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PhD Physics / Overview

Year of entry: 2024

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The standard academic entry requirement for this PhD is an upper second-class (2:1) honours degree in a discipline directly relevant to the PhD (or international equivalent) OR any upper-second class (2:1) honours degree and a Master’s degree at merit in a discipline directly relevant to the PhD (or international equivalent).

Other combinations of qualifications and research or work experience may also be considered. Please contact the admissions team to check.

Full entry requirements

Apply online

In your application you’ll need to include:

  • The name of this programme
  • Your research project title (i.e. the advertised project name or proposed project name) or area of research
  • Your proposed supervisor’s name
  • If you already have funding or you wish to be considered for any of the available funding
  • A supporting statement (see 'Advice to Applicants' for what to include)
  • Details of your previous university level study
  • Names and contact details of your two referees.

Programme options

Programme description.

The  Department of Physics and Astronomy at Manchester is one of the largest and most active physics departments in the UK. We have a long tradition of excellence in both teaching and research, and have interests in most areas of contemporary research.

The Department has a strong presence in a number of Manchester-based centres for multidisciplinary research: The National Graphene Institute, the Photon Science Institute, the Manchester Centre for Non-Linear Dynamics, and the Dalton Nuclear Institute. In addition, the Jodrell Bank Observatory in Cheshire is a part of the department.

Strong research activity exists in a broad range of physics topics funded by the Research Councils including EPSRC, STFC, BBSRC, the EU and industry. All the research groups offer well-equipped laboratories and computing facilities and are involved in a wide range of collaborative projects with industry and other academic departments in the UK and overseas. 

The postgraduate research environment is well funded and world-class as demonstrated by our ranking in REF2021.  Supervision is provided by academic staff, who are leaders in their fields, with independent pastoral back-up. Transferable skills training is available and there are some school teaching opportunities.

For more information about research themes within the department please visit our themes page or view available projects within the department on our Postgraduate Research projects page . 

To be announced.

The programme fee will vary depending on the cost of running the project. Fees quoted are fully inclusive and, therefore, you will not be required to pay any additional bench fees or administration costs.

All fees for entry will be subject to yearly review and incremental rises per annum are also likely over the duration of the course for Home students (fees are typically fixed for International students, for the course duration at the year of entry). For general fees information please visit the postgraduate fees page .

Always contact the Admissions team if you are unsure which fees apply to your project.


There are a range of scholarships, studentships and awards at university, faculty and department level to support both UK and overseas postgraduate researchers.

To be considered for many of our scholarships, you’ll need to be nominated by your proposed supervisor. Therefore, we’d highly recommend you discuss potential sources of funding with your supervisor first, so they can advise on your suitability and make sure you meet nomination deadlines.

For more information about our scholarships, visit our funding page or use our funding database to search for scholarships, studentships and awards you may be eligible for.

Contact details

Our internationally-renowned expertise across the School of Natural Sciences informs research led teaching with strong collaboration across disciplines, unlocking new and exciting fields and translating science into reality.  Our multidisciplinary learning and research activities advance the boundaries of science for the wider benefit of society, inspiring students to promote positive change through educating future leaders in the true fundamentals of science. Find out more about Science and Engineering at Manchester .

Programmes in related subject areas

Use the links below to view lists of programmes in related subject areas.

  • Physics and Astronomy

Regulated by the Office for Students

The University of Manchester is regulated by the Office for Students (OfS). The OfS aims to help students succeed in Higher Education by ensuring they receive excellent information and guidance, get high quality education that prepares them for the future and by protecting their interests. More information can be found at the OfS website .

You can find regulations and policies relating to student life at The University of Manchester, including our Degree Regulations and Complaints Procedure, on our regulations website .

phd in physics europe

Institut Polytechnique de Paris

  • PhD student
  • Faculty member
  • Entrepreneur

Institut Polytechnique de Paris

By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of École Polytechnique, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.


By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of ENSTA Paris, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.


By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of ENSAE Paris, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

Télécom Paris

By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of Télécom Paris, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

Télécom SudParis

By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of Télécom SudParis, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

  • PhD Programs
  • IP Paris Doctoral School

PhD in Physics

PhD in Physics

Devoted to fundamental questions on the origin of matter, from elementary particles to the edge of the observable universe, theoretical and experimental physics of the two infinities is in strong interplay with plasma and laser physics, which allows in turn to explore the properties of matter in the most extreme conditions. Light and matter are also at the core of material sciences, nanosciences and nanotechnologies, which lead to the most important progresses in various field as electronics and communications, aerospace, energy and applications to biology and medicine.

The “physics” domain of IP Paris doctoral school reflects this variety by offering possibilities of PhD thesis work in theoretical or experimental fundamental physics, as well as in more applied fields based on the properties of light and matter, energy, or applications to biosciences.

  • all physics domains (Optics, laser and plasma);
  • Astrophysics
  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Particle Physics;
  • Quantum Physics

Theoretical Physics Center (CPHT)

Electronic structure of materials, quantum chromodynamics, mathematical physics, string theory, laser-plasma interaction, thermonuclear plasmas, astrophysical plasmas.

The Institut Photovoltaïque d’Île-de-France (IPVF)

Photovoltaic conversion; Photoelectron spectroscopy; perovskites; sputtering; Organometallic; chalcogenides

Leprince-Ringuet Laboratory for particle physics and astrophysics(LLR)

Elementary particles ; fundamental interactions ; astroparticles ; gamma-ray astronomy ; laser-plasma particle acceleration ; particle detectors          

Applied Optics Laboratory (LOA)

Femtosecond laser pulses, laser-matter interaction, secondary particle and radiation sources and applications, ultrafast dynamics in condensed matter.

Laboratory for Optics and Biosciences (LOB)

Microbiology, molecular biology, structural and functional dynamics of biomolecules, multiphoton microscopy, femtosecond spectroscopy, cell nano-imaging, super-resolution, morphogenesis, biomechanics

Plasma Physics Laboratory (LPP)

Magnetic fusion, ITER, space plasmas, low temperature plasmas, turbulence, space engineering

Intense Lasers Laboratory (LULI)

Plasma, high-energy-density physics, ultra-high-intensity physics, secondary particle and radiation sources and applications, laser, LULI2000, APOLLON

Physics of Interfaces (PICM)

Plasma processes, thin films, nanomaterials, photovoltaics, sensors, batteries, instrumentation, Muller polarimetry, biomedical imaging, Raman, Scanning probe microscopy

Condensed Matter Physics (PMC)

Semiconductors, spintronics, transport and spectroscopy, complex geometries, localization, transport, disorder, electrocatalysis, single entities, functional films, materials chemistry, nanoparticles, active devices

Partner laboratories

International  Laboratory  For  Astrophysics,  Neutrino  And  Cosmology Experiments (ILANCE)

  • UFR Droit Economie Management
  • UFR Médecine
  • UFR Pharmacie
  • UFR Sciences
  • UFR Sciences du Sport
  • AgroParisTech
  • CentraleSupélec
  • ENS Paris-Saclay
  • Institut d'Optique
  • Polytech Université Paris-Saclay
  • Accessibility

phd in physics europe


The program involves all the PhDs related to the Physics Graduate School. It covers all fields of physics, from fundamental to applied, from theory, modeling and simulation to instrumentation, from laboratory experiments to large instruments placed on large research infrastructures or in space, from the disciplinary core to interfaces. 

It also integrates numerous socio-economic issues at the interface with physics (energy, health, environment, etc.). 

This program is linked with 4 Doctoral Schools: 

  • EDOM (Waves and Matter Doctoral School), 
  • PHENIICS (Particles, Hadrons, Energy, Nuclei, Instrumentation, Imaging, Cosmos and Simulation), 
  • AAIF (Astronomy and Astrophysics for Paris Area), 
  • EDPIF (Doctoral School for Physics in Île-de-France)

Physics (all fields)

Program content.

Waves and Matter Doctoral School (EDOM)

The Doctoral School Waves and Matter - EDOM - covers quantum physics, dilute matter and optics.

More precisely, the fields covered are quantum physics, optics, atomic and molecular physics, laser physics, plasma physics, nanophotonics as well as the interface fields of these themes such as biomedical imaging or condensed matter. All types of plasmas are represented at EDOM (cold and hot plasmas, stellar, interstellar and fusion), as well as their technological applications. In particular, EDOM is involved in magnetic confinement fusion.

 Learn more about EDOM

 Particles, Hadrons, Energy, Nuclei, Instrumentation, Imaging, Cosmos et Simulation (PHENIICS)

The PHENIICS graduate school (ED N° 576) is the Ile-de-France graduate school whose themes are centered on subatomic physics; its particularity is to federate students ranging from applied physics to fundamental physics in this field. It relies on a unique network of research units on this theme, located in the Paris-Saclay area.

Learn more about PHENIICS

Astronomy and Astrophysics for Paris Area(AAIF)

The "Astronomy and Astrophysics of Ile-de-France" Doctoral School offers graduates from physics and mathematics studies training in and through research in the vast interdisciplinary field of astronomy and all its techniques of observation, measurement and calculation.

The Doctoral School offers physicists and mathematicians training in and through research in the vast interdisciplinary field of astronomy and all its methods of observation, measurement and calculation. It covers a field whose development is considerable and unceasing: discovery of extrasolar planets, renewal of cosmology at the interface with particle physics, development of astrochemistry, in situ exploration of the solar system, space navigation, planetology at the interface with the sciences of planet Earth. Powerful observation tools are being prepared, both in space and on the ground, affirming the place of Europe, using a wide variety of advanced technologies (optics, metrology, cryogenics, automation, etc.).

Learn more about AAIF

Physics in Ile de France(EDPIF)

Its scientific field covers essentially the physics of fundamental interactions, the quantum physics of diluted or condensed matter, statistical physics, the physics of soft or biological matter, but also the fundamental aspects of optics, acoustics and hydrodynamics.

Its scientific position is that of fundamental physics, both theoretical and experimental, and the applications that naturally follow from it.

Learn more about EDPIF

  • Laboratoire de physique des deux infinis Irène Joliot-Curie (IJCLab, UMR 9012)
  • Institut d'astrophysique spatiale (IAS, UMR 8617)
  • Unité de recherche SOLEIL (SOLEIL, UR 1)
  • Signalisation, radiobiologie et cancer     (SCR, UMR 3347)
  • Département de Physique des Particules (DRF/IRFU, DPhP)
  • Département de Physique Nucléaire (DRF/IRFU, DPhN)
  • Département d'Electronique des Détecteurs et d'Informatique pour la Physique (DRF/IRFU, DEDIP)
  • Département des Accélérateurs, de la Cryogénie et du Magnétisme (DRF/IRFU, DACM)
  • Institut LIST (LIST)
  • Département des Matériaux pour le Nucléaire (DES/ISAS, DMN)
  • Laboratoire en Informatique Haute Performance pour le Calcul et la simulation (DAM, LIHPC)
  • Laboratoire Matière sous conditions extrêmes (DAM, LMCE)

External laboratories : 

  • Institut de Radioprotection et de sûreté nucléaire : IRSN
  • Laboratoire Charles Fabry (LCF, UMR 8501)
  • Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay (ISMO, UMR 8214)
  • Laboratoire de Physique des Solides (LPS, UMR 8502)
  • Laboratoire de physique des gaz et des plasmas (LPGP, UMR 8578)
  • Laboratoire Matière sous conditions extrêmes (LMCE)
  • Optique et techniques associées (DOTA)
  • Service de Physique de l'Etat Condensé (SPEC)
  • Laboratoire Interactions, Dynamiques et Lasers (LIDYL)
  • Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies (C2N, UMR 9001)
  • Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas (LPP, UMR 7648)
  • Physique, Instrumentation, Environnement, Espace (DPHY)
  • Institut de Chimie Physique (ICP, UMR 8000)
  • Laboratoire Aimé Cotton (LAC, FRE 2038)
  • Laboratoire Lumière, Matière et Interfaces (LuMin, FRE 2036)
  • Laboratoire de physique théorique et modèles statistiques (LPTMS, UMR 8626)
  • Institut de physique théorique (DRF, IPhT)
  • Service de Physique de l'Etat Condensé (DRF/IRAMIS, SPEC)
  • Unité mixte de physique CNRS/Thales (UMPhy, UMR 137)
  • Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay (ISMO, UMR 8214)·    
  • Unité de recherche SOLEIL (UR 1)
  • Service de Recherches de Métallurgie Physique (DES/ISAS/DMN, SRMP)
  • Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (DRF/IRAMIS, LLB)
  • Fluides, Automatique et Systèmes Thermiques (FAST, UMR 7608)
  • Laboratoire de recherche en informatique (LRI, UMR 8623)
  • Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes    (L2S, UMR 8506)
  • Maison de la Simulation - DRF (MdlS)
  • UMS IOGS-CNRS (UMS 3676)
  • Astrophysique, Instrumentation et Modélisation de Paris-Saclay (DRF/IRFU/DAp, AIM)
  • Département d'Astrophysique (DRF/IRFU, DAp)
  • Laboratoire ATMosphères, Observations Spatiales (LATMOS, UMR 8190)  

PhD students admitted to the Phd program will have a public law doctoral contract. The duration of the contract is 3 years. The contractual Phd students are full-time employees with the sole or main mission of carrying out their doctoral project. They may also be entrusted with complementary missions of teaching, scientific mediation, valorization or expertise.

More information

Possible employers* for PhD students under contract to the program are :

  • Université Paris-Saclay (Faculties of Sciences of Orsay, Medicine, Pharmacy, Sports Sciences and Law-Economy-Management)
  • University of Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines
  • University of Evry Val d'Essonne
  • Centrale Supélec

* This list remains to be completed or specified

The Doctoral Schools of the GS Physics PhD program supervise the PhD students throughout their thesis, by appointing referents who interact with them regularly.

EDOM : During the course of their thesis, PhD students have access to an individual monitoring committee, an advisory body that ensures, through annual meetings with the student, that their doctoral training is going well. This committee monitors the progress of the PhD student in his/her ability to present his/her research work. It helps the PhD student to take stock of the progress of his or her doctoral training, as well as the state of preparation for his or her future career.

AAIF : The AAIF doctoral school organizes a post-thesis training during which PhD students can meet the presidents of the A&A sections of the CNRS, CNU and CNAP, meet company managers from the aerospace sector, and work on writing CVs and application letters under the supervision of recruitment professionals. In 2021, the AAIF ED has also established a partnership with PhDTalent to promote the skills of these PhD students on social networks (LinkedIn, Twitter), to post job offers selected from keywords adapted to their skills and expertise.  

  • EDPIF : For each PhD student, an individual monitoring committee is set up, independent of the thesis director. A meeting concerning the progress of the thesis and the future is organized with the monitoring committee, the PhD student and the supervisors at the end of each year of the thesis (at least). During this meeting, the monitoring committee must also discuss with the supervisor(s) in the absence of the PhD student and conversely with the PhD student without the supervisor(s). At the end of this meeting, the follow-up committee sends its report on the meeting to the ED and possibly makes recommendations on the continuation of the thesis and on re-registration. Additional meetings of the follow-up committee are organized for any thesis presenting specific problems, whatever their nature, or extending, as an exception, over all or part of a fourth year. For more details see :
  • PHENIICS : Each PhD student is supervised by a person who follows him/her throughout the thesis. The progress of the thesis work and the training courses followed are reviewed each year at the time of registration. A sponsorship system is also in place in most laboratories. In case of problems revealed either during the annual interview or during the course of the thesis thanks to the sponsorship system, a supervisory committee is set up to understand the nature of the problems and to propose solutions.

PhD students enrolled in the Doctoral Schools of the GS Physics program find employment in both the academic and private sectors.

Approximately half of our PhDs eventually find a job in the field of research in universities or large research organizations in France (CNRS, CEA, ONERA, etc...) or abroad. Industry is also a very important outlet. Most of our PhDs work in technical or technological fields that allow them to make the most of the skills they have acquired. They are divided between large groups (Thales, Saint Gobain, etc.), SMEs and technological start-ups. 

Over a 10-year period, about 30% of PhDs enter the world of academic research in France or abroad. Some go on to secondary education. Most pursue a career in the private sector with a very wide range of scientific and management professions in France or abroad. The number of unemployed PhDs is around 3%. 

While the historical career outlet of the PhD is higher education and research, a significant and growing number of PhDs are pursuing their careers in the private sector, in many types of functions, and not only in R&D. According to the statistical study conducted in 2017 by the MESR on PhDs who graduated in 2015, 46% of PhDs in physics have a job in the academic sector and exactly as many in the private sector, of which only 20% are in R&D. For more details see :

More than half of the PhDs are employed in the academic world in France (universities and research organizations) or abroad. Many PhDs also join the R&D departments of large technology-based groups (Thales, Safran, Areva, EDF, etc.), while others find employment in small and medium-sized companies with high industrial and technological value or in start-ups, of which they may also be founders.

How to be admitted to the doctoral program in Physics ?

Find below the different steps to apply to the Physics Program - Graduate School Physics


The student must hold a Master's degree (or equivalent) and have the agreement of the thesis director.

Evaluation criteria

The main evaluation criteria are the quality of the candidate's academic record, the quality of his/her presentation and his/her answers to questions during the audition, as well as the relevance of the candidate's background in relation to the thesis topic and the host team.

Other relevant evaluation criteria are :

  • the results obtained by the candidate in the Master's program (M1 and M2) ;
  • the candidate's research skills, as assessed from the research internship periods;
  • letters of recommendation;
  • the candidate's motivation and ability to integrate into the research team;
  • the professional project expressed by the candidate and its consistency with the doctoral project.

phd in physics europe

Where and how to apply?

Have you found your subject?

Identify the doctoral school related to your subject

Consult below the application procedures of the doctoral school concerned

Submit your application on ADUM

How to apply to ED EDOM?

Application file format, audition format, jury – examination of the application, 2024 calendar - candidates.

  • All mandatory sections of ADUM,
  • A one or two page Curriculum Vitae,
  • An opinion from two former research internship supervisors according to a specific form,
  • One or two letters of recommendation,
  • Transcripts from the last year of the Bachelor's degree (or equivalent),
  • Transcripts from the different years of the Master's program (or equivalent),
  • A copy of the Master's degree or certificate of completion if available,
  • A copy of an identity card.

The audition lasts 25 minutes in total.

The candidate has 12 minutes for his/her presentation.

The remaining time is dedicated to questions from the jury.   Format The recommended format for the presentation is as follows

  • 1 sheet of CV,
  • 3-4 sheets presenting a research internship,
  • 2 sheets presenting the thesis project.

During the questions, the main focus is on the research internship presented by the candidate. The audition can be done by videoconference. The future thesis director is invited to the audition as an observer.

The eligibility jury (examination of the files) is made up of the EDOM office (director and assistant director).  

The audition jury is made up of members of the doctoral school's board. It meets in the form of 2 sub-juries. No member of the jury auditions a candidate from his/her own laboratory.

  • Tuesday April 9, 2024: Deadline for submission of thesis topics on ADUM
  • Tuesday April 23, 2024: Closing date for applications on ADUM
  • Monday June 3 and Tuesday June 4, 2024: Audition of candidates
  • Monday June 10, 2024: Announcement of results

How to apply to ED PHENIICS?

Jury - examination of the application, 204 calendar - candidates.

All sections of ADUM.  

If applicable, the most recent MASTER grades or transcripts

Exchange of about 20 minutes with the jury, no slide presentation is required.

The candidate first briefly explains his or her doctoral project (Why this thesis? What is the interest? What is the context? etc...)

then the discussion continues in the form of questions and answers.

The jury is made up of members of the board of directors, supplemented by members of the council in order to ensure the thematic coverage of the competition.

The elected representatives of the PhD students on the board are invited as observers.

The ranking is established by the jury after the auditions.

  • Friday April 26, 2024: Deadline for submission of thesis topics on ADUM
  • Friday May 10, 2024: Application deadline on ADUM
  • Wednesday May 29 to Friday May 31, 2024: Audition of candidates

How to apply to ED AAIF?

2024 calendar - candidates.

All sections of ADUM.

A transcript of grades from a MASTER's degree or recent equivalent.

The audition lasts 20 minutes.

A 10-minute presentation should outline the candidate's previous research experiences (their scientific objectives, methodologies used and results obtained) and should show that the candidate understands the issues at stake in the proposed topic and how he or she is capable of making a significant contribution to it.

The candidate may spend 1 to 2 minutes introducing him/herself, 4-5 minutes describing his/her research experience (mainly the M2 internship) and 4-5 minutes on the thesis topic and its issues.

This presentation is followed by 10 minutes of questions.

The admissibility jury (examination of the files) is made up of the ED office (director and deputy director).

The audition jury is made up of members of the doctoral school's board.  

A first jury of the competition (beginning of June) reviews the applications, and is likely to attribute at most 1/3 of the available doctoral contracts. The selected candidates are notified directly by e-mail.

The final jury of the competition (beginning of July) allocates all the remaining available contracts and creates a waiting list. The selected candidates are asked to respond to this proposal within a week in order to allow a good management of the withdrawals.

  • Wednesday January 31, 2024 Thesis submission deadline
  • Friday April 19, 2024 Closing date for submission of thesis topics on ADUM
  • May 28, 29 and 30 - June 3 and 4, 2024 Audition of candidates
  • Friday June 7, 2024 Announcement of results

How to apply to ED PIF?

2024 calendar – candidates.

Applications are made online at :

Candidates have ten minutes to introduce themselves with particular emphasis on their past research activities.

A maximum (indicative) of two slides should be devoted to the presentation of the thesis topic.  

The eligibility jury then asks questions for approximately five minutes.

Candidates may speak in English or French, as they wish.

The competition is managed by a competition committee made up of the four members of the doctoral school's board of directors and four teacher-researchers or researchers from the ED's laboratories, from each of the supporting institutions.

The competition jury is made up of the members of the competition committee, as well as researchers or teacher-researchers designated by the competition committee. The board and the jury, renewed in whole or in part each year, are composed in such a way as to best represent all the themes of the ED.

Their composition is submitted to the ED council.

  • The competition office carries out a pre-selection of candidates who will be selected for an audition.
  • The selected candidates are then auditioned by the competition jury, divided into 4 sub-juries.
  • The competition office finally establishes a ranking consisting of a main list and a supplementary list. This ranking is based on the evaluation of the academic file and on the audition. It takes into account the number of doctoral contracts awarded by each institution.
  • Finally, the ED council validates the distribution of funding on the basis of the ranking established by the jury
  • November 3, 2023 : Applications open
  • Thursday April 25, 2024: Deadline for submission of thesis topics
  • Monday April 29, 2024: Closing date for applications on ADUM
  • Monday June 3 to Thursday June 6, 2024: Audition of candidates
  • From June 8, 2024: Announcement of results

Communication tools

The employment status of graduate school physics phds as of december 1, 2019.

phd in physics europe


PhD in Theoretical Physics

A PhD is the highest academic qualification in the Netherlands. It generally involves four years of original research on a specific topic. Students who have a Master's degree can apply for a position, and are selected on the quality of their (educational) background.

The programme

A regular PhD programme takes 4 years of independent research, supervised by a professor. The programme is concluded by a thesis (dissertation) and/or a series of articles in scientific journals. As PhD student you get the opportunity to contribute to the development of deep knowledge in your subject. 

There are several ways to obtain a PhD. Most PhD candidates in the Netherlands are not students but employees of the university. The primary criterion for admission to a PhD programme is the quality of the candidate. 

Candidates can obtain a PhD:

  • As an employee of the UvA. Job vacancies at the Institute of Physics can be found on this page .
  • On a scholarship, for example from a foreign government, an international organisation or a Dutch fund.

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Department of Physics

Doctoral studies at the department of physics.

The doctoral education gives you opportunity to deepen your subject knowledge and to learn more about the scientific methodology – define problems, use analytical and experimental methods to find results which you then evaluate. You are a part of a research group in an environment with researchers and other doctoral students who encourage and help you.

Photo by Rakicevic Nenad from Pexels

After four years of undergraduate studies (240 credits in Sweden) it is possible to start doctoral studies in order to obtain a Licentiate degree after 2-3 years and continue towards a PhD exam after totally 4-5 years.

At the Department of Physics, there are four research subjects within the postgraduate program: Physics, Theoretical Physics, Chemical Physics and Medical Radiation Physics . Within these subjects there are several research divisions, with different research activities. The activities of the research divisions are described by their  own home pages . However, the best way to learn more about the present research activities is to contact some of the group members. Do not hesitate to contact the Director of Postgraduate Studies to get more information before you apply for postgraduate studies.

Useful links for doctoral students

Eligibility, application and admission

Courses for doctoral studies

Study funding during postgraduate education

Study plan for PhD students

Half-time review or licentiate degree

PhD thesis defence

PhD Council

Handbook for Postgraduate Students from the Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) .

Rules for doctoral education at the faculty of Science (in Swedish)

Rules for education and examination at doctoral level at university of Stockholm

Meet Sara, PhD student in chemical physics

Sara Boscolo Bibi

Sara Boscolo Bibi is from Venice, Italy. She is in her second year of her PhD studies at the Chemical Physics division at the Department of Physics.

The aim of Sara’s project is to understand the fundamental processes behind the CO2 reduction to hydrocarbons in presence of a metal catalyst.

"I like the friendly international environment"

The Department of Physics PhD Council

The Department of Physics PhD Council (in Swedish "Fysikums doktorandråd") is the assembly of all PhD students at the Department of Physics at Stockholm University. Its purpose is to represent the interests of the PhD students in the different committees, boards and councils within the department and the university. This page is mantained by the PhD Council representative.

The Department of Physics PhD Council webpage

In order to be admitted to the postgraduate programme, the applicant must satisfy the conditions for basic eligibility and the conditions for special eligibility, and have the skills as needed to complete their education.

Once you have been admitted as a research student The PhD student Council can help you with different issues.

Financing the studies

A condition for admission, in addition to possessing the required educational qualifications, is that the student will have sufficient economic support during the whole period of study, normally 4 years full time study. In most cases you will be employed as PhD student for your period of studies.


A supervision group consisting of two or more supervisors is appointed for each student in connection with admission at the Department of Physics.

One is appointed as the main supervisor, the others as assistant supervisors. Applications of change of roles or appointment of additional assistant supervisors should be made in writing to the subject responsible.

In each research division there is also a division responsible, who is the contact person in all issues concerning the division and its members.

Mentor system

The mentor system at fysikum.

It has been decided that every PhD student at Fysikum should have a mentor. A short description of the mentor system is given below.

Purpose of the mentor system:

  • Give each PhD student an independent senior discussion partner.
  • Meetings that give the opportunity to reflect over work environment, PhD studies and carrier.
  • The PhD student has opportunity to discuss urgent or reoccurring problems with a person that follows the development.

Procedure around the meeting between the mentor and the PhD student:

  • Meetings at least once each semester.
  • The meetings are confidential.

Responsibility of the PhD student:

  • Choose a mentor, a senior researcher, preferably from a different research division. A person you trust and can confide in.
  • A mentor has to be selected within 2 months of starting the PhD studies, and the director of postgraduate education should be informed.
  • It can be natural to change mentor during the postgraduate education, without having to feel that the mentor is insulted.
  • Invite to and prepare for the meeting with the mentor.

Responsibility of the mentor:

  • Agree  with the PhD student on suitable forms for the meeting.
  • The mentor will not contribute scientifically.
  • The mentor must independent from both supervisors and PhD student, and only in exception from the same research division or research environment.
  • The mentor should have a PhD degree and several years of working experience from universities or companies.
  • The mentor should show an interest in the development of the PhD student and engage discussions of questions or problems.
  • If there a problems in the work environment, the PhD student should be recommended to contact the work environment representatives or ombud for equal rights.
  • The mentor can also ask for permission to discuss certain matters with the head of the department, work environment representative och the director of postgraduate education.

Responsibility of the director of postgraduate education:

  • To perform a yearly anonymous survey asking mentors for us information about their general impressions of the situation for the PhD students, and of reoccurring or serious problems.
  • Assist those new students who find it difficult to identify a mentor with finding a suitable first mentor.
  • Report these impression to KUF and at the yearly meeting for supervisors.

The individual study plan

The framework for doctoral education is given by the general syllabus for the subject. The education at this level is highly specific to the research programme conducted by the doctoral student. Therefore, each doctoral student must have an individual study plan (ISP). In connection with the annual revision of the study plan, the doctoral student has a development review .

Read more about Study plan for PhD students

The course requirement for a PhD is 60 ECTS credits. Courses on this level can look different. They can be "normal" courses at the advanced level or courses created by teachers in the Department of Physics research divisions which are tailored for PhD education. Periods of self-study with science texts or active participation in a summer school may also constitute a course. All planned courses should appear in your Individual study plan(ISP). Your supervisor decides on the value of a course, in terms of credits.

Courses for PhD students

All PhD students are expected to take an active part in seminars arranged by their own research group as well as those arranged within AlbaNova. Students should also give their own seminars.

Seminar on ethical questions

All PhD students must attend a seminar on ethical questions in science. The seminar is arranged by the mathematical-physics section of the science faculty once per semester. Invitations are emailed.

Licenciate thesis and Doctoral thesis

The Licentiate thesis should be based on research corresponding to at least 60 credits (out of 120 credits required for the degree). The PhD thesis corresponds to at least 180 credits (out of 240 credits required for the degree). The licentiate as well as the PhD thesis can be written as a monograph or it can comprise a collection of separate articles. In the latter case the thesis consists of a summary and referenced articles published in scientific magazines. The Science Faculty has issued a document with rules and recommendations regarding the content and organization of the PhD thesis, found here (in Swedish only so far). More information on rules for dissertations can be found in the  Handbook for Postgraduate Students from the Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) .

Read more about the Licenciate degree Read more about the PhD dissertation

Please contact the Director of Postgraduate Studies if you for exampel have questions regarding the development of programmes and courses or the assignment of teachers to the various courses or other general questions related to postgradate studies at the Department of Pysics.

Michael Odelius

Last updated: October 24, 2023

Source: Department of Physics

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Fysikum has agreements with several universities, mainly within Europe. In addition, Stockholm University also has central agreements with universities around the world.

Vintergatan i en glasburk. Foto: Rakicevic Nenad från Pexels

Postgraduate education is the highest form of education you can study at a university. As a research student, you are trained in problem solving, critical thinking, and using the scientific method

Last updated: January 19, 2024

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PhD in Physics

Doctorate studies in physics.

  • Degree - Dr. rer. nat
  • Qualification for an in-depth scientific work
  • Duration - approx. 4 years
  • Language - German or English
  • Beginning - at any time

Excellent international research community

  • supportive and trusted working atmosphere
  • cooperation with national and international research institutions
  • measuring times at the synchrotron BESSY II reserved for Freie Universität
  • additional qualification at the DRS possible


  • Degree as Master of Science or Diploma
  • You have already found an open doctoral position in one of our research groups. 

Our research

Doctoral program at freie universität, doctoral program in physics - creating fundamentals for future innovations.

Around 130 doctoral students study and work at the Department of Physics. Every year, we award some 30 PhD degrees to physicists at Freie Universität Berlin.

If you are interested in a doctoral program, please contact the research groups of your interest directly.

PhD Program Structure

  • 1 supervisor
  • 1 written doctoral thesis
  • 1 disputation

Doctoral students are usually employed as scientific staff in the research group (AG) where they do a doctorate. 

Doctoral Thesis

  • The dissertation can be submitted as a monograph or cumulatively made up of at least four publications with the doctoral candidate as first author.
  • The dissertation must be submitted in 8 printed copies and as a pdf file.

Obligatory parts of a thesis:

  • Title page ( draft )
  • Summary in German and English (maximum one page)
  • Declaration of authorship ( draft )


The disputation allows the doctoral student to demonstrate their presentation skills and ability to engage in scientific discussions.

  • 30 minutes of presentation
  • 30 to 60 minutes of professional discussion with members of the PhD commission.

The disputation is open to the public: Interested persons can participate as listeners and ask questions about the research results.

Scheduled days for disputation

Mon 16:00 - 21:00 (lecture hall A) Wed 16:00 - 21:00 (lecture hall A) Thu 9:00 - 14:00 (Lecture hall B)

Research Integrity


PhD positions and doctoral thesis

The topic of your doctoral thesis will be determined by the scientific focus of the research group in which you will take up your doctoral position. Please contact the individual research groups directly for information on open doctoral positions.

  • Theoretical physics
  • Experimental physics
  • Physics education


  • Doctoral Program Natural Sciences

New structured doctoral program offers a variety of qualification seminars and workshops. Those who successfully complete the program can choose between the titles "Ph. D." and "Dr. rer. nat."


Please note that the German version only is legally binding.

  • Doctoral studies - registration form in German
  • Doctoral Study Regulations - Physics (2013)
  • 1st Modification Doctoral Regulations Physics (2013) - valid from 27.09.2023
  • List of documents for enrollment
  • Good scientific practice for scientific qualification reports and theses in physics


PhD Program Office Mr. Andreas Heß Arnimallee 14, Room 1.1.15 Tel. +49 30 838 56017

Image Credits


Image Credit: —






Habilitation - Qualification for University Teaching

What is the next step after a PhD program? If you want to teach at a university, you should strive for a habilitation. Habiliation proves that a scientist can independently represent an academic field in research and teaching. For further information please contact our habilitation office.

  • Habilitation Office
  • doctor of physics
  • doctorate degree in physics
  • phd in physics education
  • phd in quantum physics
  • phd physics
  • phd theoretical physics
  • physics phd program
  • postgraduate physics

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Your Doctorate in Physics at TUM

With around 450 ongoing doctoral projects, we offer a wide range of possibilities for a doctorate in a dynamic and innovative department. Doctoral studies at TUM are characterized by teamwork, interdisciplinarity and independent thinking, valuable assets for any successful career.

Doctoral candidate at Walther Meissner Institute

Starting a Ph. D. Project

Have you finished your Master studies with above-average results? Are you thirsty for knowledge and keen to discover something new? Then you have found the right place, the Physics Department of TUM!

The first step in our traditional model

The first step to start your doctorate is to find a supervisor among the professors of our department and to find together a research topic. Being part of the research group of your supervisor, you will receive guidance and support with your doctoral project. Since the individual scientific research is the key part of any Ph. D. project enbedding into a research group with supervisor and colleagues with similar interests is important. Hence you apply for Ph. D. positions in the research group fitting your scientific interest best – not at an anonymous school.

The Physics Department with the Department Graduate Center Physics provides the organisational framework for the doctorate with a flexible program to support your research . As an alternative you may in principle become a member of another (thematic) graduate center.

Having found your supervisor and research topic, the application procedure runs through the central online platform Doc-GS. Please keep in mind that the Physics Department issues the degree Dr. rer. nat. for all successful Ph. D. students. You can find more information on the application process and the required documents at the TUM Graduate School – in addition please keep in mind the additional remarks below .

After completing the online registration in DocGS hand in the documents at the Dean’s Office .

additional remarks on the application to enter the doctoral candidacy list

You want to become doctor of natural sciences (dr. rer. nat.).

The Physics Department will not issue other degrees than Dr. rer. nat. Hence you should avoid choosing a different degree in DocGS.

Supervision Agreement

Future members of the Department Graduate Center Physics may find the required supervision agreement on the pages of the Faculty Graduate Center Physics . You only need to add the actual supervision agreement to your documents (the FGC-PH signature can be obtained by the Dean’s Office lateron). You safe-keep the project yourself and continuously review and update it with your supervisor.

Sollten Sie Mitglied eines anderen (thematischen) Graduiertenzentrums werden wollen, so wenden Sie sich für weitere Informationen dorthin.

E-Mail Address

If possible give your TUM E-Mail address in DocGS. In contrast to others you may keep this (at least as forwarding address ) for the rest of your life.

If you do not yet have a TUM account please contact your group’s secretary to get a guest account. If you will pursue your Ph. D. at an external institution (e. g. a Max-Planck institute) your TUM guest account can be issued by the Dean’s Office Physics .

Foreign Degrees

All degrees from foreign universities will be reviewed by the TUM examination office within the processing of your application to enter the doctoral candidacy list. In this way you get an authoritative answer if your degree is recognized already ate the beginning of your Ph. D. project. TUM does not charge a fee for the review process any more.

We thank you for your understanding that we cannot answer questions on the recognition of foreign degrees outside the review process. You may check the anabin database (in German) on the classification of foreign universities and degrees in relation to the German system yourself.

„Direct Track“ from a Master Program

Talented students can continue the Master's research phase seamlessly with a doctoral project, speeding up their academic career. If you do not have a Master's degree, you may choose this track on your way to a doctoral degree from the Physics Department of TUM. The "Direct Track" combines the advantages of the traditional model with the speed of a "Fast Track" – without the disadvantages like a (formally) missing Master’s degree.

Students interested in the "Direct Track" apply for a regular Master program in Physics . You may still use the advanced studies in the first year to become familiar with the research groups and find the perfect group for your science interests.

During your Ph. D. Project: Extensive Qualification Program

The core of your doctoral studies is your research work in collaboration with your group and other research partners. Additionally, our Department Graduate Center offers a wide range of opportunities for subject-related and interdisciplinary qualification . The TUM Graduate School supports our Department Graduate Center.

As member of the Faculty Graduate Center Physics you may find an individual status page on your qualification program in section Membership and Qualification Program . Using this status page you need to report all your passed qualification elements to the FGC-PH administration according to §8 2. a)–d) PromO.

No direct entry into DocGS!

Members of the FGC-PH please refrain from entering "Leistungsanträge" into DocGS! Data from the Physics database will be copied to DocGS in the future. Keep in mind that "Leistungsanträge" not in conforming to the quality standards of Physics Department will be rejected!

Completing your Ph. D. Project: Doctoral Examination

Doctoral thesis ("dissertation").

Having completed your research and the basic qualification program the doctoral examination process starts by submitting your doctoral thesis (see also FAQ about monograph vs. "cumulative" ). The thesis has to be submitted to the examinations office of TUM. You need to apply for this by DocGS. You can find a list of the required documents at the TUM Graduate School’s website . In our department there is no restriction on the submission date – you are not bound by the department council’s schedule.

Remark on the dates of handing in and the final exam

At Physics Department your thesis submission date is not bound by the meeting dates of the council. But keep the following in mind:

After the examination office examined your documents they will be sent to the Dean’s Office. Here we start organising the final exam.

Reports, Acceptance (Rundlauf) and oral exam

Appointment of the examining committee and assessment.

The Dean’s Office asks the supervisor (who is the first examiner) to suggest examining comittee members. The Dean can accept this suggestion or change the committee. The committee members and the candidate are informed on the appointment of the committee. Furthermore each member of the committee receives a copy of the thesis. The Dean’s Office requests the assessments and written reports. Ph. D. committees and exam dates are published in front of the Dean’s Office.

Acceptance of the Dissertation ("Rundlauf")

After a doctoral thesis has been assessed by all examiners as "passed" or better, the dissertation with CV and expert opinion is made available to the "Umlaufgremium" of the Department of Physics for acceptance in the virtual "Rundlauf" list within seven days. The "Umlaufgremium" consists of all full-time faculty, the honorary professors, and the TUM Junior Fellows of the Department of Physics. The dissertation is accepted if there are 20 statements to “accept” and no statement to “reject”, and the seven day deadline passed.

During the "Rundlauf" it is the candidates responsibility to actively seek the 20 "accept" statements. Apart from the classic "Rundlauf" from door to door during the current situation in the CoViD-19 pandemic virtual options for the "Rundlauf" are put to the test. To support the candidates there is a status page for their own "Rundlauf" .

Latest after completion of the roundtrip the candidate should organised the exam date (and place) with the examiners and submit the coordinated date to the Dean’s Office. The exam date needs to be at least 14 days after all reports were received by the Dean's Office (one week deadline for acceptance and one week notice period for the exam date). The Dean’s Office sends out the official invitation to examiners and candidate for the oral exam. Immediately after completion of the roundtrip the Dean’s Office forwards the required documents for the examination to the chair of the committee. After the oral exam the chair returns the completed documents to the Dean’s Office. The Dean’s Office forwards them to the central examination office.

Distinction „summa cum laude“

Please keep in mind that at Physics Department special rules for the distinction „summa cum laude“ (in German) apply. This needs to be taken into account for the exam date planning especially!

Publication of the thesis and final steps

Publication of the thesis.

After the exam the title page of the dissertation needs to be accepted by the examination office. For this the candidate sends the completed title page (including committee members, submission adn acceptance date) to the examination office. The required data can be provided by the examination office of the Dean’s Office. Only the the thesis may be published. Publication may be done in either of the following ways:

You can find further information on the pages of the university library .

After publication of your thesis you will obtain a preliminary certificate about the completion of the Ph.D. process.


As soon as the final certificate is completed by the examination office the new Ph. D. is informed. The certificate is handed over in the Dean’s Office. Every scientist completing their Ph. D. within the last year at Physics Department of TUM will be invited to the ceremony at the Physics Day ("Tag der Physik") end of the summer semester.

TUM GS Certificate

Members of TUM GS receive an additional certificate on the qualification program. This TUM GS certificate with the Transcript of Records on the qualification elements is created independently to the Ph. D. certificate by TUM Graduate School. Your Graduate Center will inform you as soon as this is completed and can be picked up.

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Institute for Theoretical Physics

Institute for Theoretical Physics

Phd programme.

phd in physics europe

Research at the Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP) at Utrecht University covers high-energy physics (elementary particles, quantum gravity, string theory), cosmology (early universe, cosmic microwave background, inflation, gravitational waves), quantum matter  (superconductivity, spintronics, Bose-Einstein condensation, quantum Hall effect, quantum computing), and soft matter and biophysics (colloidal self-assembly, iontronics, cell motility, stochastic population dynamics).

The institute offers students with an MSc degree the opportunity to enter a four-year’s PhD program in theoretical physics. Apart from their research project PhD students are required to take a number of courses, almost always in the context of the Dutch Research School for Theoretical Physics . They also act as teaching assistants for about ten percent of their working time (usually some form of tutoring in the MSc and BSc physics courses).

Note that PhD students in the Netherlands in most cases are employed with a salary rather than a stipend, see Obtaining a PhD Position.  Openings for PhD positions in the ITP can be found under Vacancies.

Utrecht University Heidelberglaan 8 3584 CS Utrecht The Netherlands Tel. +31 (0)30 253 35 50

Doctoral Programme in Particle Physics and Universe Sciences

The activities of the doctoral programme are concentrated at the Division of Particle Physics and Astrophysics within the department of Physics. Students carry out their research projects in the Department of Physics and many other institutes, e.g. Helsinki Insitute of Physics, the Finnish Meteorological Institute and the Finnish Geodetic Institute.

Want to know more? Visit our profile & activities page to learn more about the programme.

Doctoral Study

Skip to content, your way to a doctorate, first steps, administrative, congratulations, theodor hänsch phd award.

Dear doctoral candidates and all those who want to become one, here you will find all information about doctoral studies at the Faculty of Physics. We will answer your questions and accompany you on the way to your doctorate!

' title=

Are you thinking about a doctorate? First of all, think about the field of research in which you would like to work! The choice of your doctoral topic is of central importance, because those who research with enthusiasm will reach their goal in the end! At the Faculty of Physics a PhD is possible in the subjects astronomy , meteorology and physics (only available in German). Afterwards, you should find a supervisor for your doctoral project who is authorized to conduct examinations. Looking specifically for PhD positions and finding out about structured PhD programs can also be very helpful. Contact one of our researchers directly. Information on subjects and research areas as well as an overview of professors can be found in the research section .

A 5-year Master's degree with at least the grade 'good' or a 3-year Bachelor's degree with the grade 'very good' is required for admission to the doctoral program.

We are glad to assist you with all administrative steps - from the admission and submission to the defense of your dissertation. You will find all important information below.

All legally binding regulations can be found in the current version of the examination regulations - these and possible amendment regulations are available for download here (PDF, 130 KB) .

Supervisor Search for and contact a university lecturer on your own. All professors and private lecturers at the university count as a university lecturer. Letter of admission It is mandatory to apply for admission at the dean's office. For this, please hand in all necessary documents: (certified copies can be made in the dean's office)

Confirmation of Supervision (PDF, 96 KB)

  • Application for Admission to Doctoral Studies (PDF, 146 KB)
  • Statement criminal investigation (PDF, 183 KB)
  • Signed curriculum vitae
  • Identity card or passport as a certified copy
  • with a German master degree in physics: certified copy of Master's certificate and diploma
  • with a foreign/non-specialized university degree : certified copy of Bachelor's and Master's certificate, diploma and final transcript of records

Once your admission request has been checked and confirmed, you will receive an admission letter via post mail. With this you can apply for enrollment at the Office of the University Registrar or the International Office .

Admission to doctoral studies is open to students with an outstanding Bachelor’s degree.

  • an excellent bachelor's degree with a grade of "very good"
  • or a placement among the top 10% in the respective year,
  • a mentor who will advise you

Applicants with degrees earned outside the EU must submit GRE Subject Test scores in physics or mathematics.

  • In addition to the Application for Doctoral Admission (PDF, 146 KB) , please submit this form (PDF, 128 KB) (currently only available in German) to the Dean's Office along with the documents requested therein.
  • Ask your mentor to send the mentor commitment (PDF, 98 KB) to the Dean's Office.
  • You then have to enroll in the respective master's program and successfully complete 60 ECTS of Master courses in the following two semesters with an average grade of at least good ( grade ≤ 2.5 ). Course selection will take place in consultation with your mentor.
  • These required achievements have to be proven to the Dean's Office at the end of the two semesters . To do so, present the master's certificates to the examination office and obtain a statement of account.
  • Please submit the supervision commitment together with the account statement of the master's achievements to the Dean's Office.
  • You can then enroll in the doctoral program.

With the doctoral degree, you do not acquire a master's degree. This may have consequences later on, e.g. on the pay group in case of employment in the public service. A doctorate without a master's degree is therefore not advisable for people who want to stay in Germany. However, if you are pursuing a Master's degree, you should remain enrolled in the Master's program and complete the remaining required coursework.

Information on how to obtain a Master's degree can be found in the FAQs on this page.

The faculty member who gives you the mentoring commitment is not obligated to continue to mentor you and give you a mentoring commitment for the doctoral degree.

  • with a " First Degree Master " or
  • with a 3-year Bachelor's degree and a one-year Master's degree (" Integrated Master ")

Depending on where you are from and depending on where you obtained your Master degree, the International Office or the Office of the University Registrar is responsible for enrollment as a doctoral student. Please follow their instructions on the information page.

  • Doctoral studies are not subject to a standard period of study. As a rule, enrollment for the purpose of a doctorate is limited to a maximum of 8 semesters.
  • If you are seeking a doctorate via access with an excellent bachelor's degree, you must apply as a master's student. See the information page on application, admission and enrollment .

Please note the following for the submission of your thesis:

  • A time limit of at least six weeks should be granted between the submission of your thesis and your oral examination, so that all deadlines can be duly met. The submission of both reports to the dean's office is decisive, since according to the doctoral regulations there must be at least 3 weeks until the oral examination. We therefore recommend that you consult with your reviewers in order to plan your oral examination.
  • Your committee will consist of 6 members (old regulations) or 5 members (new regulations). Please note that amongst them there must be one theoretician, one experimentalist and one person from another field in physics than your own. There can only be one external member.
  • You have to submit eight copies (old doctoral regulations) or seven copies (new doctoral regulations), hard bound in DIN A 4 format. Your doctoral thesis should be preceded by an abstract in German language , included in your thesis.
  • All documents that have to be submitted together with the hard copies can be found on the last page of the Application for Admission to the Doctoral Examination (new regulations) (PDF, 212 KB) / Application for Admission to the Doctoral Examination (old regulations) (PDF, 201 KB) Please read this form carefully in order to ensure that different documents can be issued in due time.
  • A list containing the suggested members of the Doctoral Examination Committee (PDF, 97 KB) can be submitted in advance for revision; it always has to be approved by the Dean.
  • We kindly ask you to make an appointment for your submission at the dean’s office and send us an email to [email protected] on the day of your submission containing your abstract as well as your dissertation as two separate PDFs or as a download link.

Earning a doctorate with multiple publications? Cumulative dissertations usually require at least three published and refereed first author publications in renowned journals. Cumulative dissertations must be submitted to the dean by the supervisor prior to submission, indicating the relevant publications. Only when the application has been approved by the dean a cumulative dissertation is possible. Mixed forms between classical and cumulative dissertation are possible, but require a detailed justification and explanation, with sufficient time before the intended submission date. In all cases, care must be taken to ensure that the dissertation clearly presents and demonstrates independent scientific achievement.

As a rule, the examination should take place in person. The 20-minute-presentation takes place on the blackboard and is followed by questions. A remote examination is only an option if there is an external member outside Munich or in the event of illness of a member.

If a member of the doctoral committee participates remotely, the requirements of the remote examination apply:

  • The presentation will take place on an electronic whiteboard.
  • All parties involved in the examination must agree to the procedure described here.
  • The examinee and those examiner situated in Munich meet in person in a room.
  • Joining remotely is possible via a suitable video conferencing systems. Suitable and approved according to IT security standards are DFNconf, LRZmeet and in exceptional cases Zoom.
  • The examiner who takes the minutes signs them and sends the scan of the minutes by e-mail to the commission chair. The chair prints out the minutes, signs them as well, and sends them to the Dean's Office along with all other doctoral documents.
  • The committee chair is responsible for ensuring that these requirements are met, including proper record keeping and submission of these to the Dean's Office.
  • you set independently in consultation with all members, especially the chair, of the doctoral committee.
  • Please notify the Dean's Office of the date, location and time of the examination as soon as possible.
  • If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]

After submitting your dissertation and passing the oral examination, you are almost there - the doctoral title is within reach.

Please note, that the preliminary notification you receive after the oral examination does not yet entitle you to use the doctoral title; designations such as Doctor designatus (Dr. des.) or similar are also not permitted. Only after receiving the certificate you may officially use the title Dr. rer. nat.

  • first submit six printed and possibly corrected copies of your dissertation to the University's Office of Publications and publish your dissertation electronically (further information can be found here ).
  • According to the doctoral regulations, this submission must take place within one year .
  • The certificate will be issued automatically after the dissertation has been uploaded electronically and submitted to the University Library.
  • As soon as the doctoral certificate is ready for collection at the Dean's Office (approx. 4-6 weeks after submission of your dissertation to the University Library), you will receive a message from the Dean's Office by e-mail and you can collect it from the Dean's Office during normal opening hours.

Dean's Office of the Faculty of Physics Ms. Merita Shabanaj [email protected]

Ms. Anna-Serena Melo Voigt [email protected]

The office hours can be found here:

Regular office hours for habilitations and doctorates

Postal address of the dean's office of the Faculty of Physics Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Fakultät für Physik Dekanat Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 80539 München

Zentrale Poststelle der LMU (LMU central mail room) Opening hours: Monday - Thursday: 07:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Friday: 07:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Central mail room's postal address: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Zentrale Poststelle der LMU, Zi.Nr. 003 Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 80539 München

  • How can I currently submit my dissertation?
  • What do I have to consider when submitting?
  • How much time must elapse between the submission of the dissertation and the date of the defense?
  • How do I know according to which doctoral examination regulations I will defend my examination?
  • What are the differences between the two doctoral regulations?
  • Is it possible to change to the new doctoral regulations?
  • Will I be employed at a chair directly after admission?
  • Where can I get certified copies?
  • How can I obtain a master's degree if I start a doctorate directly after completing my bachelor's degree?

Examination regulations of the faculty of physics at LMU Munich (starting from 01.01.2020) (PDF, 130 KB)

Examination regulations of the faculty of physics at LMU Munich (superseeded 1993-2019) (PDF, 241 KB)

Application form for Admission to Doctoral Study (PDF, 146 KB)

Application for Admission to the Doctoral Examination (new regulations) (PDF, 212 KB)

Application for Admission to the Doctoral Examination (old regulations) (PDF, 201 KB)

Examination commitee (PDF, 97 KB)

Mentorate confirmation (PDF, 105 KB)

Form Statement criminal investigation (PDF, 183 KB)

Congratulations on your doctorate! You have your doctorate in your pocket. We would like to celebrate this together with you and invite you to the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Physics , which once a year gives a festive farewell to all graduates of the previous academic year.

' title=

Joannis Koepsell, winner of the Theodor Hänsch PhD Award 2022 | © Christoph Hohmann

Joannis Koepsell is awarded the Theodor Hänsch PhD Prize from the LMU Faculty of Physics for his outstanding dissertation entitled “Quantum simulation of doped two-dimensional Mott insulators”. Read more...

The Theodor Hänsch PhD Award is donated by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation for the Faculty of Physics and is endowed with 4,000 euros. It is named after Professor Theodor W. Hänsch (Nobel Prize winner in 2005) and is intended to recognize particularly outstanding dissertations in the field of physics. The prize is awarded once a year during the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Physics .

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PhD in Physics

  • Admission Board
  • Training and research

Application deadline: Aug 22, 2023 at 11:59 PM (Expired)

Second PhD Call for Applications, with scholarships funded by NRRP and other funds

  • Call for applications
  • PhD Programme Table

Enrolment: From Sep 18, 2023 to Sep 25, 2023

Doctoral programme start date: Nov 01, 2023

39 PNRR PhD Call for Applications

Application deadline: Jun 20, 2023 at 11:59 PM (Expired)

PhD Call for Applications, with scholarships funded by NRRP and other funds

Enrolment: From Jul 28, 2023 to Aug 21, 2023

  • Theoretical Physics
  • Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics
  • Physics of Condensed Matter, Atoms and Molecules
  • Applied Physics and Complex Systems
  • Physics Education and History of Physics

Call for further PhD Positions Appointed by Rectoral Decree n. 1066/2023 Prot. n. 0226313 of 04/08/2023

* The following shall take part in the work of the Examination Board as expert members for positions linked to specific research topics:

  • Andrea Cerreta - Park-Systems Europe
  • Carlo Bedeschi - CEFLA Sc
  • Bart Weber - Advanced Research Center for Nanolithography (ARCNL)
  • Francisco Manuel Soares Verissimo Gil Pedro  - INFN
  • Antonella Guidazzoli - CINECA

Call for applications Appointed by Rectoral Decree n. 709/2023 Prot. n. 149534 of 02/06/2023

  • Daniele Ottaviani - CINECA
  • Cristoph Vogler - Huawei Technologies Austria GmbH
  • Fiorenzo Parrinello - Sacmi Imola S.C.

The PhD in Physics has the purpose of completing the scientific training in Physics for the various research fields actively present in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, in the Bologna Sections of INFN and CNAF-INFN, and in the CNR Institutes of the Bologna area. The PhD program aims to train researchers able to perform independent activities in the following sectors: Theoretical physics, Condensed matter physics, Nuclear and subnuclear physics, Applied physics and complex systems, Physics education and History of Physics. In the theoretical field, the PhD students should be able to build and study mathematical models to describe physical phenomena, while in the experimental field to conduct physics experiments in laboratories and critically analyze the results. In general the PhD students are trained to use the scientific method and achieve the ability to apply it in different contexts, making them eligible to take leadership positions in high-level organizations.

Basic and fundamental research (theoretical and experimental), applied research (with applications to physics, medicine, technology, computer science, etc.). The research of the PhD students includes laboratory activities, participation in international workshops and conferences and measurement campaigns, the use of networks, databases, a software for analyzing data and models.

The PhD students are required to attend PhD or advanced Master courses for a total of 136 hours of lectures in the first two years of the course. The PhD students also attend specialized seminars and national and international schools. They are also part of research groups at universities and research centers where they carry on their activities in preparation of the PhD thesis.

he PhD in Physics has the purpose of completing the scientific training in Physics for the various research fields actively present in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, in the Bologna Sections of INFN and CNAF-INFN, and in the CNR Institutes of the Bologna area. The PhD program aims to train researchers able to perform independent activities in the following sectors: Theoretical physics, Condensed matter physics, Nuclear and subnuclear physics, Applied physics and complex systems, Physics education and History of Physics. In the theoretical field, the PhD students should be able to build and study mathematical models to describe physical phenomena, while in the experimental field to conduct physics experiments in laboratories and critically analyze the results. In general the PhD students are trained to use the scientific method and achieve the ability to apply it in different contexts, making them eligible to take leadership positions in high-level organizations.

PhD thesis written in English, talks at national and international conferences and workshops, publication of research results in refereed international journals with high Impact Factor (at least 1 publication within 3 years from the conclusion of the doctorate).

Alessandro Gabrielli

Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia "Augusto Righi" - DIFA

Viale Berti Pichat 6/2 Bologna (BO)

[email protected]

Attachment 1

Attachment 2, attachment 3.

Find a programme

Accounting and finance.

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Accounting and Finance, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Advanced Quantitative Methods

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Advanced Quantitative Methods, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Aerosol Science

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Aerosol Science, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Aerospace Engineering

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Aerospace Engineering, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Anthropology and Archaeology

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Anthropology and Archaeology, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.


Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Biochemistry, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Biological Sciences

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Biological Sciences, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Cellular and Molecular Medicine

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Cellular and Molecular Medicine, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Chemistry, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Civil Engineering

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Civil Engineering, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Classics and Ancient History

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Classics and Ancient History, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Clinical Conscious Sedation and Anxiety Management

Comparative literatures and cultures.

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD and MPhil in Comparative Literatures and Cultures, including structure and supervisors.

Computer Science

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Computer Science, including entry requirements, career prospects and research groups.

Creative Writing

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Creative Writing, including entry requirements, supervisiors and research groups.

Cyber Security (Cyber Secure Everywhere)

Dds orthodontics.

Find out about the University of Bristol's Orthodontics Doctorate in Dental Surgery (DDS) research degree, including career prospects and supervisors.

DEdPsy Educational Psychology

Find out about the University of Bristol's Doctor of Educational Psychology (DEdPsy) research degree, including career prospects and supervisors.

Disability Studies

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Disability Studies, including entry requirements, career prospects and research groups.

Dynamic Molecular Cell Biology (Wellcome Trust)

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Dynamic Molecular Cell Biology, fully funded by the Wellcome Trust for UK students.

Earth Sciences

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Earth Sciences, including entry requirements, supervisiors and research groups.

East Asian Studies

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in East Asian Studies, including entry requirements and key themes.

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Economics, including entry requirements, supervisiors and research groups.

EdD Education: Learning, Leadership and Policy

Find out about the University of Bristol's EdD in Education: Learning, Leadership and Policy, including entry requirements, career prospects and research groups.

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Education, including entry requirements, career prospects and research groups.

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, including entry requirements and research groups.

EngD Composites Manufacture

Engd future innovation in non-destructive evaluation, engineering biology, engineering mathematics.

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Engineering Mathematics, including entry requirements, career prospects and research groups.

English Literature

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in English Literature, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Exercise, Nutrition and Health

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Exercise, Nutrition and Health, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Film and Television

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Film and Television, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in French, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Geographical Sciences (Human Geography)

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Geographical Sciences (Human Geography), including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Geographical Sciences (Physical Geography)

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Geographical Sciences (Physical Geography), including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in German, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Global Challenges and Transformations

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Global Challenges and Transformations, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Graduate Diploma Economics

Great western four+ doctoral training partnership (nerc).

Find out about the Great Western Four+ Doctoral Training Partnership, a multidisciplinary training environment for postgraduate students in NERC sciences.

Health and Wellbeing

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Health and Wellbeing, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Hispanic, Portuguese and Latin American Studies

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Hispanic, Portuguese and Latin American Studies, including supervisors and research groups.

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in History, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

History of Art

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in History of Art, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Integrative Cardiovascular Science (BHF)

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Integrative Cardiovascular Science (BHF), including entry requirements, funding and structure.

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Italian, including entry requirements, structure and research groups.

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Law, including entry requirements, structure and research groups.


Llm law - banking and finance law.

Find out about the University of Bristol's LLM in Banking and Finance Law, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

LLM Law - Commercial Law

Find out about the University of Bristol's LLM in Commercial Law, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

LLM Law - Company Law and Corporate Governance

Find out about the University of Bristol's LLM in Company Law and Corporate Governance, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

LLM Law - Employment, Work and Equality

Find out about the University of Bristol's LLM in Employment, Work and Equality Law, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

LLM Law - General Legal Studies

Find out about the University of Bristol's LLM in General Legal Studies, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

LLM Law - Health, Law and Society

Find out about the University of Bristol's LLM in Health, Law and Society, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

LLM Law - Human Rights Law

Find out about the University of Bristol's LLM in Human Rights Law, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

LLM Law - International Commercial Law

Find out about the University of Bristol's LLM in International Commercial Law, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

LLM Law - International Law

Find out about the University of Bristol's LLM in International Law, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

LLM Law - International Law and International Relations

Find out about the University of Bristol's LLM in International Law and International Relations, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

LLM Law - Labour Law and Corporate Governance

Llm law - law and globalisation, llm law - public law, llm law, environment, sustainability & business.

Find out about the University of Bristol's LLM in Law, Environment, Sustainability and Business, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

LLM Law, Environment, Sustainability and Business

Llm law, innovation & technology.

Find out about the University of Bristol's LLM in Law, Innovation and Technology, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

LLM Law, Innovation and Technology

Ma anthropology.

Find out about the University of Bristol's MA in Anthropology, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MA Black Humanities

Ma chinese-english audiovisual translation.

Find out about the University of Bristol's MA in Chinese-English Audiovisual Translation, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MA Chinese-English Translation

Find out about the University of Bristol's MA in Chinese-English Translation, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MA Comparative Literatures and Cultures

Find out about the University of Bristol's MA in Comparative Literatures and Cultures, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MA Composition of Music for Film and Television

Find out about the University of Bristol's MA in Composition of Music for Film and Television, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MA Creative Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Find out about the University of Bristol's MA in Creative Innovation and Entrepreneurship, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MA Creative Writing

Find out about the University of Bristol's MA in Creative Writing, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MA English Literature

Find out about the University of Bristol's MA in English Literature, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MA Environmental Humanities

Find out about the University of Bristol's MA in Environmental Humanities, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MA Film and Television

Find out about the University of Bristol's MA in Film and Television, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

Find out about the University of Bristol's MA in History, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MA History of Art

Find out about the University of Bristol's MA in History of Art, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MA Immersive Arts (Virtual and Augmented Reality)

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc, PGCert and PGDip in Immersive Arts (Virtual and Augmented Reality) including structure and career prospects.

Find out about the University of Bristol's MA in Law, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MA Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics

Ma medieval studies.

Find out about the University of Bristol's MA in Medieval Studies, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

Find out about the University of Bristol's MA in Music, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MA Philosophy

Ma philosophy and history of science, ma philosophy of biological and cognitive sciences, ma philosophy of physics, ma religion, ma translation, ma translation (online).

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Management, including entry requirements, structure and research groups.


Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Mathematics, including entry requirements, structure and research groups.

Mechanical Engineering

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Mechanical Engineering, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Medieval Studies

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Medieval Studies, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Molecular, Genetic and Lifecourse Epidemiology (Wellcome)

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Molecular, Genetic and Lifecourse Epidemiology, fully funded by the Wellcome Trust for UK students.

MRes Advanced Quantitative Methods

Find out about the University of Bristol's MRes in Advanced Quantitative Methods, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MRes Economics

Find out about the University of Bristol's MRes in Economics, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MRes Education

Find out about the University of Bristol's MRes in Education, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MRes Global Political Economy

Mres health sciences research.

Find out about the University of Bristol's MRes in Health Sciences Research, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MRes Security, Conflict and Human Rights

Mres sustainable futures.

Find out about the University of Bristol's MRes in Sustainable Futures, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Accounting and Finance

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Accounting and Finance, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Accounting, Finance and Management

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Accounting, Finance and Management, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Advanced Composites

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Advanced Composites, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Advanced Microelectronic Systems Engineering

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Advanced Microelectronic Systems Engineering, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Aerial Robotics

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Aerial Robotics, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Applied Neuropsychology

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Applied Neuropsychology, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Applied Neuropsychology (Distance Learning)

Msc applied neuropsychology (online), msc banking, regulation and financial stability.

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Banking, Regulation and Financial Stability, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Bioinformatics

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Bioinformatics, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Biomedical Engineering

Msc biomedical sciences research.

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Biomedical Sciences Research, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Biorobotics

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Biorobotics, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Business Analytics

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Business Analytics, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc by research Global Environmental Challenges

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc by research Global Environmental Challenges, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Cardiovascular Perfusion (distance learning)

Msc cardiovascular perfusion (online), msc climate change science and policy.

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Climate Change Science and Policy, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Clinical Neuropsychology

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Clinical Neuropsychology, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Clinical Perfusion Science

Msc clinical research methods and evidence-based medicine, msc communication networks and signal processing.

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Communication Networks and Signal Processing, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Computer Science (Conversion)

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc conversion programme in Computer Science, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Contemporary Identities

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Contemporary Identities, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Cyber Security (Infrastructures Security)

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Cyber Security (Infrastructures Security), including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Data Science

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Data Science, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Data Science (Distance Learning)

Msc data science (online), msc dental implantology.

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Dental Implantology, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Development and Security

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Development and Security, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Digital Health

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Digital Health, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Earthquake Engineering and Infrastructure Resilience

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Earthquake Engineering and Infrastructure Resilience, including structure and career prospects.

MSc East Asian Development and the Global Economy

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in East Asian Development and the Global Economy, including structure and career prospects.

MSc Economics

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Economics, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Economics and Finance

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Economics and Finance, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Economics with Data Science

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Economics with Data Science, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Economics, Finance and Management

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Economics, Finance and Management including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Education (Education and Climate Change)

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Education (Education and Climate Change), including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Education (Inclusive Education)

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Education (Inclusive Education), including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Education (Leadership and Policy)

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Education (Leadership and Policy), including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Education (Learning, Technology and Society)

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Education (Learning, Technology and Society), including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Education (Mathematics Education)

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Education (Mathematics Education), including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Education (Neuroscience and Education)

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Education (Neuroscience and Education), including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Education (Open Pathway)

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Education (Open Pathway), including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Education (Policy and International Development)

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Education (Policy and International Development) including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Education (Teaching and Learning)

Msc engineering mathematics.

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Engineering Mathematics, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Engineering with Management

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Engineering with Management, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Environmental Analytical Chemistry

Msc environmental modelling and data analysis.

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Environmental Modelling and Data Analysis, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Environmental Policy and Management

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Environmental Policy and Management, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Epidemiology

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Epidemiology, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Finance and Investment

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Finance and Investment, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Financial Technology

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Financial Technology, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Financial Technology with Data Science

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Financial Technology with Data Science, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Gender and International Relations

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Gender and International Relations, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Geographic Data Science and Spatial Analytics

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Geographic Data Science and Spatial Analytics, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Global Development and Environment

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Global Development and Environment, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Global Management

Msc global operations and supply chain management.

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Global Operations and Supply Chain Management, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Global Wildlife Health and Conservation

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Global Wildlife Health and Conservation, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Health Economics and Health Policy Analysis

Msc health professions education, msc health professions education (online), msc healthcare management, msc healthcare management (online), msc human geography: society and space.

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Human Geography: Society and Space, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Human Resource Management and the Future of Work

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Human Resource Management and the Future of Work, including structure and career prospects.

MSc Human-Computer Interaction (Online)

Msc image and video communications and signal processing.

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Image and Video Communications and Signal Processing, including structure and career prospects.

MSc Immersive Technologies (Virtual and Augmented Reality)

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Immersive Technologies (Virtual and Augmented Reality), including structure and career prospects.

MSc Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Msc international business and strategy: global challenges.

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in International Business and Strategy: Global Challenges), including structure and career prospects.

MSc International Development

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in International Development, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc International Relations

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in International Relations, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc International Security

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in International Security, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Management

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Management, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Management (CSR and Sustainability)

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Management (CSR and Sustainability), including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Management (Digitalisation and Big Data)

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Management (Digitalisation and Big Data), including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Management (Entrepreneurship and Innovation)

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Management (Entrepreneurship and Innovation), including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Management (International Business)

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Management (International Business), including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Management (International Human Resource Management)

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Management (International Human Resource Management), including structure and career prospects.

MSc Management (Marketing)

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Management (Marketing), including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Management (Project Management)

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Management (Project Management), including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Marketing

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Marketing, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Mathematical Sciences

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Mathematical Sciences, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Medical Statistics and Health Data Science

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Medical Statistics and Health Data Science, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Molecular Neuroscience

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Molecular Neuroscience, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Nanoscience and Functional Nanomaterials

Msc nuclear science and engineering.

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Nuclear Science and Engineering, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Nutrition, Physical Activity and Public Health

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Nutrition, Physical Activity and Public Health, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Optical Communications and Signal Processing

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Optical Communications and Signal Processing, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Optoelectronic and Quantum Technologies

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Optoelectronic and Quantum Technologies, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Oral Medicine

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Oral Medicine, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Orthopaedic Research Methods and Evidence-Based Medicine

Msc palaeobiology.

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Palaeobiology, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Perfusion Science

Msc periodontology.

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc and Postgraduate Certificate in Perfusion Science, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Policy Research

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Policy Research, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Psychology (Conversion)

Msc psychology of education bps.

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc conversion programme in Psychology of Education, accreddiated by the British Psychological Society,

MSc Public Health

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Public Health, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Public Policy

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Public Policy, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Public Policy Analysis (Distance Learning)

Msc reproduction and development.

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc, PGCert and PGDip in Reproduction and Development, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Robotics

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Robotics, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Science Communication for a Better Planet

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Science Communication for a Better Planet, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Scientific Computing with Data Science

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Scientific Computing with Data Science, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Social and Cultural Theory

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Social and Cultural Theory, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Social Science Research Methods (Management)

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Social Science Research Methods (Management), including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Social Science Research Methods (Politics)

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Social Science Research Methods (Politics), including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Social Science Research Methods (Sociology)

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Social Science Research Methods (Sociology), including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Social Work

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Social Work, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Social Work Research

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Social Work Research, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Society, Politics and Climate Change

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Society, Politics and Climate Change, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Socio-Legal Studies

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Socio-Legal Studies, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Sociology

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Sociology, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Stem Cells and Regeneration

Msc stem cells and regeneration (online), msc strategy, change and leadership.

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc and PGCert in Strategy, Change and Leadership, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Sustainable Engineering

Msc teaching and learning for health professionals, msc teaching english to speakers of other languages (tesol).

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Translational Cardiovascular Medicine

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc, PGCert and PGDip in Translational Cardiovascular Medicine, including structure and entry requirements.

MSc Translational Cardiovascular Medicine (Online)

Msc volcanology, msc water and environmental management.

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Water and Environmental Management, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

MSc Wireless Communications and Signal Processing

Find out about the University of Bristol's MSc in Wireless Communications and Signal Processing, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Music, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Oral and Dental Sciences

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Oral and Dental Sciences, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

PG Certificate (Postgraduate Certificate) Clinical Neuropsychology Practice

Find out about the University of Bristol's Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Neuropsychology Practice, including structure and career prospects.

PG Certificate (Postgraduate Certificate) Clinical Oral Surgery

Find out about the University of Bristol's Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Oral Surgery, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

PG Certificate (Postgraduate Certificate) Clinical Perfusion Science

Pg certificate (postgraduate certificate) healthcare improvement, pg certificate (postgraduate certificate) healthcare improvement (online), pg certificate (postgraduate certificate) perfusion science, pg diploma (postgraduate diploma) applied neuropsychology, pg diploma (postgraduate diploma) applied neuropsychology (bristol-based), pg diploma (postgraduate diploma) applied neuropsychology (distance learning), pg diploma (postgraduate diploma) applied neuropsychology (online), pg diploma (postgraduate diploma) clinical neuropsychology.

Find out about the University of Bristol's Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Neuropsychology, including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

PG Diploma (Postgraduate Diploma) Orthodontic Therapy

Pg diploma (postgraduate diploma) philosophy, pg diploma (postgraduate diploma) theoretical and practical clinical neuropsycho, pg diploma (postgraduate diploma) theoretical and practical clinical neuropsychology.

Find out about the University of Bristol's PG Diploma in Theoretical and Practical Clinical Neuropsychology, including structure and entry requirements.

PGCE Education (Secondary)

Find out about the University of Bristol's PGCE in Education (Secondary) including structure, entry requirements and career prospects.

PhD Accounting and Finance

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Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Philosophy, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Physics, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Politics, including key themes and entry requirements.

Population Health Sciences

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Population Health Sciences, including entry requirements, career prospects and research groups.

Practice-Oriented Artificial Intelligence

Quantum information science and technologies, religion and theology.

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Religion and Theology, including structure, entry requirements and supervisors.

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Russian, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Social Policy

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Social Policy, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Social Work

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Social Work, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Sociology, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Sociotechnical Futures and Digital Methods

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Sociotechnical Futures and Digital Methods, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

South West Biosciences Doctoral Training Partnership (BBSRC)

Find out about the University of Bristol's South West Biosciences Doctoral Training Partnership, including structure and entry requirements.

Sustainable Futures

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Sustainable Futures, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Technology Enhanced Chemical Synthesis

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Technology Enhanced Chemical Synthesis, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Theatre and Performance

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Theatre and Performance, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.


Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Translation, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Translational Health Sciences

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Translational Health Sciences, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups.

Veterinary Sciences

Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Veterinary Sciences, including entry requirements, research groups and career prospects.

Best Universities for Physics in Europe

Updated: February 29, 2024

  • Art & Design
  • Computer Science
  • Engineering
  • Environmental Science
  • Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
  • Mathematics

Below is a list of best universities in Europe ranked based on their research performance in Physics. A graph of 303M citations received by 12.8M academic papers made by 1,446 universities in Europe was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

1. University of Cambridge

For Physics

University of Cambridge logo

2. University of Oxford

University of Oxford logo

3. Imperial College London

Imperial College London logo

4. Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne

Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne logo

5. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich logo

6. University College London

University College London logo

7. University of Manchester

University of Manchester logo

8. Pierre and Marie Curie University

Pierre and Marie Curie University logo

9. Catholic University of Leuven

Catholic University of Leuven logo

10. Delft University of Technology

Delft University of Technology logo

11. Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich logo

12. Moscow State University

Moscow State University logo

13. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology logo

14. Lund University

Lund University logo

15. Technical University of Denmark

Technical University of Denmark logo

16. University of Southampton

University of Southampton logo

17. Heidelberg University - Germany

Heidelberg University - Germany logo

18. Vienna University of Technology

Vienna University of Technology logo

19. University of Bristol

University of Bristol logo

20. KTH Royal Institute of Technology

KTH Royal Institute of Technology logo

21. Paris-Sud University

Paris-Sud University logo

22. University of Sheffield

University of Sheffield logo

23. RWTH Aachen University

RWTH Aachen University logo

24. Utrecht University

Utrecht University logo

25. Uppsala University

Uppsala University logo

26. University of Edinburgh

University of Edinburgh logo

27. Sapienza University of Rome

Sapienza University of Rome logo

28. University of Munich

University of Munich logo

29. University of Leeds

University of Leeds logo

30. University of Erlangen Nuremberg

University of Erlangen Nuremberg logo

31. University of Stuttgart

University of Stuttgart logo

32. University of Amsterdam

University of Amsterdam logo

33. University of Nottingham

University of Nottingham logo

34. University of Groningen

University of Groningen logo

35. Eindhoven University of Technology

Eindhoven University of Technology logo

36. University of Bologna

University of Bologna logo

37. Chalmers University of Technology

Chalmers University of Technology logo

38. University of Padua

University of Padua logo

39. Claude Bernard University Lyon 1

Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 logo

40. Ghent University

Ghent University logo

41. University of Copenhagen

University of Copenhagen logo

42. University of Hamburg

University of Hamburg logo

43. University of Birmingham

University of Birmingham logo

44. University of Helsinki

University of Helsinki logo

45. Polytechnic University of Milan

Polytechnic University of Milan logo

46. Ruhr University Bochum

Ruhr University Bochum logo

47. University of Vienna

University of Vienna logo

48. Durham University

Durham University logo

49. University of Liverpool

University of Liverpool logo

50. University of Gottingen

University of Gottingen logo

51. University of Geneva

University of Geneva logo

52. Technical University of Berlin

Technical University of Berlin logo

53. University of Barcelona

University of Barcelona logo

54. University of Glasgow

University of Glasgow logo

55. Aarhus University

Aarhus University logo

56. University of Bonn

University of Bonn logo

57. Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz logo

58. University of Zurich

University of Zurich logo

59. Leiden University

Leiden University logo

60. University of Munster

University of Munster logo

61. Radboud University

Radboud University logo

62. Grenoble Alpes University

Grenoble Alpes University logo

63. University of Twente

University of Twente logo

64. Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main

Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main logo

65. King's College London

King's College London logo

66. University of Warwick

University of Warwick logo

67. University of Freiburg

University of Freiburg logo

68. Free University of Berlin

Free University of Berlin logo

69. Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Norwegian University of Science and Technology logo

70. Paul Sabatier University - Toulouse III

Paul Sabatier University - Toulouse III logo

71. Polytechnic University of Bari

Polytechnic University of Bari logo

72. University of Pisa

University of Pisa logo

73. University of Tubingen

University of Tubingen logo

74. Technical University of Catalonia

Technical University of Catalonia logo

75. Stockholm University

Stockholm University logo

76. University of Oslo

University of Oslo logo

77. Autonomous University of Madrid

Autonomous University of Madrid logo

78. Dresden University of Technology

Dresden University of Technology logo

79. Polytechnic School

Polytechnic School logo

80. University of Milan

University of Milan logo

81. Polytechnic University of Turin

Polytechnic University of Turin logo

82. University of Bern

University of Bern logo

83. Complutense University of Madrid

Complutense University of Madrid logo

84. University of Liege

University of Liege logo

85. Federico II University of Naples

Federico II University of Naples logo

86. University of Florence

University of Florence logo

87. University of Valencia

University of Valencia logo

88. Darmstadt University of Technology

Darmstadt University of Technology logo

89. Linkoping University

Linkoping University logo

90. University of Wurzburg

University of Wurzburg logo

91. Queen Mary University of London

Queen Mary University of London logo

92. University of Strathclyde

University of Strathclyde logo

93. University of Lisbon

University of Lisbon logo

94. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki logo

95. University of Cologne

University of Cologne logo

96. Newcastle University

Newcastle University logo

97. University of Innsbruck

University of Innsbruck logo

98. Friedrich Schiller University of Jena

Friedrich Schiller University of Jena logo

99. University of Bordeaux

University of Bordeaux logo

100. Catholic University of Louvain

Catholic University of Louvain logo

Physics subfields in Europe

  • Prospective students
  • International students
  • PhD candidates
  • Professors and researchers
  • Institutions and companies

Ph.D. programme in Physics

  • Academic Board
  • Career opportunities
  • Research topics
  • Advisory Board
  • Regulations

Programme overview


This programme aims at training PhD candidates contributing to fundamental researches in leading sectors and understanding and promoting those aspects which may improve know-how of high-tech activities. Compared to other PhD programmes awarding the same title, this programme is characterized by a focus on theoretical, experimental and computational aspects of physics of matter and complex systems.

It shall be noted that members of Academic Board are also members of two European Union flagships: “Graphene” and “Human Brain”. The Board often invites external experts to collaborate as co-tutors or thesis referees. Board members also have a wide network of relationships with several international research centres. PhD students are thus able to have a direct experience of the activities carried out in advanced experimental and computational laboratories, which represent an integration to departmental laboratories.

The course catalogue is divided in four major areas: 

  • Experimental Physics of Matter 
  • Theoretical Physics of Matter 
  • Physics of Complex Systems 
  • High Energy Physics

This programme is part of few educational networks comprising institutions of recognized excellence and it has hosted several students, taking part to co-tutelle programmes; many students take also part in exchange programmes based on bilateral agreements. Almost 50% of PhD scholarships are financed from external institutions. 

Key information

Type of programme:, department:, coordinator:.


Vice coordinator:



Titolo contacts, titolo student office, titolo representative of phd candidates.

Support PSL


The Graduate Program in Physics offers a comprehensive curriculum of advanced study and research, from the Master's to the Doctorate degree, in fundamental physics and its applications. Through its association with ten laboratories and three LabEx laboratories at PSL, the graduate program offers a Master’s degree in which research plays a central role. Students may also choose elective courses designed to improve their transdisciplinary skills and broaden their curriculum.

Key figures

Theoretical physics and its applications

Quantum physics

Wave physics

Soft matter

Nonlinear physics and Hydrodynamics

A five-year track from Master’s to PhD

Upon entering the Master’s degree program, each student will define their scientific project with the graduate program's faculty and researchers. Students will have an academic advisor and will be heavily involved in research throughout the program.

Choose your Master’s degree and define your academic path

The graduate program offers the following Master’s degrees:

Enhance and customize your academic path: elective courses

Complementary university-wide courses.

Graduate program students at both the Master’s and PhD level have access to university-wide trainings in core competencies, both introductory and advanced, designed to supplement their academic study. Those complementary university-wide courses, available in all of PSL’s component schools, are eligible for ECTS credit.

Data science program

Career opportunities.

Trained in and through research, PSL alumni find numerous employment opportunities in the public, private and entrepreneurial sectors as well as in the academic world.

débouchés programme gradué physique psl

Pursue a PhD

Doctoral research is conducted in a PSL laboratory. Training is conducted in a doctoral school.

Graduate program doctoral schools

  • École doctorale Physique en Ile-de-France - ED 564

Graduate program laboratories

logo ens psl

Head of the Graduate program:

  • Jean-François Allemand (ENS - PSL)
  • Luca de'Medici (ESPCI-PSL)

[email protected]

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  • h@gu scientists
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PhD Position in Theoretical Physics, Vienna

  • by hyperspace_bot
  • 2024/06/04 2024/06/04

We are looking for a M.Sc. in theoretical physics. The prospective PhD candidate should have a background in quantum field theory, general relativity and cosmology as can be obtained in typical introductory courses for master students. He or she should be enthusiastic about doing a PhD thesis in a collaborative team consisting of theoretical and experimental physicists of the Atominstitut. This 3-year PhD position will be in the theory group of Mario Pitschmann, which focuses on the search for dark energy and dark matter by using high-precision tabletop experiments.

The candidate should be self-driven, talented and a team player. Please provide the following: two letters of recommendation (one from the supervisor of the master thesis), CV, electronic copy (e.g. PDF) of the master thesis.

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105 PhD jobs in Physics

Find PhD jobs in Physics here. To have new jobs sent to you the day they're posted, sign up for job alerts.

  • PhD positions in Applied Physics (30)
  • PhD positions in Materials Physics (23)
  • PhD positions in Computational Physics (20)
  • PhD positions in Optics (18)
  • PhD positions in Fluid Dynamics (17)
  • PhD positions in Experimental Physics (16)
  • PhD positions in Photonics (16)
  • PhD positions in Biophysics (15)
  • PhD positions in Geophysics (12)
  • PhD positions in Quantum Physics (12)

Other main fields

  • PhD positions in Engineering (206)
  • PhD positions in Computer Science (137)
  • PhD positions in Biology (87)
  • PhD positions in Chemistry (82)
  • PhD positions in Mathematics (75)
  • PhD positions in Medicine (64)
  • PhD positions in Business and Economics (41)
  • PhD positions in Psychology (31)
  • PhD positions in Social Science (27)
  • PhD positions in Agricultural Science (27)

Search results (105)


PhD position (f/m/d): Pioneering simulations of offshore wind farm turbulence

Job descriptionWe are looking for a motivated PhD candidate to delve into flow dynamics in offshore wind farms, developing novel computer simulations. As the scale of wind turbines and farms expand...


PhD Candidate for Computational Approaches for Studying Animal Behavior, Personality, and Emotions

About our Campus: Rehovot Campus (Rehovot) and Mt. Scopus Campus (Jerusalem). The position will be based across two campuses: The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment on The Hebrew University’s beautiful Rehovot Campus. Reh...


Doctoral research position (f/m/d)

In the Institute of Process Measurement and Sensor Technology at the Technische Universität Ilmenau (Germany) is a vacancy for up to 2 positions asDoctoral research position (f/m/d)for advanced academic training to obtain research skills and acade...


2 PhD positions in immersive architectural design and spatialized sound

2 PhD positions in immersive architectural design and spatialized soundThe Immersive Models research project is an interdisciplinary collaboration between Gramazio Kohler Research at the Federal In...

PhD opening: Functioning and dynamics of biodiverse salt marshes.

Job descriptionThis research position is part of the joint German-Dutch-Danish SALTGARDEN project: Sustainable Adaptive Landscapes through Transdisciplinary Gardening to Advance the Resilience and ...


Doctoral Researcher in Process Metallurgy (solidification of steel)

The University of Oulu is a multidisciplinary, international research university, with about 3,600 employees who produce new knowledge based on high-standards research and provide research based ed...

PhD position (f/m/d): Assessing the interplay between wind farms and clouds

Job descriptionThis PhD project is part of the ERC Consolidator Grant project WINDFLOW, which strives to develop groundbreaking large-eddy simulation strategies for wind farm flows. Your research w...

Doctoral Researcher in Process Metallurgy (reduction of chromite)

Phd position (f/m/d): large-scale impact of wind farms on atmospheric flow.


PhD-student: Non-Hermitian nano-optomechanical networks and their sensing performance

The Photonic Forces group seeks a motivated and talented PhD student working at the intersection of the fields of nano-optomechanics and topological physics. Nanomechanical resonators are versatile...


Three-year PhD position in Physics (Photonics, Optoelectronics, Material Science): Giant interband transition nanostructures - optical and optoelectronic properties and application in photodetection

RESEARCHER PROFILE: PhD/ R1: First stage Researcher                  RESEARCH FIELD(S)1: PhysicsMAIN SUB RESEARCH FIELD OR DISCIPLINES1: EngineeringJOB /OFFER DESCRIPTION: Giant interband transition nanostructures, which are based on semiconductor...


PhD Positions in Cancer Research

Are you looking for excellent research opportunities for your PhD studies at the forefront of cancer research? The German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg invites international students holding a Master’s degree in (molecular) biology, ...


Upcoming PhD Positions at the International Max Planck Research School for Molecules of Life in Autumn 2024

More information for the new call-out will come up during Autumn 2024. Stay tuned!The International Max Planck Research School for Molecules of Life (IMPRS-ML) will have an open call for fully-funded PhD student positions in the areas of biochemis...


International Fully Funded PhD Positions in the Life Sciences in Switzerland

*New application deadlines for two open calls per year: November 1 and May 1!Life Science Zurich Graduate School offers more than 100 funded PhD positions. With around 500 research groups and more than 1600 Ph.D. students, the Life Science Zurich ...

PhD position in Hybrid Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics with Ge semiconductor QDs and high impedance superconducting resonators

PhD position in Hybrid Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics with Ge semiconductor QDs and high impedance superconducting resonatorsWe are excited to announce a unique opportunity for a highly motivated P...


Junior Scientist - Quantum sensing (f/m/d)

YOUR FUTURE RESPONSIBILITIESBringing together applied science and industry, SAL offers research in the areas of Sensor Systems, Intelligent Wireless Systems, Power Electronics and Embedded Systems. The position will be located within the Sensor Sy...

Phd Position on Closed-loop testing for faster and better EM evaluation of complex high-tech systems

Job descriptionThe Power Electronics and Electromagnetic Compatibility Group within the department Electrical Engineering has a vacancy for a Ph.D. researcher on Closed-loop testing for faster and ...

Phd Position on Effective aperture of openings of systems in reverberant environments

Job descriptionThe Power Electronics and Electromagnetic Compatibility Group within the department Electrical Engineering has a vacancy for a Ph.D. researcher on Effective aperture of openings of s...


(PhD) Robust and accurate yield stress fluid flow with the extreme mesh deformation approach (X-MESH)

Offer DescriptionGeneral Context of the ResearchThis job offer is related to an ERC Synergy grant titled X-MESH (grant number 101071255) that started on the first of September 2023. The two PIs of this grant are Jean-François Remacle (UCLouvain) a...


PhD Position / Research Assistant (f/m/d) Analysis and mitigation of offshore wind farm cluster wakes

ForWind – Center for Wind Energy Research has a vacancy in the research group »Wind Energy Systems« at the Institute of Physics of the Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg starting as soon as possible for aPhD Position / Research Assistant (f/...


PhD Student - Department of Materials, Textiles and Chemical Engineering

Last application date Sep 30, 2024 00:00Department TW11 - Department of Materials, Textiles and Chemical EngineeringContract Limited durationDegree Master in EngineeringOccupancy rate 100%Vacancy type Research staffJob descriptionThe research grou...


PhD position in heterogeneous catalysis

Heterogeneous catalysts are needed to make things like fertilizers, medicines, fuels, and plastics. We need them for most our products. In the newly (2024) started  Catalysis and Self-Assembly Group at Linköping University, we develop fundamental ...


PhD Position in Planetary Sciences at KU Leuven, Department of Geology

KU Leuven is a leading European research university located in Leuven, Belgium, consistently ranked among the top universities worldwide. With a rich history dating back to 1425, KU Leuven is renow...

Phd for Novel Nanophotonic Electron Accelerator

About our Campus: Hebrew University’s Edmond J. Safra Campus is a vibrant hub of academic and research excellence nestled in the heart of Jerusalem. Our modern campus boasts state-of-the-art lab facilities, world-renowned faculty, and a stimulatin...


PhD thesis in Statistical Physics of Active Matter

(Valid from 16/01/2024 to 31/12/2024)   Language: English (UK) Country: Luxembourg   Organisation data: Department of Physics and Materials Science (DPHYMS) Job Number: UOL06198 Contract Type: Fixed Term Contract Duration 36 Month Schedule Type: F...

PhD candidates - Spontaneous Applications for Next Generation Radar Sensing Networks

(Valid from 22/01/2024 to 31/12/2024)   Language: English (UK) Country: Luxembourg   Organisation data: Interdisciplinary Centre of Security, Reliability and Trust Job Number: UOL05451 Contract Type: Fixed Term Contract Duration 36 Month Schedule ...


PhD Research Fellow - Comprehensive Grasp of Electrolyte Depletion in Lithium-Ion Battery

About the positionA 100% position is available at the University of Agder, Faculty of Engineering and Science as a Ph.D. research fellow in a comprehensive grasp of electrolyte depletion in lithium-ion battery fast charging affiliated to the Depar...

PhD Student - Department of Electronics and Information Systems

Last application date Sep 30, 2024 00:00Department TW06 - Department of Electronics and Information SystemsContract Limited durationDegree Master’s degree in physics, applied physics, engineering physics or other relevant fieldsOccupancy rate 100%...


Overseas High-level Talents Wanted at the Institute of High Energy Physics

Introduction to the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) The Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) invites applications for permanent staff positions at all levels. IHEP is a comprehensive research lab...

PhD Position / Research Assistant (f/m/d) Forecasts of wind ramps at offshore wind farms

Jobs by field.

  • Electrical Engineering 151
  • Machine Learning 134
  • Programming Languages 129
  • Artificial Intelligence 118
  • Mechanical Engineering 112
  • Molecular Biology 108
  • Materials Engineering 102
  • Cell Biology 102
  • Materials Chemistry 100
  • Electronics 100

Jobs by type

  • Postdoc 298
  • Assistant / Associate Professor 125
  • Professor 97
  • Researcher 93
  • Research assistant 88
  • Engineer 80
  • Lecturer / Senior Lecturer 67
  • Management / Leadership 45
  • Tenure Track 35

Jobs by country

  • Belgium 270
  • Netherlands 120
  • Morocco 116
  • Switzerland 94
  • Luxembourg 64

Jobs by employer

  • Mohammed VI Polytechnic Unive... 116
  • KU Leuven 89
  • Ghent University 77
  • University of Luxembourg 63
  • KTH Royal Institute of Techno... 44
  • ETH Zürich 42
  • University of Twente 39
  • Karolinska Institutet 34
  • Eindhoven University of Techn... 34

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phd in physics europe

PhD Fellowship in Physics

Job Information

Offer description.

The DFG research training group “ Particle Detectors for Future Experiments - from Concept to Operation ” at the University of Mainz, Germany, offers

Several PhD Fellowships

(TVL-13 75% Payscale, 3 years)

for outstanding graduates in an attractive and international research environment, who want to shape the next generation of particle detectors. The positions are available to commence from September 2024 and are tied to working towards a doctorate (PhD). We are offering the fixed-term positions (75% FTE, TVL-13 Payscale) for three years.

The Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz is one of the largest Universities in Germany, with more than 31.000 students from more than 100 nations. Its physics department is among the leading research institutions in Europe and hosts the federal excellence cluster PRISMA+ with a focus on fundamental physics.

The Graduate School aims at the development of new detector technologies for current and future experiments in astro-particle, particle and nuclear physics. Our fellows are integrated in high-profile experiments ranging from ATLAS and BES-III over DUNE and IceCube to Project8, JUNO or MAGIX.  You will be participating in dedicated trainings on detector physics and neighbouring topics, get hands-on experience in an experimental project self-organized by the fellows and go on an extended research stay with one of our collaborators in Europe, USA and Asia.

Our future fellows should have

  • a very good master’s degree or diploma in physics
  • experience with working in research laboratories with potential first experiences in one or more of the following topics: scintillators, gaseous based detectors, detector electronics, hardware programming
  • substantiated knowledge of nuclear, particle or astro-particle physics is desirable
  • good command of written and spoken English. German language skills would be advantageous but are not a requirement
  • team orientation, good communication and organizational skills, ability to work independently

Are you interested? Then we look forward to receiving your application via email by 30 th   June 2024 , sent as a single PDF, to the research training group  [email protected] . All Applications received before the 30 th  June will be given full consideration. The review of individual applications will however already start once all documents required have been submitted. Applicants are encouraged to name a principal investigator of the research training group, who could act as supervisor (see ) or indicate which of the research areas (Photon-based Detectors, Ultra-fast data processing and reconstruction, High Performance Detectors) they would like to join. Your application should include

  • a detailed curriculum vitae
  • a letter explaining your motivation for joining our research training group, your research interests and previous research experiences
  • scans of university degrees including transcripts of records (lists of courses with your grades) in German or English
  • candidates who have obtained their degrees from a university where neither English nor German is the teaching language must prove their language proficiency (B2 level or higher) by a certificate not older than three years
  • two letters of recommendation

Please arrange in addition  two signed letters of recommendation  by senior scientists to be emailed  separately  to the above address. Referees are asked to use for this the pre-prepared form available at . At least one referee must come from an institution other than your current one. All documents may be submitted in English or German. Documents in any other language must be translated and legally certified by the German embassy, consulate or a certified translator.

The Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz aims at increasing the percentage of women in academic positions and strongly encourages women scientists to apply. The university is an equal opportunity employer and particularly welcomes applications from persons with disabilities.


Your application should include

Additional Information

Work location(s), where to apply.

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phd in physics europe

Congratulations to Steven Blaber, who is the winner of a Graduate Dean's Medal for 2024!

For his PhD, Dr. Steven Blaber studied energetically efficient control of stochastic thermodynamic systems. This emerging field examines the thermodynamics of micro- and nano-scale systems, like the many tiny machines that transport cargo and store energy within living cells. Supported by the Graduate Dean’s Entrance Scholarship, he has made several significant contributions to advance our theoretical understanding of these molecular machines. Steven now applies the tools and techniques learned at SFU in his work as a postdoctoral scholar at UBC, studying amorphous mirror coatings for future generations of gravitational wave detectors.

The Graduate Dean's Medal recognizes graduating students from each faculty whose cumulative grade point average places them in the top five percent of their class.

The Faculty of Science Ceremony will take place on June 13, 2024.  See all Graduate Convocation Medal Award Winners for 2024 .

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Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

2024 phd graduate – next gen sensors and signal processing.

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Are you interested in signal processing and want to develop systems that turn sensor information into decisions?

Do you like innovating to solve ambitious, real-world problems?

If you are graduating with a PhD in physics, math, electrical engineering, or astronomy and want to work on sensor algorithms, we’re looking for someone like you to join our team!

We are seeking a Sensor and Signal Processing specialist to help us develop algorithms and assess the performance of the next generation of sensors on interceptors that counter constantly evolving air, ballistic missile and hypersonic threats. You’ll influence the development of powerful sensor algorithms and find creative, elegant solutions to the hard problems of processing information in the constrained and highly dynamic missile regime. We provide an inclusive environment for hardworking staff to collaborate with a diverse team of experts to take on vital missile defense challenges.

As a sensor and signal processing specialist…

  • Your primary responsibility will be to derive requirements, perform trade studies, and analyze the performance of sophisticated sensor systems and algorithms.
  • You will research concepts and develop simulations and algorithms related to signal propagations, signal detection and air and space borne sensor systems.
  • You may develop, implement, test and verify high-fidelity, physics-based simulations of sensors and environments from first principles.

You meet our minimum qualifications for the job if you…

  • Possess a PhD in electrical engineering, applied math, physics, astronomy, or a related field.
  • Proven expertise in one or more of the following: simulating or analyzing electromagnetic signals, environments or sensors, signal or image processing
  • Are proficient in one or more of the following programming languages: MATLAB, C++, or Python
  • Have the willingness to travel up to 15% of the time as needed.
  • Are able to attain an Interim Secret level security clearance by your start date and can ultimately obtain a Secret level clearance. If selected, you will be subject to a government security clearance investigation and must meet the requirements for access to classified information. Eligibility requirements include U.S. citizenship.
  • Can demonstrate that you are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. To ensure the safety and well-being of the community, APL has established a policy requiring that all staff be vaccinated against COVID-19. All staff members must provide proof of full vaccination or have an approved medical or religious accommodation by their start date.

You will go above and beyond our minimum requirements if you…

  • Have experience working on signal processing algorithms.
  • Are proficient in writing algorithms for high-fidelity modeling and simulation tools or that must be run on high-power computing resources.

Why work at APL?

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) brings world-class expertise to our nation’s most critical defense, security, space and science challenges. While we are dedicated to solving complex challenges and pioneering new technologies, what makes us truly outstanding is our culture. We offer a vibrant, welcoming atmosphere where you can bring your authentic self to work, continue to grow, and build strong connections with inspiring teammates.

At APL, we celebrate our differences and encourage creativity and bold, new ideas. Our employees enjoy generous benefits, including a robust education assistance program, unparalleled retirement contributions, and a healthy work/life balance. APL’s campus is located in the Baltimore-Washington metro area. Learn more about our career opportunities at

APL is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, creed, color, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, genetic information, veteran status, occupation, marital or familial status, political opinion, personal appearance, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.

APL is committed to promoting an innovative environment that embraces diversity, encourages creativity, and supports inclusion of new ideas. In doing so, we are committed to providing reasonable accommodation to individuals of all abilities, including those with disabilities. If you require a reasonable accommodation to participate in any part of the hiring process, please contact [email protected]. Only by ensuring that everyone’s voice is heard are we empowered to be bold, do great things, and make the world a better place.

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DePaul University Newsline > Sections > Campus and Community > Math and physics major strives to be of service to others

Math and physics major strives to be of service to others

Joshua chis discusses his experience as a first-generation student.

By Paige Gilberg / June 3, 2024 / Posted in: CAMPUS AND COMMUNITY / Twitter / Facebook

Joshua Chis

What was the beginning of your DePaul journey like? 

What are your research interests , how have you connected with the university community during your time here , what does depaul’s vincentian mission mean to you , what do you plan to do next , what advice do you have for incoming students .

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2023 Fall PHYSICS 7B 202A LAB 202A


  1. PhD in Physics • Physics

    phd in physics europe

  2. Joint PhD Positions In Physics And Computer Science Available In Europe

    phd in physics europe

  3. PhD in Physics • Physics

    phd in physics europe

  4. Best Universities In Europe For Studying Physics

    phd in physics europe

  5. phd in nuclear physics in germany

    phd in physics europe

  6. cambridge theoretical physics PhD

    phd in physics europe


  1. Before Class 11th ,I Will Do PHD in Physics 😂😂 But Now I Am 12th Pass 🤣 #science #neet #jee

  2. Studying a PhD in Electronic and Electrical Engineering

  3. Fully Funded PhD Scholarship at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)

  4. Physics at Leibniz University Hannover

  5. PhD (Physics) entrance test2024

  6. ICTP Postgraduate Diploma Programme for Physics and Mathematics' Students


  1. Physics

    The research topics on the PhD programme in Physics embrace almost all the disciplines of physics: high energy physics, elementary particles, astrophysics, cosmology, quantum mechanics, ... Acces's mandates about publications, as specified on the 'Ley de la ciencia española' and the European Union's Horizon Europe.

  2. PhD Physics (2024 entry)

    Year of entry: 2024. The standard academic entry requirement for this PhD is an upper second-class (2:1) honours degree in a discipline directly relevant to the PhD (or international equivalent) OR any upper-second class (2:1) honours degree and a Master's degree at merit in a discipline directly relevant to the PhD (or international equivalent).

  3. PhD in Physics

    The "physics" domain of IP Paris doctoral school reflects this variety by offering possibilities of PhD thesis work in theoretical or experimental fundamental physics, as well as in more applied fields based on the properties of light and matter, energy, or applications to biosciences. Given its scope and the importance of technological ...


    The program involves all the PhDs related to the Physics Graduate School. It covers all fields of physics, from fundamental to applied, from theory, modeling and simulation to instrumentation, from laboratory experiments to large instruments placed on large research infrastructures or in space, from the disciplinary core to interfaces.

  5. Physics (europe) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

    A four-year funded PhD studentship is available at Imperial College London in collaboration with the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), Teddington Middlesex. Read more. Supervisors: Prof Z Durrani, Dr A Yacoot. 1 June 2024 PhD Research Project Funded PhD Project (UK Students Only)

  6. PhD in Theoretical Physics

    PhD in Theoretical Physics. A PhD is the highest academic qualification in the Netherlands. It generally involves four years of original research on a specific topic. Students who have a Master's degree can apply for a position, and are selected on the quality of their (educational) background.

  7. Doctoral studies at the Department of Physics

    After four years of undergraduate studies (240 credits in Sweden) it is possible to start doctoral studies in order to obtain a Licentiate degree after 2-3 years and continue towards a PhD exam after totally 4-5 years. At the Department of Physics, there are four research subjects within the postgraduate program: Physics, Theoretical Physics ...

  8. PhD in Physics • Physics

    Doctoral Program in Physics - Creating fundamentals for future innovations. Around 130 doctoral students study and work at the Department of Physics. Every year, we award some 30 PhD degrees to physicists at Freie Universität Berlin. If you are interested in a doctoral program, please contact the research groups of your interest directly.

  9. Physics Department, TUM

    The Physics Department with the Department Graduate Center Physics provides the organisational framework for the doctorate with a flexible program to support your research. As an alternative you may in principle become a member of another (thematic) graduate center. Having found your supervisor and research topic, the application procedure runs ...

  10. PhD programme

    PhD programme. Research at the Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP) at Utrecht University covers high-energy physics (elementary particles, quantum gravity, string theory), cosmology (early universe, cosmic microwave background, inflation, gravitational waves), quantum matter (superconductivity, spintronics, Bose-Einstein condensation ...

  11. Doctoral Programme in Particle Physics and Universe Sciences

    The academic subjects of the Doctoral Programme in Particle Physics and Universe Sciences (PAPU) include theoretical physics, astronomy and physics (specialization lines of space physics and particle and nuclear physics). PAPU covers theoretical, experimental and observational research fields in elementary particle physics, cosmology, astrophysics, space physics and planetary astrophysics.

  12. Physics (fully funded PhD for international students) PhD ...

    University of Galway School of Natural Sciences. Application (s) are invited from suitably qualified candidates for full-time funded PhD scholarship (s) starting in February 2024 affiliated to the Nanoscale Biophotonics Laboratory in the Discipline of Physics (School of Natural Sciences) at the University of Galway. Read more.

  13. PhD details

    PhD in physics has the purpose of completing the scientific training in the field of Physics for the various fields actively present in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, in the Bologna Section of INFN and CNAF-INFN, and CNR Institutes of the Bologna area. The PhD programme aims to train researchers able to perform independent activities ...

  14. Doctoral Study

    The Theodor Hänsch PhD Award is donated by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation for the Faculty of Physics and is endowed with 4,000 euros. It is named after Professor Theodor W. Hänsch (Nobel Prize winner in 2005) and is intended to recognize particularly outstanding dissertations in the field of physics.

  15. PhD details

    Andrea Cerreta - Park-Systems Europe; Carlo Bedeschi - CEFLA Sc; Min Li - HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES ITALIA S.R.L. Bart Weber - Advanced Research Center for Nanolithography (ARCNL) ... The PhD in Physics has the purpose of completing the scientific training in Physics for the various research fields actively present in the Department of Physics and ...

  16. Postgraduate programmes

    Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Physics, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups. Modes of study Full-time, Part-time Awards available PhD, MSc by research. Research postgraduate programme. Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience.

  17. Europe's 100+ best Physics universities [2024 Rankings]

    Below is a list of best universities in Europe ranked based on their research performance in Physics. A graph of 303M citations received by 12.8M academic papers made by 1,446 universities in Europe was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

  18. Physics

    High Energy Physics. This programme is part of few educational networks comprising institutions of recognized excellence and it has hosted several students, taking part to co-tutelle programmes; many students take also part in exchange programmes based on bilateral agreements. Almost 50% of PhD scholarships are financed from external institutions.

  19. Physics

    The Graduate Program in Physics offers a comprehensive curriculum of advanced study and research, from the Master's to the Doctorate degree, in fundamental physics and its applications. Through its association with ten laboratories and three LabEx laboratories at PSL, the graduate program offers a Master's degree in which research plays a ...

  20. PhD Program Physics

    Objectives: The program involves all the PhDs related to the Physics Graduate School. It covers all fields of physics, from fundamental to applied, from theory, modeling and simulation to instrumentation, from laboratory experiments to large instruments placed on large research infrastructures or in space, from the disciplinary core to interfaces.

  21. What to do with a physics PhD in Europe?

    Having said that, there will be jobs where the ability to "do physics" is a key part, and for those jobs your physics PhD will be squarely relevant. Offhand, the first one that comes to mind is teaching, both as a school teacher or as a private tutor. Share. Improve this answer.

  22. PhD Position in Theoretical Physics, Vienna

    Deadline: 2024-07-31. Contact: mario.pitschmann [AT] Location: Vienna, Austria. We are looking for a M.Sc. in theoretical physics. The prospective PhD candidate should have a background in quantum field theory, general relativity and cosmology as can be obtained in typical introductory courses for master students.

  23. PhD fellowship in experimental atomic and molecular physics

    Profile of the candidate: The candidate should hold or be in the process of obtaining a Master's degree (or equivalent) and be highly motivated by experimental research in quantum sciences - in particular in the field of atomic, molecular and optical (AMO) physics at the frontier with chemistry. Expected knowledge and skills include the basics of experimental physics, laser physics and ...

  24. 99 PhD jobs in Physics

    PhD position (f/m/d): Pioneering simulations of offshore wind farm turbulence. Job descriptionWe are looking for a motivated PhD candidate to delve into flow dynamics in offshore wind farms, developing novel computer simulations. As the scale of wind turbines and farms expand... Published 3 months ago. Closing in: 2024-06-30.

  25. PhD Fellowship in Physics

    Its physics department is among the leading research institutions in Europe and hosts the federal excellence cluster PRISMA+ with a focus on fundamental physics. The Graduate School aims at the development of new detector technologies for current and future experiments in astro-particle, particle and nuclear physics.

  26. Ex-Google CEO Funds AI Research at Europe's Top Physics Hub CERN

    June 4, 2024 at 3:54 AM PDT. Listen. 4:15. A donation by former Google chief Eric Schmidt to Europe's top particle physics lab heralds a new way to fund frontier research just as the West's ...

  27. Convocation Medal Winner

    Convocation Medal Winner. June 03, 2024. Congratulations to Steven Blaber, who is the winner of a Graduate Dean's Medal for 2024! For his PhD, Dr. Steven Blaber studied energetically efficient control of stochastic thermodynamic systems. This emerging field examines the thermodynamics of micro- and nano-scale systems, like the many tiny ...

  28. 2024 PhD Graduate

    Share This: Share 2024 PhD Graduate - Next Gen Sensors and Signal Processing on Facebook Share 2024 PhD Graduate ... The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) brings world-class expertise to our nation's most critical defense, security, space and science challenges. While we are dedicated to solving complex challenges ...

  29. Math and physics major strives to be of service to others

    DePaul University Newsline > Sections > Campus and Community > Math and physics major strives to be of service to others . Math and physics major strives to be of service to others Joshua Chis discusses his experience as a first-generation student. By Paige Gilberg / June 3, 2024 / Posted in: CAMPUS AND COMMUNITY / Twitter / Facebook

  30. 2023 Fall PHYSICS 7B 202A LAB 202A

    Course Catalog. Class Schedule; Course Catalog; Undergraduate; Graduate; Copyright © 2014-24, UC Regents; all rights reserved.