How to Write a Digital Marketing Proposal (Template Included)

How to Write a Digital Marketing Proposal {Template Included}

Whether you’re a digital marketing freelancer or a budding entrepreneur looking to secure valuable partnerships, understanding how to articulate your strategy in a convincing proposal is important for your to success. This article will walk you through the steps and the essential elements of creating a winning digital marketing proposal that not only showcases your expertise but also resonates with potential clients.  

Digital marketing proposal prospero

But that’s not all – to make your proposal writing journey even smoother, we’ve included a digital marketing proposal template at the end of this article. This ready-to-use proposal template serves as a valuable resource, saving you time and effort while ensuring that your proposal is structured for maximum impact.

So, whether you’re looking to land a new client, secure a project, or elevate your digital marketing game, join us as we uncover the secrets to writing a winning digital marketing proposal that sets you apart.

Importance Of A Well Crafted Digital Marketing Proposal

A well-crafted digital marketing proposal is important in securing success for your business. It serves as a powerful tool to communicate your strategies, showcase expertise, and outline clear expectations. It not only impresses potential clients but also establishes trust and credibility. Think of it like a map that helps both you and the client understand where you’re going together.

Step-by-step Guide for Writing a  Digital Marketing Proposal

Writing a digital marketing proposal is a process that involves outlining your approach, showcasing your expertise, and aligning your strategies with the client’s goals. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you write a convincing digital marketing proposal:

Step 1: Research and Understand the Client

Before you start writing, thoroughly research and understand your client’s business, industry, and competitors. Identify their pain points, goals, and unique selling propositions.

Step 2: Executive Summary

– Provide a Snapshot: Write a concise overview of the entire proposal, summarize your strategies and their expected impact.

– Highlight Key Benefits:  Emphasize positive outcomes and benefits your strategies aim to deliver.

– Teaser for Exploration: Spark curiosity to encourage readers to delve deeper into the proposal.

Step 3: Introduction

– Provide Context: Acknowledge the current state of the client’s business environment and industry trends.

– Establish a Connection: Acknowledge the client’s unique needs and challenges to build a personal connection.

– Outline Purpose and Structure: Clearly state the purpose of the proposal and provide a roadmap for what follows.

Step 4: Client Needs Analysis

– Thorough Industry Research: Uncover industry intricacies, providing insights into market dynamics, competitors, and challenges.

– Identify Client Goals: Collaboratively identify and analyze the client’s goals and objectives.

– Tailor Strategies: Customize proposed strategies to address specific challenges uncovered during research.

Step 5: Proposed Strategies and Tactics

– Detailed Strategy Presentation: Provide an encompassing overview of proposed digital marketing strategies.

– Rationale for Each Strategy: Explain the reasoning behind each strategy, aligning them with client goals and industry best practices.

– Alignment with Industry Standards: Showcase a commitment to industry trends for a competitive edge.

 marketing proposal

Step 6: Timeline and Deliverables

– Set a Realistic Timeline: Lay out a timeline considering the intricacies of each proposed strategy.

– Clearly Defined Milestones: Define milestones and deliverables for transparency and shared expectations.

– Manage Client Expectations: Use the timeline to manage expectations regarding the pace of campaign implementation.

 Step 7: Budget and Resource Allocation

– Financial Details: Break down the budget allocated for various activities.

– Resource Requirements: Outline personnel, marketing tools , and technology requirements.

– Commitment to Cost-Effectiveness: Emphasize efficiency and cost-effectiveness to deliver maximum value.

Step 8: Measurement and Analytics

– Define KPIs: Clearly define key performance indicators for measuring campaign success.

– Metrics and Measurement Tools: Describe the metrics to be tracked and tools for measurement. i.e Google Analytics, Semrush etc

– Emphasize Measurable Results: Communicate a commitment to transparency and accountability tied to tangible outcomes.

 proposal writing software prospero

Step 9: Risk Assessment and Contingency Plans

– Identify Potential Challenges: Anticipate potential challenges and risks associated with proposed strategies.

– Present Contingency Plans: Outline plans to address unforeseen obstacles, showcasing adaptability.

– Exhibit Foresight: Position yourself as a strategic partner capable of foreseeing and mitigating potential issues.

Step 10: Conclusion and Call to Action

– Summarize Key Points: Concisely summarize the proposal’s key points, reiterating strategies and benefits.

– Reinforce Alignment: Emphasize the alignment between proposed strategies and client goals.

– Clear Call to Action: End with a clear call to action, inviting the client to engage further or proceed with collaboration.

By following these steps, you’ll create a comprehensive digital marketing proposal that not only showcases your expertise but also resonates with your client, increasing the likelihood of a successful collaboration.

Consider using this well curated Digital Marketing Proposal template made by Prospero.

Digital Marketing Proposal template Prospero.

Key Considerations in Digital Marketing Proposals

1. Conciseness is Key:

   In our fast-paced and short attention span world, a concise proposal is important. It respects the audience’s time, conveying information efficiently and ensuring key messages are easily absorbed. A brief yet impactful proposal is more likely to capture and retain attention than a lengthy one.

2. Address the Audience’s Problem Statement:

   Successful proposals go beyond your competences; they resonate by addressing the audience’s specific challenges. Identifying and targeting their problem statement establishes a connection, positioning proposed solutions as tailored remedies.

3. Visuals Enhance Impact:

   Visual elements like infographics and charts add a compelling layer to proposals. They enhance comprehension, facilitate memory retention, and make content more appealing. In an age dominated by visual content, integrating images into proposals is a strategic choice for greater engagement.

4. Clarity and Specificity Matter:

   Clarity is non-negotiable in effective communication. Remove ambiguity and prioritize specificity to enhance persuasiveness. Clear, specific language ensures the audience grasps the nuances of proposed strategies, fostering trust in the provider’s expertise.

In essence, a concise, problem-centric, visually engaging, and clear proposal is a powerful tool that resonates with the audience, communicating information effectively and persuading them towards collaboration.

Recommended Read: 9 Mistakes to Avoid when Writing a Proposal

In closing, writing a good digital marketing proposal is like creating a roadmap for success. Think of your proposal as a special tool that can help you get new projects and partnerships. By using the tips in this guide and the provided template, you have everything you need to make your proposals stand out and impress clients.

Remember, each proposal is a chance to show off what you know and how well you understand what your client needs. Customize your strategies, share your successes, and present a plan that makes sense to your audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What should be included in a digital marketing proposal?

Key sections include an executive summary, introduction, client needs analysis, proposed strategies, timeline, budget, measurement, and a clear conclusion with a call to action.

  •  How long should a digital marketing proposal be?

 Aim for a concise proposal that includes all essential information. Length can vary, but clarity is more important than unnecessary details.

  •  How do I tailor a digital marketing proposal to a specific client?

Conduct thorough research on the client’s business, customize strategies to address their challenges, and showcase alignment with their goals.

  • Should I include case studies or past successes?

Yes, including relevant case studies strengthens your proposal by providing evidence of your expertise and successful outcomes for clients.

  • Why is a clear call to action important in the conclusion?

A clear call to action guides the client’s decision-making process, inviting them to engage further, collaborate, or move forward with proposed strategies.


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Damilola Oyetunji

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How to write a Digital Marketing Proposal that impresses clients [Templates & Examples Included]

research proposal digital marketing

Table of contents

Did you know that a staggering 63% of businesses have increased their digital marketing budgets just this past year?

What does that mean for you?

It means that digital marketing has become the hottest buzz in marketing in recent years. As the digital realm continues to evolve, mastering the art of producing a compelling digital marketing proposal becomes critical so that you have a high chance of getting amazing leads. In this article, we cover the core elements of a digital marketing proposal, questions you might have and the insights needed to craft that impressive proposal, along with digital marketing proposal templates to jumpstart your journey.

What is a Digital Marketing Proposal?

A digital marketing proposal is a document outlining the services, strategies, and deliverables a marketing or advertising agency offers prospective clients. It is a persuasive tool to win new business by showcasing the agency's expertise, creativity, and ability to meet the client's specific needs. With proposal software, small marketing and advertising firms can create professional and visually appealing online marketing proposals efficiently, track their progress, and manage their entire workflow seamlessly.

research proposal digital marketing

Why is a Digital Marketing Proposal important?

The reason is simple - Clients do not buy what they do not know. The right proposal makes you and your services visible to your clients. So to attract a prospective client, you must provide a digital marketing proposal describing your services and their costs.

With an effective marketing proposal, your business can sell various services to prospects, such as site audits, keyword research, content marketing, and social media marketing.

How to write a Digital Marketing Proposal? What should a Digital Marketing Proposal include?

We can talk all about proposals but what constitutes a great digital marketing proposal? Let’s dive into the key elements of a winning proposal and simplify your process with our professionally crafted free digital marketing proposal templates .

‍ An Excellent Introduction

The introductory pitch is a summary of your digital marketing plan. It summarizes the main findings of your proposal so that the reader can get a quick view. Most people spend a lot of time and effort on the business proposal without investing the same effort in the executive summary or cover letter. But this is what your client will see first and that’s why it should be excellent. 

research proposal digital marketing

Client Overview

Now the most crucial component of writing a digital marketing proposal is the client overview. It includes details about their company, the services they offer, and other things that showcase them and their capabilities.

However, you can even include writing down some personal information and contact numbers in the digital marketing proposal template to make things clearer and easier to navigate.

Detailed Specifications

In this section, tell them about the recommended strategies and tactics you have prepared according to the client’s needs. Include information on SEO, content marketing, social media, paid advertising, email marketing, etc.

research proposal digital marketing


Incorporate client testimonials in your digital marketing proposal to help build credibility and trust. It helps highlight positive feedback which reinforces your expertise, showcases successful outcomes, and assures prospective clients of your reliability and quality of service.

research proposal digital marketing

In this section, clearly state the goals and objectives of the digital marketing campaign discussed in the case study. Also, cover the strategies implemented and the results achieved.

research proposal digital marketing

Budget And Pricing

Next, you should include the details and terms of fees in your digital marketing proposal. Price tables provide all the information prospects need to make a purchase decision.

Many digital marketing agencies offer a complicated offer that could overwhelm clients. So always make your pricing plans simple. This will put you ahead of the competitors. 

Pro tip: Include editable price tables in your digital marketing proposals. You can let your clients customize your marketing solution by letting them edit quantities, choose services, and edit prices.

research proposal digital marketing

Terms And Conditions

Ensure that your contract and terms and conditions are incorporated into your marketing proposal and signed together to avoid future misunderstandings.

research proposal digital marketing

Digital Marketing proposal templates

Enhance your proposal creation process with our curated digital marketing proposal templates designed to serve your needs:

  • SEO services 

This template includes services such as Comprehensive SEO Analysis, On-page and Off-page Tailored SEO Strategies and Campaigns, SEO-focused Content Creation, Performance Tracking and Reporting.

Download here .

  • Website design service 

This template includes services such as Website design, development and management, UX and UI optimization, SEO optimization for enhanced visibility, and Expert guidance and support from our team of Web Design specialists.

  • Video Production

This template includes the following services to help you showcase your expertise of Concept development, Storyboarding, Video shooting and editing, and Motion graphics or animated video production.

  • Digital marketing services

This templates includes SEO, Facebook Ads and Audit of SEO, PPC campaigns.

  • Marketing Consulting

This Marketing Consulting Proposal template includes the mentioned services to help you showcase your expertise:Comprehensive Marketing Audit, Strategic Marketing Planning, Brand Development, Digital Marketing Strategies, Social Media Management, Content Marketing, Lead Generation and Conversion Optimization, Marketing Analytics and Performance Measurement, Training and Support.

You can also check out the library of templates for more services at Cone’s website . Before we get into making your digital marketing proposal stand out, let's leverage the power of above well-designed digital marketing proposal templates.

How To Make Your Digital Marketing Proposal Stand Out From The Rest?

Your clients might be getting hundreds of digital marketing proposals. Especially if they are high-quality ones. In that case, how can you make your proposal catch their eye? Let us see the ways to do that. 

Prepare a Proposal That Relates To Your Clients

Tailor your digital marketing proposal to address the specific goals and pain points of the client. Show that you've done your homework by referencing their industry, competitors, and target audience. 

Clear and Concise Executive Summary

Create an engaging executive summary that highlights the main points of your proposal. This should capture attention and provide a quick overview of what you’re offering.

Visual Appeal

Incorporate visuals, infographics, and charts to present information in an appealing and easy-to-understand manner. Use branding elements and colors that align with your client’s business.

Offer Customized Solutions

Avoid generic solutions; instead, offer personalized strategies that speak directly to the client's needs. Show them how your approach differs from others and how it specifically addresses their challenges.

Brochures and Case Studies 

Attach additional brochures or case studies that provide more in-depth information about your services or showcase specific successful campaigns.

Protip: Craft a compelling narrative throughout the proposal. Instead of just presenting facts and figures, tell a story that resonates with the client and showcases your unique approach.

Interactive PDF Features 

Utilize features in your digital marketing proposal software that allow for interactive PDFs, such as clickable links, embedded content, or navigation buttons for a more engaging experience. Explore our ready-to-use digital marketing proposal templates to incorporate these interactive elements seamlessly.

Budget Breakdown 

Clearly outline the budget allocation for different strategies and services. Be transparent about costs and justify the expenses in relation to the expected outcomes. And always try to be flexible and open to negotiation. 

Call to Action 

And finally, end your proposal with a clear call to action. Whether it’s scheduling a follow-up meeting, signing a contract, or providing feedback, guide the client clearly on the next steps.

What are the common mistakes to avoid in a Digital Marketing Proposal?

While creating a proposal, without the right guidance we are prone to make many mistakes. Here are five common mistakes and how good proposal software can help you avoid them. 

Mistake 1 - Using Generic Proposals

Using generic templates or content that doesn’t cater to the specific needs of the client can reduce the proposal's impact. Many proposal software offer customizable templates allowing you to personalize proposals to match each client's requirements and preferences.

Mistake 2 - Lack of Visual Appeal

Presenting text-heavy proposals without engaging visuals can make the proposal less appealing and harder to digest. Using Digital marketing proposal software gives the option to add multimedia elements like images, infographics, videos, and interactive content to make the proposal visually engaging and compelling.

Mistake 3 - Poor Organization and Clarity

Presenting proposals with unclear structure can confuse the client and diminish the digital marketing proposal’s effectiveness. Proposal software typically provides tools for structuring content, creating sections, and using intuitive formatting, ensuring clarity in presenting your ideas.

Mistake 4 - Limited Collaboration

Working on proposals in isolation without collaborative features can hinder input from team members. When you use proposal software, you can use collaboration tools to allow team members to work together in real time, contributing insights, comments, and revisions to create a comprehensive proposal.

Mistake 5 - Inadequate Tracking and Analytics

Sending proposals without the ability to track client engagement or analyze their interaction with the proposal content can lead to missed opportunities. Some proposal software includes tracking features that enable you to monitor client engagement, track when they view certain sections, and analyze which content resonates most, aiding in follow-ups and refining future proposals.

How Does Proposal Software Benefit Marketing And Advertising Firms?

Digital marketing service proposals and agreements can benefit marketing and advertising firms in various ways.

  • Time Efficiency: Proposal software automates the Proposal creation process, allowing you to generate professional proposals in less time, freeing up resources for other crucial tasks.
  • Improved Presentation: With proposal software, you can create visually appealing proposals that showcase your firm's creativity and professionalism, making a lasting impression on potential clients. ‍
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Real-time collaboration features enable seamless communication with team members and clients, streamlining the review and approval process. ‍
  • Better Tracking and Analytics: Proposal software provides valuable insights into proposal performance, allowing you to identify areas for improvement and increase your win rates. ‍
  • Streamlined Workflow: By centralizing proposal management in one platform, proposal software helps marketing and advertising small firms streamline their workflow, ensuring efficient operations from start to finish.

Why Choose Cone?  

Cone’s Proposal & Billing Software is the ultimate solution for marketing agencies seeking a comprehensive and efficient platform to streamline their proposal, invoicing, and payment processes. With its impressive features and user-friendly interface, Cone offers business owners a range of benefits that make it the best proposal software for their profession. One of the standout features of Cone is its flexible proposal editor, allowing business owners to create stunning proposals tailored to their client's needs. The extensive library of premium proposal templates provides a solid foundation, while the fully customizable options ensure that every proposal reflects unique style and brand. 

With Cone, marketing agencies can send customized proposals in under 10 seconds, saving valuable time while impressing clients with their professionalism. With its features designed to save time, boost revenue, and enhance professionalism, Cone empowers small businesses to focus on their core services while leaving the administrative burdens to automation.

‍ Distinctive Features:

  • CRM and sales pipeline management.
  • Flexible editor to build proposals to meet any needs.
  • Automated Invoicing eliminates the risk of missing invoices.
  • Seamless payment experience with extensive payment options, including direct debits, credit and debit cards, and ACH payment methods.
  • Robust billing software.
  • Automated renewal processes.
  • Integrations with accounting software.

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Ready to transform your digital marketing proposals? Explore our library of digital marketing proposal templates at Cone and revolutionize your approach to winning clients.

How to write an email for a proposal for digital marketing?

An email for a proposal for digital marketing should usually cover that their proposal covers executive summary, client overview, case studies and pricing information which should be attached to the email.

How do I write a business proposal for a digital marketing agency?

A business proposal can be written from scratch. It should cover executive summary, client overview, case studies and pricing information. Also, a proposal software like Cone can be used.

How do you propose a digital campaign?

Before proposing a digital campaign, a marketing agency needs to understand client objectives, should conduct an audit. Once this is done, a proposal can be created for the campaign outlining all the details and price for it.

How do you write a simple marketing proposal?

A simple marketing proposal can be created quickly using a digital marketing template like this:

How to write a digital marketing proposal?

A digital marketing proposal can be written from scratch. It should cover executive summary, client overview, case studies and pricing information. Also, a proposal software like Cone can be used.

Digital Marketing Proposal Template To Close Deals

If you’re a digital marketing agency, freelancer, or digital marketing consultancy, our digital marketing proposal example will provide a comprehensive guide for pitching your services. Showcase examples of your work and your process with case studies, scope of services, conversion optimization, and reporting. Explain how your content development, distribution, optimization, and lead generation will increase conversion rate while providing a clear timeline for your client.

free digital marketing proposal template

All Proposify proposal templates are 100% customizable.

What is included in this digital marketing proposal template.

This free digital marketing proposal example includes everything you need to dominate your digital marketing services pitches and turn more leads into paying clients. Missing a section you need? Add it in! All of our proposal templates are 100% customizable, so you can edit the copy, design, images, and layout to fit your business, brand, and projects.

An Eye-Catching Cover

You understand the importance of first impressions—you're a digital marketer! Whether you leverage the images and design on this sample proposal template or create your own design from scratch, make sure you make the most of this opportunity to catch your potential clients' attention.

Digital marketing proposal template cover page

Overview and Goals

The overview or executive summary section is one of the most important components of of your digital marketing proposal. It's where your prospects get acquainted with your pitch by outlining what’s to come.

It's your opportunity to sell your proposed solution and explain why the prospective client should choose you over the competition.

This professionally-written digital marketing proposal executive summary example will give you a running start on persuading your prospects to close the deal.

Scope of Services

Showcase examples of your services and approach with this scope of services section. Whether you're pitching inbound or content marketing services, conversion optimization, reporting and analytics, or a full digital marketing services package, this is section of your proposal to go into more detail about those services.

This free online marketing proposal template includes example service descriptions that you can use, edit, or replace with your own service descriptions.

Digital marketing proposal template scope of services page

How much time will it take to implement your digital marketing strategy? What input will you need before you can kick off your plan?

An important consideration for your prospects when they are considering which digital marketing agency to hire is understanding the project timeline. This page of our free online marketing proposal template lets you provide a clear timeline for your client.

Show off past wins with a case study. This can be one of the most persuasive sections of your digital marketing proposal for your prospect. It proves that you can walk the walk because you've done it before for someone who looks a lot like them.

This free digital marketing proposal template includes an example case study that you can edit to reflect a successful marketing project with a past client.

Digital marketing proposal template case study

Investment and Pricing Page

Once you've explained the scope of your services, your strategy overview and goals, and a timeframe, it's time to let your prospect know how much your digital marketing services are going to cost.

Use this section of our digital marketing proposal template to list your project fees. Proposify's interactive pricing tables make it easy to present all of your pricing, discounts, taxes, and optional extras in an intuitive format.

Use this section of your digital marketing proposal to introduce your team. Your online marketing quote isn't only for presenting the scope of the project and how much it will cost, it's also an opportunity to put faces to names and introduce the marketers who will be working with your new clients.

Digital marketing proposal template, team page

Contract & Sign-Off

This online marketing proposal sample includes an example contract, plus a section for your new clients to sign electronically.

When clients are ready to sign off on the deal, Proposify's free electronic signatures make closing fast and simple.

Tips for creating a winning digital marketing proposal

Crush your next digital marketing services pitch with these data-backed proposal tips.

Adding images to your digital marketing proposal can increase your close rate by 26%.

We don't need to tell you the power of imagery—you're a digital marketing expert! But did you know that adding images to your proposals doesn't only give your proposals a professionalism sure to impress potential clients, but it can help increase close rate?

Your proposal is an extension of your brand, so it's essential your proposal design is as sharp as your website, emails, and the work you produce for clients.

This digital marketing proposal sample includes placeholder images that are easy to swap out with your own imagery.

proposal content library

Increase your close rate by including esignatures on your digital marketing proposals.

Including a place for your new client to electronically sign-off on your digital marketing proposal can increase deal close rates by 4.65x . Esignatures also help online marketing proposals close 60% faster .

All Proposify proposal templates, including this free digital marketing proposal example, come with our free esignature tool to help you close more business, faster.

esignatures get 32 percent faster sign-off

Embed video in your digital marketing proposal.

Some companies report increasing their close rate by 196% for proposals that include video content.

Whether it's a customer testimonial, showreel of past work, or an About Us video introducing your team, video can be the interactive element that makes your proposal stand out from the flat, one-dimensional proposals from the competition.

It's easy to embed video in this free digital marketing proposal template. No size limits means no slowing down, and you can upload from any platform.

embed video in proposal documents

of Proposify proposals are created and sent in under an hour

of winning proposals close within 24 hours or less

of proposals are signed within 11 minutes of opening

knowledge base icon

Frequently asked questions about digital marketing proposal templates

What is a digital marketing proposal.

A digital marketing proposal is a document submitted by a digital marketing agency, consultant, business, or freelancer to a potential client.

It is a sales document designed to convince that potential client to receive digital marketing services strategic digital marketing services, campaigns, or projects.

How do I write a digital marketing proposal?

The best digital marketing proposals are concise summaries of why your agency, consultancy, or freelance service is the best choice for your potential client. They're brief, convincing, well-written , and organized into sections for easy reading.

This digital marketing proposal sample come complete with professional pre-written copy that's ready to use or switch out with text of your own.

What should a digital marketing proposal include?

A good digital marketing proposal includes everything your prospect needs to make an informed decision. But not so much that they get bogged down in unnecessary information.

Some digital marketing proposal must-haves include a well designed cover, a persuasive executive summary, a detailed scope of your services, information about your team, and a pricing & sign-off section.

Why not just send my digital marketing proposal as a PDF or Word doc?

Because then you'll be flying blind! Just as you'd never send leads to your marketing site without detailed tracking and analytics, you're putting yourself at a huge disadvantage if you have no visibility into your proposal process.

Proposify's online proposal software allows you to track and analyze exactly what happens once your digital marketing proposal is in your potential client's hands, from the moment you send to the second they sign.

How do I get my digital marketing proposal signed?

Electronic signatures are the modern way to close business. They're secure, legally binding, and with Proposify, completely free. Every Proposify proposal template includes our free esignature tool.

Why should I choose Proposify over the competition?

At Proposify, we know proposals. Our team has studied millions of deal docs over the years and understands what it takes to close deals. We are dedicated to delivering a solution that puts you and your team in control of the closing process. From template and content management to analytics and reporting, you’ll have consistency and visibility across your entire sales team and cycle.

How long should an online marketing proposal be?

Data from millions of proposals shows the ideal length for a digital marketing proposal is 11 pages and 7 sections. Be sure to keep your proposal concise and engaging, and only include the most important information. Leverage visual content and thoughtful design to make sure your online marketing proposals are impressive to read and easy to navigate.

How should I structure a digital marketing proposal?

Lead with an eye-catching cover. Next, remind your prospect why you're the best digital marketing services company for the job with a persuasive executive summary. Present a timeframe for the project and describe the scope of your services. Offer a persuasive case study. Introduce your team of experts. Then comes the investment and pricing section, where you display your fees. Lastly, include T&Cs to protect your business and a place for your new client to electronically sign.

I’ve received an RFP for digital marketing services. What should I do next?

After you've received an RFP for digital marketing services, you have a short window of opportunity to get your proposal in before the competition does.

Our research shows that 42.5% of proposals sent through Proposify close within 24hrs of a prospect opening the document. Proposify helps you move with speed and confidence after you've received an RFP so you can get an impressive proposal to your prospect quickly and land your next client before the competition swoops in.

How do I send a digital marketing proposal to a client?

There are several ways to send a digital marketing proposal to a client. The most efficient way is to provide your prospect with a secure link to an online proposal document. That way there's no need to download anything, and your proposal won't get stuck in your client's spam folder.

Why do I need a Proposify account to use this template?

When you sign up with Proposify , you get access to this template and every other template in our extensive template gallery . You can also upload all your company and client information so you can plug it into your proposals fast. After you sign up, you'll get access to all of our Team plan features for 14 days, and then have the option to choose your perfect plan.

And of course, you're able to select our no-cost plan, Proposify Free , whenever you like.

Can I edit this digital marketing proposal template?

You sure can! All Proposify templates are completely customizable.

Use this free digital marketing proposal template to dominate your deals

Grab this free, customizable template now and get ready to crush your next digital marketing services pitch.

Illustration of working with Proposify

SEO Proposal Template

Digital marketers will find this SEO proposal template helpful when promoting their SEO services like on-page ranking, information architecture, website optimization, and content creation.

free social media proposal template

Social Media Proposal Template

Agencies and digital marketers promoting their social media services will find this customizable sample pitch template valuable when quoting their services.

Learn why over 10,000 businesses love Proposify

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Drag & drop library sections

Managing proposals is a breeze in Proposify. Save all your case studies, fees, images and team bios all in one central library.

Tag them, search them and drop them into your layout. Proposals just got... dare we say... fun?

esignatures icon

Online previews & signatures

No more emailing big PDFs, printing and shipping proposals or faxing back signatures (ugh). Your client gets a branded, interactive proposal they can sign off electronically. No need for extra software or logins. Oh, and we tell you as soon as your client opens it.

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Track everything

Keep a pulse on your the sales pipeline of your agency. Proposify lets you know your close rate, which sections of your proposals get viewed and for how long, and all kinds of insight into what goes into your most successful proposals so you can sell smarter.

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Sync up your other apps

Proposals are just one part of your agency sales process. We tie together your other software, so you can import contacts from your CRM, auto create deals and generate invoices in your accounting software. We are regularly adding new integrations.

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Customer Support to the Rescue

We understand that when you’ve got questions, especially when you’re on a tight proposal deadline, you NEED answers. Our customer happiness specialists are at the ready, armed with friendly, helpful, timely support by email or online messaging. We’re here to help, regardless of which you plan you’re on or if you’re just taking us for a test drive.

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We Keep Your Data Safe and Private

When it comes to protecting your private information, we’ve got it locked down tighter than Alcatraz. We partner with Amazon Web Services, use 128-bit SSL encryption, and create daily backups. And we never, EVER disclose any data to third-parties without your permission. Rest easy, nothing’s getting out of here alive.

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A Conceptual Research Model Proposal of Digital Marketing Adoption and Impact on Low Density Tourism Regions

  • Conference paper
  • Cite this conference paper

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  • Filipa Jorge   ORCID: 6 , 8 ,
  • Mário Sérgio Teixeira   ORCID: 6 , 8 ,
  • Ricardo Jorge Correia   ORCID: 7 , 8 ,
  • Ramiro Gonçalves   ORCID: 6 , 9 ,
  • José Martins   ORCID: 6 , 9 &
  • Maximino Bessa   ORCID: 6 , 9  

Part of the book series: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing ((AISC,volume 745))

Included in the following conference series:

  • World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies

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Nowadays, tourism faces the technology progress challenge. Tourists are changing the way they search for information and the way they buy tourism products and services. Therefore, becomes important to analyze the influence of relevant digital marketing tools on low density tourism regions success, measured through destination image, tourists’ satisfaction and loyalty. The main aim of this article is to demonstrate the theoretical support of a model about the impact of digital marketing tools technologies on low density tourism region. To achieve this purpose, a literature review will be used as a methodological basis. This study also intends to contribute to the scientific debate through the improvement of knowledge in digital marketing tools applied to tourism and for this industry stakeholders.

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This text is part of UTAD’s CETRAD R&D project entitled DOUROTUR – Tourism and technological innovation in Douro, operation NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000014, co-financed by European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) through NORTE 2020 (Northern Regional Operational Program 2014/2020).

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Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Vila Real, Portugal

Filipa Jorge, Mário Sérgio Teixeira, Ramiro Gonçalves, José Martins & Maximino Bessa

Instituto Poletécnico de Bragança (IPB), Bragança, Portugal

Ricardo Jorge Correia

Centro de Estudos Transdisciplinares para o Desenvolvimento (CETRAD), Vila Real, Portugal

Filipa Jorge, Mário Sérgio Teixeira & Ricardo Jorge Correia

INESC TEC, Porto, Portugal

Ramiro Gonçalves, José Martins & Maximino Bessa

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Departamento de Engenharia Informática, Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal

Álvaro Rocha

College of Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA

Hojjat Adeli

DSI/EEUM, Universidade do Minho, Guimarães, Portugal

Luís Paulo Reis

DIMES, Università della Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende, Italy

Sandra Costanzo

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Jorge, F., Teixeira, M.S., Correia, R.J., Gonçalves, R., Martins, J., Bessa, M. (2018). A Conceptual Research Model Proposal of Digital Marketing Adoption and Impact on Low Density Tourism Regions. In: Rocha, Á., Adeli, H., Reis, L.P., Costanzo, S. (eds) Trends and Advances in Information Systems and Technologies. WorldCIST'18 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 745. Springer, Cham.

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Marketing Proposal Guide: Write, Design & Track + Templates

Learn how to make a marketing plan proposal for a marketing strategy or consultant. Discover the best marketing proposal format for your strategy or campaign.

research proposal digital marketing

Burkhard Berger

9 minute read

How to create a marketing proposal

Short answer

What is a marketing proposal?

A marketing proposal is a detailed plan that outlines advertising, marketing, and brand enhancement strategies for a client's company. Usually crafted by a creative marketing agency or an in-house marketing team, this document is shared with the business's top decision-makers.

Most marketing proposals flop, but this can be avoided

Many marketing professionals find it a challenge to craft a proposal that truly resonates with potential clients, one that speaks directly to their needs and visions.

We put hours into crafting the perfect marketing proposal, only to be met with skepticism during the actual marketing presentation .

It’s true… making a marketing proposal that clients love is extremely difficult, but it’s not impossible. I can teach you how.

We’ll delve deep into how to make a marketing proposal that prospective clients will like so much they’ll read it with attention from start to finish.

Let’s get started.

Are you making proposals the wrong way?

A marketing plan can be presented as a dense text PDF, a visual presentation, or a modern interactive web story.

The most common way of making marketing proposals is a text-dense PDF format, but that’s also the least effective. A PDF format makes it practically impossible to stand out from the crowd, or engagingly convey information.

This is why leading marketing agencies are moving to interactive web-based proposals that can include live data and multimedia, embed e-signature forms, and can be easily read on mobile.

Here’s what the difference looks like between legacy PDF and modern proposals:

Marketing plan proposal in static PDF format

Static marketing proposal template

Modern interactive marketing proposal format

What are the main types of marketing proposals.

Whether you're looking to elevate a brand's market position, dive deep into market trends, or launch a focused marketing project, getting to grips with each type of marketing proposal will let you build strategies that hit the mark and deliver impactful results.

7 main types of marketing proposals:

1) Marketing strategy proposal

Offers a comprehensive plan for reaching marketing objectives, including how to position in the market, identify the target audience, and select the best marketing channels.

2) Market analysis proposal

Suggests an in-depth look at the market to spot trends, analyze competitors, and understand potential customer needs, helping shape informed business strategies.

3) Marketing project proposal

Details a particular marketing project with its goals, required resources, timeline, and the anticipated benefits for the business.

4) Marketing campaign proposal

Describes the aims, strategies, schedule, and expected results of a specific marketing campaign, with a focus on targeted promotional efforts.

5) Marketing budget proposal

A financial outline that specifies how funds will be distributed across different marketing activities, highlighting cost efficiency and expected return on investment.

6) Lead generation proposal

Concentrates on methods and strategies to attract and convert potential customers into leads, including the tools and approaches for successful lead gathering.

7) Performance marketing proposal

Targets marketing strategies with a focus on tangible results, underlining quantifiable achievements like conversions, sales, and return on investment from specific marketing actions.

What is the best marketing proposal format?

Based on our internal analysis of marketing proposal performance, with over 100K reading sessions, we’ve come up with an optimal content structure for a marketing plan proposal.

This marketing plan proposal outline works well both for marketing agencies or consultancies looking to persuade prospective clients and for internal teams seeking to promote their marketing projects internally.

What to include in a marketing proposal

Introduction and overview: A brief introduction to the marketing plan, highlighting its purpose and key objectives.

Market context and challenges: An analysis of the current market environment, including key challenges and competitors in the arena.

Target audience segmentation: Detailed profiling of the target audience, including IT managers, software developers, tech startups, and IT consultants.

Key objectives and goals: Specific goals such as user acquisition targets, conversion rate improvements, and brand awareness metrics.

Strategic approach: Outline of the strategic approach, including product differentiation, content marketing, and influencer partnerships.

Tactical game plan: Detailed tactics for each strategy, including online advertising, content creation, and influencer collaborations.

Budget and financial planning: A comprehensive financial plan detailing budget allocation for various marketing activities.

Implementation timeline and milestones: A timeline with key milestones, such as finalizing the marketing plan, launching campaigns, and assessing progress.

Performance metrics and KPIs: Definition of key performance indicators for measuring success, including user acquisition rate, conversion rate, and user engagement metrics.

Review and optimization strategy: A plan for continuous review and optimization of marketing strategies based on performance data and user feedback.

Conclusion and next steps: Final remarks summarizing the plan and outlining the next steps for implementation.

How to write a compelling marketing proposal (9 steps)

Whether you represent a marketing agency, a marketing consultant, or an internal marketing team, decision-makers will want to know how you intend to reach the desired company goals.

And whether you are a seasoned pro or just getting started, a structured approach to making a professional proposal can make all the difference.

From initial research to the final polish, each step is designed to help you communicate your vision and value with clarity and confidence.

1. Conduct research on clients

Focus on information about your potential client’s industry trends, target audience’s key demographics, distinct pain points, and competitive landscape to craft a well-informed marketing strategy.

With this, you can personalize your proposals to businesses by reflecting their ethos and ambitions within your pages. Thus, guaranteeing that every solution you propose resonates with key stakeholders.

Start with the company’s public face , including its website, press releases, and published interviews, to grasp its market position.

Leverage their social media accounts to reveal their brand voice and customer engagement strategies.

Look at your target client’s competitors . Doing this lets you determine what sets them apart. It will also help uncover gaps that can be transformed into opportunities, and you can highlight those in your proposal.

Get data and insights from your prospect’s reports and case studies to help you understand their industry trends and consumer behavior.

For instance, let’s say you are creating a proposal for a solar power solutions company.

When you visit their website, ask yourself: How do they showcase their products? What is their price range? Premium or budget-friendly?

Perhaps they highlight eco-friendly benefits, energy independence, or their unique longer-lasting solar battery system in their content and homepage.

Using your findings, start creating a content strategy outline for the proposal that highlights the brand’s strengths and speaks directly to their consumers.

As for pricing , this should help you customize your marketing services to appeal to their specific customer base.

With this approach, you can form the first layer of the foundation of your entire project.

2. Identify the client needs

The key difference in your proposal will be its ability to mirror the client’s needs accurately and innovatively. What this entails is diving deep into what drives a business, its challenges, and its aspirations.

In essence, this takes your preliminary client research to the next level and goes beyond visiting websites and reading case studies. This requires a more direct approach and communication with your prospects.

As a marketing expert, recognizing these needs lets you align your action plan with the client’s specific needs .

It becomes a game-changer in the bidding process, as it elevates your proposal from a standard pitch to a customized solution.

How do you nail this?

Engage in direct conversations with your potential clients to know what they aim to achieve.

Also, involve project stakeholders in these discussions since they can provide other perspectives that might otherwise be missed.

What you gain from your conversations will help you formulate a detailed plan that addresses your prospect’s needs. Completing this step helps transform your marketing agency from a service provider to a strategic partner.

Moreover, you should create a custom assessment for your potential clients to personalize your proposal process. This is particularly effective for larger projects, where understanding nuances is crucial.

For instance, let’s say you are creating an assessment for a retail client. Include a wide variety of questions that explore their use of automation tools, customer engagement strategies, and online sales process efficiency.

A deep dive like this lets you uncover common elements in their business and highlights specific areas where your marketing expertise can drive significant growth.

3. Set clear objectives

Define the specific goals your marketing solution aims to achieve to have a clear direction and purpose when writing your business proposals.

Without this clarity, your proposal might be aimless and unclear. Hence, diminishing its impact.

What should you do?

Align your objectives with your prospect’s goals . Understand what they want to achieve through their marketing efforts.

Tailor your proposal to your prospect. Based on your alignment with prospect's needs, ajust your project objectives and overall proposal to meet their project goals.

Leverage professional tools like SMART to structure your objectives. Using this framework helps make sure that each objective is precise, trackable, and attainable within a specific timeframe.

Break down your strategy into project phases and give each phase its own set of objectives. With this, you demonstrate a well-thought-out plan.

Here's a handy infographic explaining the SMART framework:

Marketing proposal - The SMART framework

Let’s see this process in action - say you are crafting a digital marketing strategy proposal for a brand expanding into digital products like courses, software solutions, and webinars.

First, align your plan of action with their goal: to captivate and convert their potential customer base into digital learners.

Then, dig further to know what their end-game is: Are they aiming to become thought leaders? Is their primary focus to make more software subscriptions ? Are they tapping into current trends to attract a wider audience?

Afterward, use the SMART framework to ensure each objective in your strategy is focused and achievable.

For instance, set a target to increase webinar sign-ups by 30% within 3 months through targeted social media campaigns and email marketing.

With a structured objectives list, your client gets to visualize each step towards successfully diversifying their business.

Here's a great example of an objectives slide:

Marketing proposal objectives slide example

4. Design your strategy & tactics

Once you have your objectives, it is time to develop a game plan. You should detail how you will achieve the set objectives by including the specific actions you will deploy.

Doing this provides your prospects with a clear, transparent view of your approach . Thus, boosting their trust and confidence in your capabilities.

To craft an effective proposal, thoroughly understand your prospect’s target customers to directly tailor your marketing plan to those who matter most to their business.

Who are they?

What drives their decisions?

You should also leverage data to inform your choices and show why certain approaches are more likely to succeed.

Analyze market trends, customer behaviors, and previous campaign results to identify opportunities to capitalize on.

With this data-driven approach, you bring a level of precision and personalization to your proposal.

Here's an example of a game plan slide:

Marketing proposal game plan slide example

For example, let’s say you are developing a social media marketing strategy proposal for a company eager to expand its online presence. Start by identifying your prospect’s target customers on social platforms.

Are they millennials drawn to visual content and influencer marketing? Your business plan should then align with this discovery.

So, propose a blend of creative content and influencer collaborations and use data to show the effectiveness of those strategies.

Additionally, make sure your entire proposal is understandable. Avoid overly technical terms that could confuse the project team or stakeholders.

Break down strategies into clear, actionable steps and explain how each will contribute to effective marketing campaigns and overall business goals.

Of course, do not forget a common theme in this guide, your prospect’s needs. Align your strategies with the client’s marketing objectives to guarantee that every tactic you propose moves towards these goals.

5. Provide expected outcomes & KPIs

Clients want more than promises; they seek tangible results. Give them KPIs and a clear forecast of the results you aim to achieve to demonstrate accountability and set benchmarks for success.

Here's an example of an interactive outcomes slide:

Marketing proposal expected outcomes slide

How do you do this?

Choose KPIs that are most relevant to the strategic marketing plan you are proposing. Make sure these indicators align with the marketing challenges you aim to tackle.

In addition, you should detail how you will track progress using specific metrics.

If you create your marketing proposals with Storydoc , then analytics are tracked for you automatically from the get-go, and you can get all the insights you need from the built-in analytics suite.

If you’re using some other form of web content you could use a streaming data analytics platform to monitor real-time insights into how your campaigns are performing.

What this shows is foresight and assures clients that you have a solid plan to measure and achieve results.

Here's a brief video explaining how the built-in analytics panel works:

Storydoc analytics panel

Consider that your persuasive marketing proposal for an SBA loan investor company focuses on its goal to educate and build trust with small business owners.

Set clear KPIs and expected outcomes:

Aim for a 20% growth in social media followers to broaden the reach to potential borrowers across platforms.

Secure a 50% boost in site traffic through SEO-optimized articles on SBA lending practices.

Strive for a 15% increase in direct inquiries about SBA loans, indicating heightened interest and engagement.

Do not forget to detail how you will track these with regular updates via dashboards and monthly reports.

With this, you will show that you are going to handle the project with full transparency and precise measurement of progress.

A structured approach like this is especially critical in financial services marketing, as it guarantees precise targeting and messaging. It helps build trust and credibility in a sector where accuracy and reliability are paramount.

6. Establish a timeline

A chronological timeline will be your roadmap that marks significant milestones and allocates when clients can anticipate results.

Including this in your marketing proposals provides you and your clients with a structure. It also guarantees that everyone involved stays on track . Hence, avoiding misunderstandings, overlaps of phases, and delays.

Here's an example of a timeline slide:

Marketing proposal timeline slide example

To establish a timeline effectively, break down major phases into manageable tasks. Use a visual timeline in your business document like a Gantt chart .

This visual aid helps clarify the project timeline, including the specific hours dedicated to each task.

Here’s a scenario: You are creating a proposal for a company launching a digital marketing campaign to promote its creatine supplements.

Use Microsoft Project, GanttPRO, and Wrike to outline a visual timeline.

Then, break the campaign into phases:

Begin with a 2-week market research phase, focusing specifically on the target demographic for creatine supplements and competitive analysis in the supplement industry.

Follow this with a dedicated 4-week content creation phase to produce blog posts, how-to guides on using creatine for fitness goals , and engaging social media content highlighting user testimonials and creatine benefits.

Conclude with a 4-week content distribution and promotion phase, targeting fitness enthusiasts and health-conscious consumers.

Then, include bi-weekly check-ins with the marketing team to monitor and adjust the campaign as needed.

7. Include costs & terms

A well-detailed cost structure, paired with clear terms, sets the foundation for a harmonious partnership.

It helps prevent disputes and aid decision-making , as it sets clear financial obligations and conditions.

How do you set this up?

Break down costs for the types of marketing services you are offering, especially when specialized services are involved in complex projects.

Outline payment terms straightforwardly and specify the payment schedule, including any deposits required and the preferred payment methods.

For instance, if you are crafting a proposal for a comprehensive digital marketing campaign, list individual line items for each service. Additionally, clearly state the specific deliverables under each category.

Here’s an example you can take inspiration from:

Marketing proposal pricing summary example

For payment terms, incorporate details like having 35% due upon contract signing, with the balance payable monthly.

As for contract terms, specify duration, like a 1-year commitment, including conditions like a 45-day notice period for termination.

Laying out these terms eliminates ambiguities and promotes transparency. Plus, you can make sure your clients understand their financial commitment.

8. Write the marketing proposal

You've gathered insights, set objectives, planned strategies, provided KPIs, and outlined the costs and terms. Now, it is time to package this into a compelling proposal that resonates with potential clients.

Set up a solid framework to make sure you present your plan persuasively and coherently to guide the client through your vision and plan .

Use Storydoc to create personalized decks or dynamic presentations to “WOW” your potential clients.

What are the key elements you should work on?

Start with a cover page that includes the project title, your company's name, and the date. With this, you can set a professional tone right away and gain a favorable first impression.

Next, craft an executive summary. Treat this as your elevator pitch and not as a mere brief of your entire proposal. Summarize the client's needs, your proposed solutions, and why your agency is the best choice.

Then, delve into the specifics like the ones we discussed throughout this guide. Describe your proposed services, detailing how each element addresses the client's unique challenges and goals. Be precise, yet comprehensive.

Moreover, include case studies or examples of your previous success. They will show proof of your expertise and ability to deliver results. However, make sure to only include case studies relevant to the client's industry or challenge.

9. Use an interactive marketing proposal template

Consider using structured marketing proposal templates , so you do not have to scramble every time you propose to a prospect.

It’s also a good idea to move away from legacy proposal formats like PDF or PPT and upgrade your documents to interactive web experiences. These are much more attention-grabbing, compelling, and persuasive.

You can grab one of the tried and tested templates below to make your best proposal ever in record time.

3 biggest mistakes to avoid when crafting a marketing proposal

Knowing what to include is not the end to crafting a marketing proposal that woes prospects. It is also critical to know what NOT to do. Otherwise, the goodwill you earn from the good parts of your proposal will become futile.

One misstep can jeopardize your chances of securing that coveted client. Identifying and sidestepping common mistakes enhances your proposal's effectiveness and positions you ahead of competitors who might still be making them.

Start taking notes and do not fall for the usual traps of marketing proposals.

1. Overpromising

Offering the moon captures your client’s attention, right? While that might look like a winning strategy for some, it is not.

When reality does not measure up to those lofty promises, disappointment rises. With this comes broken trust and fractured client relationships.

What do you do to avoid this?

Be realistic and transparent about what you can deliver. Plus, set achievable goals and communicate potential challenges upfront.

You should also ground your proposals in data and past experiences. Use them as benchmarks for what's attainable.

When you do not overpromise, you build credibility and showcase your integrity and commitment to honesty.

2. Being too vague

When clients cannot see a clear path, they will hesitate to take the first step with you. It suggests you do not fully understand their needs or the project itself. That ambiguity breeds doubt, and that’s a silent proposal killer.

So, make your proposal as detailed and tailored to the client's specific requirements as possible. Conduct thorough research and present a thorough, step-by-step strategy to paint a clear picture of the path forward.

Additionally, incorporate precise language and avoid jargon that could obscure your message.

With a well-defined plan, you demonstrate professionalism and a deep understanding of the client's needs. It also strengthens their confidence in your ability to execute the plan effectively.

3. Ignoring client needs

Every client has unique business needs. That’s why they are looking for customized solutions, not one-size-fits-all approaches.

When you ignore those needs, prospects will perceive a lack of attention and care from your end. This fosters a sense of being undervalued, making them question your commitment and suitability for the project.

Prioritize active listening and engage in detailed discussions to understand their objectives and challenges. You should also regularly seek feedback throughout the project to guarantee alignment.

Moreover, do not be afraid to ask probing questions and show genuine interest. Incorporate the insights gathered from these conversations to develop an effective marketing proposal.

With this, you show that you value their input and are adaptable to their needs.

Burkhard Berger is the founder of Novum ™. He helps innovative B2B companies implement revenue-driven SEO strategies to scale their organic traffic to 1,000,000+ visitors per month. Curious about what your true traffic potential is?

research proposal digital marketing

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How to Write a Perfect Digital Marketing Proposal 101

Benjamin reimann, business proposals, business proposals | digital marketing | document management | proposal software, january 10, 2022.

Only three things are unavoidable: death, taxes, and the need for digital marketing. That’s probably why the digital marketing industry will be worth nearly $800 billion by 2026.

Whether you’re a digital marketing agency pitching to a client, or an in-house marketing team pitching to higher-ups, one thing remains true — you’ll need a winning digital marketing proposal.

In this 101 guide, we’ll cover the basics of digital marketing, how to build your own digital marketing proposal template, and best practices overall. Ready? Let’s go.

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Try PandaDoc for free! Start building your templates and send out your first proposal today! * No credit card needed.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is about promoting and selling goods and services over digital and online mediums. This can include methods such as:

  • Social Media Marketing (such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
  • Email Marketing (mass messaging on a platform such as MailChimp)
  • Search Engine Optimization (using SEO to boost traffic from Google, Bing, etc.)

Examples of Digital Marketing Campaigns

You can use these as a guide for yourself when doing specific campaigns with your clients:

  • A shoe company might create a social media campaign that encourages users to post pictures of their favorite shoes with a specific hashtag for a chance to win a free pair.
  • An email marketing campaign could be designed around a new product launch, where subscribers are given early access and discounts for being one of the first to purchase the product.
  • You could use SEO services to improve the ranking of a website on search engine results pages for relevant keywords or phrases related to the business’s products or services.

What is a Digital Marketing Proposal?

A digital marketing proposal is a document that outlines how an organization can use digital marketing techniques and tools to achieve its desired goals. It should include a detailed plan of action, including the strategies you will use and the estimated budget.

Digital marketing services can seem overwhelming. A proposal (internal or external) makes the decision-making process more manageable. Next, let’s go over how to construct a flexible digital marketing proposal template.

How to Write A Digital Marketing Proposal

Digital marketing is a fluid and changing field. That’s why it’s so rare to find a one-size-fits-all digital marketing proposal template — luckily, there are a few sections you should always include:

Executive Summary

  • Problem or Goal Explanation


Staffing plan, resource requirements.

Let’s go deeper into how you can build out this digital marketing proposal template for your own business.

The Executive Summary should be a high-level overview of the proposal. It should include a brief explanation of the problem or goal being addressed, the proposed strategies, how they will achieve the desired outcome, and an estimated budget and timeline. 

This should be the last thing you write, but don’t slack off on it! Your clients/bosses are busy, and this may be the only thing many of them read.

Problem/Goal Explanation

The Problem or Goal Explanation should give a more detailed explanation of the issue or need being addressed. It should include information about the target audience, the desired outcome, and which digital marketing channels you’ll use.

The Strategy section should outline the specific tactics that you will use to achieve the desired outcome, including:

  • Social Media Marketing — this describes the types of social media channels that will be used, the content strategy, and the target audience.
  • Email Marketing — this includes what type of email content will be sent, how often you will send it, and to whom it will be sent.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) — you could describe the target keywords and phrases and the methods that will improve website ranking.
  • Web Design and Development — this entails a description of the website design and the development process.
  • Copywriting — includes an explanation of the tone and style of the copy.
  • Public Relations (PR) — this should describe PR strategy, including the target media outlets and key messages.
  • Marketing Automation — describe how you will use marketing automation to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Campaign Planning — this should include a high-level overview of the overall marketing campaign, like the target audience and core focus.

The Budget section should include both a projected cost for the entire digital marketing campaign as well as a breakdown of the expenses for each individual tactic. It is important to note here that you should always ask your client for their budget first so that you can create a proposal that aligns accordingly.

The Timeline section should provide a projection of how long each project phase will take. It should include specific tasks, deadlines for completing those tasks, and any milestones significant to the project.

Deliverables are the specific products that you will complete on this project. They could include:

  • A new social media campaign with weekly content updates for six weeks.
  • An email marketing campaign that sends out 2-3 emails per month for six months.
  • A weekly blog post for 6 months.

The Staffing Plan section should provide a breakdown of which staff members will be responsible for each deliverable covered in the proposal. This can include employees’ job titles, proposed salaries, full names, company affiliations (if relevant), and responsibilities on the project.

Resource Requirements may dictate certain requirements or considerations regarding budget and timeline. For example, if a graphic designer is needed for the project, the budget would need to account for that expense. The timeline may also need to be adjusted to allow for enough time to complete the necessary work.

The Appendix section can include any other relevant information you didn’t cover in the proposal. This might include case studies, previous work samples, or letters of recommendation from clients.

Digital marketing proposals can seem daunting, but you can create a tailored proposal for your specific client and their needs by following these guidelines. And remember, always be prepared to make changes based on feedback!

Too many proposal software options? Not enough time? Let us help!

Best Practices for Writing a Digital Marketing Proposal

There are a few key best practices to keep in mind when writing a digital marketing proposal:

1. Start with a Summary

Begin your proposal with a summary that outlines the main points of your plan. This will give the reader a quick overview of what to expect, and it can also be used as a way to hook them and make them want to read more.

2. Be Concise

Digital marketing proposals can be long and detailed, but you don’t need to include all of the information in order to sell your idea. Keep your points clear and concise, and go into as much detail as you need to; that could include how much it will cost and why it is effective.

3. Layout Your Plan

The layout of a digital marketing proposal can make or break its success, so be sure that you keep things organized throughout the process by following a clear structure. This means having a cover page, table of contents, and a detailed plan of action with sections for each strategy used and their corresponding budget estimates.

4. Use Data from Research

To ensure that your plan is effective, do extensive research about similar strategies done by other businesses in the same industry as your client. Use data gathered from these sources to make your proposal as detailed as possible and give it a personal touch by including numbers and previous examples of results. Sprinkle statistics and facts throughout your proposal to provide it with more strength.

5. Proofread, Review, and Validate

Before giving your digital marketing proposal to anyone, be sure that you proofread for any spelling or grammatical errors. Make sure the plan makes sense and is clear to follow, and then go over it with colleagues or friends who may have different perspectives before presenting it to someone important, such as your client or boss. Finally, ask them if there is anything that they would like changed about the plan. 

Master Digital Marketing Proposal Templates Today

Here at Pure Proposals, our goal is to help you streamline the proposal process so that you can get to work faster. Our PandaDoc certified professionals will leverage and modify any digital marketing proposal template to your needs so that you can get back to working on what you love.

Contact us today to learn more!

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s included in a digital marketing proposal sample.

No two proposals for digital marketing services are alike. However, any digital marketing proposal example will include an executive summary, problem statements, strategy outlines, budgets and timelines, and staffing and resource requirements.

Can I use a digital marketing proposal template?

In short, yes. There is no reason to reinvent the wheel when you can start with a template and modify it as needed. However, you should always tailor your digital marketing proposal as much as possible to make sense for the client and their needs.

Where can I get a free marketing proposal template?

PandaDoc offers a variety of free templates for digital marketing services. You can find:

  • An SEO proposal template
  • A social media marketing proposal template
  • A mobile marketing proposal template

And beyond! They also come in different formats — you can send your clients a digital marketing proposal PDF, doc, or webpage; whatever they prefer.

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What Is a Digital Marketing Proposal?

  • 1.  What is Digital Marketing?
  • 2.  Digital Marketing Strategy Frameworks
  • 3.  Digital Marketing Plan
  • 4.  Digital Marketing Campaign Management
  • 5.  Digital Marketing Project Management
  • 6.  Digital Marketing Roles and Responsibilities
  • 7.  Digital Marketing Project Manager
  • 8.  Digital Marketing KPIs and Metrics
  • 9.  Digital Marketing Tools and Software
  • 10.  Digital Marketing Templates
  • 11.  FAQ
  • 12.  Glossary

The technological nature of  digital marketing  means you don’t have to deal with a ton of documentation, right? Wrong. Though you won’t be shuffling through paper files, you still need to manage multiple online documents, from  digital marketing templates  to  plans  and proposals. 

The definition of digital marketing proposal

A digital marketing proposal is a document created by a digital marketing agency or  consultant  to promote their available digital marketing services to potential clients. These services could incorporate the following areas:

  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Pay-per-click advertising (PPC)
  • Social media marketing
  • Inbound marketing
  • Website design

Think of it as a sales pitch, in which the seller is trying to convince a prospective buyer to purchase their product.

Why is a digital marketing proposal important?

To attract potential clients, it is necessary to provide a digital marketing proposal that outlines the services and their corresponding costs.

An efficient digital marketing proposal will enable your digital marketing agency to effectively market a range of services, such as keyword research, digital marketing strategies, social media marketing, and content marketing, to potential clients.

How to write a marketing proposal

When writing your digital marketing proposal, it’s best to be as detailed as possible. Here’s a checklist you can use to guide you through the process. Each of these elements is crucial to be included in your proposal.

Scope of work

Rather than creating an exhaustive list of services, you should tailor your digital marketing proposal to your prospective client. Think about what they need and develop a  marketing strategy  that outlines how you will use your services to tackle their specific pain points.

This is an essential element as buyers will always be concerned with price. Consultants tend to charge by the hour, so it’s important to include your hourly rates. You should also determine a payment schedule — some marketing professionals may choose to receive a monthly fee. Others prefer to send one overall invoice, especially if the proposal relates to a standalone  project .

If you are promising to deliver results for a particular project or  marketing campaign , you need to be clear on when you can provide these deliverables. Add defined start and end dates, as well as project milestones, so your client knows when to expect progress updates and final outcomes. Consider including a  Gantt chart  to boost timeline visibility.

Success metrics

How will your client measure the performance of your digital marketing activities? How do you determine if your  methods are successful ? Again, a visual aid would be useful here — colorful graphs and bar charts will make your proposed solution stand out with statistics and resonate more with your audience.

Case studies

Don’t just tell clients how you can improve their marketing efforts — show them. Your digital marketing proposal should include at least one case study of a company similar to their own, in which you delivered tangible results, e.g, increased the number of monthly site visitors by 50%. 

What is a digital marketing proposal template?

As a marketing expert, it's essential to utilize digital tools that facilitate the creation of digital marketing proposals, expediting the deal closure process. A digital marketing proposal template serves as a blueprint document for crafting a customized proposal.

Having a customizable and visually captivating template is quite important. Customization streamlines your workflow, while a visually appealing format enhances your brand image and persuades potential clients to work with you.

Empower your digital marketing efforts with Wrike

Wrike allows you to manage every aspect of your marketing efforts in one place. From campaign management to visualizing important KPIs, you can streamline all your work and boost your productivity effortlessly.

You can add and share your digital marketing proposals for the relevant projects with all the stakeholders in real-time. You can unlock a free trial today and take your marketing campaigns to the next level.

Further reading

Digital Marketing Strategy Frameworks

Digital Marketing Plan

B2B vs. B2C Marketing: What's the Difference?

Email Marketing KPIs & Metrics You Need to Know


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Top 7 Digital Marketing Proposal Samples With Templates and Examples

Top 7 Digital Marketing Proposal Samples With Templates and Examples

Divyendu Rai


In the world of digital marketing, composing an engaging proposal resembles orchestrating a symphony of creativity and tactics. 

Picture having within your reach, a guide and a handbook that unveils the mysteries of triumph in this dynamic domain. 

In this piece, we introduce the crème de la crème, our Digital Marketing Proposal Samples brimming with thoughtfully-crafted templates and illuminating instances.

These proposals aren't your everyday documents; these epitomize excellence, customized for the digital era. Each template provides a treasure of insights into the intricacies of crafting an online digital marketing proposal. From outlining project aims with pinpoint accuracy to delineating the extent of services with absolute transparency, these proposals leave no aspect unexamined.

However, our journey doesn't conclude there. We venture into the intricate terrain of service offerings, where strategies are conceived and put into action. You'll acquire valuable perspectives on leveraging the potential of paid media to amplify your brand's message, and you'll witness the craftsmanship behind campaign setup, transforming visions into quantifiable outcomes.

To create striking and effective Digital Marketing Agency Business Plans, check out our Digital Marketing Agency Business Plan Templates .

Keep in mind that each proposal you encounter is more than just a piece of documentation; it serves as a roadmap to success. To enrich your exploration, we've seamlessly integrated illustrative templates and relevant examples.

We also provide a glimpse into the real-world applications of these proposals. Envision yourself as a digital marketing expert, entrusted with leading a groundbreaking campaign for a tech startup. Resources are scarce, ambitions are lofty, and time is of the essence. How do you compose a proposal that captivates your client and seals the deal? Stay tuned, and we'll unveil the solutions.

The 100% customizable nature of the digital marketing ppt templates allows you to edit your presentations. The content-ready slides give you the much-needed structure.

Let’s explore. 

Template 1 Online Digital Marketing Proposal Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Digital marketing encompasses search engine marketing, email direct marketing, SEO, and influencer marketing. SlideTeam introduces this slide bundle to help you out in every aspect of digital marketing. Impress clients with professional business templates, including a cover letter outlining your approach, brand positioning, and services like social media advertising on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Organize your plan with a timeline and pricing packages. Showcase company background, past projects, and client testimonials. Highlight key personnel and include terms and conditions. Download now.

Online Digital Marketing Proposal

Download Now!

Template 2 Digital marketing service provider proposal powerpoint presentation slides

Online marketing is gaining significant traction in the digital sphere, enabling businesses to expand their online footprint. Given that over half of your target audience frequents the internet, establishing a robust online presence is imperative for enhanced visibility. Moreover, an online presence provides a competitive advantage over rivals. It not only captures customer attention but also yields remarkable outcomes.

Use this complete deck to craft an impactful proposal showcasing key deliverables in a well-designed cover letter. Facilitate easy navigation with a neatly formatted table of contents. Address client concerns and propose solutions using our online promotion PowerPoint theme. Confidently present project context and objectives with our thoughtfully-crafted website promotion PowerPoint Template. Showcase services like research, analytics, digital strategy, paid media, email campaigns, reports, and launch timelines with this template. Highlight additional offerings such as B2B online marketing, mobile development, and technical SEO with our online commercials as well. Provide payment details and offer insight into your company's background, mission, vision, core values, awards, accolades, and testimonials through our internet advertising PowerPoint slideshow.

Digital Marketing Service Provider Proposal

Template 3 Proposed Digital Marketing Action Plan

This PPT Template showcases key components like proposed actions, task activities, budget allocation, and clear start and end dates, providing a comprehensive roadmap. We present you with a valuable set of slides designed to steer your strategy in the right direction. Within this collection, we delve into critical areas such as Task Activities, facilitating an organized approach to achieving your marketing goals; Budget Allocation, ensuring resources are judiciously distributed; and Retargeting Old Customers, a powerful tactic to re-engage your existing client base.

Proposed digital marketing action plan

Template 4 Content Marketing Freelance Proposal PPT Template Bundles

This comprehensive deck comprises ten slides that convey your ideas and vision. Showcase your knowledge of content promotional channels payment terms and how to draw up a convincing proposal with deliverables and pricing as well. It's an ideal fit for expert discussions, enabling you to articulate your perspectives on the topic seamlessly. With a consistent thematic representation, this template offers a holistic solution. It adheres to top-notch design principles, ensuring a well-organized presentation.

Content Marketing Freelance Proposal

Template 5 Digital Content Marketing Proposal Powerpoint Presentation Slides

This PPT Template starts with a cover letter, before moving on to defining our project context and goals, services schedule, time frame and investment needed for creating a world-class digital marketing content proposal. The four phases of the proposal are also mapped to description, time frame and cost of each. The slides on mission statement and team add to the USP of this bundle. Whether you prefer a standard or widescreen format, this template caters to your specific preferences, ensuring your content shines across different platforms and screens. Elevate your digital content marketing proposals with this user-friendly, adaptable, and visually appealing presentation resource.

Digital Content Marketing Proposal

Template 6 Digital Marketing Consulting For Business Proposal Powerpoint Presentation Slides

This PPT Deck enables you to give an excellent pitch for your digital marketing endeavors. It begins with a cover letter to get the reader acquainted with you. This is followed by the project context and objectives, the process: plan of action, scope of services, time frame, and additional service offerings, the investment to be made, etc. Download this template now to also deliver your past experience and statement of work. Get it now.

Digital Marketing Consulting for Business Proposal

Template 7 Digital Marketing Agency Proposal Powerpoint Presentation Slides

This PPT Template is a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to elevate their online presence and brand recognition through Facebook advertising. The Facebook ad expenditure presentation proposal delves into the project's context, our services, solutions, and a strategic marketing blueprint. Additionally, our pricing package deck elucidates vital aspects like Calls to Action (CTAs), pricing tiers, and the Facebook advertising workflow.

Moreover, our Content Creation PowerPoint proposal underscores the significance of content development and promotion within the advertising strategy. Finally, the content promotion PPT presents insights into our proficient team, a compelling case study, client endorsements, and the terms and conditions for a transparent and fruitful partnership.

To further explore social media concepts and access invaluable templates and samples, visit our Social-Media-Post-proposal-Templates blog and let us guide you towards marketing excellence.


Wrapping it up!

These PPT Samples, accompanied by templates and illustrative examples, serve as invaluable resources for crafting compelling pitches. These offer comprehensive insights into constructing proposals that communicate project objectives, the scope of services, and service offerings. Whether you're venturing into paid media or campaign setup, these templates provide a solid foundation.

Elevate your digital marketing proposal game with these well-crafted resources, ensuring you make a lasting impression and secure those vital contracts in the competitive landscape of online digital marketing.

Want to excel your advertising game, explore the Advertising Proposal Templates and sky rocket your sales.

FAQs on Digital Marketing Proposals

What is a proposal in digital marketing.

A proposal in digital marketing is a formal document that outlines a strategy, plan, and budget for digital marketing services. It includes details on campaign objectives, target audience, tactics, and expected outcomes.

How do you write a digital marketing proposal?

To write a digital marketing proposal, start by understanding the client's needs, research their industry, and define clear project objectives. Outline your strategy, including tactics like SEO, content marketing, and social media. Include a budget breakdown and timeline, emphasizing the value you'll bring to the client.

How to write a business proposal as a digital marketing agency?

To craft a business proposal as a digital marketing agency, begin with a strong executive summary, showcasing your expertise. Detail the client's challenges, propose tailored solutions, and outlin e a clear project scope, including services, deliverables, and timelines. Highlight your team's qualifications, case studies, and pricing options for a persuasive pitch.

Related posts:

  • Top 10 Tactical Marketing Plan Templates with Samples and Examples
  • Top 10 Startup Pitch Deck Templates with Examples and Samples
  • Top 7 Campaign Strategy Examples with Templates and Samples
  • Top 10 Strategic Marketing Plan Templates with Examples and Samples

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The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Strategies & How to Improve Your Digital Presence

Discover how to create a successful marketing strategy for your business to seize growth opportunities and boost revenue.



Outline your company's marketing strategy in one simple, coherent plan.

research proposal digital marketing

Updated: 05/08/24

Published: 05/08/24

Am I right in assuming that a significant part of your marketing strategy today is digital? Probably.

Consumers and businesses alike are almost always online and on the go – and you want to be able to reach them and observe their behavior and where they spend their time.

Download Now: Free Marketing Plan Template [Get Your Copy]

But when you're growing a business, this ever-changing digital landscape can quickly become overwhelming.

With several other responsibilities and tasks that you need to do, how can you also efficiently create, fine-tune, and maintain an agile digital marketing strategy?

I've put together this guide about marketing strategies to help you improve your digital presence and grow better.

What Is a Marketing Strategy?

What Is a Digital Marketing Strategy

What Is a Digital Marketing Campaign?

Create a Digital Marketing Strategy

Types of Digital Marketing Strategies

Digital Marketing Campaign Examples

What is a marketing strategy.

A marketing strategy is a plan for reaching a specific marketing-related goal (or goals) in a focused and achievable way. It takes into consideration what your business is currently doing well and what you're missing regarding the objective you set, then developing tactics to help you meet your goal.

If you run a small business, I get that you may not know how to jumpstart your strategy. Thankfully, this digital marketing strategy template will help you get there with its actionable tips and templates to set you up for success.

And did I mention that it’s free?

Now, back to the topic at hand: are you confused about the difference between a marketing strategy and marketing tactics? I’ll cover that below.

research proposal digital marketing

Digital Marketing For Small Business

Everything you need to know to get started with digital marketing. You'll learn about:

  • Content Marketing
  • Marketing Analytics

You're all set!

Click this link to access this resource at any time.

Strategy vs. Tactics

The difference between a strategy and a tactic lies in their scope, level of detail, and time frame. A strategy is a high-level plan that guides your direction and long-term goals and how you plan on accomplishing them. Tactics, however, are specific actions and methods used to implement your strategy and achieve short-term objectives.

You can think about it like this: strategy is planning, and tactic is doing. Having a strategy without ways to act on it (tactics) is daydreaming, and taking actions with no common goal or plan (strategy) wastes your time.

Let's dive a bit deeper into the differences between the two.

Characteristics of a Strategy

Marketing or not, there are three parts to any strategy :

1. A diagnosis of your challenge.

2. A guiding policy for dealing with the challenge.

3. A set of targeted actions is necessary to accomplish the policy.

Depending on the scale of your business, your marketing strategy may include several moving parts, each with different goals. With that said, working on your strategy can become daunting at times.

So, if you're ever feeling overwhelmed about your marketing strategy, refer to these three steps to keep you focused on achieving your objectives.

Characteristics of a Tactic

While strategies provide a framework for your overall vision, tactics determine the specific steps taken to execute that vision.

A good tactic should:

  • Be specific, actionable, and measurable.
  • Align with the overall strategy.
  • Have a relatively short time frame.

Depending on your marketing strategy, your tactics may include email marketing campaigns , publishing a blog , or organizing an event .

Now, let's look at digital marketing strategy.

What is Digital Marketing Strategy?

A digital marketing strategy is a plan for using online channels to establish an internet presence and achieve specific marketing objectives. These channels can include organic search, social media, paid ads, and other web-based mediums such as your website. Ultimately, the goal is to boost your business’s visibility and attract new customers.

A strong digital marketing strategy helps your business achieve specific digital goals through carefully selected mediums.

Similar to marketing strategies versus marketing tactics , “digital marketing strategy” and “digital marketing campaign” are also often interchanged. So, how do they differ?

I’ll discuss that in the following sections.

Components of a Digital Strategy

Goals and objectives.

First of all, you’ve got to lay out your main goals and specific objectives to build an effective digital strategy.

Goals are big-picture ideas, while objectives are more detailed and easier to measure. They have clear deadlines and show what success looks like.

Here is an example of how I like to think about the difference:

  • Goal: To increase brand awareness.
  • Objective: Grow social media following by 20% within the next quarter.

See the difference? When it comes to goals, you can define and measure them through SMART goals and criteria .

research proposal digital marketing

For instance, if the overarching goal of my digital marketing strategy is to generate more leads through social media, I might run a digital marketing campaign on X (formerly Twitter.)

I‘d share some of my business’s best-performing gated content on the platform to generate more leads through the channel.

Let's tie it all together to help you create a digital marketing strategy you execute with your digital marketing campaigns.

How to Create a Digital Marketing Strategy

1. build your buyer personas., 2. identify your goals and the digital marketing tools you'll need., 3. evaluate your existing digital channels and assets., 4. audit and plan your owned media campaigns., 5. audit and plan your earned media campaigns., 6. audit and plan your paid media campaigns..

  • 7. Bring your digital marketing campaigns together.

For any marketing strategy – digital or not – you need to know who you're marketing to. The best digital marketing strategies are built upon detailed buyer personas; creating them is your first step.

Featured Resource: Organize your audience segments and strengthen your marketing with these templates to build your buyer personas . They'll help you organize your insights and have a clear visualization of your target audience.

research proposal digital marketing

Podcasts are a long-term brand-building channel that can improve affinity and connection for your brand like no other channel," he explains. "When you realize the long-term and surrounding benefits, podcasting becomes a clear and obvious investment.”

He adds, “Podcasting is the perfect way to craft content that's engaging and authentic — something buyers are beginning to crave in this AI era.”

For inspiration, check out the HubSpot Podcast Network :

research proposal digital marketing

By making video an integral part of your digital strategy, you’re able to showcase your brand’s creativity and explore more content formats, such as product demos, explainer videos, expert interviews, customer testimonials, and more.

Online Marketing Benefits of Video Marketing

  • Boosts SEO: Since Google tends to prioritize video content in its search results, implementing video as part of your marketing strategy can improve your search engine visibility. Plus, video content can be optimized with relevant titles, descriptions, and keywords, making it easier for search engines to understand and categorize the content.
  • Better retention: Video is easier to remember than text-based content because it allows you to use storytelling techniques and communicate important messages more effectively. Video has the power to invoke emotions and create a connection with your audience, making it easier for them to consume and remember your content.
  • Enhances reach: Video is highly shareable on social media due to its easily digestible nature. As people share your video content with their own social media networks, it exposes your brand to new audiences.
  • The Ultimate Guide to Video Marketing
  • The Best Video Marketing Channels to Grow Your Brand
  • The Video Marketing Playbook

Now, it’s time to bring all of this together to form a cohesive marketing strategy document. Your strategy document should map out the series of actions you’re going to take to achieve your goals based on your research up to this point.

Let's discuss how our digital strategy template can help.

Digital Marketing Strategy Template

While a spreadsheet can be an efficient format for mapping your digital marketing strategy, that approach can quickly become messy and overwhelming.

To plan your strategy for the long-term – typically between six to 12 months out, I recommend a reliable digital marketing strategy document. But where to start? With our free digital marketing plan template.

This template will walk you through your business summary and initiatives, help you build your target market and competitor information, and flesh out your marketing strategy — including your budget and specific channels and metrics.

research proposal digital marketing

The General’s ad is a great example of effective crisis management:

  • It addresses negative perceptions head-on, showing viewers that it's in tune with its target audience and their needs,
  • It builds back credibility by emphasizing how long it’s been in business and the number of people it has helped.

Digital Strategy Examples

What makes a winning digital strategy? Let's peek behind the curtain at some of the best strategies from popular brands.

Nike – Apps, Games & the Metaverse

Nike has impressed everyone with its digital strategies and innovative additions in recent years. First, they created apps like the Nike mobile app, SNKRS (for sneaker releases), Nike Training Club (NTC), and Nike Run Club (NRC).

These apps helped Nike sell more stuff, especially during COVID-19. NTC, for example, saw a big sales jump in China — 80% in the latest quarter.

research proposal digital marketing

This clever content marketing strategy relied on UGC.

iPhone users were encouraged to share their best macro photos with specific hashtags #ShotoniPhone and #iPhonemacrochallenge.

research proposal digital marketing

Don't forget to share this post!

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Social Media Campaign Proposal Writing Essentials: Outline

  • May 17, 2024

Picture of Ruchi Dhimar

Table of Contents

Did you know the social media advertising market is forecasted to cross $219.8 billion in 2024 ? Marketing agencies, managers, marketers and freelancers incorporate social media campaign proposals into the sales funnel to make their pitches more compelling for targeted clients. 

A proposal for a social media campaign is a formal document to elaborate strategic planning for a potential client’s social marketing. It gives in-depth information on aligning your marketing objectives, strategies, timelines, and KPIs with a client’s unique business goals. You can show your marketing expertise, work experience, and accomplishments in campaign proposals. 

Exclusive social media marketing proposals give prospective clients a clear idea of how you will add value to their business. Your potential clients will be encouraged to work together because of transparent conversation, strategic clarity, and personalized services. 

Explore the essential details of social media campaign proposal with us. We have also provided a template to help you create a customized social media proposal. 

Focal Points of A Social Media Campaign Proposal

Adding the following points to proposals for social media campaigns will ease your communications with prospects and build strong relationships. You will be able to develop individual marketing strategies for targeted client accounts. 

1. Client Goals 


The brand vision is the key point of proposals for social media campaign. Initiate video, audio, or in-person meetings with the key contact person to understand client requirements and future plans. You can send questionnaires/intake forms to new clients to get relevant information before creating a social media campaign proposal. 

Study their online activities on different social media platforms and analyze impact through metrics. Discuss social media requirements directly impacting their business growth, social media positioning , website traffic, and profit margins. 

Key questions to ask potential clients:

  • What is the unique identity of your brand?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • Who is your biggest competitor?
  • Which is your most effective social media marketing technique, and on which platforms?
  • Which marketing techniques have you tried, and what were the results?

Action: Provide them with a roadmap of structured social media goals that can speed up the process of achieving brand vision in social media campaign proposals. Mention your services to curate social engagement, content creation, post schedule, social media promotion , social selling, KPI reporting, monthly plans, etc., for achieving goals.  

2. Scope of Improvement


Ask potential clients about their limitations and marketing failures to recognize their marketing patterns. 

You have to spy on prospective clients’ social media activities, study industry requirements, and analyze their competitors’ social media marketing strategies. Identify client account’s speed breakers and address them with each client in social media campaign proposals, exhibiting your expertise in the marketing field. 

Action: Discuss areas of improvement and demonstrate how your social marketing will boost   their business. Your proposals for social media campaigns should mention detailed information on your value-added social media automation services that introduce creative marketing strategies, provide them with a competitive edge and polish their social media profile . 

3. SMART Marketing Strategy


Planning social media strategies becomes easy after understanding the client’s background, goals, and problems. Leverage SMART goals for setting your actionable social media campaign proposal plan. SMART stands for S pecific, M easurable, A chievable, R ealistic, T imely. The SMART approach will cut down unnecessary goals and filter out realistic targets. Deliver them a strategy overview to advocate your capabilities, but refrain from offering detailed information so they cannot replicate your ideas. 

Action: Your prospective clients will appreciate your solution-driven social campaign proposals. Sometimes, clients can’t describe their requirements; the SMART outline will force them to eliminate diversions and focus on key factors. Include platform-specific marketing ideas because it will gain their confidence in your services. Define your responsibilities, workflow model, and feedback process during this stage.   

Use this SMART template to plan marketing strategies for every client:

4. Timelines & Milestones


After establishing a social media marketing game plan, you have to design a strategic plan to effectively execute on different platforms. It’s important to explain to potential clients the best time to post on social media to keep them in the loop and reach optimal results. 

Giving them some platform-specific tips in proposals for social media campaigns will inspire them to know more about your services. Breakdown targets in achievable milestones for both parties to keep track of progress reports. 

Action: Your social media marketing proposal must incorporate visual data, such as monthly planners, content schedules, and social timetables, for a better understanding of platform marketing. Seamlessly align client expectations with a social media calendar, including your workflow chart in social media campaign proposals. 

RecurPost is a robust software that seamlessly helps you plan your social media calendar . Our social media management tool is capable of serving your digital marketing requirements across platforms. As a centralized marketing tool, RecurPost automation features allow you to schedule posts for multiple social media platforms.  


5. Proof of work


Multiple agencies must be approaching your targeted clients. Your prospective clients must see you as a thought leader and a vital competent to expand their business. Therefore, your social media campaign proposal should prove you as the best among the rest with seamless marketing services. You can implement unique tips to get clients for your digital marketing agency . 

Action: Demonstrate how your unique and out-of-the-box ideas supported businesses with similar goals in climbing the ladder. Make your potential clients aware of your experience through testimonials of happy clients and case studies to show your marketing skills. You can also leverage Google Business Profile(GBP) reviews and customer recommendations to support your claim as an expert.

6. Terms of Agreement


Incorporate necessary payment, expectations, and workforce details in your social media campaign proposal to avoid future confusion. The agreement policies ensure everything is in legal order. You can either hire a lawyer or use online tools to generate terms and conditions that work best for both parties. 

Action: Clearly specify social media service charges, payment methods, workforce model, communication channels, termination process, contract duration, kill fee, project legalities, NDA, and other essential details in your social media campaign proposal. You can have your potential clients sign the papers to forward the deal.

7. Next Step


Finally, what is next after reviewing the social media campaign proposal? How to seal the deal? What if clients want to make some changes? What if clients wish to discuss specific details? Who will initiate the next step? You need to be quick to sort queries and grab opportunities before anybody else. 

Action: Your marketing proposals must mention the next steps to officiate the deal. Ensure to mention the process of modification, mode of contact, offer duration, availability hours and days, etc. Clarify who will be contacting whom. 

Free Social Media Campaign Proposal Template

Proposals for social media campaigns can be a powerful tool in account-based marketing. You can send prospects proposals after the first meeting or when you are confident of securing targeted clients. The length of the proposal depends on the size of the business you plan to collaborate with. You can send digital proposals, but be ready to present them in person if the client requests them. 

Our team has crafted a Social Media Campaign Proposal Template for your ease or our Template Generator will help you craft customized proposals.

Final Thought

Personalized social media campaign proposals demand marketing expertise. Visually appealing and structured marketing proposals are quick to gather attention. Do proper client research, ask the right questions, invest adequate time, and pay attention to the details. At the end, our social media proposal template is ready to help you. Now it’s your turn to ace writing proposals for social media campaigns. 

It’s a business format to outline strategic planning for a client’s social marketing.

Proposals highlight marketing strategies and explain how your marketing services can add value to a prospective client’s business.

Client goals, improvement scopes, marketing strategies, timelines, milestones, proof of work, and terms of agreement are key factors in proposals.

Proposals provide personalized strategy and roadmap, enhancing transparency and fostering a stronger partnership with potential clients.

Update a proposal as required to align client goals and market dynamics.

research proposal digital marketing

Ruchi Dhimar is a skilled content writer with 3+ years of experience. She is  passionate about crafting compelling narratives, specializing in writing content for different industries.

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