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Get Paid to Review Books: 5 Book Review Jobs Sites That Pay Reviewers

Get Paid to Review Books 5 Book Review Jobs Sites That Pay Reviewers

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Writing book reviews is one of the best ways to get paid to read books online.

As a book reviewer, you’re tasked with reading and reviewing books, which in return can earn you a paycheck.

This blog post will show you five of the top-paying book review sites where you can submit your pitches and get hired for book review jobs.

To review books effectively, having a good education is important. EduBirdie can help you improve your skills and knowledge, making you better at reviewing books.

Book review jobs sites that pay reviewers

So, if you want to get paid to review books online , here is a list of five websites that you can explore to find book review jobs:

1) The US Review of Books

The US Review of Books has fair terms for reviewers, and the pay is usually between $25 and $75. To be accepted you’ll need to submit your resume, samples, and references. You’ll also be asked to do a sample review.

The site doesn’t have tough guidelines, the reviews can be half summary, half commentary. Most of the reviews requested will be around 300 words and you can expect to earn $25 for each. For longer reviews that are around $600 the pay can be as high as $75

The first review you will do will be treated as an application and you are compensated nonetheless, whether you’re hired eventually or not.

The pay might not seem much especially when you factor in the hours it will take you to read a book. However, if you are a faster reader, you can easily lock in $250-$750 doing 10 reviews a month.

Another added benefit of writing reviews for The US Review of Books is that you will be listed in its directory of reviewers that you can use as social proof and also get a backlink to your site.

The site pays via PayPal. US Review of Books encourages readers and authors alike to visit their website.

2) Kirkus Reviews

Kirkus Reviews isn’t transparent with their rates but some people claim that it’s usually $50 per review.

The media company has been in existence since 1933, so it is a legitimate company. That said, the reviews from Glassdoor seem to suggest that the editors will ask you to change your review if it’s negative, thus interfering with your work ethics as a book reviewer.

The reviews are around 350 words long with 2 weeks turnaround time. If you still want to apply, simply head over to this page and contact an editor.

3) OnlineBookClub

Though a popular book review website, many people do not recommend OnlineBookClub because of its tough and demanding guidelines with extremely low pay.

While they claim to pay up to $60 per review, most reviewers earn their lowest rates, which is actually $5 per review.

Reviews are easily rejected and can affect your review score. When you join, your score will be below 35, meaning that you will be bagging home $0 per review as they only begin to pay beyond the 35-point mark.

There are no clear guidelines on improving your score apart from the fact that you will have to engage in a forum and give shoutouts on social media. The editors aren’t as responsive either.

4) Booklist Publications

Booklist Publications is a book review website whose pay is not as appealing. Booklist pays $15 per review and only upon publication. This means that even if your review is accepted, you might have to wait a while

For published reviews, you will get one line credit and you can also be listed as a reviewer on their directory page.

To get started, you will need to fill in an application form answering basic questions and if you are fit the team will get back to you.

5) Women’s Review of Books

Women’s Review of Books is a publication of Wellesley Centers for Women, a part of Wellesley College, and reportedly pays $100 per review.

The publication specifically reviews books about women or written by women.

They expect their reviewers to have journalistic, academic, or strong book review backgrounds.

So if you believe that you can develop thought-provoking reviews you can start pitching your idea to them.

They pay on a review basis. To get started, send in a review pitch proposal about the book you want to review, its publication date, and your angle to the editors. You can find contact details on this page.

You will be paid upon review publication and you also get 12 months of subscription to their monthly issues.

You can also find more writing guidelines in this document . Make sure you adhere to them when writing the reviews.

Ready to begin your book reviewer job?

Book reviewing is a lucrative yet demanding career.

However, if it’s something you love doing and have a passion for writing, then book reviewing can be another source of income for you.

If this isn’t the case, I would advise you to look for other ways to earn money online such as freelance services, info products, or affiliate marketing.

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The Work at Home Wife

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Get Paid to Read Books: 8 At-Home Jobs for Book Lovers

By Angie Nelson

Last Updated August 4, 2023 . Disclosure: We may receive compensation if you sign up for or purchase products linked below. Details on offers may change, and you should confirm them with the company prior to taking action.

If reading is your great love in life, why not turn it into a side hustle and get paid to read books?

One of the best things about the book publishing business is that thanks to the internet, it adapts well to copy editors, designers, and even editors looking for a home job, as well as voice talent for narrating audiobooks.

And if you’re simply a book lover who gets excited about free copies of new young adult lit or interesting nonfiction, you can turn your passion for reading into pocket change by writing a book review.

So settle in, my excellent bookworms! I’ve got some great ideas that’ll let you read books and make money in a remote job .

Make extra money with book review opportunities

If you aren’t necessarily looking to pay all your bills by reading books, you may be able to find work as a paid book reviewer or at least get a free book in exchange for an online review. Here are some sites where you can provide paid book reviews or get a new book.

  • Online Book Club requires your first review to be unpaid, but you’ll still get a free book to review! After your initial review, most projects offer $5 to $60. As you can see, book reviewing really isn’t a gig that compensates well for the time involved. You really need to love to read — and quickly — and consider any compensation a bonus while having fun .
  • Kirkus hires freelance reviewers and expects a 350-word review within a 2-week time frame.
  • Booklist accepts freelance book reviews – assigned reviews only. Freelance opportunities are limited but pay $12.50 for a blog post and $15 for a full book review.
  • The US Review does pay reviews, though their website does not say how much. Reviews must include a short book summary, be turned around within 2-3 weeks, and follow a style guide.
  • Bethany House specializes in Christian books and is specifically looking for reviewers who have an existing online platform like a YouTube channel, a book blog, etc. There is no mention of compensation, but you may be able to use your affiliate marketing link within your review on your own website or channel.
  • Writerful will allow you to submit an honest review of any book of your choosing. You just won’t get paid as a new reviewer, so expect to put in some time on the site. Paid book reviewer opportunities are offered if you become a trusted, experienced reviewer. These paid opportunities compensate $10 to $50 per review.
  • Moody Publishers is another publishing house specializing in Christian titles. They do not pay for your reviews, but you will receive free books.

If you need to earn a living from your side hustle , you’ll probably have to do more than review books. Here are some additional opportunities that pay more and will still have you reading.

Also see: How to make money as an Amazon reviewer

Become a narrator

Audiobook narration is an industry that has been picking up steam in the work-at-home world in recent years. With so many books now being consumed through Audible and similar services, even self-publishers are publishing their works on various platforms.

To become an audiobook narrator , you’ll need a great voice, the ability to perform in different voices (training as a voice actor helps), and editing skills (most narrators do their own post-production file editing). You can mark up the manuscript or printed book with tips to help you avoid problems when narrating.

Audiobook work also requires the right equipment, such as a microphone, a pop screen filter, good-quality headphones, a tablet or e-reader, and recording and editing software. Learn more about becoming an audiobook narrator here .

Copy editing and proofreading jobs

Large and small publishers — not to mention websites, magazines, and corporations — often outsource online proofreading jobs as well as copy editing jobs. If you’d like to copy edit for a traditional publishing house, it will most likely require you to have a professional copy editing certificate, which you can get by completing a copy editing course. Universities often offer these courses, and many can be completed online.

If you aren’t able to get a certificate right now, don’t worry! You can still land a professional proofreader job or copy editing position from someone else, such as a website or corporation. To apply for a copy editing or proofreading job, simply demonstrate your superior grammar and spelling skills! If you are looking at some resources, two that were helpful to me were this free workshop with the basics of getting in the proofreading business and The Copyeditor’s Handbook: A Guide for Book Publishing and Corporate Communications by Amy Einsohn. (Be sure you pick up the latest edition.)

With a little bit of luck, you can score an editing work-from-home job . These opportunities are not that common, but you’ll periodically find websites or online publications looking for assistant editors and even managing editors. A small traditional publisher may also work with remote editors. is one great place to keep an eye out for book editor openings; you can also keep a tab on Indeed, and make it a habit to regularly check the Careers page on your favorite websites.

Or you could develop your own freelance editing business , selling your services to authors seeking a professional evaluation and polish of their manuscripts. This will take some time and legwork on your part. You’ll need to build your business from the ground up: decide your rates, design your website, and gather customer testimonials. Then you’ll need to land clients!

You may want to look for editing jobs via other services while you work on your own base of operations as a freelancer. You can find a remote editing job on various low-paying job boards (such as UpWork) or via better-paying Virtual Assistant companies (like Time Etc). This work-while-you-build strategy serves two purposes: First, it brings some money in, and second, it lets you collect testimonials about your performance. Be careful when employing this tactic, however. Make sure you don’t poach customers from another service or violate the terms of your agreement with any virtual assistant platform.

If you are fluent in a second language, you may find online opportunities for translation jobs . These gigs are plentiful on sites like UpWork in addition to translation services and marketplaces such as:

Today Translations

Translators Base

Layout and design

There are a lot of emerging opportunities to work with writers who are self-publishing these books. While these folks may have a great story to share, they may not be as passionate about formatting their book or graphic design needed to create a compelling book cover.

You can learn how to do book layout and editorial or graphic design for free at sites such as The Book Designer . And many great desktop publisher computer programs, such as Adobe InDesign, Quark XPress and Microsoft Publisher, can help you with the actual book layout.

Then just hang out your shingle as a designer or formatter! You can create a website to advertise your book layout and design services, network with authors and publishers on social media, and look for designer gigs in all the usual places.

Some smaller publishing houses even hire freelance book designers, giving you the opportunity to establish a lucrative business relationship. Or you can actively seek out self-publishing authors getting their books ready for print-on-demand and ebook stores like Kindle. (The latter will likely be your primary clientele.)

Become a book publisher

This is the ultimate “get paid to read books” job.

Let’s say you’ve been building all the skills I outlined above. You’ve maximized your opportunities in the book business. You can recognize good writing. You’re a good copy editor and overall editor. You know how to make a book look beautiful on the page and on the screen. So why not start publishing books yourself? Go into business to create your own publishing company!

If you’re a writer, you could start by self-publishing your own work. Once you’re established as someone who can turn out a beautifully designed and cleanly edited product, you can start looking for other authors to publish. You’ll need some start-up capital to land your first author, but you’ll have all the skills and a golden opportunity to create a book that you believe in. And be sure both you and the author make some money, of course!

Marketing and public relations

One of the key tools in your arsenal is knowing how to market yourself, your skills, and your products. Not only is this crucial to making your own freelance editing or publishing business work, but you can also turn book marketing and public relations into its own business! With so many self-published authors new to the field every month and traditionally published authors who are struggling to come up with their own PR strategy, there are tons of opportunities to step in and help them out. You can become their freelance book marketing and publicity pro, who lines up blog tours, plan author interviews, and really gets the word out about their books with viral marketing .

Where can I find these jobs for book lovers?

  • Kirkus hires book reviewers as well as several of the positions mentioned above.
  • Freelance Writer’s Den offers a job board specifically for writers and editors.
  • Publishers Weekly offers several freelance publishing positions, such as book reviewer and editor.

Are you a book lover who’s excited about these opportunities? I’m excited for you! There is so much remote work for you to turn your love of reading into a livelihood, and now you know how to look for it. Whether you’re reviewing books for extra cash or narrating the next best-selling audio book, I’d love to hear from you about any and all jobs you land and businesses you begin from here!

About Angie Nelson

Angie Nelson began working from home in 2007 when she figured out how to take her future into her own hands and escape the corporate cubicle farm. Angie’s goal is sharing her passion for home business, personal finance, telecommuting, and entrepreneurship, and her work has been featured on Recruiter, FlexJobs and Business News Daily..

Angie Nelson began working from home in 2007 when she figured out how to take her future into her own hands and escape the corporate cubicle farm. Angie’s goal is sharing her passion for home business, personal finance, telecommuting, and entrepreneurship, and her work has been featured on Recruiter, FlexJobs and Business News Daily.

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Top 10 Paid Book Review Sites That Can Springboard Your Career

by admin | Oct 25, 2017 | Uncategorized | 10 comments

Top 10 Paid Book Review Sites That Can Springboard Your Career

Reviews are a crucial part of an author’s book marketing strategy. In today’s digital age it has become quite common for readers to post book reviews on sites. These include Goodreads, Amazon and Barnes and Noble. However, there are still a lot of authors who scramble for professional reviews from credible sources.  For this reason, many successful authors have utilized paid book review sites at some point in their career. It might be hard to believe with all of the criticism surrounding paid book reviews, but it’s a fact!

10 Paid Book Review Sites

New authors, indie authors in particular, depend on paid book reviews to spread the word about their books. Because it is much more difficult for indie authors to get noticed, paid book review sites can be appealing. If you are a newbie and are struggling to organically attract the interest of popular reviewers, ChatEbooks suggest that you invest in the following paid book review sites to help you get the word out.

1. Kirkus Indie Reviews

One of the more popular paid book review sites online, Kirkus is known for using professional reviewers. Because of their reputation, they are able to charge authors as much as $500 for 250-word book reviews (librarians, journalists, business executives, etc.) with a turnaround time of seven to nine weeks. When using Kirkus, you are primarily paying for the name that the brand brings to the table.

paid book review sites SPR

Opinions surrounding this book review site vary. However, they do provide a relatively cheap $69 review package designed to deliver quick exposure. With a decent social media following, SPR delivers when it comes to speed, cost and marketing opportunities.

paid book review sites Best Thrillers

3. BestThrillers

Authors looking for a keen eye that understands thriller and mystery will appreciate this website.  BestThrillers not only offer free book reviews. They also offer $99 paid review services that posts reviews on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. This site specializes in providing book reviews for the thriller and mystery genre.

paid book review sites Indie Reader

4. IndieReader

An established online resource for indie authors, IndieReader claims to be the most cost-effective of paid book review sites around.  Their current rate is $100 for a 300-word review. The website’s reviewers have a concise understanding of the industry which in turn empowers them to provide very constructive criticism.

paid book review sites Foreword Reviews

5. Foreword Reviews

Foreword has a firm foundation and a solid reputation when it comes to paid book review sites. Their service is reliable and their website is busy but also clean. The only downside is that they don’t offer many extras, especially with regards to marketing and exposure.

paid book review sites Reader Views

6. ReaderViews

ReaderViews has a variety of reviewing service packages that are designed to appeal to authors with budgetary constraints. Expect to spend between $119 and $499 for book reviews, many of which are posted to audience-specific websites. 

7. RT Book Reviews

This site’s lofty $425 price tag for book reviews might scare some people away. However, this magazine has been around since the 1980s and is therefore a name that people know and trust. RT Book Reviews carry weight because they are written by accredited and trusted reviewers. 

paid book review sites Publishers Weekly

8. Publishers Weekly

Once you register your book with this website, you can sign up and pay for a variety of services in addition to book reviews. Publishers Weekly tends to excel when it comes to marketing. They feature their book reviews in their magazine, newsletters, and social media channels.

paid book review sites Net Galley

9. Net Galley

You will spend $399 to get professional readers to not only read your book but to review and recommend it from one location. Book reviews can come from bloggers, booksellers, librarians and even professional book reviewers. You have to first pitch your book to these professional readers before you can receive the book reviews you desire.

paid book review sites BlueInk Review

10. BlueInk Review

This service favors books whose publication has been achieved in part through the efforts and financial contributions of the author. They favor indie authors and accept submissions from outside the United States. Expect to spend an estimated $500 for fast track (4 to 5 weeks) book reviews.  

A word of caution- Do NOT use paid book review sites that you haven’t first investigated and done your due diligence. Book reviews from websites with a bad reputation could actually do more harm than good to your credibility as an author. So take the time to explore every single book review website that piques your interest before trusting it with your book.

paid book reviewer jobs uk

User Review


' src=

I recently had “KindleBook Review post their comments on a work of mine and though I didn’t agree with the general critique of one reviewer, I found their reviews (two of them) to be objective and well considered.

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I am a veteran author with several romance novels to my credit. Recently, I tried and I must say that I am impressed with their services. I received 20+ in-depth reviews for my book and I am more than pleased !

Did you find this review helpful? Yes (4) No

' src=

It is so difficult for new authors to get noticed, whether they’ve written a traditionally published book or through a publisher like Lulu or Amazon. I’m hesitant to use a paid book review site, but it’s better than paying for someone to give you a positive view (that’s as sketchy as it gets). I think the best way would be to solicit reviewers who might be interested in your book.

' src=

Wow, I actually didn’t know about this. Though I haven’t any current plans to write a book as of the moment, it’s still at the back of my mind and I think about it from time to time. This will definitely come in handy when the time comes. I think it would be justifiable if the site prices more than others, if they do delivery more valuable service! It would also help that we actually find others with huge influence or social media following (with a good reputation of course) to read our book. That’s what they always say, when you a good network, you can go places!

' src=

oh I’m so glad I found this post. I didnt know about these services. Im definitely going to check them all out and see what I can afford. Super excited about this!! Bookmarked it!

' src=

Yeah I wouldnt want a paid positive review I would want my reviews to be genuine which I believe these sites do. Ive heard of a few of them and they seem legit to me.

[] is the main reason that I had over two hundred ratings and a hundred and fifty reviews on Goodreads on Risuko’s publication date.

' src=

Second Opinion

A colleague of mine suggested finding a few different places and getting my book reviewed because it’s always good to have a second opinion. I’m just really afraid of what they might say about my book because even I don’t think it’s that good. Everyone else has told me it’s great though so I don’t know if they’re just being nice or I’m being too hard on myself.

Did you find this review helpful? Yes No

' src=

Perfect Timing

I wrote a short story that I have been looking to get reviewed so this is perfect timing! I am going to check into each one of these places, most sound like exactly what I was looking for which is great. Thanks for this list of honest review sites. They are hard to find online since so many places want to scam you.

' src=

Great, but what if.....

I have just had my 5th book released and, for the first time, am being more serious at promoting and marketing my work. I researched quite a boat load of reviewers willing to review my book for free (most obtained from The reason for this decision was made because, being retired on a limited income, I simply cannot afford the fees charged by services like those listed here, and others I found online.

This seems to be the hardest hurdle for authors I have encountered — having the financial resources to devote to promotion/marketing. Thankfully I entered into writing without any delusions of making a large number of sales. My main aim is to endeavor to have as many people simply pick up my books to read because they sound interesting. So I do as much online promo as possible without draining my bank.

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16 Ways to Get Paid to Read or Review Books

I f you love to read books, why not get paid for it? Indeed, it is possible to earn money by doing something you likely do daily and enjoy. If you often find yourself engrossed in the final chapters of a book late at night, seizing every chance to snuggle on the couch with a new read, or continuously listening to audiobooks, then this could be an excellent avenue for generating income.

Many people are unaware that legitimate websites exist which offer payment for reading books aloud. Additionally, there are companies that compensate individuals for book reviews.

These are genuine employment opportunities within the industry.

A majority of these companies provide the flexibility to work remotely, presenting a convenient method to earn supplementary income.

Is it feasible to pursue a career in reading books? Absolutely! Some individuals are compensated for reading books as their primary occupation, while others may consider it a supplementary income source alongside their regular job.

Regardless of your objective, numerous avenues are available to monetize your passion for reading books.

No matter your preferred genre—be it horror, romance, fiction, nonfiction, or any other—you can receive payment for reading books.

Such job opportunities may seem implausible, which prompted me to compose a comprehensive article on the subject.

The article will delineate the process of earning through book reading, identify credible websites that offer such payments, and address any queries related to this topic.

What most people don’t realize is that there are legitimate websites that pay for reading books aloud. There are also companies that pay you to review books. 

We are talking about real jobs in this industry.

Most of these companies allow you to work from home, so it’s a flexible way to make extra money.

16 Legitimate Ways to Get Paid to Read Books

Best sites to get paid to review books online.

Yes, there are websites that will pay you to review books. Each site varies, but you are typically paid cash via PayPal or bank transfer, and/or you may receive a free book in exchange for your review.

Yes, this means that you can get paid to review books!

Now, these websites are looking for more than positive reviews. They want to hear what you genuinely think.

Publishers and new authors often send out free copies of their book so that they can have a real review of their book. This is because readers, like you and me, want to read reviews before spending too much time diving into a book.

If you’re wondering how to read books and get paid, becoming a book reviewer and writing book summaries may be a great place to start. 

Some of the ideas below may be very easy to apply for, and others may want a resume, a sample book review or sample work, and possibly even professional references. You can click on the links below and learn more about the company, how it works, and what they’re looking for when it comes to this side gig.

Now remember, you won’t get rich signing up for these websites to get paid to read books, but it can be way to earn a decent side income while also enjoying this hobby.

There are many more websites that will give you paid and/or free books to review books, but the list below are the most popular platforms that I was able to find. 

Below are websites to check out if you’re interested in book review opportunities:

1. Online Book Club

Online Book Club  – With, you are first paid with a book (no cash). For all books after that, you will be eligible to be paid for the book review opportunities, plus the books will always be free.

With this website, you can get paid around $5 to $60 for each book that you review. Over 10,000 authors have sent Online Book Club their book for review.

This website claims that you can make up to a couple hundred dollars a month by reviewing books.

2. Kirkus Reviews

Kirkus Reviews  – Kirkus Media is looking for book reviewers of English and Spanish language books for their Kirkus Indie section. They look for around a 350-word review, and they are due two weeks after you are assigned to read a book.

Kirkus reviews almost all genres of books, so there are many options to choose from.

They review around 10,000 books each year and are very popular for book reviewers.

UpWork  – With UpWork, you would need to create your own profile and account and make a listing as a book reviewer. This way, clients and authors can find you and hire you directly to read their book and review it.

Plus, as a freelance book reviewer on UpWork, you can set your own pricing and decide which clients you want to work with.

Some book reviewer profiles I found were charging anywhere from $15 an hour to $75 an hour.

4. The US Review of Books

The US Review of Books  – This website uses freelance writers to review books and write reviews that range from 250 to 300 words long.

They are looking for reviews that are summaries that reveal insights about the book.

To be accepted as a book reviewer for the U.S. Review of Books, you have to contact the editor with a resume, sample work, and at least two professional references.

Reedsy – With Reedsy Discovery, you can review hundreds of different books before they are published and earn money at the same time. Authors submit their books to Reedsy, specifically to be reviewed by book reviewers.

You then get paid by readers (those who buy a book) as a tip for the review. These tips can be $1, $3, or $5.

6. Booklist

Booklist  – Booklist Publications is looking for freelance book reviews that are around 150 to 175 words long that describe the plot, suggest an ideal audience, and more.

Booklist pays $15 for each book review, and you are paid once the review has been published.

This is part of the American Library Association and Booklist reviews sole purpose is to guide school and public library workers in purchasing books for their library.

7. BookBrowse

BookBrowse  – On BookBrowse, you can apply to become a book reviewer. You may get paid to read books in several genres such as young adult, nonfiction, adult fiction, graphic novels, and fiction.

BookBrowse book reviewers typically write about one book review a month for this website.

8. Women’s Review of Books

Women’s Review of Books  – The Women’s Review of Books (Wellesley Centers for Women) is a print publication that pays people to review books, poetry, and more.

9. Publishers Weekly

Publishers Weekly  – You can submit book reviews to this website, which is a weekly news magazine.

10. New Pages

New Pages  – This website features book reviews and literary magazine reviews. They look for short reviews that are 200 words maximum, but also are filled with substance.

Other Ways to Get Paid to Read Books

There are many other ways to read and get paid. Here are some jobs to look into:

11. Become a book proofreader

As a proofreader, you get paid to read books that have not yet been published.

Proofreading is an important step in the publishing process because proofreaders correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. No matter how great an author is, there will always be a need for proofreaders.

So, you can find proofreading jobs for authors who are self-publishing books, all the way to large book publishers.

Online proofreading jobs  are in demand, and it is a flexible and detail-orientated work-from-home job. All you need to work as a proofreader is a laptop or tablet, an internet connection, and the ability to spot mistakes.

If you want to get a career out of reading books, a proofreader is a great option if you’re good at spotting errors .

12. Read aloud for audiobooks

Yes, you can get paid to read books as a voice-over actor.

So, if you like to read books, you can actually get paid to read books aloud!

Audio books are extremely popular right now, and becoming a narrator can be a fun job.

A voice-over actor is the person you hear but rarely see in audiobooks, iTunes, Audible, YouTube videos, radio ads, explainer videos, corporate narration, documentaries, TV commercials, video games, movies, and cartoons.

13. Start a book review blog and earn affiliate income

With a book review blog, you would be reviewing books that are of interest to you or related to your blog topic. This can be a great way to learn how to earn money by reading books online.

Readers will want to hear your honest review in your blog posts.

Then, you could make money in many ways, including by placing affiliate links to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other online stores for the books you’re reading. Some bloggers may share their thoughts about books they’ve read, host online discussions, or use books to help readers with different topics.

If you’re unfamiliar with affiliate marketing, it’s my favorite way to make money online. 

Here’s how affiliate marketing works:

  • Affiliates are people or businesses who are paid to promote a product or service.
  • When you become an affiliate, you are given special links to use when you promote something for a company. The links allow companies to track where the sale comes from.
  • Then, you place those links on your website, social media accounts, etc. in the hopes that someone will buy something through your link.
  • When someone makes a purchase through your unique affiliate link, the company knows where the customer came from and pays you a commission.

An example is the Amazon affiliate program , which is perfect if you want to start a blog about books.

Amazon gives you special links, and you can share a link to a specific book or product on your website or blog and encourage people to purchase the book through your affiliate link. 

Amazon and other companies want quality affiliates under their belt because they want all the help, they can get to promote the products and services they are selling. If you get someone to purchase a book through your link, the company pays you for sharing the link.

A book review blog can be a great way to get paid to read books if you want something flexible that can pay very well over time.

Plus, you’ll be your own boss as you get to decide exactly which books you want to read by starting your own blog!

You can learn how to start any type of blog with my:  How to Start a Money-Making Blog post

Here’s a quick outline of what you will learn:

  • Day 1: Reasons you should start a blog
  • Day 2: How to pick a blog niche
  • Day 3: How to create your blog
  • Day 4: How to make money blogging
  • Day 5: My tips for making passive income from blogging
  • Day 6: How to grow your traffic and followers
  • Day 7: Miscellaneous blogging tips that will help you be successful

I have personally reviewed products and companies on my blog as well, and I have earned income from those book review blog posts – so I know that it is possible! Starting a book review site is something you may be able to do as well.

Another career field closely related to starting a book blog would be to start a TikTok or YouTube channel reviewing books as well.

  Get Reviews for Your Newly Published Book

14. Get paid to translate books as a freelancer or employee

Are you fluent in another language? If so, then you may be able to find a work-at-home job where you can get paid to read books and translate them into another language.

Another possibility if you know another language, is getting paid to proofread or edit translated books to make sure they read well.

There are lots of places you can find book translation jobs, including:

  • UpWork  – With UpWork, you simply create a free profile, apply for jobs, and then you can get paid. UpWork charges services fees when you invoice your clients, but it is free to join.
  • Babelcube  – Babelcube is a website that sends freelance translation projects to you. You select which books you translate, translate them to one of more than 15 different languages, and partner with published authors.
  • Guru  – Guru is a website that lists freelance writing and translation jobs. This platform focuses mainly on highly skilled freelancers.
  • Indeed  – Indeed has been around since 2004, and it is one of the longest-running job listing websites. Indeed lists jobs that they find from job boards, staffing firms, company websites, and more.
  • FlexJobs  – FlexJobs is one of the most popular websites to use to find remote jobs and work-from-home opportunities. It costs to join FlexJobs, but there are lots of features to sort and find jobs, so it might be worth the cost to you. 
  • Today Translations  – This is a website that is looking for translators to freelance for them.
  • Fiverr  – Fiverr is an online marketplace where you can find freelance jobs all over the world. You can list your translation services and pricing right on this platform.
  • Ulatus  – Ulatus is a website that provides translation services, which means that they need translators! They have over 200,000 clients worldwide with over 3000 language experts.
  • Creating your own website . I am always a fan of having your own website so that clients can find you easily.

As you can see, if you want to know how to make money reading books, there are lots of options if you want to put your translation skills to work.

15. Get paid to write books

I wanted to include a section on how to get paid to write books as well. If you enjoy reading books, perhaps writing a book is also something you would be interested in doing.

Technically, you would be reading your own book many times, so I think this counts!

Writing your own book is a great way to make money at home.

In fact, I self-published my first book on Amazon and it has sold more than 13,000 copies so far.

With this I earn a great passive income because Amazon provides everything from printing, advertising and more.

You can also get paid to write romance or relationship novels, which are extremely popular with readers.

  16. Find a full-time career in the publishing industry reading books

There are many other jobs in the publishing industry if you want to learn how to earn money by reading books.

With these careers in the book publishing business, you will most likely have to read the book in order to do your job. Many of them require at least a bachelor’s degree. 

These are mostly full-time jobs such as:

  • Book Marketing Assistant
  • Book Publicist
  • Book Public Relations Agent
  • Book Layout Designer
  • Book Graphic Designer
  • Book Editor
  • Copy Editor
  • Illustrator
  • Literary Agent
  • Sales Representative
  • Production Manager
  • Marketing Manager
  • Book Contract Manager

If you’re looking for job openings in the publishing industry, I recommend  Publisher’s Weekly .

Frequently Asked Questions About How To Get Paid To Read Books

Below are common questions about how to get paid to read books online.

Can I earn money by reading books?

 You can get paid to read books through many different jobs such as becoming a book reviewer, proofreader, narrator, translator, and more.

Can you get paid to read books aloud? Are there jobs that pay you to read books?

Yes, you can get paid to read books out loud. ACX by Amazon/Audible, which I will explain further down, will pay you to narrate books so they can be turned into audiobooks.

Findaway Voices is another audiobook voiceover site.

How much do book readers get paid?

Book readers can get paid varying amounts. It really depends on what type of book reading job you’re looking for and how many hours you put into each job.

Being a proofreader, voice-over actor reading for audiobooks, starting a book review blog, translating books, writing books, and finding a career in the industry can all become a full-time job with a full-time income.

You may get paid $5 for reviewing a book, or you may get paid hundreds or even thousands of dollars. It simply depends on what you are doing and who you are working for.

If you want to learn how to earn money by reading books online, then this can be a great option for you.

How can I get paid $200 to read books? What company will pay you $200 to read a book?

If you are wanting to make $200 a month to read books, there are a few options you can do from the list above.

This may include reviewing books online, proofreading books, writing product reviews for companies, learning how to get paid to read books out loud or even learning how to get paid to read books in English, starting your own blog on books, becoming a freelance translator for books, writing your own books, finding a full-time job in the book industry, and more.

Recommended reading:  How to Make Passive Income Writing Product Reviews (

Can you make a living reading books? Can I get paid to read books?

Yes, you can make a living reading books. But not all book reading jobs are full-time jobs.

Some may ask that you simply read a book and write a book review, and others may ask for an application, resume, plus writing samples.

Due to that, some may just be a side hustle.

Does Amazon pay you to read books? Will Audible pay me to read books?

With  ACX , you can find jobs reading audiobooks.

ACX stands for Audiobook Creation Exchange, which is ‘s marketplace where authors and publishers connect with narrators and producers to create audiobooks.

Currently, ACX has over 1,200 books open for audiobook auditions.

With ACX, you can get paid in two different ways for your audiobook narration work:

  • A per hour rate that you set, and you are paid once the audiobook is successfully completed
  • You can choose to share royalties from sales with the book rights holder

To get started with ACX, you simply:

  • Create a profile
  • Upload samples of your voice
  • Choose how you want to get paid (as described above)
  • Audition for the book you are interested in narrating for (this usually includes recording a few minutes of the manuscript)
  • Accept an offer. Here you will decide on delivery dates and payment terms
  • Start and finish recording for the audiobook.

Recommended reading:  Writers Make Money with These Top 6 Publishing Platforms (

How much do you get paid for reading audiobooks?

The amount that you can get paid to read audiobooks will vary. It may be anywhere from around $1,000 to over $5,000 per book.

Can I read books on YouTube and get paid?

You can make money on YouTube similar to how you make money blogging. So, you could share affiliate links to the books you read on YouTube. 

Once your channel and videos reach a certain number of views, you can also start monetizing with ads.

What jobs pay you to read books?

The jobs above that pay you to read books include:

  • Book reviewer
  • Book proofreader
  • Voice actor

There are also journalists who work in this field, those who were in the academics field, someone who works at a bookstore such as Barnes & Noble, publishing companies, booksellers, librarians, and so much more.

I trust you found enjoyment in this article about earning money by reading books. Compiling it was a great experience, given the myriad of methods available for book lovers to earn from their passion.

As you discovered, the opportunities to monetize your love for books are plentiful.

From reviewing books, reading books aloud to get paid, selling books online, translating books, and more, you can choose which one interests you the most.

Plus, there are so many different genres that may interest you, non-fiction books, biographies, travel, poetry, and more, to bestsellers to smaller novels from self-published authors.

Next read>>> 9 Types of Blog Posts That Make the Most Money - Socialbuzzhive

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    Being a proofreader, voice-over actor reading for audiobooks, starting a book review blog, translating books, writing books, and finding a career in the industry can all become a full-time job ...

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    At the moment, you can apply to become a book reviewer for Kirkus Indie. This arm of the brand is dedicated to self-published authors. Once you've been assigned a book to review, you'll have 2 weeks to submit around 350 words. Payment is around $50 per review and paid via PayPal. Film review sites UK Film Review

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