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A date in Python is not a data type of its own, but we can import a module named datetime to work with dates as date objects.

Import the datetime module and display the current date:

Date Output

When we execute the code from the example above the result will be:

The date contains year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and microsecond.

The datetime module has many methods to return information about the date object.

Here are a few examples, you will learn more about them later in this chapter:

Return the year and name of weekday:

Creating Date Objects

To create a date, we can use the datetime() class (constructor) of the datetime module.

The datetime() class requires three parameters to create a date: year, month, day.

Create a date object:

The datetime() class also takes parameters for time and timezone (hour, minute, second, microsecond, tzone), but they are optional, and has a default value of 0 , ( None for timezone).


The strftime() Method

The datetime object has a method for formatting date objects into readable strings.

The method is called strftime() , and takes one parameter, format , to specify the format of the returned string:

Display the name of the month:

A reference of all the legal format codes:

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Python Date and Time

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Python Get Current time

There are a number of ways we can take to get the current date. We will use the date class of the datetime module to accomplish this task.

  • Example 1: Python get today's date

Here, we imported the date class from the datetime module. Then, we used the method to get the current local date.

  • Example 2: Current date in different formats
  • Get the current date and time in Python

If we need to get the current date and time, you can use the datetime class of the datetime module.

Here, we have used to get the current date and time.

Then, we used strftime() to create a string representing date and time in another format.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction

Video: Dates and Times in Python

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Python Tutorial

Creating and Parsing Datetime in Python with Delorean

print date in python assignment expert

  • Introduction

Working with datetime can be a bit daunting and challenging, and handling datetime in Python is no exception. Python's built-in datetime module introduced us to several classes - date , datetime , time , timezone and timedelta , and several external libraries have spawned to address the issues present in the official module, such as Arrow .

In this guide, we'll take a look at how to create and parse datetime objects in Delorean - a library built upon pytz which is the standard library for solving problems relating to time zones, and dateutil which is used to calculate deltas between any 2 given datetime objects.

  • Installing Delorean Setting Up a Virtual Environment

Delorean is available for installation via pip . It is generally advisable to work in a virtual environment because it enables you to organize dependencies required by different projects isolated.

On Linux, or MacOS to create a virtual environment, we'd run:

Alternatively, on Windows we can run:

  • Creating a Delorean Datetime Object

The main class we'll be working with, which represents all datetime objects is the Delorean() class. Let's go ahead and import it from the delorean module, and instantiate a datetime object:

After running the code, you should see the following on your terminal/command line:

As usual, it's a wrapper for the standard datetime object, which is situated inside the Delorean object assigned to it. The default timezone is 'UTC' , though, you can easily switch this by either defining the timezone while instantiating the object or by shifting the time to a different timezone .

Since the output is a bit hard to parse by humans - it makes sense to extract some of the data from the wrapper to make it easier to interpret. While the descending hierarchy of time is clear - it takes too long to go through it and parse it with our eyes. Let's get the date of this object and print just that:

This results in:

If you're interested in just the time, without much regard for the date itself, you can get both the timezone-aware time, as well as the timezone-naive time fairly easily:

To change the timezone, we either supply it to the constructor call, or shift the time:

To take a look at all the available timezones, since Delorean uses pytz under the hood - we can simply print them out:

Check out our hands-on, practical guide to learning Git, with best-practices, industry-accepted standards, and included cheat sheet. Stop Googling Git commands and actually learn it!

Which results in:

  • Convert String to Delorean Datetime Object

No library would be complete without the ability to parse strings into datetime objects. Delorean is versatile with the string formats and assumes that the day comes first if there is any ambiguity in the parsed string. The parse() method is used to parse a string, and it optionally accepts timezone information - otherwise, 'UTC' is assumed:

Running this code results in:

You can notice how in the ambiguous case of 8/6/2019 , it was assumed that the day comes first, hence it was parsed as the 8th of June, instead of the 6th of August. Also, since we didn't provide the year of the final date - it's automatically assigned to the current year.

If you'd like to turn this behavior around, you can set the dayfirst argument to False . Additionally, you can also set the yearfirst argument to True , which is False by default, in which case, the first expected value will be the year :

  • Epoch Timestamp to Delorean Object

Since all modern computers adopted the use of UNIX time , also known as Epoch time - it's needless to say that we can convert a UNIX/Epoch timestamp into a Delorean object. This is the underlying mechanism that allows for working with time anyway. To convert a Unix timestamp into a Delorean datetime object, we use the epoch() method of the delorean module:

We've inconspicuously used the first 10 digits of Pi to form a timestamp into the future, resulting in a time well beyond that of this guide:

  • Generating a Sequence of Dates

A great way to produce a sequence of Delorean objects is via the stops() generator. You can generate N dates following a pattern, such as every Tuesday , or every hour or every 10 weeks . This is useful for creating, say, monthly payment plans or calculating ROI plans for instance.

Using this approach, you can also generate a series of dates on which something should occur, such as running a script every week at the same time, to gather data from an application for aggregation. Though, you can also use the python-crontab library for that, or the underlying crontab utility tool instead.

The stops() generator accepts a freq argument, denoting the frequency, a timezone and a count , denoting how many dates it should generate. The frequency can be set to any valid Delorean constant - SECONDLY , MINUTELY , HOURLY , DAILY , WEEKLY , MONTHLY or YEARLY :

This generates a sequence of datetime objects following this pattern:

If you're unsure how many datetime objects you want exactly but do have a target datetime in mind, you can also set it to loop until a given date occurs:

Note: The stops() method only accepts timezone-naive datetime instances for the start and stop arguments, and returns timezone-aware dates. But it also requires you to specify a timezone when instantiating a Delorean instance using the constructor. What we're left with is - defining a timezone for the instance, and then using the naive datetime for both instead.

Running this code will give us a date for each month until it reaches the first of January, 2022:

In this guide, we've taken a look at how to create and parse Delorean objects in Python. We've seen how to convert a string to datetime in various formats, how to convert an epoch timestamp into datetime, and how to generate a sequence of dates using the stops() generator.

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Answer to Question #178448 in Python for CHANDRASENA REDDY CHADA

Date Format - 2

Given seconds as input, write a program to print in D days H hours M minutes S seconds.Input

The input will be a single line containing an integer.Output

The output should be a single line containing the D Days H Hours M Minutes S Seconds format. Print only the non-zero values.Explanation

For example, if the given seconds are 200. As 200 seconds is equal to 3 minutes and 20 seconds, and days, hours are zero, so ignore the days and hours. So the output should be "3 Minutes 20 Seconds"

Sample Input 1

Sample Output 1

3 Minutes 20 Seconds

Sample Input 2

Sample Output 2

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Getting the Weekday Name in Python

Zαck West

Python’s DateTime module offers a wide range of time-handling functions that make life a breeze. However, there’s no direct method to return a plain-English representation of a weekday name. Fortunately, there are several easy ways to get there.

  • 1 Getting the Date + Weekday
  • 5 Final Thoughts

Getting the Date + Weekday

Before we take a look at getting the weekday name, let’s consider how Python’s datetime class gets a date and, subsequently, determines the day of the week for said date. There’s nothing fancy about it—but it pays to know where you’re starting .

This code illustrates how far the datetime class will get you before you have to start getting creative.  Before we move on, there are two things worth noting:

  • The weekday method assigns Monday the value 0
  • Another method, the isoweekday , assigns Sunday the value of 1

Check out the official datetime.weekday documentation for more info. Now, knowing how to get an integer representation of the weekday for a given datetime object, we can start scheming on how to produce a plain-English version. Below are three approaches ranked in order of dependencies.

Method 1: Do it Manually

This approach offers the flexibility of being able to tweak weekday naming and order on-the-fly. Need to truncate the date names? Just edit the list. Need to start with Sunday? Just re-arrange it. Need to reverse the list for some strange reason? Just  reverse it!

  • No added dependencies
  • No added methods to remember
  • Flexibility for change
  • Explicit representation in code
  • More typing
  • Not immediately resistant to duplication issues (i.e. using it across a project)
  • The fear of typos

Method 2: Use Strftime

This method is, arguably, the most succinct. It’s a reasonable one-liner, doesn’t stray from the datetime class, and offers some flexibility once familiar with the strftime documentation .

  • No extra dependencies
  • One-liner possible
  • Semi-flexible
  • No fear of typos
  • Easy to integrate project-wide
  • Need to be familiar with strftime to change format

Method 3: The Calendar Module

This is really just a round-about way to achieve the same result as the first method. The added benefit here is that someone else manages the weekday list (not really a burden in this case.) The calender.day_name object is just a fancy list of all weekday names. Indexing into this object is the same as indexing into a manual list.

  • Built-in module
  • Lightweight dependency
  • Uses native Python syntax for indexing
  • Extra dependency
  • The syntax could be simpler

Final Thoughts

When I was first learning to code, one of the biggest surprises to me was how complex managing time and dates can be. The subtle length differences in months, leap years, converting strings to datetimes —it seemed like wading into the deep end for what was such a peripheral task.

Converting computer-friendly date representations like epoch timestamps into user-friendly representations is another annoyingly demanding task. In this case, Python’s datetime class makes it simple to get the weekday integer. After that, it’s all just syntactic sugar! Personally, I prefer method two here because it keeps everything tightly coupled to the DateTime module.

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The weekday() of class function is used to return the integer value corresponding to the specified day of the week.

Syntax: weekday() Parameters: This function does not accept any parameter. Return values: This function returns the integer mapping corresponding to the specified day of the week. Below table shows the integer values corresponding to the day of the week.

Example 1: Getting the integer values corresponding to the specified days of the week.

Example 2: Getting the date and time along with the day’s name of the entire week.

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