this article: 

  • Your executive resume must include your contact details, a resume summary, a work experience section with your most notable achievements, your education background, and a skills section. 
  • Additionally, your executive resume can contain some extra sections, such as certifications, awards, memberships, etc.  
  • Choose the chronological resume format to build your executive resume. 
  • List relevant quantifiable achievements under each entry in your work experience section. 
  • Use a ready-made template to save time and effort when you’re writing your executive resume!  

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  1. 12 Account Executive Resume Examples for 2024

    Account Executive. Led inside sales efforts as the startup grew from $5M in annual revenue to $27M. Introduced and analyzed sales strategies to improve lead generation performance by 35% year over year. Worked closely with the executive team to overhaul onboarding processes, which improved product adoption rate by 26%.

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  4. 13 Account Executive Resume Examples for 2024

    Here's an example of a well-formatted resume summary for an account executive: Results-driven account executive with 5+ years of experience driving sales growth in the enterprise software industry. Proven track record of exceeding quota, managing key accounts, and building strong client relationships.

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    Here are seven steps to write an account executive resume: 1. Create a header. To start your resume, create a header. A header contains your contact information so the hiring manager can reach you to schedule an interview. On the first line of the document, add your first and last name.

  7. 18 Account Executive Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    Examples: - Decreased customer complaints 30% in the first 18 months. - Increased market size by 30% after focusing on non-profit organizations as a new client territory to be cultivated. Annual sales from this client segment now account for 15% of total revenue.

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    Accounts Executive Resume Header: Tips, Red Flags, and Best Practices. Here's what to include in your Accounts Executive resume header: Your name and surname in a legible and larger resume font. The job title you're applying for or your current job title as a subheading to your name. Link to your portfolio or online profile, such as LinkedIn.

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